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An in depth biography of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser, presented by WhyQuran. Watch these lectures with video at http://why-quran.org
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This lecture covers various events that occurred on the day of the prophet's passing and the day after, up until his burial.
This lecture includes:
- The Prophet consoling Fatima by telling her she would be the first of his family to join him in paradise.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib and Hasan and Hussain being by his side during his final moments.
- The Prophet's final words, "Prayer, prayer", while leaning against Ali, which contradicts claims that he passed away in Aisha's lap.
- The odd behavior of Umar who insisted the Prophet was still alive and threatened violence against anyone who said otherwise.
- The gathering of some in Saqifah before the prophet could even be buried. If it was so obviously urgent, wouldn't the prophet have already appointed a successor?
- The prophet's ghusul and location of his burial
- Aisha reporting she didn't even know about the burial until she heard the sound of digging, which contradicts claims that the prophet was buried in her room.
Sheikh Azhar Nasser will iA be continuing the story of what happened after the burial in a new series in January called "After the Prophet". To contribute towards that series please visit https://tasneeminstitute.org/donate/
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=812.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_yA6nDAiCE&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Everyone knows the prophet died of illness, and many say it was due to poison. Some say it was poison he consumed during te Battle of Khaybar three years earlier, but there are some serious doubts about that theory.
Another theory suggests Aisha may have poisoned him.
This lecture digs into the evidence for and against these theories, focusing primarily on sunni sources.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=804.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8kodjjLYwY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
In his last days, knowing death was imminent, Prophet Muhammad called his uncle Abbas and Imam Ali. He asked his uncle to carry out his will and settle his affairs after the prophet's death. When the uncle demured, the prophet asked Imam Ali, who accepted. The Prophet also gave Imam Ali his sword, battle gear, and ring.
Three days before his passing, the prophet went to the masjid and asked if anyone had a grievance against him, and offered to let them seek retribution. A man stepped forth saying that the prophet had accidentally hit him on the stomach once. The prophet said he could seek whatever retribution eh wanted. The man asked the prophet to remove his shirt and then kissed the prophet on his stomach.
At one point Ammar bin Yasir asked the Prophet how his ghusul and burial should be conducted, and the propeht replied that it would be done by "Ali ibn Abi Talib, for no part of my body will he touch without the angels aiding him in doing so"
Another time, when the prophet was weak, he woke up from sleep and asked for "my brother and companion." Aisha said to summon Abu Bakr, when when the prophet woke up again saw him sitting there he turned away from the man. After Abu Bakr's departure the prophet again asked for "my brother and companion." Usman's daughter Umm Salma had Usman summoned, yet he received the same treatment fromt the prophet. When the prophet called for "my brother and companion" a third time, Imam Ali was summoned and the Prophet spoke to him privately for a long time.
When asked what they spoke about, Imam Ali replied "He taught me a thousand doors (of knowledge) and each door opens a thousand more. He also entrusted me with responsibilities that, God willing, I will fulfil"
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=800.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojs3bdeq37o&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
In these last few days, many of the companions explicitly disregarded the prophet's instructions in order to secure political power after his demise. The prophet had attempted to prevent their schemes by instructing many of the senior companions to leave Medina with Usama ibn Zayd, so that Imam Ali could assume leadership without interference, but many delayed and made excuses.
Some hypocrites were known, but others were skilled at hiding their hypocrisy as proven by the failed assassination attempt.
In the even known as "The Calamity of Thursday", while Prophet Muhammad lay on his death bed he decided to take an extra step to explicitly document the his successor and asked for something to write to leave a message "after which you'll never go astray."
However, a group of companions who were around him at the time, including Umar, realized that the prophet was planning to document his succession plan and started to strongly object and shout, prompting Prophet Muhammad to order them to leave.
The lecture analyzes the various Sunni sources which indicate that the opposition group, which Umar was part of, started saying prophet was "going insane."
The fact that these people were willing to sling mud on the prophet's sanity showed to the prophet the futility of writing down his will later. If he were to do so, those people would cast the same aspersions on the prophet's will, casting doubts on his sanity during every instance where he designated Imam Ali as his successor. This could be potentially stretched back all the way to revelation, and the spread of such slander would put people's belief in Islam itself at risk.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=796.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBxvKOHjZcM&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Prophet's death was impending, and he had commanded all his companions to join Usama ibn Zayd's army to go fight the Romans. Usama was a young man, and many companions chaffed at being put under the leadership of something that age. The prophet, while sick, had to rebuke them to send them back to the army.
Despite his illness, the Prophet would still go lead prayer at the masjid. After the prayer he summoned some sahaba who were supposed to have left with Usama, including Abu Bakr and Umar asking "Why have you delayed obeying my order?" and heard back feeble answers in response. He scolded them, repeatning the instruction to join the army.
Another day, the Prophet was too ill to lead salaat, and Aisha and Hafsa each suggested their fathers, Abu Bakr and Umar, lead the salaat instead. The Prophet realized those men were still in town and that these two women were eager to promote their own fathers. He scolded the two saying "Stop, for you are like the female companions of Yusuf"
The Abu Bark and Umar containued to stay in Medina until the Prophet's demise, ignoring his orders to leave.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=792.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQhfMdDYZok&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
With the success of Islam, now multiple people started popping up and claiming to be Prophets.
They included:
- Musaylimah al-Kazzab: a Yemeni who had accepted Islam in the year 10AH. He claimed to have been sent revelation giving him dominion ofer half the earth while (as per him) Prophet Muhammad was supposed to rule the other half. Tribal fanaticism in his area granted him a following, with supporters saying "A liar from [us] is more beloved to us than a truthful man from the [the Prophet's tribe]." He was killed during the Riddah wars during Abu Bakr's reign, continuing to be a threat to Muslims until then.
- Al Aswad ibn Ka'b Al-'Ansi: A magician used to captivating and manipulating people. After Imam Ali had left Yemen for hajj he took advantage of the power vacuum to promte himself as a leader and even claimed prophetic authority to the new converts. Some of the prophet's companions, seeing the threat he posed, organized a plan to eliminate him. He was killed on the eve of the Prophet's death.
- Tulayha ibn Kuled bin Nufal al Asdi: A tribal leader from Banu Asad who saw a chance to claim prophethood. His declaration appealed to those who didn't want to be under the authority of someone from Quraysh. He lived past the Prophet's death and his movement became very strong, lasting til the reign of Umar.
Lessons from the rise of false prophets:
- **Jealousy blinds**: Musaylima nd Tulayha rose because of tribal jealousy instead of a genuine belief in their message. This can happen at individual or community levels, when we fell tribal about our masjid/community, and can cloud our judgement and make us violate basic Islamic teachings
- **Chasrima can be deceptive**: Al-Aswad used his skills as a magician to captivate and manipulate people. Charismatic individuals can amass large followings and wield influence that threatens established social structures. We must evaluate leaders based on their character.
- **Fight deception with clarity**: The Prophet rejected Musaylima's proposition (to rule half the earth) and labeled him "the liar", making his stance clear to the community. Unambiguous responses like this are crucial when dealing with false claims or deceptive individuals who can mislead others
- **Beware opportunists during crises**: Power hungery people take advantage of a community's moment of vulnerability. They exploted this to assert themselves, hoping to get the uncertain followers. In times of crisis, be aware of opportunists emerging.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=788.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRZO0Ubd08o&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After Prophet Muhammad declared Ali ibn Abi Talib's successorship, the angel Gabriel descended with an extension of the verse Quran 5:3, adding "today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have completed my blessing upon you, and I have approved Islam as your religion", showing that there's a version of Islam that's perfected and a version that's incomplete.
After the kutba, the people were commanded to pledge allegiance to Imam Ali, and the prophet instructed them to greet him with the title Commander of the Faithful.
The Prophet instructed Ali to sit in a tent across from his own tent and ordered the Muslims to enter in groups to congratulate him and refer to him with the new title. This process took three days, and included the Muajirun, Ansar, outling Arab tribes, and the prophet's wives.
By requiring the Muslim community to personally greet Ali with the new title, the Prophet legitimized Imam Ali's position and left no room for doubt in the mind of anyone present.
Many sources say the companions of the prophet came to Imam Ali and congratulated him on the leadership. The first to address him was Umar ibn Al-Khattab, saying "O Ali, you have become my master and the master of every momin and momina"
After the three days had passed in Ghadir, a man from the tribe of Banu Makhzum (a staunch enemy of the prophet) arrived and said "O Muhammad, I wish to ask you about three matters..." and he asked if the shahadah, if the laws of islam, and if Ali's successorship was from the prophet or from Allah. When the prophet replied that they were all from Allah, the man became very angry and said "Oh Allah, if Muhammad is truthful then blast me with fire" and within minutes he was struck by lightning.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=777.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9hESB_xSZA&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad was worried about people rebelling against him if he announced Imam Ali as his successor, so he delayed following the message to formalize his succesorship as long as he was allowed to.
The wisdom of this showed by how during the hajj. Some companions of the Prophet had suspected the Prophet would announce Imam Ali as his successor at hajj and whenever the prophet would give a sermon that veered towards this topic, they would become agitative and make noise in order to derail the announcement.
After the hajj, the Muslims started travelling back towars their home towns, with the Yemenis going south, and the Meccans remaining behind in Mecca, while the prophet and others went north to Medina. At this time Gabriel once again conveyed Allah's command to the Prophet to announce his successor and this time also promised His protection. Perphaps after the groups had split the munafiqeen were in too small a number to cause any trouble, and Prophet Muhammad announced Imam Ali as his successor.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=766.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2uO-I_ZiWo&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
In the last months of the prophet's life, Gabriel descended to the prophet conveying a message from Allah: "There remain two obligations that you must convey to your people: the obligation of Hajj, and the obligation of Wilayah (the guardianship and succession) after you. For indeed, I have never left My earth without a proof, and I will never leave it without one." The Prophet had often spoken about Imam Ali's unique rank, but hadn't formalized his succession in front of a large audience.
Prophet Muhammad ordred all who could to join him in his Hajj, about 70-124,000 people joined, and sent a message to Imam Ali, who was still in Yemen, to also join with his men.
When nearing Mecca, Imam Ali rushed ahead to meet the Prophet, leaving Abu Rafi al-Qibti in charge of the men. When Imam Ali returned he saw that for their Ihram those men had put on the fine Yemeni fabrics, a khums collected from Yemen. Imam Ali reprimanded them and ordered them removed and repacked immediately. While this was the just course of action, this disciplining would natrually lead to tension being created between him and his troops.
After the they all returned to Mecca, Imam Ali was praying in the sacred mosquen when a begger entered and asked for charity. Without interrupting his prayer, from ruku Imam Ali extendeded his hand and offered his ring to the beggar. At this moment some companions were with the prophet as the verse was revealed "Your guardian is only Allah, his Prophet, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give charity while bowing down."
During hajj, the prophet often emphasized the two weightly things he was leaving behind: the Quran and the Ahlul Bayt. During this time Allah repeatedly instructed the prophet to make his succession announcement, but concerns about the potential backlash from some companions kept Prophet Muhammad from doing so until Allah sent a promise of protection.
The Prophet's concern about backlash from his companions foreshadowed the opposition Imam Ali would later encounter.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=762.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NoMKBn89Pc&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad sent a mission to Yemen to invite them to Islam. The first mission was led by Khalid ibn Al-Walid, who was a harsh man who had fought against the Muslims in the Battle of Uhud, but he had an aristrocratic background and by making him feel valued Prophet Muhammad had hoped to turn him into a productive member of the Muslim community.
However once in Yemen, instead of following the prophetic principles of dawah Khalid hastily resorted to violence. The Tribe of Numayr, feeling threatened, sent a delegation to the Prophet in Medina to ask for protection from Khalid.
The Prophet sent Imam Ali to Yemen to do damage control and instructed Khalid's men to follow him instead. While sending Imam Ali he gave him various bits of advice, emphasizing the need to display wisdom, to soften people's hearts, and to remain upright.
The prophet emphasized the importance of avoiding bloodshed if possible, to the point where he said to not even engage in battle unless they kill one of your men first, and to even then first give them a chance to repent.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=754.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfXL7MqjgOU&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After the Conquest of Makkah, the prophet dispatched tax collectors to different Bedouin tribes, aiming to consolidate an Islamic state and establish a system of governance that would ensure stability, support the needed, and fund state activities.
Some tribes like the Tribe of Bnau Tamim resisted paying taxes however, potentially because thought the prophet was giving women too many rights. After the prophet sent riders to enforce the taxes, the tribe sent a delegation to the prophet to negotiate a truce.
This event led to the early versese of Surah Al-Hujurat (#49) of the Quran being revealed, which chided the Muslims to not raise their voices in above that of the prophet.
Prophet's Guidance to Tax Collectiors
- He'd remind them about the importance of fairness and compassion. Don't intimidate people.
- They were to trust the people's declarations of their wealth. They weren't authorized to investigate deeply. The honor system was encouraged, to teach people to assume fellow muslims were honest, not deceitful
- They were encouraged to act with kindess and not be a burden
- If there were local needy people, distribute taxes to them
- Leave the best of people's crops and livestock untouched, showing respect for their livelihood and well being
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=750.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLRpVzn2k1M&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad wanted to eradicate polythiesm and all practices associated with it, such as doing tawaaf around the kaaba naked.
Surah Tawbah was revealed, which included a message that the idolaters should not be allowed near the kaaba after this year. The Prophet first sent Abu Bakr to share this news with the Meccans, but then God instructed him to send Ali instead. The message was that the polythiests would be banished from Mecca after four months, except for those who had treaties that lasted longer. Those who asked for safety would be granted it after being taught about Islam. But shia and sunni views of this even are discussed.
Surah Tawbah is the only surah without a bismillah, and it contains many references to the idolaters, and how to treat them. It defined the rules of engagement against those who would fight agains the Muslims and that they should be granted asylum if they seek it.
The banishment of kuffar was similar to how governments today determine what speech is harmful and what the accepetable overton window for a soecity is. Even liberal governments have ideologies they don't tolerate.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=746.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7WikQByyik&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Among the delegations that came to Prophet Muhammad was on e from the Christians of Najran after their chief chief bishop and his people were invited to Islam. They came to negotiate a truce with the Prophet.
They offered terms that were unacceptable to the Prophet, and he invited them to a Mubahila, a prayer for divine curse upon the liars. The Prophet accepted, and a verse from the Quran was revealed telling each side to call their sons, women, and selves to invoke the curse.
While the Christians brough all their leaders, Prophet Muhammad brought only his daughter Fatima, his cousin Ali, and his grandsons Hasan and Husayn. The Christians were struck with fear at seeing their luminous faces and did not go through with the Mubahila.
The lecture goes on to discuss how this event highlights the importance of the family of the Prophet, comparing both Sunni and Shia views.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=742.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lj9d6jaAWv0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Expedition of Tabuk demonstrated to Arabs the strength of the Muslims. Over the next year, the various tribes responded by sending the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) delegations to accept Islam and pledge their allegiance. Prophet Muhammmad welcomed them & forgave past conflicts.
He focused on:
- Renouncing idolatry & polytheism
- Spreading Islamic knowledge
- Building strong alliances and goodwill
The Prophet's Methods:
- Generosity: Gave gifts (gold, dates, land) to solidify alliances.
- Compassion: Blessed children & offered amnesty even before requested.
- Education: Assigned teachers to delegations.
- Respect: Gave new, honorable names to some converts.
Bedouin Tribe: Wanted to convert & requested financial aid. The Quran revealed their motives weren't pure faith, but the Prophet didn't reject them.
Banu Thaqif: A stubborn tribe, they initially set conditions for conversion (avoid prayer, keep idols). The Prophet refused some demands but offered amnesty & teachers.
- Uthman ibn Abi Al-Aas (secret Muslim from the tribe) was assigned to be their governor, highlighting the Prophet's trust in young converts.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=738.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-q9VNc-wo0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Masjid ad Zarar, the Mosque of Harm, was a mosque built by the hypocrites of Madinah to coverty oppose the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They completed it just before Prophet Muhammad departed on the Expedition of Tabuk.
Upon his return, Allah revealed their hypocracy in the Quran and the Prophet ordered the mosque to be destroyed.
Soon after, Abdullah ibn Ubayy ibn Salul, the leader of the Munafiqeen fell critically ill, and he asked the Prophet to pray for him. After his death, his son asked the Prophet to lead his father's funeral prayer.
Out of mercy, the Prophet decided to pray for him, but Umar ibn al-Khattab forcefully objected, grabbing the prophet by his shirt, claiming Allah had prohibited the prayer. The Prophet replied "Allah has given me the choice. He said 'If you seek forgiveness 70 times, God will not forgive him" (there's no prohibition given) so I'll ask for more than 70 times."
Key lessons from this include:
- Don't pray in a mosque that advances the agenda of Islam's enemies. Don't become their pawns
- Worship cannot be detached from the political goals of Islam
- Leaders serve as exemplars for others, and thus have an elevated responsibility
- When we restrict acccess to centers of corruptions, we still have to provide alternatives
- The true worth of a masjid is reflected in the character of it's congregation
- Earnest desire for purification is a virtue Allah loves
- The worth of our actions depends on our intentions
- Anything undertaken with evil intentions is always on the verge of collapse
- Misuse of a mosque is a type of oppression
- Sometimes spiritual and psychological ailments are deeply rooted traits that resist change
Life of Prophet Muhammad by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
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Lecture slides available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=735
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Allah had warned Prophet Muhammad in the Quran (64:4) that his companions contained hypocrites so skilled at deceit that the prophet himself was pleased by their speech and appearance. Only revelation could expose them.
Later, during the return from the Tabuk expedition, while Prophet Muhammad went through a mountain pass while instructing his army to pass from below, some of these hypocrites tried to assault the prophet by startling his horse into dropping him off the cliff. Their plan was foiled and they fled. Despite wearing masks to hide their identies, they could be known by their horses.
The Quran (9:47) said that these hypocrites had renounced faith after becoming Muslims out of greed and vindictiveness.
However, instead of punishing those men, Prophet Muhammad decided to not pursue them because of the division it could cause amongh the Muslims. Those were men who appeared to be highly respected (as Quran 64:4 implied) and accusations against them would risk causing fitna.
Only Hudhayfah ibn Al-Yaman was told their names, and Prophet Muhammad instructed him to keep it a secret.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=731
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When leaving for Tabuk, the Prophet (s) appointed Imam Ali (as) as his deputy in Madinah to protect against any uprising led by the Munafiqeen. Explaining it's significance, he said to Imam Ali "You are to me as Harun was to Musa, except that there is no prophet after me."
There were at least 7 occasions that Prophet Muhammad made such a statement during his life.
One such occasion was narrated by Umar ibn Al-Khattab, when he emphasized how precious such a statement was by saying "If I had [a quality like that mentioned about me or my family], it would be dearer to me than anything."
What ranks did Prophet Harun have compared to Prophet Musa?
- Minister
- Helper
- Brother
- Backer/Strengthener
- Partner
The lecture includes objections Sunni scholars have raised to believing that this status continued after the Prophet's death, and Shia rebuttals to those objections.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=724
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4wgpyhlgVQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT
This lecture covers the prelude to the Battle of Tabuk. Key topics include:
- Birth of Ibrahim: Upon returning to Medina, the Prophet’s wife Mariya the Coptic gave birth to a son, named Ibrahim. The Angel Gabriel congratulated the Prophet on becoming a father.
- Expedition of Tabuk: This was the last military campaign led by the Prophet. It aimed to preempt a rumored Roman invasion and also test the faith and commitment of the Muslim community during extreme summer heat and the harvest season.
- Challenges and Sacrifices: The expedition required significant personal sacrifice, including traveling long distances in severe heat and missing the harvest season, leading to financial hardships.
- Legitimate Excuses: Some individuals, including the poor, weak, and elderly, were excused from the expedition due to genuine inability to participate, yet their desperately wanted to go.
- The Repenters: A group of companions who stayed behind were punished with social ostracism. They later repented and were forgiven after 50 days.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=720
Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Ehi7GsQf0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT
After victory against Banu Thaqif at Hunayn, Prophet Muhammad marched his army to Ta'if, where Banu Thaqif had retreated to and barricated themselves inside with enough food and water to last them for a year.
The Prophet declared any slaves who joined Islam and left the fortress would be granted freedom, and many took him up on the offer.
As the siege extended, the prophet decided a military victory there wasn't necessary. Thaif was isolated from all allies and would eventually realize it's advantageous to join Islam.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=710.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsgyDegHRDY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Banu Thaqif had been long standing rivals of the Quraysh. They saw the Quraysh's defeated as an opportunity to attack and seize control of Mecca for themselves.
In response, Prophet Muhammad called all Muslims to battle and led an army of 12,000 against them. Banu Thaqif's side had over 20,000.
Banu Thaqif setup an ambush in the Valley of Hunain, making most Muslims flee. However, Prophet Muhammad was able to rally the troops and counter the assault.
During the battle, some tribes had begun killing women and children, and were later strongly rebuked for it by Prophet Muhammad, formalizing the prohibition against killing non-combatants and civilian rights.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=706.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpYmvk1JQSI&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After the conquest of Mecca, hundreds of thousands of Arabs came to the prophet to convert and pledge their allegiance. This lecture covers why they joined now and reflects the verses of Surah An-Nasr which predicted this.
The Prophet also sent various small expiditions to the surrounding tribes to invite them to Islam.
The last of the pagan tribes decided to attack the Muslims in a final stand, setting the stage for the Battle of Hunayn.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=695.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QDkg3-SzFg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad destroys all the idols in the Kaaba with Imam Ali's help and washes the images that had been drawn inside.
He then introduced Islam to the Meccans, discarding their ideas of nationalism and tribalism, and offered a general amnesty regardless of if they convert to Islam.
Prophet Muhammad told Bilal to climb on top of the Kaaba to give the Azaan. Ikrima bin Abu Jahl saw that and made disparraging remarks about it, with a couple other pagans agreeing. They were soon shokced when Prophet Muhammad came over and said "I know what you said about Bilal" and repeated their words verbatim, revealing his miraculous knowledge.
The Prophet stayed in Mecca for 19 more days and during that time many prominent Meccans who had initially resisted conversion would end up converting instead of fleeing, including Ikrimah bin Abu Jahl, Suhayl ibn Amr, and Safwan ibn Umayyah.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=691.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_2pklaBlHA&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad had promised safety to any Meccan who either remined in their own home during the invasion or went to Abu Sufyan's home.
After seeing the Muslim's strenght, Abu Sufyan saw the futility of struggle and urged the Meccans to surrender. Some Meccans remained defiant, notably his wife Hind and Ikrimah, the son of Abu Jahl.
After taking over Mecca, Prophet Muhammad granted general amnesty to all Meccans save for about a dozen who had been the most defiant.
The Prophet then went to the Ka'bah and destroyed all the idols there.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=687.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUkFpvzwUA4&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad kept the attack on Mecca a closely guarded secret. However Hatib ibn Abi Balta'ah sent a letter to the Quraysh warning them of the attack. The Prophet was informed of this by revelation and he sent Ali and Zubayr to retrieve it.
The Muslim army eventually marched to Mecca, where they were instructed to spread out and display their numbers. Under the cover of night, Abu Sufyan and two other senior leaders of Quraysh were brought to the Prophet to surrender and were granted amnesty.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=678.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBYrR05Xgug&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Treaty of Hudaybiyya had included a vow of there being no fighting between the Quraysh and the Muslims. However, when the tribe of Banu Bakr asked the leaders of Quraysh for help in a raid against their long time foe Banu Khuza'ah, a tribe with many Muslims and who were longtime allies of Prophet Muhammad, the Quraysh joined in.
The raiders killed 23 members of Banu Khuza'ah. The tribe went to Prophet Muhammad for help and the Prophet pledged to attack Mecca in resopnse.
Meanwhile Abu Sufyan learned about the raid and panicked realzing that it meant the Quraysh had violated the treaty. He went to Medina, to try to apologize. The same Abu Sufyan who used to be relentless in persecuting the Muslims was now begging for protection.
But the deaths and the violated treaty could not be taken back.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=673.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2eC8R4WoTQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Campaign of Dhat Al-Salasil occurred soon after "defeat" at the Battle of Mu'tah, when various Ghassanid affiliated tribes sensed an opportunity to invade Medina. They thought the Muslims would be weak and demoralized.
A bedouin learned about the gathering army and informed Prophed Muhammad, who designated an army and commander to go fight them.
From here the Shia and Sunni narratives diverge sharply. Sheikh Azhar Nassers explains both the different views and shares ideas for why they may have ended up with such drastically different versions.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=669.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMvH--xJPjg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Roman army, with 10,000 soliders, outnumbered the Muslims 3:1 at the Battle of Mutah. Some of the Muslims feared the large army and wanted to retreat, but the senior companions bolstered their courage.
Prophet Muhammad had appointed a leader for the army, with two backup leaders in case the first one was martyred.
This was a hard battle. Jaffer ibn Abi Talib was the first leader, and he was martyred in the battle. Zayd ibn Haritha was the second leader, and he also became martyred. Abdullah ibn Rawaha was the final designated leader, and fell as well. Overall, about 11 Muslims were martyred in the battle, and the Muslims eventually ended up retreating.
Back in Medina, the prophet was witnessing the battle through his ilm ul ghayb (knowledge of the unseen) and narrated the battle in realtime, both the heroics and the shahadats.
The final verdict on the battle is mixed. Some historians called it a defeat since the Muslims retreated, others call it a draw due to the insignificant numer of casualties, where neither side took over the other's land, and some historians called it a strategic victory since fighting a non-arab army put htem on the map on a global stage and gave them experience to fighting non-arab armies.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=665.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU0X1QqHad0&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Battle of Mu'tah was triggered when a messenger Prophet Muhammad sent to Ghassani Shurahbil was murdered. This was a declaration of war.
While Prophte Muhammad himself didn't participate in this battle, thanks to the treaty of Hudaybiyya he was able to send 3000 Muslims to fight without compromising the securit of Medina.
As the army departed, the Prophet reminded them to maintain taqwa, keep to treaties kept, and to not attack women or children. He also insturcted them to offer the enemy three different surrender conditions
As they marched closer to the enemy, the Muslims realized that despite their large numbers, the opposing army outnumbered them more than 3 to 1.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=661.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foTI7fQ3ks8&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad led the Muslims on a second attempt at Umra, thet qazaa for the last one which they couldn't complete.
Rumor spread among the Mushrikeen that the Muslims were weakened, so the Prophet instructed his followers to show extra strength and bravado to dispel that notion.
During the Umra:
- Meccans removed their idols from the kaba for the Muslims
- Muslims stashed their weapons nearby, under guard, in case the Meccans tried to attack them
- The Prophet's Uncle Abbas, who had secretly converted to Islam and stayed in Medina, openly revealed his conversion
- Bilal, the ex-slave, was instructed to recite the Adhan on top of the kaba, which outraged the class conscious Meccans
- The prophet married Maymuna ibnt al-harith, most likely to establish a kinship with some of his fierce opponents
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=657.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdRc7uHHodo&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad had given the garden of Fadak to his daughter Fatima, but after his passing it snatched away from her by Abu Bakr and Umar.
This lecture explains:
- How Fadak became the Prophet's property
- Why he gifted it to Lady Fatima
- Fadak was a source of immense wealth, generating enough income to fund an army.
- How Umar adviced Abu Bakr to take Fadak away from her, since it would strip Imam Ali of his strength and make people less likely to follow him
- Abu Bakr's twisting of Fiqh laws to create an excuse to take Fadak away
- Fadak's history of being alternatively taken away from and being given back to the Ahlul Bayt, based on whether the ruler of the time needed to look like he supported the Ahlul Bayt, or if he needed to deprive them of their source of funding.
The lecture also describes:
- How the Prayer of Jafar al-Tayyar came to be, it being a special gift Prophet Muhammad gave to Jaffer ibn Abi Talib.
- During a severe drought, Prophet Muhammad sent gold nuggets from the spoils of Khaybar to the Meccans (who were still pagan) to be distributed among the poor
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=653.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUXztsqZ25w&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The victory at Khaybar changed the lives of the Muslim community and became a source of financial strength for them.
The lecture includes:
- The surrender treaty, where the Jews were allowed to remain on Khaybar in return for a share of the harvest
- How the prophet distributed the khums from the war
- The Muhajireen using their share of khums to return what the Ansaar had given them and become financially independent
- Prophet Muhammad's marriage to Safiyyah Bint Huyayy
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=643.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddKpkuawxHs.
The Muslims marched to the Fort of Khaybar, attack and defeat it's treacherous occupants.
Along the way, various miracles occur:
- An assassin attempts to kill Prophet Muhammad, but he miraciously is suddenly mentally handicapped.
- Imam Ali's unable to fight due to an illness in his eyes. Prophet Muhammad heals him and Imam Ali leads the Muslims to victory.
- Imam Ali single handedly moves the fallen gate of Khaybar, which was so heavy it normally take many men to open and close it.
In addition, while Imam Ali was sick, Prophet Muhammad also offered the army's standard (i.e. leadership) to Abu Bakr and Umar, giving them a chance to take on the fortress. Both returned unsuccessful, with them blaming their men, and their men blaming them.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=639.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkLiVO6T2Vc&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Khaybar was manned by Jewish tribes that had previously reacted treasonously against the Muslims and had been exiled from Medina in turn.
They had already attacked the Muslims once, by participating in the Battle of Khandak, and Prophet Muhammad received intel that those Jewish tribes were again planning to ally with another pagan tribes to attack Medina.
The Prophet again attempted a diplomatic outreach to the tribes in Khaybar, but it fell on deaf ears. Realizing that the Jews at Khaybar were determined to march against Mecca yet again, Prophet Muhammad prepared to strike against them first.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=635.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBqMqgP0ERk&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad continues his outreach to foreign leaders, sending messengrs to the Persian emperor Khosrow II and the Coptic ruler Muqawqis of Alexandria.
The outreach teaches us:
- Islam was always meant to be globalized, not just for the Arabs. We need to also think deeply about how to universalize the messaging
- The way people respond to the Prophet had an impact on their dunya and akhira
- The prophet addresses world leaders with their respective titles. This is part of the etiquette of dialogue.
- Even when people are tyranical rulers, it doesn't give us the right to be abusive (especially when we're unprovoked). Even Musa was instructed to speak gently to Feron
- Communicate using simple language and get to the point. The letters were short and succinct.
- Customize your communication to cater to your audience
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=628.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDuHQa1oDOs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
With the repreieve provided by the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, Prophet Muhammad can focus on spreading Islam by doing dawah to surrounding leaders. This lecture covers encounters with two prominent leaders:
1. The Abysinnian king Najashi, who converted to Islam
2. The Roman emperor Heraclius, who questioned Abu Sufyan and acertained Prophet Muhammad's legitimacy, but did not openly convert
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=624.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqptIDOW2fU&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The many of the Muslims had seen the Treaty of Hudaybiyya as a humiliating loss, yet Prophet Muhammad knew the treaty paved the way for their ultimate success.
This lecture discusses the various ways this treaty helped the Muslims, along with how Allah sent Surah Al-Fath right afterwards to bolden the Muslims and help them understand the victory which had just been won.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=620.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysbzCY4_cdc&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Quraysh sent Suhayl ibn Amr to negotiate the Treaty of Hudaybiyya with Prophet Muhammad. Suhayl had a vested interest in the outcome since two of his sons had converted to Islam, one of whom he was keeping captive.
The Muslim masses were surprised by the treaty though, which they saw as an insult. Umar ibn Al-Khattab was particularly outraged, later saying that on that day he "doubted the Prophet's prophethood like [he] had never doubted it before"
While on the surface the treaty looked like a setback, it set the stage for the Muslims' eventual victory over Quraysh.
Lessons include:
- The importance of writing down agreements
- Importane of making concessions for the greater good (when they don't violate Islamic values)
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=616.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqh2rS-Y4cQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
While camped outside Mecca at Hudaybiyya, the Prophet Muhammad sends an emissary into the city. The Quraysh kill his camel, and he's barely allowed to leave.
The Prophet then tries to send Umar ibn Al-Khattab, but he refuses out of fear. Uthman, who had strong tribal ties with people in the city, is sent instead. However, he's prevented from leaving for three days, and Muslims fear the worst
Given the shakiness of the Muslims, the Prophet is inspired to renew their pledge to him in The Pledge of Ridhwan, and many verse of the Quran are revealed in praise of those who would stick with that pledge
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=612.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaDUZ8PRumQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad saw a dream of the Muslims entering the Ka'bah to worship, and he instructs his followers to begin preparations to go to Mecca. They would go in peace, without arms.
The call to go for this pilgrimage turns into an opportunity to expose more of the Munafiqeen as they make excuses to avoid the seemingly dangerous journey.
When the Quraysh get word of the Muslims arriving, they panic, fearing that allowing their enemies into the city would make the Meccans appear weak. While they negotiate with the Muslims, the friendly local tribe of Khuza'ah helps the Muslims settle in Hudaybiyyah and even advocates for them to teh Quraysh, reminding them of their oath to allow all pilgrims to the holy Kaba
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=608.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXkknql5HqY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The tribe of Bani Mustaliq were planning to launch a surprise attack against the Muslims, and rumor of it reached Prophet Muhammad. He sent a companion named Buraydah ibn al-Husayb to investigate. The rumor was confirmed.
This lecture covers:
- The attack Prophet Muhammad led in response
- The secret hypocrites who joined this battle
- The battle's outcome
- The Prophet's political marriage to Juwayriyya bint al-Harith, the daughter of Bani Mustaliq's chief
- Prophet Muhammad's response to munafiq Abdullah ibn Ubayy criticizing the Muhajireen during the return trip to Medina
- Allah revealing Surah Munafiqun to expose ibn Ubayy, and an explanation of the verses
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=602.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOFFolfr8a8&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Sa'd was a very high ranking companion and a shaheed. Prophet Muhammad took much more care during his burial than he normally would, yet he still chided someone who said that he would go straight to heaven.
Lesson: If you have bad akhlaq, even the prophet cannot help you against the consequences
Later, Prophet Muhammad proposed Zaynab bint Jahash marry his adopted son and ex-slave Zayd ibn Haritha. When the couple was unable to get along and got a divorce, the Prophet married Zaynab instead.
This broke multiple societal taboos:
1) Making marriage between the upper class and lower class seem acceptable and
2) Showing that the rules between father/son relations do not apply to adopted sons.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=598.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xWV9lPelWs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After Bani Qurayzah surrendered, the punishment for their betrayal had to be decided.
This lecture covers:
- The penalty set by Bani Qurayzah's pre-Islamic ally, Sa'd ibn Mu'adh, and Prophet Muhammad's reaction to it
- Why the punishment was so harsh
- How even Bani Qurayzah's tribal custom at the time was to treat treachery with a similar punishment
- Rebutting claims that the punishment was driven by anti-semitism
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=594.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBeT7uNIv_s&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After the enemy coalition gave up and retreated from Medina, the Muslims had to deal with the Banu Qurayzah's treachery during the seige.
This lecture covers:
- Events during the three weeks the Muslims beseiged Bani Qurayzah
- Options Bani Qurayzah considered in response
- Their attemps to find allies to support them during their surrender, who would be lenient despite their deadly betrayal
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=590.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z8FvpXBhtw&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Multiple factors came together to demoralize the Qurayshi coalition and got them to retreat, ending the battle:
- Imam Ali's victory over Amr ibn al-Wadd - Shortage of food and fodder. They had prepared for quick battle, not a month-long seige - A violent storm that trashed the Qurayshi camp - Distrust sown between the kuffar and the jews by a secret convert - Some Arabs deciding they'd rather be ruled by Arab than by Jews, even of those Arabs are Muslims
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=586.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IL9k-WuTfFE&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Qurayshi army arrive in Medina and are stumped by the trench, and persuade the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraydha in Medina and convince them to betray their oath of neutrality
The Muslims stand vigilant day and night to defend the trench, even missing their obligatory prayers.
Surah 33, Al Ahzaab captures the tension, covering the hypocrites who exposed themselves when they saw the pagan army, and the believers who saw the army as confirmation of what Prophet Muhammad had said to them.
Amr ibn al-Wadd, a feared warrior, crosses over the trench and calls for one on one combat. Imam Ali ibn Talib is the only one who's willing to answer and defeats him in combat.
Lessons: - Do not broadcast and sensationalize evil, even if it is true, unless there's a benefit in making it public - Trust Allah and know that there is something positive in every difficulty and hardship
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=582.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmsL_Ex8pxg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad led by example, digging the trench harder than anyone else. When Fatima cooked some bread and brought it to him, she learned that it was the first thing the prophet had eaten in three days.
During the digging, Imam Ali also dug relentlessly and the Prophet praised him saying "May my father be ransomed for the one who digs", highlights Imam Ali's high position in his the eyes. Prophet Muhammad never said this about any other companion.
When some companions uncovered a large rock that no one could move, Prophet Muhammad hit it with three miraculous strikes, shattering it.
At the end, Jabir ibn Abdullah al Ansari invited Prophet Muhammad to dinner. The prophet extended the invitation to the rest of the exhausted companions. Jabir worried the food would run short, but when the Prophet arrived at Jabir's home he blessed the food and there ended up being enough to feed every guest.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=578.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pINIJqCUd_8&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
All the Muslim's enemies band together in a final attempt to defeat them.
In the year 5 AH, the two banished Jewish tribes ally with the Meccans to mobilizing the masses for the ultimate battle against the Muslims, in what would later be known as the Battle of the Azhab, aka Battle of Khandaq.
The Quraysh had been humbled by their constant failure to wipe out the Muslims, and now that Muslims were blocking their trade routs the Quraysh were feeling the pain in their wallets. Abu Sufyan, receptive to the invitation by the Jewish tribes, rallies the Meccans and other Pagan tribes to raise the largest army the Arab peninsula had ever seen so far and they begin marching against Medina.
The Muslims in Mecca learn of this, and with Salman Al-Farsi's advice, begin digging a tranch along the city's border.
The banished Jews reach out to the one Jewish tribe still remaining in Mecca and convince them to also break their truce with the Muslims (now that a huge army is coming towards the city). The tribe openly reveals that they'll break their covenant, and the Muslims realize they have to guard against enemies both outside and inside Medina.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=574.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAlQEbGoO8U&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Sheikh Azhar Nasser explores additional Sunni counter arguments to the Shia claim that the Verse of Purification (Quran 33:33)
The discussion covers:
- Claims that the wives were already purified
- Claims that the actions of the wives had no impact on the prophetic household
- Claims that the Quran uses "ahl" to refer to wives in other places
- Questions about how the 12 imams were included in the verse of purity
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=567.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9nlv_zeIk4&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Sheikh Azhar Nasser explores Sunni counter arguments to the Shia claim that the Verse of Purification (Quran 33:33)
The discussion covers:
- Claims that the context of the verse being different
- Claims that the verses include all of Bani Hashim
- Claims that the verse doesn't prove infallibility
The Q&A also answers:
- Why the Imams sometimes gave their children the same names as prominent Sunni's like Aisha and Uthman
Ans: The names didn't necessarily imply endorsement back then, though Imam Ali specificlly said he named his son after a different Uthman)
- Why didn't the Quran explicitly state who the Ahlul Bayt were?
Ans: This was one of the ways Allah preserved the Quran without affecting free will. Otherwise the enemies of those people would have fought harder to change the Quran.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=560.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4J8QU_piqg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Continuing the identification of who is meant by the holy Ahl al-Bayt, Sheikh Azhar Nasser uses hadiths from Sunni sources that are accepted by both Shias and Sunnis to compare Shia and Sunni viewpoints.
Hadith include:
- (Jame-ut-Tirmidi) Hadith al Kisa - the hadith of the cloak
- (Sahih Muslim) Zahid ibn Akram's explanation of why the wives are not part of the Ahlul Bayt
- (Al Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn) The prophet going to Fatima's door every day for months after it was revealed, repeating the Verse of Purity saying "Oh Ahl al-Bayt..."
- (Sahih Muslim) Hadith of Mubahila, where the Christians of Najran rejected the Prophet's message and were challenged to a mubahalah. Here the term "Ahl al-Bayt" was used for the holy five exclusively
- (Sahih al-Tirmidhi) Hadith Al-Thaqalayn, where the prophet said "I'm leaving for you that which if you hold onto you shall never devate., one is greater than the other: The Book of God-an extended rope between the Heavens and the Earth; and my progeny, my Ahl al-Bayt"
- The fact that the wives never used the Verse of Purification to show their superiority (despite sometimes using other claims to show their superiority)
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=556.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3cSoTy0ZlU&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Who does the Quran refer to when it says Ahlul Bayt? Sheikh Azhar Nasser compares Sunni and Shia viewpoints based on hadit from Sunni sources.
The three main perspectives are:
- It includes the Prophet's wives, Bani Hashim, and the Holy Five (Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain, and Prophet Muhammad)
- It includes just Bani Hashim and the Holy Five
- It includes just the Holy Five (shia perspective)
Sheikh Azhar discusses arguments for and against the verse of Purity (Quran 33:33) applying the wives as well as the Holy Five, looking at the verse in context with the surrounding verses.
The discussion covers:
- Why are wives referenced before and after this verse?
- Are wives actually being praised?
- Changes in pronouns
- Meaning of "warding off filth"
- Context changing from "Your houses" to "The house"
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=546.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUEGYtgQxOs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Continuing the comparison of Shia and Sunni views on Aisha bint Abu Bakr, Sheikh Azhar compares Shia and Sunni perspectives on hadiths that cause each sect to have their varying opinions on Aisha.
Hadiths covered include:
- (Bukhari/Sahih Muslim) Prophet Muhammad apparently pointing to Aisha's house and saying "fitna is from here"
- (Bukhari) Prophet Muhammad saying Aisha is like "the female companion of Yusuf", i.e. Zulayqha
- (Bukhari/Muslim) Various hadith given by Aisha that include implications of the prophet listening to women singing and being bewitched and halucinating, thus damaging the prophet's dignity with their alleged stories. (Shias reject the validity of these hadith)
Key message: The above and the discussions from the last lecture give Shia scholars enough reservations about Aisha's narrations that they prefer to get their teachings from more reliable sources like Imam Ali and Lady Fatima
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=542.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQLj16n0-p4&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Comparing the Shia and Sunni views on Aisha, the daughter of Abu Bakr and third wife of Prophet Muhammad. Sheikh Azhar also explains why the two sects may have such divergent views of her.
The lecture dives into:
- Why Shia's believe Aisha was in her late teens when she married Prophet Muhammad (vs the Sunni narrative of being 9 years old)
- How Aisha gained an prominence above other wives of Propeht Muhammad
- Quranic verses establishing that the wives of Prophet Muhammad could choose to do either good or evil (Quran 33:30-31)
- Comparing views on whether the Verse of Purification applies to all wives of the prophet or only Imam Ali, Lady Fatima, and their children
- Quranic verses (Surah 66, verses 3-5) that accuse two wives of their deviation and threatens retribution. Sunnis and Shias both agree they refer to Aisha and Hafsa (another wife)
- Comparing Sunni/Shia views on whether there's enough evidence of Aisha's repentance after the above Quranic condemnation to depend on her as a reliable narrator of hadith
- Why Shias don't believe the Quranic title "The Mothers of the Believers" was intended to honor Prophet Muhammad's wives
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=536.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtYqU661YSs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
At the end of the battle of Badr, Abu Sufyan had challenged the Muslims to a rematch a year later. This rematch was known as the Second Battle of Badr, and after seeing how much stronger the Muslims had gotten the Meccans were demoralized and decided to march back to Mecca. And so no battle never actually took place.
Around this time period many of the Prophet's multiple marriages took place. Reasons for those marriages included:
- Protecting vulnerable Muslim women
- Establishing peaceful ties with hostile tribes
- Teaching men to free their slave girls and marry them
- Promote the spirit of interfaith
- Demonstrating how to deal with marital conflict
- Testing the believers to see if they would believe the prophet or his wives
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=532.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK6rRnJFLQQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
This lecture covers:
- The gradual prohibition of Alcohol
- Passing of Fatima bint Asad (Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib's mother)
- Birth of Imam Husayn
- Prophet Muhammad's Marriage to Umm Salamah
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=528.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPm9rojYaHQ&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad approached the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir to help the Muslims make peace between themselves and another Jewish tribe, only to discover at the last minute that Banu Nadhir was planning to assassinate him.
Why? The Banu Nadir couldn't accept a gentile as the final messenger of God. They considered it degrading to be subservient to a non-Jew.
Faced with this treachery, Prophet Muhammad commanded them to take their belongings and leave Medina in ten days.
The Banu Nadhir initially refuse, preparing for war, but surrender once the Muslims besieged their fortress. Despite their willingness to fight the Prophet still allowed the tribe to depart, but orders them to leave their weapons behind this time. Banu Nadhir reloate to the Fortress of Khaybar
Surah Al Hashr (#59) verses 1-16 describe this encounter.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=524.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NrT1ojUbJE&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After the Battle of Uhud:
- Quraysh mutilate the bodies of Muslims
- Prophet Muhammad sends a reconnissance mission to see if the Quraysh will invade Medina or return to Mecca
- Various verses of the Quran are revealed to console the Muslims and instruct them on how to recover from the losses
- The Meccans decide to come back to finish off the Muslims, but their army is scared away
- Nomadic tribes, emboldened by the Muslim's defeat at Uhud, try to raid the Muslims
Key lessons from the Battle of Uhud:
- Do not be naive and assume anyone who claims to be a Muslim is a believer at heart. Uhud exposed the munafiqeen
- God's help is guaranteed when Muslims are united and obey the Prophet
- Being Muslim doesn't guarantee victory. Believers must struggle and endure hardships to achieve success
- Beware of succumbing to material temptations. Love of the world can blind even those fighting alongside the prophet
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=501.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDjeZ57V3VM&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
As the Quraysh fled, the archers watching the army's back rushed to gather the spoils of war.
The enemy noticed this and launched a cavalry counter attack from the unprotected rear, changing the tide of the war.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=497.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02wW7yvrbbs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
With archers defending their backs, Ali ibn Abi Talib starts the skirmish with one on one battles, defeating nine opponents in a row.
Quickly, the Qurayshi army becomes demoralized and starts fleeing.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=493.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQXTzbW0QaM&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
- The Muslims marched towards the invaders with an army of 1000 men.
- Munafiqs revealed: Abdullah ibn Ubayy deserted the army and left with 300 of the men, the munafiqs.
- Battle tactics used by Prophet Muhammad
- Fortications abandoned: The prophet gave the archerers unambiguous instructions to maintain a defensive position, yet they were ignored to try and obtain some spoils of war, giving the enemy a critical advantage
In many ways, this event was a precursor to Imam Ali's succession being ignored years down the road:
- If 300 men were blatantly hypocritical when the population was just 2000, then how many must have been munafiqs when there were 100,000 Muslims when the Prophet Muhammad passed away?
- The prophet gave clear, unambiguous instructions to the archers, yet they were ignored for some spoils of war. What instructions might such people ignore to gain the caliphate?
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=486.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mZw4Q4mQqk&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Both sides prepare for the Battle of Uhud soon after Imam Hasan's birth:
- The battle was instigated by the Meccan's desire for revenge, the insult they felt from Islam, and the economic strain they had landed under
- Abu Sufyan's attempts at raising an army
- Hind's support of the army
- Prophet Muhammad's investigation when an undercover Muslim informs him of Abu Sufyan's army
- How Prophet Muhammad held his war council and respected his follower's wishes
Practical lessons:
- Importance of consultative leadership
- Appreciating the wisdom of elders
- Youth tend to be overzealous
- Certain Islamic rulings only apply to the Prophet
- No shaming: Those who gave poor advice were not blamed even though going out to meet Quraysh was a sub-optimal option
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=482.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tl87UnuBTw4&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The events that occurred after the Battle of Badr, which led to the Battle of Uhud:
- The Expedition of Qarqarat Al-Kudr, where nomadic tribes started hostilities against the Muslims
- The Expedition of Sawiq, where Abu Sufyan led an assault against Medina
- The Qaradah Raid, where the Muslims raided a Meccan caravan
- The death of Uthman ibn Madh'un, one of the highest companions
- The death of Ruqayyah
- The assassination of Ka'b ibn Ashraf, a member of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadhir, for treason (inciting Meccans to war against the Muslims)
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=478.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNR6pPMAOrk&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
While most Muslima and Jewish tribes in Medina were agriculture based, the Jewish tribe of Banu Qaynuqa consisted mainly of craftsmen and blacksmiths, making them highly militarized. The tax-free marketplace, along with the Muslim's conflict with the Meccans (one of Banu Qaynuqa's main customer base) threatened Banu Qaynuqa's financial interests.
This led to Banu Qaynuqa violating the peace treaty they had agreed to in the Medinan Charter and secretly start colluding with the Meccans to incite hostilities against the Muslims.
Once Banu Qaynuqa began openly violating the peace treaty and began abetting the Muslim's enemies, there was a stand off between them and the Muslims, which led to Banu Qaynuqa's defeat and banishment.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=474.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uJvnpFZu0s&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
How and why the qiblah was changed from Jersalem to the Kaaba:
- The Jewish tribes had been mocking Muslims for worshipping towards Jerusalem
- Quranic verses in Surah Baqarah explain why the Qiblah was changed
- Quran's criticism of the people who had enmity in their hearts against Muslims.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=470.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X3EWPhweE8&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The immediate aftermath of the Battle of Badr, including:
- How the prisoners of war were treated after the battle
- Revelation of Surat al-Anfal, which included verses on warfare
- How the spoils were divided
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=466.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKnJFE1IBM4&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Warfare during Battle of Badr and the Muslim's victory:
- The story of Umayr ibn Al-Humam, who longed for a martyrdom
- The two youth who killed Abu Jahl, and how they attacked him
- Abu Jahl's arrogance even with his dying breaths
- Umayyah ibn Khalaf's attempt to seek refuge once defeat was imminent
- Lessons taught after the battle
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=462.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQaGD67IMDY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Battle of Badr begins:
- Prophet Muhammad tried to avoid hostilities, and some of the Quraysh wanted to avoid fighting as well. But Abu Jahl instigated the conflict forwards.
- Fighting began with three one on one skirmishes
- The miracle of the prophet throwing pebbles towards the Quraysh and blinding them
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=458.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HBOwrzwf-k&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Quraysh set out with a huge army, intending to intimidate not just the Muslims but the rest of the Arabs as well.
This lecture includes:
- Quraysh leaders who were afraid of going to war
- Military tactics leveraged by the Propeht Muhammad before the battle
- Attributes needed to be a leader
- A miracle Allah sent to give the Muslims an advantage the night before the battle
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=454.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPprgQ2qGjg&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Meccans wanted to bolster their military situation, not okay with the Prophet Muhammad simply relocating to Medina. The Meccans had invested heavily in a caravan led by Abu Sufyan which would let them build up their military.
Prophet Muhammad intended to intercept this caravan on it's way back from Syria. However, Abu Sufyan discoveres this plan and devises a scheme to rile up the Meccans and push them to all out war against the Muslims.
This lecture includes:
- How Imam Ali got the kunya of Abu Turab
- Gabriel informing Prophet Muhammad of Abu Sufyan's plan and how the Prophet tested the Muslims' resolve
- The prophet's aunt in Mecca having a vision of a calamity affecting the Meccans
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=450.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-iBIU2c3Ms&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Imam Ali and Lady Fatima got married in the 2nd year AH. This lecture covers:
- Lady Fatima's age at marriage (Shia vs Sunni views)
- The people who unsuccessfully proposed to Fatima (and their reactions to the rejection)
- Imam Ali's bridal gift for Lady Fatima
- Their valima (the wedding feast)
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=446.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zg1x0xfwiK8&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
This lecture covers how the prophet changed Yathrib's name to Medina, the rise of hypocrisy in Medina as political expediency caused people to convert without having any Islamic conviction, the first time Muslims were given permission to fight and why it was granted, and the first five military expeditions of the Muslims.
Practical Lessons:
1. No victory comes with ease. Even prophets must sacrifice, face challenges, and fail before attaining victory.
2. God isn't biased towards Muslims. When Muslims violated the sanctity of the sacred months, they were condemned.
3. Lead by example
4. Stick with your pledges.
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/?p=440.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmX5uGS4ihs&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
The Prophet Muhammad had been invited to Medina to quell tensions in the city. With a few months of arriving, he created a social contract between the different tribes in they city, specifying the behaviors expected from each group: Ansar, Muhajireen, Jews, and Polythiests
Practical Lessons:
1. The importance of writing down contracts. This was an unprecedented move by the Prophet since Arabia was mostly an oral culture and agreements were usually oral. But to avoid any confusion and disagreements he insisted on putting this in writing
2. The great respect Islam has for monotheistic traditions. Prophet granted the Jews a great deal of autonomy and independence provided that they didn't betray the Muslims
3. All people were accountable before the law, regardless of if you're Muslim or not. Being Muslim doesn't get you off the hook
4. The Prophet accepted the legal norms and customs (urf) of every tribe, as long as they didn't conflict with the laws of the sharia. Just because we want to follow Islam, it doesn't mean cultural norms and practices should be abolished provided they don't violate Islamic laws.
Lecture notes available at http:///why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlsSgEO9vPM&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
After Prophet Muhammad settled in Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's home in Medina, he purchased the lot next to it and started building a masjid there. This became known as Al Masjid an-Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque) and Masjid al-Haram (the Sacred Mosque). Azan was legislated soon after, and within half a year after hijra the Second Pact of Brotherhood was made between the Muhajireen and Ansaar.
Practical Lessons:
- 1. The pact of brotherhood endured. The prophet would assign a brother/sister to a new convert throughout the Madani period. From this we can extrapolate the importance of looking after the needs of new converts.
- 2. A brotherhood based on faith is the strongest from of brotherhood. Quran 59:9 describes the ansaar's generosity, saying that when they give to the muhajireen they don't feel any attachment to what they're giving, and those who are protected from the stinginess of the soul will be successful
- 3. Brotherhood and unity isn't just rhetoric. The prophet turned it into action
- 4. Islamic laws were gradually introduced to the community. We need to do a similar thing with our communities and families today, so that it's done in a way that will be gradual and well received
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/blog/31-building-the-prophets-mosque-masjid-al-haram/
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YO1Yfm3X-SY&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Prophet Muhammad's arrival in Quba, the building of the Quba Masjid, and how Prophet Muhammad let Allah guide him through his camel to find a place to stay at in Medina, with the camel stopping at Abu Ayyub al Ansari's home. Lecture by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/blog/30-hijra-the-first-masjid/
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/uWgHE4DaJ60
When Prophet Muhammad learned about the assassination plot against him, he choose his most trustworthy companion to be the decoy: Ali ibn Abi Talib. Why did Abu Bakr migrated with the Prophet? Sunni vs Shia views on the merits of the Quranic verse on Abu Bakr during this hijrat (Quran 9:40), and the first instance of enmity towards the prophet expressed by Abu Bakr. By Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/blog/29-hirja-abu-bakr-ali-and-prophet-muhammad/.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWBwdei29qE&list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT&index=29
Medina (Yathrib) was ideally suited to be the new home to the Prophet's message. This lecture describes what it was that made Medina a good location, the gradual emigration of Muslims to Medina along with the challenges they faced, the first of the two brotherhood pacts made by the muslims, and the plot to assissinate the prophet. By Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at http://www.why-quran.org/blog/28-hijra-to-medina-and-an-assassination-attempt
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT.
Medina (Yathrib) was in the middle of the civil war, when one of the factions was introduced to the Prophet Muhammad. The encounter left two men captivated, and gradually more and more people became enamored by his message. All in strict secrecy. By Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Before the Prophet Muhammad's hijra to Medina, he first tried migrating to other cities. Here's what happened.
By Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpkB0iwLgfTat-Pgh4W3WFmupPamiC9UT
The Quraysh boycott Bani Hashim, demanding they hand over Prophet Muhammad. By Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The Prophet Muhammad visits Bayt al-Ma'mur, the rivers Kawthar and Rahmah during meraj, and the lote tree Sidratul Muntaha, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The Prophet Muhammad's journey during meraj, and what he witnessed as he traveled through the heavens, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The Prophet Muhammad's journey during meraj, and what he witnessed as he traveled through the heavens, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Isra, the miraculous night journey the Prophet Muhammad took at night, and Meraj, his ascention to heaven, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
How Umar converted and his impact on Islam, as well as the Abyssinian king Najashi's conversion to Islam, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Why did the Muslims return from Abyssinia? Debunking myths and rumors, by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Stories of the first two hijras, which went to Abyssinia. Given by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes available at why-quran.org/blog/tag/life-of-prophet-muhammad.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Additional tactics the Quraysh used to attack Prophet Muhammad and his message.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
7 tactics the Quraysh used to attack Prophet Muhammad and his message.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
10 reasons why the Quraysh were opposed to Islam
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
In the first 5 months of Quranic revelation 46 surahs were revealed, and they highlight the situation of the early Muslims. Sheikh Azhar also describes who the earliest converts were and what the evidence indicates about when Abu Bakr converted to Islam.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Debunking the story of the Prophet being agitated when the first verse of the Quran was revealed to him. Sheikh Azhar Nasser describes when it happend, the tranquility the prophet felt, and explains how the alternative narrative took root.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The angles Allah sent to guide the Prophet Muhammad's spiritual development
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The Prophet's adopted son Zaid bin Harithah, the birth of Imam Ali, and of Lady Fatima
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The Prophet's most beloved wife, Khadijah. How they met, got married, and the controversy around her age
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The divine guidance Prophet Muhammad received from childhood, the Sacrilegious wars, and the Fudul Pact made by the Quraysh to uphold justice.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
In his early years the prophet Muhammad was looked after by Halima, his mother Amina, his grandfather Abdul Mutalib, and his uncle Abu Talib. Sheikh Azhar talks describes each of them and the level to which they believed in his greatness even from childhood, comparing Sunnia and Shia views on them.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
Soon after his birth, the Prophet Muhammad went to live with the bedouins and his wet nurse Halima.
Lecture notes available here.
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Video recording of this lecture + Q&A available here.
The political, economic, social, and religious climate of the Arabs during the 200 years of the age of ignorance, also known as the time of jahiliyya, described by Sheikh Azhar Nasser
Lecture notes can be downloaded here
A governor tries to destroy the Kaaba with his army of elephants, but Abdul Muttalib trusts Allah to protect his own house
The Prophet Muhammad's grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, rediscovers the well of Zamzam after it was lost for centuries
Were all of Prophet Muhammad's ancestors Muslims? Did any prophet have disbelieving parents?
Sheikh Azhar Nasser explains the views of both Shia and Sunni scholars.
How was the biography of the Prophet compiled? Who collected the details and why are there conflicting accounts about his seerah? Sheikh Azhar investigates the differences between the sources.
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