This episode drops into the contentious White Album sessions. Paul's perfectionism can be such a blessing, but also a curse. In trying to craft the joy and fun of #202 "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da," he ends up infuriating other band members and fighting with George Martin. Not the easiest way to get to a happy, silly, family friendly song. But then again, happy and family friendly are nowhere on the docket when John and Yoko enlist George and Mal Evans on the auditory equivalent of a bad acid trip, #201, "What's The New Mary Jane." Then again, they're crafting two VERY different ideas here. One is rooted in musicality and traditional song structure, with it's creator leaning on his own well-respected strengths and ability, while the other seems to be a product of someone free from the binds of being a pop star, and able to indulge in the creative whimsy in discovering oneself as "an artist." Or maybe it's just pure mumbo jumbo, I dunno.
Joining us this week is guitarist and Jonathan's musical partner Stephen Turner. After being in bands together for the better part of 2 decades, they're still best friends and brothers, in that way that only people who've been creative together and spent countless fart-filled hours touring in a van can be. We discuss growing up in a house in which The Beatles and The Stones were never pitted against each other, switching off one side of your brain to enjoy more complicated music, the kind of music one would create when they get "f#&k you money," and Julia manages to drop a "your mom" for the first time.
Want to hear some of Stephen's guitar work? You can check out his and Jonathan's work in The Breton Sound. If instrumental prog is more your thing, you can dig his old band, Epic's album "Proprium."
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