Pod Yourself A Gun – A Rewatch Podcast
“It feels like the moment when David Simon’s twitter persona finally gained the upperhand on David Simon the TV writer.” -David J. Roth
Well, we did it. We podded ourselves the whole Wire. The closer, Defector.com founder, and natural po-dcaster David J. Roth joins Matt & Vince to talk (at great length!) about The Wire’s finale, season five episode ten “-30-”
Was it the best season of The Wire? Universally from guests and hosts alike, no, it was not the best season. Was it a good season? Sort of depends on who you ask. Matt & Vince are noted season five defenders. They love reporting, shoe leather, shoe leather reporting, and corpse penis shots, and this season delivers on all those fronts, so that’s not surprising. David has a higher opinion than episode eight guest Dave from Dopey, but agrees with many past guests that it can’t live up to the heights of seasons three and four.
The finale has some satisfying moments. Scott Templeton’s weaselry is finally called out by Gus and Jimmy, though he is rewarded for his fabrications with what we think is a Pulitzer. Do any of our listeners know what a Pulitzer looks like? Lol of course not. Our listeners are more likely to know what delinquent child support summons looks like than a Pulitzer (no offense).
We also get Jimmy’s funeral. Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything, he doesn’t die, but Officer McNulty sort of does, and he gets a proper copper funeral scene that, according to Dominic West, the actors were all legitimately drunk to film. So method. Really committed to the craft.
Stick around to find out what show we do next (Alf). We haven’t decided yet (it’s going to be Alf or I stg I will b*mb a federal building – just kidding please don’t call the cops), so tell us what show we should do next in a five-star review on Apple Podcasts.
Email us at [email protected]; leave us a voicemail at 415-275-0030
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-Description by Brent Flyberg