235 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Månadsvis
Shamans Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau have found that they enjoy speaking to each other and sharing inspiration and healing stories to keep us focused on our spiritual practice during this turbulent time on the planet.The Shamans Cave is a dedicated circle of shamanic practitioners who desire to contribute their unique gifts in behalf of all of life! This is a time to share strong ceremonial work and shamanic practices in our local communities. Shamanism is a practice that was tribal. All community members needed to be strong and filled with power so that the entire community benefited. Each person had an important role in sharing their individual gifts and talents so the entire community remains in harmony and in health.
The podcast The Shamans Cave is created by Sandra Ingerman & Renee Baribeau. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In this extremely relevant show to the times we are living in, Renee and Sandra speak about an article in the New York Times where a psychologist talked about letting go of the need to forgive people who abused you but instead have compassion for what made them behave in such a destructive way.
It is an interesting concept to think about today where people try to force forgiveness. Forgiveness can’t be forced as it comes only at the right time when we have come to a new place in our life.
Join Renee and Sandra as they explore the power of compassion in this show filled with a lot of old time wisdom.
Sandra went to see the new Dylan movie which reminded her how tight the community was in the 1960s, and how they stood together during challenging times and did not sit down but connected and demonstrated.
Today it seems like the spiritual community is more disconnected from each other and still have some work to do to transcend the ego and shadow states that want us to divide and use blaming behavior.
Join Sandra and Renee for this important show on the need for the spiritual community to come together and stand together in order to help to make lasting changes for one’s personal life and community.
Sandra started this show by leading an invocation to congratulate Renee on the release of her new book A Pilgrim’s Guide to Walking Wisdom 11:11 Insights.
To write a book is such a creative act that comes from one soul. And Renee brought us a beautiful book with insights and tools to help us walk forward during a time of chaos.
Join Renee and Sandra as they not only talk about Renee’s book but learning about the power of community and walking each other home.
At at time on the planet when looking youthful and finding ways to live longer dominate our news and culture an entire part of our population is not being honored for the life that have led and what they contributed over their lifetime. We tend to compare how we are aging to what we see in the news and to others who we know.
The truth is we all have our natural cycle of life and aging is a part of life as we are Nature and everything in Nature grows old and dies. How do we follow our own internal cycle of aging and find ways to make this time of life meaningful and joyful instead of something to deny?
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they address this powerful topic that so many people are focusing on in their own cycles of life right now.
Our modern Western culture tends to focus on learning through lectures and gathering more material. This works to a point, but how deep does this information go when we are only engaging our conscious mind. During this show Renee and Sandra introduce us to the power of old-time story telling that is circular rather than linear and is a feminine way of teaching.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they dive into the topic of circular story telling as a way to bring back the old ways of feminine teaching through metaphors that go deep into your unconscious creating real lasting change.
Renee and Sandra had a wonderful call chatting with each other about many different topics from copyrighting your writing to how every change in life is a death and how we can find a roadmap for walking our path following the river of life by doing oracle work.
This show is filled with so much wonderful conversation that contains so much wisdom as we move into the time of winter and the return of the sun. The dark and light always must be balanced for life on Earth.
Join Renee and Sandra and you feel like you are sitting with them drinking a cup of tea!
One of our listeners asked Renee and Sandra that covers the intersectionality between mental health professionals and shamanism. This is a really deep topic and Rene and Sandra covered key details that therapists working with shamanic healing need to know. But how wonderful it is to know that therapists have been integrating shamanic healing into their therapeutic practices for decades.
Join Sandra and Renee as they begin a discussion that will lead you to an new understanding and steps to integrate the work into a private practice, the ethics, telling healing stories and so much more.
In America we just had an incredibly polarized election. It is interesting to examine the polarization when we all share one Earth. Renee shares a very wise perspective about this while Sandra talks about the importance to grieve if you feel a death occurred in your life with this election.
Join Renee and Sandra for this powerful audio show where you will learn different perspectives about the election and the state of the world while also being encouraged to grief for what you feel has been lost. Once we grieve we can see new opportunities that are being presented to us.
Renee Baribeau had a profound experience that inspired this episode. We encounter countless people each day, moving through life at such a rapid pace that it becomes difficult to pause and engage in true heart-to-heart exchanges. Too often, we place labels on others—calling them ignorant, lazy, or mentally ill—without ever stopping to connect with them on a human level. But when we take the time to engage authentically, we tap into a deep well of truth, empathy, and shared humanity. Viewing others as archetypes or one-dimensional characters distances us, reducing them to mere figures in a virtual game, void of connection. In this episode, we explore what it means to truly see and honor the people we cross paths with, from a place of compassion and openness.
Life is about connection. We came here to connect with people and all of nature. So if connection is what we truly crave it is time to start treating people as individuals who we can connect with in beautiful ways to open to the vastness of unique beings who all came to share something quite unique when they chose to be incarnated into this lifetime. Meeting people outside of the labels we give them creates a more enriching life for all of us.
Join Renee and Sandra Ingerman as they reflect on this powerful topic!
With a world filled with trauma it is time to turn our attention into cultivating our Inner World. This is not an action to take to escape life. It is to build up a beautiful inner landscape where we can allow our inner awareness to help cope with stress and trauma. There is so much noise and chatter that people are no longer listening to their hearts and body which hold wisdom of how to navigate challenges with clarity and peace allowing us to be resilient. Our Inner World is a place to find strength and healing. Have you noticed how many people are getting ill from reaching outside instead of within for resilience and strength? This is a time to listen to the wisdom of your body and from here you will feel safe no matter what is happening around you. For the only true reality is your life in your Inner World. So that is the place of safety for you!
This is a topic that spoke deeply to both Renee and Sandra and it is a wonderful to start season 7 of The Shamans Cave!
As more people get interested in the practice of shamanism more people are buying shamanic instruments to do their healing work and journeys. But do you know where the materials of instruments come from and how they were made. Today so many nature beings are being killed for modern day practitioners who don’t know how to ask if materials were ethically sourced or how to take care of your precious shamanic instrument that will literally become your greatest friend.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about this topic of how to ethically buy and care for your sacred shamanic tools.
And then Renee and Sandra let everyone know they are taking a break for the summer to both take a time out from working tirelessly through the pandemic and into present time. It is a time for a pause for self care and new visioning.
Renee and Sandra have 6 years of recorded Shamans Cave podcasts. Check out our archive during the summer on Shamans TV.com!
With all the immense amount of information everyone gave on the eclipse there were a lot of people making predictions that no one knows if they will come true. Sometimes predictions about someone’s life or the collective need to be given in ways that empower us to make changes rather than having a poisonous seed planted inside of us with no possibility of being weeded out. This causes us to wonder did this happen because it was part of my destiny versus did it happen because someone planted a seed filled with fear inside of me.
How do we learn how to be in service and tell the truth about what we are seeing while turning it into a healing story?
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau to listen about the power of healing stories and how they can teach and help us change by inspiring instead of planting seeds of fear. Follow Us at the Shamanstv.com
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau have been working very hard to be in service. And being in service is both of their passions and bring them energy and joy. But when there is no exchange of energy they both found themselves experiencing burnout.
So many of us in life were taught giving is always better than receiving. But in this case, there is no harmonious flow. Without a flow of energy coming back the river simply runs dry. And that is happening for so many right now with all the stresses life is bringing to us.
Join Renee and Sandra for this important show on making sure the flow of giving and receiving is abundant so you can have abundant energy in your life. Follow Us at the Shamanstv.com
Renee Baribeau has been talking about her journey ahead to walk the Camino. This led Sandra to think about how in many shamanic cultures the power of the healing often comes from the commitment you make and the sacrifice to get to the healing.
At a time on the planet where a majority of healing is going on remotely there are things to consider. Remote work does work well as the veils between the worlds are so much thinner. But what gets missed when there is no pilgrimage to get to the healing?
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they talk about this topic that some of you will feel fits for you while others might disagree. But it is always important to learn about different ways of working.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingeramn both received miraculous omens on the same day which were obvious signs that they were on the right path. When we are in the flow of life we can be open to how the universe is always giving us signs, roadmaps, omens to help us find our way or let us know to keep going forward or to make a different decision.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about how omens and signs let you know you are being heard and supported by the creative forces of the universe. Please subscribe to our channel.
Sandra Ingerman was touched by an article she read about a famine in Sudan. Grandmothers are teaching their children and grandchildren how to find roots and berries in the ground. Men go out and help to gather resources for the community. No one does this for themselves. They share in the community to survive. They are not counting on governments or outsiders to help their cause. They know what they need to survive the famine they are facing.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra about the topic of famine and catastrophes in other areas and how people are finding the strength and spirit to find ways to survive the challenges we all face. The challenges we all face are different, but living in a strong and creative community is a key to survival!
#survival #famine #grandmothers #community
We grew up in a collective that basically tried to control us. Those of you listening to our show are aware of how we are not supported in shining our full light and being as creative as possible.
But in the times we live in feelings of self-love and self-worth are necessary to heal and to be in service to the planet and the rest of life.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman for this passionate talk on the power of self-love and self-worth including tools to transform your feelings about your own self.
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#selflove #selfworth #passion
There is bad news that we hear every day about the planet and different parts of the world. There is challenging news we hear from loved ones, clients, students, friends. What are healthy ways of honoring our own feelings when we hear bad news? And what are ways to work spiritually to empower people being affected by personal challenges today. For we are all being challenged to grow just like everything in nature is challenged to grow. When something in nature stops growing it dies.
How do we support those we care about during challenging times that lead to big transformations.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak to their journeys on this topic and share their personal wisdom.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman decided to journey on topics that are up for people today. And one of the big issues people are facing today is how to get deep restorative rest.
Join Renee and Sandra as they share their journeys, their own wisdom, and talk about the deeper issues that go with the topic of rest such as when you are doing something you are not passionate about it might make you feel exhausted and by designing an activity that you love can give you restorative rest. There is so much more wisdom that Sandra and Renee share. Join us! ShamansTV.com
Throughout the history of shamanism shamanic journeying has used to ascend and descend the World Tree to travel to different worlds in the unseen realms to contact helping compassionate spirits who can see the life we are living from a different perspective.
During this show Renee and Sandra speak to how the power of direct revelation can help us navigate the challenging times we are currently living in. But so many people choose other practices that are simpler to do. These simpler practices are important for creating a perfect foundation for jumping off into the practice of direct revelation.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they inspire you to deepen your spiritual practices and open to the love and wonder of the spiritual worlds where so much help to move forward in a good way is available to all of us.
Direct revelation is so important as it goes beyond the ego! ShamansTV.com
Sandra has been passionate about teaching the metaphor that shamans are gardeners of energy. What we plant grows. As Renee reminds us seeds grow and blossom in their own timing and can take days, weeks, to years.
The spiritual community often gets caught up in we must fight for our belief and often time judge those who feel change can happen with planting seeds of love, gratitude, and kindness.
There is no right answer during this time. We are all in deep initiation and we are getting lessons that we all personally need so that we can wake up and be empowered to share the gifts we came here to share.
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak being truthful about how you are feeling, being a positive influence in your community, and bridging this into the environmental work we are all passionate about.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have a deep discussion during this show. They talk about how we moved from feeling connected to all, to the cycle of dissolution we entered into with the pandemic, war, and climate change and now we are crawling back out. As we “crawl back out” what parts of our life do we want to let go of? What relationships do we want to let go of? And what new boundaries do we wish to set?
This is a time of showing the world the uniqueness we came into express. What an opportunity we have right now. And how do we reconnect?
Join Renee and Sandra as they share some wonderful practices and ideas with us. shamanstv.com/
If we are watching or listening to the news it really seems like the world has gone insane. So how we do we stay out of the collective insanity and find stability in our lives?
During this show Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman beautifully share some practices that they work with in staying tuned in and also being able to stay centered and sane in this time of so much heartbreaking news.
This show can really help you remain focused as you keep building a beautiful and positive inner landscape within that brings healing to you right now.
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During this show Renee and Sandra have a very lively and educational discussion about the pros of learning directly from your own spirits. This process is called direct revelation and is a universal practice used by shamanic cultures. Training modern day shamanic practitioners through direct revelation has helped people bring shamanism into schools, hospitals, businesses, politics, counseling and the list goes on. There is a lot to learn about teaching such an ancient practice to a psychologically sophisticated culture as we live in.
But on the other side what are we missing from not learning from the indigenous people who have been carrying on traditions for hundreds for hundreds of years. They know how to work with sacred practices and Nature in ways we never learned.
Join Sandra Ingermann and Renee Baribeau for this very special and deep discussion into this topic especially for those stepping on to the path of shamanism for the first time. Follow us, click like and subscribe. Go to ShamansTV.com to view our archive.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau had quite the conversation in this show. For so many more sensitive people are becoming ill. In past times these sensitive women and men would be the healers, shamans, and teachers in their community.
Renee and Sandra are addressing a crucial and relevant issue in today's world – the challenges faced by sensitive individuals. Exploring how to express themselves in healthy ways and find empowerment in a world that may not always align with their sensitivities is important. This show provides valuable insights and support to those who relate to these concerns.
Renee and Sandra take on this important topic to empower those who feel their sensitivity does not allow them to live the life they want.
Join Renee and Sandra for this empowering show! Shamanstv.com
In our modern world we tend to take everything literally. But in all spiritual traditions wisdom is passed down through metaphorical stories. And this is true of oracle cards and omens that the universe shows us to give us a roadmap for how to move forward in life and the forces surrounding us.
Carl Jung taught that symbols change our consciousness. Working with symbols and metaphors that we receive when we work with cards, journeys, spiritual books, taking walks in nature gives us the opportunity to dance with the universe in a way that brings us awe and wonder which is so important to have in our lives.
Join Renee and Sandra as they share about ways the universe tries to provide us guidance by showing us symbols and omens that we are shown throughout our day.
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#SymbolsPower #UniverseCommunicates #JungOnSymbols #SpiritualGuidance
Many shamans in indigenous cultures won’t travel to do their work as they believe that their power comes from the land they are living on.
Sandra and Renee talk about the different ways we can stay connected to our land while traveling. Sandra likes to travel with an altar with pieces of barks and rocks from her land. Renee talks about how her traveling altar lives inside instead of having a physical manifestation.
It's fascinating how Sandra and Renee find ways to stay connected to their land while traveling. It's a testament to the diverse ways people can maintain that connection.
This conversation led to many different thoughts on staying connected to the places that we love and love us in return! Sandra and Renee discussion is an interesting exploration of this topic.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingeram for this unique show!
Many people feel very isolated, sad, left out, when they have no where to go on the holidays. And then there are some people who love the space to be alone and do all the things we have been wanting to do but have not had time to engage in. We have so many choices on how we spend our holidays – with friends, family, with nature, volunteering and joining community events that bring a true sense of belonging.
Join Renee and Sandra as they share about how to avoid the stress of the holidays and feeling isolated and alone. They share some fabulous tips as we end 2023.
Remember to give us a like, share our video with others who might find it useful, and subscribe to our channel. Don't forget to hit the notification bell to stay updated.
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As children we were so sensitive to facial expressions, hand gestures, and the tones of words spoken by the authority figures who took care of us. When we were pre-verbal we picked up so many cues around us that told us what we needed to do to be loved and cared for. Typically, these behaviors came from false information that had nothing to do with you. But you felt judged. And by feeling judged you might have started creating patterns that made you feel safe but were addictive and unhealthy behaviors.
Now we are adults needing to put all our energy into embracing and moving forward with our destiny and life. Our looping patterns are no longer needed for our survival. They actually squash the creativity we came here to share. We all have an energetic signature we add to the power of the web of life.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau, a.k.a. The Practical Shaman as they speak about ways of breaking habitual patterns. Learn about ways to identify your old, outlived patterns that don’t serve you anymore.
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We are in a time where the breakdown of reality and the world as we know it is being literally and metaphorically dismembered. Or if it makes more sense to you to see life on Earth as being dismantled.
Some of this is due to our behavior and lack of awareness of how the ways we live are impacting life. Some of this is pure evolution and the Earth changing herself like we do when we feel we have outgrown a phase of life, and it is time to resculpt our landscape.
Why the Earth is changing so much is not the point of our powerful show. It is how we go on, find tools to help us not go down, but instead find our resilience and not lose passion for where we need to put our energies in life for ourselves and our community.
Join Renee Baribeau, a.k.a. The Practical Shaman and Sandra Ingerman as they discuss the need for spiritual tools to stay in the flow of life and experience where the River of Life is taking us to.
Both Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau teach practices in their courses and in their writing on Creation and Manifestation. It is such a fascinating journey to learn how to build our dreams in the invisible realms so that they can drop down to Earth to manifest.
There are simple ways that have been passed down for so many generations on the key elements that are involved in working with spiritual practices to create the life you wish for yourself and for all of life on Earth.
Join Renee and Sandra for this most fascinating show.
Please order a copy of Winds of Spirit. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1401952755
Follow Sandra and Renee. Shamanstv.com
The topic of initiation is one of great passion for both Renee and Sandra. For shamanic initiations are how they both got into the spiritual work that they abundantly share in a modern-day culture. Everyone goes through initiations in life from birth, to going through puberty, getting your driver license, graduating school, and the list goes on.
In shamanism initiations are for shedding our ego and stepping into a new level of consciousness.
Join Renee Baribeau, The Practical Shaman and Sandra Ingerman as they share their immense knowledge about initiations whether shamanic or one that comes through a big change or loss in your life. All changes are an initiation into a new state of consciousness and new values.
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Join Renee Baribeau, The Practical Shaman and Sandra Ingerman as they revisit how the path of shamanism has changed over the years. There was a time in workshops we experimented with the magic of working with shamanism and seeing how far we could push the limits of our work.
That was a time of exploration on the planet when people’s needs were different. Today we need to once again learn how to connect with ourselves and the Earth. What shamanic practices people need to learn about these days is geared to learn ways to thrive on this Earth with all that is happening today.
It is the practical tools we need right now. And what better elders would you wish to turn to on this subject than Renee and Sandra.
Please order a copy of Winds of Spirit. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1401952755
Follow Sandra and Renee. Shamanstv.com
On September 23 we welcome in the fall/spring equinox. In this show Renee and Sandra reflect on experiencing the power of changing seasons. As we are Nature and not separate from it our bodies are impacted by the change in the elements that give us life. The equinox is a powerful time to create
harmony in one’s life again. One way to create harmony in one’s life and in the world is by performing ceremony.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau lead us a new ceremony we have not shared publicly before. You can do it with us while you are driving or while in a sacred place. This ceremony has the power to create big changes for
all of us. We hope you will join us for this powerful show. And our ceremony is sacred but also an amazing amount of fun!
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In this powerful show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau review how, they are making choices right now about what work they want to take on, who they want to hang out with, what thoughts they want to entertain, and so on.
For with all that is going on in the world today and in people’s lives we have to make choices of how we want to use our energy. We need time to integrate all that is happening in our lives right now. Is multi tasking still appropriate to continue versus doing the inner work that will help you live the life you always desired. Once you find your passion you don’t want to diffuse your energy. You want to focus! Making choices on how you use your energy will open a path that leads you to a life filled with soul and purpose.
Follow us at Shamanstv.com
Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation. This means we all have access to helping spirits. The helping spirits all have different messages and ways of healing. When we come together in a shamanic circle whether online or in person practitioners are bringing through the information from spirits that don’t live in our dimension. They have so much to share, and their perspectives are enlightening. It does not matter the practitioner’s age the presence and voices of the spirits can come through all of us.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak about this inspiring topic of the power of having a younger generation be present in shamanic circles and the new perspectives, they can share in community that furthers people education and understanding about life. Follow us at Shamanstv.com
In Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman’s last show they spoke about loneliness, and also the gift that can come from being with yourself. There are so many mysterious illnesses plaguing people and nature beings today. And as humans we have been trained to seek the help of “experts” when we have a medical issue or any other type of challenge in our lives.
But Renee and Sandra are finding with the challenges most people are dealing with today there is not that much help we can always get from turning to outside sources. For thousands of years ancient traditions have been teaching us about the power we have within to change our circumstances.
What magic, gifts, healing, and new opportunities will we receive by turning to our soul who is programmed with every answer we will need of how to live a happy, healthy, and meaningful life?
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak about the power of going within as we have found the greatest power we can turn to lives inside of us. Shamanstv.com
Please Like and Subscribe to The Shamans Cave. During this powerful episode Renee and Sandra both share how they have experienced loneliness in recent times.
As a collective we have been through so much due to terrorism, war, climatic events, and the pandemic. As the world stopped for awhile so did some of our social contact with others. And many people are feeling the effects of isolation.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman discuss this important topic that is impacting so many today. And they also talk about the gift of having time to be alone and all that can heal and change when you are willing to be alone with yourself. Shamanstv.com
Ceremony has the ability to bring us to a place of feeling stable and centered especially during challenging times. Ceremony creates a container where we can state our needs to the creative forces of the universe so they may be heard. And then the universe works with you in relationship to manifest healing, the release of pain, calling in your dreams.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau speak about the importance of gathering your materials and creating sacred space by connecting and communicating with the spirits of the land where you are performing your work. This is a wonderful show for those of you beginning your ceremonial practice.
Subscribe to our channel. Shamanstv.com
This was an exciting live Q&A session with the renowned shamans Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau on The Shamans Cave YouTube channel! This was an event for for subscribers of our YouTube Channel and we wanted to share it on the podcast as well. Enjoy!
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak to those of you beginning your practice in shamanism. They share with you such helpful advice as how to ask an appropriate question to the spirits, challenges that come up with not asking the correct question, having a time out and just enjoying your spirit’s company. They also invite you to experience what surprises come up when you journey.
This is a powerful show for those of you who want to know how to connect with spirits through journeying or through spending time in nature.
Subscribe to our channel. Shamanstv.com
What we give energy we give life to. This is a well known shamanic teaching. But do we take time to reflect on the thoughts and energy coming from our mind that we are giving life to? How do we work consciously with our thoughts without going into a spiritual bypass? How do we be honest with ourselves and how we are truly feeling, but learn to create the right kind of energy with our thoughts that unbind us from our stuck places, allow us to breathe more fully, and be in gratitude for life instead of complaining about life.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they give us a road map of how to work with our looping thoughts that bring us to manifesting a life that does not match our soul desires. Shamanstv.com
There is so much going on with the weather around the globe. We are seeing rising temperatures we have never seen and the storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, freezes, and the list goes on are getting stronger than has been seen before. We can’t really predict the weather anymore.
Is this another wake up call for us? The pandemic forced us to start looking at how we could bring balance and harmony into our lives and the world. But isn’t the changing weather also trying to wake us up to learn how to live in harmony with ourselves and the planet.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman for this important and powerful show on what we can all do with our spiritual practices that can change our relationship with our environment and ourselves. Shamanstv.com
Sandra Ingerman was recently brought into a controversy that occurred over Facebook where people starting judging which shamanic practice is more powerful. That actually is not even a fair discussion. For all cultures that practice shamanism have the same power as they work with the spirit of the land and helping spirits. Shamanic cultures all over the world have all been given different ways of working to address the issues of where they are living.
Obviously a shamanic culture that lives by the ocean is going to have different practices than a culture in the desert. And everyone found their own way to work so that the community could have food, shelter, and the healing they needed.
How can one judge which culture is more powerful? But that is what is happening right now. Isn’t the better question how can we all support each other in the ethical work we are doing in behalf of life?
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they discuss this important topic.
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There are so many different spiritual practices we can engage in. Many people are drawn to working with Gurus and find that their life takes on a rich meaning, and they feel more power and support in their lives due to the communities they have entered.
And there are those of us who really foster the practice of direct revelation where we become our own authority in our practices and how we live our lives.
We all have to find what type of teachers we want to work with or do we want to work with any human teachers at all and gain all knowledge from the helping spirits?
There is no right answer to this question. But we are in a new time with new needs for support. And we are in a time of evolving into more spiritual beings ourselves.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman for the powerful show on if the time of the guru is over.
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In the Western world we have lived in a time where there are so many single mothers and fathers trying to survive in a world that keeps gets challenging on all levels. Many years ago we noticed how young adults were moving back into their parents’ home. Of course their parents were still stressed with their own financial and medical needs.
But in life people have always found ways to survive. And now the trend is young adults, millennials, and other age groups are not only moving in with their parents. Their parents are moving in with them once again forming a supportive unit that can help with raising a family and caring for health needs as one familial community.
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak about this new trend and how it mirrors old time community living where it takes a community to survive together. It is no longer a time to do everything on our own. Sandra and Renee tie this back to changing seasons of life as we celebrate the equinox! . Hit like, and subscribe. Shamanstv.com
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have done a few shows on how to find your flow again in life after there has been so much turbulence. But when you follow the flow of any river there is constant movement and change. There are times you are riding the smoothest waves enjoying your time in the sunshine and the magic of life. And there are times the river moves into such turbulence you are trying to figure out how to anchor yourself. And this is all part of being in the flow of life.
Join Renee and Sandra for this powerful show on learning to be flexible and relaxing into the flow that life brings to all us as life is in constant movement and everything changes.
Hit like, and subscribe. Shamanstv.com
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau have been diligent over the years of the show encouraging you to go deep with your practices instead of surfing the waves of gathering more and more spiritual information that really doesn’t help in the end. Of course we can inspired by others’ voices. But living the work and going deep into the practices that you feel are meaningful to you are ways to shift out of the dense field of the collective.
We all have the opportunity to shift into a higher state of consciousness and higher frequency if we do the work required.
This is a powerful show on encouraging you to really reach higher in your spiritual work to create true positive change for yourself and the planet.
Renee and Sandra share tools that you can use, but mostly encourage you to find your own tools to keep you anchored during challenging times. Please like and subscribe this podcast. Follow us on Shamanstv.com
There is so much going on planetary right now. And we all want to help. People reach out to teachers asking for global ceremonies to be organized and performed. This of course has its place, and can be a powerful way to transmit helpful prayers to those caught in trauma or for those who died. There are so many ceremonies that can be done. And so many places on the Earth having extreme devastating events.
Our hearts feel called to help. And it is important to put your focus on really what you feel called to do.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman join together to give some guidance on making sure you don’t get stressed out, inspiring you to work in your local communities, and ways you can help spiritually. This is an important and powerful show by two elders who have been watching catastrophes on our planet for many years and helping people find appropriate and balanced ways to help. Please like and subscribe this podcast. Follow us on Shamanstv.com
Renee Baribeau shared how she is bringing through a new body of work in some of the writing she is doing that will eventually lead to another brilliant book from her. But she shared how she keeps getting lost in distractions.
Sandra Ingerman shared how due to the stress of how much work she has that she has been finding herself losing focus and distractions start to take over her day.
Are you struggling with feeling distracted? If so, this is such a wonderful show to watch as Renee talks about common distraction issues most of us are facing, and together Sandra and Renee share some tools that will help maintain focus by bringing focus back to your spiritual work. This is such a great show! Follow us on: shamanstv.com
Sandra recently noticed how her plants are growing more rapidly that normal. And then she noticed that some of her fruit trees budded throughout the winter even with frigid temperatures of zero. This led her to start sharing about this on Facebook page Shamans are Gardeners of Energy. Those who responded said that their plants indoors and outdoors are blossoming months before typical growth cycles will report. And added to that the birds seem to be migrating at different seasons then we usually see.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman had a really nice discussion about this and we wonder what is nature reflecting back to us. For we are in a time of expanded growth. And is Nature showing us that whatever we are experiencing with challenges and good times that we are in a time of expanded growth.
This is such an important topic for all of you who like to follow the seasons and for those of you first learning the importance of doing this. Join Renee and Sandra to be inspired to learn more about how we are blossoming right now. Follow us on: shamanstv.com
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau were asked to talk about this important and most complex topic of what is shaman illness. And this is a big topic. For shaman illness can be happening to one who is called by the spirits to be a shaman. And illness comes into their life until they say yes to the call.
And then there is the preparation every shamanic practitioner needs to do to make sure they are not taking on others’ illnesses. And this part of shamanic practice requires a lot of discipline, concentration, and focus.
Renee and Sandra speak about many different aspects of this topic. And it is fascinating to learn about shaman illness.
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In the modern world we tend to be gazers and onlookers of life. We like to go to beautiful places have wonderful experiences. But there is a difference between being an observer while we live our lives versus absorbing in the frequencies of the beauty we witness.
For example consider the difference between looking at the sun versus absorbing its healing rays into your body. Or seeing how beautiful a tree is without absorbing the fragrance of its healing terpenes.
May of us were taught it is better to give than to receive. But we miss out an entire dimension of life when we don’t absorb and digest the amazing frequencies we connect with every minute of our day.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they talk about this important topic and give suggestions on how you can deepen your life experience. Shamanstv.com
In the practice of shamanism it is understood that when we die we transcend back home to Source. But there are often situations where this transition needs some assistance. We humans live in what shamans call the Middle World which is Earth School and a place of learning. When we die the Middle world is no longer our home.
It is understood and seen through journey work that some souls who suffered a traumatic death might get stuck in the Middle World and need assistance in crossing over. When there are so many stuck souls here in the Middle World they can impact the quality of life for the living.
With all the death through Covid, war, starvation, climatic changes, and the list goes on are there are souls who are waiting for our help to transcend back to their spiritual home.
This is where the shamanic practice of shamanism comes in to perform psychopomp work to lead souls back to their home again so they can find peace and we can find peace.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman to learn more about the power of psychopomp work. Follow us at Shamanstv.com
Many years ago Sandra Ingerman was working with a producer Mitchell Clute at Sounds True to create a Year of Ceremony program. During one of their conversations, Mitchell said the phrase “energetic signature”. For Sandra this phrase started an entire way of thinking about what energy we leave in the web of life. Or what Renee would say what footprint are we leaving on the Earth.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra’s combined conversation created true alchemy as they talk about the different permutations of how we express our energetic signature and how important it is for all of life. Follow us at Shamanstv.com
Join us for this most interesting show.
One of our listeners asked Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau to speak about how shamans perceive illnesses like fibromyalgia or chronic pain. It is important to understand that with the practice of shamanism we don’t treat labels we only treat people. And we are all different beings who have a variety of issues that might be creating an illness. The shamans job is to ask the spirits for a diagnosis and the correct healing ceremonies and treatment.
And how do the toxins in the environment effect our health? And how do we stay healthy right now?
Listen to Renee and Sandra speak about this powerful topic which on some level we are all dealing with.
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Humans and nature were meant to live in harmony. If we follow our true identity as a nature being then it only makes sense to pay attention to the changing phases and cycles of nature. For we cannot separate ourselves from the energetic changes happening to the Earth during the change in seasons. And when we do we find ourselves dealing with the issues so many are dealing with today – fear, anxiety, depression, insomnia, mysterious illnesses.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they share how we can align our energetic phases with nature to be in natures’ flow instead of walking against it.
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It is always such a special time to watch and experience all of nature changing in accordance with the changing phases of the seasons. And in the Northern Hemisphere, we are flowing from fall into winter and in the Southern Hemisphere spring into summer.
What a potent time to perform ceremonies to honor the changes that all of life is experiencing at this time.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they lead you in a guided ceremony to connect with the power of the universe to ask for a dream that we have to be blessed and manifested as we move forward into a New Year.
Renee and Sandra have done multiple shows on tools to stay sane. The Shamans Cave is going into its fifth season!! There have been so many events that have caused people to wobble emotionally that finding tools to stay centered and stable is a conversation that can go on endlessly. For we all need so much inspiration to learn how to find our own internal resilience.
And there is nothing like the big holidays to bring up traumatic memories of holiday celebrations in the past and fear of what you are stepping into as you greet the holidays this year.
Join in as Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about tools, practices, and ceremonies to remain calm, and sane. You can even, with some deep spiritual practices, be a role model of a person who shines their light and holds a presence of love no matter what situation they find themselves in.
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have joined together multiple times to speak about the need for good boundary setting. So many are getting overwhelmed and stressed from trying to keep up with everything going on in the outside world. It is often our mind that searches for news so it can find ways to feel safe.
But in these times our body and soul have needs to stay healthy and to regenerate.
Sometimes this means we have to say no to friends, family, colleagues. And in a healthy world people would understand our boundaries and bless us in our choices. That is what we hope for but doesn’t always happen. For often people put their needs before our own.
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak about how people can get angry or drop you as a friend simply due to your need to set boundaries. We all need to set healthy boundaries!!
Renee and Sandra were asked in an email to do a show on diet. But that is not really within the scope of topics appropriate for The Shamans Cave as we trust that people will learn how to trust their body’s intelligence on what food is healthy for them.
But if you think about the energies we simply absorb and digest during the day you can see that there are other ways to perceive what we take in as nurturing food for our body, mind, and soul or poisonous.
We watch the news and often feel sick, fearful, or angry. Those kinds of energies do not serve us when we think about them as part of our diet.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak about transmuting all food and energies we take in, absorb, digest as loving energies that create health on all levels.
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Sandra and Renee have done multiple shows on the need to reach inside and find that inner smile and inner light you can share with others in a world that is so filled with stress right now.
The general trend is that most people who have gone back fully into life are overwhelmed from all that happened. And when we get overwhelmed we lose our center that can make us forget our humanness and lash out at others in our frustration.
But we all have been through so much and are looking for a little support and kindness to help heal some of the uncomfortable psychological states we have entered into.
Join this show as Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about this important topic. As the topic of people losing their sanity is a very present issue that we all have to deal with right now.
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have done shows on the need to find balance. This is a timeless topic that can be and will be talked about for years to come. How do we find balance when life is challenging us at an uncomfortable pace?
In this show Sandra and Renee share about the importance of stepping out of the frantic pace of the collective and dive deeply into spiritual practices that can help you find balance and inner peace. Renee and Sandra talk about what they use for finding balance in the midst of so much change and outer chaos.
Join us for this powerful show where you will be inspired with powerful tools you can incorporate into your life.
Renee and Sandra have broached the topic of spiritual protection many times. But there is always more to talk about as this is such a big issue for people right now. The collective is so dense that people don’t realize what they are sending to others and to the web of life. For in shamanism, using the principle of unity everything we send out energetically is returned to us exponentially.
Renee and Sandra speak about the nature of projections and how we can do our inner work to own the behavior that ends up being sent back to us. This short show is filled with powerful tools for you to use in your own life.
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CHECK OUT OUR UPCOMING CLASS: DIVINATION NOVEMBER 12TH. https://shamanstv.com/2022/09/13/divination-a-virtual-retreat-with-sandra-renee/
Sandra found the Webb photos of space very fascinating especially as they show that space is growing. To Sandra this an amazing topic as she uses the spiritual territory known as the void to manifest in.
Join Renee and Sandra as they talk about their different perceptions of the void and how you can journey or meditate to the void for deep rest but also to manifest your dreams.
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CHECK OUT OUR UPCOMING CLASS: DIVINATION NOVEMBER 12TH. https://shamanstv.com/2022/09/13/divination-a-virtual-retreat-with-sandra-renee/
Drought, floods, and changing weather conditions are killing some of our favorite trees, plants, birds, animals, and beings that live on the Earth, the Air, and the Water. When we see such mass illness or death hit these precious beings what are some tools we can use to help them heal. Or if they die what are honoring ceremonies to bring a sense of closure and bring honor, respect, love, and light to the beings that passed on.
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak about this topic that is so relevant to us now. shamanstv.com
In shamanic cultures, singing was a way to bring the community together while working, playing, grieving, and performing ceremonial work. And for Shamans songs have special powers to invoke the helping spirits for healing.
Join Renee and Sandra as they talk about the joy and bliss that comes from circle songs that are taught all over the world in shamanic workshops. And then Sandra shares about the difference of singing a circle song or a power song and how to access your own personal power song to create sacred space as you perform your shamanic work.
Depending on how old you are and your attitude about life we are making choices for ourselves after being in isolation for so long. It is so hard when we chose to stay isolated to feel the confidence and energy to break out of feeling like a shut in. Some people have moved back to lives as usual. And some people are being more cautious.
How do we make those first big steps out into the world. Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about this topic. Renee Baribeau leads an exquisite wind whistling practice to release our obstacles so we can find simple ways to move back into a life where we are not afraid to make those necessary steps to connect with others again.
This show is on reconnection. And it is a powerful show!
One of the topics that we are all dealing with is how much change is happening in the world. We don’t always rely on our intuition, but trust what others are telling us to do and we watch how others are reacting to our current situation. The universe is giving us new situations to draw us inside and make our own choices as we are being moved forward to a new evolution of consciousness.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about this topic and Sandra will lead us on a powerful journey to speak with compassionate helping spirits who can show us a different perspective of what is happening in the world. If you don’t work with direct revelation and journeying you can use this time to dive into your inner landscape and speak with your soul which was born with the blueprint of how to survive changes like we are dealing with now.
Shamanism is a practice of direct revelation that involves a tremendous amount of discipline. It is not appropriate to journey while doing certain activities. It is a practice that works with intention, preparation, calling in the helping spirits, journeying into the unseen realms, and fully returning grounded. Shamanism does not involve out-of-body experiences as shamans take their bodies with them when they journey.
As we humans are evolving spiritually many people don’t need to go through all the steps to perform a shamanic journey. And many people are now getting direct revelation through taking walks in nature or getting “knowings”. Some people call these downloads.
Join Renee and Sandra as they talk about this important topic as so many of us receive downloads or inspiration. How do we know if we are experiencing our ego bleeding through and how do we know what is coming from a true place of wisdom.
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Shamanism is a path of direct revelation. This means there are no intermediaries who stand in the way of all of us having the opportunity to communicate with helping spirits and divine beings to get guidance on our life, new perceptions and understandings of what is happening in our lives, and what is happening in the world.
During these challenging times Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about how we often let our ego, which is caught in illusion, decide our next steps instead of asking for guidance from helping spirits who have the ability to help us on so many levels.
Join Renee and Sandra as they discuss direct revelation and Sandra will lead us on a journey to learn from helping spirits some good next steps to take in our lives to bring us into service in a healthy way that matches our energy and what we can do in our lives right now.
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Recently Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman did a show about how we are judged by authority figures and society in order to fit into the norm. But most of us do not fit into the norm. And when we are judged from being who we are and the gifts we carried into this world we often time feel shame. For society and authority figures try to shame us in order to stay in control.
Isn’t it time to remember the truth of who we are and express our gifts in the world and not fear being shamed for being who we are.
This is an important topic Renee and Sandra address in this upcoming show.
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This is a topic that Renee and Sandra talk a lot about on the Shamans Cave podcasts. We keep circling back to this topic as people drawn to spiritual practices have a very hard time setting boundaries between their own lives and what is happening in the world around them.
This is such a common theme written about on social media and in classes where people people get a chance to share.
We just simply cannot take on all the massive issues of the world. And it is actually not even appropriate for us to do so.
If you are a very sensitive person trying to find how to live in your own flow Renee and Sandra will share the benefits of doing your personal work.
Renee leads such a powerful wind whistle journey helping us to release an issue we need to let go of.
And Renee and Sandra encourage everyone to bring more work into the own neighborhoods where they live. Don’t start the day reading the news. Start your day doing your spiritual practices so you are strong enough to keep moving forward with all the change we are all experiencing.
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have done many shows on how we are Nature and how to connect more strongly with nature where you live.
Recently Sandra had a vision of seeing the land she lives on as a beautiful braided rope weaving. And she saw herself woven into the land rather being separate from it. This brought her to seeing herself, her home, and the land she lives on as one being. Renee has this same understanding that there is no separation between herself, her sacred home, or the land.
This topic is a little bit hard to articulate, but Renee and Sandra do share wisdom and metaphors to help us to understand and why this is even important. Learn how you can feel a deeper sense of how you and the land you live on are woven together whether you live in an urban area or in the country.
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We all have to face the challenges of living in today’s world. But the population that is especially challenged is with our youth. Children once danced and sang with the fairies while growing up. Today’s children are being flooded with bad news, a lot of abuse especially during lockdowns, judgements on what they should or should not be doing, etc.
Teens are facing living on a planet that is so toxic, and they can’t see or dream a positive future. These groups of teens are having panic attacks and many are tragically committing suicide.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman address this important topic and we hope that you will join us!
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We are honoring the change in seasons moving into summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. The changes in seasons has always been an important time of ceremony in small shamanic cultures. For as we are nature and not just connected to nature, we go through the same changes as the earth where we live. And these are potent times of energetic changes for all of life so it has been important to honor the shift of phases so we can find balance within ourselves.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about the importance of sacrificing our comfort and putting our full effort into performing ceremonies and how our full engagement changes the results. But first we will guide you through a beautiful solstice ceremony stating your commitment to the Earth, our circle, and all of life.
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One of our listeners asked a question about the helping spirits being present, engaged, and sharing a wealth of information and then it feels like the door just shuts and there is simply quiet from the spirit world.
Join Renee and Sandra as they answer this important question to how the spirits become so present in our lives and then leave us to do some of our inner work to catch up to all the information, wisdom, and healing they have shared.
The helping spirits don’t leave us. They just give us time to digest and work with all they have been sharing. And when we are ready they come back into our lives. But we can also ways keep performing our ceremonial work during the quieter spiritual times and take time for reflection.
This question has been asked by som many students of shamanism over time we felt it would be a perfect question to answer right now as we are all trying to find ways to deepen our practice.
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman really appreciate when listeners write in a topic to talk about to help people go deeper with their shamanic practices.
Shamans do work with a variety of helping spirits. And due to the fact that people in shamanic cultures relied on the help of the helping spiritis there were many they worked with. They worked with the spirit of the land, ancestors, plants, animals, the sun, the moon, the stars, and their closest helping spirits. This was part of life.
Giving gratitude to the beings that support your life and survival and having a team of spirits to work with is a gift for so many of us. But some of us can feel overwhelmed by the variety of spirits that show up and feeling a need to perform ceremonies to give thanks.
We always have the option to set bounties with the helping spirits and in this show Renee and Sandra talk about how to set boundaries, and Sandra leads a journey to learn about the role of the helping spirits in your life as well as how to give gratitude.
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When we face health issues divorce, catastrophic events, and the list goes on we tend to look for who is to blame especially blaming ourselves. It Is something we learn as children that we will be punished for our wrong doings. But in our culture we take this too far, and we tend to actually act as if everything that goes wrong in our life is our fault.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about how we live in a loving universe where we can learn to accept what life brings to us without making it our fault that life brought us a lesson to learn from the choices
we make in life. And we share in this podcast how having a community and a strong relationship with our ancestors helps us to let go of the burden of finding fault in ourselves, but rather see how much support we have at our back to help us to keep moving forward through the challenges that life brings all of us to help us grow.
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Due to so many challenges life we are facing in life we find our plans are not working out as smoothly as expected. We often feel we are walking on our path and all of a sudden we feel like we are facing an avalanche of obstacles.
Are these obstacles pointing us to choose another path in life? Or are these obstacles we have to find graceful ways to journey through to put us back on our life path? Our choices can place us back into our flow versus being caught up in the chaos of the collective.
Join Renee and Sandra as they talk about this issue many of us seem to be facing. How do we know when the universe is moving us in a new direction or if it is our task to learn how to step through the obstacles in our way? Sandra ends our time with teaching a song to sing to the sun for healing.
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Some of the challenges in practicing shamanism in our communities is watching inexperienced students and clients find teachers and practitioners who are lost in their ego and forget that shamanic practitioners are merely vessels for the helping spirits/ the divine beings. The divine beings from the unseen realms have unlimited healing energies that can flow through us creating powerful healings.
But we also don’t want to be divisive or look like we are just being competitive or jealous if we speak up about others’ work and try to steer innocent students and clients away from not getting the best help they desire.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about how being a good role model and a presence of love and light shows what kind of teacher or practitioner people might be drawn to over someone lost in the desire for personal gain on some level.
This brings us back to the only way of being a good role model is by following our own flow and placing ourselves back into our own river.
And then we can be a strong role model for others.
Join Renee and Sandra as they talk about this topic that has been going on for years. And Sandra ends by leading us on a journey to place ourselves back into our river and flow.
In this powerful show Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about how part of being a human is dealing with the judgement of others. Sandra shares how she had a long epic dream one night showing her how people judging her throughout her life created so much tension from holding in the rage of not feeling accepted for who she was versus others’ expectations.
In our culture we are often judged so harshly by others and society if we are different or following our passion. We all have different reactions to this. Sandra’s reaction was holding rage inside that she was so unaware of as she thought she was just going on living the life she wanted to lead.
Does feeling judged impact you? Do you feel that you would like to release the feelings inside that are created from others’ judgements? If so you will really find this show so useful as Renee leads a powerful wind whistling experience to unwind the feelings produced by other peoples’ judgements and projections.
We think this show will speak to so many of you!
There are so many responses to big times of change like we are in right now. We have a choice to be flexible and learn how to change and go with the flow or we make choices to dig our heels into the ground and try and control our world. Change like we are experiencing can be scary. And there are times when we have to just surrender and be flexible and go with what life brings us. And there are times to take control over our lives. But sometimes digging our heels in and refusing to be flexible has negative consequences on our health and life.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they talk about this issue which so many are facing right now. This is a wonderful show filled with stories and good metaphors to help us find our way.
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Many people are really struggling to survive with all the challenges we are facing. Some are struggling with economic challenges, some with extreme emotional swings, and some just so stressed out by all life is bringing to us right now.
We all react differently to stress. And people are feeling so hurt in a world that no longer shows kindness. How do we change our state of consciousness while being an inspiration to others.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as we share our own experience with this important issue – it is time to show kindness!
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Renee and Sandra did a very popular show on how to take care of yourself if you are a very sensitive person living in the collective we have created.
And this show led to a wealth of amazing comments. Now Renee and Sandra were asked to expand on this topic of self care for caregivers. For so many of you are in healing fields whether medical, mental, or spiritual where people are pulling on your energy during desperate times while you are dealing with your own losses. There are many tools that you have to protect yourself and take care of yourself during these turbulent times.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they continue their guidance on this important topic of self care.
Through time there has been a part of the population who are highly sensitive. These people tended to be the shamans, mystics, healers, visionaries for the community. In today’s world people are becoming more psychically sensitive as well as being more sensitive to environmental changes. Just like our precious nature beings are struggling to learn to live in the world we created humans are being exposed to more toxins.
So many of us are empathic beings and are picking on so much trauma in the world. Being an empath has always been a special gift. But with the lack of acknowledgement of the gifts many of us were born with we are just struggling to find ways to take care of ourselves while also wanting to be in service.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman decided to speak about this important issue that is impacting so much of our population. And Sandra will lead a journey on our need for self care and acknowledging how we can feel guilty when life brings us within, and we have to cut ourselves off from the struggles of the outer world
Join us as we talk about an issue that is now being written about in magazines and blogs.
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Part of the power of having a shamanic practice and living a shamanic way of life is understanding the power and meaning of creating sacred space. This is important and a way to step aside from your ego and mind chatter to do your spiritual work in an ethical and courteous way.
Even though the spirits don’t have egos it is simply courtesy to welcome them to your home for guidance and protection and to honor them for their help in your life. And it makes your home or apartment feel like you are living in a sacred space which many people feel they are missing.
How and why do you create sacred space? Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they share their knowledge with us while giving us simple ways and practices to create sacred space. They also talk about the meaning of sacred space and how to welcome the spirits and how to release them when finished with your work.
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman receive topic suggestions and correspondence from many of our listeners. And one of the topics that they are both constantly asked to talk about is how to trust visions, intuitive hits, and spontaneous insights, and spiritual downloads.
We were all born with the gift of being visionaries and receiving spiritual information throughout the day and throughout our lives. But we grew up in a culture that says anything we can’t see, feel, hear, taste, smell in the physical is not real.
So we must be compassionate with ourselves when we don’t believe what our own intuition is telling us or the messages the spirits are trying to share with us.
Join Renee and Sandra as they speak about their own personal and teaching experience on this topic. For we are all getting visions, intuitive hits, and insights that really need to be listened to right now and taken as truth. Trust can’t be taught. Trust only comes with experience.
Join us to hear more on this important topic!
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Honoring the shift in seasons is such important work to do as we are as affected by the seasonal changes as the Earth and all of life is. By performing ceremonies to welcome in changing seasons we can prepare mentally, emotionally, and physically for new periods of growth in our life. And it is important to enter each season with awareness that the shift is creating big changes in you too.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they speak about honoring the equinox. And join in as Sandra and Renee lead us in both some personal work around planting new seeds in our inner garden and then joining with our global community to create a world garden filled with the most beautiful seeds that represent a magnificent dream for all of life.
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Join Renee and Sandra as they discuss a topic on so many people’s minds today. We are hearing from so many listeners about their struggles about personal freedom and expressing one’s truth versus taking care of oneself in these troubling times.
Is it just selfish to block out the craziness in the world right now and find peace within? What a difficult choice this is for so many of us. What do we have the power to change? What are appropriate actions to take right now? How do we take care of ourselves and not go down with the dense collective?
These are critical questions that Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman could just “crack the door on” in our time together. Sandra and Renee are here to inspire you to make your own choices about the best way to deal with the outer world right now.
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To be able to continue walking forward through what life has to bring us and teach us we need to have our spiritual fire burning so that we have the strength to overcome the obstacles that life naturally brings. Everything that is alive needs the spiritual strength to walk through the fires of life. And that inner strength comes from your own fire burning carrying you through the dangerous flames that are part of our life’s journey.
Our inner fire controls the power of our inner strength. If our inner fire is burning too strong we can get overcooked and feel burned out, restless, and anxious. Too little fire and we fall into inertia and allow ourselves to be conditioned and controlled by society norms placed upon us.
Sandra leads us on a powerful journey to travel deep within our inner landscape to reharmonize our inner fire.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as we explore the topic of the importance of how our inner fire needs to be strong enough to walk us through challenges but not too strong so that we burn out.
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In former times, before we had so much technology, people learned about life and were given a road map by listening to stories from elders. So many people had the opportunity to be taught from their grandparents about the challenges life brings to us and how to walk through the darkness without getting lost. This was an important part of indigenous life too as stories always helped to teach the community the road map of living a healthy and balanced life.
Today people have technology to tell us what to do and how to think and feel. But what most of us need is a road map to life. We were given an instructional manual when we were born but it is in our DNA. And most people do not know how to go the depths of their soul to access our divinely given road map.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingeramn as they discuss road maps and how to find our inner radar so that we can thrive through the current and upcoming changes that the planet and all of us are going through together.
Life challenges us to watch as we perceive so many people and nature beings suffering and going through intense challenging experiences. People have lost their homes, their health, their rights for freedom, and the list goes on. We watch beings in nature suffer through challenges that humans have created by not being caretakers of the Earth.
A typical response to this is to pity those who we perceive as suffering. And when we find out someone we know is challenged by an illness we want to rush in and save them. This behavior is not appropriate or healthy for anyone. For people going through hard times need to be fed with love, light, and seeing them in their spiritual strength. Pity only robs them of their power.
And frankly no one wants to be pitied.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they talk about this powerful topic. For we need to change our response to all that is happening to our Earth community.
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So many of us are doing so much spiritual work right now to find meaning in life, to heal, to grow, and evolve. In indigenous cultures when communities did spiritual work to create positive change they performed ceremonies, danced, and sang and stayed in their body while doing these physical acts.
Today with all the guided journeys, meditation, sound healings, and so on people are having blissful spiritual experiences, but are leaving their bodies as they float off into the transcendent realms without fully returning.
Although many have been impacted by trauma in this life time our body is still our home. And in the times we are living our body is actually the safest to be.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they talk about this important topic. And Sandra will lead you in a short journey to observe whether you are in are in your body or standing outside of it.
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Life as we know is not going to go back to normal. We are moving into a different time where our personality continues to be sculpted into our true spiritual identity where we can be a greater presence in our communities and in the world.
Many people are trying to run away from life right now. And many are taking the time to do the inner work that helps us to create a new dream in the world. But to dream we need quiet, rest, and the time to reflect.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about their own opinions about purging what we are carrying around from our past and creating a simpler way to live that allows us to slow down and bring our life and the life of the planet back into harmony.
Join us as this is a time of reflection and we inspire you in ways to do this.
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In traditional cultures ceremonial work can be devoted to for weeks when serious healing work for a community member or when a whole community needs healing help to restore harmony.
Today it is rare to see modern day shamanic practitioners performing long ceremonial work and staying with the ceremony until the work is truly done for now.
Renee Baribeau just led the I AM Symposium, and she had hundreds of people keeping fires lit and holding the space over weeks of the presenters sharing their wisdom and holding space for us as we moved from the solstice into the New Year.
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman talk about the gifts and challenges in committing to deep ceremonial work and bringing the practice of ceremonial work back to a place where the work is successful and is truly complete.
Join us in this powerful show.
When we look at the cave art of our ancient ancestors and all the amazing petroglyphs that are drawn into rock walls and caves all over the world the art relates a story of the life led by our ancient ancestors. Art is a way to record our life experiences.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau talk about the power of dance, song, and art through time that allows people and communities to move the energy of fear, oppression, anger, and grief. These ways of working are known ways to help the body deal with trauma and move forward in times of uncertainty. Renee also added how art is part of ways communities worked together to create joy and a way of holding space for each other. Follow us at Shamanstv.com
This is a beautiful show to welcome in 2022!
Renee and Sandra have talked about loss in past shows as it is powerful initiation. As we end the New Year we know people are dealing with a tremendous amount of loss whether it is from the fear of getting ill, angry at all the division in the world, loss of finances, health, family and the the goes on.
Shamanism teaches that loss is a powerful path to a deeper spiritual life, a new way of perceiving life, and an evolution of consciousness as the hard parts of us are rescultped so that we are a being that carries the presence of unconditional love, light, and a deeper power of compassion.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman in this powerful show that names loss as one of the issues many of us are dealing with and how to work with the energy of loss as we end 2021 and step into a new cycle. Follow us at Shamanstv.com
As we approach a New Year we will begin to see predictions from all kinds of sources of what is to come in 2022. But is this helpful to us? Shamans are gardeners of energy. And the seeds that get planted may never come to pass and might even create more challenges for us as we water seeds that we don’t want to germinate. What opportunities do we miss when we can’t stay in the present and see that the actions we take in the present are actually creating our future?
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman for this powerful show on the gifts of learning to stay in the present. Renee will use her wind whistle to show us how we can use this wonderful tool of whistling to focus on the present and to help us call in the gifts and opportunities that the New Year will bring.
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As the holidays and New Year approach many people are planning on traveling to visit family. And so many have been taking online courses and watching podcasts to learn how to find inner peace and stay centered and grounded during this most challenging time.
Shamanism is an ancient practice that embraces that we all have helping spirits who can guide us and help us heal. This practice is over 100,000 years old and is universal. But in today’s work many people do not believe in the presence of spirits.
So for those engaged in the practice of shamanism it is important to learn how to share the spiritual practices that might not be understood or embraced by our families.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they talk about how to communicate the spiritual practices you are inspired by without alienating those who might not embrace the same beliefs as you. Sandra will share how she talks about filling with our divine light in a way that is is easy to share with others.
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We often focus so much on emanating love and light we forget we also signed up to be in Earth school right now. In shamanism the Middle World where we live is what we call Earth school filled with all the lessons we signed up to learn.
We don’t always love the situation we find ourselves in. But the shadow is part of life as the sun comes up everyday and goes down each night.
Join Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau as they share their own experience shadow states. This show will inspire you to keep taking steps during this time of change.
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There is so much much fear and anxiety that people are feeling right now that it is in the collective field of energy. We have our concerns, thoughts, fears, disappointments about what is happening on Earth right now. Sometimes we are feeling our own fears and sometimes we are picking up on the anxiety in the collective.
Tune in to our show and listen to what Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have to share about how to discern what are our own feelings separate from others. And we share a wealth of simple tools to learn how to work with the fears coming up in your own life.
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People often travel to places on the planet that are considered sacred sites. But imagine if you connected with the land you live on, whether in the city or country, as a sacred site. And to add to this you communicate with this sacred site on a daily basis so that a clear and strong vortex is set up between you and the universal forces to create successful ceremonies.
When we visit what we deem as sacred sites in foreign lands we don’t take the time to eatable a familial relationship with the land like we can do at home. And this makes a difference. For the land you live on holds the space for you, feeds you energetically, and creates your foundation for life.
Listen to Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman share their wisdom about this.
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There is so much division in the world right now. And as Renee Baribeau points out in shamanism everything is energy. And for Sandra Ingerman the energy on this planet has been splitting off in different dimensions for a very long time.
Renee and Sandra have talked about this topic before as this is spiritual information that Sandra has been passionate about sharing since the 1980s. The forces of division are speeding up the process of creating new dimensions of reality. And the energy we feed grows. What reality are you choosing to live in?
Listen to this engaging show as making correct choices right now will shape the rest of your life.
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In the practice of shamanism gratitude is a building block to a good life. Without gratitude we don’t get to enter the flow of life and nature. Rather we are pushed around by life. Gratitude actually gives us a certain amount of power and control in our lives. It helps us to enter into the flow of the river of life which will always lead us to our destined path.
No matter how life is getting you down gratitude has the power to be like a buoy to hold onto, a lifesaver when you need some support.
Listen to the discussion Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have on this important subject and you will learn how to enter into a more joyful dimension of life.
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There is an understanding in many spiritual traditions, including quantum physics, that we inhabit multiple realities. With shamanic journeying it is so fascinating to observe how we make different choices that impact a variety of future possibilities.
We also have the ability to meet ourselves in the future.
During this show Renee and Sandra talk about this most fascinating subject. Although we have so much guidance from our ancestors we can gather incredible guidance from our future self who has the experience to avoid making mistakes but rather appropriate choices for ourselves that improve the quality of our life.
Join Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman as they show you how to meet your future self and learn what would be good choices to make right now.
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Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau did a show on the need to find ways to love ourselves in the midst of todays stressors where nothing is working as it used to or how we want.
The changes occurring are to create the space for new growth and evolution to happen. Before beautiful blooming starts happening in nature there is a period of dissolution. And in the period of dissolution is opportunity.
When we follow the river of life we are met with bumps, turbulence, and sometimes the most beautiful graceful rides. But what needs to stay in tact during our journey through life is our ability to stay balanced, focused, and centered. This requires finding inner peace.
During this show Renee leads us on a fabulous exercise to find inner peace.
You don’t want to miss this!
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Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman have been talking quite a bit about the frustrations we are dealing with as our infrastructure keeps crumbling to give way to something new.
Many people today are finding themselves feeling easily triggered and often lose their temper at others in way that brings up feelings of deep guilt. It is harmful to ourselves to blame ourselves. Imagine all our little cells in our body quivering from the impact of self judgement.
Both Sandra and Renee talk about the need to keep bringing our awareness back to our deepest connection with our body which blossoms when fed with love.
This is an important show for our times.
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In this show Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau touch on the ancient art of performing soul retrievals to heal trauma. Sandra is known for her work in this area and wrote a ground breaking book Soul Retrieval:Mending the Fragmented Self which was written in the 1980s and is still a bestselling book. She has trained thousands of practitioners in Soul Retrieval and has helped tens of thousands of people through this profound healing practice.
Renee studied soul retrieval with other teachers and works in a different way than Sandra and shares some of her way of working. It is good to hear different perspectives of how shamanic practitioners work.
Sandra and Renee could only touch on this subject. Sandra led a short journey to scan your body and to see if you are in need of a soul retrieval. If you believe you are Sandra recommends people visit her website shamanicteachers.com to find an experienced practitioner whom she trained.
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Infrastructure holds so many meanings as Renee and Sandra both learned as they recorded this show. There are so many levels to talk about. Renee and Sandra start by talking about how our collective infrastructure is deteriorating to make room for new growth.
And then discussion moved and and shifted into other areas of life that provide infrastructure.
Everything in nature has an order and a structure. When we learn how to follow the river of life we realize that turbulence is required to shake up old structures so the new can be created.
But in the dissolution of the infrastructure that humans have created we are not surrendering to a natural process that was always occurred with honor and respect.
How do we bring back honor and respect during this crucial time for our collective’s health.
Join us as we discuss many issues regarding infrastructure.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau felt that this was an important topic to discuss at this time. For many people are losing faith due to what some are calling the whiplash effect. One day you are told you are safe and the the Covid will be leaving soon. The next news story a few days later may say the opposite. So our heads are turning like a whiplash action. You think you are done and then you are told to go back inside.
But this is life. Cycles and phases of change can take long periods of time especially when there is new structuring going on in the Earth and the collective. This period can include a lot of ups and downs as we follow the river of life where your ride can be smooth and graceful and suddenly turn turbulent. During the turbulence is not a time to lose faith.
Be inspired by how Renee and Sandra talk about faith and how to restore it and maintain it. Follow us on ShamansTV.com
People are worn out, stressed to the max, and feeling like there is not a clear path ahead. This is a time to honor our feelings and learn how to be in appropriate service to others. In the shamanic community we tend to want to give more than we received. But in this challenging time where everyone has their own journey to walk it is appropriate and necessary to create boundaries and honor and take care of yourself. People are exhausted now, and it Is time to regenerate.
Renee and Sandra talk about a way to be in service is to keep sending loving thoughts to yourself and out into the collective. And at the same time you must set good boundaries for yourself.
Join us on this engaging show!
Both Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau have noticed that they are having with an unusual amount of water leaks. And other students are having the same issues. Although much of the planet is in drought there are places that are having so much flooding right now.
Water is trying to get our attention. Water held us while we were in the womb caring for us and loving us. We are mostly water and dependent on water for life.
In our culture we put toxins in the water that a gives us life. This behavior makes no sense!
Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingerman speak about this issue and Sandra leads a journey to the source of water where you live so you can speak to it and express your gratitude and appreciation.
Join us!
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Social conditioning is so strong in our culture. Society hopes we will all just stay “in a box” and allow ourselves to be controlled.. Following our passion, being dreamers, performing shamanic journeys can make you stand out. During this time of so much change and crisis on the planet more and more people are turning to practices such as shamanism as a way to make sense out of life and how to live a healthy and happy life.
Many of you are so thrilled to how found the practice of shamanism. It is an empowering ancient practice that gives us to tools to learn about the deepest parts of our soul and how to receive our own spiritual guidance.
When first stepping out into the work how do you explain to others in your family and community what you are doing. Are they going to think you had a meltdown or lost your mind? This is a common concern for new people learning about the healing power of shamanism.
Sandra Ingerman and Renee Baribeau join together to talk about this issue. Together they will help you to find your way as you step into the work. This is such a common issue. Renee and Sandra will give you some encouragement of how to communicate the spiritual practices you are engaged in or keep it private.
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At a time on the planet when what it is being called for in behalf of all life is to devote our lives to ceremony and prayer, people are fighting with each other and trying to force their belief systems on others.
Renee and Sandra talk about how we could make a different choice and use the exponential power of ceremony and prayer to help support and protect each other. But human egos are just rallying for a fight right now. And who are we fighting anyway?
We know the exponential power of people coming together in prayer whether they agree with each other or not.
Sandra shares a simple practice where you can join in with the spiritual community, and have faith in the ancient teachings of shamanism of how to create the magic of healing.
Join us. This is such an interesting show!! Follow us at ShamansTV.com
Shamanic practitioners collect a wealth of sacred of tools to use in their journeys, ceremonial work, and healing work. Do we know the source of the materials used? Were the materials hunted, gathered, and mined in ethical ways? We can certainly bring honor and love back into our sacred tools who are our helping allies. Renee Baribeau and Sandra Ingeman will broach this topic as well as talk about ways of honoring our sacred objects that we have in our house as well as our drums, rattles, wind whistles , feathers, and crystals we use in our work. Renee and Sandra will inspire you with ways to build a strong relationship with your sacred objects. Join us for this lively and informative show!
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