197 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Månadsvis
A weekly(ish) podcast where we rewatch and discuss the episodes from the Showtime/SciFi series Stargate SG-1. Now available on Amazon Prime!
The podcast Window of Opportunity – A Stargate Rewatch Podcast is created by Window Of Opportunity. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Teyla’s nightmares may have a deeper meaning as they explore The Gift. Rachael has questions about the things that happen.
We learn some interesting information about what happened to Teyla’s ancestors and the wraith's evolution.
What exactly is this wraith telepathic network and how does it really work between the wraith themselves? Can they just take over each other’s bodies like that one did with Teyla?
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Daniel has a tough choice to make (again) as we watch the extended cut of Threads. Rachael actually watched both versions and shares her thoughts on what the cuts do to the tone and flow of the story beats. And there are some noticeable tone changes with the edits that were made.
Y’all know we have thoughts on the Sam and Jack relationship so the only thing we’ll say is that we like Jack and Kerry better…… Moving on.
Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? What’s the best (American) fast food diner for breakfast food? These are the important questions we must ask.
RIP Jacob Carter. We shall miss you dearly. Although, all things considered, he probably got the best death one could hope for on this show.
Here’s the big question - Anubis is a goa’uld symbiote possessing a human body. Did the human consciousness ascend along with Anubis? How does ascension work with two consciousnesses?
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It’s time for Atlantis’ only (and the franchise’s final?) clip show, Letters From Pegasus. So you know what that means. It’s commentary time!! Grab a drink, grab some snacks, and buckle in as we commentate our way through.
Although, this does have more plot than Kerri remembers. Teyla goes a little hard on the insistence that they HAVE to save that one family. We get it, but also this is a war and John has a good point. And it does kind of bite her in the ass at the end when he comes running up to the ship with way more people than just his family.
Carl Binder did an excellent job of scripting the messages home. They all feel really true to the characters. We love (to hate) that Kavanagh is still holding a grudge and instead of talking to his loved ones, decides to air his grievances with Weir instead.
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We’ve reached the culmination of almost 8 years of storytelling with Reckoning, Part 2 and yet there are still three more episodes left in the season!
It’s still weird that nobody mentions anything about Daniel until the very end of the episode.
We’re always amused at how easy it is for Earth technology to interface with Ancient technology. And also that there’s always an interface at the ready to decipher/translate whatever data is being read.
Ba’al is just amazing in this episode. He’s so smarmy and smug and we love it. But tell us, what is Ba’al’s hacker alias?
And Wagner asks a Very Important Question: Where are all the fatherships?
Will a Space Gun Always Hit Something? (w/ THE EXPANSE): https://youtu.be/FnWctwhHJH4?si=VBd9o2iTtdrNTqhm
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It’s time for a good old-fashioned treasure hunt as the team contend with The Brotherhood. But first, have a sneak peek at our new podcast - Sound Effects with Kerri and Rachael. J/K That’s not a thing.
This episode is really fun. All the little puzzles and problems they come up against really work for us and make sense in the historical context. We also love all the stuff between Rodney and Allina. It’s just adorable and funny. Until the very end, at least….
But the ending could have gone a very different way if they’d just explained that they ARE descendants of the Ancestors. Atlantis originated on Earth. The ZPM was left for them.
And just what was that wraith dart doing in the city? We’ll find out in a few weeks….
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The goa’uld and Asgard and Replicators! Oh, my! Everyone’s here in Reckoning, Part 1. Except for the Furlings. They’re always left out of everything. We do like this episode but some plot points are just a little too glossed over for our liking.
What is the context with people needing to be dying before they can ascend? Death has nothing to do with Ascension, right? It’s just about knowledge and enlightenment. Has that changed since the Ancients first did it? Why is Ascension now a “cake or death” situation?
We have now trademarked Baalogram.
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The expedition finds an Ancient in stasis deep in the city. Or is she? Indeed not! Elizabeth Weir has traveled back in time and, with the help of an actual Ancient, has corrected the problems that led to the catastrophic failure of the first Atlantis mission in Before I Sleep.
The old age make-up done to age Torri is reall, really well done. There’s a few things this episode does that are really interesting: it uses time travel to help explain some of the “It’s TV! Of course it all worked out!” things from previous episodes; it shows us that the timeline we’re watching as viewers was not the prime timeline, which it usually is.
There might be an issue with the overall Stargate timeline as the evacuation of Atlantis back to Earth is happening at roughly the same time Ra discovers Earth and starts kidnapping people to make them slaves. How close in time did those two events actually happen?
The Stargate Master Timeline: https://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Timeline
And, of course, we hear from Wagner and how accurate the time travel and Rodney’s comments on it are in this episode.
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It’s time for a clip show so we’re doing it commentary style! Break out your DVD, get Amazon cued up, and watch along with us as we revisit Citizen Joe. NOTICE: Since this is commentary style, there may be periods of dead as we just watch what’s happening. Don’t worry. We’ll be back with the witty commentary soon enough. (Also, Rachael is watching on Amazon with commercials so have your remotes ready to pause as needed…)
The story frame for this episode is pretty good as far as usual clip shows go. It was nice to revisit some storylines we haven’t seen in awhile - Skaara, Hathor, the Reetou! And, luckily, the stones will return in future episodes.
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John gets his Captain Kirk on this week in Sanctuary. It is an episode that makes us ask, “Why?” and wonder if John is just kind of dumb. Could it be down to a new (and one-time) writer perhaps not having a great grasp of the characters?
But, back to break it all down with us is Evelyn! You asked and we listened. She has returned.
Why aren’t ZPMs rechargeable? They should be. Thank Athar for Teyla this episode. She truly is the voice of reason. Everyone else is so out of character that the choices they make and the things they do are just wrong and weird.
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Kinsey is back but not quite himself this week in Full Alert.
While the plot of this episode is rather interesting and we’re glad they’ve wrapped things up with The Trust, there are a few dangling threads we would like addressed: What actually happened to Kinsey? Are there any more goa’uld still hiding on Earth?
The reveal of Kiselev being a goa’uld, while cool, is kind of anticlimactic. As is the ending. This is an episode that really could have used a debriefing from Daniel and Pendergast about what happened in Russia and onboard the Prometheus.
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Nobody makes good decisions this week when an Ancient viral lab is discovered in Hot Zone. This episode is just one massive NO for Rachael while Kerri can kind of see both sides of the issues between Weir and Sheppard. However, both of them do agree that it is very difficult to understand Peterson’s thought process which lead to him trying to make his way back to the city.
In the end, though, it comes down to the plot dictating what they characters had to do rather than the characters’ actions dictating the plot.
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SG1 find Maybourne doing just fine for himself this week in It’s Good To Be King. Though the planet may be under imminent threat by the goa’uld Ares, he’s not worried. SG1 are there to save the day! The prophecy says so.
Where is the lost episode of what happened when Harry arrived on that planet? Also, we’re really not that surprised that Maybourne became the king. He is Maybourne.
Do the Jaffa do improv? Have they created Whose Jaffa Is It Anyway, yet?
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Sheppard must face off against a lone wraith that’s been trapped on a planet for 10,000 in The Defiant One.
Joining us to start the New Year with a bang are Rachael’s nephews! They’ve barely seen any Stargate episodes but they love it and will hopefully watch more.
Are all wraith left-handed? Can/do they feed with both hands? Where exactly did the puddle jumper shield come from? Has the jumper always been able to do that or did it come from the wraith?
Also, continuing in the tradition of “where’s the bathroom in this thing”, the jumpers don’t seem to have toilets so how can they take 15-hour trips in it?
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Daniel is captured along with the Prometheus by the most beautiful super soldier you’ve ever seen in Prometheus Unbound. That’s right. Vala’s here!!
Perhaps some of the jokes didn’t age well, but we still love it. And Claudia Black is just perfect.
It’s also really fun seeing Hammond out there doing the thing that he never got to do in his time as commander of the SGC.
Also, we end with an interesting discussion about why the SGC doesn’t have golf carts (or something similar) for when the teams go explore off-world.
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The storm finally arrives in Atlantis in The Eye. This episode is great. Sheppard is a badass. And also really smart. But was all the death he caused strictly necessary?
It’s awesome that Ford finally has some awesome stuff to do but how he treats Beckett as the episode continues is a bit much.
The visual effects in this episode are truly outstanding. The awards it was nominated for and won were well deserved.
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Sam meets her Replicator double and makes some very bad choices this week in Gemini. Returning to chat about this episode with us is our good friend and soon to be yours, Evelyn! (Apologies in advance for the many tangents we go on.)
This episode does the twist reveal really well. You know something’s up because it’s the Replicators but when you learn what’s actually going on, it is shocking. Also, they finally use the Alpha Site for what they should have been using it for all along!
Who would you like to have seen cameo as a random fourth member of SG1? They could have had fun with that.
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The Atlanteans go into Survival Mode as they prepare to face The Storm. But then the Genii show up to throw a massive wrench into their plans. The one good thing this episode does give us? The start of the Rodney & Zelenka fun times. The two Davids just play off each other so well.
The Genii plan is quite a genius one, really. Why not try and take over a city when most of its inhabitants are gone?
There’s also another round of Live Googling. This time by Rachael! And RIP Cory Monteith. You are missed.
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The Trust goes to war with the goa’uld (and Jaffa) this week in Endgame. The opening scene of this episode is one of the best in a long time. It’s just fun and really feels like the random conversations people working together would have.
The one weird thing with this episode, though, is Daniel doing the various interrogations. The first especially reads like it was originally written for Jack. There’s discussion about how far you have to move a gate before its address no longer works. Also, how does ventilation work inside the goa’uld pyramid buildings?
We end with a brief discussion about how we’re feeling with season 8 so far with the extremely reduced Jack time and how SG1 is operating as an exclusively 3 person team. What are your thoughts? Let us know!
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The Atlantis team heads back to Earth in Home. Or do they?
Rachael raises some excellent points about how the “mist beings” operate and that it doesn’t seem to be an effective way of keeping themselves alive. Of course, that would lead to a much shorter or non-existent episode. Whoops….
We desperately wanted to see Teyla’s shipping montage. We LOVE a montage! Give it to us now! They did do a really good job of interlacing everyone’s realities in such a way that it was immediately obvious what was going on. Overall, though, this is a fun twist on a fairly common scifi trope that we enjoyed. Kind of. Maybe…
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Teal’c faces two problems this week on Sacrifices - the Hak’tyl are under attack and his son is getting married!
At this point in the life of the SGC, why do they not have a designated off-world base specifically for refugees? It really doesn’t make sense to keep bringing people to Earth all the time. It is interesting to see the change in heart the SGC has had concerning the killing of the goa’uld from how they faced things at the start of the series.
WHAT IS THE RITE OF ORNOC??? Tell us your thoughts!!
This episode makes some interesting points, but there are just a few too many, which ends up muddying everything up too much.
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We meet the Atlanteans' best adversarial ally (thank you, Rachael) this week when we find the Genii Underground. Did you know Genii is the plural form of genie?
What were the circumstances in which Tyrus and sora changed into their military uniforms after being told to bring Ford and Teyla to Cowen? Cos that’s a little weird if you stop to think about it. And, if you know anything about us, you know Rachael has Things To Say about the fact that the Genii know what uranium is and call it by that name.
Weir’s little rant about how she just sent them out for food and now they’re plotting a war is just perfection.
And there’s a little bonus for those that listen all the way to the end….
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The story being told this week in Covenant is one that has been touched on several times - should the Stargate be made public? This specific iteration is interesting as it's from the civilian point of view but, again, some of the specifics end up letting us down a little.
We do think the animation they did on the Asgard clone Alec had was really good. Sam is also excellent during her interview with Julia Donovan and talking around the truth while also not actually lying.
The one big issue we do have is with where Sam takes Alec to try and get him to understand what revealing the Stargate actually means to a society. Taking him to the Alpha Site doesn’t do anything because it’s just fun toys and technology. They should have taken him to Kelowna so he could talk to Jonas!
We’ve also forgotten that episode where Teal’c only has one line of dialogue again….
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The Atlanteans come up against a moral quandary this week in Poisoning the Well. Even if the Hoffans are able to make the Wraith unable to feed on them, it is highly unlikely they will just be left alone. The storing of knowledge they do is a really great way to ensure they don’t regress too far when their population is culled.
John getting Steve to tell him all the hive ships have become active isn’t really useful because how many is all?
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Teal’c tries to have a normal life outside the SGC and Sam gets engaged in Affinity but it all ends up being filled with the sorts of tropes and cliches that make this feel more like Stargate: Melrose Place than Stargate: SG1.
There are a couple of high points, though: Teal’c bending over so the one guy punches the top of his head; Daniel asking Sam, “So, how’s things?”; Teal’c’s addition of “where you stand” when he threatens to kill Doug; and Pete thinking to check with the local pizza place was pretty smart.
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John and his team run into a society where no one is older than 24 in Childhood’s End. We do have to wonder about what actually happens to a jumper if it loses power mid-flight. Wouldn’t it just plummet straight to the ground since it doesn’t have wings like a plane to help it glide? But it’s a TV show so it all works out fine.
It seems odd that the knowledge of the shield generator device has been lost to time even though the sacrifices continue with how connected the two things seem to be. And also, why isn’t making sure the shield keeps working part of their culture if that’s the thing that is keeping the people safe?
We love how Weir puts Rodney in his place this week with what he’s done to these kids and their protection from the wraith.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who sees a little chemistry between John and Keras. There’s something there right?!?!
Rachael has a final thought on this episode!!
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We break down the SG1 video game that never was this week with Avatar. In which the SGC messes with alien technology again to try and adapt it for use on Earth because they still haven’t learned their lesson.
While we have questions about how some of this all worked, overall we liked it. It was fun. There really should have been some way to get Teal’c out that didn’t just rely on Teal’c doing something in the game.
There are also some knowledge drops about “death by a thousand cuts” and the Droste effect (which Rachael had the WORST experience with that one time in a hotel). #stargate #sg1
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The Athosians are accused of being wraith spies in Suspicion. Which, things went very extreme very quickly when there were many other avenues to investigate. Why is the immediate answer to this problem that they have a spy in their midst rather than someone being tracked without their knowledge?
We’re also missing a scene where Teyla learns the truth of what’s been happening and they apologize to her. That really needed to be done.
What’s with John and sandwiches? And did the expedition really bring all the fixings for turkey sandwiches?
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Daniel gets trapped off-world (again) this week in Icon. Would this have been better if it was Teal’c stuck on another planet? We think so, because then that would have gotten rid of the unnecessary vaguely romantic subplot.
The SGC establishing contact through an artifact in a museum is an interesting concept, but the overall plot is something that is all too familiar. Also, Soren should have been a goa’uld. We also would have liked to have more scale as to the actual devastation because they mention whole cities being destroyed, but how many people is that actually? Also, a little more showing of the actual carnage would have been welcome.
We finally get an answer from writer and producer Joseph Mallozzi as to why everyone speaks English!
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The puddle jumper gets stuck in a gate and John’s team only has 38 minutes to solve the problem. Despite the many plotholes in this episode, it’s still enjoyable and a very fun watch.
Weir is fantastic in this episode. McKay’s panic is a little much, but understandable. The introduction of Zelenka is wonderful and we’re so glad the writers kept him around.
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RIP Obi Ndefo. You will be missed.
Rachael loves this episode. Kerri likes it well enough but there are quite a few scenes/conversations that really need some more clarification. She is glad that Walter Harriman’s name is finally settled as Walter Harriman and he is no longer the man with two names. We do both love that there are many moments in this episode where characters voice questions and issues we ourselves have mentioned previously.
Pierre Bernard’s Recliner of Rage: https://youtu.be/jvS-_0LMvGQ?si=oopLui3h-68zdsT2
Set Visit: https://youtu.be/EjSP4NOpDRk?si=ux0hhkPPzJrSHtRD
#stargate #sg1
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It’s interesting that Atlantis’ first post-pilot episode, Hide and Seek, has a very similar plot to the SG1 episode that aired the same night. A strange alien entity is haunting the base and eating all their power. Rodney also partakes in an experimental medical trial that will hopefully give him the ability to use Ancient technology.
Apparently, Atlantis needs the memo to stop touching things! If Atlantis was a musical, what would that sound like? This is a good start to the season episode. We’re getting some character growth, learning about the city. We like it.
We end with a discussion about whether or not Teal’c gets paid and how he operates in the world now that he has his own apartment. How did he get ID? Does he have a 401k? Does he pay taxes? Tell us all your thoughts!
#stargate #sgaINSTAGRAM: SG_Rewatch
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It’s time to get to the business of the new status quo at the SGC but something or someone is throwing a wrench in the works as the base goes into Lockdown.
Where are the special episodes detailing Murray's Adventures in Colorado Springs? We were robbed!
We’re still not sure we really understand the separating the SGC into different zones plan and how that would make Anubis use his powers to reveal himself to the other ascended beings. Are they just trying to piss him off?
It turns out a lot of people prefer Gateship over Puddle Jumper! Go check out the SGA Season 1 channel on the discord and vote!
Also, everyone go watch season 1 of Anne’s Rice’s Interview with the Vampire which is now on Netflix. It’s amazing. Kerri’s obsessed.
#stargate #sg1
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It’s the conclusion of the pilot as we discuss Stargate Atlantis, Rising - Part 2. The rising of the city of Atlantis from the bottom of the ocean to the surface is one of the most beautiful visual effects shots in the entire franchise. It’s gorgeous.
We really appreciate the fact that people have actual conversations in this and don’t just yell at each other when they disagree. Seeing the wraith for the first showed we have a properly scary villain for the first time.
Do you like Gateship or Puddle Jumper better? We honestly think Gateship is a good name!
This is a really great opener to a new show in a familiar franchise. A good amount of introductory information about this new setting and the people there, but there are still ways to continue expanding what we know.
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It’s time to head to the Pegasus Galaxy as we start Stargate Atlantis with Rising, Part 1. This cast is made up of a lot of people who were previously other characters on SG1. But, we like this. It has a very nice different but same vibe where it’s familiar for viewers of SG1 but is definitely its own entity.
We finally get confirmation of the Ancient Gene being a thing. The aesthetic of Atlantis and the gates found there are really cool.
Also, Rachael didn’t watch the whole episode because the version of the show that exists on Amazon is the syndicated version that has been drastically edited down. How strange….
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We finish up the season 8 premiere with New Order, Part 2. We get our first introduction to Colonel Lionel Pendergast, commander of The Prometheus who might have one of the best character names ever.
We find it odd that none of Sam’s team members have much of a reaction to learning she is most likely dead. How exactly would asylum for a Goa’uld System Lord work considering they’re basically war criminals?
While there might be some details we nitpick over (that’s what a podcast is for!), these episodes are a really great start to the season and we can’t wait to see where it all goes. Especially since, starting with this season, we don’t remember these episodes as well as the earlier ones.
We end with a brief discussion of our preferences for the various Star Stuff medias.
INSTAGRAM: SG_Rewatch THREADS: SG_Rewatch DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
It’s time to start the soft reset of Stargate SG1 with the season 8 premiere, New Order - Part 1. There are some big changes right off the bat - Don Davis is out of the credits and Teal’c has hair!! We discuss the recasting of Elizabeth Weir and the probable retirement of all Yu jokes and puns.
There’s a sound effect that Rachael would now like to investigate - the replicators. And we still don’t know how the symbiote noises are made.
Weir telling the System Lords that the SGC will help them, but only if they get all of Ba’al’s stuff is just *chef’s kiss* perfection. We love that.
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Before we jump into SG1 Season 8 and Atlantis Season 1, we thought we’d do something a little different. This week, we watched Space Milkshake starring Amanda Tapping and a whole bunch of other awesome scifi actors.
This movie is not good. It just didn’t go far enough with how funny/silly it should have been. It really needed the Spaceballs treatment.
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It’s our Season 7 Wrap-up!! We get into all the bests and some WTFs. We also discuss recasting the show and what crossovers we would like to see.
Make sure you check in on our Discord to vote in the polls!
Also, Kerri squeaks when she laughs really hard….. (And mixes up subjective vs.objective. Whoops.)
Do we need merch?
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This week SG1 try to find the Lost City and save Earth once more from impending doom.
These are two of the best episodes Stargate has ever done. But, what is wrong with Kinsey? He’s the absolute worst. We love the introduction of the Stargate glyphs having sounds associated with them to give the planets names. Unfortunately, it never comes back into play.
How does Anubis know where the White House is and even more so, what it is? How does he know who Hayes is? That whole thing was a little illogical.
As we get into the emails, Wagner gives us all a lesson in quarks and zero-point energy.
USS Nimitz Incident Report: https://www.explorescu.org/post/2004-uss-nimitz-strike-navy-group-incident-report
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The newly elected President of the United States is debriefed about the Stargate program in one of the most plot-heavy clip shows, Inauguration.
It seems like many of the things Woolsey brings up could have come from discussions among fans about what has happened on the show. Because, at times, he does have a point.
LAVA LAMP SECURITY: https://youtu.be/1cUUfMeOijg?si=UDnLVl3nNFWsn9aP
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Daniel once more tries to bond with a young woman in an attempt to save her life this week in Resurrection. Unfortunately, it was all for nothing. This one of those strange episodes that isn’t necessarily bad per se. There are definitely things that occurred but nothing really happened and we can’t help wondering what the point of it all was.
Can we bring back worshipping of Sekhmet? She sounds awesome. All the interactions between Teal’c and Dr. Lee were just the best, though.
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THIS EPISODE COMES WITH A HANKY WARNING. This one really got to Kerri. So, if you’re a sympathetic crier you may want to have some tissues handy and not listen to this in public.
The documentary team continues their investigation while the NID joins in with their own in Heroes, Part 2. Everyone definitely brought their A-game in this episode and they sent Janet off with the honor she deserved.
There is just so much to love about this episode - Saul’s tirade about shoving journalists into the cold; his story about the war photographer; Hammond in every scene he has. There’s a reason this is widely regarded as one of the best Stargate episodes of all time.
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A film crew has arrived to document the 1000th trip through the Stargate in Heroes, Part 1. But does anyone really want them there? Some interesting things happen during the interviews they do manage to get. Except for Teal’c’s…. Also, Sam’s interview session where all they talk about Jack was not necessary and could definitely have been cut.
We are a little confused about why the crew can’t film current ongoing missions. Is there some military reason that we’re not aware of that would prevent those things from being documented? It is an interesting debate, though.
If you’re interested, this is what superheated water does if it gets agitated:
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The SGC tries to keep the Earth-Tok’ra-Jaffa alliance alive and Sam tries to keep herself alive this week in Death Knell.
We do like that they finally address a lot of these dangling storylines throughout the series. It’s also interesting that we never find out how exactly Anubis knew where the Alpha Site was and that the SGC was developing an anti-super soldier weapon.
And we end this week with learning more about tea than we probably ever wanted to know with our newest segment - Tea Talk.
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Sam finally gets a boyfriend and Daniel’s former girlfriend returns in Chimera. What is the plural of DeLuise? While we like the Daniel and Sarah/Osiris storyline in this episode, we’re not as on board with Pete at this time. And there’s a really easy fix for the things that bug us. Also, he’s a cop! He should totally understand classified things exist that he has no clearance to know about. And him surveilling the surveillance operation? There’s no way!
IF YOU WENT TO BASINGSTOKE COMIC CON, LET US KNOW!! We'd love to hear all about it!
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It’s the final appearance of Jonas Quinn this week as he tries to save his planet in Fallout. We really like that this episode answers the question of why naquadria is not found anywhere else in the galaxy. The actors who play the three ambassadors are so great at doing all the bickering that’s scripted for them.
How would you redecorate the Gate Room? Do other planets have flags? What might a Tok’ra flag look like?
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Sam is stuck alone on The Prometheus this week in Grace. Or is she? This episode is not one of our favorites. It just seems like it’s too little a little too late. No shade to Amanda; she’s fantastic with the material she’s been given. There are some interesting conversations, but putting them in this scenario where they all happen with hallucinations is a bit of an odd choice.
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We finish up Daniel’s Central American Adventures and Sam’s Outer Space Quest in Evolution Part 2. This is the one episode where we finally see the small, casual intimacy between Jack and Sam that we really should have been seeing all along. Enrico Colantoni as Burke is just the best thing ever. We love him.
Why don’t Stargates have caller ID? That would be helpful. Annoying from a plot perspective, but helpful for the receiving gate. We’re still not entirely sure how ring transporters work, but the scene where the Kull Warrior gets wooshed away in mid-air is just awesome.
And thanks to a listener email, we find out whether or not the Stargate could actually exist.
And a few more jokes….
We Didn’t Start the Fire: https://youtu.be/OyLPa20tziM?si=PwTLUaSKYzIqQP5L (This is not Bri’s YouTube channel, for some reason. That can be found at Brihana25 if you want to check out all the other amazing vids she’s done.)
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We’re back and it’s time for Evolution, Part 1!! Thanks everyone for sticking with us through this small hiatus. There’s so much to get through in this episode with super soldiers and the Fountain of Youth. And so many fun facts! Though, this episode may have been a bit better if those two things tied together a little bit more. What would you call a Goa’uld Boy Band?
There’s also so many emails! So many discussions! And we’re not sure if we remembered what we said in very old episodes, so bear with us… Also jokes!
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Christopher Judge takes charge of the writing this week on Birthright, aka Stargate: Warrior Princess. The idea behind this episode is interesting, but the execution falls a little short. It really didn’t need the love story element between Teal’c and Ishta. But, hey. You can’t keep a horse in a bathtub!
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Avenger 2.0 has some major issues for us. Felger is TOO bumbling. How does he still have a job? Why don’t the stranded teams manually dial the gate to get back to the SGC? Ba’al has a computer hacker in his ranks? And how would he have even come to the conclusion that there was a virus in the DHD? None of this makes any sense. There’s some interesting ideas here (the virus really could be a useful thing), but the execution leaves a lot to be desired for us.
And that ending daydream scene was really not necessary.
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This week Sam takes on the Kessel Run, I mean the Loop of Kon Garat when she joins her new alien friend Warrick for a Space Race. The episode where Sam is suddenly an adrenaline junkie even though we’ve never seen any proof of that before or since. While this episode is mostly just okay, the sports commentators are fantastic. Rachael thinks this episode could have been more interesting if Sam had been forced into the race against her will. Patrick Currie playing Eamon like he’s the Niles to Warrick’s Fraiser is amazing.
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This week’s episode on Enemy Mine comes live with sound effects as Kerri was dealing with a major thunderstorm during recording. So, apologies if this sounds a little rushed.
Even if the plot of this episode isn’t entirely new, it’s always nice to see the Unas and Chaka again. Even if this is the last time we see them. Michael Rooker is excellent casting as Col. Edwards, the hard-headed military man present in every show. We also enjoy the double meaning of this week’s episode title.
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It’s an acting master class from Michael Shanks (and Teryl Rothery) as Daniel Jackson gets a dozen other consciousnesses downloaded into his brain in Lifeboat. Also, the actor who plays Pharrin does an absolutely incredible job. Would it have worked if all the members of SG1 had also had passengers downloaded into their brains? As much as we do love this episode, SG1 is always at its best when it’s The Team vs. The Problem. This episode is definitely one that we would have liked a better wrap-up for. Did they find the other ships? Were they ever able to make it to Ardena?
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People's memories are being altered when SG1 visits a civilization that lives under a dome in Revisions. And Rachael actually remembered this one!! You will also probably learn more about Celtic mythology in this episode than you ever wanted to know. Rachael has a fascinating thought that it’s entirely possible the Council never actually held elections and the computer just appointed people to those positions. We really like this episode. As shows go on for longer, it’s nice to have these one-off episodes that are outside the huge mythology that’s been established.
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Teal’c and Daniel both go through their own personal hell this week on Orpheus. We do start this episode with Kerri ranting about something that gets pointed out as a goof that is really not a goof at all. There’s also a rather thorough discussion of Jaffa anatomy as it pertains to their symbiote pouch.
We are both very glad this episode was made. It was definitely necessary to dive deeper into what Teal’c on tretonin is like, both physically and mentally. The SGC knew many other Jaffa were in that camp besides Bra’tac and Rya’c and yet their plan didn’t seem to include any sort of rescue for them. We did want more of the explosions of the ship crashing into the planet.
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It’s Honey, We Shrunk O’Neill when he wakes up a teenager in Fragile Balance. While we do have some issues with this episode, you gotta give it to Michael Welch for being a fantastic Jack O’Neill. He really hit it out of the park. Would you guys like to be 15 again? We are frustrated, though, with the lack of respect Sam gets when giving the F302 briefing. And the whole clone swap thing never really made much sense.
But remember, if you ever need to sit up straight, just clench your butt!
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Season 7 continues and we say goodbye to Jonas Quinn in Homecoming. It turns out, the cast make the same Yu/You jokes we do! And that’s always funny. How exactly do the rings work? They can be moved, which seems kind of weird. And if one stops working, do they all stop working?
What do you guys think about Jonas joining Atlantis? Would that have worked?
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We’re finally back with the season 7 premiere, Fallen. A Naked Michael Shanks is truly one of the best ways to hook a gal on a show. It is a little strange, though, how trusting SG1 are when Daniel just shows up and why they didn’t just think it was Ascended Daniel dropping in. Despite the fact that many of the character moments had to be left on the cutting room floor due to the demands of this being a TV show, we still like this. It really sets up what’s to come and gets the ball rolling.
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SURPRISE! It’s our first very special episode where we have watched the 2011 Michael Shanks Christmas movie, The Christmas Lodge. As far as Christmas movies go, this one is fine. But, we never get to actually see these two people fall in love. They tell us that has happened, but we never get to see it. There are just general timeline issues with this movie that could use some work. Still, it’s fine. You don’t really need to watch this one, though. If you really want to watch this it is on Amazon Prime, Hoopla, and Tubi.
TRAILER: https://youtu.be/fyHKjl8u2C4?si=v6bflwhh-DEyl6wl
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Let’s talk season 6! All the highs and lows. Who was the Best Dressed? What are our favorite episodes? And who had the Best Kiss? And remember it’ll all be okay because, “Look everybody! He’s got Coombs with him!”
Don’t forget to check back on our Threads account (https://www.threads.net/@sg_rewatch) to vote in the polls and let us know what you think of our choices.
What are some of your favorite moments from this season? Drop by the Discord and let us know!
We’ll be taking the next few weeks off to get through the holiday season and see you back in January as we start season 7 with Fallen.
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We’ve reached the season 6 finale, Full Circle. An episode that could have been a series finale if need be. The conversation between Jack and Daniel in the elevator at the SGC is the best thing ever because it’s how friends actually talk and have conversations. But what exactly has Daniel been doing while he’s been ascended because the fact that he hasn’t met anyone besides Oma is quite strange. We get confirmation that The Ancients are the ascended beings! And Anubis is an ascended being!! Sort of…. But why does Daniel make Jack give Anubis The Eye? It makes no sense.
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Hang on to your butts, folks. Things get a little weird with Prophecy. We’re live and in person! And with a special guest(s)! And we had margaritas!
As we learn about Lord Mot, it brings back up the question of which came first - the System Lord or the god they impersonated? When a person starts having prophetic visions, the context is very important. Why exactly would Hammond just spill the information about the vision Jonas saw over the radio without confirmation that one of his soldiers is actually listening?
Rachael wants to know how you all would feel if the entire episode was just a prophetic vision and none of it ever actually happened. But this episode does bring up the interesting conflict between if someone has prophetic visions of the future, will that future always come to be because that person may change what they do because of what they saw.
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On this week’s episode, we have a very special guest to discuss the episode Memento (not the movie). It’s Rachael’s nephew Adam!! This is only the second episode ever that Adam has seen. And he has opinions on Teal’c. It’s interesting that the Prometheus while an Air Force staffed vessel is using Naavl protocol. Why didn’t the Prometheus have the necessary parts to repair the thing that makes the ship be able to travel in hyperspace? It’s kind of an important part of the ship and its operations. The airship mounted guns that Tagrea has are pretty awesome.
Are you Team Ashwan or Team Kalfas?
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Is Teal’c the titular Changeling in this week’s episode? Either way, this episode is excellent and it’s always nice to have Daniel Jackson back on our screens. Do people actually get called Probie in real life or is it a TV thing? The best thing in this episode is all the transitions between the two dream worlds. They are so smooth and so good. It’s a crime that Martin didn’t win an award for this episode. He directed the hell out of it. And now Teal’c is Junior-less. What will that mean for our favorite Jaffa from here out?
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For some reason, Forsaken is the one episode Rachael actually remembers! But does she? If the people from Hebridan are descended from the Celtic people, what does that mean as far as when that happened? Was Ra the first for the last goa’uld to take people from Earth? They finally take back-up with them!! It’s about time. Also, getting Reynard to just send them back to the SGC is such a power move and it’s awesome.
There’s also a listener email that leads to an interesting discussion about the Great Alliance of the Four Races and how the Furlings fit in with them given that we know virtually nothing about them. Do you guys have any headcanons about the Furlings? Let us know!
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This week we’re getting things done commentary style for the season 6 clip show Disclosure. As far as clip shows go, this one is pretty good because there’s an actual plot supporting all the clips. There’s also commentary on the commentary, just to confuse everyone a little more. So, grab a snack, grab a drink, and get ready to hit play as you watch along with us!
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Turns out The Wilhelm Scream is not yet in the public domain! But that has nothing to do with Nirrti’s return in Metamorphosis. There is, however, once again, a severe lack of appropriate quarantine protocols when dealing with aliens. We also end with some discussion about the lack of personality that was given to Jonas. He’s fine, but there’s not much beyond him being smart and a nice guy.
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Jack and Maybourne get stranded in Paradise Lost because, SURPRISE, Maybourne lied. Again. This episode has that problem Stargate sometimes does where the ending is very abrupt. It all comes down to the circles. They could fix it with one sentence from Jonas, though. And Rachael has the greatest idea ever for a Maybourne-centric spin-off: The Maybourne Identity. Why would Maybourne think an “invitation” that was found in an Ancient Egyptian tomb that is probably 2000 years old would lead to a still thriving utopian civilization?
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This week there are both Smoke AND Mirrors as Jack is accused of assassinating Senator Kinsey. Was anyone else hoping for a quick Daniel cameo when he was mentioned as being one that had a working mimic device? But of course, this whole thing comes down to money. Nobody ever said protecting Earth had to be a non-profit business. And Kinsey’s not even dead anyway. Every part of this was just full of smoke and mirrors.
While it was great to see the mimic devices come back, they still didn’t answer a lot of questions about how stuff like clothing works for these things, and what if the two people have completely different body types?
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And now possibly the dumbest episode of Stargate - Sight Unseen. So many plotholes and stuff that just happens for reasons. They really need to stop bringing stuff back to the SGC without knowing what it is or what it does. Seriously. But this does raise an interesting question - does Jonas have the ATA gene?
What was your “First is the worst…” playground chant? There’s some interesting ones out there.
Also, apologies for the weird audio quality this week. Kerri’s laptop had to be sent in for service so we’re working off an old machine for a couple weeks.
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Why exactly is Unnatural Selection a Part 2 paired with Prometheus? They really don’t have anything to do with each other. Why didn’t SG1 try to negotiate for a new ship or some tech or something in exchange for helping with the Replicator problem?
Where is Al’s dead body??? Has everyone completely forgotten that Al was shot in the stomach and died onboard the X303?
Why was the Prometheus Project called Prometheus? As Jack says, it’s a Greek Tragedy. Not really the best name for a ship.
But the best part, the Replicators have now taken human form!! However, if they built themselves in Reese’s image, why don’t any of them look like Reese? Fifth is really adorable, though. For a Replicator…
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Earth finally has a ship! It’s called Prometheus. And it gets hijacked way too easily. Also, if this reporter thinks Prometheus is a large reactor, why not just show her a reactor? Why show her what Prometheus actually is? Even though background checks were done on the crew, their bags and equipment should have still been inspected. This episode might just cause us to bring back memos!
Apologies in advance for the bulging egg sac discussion.
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In Cure, we have some issues with the timeline as far as Pangar's history with the gate and just how much time passes within this episode. The introduction of Tretonin is interesting and does lead to some fascinating plot points in the future, but this episode just has a few too many plot holes and contradictions for us to really enjoy it.
How do you guys feel about a goa’uld symbiote being used in medical experimentation? Sure, the goa’uld are evil but they are sentient beings. Would you take Tretonin if it was an actual thing?
Also, Riot Fest sucks.
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An invisible assassin finally brings the Tok’ra and Jaffa together in Allegiance. And once they know the assassin is invisible, why does everyone just keep shooting into the air at something they can’t see? Don’t get us wrong, Jack looks super cool with that massive machine gun in slo-mo. But what he’s doing is completely pointless. And just where is the rest of the Alpha Site?
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It’s time for The Other Guys to get in on the fun this week as they attempt to rescue SG1! Unnecessarily. But it’s okay because he’s got Coombs with him! Is there actually a goa’uld manufacturing planet somewhere that makes all their stuff? How is there still no password or passphrase for Tok’ra and rebel Jaffa to identify themselves as true allies and not someone just faking it? How much of that final scene is a dream/fantasy? According to TPTB at the show, the entire ceremony was a dream sequence, but we like to think they were awarded for their bravery and Felger just daydreamed the kiss.
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It’s an interesting episode with the SGC on the other side of the table of people asking for technological help to fight a war in Shadow Play. The Kelownans actually convert their units of weight to Earth units! And we love it! But somehow they also know what schizophrenia is. The reveals of all the things that Dr. Kieran is hallucinating are very well done and Corin really does an excellent job acting just a bit off when Jonas isn’t actually there.
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It’s time for the acting juggernaut that is Abyss. Just put Rick and Michael in a room and watch ‘em go. The commentary and Director’s Production Diary special feature have lots of really cool technical background on how the sets for this episode worked. Has the goa’uld designer finally be identified?? The SGC seems to finally be fed up with the non-existent reciprocal relationship with the Tok’ra. It’s time for them to uphold their end of the deal. And Ba’al gets his moment to shine as the new System Lord baddie.
International Mental Health Helplines: https://www.helpguide.org/find-help.htm
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Nightwalkers gives us our first episode without any of the characters from the original Stargate movie. Can the team keep it together without Jack? Of course they can! They have Sam! Where do you guys stand on dipping fries in milkshakes? Is it delicious or gross? We also really like the way Jonas’s character is being developed during these beginning episodes and showing how intelligent he is but also how that intelligence differs from Daniel’s. Sound effect of the goa’uld screeching is still unknown.
What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo62S0ulqhA
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There is no singing on this week’s Frozen because it’s not a Disney movie. Also, Kerri and Rachael got to record together in person this week! Somehow, a woman who is several million years old has the perfect 90s eyebrows. We like the plot of this episode and how all the things develop between the discovery of Ayiana and the illness that spreads among the SGC members. We do wish we had been able to learn more about Ayiana and if she really is part of the race that built the Stargate system. Isn’t it just so convenient that the Tok’ra have a symbiote that needs a host that can heal Jack?
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In Descent, Jonas is finally off on his first mission! But, is he? Where were they going at the end of last week’s episode then? Luckily, this episode does not have replicators but it does have ninjas! And Major Davis! Them getting Thor out of the computer was way too easy and simple. That was definitely something that needed more explanation that Sam was sure all of Thor was in there. Do you guys hold your breath when someone in a movie or TV show holds their breath? Because I do and I can never match what they do. Did Jonas go through some kind of SGC boot camp like other new recruits do?
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The Lost Season of Jonas Quinn continues with Redemption, Part 2. Will Sam pull a crazy idea out of her butt and save the SGC (and the world)? This episode finally delivers the McKay we all know and love from future episodes. The casual nature with which Jonas helps solve the problem is really interesting. Rya’c is a really, really good shot with the weapons on a death glider. The end of this episode definitely needs some clarification on how long it’s been since the gate exploded. The final question we’re left with is why would the Ancients even build a weapon that does this?
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We’re back!! And it’s time to start Season 6 (aka the Lost Season of Jonas Quinn) with Redemption, part 1. And everyone is back! Bra’tac! Rya’c! McKay! Do you guys have any favorite movie or TV commentaries? There are some awesome ones out there. LOOK OVER THERE! We need a shopping montage of Teal’c taking Jonas shopping for Earth clothes. Will Jonas be the new audience surrogate as the guy who asks all the “stupid questions” instead of Jack?
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It’s time for our Season 5 Wrap-up! We discuss everything and anything that happened in Season 5. We learn that Rachael has a special place in her heart for creepy but romantic Ascended Beings and Kerri really is gonna miss the Tollan. Well, Narim at least… Also, Meridian is just the best.
Head over to our Discord (link below) and let us know if you agree with our picks and what you would choose as your favorites.
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In Revelations, SG1 has their first mission without Daniel. Emotions are weird and difficult and how is a person supposed to feel when a friend is gone but not really dead? The new CGI Asgard look much better than the previous ones. If the Asgard are all clones, why do they sound different from each other? Anubis has a Stargate face!
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!!HANKY WARNING!! Please be advised there is much crying by Kerri during this week’s discussion of Meridian. You may need Kleenex handy as you listen. (As a reminder, the Enkaaran homeworld has no Stargate.)
As horrible as what happens in this episode is, everyone acts their butts off which makes this episode a really great episode of Stargate.
INTERVIEW WITH MICHAEL ABOUT LEAVING THE SHOW: https://web.archive.org/web/20050214204533/http://www.cyberex-et.com/spotlight/mshanks/mshanks021503.html
SUMURU: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07F2G2QYZ/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
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While The Sentinel has some interesting plot points, it’s still not one of SG1’s best episodes. The way the Sentinel and its force field work are just way too complicated for their own good. Also, why are there new NID people that we haven’t met and have no relationship with in this? But the commentary for this episode is a real high point. Go listen to it. And Henry Gibson! He’s always a delight.
Is there anyone that knows enough music or mathematical theory to tell us if how they describe the force field that protects the Sentinel working makes any kind of sense?
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Menace brings us the origin story we never knew we wanted - THE REPLICATORS! Once again, STOP BRINGING THINGS BACK TO EARTH. The main question of this episode that remains is, did Reese know she was a robot and for how long? Once the SGC knew that Reese was the creator of the replicators, why didn’t they immediately get her off of Earth?
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In The Warrior, Teal’c is super excited to have finally found someone who can lead his long-dreamed Jaffa rebellion. But things aren’t exactly as they appear to be… The name Imhotep will always make us think of The Mummy. Apologies to Brendan Fraser for the mispronunciation of his name. There’s also continuing discussions about how the goa’uld still don’t know what SG1 look like. But they know their names! It’s also kind of sad that neither side is willing to compromise and hear the others out on how things should be done so people don’t have to die all the time. There was much rejoicing. All the rejoicing. Too much rejoicing.
Apologies again for all the Yu puns. What was Imhotep’s long-term plan? Was he going to hide as Kytano forever?
There’s also a super fun thought experiment from a listener email! Please continue to send us your random thoughts and head canons. We love them.
And The Warrior is by Scandal, not Pat Benetar.
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It’s Armageddon week as SG1 try to stop an asteroid from hitting Earth in Fail Safe. Even when things don’t go exactly to plan, it all somehow works out in the end. It’s almost like their lives are scripted or something… What would you do if there were only 11 days left before Earth was destroyed? CARGO SHIPS DO HAVE BATHROOMS!! At least one of the other engineers that fixed the cargo ship should have volunteered to stay and help Sam make the additional repairs as they head to the asteroid. And Daniel should have stayed at the SGC/Alpha Site.
Also Rachael remembers something super obvious that Kerri has a brain fart on. It’s very sad.
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Does the SGC have a Fallen Soldiers Memorial like the FBI does? If not, they should. Also, brace yourself for ALL the Yu jokes and puns. Sam manages to give one of those succinct summations of what happens every week on this show. Is what the System Lords do with eating the symbiotes considered cannibalism? How long does that Reole chemical last? At the very end, when does Zippy figure out what’s going on and that all his Jaffa are dead?
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Daniel goes undercover to try and destroy the goa’uld in Summit. The whole plan almost goes up in smoke when his ex-girlfriend shows up! It must be really hard to date when you work at the SGC because how do you tell your partner what you do for a living? We finally get to meet more of the System Lords and great to see them expand the religions and mythologies involved in the goa’uld pantheon. While the System Lords are busy on their space station, Lord Zipacna takes the opportunity to attack the Tok’ra home world. Will everyone make it out of their precarious situations? Tune in next week…
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
48 Hours really should have kept its working title: Teal’c Interrupted. Also, they do A LOT of stuff in 48 hours. It takes a full 24 just to travel to Russia! Whenever Teal’c is carting around that massive cannon as a gun, he needs a cigar. Why do we like Maybourne so much now?? Oh, Rodney McKay. You are such an ass…
David Hewlett’s episode watch along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQLd8nQoCmc&t=2s
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In Proving Ground, SG1 is set aside in favor of training some new recruits! They’re not that bad, although Grogan would make a better target than soldier with how often he gets shot. Also, where are the Pentagon staff that Sam mentions? None of the people we see work for the Pentagon. Unless General Kerrigan got a promotion. They should have had Davis back! If they do get approval to create an off-world training facility, can they also make it the stop-off point so the bad stuff doesn’t make it back to Earth?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
Get your DVDs loaded up because this week we watch Wormhole X-Treme! commentary style!! It’s Stargate’s AND our 100th episode, so pop some champagne and watch along with us! There will be fun facts and shenanigans galore. It’s all in the name of plausible deniability….
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In Desperate Measures, Sam gets kidnapped with the intention of dissecting her brain to learn about how to extract a goa’uld symbiote even though the symbiote she carried was not extracted. Also, Desperate Measures could be the title for like 90% of Stargate’s episodes. We also have another round of Live Googling as we trace the origins of “slipping someone a mickey.” What exactly is the deal Simmons made with the goa’uld and WHEN did they make it?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In 2001, the Aschen are back and SG1 meets them for the first time. These guys really know how to play the long game. What exactly was the SGC intending to do if they did manage to find the Aschen home world? Why are the Aschen so rude? Sure, they’re a serious people, but why the rudeness? What exactly makes Kinsey think that the SGC trying to stop this agreement with a race of mass murderers is a personal attack against him? It’s so confusing. But Ronny Cox sounds like an amazing person. We need to know what happened to Joe! Did the SGC try and get him back? It would have been very interesting to have another episode focusing on the Aschen to learn what was actually happening on their planet and do all the people there know what their government is doing to other planets.
We have listener emails!!
Also, The Mandalorian season 3 is really good and y’all should watch it.
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DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In Between Two Fires, we bid farewell to Tollana because of some probably dumb decisions. But we don’t know because we don’t really know what led them to make the decisions that led to Tollana being in this situation. We also revisit how time zones work when someone travels between planets. Does seeing the actor’s name of a recurring character in the opening credits spoil what may be a surprise return of said character? Is Narim adorable or creepy for having his house’s voice be Sam’s voice?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
We’re still totally perplexed by what happened with the quality of the episodes available on Amazon… But anyway, this week on The Tomb, SG1 is trapped with some Russians and an alien monster with an appetite for human flesh! The SGC finally gets called out on representing the entire world in dealing with very dangerous alien species. How does Marduk have a personal shield when he’s been dead for 4000 years? Are all these devices connected by some sort of goa’uld wifi? RA123?
There are also some cool DVD extras that get discussed. We get to go Inside The Tomb with Peter DeLuise and Behind the Scenes with Amanda Tapping.
Which Daniel doll would you buy - Bandaniel or Boonie!Daniel? Desert camo or forest camo?
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DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN
EMAIL: [email protected]
SG1 basically fail to complete their mission in Beast of Burden. They intended to save Chaka and instead have incited a war? Maybe? It does make a nice change of pace, though, that they don’t just go in guns blazing and try to lay low and feel out the situation a bit first. According to Burrock, theft of an Unas is punishable by death. These people obviously stole Chaka, so why is he so adamant about not giving Chaka back?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In Rite of Passage, Cassandra is changing. For good? There are a few moments that are a little Lifetime movie-esque for us. Why didn’t the fire get transported via the ring transporter? Is it possible to program one to only transport certain types of matter? Also, why couldn’t they go back to Hanka with Cassandra? If she really needs to go back and there is something on the planet, why not go and find it?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
SG1 are really in it this time when they doom a whole planet to destruction in Red Sky. Dialing protocols exist for a reason! Why are you bypassing them? But Sam can fix it, right? She did blow up a sun… It would have been very interesting, though, to see SG1 NOT fix it.
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
SG1 need to rescue Jack and the non-existent Lt. Tyler this week on The Fifth Man. Have we uncovered the reason that Lt. Tyler HAD to be played by Dion Johnstone? Just what is Simmons up to? Is he really trying to shut down the SGC? It would have been really interesting if everyone “remembered” a different face for Lt. Tyler. Also so many missed opportunities to play into the 5 of this episode.
QI discussion of Third Man Syndrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zlq0Tt9Lss
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatch
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN
EMAIL: [email protected]
Sam gets another alien boyfriend this week on Ascension. Daniel is also super quippy and we love it. Who took Teal’c shopping for Earth clothes? Where did they find his wardrobe? Why is wearing a cowboy hat? Do we care? No, cos it’s amazing. Is Colonel Simmons retired? And we should probably be more creeped out by Orlin’s actions, but he’s just too adorable and earnest.
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchDISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
In Threshold, SG1 and Bra’tac do their best to get Teal’c out from under Apophis’ brainwashing. Why was the Rite of M’al Sharran originally created? What was its intended purpose? We still need to know what sound effect was used to make the symbiote squawking noise. There’s also lots of conflict for Dr. Fraiser in this as she tries to do what is best for Teal’c but that may not actually be what is best for Teal’c. Also, where is the young Bra’tac spin-off?
INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchDISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
We’re kicking off season 5 with Enemies! It’s SG1 vs. Apophis vs. Replicators. Oh, and Teal’c has been brainwashed. Apophis has also gotten a new designer with his swanky new Jaffa armor. Listen in to hear how everyone voted in our season 4 polls.
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaN EMAIL: [email protected]
It’s our Season 4 Wrap-Up! What are our favorite episodes? Who’s the best alien? And how well do we score in each others’ games? Tune in and find out! Don’t forget to check our Twitter or Instagram stories for polls and tell us who you agree with. Also, Teal’c.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchDISCORD: https://discord.gg/65kMPzBuaNEMAIL: [email protected]
In Exodus, Sam does The Greatest Thing Ever - she blows up a sun. Why can’t the Tok’ra and the SGC just talk to each other? They’re supposed to be allies. Do you have a theory about how the Tok’ra know where the rings are buried in the sand on Vorash? Does the naquadah tingle make sense? Why won’t Apophis just die??
Next week is our Season 4 Wrap-Up episode! Let us know if you have any questions or items you would like us to discuss.
TWITTER: @SG_Rewatch1INSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
We had some internet issues during recording this week. Apologies for the roughness of some bits of this episode.
Michael Shanks’ interview on directing: http://www.stargate-sg1-solutions.com/interviews/ms/01fallmsfrontier.shtml
In Double Jeopardy, SG1 team up with themselves(?) to take down Cronus. When did the SGC get touchscreen computers? Was that a thing back then? Are Robo!Jack and Robo!Sam a couple? And where did Robo!SG1’s weapons come from? What other ways do you think Robo!SG1 should have evolved from when we last saw them in season 1?
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
Stargate reaches another SciFi trope as Sam gets taken over by a “computer” in Entity. There is also much discussion of memos actually on the show. They do get memos!! And what exactly is the entity? Is it one singular consciousness or many operating as one?
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
The namesake Prodigy, Jennifer Hailey, however, is not so great. She definitely has a giant chip on her shoulder. And we’re not entirely sure she’s learned her lesson at the end of this. There is also more conflict between the scientists and the military personnel to deal with.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, depression, or suicide, please reach out for help. We care and we know there are people that want to help.
Directory of International Mental Health Helplines: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/therapy-medication/directory-of-international-mental-health-helplines.htm
There’s a light over at the abandoned goa’uld palace…
This week on The Light, quarantine protocols would once again have proved extremely useful. The light effect really is quite mesmerizing, though. Is there a chance that Loran has become a master sushi chef in his time on this planet? Daniel does actually need his glasses!
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
In Absolute Power, Shifu teaches Daniel a very important lesson - man cannot be trusted with anything important because they will fuck it up. Send us your fanfic on how this would have gone if Sam or Hammond had been the one to receive Shifu’s knowledge.
What sort of content, aside from posts when episodes go live, would you like to see from us on Instagram? Let us know!
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
In 2010, things are quite a bit different. There are transporters and the gate is out in the open! But how much does a ticket to Chulak cost? How quickly did the whole infertility thing happen? What would you have wanted to bring back from SG1’s 2010?
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchINSTAGRAM: sg_rewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
Stargate SG1 is leaving Netflix as of November 30, but is now available as part of Amazon Prime.
In Chain Reaction, Hammond’s “retirement” sets off a series of events that lead to Maybourne’s freedom? Jack’s snark is in peak form this week with both Maybourne and Kinsey to play off of.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
Apophis is back and up to his old shenanigans in The Serpent’s Venom. Did you know that Daniel is very smart and can translate text in two minutes that other people have been trying to translate for years? We introduce a new segment: Shower Thoughts From Kerri! We also have listener feedback that gives a whole new perspective on Beneath the Surface.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
Osiris returns to life this week in The Curse! The misdirect is a little too obvious, though, in this episode. Dr. Fraiser manages to synthesize a goa’uld tranquilizer and it’s never mentioned or used ever again. And just how long was Sarah Osiris?
Joe Mallozzi had an idea for a follow-up episode featuring Steven that never came to fruition but sounds really cool and we want to see it!
And we finish up with a book rec! Hench: A Novel by Natalie Zina Walschots.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
THE GOA’ULD ARE REAL! AND THEY LIVE IN AUSTRALIA!! Maybe…. They’re called Worm Goby down there.
What was it that caused the recall device to be activated? Why do we never get to hear Sam’s plan until it’s time for the plan to be put into action? They use the word nudge a lot in this episode. Joy paper!! And another round of live Googling…
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
Aliens have come to Earth this week in Point of No Return. What does Jack do during his downtime? RIP to Willie Garson. You were amazing as Martin. We also get a bit of an art history lesson and learn more about The Thinker. Why, when weird stuff happens, does SG1 dismiss the possibilities so quickly? THEY WORK WITH ALIENS.
Also, let us know if you have any Wormhole X-Treme drinking games.
TWITTER: @SG_RewatchEMAIL: [email protected]
In Beneath the Surface everyone is literally dirty hot. And we’re not mad at it. But who exactly were all the workers before they were sent down? Were they possibly criminals and this is the new jail? What exactly is the backstory of this society where they decided enslaving part of the population was the route to go?
Scorched Earth is actually a divisive episode this week for us. Kerri likes it, Rachael not as much. All the questions that get asked at the end really should have been asked at the beginning. With a project like the Enakaran relocation, did they ever meet General Hammond?
We also finally get some feedback on the Jack/Sam moments we may have missed over the years and an explanation about Jack’s usage of “niner” in The First Ones.
We finally make it to Kerri’s favorite episode with The First Ones! You also gotta give it up to Dion Johnstone for his portrayal of Chaka in this episode cos he knocked it out of the park. (But he does seem to be bad luck for SG-11…) If anybody out there might know why Jack calls for Sierra Gulf One One Niner when he’s trying to get ahold of SG-11, please let us know why Jack says niner. Because we are confused. This episode also opens up a lot of questions about how exactly the goa’uld evolved from this state to the god-imitating, galaxy-dominating megalomaniacs. What is the plural of Unas?
This week on Watergate, we switch things up with Rachael taking the lead as Kerri is freshly back from vacation. The Russians have a Stargate?!?! There is much discussion about how to determine which gate is the main gate and how the DHD plays into that vs. the SGC’s power source for the gate. And this is a conversation we will return to in the episode 48 Hours (we think). What reports did the Russians read that made them realize they needed something like the Extreme Measures Protocol? All the snarking between Jack and Dr. Markov is amazing.
It’s finally time! Window of Opportunity is here! Find out why our podcast is named after this episode and learn about our new nightclub venture. What question was Daniel asking Jack in the commissary? Thinking about how time travel works always ends up hurting my brain. How do you think Teal’c answers the phone? What’s your favorite off-loop activity that Jack and/or Teal’c do?
Be sure to stay tuned all the way to the end for a little peak behind the scenes…
To be honest upfront, we do not like Divide and Conquer. At all. The zatarc plotline could have been interesting if they’d had more time to develop it. Sadly, we just don’t get the whole Jack/Sam of this episode. Where did it come from? Why is it here? Do you get it? Can you please explain it to us? Why did it have to be Martouf? We like Martouf. Farewell, Freya. It was interesting having you around.
On Crossroads, we learn that Jack is actually Teal’c’s apprentice! Also, Jaffa can communicate with their symbiotes. What games do you think Teal’c and Shau’nac stayed up all night playing? Unfortunately, the Tok’ra screw over Earth once again. Tanith really wasn’t playing things as close to the vest as he should have.
Also, go watch Stonehenge Apocolypse.
SG1 are superheroes this week on Upgrades! Jack is starting to get real tired of the Tok’ra who come calling and we just give in to whatever they want. The whole experiment around the armbands seems to be missing some parameters. Like, how do you take it off? How long is the experiment going to go on for? Also, steak….. And never bet against Amanda in a game of pool.
Kerri's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ-VHmFHhgnm2BYT6JDxjRw
Stargate got it right this week with The Other Side. But the SGC may have not because how did a discussion about what to do in this situation not happen before now? This is probably also one of the most important episodes in Jack and Daniel’s relationship.
It’s time to start Season 4 with Small Victories! We get the introduction of Teal’c’s chin worm and they got to film on an actual Russian sub. The Asgard want OUR help? Sam is just dumb enough for the task! Why haven’t the Replicators figured out how to toss their blocks as a type of projectile weapon? Can any Replicator become a queen?
It’s our Season 3 Wrap-Up! Where Rachael and I actually agree on almost everything. Also, sorry for the Glee talk. We play some games, talk about the Best-Ofs, and what Jack would have done if he hadn’t joined the SGC. Plus, General Hammond as Austin Powers? And check our Twitter for polls to vote and see if you agree with us!
In Nemesis, it’s Thor and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day as we finally meet the enemy that has been such a scourge to the Asgard - the Replicators! Why exactly is Thor dying? What happened to him? Is it also appendicitis? Are the little wings on the Replicators used for communication or something else? Teal’c also has one of his greatest lines when he declares, “One small step for Jaffa.”
It’s time to meet Daniel’s grandfather in Crystal Skull! No, not the Indiana Jones movie. And just like every sci-fi show where someone is “invisible,” what exactly are the rules of that? Did you know there are flavors of leptons? There are so many excellent quips and one-liners this week. The way Nick plays being able to hear and see Daniel but not believing Daniel is actually there is just fantastic. Why are SG1 skeptical about the giant aliens existing when they deal with aliens on a daily basis?
And stay tuned to the end for an outtake!
With us to discuss Maternal Instinct is our very good friend Karen! We finally get SG1 asking for back-up!! We also create a new spin-off: Law & Order: Chulak. Someone make the t-shirt! And with three Vancouver Actor’s BINGO squares being marked off this week, does anyone have BINGO yet? Sadly, we’re still no closer to figuring out what “Because it is so clear, it takes a longer time to realize it, if you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago” means.
The events of New Ground probably should have happened before and it’s interesting that it hasn’t happened more. If Nefertum had been on the show, who should be cast to play him? Nyan is really such a good guy and it’s a shame we never saw him again.
What was the full speech that Daniel never got to give to the Tollan High Council as Jack just had to go and mess things up in Shades of Grey. We also shamelessly steal from the Cobra Guys and do a little Stargate Theater! Who was a better Jack or Daniel? Vote now! Why does Michael insist on flirting with everyone? It’s very distracting. We finally know how the Goa’uld communication ball devices work! Or do we? Rachael is now the official ball (Ba’al?) monitor. Maybourne really should be more suspicious of Jack’s actions. It’s just unfortunate that Makepeace picked the wrong guy to start a side hustle with. But, what exactly was the point of the sting operation?
After a brief recap of Creation’s Salute to Stargate convention this past weekend, we get into discussing Jack’s A Hundred Days on Edora. It has been decided that Shane Meier is now part of Vancouver Actors BINGO, so update your cards! Why didn’t Garan tell his mother about the caves? Should this episode have been a two-parter? And more thinking too hard about how the gate works from a technical perspective. As much as we like Laira, it’s kind of odd that she asks Jack to give her a child. Not to be with her or have a relationship, she just wants a child. What exactly is the difference between a game and a sport?
RIP Dom DeLuise. No one could have played Urgo as well as you. We still have many, many questions about pre-mission research of planets before sending people there. Do you like pie? Cos Jack LOVES it. Death or Urgo. Urgo or death. Cake or death? What if Urgo is alive? Also! Kerri will be at the Creation Stargate Con in Chicago this weekend! Come find her and say hi!
More spellcheck-based fun facts this week on Pretense. There’s also overthinking how the Stargate actually works. Zipacna has some gall to try and insist nothing of the host survives given what’s happening at Triad. Also, Narim is super horny for Sam. Was Klorel’s capture all a deceptive plot to get onto Tollana and destroy them?
Aliens once again invade the SGC with a Foothold situation. Does the SGC have a dry cleaner on base? Are we sure the SGC doesn’t want to keep people in? Because it should… There are also just some general security plotholes that can break your brain if you think about it too much. Sam also makes the leap to the aliens having a live connection to their SG counterpart way too quickly without really any reasoning. How exactly do mirage clothing and props work? Because somehow the fake Jack and Daniel changed clothes when they shouldn’t have been able to? Finally, where are the real SG6?
Apophis is back in The Devil You Know. But he’s really not good at interrogation torture. Have the Tok’ra seen Star Wars? What exactly did Sokar think happened to Apophis when he was sent down to Netu?
It does seem a little weird that Jolinar never said anything about how she escaped. Not even in writing. OK, so, why can’t they take more SG teams with them on this mission to Netu? Oh, that’s right. No one can ever have backup on any mission. Jack has some really good one-liners this week. Delmak is not ALF’s homeworld; that’s Melmac. It’s the return of the goa’uld set designer speculation! Do the Tok’ra ever actually know anything or do they just believe and hope all the time?
Stay tuned for a special bonus at the very end…
The Book of Am-Tuat: https://www.sacred-texts.com/egy/bat/index.htm
Past and Present should not have aired immediately after Forever in a Day. The romantic subplot kind of ruins what would have otherwise been a good episode. Why was Linea still calling herself Linea? But seriously, what ARE the SGC’s quarantine protocols? The Vyans should create a game show called Are You The Spouse?
Forever in a Day is a fantastic episode, but let’s be real, this meeting could have been an email. How was Kasuf able to get a message to the SGC that they needed help? The Stargate is not a quiet thing. Do SGC members get PTO? Shouldn’t Daniel know by now that all the stuff that used to be just myth is probably true now? (Also, shirtless Michael Shanks FTW.)
This week’s Rules of Engagement should probably cover what to do with downed UAVs because that happens A LOT. But the big question is, why do none of Apophis’ soldiers know who SG1 is? Jack and Teal’c really need to stop just telling people Apophis is dead. It never works. HOW LONG IS A CYCLE?? IT MAKES NO SENSE!! Does Apophis offer an IRA plan? We also have another listener email! Send us your thoughts at [email protected].
SANREMO HANDBOOK ON RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: https://iihl.org/sanremo-handbook-rules-engagement/
LIST OF KNOWN SG TEAMS AND SPECIALITIES: https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/SG_team
Conflict makes for good TV. We get it. What would you do if you found a Stargate in the woods? These people being from medieval England/Europe doesn’t make any sense. Chaucer IS Middle English, Daniel. Also, Shakespeare should be spoken with a US Southern accent. Why would the goa’uld ever give up the Unas as hosts? They seem awesome. But when exactly were these people taken from Earth? There’s so much conflicting information in the episode to really make sense of.
In Deadman Switch, FLASH GORDON IS HERE!! If the Goa’uld are such a fractured group, why do all their ships and tech look exactly the same? Where are the hippy and the goth Goa’uld? Why does Sam poke Aris Boch’s wound? Maybe all names of alien technology are just the result of random key smashes. Zat the tacs, man! Zat the tacs! Why doesn’t the SGC have some kind of password with the Tok’ra so they can identify themselves when needed? How exactly does the self-destruct device thing work? And what IS the Deadman Switch in this episode?
This week on Point of View, the quantum mirror is back in play. Why are Dr. Carter and Kawalski so surprised that things are different in an ALTERNATE REALITY? This episode just seems like it was only made for fan service to those who want the Jack/Sam relationship to be a reality.
In Learning Curve, the SGC has A LOT of learning to do. Because Kalan is not wrong and everyone else is. But also, how exactly do the Urrone learn stuff? It also seems like SG1 is flipping the lore on goa’ulds vs. ancient gods/goddesses on its head. So, which came first now? And there’s a brief discussion of archaeoastronomy. It’s a cool subject.
This week on Legacy, Daniel touches things. Things touch Jack. And Sam keeps talking about the one time she was touched. Teal’c broods. They really need to stop blaming the Reetou for everything weird that happens. The doctors also need to take into account the fact that these people travel to alien planets on a regular basis before jumping to any conclusions. Because, sometimes, it is aliens. Just wait for Lifeboat…
The System Lords come to Earth this week in Fair Game. Are military members advised beforehand of upcoming promotions or is it always a surprise? How exactly did the System Lords know that Hathor was alive and then deceased if she was in hiding? If the Earth gate spins, why don’t all the gate spins? Why does the gate spin at all? I think my brain is broken… Teal’c really should have told everyone about his history with Cronus before this. 3D THOR?? How did no one at the SGC read the treaty before they started negotiating to see what was included in it? We think it would have been a much more interesting storyline if the SGC did actually have to give up the gate(s) and shut down. What do you think? Nirrti doesn’t know what we know even though we don’t know anything, but she doesn’t know that.
This week, the team meets the enigmatic Seth. And, according to my mother, Snuffleupagus is easier to say than Seth. How exactly do the goa’uld choose which god they wanted to impersonate? Just what is the lifespan/aging process for a symbiote? The Jaffa are apparently huge jokesters. If you answered the phone and the person on the other end said they were the President, would you believe them? Where did Seth get all those wonderful toys? PLUS JOKES! Lots of jokes! Hail Dorothy.
It’s our One Year Anniversary!! And we finally start season 3 with Into the Fire. How did the Tok’Ra know where an SG team would be to pass along the info on SG1. Sadly, the death of Apophis was not a joyous occasion for the people of Chu’lak. Dr. Raully to the rescue!! (We hope she lived.) Just how does that dang shield work? Seriously, can anyone help us understand what’s going on with it? Do the Goa’uld communication devices have an audio-only setting? Teal’c needs some oratory lessons and learn how to actually convince people that their entire belief system is a lie. Can someone make a poster for Conversation Goa’uld with Professor Teal’c? And then the episode ends…
This week we review season 2! All of it. Top to bottom. Bests and worsts. Check our Twitter (@SG_Rewatch) for some polls to see if you agree with our opinions!! And apparently, my fandom historical knowledge of whump was completely wrong… What are some of your top moments from Season 2?
This week, it's commentary style! For the Season 2 finale, Out of Mind, listen along as we watch our way through it. What were the planning meetings like with Hathor? Were there auditions for the various parts the Jaffa had? And just who directed this whole thing?
The time travel episode is here! This week the gang gets flung back to 1969. Would you recognize your own handwriting? It’s time for more Live Googling! How exactly would Teal’c’s symbiote take over this body? Doesn’t everyone love a good montage? Teal’c finally gets to see Earth! If it wasn’t Hammond that was the one who set this whole thing in motion, who should it have been?
It’s time for Show and Tell! How many times is Charlie going to come back to remind us that Jack was a dad? Why did it take so long for SG1 to believe that Mother was really there? How exactly can the Reetou interact with us if we can’t interact with them? Also, are the Reetou a rejected Doctor Who villain? And why do they cause Tok’ra and Jaffa so much pain? Was Charlie made from Jack’s DNA? For being touted as such a horribly dangerous enemy, why are the Reetou never heard from again?
This week on One False Step: IT’S TEAL’C’S FIRST INDEED!! They’re just so cute! What happened to Dr. Fraiser in this episode? She seems very out of character. How exactly does daytime/daylight work on this planet? Mom and Dad keep fighting. Why hasn’t the SGC made or bought some sort of buggy for long-distance travel? Also, Sam talks to her plants, okay?
With Serpent's Song, it's Peter DeLuise's directorial debut! Holy crap, it's Apophis! And, yet again, one human life is more valuable than anything. Is Jack a secret Dana Carvey fan? There's just so much good stuff from everyone this week! What if Hannibal Lecter was a goa'uld? How did Sokar know the SGC has an iris?
SG1 IS STILL ON NETFLIX?!?! This week on Holiday, it's time for the classic body-swap episode, SG1 style! STOP TOUCHING THINGS! How does Hammond know that Daniel didn't go into his apartment? Who doesn't love a hot fudge sundae? Who would you want to swap bodies with?
They almost destroyed the planet again! The Milky Way is a unistar system which is really cool. But HOW did the Pentagon know about the time dilation?? Tell us your theories. Blowing up the SGC was really the only plan? But Antarctica to the rescue! Is Cromwell out there alive & well on an alien planet?
Astrophysicist reacts to Stargate SG-1 "A Matter of Time": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA-DBKQsHp0&t=1488s
This week to discuss The Fifth Race we have Erik from The Long Rewatch Job podcast! Which is awesome because Eliot was definitely on a gate team. Did you know there was a Stargate cartoon? Of all the people to get the Ancients' knowledge, it had to be Jack. But no one could have done this as well as RDA. If I understood math better I might be more excited about the Base Eight math Jack revealed to Sam. It's just another day of an alien power source being built and then depleted immediately after use.
SG1 IS LEAVING NETFLIX! Why didn't the SGC help the Madronans more? Can Teal'c please dismember Maybourne? Can we have a young Hammond spin-off? Just how often is Teal'c let off base?
This week on Spirits, they're really trying to say something. It's the return of Live Googling as we try to find out the meaning of trinium. Just how did all the people that were taken after the gate got buried actually get taken with no record of it? Is Tonane the chillest guy ever?
So, what source files is Netflix working with? Cos they're not good. Just how did Sam & Hammond explain the whole symbiote thing to Jacob? The Tok'ra really are environmentally conscious people. Daniel, where exactly are all these hosts going to be coming from? Kevin the goa'uld must be really slow at dialing the gate.
THERE'S NEW STARGATE!! Saturday, Nov. 6 is a table read of a Stargate script created by Google AI. Sign up and more information at the following links: Stargate AI Script Table Read Sign-Up Link: https://www.thecompanion.app/ai-project/ Trailer: https://youtu.be/nyVA8V87rzc
This week, we're joined by our good friend Evelyn to talk about The Tok'ra (Part 1)! This podcast is dedicated to Martouf's hat. Once again, SG1 walks into a possibly dangerous situation with no backup! What exactly happened to the MALP? The code word is: Peach Cobbler. Is it possible that Sam has never really been truly in love before? And why weren't SG1 more prepared to offer something in return for this possible alliance?
This week, it's Bane! No, not the Batman villain. Though perhaps that could have been an improvement. It's all Maybourne's fault, anyway. Also, are these insects related to the wraith bugs from Atlantis?? Is Teal'c able to sense the change that is happening to him? But nothing anyone does in this episode really makes any sense.
This week on Secrets (no, not the deodorant) Erick Avari returns!! Why does nobody ask about Skaara? The Brendan Fraser Mummy is the superior Mummy movie. Also, Jack & Sam's cover story would not allow them to receive the Air Medal. WHY DOES NO ONE REMEMBER THOR'S HAMMER?!?! What does an eyebrow raise sound like?
This week we watch Family, aka The Worst Guards Ever. Why is this the first time we try to rescue Teal'c's family? What kind of classes would be taught at the College of Chulak? Would you like a house with secret passages? Teal'c is always 189% sure of his feelings. Even when they change five minutes later. Also, nobody cares that Fro'tak is dead. How's everyone's Vancouver Actor BINGO card going? Anyone have BINGO yet?
This week on Message in a Bottle, Jack is taken captive by an alien entity because the SGC really needs to get their quarantine protocols for alien artifacts sorted. Booby? And Sam and Daniel just can't make up their mind. But it all works out in the end.
SG1 venture back to Cimmeria this week in Thor's Chariot. WHY OH WHY DIDN'T SG1 TAKE BACKUP TO CIMMERIA?? Who knew that Heru-Ur's favorite movie was The Princess Bride? Is there a Goa'uld Weekly Newsletter? Who is the Cimmerian's teacher?
This week Rachael is back to talk about Need. Surprisingly, some alien words are actual Earth words, too! The SGC still needs better post-mission quarantine/examination procedures. Can you cut an armhole into a sarcophagus and use it that way?
Rachael is on vacation this week, so Bri is back with Kerri to discuss the season 2 episode The Gamekeeper. Watch Michael Shanks somehow transform into an 8 year-old boy. Why exactly was it that mission for Jack? Also, Nintendo Thumb is an actual ailment known as Gamekeeper's Thumb!
In what language does Taldor mean justice? What kind of bets does SG-9 place when SG-1 go out on missions? Hammond should really learn when to stop talking. Also, SG1 really should have talked to more people on Hadante. It's time to meet Linea in Prisoners.
It's time to meet the Tok'ra! Is it pronounced like okra? Taser laser! How does the Ashrak have the Earth knowledge that he seems to have? Why exactly do the goa'uld have naquadah in their blood? Should we autotune ourselves to sound like robots?
What's your death count today? Bra'tac to the rescue! Are shuttles warships? Just where did Apophis and Klorel go? And how exactly does the PoO work? Help us figure it out as we discuss The Serpent's Lair. Spacemonkey!
This week we recap season 1 with our Top 5 Episodes and some Best Of... Nominees. Who/What will you vote for? Check out the polls in this thread to let us know what you think! And if there were to be a new SG series, what should it be about?
This week, she's back (back again), it's Brihana! Klorel attends How To Be A God 101 lessons. Uncle George gives SG2 an unofficial mission. Just how do Jaffa pee in all that armor? Does Tesla make a Death Glider? And remember, if you feel a big shift, it's most likely you that is moving and not the planet.
This week it's a commentary!! In this clip show, we meet one of the worst Stargate villains of all time. We remind ourselves you can't unpoke the bear. And why did the SGC get rid of the decontamination spray? It's time for Politics.
This week, Brihana's back! Just what does SGA stand for? Teal'c has fancy hair. Will Daniel ever learn to stop touching things? Listen in as we discuss the alternate reality possibilities in There But For the Grace of God.
COMTRYA! This week, the team is stuck in a rundown warehouse. Daniel is fascinated by their new situation. Teal'c loses his mind. Sam has a mole. And Jack is very pissed off. Tune in as we discuss Tin Man.
This week on Solitudes, I'M STUCK ON A GLACIER WITH MACGYVER!!! They're calling from inside the house! And what exactly is the deal with the Antarctic gate?
This week on Engima, it's the return of Vancouver Actors BINGO! Why is Omoc so offended by even being on Earth? Narim continues being the cutest and Maybourne the worst. Also, stay tuned to the end for an exclusive outtake!
This week, Teal'c is made to stand trial for his crimes. But, why did they take his jacket? And just how guilty is Teal'c for acting under orders? And we have listener questions!
This week, a little girl is in mortal peril due to the actions of the SGC. Jack seems to know a lot more than he should. How exactly do you pronounce Hanka? And is a toilet an appropriate metaphor for a black hole?
CONTENT WARNING: Brief discussion of sexual assault.
In this episode, just how long was Hathor wandering around the Earth? We come up with the newest SG spin-off: The Goa'uld Scientist! And remember, if you need to stop someone being murdery, just get them drunk!
This week, Daniel is dead! Or is he? Why exactly does Nem have a machine to alter memories? Why can't that game be named Shen? And just how long was Daniel on Nem's planet?
This week on Bloodlines, Teal'c has a family! We discuss our favorite Hail to the Chief lyrics. Why does that one priest have an XBox symbol on his forehead? Would you kill baby Hitler? And find out what it's like to get "whipped" by Tony Amendola.
This week, we're joined by the always lovely Brihana as old experiments on the gate are uncovered in The Torment of Tantalus.
This week as we discuss Thor's Hammer, we may also have solved the greatest conflict in Stargate: why do the goa'uld in the show look nothing like the goa'uld in the movie? And also, SG1 puts an entire civilization in danger.....
This week, Jack eats some cake, Linear A is finally deciphered, and just how many new memos does each SG mission generate? Listen in as we discuss Brief Candle.
This week we discuss The Nox. How exactly does their cloaking work? And is the Goa'uld personal shield all Teal'c's fault?
This week we cover SG1's Cold Lazarus, find out Vancouver is Canada's sulfur supplier, and let you know why Chicago is called The Windy City (hint: it's not a weather thing).
This week we're joined by The Cobra Guys, Mikey and Jeremy, to discuss the episode The First Commandment. We also remember Cliff Simon and his time as Ba'al.
Listen in as we talk about The Broca Divide. Learn about the Minoans and Australopithecus. Are SG1s pop culture references a good thing? And who would win in an eyebrow off: Teal'c or The Rock?
In this week's episode, we uncover why Emancipation doesn't really feel like Stargate. And then we delve into the Power Rangers "curse" and the proper order in which to watch the Fast and Furious films.
Listen in as we discuss episode 2 of season 1 - The Enemy Within.
Listen in as we discuss Stargate SG1 episode 101, Children of the Gods.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.