127 avsnitt • Längd: 75 min • Veckovis: Söndag
Detty and Gaz, two Melbourne mates just sitting back and chatting board games, or at least they will after they finish their Frosthaven campaign.
Before they cover their world within board games and how their gaming group tackles genres, mechanics and social situations; they’re first taking you on a journey through a lightly spoiled campaign of Frosthaven, with discussions surrounding observations, strategies, decision making and loads of laughs.
There’s always a bit of banter, insights and recaps of some terrible rolling… amDirt style.
The podcast A Master’s Degree in Rolling Terribly is created by amDirt. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Episode 102 sees the amDirt crew face one of the most unique bosses they've fought, in scenario RM04.
And we check in with our second Beetle outing, and a discussion, and final boxing around Detty's Vortex.
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Episode 101 goes off with a bang as we start the Vortex retirement chain starting with Scenario RM03 and Gaz gives us a first taste of what being a bug looks like all over again!
And then we take a look back at Frosthaven... was it as good as we remember?
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
We hit 100 episodes... and Dwarf said it wouldn't last... hah
We recap scenario AA2 which saw Gaz retire his Galaxy, we get a few messages from some long time loyal listeners, we talk a little more about the freshly unboxed 'Beetle' aaaaaaaaand... Gaz unboxes the rest of his Galaxy cards.
Thank you for making amDirt a thing. We thank everyone who supports us, with everything we do.
Thank you.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Send us your questions, messages, jokes etc to [email protected]
Help us make episode 100... truly terrible (good terrible obviously :P)
Here's to episode 100! We love you all x
We get smishy smashy in scenario 10, join us as we recap our most recent playthrough.
And the Gspotlight returns, as Gaz takes Detty through a dive into the PQ's from Gloomhaven, Frosthaven and Crimson Scales.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
I recap Scenario 98 to Gaz who missed this week, talking about the scenario as 3, as well as new card options and my PQ progress.
And thanks for reddit we bring back House Rules I think Volume 4, for some house rule shenanigans!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Scenario 04 is our 10th scenario which is weird to say. We discover not 1... not 2... but 3 new monsters in our Crimson Scales campaign. Hear us talk about our experiences dealing with them and are they as scary as their OG counterparts.
We've also tweaked our 'recap' of the scenario so let us know if you like the changes.
Gaz and I also go back to early Frosthaven to compare the starters to our Crimsons Scales starters 'The Explorers' and discuss what would happen if they swapped placed.
Ps this was one of my favourite episodes to record. We hope you enjoy.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Back to good old Crimson Scales with our recap of Scenario 07.
We talk a little about XP and Gaz and I also discuss timers in the haven series and how they can affect enjoyment.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
We fought the Trail of Ashes boss in scenario 71, join us as we recap the session as well as discuss how this boss fight wasn't like any we've faced before.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Happy new year everyone!! I hope you all had a blast and enjoy or are still enjoying the holidays!
Scenario 70 gets us just a little closer to the end of the chain, Gaz and Det discuss scenario 70 including the events, battlegoals and scenario recap.
We also need help in finding Detty an NFL team.
And we name some bold predictions on the haven front, heading into 2025!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Scenario 69 is on the agenda today, but gaz asks me a spicy question around what usually upsets me other than spelling d3tty with a capital D like (D3tty) wtf is that...
We also talk about some PQ's we'll never ever see.
Hope everyone had a happy holidays, and we'll see you all next year!
City/Road event 59(both)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and support over the past 2 years. We appreciate everything, so thanks for having us in your lives.
We head to scenario 68 for our second taste of the Trail of the Ashes and after last weeks close call... ugh!
We also discuss our classes (Galaxy and Vortex) and how they're feeling and what do we want from the future..
City Event 17/Road Event 15
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Apologies for last week AND THIS WEEK OMG, but technology failing at the last minute is something I'm trying to avoid but it still gets me sometimes.
Welcome to episode 91 where we cover 2 weeks worth of scenarios starting with scenario 03 before we head to our first Trail of Ashes Scenario with 67.
This is a hectic time of the year so timelines are getting a little out of hand as Gaz and I try to steer the amdirt ship, but we're hoping after Christmas everything will start to settle down again.
City Event 15/16 & Road Event 01/26
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
Scenario 02 calls, and I mean we did Scenario 01 at +1 what could possibly go wrong?
Gaz and I also go into a 'difficulty' discussion fresh out of Frosthaven and straight into Crimson Scales... is it harder or in our heads?
And some of us have leveled up! What do the new cards look like?
***City Event 01 & Road Event 43***
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
**Please note I forgot to put music over the road event which was Road event 18 for anyone playing at home**
The POD is back, covering Gloomhaven The Crimson Scales.
The first episodes sees our brand spanking new gimp party take on Scenario 01, easy right..?
Gaz and Det talk about our classes and the setting in the hopes of bridging the gap between Frosthaven players and players who have played Crimson Scales to allow people who have not played it to enjoy the content so do give it a shot.
We cannot wait to bring to you another journey, thanks for joining and supporting us.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for all games in the Haven series but we will try to keep them to a minimum **
It goes without saying nearly everything we release from now on about Frosthaven will have major spoilers and this episode is no exception.
We have a catchup with one of our dearest supporters and just super nice guy Dwarf74 as we have our after campaign chat, dive into some fun topics and relive amazing moments.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
With a mixture of relief, excitement and sadness we finally reach the end of the game...
So did they nail it?
Join Gaz and Detty as they discuss the final scenario of Frosthaven, discover a few things they missed along the way, and have a little discussion about the game that took 18 months for them to finish.
This episode is going to have a lot of spoilers... obv... so... jump in :D
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Scenario 63 and the savaas..
After last weeks scenario got us going, this one had to keep us... but are they out of ideas..?
Gaz surprises Detty with a secret segment. **apologies audio listeners, this is slighty visual**
And we continue our Shits and Hits with Potions!
Wrapping up our campaign we have 3 more scenarios to go, do we start with Scenario 64? Or 63....? No it made sense according to the game to run Scenario 62... so that's where we head!
And we continue our 'Hits and Shits' item segment with Bag items (not including potions). This was probably the hardest category to hate on..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We finally do fan favourite scenario 128 and... look it was definitely a scenario..
We also give Gaz a chance to help those who might be struggling with FH..
Gaz advice is definitely.. a type of advice..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Scenario 98 closes off the latest chain of scenarios we've been tackling, and this one was a doozy..
We talk about some exciting news IRL in our dirtsheet, and we continue our Hits and Shits Item segment with this weeks slot... Booooots.
Don't forget to vote for our Crimson Scales starting party, check out our community tab for the poll.
Also a fresh invite to our discord available for 7 days, although if you're reading this past that, just comment and I'll chuck up another link.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We attempt scenario 97 which was linked from last weeks... and oh boy... we... are... terrible
Gaz and Detty discuss the uses of apps and assistant based programs in the world of boardgaming
We continue our 'Hits & Shits' list featuring 2Handed items.
And we receive a little surprise..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Robots never die ey Alexander.
Join us as we take a look at this weeks scenario, 96!
We also have a chat about escape scenarios as a whole.
And we continue our good and bad items chat, this week covering 1 handed items.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Oh Mathew G Somers... I love how you spice up our lives. Join us as we take on Scenario 85 one of the wildest and longest rides we've been on yet..!
We have another retirement, we pretty fun road event AND.... the trial deck is complete...!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We carry on to chase the errr... don't know if I want to spoil the name of what we fought... we'll just go with The accumulator, with an attempt at Scenario 88.
We have a chat about Gaz's new character.
And we enjoy part 2 of our best and worst items with a spotlight on chest pieces.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We have an amazing chat with community member DanGG that covers Frosthaven and his Campaign, as well as a range of other gaming topics.
We also pit DanGG vs Gaz in another Frosthaven Quiz, and this might be the closest showdown yet...
(apologies for no regular episode this week, Detty was incredibly sick and couldn't speak properly..)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We finish scenario 87 from last week, and while the wombo combo was short lived... it provided many funs.
We cover 2 more amazing trials.
We go over a few wombo combos, and invite the community to share more!
Finally gaz and I begin our wrapups towards the end of the scenario with our best and worst items, part 1 featuring everyones favourite err hats..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Scenario 87 beckons, a scenario a listener recommended. We'll keep going at +2 and see what hap... oh my go.....
Detty has a rant, and then asks the question around fun.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We catch up with the Flaming Lord Stu Stu where Gaz and Detty learn more about U.S geography one chat at a time.
We dive into a bit of Twilight Imperium talk before we cover the usuals with Frosthaven.
Stick around for quiz time that pits STU STU against Gaz in a duel for the ages.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We see whether another retirement return reward sits among the rest with Scenario 118, as we head in without our beloved Phil, in a 3 way slogfest.
Detty reveals his trial to Gaz who has no idea what it is.
And Gaz and Detty get given an amazingly well put together quiz from our listener Kelega, which I hope is the start to something special.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Wow we have a throwback. This is easily one of the riskiest scenario designs in the game... but does it work?
We talk about the end of the pod (insert drastic voice), the future and get our community to assist us with what scenarios to do as we stomp towards the finale.
We still talk a bit about trials, and we discuss whether or not a competitive haven tournament could work...
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We definitely changed things up this week and as a result... I can happily confirm it was one of the most exciting sessions we've had in a long time.
We uncover more trials and find some incredibly amusing.
We have another monster spotlight on a duo this time.
And we have another Frosthaven quiz for Gaz... but this idea sent through from a listener.
If you have any ideas for quizzes or questions feel free to send them to our email, or DM me on Discord (d3tty)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
So we get to do Scenario 132 finally, but did we stumble upon another scenenario breaker?
I quiz Gaz on the monster difficulty list I discovered last week, and we open our DirtBag!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Well... this was different... and I highly rate the many different directions the last few scenarios have taken us. This weeks was no different!
We also chat about when characters return to Frosthaven... is it exciting? They're exciting right??? (insert padme meme)
Join us as we head to Scenario 132 for reasons... or do we....?
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Frosthaven rarely gives us the opportunity to smash out a whole quest chain like 99-103 did. This was our finale in the chain designed by Alexander Theoharis, who has impressed us with the writing and interesting rulesets in this series.
Does the finale live up to its predecessors?
We also discuss more of the newest system we're working around, and starting new characters... does it feel good... or bad?
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This is our 4th scenario in the Alexander Theoharis questline in what's probably Gaz's favourite chain of scenarios.
Does the scenario 102 live up to its predecessors?
We also get another retirement, so who what where...? Jump in!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We have another bonus this week, as we sit with community member Ricewind to hear about his campaign, his thoughts on classes, scenarios and experiences in Frosthaven.
The usual frosthaven related mini games are involved.. so come and have a listen as we hear stories from another player in the world.
**amDirt chats episodes generally should be listened to if you aren't afraid of spoilers, but if you follow our show, there won't be anything new**
We are deep into Frosthaven writer Alexander Theoharis' mind as we advance into Scenario 101. After the first two, what whacky fun rules are we going to be hit with this time!
Gaz and I also discuss challenge cards and we both design 3 of our own..
We have a small shakeup with our recaps as well, to move slightly further away from a room by room recap and throw in more conversational topics throughout.
amDirt discord link (7 days): https://discord.gg/STMW5dkM
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Continuing off last week, we head to Scenario 100 to see what our new companion has in stall for us.
Gaz also suggests a topic around the experience system in Frosthaven.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Scenario 99 is our next destination where we do some jail breaking and obviously the place wasn't empty and we got a chance to see the new Astral in action.
We will also be having a little chat about Gaz's Prism and Detty's new Astral, and how those experiences are going so far...
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We head to scenario 61 in what ended up being a rather memorable session, but at what cost?
We have a potentially controversial retirement..
And we cover our 3rd edition of Frosthaven House rules in the community!
**Please be mindful that this episode does contain some puzzle book conversation, but no actual puzzles, answers or solutions are discussed... but something from it is.**
Also apologies for our... LONGEST EPISODE EVER....
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We return after our weekend away at Gamemania V with some new loved games, and another session of Frosthaven!
We discuss 2 games we loved at Gamemania V
-Farms Race
-Dead by Daylight the Board Game
We sail towards Scenario 137 which is a little hidden gem (please be mindful there are spoilers here for how to loosely access this scenario with no actual puzzle answers listed.
And we chat about observations with the Fist and the Drill with neither of us playing either.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We head to Scenario 84 to help a man and his sheep..
We discuss our predictions for the end of Frosthaven and we also take a look at characters/factions in Frosthaven and other games that can potentially impact the fun others experience at the table..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We take on one of our side jobs with Scenario 79, and it makes me think Frosthaven is all about moving day.
Detty needs help with level 7 meteor cards
We also have a fun discussion about the scenario dot system, and what does it mean... the scenario is more complex? The scenario will take 20+ rounds? Lets seeeeeee..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Join us for the 3rd iteration of amDirt chats. This week we chat down with one of our original early listeners and rules correctors.. Iron'n'Wine.
We discuss his Frosthaven Campaign, what he liked and didn't and our Rapid Fire True or False questions make a comeback!
This week we start with a conversation around retiring characters returning... are we excited anymore?
We tackle scenario 60, in a boss fight for the ages!
We have a chat about the 3 main questlines we've encountered and our thoughts on them all.
And we discuss a listener topic around Frenemies..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We head towards scenario 27 and after last weeks toughie this should be easier right?
We cover a listener topic and also have a chat about a few class defining perks and how good are they in comparison with each other?
We covered SO-43, SR-43 and SO-19
amDirt Discord Link: https://discord.gg/URvsPN7Z
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Scenario 17 is on the agenda this week as we tackle this Puzzle-riffic situation with a fresh new Prism... or as I've now dubbed it... the Gazm... I wonder if anyone reads these...?
Speaking of Gazm's, Gaz gives us an initial debrief on his experience with the Prism, a fun continuation of the unboxing we did earlier.
We also have a little chat about Summons in the haven series.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We head back to familiar territory finishing off the last unfettered Scenario which was sc23
Our events this week were SR-02 and SO-55
We talk a little about some news, discuss our new Drill and come to a challenge based crossroad..
We also shine the spotlight on Gaz in a new segment where Gaz unloads on a hot topic in the Frosthaven Community..
Sorry this episode went a little longer than usual... but the G-spotlight can get deep..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
One of the best PQ questlines comes to an end, was this the boss fight we were waiting for?
Gaz and Det talk briefly about the newly unlocked Drill and Prism and expectations.
Gaz opens up the discussion about houserules again, and Detty gets a little unhinged...
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
The end of the line for the Unfettered Questline, we take on Scenario 58 to confront the unfettered top dog!
We also head to Phil's PQ to continue the quest to deal with the Fish King with Scenario 75!
We also enjoyed an exciting... surprise!!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Frosthaven scenario 51... the penultimate episode of the Unfettered quest line... does it go the same way as the other two in the Algox and the Lurker?
We talk a little about the meteor, have a PSA and Detty's game mode designs make a comeback!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Frosthaven scenario 43... back to the unfettered land with our old buddy Crain... surely this is going to be an absolute banger..
One of us retires their third character... you'll have to listen to find out who because there's no way in hell you'd work it out... nup... nada...
We have a small discussion about the Shackles class and for some reason the Meteor class as well.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We head to scenario 34 for another episode of Phil vs Something!
We then take on an old scenario that's been in our face for a while with Scenario 120.
Both interesting in their very own way..!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
amDirt take on scenario 74, which so far has probably been our favourite pq quest chain. Does it continue its glorious form?
We also take a dive into the Frosthaven crafting system, and is it a worthy upgrade to the Gloomhaven system.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We take on Scenario 24 with our brand new fisty boy, and Detty's eyes light up when the scenario introduces a giant RNG element he's been missing!
We chat a little bit about how we're going with the Bannerspear and Shackles and Gaz has a fit when it comes to his current PQ.
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/YhHajTxK
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We made it to 50.
50 episodes mostly talking about 1 board game, and who knows, probably another 50 in the chamber.
This episode is Gaz and Detty reminiscing on their first year with amDirt, and features never heard before footage of their noob era, as well as amazing messages from our community.
We thank you all for helping us make this happen.
You're all amazing!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This is just a quick message to our listeners about an upcoming bonus episode and our way of saying thank you.
You can find me on discord by searching for d3tty#2642 or emailing us at [email protected]
The discord invite link is still https://discord.gg/SAmr62RX for this week.
Frosthaven likes to challenge us through hordes of undead, rampaging algox attacks and escorting idiots who can't protect themselves... But never have we been tasked with moving an awkward object through tight spaces... Enter Scenario 49! But before we do we cover Boat event 08
We also have a look at Scenario 53 but blink and you'll miss it!
We cap it off revisiting a recent discussion about boss fights, seeming we had one this session... are they beginning to feel like a huge let down.......... and is the Blink Blade broken!?
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/SAmr62RX
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled discussion surrounding recent events occurring in our Frosthaven campaign.
This week we talk about WO-26, 38, 27 and 37. And then talk about WR-11, 12 and 15.
Do let us know if you would prefer this to be recorded weekly. Unfortunately due to timing its hard to record a raw right after our hour-ish long regular episode which is why we let them accumulate but I feel it might be an easier listen if they were weekly when we encountered them.
We smash out a double header starting with the random side scenario 104, where things get pleasantly icy... and earthy...?
Upon returning to FH we are startled by an alarm that throws us straight into scenario 127 where we take on our second heist... does it go better than our last heist?
We also round up the episode talking about retirements and the very real possibility that some of us will be rerolling soon.. so we reranked the starters to see where our tastes currently align.
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/5fvWM9G8
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
The guys continue the same PQ as last week taking on Scenario 73.. a boss fight, but has the game learned from our boss discussion recently?
We have a chat about replaying classes, and... are also tasked with creating characters for each other to interesting results.
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/jsupr4gX
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We started this venture in February 2023 and this video is a little chat about some Frosthaven related things as well as other games, a little tv and music..
Thanks for being there for us in our first year, and we look forward to having you in our followups!
We take on Scenario 72 in a map that resembled old times with Overwatch and Team Fortress.
And Gaz gets bossy with Detty.
We also announce our first pet named from our community members!
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/UsZBYZaw
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
What an eventful session taking on Scenario 68 to kill a boss... into Scenario 15... to ... kill a boss...
2 outpost phases, a retirement, a new building aaaaaand a special Christmas themed topic from our mate Weedy!
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/Zx5FhnR3
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our lists of the 10 worst Frosthaven scenarios we've encountered so far..
As always it's subjective to our experience as a lot of lists like this will vary in many different ways.
Have you played any of these and do you share our thoughts, or was your experience far greater than ours, let us know!
amDirt Raw this week covers SR-33, WR-18, B-12, WO-03, WR04 and WO-17.
It was during this recording I realised we made a mistake. See if you can spot it!
(hint: We did a Summer road event in winter)... LIKE YOU HAVEN'T DONE THAT BEFORE!
The outpost phase goes first, and we unlock 2 new buildings... which leads to building these buildings... which inspired a conversation about buildings!
The party also travel to Scenario 67 in one of the shortest PQ quest chains in history and I guess next weeks scenario is all locked up as we assume it will come to an all out epic conclusion... right?
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/5YY9MfNf
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
(Please note this bonus episode is also available on our Youtube and is accompanied with scenario pictures and graphics which assist with creating the lists.. but of course feel free to listen to the audio only version of this, just making people aware of the alternative )
Gaz and Detty talk about their Top 10 favourite Frosthaven scenarios so far in their campaign.
Our ever wonderful mate Phil also provided us with his list... lets kick these top 10's off with a bang!
Do let us know if you have some favourites that weren't mentioned (which is probably likely seeing the different paths will cause you to see different scenarios)
We must warn you, there are hardcore spoilers about the Banner Spear class here... and we will be breaking down the level 1 cards. If you don't wish to know any of this top secret information please refrain from listening.. thank you..
This episode is also available on our youtube which does show images of the cards we're talking about and well... is just probably better.. although I will warn there was 1 or two moments I had to cut, due to my dog going psycho at the gardener...
Yes we haven't fully seen what the Banner Spear is all about...
No we didn't open all of the starter boxes...
But when we finally did... whoa... NEW SHINY STUFF!!!
Hear Gaz break down his favourite positions and postures while we all play with his banner, spear!
The FINAL COUNTDOWN dodododo.... dodododo... about to end (we think) one of the 3 main quest lines! Scenario 55!!
Does it live up to all the hype and excitement from when we started back in February this year???
We also hit up a quest that's been 'lurking' around for a while, Scenario 42!
We also say goodbye to another character...
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/dQMeVsQN
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We embark on yet another random side scenario, with scenario 122 and gaz has a few things to say about the ending of said scenario...
We have a discussion about the shackles first experience.
We talk about what is happening in the GH/FH community and finally we have our first ever Frosthaven gameshow... where only Detty is the victim...
The amDirt discord link is https://discord.gg/ZAFxCmx8
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Gaz and Detty officially open their 10th Frosthaven Character the "Shackles" and have a casual chat about how it looks, the cards it has access to and how we expect it will play.
This was originally just a youtube episode of us showing the cards, but the audio was clean enough that I though I would throw it up on the podcast feed.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
The guys head to Scenario 111 for side scenario goodness, and it was a great reflection of how far we've come.
We also discuss in depth our latest outpost event, which we will go into in this episode right at the end. This covers Summer Outpost Event 53, so when we reach that point you will have ample time to stop listening as its the last segment on the episode.
And we introduce a new character into our campaign!
Feel free to dm me via our socials for an invite to our amDirt discord.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
On Episode 40 we discussed 2 road events and 2 outpost events.
SR-34, SO-17, SR-06 and SO-27
We also briefly mention PQ01
Apologies for the start, Gaz's microphone switched to his webcam for some reason and we fixed it not too far in.
Phil and Detty set off to scenario 71 to work on his new PQ on his brand new Blinky Boy. Does the wombo combo of Snowflake and BB pay off??
Detty learns how to support, kinda...
We phil Gaz in on what we got up to while he was away!
And we talk a bit about party compositions
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
For the first time in what felt like ages we managed to get the 4 of us together to have another sessions and Scenario 52 really didn't disappoint as sooo much happened.
Join us as we dissect Scenario 52, have a little chat about scenario variety on our journeys and finally get past our campaign wall as we finally make progression again!
Link to the Gloomhaven 100k Sub contest -
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Things get a little weird in the amDirt house as we're going through a game slump, due to holidays, vacations etc
So Gaz and Detty have a little fun with some spicy questions to each other, a battle goal break down and a chat about our favourite character.
We should be back to our campaign next week.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We had such an amazing Frosthaven filled chat with community member Weedy, dissecting our campaigns and comparing experiences. We discuss various elements on what makes Frosthaven so special, and hit on a couple of lower points all in the name of science... or something...
We introduce our new rapid fire questions segment which I'm pretty sure will be a feature here to stay..
And talk a little about social deduction smash hit 'Blood on the Clocktower'.
Thank you Weedy for making this memorable.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 37 with the awesome foursome.
We cover:
SO-04, SR-13, SO-61, SR-16 and SO-13
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We head back to the Algox questline to complete the party favours with scenario 46, hopefully now that we've completed both, the Algox clans can finally get along.
Shoutout to Theonegunslinger for his awesome message to me in response to last weeks episode.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
I am baaaaaaaaaack, oh my goodness I have missed you all so much. LETS DO THIS!!!
The group continue the PQ for Detty with Scenario 66.
And we have a chat about the enhancement system in FH.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 35.
We cover SR-12, SR-01 and SO-21
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
Scenario 107 and all its glory... what a side scenario!
We have a little chat about our classes, and playstyles and discuss a new unlocked character!
(We will be on a small break for a couple of weeks. We want to thank all our listeners for making this journey an amazing one. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to contact us, as we love reading all the commentary and thank you to Gaz who helps to make each day in my life a little brighter x)
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 34.
We cover SR-04 and SO-18
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
We do a take 2 on Scenario 45 (and a take 3)
I finalize my new game mode which I'll definitely send to Isaac in around 2043
We throw gaz a quick hot topic.
And we begin to exit ketchupgate and enter chocolategate
(It's been 0 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We discuss solo scenarios both our latest attempts and solo scenarios as a whole.
We talk about the Personal Quest system and compare it to Gloomhaven.
We talk about some minor regrets
Year 1 summary.
(It's been 1 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)** [I guess this is technically true still...]
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We go Algox hunting again through the Algox questline with Scenario 45 and things get heisty.
We talk about the items in GH vs FH
(It's been 0 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 31.
We cover SR-11 and SO-24
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We charter scenario 70 which leads to a retirement, but we at least snare a new friend.
Gaz goes Super Saiyan for the second straight scenario.
Our good friend returns for a rules clarification and our thumbs turn green!
(It's been 7 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 30.
We cover SR-09 and SO-35 and also have a little chat about our group composition and Mark's potential next character.
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The group goes down further into Unfettered territory and Scenario 35, but what follows is a game with Crain and a lot of escorting.
And we have a little further discussion about solo scenarios
(It's been 6 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Our spoiler filled chat from Episode 29.
We cover WR-44 and WO-36
And then have a little chat about outpost attacks
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The group takes on Frosthaven Scenario 65 in the hopes the followup is only a couple of weeks away...
We get to play with a new mechanic finally as we slip and slide our way through some Icy Terrain.
Phil and Mark have a very heart warming moment with Battle goal assistance.
Detty goes Solo
(It's been 5 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This episode of amDirt raw was recorded straight after our session with scenario 69 so we had the pleasure of all being featured on it in one big chat.
This episode talks about WR-41 and WO-16
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We start to push our Boneshaper towards the retirement home, and that means heading to Scenario 69, but our old man Mark... has a new trick up his sleeve.
Phil shows us his new character and erupts everywhere which almost leaves him exhausted.
We also dive back into the topic of houserules in Frosthaven and hear what Gaz has to say about some of them.
(It's been 4 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Apologies for the potential content overload but we had a busy schedule this week with recordings we wanted to get done. Things will settle down next week but we also had this episode in the chamber.
After episode 27 we sat down with Mark to flesh out his enjoyment of Frosthaven compared to his current playthrough of Gloomhaven Digital.
We discuss his Boneshaper, what he's been able to do with it and his plans for the future in our campaign.
We hope you enjoy.
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/uamdirt
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@amdirt
Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Welcome to a special episode where we have a chat with people in the Frosthaven community. We were super excited to sit down with the FAQ man himself, Dwarf74 and chat about all sorts of topics like playtesting, scenario difficulty, player counts etc
We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Welcome to our bonus episodes of amDirt where due to a bit of demand we were asked to potentially get a little more 'spoilery' especially when it came to our road and outpost events.
We will mostly be covering the road and outpost event that coincided with the regular episode we launched at the same time, but there will be points where we might bring up other factors of our campaign.
This episode talks about WR-17 and WO-18
Please listen with caution as this gives us an opporunity to talk a little more freely about happenings that occurred in our campaign.
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
The amDirt boys head further down the Algox quest chain after our little escape straight into Scenario 38 which personally Detty thought was thematically amaaaazing.
We talk about our new bonus episodes which we'll start throwing out alongside our standard episodes to give us an area where we can talk more in depth about our spoilers especially regarding road and outpost events.
And a nice little change occurs within the party.
(It's been 3 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We have a very quick chat about our session of Twilight Imperium that occurred during the last weekend. (Detty is no longer the Undisputed Champion)
We get good and ready to algox our way into Scenario 28, which sounds like it could be a peaceful Roleplaying scenario where nothing could go wrong...
We're also reaching out if other groups want to join us for a recording session to chat about Frosthaven and how their campaign is going. Let me know via the contacts below.
(It's been 2 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
(It's been 2 weeks since Gaz didn't pull his miss)
Find us on:
IG - https://www.instagram.com/am_dirt/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/uamdirt
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@amdirt
Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Pinter sends us on another quest to check out the highway we helped built, but the dreaded Algox have set up an unsanctioned toll booth without a permit and we need to serve them their eviction orders.
We roll into Scenario 116 to finish the trio of quests (we assume) and bring the traders to Frosthaven.
We talk a little about Gloomhaven 2.0 and a familiar friend shows up during our outpost phase to remind us he cuts his own hair.
(It's been 1 weeks since Phil pulled his miss)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Due to the denizens of Frosthaven suddenly deciding its cold, we head for a heat source toward scenario 33... and are surprised when creatures at our destination don't take kindly to our folk around there..
Phil's solo scenario wrap up...
*Note this episode will be the first one with some video of the recording, so for those that might be interested head over to our YouTube page and take a look*
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Twitter - https://twitter.com/uamdirt
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We continue where we left off last week with Scenario 25, heading straight to the alarm and flashing lights, ready to see if the Frosthaven devs will throw even more complex mechanics at us...
Gaz has an announcement, and due to a change in my editing software I can no longer (for the moment) bleep out swear words... (although they're far and few in between).
It has been 1 week since Phil last pulled his Miss.
We have a little chat about the solo scenarios and have a very eventful outpost phase.
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YouTube @amdirt
Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We dive into scenario 16 on the mechanical beings quest chain, and head down via elevator to get some basement bargain savings!
2 scenarios of rather different questionable game mechanics, 3rd time be a charm?
It has been 0 days since Phil last pulled his Miss.
A big shout out to Frank for his emails in clarifying some deathwalker questions we had going.
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Instagram at am_dirt
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Continuing down the Lurker quest chain, has us concerned for our sanity as we question which monster in the game is the worst to come up against..
We attempt scenario 22 and then also try scenario 22.....
We talk more about monster/level/scenario design.
Detty gets 'bumped'
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Join Detty and Gaz in another milestone episode we sit down with the silent victim of our jokes and probably biggest reason we've been able to destroy some scenarios with ease... Our friendly Deathwalker Phil, and get his viewpoints on the Deathwalker class and his experience with the shadow pooper of dps goodness..
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We've just completed our annual board gaming event Gamemania which is essentially a weekend away playing heaps of boardgames and enjoying a small holiday.
Due to not being able to play Frosthaven this week we instead wanted to talk a bit about some of the games we played, and how we felt about them and their place in our game group.
It's not so much reviewing games, but more so how certain games make us feel, and how well a game works in certain group situations.
Games covered during this episode:
07:45 - Scape Goat
11:15 - Cthulhu Wars
15:31 - Seas of Havoc
21:51 - Versailles 1919
28:25 - Heat: Pedal to the Metal
36:00 - Blood on the Clocktower
47:28 - Starwars the Deckbuilding game
53:50 - Beyond Humanity: Colonies
1:02:43 - Bonanza
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**Some slight audio issues during the episode so we apologize for that**
The famous scenario, loved by everyone it seems... Scenario 14 is upon us, and we go head first into an epic, nail biting... err... look... just listen...
We continue down the winter outpost excitement and a new party member will join the ranks.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We tackle Scenario 18 and further try to nudge that quest bar along.
We discuss the scenario and also our outpost phase.
Please note there are spoilers for WR07 at 8:22 to 19:27
Please note there are spoilers for PQ06 at 57:35 to 1:02:37
Such a fun chat to have with the G man.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We are back and heading straight to scenario 10, back to Algox territory (to escape snow imps).
We have our first winter road/outpost events and does Detty retire and if he does... does he choose to roll a Snowflake or "it's a trap!"?
A new enemy takes the crown for our most hated monster and we open our mailbag dubbed The Dirtbag!
One of our listeners reached out and gave us a wonderful email, and shared their podcast for any German listeners, you can find it at Einzelspiel - Solo board gaming, https://einzelspiel.podcaster.de/
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We didn't get to play this week as we had life events on, but we used the opportunity to have another chat about Frosthaven, Boardgames and adjacent topics.
The format gets slightly switched, and we try something a little different.
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
The amdirt crew head into scenario 115 to follow up on our previous bombing run.
We meet a new monster type and get slightly annoyed at the continued presence of another.
We have a little chat about scenario design and 1 person is incredibly close to retiring... our first one!
Please note, this recording was done together in person so we were just getting used to that change and might consider it again moving forward at some stage.
Oh and we need your help to come up with a name for our new friend!
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This week we venture into Scenario 21, to deal with a pesky dude who was trying to become the next jigsaw. We fell (of course) into this scenario and learnt how to work together for a change to overcome a Dyson sponsored room, a ball of ouchies and a room full of invincible furniture.
We discuss some emails we received and the geminate finally hits a fat juicy milestone.
Stick around after the outro for a secret clip
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This week we take on an earlier scenario with scenario 8!
We finally travel east in the hopes of fighting something super unique and different... not imp-ossible right?
We have a little discussion of some games that were played recently in Sidereal Confluence and Stationfall before going into our usual routine of post scenario report.
I now remember why my dps was so low... I had 2 fat misses...
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We delve into a Random Scenario this week as we switch up the flow and try somewhere completely different.
We tackle scenario 112 and it proves to be a winner with smiles all around.
We also see one of the.... fattest.... heals... ever in FH (for us).
I may or may not forget to mention the outpost phase this week but we did do one... it just wasn't that eventful.
Feel free to throw us a DM if you have something fun to say about Gaz. I'm sure he doesn't read these show notes so it'll be our little secret.
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
On this weeks double episode Detty decides to do a mini interview with Gaz covering some gaming background stories, and his favorite games and mechanics.
We then jump into a discussion about the Geminate class in Frosthaven and Gaz gives us his insight into the class and what he loves and dislikes about the dual faced bug person.
Geminate discussion starts at 23:40
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Ohhhhhhhh and we thought we were doing so well, but it was inevitable that we were going to get pulled up for rules mistakes and we absolutely welcomed it. We reveal feedback that was given to us and had a little chat about some of it.
We dive into scenario 114 which continued the trend of special rule purple boxes and how large they appear to be getting.
We discuss this particular scenario a little more than normal towards the end as we feel this was the first scenario to really get us talking about what the game was trying to do.
And we praise our Deathwalker on finally cracking the heal meters although the man behind it failed to note any of them down :)
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
We are back with the Frosthaven campaign and we took on 2 scenarios this week.
We begin with Scenario 13 and experience some new friends, new systems and a new way to be very annoyed.
We then head over to Scenario 32 where... we begin to see an episodic theme occurring...
A longer episode than normal but was incredibly fun to play and record.
Scenario 13 begins and then around 48:40 we head towards scenario 32.
We also want to thank all the supporters who are going on this journey with us. We're amazed at the responses and can't wait to enjoy more of it.
*** Please note around the 50 minute mark something goes wrong with our recording software and it seems to stutter a little bit and slightly speed up our voices, this only lasts for a minute or 2 but you can safely skip in 30 second increments if needed***
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
This is our first BONUS episode of amDirt as we couldn't actually play this week due to an illness among the group.
Join Detty as he assaults Gaz and his mind on thoughts surrounding rule variants of Frost/Gloomhaven as well as some interesting house-rules discovered on the internet.
They discuss interesting changes to the system and whether or not they make or break the game in various ways.
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Or contact us directly at: [email protected]
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
(Please also note, I keep saying SCENARIO 6 instead of SCENARIO 9)
The group heads straight to scenario 9, and decides to delve deeper into the catacombs of deadly undead dead things.
Gaz has a couple of little accidents and decides to take it easy, and Detty the Drifter (along with some sick Boneshaper plays, and Death Walker... err things) takes the group to a cliffhanger right on the last card flip. We talk about the scenario, as well as battlegoals and DPS meters.
After scenario 9 we head back to Frosthaven for our outpost phase, and Detty asks Gaz a surprise question regarding the characters in play.
**Very mild spoilers on road event at 4:25 - 6:54, and outpost event at 53:35 - 54:08**
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** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
Episode 5 takes us through another fun little adventure in Frosthaven, where we get to do more outpost stuff, take on Scenario 5 and engage in our usual discussions/banter.
Detty's Drifter and Gaz's Geminate continue to be the very best of friends as they fight over dps and tanking numbers and delve into a scenario... with some new mechanics.
We also just want to thank you all for the support during our start up. We're having a blast not only with playing the game but with knowing there are people enjoying our chats x
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YouTube @amdirt
** Please note our episodes may contain spoilers for the game Frosthaven **
**We will be discussing scenario 4 and then afterwards scenario 7**
We continue immediately from the last scenario into scenario 4 where we expect some sort of conclusion to this mini story arc.
We continue our Frosthaven construction efforts and get to know several more of the people (who have ! icons above their head)
We fight about what "going straight into the backlines" means.
And push ourselves slightly further than normal.. (we basically tackle our second scenario in the same session, Scenario 7)
And gaz is still mean to Detty..
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** Please note this particular episode contains fairly specific spoilers surrounding the road and outpost events for this session. Moving forward we are very vague with rewards, and moving forward we'll probably remain even more vague regarding these for groups who haven't seen these particular event cards**
**Outpost event spoiler and general event discussion 2:00 - 7:33**
**Road event spoiler 14:24 - 15:35**
We continue our run through the first quest chain of Frosthaven attempting scenario 2 and discuss topics surrounding battlegoals, our shadow pooper (Death Walker), understanding the win condition and our very first outpost phase.
Gaz also continues his consistent berating of Detty's poor little Drifter...
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YouTube @amdirt
We finally got to play Frosthaven and see all the juicy content that was thrown our way.
We tackle scenario 1, try to remember the general gist of Frosthaven's rules, get a feel for how our characters play and try to navigate a log.
Detty the Drifter, and Gaz the Geminate give their thoughts on what Frosthaven's initial feelings are and what they're enjoying... or not enjoying in its first session.
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Twitter @UamDirt
YouTube @amdirt
An introduction to amDirt.
We discuss memories of Gloomhaven, and our hopes for Frosthaven. What we loved about the Euro Dungeon crawling master, and getting hyped for beginning a campaign that took months and months, all over again.
Find us on:
Instagram at am_dirt
Twitter @UamDirt
YouTube @amdirt
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.