195 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
Over the years, I Cast Fireball has established itself firmly in the D&D 5e actual-play space with its high production quality, attention to theatrical storytelling, and non-explicit content for all ages.
Join adventurers Jacob, Mickie, Ned, and Joshua as Thomas leads them through daring adventures of fantasy, fun, and fireballs!
The podcast I Cast Fireball is created by Thomas Brower. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Thanks to the power of suggestion, the Captain's Council prepares to take another ship for the glory of the Satyr's Song! But it seems that there's more to the situation on this other ship than meets the eye. Ataraxia makes a new friend. Buster discusses ramming tactics. Max performs a card trick. Ignis makes a troubling discovery in the brig.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Ballistas out, everybody! It's time to dig into the story behind our head lookout and gunner, Mmmmmmmmaximus Schanz. Longtime listeners may already know about Jacob's affinity for rangers, but why Dragonborn? And how has the Deck of Many Things linked itself to Max not just narratively, but mechanically? Join Mickie as the takes over the hosting seat to get all the answers from Jacob!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Why take a rest between battles when you can just go directly from one battle straight into another? Max is beset by unwelcome suitors. Buster sticks to the water. Ignis uses her head. Ataraxia makes a very convincing suggestion.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Can't we just take one little trip to conquer a rival captain while they're vulnerable without another rival captain trying to conquer us while we're vulnerable? Time for another battle of high-magic hijinks on the high seas! Ataraxia loads the ballistas. Max deals twenty-NINE points of damage. Buster calls upon the depths. Ignis sees an... interesting echo of herself.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Holy goats, the plan worked! Now it's just a nice, chill, easy ride back to the Satyr's Song where nothing weird or nefarious is happening, right? Ignis rows out of spite. Max suggests letting fate seal the alliance. Buster pierces through the fog. Ataraxia takes a crow's-eye view.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
For the glory of Rolterra, and her all-knowing web of fate! We all know Mickie already has countless pages of backstory written about Ignis that we'll probably never see, but how did this character concept come to be in the first place? Let's join Jacob and Mickie to find out!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
A battle has broken out on the clifftop! The shore is right there—we just gotta make it past Lady Smythee's guards, and we'll be off scot-free. Or at least, relatively scot-free. Ataraxia sets the mood in the Silvery Barb. Buster blows a lot of hot air. Ignis punches until she feels sand. Max pile drives somebody off a 30-foot cliff.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
JOHN CENA! [Trumpet fanfare] Half of our party is inside the tower of Tidewater Rock, and the other half is lurking back in the shrubbery by the cliffside. Now that we know how to get to Lady Smythee, how will the plan shake out? Ataraxia strikes up a heart to heart. Buster contemplates the responsibilities of adults. Ignis stretches the tapestry of fate once more. Max pile drives somebody out of a 70-foot window.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's finally time to break the Tidewater Rock! With a good, non-shaky plan all laid out, the Captain's Council takes position, and splits the party—spellcasters on the ground, martials in the tower. Ataraxia puts his climbing hooves to good use. Buster casts a cloud over the guards' party. Max finds himself tied to an echo. Ignis finds a way to bypass lock and key.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The world you want can be won
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Tensions are still high among the Captain's Council, but Tidewater Rock is right there, and the time to act is upon us! Hopefully this time, our players can cobble together a plan that the DM won't describe as "shaky". Buster pulls a little burglary. Max points out the point of no return. Ignis proposes a kidnapping. Ataraxia suggests some high-magic, high-altitude shenanigans.
Check out JustEvening's animatic here: https://youtu.be/TmjWJZZ6H_0
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirate Captain’s Quarters ASMR” by The Den
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We're taking a little Christmas break, so in the meantime, enjoy these clips from our Patreon bonus content!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100270
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
“Arcane Athenaeum” is from tabletopaudio.com. All of the 10 minute ambiences on this site are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Well, that escalated quickly. What is the Captain's Council even going to do in the aftermath of a confrontation like that? Max practices his knot tying skills. Buster sees Max from a different angle. Ignis wonders about her feelings. Ataraxia proposes a soft 3, leading into a hard 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
“Olympus” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
This Meredith situation is getting a bit out of hand. Surely Buster will be perfectly ok if we stage just a little intervention, right? Ataraxia delegates his social difficulties. Ignis executes her orders. Buster loses himself. Max handles the cleanup.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing With a Crew - REP Ambience” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
“Tick Tock Goes The Broken Clock” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Back on the open sea, the Captain's Council regroups to chat about how things went down on the island, when an unexpected visitor causes quite a stir within the party. Ignis fumes over the goats. Ataraxia learns about love. Buster speaks from the heart. Max bars the exit.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing With a Crew - REP Ambience” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Support me in this moment I’m about to lose heart
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Let's delve into the bliss-filled head of everybody's favorite 13-year-old pirate captain, Ataraxia Caelian! Why satyr? Why bard? Why teenager? Why cursed? Join Jacob and Ned as they dig into Ataraxia's origins.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Captain's Council prepares themselves to say farewell at long last to Goatshead Isle, while more than one of them stews over an unexpected treasure that's managed to weasel its way into their hands. Ataraxia puts some goats on a boat. Ignis pushes back on the goats. Max invites somebody to play a game. Buster makes a new... friend?
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirate Captain’s Quarters ASMR” by The Den
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Olympus” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Rifling through their spoils from the defeated hag, our heroes bring the good news back to the Bleating Tankard, but one of them must wrestle with a treasure that could change everything. Ataraxia plays matchmaker. Ignis keeps it under the radar. Buster goes on a cosmic mind vacation. Max unfurls his wings.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The world you want can be won
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Everything you say is a lie
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
“Pirate Captain’s Quarters ASMR” by The Den
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Unstoppable” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We gotta kill this hag, guys, we just REALLY gotta kill this hag. Max skirts death. Ataraxia searches for spoils. Ignis consults her knowledge about hags. Buster rounds up some goats.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
"The Strangers" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_9rO7m-WHM
SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3qumnPH
Follow on Facebook : https://bit.ly/33RWRtP
Follow on Instagram : https://bit.ly/2ImU2JV
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Ahoy there, a new campaign be on the horizon! A lot has already happened in just the first 15 episodes of the Captain's Council's adventures, and you had plenty of questions for us, so let's get down to answering.
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Griselda's all tied up at the moment, but we're still keeping a wary eye on her. Who's really asking the questions here, though? The hag or the heroes? Ataraxia leads the interrogation. Ignis stays on guard. Buster looks for the gold. Max gets seen more deeply than he expected.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
"The Strangers" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_9rO7m-WHM
SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3qumnPH
Follow on Facebook : https://bit.ly/33RWRtP
Follow on Instagram : https://bit.ly/2ImU2JV
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
These giant frogs are a bit of a nuisance, but the real foe to worry about is waiting not too far away, in a sinister hut in the swamp. Buster senses lots of gold. Ataraxia tells a very effective joke. Max demands the truth. Ignis (a literal magical angel) almost doubts the existence for magic for like half a second.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Support me in this moment I’m about to lose heart
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
"The Strangers" composed and produced by "Vivek Abhishek"
Music link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_9rO7m-WHM
SUBSCRIBE us on YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3qumnPH
Follow on Facebook : https://bit.ly/33RWRtP
Follow on Instagram : https://bit.ly/2ImU2JV
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Now that the Captain's Council has made their way into the Bleating Tankard, it's time to see of they can figure out what's really going on under the surface here in Goatshead! Ataraxia bluffs his way in. Buster starts up some pub songs. Ignis shares the message of Rolterra. Max leads the expedition.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Like an Empty Kaleidoscope
The true meaning of life
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
A successful naval battle behind them, the Captain's Council approaches the village of Goatshead, definitely with a very good, very solid plan about why they want to actually be there aside from just the fact that they thought it had a funny name. Yep. Max shows off his hunting spoils. Buster shows off his skill at checkers. Ataraxia shows off his vocabulary. Ignis shows off her hatred of contentment.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We all love the bouncy, treasure-obsessed, somewhat neurotic helmsman of the Satyr's Song, but how did he come to be? Join Jacob as he sits down with Josh to find out what inspired the creation of Buster Bilgewater.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's a battle on the breaking waves! Ballistas fire, masts break, and swords clash as the Captain's Council leads the newly christened Satyr's Song into its first naval combat. Ataraxia makes a very compelling Suggestion. Ignis takes to the skies. Max goes BOOM. Buster casts Locate Plunder.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Time to take to the high seas! A journey to The Tidewater Rock is sidetracked by a journey to an island with a funny name, which is first sidetracked by an encounter with a pair of ships on the open sea. Prepare the ballistas for battle, crew! Max spots the smoke trails. Ataraxia debates an approach. Ignis charges ahead. Buster deals with conflicting instructions.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Drunken Sailor” Arranged by Tim Beek Music
“Wellerman Sea Shanty” arranged by PNG Music
If you would like to listen to this album on Spotify the link to do that is: https://open.spotify.com/album/45OvlCoCxofWENKBrnwEEe?si=X5nUz70iRY6uN7qmqyP5dA&nd=1&dlsi=bc3822911608415a
Tunebytes who has done other work for us in the past is responsible for this collection. If you need Tunebytes for your projects check him out at: https://www.fiverr.com/tunebytes?utm_source=243975&utm_medium=cx_affiliate&utm_campaign=&afp=&cxd_token=243975_32390925&show_join=true
Make sure to visit us at https://pgnmusic.com to browse our complete collection of DMCA Free Music.
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Heading back to port after their victorious battle, the Captain's Council prepares to set sail and build their infamy as the newest Free Captains of The Shackles! Buster digs for backstory. Ignis speaks with the voice of an angel. Ataraxia makes a rousing speech. Max sets a waiting soul free.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Ambient” Playlist
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Everything you say is a lie
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
“Olympus” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Medieval Harbor” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The twelve core 5e classes get a lot of love and attention, but maybe you've been wondering about the new kid on the scene: the Artificer! As the only other official 5e class, the Artificer fills an interesting role in the 5e landscape due to how many different roles it can fill. Join Ned & Josh as they talk about what makes this such a unique class!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Two chimeras vs the Captain's Council! Who will come out on top? Ataraxia records a story. Ignis feels the religious fire. Buster pushes beyond his arcane bounds. Max gets goated.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
“Unstoppable” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“La Pique” As performed by Gavin Atkin
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's battle time in the caves behind the waterfall! How shall the Captain's Council fare against this three-headed beastie? Ignis double grapples. Buster releases the wind. Max spots a new challenger. Ataraxia makes some Homestar Runner references.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Okay, okay, no more getting distracted by shinies on the way to the treasure. But that doesn't mean we can't still have some deep, thought-provoking conversations along the way! Ataraxia conducts some performance reviews. Buster unearths some family dirt. Ignis gets a confidence boost. Max laments the whims of fate.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Everyone Forgets
The true meaning of life
We built our own Vesuvius
Support me in this moment I’m about to lose heart
You can find it on “Downtempo” playlist:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
You may have seen a dragonborn before, but have you seen a gem dragonborn? Join Jacob and Ned as they dig into this new spin on an old favorite, and how the dragonborn race as a whole has improved in the years since 5e was first released.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
This shiny better be worth it! With most of the Captain's Council underwater, battling the tendrils of a water elemental, how are our heroes gonna make it out of this scrape? Max parleys. Ataraxia extends a job offer. Buster identifies. Ignis gets so sick of everybody else's shenanigans.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Underwater Ambience” created by Asleep in Perfection on Youtube
Patreon: asleepinperfection
Website: https://asleepinperfection.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14JXr...
Instagram: asleepinperfection
Twitter: asleepinperfect
TikTok: asleepinperfection
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Come onnnnn, there's a shiny at the bottom of this pool! You expect us to NOT try to go get it? There will obviously be no danger whatsoever. We'll be fine. Everything will be fine. Buster takes the plunge. Ataraxia offers moral support. Max shows why crossbows are superior. Ignis causes a mini Crunch Squad.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Underwater Ambience” created by Asleep in Perfection on Youtube
Patreon: asleepinperfection
Website: https://asleepinperfection.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14JXr...
Instagram: asleepinperfection
Twitter: asleepinperfect
TikTok: asleepinperfection
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The ogres are all at the bottom of the pit, and now it's time to continue toward the treasure! Surely nothing else will distract our heroes along the way? Surely not a pool with something shiny at the bottom? Surely not. Buster offers to take the plunge. Ignis tries to move things along. Max consults the birds. Ataraxia votes for the gold.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Desert Canyon” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Underwater Ambience” created by Asleep in Perfection on Youtube
Patreon: asleepinperfection
Website: https://asleepinperfection.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/14JXr...
Instagram: asleepinperfection
Twitter: asleepinperfect
TikTok: asleepinperfection
“Olympus” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
There be ogres in them thar' hills... And they're blocking our way! Give us just a moment, gotta clear out this obstacle before we continue on to the treasure. Max shoots first. Ignis gets tied up. Buster blows them away. Ataraxia throws barbs.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Josh is back on Crunch Squad, but this time, here's here to stay! Today, it's all about that delightful new rabbitfolk race, the Harengon. Ned and Josh talk about how the mechanics make such a perfect thematic fit for this race, and how these abilities support both those who want to min-max, and those who want to even out their weaknesses.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Heads up folks, "archipelago" is now this campaign's "caldera". After a lovely meal with Rickety Hake, the Captain's Council picks up a couple leads on some exciting opportunities to find treasure and infamy—one of which happens to be right on this very island! Max takes the lead. Ignis also takes the lead. Buster also takes the lead. Ataraxia also takes the lead.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Wellerman Sea Shanty” arranged by PNG Music
If you would like to listen to this album on Spotify the link to do that is: https://open.spotify.com/album/45OvlCoCxofWENKBrnwEEe?si=X5nUz70iRY6uN7qmqyP5dA&nd=1&dlsi=bc3822911608415a
Tunebytes who has done other work for us in the past is responsible for this collection. If you need Tunebytes for your projects check him out at: https://www.fiverr.com/tunebytes?utm_source=243975&utm_medium=cx_affiliate&utm_campaign=&afp=&cxd_token=243975_32390925&show_join=true
Make sure to visit us at https://pgnmusic.com to browse our complete collection of DMCA Free Music.
“Pirate Crew” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Captain's Council has been invited aboard Rickety Hake's island, to share a meal and a story or two. But first, what are we going to call this ship? Max dispenses quick justice. Ignis hoists a new Jolly Roger. Buster impresses Rickety. Ataraxia records a chilling tale.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Medieval Harbor” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Lanterns of the Sky” By Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2023
Title: Lanterns of The Sky
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH
Bandcamp: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/
“La Pique” As performed by Gavin Atkin
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Well, here we are at Rickety's Squibs, but give us a moment—we just have a few vermin to clean up real quick. Buster sets 'em up. Max and Ignis knock 'em down. Ataraxia works on branding.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Ship Interior” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Oh greeeaaat, Ned's brought another weird lil guy to the show. Satyrs may seem simple at first, but they have a few mechanical features that make them actually quite unique! Dive in with Thomas and Ned to find out why.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With the sahuagin attack behind them, the Captain's Council draws near to Rickety's Squibs... but dissent is fomenting far below the deck. Max checks out the cannons. Ignis gathers boat name suggestions. Ataraxia talks about feelings. Buster conspires for and/or against the captain.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Ship Interior” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Battle has erupted on the main deck! Will our heroes manage to take a bite out of these sahuagin raiders before they get bitten themselves? Max pulls out the ballista. Ignis peeks into a nearby timeline. Ataraxia takes a leap of faith. Buster actually remembers a name.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music:
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Now that we've finally got a new captain selected, everything should be perfectly chill and orderly amongst the crew, right? Ignis tries to make a statement. Max offers a differing opinion. Buster watches the drama unfold. Ataraxia helps make pizza.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Calm Sea Sailing” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
“Bedtime Stories” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
“Spirit of the Sea” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Waves break across the bow of a newly-stolen pirate ship, sailing through a tropical archipelago known on the world of Golarion as The Shackles. Here, a good pirating crew can make a name for themselves that will resound throughout history. With any luck, this pack of ragtag misfits will become one of them. Ignis whips the crew into shape. Max tinkers with a new weapon. Buster charts the course. Ataraxia accept the call of fate.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Run” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Pirates out for Blood” By Miguel Johnson
Patreon link if you wish to support me as an artist: migueljohnsonmjmujsic
Music by me, Miguel Johnson "Pirates out for Blood (Remix)"
Red Death - CMDR Aramus Taran/me
Black Death - CMDR Gunjammin
Police/Viper - CMDR Cole Kemper
“The Buccaneer’s Haul” By Silverman Sound Studios
The Buccaneer's Haul by Shane Ivers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SilvermanSound
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Ship Interior” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Pirate Waves” By TeknoAXE
*This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.*
*Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled "pirate waves". No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against any other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
“Pirate Crew” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“The Pirate King” By Untold Journey
Composed by Jared Rehnquist ►
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can find more info about this license here:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We finished a three-year campaign, and you all had lots of questions! Join us for one final farewell to the Jhank Squad and Tyranny of Dragons.
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our Tyranny of Dragons campaign has concluded, and we've received a lot of questions about how the campaign you heard us play differed from what was written in the book. To answer those questions, Thomas and Ned explain what they like to call "Reactive DMing"—altering a planned campaign to fit the actions and desires of the players. Get ready to dig in, 'cause this is a big one!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Pilgrim" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Season 2 is dropping May 1st, 2024! Here are some details, and what to expect in the meantime.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
We end as we began—in Greenest. Fleeple orders a round of drinks. Mal finds her answers. Lance constructs a monument.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
“Lanterns of the Sky” By Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2023
Title: Lanterns of The Sky
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH
Bandcamp: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/
“Worth Fighting For” By Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2022
Title: Worth Fighting For
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH
Bandcamp: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Last Dawn” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts
Including: KK Hard Times
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
"Breathe, dragons; sing of the First World,
forged out of chaos and painted with beauty.
"Sing of Bahamut, the Platinum,
molding the shape of the mountains and rivers;
"Sing too of Chromatic Tiamat,
painting all over the infinite canvas.
"Partnered, they woke in the darkness;
partnered, they labored in acts of creation."
-Elegy for the First World, Stanza I
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Mysterious Suspenseful Dark Music” by FesliyanStudios Background Music
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Last Dawn” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
“Ancient Worlds” By Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2023
Title: Ancient Worlds
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH
Bandcamp: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Severin has transformed, more powerful and unstable than before. The Jhank Squad sure have their work cut out for them.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Danger | Chaos | Cinematic Trailer Hybred” by SoundAudio
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Enter the temple. Stop the ritual. Save the world. Mal remembers she has magic. Lance goes invisible. Fleeple summons Star Platinum.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Remember that one time when the Jhank Squad didn't quite manage to kill a certain white dragon? Why do I ask? Oh, no reason. Fleeple talks to 200 kobolds. Mal affirms her faith. Lance shoots the best arrow of his life.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts
Including: Melodic Marauder
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/ioi_-5sAuXQ
Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5
“Lanterns of the Sky” By Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2023
Title: Lanterns of The Sky
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXunV3wsCpSdKp0L5tcNH
Bandcamp: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/
“Unstoppable” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The prisoners are out of the tunnels, but still not quite to freedom yet. In fact, there's one very annoying obstacle still left in the way... Mal crits in a very cool moment. Lance also crits in a very cool moment. Fleeple is also there.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Thomas and Ned are back for a deep dive into storytelling! With their years of combined improv and DMing experience, they've got a LOT of thoughts about telling meaningful stories.
Talking points include: Why storytelling is important in RPGs. Prioritizing character-driven storytelling and building plot based on player interest. A simplified story structure. Adjusting plot points in the moment.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Pilgrim" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We're so close to getting the prisoners out of the lava tubes! Just one last obstacle in the way... But can an old, familiar face provide some help? Fleeple recognizes a voice. Mal comes in swinging. Lance makes a very good kill quip.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: The Final Battle, Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Belly of the Beast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Sometimes you spend too much time talking in hostile territory, and you get jumped by cultists. We've all been there, right? Mal bowls for cultists with a flaming sphere. Lance throws off some archers with a flaming wall. Fleeple, surprisingly enough, doesn't actually use any fire this time.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Infiltration, Hellish
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Jhank Squad is finally encountering some foes here in side the caldera! Will they be able to bluff their way through, or will it be a fight? (Is that even a question?) Lance goes ghost. Mal thunder steps. Fleeple gets slapped.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Want to delve deeper into the more intellectual aspects of wizardry? Want a living spellbook you can talk to? Want to cast lightning balls instead of fireballs? Then Mickie and Ned are here to talk about why the Order of Scribes is the perfect wizard subclass for you!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The battle is beginning! Now the Jhank Squad just has to finalize their infiltration plan, and free those prisoners. Mal puts her mapping skills to good use. Fleeple eats a bunch of bird carcasses. Lance gets ready to go ghost.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Endless Labyrinth by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
SPOILER WARNING for Tyranny of Dragons episodes 84 and beyond.
Just broke up with your lousy old warlock patron? Need a new, good-aligned patron who'll treat you right? Wanna grab some sweet Cleric-like powers along the way? Join Ned and Mickie in this breakdown of Malamara's shiny new subclass!
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The council's army will be here soon. Just one last chance to put the final pieces in place. Mal does some spying of her own. Fleeple cooks some shakshuka. Lance sows some dissent.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Bush Week” By Nihilore
This track is from the Album Broken Parts
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
“Unstoppable” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Tick Tock Goes The Broken Clock” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With the flames of one battle dying down, it's time for another battle—one of wits and diplomacy—to begin on the other side of the caldera. Fleeple pulls the wool off somebody's eyes. Mal receives a gift. Lance fields some texts.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts
Including: Melodic Marauders Down Under, Marauders Noir
“You are near an Orc Camp” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Flames in the lava tubes. A ghost come back to haunt an old foe. A battle to remember. Mal endures relentlessly. Lance brings the heat. Fleeple chops an onion.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts
Including: The Painbow Connection
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's time for the Jhank Squad to encounter some very important figures in the Cult of the Dragon—whether they were prepared for it or not! Mal takes an arrow. Fleeple serves a meal. Lance haunts an old foe.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
“Camp Vengeance” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
“You are near an Orc Camp” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Jhank Squad brings back the ol "divide and conquer in the caldera" strategy, making some interesting discoveries along the way. Jurgen hits the kitchens. Phaleon encounters ANOTHER old annoyance. Grrga spins a piece of hot metal.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Tick Tock Goes The Broken Clock” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“You are near an Orc Camp” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
“Camp Vengeance” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
“Belly of the Beast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
New caldera, new fake names, new faces to meet! Except for a couple old faces the Jhank Squad might rather forget about... Grrga hunts for dinner. Jurgen passes out some bribes. Phaleon encounters an old annoyance.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“War Camp” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Until you are but Ash
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
“Camp Vengeance” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The crew is back again to talk about stuff! What kind of stuff? Changing major character mechanics for plot reasons. Keeping characters from getting stale or boring even after completing major driving arcs. Dealing with huge disappointments and moving on from them. All this and more in this Word of Recall!
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's gonna be a long ride to get to the caldera. What will the Jhank Squad run into along the way? Mal holds her horses. Fleeple does a lil' bird dance. Lance gets deep.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
“Camp Vengeance” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Golden Gate Guardians” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Time for a road trip! But first, gotta tie up some loose threads here in Waterdeep. Fleeple gets the snacks. Mal handles the aux cord. Lance gets stuck being the map guy.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Tick Tock Goes The Broken Clock” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
One last council before it's time to face off against the Cult of the Dragon, but who's this sneaking in from the shadows?... Lance rallies the people. Mal gives a speech. Fleeple scries.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
“The Timeless Chamber” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Game is On” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts!
Including: “The Painbow Connection (Instrumental)”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Join Thomas and Ned for this inaugural episode of our new DM Q&A segment! You've asked your questions about how we handle things behind the DM screen, and we've got answers.
Talking points include: Managing NPCs (stat blocks, spell lists, accents, etc.). Setting DCs in the moment. Balancing the rules with narrative momentum. Speed of character progression. Learning by making mistakes.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In the wake of their chilling encounter up North, each member of the Jhank Squad has some personal business to attend to before they're ready to face Tiamat. Fleeple wrestles with his zeal. Mal leaves behind a sword. Lance says a final goodbye.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
Last Dawn” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Shout out to our resident Kobold player NED for some amazing music in this episode that he let us borrow from our sister podcast: Improv Tabletop!! Go check out Improv Tabletop and listen for the music in both podcasts
Including: “At Least There’s Quokkas”, “Marauders in the Daofei”, “Fuguenflauten”, ”Fuguenchillen”, “Things Are Getting Weird”
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Everybody's alive. Everybody's together. But the Jhank Squad's got some stuff to work through before they're ready to face any more dragons. Fleeple finds some arrows. Lance offers a gift. Mal holds everybody together.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Ambient” Playlist
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Arauthator has turned tail and run away... but that doesn't mean the Jhank Squad is done with him quite yet. Lance casts Message. Mal prays. Fleeple rolls some death saves.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“The Timeless Chamber” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Last Dawn” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Underwater Frozen” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“No Winners” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Golden Gate Guardians” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Enough plotting and planning. It's time to face the beast! Fleeple gets nothin' but net. Lance gets distracted. Mal gets a new source of power.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Until you are but Ash
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Golden Gate Guardians” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Dragon Ice Breath
Credit: [HuskyPlayz] on youtube
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Playing the variant human in 5e is great because you get a free extra feat at level 1, but with so many feats to choose from, which one should you pick? Ned and Thomas are here to break down some of their favorite feats specifically for first-level characters.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Jhank Squad has just a few moments to get their plans in order before it's time to face off against Arauthator. How are three scrappy sellswords going to defeat a dragon this powerful? Fleeple finds a really cool scroll. Mal opens up about her fears. Lance gives Mal a book.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Belly of the Beast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our cover is about to get blown! Will the Jhank Squad be able to befriend Maccath the Crimson to avoid a tussle, or will they need to defend themselves against more swarms of kobolds? Lance deliberately scouts ahead. Fleeple makes a new pet. Mal does... something useful, I'm sure.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Down into the iceberg we go! Where is the dragon? We sure don't know. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Fleeple digs in some trash. Mal catches a kobold by the toe. Lance rolls statistically improbably well.
• • •
Patreon: patreon.com/ICastFireball20
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Dark Ice Fortress” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Icy Cave” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
“Breaking Point” by Nihilore
Also available at: http://www.nihilore.com/latest-tracks/2019/4/12/breaking-point
This track is from the album Barriers, Freely available at: https://nihilore.bandcamp.com/album/barriers
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Ned and Thomas here, actually recording from the same room IN PERSON to tell you all about our new Patreon account launching July 5, 2023!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/icastfireball20
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
"The Root Beer Lazy River (Jem's Theme)" was written by Ned Wilcock for Improv Tabletop, and is used here with permission.
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
You're telling me there are three different officially published versions of the Aasimar in 5e? How am I supposed to know which one to choose? Well, follow along as Ned and Thomas break down the intricacies of the differences between the Aasimars presented in the Dungeon Master's Guide, Volo's Guide to Monsters, and Monsters of the Multiverse.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The battle inside has been won, but now the Jhank Squad must return to the war raging out in the cold. With just a few moments left, let's prepare to infiltrate the dragon's lair! Fleeple feels self-conscious about his low strength score. Lance gets some nets. Mal hefts a now-heavier blade.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Until you are but Ash
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The battle inside Mal's soul continues. Which side will win the tug of war? Fleeple gets amped on deity juice. Lance pulls out his spells. Mal makes a sneak attack.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Golden Gate Guardians” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With Malamara's mind overcome by the shock of her new discovery, Fleeple and Lance must venture forth into a terrain vastly unlike any they've seen before. Lance pulls some sleight-of-hand. Mal relives her past. Fleeple gets a truly divine glow-up.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Golden Gate Guardians” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Things are looking grim for the Jhank Squad! Or rather, they would be if they could see out of these bags over their heads. What could these orcs want with them? Lance parleys. Fleeple holds his shenanigans for the right moment. Mal discovers something she wasn't ready to discover.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Frozen Coast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Ice Temple” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Out on the Sea of Moving Ice, the Jhank Squad is on the hunt for the lair of Arauthator! It's cold going, but they're sure to find it... Willingly or not. Fleeple takes to the skies. Mal confronts her origins. Lance regrets trusting the NPCs.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Frozen Coast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Icy Cave” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
“The Game is On” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Join Ned for a chill, laid-back discussion about how the Kobold playable race has evolved over the course of 5e's history. Bringing snacks and a cool beverage is optional, but recommended.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
A ghost from Fleeple's past has finally reared its ugly face. The quest to the Spine of the North beckons, but surely a little justice must be meted out first? Mal hands over her sword. Lance goes Hammurabi. Fleeple finds a really cool rock.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Belly of the Beast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Axis Mundi
You can find it on “Funk” playlist:
“Medieval Harbor” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Sailing Ship” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
And we're finally back to the future! The Council of Waterdeep has just concluded, and everybody's about to go their separate ways, but Lance has another idea first. Fleeple eats some pie. Mal holds up a hand. Lance tries to pull a Fleeple.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
“Unstoppable” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Endless Labyrinth by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
If you've spent a lot of time in the online D&D communities, you've probably seen a lot of hate for the ranger. Well, BOO, we say! The 5e ranger may have a spotted history, but Ned and Jacob are here to help convince you that the ranger is more than worth your consideration.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With the astral assault assuaged, the Jhank Squad discovers a surprise survivor! What information might they be able to glean from this unexpected prisoner? Mal harvests a dragon. Lance lays down the law. Fleeple finally admits he doesn't actually know how Good Constable/Bad Constable works.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Battle Aftermath” D&D Ambience created by Sword Coast Soundscapes
Consider subscribing for incredible soundscapes for your TTRPG games
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/swordcoastsoundscapes
“Belly of the Beast” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Dragons attacking the city! But wait... What's that riding on their backs? Has the Jhank Squad's past come back to haunt them once again? Lance sneak attacks. Malamara rages. Fleeple Tolls the Dead. You know, the usual combat stuff.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Jahnk Squad is split. Can they find a way back together? Mal meets a new hunting companion. Lance gets a little religious. Fleeple thinks about contracts.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Melancholia and Hellish
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Axis Mundi
You can find it on “Funk” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
Against my better judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Yeesh, it's been a hot minute since our last Word of Recall! But that just means this one will be all the juicier for it. What would have been different if Mal had stayed at The Bloody Bowl? What's Fleeple willing to give up to stop the Cult of the Dragon? How much did Lance want to kill Ralph? All this and more on Word of Recall!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With the council resolved for the time being, let's go back in time to see what the Jhank Squad did during their downtime leading up to the council! Surely nothing crazy will happen. Er... Did happen. Darn timey-wimey shenanigans. Lance keeps his eye on a stranger. Mal tries to get a book. Fleeple burns something.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Titans” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Standing before the King of Waterdeep himself, the Jhank Squad's got some 'splainin to do! This is their only chance to get the various factions on the Sword Coast their side. Lance eyes the crowd. Fleeple speaks in the name of Bahamut. Mal offers moral support.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The fun, non-threatening side quests are over, and now it's time to meet back up with Leosin and seek the aid of the most powerful factions of the Sword Coast. No pressure, right? Fleeple counts some jewels. Mal stays strategically silent. Lance opens up.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Acid drop groove
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
Alone by the Fire
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the Horror Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/horror
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
After mangling some monstrous machines, our haggard, harried heroes are curiously close to cracking Stonky's sinister secrets! Lance rushes in. Malamara mirrors herself. Fleeple punches a dude in the face.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Infiltration, Warp Speed
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Relaxing Steampunk Sound Effect” By Fantasy Realm
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Medieval City” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest, it's just a fun side quest. Anyways. Malamara visits a rage room. Fleeple goes on a Stardust Crusade. Lance closes the door.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Relaxing Steampunk Sound Effect” By Fantasy Realm
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Inside the statue, the Jhank Squad needs to figure out what on Toril is going on with these crazy custodians! What are they trying to accomplish? Who is Stonky? And OH MY GOSH what are these weird metal cockroach things? Fleeple plays the bad constable for once. Lance finds a secret tunnel. Malamara gets left behind AGAIN.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Cool Vibes by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/
License: CC BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Yibru5
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
And who says barbarians can't have a bunch of cool options? In this episode, we dig into the Totem Warrior subclass, which offers a wide plethora of animalistic abilities for your rage-filled brawler to choose from! Plus, Malamara has a special feat up her sleeve that makes it even more versatile.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We've got a month 'til Leosin shows up, right? We need something to help Malamara unwind and get her mind of Errtu, right? A fun little side-quest is just what we need, right? Right. Right? RIGHT. Fleeple makes a diagnosis. Lance hams it up. Mal ends up a little late to the party.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Fight… Back… and Infiltration
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Somehow we completely spaced on doing a Crunch Squad for Mal's main class until now. But hopefully you'll find the wait to be worth it! Barbarians are one of the most iconic classes in all fantasy, and the mechanics sure don't skimp on that long heritage.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally in Waterdeep, the Jhank Squad should have a chance to take a little breather for a while. But after all this chaos, what's going on inside those minds of theirs? Mal puts up a front. Lance protects his pockets. Fleeple plays tug-of-war.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
A Vision of Light
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Drinking Song: “Beer, Beer, Beer” or “An Ode to Charlie Mops - The Man Who Invented Beer”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The fight for Malamara continues behind the stage of the Bloody Bowl! Outnumbered as they are, can the Jhank Squad make it to freedom? Mal dons a new face. Lance holds a mini intervention. Fleeple doubts.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Hellish
“Arena Crowd” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
“Medieval City” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
“Drive” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Back behind the scenes of the Bloody Bowl, Lance and Fleeple have a little meetup with "The Devil", intent on breaking her out so they can resume their quest. But it seems like Errtu has a different plan in mind for Mal... Lance negotiates. Fleeple causes a distraction. Mal remembers.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Well, we found Mal! Now if only she wasn't trapped in a fighting pit... Lance whips up a plan. Fleeple examines some exquisite "foodies". Mal lives up to her new stage name.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Fighting Pit” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
“Welcome to the Arena” by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
“Arena Fight” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Malamara is nowhere to be seen. Sounds like it's time for Good Constable and Bad Constable to hit the streets and see if they can find her!
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
“Medieval City” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Cool Vibes by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/
License: CC BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Yibru5
Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeod
℗ The Other Songs
Released on: 2014-12-27
Producer: Kevin MacLeod
Composer: Kevin MacLeod
“Arena Fight” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Per the request of one of our listeners, Ned and Thomas are sitting down to discuss the monk in all its glory—and it turns out there's a LOT to talk about with this one! With tons of cool features that build on top of each other, the monk quickly ends up becoming one of the most thematic fighters in the game.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Lance and Fleeple sleep soundly after their harrowing adventures with Ralph. But Malamara doesn't.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Arena Fight” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Rezmir and Lottie's Place are behind them. The treacherous rocks and waves have been bested. Now they just have Ralph before them. And after that?... Mal snaps out of it. Fleeple does an inarguably good job of being intimidating. Lance sticks his neck out. (Ralph makes Lance an offer he can't refuse.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
This is My Time
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The danger isn't over yet for the Jhank Squad as they find themselves being buffeted by the waves near the jagged rocks of the cliff face! Hopefully they can make it to shore soon and finally catch some rest... Fleeple goes aquatic. Mal speaks in somebody else's voice. Lance gets venomous. (Ralph is frankly just happy he's still alive.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Pipes and Drums
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the Horror Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/horror
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Will an enemy's fireball spell the end of the line for the Jhank Squad? Let's find out! Lance falls. Mal falls much harder. Fleeple falls much softer. (Ralph actually does some legitimately helpful things.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Melancholia
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Josh is back, and he's ready to to geek out about mechanics! Ralph is a very unique character, from his rare elven subrace, to the wizard subclass that hears the phrase "wizards shouldn't be able to do this" and flat-out ignores it. Time to DISPEL the mysteries of the bladesinger!
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Deception abounds as the Jhank Squad finds themselves in a tense moment of negotiation! Can they keep things from coming to blows, or will the tension force their hands to violence? Mal embraces the elk. Fleeple embraces the horse. Lance embraces the winged serpent. (Ralph commits larceny.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
There's something interesting behind that door Lance weaseled his way through, and it's not just this woman he calls his "dove"... Mal has a bad time with some water. Fleeple pickitup-pickitup-pickitups. Lance dons a new disguise. (Ralph gives somebody a foot massage.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With a new lead (and a new companion) on their hands, the Jhank Squad heads off to the illustrious Lottie's Place, which Lance seems to be all too familiar with. What's Lance's connection to the owner of this place? Fleeple drinks some bad juice. Mal dishes out the allowance. Lance meets up with an old friend. (Ralph talks to a rock.)
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Local Forecast - Elevator by Kevin MacLeod https://incompetech.com/
Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/ioi_-5sAuXQ
Creative Commons — CC BY 3.0 I https://goo.gl/Yibru5
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Meet & Geek returns triumphantly with our very special guest star, Joshua Lorimer! Sit back as Josh talks about how board game design introduced him to D&D, what it was like in the early days of D&D podcasting, the power of independent creators, and much more.
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” and “The Pilgrim” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Everybody welcome D&D podcast veteran Joshua Lorimer (Sneak Attack!, Titans of All'Terra) to the show as our special guest! Finally in Neverwinter, the Jhank Squad tails a suspicious figure and end up meeting a strange elf who joins them on their journey. Fleeple intimidates some youths. Mal eavesdrops on some axebeaks. Lance turns into a cowboy.
Find Josh on Twitter at @Joshuathehippie. He currently DMs @TheTitanPod.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Medieval City” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With their new mission ahead of them, it's time to leave Candlekeep behind and head to the Jewel of the North! Just as soon as Lance gets a little pep talk... Fleeple gets some travel benefits. Mal feels weirdly at home. Lance buys himself a cool new hat.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
“Medieval City” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
Conditions of use:https://michaelghelfi.com/conditions-of-use/
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The Jhank Squad finishes up all their personal side quests at Candlekeep, and get ready to head out on the next leg of their journey! However, Lance seems more than troubled by the details of this next mission... Mal haggles some more. Fleeple takes his studies outside. Lance wastes 100 gold pieces.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Orchestral” Playlist
Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeod
℗ The Other Songs
Released on: 2014-12-27
Producer: Kevin MacLeod
Composer: Kevin MacLeod
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
It's been one wild ride in Candlekeep! Why did Lance decide to reveal some of his dark backstory? How does Mal feel about her relationship with Errtu? And how has playing this particular adventure changed Fleeple's character arc? All this and more on Word of Recall!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
More downtime at Candlekeep! Lance gets his possessions rifled through. Mal hires a forgery artist. Fleeple starts a new workout regimen.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Sneaky Snitch - Kevin MacLeod
℗ The Other Songs
Released on: 2014-12-27
Producer: Kevin MacLeod
Composer: Kevin MacLeod
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Metal” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our heroes finally get some downtime! With about a month ahead of them before Leosin gets back, this should be the perfect time to work on some personal goals. Fleeple tries to get his hands on some potions. Mal definitely tells the truth. Lance gets way more acquainted with a book than he ever expected.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
As our heroes leave the forgotten section of the library, their chat with Quilliam leaves them with more questions than when they started. But for now, it's time to get some rest and prepare for the next leg of the journey! Lance gets a first draft from Quilliam. Mal gets another visit in the night. Fleeple gets a surprise makeover.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The demons may be behind them, but our heroes still have to find the information they came here for in the first place! Hopefully they can find it before the spectral dragon finds them. Fleeple ponders authorial intent. Mal thinks with her muscles. Lance shows some tenderness.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Until you are but Ash
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
We've finally heard enough of Lance's mysterious backstory to talk about his subclass! Time to talk about that we believe is one of the most compelling 5e subclasses, both thematically and mechanically. Bring a lantern, 'cause it's time to delve into the darkness of Lance's abilities!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Time to find our missing half-orc! Just sure hope our party's reunion doesn't involve an intense battle with a bunch of demons, right? Lance gives a piggy-back ride. Mal has a change of heart. Fleeple gets up to some high-level magic shenanigans.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Roll call! Lance is here, Fleeple's here, Mud's here... Where's Malamara? Sure hope she's not getting into any terrible danger by herself. Lance gets psychoanalyzed by a mind flayer. Fleeple jumps on the grenade. Mal tries really hard to check out a book.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our heroes face up against the true worst enemy of any adventuring party: a locked door. How to make it through all those traps? Mal encounters some frightening fiends off on her own. Lance does some high-stakes rock climbing. Fleeple spends a weird amount of time singing "I Will Get There" by Boyz II Men.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Welcome to Chaos” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Jacob's in the hosting chair so Ned can talk more about Fleeple! This time, it's about Fleeple's druid subclass, mistletoe and all. You won't find it in any official D&D books, so how on Abeir-Toril did Ned get his hands on it? Let's find out!
Get the Odyssey of the Dragonlords Player's Guide for FREE right here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/267073/Odyssey-of-the-Dragonlords-Players-Guide
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With a new ally(?) at their side, the Jhank Squad delves further into the temple in search of a proper way into the dragon section of the library. Getting inside is going to be a little more difficult than they thought, though... Lance makes some threats. Fleeple drinks some magical Baja Blast. Mal takes a quick detour into the religion section...
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Ambient” Playlist
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In the wake of a frightening encounter with their past, the Jhank Squad regroups, catches their breath, and heads further into the library in search of the Dragon/Religion Sections. But it turns out they're not the only ones perusing the shelves... Lance tries to get seven years of bad luck. Mal opens up. Fleeple makes a charcuterie platter.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally, it's time to get some Lance backstory exposition! But a touching reunion goes awry as it turns out not all the voices in his head are there to help him... Lance's past comes back to haunt him. Fleeple brings back Star Platinum. Mal reminds us why she's called the Dragonslayer.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally inside the necromancy section, it seems there are greater forces at play for our heroes. What is this quest Errtu wants Mal to go on? And why are the voices in Lance's head getting even louder? Mal talks to a demon. Lance talks to a long-lost friend. Fleeple talks to a pile of bones.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Now finally inside the forgotten sections of the library, our heroes have a choice. Go to the dragon section or the religion section like Leosin encouraged them to... OR they could check out the creepy death hallway waiting near the entrance. Mal extends her senses. Fleeple digs through some ashes. Lance pushes for a completionist run.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Before entering the forgotten section, it turns out our heroes will need to talk to a very unusual librarian! Mal visualizes her inner turmoil. Fleeple contemplates clerical duties. Lance tells a very cryptic story.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: to Grasp with Open Hands, Melancholia, Heaven’s Sorrow
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “World & Folk” playlist:
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With their path decided, the Jhank Squad begins delving down, deep beneath the well-trodden halls of Candlekeep into the long-forgotten sections below! A nice train ride offers a moment of reflection before stepping into the unknown. Mal has a dream. Lance reaches out. Fleeple casts produce flame way too many times.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk, The Pilgrim
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the Horror Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/horror
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Mickie's back with more Mal insights! This time, we discuss Mal's warlock subclass, in all its fiendish trappings. What was it about this most Faustian of warlock patrons that drew Mickie to it? Let's find out!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Well rested, our heroes finish up their shopping and inadvertently help a young boy with his crush before gathering some intel on the next leg of their quest. Two potential paths now lie before them... Which direction will fate take them?
• • •
Ukraine Fundraiser Links
Online Auction: http://hope4ukraine.betterworld.org/auctions/auction-ukraine
6pm Improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311235873877
8pm improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311502982807?aff=efbneb
Donatations: https://forpeace.us/
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk, The Pilgrim
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Until you are but Ash
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With one less gith to worry about, our heroes instead turn their worries to Mal. It seems our heroes are trapped in deeper waters than they'd realized... Maybe some shopping can help cheer them up! Fleeple shares a parable. Lance tries to speed up a very slow barkeep. Mal gets more plastered than a fresco in a church.
• • •
Ukraine Fundraiser Links
Online Auction: http://hope4ukraine.betterworld.org/auctions/auction-ukraine
6pm Improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311235873877
8pm improv show: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/copy-of-giants-of-comedy-improv-show-ukraine-fundraiser-tickets-311502982807?aff=efbneb
Donatations: https://forpeace.us/
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk, The Pilgrim
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgment
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Until you are but Ash
The Dimensionless Sphere
You can find it on “Minimalism” playlist:
Suspense Sound Effect - Scary Rising Horror Music used from https://www.FesliyanStudios.com
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Bedtime Stories” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Back in Candlekeep after their wild ride in Wisteria Vale, our heroes turn their attention back to the strange, echoey-voiced assailant-turned-prisoner they brought with them. Lance joins the good constable/bad constable game. Fleeple contemplates a gamut of crimes. Mal is faced with some loose ends from her past.
• • •
Twitter / Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Facebook: @ICastFireball2020
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Duduk
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
Polaris performed on the Steel Tongue Drum by Jonathan Neumann
Incredibly cool music and a beautiful drum, check out the video link above to watch him play
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
Against My Better Judgement
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Meet & Geek is back, with two for the price of one! Special guest players Heather Brower and Caleb Anderton share their history with geekdom, their connections with the other members of the cast, and how they developed Breck and Mortar to be so closely intertwined with each other.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” and “The Pilgrim” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Yes, we're still trying to kill the beholder! You ever try to fight one of these things? It takes a while! Fleeple gets up to druid shenanigans. Lance grabs some MORE hors d'oeuvres. Mal gets stab-happy. Brick and Mortar finally go home(?).
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including: Solomon's Dream, Duduk
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Something Wicked” By Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
“Forgotten” By: Whitesand
Released on: 2018-01-25
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Flamenco music by Clive Harvey on Youtube:
Clive Harvey from www.marocana.co.uk playing flamenco guitar. CDs available from www.jasmine-records.co.uk.’
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Time to battle the beholder! Brick & Mortar get in the thick of it. Lance grabs some hors d'oeuvres. Mal wrangles some armor. Fleeple grovels, cowers, and begs.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
The Foggy dew - Played on the Ocarina by Yeargdribble
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Ambient” Playlist
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
So a beholder, an adventuring party, and a pair of bewildered brothers walk into a party. Shenanigans are bound to ensue, but can our heroes get Vargan alone for long enough to get the job done? Lance gets very transparent. Mal plays Super Mario 64. Fleeple tries to show off his new spells.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the following ambinces: Hellish
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Packington’s Pound written by Anonymous
Played on the Lute by Luthval
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
At last I have found what I was seeking
Found on the “Ambient” Playlist
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Now that we've met Brick and Mortar, let's get back with the Jhank Squad, and see how these two worlds combine! Finding Vargan may be more difficult than our heroes expected in this strange land of Wisteria Vale, but with the help of a couple long-term residents, we're sure to find out something interesting!
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the following ambinces: Rhythmic Swirl, Lycidas, Hellish
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on “Epic” playlist- http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Steel Tongue Drum | POLARIS - Fingerstyle
By Jonathan Neumann
Packington’s Pound written by Anonymous
Played on the Lute by Luthval
Bedtime Stories by Ross Bugden
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVHVFwwuOa0&list=PLMFmJLFhkDPHa6QlTwhBgEIU8hWIB2Sl2&index=1
INSTAGRAM! : https://instagram.com/rossbugden/ (rossbugden)
TWITTER! : https://twitter.com/RossBugden (@rossbugden)
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Let's take a quick break from the adventures of the Jhank Squad to check in with two brand new characters! Join special guest players Heather Brower and Caleb Anderton as they introduce their characters, and give us a taste of what life is like in the mysterious village of Wisteria Vale.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the following ambinces: Rhythmic Swirl, Lycidas, Hellish
Master of the Feast - Kevin MacLeod
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Before our heroes receive their new quest from Leosin, let's hop back a bit to see what happened on the trail leading up to this attack by these strange creatures. Mal reaches out. Fleeple shares his past. Lance tries to open up.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the song “Last Chance”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on the “Orchestral” Playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/orchestral
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
Master of the Feast by: Kevin MacLeod
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
On the way to Candlekeep, our heroes review their notes, trying to glean any last information they can relay to Leosin. But as they stop to rest for the night, they're surprised by strange visitors who speak in disorienting voices. Is the Jhank Squad being tailed?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the song “Last Chance”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Adventure Begins (Orchestral) by Whitesand
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...
Buy This Track on Bandcamp: https://goo.gl/Hqif2c
This is a remastered version of this song, previously released on 'Beyond Horizon'
Composed by Martynas Lau (Whitesand)
Release: 2018
Album: Monsters
Master of the Feast by: Kevin MacLeod
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally putting the caldera well and truly behind them, our heroes are ready to move on to the next stage of their journey, and just in time for their old pal Leosin to invite them to the most prestigious library in all the Sword Coast! Lance battles with his past. Mal continues to embrace the barbarian. Fleeple searches for a ghost.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Donations: ko-fi.com/icastfireball20
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including the song “Last Chance”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
“Weightless” by Ross Bugden
Please consider subscribing
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
Master of the Feast by Kevin MacLeod
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Now the Caldera Arc is finally behind us, it's time to go behind the scenes and answer those burning questions! Why is Lance still hanging out with the chuckleheads? How is Fleeple handling such a close encounter with his greatest enemy? And how is Mal handling all the rage building up inside of her?
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Enough planning, enough exploring the dungeon, enough sneaking. It's finally time to face the enemy head-on! Three scrappy heroes versus Mondath and the rest of her cultists. Who will come out on top?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Dragon King of the South” by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
“Fragments of Bankok” from Mixkit.co
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
This is My Time
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Kobolds: Defeated. Barbarians: Befriended. Dragon Eggs: Secured. Tommy Wiseau: Abducted. All that's left now is to face Mondath and her twelve angry cultists. Just one last round of planning before it's time to dive headfirst into the belly of the beast!
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Against My Better Judgement
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Taking some time to inspect the shrine of Tiamat more closely, our heroes find that the proverbial web they've been walking into is more tangled than they realized. What strange magic is Mondath using here? What will come of these dragon eggs? And how far-reaching is the Cult of the Dragon's power?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Endless Labyrinth by Michael Ghelfi Studios on Youtube
GO CHECK THEM OUT!! Incredible TTRPG Ambiences and music!
Their Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With one massive fight behind them, and another yet to come, our heroes decide to explore the rest of the cave before confronting Mondath. Lance scouts around. Fleeple reconnects with an old friend. Malamara discovers that she's made a name for herself!
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
Alone by the Fire
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Hope you like daring combat, 'cause this episode is full of it! Lance protects his own. Malamara draws from a previously unknown well of strength. Fleeple dreams of better times.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including “Duduk song”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Welcome to our FanCast where we talk about Tommy Wiseau's groundbreaking film, "The Room". This week, we will also be following the story of three fantasy heroes who got into a fight with too many kobolds. Like, WAAAAYY too many kobolds.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including “Duduk song”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our heroes move deeper into the cultists' cave, only to find complication after complication. How will they clear this dungeon when every turn is infested with cultists, drakes, and kobolds who sound like Tommy Wiseau?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including “Duduk song”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
What's a familiar good for, anyway? Well, turns out it's an awful lot! Back in the caldera, The Jhank Squad have some investigation to do in the aftermath of the raid. Fleeple looks for an unlikely friend. Lance proves the power of Sneak Attack. Mal gives her familiar a makeover.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including “Duduk song”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In today's episode, Mickie is back to talk about half-orcs! The quintessential race for players who want to play with the challenge of not quite belonging to either of the worlds that created them. Hear why Mickie felt like this was the perfect race to help bring her character to life.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With a few loose ends left to tie up, our heroes decide it's time to head back to the cultist camp. But along the way, some of them have a hard time getting a good night's sleep. Who is this mysterious figure invading Mal's dreams?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
“Melody of my Dreams” By: Whitesand
Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2018
Title: Melody Of My Dreams
“Dragon Slayer” By Ross Bugden
Consider subscribing
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Word of Recall is back, and this time, we've got listener questions! What have been the cast's most unexpected/frightening moments? How much do we prepare our characters beforehand, and how much do we leave up to the story? Where the heck did that worm box come from? Find out in today's episode!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the “Marimba” soundscape found at Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally, our heroes have a chance to take a rest and plan for the next leg of their journey together amid feast and frolic. Mal goes barbarian. Lance visits a friend. Fleeple reads some bad poetry.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Travel music: Kevin MacLeod - Master of the Feast
The following song from Nihilore.com were used:
Found on “Epic” playlist- http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Child’s Theme:
Artist - Whitesand
Song - Forgotten
Artist Link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe96JG5gdgSRtmqStx0isXA
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In today's episode, Jacob is back to talk about elves! There's a reason why they're basically the face of fantasy races, and there's an elf to suit practically every taste. Come hear how Jacob makes this classic D&D race feel grounded in grand Elven history while also bringing his own twist to it.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music was created using the "Marimbas" soundscape found at Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
One mighty foe is down, but the prisoners are still far from being out of danger, let alone our heroes! Now that the jig is up, will they be able to fight through the opposition and finally fulfill their shaky plan?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Travel music: Kevin MacLeod - Master of the Feast
Battle Sounds:
D&D Ambience | Battle In the City | Distant Fight, Ruined District, Building Collapsing
By Michael Ghelfi - RPG Audio
Please check out his youtube page for more awesome dnd Ambiences! If you like what you hear here is his patreon link: http://bit.ly/Patreon-MG
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Welcome to Word of Recall! In our first ever retrospective episode, the whole crew sits down to reflect back on the campaign so far, and answer each other's questions about what's going on behind the scenes! Why does Mal not consider herself to be a half orc? How does Lance really feel about his companions? Where did Fleeple get that fleece? Find out in today's episode!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background music provided by the "Cinematic East" and "Marimba" presets on Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Looks like our heroes' cover is blown! Can they talk their way out of this one? Or will they be forced to duke it out with powerful foes... both new AND old?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Including the song “Last Chance”
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience
Created by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
Travel music: Kevin MacLeod - Master of the Feast
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Final preparations are put in place leading up to the raid. The orcs are ready, and did you know there are 100 kobolds ready to help as well? Things are looking good for our heroes... Too good. Can they manage to pull off the plan without a hitch?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience
Created by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
War Camp Ambience 2: D&D Ambience - Camp Vengeance
Created by: Sword Coast Soundscapes
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In today's episode, Mickie takes over to ask Ned why he loves druids so much. Between a bevy of versatile spell options, the shapeshifting abilities that are useful both inside and outside of combat, and the ability to flex into multiple roles in the party, get ready to hear why Ned thinks druids are the Swiss Army Knife of D&D classes!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music- “Laissez-faire” from Nihilore.com
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Tensions continue to mount as our heroes continue to plan their attack on the cultist camp. But their doubts are starting to get the better of them. With the heat ramping up, can they keep it together? Or will their fears draw them apart at this most crucial moment?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Including “Solomon’s Dream”
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience
Created by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
War Camp Ambience 2: D&D Ambience - Camp Vengeance
Created by: Sword Coast Soundscapes
Orc Camp: You are near an Orc camp - RPG Ambience
Created by: RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In this week's Meet & Geek, Thomas takes over the host's chair so we can learn more about Jacob! What turned him from being a fantasy skeptic to a D&D podcaster? What awesome video games helped guide his journey? And what motivates the way Lance approaches his relationships? Hear it all right here!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background music provided by the "Cinematic East" presets on Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Split up across the cultist camp, our heroes each have their own unique problems to deal with now. What does the leadership want with Mal? How will the orcs respond to Lance? Can a toothless kobold soften Fleeple's heart? Whatever happens, prepare get caught up in the Crossfire!
(This episode is (unfortunately) not sponsored by Hasbro's classic board game Crossfire.)
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience
Created by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
War Camp Ambience 2: D&D Ambience - Camp Vengeance
Created by: Sword Coast Soundscapes
Orc Camp: You are near an Orc camp - RPG Ambience
Created by: RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
An Unwavering Will
Found on the EDM Playlist - http://www.nihilore.com/edm
Found on “Epic” playlist- http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In today's episode, Ned sits down with Mickie to talk about the surprising versatility of warlocks. They may not have may spell slots, but don't be fooled! Hidden among those Eldritch Invocations and Pact Boons is an incredibly deep and customizable spellcaster just waiting to be explored.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music created using the “Marimbas” soundscape from Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Finally arriving in the cultist camp, our heroes put on the performance of their lives to blend in, hoping to destroy this place from the inside out. Lance gets a job from the leadership. Mal gets a test to prove herself. Fleeple gets kicked in the teeth.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
War Camp Ambience 2: D&D Ambience - Camp Vengeance by Sword Coast Soundscapes
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In this week's Meet & Geek, Jacob turns the microscope on Ned, our resident druid and webmaster. How deep does his experience with TTRPGs run? How did an improv class lead to the creation of this podcast? And how on Toril did Ned come up with a kobold wearing a fleece? Buckle in, 'cause he's got a lot to say!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background music provided by "The Pilgrim" presets on Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Standing head to head with a rearguard of cultists, it looks like our heroes' cover may be blown! Can they keep up the charade, and find their way to the cultists' camp? Mal plays it cool. Lance plays it tough. Fleeple plays it dumb.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
War Camp Ambience 1: War Camp - RPG Ambience by RPG Music Maker - Travis Savoie
War Camp Ambience 2: D&D Ambience - Camp Vengeance by Sword Coast Soundscapes
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In today's episode, Ned sits down with Jacob to talk about why he loves rogues. Is it because they're amazing on the battlefield, hitting hard before dodging away from danger? Is it how skilled they are, reliably calling upon their training to find traps, clues, and more? Let's be honest, it's both.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background Music created using the “Cinematic East” soundscape from Mynoise.net
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The chase continues! It's been a long journey full of all kinds of new foes, and it doesn't look like that's going to stop any time soon. But will it be possible to trick their future enemies instead of fighting them head-on?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Public domain sound effects used throughout
Weightless by Ross Bugden
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
In this week's Meet & Geek, Jacob sits down with Mickie, our wonderful sound designer, and player of Malamara. Where did Mal's inspiration come from? How does a closet geek find the other geeks? Does a griffin roar like a lion, or caw like an eagle? Listen in to find out!
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Background music provided by The Pilgrim presets on Mynoise.net
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Our heroes learn many valuable things from interrogating their captured cultist. But in the process, did they learn more about the Cult of the Dragon, or about themselves? Mal summons a new friend. Lance asks some hard questions. Fleeple has a crisis of faith.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
The following song from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
Public domain sound effects used throughout
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
On their way to the cultist camp in search of the kidnapped villagers, our heroes get a moment to rest and reflect on what brought them here. Lance hears voices from the past. Fleeple wrestles with his lineage. Mal gets a visit from an ancient fiend—er… old friend. But of course, they can’t rest for too long. Those cultists are closer than they thought!
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Travel music: Kevin MacLeod - Master of the Feast
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used:
A Vision of Light
Alone by the Fire
Against My Better Judgement
This is My Time
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Welcome to our first episode of “Crunch Squad”, Ned's bonus show where he chats with our cast members about the rules that make D&D work! In this premiere episode, he and Thomas discuss why a storytelling game needs so many rules in the first place, and how those rules actually support the narrative rather than restrict it.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Things are much quieter back in the village of Greenest. The cultists are gone, the birds are singing, the villagers are safe… Well, most of them. Somebody’s got to go save the ones who were captured, and we know just the motley crew for the job! Mal leaves behind her old team for a new one. Lance lays down some ground rules. Fleeple pursues a higher calling. Thomas has temporary microphone issues.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Ardinia’s Theme: Music by Whitesand - Forgotten
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Welcome to our first episode of “Meet & Geek”, Jacob’s bonus show where he interviews our cast members about their history with geekdom! In this premiere episode, he sits down with our illustrious DM Thomas to get the inside scoop on what made him such a huge geek.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
As always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Back at the Keep, it’s time for our heroes to take a little rest, right? Right?… Unfortunately, a new threat rears its head. An intimidating challenger approaches the gates, demanding a fight for glory. Fleeple tries to prove himself. Lance tries to keep him from doing anything foolish. Mal tries to keep the crew together.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used: A Vision of Light
You can find it on “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The battle for the Temple of Bahamut is in full swing! Mal and Lance are stationed inside with the trapped citizens, while Fleeple picks off foes outside. Mal gives in to her inner darkness. Lance gives in to his inner hero. Fleeple gives in to his inner chicken. But can they save the temple from the fire?
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you're creating, or studying, or playing your own dnd campaign check out this site and consider donating because it's a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
The following songs from Nihilore.com were used: L and Saudade.
You can find them both on Nihilore’s “Epic” playlist: http://www.nihilore.com/epic/#itemId=5acdab660e2e72484fd67d3c
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
The raiding cultists have turned their attention to a new target: the Temple of Bahamut, where many unfortunate citizens are trapped inside. Time for another rescue! Fleeple really digs into some covert ops. Mal calls upon powers from beyond. Lance hopes to make good on a promise to a new friend.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat.com -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With the captured cultist in hand, Mal, Lance, and Fleeple decide it’s time to get some answers. Now, with the mill secured, and with new information about their enemy, our heroes take some time to regroup, recuperate, and meet some new friends before heading out on their next mission.
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Mal and Lance have a perfect plan to defeat the cultists hiding in the mill, but Fleeple’s already stuck inside! Defeating the cultists will be a challenge, but will they be able to gain any information about why they’re raiding in the first place?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Having gained the trust of Greenest’s mayor, our heroes have a new job: find out what the cultists are doing down at the mill, and keep it from being destroyed. But getting inside undetected is easier said than done.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
With dragon cultists laying waste to the town of Greenest, Mal, Lance, and Fleeple spring into action to defend the townsfolk. A few kobolds are easy enough to deal with, but what about the dragon they worship?
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Thomas Sarnari
Drake Dragon Roar
“More Dragon Sounds and other Mythical Creatures”
Thomas Sarnari
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
“Dragon Theme”
Music From Mixkit.com
Song: Fragments of Bangkok
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Three strangers are brought together when a drinking game ends in tragedy. Malamara the half-orc warlock, Lancthalyn the elven rogue, and Fleeple the kobold druid must join forces to stop the new threat on their town.
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
• • •
Ambience made on the incredible Mynoise.net. If you’re looking for customizable background sound while you’re creating, or studying, or playing your own D&D campaign check out this site and consider donating because it’s a great site.
Zapsplat -
Many sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com/
Thomas Sarnari
Drake Dragon Roar
“More Dragon Sounds and other Mythical Creatures”
Thomas Sarnari
Kevin Maclead -
Music during the drinking game
“Master of the Feast”
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Battle Music
Epic Battle Music - Instrumental D&D Battle/Fight Fantasy Theme
And as always a HUGE thank you to Hayden Allred for our amazing theme music!
Greetings, adventurers! Thomas the DM is here to introduce you to our new Dungeons & Dragons story of fun, fantasy, and fireballs! Get to know a little bit about our players—Jacob, Mickie, and Ned—so you can jump into our first episode ready to light the fire!
• • •
Twitter: @ICastFireball20
Instagram: @ICastFireball20
Email: [email protected]
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