Today, I share my secret to living a soul-led life.
It took me 20 years to figure it out, but it’ll take you 15 minutes a day.
Over the past decade, I have worked on creating a way of living that taps into the wisdom of the soul and the intelligence of life and grounds it with daily action.
The biggest shift in my life happened when I committed to showing up to listen to and act on the whispers of my soul with a consistent regular rhythm, and that’s what the three steps are all about. I do the three steps every day, and it takes no more than 15 minutes. I wish I had known about them earlier in my life!
Join me as we go through the steps together:
STEP 1. CONNECT with your soul through a soulful practice.
STEP 2. RECEIVE the call of your soul through a practice like Soul Inquiry.
STEP 3. ACT on the whispers of your soul by taking a baby step in that direction.
“If we really want to live a purposeful soul-led life, we really need to develop a relationship with our soul, with our inner self." — Rebecca Campbell
Key Timestamps:
00:49 - Let's open up a sacred space together
06:45 - The three steps to living a soul-led life
07:19 - What do the words ‘soul action’ mean?
10:03 - Connect with your soul through a soulful practice
13:26 - Receive the call of your soul through a practice like Soul Inquiry
17:53 - The key to acting on the call is not as complex as you might think
23:25 - Let's do the three steps together
32:33 - Closing the sacred space together
Soul Inquiry is a practice where we enter a direct dialogue with our inner self.
The Soul Inquiry prompt for this episode is:
What is your soul yearning for? What does your soul want you to know? What is your soul calling you to do?
Now it's time to commit to a grounded action:
What is a baby step you can take in that direction to integrate it into your life today?
Mentioned in this Episode:
Podcast Episode: How To Stop Second Guessing Your Intuition:
Light Is The New Black - Rebecca’s first book:
Discover Your Spiritual Practice with Rebecca:
Full Episode Transcript -
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