The Capsule
UK-Based Street Dance Media Platform.
All content is for entertainment purposes only.
The podcast The Capsule is created by The Capsule. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Intro (00:00) The Capsule at Juste Debout (04:30)Little Shao (05:57)Admir & The Team (08:19)The Significance Of Juste Debout (09:00)The Arena Experience (14:35)Jimmy Yudat's Stagecraft (23:18)Diablo & Stala vs Les Twins (26:14)Online Commenters (30:59)MT Pop & Nelson (35:41)MT Pop x Red Bull (39:28)Song Haoming & Fu Junxi (42:35)UK Representation (44:26)Livestream (52:50)The Music/DJs (55:30)Winners (& Bruce) Interviews (1:00:20)Thoughts About Bruce & Juste Debout (1:18:27)Outro (1:28:55)
#justedebout #lestwins #mtpop #hiphopdance #podcast #interview #dancepodcast #dancebattle #review
Intro (00:00)Is Photography Dead? (01:05)The Rise Of Little Shao (03:45)How Shao Gets The Shot (18:12)The Famous Little Shao Logo (24:33)The Workload & The Team (28:10)Little Shao Is Colourblind? (32:27)Competition Between Photographers (33:40)How To Change The Game (39:20)Different Types Of Photography (50:06)Little Shao (and Sunni's) Photo Archives (54:20)Little Shao on Miniboj (59:48)Working With Red Bull & Crazy Neguin Story (1:04:32)Working With Nikon (1:12:27)Advice For Photographers (1:14:56)Putting On Exhibitions (1:18:05)Sunni On Why Shao Is The GOAT (1:21:30)Juste Debout Package (1:33:15)Outro (1:36:00)
(00:00) Intro(01:05) Juste Debout Is Back(02:13) Tijo & Rant About DJs(08:19) Stop Saying Crowds Are Dead(18:03) Hype Moments(20:31) Hitting The Music But Being Off Beat(27:40) Juste Debout UK Is Back(30:37) Finding The Magic/Rory & Jev(38:32) The LiveStream Chat (43:45) ISPA Fellowship(52:19) Max's Residency(58:15) Outro
Intro (00:00)Sevdaliza Stole Their Dance?! (00:16)Tik Tok & The Music Industry (16:37)The Business of Tik Tok (28:35)Training Hard AFTER Blowing Up (34:06)Working As Twin Sisters (43:50)Partnership with PSG (51:23)Dancers React: Lady Gaga - Abracadabra (58:43)How To Make A Viral Tik Tok Dance (1:11:32)
(00:00) Intro (00:17) Juste Debout Routine Rule (09:12) Five Ways To Make Your Routines Better (09:29) Number One (13:50) Number Two (18:49) Number Three (22:31) Number Four (25:39) Number Five (31:32) Outro/JOAT (32:53) Djidawi Conversation This conversation was recorded at JOAT Festival 2024 #djidawi #jackofalltrades #joatfestival #popping #dancebattle #mtpop #greenteck #monstapop #niako #montreal #dancepodcast #dance #podcast
(00:00) Intro Academy Breakin' Convention (01:42) What is Sadler's Wells East? (10:43) What is Academy Breakin' Convention? (29:54) What happens on the course? (41:04) What is the 'audition' process? (51:02) Specialists & teachers (54:30) How to apply --------------------------------------------------------- (1:00:31) Intro Back To The Lab (1:01:24) Lauren Scott Interview (1:21:21) Max Revell Interview (1:41:43) Levan Peart Interview (2:02:10) Mariah de Castro Arco e Flexa Interview #breakinconvention #academybreakinconvention #sadlerswells #sadlerswellseast #backtothelab #hiphoptheatre #theatre #dance #dancepodcast #thecapsule
(00:00) New Intro & DJ Fayme (02:35) Responding To The Shway Controversy (10:00) Battle Beats Getting Better?! (13:27) Oomoo's Judge Demo (17:50) Sons Of Wind vs Genesis Footage (19:27) Will West Interview (1:20:09) Reaction To "Keep Me Satisfied" (1:27:41) Outro #WillWest #Jungle #TylerTheCreator #KeepMeSatisfied #ArianaGrande #Wicked #Interview #Podcast #TheCapsule #krump #gsb #krumpdance #krumping #krump
Notes and time-codes by Hetty Blades:
If you would like access to the audio described version of 'As Within So
Without' please contact Hetty Blades: [email protected]
(03:10) Moving Online is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council [grant number AH/W01002X/1]. partners are One Dance UK and Sadler’s Wells
These kinds of questions are explored in a branch of philosophy called
‘ontology’. There has been a lot written about dance ontology. For
example, Anna Pakes’s book Choreography Invisible (2020). This
page includes a blog by Hetty Blades (in 3 parts) that explores the
overlap between ontology and ownership and includes references to more
texts in both areas:
(06:27) For more about the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University, please see here:
For more information about some of the existing work in the areas of
dance and copyright, the circulation of dance through social norms and
the overlap of copyright and philosophy, please see ‘ontology and
ownership’ (in 3 parts) on this page: and the reference list:
(15:20) See Bench (2020) and Boffone (2021) re the role of credit within dance communities. Bench: Boffone:
This blog post includes reference to some of the writing that explores
the implications of the distinction in US copyright law between
‘choreographic works’ and ‘social dances and simple routes’:
(23:57) The nature of ‘dance works’ is explored by Pakes in Choreography Invisible (2020):
Rather than ‘repeatable’, the work needs to be “capable of being
performed” (Whatley, Waelde, Brown and Harmon, 2015: 70, ‘Validation and
virtuosity: Perspectives on difference and authorship/control in
dance.’) :
Writing in 2015, Whatley, Waelde, Brown and Harmon point out that since
1911 there have been three cases in the UK “where dance has been
judicially considered” (Whatley, Waelde, Brown and Harmon, 2015: 70,
‘Validation and virtuosity: Perspectives on difference and
authorship/control in dance.’):
Thank you to Julie C. Van Camp whose work on dance, copyright and
philosophy has been very important and who made a similar point about
prohibitive costs and limited case law during a Q and A at the American
Society of Aesthetics Eastern meeting in 2024
For more on the possible commercial benefits of copyright exploitation,
see Pavis, Waelde and Whatley (2017) ‘Who can profit from dance?: An
exploration of copyright ownership’:
(53:55) Harmony Bench’s book Perpetual Motion (2020) is available here: Trevor Boffone’s Renegades (2021) also discusses the issues that can arise when dance moves from one community into another context:
(01:16:00) You can find more about Charlotte Waelde’s work here:
The Space’s Digital Rights Toolkit is a helpful resource regarding rights when sharing online:
#brookemilliner #aswithinsowithout #hettyblades #dance #copyright
#podcast #coventryuniversity #lukelentes #thecapsule #thecapsuleldn #shwaystyle #shway #shabbadoo #waacking #waacking #duran #deedee #punking #punk
We thought we'd gather 'The Pod Squad' back together again to celebrate 200 episodes of The Capsule. It's been just over three years, with a lot of ups and downs, but our podcast remains the heart of this platform, and we love each and every listener who joins us for the journey. Be warned: This one is messy, chaotic, and loud. Back to our regularly scheduled programming next week. #thecapsule #lukelentes #leeputman #factsandfineliners #abejarman #tali #shannellefergus #identityideasindustry #genilou #podcast #dancepodcast
Supported by Breakin' Convention
Intro (00:00) Indian Food (01:24) Indian Heritage (05:03) Mumbai (10:03) What IS Dance Your Style? (12:07) The Pre-Finals (18:42) The Battle Day (29:43) Indian Dancers Are Dope (31:19) Battle Day Continued (35:16) The World Finals (51:30) The Dance Your Style Format (1:02:56) MT Pop's Win (1:17:21) The D Soraki & T Showed Integrity (1:18:41) MT Pop's Win Continued. (1:24:30) The Future Of Dance Your Style (1:26:16) Outro (1:36:59) #redbull #danceyourstyle #redbulldanceyourstyle #mtpop #rufinalu #thedsoraki #mumbai #podcast #dance #dancers #india #indiandance #thecapsule #mtpopdanceyourstyle #lukelentes #redbulldance #redbull #redbulluk #redbulldanceyourstyle #danceyourstyle #redbulldys #danceyourstyleindia #danceyourstyleworldfinals #kyron #kyronjake #redbulluk #krump #krumpdance #redbulldance Filmed at in Montreal, Canada.
Intro (00:00) Beyond Doubt Review (1:00) Gee & Silent (22:27) Duolingo & Dance?! (32:14) Deadhomies & Pradazombie (39:44) Battle BAD Review (43:39) France Is Still The Best (1:05:34) UK Events Coming Up (1:06:00) Birthday Thoughts & Outro (1:10:30)
Intro (00:00) How 'Beyond Doubt' Came To Exist (01:08) The Prelim Day (09:40) The Music For The Battles (22:55) The Main Event (28:35) The Media Team (34:13) Why €100k? (38:40) Bringing People Together (43:33) Brands & Dance (46:50) The Judges & Tiebreakers (52:14) The Battles & The Highlights (57:58) What Could Have Been Better? (1:10:30) Plans & Vision For The Future? (1:16:17) Outro (1:18:43)
Intro (00:00) Copenhagen Dance Drama (1:50) Jack Union House Dance Documentary (19:40) Red Bull BC One UK Cypher (25:13) Jungle - Let's Go Back REACTION (58:00) News & Outro (1:07:10) #jokeryudat #joker #rokejyudat #hiphopdance #ciebenthe #choreography #choreographer #theatre #dance #streetdance
Intro (00:00) Camps & Musicals (01:18) Outdoor Touring & Paris Podcasts (07:40) Kampnagel (19:43) Resolution & DCD (31:45) Revisiting RayGun (40:33) Amir's Olympic Post (51:29) London Battle Cancelled (1:00:05) UDO Worlds (1:03:55) Chris Brown vs MJ/Dance Influences (1:04:35) Upcoming (1:18:25) Updates and Outro (1:23:57)
Intro (00:00) How Is Breaking In The Olympics?! (01:16) The Raygun Controversy (07:30) The Positives Of Breaking In The Olympics (38:29) The Nike Jam Review (58:26) The Future Of Breaking (1:06:02) Updates & News (1:09:50)
Intro (00:00) The Arete Project (00:27) Migs Online Content (08:35) The Arete Project Mission (15:00) Principles & Evolution Of Dance (21:10) Rhythm & Grooves Class (32:13) What Does Self-Care Entail? The Arete Pillars (53:05) Well-Practiced vs Identity (1:05:05) Common Misconceptions In Training (1:14:05) Are You Really Injured? (1:24:54) Over-Coaching (1:29:25) Learning Through Doing/Doing The Most (1:35:15) Injury Prevention & Training Schedules (1:39:35) Benefits Of The Gym (1:56:45) Demystifying Fitness (2:12:35) Overrated Or Underrated?! (2:24:20) Outro (2:47:18)
Intro (00:00) Dance Your Style (01:06) Miniboj is KILLING It (11:16) The Ruggeds: Olympic Goldrush Podcast (14:15) Breakstreet (22:59) Afro Dance Blast x OYOFE Festival (26:34) Afro Dancers Are The Most Welcoming? (56:32) Feeling vs Technique (1:00:20) Pioneers Getting Love (1:13:37) Episode Continued On Our 'Loyal Listener' Tier on YouTube - Sign Up Now! Discount code: CSFIVEOFF Intro (00:00) Nike Own The Floor Sessions Recap (01:10) Rain Crew Jam For Palestine (24:10) World Of Dance London (32:04) Last One Standing (41:24) Bboyizm's New Show (54:54) The Capsule's Olympic Announcement (59:04) Outro (1:01:55)
Intro (00:00) Skeleton Crews (1:00) Beyond The Moves New Initiative (41:01) Juste Debout's Return (47:34) OQS Budapest (1:13:15) Dancing For The Devil (1:15:20) Audience Questions (1:42:30) Bonus Content : Prop Related Stories (2:31:42)
Intro (00:00)
Hosting Dance Events & Content Creation (02:32)
Nike Own The Floor Sessions (12:53)
Olympic Breaking Updates (17:14)
Life As A Young Dancer (25:26)
The Generation Debate (56:57)
Outro (1:21:58)
Intro (00:00) Olympic Breaking: OQS Updates (03:52) Updates & Announcements (11:23) Jevan's House Dance Journey (21:22) Freestyle vs Choreo (27:29) Donald Glover - Little Foot Big Foot Choreography Reaction (43:34) Wicked The Movie Reaction/Musicals (55:27) Would You Do A Movie? (1:09:48) Outro (1:14:57)
Intro (00:00) The Capsule YouTube Memberships (00:50) Nike Own The Floor Updates (07:00) Dance Scene Updates (11:23) Boy Blue Cycles (15:16) Breakin' Convention (16:55) Dance Scene Updates Cont. (21:25) Sergio Reis - Somebody That I Used To Know (28:00) Marlee Hightower - Blackbird (40:13) Outro (44:00)
Intro/The Takeover (00:00) Background On Silk Boogie (02:12) Trying Out Contemporary (08:49) A New Journey (22:40) Fundraising Workshops (45:10) Outro (1:23:00)
This podcast was recorded live at Swindon Dance for the 'DCD Inspiration Evening' as part of the Jam Festival 2024. About Dancer’s Career Development (DCD): DCD is the charity that’s here for all dancers when they need us most – from every dance genre, every background, across the UK and at every career stage. We support dancers through personal and professional change – breaking down barriers to career progression and sustainability through retraining grants, workshops, coaching and mentoring. Website: Instagram: Facebook: X: Panellists: Jamaal O’Driscoll: Theophilus Bailey: Niquelle LaTouche: Ola Papior: Hosted by Luke Lentes on behalf of The Capsule:
Intro (00:00) Nike's AirMax DN (1:15) Breakin' Convention & How To Make Work (11:08) Crystal Pite's Assembly Hall Review (37:20) Groovanometry 2024 (56:27) Capturing Memories (1:14:40) Nike Own The Floor March Session (1:20:25) Red Bull Dance Your Style News (1:34:05) Omni vs Soyuz Reaction (1:43:57) Outro for the Loyal Listeners (1:56:30)
Intro (00:00) What IS Performance Psychology? (02:28) Decision Making In Battles (25:20) Re-framing Your Thoughts (40:04) Complexity Of Judging (57:30) The Four Layers Of Performance (1:10:40) What Classes Are Missing (1:23:30) Judges Feedback (1:13:15) Transferable Skills (1:56:40) Outro (2:05:04)
Intro (00:00) identity.ideas.industry (00:48) iii Film Premiere (48:00) Creating Work (52:12) Jungle x GAP Reaction (1:03:30) Choreo & Classes (1:18:16) Stealing Songs (1:31:40) Outro (1:40:00)
Intro (00:00) identity.ideas.industry (01:30) Own The Floor Sessions (29:51) Usher's Superbowl (1:04:18) Indahouse's Peng-Tings-Week (1:13:37) Audience Questions: Vibe Connection (1:15:14) Popping Old Gen vs New Gen (1:16:15) General Change Of Scene (1:19:13) Capsule Dance Studios (1:19:57) Community Building (1:20:47)
BTM 2024 Recap (00:00) The Game Of Battling (26:26) Different Battle Event Types (28:28) Create What You Want To See (32:11) Asking For Advice (43:00) Choreo Contest at BTM '24 (1:04:00) Building Through Drafts (1:22:08) Audience Questions: How Far Will You Take BTM? (1:31:35) BTM Members In Battles? (1:37:15) Red Bull & Big Brands In The Dance Scene? (1:41:37)
NB: This podcast is the second half of a fantastic three hour conversation with Comfort. Unfortunately a power-cut interrupted the first half, but we thought the second half was still worth listening to. Apologies for the technical difficulties, and if you think Comfort should come back for more, let us know in the comments!
Intro (00:00) How Did Hippoh Mag Start? (1:00) How Did The Capsule Start? (6:49) Dance-Fans & Battling (10:55) Jimmy vs Ukay at SDF (23:02) Making Money As A Battler (26:50) Jimmy Hosting (34:50) Stand-Up vs Dance (36:52) What The Community Is Missing (1:08:53) Kids & The Music (1:17:05) Outro (1:40:23)
Intro (00:00) Producing Tech in Art (01:39) Nike Own The Floor Launch (13:24) Ariana Grande's Homage (30:20) Outro (53:37)
Intro/Turbo's History (00:00) Call Outs (25:52) J-Funk Joins (29:25) Toby Deedaran (37:28) Maryland.Creative (41:16)
Intro (00:00) Christmas Traditions (03:09) New Year's Plans? (12:48) Reflection Questions (13:51) Audience Questions (1:02:00) Hopes & Dreams For 2024 (1:14:10) Outro (1:21:46)
Intro (00:00) Going To The Place (02:30) Battles vs Making Work (15:21) Learning From Training Contemporary (25:03) Hip Hop Games in Lille (55:06) Lauren's Work (1:15:50) We're Not Really Strangers (1:21:55)
Intro & Catch-Ups (00:00) Aston JLS Backflip Fail (13:35) Dating a Dancer (22:00) F**k, Marry, Kill/Battle, Call-Out, Jam (52:25) Would You Rather (1:14:10) Kamile's Controversial Takes (1:52:30)
Intro (00:00) Nike Own The Floor Battle: Thank Yous & Recap (03:55) What else...? (53:20) European Dancers Don't Have Students? (57:07) Fun Questions & We Are Not Really Strangers (1:06:50)
Intro (00:00) Nike Updates (02:37) Olympic Breaking Updates (25:00) Comics vs Social Media (33:52) Free Your Mind Manchester (41:15) Last Bits (1:09:30)
Intro (00:00) Nike Own The Floor Battle (06:03) The AIM Collective Dunk Low (31:44) Red Bull BC One World Finals (41:47) Diving In The DMs (1:20:42)
London Battle will take over Somerset House’s iconic outdoor courtyard for a day packed with showcases, workshops, cyphers, live DJs and a big outdoor party. In celebration of the 50th anniversary of hip hop culture and with Breaking set to be the highlight of the 2024 Paris Olympics, Dance Umbrella and Somerset House are bringing together some of the most exciting talent from the four corners of London to go head-to head across a diverse range of styles. Curated by choreographer Jade Hackett, who has performed with some of the UK’s leading hip hop dance theatre companies including Boy Blue and ZooNation, you will help the judges to decide which part of our global city brings the best dance flavour – north, south, east or west.
Intro (00:00) Zak Joining UPG (2:20) Travelling/Battles (09:25) The Worst Type Of Prelim? (20:48) Judging & Criterias (24:40) UDO Worlds (39:00) Generations and Mentoring (44:20) Caine Says 'Older Gen Come Back' (56:30) Seeding Battles & Criteria Continued (57:59) The Capsule Disclaimer (1:13:23) The London Battle (1:14:24) Caine on Dance Your Style & Juste Debout (1:18:08) Wrap Up (1:35:25)
Intro (00:00) Litefest 2023 (01:58) UK Winner's Week (29:31) Random Circles (32:21) Jack Of All Trades (44:28)
Intro (00:00) The Importance of Performance (03:36) Why Paris Is Dope (16:43) Charlie Interview (28:21)
Intro (00:00) The Artists (03:28) Chaldon & Tribewayz (14:24) Structure & Presentation Workshop (18:28) The Amarula Interlude (25:29) Red Bull BC One UK (27:22) Happy Birthday to Hip Hop (51:53) Jungle's Volcano Album (1:17:15) Tali Talks: Contracts (1:43:52) Audience Questions (2:07:43) Wrap Up (2:21:49)
*We had some technical difficulties with one of the mics & the camera, as there was some damages incurred in transit. However, we still wanted to get this episode out to you. Apologies for any inconvenience, and we'll be back as usual next week!* Intro (00:30) Which Music Adil & Fayme Don't Play (04:50) How Fayme Got Started (06:00) Music and Mixing (11:34) Asking DJs To Change The Song (29:57) Battle Tactics (31:45) Biggest Popping & Hip Hop Events (47:38) Business & Artists (55:45) How The Capsule Started (1:16:45) Mainstream Songs In Battles (1:22:05) Understanding Dance As A DJ (1:37:20) Cyphering (1:42:05) Djidawi's Impact (1:48:12) Battles & Events (1:53:50) Bad Judges vs Bad DJs (2:09:00) Best Event Memories (2:20:20)
Intro (00:00) Generations In The Dance Scene (03:09) GWI, Jump Off, Collabo (09:05) Diversity Coming On The Scene (15:46) Josh On Dance-Kids & Their Parents (19:21) The Importance Of A Support System (39:50) Audience Q&A: Freestyle Friday Being Back (45:35) Battle Dancers In The Commercial Industry (48:15) More Visuals Or Performance Opportunities? (53:14) DJs Doing Music Research (1:01:53) Judging All-Style Events (1:21:48) Lack Of Afro & Krump Categories (1:24:36) Training Smarter & More Efficiently (1:33:05) Does The UK Have A Lack Of International Events (1:43:40) Ticking Boxes In Battles (1:48:40) Our Favourite Style Of Dance To Watch (1:53:21) Wrap Up (2:03:47)
Intro (00:00) Breaking Point & Dance Movies (01:29) Infrastructure In The Street Dance Scene (09:10) Community Level Participation (12:43) Diluting The Culture (15:19) Judging Art (29:55) Being On Beat/Kids Dance Competitions (38:43) Open Source Judging System (1:05:52) VAR/Appeals for Battles (1:19:11) Wrap Up (1:24:20)
Intro (00:00) Merch & Apps (02:00) Instagram Introduces Threads (07:03) Chaldon Appointed Artist Director of ZooNation Youth Company (22:34) The Weekend's Performance (38:29) DJing and Exclusives (50:10) Next Gen Clash Battle (54:45) Events & Organisers (1:05:45) British Movement Awards (1:16:40) Being Old In The Dance Scene (1:35:55) Shout Out To The CURRENT Gen (2:07:45) Wrap Up (2:13:30)
Intro (00:00)
Stefani wins UK Bboy Championships (02:02)
Should we stop raising winners hands (04:15)
Repeating & strategy in Breaking competitions (12:10)
Flearock vs Shigekix (27:20)
How do you beat someone better than you? (30:11)
Does power get rewarded more? (33:53)
What makes you nasty? (42:15)
Sofia's first time at UK Champs (53:15)
Breaking's judging systems (59:00)
Why BC One is the top (1:18:30)
The Olympic qualification system deep-dive (1:25:50)
Do judges have too much power? (2:21:10)
Wrap up (2:33:40)
At the time of publishing, this is a personal, independent podcast.
Any views or opinions represented in this podcast are personal and belong solely to the speaker and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations that the speaker may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated.
All content provided on this podcast is for entertainment purposes only.
The owner of this podcast makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information; on this site, by following any link on this site, and/or on any related sites.
Intro (00:00) Lee On Originality, The Ruggeds, WDSF, and Red Bull (1:35) News (33:40) The Ruggeds: State Shift Review (48:50) Breaking Point Movie Trailer (1:26:20) 'Jungle - Dominoes' Reaction (1:32:45) Last Thoughts (1:56:45)
Intro (00:00) News (04:05) Nike Own The Floor (18:28) Breakin' Convention 20th Anniversary (37:26) The Ruggeds State Shift (1:12:30) Red Bull Dance Your Style UK (1:16:35) We React: Alexandra Burke at Eurovision (1:31:32) Agency Represented (1:50:53)
Intro (00:00) April Fool's Day (04:50) The News (8:00) KhanFu Gets In Trouble (27:23) The Scottish Dance Scene (39:06) Lee's Exhibition (52:10) Reacting to Jungle - Candle Flame (1:04:35) Moves Magazine (1:27:57)
Intro (00:00) Dance Your Style Manchester (09:09) Go Hard or Go Home Nottingham (20:20) HHI UK (23:23) AIM Battle (28:10) Groovanometry (33:42) Portugal Doesn't Support Dance? (42:22) The Road To The Olympics (46:13) Audience Questions (1:05:30) Netflix's Dance 100 (1:13:31) Vanessa Loves Omarion (1:30:00) Choreography At The Oscars? (1:42:00)
Intro (00:00) Bad Work Emails (01:28) Dancers Missed Connections (19:17) Sylvia (23:43) The Capsule's Growth (27:09) Tali Talks Assistants & Associates (30:28) Chibi Unity At VIBE 23 (46:38) The Cut Off (58:52) Audience Questions (1:27:35)
Intro (00:00) Why Is Kamile Leaving The UK?! (09:30) Who Slid In Kamile's DMs? (11:50) WDSF Japan/Rankings (32:23) Red Bull Dance Your Style 2023 (38:30) Olivier Award Nominations (45:20) AIM Collective's Link Up Battle (56:38) Groovanometry (59:21) Same But Different (59:50) Breakin' Convention Line-Up (1:01:24) The Jam Festival (1:11:15) Inda Fiya House/Kingdom's League (1:19:20) Audience Questions (1:33:35)
Intro (00:00) News (04:35) Thoughts On Locking (22:00) Alicia Keys at Moncler Art Of Genius (48:30) Saul Nash at LFW (1:02:15) Choreographer Throws Dog Poop (1:10:42) Audience Questions (1:35:05) Last Words (2:11:35)
Intro (00:00) Magic Mike's Last Dance (03:44) Trying To Be Sexy As A Guy (09:10) Weekly News (14:56) The Superbowl Was Boring? (30:29) Sign Language Fraud (52:00) Rihanna's Sign Language Interpreter (55:38) Audience Questions: Kingdom's League Predictions? (1:07:55) Popping In The Olympics Next? (1:10:03) Battle Representation In The UK (1:12:28) London Street Dance Classes (1:18:00) Biting In A Battle... Literally (1:21:25)
Intro (00:00) Weekly News (11:42) Kingdom's League Restarts (18:40) Weekly News Cont. (27:15) Primal Instincts Anniversary (30:58) Music Copyright (38:50) Would You Be In A Drake Video For Free? (46:00) Who Owns A Photograph Of You? (58:28) Kissing On Set (1:20:10) Negative Feedback (1:21:40) Harry Styles Grammy Malfunction (1:34:25) Edward Scissorhands (1:48:15)
Intro (00:00) Weekly News (19:26) Back To The Lab Review (28:38) Idents, Adverts, Music Videos & Buy-Outs (1:15:42) Audience Topics (1:36:59)
Join Dirty Harry, Tigran, and Luke to watch through all the battles from the Kingdom's League Grand Finale - from the top 8 dancers in the Hip Hop & Popping categories, all the way though to the finals. Following the premiere of this watch-party, all videos will be live on YouTube. Grab some popcorn and a drink and get comfy!
Intro (00:00) News (17:52) Kingdom's League breakdown/predictions (35:13) Do we need a streetdance documentary? (55:11) Mecnun Giasar's workshop (1:08:31) Reacting to 'Everything But The Girl' Music Video (1:17:04) Word Association Game (1:41:16)
(00:00) Intro (04:40) Leaving Bad Events Behind In The New Year (15:30) Complaining Via Insta Stories (30:00) Rest In Peace Twitch/Men's Mental Health (1:08:30) Bristol Events (1:12:50) The Capsule Awards (1:53:25) Kamile Gets Slaughtered (But Lee Has Her Back) (2:00:50) The Capsule Awards Cont. (2:03:46) The Capsule Quiz (2:12:07) The Jam Festival 2023 (2:19:34) Christmas Wishes
Intro (00:00) Red Bull Dance Your Style (07:30) Max Wins Videographer Of The Year (16:26) Videographers Union (24:20) Funny Filming Stories (41:44) The Cut Off (49:18) Dream Teams (1:11:00) Chris Brown's AMA Rehearsal Reaction (1:24:06) WNRS Questions (1:34:06) Abe Tribute (1:47:25)
Intro (00:00) Sadlers Wells Young Associates Review (04:15) QuickStyle In Qatar (50:15) Accents (1:11:00) Nike Paris Event (1:16:30) Sessioning In Europe vs North America (1:36:30) Happiest Memory Of The Year (1:57:57)
Intro (00:00) Flash Mobs (02:17) The Cut Off Screening (05:15) You Win Or You Lose? (29:40) 40 Pounds At Nike Paris (56:35) And It's Not Thanksgiving (1:07:06) Would You Rather (1:20:00)
#thanksgiving #redbullbcone #redbullbconenewyork #nikeparis #40pounds #litefeet #litefeetnation #tvdinner #summerdanceforever #paradox #kevinparadox #wouldyourather #podcast #dancepodcast #streetdance
#paradox #kevinparadox #dylanmayoral #dance #hiphopdance #paradoxhiphop #summerdanceforever #holland #netherlands #ukstreetdance #piratestudios #podcast #dancepodcast #streetdancers #hiphop #popping #choreography #london
Intro (00:00)
ZooNation's Message In A Bottle Audition (19:20)
Rotation Dance Exchange Review (40:45)
The Decision (1:40:23)
Intro (00:00) AIM x Nike Battle (02:13) WDSF European Championships (21:40) Push-back Against The Olympics (37:05) Technical Difficulties (41:50) WDSF Part 2 (43:11) Documentation Of Breaking (1:19:54) Wrap Up (1:28:20)
Intro (00:00) Dance Awards (07:16) The Cut Off (18:00) Kids Breaking Championships (22:12) Josh Good-Looking-Constanzo (30:00) Best Halloween Costumes (32:00) Josh Calls (35:10) All-Styles Battles (39:50) Wrap Up (49:45)
Intro (00:00) Harry's Injury (8:03) Metamovers Showcase (14:00) Harry vs Popping Music (18:11) Luke's Popping Mentality (53:48) Harry vs The Older Gen (1:03:32) Paradox Podcast (1:08:40) Queen's Speech (1:10:15) Lauren Scott's Year (1:12:26) Queen's Speech Cont. (1:18:07) UK Team In France (1:24:35) Breaking GB in Korea (1:28:48) Popping In The Olympics (1:34:20) Kingdom's League (1:38:17) What's Coming Up (1:44:52) The Benefit's Of A Dance League (1:46:30) Kingdom's League Cont. (1:55:47) Dance Generations (2:00:22) Wrap (2:04:58) Bonus Content (2:05:52)
#homebros #afrobeat #afrodance #afro #afrobeats #afromusic #africa #africanmusic #africandance #afrofusion #podcast #dance #dancepodcast #dancetalks #dancers #streetdance #streetdancers #ukdance
Intro (00:00) Soul Sessions Oslo (02:50) Luke Is Over Hip Hop Freestyle (06:45) Sofia Trains Popping (53:20) Needing Validation From Others (58:20) NikeTown London Display (1:12:40) How Can I Get Involved In The London Scene? (1:16:43) Are Call-Out Battles Healthy? (1:20:50) Concept Videos vs Class Videos (1:31:52) Kamile Takes Over (1:33:40) Metamovers Event (1:34:10) Queen's Speech (1:40:35) Luke on Joker Yudat (1:42:06) Sofia's Dream Collaboration (1:49:33) Kamile On Choreographing (1:51:25) Sofia On Rehearsing For HHI (1:58:25) What's Happening? (2:00:30) Dream Battle Match-Ups (2:03:25) Wrap Up (2:11:13)
Intro (00:00) Transcending Dance (04:26) Dreya Building A Team (11:43) Dylan Getting Into NFTs (13:09) What is an NFT? (15:19) Dreya On Being Called A 'Tik-Tok Artist' (23:43) Dreya Explains How 'Own Brand Freestyle' Went Viral (27:23) The Tik-Tok Dance Formula (29:34) Moving From Digital Spaces To Live Spaces (36:05) Dylan's Meta-Movers Event (37:10) Monetizing Dance Through NFTs (42:10) Dylan's Dance NFT Sold For How Much?! (45:04) The Future Of Dance NFTs (48:07) Dreya Transitioning From Social Media (50:27) Dreya Choreographing For Herself (55:20) Ysabelle Capitulé Choreographing For 'Own Brand Freestyle' (58:48) Dreya Maintaining Control (1:00:28) Audience Q&A (1:02:39)
#dreyamac #dreya #ownbrandfreestyle #nft #nfts #dancers #paneltalk #brixtonhouse #crxssplatfxrm #crossplatform #dylanmayoral #ivanblackstock #atruviolet #felixthe1st #dreyamacownbrand #dreyamaccolors #dreyamacfreestyle #streetdance #podcast #livepodcast #tiktok #tiktokdance #technology #crypto #cryptocurrency
Intro (00:00) Catch Up (3:00) 'BLKDOG' Returns To London (16:57) Dickson Mbi's 'Enowate' (18:50) AIM Intensive/Brooke Took AIM Viral (27:50) Who Said Abe Was Loud? (34:50) International Travels For The UK (39:05) The OV Battle (48:40) Chaldon & Omni vs Not-Nice & Unkle TC Reaction (53:24) The OV Battle Cont. (1:06:48) The Wrap Up (1:12:45)
#BLKDOG #AIMCollective #DicksonMBI #FarFromTheNorm #Podcast #UKDance #StreetDance #Comedy #Entertainment #TheOVBattle #DanceBattle #HipHopDance #Dancers #Funny
The In's and Out's Podcast (00:00) Creatxr Album Preview (25:40) All.So.Visuals x D'Eli Film Screening (32:15) The Capsule Live Podcast (58:14)
#theinsandoutspodcast #creatxr #dancebattle #dancers #livepodcast #dancepodcast #streetdance #eastlondondance #thecapsule #thecapsuleldn #ukdance #qanda
Intro (00:00) Battle BAD (02:13) International Battles (03:55) Crxss Platfxrm/The OV Battle (09:54) Battle Formats (13:01) The Capsule Updates (16:32) The AIM Collective Intensive (18:07) Event Clashes (24:20) Wrap Up (30:43)
#BattleBAD #CrossPlatform #AIMCollective #CrossPlatform #OddVenture #IvanBlackstock #DanceBattles #DancePodcast #Podcast #ukdance #streetdancers #dancers #hiphop #talking #justchatting #dancetalks #discussion #podcasting #dancebattles
Yara Revlon (00:16) Quake (05:23) Flo (12:08) Dlonze (16:14) Nickel Yudat (26:32) Dwayne Nosworthy (35:06) The Monkey Flip Media/Max Cheshire Interlude (43:37) Elijah (45:46) Toby Stannard (53:02) Kurty Swift (1:00:59) Kamile (1:10:04) Omni (1:25:34) Caine (1:33:03) Vendetta (1:44:53) The Capsule Wrap Up Ft. Abe (1:58:33)
Intro (00:00) Happy Birthday To The Capsule (01:14) Sofia's 100 Day Challenge (06:45) The Tali, The Witch, And The Wardrobe (15:17) Dance Your Style (19:42) Litefest/Kingdom's League (41:30) Primal Instincts vs The Ruggeds (58:40) Parris Goebel's Emmy (1:05:00) Sweet Spot Sundaze (1:08:43) The Important Stuff (1:13:48) The Next Year Of The Capsule (1:19:00) BBC Young Dancer (1:26:00) ZooNation DCD Shift Fund (1:30:50) Wrap Up (1:35:15)
Intro (00:00) Lee's Giveaway (02:50) Sofia Enters A Battle (06:40) Tali Arrives (9:57) Dylan Loves Paradox (10:43) Culture Crossover (13:25) Battle Tactics (31:35) Kingdom's League Standings (1:05:35) Red Bull Dance Your Style UK (1:13:26) The UK Had A Good Weekend (1:26:47) The Ruggeds Are Handsome (1:33:49) Wrap Up (1:35:55) Post-Credits/Lee Goes Rogue (1:36:55)
#redbulldanceyourstyle #theruggeds #summerdanceforever #podcast #dancepodcast #streetdance #ukdance #eastlondondance #thetalenthouse #dancetalk #paneltalk #paradox #culturecrossover #debate #discussion #dancelife #dancers #litefeet #litefeetnation @The Ruggeds @Red Bull Dance
Movie Reviews (00:30) Lee And The Other Art Fair (04:44) Tali And Her Intensive (11:21) Scaling Your Small Business (14:22) Structure & Presentation (27:53) Dylan Mayoral's Popping (1:02:10) Soul Sessions Oslo (1:05:03) Physiology Of Movement (1:06:33) Livestreaming Events (1:13:40) Wrap up (1:16:16) #summerdanceforever #waacking #waackingdance #freestyledance #podcast #dancepodcast #dancers #eastlondondance #streetdance #waackingforever #poppingforever #hiphopforever
ZinArts vs Dancers Network (03:25) We Call Ezinne from ZinArts (06:25) Agency Issues (44:09) To Timecode Or Not To Timecode (53:28) Sofia Went To HHI (54:55) Lee Judged UDO Worlds (1:31:48) Wrap Up (2:06:15)
#danceagency #dancepodcast #podcast #talenthouse #eastlondondance #thecapsule #zinarts #zinartsagency #tali #shannellefergus #rikoshay #leeputmanart #leeputman #thedukeldn #udo #uniteddanceorganisation #hhi #hiphopinternational #hhiarizona #dancecompetition
Recorded at Groovanometry in March 2022. Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected] Follow the team:
Recorded at Groovanometry in March 2022.
Contact us (& send in your questions!)
[email protected]
Follow the team: Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected] Follow the team:
Follow @D'Eli at:
Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected]
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UK B-boy Championships (05:15) Omarion judging Fusion Concept (27:01) Noticeboard (46:00) Audience Questions (1:00:32) Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected] Follow the team:
Intro (00:16)
What is Kre8 Lab? (04:10)
Partner Work In Dance (27:47)
How Kre8 Allows Freedom (48:34)
Noticeboard/Wrap Up (1:15:55)
Contact us (& send in your questions!)
[email protected]
Follow the team:
#kre8lab #bidf #birminghaminternationaldancefestival #dance #dancebattle #freestyledance #contemporarydance #partnerwork #improvisation #birmingham #birminghamdance #birminghamdancehub
Recorded at Groovanometry in March 2022. Part 2 of 2.
Thumbnail image by
#jilou #bgirljilou #breaking #bgirl #nike #redbullbcone #redbull #bigirls #breakin #breakinbattle #podcast #dancepodcast #breakingpodcast #breakdance #breakdancers #dancers
Kashmir tells us about Break Mission (01:40)
Break Mission cont. (35:24)
Originality in styles (43:00)
Kieran calls in (49:09)
Audience Question (1:01:49)
Noticeboard (1:13:50)
Contact us (& send in your questions!)
[email protected]
Follow the team:
#dancepodcast #podcast #litefeet #litefeetnation #litefeetmusic #dance #dancers #talkshow #breakmission #kashmirleese #kashmir #calloutbattle #danceshow #youtubers #youtuber #streetdance #ukhiphop #hiphop #dancers #dancelife #dancemusic
Recorded at Groovanometry in March 2022. Part 1 of 2.
Thumbnail image by
Jilou's blog
#jilou #bgirljilou #breaking #bgirl #nike #redbullbcone #redbull #bigirls #breakin #breakinbattle #podcast #dancepodcast #breakingpodcast #breakdance #breakdancers #dancers
The Capsule's Twitch Streaming (01:34)
BGirl Stefani Sponsored By Nike (15:08)
Our Top 5 Theatre Companies (45:30)
When Have You 'Made It'? (49:41)
UK Popping Dream Teams (59:20)
Career Aspirations Changing (1:08:57)
What Does It Mean To 'Go Back To Your Foundations' (1:13:09)
My Favourite YouTube Comment Ever (1:27:34) Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected] Follow the team:
#podcast #dance #streetdance #ukdance #stefani #bgirlstefani #redbulluk #redbull #redbullbcone #nike #nikelondon #nikedance #nikebreaking #nikebreakin #breakin #breakdance #breakdancing #hiphopdance #talkshow #youtuber #dancelife #ukdancers
Lee Putman calls in (04:33)
IMD on Britain's Got Talent (18:04)
Stance get copyright strikes (44:00)
Audience questions (58:45)
Our dream battle team (1:08:18)
Noticeboard (1:32:58)
Contact us (& send in your questions!) [email protected] Follow the team: #britainsgottalent #imdlegion #streetdance #bgt2022 #stanceelements #stance #bboyworld #battledancers #streetdancebattle #podcast #dancepodcast #dancers #dancereaction #reaction #reactionvideo #fullpodcast #podcasts #podcasting #viral #viraldance
We're back! (00:34)
Brooke's new show (12:05)
Base Studios shuts down unauthorised auditions (25:30)
Noticeboard (1:10:38)
We react to Jungle - Good Times/Problemz (1:19:14)
MSB Gloucester (1:31:16)
Audience Questions (1:37:40)
Contact us (& send in your questions!)
[email protected]
Follow the team:
#junglegoodtimes #junglemusicvideo #dancersreact #junglereaction #musicvideoreactions #basedancestudio #basedancestudios #dancestudios #dancepodcast #dancers #streetdance #brookemilliner #choreographers #podcast #dancepodcast #dancetalks #dance #streetdancers
Percy's Comment (3:09)
IMD on BGT (20:25)
Learning Styles (39:30)
BBC Young Dancer (55:30)
Geni's Announcements (1:12:50)
Identity. Ideas. Industry (1:22:41)
What Makes A Good Session? (1:43:16)
#imdlegion #britainsgottalent #bbcyoungdancer #bbcdance #dance #bgt2022 #imdbgt #dance #session #freestyledance #podcast #dancepodcast #hiphopdance #streetdance #thecapsule #ukdance #dancers #dance #dancing #dancetalks
Second of four collaborative episodes between The Capsule, Breakin' Convention, One Dance UK, and Project Breakalign.
I speak to Nadia Sohawon, founder of Free Your Style collective and agency. We discuss agencies, knowing your worth and negotiating rates.
Intro (00:00)
This Weekend (04:07)
Does Locking Look Cool (06:47)
Glade's Residency (17:32)
Olivier Awards (23:05)
Nanterious Break (38:27)
The Jam Festival (1:02:39)
Luke's Workshop (1:05:09)
Queen's Speech (1:10:46)
Maharlika (1:15:17)
BBC Young Dancer (1:21:20)
Jungle Book Re-imagined (1:23:26)
A conversation with key figures from the UK street dance community, exploring the roots of popping, jazz, waacking and choreography in the UK.
Panelists: Billy Biznizz, DJ Renegade, Gary Nurse, Hakeem Onibudo, Kenrick H2O Sandy and Mademoiselle Ginger. Host: Francesca Miles. Organised & Curated by AIM Collective. Made possible by East London Dance. Recorded by The Capsule.
First of four collaborative episodes between The Capsule, Breakin' Convention, One Dance UK, and Project Breakalign.
I speak to Nefeli Smash of Project Breakalign, as she calls in from Cyprus. We discuss her work with Breakers across the world, as well as injury prevention and recovery for dancers.
Sunni gets sponsored (03:07)
UK dance events (16:07)
Glade's residency (45:05)
What's coming up (47:14)
All styles battles (54:10)
Breakin' Convention (1:08:31)
Wrap up (1:13:32)
#sunni #bboysunni #adidas #adidaslondon #sunniadidas #tali #thecapsule #ukstreetdance #glademarie #breakinconvention #battles #ukbattle #dancebattle #streetdancepodcast #podcast #streetdance #ukbboychampionships #podcaster #dancepodcast
Beatmasters (01:33)
Traplord Review (18:17)
Shawn Calls (56:48)
It's A Long Episode (1:38:16)
Base Birthday Bash/British Movement Awards (03:13)
Ivy Lab (28:38)
Shout Out Chantelle (31:04)
This Friday's Event (38:20)
Josh Calls (44:33)
Stance Interviews (50:40)
That's Kind Of Everything (51:21)
Traplord (1:02:20)
AIM Connective (01:14)
Move It (18:00)
That Might Be The End (23:28)
Groovanometry (00:45)
AIM Takeover (02:22)
Move It (04:04)
Ola's Wednesday Class (07:20)
Last Bits (07:36)
Juste Debout Dubai (02:00)
Peng Tings Week (32:05)
Shout Out To The Winners (50:00)
I Think We'll Wrap Up (54:13)
*Recorded Monday 21st Feb 2022*
Ground Zero Live (00:00)
Max Revell/BlkDog Content Creators (11:09)
Lotus wins Top Producer (31:56)
Kingdom's League (43:31)
Wrap up (48:21)
We made it to 50 episodes! To mark the occasion, my friends Kamile, Martina, and Lucia (also known as AIM Collective) came through and brought some drinks. We discuss dance as a day-job, being a woman in the battle scene, what AIM Collective represents, their upcoming takeover of East London Dance's new building, and plenty more.
Superbowl volunteers get compensated (02:37) J Dilla changed my life (16:22) Homebros pass 100k YouTube Subscribers (21:27) GroundZero cultural development program (25:05) Pengtings week update (29:45) Groovanometry line-up (31:15) Thanks for tuning in (33:47)
#mcvitiesblissfuls #superbowlvolunteers #homebros #homebrosuk #jdilla #jdillachangedmylife #groundzero #indahouse #indahouseuk #groovanometry #thecapsule #thedukeldn #ukdance #ukstreetdance #streetdance #podcast #streetdancepodcast
It's all Joe's Fault (00:16)
Back To The Lab (02:50)
Pengtings week/Indahouse Mentorship (18:46)
Culture Crossover (22:40)
East London Dance (24:17)
Lotus - Como Ela Vai (31:00)
Chaldon speaks on Locality UK (00:16)
Scene updates: Aleon, Primal Instincts & Pengtingsweek (06:19)
The Superbowl asks for volunteers (08:55)
Tali's Giveaway (39:20)
[email protected] / @identity.ideas.industry
Wrap Up (52:24)
Lotus - Cocoa Butter (57:10)
Good morning everyone (00:16)
AIM Workshop (03:44)
Culture Crossover (10:43)
Break Mission 10th Anniversary (18:10)
Kingdom's League (22:13)
The Capsule Update (32:51)
Lotus' Beat Pack (34:36)
Lotus - Rokit 5 + the bassline (35:35)
'Battle In The Round' postponed (01:55)
Groovanometry Line-Up (04:42)
Ground Zero UK (15:57)
Jam Festival (18:11)
AIM's second workshop (20:45)
Yeah I think that's pretty much it (23:56)
David Cottle - Take Time (26:08)
Mikey J & Ashley Banjo receive MBE's (00:57)
Jonzi D turned his MBE down (02:23)
100 Day Challenge (04:04)
Just a quick one today (07:50)
Creatxr² - Toys (09:06)
Studios close for Christmas (00:44)
Powermoves battle at The Dojo (01:50)
Warriorz Studio battle event (03:00)
Grounded UK's Jingle Jam Battle (04:30)
Crew battles in the UK (05:12)
Grounded UK's Jingle Jam Battle cont. (08:30)
The Jingle Jam Top Rock Fiasco (10:03)
Groovanometry champions women battlers (18:38)
I think that's kinda it for this week (29:22)
DuST / // 𝖉𝖚𝖘𝖙 - Creatxr (31:22)
Kloe Dean & J-Funk at the MOBOs (00:57)
East Dance Jam (03:06)
LoudCloud Session (04:20)
Identity Ideas Industry (05:46)
The Capsule's Spotify Playlist (08:03)
Help Support The Capsule! (09:40)
FRCKS - frckls frequency (13:14)
Team GB at WDSF World Championships (00:26)
Dance commentary (13:43)
Debo's screening (21:40)
Jam! Movement Battle/Young-gen shout-out (27:05)
Who won what? (30:21)
Creation Box Closes (31:38)
East London Dance Jam (33:08)
The Duke LDN - Phoolish (34:38)
Kid Karam [on the phone] talks about Breaking GB camp (00:17)
WDSF Finals (09:05)
Dance Your Style gets cancelled (10:11)
Juste Debout goes to Dubai (12:25)
Who won what this week? (16:03)
Few last little bits (18:54)
D-UNTITLED1 - Hearttochords (21:28)
Dylan Mayoral came to talk this week - we discuss the UK dance scene, dance studios and events, and of course... NFTs.
Intro (00:00)
BLK DOG review (1:11)
David Cottle - mononoke / yosemite (58:15)
Olu Alatise is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer who I have known for years. We discuss freelance life, as well as Afro dance and many of it's surrounding topics.
AIM Workshop (00:43)
Street Jam Bournemouth (03:35)
Taiwo vs The DJs (11:32)
Shintastic - Mahalia Jealous Litefeet Remix (25:00)
Kofi Mingo came by the pod this week and we discussed a lot of different topics including support, training as a freestyler and Kofi shares his thoughts on what the UK scene needs.
Intro (00:00)
Shawn makes a statement (1:29)
BC One Breakdown (26:20)
Luke forgets Just Jam (58:38)
Wrap up (59:57)
Creatxr - Drive (1:02:19)
This week I sat down with the one and only Tobias Ellehammer for a chat! We have never met before so this was really interesting for me as a way to get to know someone. We discuss the dance industry, being professional, his first dance video going viral, and his latest project 'The Vault'.
Hosted by the University of East London's Dance: Urban Practice Degree
Presented by The Capsule
Brooke says Locking is dead in the UK (2:56)
WDSF GB Qualifier (20:19)
Creatxr - Skyfall (28:01)
Kid Karam announces Nike sponsorship (00:39)
Sunni returns from injury with a bang (10:38)
Dancers Delight (14:29)
The Bridge (21:47)
The Capsule Calendar (24:28)
How can I help The Capsule? (26:37)
"FRCKLS - back in the lab" (29:53)
This week, Max Revell (also known as Silk Boogie) comes through and has a chat with me. We discuss Dance Your Style, battle tactics, his training in classical dance, and the arts world in general.
Ice calls out Criminalz Crew (00:50)
Third Kulture Kidz Jam (05:07)
AJ The Cypher Cat & Red Bull: The Saga Continues (09:12)
Wrap Up (17:00)
David Cottle - Potential (20:16)
This week, the champ is here! Jordan "J-Funk" Franklin comes through and we discuss New Movementz Under 18's Battles, W.A.R at 6 Corners, Jordan taking the win at Red Bull's Dance Your Style, giving back to the community, and more.
Red Bull's 'Celebrating the Future of Dance' (00:50)
Cie Flies put on their 'LSC' qualifier (04:10)
Red Bull host the 'Dance Your Style' UK Finals (17:50)
AJ the Cypher Cat disqualified from 'Dance Your Style' UK (19:14)
Red Bull 'DYS' UK continued (25:50)
Wrap-up (42:44)
Song of the week: Yung Bleu - Your Mine Still (Shintastic Remix) (46:25)
This episode I sat down with Alex 'Mechanikool' Peters, a long standing figure in the UK street dance scene. We discuss the transitions in the UK popping scene, him wanting to find his place in it all, feelings of insecurity and fearing change, Boogaloo vs G-style in the UK, and ask who the next generation of UK poppers are.
Thanks to the University of East London Dance: Urban Practice program for hosting us!
This week, Nene wins Kre8 Battle, Karam & Cri6 win It's Just Begun, Prototype back in the studio, IMD Legion clean up at HHI, Kloe Dean's work is nominated at the UK MVA's, Dylan Mayoral to open a dance studio in London, Just Jam returns, Cie Flies 'Last Survivor' battle comes to London, and Frankie J has something to say about Red Bull Dance Your Style.
In this week's episode of The Capsule, I speak to Manny about Breaking GB's WDSF Qualifier, as well as sharing my thoughts on some of the week's happenings including Dance Your Style's London Qualifiers and of course, 6 Corners.
This weeks song is
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In this week's episode of The Capsule, I discuss The Ruggeds recent performance of their show 'Between Us' presented by Breakin' Convention, Red Bull Dance Your Style being announced in the UK, as well as some of this week's happenings in the UK streetdance scene.
This week's track is
Follow The Capsule on Instagram at
While The Ruggeds were in London I caught up with their artistic director, and world-renowned b-boy, Niek. We discuss their new show, 'Between Us' which Breakin' Convention presented at Sadler's Well's Peacock Theatre this week. We also discuss the growth of The Ruggeds, from friends who created a battle crew, to a touring company with employees and managers. Niek also shares his thoughts on judging in breakin' battles, and how World B-Boy Classic is organised.
Thank you to Breakin' Convention and Sadler's Wells for making this episode possible.
In this week's episode of The Capsule, I discuss freelance life, Spin's breakin' event inside a barbershop, Mr. Kriss' new video with Jacob Sutton Studio, Dancers Delight U18s, and Vanessa winning Red Bull BC One Portugal.
This week's track is
Follow The Capsule on Instagram at
On day one of Litefest 2021, I hosted a panel discussion with the event's judges at the end of the first day. It is the first ever live podcast we've managed to do, and hopefully there will be plenty more to come. We discussed Litefeet from different perspectives, how the guests approach judging, why Litefeet in the UK is dominated by out-of-London dancers, and plenty more.
In the first episode of my new weekly podcast entitled 'The Capsule', I break down.... what exactly The Capsule is. I also touch on Litefest 2021, speak to Clara about Flavourama, and take a look at the teams for the upcoming '6 Corners' event.
This week's track is
Follow The Capsule on Instagram at
In this episode, I spoke with an old friend - Adil 'Khanfu'. Adil is a battle DJ, primarily in the breakin' scene. We discuss his recent participation in Red Bull BC One, how a DJ structures their music for a battle, how DJ's can affect the outcome of a battle, the difference between using vinyl and Serato, battle tactics as a dancer, and much more.
Sunni Brummitt is a Red Bull sponsored athlete from the United Kingdom, who has been breakin' for many years. As he has just arrived back in the UK from living in Holland, I had to get him on the podcast. We discuss breakin' being in the Olympic Games and what that means for the culture, his history with Soul Mavericks Crew, his recent work as a Red Bull athlete, and finish with his thoughts on the vaccine and who he's putting his money on to win the Red Bull BC One UK Qualifier in August.
In this episode I spoke to Marion Motin, a french choreographer who started in the Parisian battle scene. We discuss her deciding to spend time discovering her own style, being labelled a contemporary choreographer or a hip hop choreographer, whether she considers the audience when creating, finding your superpower within your artistry, and her upcoming livestream-performance of 'Rouge' featuring the amazing dancers of Rambert.
My thoughts on Breakin' Convention's 2021 Festival.
00:27 - Intro
06:12 - Jonzi's hosting
09:11 - We Ain't Regular
12:22 - Berkavitch and Si Rawlinson
14:11 - Antonio Bukhar Ssebuuma
17:04 - Sun Kim and Surid
20:10 - A-Typical With Attitude
23:28 - Ken Masters and Rob Anderson
24:32 - Spin and S. I Stature
30:00 - Anthony and Kel Matsena
31:20 - Gemma Hoddy
37:42 - Break/Apex Zero/Jonzi D & Jessica Care Moore
40:24 - Bagsy
46:40 - Birdgang
49:47 - Spoken Movement
54:11 - Power to the Pixel
59:10 - Patience J
1:04:22 - Wrap up
For this episode I went to Sadler's Wells Theatre to speak with the face of Breakin' Convention, Jonzi D. We discuss the term 'Hip Hop Theatre' and it's boundaries, the pressures of becoming a gatekeeper, making enemies through programming, and of course - we discuss this year's festival.
This episode was curated & co-hosted by Taya Jones, as part of her internship with The University of East London's Urban Practice Degree. In this episode, we discuss the theory of dance vs the practical aspects. We also touch on academia in Hip Hop, the arts being a club, popular dance, and take some questions from listeners!
Featuring Jay Revell and Carrie Anne Ingrouille
The fourth of four episodes with Shannelle 'Tali' Fergus, centered around her intensive programme entitled 'identity. ideas. industry.' identity. ideas. industry. is a programme and method designed to encourage dance artists’ curiosity about their creativity and the industry at large, through movement, conversation and literature. iii had its pilot early 2017, and has gone on to four full editions in London and two in Asia (China and Singapore) since, impacting over 150 students. The programme has been supported by breakthrough initiative Artists4Artists (One Dance UK People’s Choice Award nominee), Redbridge Drama Centre, casting agency Sillis Movement and Studio Wayne McGregor.
Featuring Kenrick Sandy and Jonathan Burrows
The third of four episodes with Shannelle 'Tali' Fergus, centered around her intensive programme entitled 'identity. ideas. industry.' identity. ideas. industry. is a programme and method designed to encourage dance artists’ curiosity about their creativity and the industry at large, through movement, conversation and literature. iii had its pilot early 2017, and has gone on to four full editions in London and two in Asia (China and Singapore) since, impacting over 150 students. The programme has been supported by breakthrough initiative Artists4Artists (One Dance UK People’s Choice Award nominee), Redbridge Drama Centre, casting agency Sillis Movement and Studio Wayne McGregor.
The second of four episodes with Shannelle 'Tali' Fergus, centered around her intensive programme entitled 'identity. ideas. industry.' identity. ideas. industry. is a programme and method designed to encourage dance artists’ curiosity about their creativity and the industry at large, through movement, conversation and literature. iii had its pilot early 2017, and has gone on to four full editions in London and two in Asia (China and Singapore) since, impacting over 150 students. The programme has been supported by breakthrough initiative Artists4Artists (One Dance UK People’s Choice Award nominee), Redbridge Drama Centre, casting agency Sillis Movement and Studio Wayne McGregor.
The first of four episodes with Shannelle 'Tali' Fergus, centered around her intensive programme entitled 'identity. ideas. industry.'
identity. ideas. industry. is a programme and method designed to encourage dance artists’ curiosity about their creativity and the industry at large, through movement, conversation and literature. iii had its pilot early 2017, and has gone on to four full editions in London and two in Asia (China and Singapore) since, impacting over 150 students. The programme has been supported by breakthrough initiative Artists4Artists (One Dance UK People’s Choice Award nominee), Redbridge Drama Centre, casting agency Sillis Movement and Studio Wayne McGregor.
In this episode Jason Nguyen discusses the commercial dance scene, gender and perception. We also speak to Claire Hough for her thoughts on pronouns and more.
During the month of February 2021, I have collaborated with Artists 4 Artists to present four podcast episodes as part of their Digital Spring Stage. We welcome Michelle Norton, Geni Lou, Kloè Dean and Jason Nguyen, as well as four guest callers, to discuss hot topics around female leadership, the need for diversifying our producers, the ‘glass ceiling’ and gender inequalities.
Find the full episode, and the rest of the Digital Spring Stage, at:
In this episode Kloe Dean discusses artistic approaches, gender roles and networking. We also call Dickson Mbi for his thoughts on hip hop theatre and contemporary dance.
During the month of February 2021, I have collaborated with Artists 4 Artists to present four podcast episodes as part of their Digital Spring Stage. We welcome Michelle Norton, Geni Lou, Kloè Dean and Jason Nguyen, as well as four guest callers, to discuss hot topics around female leadership, the need for diversifying our producers, the ‘glass ceiling’ and gender inequalities.
Find the full episode, and the rest of the Digital Spring Stage, at:
In this episode Geni Lou explains what it means to be a 'producer', discusses women in producer roles with Red Fox, and gives tips to artists attempting to take their craft to the next level. During the month of February 2021, I have collaborated with Artists 4 Artists to present four podcast episodes as part of their Digital Spring Stage. We welcome Michelle Norton, Geni Lou, Kloè Dean and Jason Nguyen, as well as four guest callers, to discuss hot topics around female leadership, the need for diversifying our producers, the ‘glass ceiling’ and gender inequalities. Find the full episode, and the rest of the Digital Spring Stage, at:
In this episode Michelle Norton speaks about her journey with Breakin' Convention, the Black Lives Matter movement, her fitness journey as well as speaking to Paige Jarrett about being black women in the industry.
During the month of February 2021, I have collaborated with Artists 4 Artists to present four podcast episodes as part of their Digital Spring Stage. We welcome Michelle Norton, Geni Lou, Kloè Dean and Jason Nguyen, as well as four guest callers, to discuss hot topics around female leadership, the need for diversifying our producers, the ‘glass ceiling’ and gender inequalities.
Find the full episode, and the rest of the Digital Spring Stage, at:
This episode I had Carla Trim-Vamben, Jo Read & Robert Nicholson from the BA (Hons) Dance: Urban Practice Degree at the University of East London. They are the leading program focusing on hip hop dance in a degree format in the UK, so I wanted to have a chat with them about the scene and what they do. It was really nice to sit down with them and discuss all the hard work they do, moulding the young dancers of our scene.
This week was super interesting for me. I have Celine, Ash & Omar in the studio with me to talk about the London Ballroom Scene. This is something I have very little experience in, so was really interested to learn about it and to get to know these lovely people. Honestly had a great time.
This week, my old friend Robia came through for some drinks! She is an extremely talented dancer and choreographer who's work is universally appreciated. We consumed some beverages and discussed some wildly varying topics. We talk tech runs, starsigns, misinformation, what it takes for an artist to 'make it', and her experience at 'All Star Game' in Paris.
This week it was my birthday (on wednesday) so I decided to do an episode of the podcast for myself. I brought in two of my closest friends, Lee Putman & Abe Jarman. I have known them for around thirteen years and we have made so many memories together. They are also two phenomenal dancers who have plenty of experience between them. We competed as part of the 'UMA Crew' although that is only one part of our journey and friendship.
Hope you enjoy this one - I definitely did.
Ivan Blackstock is a multi-disciplinary creative, who started (and remains) in the dance scene. He is someone I looked up to for a long time, so it was great to have a chat with him. We discuss his departure from Birdgang, his feeling of being underappreciated and his future plans. Thanks to Pirate Studios for hosting us this week.
Magical Bones may be most well known as a magician and performer, but he was (and still is) a huge part of the UK dance scene. Starting as a b-boy and a popper, he was around the scene for years. We discuss his journey from dancer to professional magician, his views on Diversity's BLM performance and the BLM movement as a whole, and of course his experience being on Britains Got Talent. At the time of release he has passed through the semi finals and is a week away from the finals. ~
We wish him the best of luck! Everybody go vote for Magical Bones!
This week Shaadow Sefiroth passed through to have a chat. He is a creative director, movement designer & digital consultant who is originally from France. He moved to the UK and began dancing here not long after I had started to settle in to the scene in London. We discuss social media, his company 'Noesis' and our opinions on the UK street dance scene.
In this weeks episode I spoke to Jordan Matheson, also known as Flash Jordan. We haven't spoken much before and this was a great way to get to know him outside of a dance event. We get into some deep talks! We discuss Jordan's journey in to fitness as well as our understanding of consent, sexuality and cultural appropriation.
Vanessa Marina, also known as 'B-Girl Vanessa' is a breaker originally from Portugal who now lives in London. She is an old friend, someone I met at 'Eurobattle' around ten years ago when I first started travelling for competitive dance. We discuss staying motivated, her 'Tiny Room Workouts' and her views on being a woman in the breakin' scene.
Rory Clarke is a sixteen year old dancer who has been making waves in the London dance scene in recent years. He has danced for Zoonation Youth Company, currently is active with Kieran Warner's Litefeet Crew 'K-Fam' and has been at many battles and events as an individual. We have had a few brief conversations sparked by his thoughts on a few of my previous podcasts, so I decided to invite him on to speak to him directly. I was also eager to get his view on the dance scene (and the world) as I'm aware he has a very different perspective on it.
NB: Rory's mum gave permission for him to be on the podcast and for me not to censor myself, in terms of swear-words. Although I did try to keep my bad language to a minimum. Big thanks to Rory's mum, Laura.
Emmanuel 'Manny' Adelekun, is a b-boy, writer and creative based on the London scene. Coming up through the breakin' scene with La Familia and Soul Mavericks, he has plenty of experience in the London dance scene. We discuss... a lot. From writing, to the Olympics, to Red Bull to dance events. Me and Manny haven't had a lot of opportunities to sit down and talk over the years we've known each other, so we had a lot to talk about!
Yukino McHugh is a performer from Japan/Australia who has spent the last two years living and working in the UK. Unfortunately she is leaving us, so I wanted to check in with her before she did. We reflect on her time here in London, the business side of dance, working for ZooNation and competing in Battle Opera.
This week I had a chat with David 'Spin' Gaviria, a breaker from Columbia who has been an integral part of the London breakin' scene for years, at the Wacky Barbers in Soho. We discussed the competition circuit, family life as a bboy and breakin' being considered a sport.
Just a little bit of me in between episodes. Seeing as I just passed my first small milestone by releasing 10 episodes, I thought I'd explain a little bit about why I started the podcast. I wanted to share some insight and explain some things that I've been discussing in real life conversations since I started this. Hope you enjoy. Our regularly scheduled episode will be out tomorrow morning as usual.
This week I had a chat with The Red Dread House Head, Frankie J. We discussed how intentional his rise to success was, how it's important to find your niche in the dance industry, allowing things to evolve naturally and more.
While in Kerry, Ireland for a judging job I took the opportunity to sit down with Tanaya Martin. At 1.00am, after a long day of work and a couple of beers, we had a chat in the hotel room. We covered the importance of finding 'you' in hip hop culture, using dance as a tool to grow, Ice's journey with Noesis & Future Formalities and had plenty of laughs along the way.
A succesful choreographer, accomplished artist and a battler with many wins under his belt. Brooke Milliner popped over to have a chat this week. We discuss his competitive nature, his call-out at Juste Debout UK, battle tactics/approaches and his reserved nature.
This week I had a chat with Nadia Sohawon, the Founder of 'FreeYourStyle' agency. We've known each other for a long time and as a result covered a lot of varying topics. We speak about tattoos, our heritage, colonisation, past jobs, language and some more random bits & pieces. Lots of laughs were had and it was a great time with an old friend.
He's leaving us! A good friend (and ex-flatmate) of mine, Tomas 'T-Boy' Drafi is moving back to Slovakia. Before he left, I asked him to swing by so that we could have a chat. We discuss his Gypsy heritage, our shared interest in fashion & the partner dance 'Hustle', of which he is a well-renowned teacher.
Harry Barnes, also known as 'Dirty Harry', passed through The Duke LDN Studios this week to have a chat. We discuss his journey through the London dance scene: from a hopeful beginner to a seriously heavy hitter on the battle circuit. We also speak about how he ended up joining London's 'Monsterz Crew', coming from The Wirral (not Liverpool) and why he'll never move down south.
This week I spoke to Durah Abdullah (or as I have always known her - "Deedee"). Although we first met through the UK dance scene, Duran creates and works across many artistic disciplines. We discuss our motivations behind creating, how artists are perceived in society and her intentional step back from the underground dance scene in London.
In my first ever episode of 'The Duke LDN Podcast' I speak with an old friend of mine, Kieran Warner. We discuss his journey through the dance scene, weightloss, injuries and his involvement in the dance style 'Litefeet' and it's culture and development.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.