406 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Oregelbundet
Transformation Church (TC) was started in 2010 and is led by Pastor Derwin L. Gray. We want to join God in His mission by embodying our vision to be a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community that loves God completely (Upward), ourselves correctly (Inward), and our neighbors compassionately (Outward). We hope this podcast will be a tool in which the life-transforming love of Jesus Christ reaches the lives of many!
The podcast Transformation Church Sermons is created by Transformation Church: Indian Land, SC. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Easter is a beautiful story about God getting His family back, and this Easter, we are celebrating the new, color-blessed family God has given us through the life of Jesus.
How to have healthy relationships in a world that is out of control? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue our series and learn about the importance of "Relationship" according to scripture..
Fear doesn’t have to have a hold on us. In this sermon, we will learn how to overcome fear.
What are you worried about? In today’s sermon, we will learn that in Christ, we can overcome worry.
God is light and there is no darkness in Him. In today’s sermon, we will learn about the Light God gives us through His Son Jesus.
What is the greatest gift you’ve ever received? In this sermon, we will unwrap the gift of Jesus, the ultimate gift.
Often, we look to people or circumstances for our joy, when the truth is, true joy is found in Jesus. In today’s sermon, we will unwrap the gift of joy Jesus gives us.
The moment you say yes to Jesus you are gifted eternal life. This is not a far-off reality; this is a here-and-now reality. In today’s sermon, we will unwrap the gift of life Jesus gives us.
The Good News of Jesus not only gives us fellowship with God but with others. In today’s sermon, we will learn how Jesus gives us the gift of fellowship.
Grace isn’t something we earn; grace is a gift from God. In today’s sermon, we will learn about the amazing grace God gives us through His Son Jesus.
Through the peace we have in Jesus, we can be at peace with others. While this is not an easy task, God calls us to be peacemakers, not peacekeepers. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to be a peacemaker.
Matthew 5:8 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God." In this sermon, will we explore what it means to be a Kingdom Citizen with a pure heart.
In this sermon, Pastor Derwin discusses God's mercy and its transformative power in our lives. Watch to learn how embracing mercy not only reflects God's character but also calls us to be active agents of compassion and forgiveness in the world.
When we say yes to Jesus, we are transferred into a new kingdom. This kingdom gives us a new identity as Kingdom Citizens. As Kingdom Citizens we are called to live as humble servants, hungry for righteousness in Christ. Dive into the sermon to learn more.
We are excited to welcome Professor N.T. Wright, one of the world’s leading New Testament scholars and a world authority on the apostle Paul. Wright is the author of over 80 academic and lay-level books such as Surprised by Hope, The Day the Revolution Began and Paul: A Biography.
Matthew 5:4 tells us that blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. What does it mean to mourn? In today’s sermon, we learn what it means to mourn as Kingdom Citizens.
In a political season, it can be easy to look to people or circumstances for our security, but as a kingdom citizen, we’re called to be dependent on Jesus and Jesus alone. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to depend on God.
The church is not a building, the church is God's people called out of darkness into His marvelous light. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to believe in and belong to the global church.
Believing in Jesus’ resurrection not only gives us hope for our future, but power and a new identity to live in today. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to believe in the resurrection.
The Holy Spirit isn’t weird or a feeling, He’s the third person of the Triune God. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to believe in God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus living and reigning is not just a powerful truth to believe in, but a truth we can live from. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to believe that Jesus lives and reigns.
When Jesus died on the cross, He defeated sin, death, and the powers of darkness, allowing us to experience victory in Christ. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to believe in the victory of the cross.
The Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, played an essential role in fulfilling God’s rescue mission to save humanity, ultimately reconciling us back to Himself. In this sermon, we will learn how believing in the virgin birth is important for our faith.
Who is Jesus and what does it mean to believe in Him? Journey with us through the Apostles’ Creed as we learn that Jesus is the Son of God.
There are many gods that people can believe in, but there’s only one true God. In this sermon, we will walk through the first part of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.”
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Preston Sprinkle. Preston is a biblical scholar, international speaker, and friend of Pastor Derwin. He is the president of The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender and a New York Times bestselling author who has written a dozen books.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Ed Stetzer. Ed is the Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University and Scholar in Residence and Teaching Pastor at Mariners Church. He has planted, revitalized, and pastored churches; trained pastors and church planters on six continents; and has written hundreds of articles and a dozen books.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Crawford Loritts! Dr. Crawford is the President and Founder of Beyond Our Generation. He has traveled around the country and world to speak to different groups, planted churches, served as the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia, and been a featured speaker at Super Bowls, NCAA Final Four Chapel, and the Pentagon.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Ann Voskamp! Ann is the wife of a farmer, mama to seven, and the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Broken Way, The Greatest Gift, Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, and the sixty-week New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, which has sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been translated into more than twenty languages and her latest book is Waymaker: Finding the Way to the Life You've Always Dreamed of.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Joel Muddamalle! Joel serves as the Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Lysa TerKeurst, and he is also a part of our preaching team at Transformation Church. Joel has a Ph.D. in Theology, and he loves studying and teaching the brilliant truths found in Scripture and unpacking how they relate to our everyday lives.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Clayton King! Clayton is the President and Founder of Clayton King Ministries, an accomplished author, teaching pastor, and radio show host. He also has a passion to train and raise up young leaders and invest in pastors across a wide range of denominations.
The Gospel empowers us to engage in conflict in a healthy, mature way. The more secure we are in the Gospel, the less reactive we are. In this sermon, we will learn how to resolve conflict and live a life of excellence.
As we are built up in Christ, we are called to build others up. In today’s sermon, we will learn how to encourage others to live out their purpose as Kingdom builders.
Out of an overflow of God’s love for us, we can love others unconditionally. In today’s sermon, we will learn how to love unconditionally.
The way we communicate the Gospel matters. In today’s sermon, we will learn how to communicate the Gospel clearly.
Just as God invited us into His story through His Son Jesus, we are called to invite others to know Him as everyday missionaries. In today’s sermon, we will learn how to grow by living an inviting life.
We were not created to do life on our own. We were created for connection with God and with others. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to grow by connecting.
The way we view ourselves matters. We can either see ourselves through a broken lens or through the lens of God says we are. In today's sermon, we will learn how to grow by loving ourselves correctly (Inward).
When we say yes to Jesus our spiritual formation starts and we begin the journey of growing to become more like Jesus. In today's sermon, we will learn how to grow by loving God completely (Upward).
Easter is a time to reflect on the victory Jesus won for us. He fought and defeated the enemy of sin and death with His weapon of mercy. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to feast on God’s mercy.
We all need another chance in life. God, through Jesus, gives us the chance to be restored to a right relationship with Him and to the people God intended us to be as humans. In today’s sermon, we will learn what it means to feast on God’s restoration.
In this sermon, we will learn what it means to feast on God’s presence.
God calls us to walk in humility and dependence on Him, but what does that mean, and how do we live that out? In today’s message, we will learn what it means to feast on humility.
When we say yes to Jesus, God, in His kindness, makes us part of the body of Christ. Not only that, but God meets us where we are and transforms us to build His church! In this message, we will learn what it means to feast on kindness.
Grace isn’t something we can earn; it’s a gift given by God through Jesus. When we receive grace, we are free from condemnation and free to leave our lives of sin. In this message, we will learn what it means to feast on grace.
In this season of Lent, we are preparing our hearts for Easter so we can follow Jesus more deeply. In today’s message, we will learn what feasting on forgiveness means.
In the Old Testament, God made Abraham a promise that he would be the father of many nations. Through his lineage, we get Jesus who not only rescues us through His sacrifice on the cross, but gives us a new identity and mission to live. In today’s message, we will learn that El Shaddai is the Lord God Almighty.
Throughout the Bible, we see God as a faithful provider. When God gave us Jesus, He provided all that we need for life and godliness. In today’s message, we will learn that Yahweh Jireh is our provider.
When people think of healing, they usually think about physical healing. While we may not experience full physical healing on this side of heaven, we can experience healing from the power of sin. In this message, we will learn that Yahweh Rapha is the Lord Who Heals.
When the world is unrighteous, God’s people need the gift of God’s righteousness so we can live righteously, bringing Him glory and us happiness. In today’s message, we will learn that Yahweh’s righteousness is our righteousness in Christ.
From the Old Testament to the New Testament, we see God’s faithfulness as He sets His people free. In today’s message, we will learn that Yahweh, the Great I AM, keeps His covenant promise.
In life, we often long for direction and guidance. In today’s message we will learn that our ultimate guide, Jesus, is our great Shepherd. We can trust Him to lead and guide us no matter what we face in life.
Today we will be ending the year learning about Jesus - the Preeminent King. This will be a special service with a time of prayer and anointing as we prepare our hearts for what God will do in 2024.
Christmas is a time where we celebrate King Jesus coming to be with us. When we say yes to Jesus, we are not only reunited to God but to one another. This Christmas Eve, we will be learning about Jesus – the King of reconciliation.
When people hear the word church they usually think of a building, but the church is more than that. The Church is the Bride of Christ – God’s people. In this message, Pastor Derwin and Vicki will teach us that Jesus is the King of the Church.
Jesus came to earth not only to save us from sin and death, but also to establish His kingdom and bring about the ultimate redemption of all things. The same Jesus who saves us is the same one who invites us to live in His power, purpose, and presence. In this message, we will learn how Jesus is our Sovereign King.
Jesus was born into a world of chaos and sin. But His arrival marked the beginning of a new era, one in which we are rescued from the kingdom of darkness and brought into His kingdom of light. In this message, we will learn how Jesus is the King of restoration.
Worry negatively affects our physical and mental health, and when we take our minds off of Jesus, we risk falling into sin. Instead of worrying about the things that are out of our control, the Bible tells us to seek the Kingdom of God and be thankful. In this message, we will learn how to become people not of worry, but of worship.
In a world that often measures worth by material possessions, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But by focusing our eyes on Jesus and valuing the things that are eternal, we can cultivate a heart that is strong in the face of life's challenges. In this message, we will learn how to become stronghearted people by embracing Jesus as the true treasure.
We can't defeat the dark powers on our own. Thankfully we have a God who can and has secured our victory in Jesus. In this message, we will continue part three of learning how to become people of victory.
The enemy of our souls doesn’t want us knowing who we are in Christ, but you are more than what you’ve been told. In this message, we will learn how to drop our old names and follow Jesus for real.
The enemy of our souls wants us to believe that we are unlovable, unforgivable, worthless, and damaged. But King Jesus gives us victory through His blood. The battle has already been won, and we are not left defenseless! In this message, we will continue part two of learning to be people of victory.
In Christ, we are victorious! While we have victory in Christ, walking it out isn’t always easy. Dark powers want us to believe lies about our identity, making us forget how powerful we are in Christ. In this message, we will learn how to become people of victory.
As Christ-followers, forgiveness is not optional for us but a command from the word of God. In this message, we’ll learn that because Jesus embodied forgiveness first, He empowers us to become people of forgiveness.
his week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Joel Muddamalle! Joel serves as the Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Lysa TerKeurst, and he is also a part of our preaching team at Transformation Church. Joel has a Ph.D. in Theology, and he loves studying and teaching the brilliant truths found in Scripture and unpacking how they relate to our everyday lives.
The demands of life can feel overwhelming. Sometimes, it feels like if we only had a little more time or money, we could finally feel at peace. The truth is that nothing outside of Jesus can bring us true peace. He is a good Father who knows exactly what we need and is always faithful to provide. In this message, we will learn how to become people who depend on God, our Father, to meet all our needs.
When we become followers of Jesus, we become citizens of a new kingdom – God’s kingdom. As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are given a mission to help others know and experience the love of Jesus. This mission isn’t a burden; it’s a blessing. In this message, we’ll learn more about what it means to become a kingdom citizen.
When we become followers of Jesus, we become citizens of a new kingdom – God’s kingdom. Though we live in the world, it is not our ultimate home. In this sermon, we will learn what it means to become a kingdom citizen and how we can represent Jesus here on earth.
Many people live their lives terrorized by fear, anxiety, and anger. But Jesus offers a solution to these struggles by giving us His life filled with faith, hope, and love. In this sermon, we will learn how to become people who commune with God, our Father, and rest in His goodness.
Do you sometimes feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers? Or maybe if you would have prayed more, things would be different? In this sermon, we will learn that prayer isn’t about changing God’s mind; it's about changing our hearts. Through the gift of prayer, we discover who we really are by experiencing the love and presence of God.
There’s an enemy who wants you to believe lies about yourself - lies like you are what you do, what others think about you, or what you have. When the storms of these lies creep up in your life, you can find protection in the truth of God. We are in Christ, and we are who He says we are.
When we find ourselves in storm clouds of division, hate, and anger, we can remain stormproof by being people of extreme love. In this message, we will learn how to become people of extreme love by first receiving the love that Jesus has given to us.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Bryan Loritts! Bryan is the Teaching Pastor at The Summit Church and an award-winning author of eight books. Dr. Loritts has spent most of his ministry serving and resourcing the multiethnic church. His ministry takes him across the globe annually, as he speaks at conferences, churches, and retreats.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Ann Voskamp! Ann is a wife, mom, and author of four New York Times Bestsellers, including One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. Ann was named by Christianity Today as one of 50 women most shaping culture and the church today and is a partner with Compassion International as a global advocate for children in need.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Ed Stetzer! Ed is the Dean of Talbot School of Theology at Biola University and Scholar in Residence and Teaching Pastor at Mariners Church. He has planted, revitalized, and pastored churches; trained pastors and church planters on six continents; and has written hundreds of articles and a dozen books.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Reverend Eugene Cho! Eugene is the President and CEO of Bread for the World and Bread Institute, a prominent non-partisan Christian advocacy organization urging both national and global decision makers to help end hunger. He is the founder and visionary of One Day’s Wages and the founder and former Senior Pastor of Quest Church. He is the author of two acclaimed books, including his most recent, Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: A Christian's Guide to Engaging Politics.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Joel Muddamalle! Joel serves as the Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Lysa TerKeurst, and he is also a part of our preaching team at Transformation Church. Joel has a Ph.D. in Theology, and he loves studying and teaching the brilliant truths found in Scripture and unpacking how they relate to our everyday lives.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Dr. Crawford Loritts! Dr. Crawford is the President and Founder of Beyond Our Generation. He has traveled around the country and world to speak to different groups, planted churches, served as the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Georgia, and been a featured speaker at Super Bowls, NCAA Final Four Chapel, and the Pentagon.
In Psalm 34, God reminds us that He is near to those who are brokenhearted. Not only is He near to us in our brokenness, but through Jesus, He also makes us whole. In this sermon, we will learn what it looks like to flourish after divorce.
Many of us are looking for our identity in the things that we do or what we have, but when we say yes to following Jesus, we get a whole new identity. We learn that who we are is not based on anything we can do but on who Jesus is and what He has done for us. In this message, we’ll learn how to flourish in our new identity in Christ.
If you feel stuck in your faith journey, remember this: God is with you, and He will give you everything you need to flourish in your faith. In this message, we will learn how to flourish in our faith by seeking God’s vision, strategy, and power.
Finances can be a touchy subject for some. You may feel frustrated with your financial status, but God invites us to flourish in this area of our lives. In this message, Pastor Derwin shares how God's generosity invites us to a life of generosity and that, no matter what, you can't outgive God.
When the unexpected comes our way, we may feel overwhelmed with grief. Sometimes the change is good, and sometimes it's not, but either way, we can take comfort in knowing that God is with us and will give us everything we need. In this sermon, pastor and friend of Transformation Church, Clayton King, will teach us how to flourish in grief.
Marriage is a beautiful picture of the love Jesus has for us – His Church. In this message, Pastor Derwin and Vicki share how we can flourish in marriage by allowing Jesus to flourish in and through us.
We all face challenges. Sometimes, it feels like more than we can bear and we're not sure where to turn. We can take courage knowing that God is always with us and we can rely on His strength to carry us. In this message, licensed professional counselor Jim Cress joins us to share how we can flourish in resiliency.
Parenting can be overwhelming. There are so many different ideas about how to raise a child that parents are often left feeling frustrated or discouraged. In this message, Pastor Paul Allen will teach us that we can flourish in our parenting by learning to love God completely, ourselves correctly, and our neighbors compassionately.
Conversations about sexuality and gender are becoming more and more prominent in our culture. Here at Transformation Church, we want to help our congregation learn how to navigate these conversations through a loving, biblical, Christ-centered lens. In this message, Dr. Preston Sprinkle teaches us what the Bible says about same-sex marriage and how to have these conversations with grace and truth. Learn more about Preston at prestonsprinkle.com.
All of us will experience conflict with others at some point in our lives–it’s inevitable. As Christ-followers, instead of avoiding conflict, we can learn how to enter into healthy conflict resolution. In this message, we’ll learn how to flourish in conflict resolution by rooting our identity in Christ.
Do you feel anxious in times of uncertainty? Maybe you feel like a glimpse into the future would give you a sense of peace. In this message, we’ll learn that we can trust God, even in times of uncertainty, because He is sovereign, good, and always for us.
We are all born spiritually dead, but through the resurrection of Jesus, we have been granted eternal life. This eternal life doesn’t begin when we die and go to heaven; eternal life begins the moment we say yes to Jesus! In this Easter message, we are celebrating our new life in Christ.
Some of us feel like we’re trying so hard to please God and do the right thing, yet we still fall short. In this message, we’ll learn that the only way to overcome sin is to stop trying and start relying on Jesus.
In America, we are often so consumed by politics that we forget about the mission God has given us to advance His Kingdom here on earth. In this message, we will learn how to turn from our political idolatry to kingdom politics by giving our allegiance to Jesus and His Kingdom.
Often, the idea of sexual purity is distorted or used as a tactic to shame people. Instead of living as a slave to these ideals, we are invited to see sex as a gift from God in its proper context. In this message, we’ll learn how to turn from sexual brokenness to sexual wholeness by viewing marriage and sex as signposts that point to something greater: Jesus and His love for the Church.
In our culture, it’s easy to become consumed by greed. We either want what others have or more of what we already own. In this season of Lent, Jesus longs for us to turn from greed to generosity so we can experience the fullness of His grace and share it with those around us.
Today, we're celebrating Transformation Church’s 13th anniversary! During this service, we will look back at all that God has done in and through Transformation Church and look forward to what He's going to do.
It’s hard to find joy when we’re experiencing great pain – whether physically, mentally, or emotionally – but we can take hope in the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:4, “Happy are people who grieve, because they will be made glad.” In the midst of our grief, we can still experience joy because Jesus is with us and for us.
Life is a journey, and many of us think we’ll finally be happy when we reach a certain destination. Sometimes that destination is city, and sometimes it’s a season of life. In this sermon, we’ll learn that happiness isn’t about where you go, it’s about the person you’re becoming.
It’s easy to think that having more things will make us happy – more money, clothes, friends. But true happiness isn’t something we can buy. True happiness can only be found in Jesus.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I’ll be happy when...?” While it’s easy to think we’ll be happy when we arrive at a certain point, true happiness is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.
We don’t know what 2023 holds, but we know the One who holds 2023 in His hands. Join us for a special service called “Preparation” as we prepare our hearts to be committed to Jesus this year.
Christmas is a time for us to reflect on the hope we have in Jesus. Though the world is dark, He is our light that will shine forever.
We all worship something or someone, whether we realize it or not. What we worship is where we find our identity and purpose. In this sermon, we’ll learn that our true identity and purpose is found by keeping our eyes on Jesus.
Throughout time, God’s people have experienced the pain and tragedy of a broken world, but we do not suffer without hope. One day, all that’s wrong will be made right because of the blood of the Lamb. We can trust Jesus today because He is the Lord of History.
At Christmas time, we often reflect on the birth of Jesus, but in this sermon, we’re going to explore the beauty of His life, death, and resurrection. Join us as we look at Revelation 1:5-6 to discover the freedom we have in Jesus, the Lord of Salvation.
At times, we may feel unloved and unwanted, but we have a Good Shepherd who always pursues us. God's love for us is unbreakable.
Our God is the Good Shepherd who protects His sheep. This doesn’t mean that we won’t experience trials. It means that nothing will ever snatch us out of God’s hands.
When we make a decision to follow Jesus, He gives us new life. In this message, we’ll learn what it looks like to experience our new life in Christ.
When we look to the things of this world to fulfill us, we will end up disappointed. Thankfully, we have a Good Shepherd who provides everything that we need. In this message, we’ll discover how God is a faithful provider who we can trust.
In Psalm 23, the psalmist shares that God is our shepherd, but what does that mean? In this sermon, we will discover the characteristics of our Good Shepherd and how He is worthy of our trust.
During this series, we’ve learned that the mystery of Christ is us – the Church. When we join Jesus and His Church, we become a new creation and have the opportunity to invite more people to experience new life in Christ.
The temple used to be a physical building where people had to go to meet with God, but because of Jesus, we are now His temple. In this message, we’ll learn more about what it means for the Church to be the temple of God.
In Ephesians 5, Paul uses the relationship between a bride and groom to describe the love Christ has for the Church. In this message, we’ll explore what it means for us to be the bride of Christ, holy and fully loved by Jesus.
When we decide to followJesus, we become part of a new family. This new family is sometimescalled “the body of Christ.” In this message, we’ll learn what it means to be the body of Christ and how we all play an important part.
As God’s people, we are chosen by Him. In part two of this sermon, we will continue learning what it means to be God’s elect.
As God’s people, we are chosen by Him. In part one of this sermon, we will grow in our understanding of what it means to be God’s elect.
In our last sermon, we learned that the Church is not a building; it’s a people called out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. In this message, we’ll learn what it means to be the people of God from 1 Peter 2:9-10.
The Church is not a building. It’s a people with a purpose, but for some, all they know of the Church is a stage or a steeple. In this message, we’ll discover what it means to be the Church.
We’re kicking off our new sermon series by answering the question, “What is the mystery of Christ?” In this sermon, Pastor Derwin will show us how understanding this mystery helps us become who God has called us to be.
This week, we’re wrapping up our TC Welcomes series by welcoming Beth Moore! Beth is an author of multiple best-selling books and Bible studies, as well as a friend of Pastor Derwin and Vicki. She leads Living Proof Ministries in Houston, Texas with the purpose of encouraging and teaching women to know and love Jesus through the study of Scripture.
This week, we are excited to hear from our very own Alexandra Hoover! Alexandra serves on our staff at Transformation Church as Director of Office of the Pastor. She is a speaker and writer, and she is passionate about communicating the gospel’s beauty and hope. She recently released her first book titled, Eyes Up: How to Trust God’s Heart by Tracing His Hand.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Glenn Packiam! Glenn is a pastor and the author of several books, including The Resilient Pastor, Blessed Broken Given, and Worship and the World to Come. He is also a Senior Fellow at Barna Group, a visiting fellow at St. John’s College at Durham University, and an adjunct professor at Denver Seminary.
This week, we’re excited to welcome Lysa TerKeurst! Lysa is the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries and the #1 New York Times bestselling author of several books, including Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way, and more. She is a friend of Pastor Derwin and Vicki’s and has a passion for equipping women to study the Bible daily and teaching others with ministry dreams to write, teach, and lead.
We are kicking off our summer guest series, TC Welcomes, with a message from one of our very own Transformers, Dr. Joel Muddamalle! Joel serves as the Director of Theology and Research for Proverbs 31 Ministries and Lysa TerKeurst, and he is also a part of our preaching team at Transformation Church. In this message, Joel will teach us about the importance of biblical unity and how we can pursue it on our lives.
Join us Pastor Derwin teaches us why the Bible does not support slavery.
Is Jesus really the only way to God? In this sermon, Pastor Derwin will walk us through scriptures that show us that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
What does the Bible say about women in ministry? In this sermon, Pastor Derwin walks us through several Bible verses that show us how Jesus valued women and that women are a gift to the body of Christ.
Today, we’re wrapping up our Color-Blessed sermons series with a message about unity.
This week, we are continuing our sermon about color-blessed culture with a message on holiness from one of our own Transformers, Dr. Joel Muddamalle. In this sermon, Joel will teach us what holiness is and how we can pursue it in our lives.
Join us for a discussion about brain health and faith with Dr. Daniel and Tana Amen.
Culture is more than what we say–it’s how we live. In this sermon, Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray will answer the question, “What is a color-blessed culture?” and teach us how we can implement it in our lives.
In Luke 10, Jesus tells a story about a man who had the courage to overcome ethnic boundaries to show love to his neighbor. Through faith in Christ, we have the power to do the same.
Oftentimes, we avoid conversations that make us feel uncomfortable, even when they are necessary. However, because we have peace through Jesus, we can learn how to speak the truth to others in love.
We are kicking off our new sermon series, Color-Blessed, with a message about how all are welcome at God’s table. In Christ, our ethnic distinctions are not obliterated, they are celebrated.
Discouragement can often make us feel alone and forgotten. However, God’s Word reminds us that He is always with us, even when we don’t realize it.
When discouragement comes, we often forget that God is with us. By reading Scripture, we can remember the truth that God is always with us and has a purpose for us.
In life, we face many disappointments, but not alone. In your discouragement, remember that God is sovereign, He is for you, and He is with you.
This weekend, we’re excited to welcome Pastor Greg Stier! Greg is an evangelist, author, speaker, and founder of Dare 2 Share Ministries. In this message, Greg shares how God uses unlikely fighters to face unbeatable giants using examples from the Bible.
Pastor Derwin continues our series, It’s Time for Different, with a message about generosity. As Christ followers, financial generosity is an act of worship. When we experience the generous grace of God, we are moved to live generous lives.
Pastor Paul invites us into a new perspective on serving others. In Jesus, we have the perfect example of humility, compassion, and love. In response to His grace, we join Him on His mission to serve others through meeting their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs.
Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray remind us of the importance of biblical community. We were created for Jesus-shaped community full of prayer, partnership, generosity, and joy. When we connect with others, we grow more in our spiritual formation and love for God and His people.
Pastor Derwin walks us through what it means to approach all of life as worship. When we live fully devoted to Jesus, everything we do becomes worship. There is no secular versus sacred; everything is for the glory of God.
Pastor Derwin continues our It's Time for Different sermon series with a message on the importance of loving our neighbors. In this special anniversary sermon, Pastor Derwin reminds us that because our neighbors matter to God, they should matter to us. When we love others well, we show them the love of God.
Pastor Derwin preaches a powerful message on the importance of loving ourselves correctly. Part of loving ourselves means having a true understanding of our identity. As Christ followers, we’re called to find our identity in Jesus rather than in the world.
Pastor Paul continues our It’s Time for Different sermon series with part two of a message on loving yourself correctly. In Jesus, we are righteous, chosen, and loved, and we're called to see ourselves that way.
Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray continue our sermon series, It's Time for Different, with a message on the importance of loving ourselves correctly. When we learn who we are in Christ, we learn to see ourselves as chosen and holy. Through this message, we will learn to regard ourselves in a healthy way.
Pastor Derwin preaches part 2 of a message on loving God. As we see in the story of the woman who anoints Jesus with expensive perfume, when we know we are forgiven, we grow in love for God.
Pastor Derwin kicks off our new sermon series, It's Time for Different, with a message on why Christ followers love God. Instead of using God and loving things, the Gospel calls and empower us to love God and use things for God’s glory.
Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray preach a special Christmas Eve message to conclude our Remember sermon series. During this message, we contemplate and celebrate the presence of God through the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Pastor Paul Allen preaches on how Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah would forgive sins and create peace between God and humanity. Peacemaking and reconciliation are intrinsic to the call in following Jesus.
Pastor Derwin continues our Remember sermon series with a message on performance. Zachariah prophesied that the Messiah would free us from slavery to sin, death, the dark powers. Because the Messiah performs through His people, we can walk in holiness and righteousness.
Pastor Derwin preaches a message on the promise of God fulfilled by the birth of Jesus. In the book of Luke, Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah is the fulfillment of God’s covenant to Abraham. God promised to give Abraham a family that was made up of all the ethnically diverse families on the earth. In the fulfillment of this promise, we get to share in the Messiah’s life and ministry.
Pastor Clayton King joins us for the first week of our Remember sermon series! Pastor Clayton will be preaching a powerful message on the power of God. In the book of Luke, Zechariah prophesied that the Messiah would bring God’s power into the world. Sin, death, and the dark powers have been defeated by Jesus.
Pastor Derwin concludes our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on how the armor of God helps us fight the true battle over dark powers. When we recognize that our strength comes from God alone, we don’t live afraid of sin, death, or evil anymore; instead, we remember that, in Christ, we are already victorious!
Pastor Derwin continues our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on developing a war-time mindset. We’re in the midst of a spiritual war, but we’ve already won. God has given us special armor to wear so we can be effective in our already promised victory.
Pastor Derwin is continuing our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on forgiveness. In Christ, forgiveness is possible as we discover who God is and who He calls us to be in Him. Instead of holding onto hurt, betrayal, and disappointment, we can be free in Him.
Pastor Derwin is continuing our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on how Jesus is the bread of life. As the bread of life, Jesus is our provider, our breadwinner. He alone sustains us with His being.
Pastor Derwin continues our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on what it means to be citizens of God’s Kingdom. Prayer is not making stuff up as we go along. Because we are citizens of God’s Kingdom, prayer is us reminding ourselves of what the Father has already accomplished in and through Jesus. Join us online or in person at 9am or 11am EDT.
We're joined by one of our own Transformers, Joel Muddamalle! Joel is the Director of Theology and Research at Proverbs 31 Ministries and is a PhD candidate. He will be continuing our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on the sovereignty and holiness of our God.
Pastor Derwin continues our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on how our God is loving. Prayer often feels daunting and difficult, but we are invited to remember that we are praying to a God who sees us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally.
Pastor Derwin kicks off our God, Do You Hear Me? sermon series with a message on why we pray. In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches His followers how to pray and invites us into the journey of becoming more like Him through prayer.
Pastor Derwin and Vicki conclude our Holy Habits sermon series with a message on how God's people are a people of unity. When we pursue unity with others, we become more like Jesus and invest in others rather than pursue selfish ambitions.
Pastor Derwin continues our Holy Habits sermon series with a message on the importance of rest. When we slow down, we are choosing to act counter-culturally and rely on Jesus rather than ourselves or the world. Pastor Derwin will unpack practical ways to rest as well as the purpose of spiritual, emotional, and physical rest.
Pastor Derwin continues our Holy Habits sermon series with a message on how scripture reading forms us spiritually. As a church family, we will marinate on the importance of scripture reading as a spiritual habit. We are shaped by scripture because it is God’s Word.
Conflict resolution is vital to our spiritual health. Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray continue our Holy Habits sermon series with a message on how royal priests serve as peacemakers in the kingdom of God. In this sermon, we learn how resolve conflict in a way that honors God.
Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray co-teach to kick off our Holy Habits sermon series. In this message, we will learn how we reflect Jesus when we remember all of life is worship. Worship is remembering who God is, His word, and who we are in Christ.
Hosanna Wong concludes our TC Welcomes sermon series with a message on fighting the right battles for the kingdom of God. Instead of believing the lies that we are not enough, we can rest in the truth that, in Christ, we are made righteous and redeemed.
We’re continuing our TC Welcomes sermon series with a message from Dr. John Perkins. Dr. Perkins is an incredible Bible teacher, civil rights activist, author, and minister.
Carlos Whittaker will be in the house this weekend as we continue our TC Welcomes series. He will be preaching a message titled Enter Wild. When we prioritize rest and intentionality with God, we can experience abundance on this side of heaven.
We're continuing our TC Welcomes series and are joined by Pastor Clayton King! Pastor Clayton is preaching a powerful message on how faith is not the absence of fear but trusting God in the face of fear.
We're continuing our TC Welcomes series with one of our very own Transformers, Joel Muddamalle! Joel brings a message on joy that defies division. When we walk with the Lord, we find common joy with those around us, leading to unity.
Pastor Rich Villodas joins us for our TC Welcomes sermon series and preaches a sermon on Romans 8:31-34. When we remember that God is for us, we stop living in chains and start living in the freedom He gives us.
Pastor Curtis Miller concludes our Jonah sermon series with a message on how God’s grace is available to everyone. God is calling us to extend grace to those around us, just as His grace has been lavished upon us.
As we see in the life of Jonah, God’s amazing grace transforms us to live on mission for Him, walk in obedience, and extend grace to others. Instead of focusing on the results we can produce, we are to fix our eyes on the Lord’s character and the calling He gives us.
Pastor Derwin continues our Jonah sermon with a message on grace in distress. In the life of the prophet Jonah, we see that God's grace pursues His people. When we experience distress, we're empowered to rely on the Lord, be empowered by the Lord, and trust in the Lord.
During week 3 of our Jonah sermon series, Pastor Derwin unpacks the grace Jonah experienced in the midst of belly of the fish. Even though Jonah's sin and disobedience were extreme, God was faithful in His pursuit of His prophet. He is doing the same with us now, calling us into repentance and into life with Him.
Pastor Derwin continues our Jonah sermon series with a message on grace in the storm. In the midst of storms, we can find healing in the Lord. When we experience His grace in the storm, we're reminded of our calling, our character, and our Christ.
Pastor Derwin begins our Jonah sermon series with a message on the grace we are offered in remembering our calling. The prophet Jonah forgot His calling to be a light to the Gentiles. Like Jonah, we are offered grace and called to repentance when we pursue lesser things than the kingdom of God.
Pastor Derwin preaches a message on how gospel friends conquer evil with good. The gospel friendships in our lives should encourage and challenge us to be obedient Christ followers who are dedicated to living on mission for God's Kingdom.
Pastor Derwin continues our Gospel Friends sermon series with a message on how gospel friends are humble. Gospel friendships that last are built on humility, mutual love and respect, and harmony. In Christ, we can learn to be gospel friends who are focused on transformational relationships over transactional relationships.
Jonathan Hetterly and Kobe Campbell continue our TC Brain Health Conversations with a conversation on how shame affects us. In this video, they discuss the complicated relationship between the Christian faith and shame, as well as the complicated relationship between mental health and shame. As the global Church, we can help combat the destructive effects of shame. #BrainHealth #MentalHealthAwareness
We’re continuing our Gospel Friends series with a message from our very own Pastor Curtis Miller, Pastor Josh Samarco, and Minister Alexandra Hoover who will be co-teaching a sermon on how gospel friends seek peace. In Christ, we can be gospel friends who seek the good of others, promote peace, and choose love over vengeance.
Dr. Vickey Maclin and Dr. Jurrell Riley discuss the constant battle in the Church between clinical and faith. Many people think you must choose faith or choose science. In reality, faith and science don't compete with each other but work together. As we discuss brain and mental health in the Church, we must approach the conversation with both biblical and clinical truths. #BrainHealth #MentalHealthAwareness
We're kicking off Brain Health Awareness Month with a special guest speaker: Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith brings a powerful message on the topics of trauma, brain health, and faith.
Pastor Derwin continues our Gospel Friends sermon series with a message on how friends are present in the midst of pain. We all need someone to lean on. Gospel friendships are built between people who walk with each other through pain.
Pastor Derwin continues our Gospel Friends sermon series with a message on friends who love like family. In Christ, we are family! When we are adopted into the family of God, we receive a family of gospel friends. God not only forgives our sins, but He gives us brothers and sisters with different colored skins.
Pastor Derwin begins our Gospel Friends sermon series with a message on the aim of friendship. In this sermon, we will learn the purpose of gospel friendships and unpack important qualities in biblical community.
During this special Easter service, Pastor Derwin concludes our Refuse sermon series with a message on refusing to stay dead. Because Jesus rose from the dead, we are met with forgiveness, new identity, and new mission. We're no longer dead but alive with Christ!
We're continuing our Refuse series, and Pastor Derwin brings a message on refusing to let your witness die. In difficult seasons and unfortunate circumstances, we can hold onto our witness, maintain our integrity, and rest in the joy and presence of the Lord.
Pastor Derwin continues our Refuse sermon series with a message on refusing to let our circumstances determine our worship. When our circumstances are difficult or overwhelming, we may feel tempted to focus on our problems. However, there is a better way to live. As we see in the life of Joseph, we can remain faithful to God in the midst of hardship.
This weekend, Pastor Derwin continues our Refuse sermon series with a message on refusing to let betrayal destroy us. Like Joseph in the book of Genesis and Jesus, we will likely experience betrayal on this side of heaven. Because of Christ, we no longer have to be in bondage to betrayal, nor let it define our story.
Pastor Derwin continues our Refuse sermon series with a message on refusing to flaunt our gifts. When we are more concerned with becoming more like Jesus than we are concerned with developing our gifts, Christ is rightfully exalted. As we walk humbly with Him, we can learn to put down our pride and pick up our cross.
We're kicking off our Refuse sermon series! Pastor Derwin preaches an important sermon on refusing to let family dysfunction control us. Because of the completed work of the cross, we no longer have to be in bondage to familial sin.
Jonathan Hetterly, a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, brings a message on overcoming addiction through Christ. Addiction is destructive and devastating, but we are met with hope. We can break the vicious cycle of addiction through abiding in Christ and remembering the redemptive work of the cross.
Pastor Derwin continues our Beneath the Surface series with a message on anger. If anger is not righteous, it causes us to do unrighteous things. When we look to Jesus, we can learn to overcome anger.
Pastor Derwin continues our Beneath the Surface series with a message on the weighty topic of sexual brokenness. Sex can be a taboo subject in the church world, but sex is actually a gift from God. However, sexual brokenness is an unfortunate reality on this side of heaven. How do we find healing from this brokenness? The answer is in Jesus.
Pastor Derwin continues our Beneath the Surface series with a message on greed. It's not a bad thing when we want our needs to be met, but it can become an idol when we value earthly things over Christ. When we shift our mindset from worry to worship, we become rich in Him.
This weekend, Pastor Derwin and Vicki Gray are unpacking the topic of “workaholism” as we continue our Beneath the Surface series. Hard work is a gift from God but can be dangerous when it becomes a god. How can we shift our mindset and allow work to become worship? As we press into Christ, we can work for the Lord instead of working for ourselves.
This weekend, we’re continuing our Beneath the Surface series with a message from Pastor Derwin on people-pleasing. It may be tempting to constantly try to please those around us, but people-pleasing can never provide our heart's satisfaction. When we rest in Christ, we are met and sustained by His unfailing love.
Pastor Derwin brings a message on misdirected ambition. Ambition is a gift when it it's Jesus-centered, but what happens when it isn't? In this sermon, we unpack the dangerous idolatry of ambition and how we can topple this idol with the Spirit's power.
Pastor Derwin Gray brings a message on how King Jesus is the rule-breaking King. Following Jesus will often mean deviating from the norm and behaving counter-culturally. Jesus is not hindered by ethnic, gender, or class barriers, and He invites us to embody His mission as we follow Him.
Pastor Derwin Gray brings a message on how King Jesus befriends the friendless and cares for outcasts and sinners. In His kindness, Jesus invites the unqualified to live on mission with Him and embody His Kingdom.
Pastor Derwin Gray brings a message on Jesus' role as the rejected King. Jesus was refused by the people whom He came to save, but because of the rejection He experienced, we can be accepted as children of God.
Pastor Derwin Gray begins our new series, A Paradox of Hope, with a message on Jesus' paradoxical roles as both servant and king. Through Christ, we are invited to participate in His Kingdom with humility as we follow His example.
Pastor Brady Boyd brings us a message on the power of our words. In a world in which people are often reckless with words, we are reminded that our words hold power to bring life or death.
Pastor Derwin continues our Family Matters series with a message on how love lives. In Romans 12:18, we are taught that, through the Spirit’s power, we can live at peace with those around us. As a part of the family of God, we are called to pursue peace and show love to our brothers and sisters.
Dr. Chris McCarthy continues our Family Matters series as we learn that love shares. Dr. McCarthy discusses our response to crisis as Christians and how we can love others in the midst of stress. As we love others during hard times, we show them God's love for His family.
Pastor Derwin is back and continuing our Family Matters series! He is walking through how love considers others because Jesus and His Kingdom are above all. Through Christ, we should consider people more than we consider power, possessions, or position.
We are joined by ministry leader and author Beth Moore as she shares with us how faith works through love. We live and walk by faith, but we are also invited to love by faith. Galatians 5:1-6 reminds us, through the Spirit's power, we can learn to express our faith through the way we love others.
This week we are joined by Bible teacher and bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst, as she walks us through forgiveness. Often, we hesitate to give forgiveness because it feels unfair to let someone off the hook. As we remember that forgiveness flows from God first, we can learn to forgive others and find freedom.
During our first week of Family Matters, Pastor Derwin will be teaching us that love serves. Scripture reminds us that we can love others by pursuing a posture of humility and representing the servanthood of God. How do we love people and serve them faithfully? Join us as we walk through this message.
In our final week of Back to School, Pastor Derwin will finish preaching through the book of Hebrews. Throughout the series, we’ve seen how, even during difficult circumstances, Jesus is better than anything the world promises. When chaos surrounds us, we can fix our eyes on the cross. On Sunday, we will focus on Hebrews 13:1-7. In these verses, we see what real love looks like. Join us as we wrap up this series.
You’re probably experiencing hardship right now. You might even feel like you’re drowning. The world feels heavy as you navigate difficult decisions daily. Maybe you’re looking for a quick fix to make your troubles go away. You want some relief, and you want it now. As we’ve been studying the book of Hebrews, we’re reminded that instead of fixing our problems, God will often fix our eyes on Christ Jesus. It’s this call to faithfulness in Hebrews 10:19-25 that transforms us and gives us the confidence to continue towards Christlikeness.
We are all part of the multiethnic new covenant family of God, and we are sent out to worship Him, disciple others, and live on mission. Jesus made a way for us to be united to Him and has a redemptive purpose for our lives. Today, Pastor Derwin helps us discover that purpose through Hebrew chapter 4.
Hope has a name and it’s Jesus. When we experience tough times, we can run to the throne of King Jesus. There we will be met with a loving embrace because He has built a bridge for us to have direct access to God the Father. We can approach the throne with boldness, knowing that He sympathizes with our struggle. Join us on Sunday so you can be reminded of the great hope we have in Jesus.
We know that right now everyone is experiencing challenges. We are living through a year that no one could have predicted. Everywhere we turn, there is sickness, job loss, civil unrest, and more. In Hebrews, the writer tells his audience—many of whom were also experiencing unimaginable suffering—to remain intentional in their faith and not drift away. Family, we are called to do the same. Do not allow the troubles of this world to distract you from Jesus and His kingdom. Remember that He is with us every step of the way. Now is the time to lean into our faith even more.
In our second week of Back to School, we will explore why Jesus is better. The Christian life isn’t always easy. There will be times when we experience suffering and persecution for our faith. In these moments it’s tempting to go back to the way life used to be before we knew Christ. We think that life was somehow easier back then. The truth is, Jesus is better. We can rest assured that He is trustworthy and sovereign, that He is working everything out for our good and His glory.
We talk about Jesus all the time, but was Jesus really God? How does that work? Is God one or is He three in one? Many people have questions about the Trinity and the deity of Jesus. While there is mystery surrounding the Trinity, the Bible is clear that Jesus is Yahweh. Pastor Derwin explains why we should believe that Jesus is God and how Scripture points to this amazing truth.
The book of Hebrews was written to a group of Jewish Christians who were experiencing persecution. The struggle was so intense that many were thinking of abandoning Christianity to go back to the way things used to be. The author, however, urges them to continue in the faith. He wants them to go back to school and remember who Jesus is and why He is worth following. Go Back to School with us as we recall the basics of our faith and why we follow the Son.
The Bible talks quite a bit about slavery and women. In many biblical accounts, these groups of people were treated as second-class citizens. Does the Bible condone these behaviors? If so, how can we follow it? Pastor Derwin breaks down what the Bible really has to say about slavery and women in our next sermon of the God, Why? series.
Have you ever asked God, “Why?” Rather than ignore those questions, we want to invite you to explore the answers available to us. This week Pastor Derwin will guide us through the common question of hypocrites in the church.
It's one of the most asked questions in the religious space. If God is loving why is there evil and suffering in the world. Pastor Derwin answers this challenging question and gives us hope as we face these very difficult times.
Persecution is not something that we look forward to having to endure. Jesus, however, promised that we would experience persecution in this world. He also said, “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.” Can we really experience happiness in the midst of persecution? How is that possible? Could it be that persecution brings us closer to Jesus and has its own reward? Today, Pastor Derwin explores the answers to these questions.
As followers of Christ, we are called to be peacemakers in the world. When we were far from God, He reconciled us to Himself through His Son. As a result, we now have the ministry of reconciliation. We can be agents of love in our world, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Today Pastor Derwin shows us how we can live as peacemakers even when chaos surrounds us.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. - Matthew 5:8. What does it mean to be pure in heart? And how do we do it? Pastor Derwin explains that as we pursue Christ and purity, we gain happiness.
Merciful people are happy people. God lavished His mercy upon us and now we can give it away to others. This week, Pastor Derwin will teach us from the scripture how we become merciful people?
Happy are the hungry and thirsty. This might not make sense for you, but what Jesus is talking about in Matthew 5:6 is hungering and thirsting for righteousness, not for physical food and drink. As believers, when we look at the injustices around us, it stirs something within us and gives us the desire to join Jesus in meeting the needs of this world. How can we join Jesus in healing the hurts of this world? Today Pastor Derwin will unpack how we can find happiness in hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
When you think of humility, what comes to mind? Do you think humble people are shy or timid? This week, Pastor Derwin will teach on what true humility is and how having Godfidence plays into that. When we rely on God rather than on ourselves, we will be able to participate in His Kingdom and find true happiness.
Happy are the sad. Does that sound right to you? In Matthew 5:4 Jesus says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” This week, Pastor Derwin will teach us that when we lament over our individual and corporate sin, we experience God’s comfort and are moved to action.
This message is the culmination of our RHYTHM Series. Pastor Derwin shows us how as we learn to dance to the rhythm of God's grace our response will be to live on mission for HIm.
Hope is a powerful force! It can transform our past, present, and future. BUT. Hope is only as good as the person or objects you place it in. Pastor Derwin shows us from the scripture that our hope has a name and it is Jesus.
There are times in our lives that are harder to dance than others. Learning to dance in all seasons regardless of our circumstance is part of our growing in Christlikeness.
You are constantly fed lies about how you should view yourself. But the scriptures teaches us that in order to Dance to the Rhythm of God’s love requires you to see yourself as He sees you...In Christ!
This week, Pastor Derwin continues our Rhythm series by showing us how we can practice living in the presence of the Holy Spirit.
In the opening message of RHYTHM Pastor, Derwin will explain the importance of reading the Bible as a rhythm of grace in your life.
He is Risen! Pastor Derwin explains how the rhythm of the life of Jesus made our redemption possible.
This week, Pastor Derwin continues to our Walls series as we look at Part 2 of Unforgiveness. He will show us from the scriptures what forgiveness is and what it is not!
This week we continue our Walls Series by looking at the wall of unforgiveness. Pastor Derwin unpacks how unforgiveness will affect not only your relationships but also your physical and mental well being.
Shame and guilt consume many of our thoughts on a daily basis. Whether it's a past mistake or something that was done to you, you may be walking around thinking that you deserve to be unhappy because of past circumstances. In Christ, however, there is no condemnation. You are no longer a slave to your past. You are redeemed and made new.
We wrap up our series in James by looking at God’s wisdom and the life-transforming impact it has on us.
James lays out how to practically live out your love for Jesus to those around you. Today we will look at what it really means to be "People of Action."
We take a look back and celebrate what God has done during the first ten years of Transformation Church and look ahead at what we are anticipating God will do in the next ten years.
As we continue our study of James, we will look at what true devotion to Christ looks like. Prayerfully we will come to understand that holiness is not a radical separation from society, but an involvement in the needs of the poor and socially ostracized.
Pastor Derwin explains what it means to hear the Gospel in such a way that we are moved to living it out. He will give practical spiritual decisions to put your faith into action.
We live in a fast-paced world, but Pastor Derwin will show us from the Book of James why we need to slow down and be silent.
James reveals how even in suffering and persecution, God is acting on our behalf to use adversity to complete His goal in our life.
At one time, James the half brother of Jesus thought that Jesus was out his mind when he claimed to be the Messiah. After the resurrection of Jesus, James became a leader of his half-brother’s church. What changed?
This sermon will conclude our Advent Series by celebrating that Jesus was sent to cancel our sin debt and be our eternal jubilee. Merry Christmas!
Jesus was sent to break the chains of oppression. Our Advent Series continues as Pastor Derwin looks at what Jesus has to say to the rich young ruler and how His words to help break the chains of oppression in your life.
Our Advent Series continues as Pastor Derwin explains why Jesus was sent to the blind. This series has already been such a blessing to so many and we can't wait to see what God is going to do this Sunday!
Reading through Scripture, it is evident that God wants to bring freedom to the world; and he does that through His Son. This week Pastor Derwin explains why Jesus was Sent to the captives.
Being poor is often looked down upon and sometimes is even equated with a sinful lifestyle. Pastor Derwin kicks off our Sent series by showing us that the scripture teaches that Jesus was sent specifically to the poor.
As Christ-followers we rely on God who gives us endurance as we continue to live on mission. We conclude our “who we are” series by looking at 4 ways God builds your perseverance.
We continue our “who we are” series as Pastor Derwin explains God’s solution to loneliness in a 4-Step Pathway to community.
As Christ followers we are to be genuine and transparent in our relationships with one another and think the best of each other. As we continue “who we are” Pastor Derwin explains what biblical authenticity looks like.
We are a diverse people who celebrate our differences and live in unity. As we continue “who we are” Pastor Derwin explains how we can live as unifiers.
A key defining trait of “who we are” is Integrity. Pastor Derwin explains integrity shapes our desire to honor God with our thoughts, words, and actions – no matter how difficult.
As teammates we care for each other. Our series “who we are” continues with teamwork part 2.
We work collaboratively, celebrating the unique gifts that god has given each of us. Our new series “who we are” continues with teamwork.
Our new series, “who we are” kicks off with humility. In a world that that views constructive criticism as hate, we as Christ-followers should coachable, open to change, and willing to learn.
In the first message of our 'God I Have Questions' series, guest speaker Pastor Naeem Fazal, a former Muslim himself, teaches how to treat and reach Muslims.
It's important for Hope Dealers to always wear God's uniform. In the last message of our Hope Dealers series, Pastor Derwin illustrates what it means to, by faith, put on the armor of God.
How we can take steps to forgive when forgiving is so hard? In part two of the "Our Hope is in His Forgiveness" message, Pastor Paul teaches on the skill of forgiveness.
In part one of the "Our Hope is in His Forgiveness" message, Pastor Derwin teaches on the will of forgiveness and illustrates the beauty of the hope in forgiveness.
Hope Dealers find their hope in the bread of life, Jesus. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches what it means to let the bread of life be your life and meet all of your needs.
The Church has a central role to play in the area of mental health. As part of our Mental Health Awareness weekend, Pastor Derwin interviews influential psychiatrist, neuroscientist, and brain-imaging specialist, Dr. Daniel Amen, on factors that impact our mental wellness.
All of life is worship. In "Hope Dealers Worship," Pastor Paul teaches how being a living sacrifice transforms our identity, life perspective, and local church.
Our hope is found in embracing and longing for the blessed hope Himself. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches what it means to keep God's name holy and become Hope Dealers.
We become Hope Dealers by embracing our adoption. In this message from Pastor Derwin, you'll learn how our identity as God's sons and daughters shapes our lives.
A Hope Dealer is a child of God who hopes in God and helps others hope in God so His kingdom will be revealed on earth. Watch the first message in our Hope Dealers series as Pastor Derwin teaches how to be a Hope Dealer in your day-to-day life.
The resurrection of Jesus means that love won. In our Easter message, "It's Time For You to Rise Up," Pastor Derwin teaches what it means for us to walk out of the tomb with Jesus and live from His life.
God's greatest goal is for all of us, married or single, to live a godly life. In "Time to Resurrect Your Singleness," Pastor Derwin shares a new way of seeing singleness and living out your purpose as a Christ-follower.
God is passionate about resurrecting dead areas of our lives-- including our relationships and marriages. Whether you're single or married, "Time to Resurrect Your Marriage" will encourage you as guest speakers Justin and Trisha Davis teach the value of truth in relationships and share their own resurrection story.
The enemy loves to attack our self-worth because we image forth the glory of God. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches where our self-worth is found and shares ways to personally affirm our worth in Christ.
Embodying the Kingdom of God makes us salt and light, which in turn glorifies our Father in Heaven. In this message, guest speaker Clayton King teaches how Jesus can use our brokenness to shine the light of the Gospel.
If you allow the Holy Spirit to form you into a Kingdom of God person, you will experience persecution. In "Happy Are Those Persecuted for Righteousness," Pastor Derwin teaches how to handle persecution in your life and breaks down Jesus' characteristics of "happy" people.
The Church exists to be peacemakers because we know the Peacemaker Himself. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches how to make peace define your life and guest Chief Putney of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department shares his story.
Happy 6th birthday, Transformation Church! We're continuing our Finding Happiness series with a message that celebrates the epic accomplishments of God through us in 2015 and what's in store for the future.
If you want to be happy, be merciful. In this message from Pastor Derwin, you'll learn Jesus' merciful ways and how mercy looks in your daily life.
Jesus says that our happiness is discovered in hungering and thirsting for righteousness. In "Happy Are The Hungry and Thirsty," Pastor Derwin teaches how we can glorify God by embodying His righteousness.
We've all experienced pain caused by our own sin, someone else's sin, or a loss. Jesus says that to be happy, you must learn to mourn. In "Happy Are Those Who Mourn" Pastor Derwin teaches 5 steps of mourning that bring us closer to the God of all comfort.
We all want to be happy, but lasting happiness seems hard to find. In this message, Pastor Derwin teaches how we should define true happiness by not looking for it in the world.
God the Father is looking for you with love and compassion in His heart. Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series with "Extreme Compassion."
We all need mercy, and God extends extreme mercy to us. Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series.
When you receive Jesus' extreme love, you desire to love people with His extreme love. Join us as Pastor Derwin starts our new series with, "Extreme Love."
How do you go on when your dream dies? Join us as we continue our series and learn to pursue God's dream for our lives.
Stress and anxiety will keep us from fulfilling the mission of Jesus. Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series with, "Learning How To De-Stress Your Life."
There are many things that shape our hearts and minds. Join us as we continue our series and learn to serve God faithfully in exile.
Out of your misery, God will birth your ministry. Join us as we continue our series with, "Ministry is Messy."
How do you love when it hurts so bad? Join Pastor Derwin as he continues our series with, "Love is Messy."
Live from the deepest core of who God intended you to be as His beloved child. Join us as we continue our series with, "Finding Your Identity is Messy."
Jesus never said follow your dreams, He said follow me. And when we follow Jesus He invites us into His dream! Join us as we continue our series with, "Finding Your Calling is Messy."
How do you trust God in messy circumstances? Join us as we continue our series with, "Trusting God is Messy."
Relationships are messy, but we're called to move towards our relationships in love. Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series with, "Reconciliation is Messy."
The Gospel & Finances
We all need second chances. God wants to take your story and the not-so-perfect parts of your life and give them meaning and purpose. Join us as Mike Foster, founder of People of the Second Chance, continues our series.
Did you know 1 in 5 people struggle with mental health issues? Join us as Kay Warren kicks off our new series with, "The Gospel and Mental Health."
Are you serving in the body of Christ and using your gifts for others? Join us as we continue our series, "Together With One Voice."
Salvation is journey of faith and it's available to everyone. Join us as we continue our series with, "We Are Saved."
You get to join Jesus on His mission, to be a "Good News" person - praying, caring and sharing His Good News with others. Join us as we continue our series with, "We Are Good News People."
Through baptism, we've been joined to Jesus in His death, and we've been raised to new life through the power of the Father. Join us as we continue our series and celebrate our resurrected King.
In Christ we are a recipient of the free gift. Have you received it? Join us as we continue our series, "Together with One Voice."
God shows His great love for us by calling us His friends! Join us as we continue our series, Together with One Voice.
Join us as we continue our series and learn to rely on God's presence, power, and provision as we go through difficult seasons of life.
The very thing that you thought was sent to destroy you, God uses to make you into the person He wants you to be that brings hope to you and to those around you. Join us as we continue our series!
What's the difference between happiness and joy? Join us as we continue our series and choose to be a people of joy.
We are righteous, redeemed, and forgiven in Christ! Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series, "Together with One Voice."
Have you been searching for the perfect love story? This Valentines Day let's accept Jesus' marriage proposal and live as His bride.
God has been so faithful. Join us as we celebrate our 5 year anniversary!
Join us as we continue our series, Together with One Voice, and learn what breaks down ethnicity, class, and gender barriers.
Jesus calls us to preach the gospel to one another and to lost people. Join us this weekend as Pastor Derwin continues the series with Romans 1:8-15.
We belong to Jesus.
May God help us to live in harmony with each other, praising and glorifying Him! Join us as we kick off our new series based on the book of Romans: Together With One Voice.
This Christmas let Jesus be your Savior and LIFE! Join Pastor Derwin as we conclude our sermon series with, "VANTAGE POINT: Mary and Joseph."
This Christmas remember that Jesus is the Lamb of God and our Shepherd. Join us as Pastor Derwin continues our series!
See Christmas from the perspective of the Prophet Isaiah and Jesus as we continue our series, "VANTAGE POINT."
See this Christmas like never before! Join us as we begin our new series, "VANTAGE POINT."
It's our first weekend in the new TC 521 facility and we're ready to celebrate all that God has done. Join Pastor Derwin as we conclude our series with, "REBUILD: Dedication and Celebration."
We're celebrating because God has been faithful to us and He's rebuilding His Kingdom and our lives. Join us as we continues the series with, "REBUILD: And They Worshipped."
Pastor Derwin Gray
BECAUSE people matter to God, they matter to us! Join us as we learn that giving is an act of worship and continue the series with, "REBUILD: They Gave to the Work."
As we, by faith begin to use our gifts to build God's Church, we rebuild God's Kingdom and our lives. Join us this weekend as we continue our series, REBUILD, with "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!"
Let God's vision become your vision! Join us this weekend as Pastor Derwin continues our series with, "REBUILD: Seeking the Welfare of the People."
Have you ever been so in love that you've risked it all? Join us this weekend as we continue our series, REBUILD, with "It's Not About Me; It's About "We" - For His Glory!
The life you want is actually interwoven into God's glory! Join us this weekend as Pastor Derwin kicks off our new series with, "REBUILD: Captured by the Glory of God."
How do we heal from addiction in a world that is out of control? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the series.
How do we overcome out of control self esteem? Join Pastor Derwin as we finish our series Out of Control.
How to live without fear in a world that is out of control. Join Pastor Paul Allen as we continue our series and learn about "Fear" according to scripture.
How Do You Parent in an Out of Control World?
Join us this weekend as we continue our series with, "Out of Control: Finances," and learn to tap into the riches of Jesus' grace and create a budget for His glory!
How do you avoid worry, when the world is out of control? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue our series and learn from Philippians 4:4-20.
We're concluding "Big Questions/Big Answers" this weekend as Dr. Nabeel Qureshi shares his story of seeking Allah and finding Jesus
Join us this weekend as we continue our series "Big Questions/Big Answers," as guest speaker Sean McDowell shatters the myths of evolution.
Join us this weekend as Pastor Derwin continues our series, "Big Questions/Big Answers," and shares why we can trust the Bible.
Do you trust God with an irrational confidence? Join us this weekend as we continue, "Big Questions/Big Answers," as guest speaker Naeem Fazal shares his story.
Join Pastor Dan Kimball as we continue, "Big Questions/Big Answers," and learn how to tackle passages in the Bible that seem "crazy."
"From prisoner to professor!" Join us this weekend, as Dr. Christopher Yuan along with his parents kick off our new series, "Big Questions/Big Answers," and share God's story in and through their lives.
The Church rises or falls on the shoulders of her leadership. Join Pastor Derwin as we learn from 1 Timothy 3:1-7, and continue our series, "The Church is Led by Qualified Leadership."
God's Upward, Inward, Outward love changes everything. Join us this weekend as we continue our series with "The Church is the Safest Place on Earth."
How do we reach the lost and hurting with God's love and grace? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the series with, "The Church is a Missionary People."
As God's Royal Priests, we have the sacred task of bringing others to Jesus through Christ's power. Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the series, "The Church is God's Royal Priests."
Jesus is passionate about Baptism because it's a response to the Gospel! Join Pastor Derwin this weekend as we continue the series with, "The Church is a Baptized People."
Jesus expresses His life and ministry through us, the Church. What does the Church look like today? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue this series with, "The Church is the Body of Christ."
God made His people into His Holy Temple so we can worship Him. Join Pastor Derwin as we continue this series with, "The Church is God's Temple".
Join Guest Speaker, Pastor Pete Hise, as we learn about God's love for us.
The Church is called the "Bride of Christ". This identity points to the Gospel-reality of the intimacy that God the Papa longs to have with Hisbeloved people. Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the series with, "The Church is the Bride of Christ."
Have you ever wondered what the Church is? We all have a deep longing to belong and be welcomed into a cause that's greater than us. Join Pastor Derwin as we kick off this new series with, 'The Church Is A People of My Own Possession".
Pray Strong: Receive the Papa's Forgiveness
Through our lives (The Church), Jesus wants to teach our bitter, unforgiving planet, how to forgive. Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the PRAYSTRONG series with, "Receive the Papa's Forgiveness."
Join Pastor Derwin as we celebrate Easter and conclude the PRAYSTRONG series with, "Receive the Papa's Resurrection Power."
Jesus is the Bread of Life and will provide for all of our needs. Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the PRAYSTRONG series with, "Receive the Papa's Bread."
Let the King of the Kingdom live through you! Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the PRAYSTRONG series with, "Receive the Kingdom."
Receive God the Papa's offer of adoption and live! Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the PRAYSTRONG series.
The Lord’s Prayer reminds us that we're God’s adopted children! Join Pastor Paul as we continue the PRAYSTRONG series with Matthew 6:7-13.
Prayer is powerful. Jesus wants the power of Heaven unleashed on earth through His people as they pray. Join Pastor Derwin as we begin this new series, PRAYSTRONG.
We learn that the human heart has a fundamental problem;it’s an idol factory. Learn to sabotage-proof your life! Join Pastor Derwin as he concludes the "Sabotaged" series.
Jesus wants to GIVE you a new past, His! Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the series, "Sabotaged by Our Past."
Embrace your role in God's eternal purpose. Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the series, "Sabotaged by Success."
Join us this weekend as we celebrate God's faithfulness throughout TC's fourth year! We truly serve a LIMITLESS God!
Materialism and debt are the antithesis to generosity. Join Pastor Paul as he continues our series with "Sabotaged by Poor Financial Stewardship" and learn to live a generous life!
Wondering if you're being sabotaged by greed? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the SABOTAGED series with Luke 19:1-10.
What traditional family values are important to you? Join Pastor Derwin as he continues our series with "Sabotaged by Traditional Family Values."
Our culture teaches us to idolize sex and romance. Join Pastor Derwin as he continues our series with "Sabotaged by Erotic Love" and learn to embrace receiving joy from Jesus.
God wants us to have an eptastic life! That’s a life that is both epic and fantastic! But the enemy wants to sabotage our lives. Join Pastor Derwin as he begins this new series, Sabotaged.
God’s Vision moves us from just existing to abundant living. Join Pastor Paul Allen as he teaches about living a life of vision, from Proverbs 29:18!
This Christmas, remember that the Great I AM sets you free! Join Pastor Derwin as he concludes the "I AM" series with John 8:58-59.
Sermon video and audio coming soon!
Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life. Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the I AM series and unpacks this famous statement!
Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Join Pastor Derwin for this powerful message as we continue the I AM series.
Jesus calls us out of death, darkness, and defeat. Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the I AM series with, "I AM the Resurrection."
Jesus alone is the Door that leads to God the Father. Join Pastor Paul as he continues the I AM series with, "I AM the Door."
Jesus is our Light and Life! Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the series, "I AM:What You Need – The Light of the World."
Join Pastor Derwin as we begin the new series, "I AM: What You Need - The Bread of Life" and hear some EXCITING updates to the BECAUSE Building Campaign!
Join us for the last weekend of the Inspire series, as Pastor Tommy "Urban D." Kyllonen shares his powerful testimony!
Has your life been transformed? Join us as we continue the INSPIRE series as Dr. Celestin Musekura, from Rwanda, shares his powerful story of forgiveness and transformation through God's grace!
You were created in the image of God and He dwells among His people. Join guest speaker, Jeff Bethke, as we continue, "INSPIRE: Stories That Point to the Source of Inspiration."
Have you allowed Jesus to use your story to inspire others to join Him in His story? Join guest speaker, Clayton King, as we begin the new series, "INSPIRE: Stories That Point to the Source of Inspiration."
It gives God great pleasure to adopt you into His family, according to Ephesians 1:5. Join Pastor Derwin as he concludes the Limitless Life series with, "Adopted Child of God: The Fulfillment of a Limitless Life".
Are you wearing the label "Worker" instead of "Worshiper"? Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the Limitless Life series, "Vision: A Limitless Life Worships Jesus Through Work" and learn how to worship Jesus through your work!
God wants to stitch the label "Gracist" into your heart. Join Pastor Derwin as he continues the Limitless Life series with "Gracism: The Revealing of a Limitless Life."
God can turn your mess into a masterpiece! Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the Limitless Life series with "Suffering: The Maturing of a Limitless Life."
What is the greatest risk that God teaches us to take? Join Pastor Derwin as we continue the Limitless Life series with "Risk: The Testing of a Limitless Life."
Is your life limited by the labels the world and other people have used to define you? Join Pastor Derwin on a fascinating journey as we begin the Limitless Life series. Learn what can happen when you offer your head, heart, and hands to the One who can truly offer you a limitless life.
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