90 avsnitt • Längd: 60 min • Månadsvis
Illuminating the obscure
The podcast Rejected Religion Podcast is created by Stephanie Shea. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Ayesha Adamo is an academic, performing artist, and filmmaker currently working towards a PhD in Religion at Rice University under Jeffrey J. Kripal. Her dissertation project explores fluid cosmological ideas, both historically and in current quantum mechanics. She holds an MA in Religious Studies from Universiteit van Amsterdam’s Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophy & Related Currents and is a graduate of Barnard College, Columbia University, with a degree in music. Rumor has it she was once in an Asian pop band on EMI Records. Her most recent articles can be found in Anthropology of Consciousness and Religious Studies Review. She is also an ordained Hierophant and Grand Chief of Temple of Thelema.
In this discussion, we first look at Georges Bataille and his interpretation of the Acéphale. Bataille (1897-1962) was a philosopher and intellectual, interested in surrealism, and anti- fascist, who, in 1937 founded two groups with the goal of exploring how combinations of power and ‘the sacred’ were at play in society. The first group was called the College of Sociology that gave lectures (exoteric group); the second group was Acéphale, an esoteric ‘secret society.’ Additionally, a public review by the same name, whose emblem was a headless man, was published in 1936. Ayesha talks a bit about this Acéphale emblem and what this represents, including remarks about the connections to Aleister Crowley’s concept of The Abyss; the notion of receptivity, and the difference between the ‘magical’ and ‘mystical’ currents.
Moving from Bataille to George Balanchine, the famous choreographer who co-founded the New York City Ballet Company in 1948; Balanchine is probably most known for his plotless ballets and minimalism, and has a famous quote, “Don’t think Dear, just do!’ Ayesha shares how are she is linking these two figures and the concept of the Acéphale. She is currently thinking about how the meditative state is the artist’s state as well.
Ayesha then expands on her 2023 article, “The League of Endarkenment: Hakim Bey and the Way of Disappearance into Nature” talking about “Endarkenment” and how this fits into this same area of headlessness, the mandrake, and disappearance.
Lastly, taken from her paper abstract, Ayesha talks more about what she means by “the open fluidity of no-mind” and “the performance of headless meditation.”
*Note 1: I mistakenly say ‘Endarkment’ instead of ‘Endarkenment’ (my apologies!); plus, around the 29:00 minute mark, the name ‘D.T. Suzuki’ is unfortunately cut off due to audio issues. Please find more information about Suzuki in the program notes below.
*Note 2 (Not Ignoring the Elephant in the Room): Peter Lamborn Wilson, who wrote under the name ‘Hakim Bey,’ was a controversial figure, and unfortunately, rumors have arisen surrounding some of his writings regarding NAMBLA. Accusations were made by a particular website (run by one person, a fellow anarchist) against Wilson, and due to the nature of the internet, damaging assumptions were made. This article A Tribute to Peter Lamborn Wilson - The Brooklyn Rail is a collection of testimonials, and discusses this matter in more detail, giving much needed context.
Ayesha Adamo | Student | The People of Rice | Rice University
Ayesha Adamo | Rice University - Academia.edu
Ayesha Adamo
https://www.hds.harvard.edu/faculty-research/programs-and-centers/program-evolution-spirituality#:~:text=The%20Program%20for%20the%20Evolution%20of%20Spirituality%20%28PES%29,also%20prepares%20students%20for%20ministry%20in%20these%20mov (More information forthcoming regarding this program and how to join remotely!)
It Takes a Lunatic | Officiële Netflix-website
D. T. Suzuki: A Biographical Summary - Association for Asian Studies
What are Superfluids and Why Are They Important?
Is 'Perpetual Motion' Possible with Superfluids?
Ayesha’s article in The Fenris Wolf (#13) is forthcoming; I will post a link (on Patreon) when it becomes available.
Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
This is the 'Free Content' version of this interview, the full episode can be found at my Patreon: www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion
My guests this month are Dr. Sarah Perez and Dr. Cavan McLaughlin.
Sarah is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bern. While her previous research focused on early modern pamphlet about deathbed visions, she is currently working on contemporary spirituality with a focus on eco- and online-spirituality as well as youth culture.
Cavan McLaughlin is a Senior Lecturer in Media Production at the University of the West of England (UWE), with research interests related to the role and function of occulture. Editor of the volume Trans- States: The Art of Crossing Over (2019), Cavan has also published on Crowley, esotericism and narrativity, open-source occultism, and contemporary occulture. Having recently defended a practice-based PhD entitled ‘Occultural Production as Re-Vision and Weird Worlding, they remain a practicing filmmaker, artist, and all-around creative media practitioner. As a media professional of over twenty years, Cavan has been involved in almost all aspects of audiovisual production, specializing in video art, music videos, and visual poetry. Cavan is the founder and Chair of Trans- States (trans-states.org); co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Monad: Journal of Occultural Studies (monadjournal.com); and, a trustee of the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices (www.rensep.org). Cavan has a profound affection for cows, fungi, and rainbows.
This is a discussion that I have wanted to have since the last ESSWE 9 Conference in 2023. In the session “Creativity and Occultural Production” I attended, Cavan and Sarah presented some very interesting papers. I also presented on another day about my research regarding tulpas and Otherkin, and as Cavan and Sarah’s topics were in this general area as well, I thought to myself, how wonderful it would be if we could get together and talk about all of this in more detail.
We each take turns talking a bit about our own projects, and from there, the discussion leads into sharing our insights and the interconnectivity of our individual research, and how underrepresented this is within academia. Some key concepts that came forward were: imagination, mind/consciousness, Cavan’s term ‘alienated agency’, power dynamics, new materialisms (inspired by Donna Haraway and Karen Barad), and serious play. We also discuss how other-than-human cultures overlap with neurodivergence and gender, as well as the importance of being ethically responsible (as researchers) and being cognizant of this very normal diversity in expression.
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfb_AmzPZw4 [Cavan McLaughlin - ‘Another Girl, Another Planet’ (Occulture Conference 2023)]
Matt Marble is an artist, author, audio producer and director of the American Museum of Paramusicology. Both creatively and through historical research, his work explores the inspired intersections of art and metaphysics and the intuitive disciplines they mutually employ. Matt is the author of Buddhist Bubblegum: Esotericism in the Creative Process of Arthur Russell, and the producer/host of Secret Sound, a podcast exploring the metaphysical biopics of American musicians, and The Hidden Present, an audio interview series exploring intuitive discipline and spiritual imagination. Additional works have been featured by the California Festival, Warp Records, and the Philosophical Research Society. His writing, research, media production, and personal archive constitute the American Museum of Paramusicology (AMP), through which he also publishes the monthly AMP Journal.
The term “paramusicology” was first coined in 1993 by author Melvyn Willin to address psychic and pagan histories of music. Musicology being the study of music, paramusicology is the study of paranormal music experience. Though the term has struggled to find solid footing, the paranormal generally refers us to that which is "beyond" or “outside” the normal—to experiences or phenomena which cannot be explained by scientific reasoning, objective perception, or causal agency. This points our awareness to what may be called the numinous* in human experience. Due to its abstract nature, to even convey the numinous requires active imagination and symbolic communication. The AMP explores how the numinous informs human listening. And it unpacks the esoteric philosophies and intuitive disciplines which facilitate and draw from our spiritual and auditory imagination.
In this discussion, Matt shares a bit about his background, as well as his inspiration for creating his platform. He talks about his visual art project known as Wondering Stars, a mixture of music and physical visual works, and how this came out of his dreamwork.
He also talks about his podcast, The Secret Sound, and his 7-part series called The Hidden Present, and we even go into a short discussion about musical modes (as used in Western music - (*thanks to my brother Dan for making that distinction) and their ‘moods’, as well as how these can be useful tools for creativity.
We then move to talk about the AMP Journal, and focus on Issue 16 from last August called “Spirit Invocations.” In this issues, Matt wrote about the film Longlegs and how sound (not ‘song’, as I misspoke in the introduction) is key to this film, including the role of folk music and rock and roll and the esoteric aspects of these, along with how Marc Bolan served as inspiration and perhaps as blueprint of sorts for the main character. He also discusses the concept of the Fohat ( taken from the Theosophical Society) and how this may have inspired the ideas behind the metal balls that Longlegs placed inside the doll heads in the film.
https://www.mattmarble.net/matt-marble (all links at the top of the page)
Full episode can be found at https://www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion, or purchased for a one-time fee.
Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
David B. Metcalfe, Windbridge Institute Scholar in Virtual Residence, is a researcher, writer, and multimedia specialist focusing on areas where creativity, culture, and consciousness collide.
In 2011 he established the Liminal Analytics: Applied Research Collaborative to focus on building multidisciplinary lines of communication through applied scholarship, digital media, and social network development.
David’s work has appeared in Oxford University Press and other peer reviewed anthologies. He was a research assistant for the University of Chicago under Dr. Hussein Ali Agama focusing on archival research, and he is currently the Editor-in-Chief for the Windbridge Research Center’s Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies.
I originally had asked both Dr. Diana Pasulka and David to join me for this episode, but due to scheduling conflicts, Diana had to decline. (I am eager to talk with Diana at another time, however!)
In this episode, David talks a bit about his background and his interest in the broader topic of ‘anomalous phenomena,’ and how this led him to meet Dr. Diana Pasulka and become involved in planning the course “Beyond the Stars” with her. This groundbreaking course explores the history of UFO/UAP phenomena, specific case studies, the main research traditions, and also how religion and esotericism are linked to this phenomena. The course also delves into the related areas of consciousness studies and theories of synchronicity/coincidence.
David also shares his reflections/takeaways regarding the course and the participants, the gradual shift in attitudes surrounding this type of phenomena, and what he thinks is ‘the bigger picture’ regarding anomalous experiences.
We also go on a few related tangents regarding memory, false memory syndrome, owls, and how popular culture absorbs and transmits ideas about high strangeness. Everything is connected.
David Metcalfe:
Dr. Diana Pasulka:
“Beyond the Stars” Course Information:
Other References:
https://impossiblearchives.rice.edu/ufo-and-impossible (It seems the registration is closed for this conference as the attendee limit has been reached.)
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
Dean Radin is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Associated Distinguished Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and cofounder and chairman of the biotech company, Cognigenics. He earned an MS (electrical engineering) and a PhD (psychology) from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and in 2022 was awarded an Honorary DSc (doctor of science) from the Swami Vivekananda University in Bangalore, India.
Before joining the IONS research staff in 2001, Radin worked at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He has given over 750 talks and interviews worldwide, and he is author or coauthor of some 7 patents, 300 scientific and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, and nine books, four of which have been translated into 15 foreign languages: The Conscious Universe (1997), Entangled Minds (2006), Supernormal (2013), and Real Magic (2018).
In this interview, Dean opens the conversation by talking about why the scientific community is slow to emerge with theoretical explanations as to why anomalous phenomena occur, even with the empirical evidence. He then explains how the three main classes of magickal practice (Divination, Enchantment, and Theurgy) coincide with the three main of psychic phenomena that have been studied over the years by scientists (Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, and Survival after death).
First explaining the three most notable types of tests that have been developed over the years (tossed dice, random number generator outputs, and photon interference), Dean then explains in more detail the last test and the mystery of the ‘wave-particle duality’ that ‘violates the commonsense doctrine of realism, which assumes that the physical world is completely independent of observation.’
We then move on to the SIGIL (scientific investigation of gazing with intention/intuition at light) experiment that Dean performed with the funding of the Bial Foundation and RENSEP, involving practicing magicians and mediators, and the results of this experiment. Dean talks a bit about further experiments that could be created on the foundation of the SIGIL experiment, and also how all of this ties into the larger discussions about the nature of consciousness and interconnectedness.
Photo Credit: Jordan Engle @ Lens & Soul
Theme Music & Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
The full episode can be found at my Patreon page; it can also be purchased for a one-time fee: www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion
Dr. Tara B. M. Smith is an early career interdisciplinary academic that works in the fields of science fiction, literature, religion and popular culture. Tara is currently a research affiliate at the University of Sydney. In 2024 Tara was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of World Religions at the Harvard Divinity School, Boston, writing on religious ideas and experiences of people that paint and play within the science fiction “grimdark” universe of Warhammer 40,000. Tara is a passionate educator who holds a Graduate Certificate of Higher Education and has taught in academic settings for over 5 years across a variety of units including media studies, religious studies, writing skills and composition. When Tara is not studying, she spends time with her two cats Thomas and Momo and her fiancé Luke in Sydney, Australia.
While most people who talk and think about the story of Dune focus on the political and religious aspects of the series [for example, the Bene Geserit with their genetic breeding program and the Kwisatz Haderach, or the Butlerian Jihad -the war against thinking machines = technology and AI], Tara's article, “The Anthropocene in Frank Herbert’s Dune Series” from 2021 takes a different approach and explores the ecological/philosophical aspects of the story. As she notes, Frank Herbert was warning his readers about their anthropocentric tendencies and urging people instead to think about ecological conservation, or at least he appears to be planting a seed in the minds of the readers to be more aware of their place or role on the Earth.
Poem mentioned in this interview:
“I drove my feet through a desert
Whose mirage fluttered like a host.
Voracious for glory, greedy for danger,
I roamed the horizons of al-Kulab,
Watching time level mountains
In its search and its hunger for me.
And I saw the sparrows swiftly approach,
Bolder than the onrushing wolf.
They spread in the tree of my youth.
I heard the flock in my branches
And was caught on their beaks and claws!”
– from Arrakis Awakening by the Princess Irulan (Herbert 1978, 228)
Dr. Tara Smith:
“The Anthropocene in Frank Herbert’s Dune Series”, Foundation 140, 50.3 (2021): 62-74. The_Anthropocene_in_Frank_Herberts_Dune.doc
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
The full episode can be heard at my Patreon page: www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion, or can be purchased for a one-time fee.
Happy New Year to you all! For those who may not be following me on Patreon or social media, I have some important announcements for 2025.
The first being that I’m offering a special 75% discount on the first month’s membership for all Patreon tiers! This offer lasts until the end of February. Use the code RRDINER75 for the discount.
And on the topic of the RR Diner, there’s also news about a change to my Patreon Tiers 3 and 4:
The content of Tiers 3 and 4 has merged, and Tier 4 is now the RR Diner Book Club! The Club will meet 4 times per year (February, May, August & November) and the price for Tier 4 has been lowered to $17.50 as of January 1st. This price includes all the content from Tiers 1-3 plus the Live Zoom meetings for the Book Club. I’ve already announced the first book over at my Patreon, which is The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained by Whitley Strieber and Dr. Jeff Kripal!!
Plus, I'm overjoyed to announce that both authors have agreed to join me for the Live Zoom Meet in February!! We are in the process of finding three potential dates that will be listed via a poll on the Patreon page for Tier 4 members to vote on. That information will be following soon. For now, you can start reading!
Additionally, you can view two free content videos – one about Sidereal Astrology & How to Understand Natal Charts, the other about a new book called _Void Machines_ by Dr. Christian Greer and Dr. Michelle Oing. This art collage book is about 'Talismanic Frequencies of Peak Experiences.' Those videos are free to watch at my Patreon page, my website or my Vimeo channel.
I’m also excited to announce that I will be collaborating with the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices, otherwise known RENSEP. I will be hosting and moderating some very special conversations between scholars and practitioners throughout the year, called “Spotlight with RENSEP -- Esoteric Crossroads: Scholars Meet Practitioners.” This content will be available for everyone, and we hope this will promote engagement between the two platforms, as well as offering new topics and opportunities for learning and discussion.
Stay tuned for the announcement of the first Scholar-Practitioner Conversation in early 2025!
Lastly, the new content for January has been delayed due to unexpected internet stability issues that are preventing me from recording interviews. However, I’m hoping to have things fixed well enough so I can get back to work at the end of this week, and start posting again soon.
Thanks for your patience!
I’m looking forward to an excellent new year!
Discount code: RRDINER75
Music: Daniel P. Shea
This month’s guest on the Rejected Religion Podcast is Brennan Kettelle. Brennan returns for Part 2 of our discussion on Monster Theory, this time looking at the applications of Monster Theory, as well as a more in-depth look at how Brennan is using this theory, along with other related concepts and theories.
Brennan is a PhD researcher at the Centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP), University of Amsterdam. Brennan holds an MA in Gender and Cultural studies (2016) and a research MA in Religious Studies, specializing in Western esotericism (2021). She is currenting writing her doctoral dissertation, investigating historical associations between the religiomythic demoness Lilith and queerness within artistic, literary, and occult discourses. Brennan also teaches an 8-week online course on Lilith - focusing on Lilith’s origins and cultural receptions within Western esotericism - for the Brooklyn-based organization Morbid Anatomy. Utilizing monster theory and queer theory in her research, Brennan is more broadly interested in investigating themes of the ‘monstrous-queer’ within esoteric literature, orders, and figures, as well as esoteric themes within queer subcultures, politics, and histories.
Some highlights:
Brennan’s areas of exploration are primarily located in Gender Studies, Queer Theory, Religious Studies, Horror Theory, and Esotericism. In addition, as Monster Theory has a foundation in psychoanalysis and postmodern theories, Brennan expands on this in greater detail. This leads us into a conversation about the recent film, The Substance, as well as theories found in Foucault’s works.
Shifting the focus to Religious Studies, Brennan notes how monsters are most often aligned with evil; however, there are exceptions to this when it comes to werewolves in the Bible, for example. [Note: the text that I am reading from regarding werewolves in the Bible as well as the Werewolf Renaissance is taken from my own Research Master thesis.] Religion and Horror Studies intersect in films such as Longlegs, where we can see themes such as “monstrous infection” or a returning sickness.
As Brennan states, “the monster is the illumination of everything a society oppresses or represses.”
Speaking on the working term of ‘stigmatized alignment,’ Brennan uses the examples of poet Renee Vivien, and “The Witch of Kings Cross” Rosaleen Norton to explain this concept in more detail.
In closing, Brennan touches upon the adjacent theory of Hauntology, where past ‘monsters’ linger in the present and haunt us. Time, in this instance, could be seen as a monster as well.
This is the Free Content version of Episode 33; you can find the full episode at my Patreon page: https://patreon.com/RejectedReligion?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink
This episode is also available for a one-time purchase.
Find Brennan:
Monster Theory Resources:
Films and Shows Mentioned (Selection):
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17526714/ The Substance
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt23468450/?ref_=ttfc_fc_tt Longlegs
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14966898/ Late Night with the Devil
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4574334/ Stranger Things
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5040012/ Nosferatu 2024
Renee Vivien:
https://youtu.be/3dUc17ut3as?si=KJ9ZDCBFct00eQuj Spotlight with Brennan Kettelle 2021
Rosaleen Norton:
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
This month’s Patreon Tier 2 guest is Peg Aloi. Peg is a freelance film and TV critic, a former professor of media studies, and co-editor (with Hannah Sanders) of The New Generation Witches: Teenage Witchcraft in Contemporary Culture (Routledge) and Carnivale and the American Grotesque: Critical Essays on the HBO Series (Macfarland). With Hannah she also co-organized two scholarly conferences at Harvard University on paganism, witchcraft and media. Peg's forthcoming book The Witching Hour: How Witches Enchanted the World is a cultural analysis of the witch in contemporary media. Peg was also one of the co-founders of The Witches' Voice and wrote about film and TV for the site for over a decade. Her long-running blog "The Witching Hour" can now be found on Substack.
This conversation was inspired by a lecture in April of 2024 by Peg for The Last Tuesday Society called “The Satanic Panic: Its Roots and Branches,” that explored a number of disparate but often-related elements that converged to create the Satanic Panic of the 1980s and 90s, including Satanic-themed horror films. In this discussion, we pick up were Peg left off and explore how viewpoints surrounding Witchcraft and ‘The Occult’ have changed since that time until our present day. Peg talks about various instances within popular culture that have shown a shift in the ‘negative’ paradigm. This conversation spans several different areas, ranging from politics and society, education and scholarship, entertainment media, films and series, to magic and other ‘occult’ practices.
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
You can find the Full Episode with Peg Aloi at my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion
The episode is also available for a one-time purchase.
Mentioned by Peg:
Documentary Hail, Satan? https://youtu.be/27RtJp-rhHk?si=1IEizfm8d4xCVvV5 (trailer)
Agatha, All Along https://youtu.be/R9pXbNz6Vbw?si=WDEc8Q3Lb-92pNlB (trailer)
AHS: Coven https://youtu.be/ra8aQ-CfKVw?si=J9W74jUct4dNJcPm (trailer)
Film Realm of Satan https://youtu.be/7ANZCk97F7Y?si=L7rC4VStmYo_NkrL (trailer)
Find Peg Aloi here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7lfIuXsQmI (Podcast)
The Witching Hour: How Witches Enchanted the World (forthcoming)
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
My guests this month are Dr. Bernd-Christian Otto and Andrea Centore, co-founders of the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices, otherwise known as RENSEP. In this discussion, Bernd and Andrea talk about how this network came to be, why it was created, and the exciting work that they are doing. As the name suggests, RENESP is focused on working with practitioners in all areas of esotericism, and fostering the relationships between academic research and real-life practitioners. RENSEP is still in its early stages, having officially launched in 2023, and is a unique resource for both researchers and those outside of academia who are interested to interact with scholars, as well as to help educate the public about esoteric practices.
Bernd-Christian Otto (b. 1976) is a scholar of religion. After gaining his PhD in 2009 at the university of Heidelberg (Germany) with an extensive study on the conceptual history of magic, Otto pursued his academic career at various universities, among them Heidelberg, Erfurt, Bochum, Leipzig, Erlangen (Germany) and Bergen (Norway). Otto is co-founder and permanent fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies ‘Alternative Rationalities and Esoteric Practices from a Global Perspective’ at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (www.cas-e.de); he is a board member of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism (www.esswe.org); and he is co-founder, trustee and scientific director of the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices (www.rensep.org). Otto's research focuses on magic and esotericism, where he combines different methodologies such as conceptual history, discourse analysis, social theory, ritual studies, qualitative interviews, participant observation, and practitioner-scholarship. His book publications include "Defining Magic: A Reader" (Routledge 2013), co-edited with Michael Stausberg; the duograph "Magical Manuscripts in Early Modern Europe: The Clandestine Trade in Illegal Book Collections" (Palgrave MacMillan 2017), co-authored with Daniel Bellingradt; and the anthology "Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration and the Power of Imagination" (Brill 2021), co-edited with Dirk Johannsen.
Andrea Centore holds a master's degree in Translation Studies from the University of Mons-Hainaut (Belgium), and a master's degree in Religious Studies from the University of Amsterdam. His research explores the intersection of Jewish and Islamic esotericism through the perspectives of intellectual and global history, with a particular focus on Kabbalah and Sufi lettrism. In addition, Andrea has engaged with texts from a wide range of esoteric traditions including Islamicate occultism, strands of Western esotericism, and Nāth Tantric Yoga. He is the co-founder and managing director of the Research Network for the Study of Esoteric Practices (RENSEP), where one of his key aims is to foster a more systematic dialogue between the academic community and esoteric practitioners. Andrea is also an entrepreneur in the professional services sector.
We take a look at the website, and the different options available to the members. Not only are there blog posts and research updates available, but members can also take part in study groups and take part in livestreams with scholars and practitioners alike (titled “ask a scholar” and “ask a practitioner”). Another great opportunity is the ability to meet new people, forming connections with other members to foster communication and learning, growing one’s own network of contacts in the process. RENSEP has also just launched an open-access, peer-review journal, too, called Praxis-Knowledge!
RENSEP is a fantastic place to share and learn with other people with similar interests, and is one-of-a-kind with regard to online communities that offer grounded, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed research and a wonderful platform for practitioners to engage with scholars and others who share the same interests.
Bernd and Andrea have also very generously offered a 50% discount on membership for all viewers/listeners of Rejected Religion! Use the promo code RR50 when signing up at www.rensep.org!
Patreon members also receive special discounts --
Tiers 1& 2 get 70% off on membership, and Tiers 3 & 4 get a FREE membership!
This is a fabulous opportunity to join and start learning about esoteric practices, with access to information and resources that usually only are available to those within academia!
Members can find their promo codes on the Patreon page. Rejected Religion | Illuminating the Obscure | Patreon
My thanks to RENSEP for making this possible!
Theme music & video production: Stephanie Shea of Rejected Religion
Hi Friends!
As promised, here is the impromptu discussion I just had with Dr. Christian Greer and Brennan Kettelle RMA about the new online winter school course, offered by the University of Amsterdam, called Forbidden Knowledge: Introduction to Esotericism.
Christian and Brennan talk a bit about the changes that have been made in the summer and winter intensives, and how the desire for 'Forbidden Knowledge' has been in the works for some time. They both explain their vision for this course, how it's set up, who will be teaching, and most importantly, the fact that anyone who's passionate about esotericism is welcome to join.
They both stress the opinion that esotericism studies is entering a new 'era,' so to speak, and that alongside the traditional historical and empirical approaches, they aim to branch out to include interdisciplinary approaches, together with a focus on art, music, film, and other media. The goal is to create new discussions and paths for those who are interested in this exciting field of study.
For those who are interested to join, please follow this link for all information and how to register: https://www.uva.nl/en/programmes/winter-courses/introduction-to-western-esotericism/introduction-to-western-esotericism.html
The deadline to apply is 8 December 2024.
Theme music and outro music: Daniel P. Shea
End production: Stephanie Shea
You can find the full episode at: Patreon Tier 3 - Dr. Jonathon O’Donnell Research Updates – Modern Demonology, Spiritual Warfare & Politics, Technology & the Environment
My guest this month is Dr. Jonathon O’Donnell. Jonathon is a Visiting Scholar in the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen’s University Belfast. They are the author of Passing Orders: Demonology and Sovereignty in American Spiritual Warfare (Fordham University Press, 2021). Their research focuses on the intersections of sociopolitical demonisation and religious demonologies in contemporary America, with specific attention paid to Islamophobia, antiblackness, queerphobic and transphobic ideologies. Their latest publication, in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR), explores the relationship between contemporary evangelical demonologies of the Nephilim and their connection to wider Christian nationalist, anti-Black, and anti-Palestinian politics. Links to their research and contact details can be found at their website, www.drsjodonnell.com.
S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD (drsjodonnell.com)
Publications – S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD (drsjodonnell.com)
(99+) S. Jonathon O'Donnell | University College Dublin - Academia.edu
Modern demonology: the discernment of spirits in the theatre of colonial modernity: Journal of Contemporary Religion: Vol 38 , No 3 - Get Access (tandfonline.com)
Nova Religio - University of Pennsylvania Press (pennpress.org)
Damned Ecologies | Environmental Humanities | Duke University Press (dukeupress.edu)
Biosoteriology and the Postsecular (In)Human: The Religio-Racializing Assemblages of Evangelical Nephilim Demonology | Journal of the American Academy of Religion | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
Previous appearances on Rejected Religion:
(Roundtable discussion about the Netflix show Midnight Mass)
https://rejected-religion-introductory-episode-1-what-do-i-mean-by.simplecast.com/episodes/rr-pod-e13-p1-dr-s-jonathon-odonnell-demons-the-demonized-power-and-spiritual-warfare-in-the-usa (Podcast Episode 13 P1)
https://rejected-religion-introductory-episode-1-what-do-i-mean-by.simplecast.com/episodes/rr-pod-e13-p2-dr-s-jonathon-odonnell-demons-the-demonized-power-spiritual-warfare-in-the-usa (E13 P2)
Social Media
Jonathon O'Donnell (@demonologian) • Instagram photos and videos
S. Jonathon O'Donnell; demonologian on 🦋/🧵 (@demonologian) / X
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
My guest this month is Dell Rose. Dell is working on a project for his PhD dissertation on Charles Augustus Tulk and the role that Swedenborgianism played in the reforming societies of 19th century Britain. Though Tulk is often only known as the artistic patron of William Blake, he was also one of the earliest advocates of "public science" and his quest to show the spiritual nature of the material world based on Swedenborg's revelations would be widely acclaimed during the period.
In addition to his PhD work, Dell is currently researching the medical theory and physicalism of Franz von Baader. Baader was one of the most important thinkers of 19th century Germany and was instrumental in establishing academic interest in the theosophy of Jakob Boehme, a very important figure in Esotericism.
Dell has a lifelong interest in Christian theosophy, and millenarianism; he is interested as well in understanding the role and influence that national mythologies have played in Western esotericism, as well as esoteric currents in Germany during WW1; and also the inter-religious dialogue between Protestantism and Jewish sectarianism.
This discussion, however, concerns 'ornamental' hermits. We explore this in the context of cultural history and significance of the garden and the esoteric influences that were built around this idea. The hermit and the hermitage were seen as a 'living experiment" of both esoteric wisdom with regard to the significance of plants and also the atmosphere that they created.
As you will hear, this is a complex and nuanced topic, and we consider an array of influences that might have played a part in the obscure phenomenon known as 'eremitism.'
Dell Rose Research: Dell J. Rose - HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Dell Joseph Rose – Swedenborg Society
The curious phenomenon of the ornamental hermit (youtube.com)
The Hermit in the Garden: From Imperial Rome to Ornamental Gnome: Amazon.co.uk: Campbell, Gordon: 9780199696994: Books
Gordon Campbell. The Hermit in the Garden: From Imperial Rome to Ornamental Gnome - Lore - Hermitary
Francis of Assisi's "Rule for Hermitages" - Articles - Hermitary
Before the Garden Gnome, the Ornamental Hermit: A Real Person Paid to Dress like a Druid - Atlas Obscura
(99+) RENAISSANCE GARDEN (symbolism, culture, philosophy and phenomenology of Garden) | Lorna McNeur - Academia.edu
The Story | Mother Shipton's Cave
Dell's former visit to Rejected Religion: RR Pod E27 Dell Rose - Cultural Receptions of Emanuel Swedenborg (youtube.com)
Theme Music and Editing: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
Full Episode Notes
My guest this month is Dr. Joel Bordeaux.
Joel is a specialist in South Asian religions with a PhD from Columbia University (2015). He has published on East Indian Śākta traditions, early modern Hindu statecraft, Nath Yogi literature from Bengal, and Tibetan Buddhism in Anglophone popular culture. He is a Research Fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies in Leiden, The Netherlands, and a member of the research group Body and Embodiment in the Middle Bengali Imaginary based at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
As Zeena Schreck, the famous daughter of Anton LaVey of the Church of Satan, was recently interviewed by Jordan Peterson, I immediately thought of Joel and a presentation he gave three years ago about Zeena and her then-husband Nikolas as they relate to Tibetan Buddhism, Tantra and Left-Hand Path practices. I asked Joel if he’d like to re-visit this topic and to flesh it out, further expanding on this, in light of the recent media attention that Zeena has had. He graciously agreed.
In this discussion, Joel first gives a background of Anton LaVey & the environment of the Church of Satan wherein Zeena grew up, leading to Zeena taking the role of spokesperson for the Church during the Satanic Panic years, and then the circumstances that led to Zeena leaving the Church to forge her own path.
This takes us to other projects that Zeena and Nikolas were involved in, such as Radio Werewolf and the Temple of Set, their break from that group to form their own group called the Sethian Liberation Movement or ‘The Storm’. Joel discusses in more detail the concepts of tantra and left-hand path traditions that are used in their practices and beliefs. Another important factor that is discussed is the role of Traditionalism within all of Zeena’s work.
In closing we discuss our takeaways from Zeena’s interview with Jordan Peterson. I hope you enjoy this conversation!
This content is educational in nature. Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
Joel Bordeaux | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Taking the Left Hand Path to Tibet, by Dr. Joel Bordeaux || HHP Student Association (youtube.com)
Spotlight Dr. Joel Bordeaux - Batman, Buddhism & Bricolage: Grant Morrison & The Dark Knight (youtube.com)
(99+) Joel Bordeaux | Utrecht University - Academia.edu
(99+) From Bauddha Deśa to Śākta Pīṭha: Re/Locating the Hindu Goddess Tārā | Joel Bordeaux - Academia.edu
A Cultural History of Hinduism: Volumes 1-6: The Cultural Histories Series Karen Pechilis Bloomsbury Academic
- Volume 4: A Cultural History of Hinduism in the Age of Empires
Edited by Valerie Stoker, Wright State University, USA
--Politics and Power in the Age of Empires, Joel Bordeaux (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
View of #BuddhistCultureWars: BuddhaBros, Alt-Right Dharma, and Snowflake Sanghas (globalbuddhism.org)
Abrahamic Religions: On the Uses and Abuses of History | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
Unmasking Buddhism | Wiley
Satanis 1969 Anton Szandor LaVey - YouTube
Full Interview: Zeena Schreck Interviewed by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson Podcast EP471 (youtube.com)
All Music and first edit: Daniel P. Shea
End Production: Stephanie Shea
Due to scheduling issues, this episode is coming to you later than planned; my apologies for the delay.
My guest this month is Brennan Kettelle.
Brennan is a PhD researcher at the Centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP), University of Amsterdam. Brennan holds an MA in Gender and Cultural studies (2016) and a research MA in Religious Studies, specializing in Western esotericism (2021). She is currently writing her doctoral dissertation, investigating historical associations between the religiomythic demoness Lilith and queerness within artistic, literary, and occult discourses. Brennan also teaches an 8-week online course on Lilith - focusing on Lilith’s origins and cultural receptions within Western esotericism - for the Brooklyn-based organization Morbid Anatomy. Utilizing monster theory and queer theory in her research, Brennan is more broadly interested in investigating themes of the ‘monstrous-queer’ within esoteric literature, orders, and figures, as well as esoteric themes within queer subcultures, politics, and histories.
This episode is Part 1 of 2; the second part is planned for December of this year.
Brennan starts this conversation by explaining her motivations for delving into monster theory as part of her larger research into the figure of Lilith. Monster theory looks at what a group fears as well as how marginalized populations or individuals align with ‘the monstrous,’ what she’s calling (at this time) ‘stigmatized alignment.’ Monster theory is used here as the methodological axis upon which the larger research revolves.
Brennan also talks about the background of this new area of study, its postmodern critical analysis of the monster and how this has switched to looking at the monster from the monster’s perspective, how the monster is used by people, and examining which groups become monstrous themselves. We talk a bit about this process in the figure of the vampire as well as Lilith. Brennan also talks more about how she is using the figure of Lilith as ‘an esoteric example that shows the enduring historical entanglement between queerness and monstrosity.'
PROGRAM NOTES (Full Episode)
(99+) S. Brennan Kettelle | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Research: Brennan Kettelle - HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
The monsters and the critics, and other essays : Tolkien, J. R. R. (John Ronald Reuel), 1892-1973 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Monster theory : reading culture : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Amazon.com: The Occult Imagination in Britain, 1875-1947 (Among the Victorians and Modernists): 9780367885069: Ferguson, Christine, Radford, Andrew: Books
The Monster Theory Reader: Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew: 9781517905255: Amazon.com: Books
Time Binds: Queer Temporalities, Queer Histories (Perverse Modernities: A Series Edited by Jack Halberstam and Lisa Lowe): Freeman, Elizabeth: 9780822348047: Amazon.com: Books
The Well of Loneliness (penguin.co.uk)
Feeling Backward: Loss and the Politics of Queer History: Love, Heather: 9780674032392: Amazon.com: Books
The Celluloid Closet (youtube.com)
All Music: Daniel P. Shea
Note: This audio upload is a selection of clips taken from the full-length Patreon interview with Dr. Aaron French. To hear the full interview, please visit my Patreon page; you could consider joining to have access to more content like this, or have the option for a one-time purchase of the full episode (visit the 'shop' link for more information about pricing).
My guest this month is Dr. Aaron French. Aaron received his doctorate in the study of religion, including an emphasis in science and technology studies, from the University of California, Davis. His monograph Max Weber, Rudolf Steiner, and Modern Western Esotericism: A Transcultural Approach will be published by Routledge in late 2024 in the “Asia, Europe, and Global Connections: Culture, History, and Trans-Area Studies“ book series. Aaron has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in academic journals and regularly gives lectures and presentations at international conferences. He currently teaches in the international Religious Studies Masters program at the University of Erfurt in Germany and works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Freie Universität Berlin.
In our conversation, Aaron talks about new areas of research that he’s been exploring regarding the field of ufology, and its connections with esotericism, technology and religion. He’s currently editing a forthcoming interdisciplinary academic collaborative work about this, called Religion and the UFO Phenomenon: Methodological Challenges, that asks the questions, “how best should scholars of the humanities and social sciences approach the UFO phenomenon as an object of study? Why are otherworldly experiences intertwined with new forms of religiosity?”
Aaron also gives a re-cap of the recent developments in the U.S. with regard to the UAP, or Unidentified Arial Phenomena, in Senate hearings and discusses the issues surrounding disclosure, with the largely failed attempt to establish a committee that would force the US government to declassify and release all information on UFOs. He then moves on to discuss his own developing research into the connections between ufology and esotericism, and how religion is being transformed, with some in academia speaking now of a new religiosity forming around these experiences. Aaron’s work is looking at this modern esotericism that keeps popping up in this new ‘hybrid technoscientific religiosity’ as he terms it. Ideas of evolution and training for humans who are interested in future realities in space are also discussed in terms of ritual initiation or Hero’s Journey that is likened to the Jedi training of the Star Wars story.
In closing, we also explore occulture and the cultural impact on all of this a bit, specifically how these ideas are played out in shows like X-Files and of course, my favorite, Twin Peaks.
NOTE: Around the 1 hour 13 minute mark, I mistakenly say "accelerators" instead of "accumulators" when talking about Wilhelm Reich's orgone accumulators. My apologies.
Alongside this work, Aaron has recently co-edited the volume Modernity and the Construction of Sacred Space, which is available in open access on the De Gruyter website. You can find his latest article on Rudolf Steiner "Esotericism against Capitalism? Rudolf Steiner’s Reform Pedagogy as a Site of Resistance" in volume 14 (no. 2) of the journal Approaching Religion, which is also published open access.
Rejected Religion | Illuminating the Obscure | Patreon
To access my previous discussion with Aaron about UFOs, Steiner and Hynek PLUS more relevant links to the topic, please follow these links:
Dr. Aaron French
(99+) Aaron French | Universität Erfurt - Academia.edu
Aaron J. French (uni-erfurt.de)
(99+) Modernity and the Construction of Sacred Space | Aaron French - Academia.edu
(99+) Esotericism against Capitalism? Rudolf Steiner’s Reform Pedagogy as a Site of Resistance | Aaron French - Academia.edu
David Grusch Congressional Testimony videos: Bing Videos
UAP Task Force AARO: AARO Home
Dr. Diana Pasulka
Amazon.com: Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences: 9781250879561: Pasulka, D. W.: Books
American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology: Pasulka, D.W.: 9780190692889: Amazon.com: Books
Dr. Jeffrey Kripal
Amazon.com: How to Think Impossibly: About Souls, UFOs, Time, Belief, and Everything Else: 9780226833682: Kripal, Jeffrey J.: Books
Spacekind Foundation: SPACEKIND.ORG
"Overview Effect": The Overview Effect: It will transform how you think forever (youtube.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Full Title: Are We Living in A Simulation? Testing Tom Campbell's Consciousness-Based Simulation Theory
This hour-long audio clip is a collection of excerpts from a three-hour long conversation with guest Eliott Edge that can be found on my Patreon page. A new option of a one-time purchase is now available as well, if you'd like to listen to the whole episode! Please visit my Patreon to learn more: https://www.patreon.com/posts/rr-patreon-tier-111609568
As listed on Eliott’s website bio, he "is a critically-acclaimed author, artist, and international speaker. Eliott has published and presented through The Institute of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, The University of Melbourne, Stevens Institute of Technology, Anthology Film Archives, The C.G. Jung Center, The Fenris Wolf, The Museum of Computer Arts, VRTO, Block Seoul, and Disinformation. His work has been included in university curricula as well as cited in Masters' theses and Doctoral dissertations. Edge’s interests include cyborg anthropology, simulation theory, media theory, consciousness and psi research, liminality, psychoanalysis, psychedelics, western occultism, contemporary folklore, as well as AI, culture and film criticism. Edge is a member of Das Unbehagen: Free Association for Psychoanalysis, and a Media & Arts Advisory Board member for The Lifeboat Foundation."
In this discussion, Eliott shares his insights and views surrounding the work of Thomas Campbell, a former NASA physicist who specialized in technology development and complex-system risk analysis for both government and industry. In addition, for more than 50 years, he conducted scientific, drug-free research into altered states of consciousness. Out of this work came My Big TOE, or Theory of Everything, a scientific model of reality based on the insight that consciousness is fundamental to all existence. Eliott is currently working on his own book that discusses Campbell’s simulation theory, which posits that our idea of reality is actually a virtual simulation. According to Campbell, consciousness is the fundamental basis of what we consider reality, and the physical universe is a virtual construct created by this consciousness.
In our discussion, Eliott talks as well about another simulation theory called the ‘ancestor simulation hypothesis’ and the problems associated with this. We also talk about how paranormal, or supernatural experiences such as out-of-body experiences, remote viewing, ghosts, UFOs, etc., play into this concept. As Eliott is not only interested in the scientific side of the story, he also talks about how occult practitioners, such as those found in ritual magick and chaos magick, as well as religious practitioners from any path can also benefit from learning about Campbell’s work. He explains everything in a down-to-earth manner so that anyone from any walk of life can understand the principles.
Eliott Edge
writing | Eliottedge
OddEdges - YouTube
Eliott Edge and Tom Campbell in Conversation Part 1 of 2 (youtube.com)
Eliott Edge and Tom Campbell in Conversation Part 2 of 2 (youtube.com)
Home | Testing the Simulation Hypothesis (testingthehypothesis.com)
My Big TOE (my-big-toe.com)
Tom Campbell - My Big TOE (my-big-toe.com)
My Big TOE Trilogy : Thomas Campbell : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Experiential Expanded Consciousness Meditation Programs and Research – The Monroe Institute
The Monroe Explorer Tapes - YouTube
Explorer Series: Compiled Audio Files (1-32) : The Monroe Institute : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
In this special Spotlight interview focusing on an important milestone in academia, Drs. Marco Pasi and Wouter Hanegraaff share their thoughts and opinions as they reflect back on 25 years of work at the Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophies and Related Currents, otherwise known as the HHP Centre, at the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. The Centre was established in 1999, and has had an enormous impact on the development of the study of esotericism in the academy.
Former director Prof. Dr. Wouter Hanegraaff opens by giving a background of the Centre - what led to its foundation, who founded it, the inspiration for it, and his role in the Centre. Current director Dr. Marco Pasi continues by sharing his own history with the Centre and the present-day activities, and both share their insights regarding the achievements and challenges the Centre has experienced in the past 25 years.
Congratulations to all those involved in the formation of and contribution to this esteemed group!
Many thanks to both gentlemen for their time and collaboration.
This video was produced by Stephanie Shea of Rejected Religion in collaboration with the HHP Centre. For more information about the Centre and its activities, please visit the website - https://www.amsterdamhermetica.nl/.
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Copyright September 2024
Tommy Cowan is currently a PhD student in the Literature, Media, and Culture program at Florida State University. His primary interest is the confluence between literature and esotericism, including how literatures/texts are conceptualized as esoteric ritual, and the reception/transmission of literary esotericism as an intellectual tradition. He received his MA in Religious Studies from University of Amsterdam (2019), graduating Cum Laude. His 2019 master’s thesis centers around spirituality and esotericism in the works of American author William S. Burroughs. He is also an Associate Editor for Correspondences: Journal for the Study of Esotericism.
As this discussion was centered on research updates, we cover a range of topics- but highlighting a few here: We start with Tommy’s research on Burroughs that grew out of Tommy’s work with Florida State University’s archive complied by Professor Bucher. Just a head’s up – our discussion is mature in nature, so listener discretion is advised, as they say. We cover two of Tommy’s papers- one that deals with sexual hanging as something that Burroughs was trying to read in an esoteric sense; the other deals with the tension between Burroughs’ misogyny and his ‘feminine’ coded texts, which leads into a related topic of transgenderism and alchemy, and circling back to sexual metaphors with brief tangents into Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy and David Lynch’s atomic bomb scene in Twin Peaks: The Return. After all that, we move on to the concept of ‘normative esotericism,’ as Tommy is looking at ways in which esoteric philosophies and thought reinforce hegemonic normative culture. Lastly, Tommy talks about his new research into how animals enter into symbiotic relationships with plant and fungi substances, plus how we can analyze our own relationship to entheogens.
Check out my Patreon page for the full interview!
Rejected Religion | Illuminating the Obscure | Patreon
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
My guest this month is Charlotte Rogers. Charlotte is an artist, author, practicing witch and magician. She recently was artist-in-residence at the Magickal Women Conference 2024.
Charlotte and I met in 2022 at the Visionary Medium Conference in Copenhagen. I was intrigued by her presentation there and was eager to talk with her more. Although it's been two years since we last spoke, I am happy to offer this interview for you now.
Some highlights:
With regard to Charlotte's 'process,' she explains that she is hyperaware of everything happening around her, and is trying to make sense of things as well as trying to see patterns that could help her operate in reality (or realities). However, with her art, she "switches off everything" although her brain is working on an unconscious level while she is creating. She then has to decipher what the meaning is afterwards. As she calls herself an 'intellectual packrat' she finds inspiration in culture of all forms, as well as in nature.
Referencing her sculptures known as 'spirit houses,' she states, "in terms of spirit, ...things of spirit want nothing more than to be recognized." The objects Charlotte creates act as a place of recognition, as well as a place for the spirits to play, or rest, for example.
Speaking about her recent work as artist-in-residence, Charlotte shares how her earlier work that focused on the 'dance' of magick and art developed into new explorations into animism and memory, the latter being the place of life force, in her opinion. Acknowledging memory is part of her artistic process.
In closing, Charlotte shares how her work as a writer differs from that as an artist, and also shares her ideas of how 'the liminal' plays a role in her process in general.
You can find Charlotte at the following links:
Website: Charlotte Rodgers (squarespace.com)
Instagram: Charlotte Rodgers (@charlottejrodgers) • Instagram photos and videos
Facebook: Facebook
Music: Stephanie Shea
This is an excerpt of my recent upload on Patreon Tier 2 'Groves of Orpheus.' If you are interested to hear more, please consider checking out my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/RejectedReligion. You can find this full interview plus more to come!
My guest this month is Bob Cluness. Bob was a guest on the podcast (E28) in December of 2023, and I asked him to come back for a deep dive into many of the things we only just scratched the surface of in the podcast interview.
For those who may be new, Bob is a PhD candidate and researcher in the cultural studies program at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. He graduated in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in film studies on accelerationist aesthetics and action cinema, and in 2020 he received a master’s degree in cultural studies with a thesis on the weird and eerie in contemporary and digital cultures. His current PhD project deals with the relationship between and esotericism and acceleration in UK subcultures in the late 20th century, through a discursive analysis of chaos magic(k) and the Cybernetic Cultures Research Unit, also known as CCRU. As part of his Academic research, Bob’s interests look at the myriad intersections between esotericism and contemporary subcultures, such as cyberpunk, cyberspace and technology, the counterculture and the New Age, comics, zine culture, and music.
Bob is a powerhouse and a fantastic source of knowledge, as you will hear in this discussion. We get more into the CCRU, and especially Nick Land and his story; we talk at length about accelerationism, traditionalism and chaos magick - and how this all plays into politics, economics, culture, music, gender – basically every aspect of our lives.
This discussion is a long one - over three hours! :)
My apologies for the poor sound quality of this audio. I had last-minute, unexpected, technical issues so I had to improvise without my professional recording equipment. Hope it’s still acceptable, and I hope you will enjoy this discussion.
This month’s guest is Dr. Phil Legard. Phil is senior lecturer in music production at Leeds Beckett University. His research interests lie at the intersection of esotericism, music, and politics. His doctoral work explored autoethnography as a research method for esotericism studies, from which he developed a theory of ‘creative seekership’. With Dr. Alexander Cummins, he is co-author of An Excellent Booke of the Arte of Magicke (Scarlet Imprint 2020), which transcribes and analyses the 16th-century grimoire and magical record of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. He is also the author of various popular and academic articles on esotericism, magick, and creativity. He is one-half of the musical duo Hawthonn, who currently have two LP releases on Brooklyn’s Ba Da Bing records.
In this interview, Phil talks about the tricky area of methodology when it comes to scholars who are also magickal practitioners, and the reasons why he chose autoethnography as his primary research method. He also explains the background of the term and how the method has developed from a narrative-only approach to one where analysis is also utilized. Phil then talks about some important points and insights that arose while he was doing field recordings, and more about his developmental process as a magickal practitioner throughout the years as a “creative seeker”, which relates to how paths of practice develop as a consequence of experience and appraisals of those experiences. This also includes identity construction and performance, and how experiences shape one’s sense of identity.
Note: The full interview with Phil is available on Patreon, with a 7-day free trial, should you be interested. If you enjoy my content and would like to support my work, please consider checking out my Patreon page (as there is much more content to come over there) and consider subscribing.
Rejected Religion | Illuminating the Obscure | Patreon
Dr. Phil Legard
The Occultural Orpheus: Exploring Creative Seekership through Analytic Autoethnography (leedsbeckett.ac.uk)
(99+) Phil Legard | Leeds Beckett University - Academia.edu
(99+) Imaginative Listening and Porous Practices: Expanding the Boundaries of Esoteric Musicology | Phil Legard - Academia.edu
(99+) Inner-Sense and Experience: Drone Music, Esotericism and the Hieroeidetic Field | Phil Legard - Academia.edu
(99+) The Bright Sound Behind the Sound: Real-World Music, Symbolic Discourse and the Foregrounding of Imagination | Phil Legard - Academia.edu
Music | Hawthonn (bandcamp.com)
𝖕𝔥𝔦𝔩 𝖑𝔢𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔡 (@larkfall) / X (twitter.com)
Hawthonn (@hawthonn) • Instagram photos and videos
Works Referenced:
Esotericism and Criticism: A Platonic Response to Arthur Versluis (wouterjhanegraaff.blogspot.com)
1887_3160767-What is wrong with Pagan Studies_.pdf
A-Methodology-of-the-Imagination.pdf (mythcosmologysacred.com)
Writing the self into research: Using grounded theory analytic strategies in autoethnography | Published in TEXT (scholasticahq.com)
Hildegard Westerkamp - Kits Beach Soundwalk (1989) (youtube.com)
Works by Hawthonn used in the interview:
32:15 - Dream Cairn from the album Earth Mirror
Rejected Religion Theme: Daniel P. Shea
Additional music: Stephanie Shea
Rejected Religion is launching soon on Patreon! As the platform is now celebrating its 5th year anniversary, I thought it would be a perfect time to expand and go in some new directions. I'm really looking forward to providing new content, and hope you'll choose to join me! Thanks as always for your support and I hope to see you soon on Patreon!
Image & Music by Stephanie Shea
Episode release date: May 12, 2024
Dr. Tara Smith is an interdisciplinary academic that works in the fields of science fiction, literature, and popular culture. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School, writing on religious ideas and experiences of people who paint and play within the science fiction 'grim dark' universe of Warhammer 40,000. She is currently visiting Amsterdam's HHP Centre at the University of Amsterdam in her Fellowship role.
In this interview, Tara discusses how there is a lacuna in the area of Religious Studies when it comes to researching the relationship between religion and tabletop games. Her work demonstrates that Warhammer 40k encourages players to talk and think about religion. We discuss the game and its influences, as well as the role of 'play' in Tara's research, which suggests that there is more imagination and interactional thought about religion than was previously presumed. As this is a work in progress, Tara also discusses her different approaches and her interests in broadening her research scope.
NOTE: Two corrections in this interview --
At 0:22:06, Tara says that the Emperor is keeping the Warp open and this is how he dies. This is incorrect. The Emperor does not die while keeping the Warp open; instead, he is mortally wounded while fighting his son Horus. Later on, in his "in between" state, he helps to keep the Warp pathways navigable while on the Golden Throne.
At 0:49:15, Tara mentions there are 7 books in the Horus Heresy Series, but what was meant is the Siege of Terra which is a subsection of the overarching series. The Siege of Terra has 8 books (with the last book split into 3 volumes); the entire Horus Heresy has 64 books.
Find Tara at:
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Guest: Mike Marinacci, author of Psychedelic Cults and Outlaw Churches: LSD, Cannabis, and Spiritual Sacraments in Underground America
Mike is an independent expert on psychedelic spiritual groups and nontraditional American religious sects. He is also the author of California Jesus and Mysterious California, and coauthor of the bestselling Weird California. And he lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in California, USA.
In this very engaging conversation, Mike starts by talking about what inspired him to write this book, and then we jump into discussing several of the major psychedelic groups he discusses in his book. A few highlights of our interview: The Native American Church and their struggle to receive legal permission from the United States government to use peyote in their rituals; how non-indigenous people also tried to gain this legal permission for their own churches; the highly eventful life of Timothy Leary and his engagement with LSD, and his later League for Spiritual Discovery; the forerunner to satirical groups such as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Neo-American Church; the introduction of ‘crisis response’ help with the use of LSD by the Church of Naturalism; the switch to the use of legal drugs by the Church of the Tree of Life; the success of the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church with the Rastafarians, and the downfall of the Church after the group became too highly involved in drug trafficking; and the complicated efforts to profit commercially from the use of entheogens by the present-day Ayahuasca Healings group.
Works by/ co-authored by Mike Mariancci:
Psychedelic Cults and Outlaw Churches: LSD, Cannabis, and Spiritual Sacraments in Underground America: Marinacci, Mike: 9781644117071: Amazon.com: Books
Eerie California: Strange Places and Odd Phenomena in the Golden State: Marinacci, Mike: 9781579512514: Amazon.com: Books
California Jesus: A (Slightly) Irreverent Guide to the Golden State's Christian Sects, Evangelists and Latter-Day Prophets - Kindle edition by Marinacci, Mike. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Weird California: You Travel Guide to California's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets (Volume 7): Bishop, Greg, Oesterle, Joe, Marinacci, Mike, Moran, Mark, Sceurman, Mark, Sceurman, Mark: 9781402766831: Amazon.com: Books
Email Mike Marinacci: [email protected]
Instagram: Mike Marinacci (@psychedeliccults) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
God on High: Religion, Cannabis, and the Quest for Legitimacy: Cozad, Laurie: 9781498504041: Amazon.com: Books
Psychedelic Intersections: Cross-cultural Manifestations of the Sacred Conference 2024, February 17, 2024 | Center for the Study of World Religions (harvard.edu)
YouTube Channel: (12) HDS Center for the Study of World Religions - YouTube
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
This interview was recorded December 7, 2023.
Dr. Randall Hall is professor of music at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, as well as a performing saxophonist and composer. He's also writing a book about 'speculative' and 'weird' music as it relates to the Sacred and ritual experiences. In this special Spotlight interview, Randall shares his process of creating music that attempts to re-create a modern theurgic repertoire. (Theurgy is the practice that refers to the ascent of one's soul to the divine.) In the first part of our interview, Randall talks about his first 'encounter' with the concept of 'the harmony of the spheres' and his search to find it, and then explains the concepts of 'speculative' music that reach back to the Pythagorian-Platonic tradition. He also briefly traces a history of the development of musical ideas about consonance and dissonance, and how musical theory has changed with regard to the idea of 'Divine' music.
Speaking about 'weird' music, Randall shares how the Divine is not always 'beautiful' but oftentimes terrifying to behold. Following the writings of Porphyry, when one sees or experiences something 'weird,' this is our indicator that we should pay attention to it, and that it signifies an opportunity for higher learning. Esotericism became the key for Randall to begin digging into these strange mysteries. He discusses his ideas about how music and esotericism are intertwined, and yet how there's not much discussion about musical practice in conjunction with ritual. Randall is trying to create a hermeneutical crisis in the listener, through set and setting, to allow the imagination to 'kick in' and allow the 'weird' to speak.
There's much more that Randall shares in this interview that can't be summarized here!
Clips used in this video, from the album Oracle, Voces Mysticae and Mithras Liturgy, are used with kind permission from Dr. Randall Hall.
Randall Hall - Home
Music | Randall Hall (bandcamp.com)
Randall Hall | Spotify
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
This video aired on March 31, 2023 on Rejected Religion's YouTube Channel. New courses are available at Owlhouse Seminars.
Sue Terry has an MA from the University of Surrey where her dissertation was _The Magician Goes Further: The Occult Oblique View in the Short Fiction of Mary Butts_. Sue is now a PhD candidate at Surrey researching feminist occult modernist novels of the 20th century, and she is teaching open access courses in "Literature and the Weird" through her new venture Owl House Seminars.
Sue co-founded the Magickal Women Conference in 2018 and after almost five successful years as director, she stepped down in January 2023 in order focus on her doctoral research, on Owl House Seminars, and her writing on the fiction of Alan Garner, which is destined to become a book.
In this interview, Sue begins by talking about her rich history with the Magickal Women Conferences. We then move the conversation to her new venture, and Sue gives us a sneak preview of several upcoming seminars that she has planned. She then shares about her PhD research that investigates female literary responses to occult ideas and practices, and we close with an interesting look into her research and writing about the author Alan Garner.
Sue is a wonderful storyteller and I found this discussion fascinating and extremely engaging!
Sue Terry Esoteric Academic (sueterryacademic.com)
Sue Terry (@suemetro) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
OwlhouseSeminars (@OwlhouseSeminar) / X (twitter.com)
Magickal Women Conference
Making Magic Happen — Magickal Women Conference
Jeffrey J. Kripal, PhD – J. Newton Rayzor Professor of Religion – Rice University (jeffreyjkripal.com)
Alan Garner | The Booker Prizes
Theme Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, we sit with the concept of accelerationism, how it is occultural in its original form (in Bob’s opinion), its problems, its appropriation by far-right groups, and the related sticky problems of capitalism and neoliberalism that are currently associated with accelerationist thinking in these circles.
The conversation from here continues to expand.
Bob also discusses the explosion of digital technologies and how contemporary spiritual currents and esoteric movements are enmeshed with technology. This leads us into a more detailed exploration of the CCRU and conspiracy theories, as well as the irony of how the esoteric concept of perennialism (or the idea that there is one everlasting Truth with a capitol T), has gained traction with some magical practitioners.
As a little tangent, we also talk about trauma, as this is the ‘elephant in the room’ when discussing Slenderman, as well as the current focus by many on ‘healing’ and how esoteric currents AND neoliberalist viewpoints have also influenced the discourse around healing and wellness.
Lastly, Bob shares his current work into the works of JG Ballard and Simon Sellars. Bob sees these works as esoteric texts that add to his interests of researching not only historiographical aspects, but also what is happening now in modern esoteric currents.
Bob Cluness:
(99+) Bob Cluness | University of Iceland - Academia.edu
(99+) "I am an other and I always was…" On the Weird and Eerie in Contemporary and Digital Cultures Ritgerð til MA-prófs í menningafraeði | Bob Cluness - Academia.edu
Social media:
Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, In Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism): Jean Baudrillard, Sheila Faria Glaser: 9780472065219: Amazon.com: Books
Selected articles about philosophers mentioned in E28:
Gilles Deleuze (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Félix Guattari - Wikipedia
Jean François Lyotard (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Hyperstition Primer (edith.reisen)
The Weird And The Eerie [PDF] [3ufdj9jsm190] (vdoc.pub)
Applied Ballardianism | Memoir from a Parallel Universe
#ACCELERATE: The Accelerationist Reader | libcom.org
Slender Man stabbing - Wikipedia
(99+) Speculative Fiction | Aren Roukema - Academia.edu
“Book Zero” through the Years in: Aries - Ahead of print (brill.com)
Chapter 12 “Cthulhu Gnosis” in: Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination (brill.com)
Intensive Care (album) - Wikipedia
Watch Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God (HBO) | TV Shows | HBO Max
NOTE about audio: At this time, I am recording at a temporary location due to extensive home renovations. Unfortunately, the building in which I'm located is also undergoing renovations. I had attempted to work around the noise, but sadly, I wasn't aware that wood floors were being sanded at the same time I was recording. The audio is therefore not optimal; I did my best to edit out the noise, but apologize for the (at times) poor audio quality.
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
This month’s guest is Bob Cluness. Bob is a PhD candidate and researcher in the cultural studies program at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. Bob graduated in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in film studies on accelerationist aesthetics and action cinema, while in 2020 he received a master’s degree in cultural studies with a thesis on the weird and eerie in contemporary and digital cultures. His current PhD project deals with the relationship between and esotericism and acceleration in UK subcultures in the late 20th century, through a discursive analysis of chaos magic(k) and the Cybernetic Cultures Research Unit, also known as CCRU. As part of his Academic research, Bob’s interests look at the myriad intersections between esotericism and contemporary subcultures, such as cyberpunk, cyberspace and technology, the counterculture and the New Age, comics, zine culture, and music. He has also given papers centered on Icelandic occulture and spiritual currents such as Ásatrú, spiritualism, and wellness.
As you can tell from the episode title, Bob and I are talking about a little bit of everything, and while, on the surface, these things may seem unrelated, as the discussion unfolds, I hope it will become clear that all of these strands are indeed very much connected. As this was a long interview, I’m providing it to you in 2 parts.
In Part 1, Bob begins by explaining the terms “the weird” and “the eerie” and how these literary concepts have helped to fuel the social imagination; as well as the tricky issue of how one discerns between ‘fiction’ and ‘reality’. With the help of philosophical concepts such as ‘the hyperreal’ and simulacra taken from Baudrillard, as well as other concepts from French philosophers such as Deleuze, Guattari, and Lyotard, Bob discusses the effects of signs, symbols, and other images on our understanding of what’s ‘real’, as well as the dissolving boundaries between ‘the real’ and ‘the artificial’.
This all takes us into the area of hyperstition, the CCRU, and a case study that is a good example of a hyperstition found in the Slederman character, and later incident in 2014 involving Slenderman where two girls come to believe that he is a real entity, attempting to kill their friend because of it. Bob also talks about how such a character becomes implanted in our collective consciousness through digital interactions such as memes, and later becomes a part of our cultural history. Bob also touches on the concept of acceleration, which he later expands upon in part 2.
Bob Cluness:
(99+) Bob Cluness | University of Iceland - Academia.edu
(99+) "I am an other and I always was…" On the Weird and Eerie in Contemporary and Digital Cultures Ritgerð til MA-prófs í menningafraeði | Bob Cluness - Academia.edu
Social media:
Simulacra and Simulation (The Body, In Theory: Histories of Cultural Materialism): Jean Baudrillard, Sheila Faria Glaser: 9780472065219: Amazon.com: Books
Selected articles about philosophers mentioned in E28:
Gilles Deleuze (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Félix Guattari - Wikipedia
Jean François Lyotard (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Hyperstition Primer (edith.reisen)
The Weird And The Eerie [PDF] [3ufdj9jsm190] (vdoc.pub)
Applied Ballardianism | Memoir from a Parallel Universe
#ACCELERATE: The Accelerationist Reader | libcom.org
Slender Man stabbing - Wikipedia
(99+) Speculative Fiction | Aren Roukema - Academia.edu
“Book Zero” through the Years in: Aries - Ahead of print (brill.com)
Chapter 12 “Cthulhu Gnosis” in: Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination (brill.com)
Intensive Care (album) - Wikipedia
Watch Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God (HBO) | TV Shows | HBO Max
NOTE about audio: At this time, I am recording at a temporary location due to extensive home renovations. Unfortunately, the building in which I'm located is also undergoing renovations. I had attempted to work around the noise, but sadly, I wasn't aware that wood floors were being sanded at the same time I was recording. The audio is therefore not optimal; I did my best to edit out the noise, but apologize for the (at times) poor audio quality.
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
My guest this month is Dell J. Rose. Dell is a cultural historian and current Ph.D. researcher at the University of Amsterdam’s HHP Center. He is also the recipient of the Swedenborg Doctoral Scholarship from the Swedenborg Society in the UK. Dell holds a Bachelor's degree, with majors in English, History, and Religion, and a Master's degree in Folk Studies. His current Ph.D project deals with Charles Augustus Tulk, the reception of Swedenborg’s ideas amongst 19th-century reforming societies, and the role that Swedenborgian ideas played in 19th-century political discourse. Dell has many academic interests which examine the interface between culture and esotericism including Christian theosophy, especially Caspar Schwenckfeld von Ossig and Jakob Böhme. Dell is also interested in Willem Bilderdijk studies, and the relationship between Romantic nationalism and esotericism. He has also worked on the Christian interpretation of Sabbateanism and Karaitism, and he has written on the philosophy of Franz von Baader. Other interests include work on the relationship between technology and esotericism, especially in the history of aviation and the airship.
This month's topic centers around Emanuel Swedenborg, who was, and still is, an extremely influential figure within the currents of esotericism. Dell Rose begins by giving a short introduction about Swedenborg, and then moves to discuss other aspects of Swedenborg's life and beliefs that led to his eventual 'revelations' about the nature of the spiritual world and free will.
Dell is particularly concerned with the cultural reception of Swedenborg, and he notes that Swedenborg's influence is varied, but overwhelming. This influence is seen in all forms of cultural life from the 19th century onward, in areas such as art, literature, poetry, and music; but also in the political sphere, including public planning, cooperative societies, and women's rights. Dell shares his own research into Charles Augustus Tulk, who was keen to implement Swedenborg's ideas onto social issues, as well as other figures who were also inspired by Swedenborgian thought.
Dell J. Rose: Research: Dell J. Rose - HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Dell Joseph Rose – Swedenborg Society
Selected works by Emanuel Swedenborg:
Arcana Coelestia volume 1 (swedenborg.com)
Heaven and Hell (swedenborg.com)
Swedenborg Foundation: Swedenborg Foundation - Explorations of spiritual love and wisdom inspired by Emanuel Swedenborg
Karl Herman Vetterling ('The Higher Buddhism in Swedenborg'): 5db21a82014ef811ec8a2232_Herman Vetterling.pdf (webflow.com)
Thomas Lake Harris (Swedenborg ideas eventually transmitted to Japan): American Communities and Co-Operative Colonies : Hinds, William Alfred : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Alfred Deakin (Australia): Alfred Deakin | National Museum of Australia (nma.gov.au)
Charles Augustus Tulk: Microsoft Word - lines_swedenborg.doc (ucl.ac.uk)
Swedenborg’s Influence – The Swedenborg Project
Charles Augustus Tulk 1786 - 1849 | Sue Young Histories
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
It was my pleasure to speak with Prof. Dr. Wouter Hanegraaff about his new book, Hermetic Spirituality and the Historical Imagination: Altered States of Knowledge in Late Antiquity. As Wouter preferred not to give a general summary, I chose four very important themes of the book to discuss: what the Hermetica is really all about; the notion of embodiment in the Hermetic texts; the difficult but extremely important task of interpreting the ancient texts; and the importance of the faculty of the imagination - not only within the Hermetica, but also for the scholar trying to understand what the texts are actually saying.
Wouter does an excellent job of explaining the terms gnosis and nous (that Wouter calls the "hero of the book") and how they are used within the Hermetic texts; these terms are crucial for the rest of the discussion. Following the four themes, Wouter discusses in more detail how Platonism influenced the Hermetica, how Gadamer's concept of hermeneutics plays a role in the process of understanding these texts, the paradox of how we think about the term imagination, and how Wouter tries to 'systematically privilege weirdness' when studying the Hermetic texts.
Wouter's website: Home | Wouter Hanegraaff- Hoogleraar - UVA (wouterjhanegraaff.net)
List of publications: Books | Wouter Hanegraaff (wouterjhanegraaff.net)
Links to new book: Hermetic spirituality and historical imagination altered states knowledge late antiquity | History of religion | Cambridge University Press
Hermetic Spirituality and the Historical Imagination: Altered States of Knowledge in Late Antiquity: Hanegraaff, Wouter J.: 9781009123068: Amazon.com: Books
Corpus Hermeticum: The Corpus Hermeticum & Hermetic Tradition -- The Gnostic Society Library (gnosis.org)
Poimandres: Poimandres—Corpus Hermeticum I | The Matheson Trust
The Asclepius: The Perfect Sermon, or The Asclepius I - The Corpus Hermeticum - Sacred Texts - Hermetic Library
Symposium: The Internet Classics Archive | Symposium by Plato (mit.edu)
Phaedrus: The Internet Classics Archive | Phaedrus by Plato (mit.edu)
Tommy Cowan, MA (res)
(99+) What Most People Would Call Evil: The Archontic Spirituality of William S. Burroughs | Tommy P Cowan - Academia.edu
(99+) Archontic States of Consciousness in Twentieth-century Neuromancy | Tommy P Cowan - Academia.edu
Hans-Georg Gadamer
Hans-Georg Gadamer (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Gadamer, Hans-Georg | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (utm.edu)
Hermeneutics: Gadamer’s Hermeneutics - Northwestern University Press
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Derrida (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Derrida, Jacques | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (utm.edu)
History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (University of Amsterdam): HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, Luke and I discuss the esoteric connections and intersections with the figures of Blake and Ginsberg. We talk about in the influence of Emmanuel Swedenborg and Gnosticism on the worldviews of both Blake and Ginsberg, how Ginsberg saw Buddhism and Gnosticism as being connected in a syncretic way, and what contemporary artists could be viewed as ‘carrying on the Blakean torch’ in our own popular culture.
Dr Luke Walker has published widely on the intersections between British Romantic poetry, American counterculture, and esotericism.
His publications include "‘One physical-mental inspiration of thought': Allen Ginsberg and Black Mountain poetics", in The Beats, Black Mountain, and New Modes in American Poetry, ed. Matt Theado (2021), “Beat Britain: poetic vision and division in Albion’s ‘underground’”, in The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature, ed. A. Robert Lee (2018), “Tangled up in Blake: the triangular relationship among Dylan, Blake, and the Beats”, in Rock and Romanticism: Blake, Wordsworth, and Rock from Dylan to U2, ed. James Rovira (2018), “Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Wales Visitation’ as a neo-Romantic response to Wordsworth’s ‘Tintern Abbey’”, in Romanticism journal (2013), and “Allen Ginsberg’s Blakean Albion,” in Comparative American Studies journal (2013). Most recently, Luke co-edited a special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, on “The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now” (2022).
He is now writing a book entitled William Blake and Allen Ginsberg: Romanticism, Counterculture and Radical Reception.
Dr. Luke Walker:
academia.edu page: (99+) Luke Walker | Home - Academia.edu
Twitter: Luke Walker (@DrLukeWalker) / Twitter
Selected Articles:
(99+) Tangled Up in Blake: the Triangular Relationship among Dylan, Blake, and the Beats | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Allen Ginsberg's Blakean Albion | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Beat Britain: poetic vision and division in Albion's 'underground' | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Psychedelic Romanticism: Ginsberg, Blake and Wordsworth | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) 'One physical-mental inspiration of thought': Allen Ginsberg and Black Mountain Poetics | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
William Blake Archive: The William Blake Archive
Allen Ginsberg sings William Blake's 'The Nurse's Song': Allen Ginsberg sings William Blake's "The Nurse's Song" - YouTube
Mike Goode, 'Blakespotting': (99+) Blakespotting | Mike Goode - Academia.edu
Allen Ginsberg: The Allen Ginsberg Project - AllenGinsberg.org
'Wichita Vortex Sutra': Allen Ginsberg: Wichita Vortex Sutra (chriscander.com)
Bob Dylan 'Tempest': Bob Dylan - Tempest (Official Audio) - YouTube
'Rough and Rowdy Ways': I Contain Multitudes - YouTube
'Subterranean Homesick Blues': Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (Official HD Video) - YouTube
patti smith: official site
Home - Kae Tempest
John Higgs – Author of Love And Let Die, William Blake Vs The World, Watling Street and The KLF
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In Part One, Luke discusses the great influence of the poet and artist William Blake on Allen Ginsberg, one of the most influential people from the Beat Generation and the ‘counterculture’ movement of 1960s United States. He also talks in detail about Ginsberg’s “Blake Vision,” the name Ginsberg gave to a series of extraordinary events in his life in 1948. We then discuss Luke’s article “Tangled Up in Blake” that focuses on Ginsberg’s views about Bob Dylan and their complex relationship. Lastly, we talk about the influence of Buddhism on Ginsberg and how this affected his views about Blake and his worldview in general.
Dr Luke Walker has published widely on the intersections between British Romantic poetry, American counterculture, and esotericism.
His publications include "‘One physical-mental inspiration of thought': Allen Ginsberg and Black Mountain poetics", in The Beats, Black Mountain, and New Modes in American Poetry, ed. Matt Theado (2021), “Beat Britain: poetic vision and division in Albion’s ‘underground’”, in The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature, ed. A. Robert Lee (2018), “Tangled up in Blake: the triangular relationship among Dylan, Blake, and the Beats”, in Rock and Romanticism: Blake, Wordsworth, and Rock from Dylan to U2, ed. James Rovira (2018), “Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Wales Visitation’ as a neo-Romantic response to Wordsworth’s ‘Tintern Abbey’”, in Romanticism journal (2013), and “Allen Ginsberg’s Blakean Albion,” in Comparative American Studies journal (2013). Most recently, Luke co-edited a special issue of the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, on “The Artist of the Future Age: William Blake, Neo-Romanticism, Counterculture and Now” (2022).
He is now writing a book entitled William Blake and Allen Ginsberg: Romanticism, Counterculture and Radical Reception.
Dr. Luke Walker:
academia.edu page: (99+) Luke Walker | Home - Academia.edu
Twitter: Luke Walker (@DrLukeWalker) / Twitter
Selected Articles:
(99+) Tangled Up in Blake: the Triangular Relationship among Dylan, Blake, and the Beats | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Allen Ginsberg's Blakean Albion | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Beat Britain: poetic vision and division in Albion's 'underground' | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) Psychedelic Romanticism: Ginsberg, Blake and Wordsworth | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
(99+) 'One physical-mental inspiration of thought': Allen Ginsberg and Black Mountain Poetics | Luke Walker - Academia.edu
William Blake Archive: The William Blake Archive
Allen Ginsberg sings William Blake's 'The Nurse's Song': Allen Ginsberg sings William Blake's "The Nurse's Song" - YouTube
Mike Goode, 'Blakespotting': (99+) Blakespotting | Mike Goode - Academia.edu
Allen Ginsberg: The Allen Ginsberg Project - AllenGinsberg.org
'Wichita Vortex Sutra': Allen Ginsberg: Wichita Vortex Sutra (chriscander.com)
Bob Dylan 'Tempest': Bob Dylan - Tempest (Official Audio) - YouTube
'Rough and Rowdy Ways': I Contain Multitudes - YouTube
'Subterranean Homesick Blues': Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues (Official HD Video) - YouTube
patti smith: official site
Home - Kae Tempest
John Higgs – Author of Love And Let Die, William Blake Vs The World, Watling Street and The KLF
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In this interview, Cavan McLaughlin begins by discussing his motivation and inspiration to create the Trans-States platform, that focuses strongly on bridging the gaps between the academic and larger esoteric/occult communities. Cavan is an artist, filmmaker and media producer as well as an academic lecturer, and this multi-disciplinary aspect is extremely important for the Trans-States exhibition and conference series as well.
As the third conference has recently taken place, Cavan and I discuss the successful interdisciplinary interactions and contributions, the themes of the conferences and their developments (based upon Major Arcana tarot cards), and what is to come in the future. Please check out the Trans-States YouTube channel to view uploads of past conference presentations and performances, and check back in the new year for the latest uploads!
Trans-States YouTube Channel: Trans- States - YouTube
Keynote Alan Moore: Alan Moore - (Keynote) Trans- States conference 2016 - YouTube
Website: About Trans- States | Trans- States
Facebook: Trans- States | Facebook
Instagram: Trans- states (@trans_states)
Twitter: Trans- States (@Trans_States) / Twitter
Cavan McLaughlin:
Academia.edu: (99+) Cavan McLaughlin | University of the West of England - Academia.edu
Monad Journal: Monad: Journal of Transformative Practice | Peer-reviewed open access multimedia journal (monadjournal.com)
Facebook: Cavan McLaughlin
Instagram: Cavan McLaughlin (@cavan.mclaughlin)
Twitter: Cavan McLaughlin (@cavanmclaughlin)
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, Aaron and I look at different related threads that one encounters when delving into this topic; in particular, how Aaron's research ties into a topic that I had talked about last year with regard to the recent documentary-type show called 'Hellier' (specifically with regard to a man named Allen Greenfield). This links to high strangeness such as that seen in the book The Mothman Prophecies, but also ritual magick, and occulture at its finest. We try to make some sense out of all of this and ask how it all relates to the original case study of Steiner and Hynek. We then shift our attention to talk about the challenges that a researcher within academia faces when trying to explore topics that are considered 'controversial', as well as the backlash that a researcher might experience from the people being researched.
Aaron's presentation for the Trans-States conference is not yet uploaded to their YouTube channel, but here's the link so you can check back at a later date: https://www.youtube.com/@TransStates/featured
Dr Aaron J. French: The Magic of Technology: Rudolf Steiner's Rosicrucianism and the UFO Phenomenon ~ Guest lecture for University College Cork's Study of Religions Research Seminar Series: https://youtu.be/fReIz1gU-nI
Dr. Aaron French academia page: (99+) Aaron French | Universität Erfurt - Academia.edu
email: [email protected]
Aaron J. French (uni-erfurt.de)
Hussein Agrama: Secularity, Synchronicity, and Uncanny Science: Considerations and Challenges (omnilogos.com)
The Basement Office -The UFO Lie: Shocking truth of Pentagon AAWSAP program: https://youtu.be/6XD4gQS_-qY
Allen Greenfield: Amazon.com: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: 9781718645356: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: Books
J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee: Hynek and Vallee - The Edge of Reality (1975) | PDF | Unidentified Flying Object | Ufology (scribd.com)
Barbara Marciniak Bringers of the Dawn (1992): Bringers of the Dawn | Book by Barbara Marciniak | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster (simonandschuster.com)
Michael P. Masters: Amazon.com: Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon: 9781733634069: Masters, Dr. Michael P: Books
Mark O'Connell (biography J. Allen Hynek): The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs: O'Connell, Mark: 9780062484178: Amazon.com: Books
New York Times Article: Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Diana Pasulka: American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology: Pasulka, D.W. (amazon.com)
Information regarding Rudolf Steiner's planetary stages of evolution and Vulcan: Vulcan - AnthroWiki
John Greenewald's The Black Vault: The Black Vault - Document Archive - The Black Vault
Hellier Experiments Information:
'Estes Method': The Estes Method: How the Groundbreaking SB7 Spirit Box Experiment is Changing Paranormal Investigation (weekinweird.com)
'God Helmet': God helmet - Wikipedia
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Additional Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 1, Aaron and I explore many different rabbit holes regarding esotericism and high strangeness. Aaron begins by expanding on his earlier presentations that he gave this year on this topic; he's looking at the relationship between technology and magic, and is asking, 'how does technology reenchant the world?' One area that we can find a lot of interesting material is the UFO-field. Aaron talks about his research findings regarding the links between Rudolf Steiner and J. Allen Hynek (a scientist who was working with the U.S. government in its project to study the UFO phenomena). From there, we look at the esoteric ideas linked with this topic, how they developed and have become assimilated into New Age thought surrounding the narratives and ideas found in the UFO field.
Aaron's presentation for the Trans-States conference is not yet uploaded to their YouTube channel, but here's the link so you can check back at a later date: https://www.youtube.com/@TransStates/featured
Dr Aaron J. French: The Magic of Technology: Rudolf Steiner's Rosicrucianism and the UFO Phenomenon ~ Guest lecture for University College Cork's Study of Religions Research Seminar Series: https://youtu.be/fReIz1gU-nI
Dr. Aaron French academia page: (99+) Aaron French | Universität Erfurt - Academia.edu
email: [email protected]
Aaron J. French (uni-erfurt.de)
Hussein Agrama: Secularity, Synchronicity, and Uncanny Science: Considerations and Challenges (omnilogos.com)
The Basement Office -The UFO Lie: Shocking truth of Pentagon AAWSAP program: https://youtu.be/6XD4gQS_-qY
Allen Greenfield: Amazon.com: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: 9781718645356: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: Books
J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee: Hynek and Vallee - The Edge of Reality (1975) | PDF | Unidentified Flying Object | Ufology (scribd.com)
Barbara Marciniak Bringers of the Dawn (1992): Bringers of the Dawn | Book by Barbara Marciniak | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster (simonandschuster.com)
Michael P. Masters: Amazon.com: Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon: 9781733634069: Masters, Dr. Michael P: Books
Mark O'Connell (biography J. Allen Hynek): The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs: O'Connell, Mark: 9780062484178: Amazon.com: Books
New York Times Article: Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Diana Pasulka: American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology: Pasulka, D.W. (amazon.com)
Information regarding Rudolf Steiner's planetary stages of evolution and Vulcan: Vulcan - AnthroWiki
John Greenewald's The Black Vault: The Black Vault - Document Archive - The Black Vault
Hellier Experiments Information:
'Estes Method': The Estes Method: How the Groundbreaking SB7 Spirit Box Experiment is Changing Paranormal Investigation (weekinweird.com)
'God Helmet': God helmet - Wikipedia
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Additional Music: Stephanie Shea
Richard Mason returns to discuss A.E. Waite's order, The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, and the special tarot deck developed for private use in rituals. Waite formed the order in 1915 (during WW1) and enlisted the help of artists and a financial backer to create the tarot 'deck,' that is now housed in the British Museum. Notable in the artwork is the shift from 'magic' to 'mysticism', and this artwork reflects Waite's strong views of a 'secret tradition' - a blend of Christianity with various esoteric concepts.
Note of Clarification: 'W.M. Yeats' is incorrect; W.B. Yeats was intended during conversation; The master album of the Trinick-Pippet drawings are located at the British Museum (not the British Library).
Thanks to Richard Mason for generously providing the images used in this video.
Contact Richard Mason: [email protected]
Primary Sources:
-Myer, Isaac, Qabbalah. The Philosophical Writings of Solomon Ben Yehuda Ibn Gebirol or Avicebron, and their connection with the Hebrew Qabbalah and Sepher ha-Zohar (1888)
-Encausse, Gérard, Qabalah: The Secret Tradition of the West (1892)
-Édouard E., Blitz, Treatise on The Great Art: A System of Physics According to Hermetic Philosophy and Theory and Practice of the Magisterium (1898)
-A. E. Waite’s occult journal The Unknown World (1894-95)
-Waite, A. E., Azoth, or The Star in the East (1893)
-The Doctrine and Literature of Kabbalah (1899/1902)
-Steps to the Crown (1907)
-The Hidden Church of the Holy Grail (1909)
-The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (1911)
-The Brotherhood of the Rosy Cross (1924)
-The Holy Grail its Legends and Symbolism (1933)
-The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (volume II) (1936)
Secondary Sources:
-Gilbert, R. A., A. E. Waite: A Bibliography, (1983)
-Gilbert, R. A., A. E. Waite: Magician of Many Parts, (1987)
-Hanegraaff, Wouter, “The Mysteries of Sex in the House of the Hidden Light: A. E. Waite and Kabbalah” (2018)
-Ferguson, Christine, Reading with the Occultists: Arthur Machen and A. E. Waite and the Ecstasies of Popular Fiction (2016)
-Parisious, Roger, Figures in a Dance: The Rider-Waite Tarot, (1987)
-Roukema, Aren, Esotericism and Narrative: The Occult Fiction in Charles Williams Fiction, (2018)
-Südekum, Stuart, “The Secret Tradition of Silence” (2014)
-Südekum, Stuart, Drinking from the Haunted Well: A mystical exploration in the Fairy Land of A. E. Waite, (2014)
-Seidmann, Gertrud, The Rev. Greville John Chester and ‘The Ashmolean Museum as a Home for Archaeology in Oxford’. Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, 16(1), (2006), pp.27–33.
Theme Music: Stephanie Shea
In this discussion, Michelle and Christian share their experiences with pilgrimages, and how they came to write their book about the Japanese pilgrimage route known as the Kumano Kodo. As many may not have had their own experiences with pilgrimages, they talk about the reasons that people might choose to go on a pilgrimage, what the purpose is, and how it's not always a 'religious' thing. We also discuss the liminal aspect of the pilgrimage road, the different types of spirits that one can encounter as the pilgrim enters the 'other' space on the road, and how these encounters change the perspective of the pilgrim during the pilgrimage, but also afterwards. This conversation also includes some information about the mythology of the Kumano region of Japan, plus an interesting finding by Christian about the political side of the Kumano Kodo as a UNESCO heritage site, plus much, much more that can't be included in a short summary!
Kumano Kodo: Pilgrimage to Powerspots -
Amazon.com: Kumano Kodo: Pilgrimage to Powerspots: J. Christian Greer, Michelle K. Oing, J. Christian Greer: 9798985917307: Amazon.com: Books
Ebay: Kumano Kodo: Pilgrimage to Powerspots | eBay
Dr. Michelle K. Oing -
Academia.edu: (99+) Michelle Oing | Stanford University - Academia.edu
Instagram: ~*unofficial histories*~ (@speculativearchaeology) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Dr. J. Christian Greer -
Academia.edu: (99+) J. Christian Greer | Stanford University - Academia.edu
Instagram: Dr. JCG (@angelheadedhipstersarchive) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Website: dr. J. Christian Greer (jchristiangreer.com)
Artwork: J. Christian Greer
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In the first part of our interview, Andrea and I discuss the complex issue regarding the definition of 'magic' within the Western historical study of esotericism and/or religion, and how we could perhaps see 'magic' as a meta-category containing 'family resemblances' or 'patterns of magicity' that allow for comparisons of different magical practices or attitudes. We also talk about the differences between the etic and emic perspectives of the term 'magic', as grimoires are concerned with the magicians' views and ideas about the rituals they perform and the significance these rituals hold.
We then delve into the topic of legitimization of ritual magical practices within the context of Christianity from the 1200s-1500s. In this time period, most magical texts were considered heretical by the Church, forcing magicians to try to legitimize the use of these manuscripts. We look in particular at the views of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim and his attempts to restore the reputation of magic as a divine art.
Our conversation then leads to different magical texts, focusing on the Liber Iuratus Honorii, or The Sworn Book of Honorius as it relates to Andrea's own research into ritual spaces. We also use Andrea's article to discuss these concepts in more detail, especially why space is such an important part of the magical ritual.
Andrea Franchetto -
Andrea Franchetto - Stockholm University (su.se)
(1) Andrea Franchetto | Stockholm University - Academia.edu
(1) Andrea Franchetto | Facebook
Andrea (@andrewcrnf) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Research Master Thesis: content (uva.nl)
Imaginal architectural devices and the ritual space of medieval necromancy - ScienceDirect
'Magic' -
(83) General Introduction to 'Defining Magic: A Reader' | Bernd-Christian Otto and Michael Stausberg - Academia.edu
(1) Magic (Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition) | Bernd-Christian Otto - Academia.edu
Patterns of Magicity: A Review of Defining Magic: A Reader | Asprem | Correspondences (correspondencesjournal.com)
(64) « Astral Magic and Intellectual Changes (Twelfth-Fifteenth Centuries). “Astrological Images” and the Concept of “Addressative” Magic », dans J. Bremmer et J. R. Veenstra (dir.), The Metamorphosis of Magic From Late Antiquity to Early Modern Period, Louvain, Peeters, 2002, p. 167-187. | Nicolas Weill-Parot - Academia.edu
(83) Contemporary Ritual Magic (Chapter 39, The Occult World) | Egil Asprem - Academia.edu
(83) Intermediary Beings (Ch. 64, The Occult World) | Egil Asprem - Academia.edu
(83) Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (2015) | Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Academia.edu
(1) Better than Magic: Cornelius Agrippa and Lazzarellian Hermetism (2009) | Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Academia.edu
(1) Lodovico Lazzarelli and the Hermetic Christ: At the Sources of Renaissance Hermetism (2005) | Wouter J. Hanegraaff - Academia.edu
Grimoires -
Liber Juratus Honorii, or the Sworn Book of Honorius (esotericarchives.com)
The Sworn Book of Honorius and the Christian Reception of Angel Magic* - Docest
Speculum Astronomiae | Detailed Pedia
Ars Notoria: the Notory Art of Solomon (esotericarchives.com)
Picatrix (The Aim of the Sage) of pseudo-Majriti (summary) (esotericarchives.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In this interview, Ralph shares his own perspectives on many of the topics that Dr. Christian Greer and I had discussed in Episode 19 ('Etic Examinations'). He shares his own background in occultism, 'the state of things' in Germany in the 1970s and -80s, as well as the change in perspective with the introduction of the 'Anglo' or British perspective about occultism and chaos magic. He also talks about his viewpoints regarding the concepts of 'gnosis' and 'shamanism' as they relate to chaos magic, how he feels about 'rationalist' thinkers such as Theodor Adorno, and highlights some of his own works. In my opinion, Ralph gives a very interesting overview of how he, as a practitioner, things about magic and how magic works for people who practice it.
A very special thanks to Friedemann Rimbach-Sator for the inspiration behind the 'chaos magic' episodes, and for introducing me to Ralph Tegtmeier.
Selected Bibliography Ralph Tegtmeier/ Frater U:.D:. (provided by Mr. Tegtmeier):
Amazon.com: High Magic: Theory & Practice: 9780738704715: U.:D.:, Frater: Books
Money Magic by Frater UD – Draconis Arcanum (draconisbooks.com)
(99+) Practical Sigil Magic - Frater U.D | EmMa Cold-Hag - Academia.edu
Sex Magic by Frater UD – Draconis Arcanum (draconisbooks.com)
The Magical Shield, by Frater UD by Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD. - Issuu
Where Do Demons Live by Frater UD – Draconis Arcanum (draconisbooks.com)
Amazon.com: Living Magic: Contemporary Insights and Experiences from Practicing Magicians: 9780738766799: U.:D.:, Frater, Budenbender, Axel, Eilenstein, Harry, Knecht, Josef: Books
Dark Star Magick - Posts | Facebook (A Fall Like No Other)
Other Selected Frater U:.D:. References:
Models of Magic (chaosmatrix.org)
Frater U:.D:. - [ChaosMatrix.org]
Chaos Magic:
Liber Null & Psychonaut: An Introduction to Chaos Magic: Carroll, Peter J.: 8601404697678: Amazon.com: Books
Selected Academic References:
(99+) Chaos Magick | Colin Duggan - Academia.edu
(99+) Perennialism and Iconoclasm: Chaos Magick and the Legitimacy of Innovation | Colin Duggan - Academia.edu
(99+) The Illuminates of Thanateros and the Institutionalisation of Religious Individualisation | Bernd-Christian Otto - Academia.edu
Contact Ralph Tegtmeier/Frater U:.D:. Ralph Tegtmeier | Facebook
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
As the Rejected Religion platform is concerned with what is known as 'occulture,' or how the occult is represented and portrayed in popular culture, this video highlights some of the occult references found in two recent Netflix series, Archive 81 and Stranger Things. Please see the 'References' section below for more detailed information concerning these topics.
Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
1. Celestial/astronomical magic
- Ninian Nijhuis (99+) Western Sidereal Astrology: From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern West | Ninian L Nijhuis - Academia.edu
- Nicholas Campion Astrology | 67 | The Occult World | Nicholas Campion | Taylor & Franci (taylorfrancis.com)
- Wouter Hanegraaff (see in particular pp.392-395) New Age Religion and Western Culture – Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought | Brill
2. Witchcraft
Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements - Oxford Handbooks
3. Spiritualism
- Egil Asprem (99+) The Society for Psychical Research (Chapter 24, The Occult World) | Egil Asprem - Academia.edu
- Cathy Gutierrez The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Catherine Albanese A Republic of Mind and Spirit (yale.edu)
HBO No One Dies in Lily Dale - No One Dies in Lily Dale (2011) - IMDb
4. Spirit Art
5. Spirit Photography
- Tessel Bauduin (99+) The Occult and the Visual Arts | Tessel M . Bauduin, PhD - Academia.edu
- The Spiritual in Art The Spiritual in Art, Maurice Tuchman | 9780896596696 | Boeken | bol.com
Hilma af Klint: Paintings for the Future | The Guggenheim Museums and Foundation
6. Theosophical Society
- Olav Hammer The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Catherine Albanese A Republic of Mind and Spirit (yale.edu)
- Wouter Hanegraaff New Age Religion and Western Culture – Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought | Brill
7. Ritual Magic(k)
Golden Dawn:
-Francisco Santos Silva William Wynn Westcott | 24 | The Occult World | Francisco Santos Silva (taylorfrancis.com)
Samuel Liddell Mathers | 26 | The Occult World | Francisco Santos Silv (taylorfrancis.com)
- Robert Gilbert The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
Ordo Templi Orientis &
8. Agape Lodge No. 2:
- Christian Giudice The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Nicolas Goodrick-Clarke The Occult Roots Of Nazism : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- Nicolas Campion The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Manon Hedenborg White (99+) From Chorazin to Carcosa. Fiction-Based Esotericism in the Black Pilgrimage of Jack Parsons and Cameron | Manon Hedenborg White - Academia.edu
- Hugh Urban (99+) Magia Sexualis | Hugh Urban - Academia.edu
9. Mankind United
Mankind, Unite! | Lapham’s Quarterly (laphamsquarterly.org)
Mankind United Index (sacred-texts.com)
10. Satanic Panic
- Philip Jenkins (pp.221-241) in Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements - Oxford Handbooks
- Jesper Aagaard Petersen The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Jeffrey Victor The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Christopher Partridge The Occult World (routledgehandbooks.com)
- Joseph P. Laycock Dangerous Games by Joseph P. Laycock - Paperback - University of California Press (ucpress.edu)
- Peter Bebergal Season of the Witch: How the Occult Saved Rock and Roll: Bebergal, Peter: 9780399174964: Amazon.com: Books
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Ninian Nijhuis holds a Research Master in Religious Studies (University of Amsterdam); a BA in Law and an LL.M. in International Public Law (University of Utrecht). Her main focus is on Western Esotericism and her key fields of interest are Jungian psychology, sidereal astrology, mysticism, spirituality and its connections to science. Additionally, she is Head of Social Media at the Centre for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (HHP Centre) and the University of Amsterdam, and currently works as a sidereal astrologer and coach.
In this interview, Ninian and I discuss sidereal astrology, and how it differs from tropical astrology (the system that most people in the West are familiar with). Ninian shares the history of astrology and of these two systems; why these systems became separated (with tropical astrology the most popular form in the West, and sidereal astrology in the East); and how sidereal astrology made a 'comeback' in the West via Cyril Fagan and others.
Ninian also shares her personal journey and views with regard to astrology, her research interest on an academic level, and how she uses sidereal astrology together with Jungian psychology in her own work.
You can find Ninian at https://niniansiderealastrology.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/niniannijhuis/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ninian.nijhuis
Academia.edu: https://uva.academia.edu/NinianNijhuis
Ninian's article about Western sidereal astrology: https://www.academia.edu/50008714/Western_Sidereal_Astrology_From_Ancient_Babylonia_to_the_Modern_West
From her website:https://niniansiderealastrology.com/2021/11/19/what-is-western-sidereal-astrology/
If you are interested in the academic study of Western Esotericism, and would like to be kept up-to-date on current lectures, courses, conferences, books, podcasts, etc., please check out -
or https://www.amsterdamhermetica.nl/
or https://www.facebook.com/amsterdamhermetica
Theme Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part Two, Dylan begins by discussing why the gnostic system of thought was considered heretical by Christians. We then talk about the fascinating gnostic text 'The Secret Book of John', and how this creation story is quite different from the one in the Book of Genesis. Eve is not a villian in this tale, but the representative of consciousness and the reminder to Adam of the real heavenly world. In closing, we discuss how popular culture manifests and represents this topic.
Dr. Dylan Burns is Assistant Professor of the History of Western Esotericism in Late Antiquity at the University of Amsterdam.
Dr. Dylan Burns -
Did God Care? Providence, Dualism and Will in Later Greek and Early Christian Philosophy : Did God Care? – Providence, Dualism, and Will in Later Greek and Early Christian Philosophy | Brill
Co-editor: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Online (brill.com)
AncientEsotericism.org :: Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity | A Thematic Network of ESSWE
HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Academia.edu page: (99+) Dylan Burns | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Selected Articles:
(99+) Apocalypses amongst Gnostics and Manichaeans | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
(99+) Providence, Creation, and Gnosticism According to the Gnostics | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
(99+) Weren’t the Christians Up Against a Gnostic Religion? G.R.S. Mead at the Dawn of the Modern Study of Gnosticism | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
Ancient Esoteric Traditions: Mystery, Revelation, Gnosis | Dylan M. Bu (taylorfrancis.com)
Other Resources:
The Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John) (gnosis.org)
Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments (gnosis.org)
Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments - Bruce Codex (gnosis.org)
Nag Hammadi Library (gnosis.org)
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(99+) The gnostic bible | Constantin Gherghinoiu - Academia.edu
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Photo Credit Dylan Burns: Jeff Berlin Green
Dr. Dylan Burns is Assistant Professor of the History of Western Esotericism in Late Antiquity at the University of Amsterdam.
In Part One, Dylan begins by sharing the Gnostic story or revelatory myth that takes place in four acts, so to speak, and the evidence of this story found in texts such as the Nag Hammadi codices. We then move the discussion to the definitions of the terms 'gnostic', 'gnosticism', and 'gnosis' and why these terms are somewhat controversial in the academic realm.
Dr. Dylan Burns -
Did God Care? Providence, Dualism and Will in Later Greek and Early Christian Philosophy : Did God Care? – Providence, Dualism, and Will in Later Greek and Early Christian Philosophy | Brill
Co-editor: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies Online (brill.com)
AncientEsotericism.org :: Network for the Study of Esotericism in Antiquity | A Thematic Network of ESSWE
HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and related currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Academia.edu page: (99+) Dylan Burns | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Selected Articles:
(99+) Apocalypses amongst Gnostics and Manichaeans | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
(99+) Providence, Creation, and Gnosticism According to the Gnostics | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
(99+) Weren’t the Christians Up Against a Gnostic Religion? G.R.S. Mead at the Dawn of the Modern Study of Gnosticism | Dylan Burns - Academia.edu
Ancient Esoteric Traditions: Mystery, Revelation, Gnosis | Dylan M. Bu (taylorfrancis.com)
Other Resources:
The Secret Book of John (Apocryphon of John) (gnosis.org)
Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments (gnosis.org)
Gnostic Society Library: Gnostic Scriptures and Fragments - Bruce Codex (gnosis.org)
Nag Hammadi Library (gnosis.org)
The Dead Sea Scrolls
(99+) The gnostic bible | Constantin Gherghinoiu - Academia.edu
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Photo Credit Dylan Burns: Jeff Berlin Green
Korshi Dosoo is the leader of the junior research group project 'The Coptic Magical Papyri: Vernacular Religion in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt' at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg. Formerly ATER (lecturer) at the University of Strasbourg and post-doctoral researcher on the Labex RESMED project Les mots de la paix. His PhD thesis, 'Rituals of Apparition on the Theban Magical Library' was completed in 2015 at Macquarie University, Australia. His research focuses on magic and lived religion in Egypt from the Ptolemaic to Mamluk periods as revealed by papyrological and epigraphic sources.
In this interview, Korshi begins by explaining what magical papyri are, where they came from, how they were used, and how people would obtain these texts. He also discusses his views about the concept of magic, and whether ancient people thought differently about 'magic' than contemporary people do. Our conversation then moves to modern occult practices and ritual magic, in particular, the use of a text taken from the Theban Magical Library Codex that is now known as 'The Headless God' or 'The Bornless Rite.' Korshi also shares his experience as 'impromptu' translator of a mysterious copper plate, thought by authorities to be written in Coptic, that was originally believed to be linked to an unsolved murder case from 1970, and his involvement in the podcast dedicated to this case, 'The WVU Coed Murders.' While some might think that the scholary study of ancient languages and texts to be far removed from everyday life, this example shows the importance of academic research for real-world issues.
Korshi is also part of a team that produces 'The Coptic Magical Papyri Podcast,' where interested people can learn more about this special area of research.
Dr. Korshi Dosoo:(99+) Korshi Dosoo | University of Würzburg - Academia.edu
Coptic Magical Papyri Website (podcast link available there): Coptic Magical Papyri (uni-wuerzburg.de)
Facebook page: Coptic Magical Papyri | Facebook
Podcast Episode - Appalachian Mysteria: Mared and Karen: The Magical Plate Decoded: Appalachian Mysteria: Mared and Karen: The Magical Plate Decoded on Apple Podcasts
About Mared & Karen: About Mared & Karen | WVU Coed Murders
Books and Scholars Mentioned:
Dr. Bernd Christian Otto (magic): (99+) Bernd-Christian Otto | Universität Erfurt - Academia.edu
Damon Zacharias Lycourinos (magic): (99+) Damon Zacharias Lycourinos - Academia.edu
Zora Neale Hurston (anthropology): Zora Neale Hurston
Michael Cecchetelli: The Book of Abrasax: Cecchetelli, Michael: 9780990568728: Amazon.com: Books
Jake Stratton-Kent: The Headless One — HADEAN PRESS (hadeanpress-eu.com)
Hans Deiter Betz: (99+) The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, including the Demotic Spells | Roy Kotansky - Academia.edu
Charles Wycliffe Goodwin: (PDF) Fragment Of A Graeco Egyptian Work Upon Magic Download eBOOK (bookarchive.net)
Sir James Frazer: goldenbough.pdf (templeofearth.com)
Allen Greenfield: The Complete Secret Cipher of the Ufonauts by Allen Greenfield (goodreads.com)
Music: Stephanie Shea
This month's episode is the first in a 2-part series about chaos magic. Dr. Christian Greer talks about the history of modern magical groups and how these earlier groups led to the birth of the chaos magic current. Christian begins by talking about why the topic of magic (in all its forms) is relevant as an area of research and study. He then gives a brief history of modern and contemporary ritual magic groups, and how these, along with other influential movements of the time, informed the major figures associated with chaos magic. We then move the discussion to talk about the larger chaos magic current in more detail.
Christian's academia.edu page: (99+) J. Christian Greer | Harvard Divinity School - Academia.edu
Instagram: @angelheadedhipstersarchive • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Alex Owen's The Place of Enchantment: The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern, Owen (uchicago.edu)
Marco Pasi's 'The Modernity of Occultism': (99+) The Modernity of Occultism: Reflections on Some Crucial Aspects | Marco Pasi - Academia.edu
Christopher Partridge's 'Occulture is Ordinary' + handbook: Occulture is Ordinary (Chapter 6) - Contemporary Esotericism (cambridge.org)
Theodor Adorno's 'Theses Against Occultism': Ralph Dumain: "The Autodidact Project": T.W. Adorno's "Theses Against Occultism"
John Carter, Sex and Rockets (Jack Parsons): Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons: Carter, John, Wilson, Robert Anton: 9780922915972: Amazon.com: Books
Adam Gorightly, The Prankster and the Conspiracy (Kerry Thornley): The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture: Gorightly, Adam, Robert Anton Wilson: 9781931044660: Amazon.com: Books
Kenneth Grant 'Typhonian Trilogies Series': Typhonian Trilogies Series by Kenneth Grant (goodreads.com)
Austin Osman Spare at Hermetic Library: Austin Osman Spare - Hermetic Library
Thee Temple of Psychick Youth (TOPY), Thee Psychick Bible : THEE PSYCHICK BIBLE (archive.org)
Christopher Partridge (editor), The Occult World: The Occult World - 1st Edition - Christopher Partridge - Routledge Bo
Other scholars mentioned in this episode -
(Theosophy) (99+) Mriganka Mukhopadhyay | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
(Thelema) (99+) Manon Hedenborg White | Karlstad University - Academia.edu
(Kenneth Grant) (99+) Henrik Bogdan | University of Gothenburg - Academia.edu
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Guests: Dr. Jonathon O'Donnell; Brennan Kettelle, MA (res); Tommy Cowan, MA (res)
In this special Spotlight episode, my guests and I discuss Netflix's Midnight Mass from various perspectives. We start out with our 'first impressions' of the show, then move to discuss our own talking points based upon each of our own research interests and specialties - religion and demonology in U.S. politics, monster theory, queer-coding of vampires, the nature of angels and demons, vampire history, religion and society, intertextuality, (religious) identity - these topics and more are covered in this panel!
Find these great people on social media -
S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD 😈🏳️🌈 (@demonologian) / Twitter
Tommy P Cowan (@TommyPCowan) / Twitter
Jonathon O'Donnell (@demonologian) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Brennan Kettelle (@_restingwitchface) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
@the_art_of_distraction • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Jonathon O'Donnell | Facebook
Brennan Kettelle | Facebook
Tommy Cowan | Facebook
S. Jonathon O'Donnell | University College Dublin - Academia.edu
S. Brennan Kettelle | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Tommy P Cowan | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Theme Music: Stephanie Shea
This episode is a special 'listener response' to episode 17's 'esoteric in art,' with guest Michael Carter. Michael is an artist and teacher living in Los Angeles, CA. He holds an MFA from Claremont Graduate University in CA, shows his work in live performances, gives lectures, and and exhibited works in both the U.S. and Europe.
Michael's personal interest in Theosophy plays a large role in his own research into the spiritual dimensions of abstract art.
This discussion includes Michael's personal opinions and research about the history of spiritual movements as they relate to the category of modern abstract art, as well as his own personal background as an artist and spiritual 'seeker.' We also discuss his essay regarding metaphysical art, where he explains his ideas about the two cateogories of art, and his own work with a pendulum. We also talk about Jack Burnham's ideas about kinetic art, then move to a discussion about the condition of the Theosophical movement today, including his own opinions about whether or not today's artists feel comfortable expressing their own spiritual questioning as it is reflected in their art. Plus much more!
Michael Carter -
website: HOME - Michael Carter Studio
Twitter: Michael Carter (@MichaelKCarter) / Twitter
Instagram: Michael Carter (@michaelcarter.studio) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Essay "Form Following Spirit: An Investigation of Recent and Near-Recent Metaphysical Art" in Speculative Arts Research, Issue Four, November 2021: SAR.04.pdf (speculativeartsresearch.com)
The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985: The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890-1985 by Maurice Tuchman (goodreads.com)
Beyond the Visible - Hilma af Klint: Beyond the Visible - Hilma af Klint :: Zeitgeist Films
Website Lita Alberqerque: Lita Albuquerque
Joseph Beuys: ‘Honey is Flowing in All Directions’, Joseph Beuys, 1976 | Tate
Jack Burnham -
All Systems Go: Recovering Jack Burnham’s ‘Systems Aesthetics’ – Tate Papers | Tate
Ritual Aesthetics: Salt Flat and Systems – In Focus | Tate
Jack Burnham (1931–2019) - Artforum International
Dissolve into Comprehension | The MIT Press
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Interview Highlights:
Brennan begins by talking about the figure of Lilith as she has been portrayed in historical myths and legends; and then moves to more modern interpretations of Lilith as a 'dark feminine' archetype, and as a feminist. Our discussion then shifts to how Lilith can be linked to queerness, and how the poet Renee Vivien used Lilith as a muse in her work (even more so than the figure of Satan/Lucifer who was extremely popular in turn-of-the-century France, where Vivien lived and worked).
Find Brennan at: S. Brennan Kettelle | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Instagram: Brennan Kettelle (@_restingwitchface) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Music: Stephanie Shea
Karen Swartz (Åbo Academy University)
Interview Highlights:
Karen shares some of her preliminary research findings regarding four women - Marie Steiner von-Sivers, Ita Wegman, Edith Maryon, and Judith von Halle (not three as I mistakenly mention in the interview) - all deeply involved within the Anthroposophical Society over the past decades and in the present day. While doing research for her PhD, Karen found that narratives surrounding these influential women were often curiously different in nature than those surrounding men. Additionally, their efforts were often not mentioned, or if they were, they were downplayed, as if to suggest the women involved did not play a pivotal, leading role in the work of the Society. She has now started a new project to explore this new area in greater detail.
Karen notes how the status of the women who were involved in personal relationships with Rudolf Steiner also declined when they were no longer "favored" by him. Dr. Manon Hedenborg White's term "proximal authority" is referred to in this case, and Karen explains how she sees this perspective playing out in her case study. We also discuss how Judith von Halle's claims to Steiner's authority has caused upset within the Society, and the problematic response of the group to her attempts to forge her own autonomous path (that differed from how the group responded to men making similar claims).
This discussion highlights an important issue of how women's roles/efforts/works are often marginalized and minimized as compared to men's, and how this case study can open up further important discussions. For example, why are these women spoken about as if they aren't fully autonomous, capable adult women as their male counterparts are (with reference to the women being referred to as 'helping angels'). What are the larger implications of this case study with regard to gender and authority?
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Interview Highlights:
Thomas begins by giving some background on Violet Mary Firth, later known as Dion Fortune. He describes her somewhat rebellious nature, and how Fortune did not always agree with the notion that certain things should be kept "secret". However, she did stress the need to be careful and skeptical of those who purport to have the "truth". Thomas then moves to the topic of initiation and how this was viewed by Fortune. To her, initiation was becoming involved in a cosmic process of the 'right-hand' path, or a path of service. The goal of the initiate is to completely surrender individual consciousness and achieve a cosmic union with the Divine Mind. How does one do this?
You can contact Thomas at [email protected] should you have any specific questions.
Theme music by Stephanie Shea
To view Tommy's presentation, please follow this link to the YouTube Channel Lynchland (Tommy's presentation is in Part IV, near the beginning of the video): Twin Peaks | The Return Online Conference - YouTube
Interview Highlights: Tommy begins by talking about his own motivations to create a presentation for the Twin Peaks online conference. We then move the discussion to talk about several concepts that were important in the work and life of William Burroughs that have a connection to Twin Peaks: possession, the number 23, and the atomic bomb. I then ask Tommy's opinion about the character of Sarah Palmer, and whether or not she also might have known that she was also possessed. A little history of Twin Peaks and its occult connections is also added to the mix!
Tommy P. Cowan at Academia.edu: Tommy P Cowan | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Correspondences Journal (Tommy is an associate editor): Correspondences – Journal for the Study of Esotericism (correspondencesjournal.com)
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Video uploaded on YouTube on August 18, 2021
Interview Highlights:
Joel begins by sharing how he came to write about Grant Morrison's Batman RIP, and then we dive into many Buddhist concepts that Morrison uses in their story. As Joel explains these concepts, he also points out how Morrison uses them differently than a Buddhist practicioner would - this due to the great influence of Western occult ideas (such as initiation, the Abyss, and ego-death) taken from Aleister Crowley, among others. Our discussion points out that in fact, Morrison draws on many different sources in the creation of their Batman story, and this leads to some interesting thoughts about the notion of occulture, and creativity.
You can find the pre-publication draft of Dr. Joel Bordeaux's chapter here: (PDF) “The Dark Knight of the Soul: Death as Initiatory Ordeal in Grant Morrison’s Batman R.I.P.” | Joel Bordeaux - Academia.edu
Full Title: 'The Dark Knight of the Soul: Death as Initiatory Ordeal in Grant Morrison's Batman RIP. From The Assimilation of Yogic Religions Through Pop Culture, edited by Paul Hackett. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017.
AND Joel's lecture for the HHP Centre here: Taking the Left Hand Path to Tibet, by Dr. Joel Bordeaux || HHP Student Association - YouTube
Links: Academia.edu page: Joel Bordeaux | International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden - Academia.edu
IIAS profile page: Joel Bordeaux | IIAS
Humanities Commons profile page: Joel Bordeaux – Humanities Commons (hcommons.org)
YouTube Channel: Joel Bordeaux - YouTube
Twitter: Joel Bordeaux🌹জোয়েল বোর্দো (@JoelBordeaux) / Twitter
'The Occult and Comics' by Kennet Granholm: (PDF) The Occult and Comics | Kennet Granholm - Academia.edu
'Occulture is Ordinary' Keynote speech from Christopher Partridge: Christopher Partridge, “Occulture Is Ordinary” | Contemporary Esotericism Research Network (contern.org)
Music: Stephanie Shea
Interview Highlights:
Ninian begins by talking about the recently published Black Books and Red Book by Jung, and how the Black Books acted as journals to explore Jung's own consciousness. She then discusses the fantasy Jung had about a 'madhouse', who Jung 'met' in the fantasy, and what Jung was trying to 'sort out' in all of this. This leads to a discussion about pathological madness and divine madness, what distinguishes the two, and how Jung perceived religious experience. Ninian also touches on Jung's struggle to balance his professional life and his spiritual/religious life, his emphasis on an "attitude of openness" and his ideas of how a person can have a "self-regulating consciousness."
Ninian's Adademia.edu page: Ninian L Nijhuis | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Selected Articles: (PDF) Carl G. Jung and His (Not So) Fantastical Madhouse | Ninian L Nijhuis - Academia.edu
(PDF) Psychological Healing as Religious Experience: In The Works of Carl Jung (1875-1961) | Ninian L Nijhuis - Academia.edu
(PDF) Western Sidereal Astrology: From Ancient Babylonia to the Modern West | Ninian L Nijhuis - Academia.edu
Instagram: NINIAN | Sidereal Astrologer (@niniannijhuis) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents website: HHP | History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
HHP YouTube Channel: History of Hermetic Philosophy Amsterdam - YouTube
HHP Instagram: Western Esotericism (@amsterdamhermetica) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
HHP Facebook: History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents | Facebook
Carl Jung's The Black Books: Amazon.com: The Black Books: 9780393088649: Jung, C. G., Shamdasani, Sonu, Liebscher, Martin, Peck, John: Books
-The Red Book: Amazon.com: The Red Book (Philemon): 8580001055930: C. G. Jung, Sonu Shamdasani, Mark Kyburz, John Peck, Sonu Shamdasani: Books
- Answer to Job: Answer to Job: (From Vol. 11 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung) (Jung Extracts, 27): Jung, C. G., Hull, R. F.C., Shamdasani, Sonu, Shamdasani, Sonu: 9780691150475: Amazon.com: Books
Thomas A Kempis, The Imitation of Christ: The Imitation of Christ: Thomas A. Kempis : Kempis, Thomas A.: Amazon.nl: Boeken
Frederich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for Everyone and Nobody : Nietzsche, Friedrich: Amazon.nl: Boeken
Theme Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, we move the conversation to discuss some points brought up in few academic articles, such as how rituals create a liminal space for connection with the invisible realm; the importance of exhibitions for providing spaces of encounter; the importance of religion or spirituality in the art space; what automatism is; and how art can respond to, or cope with, radical changes in the world.
Pádraic E. Moore -
Website: Padraic Moore
Academia.edu page: Pádraic E. Moore | UCD Ireland - Academia.edu
Article "A Mystic Milieu: Johannes Itten and Mazdaznan at Bauhaus Weimar": A Mystic Milieu - Articles – bauhaus imaginista (bauhaus-imaginista.org)
Twitter: Páḋraic E. Moore (@M0REM00REM0RE) / Twitter
Ewoud van Rijn -
Website: ewoud van rijn
Academia.edu page: Ewoud van Rijn | KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague - Academia.edu
Article "Playing with the Other in the Beyond": (PDF) Playing with the Other in the Beyond | Ewoud van Rijn - Academia.edu
Instagram: Ewoud van Rijn (@ewoudvanrijn) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Garage Rotterdam, The Netherlands; "The Great Invocation" Exhibition: Catalogue | The Great Invocation (garagerotterdam.nl)
Kurt Seligmann -
The Mirror of Magic (innertraditions.com)
Kurt Seligmann 1900-1962 : Leben und Werk. by Hauser, Stephan E.: Very Good Hardcover (1997) First edition. | Roe and Moore (abebooks.com)
Paintings of Kurt Seligmann (surrealism.website)
Essays by Grazina Subelyte in collected works -
"Kurt Seligmann, Surrealism, and the Occult" in- EBOOK: Surrealism Occultism And Politics Book PDF EPUB TUEBL MOBI (findfullebook.com)
"Spectrality and the Dance of Death in the Art of Kurt Seligmann" in - Black Mirror 2 – elsewhere – Fulgur Press
Info Grazina Subelyte: Grazina Subelyte - The Courtauld
Selected Articles and Books
"The Other Side" by Lars Bang Larsen: The Other Side by Lars Bang Larsen — fine print (fineprintmagazine.com)
"Coming Forth by Night: Contemporary Art and the Occult" by Dr. Marco Pasi: (PDF) Coming Forth by Night. Contemporary art and the occult | Marco Pasi - Academia.edu
Suzi Gablik -
The Reenchantment of Art: Gablik, Suzi: 9780500276891: Amazon.com: Books
Has Modernism Failed?: Suzi Gablik: 9780500284841: Amazon.com: Books
Artists Mentioned in the Podcast -
Redfern Barrett, AA Bronson and Angus Cameron - Witches: Hunted, Appropriated, Empowered, Queered [Second Edition] - Printed Matter
Les Complices - Witches: hunted, appropriated, empowered, queered
Linda Stupart
chiara fumai
Other Reference Material -
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (archive.org)
The Theosophical Enlightenment (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions): Godwin, Joscelyn: 9780791421529: Amazon.com: Books
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 1, Pádraic and Ewoud both talk about their backgrounds and their own interests in the esoteric/occult, and then we move on to talk more about the inspiration for 'The Great Invocation' (Garage Rotterdam), plus Ewoud's inspiration for his own installation there. We talk more about the Theosophical Society as a movement and how it relates to contemporary art; we talk about Kurt Seligmann and the surrealists' viewpoints on art, magic, and the potential of the human mind; and Ewoud discusses an experience he had in the search for a new form of art practice.
Pádraic E. Moore -
Website: Padraic Moore
Academia.edu page: Pádraic E. Moore | UCD Ireland - Academia.edu
Article "A Mystic Milieu: Johannes Itten and Mazdaznan at Bauhaus Weimar": A Mystic Milieu - Articles – bauhaus imaginista (bauhaus-imaginista.org)
Twitter: Páḋraic E. Moore (@M0REM00REM0RE) / Twitter
Ewoud van Rijn -
Website: ewoud van rijn
Academia.edu page: Ewoud van Rijn | KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague - Academia.edu
Article "Playing with the Other in the Beyond": (PDF) Playing with the Other in the Beyond | Ewoud van Rijn - Academia.edu
Instagram: Ewoud van Rijn (@ewoudvanrijn) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Garage Rotterdam, The Netherlands; "The Great Invocation" Exhibition: Catalogue | The Great Invocation (garagerotterdam.nl)
Kurt Seligmann -
The Mirror of Magic (innertraditions.com)
Kurt Seligmann 1900-1962 : Leben und Werk. by Hauser, Stephan E.: Very Good Hardcover (1997) First edition. | Roe and Moore (abebooks.com)
Paintings of Kurt Seligmann (surrealism.website)
Essays by Grazina Subelyte in collected works -
"Kurt Seligmann, Surrealism, and the Occult" in- EBOOK: Surrealism Occultism And Politics Book PDF EPUB TUEBL MOBI (findfullebook.com)
"Spectrality and the Dance of Death in the Art of Kurt Seligmann" in - Black Mirror 2 – elsewhere – Fulgur Press
Info Grazina Subelyte: Grazina Subelyte - The Courtauld
Selected Articles and Books
"The Other Side" by Lars Bang Larsen: The Other Side by Lars Bang Larsen — fine print (fineprintmagazine.com)
"Coming Forth by Night: Contemporary Art and the Occult" by Dr. Marco Pasi: (PDF) Coming Forth by Night. Contemporary art and the occult | Marco Pasi - Academia.edu
Suzi Gablik -
The Reenchantment of Art: Gablik, Suzi: 9780500276891: Amazon.com: Books
Has Modernism Failed?: Suzi Gablik: 9780500284841: Amazon.com: Books
Artists Mentioned in the Podcast -
Redfern Barrett, AA Bronson and Angus Cameron - Witches: Hunted, Appropriated, Empowered, Queered [Second Edition] - Printed Matter
Les Complices - Witches: hunted, appropriated, empowered, queered
Linda Stupart
chiara fumai
Other Reference Material -
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment (archive.org)
The Theosophical Enlightenment (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions): Godwin, Joscelyn: 9780791421529: Amazon.com: Books
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Interview Highlights:
As Elena discusses, 'real vampyres' are those who feel a physical need to consume energy, whether it be blood or 'psychic' energy. As her research takes an inclusive, sexuological perspective, Elena suggests that this might be a sexual orientation for some. Her research into fetish identity explores the possible connections between this identity and vampyrism, as her data indicates that fetish identity is not a mental pathology, not a choice, and is not necessarily paired with sexual activity. She further notes that some religious and/or spiritual practices can sometimes assist in forming a framework for a person's identity - providing in some cases a safe place to explore this identity. While this is a very complex topic with no easy answers, Elena stresses that 'sexual diversity awareness' can help educate others, create realistic representations regarding the diversity of identity, and help to foster a sense of inclusiveness.
Elena Sperner on Academia.edu: Elena Sperner | Linköping University - Academia.edu
MA Thesis: (PDF) Fetish Identity: A Collaborative Auto-phenomenographic Approach to Reframe Sexual Fetishism | Elena Sperner - Academia.edu
Instagram: Elena (@shatteringglassceiling) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Dr. John Edgar Browning on Academia.edu: John Edgar Browning | Savannah College of Art and Design - Academia.edu
Selected articles: "The real vampires of New Orleans and Buffalo: a research note towards comparative ethnography" | John Edgar Browning - Academia.edu
(PDF) "Looking Inside the Coffin: An Overview of Contemporary Human Vampirism and Its Relevance for Forensics Professionals" | John Edgar Browning and DJ Williams - Academia.edu
"What they do in the shadows: my encounters with the real vampires of New Orleans" | John Edgar Browning - Academia.edu
Merticus X is an active researcher and participant in the real vampire community since 1997. Academia. edu page: Merticus X - Academia.edu
Selected articles: (PDF) Demystifying Real Vampirism For The Rest Of Us | Merticus X - Academia.edu
(PDF) Definition Of Real Vampirism | Merticus X - Academia.edu
Dr. Joseph Laycock: Vampires Today: The Truth about Modern Vampirism (English Edition) eBook : Laycock, Joseph P.: Amazon.nl: Kindle Store
Real Vampires as an Identity Group: Analyzing Causes and Effects of an Introspective Survey by the Vampire Community on JSTOR
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Interview Highlights:
Richard begins by giving a short background and biography of Waite and the people who had a great influence on his life. We discuss Waite's famous tarot deck and the inspiration for it, noting that illustrator Pamela Coleman Smith is often omitted from being mentioned. Richard then talks in more detail about how Waite's 'outsider status' has led to his work being neglected, and how his notion of a 'secret tradition' is deserving of more study.
Email Richard Mason: [email protected]
Online Book List by Arthur Edward Waite: Arthur Edward Waite (Waite, Arthur Edward, 1857-1942) | The Online Books Page (upenn.edu)
The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry, Vol. 1&2: (PDF) A. E Waite - The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry | Athanassios Nick. Christopoulos - Academia.edu
The Pictoral Key to the Tarot: The Pictorial Key to the Tarot
Translations of Eliphas Levi's:
- Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual: Transcendental magic, its doctrine and ritual : Lévi, Eliphas, 1810-1875 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
- The History of Magic: The history of magic : including a clear and precise exposition of its procedure, its rites and its mysteries : Lévi, Eliphas, 1810-1875 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Robert Gilbert, A.E. Waite: A Magician of Many Parts (biography): Waite - A Magician of Many Parts.pdf (preterhuman.net)
Stewart Südekum (regarding tarot): Arthur Edward Waite | Stuart Südekum (wordpress.com)
In 1987, Adam McLean organized the 'Golden Dawn Conference,' wherein Roger Parisous presented about Waite, and puts forth some interesting alternate explanations about the Rider-Waite tarot. You can access his presentation here (located at Adam McClean's YouTube Channel): GD Conference 1987 Lecture 2 Roger Parisious - YouTube
The full conference is available on a playlist provided by Adam McLean, for those who are interested.
Website ESSWE (European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism): ESSWE | European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism - About
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
Part 2 Highlights:
My conversation with Jenny goes in a direction that I had not really anticipated, but was happy to let organically unfold. Jenny begins by talking about the contemporary pagan practices and traditional Irish views about Samhain or Halloween, but from there we talk rather in-depth about the complex relationship between the dead and 'the good people', otherwise known as fairies- whether they like humans or not - and how the ideas about 'the good people' are tied up in Irish culture (that has had a difficult past, especially due to Catholicism), and how new narratives are emerging due to contemporary pagan efforts.
Bio Dr. Jenny Butler (website and UCC page): About - Dr Jenny Butler
UCC Research Profiles: Jenny Butler, Study of Religions
Academia.edu page: Jenny Butler | University College Cork - Academia.edu
Selected works:
(PDF) Neo-Pagan Celebrations of Samhain | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) The Neo-Pagan Ritual Year and Historical Reinterpretations | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) The Neo-Pagan Ritual Year | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) Irish Neo-Paganism: Worldview and Identity | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
Other Reference Works:
The Banshee: The Irish Death Messenger by Patricia Lysaght: The Banshee: The Irish Death Messenger by Patricia Lysaght (goodreads.com)
The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles by Ronald Hutton: The pagan religions of the ancient British Isles : their nature and legacy : Hutton, Ronald : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise Woman Healer by Gearoid O'Crualaoich: The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise Woman Healer: Amazon.co.uk: Gearóid Ó Crualaoich: 9781859184127: Books
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Part One Highlights:
Jenny begins by explaining the meanings of the terms 'neo-pagan' and 'pagan,' and why she has stopped using the first term and opts instead for 'contemporary pagan.' We then delve into the topic of death and how death and the dead are viewed in Irish traditions, as well as in some contemporary pagan views. The conversation extends to the roles of women, and traditions such as keening, that are associated with Irish wakes; as well as female otherworldy characters such as the banshee, that are associated with the dead, the Otherworld, and the divine feminine.
Bio Dr. Jenny Butler (website and UCC page): About - Dr Jenny Butler
UCC Research Profiles: Jenny Butler, Study of Religions
Academia.edu page: Jenny Butler | University College Cork - Academia.edu
Selected works:
(PDF) Neo-Pagan Celebrations of Samhain | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) The Neo-Pagan Ritual Year and Historical Reinterpretations | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) The Neo-Pagan Ritual Year | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
(PDF) Irish Neo-Paganism: Worldview and Identity | Jenny Butler - Academia.edu
Other Reference Works:
The Banshee: The Irish Death Messenger by Patricia Lysaght: The Banshee: The Irish Death Messenger by Patricia Lysaght (goodreads.com)
The Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles by Ronald Hutton: The pagan religions of the ancient British Isles : their nature and legacy : Hutton, Ronald : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise Woman Healer by Gearoid O'Crualaoich: The Book of the Cailleach: Stories of the Wise Woman Healer: Amazon.co.uk: Gearóid Ó Crualaoich: 9781859184127: Books
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Rejected Religion Spotlight with Keith Ready, Chairman of the Boleskine House Foundation
Boleskine House: Heritage, History, and Esotericism
Keith starts our discussion by giving a short background and history of Boleskine House and the surrounding area. We then move to how the house is linked to the area of esotericism/occultism through one of its more famous (infamous?) owners, Aleister Crowley. Keith talks about why Crowley bought the house, and the changes that were made to the house in order to perform the arduous magical ritual to summon one's Holy Guardian Angel, known as the Abramelin Ritual. We then shift gears to discuss the events that led to the creation of the Foundation and the goals/aims of the Foundation, both locally and internationally. In closing, we discuss the various options available to those who are interested in contributing to the restoration of Boleskine House.
For questions about Journal submissions, etc., email: [email protected].
Boleskine House
(includes all links to social media pages)
Inzamelingsactie van Boleskine House Foundation SCIO : "Raise the Roof" of Boleskine House (gofundme.com)
Boleskine Journal Issue #4 | Boleskine House
Keith Readdy's book: One Truth and One Spirit (one-truth-one-spirit.com)
Boleskine House Foundation SCIO (boleskinehouse) - Profiel | Pinterest
Theme music: Stephanie Shea
The podcast episode for October will be delayed a bit, but look for a new audio-only version of Rejected Religion Spotlight (featured on YouTube)!
In Part 2, Mriganka discusses two important figures within the Indian Theosophical Society - Peary Chand Mittra and Mohini Chatterji - how they became 'on the radar' of Blavatsky and Olcott, their differing ideas and perspectives, and how escalating tensions led to a break between Mohini Chatterji and Blavatsky. Mriganka talks in particular about how Indian philosophies such as Advaita Vedanta influenced the Indian perspective and how Indian members approached Theosophy because of it.
Mriganka's academia.edu/ UvA page: (99+) Mriganka Mukhopadhyay | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Facebook: Mriganka Mukhopadhyay | Facebook
Mohini Chatterji's Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gîtâ; Or, The Lord's Lay: Chatterji, Mohini M.: Amazon.com: Books
Annie Besant's Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad-Gita (Text and Translation) (yogastudies.org)
Mohini Chatterji and Laura Holloway's Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History: ManFragmentsOfAForgottenHistory_MChatterjiLCHolloway.pdf (theosophy.world)
Michael Gomes The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement: DAWNING OF THE THEOSOPHICAL MO : Gomes, Michael: Amazon.nl: Boeken
Joscelyn Godwin The Theosophical Enlightenment: Amazon.com: The Theosophical Enlightenment (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions): 9780791421529: Godwin, Joscelyn: Books
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Note: The 'other music' featured in this video was created by myself, Stephanie Shea, specifically for my own work using the Launchpad: DJ with Novation App, from Ampify Music. Under Ampify Music's license agreement, it states that all 'sounds' provided in their soundpacks are royalty-free, and that I/the user "own the intellectual property rights in your recordings of your musical work or compositions which use any Sounds and/or Tools." Furthermore, other users of the same soundpack "acknowledge that other users may use the Sounds and/or Tools in their own musical compositions and you may not prevent other users from doing so." [see https://ampifymusic.com/soundpacks_legal/].
In Part 1, Mriganka gives an outline of the cultural, social, and religious history in Bengal, and the beginnings of the Theosophical Society in India - why Calcutta was so attractive to Helena Blavatsky and Henry Olcott, and who they were interested in as potential members. Mriganka also gives an explanation of particular terms that we use often in our conversation, such as the Brahmo Samaj sect and Ram Mohan Roy; the Bhadralok community; and the Bengal Renaissance - these are important to know about in order to understand the historical context of 19th c. India. Mriganka also discusses how the popularity of Mesmerism and Spiritualism in India formed the basis for the formation and propagation of the later Theosophical Society.
We also explore the sensitive concept of Aryanism as it related to the Indian people involved, and how this term was used and understood by the Westerners, and by the indiginous Indians of Calcutta. This leads to a broader discussion of the agency of the Indian Theosophical Society members, and who was speaking with more authenticity.
Mriganka's academia.edu/ UvA page: (99+) Mriganka Mukhopadhyay | University of Amsterdam - Academia.edu
Facebook: Mriganka Mukhopadhyay | Facebook
Mohini Chatterji's Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad Gîtâ; Or, The Lord's Lay: Chatterji, Mohini M.: Amazon.com: Books
Annie Besant's Bhagavad Gita: The Bhagavad-Gita (Text and Translation) (yogastudies.org)
Mohini Chatterji and Laura Holloway's Man: Fragments of a Forgotten History: ManFragmentsOfAForgottenHistory_MChatterjiLCHolloway.pdf (theosophy.world)
Michael Gomes The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement: DAWNING OF THE THEOSOPHICAL MO : Gomes, Michael: Amazon.nl: Boeken
Joscelyn Godwin The Theosophical Enlightenment: Amazon.com: The Theosophical Enlightenment (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions): 9780791421529: Godwin, Joscelyn: Books
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Note: The 'other music' featured in this video was created by myself, Stephanie Shea, specifically for my own work using the Launchpad: DJ with Novation App, from Ampify Music. Under Ampify Music's license agreement, it states that all 'sounds' provided in their soundpacks are royalty-free, and that I/the user "own the intellectual property rights in your recordings of your musical work or compositions which use any Sounds and/or Tools." Furthermore, other users of the same soundpack "acknowledge that other users may use the Sounds and/or Tools in their own musical compositions and you may not prevent other users from doing so." [see https://ampifymusic.com/soundpacks_legal/].
In Part 2, Stewart offers a rich and very detailed discussion of the aristocratic elite group of the Élus Coëns. He discusses their formation, their Gnostic (world-hating) beliefs, their rituals, why the group dispersed and how it morphed into what is now known as Martinism. Stewart also discusses the underlying nationalism that seems to accompany Masonic research and what can be done to combat this. In closing, Stewart talks a bit about how the grimoire was found, and why it took so long to be able to access it for translation purposes.
Stewart's new book, The Green Book of the Élus Coëns , offers an insight into a masonic society called The Order of Knight-Mason Elect-Cohens of the Universe, one of the most elite and esoteric groups within masonic societies. The book is an English translation of the grimoire that this group used. Please visit the Lewis Masonic website for more details:
Lewis Masonic - Esoteric > The Green Book of the Élus Coëns
Stewart Clelland's website: Stewart Clelland – Blog | Research Journal | (sjaclelland.com)
Facebook: Stewart Clelland | Facebook
Michael Barkun's book: A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkun - Paperback - University of California Press (ucpress.edu)
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Thumbnail art:
'Emblematic chart and Masonic History of Free and Accepted Masons / Ramsey, Millet, Hudson Steam. Lith. Co.' Library of Congress
'Mason and Mystic Symbols on Blue' by Vera Petruk
In Part 1, Stewart starts by talking about the diverse views of Freemasonry, and how influential Freemasonry has been to many other esoteric and occult societies. I also ask Stewart to give his opinions about why Freemasonry is a common target for conspiracy theorists, especially those found within UFO conspiracies.
Stewart's new book, The Green Book of the Élus Coëns , offers an insight into a masonic society called The Order of Knight-Mason Elect-Cohens of the Universe, one of the most elite and esoteric groups within masonic societies. The book is an English translation of the grimoire that this group used. Please visit the Lewis Masonic website for more details:
Lewis Masonic - Esoteric > The Green Book of the Élus Coëns
Stewart Clelland's website: Stewart Clelland – Blog | Research Journal | (sjaclelland.com)
Facebook page: Stewart Clelland | Facebook
Michael Barkun's book, A Culture of Conspiracy: A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkun - Paperback - University of California Press (ucpress.edu)
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
Thumbnail art:
'Emblematic chart and Masonic History of Free and Accepted Masons / Ramsey, Millet, Hudson Steam. Lith.' Co. Library of Congress
'Mason and Mystic Symbols on Blue' by Vera Petruk
In Part 2, we wrap up our discussion of Jonathon's book by talking about the ironic fact that sovereign power is rarely attainable, and how the demonized are required for the sovereign to remain in existence. We also look at other spiritual warfare narratives in order to compare and contrast the present discussion with earlier discourses. We start with the millennialist concept of the rapture and tribulation, moving to the satanic panic, and then shift to the contemporary phenomenon of QAnon.
Dr. O'Donnell's website, includes information about Passing Orders: Demonology and Sovereignty in American Spiritual Warfare S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD (drsjodonnell.com)
Twitter: S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD 😈🏳️🌈 (@demonologian) / Twitter
Sean McCloud, American Possessions: Fighting Demons in the Contemporary United States American Possessions - Sean McCloud - Oxford University Press (oup.com)
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan Leviathan (Penguin Classics): Hobbes, Thomas, Brooke, Christopher, Brooke, Christopher, Brooke, Christopher: 9780141395098: Amazon.com: Books
Megan Goodwin, Abusing Religion: Literary Persecution, Sex Scandals, and American Minority Religions Abusing Religion — MEGAN GOODWIN (megan-goodwin.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Thumbnail 'demon' image: Phoarto (pixabay free use)
In Part 1 of our discussion, Jonathon begins by talking about their approach in their book, and how this approach broadens the context of the discussion around demonology and spiritual warfare to include contemporary issues surrounding topics such as gender and sexuality, ethnicity, immigration, and heteronormativity. We then move the discussion to talk more in detail about the three demon-concepts that are most commonly used in spiritual warfare narratives - Jezebel, the Islamic Antichrist, and Leviathan.
Dr. O'Donnell's website, includes information about Passing Orders: Demonology and Sovereignty in American Spiritual Warfare S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD (drsjodonnell.com)
Twitter: S. Jonathon O'Donnell, PhD 😈🏳️🌈 (@demonologian) / Twitter
Sean McCloud, American Possessions: Fighting Demons in the Contemporary United States American Possessions - Sean McCloud - Oxford University Press (oup.com)
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan Leviathan (Penguin Classics): Hobbes, Thomas, Brooke, Christopher, Brooke, Christopher, Brooke, Christopher: 9780141395098: Amazon.com: Books
Megan Goodwin, Abusing Religion: Literary Persecution, Sex Scandals, and American Minority Religions Abusing Religion — MEGAN GOODWIN (megan-goodwin.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Thumbnail 'demon' image: Phoarto (pixabay free use)
In Part 2, we continue our discussion by looking at how the women were received and perceived within Thelema. Manon explains her term "proximal authority" and how this relates to Leah, Jane, and Marjorie. We then move to how the women were discussed in the media, their reception outside of the official organization, the legacy of each of the women, and their impact and influence on our culture.
The Thelemic Women's History Project: The Thelemic Women's History Project | Facebook
Dr. Manon Hedenborg White on Academia.edu (multiple articles): (99+) Manon Hedenborg White | Södertörn University - Academia.edu
The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism: Amazon.com: The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism) (9780190065027): Hedenborg White, Manon: Books
Women of Thelema: Selected Essays: Women of Thelema: Selected Essays – Zero Equals Two!
Leah Hirsig's Diaries to be published: Leah Hirsig’s Magical Diaries To Be Published – Zero Equals Two!
Lukas Vogel, Babalon: Babalon: Vogel, Lukas: Amazon.nl
Jane Wolfe - Red Flame: Jane Wolfe (Red Flame Thelemic Journal #10 & 11) ~ Dark Star Magick
Blog about Marjorie Cameron: Marjorie Cameron | American artist, poet, actress and occultist (vamzzz.com)
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: http://www (the-eye.eu)
Upcoming Zoom Lecture 17 JUNE: The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon - Dr.Manon Hedenborg White by Zoom | Facebook
Twitter: Manon Hedenborg White (@Dr_ScarletWoman) / Twitter
Instagram: Manon Hedenborg White (@dr_scarletwoman) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 1, Manon shares a bit of information about her project (funded by the Swedish Research Council), and what motivated her to start looking into the lives of three women within Thelema, and how the project has been going so far. She then gives an extensive biographical background of each of the women she's researching - Leah Hirsig, Jane Wolfe, and Marjorie Cameron - how they came to Thelema, and their fascinating roles within this group.
The Thelemic Women's History Project: The Thelemic Women's History Project | Facebook
Dr. Manon Hedenborg White on Academia.edu (multiple articles): (99+) Manon Hedenborg White | Södertörn University - Academia.edu
The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism: Amazon.com: The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon and the Construction of Femininities in Western Esotericism (Oxford Studies in Western Esotericism) (9780190065027): Hedenborg White, Manon: Books
Women of Thelema: Selected Essays: Women of Thelema: Selected Essays – Zero Equals Two!
Leah Hirsig's Diaries to be published: Leah Hirsig’s Magical Diaries To Be Published – Zero Equals Two!
Lukas Vogel, Babalon: Babalon: Vogel, Lukas: Amazon.nl
Jane Wolfe - Red Flame: Jane Wolfe (Red Flame Thelemic Journal #10 & 11) ~ Dark Star Magick
Blog about Marjorie Cameron: Marjorie Cameron | American artist, poet, actress and occultist (vamzzz.com)
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: http://www (the-eye.eu)
Upcoming Zoom Lecture 17 JUNE: The Eloquent Blood: The Goddess Babalon - Dr.Manon Hedenborg White by Zoom | Facebook
Twitter: Manon Hedenborg White (@Dr_ScarletWoman) / Twitter
Instagram: Manon Hedenborg White (@dr_scarletwoman) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Other music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, we move into modernity, where Rune discusses the impact of a radicalized Protestantism that has had a disruptive impact on animist traditions, and the negative psychological effects that a disconnection from the land can cause. We then move to a discussion of how we can experiment in different ways to re-traditionalize ourselves with this knowledge before delving into the more controversial issue of extremist groups appropriating animist symbology for racist and nationalistic agendas. In keeping with the modern theme, Rune offers a very interesting story of the troll Tyr and how he can help us relate to each other in better ways on the Internet. We close by talking a bit about Rune's various platforms, and his book about the Nordic Animist Year/ calendar that he created.
Nordic Animism (NA) Website: Home Page (nordicanimism.com)
NA YouTube Channel: Nordic Animism - YouTube
NA Facebook: Nordic Animism | Facebook
NA Instagram: Nordic Animism (@nordic.animism) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Graham Harvey Links: "Animism: Respecting the Living World" by Graham Harvey
Animism: Respecting the Living World: Harvey, Graham: 9780231137010: Amazon.com: Books
Irving Hallowell Links: Culture and Experience (Second Edition): A. Irving Hallowell: Amazon.com: Books
Bear ceremonialism in the northern hemisphere: Hallowell, A. Irving: Amazon.com: Books
Tyson Yunkaporta: Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World: Yunkaporta, Tyson: 9780062975645: Amazon.com: Books
The Nordic Animist Year THE NORDIC ANIMIST YEAR - Books and Calendars - NORDIC ANIMISM
Article "Ragnarok is Coming': RAGNAROK IS COMING! Nordic Scholars: Ancient Viking prophecy speaks to our time. (nordicanimism.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Cover art used with permission from www.nordicanimism.com
In Part 1, Rune and I talk about what animism is and how we can understand it, especially in relation to other religions such as Heathenry and (Neo)Paganism. We also discuss why this animist knowledge was rejected in the first place by looking back in history, and Rune explains important animist concepts, such as Ragnarok and Yggdrasil (the world tree), and how these concepts are extremely important to an animist understanding of our world.
Nordic Animism (NA) Website: Home Page (nordicanimism.com)
NA YouTube Channel: Nordic Animism - YouTube
NA Facebook: Nordic Animism | Facebook
NA Instagram: Nordic Animism (@nordic.animism) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
Graham Harvey Links: "Animism: Respecting the Living World" by Graham Harvey
Animism: Respecting the Living World: Harvey, Graham: 9780231137010: Amazon.com: Books
Irving Hallowell Links: Culture and Experience (Second Edition): A. Irving Hallowell: Amazon.com: Books
Bear ceremonialism in the northern hemisphere: Hallowell, A. Irving: Amazon.com: Books
Tyson Yunkaporta: Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World: Yunkaporta, Tyson: 9780062975645: Amazon.com: Books
The Nordic Animist Year THE NORDIC ANIMIST YEAR - Books and Calendars - NORDIC ANIMISM
Article "Ragnarok is Coming': RAGNAROK IS COMING! Nordic Scholars: Ancient Viking prophecy speaks to our time. (nordicanimism.com)
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Cover art used with permission from www.nordicanimism.com
In Part 2, we jump back in with a more controversial topic, that of John Lamb Lash, and how his interpretation of the concept of Gnosticism has become intertwined with the Mandela Effect. We explore whether or not conspiracy theories are dangerous to society, but also note their more playful quality as we re-visit the old pranksters, the Discordians. We then move on to the topic of memory, how memory affects history, how remembering something actually creates new experiences and can affect our future memories, and what the reward could possibly be for people who believe in the Mandela Effect. Aaron also shares some interesting content regarding a possible PRE-Mandela Effect, and we close with Aaron sharing some other information about his work as a writer and editor of fantasy fiction.
Aaron J. French, "The Mandela Effect and New Memory" (99+) (PDF) The Mandela Effect and New Memory | Aaron French - Academia.edu
Erik Davis, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies High Weirdness | The MIT Press
Micheal Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkun - Paperback - University of California Press (ucpress.edu)
Karen M. Douglas et al., "The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories" The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories (sagepub.com)
Jan-Willem van Prooijen & Mark van Vugt, "Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms" Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms (sagepub.com)
Matthew Dillon, "The Heretical Library: The Nag Hammadi in American Religion and Culture" The Heretical Revival: The Nag Hammadi Library in American Religion and Culture (rice.edu)
Trailer Steins;Gate Steins;Gate | Anime Trailer [HD] | 2011 - YouTube
Wiki fanpage Steins;Gate Steins;Gate Wiki | Fandom
Take the Mandela Effect Test HOME - Test Mandela Effect
Aaron J. French on Soundcloud Aaron J. French | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Aaron J. French Author Page Facebook Aaron J. French | Facebook
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 1, Aaron and I bring everyone up to speed on what the Mandela Effect (ME) is, where it comes from, and why it is an important area of research for the study of esotericism. We discuss examples of ME, found with book titles (Berenstein/Berenstain Bears), pop culture references (what did Darth Vader actually say to Luke Skywalker?), and how all of this affects our notions of reality and of our memory. We also talk about how Christian elements have come to interact with more esoteric concepts found within the cultic milieu.
Aaron J. French, "The Mandela Effect and New Memory" (99+) (PDF) The Mandela Effect and New Memory | Aaron French - Academia.edu
Erik Davis, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies High Weirdness | The MIT Press
Micheal Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America A Culture of Conspiracy by Michael Barkun - Paperback - University of California Press (ucpress.edu)
Karen M. Douglas et al., "The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories" The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories (sagepub.com)
Jan-Willem van Prooijen & Mark van Vugt, "Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms" Conspiracy Theories: Evolved Functions and Psychological Mechanisms (sagepub.com)
Matthew Dillon, "The Heretical Library: The Nag Hammadi in American Religion and Culture" The Heretical Revival: The Nag Hammadi Library in American Religion and Culture (rice.edu)
Trailer Steins;Gate Steins;Gate | Anime Trailer [HD] | 2011 - YouTube
Wiki fanpage Steins;Gate Steins;Gate Wiki | Fandom
Take the Mandela Effect Test HOME - Test Mandela Effect
Aaron J. French on Soundcloud Aaron J. French | Free Listening on SoundCloud
Aaron J. French Author Page Facebook Aaron J. French | Facebook
Theme Music: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Thumbnail image credit: www.gaia.com
In Part 2, Christian discusses the influential Discordian trilogy of books called "Illuminatus!" and we make a little sidestep into discussion about how 'Bill and Ted' may or may not fit into the picture as we move throughout the 80s and 90s. We also talk about Discordianism's links to science fiction and fanzines, and Christian starts interviewing me at a certain point due to the topic of Furries that comes up in our conversation. We then discuss how Discordianism became a type of cyberculture and how hacking relates to it. Christian shares his ideas about the scholarly side of researching this group, and why 'being in conversation in a spirit of generosity' is important for researchers.
Academia.edu website Christian Greer: (99+) J. Christian Greer | Harvard Divinity School - Academia.edu
Carole Cusack, Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith: Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith: Cusack, Carole M: Amazon.nl
Erik Davis, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies: High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies (The MIT Press): Davis, Erik: 9781907222870: Amazon.com: Books
Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America: A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America (Volume 15) (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society): Barkun, Michael: 9780520276826: Amazon.com: Books
David Chidester, Authentic Fakes: Religion and American Popular Culture: Amazon.com: Authentic Fakes: Religion and American Popular Culture (9780520242807): Chidester, David: Books
Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture: Huizinga, Johan: 9781621389996: Amazon.com: Books
Mikhail Baktin, Rabelais and His World : Rabelais and His World: Bakhtin, Mikhail: Amazon.nl
Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception: The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell: Huxley, Aldous: Amazon.com: Books
Adam Gorightly, Historia Discordia: Historia Discordia: the origins of the discordian society: Gorightly, Adam: Amazon.nl
Historia Disordia website: Historia Discordia – Documenting the Origins, History, and Chaos of the Discordian Society
Principia Discordia (online source): Principia Discordia | the book of Chaos, Discord and Confusion | Fnord!
Gnosis Magazine (online): Gnosis Magazine
Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus Trilogy: The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan: Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440539810: Amazon.com: Books
Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: The Electric Kool - Aid Acid Test: Tom Wolfe: 9780552993661: Amazon.com: Books
Adam Curtis article: Adam Curtis Explains It All | The New Yorker
Adam Curtis, "Can't Get You Out of My Head" - YouTube: Can't Get You Out of My Head (2021) - YouTube
Dr. Christian Greer's Instagram Page: JCG (@angelheadedhipstersarchive) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
'Visions of the Occult' Summer School Online Course Information: Summer course: Visions of the Occult - Introduction to Western Esotericism - History of Hermetic Philosophy (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Podcast Theme: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 1, Christian will go into the history of the concept of laughter found in American religion/spirituality, as well as talking about the term 'psychedelicism' and the ways that psychedelics were viewed with regard to spiritual growth. We then get into the Discordians, their history, their ideas about chaos and hoaxes, and how Lee Harvey Oswald fits into the picture.
Academia.edu website Christian Greer: (99+) J. Christian Greer | Harvard Divinity School - Academia.edu
Carole Cusack, Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith: Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith: Cusack, Carole M: Amazon.nl
Erik Davis, High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies: High Weirdness: Drugs, Esoterica, and Visionary Experience in the Seventies (The MIT Press): Davis, Erik: 9781907222870: Amazon.com: Books
Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America: A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America (Volume 15) (Comparative Studies in Religion and Society): Barkun, Michael: 9780520276826: Amazon.com: Books
David Chidester, Authentic Fakes: Religion and American Popular Culture: Amazon.com: Authentic Fakes: Religion and American Popular Culture (9780520242807): Chidester, David: Books
Johan Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play Element in Culture Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-Element in Culture: Huizinga, Johan: 9781621389996: Amazon.com: Books
Mikhail Baktin, Rabelais and His World : Rabelais and His World: Bakhtin, Mikhail: Amazon.nl
Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception: The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell: Huxley, Aldous: Amazon.com: Books
Adam Gorightly, Historia Discordia: Historia Discordia: the origins of the discordian society: Gorightly, Adam: Amazon.nl
Historia Disordia website: Historia Discordia – Documenting the Origins, History, and Chaos of the Discordian Society
Principia Discordia (online source): Principia Discordia | the book of Chaos, Discord and Confusion | Fnord!
Gnosis Magazine (online): Gnosis Magazine
Robert Shea & Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus Trilogy: The Illuminatus! Trilogy: The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, Leviathan: Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson: 9780440539810: Amazon.com: Books
Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test: The Electric Kool - Aid Acid Test: Tom Wolfe: 9780552993661: Amazon.com: Books
Adam Curtis article: Adam Curtis Explains It All | The New Yorker
Adam Curtis, "Can't Get You Out of My Head" - YouTube: Can't Get You Out of My Head (2021) - YouTube
Dr. Christian Greer's Instagram Page: JCG (@angelheadedhipstersarchive) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
'Visions of the Occult' Summer School Online Course Information: Summer course: Visions of the Occult - Introduction to Western Esotericism - History of Hermetic Philosophy (amsterdamhermetica.nl)
Podcast Theme: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In Part 2, we jump right back into the 'dangerous' and terryifying aspects of contemplating 'the Other,' and this leads to discussing gateways that allow entitites to come through (does this account for accounts of high strangeness)? Thomas notes how Crowley's writings seem to contradict the notion that there is an 'Other,' as there is no duality in Crowley's thought. This leads into a brief discussion about the entities that one may encounter in anomalous events (for example, tulpas)- are these subjective or objective? The latter part of the conversation centers on scholarly approaches to all of this, our appreciation for Hellier as a powerful occultural product, and whether or not scholars could perhaps lend any insights to reseachers as they conduct their own fieldwork.
Rudolph Otto and The Numinous: (99+) (PDF) Rudolf Otto and the Concept of the Numinous | Stuart Ray Sarbacker - Academia.edu
Henri Corbin and the Mundus Imaginalis: MUNDUS IMAGINALIS OR THE IMAGINARY AND THE IMAGINAL (bahaistudies.net)
Bergson-Deleuze Encounters: Bergson-Deleuze Encounters: Transcendental Experience and the Thought of the Virtual: Moulard-Leonard, Valentine: Amazon.nl
Kenneth Grant and the Mauve Zone: Beyond the Mauve Zone: Grant, Kenneth: 9780952782452: Amazon.com: Books
Jeff Kripal & Whitley Strieber's The Super Natural: The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained: Strieber, Whitley, Kripal, Jeffrey J.: 9781101982327: Amazon.com: Books
Allen Greenfield & The Secret Cipher: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: 9781718645356: Amazon.com: Books
Regarding Tulpas: [PDF] Tracking the Tulpa | Semantic Scholar
(99+) (PDF) On Tulpas - An Analysis of Imagined Others | Arthur Juliani - Academia.edu
Rick Strassman & DMT: Rick Strassman MD – DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Robert Cabrales & ‘Occultural Accelerationism’:(99+) (PDF) Aesthetaphysicks and the Anti-Dialectical Hyperoccultation of Disenchanted Representation: Hyperstitional Esoterrorism as Occultural Accelerationism | Robert Elio Cabrales - Academia.edu
Hellier Documentary: Hellier: A Planet Weird Original Series
Penny Royal Podcast: Penny Royal Podcast – A New Podcast of Magic, Mystery and High Strangeness On The Penny Royal Plateau.
Episode Art: Stefan Keller
Podcast Theme: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
Part 1 of our roundtable discussion starts out with trying to tackle some major philosophical questions, such as the nature of "the Other", and how we can view reality. We then delve into the Star Sapphire or Blue Star Ritual that was brought up in the Hellier documentary - what it is, why would it be important for the team, what it's possible purpose may be, etc., and end this first part with a discussion about chaos magick and why this may be interesting area of exploration for the Hellier team.
Rudolph Otto and The Numinous: (99+) (PDF) Rudolf Otto and the Concept of the Numinous | Stuart Ray Sarbacker - Academia.edu
Henri Corbin and the Mundus Imaginalis: MUNDUS IMAGINALIS OR THE IMAGINARY AND THE IMAGINAL (bahaistudies.net)
Bergson-Deleuze Encounters: Bergson-Deleuze Encounters: Transcendental Experience and the Thought of the Virtual: Moulard-Leonard, Valentine: Amazon.nl
Kenneth Grant and the Mauve Zone: Beyond the Mauve Zone: Grant, Kenneth: 9780952782452: Amazon.com: Books
Jeff Kripal & Whitley Strieber's The Super Natural: The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained: Strieber, Whitley, Kripal, Jeffrey J.: 9781101982327: Amazon.com: Books
Allen Greenfield & The Secret Cipher: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: 9781718645356: Amazon.com: Books
Regarding Tulpas: [PDF] Tracking the Tulpa | Semantic Scholar
(99+) (PDF) On Tulpas - An Analysis of Imagined Others | Arthur Juliani - Academia.edu
Rick Strassman & DMT: Rick Strassman MD – DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Robert Cabrales & ‘Occultural Accelerationism’:(99+) (PDF) Aesthetaphysicks and the Anti-Dialectical Hyperoccultation of Disenchanted Representation: Hyperstitional Esoterrorism as Occultural Accelerationism | Robert Elio Cabrales - Academia.edu
Hellier Documentary: Hellier: A Planet Weird Original Series
Penny Royal Podcast: Penny Royal Podcast – A New Podcast of Magic, Mystery and High Strangeness On The Penny Royal Plateau.
Episode Art: Stefan Keller
Podcast Theme: Daniel P. Shea
Other Music: Stephanie Shea
In preparation for next month's mini-roundtable discussion about' Hellier' and everything 'high strangeness', this episode will attempt to lay a foundation about the documentary 'Hellier,' the podcast 'Penny Royal,' and 'everything else' that seems to be connected to these phenomena - Secret Ciphers, magick rituals and gateways, the Mothman incident, Twin Peaks, and more.
'Hellier' Season 1: Hellier Season 1: Episode 1 | The Midnight Children - YouTube
'Hellier' Season 2: Hellier Season 2: Episode 1 | Noise and Signal - YouTube
'Penny Royal' Podcast: Penny Royal Podcast – A New Podcast of Magic, Mystery and High Strangeness On The Penny Royal Plateau.
The Secret History of Twin Peaks by Mark Frost: Amazon.com: The Secret History of Twin Peaks: A Novel (9781250075581): Frost, Mark: Books
Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier by Mark Frost: Amazon.com: Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier (9781250163301): Frost, Mark: Books
The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel: Amazon.com: The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story (9780765334985): Keel, John A.: Books
The Complete Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts by Allen Greenfield: The Complete SECRET CIPHER Of the UfOnauts: Greenfield, Allen H., Phillips, Olav: 9781718645356: Amazon.com: Books
The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained by Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey J. Kripal: The Super Natural: A New Vision of the Unexplained: Strieber, Whitley, Kripal, Jeffrey J.: 9781101982327: Amazon.com: Books
The Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier: The Morning of the Magicians: Secret Societies, Conspiracies, and Vanished Civilizations: Pauwels, Louis, Bergier, Jacques: 9781594772313: Amazon.com: Books
Cover image: Hellier: A Planet Weird Original Series
Theme music: Daniel P. Shea
Additional music: Stephanie Shea
In this Bonus Episode, Pat and I deep-dive into the workings of the Celtic Wheel, that Pat refers to as "a companion on the pilgrimage of life." This discussion is not so much about rituals, but more about the spiritual concepts that Pat has gleaned from her experiences with Celtic Spirituality. Our informal exchange focuses on each season, and the special gifts that each month brings.
Website Mara Freeman: Chalice Centre | Celtic & Western Magical Traditions
The Celtic Sacred Year: Celtic Sacred Year (chalicecentre.net)
Website John O'Donohue: Works (johnodonohue.com)
This month's special episode concerning inner, personal experiences in Celtic Spirituality is an interview with my aunt, Dr. Patricia Shea. She is Professor Emeritus of Education, and holds an MA in Religious Studies. Currently, she is a life coach, faciliator, and spiritual director. Patricia was also a Catholic nun in the Order of the School Sisters of Notre Dame for many years. At this stage of her life, however, she considers herself a Celtic Crone. What Patricia will be sharing in this interview is an integration of what she has learned from others within the area of Celtic Spirituality, combined with her own personal perspectives based upon her life experiences. This is not an academic discussion, but more a space for Patricia to share her own insights about her spiritual path, including her views about religion, and mysticism as well. We discuss what Celtic Spirituality is, the Celtic Wheel and how this is attuned to the Earth, the Winter Solstice, and even some opportunities a worldwide pandemic can offer to help us all explore deeper questions about life. Wishing you all a Happy Solstice!
Cahill, Thomas. How the Irish Saved Civilization. 1995
Conway, D.J. & Lisa Hung. A Guide to the Celtic Dragon Tarot. 2011
Freedman, Mara. Kindling the Celtic Spirit, Ancient Traditions to Illumine Your Life throughout the Seasons. 2001. Kindling the Celtic Spirit: Ancient Traditions to Illumine Your Life Through the Seasons: Freeman, Mara: 9780062516855: Amazon.com: Books
~Grail Alchemy, Initiation in the Celtic Mystery Tradition. 2014
Greer, John Michael. The Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth. 2006 The Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth: Greer, John Michael, Carr-Gomm, Philip: 9781578633548: Amazon.com: Books
Hamilton, Claire. The Celtic Book of Seasonal Mediations. 2003
~Maiden, Mother, Crone; Voices of the Goddess. 2005
MacEown, Frank. The Celtic Way of Seeing: Mediations on the Irish Spirit Wheel. 2007
~The Spiral of Memory and Belonging, A Celtic Path of Soul and Kinship. 2004
Matthews, Caitlin. The Celtic Tradition. 1995 The Way of - The Celtic Tradition: Matthews, Caitlin: 9780007154333: Amazon.com: Books
~The Celtic Spirit, Daily Meditations for the Turning Year. 1999
~The Celtic Wisdom Tarot. 1999
~Celtic Visions. 2013
~Psychic Shield, The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection. 2006
~Singing the Soul Back Home, Shamanic Wisdom for Every Day. 2018
Matthews, John. The Sidhe: Wisdom from the Celtic Otherworld. 2004.
~Celtic Totem Animals: Meet your animal helpers on your own shamanic journey. 2002
Matthews, John and Caitlin Matthews. Walkers Between the Worlds, 2003. Walkers Between the Worlds: The Western Mysteries from Shaman to Magus: Matthews, Caitlín, Matthews, John: 9780892810918: Amazon.com: Books
Momma White Cougar. The Sacred Wheel. Published by publishmybookonkindle.com
Monaghan, Patricia. The Goddess Path. 1999
Newell, Phillip. Listening to the Heartbeat of God.: A Celtic Spirituality. 1997
~A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth, and the Human Soul . 2012 A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth, and the Human Soul: Newell, J. Philip: 8589901111111: Amazon.com: Books
~Celtic Prayers from Iona. 1997
~Celtic Benediction: Morning and Night Prayer. 2000
O’Donohue, John. Anam Cara, Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World. 1997 Anam Cara: A Book Of Celtic Wisdom: John O'Donohue: 9780060929435: Amazon.com: Books
~Beauty, the Invisible Embrace. 2004
~Eternal Echoes, Exploring Our Yearning to Belong. 1999
~To Bless the Space Between Us, A Book of Blessings. 2008
~Wisdom from the Celtic World. 9 CD’s from Sounds True
Taylor, Joules. The Book of Celtic Symbols, Symbols, Stories & Blessings for Everyday Living. 2007 The Book of Celtic Symbols: Symbols, stories, and blessings for everyday living: Taylor, Joules: 9781782498247: Amazon.com: Books
~Celtic Messages, Book and 52 cards for affirmation and divination. 2007
In Part 2, Marco and I switch gears and talk about why Satan plays such a large role in heavy metal music by using Dr. Kennet Granholm's essay, "Why all that Satanist stuff in heavy metal?" We then shift the discussion to why some people think that occultism leads to fascist and Nazi ideologies with the help of Dr. Julian Strube's essay, "Doesn't occultism lead straight to fascism?" Lastly, we talk about Marco's own essay, "But what does esotericism have to do with sex?" that discusses how sex is actually a very important aspect for some esoteric practitioners.
Dr. Kennet Granholm's Academia.edu page: https://independent.academia.edu/KennetGranholm
Wiki page about backmasking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backmasking
Judas Priest articles: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/judas-priests-subliminal-message-trial-rob-halford-looks-back-57552/
Led Zeppelin articles/information: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-lists/the-10-wildest-led-zeppelin-legends-fact-checked-153103/if-you-play-stairway-to-heaven-in-reverse-you-hear-satanic-messages-154807/
Dr. Julian Strube's Academia.edu page: https://uni-hamburg.academia.edu/JulianStrube
Dr. Julian Strube, "Nazism and the Occult", in The Occult World: https://www.academia.edu/20054488/Nazism_and_the_Occult
Dr. Nicolas Goodrick-Clarke, The Occult Roots of Nazism: Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology: https://www.amazon.com/Occult-Roots-Nazism-Influence-Ideology/dp/0814730604
Dr. Marco Pasi's Academia.edu page: https://uva.academia.edu/MarcoPasi
Dr. Marco Pasi, "The Modernity of Occultism: Reflections on Some Crucial Aspects" (in Hermes in the Academy): https://www.academia.edu/470659/The_Modernity_of_Occultism_Reflections_on_Some_Crucial_Aspects
Dr. Hugh Urban, " Magia Sexualis": https://www.academia.edu/8979724/Magia_Sexualis
Wiki page about Morning of the Magicians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morning_of_the_Magicians
Hermes Explains book: https://www.amazon.com/Hermes-Explains-Questions-Western-Esotericism/dp/9463720200/ref=sr_1_13?dchild=1&keywords=marco+pasi&qid=1593693803&sr=8-13
Dr. Marco Pasi and I discuss the book, Hermes Explains: Thirty Questions About Western Esotericism. This episode is a mini-history lesson that covers several different subjects. Marco begins by giving some background about Hermes, why esotericism is confusing to try to explain to people, and also why it's an important area of study. We then go on to talk about one of the essays by Dr. Henrik Bodgan, titled "Is it true that secret societies are trying to control the world?" that discusses secret societies, and the Illuminati, in particular.
Website HHP Centre: https://www.amsterdamhermetica.nl/
Website ESSWE: https://www.esswe.org/
The Corpus Hermeticum: https://hermetic.com/texts/hermetica/index
Hermes in the Academy (pdf): https://www.academia.edu/43196454/Hermes_in_the_Academy
Zanoni by Edward Bulwer Lytton: http://www.moup.org/Files/Edward_Bulwer_Lytton-Zanoni.pdf
Wiki page about Abbot Barruel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustin_Barruel
Wiki page about Adam Weishaupt/ Bavarian Illuminati: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Weishaupt
Wiki page about the Dreyfus Affair: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair
Marco Pasi on Academia.edu: https://uva.academia.edu/MarcoPasi
Henrik Bodgan on Academia.edu: https://gu-se.academia.edu/HenrikBogdan/Papers
We start the episode with a short re-cap of the important concepts from Part 1. In this second part, Robert and I discuss how feedback loops work with the help of the film, The Sixth Sense. We also talk more about the difference between virtual reality and actual reality with the discussion of the concepts of re-enchantment and dis-enchantment. We also discuss how and why the Pepe the Frog meme was used by chaos magicians and others to attempt to influence the 2016 US election. Robert brings up the topic of Bob Lazar (to my pleasant surprise), and conspiracy theories are discussed in relation to hyperstition.
Lemurian Time War http://www.ccru.net/archive/burroughs.htm?LMCL=Mce24a&LMCL=q2_Nlu&LMCL=mttdXf&LMCL=ntDctj&LMCL=pVW4ZS&LMCL=c1yUJ5&LMCL=dFDG23&LMCL=wdLYre
The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar http://www.williamflew.com/omni103a.html
CCRU Archive Material http://ccru.net/archive.htm
Robert Cabrales's "The Hyperstitional Philosophy of Time-Travel Cybernetics: Theosophy, the CCRU, and Black-Box Poiesis" https://www.academia.edu/40394659/The_Hyperstitional_Philosophy_of_Time_Travel_Cybernetics_Theosophy_the_CCRU_and_Black_Box_Poiesis
Articles about Chaos Magic by Colin Duggan [see first two papers on the list] https://ucc-ie.academia.edu/ColinDuggan
Mutants and Mystics : Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal by Jeffrey J. Kripal https://www.amazon.com/Mutants-Mystics-Science-Superhero-Paranormal/dp/022627148X
"The Magical Theory of Politics: Memes, Magic, and the Enchantment of Social Forces in the American Magic War" by Egil Asprem https://online.ucpress.edu/nr/article/23/4/15/107331/The-Magical-Theory-of-PoliticsMemes-Magic-and-the
"Accelerationism, Hyperstition and Myth-Science" by Simon O' Sullivan https://www.academia.edu/19888801/Accelerationism_Hyperstition_and_Myth_Science
Thee Psychick Bible: A New Testament by Genesis P-Orridge https://www.amazon.com/Thee-Psychick-Bible-Testameant-Book/dp/1932595392
"The Poememenon: Form as Occult Technology" by Amy Ireland https://www.urbanomic.com/document/poememenon/
"Charles Fort" by Jeffrey J. Kripal in The Occult World, edited by Christopher Partridge https://www.amazon.com/Occult-World-Christopher-Partridge/dp/1138219258
In Part 1, Robert discusses the origins of Hyperstition, and our old friend William Burroughs from Episode 3 joins us again, as Burroughs's ideas about Time and Control play an important role in this story. And, as with Burroughs, the use of magick to try to change reality is also important here, especially with regard to semiotics. Theosophy's theory about root races, Aleister Crowley, and Lovecraft also get a mention.
Lemurian Time War http://www.ccru.net/archive/burroughs.htm?LMCL=Mce24a&LMCL=q2_Nlu&LMCL=mttdXf&LMCL=ntDctj&LMCL=pVW4ZS&LMCL=c1yUJ5&LMCL=dFDG23&LMCL=wdLYre
The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar http://www.williamflew.com/omni103a.html
CCRU Archive Material http://ccru.net/archive.htm
Robert Cabrales's "The Hyperstitional Philosophy of Time-Travel Cybernetics: Theosophy, the CCRU, and Black-Box Poiesis" https://www.academia.edu/40394659/The_Hyperstitional_Philosophy_of_Time_Travel_Cybernetics_Theosophy_the_CCRU_and_Black_Box_Poiesis
Articles about Chaos Magic by Colin Duggan [see first two papers on the list] https://ucc-ie.academia.edu/ColinDuggan
Mutants and Mystics : Science Fiction, Superhero Comics, and the Paranormal by Jeffrey J. Kripal https://www.amazon.com/Mutants-Mystics-Science-Superhero-Paranormal/dp/022627148X
"The Magical Theory of Politics: Memes, Magic, and the Enchantment of Social Forces in the American Magic War" by Egil Asprem https://online.ucpress.edu/nr/article/23/4/15/107331/The-Magical-Theory-of-PoliticsMemes-Magic-and-the
"Accelerationism, Hyperstition and Myth-Science" by Simon O' Sullivan https://www.academia.edu/19888801/Accelerationism_Hyperstition_and_Myth_Science
Thee Psychick Bible: A New Testament by Genesis P-Orridge https://www.amazon.com/Thee-Psychick-Bible-Testameant-Book/dp/1932595392
"The Poememenon: Form as Occult Technology" by Amy Ireland https://www.urbanomic.com/document/poememenon/
"Charles Fort" by Jeffrey J. Kripal in The Occult World, edited by Christopher Partridge https://www.amazon.com/Occult-World-Christopher-Partridge/dp/1138219258
Part 2 of Tommy's interview continues with an in-depth look at the cut-up method, and why it's relevant to Burroughs's beliefs about the archons (and what these beings are). We also discuss Gnosticism and the links to Burroughs's ideas, how he viewed magic(k) and why Tommy personally finds Burroughs so interesting.
Episode Notes:
Tommy P. Cowan's academia.edu page: https://amsterdam.academia.edu/TommyPCowan/
Correspondences Journal: https://correspondencesjournal.com/
The Exterminator : https://www.sea-urchin.net/books/moloko-print/william-burroughs-brion-gysin-the-exterminator-redux/
The Yage Letters + Junky ( & other works): https://all-med.net/pdf/the-yage-letters/
And The Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, with Jack Kerouac (& other works): https://newbooksinpolitics.com/political/and-the-hippos-were-boiled-in-their-tanks/
The Soft Machine: http://miltonthed.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/1/6/14162844/burroughs_william_seward-the_soft_machine.pdf
Naked Lunch: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7437.Naked_Lunch
Other authors/ persons of interest mentioned in this episode:
Brion Gysin, The Dreamachine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamachine
Jeffrey Kripal, author of The Super Natural : https://www.amazon.com/Super-Natural-New-Vision-Unexplained/dp/1101982322
Barry Miles, author of Call Me Burroughs: A Life: https://www.amazon.nl/Call-Me-Burroughs-Barry-Miles/dp/1455511935
Ted Morgan, author of Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23949.Literary_Outlaw
Robert A. Heinlein, sci-fi author: https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/robert-heinlein/
Terrance & Dennis McKenna: https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Landscape-Mind-Hallucinogens-Ching/dp/0062506358
Kill Your Darlings (film): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1311071/
Naked Lunch (film): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102511/
Episode art credit: photo by Richard Avedon
In Part 1, Tommy will be delving into Burroughs's background in order to explain how Burroughs's experiences influenced his worldview and his writing. We also discuss some important research findings of Tommy's concerning the Mayan 2012 prophecy and the link to Burroughs, the importance of the alien insect overlords found in Burroughs's writings, and expand further on Burroughs's interest in the occult, including why most literary critics ignore this aspect of Burroughs entirely.
Episode Notes:
Tommy P. Cowan's academia.edu page: https://amsterdam.academia.edu/TommyPCowan/
Correspondences Journal: https://correspondencesjournal.com/
The Exterminator : https://www.sea-urchin.net/books/moloko-print/william-burroughs-brion-gysin-the-exterminator-redux/
The Yage Letters + Junky ( & other works): https://all-med.net/pdf/the-yage-letters/
And The Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks, with Jack Kerouac (& other works): https://newbooksinpolitics.com/political/and-the-hippos-were-boiled-in-their-tanks/
The Soft Machine: http://miltonthed.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/1/6/14162844/burroughs_william_seward-the_soft_machine.pdf
Naked Lunch: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7437.Naked_Lunch
Other authors/ persons of interest mentioned in this episode:
Brion Gysin, The Dreamachine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreamachine
Jeffrey Kripal, author of The Super Natural : https://www.amazon.com/Super-Natural-New-Vision-Unexplained/dp/1101982322
Barry Miles, author of Call Me Burroughs: A Life: https://www.amazon.nl/Call-Me-Burroughs-Barry-Miles/dp/1455511935
Ted Morgan, author of Literary Outlaw: The Life and Times of William S. Burroughs: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23949.Literary_Outlaw
Robert A. Heinlein, sci-fi author: https://www.fantasticfiction.com/h/robert-heinlein/
Terrance & Dennis McKenna: https://www.amazon.com/Invisible-Landscape-Mind-Hallucinogens-Ching/dp/0062506358
Kill Your Darlings (film): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1311071/
Naked Lunch (film): https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102511/
Episode art credit: photo by Richard Avedon
In Part 2, we discuss in depth Thomas's own interesting findings regarding an important concept and stage of development in Crowley's system called 'the crossing of the Abyss.' We also talk about the various misunderstandings about Crowley, how he has influenced popular culture, and also why Thomas finds Crowley so appealing.
Sources mentioned in the podcast by Aleister Crowley:
The Book of the Law - http://lib.oto-usa.org/libri/liber0220.html
Magick (Book 4) - https://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/index
Magick Without Tears - https://hermetic.com/crowley/magick-without-tears/index
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley - https://hermetic.com/crowley/confessions/index
The Equinox - http://www.the-equinox.org/
In Part 1, Thomas and I will be discussing Crowley's background, his start in the magical group known as The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the concept of intiation, and Crowley's own magical system called Thelema.
Sources mentioned in the podcast by Aleister Crowley:
The Book of the Law - http://lib.oto-usa.org/libri/liber0220.html
Magick (Book 4) - https://hermetic.com/crowley/book-4/index
Magick Without Tears - https://hermetic.com/crowley/magick-without-tears/index
The Confessions of Aleister Crowley - https://hermetic.com/crowley/confessions/index
The Equinox - http://www.the-equinox.org/
This episode discusses what I mean by 'rejected', plus some important terms and concepts that will act as a foundation for the interviews to come.
Reference material used in this episode:
Wouter Hanegraaff, Western Estotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed
Olav Hammer's chapter, "Esotericism in New Religious Movements," found in The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements
Christopher Partridge's "Introduction," found in The Occult World
Two more books that might be of interest are -
Contemporary Esotericism, edited by Egil Asprem and Kennet Granholm
New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought, by Wouter Hanegraaff (with special attention on Chapter One about "Channeling" and Chapter Seven about "Meta-Empirical and Human Beings"
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.