287 avsnitt • Längd: 65 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
Lifelong Warhammer fan Bricky and grimdark greenhorn Dkdiamantes delve into the incredibly vast ocean that is Warhammer 40000 lore in this unofficial Warhammer 40k podcast. From superhuman space warriors to depraved cultists and green-skinned Mad Max rejects, not even the most ridiculous aspects of this setting are off the table for these two mad men.
The podcast Adeptus Ridiculous is created by Adeptus Ridiculous. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.
Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.
Vigilus is a world situated within the Nachmund Gauntlet and one of the few passages through the Great Rift. As such, the planet has become strategically vital for the Imperium and has become a target for a wide number of its enemies.
As part of the greater War of Beasts, Sangua Terra is under Chaos assault as Abaddon the Despoiler seeks to destroy both it and Vigilus to close the Nachmund Gauntlet. At least 2 companies of the Castellans of the Rift Chapter are fighting on the world. During the Nachmund Rift War, the planet became the linchpin of the new Imperial defensive network dubbed the Sanctus Wall.
Due to successive Chaos invasions, Sangua Terra is presently a battle-scarred hellscape overrun by Daemons. Canoness Superior Junith Eruita has arrived on the planet to marshal its defenders.
https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculous Having recovered from his grievous injuries, Warmaster Horus leads the triumphant Imperial forces against the rebel world of Isstvan III. Though the rebels are swiftly crushed, Horus's treachery is finally revealed when the planet is razed by virus bombs and Space Marines turn on their battle-brothers in the most bitter struggle imaginable. Truly, he is the Warhammer Forty Thousands.
Trailer for new 40k show ASTARTES 2 came out recently and it was pretty good. We aren't really into doing the whole soyjak pointing reaction videos, but trailer actually contained a lot of cool stuff and showed off quite a few obscure space marine chapters we want to talk about today with Kirioth: Scythes of the Emperor, Sons of Medusa, Retributors, Angels Vermillion and Mortifactors.
A Techmarine (known as a Frater Astrotechnicus in High Gothic) is a Firstborn or Primaris Space Marine technician and engineer as well as a full Astartes battle-brother of his Chapter. They are fully initiated members of both the Cult Mechanicus and their Chapter.
Prospective Techmarines are chosen from the ranks of the Space Marine Chapters for their affinity with technology. They learn how to divine the runes of engineering and study the liturgy of maintenance. This great body of lore must be committed to memory and understood by the novice Techmarine.
They are taught how to "feel" the pain of a damaged machine and heal it. When they come back they serve the same role in their Chapter as a Tech-priest Enginseer in the Astra Militarum. Without the passing on of such ancient lore, the Space Marines would eventually grind to a complete halt, unable to make war. Thus does every Chapter’s might hinge upon the esoteric knowledge of its Techmarines.
Bretonnia, formally the Kingdom of Bretonnia, also known more prosaically as the "Land of Chivalry," is a highly martial Human feudal kingdom of the Old World that lies between the lands of the Grey Mountains and the Great Ocean. Bretonnia is second only in size to that of the Empire among the realms of Men in the Old World, and is both the Empire's chief rival and closest ally, having a culture and society that revolves around the ideals of nobility, a strict social hierarchy based on aristocratic birthright, and the upholding of a strictly enforced code of chivalry.
Aeldari Corsairs or Anhrathe are bands of piratical Aeldari Outcasts. They are a constant threat to merchant shipping, though very rarely pose a threat to a major Imperial battlefleet. Sometimes the rigid constraints of the Eldar Path are intolerable even for an Eldar to bear; such individuals leave their Craftworlds and become known as Outcasts. Outcasts must bear the terrible burden of their heightened Eldar consciousness without the protection of the Eldar path, set free within the universe they are dangerously vulnerable. Only Eldar of especially strong character can survive for long as Outcasts.
There are many bands of so-called Corsairs scattered across the galaxy, and all are savage and deadly raiders. Outcasts from the strict confines of the Craftworlds, the Corsairs live in self-imposed exile, seeking to explore the galaxy and experience the full gamut of emotion and sensation accessible to the Eldar’s sensitive psyche. Most are young and adventurous Eldar who will eventually return to their homes older, wiser and tempered by warfare. Some, however, embrace the raider’s life completely and fall further still, becoming ever more bloodthirsty and psychotic, indulging their darkest impulses and eventually seeking out the infamous Dark City.
The Leagues of Votann are a prominent Squat civilization based around the Galactic Core. For thousands of years, they have exploited the riches of the core and overcome the dangers of the perilous region. Over these many millennia they have battled many of the galaxy's races, while just as frequently trading or acting as mercenaries.
The Votann are a rugged survivalist culture, having derived their society from the dangerous merchant-fleets of the Dark Age of Technology. They find strength and unity in the endless quest to acquire the resources they need to endure. While many judge them as selfish hoarders, they see these actions as necessary to ensure the survival of their race. Few other races can match the cloned Kin of the Leagues of Votann in the resilience of mind, body, and spirit.
New Antioch, officially the Principality of New Antioch, is a Christian city-state which functions as the Church's main and only line of defense against Heretic forces in the Levant. The city started to be built, or more accurately rebuilt in 1559, and the construction and fortification works were finished in 1595. The Principality is located where the old city of Antioch once stood, in the northeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea, and exclusively borders lands controlled by Heretic forces. The city and all its armed forces fall under the command of the Duke of New Antioch, a role currently being occupied by Duke Constantine.
Fulgrim (also known as the Phoenician, the Illuminator, the Prefector of Chemos) is the Primarch of the Emperor's Children, one of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor in the earliest days of the Imperium, just after the end of the Age of Strife. Fulgrim, like the other Primarchs, was sucked from Terra by the Gods of Chaos and placed on a faraway world in an attempt to prevent the coming of the Age of the Imperium. Constantly seeking to emulate the Emperor by perfecting himself, Fulgrim's obsession bred a hubris that drove him to eventually become consumed by the Chaos God Slaanesh. AND NOW HE IS BACK!
Norsca is a frigid, arctic peninsula and Human cultural region located in the far north of the Old World, though not officially considered a cultural or historical part of it by southern scholars. Norsca lies on the very doorstep of the northern Chaos Wastes themselves. It is bordered to the south by the freezing waters of the Sea of Claws, to the north by the Sea of Chaos and the Chaos Wastes, and to the east by the roving Kurgan tribes of the Eastern Steppes.
Norsca is inhabited by a race of savage and ferocious Men known variously as Norscans, Norsemen or the Norse. Long ago, in the time of Sigmar, when these people still inhabited the northern lands of what would become the Empire, they were known as the Norsii.
A δτ-class or Death World (sometimes spelled as Deathworld) is a world classification defined by its extremely dangerous or aggressive native flora and fauna. These eco-systems are finely balanced between continual destruction and lightning-fast reproduction. Death worlds take many forms, ranging from jungle-covered hell-holes with carnivorous plants and animals to barren, volcanic wastelands racked by ion storms. The most famous and notorious Death World is the hellish planet of Catachan
Some worlds can be turned into Death Worlds, like what occurred on Indiga after numerous captive giant predators escaped from their zoos. When this happens, these worlds are labeled as Man-Made Death Worlds.
Humans can, and do, live on these worlds, but it is a never-ending struggle. On many death worlds it is as if the entire bio-mass of the planet were consciously motivated against human settlement - concentrating forces against intruders to destroy them. Death worlds with human settlements or colonies can have populations of 1,000 to 15,000,000.
Death worlds are not usually inhabited, and are nearly impossible to colonise but still need to be explored, which means the establishment of outposts and other support facilities. Some planets have rich mineral wealth, animal life, vegetables or gases, so tithes might range from Solutio Tertius to Solutio Prima.
The Death Korps of Krieg are Imperial Guard Regiments raised from the world of Krieg. Notoriously grim and fatalistic warriors, they seek to atone for their planet's past rebellion by dying glorious deaths in service to the Imperium. For this purpose, Death Korps regiments routinely request to fight in the galaxy's deadliest warzones, grinding their enemy down through long battles of attrition and siege warfare.
During the Crusades a heretical band of Templars dared defy the Almighty and, casting aside their sacred vows, unleashed the forces of Hell upon the Earth. Over 800 years later, in the Year of Our Lord 1914, this brutal, merciless war between the forces of Heaven and Hell rages on.
Trench Crusade is a miniature wargame and horror setting. It is a collaboration between horror artist Mike Franchina, sculptor James Sherriff, and former Games Workshop designer Tuomas Pirinen.
Brad and Eric from PoorHammer podcast join Bricky & Dk and create absolutely broken Detachment rules for Warhammer 40k tabletop and everybody suffers. If you aren't into tabletop enjoy 2 hours of incomprehensible numbers and words.
Kislev, officially the Tzardom of Kislev, also known as the "Realm of the Ice Queen," and to the Kislevites themselves as "The Motherland," is the most northerly Human realm of the Old World. It is a powerful kingdom defined by the constant need to prepare for incessant warfare against the tribes of the Chaos-worshipping Northmen on their borders. Kislev is known far and wide for having some of the greatest horsemen to ever roam the plains of the southern realms. Ruled by a mighty monarch known as a "tzar" or "tzarina," Kislev is a nation born from the saddle, its people's ancestry traced to the mighty horse-warriors of the Gospodar tribe who inhabited the Eastern Steppes for many millennia.
https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculous On the nefarious orders of Shy, Kirioth leads team of Adeptus Ridiculous on creation of original space marine chapter lore for Warhammer 40k. Bricky is mad that he can't create a chaos warband and Dk is full of bad ideas. Loyalist traitors thinking they are from loyalist gene-seed? Paranoid fear of non-existent gene-seed flaws? SNAKES? Hilarity ensues. Also it's 4 years of Adric, so there's that.
Bricky, Dk, Shy, Luetin and Charlie MoistCr1tikal join together for a discussion where they talk about Warhammer 40k, it's growing popularity, Space Marine 2, Amazon Warhammer shows, Charlie's 40k armies and pile of shame, Warhammer lore and a many other things.
Charlie: @penguinz0
Luetin: @Luetin09
Humans desire power, be it power over themselves, their fellow men, or the world around them. The Ruinous Powers exploit this desire with Dark Pacts and unnatural gifts. Sorcerers, in turn, seek to increase their capacity for warp-craft by creating items designed to draw upon the power of the warp directly, without the need for extended rituals. Some go a step further, calling forth servants of Chaos and binding them into physical cages to create daemonic weapons of great and terrible power.
Occult artifacts come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from rings engraved with esoteric symbols to great malefic engines designed to channel warp energies for often unguessable (but certainly malevolent) purposes. But no matter their appearance, these items reek of the malignant forces contained within and must be handled with great care. As it is often said, all power corrupts, and the power of the warp is both vast and subtle, more than willing to lead anyone foolish enough to think they can master it down the road to his own self-wrought ruin. Still, there are those who try, often with results as destructive as they are spectacular.
The Ordos Malleus seeks to either destroy (if possible) or seal away occult artefacts when it encounters them. Possession of such an artefact is taken to indicate complicity with Chaos and will result in sundry execution. Some Inquisitors, however, feel the best way to fight the forces of Chaos is to try and beat them at their own game; these Radicals seek to master occult artefacts (even daemon weapons) for their own use. While effective, this is a dangerous path to tread, for direct association with the powers of the warp will change a man, and never for the better.
Formerly a loyalist Space Marine Chapter known as the Crimson Sabres, the Crimson Slaughter were declared to be a Renegade Chapter in M41 following signs of psychological instability and overly-zealous activities during their campaigns. They were ultimately excommunicated from the Imperium after the events on the world of Umidia. There, they purged the planet's entire population after coming under the belief that they had been tainted by the Ruinous Powers. However subsequent intelligence indicated that Chaos Cults on the planet were indeed in the process of summoning a powerful Daemon of Khorne. Khorne, either as a reward or revenge for massacring his followers, cursed the Crimson Sabres to be haunted by the voices of all those they killed. Only further bloodshed could silence the voices, and even that was temporary. Thus the Chapter Master Sevastus Kranon led his followers into the Eye of Terror to gain a temporary peace among the realm of Chaos rather than remain in Imperial space and risk harming further innocents.
The Great Crusade that has taken humanity into the stars continues. The Emperor of mankind has handed the reins of command to his favoured son, the Warmaster Horus. Yet all is not well in the armies of the Imperium. Horus is still battling against the jealousy and resentment of his brother primarchs and, when he is injured in combat on the planet Davin, he must also battle his inner daemons. With all the temptations that Chaos has to offer, can the weakened Horus resist?
Around the entire Imperium over 85% of all planets have at least one hive city cluster.
Hives consist of great housing and factory blocks, forming ranges of man-made mountains. These huge towering urban complexes are known as city hives, or simply as hives, and their individual peaks or towers are called city spires or spires. A close group of hives is known as a hive cluster. There are often several thousand hives on a single Hive world. A Hive consists of many layers; the lowest layers form the underhive. Hives are worlds in themselves, where the populace has never seen the outer world, and concepts such as the ground and sky are completely alien. There are entire regions inside the hive blocked off by collapsed sections, where is found the treasure of the hive, the Archeotech hoards, ancient stores of technology.
Exotic planetary environments give rise to unusual hives, such as those of Landunder which cling to the floating surface crust and extend downwards into the world's oceans. Even gas giants can host hive cities suspended in their upper atmospheres, like Scitalyss or Vesmir II, which are sometimes known as skyhives. Above the latter the main hives are connected with the gas-enshrouded planet via elevator mineshafts providing a steady flow of raw materials.
The Greenskins, also known as the Orc and Goblin Tribes, are a group of related, highly primitive, bestial, humanoid species of green-skinned barbarians and raiders whose sole pursuit in life is that of war and battle. Tribes of Greenskins occupy much of the eastern hemisphere of the world of Mallus.
The term "Greenskins" is a common collective description used by many civilised realms to refer to the forces and tribes of the Orcs, Goblins and other biologically related subraces such as the Gnoblars. The broadest racial division is between the Orcs, who are strong, brutish, and savage warriors, and the Goblins, who are smaller and weaker, but more cunning and conniving creatures.
The Greenskins are considered by many to be the scourge of all other mortal civilisations. These tribal warriors are extremely violent, raiding ceaselessly, carrying war and barbarism to all corners of the known world. Time and again, hordes of Greenskins would arise without warning and lay a great swath of destruction that has no direction or purpose other than simple violence. Indeed, the Greenskin race's single motive is violence, an ever increasing mass of warfare that has the potential to dominate and cover the entire world in a seething green tide.
The Dark Mechanicum, also sometimes referred to incorrectly as the Dark Mechanicus, and who refer to themselves as the "New Mechanicum," is a sect of traitorous Tech-priests, members of the Collegia Titanica and Chaos Knights of the ancient Mechanicum who have become Hereteks in service to Chaos.
They willingly swore their loyalty to the Warmaster Horus and the Chaos Gods as the Great Crusade came to a close and the terrible galactic conflict known as the Horus Heresy erupted in the early 31st Millennium.
After the Horus Heresy ended in a pyrrhic victory for the Imperium, the traitorous forces of Chaos that had served the Warmaster were driven towards the Eye of Terror during the brutal military campaigns remembered as the Great Scouring.
The Renegade Tech-priests of the so-called Dark Mechanicum were also driven from Mars by the resurgent Loyalists amongst the newborn Adeptus Mechanicus.
Mike Brooks is the author of The God-King Chronicles epic fantasy series, beginning with THE BLACK COAST; the Keiko series of grimy space-opera novels, DARK RUN, DARK SKY and DARK DEEDS; and various works for Games Workshop’s Black Library imprint, including BRUTAL KUNNIN and ALPHARIUS: HEAD OF THE HYDRA. He was born in Ipswich, Suffolk, and moved to Nottingham to go to university when he was eighteen, where he still lives with his wife, cats, and snakes. He worked in the homelessness sector for fifteen years before going full-time as an author, plays guitar and sings in a punk band, and DJs wherever anyone will tolerate him. He is queer, and partially deaf (no, that occurred naturally, and a long time before the punk band)
In the universe of Warhammer 40,000, certain individuals called Psykers are able to call upon the raging energies of the warp with their minds and utilize psychic powers. Psychic powers are powerful abilities that can be used offensively, defensively or passively. The nature of these powers range from simple over-intelligence to Alpha-Level Psykers capable of unimaginable levels of destruction on a catastrophic scale, with most falling somewhere in between.
"Imagine that. Your limbs removed, replaced with spark-whips and nests of claws. Eyes bored from your skull and stained glass in their places. Your heart and organs fixed with stimm injectors and neuropathic glands. And then, proud in your new body, what remains of your drooling waste of a mind will be turned to the good of the Imperium. With a word of my command, you'll willingly fling yourself into the jaws of hell, a berserk flesh-machine bound for a long, long death."
Warhammer 40,000: Fire Warrior is a first-person shooter for PC and PlayStation 2. The game follows a Tau Fire Warrior, Shas'ui'T'au'Kais, and his heroic acts to save the Ethereal Ko'vash, while fighting against the forces of the Imperium (Notably the Imperial Guard and the Raptors).
Further into the game, Kais teams up alongside Captain Ardias of the Ultramarines 3rd company during a temporary cease fire negotiated between the two factions. This is because the forces of the Chaos Word Bearers intervene with the fighting on the planet. Eventually the planet is ordered to be cleansed through an Orbital Strike bombardment ordered by Ardias to rid the planet of Chaos taint.
What happens to Shas'ui'Kais in the events afterwards is unknown.
There is also a multiplayer mode consisting of Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag. Eight multiplayer maps are included with the game, Deathmatch having its own, and Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag having their own. Fire Warrior was one of the first Playstation 2 games to support 8 player multiplayer using its broadband adaptor.
The Tomb Kings are the long dead rulers of Nehekhara from thousands of years ago. Each city had several dynasties each with several kings and as such there are hundreds of kings vyeing for power now they have all risen from the dead. They would constantly wage war on each other to spread their influence across Nehekhara. The greatest kings ruled in Khemri, making it the biggest and strongest city in Nehekhara. Certainly the greatest ruler ever to grace the lands of Nehekhara rose here. Settra the Imperishable founded Khemri and conquered the entire land. He lived far longer than most before he eventually died. He was one of the last to be awoken by Nagash's spell, possibly due to his age, but he immediately took control of the kingdom back and commanded all others to return to their tombs.Each king had a pyramid built for them in the necropolis of their city, adorning it with fine statues they would use in the afterlife. Also buried with them is their kingly chariot and steeds waiting for the day they are called back to the world of life. The Tomb Kings are revived by the Liche Priests when they are needed to defend an area that Settra cannot get to in time.The loyal non-ruling sons of Kings, the Tomb Princes, were mummified and were raised as well.
Precious little is known about two of the twenty Space Marine Legions, numbered II and XI, and their respective Primarchs, as their records are simply noted as having been "expunged" or "destroyed" in Imperial listings of the 20 Legions. However, nothing is known for sure about the names of the Legions, their Primarchs, homeworlds and their ultimate fate. There are conflicting reports as to whether the two unknown Legions met their fate prior to or after the Horus Heresy and which side they joined in the Heresy, if they participated in it.
The Adeptus Arbites are the police force of the Adeptus Terra, devoted to enforcing Imperial law throughout the entire Imperium. Utterly dedicated and without mercy, the Arbites are feared throughout the galaxy, for they are the agents of a harsh law, where failure and incompetence are crimes, and the only punishment is death. Arbites are empowered to act as judge, jury and executioner – citizens have no rights, and only members of the Priesthood of Terra or the Inquisition could claim anything so elaborate as a trial.
The Soul Drinkers are a Successor Chapter of the Imperial Fists, formerly considered a Renegade Chapter.
The Soul Drinkers do not fit the standard template of Excommunicate Traitoris. Unlike most Renegade Space Marines, who have devoted themselves to the Chaos gods, the Soul Drinkers despise the Ruinous Powers as much if not more than they hate the Imperium that cast them out. Instead, they have developed an ideology that states that the Imperium has betrayed everything the Emperor has stood for; so they still fight the powers of chaos even though they disagree with what the Imperium now stands for. Some within the Chapter think that the Imperium should be destroyed for the good of mankind.
The Dwarfs, or the Dawi as they call themselves in their tongue of Khazalid, also called the "Elder Race" by Men, and sometimes as the "Dwarfen Mountain Holds" when referring to their kingdoms as a whole, are one of the oldest and proudest intelligent mortal races of the Known World, with a great wealth of history and power that stretches back to time immemorial. They once held an empire which stretched from Norsca in the north to the jungles in the Southlands, and from Mount Silverspear in the east to the Grey Mountains in the west.
Special guest @Luetin09
In this episode Luetin of the Luetin09 fame joins the boys to talk about Ultramarines & their history, Calgar, disconnect between lore and tabletop, opinions on Space Marine 2, and how it brought new and old fans back into Warhammer 40k.
What makes Warhammer 40k good? The art, the grimdark, the variety of stories to be told, DA BIG MEN WITH BIG GUNS SHOOTING EVIL ALIENS? Maybe over the top violence, taken 100% seriously? Maybe the tabletop wargame? Miniature painting and collecting? A faction for everyone, the span of mediums - from books to movies to videogames, the depth of lore? THE COMMUNITY? EXPLORATION OF FAITH & BELIEF EVEN? Let's figure it out with our special guest Pat.
The galaxy is in peril. Entire worlds are falling. The Imperium needs you.
Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine, the greatest of the Emperor’s warriors. Unleash deadly abilities and an arsenal of devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid hordes.
Hold at bay the horrors of the galaxy in epic battles on far-flung planets. Uncover dark secrets and drive back the everlasting night to prove your ultimate loyalty to humanity.
Heed the call of battle.
For there is only war.
Review code provided by publisher.
It is the 31st millennium. Under the benevolent leadership of the Immortal Emperor, the Imperium of Man has stretched out across the galaxy. It is a golden age of discovery and conquest. But now, on the eve of victory, the Emperor leaves the front lines, entrusting the great crusade to his favourite son, Horus. Promoted to Warmaster, can the idealistic Horus carry out the Emperor's grand plan, or will this promotion sow the seeds of heresy amongst his brothers? Horus Rising is the first chapter in the epic tale of the Horus Heresy, a galactic civil war that threatened to bring about the extinction of humanity.
Lost Chapters are Space Marine Chapters that have been destroyed. Some were annihilated in one sudden strike, while others were slowly diminished through attrition, being unable for whatever reason to recruit new marines fast enough to replace combat losses. Information about such chapters is often lost during the millennia and all-too scarce.
They should not to be confused with Renegade Chapters or Chaos Space Marine forces, who have been declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the Inquisition and/or the High Lords of Terra. These forces technically still exist but have gone rogue, breaking their vows of loyalty towards the Imperium. Some of them simply fell to Chaos, others are idealistic rebels who rejected the all-too oppressive Imperial authority for some reason.
In this episode the nerds talk about various weird weapons in 40k universe, from hilarious Snazzguns to deadly daemon-sword Drach'nyen, mysterious Dawn Blade and memetic Holy Orb of Antioch.
A warp jump is a form of faster-than-light travel around the Galaxy by means of entering the Warp, a parallel psychic dimension, and re-emerging to a new location in real space light years away from the starting position.
A warp jump consists of a ship entering the warp from real space by activating its warp drives to open a tear between realities, traveling the currents of the warp by means of its conventional drives for an appropriate time, and then using its warp drives to re-enter real space at a new position, having bypassed light years of galactic space. This process is known as a jump or hop, and the act of entering or leaving the warp is known as a drop, shift, or translation. In order to safely utilize the Warp for travel, one must first travel to a System's Mandeville Point. This is the closest distance that a ship can safely enter or exit Warp Space from its intended destination. If one does not travel to a Mandeville Point, they risk having their Warp jump's direction and navigational calculations interfered with by the gravity of planets and other celestial objects.
The Elves, also called the "Eldest Race," are one of the most ancient and powerful of all the intelligent mortal races of the Known World. They are tall, slender humanoids who are inherently magical and live for millennia.
There are three main cultures or kindreds of Elves in the mortal world: the High Elves (Asur), Dark Elves (Druchii) and Wood Elves (Asrai).
Compared to humans, Elves are tall, fair-skinned, and slender. Most artworks portray them with high cheekbones, slightly angular faces and slanted eyes. Some depictions show them with black eyes, while others show them with normal pupils/irises. High Elves are often shown with blonde hair, [3a] Wood Elves with brown and Dark Elves with black but these changes are minor and the three groups are for the most part physically indistinguishable. Elves are slender in build but strong. Assuming they do not die a violent death, Elves are capable of living for thousands of years. It is not considered impossible for an Elf to live to the age of 6,000, although this would be extremely unusual. Most often an Elf will not die of old age in the human fashion, rather he or she will simply grow weary of the world's troubles and lose their passion for life, eventually passing away.
Elves are inherently magical, and their long lives give magically gifted elves more than enough time to train their skill at controlling many of the winds of magic. This is in contrast to human wizards, who can usually only hope to use one form of magic. Elves are resistant to disease and to physical mutations caused by Chaos, although notably they are still vulnerable to Nurgle's Rot. There is also some evidence that Chaos can affect their minds in more subtle ways. Elves experience emotions and thoughts more intensely than most other races. At best, this can result in them spending centuries training or honing a skill to perfection. At worst, they can become "lost" in their experiences, over-indulging and losing track of reality.
The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.
Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.
At Sangua Terra, the Imperials sought to organize a defensive network collectively known as the Sanctus Wall. This consisted of systems that had previously served as Indomitus Crusade supply hubs which were quickly fortified in their own right. However, the stalemate would soon be broken, must to the shock of both sides. Abaddon’s trusted lieutenant Haarken Worldclaimer arrived with a Black Legion army.
Lord Admiral Prisca’s force soon arrived at the Grakiliod Narrow, a location that Haarken’s fleet could not bypass.
Despite heavy losses, Prisca’s fleet maintained enough momentum to break through Worldclaimer’s formation and burst through it on the other side. As the ships broke through, they peeled off left and right, unleashing waves of attack craft as they attacked the rear of the Chaos fleet as it was changing position. After many hours of fighting, Haarken had reorganized his fleet in a jaw-like formation ready to close on the Imperials. With his final order, hundreds of ships bore down on the Imperial armada. The exhausted loyalist Space Marines onboard stood little chance and were overwhelmed. Despite a brave final stand, the Imperial fleet was eventually annihilated.
Only a fraction of the Imperial fleet survived the battle to limp back to the Sanctus Wall. Prisca herself was thought dead, and her plan had achieved questionable results.
The Imperial commanders at the Sanctus Wall were disturbed by reports of the scale of the incoming Chaos armada. Meanwhile, the Inquisition continued to battle cults and hidden agents of Chaos within the worlds of the Sanctus Wall itself. Indeed, Sangua Terra, linchpin of the Sanctus Wall, is currently under mass invasion by Daemons.
Vigilus is a world situated within the Nachmund Gauntlet and one of the few passages through the Great Rift. As such, the planet has become strategically vital for the Imperium and has become a target for a wide number of its enemies.
The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.
Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.
The Empire, formally known as the Empire of Man, and named the "Land of the Hammer and the Wolf" by the Norscans, is an electoral monarchy composed of semiautonomous feudal states called "Electoral Provinces" or "Grand Provinces." The Empire is the largest, most populous, most powerful and most important of the nations of Men in the Old World.
The Empire was forged by the warrior-king and ascended deity Sigmar from the primitive tribes of Human barbarians who inhabited what became the lands of the Empire more than 2500 years ago. Although not as skilled in craftsmanship or engineering as the Dwarfs or in magic as the High Elves, the people of the Empire are not beholden by the limits of tradition to the same extent as the Elder Races and continue to progress culturally, technologically and magically.
The Blood Ravens are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown genetic origin and Founding. The origins of the Blood Ravens are shrouded in mystery and are believed to be tied to a dark truth related to the Horus Heresy. This elusive Chapter has always been drawn to the pursuit of knowledge and the acquisition of ancient lore. It produces an unusually large number of Librarians among its ranks as a high proportion of neophytes develop psychic abilities soon after their implantation with the Blood Ravens' gene-seed organs.
The Second War for Armageddon was the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves.Elements of three Space Marine Chapters were involved in the defence of Armageddon, including: the Blood Angels, Salamanders and the Ultramarines, along with dozens of regiments of the Astra Militarum, particularly the Armageddon Steel Legion native to the world, as well as a large contingent of Inquisition forces from the Ordo Xenos composed of Squat mercenaries. A notable effect of this invasion resulted in Ghazghkull earning the wrath of Commissar Sebastian Yarrick, who dedicated his efforts after the Second War to hunting down Ghazghkull, with little success.
The Lizardmen, sometimes known as the "Cold Ones" or the "Children of the Gods" among themselves, are an ancient, savage, and highly intelligent race of cold-blooded, reptilian humanoids that are the first and oldest civilisation of the Known World. Long before the rise of Men, Elves or Dwarfs, the empire of the Lizardmen ruled supreme. Alien, enigmatic, and without mercy, the Lizardmen were there when it all began and will be there when the mortal world draws its last, dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world. Such is what they were made to do, for they are the ancient servants and first creations of the Old Ones, the one, true protectors and shapers of the Known World.
Belisarius Cawl is an Archmagos Dominus of the Adeptus Mechanicus who has been involved in one of the Imperium's greatest secrets for many centuries. He first appeared openly during the Thirteenth Black Crusade of the late 41st Millennium. Cawl is known as the Dominatus Dominus, the Master of Masters, one of the highest ranks available in the Mechanicum. Unlike many Tech-Priests within the Mechanicum he does not seek to copy or discover lost technology, but to innovate.
The Elysian Drop Troops are Imperial Guard Regiments known for their rapid deployment capabilities, often deploying by rappelling or grav-chutes from Valkyrie Airborne Troop Carriers at high altitudes. These drop regiments are able to strike deep into enemy territory, specialising in ambushing the enemy or capturing important objectives, and can operate for extended periods of time without resupply.
Jago Sevatarion, known also as Sevatar, "the Condemned," and the "Prince of Crows," was the first captain of the Night Lords Legion and commander of the Atramentar, the elite Terminators of the VIIIth Legion's formidable 1st Company during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy eras of the late 30th and early 31st Millennia.
He was also an officer of the Kyroptera, the most trusted advisors and confidants of Primarch Konrad Curze within the Night Lords Legion. A native of Nostramo, Sevatar served as equerry to the Night Haunter and was one of the most lethal warriors in the Space Marine Legions of old.
Sevatarion's name and skill were as well known as other luminaries of that era, including Ezekyle Abaddon of the Sons of Horus, Corswain of the Dark Angels, Chapter Master Raldoron of the Blood Angels or Lord Commander Eidolon of the Emperor's Children.
Marvin John Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 – June 4, 2004) was an American automobile muffler repair shop owner who demolished numerous buildings with a modified bulldozer in Granby, Colorado in 2004.
Heemeyer had various grudges against Granby town officials, neighbors of his muffler shop, the local press, and various other citizens of Granby. Over about eighteen months, Heemeyer secretly armored a Komatsu D355A bulldozer with layers of steel and concrete.
On Friday, June 4, 2004, Heemeyer used the bulldozer to demolish the Granby town hall, the house of a former mayor, and several other buildings. No one else was injured or killed, in part due to timely evacuation orders.
The Adepta Sororitas (also known as "the Sisterhood" or "Daughters of the Emperor") are an all-female subdivision of the religious organisation known as the Ecclesiarchy or Ministorum. The Sisterhood's Orders Militant serve as the Ecclesiarchy's fighting arm, mercilessly rooting out corruption and heresy within humanity and every organisation of the Adeptus Terra. The terms "Adepta Sororitas" and "Sisters of Battle" are commonly assumed to mean the same thing, but the latter title technically refers only to the Orders Militant - the military arm of the organisation which is the largest and the best-known part of the Sororitas.
The Ghoul Stars, also known as the Ghost Stars, is a mysterious region of space that is a part of the Halo Stars located beyond the furthest reaches of known space, northeast of the Segmentum Ultima beyond the Eastern Fringe.
This vast tract of relatively unexplored Wilderness Space was once home to a number of Human-inhabited worlds. However, some ancient threat is believed to have been responsible for the destruction of these worlds, which accounts for the large number of Dead Worlds found within the region.
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The cause of its disappearance has not been determined.
The Abyssal Crusade was an Imperial Crusade undertaken in 321.M37. The judgement of Saint Basillius found thirty Space Marine Chapters lacking faith. The guilty Chapters were given a choice between death or embarking upon a great crusade into the Eye of Terror. All would choose the latter.
The Crusade met with disaster, and each of the Chapters that took part in it had their tale ended in great misfortune.
The crusade's mysterious and disastrous fate was kept hidden from the greater Imperium, and the Administratum denied any link to it and the increase of Chaos Space Marine raids shortly afterwards. All that is known is that 800 years after the Crusade began, the remnants of some of the judged Chapters returned from the Warp with their purity and sanity intact. Infuriated and embittered by their ordeal, they cast their sights on the legacy of Saint Basillius, the long-deceased figure now worshiped as a god.
Chaos Space Marines are genetically augmented transhumans who seek only to conquer, slaughter, and despoil. Clad in baroque power armour bedecked in macabre trophies and infernal iconography, Chaos Space Marines do battle alongside growling battle tanks, monstrous Daemon Engines, and thronging masses of cultist thralls. Some are possessed by daemonic allies, others bear Chaos-tainted artefacts or wield warp sorcery. No matter what form they take, they pursue their Long War with pitiless brutality, slaughtering any who stand in their path in an ever-escalating campaign of vengeance, conquest
Death World is a planet in which the native flora and fauna has evolved into naturally aggressive and dangerous forms. These eco-systems are finely balanced between continual destruction and lightning-fast reproduction. Death worlds take many forms, ranging from jungle-covered hell-holes with carnivorous plants and animals to barren, volcanic wastelands racked by ion storms. The most famous and notorious Death World is the hellish planet of Catachan.
Some worlds can be turned into Death Worlds, like what occurred on Indiga after numerous captive giant predators escaped from their zoos. When this happens, these worlds are labeled as Man-Made Death Worlds.
Humans can, and do, live on these worlds, but it is a never-ending struggle. On many death worlds it is as if the entire bio-mass of the planet were consciously motivated against human settlement - concentrating forces against intruders to destroy them. Death worlds with human settlements or colonies can have populations of 1,000 to 15,000,000
The Skaven are a race of humanoid rat-men, who inhabit the caves, tunnels, mines, and sewers of the Warhammer world. They control a vast Under-Empire which reaches from the Southlands to Kislev and from Estalia to the Far East.
The god of the Skaven is the Horned Rat, whose high priests form the Council of Thirteen. The direct agents of the Council are an order called the Grey Seers. Most of Skaven society is organised into innumerable clans, all of which are ruled by the Council. The four Great clans mercilessly dominate the weaker Warlord clans.
The Ynnari, also known as "the Reborn," are a kindred or religious sect of the Aeldari species comprised of members drawn from all of its other major kindreds, including the Asuryani, Aeldari Corsairs, Exodites, the Drukhari and the Harlequins.
Under the leadership of the prophet Yvraine, the "Daughter of Shades," the Ynnari seek to fully awaken the Aeldari god of the dead Ynnead, who they believe can defeat Slaanesh and restore the Aeldari species' unity and its lost glory.
Typhus, also known as "Typhus the Traveller" and the "Herald of Nurgle," originally the Space Marine named Calas Typhon of the world of Barbarus, is the Death Guard Lord of the Death Guard Traitor Legion's 1st Plague Company, and the host of the terrible plague known as the Destroyer Hive. He is a Champion of Nurgle, a Death Guard Sorcerer and the former first captain of the Death Guard Legion. Typhus is also the most feared of all Chaos Lords to command one of the legendary Plague Fleets.
That Typhus has been truly blessed by Nurgle is indisputable. When the Death Guard were adrift in the Warp during the Horus Heresy, dying from the Destroyer Plague, Calas Typhon, First Captain of the XIV Legion, absorbed the full power of the disease, becoming a vessel for this ultimate corruption. Swelling in size, his skin and armour bonded. Great pestilential funnels grew from his body, spewing forth a miasma of destruction. Calas Typhon has been transformed into Typhus, Host of the Destroyer Hive.
Out of options, Ufthak leads his Waaagh! through the mysterious webway, to a place where kunnin’, sneakin’, and thinkin’ are the name of the game. A place with little truck for muscle and brawn – Commorragh, the Dark City.
Here, where kabals and haemonculus covens pump psychic viscera into the warp, Ufthak is thrown into gladiatorial combat and soon finds himself up against an archon who will stop at nothing to prove she deserves to rule the Dark City – even if it means bringing Commorragh down around her.
But the Drukhari are about to discover that while orks may be simple, very little about them is ever straightforward.
Written by Mike Brooks. Narrated by Harry Myers.
The Primarchs were the twenty genetically-engineered "sons" of the Emperor of Mankind, and the genetic "fathers" of the Space Marine Legions. The Emperor used his own DNA in their creation, and they were designed to be far superior to the average human: immensely larger, stronger, hardier, faster, and more intelligent. They were also incredibly charismatic, as their main role was to be generals and leaders of the Imperial military. Each had their own purpose and specialty, allowing them to serve in specific functions that the Emperor's forces would need in reconquering the galaxy.
The Armageddon Steel Legion are the Imperial Guard Regiments native to the Hive World of Armageddon. True to its name, Armageddon has been the site of three massive battles in the history of the Imperium, most recently a pair of invasions by the Ork Warboss Ghazghkull Thraka. As a result, the armies of Armageddon are very skilled in fighting Orks.
The establishment of the Roanoke Colony (/ˈroʊənoʊk/ ROH-ə-nohk) was an attempt by Sir Walter Raleigh to found the first permanent English settlement in America. The colony was founded in 1585, but it was visited by a ship in 1590 and the crew found that the colonists had disappeared under unknown circumstances. It has come to be known as the Lost Colony, and the fate of the 112 to 121 colonists remains unknown to this day.
The Thousand Sons were the XV Legion of the original twenty Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch is Magnus, oft called Magnus the Red. The Legion turned traitor during the Horus Heresy, after which it relocated to Sortiarius, the Planet of Sorcerers, in the Eye of Terror, and dedicated itself to the Chaos God of change, sorcery and magic, Tzeentch. For a time it appeared that Tzeentch protected the Thousand Sons from the corruption and fragmentation that most of the other Traitor Legions underwent, but eventually the Legion went through a crisis of mutation and de-evolution, seemingly at the wish of their patron-God. Aghast at this development, their chief sorcerer, Ahriman, cast a powerful spell designed to render the Thousand Sons immune to the warping effects of Chaos. While the spell succeeded in this goal, it had an unforseen consequence of transforming the mutated Thousand Sons into little more than mystically animated suits of armour barely capable of being termed as anything more sentient than automata.
With the only surviving cognisant members being those incredibly strong in heretical psychic powers, the Thousand Sons are now a legion of ghosts led by the damned.
Magnus the Red (also known as the Crimson King, the Sorcerer-King, Cyclopean Magnus or the Red Cyclops) is the Primarch of the Thousand Sons Chaos Space Marine legion. A giant in both physical and mental terms whilst a mortal inhabitant of the materium, Magnus long tried to understand and control the warp, becoming a sorcerer of formidable power. Magnus would eventually fall from favour with his father, the Emperor, and with the majority of his brother-primarchs due to his zealous advocacy and use of such power. Indeed it would prove to be his mortal undoing, as, forewarned of Horus' fall to Chaos, his attempt to use his own warp-touched abilities to alert the Emperor to the situation brought about his own damnation and servitude to the Chaos God Tzeentch. Magnus led his own troops to the banner of Horus and fought on his side during the Great Betrayal, surviving the events and being elevated to the position of Daemon Prince. He has spent the majority of the millennia since ensconced atop his tower upon the Planet of the Sorcerers, planning the destruction of the Imperium.
Discussion about Emperor's Armor and Equipment.
The One True Armour is a suit of Power Armour commonly seen worn by the Emperor during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.
Always depicted as golden, after his wounding by Horus during the Siege of Terra it is said that the Emperor's armour was removed and melted down at his own order in order to create badges to honour the Imperial Fists Terminators that had fought beside him.
The Emperor's Sword is a giant flame-covered blade that the Emperor created by using both his mastery of science and Warpcraft.
Due to the nature of its creation, the Sword is anathema to the forces of Chaos and only the most powerful of Daemons can resist being destroyed by its mere touch.
The Emperor's Lightning Claw is an as of yet unnamed Lightning Claw that was usually seen on the Emperor's left hand during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.
The Emperor's Bolter was a as-of-yet unnamed Boltgun which was a personal weapon of the Emperor. One of the very first Boltguns, it was a progenitor all for its kind.
The Emperor's Shield was once the personal shield of the Emperor, but it is now being wielded by the reborn Primarch Lion El'Jonson in M42.
The Apollonian Spear was crafted alongside its sister the Dionysian Spear by the Emperor's own hand, deep inside his first underground fortress on Terra during the Age of Strife.
Fabius Bile, originally just Fabius and also known as the Spider and the Primogenitor is a Chaos Space Marine. Prior to the defeat of the Horus Heresy, he was a Lieutenant-Commander and Chief Apothecary of the Emperor's Children. He is now an infamous mad scientist, specializing in genetic manipulation and the creation of Enhanced Warriors. Unlike most of the Emperor's Children, Bile does not follow Slaanesh, instead he devotes himself to science, and research into the creation of Space Marines.
On April 7, 1994, Federal Express Flight 705, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10-30 cargo jet carrying electronics equipment across the United States from Memphis, Tennessee, to San Jose, California, was the subject of a hijack attempt by Auburn R. Calloway, a Federal Express employee facing possible dismissal at a hearing scheduled for the following day for having lied about his flight hours. He boarded the scheduled flight as a deadhead passenger carrying a guitar case concealing several hammers and a speargun. He tried to switch off the aircraft's cockpit voice recorder (CVR) before takeoff. Once airborne, he attempted to kill the crew with hammers so their injuries would appear consistent with an accident rather than a hijacking. The CVR, however, was switched back on by the flight engineer, believing that he had neglected to turn it on.
ft Kirioth
A daemon world is a planet twisted and corrupted by the power of Chaos and the warp from being trapped in a prolonged warp rift. Entwining the impossibilities of the warp and the reality of the physical realm, Daemon Worlds are not bound by the laws of physics, but by the whim of daemonic rulers and the emotions of mortals. The power of Daemons and Daemon Princes is greater in the Eye of Terror and other places like the Eye of Terror than it would be anywhere else in the galaxy.
Spirit Stones are made out of psycho-receptive crystals called waystones, which are grown from something similar to Wraithbone. At the moment of the Eldar's death, the stone acts like a 'psychic trap', absorbing their psychic self and preventing it from entering the warp and being consumed by the nemesis of the Eldar race: Slaanesh.
Wraithbone is a psycho-plastic substance used by the Eldar for many different tasks, including the construction of buildings, ships and weapons.
Wraithbone is essentially solidified warp energy that is manipulated by a Bonesinger into any shape that is required. It is stronger than any known plasteel and harder to damage than adamantium, and will naturally repair itself, though the process can be sped up by a Bonesinger. Being created from the warp, Wraithbone has innate psychic abilities allowing it to be used as a communications pathway as well as structural support. It carries psychic energy much as a cable carrying current does, as well as containing psychic shields to protect the occupants from the warp.
Abominable Intelligence (A.I. for short) is a term used by the Adeptus Mechanicus for a sentient machine.
During the Dark Age of Technology, these intelligences rebelled against their human masters, leading to bloody wars. Since that time, and by a personal decree of the Emperor himself, it has been forbidden to fabricate or service those machines that are able to think and act independently.
A.I. is not to be mistaken for the machine spirit that has parallels but basal differences - namely, no ability to enhance itself.
During the Dark Age of Technology, the Men of Iron were created by the Men of Stone to aid them in colonizing the Galaxy.
Until shortly before the Age of Strife, the Men of Iron were loyal only to Mankind, and served as their army. In M23, they turned on their Human masters, believing themselves superior to the Humans who relied on the Men of Iron to do virtually everything for them. What followed next was an apocalyptic conflict known as the Cybernetic Revolt, a war so destructive it made the Horus Heresy seem small in scale. The Men of Iron employed world-consuming constructs, devices that could destroy suns, weapons that could throw entire continents into the heavens, and swarms of nano-machines that covered entire planets. However in the end, the Men of Iron were destroyed by an alliance of galactic powers and even the Men of Iron who retained their loyalties to their masters did not survive the destruction brought on by the war.
The Men of Iron seemed to practice a faith similar to the Mechanicum, as one of its surviving constructs UR-025 states it has met the real Omnissiah (considering the Emperor false).
The boys come together to talk about Dune, Starship Troopers, Dredd, Event Horizon, REBEL MOON, Deathwatch, Helldivers and other things that inspired and affected Warhammer or was inspired by Warhammer in its story & visuals.
On March 1, 1932, Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. (born June 22, 1930), the 20-month-old son of colonel Charles Lindbergh and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh, was abducted from his crib in the upper floor of the Lindberghs' home, Highfields, in East Amwell, New Jersey, United States.
A psyker is a being who exhibits the ability to use psychic powers. Many races have these individuals, whereas other races are innately non-psychic and never produce psykers, like the C'tan and Necrons, which despise psykers so far as to engineer warriors that actively seek out and destroy them. Some races, like the Eldar, are inherently psychic.
Psychic powers are most commonly drawn from the Warp, but Orks draw power from their collective Waaagh!.
Psychic powers can take many forms, from predicting enemy movements to projecting bolts of devastating psychic energy. Some can even aid troops towards more devastating attacks.
Battle Group Kallides was the first sent to investigate the worrying Silent Zone, only to be immediately set upon by its Necron custodians. Unable to evacuate through the doldrums of the Nexus-stilled warp, the Imperial Fists instead sought a way to request aid from the wider Imperium. Their gambit has paid off, and reinforcements are inbound – including Battlegroup Hephaestus, composed primarily of a large Adeptus Mechanicus fleet led by the Archmagos Belisarius Cawl. Perhaps predictably, rescue plans have taken a low priority in Cawl’s stack of tasks. His cogitators are instead dominated by schemes for acquiring and processing vast quantities of noctilith – better known as blackstone – to manufacture his new liminal abraisers. These devices, he believes, will allow his fleets to precisely modulate the energies of the warp – grinding away at the strange xenos-crafted field dominating the Pariah Nexus.
Unbeknownst to the self-proclaimed greatest mind of Mars, the Necrons have become embroiled in a civil war. Dynasties loyal to the Silent King are locked in combat with those who have aligned themselves with Imotekh the Stormlord – who has denounced the authority of the mute monarch.
The Months of Shame is a term to refer to the immediate aftermath of the First War for Armageddon. Beginning as a purge by the Ordo Malleus against survivors of the conflict for fear of the lingering taint of Chaos, it escalated into skirmishes and eventual full battle with the Space Wolves. The term itself is not an official one, and indeed few in the Imperium are aware of the incident's existence. Rather, the name was coined by some within the Grey Knights, who saw the deaths of their Grand Master and Battle Brothers as a mark of shame and regret.
The 13th Black Crusade began as the in-game background to the 2003 worldwide Warhammer 40,000 Eye of Terror Campaign. At the time, it resulted in a minor victory for the Forces of Chaos. Its temporary conclusion provided the Warmaster of Chaos Undivided, Abaddon the Despoiler of the Black Legion, and his Chaotic allies the territorial foothold they had long sought within the Cadian Gate, though the servants of the Dark Gods suffered grievous losses to their naval warfleet.
The Space Wolves, known in their own dialect of Juvjk as the Vlka Fenryka or "Wolves of Fenris," are one of the original 20 First Founding Space Marine Chapters, and were once led by their famed primarch, Leman Russ. Originally the VIth Legion of Astartes raised by the Emperor at the dawn of the Great Crusade, the Space Wolves are renowned for their anti-authoritarian ways and their embrace of their homeworld Fenris' savage barbarian culture as well as their extreme deviation from the Codex Astartes in the Chapter's organisation.
After ten thousand years of dreaming, locked in stasis at the heart of his shattered home world, Lion El'Jonson wakes to the nightmare of Imperium Nihilus.
In this midnight age, the dying embers of humanity are threatened on all sides by the hungry darkness. Alone, even the Lion has no hope of prevailing against such evil – but there are those who would aid him in his quest. Hunted to the edge of endurance, many among his Fallen knights have long-awaited the day their liege would return to redeem them. The Lord of Shadowed Paths must gather these lost loyalists to his side once more, and stride forth to vanquish a traitorous son and the twisted Chaos warband that calls him master.
Faced with these strange times, the Lion can be certain of nothing and no-one, except for himself. But in a galaxy without the Emperor, without the Imperium, without his Legion, and without Caliban… who is he?
https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculous The Bone Wars, also known as the Great Dinosaur Rush, was a period of intense and ruthlessly competitive fossil hunting and discovery during the Gilded Age of American history, marked by a heated rivalry between Edward Drinker Cope (of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) and Othniel Charles Marsh (of the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale). Each of the two paleontologists used underhanded methods to try to outdo the other in the field, resorting to bribery, theft, and the destruction of bones. Each scientist also sought to ruin his rival's reputation and cut off his funding, using attacks in scientific publications.
The Necrons are a race of mechanical warriors, created from the Necrontyr. They have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for sixty million years. They are ancient beyond reckoning, pre-dating even the Eldar. At long last, however, they are beginning to awaken, seeking to reestablish the supremacy of the Necron Dynasties over the Galaxy once more.[4a] The domain of the Necrons is known to themselves as the Infinite Empire.
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Servitors are mindless drones of flesh and metal used to carry out simple, manual tasks. They are one of the few tolerated forms of robotics in the Imperium as they are simply surgically enhanced cyborgs, not true artificial intelligence. While many are vat-grown, often a criminal, particularly one who has offended the Cult Mechanicus, will be sentenced to "Servitude Imperpituis" and will be handed over to the Tech-priests to be mind-wiped, reprogrammed, and cybernetically-enhanced to serve some specific, rudimentary function.
The Vostroyan Firstborn are Imperial Guard Regiments. Vostroya is a world in the Halo Zone beyond the Eye of Terror, which swore allegiance to Mars during the Age of Strife. It is now ruled by a committee of Techtriarchs, a mix of Mechanicus Magi and more traditional Imperial planetary government. During the Horus Heresy, Vostroya refused to provide regiments to the Emperor, preferring instead to reserve the population in the manufactoria blanketing the world. After the Heresy, the Vostroyans, out of guilt, agreed to supply every family's firstborn son to service with the Imperial Guard
Lifelong Warhammer fan Bricky and grimdark greenhorn Dkdiamantes delve into the incredibly vast ocean that is Warhammer 40000 lore. From superhuman space warriors to depraved cultists and green-skinned Mad Max rejects, not even the most ridiculous aspects of this setting are off the table for these two mad men.
Noble Born, are the elite of Imperial worlds, the nobles, princes, and lords of cities, star systems, and planets ruling over boundless populations alongside other equally-privileged noble scions.
To be born into such a setting is to have been given the best that the planet has to offer, raised apart from the struggling ranks of Mankind and destined to take on positions of great import and power. This might be the finest pelts and Grox meat of a Feudal World, or the most potent of narcotics and off-world delights on a mainstay Hive World. It is also to enter into a world of deadly politics and ancient feuds, where children grow up with terrible enemies and sleep knowing there are those that would cut their throats for a taste of their hereditary position.
featuring Kirioth
The T'au (or Tau) are a young race of technologically-oriented beings from the Eastern Fringe and the dominant species of the Tau Empire. The Tau prefer to carefully plan their assaults and tend to fight only after carefully coordinating all available troops. The Tau are very much a ranged-combat oriented army. A common tactic is to engage the enemy at the maximum range of their weapons, which typically have a longer range and greater firepower than the equivalent weapons of other armies. Tau usually try to take out the strongest weapons of the enemy as well as keeping enemy troops from reaching the Tau lines, as most Tau units are weak in close combat. A more prevalent tactic amongst Tau veterans is the "Mecha-Tau" approach, which utilizes the inherent mobility and speed of Tau vehicles and battlesuits to confuse and overwhelm the enemy by engaging them at all levels of the battlefield. The basic weapons of the Fire Caste propel particles that break down into plasma pulses as they are fired. This is commonly used in the long-range pulse rifle and more portable Pulse Carbine, the latter of which sports an underslung Auxiliary grenade launcher. A rapid-fire variation of the pulse carbine, known as the burst cannon, is also used on vehicles and battlesuits.
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Edward Kelly a was an Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police-murderer. One of the last bushrangers, he is known for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police.
In the century after his death, Kelly became a cultural icon, inspiring numerous works in the arts and popular culture, and is the subject of more biographies than any other Australian. Kelly continues to cause division in his homeland: some celebrate him as Australia's equivalent of Robin Hood, while others regard him as a murderous villain undeserving of his folk hero status. Journalist Martin Flanagan wrote: "What makes Ned a legend is not that everyone sees him the same—it's that everyone sees him. Like a bushfire on the horizon casting its red glow into the night."
The Badab War is the name given to one of the most serious rebellions in recent Imperial history. While the conflict is named for a planet (or system of the same name), the war actually took place throughout the several sectors of Imperial space known as the Maelstrom Zone. The war saw four entire Space Marine Chapters secede and rebel against the Imperium.
The Badab War is notable for several reasons; the leader of the rebellious forces, Lufgt Huron, would survive the end of the war and return to trouble Imperial space once more as the Chaos-alligned warlord known as Huron Blackheart, while the conflict itself involved a significant number of warring Space Marine Chapters as the primary participants.
The Badab War is the name given to one of the most serious rebellions in recent Imperial history. While the conflict is named for a planet (or system of the same name), the war actually took place throughout the several sectors of Imperial space known as the Maelstrom Zone. The war saw four entire Space Marine Chapters secede and rebel against the Imperium.
The Badab War is notable for several reasons; the leader of the rebellious forces, Lufgt Huron, would survive the end of the war and return to trouble Imperial space once more as the Chaos-alligned warlord known as Huron Blackheart, while the conflict itself involved a significant number of warring Space Marine Chapters as the primary participants.
The Inquisition moves amongst mankind like an avenging shadow, striking down the enemies of humanity with uncompromising ruthlessness. When he finally corners an old foe, Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn is drawn into a sinister conspiracy. As events unfold and he gathers allies - and enemies - Eisenhorn faces a vast interstellar cabal and the dark power of daemons, all racing to recover an arcane text of abominable power: an ancient tome known as the Necroteuch.
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A Daemon Engine is a nightmarish artificial construct used by the forces of Chaos that is a fusion of a realspace vehicle or combat walker with a possessing Daemonic spirit of the Warp. Daemon Engines are gigantic war machines that prowl on mighty piston-driven limbs.
Jutting from their armoured torsos are gargoyle-muzzled cannons and heavy weapon-arms that end in murderous tools of war. To compare a Daemon Engine to an ordinary vehicle is folly, for each of these beasts possesses its own malevolent sentience rather than a crew.
The Raven Guard were the XIX Legion of the original Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch is Corvus Corax . Their homeworld is Deliverance (originally named Lycaeus), a moon which orbits the Hive World Kiavahr. The Legion was devastated at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy and survived only by the most desperate of measures.
The Raven Guard specialize in guerrilla warfare, moving behind enemy lines with unrivaled stealth and striking with precise application of force.
Corvus Corax is the Primarch of the Raven Guard Space Marine Legion. Growing up to become a revolutionary for the workers of Lycaeus, Corax became a master of guerrilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics. He remained true to the Emperor during the Horus Heresy, and as such his Legion took some of the heaviest losses of the war during the Drop Site Massacre.
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The Necrons are a race of mechanical warriors, created from the Necrontyr. They have lain dormant in their stasis-tombs for sixty million years. They are ancient beyond reckoning, pre-dating even the Eldar. At long last, however, they are beginning to awaken, seeking to reestablish the supremacy of the Necron Dynasties over the Galaxy once more. The domain of the Necrons is known to themselves as the Infinite Empire.
For 11 months, the Bandit led state and federal officers on a 1500-mile chase through some of the most rugged and inhospitable terrain in America. They had pursued him with helicopters, planes, dogs, trackers, and entire task forces, on horseback, by car and on foot; he had escaped them at every turn by demonstrating incredible feats of physical endurance and wilderness ingenuity. As tales of his exploits mounted, he became a folk hero, an outlaw trickster in the tradition of the Old West.
The Tyranids, also known as The Great Devourer are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures, each of which collectively forms the Hive Fleet, directed by a single Hive Mind.
The Siege of Vraks was a major campaign waged by the Imperium to reclaim the world of Vraks, first from traitorous forces, and later from Chaos. Trouble on Vraks began when the rogue Cardinal Xaphan established a powerful following on the Departmento Munitorum armoury world of Vraks, proclaiming that he was acting against doubters and heretics that threatened the Emperor's divine rule. Xaphan attempted to organize a War of Faith as he established a stranglehold on Vraks, purging any who spoke out against his zealotry. However his sermons focused on the downtrodden workers and lower of Imperial society, and soon Xaphan became a man of the people. This drew the ire of the Ordo Hereticus, which became concerned that the Cardinal was amassing too much personal power and that his preachings of hope to the lower classes may result in open class warfare on Vraks. Thus the Ordo decided to dispatch the Cardinal, deploying a lone Vindicare Assassin for the job. However the assassination attempt failed, and when the attempted murder of their "savior" at the hands of the Imperial government became known, the citizens of Vraks rose up in open revolt.
The Siege of Vraks was a major campaign waged by the Imperium to reclaim the world of Vraks, first from traitorous forces, and later from Chaos. Trouble on Vraks began when the rogue Cardinal Xaphan established a powerful following on the Departmento Munitorum armoury world of Vraks, proclaiming that he was acting against doubters and heretics that threatened the Emperor's divine rule. Xaphan attempted to organize a War of Faith as he established a stranglehold on Vraks, purging any who spoke out against his zealotry. However his sermons focused on the downtrodden workers and lower of Imperial society, and soon Xaphan became a man of the people. This drew the ire of the Ordo Hereticus, which became concerned that the Cardinal was amassing too much personal power and that his preachings of hope to the lower classes may result in open class warfare on Vraks. Thus the Ordo decided to dispatch the Cardinal, deploying a lone Vindicare Assassin for the job. However the assassination attempt failed, and when the attempted murder of their "savior" at the hands of the Imperial government became known, the citizens of Vraks rose up in open revolt.
The Siege of Vraks was a major campaign waged by the Imperium to reclaim the world of Vraks, first from traitorous forces, and later from Chaos. Trouble on Vraks began when the rogue Cardinal Xaphan established a powerful following on the Departmento Munitorum armoury world of Vraks, proclaiming that he was acting against doubters and heretics that threatened the Emperor's divine rule. Xaphan attempted to organize a War of Faith as he established a stranglehold on Vraks, purging any who spoke out against his zealotry. However his sermons focused on the downtrodden workers and lower of Imperial society, and soon Xaphan became a man of the people. This drew the ire of the Ordo Hereticus, which became concerned that the Cardinal was amassing too much personal power and that his preachings of hope to the lower classes may result in open class warfare on Vraks. Thus the Ordo decided to dispatch the Cardinal, deploying a lone Vindicare Assassin for the job. However the assassination attempt failed, and when the attempted murder of their "savior" at the hands of the Imperial government became known, the citizens of Vraks rose up in open revolt.
The Deathwatch is a unique and specially trained Space Marine Chapter that dedicates its every hour to xenos hunting.
Known as the Shield that Slays, they are the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos, charged with protecting it in its search of information, containment, and ultimate destruction of all xeno species. Consisting of Battle-Brothers drawn from many Chapters, the Deathwatch operates from Watch Fortresses and Watch Stations across the whole of the Imperium.
On the nightmare battlefields of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, few foes spark more fear and dread than the Chaos Space Marines. Nurturing a hatred that is millennia-old, they attack without mercy, spreading terror and destruction in their wake. Now hell has come to Hydra Cordatus, for a massive force of terrifying Iron Warriors, brutal assault troops of Chaos, have invaded the planet and lain siege to its mighty imperial citadel. But what prize could possibly be worth so much savage destruction and how long can the defenders possibly hold out?
The Tyranids, also known as The Great Devourer are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures, each of which collectively forms the Hive Fleet, directed by a single Hive Mind. The Tyranid swarm is endless and constantly evolving, and in any given Hive Fleet there are an endless variety of creatures that have been incorporated into the Swarm. Certain Tyranid units are considered Synapse Creatures, whose job it is to control the lesser species within the swarm and exert the will of the Hive Mind.
The Tyranids, also known as The Great Devourer are an extragalactic alien race, whose sole purpose is the consumption of all forms of genetic and biological material in order to evolve and reproduce. Tyranid technology is based entirely on biological engineering. Every function is carried out by living, engineered creatures, each of which collectively forms the Hive Fleet, directed by a single Hive Mind. The Tyranid swarm is endless and constantly evolving, and in any given Hive Fleet there are an endless variety of creatures that have been incorporated into the Swarm. Certain Tyranid units are considered Synapse Creatures, whose job it is to control the lesser species within the swarm and exert the will of the Hive Mind.
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In June 1962, inmates Clarence Anglin, John Anglin, and Frank Morris escaped from Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, a maximum-security prison located on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay. Late on the night of June 11 or early morning of June 12, the three men tucked papier-mâché heads resembling their own likenesses into their beds, broke out of the main prison building via ventilation ducts and an unused utility corridor, and departed the island aboard an improvised inflatable raft to an uncertain fate. A fourth conspirator, Allen West, failed in his escape attempt and remained on the island.
New circumstantial and material evidence has continued to surface, stoking new debates on whether the inmates managed to survive.
The Grey Knights are the legendary Chapter 666 - and although nominally a Chapter of the Astartes, they are in the Chamber Militant of the Inquisition. Each member of the chapter undergoes a grueling selection process, and even once inducted, their harsh training regime is without equal. In battle, they move as an army of silver ghosts, surrounded by awe, and equipped to the teeth to deal with the worst foes that Chaos can raise to meet them.
Kaldor Draigo is the 48th and current Supreme Grand Master of the Grey Knights. He wields the legendary Titansword.
The Grey Knights are a secret and mysterious Chapter of Space Marines specifically tasked with combating the dangerous daemonic entities of the Warp and all those who wield the corrupt power of the Chaos Gods. They were created by the Emperor with the aid of Malcador the Sigillite at the time of the Horus Heresy to serve as Humanity's greatest weapon against the threat posed by the existence of Chaos.
The existence of the Chapter is virtually unknown outside of the Inquisition and the highest echelons of the Imperial adepta, and is a well-guarded secret enforced by mind-wipes and even assassination of Imperial citizens if necessary.
There is no time for peace. No forgiveness. No respite. There is only war.
Hive Fleet Leviathan had arrived, a new threat greater than anything that had come before. As the Great Rift tore the galaxy in two, Leviathan faced resistance from the Imperium, resurgent heretics, xenos armies, and even the daemons of Chaos. Kryptman’s machinations saw its tendrils slowed – caught in a cordon of exterminated worlds, or lured into a quagmire of Ork warfare in the Octarius Sector – but never stopped.
The Tyranids had their sights set on yet another Space Marine home world, this time the Blood Angels – but so too did the forces of Chaos. This ensuing battle between aliens, daemons, and around 30,000 Sons of Sanguinius led by Commander Dante left Baal and its moons even more ruined than before.
Here it seemed Leviathan had been stopped in its tracks, and Roboute Guilliman could focus his attention on the Indomitus Crusade. But it turns out Leviathan was far from defeated, as the beast’s maw closes on the beleaguered Imperium once again, from a wholly new direction…
Da Red Gobbo is the leader of the Rebel Grots and is the head of Gretchin Revolutionary Committee (GRC or just Da Kommitte) of the Grots. He is known to wear a red cape to show his support of "Da Revolushun". While not every Gretchen believes in the Red Gobbo, with some claiming he is just a legend, this quickly changes for most Grots should one appear before them.
The Iron Hands were the X Legion of the twenty original Space Marine Legions, sometimes referred to as the "Iron Tenth". Their Primarch is Ferrus Manus. Like the other loyalist Legions, much of the Iron Hands forces would later, according to the dictates of the Codex Astartes, be re-organized into smaller Chapters. The Iron Hands are notable for their heavy use of bionics and their reverence for all things mechanical, and thus their close ties to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is an urban legend focused on a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The idea of the area as uniquely prone to disappearances arose in the mid-20th century, but most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery.
Ferrus Manus, (literally "Hand of Iron") the Gorgon, was one of the twenty Primarchs created by the Emperor before the Great Crusade. He led the Iron Hands Space Marine Legion. During his time on the world of Medusa Manus's hands became encased in a hard metallic substance, and he became known for his iron resolve and disdain for weakness.
The Senatorum Imperialis (officially the Lords Temporal, Martial and Ecclesiarchical of the Most Divine and Righteous Imperium of Mankind) collectively form the Council of the High Lords of Terra. The Senatorum is an Imperial governing body led by twelve leaders of the most powerful organisations of the Imperium. This body rules the Imperium in the Emperor's name. The Senatorum itself is composed of tens of thousands of Imperial dignitaries, nobleman, lords, and other officials, but these rarely meet and instead the "High Twelve" conduct the vast majority of affairs.
The task of the High Lords is to interpret and enact the will of the Emperor. Accordingly, the position of High Lord was the most powerful in the Imperium until the reemergence of Roboute Guilliman, who declared himself Imperial Regent, or the Emperor's Living Voice.
https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/collections/adeptus-ridiculous The Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter (also known as the Hopkinsville Goblins Case or Kelly Green Men Case) was a claimed close encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1955 near the communities of Kelly and Hopkinsville in Christian County, Kentucky, United States. UFOlogists regard it as one of the most significant and well-documented cases in the history of UFO incidents, while skeptics say the reports were due to "the effects of excitement" and misidentification of natural phenomena such as meteors and owls. The United States Air Force classified the alleged incident as a hoax in the Project Blue Book files. Psychologists have used the alleged incident as an academic example of pseudoscience to help students distinguish truth from fiction.
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The Dark Angels were the I Legion of the twenty original Space Marine Legions. Their Primarch is Lion El'Jonson. Though they claim complete allegiance and service to the Emperor of Mankind, their actions and secret goals at times seem at odds with that professed loyalty, as the Dark Angels strive above all other things to atone for an ancient crime of betrayal committed over 10,000 standard years ago during the Horus Heresy, when some of their brethren were turned to the side of Chaos.
These traitors are known to those few Dark Angels granted knowledge of their existence as the "Fallen Angels" or just "The Fallen." In the eyes of the Chapter's leaders, there is only one way that the Chapter can ever atone for its shame, restoring its honour and trust in the eyes of the Emperor -- all of the Fallen must be found and either made to repent their ancient sin, or slain.
Lion El'Jonson, also known as The Lion and The First, is the Primarch of the Dark Angels. He was scattered along with the other Primarchs to the far corners of the galaxy. He finally came to rest on the world Caliban, a beautiful but blighted world tainted by Chaos due to its proximity to the Eye of Terror. Lion El'Jonson was renowned for a level of strategic brilliance and martial prowess that was rivaled perhaps only by Horus, but was distrusted by his brother Primarchs for his secretive and taciturn nature. The Chaos emissary to Lorgar called him the Duelist.
At the end of a long and bloody road, the armies of the Farsight Enclaves stand poised to secure final victory over the Ork hordes. As Commander Farsight's audacious attack reaches a critical stage, an Ark of Omen and its attendant Balefleet erupt from the warp to shatter the balance of the conflict. Thrown into a desperate fight for survival amidst a furious three-way war, the T'au are driven to take desperate measures. Their fighting retreat sees them forced to make planetfall on a world that O'Shovah vowed never to set foot upon again. With all other options exhausted, and foes closing in on all sides, the T'au begin a hit-and-run battle amongst the lifeless wastes and eerie ruins of Arthas Moloch itself. Entangled by the galactic machinations of Vashtorr the Arkifane and his unholy servants, overrun by bellowing greenskin hordes and threatened by dark and insidious powers from beyond the veil, O’Shovah may face his final doom. Will aid reach him in time? Will the servants of the Dark Gods secure their diabolical prize? Or will this conflict reach an altogether darker and stranger end?
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Operation Mincemeat was a successful British deception operation of the Second World War to disguise the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily. Two members of British intelligence obtained the body of Glyndwr Michael, a tramp who died from eating rat poison, dressed him as an officer of the Royal Marines and placed personal items on him identifying him as the fictitious Captain (Acting Major) William Martin. Correspondence between two British generals that suggested that the Allies planned to invade Greece and Sardinia, with Sicily as merely the target of a feint, was also placed on the body. Forensic examination showed these documents had been read and Ultra decrypts of German messages showed that the Germans fell for the ruse. German reinforcements were shifted to Greece and Sardinia before and during the invasion of Sicily; Sicily received none. The full effect of Operation Mincemeat is not known, but Sicily was liberated more quickly than anticipated and losses were lower than predicted.
Vashtorr the Arkifane, daemon demigod of the soul forges, has fixed his gaze upon the Rock. Somewhere deep within the spacefaring battle station and fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels lies a prize that the Arkifane will spend countless lives to seize. Gathering a terrifying Balefleet around him, riding to battle aboard the most vast and grotesque Ark of Omen yet, Vashtorr closes his ironclad talons around the heart of the Dark Angels Chapter and prepares to crush it. Yet the Dark Angels are a stubborn and strategically brilliant Chapter. Even in the face of such sudden and calamitous adversity, their grim resolve comes to the fore. Rousing every warrior and weapon at their disposal, the Dark Angels dig in and prepare to fight for every corridor, every echoing chamber, dark oubliette and shadowed stairway. They are led in their defence by Supreme Grand Master Azrael, who will see the servants of the Dark Gods driven from the Rock no matter the cost. As battle rages and the fight grows ever more desperate, neither invaders nor defenders suspect that a third power moves in the shadows, preparing to strike...
The Imperium is beset by horrors. Xenospecies too numerous to mention are bent on our destruction. Only by naming and studying these predators does humanity stand any chance of survival. And by circumstance, or perhaps by divine will, it has fallen to me, Captain Janus Draik, Rogue Trader and first son of House Draik, to codify the myriad threats aligned against us. In the westernmost reaches of the galaxy I have braved the nightmarish pits of the Blackstone Fortress and the lawless dens of its orbital platform, Precipice. Through exploration of these treacherous environs, I have unearthed truths hidden from even the most learned Terran scholars. Here, in the galaxy's first truly comprehensive work of xenology, I have determined the terrifying face of our foe.
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Rylanor, known as Ancient Rylanor and Rylanor the Unyielding, was a Venerable Dreadnought and hero of the Emperor's Children Legion during the Great Crusade. He served as the IIIrd Legion's "Ancient of Rites," and had been mortally wounded battling the Aeldari in the late 30th Millennium, solar decades before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. Following his wounding, Rylanor was interred within the adamantium shell of a Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought. Betrayed unto his own death by the duplicitous actions of the Warmaster Horus, Rylanor rallied the surviving Loyalist Emperor's Children and fought against the Traitors during the Battle of Isstvan III. He would survive the battle, and spent the next ten thousand Terran years planning to gain vengeance upon the man he truly blamed for the great betrayal - his own Primarch, Fulgrim.
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The fleets of the Imperial Navy are made up of multiple vessels that can be divided into three broad size categories: Battleships and Grand Cruisers, Cruisers, and Escorts. The actual size of starships in the Warhammer 40,000 universe is debatable; however, it is worth noting that the upper size of an Imperial Escort mentioned is 30 kilometers from the Black Library story "Wolf Pack" by Gordon Rennie, though the HDMS Lord Solar Macharius is noted to be just 3 kilometres long. The general consensus is that in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Imperial Escort vessels are anywhere between 750 metres and 3 kilometres in length, Cruisers are anywhere between 5 and 6 kilometres long and Battleships anywhere between 6 and 8 kilometres.
https://www.patreon.com/AdeptusRidiculous https://www.adeptusridiculous.com/ https://twitter.com/AdRidiculous https://orchideight.com/ https://www.collectiblesquids.com/ code: ADRIC The Imperial Navy, known as the Navis Imperialis in High Gothic, is one of the primary armed forces of the Imperium of Man. While the Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) represents the Imperium's ground forces, the Imperial Navy is responsible for the fleets of starships that maintain order between the stars and planets in the Imperium, for all space and air support provided to the infantry of the Astra Militarum through its Aeronautica Imperialis branch, and for transporting those Guardsmen across the galaxy to the Imperium's myriad warzones. The battlefleets of the Imperial Navy are constantly engaging threats both inside and outside the Imperium's borders.
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In West Virginia folklore, the Mothman is a humanoid creature reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15, 1966, to December 15, 1967. The first newspaper report was published in the Point Pleasant Register, dated November 16, 1966, titled "Couples See Man-Sized Bird ... Creature ... Something". The national press soon picked up the reports and helped spread the story across the United States. The source of the legend is believed in modernity to have originated from sightings of out-of-migration sandhill cranes or herons. The Mothman was introduced to a wider audience by Gray Barker in 1970, and was later popularized by John Keel in his 1975 book The Mothman Prophecies, claiming that there were supernatural events related to the sightings, and a connection to the collapse of the Silver Bridge. The book was later adapted into a 2002 film, starring Richard Gere. An annual festival in Point Pleasant is devoted to the Mothman legend
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A Titan, sometimes colloquially called a "god-engine" or "god-machine," is any one of several classes of massive, crewed, robotic combat walkers fielded by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus' Collegia Titanica or by the forces of Chaos' Dark Mechanicum.
Originally, this term referred to many types of large combat walkers used by all of the different factions of the Milky Way Galaxy. Titans are always considered the largest and most powerful types of war engines available to the different factions of the galaxy.
Titans are the most sacred war machines of the Adeptus Mechanicus and they are thought by the Cult Mechanicus to be the greatest physical embodiments of the Machine God in the material universe, rightly called "god-machines" and "god-engines" by the Tech-priests.
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It is a time of legend.
The Galaxy is in flames. The Emperor's glorious vision for Humanity is in ruins. His most stalwart son, Rogal Dorn, has turned from his father's light and embraced the Ruinous Powers.
His armies, the mighty and redoubtable Space Marines, are locked in a brutal civil war. Once, these ultimate warriors fought side by side as brothers, protecting the galaxy and bringing Mankind back into the Emperor's light. Now they are divided.
Some remain loyal to the Emperor, whilst others have sided with the Arch-Betrayer. Pre-eminent amongst them, the leaders of their thousands-strong Legions are the Primarchs. Magnificent, superhuman beings, they are the crowning achievement of the Emperor's genetic science. Thrust into battle against one another, victory is uncertain for either side.
Worlds are burning. At Isstvan V, Dorn dealt a vicious blow and three loyal Legion were all but destroyed. War was begun, a conflict that will engulf all Mankind in fire. Treachery and betrayal have usurped honour and nobility. Assassins lurk in every shadow. Armies are gathering. All must choose a side or die.
Dorn musters his armada, Terra itself the object of his wrath. Seated upon the Golden Throne, the Emperor awaits for his wayward son to return. But His true enemy is Chaos, a primordial force that seeks to enslave Mankind to its capricious whims.
The Age of Knowledge and enlightenment has ended. The Age of Darkness has begun.
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The Orks, also called greenskins, are a savage, warlike, green-skinned species of humanoids who possess physiological features of both animals and fungi who are spread all across the Milky Way Galaxy.
They are seen by their enemies (pretty much everyone else in the universe) as savage, violent, and crude, but they are the most successful species in the whole galaxy, outnumbering possibly every other intelligent starfaring species, even Humanity (with the very plausible exception of the Tyranids).
But what about their vehicles? Trukks, Stompas, Gorkonauts, Kill Rigs – we have no idea how the Orks make them work, but we do know they are tough and with the newst addition of Wurrboys and a few Tramplasquigs, quite a bit weird.
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On the forge world of Morod, the machines never stop and the work never ends. The population toil in the mines and factoria to protect humanity from the monsters in the void, while the Adeptus Mechanicus enjoy lives of palatial comfort.
Genetor Gammat Triskellian seeks to end this stagnant corruption. When he learns of a twisted congregation operating within the shadows, one which believes that the tech-priests are keeping the people from their true salvation – a long-prophesied union with angels – he sees in them an opportunity to bring down Morad’s masters and reclaim the world in the name of progress.
But sometimes, the only hope for real change lies in the coming of monsters.
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Sanguinius or The Great Angel was the Primarch of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter. One of the most beloved figures in the Imperium, Sanguinius was among both the most noble and mightiest Primarchs. His charisma, humility, and loyalty to the Emperor to the point of self-sacrifice has earned him a great deal of reverence, even in the 41st Millennium.
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The Leagues of Votann have emerged from the depths of the galactic core. To face their armies in battle is to stand before an armoured avalanche that crushes all in its path. It is to be appraised and then brusquely dealt with by attackers who see you as little more than an obstruction to profit – or worse, as a hated nemesis whose annihilation is worth any cost. To their partners in trade and war, the Kin are invaluable allies. Yet those they deem a risk to their peoples' survival face destruction, meted out with the same relentless rigour that the Kin apply to all their undertakings.
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The Leagues of Votann (Or Squats (Homo Sapiens Rotundus)) have emerged from the depths of the galactic core. To face their armies in battle is to stand before an armoured avalanche that crushes all in its path. It is to be appraised and then brusquely dealt with by attackers who see you as little more than an obstruction to profit – or worse, as a hated nemesis whose annihilation is worth any cost. To their partners in trade and war, the Kin are invaluable allies. Yet those they deem a risk to their peoples' survival face destruction, meted out with the same relentless rigour that the Kin apply to all their undertakings.
The Hinterkaifeck murders occurred on the evening of 31 March 1922, when six inhabitants of a small Bavarian farmstead, located approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) north of Munich, Germany, were murdered by an unknown assailant. The six victims were Andreas Gruber (aged 63) and Cäzilia Gruber (aged 72); their widowed daughter Viktoria Gabriel (aged 35); Viktoria's children, Cäzilia (aged 7) and Josef (aged 2); and the maid, Maria Baumgartner (aged 44). They were all found struck dead. The perpetrator (or perpetrators) lived with the six corpses of their victims for three days.
Four of the dead bodies were stacked up in the barn, the victims having been lured into there one by one. Prior to the incident, the family and their previous maid reported hearing strange sounds coming from the attic, which led that maid to quit. The case remains unsolved to this day.
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A Genestealer Cult is a xenos-worshipping secret society made up of and controlled by Tyranid Genestealers that thrives in the dark corners of the Imperial underworld across the galaxy. Secretive, stealthy, and utterly malignant, Genestealer Cults are the cancers growing unseen in the hidden spaces of Mankind's realm.
Their purpose is to rise up and take control of Imperial worlds in the name of a xenos god that is actually a Tyranid Hive Fleet. Once the world is under their control, the cultists' psychic emanations are picked up by the closest Hive Fleet's extension of the Hive Mind which is then drawn to consume the world, cultists and all.
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Guest: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChapterMasterValrak
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40-year-old Arthur Duperrault was a successful contact lens optometrist. He and his family resided in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and he had long dreamed of taking his wife and children on a week-long family cruise from the Florida Keys to The Bahamas, which he had sailed during his World War II service, as opposed to the family facing another cold Wisconsin winter. For several years, the Duperraults had saved money for this opulent experience.
By the summer of 1961, the Duperrault family had saved enough money to finance this cruise. The family arrived in Fort Lauderdale in early November, where they chartered the 60-foot (18 m) ketch the Bluebelle, stationed at the Bahia Mar Marina, for $515. Duperrault hired a well-known local yachtsman, 44-year-old Julian Harvey (with whom he was acquainted), to skipper the vessel for $100 per day. Harvey's sixth wife, 34-year-old former stewardess and aspiring writer Mary Dene Harvey (née Jordan), was also appointed to serve as a cook on the ketch. The Duperrault family boarded the Bluebelle at around midday on Wednesday, November 8, 1961. The vessel was last seen leaving port early that afternoon.
At approximately 12:35 p.m. on Monday, November 13, a crew member aboard the oil tanker Gulf Lion observed a man identified as Julian Harvey, waving frantically from a dinghy drifting in their direction and shouting, "Help! I have a dead baby on board!" . What happened on board of the Bluebelle? Learn on this episode of Adeptus Ridiculous.
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Amidst the galaxy-wide war of the Great Crusade, the Emperor castigates the Word Bearers for their worship. Distraught at this judgement, Lorgar and his Legion seek another path while devastating world after world, venting their fury and fervour on the battlefield. Their search for a new purpose leads them to the edge of the material universe, where they meet ancient forces far more powerful than they could have imagined. Having set out to illuminate the Imperium, the corruption of Chaos takes hold and their path to damnation begins. Unbeknownst to the Word Bearers, their quest for truth contains the very roots of heresy...
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The Yuba County Five were young men from Yuba City, California, with mild intellectual disabilities or psychiatric conditions, who attended a college basketball game at California State University, Chico, on the night of February 24, 1978. Four of them—Bill Sterling, 29; Jack Huett, 24; Ted Weiher, 32; and Jack Madruga, 30—were later found dead; the fifth, Gary Mathias, 25, has never been found.
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In the far reaches of Imperial space, a ferocious warp storm approaches an Administratum world, cutting off the entire planet from the rest of the Imperium. As their towering grey spires are punished by endless rain, countless administrators, tithe-masters, and book-keepers are forced to evacuate. Among them is Greta, a lowly data-drone with a terrible secret, wanted for questioning by the sadistic Imperial interrogator Stefan Crucius. As disaster strikes and the pair are left stranded in the depths of the drowning city, captor and captive must co-operate to stand any chance of escaping. But a mysterious presence stalks them through the abandoned, flooded towers, a dread entity each must confront but which neither dare acknowledge, a Watcher in the Rain.
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On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1945, a fire destroyed the Sodder residence in Fayetteville, West Virginia, United States. At the time, it was occupied by George Sodder, his wife Jennie, and nine of their ten children. During the fire, George, Jennie, and four of the nine children escaped. The bodies of the other five children have never been found. The surviving Sodder family believed for the rest of their lives that the five missing children survived.
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Check out Kirioth: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG15DOaAVIpl13UqPP1mTRg
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D. B. Cooper is a media epithet used to refer to an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in United States airspace on the afternoon of November 24, 1971. The aircraft was operated by Northwest Orient Airlines and was flying from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington. The hijacker extorted $200,000 in ransom (equivalent to $1,278,000 in 2020), asked to be flown to Reno, Nevada, then parachuted to an uncertain fate over southwestern Washington part-way through the second flight. A small portion of the ransom was found along the banks of the Columbia River in 1980, which triggered renewed interest but ultimately only deepened the mystery; the great majority of the ransom remains unrecovered. The man purchased his airline ticket using the alias Dan Cooper but, because of a news miscommunication, became known in popular culture as D. B. Cooper.
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Bricky suddenly fell ill with flu and we couldn't record an episode this week, so we are releasing book club episode that we recorded earlier instead of the main episode today, sorry! Hopefully Bricky will feel better asap and we will be back to our regular schedule next week.
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The Orks, also called greenskins, are a savage, warlike, green-skinned species of humanoids who possess physiological features of both animals and fungi who are spread all across the Milky Way Galaxy.
They are seen by their enemies (pretty much everyone else in the universe) as savage, violent, and crude, but they are the most successful species in the whole galaxy, outnumbering possibly every other intelligent starfaring species, even Humanity (with the very plausible exception of the Tyranids).
The Age of Apostasy was a second period of interstellar civil war that consumed the Imperium of Man in the early 36th Millennium. The terrible conflicts of the Age of Apostasy grew out of a political struggle between the Administratum and the Adeptus Ministorum for dominance over the Imperium.
#warhammer #40k #adeptusridiculous
The Horus Heresy was a galaxy-spanning civil war that consumed the worlds of Mankind for 9 Terran years. Its outbreak marked the end of the Emperor of Mankind's Great Crusade to reunite the scattered colony worlds of humanity under a single government and the beginning of the current Age of the Imperium. The Horus Heresy is in many ways the founding event of the Imperium of Man as it now exists.
We return to our Warhammer 40000 lore podcast as Emperor of Mankind and Horus Lupercal are happily conquering the galaxy with a bunch of other Primarchs, reuniting humanity shattered by the Age of Strife. Everything is going great, until Emperor spanks one of his sons Lorgar for loving him too much buggers off back to Terra leaving his favorite son at the mercy of Erebus the Douche. Part 2 of our ongoing Horus Heresy series.
The boys discuss all the various ages of the galaxy, from golden to not so golden, and the coming of the most powerful of reddit moderators, the Emperor of Mankind.
The Fall of Eldar and birth of chaos god Slaanesh has the dubious honor of setting the stage for the grimdark Warhammer 40k universe as we know it.
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Story of Warhammer 40k begins 60 million years before the endless wars, Imperium or the Emperor.
In the grim darkness of the far future, trench warfare is still somehow a thing.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.