A podcast about how we plan and design cities for people. Tune in and join listeners from 140 countries.
I am Mustafa Sherif, an Urbanist and Studio Manager based in Sweden. In this podcast, I talk to people working in urban planning and design about projects, processes, methods, handbooks, challenges, leadership, and their passions in life. It’s not only about the projects but also about the people behind them.
In collaboration with AFRY (Urban Planning and Design Section in Stockholm)
The podcast Urbanistica Podcast – Cities for People is created by Mustafa Sherif. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
I detta avsnitt gästas jag av Krista Nikula, Operativ samordnare för Samverkan i Huddinge. Tillsammans dyker vi in i det BID-inspirerade arbetet som syftar till att stärka Huddinge genom samverkan mellan fastighetsägare, kommun, näringsliv och andra aktörer.
Vad är ett BID?
BID, Business Improvement District, är ett sätt att organisera och formalisera samverkan och partnerskap mellan olika fastighetsägare och offentliga aktörer. Modellen används för att skapa tryggare, mer attraktiva och levande områden.
Vi delar samtalet i tre delar:
Del 1: Om Samverkan i Huddinge och dess uppdrag. Vi pratar om områdena som täcks, aktiviteterna som genomförs och framtidens möjligheter för BID i Sverige.
Del 2: En personlig inblick i Kristas liv, passion och karriärresa. Vad driver henne, och vilka lärdomar har format hennes framgång?
Del 3: Avslutande reflektioner och medskick till studenter, lyssnare och framtida generationer.
Vill du veta mer om BID-inspirerad samverkan? Läs mer här:
Detta avsnitt är perfekt för dig som är intresserad av hållbar stadsutveckling, samverkan och framtidens utmaningar inom BID-arbete. Välkommen att lyssna!
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
I det här fortsatta samtalet med Emilia Poole Jönsson, ordförande för Sveriges Arkitekter Studenterna vid LTH, samt Andréa Caceres Ramirez och Axel Larsen från KTH, dyker vi djupare in i studenternas perspektiv på arkitekturutbildning och karriärmöjligheter i branschen.
Vi diskuterar frågor som:
Vad är nästa steg för er studenter? Vad uppskattar ni mest med arkitekturutbildningen på KTH? Vad skulle ni vilja se mer av i utbildningen?
Vi reflekterar också kring branschens framtid, inklusive den aktuella arbetslösheten på cirka 10%, och våra gäster delar sina tankar om hur studenter och yrkesverksamma kan navigera dessa utmaningar. Avslutningsvis får de ge ett inspirerande medskick till både studenter och branschkollegor som lyssnar.
Lyssna på avsnitt nummer 497 om du har missat mitt första samtal med studenterna. 497. SWE idéutlysningen Stadsbyggnad Genom Samarbete, samtal med vinnare
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
I detta avsnitt intervjuar Mustafa Emilia Poole Jönsson, ordförande för Sveriges Arkitekter Studenterna vid LTH, samt vinnarna av idéutlysningen "Stadsbyggnad Genom Samarbete" – Andréa Caceres Ramirez och Axel Larsen från KTH.
Vi pratar om idéutlysningen som hösten 2024 bjöd in arkitektur- och stadsbyggnadsintresserade studenter att ta fram nytänkande förslag för utvecklingen av stadsdelen Tensta i Stockholm. Initiativet, arrangerat av Sveriges Arkitekter Studenterna i samarbete med Arwidssonstiftelsen, resulterade i 16 inspirerande förslag. Vi djupdyker i det vinnande bidraget Kvinnonavet – Hjärtat i Bärkingeplan och diskuterar visionerna bakom en mer hållbar stadsutveckling.
Läs mer om tävlingen och bidraget här
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
I detta avsnitt av vår podd samtalar vi med Karin Ahlzén, projektchef för Fokus Järva inom Stockholms stad.
Fokus Järva är en omfattande satsning på stadsutveckling i Järvaområdet, med målet att skapa en socialt och ekologiskt hållbar stadsdel genom nya bostäder, förbättrad utemiljö och stärkt kommunal service.
Under intervjun pratade vi om bakgrund och mission, samt vilka specifika områden och aktiviteter som prioriteras. Vi får insikt i hur Stockholms stad samarbetar med lokala aktörer och inkluderar medborgare i utvecklingsprocessen. Karin delar också med sig av lärdomar från tidigare projekt, såsom Fokus Skärholmen, och hur dessa erfarenheter tillämpas i Järva.
I den personliga delen av samtalet berättar Karin om sina utmaningar och favoritmoment som projektchef, samt vilka ledarskapskvaliteter hon värdesätter hos samarbetspartners. Hon delar även sina visioner för projektet och vad som står på agendan för 2025.
Avslutningsvis ger Karin råd och medskick till lokala aktörer, boende i området och branschkollegor, med syftet att inspirera till engagemang och samarbete för Järvas framtida utveckling.
För mer information om Fokus Järva och dess satsningar, besök Stockholms stads officiella webbplats.
Läs rapporten återblick på skillnadernas i Stockholm
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
How can urban planners address climate change while creating cities that thrive socially, economically, and environmentally? In this episode of About Buildings and Cities, we talk to Cléa Daridan, Head of Arts and Culture at Community Jameel, about integrating climate actions into urban planning. Cléa shares insights into the challenges and opportunities of embedding sustainable strategies into long-term planning processes, the immediate and long-term impacts of these actions, and the critical mistakes cities should avoid.
We also explore how Community Jameel is driving innovative projects at the intersection of arts, culture, research, and policy to support communities worldwide. Cléa discusses the highlights and hurdles of her role, offers examples of impactful initiatives, and gives us a glimpse of what’s on her agenda for 2025. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on the future of cities and climate action!
Links :
Jameel C40 Urban Planning Climate Labs
Climate Action Guide for Urban Planners Launch
Climate Action Guide for Urban Planners
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Lina Dahlander (General Manager Bolt Rides, Sweden)
In this episode, we explore the story behind Bolt, a global leader in shared mobility with a presence in over 600 cities across 50 countries. Founded to revolutionize urban transportation, Bolt offers a range of services such as ride-hailing, micromobility, car sharing, food delivery, and more. We’ll discuss the concept and rise of shared mobility, its benefits for cities, and its social impact.
Join us as we dive into Bolt’s journey: how it started, the challenges it faces, its focus areas for expansion, and how cities can be designed to embrace shared mobility. We also explore the role of technology in driving this sector forward and what the future holds for shared urban transport solutions and for car-free cities.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
في هذه الحلقة الخاصة من البودكاست، نتحدث مع منى جابر، طالبة هندسة معمارية شجاعة ومتميزة، عن تطبيقها العملي في مشروع الراحلة زها حديد في مبنى البنك المركزي العراقي.
حلقة ملهمة تسلط الضوء على الشجاعة، الطموح، ودور العائلة في دعم الأحلام. استمعوا لتجربة منى لتتعرفوا على قيمة مواجهة التحديات وتحويلها إلى فرص نجاح.
أبرز المحاور:
🌍 البداية:
تعرفنا على منى، خلفيتها الدراسية، وتجربتها بين طلاب من دول وثقافات متنوعة في مجال الهندسة المعمارية.
🛠️ تجربة التطبيق العملي في العراق:
لماذا اختارت منى العراق للتطبيق العملي بدلاً من الخارج؟كيف تمكنت من التغلب على التحديات وتغيير الصورة النمطية عن العمل في بلد يواجه صعوبات؟تفاصيل التجربة: الإنجازات، التحديات، وأجمل اللحظات.
✈️ العودة إلى قبرص:
كيف تعاملت الجامعة وزملاؤها مع تجربتها؟الانطباعات، والدروس المستفادة من العمل في بيئة مغايرة.
🌟 النظرة المستقبلية:
مشاريع منى القادمة وطموحاتها بعد التخرج.رسائلها للطلاب في الداخل والخارج، وللشركات الهندسية لدعم مواهب الشباب.
🎧 استمعوا الآن!
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Rosa Danenberg (PhD, Stadsplanerare, Stockholm, Sverige)
Vilken roll spelar bottenvåningar och hur kan planering, design och förvaltning främja skapandet av anpassningsbara och resilienta huvudgator?
Rosa pratar om sin doktorsavhandling "Main streets as resilient public spaces: Zooming in on ground floors in Stockholm". Avhandlingen försvarades vid KTH i fjol, vid avdelningen för urbana och regionala studier.
I avhandlingen redovisas resultatet av en djupgående social och rumslig socio-spatial analys av hur bottenvåningar på huvudgator i Stockholm förändrats mellan 2009 och 2018 och deras anpassningsbarhet och resiliens, i syfte att förstå hur planering, design och förvaltning kan stödja huvudgatornas fortsatta existens i framtiden.
Läs mer om Rosas forskning https://www.studiodanenberg.com/publications
Mer om Rosa https://www.kth.se/en/som/nyheter/congratulations-rosa-danenberg-1.1303252
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Helena Godotter Karlberg (Expert inom platsinnovation, Professionell föreläsare och moderator med journalistbakgrund inom press, radio och TV I Topp 100 - Sveriges populäraste föreläsare och moderatorer 2024) Platsinnovation är ett begrepp och koncept för designdriven helhetsutveckling av attraktiva samhällen, besöksmål, regioner och andra sorters platser.
Platsinnovation väver samman de komponenter, processer och intressenter som är centrala för att en plats ska upplevas som attraktiv, med avstamp i platsens specifika identitet. Identiteten bygger på platsens historia, geografi, natur, kultur m.m. Platsinnovation skapar synergier mellan tre centrala komponenter på en plats: dess fysiska gestaltning, dess innehåll av kommersiella, offentliga och ideella tjänster och aktiviteter, samt dess marknadsföring. De utvecklingsområden som kopplas ihop är exempelvis stadsplanering, centrumutveckling, destinationsdesign, företagsetableringar och kultur/fritid. För att åstadkomma detta länkar platsinnovation ihop intressenter och processer i olika samhällssektorer (privat, offentlig, ideell sektor), i olika branscher (handel, kultur, turism, industri m.fl.) och inom olika målgrupper (befintliga och potentiella invånare, besökare, företagare och investerare).
Läs mer på
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Aytan Huseynli , an architect with over 13 years of experience in Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Sweden, has built a career marked by excellence and perseverance. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, supported by the prestigious Azerbaijan Government Education Grant, a Master's degree in Architecture from Izmir Institute of Technology in Turkey, funded by the Turkish Government Scholarship, and a Master's degree in Design and Construction Project Management from Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, where she was awarded the SI -Swedish Institute Scholarship for Future Professionals.
Her professional journey includes notable Swedish roles at NCC and Göteborgs Stad, alongside working on complex architectural and construction projects. Aytan is also the founder of Architecture Insights, a WordPress blog where she shares interviews, industry perspectives, and reflections on urban design and sustainability.
Driven by her mission as a woman in architecture, Aytan is committed to continuous growth, pushing boundaries in her career, and contributing to a better, more inclusive world through her work. She is looking forward to expanding her professional network, collaborating on innovative projects, and continuing to make meaningful contributions to the architectural and construction industry.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
في هذه الحلقة، نستكشف مفهوم "إشراك المجتمعات" في عملية تطوير المدن، ودوره في بناء مدن أكثر عدلاً واستدامة. سنناقش أبرز الآليات التي يمكن استخدامها لإشراك المجتمعات المحلية في اتخاذ القرارات المتعلقة بالتخطيط الحضري، وكيف تختلف هذه الأدوات بناءً على طبيعة وحجم المجتمع.
نتعمق في التحديات التي تواجه إشراك المجتمعات في العالم العربي، مع تسليط الضوء على الواقع في سوريا. كما نتحدث عن أهمية تعزيز الوعي لدى الأفراد حول هذا النهج ودور مخططي المدن والمتخصصين في تصميم أدوات فعالة لتحقيق مشاركة حقيقية.
سنجيب عن أسئلة مثيرة مثل: هل يمكن لإشراك المجتمع أن يقدم حلولاً أفضل لتحديات المدن مقارنة بخبرة المهندسين والدولة؟ وما القيمة المضافة التي يقدمها هذا الإشراك؟
وأخيراً، نتناول أمثلة ملهمة من مشاريع محلية وعالمية ناجحة، ونتساءل: هل يكفي إشراك المجتمعات وحده لإحداث التغيير المطلوب؟ أم أن هناك عوامل أخرى يجب أن تتكامل لتحقيق النجاح؟
انضموا إلينا في هذه الحلقة لاستكشاف أهمية إشراك المجتمعات في رسم مستقبل المدن العربية.
Massa Al Moselly is an architect and urbanist with a deep passion for fostering inclusive and sustainable communities. Driven by a belief in the power of placemaking to create positive social change, Massa is committed to leveraging her skills to build more just, equitable, and resilient cities.
Her journey has been marked by a commitment to both technical expertise and social impact. She holds a degree in Architecture from Damascus University and is currently pursuing a Master's in Building Information Modelling and Management from the Syrian Virtual University. Beyond her academic pursuits, Massa has immersed herself in workshops on placemaking for peacemaking and social spatial justice, underlining her belief in the transformative potential of design for positive societal change.
Links to Massa social media:
Sara C. Bronin is a Mexican-American architect, attorney, Cornell University professor, and policymaker whose interdisciplinary work focuses on how law and policy can foster more equitable, sustainable, well-designed, and connected places. She is the author of Key to the City: How Zoning Shapes Our World, and she founded and directs the National Zoning Atlas, which aims to digitize, demystify, and democratize information about zoning in the United States.
Read moer and order the book here
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Fabrice Mary (Tennies coach, VD och Grundare till Dome Sweden)
Vi pratar om projetket The Dome Sweden, en arena för framtidens idrott och kultur.
Idrottssektorn och alla som hör talas om projektet inser att det kan ge ett stort bidrag till socialt välbefinnande genom både personlig utveckling och utveckling av lokala samhällen. Sport och sociokulturella evenemang skapar en rad positiva sociala effekter.
Ta kontakt med Fabrice
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
About the initiative: Celebrate Your Local Jane Jacobs, a campaign dedicated to acknowledge and honour women who have made substantial hands-on contributions to their communities. In a world where the recognition of women’s achievements is often limited, we believe that those who have devoted themselves to civic engagement, participatory planning, enhancing their communities and constructing better towns for future generations deserve appreciation. We see their influence as not only inspiring but also capable of extending to other communities.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
We are excited to have @charles_landry Landry back at Placemaking Week Europe! Known for introducing the Creative City concept in the late 1980s, Charles has been a key figure in urban transformation. His work focuses on how cities can foster creativity to address challenges and unlock potential. This idea has since evolved into a global movement, revolutionizing how Cities view their potential and resources. He’s also the mind behind the Creative Bureaucracy movement, highlighting the role of public servants as drivers of change.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Laska Nenova (General manager BG Be Active Association/Placemaking Europe board member)
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 3 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 2 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Episode 1 of 3, in collaboration with Podcasts Urban Acupuncture.
About Podcasts Urban Acupuncture:
Acupuncture works with energy flows (Qì), and is mainly about distributing energy and restoring connections in the flow of energy in someone. By placing small needles or vacuum bulbs in specific places on the body, a person regains balance.
Urban acupuncture essentially works the same. Through targeted interventions in certain places by residents, entrepreneurs, developers, government, or anyone else, connections in cities and towns are strengthened and the energy starts flowing again. Not only at the location itself but also in the energy channel of which that location is part. This intervention has an impact on the environment! Part of the city is brought back into balance! This is often a physical-spatial intervention by investors (bricks/stone or public space), but it can also be periodically recurring events such as a festival, markets, etc.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Tayana Panova, PhD, is a psychologist and researcher turned urbanist. She previously worked at Strong Towns and is now contributing thought leadership at the Social Life Project, collaborating with Placemaking pioneers Fred Kent and Kathy Madden. Tayana advocates for better urbanism and healthier places through her TikTok account, @dr.tpanova, and is currently writing a book on the importance of the built environment for health and well-being.
Follow her on:
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Rosanna Vitiello (Bureau Chief + Founding Director, The Place Bureau, London, England, United Kingdom)
Links to Collective Place Futures
Short about Rosanna's workshop during Placemaking Week Europe in Rotterdam:
Waterfront Worldbuilding: Creative Foresight to tackle Critical Coastal Challenges
The future of our waterfronts and coastal regions will determine the future of our world. Flooding and sea-level rises will impact billions around the world. Drawing tools from the world of speculative design and filmmaking, a cohort of 20 placemakers from around the world joined us to gaze out across the water, imagining a world on the shores of a distant future where the waterfront shapes new ways to experience nature and culture in the city. Using a playful ‘dispatches from the future’ worldbuilding method tackle critical challenges facing waterfront regions, we introduced placemakers to the value of building long term futures-thinking into their process, providing tools to become more critical, confident, and imaginative.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Marcello Cabezas (Placemaker/Experience Architect, The Fifth Group, Canada)
During Placemaking week Marcello presented cases from Canada. Short BIO about his presentation: This was a 30-minute presentation that highlighted exciting, award-winning lifestyle placemaking projects and destinations that have changed the game in Canada. They successfully achieved community engagement and business development goals simultaneously. The key insight was that there is a massive human desire for multiple experiences in one place. The examples highlighted delivered thoughtful and exciting amenities, programming, and experiences in all aspects of lifestyle, including food & beverage, art, culture, festivals, play, shopping, making, sports, learning, discovering, and watching. These projects inspired longer and repeat visits by guests, leading to historic commercial growth. The goal was to inspire attendees of the presentation to take away key learnings to apply to their current and future projects.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Betty Chemier - ReURBE – Panamá - https://www.reurbe.org/ @reurbe_
Milagros Hurtig - Urbanismo Vivo – Argentina www.urbanismovivo.com.ar @urbanismo_vivo @milihurtg
Ma. Elena Rodríguez - PLURAL / Asilvestrar – Ecuador www.ciudadesmasverdes.com
Adriana Sansão Fontes - LabIT-PROURB – Brasil
About their panel in the placemaking week:
The panel will present different perspectives on the actions of the Placemaking Latin America Network, established in 2017, which brings together more than 300 professionals, activists, and academics, and has already held 6 international meetings.
The panel focuses on the views of different stakeholders regarding the possibilities of small-scale transformation of the Latin American reality, a continent marked by enormous social contrasts where citizen urbanism is a powerful tool for altering the status quo. In this context, the particularities of placemaking in Latin America are highlighted in relation to the Global North. Citizen urbanism will be discussed by different voices - academia, civil society organizations, government, international organizations - from different countries - Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Ecuador, Panama - a plurality of contexts that, however, reveal common challenges and weaknesses.
Challenged by great inequalities and scarce resources, citizen urbanism emerges as a tool for local transformation, within the reach of the communities themselves. A small-scale action, carried out in collaboration with citizens in less favored contexts, has the potential to go far beyond "space activation”.
From the South, we come to open the conversation about the political potential of citizen urbanism, exploring from different cases what is the capacity for social, environmental, economic, and cultural transformation.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Nina Eschenröder (Hospitality Professional ) Nina is an accomplished hotelier with 15 years of experience in hotel management in international hotel chains. She holds degrees from the Hotel Management School Maastricht and Cornell University School of Hotel Administration, bringing a strong expertise in business development. Her work is centered on rethinking, redefining, and managing spaces within the hospitality industry, with a focus on addressing emerging needs, fostering social interaction, and facilitating dialogue among diverse stakeholders. She advocates for cross-industry exchange, which is essential for the future of the hotel industry in a rapidly evolving landscape.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Dr. Thieu Besselink, PhD, Founder of the Academy of Place and the Townmaking Institute, ass. prof. at Utrecht University
Thieu Besselink is an urbanist, philosopher and educator. He learned to love the complexities of place during his research with prof. Richard Sennett at the LSE Cities Program and went on to establish two organisations that aim to learn from and develop places as living wholes. The Academy of Place initiates regenerative development processes at landscape scale, and the Townmaking Institute is an R&D institute for urban commons and Societal Asset Development. As an educator Thieu leads the Regenerative Cities Program at Utrecht University where he developed place-based pedagogies to learn and develop with place.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Jia-Ping is the founding Chairperson of PLACEMAKING Malaysia, under the auspices of the Malaysian Institute of Planners and a member of the Board of Advisors for PlacemakingX. With her current role as co-chair at PLACEMAKING Malaysia and her position as a director of POLLIN8, a place consultancy, she actively shapes, drives, and grows the placemaking movement in Malaysia and the region.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Julia Barashkov(a) (PhD Candidate at Delft University of Technology) and Mihal Ronko (Practising architect at Schaffer Architects)
About their workshop during Placemaking week:
Our workshop, “Common Ground: Game Plans for Neighbourhood Co-Creation,” brought together an incredible group of urbanists, designers, researchers, and community leaders and focused on self-coordinated formations of stakeholder consortiums and decentralised governance of shared resources through a hands-on role-playing game.
Our workshop was structured as a two-phase interactive role-playing game where participants assumed different roles within urban ecosystems. The task was to collaboratively define a project space, negotiate value and costs, and arrive at shared solutions for multi-use common. Throughout the process, participants tackled real-world challenges, such as shared resources and balancing competing priorities.
Our joint work is: The Common Catalogue
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Tímea Szőke (PhD Fellow at UIC Barcelona) and Elena Enrica Giunta (Design director at Studio Shift; Adjunct professor at School of Design - Politecnico di Milano and Libera Università di Bolzano)
BIO about their workshop:
City Flows - Discovering the City with our Senses. This participatory walkshop is designed to explore the connection between the city and the water. Through walking, observing and engaging with other placemakers, we look and map the presence and traces how water forms part of the city.
The first half of our walkshop, will take the participants to a playground of public space. Through a ‘Walk&Sense’ session we will explore the surrounding environment by using our senses. This experiential exercise will emphasise how we perceive, sense, frame and construct the places we inhabit.
The session will conclude with a joint reflection and analogue data visualisation exercise. This will allow participants to share their experiences and insights, showcasing the traces, marks, and narratives related to water that define our cityscape in the public space itself.
The walkshop will be conducted by the members of the Bosch Alumni Network’s Placemaking Impact Field.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Ko Koens has been involved in sustainable tourism for over twenty years. His work focuses on understanding the impact of urban tourism and designing it in ways that maximize benefits for all. Over the years, he has authored over 30 academic publications and is one of the authors of the UNWTO report on overtourism. Currently, he leads the "Expertise Network Sustainable Urban Tourism." However, he finds the most value in collaborating with practitioners to drive positive change. To this end, he operates "Urban Leisure and Tourism Labs" in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, where they actively engage in Regenerative Placemaking activities to enhance the quality of place for both residents and visitors.
Links from Ko Koens (all open access):
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Josef Conning (Urbanist and strategist, Sweden) and Kristen Zupancic (Founder, Plot Twist Placemaking, Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands)
Kristen and Josef facilitated a session where they promoted the concept of the "1.5-minute place", and in the workshop participants created dynamic and vibrant places based on that concept. Bringing the core principles of the 15-minute city down to a much smaller scale, the basic idea behind the 1.5-minute place is about mixing different functionalities in the same place. When places offer multiple functionalities and facilitate several experiences, they tend to be more relevant to a more diverse group of people, attract people throughout different times of the day, and increase the bandwidth of the emotional connections people form to them.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Koos Fransen (Founder of STR.AAT, Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium) Koos is currently employed as project leader for Projectbureau Ruimte (city of Ghent), specifically working on transdisciplinary, complex spatial projects. He is also the founder of STR.AAT (www.str-aat.be) - an urban think tank on storytelling, public space and co-creation, where he works on the projects (1) 'Straatart' (in collaboration with Alice Martha) - translating children and youngsters' stories in street art, (2) 'Comment ça vaas' - pass-me-on vases, (3) 'Van wie is de straat?' (in collaboration with Laura Zuallaert) - a documentary on urban street life in Ghent, in the past and present, and (4) 'De verhalenkaravaan' - linking (street) stories by children and elderly to construct a collection of immaterial heritage. Past work experience as a PhD in transport modeling and accessibility analysis at UGent, specifically focusing on the relationship between travel behavior, accessibility and spatial planning, and post-doctoral researcher at VUB and UGent. He is now a guest professor in sustainable mobility transitions at the Mobility and Spatial Planning research group at UGent.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Nourhan Bassam Ph.D. (Feminist Urbanist, Ph.D Urban, Design & Placemaking, Founding Director The Gendered City, The Gendered City Author, FEM. DES. Network Creator)
The Book
The NetworkFEM. DES
Nourhan Bassam is a feminist urbanist and architect with a Ph.D. in Urban Design and Placemaking. She is the founder of The Gendered City, an initiative that began as a book and has grown into an organization dedicated to building gender-equal cities through feminist placemaking and active citizen participation. Nourhan also launched FEM.DES., the world's largest feminist design network, bringing together over 350 experts from more than 35 countries to support and advance gender-equitable urban environments.
The Gendered City collaborates with numerous global partners, including UN-Habitat's HERCITY, and primarily focuses on social justice in the built environment through its parent organization, GamingX. As a research professor, Nourhan mentors Master's students in placemaking and feminist spatialities, guiding the next generation of urban thinkers. Her book, The Gendered City explores the challenges women face in urban spaces and has been sold in over 23 countries around the world. Her upcoming book, Feminist Spatialities, will analyze 50 feminist projects in cities, further expanding the conversation on inclusive urban design."
The Gendered City Book How Cities Keep Failing WomenThe Gendered City book aims to illuminate the intricate richness and complexities of urban lives by exploring the experiences of diverse groups, encompassing women, men, and various identities. Through this exploration, we seek to understand the interconnectedness between urban environments and gendered experiences. Employing an intersectional feminist lens to analyze the physical structures of the built environment. Dismantling gender as a rigid category and examining how it influences our interactions and encounters with the world. Gender is not an immutable or homogeneous construct; it intersects with other social categories such as race, class, and sexuality. This intersectionality reveals how these diverse identity dimensions overlap and intersect, resulting in unique experiences of oppression and privilege for individuals.Drawing inspiration from those who have paved the way, we aspire to a world where individuals can thrive irrespective of their gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or background. We envision cities as places of hope, potential, transformation, and innovation.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Naser Hasso (Stadsplanerare & student vid Karlstads Universitet)
Vi pratar om Nasers examensarbete.
Studien undersöker hur lekplatser i urbana miljöer kan anpassas för barn med synnedsättningar. Nedan kan ni ta del av de rekommendationer som studien har kommit fram till. Alla rekommendationer och parametrar är viktiga att ta i beaktning vid planering och utformning av lekplatser i urbana miljöer. Tillgänglighet: Taktila informationstavlor och kartor informerar barn med synnedsättningar om lekplatsens utformning och vilka lekaktiviteter som finns på platsen.
Användarvänlighet: Lättanvänd och informativ resurs.
Inkluderande design: Informationstavlor och kartor som kan användas av barn som förlitar sig på andra sinnen än synen.
Trygghet: Förbättrar rumsuppfattningen för barn med synnedsättningar, vilket minskar risken för skador genom att informera om lekutrustningens placering och användning.
Läs gärna mer här: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1877920&dswid=-1407
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Seunghoon HAN (City DesignerAffiliation : Chaire ETI (Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation) at IAE Paris Sorbonne University)
The "Happy Proximity" concept is an idea in urbanism that emphasizes the benefits of having essential services, amenities, and social interactions within a short distance from where people live. It revolves around designing cities and neighborhoods in ways that enable residents to meet their daily needs—such as work, shopping, recreation, and socializing—without the need for long commutes.
This approach seeks to enhance quality of life by fostering walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods that encourage walking, cycling, and public transport. It aligns with goals of sustainable urban development, creating more livable and socially connected communities, reducing reliance on cars, and promoting environmental sustainability. By focusing on accessibility and convenience, "Happy Proximity" aims to make cities not only functional but also enjoyable and fulfilling for their inhabitants.
It shares similarities with the "15-minute city" concept, where all necessities are accessible within a 15-minute walk or bike ride. However, "Happy Proximity" places more emphasis on the emotional and social well-being that results from being close to places and people that matter.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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Luciana Renner (Fundación Placemaking México Architect, Radio Host, & Music Selector)
Instagram https://instagram.com/lucyrenner/ Lucy is an Architect, radio host, and music selector. She explores the relationship between musical expressions and the urban spaces where they emerge. Her sets are characterized by nostalgic soundscapes and melodies ranging from soul and global groove to folk, downtempo, and ambient.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/
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In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe, 2024, Rotterdam. Read more https://pwe2024.sched.com/ Guest: Andrew Coward (Director/Co-founder of Reactivate Consulting + Sydney District Council Chair of the Urban Land Institute)
Andrew is an urban strategist, placemaker and engagement professional, based in Sydney Australia, working on projects around the Asia Pacific and Europe. He co-founded Reactivate Consulting to bring placemaking strategy into reality and operates at the nexus of strategy, research and implementation and works with government, private and institutional development clients to create vibrant urban spaces and successful places.
Andrew is also the Chair of the ULI’s Sydney District Council, a member of its Asia-Pacific placemaking product council and volunteers for the organization globally. He is also a member of the New South Wales Government’s 24 hour advisory committee.
Some of our projects:
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
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Joanna Messmer (Projektchef, Open House Stockholm) Open House Stockholm syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Open House Stockholm är en del av det globala nätverket Open House Worldwide samt har ett treårigt samarbetsprojekt med Open House Europe.
Läs mer här! https://www.openhousestockholm.com/program
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Book a 30 min podcast session now, email Mustafa on
[email protected]
Urbanistica Podcast, hosted by urbanist Mustafa Sherif, spotlights placemakers by exploring their projects, challenges, and passions. With listeners from 140 countries, the show features special episodes from Placemaking Week in Rotterdam and is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Link to Placemaking week EU program in Rotterdam
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Martynas Germanavičius (International project manager, head of Open House EU, Lithuania)
and Joanna Messmer (Executive officer - Open House Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about Open House EU.
Open House Europe is a cooperation project that connects different Open House festival organisers across Europe and enables their collaboration and knowledge exchange. By encouraging and promoting an interest in architecture among various audiences, Open House Europe helps residents gain new perspectives on their local surroundings. It invites them to envision the shared future of European architecture.
Read more about Open House EU here https://openhouseeurope.org/
Read more about Open House Worldwide https://www.openhouseworldwide.org/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Robin Cox (Cultural explorer and city photographer, based in The Hague, The Netherlands).
We are talking about:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
David Andersson (Arts & Culture Team at Bloomberg Associates, Brooklyn, New York, USA)
ABOUT THE ASPHALT ART INITIATIVE: Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Asphalt Art Initiative responds to the growing number of cities around the world embracing art as an effective and low-cost strategy to improve street safety and create vibrant public spaces. The initiative has supported 90 projects in North America and Europe that have transformed a combined 612,000 square feet of streetscape with artwork while engaging nearly 13,000 residents and volunteers and 370 artists in the design and installation process. More info is available here.
ASPHALT ART INITIATIVE IMPACTS: Data shows that asphalt art projects can lead to clear benefits, including a dramatic reduction in traffic crashes and unsafe driving, revitalized public space, and community engagement. The 2022 Asphalt Art Safety Study found traffic safety to be demonstrably improved across a cohort of 22 asphalt art projects in the U.S. The study results showed a 50% drop in the rate of crashes involving pedestrians or cyclists and a 27% increase in the rate of drivers yielding to pedestrians with the right of way.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Helsingborg City in southern Sweden has transformed into a playful city. Over the past decade, the city has invested in numerous thematic playgrounds. These have encouraged school students, kindergarteners, and adults with their children to explore different parts of the city, breaking out of their usual social and neighborhood "bubbles."
What a smart investment and city development strategy Helsingborgs stad.
I spent my summer vacation in Helsingborg and visited these playgrounds with my niece and nephew. As an urbanist interested in making cities for children and all people, I asked parents, caregivers, and even some of their children what draws them to these thematic playgrounds. Here are their responses:
-Creative, colorful designs with stories to tell
-Movable benches with tables
-Clean WC-Drinking water station
-Play equipment that’s large enough for adults to join in with their children
-Accessibility via public transportation
-Bicycle parking
-Open urban design that offers good visibility of different play areas, allowing parents to keep an eye on their children
📍 Here are my favorite playgrounds with links to Google Maps. Add Helsingborg City to your list of To-Visit destinations:
🏰 Princess and Monsters Playground
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Hélène Chartier (Director of Urban Planning and Design at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group)
We are talking about:
-C40 cities
- The design guidance for green and thriving public spaces
About C40:
C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.
Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using an inclusive, science-based and collaborative approach to cut their fair share of emissions in half by 2030, help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C, and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Daniel Casas Valle (Urban designer/planner, Researcher, Director, Porto)
We are talking about:
- The book The Future Design of Streets
- How do we imagine future streets, and space more as a balanced mix of what?
- How can we improve existing streets to make these spaces more valuable for people and nature?
Order the book here: https://thefuturedesignofstreets.eu/
Contact Danile on [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Ann Molin (Secretary General & CEO of Hack for Earth, Author of Dream! Hack! Build! Book) We are talking about: -Using hackathons as a method to involve citizens in finding impactful and innovative solutions. -The Hack for Earth Foundation Hackathon. -'Dream, Hack, Build': A book about how you can organize hackathons in your organization About Hack for Earth: Hack for Earth's mission is to create real solutions to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s)s, by bringing people all over the world together in hackathons. We call it citizen-driven innovation. Order the book here https://hackforearth.com/book/ Read more about Hack for Earth here https://hackforearth.com/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Gustav Magnusson (Urbanist, FPR/MSA, Book auther, Europe 40under40 urbanist, Malmö, greater Copenhagen, Sweden).
we are talking about his new book. "keynote conversations," is a book not found in every bookstore. it has been described as an urban pechakucha festival in the shape of a book and features insights from 100 global urban experts.
Order the book here herehttps://keynoteconversations.myshopify.com/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Angela Woda (Senior Urban Designer, Kjellander Sjöberg Studio) and Stefan Sjöberg (Founding Director, Kjellander Sjöberg Architects London-Stockholm - Malmö)
We are talking about:
- Urban Planning and Design projects in the UK compared to Sweden
- How do we measure the success of our city planning and design?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Rim Alexandra Halfya (Cofounder & COO at Combify, Commercial RE Advisor, Public Speaker, Sweden)
في هذه الحلقة نتكلم مع ريم عن نشأتها, و طفولتها, و الأسباب التي ادت الى انتقالها الى السويد. ريم تحدثنا عن شركة Combify
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Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Chero Eliassi (Landscape Architect & PhD Candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-How is it to do a PhD?
-What are the challenges?
-What are the fun parts of doing a PhD?
-What is the process of becoming a PhD candidate?
For more contact and information on Chero’s research at KTH here.
Follow the research on Instagram at:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Chero Eliassi (Landscape Architect & PhD Candidate at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
We are talking about Chero's PhD research: -The outdoor environments built during the Swedish Million Program: -Highlights about the Swedish Million Program -What does Chero's research investigate? -What methodology is he using to find answers to his questions? -What are the findings?
For more contact and information on Chero’s research at KTH here
Follow the research on Instagram at @_researchero_
About Chero Chero Eliassi graduated with a Master´s degree in Landscape Architecture in 2019 at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Uppsala. Eliassi has worked since 2021 as a doctoral student in Jennifer Mack's research project entitled 'Parks around the Towers: Landscape as Resource in the Urban Periphery from the Record Years to the Future'. From a historical perspective, the research investigates how the outdoor environments of the Million Programme have been transformed, used, and formed after the record years (1961-1975) and how these landscapes can be viewed as a part of the Swedish cultural heritage.
With the title '“A Culture of Place” in Swedish Allotments: Gardens as Therapy and Threat in Holma, Malmö', Eliassi captures and investigates how cultivation in and adjacent to Million Programme areas have created social and therapeutic values, as well as a sense of collective belonging. The research is based on on-site studies in Malmö and other Swedish cities.
In 'Voices and Visions of Norrlidsparken', Eliassi explores the welfare neighborhood park in Norrliden: Norrlidsparken. The research begins with a microhistory of the sand in the park, what values it has registered, and what it has witnessed since the park was constructed. Further, it presents Norrlidsparken’s transformations from the early 1970s – in the form of physical, spatial, social, and material changes; planning regulations and guidelines; and political impact – until the present time.
Eliassi is also currently studying how spatial cultural practices occur in the Million Programme's outdoor environments. The research, entitled 'The transnational spatial practice of Newroz: an analysis of the practice amongst the Kurdish diaspora in Järva Field and Diyarbakır (Amed)' is a research topic that focuses on the manifestation and values of the spatial practice of Newroz in Järva field, in Stockholm, in comparison with the practice in the Kurdish-populated city of Diyarbakir, Turkey.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Placemaking Europe x City of Arts Webinar 3
How can artistic performances, dancing, imagination, creativity, culture, and diversity be integrated into city-making to foster community resilience?
Join us for the third discussion in our webinar series, where we explore the vital role of the arts and co-creation processes in cultivating resilient and vibrant cities.
Gain insights from two passionate and knowledgeable professionals:
Charles Landry: A pioneer in leveraging imagination and creativity in urban transformation, renowned for popularizing the Creative City concept.
Madeleine Kate Mcgowan: An artist and expert in experimenting with speculative design and artistic performances, transforming our landscapes into inspiring and beautiful places.
Moderated by Mustafa Sherif, a dedicated urban planner and placemaker with extensive experience in hosting urban discussions.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Björn Berggren (Skolchef vid Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad, KTH, Stockholm, Sverige)
Vi pratar om:
-Hur var undervisningen under COVID?
-Hur undervisar KTH nu? Fysisk vs. digital undervisning.
-Relationen mellan akademi och praktik: Hur når vi ut med det som akademin producerar till praktiker? Vad behöver vi göra?
-Björns ledarskap som skolchef vid Skolan för arkitektur och samhällsbyggnad på KTH.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Urbanistica Podcast is excited and proud to announce a new collaboration with ArchiNet. This partnership will involve meeting and interviewing experts from the ArchiNet community. We love sharing stories to learn more and get inspired by interesting projects happening in different countries across the fields of interior design, architecture, urban planning, and design. We are talking to Mohammed ALMashharawi (Initiator of ArchiNet) ArchiNet was founded in January 2017, aiming to socialize the profession of Architecture & Interior design fields, to encourage the practitioners & academics to exchange their knowledge & share their experiences. With more than 55k Architects & designers across Arab Countries & the rest of the World, ArchiNet are honoured to be one of the largest social & professional communities that aim to help its members to find the support they need. Read more about ArchiNet here. ______ Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️ All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated. Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin. Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected] Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Bengt Isling (Landskapsarkitekt LAR/MSA, Nyréns Arkitektkontor)
Vi pratar om:
-Vad är landskapsarkitektens roll för att möta framtidens utmaningar?
-Projekt: Hornsbergs Strandpark, Kärrtorpsplan, Linköpings bibliotek, m.m.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Marcus Andersson (CEO and co-founder of Future Place Leadership)
We are talking about:
Useful links:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Louise Lind (Exchange Ambassador, Stockholms universitet, Intern at AFRY Urban Planning & Design) Vi pratar om processen att ansöka om att gå på utbytestudier och om Louises egna utbytestudier.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Lenka Kuricová (Artistic Director, Creative Institute, Trenčín,Slovakia)
We are talking about:
- The process of being a European Capital of Culture
- The Program of Trenčín European Capital of Culture 2026
- Cities in Placemaking program
Read the Trenčín city bid book here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Martina Pereira Norrman (Stadsplanerare och Landskapsarkitekt, AFRY)
Vi pratar om:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Mariia Smoliakova (Architect & Urban Designer, BAU)
we are talking about:
- How did Mariia's interest in community building start and grow?
- Her "Beyond Survival" project
- Her volunteering work with ASF (Arkitkter utan gränser)
- How was it to study during COVID?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Naser Hasso (Stadsplanerare & student vid Karlstads Universitet) Vi pratar om Nasers upplevelse när han var synnedsatt. Han hade en ögonsjukdom under ungdomsåren som gjorde honom synnedsatt, och efter flera behandlingar och operationer kan han idag se och uppleva staden genom alla sina sinnen.
Vi pratar om: Hur rörde han sig hemma? Vägen till skolan och tillbaka? Hur upplevde han lekplatser, parker och olika platser i sin stad? Hur påverkades hans relationer med familjen, vänner och klasskamrater? Vad ska vi tänka på när vi planerar och utformar framtidens städer utifrån ett synnedsättningsperspektiv? _________ Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️ All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated. Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin. Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected] Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube channel. Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design) AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Alex Butt (Co-CEO and Head of Public Realm at WeAreWaterloo), Harrie Notton (Acting Co-Chief Executive & Head of Marketing at WeAreWaterloo BID), and Natalie Raben (Chief Executive at WeAreWaterloo BID) We are talking about: - What are Business Improvement Districts (BIDs)? - WeAreWaterloo BID project, London. - How do you involve a community?
Read more about WeAreWaterloo placemaking strategy here. _________ Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️ All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated. Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin. Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected] Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube channel. Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design) AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Nina Åman (Stadsarkitekt Nacka kommun) Vi pratar om:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Maja Manner (Business and Sustainability Director, Architecture & Design, AFRY)
Vi pratar om:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Bram Dewolfs (Director of Urban Foxes, Placemaker, Brussel, Belgium)
We are talking about:
- Urban Foxes and co-creation
- Why urban pedagogy?
- Teach in schools Vs. Placemaking
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Agnes Fischer (VD, Boodla)
Vi pratar om Boodla.
Boodla arbetar innovativt med att ta till vara och utveckla städers gröna värden. De startade 2012 med stadsodling som verktyg för att skapa trygghet i grannskap samt sprida kunskap om biologisk mångfald, odling och hållbara matsystem. Idag har Boodla utvecklats till att arbeta brett med många nya idéer för att tillgängliggöra och aktivera gröna ytor i staden.
Deras vanligaste samarbetspartners eller kunder är kommuner, fastighetbolag och bostadsbolag.
Läs mer på https://boodla.se/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Demetrio Scopelliti (Director for Urban Planning and Public Space presso AMAT Agenzia Mobilità, Ambiente e Territorio)
We are talking about: - Tactical urbanism in Milano
- Officina urbana team
- M4 metro line project in Milano
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
The Place Man (2024) is a documentary produced and directed by Guillermo Bernal that explores the roots of the placemaking movement through the life of Fred Kent.
You can watch the movie (19 minutes) on YouTube here https://youtu.be/LBf_I-sB5ZM?si=au8Vd79mxcODPKSP
You can listen to the movie in audio format in this episode.
Ps: Episode 395. The Place Man movie - Guillermo Bernal, you can listen to the movie Director talking about the making of the movie and behind the scenes.
More about the movie:
Fred Kent devoted his life to creating public spaces for people. The film begins with Fred sharing his passion for understanding why people feel good and how that can be translated into designing public spaces that foster a sense of social connection and community.
The documentary takes us on a journey through Fred's life and work, starting in New York City during the urban crisis of the 1960s and 1970s. During this time, Fred started a street academy for high school dropouts and worked on environmental issues, coordinating the first Earth Day in New York City in 1970. Fred was part of a group of people exploring bigger city ideas during what he calls the Golden Age of public space research, including Jane Jacobs and William Whyte. His collaboration with Holly Whyte studying public spaces laid the foundation for his future work in Placemaking.
The film follows Fred's journey with the Project for Public Spaces he founded in 1975. The organization studies people's behavior in public spaces and recommends creating more engaging, lively places. Fred's philosophy is simple: public spaces should be designed for people, open, inclusive, and full of life. We see examples of Fred's work transforming public spaces, including Bryant Park in New York City and Campus Martius in Downtown Detroit, and his belief in the power of Placemaking to bring people together.
What makes this documentary so engaging is Fred himself. He is not some larger-than-life character but a humble and compassionate person who believes in creating spaces that foster community. Throughout the film, we witness Fred's enthusiasm for public spaces and his deep conviction that planning cities for people and places is essential for taking on the bigger challenges we face today.
Enjoy listening and watching.
We are going to create short videos from interviews and publish them on:
Keep up the good work
Keep loving cities
Urbanistica podcast is celebrating 400 episodes with our special guest Professor Carlos Moreno (Co-Founder & Scientific Director “Entrepreneurship, Territory, Innovation” Chair chez Paris1 - Pantheon Sorbonne University, France)
We are talking about:
- The 15-minute city book
- Attacks from conspiracy theorists and death threats
- Learnings from Anne Hidalgo's leadership
- The "15 min city 2.0"
Book release on May 7th, 2024
Foreword Jan Gehl and Afterword Martha Thorne. Read more about the book here
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Tamlyn Shimizu (Global Partnerships & Communications Lead at BABLE Smart Cities, Germany).
We are talking about:
-What is a smart city?
-Based on Tamlyn and what she hears from her guests: what should urban planners stop doing when they plan smart cities? why?
-What skills should urban planners learn? why?
Everyone is invited to explore the BABLE Use Case database and join the community here.
Join BABLE Academy here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Alessandro M. Lucca (Arkitekt och Partner, Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor AB) Vi pratar om:
- Vilka kompetens behöver arkitekter idag för att möta dagens utmaningar?
-Hur skiljer det sig mellan att jobba som arkitekt i Italien och i Sverige?
- Vad kan arkitekter i Sverige lära sig från arkitekter i Italien?
- Vad är Sandros filosofi om arkitektur och stadsutveckling? hur skapas en levande stad?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
After many requests from listeners, I am sharing some parts of my story. In this episode you will hear about me, my childhood, and how I was moving from one city to another because of war. Moreover, how did this develop a passion in me for making cities for people?
This is the first episode of the new season (4th) of the Urbanistica podcast. Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
You can also listen to the episode 99. EN. Dream City - Mustafa Sherif. There I talk about my top favorite cities.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin. Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected] Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Fredrik Palmblad (Creative Lead at AFRY Experience Studios)
and Marijn Molenaar (Design Project lead, AFRY).
We are talking about:
- The design process of a bike?
- 100 years doing the same thing, what is beyond a traditional bike?
- How can we use a bike more than just a way to transport ourselves, can we have e.g. accessories, app integration, etc?
- How can we integrate people into a design process? and use their input actively in the design?
- How much have digitalization and (digital tools) changed the way a designer works? like a design process.
Useful links:
- The family e-bike that meets the needs of urban living and sustainable mobility
-How do cars fit in the sustainable city of the future?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Women Reclaiming the City, International Research on Urbanism, Architecture, and Planning, Edited by Tigran Haas.
We are talking with:
- Professor Loretta Lees (FAcSS, MAE), Director of the Initiative on Cities, Boston University Initiative on Cities.
- Setha Low, Distinguished Professor of environmental psychology, anthropology, geography, and women’s studies and director of the public space research group at the graduate center of CUNY.
- Karen A. Franck, Professor Emerita, Hillier College of Architecture and Design, New Jersey Institute of Technology.
- Dr. Tigran Haas, Associate Professor, Lab Director, the Editor of this book.
Order the book from Amazon.
About the Book:
The originality of Women Reclaiming the City lies not only in the variety of themes being presented, but also in the variety of all these different highly respected women researchers. This book is the first in which current societal themes revolving around urbanism, architecture, and city planning are put forth solely through female perspectives. It reveals the importance of having female lenses on certain societal debates. Twenty-five leading female urban scholars draw on principles, concepts, and positions that are foundational to other frameworks and fields specifically, critical studies, indigenous and ethnic studies, postcolonial theory, queer theory, feminist theory, progressive urban theory, social ecology, urban planning and design, architecture, urban economics and urban social geography, landscape urbanism, new urbanism, heritage management and urbanism, political ecology, and cultural studies— to present alternatives to the current classical theories and conceptualizations that have failed to engage a truly intersectional analysis of dominant city and urban discourses, policies, and practices. The book is intended for scholars of urban and regional studies, policy makers, and city planning professionals and advocates.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Patrick Verhoeven (Partner at MANDAWORKS, Stockholm)
We are talking about:
- What is Storytelling when it comes to Urban design?
- How do we discover new layers that lift the site give it new meaning and invite experiment?
- How do we keep respect for the existing story and not just destroy/remove it with our new story and layers?
- How do we keep and follow the DNA of a story, a strong red thread for the urban design proposal?
- All of us read in proposals/visions: sustainable, flexible, and livable area... these words start to sound too abstract. So how do we make the story unique and still use these words? like how do we give it a true meaning?
- What are the top 3 keys to making a successful storytelling that attracts everyone to explore and be part of an urban design proposal?
Photographer Anthony Hill
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Carmen Mays, MPA : an Urbanist and a Creative Entrepreneur, Making cities livable, equitable, and enjoyable for everybody in everybody at every stage of life.
We are talking about: - Urbanism through the lens of being both Black and "American" in a national and global context. What are the challenges that a black & American faces in cities?
- How to create equal opportunity in cities. How do we create equal opportunity in a city?
- more about Carmen's work at Birmingham City Council.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Jesús Azpeitia Seron (Creative director at Tengbom)
We are talking about:
- What is a creative architectural process?
- How can we make architecture more inclusive both within a team but also with users?
- What is beautiful and Aesthetics in Architecture? Is there a standard for beauty?
- How do we translate beauty in architecture to money?
- Do you think the architecture that we produce in Sweden is beautiful?
- What should architects stop doing? why?
- What skills should architects learn? why?
More about Jesus:
Jesús is a Swedish/Spanish architect and creative leader at Tengbom Architects. He has been teaching at KTH and internationally since 2006. In 2012, he was named Teacher of the Year at KTH for his pedagogical achievements.
His practice focuses on sustainable development strategies and valuable design. Creative processes that lead to high quality architecture, interdisciplinarity and diversity. His pedagogy and work emphasize innovation, aesthetics, and tectonics. Jesús has a broad national and international network within architecture and culture and doesn't believe in right or wrong, but rather in good or bad.
Board assignments experience: Stockholms Architects association, Architects Sweden and Dramaten / the Royal Dramatic Theatre .
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Jens Aerts (Team Manager Climate Resilience Planning at Sweco, Brussel-Bruxelles, Belgium).
We are talking about child-friendly cities and Safe and Sound Cities Program
Photographer of the picture: Tini Cleemput
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Luca Ballarini (Founder and Creative Director of Bellissimo, Founder of Stratosferica)
we are talking about Utopian Hours festival.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Zuhal Kol (Architect/Founding Partner at Openact Architecture, Madrid, Spain)
We are talking about teamwork, design methodology, New European Bauhaus and much more.
In the dynamic world of architecture and urbanism, OPENACT emerges as a vibrant and visionary multidisciplinary design practice. The New European Bauhaus 2023 Finalists are known for transforming the essence of architecture into a captivating and performative act.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Petra Marko Architect, urban strategist and placemaking expert. Petra is co-founder of Marko&Placemakers -a consulting and city design agency- and creative director of the Milk collective.
Active mainly in London, Marko has over 15 years of experience in the field of placemaking. Her mission is to build new identities and functions for the places in cities that need them most. Field research, visual storytelling and activation of public spaces: at Utopian Hours we will discover with her the full potential of meanwhile placemaking.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of
Doug Gordon (Multimedia creator and communications strategist specializing in mobility and cities for people, USA)
Doug is one of the voices of the podcast The War on Cars. We are talking about behind the scenes of making a podcast.
The War on Cars, a series analysing the challenges and opportunities of urban transport. With a clear anti-car positioning, the podcast explores topics relatedo sustainable mobility and the future of cities. Gordon, for his part, is a strong advocate of two-wheel mobility and the defence of pedestrians in large American metropolises. The War on Cars was born out of his activism, and his innate quality as a speaker and storyteller. He has written for publications such as The Guardian, The New Republic, Salon, and Curbed.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of
Holzmarkt is a co-operative urban space in central Berlin offering space for cultural activities, restaurants and bars, small businesses, social infrastructure, urban gardening and spaces for community. The idea was born out of a protest against the city’s decision to drastically transform the abandoned areas in the river bank.
Co-founder and Chief Emotional Officer Juval Dieziger, tells us the vision behind their inclusive and constantly developing space which has allowed the “timber market” to become a symbol for community-driven urban regeneration projects in the city since then.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Hubert Beroche (Founder of Urban AI, Entrepreneur in Residence at PCA-STREAM, President of AI for Tomorrow, Paris, France)
Urban AI think tank that wants to “urbanise” Artificial Intelligence. After having explored twelve cities to meet more than 130 technology innovation experts, in 2021, Hubert Beroche founded Urban AI - an interdisciplinary working group that investigates the relationship between Artificial Intelligence and urban transformation.
Hence a Manifesto and a research programme to update the concept of smart city and put people and their needs back at the centre. Beroche and the more than 150 members of the think tank have a clear vision: the first task of technology is to adapt to the city and define new tools of active citizenship.
Read more abour Urban AI here.
___ This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours. Read more about Utopian Hours here .
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Picture of the speaker by Federico Masini
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
This episode is in collaboration with Utopian Hours 2023 in Turin, Italy. I am chatting with Caroline Bos (Co-Founder and Principal Urban Planner at UNStudio, Netherlands).
Read more about Utopian Hours here https://utopianhours.it/
Utopian Hours is the festival that talks about "city building": the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in cities around the world. For three days the festival gives voice to the protagonists of these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experience, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the concept of the city.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Dr. Lobna A. Mostafa (Urban Innovation, Community Engagement & City Humanization Expert, Co-Founder AMAKEN Placemaking Network for The Arab Countries, Associate Professor of Architecture and Sustainable Urbanism)
في هذه الحلقة نتحدث عن:
-التحديات التي تواجه مشاركة المجتمعات المحلية: التوقعات مقابل الواقع؟
-هل لدى الشخص العادي القدرة على تحديد وتشكيل الفراغ العام؟ -Placemaking
-الأيجابيات والسلبيات في اشراك المجتمعات المحلية
-سيرة مختصرة عن حياة لبنى مصطفى
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Camilo Espitia (Deputy Director- Department of Planning and Development at City of Lowell, Massachusetts, USA)
We are talking about Camilo's book:
Urban Planning for Social Justice in Latin America explores how urban planning can be used as a tool for social equity. The book examines several Latin American cities, each with specific challenges, and explores how they have gradually overcome these difficulties through policies, planning, and design, and with private/public sector coordination.
The cases include:
Read more about the book here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Guillermo Bernal (Global Program Director at PlacemakingX)
We are talking about The Place Man movie. Read more and watch it here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Alaa Alshawa (Co-Founder and CEO at Combify, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-Combify platform. Combify is an UrbanTech and ConTech company specializing in the visualization and digitalization of construction projects' data. Check more here https://sv.combify.com/ -Alaa's journey about immigrating from Syria to Sweden. How did he cross different borders, how terrible were the conditions, and how did he survive?
-Alaa's philosophy and dream about being an architect and shaping cities
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Ramon Marrades (Director at Placemaking Europe)
Placemaking Europe is a European network that connects practitioners, academics, community leaders, market players and policy makers across the field of placemaking. Read more about Placemaking Week and buy your ticket here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Linda Gustafsson (VD Arkitekt SAR/MSA på Visbyark)
Vi pratar om:
- Dialog och samskapande processer
- Lindas utbildning och jobb i London
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure
Asal Mohtashami (Member of Building Diversity, Founder of AIMING SPACES, Architect, Urbanist) and
Christine Bjerke (Member of Building Diversity, Founder & Architect at Christine Bjerke Studio)
We are talking about Building Diversity, and the Open call/ Publication: Who is the architect?
Building Diversity is a non-profit organisation working to ensure a diverse and inclusive architecture for the world to live in.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Ludwig von Werder (Urban Planner, Stockholm, AFRY) I am asking Ludwig; - Tell us about your videos when you are out with your baby and exploring the city of Stockholm.
-What are your findings from the different areas? What are the aspects that were good and not so good?
- How can we as planners and urban designers change this and make a city friendly for children/parents with a baby stroller?
- How did this experience change your own perspective? do you consider more children when you work on projects at AFRY?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Olga Grönvall Lund (Initiator and founder of non-profit organisation Reformaten - a movement for a positive global food system)
We are talking about:
- What is the mission of Reformaten?
- How cities be part of food production?
- How can we as citizens take an active part in the making of sustainable and healthy food environments?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Anna Broberg (COO and co-founder at Maptionnaire by Mapita Oy)
We are talking about Anna's Ph.D. research in Finland and also about her work at Maptionnaire.
Read more about her research here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Vanessa Ware (Process leader Ecosystem innovation, Digitalization, Data & AI, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about:
Kista area in Stockholm
-Can really people who are living there co-create the story or in the end, it's the city and the big cooperate who as money create the story?
-How can we co-create new stories about an outer city business area that actually makes people enjoy the area more? how do you do that in Kista?
-Trygghetslabbet in Kista is about developing new ways of working and collaborating between students, workers, inhabitants, real estate companies, academia, local city governance, and companies.
- People a kind of tired of tests, pilots, and labs. What are the results from this lab?
- Vanessa is telling us more about her work experiences from working with the digitalization and the transformation of 100 Sweden Public Housing companies all over Sweden.
- Her opionon about AI in making cities
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Gustav Magnusson (Urbanist, Expert in the physical organisation of cities/territories as a tool for place specific change and belonging, Malmö, Sweden)
We are talking about Gustav's new book and also about:
-How can we plan for the unknown instead of recreating the past in order for us to protect ourselves from it?
-How do we create solutions that don't take so long that by the time it is implemented, the challenge has changed
-Do we still create historical versions of the future?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Amanda O'Rourke (Executive Director at 8 80 Cities, Canada) 8 80 Cities is a non-profit organization that brings citizens together to enhance mobility and public space so that together we can create more vibrant, healthy, and equitable communities. We believe that if everything we do in our public spaces is great for an 8 year old and an 80 year old, then it will be great for all people.
Read more here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Saja Al Khamissi (Architectural Designer, Netherlands)
-What is the research question of your project?
-What is a collective memory?
-What is an individual memory?
-Tell us about the place or the case that you worked on? where? what? who?
-What if people do not want to remember? Why do you highlight this place again?
-So let's say a city wants to change or create a new memory, what are the steps that they should focus on?
Link to Saja's thesis here
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Emily Wade (Landscape Architect, Partner Landskapslaget, Adjunct Professor SLU, Initiator IFLA 2023) and
Johanna Good (Landscape Architect and project leader IFLA WC 2023) We are talking about IFLA 2023!
The first-ever bilateral IFLA World Congress - On-site in two locations - the world's largest event for landscape architecture and urban planning- simultaneously in Stockholm and Nairobi.
Get in touch with IFLA 2023:
[email protected] ,
[email protected] ,
[email protected] .
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Lina Goldén (Arkitekt, grundaren av The Grid)
Vi pratar om The Grid - det digitala arkitektkontoret. Sveriges första och största digitala arkitektkontor utan kontor och utan anställda.
Ett nätverk av frilansande arkitekter som skräddarsyr sina team efter projektens behov. Då vi jobbar digitalt och saknar over head kostnader är vi en ny utmanande aktör i branschen. Läs mer om The Grid här.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Deema Aburizik (Urban Design Consultant, Cycling & Walking Specialist, UAE) We are talking about the following: -Mobility in two types of countries: oil-producing (like UAE) and non-oil-producing (like Jordan) -What do cities in the Middle East witness because of car traffic? -What is the solution? -If cities know about these solutions, why they do not implement them? what are the reasons that make them not implement these solutions? -Why is Cycling urbanism? -What are the benefits of cycling and walking? -How do we change this cultural perspective? Get in touch with Deema www.streetdesignteam.com
[email protected] linkedin.com/in/deema-aburizik
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrast
Helena Bjarnegård (Riksarkitekt på Boverket, Ordförande i Rådet för hållbara städer, Ledamot i Formas Forskarråd, Ledamot i Stockholms konstnärliga högskolas styrelse, Samverkansforums styrgrupp samt Trafikverkets arkitekturråd)
Vi pratar om:
-Vad är The New European Bauhaus?
-Beautiful, Sustainable, Together. Vågar vi Sverige prata om Beautiful?
-Arkitektens ledarskap, mission och roll
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Thomas Pickelner (Head of Studio & Video production, Stockholm, Sweden)
Homepage here, Instagram here, FB here.
Read more and sign up for our the virtual global Dadathlon event for free here.
Sign up and read more aboutor Dadathlon festival in Stockholm 18/6 here.
I asked Thomas the following questions:
-Tell us more about DaddyHood
-What is a Daddy-friendly city, and how do you define it?
-In which cities did you live with your kid? can you tell us about challenges you faced when you were outdoors with your kid?
-What activities/projects do you do?
-Based on what do you choose outdoor places for your activities/projects?
-How do you choose outdoor space what do you think about it?
-Tell us more about Dadathon? what, where, how, who, etc.
-Tell us about 2023 plans and how can our listeners be part of it?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrast
Nate Storring (Co Executive Director at Project for Public Spaces, USA)
We are talking about Hyperlocal book. When it comes to uneven urban growth and investment, place-based governance structures in the United States and around the globe have been both part of the problem and part of the solution. Hyperlocal explore both the tensions and benefits associated with governing places in an increasingly fragmented—and inequitable—economic landscape. Read more about the book here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Heja Framtiden (Go Future ) is a podcast and platform for conversations about the future.
Heja Framtiden (Go Future ) has been run since January 2018 by Christian von Essen in Stockholm.
Christian is a Freelance moderator, speaker, content producer, and copywriter.
Christian believes that the main question is not necessarily ”what is going to happen in the future?”, but rather ”how can we make the future even better?”.
We are talking about:
- How did he start his (Go Future ) podcast?
- The benefits of starting a podcast
- How to start a podcast and make it run for many years?
- What is the insight about the future that Christian gets from his interviews with his guests?
- What should think about when we plan and design future cities?
- How can we make the future even better?
Read more and listen to the "Heja Framtiden" (Go Future ) podcast here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Heja Framtiden (Go Future ) is a podcast and platform for conversations about the future.
Heja Framtiden (Go Future ) has been run since January 2018 by Christian von Essen in Stockholm.
Christian is a Freelance moderator, speaker, content producer, and copywriter.
Christian believes that the main question is not necessarily ”what is going to happen in the future?”, but rather ”how can we make the future even better?”.
We are talking about:
- How did he start his (Go Future ) podcast?
- The benefits of starting a podcast
- How to start a podcast and make it run for many years?
- What is the insight about the future that Christian gets from his interviews with his guests?
- What should think about when we plan and design future cities?
- How can we make the future even better?
Read more and listen to the "Heja Framtiden" (Go Future ) podcast here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Hans Karssenberg (Partner, founder, and public developer at STIPO, Placemaking EU Board Member, Netherlands) and
Vivian Doumpa (Local Office Director, STIPO Greece, Placemaking EU Board Member)
In collaboration with Placemaking EU week in Pontevedra 2022. Read more here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Sharee Hochman (Co-Founder and Co-Chair of Women in Urbanism Canada)
Links that we mentioned in the episode:
How Toxic Masculinity Drives Car Culture - https://www.womeninurbanism.ca/words/toxic-masculinity-drives-cars
Cold Places can Create Warm Public Spaces - https://www.womeninurbanism.ca/words/cold-places-warm-public-spaces
All the Ways Women get from A to B - https://www.womeninurbanism.ca/words/women-from-a-to-b
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect on -Mustafa Sherif Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/
Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected] Follow Urbanistica on: -Instagram -Facebook -Youtube channel Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design) AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
JP Pereira (Office director Tengbom Linköping, Sweden)
We are talking about:
Bergs locks visitor center project
-Background, aim, design, the team behind the project etc.
-How was the World Architecture Festival?
-what were the key elements in the team to success in this project?
Architecture in Sweden
- How architecture works in Sweden?
- Who is running the market?
- What is the role of the architect in Sweden? they as having less impact on the building process. is that good? why?
- Is it easy to get a job here within the architecture profession if you are from outside of Sweden?
- How can we elevate the level of quality of architecture in Sweden?
- JP is sharing how was his career and the challenges he faced.
Berg slussar project:
Porto Academy visiting Sweden:
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Päivi Raivio (Urban designer, placemaker, artist, Founder of Parkly urban modules & RaivioBumann design studio, Leader in Placemaking Europe Network) and Jan Kattein (Director at Jan Kattein Architects, London, England, United Kingdom)
In collaboration with Placemaking EU week in Pontevedra 2022. Read more here.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Niklas Arnberg (Professor of virology Umeå University, and co-founder of the Swedish virus and pandemic fund)
We are talking about:
-What are the key learnings from the pandemic?
-When can we expect the next pandemic, and what can be expected?
-What can we do to mitigate or prevent future outbreaks and pandemics?
-Health care suffer not only from the coronavirus, there are also other viruses that cause public health issues and are a burden to healthcare, and society at large. How big are these problems?
-What can be done/what is going on to counteract and mitigate?
-What can we as working with city development do?
-What skills should we learn to deal with the coming pandemics?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Vesna Vasiljkovic, Planchef, Malmö stad
Vi pratar om: JämtJämlikt - Certifieringssystem för jämlika offentliga miljöer
-Vad är syftet med jämntjämlik? vad ville ni åstadkomma?
-Hur tog projektgruppen fram verktyget?
-Har de testat den i verklighetey?
-Vad var utmaningar som de hade?
-Vad är viktigt att göra när man skriver en ansökan till Vinnova?
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect on:
- Mustafa Sherif Linkedin
- Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on:
- Instagram
- Facebook
- Youtube channel
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
I am reflecting on some episodes from the last year also about:
-Placemaking week in Pontevedra 2022
-Urban Future in Helsingborg city 2022
-H22 The making of the smarter city in Helsingborg
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Picture by Johannes Frandsen info at arkproduktion.com
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Mara Mintzer is a Co-Founder and Executive Director of Growing Up Boulder (GUB), Boulder, Colorado, USA’s child- and youth-friendly city initiative.
GUB ensures that young people have a voice in decisions which affect them; since 2009, it has helped 7,500 local children and youth impact 100+ policies and places. Ms. Mintzer presents and writes internationally on the topic of engaging young people in community planning and child-friendly cities.
Her TEDx talk, “How Kids Can Help Design Cities,” has been viewed 2.3 million times and translated into 21 languages. In 2018, she co-authored the book, Placemaking with Children and Youth: Participatory Practices for Planning Sustainable Communities.
Prior to GUB, Ms. Mintzer designed and implemented programs for underserved families in New York and California. Ms. Mintzer received her B.A. in Psychology from Brown University and her M.A. in Organizational Psychology from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maximilian Bengtsson (tyrens, Stockholm, Sweden)
I ask the following questions:
- Why you started to work with this aspect? you were an urban planner!
- Can you tell us what is Electrification?
- Why do we need to transform our car system and make it electrical?
- is it really environmentally friendly?
- Tell us about 2-3 projects you work with within this topic.
- What are the challenges that we are facing now in order to create this system?
- What should traffic planners stop doing when they plan cities? why?
- What skills should traffic planners learn? why?
From minute 50, we are talking about how was it to study at the same class together, and what advice we give now to students.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Gooitske Zijlstra (design researcher with children - Placemaker from Zwolle, Netherlands)
Gooitske Zijlstra is the founder of gooitz. Under that organization, she is working with different companies and interdisciplinary collectives for urban transformations and works on the generous city. She does that, among other things, through design and action research to provide multiple perspectives on our cities, villages, and rural areas. We will use the results to make an immediate impact. The sustainable development goals (SDGs) are the common thread through all the work that gooitz does.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Andreas Blom, Kulturutvecklare at Kollektivet Livet & Kulturchef at Stadsgårdsterminalen.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Koichiro Tamura (Organiser, Placemaking Japan)
In collaboration with Placemaking week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sara Norås (Senior stadsplanerare på Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Stockholms stad)
Vi pratar om
-Hur kan vi stadsplanerare bidra till en robust, tolerant och levande stad?
-Beställare Vs. konsult
-När vi pratar arkitektur och stadsplanering, pratar vi om många aktörere som har gränser, fantasi nivåer och tycker oilka om skönhet och har olika mål. Hur får vi ihop alla på samma sida?
-Hur tar vi in medborgares prespektiv på riktigt? från en monolog till en riktig dialog?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nazem Tahvilzadeh (Associate professor political science, Senior lecturer in public administration Södertörn University)
We are talking about:
-Issues of power, democracy, and policy regarding contemporary urban development politics in Stockholm.
-What are the reasons for this issue? is it people? the system?
-What is segregation? is it caused by architecture and urban planning or not?
-How do we empower people and bring more democracy to cities?
-Participatory governance, citizens’ participation. How do we move from Monolog to Dialog as Nazem usually says?
-What should urban planners stop doing when they plan cities? why?
-What skills should urban planners learn? why?
-Does Nazem see in the future like 30 years from now, cities in Sweden will become inclusive and less segregated? why?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Frida Johansson (Landskapsarkitekt, Sektionschef , AFRY Uppsala)
Vi pratar om skolgårdar med olika zoner och innehåll.
Jag ställer följande frågor till Frida:
-Varför behöver vi olika zoner?
-Berätta hur får vi plats med olika zoner för aktivitet.
- Vad är syftet/ och innehållet med de olika zoner Trygga, aktiva, och vilda zonen?
- Hur bestämmer ni materialval?
-Fler beställare går mot sten och natur än färdiga produkter. varför?
-Konflikten mellan olika miljökrav Vs. tillgänglighetskrav, hur löser du det?
-Vilka utmaningar har vi i Sverige?
- Hur ser du på framtida skolgårdar 2.0 finns det något tydligt tränd?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Oleksandra Karatunova (Landscape Archtiect, AFRY, Stockholm)
from 0 min to 14.00 minutes we talk about Oleksandra's background
from 14.00 min to the end we talk about her escaping from Ukraine to Sweden because of the war
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sofia Greaves (Postdoctoral Researcher, Pontevedra, Spain)
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Links from Sofia
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karin Lobo Lundgren (Samhällsplanerare, Spacescape, Stockholm)
Vi pratar om rapporten: Barnvänliga stadsdelar! Analys av barnvänlighet, barntäthet och barnandel i Sverige
Läs mer om projektet här!
Länk till rapporten här!
Länk till kortversion (presentationen från seminariet) här.
På uppdrag av HSB har Spacescape studerat var och hur barn bor i svenska städer och vad som är och upplevs barnvänligt. Omfattande geografiska analyser har genomförts av hela Sverige. Barntätast stadsdelar återfinns i innerstäder och miljonprogram. Barntätast (0–9 år) i Sverige är Möllevången, Örtagården/Rosengård i Malmö och Olivedal i Göteborg. Stadsdelar med högst andel barn återfinns i nybyggda stadsdelar, småhusområden och miljonprogram. Högst barnandel i Sverige har de nybyggda stadsdelarna Lindbacken i Uppsala, Järvastaden i Solna och Riksten i Botkyrka.
En enkätundersökning har genomförts i Stockholmsregionen och med hjälp av regressionsmodell och GIS har alla bostadsområden i Stockholms län klassats i barnvänlighet (0–10). Småhusområden med högst barnvänlighet i Stockholm enligt modellen är Silverdal, Södra Ängby och Höglandet. Flerbostadsområden med högst barnvänlighet är medeltäta förorter i innerstadens krans: Gröndal, Abrahamsberg och Björkhagen. En medelhög täthet på 3–6 våningar där det finns rikligt med friytor, service och begränsad biltrafik är gemensamma nämnare för barnvänliga stadsdelar.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
David Brito (Freelance Urban Planning Consultant, Barcelona, Spain)
In collaboration with Placemaking week Europe in Pontevedra (sep 2022)
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ethan Kent (Executive Director, PlacemakingX)
In collaboration with Placemaking week Europe in Pontevedra. (sep 2022)
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Rim Alexandra Halfya (Cofounder & COO at Combify, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-What are the main elements in the city that make it not accessible for a person on a wheelchair?
-What are Rim's main challenges now in the city of Stockholm?
-What are Rim's main challenges when you travel abroad?
-How does the situation of being in a wheelchair limit her movement? work? social relations and dreams?
-How about technology? are there new devices that can help her and make her life easier?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Filemon Wolfram (Urban Designer, Sweco, Helsinki)
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe Week in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Peter Smith (CEO City of Darebin Australia, Chair PlacemakingX)
In collaboration with Placemaking week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Robin Abad Ocubillo (Director, San Francisco Shared Spaces Program, USA)
Robin has been involved for over a decade in civic innovation with public spaces that have transformed not only the physical spaces of the city but our expectations about how streets and sidewalks can serve us. These decades-long experiments, notably the parklet typology, have also prompted us to make sometimes slow, and incremental, but nonetheless radical shifts in governance and policy of the public realm.
Robin discusses how places are physical, but also imprinted with socio-psychological histories and memories. He asserts that as Placemakers, we have an opportunity to recentre our work on healing, justice, and reparative work.
If public spaces truly do belong to all of us - to all of humanity - and we have a “Right to the City” as Henri Le Febvre famously wrote,
Robin believes that we need to start leveraging our practice to break down barriers - be they physical, psychological, regulatory, informal - to access and ownership. If we cast ourselves as practitioners who are trying to bring people together, he says; and create a deeper sense of togetherness and ownership over public spaces, then we need to take seriously that we’ve all inherited customs and structures and expectations formulated in large part by racism, white supremacy, patriarchy and other exclusive, oppressive paradigms.
As a placemaker, Robin sees how we also have a responsibility to understand our own individual positinality, identify, and how that colours our approach and philosophy to the work.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Johanna Munck (VD på Strategisk Arkitektur, Stockholm, Sverige)
Från min 23 av insplening pratar vi om:
- Vad är kontoret nu? är den en mötesplats eller en arbetsplats?
- Är det smart att en arbetsgivare bestämmer att alla anställda ska vara på kontoret på X antal dagar?
- Hur ska vi göra om våra kontor? vad ska vi tänka på?
- Vilka utmaningar har ni när ni jobbar med kontore relaterade uppdrag?
- Vad gör vi med extra yta / lediga arbetsplatser som ej anvädens i vår kontor när många jobbar hemifrån? hur kan vi utnyta ytan?
- kommer vi till en tid där behöver ej ha ett kontor? dvs att vi jobbar digitalt alla dagar?
- Kan du beskriva hur ser framtidens kontor, om 50 år?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tiago Mota Saraiva (architect and urbanist, Lisbon, Portugal)
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
José Chong (Global Public Space Programme Director, Nairobi, Kenya)
We are talking about Global Public Space Programme
UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme was launched in 2012 with the objective to support local governments in creating and promoting socially inclusive, integrated, connected, environmentally sustainable and safe streets and public spaces, especially for the most vulnerable, promoting a better quality of life for all. The programme has developed an integrated, multi-sectoral and iterative approach to support local governments to create vibrant and inclusive public space networks, long-term urban strategies and national policies, focusing on the most vulnerable groups. Starting from the national and regional scale, the Programme provides technical support and capacity building in public space assessments, policy guides, strategies and design principles, management and maintenance frameworks and using innovative participatory tools. The outcomes of this approach inform city planning frameworks, monitoring of the 2030 New Urban Agenda, SDG 11.7 and thematic aspects such as inequality, prosperity, accessibility, resilience and health.
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Johannes Riegler (Member of Management Board of Driving Urban Transitions, Vienna)'
Driving Urban Transitions in a nutshell
Read Driving Urban Transitions Roadmap
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Giselle Sebag (Executive Director, International Society for Urban Health, Madrid)
In collaboration with Placemaking Week Europe in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Placido Lizancos (PhD architect. Dean of A Coruña architecture School. A Coruña, Galicia)
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe Week in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Helena Olsson (Chef stadsutveckling och samhälle, Fastighetsägarna Stockholm)
Vi pratar om kraften i att samskapa framtidens stad:
-Vad är levande städer och platser?
-Vart står vi idag och vart är vi påväg? Vart vill vi och hur når vi dit?
-Vilka utmaningar har vi i Sverige?
-Vem har ansvaret till att bjuda till samskapande?
-En idékampanj för 100 levande bottenvåningar.
-VINNOVA-projekt om Framtidens stadslivsnorm.
-BID-inspirerad platssamverkan i våra socialt utsatta områden. Hur går det till? what's in it för de som bor där?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Carlos Moreno is a Senior University Professor French-Colombian specialized in the intelligent control of complex systems.
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe Week in Pontevedra.
Read more https://placemaking-europe.eu/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Martin Hallberg (Creative Director, Efterklang part of AFRY, Malmö, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-Is noise good for us humans? or we should live in a completely silent city?
-Cities suffering from car noise, how do you see the future of cities with silent cars?
-AirPods have this noise cancellation function. Is it possible to scale this up to a city scale?
-Artificial sounds like water, birds, and nature, children play, has these sounds the same effect as the original sounds on us humans?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vanna Gunnarsson (Arkitekt och Partner, ElinderSten, Stockholm)
Vi pratar om:
-Det mesta som byggs idag blir så ”perfekt”, så tillrättalagt och tillfixat, alla kvadratmeter blir så dyra. vad ska arkitekterna rita? om ej en perfekt byggnad!
-Hur ska en byggnad se ut? vilka aspekter ska arkitekterna ha men när ritar byggnader?
-Hur blir en stad där allt är fixat och fint?
-Att behålla och ta vara på 1800-tals detaljer har man gjort länge, men att behålla 70-, 80- och 90-talet känns inte lika självklart för alla!
-Återbruk, har jobbar ni med det?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jag intervjuer Joanna Messmer (Projektchef för Open House Stockholm Arkitektur festival), medborgarepresentant från Open House Stockholm styrelsen August Michael och en av Open House Stockholm områdesansvariga volontärer Daniel Ruotsalainen.
Open House progrm https://www.openhousestockholm.com/program-oh-2022
Festivalhelg 30/9-2/10 2022
Allmänheten bjuds in till gratis guidade visningar av stadens mest unika och spännande byggnader och platser. Festivalen syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Festivalen arrangeras i hela Storstockholmsområdet.
Festivalen arrangeras av den ideella föreningen Open House Stockholm.
Vi pratar om:
-Varför OH är viktig för medborgare? (what’s in it for them?) varför ska jag spendera min helg på OH?
-Vilken målgrupp vill OH! uppnå eller ha som besökare? varför?
-Kan man ta med sig barn som besökare?
-Har ni tänk på ungdomar som besökare?
-Hur jobbar OH! med att förbättra upplevelsen (experince)? Pratar ni med besökare efter åt?
-Vad får OH! för feedback? Hur jobbar ni med feedback?
-Hur många besökare har ni haft på förra festival?
-Vad har ni för mål i år OH 2022? Antal besökare?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Tina Govan (Principal at Placemaking Studio, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States)
I ask Tina the following questions:
-Tell me how did your interest in this topic start?
-can you tell us more about why you documented your kids' "creek life"?
-Tell us more about Placemaking Raleigh www.placemakingraleigh.com
-How can architects think more in terms of making places instead of objects?
-Why do you feel social isolation where you live in the US?
From Tina to the listeners.
1- “Nobody builds alone:
When you do something large, leave the small to others,
When you do something small, enhance the large.”
-John Habraken
( NOTE: I keep the entire longer poem above my desk as a reminder. I can send it to you, if you are curious.)
2-That we are all placemakers.
“Birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it”
When you set a table, have a picnic, grow a garden, throw a party, furnish your home. We are all always doing it, whether we are aware of it or not. We make places happen at all scales, from your body and how you dress to your house to your street and radiating out into the community. Find and fully express the inner placemaker within you. Care for and inhabit your world. The amount of joy and community connection, and sense of belonging, that will come your way will be surprising.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tony Mccarrick (Digitaliseringsstrateg, Södertälje, Sweden)
Ludvig Kratzert (Software Engineer at Sectra, Norrköping, Sweden)
We are talking about Hack for Södertälje. 90 hackers in 24 teams submitted solutions for almost all challenges.
Read more about the winning solutions here https://hackathon.sodertalje.se/winners-2022
Read more about the challenges here https://hackathon.sodertalje.se/challenges
Category 1: The inclusive society
Category 2: The sustainable society
Category 3: The connected society
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Joanna Messmer (Projektledare KRESP Projektledning AB, VD Samhällsbyggarna, Projektchef Open House Stockholm)
Anna Espling Rolf (Ambassador på Open House Stockholm, Architect SAR/MSA and Market developer, Link Arkitektur)
Open House https://www.openhousestockholm.com/
Festivalhelg 30/9-2/10 2022
Allmänheten bjuds in till gratis guidade visningar av stadens mest unika och spännande byggnader och platser. Festivalen syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Festivalen arrangeras i hela Storstockholmsområdet.
Festivalen arrangeras av den ideella föreningen Open House Stockholm.
Open House Stockholm är en del av det globala nätverket Open House Worldwide. Föreningarna Samhällsbyggarna, Samhällsbyggnadslänken, Stockholms Arkitektförening och Stockholms Byggnadsförening är grundare av Open House Stockholm. De delar alla ett stort engagemang för stadens utveckling.
Ta kontakt med Joanna via Linkedin här eller via mejl [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jag lyssnade på följande seminariet och vill dela ut den i podden :) Enjoy your listningen.
A special thanks to Frihamns dagarna och Platzers seminarium. Läs mer här https://frihamnsdagarna.se/
Seminariet finns även på Youtube om du vill titta på video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMHGBKCUAOo&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=Frihamnsdagarna2
Innan det gamla Eriksbergsvarvet skulle bli ett bostadsområde blev ytorna runt kranen under några år en konsertarena som gästades av Madonna, Rolling Stones och Michael Jackson. I Frihamnen har det byggts en bastu, skapats ett bad och anlagts en park. I Södra Änggården har Platzer, tillsammans med övriga aktörer i området, skapat Vulkano – ett upplevelsegalleri för att ge försmak av området innan det är färdigbyggt.
Exemplen på hur kommuner, fastighetsägare och byggherrar skapat tillfälliga destinationer för att sätta en plats på kartan kan göras lång – både i Sverige och internationellt. En av de städer som arbetat mycket med tillfälliga platser är Helsingborg som nyligen stod värd för mässan H22.
Platzer äger fastigheter i flera områden i Göteborg som är i stark utveckling och där tillfälliga destinationer kan vara viktiga för att få göteborgare och andra att upptäcka platsen. Men vad krävs för att lyckas? Vilka erfarenheter har gjorts i Sverige och runtom i världen? Vad efterfrågar de vi vill locka till platsen? Hur får vi till kopplingen mellan det tillfälliga och det som ska bli? Detta kommer vi att diskutera med en panel bestående av människor som själva arbetat med fenomenet, som studerat utländska exempel och som arbetar med att stimulera unga människor till aktivitet.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sanna Eveby (Traffic Engineer & Planner, Stockholm, AFRY)
Useful links
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Huda Shaka (Planning and Infrastructure Advisor, Abu Dhabi, UAE)
We are talking about:
-Vision for healthy & green Cities in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
-Is it still that cities in GCC are based on cars? or there is development when it comes to mobility?
-Are these cities heading toward becoming healthy cities or still business as usual?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jessica Katharine Brown (Early childhood development specialist, UNICEF)
We are talking about:
-UNICEF’s work on the refugee response for youngest children in cities.
-Play and its importance in the early years, and for children in the refugee context.
If you want to see how we can help cities overcome pressing global challenges through playful placemaking, check out the Real Play City Challenge - a global competition that awards inspiring cities and urban practitioners that have successfully used placemaking to create environments that give people time, space and opportunities to play.
There is only a few days left to submit your project! The deadline for applications is 4 September.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Joanna Messmer (Projektledare KRESP Projektledning AB, VD Samhällsbyggarna, Projektchef Open House Stockholm)
Open House https://www.openhousestockholm.com/
Festivalhelg 30/9-2/10 2022
Allmänheten bjuds in till gratis guidade visningar av stadens mest unika och spännande byggnader och platser. Festivalen syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Festivalen arrangeras i hela Storstockholmsområdet.
Festivalen arrangeras av den ideella föreningen Open House Stockholm.
Open House Stockholm är en del av det globala nätverket Open House Worldwide. Föreningarna Samhällsbyggarna, Samhällsbyggnadslänken, Stockholms Arkitektförening och Stockholms Byggnadsförening är grundare av Open House Stockholm. De delar alla ett stort engagemang för stadens utveckling.
Ta kontakt med Joanna via Linkedin här eller via mejl [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Adam Eriksson (Data Scientist)
We are talking about his Master thesis Applying Human-scale Understanding to Sensor-based Data: Generating Passive Feedback to Understand Urban Space Use.
The aim of this thesis is to investigate how parametrization of large-scale person movement data can contribute to describing the use of urban space. Given anonymous coordinate and timestamp data from a sensor observing an open-air mall, movement-based parameters are selected according to public life studies, behavioral mapping, and space syntax tools.
Read his thesis here
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Bo Stjerne Thomsen (Chair of Learning through Play, Vice-President at The LEGO Foundation)
If you want to see how we can help cities overcome pressing global challenges through playful placemaking, check out the Real Play City Challenge - a global competition that awards inspiring cities and urban practitioners that have successfully used placemaking to create environments that give people time, space and opportunities to play.
There are only a few days left to submit your project! The deadline for applications is 4 September.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Robin Rushdi Al-Sálehi (Grundare av Vakansa/ Affärsutvecklare Codesign/ Skribent/ Föreläsare/ Styrelser: YSP/ Advisory Board: Fastighetsmässan/ MERC talangnätverk)
Vi pratar om:
-"Den mest hållbara byggnaden är den som aldrig behöver byggas".
-Hur kan vi uppgradera våra befintliga byggnader/områden till att göra de mer social hållbara?
-Hur gick det med Karma byggnaden?
-Hur var Robins tid på White? Varför slutade han?
-Hur går det med Vakansa nu?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tigran Haas (Associate Professor, HAL Lab Director, and the Former Director of the Centre for the Future of Places KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tigran Haas (Associate Professor, HAL Lab Director, and the Former Director of the Centre for the Future of Places KTH, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-How is it to build a Master program? what to think about?
-How to give constructive feedback to students instead of insulting them?
-What is the future of education and what did we learn from COVID19?
-Should academia stay far away from practice and urban practitioners?
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Elisabet Spross (Innovation Lead, Sweco AB, Stockholm)
Vi pratar om
-Innovation/innovationsledning för hållbara städer och samhällen som paraply.
-Hur gör vi det praktiskt? om man vill jobba med innovation som en kommun eller som ett bolag med fokus på stadsutveckling.
-Innovationsprogrammet Innocities
-Den nya satsningen från Berghs - Innovationsledning för hållbar stadsutveckling
-Hur kan jag på individ nivå vara innovativ i mitt jobb med stadsutveckling?
-Berghs-kurs: Innovationsledning för hållbar stadsutveckling - Dagtid - Berghs
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Camilla Wallander (VD Berghs School of Communication, Stockholm, Sverige)
Vi pratar:
Jag är kursansvarig för Socialt Hållbara städer. Läs mer och anmäl dig här https://www.berghs.se/kurs/socialt-hallbara-stader-professional-dagtid/
Berghs är en världsledande skola inom kommunikation. De har utsetts till ”School of the Year” vid sju tillfällen i den internationella tävlingen Future Lions i Cannes. Sen tävlingen startade 2005 har Berghs blivit tilldelad huvudutmärkelsen 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2010 och 2009. Berghs har vunnit flest gånger i konkurrens med mer än 400 skolor från över 50 länder. Deras studenter är eftertraktade då de snabbt kan omsätta sin kunskap i handling, och 97% är i jobb inom den disciplin de utbildat sig inom sex månader efter avslutad utbildning.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Paula Andrea Escobar (Architect focused on urbanism and city planning, Oslo, Norway)
We are talking about how it is to move from Bogota downtown to a boat in Norway.
You can listen to Paula's other episode 311. How can the city help us to be better? - Paula Andrea Escobar
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Paula Andrea Escobar (Architect focused in urbanism and city planning, Oslo, Norway)
We are talking about Paula's thesis: How can the city help us to be better? And how does the city impact the way we develop and behave?
We are also talking about her experience studying and traveling abroad.
Read Paula's thesis https://issuu.com/paulaescobar/docs/wellbeing_in_the_city._proposal_of_a_city_vision_f
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Richard McCarthy (Captain at Think Like Pirates, Brooklyn, New York, United States)
I asked Richard the following questions:
- Tell us more about the Market Cities concept.
- The unexpected rise of civil society-led farmers' markets (addressing the question of who runs them, why, and why does that matter?.
-In relation to places where traditional markets and municipal markets may have long existed. Is there room for more markets and why?
-How about the E-market? the digital market, does it exist? does it mean less physical market?
-Does really food link together communities on a bigger scale? or it's just linking a few people?
-What are the main challenges that food markets are facing now?
-How can city planning serve these markets?
-There is a trend now about introducing urban farming on a small scale, do you think we can scale it up? how do we do that?
-If you picture a future city from a food market's point of view, what do you see? based on what we have now.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anna Brandeby (Studio Manager Hbg Works, Helsingborg)
Vi pratar om:
-H22 City Expo resan på Hbg Works
-Hbg Works under själva genomförandet av Expot. 35 dagar med full fart!!
-Hur de använde lock down under Covid till att optimera derass arbetsplats och mötesplats.
-Inriktningen sedan de öppnade efter Covid i september 2021 – Innovationshubben Hbg Works.
-Framtiden av kontorsplatser
-Studiebesök på Hbg Works
-H22 City EXPO
-Hbg Works
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ana Catarino (Anthropologist, Ateliermob, Lisbon, Portugal)
Terras da Costa project in Portugal
Without water, sanitation, and precarious constructions. These are the living conditions of almost 500 people – approximately 100 children – who inhabit a neighborhood of illegal origin in Costa da Caparica. Called Terras da Costa, this neighborhood is mostly occupied by two communities: of African and Gypsy origin. There are no official data on the genesis of this neighborhood. It is only known that the construction of houses on these lands began with the existence of buildings to support agricultural activity, with reports from residents who say they have lived there for 30 years. In an aerial photographic record, from 2001, Ana and her team were able to identify a consolidated neighborhood, whose limits have increased over the last decade. This is isolated and invisible territory. Listen to the story in this episode and read more about Terras da Costa project in Portugal
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ali A. Alraouf (Prof. of Architecture and Urbanism. Advisor, Qatar Urban Planning. ISOCARP Board Member. Author, Researcher, and Educator.)
We are talking about cities and events and how Doha, Qatar transformed itself to be able to host the coming FIFA at the end of 2022.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica on Instagram, Facebook & Youtube channel.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hannah Wright (Urban Planner & Knowledge Integrator helping municipalities, developers, and designers to create healthy & happy cities to live, work and grow, Netherlands)
We are talking about the Real Play City Challenge and about the play and cities topic.
Real Play City Challange: a global competition meant to create real impact in cities by promoting and contributing to scaling efforts of inclusive, resilient, and - above all - playful placemaking initiatives for everyone. Read more & register your interest in the Real Play City Challenge here https://www.realplaycitychallenge.org/
Read more about the guided experience that Hannah mentioned. It's called Feel the City.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode Mustafa Sherif Linkedin.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️
Follow Urbanistica on
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Daniel Rádai (chief urban planner - vice mayor, Budapest District 8 - Józsefváros, Budapest, Hungary)
What happens when plenty of citizens wake up one day realizing that the place they call home could be just so much different. Moreover, out of surprise a couple of young, eager urbanists get a chance to launch a new direction. Yet, pandemic hits, finances turn scarce, and demands are high while the voice of the motorist lobby is loud. A societal conflict is rising.
Two years ago Budapest District 8 turned the tide to reclaim spaces for people like no other administration in the city before. With some brave moves by the Budapest Municipality, they try to show an alternative approach to city-making in the CEE region.
Inspired by our friends in Barcelona, Milano, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, Brussels, Lisbon, and Co it is time to gear further up and bring the city even closer to its people on a level never experienced before.
Link to projects that we are talking about https://jozsefvaros.hu/otthon/varosfejlesztes/
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Here comes my recommendation to you to be a great podcast guest.
This is based on my interviews with 350+ people and also analyzing the statistic of how many listeners for each guest.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I am answering questions from listeners.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Picture by Johannes Frandsen info at arkoroduktion.com
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Clémentine Robert (Consultant in user participation in urban projects at SCOPIC in Nantes, France & Advocate for a place-led urban development within Placemaking Europe)
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Todor Kesarovski (PhD Research Fellow at University of Stavanger (Stavanger, Norway), Placemaker at |In|Formal Association Bulgaria & Europe)
Links from our talk:
- |In|Formal Association, https://www.facebook.com/InFormal.BG;
- Tooltest Day, concept story: https://issuu.com/informal6/docs/toolteststory_final | initiative: https://placemaking-europe.eu/listing/tooltesting/;
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Viviana Cordero (Huasipichanga, Cuenca, Ecuado & Utrecht, Netherlands)
We are talking about:
-Vivian's background from a being a Lawyer to urban planning design with children
-Why it's important to consider children's emotions in making cities
Link to the project that Vivian talked about https://www.huasipichanga.com/projects-1
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mikkelsen Sanna (Förskollärare, Helsingborg)
Vi pratar om Barnens H22 projektet. Det är ettprojekt som syftar till att ge barnen i Helsingborgs stads skolor en möjlighet att vara delaktiga i staden - nu och i framtiden.
This episode is in collaboration with H22. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ryan Smolar (Initiator PlacemakingUS Network, Los Angeles, California, USA)
We are talking about:
-Placemaking US https://www.placemakingus.org/
-Long Beach Food which is about connecting Eaters, Feeders and Seeders with resources, partners and models that can empower them to resolve their needs and use their offerings. http://lbfresh.org/
-Placemaking Downtown http://www.downtown-santaana.com/
In collaboration with Placemaking Europe
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Helena Friberg Ruge (Architect at Sweco Architects, Sweden)
Vi pratar om projektet Varma Platser: www.varmaplatser.se
This episode is in collaboration with H22. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nicholas Marchesi (Co Founder at Orange Sky Australia , Australia)
Nicholas Marchesi is a builder, a dreamer, and a doer. He co-founded Orange Sky Australia in response to the needs of the homeless people in his country – 1 in every 200 Australians! While it may seem like a free laundry and shower service on the surface, to Nicholas and those he supports it’s all about building responsive and connected communities with empathy and conversation. Orange Sky – now also in New Zealand – is a mobile laundry provision. By transforming the design of systems like this, Nicholas is hoping to breed inclusivity and forge further sustainability.
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
- AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Vesna Vasiljkovic (Kontorschef Tengbom, Helsingborg, Sverige)
Vi pratar om Havoteket projektet på H22 City Expo i Heslingborg.
This episode is in collaboration with H22. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Martin Hadmyr (Head of Landscape Architecture, City of Helsingborg)
Vi pratar om:
-Vad är fokus frågor/tema för H22 utifrån arkitektur och stadsutvecklings perspektiven?
-Vem har bestämt dessa fokus tema/områden?
-Hur har ni fått in medborgares perspektiv?
-Vad är nästa steg efter H22?
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Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Russell M. Henderson (RIBA Chartered Architect and Tiktok content creator, Dar Es Salaam City, Tanzania).
Russell has 300 000 Followers on Tiktok and 8,5 million likes. Visit his profile here https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNMQj5a6/
I asked him the following questions:
- What kind of content do you create? do you have a focus on a specific topic?
- How did you start? did you have a camera? microphone?
- What are the challenges that you are facing?
- How can we as architects become better at storytelling? can you give us advice on how can we tell stories about our projects?
- What is your future plan? what is the next step for you? Do you still work as an architect or now you are only focusing on social media?
You can find Russell anywhere Just type “Architect Russell” on any platform.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Sue Clark (Sustainability Consultant, Piacon, Sweden/Canada)
We are talking about:
-What is the connection between human health and climate change?
-Many buildings were designed according to building codes that will no longer be relevant for future climate scenarios. But how can we change buildings?
-What is the link between heat waves and the way we build our buildings?
Links from the talk:
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Lior Steinberg (Urban Planner & Co-Founder Humankind | Rotterdam | Netherlands)
Lior Steinberg is an urban planner and co-founder of Humankind, a multidisciplinary collective accelerating the transition towards urban happiness for all. He helps cities to look beyond functionality and to plan urban spaces that make people smile. All the projects Lior participates in have one thing in common: they create people-oriented cities. Being a Jane Jacobs’ enthusiast and a fan of great public spaces, he is keen on making cities better with an emphasis on local, innovative interventions and on including residents in urban planning.
Links to projects we talked about:
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
- AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Shweta Gandhi Architect at Urban Planner at AECOM Middle East, United Arab Emirates.
we are talking about:
-How important is it to understand how we live - to shape what we design moving ahead?
-How important is collaboration as a young professional to deliver sustainable new districts & cities?
-Should the approach be Global to Local or Local to Global?
-Advice to young professionals who want to change the world
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Santiago Uribe Rocha (Chief Resilient Officer of Medellin, Colombia)
As Executive Director at Medellín Resilience Office Corporation, Santiago Uribe Rocha’s work focuses on neighborhood transformations, violence prevention, and urban renovations. He is particularly passionate about urban participatory planning and local communities’ engagement. Santiago wants to excite as many local stakeholders as possible for the decision-making process and values co-operation in designing and implementing programs, activities, public policies, and the infrastructure of Medellín.
I asked him the following questions:
-Why do cities need to do urban participatory planning and local communities’ engagement? What do they gain?
-Tell us about projects that you work with on neighborhood transformation in Colombia, violence prevention, and urban renovations.
-How did one of the most dangerous and criminal cities in the world Medellín (A city in Colombia) become so peaceful?
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Elisabeth Meze (Head Citizens' Participation at the City of Innsbruck | Austria)
Elisabeth Meze is passionate about encouraging people to turn to less resource-consumption lifestyles. From creating sustainable living models for social housing to developing a 3-months festival in the first climate fit park, she makes changes happen through communication, knowledge transfer, positive connotated actions, and implementation.
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
- AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fermín Cerezo Peco (Director of Innovation at Valencia City Council, Spain)
As Head of Innovation Service at the City Council of València, Fermín Cerezo Peco finds inspiration from working in the public sector with the aim of creating value for citizens and the society: ending poverty, reducing inequalities, ensuring sustainable development, and tackling climate change. Cerezo is aware it takes bringing together groups from public, private, academic, civil, and media sectors to help all of us reach a common goal for the entire planet.
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Tatiana Bodnar (Placemaking Project Manager at Glad Stad, Co-Founder of Fluke Stockholm),
Nicole Arthur (Co-Founder of Fluke Stockholm / Playful Co-Designer & Facilitator )
We are talking about Fluke stockholm
Fluke is an urban collective that looks to co-create and explore new functions of public space using play. Started as a master's thesis at KTH in our student community of Lappis area in Stockholm. Fluke team explores fun ways to get residents involved in developing their city.
I asked the following questions:
- Tell us the background, how you met each other, and where?
- How did you come up with the idea of Flukestockholm?
- Tell us about Flukestockholm? what is it about? what is its aim of it?
- Tell us about the how? what did you do to make this happen? explain to us with details.
- what are the challenges that you are faced?
- If you go back in time and re-do some activities, what will you re-do and why?
- You are starting to work on our first placemaking consulting project! tell us more about this.
- What is the next step for you Flukestockholm?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Daniel Deparis leads the Urban Mobility Solutions division at Mercedes-Benz Group AG since 2019. Together with his team, he networks with all internal groups working on urban transportation topics and develops new products and solutions that improve the quality of life in cities. He is passionate about leadership and new ways of working and thinking, and his primary goals are to scale the positive impact on business and society. He is married and the father of 2 daughters.
I asked him the following questions:
-Now cities do not like cars, and cities try to make car-free cities in the city centers. what is your reflection on this?
-What is your answer to "cars are unsustainable, we should plan cities for people and not for cars"?
-Tell us more about 2-3 projects that Mercedes-Benz is working with in order to create a sustainable future
-How does Mercedes-Benz imagine the future cities? what is your vision for future transport/mobility systems? are we still going to drive cars?
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference 2022
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Carlo Ratti (Director of MIT Senseable City Lab, Founding partner at Carlo Ratti Associati design and innovation office)
I asked Carlo:
- How do you define city safety?
- What are the elements/aspects that make us feel safe in a city?
- How digitalization can transform our urban experience?
- How can cities solve the social segregation problem? what should cities start doing? is it a long process to solve this problem?
- Your research focus is on the use of big data and the Internet of Things to facilitate innovation for the future city. what does it mean, can you explain it to us?
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I talk about my collaboration with Urban Future.
In the coming episodes we are going to listen to:
1. Fermín Cerezo Peco, Director of Innovation at Valencia City Council, Spain
2. Carlo Ratti, Director of MIT Senseable City Lab, Italy
3. Lior Steinberg, Urban Planner & Co-Founder Humankind, Netherland
4. Elisabeth Meze, Head of Citizens' Participation at the City of Innsbruck, Austria
5. Santiago Uribe Rocha, Chief Resilient Officer of Medellin, Colombia
6. Daniel Deparis, leads the Urban Mobility Solutions division at Mercedes-Benz
7. Nicholas, The co-founder of Orange Sky, Australia
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
-AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Moa Sundberg (Urban Designer, City of Helsingborg, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-Partnership between Placemaking EU and Helsingborg City. Read more here.
-2 Days of Placemaking in Helsingborg. H22 City Expo: Placemaking as a city-wide endeavor. Read more and buy a ticket here.
Placemaking Europe and The City of Helsingborg are co-organizing a 2-day event within H22 filled with peer-to-peer sessions, activities, and workshops oriented around placemaking as a city-wide strategy to motivate great public space and quality of life. We have the joint goal to bring placemaking methods and frameworks forward as an imperative consideration across all levels of municipal departments and link city makers and civil servants on complementary skill sets.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karin Manberger (Landskapsarkitekt, Tengbom),
Ulrika Gunnarsson Östling (Researcher and head of division at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology),
Dafni Sarakinis (Landskapsarkitekt, Tengbom),
Jag ställde följande frågor till mina gäster:
-Vad är guiden till Normkreativ Arkitektur?
-Vems idea var den? vad var bakgrunden till att ni började tänka på Normkreativ Arkitektur guiden?
-Varför behöver vi en guide? är inte vi bra på det vi gör? vad är konsekvenserna?
-Berätta gärna om processen när ni lämnade in ansökan till Vinnova?
- Vilka utmaningar hade ni?
-Berätta om processen av framtagande at Normkreativ Arkitektur?
-Vilka utmaningar hade ni?
-Ge oss en sammanfattning av guiden, vad består den av och hur ser den ut?
-Vem är målgruppen som använder guiden?
-När är det bäst att göra det? Kan du ge oss tips på när och hur ska vi använda guiden?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Luca Ballarini (Founder & President of Torino Stratosferica, Turin, Italy)
We are talking about:
-Stratosferica. A collective project of city imaging to build a powerful narrative through images, which enhances the potential of the city and its international positioning.
- Utopian Hours. international festival
In collaboration with
-H22 City Expo at Helsingborg. The Making of a Smarter City.
-Urban Future Global Conference
- AFRY. AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Åsa Lindgren (Sustainability manager Ramboll Building) & Elise Grosse (Hållbarhetschef Sweco Architects)
Vi pratar om:
-A sustainable start. Konceptet A Sustainable Start erbjuder en mötesplats i syfte att öka kunskapsutvecklingen inom Agenda 2030, inspirera till konkreta åtgärder och nya samarbeten som gynnar hållbarhetsarbetet.
-Exempel på konkreta saker ute i landet som bidrar till Agenda 2030
-Var det några särskilda synergier mellan målen som ni uppmärksammade?
-Hur ser innovationshöjden ut?
-Vilka hinder för utvecklingen såg mina gäster?
-Tiden går, hur gör vi för att speeda upp omställningen, hinner vi ställa om?
-I stort kring hållbarhet, vad behöver vi börja göra? Och vad måste vi sluta göra?
-Vad har ni blivit förvånade över?
-Vad är nästa steg för A sustainable start?
AFRY x Gapminder SDGs online test
Urban Insight
Building the future through circular data - Tools for mining the green gold
Vinnova-projektet ÅTERHUS.
Läs mer om A sustainable start http://able.foundation/a-sustainable-start/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistic
Hanna C Kaplan (Sektionschef Stadsplanering och gestaltning, region väst, AFRY).
Sara Berrado (Sektionschef Stadsplanering och gestaltning, region öst, AFRY),
Sofie Björklund (Landskapsarkitekt, Landskapsarkitektur nätverks ledare, AFRY)
Vi pratar om landskapasarkitektur på AFRY.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I listen to this event on Zoom by Placemaking Nepal and I love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. / Mustafa Sherif.
In this episode, you will listen to Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) talking about the values of Placemaking Nepal and the coming speech that you will listen to in the other 4 episodes on Urbanistica Podcast. Placemaking Nepal is a self-organized collective of Placemakers dedicated to creating meaningful Places for memorable experiences.
Please follow Placemaking Nepal on Instagram and for any feedback, queries, or collaboration write to them via email.
You can also get in touch with Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) on Linkedin or Instagram.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I listen to this event on zoom by Placemaking Nepal and I love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. / Mustafa Sherif.
Ethan Kent works to support public space and placemaking leadership around the world, to grow the global placemaking movement. In 2019 he co-founded PlacemakingX to network and accelerates placemaking for global impact, growing 18+ regional placemaking networks that he helped initiate.
Ethan builds on more than two decades of experience working with local communities on public space and placemaking projects and campaigns, traveling to more than 1000 cities and towns, in 60 countries. He has been integral to the development of placemaking as a transformative approach to economic development,
environmentalism, transportation planning, governance, resilience, social equity, design, digital space, inclusion, tourism, and innovation.
Ethan has keynoted well over 100 leading urbanism conferences and has helped organize dozens of the conferences that have most shaped the placemaking movement.
Please follow Placemaking Nepal on Instagram and for any feedback, queries, or collaboration write to them via email.
You can also get in touch with Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) on Linkedin or Instagram.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
I listen to this event on zoom by Placemaking Nepal and I love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. / Mustafa Sherif.
With 24 years of teaching experience, Prof. Dr. Sangeeta Singh is currently the Director at the Centre for Applied Research and Development, Institute of Engineering and has led a number of research projects related to ecological urban planning, disaster resilience, sustainable development, gender mainstreaming among others. She holds a PhD in Urban Planning (specializing in eco cities). She did her M.Sc. in Infrastructure Planning from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and her Bachelor's in Civil Engineering. She is currently leading one of the GCRF research as a city lead of the “Tomorrow's Cities” in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and others. Apart from academic research, she has been involved in several professional consulting services in engineering design and urban planning.
She is also a board member of the University Grants Commission and one of the boards of trustees of Gandaki University. She is the coordinator of the Nepal National Urban Forum, the Chairperson of the Women in Engineering Business Committee at Nepal Engineering Association, and a member of Madan Bhandari Technological University Infrastructure Development Committee.
She has published various research works, especially in the field of eco-city and sustainable development, and has been a visiting scholar at Kyushu University (Japan), KU Leuven University (Belgium), and Tibet University.
Please follow Placemaking Nepal on Instagram and for any feedback, queries, or collaboration write to them via email.
You can also get in touch with Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) on Linkedin or Instagram.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I listen to this event on zoom by Placemaking Nepal and I love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. / Mustafa Sherif.
Nidhi Gulati is a sustainability practitioner and social impact strategist with ten years of experience in the built environment sector. During this time, she has held various positions leading community-based consulting projects, managing a team of placemakers, to serving as a Co-Executive Director.
She is committed to solving widespread social issues, fighting climate change, and building bridges across the public, private, and impact sectors. She leverages her skills to support ventures that simultaneously — prioritize environmental, social, and financial resilience for communities, with a special focus on their youngest members.
She is a born and raised Indian with a tremendous appreciation for trains, a love for walking as a mode of transportation, and a deep sensitivity towards issues of gender, race, and their manifestation in the built environment.
Please follow Placemaking Nepal on Instagram and for any feedback, queries, or collaboration write to them via email.
You can also get in touch with Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) on Linkedin or Instagram.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for mo
I listen to this event on zoom by Placemaking Nepal and I love to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. / Mustafa Sherif.
Tina Govan is a licensed architect and principal of her own firm, Placemaking Studio, in Raleigh, NC. She holds a Master of Architecture from MIT and takes a strongly people-based approach to the design of places. She is an active member of the PlacemakingUS and PlacemakingX networks and has been a key participating designer in their "United Streets of America" program. She is committed to igniting change from the bottom up and uncovering the hidden potential of underserved people and places. She has worked as an architect and placemaker in Japan, Boston, California, and Liberia, West Africa, in addition to her native NC.
She co-founded the "Activate" arm of NC AIA, which sponsors architect-led community projects as a way of strengthening the civic role of the architect, and recently launched “Placemaking Raleigh,” a citizen-led, grassroots placemaking initiative. As a mother and professional, she has become a strong advocate for integrating families, children, and the elderly, of all ages, into the city, and inviting them out to play.
Please follow Placemaking Nepal on Instagram and for any feedback, queries, or collaboration write to them via email.
You can also get in touch with Niharika Mathema (Architect, Initiator of Placemaking Nepal) on Linkedin or Instagram.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Magnus Mott (projekt ledare, Göteborgs Stad) och Jens Thoms Ivarsson (Creative director, Kretslopp och vatten, Göteborgs Stad).
Vi pratar om Rain Gothenburg.
Det regnar en hel del i Göteborg. Och mer lär det bli i takt med klimatförändringarna. Rain Gothenburg vill ta vara på de möjligheter som regnet ger. Så när platser och gator förändras och nya byggnader byggs kan vi samtidigt passa på att göra staden vackrare, trevligare och mer klimatanpassad för alla oss som bor i och besöker Göteborg.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Thomas Davin (Global Innovation Director at UNICEF)
We are talking about:
-Thomas Davin Carrer's journey.
-UNICEF Innovation.
- 2-3 references/projects from UNICEF Innovation
- What are the challenges that UNICEF innovation is facing now?
- What kind of leadership the world needs now in order to create a future for the new generation with the new generation?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Carolina Altenstedt (Project Engineer - Food & Pharma at AFRY) & Petri Vasara (Vice President, Dr.Tech. at AFRY Management Consulting)
We are talking about:
- The background of Food Fact Finder.
- What is the aim of Food Fact Finder?
- What does AI do in this machine?
- Are we in a food catastrophe or not?
- Who is responsible to change the way we are producing and consuming food today? how?
- What are the challenges that our world is facing in order to become more sustainable and divide resources in a more equal way?
for further information please email
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Mathilde Riou (Urbanist, visual thinker and collaboration facilitator)
We talk about:
-What is visual thinking?
-"collective intelligence".
-Advice for you if you want to become good at illustrating and delivering a message
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Åsa Ekman (Barnrätt! Föreläser, utbildar, modererar, processleder, författar, utvecklar, förändrar)
Vi pratar om:
- Barnsyn. Vad betyder det?
- Vad menas med barnrättsperspektiv, barnets perspektiv, barn prespektive?
- Det är otroligt avgörande för om barn ska kunna använda sig av sina rättigheter eller inte. vad har du för reflektioner? varför är det avgörande?
- Barns inflytande och delaktighet. Hur pratar vi med barn?
- Vilka frågor ska vi ställa för att får ut konkreta svar?
- Hur ser utbildning/kunskapsutvecklingen ut gällande barns rättigheter i stadsplaneringen?
- Om vi ska implementera barnkonvention i en verksamhet hur ska vi tänka? vilka steg måste vi göra?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Khadidja Konate (Architect and Placemaking Europe Leader),
Ethan Kent (Executive Director, PlacemakingX) &
Ramon Marrades (Director at Placemaking Europe).
We are talking about The AfterCovid.City Global Charter:
Read The AfterCovid.City Global Charter. here https://aftercovid.city/the-charter/
For further connection please email [email protected]
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Jenny Brolin (kommunikationsstrateg, Exploateringskontoret, kommunikationsavdelningen på Stockholms stad)
Vi pratar om:
-Digitala medborgarpanel för stadsutvecklingsfrågor i Stockholms stad. Länk https://vaxer.stockholm/besok-oss/medborgardialog-och-samrad/medborgarpanel/
- Hur var det under COVID med deltagande av medborgare?
- Den nya medborgarpanel "Unga panelen".
- Hur ser ni på seniorers delaktighet i digitala dialoger?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Alexander Pavlov (Project Manager Security Specialist, AFRY )
We are talking about:
- Kungstorget (The Kings Square) with H22 Helsingborg
- How was the process of the project? What are the challenges that you were facing?
- How would Alexander explain his solution as unique in comparison to what we haven’t heard or read about before?
- Did Alexander ever think that this was impossible what Helsingborg wanted him to solve?
- How much did Alexs' colleagues at AFRY and Axis communication and others involved support him?
- Sweden is a country with a lot of laws and they see personal integrity as a huge factor in public places. What challenges did Alex face when It comes to the CCTV system inside the poles!
- How much security would you like to see in future smart cities?
This Episode is in collaboration with H22 City Expo in Helsingborg. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Anders Wester (Architect and solution consultant at Spacemaker)
We are talking about
-Why do we really need digital tools during our urban planning and design processes?
-Spacemaker tool
-How can Spacemaker help us to communicate and collaborate better to create better cities?
-Where is the social aspect of this digital tool when it comes to urban planning design? can really AI help us to create life between buildings?
Please watch this Youtube video to help you to understand what is Spacemaker tool.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Johanna Spjuth (Landskapsarkitekt, AFRY)
Vi pratar om:
-CO2 guide verktyget
-Vad består själv beräkningsverktyg av?
- 1-3 projektexempel
- Tips till bransh kollegor för jobba med klimat frågor och hållbarhet? hur ska de börja? och vad ska de tänka på?
Frågor eller funderingar mejla [email protected]
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Emina Kovacic (Stadsbyggnadschef/ Stadsarkitekt i Karlshamns kommun Ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter 2021-2022)
Vi pratar om:
-Arkitekturgalan 2022 med tema förändring
-Vad ska arkitekter sluta göra?
-Vad ska arkitekter börja göra mer?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Marie Lundin Karphammar (Handläggare och barnrättsjurist på SKR Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner)
Vi pratar om:
-Blir det en stor skillnad om vi ej lyssnar på barn?
-Vad är skillnaden mellan barnrättsprespektive och barnets bästa?
-Vad är skillanden mellan barnrätts strateg och barn ombudsmannen?
-Hur tolkar vi barnkonventionen och paragraferna? fri tolkning!
-Om en verksamhet vill börja jobba konkret med implementering av barnkonvention, vilka steg ska ett verksamhet tänka på för att gå från en plan till implementering?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karin Ebbinghaus (CEO at Elonroad)
We are talking about:
-The background of the ElonRoad?
-How do you create the charge stations?
-How does the road system that auto charges all types of electric vehicles when driving?
-Is it easy to get this system in our cities? do the urban planners understand what you want? is there a space for your system?
This episode is in collaboration with H22. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fatih Okan (Projektledare, Sveriges Arkitekter)
Lena Engelbrekt (Eventkoordinator, Sveriges Arkitekter)
Tove Dumon Wallsten (Projektledare arkitektur/producent, Sveriges Arkitekter)
Vi pratar om Arkitekturgalan 2022.
OBS! Ljudet knasar lite pga att det var mycket energi och gott skratt så vi glömde hålla oss nära podd mikrfoner.
Relevanta länkar
Programmet: https://www.arkitekt.se/arkitekturpriser/arkitekturgalan/arkitekturgalan-2022/arets-program/
Juryfilm: https://youtu.be/HKwVlsubCjg
Anmälan till festerna: https://www.arkitekt.se/arkitekturpriser/arkitekturgalan/arkitekturgalan-2022/nu-blir-det-fest/
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Fatima Grand (Architect ARB RIBA SAR/MSA) and Mayra Reis (Architect & Urban Designer A MSA, MSc)
We are talking about International Architects Sweden.
A social platform bridging Sweden and the international practice of architecture and corresponding communities.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Emma Östlund (Hållbarhetschef på ETTELVA Arkitekter / Partner ETTELVA Arkitekter)
Vi pratar om:
-Vad är samhällsplaneringens roll för hållbar utveckling?
-Cirkularitet och återbruk inom samhällsplanering och byggande
-Samarbetsprojektet CIX (ett digitalt verktyg)
-Vems ansvar att våra uppdrag ska jobba med mer cirkularitet och återbruk?
-Hur blir vi bättre på cirkularitet och återbruk och säger till att detta händer i praktiken?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Björn Ekelund (Lektor, planerare och arkitekt SAR/MSA, Partner på Warm in the Winter)
Vi pratar om:
-Visioner i Norr
-Hur ser du på förtätningar i naturområden, går det och varför?
-Ökade klyftor och minskad integration. Varför räcker planerarnas strategi om att bygga samman stadsdelar inte?
-Arkitekturinstitutet, för att behovet av praktiknära arkitekturforskning just nu är oändligt. Varför ska våra kollegor engegera sig och börja praktiknära arkiktetkurförska? vad tjänar de på det?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Lotta Falck (Head of Food & Life Science at AFRY)
We talk about
-Food & Life Science. What is it about and what is the aim of it? can you explain to us?
-We are getting older /larger population and wealthier. is that true?
- Personalized medicine, medical support/devices, and food. Tell us more about what does it mean?
-What kind of Leadership do we need now in order to save the planet and making future?
-How do you personally see the future of food? are we really going to have urban farming and food in pills?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Gerald Babel-Sutter (Co-Founder and the CEO of URBAN FUTURE Global Conference)
We are talking about:
-What is special about Urban Future? why it's unique?
-About the process, how does Urban future plan the EU biggest event about sustainable cities?
-The next event will take place in Helsingborg, Sweden.
Book your ticket here to attend Urban Future at Helsingborg and also visit the H22 EXPO.
Use discount code: URBANISTICA
to get a 10% discount.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Monica von Schmalensee (Arkitekt och senior rådgivare)
Vi pratar om:
-Kan arkitekterna förändra världen själva genom design? varför?
-Långsiktigt vs kvartals ekonomin.
-Råängen uppdraget i Lund. (White Arktiekter)
-Sara kulturhus, en av världens högsta trähus. (White Arktiekter)
-Selma i Göteborg. Återbruk. (White Arktiekter)
–Vad ska arkitekterna sluta göra?
–Vad ska arkitekterna börja göra mer?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I am answering the question from Tala Al Ansari (Director & Head - Innovation Ecosystem & Scale2Dubai, EXPO2020) from episode 251: How often are we asking and engaging our community about city development projects?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tala Al Ansari (Director & Head - Innovation Ecosystem & Scale2Dubai, EXPO2020)
We are talking about:
-What is the story behind District2020?
-We generally think of Smart Cities in terms of technology, but you describe your approach as being Human-centric. How so?
-Having a legacy for the EXPO is great for sustainability, how else are you embracing sustainability?
-Expo is all about the spirit of innovation and creating a better world. How would District 2020 carry forward this spirit?
-You just achieved exciting milestones with your global entrepreneurship program called Scale2Dubai. Can you tell us more about this & why you think it is important in fostering innovation?
For more information please visit https://www.district2020.ae/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Martin Hedevang Andersen (Landscape Architect and Founder of ORCA, Copenhagen, Denmark)
We are talking about:
Link to the project https://www.orcacph.com/projects/nordre-faelled
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
I am answering the question from our guest Rodrigo Pencheff (Lighting Engineer at Light Bureau part of AFRY):
What can we bring from Music to Lighting?
You can go back and listen to the full episode with Rodrigo.
248.ENG A DJ & Lighting Engineer - Rodrigo Pencheff
We are talking about:
-How did he start his journey in the music world?
-Why did he change his profession to lighting?
-What does he take from music to lighting?
-What is good lighting from his point of view?
-Should we mix our hobbies with our profession? or keep them separately?
-Why do we need to spread more love in our cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Rodrigo Pencheff (Lighting Engineer at Light Bureau)
We are talking about:
-How did he start his journey in the music world?
-Why did he change his profession to lighting?
-What does he take from music to lighting?
-What is good lighting from his point of view?
-Should we mix our hobbies with our profession? or keep them separately?
-Why do we need to spread more love in our cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations or just email me at [email protected]
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Rim Alexandra Halfya (COO and cofounder of Combify) & Alaa Alshawa (CEO and cofounder of Combify)
We are talking about:
-Combify platform https://sv.combify.com/ Combify is an UrbanTech and ConTech company specializing in visualization and digitalization of construction projects' data.
-Personal reflection about leadership, dreams and work-life balance while running a startup.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Elena Sjödin (Founder and CEO of Robot Minds)
We are talking about:
-How do we plan and design robot-friendly cities?
-Do we really need robots in our cities?
-What will the citizens benefit from Robots?
-Why it's important for you to be in H22 EXPO and to partner with H22?
-What will we see when we visit H22 EXPO?
Listen to Elena's first Urbanistica Podcast 32.EN The Robotic City - Elena Sjödin
This episode is in collaboration with H22. Read more here https://h22.se/en/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Olivia Hallberg (Traffic Engineer, Nacka Municipality, Sweden)
We are talking about:
Read more here (master’s thesis): https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1580054&dswid=6828
Get in touch with Olivia on Linkedin Linkedin: https://se.linkedin.com/in/oliviahallberg
Follow her Instagram account @publictoiletsofsthlm https://www.instagram.com/publictoiletsofsthlm/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We are back online with a new session.
Links that I mentioned in the episode:
Human-centric city District 2020 in Dubai
Visit EXPO2020 Dubai
Hack for Earth Project
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Detta är ett seminarium som Mustafa Sherif modererade.
I detta AFRYs Future Cities studio seminarium om urban design fokuserar vi på hur barnkonvention tolkas och tillämpas konkret i planering och gestaltning av våra städer. Hur involverar vi barn och unga i stadsutvecklingsprocesser och hur sker återkopplingen? Hur utformas våra städer när de byggs med hänsyn till barnens mänskliga rättigheter?
Sedan den 1 januari 2020 är FN: s barnkonvention lag i Sverige, vilket innebär att barns mänskliga rättigheter måste garanteras - inte minst när man utvecklar staden. I detta Future Cities studio seminarium fokuserar vi på hur barnkonvention tolkas och tillämpas konkret i planering och gestaltning av våra städer. Hur involverar vi barn och unga i stadsutvecklingsprocesser och hur sker återkopplingen? Hur utformas våra städer när de byggs med hänsyn till barnens mänskliga rättigheter?
Under det här frukostseminariet kommer vi att börja med en inspirationspresentation om trendspaning utifrån ett konkret exempel kring barnens plats i staden. Därefter bjuder vi in experter med bakgrund inom mänskliga rättigheter, barn och fritidsverksamheter, stadsplanering och gestaltning till ett panelsamtal kring ämnet. Vi ser gärna att du som deltagare bidrar med dina åsikter och din kunskap till diskussionen via Menti.
Maria Aspelin, Konsult, Specialist Barnkonsekvensanalys och Social konsekvensanalys, AFRY
Alla Future Cities seminarier (video format) finns här
Läs mer om AFR Future Cities
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
نصير كساب
مهندس معماري و مسؤول
BIM - Building information modeling
و شريك في مكتب الهندسة المعمارية
ÅWL Arkitekter AB
في السويد
في هذه الحلقة نتحدث عن
دراسة نصير للهندسة المعمارية
رحلت المهندس نصير من العراق الى السويد
التحديات التي واجهها المهندس نصير في العراق و في السويد في سوق العمل
ماذا يمكن للمهندس العراقي ان يتعلم من المهندس العراقي في السويد؟
ماذا يمكن للمندس العراقي في السويد ان يتعلم من المهندس العراقي؟
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Annie Croona (Head of Social Media & Content, AFRY) and Linda Strindevall (Climate Reporting Project Manager, AFRY)
We are talking about:
-Youth perspective on issues related to sustainability at AFRY
-What should I do if my manager does not care about sustainability?
-What should I do if my employees do not care about sustainability?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Xavier Matilla (Chief Architect Barcelona City Council)
We are talking about:
-What are the main objectives and characteristics of the current Barcelona transformation?
-Barcelona Superblock
-"Let’s protect Schools!". project
- Are the citizens of Barcelona part of this transformation?
Barcelona Superblock: https://www.barcelona.cat/pla-superilla-barcelona/en and https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/superilles/en/
Let's protect schools project https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/ecologiaurbana/es/que-hacemos-y-porque/urbanismo-para-los-barrios/protegemos-escuelas
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anna Waernborg (Senior Lighting Designer LD, Landskapsarkitekt MSA, Light Bureau)
Frida Nordmark (Senior Lighting Architect, M.L.A, Project Manager, Light Bureau)
Vi pratar om:
-På vilket sätt påverkar det elektriska ljuset vissa arter/grupper?
-Vad blir det för konsekvensen på biodiversitet?
-Vad är en bra belysning?
-Vad kan vi göra för att minska påverkan på ekosystemen?
-Vad kan göras med all dålig belysning som sitter redan uppe? Vilka bör ta ansvar?
-Belysning och trygghet i staden
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
David Nilsson Sträng (Founder and CEO at HETCH) and Joakim Jardenberg (Volvo Group Strategy)
We are talking about:
-Project that David and Joakim work with, within AI and the smart city.
-Are we living in that smart city?
-what are the challenges that our cities are facing in order to become smart?
-In what way will their involvement contribute to the development of Helsingborg and other cities?
-What is the next step after the expo H22?
This episode is in collaboration with H22 EXPO
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lena Jungmark (Nationell koordinator barns- och ungas utemiljö Tankesmedjan Movium vid SLU)
Vi pratar om Barn Plats Lek stad boken.
Vad händer om man planerar staden ur barnets perspektiv? Hur kan politiker och beslutsfattare, med ansvar för barns vardagsliv, skapa förutsättningar för en barnvänlig stadsplanering? Kan konventionen om barnets rättigheter vara ett stöd i komplexa planeringsfrågor? Ger Agenda 2030, Strategi för levande städer och politiken för gestaltad livsmiljö stöd för en barnvänlig stadsplanering?
Du kan också köpa den i vår nätbokhandel >>
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alexander Landborn (Director of Sustainability at Link Arkitektur)
We talk about:
-Climate-Smart Design Principles
-How is LINK Architects is acting when it comes to climate?
-Why does no one thank architects that do the most for climate change?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mikael Ericson (Lärare, grundare av Barnens karta)
Vi pratar om barnens karta.
Tel: 073 086 4723
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dan Hill (Director of Strategic Design at Vinnova. Professor at Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Visiting Prof at UCL Bartlett and Design Academy Eindhoven, Adjunct Prof at RMIT. Mayor of London Design Advocate)
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hannah Wadmad (Samhällsplanerare, AFRY)
Vi pratar om:
-Hur ska vi tänka barn när vi planera städer?
-Det sägs att om man planerar för ett barn, hur?
-Vad kan konsekvenserna bli om man inte inkluderar barnperspektivet?
-Hur ska vi utbilda oss, vi som vuxna för att förstå mer barnets perspektiv?
Läs mer om: AFRYs modell för att minska hemlöshet bland barn kan bli vägledande i Sverige här.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Aurore Belfrage (Member of the Committee, Tech investor and entrepreneur, Co-Founder at SusTechable)
Karl-Henrik Sundström (Chair of the Committee, Former CEO of Stora Enso)
We are talking about:
-What is special about EXPO 2020 in Dubai?
-Why does Sweden participate in this EXPO?
-What are people in Sweden going to gain with this participation?
-What does Sweden bring to the world EXPO 2020 in Dubai?
Read more about Sweden at EXPO 2020 in Dubai here.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Niklas Madsen (Founder & Design Manager at SUPERLAB, Sweden )
We are talking about:
-Why are you choosing to be an H22 partner?
-What is an outdoor urban office and how does it work?
-Our smart and future work offices and how can we re-think our cities
This episode is in collaboration with H22 EXPO
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Joanna Messmer (Projektchef på Open House!, Projektledare på KRESP Projektledning AB)
Vi pratar om:
-Backgrunden till Open House?
-Vad tillför den för värde för alla medborgare och för staden?
-Open House Stockholm 2021 Festival den 1-3 oktober
Läs mer om programmet och anmäla dig här
Open House
Allmänheten bjuds in till gratis guidade visningar av stadens mest unika och spännande byggnader och platser. Open House Stockholm firade femårsjubileum 2020. Festivalen syftar till att involvera allmänheten i stadens utveckling och stimulera intresset för arkitektur och samhällsbyggande. Festivalen arrangeras i hela Storstockholmsområdet.
Festivalen arrangeras av den ideella föreningen Open House Stockholm.
Open House Stockholm är en del av det globala nätverket Open House Worldwide. Föreningarna Samhällsbyggarna, Samhällsbyggnadslänken, Stockholms Arkitektförening och Stockholms Byggnadsförening är grundare av Open House Stockholm. De delar alla ett stort engagemang för stadens utveckling.
Ta kontakt med Joanna via Linkedin här eller via mejl [email protected]
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Päivi Raivio (Co-Founder at Parkly - innovative tool for public places Designer and founder at RaivioBumann, Finland)
We are talking about:
-How can public art help to create better cities?
-is Placemaking and Urban Design the keys to our after covid cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Janica Wiklander (VD Okidoki! Arkitekter AB)
Vi pratar om:
Resan från positionell makt (3:e industrialisering) till relationellt samskapande för att flytta skapandeprocessen in den 4:e industrialiseringen.
-Vad menas med positionell makt (3:e industrialisering)?
-Vad är industrialiseringen 4.0?
-Vad spelar vi arkitekter för roll i denna resa?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jonas Gustavsson (CEO,AFRY)
We are talking about:
-How to lead a big company like AFRY that gathers both engineers and designers?
-Is partnership the new leadership? we are talking about AFRY's collaboration with Gapminder and Norrsken foundation.
-How does AFRY respond to smart cities, climate change, and sustainable development goals?
-Can really engineers, architects, and urban planners make the future or everything made by politics?
-What is Jonas favorite building, public space, and city, and how does he see our future cities?
for doing the GapMinder test click here.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Linda Fragner(Innovationsledare & Workshopper) och Frida Panoussis (Graphic Recorder och Workshopper)
Vi pratar om:
-Vad är Co-Creation? hur kan vi samverka och samskapa?
-Sustainability Sprint som workshop metod
-Co-Create Stockholm event 16/9
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A Sustainable Tomorrows hållbarhets- och framtidskonferens den 16 september 2021.
Konferensens fokusområde 2021 är Regenerative Business, ett systemperspektiv för att skapa mervärde och accelerera positiv samhällsförändring. Perspektivet, som presenterades vid World Economic Forum i Davos 2020, fokuserar på skalbara lösningar för att skydda, återställa och öka humankapital, miljö och ekonomiska resurser. Det regenerativa perspektivet baseras på lärdomar från naturen. Hubarrangörer: Removement, Sustainability Sprint & Vakansa.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lukas Ljungqvist (Stadsbyggnadsstrateg, arkitekt SAR/MSA) och Jennie Argerich (Samordnare hållbar stadsutveckling och innovationssamordnare)
Vi pratar om:
-Hur jobbar Stockholms stad med mål 11?
-Hur mäter och följer Stockholms stad upp delmålen?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fredrika Friberg (Stadskreatör, Nacka kommun)
Vi pratar om:
-Nacka kommuns arbete med konsten att skapa stad
-Wall Street Nacka festival
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Fredrikas Foto: Mårten Sessler
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Michael Stott (Director City Strategy and Place at Urbis, Australia )
We are talking about:
-Destination strategy space method
-Audince Segmentation tool
-After COVID cities and Placemaking
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sepehr Mousavi (CSO, Innovation + R&D Lead & Co-Founder at SweGreen, Futurist, Tech Advocate, Industrial PhD, TEDx Speaker)
We are talking about:
- SweGreen Farming as a service in a subscription model
-Building Scandinvan largest vertical farm in a store
-Fear of Tech or Techphobia
-The needed ecosystem to empower startups that benefit a smart city
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Frida Öster (Architect and Secretary-general Europan Sweden)
Carolina Wikström (Partner at Asante Architecture and Design and Secretary-general Europan Sweden)
We are talking about:
-Europan competition
-How to participate?
-What is Europan adding to our cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
David Basulto (Founder and Managing Director at ArchDaily)
We are talking about:
-The background of ArchDaily
-What are the challenges and the next step for Archdaily?
-What is smart architecture?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Srećko Horvat (philosopher, author and political activist)
We are talking about:
Rapidly melting ice, rising sea levels, and flooded cities, hurricanes, wildfires and droughts, mass migration and conflicts, climate apartheid, and mass extinction: this has become our new reality.
- How do we prepare our cities?
- What is the story of "After the Apocalypse" book to the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
- Smart city and digitalization, robots are something many people are worried about. Do you think it is our urban planning and design coming end?
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Marie Trogstam (Head of Sustainability, AFRY)
We are talking about:
-Leadership and partnership. How to achieve our sustainability goals? what kind of leadership do we need?
-AFRYs work within Sustainability?
-How do you define a smart city?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Valeriia Tatianina (Graduate Urban Designer, KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about
-Teaching system between Moscow and Stockholm
-COVID VS. IRL learning
-He Master thesis within Urban Planning
-Finding a job in Sweden
-Her Makeup as a hobby and its a connection to Urban Planning
Links that Valeriia is talking about:
Email for contact: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/valeriia-tatianina/
Thesis(Diva portal): http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1566295/FULLTEXT01.pdf
IG: https://www.instagram.com/varelia_t/
Bunny the dog: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdD1agL4/
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Pernilla Baralt (The Executive Director at UNICEF Sweden)
We are talking about:
-The convention on the Rights of the Child and the 4 main articles.
-Why should we do integrate children into our "Adults" process, especially in our cities development?
-What kind of Leadership do we need in order to create child-friendly cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jonas Spangenberg (Business Unit President BoKlok) is sharing the story of Boklok and also the collaboration with H22 EXPO in Helsingborg City.
For the first time ever, IKEA engages in a multi-year collaboration with an entire city. Helsingborg and H22 will be a testbed for investments aimed at increasing the quality of life in the city. The districts of Drottninghög, Fredriksdalsskogen, and Oceanhamnen are in focus for the collaboration.
This episode is in collaboration with H22 the Making of a Smarter City. Helsingborg Sweden.
Enjoy the episode and let's connect on
Do not forget to follow Urbanistica on
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dr. Vikas Mehta (Professor, Fruth/Gemini Chair and Ohio Eminent Scholar of Urban/Env. Design, University of Cincinnati)
We are talking about:
- Vikas's new book to the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
- Why and in which ways public space matter?
- What makes an ideal public space? what is the secret recipe for that?
- Do you believe in future virtual public space? that we will be at home but meet in digital public spaces and we do not need to go out anymore?
- Public spaces are facing many challenges, how can we think in order to pass these challenges?
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Claire Borchers (Urban Planning Master's Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are following up on Clair's student life story in Stockholm. (Listen to episode 152 if you miss the first episode with Claire).
Claire tells us about her courses at the Royal Institute of Technology, IRL VS. remotely studies, her social life, and her plans for the summer as a student in Sweden.
Feel free to contact Claire [email protected]
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Andy Karvonen (PhDs, Associaterofessor, Sustainable Urban Development, Associateirector, Digital Futures , KTHoyal Institute of Technologyt, Stockholm, Sweden)
We are talking about:
-the Center for the Future of Places, Stockholm
-the definition of a Smart City
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Soraya Axelsson (Head of H22, Helsingborg smart city, Sweden) is welcoming you to the EXPO 2022.
In 2022, history will be written when Helsingborg takes its proud tradition of city exhibitions to the next level. With H22 City Expo, Helsingborg invites the world to explore the newest innovations and the smartest ideas for a city that puts people and planet first. Come and enjoy, explore, and evolve!
Want to be part of making the future? At H22 City Expo, Helsingborg invites the world to explore all the wonders of the city of tomorrow! You will see the newest innovations and the smartest ideas for a city that puts people and planet first. A show to remember for all ages!
Experience a city with all your senses and open up for exciting tastes, meetings, music, and adventure. Explore the latest technology, the future homes, and the green inventions. You will see robot helpers, musical playgrounds, and trees that water themselves. From below the sea to above the clouds, prepare to see and test things that will amaze and inspire.
At H22 City Expo, Helsingborg will be an arena for the world’s visionary leaders, city changers, urban disruptors, and crazy dreamers to explore local solutions to the global challenges that will define our future. The city is all of us. It’s time to open up!
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
James Ardinast (Managing Director,IMA-Clique)
We are talking about:
-What can James bring from hospitality sector to urban development sector?
-How are our AFTER COVID CITIES going to look like? why?
-What is Jame's recipe to makes cities vibrant? with a focus on the future of downtowns,( the culture of eating, real estate..).
This episode is in collaboration with Placemaking Europe.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This podcast series is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
More about
The Urbanism and Landscape Studio focus on cities, landscapes and territories in the broader context of the environmental crisis. How can we imagine a sustainable and resilient city of the twenty-first century? What can the role of designers be in addressing Agenda 2030, including urgent and interconnected problems such as rapid urbanization, biodiversity loss, social inequity and severe global climate changes affecting our cities? Drawing on the nexus of ideas within landscape/ecological urbanism, resilience theory, and the environmental humanities, the studio challenges the modernist idea of the city as a fixed, delimited territory contrasting the ‘natural’ world around us. Instead, we explore landscape and ecology as organizers of urban space; as providers of catalytic urban strategies that can embrace complexity, multi-functionality and change over time.
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
Ania Öst (Architect, Lecturer and Researcher at KTH - School of Architecture, partner at Gaia Arkitektur), Hanna Erixon Aalto (Architect, PhD, Lecturer, KTH, The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm) and Ulrika Stenkula (Architect, Gaia Arkitektur, Sweden).
We are talking about the aim of the master Urbanism and Landscape Studio at KTH, School of Architecture in Stockholm, Sweden. Why and how important is it to bring back nature to the city.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urban
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbani
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.<
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about
The Urbanism and Landscape Studio focus on cities, landscapes and territories in the broader context of the environmental crisis. How can we imagine a sustainable and resilient city of the twenty-first century? What can the role of designers be in addressing Agenda 2030, including urgent and interconnected problems such as rapid urbanization, biodiversity loss, social inequity and severe global climate changes affecting our cities? Drawing on the nexus of ideas within landscape/ecological urbanism, resilience theory, and the environmental humanities, the studio challenges the modernist idea of the city as a fixed, delimited territory contrasting the ‘natural’ world around us. Instead, we explore landscape and ecology as organizers of urban space; as providers of catalytic urban strategies that can embrace complexity, multi-functionality and change over time.
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast.
This episode is in collaboration with the master studio Urbanism & Landscape at KTH school of architecture, Stockholm, Sweden.
Read more about the projects here (PDF).
More about the focus of this studio during spring 2021.
MASSES AND WATER In the spring of 2021, the studio is part of an ongoing research project called MASSA. It is financed by a four-year state grant trough Formas and is a collaboration between the City of Stockholm, KTH, Gaia Arkitektur and Studio ErixonAalto. They investigate how millions of tons of stone generated during the expansion of Stockholm’s subway can be the catalyst for new resilient urban environments. Historically, land rise and the conjunction of fresh water and saltwater is the raison d’être of Stockholm. Considering the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and increased water flows—as well as the rapid growth of Stockholm— the studio sees the opportunity to take a holistic approach to the potential that 7 million tons of rock brings. The challenges are severe: The Baltic ecosystem is collapsing and by 2050, the sea level rise is estimated to exceed the land rise. In 2100 Lake Mälaren could once again become part of the Baltic Sea and the city would lose its drinking water supply. The studio will work with a number of sites where the stone residue can be used as a resource in relation to the blue wedges in Stockholm and urban development.
The teachers and the studio aim at empowering students to develop a critical and systematic outlook to the urban and global problems we face though the study of hands-on, “live” problems grounded in realworld challenges. Urban design is an inclusive, reflective and, by necessity, transdisciplinary practice and students worked closely with decision makers, activists, local organizations, and experts. Learning from history, Students studied how forces of nature, culture and infrastructure have shaped city life. Through combining the critical and the suggestive; analysis and innovation, the students developed bold scenarios that reframe the human-nature relationship.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Amir Nazari och Sofia Klingberg (Inclusion & Diversity Managers, AFRY) pratar om inkludering och mångfald, och om vad vi behöver tänka på för att planera inkluderande städer för alla människor.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How to find your dream job? a special episode for students.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ulf Molén (CEO, NSR AB) is sharing the journy of NSR and Vera Park in Helsingborg EXPO H22 in Sweden.
He is also explaining how is it possible to recycle 99% of waste material in our cities!
This episode is in collaboration with H22 the Making of a Smarter City. Helsingborg Sweden. Read more about Vera Park and H22 here. Use the same link to book a visit to Vera Park’s incubator to learn more, go on a sustainability safari, or get help with your idea in a free brainstorming session.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Setha Low (Professor, and Director of the Public Space Research Group, City University of New York CUNY) is sharing her story and talking about her new book to the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Robert Lavelid är arkitekt SAR/MSA med mer än 40 års erfarenhet från stora arkitektur- och stadsbyggnadsprojekt såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Han har varit partner i Modern Line arkitekter, Tengbom och Fojab. Sedan ett antal år tillbaka har han en blogg om arkitektur och stadsbyggnad på Sveriges Arkitekters webbplats och har skrivit många artiklar i ämnet.
Robert berättar om sin bok KODEN för en bra stad.
Finns att beställa här.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Conrad Kickert (An assistant professor at the University at Buffalo) focuses on his research on the shape and shaping of cities and its effect on the current workings of the city. He also focuses on the changing relationship between urban form and the ground floor economy, a key element of our urban experience.
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
A quick chat with the godfather of 15 min city.
What is it about? How do cities adapt the 15 min city concept?
Carlos Moreno is a Senior University Professor French-Colombian specialized in the intelligent control of complex systems.
Deeply committed to science, progress and creativity in all its forms, he strives to bring together scientific disciplines and professionals in the innovation ecosystem —from industry to start-ups —with a particular focus on a cross-disciplinary approach.
After leading his start-up Sinovia to success, he was Scientific Adviser to the CEO of ENGIE INEO, exGDF SUEZ Group, he goes on delivering today his strategic and foward-looking vision, his scientific expertise, and his international reputation, on the issues of mutation, innovation, and added value chain. In particular, in the field of the Human and Living City. He was named Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in April 2010. He is expert within complex systems, digital world, city of tomorrow, innovation
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jag ringer till mina kollegor på Landskap och Plan sektion, Region Öst, AFRY och frågar de:
Tack till:
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kaia Eichler (Head of Sustainability Buildings at AFRY) is talking about sustainability and climate neutrality in buildings, and also about a needed leadership in order to create a positive impact in the buildings industry.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Chuck Wolfe (Author/photographer, consultant (Seeing Better Cities Group), lawyer, and Guest Affiliate Scholar at CFP.) is sharing the story of his journey from being a lawyer to start doing writing about cities. He is talking about urban character post pandemic. How can we re-think and re-invent our cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The guest and the audience were notified about the recording of this conversation in Clubhouse room.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Suzanne de Laval (Researcher and architect at Arkitekturanalys sthlm AB, co-director at Architecture and Children - UIA Built Environment Education Network) is talking about the method, who and why do we need to apply it in order to develop a human friendly cities. We are talking also about why do we have to integrate children in creating our future cities?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ali Sadeghi (Programdirektör för Nya stambanor, Trafikverket) berättar om nya stambanor för höghastighetstågen i Sverige.
I juni 2020 gav regeringen Trafikverket i uppdrag att redovisa ett system för nya stambanor utifrån ett kostnadstak om 205 miljarder kronor, samt uppdaterade kostnader för befintligt system.
Vi pratar om smarta städer och även om Alis syn på ledarskap.
Läs Trafikverkets rapport om nya stambanor för höghastighetståg här.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Marcin Żebrowski (Urban Designer and Podcaster) is together with Mustafa talking about Marcin podcast journey and discussing how a podcast can be an urban planning tool and why should cities use a podcast and integrate it in the city development process.
Marcin is running URBCAST about cities.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The guest and the audience were notified about the recording of this conversation in Clubhouse room.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Michael Mehaffy is a strategic consultant, planner, researcher, educator, urban and building designer, author and public speaker on leading advances in urban development, with over four decades of experience. Project manager and/or owner representative for industry-leading projects, with an international practice based in Portland, OR. and Stockholm, SE. Grad school in architecture at UC Berkeley, public policy and design philosophy at UT Austin, Ph.D. in architecture at Delft University of Technology.
Currently he is working with KTH University, Centre for the Future of Places and UN-Habitat, on implementation of the New Urban Agenda (adopted by all 193 countries), with a focus on the importance of public space networks for healthy urbanization and quality of life. In this episode we are talking about his new book to the Center for the Future of Places.
order the book
Paperback: http://www.mijnbestseller.nl/books/242007
Hardcover: http://www.mijnbestseller.nl/books/256394
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
كيفية بناء الهوية التجارية الشخصية للطالب المعماري و ايجابياتها.
ضيف الحوار طالبة الهندسة المعمارية العراقية امنه زيد من بغداد.
شكرا لأستماعكم للحلقة و يرجي متابعتنا والأشتراك في تطبيق ال
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Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The guest and the audience were notified about the recording of this conversation in Clubhouse room.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join Urbanistica on Clubhouse
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Staden är en podcast med Dan Hallemar (redaktör Arkitektur Förlag) och Håkan Forsell (urbanhistoriker och författare)
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Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Rosa Danenberg (PhD student at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology Department of Urban Planning and Environment) is sharing the story of her research work about ground floors and retail with a focus on small businesses during COVID19 in Stockholm city.
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Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Björn Bensdorp-Redestam (Head of Urban planning at Helsingborg City) is sharing the story of SeaU project in Helsingborg and about how to rethink the inner city.
Downtown Helsingborg is being transformed into a vibrant hub of possibility. A centre for new ways of meeting, working, and enjoying life – all designed for a sustainable future. A place where rich history meets modern innovation and where smart solutions are explored to elevate city life. The centre is being developed to reflect Helsingborg’s smart city ambitions and create space for residents, for new enterprise, and a meeting place that invites the world to join the journey towards a smarter city.
SeaU – A new landmark and a new community
Right by the sea in the heart of central Helsingborg, Clarion Hotel & Congress SeaU – a state-of-the-art hotel and congress facility – has just thrown open its doors. What was once a large car park will now also be the site for 155 new homes, and a beautiful park is being established along the quayside promenade. Clarion Hotel & Congress SeaU will serve as a new meeting place for the region, and for the rest of the world. It will play an important role in uniting international changemakers in tackling global challenges and discussing the path ahead
This episode is in collaboration with H22 the Making of a Smarter City. Helsingborg Sweden.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Elin Fabre is back again to Urbanistica podcast and sharing the story of Her City toolbox.
Involving girls in urban development will make the city better for everyone. Girls plan and design with diversity and different needs in mind. Participatory processes are key for planning a city that works for everyone. If we let citizens that are rarely heard be the experts, our cities and communities will become more inclusive, equal and sustainable. The purpose of this initiative is to make methods and tools available to urban actors and cities globally. We support cities to scale up and mainstream girls’ participation in planning as a part of their long-term strategies to build sustainable cities and societies. Read more and use the toolbox https://hercity.unhabitat.org/
Listen to episode #123 if you want to know more about the background of this initiative.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maja Manner (Affärsstrateg och senior konsult,AFRY) berättar om varför är det viktig att jobba delaktighet och demokrati för att nå en hållbarsamhällsutveckling.
Vi pratar om hur och varför vi behöver utveckla en stad utifrån mänskliga behov och rättigheter.
Maja arbetar ofta i sammanhang där samverkan står i fokus mellan offentligt, privat, akademi och civilsamhälle. Hur man kommer framåt i komplexa samverkansprojekt är något hon brinner för och är en van facilitator med god förståelse för de olika aktörernas drivkrafter.
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Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sabine Knierbein (Graduate Engineer Landscape Architecture, 2004; Dr.phil. in European Urban Studies, 2009) is Associate Professor for UrbanCulture and Public Space at TU Wien, Austria) is sharing the story of how the academic collaboration between the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space at TU Wien (Vienna, Austria) and the CFP at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, came about?
Sabine tells us more about the two books she is currently finalizing "Care and the City. New Perspectives in Urban Studies and Planning Theory“ and "Urban Space Unsettled. Routines, temporalities, and contestations".
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
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Image Credits: Photo Wilke.
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dr.Clemens Grünbühel (Research Leader at SEI) & Sofia Cavalleri (PhD Candidate at Stockholm Environment Institute & Chulalongkorn University) is talking about urban-rural sustainable links and how the urban-rural divide has been normalized in the mainstream academic narrative, including how policymakers are currently working in silo, by structuring development strategies as "rural development" and "urban development", often missing the bigger overarching regional picture.
We are talking about the main flow of resources (e.g. ecosystem services, human capital, natural, social, financial, physical, natural capital that is flowing from the rural to the urban areas and vice-versa). moreover, we are talkingb about what can the urban offer to the rural? and what can the rural offer to the urban?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ramon Marrades is an urban economist, writer, and activist with a passion for people and places. He is currently Director of Placemaking Europe and Strategy Advisor to the Creative Bureaucracy Festival.
Before, he has served as the Chief Strategy and Finance Officer at La Marina de València, Valencia’s waterfront redevelopment agency, and a board member of the Worldwide Network of Port Cities (AIVP). Ramon is a co-editor of the book “Our City? Countering Exclusion in Public Space” (2019) and the host and co-curator of Placemaking Week Europe 2019. His work focuses on the interface between public space and economic development.
This episode is a part of the Placemaking Europe Episodes Serie in Urbanistica podcast.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Shereen Daver (Founder 108 Ateliers. Co-founder & Director at Royal Park Hospitality & Education Hub) and Margaret Steiner (Architect and Project Manager at White Architects) are sharing the story of their study about Transforming Hospitable Environments. This study was conducted with funding from White Research Lab (WRL) by White Arkitekter and Royal Park Hospitality Hub.
Read more about the study
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tim Gill (Independent researcher) is sharing the story of his new book Urban Playground: How Child-Friendly Planning and Design Can Save Cities. We are also talking about smart cities and how technology can help us to create a child-friendly city. Tim is sharing with you his recipe for how to develop a child-friendly city.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fredrik Lindstål (Vice Mayor to the City of Stockholm, Founder & Chairman of the board of Sweden's largest placemaking organisation, Glad Stad) is sharing the stroy of his Placemaking journey. Fredrik is now one of the board members at Placemaking Europe.
We talk politics and Placemaking in this episode!
This episode is in collaboration with Placemaking Europe.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kristian Skovbakke Villadsen (Partner, Director and Architect MAA at Gehl Copenhagen Denmark) is talking about why function should follow form and how we can change our mindset in order to develop cities for people.
Kristian operates in the span between political visions and the detailed urban design, which realizes the visions in the everyday life of cities. His focus is always on livability and social-, economical- and environmental sustainability, whether the work is on future of mobility, masterplanning, revitalization strategies or urban policies. Kristian has worked with a number of leading cities, developers, organizations and NGO’s, across Europe, North America and China. Kristian has contributed to several books, exhibitions and films and has been connected to the academic world as an external lecture at a number of institutions, as well as being a much-used keynote speaker.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode is done in collaboration with the Centre for the Future of Place at KTH the Royal Institute of Technology.
Chuck Wolfe (Author/photographer, consultant (Seeing Better Cities Group), lawyer, and Guest Affiliate Scholar at CFP.) is sharing the story of his journey from being a lawyer to start doing writing about cities. He is talking about his contribuation to the Center and also talking about his new book for the center Sustaining a City's Culture and Character: Principles and Best Practices.
the Centre for the Future of Places, aside from becoming an International Hub for Research on Public Space & Beyond, doing studies on the subject from a global perspective, also becomes a clearinghouse for ideas and new proposals on how the cities should be planned, designed, and retrofitted best to meet both today’s and tomorrow’s challenges with the focus on public places and urban spaces. Read more https://www.kth.se/futureofplaces/syfte-och-mal
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe!
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Young-A Kang (Senior Landscape Architect at AFRY) is talking about why shouldn't we over-program our public spaces? And how can people help Urban Designers to create better public spaces?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ronald Huikeshoven ( CEO at AM & Placemaking Europe Board member) is talking about his Placemaking journey and also who can cities and land developer think in order to create a better life quality for their citizen & customer by using Placemaking as a method.
This episode is a part of the Placemaking Europe Episodes Serie in Urbanistica podcast.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Namo Marouf (Social sustainability expert and an urban planner at Ramboll) is talking about if cities can really breakdown segregation and promote social inclusion.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tigran Haas (Associate professor, docent, the Director of the Centre for the Future of Places) introducing the center and the collaboration with Urbanistica Podcast.
The mission is that Centre for the Future of Places, aside from becoming an International Hub for Research on Public Space & Beyond, doing studies on the subject from a global perspective, also becomes a clearing house for ideas and new proposals on how the cities should be planned, designed, and retrofitted best to meet both today’s and tomorrow’s challenges with the focus on public places and urban spaces.
Read more
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jennie Claesson (CEO Airport City Stockholm) berättar om Airport City Stockholm som utvecklar och bygger hela Sveriges mötesplats för 50 000 arbetstillfällen. Airport City Stockholm vill vara Sveriges och nordens ledande mötesplats för företag att etablera och verka inom, och platsen för de många människorna att mötas.
Norra Europas ledande mötesplats
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Levente Polyak (Managing director at Eutropian GmbH & Bord member at Placemaking Europe) is telling the story of his journey to and in Placemaking world. We are also talking about how can placemakers be a better storyteller to document placemaking projects. This episode is a part of the Placemaking Europe Episodes Serie in Urbanistica podcast.
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sagnik Bhattacharjee (Chief Technology Officer of ECOTEN Urban Comfort) is talking about how using advanced geospatial planning and 3D modeling technologies can help cities tackle Climate Change challenges .
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dr. Tigran Haas (Tenured Associate Professor of Urban Planning + Urban Design, Director of the Center for the Future of Places at the ABE School at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, Fall 2019-2021 Visiting Scholar at MIT.). Tigran is talking about urbanizations' different categories/styles and how can we develop a smart city?
We are also talking about what do cities learn from COVID19 and how academia is contributing with research within this topic?
Eenjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Joakim Flink (AI and IoT teacher at ABB high school) and his daughter Ada, 1.5 years old, have visited all (110) municipal playgrounds in Västerås City in Sweden - and rated them all. They have shared their rating of each playground on social media.
We are talking about this journey, and about top 5 things that made them love a playground, 5 things that made them don't like a playground and much more...
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karolina Pamp-Sandgren (Strateg kombinerad mobilitet, AFRY) pratar om hur städer kan jobba konkret med kombinerad och hållbar mobilitet. Hon är en av landets främsta experter på kombinerad mobilitet. Karolina har en gedigen bakgrund som omvärldsanalytiker med erfarenhet från marknad- och resenärsundersökningar. Hon är engagerad i nationella och internationella samarbeten kring Mobility as a Service.
Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
Follow Urbanistica and let's get in touch:
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Laska Nenova (Campaign Manage at NowWeMOVE, Placemaking Europe Board member, founder of two Bulgarian based organizations: WOW Gym functional training gym and BG Be Active Association). This episode is a part of the Placemaking Europe Episodes Serie in Urbanistica podcast.
Laska and Mustafa is talking about of Laskas journey to Placemaking world. She is a member of the Placemaking Europe https://placemaking-europe.eu/ - the not-for-profit network of European Placemakers.They are talking about how to create better and closer relationships between the grassroots sport sector and the /urban development/ placemaking sectors and much more. Enjoy your listening!
Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Alexander Grabner-Jarlung (Head of Int. business at David Jp Phillips, a Public Speaker, a Lecturer, a PowerPoint Specialist, and a TEDx coach) is sharing his story about traveling to South America pre COVID19.
Very interesting conversation about culture, communicating and creating relationship with locals, planning a trip with no plan, and also what is a HOME in our smart world/cities for Alex?
I am getting ready for a new season of Urbanistica podcast (season nr 3) by chatting with a Alex who is a non urban planner or doing a work related to city planning or design. It is very interesting to listen to other perspective of how a person experience different cities. The user experience.
Follow Alex to develop your communication and presentation skills
Alex on Linkedin
Alex on Instagram
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner and the host of Urbanistica Podcast) is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And also, Happy 1 year of Urbanistica Podcast.
Mustafa will share some of interesting statistic from the 1st year of Urbanistica Podcast.
Keep Up the Good Work.
Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note: the sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Amo Cartwright (Performance Coach, an Inspirational Speaker & a Sales Coach) is talking about how can people have a less stressful life? especially now when we are moving from a city life to a "staying at home" life?
We are focusing on the hardware of our cities development and sometimes forgetting about the software, and also about ourselves feeling good and less stressful. So let's reflect and take new actions for the new year!
Enjoy this episode!
Link to Amo's Linkedin
Link to Amo's article about (10 ways to feel good and to win during the pandemic)
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Placemaking behind the scenes of 2020.
How did placemakers manage 2020? The year of COVID19 pandemic.
What did placemakers learn from the pandemic and what did they achieved?
Very interesting talk together with
Charlot Schans (Urban Sociologist and Advisor at STIPO, Founding start up team member at PlacemakingX, Director of Placemaking Europe).
Ethan Kent (Executive Director of PlacemakingX and Senior Fellow at Project for Public Spaces).
Guillermo Bernal (Executive Director at Fundación Placemaking México, Non Executive Director at PlacemakingX).
Watch the video of this conversation on Youtube.
Enjoy the episode :)
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Thomas Ahlskog (Trygghetschef MTR Nordic) berättar om sin roll på MTR. Thomas pratar om vad är tryggheten i kollektivtrafiken och vilka aspekter som gör att vi känner oss otrygga?
Vi pratar om hur viktigt är samverkan mellan olika aktörer för att skapa en bättre upplevelse för resenärer och även för MTR medarbetare som driver kollektivtrafiken.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anna W Haapaniemi (Stadsbyggnadschef på Haninge kommun) berättar om hur Haninge kommun växer, utmaningar och framtid planer för att göra Haninge kommun mer levande.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa sherif (Urban planner at AFRY).
Join Urbanistica party. It is your time to be part of this podcast as well.
Send me a video or an audio file of you telling :
1. Your name
2. Your city and country
3. work/ studies/ other
4. answer this question: How can we make Smarter and more livable cities?
Send the video to the Instagram chat. I will download it. take the audio from it. and put together all the audios in one BIG episode by #Urbanistica #podcast listeners.
You don't need to film yourself. You can film anything, but I need to hear your voice in the background. The point of the video is just a format so I can save it from Instagram chat and take the audio.
You can also email your audio file or your video to me on
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kai Piippo (Head of Design at Light Bureau) is talking about how to combine lights and darkness in our cities to create a great user experience for people. He is sharing his perspective about what is a smart lighting in a smart city.
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Keep up the good work
Keep loving cities ❤️️.
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Helena Glantz (Arkitekt och grundare av Urban Design AB) är ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter akademin för arkitektur. Hon berättar om hennes roll och om akademin.
Akademin för arkitektur ser som sin uppgift att bevaka, driva och diskutera aktuella frågor av vikt för arkitekturens utveckling i Sverige samt att stödja yrkes och kunskapsutvecklingen inom ämnet.
Det sker bland annat genom olika typer av samtal och möten där en viss fråga diskuteras tillsammans med inbjudna gäster. Akademin strävar efter att tillgängliggöra dessa samtal på olika sätt, till exempel i tidningen Arkitekten. Dessutom utser akademin juryledamöter till Sveriges Arkitekters Kasper Salin-pris, Bostadspris och Kritikerpris.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Claire Borchers (Urban Planning Master's Student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden) is telling the story of her journey to and in Stockholm.
We are talking about the image that Claire had about Sweden before moving from USA to Sweden and how much it fits with the reality now.
Listen to very interesting conversations about urban planning, culture, student life and much more in this episode.
Feel free to contact Claire [email protected]
Urbanistica podcast will record more episodes with Claire during the next coming 2 years to follow up her interestingj journey
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Martin Hadmyr (Head of Landscape Architecture at Helsingborg City in Sweden) is talking about how to make public spaces smarter by technology and by involving citizens and making them a main part of the creation process. We are talking about Helsingborg City H22 EXPO, the making of a smarter city and how it is going with the journey of making the parks and public spaces smarter in this city.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Kajsa Rosén (VP and Business Area President Transportation at AFRY) is talking about how transportation can be smart and sustainable and who is the responsable to make it happen?
Enjoy your listening. Let's connect and talk further about this episode
Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities❤️️.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Åsa Lindgren (VD-stab Hållbarhetsstrateg på SISAB) berättar om hennes roll på Skolfastigheter i Stockholm AB som socialhållbarhetsexpert. Åsa ger tips och råd på hur barnkonventionen integreras i våra verksamheter och hur vi kan tänka socialhållbarhet i våra stadsutvecklingsprojekt.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner at AFRY) is answering these questions: what if our cities lose the electricity for 3 days without a plan B?
How our days will look like? are we able to do the same activities that we usually do?
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Göran Lindberg (Landskapsarkitekt och delägare på Nivå Landskapsarkitektur AB och ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter akademin för landskapsarkitektur).
Akademin för landskapsarkitektur arbetar för att främja och utveckla den yrkesideella diskussionen inom vår profession. Det gör de genom att nationellt och internationellt bevaka, driva och diskutera aktuella frågor inom landskapsarkitektur.
Bland annat arrangerar akademin årliga Seminariestafett, deltar i debatter, publicerar skriften Landskap.nu, kommunicerar intressanta frågor via ’Forum Landskap’ på facebook, initierar och stödjer tankesmedjor, aktioner, skrivelser och informerar om deras verksamhet via nyhetsbrev. Akademin utser också jury för Sveriges Arkitekters årliga Pris för bästa landskapsarkitektur.
Mycket intressant avsnitt med Göran Lindberg om akademin och om landskapsarkitektur generellt.
Follow Urbanistica
Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY.
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry and infrastructure. Read more about AFRY https://afry.com/en
Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations and nominations.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Lisa Olsson (Chief Innovation Advisor and head of Innovation unit at Helsingborg city) is talking about Helsingborg municipality innovation journey.
We are also talking about what do cities need to do in order to work more holistically and involve citizens in making decisions and creating values.
Moreover, Lisa is sharing how she is combining her experience from football coaching with her professional daily job to lead the innovation unit.
This episode is produced in collaboration with H22 The making of a smarter city. Helsingborg Sweden.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Julia Åstrand (Kitchen Planner at IKEA and a newly graduated Landscape Architecture student) is talking about how to plan a kitchen that brings a community together from an urban and landscape architecture perspective.
You will also get many advices to plan your own kitchen at home.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Elise Perrault (Placemaker and Consultant at Future Place Leadership) is explaining Tactical Urbanism as a low-cost method to make temporary change to the built environment.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Carl-Henrik Barnekow (Project manager, Urban Designer & Planner at Norconsult AB) is explaining the Detailed Development Plan in Sweden. Carl is talking about how to create a multifunctional and flexible zoning plan without losing the social aspect of people's everyday life.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Torstend Hild (inredningsarkitekt och professor i möbeldesign) är ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter Akademin för Inredningsarkitektur. Han berättar om hur Akademin för inredningsarkitektur syfte, mål och utmaningar. Vi pratar om priset Guldstolen vilket representerar Sveriges Arkitekter i ECIA, den europeiska plattformen för inredningsarkitekter där sexton länder ingår.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Freija Carlstén (landskapsarkitekt på WSP) berättar om hur och varför vi behöver skapa en levande stad som främjar folkhälsa.
Vi pratar om Freijas tjänst som fritidspolitiker också.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Amanda Borneke (Environment and Quality Leader at CS Riv & Håltagning AB) is talking about her sustainability journey from being a passionate student to one of the most powerful sustainability leader and environmental coordinator in Sweden.
She is on a mission to make impact and keeps on going, whether it is helping small businesses and large companies with innovation and development of emerging sustainability solutions or being an activist for safe and diversified construction industry for everyone.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Anna Molén (Chef Stadsutveckling på Genova och ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter Akademi för fysisk planering).
Akademin för fysisk planering är ett forum för samverkan, erfarenhetsutbyte, diskussion och debatt inom samhällsplanering och stadsbyggnad. Akademin arrangerar seminarier kring aktuella frågor för att föra en diskussion om samhällsplanering och stadsbyggande i hela landet och i samarbete med andra. Akademin vill vara en tydlig och kompetent röst i samhällsplaneringsdebatten.
Akademin för fysisk planering är ansvarig för Sveriges Arkitekters Planpris, som delas ut vartannat år för att stimulera och sprida goda exempel på planering och stadsbyggnad.
Avsnittet produceras i samarbete med Sveriges Arkitekter.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Ann Molin (Head for Hack for Earth at the Swedish Institute) is talking about the story behind her getting in Hackathon world and use it as a tool for Citizendriven innovation.
Ann is talking about the following hackathons:
-Kids Hack the Crisis Global
- October 23-25 2020 together with UNICEF Sweden, the Swedish Institute is inviting to a global virtual hackathon to find solutions to the challenges the current crisis has had on children's lives.
-Nordic Smart City Hack November 2-6 2020 Connecting the Nordic countries to find real solutions for the smart Cities of tomorrow!
-Sweden - South Korea Hack on 5G in november 2020.
Hack for Earth - the world’s biggest online hackathon to find real solutions to the Sustainability Development Goals. Inviting all 192 countries at the next world exhibition Expo2021 to join.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Linda Kjällén (hållbarhet expert på Gatun Arkitekter) berättar om sin hållbarhetskarriär resa på Sweden Green Building Council (9 år) och nu på Gatun Arkitekter (9 månader). Linda pratar om hur och varför ska man våga gå utanför sina komfortzoner.
Vi pratar om smarta städer och om hur är det att flytta från Luleå till Stockholm och hur upplever Linda huvudstaden.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Martin Rörby (Arkitekturhistoriker, skribent och ordförande i Sveriges Arkitekter Akademin för kulturmiljö)
Akademin för kulturmiljö är nyinstiftad under 2017. Den ska leda och utveckla strategier för arkitektur och kulturmiljö i Sverige och behandla detta som en framtids- och hållbarhetsfråga. Till detta hör att hålla sig à jour med den internationella utvecklingen i ämnet och att samverka med institutioner som arbetar med kulturmiljövård. Akademin ska leda det offentliga samtalet i ämnet och även med fördel medverka i böcker/tidskrifter om ämnet.
Avsnittet produceras i samarbete med Sveriges Arkitekter.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Alexandra Davidsson (Generalsekreterare & Föreläsare - Medveten Konsumtion) berättar om Medveten konsumtion och lansering av det ordet “cirkulent”- framtidens konsument. Det räcker inte längre att vara hållbara konsumenter, vi måste bli cirkulenter!
Läs mer om Circularity Gap Report av The Circularity Gap Reporting Initiative på www.circularity-gap.world
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
School strike week 110. Today was the global day of climate action, and people striked in over 3100 places! I went to the front of the parliament house in Stockholm-Sweden to strike for the climate (as I usually do). This time I wanted to share with you some of my conversations with people. We talked about why they are here and striking? What is their image of a future city?
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anders Landsbo (Project leader at Helsingborg City) is sharing the story of the mega urban development project H+ in Helsingborg City in the south of Sweden.
We are talking about the importance of leadership in building a relationship with the citizens in order to develop a sustainable and smart city.
This episode of #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City).
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Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Bart Steijaert (Managing Director at Helsingborgs Port) is talking about The Port of Helsingborg. It is the second largest container port in Sweden and one of the leading ports in northern Europe. Every year the port handles thousands of containers from shipping and from land transports. With efficient transport solutions by railway, road, and sea, day and night all year round, the Port of Helsingborg provides unique infrastructural opportunities for shipping companies, conveyors, and forwarding agents.
This episode of #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City).
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Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Andrew Hennigan (lecturer, speaker coach and writer) is talking about what are the elements that can help a public speaker deliver a good speech and also to create a great atmosphere for audience to listen and interact.
Andrew reflektion about IRL Vs. Virtual meeting and conferences.
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Johan Berhin (Designer & founder at Green Furniture Concept) is talking about how is it possible to design and produce green public interiors that make people happy and satisfied.
We are talking about the importance of considering the full life cycle of products, the materials used to make them and the chemicals used in products.
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Mustafa Sherif Linkedin Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vesna Vasiljkovic (Architect and Studio Director at Tengbom Öresund in Sweden) is talking about Fairshare. It is a project that’s taking the initiative and trying to bridge the gap between what we want from a city space and what actually gets built. Equality and inclusion are essential for secure city environments where everyone feels seen, heard, and welcome. A significant challenge in achieving this is reaching those who have little or no presence in the public space. The project has chosen an unusual approach to creating safe and inclusive spaces with room for everyone – a certification system. But how are these things even related?
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Mustafa Sherif Linkedin Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Charles Landry (Creative Bureaucracy Festival President) is explaining what is Creative Bureaucracy? the background of it and how to do it?
Charles is talking about The Creative Bureaucracy Festival also. It celebrates outstanding innovation in the public sector and its contribution to a better, more sustainable, and more just world. It brings together bureaucrats and their allies – those who, at all levels of government, fight for the common good and make a difference. The organizers of the festival want to cultivate a more positive attitude towards the public sector as well as more drive and eagerness to experiment within the public sector.
Follow Urbanistica Urbanistica Instagram
Urbanistica Facebook Urbanistica Youtube channel
Mustafa Sherif Linkedin Visit Mustafasherif.com for collaborations
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
امنة زيد (طالبة هندسة عمارة و فنانة) تتحدث عن ارتباط التصميم الكرافيكي مع العمارة و صناعة المحتوى المعماري على السوشال ميديا.
في هذه الحلقة نتحدث ايضا عن الهدف من المحتوى المعماري و إمكانية استخدامه بالمستقبل.
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Linkedin Visit my homepage for other collaborations Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Simon Wikstrand (Marketing manager at Helsingborg City -Sweden) is sharing the story of Action Helsingborg.
It is a digital meeting place where everyone can find a way to make a contribution. A platform for engagement where companies and associations that need help should be able to get help, and where people who want to help should be able to help during COVID19 pandemic.
This episode of #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City).
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Linkedin Visit my homepage for other collaborations
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mikaela Åberg (Projektledare Stadsdelsutveckling på Helsingborgshem) berättar om Helsingborgshem som är ett allmännyttigt bostadsbolag som ägs av Helsingborgs stad. Med cirka 12 000 hyreslägenheter i 31 områden är de den största aktören på bostadsmarknaden i Helsingborg.
Vi pratar om Drottninghög projektet och hur bostadsbolaget jobbar konkret med integrationsfrågor.
Detta avsnitt produceras i ett samarbete med H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City).
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Från ingenmansland till allemansland. #pixlapiren är en unik mötesplats med nya aktiviteter och upplevelser i Helsingborg. Staden lånar ut en stor yta på Oslopiren för att ge dig och andra helsingborgare chans att testa små och stora idéer.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Har du en smart story? connecta via Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Besök min hemsida för att se andra projekt eller samarbeta https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anna Brandeby (Studio manager på HBG works) berättar om HBG works som är en mötesplats för innovation mitt i Helsingborg, där personer från stadens alla verksamheter kan träffas för att arbeta med innovation och utveckling och få stöd med leverans och skalbarhet.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Har du en smart story? connecta via Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Mer info finns på
https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Elin Andersdotter Fabre (Program Manager for Sustainable Cities Global Challenge) is sharing the story behind Urban Girls Movement.
In order to meet the global goals of Agenda 2030, the world’s cities need to be equal. There is an increased interest in feminist urban planning, but there is still lack of knowledge in the area. Within #UrbanGirlsMovement, the think tank wants to map, increase knowledge, inspire and provide support for how feminist urban planning and urban development can be applied in practice.
The policy paper is based on a study in which we deeply interview organizations whose projects focus on women and children, resource weaknesses and urban planning.
Read the repport
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nour Habib (Grundare av Trygg Rätt) som social entreprenör och hjälper ungdomar in i samhället berätta om Trygg Rätt.
Trygg Rätt har sedan januari 2018 arbetat aktivt för att öka social trygghet och förebygga kriminalitet hos ungdomar mellan 17-23 år. Målet är att ungdomar i drabbade områden ska få ett arbete eller en daglig sysselsättning i samhället så att de kan undvika kriminella kretsar och skapa en ny och tryggare livsstil.
#UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad)
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook Event https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Har du en smart story? connecta via Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Besök min hemsida för att se andra projekt eller samarbeta https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tim Nedrup (Street artist) is talking about how cities mindset changed from considering Street Art (Graffiti) illegal to legal and even organising festivals about it.
Tim is specialising in graffiti and fine art. He paints everything from canvas to large murals, or takes on commissions painting interior and exterior artwork in people's homes or businesses and on walls around the city.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ivan Keane (Owner of Keane Brewing) is talking about his small microbrewery in Larsberg, Lidingö -Sweden. He focuses on brewing different styles of high quality beer using organic and local produced ingredients as much as possible.
We are talking about how a local brewery contributes to create life in the city?
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company. Based in Stockholm City -Sweden).
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Paul Rogers (Head of Daylight certification at ACC Glas and Fasadkonsult AB) is talking about the importance of microclimate and daylight in our cities and why we should consider these aspects in the very early stage of urban planning projects. We are talking about who should be responsible to make sure that people get access to daylight.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City).
let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Minouche Besters (Partner at STIPO, Placemaker Senior Advisor, Editor in Chief of Our City book) is talking about the story of this book. It’s no secret that cities are booming. They continue to attract the world’s top talent, stimulate the economy, act as hubs of innovation, and remain the cultural melting pots of all nations. Yet, we must ask the question, do the inhabitants of our ever-popular cities really feel at home in them? Furthermore, are the public places within a city really even, ours?
How can we ensure that public spaces truly represent and serve the people who live near them and use them? In this book we feature a range of cases that explore how exclusion in public space is being countered across Europe.
This book presents research insights, local stories, tools, and actions, from a variety of dierent voices, to provide you with a clear understanding of what is needed to maintain a sense of belonging in our cities’ public places.
The storyteller of the book also show how actively working with the local community, from engagement through to design, can change the way urban spaces are created and activated, particularly by reaching out to and encouraging participation from those voices that often go unheard.
Read the book online https://stipo.nl/app/uploads/2020/04/OUR-CITY-E-book.pdf
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and Placemaking Europe network.
let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
المهندس المعماري الدكتور حيدر ناجي من العراق يتحدث عن ما هي العمارة الاسلامية وانعكاسها في المدن. وايضا يخبرنا عن تجربته الشخصية في مواكبة نمو مدينة كربلاء. دكتور حيدر يطلعنا عن تدريسه لمادة العمارة الاسلامية للمرحلة الرابعة منذ سنتين في القسم المعماري في جامعة كربلاء في جنوب العراق.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Annika Sundin (Communication expert) Her message is that we all can create a sustainable lifestyle. But what does a sustainable lifestyle mean?
How can we as individuals help to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals? And how can a smart city be a sustainable city? In this episode you get all the answers. Annika is running the Instagram account @medveten_i_stan (“sustainable in the city”) where she inspires us to take concrete steps towards more sustainable lifestyles.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ulf Skarin (Journalist) is in search of the best ideas, constantly lunching at Fotografiska in Stockholm with changemakers.
So far he has eaten more than 1 000 lunches and he’s committed to describing the growth of a new purpose-driven, entrepreneurial and digitized world of business.
We are talking about what are the best conditions in the city to make you meet new people, have a natural conversation, and build a friendship or start a new business.
Ulf is sharing his experience about how does he use the city as a big living room. Ulf Skarin is one of the most experienced business journalists in Sweden, he has been the Editor in Chief and Creative Director at Veckans Affärer. Today he works as a journalist and an independent editorial consultant.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) .
let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Caroline Strand (VD på Visit Stockholm) berättar om Stockholmslöftet.
Det handlar om individuellt beteende och gemensamt värdskap. Resenärer som håller avstånd i T-banan. Badsugna som visar respekt på stranden. Hemmavärdar som flyttar ut festen i friska luften. För att inte tala om alla krögare, handlare, hotellägare,museianställda och andra entreprenörer som kämpar med att skapa säkra och välkomnande miljöer i Covid-19-tider. Tillsammans tar vi ansvar för att hålla staden vi älskar öppen och levande i sommar.
Bli en del av Stockholmslöftet
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad). Har du en smart story? connecta via Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Cristina Söderberg (Entrepreneur, Strategist, Public Speaker, Change Driver for integration) is sharing her story about moving to Sweden.
We are talking about the challenges with finding a job and being integrated in the Swedish society. Cristina is giving advises to what newcomers to Sweden can do in order to make their integration process easier in this country.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kerry Babb (Sustainability & Resilience Consultant) is talking about what is a smart farming and how to make it 100% self-sustainable.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Susan Hughes (Writer, Editor, Children's Book Author, Manuscript Critiquer, and Story Coach) is sharing the story about her fantastic Jane Jacobs children book. Susan is giving some guidelines for how can we simplify difficult stories and make them understandable for children
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Louise Lindquist Sassene (Architect) is sharing her experiences and reflections about why and how architects should be a strong storytellers.
Louise is sharing her stories from writing articles & children books, vlogging and soon she will start a new show related to architecture and urban planning and design in Sweden.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TED talk
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch
https://www.linkedin.com/in/mustafa-sherif/ Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Kirsten is a Stockholm-based Curator of Contemporary Art whose professional experience is rooted in Art, Interior Design, Branding & Communication. Sara is a Stockholm-based consultant with 15 years experience in the world of Finance.
At Artwell, they create superior environments for Working, Learning, Living and Healing. Their unique concept, Spaces of Mind, fosters resilience through Stress Recovery Management, empowering individuals, companies and organizations to reach their full potential. Through making space for well-being, our process helps.
At Artwell, Thier mission is to integrate well-being into people’s everyday and to ensure that designated spaces for restoration are within reach, when and where there is a need to disconnect and renew. Our human-centered spaces are conceived with an evidence-based approach informed by the latest research within stress and mental health.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa Sherif (Urban planner and the founder of Urbanistica Podcast) is sharing the concept of Urbanistica Podcast season 2 and also Urbanistica Walk Vlogg.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Best take away messages from 86. EN. Post COVID19 cities for people - Helle Søholt. & 16. EN. Coronavirus. How will cities survive? - Stefan Hyttfors. & 17. EN. Coronavirus. Keep the interaction - Andrew Hennigan. & 27. EN. Coronavirus. The Soft City & the life in between buildings - David Sim. & 19. EN. Coronavirus. How to fix travel industry - Doug Lansky. & 47. EN. Gather festival and Stockholm night life - Jakob Grandin.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City).
let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Best take away messages from
5. EN. Placemaking - Elise Perrault. & 74. EN. City development & Placemaking Europe - Hans Karssenberg. & 85. EN. The City at Eye Level for Kids - Vivian Doumpa. & 34. EN. PlacemakingX - Ethan Kent. & 81. EN. The Placemaking Europe Newsletter - Jeroen Laven & Nazaket Azimli. & 96. EN. Placemaking in the Nordics - Cornelis Uittenbogaard, Marcus Anderson & Petra Svensson Gleisner.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City).
let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Best take away messages from E71. EN. Cities for women - Nidhi Gulati. and 92. EN. Metoo movement and smart City - Carolin Solskär
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Best take away messages from 2. EN. Smart City Helsingborg H22 - Micco Grönholm. And 46. EN. The making of a smarter city H22 - Soraya Axelsson. Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Best take away messages from 44. EN. UNICEF - The Child Friendly Cities Initiative - Pernilla Baralt.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa Sherif (Urban planner and the founder of Urbanistica Podcast) is telling the stories behind the scenes of Urbanistica Podcast and also sharing some reflections of the past 99 episodes of the first season. Thank you for 11000 listeners in 81 countries.
Follow the stories on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Subscribe the Youtube to watch the talks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
What is your dreams city?
My Dream city is inspired from Bagdad, Stockholm and Milano. My dream city is about people, nature, art and culture.
Let me know about your dream city. Comment and share it with us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Magdalena Franciskovic (Landscape Architect at Landskapslaget AB) is talking about the success of Hornsberg waterfront project in Stockholm, Sweden.
She is sharing the story about the planned scenario in the early planning and design phase and the unexpected results.
We are talking about the reasons of why this place became so famous for all people in Stockholm no matter the background, the socio-economics level of Stockholm citizens.
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Yannis Voulgaris (Urban Designer & GIS Analyst) as GIS expert is talking about what is GIS software and how can this be used to make more livable cities. We are talking about how digital softwares can help us to use peoples' stories as one more layer in a city development project.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Cornelis Uittenbogaard (Urban Planner at Stiftelsen Tryggare Sverige), Marcus Anderson (CEO and CO-Foudner of Future Place Leadership) and Petra Svensson Gleisner (Architect, Business Development manager at LINK Architecture) are talking about the guidebok to co-create safe and attractive public spaces in the Nordic region.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected] Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Zeynep Erdal (Sustainable Development Strategist) is sharing the story of the research that she did about: How to create a city for students, from students point of view.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Josef Conning (insights and Foresights at Augur) is talking about how can we rethink the unused places in our cities in order to re-program and re-design great experience in these places for all people.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Håvard Haukeland (CEO & CO-Founder of Space Maker AI) is talking about why and how Artificial intelligence can help us human to plan and design better cities.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Carolin Solskär (Community Manager at Detectify) is sharing briefly the story of #metoo movement against sexual harassment and sexual assault of women in Sweden.
We are talking about how Caroline experiences the city from her point of view and what architects and urban planners can plan and design in order to develop safer and more equal cities.
Carolin is talking about what a Smart City is about? how can the public and private sector work together in order to connect all the digital system to one big digital ecosystem.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Dhakshy Holmgren (Project Manager TechTensta Stockholm City) is sharing the story of the Tech Hub for the youth with age 13-19 years old.
We are talking about what are the values that this hub bring the this segregated suburb and how does it activate life in Tensta, Stockholm.
Tech Tensta was born as an idea by young people from Tensta who in the summer of 2015 was given a challenging assignment as a summer job: to innovate ideas on how young people in Järva can be brought together with the companies in Europe's largest innovation clusters on the other side of the Järvafield in Kista, Stockholm.
The result was Tech Tensta - a physical meeting place and a digital creative workshop that equips young people in Järva with the skills, network and confidence to face a digital world. The business develops in partnership with business, academia and civil society based on young people's interests.
Tech Tensta's mission is to stimulate joy, community, creativity, growth and new inspiration. For us, it is important that girls and guys and non-binary get a place in the business. Collaborations, activities and local develops based on young people's interest.
Tech Tensta takes place in partnership with business and academia as well as local youth activities.
Tech Tensta works closely with other farms, parents, school, field, social services, associations and police. Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jennie Argerich (samordnare hållbar stadsutveckling och Agenda 2030, Stockholms stads exploateringskontor) berättar om Stockholms stad modell för socialt värdeskapande analys.
SVA är en analysmodell utvecklad av Stockholms stad som syftar till att integrera socialt värdeskapande kontinuerligt i plan- processen. Syftet med denna del av SVA-processen är att utreda planen ur ett socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv.
Vi pratar om stadens arbete med jämställdhet och arbetet för att nå olika delmålen i Agenda 2030.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
لقاء وحوار مع معماري من العراق له الأثر الكبير على أغلب المعماريين الذين تتلمذو على يديه وعملوا معه. يطلق على نفسه اسم ومضة امل لانه مصدر امل لكل إنسان حوله. المعماري عمار صالح عاشور له العديد من المشاريع المنفذة والمنفرده من نوعها وحاصل على العديد من الجوائز المحلية. في هذه الحلقة نتحدث عن تأثيرات الحرب على المحيط الحضري؟ خاصه المباشرة و الغير مباشرة على العمارة. هذه اول حلقة تسجل باللغة العربي في برنامج #UrbanisticaPodcast
يرجع متابعة البرنامج عبر الانستجرام و اليوتوب و شكرا جزيلا لكم.
#UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jan Gehl (Architect and Urban Designer) is talking about what is a smart city? and why should we stop calling it "smart"?
Jan Gehl is a practicing Urban Design Consultant and Professor of Urban Design at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has extensively researched the form and use of public spaces and put his findings to practice in multiple locations througout the world.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Picture credit Danish Architecture Center. let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner and the founder of Urbanistica Podcast) is sharing his personal concept about how can we create a good relationship with a city ?
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Helle Søholt (Founding Partner and CEO of Gehl) is sharing the conclusions of the data that Gehl collected during COVID19 pandemic. The data collection started already in March 2020.
We are talking about what are the learned lessons so far from this situation and what is the new normal going to be from architecture, urban planning and design point of view?
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Vivian Doumpa (Urban Planner, Geographer and Placemaker) as one of editors of the book is sharing the story about the life of this book: the background, the editors, the aim, the content and much more.
While urban planners may consider children when designing parks and playgrounds, few ask how their and their parents’ needs could be better met in the design of streets and other public spaces in neighbourhoods and city centres. The City at Eye Level (CAEL), an international platform advocating for more people-centred planning in urban development, seeks through this project to highlight and focus its scope on children and their parents.
The City at Eye Level for Kids project aims to leverage the CAEL platform to advance the existing state of knowledge into scientific research into creating a child-friendly public realm. It will trial local placemaking approaches in Stockholm and Thessaloniki and develop a draft, open-source policy document for other cities and city-makers to use and develop further.
Read or download the book https://thecityateyelevel.com/app/uploads/2019/06/eBook_CAEL_Kids_Book_Design_Kidsgecomprimeerd.pdf
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company based in Stockholm City, Sweden) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Maximilian Bengtsson (Traffic Planner at Sweco Society) is talking about what are the elements that traffic planners should think about in order to plan and design a human friendly traffic. We are talking about what to prioritize between cars, bikes, walking paths, public transpiration etc and also what group should we focus on? is it children? elderly? adults?
ollow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Helena Klintström (ansvarig hållbar stadsutveckling på WSP advisory, ledamot Stockholms stad råd för Agenda 2030) pratar om hållbar stadsutveckling och det mindset som behövs för att att planera, bygga och följa upp hållbara och smarta städer. Helena som vinnaren av årets person priset inom hållbar stadsutveckling som ges av Sweden Green Building Council berättar om vilken insats behövs för att ta ett steg fram åt i karriären och även ta branschen ett steg vidare mot att skapa mer hållbara städer.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How to bring the community together with art, music, homecookin', food trucks and awesome humans? Andy Frank is sharing the story of Bandhagen community in Stockholm. How everything started from a simple idea to a big yearly festival (Banddagen) that will expand to other areas as well.
We are talking about who is responsible to build a community and what are the values that the area gain of having a community.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jeroen Laven (The Founder of Placemaking Europe and the Head of Department of Housing Municipality of The Hague at Gemeente Den Haag) and Nazaket Azimli (Urbanist, Researcher & Project Manager) is talking about behind the scenes of Placemaking Europe Newsletter. They are sharing the fullstory of how did it start, the present, the production and the future plan for it.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) and H22, Helsingborg, Sweden (The Making of a Smarter City). let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We all work hard to make cities livable, cities for people. But wait for a moment, do we think about every single life in cities?
Omar Alshagore is sharing his life story from the different prisons in Syria and talking about how is life in the dark side of cities and how can we appreciate freedom and city life?
Omar is talking about the architecture of the prisons, the food sharing system, the different daily life funktions and how did he spend years of his life in just 40x40 cm.
(OBS! Urbanistica Podcast is not a political podcast and not promoting any political parti or agenda. We share this episode to understand and have an image about how cities can be dark and what life can be in the other side of cities. The focus in Urbanistica Podcast is always on city development. How can we make cities better? how can we make smarter and more livable cities?)
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Fredrik Angner (Landskapsarkitekt, White) och Niklas Boström (Föreningsutvecklare, Sveriges Skateboardförbund) berättar om workshopbaserad studie med ickenormativa skateboardåkare.
Under de senaste 15 åren har fler än hundra skateparker byggts i Sverige och ännu fler lär byggas efter att skateboard blir en OS-sport 2020. Skate har många fördelar men är en extremt mansdominerad aktivitet, av Skateboardförbundets alla medlemmar är endast ca 20% kvinnliga. Många mediala och sociala intiativ har gjorts för att förändra detta, men det finns inget undersöker hur skateparker i sig kan gestaltas för att bli mer inkluderande. Istället för att avfärda skate och skateparker som något som endast är för killar har de undersökt hur skateparker kan bli mer inkluderande med fokus på fysisk gestaltning.
Läsa rapporten
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Tatjana Joksimović (M. Sc, Arkitekt, Sveriges Arkitekter Förbundsordförande / President) berättar om Sveriges arkitekter historia, nu tiden och framtida planer. Vi pratar om Sveriges Arkitekter utmaningar under COVID19 situationen och även om de stora klimat utmaningar.
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Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen
#UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad)
Har du en smart story? mejla
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Daniel Monsén (VD På Monsén arkitekter) pratar om hur en intelligent stad kan skapas av smarta människor och AI. Vi pratar om självkörande bilar, Co working spaces, smarta hus som pratar med varandra och med dig som äger huset. Super intressant avsnitt! Back to the future!
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ann Legeby (Professor Tillämpad Stadsbyggnad, KTH Arkitektur ) Daniel Koch (Forskare, docent i arkitektur, KTH Arkitektur ) berättar om undersökningen: Vår Stad – hur förändrar en kris våra vanor? Ann och Daniel reflekterar om vad är Den Nya Normala i relation till stadsutveckling? Läs Preliminär rapporten https://www.kth.se/polopoly_fs/1.983270.1589187700!/Va%CC%8Ar%20Stad%20-%20Prelimina%CC%88r%20Rapport%20Maj%202020.pdf
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hans Karssenberg (Urban Planner, Partner, founder and public developer at Stipo) is talking about why it is important to work on human scale area development, placemaking, the city at eye level, the creative economy, co-creation, community development, co-created visions and strategies to change the system, to create a smart city and to enhance the quality of peoples' everyday life.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karin Lekberg (Kulturstrateg med fokus på stadsutveckling och social hållbarhet på Landskapslaget) pratar om hur kan vi främja konst och kultur för att den ska ta mer plats i den offentliga rummet i en smart stad.
Karin har mångårig erfarenhet av att arbeta inom konst- och kultursektorn kopplat till stadsutveckling och dokumenterad erfarenhet av klusterutveckling, senast från klustret Subtopia i Alby, Botkyrka. Karin har arbetat i offentlig, privat och ideell sektor. Karins fokus är att skapa sociala samband, bygga relationer, generera nya idéer/sätt att tänka och leda dialog fram till konkreta aktiviteter.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Robin Rushdi Al-Sálehi (the Founder of Vakansa) is talking about Vakansa which is a platform that facilitates and matchmake between property owners' available spaces and tenants as associations, cultural life and civil society, start up etc. It is not AirBnb but much more...
Follow #Urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Nidhi Gulati (Social Impact Professional, Senior Director at Project for Public Spaces in NYC) is sharing her valuable experiences and knowledge about why should we and how can we create gender equal cities? We are talking about the importance of integrating and listening to women in order to plan and design comfortable cities for women.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lotta Wersäll (Arkitekt och stadsplanerare på Landskapslaget) reflekterar om hur livet mellan husen har blivit under #COVID19 utifrån hennes erfarenhet som arkitekt och stadsplanerare. Vi pratar om ytor mellan husen, pocket parker, barnens rörelse, aktiva bottenvåningar och andra funktioner som vi behöver omvärdera och tänka extra på i kommande stadsutvecklingsprojekt. Vi pratar om hur den "nya normala" kan vara och varför? och även vad är en smart stad?
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Urbanistica Podcast is celebrating 5,500 listeners from 70 different countries. In this Episode you will hear more about the 3 wonder women who motivated Mustafa Sherif to start the Podcast. Carro Mellström (Landscape Architect), Johanna Good (Landscape Architect), and Karin Lekberg (Art and Culture strategist). All of them are working together with Mustafa at Landskapslaget AB (Landscape , Urban planning and Design) company in Stockholm, Sweden.
A big thanks for you 5,5K I love you! Alla of you :)
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mie Svennberg (Översiktsplanerare, social hållbarhet och barnperspektiv, Strategiska avdelningen, Göteborgs stad), Stefan Petersson (Arkitekt, spad and KTH School of Architect) och Suzanne de Laval (Arkitekt Tekn. dr. Arkitekturanalys Stockholm) berättar om Arkitektur och barnrådet (tidigare Arkis). Arkitektur och barnrådets huvudsakliga uppgifter är att vara styrelsens stöd i arbetet med att öka undervisningen om arkitektur för barn. Rådets arbete innebär att: – att öka barnens medverkan i planeringsprocessen, på barnens villkor och med barnens perspektiv, – att sprida kunskap inom arkitektkåren kring hur Barnkonventionen kan tillämpas inom vårt yrkesområde när den blir lag 2020, – att verka för utbildning av lärare och arkitekter för att det ska finnas behöriga lärare till läroplanens arkitekturkurser på gymnasiet, – samt driva nätverket ”ARKiS Arkitektur i Skolan” med årligen återkommande nätverksmöten. ARKiS Arkitektur i Skolan är ett professionellt nätverk som arbetar för att öka medvetenheten i samhället och framför allt i skolan om den byggda miljöns, arkitekturens, och det offentliga rummets betydelse. ARKiS vill främja att arkitekturpedagogik kommer in i skolan, att lärarna förstår potentialen i att använda närmiljön som läromedel. ARKiS ser detta som en central möjlighet för Sveriges Arkitekter att långsiktigt kunna bidra till kvalitetsmedvetna bostads- och byggnadskonsumenter och beslutsfattare samt till en mer designmedveten byggbransch som bygger med högre kvalitet. ARKiS Nätverksträff 2019 på KTH Arkitekturskolan i Stockholm under rubriken – Nästa år blir barnkonventionen lag! Vad får det för betydelse för planering och gestaltning? Dagen bestod av inspirerande föredrag om hur du kan arbeta med barn och ungas egna perspektiv i planering och gestaltning. Missade du dagen eller vill uppleva det igen, se det i efterhand på vår YouTube-kanal.
Följa #urbanistca på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Chris Bruntlett (Marketing and Communication Manager at Dutch Cycling Embassy) is telling the story of how and why biking is an important part of people's every daily life.
As a long-time cycling campaigner and promoter in Vancouver, Chris Bruntlett brings a diverse set of communication skills to his role at the Dutch Cycling Embassy, including writing, photography, filmmaking, podcasting, public speaking, and digital media management. He first visited the Netherlands in the summer of 2016, and quickly fell in love with its seemingly effortless bicycle culture, and unique approach to transport planning. This cross-country tour inspired him to co-author the book, “Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality”, which shines a spotlight on the incredible (and often underappreciated) achievements of the Netherlands as the world’s foremost cycling nation. Chris uses his knowledge and passion to share practical lessons for global cities wishing to follow in their tracks, and become better places to live, work, play, and—of course—cycle.
Follow #urbanistica Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Watch live talks and subscribe Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is being produced in collaboration with Landskapslaget AB (Landscape architecture, Urban planning and Design company in Stockholm City) let's get in touch, email me on [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jonas Naddebo (Kultur- och stadsmiljöborgarråd i Stockholms stad) berättar om hur Kulturförvaltning i Stockholms stad jobbar hårt för att hantera COVDI19 utmaningen och få kulturen att leva och ej drabbas av COVID19 situationen.
Jonas berättar från sitt perspektiv vad är en Smart City och hur kan experter som jobbar med stadsutvecklingsprojekt tänka för att främja konst och kultur i en smart stad. Vi pratar om kulturkalky som hjälper oss att räkna på värde av vad kulturen ger på en befintlig stadsdel.
Följa Urbanistica Podcast på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget AB (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Bobo Tideström (Verksamhetsutvecklare på Lantmäteriet) berättar om hur kan vi bygga Sverige i Minecraft – och förbered ”svemestern” ? Nu gör Lantmäteriet det möjligt för ännu fler att utforska och bygga sin egen spelbara värld i Sverige genom Minecraft. Varför inte ta datorspelet och kartorna till hjälp när du planerar din sommarsemester!
Följa Urbanistica Podcast på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ Titta på live samtal på Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget (Landskapsarkitektur och Stadsbyggnad) Har du en smart story? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Arvid Boisen är ett 12 år gammal barn som älskar att studera samhällsorienterande ämne på skolan för att lära sig mer om olika kulturer i hela världen. Han brinner för fotboll också.
Arvid delar med sig sina reflektioner om vad är det som gör att han besöker olika platser i staden själv eller tillsammans med sina kompisar.
Vi pratar om hur en smart city kan se ut i framtiden och vad ska stadsutvecklare tänka på för att planera, designa och bygga en hållbar stad för alla människor.
#Urbanistica produceras i ett samarbete med Landskapslaget AB (Landskapsarkitektur och stadsbyggnad) Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Monika Domańska (the CO-Founder and the Chief Culture Officer at Traffic Design) is sharing talking about how advertisements in Poland is hiding the beauty of the cities. We are talking about big parts of the city are being covered by AD signs e.g. public spaces and buildings facades. Monika is sharing the story of how she and her friends started a creative team (Traffic Design) who works hard to bring back the beauty of the city and make it more livable. Traffic Design was created in 2011 out of love for what’s urban and the need to place more art in the public space. The team members carry out projects devoted to aesthetics, art, education, social change and corporate cultural responsibility. They are a collective of artists, graphic designers, cultural animators, sociologists and marketing specialists. Traffic Design are based in Gdynia, Poland (where they are busy working on our public art biennale), as well as other Polish cities and abroad.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner and the founder of Urbanistica Podcast) is telling the story about himself and how he started Urbanistica Podcast to change the mindset of people who is working directly and indirectly with city development.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Agneta Schill (Landskapsarkitekt på exploateringskontoret i Stockholms stad ) berättar om friyteguiden som ger en praktisk vägledning i hur vi kan mäta och utvärdera tillgången till offentliga friytor när staden byggs om eller byggs ut.
Det är ett av flera verktyg för att uppnå riktlinjerna i dokumentet Grönare Stockholm, som antogs av kommunfullmäktige i februari 2017. Friyteguiden behandlar offentligt tillgängliga friytor med sociala värden, även kallade sociotoper. Sociotoper är till exempel parker, torg, kajer, stränder och naturområden. Fokus i guiden är de rekreativa och sociala värdena, även kallade sociotopvärden. Friytornas kulturhistoriska och ekologiska värden ingår inte i friyteguiden. Inte heller mer detaljerade utformningsfrågor behandlas här. Friyteguiden innehåller en analysmodell med fyra indikatorer för att analysera tillgången till offentlig friyta. Analysmodellen kan användas för att analysera både nuläge och planer. Friyteguiden innehåller även jämförande analyser av friytetillgång inom Stockholms stad.
Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Tack för Landskapslaget (Stadsbyggnad & landskapsarkitektur) som har sponsrat detta avsnitt.
Vill ni sponsra #UrbanisticaPodcast mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Madeleine Serenhov (Cyber Technology Specialist and the CO-Founder of openhack) is sharing the story about openhack which is a non-profit social company focusing on how Open Source can be used to solve humanitarian challenges of now and future cities.
We are talking about why HackforSweden and openhack are not becoming just one team to develop the future smart cities! and why there were so many digital Hackathons in last weeks! is it something cool and trendy to have or there is an aim behind these Hackathons!
The purpose behind openhack is to show people interested in programming how they can help to make a difference on both a local and global level with Open Source development as a main toolkit, as well as to show aid organisations, governmental agencies and social actors how tech-volunteers can be a vital part of their work. Openhack aims to create a platform for collaboration, where organisations and tech-volunteers can meet and exchange both ideas and knowledge.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Ali Davoodi is The Founder of Art Made This.
We had a great lunch break, when Ali was sharing his story and reflections about what is art and how does it empower the people and the city.
ArtMadeThis is an urban public art project where over 100 great female artists made an impression on 100 walls in Sweden's 4 largest cities.
After 4 successful years of collaboration between Ali Davoodi and real estate company Vasakronan, they decide to continue this project. The main goal is to create more attractive and more creative urban environments done be female artists.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Gabriela A. Rodriguez is a Project manager at impact hub Stockholm, currently she is focusing on a project with urban challenges and safety in public transportation in Latin America and Sweden.
She is sharing her story about how is the life in Hermosillo city in Mexico and now in Stockholm from urban planning and design point of views. The story is based on different parameters: neighborhood structure, green spaces, streets, people and community, public transpiration, walk-ability, biking and cars driving.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
#UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note !
The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
George Maalouf (Test Engineer and Volunteer ) is telling the story about ESN the Erasmus Student Network and what are the social, ecological and economical values that ESN brings to the city.
We are discussing why there is a gap between Swedish students and exchange students when it comes to activities after University hours. And how Swedish students can be part of creating a great experience for the exchange students.
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit student organization currently present in 42 countries and more than 1000 higher education institutions around Europe. It is a volunteer-based organization and was founded in 1989 with the mission to increase mobility, represent international students, and work for social and practical integration. ESN has 15.000 active members who offer services to around 350.000 international students every year. For more information email [email protected]
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Shan Jiang (Architect, Urban Planner and Designer) is sharing his story about how is the life in Suzhou- China and now in Stockholm-Sweden from the urban planning and design point of view. The story is based on different parameters: neighborhood structure, green spaces, streets, people and community, public transpiration, walk-ability, biking and cars driving.
Shan is giving also a brief history about how Suzhou is being shaped through the history.
Shan is sharing his thoughts about what can cities learn from each other in order to enhance the quality of everyday life of the citizens. Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Peng Wu (Urban Planner and designer) is sharing his story about how is the life in NYC and now in Stockholm from the urban planning and design point of view. The story is based on different elements: neighborhood structure, green spaces, streets, people and community, public transpiration, walk-ability, biking and cars driving. Peng is sharing his thoughts about what can cities learn from each other in order to enhance the quality of everyday life of the citizens.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Alexander Ståhle (VD på Spacescape och grundaren till Placetoplan) berättar om den digitala dialogplattformen PlacetoPlan. Placetoplan är en digital plattform för plats- och plandialog. En plattform för Planerare (kommuner, fastighetsägare, konsulter, privatpersoner) att samla in och sammanställa synpunkter på en plats eller en plan. En plattform för Allmänheten (privatpersoner, företag, föreningar) att se och ge synpunkter på en plats eller en plan.
Alex delar med sig sina reflektioner och idéer kring vad är en smart stad och hur en smart stad kan vara "livable" under en pandemi som COVID19.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Annika Brommesson (Chefsarkitekt på Neuro Ariktektur) berättar om Neuroarkitektur som undersöker hur en miljö, ett torg i staden, ett kontor, en skola, ett sjukhus eller ett hus ska se ut för att få oss att må bra. Arkitekter är alltid medvetna om att deras arbete påverkar de människor som använder dem, hur de upplever platsen. Neuroarkitektur går ett steg längre och försöker förstå hur formgivna omgivningar påverkar våra mentala processer och vårt beteende, för att tillämpa detta på att utforma livsmiljöer som stärker vårt välbefinnande.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Åsa Keane (VD på Landskapslaget och ordförande på C/o City) berättar om ekosystemtjänster som ett verktyg för att säkerställa grönskan inom stadsutvecklingsprojekt.
En stad utan ekosystemtjänster är varken attraktiv eller livskraftig. Att skapa, skydda eller utveckla ekosystemtjänster i urbana områden kan minska städernas ekologiska fotavtryck och samtidigt stärka resiliens, hälsa och livskvalitet hos invånarna. Genom att integrera grönområden, med växter och vattendrag, i staden kan vi skapa urbana ekosystemtjänster. Den grönblå strukturen, marken som den vilar på och de djur, fåglar och insekter som lever där skapar olika ekosystemtjänster. Grönskan kan hjälpa till att reglera lokalklimatet, rena luften och dämpa buller från trafiken, samtidigt som den är en plats för rekreation med skugga och naturupplevelser.
Grönskan kan placeras mellan husen, på taken (gröna tak) eller på väggarna som vertikal grönska, eller som träd längs gatorna. Växt- val, insekts- och fågelholkar samt närhet mellan olika grönområden kan ge ett bra livsrum (habitat) för pollinerande insekter och fröspridande fåglar. Genomsläpplig mark, dammar och våtmarker kan ta hand om regnvatten genom flödesutjämning. Barn som växer upp i en sådan miljö blir friskare och får en större förståelse för naturen.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Oscar Stege Unger (Director Wallenberg Foundations AB) berättar om hur Beredskapslyftet startades efter en idé av honom på Wallenberg Foundation AB, dagen efter att SAS tvingats permittera 90% av personalen på grund av effekter från coronaviruset och länders införda reserestriktioner. Idén byggde på att SAS har tillfälligt permitterat kabinpersonal med viss sjukvårdskunskap samtidigt som sjukvården har stora och växande personalutmaningar i och med coronakrisen. Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse hade sedan tidigare erfarenhet av att finansiera utbildningsaktiviteter på Sophiahemmet Högskola för att hjälpa nyanlända läkare att ta svensk läkarlegitimation. I detta projekt hade rekryteringsbolaget Novare, via bolaget Novare Potential, varit en viktig genomförandekraft. Oscar kontaktade Fredrik Hillelson, vd och grundare av Novaregruppen. Fredrik tog i sin tur kontakt med Johanna Adami, rektor på Sophiahemmet Högskola, som efter en timmes betänketid tackade ja till att skapa en intensivutbildning för den permitterade personalen. Erbjudandet gick sedan ut till SAS kabinpersonal där 300 medarbetare anmälde sitt intresse inom några dagar. Samtidigt som utbildningen togs fram på Sophiahemmet Högskola utvecklades Beredskapslyftet i samarbete med många aktörer, såväl privata som publika, i syfte att bygga en kostnadsneutral infrastruktur för att kunna expandera konceptet till att fånga in fler permitterade medarbetare från olika samhällssektorer för att stödja vård och omsorg. Kontakter med vårdgivare och inom äldreomsorgen togs och fler samarbetsaktörer anslöt sig för att hjälpa till: Spotify med teknisk kompetens och Roschier med juridisk kunskap för att nämna några exempel. Beredskapslyftet byggs i realtid och fler aktörer kan därför komma att ansluta.
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Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lola Akinmade Åkerström (Author, Travel Photographer, digital Content creator and a visual Storyteller) is sharing her valuable experience about creating quality content to share stories from different cities in the world. We are talking about how to find the uniqueness in every city and what are the elements that cities should think about in order to brand themselves. Read more about Lolas' cities personalities https://www.lolaakinmade.com/city-personalities/ Listen to the podcast on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/7uDWEv8Afho5l7UsilOUYZ Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/urbanistica/id1503039952?ls=1 Online http://citylifeurbanistica.libsyn.com/ Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sara Borgström (Assistant professor - researcher, teacher and change maker in Sustainable Urban Development) berättar om stadens och människors relation till naturen. Vi pratar om hur får vi in naturen i staden, vilka värden skapar naturen och hur kan staden tjäna pengar på att ha gröna ytor i staden. Sara reflekterar kring hur COVID19 har påverkat människors relationen till naturen och vilka lärdomar tar vi med oss från coronavirus tiden. Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
och subsucribe Youtube kanalen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
Tack för Landskapslaget (Stadsbyggnad & landskapsarkitektur) som har sponsrat detta avsnitt. Mer om #Landskapslaget https://landskapslaget.se/ Vill ni sponsra #UrbanisticaPodcast? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Cornelis Uittenbogaard (Urban Planner at Stiftelsen Tryggare Sverige) berättar om handboken Botryggt2030.
Den fysiska miljöns utformning har stor betydelse för säkerheten och tryggheten i kommunerna. Nu finns en ny handbok som hjälper både beställare och utförare att göra medvetna val vid utformningen av nya bostadsområden, bostäder, offentliga platser m.m.
BoTryggt2030 hjälper till att bygga bort brottsligheten och bygga in tryggheten. Tillsammans med flera fastighetsägare, en rad branschorganisationer och kommuner har Tryggare Sverige tagit fram en handbok vid namn BoTryggt2030 för att med hjälp av stadsplaneringen skapa säkra och trygga livsmiljöer.
Handboken BoTryggt2030 innehåller riktlinjer, rutiner och konkreta checklistor för att underlätta för både beställare och utförare att göra medvetna val vid planeringen av bostadsområden, bostäder, offentliga platser etc.
Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jakob Grandin (The founder of Gather festival and Trädgården Under the Bridge night club in Stockholm) is sharing the story about why did he started Gather movement as a meeting hub and community for Tech, Science and Innovation, Business, Public Sector, Culture, Creativity and Academia in Stockholm. It was a reaction against the election results in 2014 in Sweden.
Jakob talking about GATHER REBOOT project, which is a big reflection on what is the community now during the COVID19 and what is the next step for them. We are talking about Under the bridge night club and the transformation of the night life Stockholm during the last years.
Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
Subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
#UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
Subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
#UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Karin Ahlzén (Projektchef, Fokus Skärholmen på Stockholms stad) berättar om stadsutvecklingsprojektet Fokus Skärholmen som drivs inom Skärholmens stadsdelsnämndsområde, med ambitionen att över 4000 nya bostäder ska byggas. Fler bostäder innebär att det dessutom behövs fler förskolor, skolor, mer närservice, mötesplatser och satsningar på parker och grönområden. En viktig målsättning i projektet är att utveckla området med social hållbarhet i fokus. I projekt Fokus Skärholmen är det flera förvaltningar som samarbetar med varandra. Stadsbyggnadskontoret och Exploateringskontoret leder tillsammans arbetet i nära samarbete med Skärholmens stadsdelsförvaltning. Mer om projektet https://vaxer.stockholm/omraden/fokus-skarholmen/ Tack för Landskapslaget (Stadsbyggnad & landskapsarkitektur) som har sponsrat detta avsnitt. Mer om #Landskapslaget https://landskapslaget.se/ Vill ni sponsra? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Fokus Skärholmen har vunnit Planpriset 2019 Juryns motivering: "Med lika delar fokus och följsamhet visar Fokus Skärholmen vad som är möjligt när planeringen samlar kunskap om såväl platsen som människor som vill berika den. Projektet, eller som här processen, formar ett narrativ som både är samtida och ger momentum inför det som komma skall. Att använda de verktyg som planeringen erbjuder för att adressera skillnaderna i våra medborgares livsmiljöer kan göra världen bättreoch är en nyckel till integration och hälsa. – Fokus Skärholmen är ett exempel på hur bra det kan bli när flera förvaltningar jobbar med en tydlig ambition och tar med invånarna i lokala dialogprocesser. Det har gett kunskap att peka ut framtidens attraktiva lägen redan i dag och kraft att driva sin vision, säger tf förbundsdirektör Elisabet Elfström." https://arkitekten.se/nyheter/planpriset-till-fokus-skarholmen/
Follow the stories behind the scenes on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ #UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Pernilla Baralt (The Executive Director of UNICEF Sweden) is sharing the story of The Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI). It is a UNICEF-led initiative that supports local governments in realizing the rights of children at the local level using the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as its foundation. It is also a network that brings together government and other stakeholders such as civil society organizations, the private sector, academia, media and, importantly, children themselves who wish to make their cities and communities more child-friendly. We are talking about how children are suffering because of COVID19 and what can we adults do in order to save lives, education and more.Very interesting and powerful actions that UNICEF is doing to empower the different aspects especially when it comes to children. e.g. the drones are taking the medical support to deliver it to the villages. Do not miss our talk about what is a smart city. Read more https://childfriendlycities.org/
Thank you Landskapslaget (Landscape architecture, urban planning and design) for sponsoring this episode. Read more about #Landskapslaget at https://landskapslaget.se/
Read about what is the Convention on the Rights of the Child? https://www.unicef.org/child-rights-convention/what-is-the-convention
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
#UrbanisticaPodcast is looking for sponsors [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Lina Kumlin arbetar med rådgivning, analyser och strategisk planering kopplat till hållbar stadsutveckling. Lina presenterar kort WSP:s studie om ensamhetsfrågan ur ett stadsbyggnadsperspektiv.
Ofrivillig ensamhet är ett växande samhällsproblem som leder till omfattande ohälsa. Vad kan vi som samhällsaktörer göra för att bryta denna utveckling? Hur kan vi utveckla boendeformer och offentliga platser som bättre stödjer möten och gemenskap? Undersökningen, som genomfördes genom en webbenkät under mars 2019 tillsammans med det globala insiktsföretaget CINT, omfattar svar från 1000 respondenter i Sverige med ett representativt urval gällande exempelvis ålder, kön, boendeform och ort. Undersökningen visar att sex av tio (59 procent) av respondenterna ibland eller ofta känner sig ensamma. Av dessa upplever 29 procent att det är ett problem. Undersökningen visar att upplevd ensamhet är vanligast bland unga vuxna (18–34 år) där siffran är hela 78 procent. Den upplevda ensamheten är dessutom större i stadsmiljö än på landsbygden. I våra större städer (Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö) känner sig 69 procent ofta eller ibland ensamma jämfört med 47 procent på landsbygden. Studien visar också att omvälvande händelser i livet så som flytt till en större stad i samband med studier eller byte av arbete, påverkar den upplevda ensamheten negativt. Läs mer om undersökningen https://www.wsp.com/sv-SE/insikter/ensamhet
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Niklas Hagervall (Affärsutvecklare på SKANSKA) berättar om ABCD -Förskolorna från idé till en färdigprodukt.
Svenska kommuner behöver bygga 1 000 nya förskolor de kommande sex åren. Den bedömningen gör Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, SKR. Genom ABCD-förskolorna tar #SKANSKA ett helhetsgrepp om behoven som finns inom förskoleverksamheten.
Med ABCD-förskolorna tar Skanska ett helhetsgrepp på kommunernas stora utmaningar och behov inom förskoleverksamheten. Här finns fyra alternativ i olika storlekar, för fyra till tolv avdelningar och med en till två våningar.
En hög prefabriceringsgrad gör det möjligt att korta den normala byggprocessen. Dessutom erbjuder Skanska en etablerad och beprövad dialogprocess för att möta respektive kommuns förutsättningar, önskemål och behov i varje enskilt projekt.
Läsa mer om förslaget https://www.skanska.se/496746/siteass...
Tack för Landskapslaget (Stadsbyggnad & landskapsarkitektur) som har sponsrat detta avsnitt.
Vill ni sponsra? mejla [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mohamed Ossama Gabrallah (Architect, Urban economist and Data analyst at Tengbom Helsinki) is talking about the Data-Driven Engine that responses to the increasing complexity of urban development processes. It is combining design experience, with engineered systems of data science. It is also answering the 3 most challenging questions of any development project: WHERE to develop? WHAT to supply? HOW to deliver? Ossama is explaining how does this engine work, what kind of data does it need in order to work and also how these data is being collected. We are talking about the social values that can be generated by this system and how a smart city can use technology to enhance the life quality of peoples everyday life. Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe ! For sponsoring [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Sepehr Mousavi (Head of Innovation, Chief Sustainability Officer and founding partner of SweGreen). SweGreen is an innovation and technology urban farming company based in Stockholm, Sweden. Sepher is talking about vertical farming and how it is revolutionizing the industry by providing futuristic, smart and circular solutions for controlled-environment urban farming. By integrating smart vertical farming solutions into real-estate properties they provide circular energy-waste-water and carbon-absorbing systems, which not only enables to offer locally grown and top-notch quality greens, but also helps minimize any facility’s environmental footprint. We are talking about how vertical farming can be integrated in restaurants, co working spaces, schools and and create more life and sense of community in the cities. Moreover, we are discussing how the policies and regulations make it difficult to smart innovations to work on developing the different models e.g. vertical farming in the cities. Sepehr Mousavi Blogg
https://www.instagram.com/earth.of.billions/ Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/ and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
For sponsoring [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Anna Richert is a Sustainable Food expert at WWF Sweden.
One Planet Plate guides the different stakeholders in cities to sustainable meals that take into account the climate and biodiversity - meals for a living planet. Eating within the limits of the planet with One Planet Plate is colorful, healthy and exciting. An easy way to make a difference - one meal at a time!
One Planet Plate is based on science and research. During the development of One Planet Plate, WWF has obtained valuable input from the research community through a scientific council consisting of researchers Elin Röös at SLU, Line Gordon at Stockholm Resilience Center and Ulf Sonesson at RISE. More researchers have contributed through participation in workshops and in fact-gathering. Futerra Communications Agency and sustainability consultants U & We have contributed strategic expertise. All decisions on the concept have been made by WWF.
Follow Urbanistica Podcast on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/urbanistica.podcast/
and subscribe the Youtube Chanel for live videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8msNnlQae3RcIqvjCUjUVA?view_as=subscriber
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Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
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The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening.
Stay safe !
For sponsoring [email protected]
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Louise Lindquist Sassene (Architect, Stockholm, Sweden) is hosting Kiri Mackersey (Doctor, New York, USA) and Mustafa Sherif (Urban Planner, Stockholm, Sweden) in a new episode of the daily Swedish vlogg The New Society (Det Nya Samhället).
The topic is about the situation in #NewYork City during #COVID19 time. Dr.Kiri is sharing her experience and stories as a doctor working 12 hours/day in hospital and her life with her family and neighbors. We are talking about how people in one community stay strong together to face this pandemic by taking care of each other by different ways. E.g Kiri's neighbors were buying and supplying her with protection mask.
Very interesting discussion about the temporary hospitals in #NYC and what should #architects #design in order to manage this kind of pandemic in the future.
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
For sponsoring [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Eva Widgren (Projektledare Kulturnatt Stockholm på Stockholms stad) berättar om hur kulturnatt Stockholm 2020 blir digitalt ! På lördag kan du njuta av programmet på din favoritplats hemma framför din skärm. Klicka dig fram i Kulturnatt Stockholms stories på Facebook och Instagram, och ta del av livestreamningar. Under kulturnattens ordinarie öppettider, klockan 18–24 den 18 april 2020, kommer ett potpurri av visningar, konserter, meditation, pyssel och mycket annat att sändas – som du följer via Kulturnatt Stockholms Facebook och Instagram! Genom att själv klicka dig fram i Instagram och Facebook stories kommer du kunna ta del av Kulturnatt Stockholm precis som den brukar vara, bara i ett lite annorlunda format. Programmet kommer innehålla krokiworkshop, robotyoga, flamencodans, en Beethovensonat från Konserthuset, livepyssel från Cribble Craft, Cullbergbaletten på Nordiska Museet samt en livevisning av Gyllene Salen i Stadshuset. Följ på Facebook och Instagram så kommer mer information och spelschema att dyka upp inför kvällen. #DigitalKulturnatt20 Kulturnatt Stockholm på Facebook Kulturnatt Stockholm på Instagram https://kulturnattstockholm.se/
Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
For sponsoring [email protected]
Facebook events https://www.facebook.com/urbanistica.podcast
Visit my homepage for other projects/collaborations https://mustafasherif.com/
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Jörgen Dyssvold (Meeting & event strategist & designer at Herr Omar - the meeting agency) berättar om hur vi kommer att mötas igen efter Coronapandemin, direkt när man tar bort restriktionerna och senare när smittspridningen är förbi. Jörgen pratar om hybrid event som ett alternativ för ett smart och hållbart event eller möten. Det handlar om att de designas för både fysiska och digitala deltagare. Människor kan då välja själva om de vill delta på plats eller distans. Om saker förändras kan de också enkelt byta sin fysiska biljett mot en digital eller vice versa. Vi pratar om smarta städar och vad innebär dem särskilt utifrån event och mötes perspektivet. kommer vi att träffas via VR och nya tekniken som gör det enklare för människor att uppleva ett möte digitalt som ett fysiskt möte?
Läsa mer om hybridevent https://herromar.se/blogg/hybridevent Frågor och funderingar kontakta gärna Jörgen [email protected]
Jörgen Dyssvold är eventdesigner och mötesevangelist. Han driver mötesbyrån Herr Omar och Bentigo som arrangerar samtal i sällskapsspelsformat. Jörgen har 25 års erfarenhet av att arbeta professionellt med möten och event. Han har ansvarat för allt från statsbesök och internationella konferenser till VM och världsrekordsevent för uppdragsgivare som Regeringskansliet, SCB, KI, Amnesty International och UD. När han inte designar, producerar, föreläser eller skriver om möten och event ägnar han sig åt bland annat åt löpning och matlagning.
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Tony Mc Carrick (Digitalization Strategist - Södertälje municipality in Sweden) is talking about why and how should the municipalities work together in order to create a sustainable digital eco system that enhance the life quality of every citizen. We are talking about Södertälje Municipality's mindset and working process in digitalization. But also, questioning what is a smart city? How do the city collect data? what kind of data and how to use this data? Tony is sharing his reflection and thoughts about what is the "New Normal" after COVID19 situation.
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Ethan Kent (The Executive Director of PlacemakingX) is talking about PlacemakingX as a global network of leaders who together accelerate placemaking as a way to create healthy, inclusive, and beloved communities. The vision is to make the spaces we live into places we love. Create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable world through the convergence of values, passion, and action around our public spaces. We are talking about the situation now during COVID19 and also what is the future of placemaking in smart cities. Be a placemaker and join the network https://www.placemakingx.org/
Ethan Kent works to support placemaking organizations, projects, and leadership around the world, to build a global placemaking movement that builds systemic change towards place-led urbanization. In 2019 he co-founded PlacemakingX to network and accelerate placemaking for global impact. Ethan has more than two decades of experience working on public spaces and placemaking campaigns with Project for Public Spaces, traveling to more than 1000 cities and towns, and 60 countries. Ethan has been integral to the development of placemaking as a transformative approach to economic development, environmentalism, transportation planning, governance, resilience, social equity, design, digital space, and innovation.
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[Watch the fullpresentation with the pictures and Q&A on YouTube] Mentored by William H. Whyte and Jane Jacobs, Fred Kent is the Co-Founder of the Placemaking Fund (The Social Life Project and PlacemakingX). Pioneer of Placemaking for 50 years. Founder of Earth Day New York. Co-founder Transportation Alternatives. He is telling the story of how Placemaking became an international movement that makes the spaces we live into places we love. Create a thriving, equitable, and sustainable world through the convergence of values, passion, and action around our public spaces. He is also sharing the story about The Social Life Project’s that highlights insights about how to make public spaces great, drawing on the experience of communities around the world.
Placemaking X Network https://www.placemakingx.org/ The social life project https://www.sociallifeproject.org/ Note ! The sound quality of #UrbanisticaPodcast s' episodes that are recorded during #COVID19 time might not be perfect. Due to the online recording and the use of different types of microphones by guests and #MustafaSherif. Thank you so much for understanding and listening. Stay safe !
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Elena Sjödin the co-founder and the CEO of Robot Minds start-up is sharing her valuable experiences and knowledge about different kinds of robots, how are these being produced, programmed and running functionally. She is explaining the reasons of why should humans have robots in cities to run their business, instead of them running it by themselves!
We are discussing what are the values that robots bring to humans at home, businesses and in the city? if our cities are ready to take in robots on the large scale as a big ecosystem of robots? Moreover, are we human ready to see robots all around us, just like in the video games or in movies'+
The future is really promising. Liten to fullstory and see if you are ready to accept robots in your city !
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Marcus Jahnke (senior forskare på RISE Research Institutes of Sweden) och Samuel Michaëlsson (visualiserare på White Arkitekter) berättar om projektet NormViz som har utvecklat metoder och verktyg för att arbeta med normmedvetet och normkritisk i visualisering av stadsutveckling.
NormViz: Visualisering är ett viktigt verktyg för att kommunicera
planer och visioner för hur enskilda byggnader, stadsdelar,
samhällen och städer ska utvecklas. Men om visualiseringarna
är skapade utifrån begränsande föreställningar om till
exempel ålder, kön, funktionsvariation, etnicitet och klass
riskerar de att bidra till att människor osynliggörs och
diskrimineras. Därför krävs det normmedvetna visualiseringar
som kan utmana diskriminerande normer och bidra till mer
inkluderande städer och samhällen. Den här guiden hjälper
dig som arbetar med arkitekturvisualisering att skapa
normmedvetna visualiseringar".
Guide kring Normkreativ visualisering i stadsutveckling och Handbok för Normkreativ visualisering i stadsutveckling finns att ladda ner gratis på https://visualarena.lindholmen.se/node/75709
NormVis projektpartners: Visual Arena, Lindholmen Science Park, i samverkan med White arkitekter, Skanska, RISE och Chalmers arkitektur. Läs mer om projektet https://visualarena.lindholmen.se/normkreativ-viz
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Emelie Fågelstedt is a Digital Communications Strategist, together with her team from 3 different locations they won the Hackathon: Hack The Crisis COVID19 in "saving businesses" concept category.
Listen to the story of 2 days Hackathon with more than 7300 participants. Emelie is explaining their winning proposal that is about remotely working to link together business and individuals.
We are talking about gig economy and if is it really the future of business? How cities will be if many people will work remotely as how we do it now in 2020 during the COVID19 and also what is the future of CO working spaces !
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Atoosa Farahmand from Malmö wrote a post on her Facebook page on 2020-03-03 as a response to the Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson's image of himself. He stands with his arms crossed in a hunting outfit out in the woods with the clear message that "2015 must never be repeated". 2015 was the year when Turkey open the border to refuges from Syria to move to EU via Greece. There the refuges was treated with violence. Many of the refuges ended up in Sweden.
Atoosas' Facebook post and hashtag #Iam2015 (#jagär2015) got very popular in socialmedia and people started to post their own stories and stand against what Ulf presented in his picture. #Iam2015 became a big movement in Sweden.
We are talking about the movement, the challenges that refuges are facing in Sweden, and what are the actions that the Swedish government needs to take in order to make the integration process faster and shut down the negative voices that creating barriers in between the people in Sweden.
Atoosa is sharing her thoughts about how can a smart and a democratic city bring all the different groups together in one strong community.
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Björn , Elise och Louise är tre erfarna och kreativa arkitekter som har startat upp en daglig vlogg (Det Nya Samhället). De resonerar sig fram lösningar som kan ta vårt samhälle ett steg vidare mot en COVID19 frivärld. Tillsammans med professionella gäster diskuterar de upp hur det nya samhället kommer att vara i en post coronavirus stad.
Vi pratar om olika aspekter som har förändrat under Coronavirus tiden t.ex. våra sociala relationer, närvaro och rörelse i staden. Vi pratar även om hur arkitekter är vältränade för att vara kreativa och tänka holistiskt särskilt när världen har flera utmaningar samtidigt: coronaviruset, klimatfrågan och den ekonomiska läget.
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David Sim the Creative Director at Gehl Architects Copenhagen is sharing his reflections and thoughts about livable and soft cities during COVID19 time. How architecture, urban planning and design elements is helping cities to flattening the curve and keep the life in between buildings?
We are talking about what are the lessons that can be learned from coronavirus time in order to create a smart city? but also questioning what is a smart city about?
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Does it really feel the same if you are preforming or attending a music festival digitally / physically? Sulekha Daar the Project Leader for The Swedish Live Music Festival (Låt Live Leva/Let Live Live) is sharing the story of organizing a digital festival during Coronavirus time and how was the journey of the organizers, the artists and the audience.
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The Secretary General of The Swedish Association of Responsible Consumption Alexandra Davidsson is sharing the story of the circular campaign White Monday and how did it became world wide campaign. We are talking about the circular consumption and how can a smart city create the needed infrastructure to serve this sustainable consumption.
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Släck – och höj din röst för planeten! Höj din röst under Earth Hour! Skicka en signal till planetens ledare att agera för att stoppa klimatkrisen och bevara vår biologiska mångfald .
Men vilken kris ska världen prioriterar nu? #COVID19 eller #klimatkrisen
Idag, tillsammans med Ola Hansén och Cecilia Stenström från Världsnaturfonden WWF / WWF Sweden pratar vi om värdet och effekten av Earth Hour på #politik, #klimat och #biologisk #mångfald. Super intressant konversation med nya perspektiv på vad är en #klimatsmart stad !
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Marina is an Agenda 2030 Expert and the founder of Beyond 2030 Project. Agenda 2030 tells us what needs to be achieved, but not How and Why. That is what Marina helps us with.
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Victoria berättar om Changers Hub som en plats där alla ungdomar kan drömma högt på riktigt. Hubben bjuder på utbildningar inom tech, kultur och entreprenörskap - på ungdomarnas villkor.
Från Albys hjärta i Botkyrka till Östermalm i Stockholm. Vi pratar om vilka utmaningar har ortens ungdomar och hur minimeras gapet mellan orten och Stockholms innerstan! Allt är möjligt om man har rätt fortsättningar.
Intressanta historien om Changers Hub medgrundare och community !
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Åsa (VD på Gleerups digitala läromedel utbildning) pratar om dem stora utmaningar för läraren och elever med distansundervisning under Coronavirus tiden. Det handlar mycket om förvägsplanering och uppföljning. Då ska föräldrar ha ett nära samarbete med skolan. Stora utmaningar men allt är möjligt !
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Amanda som kallas för ”Rivjärnet” och PT i hållbarhet pratar om Corona-glädje och ansvarsfördelning mellan beställare, arbetsgivare och de anställda på bygg- och rivningsplatser. Vi pratar om hur tydlig och trovärdig information spelar en stor roll för att minska paniken och masssjukfrånvaro. Amanda förklarar hur skrivs en pandemi plan?
Vi pratar om hur Coronaviruset påverkar bygg- och rivningsplatser och även byggbranschen i Sverige !
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Doug Lansky as travel writer and editor is consulting destinations around the world and helping cities with branding their tourism.
We are talking about the art of how destinations can recover after Coronavirus and which group should travel industry fokus on now.
Doug as a Coronavirus early adopter is telling his story about how did he survived! Moreover about his project to help cities to regulate Airbnb.
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Frida berättar om varför och hur ska du ställa om små eller stora event istället för att ställa in dem! Vi pratar om mindset som krävs för att se Coronavirus situationen som en utmaning istället för ett problem.
Frida som är en av Sveriges mest bokade talare ger konkreta och värdefulla tips och tricks på hur kan du hålla i ett intressant, interaktivt och kreativt digitalt möte, konferens och även ett MEGA stort event !
Vi pratar en hel del om smart city. Då ska vi vara smarta genom att använda digitalisering och teknikutveckling på ett effektivt sätt för att må bättre, bli mer sociala och visa extra kärlek till varandra! Ett grönt stad är en smart stad också !
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Andrew (lecturer, speaker coach and writer) is talking about what interaction should we avoid and what should we keep especially for businesses. How to do things in daily life without a physical contact?
Andrew as a speaker coach/TEDx coach is sharing best practices and giving advises on how should a digital meeting/presentation be? what skills do we need in order to have an efficient, creative and interesting meeting/presentation.
Super interesting episode with so many communication hacks to apply during CoronaVirus time !
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Stefan is an acclaimed futurist with a background as a journalist and economist. We are talking about how should leaders, businesses and individuals think and act right now in order to flattening the curve and not ending up in the Italien situation.
How do cities establish trust and start a border-less collaboration because now it is about slowing the spread of the infection. It is either win-win or lose-lose situation.
A very interesting episode full of reflections and discussions about how AI predicted the virus before the World Health Organisation!
Stefan is ending the episode with talking about the good side-effects of this virus.
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Landskapsarkitekten Lise Strand Hellström berätta om vad är folkhälsa och vilka grupper ska prioriteras?
En park eller ett utegym räcker inte till att främja folkhälsa i en tät stad. Det behövs mycket mer arbete och ansvarsfördelning mellan regeringen, kommunen, skolan och familjen för att tillsammans bidra till barnens välmående i staden. Lise pratar om intressanta metoder och strategier bl.a. aktivitetsgeografi för att skapa en aktiv plats för olika grupper som har olika intressen.
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Sofia Widforss Poignant (Deputy Director Food, Energy and Climate Department and Lead of the One Planet City Challenge at WWF Sweden) berättar om WWFs One Planet City Challenge som är en global utmaning som uppmanar städer och kommuner att ta på sig ledartröjan för en klimatsäker framtid. Vetenskapen talar klarspråk. Det krävs stora och snabba utsläppsminskningar över hela världen och nya modeller för hur våra samhällen ska utvecklas.
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From New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, London and Paris to Stockholm, the Swedish urban planner Alexander Ståhle is presenting his research in Public Space Making - Best Practice from Planning to Management. Alexander is sharing with us the different partnership models in how a successful public spaces could be planned, constructed and managed by a community or a private sector, but being owned by the city.
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Nidhi Gulati (Social Impact Professional, Senior Director at Project for Public Spaces) is explaining the 4 elements to create a great and successful public space: -ACCESS & LINKAGES, -SOCIABILITY , -USES & ACTIVITIES, -COMFORT& IMAGE.
Nidhi is talking about the different values and the importance of involving a community in creating public spaces.
Listen to the best practices and interesting discussions about people in relation to public spaces.
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Klimat fråga är ingen ny fråga! Landskapsarkitekten Anders Mårsén pratar om SA Hållbarhetsrådets handlingsplan som fokuserar på klimat och biologisk mångfald. Vi pratar om hur Sverige har adopterat Larchitect Declare och vad innebär det för branschen?
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The head of the Think Tank project Linda Kummel is telling the story about ArkDes open call 2019 with more than 100.000€ for funding the practice-based projects. The focus was on the Swedish government’s “Policy for Designed Living Environment” – which asks the question, how can we build sustainable and equal societies with high quality architecture?
We are talking about why the different European cities as Berlin and Copenhagen are braver and more creative than Stockholm when it comes to trying new ways of integrating art and culture in the city. What is holding Stockholm back?
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Eva Rosman (enhetschef, kommunikation projekt Slussen i Stockholms Stad) berättar om nya Slussen som är:
• Sveriges näst största kollektivtrafik knutpunkt med ca 500 000 människor som passerar, ca 50 000 cyklister och ca 30 000 bilister / dygn
• Sveriges största fornlämningsområde.
Vi pratar om hur de 25 huvudentreprenader jobbar med 3 byggområden : land, vatten och berg. Vad är möjligheten för projektet Slussen att den ska byggas klart på halva tiden och halva kostnaden?
Eva berättar om miljötänket bakom projektet och varför importeras bron från Kina istället för att bygga den på plats?
Ni ska få höra hur bygget låter mitt i Slussens hjärta!
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Från 200 till 2 000 000 Hackers på 2 år.
Ann Molin och Carolina Emanuelson presenterar Hack for Sweden och berättar om hur Hackathon kan användas som en metod på jobbet, i skolor och även hemma.
Vi pratar om hur bidra Hackathon till att skapa en smartare stad med hjälp av medborgarna och öppna data från myndigheter, kommuner och privata aktörer.
Ann och Carolina presenterar Hack For Earth som är ett globalt och digitalt Hackathon, då 192 länder kan delta och vara en del av hållbara lösningar för nu och framtida städer. Hack for earth kick-off ska vara i Dubai Expo 2020.
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Varför ska kommuner och privata aktörer lägga pengar på barn konsekvensanalyser? Vad tjänar de på den? Uppfyller en BKA (Barnkonsekvensanalys) barnkonventionen?
Åsa Lindgren Sustainability Coordinator Sweco, berättar om perspektivsträngselns påverkan på barnfrågan och att barnfrågan kommer senare i processen på grund av detta. Hon förklarar barnkonventionens grundprinciper som ska prioriteras och hur dessa kopplar till agenda 2030 och de globala hållbarhetsmålen.
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Are we really saying Goodbye totally to the traditional offices and welcoming the coworking spaces to our cities? How does a coworking space contribute to enhance the quality of everyday life?
David Knutsson ( Go To Market & Innovation Consultant ) is explaining how a coworking space is not only about a space for startups, but more about a creative community of people from various fields sharing their passion and networking.
We are talking about the working atmosphere, the services and the different physical areas inside a coworking space.
David is now working in a team to develop the future of coworking space 2.0. How it could be a multi-used-space during all the day.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Elise Perrault is a placemaker from the European Placemaking Network, working at Future Place Leadership. She is explaining what is Placemaking? who can be part of it? what are the key principles of placemaking as a method to develop the city and create communities.
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How about you get a pixel in Helsingborgs city south of Sweden. This pixel can be a wall, a floor, a roof top or something else if you are extra creative! You will get 1000€ to finance the design of your pixel. Sounds crazy right?
Alfred (Persson) Nerhagen and Christina (Borgelin) Wideland are telling us the story behind this creative project.
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Centrumchef på Väla Centrum berättar om hur köpcentrum bidrar till att skapa liv i staden och hur ser relationen och dialogen med staden ut?
Niklas berättar mer om de sociala och ekonomiska värden som skapas av ett köpcentrum, människors beteende kring shopping och vart vi är på väg med all E-handel.
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Micco Grönholm (Head of future, Helsingborg City, Sweden) is talking about what is smart city? What is applied Artificial Intelligence in urban planning and design? How does smart city enhance the quality of everyday life for people?
Micco explaining #H22 the new smart city project to reach Helsingborg’s goal to be one of Europe's most innovative cities by 2022.
Hear more about how Helsingborg Municipality is changing the mindset and the working philosophy within the organisation.
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Barn är också människor !
Landskapsarkitekten Anna Squassina berättar om vad är Barnkonsekvensanalys och hur kan analysen utföras. Vi pratar om olika typer av kreativa och kvalitativa dialoger med små barn, barn och ungdomar.
Hur maxar vi värdet av utemiljöer utifrån barnets perspektiv och barnperspektiv? Anna delar med sig sina strategier och tricks på hur hon skissar barnvänliga utomhusmiljöer.
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KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKKEEP LOVING CITIES https://plus.acast.com/s/urbanistica.
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Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Loving Cities ❤️️
All opinions expressed in each episode are personal to the guest and do not represent the Host of Urbanistica Podcast unless otherwise stated.
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Thanks to Urbanistica Podcast partner AFRY (Urban Planning and Design)
AFRY is an international engineering and design company providing sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, industry, and infrastructure.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.