Pod Yourself A Gun – A Rewatch Podcast
“I had a four year obsession with Kevin Spacey.” Francesca Fiorentini
Give the kind an iPad, she’ll be fine. Mommy and daddy are talking about The Wire. Joining Matt & Vince on the pod is writer, comedian, host of the Bitchuation Room Podcast, the owner of [email protected], and *Borat voice* Matt’s Wife, Francesca Fiorentini, to talk about season three, episode 10, “Reformation.”
Hey in case you haven’t figured it out, The Wire is about the war in Iraq. Yes it’s about the war on drugs in Baltimore, but it’s also art so the cops are US troops, West Baltimore is Baghdad, Avon is Saddam Hussein, and Stringer is… Uday? Look, it’s not a perfect one to one. The point is, we were lied to, and the WMDs we were promised were not the high-test.
This is the episode where we see Rawls at a gay club. Just chilling. No one in the entire run of <em>The Wire</em> looks happier than Rawls at the club in his sweater holding a glass full of what I assume is mid-shelf scotch. Would be kind of beautiful if he weren’t such a heinous bastard.
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-Description by Brent Flyberg