Pod Yourself A Gun – A Rewatch Podcast
“Dillon Brooks is definitely the Cheese of the NBA” -Big Wos
Writer and NBA analyst from The Ringer, Wosny “Big Wos” Lambry, takes some time out of his definitely busy day (we recorded the day after the NBA trade deadline) to talk to Matt and Vince about season two episode five of The Wire, “Under Tow.”
A conversation about an episode from 2003 and its showdown between Ziggy and Cheese, the drug dealer played by the Wu Tang Clan’s finest actor – Method Man, might not seem relevant to the current zeitgeist, but as Wos points out, they’re both nepo babies. Ziggy is, of course, the son of Frank Sobotka, the treasurer for the International Brotherhood of Stevedores, and we learn in this episode that Cheese is East Baltimore drug kingpin Prop Joe’s nephew. Further proof that when not in our own butts, our fingers are firmly on the pulse. Their powerful relatives explain why Ziggy continues to get opportunities despite showing complete incompetence in whatever he does, and why Cheese has a leadership position despite making poor business decisions like burning Ziggy’s car instead of selling it. More nepo babies should fight for our entertainment. Imagine if Jack Quaid burned Ben Platt’s car. That would be sick as hell.
Meanwhile the police crew from the original detail continues to reassemble because this is the same show that made you wait five episodes for the titular wire. They start looking into Baltimore’s whitest drug dealers, leading Wos to introduce the term “White Mikes” to the pod.
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