For far too long, women have been ignored, lied to, and gaslighted extensively about the changes that occur in their bodies, hair, and skin with menopause.
So, today, we are diving into how menopause affects women's bodies- particularly their skin and hair. We explore why these changes happen, their significance, and how women should deal with them.
Join us as we reveal the truth about the physical effects of menopause that have remained hidden for way too long.
Interested in trying my new YOUN Beauty Menopause skincare and supplement bundle? It contains my carefully chosen products to help improve your skin and hair during peri and post-menopause! Click here:
Links and resources:
Where can you find more information about how to autojuvenate your skin to a younger you? Check out my new book, Younger For Life! It’s available at, and if you buy it now, you will receive over $100 in FREE gifts, including a $30 gift certificate for my online store!
Check out Dr. Youn’s skincare products and nutritional supplements -
Download his FREE eGuide: "What to Eat to Look Younger" -
Follow Dr. Youn on Instagram - @tonyyounmd
Follow Dr. Youn on YouTube -
Follow Dr. Youn on TikTok - @doctoryoun
Follow Dr. Youn on Facebook - @dryoun
Interested in trying my new YOUN Beauty Menopause skincare and supplement bundle? It contains my carefully chosen products to help improve your skin and hair during peri and post-menopause! Click here:
Books mentioned:
The Galveston Diet by Mary Claire Haver
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