In this episode, Dr. Anthony Youn, America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon, addresses common skincare mistakes that can harm skin health and accelerate aging. He emphasizes the importance of proper exfoliation, caution with hydroquinone, and the necessity of sunscreen. Dr. Youn advises against using makeup wipes and bar soap on the face, recommending gentler alternatives like micellar water and specialized cleansers. He also highlights the benefits of simplifying skincare routines, especially for those with irritation or inflammation. Throughout the episode, Dr. Youn shares professional insights to help listeners enhance their skincare regimens effectively.
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Where can you find more information about how to autojuvenate your skin to a younger you? Check out my new book, Younger For Life! It’s available at, and if you buy it now, you will receive over $100 in FREE gifts, including a $30 gift certificate for my online store!
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