402 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Veckovis: Lördag
Growing up, the lounge room in my family home was a forum where my family would engage in all sorts of discussion – from debating current affairs, philosophy, and religion – to arguing over different sporting feats and accomplishments. For me, still to this day, the lounge room symbolizes warmth, enjoyment and the exchange of and testing of ideas. I invite you to come join me in the lounge room to discuss a diversity of issues, through a traditionally Catholic lens. Tune in to the Lounge Room to hear the chats, ideas, opinions, and problems discussed and problems solved. Lots of laughter, good red wine – at least I, myself, think it so – benedicamus domino!
The podcast Lounge Room Chats is created by Unknown. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
(Sermon preached by Most Reverend Doctor O'Dwyer at consecration of Most Reverend B Hackett, late Bishop of Waterford, March 19,1916.)
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For further Traditional Catholic Content:
Traditional Catholic Audiobooklets.
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Catholic Audiobooklets are now available on Soundcloud. These are AI audio versions of the legendary Catholic Truth Society pamphlets loved and treasured by millions of Catholics and enquirers about the Catholic Faith. There will be new uploads every week!
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Catholic Audiobooklets are now available on Soundcloud. These are AI audio versions of the legendary Catholic Truth Society pamphlets loved and treasured by millions of Catholics and enquirers about the Catholic Faith. There will be new uploads every week!
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Catholic Audiobooklets are now available on Soundcloud. These are AI audio versions of the legendary Catholic Truth Society pamphlets loved and treasured by millions of Catholics and enquirers about the Catholic Faith. There will be new uploads every week!
Just type 'Catholic Audiobooklets' into the Soundcloud Search Bar, and start listening or downloading.
Catholic Audiobooklets are now available on Soundcloud. These are AI audio versions of the legendary Catholic Truth Society pamphlets loved and treasured by millions of Catholics and enquirers about the Catholic Faith. There will be new uploads every week!
Just type 'Catholic Audiobooklets' into the Soundcloud Search Bar, and start listening or downloading.
A collection of seven short sermons on each of the seven deadly sins.
What is a woman? A copy of the great original the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the indispensible helpmate of man. She is his compliment not his replacement. She is the Bride ever seeking the Bridegroom in the Canticle of Canticles. She is Adam’s mysterious rib … his beloved and treasured heart! She suffers the same wounds as her man, but inwardly and quietly! Man saves through great exterior exertions, she by supporting him and bringing to birth and nourishing life.
A translation of a Sermon pronounced on Saturday 7 March 2020 by Fr. Denis Puga, SSPX (a medical doctor), at the church of Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet for the votive mass “in times of epidemic”.
Among the many and manifold reasons for His Majesty’s Resurrection is God’s Justice and His Mercy. St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that the Resurrection is “for the commendation of Divine Justice, to which it belongs to exalt them who humble themselves for God’s sake.” Justice, therefore, is a reason for the Resurrection. Recall that justice is simply giving to another what is rightfully theirs… what has been earned or agreed to by way of some contract. Our Lord humbled Himself even unto death … death on the Cross… and so He justly deserved to be raised up again. And since His humiliation was unto the depths… His Resurrection unto the heights of the Heaven of heavens. We might also think of it terms of a contract He entered into at the Incarnation. Having fulfilled its terms which were prophesied ahead of time (thus the reason He showed the disciples how Scripture was fulfilled), He then receives the agreed upon rewards… His own Resurrection, the establishment of His Kingdom (the Church) and the salvation of many many souls!
In an old Novena prayer book put out by the Sister Adorers of the Precious Blood, one can find this appeal that expresses the grief of His Majesty over the lack of cooperation found among men. It was carved by an unknown sculptor into the walls of an old European Cathedral: Thou callest Me Master, yet heedest not Me. Thou callest Me Light, yet I shine not in thee. Thou callest Me Way, but dost follow Me not. Thou callest Me Life, yet My Name is forgot. Thou callest Me Truth, but playest a false role. Thou callest Me GUIDE, yet despisest control. Thou callest Me LOVING, withholding thy heart. Thou callest Me RICH, yet desirest no part. Thou callest Me GOOD, and yet evil thy ways. Thou callest Me ETERNAL, while wasting thy days. Thou callest Me NOBLE, yet draggest Me down. Thou callest Me MIGHTY, not fearing My frown. Thou callest Me JUST, Oh! if just then I be, when I shall condemn thee, reproach thou not ME.
It is well known how much Bishop Sheen loves Mary! He speaks of her as: "dream" mother and spouse. You can just imagine how intense the drama as he reads poetry and discusses Mary as a victim and belonging to the royal priesthood. The emotion heightens as he speaks of the Marriage Feast of Cana!
Died Suddenly" There is a two-word phrase that has been trending recently on social media: “died suddenly”. I don’t know whether this has been happening more this year than past years and I am not interested in the theories as to why people are dying suddenly. It has always happened and it always will happen.
In his New York Times bestselling book The Collapse of Parenting, Dr. Leonard Sax quotes someone as saying the following: “For the first time in history, young people are turning for instruction, modeling and guidance not to mothers, fathers, teachers, and other responsible adults but to people whom nature never intended to place in a parenting role—their own peers. Children are being brought up by immature persons who cannot possibly guide them to maturity. They are being brought up by each other.”
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen gives us a beautiful analysis of three parables which our Lord related: the lost sheep out of one hundred sheep; the lost coin out of ten pieces of money; and the prodigal son who returned to the father.
Dealing with The Mass, Sheen describes it as a Drama With Three Acts"; this is one in a series of 49 lectures which make up a magnificent compendium of the Holy Catholic Faith recorded during the 1950's by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen in the privacy of his own study.
Fr. Mark Stafki gives us some thoughts on Christmas.
Dealing with the Birth of Christ, Sheen discusses "The Lengthening Shadow Of Cross Bars"; this is one in a series of 49 lectures which make up a magnificent compendium of the Holy Catholic Faith recorded during the 1950's by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen in the privacy of his own study.
Fr. Raymond Taouk explains the importance of an Advent preparation by helping us examine the lack of generosity we show in the service of God and giving us some insight on how to overcome that.
Episode 9 of The Crisis Series from the S.S.P.X.
The second of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of Motherhood given in 2008.
The third of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of fatherhood given in 2008.
The third of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of Motherhood given in 2008.
The fourth of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of fatherhood given in 2008.
The first of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of Motherhood given in 2008.
The second of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of fatherhood given in 2008.
Father Ripperger outlines the obvious advantages of, not only, being a Catholic, but remaining a Catholic.
The first of five talks given by Fr. Black on the important topic of fatherhood given in 2008.
A must for young people. The word "love" is so often misused as justification to do anything, provided we "love." Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen preserves the integrity of the word for those who are unsure of its meaning. Good protection against peer pressure!
Second of 3-part series on how to navigate through the present situation in the Church and the world.
Fr. Raymond Taouk gives an insight to our times and the principles on how to judge things in light of the gospel and Catholic teachings.
Third of 3-part series on how to navigate through the present situation in the Church and the world.
A digitized version of a talk given by Dr. Rao many years ago.
First of 3-part series on how to navigate through the present situation in the Church and the world.
Mr. Michael Davies is most known for his work on the liturgical revolution. Here, he summarizes how the movement for liturgical reform transmuted into the monster that it became, and then used Vatican II, the organs established to effect the reforms of Vatican II, and the "spirit of the Council" to create the new liturgy. This conference was digitized from tape recordings.
How to maintain the Virtue of Charity in an uncharitable society.
I the Q and A at the end of the conference the questions are very faint for obvious reasons.
The authority of the father in families should not just be an ideal but the norm.
How is Christ the King? The history of the kings in the Old Testament is very well brought out by Archbishop Fulton Sheen. A beautiful description of the title, Christ the King.
The conference on gossiping is one of a series of conferences that Fr. Ripperger gave in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Fr. Ripperger discusses the importance of monuments in the history of Catholicism.
Although he died in 1936, Chesterton perceived the threat of Feminism to Love, Marriage and the relations between Men and Women. In her inimitable style, Dr. Hildebrand delves into the ways that Men and Women differ, and the wonderful benefit it is. Trying to remove these differences, as feminism does has disastrous effects.
An inspirational reflection by Archbishop Fulton J Sheen on the Eucharistic Presence of our Lord in the Sacrament.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen makes an undeniable statement with great charm: "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." He draws from scripture and his own experiences with several fascinating stories to clarify his theme. Denial of sin is the unforgivable sin of our time and brings us far from God.
Archbishop Fulton Sheen reminds us that the Devil is real and the Prince of Darkness has real power in this world through the temptation to do away with the Cross.
Recorded in 2012 at the Angelus Press Conferences.
Recorded in 2012 at the Angelus Press Conference on the Papacy.
One of five conferences on Holiness by Fr. Ripperger
Devotion, God's Will, Prayer, Reparation, and The Rosary.
One of five conferences on Holiness by Fr. Ripperger
Devotion, God's Will, Prayer, Reparation, and The Rosary.
This talk by Fr. Couture was given in Wanganui, New Zealand, in 2006.
In the talk, "The Crisis and the Challenge: Catholic Education," Dr. William Marra explains why sound religious formation is crucial for Catholics.
Marian Mission Conferences given in Brisbane, Australia in February 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Oxley.
Marian Mission Conferences given in Brisbane, Australia in February 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Oxley.
Marian Mission Conferences given in Brisbane, Australia in February 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Oxley.
Marian Mission Conferences given in Brisbane, Australia in February 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Oxley.
Marian Mission Conferences given in Brisbane, Australia in February 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Oxley.
Fr. Doran discusses the role and duties of parents in Catholic families.
The Glories of Mary by St. Alponsus Ligouri (1696-1787) is one of the greatest Catholic books ever written.
Actually, it is five complete books in one volume. Here the great Doctor of the Church has assembled the very finest information about Our Lady that he could find, all taken from many writings of Saints, Doctors of the Church and other holy authors, as well as from Sacred Scripture.
In Part 2 of this series on Courtship, Fr Doran talks on the Catholic way a young couple should approach the prospect of Marriage.
Fr Doran talks on the Catholic way a young couple should approach the prospect of Marriage.
Fr Dean discusses the ideals of a good Catholic Family Life.
Fr Dean discusses the age-old problem of ensuring that the Faith is passed on to our children
Dr. John Rao presents a most perceptive analysis of the current world-view of the "free autonomous man" and the results of this view: enslavement to the irrational, enslavement to the material, and, finally, enslavement to sin.
A talk given by Fr. James Doran at an SSPX Doctrinal Conference on Marriage
A talk on Marriage by an SSPX priest at their Doctrinal Conference on Marriage.
Over the next period, amongst the interviews that we will be releasing, we will also be releasing a series of talks, lectures and presentations that we have archived over the years, and we hope you enjoy and benefit from them as much as we have. The first talk to be released is by Dr John Rao on the subject of manhood and masculinity from a catholic perspective. Dr Rao commences the talk by posing the question: where are the men? What follows is a fascinating conference on the catholic ideal, where it has been lost, and what we must do to find it. I hope you enjoy the talk as much as I did!
Chris and I close out our discussion on the Shroud of Turin and discuss what application this has for us. Thanks again to Chris for his time!
I am joined in the Lounge Room by professor Chris Hovens to discuss the mystery and science enveloping the Shroud of Turin - what the Shroud is, and what the Shroud isn't. The conclusions, Chris suggests, though not matters of dogma, are matters of rationality that confound the unbelievers and provide deep insight into the glory of the Resurrection. A massive thanks to Chris for joining me.
Caleb Elcock was raised a Baptist but his enquiries into the rationality and authenticity of religion led Caleb away from Protestantism to investigate the Church fathers and the Messianic narrative. Caleb and I had a thoroughly enjoyable conversation about whether it is reasonable to believe in God and why the answer to this question should have an impact on our lives. Big thanks to Caleb for taking the time to talk!
Ella King, fun, outgoing and unapologetically herself, joined me in the Lounge Room to talk about her Catholic upbringing and the issues that she sees challenging Catholics today. Ella also shared about her recent decision to resign from her job over issues surrounding the current COVID vaccines. A big thanks to Ella for joining me.
Stacey Kelly was no fan of the Catholic Church, until she met some people who, through the power of example, gave her a deep understanding of Catholicism and a window to a world of happiness that Stacey would embrace. A massive thanks to Stacey for coming on the show. Check out more from the Lounge Room https://thecatholiccorner.org/
Joseph Pearce, is an English-born American writer, and as of 2014 Director of the Center for Faith and Culture at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee. More importantly to me, Joseph has dedicated large amounts of his career uncovering the Catholic messages sown within the works of JRR Tolkien. Joseph joins me in the Lounge Room to talk about the beauty in Catholicism, the state of Catholic apostolicity and some pearls of wisdom to be cherished from the realm of Middle Earth.
Luke Png joins me in the Lounge Room to talk about his Catholic story and the struggles and consolations he has experienced. Luke suggests that in a world of instant gratification, Catholicism offers an alternative of meaning that if pursued leads to a life of solace, meaning and peace. A massive thanks to Luke for joining me in the Lounge Room. Check out more content at https://thecatholiccorner.org/
Today Jason got to ask the questions. And it was an opportunity for me to thank the many people that have helped me and my family through some tough times. Also a massive thanks to Jason for engineering this. Jason - you are a legend!
Footnote - Holly Spencer was born in St Louis and grew up in Kansas City...
I am joined by Father Therasian from the Indian mission to talk about the mission, its history, the challenges faced and the importance of an active missionary spirit. You can support the Indian mission by making a donation to the SSPX and marking it as for the Indian mission. A massive thanks to Father for joining me.
Father Ockerse shares and explains the Church's position on bearing and navigating three separate categories of suffering:
1. suffering beyond our control (acts of God);
2. suffering caused by others; and
3. suffering of which we are the cause and of which we must bear the consequences.
I am joined by Jordan and Rudy from the Glad Trad Podcast to hear the story of the Glad Trads - who they are, where they came from and some of the significant moments of their respective lives that lead them to be the passionate advocates for the Catholic faith that they are today. A massive thanks to both Jordan and Rudy for coming on the show!
Bruce Mitošević followed his family into the Catholic Church as a young child, but came to value his Catholicism when he looked into the substance of his own life and the world he inhabited and compared it with the ideals of the Catholic faith he pursued. Bruce undertook a study of Catholic thought that eventually galvanised Bruce's faith and gave Bruce a fulfilment he had never known.
Steve returns to the Lounge Room to take us on a tour of the mysterious and exotic regions of Easter Europe, from Turkey to Prague, from the Church of Bones to the Hill of Crosses. We also discuss the origins of many famous Eastern European legends. Enjoy!
Chris Dent joined me in the Lounge Room to recount his early years in the Catholic education system and the experiences which lead him to questioning his reason for being and the veracity of Catholicism. What followed was a deep inquiry into the teachings of the Church and confronting the decision of a life's reformation. Join me in the Lounge Room to hear of Chris's reversion to Catholicism, and the impact this has had on Chris's life. Big thanks to Chris for joining me.
Chris is back from having just completed the historically rich Rochester to Canterbury pilgrimage and takes the opportunity to share his wealth of pilgrim experiences and the best ways to get the most out of these undertakings.
Plus we discuss the new website for the Catholic Corner, which holds all Lounge Room Chats content, at the following link: https://thecatholiccorner.org/
Collin - Edmund Szatkowski was born into Evangelical Protestantism and his search for substance lead him to Catholicism and ultimately traditional Catholicism. Collin is weeks away from entering Saint Thomas Aquinas seminary to pursue a priestly vocation. Tune in to hear Collin's story!
David, Michael and I take a closer look at the Motu Proprio, Traditionis Custodes to discuss the historical context surrounding the document, the effect we believe the document will have and what we believe will be the flow on effect.
Chris Sudlow is back from Provence, France and rose wine to join me in forming a quick snap shot of Pope Francis's latest Motu Proprio -Traditionis Custodes.
Malta - a tiny island in the Mediterranean that boasts an incredible history and a vivid culture, and most importantly and perhaps unbeknownst to many, a flourishing wine culture. Tam and I discuss Malta's vividly multicultural history and the blossoming wine culture that this tiny island has to offer.
Link to Marsovan 100 years documentary
Dillon Beatson was living life to the fullest when he had a near death experience which completely changed his life. Dillon sat down with me in the Lounge Room to discuss his early years as an Atheist and how God used a single event to reach out to Dillon and draw him towards God's truth. It's an inspirational story of overcoming the greatest of obstacles and that the Catholic faith is definitely worth fighting for.
A special thanks to Dillon for coming on the show.
Richard Bennigsen was brought up a protestant but found Catholicism after embarking on an inquiry into the history and validity of his own convictions and those of the Church he queried. Richard believes that an inquiry into Catholicism with an open mind will inevitable lead to conversion to the Catholic faith. My sincerest thanks to Richard for joining me in the Lounge Room for an unbelievably enjoyable discussion.
Portugal, the location of the miracle of Fatima, also brags many great wines. Chris, Tam and I take a quick trip from north to south, discussing the history, the Catholicism and the wine culture of Portugal.
After a hiatus, I reentered the Lounge Room and I was joined by two old friends, Jason Kelly and David Massey, to discuss their perspectives on the role of fatherhood in the 21st century, and many of the challenges faced by fathers in modern society. Jason and David gave fascinating insights on many of the issues and I am greatly indebted to them for joining me. I hope you enjoy the show.
Steve Purcell has travelled to over 57 countries around the world in pursuit of the history, culture and beauty of Catholicism. Tune into our conversation to hear Steve share his Catholic journey to traditional Catholicism, and his literal journey around the world in an incredible interview which demonstrates Steve's passion for the Faith. Enjoy!
Charlie Goodall, well on his way to baptism in the Catholic faith, sat down with me to discuss and give some perspectives on his journey into the Catholic faith, from the first time he approached a Church with the purpose of seeking God, to the online virtual Catechism classes he has been taking. The audio resource Charlie refers to in the discussion can be found in the following link https://fsspx.asia/en/cat-ex. Enjoy!
We wrap up our chat on movies with a quick comment on the classic, A Man for All Seasons, and some comments on contemporary evangelisation.
We then dive into the old testament Mesopotamia, to talk about wines originating from the ancient lands of Georgia, Turkey and Armenia. Enjoy!
Tim Erbacher grew up on a farm in Toowoomba and later became a mechanical engineer. His Catholic faith was a constant in his life from his childhood through to the present. Tune into the Lounge Room to hear Tim's recount of growing up a Catholic, his formative years and the Catholic he is today.
Chris, Tam and I give some movie recommendations that we hope you can enjoy, from classics to cult movies, box office breakers to B-grade garbage - whether the good, the bad or the absolutely ugly, hopefully some recommendations that all can enjoy. No shortage of movies with good Catholic themes, plus some movies just for fun. Enjoy!
Jason Kelly joins me to discuss overcoming doubt and trials and maintaining faith in Catholicism, in times when one's faith is challenged by circumstances and society. It was a privilege to interview Jason, and I hope you enjoy the show.
When all was said and done we decided that it was probably worth getting out of bed and getting stuck into the new year. Join us back in the Lounge Room where we discuss Christmas and New Year celebrations, Covid-19 and the world as it is with masks, and - much more importantly - books!
I am joined by Chris and Joe Sudlow to compare memories of Christmases past, discussing the current Christmas environment, and to share some thoughts on getting the most out of Christmas.
I was joined by Tam Martinez - wine enthusiast, traveler and devoted Catholic - to talk about Tam's Catholic journey. Tam shares some fun facts about the Portuguese wine landscape and we discuss the lessons that can be drawn from the humble grape vine and applied in our lives as Catholics.
Is there space for only one hundred and forty four thousand people in Heaven? Are we all tied to our predestined fates, irrespective of our choices and free will? Join Father Joseph Ockerse and I as we discuss the theme of predestination, the Church's teachings and the application it can and should have in our lives
Pierre Boralevi joins me in the Lounge Room to talk about how he found traditional Catholicism, his love of literature and beauty and the complexity of the Catholic landscape today. Faith has always had a central place in his life and over the years his understanding of it deepened ultimately leading him to make the daunting and sometimes lonely journey to the Traditional Latin Mass. Pierre believes that the best way to navigate religious complexity is with humility and to develop a love of beauty, history and the richness of Catholicism.
Father Ockerse and I discuss what it means to be made in the image and likeness of God and the implications this should have in our lives.
What is evil? Did God create it? Is it a positive of a negative? Why does it exist? Why is it allowed to exist? Tune into the Lounge Room to hear the wisdom of Father Joseph Ockerse on the problem of evil, and how we can view the problem in its proper perspective.
What is charity to Catholics? Is it about being nice to others? Or is it about doing what is in the best interest of others? Join Father Joseph Ockerse in the Lounge Room where he discusses the answer.
Charlie and I are joined by Connor Spencer from the USA, to discuss the upcoming USA election and what should be the perspective of Catholic onlookers. We further discuss the relationship between Catholicism and public office. A highly enjoyable conversation
Father Joseph Ockerse returns to explain the importance of having hope in our lives, and that this hope should extend beyond natural hope to a hope for life everlasting.
Chris and David join me in the Lounge Room to share some personal perspectives on Catholicism, the Catholic family and Catholic life generally.
Father Joseph Ockerse and I sit down for the first episode of Lounge Room Catechesis. In this episode we discuss the theological virtue of faith - what it is, what it isn't, and how it can be applied in our lives.
Charlie, Chris and I exchange observations on challenges facing Catholic education in contemporary society. We aim to identify some of the fundamental challenges affecting Catholic youth in their formation and the maintenance of their faith into and through adult life. "Edgy" to say the least But do enjoy!
I sat down with Chris Sudlow and Charlie Goodall, all the way from England, to talk about Charlie's conversion story, from irreligion to traditional Catholicism. Charlie emphasises the importance of silence, contemplation and self reflection and the creation of an environment in which one can hear God's word and correspond accordingly. Plenty of laughs and a thoroughly enjoyable chat.
Oliver Heydorn is a philosopher by training and has a masters in philosophy from the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Ph.D. from the International Academy of Philosophy in Liechtenstein. Oliver studied under Josef Seifert, who served in the Pontifical Academy for Life and he graduated summa cum laude. Oliver was introduced to Social Credit Theory in 2002, and since then he has published a number of books on Social Credit Theory and its relevance in modern day society. A huge thanks to Oliver for joining me on the show.
Dad and I sit down with a bottle of Nero d'Avola to talk about the colourful wine landscape of Campagna, Italy. We discuss Nero, Fiano and Aglianico and the family that brought Campagna wine to life. Enjoy!
Professor Michael Quinlan returned to the Lounge Room to discuss his paper The 21st Century Catholic Lawyer. This paper explores the changing religious, social and consequently legal landscape, and the impact that these changes have on Catholics who wish to be able to practice the Faith unconstrained. The paper's abstract is below:
"Although the proportion continues to decline, the majority of Australians still identify as Christians just as they have since the first census was taken. Catholics are now the largest single religious denomination and “Australia is one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world.” There are increasing numbers of Australians who describe themselves as having “no religion.” Although the evidence is sparse on this question, in the past, the religious profile of lawyers closely followed the religious profile of the general population. If this remains so, it is likely that the decline in church attendance among Australians generally has also been replicated within the legal profession. At the same time, as Stephen Newton recently observed, “[Australian] [s]ociety is turning against the very fabric of [the Catholic] faith – society’s moves to control or redefine birth, marriage and death are before us every day in the form of abortion, marriage equality and euthanasia legislation.” In this changing environment, a substantial majority of Australians (83%) continue to consider that Australia has a responsibility to be a moral leader in the world and to set an example for other countries to follow. The legal profession in Australia has also been experiencing rapid change, including a significant growth in the number of students studying law, the impact of globalisation, and the proliferation of developments in legal technology. Given this rapidly changing environment, this paper considers the role that a Catholic lawyer in Australia ought to take in the twenty-first century..."
Father Paul Robinson steps into the Lounge Room to discuss his journey to the priesthood, his book the Realist Guide to Religion and Science, and many of the issues that confront Catholics in the 21st Century. A very special thanks to Father Robinson for coming on the show.
Dr Belinda Goodwin joined me in the Lounge Room to discuss the history and currency of her pro-life work, political activism, and living as a Catholic in modern society. Enjoy!
There has been a recent stream of religious and laity rallying to the cause of traditional Catholicism. I am joined by brothers, David and Michael Massey who, in a riveting and passionate explanation, speak on Archbishop Lefebvre, Archbishop Vigano, Vatican II, and many of the issues that confront, concern and confuse Catholics today. We also knock over some great red wines in the process. Enjoy!
Professor Christopher Hovens is Principal Research Fellow at Royal Melbourne Hospital, specialising in cancer research. We discussed whether the sciences support religion, and the reasons why Chris has remained staunch in his Catholic faith. Enjoy!
In this week's podcast we discuss everything from travelling through North Korea to abandoning atheism. Tune into the Lounge Room to hear my recent chat with close friend Markus Balodis. Markus gives an insider's guide to travelling through North Korea, the do's, donts and some funny stories he lived along the way. Markus and I then discuss what caused him to leave atheism behind in favour of Christianity. A thoroughly enjoyable conversation. I hope you enjoy!
Stefan and I sat down with a beer to record the third instalment of our Lounge Room Chat - this evening, to identify and analyse the case that exists in favor of the Society of Saint Pius X. We discussed the person of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the issues at play at the Second Vatican Council and the fallout which has effected every Catholic since. It was a delight to record, and I hope you enjoy it.
I sat down with mother of 7, pro-life hero and model Catholic, Susan Erbacher. Susan tells her story, from her youth in Ireland and her early pro-life action where she met her future husband Mick, to her move across the sea to Australia, and the changes Susan faced. Susan's story is inspirational, as is her passion for the rights of the unborn. I hope you enjoy this episode.
We cross the French boarder and enter Germany to discuss one of my favourite white grapes - riesling. And we devote some time to discussing Alsatian riesling, from the driest of the dry to the luscious. Enjoy!
An impassioned defence of the SSPX - the second part of our epic evening chat, Stefan and I talk tradition, and the Society of Saint Pius X in an exchange that has lead Stefan and I to believe that we need to meet for a Part 3 to further uncover and probe this topic - I hope you enjoy.
I was joined by long time friend Stefan Rey, a lover of home brewed beers, engineering, fine coffee and the Catholic faith, particularly the SSPX. Stefan's forensic analysis of his own reasons for being Catholic provide rich content for discussion. Does God exist? Can it be proven? And why should this matter? Some of the topics Stefan and I mused while sipping chocolate porter beer. The conversation then turned towards all things SSPX and traditional Catholicism, a segment which I have saved for Part 2. Enjoy!!!
White Burgundy, the gold standard of white wine - we discuss the geography, the culture, the climate, the terroir and the vinyards that produce famous grand cru wines, some of the best wines in the world.
Join us for a chat about Burgundy - more particularly Pinot Noir and Chardonnay - we discuss the history, the culture and most importantly the wine produced in arguably the world's most illustrious wine region.
Michael Quinlan is a fervent Catholic and is incredibly experienced in the field of law. He was a partner at a top-tier law firm before stepping into the role as Dean of Law at Notre Dame University. Michael joined me for a chat in the Lounge Room to discuss life at Notre Dame and Catholic education which included topics such as: living as a Catholic in a secular work force, the importance of learning apologetics and undertaking a genuine study of one's faith. A thoroughly enjoyable conversation which provides a fascinating insight into Catholic tradition and morality, all of which Michael has written about in feature articles, which I highly recommend.
I was joined by Chris Da Silva to discuss his experiences growing up in Catholicism, and his subsequent work in the pro-life movement and other Catholic causes. Chris has worked in NET Ministries, Cherish Life Queensland and the Australian Family Association. Chris was also instrumental in setting up the Cross Roads Pro-Life Pilgrimage the Culture Project Australia. Chris provides valuable insight on issues plaguing young men, his story being both insightful and inspiration.
Join us as we discuss three of Australia's premier shiraz wines:
Plus, we round out the show by busting some old wine myths.
This week I was joined my Michael Cassimaty, whose love of animals and photography has taken him on adventures and journeys which few can match. From English zoos to expeditions to Mt Sinai, Michael's life is a rich tapestry of stories that I hope each listener will enjoy hearing as much as I did. A special thank you to a dear family friend for joining me on the show.
I was lucky enough to share a glass of wine with Bernard Gaynor, a Catholic who has never shied away from standing up for Catholic values. Bernard shared his family's rich military history, his personal experience having served three (3) military tours in the Middle East, his subsequent battles in the political realm fighting for Catholic values and finally what place Bernard's Catholicism plays in his day to day life.
Dad and I sit down with a glass of Tellurian Redline Shiraz, and we take a journey from the Rhone Valley to the Barossa (with some stops in between) following the story of the Shiraz grape. Great wine, great stories, great times.
My cousin David and I nurse craft beers (and combat the surrounding building works) while we talk the trials, tribulations and victories of Exodus 90. David also shares his insights from his travels in exotic Argentina. David also shares his perspective on how fatherhood has moulded and solidified his Catholic faith.
Join Fr Joseph Ockerse and me as we take a virtual journey in far away Spain along the historic Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. Fr Ockerse walks us through the history, scenery and culture of the Camino pilgrimage and why everyone should put the Camino at the top of their bucket list.
In this episode my uncle and godfather, Tom Spencer, takes me on a journey through his experience growing up as a Catholic. We explore fraternities and sororities, college campuses and college life and ultimately what is was that made uncle Tom the strong Catholic that he is today.
Growing up, the lounge room in my family home was a forum where my family would engage in all sorts of discussion - from debating current affairs, philosophy, and religion - to arguing over different sporting feats and accomplishments. For me, still to this day, the lounge room symbolizes warmth, enjoyment and the exchange of and testing of ideas. I invite you to come join me in the lounge room to discuss a diversity of issues, through a traditionally Catholic lens. Tune in to the Lounge Room to hear the chats, ideas, opinions, and problems discussed and problems solved. Lots of laughter, good red wine - at least I, myself, think it so - benedicamus domino!
I was recently lucky enough to join Emeritus Professor Paul Bailes for a bottle of Italian wine and an afternoon of conversation. The Professor took me on a tour of his personal narrative with Catholicism, explaining why he believes traditional Catholicism to be the perfect manifestation of truth. That and so much more was discussed during what was a truly delightful afternoon, one that I will cherish for a long time to come.
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