223 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Tisdag
This podcast will air every Tuesday morning from here on out covering topics such as Leadership, Grit, Work Ethic, Relationships, Managing Anxiety and Depression, Isolation/Loneliness, Grief/Loss, Strengthening your Marriage & Family, Championship Mindset, Creating a Winning Culture, and so much more… Through meaningful interviews with some of America’s leading motivational speakers, athletes, counselors/psychologists, pastors, and more… Our heart and mission is to provide ENCOURAGEMENT, HOPE, and CHALLENGE to help push you past your limits and reach goals you never thought possible! Colossians 2:6-7 says, “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”No matter what life throws our way, we must remember WHO WE ARE, by first remembering WHOSE WE ARE!
The podcast The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton is created by Zach Clinton. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Are you ready to live with intention and adjust your mindset to be fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? The reality is that you were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today! Joining us today on the podcast to remind us of the overcoming power, love, and grace that we get the opportunity of clinging to and finding victory in is renowned pastor, elder, and author, Matt Chandler! Matt has served over 20 years as the Lead Pastor at The Village Church in Flower Mound, TX which recently transitioned its 5 campuses into their own autonomous churches. He is also the Executive Chairman of the Acts 29 Network, a large church planting community that trains and equips church planters across the globe. In today’s conversation, Matt joins Zach & Josh to unpack his most recent book, The Overcomers which takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. He also talks about how we should view current events, knowing that the writers of the New Testament understood themselves to be living in the “end times” or “last days.” Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God’s big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers!
Find Out More About Matt: https://pastormattchandler.com/
Pick Up a Copy of Matt’s Newest Book, The Overcomers: https://pastormattchandler.com/books/the-overcomers/#order
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Reward Sibanda is a dynamic speaker, writer, pastor at Saddleback Church, and the Senior Director of National Church Engagement at World Vision, the world's largest Christian humanitarian organization. Renowned for his unique perspective and transformative insights that inspire many and challenge conventional thinking, Reward thrives on empowering and challenging people from all walks of life to transcend limitations and pursue God's best for them. In today’s conversation, Reward joins Zach & Josh to help us futher understand and unpack an ancient, biblical practice - fasting. As he writes in his newest book, How to Fast, so many in our modernized culture and society view fasting as simply another fad dietting technique, when in reality it is a key to unlocking physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal and rejuvenation. Through Scripture, personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and practical advice, today’s conversation is a perfect reminder for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike, that the ancient practice of fasting can truly help deepen your spiritual connection and intimacy with The Lord as well as enhance your overall well-being.
Find Out More About Reward: https://www.rewardsibanda.com/
Pick Up a Copy of Reward’s Newest Book, How to Fast: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0593601351?tag=randohouseinc11082-20
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Who is the most complicated person you work with? You probably don’t have to think very hard to answer that question. You already know their name, their job title, their quirks, and their flaws. You have firsthand experience with the mental and emotional fallout they leave in their wake. You’ve seen the problems their complexity creates for everyone on their team. You wish you could fix them, solve them, ignore them, or teleport them to a parallel dimension. But you can’t. You have to work with them. (You could quit, but your next job will have a complicated person waiting for you there too.) That means you need effective strategies to collaborate with (nearly) anyone. Especially the picky, prickly, problematic ones. Drawing from his global consulting experience with teams and leaders from the glitz of sports and entertainment, to the number-crunching world of finance, to the meticulous realms of insurance, pharma, and manufacturing, today’s guest - a dynamic speaker and bestselling author, Ryan Leak, will provide you with proven strategies for seeing challenging individuals as human beings to understand rather than problems to solve, detoxing unrealistic expectations and getting comfortable with complicated, learning to communicate effectively in complex environments, embracing healthy disagreement as a tool to discover better solutions, and setting boundaries that let people into your world without letting them run your world. In the episode Ryan shares, “The process of learning to collaborate with difficult individuals is transformative—it’s a gateway to greater creativity, stronger teams, and increased productivity, because on the other side of complicated is the wonderful, wide-open world of effective collaboration and a workplace you love.”
Ryan’s Website: https://www.ryanleak.com/
Pre-Order Ryan’s Book How to Work with Complicated People: https://www.amazon.com/How-Work-Complicated-People-Collaboration-ebook/dp/B0D7J86R16
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In a day and age where social media has quickly become an untapped mission field, we need more people who are bold and courageous to step up, speak up, and stand on biblical truth. Thankfully, that is exactly what our very special guest today, Isabel Brown, does on a daily basis. Isabel Brown is a full-time independent creator, livestreamer, and author giving a voice to Generation Z by breaking down culture’s most important topics to thousands of viewers in a real-time, authentic format. Isabel’s streams and other content reach millions of people around the world daily, covering everything from politics to dating, faith, and the latest internet trend. She published her first book, Frontlines: Finding My Voice on an American College Campus, in 2021, sharing her encounter with radical leftism from the heart of America’s university experience. Her new book, The End of the Alphabet: How Gen Z Can Save America, makes a compelling case for why Generation Z may be the last hope to save Western civilization from the upside-down Left, and why we shouldn’t write them off just yet. Isabel speaks regularly on high school and college campuses and to activism organizations worldwide. She is a Contributor with Turning Point USA, and has previously worked and collaborated with The Daily Wire, PragerU, Students for Life of America, and Live Action. You may recognize her from the cover of Newsweek magazine or her regular appearances on national and international television and radio representing the voice of Generation Z! Ultimately, Isabel is a women who has her finger on the pulse of culture and society today and I believe you will be encouraged by the work God is continuing to do in and through her life.
Follow Isabel on social media: https://www.instagram.com/theisabelbrown/reels/?hl=en
Pick up a copy of Isabel’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B08W4WRKPQ
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
On this earth, a crown is what separates victors from the rest of the competitors, but the goal of creating a life worth living is not to gain a trophy, get a prize, or keep the crown. However, when all we’re focused on is the prize and not the process, we find ourselves in a dangerous position quickly attaching our identities to our accomplishments. However, our lives are not meant to be about being number one or making our own names known. Therefore, while walking you through the journey of her evolving confidence—from basing her identity on temporary labels and her own efforts, to discovering the rock-solid security of anchoring her dreams in her Maker—today’s guest, Demi Leigh Tebow joins Zach & Dr. Tim Clinton to weave her story together with the insights she's learned along the way. Today’s conversation will show you how to relate to the discomfort, confusion, and doubt that arises when you base your confidence on external things; discover God-confidence when your plans take unexpected detours, know what do when planted in unknown territory, use your story to grow an eternal impact, and stay grounded in the truth of who you are in Christ. The purpose of our lives is to love and serve God and others. Demi shows how you can be encouraged to focus not just on your aspirations, but on your greater purpose and leave behind a footprint of significance, not just success.
Visit Demi’s Website: https://demitebow.com/
Purchase “A Crown that Lasts: You Are Not Your Label”: https://www.amazon.com/Crown-that-Lasts-Your-Label/dp/1400343585
Purchase Demi’s Newest Book for Mothers & Daughters, “Princess Paris Finds Her Purpose”: https://shorturl.at/J31xT
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Philippians 4:6 reminds us to, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Now, this verse is not saying that you won’t worry, or even that worry is a sin. However, it’s a reminder to us that in our moments of worry, fear, and anxiety, we have the opportunity to substitute those things when we humbly and quickly present those very things before the Lord instead of dwelling on them. Because, when you turn your worry into worship, God will turn your battles into blessings. Joining us today to dive deeper into his own personal testimony and ways in which he has managed and overcome anxiety of his own is a dear friend and familiar face and voice on the podcast, Grant Troutt. Grant is a well known speaker, young adult pastor, and truly a dispensor of hope! And today he wants to remind you that in the midst of the challenge you may find yourself in today to continually pray for God to not deliver you until He has fully developed you!
Follow Grant on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/grant_troutt/?hl=en
Grant’s Message, “The War Against Worry”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI84LXMNma8
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
For anyone ready to move their life forward, from tragedy, personal failure, unfair circumstances, or just a sense of being stuck, baseball legend, bestselling author, and today’s guest, Darryl Strawberry offers transformational practices and the tangible hope that you can enjoy a future filled with power, purpose, and freedom. Darryl has seen it all—the highs and lows of an intense career as a Major League Baseball all-star, drug addiction, marriage challenges, prison time, and battles with cancer. With honesty and transparency, during today’s conversation Darryl joins Zach & his dad, Dr. Tim Clinton to share the same foundational principles that transformed his life from the inside out such as the power of prayer, cultivating healthy friendships, weathering trials without losing heart, refreshing the way you think, and letting God change your life for good. Ultimately, he'll help you discover and trust the redemptive process of making small, daily decisions to follow God into a life of faith, health, and freedom.
Purchase a Copy of Darryl’s Book, Turn Your Season Around: https://www.amazon.com/Turn-Your-Season-Around-Transforms/dp/0310360862
Visit Darryl’s Website: https://findingyourway.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There is an Enemy among us. You may know who he is, but you may not know what he is about. Do you know how he wages war? Do you know how he targets you specifically? He's the Villain who wants to change your story in the hopes you live isolated, powerless, discouraged, and defeated. Satan has waged a war with the Almighty, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and his sole desire is to keep you from God's goodness. He knows that he has been defeated by Jesus' death and resurrection, but until the final battle when he is cast into hell for eternity, he and his demons roam the earth like a roaring lion looking for anyone to devour. He is far more disruptive to our lives than we realize, and it's time to take action. Therefore, in today’s conversation, Zach & Josh sit down with New York Times bestselling author, renowned speaker, and lead pastor of Harris Creek Baptist Church, Jonathan Pokluda, to unpack his newest book, Your Story Has a Villain to explore the tactics of Satan, equip you to overcome spiritual battles, and remind you of the victory already secured through Jesus. Remember, as Christ followers we must be aware of the enemy’s schemes, but we don’t have to be afraid, because as 1 John 4:4 reminds us, “greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.” Yes, your story has a villain, an unseen enemy disrupting your life more than you realize. But we must remember our hero is Jesus Christ, who came so that we may "have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). We know the grim, eternal outcome for Satan and his demons, but the battle still rages. So, the question that remains is, are you ready to fight back, find freedom from sin and toxic thinking, and walk in the abundant life available to you?
Purchase a Copy of Your Story Has a Villain: https://shorturl.at/Th9nK
Purchase a Copy of Your Story Has a Villain Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: https://shorturl.at/VnXAb
Visit JP’s Website: https://www.jonathanpokluda.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In the midst of all the challenge, division, and hardship that is inevitable in the world we live in, have you opened your eyes to the Hunger for Holiness all around us? There’s no question that God is doing something extraordinary not just in our country but all around the world! Amazingly, through a dream which prompted the question “What if Jesus came back in 10 years?”, solidified and confirmed a calling, to reach the 5.5 billion people on earth who don’t know Jesus. Because if we truly believed He was coming and coming soon, shouldn’t we do everything in our power to reach them? Could 2.5 billion Christians on earth be mobilized to share the Gospel like never before? The exciting news is that the world is now on the precipice of the largest global gathering the Church has ever seen! Beginning tomorrow evening, for 25 consecutive hours, Gather25 is inviting believers across the world to pray, repent, worship, and discover how the love of Jesus is transforming the world through everyday people. Jesus followers in churches, campuses, arenas, and living rooms–from every continent and denomination–will join together across every time zone to watch the Gather25 broadcast that is free to everyone, everywhere. That being said, today we are blessed to be joined by best-selling author, teacher, gatherer, and the visionary for this incredible movement, Jennie Allen, as well as the Director of Ministry Engagement & Gen Z at Gather 25, Luke Lefevre! Don’t miss this life-giving conversation on all the Lord is continuing to do in the world as we are encouraged, challenged, and expectant to continually watch and partake in all that God has in store!
Link to Join Gather25: https://www.gather25.com/
Find Out More About Jennie: https://www.jennieallen.com/
Find Out More About Luke: https://lukelefevre.org/
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Kadarian ‘KD’ Hill has a powerful testimony as he shares how a little boy with a big dream became a powerful man with an even bigger dream. At a very young age, KD Hill discovered football and passion for the game. With the help of his single mom, who worked hard to provide for herself and her young son, he learned the game and became a powerful force playing defense for an SEC powerhouse! While on that journey, he became an award-winning defensive tackle. Yet, his dream was to play in the NFL. After his final season playing for the Ole Miss Rebels, and with his dream seemingly coming to fruition, he began a targeted training program and garnered the interest of several NFL teams. On and off the field he had proved himself to be the man and athlete he had always dreamed of being. However, in order to provide for his family while continue to train for the NFL draft, KD was driving a truck late one night when the unthinkable happened. On the morning of July 21, 2023 around 4:30 AM, just outside of Cullman, Alabama, everything changed concerning his NFL Dream. In a matter of the seconds that it takes for an accident to happen, KD found himself pinned in the truck with his right leg smashed by the dashboard of the freightliner he was driving. Within 10 minutes the state trooper was on the scene of the accident and more help was on the way, KD was given the news that, for him to be freed from the truck, part of his right leg would have to be amputated. The surgeon arrived on the scene, freed KD from the truck and the dream of a career in the NFL ended. However, KD knew that God was his refuge and source of strength in his time of trouble no matter what came next, as football wasn’t KD’s only dream, and it wasn’t God’s ultimate plan for his life. Today, KD is a successful motivational speaker speaking to football teams and business organizations and sharing his story of hope, overcoming challenges, and finding success after tragedy. He has been a guest on Good Morning America and is loving life while living out a dream bigger than he ever had before. A now author of his memoir titled, The UpHill Climb: The KD Hill Story, KD will be sure to inspire you through today’s conversation with his practical perspective shifts and resounding hope and faith in a God who has EVERYTHING within His control!
KD’s Website: https://hlx.gg/kd-hill
KD’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/Uphill-Climb-KD-Hill-Story/dp/B0DMG4VCD5
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
From zero scholarships to the NFL—Javien Elliott’s journey is a story of grit, faith, and determination. Growing up in Panama City, Florida, Javien dreamed of playing college football and making it to the NFL. But as a high school graduate with no star ranking and no scholarship offers, those dreams seemed far out of reach. After three years away from the game, Javien made the bold decision to walk on to the reigning national champions, the Florida State Seminoles, where he ultimately earned a scholarship, a starting position, and the chance to prove himself on one of college football’s biggest stages. With only one season under his belt, Javien went undrafted but didn't let that stop him from pursuing his NFL dream. Today’s conversation is more than a tale of an improbably athletic career; it’s a testament to the power of faith in God, resilience, and an unbreakable will to succeed. Javien’s story encourages anyone facing long odds to believe in what’s possible and to pursue their dreams relentlessly. Through his journey, he shows that with grit, faith, and determination, anything is achievable. This episode is perfect for athletes, dreamers, and anyone looking for inspiration to overcome their own challenges. Our prayer is that today’s conversation would serve as a powerful reminder that the road to success is rarely smooth but it’s always worth it!
Purchase Your Copy of Unconquered Walk-On Today: https://www.amazon.com/Unconquered-Walk-Unlikely-Scholarships-Florida/dp/B0DPVHYHMN?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
Follow Javien on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/javien._/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we figured it would be a perfect time to drop in a much needed conversation on the topic of intimacy. In a world and culture that has sexualized the word intimacy, today’s conversation gets back to the basics of God’s original intent and design for intimacy. We also spend time peeling back the layers of intimacy such as physical, emotional, & spiritual intimacy as well. Joining us to do just that is a man who has one of the most impactful testimonies you will ever hear, Joshua Broome. If you’re not familiar with Josh’s story, it’s a testiment of the love, grace, and faithfulness of our God, where a former adult film star embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, he found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, Josh discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world. With a BS in Christian Ministries, our guest and his wife Hope have been married for seven years, raising their four sons in Dallas, Texas. His message is centered on the fact that no matter what you have done or what has happened to you the love of Jesus Christ stands ready to change your future. Whether you’re preparing for or repairing the relationship God has called you to, today’s conversation is a must hear as it’s filled with practical tips and strategies to recenter your heart on what matters most. Remember, love is not something you become better at, love is someone you become more like. We hope and pray that this conversation would not only impact you, but also those you love.
Josh’s Website: https://www.joshuabroome.me/
Josh’s Book: https://www.joshuabroome.me/joshuas-book
Struggling with Pornography? Join Zach & Josh today to Receive 8 FREE Videos in their P51 Project: https://ignitemen.net/the-p51-project/
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With Super Bowl weekend right around the corner, we wanted to bless all you NFL fans with an incredible guest who not only understands the ins and outs of what it takes to get to and to play in the NFL, but also a man who now gets to shepherd and steward the spiritual growth and development of many NFL players. Our guest today is Johnny Shelton! Johnny is a husband, father, minister, sports chaplain, and life coach with an extraordinary desire to encourage and challenge the hearts of God’s people! He has served in various ministry roles throughout his career including the team chaplain at Elon University, the chaplain of the Virginia Tech Football Team, and now serving as the Team Chaplain and Life Coach of the Baltimore Ravens since 2013! This is a man who understands the process of spiritual growth and development and the significance of fellowship and discipleship in our journey throughout this life. Listen in to this compelling conversation that will challenge and encourage you in your pursuit of more fully knowing God and making His name known!
Johnny’s Website: https://johnnyshelton.com/
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Many theologians would argue that more than often Christians in the West are immature, meaning that our walk doesn’t always match our talk. Some would even go as far as arguing that the average North American Christian is about 3,000 Bible verses overweight, because the way many leaders approach maturity is to assume that knowledge produces it. But since when? Yes, it’s wonderful that people understand what they believe, but knowledge in and of itself is not a hallmark of Christian maturity. As Paul says, knowledge puffs up. Love, by contrast, builds up. And some of the most Biblically literate people in Jesus’ day were passed over when Jesus was selecting his disciples. You see, the goal is not to know, but to do something with what you know. Today, we are going to take a deep dive the process of spiritual formation and holistic discipleship by answering questions such as, “Does our popular understanding of discipleship produce some of the unhealthiness, stagnation, and decline we see all around us in the church?” and “What if you could do something about it by rethinking what you mean by discipleship in the first place?” Joining us today to for a very rich discussion around these matters is the Lead Pastor of Bloom Church in Portland, Oregon - Colby Maier! Colby is a man who seeks to help people discover who God created them to be as he believes God created each person with a unique potential to make a profound impact on their world, and to leave lasting change that will influence generations to come. Each day is filled with meaning when you know who you are, why you’re here, and where you’re going. We hope and pray that through today’s conversation you would truly discover who God created you to be so that you too can activate your faith and bring positive and lasting change to this world.
Colby’s Website: https://www.colbymaier.com/
Bloom Church’s Website: https://achurchinportland.org/about/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As we keep charging into the New Year where many of us have big dreams, goals, and resolutions for 2025, it is important that we are also reminded that anything worth value in this life will come at a cost. Today, we’re joined by someone who understands the ultimate cost - someone who understands sacrifice, discipline, and mental toughness and who can help turn your commitments into consistency. Joining us today is Chad Robichaux. Chad is a highly decorated former Force Recon Marine and Department of Defense Contractor with eight deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force. After overcoming his personal battles with PTSD and nearly becoming a veteran suicide statistic, Chad founded the Mighty Oaks Foundation, a leading non-profit, serving the active duty, military veteran, and first responder communities around the world with highly successful faith-based combat trauma and resiliency programs. During our conversation today, Chad will discuss and unpack the topics of discipline, mental toughness, accountability, and the four pillars that he believes comprise true resilience in everyone’s life. Don’t miss this incredibly life-giving conversation!
Chad Robichaux’s website: https://www.chadrobichaux.com/
Mighty Oaks Foundation website: https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Dr. Daniel Amen, groundbreaking physician, psychiatrist and clinic director, has helped people for decades achieve mental wellness by teaching them how to make better choices with their diet and lifestyle in order to be more in tune with their brain's health and function. The founder of Amen Clinics and BrainMD, Dr. Amen shares with Zach Clinton the steps anyone can take to optimize mental acuity and better brain health. Dr. Amen’s clinical expertise provides hope to those struggling mentally, and even helps parents in the midst of raising kids whose brains are still developing. He presents practical challenges that can launch you on the road to better metal health and resiliency, exclusively in today’s conversation.
Amen Clinics: https://www.amenclinics.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Nick Stumbo is the Executive Director of Pure Desire, a ministry that actually helped him and his wife find a way out and healing from his own porn addiction. In this honest, unflinching conversation, Nick joins Zach Clinton to explain the challenges involved in overcoming the shame and brokenness of porn use. They examine the different wounds and the peripheral damage that can occur with a spouse or a mate, and explain why both partners in a relationship matter as a journey of recover begins. Nick offers unique firsthand perspective on how this can be an unspoken problem within the church. Through his own powerful testimony, Nick reminds us that asking for help doesn’t make us weaker believers. Real freedom from behavior driven by secrecy and shame can only be found by bringing it into the light. Listen and be encouraged as you start the new year, with new goals and resolutions, and share it with someone you care about.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With a new year comes a new start – with new goals, dreams, and aspirations. Therefore as we embark into a season of transition and hopefully a season where you are hungry to embrace the process of progress, we’ve decided to bring back a dear friend who knows a thing or two about commitment, discipline, hard work, and what greatness requires in this life! Joining us today is Garrett Unclebach!! Garrett is a former Navy Seal - where he served many years on Seal Team 3 - Over the course of six years, Garrett earned his SEAL Trident, became a communications expert, a combat controller calling in precision close air support, a freefall jumpmaster, and a SEAL Platoon Squad Leader - guiding 8 other SEALs through countless high risk training and real world operations on multiple continents. Garrett is clearly a man who understands discipline, leadership, and consistency. He deeply cares about pouring and investing into other men better helping them understand what it means to live a life of purpose and on mission. He is the co-host of an incredible podcast titled “The Impossible Life” - a business owner and a real estate developer partnered with his father, a Venture Capital Partner, and he volunteers as the Director of Men’s Ministry at Elevate Life Church where he hosts a Mighty Men’s group every Saturday morning! But what I love most about Garrett is that he has a heart that is hungry for the Lord as he continually serves his family as a husband to his wife Lindsey and a father to their children. Trust me, this is a conversation that you don’t want to miss as Garrett will help us understand what it means to truly squeeze the lemon out of life and get all that God has for you in 2025!
Garrett Unclebach Website: https://www.theimpossible.life/garrettunclebach
Learn More about The Impossible Life: https://www.theimpossible.life/homepage
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As we engage in all of the Christmas festivities over the next several days, we must take the time to reflect on and celebrate the true reason for the season, Jesus! Yet, although many may know and remember the words of John 3:16 which says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” many struggle to understand the why behind their belief and how they might share it with others. That is why on this Christmas Eve we are bringing on one of the foremost leading Christian apologists in the world to help educate, equip, and encourage to not only understand the WHY behind our faith, but also help us understand how we can more effectively witness and share the truth of God’s love with others, Dr. Sean McDowell. Sean is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the church, and in particular young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He connects with audiences in a tangible way through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence and logical support for viewing all areas of life through a Biblical worldview. Sean is an Associate Professor in the Christian Apologetics program at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. Additionally, he is the author, co-author, or editor of over twenty books and is listed among the top 100 apologists in the world! 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope.” Our prayer is that this conversation would equip you with that explanation today and forevermore.
Learn more about Sean: https://seanmcdowell.org/
Some FREE Thought Provoking Videos by Sean: https://seanmcdowell.org/videos
Listen to Sean’s Podcast: https://seanmcdowell.org/podcasts
Purchase Sean’s Books: https://seanmcdowell.org/books
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Many have recognized Christmas as the most magical time of the year. Whether it be the trees, lights, decorations, festivities, family traditions, and more - Christmas is a time of celebration, specifically when we reflect on the Gift of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. That being said, today’s conversation is all about spreading joy and goodness this Christmas season through the selfless act of giving and blessing those in need. Joining us today is renowned speaker, author, and founder of Skip1.org, Shelene Bryan. Skip1 exists to help solve world hunger, one Skip at a time, by building and renovating kitchens within orphanages and schools in impoverished areas. They also support food distribution and feeding programs in places where kitchens can't be built, and help with clean water and sustainable agricultural initiatives. Ultimately, it’s amazing what can happen when people choose to skip something they may want to bless others with something they may need! Our prayer is that this Christmas season you would realize that the true gift though belongs to the giver as giving provides us an opportunity to feel purposeful, meaningful, and connected.
Donate to Skip1.org today: https://skip1.org/donate/
Skip1: https://skip1.org/
Learn more about Shelene: https://skip1.org/our-founder/
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We live in a day and age where stress, fear, worry, and anxiety are running rampant in our culture and society. However, these factors are not a part of the abundant life and plan in which God destines for you to experience. However, II Corinthians 10:5 reminds us of a strategy to overcome the negative, maladaptive thoughts in our lives by stating, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” Joining us today to provide additional guidance and wisdom from this passage is a renowned speaker, author, and Bible teacher, Margaret Feinberg. Host of the popular podcast, The Joycast, Margaret Feinberg is a popular Bible teacher and speaker at churches and leading conferences such as Extraordinary Women, Thrive and Women of Joy. She is also the creator of best-selling coloring and creative books for grown ups. Her other books, including Scouting the Divine, Fight Back With Joy, Taste and See: Discovering God Among Butchers, Bakers and Fresh Food Makers, and their corresponding Bible studies, have sold over one million copies and received critical acclaim and extensive national media coverage from CNN, the Associated Press, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and more. She was recently named one of 50 women most shaping culture and the church today by Christianity Today. Margaret lives in Utah with her husband, Leif, and their superpup, Zoom. She believes some of the best days are spent around a table with amazing food and friends. Our prayer is that you would be educated, encouraged, and equipped with practical tips and strategies to take every thought captive in your life as well no matter the season you may find yourself in.
Margaret’s Website: https://margaretfeinberg.com/about/
The Joycast: https://margaretfeinberg.com/joycast
Margaret’s Books & Bible Studies: https://www.margaretfeinbergstore.com/collections/all
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In our fast-paced culture plagued with burnout, stress, and chronic fatigue, we often find that we’re functioning out of emptiness. But what would it be like to experience a fullness in our life that was truly lasting and regenerative? In today’s conversation licensed professional counselor, nationally acclaimed speaker, best-selling author, and renowned podcaster, Debra Fileta, shows you how Jesus’ own life rhythms can guide you to true health and rest, teaching you how to live full rather than empty. Rooted in Scripture and expertly informed by clinical psychology, today’s conversation will help you identify six life-giving practices from the life of Jesus that address your whole person—mind, body, and spirit. As you are guided toward your own practice of biblical self-care, you will learn how the Bible responds to common myths about soul care; how a lack of soul care impacts your relationships, ministries, and careers; and how to recognize the signs and signals of burnout and respond proactively with practical solutions. Empty people cannot fill up others. As you learn to be filled as Jesus was by intentional rhythms and practices, you will experience renewed energy, motivation, and strength to serve others as you never have before!
Debra’s Website: https://debrafileta.com/soulcare/
Purchase Soul Care: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Care-Life-Giving-Discover-Unspeakable-ebook/dp/B0CTDS4XC2
Take the Soul-Care Quiz: https://debrafileta.com/takethesoulcarequiz/
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Guard your Gratitude! 1 Thessalonians 5:19 provides a staunch reminder that we are not to “quench the Spirit” in our lives. In other words, we have the potential to stunt or stoke or the move of God in our lives. However, Paul instructs us as men and women of faith to engage in three distinct and practices that can help create an atmosphere conducive to the Lord having HIs way in our lives: rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in ALL circumstances for this is God’s will for our lives through Christ Jesus (1 Thes. 5:16-18). There will be things that threaten to quench the Spirit of God in your life. There will be circumstances, experiences, interactions, seasons, and relationships that threaten to rob you of the joy that God has prepared for you, but today as we enter this Thanksgiving week we wanted to encourage your heart and remind you that we serve a Good, Faithful, Loving, and Consistent Father who is a God of Healing, Restoration, Redemption, and Provision. Therefore, joining us today on the podcast to share his testimony is a man who understands the power of praise, Micah Tyler. Micah is a renowned Christian singer, songwriter, and worship leader who has countless accolades, awards, and chart-topping songs, but what I love most about Micah is his unwavering devotion to the Lord, his wife Casey, and his 3 beautiful children. Our prayer is that through today’s conversation you would be encouraged to look for God, even in the most challenging times, knowing that you can and will find Him in whatever season of life you find yourself in. And remember this my friends, even if God does nothing else, He has already done enough! Be sure to give Him your thanks and your praise, because He is worthy of those things! Happy Thanksgiving!
Micah’s Website: https://www.micahtyler.com/
Micah’s Tour Schedule: https://www.micahtyler.com/tour
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Joining us today on the podcast is Lead Pastor of National Community Church located on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., as well as New York Times bestselling author of 24 books, Mark Batterson. In today’s conversation we will unpack Mark’s newest book entitled, “A Million Little Miracles: Rediscover the God who is Bigger than Big, Closer than Close, and Gooder than Good” to help remind you of the millions of miracles God performs everyday and inspire you to live with a clearer sense of identity and purpose. Mark puts it this way, “Think you’ve never experienced a miracle? With all due respect, you have never not. In fact, you are one!”There never has been—and there never will be—anyone else like you. That isn’t a testament to you. It’s a testament to the God who created you. Your fingerprint, eyeprint, and voiceprint are unlike anyone else’s. Simply put, you matter to God. However, most of us take everyday miracles for granted, including the one that stares back at us in the mirror. It’s time to take them for gratitude. Why is that so important? Because whatever you don’t turn into praise turns into pride. The miracle of life becomes mundane. We get so wrapped up in our own little world, we end up worshipping a god who looks like us, acts like us, and thinks like us. It’s no wonder we’ve lost our wonder. But there is a way to recapture holy curiosity! In today’s conversation as well as littered throughout the book, A Million Little Miracles, Mark reveals three miraculous truths that awaken us to carpe wonder for the Creator and His creation:
1. God Is Bigger Than We Think—we can rest in His wisdom and strength
2. God Is Closer Than We Realize—we never have to do life alone
3. God Is Better Than We Imagine—we can reclaim our childlike wonder
My friends, a million little miracles are waiting to be discovered, including the miracle called you.
Mark’s Website: https://www.markbatterson.com/
Pick Up Your Copy of A Million Little Miracles Today: https://www.markbatterson.com/books/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Today’s guest has one of the most moving and impactful testimonies we’ve ever heard on the podcast. From the depths of despair, anguish, and suffering on the floor of a psychiatric hospital room, Sheila Walsh was approached by what she believes was an angel who reminded her that “The Shepherd knows where to find you.” From a painful past and broken spirit, Sheila has since experienced the overwhelming love of God like never before. Many of you may know Sheila as a best-selling author, Bible teacher, 2x Grammy-nominated recording artist, and television host, hosting numerous shows on TBN, including the flagship show, Praise, and the talk show, Better Together, but as Sheila mentions in today’s conversation, she’s really just like you and me - a Bummer Lamb who desperately seeks to know and pursue the voice of The Shepherd!
Visit Sheila’s Website: https://sheilawalsh.com/homepage/
Pre-Order Sheila’s New Book, The Hope of Heaven: https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Heaven-Promise-Eternity-Everything/dp/1540900274?maas=maas_adg_EB9A16C5155DDC8841E2F9219E091579_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
When living in a postmodernistic and relativistic culture and society where people are placing preferences over principles, often times we need to be reminded that Truth is nonnegotiable. There is only One absolute standard of Truth which is the Word of God, and in these days we need men and women of faith to be bold and courageous in stepping up, standing on, and speaking the Truth in love. For this reason, our guest today is the co-founder and lead vocalist and bassist for the 22x platinum band, Skillet, one of the best-selling Christian rock bands of the 21st century, John Cooper. You may know many of Skillet’s songs such as “Hero”, “Anchor”, “Stars,” “Victorious” or “Monster.” However, on November 1st, John and Skillet released their 12th album with the title ‘Revolution’ stating that the revolution they are referencing is not a political one or a militaristic one, but rather it is a revolution of loving your neighbor as yourself. Additionally, John is the author of Awake & Alive to Truth: Finding Truth in the Chaos of a Relativistic World, which we are also going to be discussing today. If you’re ready to be encouraged and motivated for such a time as this, I would encourage you to tune in and be a part of this Revolution!
Listen to ‘Revolution’ Now: https://www.skillet.com/
Find Out More About Skillet: https://www.skillet.com/home
Purchase Awake & Alive to Truth by John Cooper: https://www.amazon.com/Awake-Alive-Truth-Finding-Relativistic/dp/1636843360
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In the midst of the craziness, chaos, and division surrounding the upcoming Presidential election, many are seeking discernment as well as praying for and over the future of this country. However, there remains an overwhelming amount of fear, stress, frustration, and more running rampantly throughout our country! So, with all of those things on the forefront of our minds, we thought that there would be no greater guest to bring in than someone who has their finger on the pulse of what’s happening in culture as well as someone who has a heart for the intersection of topics such as politics and faith, Ryan Helfenbein.
Ryan serves as the Executive Director of the Standing for Freedom Center and the Vice President of Communications and Public Engagement at Liberty University. Ryan hosts “The Give Me Liberty” weekly podcast and is also a weekly contributor on “In Focus with Alison Steinberg” as well as a contributor on my dad, Dr. Tim Clinton’s weekly television show, “Sunday, the Road Forward” on Real America’s Voice News.
Remember, this upcoming election is not about personalities - It’s about policies - policies that impact our everyday lives - issues of concern to all Americans including the economy, our border situation and the real threat of terrorism both here and abroad, a strong national defense and of course issues important to people with sincerely held religious beliefs such as religious liberty, life, Israel, and more! We are in a significant moment in time and I believe God calls us to stand for biblical truth and to be salt and light to our generations!
Link to The Standing for Freedom Center at Liberty University:
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There’s no question that this upcoming election has created a lot of fear, chaos, and division across the country. Therefore, in today’s episode we want to remind you that November 5th is not about personalities, but rather about policies that matter - policies that impact our everyday lives and issues of concern to all Americans including the economy, our border situation and the real threat of terrorism both here and abroad, a strong national defense, and of course issues important to people with sincerely held religious beliefs such as religious liberty, life, Israel, and more. We are in a significant moment in time and we believe God calls us to STAND for biblical truth and to be salt and light for today’s generations! That being said, today’s special guest is someone who has a word of hope and courage in the climate we find ourselves in. Joining us today is one of the great Christian leaders of our day and age, Dr. Ben Carson. Dr. Carson served as the 17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under former President, Donald J. Trump. He completed his B.A. in psychology from Yale University, an M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School, and his residency in neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr. Carson became the Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1984 at the age of 33. He has written and published numerous best-selling books, 4 of which were co-authored with Candy, his wife of 46 years. Dr. Carson and his wife are co-founders of the Carson Scholars Fund, and together they have 3 sons and several rambunctious grandchildren. Today’s conversation is going to be centered around the pillars of American democracy and the importance of both the government and the American family by unpacking Dr. Carson’s newest book titled, The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture's War on the American Family.
American Cornerstone Institute: https://americancornerstone.org/
Carson Scholars Fund: https://carsonscholars.org/about-csf/dr-carson/
Purchase Your Copy of The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture's War on the American Family: https://www.amazon.com/Perilous-Fight-Overcoming-Cultures-American/dp/0310368375
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
It’s easy to praise God on the mountain, but the real question is whether or not you’ll praise Him in the valley. Join us today as award winning singer, song writer, and worship leader Katy Nichole joins us to share her testimony of faith and resilience. Although Katy has received several awards such as the 2022 K-LOVE Worship Song of the Year, GMA Dove Award New Artist of the Year, as well as a Billboard #1 for her song ‘In Jesus Name (God of Possible)’, Katy gives all the honor, glory, and credit to the Lord who has carried her through some very dark and difficult seasons of life. Having been born with congenital scoliosis, Katy’s life has quite literally and figuratively been painful. Multiple surgeries and a near suicide attempt threatened to derail her, BUT GOD had a different plan in mind. In the moments right before Katy was contemplating ending it all, the Lord imprinted on her heart to trust Him because He wasn’t finished with her yet. Katy now openly shares her journey with mental health struggles and is an advocate for others who are facing physical and mental health challenges. Katy may get the opportunity of displaying her talent from the largest stages across America, but she wants to shed light on the reality that we all have struggles and no one is a stranger to pain and adversity in this life, but we serve a God who is a Healer, Way Maker, and Miracle Worker! Be sure to check out this powerful and encouraging conversation today!
Katy’s Website: https://www.katynichole.com/
Katy’s Song ‘In Jesus Name (God of Possible)’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihrUIPfvTh8
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Playing professional sports on the biggest stage is the ultimate goal for most athletes. But not for NFL player Dalton Risner. Listen as the Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman shares with us how a humble upbringing in a rural town, surrounded by loving parents and many siblings, drew him closer to Jesus. For Dalton, the real victory is the loving marriage he shares with his wife, Whitney, and the work he pours into the non-profit he created to help kids in need, RisnerUp. Risner established his foundation based on 1 Peter 4:10, which also is tattooed on his forearm: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." Words to live by, indeed! Our prayer is that today’s conversation would remind you that no matter where you are, what you do, or what season you find yourself in, God has a special plan and purpose for your life and He wants to use you right where He has you! Remember, God can do wonders with a willing and obedient heart!
Find out More about Dalton: https://risnerup.org/team/
Purchase Dalton’s Book RISE UP: https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Up-Dalton-Risner/dp/0996974245
RisnerUp Foundation: https://risnerup.org/
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On July 31, 2020, the Orlando Magic starting forward Jonathan Isaac was the lone NBA player not to kneel for the national anthem amid a league-wide demonstration in support of Black Lives Matter. Standing alone, knowing the scrutiny to come, Jonathan had a peace he at one time never could have imagined possible. In today’s conversation, Jonathan joins Zach and Joshua Broome to unpack his testimony and to share some of the valuable principles you can find in his book, WHY I STAND! It’s been said that Jonathan’s story is a real life discovery that no matter your level of confidence today, God’s strength will develop in your weakness, for courage is found in trusting that God is greater than your fears. Additionally, as God continues to use Jonathan on and off the court, Jonathan felt prompted in his spirit to create UNITUS, which is so much more than just a premium Christian apparel — as it’s recognized as a global movement for positive change. Like us here at Built Different, those at UNITUS believe that Jesus offers our world a better way, and they boldly stand for their faith in Him. Their mission is to inspire and empower people to live in greater unity, freedom, strength, and purpose. We pray that today’s conversation would encourage you in knowing and believing that in a world surrounded by fear, we can boldly and courageously choose to live a life of FAITH!
Jonathan’s website: https://www.judahsnation.com
Pick Up a Copy of WHY I STAND: Amazon.comhttps://www.amazon.com › Why-I...Why I Stand: Isaac, Jonathan: 9781956007060
UNITUS website: https://weareunitus.com/pages/about?srsltid=AfmBOoqV8kqkqjLv_Os2Xm6mdLlw60vfY_AudLgeTqoWxxFDI7VJoOQd
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Habit Stacking: Developing the Discpline for Your Mind, Body, & Spirit with Personal Trainer & Ultra-Athlete, Bryan Pollard
Show Notes: The process of success is not hidden. It is on display for anyone to see. However, it is a daily grind that requires a great deal of work that is tedious and often uncomfortable. Successful people simply do the work. They embrace the grind and everything that comes with it. Ultimately, successful people understand this truth - Hope doesn’t produce change. Habits do! Everyone has the desire, but many lack the necessary discipline! That’s why today, we have a very special guest who understands the importance of discipline and habits at a very high level. Our guest today is Bryan Pollard! Bryan is not only a personal trainer and ultra-athlete, but he is also someone who is continuing to train for and complete a goal of running 12 marathons in 12 months. During today’s episode Bryan will motivate and encourage you to examine the difference between the life you want to live and the life you’re currently living, help you understand the importance of disciplining yourself in every facet of life, as well as assist you in unlocking your fullest potential through pushing yourself beyond your limits. This is a life-changing conversation that will ultimately remind you that real change is not merely behavior modification, but more importantly, it involves spiritual transformation. Don’t just focus on changing the thoughts in your head and the habits in your life, but also allow God to transform your heart from the inside-out.
Follow Bryan on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/bryanpollardfitness/
Join Bryan’s FREE Running Community: https://topacademyfitness.app.clientclub.net/communities/groups/top-academy-runners-community/home?invite=66d4929fffdffcc6d1b9afd4
Donate to the Boys & Girls Club of NYC as Bryan prepares for the NYC Marathon: https://kipsbayboysandgirlsclub.givingfuel.com/crowd/kips-bay-runners-2024-nyc-marathon/fundraiser/18401?bbeml=tp-0TWig6-jB02xWG61rTbArA.jaI3PgQlfr0i2TtNJveZuIQ.rsxUG0FZ6sEeFskfFqAgU-A.l2rKYTWJ580mjXh2nrw3boQ
Bryan’s 1:1 Running Coaching Program: https://topacademyfitness.com/16-week-beginner-runner-plan-page
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It’s been said that burnout is not only a very real and present danger, but it has been estimated that over 60% of leaders will experience it. As the old saying goes, leadership can sometimes feel lonely. Prolonged seasons with heightened levels of stress, feeling unappreciated, and more can cause many leaders to grow tired, frustrated, and weary. However, I believe it’s in these moments that many simply need to be encouraged, motivated, and reminded of their purpose and calling in this life. Thankfully today, we have the perfect guest to uplift and inspire you with biblical truths and an incredible amount of godly wisdom, Pastor Preston Morrison. Preston is the Senior Pastor of Pillar Church in Arizona which has given him the opportunity to walk out the call of leadership the Lord has placed on his life, all while serving alongside a dynamic staff, building a community that feels like family, and loving the people in the Valley of the Sun. He is also a self-proclaimed romantic—whether he's studying a way to communicate God's truth, pursuing his beautiful wife Holly or their three kids, or finding ways to bless the people in his life—he does it with a passion and love that are truly contagious. And above all else, Preston has a feverish desire and obsession with being a friend of God. Our prayer is that this episode would help you re-frame your perspective, find hope in the midst of patience, lean into an enhanced level of perseverance, and remember the purpose/calling God has called you to! Weary traveler, carry on. It won’t be like this for long.
Pillar Church: https://thepillar.com/
The Leaders Cut Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-dv2wBr9xCE9cEauYZAxHdqhD2WZIaH5
Follow Preston on Social Media:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With the first weekend of the 2024 NFL season behind us, we wanted to bring on a familiar face that could give us not only an inspirational story and testimony of faith, but also someone who has their pulse on the sporting arena and its impact on everyday life. If you’re an NFL fan you’ll know our guest well. Joining us today is James Brown or as most would call him, JB. James Brown is the current host of “The NFL Today” on CBS and "Inside The NFL" on Showtime. A three-time Emmy Award-winning network broadcaster, Brown, who was elected into the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame in August 2020, has hosted the Super Bowl a record setting ten times including Super Bowl 55 on CBS. In 2010, SI.com named Brown the Best Studio Host of the Decade. Brown is a Special Correspondent for CBS News and contributes to programs such as “60 Minutes”, “CBS This Morning”, “CBS Evening News” and “48 Hours”. He is also a founding partner of Major League Baseball’s 2019 World Series Champion Washington Nationals. Among numerous honors, Brown most recently received the 2016 Pete Rozelle Award by the Pro Football Hall of Fame, which recognizes “longtime exceptional contributions to radio and television in professional football", and “The Uncommon Award” from Tony Dungy for his “uncommon leadership through character and faith.” Brown was a 2010 honoree as one of the “Faces of Black History” celebrating Black Media Legends who have impacted the Black community through their achievements and positive examples and was honored with the Greater Washington Urban League’s Sam Lacy Award in 2005. Brown was also the first recipient of the coveted Pat Summerall Award presented annually during Super Bowl weekend. The incredible thing about this interview is that many know and are familiar with the accolades and professional career of JB, but not many are familiar with his personal testimony and the strong and devout faith He has in Christ which rests as the foundation and bedrock of his life. We hope and pray this conversation around all things faith, football, and family would excite you for this upcoming NFL season but would more importantly encourage you for the days ahead.
JB’s website: https://www.jbjamesbrown.com/
Watch ’The NFL Today’ on CBS: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/schedule/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There seems to be a hunger and thirst for truth and the good news of the gospel spreading rampantly throughout the nation, but especially on college campuses. Many have seen the UNITE US revival nights that have taken place across several SEC college campuses, but on Sunday, August 25th, there was another unique and powerful event as current and former Ohio State football players held a Fall Kickoff gathering at the campus’s courtyard in College Green Park. They described the event as “An Invitation to Jesus.” The event reportedly drew more than 2,000 students and people from the community and resulted in a time of worship, testimonies, salvations, and baptisms. To share of all that happened and how God’s presence fell all over this special occasion, former star running back at The Ohio State University and one of the leaders who heavily contributed to the inception of this event, Master Teague III joined us for a special conversation that you’re not going to want to miss! Master shares how God was in the details of this event, as well as all that happened at the Fall Kickoff gathering. Additionally, Master reflects back on some of his favorite life lessons, memories, and ways in which he learned to personalize his faith during his college days! It’s evident that God is not only doing something special on the campus and in the football locker-room at The Ohio State University, but God is also doing a Mighty Work in and through Master Teagues heart and life!
Read More About the Fall Kickoff Event: https://sportsspectrum.com/sport/football/2024/08/26/ohio-state-football-faith-event-give-him-glory/
Visit Master’s Website: https://www.masterwteagueiii.com/
Follow Master on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/masterteague/?hl=en
Purchase Master’s Book, The Power of Community: https://www.amazon.com/Power-Community-Ohio-State-University/dp/B0CK9J4HJ3
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that we live in unprecedented times. Everywhere one looks, they can easily find division and chaos. However, it was in similar circumstances years ago where a story arose of how one man who overcame the odds, sustained by the love of a woman who supported him in his journey could bring unity and resilience throughout a nation. From 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan led a great American comeback. He not only achieved what his critics said would be impossible; he made it seem easy. His leadership transformed a sputtering U.S. economy into a rocket of growth that led to a generation of prosperity. Through it all, he revived America’s spirit, restored our hopes, and strengthened our faith. Thankfully, we get the opportunity of reliving this story of hope and redemption through the big screens as the new film, REAGAN, releases this Friday, August 30th nation wide. Joining us today to not only provide us with insight on this new film, but also give us a glimpse of his personal life and faith is one of the most resounding actors of our day and age, Dennis Quaid! Dennis is an Emmy and Golden Globe nominee best known for his roles in The Rookie, The Day After Tomorrow, The Parent Trap and many more. A household name, his work has spanned multiple generations of beloved films. In addition to acting, Dennis is also a musician, releasing multiple albums and is currently promoting a new Gospel album titled Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners. And today, we’re going to be discussing Dennis’s most recent endeavor - staring in the new Film, Reagan… Dennis said playing Ronald Reagan was one of the greatest honors of his life as he was inspired by the many parallels between each of their lives. I pray this conversation would encourage you as you hear a behind the scenes look into the professional and personal life of one of the world’s favorite actors.
PreOrder Your Ticket to REAGAN today: https://www.regmovies.com/movies/reagan-ho00016828?date=08-29-2024
Dennis Quaid’s Website: https://www.dennisquaidishere.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that resilience is rooted in relationship - with God and with others. Joining us today for an impactful discussion is someone who has experienced and endured a lot of pain, trauma, and suffering in life, yet by the grace of God has also experienced triumph, joy, and a testimony of resilience. Joining us today is Carrie Sheffield! Carrie is a columnist and broadcaster in Washington D.C. who earned a full-tuition Harvard scholarship, managed billions of dollars in risk at Wall Street firms, and competed in a Miss USA system beauty pageant. A journalist and former White House correspondent, she challenged the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and testified as an economic expert before the US Congress. Carrie achieved all this while overcoming a life of extreme poverty and psychological, spiritual, and sexual abuse. A recovered agnostic, Carrie eventually found peace and anchoring in Christianity, and today we’ll be unpacking her most recent book, Motorhome Prophecies as we discuss her journey toward healing, forgiveness, and freedom. We hope and pray that this conversation would remind you that God has hard-wired each and every one of us with the power to rise above and overcome!
Carrie’s Website: https://carriesheffield.com/
Get Carrie’s Book Today: https://carriesheffield.com/book/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that we are in the midst of a mental health disaster in our country and world today. Statistics have revelaed that issues such as anxiety, depression, addiction, and suicide have sored to levels that we have never seen before. Yet, sadly there continues to be a large gap between those needing help and those receiving help. One of the reasons as to why that gap exists continues to be the shame and stigma around mental health care. Many unfortunately, even within faith-based communities, continue to believe the lie that one’s brokenness is equivalent to embarrassment or humiliation. However, as today’s guest reminds us, psychology and theology should not be enemies but instead viewed as allies, because if we do not prioritize our mental health, we may very well be stunting our spiritual health throughout the process. Joining us today is Karl Benzio, MD, a Christian psychiatrist who is board-certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr. Karl has held several health system clinical director and management positions to infuse his unique integration of spiritual faith with science to treat thousands. In addition, he writes, consults, and serves as a frequent media guest expert and conference speaker addressing the impact of a wide range of behavioral health issues and how to bring God’s healing to individuals, families, society, and social policy issues. Our prayer is that through today’s conversation you would realize that true change is not simply found in behavior modification but more importantly is found through spiritual transformation.
Find out more about Karl Benzio: https://aaccfoundation.org/dr-karl-benzio/
Follow Karl on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/drkarlbenzio/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Recently, I was officiating a beautiful summer wedding when at the reception the Father of the Groom gave his toast to the couple and made a statement that stuck with me. He said, “Marriage won’t always be easy, but it’s also not that complicated. PURSUE each other every day and good things will happen.” As I sat and marinated on that statement, I began to recognize the truth in his words. When we stop pursuing and choosing one another, we allow footholds to take place in our lives and in our relationships. In other words when we begin prioritizing other things, getting distracted, or simply growing complacent - we create a recipe for losing at love. However, as my friend’s dad reminded us, although it may not always be easy, with God it is always possible! Joining us today to help your life, relationships, and marriage step into that possibility is a wonderful couple who love walking alongside of the broken hearted to help them live a life of abundance, Chuck & Ashley Elliott. Chuck and Ashley are authors, speakers and content creators who have partnered with YouVersion, RightNow Media, The American Association of Christian Counselors, and an array of other national organizations. They also serve as advisory board members for the AACC’s International Christian Coaching Association. Frequent speakers and popular workshop leaders, their numerous certifications in psychoeducational programs equip them to help others build relational success. My friends, no matter your relationship status, this is a conversation that will equip you to look, live, love, and lead more like Christ from the inside out!
Chuck & Ashley’s Website: https://www.chuckandashley.com/about-us
Purchase Their Most Recent Book, I Used to Be _____: How to Navigate Large and Small Losses in Life and Find Your Path Forward - https://www.amazon.com/Used-Be-___-Navigate-Forward/dp/0800742494
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Nikita Koloff, better known as the "Russian Nightmare," stormed the wrestling world as few others have in the history of the sport. Imposing, immovable, and unbeatable, Nikita left a trail of fallen opponents as he brought the Cold War that loomed over the globe into the ring. From a hard-scrabble beginning to rings around the world, Nikita Koloff filled arenas, thrilled fans, and captured five world titles in the process. And then, when he was at the top of his game, he walked away from the sport. Little did he know that 11 months later, on October 17, 1993, he would find himself at an altar surrendering his life to Jesus. This encounter changed everything, including, his heart, his attitude, his focus, his mindset, and his destiny. Fast forward all these years later, he has now preached in approximately 1200 churches, 28 different denominations, as well as traveled to all 50 states and 30 countries. Our prayer is that as you hear this inspiring testimony of how God performed "heart surgery" on Nikita, that you too would realize that Jesus is the only One who can truly satisfy your soul, and no matter how far gone you may feel, you’re never out of His reach.
Nikita’s website: https://www.koloff.net/about.html
Purchase Nikita’s Book: https://www.amazon.com/NIKITA-Tale-Redemption-Nikita-Koloff/dp/0984409068
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
We’ve all heard the words of James 1:2 which remind us to, “Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds.” But let’s be honest there are moments where life is just flat out painful, and as the infamous movie character, Rocky Balboa, once taught us, “life will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it.” There are moments where it seems like no one hits as hard as life does. But then Rocky’s words shift to encouraging us that, “it’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward… how much you can take and keep moving forward.” Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective to realize that we’re never out of the fight. You see happiness is external, but joy is internal. Joy is a fruit of the spirit, and as our guest today reminds us, although there are moments that may seem difficult and challenging, we get the opportunity to surrender our burdens to the Lord and give control over to the Holy Spirit allowing His joy to then invade and flow through us. Today’s guest is a man who, like all of us, is no stranger to challenge or adversity having endured plenty of painful and waiting seasons along his journey thus far. Our Built Different Guest today is the 3rd base coach for the 2023 World Series Champion Texas Rangers as well as the 2024 American League All-Star Team, Coach Tony Beasley!! To know Coach Beasley is to love him. This man is an incredible leader and truly possesses an unwavering and contagious joy that is a direct reflection of the Lord dwelling within him. In and throughout this episode Coach Beasley discusses how we can TRAIN for our TRIALS, the importance of fixating on God’s promises rather than our problems, and some of the lessons he learned through some of the hardest seasons of his life. Trust us, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!
Find Coach Beasley on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/coachtonybeasley/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s be honest, there are several unique challenges singleness can bring in society and culture today. From the ‘hook-up’ culture we are seeing, to the trauma of attachment wounds, fear of commitment, loneliness, and more, singleness can at times be a very difficult season of life to navigate let alone appreciate. However, our guest today believes that singleness isn’t a curse to endure. Rather, it’s a gift to enjoy, even if at times it can be hard to see it that way. Our special guest who will be equipping and enlightening us today with several practical tools, conversation starters, and action steps to thrive and be content no matter our relationship status is Teaching Pastor of Red Rocks Austin and Best-Selling Author of the his newest book, Single Today, Ryan Wekenman. Ryan has been an unmarried pastor for over a decade. He’s heard all the usual questions: “Are you dating anyone? Any wedding plans in the future?” But he knows the real question they’re asking is, “Hey, do you think you’ll be single for the rest of your life?” Yet, even in the midst of all of the questions, our guest has discovered firsthand—and from hundreds of meetings with other single people—that we are often consumed by regrets or shame from the past, together with worry or fear of the future, making it feel impossible to find peace in the present. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. Our prayer is that today’s conversation would offer you a new perspective to begin seeing and living differently in the days ahead.
Purchase Ryan’s Book, Single Today, Here: https://www.amazon.com/Single-Today-Conquer-Yesterdays-Tomorrows-ebook/dp/B0CCNGN612
Connect with Ryan on social media: https://www.instagram.com/ryanwekenman/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s an old quote that still rings true today, “More than 70% of leaders do not finish well.” Unfortunately, we so often see those with big followings, platforms, and pedestals fall or stumble due to something being done in private. However, our guests today want to help each of us become the leader that we would want to follow - a leader that possesses a great work ethic, vulnerability, and integrity. Joining us today to help us learn how we can shrink the integrity gap within our own lives and become the leader who lives out what we preach are the married co-founders of Living Wholehearted, a professional counseling and organizational development firm, as well as the global Courageous Girls movement, a free online curriculum equipping moms for every stage of their daughter’s growing years. After two decades in leadership and trauma-informed therapy, they are bridging the gap between Biblical, clinical, and relational wisdom to help leaders live with integrity in the home, workplace, and community. Our prayer is that through this conversation you would be educated, equipped, empowered, and encouraged to not just lead, but to lead well.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Happy 4th of July week everyone!!! You see, the Fourth of July—also known as Independence Day—has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later, on July the 4th, delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has been celebrated as the birth of American independence, where many like you and me will be celebrating with festivities ranging from fireworks, parades, and concerts to more casual family gatherings and barbecues. However, as we gather with family and friends, we pray that you would reflect on the sacrifices of our forefathers who fought bravely for the liberties we enjoy today. Their courage and resilience laid the foundation for the America we know and cherish. Further, as we gratefully fly our American Flags this Independence day, we pray that our great nation would get back to the qualities on which it was always intended to stand upon: liberty, justice, freedom, love of country, national purpose, and one nation under God. Even though we may find ourselves in some unprecedented times, we serve a God, who goes where He is invited! Let us all pray that the heart of this nation would be restored back to him! Therefore, in honor of the 4th of July, we wanted to bring on a very special guest who has a real heart and appreciation for soldiers and veterans, those who unfortunately get so overlooked in our country today and who have brought the war home with them and suffer with the challenges of PTSD on a daily basis, a heart for this country, and a heart that is on fire for the Lord! Our special guest today is Garrett Unclebach - Garrett Unclebach was a U.S. Navy Seal who achieved much in his military career, but he says none of it “is him.” He is only measured by how he serves and loves God today. His message is simple and clear, to show others the path to greatness through a life not focused on themselves. We pray that this conversation built around the concepts of discipline, sacrifice, duty, valor, strength, integrity, and character would remind you just how blessed we truly are to live in the Land of the Free, because it’s the Home of the Brave! God bless you! God bless this land! And God bless the USA!
Garrett’s Website: https://www.theimpossible.life/garrettunclebach
The Impossible Life Podcast: https://www.theimpossible.life/podcast
Garrett’s Mindset Mastery Program: https://www.theimpossible.life/mindset
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As Mike Tyson would say, “Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” I think we can all agree that life sometimes delivers unexpected knockout blows that threaten to send us to the canvas of the ring we call life. Pain, challenge, adversity, and disappointment are all inevitable, but it’s not about what happens to us as much as it’s about how we respond to what happens to us. Will you give up or will you get up? Will you quit or will you keep pushing forward? Thankfully today, we have a very special guest who is no stranger to setbacks in this life. Our guest today, Lance Thonvold, was a superstar NCAA Division 1 pitcher at the University of Minnesota before becoming an MLB Draft Pick by the Seattle Mariners. However, after a professional career riddled with injuries, Lance was forced to retire from the game he loved at the age of 25. Unsure of what to do next, Lance remembers the Lord imprinting a unique perspective on his life, that even when the storms of life come our way, we must remember that we are being planted, not buried. In spite of his pain, Lance has become an impactful author and one of the leading and resounding leaders in motivational and inspirational speaking. Our prayer is that today would shift your perspective, ignite your perseverance, and remind you of the incredible purpose God has called you to! Keep on, keeping on!
Lance’s website: https://lancethonvold.com/
Purchase Lance’s Book - Planted, Not Buried: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHWP94YP?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_9F4TENF8JVJFE5RPGBDX
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Leadership is one of the most talked about concepts in all of society. Yet, so many continue to have a misunderstanding on what true leadership is. Joining us today to not only discuss leadership, but also the importance of mentorship and discipleship is a man who needs no introduction, Benjamin Lundquist. Benjamin is a top motivational and leadership speaker, pastor, coach, and one the leading voices for leadership development and empowerment for today’s generation. He is passionate about helping students and professionals see their worth and value, crush their limiting beliefs, and lead with excellence. The message he shares is highly motivating, relatable, and equips student and professional audiences with tools that work. He hosts the Rise and Lead Podcast which ranks in the top 1% and has been downloaded in over 130+ countries around the world. He frequently works with corporate and faith organizations, universities, and high schools. As his message spreads around the world, Benjamin continues to drive positive change and is making an undeniable impact as an inspirational force and role model for anyone seeking to find their greatness and unlock their superpower. We pay that this conversational would be impactful and transformational for you and those you love for the journey ahead.
Benjamin’s Website: https://www.riseandlead.com/about
Rise & Lead Podcast: https://www.riseandlead.com/podcastepisodes
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that there has been a real beat down on men in our culture and society today. There’s been a radical push to silence men as many have pushed this toxic masculinity narrative stating that men are just buffoons, horrible husbands, terrible fathers, porn addicts, abusers, and more. Now something we do agree with is that there is such a thing as toxic behavior, but my friends, there is nothing toxic about being a man. However, so many struggle in silence with their shame, addictions, mental health concerns and more as our culture and society has made us believe that brokenness is equivalent to embarrassment. Today though as we approach Father’s Day and are in the middle of the month of June which is recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to take some time to remind men and dads how much they matter and that they cannot heal in hiding! Joining us today for an impactful discussion is the President and Founder of an incredible men’s ministry called Men’s Alliance, David Mills. David spent the majority of his career in the Air Force flying squadrons which taught him how tribes are formed, how they operate, and how they save lives. He’s seen how isolated men are and how badly they need a tribe, so he decided to create Men’s Alliance to fix that problem and help men become the husbands, fathers, and leaders that God has designed us to be. Through weekly 30-minute rugged, outdoor workouts and a 30-minute real-world devotion around a fire, David and Men’s Alliance are committed to getting men to close their laptops, get outside, and push themselves physically and spiritually! Real men make a difference - within their homes, marriages, families, workplaces, communities, and more, and today, we pray that this conversation would help you make the decision to stop going at this life alone and to find and plug into your tribe from here on out!
Men’s Alliance: https://www.mensalliancetribe.com/
Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend: https://ignitemen.net/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that suicide has become an epidemic in our country and world today. Suicide is now the second leading cause of death among people aged 15–24 in the U.S., and according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, nearly 20% of high school students report serious thoughts of suicide with 9% having made an attempt to end their lives. Beyond that, there’s a significant concern for our girls and our daughters as the CDC recently reported that 57% of our girls reported signs of persistent sadness and depression, with 30% of our girls reporting seriously considering and contemplating suicide. This is alarming and is a fight that we must all stand up and fight against through creating environments of safety and vulnerability for people so they understand they do not have to suffer in silence. Thankfully today, we have a very special guest who has a personal testimony around the topic of suicide as she is a suicide attempt survivor and now renowned mental health and suicide prevention advocate, Emma Benoit. In this conversation Emma helps expose many of the pressures and stressors facing today’s generations, but she also provides us with hope, encouragement, and strategies that we can begin implementing within our homes, friendships, and workplaces to work against the suicide epidemic. One thing we know is that just because someone carries it well does not mean that it’s not heavy. Together, we can remind people that they were made for so much more!
Emma’s Website: https://www.myascension.us/emma-speaks
MyAscension Documentary: https://www.myascension.us/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
No one is a stranger to pain or adversity in this life. Challenges, hardships, and suffering are inevitable. Yet, the question remains, how we do navigate seasons of suffering and how do we cling to hope when life doesn’t make sense in the midst of our deepest and darkest valleys. Joining us today to help equip, encourage, and empower those of us in our valley seasons is a dear friend, Erin Kelly Bean. Although she has experienced countless mountain top moments such as the joy of marriage, being a part of an incredible God-centered family, as well as being the daughter of an NFL Hall of Fame Quarterback, Erin is no stranger to the valley as she has endured some difficult seasons throughout her life such as battling anxiety, depression, an eating disorder, the loss of her younger brother at a very young age, trauma, and so much more. In today’s episode Erin reminds us of David’s prayer in Psalm 23, “Ye, though I walk THROUGH the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are WITH me.” Our prayer is that this conversation would remind you that healing is found in the valley and that in the pit you would realize that Jesus is the point!
Find out more about the Hunter’s Hope Foundation: https://www.huntershope.org/about/
Follow Erin on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/ekelly1212/?hl=en
Listen to the Light Your Heart with Hope Podcast: https://www.huntershope.org/hope-life/podcast-light-hope/
Purchase Kelly Tough: Live Courageously by Faith - https://www.amazon.com/Kelly-Tough-Live-Courageously-Faith/dp/1424550181
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In a day and age where our kids and next generation are under attack with countless pressures and stressors of all different kinds contributing to an influx in mental health challenges, it is imperative that parents continue to get educated, equipped, and encouraged to help them counteract those things and to stay ahead of this cultural fight. Thankfully today we have an expert in the field of counseling and attachment joining us for an enlightening and empowering conversation on how parents can more effectively and efficiently attune themselves to their children. Joining us today is a trauma therapist, best-selling author, speaker, and an expert at simplifying the complexities of our human experience, Dr. Chinwé Williams. In today’s conversation, Dr. Chinwé seeks to help educate us on the importance of Showing Up, Seeing, Listening to, and Speaking Life into our kids. You may think these things sounds incredibly simple, but my friends, they have the potential to save, repair, and strengthen your relationship with your kids as well as possibly change your child’s life.
Dr. Chinwé’s website - https://drchinwewilliams.com/
Purchase Dr. Chinwé’s book titled, Seen: Healing Despair & Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection - https://theseenbook.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
When the pains and challenges of life come crashing in, it can be hard to truly trust God and cling to His promises in the midst of life’s processes. However, I’m reminded that God often loves using our moments of powerlessness to draw us closer to and to reveal the character of His heart. Today, we are joined by a very special guest who is no stranger to adversity in this life, but someone who has chosen a unique perspective in the midst of her pain. Joining us today is disciple, mom, hope sharer, joy spreader, and proclaimer of Christ, Megan Fate Marshman. Megan is authentic, compelling, selfless, and determined to use her life to spread hope, share truth, and celebrate others. She also happens to be the Best-selling author of several books including the Beautiful Word Bible study: John, Meant for Good, SelfLess, and what I believe is a for sure soon to be Best-Seller and the topic of our conversation today, her upcoming release titled, Relaxed: Walking With the One Who is Not Worried About a Thing. My friends, our prayer through this conversation is that no matter what season of life you may find yourself in, that you would realize that relaxed should never be goal, but instead can be a wonderful byproduct from spending time in His presence!
Preorder Relaxed Today: https://www.amazon.com/Relaxed-Walking-Worried-about-Thing/dp/0310358272
Megan’s Website: https://www.meganfate.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
So many of us get so caught trying to be “somebody” that we forget to what it means to be the man/woman called has called us to be. When we neglect or misprioritize our true role in this life, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressure, comparison, and stress which can quickly take the root of intense worry and anxiety. However, there are some solutions to help us reprioritize our lives and to remind us that we should not seek for our name to be known, but instead to promote the Name of the Lord who is the Only One worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Joining us today for a very impactful discussion is a dear friend who also happens to be the Founder of a video series for young adults that is both entertaining and enlightening titled, PassagesTV, as well as the Young Adult Life Group Leader at Thomas Road Baptist Church, David Todd Jeremiah. In today’s episode David Todd wants to simply encourage your worried or anxious heart and remind you of the power of prayer and humility. John 3:30 says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” My friend, when we cast all of our worries, cares, and anxieties onto the Lord and trust the character of His heart, it might just make all the difference.
Link to PassagesTV: https://www.passages.tv/
Link to David Todd’s Social Media page: https://www.instagram.com/davidtjeremiah/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Grief is messy. So many have described the grieving process as steps that we go through, but in reality, grief takes time and a lot of work in order to navigate and maneuver one’s way through. However, one can experience simultaneous emotions such as gratitude in the midst of one’s grief. Today, we have a very special guest who can speak to the depth of pain and suffering following loss. Seldom in life do you get the chance to meet someone who has a powerful story of overcoming fear, adversity, and tragedy. Even less frequent do you meet someone who can deliver that message with life changing impact. Our guest today, Dustin Rivenbark, is a determined inspirational speaker who is taking his passion for motivating the leaders of today, using stories of inspiration and unwavering faith. Dustin is a keynote speaker for the National Beta Association in which he speaks to thousands of teenagers and future leaders of America on the topic of "Leadership" each year. He speaks to educators and students across the country and has been a part of National Conferences put on by Georgia Southern University as well as Clemson University. Dustin is determined to make a difference in this world, leading community outreach, working in schools and detention centers across the country and has even been recruited to lead his "Path2Purpose" program at Rikers Island prison in New York City. He will stop at nothing to leave "no stone unturned" in lighting a fire within the hearts of men and creating change on this planet. We pray that this conversation would remind you of three things: God loves you, He is for you, and His consistency never fails!
Find out more about Dustin: https://dustinrivenbark.com/
Follow Dustin on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/dustin_rivenbark/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that our next generation are facing unique challenges in modern day culture and society today. As it relates to our young adults, a plethora of research has revealed that one of the biggest challenges they face on a daily basis is loneliness. As we always like to remind people of here on the podcast is that loneliness is unfortunately the invisible illness of our day and age and it’s the undiagnosed illnesses that are always the most dangerous and deadly. That being said, we have to help educate, equip, and empower our next generation as to how they can find their hope, purpose, and identity rooted and anchored in Christ while also leaning into the gift of community. Joining us today to do just that is a dear friend and the Young Adult Pastor at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, VA, Steven Thomas. Steven has been entrusted with a powerful voice to invest and speak into the lives of countless young adults over the years. He is a man who truly encompasses what it means to love God and love people! We pray that this conversation would be life-giving in reminding you that we together we can impact and influence this next generation!
Hear More about Steven’s testimony: https://watch.trbc.org/media/t/1_wobnfset/116662911
Learn More about TRYA: https://trbc.org/engage/adults/young/
TRBC’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ThomasRoadChurch
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody’s got a plan, until they get punched in the mouth.” Let’s be honest, oftentimes life can send some unexpected blows that closely resemble a knockout punch. Things such as the diagnosis of a debilitating disease or health challenge, a crumbling marriage, loss of a job, a prodigal son or daughter, death of a loved one, financial woes, a deferred dream, and so much more can be flat out painful. Things don’t always go our way or the way we wanted or expected them to. Sometimes hard times just keep stacking up on top of each other, and sometimes life just isn’t the way it’s supposed to be. However, I’m reminded of the words of James 1:2-4 which say, “Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish it’s work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Today, we’re going to be joined by a man who is no stranger to pain and adversity in this life, but a man who has made it his mission to help others rewire and restructure their perspective of and relationship with suffering. Joining us today is the Founder and CEO of Ambition in Mind, host of the AIM Podcast, ultrarunner, and Super-Athlete, Doug Elks. Today, Doug takes the time to share his unique mindset and perspective with you as to why he views suffering as a privilege and a unique opportunity to grow into the man or woman God has destined for you to become. Remember, no matter what you’re going through - don’t just choose to go through it. Choose to GROW through it!
Link to Doug’s Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/dougelks/?hl=en
Link to the AIM Podcast’s Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY8n5GRPbDFvc6DDf72ITyw
Link to the AIM Podcast Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/aim_podcast/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
We all have a choice in life: to see through the lies or to believe them. And one of the greatest lies so many tend to believe is that their past disqualifies or defines them. So many find themselves stuck in the bondage and grip of shame, guilt, and condemnation attached to past decisions or mistakes. However, 1 Corinthians 6:11 reminds us, “and that is what some of you were. - But you’ve been washed, you’ve been sanctified, you’ve been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” In other words my friends, we all have a common past - we come from a heritage of darkness - but because of the goodness and grace of God we can be brought from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Joining us today is Joshua Broome, a former adult film star who embarked on a life-changing journey to fill the void in his heart. Despite fame and success, Joshua found emptiness. Battling depression and thoughts of self harm, he discovered the transformative power of Jesus. Now, he shares his story of redemption on podcasts, TV shows, and stages, spreading God's message of restoration all over the world. With a BS in Christian Ministries, Joshua and his wife, Hope, have been married for seven years, raising their four sons in Dallas, Texas. Our prayer is that through today’s conversation you would remember this truth - no matter what you have done or what has happened to you, the love of Jesus Christ stands ready to change your future.
Purchase Joshua’s Book today: https://www.joshuabroome.me/joshuas-book
Find out more about Joshua Broome: https://www.joshuabroome.me/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Every forty seconds, someone takes his or her own life. Anxiety, depression, and suicide are at all-time highs--and they're stealing our sons, daughters, friends, and spouses. But that’s why our guest joining us today wants you to hear these words - Please stay. The world is so much better with you in it. With tender passion and bold hope, our guest today - author, preacher, Christian content creator, and the founder of a mental health organization called Stay Here - Jacob Coyne, wants to use this conversation to infuse life into the dark corners of mental health. Giving hurting souls a reason to live, he shows not only how Jesus brings life to the full, but also how anyone--regardless of their past or pain--can find healing, including how to attack our anxiety and calm our storms; defeat depression and live with a sound mind; overcome intrusive suicidal thoughts and enjoy life; and transform pain, trauma, suicidal thoughts, and addictions into purpose. Remember, it's okay to not be okay--but you don't have to stay that way. It's time to shine the hope of Christ into the darkness and witness His love transform broken souls into living, breathing signs to live.
Stay Here’s website: https://www.stayhere.live/
Buy Jacob’s book titled Stay Here: https://www.amazon.com/Stay-Here-Uncovering-Restore-Mental-ebook/dp/B0BVZZDZM9?ref_=ast_author_mpb
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As we navigate our way through Holy Week and approach the observance and celebration of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, we wanted to share a powerful conversation that we believe could be transformational in your life. Our guest today puts it best by stating, “The Son of God was crucified, died, and buried, and He lay in the tomb for three days—until He walked out shining like the sun. In a culture in which history is erased or rewritten at will, the existence of an empty tomb matters. Why? Because if the tomb is empty, anything is possible.” Joining us today to help us reflect on and observe these life changing events is the founding and lead pastor of The Church of Eleven22, Joby Martin. In today’s conversation we will be simultaneously unpacking Joby’s 2 books, “If the Tomb is Empty” and “Anything is Possible.” Our prayer through this conversation is that your heart would be open and receptive to the message that God has prepared for you today, and that you would be challenged to answer this question: Who is Jesus to you? Because we believe this, your answer to that question has the power to change everything! My friends, He is Risen, He is Risen indeed!
Joby’s website: https://www.jobymartin.com/
The Church of Eleven22’s website: https://coe22.com/
“If the Tomb is Empty” Book: https://www.jobymartin.com/ifthetombisempty
“Anything is Possible” Book: https://www.jobymartin.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
People are searching for help, hope, and encouragement now more than ever. With the influx of mental health issues riddling our country today, people are struggling to find solutions to their problems. And think about it, where do most people go when they have questions and seek a quick answer in today’s culture and society? You guessed it - ‘Dr. Google.’ However, one thing we know is that those answers may not always be accurate or the most faith focused, which leads to so many people within the church forming negative views of things such as technology and artificial intelligence. But that sparks the question and frames our conversation today: Can technology and artificial intelligence be used in a way that helps strengthen and develop the church rather than tearing it apart? And what is the Church doing to address the challenges facing today’s generations?
Thankfully, our guest today, Brad Hill, is a man who has been deeply involved in solving technology challenges for the church for over 20 years. Brad serves on the executive team at Gloo, which is known for being the trusted platform that releases the collective might for the church, and he is responsible for marketing, sales, success, and all facets of growing and serving Gloo’s network of churches, networks, and faith partners. Prior to Gloo, our guest co-founded Ministry Brands, which is the world's largest church/ministry technology company. As President, he completed over 40+ roll-up acquisitions and led the company to win Private Equity deal of the year for 2017. In addition to his experience starting, building, and coaching companies for Kingdom and business impact, Brad has also served in lay leadership at several churches across multiple denominations, and he currently lives in the Denver, CO area with his wife and two kids.
Our prayer throughout today’s podcast is two-fold: (1) if you are a person who is exploring online for help, you are not alone. There are people doing everything in their power to provide you with best resources possible to navigate in these challenging, often overwhelming times. (2) To affirm those who are skeptical of technology and A.I. to understand that although many use those things to do a world of bad, there are some people today using tech to do a world of good! Pray that God would continue to lead the way and guide their skill sets to do His work so that His will would be done.
Find out more about Gloo: https://www.gloo.us/
Mental Health Coach Training Program: https://lightuniversity.com/mental-health-coaching/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Research is clear - Dads matter! And whether young or old, male or female, we all consider his presence one of the most important factors/elements in our lives both for good or bad. The word that comes to mind is LEGACY - And in today’s conversation, we’re going to be unpacking why DADs matter and really learn about how we can build and carry on a legacy of faith throughout our own lives. Our special guest joining us today is a man who knows the impact of a godly dad - and a man who is carrying that godly legacy on as he now serves and leads his own children and family - Our guest is the Executive Director of Operations at Daystar Television Network and Renowned Talk-Show Host of “The Green Room with Jonathan and Suzy” as he and his bride are seen on Daystar by millions world wide. Joining us today is special guest, Jonathan Lamb! You see, “Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be Dad.” So our prayer for you after listening to this conversation is that you would become a dad who takes the time to invest in his children, who isn’t afraid of showing and displaying his love, who listens, who shows up, and who is consistently present, available, and prioritizes time with his family! Be the dad that you were called to be.
Find out more about DayStar and Jonathan Lamb here: https://www.daystar.com/shows/the-green-room-with-jonathan-lamb-and-suzy-lamb/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
We all know that storms, challenges, and adversities are a part of this life which then sparks the question, in the face of personal and global suffering, is it possible to live with hope rather than despair? Joining us today to help us answer that question is a dear friend of ours here at the AACC - Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Renowned Psychiatrist, Dr. Curt Thompson. In and throughout today’s conversation we will be unpacking Dr. Curt’s newest book, “The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope.” As we explore the Apostle Paul's experience of love, secure attachment, and the deeply felt sense of God's abiding presence carrying him through the challenges he faced—we pray that you too would recognize that God can transform your grief into a lasting peace that surpasses all understanding and how that reality can help us not just survive, but flourish and find security in the presence of our suffering.
Dr. Curt’s website: https://curtthompsonmd.com/
Dr. Curt’s newest book, The Deepest Place: https://www.amazon.com/Deepest-Place-Suffering-Formation-Hope-ebook/dp/B0BN1BZ53N
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As we’ve discussed all throughout this month, love and relationships can be challenging and take a lot of time, attention, sacrifice, and intentionality. Therefore, as we wrap up the month of February and really this entire ‘What Is Love’ series, we thought there were no better guests than bringing on a power couple who love Jesus as well as live, love, and lead others so well. Joining us again today is my dear friend - renowned speaker, hope dealer, & Harris Creek Baptist Church Young Adult’s Pastor, Grant Troutt accompanied by his bride - best-selling author, renowned speaker, and social media influencer, Madi Prewett Troutt. What I love about these two is that although God has entrusted them with an incredible platform that has a lot of influence, it’s evident that they are full of grace, humility, and find no greater joy than deflecting the honor and glory onto the Lord Himself. And what I love about today’s conversation is that it truly is for everyone as we’re going to be talking about how we can find true joy and satisfaction no matter the season and no matter your relationship status, as well as diving deep into the gift of marriage and reflecting on some strategies that can help couples love well or even turn their love around. We pray this would be a conversation that would be transformative in your life and those closest to you.
Find out more about Harris Creek Young Adults: https://www.harriscreek.org/youngadults
Madi’s Website: https://madiprew.com/
Find out more and Purchase, ‘The Love Everybody Wants’ HERE: https://www.theloveeverybodywants.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that sexual sin is something that many struggle with at some point throughout their life. Pornography, premarital sex, extra-marital affairs - they have unfortunately and heart breakingly become too common in our culture and society today. A recent statistic recently projected over 30 million people struggle with problematic sexual behavior, if not addiction - and another stat revealed that over 10 million youth and adolescents regularly view pornography online. Now we understand this is a sensitive topic, but one that needs to be further discussed if we are going to experience freedom from it’s bondage in order to expose this darkness into the light. Joining us today to help us develop a better understanding as to this death trap of a cycle related to sexual sin, shame, and addiction is a man who understands its grip and the path to recovery and sobriety. Today’s guest is renowned faith-based Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT), Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT), as well as a man who serves on the Executive Advisory Board here for us at the AACC, Jim Cress. In knowing that the internet has really become the “crack cocaine” for sex addiction, as it allows individuals to remain anonymous, as well as being easily accessible and affordable, we need to continually educate, equip, and encourage individuals as to how they can stay alert and fight back from the strongholds of sin. Our prayer is that this episode would help you find and anchor yourself in the hope of Christ as you begin or continue on a path of healing.
Find out more about Jim Cress: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/jim-cress-matthews-nc/267312
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love and relationships are a hot topic of conversation. Therefore, today we wanted to re-air a conversation with an expert in our space to hopefully help you identify some healthy habits we can begin implementing within our daily lives to cultivate the love we so desperately seek. Joining us again today is a Licensed Professional Counselor and nationally acclaimed speaker who specializes in relationship and marital issues as well as mental and emotional health, Debra Fileta. Debra is also the author of six books and host of the Love + Relationships Podcast where she is passionate about spreading the message that healthy people make healthy relationships. The truth is, we all have the innate longing or craving to be loved, to be accepted, or to feel like we belong, but unfortunately too many of us get into relationships for all the wrong reasons. However, as Debra reminds us today, we can’t come to the table “half-full”, expecting someone or something else to fill, fix, or complete us. We need to be the one’s taking our burdens, pasts, and toxic patterns to the Lord as well as implementing the steps necessary to cultivate healthy habits which generate healthy relationships. No matter what your relationship status says, this episode will remind, challenge, and push you to keep looking upward and inward before looking outward.
Debra’s Website: https://debrafileta.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that your environment impacts your experience. The people you surround yourself with will influence the trajectory of your life. Who are those people in your life? Are they constructive or destructive? Do they push you closer to your goals or pull you further away? Do they motivate you to become your best, or allow you to settle for less? Thankfully, today as we reflect on some of these questions, we will be guided by a renowned business consultant, leadership coach, best-selling author, and psychologist who knows the power of relationships, Dr. John Townsend. In today’s conversation we’ll be unpacking his newest book, People Fuel, as we learn how we can fill our tanks for life, love, and leadership. As Dr. Townsend will remind us, our bodies require physical nutrients to stay healthy. If we don't take enough iron, we can develop anemia. Too little calcium can lead to bone disease. In the same way, John identifies the key Relational Nutrients that we need as well. As we experience these critical elements from others, we grow mentally and emotionally more sharp and healthy. And as we give these elements back, others benefit as well. So buckle up and get ready for an incredible conversation as the person who taught you how to have boundaries now helps you to experience the best from those people you have allowed into your boundaries.
Dr. Townsend’s website: https://drtownsend.com/
Link to Purchase, People Fuel: https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-Townsend/author/B001H6NC1U?ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_sims_vu00_r1_c0&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Townsend Institute for Leadership & Coaching: https://www.cui.edu/townsend
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
The inevitable truth is that life can be tough and riddled with challenge and adversity. Unfortunately, in the midst of these difficult times and seasons, many people stall out and grow discouraged, disappointed, and deflated due to their circumstances. Maybe that person I’m referring to is a friend or family member of yours that comes to mind… Or maybe that person is you. Thankfully our guest today is a man who is obsessed with understanding what stops people, and how to help them find a new gear to shift into their full potential! Joining us today is author, motivational speaker, Guinness World Record holder, and professional monster truck drive, Bryce Kenny! If you’ve been to a Monster Jam event in the past, you’re probably familiar with Bryce as he’s the driver of the Great Clips Mohawk Warrior Monster Truck, and a guy who knows how to put on a show! However, let me tell you, this guy is not only incredibly gifted in motorsports, but more importantly Bryce is a man chasing after the heart of God with a message for you and your heart today! Our prayer today as we unpack his new book, Geared for Life: Making the Shift into Your Full Potential is that you would be equipped to gain new perspectives and strategies to get through difficult situations, learn skills to overcome fear and gain confidence in your abilities, and develop the mindset of a winner to defeat any challenge because as Bryce believes - you are a warrior and you have what it takes to be great!
Bryce’s website: https://brycekenny.com/
Link to Purchase Geared for Life: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1947297783?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_G9EQBN3PP4KRRVNAXNM0
Go watch Bryce Live at Monster Jam: https://www.monsterjam.com/en-US
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Resilience is all about movement! In other words, your direction is more important than your speed. Yes, many have identified resilience as ‘bouncing back’ but as our guest today so eloquently describes, resilience is a process and not just something that happens overnight or in the snap of a finger. It may take longer for some than it does for others, but we must remember, that as long as we are moving in the right direction, we are setting ourselves up for the opportunity to not just go through our pain, but actually grow through it. Resilience isn’t just about ‘bouncing back’, it’s about ‘bouncing forward.’ Joining us this week to explore and discuss this process of resilience is author, speaker, and licensed professional counselor, Donna Gibbs. Donna is co-owner of Summit Wellness Centers, PLLC, where she has helped hundreds of people bounce back from life’s challenges through her counseling practice as she is no stranger to adversity having also walked through darkness and loss in her own personal life. She is also the author of numerous books, and her blogs, devotions, and articles have frequently been featured on radio broadcasts and podcasts across America. Today, we will be unpacking Donna’s newest book, BOUNCE: A 60-Day Devotional to Jump-Start Your Resilience! Our prayer is that you would be reminded of the words of Philippians 1:6, “For I am confident that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” My friends, I know you may be walking through a dark and difficult season, but you are not alone, and I believe that God would love to take what you’re going through and produce something wonderful and beautiful in His timing out of it.
Purchase BOUNCE: https://aacc.net/product/bounce-a-60-day-devotional/
Additional Articles by Donna: https://aacc.net/2017/09/17/becoming-resilient/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s be honest, it’s hard to find time to unplug. Sure, the idea sounds nice, but when your must-do list is crazy long and self-care gets pushed off to tomorrow, tomorrow just seems like it never comes. We so quickly feel as if the world may end if our duties and responsibilities don’t get done, like we’ve let someone down, or that we’ve made someone disappointed. Everything seems like it should be a priority. So we keep running and pushing ourselves to the breaking point. But let me remind you of two of my favorite quotes that may help you if what I’ve just described is a little too close to home - “Self-care is not selfish” and “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes - including you.” My friends we have to prioritize soul care to maintain our spiritual rhythms and steward our souls well. Joining us today to dive into this very topic is one best-selling author and lead Pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL - Pastor Tim Timberlake. Pastor Tim is not only a man of great wisdom who is Spirit-led, but in my opinion he is one of the most effective and gifted communicators and encouragers I’ve had the opportunity of knowing. Our prayer in and through this conversation is that you would be reminded where true rest is ultimately found, and that you would be reminded just how loved and special you truly are. Remember, you were made to offer the spillover, not scraps. Let’s prioritize operating on a full-cup this year.
Pastor Tim’s website: https://timtimberlake.tv/
Watch Pastor Tim’s Sermons: https://timtimberlake.tv/live/
Check Out Pastor Tim’s Books: https://timtimberlake.tv/resources/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it's often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let best-selling author, renowned speaker, and hope dealer, Katherine Wolf, lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places.
In our lowest, most difficult moments, it's often impossible to see any good thing around us. We suffer, we struggle, we grow weary. We wonder, Is God at work in my life? Is he near me? Is there any point to my suffering and any hope for change?
Though it's easy for our overwhelming pain to cloud our view of reality, the truth is that, even though we can’t see it or feel it, God is at work in the darkness. Our Creator is in the business of bringing dead—and nearly dead—things to life.
Even now, no matter how fresh your wounds might be, he invites you to unearth his hidden treasures in your hurting, to reframe your darkness as a sacred space in which the light of hope can shine most brilliantly. So join us today for today’s conversation and allow Katherine to vulnerably share some of her own places of wounding and the life-changing insights she has found there. Our prayer is that this conversation would help you find grace for the heartbreak of unmet expectations; explore the surprising intersection of pain and purpose; wholeheartedly embrace the life you never imagined living with perseverance and joy; and recognize how your healing can be a part of the world's healing.
With her vibrant faith and unique perspective on life as a stroke survivor and person living with significant disabilities, Katherine will inspire, encourage, and strengthen tender and hurting hearts.
Link to Katherine’s website: https://hopeheals.com/
Link to Pre-Order “Treasures in the Dark”: https://www.amazon.com/Treasures-Dark-Reflections-Finding-Hurting-ebook/dp/B0CD3PJH7L
Link to Listen to Katherine’s Podcast, “The GoodHard Story Podcast”: https://hopeheals.com/podcast
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Have you ever noticed, especially when entering into a new year, how people will do anything to get an edge or a one-up? I mean people go to great lengths and even drop serious money wanting the best equipment, training, coaching, you name it. Well today, we are going to give you, what our guest has identified as the unfair advantage. Joining us today to discuss his most recent and best-selling book is Lead Pastor of Radiant Church, Aaron Burke. Today we will be unpacking Aaron’s newest book titled, The Unfair Advantage: 7 Keys from the Life of Joseph for Transforming Any Obstacle Into an Opportunity. And our prayer for this conversation is that as unpack Joseph’s story that you would recognize and understand that the surprising reality is that unfair moments and seasons of difficulty, if handled wisely, can actually be used by God for your advantage! James 1:2-4 say, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” Maybe the very thing you feel like Satan is using to distract and destroy you, God can and will use to strengthen and develop you!
Pastor Aaron’s Website: https://aaronburke.com/
Link to Purchase Pastor Aaron’s Book, The Unfair Advantage: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1400243246?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_E85X66W330TA8G9GJY69
Link to Find out More about Radiant Church: https://weareradiant.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no question that this year has been an unforgettable season for #23 ranked Liberty University’s football program. I mean they went 13-0, won a Conference USA Championship in their inaugural season in the conference, and were afforded the Fiesta Bowl birth solidifying them as the Top G5 school in the country. That being said, with the Fiesta Bowl just around the corner and the #8 ranked Oregon Ducks in their sights, the work for Liberty football is not over yet! As they prep for the biggest game in school history, we are blessed to be joined by Liberty University’s starting quarterback, Kaidon Salter, and star wide receiver, CJ Daniels. This conversation is one that is filled with golden nuggets of wisdom as Kaidon and CJ discuss the anticipation leading up to the big game, their daily mindset on and off the field, how and where they find their confidence, overcoming the tragedy of the loss of one of their teammates earlier this season, and how their faith has anchored them to withstand the hills and valleys, not only of this season, but also throughout life. Trust me when I say this is a conversation you do not want to miss and one that will surely get you fired up for the big NY6 Fiesta Bowl being played in Glendale, AZ at 1:00 p.m. EST on New Year’s Day! Go Flames!!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
In the Clinton household, there’s truly nothing like being home for the holidays. With decorations galore and family traditions in full swing, the joy of Christmas can be felt by all around. That being said, we are so excited to be welcoming the matriarch of the family, Mrs. Julie Clinton to the show today! Not only is Julie, Zach’s incredible mother, but many know her as the Founder, President, and Host of Extraordinary Women Ministry. EWomen’s vision is to draw women closer to the heart of God and His extraordinary plan for their daily lives through offering Christian women’s events around the country and providing resources to help equip women to handle life’s difficulties while enriching their hearts, encouraging their souls, and expanding their ministries. In today’s conversation, Julie and Zach share and recollect on some fun family traditions and memories that will for sure get you in the Christmas spirit, as well as unpack several passages in the gospel of Luke to help remind us all of the true reason for the season and miracle of Christmas! Our prayer is that through this episode you would be reminded to cling to God’s promises, spend time in His presence, and run to Him with haste during this Christmas as well as into the new year!
Find Out More About Extraordinary Women: www.ewomen.net
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As many know, Christmas is a time of wonder and worship! However, the reality is that it’s not always easy to make the choice to rejoice when your in the midst of hardship and suffering. Often times the holidays remind us that grief cannot be wished away. You see, although grieving the loss of a loved one is a deep and difficult challenge at any time, the holiday season can magnify our sense of loss and sorrow. Seasonal events can be painful reminders of the absence of loved ones, but at the same time, we can also incorporate comforting rituals where we connect with family and friends, focusing on good memories and trying to recapture our sense of joy. Joining us today is a dear friend who understands the pain, process, and magnitude of grief. Our guest today is world renowned Christian singer, songwriter, and lead vocalist of the band, Big Daddy Weave, Mike Weaver! In and throughout today’s conversation, you’ll hear Mike’s very real, authentic, and vulnerable journey as he continues to process his grief following the loss of his brother, Jay. However, our prayer throughout this episode is that you would be reminded to hold fast and cling tight to God’s promises even in the midst of life’s processes. Life may be hard. It may be difficult. And it for sure can be painful. But praise God we get to rest in the truth of Luke 2:10-11, “Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” My friends, no matter what you may be going through during this Christmas season, you’re never alone as the true reason for the season is always in your midst.
Big Daddy Weave’s website: https://bigdaddyweave.com/
God Is In This Story music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryD3D9X2myk
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s be honest, although the holidays can be a very wonderful and special time of the year, there can also be several unwanted holiday guests being those of stress and anxiety. You may not invite them in, but they can inevitably show up, seemingly out of no where. Often they show up as a result of toxic or broken relationships, financial pressures, work deadlines, and so much more, and with this conflict, the holidays tend to increase our tension levels. However, one preventative factor one can implement this holiday season to manage and limit stress and anxiety would be finding balance and prioritizing the things that matter most in this life. Joining us today to discuss how we can learn how to effectively steward God’s resources well this holiday season is CEO of the American Association of Christian Counselors and a man who has invested a lot of time training and equipping others to find balance and joy in their health, wealth, and relationships, Ben Allison. Ben earned his MBA and Juris Doctorate from Liberty University and then was officially named CEO of the AACC in March 2020. He is passionate and dedicated to AACC’s mission of providing clinically excellent and distinctively Christian services & resources to all levels of caregivers and making the Church worldwide more caring. In and throughout today’s conversation our prayer is that you would be reminded of the things that matter most in this life and that you would steward a life of significance rather than seeking a life of success.
Find out more about AACC here: www.aacc.net
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s be honest, change is hard. We hear it often, we say it often, and we end up believing it. Nevertheless, change is something we also desire and strive for. Whether the change involves abandoning a bad habit, developing a new skill, or making a big life change, we have all experienced the desire to make a change in our lives. However, change can be so difficult because we often shrink from anything unfamiliar or challenging. But as our guest reminds us of in our conversation today, growth and comfort do not go together. Joining us today to discuss how we can get comfortable being uncomfortable and grow through seasons of change and transition is renowned speaker, hope dealer, and Harris Creek Baptist Church Young Adult’s Pastor, Grant Troutt. Not only is Grant a man of incredible wisdom who shares some golden nuggets with us today, but he also has recent experience with enduring and clinging to the Lord in the midst of seasons of immense change. Our prayer is that through this conversation, you would feel educated, equipped, and encouraged in realizing that if you’re being guided into new territory or entering a different chapter or stage of life, whether chosen or not, that God is still in CONTROL, and if you allow Him to, He will use what’s changed and make it GOOD.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
It’s easy to lose sight of the main priorities in our lives. Things such as stress, fear, comparison, and so much more can rob and distract us from the joy, contentment, and gratitude we were created for. However, Thanksgiving can be a great time to bring clarity to what’s most important and truly give thanks for those things. To help us do that very thing, my dad, Dr. Tim Clinton will be joining us today to share a unique perspective on how we can begin viewing this special annual celebration differently. Dr. Tim Clinton is the President of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), the largest and most diverse Christian counseling association in the world as well as the Executive Director of the Global Center for Mental Health, Addiction, and Recovery at Liberty University. A renowned author, licensed professional counselor, and marriage and family therapist, Dr. Clinton is recognized as a world leader in mental health and relationship issues and spends much of his time working with Christian leaders and professional athletes. Throughout this conversation, Dr. Tim will give us an easy-to-remember meaning of the word “THANKS,” helping us understand the significance of the Thanksgiving holiday, recognizing the impact gratitude can have on our mental and spiritual health and wellness, as well as refocus our attitude and attention toward that of gratitude and praise. For remember, because of what God has already done by sending His Son to pay a substitutionary death in our place and rising again 3 days later, defeating sin and defeating death so we could spend eternity with Him - My friends, even if He does nothing else, He’s already done enough! For that we will always have something to be grateful for! So don’t eat too much, but also don’t miss the moments God has for you this holiday season! We pray you have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving!
Dr. Tim Clinton’s website: https://timclinton.com/
Dr. Tim’s most recent book, “Focus on the Future”: https://www.amazon.com/Focus-Future-Your-Voice-Matters-ebook/dp/B07TWCH3P2
AACC’s website: www.aacc.net
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Life is hard for all kinds of reasons. It's tempting to move past the pain as quickly as possible. However, adversity awakens us with a choice: will stress and fear cause you to crumble or embrace the strength you've already been given? The truth is, adversity can knock you down—or awaken your heart. It can lead to discouragement—or guide you toward change. It can trap you in despair—or be a gateway to peace.
Thankfully our guest joining us today is a renowned author, speaker, podcaster, retreat host, and friend who understands pain, Rebekah Lyons. In and throughout today’s conversation Rebekah will reveal what she believes are the 5 most important ingredients and rules for resilience that will hopefully remind you that even in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, you can build a peace-filled resilience for every day ahead.
Rebekah’s website: www.rebekahlyons.com
Rebekah’s best-selling book, “Building a Resilient Life: How Adversity Awakens Strength, Hope, & Meaning: https://www.rebekahlyons.com/rlbook
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s be honest, it almost seems as if it’s a dog-eat-dog world out there in culture and society today where people will do whatever it takes to get their point across making it challenging to “reason together” when there is such polarization and divisiveness going on. Many individuals cannot even be in the same room without arguing with one another about issues such as politics, religion, education, and more. Therefore, with the holidays right around the corner, we believed that today’s conversation could become imperative in helping prepare and equip you to more effectively and confidently engage in any conversation that may arise around the dinner table as well as strengthen and sustain some of those relationships within your life with those you may not always see eye to eye with. Thankfully, our guest today is Gabe Lyons who is not only a renowned author, speaker, and podcaster, but also the Founder and President of THINQ Media, a media and event organization who educates and equips thought leaders to create conversations that lead to wisdom. In today’s conversation Gabe will passionately unpack some simplistic strategies and tips to help equip you to more effectively and confidently engage within the cultural moment through seeking and applying wisdom and direction from the Lord. As James 1:5 reminds us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Be sure to seek out wisdom today!
Gabe’s website: https://www.gabelyons.com/
THINQ Media Website: https://thinqmedia.com/
NXT GEN Summit: https://events.thinqmedia.com/nxtsummit
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With the craziness and chaos that has taken place over the last several years including the mental health disaster within our world and country, numerous mass shootings and wars, indoctrination within our educational systems, as well as the monotonous and strenuous tasks of everyday life, there are a lot of things that can weigh heavy on a mom’s heart. So many momma bears out there are desperately seeking help, hope, and encouragement. Thankfully today, we will get to hear from a powerfully dynamic and authentic speaker and author who has been called to this very ministry of training up and equipping moms all around the world to become a healthier, happier, more productive, and restful version of themselves, Mrs. Hannah Keeley. Hannah is better known as America's #1 Mom Coach, founder of Mom Mastery University, bestselling author, speaker, and the host of the PBS reality series, "Hannah, Help Me!" Hannah knows from personal experience what it’s like to feel anxious, burnt out, and exhausted from the worries of this world and stressors and demands of everyday life. However, in and throughout this episode Hannah wants to remind you where our ultimate and endless supply of peace and power are found as well as help you understand that you are capable of turning your life around! 1 Peter 5:7 says that we are called to cast all of our anxiety onto Him, because He cares for us. Maybe the very thing that seems as if it is weighing you down is not yours to carry.
Mom Mastery University: https://mommastery.com/
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On August 8th, 2023 a wildfire caused by a brush fire and hurricane force winds swept over the historic town of Lahaina. Many escaped with only the clothes on their backs, while countless others tragically lost their lives in this horrific disaster. The brokenness resulting from this tragedy in such a uniquely strong community is heartbreaking. However, joining us today to share a message that God has placed on his heart for such a time as this is Lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel Westside Maui located in Lahaina, Steve Santos! In and throughout this episode you’ll hear Steve vulnerably share his heart and the raw feelings of going through tragedy and disaster. His prayer is that many will come to know the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through this awful tragedy. We know that God was not in the wind, He was not in the earthquake, and He was not in the fire, but He has always been there in Lahaina healing the hearts of the broken with His still small voice.
Donate to Lahaina’s Disaster Relief Fund:
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A boy doesn't automatically become a man at age 18. What differentiates a man from a boy is the way he lives. A boy lives day to day, wants to be MVP, plays, wants the reassurance of the crowd, and is a predator. A man has a vision for his life, is a team player, works, has the courage to take a minority position, and is a protector. These are the five marks of a man. It's not enough to just know them. A real man aggressively pursues them on a daily basis. Drawing from his own experience and the lives of others, pastor Brian Tome calls on men to examine themselves and take steps in the direction of a fully realized manhood that honors God, respects women, elevates others, and works purposefully for an end greater than their own satisfaction or pleasure. It's time for men to step into their honorable place in the world and lean into a new reality--one defined by strength, purpose, and honor.
Brian’s Website: www.briantome.com
Purchase The Five Marks of a Man: https://www.briantome.com/fivemarks
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In honor of World Mental Health Day - a day to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilize efforts in support of mental health - we decided to bring on a guest who is known as America’s most popular and influential psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen is a physician, adult and child psychiatrist, and founder of Amen Clinics with 11 locations across the U.S. His mission is to end mental illness by creating a revolution in brain health and he is dedicated to providing the education, products, and services to accomplish this goal. Dr. Amen is one of the most visible and influential experts on brain and mental health with millions of followers on social media. In 2020 Dr. Amen launched his digital series Scan My Brain featuring high-profile actors, musical artists, athletes, entrepreneurs, and influencers that airs on YouTube and Instagram. Over 100 episodes have aired, turning it into viral social media content with collectively millions of views. He has also produced 17 national public television shows about the brain and his online videos on brain and mental health have been viewed over 300 million times. Dr. Amen is a 12-time New York Times bestselling author, including Change Your Brain, Change Your Life; The End of Mental Illness; Healing ADD, and many more. But his latest book, released this past spring, will be our topic of conversation today. Its title is Change Your Brain Every Day: Simple Daily Practices to Strengthen Your Mind, Memory, Moods, Focus, Energy, Habits, and Relationships. In and throughout today’s conversation, Dr. Amen draws on his over 40 years of clinical practice with tens of thousands of patients to give you the most effective daily habits he has seen that can help you improve your brain, master your mind, boost your memory, and make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected to those you love. Today is the day to start changing the trajectory of your life, one tiny step at a time.
Dr. Amen’s website: http://Danielamenmd.com
Purchase Dr. Amen’s Book - Change Your Brain Every Day: https://www.amazon.com/Change-Your-Brain-Every-Relationships/dp/149645457X
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Suicide has quickly become a rampant epidemic across our country and world today, especially in the lives of our youth and adolescents. Clearly, we need more suicide awareness and prevention measures as well as opportunities to be better equipped to meet the needs of today’s generations like never before! Thankfully in today’s episode we will be discussing a brand new movie that will provide opportunities just like those. Joining us today on the podcast is a 2x Emmy Award Winning Filmmaker and Director, Kyle Roberts. In and throughout today’s conversation, Kyle will be unpacking his brand new movie, What Rhymes With Reason, which will be releasing October 10th - World Mental Health Day! This movie involves movie involves a tragedy which ignites a group of teens to go on a quest to find a legendary landmark hidden in the wilderness. Together, they navigate the adventure while confronting the darkness within themselves. Kyle was called to the mission of developing a film that was family friendly yet still highlighting some of the challenges that our youth and adolescents are facing such as anxiety, depression, identity development, and even conversations and thoughts of suicide. However, Kyle’s heart, and what you see in the culmination of the film is that he wants every young person to walk away feeling seen, heard, not alone, and understanding that they were created by God, on purpose, and for a purpose! That’s his heart and you’ll hear all throughout today’s conversation about the little details that God orchestrated, and how His fingerprints have been all over the preparation and production of this film! And what I love about this movie is that it provides and sparks an incredible opportunity for so many families to be able to have some difficult yet imperative conversations together! So again I challenge you to not just listen to today’s episode and hear an inspiring story on the background of an incredible new movie that I believe we need for such a time as this, but I challenge you to actually do something with that by taking your friends and families to pack the movie theaters out on October 10th to go and see Kyle’s brand new movie, What Rhymes With Reason!
Find Out More about What Rhymes With Reason Here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21515872/
Watch the Official Trailer for What Rhymes With Reason Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ga0yt-IJ0o8
Purchase Tickets for What Rhymes With Reason Here: https://www.regmovies.com/
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Creating a safe haven for each other in a marriage can enable a couple to weather any storm. Yet that accomplishment is certainly easier said than done. Thankfully, today we have an expert on this topic joining us to present a detailed blueprint for establishing a marital safe haven so that couples can count on each other and avoid criticizing, blaming, and shutting out their partners during the inevitably tough times. Our guest today is Founder and President of Safe Haven Relationship Counseling Center, Dr. Sharon Hart May. Sharon received a Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Master’s degree in Theology from Fuller Graduate School of Theology, and is a certified EFT therapist and supervisor. Her dissertation and consequent research work has focused on EFT, attachment theory, and the importance of healthy and strong marriage and family relationships being ‘safe havens’. Over the years Dr. May has been featured on radio programs, such as "Arguing with Dr Sharon," Focus on the Family, and Family Talk as well as television shows including Life Today. Dr. May has also published numerous articles in psychological journals and contributed chapters to several marriage and family books. Her two books are titled: Safe Haven Marriage and How to Argue so Your Spouse Will Listen. She serves as a blog contributor for Family Talk, is on our AACC Executive Board, and she also serves as an adjunct professor at Azusa Pacific University. She has traveled world-wide to speak at conferences and train counselors around the globe, so it really is a blessed to hear from one of the pioneering leaders in the field on such an important topic. Today, we will unpack Sharon’s best-selling book Safe Haven Marriage in order to foster a greater sense of commitment to your relationships as well as establish the necessary elements where a lasting and fulfilling relationship can flourish.
Safe Haven Relationship Counseling Center’s website: https://www.safehavenrelationshipcenter.com/drsharonmay
Purchase Sharon’s Safe Haven Marriage (Book) Here: https://www.amazon.com/Safe-Haven-Marriage-Archibald-Hart/dp/078528947X
Purchase Sharon’s How To Argue So Your Spouse Will Listen (Book) Here: https://www.amazon.com/Argue-Your-Spouse-Will-Listen/dp/0849918685#:~:text=The%20purpose%20of%20this%20book,might%20disagree%20on%20an%20issue
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Joining us today on our AACC Built Different Podcast is Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, DC - Mark Batterson! National Community Church is focused on reaching emerging generations and meets in multiple locations around the Washington, DC metro area. NCC also owns and operates Ebenezers Coffeehouse, the largest coffeehouse on Capitol Hill. Mark holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Regent University and is the New York Times bestselling author of 24 books... including The Circle Maker, In the Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Wild Goose Chase, Win the Day, Chase the Lion, and so many more…
Today however, we’ll be unpacking his newest book titled - Please, Sorry, Thanks: The Three Words that Change Everything.
l love what Mark writes, he says that the best predictor of success in life, in love, and in leadership is your proficiency at please, sorry, and thanks. Those three words are the foundation of all healthy relationships and successful careers. Those three words are the only ceiling on achieving your dreams. Those three words will determine how happy you are and become.
With his trademark blend of personal stories, scientific and historical references, and biblical insight, Pastor Mark Batterson shows in and throughout his book as well as our conversation together today how you can change your world with your words:
• A timely please can help you unlock the rule of reciprocity for greater results, discover the power of “we is greater than me,” and honor others above yourself.
• A sincere sorry can lead you to mend broken relationships, strengthen connections through being radically vulnerable, and better understand the degrees of forgiveness.
• A heartfelt thanks paves the way toward a resilient mindset of gratitude and an expectancy to see God move on your behalf.
Whether you’re launching out into a new phase of life or navigating long-established complexities, it's time to harness the power of those three transformative words and let them propel you wherever God leads you to go.
Link to Mark’s Website: https://www.markbatterson.com/
Link to Purchase the book: https://www.markbatterson.com/books/
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The battle of healing from the past can be a long and difficult journey. Guilt, shame, embarrassment, pain, and hardship can deter us from finding the help, hope, and healing we ultimately desire and deserve. Thankfully today, we get the opportunity glean from both the wisdom and experience of our guest who is no stranger to understanding how difficult it can be to look at your brokenness, heal, and move forward. Our guest today is a renowned licensed therapist, speaker, and now author, Jason VanRuler. Jason joins us today to unpack his new book that will be releasing October 10th titled, Get Past Your Past: How Facing Your Broken Places Leads to True Connection. In and throughout the pages of this book as well during our conversation today Jason invites us to address our past pain and hurt to fully embrace love and connection. Through offering empathy, grace and a hand to hold as he shares his own trauma and struggles with alcohol, drug use, and depression combined with his professional knowledge from over a decade helping patients face their brokenness Jason strives to help each of us find the healing and authentic connection we long for.
Links to Visit:
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In our modern society, there is something we are told to elevate above all else: our brand. No matter where you're at in your career, your "brand" can either make you or break you. Or at least, that's what some people say and believe . . . However, during today’s conversation, former college football superstar and now author and transformational keynote speaker, Richard Yeargin III, will unpack for us why he believes the development of your intrinsic characteristics are more significant than your extrinsic reputation. During our conversation today and in his new book, “The Man is Greater Than the Brand”, Richard dives into why who you are as a man or woman is more important than how the world might view you, and how you can pursue the character-building traits to flourish alongside that reality. Through Richard’s incredibly powerful testimony, wisdom, and insight from the lessons he’s learned through some of the valleys he’s endured, our prayer is that today’s conversation would help you step out of the pit or bondage you may find yourself in and into the purpose and potential God has destined for your life! The result is bigger and better than any brand out there.
Link to Purchase Richard’s New Book, The Man is Greater Than the Brand: https://www.amazon.com/Man-Greater-than-Brand-Brokenness/dp/B0C2RX95PQ
Link to Richard’s website to find out more about him: https://www.richardyeargin.com/
Book Richard to Speak for you Today:
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Loneliness has become a cultural epidemic, affecting the health and happiness of millions. Busyness, fear of vulnerability, and past pain often stop us from developing the deep friendships we long for. But it’s not supposed to be this way. You were made for people. Isolation may be a rising norm of modern life, but you don’t have to let it be the story of your life. That being said, our goal for today’s conversation is to help you find the joy and belonging you were made for as our guest today, Justin Whitmel Earley, discusses his impactful new book, “Made for People: Why we Drift into Loneliness and How to Fight for a Life of Friendship.” Through his own personal experiences, wisdom, and insight, Justin will inspire you to practice and prioritize the art and habit of life-giving friendships in an entirely new way. Remember, if you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together. You were made for RELATIONSHIP.
Link to Justin’s Book, Made For People: https://www.amazon.com/Made-People-Drift-Loneliness-Friendship/dp/0310363004/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1682690885&sr=8-1
Link to Justin’s website with his other books:
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There’s no doubt that talent will help you in your endeavors, but it will only take you so far. I’ve heard it said that talent is the cheapest thing you will ever possess in this life. Therefore, it’s imperative to also learn and implement the INTANGIBLES such as patience, perspective, perseverance, passion, and presence. Interestingly enough, all of these characteristics and qualities seem to be found at the heart of what it means to be a servant leader. Joining us today to discuss this very topic of servant leadership and possessing the intangibles is Liberty University Basketball Superstar and Team Captain, Kyle Rode. Kyle has been known for his leadership throughout his collegiate basketball career thanks to his unwavering discipline, mentality, and selflessness. This is a guy who has consistently displayed what it looks like to put your wants and desires aside if it does not align with what’s best for the team. Thankfully, today we get to glean from his wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and experience as to what breads winning cultures, marriages, and more - prioritizing SELFLESSNESS & RELATIONSHIP! Mark 10:45 even reminds us, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Not only is this idea of servant leadership biblical, but it can also be applied to your life today! Be sure to tune into today’s episode to find out how!
Liberty Basketball Schedule: https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/team/schedule/_/id/2335/liberty-flames
Follow Kyle on social media HERE:
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The truth is youth and mental health issues shouldn’t even be discussed in the same sentence, but that’s just not the reality we find ourselves in today. Unfortunately, kids experience horrific storms and challenges in life, and sadly, a lot of those are often at the hands of the ones who are supposed to love them the most. Our kids are continuing to strugge mightily with things such as stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, a constant pressure to perform or be perfect, even to the point of suicidality. It’s safe to say that our kids are HURTING and in a real spin, and something or someone needs to step up and do something about it. Thankfully, today we get the opportunity of hearing some very practical ways we can help raise up a RESILIENT generation - a generation that isn’t better off because of their struggles, but in spite of their struggles. Joining us to share her wealth of knowledge and wisdom on the topic is renowned speaker, best-selling author, and Founder & President of Celebrate Kids and Ignite the Family, Dr. Kathy Koch. Through many years of research and experience in the field, Kathy comes today with a message of hope reminding us that resilience is both internal and external. The secret ingredient to raising resilient kids is - YOU. From the language you use, to the ways in which you communicate, to the way you respond to adversity - listen to some of the golden nuggets Kathy has for you today that will positively impact and influence this next generation.
Link to Kathy’s Book, Resilient Kids: Raising Them to Embrace Life with Confidence - https://www.amazon.com/Resilient-Kids-Raising-Embrace-Confidence/dp/0802429092
Link to Celebrate Kids - https://celebratekids.com/
Link to Ignite the Family -
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If you take the time to look at any of the books in the self help category, there is undoubtedly going to be a consistent theme dealing with one’s habits, choices, and discipline. It’s evident that people everywhere are concerned with this idea or process of becoming. Unfortunately though what can happen is that a lot of people may find themselves stuck in between who they are and who they aspire to be. Why? I believe it’s because most people are either afraid of getting started or they lack the necessary discipline to keep going. They refuse to make the short-term sacrifice in order to receive the long-term achievement. And ultimately, I believe the reason most people don’t take advantage of the opportunity, dream, or goal they have in life isn’t because they don’t believe in those things. It’s because they don’t believe in themself. Thankfully today, the Director of Overflow, the College Ministry of Port City Community Church in Wilmington, NC as well as founder of Hope Changes Us, Carson Goslee, will be joining us to unpack the importance and significance of our habits, explore the transformational power of Christ, and remind us that there is no sin, habit, or label too great for God’s grace, healing, and love. We pray that through this conversation you would be reminded that our ultimate destination or pursuit should not simply on becoming the best version of ourselves, but more importantly on becoming more like Christ.
Hope Changes Us website: https://www.hopechangesus.com/our-vision
Book Carson to Come Speak: https://www.hopechangesus.com/speaking
Carson’s Message - “Don’t Settle”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jboPYSn7CJY
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
One of the hardest things to do in life, but especially in sports, is to wait your turn. We often hear the cliché statement “patience is a virtue” but oh how easy it can be to jump straight into panic mode. However, we must remember that God’s promises are often found in the midst of His processes. Maybe what feels like a waiting or wilderness season in your life is really a season of productivity and preparation. Today’s guest is someone who has committed himself to this process of progress, growth, and development in every facet of his life. Joining us today is an incredibly talented college baseball player and College World Series Champion, Mic Paul. In today’s episode you will hear how God is continuing to teach and reveal Himself to Mic through the lessons he’s learned in both mountain top as well as waiting seasons. The ultimate theme you’ll hear threaded throughout this entire conversation: If it isn’t good yet, then God is not done yet! Keep on keeping on, friend! Your breakthrough or defining moment may be just around the corner.
Other Podcast featuring Mic Paul: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWH-SJtgxPE
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
What are you willing to do and what are you willing to give up to be the very best version of yourself or to step into the purpose that God has placed on your life? You see I believe that so many of us are just straight up cheap. We’re so quick to sell out and trade what we want most for what we want now. It makes me think of Matthew 26:14-16 where Judas Iscariot was willing to trade the purpose and calling God placed on his life for a measly 30 pieces of silver. Thankfully in today’s podcast episode Zach will share 7 steps to build and develop the inner excellence necessary to step out of the pit you may find yourself in and into the purpose God has destined for your life. Remember, you don’t have to search for the price tag when the price has already been paid. Our prayer for you today is that through this message you would be willing to go ALL IN with Jesus and allow Him to lead, guide, and direct your steps back toward the purpose you were created for.
Built Different Website: www.zachclinton.com
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Thomas Edison, the great inventor, who made over 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before inventing the lightbulb once said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” In other words, where there is no struggle, there is no progress, as pain is often our greatest catalyst for growth and change. Today, you’ll be hearing an unlikely story of what it looks like to trust the process within this life. Joining us to share his testimony and some incredible lessons he’s learned throughout a long and winding journey is an incredibly talented professional baseball player and highly anticipated Miami Marlins prospect, Pat Monteverde. Pat just recently had the opportunity of going and representing the Miami Marlins a few days ago in the Futures Game which is held annually during the MLB All-Star week, bringing together the most promising prospects from around the globe to offer fans a glimpse of the talent that will shape the future of the game. However, beyond his athleticism and on-field talent, Pat shares about his unwavering confidence that stemming from his faith in Christ and relentless work ethic. Our prayer is that after listening to today’s episode you would be encouraged and motivated through remembering that your worth, value, and identity are detached from your performance but rather rooted and anchored in Christ. Additionally, no matter what you may be going through, we pray you would remember the words of Galatians 6:9 which says, “Do not grow weary in doing what is right, for in due time, you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.” Keep on, keeping on!
Link to the Pensacola Blue Wahoo’s Baseball Schedule to go support and cheer on Pat: https://www.milb.com/pensacola/tickets
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The truth is, Christianity really isn’t about a religion. It’s all about a personal and intimate RELATIONSHIP with Christ. However, many may still be wondering, well what does that even look like? How do I develop and/or strengthen my relationship with God if He isn’t physically present? Thankfully, today we have Author, Speaker, and Hope Dealer, Ryan Shieh joining us to passionately help us understand that the aim in this faith walk is not to simply be like Jesus to attain perfection. Rather the aim is to walk with Jesus to experience transformation. It's not about your behavior modification. It's about His spiritual revival. God never wanted your works or your efforts; He simply wants your heart. And the more you walk with Him and grow closer to Him, the more you will become all He has created you to be. It's called abiding. Additional to this week’s conversation, Ryan also recently released his 3rd book titled, Abiding: Living Life Abundantly, where you can continue to learn more and build off the golden nuggets he leaves with us in today’s episode. Our prayer after listening to today’s episode is that you would feel encouraged in knowing that although we will never be worthy, God still calls us worth it! Remember, He doesn’t need your performance. He simply desires your heart!
To Purchase Ryan’s Book, Abiding: Living Life Abundantly: https://www.amazon.com/Abiding-Living-Abundantly-Ryan-Shieh/dp/B0BMF5L68Z
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Although many, including myself, will engage in the fun celebrations, parades, cookouts, fireworks, and more this 4th of July - a lot of people take for granted and forget the sacrifice that Freedom requires. However, thankfully today we have a true American Hero joining us to remind us of his very own words, “America is worth living for, worth fighting for and if need be, worth dying for.” On March 8th, 1971 while serving in the United States Marine Corps in South Vietnam, Tim Lee gave both of his legs to America. However, instead of quitting or becoming bitter God used this major event in Tim’s life to propel him into a ministry that no one could have imagined at that time. Now having served 50 years in full-time ministry, where he has ministered in all 50 states and numerous countries addressing thousands of local churches, Christian schools, civic organizations, colleges and universities, hundreds of special patriotic events, as well as thousands of Marines and Marine Recruits every year, God continues to use Tim’s heart of passion and patriotism to share and spread the good news of the gospel. Today our prayer is that in and throughout this episode you would be open and receptive to what God has for you. Through the power of Tim’s testimony as well as the good news of the gospel which is presented, we pray that your life would be forever impacted and changed because of the sacrifice God gave for you. Additionally, even in the challenging and chaotic times we may find ourselves in as a country, our hope is that you would be reminded of just how blessed we are to live in the Land of The Free because it’s the Home of The Brave. Happy Independence Day!
To Find Out More about Tim Lee: https://timlee.org/
To Purchase Tim’s Autobiography, Born on the Fifth of July: Recreated in Vietnam: https://www.amazon.com/Born-Fifth-July-Tim-Lee/dp/1683469895
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Research is clear - Dads matter! And whether young or old, male or female, we all consider his presence one of the most important factors/elements in our lives both for good or bad. However, despite the overwhelming amount of research that supports the positive impact a father’s presence can have on his children’s lives, we find ourselves in what many have identified as a “pandemic of fatherlessness” in our country today. If the stats hold true, nearly 40% of kids will at some point wake up in a home where their biological father does not live. And that to me my friends is not only devastating, but actually become detrimental to the trajectory of a child’s life. In knowing this, we wanted to have a real and honest conversation around the topic of fatherlessness, but also what it looks like to push beyond the pain by stepping into the path and process of forgiveness. Thankfully, today we have a very special guest who easily has one of the most powerful testimonies I’ve ever heard involving pain and brokenness but also forgiveness and restoration within a father-son relationship. Joining us today is spoken-word and gospel hip-hop artist, podcaster, and preacher, Legin! Inspired by his father’s battle with addiction, Legin speaks about turning fatherlessness into forgiveness, racial reconciliation and urban apologetics, as well as the hope of the gospel in and throughout his music. Our prayer is that through today’s you would be reminded of the power and peace found in forgiveness as well as the reminder that although you may be damaged, you are not defeated. And how do I know that? Because what’s damaged you will never define you.
To find out more about Legin and his story/ministry, CLICK THIS LINK: https://legin.tv/
To check out Legin’s GOOD ENUF Concert Series, CLICK THIS LINK: https://legin.tv/concert/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Although the Church does so much more good than it has ever done bad, several pressing questions still linger - What do you do when you are hurt by “The Church?” Maybe you’ve been hurt by a pastor or a church leader or a member of the church. Do you walk out of Christianity and abandon the church altogether? Or are there any other alternatives? Joining us today to help us unpack some of these challenging yet necessary questions is a man who just released a new song and FREE 7-Day Devotional on the topic, Matt Hammitt. Many may be familiar with Matt’s work as he’s a renowned singer and songwriter having served as the lead singer for Sanctus Real from 1996-2016 as well as being an impactful author and sought after speaker. However, recently, God placed it upon Matt’s heart to release his new single titled, “Church Hurt,” along with a FREE 7-Day Devotional titled, “Life After Church Hurt,” in order to appeal to the heart of those who have been wounded within families of faith and encourage and equip them through a lens of hope and healing. Through his own personal experiences as well as insightful lessons God has taught him throughout his journey, our prayer is that today’s episode would help you begin to takes steps toward healing in knowing that although people will hurt us, we cannot let that affect or infect our view of God and the church He loves.
Matt’s New Single, “Church Hurt”: https://youtu.be/B1MSiZfCw4c
Matt’s FREE 7-Day Devotional, “Life After Church Hurt”:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let’s face it. For most of us, prayer is a struggle. We know we should pray. Deep down, we have some sense that it would be good for us—that it would help us be more grounded, more connected to God. But in the busyness of our hurried lives, slowing down to pray can often feel like a cosmic waste of time. We begin asking questions such as:
-Do our prayers even matter?
-Why does it so often feel like there’s no one on the other end of the line?
-What, if anything, is truly happening when we pray?
-Are we having words with God or just words with ourselves?
In today’s episode and in his new book, Words with God, Addison Bevere invites you deeper into the tension of prayer—the struggles, the doubts, the answers—the divine wrestling of it all. In this fast-paced and fragmented world, you’ll discover how prayer is the only way to put it all back together. Throughout history, the people of God have been known as those who wrestle with him. There are no formulas. God doesn’t fit in our boxes. He can’t be pinned down. But he invites us to know him by contending with him. Authentically. Honestly. Here. Now.
Link to Addison’s new book, Words with God: https://addisonbevere.com/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Joining us today on the Built Different Podcast is a dear friend of ours here at the American Association of Christian Counselors as she’s been a headline speaker at several of our Extraordinary Women’s Events throughout the years, Alli Worthington! Besides being a renowned speaker at conferences, business events, and nonprofit gatherings, Alli is also a best-selling author; business coach and consultant for individuals, small businesses, and Fortune 500 companies; as well as the host of her weekly podcast titled, “The Alli Worthington Show.” Additionally, some of her greatest joys include being a wife to her husband, Mark, and being the mother of 5 incredible boys who make sure her life is never boring!
However, even in the midst of the craziness and chaos of wearing several different hats, Alli is passionate about encouraging, empowering, and pushing others closer to the heart of God. In today’s episode Alli vulnerably shares some of the challenges she’s experienced over the last several years and how through the fire, God has forged a fierce faith within her, built and developed dreams rooted in her purpose, and propelled her into a deeper love for the life she has been given. There may be a lie that you’ve been listening to or believing that makes you think that isn’t possible for you, but our prayer is that through today’s episode you would be encouraged to step up and step out in faith for the abundantly more that God has prepared for YOU too!
Alli’s website: https://alliworthington.com/
Link to Alli’s Brand New Book - REMAINING YOU WHILE RAISING THEM: THE SECRET ART OF CONFIDENT MOTHERHOOD: https://alliworthington.com/remaining-you-while-raising-them
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Can you believe it’s already the last week of May? It’s absolutley crazy how fast time is flying this year! That being said, we are in our final episode of our Mental Health Awareness Series here on the podcast, but trust me when I say, I think I saved one of, if not, the most important topics for last. Today we’re going to be talking all about BOUNDARIES. Let’s be honest, one of the great challenges in life for pretty much everyone is the ability to set and actually implement healthy boundaries and to discern when to say yes and when or even how to say no. Thankfully, Joining us today is a man that is not only a dear friend to all of us here at the American Association of Christian Counselors, but he’s also a leading voice on the topic of Boundaries, Dr. John Townsend. Many of you may be familiar with John’s work as he and Dr. Henry Cloud had the incredible opportunity of collaborating together to write the New York Times best-selling book titled Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No, to Take Control of your life. But beyond that incredible work, John has written several other best-sellers such as People Fuel, Leading From Your Gut, and the Entitlement Cure. He’s a business consultant, leadership coach, and psychologist. He’s a man who has over 20 years of experience in meeting and engaging with leaders, organizations, and individuals all around the globe to help offer them life-changing solutions to their problems. He hosts his own online live video call-in program called, Dr. Townsend Live and is the cohost of the exploding nationally-syndicated talk show “NEW LIFE LIVE.” And then in addition to all of those incredible feats and endeavors, John spends a lot of his time developing others through the Townsend Leadership Program and the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling. That being said, in and throughout our conversation today, you’ll have the opportunity of gleaning so much from his wealth of knowledge and wisdom and to more fully understand what boundaries are, why it’s so difficult to implement them, and healthy ways in which we can begin saying no and setting boundaries through understanding that boundaries are biblical and that they actually help us not only love ourselves but also others more deeply and effectively.
Dr. John Townsend’s website: https://drtownsend.com/
(Book) Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life - https://www.amazon.com/Boundaries-When-Take-Control-Your/dp/B072C64V1L/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=580744465664&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9011800&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=14117254222577274583&hvtargid=kwd-1236754715&hydadcr=8262_13500864&keywords=boundaries+by+townsend&qid=1684940678&sr=8-1
Townsend Leadership Program:
Townsend Institute for Leadership & Counseling:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Joining us today as we continue in our Mental Health Awareness Series is a renowned psychiatrist and true friend of us here at the American Association of Christian Counselors, Dr. Curt Thompson! Inspired by deep compassion for others and informed from a Christian perspective, Dr. Curt loves sharing fresh insights and practical applications for developing more authentic relationships and fully experiencing our deepest longing: to be known. However, we unfortunately live in a culture and society that equates brokenness with embarrassment and humiliation. Although this could not be further from the truth, this lie promotes a sense of hiddenness within many that when left unexplored can form into what I believe is one of the main things that prohibits us from allowing ourselves to be fully seen and known which is that of SHAME. Today, Dr. Curt is going to take us on a journey of better understanding the soul of shame and what can happen when shame takes root in our hearts and minds… With the use of a considerable dose of warmth and humor, coupled together with an understanding of interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) and a Christian view of what it means to be human — Dr. Curt educates and encourages us to seek to fulfill our intrinsic desire to feel known, valued and connected. He understands that deep, authentic relationships are essential to experiencing a healthier, more purposeful life — but the only way to realize this is to begin telling our stories more truly. Our prayer is that this conversation would help you process your deepest longings, your grief, your shame, your identity, your purpose, and your perspective of both God and humanity… and by doing so we pray that it would invite you to engage more authentically with your own story and the relationships God has placed in your life. Only then can you feel truly known and connected and live in the meaningful reality you desire to create.
Dr. Curt Thompson’s website: https://curtthompsonmd.com/
(Book) The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves - https://amzn.to/3Mj9Nyo
(Book) The Soul of Desire: Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community - https://amzn.to/3MMKPJ1
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
As we are navigating our way through this Mental Health Awareness Series, it can be easy to get lost or even overwhelmed by the stats and many challenges and complexities we find ourselves in. But just because we find ourselves in a mess does not mean that God has messed up. Therefore, today we are going to be looking at what it takes to OVERCOME. Joining us this week for an incredibly powerful conversation is Senior Pastor at Celebration Church in Jacksonville, FL and Creedmoor, NC, Pastor Tim Timberlake! Tim is also a graduate of Pistis School of Ministry in Detroit, MI and he’s the author of the best-selling books – Abandoned, The Power of 1440, and his Brand New book that just released TODAY titled “The Art of Overcoming: Letting God Turn Your Endings into Beginnings!” What Pastor Tim wants to remind you of today in and throughout the words of this episode is that what may feel like an ending in your life does not mean that it is the end, and although you may find yourself in a painful season, God can use it to produce something good within you that will help you step into the season He has intentionally prepared for you. As he mentions, if pain is going to do anything, we should allow it to propel us. You were made to OVERCOME!
Lastly, please help us in making sure Pastor Tim’s book, “The Art of Overcoming: Letting God Turn Your Endings into Beginnings” has one of the best launch days/weeks in history! This book is life giving, life changing, and I believe it will truly bless every reader in powerful ways. To purchase a copy of this book please visit: www.Theartofovercomingbook.com or if you want to purchase this book in bulk to work through it with your family, friends, coworkers, clients, patients, or Bible Study group, please visit this link: https://bulkbookstore.com/the-art-of-overcoming-letting-god-turn-your-endings-into-beginnings-9780785238959
Trust me, if you feel stuck, worried, discouraged, disappointed, or even defeated – This book will provide you with some incredible tips, tactics, and truths to OVERCOME!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Welcome back to our Mental Health Awareness Series! As many of you know, the month of May has been highlighted as Mental Health Awareness Month so we not only wanted to celebrate but also have some real conversations with some of the experts in the field who are on the front lines serving countless individuals that are struggling in the midst of the mental health disaster we find ourselves in. Let’s face it, due to the impact the last 3-4 years have had on everybody, it’s evident that people are exhausted, emotionally shot, and hurting. In fact, rates of anxiety, depression, and addiction are soaring to heights we’ve never seen before. However, even in the midst and severity of that, one of the most sobering things we’ve seen in the mental health space that not too many are acknowledging or talking about is the heartbreaking spike we are seeing in suicide especially among our kids as it has jumped to the 2nd leading cause of death for our teens. That is absolutely gut wrenching, and I believe it’s time we start talking about and addressing this issue.
That being said, in today’s episode we are going to have a real conversation about suicide with one of the leading experts in trauma and crisis work who has been an integral pioneering leader for us here at the American Association of Christian Counselors, Jennifer Ellers! Jennifer is a Professional Counselor, Life Coach, Crisis Response Trainer, author, and renowned speaker! She speaks extensively and provides training, counseling, and coaching in the field of grief, crisis, and trauma work and she is especially known for her work in and passion for developing faith-based suicide prevention training programs! In and throughout this episode, Jennifer not only shares her story about what really propelled her into the profession and field, but she also takes us on a journey of how we can better recognize, respond to, and refer individuals who are struggling with suicidal ideation in order to receive the best and most effective care and counsel possible! Our prayer is that after today’s conversation you would be educated, equipped, and encouraged to join us in the midst of this fight as we come alongside of the broken and faint of heart. Remember, God loves to use people through which He channels his messages of help, hope, and encouragement.
Be sure to check out these incredible resources below as well, and DO NOT MISS the incredible resource we are gifting you in our Hope Focused 3R Suicide Prevention Training Program found in the bottom link! This is an in depth training led by Jennifer where she goes deeper into the ways in which we can better RECOGNIZE the problem, risk factors, and warning signs of suicide, RESPOND to someone who is suicidal, as well as REFER and get someone the help they need when necessary. We offer 2 incredible trainings – one for adults and one for youth that are typically the value of $200 – but because of the pressing need we are seeing in our country today and in honor of May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we have decided to bundle these and offer them both to you for ONLY $50! We pray that you would consider joining us in this fight!
SAFE-T Pocket Card: https://store.samhsa.gov/product/SAFE-T-Pocket-Card-Suicide-Assessment-Five-Step-Evaluation-and-Triage-for-Clinicians/sma09-4432
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) Suicide Treatment Training: https://cams-care.com/
Hope Focused “3R” Suicide Prevention Training Program (Adult & Youth Bundle):
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no secret it’s been a wild couple of years. From the COVID lockdowns, loss, loneliness, racial tensions and trauma, rioting, sexual abuse explosion, election mess, race for a vaccine, the vaccine rollout, big tech suppression, censorship, Afghanistan, Ukraine, inflation, money stress, parental rights challenges, abortion/life battles, Fentanyl/Substance abuse crisis, rash of shootings, crime explosion, transgender identity and ideology storm, the midterm elections, etc... We now have a mental health disaster going on. People are exhausted and emotionally shot with stress and anxiety, depression, and even suicidality, especially among our kids, soaring to heights we’ve never seen. Most are angry, confused, and searching for help, hope, and encouragement. Even more, before the pandemic, statistics showed that nearly 1 in 5 (20%) people live with a mental illness in their lifetime, but now rates of nearly every mental health category have skyrocketed. Therefore, in response to the craziness and chaos we’ve been experiencing around the world, we here at the Built Different Podcast wanted to acknowledge and recognize the month of May as Mental Health Awareness Month by embarking on a Mental Health Awareness Series where we will be having conversations with several mental/emotional health experts to shed light on the challenges and difficulties many face while also encouraging and equipping our listeners with practical tips and strategies we can begin implementing to increase our mental and brain hygiene. That being said, joining us today to kick off this series is a renowned and leading Licensed Professional Counselor, Speaker, Teacher, and incredible Author, Dr. Mark Mayfield. In today’s episode Dr. Mayfield briefly shares his impactful testimony as well as takes a deep dive into his new book that will be releasing next week on May 9th, titled The Path to Wholeness: Managing Emotions, Finding Healing, and Becoming Our Best Selves. This conversation will remind you of the importance of embracing, experiencing, and expressing your emotions as well as viewing them as invitations or indicators from the Lord. You’re not going to want to miss this powerful episode!
Be sure to check out Dr. Mayfield’s new book “The Path to Wholeness” Here: https://www.amazon.com/Path-Wholeness-Managing-Emotions-Becoming/dp/1641585315
Dr. Mark Mayfield’s website with more books and resources:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Most of you know I have a deep love for those who have served, those who serve, and for their families who support and pray for them along the way. I come from a strong line of military patriots and was taught early on that ‘Freedom wasn’t free....that it has a price.’ Take a walk through Arlington cemetery sometime if you have never done it like I’ve been able to do with my dad and it will deeply impact you. I’ve also learned through the years as a counselor the toll and impact that serving and war in particular can have on people. I’ve sat face to face with individuals that have witnessed some significant atrocities of war that have scarred them deeply and how difficult it can be to then embace the process of coming back home and reintegrating oneself into civilian life. I’ve learned that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is real, and that many of our wounded HEROS struggle with loneliness, homelessness, and even suicide. Thankfully, during today’s conversation, you are going to hear a very moving and at times graphic story of one of America’s most decorated and finest military patriots and heros, Chad Robichaux. Chad is a former Force Recon Marine and DoD contractor with 8 deployments to Afghanistan as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force. And although this man understands service and sacrifice, he also is no stranger to adversity. During today’s episode we will be going on a journey into the heart, mind, soul, and story of a man who has experienced brokenness yet found wholeness is an unwavering God. Thankfully, by the grace of God, Chad is now being used in a mighty way as a warrior in the Kingdom of God having started both the Mighty Oaks Foundation and the Save Our Allies non-profit - two incredible ministries that help and rescue dozens of military veterans as well as American allies and vulnerable people trapped in Afghanistan. If you are feeling led to give and help support financially, or even if you just want to learn more about these incredible missions and join the team of prayer warriors, please visit the links or check out some of Chad’s incredible resources below:
Mighty Oaks Foundation: https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/
Save Our Allies: https://saveourallies.org/
(Book) Saving Aziz: How the Mission to Help One Became a Calling to Rescue Thousands from the Taliban - https://www.amazon.com/Saving-Aziz-Mission-Calling-Thousands/dp/1400238137
(Book) An Unfair Advantage: Victory in the Midst of Battle -
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Joining us on the podcast this week is NFL Hall of Fame safety and one of the greatest defensive players in NFL history, Brian Dawkins! Although Brian’s 16-year NFL career where he earned 9 trips to the Pro Bowl and First Team All Pro honors 5 times is most definitely something to talk about, today’s conversation will revolve around lessons Brian learned about leadership growing up, mental health challenges and adversity he faced throughout his career, and how his faith in Christ has helped him navigate and overcome every obstacle he’s come up against! The ultimate reminder Brian leaves us with is that with the right Perspective, Your Pain can become your Greatest Purpose! We pray you would be encouraged by the hope and motivation Brian leaves us with today!
Click this link to check out all the incredible things Brian continues to do through his ministry and foundation HERE: https://briandawkins.com/
Click this link to register today for next year’s 2024 Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend to hear Brian speak in person alongside of Tim Tebow, Craig Groeschel, Tim Timberlake, and more: https://www.ignitemen.net
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
I’ve heard it said that in life we must become a winner at the fine art of losing. In other words, loss is inevitable. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a relationship, your health, a job, and so much more. Loss can be very difficult. And what can unfortunately happen is in the midst of the pain and grief which so often accompanies these losses we can easily grow overwhelmed as our identity seems threatened. However, thankfully, our guests today have developed a powerful resource that they discuss in detail involving their new book titled, I Used to Be: Navigating Large & Small Losses in Life to Find Your Way Forward, which you can preorder NOW - https://www.chuckandashley.com/ or buy in store August 15, 2023. Chuck is a pastor at Bethel Church in Evansville, Indiana and Ashley is a Licensed Counselor who together are speakers, authors, frequent workshop leaders, and grief and relationship specialists. Our prayer is that through this entire conversation you would be educated, equipped, and encouraged to carefully embrace and navigate your “I Used to Be” thoughts and feelings, yet reminded that there is a future wait
ing when you “Will Be” once more.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
It’s Easter Week!!! A time where over 2 BILLION people will remember and celebrate a risen Savior, the Risen Christ! However, it’s also during this time where a lot of people may wrestle with some of life’s big questions… Is God real? Was Jesus really the Messiah? What is HOPE? Is the tomb empty? Is He really alive? The type of questions that keep you up perhaps on one of those dark nights or periods in your life that has you doubting or questioning your faith. Well if you’ve ever been there, our guest today has an amazing antidote for your spirit, and his name is Lee Strobel. Lee has an incredibly powerful and moving testimony as he was once an atheist trying to disprove the Christian faith, yet found so much evidence in favor of it that he has made it his life’s mission and passion to help others separate myth from biblical truth. Having written numerous New York Times best-selling books including The Case for Christ, The Case for Easter, The Case for Heaven, and many more, as well as serving as a Teaching Pastor for several years, Lee has been recognized as one of the most highly regarded evangelists and apologists of our day. 1 Peter 3:15 says, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Today’s episode will leave you refreshed and confident in your faith as you proudly proclaim those words, He is Risen. He is Risen Indeed! Happy Easter!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
We all have battles to fight. God’s Word even reminds us that no one is a stranger to pain, challenge, or adversity in this life. Yet, as Damon West once said, “We don’t have to win all our fights, but we must fight all our fights.” However, life has a way of delivering unexpected knockout blows that often send us to the canvas of the ring with a choice to make… Will we give up, lay down, quit, throw in the towel… or will we GET BACK UP and FIGHT? You see, I’ve never met anyone who lacks the desire to get back up, but I’ve met several people who have been so wounded in life that they feel stuck and have forgetten their purpose and potential in the midst of their pain. Today, I’ll have the opportunity of sharing with you 4 lessons I’ve learned throughout my life that have helped me respond with perserverance and strength to fight the good fight of faith. My prayer for you is that after today’s episode you would be encouraged, equipped, and motivated to remember you’re never out of the fight, and with God at the center of your life, you no longer have to scratch, claw, and fight FOR victory. Instead, because of what God has already done, you now get the opportunity of fighting FROM a place of Victory! Let’s Roll!
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Joining us this week on the Built Different Podcast is one of the hardest workers, heaviest hitters, and most humble individuals the NFL has ever seen. Our guest is Hall of Fame Linebacker, Superbowl Champion, and One of the Greatest Defensive Players in NFL history, Derrick Brooks. Not only was Derrick a 2-time All-American and National Champion at Florida State University, but he also went on to have one of the most decorated NFL careers including a Superbowl ring, a Defensive Player of the Year Award, Walter Payton Man of the Year Award, competing in 11 Pro Bowls, and being selected as a 6-time All Pro. However, even after all of those accolades, one of his greatest achievements is that during his 14-year NFL career, he NEVER missed a game! Derrick understands perseverance and persistence. He understands what it means to choose the right perspective and attitude in order to withstand and overcome adversity. As one of my favorite quotes says, “You don’t have to win all your fights, but you must fight all your fights.” My friends, the truth is, you are never out of the fight! After listening to today’s fun and powerful episode with Derrick, our prayer is that you would be encouraged to stay the course, to keep on keeping on, and to choose the right attitude no matter the circumstance you may find yourself in. You have what it takes… Sometimes you just have to BELIEVE!
Also, if you would like to see some of these interviews take place live and in person, be sure to join us for our next Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend, March 8-9, 2024! God showed UP and showed OFF in a POWERFUL way at our most recent 2023 event, and we are already so expectant of what He has in store next year! We have already locked in an incredible speaking lineup for next year featuring Tim Tebow, Craig Groeschel, Brian Dawkins, Tim Timberlake, Ted Cunningham, and some additional BIG announcements coming soon! If 2024 is anything like this year’s event, then trust me, YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS IT! And due to the overwhelming response of tickets purchased onsite, with many asking us to extend the onsite registration rate, we have listened and will be extending our cheapest rate of $59 Regular Admission and $79 Gold Ticket Admission through March 31st! So let me encourage you, be sure to mark March 8-9, 2024 on your calendar, invite a friend or group of buddies, and join us next year at our 2024 Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend! You won’t regret it! Be sure to register here: https://ignitemen.net/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Airing today on the Built Different Podcast is a powerful, motivational, and emotional interview from our most recent 2023 Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend where Zach had the opportunity to sit down and catch up with former 2020 AP College Football Coach of the Year and our new Liberty University Head Football Coach, Jamey Chadwell. Anchored by his 4 primary leadership principles which include Competition, Discipline, Accountability, and Purpose, Coach Chadwell desperately desires to not only form and develop the best football team possible, but more importantly help ensure that his players become the best husbands, fathers, students, employees, and followers of Christ as possible! In and throughout today’s episode, you’ll hear all about how Coach Chadwell, his family, his coaching staff, and his team plan on EMBRACING the challenges that inevitably lie ahead, but also where Coach finds his confidence regardless of what a scoreboard says. All I know is that as an LU fan, I’m thrilled to have such an incredible leader and man of high character and integrity at the helm of our football program. Fall can’t come soon enough!
To find out more about where you can purchase tickets for LU football games this upcoming season, click here: https://www.liberty.edu/flames/tickets/football-ticket-information/
Also, if you would like to see some of these interviews take place live and in person, be sure to join us for our next Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend, March 8-9, 2024! God showed UP and showed OFF in a POWERFUL way this past weekend at our 2023 event, and we are already so expectant of what He has in store next year! We have already locked in an incredible speaking lineup for next year featuring Tim Tebow, Craig Groeschel, Brian Dawkins, Tim Timberlake, Ted Cunningham, with some additional BIG announcements coming soon! If 2024 is anything like last weekend, then trust me, YOU WON’T WANT TO MISS IT! And due to the overwhelming response of tickets purchased onsite, with many asking us to extend the onsite registration rate, we have listened and will be extending our cheapest rate of $59 Regular Admission and $79 Gold Ticket Admission through March 31st! So let me encourage you, be sure to mark March 8-9, 2024 on your calendar, invite a friend or friends, and join us next year at our 2024 Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend!
You won’t regret it!
Be sure to register here:
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
With Easter being a little over a month away, we couldn’t imagine a more perfect guest to share about one of our favorite books he’s written titled The Grave Robber: How Jesus CAN Make Your Impossible Possible. Our guest that will be joining us today for a powerful episode on Making Room for the Miraculous in our own lives is Lead Pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C. and NY Times Best-Selling Author, Dr. Mark Batterson. There’s no question that so many individuals desperately look for God to do a work in their impossible situations. However as Pastor Mark warns us, “We’re not called to seek miracles. We are called to seek Jesus, and if we follow Jesus long enough and far enough, we’ll eventually find ourselves in the middle of some miracles.” Our challenge for you today after listening to this powerful conversation with Pastor Mark is to begin seeing the miraculous in the monotonous, because even if God does nothing else, my friends, He has already done enough! Make room for the Miraculous to show up and show off in your life today!
Link to The Grave Robber: How Jesus Can Make Your Impossible Possible: https://www.markbatterson.com/books/the-grave-robber/
Link to Please, Sorry, Thanks: The 3 Words that Change Everything: https://www.markbatterson.com/books/please-sorry-thanks/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Let me ask, are you tired of being at war with your body—and your thoughts about your body? With the constant presence of social media and more, so many of us fall into the scary trap of comparison. Comparing ourselves to others. Comparing ourselves to culture and society’s definitions of perceived perfection. Maybe even comparing our current self to our younger self. Whatever it is, we get lost trying to replicate this world’s defintion of beauty rather than trying to radiate the beauty God has already instilled within us. Thankfully, today’s guest, Rachael Gilbert, comes with a message of hope and encouragement to help us restore and renovate our body images from the inside out. As a fitness instructor, Rachael struggled with shame when she didn’t measure up to her dream body image, but then, as a licensed counselor, she realized how many of us bury those same painful insecurities as well. Therefore, Rachael wrote her new book releasing March 7th titled Image Restored: Tear Down Shame and Insecurity to Experience a Body Image Renovation. In and throughout the pages of this book as well as the discussion in this week’s episode you’ll learn about a biblical perspective on eating, fitness, and godly self-confidence; tools for overcoming comparison; counselor-inspired strategies to help you appreciate how God made you; and ways to use thoughts and feelings so they help you rather than sabotage you. My prayer is that after this episode, you would be encouraged and uplifted to view yourself through the eyes of our Creator who calls you unique, wonderful, and beautiful.
Link to Image Restored Book: https://rachaelgilbert.com/image-restored/
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
Time and time again, it seems as if couples are too often getting love “wrong.” They bring their hurts, wounds, and empty voids into relationships seeking for a completion rather than a companion. Unfortunately, what many tend to neglect or forget is that God is the Only Great Physician that can bring the true Help, Hope, and Healing we are looking for. However, He still allows us to play an active role in that helping process. Joining us today to discuss how we can provide the necessary safety, humility, and intentionality to WIN at love God’s Way is one of the greatest couples I know, Dr. Johnny and Mrs. Lezlyn Parker. Dr. Johnny and Mrs. Lezlyn are authors, speakers, certified and executive life coaches, and relationship architects that have spent countless years helping men and women achieve success and flourishing by viewing their lives as a story. Through their “Turn the Page” system and mindset they’ve been able to help, CEOs, pro athletes, coaches, and other high-impact men and women gain high-definition clarity and discover the stories they were born to live. Additionally, in terms of relationships, they have produced an incredible resource in both book and video course/content form titled K.I.S.S. - Keeping Intimacy Sweet & Simple. This is such a valuable resource as it is very interactive and application based. To find out more about that resource and about our amazing guests today, go to theparkersspeak.com. We pray this episode will speak truth, hope, and life into you and your relationships for years to come.
Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.
There’s no secret that love and relationships can be hard, difficult, and at times take a lot of work. However, when things get hard, I believe people too often quit or settle for comfort or familiarity. That being said, some of the best advice I’ve ever been given regarding love and relationships came from our guest today, when he reminded me that “What’s natural early on needs to be followed by intentional later on.” Joining us today to discuss this incredible advice is Founding and Lead Pastor of Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, MO, nationally acclaimed speaker, author, comedian, and relationship expert, Ted Cunningham. During this episode, we will be discussing and dissecting 5 practical and intentional steps you can begin taking to finding and fostering the intentional love so many seek yet too often neglect. These steps include: Connection, Communication, Celebration, Confession, and Consistency. Our prayer is that through this episode you would be encouraged to make intentional decisions that would allow the relationships within your life to flourish. Remember, “What’s natural early on, needs to be followed by intentional later on. But when done intentionally, it it can start to feel natural again.”
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With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, love and relationships are a hot topic of conversation. Therefore, throughout this month, we wanted to sit down with some of the best relationship experts in order to identify some healthy habits we can begin implementing within our daily lives to cultivate the love we so desperately seek. That being said, joining us today is a Licensed Professional Counselor and nationally acclaimed speaker who specializes in relationship and marital issues as well as mental and emotional health, Debra Fileta. Debra is also the author of six books and host of the Love + Relationships Podcast where she is passionate about spreading the message that healthy people make healthy relationships. The truth is, we all have the innate longing or craving to be loved, to be accepted, or to feel like we belong, but unfortunately too many of us get into relationships for all the wrong reasons. However, as Debra reminds us today, we can’t come to the table “half-full”, expecting someone or something else to fill, fix, or complete us. We need to be the one’s taking our burdens, pasts, and toxic patterns to the Lord as well as implementing the steps necessary to cultivate healthy habits which generate healthy relationships. No matter what your relationship status says, this episode will remind, challenge, and push you to keep looking upward and inward before looking outward.
Lastly, be sure to check out Debra’s new book, “Reset: Powerful Habits to Own Your Thoughts, Understand Your Feelings, and Change Your Life.” This book will help you find the freedom and breakthrough you may be looking for. It officially launches March 14th but you can Pre-Order the book at this link: https://amzn.to/3I0QCsh
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I think we can all attest to the fact that times will inevitably come in life that seem too hard to bear. Challenge and adversity keep piling up leaving us doubtful and discouraged for what lies ahead. However, it’s in these difficult yet defining moments where the trajectory of our lives can be transformed. For today’s guest, Dr. Rick Rigsby, his defining moment took the place of him weeping at his late wife’s funeral after her bout with breast cancer, when he looked up to his father and breathed the words, “Dad, I’ve lost hope.” His father’s response however changed the trajectory of his life… “Son, you can’t lose something God gave you. You haven’t lost hope, you’ve lost perspective.” Because of that timely reminder, Dr. Rigsby is now a best-selling author, podcaster, and one of the most sought after inspirational speakers of our day and age. Many may know about him from a powerful message he delivered at a commencement ceremony that went viral a few years back titled, “Lessons I Learned from a 3rd Grade Dropout!” In and throughout this episode, Dr. Rigsby shares some of those lessons and wants to help you understand that the Storms in this life are what help us see the Savior. Give this powerful message of Hope a listen today!
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The promises of the Lord are truly so comforting to me. One of my favorites includes the promise found in Isaiah 43 where God promises that He will always be with us. No matter what we are going through, no matter if it's a hill or a valley, He is there. He says in Isaiah 43:2, when we pass through those dark waters He's still there, and when we walk through the blazing hot fire, He has everything under control. Why? Because, God doesn't want us going through this life alone. He wants us to constantly be reminded that we are never alone, and I believe this reminder is best done the power of community and relationships with others. God loves to use others as messengers or conduits through which He can produce change in someone else’s life. Today, we will be hearing from a man who has many accolades and has served in countless leadership positions, but one of his greatest joys is seeing others in their time of need and reminding them of their worth, value, and potential. Joining us is Dr. Ron Hawkins who currently serves as the Chairman of the National Advisory Board for us here at the American Association of Christian Counselors. Before his time with us at the AACC, he served in numerous academic positions including Provost and Chief Academic Officer at Liberty University, he started out his career as a Pastor, he’s been a Seminary President, he’s a Licensed Professional Counselor, and he is simply a man of great wisdom who leaders continue to look to for sage and timely advice. However, in today’s episode Doc shares with us a pivotal moment in his life where someone became the hands and feet of Christ, choosing to see Him through the eyes of God in a time of need and stepping up and into the moment to breathe some life and fight back into him. The cool thing? You have the opportunity to do that very same thing for someone today and every day. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” Our challenge to you throughout today’s episode: See others in their time of need. Be willing to step up and into that moment. Provide them with the comfort you have also received from the Lord.
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Change is inevitable, but growth is intentional. In other words, in order to make positive change, a decision has to be made. A decision fueled by determination, sacrifice, and conviction. Unfortunately however, many people get “stuck” in life. Whether it being a difficult past, previous mistakes, attachment wounds, settling for comfort and convenience, fear, or more, this life will throw as many knockout punches as possible causing many to lay stagnant on the canvas of the ring in life. Thankfully though, today’s guest is a man who has dedicated his life to helping others implement and produce change in their own hearts and lives! Joining us is President of the American Association of Christian Counselors (www.aacc.net), Executive Director of the Global Center for Mental Health, Addiction, and Recovery at Liberty University, and cohost of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk, heard on over 1,400 radio outlets daily, Dr. Tim Clinton! In and throughout today’s episode Dr. Clinton will equip us with 6 very practical steps that we can begin implementing to spark and sustain the change we are looking for! Beyond the many roles Dr. Clinton fills, my personal favorite is that I get to call him Dad and my best friend! My prayer is that my dad would remind you today, that if you still have breath in your lungs, you still have some FIGHT left in you!
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It’s a week into the new year, and we all know what that means… a lot of people are trying to hang on and follow through with their big dreams, goals, and resolutions for the new year. Interestingly, many of those resolutions involve getting in better shape or becoming more physically fit or healthy. I’ve already heard several resolutions this year that sound something like, “I want to work out more, I want to eat better, I want to run a marathon or do a Spartan Race, I want to get a 6-pack, or I want to lose this much weight.” However, the statistics have revealed that 90% of people who make New Years resolutions will fail, noting that 50% of those resolution makers will fail by the end of January. So what’s the secret? What’s the strategy to maintaining your goals throughout this entire year? One word: DISCIPLINE. Therefore, to speak on the topic of discipline, I have invited one of the most disciplined people I have ever met to join us on the show this week. Joining us is a man who has over 16 years of coaching experience and currently serves as a Human Performance Specialist for the United States Army Special Operations Command, Coach Shelton Stevens. Prior to his position with our U.S. Military Coach Stevens worked with several Division I institutions as a strength and conditioning specialist. Additionally, he and his wife Macie have started 13 Bar Performance (http://13barperformance.com) where their goal is to provide elite performance programs for individuals who strive to reach their full maximal potential. Ultimately, in and throughout this week’s episode, our hope is that you would be educated, equipped, and encouraged as to how you CAN make the daily choices to follow through with your goals ONE decision at a time. Remember, successful people do consistently what other people do occasionally. Let’s Roll.
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Let’s be honest, sometimes the weight of our past, our mistakes, shame, and guilt can be too much to bear. Sometimes these very things can hold us in bondage from the calling God has bestowed on our lives. However, our Built Different Guest today wants to remind you that as we head into a new year, you have the power and ability to cross over into this new year without carrying over the baggage from the previous. Joining us on the podcast today is one of the most gifted communicators and Bible teachers we have ever heard serving as the Senior Pastor of Celebration Church, Pastor Tim Timberlake. Trust us when we say this is a captivating, Spirit filled and led episode that you will want to have a pen and paper ready in order to write down as many notes as possible. Ultimately, Pastor Tim wants to remind you that making the most of every minute in a day, making change, and living the life God intends for you is up to you! Too many of us have uphill hopes, but downhill habits. While change may be natural, growth is intentional. After listening to this episode, we pray that your heart, mind, and spirit would be prepared to begin cultivating intentional growth and building lasting habits that will allow you the opportunity to look expectantly toward all that God has in store for you in 2023!
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We’ve all heard of positivity and optimism, but the truth is, there are days where being negative or being an energy vampire can almost seem natural. Sometimes it’s hard to be optimistic when life just isn’t the way it’s supposed to be and our fiery furnace moments in life seem like they are too much to bear. There may even be some people reading this today who had a tough 2022 and are feeling discouraged and maybe even afraid of what’s to come in the new year. Thankfully though, our Built Different Guest today, Jon Gordon, is here to remind you what it truly means to embrace the power of positivity. For those that may not be aware, Jon is a New York Times best-selling author having written well known books such as the Energy Bus, The Power of Positive Leadership, Training Camp, The Carpenter, and so many more. He is also one of the greatest motivational speakers of our day having poured into countless individuals, Fortune 500 companies, high schools, as well as collegiate and professional athletic teams across the world. In understanding that pain is inevitable, Jon comes with an inspirational message reminding us that positivity is not about pretending like challenge doesn’t exist in life, but rather it’s all about choosing optimism, joy, and a positive perspective despite the adversity you may be up against. And remember, God gives us Friends for the Fire. There is Power in finding community that will help you Row the Boat! With God and those He has hand selected to place by your side, you will never have to suffer alone!
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Can you believe it’s already Christmas?? What a magical time of the year! The lights, trees, decorations, Santa, but most importantly the true reason for the season which is a time of reflection and celebration for the Lord sending His One and Only Son Jesus to this world. You see, on that day, over 2,000 years ago, Hope, entered the world, because Hope has a name and His name is Jesus! But we are not naive enough to understand that there can be moments in our lives that distract and discourage us from pressing into that Hope. Let’s be honest, there are some days that just seem darker than others. Life can be flat out painful when the wheels are falling off the bus, and things just aren’t the way they’re supposed to be. But it’s in those moments that Hope is needed more than ever! Thankfully, our Built Different Guest today who will be celebrating our 100th episode with us here at the Built Different Podcast is the one and only, Annie F. Downs!!! For those that may not know Annie, she is a best-selling author, nationally known speaker, and the host of the awesome “That Sounds Fun” podcast. Annie, comes with a powerful word reminding us that God never wastes our pain and how even in our darkest moments in life we can cling to the promise that Light is Coming! Listen Now, and enjoy an incredible episode with Annie!
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A word that often comes to mind during this Christmas and Advent season is worship. But what does it truly mean to worship God? Worship in its purest form has simply been described as reverence and adoration for the Lord. One can actually be going through one of the most difficult times or seasons of their life, but still, come to God in reverence and adoration for WHO He is. Therefore, the worship we ought to bring should not be dependent on whether or not we’ve had a bad day or a bad life journey thus far. We are called to come to Him as we are, in our brokenness – with our “broken hallelujahs”. Joining us today to take a deeper dive into how we can experience the presence of God through the power of worship is one of the most well-known and renowned musicians and worship leaders of our day, Mack Brock! Mack has written and sang countless number 1 songs that so many of us play over the loud speakers of our cars and sing during Church! But today Mack discusses with us how worship has carried him through some of the most difficult times and seasons of his own personal life. Yes, worship is more than just a song. Our prayer is that that no matter what you may be going through, that after listening to this episode you would begin developing a heart postered toward worship today and throughout this holiday season.
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It’s Christmas time! The most wonderful time of the year, but often we can get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. We often get lost int he hosting, buying, gifts that come with the holidays. Advent is a time for God’s people to slow down, rest, reset, and prepare our hearts for what God has instore for us this Christmas season and into the new year. On this episode we talk about the importance of preparing our hearts and minds and celebrate the true meaning of the season, Jesus.
Joining us on this week’s episode is Ruth Chou Simons. She is a Wall Street Journal bestselling and award-winning author of several books, including GraceLaced, Beholding and Becoming, and When Strivings Cease, and Emmanuel. She is an artist, entrepreneur, and speaker, using each of these platforms to spiritually sow the Word of God into people’s hearts. Through her online shoppe at GraceLaced.com and her social media community, Simons shares her journey of God’s grace intersecting daily life with word and art. Ruth and her husband, Troy, are grateful parents to six boys—their greatest adventure.
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We all know the feeling of being unsatisfied. Instead of wrestling with the tension of feeling unsatisfied, we often settle and don’t move forward to experience the “abundantly more” life that God invites us to live with Him. Often, the tension of feeling unsatisfied can be God’s invitation for you to experience more with Him and within your community. What’s beautiful about the abundantly more life is that it can equally be found in the seasons of sorrow and the seasons of joy and that’s exactly what we discuss this week. Joining us on the podcast this week is Nikki Dutton. Nikki is a speaker, writer, and host of the More with Nikki Dutton podcast. Her purpose is to help others find more in their faith, relationships, home, and every day life. She’s married to her husband, Scott, and together they share life with their pets — Scout and Trooper. Nikki also works with A21 which exists to abolish slavery everywhere, forever. Her specific role is building relationships and facilitating partnerships. We dive into Nikki’s story and how she began experiencing the abundantly more in her walk with Jesus and how she now encourages others to do the same.
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Life isn’t easy. We all know that. And to be honest with you, praise doesn’t always come out naturally when it feels like everything in your life is working against you and the wheels are coming off your bus. However, I’ve heard it said that the greatest gift you can give the Lord, others, and yourself is that of thanksgiving. Why? Because when we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment washes away and the tide of love rushes in. Joining us on the podcast today to share a little about his testimony and how the act of gratitude has transformed his life is Coach Adam Donyes. Adam is a man who has impacted countless lives as he serves in many different roles including: the K-Equip Director at K-2 (Kanakuk Kamps) and also directing Kanakuk’s Worldview Kamp; serving on the teaching team at Woodland Hills Family Church; Founder and President of Link Academy in Branson, MO which exists to provide students with a year of purpose for a lifetime of pursuit as their goal is to empower future leaders to impact the world for Christ; and so much more! What I love about Adam is his humility and the grateful heart that he possesses. He truly has a hunger and desire to know God and to make God’s name known! Our prayer is that after listening to today’s episode you would leave feeling more equipped and encouraged to live a life of gratitude and develop a grateful heart no matter your circumstance. Remember, even if God doesn’t do anything else, because of what He did by sending His One and Only Son to die, be buried, and rise again 3 days later for you and me, He has already done enough!
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Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What’s my purpose?” or maybe even “Do I have a purpose?” So many people desparately seek answers to those very common questions. But to the person listening who has maybe asked those questions, I have a good news for you, because in and throughout today’s episode, our Built Different Guest takes us on a journey as to how we can find, identify, and develop the purpose that God has called us to. Joining us today on the podcast is world renowned life coach, best-selling author, positive psychology expert, motivational speaker, and founder of the Coaching and Positive Psychology Institue, Valorie Burton! Valorie has devoted her life to helping others become happier, healthier, and more resilient. Her goal is to help you close the gap between where you are and where you REALLY want to be. In doing so, one of the first steps is identifying your purpose or calling in this life. Friedrich Nietzsche once said, “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” Thankfully, in today’s episode Valorie gives us very practical tools such as reshaping our perspective, practicing the act of gratitude, and reframing our self-talk or questions we may be asking ourselves. Ultimately, this episode will help remind you that when it comes to resilience and purpose, not only do you have these traits, but you also have the ability to build them! Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” My friends, let's identify your purpose today!
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Have you ever felt frustrated or even discouraged in thinking that your story doesn’t matter? Well let me assure you of one thing, your story and testimony matter more than you could possibly ever know or imagine! And the good news is that there is nothing that you could possibly do that could separate you from the love of God! You’re not too far gone, you’re not too far down the wayward path, you haven’t made too many mistakes - you are always in His reach! Joining us today on the Built Different Podcast to share his story and to talk about the faithfulness of God, the author of all of our stories, is my dear friend and coworker, Garrett Hedrick! Garrett, like all of us has experienced great pain and adversity in and throughout his life, but thankfully due to his willingness to surrender his life over to Christ and through the power of relationships that God has intentionally placed along his path, he’s been able to find purpose in the midst of his pain. I’m reminded of Philippians 1:6 which reads “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” My friends, you may be walking through a tough chapter of your life, but keep turning the page. The end hasn’t come until God says it’s done. Trust in the author! God’s not done writing your story!
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I’ve heard it said that, “If serving is below you, then leadership is beyond you.” Remember the words of Mark 10:45 which remind us that the greatest leader to ever walk the face of the earth, being Jesus, “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Our Built Different Guest today is truly a man after God’s own heart who has a love and devotion for sacrificing his life for the service of others. General William Boykin is a true American Hero having accumulated one of the most decorated military careers spending 36 years in the army, 13 of which were spent in the Delta Force, and the last 4 years having served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. General Boykin truly has a heart for shaping strong leaders and warriors both on and off the battlefield. Yes, he’s been a part of and lead several high-profile missions such as the Iran Hostage Rescue attempt and even the Black Hawk Down incident in Mogadishu, Somalia, but this man has a heart for building champions for Christ. Spiritually speaking, we are in a fight every single day, but the question we must ask ourselves is, “How are we preparing or training for our trials?” In and throughout this episode I’m reminded of the words of John Maxwell which say, “True Leadership must be for the benefit of the followers, not the enrichment of the leader.” Don’t live this life chasing success as success will only leave a fingerprint on creation… Instead choose to live this life consistently pursuing significance which will leave a footprint on the soul. Just ask yourself every day, who have I served? Who have I encouraged? and who I have empowered today? Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap. Judge each day by the seeds you have planted.
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Do you feel an immense pressure to preform at work, school, in relationships, or in sports? Katie Hollern, a newly emerging professional golfer who recently qualified for the LPGA tour, can empathize with these feelings of pressure, fear, and performance specficially in the realm of professional sports. Shifting from a collegiate lacrosse career to a professional golf career late in the game, Katie shares about how to alleviate pressure with gratitude, how to trust the “Spirit of Power” (Holy Spirit) that is within us, and how the Lord doesn’t “call the equipped, but equips the called”. Through her testimony, Katie encourages us today to choose the pain of failure instead of the pain of regret and reminds us that God loves to prove us right when we place our trust in Him. Let us be encouraged by this interview today and be reminded that God sees us exactly where we are at and he is ready and eager to do “immeasurably more than
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One of my favorite quotes out there reads, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” additionally, Galatians 6:9 reminds us to “not grow weary in doing what is right, for in due time, you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.” Both of these incredible reminders indicate the power and significance of one word: PERSEVERANCE. Joining us today on the Built Different Podcast to discuss how we can continually grow and develop a mindset to persevere is 2x Olympic medalist and renowned Life Coach, Dr. Mark Crear. Having endured a difficult childhood which included being a victim of physical and emotional abuse to using that pain and becoming the #1 110-meter hurdler in the world, Dr. Crear clearly understands perseverance and how to overcome some of life’s biggest hurdles. Our prayer is that you would be encouraged and motivated to stay the course consistently pursuing your best each and every day!
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We’ve all heard of resilience, but do we really know what it means and how to develop it within our own lives? Although there is no concrete definition for resilience, a common theme that seems to exist includes positive adaptation in the presence or face of adversity – or in simpler terms – the capacity to recover quickly from one’s difficulties. Some have even defined it as the ability to ‘bounce back’, but we must acknowledge the fact that coming back from challenge or adversity is a process and is not necessarily an immediate occurrence. Thankfully, today’s Built Different Guest, Jim Cress, is a renowned speaker, author, and Licensed Professional Counselor who has a deep interest and passion built around the topic of resilience himself. Having overcome some significant challenges in and throughout his own personal life and testimony, Jim loves reminding people that resilience is at the core of the Christian life. Jim reminds us in this week’s episode that the ultimate form of resilience is that of the ressurection - Because of what Christ did on the Cross defeating sin, and then through the power of His ressurection defeating death, we all have the opportunity of living with resurrection power… So when experiencing adversity, challenge, and difficulty, we no longer have to scratch and claw and fight for Victory, rather we now get the opportunity of fighting FROM a place of VICTORY.
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Have you ever just been frustrated with life? Maybe upset with the way life has gone, the pain you’ve had to endure, and the adversity that keeps stacking up which just seems unfair? Today’s Built Different Guest, is no stranger to that very feeling! Our guest today is world renowned speaker, author, and podcast host, who at the age of 15 was diagnosed with a rare, degenerative eye disease that would eventually steal her sight. When I hear Jennifer‘s story, my worldly perspective immediately makes me think that she is someone that has every right to be mad, frustrated, bitter, and disappointed with the life she has been given, but as you hear in and throughout the episode today Jennifer experiences and displays such joy, peace, and a deep love and adoration for the Lord! How you may ask? Well in and throughout this episode what Jennifer helps us understand is that God‘s power is truly made perfect in the midst of our weakness. What we see as obstacles, God sees as opportunities to truly reveal Himself to us! Jennifer reminds us that when asking the questions such as “Why pain? Why blindness? or Why adversity?” We must also ask the questions, “Why grace? Why forgiveness? Why death on the cross for me?” When we understand that God has our best interest in mind and that He is with us and He is for us and if He is for us then who could stand against us, that is when we can truly proclaim and live out the words, “It is well with my soul!” We pray that this episode leaves you encouraged today!
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We’ve all heard the words of James 1:2 which remind us to, “Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters when you face trials of many kinds.” But let’s be honest there are moments where life is just flat out painful, and as the infamous movie character, Rocky Balboa, once taught us, “life will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it.” There are moments where it seems like no one hits as hard as life does. But then Rocky’s words shift to encouraging us that, “it’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward… how much you can take and keep moving forward.” Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective to realize that we’re never out of the fight. You see happiness is external, but joy is internal. Joy is a fruit of the spirit, and as our guest today reminds us, although there are moments that may seem difficult and challenging, we get the opportunity to surrender our burdens to the Lord and give control over to the Holy Spirit allowing His joy to then invade and flow through us. Today’s guest is a man who, like all of us, is no stranger to challenge or adversity having endured plenty of painful and waiting seasons along his journey thus far. Our Built Different Guest today is Manager of the Texas Rangers, Coach Tony Beasley!! To know Coach Beasley is to love him. This man is an incredible leader and truly possesses an unwavering and contagious joy that is a direct reflection of the Lord dwelling within him. In and throughout this episode Coach Beasley discusses how we can TRAIN for our TRIALS, the importance of prioritizing rest and solitude with the Lord in the midst of the fast paced culture and society we find ourselves in, sport psychology nuggets to help you separate yourself from the rest of the pack, and how we can find confidence in knowing that our worth, value, and identity are not attached to our performance. Trust us, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!
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Have you ever taken a second to realize how much we have here in the U.S.? We are so blessed and fortunate to have so much. However, several sources have revealed heartbreaking statistics stating that nearly 10% of the world population lives in extreme poverty, meaning they live on less than $2 a day. Thankfully, our guests today on the Built Different Podcast have incredible hearts to extend the love of Christ through the gift of giving and helping those in need! Our Built Different Guests today will include world renowned authors, speakers, and Splash Podcast hosts, Shelene Bryan and Barbara Cameron!! This powerful conversation will be a reairing from their Splash Podcast talking all about an incredible cause and mission we all can give to in order to HELP and SUPPORT those in need. After seeing some of the statistics already mentioned, Shelene Bryan realized that the truth is, we’d all be okay if we skipped one or two or 500 things a year. Just think about how much money we spend on THINGS. On stuff we'll never use, or use once and give away, or never use again. This isn't an attempt to make you feel guilty, it's to get you to think about one or two things in your life that you could skip. Therefore, Shelene and her husband Brian decided to begin a nonprofit organization titled, Skip1.org, with the idea that whether it's skipping $4 at a fast food restaurant or $50,000 on that new car, by skipping the extra unneeded THING, we have the opportunity of helping someone else in need. You'll never miss the thing you skipped, but a child could live because of it. Skip1.org exists to help solve world hunger, one Skip at a time, by building and renovating kitchens within orphanages and schools in impoverished areas. They also support food distribution and feeding programs in places where kitchens can't be built, and help with clean water and sustainable agricultural initiatives. It’s amazing what can happen when people Skip. Will you join us?
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Have you ever just felt dissatisfied with life? Maybe felt disappointed or discouraged with how your life has been up to this point? Maybe even asked the question, “Is this really all life has to offer?” If that’s you, then I pray that this episode will speak such encouragement and motivation into your life today! Our Built Different Guest has been described as a passionate Jesus-loving, Bible-teaching, book-writing woman who loves to help people navigate life, connect in community, and live significantly. In this episode Bianca shares her powerful testimony of finding and fostering a deep and intimate personal relationship and faith in Christ in the midst of a very difficult and challenging season of life. She noted that often our faith is tested in the fire and that the biggest concern in our culture and society today is that when we go through difficult seasons and we experience deconstruction, we don’t put in the work to reconstruct what has been broken. Our prayer is that after listening to this episode you would be fueled and ignited to begin pursuing the Lord like never before opening up an opportunity for Him to work in and through your life to spark a revival that we all seek.
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Everyone desires to be healthy and fit, but only few give the time, attention, and energy to doing so. And we aren’t just talking physical fitness. We are talking about holistic fitness which involves the body, mind, and spirit. We want to help individuals pursue and reach their goals physically, mentally/emotionally, relationally, and most important spiritually. Thankfully, our Built Different Guest today, Shane Manney, has a significant amount of experience in all aspects of life. Physically speaking, Shane has accumulated over 20 years of coaching experience that includes wrestling, boxing, submission grappling, and strength training along with serving 6 years as an infantry machine gunner in the United States MARINE Corps, 2 years as a police officer in Richmond, Virginia, and 8 years as a private security contractor and security lead supervisor for Exelon Nuclear Security. On the mental, emotional, and relational level, Shane worked in the field of drug and alcohol rehabilitation at Pennsylvania Counseling Services for years helping individuals find freedom and recovery from strongholds within their lives. And spiritually speaking, Shane earned a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College in 2016, and now leads a ministry called 5 Stones Fight Club that exists to engage individuals in mixed martial arts and fitness so that they can become both physically fit and spiritually sound. His mission is to help individuals relate their struggles on the wrestling mats and in the cage to their daily battles in life, and to provide the necessary support to become moral representatives of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. My favorite quote from the episode is, “Come as you are, but don’t stay as you are.” Don’t miss this powerful episode that will help you push past your comfort zones!
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Have you ever just heard a story in which someone reacted with such grace, compassion, and empathy that it completely blew you away? Well today’s Built Different Guest, former professional baseball player and now world renowned inspirational speaker, Chris Singleton, joins us on the podcast to share his personal testimony that will do just that. Chris’s impactful story tragically involves the loss of his mother due to the horrific 2015 Charleston Church Massacre. In the midst of unfathomable pain, Chris was left with a choice of either hardening his heart or living out one of the lessons we’ve all heard being, “In this life we won’t always be able to control our circumstances, but we can always control how we respond to them.” In the midst of one of the most heinous acts imagineable, Chris clung to the truth and promises found in God’s Word and chose to respond with LOVE. He lived out the very thing he was always taught growing up found in Mark 12:30-31 which reminds us that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and secondly we are to love our neighbor as ourself. Chris’s testimony is one that truly echoes and personifies the grace and forgiveness found in Christ. His goal and mission now rests in reminding every individual to choose love no matter someone’s skin color, ethnic background, or circumstance. It’s time to be the change we have all been looking for!
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Today’s Built Different Guest is not only a survivor, but also an incredible storyteller. On April 21, 2008, at the age of 26, Katherine Wolf, experienced the unimaginable nearly dying from a massive brain-stem stroke. Following her life-saving surgery, Katherine still had to endure several significant challenges which included having to be on life support for an entire month, and then 2 additional years in rehabilitation to regain her motor skills. Her survival and recovery have been identified as nothing short of a miracle. However, although Katherine’s physical body would never heal completely beign reliant on a wheelchair to get around and having half of her face paralyzed due to the stroke, her spirit has mended. Most would hear Katherine’s testimony and say she has every reason to be bitter and frustrated with life, however, by clinging to the truth of God’s Word and His Promises, she has one of the most inspirational and joyous outlooks on life. In and throughout today’s episode you will be encouraged and equipped on how to properly handle adversity by embracing the process, cultivating a positive perspective, and choosing hope and joy through the act of gratitude. Remember, if you have a pulse, you have a purpose.
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Growing up as a kid, something I was always reminded of was as you continue to grow and develop in whatever occupational field you may be pursuing, the tighter the skill gap gets. In simpler terms, as you continue to progress and rise to the top, when you look around everyone is going to look similar. They’ll be talented. They’ll have the abilities to get the job done, but there are only a select group of individuals who have what it takes to stand out in the midst of that elite group. What is it you may ask? THE INTANGIBLES… Our Built Different Guest today, Michael Strachan, knows a thing or two about what it takes to get to the next level and how to stand out when an opportunity arises. Ever since Mike was a kid growing up in the Bahamas, one dream has been on his mind - playing in the NFL. But to achieve this goal, he would have to endure several obstacles and make plenty of sacrifices to get there. From dropping everything to move to Virginia to play competitive high school football, to signing with and grinding at a smaller NCAA Division 2 University, to getting drafted in the 7th round by the Indianapolis Colts, to then standing out and having an unbelievable preseason last year, there was always something different about Mike and his mission. Yes, he was talented, but there’s always been something lying underneath the surface of all that talent. Today, Mike not only shares his testimony and journey with us, but he also discusses the intangibles that have helped him achieve his goal of getting to the NFL and have now propelled his goals higher to becoming an impact player in the NFL.
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At some point in life, we have to be real with ourselves about the gap between the life we want to live and the life our daily habits are leading us toward. As John Maxwell always says, “So many of us have uphill dreams but downhill habits.” But let me remind you my friends, we are what we continually do. It’s easy to make a commitment, but it can be really hard to stay committed or consistent to that initial commitment when our feelings or busyness or distractions get in the way. How many times have you made that New Year’s resolution to do some form of physical activity every day or read through the Bible chronologically or finish a 365 page devotional just to see your goal fall short by Februrary because “life happened?” We’ve all been there, but in today’s episode we dive deep into how we can begin developing strong habits that will honor the Lord in our daily lives. The most important habit that we touch on today is that of SURRENDER! Sometimes, it’s okay to admit that you don’t have the motivation or strength to get the job done, but thankfully by asking and surrendering to the Holy Spirit, He can and will equip and encourage us in our weakest moments. Today’s Built Different Guest is a man who is passionate about this topic and helping others live a life of IMPACT in all that they do. Our guest today is Lead Pastor of Impact Church in Forest, VA, Pastor Brad Bell. In and throughout this episode, Pastor Brad shares of the faithfulness of God and how he has seen the Lord’s hand and fingerprints all throughout his life even during the painful or waiting seasons. Our prayer is that after listening to today’s epsiode you would be reminded of the Lord’s love for you and be encouraged to continually fight the good fight and stand on the truth of His Word. No matter how difficult it may be, keep pushing, and make sure your habits are steering you toward the life God has always intended for you.
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Are you feeling overlooked, under appreciated, and just about ready to throw in the towel? Maybe you have sought to continually do what is right, yet do not feel like the Lord sees you or is pleased by your efforts. Today’s guest Alex Bachman, standout wide receiver at Wake Forrest and current NFL NY Giants player, has experienced all these feelings and more in his journey to the heights of the sporting world. By sharing his testimony, Alex encourages us to keep “fighting the good fight” (1 Timothy 6:12) and to “not grow weary in doing the next right thing” (Galatians 6:9) because even in our darkest moments God will provide the harvest if we “do not give up”. Get a behind-the-scenes look into the life of a professional athlete and be encouraged to lean into your adversity through today’s podcast.
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In the fast paced, go get it mentality, and hustle oriented society and culture that we found ourselves in, how would you define success? Is it about the fame, the fortune, or the followership? This world does a really good job of constantly preaching discontentment, but what our Built Different Guest today offers us is a message of hope to remind you of what it takes to just be still and know that we serve the One, True, and Living God. Our guest today is Michael Perron. Michael serves as the Minister of Life Recovery at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas. He describes this position as one that exists to help individuals recover the life that God has always intended for them. In this episode, Michael shares his incredibly moving testimony which reminds us of Mark 8:36 which says, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit His soul?” At a point in time in his life, Michael had everything - the looks, the money, the ladies, and more - but he was the emptiest he’s ever been! Ironically, the Lord used the height of his fitness modeling career as his rock bottom moment where he ran cliniging to Christ where he finally found the joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment he’s always desired. He leaves us with this thought - Are you living a life of success or are you living a life of significance?
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Do you feel like you are caught between two masters: trying to serve yourself and serve God at the same time? Or taking it further, Have you ever felt like you are too far gone for the Lord to use your life in mighty ways? You are too sinful, too broken, or a waste? Today’s guest speaks life and truth into all of these challenges and fears. With a powerful testimony that for the first time in podcast history brings Brooke and Zach to tears, the pastor from Coastal Christian Ocean City in New Jersey and founder of http://TruthOverTrend.com, Matthew Maher, explains that “nothing is wasteful to a God who is faithful”. Matthew shares his journey from a christian household, to professional soccer player, to a career ending ACL and meniscus tear, to the devastating night of March 7th, through five years in prison, and into the freedom and open arms of Jesus. Pastor Matthew’s testimony is one that you will not want to miss: listen and be encouraged to press into the voice of your Savior instead of the voice of your failure.
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Did you know that the word “passion” has its roots in the Latin word pati, which means 'to suffer or endure.' Therefore, at the root of passion is suffering. One of the best movies ever made is Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of The Christ”. What most people believe this movie is all about is what most people believe the word Passion is all about - love, adoration, and affection for something. The truth is, yes, that is partially true, however, this movie is actually more about the suffering that Christ endured while on the cross. Jesus had and still has such a passion for His people and therefore He endured great suffering to demonstrate His love for us. Unfortunately, Satan loves to use anything he can to make us feel alone, isolated, overlooked, and even forgotten. Often times, he uses negative experiences, tragic events, toxic relationships, wounds, mistakes, and even bad decisions from our pasts to let the trauma affect the truth we believe about ourselves, others, and even the Lord. Thankfully today’s Built Different Guest, Stu Epperson Jr., is committed and passionate about spreading the light and truth of the gospel of Christ. Stu is the Founder and President of the Truth Network as well as host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Truth Talk Live”. In this episode, Stu joins us to share his personal testimony and how he is continually able to find joy and cling to the truth of God’s Word to help him navigate the challenges and adversity life has thrown his way! Don’t miss this powerful conversation!
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It is all too easy to get caught up in comparison culture: Do I have enough money? Am I respected enough by my peers? Am I beautiful? Am I worthy? It makes sense that we feel so downcast while looking through the comparison lens because “comparison is the thief of joy”. If you feel caught up in this cycle, our guest today is ready to reaffirm your worth and help you to put a halt to the comparison game through her specific life experience and prowess in the medical arena. Today’s Built Different Guest is Dermatologist Megan Allison talks about why our worth and our beauty is not merely “skin deep”. Megan begins by giving medical advice on how to be good stewards of our body by taking care of our skin, shares her personal battle against acne and how she overcame the physical and mental challenges that came with it, and lastly applied scriptural wisdom to the topic of beauty and comparison. Megan’s unique perspective as a physician assistant gives us deep encouragement to reorient our hearts towards God’s perspective of worth and beauty as she challenges our community to “remember our worth”, that it is “okay to ask for help”, and to “stop the comparison game”. Imagine how you could live differently if you knew the source of your true worth!
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What if I told you today, the life you’re looking for is WITHIN YOUR REACH? Would you live any differently? Would you work a little harder? Would you love a little deeper? If you’re answer is yes, then what are you waiting for? Today’s podcast episode is all about how you can begin creating the life you want to live through the power of GOOD DECISION MAKING. 1 Kings Chapter 3, Solomon was given one request from the Lord. He could have asked for anything in the world, but he chose to ask for WISDOM. What wisdom can also be viewed as is the ability or skillset in making more effective and beneficial decisions. I’ve heard it said that Decisions determine direction and direction determines destiny. Today’s Built Different Guest understands the weight and affects decision making can have on our lives. Our guest today is Dr. Karl Benzio who is a leading Christian Psychiatrist and serves as the medical director for the American Association of Christian Counselors and is the cofounder and medical director at Honey Lake Clinic as well. Dr. Karl shares his powerful testimony, and he also discusses his SPEARS decision making model with us so we can begin implementing these simple steps into our daily lives and decisions as well. As Dr. Karl mentions in this episode, we have the ability to slow our minds down. There are these steps or space that happens between a stimulus or a situation and our decision or response to it. Viktor Frankl says, “In that space is our power to choose, and in that choice is our freedom and our growth.” What if you were just one or a couple of good decisions away from living a completely different life?
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I don’t know about you, but it can sometimes be really difficult to not get caught up in the trap of the comparison culture that we live in. Always wanting to look better, make more money, buy bigger things, etc. to not only compete with other people but to compete with what we believe other people’s expectations are of us. But we must remember, comparison is the thief of joy and robs us of the abudant life that God has always intended for us. Thankfully, our Built Different Guest today, who is an incredibly powerful and passionate world-renowned communicator, podcaster, and best-selling author, Lisa Bevere, has dedicated her life to reminding people of their worth, value, and calling. One of our favorite quotes from Lisa says, “God doesn’t love us equally… He loves us uniquely! And Unique means without rival. You never have to compete or fight for the love and affection of the Lord.” In and throughout this entire episode, Lisa wants to remind you that God sees you. He hears you. He understands you. And He loves you more than you could ever possibly imagine. He is with you, and He has called you to greater things. Don’t give up now. Just keep pursuing Him, His will, and His calling and purpose for your life. Stop comparing, God created you intricately and uniquely to change the world. JUST BE YOU!
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When experiencing difficulty, pain, challenge, hardship, uncertainty, fear, worry, anxiety, addiction, and more, have you ever just questioned where God was? Does He even hear my cry? Does He even know my thoughts? Will He ever show up? Why is this happening to me? Or how about the infamous, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”
This makes me think of the book of Habakkuk where even in the midst of Habakkuk’s doubt, uncertainty, and frustration, God reminds Him that even though you may not understand what’s happening now, if you just TRUST me and live by FAITH, you’ll see that I can make ALL things work together for the good of those who love me and whom I have called according to my purpose (Romans 8:28).
Today’s Built Different Guest is no stranger to affliction and adversity! Grant Troutt is one of the most kind, genuine, and life-giving people you will ever meet, but life wasn’t and still isn’t always easy! Having experienced countless injuries that eventually ended his athletic aspirations, to getting lost in addiction… Grant has had his fair share of anger and doubting God. Yet, even though this life is hard and God never promised otherwise, He has reminded Grant that His plan is still perfect and His timing is never late! He just simply asks us to trust His plan and pleads with us to not lose our hope, because hope is never lost, sometimes it just needs to be redirected. Hope is a person!
Our prayer is that through this episode, you would feel encouraged, refreshed, and challenged to keep trusting, believing, and surrendering every day over to what the Lord has planned for your life! You know why? Because the Lord gets your pain. He understands your suffering. He too has experienced it and is currently in your midst experiencing it all with you right now! He has never left your side! Hebrews 4:15 says, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses…” but the beautiful thing is that as 1 Peter 5:10 reminds us that, “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”
My friends this too shall pass, and as Grant reminds us throughout this episode, what if your most PAINFUL moments and seasons were PREPARING you for your greatest PURPOSE in this life! Don’t give up now! When we TRUST in our trustworthy God, we don’t need to know why. We only need to know Him.
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One of my favorite quotes from this episode reads, “Most Christians are like the Arctic River - frozen at the mouth.” Have you ever wondered why it can be so difficult for us to share the good news of the gospel? Maybe it’s out of fear, wanting to just blend or fit in, maybe it’s so you’re not labeled that Jesus freak by your friend group. But unfortunately people are lost, wandering, and every day dying internally because sometimes we are too afraid to simply speak up! Today’s Built Different Guests include two amazing men of God, Jim VanSteenhouse and Sal Sberna! Both of these men have unbelievably powerful testimonies that I cannot wait for you to hear in this week’s episode. It’s amazing what God will use as an interruption in our lives to spark urgency and revival within our culture and society today who we know desperately need it! what if the change we were looking and even praying for all started with you?
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It’s pretty evident that our country has been going through some challenging times here recently. A lot of pain, heartbreak, and devastation to say the least. One thing that has been breaking my heart specifically is the effects that we are seeing within our youth, adolescents, and next generation. For countless reasons including the crumbling of the home, traumatic events, and so much more, kids are being predisposed to experiencing mental health struggles and challenges such as issues with self-esteem, anger, emotion regulation, fear of abandonment, and we’re even seeing a staggering uptick in anxiety, depression, addiction, and suicidality as well. Thankfully, today’s Built Different Guest is someone who has been on the frontlines for quite some time as he has a strong heart and passion to help impact and influence our next generation, Dr. Jay Strack. Dr. Strack is the President and Founder of Student Leadership University (SLU), and he has had the opportunity of speaking and sharing within countless high schools, colleges, universities, companies, organizations, and professional sports teams across the world. Having experienced an incredibly difficult upbringing himself filled with abuse, broken homes, juvenile detention centers, and more, Jay wants people to understand that they are capable, seen, and pursued by a God who still has a plan for their lives. Your past, mistakes, challenges, and adversity do not define you. God fully knows you and fully loves you. Just be sure that you’re not wasting your sorrows!
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When experiencing difficult seasons of life filled with stress and anxiety, where do you turn or what do you do to find freedom? Today’s Built Different Guest, Rebekah Lyons, has found 4 unique rhythms to help trade stress and anxiety for a life of peace and purpose! Even though Rebekah has reached some mountain top moments being a nationally acclaimed speaker, podcaster, and best-selling author of 3 incredible books: Rhythms of Renewal, You are Free, and Freefall to Fly, she has also experienced some deep valleys which have included mental health battles with anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. Her four rhythms which include Rest, Restore, Connect, and Create have opened her eyes to not just managing and going through the motions of life, but truly thriving and living the abundant life that John 10:10 describes! With God at the foundation and intentionality throughout the healing and recovery process, you too can find the freedom that you’re looking for!
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Did you know that Anxiety Disorders are the most common mental health disorders and affect nearly 30% of U.S. adults at some point during their life? I believe at some point in all of our lives, we’ve all felt a little anxious about something - a current situation, relationship, finances, work life, the future, etc. But how do we stop anxiety from robbing our joy and stealing our peace? Thankfully, today’s Built Different Guest, Dr. Gregory Jantz, who is a leading expert on the topic of mental health, especially on the topic of anxiety, is here to hopefully bring some clarity to that question. In this episode, through Dr. Jantz’s wisdom, knowledge, and expertise, he breaks down the differences between anxiety and worry/fear, some common signs of anxiety in our day to day lives, as well as some simple tools and techniques that we can begin implementing into our mental health hygiene to spark the peace that God initially intended for us. Philippians 4:6 reads, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything through prayer and supplication, let your requests be made known to God.” Although anxiety will speak lies, God always wants to remind you of His truth.
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Have you ever found yourself trapped or stuck in patterns you no longer desire? Maybe you’ve been hurt or wounded in the past and you’ve turned to anything to numb or anesthetize that pain, and now that very thing you looked to for instant relief is now your greatest source of destruction. Well there is good news my friends, recovery is for everyone and recovery is possible for you. Our Built Different Guest today is the Pastor of Temple City Church in Selma, NC as well as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), John Eklund. In this episode, John shares his powerful testimony involving brokenness, addiction, and suicidal ideation, yet in his darkest moment God showed up and provided a spark for his recovery journey. He has since then written a book and founded an exceptional program called Recovery Alive - Known for Resurrecting Hope through the power, people, and process of the 12 steps. John’s passion rests in helping others find the hope they feel has been lost and the freedom they never knew was possible. Listen to this episode, and be prepared to start your Recovery Journey today!
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Have you ever experienced something difficult and began questioning God? Maybe even doubting His goodness, grace, and faithfulness? Starting to ask Him the ‘Why’ questions, like “God, Why are you allowing this to happen to me?” Today’s Built Different Guest, Christian singer and songwriter, Danny Gokey, is no stranger to challenge and difficulty. After losing his late wife, Sophia Martinez, to complications during her third surgery to treat her congenital heart disease, Danny was left broken and uncertain of what was to come. Yet, in those moments God encouraged him to reframe his ‘Why’ questions into ‘What’ questions… Rather than “Why me?” he began asking “What can I learn in the midst of my pain?” or even “God, what is your will so that I may begin walking in it?” It’s amazing what God can turn our pain into. Just four short weeks after losing Sophia, Danny tried out for American Idol and placed in the top-3 sparking what we now see as one of the most decorated Christian music careers in history! He was also remarried to his current wife of over a decade, Leyicet, and together they have 4 beautiful children! Danny’s heart and music rests in reminding us that God is for you and not against you. He has a beautiful and perfect plan for your life. And He can turn your pain into your greatest purpose if you let Him. If you’re struggling to believe and see it with that perspective today, maybe you just haven’t seen it yet. Keep on believing!
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Our Built Different Guest today is former legendary MLB pitcher, Andy Pettitte. After an 18 year professional baseball journey, Andy racked up one of the most decorated careers collecting 5 World Series Championships, 3 All-Star Game selections, and 256 career wins along the way. There is obviously no question that Andy is a fierce competitor who wanted to do his very best while playing the game that he loved, but what Andy shares with us is that his main priority has always been to grow and strengthen his relationship with Christ above everything else. Throughout this episode you will hear a common theme that Andy reminds us of which is the consistency of God. Even in the ups and downs throughout Andy’s baseball career, but more importantly his life, God has always remained the same. The heart of this interview rests in helping you understand that no matter what you may be going through, God is still God, and He is still Good! Even when you can’t see it, He is working on your behalf! Rest in His consistency today!
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Hebrews 11:1 reminds us that, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” But let’s be honest with ourselves, it can be really hard to “have faith” during times of uncertainty, transition, and challenge. Yet during these difficult moments, we must remember that true and genuine faith in God can be forged in the valleys of our journey. God wants us to press into Him during these times more than ever! Hebrews 11:6 goes on to remind us that “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Today’s Built Different Guest, is no stranger to understanding what it means to step out in faith even in the midst of uncertainty. Today’s guest is world renowned Christian singer and songwriter, Micah Tyler. Micah knew he was called to ministry at a young age, but it wasn’t until his late 20’s that he felt the Lord calling him into music! After literally selling over half of what he and his wife owned at the time, they devoted their lives to following and trusting the Lord’s leading. Even in the midst of fear, difficulty, and sometimes frustration that they experienced, God continually showed up and provided like He always does! My friends, we can always have faith, because of the hope that Christ offers us. Hope is never lost, sometimes it just needs to be redirected. Why? Because Hope is a person. Micah believes that living out your faith will ultimately reflect what it means to be DIFFERENT in our world today.
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Since the beginning of time, God’s Word tells us that we were created for one thing: a RELATIONSHIP with Him. Unfortunately, sin quickly entered this world which ruptured the relationship we were intended to have with God. But God, being so rich in love, grace, and mercy sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross and to rise again 3 days later so that we may have the opportunity to restore our relationship with Him! All we simply have to do is say YES to Jesus through asking for the forgiveness of our sins and believing in Him. In this episode our Built Different guest, Pastor Clayton King joins us to share of the significance of the Easter Story. Pastor Clayton shares details and stories from Scripture that may easily get overlooked, yet proclaim of the goodness, faithfulness, and intentionality of God. Our prayer is that through this episode, you will be reminded of your worth and value in understanding that God specifically cares for you and He loves to redeem wounded lives!
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Pain is inevitable. It’s a part of every single one of our journeys throughout life. John 16:33 reminds us, “That in this world you WILL have trouble…” so it’s not a matter of “if” but of “when” we experience challenge, difficult, and adversity in our lives. We can’t OUTRUN it, but we can choose to OUTLAST it! Our Built Different Guest today is one of if not the greatest motivational speaker of our day and age, Inky Johnson. Inky has one of the most inspiring testimonies you will ever hear as God has helped him turn what was his greatest PAIN into his greatest PURPOSE! He now shares his testimony to help people understand that even when his faith seemed as if it were on trial and he almost lost his hope and belief, God didn’t give up on him. Even when you feel down and discouraged, God is still walking with you and He hasn’t forgotten about you. He is still in your midst. It may be hard to get up right now, but continue to fight the good fight.
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It’s very easy to start losing our identity in what we do. In athletics, it’s especially easy to find our worth and value in our performance. We are constantly working for success, but too many don’t know how to handle or process failure. Today’s Built Different guest is no stranger to the sporting arena as he is currently the QB for the Washington Commanders, Carson Wentz! Carson, like everyone, has experienced several ups and downs in the midst of his career yet he has constantly lived by one motto which is playing and living for an “Audience of ONE.” In this episode, Carson thanks God for all of the trials he has endured because they have led him to opportunities for growth and to a place of finding true surrender in Christ. His hearts beats to remind people of WHO they are by helping them remember WHOSE they are.
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Let’s be honest, life is filled with difficult and painful seasons. Life sometimes delivers knock out blows that we never saw coming, and sometimes these become our defining moments. Today’s Built Different guest is a guy who’s taken a few blind side hits of his own both on the gridiron during his 18 year Hall Of Fame career in the NFL and off the field as well, Ben Roethlisberger! In this epsiode Ben reminds us that life is not going to be perfect. Life is full of peaks and valleys and it’s easy to give God the glory from the top of a mountain. But he challenges us by asking, Can we give Him the glory when we’re in midst of the valley as well? We must STAND BACK UP!
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Have you ever gone through a season of life where it felt like you were being overlooked, forgotten, or like no one cared? I think we’ve all been there. Today’s Built Different Guest is no stranger to disappointment, discouragement, and doubt. He’s been through the ringer and his abilities have been questioned time and time again, but that never deterred him from the ultimate mission and calling God placed on his heart. Our guest today is the American Underdog himself, Kurt Warner. In this episode Kurt shares his unforgettable testimony where he journeyed in the wilderness and through several valleys in and throughout his life, BUT GOD brought restoration and resurrection his dreams. Kurt went from being an undrafted free agent to one of NFL’s greatest stories winning 2 MVP’s, a Super Bowl title, and a Super Bowl MVP along the way. Our prayer is that this episode would remind you that even when you can’t track or trace God, you can always TRUST Him.
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Happiness and Joy are two very different things. Happiness is an emotion that is contingent on one’s successes and failures, but Joy is an internal state that dwells deep within us and gives us contentment regardless of the external circumstances. Our Built Different guest today to discuss what Unwavering Joy looks like is, Derek Orndorff, who is the starting Center Fielder for the Liberty University baseball team and he is also currently the National Collegiate Homerun Leader! In this episode, Derek dives deep into his personal testimony and discusses how regardless of the mountain top moments or valleys he’s experienced in life, he has been able to find joy in his personal relationship with the Lord!
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When life gets hard, it’s easy to find comfort in the low places, to give up, and to identify yourself as a victim. However, today’s Built Different guest, Richard Yeargin III, discusses his pivotal shift in mentality from that of a victim to that of a VICTOR! As a 2x College Football National Champion, Richard, has endured significant pain and challenge in and throughout his life, yet believes and procalims that God’s plan is Perfect and His timing is never late! Through his unforgettable testimony, Richard will share how because of God’s grace and second chances, he was able to persevere and rise above his low places in life.
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How do you build a strong and steady CULTURE? Today’s Built Different guest, Coach Kelly Nangle, tackles this massive question that so many of us don’t truly have an answer for. Coach Kelly, who serves as the Head Coach of the Liberty University Women’s Lacrosse Team, dives into some biblically based principles that she believes can help individuals and teams cultivate a culture like no other. The cool thing is that all of these principles are things that YOU CAN CONTROL! Don’t miss this powerful episode as Brooke gets to interview her very own Coach!
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Everyone seems to always be searching for the ever illusive term, “Mental Toughness.” Today’s Built Different guest who discusses this topic in depth is Elite Cross-Fit athlete, Jayson Hopper. Jayson is constantly having to assess himself every day for what it means to push himself beyond his limits and build resilience in all he does. During this episode he talks about the importance of hard work, self-assessment, attainable goals, his perspective on “failure”, people fuel, and finding our worth and approval in the applause of nail scarred hands.
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The hardest seasons of life beg the question: how established is your character? Today’s Built Different guest is former NFL quarterback and Hall of Famer, Jim Kelly. Jim opens up about the loss of his 8 year-old son, and his own battle with cancer. He talks about the importance of surrounding ourselves with quality people, and shares how his faith in God is what has held him together during his most trying times.
Kelly Tough (book)
Hunter’s Hope (website)
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When life knocks you down, it’s easy to lose hope. Today’s Built Different guest is Dr. Johnny Parker. Dr. Parker knows what it’s like to feel stuck in an unwanted season of life, but he also knows what it takes to get back up again. He talks about the practical “why” and “how” of getting out of the pit and shares the importance of transparency and relationship with others as key factors in the equation.
Turn The Page (training)
Turn the Page (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is a conversation between Zach Clinton and former Clemson University football running back, Darien Rencher. Darien talks about his journey of faith and how God has got him through some of the hardest seasons of his life. He encourages listeners to remain faithful, even when they feel their efforts aren’t appreciated and explains about the importance of courageously stepping into the opportunities that God brings.
Ignite Men’s Impact Weekend
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a powerful conversation between Brooke Bryan, Zach Clinton and their guest, Pastor PJ Preston, of Hope Co. Church. Pastor PJ shares with listeners how they can optimize their spiritual growth in the new year and he emphasizes the importance of withdrawing and seeking the Lord.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach and Brooke sit down with Liberty University's head baseball coach, Scott Jackson. Coach Jackson talks about the qualities of good leaders, and also discusses the importance of servanthood. Coach Jackson also shares how healthy habits and routines help him balance his family and team.
Atomic Habits (book)
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Today’s episode is a conversation between Zach Clinton and world-renowned leading psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Amen. Dr. Amen talks about the stigma surrounding mental illness, his cutting edge research with SPECT imaging, and the power of accurate thinking. He also lists the ways that listeners can practice good brain-hygiene.
Amen Clinics
Your Brain is Always Listening (book)
The Relentless Courage of a Scared Child (book)
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Today, on the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with left-handed baseball pitcher, Jared Pettitte. Jared talks about his rough start to playing baseball in college, and his comeback that recently allowed him to sign with the Miami Marlins. Jared explains why every believer's identity needs to be in Christ and the importance of perseverance.
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What makes any team successful? It starts with the integrity and commitment of each individual player. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Liberty University’s head basketball coach, Ritchie McKay, talks about leadership and mentorship. He also explains why sin is so alluring, what to do when you’re struggling with it, and he also encourages the listeners who feel as though God has forgotten about them.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is a conversation with pastor, author and comedian, Ted Cunningham. Ted talks about the foundational blocks that are necessary for successful relationships with one another and with God. He shares his best advice for newlyweds and in closing, Zach and Brooke explain how listeners can reignite their relationship with God.
A Love That Laughs (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a powerful message from Pastor Sammy Rodriguez. Pastor Sammy talks about the importance of having the right motivation and being driven by God’s anointing rather than selfish ambitions. He also lists the qualities that every good leader possesses, and shares with unbelievers why it takes more faith to not believe in God than it does to believe in Him.
Persevere With Power (book)
Pastor Sam (website)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a conversation between Zach Clinton, Brooke Bryan and guest Coach Shelton Stevens. Coach Stevens talks about who he was as a coach at Liberty University, who he’s become today, and God’s faithfulness through it all. Despite the physical setback of a Celiac diagnosis, Coach Stevens explains to listeners how he maintains a life of mental toughness and a heart postured towards God.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton and Brooke Bryan interview former professional baseball player, Darryl Strawberry. Darryl explains how early childhood trauma caused his life to veer off course as a young adult, and shares how he finally found contentment through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton and Brooke Bryan interview Alex Nsengimana, who lived through the horrors of the 1994 Rwandan genocide. Despite witnessing the senseless murders of his loved ones, Alex found forgiveness for the transgressors through the transforming power of Jesus Christ. Alex shares about the overwhelming impact that Operation Christmas Child made in his life and why he now partners with them to give back to others.
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Mark Hiepler is one of the top 100 attorneys in the nation. Despite his undeniable success, life has been far from perfect for him. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton interviews Mark to hear the heart behind the success. From a humble start in his career and a terrible tragedy, Mark shares how suffering has shaped him into the man of character he is today.
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From an upbringing rooted in Christ, to rebellion in pursuit of stardom, it’s been a journey along a zig-zag road for one Christian musician. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with Zach Williams as they discuss the winding road Zach Williams has been on and how he eventually made his way back to his Biblical faith.
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The whispers of the Enemy can sneak into the minds of any believer, especially in vulnerable seasons of isolation. On today’s episode of the Built Different podcast, Zach interviews licensed professional counselor, Dr. Mark Mayfield. Dr. Mayfield shares his powerful testimony of walking in God’s healing after his own suicide attempt.
Book: The Path Out of Loneliness
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The crushing blows of life can knock even the strongest believer off course, leaving them to question how a sovereign God could allow such suffering. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with Pastor Levi Lusko. Pastor Levi shares his own story of continuing to trust God after the death of his daughter, Lenya. He challenges listeners with a powerful message of hope that can only come when we have the right perspective on our pain.
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In the wake of a tragic car accident, Josh Barrick was faced with a decision to desperately cling to his faith in God, or let unforgiveness destroy him. Choosing to forgive the drunk driver allowed Josh and his family to step into the fullness of everything God has for them. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Josh helps listeners learn how they too can trust God through their own tragedies and come out stronger on the other side.
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast was an inspiring conversation between Zach Clinton and Liberty Lacrosse athlete, Brooke Bryan. Brooke shared some of the struggles she faced at the beginning of her college career, and then encouraged listeners to prioritize Jesus above all else. Zach and Brooke concluded the show with an exciting announcement.
C.S. Lewis: First and Second Things Quote
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Being an athletic coach requires a tremendous love and extensive knowledge of the sport. But the most exceptional coaches seem to possess a tremendous desire to inspire each individual athlete to be the best person they can be in every area of life. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with one of Texas High School football's most winningest coaches, Coach Ronnie Gage. Coach Gage shares his heart for coaching and athletics, and also explains the importance of keeping God at the center of it all.
Book: The Life Coach
Billy Graham on the impact of a coach
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The Bible references food and wine nearly 500 times. But are those mentions simply to paint a picture? Not according to best-selling author and world-renowned speaker and teacher, Margaret Feinberg. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Margaret explains how God uses food imagery to not only explain Biblical concepts, but also to draw a parallel that points to God as our Spiritual source of sustenance. She also teaches what it means for Christians to be “pruned” by God, and gives practical steps for staying the course in the face of suffering.
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In the Christian community, there can be a lot of misconceptions surrounding wealth and worldly success. Is it wrong for a believer to have influence and affluence? On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with Jedidiah Thurner who breaks it down in a simple and refreshing way. Jedidiah explains the most fundamental Christian meaning of the word “success” and the two biggest inhibitors that prevent it.
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There are painful moments in every believer’s life where it may seem that if we just had an explanation for our suffering, it would be easier to endure. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, best-selling author Lysa TerKeurst, shares a transforming perspective from her own experiences. She encourages listeners to remain steady in the face of rejection and hardship, and reveals the powerful ways God is at work, even when we don’t see Him.
Book: Forgiving What You Can’t Forget
Book: It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way
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For many Americans the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack will forever be etched in their minds. But for one hero with boots on the ground, the horrors of that day made an impact on a surreal level. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with former U.S. Marine, Mark “Oz” Geist. Mark describes that day in detail, and also talks spiritual warfare and leadership.
Movie: 13 Hours
Book: 13 Hours
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Young love and an NFL contract, what could go wrong? What began as butterflies and bliss evolved into an intense battle to stay committed to Christ and each other in the face of overwhelming devastation. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with Katie Thornhill, who courageously shares her story. From infidelity, addiction, injuries and losing their son Marcus to brain cancer, Katie and her husband Josh have been through it all. Katie’s message to listeners will revive hope where it seems lost, and inspire strength for the challenges in life that seem impossible.
Katie’s Podcast: Anchored in Always
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The exchange of wedding vows, a diagnosis, the birth of our first child… for good or bad, these life-defining events build slowly, but happen suddenly. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton has the opportunity to sit down with former NFL player, Ryan Shazier. Ryan shares honestly about the moment his professional football career came to a crashing end. After being told he would never walk again, Ryan arose out of his darkest season and is now using his pain to transform the lives of others.
Ryan Shazier Fund for Spinal Rehabilitation
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The Better-Than-Average effect was a social study conducted, revealing that most people see themselves as superior to their average peers. Mathematically speaking, that reality does not compute. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with Licensed Professional Counselor, Debra Fileta, as she challenges listeners to take an honest inventory of themselves. Debra also encourages listeners to pursue healing in the aftermath of trauma.
Debra’s Book: Are You Really Okay?
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Sexual sin is one of the easiest traps to fall into and consequently, one of the hardest to get out of. It has the power to distort the individual’s view of God, themselves and the opposite sex. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with author and speaker, Stephen Arterburn. Stephen shares the heart behind his best-selling book, Every Man’s Battle and explains that freedom is more than possible.
Every Man’s Battle - Revised Edition
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There are seasons in everyone’s lives that truly seem unfair. But today’s Built Different guest knows that sting on a whole different level. Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs. Despite such significant setbacks, Nick has persevered and become a global source of hope and light to others. Today, Zach Clinton sits down with Nick as Nick shares the 3 steps for getting out of depression and explains why having our identity rooted in Christ is so crucial.
Be the Hands and Feet (book)
Reversing Roe (documentary)
Uncle Tom (documentary)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a conversation between Zach Clinton and former Emmy-Award winning ESPN producer, Jason Romano. Despite Jason’s undeniable success, he’s no stranger to adversity. In this episode you’ll hear a powerful message of forgiveness, as Jason shares how he forgave his alcoholic father for the tremendous pain he caused. Listen and learn why forgiveness is essential to our freedom and how you can forgive those who have hurt you.
Jason Romano (website)
Live to Forgive (book)
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Paul Hiepler is a former basketball player from Abilene Christian University. Paul was a standout high school player who came to college with every dream and aspiration to be the leader of the ACU basketball team by putting up incredible stats and hitting big time game winning shots to send his team dancing in the March Madness tournament. Unfortunately, Paul never got the amount of playing time he probably would have liked or dreamt of during his collegiate basketball career. But instead of moping or wallowing in self-pity, Paul decided to keep working hard and become the BEST TEAMMATE possible! Little did Paul know, the Lord was intervening on his behalf and was working behind closed doors all along.
As Abilene Christian University upset the University of Texas in the first round of this year’s March Madness Basketball Tournament, Paul Hiepler didn’t play a minute, but he was the most excited and energetic player on the court the entire night, even from the sidelines. You see, Paul is the type of person who didn’t let playing time define who he was. Paul completely found his identity in Christ which propelled him into the moment God was preparing him for. Noted by ESPN as being “The Player Every Team Needs,” Paul Hiepler became an overnight sensation. The picture of his “Horns Down” symbol instantly went viral and got his name all over social media. Immediately interviews on podcasts just like this came flooding in and Paul was able to spread the light and the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s amazing how when you make the choice to control the controllables and you choose to have an attitude of gratitude how far it can take you. Nancy Leigh Demoss says it like this, “In every situation that is thrown my way, I am given one of two options… I can either whine or I can worship. And it’s impossible to worship without giving thanks.” My prayer is that this episode challenges you to choose WORSHIP and JOY like Paul did in every and all circumstances that may come your way.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with world-renowned figure skater, Scott Hamiliton. Scott talks about choosing resiliency in the face of setbacks and he shares vulnerably about how some of his deepest sorrows propelled him to his greatest moments of success.
Finish First (book)
Scott Hamilton Cares Foundation
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There are key elements that make a quality leader. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton talks with Ret. Lt. Col. Allen West. Allen shares what those 5 elements of leadership are, and explains the importance of keeping God at the center of all that we do.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with former LSU soccer star, Mo Isom Aiken. Mo shares vulnerably about her father’s suicide, and her own addiction to pornography. She explains how when we are ready to give up control, Jesus is ready to intervene and bring us into restoration with Him.
Sex, Jesus and the Conversations the Church Forgot (book)
Fully Known (book)
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The war on masculinity in our modern culture is undeniable. But just what’s at stake? How detrimental is the effect of this attack on men and women alike? How important are godly men and fathers to the health of a society? On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton sits down with his dad, Dr. Tim Clinton to discuss exactly this. Listen to how vital strong, godly men are to the overall well-being of every society.
Take it Back (book)
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Some athletes dedicate their lives to the sport, in hopes of one day playing professionally. Besides their work ethic and determination, what really sets them apart from the rest? On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton interviews Liberty University’s starting quarterback, Malik Willis to find out. Malik talks about the importance of mindset, controlling what you can control, and always keeping Christ at the center of all that you do. At the end of the show, Dr. Tim Clinton does a house call regarding the significance of who we surround ourselves with.
Win in the Dark (book)
Winning ( book)
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton talks with Baseball Hall of Famer, Billy Wagner. Despite having tremendous physical and mental barriers in his path, Billy was determined to make it to the big leagues. He shares what separates the good from the great, and speaks encouragement into listeners to keep going despite their setbacks. To conclude, Dr. Tim Clinton gives a house call and further explains what an individual needs to do in order to set themselves apart from the rest.
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton talks with Baseball Hall of Famer, Billy Wagner. Despite having tremendous physical and mental barriers in his path, Billy was determined to make it to the big leagues. He shares what separates the good from the great, and speaks encouragement into listeners to keep going despite their setbacks. To conclude, Dr. Tim Clinton gives a house call and further explains what an individual needs to do in order to set themselves apart from the rest.
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Food is for both nutrition and enjoyment. But what happens when it becomes an obsession? On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton talks with Dr. Rhona Epstein about food addiction and eating disorders. Like most addictions, Dr. Rhona explains how shame is often at the root of it. She shares with listeners the steps they can take to find lasting freedom from this addiction.
Satisfied (book)
Food Triggers (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a powerful conversation between Zach Clinton and Bobby Petrocelli. Everything changed when a drunk semi-truck driver crashed through the walls of Bobby’s home, taking the life of his wife. Through his story, Bobby inspires listeners to embrace each moment they have because within 10 seconds, life can flip upside down. In her closing Housecall, Rachael Flick explains to listeners how they can keep hope in the face of hardship.
10 Seconds (Bobby’s ministry)
10 Seconds Will Change Your Life Forever (book)
You Matter, It Doesn’t (book)
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On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Zach Clinton interviews psychiatrist, Dr. Michael Lyles on the important topic of depression. Dr. Lyles explains the difference between sadness and depression, what warning signs indicate that an individual may be suffering from depression, and where to find help. In the closing Housecall, Dr. Tim Clinton talks about the importance of taking responsibility in all areas of life.
Dr. Michael Lyles (website)
Dr. Tim Clinton (website)
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Addiction can have a grave impact on one’s mental health as today’s guest, chrisitan music artist, Michael O’Brien, knows firsthand. Michael shares with listeners how a sexual addiction was almost the downfall of his marriage, but how the Holy Spirit convicted him to repentance and change. He also gives practical advice to listeners on how to prevent falling into the same trap.
Micheal O’Brien (website)
Facebook group: Pure in Heart (For Men only)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is an inspiring conversation between Zach Clinton and Inky Johnson. While Inky was the first in his family to go to college and was on track for the NFL, an injury ended his football career prematurely. Listen and hear how Inky has found God in the middle of his suffering and how he is using his story to motivate others.
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Have you ever felt that your relationship with God is superficial? Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is a conversation between Zach Clinton and former Hollywood producer, Shelene Bryan. Shalene talks about what it was like to gain the world at the cost of her soul, and then shares how God really got a hold of her heart. She encourages listeners with a hopeful message that God is faithful even when His people aren’t.
Ridiculous Faith (book)
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While the message of the prosperity gospel can sound appealing, things don’t always add up so easily. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Davey Blackburn shares the second part of his story, detailing his journey in the wake of his late wife’s murder. Davey emphasizes the importance of leaning into God, especially in the most painful seasons of life. He also talks about forgiveness and gives an encouraging update on what God is currently doing in his life.
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In the blink of an eye, everything can change for better or for worse. Sometimes we find ourselves walking a harrowing road of suffering that we didn’t expect. Today’s Built Different guest is no stranger to grief and loss. Davey Blackburn recounts the story of discovering that his pregnant wife was murdered. He also shares how important it is for everyone to face their emotions, no matter how overwhelming they might feel.
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Loving other people well can be a real challenge for any believer and it’s something that everyone can use more practice in. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, Bob Goff shares some of his principles and methods for engaging even the most challenging of people. He also explains that our gaze needs to be fixed intently on Jesus in order for us to be conduits of His love.
Love Does (book)
Dream Big (book)
Everybody, Always (book)
Live in Grace, Walk in Love (book)
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“A good laugh heals a lot of hurts” is a quote that today’s Built Different guest embodies. Chonda Pierce has walked through significant loss and pain in her life, but it didn’t hinder her calling as a renowned comedian. Chonda shares with listeners how the joy of the Lord has been her strength and how she has used the broken pieces of her story to bring laughter and healing to others.
Laughing in the Dark (movie)
Laughing in the Dark (book)
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Multi platinum recording artist Mac Powell is Zach's guest on the show today. Mac Powell’s Southern-drenched vocals have been a cornerstone of Third Day, one of contemporary Christian music’s most successful groups, for the past three decades.
Mac Powell is one of the most beloved Christian singers and songwriters ever with one of the most distinct voices known to music!! He and a few of his buddies, Mark Lee and Billy Wilkins, grew to be household names by creating a band called Third Day, around the Atlanta, Georgia area that just blew up and with the Lord’s leading! Mac and Third Day went on to sell over 7 million albums, win 4 Grammy’s, collected 24 Gospel Music Association Dove Awards, along with countless other accolades along the way. Some of their hit songs include Soul on Fire, Call My Name, Children of God, God of Wonders, Show Me Your Glory, Cry out to Jesus, and I Need a Miracle! Mac now sings independently and continues to spread the light of Jesus to as many audiences as possible! Mac lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife, Aimee and five children: Scout, Cash, Camie Love, Emmanuel, and Birdie Clare.
To find out more about Mac Powell, go to macpowell.com
Also, on our "House Call" segment of the show, Dr. Tim Clinton will answer a question from one of you.
Tim Clinton, Ed.D, LPC, LMFT, is the President of the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), the largest and most diverse Christian counseling association in the world. Dr. Clinton also serves as the Executive Director of the James Dobson Family Institute and recurring co-host of “Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk”, heard on nearly 1,300 radio outlets daily. Licensed as a Professional Counselor and as a Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Clinton is recognized as a world leader in mental health and relationship issues and spends much of his time working with Christian leaders and professional athletes. He has authored or edited nearly 30 books, including The Struggle is Real: How to Care for Mental and Relational Health Needs in the Church.
Find out more at drtimclinton.com
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is a conversation between Zach Clinton and Liberty University's head football coach, Hugh Freeze. Coach Freeze talks about integrity and how crucial it is to own up to our mistakes. He also explains the meaning of “culture” and how individuals can foster a positive culture both off and on the field.
For Others (formerly ‘Angel Armies’)
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The true character of a person is shown in challenging situations that just don’t seem fair. Dot Richardson had a god-given desire and ability to play softball but was met with pushback because of her gender. Tune in to today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast to hear how Dot maintained her integrity in that situation, and how she went on to be a two-time Olympic gold medalist.
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As a pastor who was passionate about Jesus and his family, life seemed to be going great for Max Davis, until getting home from church one day and discovering that his wife had left him. On today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast, you’ll hear an inspiring story of how God used rock bottom to transform Max’s heart and then led him to a future full of promise as a speaker and the author of 38 books.
When Jesus was a Green-Eyed Brunette (book)
The Insanity of Unbelief (book)
Take it Back (book)
Rachael Flick (book)
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The widely held misconception about mental toughness is that individuals rise up when it matters most. Today’s Built Different guest disagrees. Chad Busick explains that mental toughness comes down to preparation and shares the secret of being prepared. He also tells listeners his formula for becoming a champion in all areas of life and breaks down what separates the good from the great.
Championship Mindset (business)
The Rock Tumbler (book)
The Power of Positive Leadership Training
Inside Out Coaching (book)
Flirting with Darkness (book)
The Garden (book)
Atomic Habits (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast is a conversation between Zach Clinton and up and coming baseball star, Wesley Clarke. Wesley talks about the importance of his dad’s influence in his life, and encourages listeners to keep their identity rooted in Christ above all else. In closing, Dr. Tim Clinton gives a Housecall to discuss some of the biggest barriers in the way of an athlete's success, and how they can overcome them.
Win in the Dark (book)
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Today’s episode of the Built Different Podcast features a conversation between Zach Clinton and best-selling author and keynote speaker, Jon Gordon. Jon defines what the word “grit” means and talks about the importance of effective leadership, which he says begins with connection. He also explains why investing in relationships with others needs to be every believer's top priority after their relationship with Christ.
Relationship Grit (book)
The Power of Positive Leadership (book)
The Coffee Bean (book)
The Garden (book)
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