Keywords: God, love, human race, man, woman, compassionate giver, thought process, body, consciousness, emotion, truth, river of life, human condition, minds and emotions, planted together forever, great mystery, human mind, sex, enjoyment, fantasizing
0:00 Love, God, and the human condition. On the love between man and woman, and how it is a reflection of the love of God. The importance of love as the key to understanding and achieving unity among people, despite the prevalence of misinformation and division in society. Love is the sacrifice of myself for something greater than the ordinary.
6:25 Sex, fantasy, and intimacy. Sex should lead to love, not just personal enjoyment. The importance of giving up fantasy for sexual pleasure. Two magnets – male and female – that are perennially attracted to on another. On familiarity between man and woman. Love between man and woman is diminished as we become discontent and argue with our partner, rather than remaining in the beauty of our love. How to get out of the need for sexual fantasy.
14:40 What is psychic possession? How does it work? Breaking psychic possession and self-doubt. If we love each other – why are we moody? The psychic possession that affects the human race. Emotions are a form of psychic possession that can be broken through living the spiritual life and through making love. On breaking attachment to excitement, visualization, and fantasy to avoid psychic possession and self-doubt.
22:05 Life, death, and consciousness. On the dangers of vanity and the importance of accepting oneself as beautiful, without using it in a flirtatious way. Consciousness is key to understanding existence. Sentimentality and fear of death prevent people from seeing the truth.
28:07 Love, attachment, and self-awareness. Suffering in love is self-made due to attachment, and that love itself never breaks hearts – love never ever broke anyone’s heart. Emotional people seek warmth in love, but true love is not warm.
37:06 Love and relationships. On avoiding emotional attachment. On becoming attached to someone who may not be worthy of love. Love between man and woman is the source of greatest unhappiness – on giving up loving something that doesn't love us back. The importance of personal experience and recognition in understanding truth and love.
All content © The Barry Long Trust