Text Agony Aunt Roz with your Cutflower Questions.
This week Roz is joined in the studio by Dr David Bek, who is a reader in sustainable economics based at the Research Centre for Business in society at Coventry University, which is in the UK.
David has extensive experience undertaking research into sustainability within horticultural supply chains, especially cut flowers.
Key points we discuss in today's episode include:
- David’s journey into cut flowers.
- How to be open to whatever your journey takes you.
- Where did his interest in supply chains come from?
- What is the impact of our choices within the supply chain?
- What’s happening in the world of flowers.
- Florists don’t know about sustainability, they do not know any different.
- Why is it so hard to get the message out about sustainable products?
- What’s the impact of globalisation on the flower industry?
- What is the biggest driver of the British flower market?
- The buzz from people who are trying to make a difference in the flower industry
- The importance of getting the word out about sustainable forestry.
- If you were on a desert island, who would you want with you?
- What’s going on in the world of agriculture.
David Bek Resource Links:
New Catalogue Out Now, https://plantsofdistinction.co.uk use the code CUTFLOWER30 for 30% off your order.
First Tunnels, leaders in domestic and commercial product tunnels.