149 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Månadsvis
Magick & Alchemy by Tamed Wild is an enchanting podcast for modern-day witches and the earth-spirited. Join hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew each week as they discuss witchcraft, divination, mythology, and all things magick and alchemy.
The podcast Magick & Alchemy is created by Tamed Wild. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In episode 149 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew discuss the element of Spirit. Also known as quintessence, aether, or the fifth element, Spirit completes the elemental pentagram alongside Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. In this conversation, Kristin and Kate discuss the Greek God Aether and the Cult of the Holy Spirit. They consider spirit snakes, altars, miracles, and dreams as a way to connect with the spirit world.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 61: Wind, Feathers, & Bird Lore
Episode 124: The Power of Three
Hesiod’s Theogony
“Aether: Primordial God of the Bright Upper Sky,” Rachel Lockett
The Library of Esoterica’s Witchcraft
"Developing Your Intuitive Senses with the Clairs," Kate Belew - Tamed Wild
Cult of the Holy Spirit - Wikipedia
“Under the Influence of the Holy Spirit,” Azoresguide.net
The Four Elements of the Wise: Working with Magickal Power of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Ivo Dominguez Jr. as quoted in Library of Esoterica’s Witchcraft
Judika Illes
Ramesside dream-book
Luna Luna Magazine, Lisa Marie Basile
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 148 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew journey to the mythical Above to swap stories with their otherworldly hosts. In this conversation, they contemplate the overlap between angels, guardians, and daemons. They consider fairies as fallen angels, angelic hierarchy, and the startling features of these winged spirits. Kate and Kristin remind one another to be not afraid of their heavenly guides because angels are protectors and vessels for story.
Sources & Shoutouts:
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Revelation 4:6-8 NIV
Protection and Punishment: Beliefs About Angels in Tudor and Stuart England
Mirrors in the Earth, Asia Suler
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens, Sorita d’Este and David Rankine
What is Remembered Lives: Deepening Relationships with Deities, Ancestors, and the Fae, Phoenix LaFae
Angels and Archangels: A Magician’s Guide, Damien Echols
Oracle of Angels by Doreen Virtue
Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel
Paradise Lost, John Milton
St. Michael the Archangel - Catholic Online
Archangel Michael Escorts Souls to Heaven, Whitney Hopler
Angels A to Z, Evelyn Dorothy Oliver and James R. Lewis
“Meet Archangel Ariel: The Angel of Nature,” by Whitney Hopler
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 147 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kristin Lisenby answer listener questions with Shelby Bundy. Shelby is a lover of tarot, astrology, history, myth and the visionary behind Tamed Wild. In this conversation, three witches share their spiritual traditions and routines, as well as their thoughts on candle magic, meditation, and creating authentic spells. Together, they contemplate psychic protection, intentionally calling back their energy, and Kate gives a lesson on casting a magical circle.
Say hello to Shelby via her podcast, The Moon in Carolina, or sign up for one of her classes at 10th House Rising.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 45:Witchy Business with Shelby Bundy
Episode 111: Planetary Magic with Shelby Bundy
Episode 81: An Interview with Madam Pamita
Episode 49: Witchcraft 101, Pt. 2
Witchcraft 101: Spells, Herbs, & the Moon - Courses
Beautiful Chorus
Hemi Sync - The Gateway Experience
432 MHZ
Rituals & Spells: Calling Back Your Energy
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 146 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby interview Brigit Esselmont. Brigit is an intuitive entrepreneur, best-selling author of Everyday Tarot, and Founder of Biddy Tarot. In this conversation, Brigit reflects on her introduction to tarot, and how the cards helped bring her deepest desires to life. She discusses co-creating alongside the universe, goals vs. intentions, intuition vs. anxiety, and how she handles creative setbacks. Brigit also introduces listeners to her upcoming book, Intuitive Manifesting: Align with Your Inner Wisdom and Attract Your Dream Life.
Learn more about Brigit Esselmont on her website and preorder her book here.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Radiant Rider-Waite Smith Tarot
The Biddy Tarot Deck
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-weekly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 145 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew finish their series inspired by the wyrd and wonderful. In Wyrd Women Pt. 3, they meet an old woman named Baubo. Baubo is a goddess of belly laughs, and in the myth of Persephone and Demeter, she is the unassuming problem solver. While Demeter mourns, Baubo dances in the face of grief, showing us that laughter is a spell that heals the heart. Next, they meet wyrd woman Simona Kossak, an activist and lover of more than human creatures who fought to protect Poland’s oldest forests and was sometimes called Witch.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Wild Medicine: An Illustrated Guide to the Magic of Herbs, Bundy & Belew
Episode 6: Persephone & Pluto
Episode 80: Psychedelic Witchcraft
Episode 130: Patron Saints of Spring
Storytime: Hades & Persephone
Goddess Series: Persephone
Encyclopedia of Spirits, Judika Illes
Hagitude: Reimagining the Second Half of Life, Sharon Blackie
Baubo votives
“Baubo: Laughter in the Face of Grief,” Deanna Riddick
The Health Benefits of Humor
Iambe and Baubo: A Study in Ritual Laughter, Olga Arans, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988.
Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
“The Extraordinary Life of Simona Kossak,” Janusz R. Kowalczyk
Białowieża Forest, UNESCO World Heritage Convention
“Galloping Ghosts,” Diane Ackerman
“A Life Less Ordinary with a Real-Life Snow White,” Liam Ward
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
If you desire magick in the mail, you can subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-weekly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 144 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew continue their series inspired by the wyrd and wonderful. In Wyrd Women Pt. 2, they begin in the cosmos and explore the folklore of the Pleiades star cluster. Also known as the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades possess mythical ties to Aphrodite, Artemis, bees, doves, and the Winter Solstice. In the second part of this conversation, Kate introduces listeners to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, author, occultist, and founder of the Theosophical Society.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Earth Medicines, Felicia Cocozin Ruiz
The Gift of Healing Herbs, Robin Rose Bennett
Additional decks and books from the Tamed Wild Library
Episode 103: Earth Medicines with Felicia Cocozin Ruiz
Episode 117: Hometown Hauntings
Episode 134: Summer Magick
Episode 108: The Furies & the Harpies
Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Sun, Moon & Hunt, Sorita d’Este
Women’s Encylopedia of Myths & Secrets, Barbara Walker
The Myth of Alcyone & Ceyx
"Pleiades in Ancient Mesopotamia," Lorenzo Verderame
The Night School: Lessons in Moonlight, Magic, and the Mysteries of Being Human, Maia Toll
Cultural Astronomy - Aztec
“Madame Blavatsky and the Secret of the Masters,” Jules Evans
Isis Unveiled: A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology, Helena Blavatsky
Theosophical Society
"White Lotus Day celebrates the ‘founding mother of occult in America,’ Helena Petrovna Blavatsky" - The Conversation
Encyclopedia Brittanica
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
In episode 143 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew go in search of wyrd and wonderful women for their new mini-series, Wyrd Women. During this first conversation, Kate and Kristin introduce listeners to the Fox Sisters and Nettie Colbourn, young mediums who gained notoriety during the rise of Spiritualism in the 19th century. They contemplate divining with the unseen and necromancy, as well as Elsie Wheeler and the creation of the Sabian Symbols.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 139: The Magick of Perception: Rituals for Adornment & Glamour
Episode 78: An Interview with Annie Finch
Episode 97: Human Design with Xenia Viray
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Tamed Wild Winter Box
The Witch: A History of Fear, from Ancient Times to the Present, Hutton, Ronald
“The Fox Sisters and the Rap on Spiritualism,” Abbott Kahler
Opening to Channel: How to Connect with Your Guide, Sanaya Roman and Duane
“Why Did so Many Victorians Try to Speak with the Dead?” Casey Cep
Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist?: Curious Revelations From the Life of a Trance Medium, Nettie Colburn Maynard
Everyone Calls Me "Nettie": The True Story of a Trance Medium in Abraham Lincoln's White House, Ackerman, Lawrence
Sabian Symbols - Cafe Astrology
“Elsie May Wheeler – Spiritualist Medium With A Gift For The World”
Find your Sabian Symbols! - Astro-Seek.com
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include books, crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 142 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby interview Heidi Smith. Heidi is an author, psychosomatic therapist, registered herbalist, and flower essence practitioner. In this conversation, Heidi explores the realms of prayer, vibrational medicine, and what it means to work with the unknown. She considers the relationship between prayer and the physical body as well as prayer and psychedelics. She suggests that ideas can be spirits, and introduces us to her new book, The Uncommon Book of Prayer.
To learn more and connect with Heidi, visit moonandbloom.com and follow her on Instagram @moonandbloom.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 64: Handfasting & Witchy Weddings
Episode 80: Psychedelic Witchcraft
The Moon in Carolina, Episode 25: Wedding Rituals with Kate Belew
Major Arcana: Portraits of Witches in America, Frances F. Denny
The Bloom Book: A Flower Essence Guide to Cosmic Balance, Heidi Smith
The Uncommon Book of Prayer: A Guide to Co-Creating with the Universe, Heidi Smith
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 141 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew interview Brandi Amara Skyy. Brandi is a Catalyst, Author, and Wild Dream coach who believes there is a fire and Universe inside waiting to Big Bang its way out of us. In this conversation, they discuss the archetype of the wild woman, dreams as portals, and the altar within. Brandi also considers the intersections between drag and ritual, Miss Piggy as a muse, and introduces listeners to her new book, Magick for Transformation.
To learn more about Brandi and her offerings, head over to her website, www.brandiamaraskyy.com, sign up for her newsletter, and order a copy of her latest book.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Magick for Transformation, Brandi Amara Skyy
Episode 135: An Interwith with Sorita d’Este
Episode 110: Feral Girl Summer
Artemis : Virgin Goddess of the Sun, Moon & Hunt, Sorita d’Este
Love Stories of Myth & Lore, Tamed Wild
If Not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, Sappho & Anne Carson
Women Who Run With The Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Elemental Tarot, Caroline Smith
The She Wolfe Tarot, Serpentfire
The Little Book of Drag, Brandi Amara Skyy
Be More Drag, Brandi Amara Skyy
The WOKE MAGIC Grimoire, Brandi Amara Skyy
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 140 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby honor the Samhain season with a conversation about altar-building, marigolds, and inviting in the beloved dead. They consider Samhain’s ties to creativity and inspiration and go looking for the spirits who celebrate their solar returns at Samhain.
Sources & Shoutouts:
From the Cauldron Born, Hughes, Kristoffer
Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Visions of the Cailleach: Exploring the Myths, Folklore and Legends of the pre-eminent Celtic Hag Goddess, Sorita d’Este
“The Witches: The Story of the Cailleach” - Tamed Wild Blog
“Goddess Series: The Winter Witches” - Tamed Wild Blog
Episode 116: The Veil Is Thin
“When ‘Dumb Suppers’ Were a Halloween Love Ritual,” Anne Ewbank
Folklorist Wayland D. Hand
“How Can Flowers and Their Colors Promote Individuals’ Physiological and Psychological States during the COVID-19 Lockdown?” Junfang Xie, Binyi Liu, Mohamed Elsadek
Celebrating Latino Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Cultural Traditions, Maria Herrera-Sobek
“Dia de los Muertos / Day of the Dead,” Sueltenfuss Library
“Herbarium: Magical and Medicinal Uses of Marigold”
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 139 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby reflect on the magick of perception, ritual adornments, and glamour. They consider blue eyeshadow as a spell, clothes as armor, and self-expression as a form of witchcraft. They talk about the glamours cast by fiction, fashion, and the fairies.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Small Spells Deck
Wild Medicine Deck V. 2
“The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries,” Evan Wentz
“All was delusion, nought was truth”- Faery Glamour
“Writing Faery: A Tale of Viviane,” Jack Wolf. From The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens
The Midnight Library, Matt Haig
“Haute Macabre, Haute Couture: Witchcraft in Fashion,” Gabriela Herstik from The Library of Esoterica’s Witchcraft
Judika Illes
“Our Lashes, Ourselves: Eye Makeup and the American Woman,” Eileen Reynolds
“From Blue Velvet to Buffalo 66: how blue eye shadow conquered cult film,” Isabelle Truman
“A Queer History of Blue Eyeshadow, Pop Culture’s Time-Honored Symbolic Hue” “Color Magic: A Witch's Guide to Color Meanings and Energies,” Sophie Saint Thomas
Episode 101: Weed Witch with Sophie Saint Thomas
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 138 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss the art of alchemy. They contemplate alchemical history and the purpose of this ritual, as well as the women alchemists who paved the way for this tradition. They consider symbolic alchemy, astrological alchemy, and introduce listeners to the first female astrologer.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 135: An Interview with Sorita d’Este
Episode 40: Boundaries
Episode 79: Protection Spells & Hexes
Episode 48: Athena and Medusa
Episode 66: Fire Magick
Episode 91: Types of Magick, pt. 1
The Golden Dawn
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
“Facts about Sulfur,” Stephanie Pappas
The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Jack Lindsay
Chrysopoeia of Cleopatra
Mirrors in the Earth, Asia Suler
The Night School, Maia Toll
Astrology, Psychology, and The Four Elements, An Energy Approach to Astrology and Its Use in the Counseling Arts, Stephen Arroyo, M.A.
“The Work of Alchemy,” Eve Dembrowski
“Birth Chart Basics, The Astrology houses,” Kate Belew
“Heliodora, First Known Hellenistic Woman Astrologer,” Demetra George
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 137 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby fill their harvest baskets with seasonal harbingers and autumnal spells. They begin in the trees, gathering orange foliage and messages from Mercury before moving on to the stories of saffron and descent. They visit the apple orchards and the Garden of the Hesperides, harvesting the fruit of the dead and contemplating the mysteries that abound in our mythical groves.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 116: The Veil is Thin
Episode 72: Mabon Magick
Episode 114: Tales of the Corn
Episode 79: Protection Spells & Hexes
Episode 61: Wind, Feathers, & Bird Lore
Episode 39: The Witch’s Familiar
“Seed to Dust,” Mark Hamer
Chani Nicholas
"Crystal Color Magick: Orange," Cole Exley
"Hecate and the Hare," Little Witch Books
"Saffron: Tracing the Origins of a Treasured Ancient Spice"
"The simple crocus flower embodies the hope of spring after a long Wisconsin winter," Chris Hardie | Wisconsin State Farmer
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
"Earthwise Herbal (Old World Plants)," Matthew Wood
Allantide - CornwallForever
"Apple Folklore, Fairy Tales, Myth, and Magic," Enchanted Living Magazine
"Sacred Tree Profile: Apple’s Medicine, Magic, Mythology, and Meanings"
The Practical Herbalist
Geoffrey of Monmouth's Vita Merlini
"Avalon: The Isle of Apples"
The Judgement of Paris - Tamed Wild
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical an
In episode 136 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Empress Atlantis. Empress is an astrologer, planet worshipper, psychology graduate, showcased artist, commissioned poet, content creator, and online comedian. In this conversation, Empress peels back the layers of our natal charts and discusses chart rulers, retrograde planets, and asteroid returns. She revisits the stories of Ceres (Demeter), Pallas (Athena), Juno (Hera), and Vesta (Hestia) and their influence on our personal mythologies. Empress also talks about Apophis, working with malefic asteroids, and humor as magick.
You can learn more and connect with Empress Atlantis via her website, Instagram, or laugh with her over on X (formerly Twitter). Find out which asteroid goddess you are by taking her quiz here.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Astroseek.com: Natal chart with Asteroids
Astro.com - Asteroid Ephemeris
Episode 132: Mythical Steeds & Horses
Retrograde Planets: Traversing the Inner Landscape, Erin Sullivan
Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-Emerging Feminine, Demetra George
Linda Goodman
Zane Stein
Centaur Space
Jenny Kellogg
Melanie Reinhart
Stellar Sanctum
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Seasonal Box - a bi-monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 135 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Sorita d’Este. Sorita is an author whose books explore mythology, magic, and ancient spiritual traditions. She is also a practitioner of magic and an occult teacher who has lectured and presented workshops internationally. In this conversation, Sorita contemplates her relationship to the words Witch, Priestess, and Torchbearer. She discusses the goddesses Hecate and Artemis, their symbols, and ancient, ceremonial sites. Sorita discusses these goddesses' increasing popularity and why their mysteries can only be realized through experience.
You can learn more about Sorita, her offerings, and The Covenant of Hecate via her website, soritadeste.com or Instagram @soritadeste. Look for her books at avaloniabooks.com.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Episode 104: Mothers of Monsters & Magick
Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets, Barbara Walker
Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Hunt & Moon, Sorita d'Este & David Rankine
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 134 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss Summer Magick. They begin by looking up, searching the celestial forest for shooting stars and seasonal harbingers, before moving on to the mythologies of the fixed stars, including Sirius, Algol, and the Pleiades. They also talk about the Muses, nine goddesses of inspiration that we can call on for our summer creative work.
Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, John Ayto
“Words,” Sylvia Plath
Kafka on the Shore, Haruki Murakami
Fixed Star, Sign and Constellation Magic: Renaissance Astrology, Christopher Warnock
Hermes on the 15 Fixed Stars
“The Bright Beams Of The Fixed Stars In Your Astrological Chart” - Llewellyn
“The Fixed Star Sirius” - Alice Sparkly Kat
"An Ode to the Muses," Little Witch Books
Episode 31: Litha & Summer Solstice
Episode 65: Lunar Gardening & Solstice Symbols
Episode 66: Fire Magick
Episode 68: Bibliomancy and Summer Goddesses
Episode 69: Portals of the Summer Solstice
Episode 70: Leo Season & Summer Shadow Work, and the Stars
Episode 71: Nostalgia Magick with Caitlyn Barone
Episode 110: Feral Girl Summer
Episode 127: Trickster Tales
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 133 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Cat Willett. Cat is a Brooklyn-based artist, author, and tarot enthusiast. In this conversation, Cat walks us through the halls of tarot history and introduces us to the women behind tarot’s evolution. They meet Pamela Coleman Smith, Rachel Pollack, Moina Mathers, Marie-Anne Lenormand, and other overlooked mystics. They contemplate art as ritual, and Cat shares the inspiration behind her new book, Women of Tarot, An Illustrated History of Divinators, Card Readers, and Mystics.
Learn more about Cat and her offerings via her website catherinewillett.com or on Instagram @catwillett. Pre-order Women in Tarot here.
Tarot & Oracle Decks mentioned in this episode include:
The Rider-Waite Coleman Smith Deck
The Barbara Walker Tarot Deck, Barbara Walker
Dirt Gems Tarot Deck, Chelsea Granger & Anne Louise Burdett
The Wild Unknown Animal Spirits, Kim Krans
The Wild Unknown Archetypes, Kim Krans
The Shining Tribe Tarot, Rachel Pollack
The Queer Tarot, Ashley Molesso & Chess Needham
The Witch Wave with Rachel Pollack
The Women of the Golden Dawn: Rebels and Priestesses, Mary K. Greer
The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 132 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss mythical steeds and magical horses. They begin with the story of Pegasus, the horse of the gods and deliverer of inspiration. Following this winged stallion to his sacred spring on Mt. Helicon, they meet Arion and Aganippe and consider their connections to Demeter and the Muses. They also discuss Celeris, son of Pegasus, and Embarr, a guardian, guide, and companion of the goddess Niamh.
Wild Medicine Deck Vol. 2
Animal Symbology: The Horse
Mythic Beasts & Beings: The Kelpie
Episode 104: Mothers of Monsters & Magick
Episode 107: Centaurs and Satyrs
Episode 82: The Unicorn & the Phoenix
The Barbara Walker Tarot
The Secrets of the Tarot, Barbara Walker
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Hesiod’s Theogony
The Cattle of Geryon
Pegosos - Theoi.com
Encyclopedia of Spirits, Judika Illes
“Ride With Me,” published on Atmos and written by Willow Defebaugh
The Little Encyclopedia of Mythical Horses: An A to Z Guide to Legendary Steeds, Eliza Berkowitz and illustrated by Kate Forrester
Keri Brandt
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 131 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Heather Greene. Heather is a freelance writer, journalist, editor, and author. In this conversation, Heather considers witches in film, the witch as a rebel, and what it means to live in the places society has abandoned. She shares what she loves about being an acquisitions agent at Llewellyn, and discusses the intersections between magick and creativity. Heather also introduces us to her book, Lights, Camera, Witchcraft: A Critical History of Witches in American Film and Television.
You can learn more about Heather via her website, heathergreene.net, or on social media @heathergreene01. You can also find her on the Witches Movie Coven Podcast.
Sources & Shoutouts:
Lights, Camera, Witchcraft: A Critical History of Witches in American Film and Television
Season of the Witch (Hungry Wives), 1973
The Last Keepers, 2013
Llewellyn Worldwide
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Netflix
The Love Witch
Practical Magic
The Craft
The Witch Hazel from Looney Tunes
The Dark Crystal
Pumpkin Head
The Wizard of Oz
Rosemary’s Baby
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 130 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby honor the Beltane season and the Patron Saints of Spring. In this conversation, they seek out old stories and the ghosts who guard the wildwood. They meet Faunus, an ancient forest spirit who speaks through the trees, and his companion, Fauna, a keeper of mysteries. They discuss ornithomancy (bird divination) and the faerie queens who defend our sacred waters. They welcome Nimue, Viviane, Niniane, and all the faces of The Lady of the Lake.
Canens of the Beautiful Voice - thaliatook.com
The Witch & the Raven: Ornithomancy & April’s Full Moon
Encyclopedia of Spirits, Judika Illes
“Satyrs: Animal Spirits of Ancient Greece,” Rachel Lockett - historycooperative.org
Episode 107: Satyrs and Centaurs
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens, edited by Sorita D’Este and David Rankine
“Nimue,” by Aili Mirage in The Faerie Queens
“Writing Faery, A Tale of Viviane” by Jack Wolf in The Faerie Queens
Episode 61: Wind, Feathers & Bird Lore
Episode 25: Beltane
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 129 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby talk springtime hauntings with Amanda Paulson. Amanda is a paranormal investigator, researcher and medium based in the Inland Pacific Northwest. In this conversation, Amanda shares some of her haunted collection and contemplates what it means for an object to be haunted vs. cursed. She considers spirits as community ancestors, embracing our mysteries, and the process behind her channeled drawings.
You can connect with Amanda via social media @prettyfnspooky and learn more about her offerings and channeled drawings via her website prettyfnspooky.com.
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 128 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby contemplate seasonal archetypes and the magick of spring. They discuss eclipse season, dandelions, and the goddess Kybele, the celestial Mother who rules our roses, caves, and mountains. They welcome back the light half of the year by building a fire from the wands in their tarot decks and inviting the self-devouring serpent, the Ouroboros, to this solar celebration.
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Heraclitus
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Heraclitus
“Harnessing the Inferno," Mya Spalter, via The Library of Esoterica’s Witchcraft
Egyptologist Eberhard Otto
Carl Jung
Joseph Campbell
Daily Magic, Judika Iles
WorldHistory.org - Cybele
Dandelion & Folklore Magic - LearnReligions.com
Healing Magic, A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living, Robin Rose Bennett
Plant Magic: Herbalism in Real Life, Christine Buckley
History of Eclipses - Nasa.gov
Four Goddesses to Celebrate the Arrival of Spring - Tamed Wild Blog
Episode 66: Fire Magick
Episode 28: An Interview with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett
Episode 95: An Interview with Juliana McCarthy of Ethereal Culture
Episode 126: Coven & Community
Episode 99: Signs of Spring
Episode 96: Ostara, Moon Baths & Purification
Episode 58: Fairy Folklore
Episode 19: Ostara
Episode 21: Seed Magick
Woody Muse
Highlight Rituals
Knature the Label
Sister Nettle
The Spring Crossroads
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the
In episode 127 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew celebrate the Spring Equinox with their favorite trickster tales. In this conversation, they discuss the divine psychopomp from Greco-Roman lore, Mercury or Hermes. They discuss his planet, his metal, and the god’s role as a mythical messenger and Scribe of Saturn. They contemplate Mercury as a playful traveler, a patron of thieves, and a boundary-breaker with the golden touch. Kristin and Kate also venture into the more-than-human world in search of the Coyote, Raven, and other tricksters sporting fur and feathers.
Episode 107: Satyrs and Centaurs
Episode 111: Planetary Magick with Shelby Bundy
Episode 29: As Above, So Below
Episode 72, Mabon Magick
Episode 119: Take Back the Magick with Perdita Finn
Concerning Astronomy, 2nd century AD
Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 19 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.)
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Leaving the Body, Scott Rogo
Isis: The Eternal Goddess of Egypt and Rome, Lesley Jackson
The Iliad, Homer
Storytime: Hermes & Apollo, Tamed Wild blog
Lewis Hyde
Goddesses in Every Woman, Dr. Jean Bolen
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Animal Spirits, Kim Krans
Etymology Online
Weaving Diné teachings and science, Nadira Mitchell, a Navajo (Diné) writer on Plant Forward
The Canadian Museum of History
Crow Tarot, M.J. Cullinane
Oak, Ash, and Thorn, D.J. Conway
Donna Haraway, “If I have a dog, my dog has a human.”
The Bestiary, Maia Toll
***Join the Tamed Wild Coven!***
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 126 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss building community and finding your coven. Joined by Tamed Wild creatrix Shelby Bundy, three witches gather around the virtual fire to talk about shedding winter’s skin, entrepreneurial shapeshifters, and eclipse season. Shelby introduces Tamed Wild’s latest offering, the Coven, and reflects on building community while staying true to yourself. They consider authenticity and accountability in magical spaces and making connections beyond the bounds of social media.
Episode 13: Witchcraft 101
Episode 49: Witchcraft 101, part 2
Episode 91: Types of Magick
Episode 93: Types of Magick, part 2
Tarot Series: The Fool - Tamed Wild Blog
The Coven by Tamed Wild
Episode 45: Witchy Business with Shelby Bundy
Episode 67: Witchy Business
Episode 111: Planetary Magick with Shelby Bundy
Episode 115: Wild Medicine
The Crossroads Creative Coven
Episode 74: An Interview with Asia Suler
Mirrors in the Earth, Asia Suler
***Join the Tamed Wild Coven!***
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 125 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby discuss elixirs of life and transformative potions. They talk about the goddess Maat and mythical brews laced with justice. They consider Gorgon blood and pomegranate juice, and how we ingest ancient wisdom. They contemplate kitchen witchery, milk and honey, and consuming the nectar of the gods.
Season 1, Episode 14: Love Spells, Potion or Poison?
Season 3, Episode 80: Psychedelic Witchcraft
“Potions: The Witch’s Apothecary” by Michelle Mae for Taschen’s “Witchcraft”Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Bones and Honey, Danielle Dulsky
"Honey in Magick & Folklore," Patti Wigington
Melissae Priestesses and the Honey Queen Bees: Unveiling Ancient MythologyNew World Witchery
Milk Bath - Wikipedia
The Curious Symbolism of Milk in Literature and Myth
Telling the Bees, A Fairy Tale for the New Moon - Kickstarter
Storytime: Telling the Bees your Secrets - Tamed Wild blog
The Moon in Carolina podcast with Shelby Bundy
Storytime: The Birth of Pegasus - Tamed Wild blog
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
The Coven by Tamed Wild was created out of the desire for community. Not just any community, but a community of earth-spirited, magical witches who want to connect beyond the bounds of social media. A place to share knowledge, speak face-to-face, and make real-life connections. A place to cast a circle, set intentions, build an altar, and learn the tarot. A place to talk astrology, write spells, and grow in our practices together.
For those who desire magick in the mail, you can also subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And for our fellow book-lovers, join our Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 124 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby contemplate the power of three. They discuss triform deities, triads, and holy trinities, both modern and ancient. They gather triplicities from folklore and myth, including stories about the Graces, the Gorgons, the Fates, and the Erinyes. In this conversation, they address three-faced Hecate and Baba Yaga, and dissect riddles about the triple nature of the soul.
Season 3, Episode 81: An Interview with Madame Pamita
The Craft, Movie, 1996
The Number Three, Mysterious, Mystic, Magic, Emory B Lease
“Storytime: The Three Sisters of Fate”
The Women’s Encylopedia of Myth’s and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods, Madame Pamita
Angels and Archangels: A Magicians Guide, Damien Echols
Croft, Lee B. “People in Threes Going up in Smoke and Other Triplicities in Russian Literature and Culture.” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens, Sorita d’Este
The pilot episode of Charmed, 1998
"The Witches: The Grey Sisters of Greece"
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
High Magic’s Aid, Gerald Gardner
Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, Rachel Pollack
Tarot Series: The Empress
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 123 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew & Kristin Lisenby interview Danielle Dulsky. Danielle is a heathen visionary, painter, and word-witch. In this conversation, three witches discuss stories as spells, medicinal archetypes like the trickster and warrioress, and our academic wounds around writing. They contemplate fairy tales as prayers, and Danielle shares what she’s learned from guiding people on their writing journeys. She shares advice for people carrying a book in their hearts and introduces us to her latest publication, Bones & Honey: A Heathen Prayer Book.
Learn more Bones & Honey and Danielle’s offerings via her websites, DanielleDulsky.com and TheHagSchool.com. You can also connect with her on Instagram, @wolfwomanwitch.
The Hag School
The Night Book: A 13-week writing intensive
The Witching Hearth: Storykeeping for the Wise & Wicc’d
The Uses of Enchantment, Bruno Bettleheim
The Mist-filled Path: Celtic Wisdom for Exiles, Wanderers, and Seekers, MacEowen, Frank Hend
Season 3, Episode 77: An Interview with Danielle Dulsky
The Muses and Ourania via @littlewitchbooks
Conversations with the Universe: A Seasonal Workbook for Tamed Wild
The Winter Crossroads: Sacred Stories and Potent Plants
The Witching Herbs: Imbolc
The Barbara Walker Tarot (1984)
Mythologist Dr. Martin Shaw
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 122 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew contemplate the Witch & the Bitch. Following in the footsteps of Artemis, Hecate, and their sacred hounds, this conversation draws listeners into the Underworld. There, the wolf goddesses Leto and Lupa speak about guardianship, kinship, and reclamation. Medusa arrives next, followed by Asteria and the other moon goddesses turned monsters. Through a mythical lens, they consider the archetypal Bitch, Bitch as a dog, Bitch as a sacred hound, and Bitch as a Witch.
Small Spells Deck by Tamed Wild
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
“The Indian Great Goddess,” Stella Kramrisch, History of Religions, Vol, 4
Rider Coleman Smith Tarot Deck
Creature Teachers, Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, Seneca Elder
“A Brief History of the Word “Bitch,” Necessitated by Benedict Cumberbitch,” Amanda Montell
Artemis: Virgin Goddess of the Sun and Moon, Sorita D’Este
Episode 104: Mothers of Monsters & Magick
Argonautica, Apollonius Rhodius, circa 3rd century BC
“Bitches and Skankly Hobags: The Place of Women in Contemporary Slang,” via Gender Articulated: Language and the Socially Constructed Self, edited by Kira Hall, Mary Bucholtz
Practical Magic
Wild Medicine: Tamed Wild's Illustrated Guide to the Magick of Herbs, Bundy & Belew
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 121 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew follow 13 wintery threads, superstitions, and symbols, crafting a tapestry of story with these Yuletide yarns. Weaving together conversations about reindeer, snow globes, caroling, and winter plants, they contemplate the origins of these seasonal rituals and effigies. They also discuss The Nutcracker, snowmen, the ringing of bells, Mari Lwyd, and Christmastime villains. Join them around the virtual hearth as the 13 Yarns of Yule come together to illuminate the shortest days and longest nights of the year.
“Doe, a Deer, a Female Reindeer: The Spirit of Winter Solstice and Mother Christmas”
Llewellyn’s Sabbat Series: Yule
“Winter’s Effigies, the Deviant History of the Snowman,” Rebecca Burgan
The Snowman (movie)
The History of the Snowman, Bob Eckstein
The Book of Hours, c1380
Sechseläuten - Wikipedia
“Snowman Burning,” Atlas Obscura
How did it Begin? The Origin of Curious Customs & Superstitions, Rudolph Brasch
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
“The Moon Before Yule,” Little Witch Books
"Storytime: The Tale of Mother Holle" - Tamed Wild Blog
"This Family Gave the World the Snow Globe," Atlas Obscura
“Storytime: Gryla and the Yula Lads” - Tamed Wild Blog
“The Lore of the Wild Hunt” - Tamed Wild Blog
“17 Creepy Origins Behind Christmas Traditions,” Amy Glover
"The Nutcracker's" disturbing origin story: Why this was once the world's creepiest ballet, Ellen O’Connell
“Wassailing,” Ellen Castelow
A brief history of the gingerbread house, The Guardian
Episode 46: Winter Magick
The Deer Mother: A Little Witch Tale
"Goddess Series: Winter Goddesses" - Tamed Wild Blog
Episode 100 Masks & Ritual
Episode 19: Ostara
Episode 86: An Interview with Danica Boyce
In episode 120 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew journey to the symbolic Underworld. In this conversation, they discuss the practice of wintering and ‘hanging on for the bees.’ They forage for seasonal reflections and wintertime initiations. They contemplate the River Styx, the Heroes and Goddesses who have traveled there, and Styx herself. They also talk about the ferryman Charon, the Goddess Psyche, and asteroids in astrology.
Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions, River and Joyce Higginbotham
Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, Katherine May
“Wintering,” Sylvia Plath
The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World, David Abram
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens, Sorita d’Este and David Rankine
At Day's Close: Night in Times Past, A. Roger Ekirch
Circe, Madeleine Miller
The Iliad & The Odyssey, Homer
From Llewelyn’s Journal, “What does Psyche Mean in Your Astrological Chart,” Isabelle Ghaneh
Demetra George
Episode 7: Winter Solstice
Episode 8: Yule
Episode 46: Winter Magick
Episode 104: The Mothers of Monsters and Magick
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 119 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby & Kate Belew interview Perdita Finn. Perdita is an author and the co-founder of the feral fellowship, The Way of the Rose. In this conversation, Perdita discusses connecting and honoring the unseen, trusting our intuition, imposter syndrome, and writing a book in collaboration with the dead. She speaks about the earth as an ancestor altar, the mothers and the grandmothers, and the draw of the Catskill Mountains. Perdita also introduces us to her new book, Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World.
You can read more from Perdita Finn via her Substack, Facebook, or Instagram @perditafinn
Hekate Liminal Rites: A historical study of the rituals, spells, and magic of the Torch-bearing Triple Goddess of the Crossroads, Sorita d'Este & David Rankine
Season of the Witch, part 7: We Are the Dead - Substack
Take Back the Magic: Conversations with the Unseen World, Perdita Finn
Season 1, Episode 5: Hecate’s Garden - Spotify
Waking up to the Dark: Ancient Wisdom for a Sleepless Age, Clark Strand
The Madonna Secret, Sophie Strand
Life After Life, Kate Atkinson
Otherlands, Thomas Halliday
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 118 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby welcome back Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett. Robin Rose is a storyteller, author, herbalist, and teacher. In this conversation, three witches discuss bibliomancy, word witchery, and the moments when writing and magick intersect. They also consider messages from the plants, the archetypal Elder, and Robin introduces listeners to her latest book, A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom: Big Little Life Tips.
You can learn more about Robin Rose Bennett and her offerings via her website RobinRoseBennett.com, by signing up for her newsletter, and following her on Instagram @robinrosebennett.
A Green Witch’s Pocket Book of Wisdom: Big Little Life Tips, Robin Rose Bennett
Wild Medicine: Tamed Wild's Illustrated Guide to the Magick of Herbs, Bundy & Belew
Episode 28: An Interview with Green Witch Robin Rose Bennett
The Shift Network
Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living, Robin Rose Bennett
The Gift of Healing Herbs: Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life, Robin Rose Bennett
Little Witch Hosts Samhain Supper, Lisenby & Barone
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 117 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby share spooky tales from their hometowns. They begin in the hills of California, exploring mountain magick and contemplating stories of The Dark Watchers and Lemurians. Kristin introduces us to the legends of Mt. Shasta, and then Kate takes us on a journey through the haunted streets of Michigan. There, we meet the witches, spirits of those departed, and ghost ships in the night.
“There’s Something About Mount Shasta,” Laura Kiniry - Atlas Obscura
"Ghost Stories: The Dark Watchers," Kristin Lisenby - Tamed Wild blog
Legends of Mt. Shasta - Wikipedia
Mount Shasta’s Forgotten History & Legends, D.W. Naef
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
Legends of Mount Shasta: “The Abode of the Devil” Part I – The Legend of J.C. Brown - Ancient Origins
A Dweller on Two Planets, Frederick Spencer Oliver
Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific, Wishar Spenle Cerve
“Michigan urban myths and legends: 7 stories to share around the campfire,” Kylie Martin - Detroit Free Press
Gateway to oblivion: The Great Lakes' Bermuda triangle, Hugh F Cochrane
“Ghostly Legends of Michigan: The Ada Witch of Findlay Cemetary,” Michigans Otherside
“The story of 'The Drowning Pool' at Mackinac Island,” Ken Haddad
“The Remains of Shelldrake Michigan,” John Robinson
“Do Ghosts Walk at Whitefish Point? Paranormal Experts Investigate,” Frederick Stonehouse
“14 Michigan monster myths to fire you up for Halloween,” John Serba
Episode 17: The Fae Folk
Tamed Wild Retreats
Pretty Fn Spooky
All My Ancestors
Maria the Arcane
The Moon in Carolina
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 116 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby pierce the thinning veil. In this conversation, they contemplate this mystical shroud and the veil’s relationship to textile magick, tarot, and veiled goddesses and spirits. They weave in lace and folktale traditions, the origin of bridal veils, and the tools of the weaving craft. They also answer a listener question about the seasonal veil and the meaning behind the phrase, ‘The veil is thin.”
Asia Suler, One Willow Apothecary
Jennifer Green
Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
Planetary Magick: The Heart of Western Magick (Llewellyn’s High Magick Series), Osborne Phillips & Melita Denning
Visions of the Cailleach: Exploring the Myths, Folklore and Legends of the pre-eminent Celtic Hag Goddess, Sorita d'Este and David Rankine
Hagitude, Sharon Blackie
A Journey Through the Forest of Souls, Rachel Pollack
Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Storytime: The Coming of Bride - Tamed Wild blog
Agathi's Lace Shop
"Legends of Lace: Commerce and Ideology in Narratives of Women’s Domestic Craft Production," David Hopkin
"The Origins of the Bridal Veil and Its Protection From Evil Spirits," Ancient Origins
Yakar, Jak. (2011). Presumed Social Identity of the Occupants of Late Third Millennium BC Alacahöyük and Horoztepe "Royal Tombs". Journal of Archaeomythology. 7. 1-8.
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 115 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby talk Wild Medicine with Shelby Bundy. Authored by Tamed Wild Creatrix Shelby Bundy and Kate Belew, the Wild Medicine book is an illustrated guide to the magick of plants. In this conversation, Shelby and Kate discuss being initiated into the world of plant witchery and following the threads of herbal lineages and lore. They talk about rose alchemy, listening to our plant families, and the Wild Medicine Deck that started it all.
Learn more about Shelby and Kate’s new book, Wild Medicine: Tamed Wild’s Illustrated Guide to the Magick of Herbs, via TamedWild.com.
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 114 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby celebrate Mabon and the start of Season 4! In this conversation, two witches harvest tales from corn. They discuss corn mazes, scarecrows, and the history and making of corn dollies. They talk about harvest spirits, crop circles, and deities of corn and grain. They also consider the fields of Midharvest as an archetype - the autumnal version of the fairy tale forest.
Mircea Eliade
Episode 69: Portals of the Summer Solstice
A Dictionary of Literary Symbols, Michael Ferber
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
The History and Making of Corn Dollies, Janet Goddard
England’s Crop Circle Controversy - BBC article
Children of the Corn
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 113 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby talk resistance and re-enchantment with Amy Torok and Risa Dickens. Amy and Risa are the witches, activists, and storytellers behind The Missing Witches project. In their second visit to the podcast, Amy and Risa remind us that telling the truth is a spell. They discuss the magnificence of difference, rock ‘n’ roll as a spell, and self-care as ancestor worship. They reflect on what they’ve learned by living as modern witches in the woods, and introduce us to their newest book, New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Captialist Tools for Resistance & Re-enchantment.
Learn more about Amy and Risa and order the Missing Witches’ new book, New Moon Magic: 13 Anticapitalist Tools for Resistance & Re-enchantment, on their website missingwitches.com. You can also listen to the Missing Witches podcast, join their online community, contribute to the Missing Witches Zine, and follow their story on Instagram @missingwitches.
New Moon Magic: 13 Anti-Capitalist Tools for Resistance & Re-enchantment, Amy Torok and Risa Dickens
Staying With the Trouble, Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Donna J Haraway
Episode 56: An Interview with the Missing Witches
Tamed Wild Blog - Animal Symbology Series
Zoo Books
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth-spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 112 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby discuss the Golden One and Queen of the Dawn - the goddess Aphrodite. Inspired by their recent travels, in this conversation, Kristin and Kate highlight Aphrodite’s connection to roses, Sappho, Barbie, and the color pink. They consider Aphrodite’s many names (She Who Rises from the Waves, Gravedigger, She of the Tombs) and her adoration of glamour magick. They also contemplate Aphrodite as an archetype and her relationship to the dark side of love.
Episode 92: Goddesses of Sex and War
Episode 108: The Furies and Harpies
Venus and Aphrodite, Bettany Hughes
When God Was a Woman, Merlin Stone
Goddesses in Every Woman, Dr. Jean Bolen
Aphrodite - Theoi.com
Peter Kingsley
Sappho’s Ode to Aphrodite
Kristin Chang
Pynk by Janelle Monae
The Barbie Movie
Valerie Steele, editor of the book “Pink: The History of a Punk, Pretty, Powerful Color”
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 111 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby talk planetary magick with Shelby Bundy. Shelby is an astrologer, business coach, tarot reader, and the visionary behind Tamed Wild and Magick & Alchemy. In this conversation, three witches discuss working with the cosmos and their relationship to planetary correspondences like plants, mythologies, archetypes, and tarot. They consider their chart rulers, the ritual of paying attention, and planetary devotion in a digital world.
Learn more about Shelby and her offerings on her website themoonincarolina.com or follow her story on Instagram @themoonincarolina.
Applied Archetypal Astrology - Pacifica Astrology
Planets in Play: How to Reimagine Your Life Through the Language of Astrology, Laurence Hillman
Planetary Magick: The Heart of Western Magick, Phillips & Denning
The Stars Within You, Julianna McCarthy
Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil, Liz Green
Astrologer Riss Cottrill
Goddess Series: The Story of Gaia
Episode 45: Witchy Business with Shelby Bundy
Join the Tamed Wild Coven!
Subscribe to the Tamed Wild Quarterly Box - a quarterly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each box is crafted around a season and includes items for the earth spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces.
Each box includes a seasonal workbook with 3 rituals, intention-setting guidance, astrological updates, and other helpful tools to help you harness the magick of the season.
And sign up for the Book Coven - a digital subscription with weekly lives, reels, and discussions about witchcraft, tarot, herbs, business witchery, upcoming workshops, & the book of the month.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
In episode 110 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby bid farewell to season three with a conversation about Feral Girl Summer. In this discussion, they contemplate the word ‘feral’ as a reclamation, an act of resistance, and a prayer. They reflect on wildness as an archetype and a doorway to the divine. They also discuss The Amazons, Artemis, Hippolyta, and Wonder Woman, the feral heroines raised by the wilderness.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Cat Call: Reclaiming the Feral Feminine, An Untamed History of the Cat Archetype in Myth and Magic, Kristin J. Solee
Seasons of Moon and Flame, Danielle Dulsky
"Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body and Primitive Accumulation," Silvia Federici
“Feral Girl Summer is Coming,” Roisin Lanigan
“What is Feral Girl Summer?” - The Today Show
How Girlboss Cannibals Slayed pop culture” - theface.com
What Is Remembered Lives: Developing Relationships with Deities, Ancestors & the Fae, LeFae and Parma
“Walking,” Henry David Thoreau
The Holy Wild, Danielle Dulsky
“How I Go Into the Woods,” Mary Oliver
Hippolyta and the Curse of the Amazons, Jane Yolen
Callimachus, Hymn 3 to Artemis 240 ff (trans. Mair) (Greek poet C3rd B.C.)
The Surprising Origin Story of Wonder Woman, Jill Lepore - Smithsonian Magazine
Electric Forest
All-Star Comics
Sensation Comics
In episode 109 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby conclude part 2 of their Mythical Creatures Series. In the final installment of this three-part conversation, they discuss the Anzu bird and the Basilisk. Beginning with the Anzu, they contemplate the stories of this giant bird and its role as a deliverer of storms and chaos. While the Anzu is associated with eagles, vultures, and lions, the Basilisk is known as the King of Serpents. They discuss the Basilisk’s deadly gaze, foul breath, and aversion to rue.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
"Babylonian Story Of Bird-God Anzu ‘The Wise One’ And His Underworld Realm" - Ancient Pages
Lady of the Beasts, Buffy Johnson
Smithsonian Magazine - On the Trail of the Warsaw Basilisk
Natural History, Pliny the Elder
New World Encyclopedia, The Basilisk
The Hammer of Witches, Malleus Maleficarum
"Woman as Other: Medusa and Basilisk in Early Modern French Literature," Nancy M. Frelick
The Witching Herbs, 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for your Magical Garden, Harold Roth
In episode 108 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby continue part 2 of their Mythical Creatures Series. In the second installment of this three-part conversation, they consider the Furies and Harpies as personifications of sacred rage. They discuss the Furies as maidens (or monsters) of divine punishment and their relationship with Demeter, Medusa, hounds, and serpents. They also talk about the Harpies, three female death spirits that are part bird, part human. Believed to be angels or psychopomps, the Harpies reveal stories of vultures, ‘plucking,’ prophecy, and the magick of triplicity.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio
Storytime: The Three Sisters of Fate
The Women’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Book 4
Virgil's Aeneid
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
Lady of the Beasts: The Goddess and her Sacred Animals, Buffy Johnson
The Last Unicorn
Small Spells Deck by Tamed Wild
Episode 104: Mothers of Monsters & Magick
In episode 107 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby begin part 2 of their Mythical Creature Series. In the first installment of this 3-part conversation, they contemplate the magick of satyrs and centaurs. They discuss the satyr Pan’s wild woods, his panic-inducing yell, and his overlap with trickster spirits like Hermes and Dionysus. They also visit the famed centaur and wounded healer Chiron. They talk about Chiron’s role as a mentor and oracle, and how he came to live in the stars.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods & Heroes, Edith Hamilton
MerriamWebster.com - Pan & Panic
HistoryCooperative.org - Animal Spirits of Ancient Greece
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
The Faerie Queens: A Collection of Essays Exploring the Myths, Magic and Mythology of the Faerie Queens, Sorita d’Este and David Rankine
Artemis : Virgin Goddess of the Sun, Moon & Hunt, Sorita d’Este
Homeric Hymn 19 to Pan
Chani Nicholas on Chiron
Mythical Creatures Part 1:
Episode 82: The Unicorn & the Phoenix
Episode 83: The Mermaid & the Sidhe
Episode 84: The Dragon, Gryphon, & Sphinx
Episode 90: An Interview with Sophie Strand
Episode 60: Cannabis Magick
Episode 95: An Interview with Juliana McCarthy of Ethereal Culture
In episode 106 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby talk grief, plants, and shapeshifting with community weaver Mara June. Mara is a writer, caregiver, death doula, and community herbalist who encourages people to dream and create courageously in times of change and grief. In this conversation, they discuss herbs as enchantment medicine, planting ourselves within sacred communities, and the trickster power of grief. They also discuss Mara’s Grief Spells, archetypal shapeshifters, tarot, and grief's capacity to unravel and reorient us within the sacred webs of life.
Learn more about Mara June and their offerings via their website, motherwortandrose.com. Consider signing up for one of their upcoming workshops like Tears of the Gods: Flowers, Death, Grief, & Shapeshifting or Dream + Flower Magick for Grief Support. You can also follow them on Instagram @motherwortandrose, and sign up for their newsletter here.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Shapeshifters: A History, John Kachuba
Shapeshifter Series: The Rusalki
Mythic Beasts & Beings: Selkie Folk
Kate Belew’s Bardo Writing School
In episode 105 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby team up with Caitlyn Barone to host a virtual book club. From nostalgic reads to their favorite, well-loved tomes, in this conversation, three witches share the books that have been most influential throughout their magickal journeys. They discuss books about plant witchery, out-of-body experiences, and dark goddesses like Hecate and Persephone. They discuss tales for the wild women, astrological reads, and the books that delivered ‘aha!’ moments.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Kate’s Books:
Wise Child, Monica Furlong
Healing Magic, Robin Rose Bennett
Women Who Run with the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Kristin’s Books:
Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, Demetra George
Witch, Christopher Pike
Journey of Souls, Dr. Michael Newton
Destiny of Souls, Dr. Michael Newton
Journeys out of the Body, Robert Monroe
Caitlyn’s Books:
The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess, Starhawk
Mysteries of the Dark Moon: The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess, Demetra George
The Treadwell’s Book of Plant Magick, Christina Oakley Harrington
Under the Bramble Arch, Corinne Boyer
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, Scott Cunningham
Witchcraft, Taschen
Additional Book Mentions:
Seasons of Moon & Flame, Danielle Dulsky
Were Tales: A Shapeshifter Anthology, Jonathan Maberry, Eric J. Guignard, Stephanie Ellis, Catherine McCarthy, Gabino Iglesias
The Stars Within Us, Juliana McCarthy
Witches of New York, Ami McKay
Ilana, Tamora Pierce
Grimoire for the Green Witch: A Complete Book of Shadows, Ann Moura
Encyclopedia of Spells, Judika Illes
Tamed Wild’s Book Coven - digital subscription!
Episode 26: Art Magick Motherhood
Episode 71: Nostalgia Magick
Episode 77: An Interview with Danielle Dulsky
In episode 104 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby discuss two of the lesser-known mothers of mythology. They begin with Echidna, the mother of monsters, whose children include the Sphinx, Cerberus, and Python, the giant serpentine creature that protects Delphi. While tracing Echidna’s family tree, they contemplate this mother’s overlap with Medusa, Gorgons, and other cave-dwelling monsters. They also discuss Asteria, the mother of Hecate, our goddess of witches. As the Titan of falling stars, it was Asteria who spurred nighttime divinations, oracular dreams, and astrology. In this conversation, they consider the mothers who exist beyond the confines of tradition, and how their stories shape ours.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Encyclopedia of Spirits by Judika Illes
Musings of the Muses by Heather Vassalo, Callie Blackstone, Hailey Piper, Stephanie Ellis
Lady of the Beasts: The Goddess and Her Sacred Animals by Buffie Johnson
The Homeric Hymn 3 to Delian Apollo 50 ff (trans. Evelyn-White)
Hesiod’s Theogony
Episode 26: Art, Magick, & Motherhood with Caitlyn Barone
Episode 27: The Mother Archetype
In episode 103 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby interview Felicia Cocotzin Ruiz. Felicia is a Curandera, Author, Indigenous Foods Activist, and Natural Foods Chef. In this conversation, Felicia discusses Curanderismo and her life as a Kitchen Curandera. She shares her thoughts on ancestral veneration, seasonal wildcrafting, and cultural appropriation vs. misappropriation. Felicia also discusses how the elements influence her craft and introduces us to her new book Earth Medicines: Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera.
To learn more about Felicia and her offerings, follow her on Instagram @feliciacocotzin, visit her website kitchencurandera.com, and order a copy of her book, Earth Medicines: Ancestral Wisdom, Healing Recipes, and Wellness Rituals from a Curandera.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
In episode 102 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew celebrate Beltane with the bones. In this conversation, they discuss bone folklore, corpse medicine, and Baba Yaga’s walkway of fiery skulls. They consider bones as keepers of memories, consciousness, and the soul. They also contemplate antlers, the archetypal skeleton, and Beltane’s sacred fires, originally known as bonefires.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods by Madame Pamita
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
“Folk-lore of the Bones” by Daniel Brinton via The American Folklore Society
The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine by Sophie Strand
Complete Herbal by Nicolas Culpepper
Metamorphoses by Ovid
The Gruesome History of Making Skeletons - Atlas Obscura
The Book of Symbols: Reflections on Archetypal Images by Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS), Taschen
Slavic Witchcraft: Old World Conjuring Spells and Folklore by Natasha Helvin
Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Spring Crossroads creative coven
The Spirit Guide Coach - Aja Dashuur
In episode 101 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew interview Sophie Saint Thomas. Sophie Saint Thomas is an award-winning journalist and author whose written for VICE, Playboy, GQ, Glamour, Marie Claire, PRIDE, Cosmopolitan, High Times, Gawker (RIP), and Harper’s Bazaar. In this conversation, Sophie talks sex magick, cannabis culture, and how these practices influence her craft. She also discusses her journey to becoming a published author, why ‘fortune favors the bold,’ and her latest book, Weed Witch: The Essential Guide to Cannabis for Magic and Wellness.
To learn more about Sophie and her offerings, connect with her via her website, Instagram, or by reading her books:
Weed Witch: The Essential Guide to Cannabis for Magic and Wellness
Sex Witch: Magickal Spells for Love, Lust, and Self-Protection
Glamour Witch: Conjuring Style and Grace to Get What You Want
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero.
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
In the 100th episode of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kristin Lisenby and Kate Belew discuss the relationship between masks and ritual. They consider masks as a way to enact magick, channel the dead, and divine with the animal world. They talk about Samhain, Carnival, Krampusnacht, and other celebrations where masking is part of the dress code. They ponder masks as conduits, portals, and one of the oldest art forms in the world.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
Maiden, Mother, Crone, DJ Conway
Missing Witches: Recovering True Histories of Feminine Magick, Amy Torok and Risa Dickens
Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, Jeffrey Russel
Word Origins: An Exploration and History of Words and Language, Wilfred Funk
The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara Walker
"We Wear the Mask," Paul Laurence Dunbar
The Witch’s Feast: A Kitchen Grimoire, Melissa Jayne Madera
Mysteries of the Dark Moon, Demetra George
Nettle & Bone, T. Kingfisher
Poems Bewitched & Haunted, Everyman’s Library Pocket Poet Series
Episode 78: Annie Finch
Episode 48: Medusa & Athena
In episode 99 of the Magick & Alchemy podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby reflect on some signs of spring. Inspired by Ostara and a season of renewal, they discuss the chalice and the cauldron, and what’s collected or brewed in these sacred vessels. They talk about rain, rhythmic tides, and purification rites. They also share some moon stories, including ‘The Bamboo Cutter and the Moon Princess,’ and consider the moon as a shapeshifter, a cosmic bow, and a sanctuary.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
The Luminaries: The Psychology of the Sun and Moon in the Horoscope, Liz Greene
University of Illinois Press and the American Folklore Society
A Dictionary of Symbols, J.E. Cirlot
Chang’e Flies to the Moon
The Bamboo Cutter and the Moon Princess
Episode 95: An Interview with Juliana McCarthy of Ethereal Culture
Episode 96: Ostara, Moon Bathing, & Purification
On episode 98 of the Magick & Alchemy Podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby talk moon signs and horoscopes with Annabel Gat. An astrologer who has been writing the daily and monthly horoscope column at VICE since 2015, Annabel is also the author of two books, The Astrology of Love & Sex and The Moon Sign Guide. In this conversation, Annabel talks about astrology as an ancient artifact and storytelling device, and the planets as archetypes. She also discusses progressed moons, her upcoming mentorship program, and shares some tips for fellow horoscope-writers.
To learn more about Annabel and her offerings, follow her on Instagram @annabelgat,
and visit her website annabelgat.com. Sign up for her mentorship program here.
Created by Tamed Wild.
Production by Julio Montero
Music by Follow the Wind,
Taizo Audio.
“Grief Spells for the Spring Equinox: Losing, Joy, and Planting Ourselves as Seeds”
The Moon Sign Guide, Annabel Gat
Supercharge Candle with Snakes for Hair
Annabel’s Birthday Cake, a collab with Marissa Zappas
The Astrology of Love & Sex, Annabel Gat
On episode 56 of the Magick and Alchemy Podcast, hosts Kate Belew and Kristin Lisenby speak with Amy Torok and Risa Dickens. Amy and Risa are witches, podcasters, authors, and the creators behind the Missing Witches project. They discuss magick as resistance work, amplifying marginalized voices, and witch aesthetic as a portal. They share their plans for the Spring Equinox and why calling in new ways of thinking is a potent spell, no matter the season.Learn more about the Missing Witches:Website: www.missingwitches.comInstagram: @missingwitchesPatreon: www.patreon.com/MissingWitchesBuy the Missing Witches book! www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/659307/missing-witches-by-risa-dickens/9781623175726Created by Tamed Wild.Production by Julio MonteroMusic by Follow the Wind,Taizo Audio.
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