On this week's episode, we talk to time and life hacking expert, Shaykh Ismail Kamdar.
Twitter: @ismailkamdar
Shaykh Ismail Kamdar is a graduate of a traditional Alim program and also holds a Bachelors in Islamic Studies. He has studied Islam in both traditional and modern settings and has been a student of Islamic Studies for almost two decades. He currently works from home freelancing for various organizations and companies, while home-schooling his children and writing books. He hopes to inspire the ummah to return once again to their former glory and become a role model for the world. Ismail is the author of Having Fun the Halal Way: Entertainment in Islam, Getting The Barakah: An Islamic Guide to Time Management, Best Of Creation: An Islamic Guide to Self-Confidence, Homeschooling 101, the Book of Hope for sinners, Ahmad Climbs a Mountain among other titles.
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