Hur är det att varje dag träna tillsammans med sitt syskon? Vilka är för- och nackdelarna med att coachas av sin pappa och vad skall vi vara oroligast för under Emils OS-lopp?
Missa inte Holmarnas resa mot OS!
Anne och Emil in 33:04
Anne and Emil Holm are the Danish sibling pair who share a passion for triathlon, supporting each other through both training and competitions, through successes and setbacks. This year, Emil has qualified for the Olympics – and, of course, the whole family is coming along.
What is it like to train every day with your sibling? What are the pros and cons of being coached by your father, and what should we be most concerned about during Emil’s Olympic race?
Don't miss the Holms' journey to the Olympics!
Anne and Emil in 33:04