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Here you’ll find solution/advices from some of the famous islamic scholars on our day to day life problems. As a human, we all want a house,money,food, status in society etc. Everything can be attained in this world and the hereafter if we follow the right path. On Youtube we provide the visual(video) reminders for the same. But we present you this so that you can listen to this in quick situations like driving, stuck in traffic. You can download the audios and listen to them whenever you wish to. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
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The podcast Islamic Reminders For Real Life Problems is created by AllahLovesUs. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Salam to all listeners!
Lately I along my team have been pondering on the topic of tahajjud and its importance and hence couldn't be better chance to share it with our audience. Tahajjud has changed many lives, and we pray that Allah gives all of us the hidayah to get up in the last part of night to pray tahajjud.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply. May Allah forgive all of our sins and make us the most righteous.
Salam! It's been a week already of ramadan. Time is flying very quickly. May Allah accept our ibad'ah. In this episode we have Juz 7 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T As per our promise, we will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for all of us. People in Turkey and Syria. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
And today we have Juz 6 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T As per our promise, we will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for all of us. People in Turkey and Syria. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
And today we have Juz 5 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T. As per our promise, we will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for all of us. People in Turkey and Syria. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
And today we have Juz 4 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month
And today we have Juz 3 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T. As per our promise, we will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for all of us. People in Turkey and Syria. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Here's Juz 2 of Qur'an by Mufti Menk. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T. As per our promise, we will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for the people in Turkey and Syria. And all of us. May Allah forgive all our sins. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
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Ramadan Kareem to all our listeners & all muslims over the gobe. May Allah fill our lives with barak'ah, heal our broken hearts this ramadan, and make us among who make the most of this month. Brothers and sisters, it's the most beautiful time of the year. We can feel a sudden change in our lives when Ramadan comes, this ray of hope, happiness comes from Allah S.W.T.
As per the poll results of our last episodes, we are pleased to announce 100% people voted that they would want a Qur'an Recitation Series in Ramadan. So, here we are. We will be posting One Juz per day. Whether you are driving to work, travelling from one place to another, or you have just given up music. Just click the play button and listen to this melodious recitation by our beloved Mufti Menk.
May Allah make it easy for the people in Turkey and Syria. And all of us. May Allah forgive all our sins. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
For any queries and request please reach out: [email protected]
In this episode, Mufti Menk take us through how we should start preparing for Ramadan 2023. How our intentions should be for it. Allahumma Balighna Ramadan. We pray and wish all the goodness and best things for all my brothers and sisters around the globe. May Allah make it easy for us to reach this month. Many of us are struggling, with broken hearts and Ramadan comes and heals all of us. We need ramadan to get more closer to Allah (S.W.T).
Please write to us: [email protected] - Also try to answer the QnA question attached with this episode.
Assalamualikum listeners! In this first episode of 2023, we bring you a topic which should be of utmost importance i.e Barak'ah in Time. We all have 24 hours but we see some people being so productive and doing so much, and others are struggling to even get regular things done. Everything goes back to the fact that Allah controls everything. We need his guidance even in the smallest things we do which we might think are easy, but nothing is easy if Allah doesn't make them easy. We hope and pray that this episode by Sheikh Hamza Yusuf actually helps all of us to understand this and May Allah fill our time, our life with barak'ah.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply. May Allah forgive all of our sins. May Allah bless us with the best in this world and the hereafter.
Assalamu alaykum listeners! This podcast is back after a long break with a new season! Our team has shifted to Dubai for future prospects. And we look forward to bring in more episodes and hopefully with some new changes, In sha Allah. This episode is for all of us who lose hope in this worldly life. Surah Ad Duhaa, it has worked wonders for the people and I personally have benefited from it as well. May Allah bless us all, may Allah keep our tongue moist with the dhikr of Allah, may Allah forgive all our sins, may Allah make us among who listen and apply. I love you all.
In this episode, Mufti menk talks about how Allah knows every detail of our future. What is going to happen, and what not. And why a certain thing is not going to happen, what consequences could be faced. So whatever you are going through, just trust him. It's all decreed by him and trust him that it's for your good only. As we know, Allah loves us more than 70 mothers. Not a single mother on earth wants bad for their own child, then how can Allah can see us in pain? He wants to glorify us, he wants us to grow. Have tawwakul my brother and sisters. Rest Allah will take care for you.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Nouman our beloved brother talks about how Allah will guide our heart when we feel lost, when our imaan is dipping. In times of difficulty, we go to other people, family friends etc. They cannot understand us to the extent which Allah can. And no human can know the consequences of our decisions. But only Allah knows. And Allah knows the best. So we need to restore our imaan, remember him, read Qur'an and Allah will guide you. Allah will not only guide you through difficult times, he will also give you the sabr to get through and be content with what you have.
Allah always help. ALWAYS. Just turn to him NO MATTER what your problem is. Please.
May Allah help us in all affairs and may Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Mufti Menk encourages us not to lose hope in Allah's mercy. No matter how many times it is repeated but still we tend to fall in the trap of Shaytaan and we start losing hope in Allah. Do not beat yourself up. We are humans. We all have weaknesses and we all make mistakes. But it is important to rectify and reflect upon our life decisions and where we going. Allah will forgive us every time we approach him. In fact, he wants to forgive us. Even when we are not asking for forgiveness, he does little things where he forgives our sins.
Let's ask Allah for forgiveness and try our best to close to Allah azzawajal. May Allah bless us in this world and the hereafter. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, our beloved brother Abu Bakr Zoud talks briefly about the importance of the month Muharram.
In this episode, Ustadh Mohamed Bajour explains us the six things we should do in these days of Dhul Hijjah. As, Dhul Hijjah has started now, it's very important for us to prepare and plan about the things we need to do. It's a great great chance to ask for forgiveness, to do good deeds like praying salah on time, fasting, doing charity etc. And of course it goes hand in hand, that doing good deeds is not enough. We need to leave sins, bad habits as well. No matter what all we have been doing, Allah is giving us another chance to come on track, to come closer to him. Our rabb is the most merciful.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply. May Allah allow us to do good deeds and get higher status in the eyes of Allah. May Allah forgive our sins and shortcomings. Ameen ya rabb.
In this episode, Imam Omar Suleiman talks about the sacred months in Islamic Calendar. Many of us are not well versed with the Islamic months, and if we're asked about a sacred month. Our first answer would be Ramadan. Which is right, Ramadan is the holy month but there are more sacred months. And Imam Omar talks about this in a very detailed manner which makes it so easy to understand and remember. And he further discusses how Dhul Hijjah which is the month of Hajj, how it's the most sacred month and what should be our approach during the month. Especially the fasting in first ten days of it. We hope this episode becomes a learning source for you and your loved ones.
May Allah bless us immensely and accept all our good deeds, forgiving all our sins and shortcomings.
In this episode, our beloved brother and Ustadh Nouman Ali khan talks about how muslims should be optimisic in life. And, one of the key thing he does that is he explains what is in the Qur'an while giving real life practical examples too.
May Allah bless us all and May Our Taq'wa rise more and more on Allah.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, we want to share a very optimistic and strong message from our beloved brother Majed Mohammad which is helpful for all of us, including me and my team who are always worried about the future. We humans tend to get worried about what's to come ahead. But Allah has given a cure for everything. Brother gives a quranic example of Ibrahim (A.s) and a real life example too, which really really gives us the hope when we feel anxious and lost.
May Allah help us in all difficult times. May Allah bless us immensely. (Hasbunallahu wa ni'mal wakeel)
After a long break due to our issues with podcast setup, we're back with a new episode. In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi talks about anxiety. And his words are more special because he doesn't give quote motivational sayings which might not be practical in real life. He takes examples from the Qur'an, the most truthful book, and talk us through how Allah consoled the people before us who went through the same situations or even worse. Suban'Allah. May Allah help us in all the times and make us among victorious in this world & hereafter.
One request. Please continue supporting us. Due to some issues we couldn't post episodes in between but we want to continue serving these episodes all around the globe. So please keep listening & sharing. We just want to spread a good message, nothing else. JazakAllah Khayr
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ln this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi explains what really laylatul qadr is.
This is a very important episode with respect to Last Ten Nights of Ramadan. It's not known to us which night is exactly the laylatul qadr, but Our Prophet (peace be upon him) told us that search for Laylatul Qadr in the last ten nights of ramadan. And we get to know a few weather signs as well, how does the sunrises the next morning? How hot or cool the weather is? May Allah help us to make the most Ib'adah and Dua on the Laylatul Qadr Night.
MUST READ DUA in these days : Allahumma Innaka Afuwwun Tuhibbul Afwa Fa'fu Anni
Meaning : Oh Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me.
In this episode, Imam Omar Suleiman talks in detail about the upcoming last ten nights of the month of Ramadan. What should be our mindset? Our approach? He covers every detail very well and explained in a very practical manner. We all can In Sha Allah learn plethora of things from this episode. Please consider sharing with your loved ones.
May Allah give us the tawfiq to do good deeds and May Allah accept them. May Allah accept our fasts and bless us according to his majesty and not according to our quality of the deeds. Because certainly our quality of deeds is not up to the level. Ameen ya rabb.
In this episode, Imam Omar Suleiman talks about how Angels pray for the fasting person.
May Allah accept our Fasts and Iba'dah this Ramdan. And May Allah provide ease to all of us, may Allah forgive all of us. And increase our status in this world and hereafter.
In this episode, our beloved brother Muhammad Tim Humble talks about the purpose of Ramadan? How is it different from any other month? Here brother gives the reference from the Qur'an. The best place to know what Allah wants from us. The Most truthful book. May Allah make us among who recites and understands Qur'an. May Allah bless us immensely in this Ramadan and forgive all of our sins. Ameen ya rabb.
In this short episode, Sh. Tahir Wyatt talks about the hadith which talks about our actions during the fasts. Are we continuing the evil acts as usual? It's important to understand the fasting isn't just giving up your food & water. It's about getting your actions right. To attain the taqwa of Allah (S.W.T). The holy month of Ramadan is to break the bad habits, to get away from the chains of the sins we've been caught into. May Allah accept our fasts and reward us according to his majesty, mercy and bless us immensely. May Allah forgive all of our sins. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Contact : [email protected]
In this episode, beloved brother Nouman Ali Khan talks about hope, optimisim. A muslim should be optimistic about the things that have gone by, and the things in the future. Have hope that things will become better for you, whether it's your financials, family situation or anything. You might not see it at the moment but Allah can change things in a second, just with a snap of fingers and things change. Allah just needs to say Kun, and faya kun takes place. Believe in him. Look for guidance from him, because once you have that then all other things take care of themselves. And Allah will guide you to the paths you've never imagined.
Ramadan is so near, remember us in your prayers. May Allah bless us our hearts immensely this Ramadan.
In this episode, we want to share a must remember dua that is "la hawla wala quwwata illa billah". It's from the hadith stating it's one of the treasures of the Jannah and we must recite this as much as we can. Beloved scholar Mohammed Bajour from Epic Masjid shares the benefits of it which covers all of our life issues and problems.
May Allah bless us immensely. May Allah give us tawfiq to recite it more often. (Allahumma Balighna Ramadan.)
In this episode, our beloved brother and scholar Mufti Menk explains the importance of being content and gratitude. And how it's the secret to be happy in life. If our emotions, happiness is focused on materialistic things only, then maybe we need to re-think about it. The luxuries of this world can excite us for a day or so but then we get used to them as well. All worldly things are great for our body, but what about the soul inside us? Our soul belongs to Allah and to keep it healthy it needs Allah only. By praying, talking to him, by praising him etc. By maintaining a relationship with our creator Allah.
May Allah give us the tawfiq to establish a strong relationship with Allah. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, our beloved brother talks about the bad thoughts we get, the devil whispers we are often struck by. He gives a beautiful example of our Prophet (peace be upon him) as well and further explains how these bad thoughts shouldn't be carried forward and over-thought. He tells us what to recite in such times.
Also, keep reciting Ayatal Qursi, 4 Qul Surah's and Alhamdulliah, SubanAllah, AllahuAkbar, Astagfirullah Adkar regularly. May Allah protect us from Shaytaan and his traps. May Allah bless us immensely. May Allah make us among those who listen and apply.
In this episode, again our beloved brother Yahya Ibrahim joins us to help us understand six step plan of shaytaan. As muslims, it's very important to understand how shaytaan thinks & works on us. He is constantly trying to put us down even if we are doing good deeds. So, this episode is for all of us. It's not like " Oh I just prayed, shaytaan doesn't work on me. I am good". Little you are aware of how shaytaan just tricked you to skip this coming knowledge. May Allah protect us all from shaytaan and his evil doings. May Allah guide us and keep us on the right path and his beautiful deen. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
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In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi talks with the translation of Surah Ad-Duhaa which is a perfect cure for ANYONE who's feeling worthless at the moment. Who feels he/she is getting behind in this life. Suban'Allah Qur'an is the best cure for all the illness to our heart. It's an important reminder for all of us, especially in such trying times in the world around us. May Allah fill our hearts full of hope. May Allah help the ones who are suffering in silence. May Allah bless us all and make us among who listen and apply.
In episode 2 on this new series, Imam Omar Suleiman talks further about how angels guard us, protect us. I'll share my experience with you. While I was crossing a road, all cars were stuck in traffic and that's why I decided to cross the road but as I was about to reach the end of it. A motorbike came in rushing out of nowhere and I had no chance to jump away or anything. But that bike stopped just few inches away from me, it's front tyre was touching my feet. It was that close. Alhamdulliah. It was Allah who protected me, it was his angels who protected me. Such moments happen all the time, I shared my personal one. From this one of the key takeaways is we should have good expectation from Allah, always hopeful of him.
May Allah protect us all. Ameen. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Bismillaah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem. Season 2 starts with this episode. Theme of this new season is " Angels in our presence ". In this episode, Imam Omar Suleiman talks about how an angel and devil approaches us when we are about to sleep. What should we do before we sleep so that we have a nice peaceful sleep free from nightmares. Imam talks about this thing in a very practical manner so that it's easy for all of us to understand and apply in our lives. May Allah make it easy for us and make us among who listen and apply.
By Allah's grace we have come to an end of our season 1 having 50 episodes! Alhamdulliah. We've been able to reach so many people, we pray these episodes are of some help to the people, because that's our only motive. In this episode, we have a common problem that we all face, we tend to get lazy at times. Sh. Yahya Ibrahim explains us how we can be regular in our prayers and the importance of praying while we are young. And the reward that Allah holds for us on the day of judgement. May Allah make us regular in prayers and accept all of our prayers. May Allah make it easy for us and make us among who listen and apply.
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In today's episode we'll address one of our common emotion. Jealously. There's no running away from this emotion. We all have that person in our life who's life is easy and that person gets everything they wish for (according to us). Sh. Yahya Ibrahim talks about it in detail, how we can address this emotion from islamic perspective. May Allah save us from such feelings or emotion. May Allah make our hearts content with what we have. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
We often tell ourselves that it's okay it's just a minor sin. I am not harming anyone. But little we know, how minor sins collectively can lead us to committing a major sin one day. Shaytaan's trap works differently on everyone one of us. He pushes us away from our faith, and gradually we fall into minor sins, and then we normalize them. And within sometime, we fall into major sins as well. And if we don't stop and ask for Allah's forgiveness then our hearts stop feeling bad after sinning. So it's important to understand that minor sins are also dangerous and more than the major-minor debate, think about whom are we going against? Allah. Our rab'b, our creator.
May Allah keep us safe from sins and hellfire. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
It's said that life is a test. If one problem gets solved, other one is on its way. Some days we are strong enough to fight it off and some days we are not. There are some days where we get knocked down badly. There's chaos everywhere in our mind. On such days we should try to be content with Allah. Our beloved brother Sh. Yahya Ibrahim takes the most perfect example of our Prophet (peace be upon him) to explain how we can be grateful to Allah in tough situations and hence we do not fall into the trap of Shaytaan of self-doubt and bad thoughts. On any day if it feels you can't take it anymore, just raise your hand and ask Allah to make ease for you. Say HasbunAllahu Wanimal wakil . Oh Allah you are sufficient for us. My problems are huge but you are greater than all of our problems and sufficient for us. May Allah make us among who listen and apply. May Allah make it easy for us.
In this episode, Sh Yahya Ibrahim talks about our inner voice. How do we deal with our inner voice? What do we tell ourselves? Do we believe in ourself? It's very important for us to have positive talk with ourself, especially when we are alone because we can be exposed to Shaytaan's whispers (was'wasa). And shaytaan doesn't want you to succeed. Not in this life or hereafter. At times it will be our nafs telling us to do the wrong thing or sin. Allah (S.W.T) knew all of this and that's why we have a dua for it. If we recite this in morning and evening then surely we will feel the change. [ Dua - "Allahumma Aainna Ala Anfusinaa". Meaning- "Oh Allah, help us against ourselves". ]
Allah wants you to succeed in this life and hereafter as well. So, hold on to him and soon you will be among the victorious. May Allah make us among who listen and apply. [ Contact : [email protected]]
In this short reminder, Mufti Menk tries to explain how we should not lose hope, and rely on Allah (S.W.T). At times in life, we can feel really hopeless whether it's our studies or work. Allah has written our sustenance already. And that doesn't mean you don't work hard for your dreams, surely please do. But when you feel a setback, don't get disheartened. Allah will make a way for you. Work hard. Believe in Allah, rely on him. Pray to him. And surely you will be among the best in this world and hereafter. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this series of Islamic perspective, we move forward with a common issue in our lives i.e choosing the right partner. As, Islam is not limited to just five daily prayers and fasts a month. Islam is a way of life. It surely helps us in choosing the right partner (by the will of Allah). In this famous scholar Mufti menk talks about it, especially about the attitude of our parents and elderly people nowadays. He talks about the things that we should look for, and not to look for so that we can take a mindful decision. Islam doesn't compels us to marry our children into our caste. It's we who have these notions and we keep acting on them, without knowing our children's happiness. May Allah give us the right understanding. May Allah bless us with a righteous spouse. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, we will be discussing about how a small good deed can have a huge impact in our lives. Yes we all are sinners, but we all have some secret good deeds that we do. Irrespective how small that good deed be. We do not know that how valuable that small deed can be in the eyes of Allah (S.W.T). You never know, your life could be going off track and one good deed that you did in the past can save your life, can change your life for the good. So never stop doing good deeds no matter how big or small they are. May Allah accept our good deeds and forgive our mistakes, our sins. May Allah make it easy for us. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, we try to touch a very stressful part of life i.e Exams. We all have someone in the family, let it be our kids, younger siblings who have exams coming up. We all want to do well right? No one wants to fail or get less marks after studying for hours and hours. Well, beautiful thing about islam is that it's not limited to just five prayers and fasting. Islam is a way of life. It teaches us everything. And this is our Islamic perspective Series where we try to deal our difficult life tasks from the islamic way. In this our beloved brother Abdul Majid breaks down the whole process in three practical steps to ace any exam. We pray to Allah (S.W.T) that you ace every exam of your life, including the exam called 'Life'. May Allah bless us immensely and make us among who listen and apply.
We all go through rough time, some of us might be in difficult time as you hear this episode. But what we don't know that Allah (S.W.T) has given us the solution to every problem of this world. In this episode, our beloved brother talks about Surah Ad-Duhaa with its meaning, so that we all can understand the importance of it. If we can understand the meaning of all the duas and Surahs that we recite before Allah, then we can have a better connection with our lord. If we can start reading Surah Ad-Duhaa on a daily basis then In Sha Allah we will see how our problems would be gone. All that hopelessness, worries would vanish. May Allah give us the tawfiq to do righteous deeds & May Allah make it easy for us.
In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi, a renowned scholar of Islam talks about the reality of our households. How at times men are reluctant to help their wives, or to appreciate their work. He gives us an islamic perspective, what our Prophet(peace be upon him) used to do and what should be our ideal behaviour in our homes. The relationship of marriage is the most beloved and beautiful if we act accordingly. May Allah bless us with a pious spouse and beautiful marriage. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Imam Omar Suleiman (from Yaqeen Institute) answers one of the most frequently asked question, i.e I have dips in my Imaan, what to do? I was doing so good in my prayers, all of a sudden I feel low? I don't feel the freshness of my faith? and many more questions like this. Main idea that we need to understand is we all have fluctuations in our feelings, and having faith is one of them. So it's normal to have a dip in your imaan, but what's not is to engage in a major sin or continue in minor sins. In such times we become vulnerable, & that's where Shaytaan kicks in. IF we can learn to hold ourselves in these times of dipping imaan, then Allah S.W.T will make it easy for you further, and bless you more than anyone can imagine. All your prayers which you have been praying hard for months & years, will start coming true, and Allah will bless you in ways we can't even imagine. May Allah make it easy for all of us, and save us from the traps of Shaytaan.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Shaykh Abu Bakr Zoud will dive into one of the major problems in our life that is Laziness. We all have been there where we want to pray, where we want to do that important task which we have been procastinating for weeks and weeks. But the beautiful thing about Islam is not limited to just praying or reciting Qur'an. It is much more than that. It covers all of our life aspects and has a solution to every problem we might face in this earthly life. The dua which Shaykh talks about is - اللهم أعني على ذكرك وشكرك، وحسن عبادتك [Allahumma a'inni 'ala dhikrika wa shukrika, wa husni 'ibadatika] ‘O Allah help me to remember You and to give thanks to You and to worship You in the best manner.’ [Ahmad and Tirmidhi]
This not only helps us in worshipping Allah but also our other life tasks as well. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Shaykh Abu Bakr Zoud talks about one of the vital problem in today's time. In these uncertain times many of us feel anxious, tightness in chest, difficulty in breathing. He addresses this issue very well from an islamic perspective. How can we get Allah's help in such times. If we can apply even small bits in our life from this podcast then Allah will change our life drastically. May Allah help us in all the difficulties, may Allah make it easy for us. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Rizq. Sustenance. This is a major concern for all of us. Yes I have bread and water. But will my kids have the same tomorrow? If Allah provides us the sustenance, and he's so merciful then why am I struggling with my sustenance? All these questions arise in our minds on daily basis. In this episode, famous scholar Mufti Menk talks about how can we increase our rizq? What should we do to make Allah happy, so that he provides me more and more sustenance. He makes my work easy in this world. May Allah fill our life with barakah. May Allah bless us immensely. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Shaykh Yahya Ibrahim dives into a complete guide on Anger issues from the Islamic perspective. Anger is a human emotion. It's normal, we all feel the blood flowing through our veins, getting mad at someone. But shaykh explains it in detail, how we should react while we are in anger mode. Should we say things in cloudy judgement which we might regret later? Or should we just keep quiet and try to control it? And if at all I am doing this humongous task of controlling my anger, is my Allah rewarding me something for it? Everything will be answered by our beloved brother Ibrahim. May Allah give us the tawfiq and strength to control our tongue in anger and May Allah reward us immensely for it.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In everything we do, islam has an answer or reason for it. Sleep is an integral part of us. We all need sleep. Even if we manage to pull a nighter for some work, we need some sleep in daytime. In this episode, Shaykh talks about Islam's perspective on sleep. What really happens when we sleep? Is sleep required for the body or our soul (ruh)? Shaykh explains this beautifully.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Mufti Menk gives us the solution to ALL of our problems. This word, many of us know and we are not aware of the impact it can have. The word is "Astagfirullah". We all know about it right? But we need to feel it in our heart. This word can open all of our doors. Allah will open our rizq from such places from where we wouldn't even expect it. May Allah accept our repentance and open all of our doors.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, famous scholar Nouman Ali Khan talks about how we sabotage our relationship with Allah just because of sins we do. We write ourselves off completely, that we are not in the good books of Allah. But we often forget how merciful Allah is. One of his name is Al-Wadood; which means the most loving. We can't even imagine his love for us. How can we assume our ikhlas, our value? It's not in our hands, it's in the hands of Allah. Allah is aware of all our situations. He knows !! He knows how shaytaan can be misleading at times. That's why Allah is there, waiting for us to come back to him. Just raise your hands and say "Ya Allah, I'm a sinner, I don't want to lead a life like this. Please forgive me. I want to obey you, make you happy". The very second you do it, you are forgiven. Allahu Akbar. Not only he will forgive you but he will open the world for you. All your prayers, deep concerns all will be resolved by Allah. It's only Allah who can help us no one else can. Just ask him for anything. Forgiveness, rizq , pious spouse, good health for parents, etc. He surely will open the world for you!
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, our beloved brother Sh. Yahya Ibrahim talks about how we should return back to Allah. Taw'bah & Istighfar are the two main ways, and not losing hope in the mercy of Allah when we relapse in our sins. We can again ask for forgiveness and Allah will forgive us as if we had not even done any sins. He will clean your heart, just ask him, cry to him. We pray May Allah S.W.T forgive all of our sins.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
This is our 25th episode. By the mercy of Allah we've got such tremendous support from all the listeners all over the world. Alhamdulliah. In this 25th episode we want to share about one of the beautiful and important prayer. Tahajjud. It's said dua made at tahajjud is like an arrow which does not miss its target. (~ Imam Al-Shafi). Sh. Yahya Ibrahim expresses all aspects of tahajjud in detail. Even if we can start praying one night in a week then it will be a huge achievement. With time Allah will give us the tawfiq to get regular in tahajjud prayer as well.
We might have the best food,clothes everything. But our soul, our ru'uh doesn't want all this. Our ru'uh wants the dhikr of Allah. As long as we are connected to Allah our heart won't feel heavy. We pray that Allah (S.W.T) pull us off from all the distress,anxiety and increase our ranks in this world and hereafter.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi talks about how Allah has a plan for our sustenance, our rizq. We all want that raise from the boss, we all want our businesses to earn more. But, we pay a very little attention to what Allah has planned for us. Allah is our creator, he knows us more than anyone. He is close than our own jugular vein. Allah has a plan for each one of us. For you, me, everyone! Just have tawwakul on him. Just a little bit to start off ?
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, Dr. Yasir Qadhi talks about how normal is it for us to be anxious, stressed with all the life problems. When Allah created us, this world, he knew what all we are going to face. But he has given all the answers in the Qur'an. There's so much to learn from the Seerah of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Our deen isn't limited to just praying five times a day and fasting in month of Ramadan. Our deen is beautiful which teaches us the way of life on this earth and hereafter.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this episode, our beloved brother Al-Hameedy talks about the hadith saying we are created to go through trials. And dealing with low imaan is also a trial. We will always have fluctuations as we all are humans. But then it's important to hold strong in weak times and not to fall into sinning. He talks about several things that we should do in order to stay at peak of imaan or to climb up the high imaan when we are at the low point. And Allah is always watching us. He knows what's in our heart, our struggles as well. So, clean your heart, make your intentions right and may Allah bless us all in the most beautiful ways.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Dua. It's a beautiful gift from Allah S.W.T . He tells us in the Qur'an, " call upon me and I will respond " Qur'an[40:60] . Anytime we are stressed, anxious, we need something desperately, just raise your hand and call upon Allah. He will respond to you. In this episode, famous scholar Mufti Menk tells us how we should approach dua to get it answered.
Also, If we can remember Allah's 99 names or even a few then calling Allah by those names increases the weight of our Dua, and it's beloved to our creator. So we all should aim to memorize one name each day with meaning and in sha allah taa'la we can memorize 99 names in 99 days with meanings and it will improve our dua for sure.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply. May Allah fulfill all your prayers, the one you ask and also the ones which are deep inside your heart.
My brothers and sisters, in this episode our beloved scholar Mohammad Bajour dives into three authentic hadith from Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which shows signs whether we belong to the Jannah or Jahannum. This is an amazing chance to know what are the traits of the people who will enter Jannah. If we can imbibe all these traits in our personality then how amazing it can be? Allahu Akbar. May Allah give us the right understanding and make us among who listen and apply. We should share it among our families and dear friends so that they can be in Jannah with us.
Many times we feel hopelessness whether it's our job,business, family matters etc. But when we feel distressed, anxious, it's better for us to Call out to Allah rather than calling other people. Because half of the people won't care and other half would be happy that you got these problems. And none of them can make your situation better by any means. So isn't it better for us to call out to our lord, our creator, Allah (S.W.T) who can change our situation just like that *finger snaps* . Allah is with us, do not fear. Allah is always on our side. Just ask for forgiveness, and ask Allah whatever you wish to. He will fill your life more than you have ever asked for.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Many times when things go wrong we tend to move away from Allah. And it's okay, we all are humans after all. We get diverted in the whispers of Shaytaan. But if you are listening to this, it's a sign from Allah that he wants you to come back to him. No matter what your condition is, doesn't matter how bad it is. You are just one Sajda'h away from Allah, just pray and you will find him the most loving and forgiving. Be Grateful to him in all conditions, don't just say Alhamdulliah. Feel it in your heart. Allah will not only pull you off from your hardship but instead he will give you more than you can imagine.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
We humans sin every time, we sin in day and the night. But we need to realize Allah S.W.T always keeps the door of forgiveness open. We should never ever lose hope in his mercy. May Allah forgive us all and give us the taufiq to stay on tauheed. In this podcast, Imam Omar Suleiman tells us what happens when we sin. And what should we do? How should we approach asking Allah for forgiveness.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Distressed times don't end right? We get something we have been wishing for, still we feel that discomfort, stress even after getting our dream job/project. Stress and testing time won't end as long as we are on this earth. But our lord, our creator has given a perfect solution to these problems,i.e, to pray five times a day. Now that might seem very difficult, but only if we understand that our prayers don't benefit anyone but us then we would pay more attention to it. This podcast talks about how our prayers should be, how our prophets used to pray? And what should be our approach towards praying to Allah S.W.T . May Allah make things easy for us and bless us all !
May Allah make us among who listen and apply .
In this podcast, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi talks about how we can maximize our rewards after Ramadan ends. As Ramadan 2021 has ended, but we have entered into the month of Shawwal. And as Prophet (ﷺ) has told us, whoever fasts 6 days in Shawaal after Ramadan, he will get the reward as if he has fasted the whole year. In this, Shaykh talks about the philosophy, our attitude when it comes to this, also with the calculation of how it's written as full year of fasts. May Allah make us among who listen and apply. Please Share this message with your loved ones, and others for sadqya jariya.
In this podcast, Imam Omar Suleiman talks about two components when it comes to our Ramadan being accepted.
In this podcast, our brother Nouman Ali Khan explains in detail how angels of the skies descent down the earth. He goes through the tafsir of Quran (97:4). Please make lots of dua, it can be a personal issue, health issues, financial issues anything. Just Ask Allah Azzawajal. He will take care of everything. May Allah bless us all and give us the best. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
As we are in the middle of last ten nights of Ramadan. We should leave our comfy beds and try to pray as much as we can in the night. Our comfy beds are not going anywhere, we can get enough sleep to function through out the day but this precious time won't return until next ramadan, and who is promised that? No one. So my brothers and sisters please pray, give your best in these last ten nights. And make this dua as much as you can. " Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni (O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me). "
May Allah accept all of our good deeds and forgive our sins.
In this podcast, our brother Omar Suleiman explains some of the various weather signs related to Laylatul Qadr. Also the fact we should look for Laylatul Qadr till the last night.
In this podcast, we have our brother Saad Tasleem who explains in detail how we should spend our last ten nights of the Ramadan. We hope this benefits you. May Allah make us among who listen and apply in our lives.
In this difficult times, we have realized we are blessed more than anyone can imagine. This pandemic has really taught us the real value of everything. This is the dua where we ask Allah Azzawajal to keep our blessings, not to take away from us. Please learn this dua and recite it at least 1-3 times a day. Teach this dua to others as well. If anyone can't find the dua then please write to us [email protected].
May Allah bless all of you and glorify you. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this difficult times, we have realized we are blessed more than anyone can imagine. This pandemic has really taught us the real value of everything. This is the dua where we ask Allah Azzawajal to keep our blessings, not to take away from us. Please learn this dua and recite it at least 1-3 times a day. Teach this dua to others as well. If anyone can't find the dua then please write to us [email protected].
May Allah bless all of you and glorify you. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this, our main motive is to spread more knowledge on things which can break our fast so that we are more careful with it and do not believe any myths around it. Famous scholar Assim al hakeem tells us 7 things which can break or void our fasts. Remember them and share them with your love beings so that there's no confusion around this. May Allah accept our fasts and forgive our shortcomings.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
Many of us fall in the trap of shaytaan and start despairing Allah's mercy. In this video, only message we want to convey is that Jahannum (hell) and Jannah (paradise) both are created for the sinners. We all are sinners. But Jannah is for those who repent, who make tau'ba and istighfar. As Ramadan is approaching within 2 days we all should make this intention to repent, to ask Allah for forgiveness. He is Al-Ghaffar (Ever forgiving) , he will surely forgive us. May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
If Allah can take care of the smallest of creatures, don't you think we all are bigger than that? There's nothing that moves on earth except that Allah has guaranteed its sustenance . Nothing moves on earth except that Allah has guaranteed to provide what ever it needs. So do not worry, It's a human thing to sometimes fall into overthinking and worries but have Tawwakul on Allah, rely on him. He has been taking care of us. He took us away from all those situations which seemed difficult . Allah is with us. Allah has a plan for you . Allah will help you. This was only our intention with this powerful reminder. Don't worry Allah will take care of you.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply, ameen.
In this podcast, famous scholar Mufti Menk explains why we all should start planning for Ramadan. This reminder becomes more helpful since it's only 10 days to Ramadan. None of us is guaranteed to live that long. We all should have the intention and niyyah of what all we will be doing in the month of Ramadan so that we do not lose on the rewards even if we don't make it to Ramadan. As we all know Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is Al-Aleem meaning; he is full of knowledge, fully aware of everything even our heart's condition. So we all should make true promises to our lord and plan for Ramadan 2021. Spread this positive message so that you could also earn more rewards.
Share it among your family members, friends, neighbors and be safe . May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this famous scholar Nouman Ali Khan touches the topic of Fajr Salah from the perspective of Quran. Taking verses from Surah al isra where Allah calls it the Quran of Fajr not Salatul Fajr.
This not only states the importance of fajr prayer but also the kind of effect it can have on us if we recite quran as well.
We hope this video can urge us to become regular in Fajr prayer and Quran recitation. May Allah make us among who listen and apply. Ameen.
We all are humans, we are bound to have fluctuations in our feelings and imaan levels. And we should always protect us from the shaytaan but especially in the times of weak imaan, we need to be extra careful. We should refrain from doing things which are displeasing Allah, sinful and taking us away from Allah. Instead of this we should keep our company good, listening to empowering lectures , listening to stories of Sahaba's (companions) of Prophet (ﷺ) . We hope and pray that this video was beneficial to you. May Allah bless us all!
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
My brothers and sisters in Islam, the one who feels like he's not ready for Ramadan because he has missed years and years of prayer, then treat that sickness of your heart by taw’bah (repentence) . If you feel like you are not ready because of the filthy, evil words you've spoken over the years, whether it's the slander or the back biting or the gossip or the cursing words that you have spoken, then raise your hand to Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala in the middle of the night and ask him to forgive you from all that. The main thing right now before a man is to cleanse this heart. Once the heart is cleansed and it's purified, you will feel ready to embrace. this month you feel ready to receive the mercy that is coming down from the heavens.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
In this podcast a very important aspect has been discussed by a very famous scholar Mufti Ismail Menk. The concept of mercy of Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala. We all are among the sinners but best of the sinners are those who repent and make amends, do righteous actions. So this reminder tells us how merciful our lord is, and we should never despair in his mercy. Remember Allah is very merciful. He is the most kind, he is the most compassionate, he is the most forgiving and so on. If these are the qualities of the one who made me, surely I should not lose hope in his mercy. Never let a sin that you committed in the past haunt you to the degree that you begin to question the mercy of Allah
I hope this reminder is helpful to the listening ones. I ask Allah Azzawajal to make us among who listen and apply.
May Allah bless you and glorify you.
In this difficult time, it has become normal to get bad thoughts like having the fear of life, financial loss, job security. And we humans tend to fall in this cycle of bad thoughts where everything seems negative and we start experiencing anxiety issues.
Hopefully this short reminder from Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem can help you.
May Allah make us among who listen and apply.
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