77 avsnitt • Längd: 85 min • Månadsvis
The Healing Birth with Carla podcast explores the topic of birth trauma and how healing can be found. We’ll share the stories of parents who have journeyed from trauma to healing, and we’ll discuss the insights of birth keepers who support others on their healing path.
Listeners can expect to be inspired, to find hope and help on their own birthing journeys, and to learn. This podcast is for anyone who intends to give birth, has given birth, or has a passion for birth in all her reverent and sacred offerings.
The podcast Healing Birth with Carla is created by Carla Sargent. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Millie’s father passed away just prior to her first pregnancy. She was consumed by grief and had no capacity to take birth preparation on board. Just shy of 42 weeks pregnant, Millie agreed to an induction and a sequence of disempowering, sometimes traumatising, events played out, including a 3rd degree tear which required 2.5 hours of surgical repair, separating her from her newborn at this critical time.
Now, 6 weeks postpartum with her second baby, Millie has quite a different story to share of pregnancy and birth. Encouraged by her midwife, Millie chose a home birth this time, and she did the inner work necessary to set herself up for a vastly different, very empowering, experience.
Tune in to hear all about the self work that’s required to honour the need for a healing birth. Millie shares all of her top tips and invaluable resources.
Also discussed in this episode:
* ARM/Syntocinon
* Unconsented student midwife involvement
* Cervical lip - told not to push
* Painful catheterisation
* Fetal heart decelerations
* haematoma
* physical trauma
* Soulful Birth course
* Acupuncture
* 40 minute physiological 3rd stage
* Journaling
Learn more about my (Carla’s) Soulful Birth course here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthgroup
Or there is the option to do a personalised Soulful Birth For You course with me, 1:1. Check out the details here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthforyou
Candice, a midwife, recently gave birth to her second baby. We worked together during her pregnancy, helping her to unpack the story of her first birth and to prepare for a different experience this time around. Mildred’s birth had been shockingly painful for Candice, and she exhaustedly made the call to abandon her home birth plans in order to have an epidural in hospital. This left her with feelings of shame and self doubt, especially given she was a midwife. But doing the self-work required to unravel her traumatic experience and find compassion for how she had coped, enabled Candice to manage another very painful posterior labour in an entirely different way.
Candice’s story highlights our undeniable mind-body connection and its very real impacts on how we birth. When we enter labour with unhealed traumas and experience the inevitable loss of control that giving birth entails, many, like Candice, experience this as hugely triggering. Tune in to Candice’s vulnerable share about how she worked through her fears to ready herself, as best she could, for a beautiful and empowering home birth.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Posterior labour - direct OP birth
* Long early labour
* Nitrous oxide - gas & air (at home birth)
* Ventouse birth
* Second degree tear
* Effects of childhood trauma on birth
* Difficulties bonding with baby
* Work with me - Havening, Unravelling Your Trauma session, Planning Your Healing Birth session, Soulful Birth online course
* Journal prompts and guided meditation
* Tools for managing fears (especially around pain) in labour
* Affirmations
* Water birth
* Self vaginal exam
* Requesting a managed 3rd stage an hour postpartum
* Tandem feeding
Follow Candice on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/villagebirthnz/
Learn more about healing with me (Carla) here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
And learn more about my online Soulful Birth (holistic birth & postpartum preparation) course here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthgroup
When Nathalie got married in her 20s, she and her husband were set on a life without children. They had met in an ashram in India, studying Vedanta philosophy, and were of the view that parenthood was a distraction from the spiritual path. But some years into their marriage, Nathalie developed a growing, undeniable urge to become a Mother.
With her biological clock ticking, and a marriage where needs were no longer aligned, Nathalie and her husband separated. He returned to NZ, and she went on a wild journey of self discovery, delving into the more feminine aspects of her nature, and doing her all to call in the man who would father her children.
As I talk to Nathalie today, her boy Sage, now 7 weeks old, is being cared for by his Dad, Ivan, in their LA apartment. She shares with me about the challenges she faced, and preparations she undertook, to achieve a positive and rewarding birth experience. Find out how her childless ex-husband came to be the one who enthusiastically encouraged Nathalie to explore home birth, and suggested that she contact me for guidance around achieving that. It’s quite the story!
Also discussed in this episode:
* Breast reduction surgery and its impact on milk production
* Donor milk, low supply, supplemental nursing system, triple feeding
* Home birth obstetrician
* Fears of going post-dates. ‘The labor salad’ & castor oil smoothie
* Chinese medicine - Nathalie is an acupuncturist
* Denial/suppression of feminine aspects of self - healing the guilt and shame of being a woman
* Dr Sarah Buckley’s work
* Bed-sharing
* Positive impacts of home birth on postpartum
Nathalie worked with me (Carla) via both my 1:1 and Group Soulful Birth (holistic birth and postpartum preparation) options. For more information on these, head to this webpage: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/birthprep
Check out Nathalie’s work here: https://nathalievitality.com/
For someone who, like so many out there, had been under the illusion that their hideous cesarean births were ‘just the way birth was’ and not justifiably classified as traumatic, Kiki, having just birthed her third baby at home, has quite the story to tell! She and her husband, Adam, share about initially being under the veil of disempowering conditioning, and the journey they went on to achieve an undisturbed home birth just 6 weeks ago.
Kiki’s is a powerful story of courage and self-determination. The system had her labelled as ‘high risk’ due to multiple factors that Kiki came to see were not based on good evidence, didn’t align with what she instinctively knew, and were tools in the patriarchal birth machine, designed to keep her scared and under the control of the system. Once she learnt that she was rightfully the one behind the steering wheel, Kiki stood in her power and readied herself for the birth that she and her baby needed and deserved.
I had the honour of being a part of Kiki’s pregnancy journey, helping her to learn the truth about her earlier births, and sourcing the tools, understandings and wise woman sisterhood that she needed in order to take radical responsibility for the way her birth would unfold. At almost 39 weeks of pregnancy, her midwife dropped her, afraid of Kiki’s uncompromising approach to planning her birth. This turned out to be an absolute blessing, opening the door for some incredible midwives to rally around Kiki, supporting her right to birth her way.
Kiki now seeks to pay it forward. She has found her voice and has a fire in her belly, and she’s determined to do all she can to tear down the patriarchal structures that keep birthing women from accessing their power in the wondrous rite of passage that birth is.
Also discussed in this episode:
* NFP ‘The Village NZ’
* Australian maternity system - no continuity of care
* Artificial rupture of membranes - meconium
* Syntocinon augmentation
* Epidural
* Crash c section under GA
* Lack of initial bond with baby
* Gestational diabetes
* Inaccurate ultrasound scans
* ‘Advanced maternal age’ (41 years)
* Detailed birth plans
* Responsibilities
* Soulful Birth course
* Freebirth
* Doula
* ‘Unravelling Your Trauma’ session with Healing Birth Practitioner trainee
* Born at Home and Birth Time films
* Sibling at birth
Join the Wise Women Network NZ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/538842372367843
Check out The Village NZ: https://thevillagenz.org/
Contact Michelle if you’re a birth worker who is interested in becoming a part of the ‘Authentic Midwifery - Wise Women Collective’ - email her on [email protected]. Or connect with her via her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MichelleandIzzy
Join my (Carla’s) Soulful Birth course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthgroup
Look into my Healing Birth Practitioner Training: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Nell was one of a number of wonderful, and sorely needed, home birth midwives who was mandated out of her job when the Covid epidemic swept the world. When she was legally allowed to re-enter her profession, she chose not to, instead asking the Midwifery Council to remove her from the register altogether.
Nell had not lost her passion for supporting women to birth their babies, their way, but she had lost trust in the professional midwifery bodies to enable her to work as a midwife, in the truest sense of the word. Instead, Nell became a sovereign birth keeper, perhaps better known as a doula, and focuses on working with families who are seeking out home birth or free birth.
In this podcast episode we are two friends, two former midwives, two women who know that birth belongs with women, and that true midwifery is an endangered profession, discussing the in-and-outs of what this all means.
Also discussed in this episode:
* NZ maternity care model
* what is ‘true midwifery’?
* impacts of Covid lockdowns and mandates on birthing families
* doula support for partners at birth
* mind-body connection - impacts of birth place and birth companions
Check out Nell’s website: https://nurturingmamas.co.nz/
Or follow Nell on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurturing_mamas22
And Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nurturingmamasnz
Check out my (Carla’s) webpage on Healing Birth Practitioner Training: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Clancy is an Australian based birth worker and mother of three. Although she had planned to birth her first baby at home, instead she ended up with a traumatic hospital birth experience.
In this podcast episode Clancy shares with us the terrain she has traversed in the 8 ½ years since Louie’s birth, including an early loss experience followed by a four years long journey to conceive her next baby. She talks about the solo bush retreat she went on for 4 nights with just water and a tarp, a life-changing ceremonial undertaking that enabled her to drop into full trust when she became pregnant again. This time she had a wild pregnancy and free birth, an incredibly healing experience despite the fact that Clancy was really sick when she went into labour! And it was not to be her last birth either… she found herself unexpectedly pregnant when Opal was 9 months old.
Clancy also shares about her doula work and why she no longer attends births within the system, as well as the role she plays in supporting others to heal after a traumatic birth. I’d been looking forward to talking with Clancy for some time, and now I’m excited to get to share her story and her wisdom with you.
Also discussed:
Follow Clancy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/womancraftway/
This podcast episode is such a potent mix of deep trauma, powerlessness, hope, faith, determination and sisterhood. Chaya carries us through the births of her seven children, starting with the cesarean birth of her twins and ending with the free birth of her newest baby, just a few weeks ago.
Among her sharing are stories of placental abruption and stillbirth, breech presentation, postpartum haemorrhage, unconsented to sedation, threats of labelling Chaya as psychotic as a means of forcing her to go to hospital, which I’ll just add at this point, she is not just perfectly sane in an insane world of traumatising birth ‘care’ (read control), she herself is a practising psychologist… and it gets worse, at the end of her most recent pregnancy she was forced into hiding from the police since there was a hearing underway where the authorities were attempting to make her give birth via cesarean. Of course there was no legal basis for the court hearing since it is a basic human right to choose what medical interventions we do or don’t have in birth, and ultimately Chaya’s case was won in the supreme court.
Needless to say, it was a remarkable feat for Chaya to welcome her baby gently and peacefully with a couple of women friends at her side and without an ounce of medical interference during the birth process… a free birth, the most liberating of experiences, after four previous cesareans.
Also discussed in this episode:
* ECV for breech twin pregnancy
* 42 - 43 week long pregnancies
* Pregnancy with an IUD in place
* Faith as an orthodox Jew
* Birthing in the US and Israel
* Meconium
* PPH at free birth
* Dismissed signs of PET by doctors
* Blood loss following SROM at home
* Loss of sense of safety in the world
* Rising maternal mortality rates, particularly for women of colour
* Separation from children at end of pregnancy
Alexa’s six year old daughter was born in the water under the big Oak tree, just as she’d seen in her dream. This loving, gentle and oh so powerful free birth experience added further fuel to the fiery passion that Alexa held for working with the divine wisdom of birth.
In this heart-fuelled podcast episode, Alexa shares with us her path to becoming a birth doula and much of the philosophy surrounding the ways she navigates this role. She also talks about the birth trauma support she offers and the part that birth photography (another of Alexa’s skill sets) can play in honouring the transition into Motherhood.
Also discussed in this episode:
* midwifery practice
* mastitis
* breast abscess
* birth photography
* free birth
* waterbirth
* Healing Birth Practitioner Training
* birth trauma
Follow Alexa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexa.doula/
Check out her website: https://www.alexadoulaphotography.co.nz/
Find out more about my (Carla’s) Healing Birth Practitioner Training course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Follow my work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Check out the Healing Birth YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth
This podcast episode with Sarah is one of the most powerful stories of trauma, resiliency, courage, vulnerability and healing that has ever been shared with me… and over the years I have been privy to hundreds of stories of traumatic birth and healing. I feel it’s important to forewarn my podcast listeners of the, what will be for many, hugely confronting topics that we discuss in this episode, including rape and sexual abuse, suicide, cancer, early pregnancy loss, extreme postnatal depression, suicidal ideation, a near-death experience of early postpartum septicaemia, and complex PTSD.
Please take a moment to tune into your mind, heart and body to ascertain whether you are in an okay space to be taking in this conversation right now. If not, honour your current needs and come back to this episode if and when you feel ready to do so. Should you decide to listen and find that the themes trigger your own trauma responses please contact a trusted friend, therapist or local support service to garner the help that you are needing.
Sarah is a mum to two children, aged 2 and 4. She is a survivor of adolescent sexual abuse, and cancer, as well as having dealt with the trauma of losing both her parents by 13 years of age. In this podcast episode she talks through the coping strategies she adopted, including fawning, numbing and dissociation, and how these impacted her birth and postpartum experiences. Sarah wants to share her story so that others won’t feel so alone in their traumatic experiences of new parenthood. In her sharing, she offers guidance, hope and inspiration to those who may be feeling a sense of hopelessness surrounding the hardships that life, birth and new parenthood can sometimes bring. She is an absolute heroine and is courageous beyond measure.
Other topics discussed include:
* Ectopic pregnancy
* Hypnobirthing
* Artificial rupture of membranes
* Rebozo
* Epidural
* Isolation and loneliness in postpartum
* Workaholic tendencies & people pleasing as a trauma response
* Milk oversupply
* Sleep deprivation
* Father - anxiety attacks, depression and medication
* Covid impacts on postpartum and pregnancy
* Hypervigilance
* Postpartum suicidal ideation
* Pelvic floor physio
* Amazing doula support
* Home birth
* 42+6 week pregnancy
* Influence of VEs on mindset
* Melanoma surgery and treatment
* ACC sensitive claim - therapy for cPTSD
Hannah, a mother to two daughters aged 3 and 6 months, joins me on the podcast from her rural home, a yurt, in a remote part of Northland here in Aotearoa. Her story is in equal parts, unsettling and inspiring.
She began her journey into motherhood with full trust that birth, as a healthy part of life, would happen naturally. But Hannah learnt the hard way that relying on the guidance of a midwife whose philosophy was a misalignment for her own, was not going to allow her to feel safe enough to get on and birth her baby. Instead, she ended up being flown by helicopter to Whangārei Hospital where she and her baby would meet via cesarean section.
Hannah shares with us the crucial self-connection work that she did to heal her birth trauma, and the journey she took to prepare herself for her next pregnancy and birth. The story of the birth of her second baby was wildly different to her first. Hannah chose to have no medical or midwifery input into her pregnancy or birth, instead leaning on the support of her wise-woman sisters who would regularly sit in circle together.
We take a deep dive in this podcast episode, so she’s a bit of a lengthy one. I can guarantee though, that you’re going to want to listen until the end with its taste of nourishing sweet redemption.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Interventions related to prolonged rupture of membranes
* Coached pushing
* Syntocinon (Pitocin) use without consent
* Dissociation
* Emotional release for baby’s healing
* Support circle for women (preconception - birth - Motherhood)
* Child/sibling at the birth
Connect with Hannah via her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/wild_flower_nz/
Gwen lives in Washington State USA after travelling the US for the past year in their RV and before that living in Australia, the place where she birthed her three babies who are now 1, 5 and 6 years old.
She has an honours undergraduate degree in Sociology, Masters in Teaching and she is certified by the International Coaching Federation as a Spiritual Psychology Coach and trauma specialist. Gwen is founder of her business Connecting Consciously Collective and is very passionate about supporting mothers to fully step into their power and create their intuitive desires.
She had two very traumatic birth experiences herself which was the catalyst to her doing her inner work and learning about the subconscious mind and manifestation. Using this knowledge, Gwen was able to manifest the empowered birth she desired and have a healthy baby and healing birth experience - one that doctors had told her she should abort due to ‘high risk’. Now, she is able to coach women from around the world on how they too can harness this power and have the empowered birth experience they desire.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Hypnobirthing
* Pre-labour & premature rupture of membranes (PROM)
* Induction of labour
* Failure to progress leading to emergency cesarean
* Elective repeat cesarean
* Dissociation
* Newborn apnoeas - near death experience at 4 weeks old
* How traumatic experiences can serve us
* Miscarriage - cesarean scar ectopic pregnancy (baby growing into lining of uterus)
* D & C - large haemorrhage
* Healing the red line (maternal lineage)
* Uterine infection
* Subconscious reprogramming - shifting beliefs
* Advised against having anymore children
* Abortion recommended due to risk of placenta accreta
* Lotus cesarean
Check out Gwen's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/connectingconsciously.co/
Email her: [email protected]
Book a call with Gwen: https://calendly.com/connectingconsciouslycollective/30min
Watch Gwen's YouTube video: Create the birth you desire (youtube.com)
Ella, a home-birthed, surprise breech baby herself, knew, before she was even pregnant, that she would be having an unassisted birth at home. In this podcast episode she shares with us the explorations she did before and during her pregnancy, including attending Radical Birth Keepers School, conversations with her man about “what if our baby dies?”, the decision to hire a virtual doula, and conversing with her baby when unsure about his quietness, in terms of movements.
Just shy of 42 weeks pregnant, Ella’s labour began. I love how she depicts the story of her son’s birth as being so utterly normal, hard, for sure, but also really quite uneventful. We talk about whether this may have been the inroad to a very easeful breastfeeding experience with not even a hint of nipple damage.
Ella now runs a monthly Free Birth Circle for women who are planning a free birth themselves. If you’re inspired by her story and want to learn more, get in touch with her via her website or Instagram links below.
Other things we discuss on the episode:
* Free birth preparation
* Radical Birth Keepers School
* Free Birth Society podcast
* Questionable safety of pregnancy ultrasounds
* Tests for Downs Syndrome
* Irregular contractions throughout labour
* Self vaginal checks in labour
* Water birth
* Cord burning ceremony
* Tongue tie
Ella's Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/earth.mama.wellbeing/
Ella's website: https://www.earthmamawellbeing.com/
Get your hands on a copy of my (Carla's) book which includes the story of Ella's own birth - a surprise breech birth at home: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/mybook
Follow my work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Check out the Healing Birth YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth
I first met Elvisa when, pregnant with her second child, she joined my online Soulful Birth course. Although she had planned to birth her first baby at home, she said she wasn’t mentally prepared and decided to transfer to hospital for an epidural. The birth of her first baby resulted in a big tear, and breastfeeding struggles and PND ensued.
In describing her experience, Elvisa says that the birth itself wasn’t traumatic for her, but rather it was the transition to motherhood that she grappled with. In this podcast episode Elvisa shares with us the ways she overcame her depression and things she did to set herself up for an empowering and positive next birth and postpartum.
Her newest baby, Wiremu, was born in the water at home, with Elvisa being cared for by wonderful wise women midwives. Enjoy listening to the challenges she faced and how she rose above them.
Other topics discussed:
* Hapū Wānanga
* Long early phase of labour
* Trails & Tots - walking group for mums
* Importance of physical activity and nature for mental wellbeing
* Being a career-driven woman
* Stay at home dad; working (from home) mum
* Early shift to bottle feeding for mental wellbeing
* Navigating cultural differences with a Filipino mother
If you are interested in finding out more about my (Carla's) Soulful Birth course - a holistic birth & postpartum preparation series held online - head to this webpage: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/birthprep
In today’s episode I interview Olivia about her two very different birth stories that, in some key ways, looked set to head down the same path. It’s hard to fathom how she maintained the self determination and belief that she could birth vaginally with her second when, like her first birth, which was a cesarean, Olivia’s second baby remained very high, not seemingly keen or able to drop into her pelvis, and she was in early labour for many, many days with very little sleep.
Olivia’s story of the birth of her second baby is a powerful example of how beautifully designed we are for birth, despite what our modern birth culture would have us believe. And I love the reflection that she provides near the end of our talk when Olivia says, “When you let go and allow your body to take over, magic happens.”
Also discussed in this episode:
* Hypnobirthing
* Doula care
* Women’s Health Physio
* Osteopathy
* S&S and induction of labour
* Acupuncture in pregnancy
* Reduced baby movements
* Fears of stillbirth
* Mental health struggles in pregnancy
* High head - lack of engagement - Miles Circuit
* Labial abscess
* CPD - Cephalopelvic Disproportion
* Positive elective cesarean experience
* Hind leak
* Prolonged early labour
* 3rd degree tear
* Spinning babies
Today I dive into a passionate conversation with UK-based Shellie, aka The Serenity Doula. Shellie caught my attention with the Instagram reels she creates, depicting some of the many ways birthing women’s bodies and rights are undermined, and challenging a lot of mainstream narratives and maternity system practices that contribute to so much unnecessary birth trauma.
We talk through the importance of understanding and respecting birthing physiology, something Shellie has a very in-depth knowledge of, about the impacts of birth place and birth companions, about informed consent in birth care (or more accurately, the lack thereof), about advocacy, about doulas, and about induction of labour.
Throughout our conversation Shellie’s heart-led approach to her work as a doula shines though. She is a rare gem and a true gift to the birthing world.
Also covered in this episode:
* the drive to be a doula
* freebirth
* birth trauma enquiry in UK
* holistic healthcare vs allopathic medicine
* abusive ‘care’ within the system
* the ‘self work’ of preparing for a physiological birth
Follow Shellie on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theserenitydoula/
Check out Shellie's Website: https://www.theserenitydoula.co.uk/
Join the Home Birth Support Group UK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/homebirthsupportuk
Check out the Physiological Birth Club clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/house/physiological-birth-club
Rural living saw Chloe choose a sight unseen birth centre as her birth place and she anticipated she’d do just fine, like the thousands of animals she and her man had seen giving birth on the farm. A hideous car ride during labour to what turned out to be an incredibly unappealing birth space, followed by a lack of attentive support and meconium in the waters, meant that Chloe ended up being transferred to hospital… by helicopter and without her man or midwife by her side. What is more, she was terrified of heights. Her girl was born via a ventouse delivery which also involved an unconsented to episiotomy.
Chloe has yet to experience giving birth again since the traumatic birth of her daughter 2 ½ years ago. Unlike the podcast episodes you’re used to around here, this one doesn’t share a positive and empowering story of birth. Instead, Chloe and I delve into the healing journey she has embarked on in the wake of her traumatic birth and all that she has done and continues to do to prepare herself for the conscious conception of her next babe.
We talk about tracking menstrual cycles, women’s circles, discovering spirituality, nature-based rituals and celebrations, and so much more. Enjoy the journey that Chloe takes us on.
Also discussed in this episode:
* working with a Healing Birth Practitioner trainee
* becoming a Healing Birth practitioner
* painful postpartum sex
* paganism and witchcraft
* home birth
* contraceptive pill for heavy, painful periods as a teen
To find out about Carla's Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
To follow Carla's work on Instagram, click here: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
To follow Chloe on Instagram, click here: https://www.instagram.com/reclaimingherpower/
Today’s episode is a bit of a different one and quite possibly my favourite interview to date. Tessa gave birth to her first baby just 4 months ago. I met her during her pregnancy when she did my Soulful Birth course and then she also went on to do my Healing Birth Practitioner Training in the final months before she gave birth. Tessa shares with us the path she walked to prepare herself for a truly wonderful home birth experience, with just her man, her doula and her friend present for support.
If, as you listen to Tessa’s story, you feel inspired to either join my Soulful Birth course or train with me to become a certified Healing Birth practitioner, be sure to click on the relevant link at the bottom of the show notes. Both courses are run multiple times throughout the year so it doesn’t matter when you are tuning into this episode there’s bound to be a course offered in the not-too-distant future.
But for now, let me grace your ears with this beautifully inspiring story of courage, trust, wisdom and growth, and oodles of delicious love.
Also discussed:
* medical trauma related to pandemic
* tuning into and trusting her intuition
* contemplating the potential for death in birth
* taking responsibility for the things that are within our control regarding birth
* partner’s role in free birth
* unpacking of conditioned fears surrounding birth
* guided meditations, journaling, somatic tools
* vulnerability of first latching baby at breast
* managing visitors in early postpartum
* vaginal tear - supporting the natural healing process
You can follow Tessa on her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/tessaleighpitt/
Information on my (Carla's) group Soulful Birth course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthgroup And on my 1:1 Soulful Birth For You offerings: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulfulbirthforyou
More information on my Healing Birth Practitioner Training course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Check out other content I have created on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Tessa's doula, Alexa (who has also done my Healing Birth Practitioner Training), is based in Hastings NZ. Here's her website: https://www.alexadoulaphotography.co.nz/
Abi is Mum to 4 year old Bill, 2 year old Freya, and 8 week old Ida, living on their rural property 2.5 hours drive from the nearest hospital. Her first two births were medical affairs, involving epidurals, induction and a large postpartum haemorrhage. Her most recent birth, however, was a gentle water birth experience at home, an utterly ordinary, yet simultaneously extraordinary occasion.
Abi shares with us the journey she went on to confidently prepare for a rural home birth, and the buzz of ordinary delights like climbing into bed together as a family after a wondrous birth at day break.
Also discussed in this episode:
Learn about Carla's Soulful Birth course here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/birthprep
Listen to Carla talk about birth and birth trauma related topics on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth
Follow Carla on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Pregnant with her first baby in Australia, Grace did her doula training and was planning a gentle home birth. She had an epic support team who she fully trusted, but then at 36 weeks of pregnancy Grace had to make the excruciating call to move to NZ for her partner’s work.
Aside from the struggles with leaving behind her wonderful home birth midwife and having to find a new match, Grace was also met with a few other challenges during her labour, the key one being a swollen lip of cervix and having the near impossible instruction to stop pushing. Not long thereafter, Grace succumbed to a hospital transfer, followed by an epidural and then a c section.
The biggest struggle was yet to be faced though. It makes heartbreaking listening, hearing Grace describe the trauma she was met with as a new mum dealing with a low milk supply, a lack of bond with her baby, and isolation during Covid lockdowns in a town where she knew no one. Being advised that her baby required a formula top-up at 3 days of age, culminated in massive breastfeeding hurdles for the next five months.
Her next birth was an entirely different experience, as was her breastfeeding journey. Hear how Grace navigated her healing and prepared for an empowering home birth.
Also included in this episode:
* stretch & sweep
* 42+ week pregnancy
* deflexed head
* triple feeding (pumping)
* nipple shields
* doula care
* birth debrief
Visit Grace's website to learn more about her work: https://www.modernvillage.co.nz/
Follow her work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/modern.village/
Find out about my (Carla's) Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Did you know I now have a Healing Birth YouTube channel. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth
Donna takes us on quite the journey, vulnerably sharing the stories of her two very different birth experiences. Her first birth was a harrowing time, fraught with abandonment, labouring in a motel room, meconium stained waters, a terrifying hospital transfer, exhaustion, a delayed epidural, and then finally culminating in a cesarean section. In stark contrast, Donna’s second was an incredibly empowering, healing and triumphant water birth at home.
It’s quite something to imagine Donna having gone from the devastating fall-out of her first birth, including a deep sense of failure and confusion surrounding it all, PTSD and relationship struggles, to feeling strong in her conviction that she could, and would, birth her next baby at home. She shares with us the various supports and tools she utilised to begin healing and to ready herself to fully embrace her power and wisdom as a Mother and as a birthing woman.
Also included in this episode:
* Unsupportive vs supportive and respectful midwifery care
* Doula support
* Hypnobirthing
* Posterior baby
* Complications with living rurally
* Inability to communicate or think during labour
* Counselling support
* NZ College of Midwives Resolutions process
* Miscarriage
* VBAC course
Donna forgot to mention in her story that she found Havening a really helpful therapeutic tool for managing her PTSD symptoms.
My (Carla's) Healing Birth work...
Donna had a 1:1 Unravelling Your Trauma session with me. For more information on these and other healing services I offer, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
And the Soulful Birth course that Donna participated in is an 8 weeks long holistic birth and postpartum preparation course that is held online. I also now offer personalised 1:1 Soulful Birth For You options (which include a gorgeous journal that I have created). To find out more about both of these services, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/birthprep
You can also access a lot of free information and guidance from me via my new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@healingbirth
Donna's doula was Lily. You can connect with Lily via Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilythedoula/
The Havening therapy that Donna found really helpful was with Robin Youngson: https://neuroscienceofhealing.com/
Donna also had wonderful acupuncture support from Anna-Lena Tews in Hamilton, NZ: https://altews-midwifery.com/
In this episode I speak with Aroha and her partner, Tihikura, about the home births of their two children, 5 year old Te Rangimoeke and 4 month old Rangiāniwaniwa. We hear about the challenges of having a long labour, including the influence of other people and their energies within the birth space, as well as a sense of abandonment when labour dragged on.
Within the conversation, a lot of Māori words and practices are shared. I have included many of the words and their definitions in the shownotes, so hopefully you don’t feel too lost with the various elements of the experiences that Aroha and Tihikura describe. It brings such a unique and spiritual approach to the telling of their story and to honouring birth as the rite of passage that it is.
We cover many moving and important themes, such as the impacts of midwifery interference in birth and the healing that can come through the debriefing process, super supportive postpartum preparations, the influence of children and siblings at births, Māori-based antenatal education, unhelpful expectations and predictions when it comes to birth, and so much more.
Tikanga - customs, practices
Whare - house
Whenua - placenta and land
Kainga - home
Tamariki - children
Whanaunga - relatives
Tangi - cry and funeral
Hapū - pregnancy
Kōtiro - girl
Harakeke - flax
Mahitahi - working together
Atua - gods and goddesses
Wairua - spirit
Tipuna - ancestors
Wharepaku - toilet
Tangaroa - god of the sea and fish
Rangatiratanga - chieftainship, self-determination, sovereignty
and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hapuwananga
Contact Aroha via email: [email protected]
If you're interested in my (Carla's) Soulful Birth online antenatal series, click here for more details: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/birthprep
Today’s guest, Sarah, vulnerably shares about the various struggles and traumas associated with her Mothering journey, including horrific Hyperemesis in her first pregnancy, numerous ultrasound scans which involved a lot of professional misconduct and needless fear mongering, being medicated for perinatal depression, feeling completely disconnected from her baby girl, amongst other medically managed challenges.
She talks us through the grief and rage that resulted from her first birth and how she chose to navigate her next pregnancy. Sarah was faced with further systemic challenges nearing the end of that pregnancy, but ultimately decided that birthing at home with a trusted midwife was the best path for her.
Be prepared to be taken on an emotional ride as Sarah tells her story with much passion and heart.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Group B Strep - antibiotics
* Induction & epidural
* Breastfeeding challenges - torticollis & tongue tie
* Growth scans - SGA/IUGR babies
* Different types of midwifery care
* Postpartum rage
* Postnatal depression in fathers
* Psychotherapy
* Marginal cord insertion & velamentous cord insertion
* Waterbirth
To check out my (Carla's) 1:1 birth trauma support offerings visit this link: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
To follow my work on Instagram, head here: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Chelsea is a young mum of two littlies, Bindi and Wolf, and has another bub blossoming in her womb. Although she had hopes for a birthing centre water birth with her first, like so many, Chelsea found herself pushed down an interventionist path that culminated in a ceserean.
In this episode of the podcast, Chelsea vulnerably shares the impacts that this experience had on her and how determined she was to ensure her next birth was a more gentle and respectful experience. Her birth with Wolf took place at home with midwives present. Although Wolf’s birth was really empowering for Chelsea, she reflects on the many ways her experience was disturbed unnecessarily and the effort required of her to ensure that her birth wasn’t derailed by the impacts of the birth system that were playing out in her home.
Now, pregnant with her third, and with the insights and wisdom gained from her previous births, Chelsea is planning a wild pregnancy and free birth. Get ready to be taken on an inspirational, perhaps triggering, hopefully enlightening, and surely validating journey. So much of what Chelsea shares are experiences and feelings that many traumatised mums share with me in my work.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Induction
* Cervical lip
* C section for ‘failure to progress’
* Home birth
* Impacts of choice of birth attendants
* Perineal tear
* Co-sleeping
Follow Chelsea on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chelseaearley_/
Follow me (Carla) and my work on Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/ or check out my website: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/
Find out more about VBAC and Kristin's work via her MamaRise Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/mamarisedoulanz/
Elsie is the host of the Birthing at Home podcast, a mission that was inspired after the empowering home birth of her second baby. Both of Elsie’s children were born at home, but not all home births are created equal, and in this podcast episode she shares with us the various ways she was negatively impacted during her first birth, comparing them to the ways she stood in her power in her second. We also discuss medicalised midwifery training, as Elsie was once a student midwife herself, and how restrictions of their licence limit the ability of midwives to honour physiological birth and a mothers’ right to choose her birth path.
Also discussed in this episode:
Follow Elsie and her work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthingathome_apodcast/
Find her podcast via her LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/birthingathome_apodcast
And find out more about me (Carla) and my work on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/ or website: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/
Kate’s story is a bit of a different one to those that are typically shared on here, not because she didn’t have a traumatic first birth, she did, and not because she didn’t have a healing next birth experience, she did. But, Kate’s second birth went nothing like the peaceful home birth she had hoped for and dreamed about.
Thankfully, the self work and birth preparation that she did during her second pregnancy, part of which involved us working together, meant that Kate continued to experience her birth as empowering even when it appeared to be heading down the same harrowing path as her first.
This is such an important story to be sharing. Kate was empowered to fully own her birth experience, and she shares about the multitude of things she did to ensure that her medicalised birth was a positive and healing one.
She also opens up about how her births led her down the path of training with me to become a certified Healing Birth practitioner, something that has been a life altering experience for her. So, it’s a bit of a longer episode but definitely a worthwhile listen. Enjoy!
Also discussed in this episode:
To connect with Kate email her on [email protected]
Follow my (Carla's) work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingbirthwithcarla
My website contact page: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/contact
Details on my Healing Birth Practitioner Training course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Nicola is Mum to 3 year old Skye and 6 week old Luca. Her first birth was a traumatic 5 day long ordeal that involved a posterior baby, an excruciating induction of labour, and an epidural that took far too long to be administered. During her next pregnancy, Nicola sought my support to unravel her trauma and to make plans for a healing birth experience. She talks us through how that 1:1 guidance encouraged her to have an empowering home birth, despite it being another long, posterior labour. In listening to others’ stories on this podcast, Nicola hadn’t been convinced that the descriptions of women going from traumatic to healing birth experiences had been completely honest… until she walked that journey for herself. Now that she knows what is possible, she wants to share her own inspirational story.
Also included in this episode:
For information on how you can receive 1:1 birth trauma support from me (Carla), head here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
To find out more about my Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
And to access my free Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
This episode is a deeply vulnerable share which delves into all the taboo topics surrounding birth and new motherhood. Poppy, a home birthing mother of two, one of which was a free birth, speaks frankly about herpes, about miscarriage, about radical responsibility, about being confronted with the potential for death in birth, about vaginal wall prolapse, about healing ourselves, and about postpartum sex. We leave no stone unturned with this wildly honest conversation that gets right to the heart of things most are too confronted by to ever really face.
Covered in this episode:
Follow Poppy's motherhood journey & podcast here: https://www.instagram.com/outthegateparenting_podcast/
Find out more about my (Carla's) holistic birth & postpartum preparation course here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
Pippa is Mum to 5 year old Greta, whose planned home birth ended in cesarean, and 8 month old Flora, whose empowering home birth involved an unexpectedly healing postpartum transfer to hospital due to a third degree tear.
In this episode, Pippa shares various dimensions of the healing that becoming a mum has encouraged her to delve into. She talks about how peeling away the layers of the mother wound has supported her to find her voice and be her authentic self, and she shares the journey she has been on to offer her own daughter the opportunity to heal her birth wounds. Threaded throughout this conversation is the notion of generational healing that can take place when we do the work to access our inner healer.
I am particularly grateful to Pippa for sharing about the ways she has supported her daughter to heal. In my work, I hear a lot of grief and guilt from new mums about what their baby must have experienced during, and in the wake of, their traumatic birth, and a sense of helplessness around how to heal the damage done. Pippa and I discuss some great tools to guide this process, so hopefully some of you listeners who can relate to this, feel encouraged with helpful suggestions.
Also discussed in this episode:
* Artificial rupture of membranes
* Epidural
* Breastfeeding challenges
* Laid back nursing
* Mother Blessing
* Physical support during pushing phase
* Setting loving boundaries with children
* Laughter & play as tools to help our children heal
* The Aware Parenting podcast
If you are interested in following my (Carla's) work on Instagram, here's the link: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
You can find out more about the Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
And here's the link for my free Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
As humans we are also mammals, and like all other mammals, evolution has ensured that we are well equipped to birth in safe and rewarding ways with a very rare need for outside interference. In fact, disturbing our innate birth design in the countless ways us humans do, often creates a lot more difficulties and harm than safety.
Today’s podcast guest, Lindsay Askins, knows a lot about mammalian birth. She shares with us how her decade long experience as a vet tech, witnessing untold births of horses and other mammals, led her to understand that birthing at home without a midwife in attendance was going to be the safest way to birth her first baby, a profoundly life-changing and positive experience for her.
We dive into some great conversations about mammalian biology, about the mind-body connection, about how disturbing a woman’s birth and creating fear in the birth space can lead to all sorts of complications, including damage to the mother-baby bond, and about the needless trauma that is created due to over medicalisation and obstetric violence.
Hear about the Exposing the Silence project that Lindsay co-founded with Cristin Pascucci, from Birth Monopoly, and about the Birth Like a Mammal business that Lindsay now runs. She’s a juicy and informative podcast episode, folks!
Check out Lindsay's website here: https://www.birthlikeamammal.com/
Follow her on IG: https://www.instagram.com/birthlikeamammal/
Here's a link to the Exposing the Silence project: https://www.exposingthesilence.com/
Email Lindsay at [email protected]
If you're interested in my (Carla's) work, here are some links for you...
My free birth trauma training course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
My Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
My Soulful Birth online antenatal series: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
And you can follow me on IG: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Today’s guest, Carla, is an Australian traditional birth keeper and healer. She shares with us the deeply moving story of birthing her first baby just days after the passing of her own mother. This planned home birth ended in hospital transfer and provided the lessons for Carla to have a redemptive home birth with her second child. She now works with others supporting them on their own journey traversing the motherhood initiation.
Carla describes herself beautifully on her website bio which reads:
Birthing my two children has changed me, and I have grown to deeply revere this phase in a woman’s life. My experience of birth is that it is a life-changing event, ecstatic, sacred and challenging, a liminal space between worlds. It also has the potential to be a healing experience. To discover a strength and power you’ve never known. To expand into a deeper sense of self and connection. To love deeply. Yet without appropriate support, the golden wisdom available in this transition is often lost.
Included in this episode:
You can check out Carla's work on her website: https://www.traditionalhealingbirthwork.com/
And follow her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carla.sage.birthwork/
And if you're interested in exploring my (the other Carla's) free Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course, head here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
Or my Healing Birth Practitioner Training Programme, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
You can also follow my work on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
After the birth of her first baby, Bekki experienced intense fear and anxiety surrounding whether her baby was getting enough milk from her, or not. She hadn’t addressed the fears she held onto with regards to the breast reduction surgery she had had years earlier and what this might mean in terms of her ability to produce sufficient milk.
Through good support, expert advice, generous offers of donor milk, many tears and sheer determination, Bekki’s breastfeeding journey became a very successful one. In fact she is still breastfeeding her daughter even after having birthed her son a few months ago. What is more, Bekki has developed a website and various services that aim to support other mothers on their parenting and breastfeeding journeys. What a legend! Soak up the juicy lessons and heart that Bekki’s story have to offer.
Check out The Perinatal Directory NZ that Bekki started...
Website: https://theperinataldirectory.nz/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MamaShineNZ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theperinataldirectory/
If you're interested in my (Carla's) Soulful Birth course, take a look here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
Or my FREE Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
Or details about the Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme, click here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Or if you'd like some 1:1 support from me to guide you on your own healing journey, click here for options to work with me: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
You can also follow my work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
In celebration of ONE YEAR of the Healing Birth with Carla podcast, including 45 episodes and 4.6k of downloads in 30 countries, I invited Sophia Paskell to join me on this episode.
Sophia was one of my first podcast guests and her episode #3, titled Sophia Paskell - on Grief, Loss, Birth & Death, has been the most listened to episode of them all.
This special celebratory episode has Sophia sharing the intimate story of the birth of her niece, a particularly touching birth for her to have attended. She was given the honour of receiving her sister's baby as she was powerfully birthed into the world.
Sit back and soak up the oxytocin xox
Included in this episode...
If you would like to follow Sophia's work or get in touch with her, here are some links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mothers_circle/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motherscirclenz
Website: https://www.motherscircle.co.nz/
And if you would like to follow my (Carla's) work or connect with me, here are my links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingbirthwithcarla
Website: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/
Like me, Emma is an ex midwife who now works primarily in supporting new mothers to find healing after a traumatic birth or who have struggled with the transition into motherhood. She shares with us about her midwifery experience and why she quit not long after starting; about her own two birth experiences and the crucial impact that her positive first birth had on navigating major breastfeeding challenges; and about the path she has travelled in her birth work.
I love that Emma shares about her experience of doing my Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme and the impacts she sees this work having on the clients she serves. She also talks about her studies in Matrescence and Timeline Reset work.
If you’re potentially interested in developing your own understanding of birth trauma and how to guide people on their healing journey, you’re going to want to tune in for the entirety of this episode. And of course it’s a great listen for anyone who is navigating their own pathway to healing after a traumatic birth.
Also discussed in this episode:
Books mentioned:
The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr Oscar Serrelach
Mama Rising by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz (her course to support mothers through matrescence is also called Mama Rising)
Check out Emma's work...
Her website: https://www.empowermatrescence.com/
Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/empowermatrescence/
If you're interested in looking into my (Carla's) Healing Birth Practitioner Training, head here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
I also offer a FREE Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/understanding-birth-trauma-basics-course
And you can join me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
In this episode I interview free birth mentor and podcast co-host, Victoria whose instagram page is titled @freetobirth. Victoria shares with us the stories of her own two births, 4 and 2 years ago. Her first birth was planned to be a home birth but ended up being a hospital transfer for meconium stained waters. During her second pregnancy, Victoria went on a bit of a journey of self discovery that ultimately saw her declining midwifery care partway through and opting to have a free birth.
In this interview Victoria also shares her thoughts on who free birth is for; how we learn to tune into our intuition; the questions we need to be exploring to get the birth we’re seeking; the partner’s involvement in free birth planning; being mindful of people pleaser tendencies, and so much more. Enjoy!
Or check out her website: https://freetobirth.co.uk/
If you want to connect with me (Carla) DM via Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Or via my website: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/
In this episode I interview Mieke, a Canadian mother of two, whose Instagram page, @takeyourbirthbystorm, captured my attention and sparked a desire to dive a little deeper with her. After training as a birth doula Mieke went on to birth her first baby at home with a midwife in attendance. Her second birth ended up being a free birth. She shares with us why this was the path she chose and how this ultimately led to her becoming a free and autonomous birth advocate.
Mieke shares her love for birth story podcasts and how they were her greatest source of information and inspiration; she offers ways to prepare for a free birth, including how to get in tune with your body and intuition; she speaks on the topics of radical self responsibility and shadow work; and we discuss questions to ask when interviewing potential maternity care providers.
Check out Mieke’s instagram profile page to find links to some great free resources:
Interested in my (Carla's) Soulful Birth course? Head to this page of my website: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
Keen to explore training with my to become a Healing Birth practitioner? Take a look here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Or follow my Healing Birth work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
In today’s episode I talk with Bonnie… and her newest little sidekick, Tilly, also apparently has quite a bit to add to the conversation! Tilly was born in their house bus, a beautifully healing experience for Bonnie after Eddie’s birth having gone nothing like she’d planned and hoped for.
I love the openness with which Bonnie shares her stories and the various challenges she worked through. Eddie’s birth involved artificial breaking of the waters, coached pushing, an episiotomy and a time of disconnect with her newborn.
In contrast, Tilly’s birth was fully led by Bonnie while her support team watched on in awe. She talks about her lotus birth experience and why honouring the placenta felt important to her.
Sit back with a cuppa and enjoy this frank and inspiring chat.
In this episode I speak with Kate about her three birth experiences. The first was a traumatic induction with the, all too familiar, cascade of interventions that ensued and a birth that ended in an emergency cesarean. With her son being whisked away to NICU for breathing troubles, Kate didn’t get to meet her baby for 24 hours. And if that wasn’t devastating enough, she was essentially told that her anxiety was the cause of her baby needing to be born via cesarean.
Following that experience Kate sought support to find healing and to prepare for the birth of her next baby. She planned a VBAC and despite having wonderful support, a number of factors meant that she agreed a cesarean was needed in the end. However, unlike Roman’s birth, Indie’s birth wasn’t felt to be traumatic. Kate had ensured that she made the calls every step along the way.
When pregnant with her third baby, Kate was determined to do all she could to get that vaginal birth that she desperately felt she needed. And she did it! 13 weeks ago Kate gave birth to her little girl via an empowering hospital VBA2C. She describes that experience as totally life changing.
Also raised in this episode:
If you would like to book a 1:1 birth trauma healing session with me (Carla) head here for details: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/healing
Or if you would like to join my Soulful Birth online antenatal series for holistic birth and postpartum guidance, head here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
If you're not already doing so, you can follow my Healing Birth work on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/ and/or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healingbirthwithcarla
Today I’m joined by Sharna Southan, a Melbourne mama to one angel baby and one rainbow child. After Sharna’s traumatic miscarriage experience, she struggled to find the support she needed to work through overwhelming feelings of confusion, guilt and grief. In this podcast episode Sharna vulnerably shares with us how she navigated this, and the strategies she utilised to make it out the other side of that dark time.
Since then, Sharna made it her mission to ensure that others weren’t so alone in journeying through their baby loss experiences. To that end, she founded the Institute of Healing through Pregnancy Loss, providing guidance both for people seeking to heal and for those who want to help others to heal.
Use the following links to connect with Sharna or to find out more about her work:
Website: https://www.sharnasouthan.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/instituteofhealing_pl/
Practitioner Programme: https://www.sharnasouthan.com/healing-through-loss-blueprint
Podcast: https://pod.link/1688072354
And you can learn more about my (Carla's) Healing Birth Practitioner Training programme here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
In this episode, Sarah who, like me, is an ex midwife, and I discuss all sorts of birthy goodness. Sarah shares about how she came to the realisation that the maternity system is seriously flawed and why being a hospital midwife was no longer her calling. She talks about her own birth experiences, from a medicated hospital birth to a jumping-through-hoops midwife-supported home birth, and then to a magical yet simultaneously oh-so-normal free birth. We discuss the vital self work that is required in preparation for an empowering birth experience, and so much more. Sarah is now working as a birth doula and runs hypnobirthing classes. Enjoy this candid chat between two passionate birth workers!
Discussed in this episode:
Connect with Sarah via her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/the.midwifemummy/
Connect with me (Carla) via my Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/
Learn more about my Soulful Birth series: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/soulful-birth
Learn more about my Healing Birth Practitioner Training: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training
Today’s guest is Stacey, an Australian mama of two. She shares about her traumatic first birth where there were unnecessary time constraints, threats of cesarean, pressure to agree to have Syntocinon to speed things up, episiotomy, ventouse, and unnecessary separation from her newborn. Stacey’s next pregnancy involved a lot of soul searching, self discovery, trauma healing and communication with her baby. She describes the potent work she did with an amazing doula and ultimately decided that a free birth was the right path for her and her baby. Get ready for the powerful and emotional journey that Stacey takes us on in generously sharing her story.
You can connect with Stacey via her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/bubbly_stace/
And here is the Instagram page of Michelle Palasia, Stacey’s doula: https://www.instagram.com/michellepalasia/
This deeply moving podcast episode takes us on an emotional rollercoaster. I’m not in the habit of providing trigger warnings, but Jo’s raw sharing about the many significant traumas she endured, especially during the early years of her mothering life, are quite frankly, extremely difficult to hear. She shares about the postnatal psychosis she developed after 5 months of sleeplessness when her twins, babies number 6 and 7, were in and out of hospital after their births at 32 weeks. The voices in Jo’s head were convincing her to take her children’s lives, and it was only thanks to the insistent support from her whangai mum that Jo and her children are here today.
Jo’s Māori heritage is discussed, as she takes us on a journey from a childhood bereft of reo and all things mātauranga Māori, to the healing she experienced when her midwifery training and accessing rongoā Māori led her down a path of enriching self discovery. She shares about traditional Māori birth practices, and about the work she does in educating whānau Māori about tikanga in the Wānanga Hapūtanga that she runs. Jo also works for PADA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa), delivering Hine Tu Hine Ora education to those who work in the perinatal sphere.
A lot is covered over this next 90 minute kōrero with Jo. She touches on abortion, ovarian cancer, a diagnosis of infertility, domestic violence, baby loss, depression, suicidal ideation and suicide, impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), racism in the birth space, Havening, home birth, sexual trauma, and the power of tikanga. Do what you need to do to help prepare yourself for whatever may come up for you in listening to this talk, and ensure you have support around you, or someone you can call on if you need to unpack your feelings.
Finally, before Jo starts our talk with a karakia, I want to acknowledge just what an incredibly courageous and generous wahine toa she is, sharing this deeply personal journey with us. It is with the utmost of respect and gratitude for Jo and her story that I share this episode with you all.
reo - Māori language
mātauranga Māori - cultural values, concepts and world views
rongoā Māori - traditional Māori healing
whānau Māori - Māori families
tikanga - Māori customs, practices and traditional values
Wānanga Hapūtanga - pregnancy workshops/classes for Māori
kōrero - conversation
wahine toa - warrior woman
karakia - prayer
Link to PADA (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa): https://pada.nz/
Link to Wānanga Hapūtanga: https://etipuereaws.org.nz/haputanga-wananga/
Link to a website page that lists support services surrounding birth trauma: https://www.mybirthstory.org.nz/external-resources
In today’s podcast episode Wikitoria, or Wiki for short, shares about the traumatic birth of her first-born, an experience that culminated in an emergency cesarean and time separated from her baby during his SCBU stay, and one which left Wiki with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Wiki accessed a number of avenues for support during her incredibly trying postpartum journey, but it wasn’t until she had a therapeutic Havening session six months down the line that her PTSD was healed. Wiki also shares about the beautiful support she received from one of my Healing Birth practitioner trainees, and an analogy that was shared with her which was an absolute game changer in terms of Wiki shifting from feelings of shame and guilt, to self compassion and empowerment.
When Wiki became pregnant again she was determined to do all she could to avoid another induction and to have a successful VBAC. Her determination and self work paid off, with Wiki birthing her little girl at home 8 weeks ago. Tune in for an inspirational, informative and moving story.
Also discussed in this episode:
To learn about Havening with Dr Robin Youngson: https://neuroscienceofhealing.com/havening/
To check out Kristin's (MamaRise) birth work (VBAC support and information, plus other birth support): https://www.mamarise.co.nz/
To learn more about my (Carla's) Healing Birth Practitioner Training, head here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/hb-practitioner-training, or follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/ or Facebook https://www.facebook.com/healingbirthwithcarla to hear about opportunities to have an Unravelling Your Trauma session with one of my Healing Birth practitioner trainees.
In previous episodes with Bella, she shared about her foiled plans for a gentle home birth with her firstborn - a traumatic way to learn some tough lessons about birth space support and energies; about early loss experiences she had been through; about the wild pregnancy she was embarking on; and about her plans for a free birth.
In this interview, the final in the three part series, Bella opens up about her free birth experience - its teachings and its healings. She talks through the unexpected grief she was confronted with in early postpartum, and she shares about the ways she set herself up for a gentle and nourishing beginning for her and her newborn.
Also included in this episode:
Bella has generously invited listeners to reach out with any questions about free birth. You can get in touch with Bella via her Instagram page:
Or her Facebook page:
Today I speak with Sarah while she holds her little 3 week old daughter, Chloe. Chloe’s was a positive and healing home birth, a far cry from the traumatic experience Sarah had had with her first born, Ollie. He had been posterior, something that Sarah’s midwife had instilled fear in her around, and that fear ultimately led to a very painful and long labour which ended with an epidural and then a ventouse delivery.
Through working with me, listening to inspiring stories on this podcast, and doing the self-work required to prepare for her daughter’s birth, Sarah was able to keep fear at bay and tap into her power. She shares her stories with us today.
If you're interested in hearing more about my book (Where the Heart Is: Stories of home birth in New Zealand), or purchasing a copy, take a look here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/mybook
Or maybe you are a birth worker who is interested in the birth trauma healing work that I do and wish to upskill in this area and/or train with me... check out options here: https://www.healingbirth.co.nz/training-with-carla
After her 40 days old first born had a stroke, Alina developed a growing understanding of brain growth and function, and the part that movement plays in this. She now helps people to move without pain and discomfort, including in pregnancy or after giving birth, using her Feldenkrais® training, and the additional skills she developed from the Explain Pain course she did with the Neuro-Orthopaedic Institute Australasia.
For the last two years, Alina has been collaborating with a local Waikato OBGYN and a pelvic health physio, Bev Hampton, so that her clients can be sure that nothing important is missed. Alina believes that chronic pain can be significantly reduced, pregnancy can be more comfortable, and a lot can be done to solve our health issues before resorting to surgery.
In this episode of the podcast, we hear about Alina’s home birth history, where she gave birth in three different countries; about the horrors of her newborn’s stroke and the surgery and recovery that followed; and about the journey this has taken Alina on with regards to the work that she now does.
Want to know more about Alina and her work?
Here's her website: www.korumovement.co.nz
Her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/KoruMovement
Her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/korumovement_nz/
Alina's current offerings are:
Online classes: Lengthening Without Stretching - Mondays 7-8 pm
Movement for Pregnancy and Labour - 6 weeks course at River Ridge - Thursday nights, next round starting on August 3 https://www.korumovement.co.nz/events
Individual sessions in-person / online, read more on initial consultation here: https://www.korumovement.co.nz/initial-consultation
People Alina mentions in the podcast:
Claire Eccleston's video on somatic consent: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct9siGQKOK1/
Genevieve Simperingham & Peaceful Parent Institute: https://www.peacefulparent.com/about-peaceful-parent-institute/
Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, Bev Hampton: https://www.pelvicphysiotherapy.co.nz/
Feldonkrais method: https://www.feldenkrais.org.nz/
In this episode of the Healing Birth with Carla podcast, Imke shares with us about her harrowing start to motherhood. Her traumatic birth experience was followed by an incredibly trying time postpartum, including severe mastitis, a breast abscess that required surgical drainage, an overwhelmed comment to her midwife that resulted in the police turning up at her door, and finally, some recognition that what she was experiencing was not normal and deserved some support and healing.
Imke’s next birth was a healing experience at home, with a Labrador and a trusting midwife at her side. We also hear about Imke’s work, including her women’s empowerment photography and a book that’s in the making that’s all about transmuting mum guilt into love.
Included in this episode:
Imke is a Mama of two, Portrait Photographer, Space holder, Retreat Host, Podcast Host, Author to be and overall passionate to share encouragement and love with other women and mothers. She holds sacred spaces like cacao ceremonies, breathwork, sound baths and is attuned in Reiki as well. If you would like to explore working with Imke, or following her work, you can do so via...
Sacred Soul Stories with Imke Kauta • A podcast on Spotify for Podcasters
Hannah is a spiritually minded, home birthing mother of four littlies under the age of five. When her newest baby, Awena, was just 10 days old, Hannah received a horrifying diagnosis. In this episode of the Healing Birth podcast, I sit down with Hannah to discuss how she navigated this incredibly overwhelming time, and how she is managing to recover with such remarkable ease. We also talk about severe morning sickness, prenatal depression, free birth, breathwork, spirit guides, you name it… it’s probably on this episode! So sit back with a cuppa and soak it all in.
Topics covered in this episode include...
If you'd like to connect with Hannah you can find her on Instagram:
Or Facebook:
To find out more about me (Carla) and my work, follow me on Instagram:
Or Facebook:
And check out my website:
In today’s episode Kayla (the Womb Doula) vulnerably shares her personal story of trauma and her path to healing. Her journey involves baby loss, meth addiction, home detention, surgery and the questionable fertility that ensued, menstrual cycle awareness, an unexpected pregnancy, becoming a womb doula, a healing home birth, and the challenges of solo motherhood. It’s a lot to encompass in a 90 minute interview and pieces sit heavy on the heart, but Kayla’s is ultimately a story of hope and courage, and the power we have to heal ourselves.
Included in this episode:
You can follow Kayla's journey and work on her Instagram page:
Today you get to hear me dive into conversation with a truly wise ‘with woman’ midwife who has devoted the better part of 46 years of service to her midwifery role. Jenny Johnston is a self-proclaimed introvert who loves books almost as much as she loves birth, so it was a great privilege and honour to have her open up about her wealth of experience and knowledge regarding midwifery, birth, and the system that undermines them both much of the time.
We talk about all manner of things… midwifery training in the ‘70s, rising rates of medical interventions, twin home births, 44 week pregnancies, free birth, midwifery care surrounding unexpected outcomes and loss, medical midwifery, home birth midwifery, self-responsibility, being staunch, and so much more. Through listening to Jenny speak, you’ll get a real insight into a midwifery practice and heart that is rooted in service and trust. Needless to say that Jenny’s influence was keenly felt by me when I trained with her as a student midwife 26 years ago.
Today I’m joined by Hannah, who shares with us about the traumatic experience she encountered when she was nearing the end of her pregnancy with her second baby. Having had a very straightforward first birth in a birth centre, Hannah had opted for a home birth with her second. But when she began haemorrhaging at 36 weeks, her plans for a peaceful, gentle home birth were foiled. She was experiencing a placental abruption which ultimately resulted in a very rushed emergency cesarean.
The final moments before Bradley was born were the source of Hannah’s PTSD symptoms that haunted her in her postpartum journey. Despite asking for help from the professionals she was repeatedly declined support and reminded that actually she was one of the lucky ones, that under the circumstances she was lucky to have a healthy baby. This did nothing to relieve Hannah of her depression and anxiety, and only served to fuel the guilt and shame that she held surrounding her experience.
At 6 months postpartum she finally received the care she needed to begin her healing process. A brilliant psychologist used EMDR therapy with Hannah and the PTSD symptoms immediately started abating. Two years on, Hannah is now a birth doula. Primarily she hopes to change the story for others who experience a traumatic birth and are pregnant again.
Topics covered in this episode include:
To train in holistic birth trauma support with me (Carla), visit:
Or to find healing after a traumatic birth through 1:1 support with me:
Tania is Mum to Dylan who’s 16, Ava who’s 12, and her little freshy, Osian, who’s just two months. In this episode, she shares about the challenges she was met with when she found out she was unexpectedly pregnant last year, and how she navigated them with a healthy dose of determination and self work, and the help of friends, family and an awesome midwife.
Given that Tania had had caesareans with both of her older children and was wanting to plan a home birth with her next one, alongside being a solo mum, and unanticipated time spent in the Special Care Baby Unit with her newborn, there were plenty of hurdles along her journey. She speaks candidly about the highs and lows and offers a good couple laughs along the way.
As a long time friend of Tania’s, I was given the honour of attending Osian’s birth, so sit back and enjoy this convo between two friends, reflecting on a very special birth experience.
This episode includes the following topics:
Here is a link to Tania's Instagram page:
Here is a link to my book, Where the Heart Is: Stories of home birth in New Zealand:
Here is a link to 'Bonnie Grace Create's Instagram page in case you wish to check out her beautiful birth and parenting affirmation cards:
...or her website:
My Soulful Birth pregnancy circle is soon to be online. Contact me via my website to find out more:
Or follow me on Instagram or Facebook:
https://www.instagram.com/healing.birth/ and https://www.facebook.com/healingbirthwithcarla
Nemah is a travelling traditional full spectrum Midwife, from fertility and conception to passing, and everything in between, specialising in traditional home births. She has travelled the world with her children, and has assisted in over 2,000 births worldwide over the last 15 years. Currently Nemah is working on an aboriginal birthing documentary in over five countries which has given her a wealth of experience.
Her background includes growing up with the guidance and teachings from her grandmother who was a traditional healer born in Mexico. Nemah takes pride in being a mixed ethnic woman, which has given her the ability to relate and provide services to a diverse number of indigenous women. Her practice includes traditional healing womb massages and 40 day postpartum bone closing ceremonies (an ancient practice for postpartum mothers, those with reproductive health issues, and for the overall health of women), as well as an ancient practice of purification and clearing for one's self or home.
Nemah also makes 100% all natural products from her personal garden to assist with the healing journey, including postpartum & prenatal products. As well, she creates custom protection jewellery using different shells, stones and feathers. Everything is done sustainably and with good energy, and raises money for postpartum care packages for indigenous mothers in need of support. Check out Nemah’s website and Instagram page (below) to find out more or to connect with her.
In this episode of the podcast, I dive into a conversation with this remarkable woman, where she shares about indigenous practices and ceremonies, about childhood trauma, including rape, about birth trauma and the road to healing, about the challenges faced when working within indigenous communities, and a whole raft of other soulful ventures.
Included in this episode:
Nemah's website:
Nemah's Instagram page:
You can email Nemah via this address:
Attend Nemah's workshop on aboriginal fertility & conception:
If you haven't already listened to episode 24 - part 1 of Lala's story, I suggest you do so before cracking into this one.
In part 2 of my interview with Lala, we learn about the surprising circumstances surrounding the home birth of her 4th baby, about her traumatic ectopic pregnancy loss and about her last birth experience - a healing home birth-esque cesarean with her fifth child. After two previous traumatic cesareans, Lala’s third was described by her, as being ‘home birth like’ and an important source of healing for her. Lala also talks in this episode about what she discovered about birth trauma when she sat in a sharing circle, and about her foray into becoming a home birth advocate in her current role as co-chair on the Home Birth Aotearoa Trust.
Discussed in this episode...
Here is the link to the Home Birth Aotearoa website:
And here is the link to the Home Birth Aotearoa Instagram page:
And the Home Birth Aotearoa Facebook page:
Here is the link to Carla's Healing Birth website:
Carla's Healing Birth Instagram page:
Carla's Healing Birth Facebook page:
Today I speak with Lala about the first four of her five births. She has experienced the whole plethora of births, from a traumatic cesarean when she was a single teen mum, to an empowering home birth of her very large and awkwardly positioned baby. And everything in between!
In this episode we hear about the early loss of one twin, about the 10 years it took to properly bond with one of her children, about a beautifully supported hospital VBAC, about Lala’s desperate act when she was terrified and powerless - biting a doctor’s arm, about having a baby in NICU, about journeying from naivety and loss of control to taking the reins as an empowered woman… and this is only part 1!
Tune in next week to learn the rest of Lala’s story and to hear about the fabulous path that this all has led Lala down in terms of the birth work she is now involved with.
Hannah’s beginning to motherhood was not only tainted with the recent passing of her sister, her birth experience was in a different city, took place in a different birthing facility (hospital instead of a birth centre), and with different midwives, than she had spent the previous nine months planning for and excitedly anticipating. She was also subjected to unconsented procedures that were unnecessary, abusive, painful and frightening. Needless to say, it was an extremely traumatic time.
In this podcast episode, Hannah shares with us the path she walked on her healing journey, and how she set herself up for an incredibly empowering next birth at home. Among the tools she utilised to ready herself and her man to lovingly welcome their boy into the world, was watching the Birth Time documentary together. I have linked this documentary below in case you wish to access it. As well, I have provided a link to my book, Where the Heart Is: Stories of home birth in New Zealand, that Hannah talks about, and a link to my birth trauma support services page of my website. I work with people from all over the world who have experienced birth trauma, so don't let physical distance stop you if you want to reach out to work with me.
But for now it’s time to sit back with your hot cuppa and share in the beauty of Hannah’s story. May you be as inspired as she was during her second pregnancy, reading stories of others’ wonderful births. This one’s going to get you in the good feels, for sure.
Birth Time documentary:
Healing with me (Carla):
My book:
In this episode I interview Denée about her two very contrasting birth experiences and the work that she did between them both, to heal and plan, and to find the courage and self-determination to birth her second baby her way.
Denée’s first birth resulted in vaginal tears, one of which was initially missed, and a postpartum haemorrhage, requiring a blood transfusion. Consequently, Denée was met with extreme anxiety, panic attacks, fear and isolation in the early months of parenting her newborn.
Today she shares her story of how she found healing, and was equipped with all she needed to have an empowering next birth experience. It is such a gift to hear her jubilantly describe the redemptive birth of Daphne.
Today I am privileged to be speaking with renowned Australian birth worker, Rhea Dempsey. Rhea is an Independent Birth Educator, Doula, Trainer, Counsellor and Author. Her understanding of birth has been gained over four decades. She has presented nationally and internationally. She is recognised as an insightful commentator on the difficulties women, who have a yearning for normal physiological birth, face in navigating present birth culture.
Her book Birth with Confidence: savvy choices for normal birth, explores the issue of physiological pain and the importance of experienced support. While Beyond the Birth Plan: getting real about pain and power explores the deeper emotional and psychological dynamics impacting birthing potential.
In this episode of the podcast we explore the difficulties in navigating the Western maternity care system, why we need to interrogate the ‘thank goodness’ birth stories we keep hearing about, and ways to support physiological birthing amidst this all.
To connect with Rhea or to find out more about her work and books:
Here's Rhea's website: https://rheadempsey.com.au/
Her Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/rheadempseybirth/
Her Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/birthingwisdom
And here are links to Dr Sarah Buckley's work:
Two women on a similar mission, both with a business named Healing Birth, and both sharing aligned messages about finding healing after a traumatic birth on their similarly named podcasts… Diana Forsell interviews me, Carla Sargent, on this episode of her Healing Birth podcast, which I’m now sharing here, on my own Healing Birth with Carla podcast.
Find out how Diana (from Hawaii) and I (from New Zealand) met, and hear about my journey into midwifery, then later into birth trauma healing. I share about the abuse I witnessed as a student midwife, my take on what is causing so much needless birth trauma, and how I work with people to support their pathway to healing.
Diana's Healing Birth podcast:
Diana's Instagram:
Carla's website:
Carla's Instagram:
Carla's Facebook:
Carla's Book:
Carla's Birth trauma survey report:
You’re in for a treat today! In this episode I speak with renowned birth trauma specialist, Jennifer Summerfeldt. Jennifer holds an MA in Counseling Psychology (MACP) and is a Certified Canadian Counsellor (CCC). She is the CEO (Chief Empathy Officer) and Founder of ASK Therapy for Moms. With over 20 years of experience within the fields of maternal health, childbirth and psychology studies, she uses her expertise and voice to help advance the dialogue on trauma-informed care, maternal mental health, and healing in general.
Today we discuss how Jennifer came into the birth healing role, and what she perceives to be the complex underpinnings of the pervasive birth trauma that exists within our current culture of birth. She shares a little of her own experiences, and the paradigm within which she works in helping others to find healing after a traumatic birth.
Here is how you can connect with Jennifer and her work:
> Therapy For Moms (Formally known as Healing After Birth)
> Healing After Birth: Navigating Your Emotions After A Difficult Childbirth (2018)
> Midwifery For The Soul: Awaken to Your Fierce Feminine in the Depths of Darkness and Trauma (2019)
> Nervous System Informed Doula Training: Foundational Course www.NSIDoulaTraining.com
> Fearlessly Thriving: A 5 part video series outlines point of view on healing and transformation www.flowingfears.com
> Perinatal Mental Health Program: Childbirth informed, Nervous system approach and a unique therapeutic map for mental health professionals and students. https://www.therapyformoms.ca/trainings
> Healing After Birth online program https://www.midwiferyforthesoul.com/courses/healing-after-birth-program
Today’s guest is Atarua, who hails from the Waikato, and is of Ngāi Tahu and Ngāpuhi decent. She is a strong Māori wahine, adored by her tane and a loving Māmā of five ātaahua tamariki. To translate for those who aren’t familiar with te reo, Ata is an awesome Māori woman whose man adores her, and she is a loving mum to her five beautiful children.
In this episode of the Healing Birth Podcast, Ata shares her mothering journey through four traumatic cesarean births and then the powerful home birth experience with her fifth baby. With the unwavering support of her man and a midwife who believed in her ability to birth her baby naturally, Ata was able to draw on her inner trust that indeed she was capable of birthing her baby, her way.
Included in this episode:
This is the second episode in a pregnancy and birth podcast series with Mother, Doula and Healing Birth Practitioner, Bella. We first met Bella in Episode 7 of the Healing Birth Podcast when she shared her journey through loss and trauma, and into the early months of her current wild pregnancy.
In this episode, as she enters the third trimester of her pregnancy, Bella describes what lies at the heart of her preparation for a free birth, the lifestyle changes this has led to and the tools she is utilising to support this season of family life.
If you want to listen to Bella's first interview with me before diving into this one, here's a link for you: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/IIpzaqCtHwb
Other relevant links regarding things mentioned in the podcast:
Link to the IndieBirth commentary:
Link to Sarah Buckley's work:
Spotify Link to the Snatam Kaur Kundalini Mantra:
Bella's Instagram page:
Dr. Naomi Simmonds (Raukawa, Ngāti Huri) works as an independent researcher with a focus on land-based learning, women’s land-based knowledges, Māori maternities and whānau (or family) wellbeing. Her most recent research involved walking 378km, re-tracing the journey of her pregnant ancestress, Māhinaarangi, to understand the transformations, knowledges and rituals for women that are embedded in the footprints of her ancestors. Naomi’s PhD research, awarded best Doctoral Thesis 2015 by the New Zealand Geographic Society, looked at Māori understandings and experiences of pregnancy and childbirth. Naomi also has a part time role working with Māori communities on climate change for the Deep South National Science challenge. She is a mother to two girls and spends most of her spare time at her ancestral home, Pikitū, working on environmental protection and restoration projects.
In this episode of the podcast, Naomi shares snippets of her own journey of birth and of the undeniable links for her people between language, land and birth. Through exploring this, and the impacts of colonisation and ongoing systemic racism, she acknowledges the challenges faced by Māori birth givers and pathways to their healing.
To read Naomi's PhD thesis you can download the pdf from this link:
To find out more about the book, Where the Heart Is: Stories of home birth in NZ, that Naomi contributed to, click here:
To find out more about Dr Ngahuia Murphy's work, click here:
Sarah is a Mindset Coach, Energy Healer and Healing Birth Practitioner who supports Mums to manage their mind and, in Sarah’s no-beating-around-the-bush words, own their shit. She helps others to work through past traumas, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviours, and people pleasing ways so that they can live an aligned and AUTHENTIC AF (Sarah’s business tagline) life as thriving individuals AND Mamas.
Sarah is passionate about normalising the conversations around everyday motherhood, and mental, emotional and physical health. She is a real-talking embodiment of that which she teaches… Sarah’s also prone to a little swearing, so if you find it offensive, this isn’t going to be the episode for you.
Today Sarah shares about her personal journey with birth trauma and healing, and how this has translated into her current work. She also vulnerably opens up about a devastating recent discovery and how she is needing to walk her talk more than ever before.
Topics covered in this episode include:
You can check out Sarah's website here:
You can follow her on Instagram:
Or Facebook:
And you can listen to her podcast here:
If you are in a position to offer financial support for Sarah and her family, here's the link to the Givealittle page:
In today’s episode, I share with you about my own journey into birth trauma support work and becoming a birth healer. I’m Carla Sargent, founder of Healing Birth and the Healing Birth Podcast, home birthing mother to three, ex midwife and Biology teacher, and all ‘round passionate birth keeper whose primary focus is on supporting others to heal after birth trauma, and educating other birth-passionate people about how to competently and confidently offer holistic birth trauma support to others.
If you’re intrigued about my journey into birth work and my unique style of offering birth trauma support, or if birth trauma support work sparks a fire in your belly, then this episode of the Healing Birth Podcast is for you, my friend. Find out what becoming a Healing Birth practitioner is all about.
To listen to the podcast episode about my own birth, click the following link:
You can find out more about my book, Where the Heart Is, here:
To read the birth trauma survey report, click here:
You can access my free Understanding Birth Trauma Basics course here:
To find out more about my Healing Birth Practitioner Training & Healing Birth Practitioner Mentorship, click here:
Here's the link to book a Zoom call with me to discuss potentially training with me:
Today’s guest is Jojo Hogan, a maternal postpartum care specialist, doula coach and founder of the Slow Postpartum Movement; an international movement that educates and inspires as to the importance of the weeks following birth. She believes that the postpartum period is a time when new mothers, parents and families need and deserve to be nurtured, supported and celebrated so that they are able to offer the same to their new babies.
In today’s talk we discuss what a positive postpartum experience requires and the importance of preparing for this during pregnancy. Jojo shares the five pillars of postpartum care that are an embedded part of how all new mamas are cared for by many indigenous populations from around the world, and she offers tools and insights into how we can incorporate these valuable teachings into our Western postpartum care.
This is such an important listen for any parents-to-be and anyone who works with postpartum families. Here’s Jojo, sharing with us how to put the love drug, oxytocin, back into the postpartum experience.
Find out more about Jojo and her work here:
Or follow her on Instagram via this link:
Here's a link to Jojo's 'The Art of Slow Postpartum' Online Course - for pregnant mothers and parents:
And a link to her Training & Mentoring for Doulas and Birthworkers:
In this moving episode I spend a heartfelt couple of hours on the couch with my dear friend, Maria. She shares her undulating journey of motherhood, one that involves early pregnancy loss, as well as two stillbirths. Maria speaks to the challenges of birth and death, grief and shame, and how she found hope, love and strength streaming through the murkiness of it all.
Maria lost her daughter, Brooke, at 38 weeks of pregnancy back when she was a solo Mum. She later birthed her boy, now 16, via an induced, hospital birth. When he was eight she met her husband, and became a step mum to his three children. Together they decided on bringing another baby into the world. In January this year, River Hawk was born still. He died during his birth.
Maria vulnerably and lovingly shares her story with us all, providing a guiding light for those who may navigate the death of their own precious baby, or who meet the challenges of supporting a loved one through baby loss.
In this episode we discuss the following:
Looking for resources for further support? Maria recommends the following instagram page:
And she recommends these books:
Signs: The language of the Universe, by Laura Lynne Jackson
What All Spirit Babies Want Their Mamas to Know: Otherworldly wisdom to support the journey to motherhood and the journey to awakening, by Kate Street
If you want to explore having a Healing After Loss session with me:
This episode of the Healing Birth Podcast has a particularly Aotearoa, New Zealand focus. It delves into the work of a Kiwi mama whose passionate drive and determination is making positive changes to the New Zealand landscape of birth trauma support. Kate Hicks is a Manawatū-based full-time mum to two. She is also the creator of Aotearoa's key birth trauma support website called, My Birth Story, which she developed following her own negative birth experience and which she launched in 2018.
More recently, Kate founded Birth Trauma Aotearoa, a new charitable trust working in the birth trauma space here in New Zealand, focusing on advocacy, education, research and support with the aim of preventing birth-related harm and improving equitable access to support services following birth trauma.
Be inspired and hopeful as you hear Kate share about the important work that she and the Birth Trauma Aotearoa trust are doing out there.
To access Kate's birth trauma support website, here's the link:
To follow the work of Birth Trauma Aotearoa on Facebook, click here:
If you would like to support the work of Birth Trauma Aotearoa, you can donate here:
Today we welcome Lynley to the podcast. Lynley’s first birth was a traumatic experience. Her planned home birth ended in an emergency cesarean, and she was devastatingly separated from her precious boy for 14 hours. When Lynley found herself pregnant again, she was determined to do the inner work in order to prepare for the healing birth that she so desperately desired.
In this episode of the Healing Birth Podcast, Lynley shares with us her discovery of the inherent wisdom in working through fears and allowing grief to surface. These things are vital aspects of the healing journey. She talks about how she addressed her fears in preparation for her next birth, and how a traumatic birth has the potential to teach us such powerful lessons about ourselves when we are willing to ‘do the work.’
As a consequence of her mothering journey, Lynley now facilitates beautiful women’s circles via her business, Seasons and Circles, and she holds nourishing mother blessings for pregnant mamas.
Topics shared about in this episode include:
You can connect with Lynley via her website:
Or follow her work on Facebook:
And to explore working with me (Carla) to support you in unravelling your trauma, take a look here:
Prior to conceiving Charlee, Amanda had struggled with infertility, miscarriage and the devastating suicide of her brother. Although her pregnancy was mostly positive, nearing her due date, Amanda developed pre-eclampsia and needed to be hospitalised. She was determined not to be induced and spent 2 weeks being monitored and on bed rest. When she did finally go into labour, her experience became traumatic. This was largely due to short staffing, meaning that Amanda wasn't being shown the care, patience and support she needed to feel safe.
Following her traumatic first birth, Amanda sought support via me and a counsellor, to find some healing. When she became pregnant again, she knew what she needed in order to have a safe and positive experience. Tune in to this inspiring episode of the Healing Birth Podcast to hear about Amanda's empowering home birth of Bella, her not so little bubba!!!
Topics discussed include:
This episode we welcome back a previous interviewee, Georgiana Fitzpatrick. In her last interview Georgi shared with us the story of her journey from a traumatic first birth experience, to a healing and empowering second birth.
Today we dive into a discussion about Georgi’s birth work. Georgi has dedicated the last 7 years of her life to supporting women pre and postnatally under her many hats of fitness instructor, prenatal yoga teacher, women's circles facilitator and Healing Birth practitioner. Through this, she has always weaved in the topic she is ultimately most passionate about: pelvic floor health.
In today’s episode of the Healing Birth Podcast, Georgi and I talk about the importance of conscious and unrestricted movement in maintaining good pelvic health. She shares her own experiences of pelvic organ prolapse and incontinence, and talks about holistic ways to navigate healing.
Covered in this episode:
Link to follow Georgi's work on Instagram:
Link to follow Georgi on Facebook:
Georgi's website link:
Georgi shares about Katy Bowman's influence. Here's her website:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
I am so excited that Bella, from @boldlyshe, has so boldly and generously offered to share her pregnancy journey with us as she progresses through it. This is no ordinary pregnancy story either... since the traumatic birth of her daughter, Bella has come to realise that experiencing a wild pregnancy, with no routine medical or midwifery input, and planning a free birth, is what is safest and best for her and her family.
This episode is the first in this series. We'll be checking in with Bella every couple of months, gaining 'real time' insights into the challenges and joys of taking this radically self responsible approach to pregnancy and birth, and one which necessitates full trust in our innate maternal wisdom, instincts and intuition.
Bella is a Healing Birth practitioner and a doula. She views birth as a transformative rite of passage, no matter where or how it takes place. Utilising the skills and knowledge gained in her studies of psychology, energy healing, and spirituality to inform her holistic approach, Bella holds space and ceremony for women to honour this sacred transition.
Topics that we discuss in this episode include:
To connect with Bella, you can join her on Instagram:
Or check out her website:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
Today’s guest, Claire Eccleston, is a mother of three beautiful children, an experienced registered midwife, a Spinning Babies® approved trainer, a biodynamic craniosacral therapist and a STREAM (‘scar tissue remediation, education and management’) practitioner. Claire has been supporting women’s transitions since 2000, attending births, offering childbirth education, pregnancy yoga and providing bodywork sessions.
In this episode of the Healing Birth podcast, Claire speaks passionately about the following topics:
You can learn more about Claire's work via her website:
or her online school:
or via her Instagram page:
or facebook:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
Today we welcome Kristin White, from Mama Rise, to the podcast. Kristin has experienced three very different births: a hospital cesarean, hospital VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and home birth after cesarean, all of which she shares about in this episode.
Kristin describes her c section birth as traumatic, her hospital VBAC as ‘such a ride’ but ultimately a beautiful untouched hospital birth. However, it was her home birth that completely transformed Kristin and catapulted her into the birth work sphere. She is now a Certified Healing Birth practitioner, and a qualified Childbirth Educator and doula. She spreads her wisdom, love & guidance to mamas, and mamas to be, via her beautiful business, Mama Rise.
Kristin well knows the profound impacts birthing has on both mama and baby, and she has absolute faith in a woman’s power to birth. She believes all births can be beautiful and empowering and that all mamas have a right to be fully informed and supported to make the decisions that are right for them during their birth journey.
Topics we cover in this episode include:
To connect with Kristin via social media, here is her Instagram link:
Kristin's Facebook page link:
Kristin's website:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
In this episode of the Healing Birth Podcast I’m speaking with the beautiful, loved up, Sophia Paskell from Mothers Circle. Sophia is a birth doula, Childbirth Educator, facilitator, bath connoisseur and radical devotee to Love.
For over a decade, her work has been focused around empowering women in the space of pregnancy, birth and Mothering, gently guiding birthgivers to discover, explore and trust their own inner knowing and innate capacities. Sophia passionately values the rite of passage to Motherhood as a sacred foundation to stay deeply connected with humanity. Her work has unfolded into space holding for grief, womb wisdom and doula mentorship.
Today, Sophia and I navigate the topic of grief, delving into subject matter that is often tip toed around or avoided as much as possible, and yet grief, death and the shadow self, are things we all must face in life and sometimes in birth.
To connect with Sophia via social media, here is her Instagram link:
Sophia's Facebook link:
Sophia's website:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
Today’s guest is Georgiana Fitzpatrick, though to most, she is known as Georgi. Georgi is mama to two gorgeous boys. Her first birth was a traumatic experience, a journey that led her to find support and healing, and to eventually rock an incredible home birth with her second baby.
Georgi has dedicated the last 7 years of her life to supporting women pre and postnatally under her many hats of fitness instructor, prenatal yoga teacher, women's circles facilitator and healing birth practitioner. Through this, she has always weaved in the topic she is ultimately most passionate about: pelvic floor health.
In today’s episode of the Healing Birth Podcast, Georgi shares her birth stories, and how she navigated the path from trauma to healing. We run out of time to discuss the birth work she does, but don’t worry, we’ve got this covered in a future episode.
Topics covered in today's episode:
Link to follow Georgi's work on Instagram:
Link to follow Georgi on Facebook:
Georgi's website link:
And to follow my Healing Birth work, here's my Instagram link:
For this, the opening episode of the Healing Birth Podcast, I interview my mum, Gay Summers, about her experiences of birthing in the 1970s. She shares about the trauma of routine interventions during the births of my older two sisters, and then about her courageous and radical birth planning when pregnant with me.
Planning a home birth in Hamilton, New Zealand, in 1976 was no small feat. My parents hosted a meeting in their humble little home for any doctors, obstetricians and consumers who wanted to share in a discussion about home birth. Although my birth ended up taking place in hospital (legendary domiciliary midwife and home birth activist, Joan Donley, was unavailable to get to Mum at home), the circumstances that took place surrounding my birth were quite remarkable, enough so that Mum was sent a threatening letter of disapproval from the hospital staff!
The culture of birth that I was exposed to in my upbringing, and hearing the story of my birth, was what inspired me to become a midwife and later, a birth trauma healer and educator... such is the power of how we are born and the conditioning we experience in childhood. I feel so much pride in, and gratitude towards, my mum for the courageous path she boldly walked when pregnant with me. Mum shifted the cultural narrative that had been handed down to her through her own birth, and the births of siblings and mother, halting the ancestral trauma that threatened to continue being handed on down through the generations.
For more information on my birth story, and to read the inspirational stories of other home birthing families (including the stories of my own three children's births), check out my book, Where the Heart Is:
Follow my work on instagram:
...and Facebook:
Or check out my website:
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