Afreen Fatima is a student leader from Allahabad, UP. She is the National Secretary of Fraternity Movement, a youth and students movement in India. She is a prominent Muslim voice against the anti-Muslim policies of the Indian government. She is vocal on issues of minority rights, women's rights, representation, identity, and Islamophobia. She has pursued MA in Linguistics at JNU, where she is also served as an elected councilor in the students' union 2019-20 from the School of Language, Literature, and Culture Studies. Formerly, she has been the elected president of the Women's College Students' Union in the Aligarh Muslim University 2018-19. She founded Muslimah, a community group and study circle of young Muslim women in Allahabad. She is known to have actively participated in the Anti-CAA protests that started in 2019. She faced a several days-long media trial after a small part of her speech was tweeted by BJP's Sambit Patra.
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