Pod Yourself A Gun – A Rewatch Podcast
"I wish I could protect Dukie forever.” -David J. Roth
This week’s guest has filled a lot of roles on this pod. He’s closed seasons with us, started a season with us, and today, he’s sort of a middle reliever. That might sound like a demotion, but this is a high-leverage episode. The analytics say if we don’t have a good episode this week, we’ll all get demoted to the triple-A of podcasting (one of those Tiktok accounts that just rips full episodes of other people’s podcasts from Youtube and reposts them in 90 second increments). If you don’t understand all the sports talk above, you need to subscribe to Defector.com, a site co-founded by our guest, David J. Roth, who joins Matt & Vince to talk about The Wire season four episode seven. “Unto Others.”
Remember when Carcetti leveraged the murder of a State’s witness to dunk on Royce and propel himself to the Mayor’s office? Lol yeah that guy didn’t get murdered at all. Roll that beautiful competence porn footage and see Kima discover he was accidentally shot by some presumably Irish guy using bottles in the alley for target practice with a potato silenced gun. The arc of the Baltimore universe is long, but it bends towards giving powerful white men more power.
Obviously there is more conversation about the other storylines (Cutty is sorry he banged your mom, Kenard is a blue-chip swearing prospect, Omar penetrates a guy’s butt in a very not sexy way, the system begins its slow, steady mastication of Randy, etc…), but more importantly, there is a Halloween themed Balta-B story song parody.
Which Wire character would you dress up as for Halloween (plz no blackface)? Tell us in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
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-Description by Brent Flyberg