123 avsnitt • Längd: 120 min • Dagligen
James Low is a disciple and teacher in the Byangter and Khordong lineages of the late Chhimed Rigdzin Lama.
James regularly teaches the principles of dzogchen Buddhism in Europe and he publishes translations and commentaries from time to time.
Many of his seminars have been recorded and transcribed. They are now being put on his website to provide access for those seeking to deepen their dharma understanding and explore how to apply it in the complexities of everyday life.
Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
The podcast James Low – Dzogchen and Buddhist Teachings is created by James Low. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(0:00) Morning session 1"
"(42:07) Morning session 2"
"(1:20:45) Afternoon session 1"
"(2:03:35) Afternoon session 2"
English: youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA (you are here)
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Full transcript: https://bit.ly/TrcptJL-ESENS-Z03-2025
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zakRXkX84AA
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
"(0:00) Morning session 1"
"(1:25:01) Morning session 2"
"(2:38:15) Afternoon session 1"
"(3:58:36) Afternoon session 2"
German translaton: Robert Jaroslawski
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U (you are here)
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Cover art: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpX2GE85g-U
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
0:00 Morning session 1
1:11:22 Morning session 2
2:16:26 Afternoon session 1
3:27:23 Afternoon session 2
Russian translation: Marina Samarina
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0 (you are here)
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFO_SuRSxg0
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
"(0:00) Morning session 1"
"(1:13:07) Morning session 2"
"(2:18:44) Afternoon session 1"
"(3:30:00) Afternoon session 2"
Spanish translation: María Lleó
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E (you are here)
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SjnZ0Qwi4E
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
"(0:00) Morning session 1"
"(1:12:58) Morning session 2"
"(2:19:05) Afternoon session 1"
"(3:31:55) Afternoon session 2"
Portuguese translation: Milton Petruczok
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g (you are here)
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVJ8ou6L_6g
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
0:00 Morning session 1
1:13:12 Morning session 2
2:18:24 Afternoon session 1
3:29:22 Afternoon session 2
Romanian translation: Viorica Constantinescu
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q (you are here)
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI1qkcK4B6Q
1st March 2025. Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity. Zoom teachings with James Low.
"(0:00) Morning session 1"
"(1:14:41) Morning session 2"
"(2:21:21) Afternoon session 1"
"(3:35:11) Afternoon session 2"
Turkish translation: Mustafa Mert Çelebi
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY (you are here)
Cover photo: Ruvim Miksanskiy
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4RHyVz-ARY
Excerpt from the teaching "Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being", 24-28th February 2017. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain.
Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro
1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: youtu.be/kugYF0MAI80
2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: youtu.be/Oanr93YTTb0
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p5j1faF62E
Excerpt from the teaching "Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being", 24-28th February 2017. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain.
Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro
1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: youtu.be/kugYF0MAI80
2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: youtu.be/Oanr93YTTb0
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3YfqIALOdk
Excerpt from the teaching "Effortful selectivity and effortless non selectivity", Zoom teachings with James Low on March 1st, 2025.
English: https://youtu.be/zakRXkX84AA
English (withou silence cuts): youtu.be/jx8_jV6eoqk
German: youtu.be/ZpX2GE85g-U
Russian: youtu.be/sFO_SuRSxg0
Spanish: youtu.be/6SjnZ0Qwi4E
Portuguese: youtu.be/xVJ8ou6L_6g
Romanian: youtu.be/kI1qkcK4B6Q
Turkish: youtu.be/M4RHyVz-ARY
"The key thing is to find ourselves on the inside. The door is open. The welcome is here. Come in. So, what is the limitation on my participation? There are many aspects to this. One is, um, I know what I like. That’s not the way I like it.
Oh, over the years, I have known quite a few women who have gone to the hairdresser and who then come home and look in the mirror and they are very unhappy. Oh, they took off too much, or they didn’t take off enough. So then they go to another hairdresser to try to correct what is wrong because they want to have the right appearance. But their appearance doesn’t belong to them. It belongs to the people who see their appearance.
Unless you’re going to look in a mirror all day long, you hardly ever see yourself. Other people see you. So, in that sense, you could say your appearance belongs to them. They are the audience for your appearance. But I’m concerned about how you will see my appearance, but I don’t know what criteria you will use to evaluate my appearance. If I don’t like my haircut and you say it’s fine, then maybe I will hate you because I know it’s very bad. I don’t want to look like this.
The key thing here is I have become an object for myself, and my sense of myself as an object does not determine how other people will see me. I don’t know how I should be for you. So, if I am concerned about my appearance, if I’m seeing myself as a performative being, then I’m having to make decisions about how I should behave."
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/SBSangha_JamesLaow
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvsHwxFLD-s
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f1vve-7638
Excerpt from the teaching "1/2 Dependent arising. [EN-DE] Todtmoos 10.2024": https://youtu.be/5ipIBAmnTc0
So, this is the basis of meditation: not that you vanish, but that we move from identity to presence. "I am" — this is the formulation of my identity. We could all begin a sentence with "I am," and add many, many qualifications, but if we start the sentence, "I…" — very open — "I am…"
If you get the feeling tone of that, it might give you a sense: "I" is that presence. "I… I…" — if you like — it supports presence without content. But as soon as I say, "I am," I’m pulling in the content: "I am Scottish; I am somebody who comes to Germany from time to time." So many, many storylines can come into "I am." "I" doesn’t react to the gain and loss of desire and diversion; it’s just a simplicity of presence. But "I am," as a constructed identity, is condemned to the task of self-maintenance and self-development.
~ James Low
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0titPJrQGo
Excerpt from the teaching "1/2 Dependent arising. [EN-DE] Todtmoos 10.2024": https://youtu.be/5ipIBAmnTc0
For example, you may know that there are some colors you never wear. You don’t wear green. I just don’t. It doesn’t mean that green is a terrible color. You might even admire someone else wearing green, but you don’t wear green. So, it’s kind of like that. It’s not saying this person is not a good person. It’s… it’s like seeing that we don’t want to make a vertical hierarchy of “very wonderful person” and “shit person.” But on the other hand, if you collapse the vertical axis and you say, “Well, we’re all people, we’re all in it together, it’s just nice to meet you, nice to meet you…”
But it’s quite warm today. There’s no real connection. That is something in phenomenal. Some plants go well together. If you’re cooking, some ingredients go well together; some other ingredients wouldn’t go well. That’s not a comment on the quality of the ingredient—it’s about compatibility. So, not being artificial, you know, we can work with these circumstances and just note, “Oh, it flows easily with this person and not with that person.” The implication of this is: the connection is not done by my agency. I’m not going to make it happen. It depends—depends on factors. So, this is an aspect of dependent origination. If we remain sensitive to these, uh, pulsations of possibility, we try to follow—follow a subtle middle way, not becoming artificial and not giving up on the situation, but seeing: What’s the growing edge here? Where? What is possible? And that is co-determined, co-emergent. It lies between you.
~ James Low
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDL5NI1SknA
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2vJ2xKthAw
~ James Low
Excerpt from the meeting "38 Questions & Answers", 22nd January 2025, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN2CeB3AfaA
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
German translation: Robert Jaroslawski
F1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
F2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
F3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
F4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
F5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
F6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
F7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg (you are here)
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Questions & Answers. [EN-DE] Zoom 07.2020 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hQorJJB5YwaksSq90Z8mTeQ
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFkrACMg0dg
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?"
"(12:09) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?"
"(17:37) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?"
"(26:51) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?"
"(29:45) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?"
"(31:16) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?"
"(38:13) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?"
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA (you are here)
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Questions & Answers. Zoom 07.2020 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hRc2WtJW4KWXp8GefCiVa-R
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zWI6gc18GA
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Russian translation: Marina Samarina
B1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
B2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
B3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
B4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
B5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
B6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
B7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY (you are here)
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Вопросы и Ответы. [RU] Zoom 04.2023 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hR-O5pCcz4jrfHv5eRKsMqU
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exIAtvNc0vY
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Î1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
Î2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
Î3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
Î4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
Î5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
Î6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
Î7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg (you are here)
Playlist “Questions & Answers. [EN-RO] Zoom 01.2025 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hSUA6_TORD9dM-sgIQsS-tx
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkkV0sFVIVg
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Portuguese translation: Milton Petruczok
P1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
P2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
P3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
P4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
P5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
P6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
P7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo (you are here)
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Perguntas & Respostas. [PT] Zoom 07.2020 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hR2vHQ9K1blx96gzj1wprrS
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1tMBTFrFdo
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Spanish translation: @juanb.garcialazaro
P1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
P2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
P3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
P4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
P5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
P6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
P7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc (you are here)
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Preguntas & Respuestas. [EN-ES] Zoom 07.2020 –”: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hS7c0fyRpIUppfblqzUKho2
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKPEpf5zDtc
22nd January 2025. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Polish translation: Bartłomiej Czajkowski
P1) What is the difference between a light body and a rainbow body?
P2) What does "recognize a thought" mean in the texts, and how is it different from being aware of a thought?
P3) Can you explain the Tibetan word "jigten" (meaning word) and how it relates to the Western idea of crisis?
P4) Why include karma and rebirth in dzogchen teachings when they are unprovable?
P5) Can one maintain a constant view of impermanence and emptiness, or does it require continuous effort?
P6) In meditation, I sometimes see the emptiness of the self, but it passes. Both this insight and ordinary thinking seem equally impermanent and empty. Is there a stable foundation for realization?
P7) How do I participate in the co-emergence of phenomena? Is it by identifying as awareness and engaging through the senses? Who is participating—myself as awareness?
English: youtu.be/2zWI6gc18GA
English (without silence cuts): youtu.be/3vGAF7Cj43I
German: youtu.be/tFkrACMg0dg
Russian: youtu.be/exIAtvNc0vY
Polish: youtu.be/7qPHArpU-I0 (you are here)
Spanish: youtu.be/pKPEpf5zDtc
Portuguese: youtu.be/o1tMBTFrFdo
Romanian: youtu.be/YkkV0sFVIVg
Playlist “Pytania & Odpowiedzi. [EN-PL] Zoom 07.2020 –”: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv-KZQo9b6hQe263kW-j5ZmxrgMShNo4b
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qPHArpU-I0
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V49wEOZ75PU
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYrWZ6PiBoU
Excerpt from the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
The third facet is concerned with "encountering the other" — and it's a translation of a text dealing with the arising of a tantric deity called Chakrasaṃvara, who manifested in order to deal with the wild energies that were starting to move around in the world. So in tantra (which is concerned with transformation), it's a secondary consideration is always about power: power to shape things, to increase them, to pacify negative circumstances, to impress other people in a way that causes troubles to diminish, and (if necessary) to strongly control circumstances.
So the peaceful Buddhas... uh... Protect Yourself. Engage in the world by pacification primarily — and encouraging the growth of love, compassion, kindness, and so on. But when more negative forces in the world arise, then there needs to be a stronger presence of energy. So... uh... in order to protect oneself, one has to manifest a quality of presence that says: "I back off; don't intrude." This is not about dominating other people, but it's about the... uh... nature of invasion. Because there is no self (the self is an illusion), so from that point of view, you could think: "Oh, I'm hollow" — and you might then have a kind of depersonalization. "Whatever — if I'm not me, then... then who am I? I'm just some kind of leaf floating in the wind — and then I... it's as if I can become a victim, and everyone can control me."
But the Buddha's teaching is saying: "It's not like that. We are energy — and by bringing up energy according to the circumstances of the situation, we can be very generous; we can be very gentle; we can be sweet and charming; we can be encouraging, inspiring; but we can also be firm, impenetrable like a wall; and we can be quite intimidating as well. None of these is a definition of who we are." The more we see that life is truly like theater — that our manifestation is a vast array of roles or potential for manifestation — then this flexibility and creativity of relating to others becomes something quite easy and relaxed and playful.
So in that way, when we see that other people are, in fact, habitual formations of energy — and we don't get frightened by thinking: "Oh my god, they're like that; they're always going to be like that; they don't like me; what shall I do?" — and you get a kind of anxious contraction — when you relax and think: "Oh, this is a dynamic formation, and I can move in relation to this dynamic formation" — so that's what the third facet is about.
~ James Low
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KbvsFDjRj0
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFiD_AzfKPA
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F9tq8o0irE
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTILnL2V_HY
Excerpt form the teaching "The great completion of Dzogchen", 8th July 2021, on Zoom: https://youtu.be/j9zQeWzsWXE
Book "This is it": https://www.amazon.com/This-revealing-completion-James-Low/dp/0956923976
📱 Instagram of excerpts: https://instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F9tq8o0irE
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvBahirNKyM
Extract from James Low's "The flow of transmission and the transmission of flow" teachings in Macclesfield, on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2007.
James talks about how in the Buddhist context, what is being transmitted is not cognitive knowledge— a body of facts that make us knowledgeable about something—but rather the possibility of a different way of being so that we find ourselves more at ease. The one who is doing the transmitting should transmit from a state of ease, the transmission itself should flow as easy as possible, and the reception of it should also be with ease. So, how do we become easy in order to receive?
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4bpXYfVQ98
Extract from James Low's "The flow of transmission and the transmission of flow" teachings in Macclesfield, on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2007.
James talks about how in the Buddhist context, what is being transmitted is not cognitive knowledge— a body of facts that make us knowledgeable about something—but rather the possibility of a different way of being so that we find ourselves more at ease. The one who is doing the transmitting should transmit from a state of ease, the transmission itself should flow as easy as possible, and the reception of it should also be with ease. So, how do we become easy in order to receive?
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Search for "Me first! James Low" on the Amazon website for your desired country.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
German translation prepared by: Robert Jaroslawski
Read by: Pema Rangdrol
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E (you are here)
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Search for "Me first! James Low" on the Amazon website for your desired country.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Turkish translation prepared by: Pinar McGivern
Revised by: Sezen Yaşar
Read by: Bülent Bektaş
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c (you are here)
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Book in PDF: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/ME_FIRST_TR_v1.pdf
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Romanian translation prepared by: Viorica Constantinescu
Read by: Sorin Fițu
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA (you are here)
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Portuguese translation prepared by: João Pereira Vale Neto
Revised by: Madalena Gomes Pedroza
Read by: Leandro Martins
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI (you are here)
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Search for "Me first! James Low" on the Amazon website for your desired country.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Italian translation prepared by: Francesca Fazzio
Read by: Daniele Locaputo
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE (you are here)
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Spanish translation prepared by: @juanb.garcialazaro
Read by: @juanb.garcialazaro
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI (you are here)
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Search for "Me first! James Low" on the Amazon website for your desired country.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Read by: Janek Szlagowski
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14 (you are here)
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
Getting lost is easy, especially if we are sure that we are right. Trusting our thoughts and feelings, we act decisively and strongly and find out much later that we have gone blindly astray without realising that we were so wrong.
This story shows both the havoc created by the selfish entitlement that proclaims, “Me first!” and the many faces of kindness the Buddhas manifested to tidy up the mess.
Search for "Me first! James Low" on the Amazon website for your desired country.
The original Tibetan account explaining why the Buddhas had to manifest wrathful forms is translated in the book "This Is It" by James Low, (Simply Being, 2020, ISBN 978 0 9569239 8 1). See chapter 4, "Getting Lost Invites Trouble".
Text: James Low
Paintings: Diana Collins
Russian translation prepared by: Marie Samarina
Read by: Rodion Samarin
Animations: Marja Shramko
Sound: Marie Samarina
English: youtu.be/5zx1-ms6A14
German: youtu.be/9njxvv03h0E
Russian: youtu.be/6awWYP0jUyQ (you are here)
Spanish: youtu.be/G1zpzKONDPI
Portuguese: youtu.be/_2KpmDL4naI
Romanian: youtu.be/U3EMvKOP6tA
Turkish: youtu.be/SuzOQLZuC1c
Italian: youtu.be/0gzAnqA2lJE
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachinhgs: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(42:06) Morning session 2"
"(01:26:36) Afternoon session 1"
"(02:10:11) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/G6mr94nEbm0?si=1SpMTwcp9Kk4PNIE
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
18th January 2025. Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. First Zoom teachings of the year with James Low.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(01:21:07) Morning session 2"
"(02:41:58) Afternoon session 1"
"(04:02:02) Afternoon session 2"
Cover art: Nidhi Shah
📱 Instagram of excerpts: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Excerpt form the lecture "34 Questions & Answers", 5th October 2024, on Zoom. Transcript of this answer, revised by James: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/672-2024-Oct-Zoom-Extract-White-A-BT-03-02-2025.pdf
Video at https://youtu.be/8g8kqGU9xys?si=QtjCpRYvvYmml1fT 📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha 🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/ 📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Excerpt form the lecture "Awakening to the Nature of the Mind" retreat in Wilga, Poland. James' teachings on the topic, on May 16-17, 2024. . This teaching retreat focused on awakening to awareness, based on the text "The Direct Indication of Buddhahood beyond Classification", which is a terma (treasure) text revealed by C.R. Lama’s first incarnation, Nuden Dorje (Chapter 8 in James' book "Simply Being"). Text in English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sVrT9UPyRQZM4DornAfJwVVJkueqTvU/view Link to purchase the book: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sVrT9UPyRQZM4DornAfJwVVJkueqTvU/view 1/2 Awakening to the Nature of the Mind. [EN-PL] Zoom 16-17.05.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEt5XzNn4v8&t=0s 2/2 Awakening to the Nature of the Mind. [EN-PL] Zoom 18-19.05.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeo492QpXAk&t=0s 📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha 🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/ 📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Excerpt form the lecture "Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Zoom 01.2025", the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being, with James Low, in Seville, Spain, 24-28th February 2017.
Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages.
1/2 Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s
2/2 Resting in Open Awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
24-28th February 2017. Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain.
Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages:
• Tibetan: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BT-Ayo-Khandro_-Record-of-the-heart-felt-advice-of-dakini_vers1_19-05-12-copy.pdf
• English: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Ayu-Khandro-English-translation-12062019.pdf
• German: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/299_Ayu_Khandro_Herzensrat_der_Dakini_Glorreiches_Licht_Ver1_1.pdf
• Polish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Dariusz-Misiuna-Polish-2013.pdf
• Spanish: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Consejo-de-la-dakini-Luz-Gloriosa-MOrozco_4.pdf
• Portuguese: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Portuguese-JVN-24-07-2022.pdf
• Turkish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Turkish-translation-13.07.2024.pdf
• French: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu_Khandro_Tr_by_Martine_and_Manon_Widmer_French.pdf
• Italian: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Giovanna-Santoro-Italian-22-01-17.pdf
The English text is included in "Finding Freedom: Texts from the Theravada, Mahayana and Dzogchen Buddhist traditions" by James Low, published in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Freedom-Theravadin-Mahayana-traditions-ebook/dp/B0DJG6KJB7
You can also listen to James' oral teaching on this text in:
• The Heart of Dzogchen, Eifel, Germany, 2012: https://simplybeing.co.uk/texts-and-transcripts/the-heart-of-dzogchen-eifel-oct-2012-2/
• Easy illumination, Oxford, UK, 2019: https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/audio2019/retreat-easy-illumination-oxford-9-10-11-2019/
Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro
"(00:00) Day 1 - February 24th, 2017"
"(01:29:58) Day 2 - February 25th, 2017"
"(06:44:54) Day 3 - February 26th, 2017"
"(10:53:13) Day 4 (1st half) - February 27th, 2017"
1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s
2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s (you are here)
Cover art: Nithin PA
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
24-28th February 2017. Resting in open awareness, the dzogchen way of awakening to the ground of one’s being. James Low’s dzogchen retreat at Escuela Gaia de Estudios Alternativos (Centro Ecológico Gaia) in Sevilla, Spain.
Teaching and commentary by James Low on the Tibetan text by Ayu Khandro called "Record of the heartfelt advice of the dakini, Indestructible Glorious Lamp", translated from the Tibetan into various languages:
• Tibetan: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/BT-Ayo-Khandro_-Record-of-the-heart-felt-advice-of-dakini_vers1_19-05-12-copy.pdf
• English: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Ayu-Khandro-English-translation-12062019.pdf
• German: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/299_Ayu_Khandro_Herzensrat_der_Dakini_Glorreiches_Licht_Ver1_1.pdf
• Polish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Dariusz-Misiuna-Polish-2013.pdf
• Spanish: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Consejo-de-la-dakini-Luz-Gloriosa-MOrozco_4.pdf
• Portuguese: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Portuguese-JVN-24-07-2022.pdf
• Turkish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Ayu-Khandro-Turkish-translation-13.07.2024.pdf
• French: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu_Khandro_Tr_by_Martine_and_Manon_Widmer_French.pdf
• Italian: https://www.simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ayu-Khandro-Translated-by-Giovanna-Santoro-Italian-22-01-17.pdf
The English text is included in "Finding Freedom: Texts from the Theravada, Mahayana and Dzogchen Buddhist traditions" by James Low, published in 2019: https://www.amazon.com/Finding-Freedom-Theravadin-Mahayana-traditions-ebook/dp/B0DJG6KJB7
You can also listen to James' oral teaching on this text in:
• The Heart of Dzogchen, Eifel, Germany, 2012: https://simplybeing.co.uk/texts-and-transcripts/the-heart-of-dzogchen-eifel-oct-2012-2/
• Easy illumination, Oxford, UK, 2019: https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/audio2019/retreat-easy-illumination-oxford-9-10-11-2019/
Spanish translation: Juan García Lázaro
"(00:00) Day 1 - February 24th, 2017"
"(01:29:58) Day 2 - February 25th, 2017"
"(06:44:54) Day 3 - February 26th, 2017"
"(10:53:13) Day 4 (1st half) - February 27th, 2017"
1/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZC_izuAagU&t=0s (you are here)
2/2 Resting in open awareness. [EN-ES] Seville 02.2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oanr93YTTb0&t=0s
Cover art: Nithin PA
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Turkish translation: Mustafa mert Çelebi
S1) Bilgelik ve şefkat arasındaki ilişki nedir?
S2) Gün içerisinde ortaya çıkan obsesif düşünceler, hayaller, fanteziler ve anılarla nasıl çalışabilirim?
S3) Acı duymama sebep olan birisine yönelik güçlü bağlanmamı nasıl bırakabilirim?
S4) Hissiyatlarımı bırakamıyorum. Bu acıyla nasıl yaşayabilirim?
S5) Kişi insan olarak bu yaşam süresi içerisinde sabit bir Trekcho'ya eremediyse, Sukhavati, Şambala veya Zangdokpalri gibi saf bir Buda diyarında yeniden doğabilir mi?
S6) Bir saf buda diyarında yeniden doğabiliyorsak, bu bardoda nasıl gerçekleşiyor?
S7) Tummo Trekchö'yü nasıl destekler?
S8) Hastalık vaziyetlerinde, iyileşmek için tıbbi ya da holistik çareler aramak ile sadece olanla kalmak ve mevcut durumun kendi iyileşme devinimini bulmasına izin vermek arasında bir denge var mıdır?
S9) Padmasambhava'nın şu açıklamasının manası nedir; "Benim babam Samantabhadra ve benim annem Samantabhadridir." Bu ilksel budanın birleşik formunda cinsel birleşme halinde gördüğümüz iki biçimdir. "Benim ait olduğum aile ikiliksizliğin, farkındalığın uzayının ailesidir. Benim adım şanlı Lotustan Doğandır. Benim besinim ikiliğin kavramlarıdır. Ben tüm görüngünün doğmamış uzayıyımdır."
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Russian translation: Marina Samarina
B1) Какова связь мудрости и сострадания?
B2) Что делать с навязчивыми мыслями, фантазиями и воспоминаниями, возникающими в течение дня?
B3) Как отпустить сильную привязанность к человеку, которая причиняет боль?
B4) Я не могу отпустить свои чувства. Я просто остаюсь с ними, пока они не исчезнут. Как пережить эту боль?
B5) Можно ли получить благоприятное перерождение в чистой земле Будды, такой как Сукхавати, если в этой жизни в человеческой форме не достигнута устойчивость в практике Трекчо?
B6) Если можно переродиться в чистой земле, как это может произойти в бардо?
B7) Как Туммо поддерживает Трекчо?
B8) В болезни, как найти баланс между поиском средств лечения — в рамках ортодоксальной или холистической медицины — и просто пребыванием в том, что есть, позволяя состоянию найти своё собственное движение к исцелению?
B9) Кто-то прислал цитату из Падмасамбхавы. Когда он родился, он сказал следующее: «Мой отец — Самантабхадра, а моя мать — Самантабхадри». Эти два аспекта мы видим в сексуальном союзе — объединенной форме изначального Будды. «Я принадлежу к семье недвойственности, сфере осознавания. Моё имя — Славный Рождённый из Лотоса. Я питаюсь концепциями двойственности. Я есть нерожденная сфера всех феноменов». Что это значит?
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Portuguese translation: Milton Petruczok P1) Qual é a relação entre sabedoria e compaixão? P2) Como trabalhar com pensamentos obsessivos, fantasias e memórias que surgem durante o dia? P3) Como abandonar um forte apego a uma pessoa que causa dor? P4) Não consigo abandonar meus sentimentos. Eu apenas fico com eles até que desapareçam. Como viver com essa dor? P5) Alguém pode ganhar um renascimento afortunado em uma terra pura de Buda, como Sukavati, se não tiver alcançado trekchö estável nesta vida como ser humano? P6) Se você pode ganhar renascimento em uma terra pura, como isso poderia acontecer no bardo? P7) Como o tummo apoia o trekchö? P8) Na doença, há um equilíbrio entre buscar remédios — medicina ortodoxa ou holística — e apenas estar com o que é e permitir que qualquer condição presente encontre seu próprio movimento de cura? P9) Alguém enviou uma citação de Padmasambava. Quando ele nasceu, ele fez esta declaração: "Meu pai é Samantabadra e minha mãe é Samantabadri." Essas são as duas formas que vemos na união sexual — a forma unida do Buda primordial. "Eu pertenço à família da não-dualidade, da esfera da consciência. Meu nome é o Glorioso Nascido do Lótus. Eu consumo conceitos de dualidade como minha dieta. Eu sou a esfera não-nascida de todos os fenômenos." O que isso significa?
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Polish translation: Bartłomiej Czajkowski
P1) Jaki jest związek między mądrością i współczuciem?
P2) Jak pracować z obsesyjnymi myślami, fantazjami i wspomnieniami, które powstają w ciągu dnia?
P3) Jak odpuścić silne przywiązanie do osoby, która powoduje ból?
23:08 Nie mogę puścić moich uczuć, po prostu pozostaję z nimi, dopóki nie znikną. Jak przeżyć taki ból?
P4) Czy można uzyskać szczęśliwe odrodzenie w czystej krainie Buddy, takiej jak Sukhawati, jeżeli nie osiągnie się stabilnego Tregczo za ludzkiego życia?
P5) Czy można uzyskać odrodzenie w czystej krainie podczas bardo?
P6) Jak Tummo wspiera praktykę Trekczo?
P7) Czy w trakcie choroby istnieje balans między szukaniem lekarstw – czy to ortodoksyjnych, czy holistycznych – a po prostu przebywaniem z tym co jest, pozwalając na to, żeby ten stan, jakikolwiek by nie był, sam znalazł swój leczniczy ruch?
P8) Ktoś przesłał cytat z Padmasambhawy. Gdy się narodził, wygłosił następujące stwierdzenie: "Moim ojcem jest Samantabhadra, a matką – Samantabhadri." (To te dwie formy, które widzimy w cielesnym połączeniu — zjednoczona forma pierwotnego Buddy). "Należę do rodziny niedwoistości sfery obecności. Moje imię to Wspaniały Zrodzony Z Lotosu. Pochłaniam koncepcje dwoistości w ramach mojej diety. Jestem nie zrodzoną sferą wszystkich zjawisk." Co to znaczy?
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Spanish translation: Mariana Orozco
P1) ¿Cuál es la relación entre sabiduría y compasión?
P2) ¿Cómo trabajar con los pensamientos, fantasías y recuerdos obsesivos que surgen durante el día?
P3) ¿Cómo dejar ir un fuerte apego a una persona que causa dolor?
P4) No puedo soltar mis sentimientos. Me quedo con ellos hasta que se desvanecen. ¿Cómo vivir con este dolor?
P5) ¿Puede uno obtener un renacimiento afortunado en una tierra pura de Buda como Sukavati si no ha logrado la estabilidad en la práctica de Trekchö en esta vida como ser humano?
P6) Si se puede renacer en una tierra pura, ¿cómo podría suceder esto en el bardo?
P7) ¿Cómo ayuda la práctica del Tummo al Trekchö?
P8) En la enfermedad, ¿es posible un equilibrio entre buscar remedios ya sea medicina ortodoxa u holística y simplemente estar con lo que hay y permitir que cualquier enfermedad presente encuentre su propio movimiento curativo?
P9) Alguien ha enviado una cita de Padmasambhava. Cuando nació, hizo esta declaración: «Mi padre es Samantabhadra y mi madre es Samantabhadri». Estas son las dos formas que vemos en unión sexual: la forma unida del Buda primordial. «Pertenezco a la familia de la no-dualidad, de la esfera de la presencia. Mi nombre es el Glorioso Nacido del Loto. Me alimento a diario de conceptos de dualidad. Soy la esfera no nacida de todos los fenómenos». ¿Qué significa esto?
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
German translation: Robert Jaroslawski
F1) In welcher Beziehung stehen Weisheit und Mitgefühl zueinander?
F2) Wie geht man mit zwanghaften Gedanken, Fantasien und Erinnerungen um, die im Laufe des Tages auftauchen?
F3) Wie kann man eine starke Anhaftung an eine Person, die Schmerzen bereitet, loslassen?
F4) Ich kann meine Gefühle nicht loslassen. Ich bleibe einfach bei ihnen, bis sie verschwinden. Wie kann man diesen Schmerz durchleben?
F5) Kann man eine glückliche Wiedergeburt in einem reinen Buddha-Land wie Sukavati erlangen, wenn man in diesem Leben als Mensch kein stabiles Trekchö erreicht hat?
F6) Wenn man eine Wiedergeburt in einem reinen Land erlangen kann, wie könnte dies im Bardo geschehen?
F7) Wie unterstützt Tummo Trekchö?
F8) Gibt es bei Krankheit ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Suche nach Heilmitteln – schulmedizinisch oder ganzheitlich – und dem einfachen Sein mit dem, was ist, und dem Zulassen, dass der jeweilige Zustand seine eigene heilende Bewegung findet?
F9) Jemand hat ein Zitat von Padmasambhava geschickt. Als er geboren wurde, gab er diese Erklärung ab: „Mein Vater ist Samantabhadra und meine Mutter ist Samantabhadri.“ Dies sind die beiden Formen, die wir in der sexuellen Vereinigung sehen – die vereinte Form des ursprünglichen Buddha. „Ich gehöre zur Familie der Nicht-Dualität, zur Sphäre der Bewusstheit. Mein Name ist der Glorreiche Lotusgeborene. Ich verzehre Konzepte der Dualität als meine Nahrung. Ich bin die ungeborene Sphäre aller Phänomene.“ Was bedeutet das?
16-17th May 2024. "Awakening to the Nature of the Mind" retreat in Wilga, Poland. James' teachings on the topic.
This teaching retreat focused on awakening to awareness, based on the text "The Direct Indication of Buddhahood beyond Classification", which is a terma (treasure) text revealed by C.R. Lama’s first incarnation, Nuden Dorje (Chapter 8 in James' book "Simply Being").
Text in English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sVrT9UPyRQZM4DornAfJwVVJkueqTvU/view
Link to purchase the book: https://www.amazon.com.br/Simply-Being-James-Low/dp/1907571019
Polish translation: Bartłomiej Czajkowski
"(00:00) Day 3 (18/05/2024)"
"(04:28:51) Day 4 (19/05/2024)"
Audio file of this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p7eMx2G84ulaHPa6bOS3xTaD2pb5QJ5t/view
Cover art: Michał Świstak Operator
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/vEt5XzNn4v8?si=YN9G0YjQZzwVtJeZ
16-17th May 2024. "Awakening to the Nature of the Mind" retreat in Wilga, Poland. James' teachings on the topic.
This teaching retreat focused on awakening to awareness, based on the text "The Direct Indication of Buddhahood beyond Classification", which is a terma (treasure) text revealed by C.R. Lama’s first incarnation, Nuden Dorje (Chapter 8 in James' book "Simply Being").
Text in English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11sVrT9UPyRQZM4DornAfJwVVJkueqTvU/view
Link to purchase the book: https://www.amazon.com.br/Simply-Being-James-Low/dp/1907571019
Polish translation: Bartłomiej Czajkowski
"(00:00) Day 1 (16/05/2024)"
"(04:38:10) Day 2 (17/05/2024)"
Audio file of this video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p7eMx2G84ulaHPa6bOS3xTaD2pb5QJ5t/view
Cover art: Michał Świstak Operator
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/vEt5XzNn4v8?si=YN9G0YjQZzwVtJeZ
Excerpt form the lecture "Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. [EN] Zoom 01.2025" with James Low: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mr94nEbm0&t=0s
Dual Consciousness and Non-Dual Awareness. James Low's Dzogchen retreat on Zoom, from London, January 18, 2025.
“There are many many technical terms in Buddhism and it's very important not to turn these into descriptions of essences or substances. We want to explore the dharma teachings as a kind of self-massage or self-shiatsu. We find the knotted points in ourselves and we rub the dharma into these points, so that 'here and now' becomes not just some funny idea, but something we live.
So in brief summary, dualistic consciousness is constellated around the delusion of an isolated individual self. And unborn awareness manifests without manifesting, in its unborn integrity.
By staying close to the immediate actuality of your life, this will become clear. It's not something to think about a lot. It's not something to worry about or analyze. I respond.
We have hands, which are so marvelous. We can even eat with chopsticks. We can eat with our hands. We can eat with knife and fork. All of these potentials exist in the fact that our hand is open and empty. And will come into momentary formation according to whether we have knife and fork or chopsticks.
So this is how it is. We are responsive. Without any essence, just flowing out and flowing out always. Receiving and responding.”
📱 Instagram of excerpts: / simplybeingsangha
🎧 Poscasts of some teachings: https://simplybeing.co.uk/news/podcasts/
📆 Learn more about future events: https://simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/eZyis7fr62Y?si=1bzrZF5-zaNfsHwi
Excerpt form the lecture "2/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 11.2024": • 2/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 11....
Take it easy. James Low's Dzogchen retreat at Casa la Salle, Veciana (Barcelona), Spain, November 18-24, 2024.
This retreat focused on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear. We went through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding, which is Chapter 10 in the book "Simply Being"
"Simply Being" book:
English: www.amazon.com/Simply-Being-Texts-Dzogchen-Tradition/dp/1907571019
Spanish: www.amazon.com/Simplemente-ser-James-Low/dp/8496478440
The texts are available in:
English: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Simply-Being-Text-Ch.-10-31-05-2023.pdf
Spanish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-10-Spanish_2024-1.pdf
1/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 18-19.11.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG_p5BA54NI&t=0s
2/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 20-21.11.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CqCN3P0Lz4&t=0s
3/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 22-23.11.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EbQgWwYSPI&t=0s
4/4 Take it easy. [EN-ES] Veciana 24.11.2024: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMdJxFpukxM&t=0s
Spanish translation: Mariana Orozco and María Lleó
Organisers: Maica Gardia and Antonio Gomez Ceto
Video at https://youtu.be/aP9d0oHSgT4?si=4vpKCTUl8S6snYEO
6th to 9th June 2024. Always already present! Dzogchen summer retreat at Emerson College, in East Sussex, United Kindgdom.
“The focus of this short retreat is on directly opening to our mind as it is. Our intrinsic presence is not created by others, by our own effort, or by circumstances. It is not a construct and it is not like anything we know. By dis-identifying with our constructive habits we will set them free to vanish where they are. This reveals our own source of which we are the non-dual display.”
James Low
Organised by Huw Wyn and recorded by Gareth Williams.
Audio recordings (dowload also available): https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/emerson-college-6-9-june-2024/
Instagram of excerpts from James Low's teachings: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/0Skwpcknuag?si=grPFA3fqbicGuo6v
6th to 9th June 2024. Always already present! Dzogchen summer retreat at Emerson College, in East Sussex, United Kindgdom.
“The focus of this short retreat is on directly opening to our mind as it is. Our intrinsic presence is not created by others, by our own effort, or by circumstances. It is not a construct and it is not like anything we know. By dis-identifying with our constructive habits we will set them free to vanish where they are. This reveals our own source of which we are the non-dual display.”
James Low
Organised by Huw Wyn and recorded by Gareth Williams.
Audio recordings (dowload also available): https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/emerson-college-6-9-june-2024/
Instagram of excerpts from James Low's teachings: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/ZcruQWklhGM?si=W4bAbt_KoaKuS3LK
James Low, 2nd October 2024 talking in The Story Museum in Oxford.
Organised and recorded by Gio Maschio. Edited by Gareth Williams.
“… a network of vibrating anxiety – “Am I okay? Is this the right way to be?” – the way out of that is to relax, open – it is as it is – and then life gets easier…”
Original at https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/relaxing-into-freedom-oxford-nov-2024/
James Low, 2nd October 2024 talking in The Story Museum in Oxford.
Organised and recorded by Gio Maschio. Edited by Gareth Williams.
“… a network of vibrating anxiety – “Am I okay? Is this the right way to be?” – the way out of that is to relax, open – it is as it is – and then life gets easier…”
Original at https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/relaxing-into-freedom-oxford-nov-2024/
James Low, 2nd October 2024 talking in The Story Museum in Oxford.
Organised and recorded by Gio Maschio. Edited by Gareth Williams.
“… a network of vibrating anxiety – “Am I okay? Is this the right way to be?” – the way out of that is to relax, open – it is as it is – and then life gets easier…”
Original at https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/relaxing-into-freedom-oxford-nov-2024/
James Low, 2nd October 2024 talking in The Story Museum in Oxford.
Organised and recorded by Gio Maschio. Edited by Gareth Williams.
“… a network of vibrating anxiety – “Am I okay? Is this the right way to be?” – the way out of that is to relax, open – it is as it is – and then life gets easier…”
Original at https://simplybeing.co.uk/audio-records/year/relaxing-into-freedom-oxford-nov-2024/
11th December 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) What is the relation of wisdom and compassion?"
"(09:21) How to work with obsessive thoughts, fantasies, and memories that arise during the day?"
"(016:24) How to let go of a strong attachment to a person that causes pain?"
"(22:58) I can't let go of my feelings. I just stay with them until they vanish. How to live through this pain?"
"(26:55) Can one gain a fortunate rebirth in a Buddha pure land, like Sukavati, if one has not attained stable trekchö in this lifetime as a human being?"
"(28:21) If you can gain rebirth in a pure land, how could this happen in the bardo?"
"(30:49) How does tummo support trekchö?"
"(32:04) In sickness, is there a balance between seeking remedies — orthodox or holistic medicine — and just being with what is and allowing whatever condition is present to find its own healing movement?"
"(41:06) Somebody has sent a quotation from Padmasambhava. When he was born, he made this statement: "My father is Samantabhadra and my mother is Samantabhadri." These are the two forms we see in sexual union — the united form of the primordial Buddha. "I belong to the family of nonduality, of the sphere of awareness. My name is the Glorious Lotus-Born. I consume concepts of duality as my diet. I am the unborn sphere of all phenomena." What does it mean?"
Video at https://youtu.be/Lh_sFJI2GZ4?si=Q56Q7C8jOEiJytmJ
7th December 2024. If Dharma is the medicine, what is the disease? Last of two Zoom Saturdays in the Autumn with James' teachings on the topic.
The focus of part 1/2 was on the nature of suffering and how it arises from ignorance of our existential situation and from grasping at phenomena as if they were real entities. The focus of part 2/2 is on the nature of unawareness of the ground and how to awaken to it.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Morning session 1"
"(00:47:42) Morning session 2"
"(01:32:20) Afternoon session 1"
"(02:21:37) Afternoon session 2"
Video at https://youtu.be/4jm_OyamSng?si=qNtmOt4URa39D2R9
24th November 2024. Take it easy. James Low's Dzogchen retreat at Casa la Salle, Veciana (Barcelona), Spain, November 18-24, 2024.
This retreat focused on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear. We went through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding, which is Chapter 10 in the book "Simply Being"
"Simply Being" book:
English: www.amazon.com/Simply-Being-Texts-Dzogchen-Tradition/dp/1907571019
Spanish: www.amazon.com/Simplemente-ser-James-Low/dp/8496478440
The texts are available in:
English: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Simply-Being-Text-Ch.-10-31-05-2023.pdf
Spanish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-10-Spanish_2024-1.pdf
Video at https://youtu.be/uMdJxFpukxM?si=7GO4nvLrKdRHE7yx
22th-23th November 2024. Take it easy. James Low's Dzogchen retreat at Casa la Salle, Veciana (Barcelona), Spain, November 18-24, 2024.
This retreat focused on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear. We went through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding, which is Chapter 10 in the book "Simply Being"
"Simply Being" book:
English: www.amazon.com/Simply-Being-Texts-Dzogchen-Tradition/dp/1907571019
Spanish: www.amazon.com/Simplemente-ser-James-Low/dp/8496478440
The texts are available in:
English: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Simply-Being-Text-Ch.-10-31-05-2023.pdf
Spanish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-10-Spanish_2024-1.pdf
Video at https://youtu.be/4EbQgWwYSPI?si=7H7B_Z5AaY5TuzFu
20th-21th November 2024. Take it easy. James Low's Dzogchen retreat at Casa la Salle, Veciana (Barcelona), Spain, November 18-24, 2024.
This retreat focused on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear. We went through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding, which is Chapter 10 in the book "Simply Being"
"Simply Being" book:
English: www.amazon.com/Simply-Being-Texts-Dzogchen-Tradition/dp/1907571019
Spanish: www.amazon.com/Simplemente-ser-James-Low/dp/8496478440
The texts are available in:
English: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Simply-Being-Text-Ch.-10-31-05-2023.pdf
Spanish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-10-Spanish_2024-1.pdf
Video at https://youtu.be/_CqCN3P0Lz4?si=G6aoqj5HpIvsdbQu
18th-19th November 2024. Take it easy. James Low's Dzogchen retreat at Casa la Salle, Veciana (Barcelona), Spain, November 18-24, 2024.
This retreat focused on relaxing our reliance on habitual patterns of dualistic involvement so that the self-liberation of all experience becomes clear. We went through Patrul Rinpoche’s short text Self-Liberating Understanding, which is Chapter 10 in the book "Simply Being"
"Simply Being" book:
English: www.amazon.com/Simply-Being-Texts-Dzogchen-Tradition/dp/1907571019
Spanish: www.amazon.com/Simplemente-ser-James-Low/dp/8496478440
The texts are available in:
English: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Simply-Being-Text-Ch.-10-31-05-2023.pdf
Spanish: https://simplybeing.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Chapter-10-Spanish_2024-1.pdf
Video at https://youtu.be/DG_p5BA54NI?si=qVqEQYIHyd53spzT
27th November 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) What is your view on the concept of spiritual bypassing?"
"(01:05) How can we allow feelings without getting caught up in the stories about them?"
"(05:19) How can we tell when our assessment of another person is true or is a reflection of our own blindness?"
"(07:06) Many people who walk on the spiritual, but not necessarily religious path, connect with what they call god. It's not just a mere belief that god exists, but that god is a source of excellent spiritual abilities, such as healing, manifesting, performing miracles. What notion from dzogchen teachings would be the most accurate to describe this phenomena? Where is god, the creator of the universe, in relation to the ground? Is it the same thing? If not, what is the difference?"
"(12:36) How is it that the mind seems to identify with the thoughts in the head, as in 'I think, therefore I am'?"
"(17:52) What are the dzogchen methods devised to transform this relationship into a proper context, so that thinking is working collaboratively with feeling, intuition and instinct?"
"(21:50) What is the next step once this relationship is properly recapitulated?"
"(25:06) How is it that we seem to separate from an undividable non-dual source?"
"(28:59) As the separation is only apparent, that is to say, not strongly real, what aspect of our apparent separate individual itself is experiencing that separation?"
"(32:06) Referring to the subject of that phenomena as an ego, what are the most common obstacles preventing that ego from realizing its proper place?"
"(35:07) I do the Guru Yoga of the White A and also a guided meditation that directs me towards paying attention to the thinker or the hearer or the center of consciousness. Do you see any potential issues with this combination practice?"
"(36:10) Many famous teachers have said that all possible phenomena are like a magical illusion, a dream, or an echo. They are empty and without intrinsic existence. How does this relate to the bodhisattva vow? So, If you awaken from a dream, then you can go back to the dream to take care of the people who are stuck in it, believing in it. Can you go back into the dream? Especially because now you know that they are not real, so how could you help them?"
"(39:05) Moreover, given that they are not real, why should we delay our liberation until other sentient beings are liberated, when in reality they don't have substance? And is the liberation of all beings a realistic aim?"
Video at https://youtu.be/uBo3eUkhL8I?si=PH9jSdFbAisgMXlo
9th November 2024. If Dharma is the medicine, what is the disease? First of two Zoom Saturdays in the Autumn with James' teachings on the topic.
The focus of session 1 was on the nature of suffering and how it arises from ignorance of our existential situation and from grasping at phenomena as if they were real entities. The focus of session 2 is on the nature of unawareness of the ground and how to awaken to it.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00:00) Morning session 1"
"(00:50:46) Morning session 2"
"(01:38:28) Afternoon session 1"
"(02:31:48) Afternoon session 2"
Video at https://youtu.be/Q121aZ5lpIc?si=KDpp_ZgvqbP-odgg
30th October 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) I have experienced the truth of who we really are and I know that all that you speak about as being how it is. At the same time, the story of me and particular traumas that have happened seem to have an unshake reality in terms of thoughts. I find it difficult to formulate the precise question that needs to be asked, but speak about the relationship between the spiritual path and therapy."
"(13:53) How would god be called in this tradition in the sense of the origin and essence of all? Vajrasattva? Samantabhadra? Rigpa?"
"(17:46) When practicing dzogchen, do we still take refuge? For many years, I have followed a different Tibetan lineage. Do I simplify my refuge prayers and pray to a generic Buddha or do I change lineages? I seem to be transitioning."
"(25:43) Talk about karma and evidence of past and future lives."
"(34:06) Within awareness, is the noticing or the registering, as you call it, a different thing from thinking or conceptualizing about appearances? How is it different? How subtle is the distinction between the two ways of seeing things?"
"(41:00) Elaborate on the meaning of the Tibetan word 'damtsik', when used in the context of a student-teacher relationship."
Video at https://youtu.be/j1rgcWyjA9g?si=__k0Goeuc6yyLwZO
5th October 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00:00) Introduction"
"(00:07:54) As I become more conscious of my habits and patterns, I also become more conscious of the five poisons impacting my activity. For the five poisons to become the five wisdoms, is it simply in self-liberation that this occurs or is there more involved in this transformation?"
"(00:27:47) How to remain with nonduality when you come into treatment in hospitals and also have to deal with other people's thoughts about how you are?"
"(00:37:54) The teaching says that in order to find our true self, which is emptiness, we need to relax and open. In everyday situations, in everyday decisions, is it also best to just relax and open and see what emerges instead of analyzing the situation and thinking about what to do?"
"(00:48:49) Texts on meditation often have references to states of absorption. What are these states and how do we recognize them? Are they signs of progress?"
"(01:08:23) As a non-monastic practitioner and a working adult, it's often necessary to use emotional strategy and seemingly unkind actions to solve problems. To help one group of people not get into trouble, we will often have to put the other group of people causing harm in a precarious position. Anger and aggression are sometimes necessary especially in corporate fights, but, if people know we are buddhist practitioners, then they might say 'oh aren't you supposed to be compassionate? You're not supposed to get angry and be aggressive. Aren't you supposed to be gentle and kind?'"
"(01:25:06) James mentioned, in a previous question, vipassana without a special focus, just attending to how I am in this very moment. In what way does this vipassana exploration differ from dzogchen meditation?"
"(01:40:38) Through sadhana practice, we can connect with Guru Rinpoche both as the guru, the embodiment of all the teachers, and also as our yidam. Is there a difference in the quality and feeling tone of this connection in either case or more formally in the way the practice is done?"
"(01:54:47) If it's right that in all the Mahayana path, karma is an illusion, then is karma cause and effect teaching less important in dzogchen?"
"(02:06:32) Could you give some guidelines on how to start to meditate?"
"(02:31:23) When I'm having an exchange with someone, either verbally or online, and the person feels they've made a mistake and reacts harshly, even though I feel it's out of self-defense, I still react inwardly. I find their reaction dishonest and it makes me pissed off. Why is this the case? I know it's not directed at me, it's what's happening for them, but I still react very strongly. Instead of turning to them with sympathy, I think that I don't want to have anything to do with someone like. I can then discipline myself and stay in contact and try to react well, but it seems contrived. Why is that? What is missing?"
"(02:52:53) A Zen Roshi is being quoted and the quote is 'actualization is not just the manifestation of your individual experience of the truth. It is your life interconnected with the tree life, a bird's life, water's life, Spring's life, Autumn's life, in the life of the whole universe'. Does the term 'truth' apply also to dzogchen? Would that quote also be applicable to a dzogchen path?"
"(02:56:34) Can you explain the White A? How to do it when and what it means?"
"(03:11:40) Is the path of the bodhisattva a natural outcome of direct seeing or is it an extra relative construction that leads to direct seeing but does not have any relevance beyond it?"
Video at https://youtu.be/cfJ9WvwzJ-8?si=kCjUiko-zyq9Qruu
3rd July 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) How to keep generosity going in the face of other loved one suffering, yet not caring for themselves?"
"(07:48) How can I distinguish between simply being conscious of sitting during formal sessions and being aware in the state of presence?"
"(14:31) On the cushion, I can maintain rigpa or awareness pretty stably, but struggle in daily activities. How can a lay person gradually bring rigpa into daily activities?"
"(24:25) Can I do therapy to deal with various psychological problems and not talk about them in a way that makes them seem more and more real and important and definitive of how I am well?"
"(34:15) I have practiced a Tibetan Buddhist spiritual path for many years. Now I am enjoying Dzogchen teachings. Do you think there would be a conflict in following both? And is that likely to be confusing?"
"(35:30) I have insight into the structure of my problem, but that doesn't dissolve it. I have a tendency that I try to control, but I can't control. Finding difficulty especially with people who have qualities I admire would indicate there is a background problem with pride and, with that, envy."
Video at https://youtu.be/3ARgDMU7rEM?si=XxBzYr3dNUyKgtiP
8th November 2024. Your Mind is Mahamudra. James' Zoom talk hosted by Tibethaus Germany (www.tibethaus.com)
We are used to thinking about things and trying to work out what is going on. This is how we have been educated. However Mahamudra points to the intrinsic capacity of our mind to instantly and intuitively respond to whatever occurs without entering into dualistic thought production. We will explore how to awaken to this.
Audio file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mUg5...
Image: @kellymlacy
Instagram of excerpts from James Low's teachings: instagram.com/simplybeingsangha
Learn more about future events: simplybeing.co.uk/events/
Video at https://youtu.be/GwFcvtuZCqw?si=7Tm9TYQofPBfxKbc
5th June 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Introduction and the Pali Bāhiya Sutta"
"(18:46) Many public intellectuals propound a view that all choices are entirely predetermined, determined by factors such as genes, environment, diet and upbringing, so that, actually, free will or free choice is an illusion. Is such a view of extreme determinism compatible with teachings of buddhism and dzogchen?"
"(24:21) Does seeking emotional support from other people contradict our seeking refuge in the three jewels? How can I reconcile them?"
"(26:43) Someone is looking for treasure texts from our lineage (which cover the whole of the path and all the stages) and a list of all the treasure texts with a short description of each, indicating which are available in English."
"(28:58) Where to find a dzogchen teacher in India?"
"(30:40) I am a young man and want to have sex with others, but I have a tendency to attachment. How to relate without attachment?"
"(36:11) What is the dzogchen view of trauma? Do you think it gets released via meditation or do you think other modalities may need to be practiced?"
Video at https://youtu.be/34o-GOgMel4?si=6VZFWJWTxL_f8_Ae
8th May 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) How to live a busy life and not create karma?"
"(12:04) Fantasy, projection, intuition... How can you tell the difference?"
"(19:03) Where is the line between bodhicitta – meaning the notion of developing an altruistic intention to benefit all beings – and self-sacrifice? Between too much compassion for others and the risk of burnout? How much ego is healthy or necessary in life?"
"(26:18) If an already awakened person were to experience extreme suffering, would that person avoid identifying with the suffering and mixing with the suffering experience? Does it depend on your degree of progress on the dharma, whether you can suffer without being drawn back into samsara?"
"(37:58) What is reincarnation from the dzogchen perspective?"
"(40:04) How to work with fear and pain when you receive the news that you are sick and when you are living through it?"
Video at https://youtu.be/J_EKfD6cfAU?si=_1gpgCMNZb0c4w_P
10th April 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Among the many delightful conditions coming to visit my body, I have now got urticaria, a red rash which covers my body and legs and arms and is very itchy. So what to do from the dharma point of view when these things happen to us?"
"(12:16) Someone is saying that they do a lot of practice of trekcho and tantra and while they're sitting they don't feel troubled by the variety of experiences. But when the time for sitting practice is over and there is more sense of participating in a world with other beings - who are, in fact, troubled by a sense of their own limitation – then we have a choice in how to respond. We cannot formulate our response beforehand - so can I trust my intuition, my spontaneous response?"
"(25:49) How can I stabilize the lucid aspect of the dream so that I don't wake up immediately? When my awareness stopped identifying with my dream body, there was the appearance of white light, but then I awoke."
"(32:33) We live in wild and dreadful times and for we humans have brought the world and nature into a catastrophic state. How can one keep one's inner balance in the face of such events so as not to stumble either into the clear yet cold light of wisdom nor into the warm yet sentimental perception of compassion?"
Video at https://youtu.be/QVqqvHYI6yE?si=NWLMpY8-9wP3_BL6
13rd March 2024. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) My father is 91 years of age and in the last days of his life. He is already unconscious and unaware of his surroundings. He has never been interested in religion and I think he's been agnostic all his life. Apart from accompanying him, is it possible to do more for him?"
"(09:53) Does dzogchen agree with the view that all events and occurrences are a result of previous events and occurrences and hat one's experience will continue to evolve and unfold naturally just like that as it is meant to?"
"(18:11) Should the fear of death diminish as we become more stable in meditation?"
"(21:09) When we engage in sitting meditation, attempting to remain in non-dual riga awareness, how long should the sessions last?"
"(34:09) Is it possible to retain awareness when under the influence of alcohol, cannabis and so on? Can hallucinogens be helpful in breaking habitual modes of perception or do they just lead up the blind alley of attention focused on content?"
"(37:13) When sitting in practice, we put the tip of the tongue on the roof of the mouth. Where precisely?"
"(38:05) Do we have a curriculum for a ngakpa training and ordination in the simply being sangha?"
"(38:31) How can we begin to recognize the ego aspects of ourselves more clearly? How to approach this in a helpful way, not being sucked in or pushing it away?"
Video at https://youtu.be/n0Y2DwUSWto?si=QDl1NjVqPu4TBYAg
26 April 2023. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) What are the eight qualities of pure water?"
"(03:18) Can you tell us something about the sambhogakaya ornament?"
"(03:57 What are the different meanings of torma?"
"(06:18) With the covid-19 restriction, I got used to saying no to many activities. And with a dharma view, I have a sense I don't need to engage in many activities, but, whether I say yes or no it seems to be me who's saying yes and no and have a egoic base. How not to get trapped in this?"
"(08:57) Most dzogchen teachers insist on the necessity of absolute certainty about the view before starting this general dzogchen practices. Then you should be clear about the difference between recognizing or not recognizing, finding or not finding. To me you seem to have a different approach."
"(10:39) I often treat the time of meditation as more important, more sacred than the time of my daily activities. How to change this while avoiding making the time after meditation less meaningful?"
"(13:39) Outer, inner and secret: what do they mean?"
"(14:25) I'm trying to understand where the distinction lies between dzogchen dharma teaching and that of certain Tibetan buddhist practices. But then I encountered the patriarchy and hierarchy in many Tibetan monasteries and so on. Is Tibetan buddhism missing compassion towards women? How can the so-called high lamas be enlightened, if they don't see good in the nature of women?"
"(17:37) The function of the guru is to help you see your own light. Does this mean the guru in the flesh person or Padmasambhava or our own mind?"
"(18:48) Being in a state of openness, when I'm everywhere and nowhere at the same time, it's as if I'm experiencing the feeling of freefall. It captures me so much that it interrupts my breathing and many thoughts appear."
"(21:27) Do you recommend the rushen and lojong dzogchen preliminaries? Are they usually practiced in retreat?"
"(22:35) How can my awareness be the red dakini?"
"(27:29) How do the three doors of liberation relate to mahamudra and dzogchen?"
"(30:49) Can retreat make me sad? Is it important to check where I am on the path?"
"(32:23) In your book "Radiant aspiration", I read for the first time about the four meditative absorptions. Can you explain this a bit?"
"(35:09) Question concerned with ecological issues."
"(39:02) I have recently been told of the possibility of having cancer, but, although I have to wait for the biopsy to be 100% sure in a few days, at times there is a torrent of thoughts circulating. How was your experience when told about your body's condition with cancer and how to work with this change in our bodies?"
"(42:05) Question concerning the Ganges mahamudra instruction. Tilopa says to Marpa "if you are free of all desire and do not abide in the extremes you will see all the dharma teachings of the three baskets. What are these three baskets?"
"(43:55) A quote from Padmasambhava, where he says 'even though intrinsic awareness, which is self-originated primal awareness, appears to you, it is but a manifestation of mind'"
Video at https://youtu.be/Pm7x9LWUH-E?si=zWNa3hVuV46JWufY
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Text - without thinking about - without considering"
"(00:23:32) Conclusion - identification of Mahamudra"
"(00:46:58) Analysis of obstructions deviation and strain"
"(01:17:21) The thing to be discarded and the antidote"
"(01:24:10) Going astray with regard to the path"
"(01:31:24) Experience - awakening - understanding"
"(01:41:25) Colophon to the text"
"(01:45:27) Question - terminology - elaboration - confirmation"
"(01:56:04) Question - how to engage fruitfully with materialist views"
"(02:05:06) Question - this retreat has been a lot of listening"
"(02:10:24) Comment - participation and the dancing"
"(02:12:56) Question - no one to hear"
"(02:18:23) Comment - having the teachings with us"
"(02:22:25) Question - Lama Khyenno melody"
"(02:23:54) Dharma will not forget you"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Learning and preparation"
"(00:12:02) Reflections on Dharma - ordinary life"
"(00:24:18) Agency and inspiration"
"(00:37:37) Question - non-sensical as refreshing"
"(00:44:12) Comment - it is hard not to do"
"(00:44:45) Text - three realms - single great desire"
"(00:49:18) Appearance and emptiness - water and ice"
"(01:00:54) Comment - warmth connection compassion"
"(01:01:39) Awakening to the one taste of many"
"(01:22:49) Equal in taste - water and waves"
"(01:28:24) Question - the bodhisattva vow"
"(01:30:54) Text - all have the guardians nature"
"(01:39:31) The manifold arising with one taste"
"(01:50:23) Can the policeman get enlightened"
"(01:53:14) Comment - anything possible - Trungpa Rinpoche"
"(02:02:23) Text - emptiness pervades all that occurs"
"(02:09:41) Emptiness"
"(02:18:21) Text - the yoga of non-meditation"
"(02:38:07) This is the end of the path"
"(02:55:00) The quality of here and now"
"(03:05:28) Dissolving your conceptual mind"
"(03:21:48) Question - compassion at the end of the path"
"(03:43:55) Question - the six yogas of Naropa"
"(03:47:14) Question - one taste - meditating sky to sky"
"(03:50:13) Question - compassion - goal or tool"
"(03:56:58) Question - mahamudra dzogchen differences"
"(04:02:06) Question - what is the endgame"
"(04:06:29) Question - no border between self and the world"
"(04:19:32) Question - the tilt of the face"
"(04:25:23) Question - maintaining the enquiry"
"(04:34:14) Discussion - back to compassion"
"(04:38:48) Question - who is balancing"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Without commentary without hope"
"(00:09:58) Text - the original knowing of intrinsic awareness"
"(00:25:10) The middle way"
"(00:41:41) Question - the risk of acting crazy"
"(00:47:44) Question - illusory nature of other people"
"(00:49:29) Question - emptiness - unborn"
"(01:02:10) Question - appearance - projection"
"(01:08:13) Sameness and difference - diversity"
"(01:29:33) "Question - releasing karma"
"(01:34:38) Equanimity fixation and openness"
"(01:47:10) Question - limited perspectives and awareness"
"(01:55:12) Question - special quality of the ego"
"(01:57:33) Text - beyond diversity - equipoise"
"(02:13:09) Question - ordering experience"
"(02:18:29) Text - appearance like an illusion"
"(02:32:14) The ground non-elaborated"
"(02:37:32) Question - recognizing the ego-self"
"(02:44:40) Question - moving on through stages"
"(02:50:03) Text - the yoga of one taste"
"(03:10:21) Question - one taste - tantra"
"(03:11:17) Question - within the dream - as if"
"(03:20:21) Question - one taste - all at once"
"(03:22:04) Question - dream yoga"
"(03:22:44) Text - erroneous dreams within the sleep of mental dullness"
"(03:40:00) Question - non-erroneous dreams"
"(03:41:19) You cannot step out of your mind"
"(03:53:08) Relaxing on the occurrence"
"(03:57:48) Practice"
"(03:59:07) The mind and the body in practice"
"(04:01:24) Text - face and complexion"
"(04:16:579 Question - no choice - free will"
"(04:29:10) Question - why face as a metaphor"
"(04:44:50) Question - ethics - the immediate field - contact"
"(04:53:33) Question - the face before you were born"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Fragmentation - one thing many things"
"(00:10:56) The benefit of not being special"
"(00:17:30) Text - introducing vipassana"
"(00:25:29) Analysing the root of abiding and movement"
"(00:32:02) Practice - what is the essence of this abiding like"
"(00:33:40) Experiences of the essence of abiding"
"(00:36:56) Text - abiding - movement - awareness"
"(00:39:45) Reflections on abiding - movement - awareness practice"
"(00:56:17) Small Dharma study groups - learning by doing"
"(01:06:33) Text - the looker and the looked at"
"(01:13:04) Questions - awareness self-existing"
"(01:19:39) Subjectivity as an arising"
"(01:25:17) Question - border between self and other"
"(01:28:08) Text - free of assumption and its assertion"
"(01:32:53) Unawareness - an account"
"(01:44:07) Without even a name - the gurus kindness"
"(01:55:03) Analysis done by inherent awareness"
"(02:01:10) Question - teacher - opening the door"
"(02:03:20) Question - finding the way out of the jungle"
"(02:06:05) Question - into the outside world"
"(02:09:33) Question - implanting the view - transmission"
"(02:16:46) Text - identifying vipassana"
"(02:44:46) Discursive thought recognizing itself"
"(03:03:51) Sitting with an unpleasant thought"
"(03:04:38) Arising and vanishing"
"(03:13:00) Question - merging with the storyline"
"(03:16:39) Text - the best kindness"
"(03:29:33) Practice with whatever comes"
"(03:31:19) Available - no agenda"
"(03:31:54) Compassion inseparable from emptiness"
"(03:33:05) Question - outward effect of practice"
"(03:37:00) Text - analysis in terms of the three times"
"(03:49:57) Question - cutting the root"
"(03:56:58) Question - thinking about the future"
"(03:59:48) Question - prediction of place and date of death"
"(04:00:52) Question - enlightenment as motivation"
"(04:10:22) Text - no existence through birth cessation abiding"
"(04:38:34) Question - chair as just a concept"
"(04:39:46) Text - analysis in terms of things and no-things"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Dis-integration"
"(00:04:57) Dependent origination"
"(00:23:29) Questioning the qualities of the mind once again"
"(00:27:55) Sharing experience of how the mind is"
"(00:47:34) Questioning - starting from a view influences result"
"(00:58:38) Text - cutting involvement with the thought"
"(01:00:53) Practice without involvement"
"(01:03:42) Our felt-sense of individuality - continuity"
"(01:08:38) Text - arising and ended thoughts revealed"
"(01:12:05) Question - an agent doing the relaxation"
"(01:20:03) Question - causes of certain thoughts to arise"
"(01:27:14) Question - persistent recurring thoughts"
"(01:34:44) Question - examining the mind with thinking"
"(01:40:24) Question - container of thoughts - ocean"
"(01:48:51) Text - discursive thoughts arising and ceasing"
"(01:57:15) Question - without support - present with the flow"
"(01:58:05) Practice - calm abiding"
"(01:59:42) Text - abiding like the flow of a large river"
"(02:24:04) Brahmins thread - tightness and looseness"
"(02:32:28) Reflections on tightening"
"(02:35:48) Question - difficulty meditating with open eyes"
"(02:37:45) Question - agitation in daily life - meditation - integration"
"(02:38:58) Question - allowance to feel tension"
"(02:40:48) Text - resting as when the rope tying the straw is cut"
"(02:45:02) Reflection on the practice"
"(03:00:36) One-pointedness as basis"
"(03:06:08) Resting as a child gazing at a temple"
"(03:14:39) Resting like an elephant pricked by a thorn"
"(03:20:41) Question - watching a thought arise"
"(03:33:44) Text - like an ocean free of waves - lack - excess"
"(03:41:33) Collapsing the distinction between abiding and movement"
"(03:50:23) Question - ocean without wave"
"(03:53:03) Question - emotions"
"(03:57:32) Question - breathing thoughts in and out"
"(03:58:36) Question - stillness - sounds - not in time"
"(04:02:46) Text - how one-pointedness is in itself"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Embodies participation - Tsatsa"
"(00:08:35) Participating - for the other"
"(00:19:23) About Guru yoga"
"(00:35:24) Question - why meditation with eyes open"
"(00:41:25) Question - shamatha with closed eyes"
"(00:43:13) Guru yoga practice"
"(00:44:56) Practice in hot weather"
"(00:45:32) Text - pure support of body speech mind"
"(01:01:16) Useful for you - Dharma paths and vows"
"(01:09:58) Text - imagine Buddhas body - moon disk - sphere"
"(01:14:17) Tantra - imagination"
"(01:18:27) Imagine a moon disk"
"(01:18:50) Dissolving identification"
"(01:22:59) Imagining a sphere"
"(01:24:25) Everything is imagined"
"(01:28:59) Text - using the breath as support"
"(01:31:08) The vajra breath"
"(01:33:12) The characteristics of your breath"
"(01:38:45) Merge your mind with your breath"
"(01:43:03) Attention to the five elements"
"(01:50:06) Breath using Om Hung Aa"
"(01:55:57) Using the support of the base"
"(02:05:24) Involvement with sudden arisings - death - the bardo"
"(02:20:14) Question - clear light moment after"
"(02:21:43) Question - mantra recitation while dying"
"(02:25:25) Question - what kind of I in the dying process"
"(02:27:07) Living with conditions"
"(02:36:17) Not entering into involvement"
"(02:42:38) Question - willfully establishing non-involvement"
"(02:47:34) Sitting relaxed and open"
"(02:48:28) Something better than nothing"
"(02:54:19) Question - gaze in open sitting"
"(02:57:00) Text - not even a single thought"
"(02:58:21) Not making something of it"
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) Open sitting"
"(00:01:13) Five questions about the mind - shape and color"
"(00:07:00) Size - big or small"
"(00:11:05) Come from anywhere"
"(00:11:43) Where is abiding"
"(00:12:14) Going anywhere"
"(00:12:55) Working with the questions"
"(00:14:18) How about the things in the room"
"(00:18:51) The mind - the minds contents - involvement"
"(00:40:55) Dharma paths and your situation"
"(00:49:22) Mind isolated"
"(01:00:23) Mind not moving at rest whatever"
"(01:08:27) Mindfulness of the mind itself - non-distraction"
"(01:15:56) Kindness - compassion"
"(01:23:26) Not forgetting what you are becoming familiar with"
"(01:27:02) Tranquility - one-pointedness"
"(01:44:03) Question - intentionality"
"(01:47:43) Sitting with the breath"
"(01:49:53) Distraction and vulnerability - reframing"
"(01:53:35) Praying to the Guru - Lama Khyenno"
"(02:01:57) From dissolving into one-pointedness"
"(02:10:15) Consciousness - ego as distorting factor"
"(02:25:22) Beyond the limits of our world"
"(02:45:28) Questions - How to make the teachings a living reality"
"(02:52:04) Truth - relative - absolute"
"(03:05:18) The three rayas"
"(03:11:53) Question - complete - the perfected state"
"(03:22:38) Question - the importance of the view"
"(03:46:32) Text - rest for as long as you can"
"(03:57:13) Equipoise - a dynamic balance"
"(04:06:31) When separation pray to your Guru"
"(04:08:05) For sinking dullness agitation"
"(04:16:09) Garab Dorje - stay on this"
"(04:20:06) Question - nature of Rigpa awareness"
"(04:27:14) Meaning - conclusions - judgements"
8 March 2023. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Padmasambhava said, 'Though the view should be as vast as the sky, keep your conduct as fine as barley flour. Please expand.'"
"(03:59) There's a question from somebody who's been practicing Dharma for 30 years and suffers from health problems of particular autoimmune diseases, which affect the whole nervous system, making it very difficult to meditate or even just relax. Most of the time, there's some tension in the body, which makes meditation difficult, and the person is often discouraged."
"(09:07) During our daily activities like work and planning, how to maintain awareness of an open fresh mind? The requirements of normal life require concentrating on tasks, goals, results, and achievements, so that my work produces something of value that is judged by other people. So, how to stay with the precision of the task while maintaining open awareness?"
"(13:47) Although the view never feels very far away, I find that I'm not sitting to meditate as often as I used to. Should I set the time and stick to it and write myself reminders?"
"(18:25) You have talked of other realms and so on, but is it possible to take a completely secular approach to Dzogchen?"
"(24:14) A question wanting a repetition of the five questions of inquiry of the mind."
"(28:20) I have a teacher, a western disciple of a Tibetan Lama. He is authorized to teach, but not to give empowerments or tantric teaching. Can I think of him as my guru or as my teacher? He says I should see his guru as my guru, but I have not met this guru."
"(30:17) I am a beginner psychotherapist. Are there techniques in psychotherapy whose foundation is the Dzogchen teachings? Can this help the patient?"
"(33:15) Is one way to interpret the term sentient beings as self-states, in terms of a psychological perspective?"
"(34:45) Concerning Padmasambhava practice, what is the difference between an outer mantra and an inner mantra, with respect to their meaning usage and effects?"
"(43:16) What can we do practically to distinguish awareness of itself by itself versus the awareness based on reified self?"
Video at https://youtu.be/gLik8cQt7bw?si=cETr773pjMT3TW82
1st February 2023. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) How do we really know 'it is what it is', since our perceptions are usually distorted and we don't perceive things as they really are?"
"(08:18) Is it necessary for us to complete ngöndro to fully practice mahamudra? If not, when is it okay for us to go directly into practicing mahamudra?"
"(28:59) The dzogchen teachings tell us that all external and internal reality is mind. So we might reframe that as all that appears to be real and truly existing is in fact the energy of the mind. That is all phenomena, sensations, perceptions, thoughts and so on are projected into our mind."
"(35:35) How does this idealistic vision 'everything is mind' fit with the madhyamaka philosophy where any conceptualization is avoided?"
"(38:59) If we have had teachings on 'powa', the ejection of the mind out of the body, and we can eject our consciousness successfully into a pure land, at the moment of death, does that mean we skip the stage of child-meet-mother luminosity?"
"(39:57) It's said that the bardo is not here, not there, not past, not future... does that mean the bardo is also illusory? Bardo is just another way of saying 'in between', but if there is nothing to be in between, no A and B, then is the bardo is just a label actually?"
"(43:45) What is child luminosity and how do we know we have recognized it via our practice?"
Video at https://youtu.be/fb30mxvsGtE?si=B9n5ixH1fjw4LTwT
23 November 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) We can apply the questions 'is there a shape or a color?' to what occurs. 'Does it come from somewhere? Does it stay? Does it go?' We can apply this to both the content of the mind and the mind itself. Do they have a different function?"
"(03:06) The stainless original nature is prior to time and space and, in that sense, it is permanent and can be realized. Such realization depends on causes and conditions, such as having a teacher, hearing the teachings and so on. How then can the non-dual traditions teach that buddhahood is a permanent condition from which there is no back-sliding? "
"(09:55) I used to look at my body sensations as signals telling me about my needs. For example "I'm so tired, I need to rest." However, when I now try neither to merge nor to separate myself from the field of experience, sometimes I ignore these signals and then I abuse myself. How is it possible to take care of my own energetic resources yet be in accord with the dzogchen view?"
"(19:07) I still treat the time of meditation as more important, more sacred, than the time of my daily activities. What can I do to change this view? "
"(26:30) How did traditional practitioners in Tibet deal with their emotions?"
"(29:20) Why in the west are we so serious about what we call 'my practice'?"
"(31:02) There is less emphasis on long silent retreats in our tradition than in the zen or theravada traditions, for example. Why?"
"(34:27) When everything is empty and thoughts and feelings and emotions are mere constructs, how does one avoid being nihilistic? "
"(39:04) What is meant by 'exhaustion of phenomena' ?"
"(42:48) Are phenomena the reflections of the mirror?"
"(43:50) Can stillness and movement be experienced separately?"
"(45:32) If we have not received a direct transmission from any dzogchen master, is it possible to recognize the nature of mind by ourselves or do we need a direct transmission?"
"(51:20) How can we receive transmission when it may not be possible for us to meet Buddhist teachers from the east?"
Video at https://youtu.be/mOByAvxrP5g?si=cRhxJuwzNM_NFzGi
2nd November 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) With regard to depression, how does the medical biochemical approach compare to the psychoanalytic view and the buddhist view?"
"(10:05) Unless I am in open awareness, I get lost in thought. Does one need to stay in open awareness all the time?"
"(13:57) In dzogchen, they say that our situation is like a snake in a bamboo pole, we either go up or down. How to see where we are and what to do to ensure we go up?"
"(19:13) What is the purpose of planting Earth healing pots and and placing tsa-tsas, small images of the Buddhas and statues and making stupas?"
"(26:45) James says that we should avoid classifying people and situations in terms of of like and not like. Yet what should we do if we are connected with someone who undermines us, constantly attacks us and provokes anxiety and crises?"
"(37:08) How does practising in nature help to unveil the natural state of our mind?"
Video at https://youtu.be/L91tl1V5jHE?si=ItdNXmWAwc7ioKHl
28 September 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) Becoming more conscious of how I am a pulsation of change in a changing environment of diverse manifestations, Ioften feel disturbed by the excess of stimuli which I fuse with, then l cut off and enclose myself in a narrow view. How to avoid this happening?"
"(13:06) l have experienced that my intentions expressed in prayer are fulfilled. How does our mind and intention influence reality?"
"(19:38) When trying to stay with anger without merging and simultaneously letting whatever arises flow, l experience self-judging thoughts, such as "you shouldn't" or "that's not nice". This quickly leads to physical discomfort like a subtle form of irritation. Is this a sign that I have merged with the reaction to the judging thoughts?"
"(36:06) I have difficulty integrating the experiences, stroke recollections of rigpa, emptiness and non-duality. Yet only when I come out of it, I am able to refer to concepts of rigpa, emptiness and oneness."
Video at https://youtu.be/gjg46nZnmfA?si=K57WojKNdP-YInu2
18 May 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) Question from someone who has practiced a lot of zen sitting for many years, but started to feel the tradition wasn't doing anything lively for him. He says: now I feel more alive with the sense something inside me is guiding me, but can I trust this? Because I am aware how easy it is to deceive oneself."
"(02:17) Are there life patterns? If so, can we scape from them?"
"(13:27) 'Observe our own mind and find out how it is.' Does it envolve analises? The guru yoga is free of analises."
"(16:04) How to live in a proactive culture, while remaining in the receptive state of the mirror?"
"(20:27) Is enlightenment possible without meditation? What about the religious traditions that don't talk about meditation?"
"(23:10) Do you believe in free will? If so, where is the 'I' that I believe sits in front of the thoughts that are ever emerging?"
"(24:42) When difficult emotions arises, a mood can last for days. We are advised not to reject negative experiences, but to protect the thusness within them. How to do this without reactivity or artificiality?"
"(26:26) How to reverse the karmic impact of unethical actions?"
"(29:10) Why are owls auspicious?"
"(30:07) How is deity practice relevant to us on the path?"
"(30:34) What are mind termas?"
"(31:05) How can we be sure that we are in rigpa?"
"(31:59) In the Rigdzin text, it says 'I and all sentient being go for refuge'. How can I say this on behalf of all sentient beings?"
"(33:16) Many teachers give the Rigpa Tsal Wang and say that this is indispensable for dzogchen practice. You don't. Why? "
"(34:42) With intense experience of suffering, where one moment of experience is followed by another, the fact that the arising is vanishing doesn't help, with the stream of similar experiences which keep coming, such as chronic pain, fear of attack, war, grief."
"(38:52) With the war in Ukraine there is hurtful aggression, it may be illusory, but people do experience attack and suffering. How to look at war in terms of emptiness, while avoiding entering into judgment?"
"(40:31) Nothing exists in and of itself, everything is empty. So how does karma come into future lives? What transports the karma?"
"(42:31) In the text we read, there are five kayas. I know about the dharmakaya, sanbogakaya and nirmanakaya. What are the other two?"
"(43:37) How to continue in awareness in our daily activities, without immediately falling back in the same old pattern of reification?"
"(45:01) What is meant by pure vision? Is it a pure sensory perception or rather a pure view?"
"(47:31) Is is it possible to have a pure vision while we still have a karmic body?"
Video at https://youtu.be/78YUjwB8SH4?si=QCJfD3sRZ3myqAXo
6 April 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) There is often an instruction "observe your own mind and find out how it is". Is this open sitting practice the same as or different from guru yoga?"
"(12:06) Have you ever witnessed a miracle? If so, please tell us about it."
"(13:10) Do you consider mudras helpful? If yes, which ones in particular?"
"(15:16) Is psychotherapy useful as an adjunct or a support for dzogchen?"
"(18:53) How to introduce children to this dzogchen view? What topics at what ages?"
"(27:31) Should we do long retreats or short retreats or just one day? What is good?"
"(31:57) Our everyday experience is of a body walking in space. Is this more accurately the space in the mind, so we are not in space, but space is in the mind?"
"(40:08) At the moment, I conceptually understand that what I see is like a reflection in the mirror. But this is still a concept. How to get direct experience of this?"
Video at https://youtu.be/0niSASsoVQA?si=vpKV-fuKrqojRn1R
23 February 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators. How can our dharma understanding help us to stay open and relaxed in times of war and conflict?
Video at https://youtu.be/KCIykdh793s?si=F3wAZDTQxxH2t_M2
9 February 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) The duality of violent and non-violent communication: how not to get caught in either of them?"
"(07:12) Are any empowerment of any of the different classes of tantra and so on prerequisite for studying and practicing dzogchen or are they pointing out instructions, the very door?"
"(13:56) Are you implying that the reality outside of us doesn't exist at all?"
"(16:41) The concept of renunciation and extinguishing all duality is extreme. Surely we can enjoy the good and deal with the bad without attachment."
"(22:30) In meditation I sometimes have a perception of quietness and peace. Yet when I reach it, I spontaneously finish the meditation as if I was incapable of maintaining it. Is there an explanation or remedy?"
"(28:49) How to bring dharma ideas into the lives of children, so that they are not totally immersed in capitalist materialism?"
"(33:38) Can you say something about Hedewa, the shock of amazement that you get with Phat!?"
"(39:32) So many methods are present in the buddhist tradition for overcoming dualism and delusion in order to awaken. How do you think we should approach this? Should we do it with us adapting to these traditional structures, to the purity of the lineage? Or should we adapt this inheritance to our own lived situation?"
Video at https://youtu.be/UEiFjyrboCU?si=x34hb8Pykxna4mqB
19 January 2022. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) Should we be doing a Yidam practice as well as Padmasambhava practice?"
"(03:15) Can you explain the Khandro Gadgyang chöd?"
"(06:44) Somebody who has been able to take some time so that they don't have to work for a period of time and they can just devote themselves fully to the practice: should they start to look for a job or to trust that all that is needed will arrive?"
"(14:25) Is chöd different from the christian idea of self-sacrifice?"
"(18:14) Is the fearlessness and equanimity from chöd an acceptance that lets evil win?"
"(20:23) Some writers stress the need for advanced meditative accomplishment before entering dzogchen. You do not. Why?"
"(24:28) How to deal with people and situations which awaken karmic patterns in us with of great intensity?"
"(28:35) How to be in the world with others, maintaining the structure of my life without organizing events around my egoic intentions?"
"(31:28) Somebody has said that they came across apiece of writing that said that Zangdok Parli, the place where Padmasambhava is now, is also inhabited by rakshasas, who only see Guru Rinpoche as a harsh rakshasa king."
"(34:57) For quite some time, I experienced a tilt to the nihilistic pole. As a result, I experience a general lack of motivation in my life. If everything is impermanent and empty, like the breath of wind, why should I put effort into something?"
"(36:37) Why strive for virtue?"
"(40:13) The more I practice or listen to the teachings and reflect about them, it seems to me that the struggle and the power of the ego is strengthening. Do I do something wrong?
43:33 Could you explain again the five questions regarding the mind?"
Video at https://youtu.be/_4ll6YS07BQ?si=Xt-hPBag5HLsY7N1
17 November 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from one of the translators.
"(00:00) Can you comment on the three factor that are unconditionef? The sky, enlightenment and the moment of enlightenment."
"(12:51) Why did great lamas like Dudjom Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche and so on do tantric practices of visualization mantra and so on every day? Is a practice like dzogchen, guru yoga, not enough?"
"(18:56) What is the buddhist significance of adventitious?"
"(22:09) How to deal with feelings of shame or guilt if you are unable to follow through with a guru's command?"
"(28:48) When I practice and make absolutely no effort, I'm dragged around by thoughts. I feel like I need to have some sort of intention or minor effort in order to stay open and present."
"(34:18) In guru yoga of the white A, should the eyes be kept open all the time?"
Video at https://youtu.be/mK6uraSr1Xc?si=MpwWJIG9kfW8P73_
27 October 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) I follow dharma and live in a country where most people do not. I see them suffer, but they are committed to their beliefs. How might I respond?"
"(04:22) I have a lot of negative thoughts, although I try to be a good person. Where do these thoughts come from and how to stop them?"
"(09:18) How to purify the karmic effects of bad thoughts, intentions and deeds?"
"(15:08) What should we do to prepare for sleep and to prepare at the time of waking and to work with the events of the day and the night?"
"(20:04) Outer inner secret: what do these terms indicate?"
"(21:35) Say something about the relationship between the teacher and student in the present times."
"(25:35) I have the experience of nothingness with awareness, sometimes after Phat. It's vast, clear and unlimited. Is this still within duality?"
"(29:20) Are there objective natural laws spontaneously arising from the primordial ground? Or are all concepts, including the apparent relationship of cause and effect that appear in the natural world a product of ignorance?"
"(32:47) What dharma approaches can help a person with chronic illness and chronic pain, without making them feel unable, inadequate or stressed?"
Video at https://youtu.be/Pbz7R_xzOUc?si=I6ImEZaSFYTHLiN2
6 October 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) Can dzogchen be reconciled with a scientific view of the world? Do they need to be reconcilable? If they can't be reconciled, how to resolve the tension between western cultural beliefs and dharma views?"
"(04:13) Are mind and matter truly different?"
"(19:08) Wisdom indicates that there are no really existing beings. Compassion indicates that we should respond to the suffering of beings and try to help them. How to reconcile this and not be an unethical bystander?"
"(29:06) What does the term unborn mean, when applied to phenomena?"
"(39:48) And the consequent facts that for the great bodhisattvas thoughts do not arise?"
Video at https://youtu.be/IgvcKxejmO8?si=kGHwpihXQtqCtvPc
23 June 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) How to deal with being self-critical in relation to dharma?"
"(02:38) Is it valid to do practice linked to the mamos at this time? How to integrate vajrayana rituals with our contemporary life?"
"(06:05) Explain the meaning of the three roots guru, yidam and dakini"
"(15:00) I am not sure if I want the family or to dedicate my life to dharma practice. I think I could lose time in family life. Any advice?"
"(23:37) If I had difficulty understanding this dzogchen view, how can I overcome these obstacles?"
"(27:49) Is it important to have our eyes open in the "white A" guru yoga?"
"(29:32) Can you say more on the image of the mirror and the crystal ball? Is there a difference between what they are used to illustrate?"
"(36:32) I see suffering beings yet I practice to see that there are no actual beings. This is confusing."
"(39:58) When I'm sitting, resting in stillness and presence, at some point, there's a loss of vividness and lucidity. I don't fall asleep, yet I'm not fully aware. It's rather flat and dull. Then, I return to the more spacious experience and I've become aware that I have become somewhat veiled or covered"
Video at https://youtu.be/kLKxDPChUww?si=XPEIqcWaoNquQxqh
9 June 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(0:00) Even though I practice, the sense of myself is not changing. How can I directly dissolve the idea of self?"
"(15:55) When and how to use Phat?"
"(18:09 You said: 'Devotion to the other merges self and other in non-duality'. Please explain further")
"(28:40) What does it mean to use the energy of the ego to dissolve the ego?"
"(30:06) Are there natural laws spontaneously arising from the primordial ground?"
"(40:57) Why does it seem harder to let go of pleasant memories, joy and bliss?"
Video at https://youtu.be/ZpRzur9l_rc?si=o19LhiyeTGaroV7d
12 May 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(0:00) What is the origin purpose and benefits of doing a padmasambhava tantric practice? How is this guru yoga practice related to dzogchen teachings?"
"(6:22) James said that the practice of chöd and semdzins were disruptive practices. What does this mean?"
"(13:59) How to see through the false sense of self which is so embedded?"
"(26:52) Can we get a taste of freedom without doing years of retreat?"
"(29:52) if I experience a sense of presence in my heart area, is this related to materiality and therefore not to be given importance or is it related to the intrinsic sense of awareness?"
Video at https://youtu.be/WmFLJ23nc-s?si=O2rZKp2ETjNs1I7F
26 May 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) With the practice of dzogchen, are art and music an obstacle or they can be useful?"
"(09:41) Since rigpa or awareness is uncompounded, does it have self essence or other qualities?""
"(17:42) What to do with tantric practice commitments, when now a person wants to do guru yoga and dzogchen? Is it necessary to finish the ngöndro?"
"(23:11) Is being trans an obstacle to practicing vajrayana and how to deal with prejudice?"
"(29:50) How to know if you are on the path? Am I attuning with the teachings in the right way?"
Video at https://youtu.be/N-TBTvgtvVk?si=IUdrtvPwZIa19gsR
28 April 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
Index "(00:00) Why do stories belong in the house of compassion and not in the house of wisdom?" "(04:43) How do the visualization's practices of tantra relate to dzogchen?" "(09:21) How can we lose our sense of ourselves by experiencing ourselves as Padmasambhava or a deity?" "(12:25) How does anger relate to the water element? How can it be transformed into mirror-like wisdom? How does this mirror-like wisdom differ from the wisdom of dharmadhatu?" "(16:18) How to release recurring karmic patterns such as fear and anxiety, which hinder the recognition of open presence?" "(20:19) How to discern a thought as it arises rather than suddenly finding oneself lost in the thought or. carried away by it?" "(28:10) How to spread the truth of dharma, for example, impermanence and karma, when obscurations are everywhere and emotions like anger are intense?" "(33:13) Is it still possible to have a guru-student relationship today?"
Original video at https://youtu.be/As9haJCwIh0?si=K0s6byyFRWMynqyc
The Practice of Meditation. This Retreat will focus on The Mahamudra Instructions of Tipun Pema Chogyal. This short text shows us how to identify and respond to the many kinds of obstacles that can occur in practice. The aim of the retreat is to enable us to maintain calm, clear awareness whatever occurs.
Dates: 7-14 July 2024
Martin Breuger and Robert are organising. Waldemar did the audio recordings. Reiner Steiner did the video recordings.
"(00:00:00) About Mahamudra and the focus of the retreat"
"(00:44:28) The ground - how are you"
"(00:53:01) Refuge"
"(01:07:55) Reciting the refuge"
"(01:11:48) Human birth - Bodhicitta"
"(01:19:27) Emptiness"
"(01:53:17) Connectivity - limits and non-duality"
"(02:05:03) Text - Notes on Mahamudra - Padma Karpo"
"(02:08:27) Ordinary consciousness - original knowing"
"(02:50:10) Text - Co-emergent yoga - the world and you"
"(03:01:38) Death and impermanence"
"(03:06:54) Precious human birth"
"(03:08:08) Suffering"
"(03:22:48) Karma"
"(03:27:19) Your assumptions about who you are"
"(03:33:36) Nine round breathing"
"(03:35:24) Polarities and dialog"
"(03:47:36) Meditation posture"
"(03:49:16) Uninvolved open available"
"(04:10:48) The Vajra posture"
"(04:33:13) Inserting the five winds into the central channel"
"(04:46:56) Regarding speech the residual winds are expelled"
"(04:57:27) Thoughts of the past and future"
"(05:05:59) Meditating on concepts"
"(05:12:28) Whatever arises in the present - mind flows as it will"
"(05:28:56) Tilopa - rest with how it is"
"(05:43:39) Non-distraction - mind isolated"
"(05:58:18) Quiet sitting"
"(05:58:54) Distracted in an ocean of clarity"
"(06:03:25) Caught in delusion"
20 January 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Original video at https://youtu.be/GbT757nEQd0?si=TfTVXfjKOY71Tr9x
14 April 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
"(00:00) How does the guru yoga of the white A relate to using Phat?"
"(03:06) How does one work with a habit of technique-based mindfulness practice with the strong presence of the watcher?"
"(10:10) The many veils of samsara are so thick. Can we truly find a way out of samsara?"
"(17:41) Over the years you have decided to translate some words or ideas differently. What is the thinking behind this?"
"(24:57) If I follow dharma, how do I enjoy life without feeling guilty that I am not studying or saying mantras?"
"(31:07) What are the possible energetic experiences when dzogchen practice is going the right way?"
"(39:02) In dzogchen, what is the meaning of the unchanging nature of our mind?"
Original video at https://youtu.be/1iHDa0mmRoA?si=ao6XayoN2lJdhXSS
10 March 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer. Note: the constant cuts in this video result from the removal of James Low's periods of silence, while waiting for the consecutive translation from the German translator.
Index "(00:00) The qualities of the mind related to the five dhyani buddhas"
"(07:57) How to reduce self-reference when distracted in practice?"
"(17:30) We experience emptiness, don't we? Who is experiencing it?"
"(23:53) Which dharma stories could help people today outside dharma?"
"(31:44) Are trauma serious impediments to realizing your true nature?"
Original video at https://youtu.be/cXSAdoJnKbw?si=M5-BoLgSBkdwJeFc
10 February 2021. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
"(00:00) Can trekchö be done as a guided meditation? Is it a suitable practice arena for beginners?"
"(03:20) It seems there are different aspects to attraction and aversion..."
"(14:42) Could the practice of not trying to understand and to be with it lead to passivity?"
"(22:07) Can rigpa, awareness be realized and stabilized with simple resting in awareness and watching events self-liberating, like writing on water?"
"(31:35) Why does sentience or awareness or the subject seem to split into separate persons and the illusory sentient beings, while the objective world seems to be single?"
"(37:40) What is dakini energy in connection with the unborn ground of luminous experience?"
Original video at https://youtu.be/UoDGHqTiQek?si=uRKbBn-VLA5zNHXN
2 December 2020. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
11 November 2020. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Original video on https://youtu.be/zkroo-0nxEo?si=IqrQsaEwLcraRRQJ
26 August 2020. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
12 August 2020. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
29 July 2020. James Low had invited questions from people watching his Zooms, which he began to answer.
Original video in https://youtu.be/l4iuFR8px2U?si=QoWoKS-LVWw0vzuZ
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.