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Near Death Experiences – NDE’s.
Find answers to mankind’s biggest question, ”What Happens After We Die?”
Round Trip Death podcast features discussions with people who have actually died, visited the other side, and returned to talk about it. What did they see? What did they experience and learn? How can these insights affect your life moving forward?
NDE – Near Death Experiences.
The podcast Round Trip Death Podcast is created by Near Death Experiences. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Father Nigel Mumford has had 2 most unusual and profound NDEs! The first happened while serving in the Royal Marines as a Green Beret. During a scuba diving outing he was saved from drowning, but not before seeing a tunnel, traveling, then seeing a slideshow of his life.
In addition to a life review during his near death experience, Nigel saw many other 'good' things, nothing bad. He felt no guilt.
Nigel's second NDE happened years later when he contracted swine flu or H1N1 virus. He fell deathly ill, couldn't breath, spent 3 weeks in a coma and 3 months in the ICU. While unconscious, he had a near death experience in which he literally felt his spirit leave his body and go out through the ceiling of the hospital. He saw a blade of grass, granite steps, 3 white tulips, mansions, and even his house which was made of glass.
Ultimately, he saw Jesus on the cross.
This NDE episode dives into spiritual insights and asks a barrage of questions.
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Steve shares his NDE publicly for the first time.
Steve Childs is a former U.S. Marine. In 2009 he suffered a series of heart attacks which led to triple bypass surgery. During surgery he actually woke up while the surgeon was holding his heart in his hands. What a way to start a near death experience!
During his NDE, Steve experienced being carried or flown through the universe. He saw stars and planets whiz by. "WOW," he said!
But the most impressive part of his NDE was feeling the "incredible, unbelievable love" that enveloped him. He now knows without a doubt that something beautiful happens when we die.
Steve learned many thing, including that there is a God and that you get to Him through love.
During this episode Steve explains all of the things learned during his near death experience and how they changed his life. He is a new, better human being now.
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Ash Perrow suffered a severe back injury as the result of a surfing accident. During surgery, a vein tore and later that night he had internal bleeding that eventually led to his near death experience (NDE).
Ash takes us on a remarkable journey of life, death, and the realization of consciousness beyond the physical body. From moments of immense physical suffering to an out-of-body experience where he became ripples of infinite awareness, Ash’s story is one of transformation, surrender, and the importance of living from the heart.
Through his NDE, Ash redefined his life, stepping away from martyrdom, embracing self-awareness, and aligning his actions with his heart's guidance. He discusses the challenges of physical healing, the difficult decisions post-recovery, and how this profound experience led him to a deeper understanding of purpose, love, and the human experience.
NDE (Near Death Experience).
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This was a most unusual death! Dr. Barbara Mack fell backwards onto a fire ant hill and was stung hundreds of times around her neck. Though she is not allergic, receiving that much venom caused a system-wide reaction.
In her near death experience, Barbara felt that she left her body and arrived in a very comfortable space, gray, but warm. She observed three beings who loved and cared about her. One of them knew her intimately and she felt comfortable and safe around them.
Then she realized she was going to die, and that was OK to her. As soon as she thought this, one of the beings responded, "No, it's not OK. You have to go back!"
In addition to discussing her NDE, in this episode we learn about Barbara's experience with her father after he passed away. She is no longer afraid of death.
NDE (Near Death Experience).
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In part 2 of our discussion with Alysa Rushton we discuss what it was like to be "slammed" back into her body.
During her NDE, Alysa learned beautiful lessons about unconditional love, forgiveness, our connection with each other, her angels and much more. She came back with spiritual gifts and proof that they are real.
All of this and much more in this wrap up of Alysa's near death experience.
NDE (Near Death Experience)
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At just 27 years of age, Alysa Rushton was headed for a crash. She smoked 2 packs a day, drank too much and pounded junk food. This led to pneumonia, mono, MS, weight gain, and overall as she said, "Life was in a ditch."
One particularly bad night she overdosed on her prescribed pain meds. Yes, she was sitting on the toilet when life ended. Her husband found her lifeless and called the paramedics who administered Naloxone (Narcan) to bring her back to life... twice.
During the many minutes that her body lay lifeless, her spirit or consciousness traveled the cosmos. She had huge downloads of information that taught her math, sound, light, and quantum physics.
She experienced becoming one with God and one with everything in the universe. In this episode we learn what she learned. Eventually she was instructed that if she wanted to go back, she had to go now. That is when she was slammed back into her body.
NDE (Near Death Experience)
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30 Years ago Bryan Jackson experienced a very unusual near death experience. Bryan was an alcoholic, failed in rehab, and had simply given up. Given up on life, given up on everything.
During his NDE, Bryan didn't have a chance to go to the light or see heaven. Instead, he went to a void, a place he calls hell because nothing was there; no light, no happiness, no joy, no peace, no love, no friends, nothing. Above all else, there was no God.
What he learned and how he recovered are the lessons to be learned in this episode. Today Bryan is one of the most positive, optimistic people you will ever meet.
Join us as we learn about his journey!
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Janice Callahan struggled with drug addiction in private for decades, while publicly she tried to live a normal life with her job and family. A functional drug addict. Then came the overdose and the NDE.
As her body succumbed to the drugs, she felt herself pulling away until she was up in the corner of the room looking down on her dying body. Then in the blink of an eye she arrived in the most beautiful place... heaven, paradise.
She found herself in a room with no windows or doors, but blanked in beautiful, living colors. She met 3 large, blue, luminescent angels, then an immense presence, God The Father.
Find out how she was able to return to life with her children, how we are all connected, and what God told her to do with the millions of people she saw waiting.
Some near death experiences are bigger than others and this NDE is huge! You'll want to share it with a friend.
Video versions of this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@roundtripdeath
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Katherine Avery was just 13 years old when she found herself sinking in a freezing cold Colorado lake. What followed was a life-changing near death experience (NDE).
While sinking in the cold water she actually had time to think what would happen if she died today. Time seemed to slow down, then she found herself in the dark expanse of space, followed by a bright, sharp, colorful life review.
During her life review she saw everything that ever happened in her life beginning with the most recent, then going back to when she was a baby. She felt no emotions, no regrets, just the reality of everything that had happened and that she could add to the story.
You're going to love Katherine and her enthusiasm for life!
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Tessa Kidd was a full-time horse trainer until the day when her favorite 1200 pound horse reared up and fell backwards on her. Then her spirit "popped" right out of the top of her head and her NDE began!
She had sustained serious injuries, including a broken nose, broken jaw, teeth, and ribs. She also had severely bruised internal organs and a punctured lung. She spent 3 weeks in the hospital and many months rehabbing.
Outside her body, she initially was about 15 feet up in the air looking down on people working on her, then she even remembers watching her body in the ambulance. Eventually she was sucked back into a wonderful, loving, happy place and met an elderly woman with deep blue eyes.
Finally she saw a big ball of light and knew that it was Jesus. His message was that she needed to learn to forgive. Then she was "slammed" back into her body.
Her NDE lasted 9 minutes. It's a beautiful near death experience with lots of detail!
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In part 1 of Loreli's interview we learned about her first 4 near death experiences. In part 2 we learn about her 5th NDE and other spiritual experiences she has had.
We discuss the "Void", in fact, both light and dark voids. In one void she felt loneliness and emptiness. In another void she experienced just rest.
Her experiences include an interaction with Archangel Michael, a Godlike female voice, and learning about why we were created.
It's a lot to take in!
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Loreli Drache had her first near death experience as a result of drowning when she was just 7 years old. It was wonderful and she didn't want to go back into her body. She saw a bright archway and experienced 3 different beings. She felt the immense love of God, but was then told, "You must go back, you have more to do."
Life was different for a young girl, then teenager that had experienced what she had. In fact, she had spiritual gifts, such as knowing when people were going to die, and knowing anytime someone was lying to her.
During her 4th NDE as an adult, Loreli conversed with her twin flame and another friend before experiencing the horrible pain of going back into her body.
All of this and so much more in this episode! (Part 1 of 2)
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Imagine having an acute case of Covid-19, being in the hospital for 3 months, and unconscious in the ICU for 34 days. During his time unconscious, David had multiple out of body experiences (OBEs) and 2 distinct near death experiences (NDEs).
David Gipson is a college student and father living in North Dakota sharing his experience publicly for the first time. During his first NDE, he was 'yanked' out of his body and found himself floating in space within a giant double helix. He was shown his place in the universe.
During his second NDE, he was in a bright white room with white floor, walls and ceiling. He was disappointed to not see God or family, but he received a message which was to help other people. This changed his life.
In this episode we also discuss the differences between vivid dreams, drug induced dreams, and real near death experiences. We also dive into how to process NDEs and the trauma that accompanies severe illness.
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We recommend The Swerve Podcast https://open.spotify.com/show/5MC2T4wu9RDe3sSkBueOYj?si=5994d8bcf53e4845
In this episode we adjust our focus from NDEs to SDEs... near death experiences to shared death experiences.
Gretchen Jones works as a death doula and has had many amazing shared death experiences that include seeing a dying person's spirit leave their body and other spirits coming to welcome them.
We can learn a lot about near death experiences and the death process from Gretchen's experiences. In fact, it helps to discuss and 'normalize' these conversations.
In this episode we discuss many questions, such as: Can we have a shared death experience when the one transitioning is hundreds or thousands of miles away? Can we learn how to have these special experiences? Why can some people see the spirits in a room, and others not? How long can people be in the spiritual realm before their physical body dies? And many others.
You won't want to miss any of these beautiful stories!
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Video versions of interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@roundtripdeath
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HelenGretchenJones.com and her book, "Healing Whispers From Spirit Guides: Bridging the Gap Between Life and the Afterlife With A Death Doula's Wisdom."
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Caren experienced a beautiful near death experience following a horrific, brutal attack by her former husband.
We don't know the exact number of minutes that Caren was dead, but imagine looking down on your body as crime scene investigators are placing tags and numbers around the room. In fact when a photo was taken of her face, the flash caused her to open her eyes. Someone yelled, "she's alive!" That's what finally prompted EMS to take her to the hospital.
During Caren's NDE, she was with her deceased father, grandparents, an uncle, and others. She had a discussion with her dad in which he told her some things about her future. She would have two grandsons, her mother would need her care. He told her that he loved her, he was sorry he died, and that she needed to go back.
She felt warm and peaceful. She saw a beautiful valley, flowers and trees. The feeling was like "a warm cup of soup."
You will love Caren and this discussion of her NDE.
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Video versions of interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@roundtripdeath
Mochi Health: https://joinmochi.com/ Coupon Code "RTD40"
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In the spring of 2013, Lisa was involved in an accident in which she was stopped at a light and another, bigger vehicle going 70 MPH ran into the back end of her car. She sustained serious injuries including a broken back and a traumatic brain injury.
In her near death experience her spirit left her body and was quickly in a dark void. The void was peaceful, calm and 'healing.' She enjoyed it! After leaving the void she saw her deceased brother and had a conversation with him. She also saw many other family members who had passed on.
Eventually she was taken to a beautiful wooded area and had a life review. Lisa's life review included both positive and negative things that she had done in her life. She witnessed how all of her actions affected others.
Then she was told that she had to go back. She asked why and was told that she needed to go back and help as many people as possible feel love. It felt so good there that she didn't want to go back.
Her NDE ended as she was put back in her physical body. She suddenly felt overwhelming pain and the heaviness of her body.
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Video versions of interviews: https://www.youtube.com/@roundtripdeath
Mochi Health: https://joinmochi.com/ Coupon Code "RTD40"
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Elisa Palmer was in a horrific, head-on traffic accident that led to a beautiful near death experience.
In Elisa's first interview about her NDE, she opens up about her life review in which she saw how all of her actions affected others. It's like a ripple effect, positive or negative, that spreads from one person to many many others.
She was given a choice to stay in the spirit world or go back to her physical body. Before making the choice she was shown her future husband and children. She knew she was "home," but she needed to go back to her meaningful future life.
In this episode we even hear about her conversation with God, and much more!
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Video version of this interview: https://youtu.be/mkWYL4Ufw7s
Mochi Health: https://joinmochi.com/ Coupon Code "RTD40"
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In 1985, Howard Storm was a hardcore atheist and liberal university professor. Then he had a medical emergency in Paris that killed him... temporarily.
Howard's NDE began with a horribly hellish experience in which he was in darkness and had people ripping, gouging, biting, and in every demeaning way possible, abusing him. Out of complete desperation he cried out, "Jesus Save Me!" And He did. Then He gave Howard the opportunity to ask any and all questions he had.
In this amazing near death experience we learn about God as a creator and artist. We learn the purpose of life reviews and about what heaven looks, feels, and sounds like. Are there dogs in heaven? We learn that answer as well.
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What?! That title sounds crazy, but that is actually one of the things that happened during Terry's multiple NDEs. While she was in the spirit world she was able to communicate via text messages!
Terry and Rae Jean are best friends and Rae Jean was a huge support to Terry through her years of cancer treatment, which included surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments. During one of her near death experiences, Terry could see Rae Jean and desperately wanted to ease her worry and fears so she asked her angel guide to help her deliver a message. That's how it all started.
This episode is a story of friendship, struggle, hope, pain and triumph. It's beautiful and it's astounding.
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Their Book - "Dancing In The Sky"
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Three years ago, Shawn Jacobs (CVBZ) had a 13 minute near death experience that was so profound, he's now the new Shawn 2.0.
During his NDE, Shawn started off in a dark tunnel, but instead of going to the light, the light came to him. He felt paranoia and fear, then the pure, loving grip of God. He experienced a life review in which he felt everything that he had ever done from another's point of view.
Then he went to a warm, brilliant orange place. The place was God, he was God. There was beauty, ecstacy, bliss, and nothing but Pure Love. He learned that the purpose of all creation is to love.
In this deeply moving episode we dig deep into the emotions and realities of near death experiences and how they can affect our lives moving forward.
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Willow Caelan was just 17 years old when she was involved in a horrible auto accident. She was sitting at a stop sign when a large pickup truck, traveling 70 mph, rear-ended her.
Her small car was thrown 50 yards through the air and came to rest in a ditch. When she woke up she was a few yards from the car, lying on the ground. Witnesses did not even check for survivors because they knew there would be none.
During the short time that Caelan's spirit was outside her body she felt like she had no physical form. She experienced no worries, no stress, just warm comfort and an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love. It seemed like she was gone for forever, yet time did not exist, just the here and now.
In Caelan's near death experience (NDE), she felt like everything was connected, but individual at the same time. In this episode you will hear all the details of her NDE and find out how she changed, and the world changed for her.
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Matt Hendrick became a quadriplegic as a result of a car accident over 30 years ago. During his hospital treatment he had his first near death experience.
This was a short, but classic tunnel of white light NDE. He saw and conversed with three beings, felt very comfortable and had no fear.
His second near death experience happened a few years later while in the hospital with a collapsed lung. His most recent NDE was the result of a kinked catheter, again during a hospital stay. In this experience, he felt people that he knew. He felt complete comfort, like floating in the ocean in Hawaii with perfect temperatures and relaxation.
He saw black hawk-like creatures with windmill-type wings. He walked through a grassy field. He felt like he was home, like he was back. He was no longer in a wheelchair.
In this episode, Matt also explains the differences between dreams and NDEs.
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Dr. Efrat Shokef is an organizational social psychologist, mother of three, and near death experience survivor.
Efrat lives in Israel where she sustained serious injuries in a horrific traffic accident 13 years ago. During her NDE, she met loved ones, embraced them, and had telepathic communication.
She heard beautiful music, saw a special brightness and not only felt love, but felt like she was love. She had a guide that appeared to be her grandfather.
She describes much of her NDE as luminous, loving, stillness, soft nourishing, beautifully bright clouds, and with wonderful beings. Most profound to her was the three promises she made to her children before she and they were born.
This episode and more are also available in video on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@roundtripdeath
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Randy Kay had a simply amazing and beautiful Near Death Experience.
After suffering from multiple pulmonary emboli, Randy's heart stopped for 30 minutes. His spirit left his body and went "home." He first saw darkness and figures in the distance warring over him. He called out to Jesus who appeared, put His arm around him, and walked with him.
He had a life review with Jesus by his side. He saw Him face to face and gives a beautiful description. They hugged. He realized that Jesus is love and that he was looking into the eyes of love. Jesus whispered, "Trust me."
All this and much more in Randy's NDE.
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Our anonymous guest goes by the nickname, "Shabby." He had his first near death experience at the age of four, and over the years, 8 more followed!
Shabby was able to meet Jesus and speak with him multiple times. He met his great grandfather, his guardian angel and others. He was also shown political events and wars that will happen in the future. He learned that Agency is the first law of heaven.
As he said goodbye to Jesus during his last NDE, he was told, "I love you and my love for you will never die. I will be with you forever."
All of this and much much more in this unusual and amazing episode.
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Ray "Raghunath" Cappo was a hard core punk rocker in his younger years. During his life he has had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STE's).
Near Death Experiences (NDE's), Shared Death Experiences (SDE's), and STE's are often all categorized under the near death experience label. While there is no scientific data, it is believed that STE's are much more common that full-on, heart stopping, NDE's. In this episode we discuss the differences and similarities of the above mentioned experiences.
Raghunath's life was changed through his STE's and the tragic death of his father at a young age. He chose to change his life and go on a search for truth wherever it lies. His journey took him to India to study eastern religions for nearly 7 years. His deep questions included, "why are we here?" "What are we meant to do?" And "what is life all about?"
Through his rough experiences, Raghunath realized the interventions that saved him. "We find our biggest breakthroughs from the great, horrible experiences."
When Rebecca was just 5 years old she suffered a traumatic ski accident, was unconscious and life flighted to the hospital. During the near death experience, her spirit went out of her body, and returned, multiple times.
In the hospital she had another NDE during her CT scan. She was allergic to the die injected into her and had an anaphylactic reaction.
During these experiences she was in the presence of a being she believed was Jesus. They were sitting under a big, beautiful tree and angels were also present. She felt ecstacy and love like a warm, fuzzy hug.
Later in life, Rebecca had another NDE where she felt an explosion of love. She learned that in knowing God you know you're never alone.
All this and much more about her near death experiences!
It's Donation Month at Round Trip Death and we need your support. Please click here to make a donation: https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
It's Donation Month at Round Trip Death and we need your support. Please click here to make a donation: https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
In this episode, Harry discusses his near death experience publicly for the first time.
His NDE-related experience came as a result of Covid and a severe blood pressure drop. He saw a ferry boat full of dead souls. It was like a dream, but while wide awake. On the boat he met his beautiful angel who said "You shouldn't be here, it's not your time." Followed by, "I'll be back for you some day."
She was an angelic being that he felt connected to. In fact he felt an explosion of love, peace, bliss and light. Later in the experience he saw her again and she said, "I am always with you, by your side."
Additionally, Harry saw a field of flowers so colorful that they were beyond a rainbow. The sky was pure white. He no longer has any fear of death.
This is 'Donation Month' at Round Trip Death and we need your support. Please click here to make a donation: https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Jared Geeting turned his life around following his Hellish near death experience at age 24. While waiting for accomplices with criminal intent, Jared suddenly found himself surrounded by demons in a place that can only be described as hell. The spirits of deceased people were languishing in despair and dark perversions. He knew this was hell.
To escape, he ran for miles crying and pleading with God. Then God spoke to him saying, "This is your fate if you do not change!"
A few years later Jared was put under anesthesia during knee surgery. Again he left his body, but this time was met with something profoundly beautiful; he met his soon-to-be-born son. His son said, "I Love You Dad." He was then hit with a "freight train of love."
Why do distressing NDE's happen? Why do beautiful ones happen? And why can't the experiencers often remember it all? In this episode we discuss these questions and more.
In Part 2 of our conversation with Dennis Bullock we discuss events that happened after his near death experience.
Many experiencers. come back with spiritual gifts that they didn't have previously. What are they, and how do we unlock them? Do we need NDE's to receive our gifts?
Dennis' gifts include premonitions about the future for some individuals, healings, and an understanding about love and vibrations.
In this episode we discuss all this and more!
Reach out to Dennis: truthenergyreadings.com
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Dennis Bullock is a professional musician living in Zurich, Switzerland. His first Spiritual Experience came just a week after his mother passed away.
In this experience his room "became like a Star Wars movie" as he saw stars coming out of the sun (God). One of the stars was his recently deceased Mom. She told him about two events that would take place in the following week. As they happened, he realized that this was actual proof that what he had experienced was true.
A few years later Dennis experienced a full on near death experience as his heart stopped beating for 20+ minutes following an overdose. He literally jumped or popped out of his body. During this time he experienced things that made him laugh, gave him insights, and eventually he heard a loving parent-like voice tell him, "If you don't go back now, you might have to stay."
God gave him a choice.. During his NDE, Dennis learned that we came here to 'experience.' We are part of God and we are Gods. And that God is only only only only love!
Dennis Bullock: truthenergyreadings.com
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John had a very unusual OBE/NDE while he was in the Navy, stationed at Pearl Harbor. Finally, after more than 30 years, he is ready to share it publicly for the first time.
During John's NDE he found himself in a dark void, then went to a bright light with facets like a diamond. He felt love and belonging. He met a male being that he felt like he had known forever.
John grew up in a rough family situation with an abusive father. During his experience he was told, "Your father is going to die." He told his mother, then his father and tried to convince him to see a doctor. Two months later, his father suffered a widow maker heart attack and died.
How do you process an experience like this? Who do you talk to? In this episode, we discuss these issues and many, many more.
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In part 1 of Brooke Grove's interview we explored her near death experience as a result of systemic organ failure.
In part 2 we discuss the beautiful shared death experience (SDE) she had when her grandmother transitioned from this life to the next. Grandma was illuminated, had light beings holding her, and was surrounded by everyone she had ever loved. Brooke let her know that she could now let go.
The discussion includes other shared death experiences, death doulas, and the grief & joy we can experience as a loved one passes over.
Part 1 of Brooke's interview is episode #427 and can be found here https://www.roundtripdeath.com/brookes-nde-from-organ-failure-part-1/
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Brooke can be reached at https://www.brookegrovehealing.com/
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At the age of 29, Brooke Grove suffered from declining health that resulted in systemic organ failure. Her liver, lungs, and kidneys shut down, plus she suffered a traumatic brain injury.
While in a coma in the ICU, Brooke had an amazing experience in the spirit world. She was pulled and pulled towards light and the cosmos. She experienced glorious colors and met her angelic guides.
Brooke's near death experience was a stepping stone for her to learn and better understand her spiritual gifts, including the ability to see the energy field. She felt the intense vibration of unconditional love as she was freed from the limitations of the body.
In this episode we learn so many things from Brooke's NDE. Topics include, reconnecting with the ultimate parent, what the Divine is, ancestral healing, advice for clergy, and so much more!
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Brooke can be reached at https://www.brookegrovehealing.com/
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Bri Lafferty developed a rare neurological illness as a young girl which progressed until she was completely incapacitated and simply gave up.
Late one night, when she was 26 years old, she completely surrendered. Surprisingly, at that moment she heard a voice ask, "Are you ready?" Not knowing exactly what that meant, but knowing the right answer was YES, she felt her heart stop and she left her body.
As her near death experience began she felt extreme peace, serenity, bliss and love. She entered a void, but it was not devoid of everything; instead it was full of energy. She knew that God was there.
During her NDE, Bri sped through a tunnel to a white space. There she met Jesus, enjoyed numbers and binary code. She communicated with other beings without words.
Find out what Bri learned from all this... and why 3 monks laughed at her... in this amazing experience.
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Bri can be reached at https://www.bri0nicllc.com/
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Jeremiah Pospisil was in a terrible motorcycle accident 7 years ago. This incident followed a very difficult period of life where he had given up on life itself.
At 50-60 mph he crashed and his spirit left his body. During his NDE he found himself aware that "this is how I die." He at first felt a place of nothingness, weightlessness and the absence of a physical body. Then he experienced peace, love and joy. He traveled through a tunnel of lights with pixels in colors and shades he had never seen before.
Eventually he experienced a life review in which many different scenes from his life were replayed from the perspective of the people he was interacting with.
Ultimately Jeremiah felt an intense, powerful being behind him that made him feel safe and loved. He was told to, "Become The Purpose."
What are we? What are colors like on the other side? These and many other questions are answered in this extraordinary NDE.
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Jeremiah can be reached at [email protected]
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Wow, this episode is packed with so much as we discuss Aaron's near death experience from his, and his wife's perspective.
Aaron suffered his stroke just two months ago so everything is still very fresh and raw. Pontine strokes are nearly always fatal and his recovery was full of miracles.
But not all NDEs are full of love, white tunnels and beautiful meadows. Aaron was tormented with hellish, distressing experiences. He felt like he was being pulled down into into a deep abyss. He was surrounded by a spiraling vortex with serrated edges. He screamed, "Don't let them take me!" The experience included episodic scenes of torture and torment from evil spirits.
In spite of all this there are beautiful messages to be learned. Find answers to difficult questions like, "why would a good person have a hellish experience?"
All this and so much more in this enlightening episode!
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Randy Schiefer spent his career in forensic science law enforcement. With this background he needed proof and real evidence to really believe anything.
In Part 2 of his interview we learn more from his near death experience that carried over into real life after his recovery.
If you haven't yet heard Part 1 of Randy's NDE, it's episode #422 https://www.roundtripdeath.com/randys-nde-proof-of-the-afterlife-part-1/
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Randy Schiefer spent his career in forensic science law enforcement. With this background he needed proof and real evidence to really believe anything.
In March of 2020 Randy came down with an early case of Covid-19. He became extremely sick to the point where he was on life support in a medically-induced coma for 4 weeks.
During Randy's near death experience he visited a great room, a magnificent city with golden skyscrapers, beautiful parks and pearl colored roads. He had an escort (some of the time) and was privileged to see his deceased mother-in-law, his mother, father and sister. He felt amazing peace and calm, but at other times fear and emotion.
In this episode you will not only hear details of Randy's NDE and recovery, but also get a glimpse of what evidence he would need to truly accept it.
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What does a flying saucer have to do with a near death experience? Find out in part 2 of our interview with Yvonne Sneeden.
In this bonus episode Yvonne describes 2 celestial, male beings of light who escorted her to what looked like a flying saucer. In it she was transported across the universe in the blink of an eye.
There she met many other 'beings of light' who greeted her, served her, and said, "she is back." Eventually a female being arrived and explained that she had to go back.
During her NDE, Yvonne learned that we are royalty and come on this journey to help others and to learn.
Part 1 of Yvonne's interview (episode 420):
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Yvonne Sneeden had 2 amazing near death experiences. In part 1 of her interview we discuss the NDE in which she "basked in God's light." She felt no fear, no negativity, no stress, just all peace, joy and bliss.
She met a translucent being of pure light and felt His amazing love, pride and amazement. "This is Jesus." She felt like a 4 year old child in his warm embrace.
Among other things, Yvonne saw a celestial, crystal city, angel children, and the features and robe of Jesus. She cuddled in His arms.
Leena Zafary says NDE's happen whether you understand them or not, whether you believe them or not.
In fact, this was her own experience. She grew up not believing in these kinds of spiritual happenings and had a difficult time wrapping her mind around her own near death experience. It took her nearly 10 years to finally talk about it. Now she realizes how freeing and therapeutic it can be to discuss what happened to her with others of the same mindset.
In 2014 Leena found herself in the ICU with 2 collapsed lungs as a result of the H1N1 virus. While in a coma she sat up right out of her body and experienced a love that can only exist in the spirit world. She saw loved ones praying for her, and how her love and gratitude ignited the light within them.
In this episode we discuss love, frequency of emotions, advice for other near death experiencers, and much more!
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Ryan Nurse is a Brit currently living in Central America. When he was 18, he and some friends were attacked and beaten outside a neighborhood pub.
Ryan was left with a TBI (traumatic brain injury) that left him at death's door. Emergency brain surgery was performed and he was put in a medically induced coma. Shortly before waking up from his coma, Ryan had a near death experience that forever changed his life.
Ryan was an atheist that "didn't believe in anything." Now he is full of forgiveness, optimism, and knows that he has a purpose in life.
In this episode you will hear about Ryan's NDE, how he has changed, and valuable lessons on forgiveness, resentment, and pain. He is full of energy and does a great job telling his unusual story!
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Debra Yates has had 5 near death experiences in her lifetime. In this episode we primarily discuss her 2 most recent NDEs.
Imagine looking down, seeing your body on the floor receiving CPR. Then the realization that it's you... and it hurts!
Then imagine bad wiring in a swimming pool leading your extreme electrocution. During this NDE, Debra met her deceased grandmother and recognized her smell and beautiful eyes. She saw glorious colors in sunlight, sky, grass, flowers and trees. Grandma said, "I miss you and I love you, but it's not your time."
Debra came back with a purpose to make the world a better, more beautiful place.
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Kat Sanders died from a massive brain hemorrhage, endured a coma, and spent 6 weeks in the hospital. When her heart stopped she had a beautiful near death experience.
During her NDE, Kat experienced an amazingly white, bright pathway that led to a park-like place with beautiful grass, trees, and inexplicable sky. She heard music from angels and birds. She felt pure love.
She was in the "most beyond beautiful place." She felt absolute, unconditional love and forgiveness. Nothing on Earth compares to it. She also felt the presence of God, animals and other people. No judgment.
She learned that everything is about loving each other. Eventually she met her father who told her that it wasn't her time and that she had to go back, she had more to do.
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Ryan Rampton is a Fire Fighter/Paramedic who had a very unusual and amazing near death experience.
He didn't die doing his dangerous job, but on his side hustle working in a photography studio. During his electrocution, Ryan traveled through light to a pure white room, then realized he was dead. He actually felt excitement as he realized he was "going home to Father." God appeared to him. He felt "complete," he had a life review and felt God's pure love.
Ryan saw himself through God's eyes and received a message of loving and forgiving self.
This and so much more will keep you on the edge of your seat throughout this interview!
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Michelle Clare has had three profound NDEs and has learned new things from each one.
Her first near death experience came as a result of a massive seizure. During this experience her (deceased) grandmother smiled down at her as Michelle's head gently rested in her lap. She also met a 12 foot tall angel and felt her amazing love.
During her second NDE, Michelle actually experienced Jesus who came as a loving friend. "Everything about Him radiated light and love." She learned that our souls are capable of summoning help when needed.
During her third near death experience Michelle was met by three unexpected life guides and an angel dressed in red and gold. She learned that every soul here came from a place of love.
Learn about the roles of life guides vs. angels, and so much more in this incredible interview!
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Branden was an opiate addict for 18 years and eventually died from a heroin overdose.
During his Near Death Experience he found himself standing beside his dead body. He felt a 'presence' next to him and was shown two visions. The first was the life that he could have lived and the people that would have been in his life. Second, he was shown everyone that was affected by his death, especially the deep sorrow of his mother.
Brandon learned that death is not something to fear and was shown the "divine blueprint for his life." He describes the divine love he felt and gives advice for opiate addicts and how to completely forgive.
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In Part 2 of our interview with Dr. Lotte Valentin we discuss other topics related to NDEs, including Medical Mediumship and Medical Intuitiveness, Ancestral Healing, Intergenerational Inheritance of Behavioral Patterns, Quantum Entanglement, and how Trauma can be passed down genetically.
We also have fun hearing how Lotte's watches wouldn't work for years after her Near Death Experience, how TV's turned on when she walked by, and much more!
Dr. Lotte’s Website: https://drlotte.com/
Dr. Lotte’s Book: https://a.co/d/7ybVbTk
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Dr. Lotte Valentin is a naturopathic medical doctor in Arizona, U.S. Lotte had two Near Death Experiences, one a few days after giving birth, and the second, two years later.
She first felt a dramatic feeling of falling as her spirit left her body. Among other things, she experienced unconditional love and peace, access to the past, present and future, God in a bright white light, spirit guides, and much more.
Dr. Lotte’s Website: https://drlotte.com/
Dr. Lotte’s Book: https://a.co/d/7ybVbTk
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Sharon Kumara had a brief near death experience as a child and a longer, more profound one as an adult.
In 2001, Sharon had a horrible accident falling out of the rear emergency exit of a bus, then her head was run over by a trailer. At that point she immediately popped out of her body and witnessed what was happening from about 20 feet obove.
In the spirit world she met her step father who let her know, "It's not your time." She entered a void of nothingness, then saw ancestors, then a bright, sun-like portal where she met Jesus. He took her on an unforgettable journey and she was "engulfed in light and love."
The most profound moment of the experience was looking into Jesus' blue eyes which was like "looking into the universe."
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Louisa Peck died of an unusual overdose in a Manhattan night club. She suffered a grand mal seizure, followed by a cardiac arrest and failed to respond to CPR for 3 minutes.
Her Near Death Experience wasn't all unicorns and rainbows, but it had a lifelong positive effect. During Louisa's NDE she experienced an extreme light which she felt was heaven. Her ancestors were cheering her on and the love she felt completely enveloped her like nothing she had ever felt before.
Following her NDE, Louisa received spiritual gifts, including being able to sometimes converse with her guardian angel, Egnacio.
Find out what a "Godphobic Membrane" is, and learn so much more in this fascinating episode!
Louisa's book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CFZF1GKM
Kathy McDaniel's Interview: https://www.roundtripdeath.com/round-trip-death-216-kathys-near-death-experience-with-heaven-and-hell/
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In Part 2 of our interview with Ralph Jensen he describes seeing Jesus' entire life, including His birth, the 3 Wisemen, His childhood, Joseph the carpenter, His ministry, and His suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross.
During his Near Death Experience, Ralph even saw the Last Supper and can describe the holy grail. He later saw Jesus (after His resurrection) visiting other people around the world and teaching them the gospel.
You'll be really blown away with Ralph's description of Adam & Eve, the Garden of Eden, and Noah and his ark.
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At the young age of 51, Ralph Jensen had a massive heart attack that killed him. In fact his heart stopped twice and he had near death experiences during both occurrences.
Ralph was greeted by 2 escorts, then meets his deceased wife and parents. Eventually he meets Jesus face-to-face and shares an embrace.
During this experience, Christ shows him life before this earthly existence, the creation of the world, Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and so much more!
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Angie Fenimore attempted suicide at the age of 27. She had been planning it for 13 years.
Her overdose led to a near death experience that started with a life review and a visit to purgatory. She saw other dark, sad people lined up and a beltway filled with people in filthy white robes. She remembered her birth.
At the darkest point she saw a pinpoint of light in the distance. The light came closer and closer until this being of light stood right next to her. It was her Father In Heaven and Christ. She felt their immense, complete, honest love.
Angie's full account is available in her book, "Beyond The Darkness, My Near Death Journey To The Edge of Hell and Back."
Angie's writing program https://calliopewritingcoach.com/submission-possible-series/
Use the discount code ROUNDTRIP at checkout to save $100 off the tuition.
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In Part 2 of our interview with Felice DiMartino we discuss spiritual gifts she has received as a result of her near death experience, including shared death experiences.
Felice had fascinating experiences in conjunction with the passing of her grandmother and her father. We also discuss the role of death doulas, giving service, and much more.
The episode wraps up with a discussion about possibly introducing more topics in this podcast that are 'related' to NDE's.
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While crossing in a cross walk, Felice DiMartino was struck by a pickup truck going 30+ MPH. Her spirit immediately left her body and she saw the entire scene from above.
During her Near Death Experience she witnessed the paramedics working on her body, then floated through blackness in what felt like a cocoon. She arrived in a waiting place, received instruction, and was eventually told, "If you want to go back, you have to go back NOW."
In this episode we learn about Felice's life review, the importance of service, what it means to "live big," and much more!
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Patrick shares publicly for the first time how food poisoning from bad oysters led to two Near Death Experiences in the same night!
In the summer of 2022 Patrick was having a family celebratory dinner at a seafood restaurant. Little did he know that the oysters would give him severe food poisoning. That night his heart stopped two times which led to interesting NDE's.
During his first NDE he felt the sensation of dropping or falling. He found himself headed toward deceased loved ones, but as he got closer there was a velvet rope between him and them and they were telling him to go back. Then he heard a VOICE say, "Go back, it's not your time."
After going back into his body the voice coached him on how to breathe. The second Near Death Experience was similar to the first, but everything was faster and more intense.
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Carlos Vivas was swimming alone when a rip current took him far from shore. After trying and trying to swim back to safety, he was worn out and gave up.
As he was sinking into the deep, a large gray dolphin actually pushed him to the surface and supported him until a boat came to the rescue. It's an unbelievable story of rescue and an equally beautiful NDE where he was held by Jesus, had a life review, and learned a valuable lesson about forgiveness and compassion.
In this episode you will hear Carlos' amazing Near Death Experience and what he learned from it. "The love of God is the most powerful force in the universe."
Tennessee death row inmate, Michael Bane, experienced his NDE while in prison.
Another inmate attacked him, slit his throat and stabbed him in the kidney. While bleeding out, Michael had an experience in darkness that was filled with peace, calm and love. Was it the void... or somewhere else?
Michael grew up in a family that was devoid of love so when he felt all encompassing love while out of his body, it was the first time he had experienced anything even close to that feeling.
After just a few moments he heard a voice say "It's not your time Michael, it's not your time. Go back."
Find out more about the 'What Really Happens When We Die' master class and the $100 discount for podcast listeners. https://lifelessonsfromheaven.com/programs/what-really-happens-at-death-class/
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Anna's Near Death Experience happened when she was just 16 years old.
On a family vacation in Hawaii, Anna found herself alone in the ocean, being held under water by the force of the surf. Just as she gave up and resigned herself to the inevitable, she heard a voice say, "This is what it's like to die."
Instead of this making the experience more scary, the voice felt warm and safe. The fear left as she even felt embraced and protected by the voice.
Find out how this NDE changed Anna's life!
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Find out more about the 'What Really Happens When We Die' master class and the $100 discount for podcast listeners. https://lifelessonsfromheaven.com/programs/what-really-happens-at-death-class/
And support our sponsor SmartLabels! https://www.amazon.com/QR-Smart-Labels-Scannable-Organization/dp/B0BJS364C6?maas=maas_adg_31EA81720AD78B3DA43CB84763549F2B_afap_abs&ref_=aa_maas&tag=maas
At the age of 20, Ray Catania died from natural gas poisoning in his bedroom. His NDE is full of surprises!
How can a near death experience change someone from an atheist into a believer? What is a "blue voice?" And what is the science of NDE's and the law of attraction?
In this episode Ray describes all this and more. Plus, advice for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Find out more about the 'What Really Happens When We Die' master class and the $100 discount for podcast listeners. https://lifelessonsfromheaven.com/programs/what-really-happens-at-death-class/
Ray's books can be found here: https://www.limitlesspublications.com/
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Fabio Dal Boni was dead for 8 minutes following a widow maker heart attack. "It was so peaceful, so beautiful."
During his near death experience he saw a bright light that contained all the colors of the universe. The light embraced him. Then he saw his father, communicated with him, and experienced his entire life. Following his father's life review, he experienced his own.
As an artist, Fabio tries to explain all of the colors he witnessed, but they don't all exist here. He explains the value of time, celestial happiness and absolute love. Eventually his father told him he needed to go back.
Find out more about the 'What Really Happens When We Die' master class and the $100 discount for podcast listeners. https://lifelessonsfromheaven.com/programs/what-really-happens-at-death-class/
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Dr. Joye Pugh had her first experience when she was just 6 years old and another NDE 20 years ago. Through her own experiences, and research, she has become an authority on Near Death Experiences.
In this episode we discuss many different people's experiences and what we can learn from them. Everyone who meets Jesus wants to stay there, but many are sent back. What it's like to go back into a broken body. We also discuss advice for clergy and how to know if someone's experience is real and true.
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Don Piper was driving home on a cold, rainy January day in Houston when a tractor trailer swerved and hit him head on and he experienced his amazing near death experience.
The 110mph impact demolished his little car and killed him on the spot. During Don's 90 minutes in heaven he saw the gates of heaven which glistened like the inside of an oyster shell. It was so bright it seemed alive.
He experienced music, colors, smells, trees, gold streets, and the thrones of heaven. He met his grandfather, great grandmother and saw untold numbers of others. He heard angels singing and still hears that music in his head. He did not want to come back.
In this episode you will hear about how he came back and the months spent in hospitals as he recovered physically.
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After Death Movie https://www.angel.com/tickets/after-death?utm_medium=influencer&utm_source=roundtripdeath&utm_campaign=after-death-theatrical
Don's book: 90 Minutes In Heaven
Warning: This episode contains a graphic discussion about child abuse and may not be appropriate for children and those sensitive to the topic.
Sandi Taranto spent her childhood in a terribly abusive foster home, raised by what she refers to as her 'foster monsters.'
But out of this dark place came light (that saved her) in the form of multiple near death experiences. Sandi is a survivor!
In this episode she describes her attendant and friend that met her each time she was in the spirit world. She saw colors that don't exist here and heard music that we don't have here. She describes the pure love she felt and the 'human story' that we all experience.
She discusses planets she visited, different species she met, and the many things she learned. Just love, be kind, and respect everyone.
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Mary Grace Polnasek grew up as a mixed race military child in the Philippines.
At age 5 she became very sick and had a near death experience. During her NDE she played with other children, then was greeted by a male being full of light. She also met other beings in a place that seemed like a library. She was shown a vision of Earth and her body as it lay sick. Eventually she was also shown her future, including her husband and children.
She felt love and peace there that she had never felt before, and she wanted to stay. But she was told she needed to go back to have her family and learn what unconditional love is.
Since her NDE, Mary Grace has had other spiritual and out of body experiences. In this episode she also describes how she found this podcast and got on the show.
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When Mary Jo Wheeler was just five years old she had a Near Death Experience while alone in a swimming pool. In this episode she discusses, in a very emotional way, her experience publicly for the first time. She explains what she felt, the voice she heard, how she was saved, and how this affected the rest of her life. We also discuss how clergy reacted to her story and have suggestions for parents and clergy of childhood experiencers. RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Direct from Maui, you are going to love Gary and his fun sense of humor! You're also going to love hearing about his 4 Near Death Experiences. Imagine as an 8 year old being hit by a 6 inch bolt thrown by a lawn mower. In the ambulance he died for 6 minutes and was later heralded by the media as the "Miracle Boy" who died and came back to life. In this episode you will also hear about the NDE Gary has as an adult that tragically also took the life of his fiance'. She didn't come back. Through his experiences, Gary experienced pure love, saw deceased relatives, and learned of the joy and laughter in the Spirit World. He has experienced miracles and has no fear of death. https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/strengthening/maui-strong-fund RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Scott Drummond's explanation of his Near Death Experience has been seen over 22 million times on YouTube in the last 3 years. Now, for the first time, Scott dives deeper into what happened, what he experienced, and how it has changed his life. Scott received a severe thumb injury in a ski accident. During surgery a mistake was made in the anesthesia which stopped his heart for 20 minutes. In fact, doctors pulled the sheet up over his head and a death certificate was placed on his chest. Then he woke up. During Scott's NDE he was escorted by his guardian angel to a beautiful place with tall grasses, trees, and wildflowers all facing him and showing love. At one point he was drawn to a brilliant cloud where the hand of God was extended to him. Hear all the details of this and much much more (the full story) during our interview. AND please write a review and follow this podcast. GracieScott.org RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Two years ago Kevin Hill of Darby, England, contracted a very rare condition known as Calciphylaxis. It's an excruciatingly painful and 98% of patients, including Kevin, die from it. In fact Kevin died twice. During his second NDE, Kevin had a beautiful experience with Jesus by his side. He wasn't alone in the Spirit Realm. He learned that when you die your focus completely changes and he came back a changed man. While experiencing God's love, power and hope, Kevin learned that death is not the end. Listen and find out why Kevin has been called a modern day Lazarus. RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Jeff Janssen had his own brush with death when a widow maker heart attack hit him at just 42 years old. In this episode Eric and Jeff discuss 10 Life Lessons from the study of over 5,000 NDE's.
We also discuss Life Reviews, descriptions of God's Love, and how discussing NDE's can help people grieving the loss of loved ones. https://lifelessonsfromheaven.com/resources/10-life-changing-lessons-book/ RoundTripDeath.com
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Just under two years ago, British actor Jason Riddington suffered a brain aneurism that led to two identical Near Death Experiences. In this episode we will hear Jason's story of how he died, came back, and what he witnessed on the other side. It's an unusual story that includes a being in what appeared to be a black crow costume. He felt profoundly peaceful and lost all sense of time. He now has no fear of death. Find out what was Jason's motivation to come back from that heavenly place. RoundTripDeath.com JasonRiddington.com Donate to the show @ https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
At just 19 years old Jeff Welsh was in a horrific head-on collision when his motorcycle collided with a pick-up truck. As his lifeless body lay on the ground in a heap, his spirit rose up, first standing, then rising beyond. In his heavenly experience he saw many spirit entities, including Jesus Christ. Time was absent. At one point the hand of God reached through a clouded veil and touched his chest. He had telepathic communication with God and it was decided that he needed to go back to his physical body on Earth. In this episode you will hear all the details and what the ER doctor had to say about his injuries. RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show @ https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Robyn Peterson has extensive experience with Near Death Experiences and other spiritual experiences. In this episode she explains ways for experiencers, both old and young, to process their NDE's. We discuss people who want to have an NDE and alternative safe ways to have spiritual experiences. Learn about how these experiences are in harmony with the quantum realm, quantum physics, quantum entanglement, string theory and more. How science and spiritualism interact in harmony with each other. Lastly, we discuss the spiritual awakening that seems to be happening worldwide. AmazingRobyn.com RoundTripDeath.com Donate to the show @ https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
Paul Northridge was born with Spina Bifada. At age 14 he was undergoing one of his many surgeries to treat issues from the condition. Prepping for this surgery, he was given a drug that he was allergic to and his body shut down. His heart stopped and his spirit left his body.He was relaxed as he saw himself getting further away from his body. A portal opened and 3 beings of light approached him. Hear what they had to say and all about the love he felt from them.He experienced a life review and eventually chose to return. He was sent back with a message about Love, Learning and Connection.RoundTripDeath.comPaul can be found at https://www.youtube.com/@uniteplanet7474 and his book, "Walk of Life - Feet on the Ground," is available on Amazon.Donate to the show @ https://www.roundtripdeath.com/support/
When Allison was just 15 years old her family was on a vacation in Cancun, Mexico. During the holiday she was struck by a motor vehicle and briefly lost her life.
During her Near Death Experience she learned so much about love. "Love is the only power, it's who we are." "God is love, and love is God." And much more!
She had years of medical treatment and healing ahead, but always remembered that she was sent back with a mission to bring the heavenly vibration and love down to earth.
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Mark Waller is a professional artist living on the East Coast of Australia.
Seven years ago he underwent surgery to remove a large cancerous tumor from his brain. Prior to the surgery he had a 'pre-NDE' that helped prepare him for the experience.
During surgery he had a full near death experience in which he saw the cosmos and felt the awe, endlessness, and love of eternity.
The vastness of the experience overtook the detail, but he learned so many things, including the eternal nature of love and consciousness.
He returned with an immense love for everyone and everything.
https://www.markwaller.com.au/ https://www.instagram.com/explore.acrylic.painting/
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David Ditchfield lives in Cambridge, England. One unfortunate day on the platform his coat became stuck in a train door and he was run over and drug by the speeding train.He experienced a beautiful near death experience that featured colored, pulsating lights, Angels healing him, a waterfall of stars and a glimpse into infinity.He felt no guilt or shame, just God's pure love in an experience that was "so real, it was ultra-real!"
You can hear his music and see his artwork at Shineonthestory.com
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In Part 2 of Dr. Kason's interview she describes her medi-vac plane crash and much more.
She felt a "force of peace" and heard a voice say, "Be still and know that I am God. I am with you now and always."
She felt like she was truly home where she belonged. She entered a realm of love & light, and felt intense, powerful, unconditional love.
Her book: "Soul Lessons From The Light."https://dryvonnekason.com/soul-lessons-from-the-light/
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Dr. Yvonne Kason, from Toronto, Canada, has had 5 NDE's and many other spiritual experiences. She had 2 experiences as a child and more as an adult.
After surviving a medi-vac plane crash she was able to steer her practice from general medicine to helping and counseling those who had near death and other spiritual experiences.
In this episode she explains the definition of Near Death Experiences and the categories of NDE's that people may experience.
Her book: "Soul Lessons From The Light."
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Anne Bayford has had an amazing 3 near death experiences. Her first was after being struck by a van traveling 40 mph. That NDE included a life review and receiving an overload of information from her guides.
In subsequent near death experiences she has learned about how angels guide and help us in this life. She experienced white light and felt that warm, peaceful feeling of being home.
During each experience she was eventually told that it was not her time and she needed to go back.
You can connect with Anne at www.odysseytheplatfom.com and www.annebayford.com
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Jack Gregory (UK) led a very rough life that included abuse and drug addiction. At one point he became so sick that he was rushed to the hospital and died shortly after.
His 4 minutes with no heartbeat were spent in hell. It felt like it lasted weeks, not minutes.
He describes hell as being a dark place devoid of love and without God.
Eventually he recovers and turns his life around.
*Warning: This is a rough episode that may not be appropriate for children... or anyone trying to experience a bunnies and rainbows day.
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You will love Anna! She is an honest, authentic woman who says it like it is.
While in the hospital with complications from an ectopic pregnancy, Anna's heart stops for nearly 6 minutes! From outside her body she watches the medical team work on her and prematurely give up.
Hear her story of what she saw and experienced on the other side. AND what it was like painfully going back into her body that she didn't think she could fit in.
Prior to her near death experience, Anna didn't believe in them. Her NDE cured her alcoholism and she has made many positive changes in her life.
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Today's episode features Pegi, who has had two near death experiences in her life.
She drowned when she was 5 years old, then as an adult suffered complications of a tubal pregnancy. Both experiences had profound impacts on her life.
During her second NDE she actually saw God and Jesus. When it came time to leave the spirit world and go back to her body she negotiated with God. You will love the details!
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Jacob suffered from a very rough childhood and as an adult often self-medicated with alcohol and drugs.
During his near death experience he spent time with God and felt his indescribable loving energy. No judgement, no guilt, just forgiveness and love. He relates his experience to The Prodigal Son.
Once an unbeliever, he now believes in God. He returned with a message to share with the world.
Be one of the first to hear Jacob's experience.
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Tina has always been a spiritual soul, in fact she had a regular angelic visitor daily during her childhood.
As an adult she drowned and had a profound Near Death Experience. During this NDE she had a life review that extended back to previous lifetimes. She experienced being wrapped in loving energy.
More recently she was involved in a car crash and had another NDE in which she saw 9 entities, who she was told were the "Lords of Karma."
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Tina's Book Site: weareangels.net
Her explanation of the Lords of Karma follows:
"I learned that these nine beings are space travelers with special technological abilities; they watch over us and help those of us who volunteered to do these difficult tasks here on earth. They are the Nine Lords of Karma; Karma is not a system of punishment and it has nothing to do with “fate.” If we do something negative, it doesn’t mean that something negative has to happen to us to “even it out.” Karma is actually based on actions and thoughts in every single moment.
In the Buddhist philosophy, karma is defined as energy created by willful action, through thoughts, words and deeds. The Lords of Karma work with many different groups at this time. They are helping mankind with the ascending process. Ascension is an opportunity to embrace who we truly are and to move past the identification with the physical body and realign ourselves with the true essence, the Spirit. The Lords of Karma are of one common mind and goal. They spoke with me as I was contemplating whether to stay on the other side or go back in my body to finish my contract on earth."
Dr. Tony Cicoria is an orthopedic surgeon living on the East Coast of the United States. At a family reunion he was hit by lightning and immediately his spirit left his body.
He experienced a beautiful 'River of Energy' that brought absolute peace and love. He could actually see the energy that everything is made of.
Later, he heard beautiful piano playing. After his NDE the music was stuck in his head and he eventually put it down on paper, learned how to play piano, and performed it in a live concert. You will hear some of this music!
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Imagine having a Near Death Experience in which you receive a "Message for Humanity." And what if this message makes you sound a little crazy?
That's what happened to Jennifer and you will want to hear the message.
In addition, she saw 10 deceased family members and her father. She was shown heaven and hell, good and bad.
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Kristin's near death experience was a journey from a place of torment, with spiritual screams, to a life review, and eventually a place of light.
She saw how angels watched over her and then was 'slammed' back into her body. This experience is full of ups and downs as a single mother finds truth, both in and out of the body.
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Mindy lived a life of abuse prior to her Near Death Experience. What happened during her NDE changed everything.
She learned that we are body, soul and spirit. She experienced what she could only describe as "Liquid Love."
Her two spirit guides directed her through her experience and they still influence her today. She was commanded to forgive those that hurt her and given a message to "go back and tell others" what happened and what she learned.
God's Love and a great message of Hope!
RoundTripDeath.com Mindy's book: "Visit to Heaven"
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In Part 2 of Vinney's interview we learn how he came back and had a full recovery. He learns who his guide was, and has a message of hope and love for all of us.
I know this sounds unbelievable, but Vinney was actually dead for approximately one and a half hours. In fact, he was zipped into a body bag on his way to the Coroner's Office when everything changed.
How did he come back? What did he experience while in the Spirit World?
In this episode we learn about God's Love, the Pearly Gates, a Heavenly University, Music, Hugging, and so much more in the next realm. Plus, an amazing story of death, courage, healing, and hope.
Mark Anthony is a best-selling author and television & radio celebrity. Growing up with parents who had near death experiences, it was nothing out of the ordinary when he had his at age 4.
That experience and others led to a lifetime of studying the history of NDE's, understanding NDE's, the interrelation of neuroscience and quantum physics, religion and much more about the spiritual world and what happens to us after we die.
Oh ya, and somewhere in there he became a practicing attorney.
Is the Bible full of Near Death Experiences? Did Charles Dickens have one? We discuss all this and more!
During a serious surgery, Kat Dunkle had a Near Death Experience that changed her life forever. Prior to her NDE she had lived a difficult life and resented God for it. During her experience she learned that God is real and she felt the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Her Near Death Experience was filled with ups and downs, good and bad, heaven and hell. While feeling like she was falling into hell for eternity she begged God for forgiveness and he saved her. Then she heard a voice say "Bring People To Me!"
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Kat's book: "Is It Safe To Die?"
Tony Woody is a retired Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy, where he served for over 20 years as a flight engineer. In his near death experience, and other experiences since, he witnessed the Throne Room of Creation and a Great Silent Chamber.
In this episode, Tony tries to explain what God's infinite love feels like, but words cannot fully explain it. He has been part of a John's Hopkins study on NDE's.
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Johns Hopkins Study https://nibjournal.org/voices/healthcareafternde/
It's hard to believe someone could survive 4 lightning strikes and dying 4 times, but only once from lightning. Sharon meets Jesus and sees future world events.
This episode has so many twists and turns it's difficult to keep up! RoundTripDeath.com
Rev. Bill McDonald had his first Near Death Experience as a very sick eight year old boy. That experience led to other spiritual experiences in his life, including two more NDE's.
From dehydration, heart attack, and falling off a 30 foot cliff near Babaji Cave, to triple bypass surgery in California, Rev. Bill has lived more than his share of lifetimes. RoundTripDeath.com RevBillMcDonald.com
Part 1 of Peter's ice climbing adventure was thrilling. In Part 2 we hear his extensive Near Death Experience which included angelic beings, a life review, understanding the structure of the universe, and so much more.
His message of Love Beyond Imagination is truly inspirational! RoundTripDeath.com https://www.peterpanagore.love/
As college students, Peter and his buddy Tim went to Alberta, Canada for back country skiing and ice climbing. During their ice climbing adventure the two find themselves stuck on an ice face until well into the night. Eventually hypothermia takes it's toll and Peter's body gives out.
What he sees, feels, and learns during his Near Death Experience are continued in Part 2. RoundTripDeath.com https://www.peterpanagore.love/
Chrystal Rae was riding in a car on an icy mountain road when it was forced to swerve, then plunged 25 feet off a cliff and rolled 10 times. In her NDE, and other spiritual experiences, she learns that she is a being of light. She saw various paths in her future on earth and was able to choose the right one for her. "Love Is Why." RoundTripDeath.com https://www.amazon.com/Love-Letters-Your-Soul-inspirational/dp/B0BL31GBXY
In Part 2 of our discussion with Dr. Morse he really opens up about how his research has changed his life in very personal ways.
Dr. Melvin Morse is one of the world's leading authorities on Near Death Experiences. His scientific studies over the last 30 years are groundbreaking and remove all doubt about the existence of NDE's.
But get ready because Dr. Morse is not a boring scientist, he is a caring physician who's passion on this subject boils over in beautiful ways. Hear some of his favorite children's NDE stories and learn how his research has changed his own life.
Part 2 of 2. Best episode yet! Share this with family and friends! RoundTripDeath.com melvinmorsemd.com
Dr. Melvin Morse is one of the world's leading authorities on Near Death Experiences. His scientific studies over the last 30 years are groundbreaking and remove all doubt about the existence of NDE's.
But get ready because Dr. Morse is not a boring scientist, he is a caring physician who's passion on this subject boils over in beautiful ways. Hear some of his favorite children's NDE stories and learn how his research has changed his own life.
Part 1 of 2. Best episode yet! Share this with family and friends! RoundTripDeath.com melvinmorsemd.com
Julie Papievis was in a severe car accident in which her brain stem was severed. During her Near Death Experience she visited a heavenly place, conversed with her two grandmothers, and felt God's perfect peace. During this episode you will also find out the questions that she asked God while she was there. RoundTripDeath.com Gobackandbehappy.com
David Wallace is absolutely one of my favorite guests that have ever been on the show. Dave is a happy, lovable Hawaiian who has had multiple near death experiences; the first one at age five. Find out who helps him on the other side and which ancestors he met. In addition to loved ones, Dave is reunited with his loved pets! Join our email list at RoundTripDeath.com Dave can be reached at [email protected] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08FBNMXJT
Kristle Merzlock drowned and didn't breath for 20 minutes. During her NDE she was guided by her guardian angel, Elizabeth. She met relatives who had previously died, and others who were not born yet. She saw green meadows, a waterfall, a tree with white fruit and much more. This is one of the most amazing experiences we have heard. RoundTripDeath.com
California firefighter Bill Letson found himself in the ER on death's door. In the days leading up to this, he had a premonition that he needed to be ready for a big change in his life. In his NDE he arrives at an intake place where he meets three small hooded beings with big senses of humor. He experiences being one in a sea of indescribable, pure love. He learns about our creative self. RoundTripDeath.com
Nicole Kerr was in a devastating car crash and experienced a beautiful Near Death Experience. In her NDE, she conversed with an angel, and heard other angelic beings. She later learned that the angel was her grandfather. She was told that she needed to go back to her body on earth and tell people not to be afraid of death. She also learned that we need to ask the angels for help when needed. We also discuss repressed memories and the principle of God is Love. RoundTripDeath.com NicoleKerr.com
Alison Brien had a heart condition as a child. At age 11 she had an episode that led to her flatlining in an ambulance. Although her near death experience was brief, it's an example of how NDE's (even short ones) can have a profound influence on someone's entire life. As a young adult she had the EKG read-out tattooed on her ribs. RoundTripDeath.com
Four years ago Mike Haley was hospitalized with severe breathing problems. On his second day of a 16 day coma he died for 10 minutes. What followed was one of the most detailed near death experiences we have heard. But it wasn't all tunnels of light and angels, he first had to endure a lengthy and frustrating experience in a dark place. After finally overcoming evil, he was able to experience pure, overwhelming, unconditional love. In fact he felt he was becoming love. Then he had to make the extremely difficult decision about whether to stay there or come back to his body to finish out his life. RoundTripDeath.com [email protected] [email protected]
When Ellen Weir was just 12 years old she was kicked in the head by a horse and had a profound near death experience. She met Jesus and Buddha, saw beautifully colored trees and rivers. We discuss gratitude and love. Advice for parents of children who have NDE's. RoundTripDeath.com Ellen's weekly online meditation: www.yoursacredspace.us (discount code SACRED)
In the early days of Covid-19 Jeff Fusco was hospitalized, put on a ventilator, and passes over to the other side. In his near death experience he was embraced by God as a five year old on His lap. Jeff experiences His love and sense of humor. Eventually he is given the choice to stay on the other side doing good, or to come back here and spread the message of God's love for us. After returning, he is tempted by an evil being two nights in a row, but makes the right choice. RoundTripDeath.com
As a teenager Dustin Warncke had an experience where he saw Jesus in a glowing white robe, and heard him say "I am neither ahead of you or behind you. I am with you." Also learn about STE's, SDE's, and OBE's. RoundTripDeath.com dustinsprojects.com https://amzn.to/3TCt1BV https://amzn.to/2Yv98Fn
In May 2021 Travis was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital. While on a respirator and in a coma, he had an NDE of "indescribable beauty." "It smelled like flowers." He met a woman there who takes care of his family and he felt overwhelming love. Listen to the end to find out who she is! RoundTripDeath.com
June Ahern was in a fatal automobile accident 50 years ago-- think no seatbelts or air bags. During her near death experience she visited a beautiful garden and saw various relatives, including her grandparents that died before she was born. She explains how her life has been affected by this experience. She also explains the 'bliss' she felt that can't be replicated in this life. RoundTripDeath.com
After a botched surgical procedure for her cancer, Rosemary Thornton bleeds out and is dead for over 10 minutes. In her near death experience she is "catapulted" out of her body and is guided by a tall, massive being. She is "infused with perfect peace," her soul is cleansed, and she chooses to come back to this life. RoundTripDeath.com Book: "Remembering the Light, How Dying Saved My Life."
20 Year old Aziza suffered life-threatening injuries from a 40 foot fall from a ski lift. She endured 10 hours of surgery during which her heart stopped and she visited the other side. She was surrounded by white light and met God who presented as an old man with a beard and cane. Find out what he said and how it changed her life. RoundTripDeath.com
As an eight year old child Russell Ricks was bullied at school on a daily basis. He was later diagnosed with a medical condition that explains his social awkwardness. On this episode you'll hear about his trip to the spirit world where he visited a beautiful city of light, then met Jesus and was held and comforted by Him. RoundTripDeath.com RussellRicksArt.com
Imagine repelling down the side of a navy ship in the middle of the night in the icy Southern Ocean. Next thing you know you're in the freezing deep and get sucked under the ship. What happened next to Greg Keily is even more astounding! RoundTripDeath.com Reach Greg: [email protected]
Jennifer battled leukemia as a young teenager and had an experience in the "void" where she felt intense peace and love. She eventually healed and has carried with her lessons like 'you are not your body' and what her inner voice/intuition sound like. RoundTripDeath.com Find Jenn at https://www.facebook.com/mysticalmama/
What do you get mix Islamicism, Judaism, Christianity, an open mind, and a near death experience? A lively discussion with Laurence Brock who was in a serious car accident, saw his body, an ocean of white light of love & benevolence, and heard the voice of Jesus. Find out what He had to say to Laurence during his NDE. LaurenceBrock.com RoundTripDeath.com
Kathy's NDE started as she was all alone in a dark void. Then it got worse. She spent most of her time experiencing multiple hellish situations. Yes, there is a happy ending, so happy in fact that she was extremely upset to have come back, waking up in the ICU. Learn everything she experienced and find out what was written on the note she was told to bring back to someone special in her life. Please rate & review this podcast! RoundTripDeath.com. https://www.amazon.com/Misfit-Hell-Heaven-Expat-Near-Death-ebook/dp/B08TB775NV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1CED4ZP9FQ7H7&keywords=misfit+in+hell+to+heaven+expat&qid=1662764188&s=books&sprefix=misfit+in+h%2Cstripbooks%2C136&sr=1-1
Wendy Williams had severe complications during pregnancy that led to her near death experience. During her NDE she met Archangel Michael and other beings on the other side of the veil. What has happened since her NDE is just as fascinating. She can be reached at [email protected] or visit WendyRoseWilliams.com.
Just when you thought it was safe to have a near death experience, get ready for something scary! Aaron is a former police officer who suffered a horrific motorcycle accident, then spent two weeks in a coma and over a month in the hospital. His experience is a good reminder that not all NDE's are full of white tunnels and angels singing. But in the end a sweet voice told him "everything is going to be alright," and he was filled with peace and love.
This episode features Teresa from New Zealand. In her NDE she met three large, bright beings and learned to not fear death. After returning and recovering, Teresa now has a difficult time with electronics - as in, cell phones and computers die after a few minutes of use. She is a different person now in many ways, including the ability to 'smell' evil.
All the way from the UK, this episode features Kevin's (Kev's) near death experience. Kev had sepsis in his foot and medical staff had plans to amputate it to save his life. He was extremely sick. During his NDE he entered a white glowing room where he visited with his deceased mother and a "gentleman" who he interpreted to be Jesus. Kev describes this person's eyes, glowing clothing and calm demeanor. He immediately completely trusted Him. Kev's Facebook group is Life Beyond Life https://www.facebook.com/groups/642408359547658
Laurel has had multiple NDE's and has learned so much from them. In this episode she reflects on meeting Christ and feeling His robe. She also sees her Grandfather, Grandmother and many other people who have previously died. She describes plants, flowers, animals and living stone. What do people do after passing through the veil? Learn this and much much more in this episode!
Stacey Piedrahita's life completely changed after her near death experience. During her NDE she experience "magnificent light and unconditional love" while conversing with God. He told her that "love and forgiveness" would heal her.
At the age of 4 Steve was hit and dragged by a drunk driver while riding his Big Wheel. On this episode we'll hear Steve's story of his near death experience and how he came to remember and understand it so much more as an adult. What does God's love really feel like? Steve gives it a beautiful description... plus much more. Steve can be reached at [email protected]
Imagine going in for routine surgery, your first surgery, only to find out that you are severely allergic to the anesthesia. This happened to John and his heart stopped for seven full minutes. During that time he had an NDE that seemed like it lasted for an hour or more. This is one of the most detailed, extensive near death experiences you will hear.
Her first time ever sharing this experience publicly: A year and a half ago Katie Rae Allison was in a serious single car accident. She lay unconscious for hours before a good samaritan found her. During this time she visited the other side where she met her two children who she had miscarried years earlier. She also spent time with her father who had previously passed away. Insights and mysteries unfold.
At the young age of 39 Adam Huff had a major heart attack and dropped dead on the basketball court. In this episode Adam explains how he met his (deceased) best friend during his NDE.
What color are Jesus' eyes?
Instead of talking about the afterlife, this episodes explores Angela Comfort's pre-birth experiences. She meets Jesus and is told "Learn to Love and Learn How to Love." She looks into His eyes.
What is it like being born? Angela describes the feelings and thoughts she had inside the womb and shortly after birth.
In this episode we have a discussion with Lance Richardson's widow, Jozet Richardson Hulley. She recounts the circumstances of his lengthy (3 visits) near death experiences and what the family has learned to help them feel Lance's love and presence in their lives. His book, "The Message" details his journey. In our discussion with Jozet we learn about life beyond the veil and how our loved ones (who are already there) often help us in our every day lives.
David Oakford had an interesting, extended near death experience after over dosing on drugs. His guide took him anywhere he wanted to go on the earth and the galaxy. He experienced a life review and met Jesus who told him to "Love One Another and All Will Be Well."
Joe Wren is an award-winning journalist who had a massive "widow maker" heart attack in his mid-50's on the pickle ball court. His visit to the other side changed and inspired him. Among other things, in this interview Joe explains how he "felt" the prayers being offered on his behalf.
In this episode we have a discussion with Spryng Southerland who had a near death experience as a five year old and has lived her life always knowing there is an after life. In her NDE she meets "her Jesus" face to face and can describe his looks and characteristics to this day. How different life can be knowing what is on the other side.
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