Game designers Mike Hutchinson and Glenn Ford talk about how, why and if they design tabletop miniatures games. With discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
The podcast Rule of Carnage – Designing Better Miniatures Games is created by Glenn Ford. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In Episode 127, the guys wrote a book, which they've mentioned once or twice, about how to design miniatures games. Since its just lauched, they're going to talk a bit about it. If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures games, available here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 126, the guys finally actually have the conversation about hidden movement that they've been constantly implying but never having. Its really hard to do hidden movement in minis games, but there are ways and means of representing it to some degree. Pick up Hobgoblin here: If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures games, available here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 125, the guys have returned to thinking about mechanics that are common in boardgames but rarer in minis games, this time its Push Your Luck mechanics. What are they, how do they work, and where do they fit into your game? If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures games, available here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 124, we've been thinking a little about the sheer length of rulebooks for minis games. Partly because of the one box wargames challenge, and partly because of our own designs. Why are they so long? Why are boardgame rulebooks so short? Let's chat. If you enjoy hearing our game design advice, why not read it also in our upcoming book about designing miniatures games, available here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 123 Mike and Glenn recently played the boxed non-violent minis game Redwood. They filmed themselves doing it and you can see the playthrough on YouTube. Sadly, their discussion of the game was lost due to technical issues, so they're discussing it again, here. Redwood playthrough video: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 122 its been a while since we last caught up with what the guys are currently working on, so this seems as good a time as any to do it. Mike has been contemplating a Gaslands RPG and a Gaslands Board game while Glenn is putting the finishing touches on Boarders and Black Flags. Follow the Boarders and Black Flags Kickstarter here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: Or Glenn's here:
In Episode 121 the One Box Wargames Challenge has been going great guns on our Discord with over 100 entrants. We've tried to take a look at some of them, this week, Mike has cast his eyes over Hakkiyoi, Circo Tartarus and Adventure Quest and Glenn has been checking out Gatling Camel Riders, Crazykoala Rampage and Scurrmish. They have a bit of a chat about them, if you like the sound of them or any other games, drop by the discord and check them out. Follow the Boarders and Black Flags Kickstarter here: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: or Glenn's Patreon here:
In Episode 120 thanks to our Discord member Malev, an amazing challenge has been running in the Rule of Carnage Discord server. The challenge is to select a single box of minis and base a game around it. Mike decided to base his game around the Black Seas Frigates and Brigs Flotilla set so he and Glenn started having a discussion on how that might look. Check out Wargames Atlantic to vote for Rad Pirates and many other designs in the One Box Wargames Contest! Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: Or Glenn's here:
In Episode 119 Part 2 our weird little niche channel has recently hit 2000 subscribers. In celebration of this occurring we have asked our discord channel to come up with some intelligent questions. They did this in fine style and now we have enough of them for several videos. Well, three. This is the first one. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 119 Part 1 our weird little niche channel has recently hit 2000 subscribers. In celebration of this occurring we have asked our discord channel to come up with some intelligent questions. They did this in fine style and now we have enough of them for several videos. Well, three. This is the first one. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 118 Mike has been thinking about how some games hand out pre-set and created narratives in their lists and scenarios. He chats with Glenn about whether or not this is a good idea. Glenn has doubts. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 117 Mike has been thinking about games that use multiple different forms of movement, combining and contrasting them and considering their strengths and weaknesses. Probably some other c words too. Glenn was also there. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 116 the guys has been contemplating using a range of mechanics that are common to boardgames but unusual in minis games. Specifically this time, Mike has put a whole bunch of dexterity mechanics into his new game, Space Gits, about drunk ass orcs Shootin', Scootin' and putting the Boot in on each other, but also, balancing and sliding dice all over the place without their towers falling over. So they thought it would be a good time to talk dexterity mechanics in miniatures games. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 115 Mike has been trying out some new games and in so doing has encountered a bag pull initiative system that he found interesting. Glenn is unsure about bag pull systems, and voices some of his concerns. Then they talk about it. This is what we do here. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 114 the guys have been out and about selling Hobgoblin, Gaslands and other games at gaming conventions in the UK for the past few weeks, and they've been thinking about how exactly to do that well. Also, about when sometimes they've seen it done badly. Here they lay out a few of the points behind getting it right. And for once it actually is three steps. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 113 the guys has been contemplating using a range of mechanics that are common to boardgames but unusual in minis games. They thought other people would like to contemplate it also, so they decided to record them doing so as part of what will hopefully be a series of conversations beginning with Deck Building. Hearts of Plastic: Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 112 Mike has been getting some feedback on his recent game Flagstone, specifically some interesting feedback on the length of the game. It has been mentioned that the game is lots of fun, but too short, which has led Mike to wonder, what exactly is the perfect length for a game? Can it be too short? Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 111 Glenn has been considering what we mean by the social contract in tabletop games. Quite a lot actually. When we play games we need to understand and agree to what degree we expect the game to offer us different social relationships and perspectives, but they very rarely actually tell us. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 110 Mike has been playtesting Pacific Command, and he's been doing it solo mode, as much playtesting is, and has developed a set of rules for doing that. So he's been wondering, is a solo mode that you use for playtesting the same as one you should present to your players? And if not, why not? So the guys chat about that. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 109 Mike has been working on his latest game, Pacific Command, and there have been some last minute developments. He and Glenn talk about them. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 108 the guys have been thinking about a range of ways to focus the attention of your game, Simulation VS Emulation, Abstraction VS Detail and Diegetic VS Non-Diegetic. All of these are ways of focusing your players to they pay attention to the parts of your game you want them to, and all are well worth thinking about. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In Episode 107 the guys have decided its a good time to tell you all about some of the things they're working on, including a very special announcement of a project they're very proud of. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In Episode 106 Part 2 the guys have been considering the fact that sometimes they need to decide whether a game should be a minis game, or a card game or something else. Well, Glenn does, Mike just makes it into a minis game anyway. But if you're making the same considerations Mike has some reasons for why you might go one way rather than another. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 106 Part 1 the guys have been considering the fact that sometimes they need to decide whether a game should be a minis game, or a card game or something else. Well, Glenn does, Mike just makes it into a minis game anyway. But if you're making the same considerations Glenn has some reasons for why you might go one way rather than another. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 105 part of Mike's process is to create small games and prototypes with the purpose of breaking them down into other games like some sort of Cronus of game design. Glenn doesn't really do this, but they chat about it here. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 104, Mike is now working towards self-publishing some games, having previously worked with a publisher. Glenn is just finishing off a book with a publisher having previously self-published some games. Why did they each make those choices, and can their reasons help you make your own choices? Well, hopefully. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 103, Mike is pondering what to work on next, and wants to know how Glenn chooses what to work on next, and for that matter, maybe what all of you choose to work on next. Okay? Okay. What's next? Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 102, Glenn has been thinking about the fact that games often offer, as things that life sometimes doesn't, freedom and closure. These two elements, however, seem almost directly contradictory. Also, minis games feel like they almost inevitably give closure, but hardly ever give true freedom. So, can we make a wide and free sandbox minis game? Should we try? All these questions and more remain entirely un-answered in the following conversation. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 101, Glenn has been pondering the idea of horror as an experience in tabletop games. Horror as genre is extremely popular from Universal movie style monsters to Lovecraftian entities, but very rarely as an experience. It is often based on surprise, but games require pre-knowledge, so how can it be achieved? If it can? Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 100, since Mike's Hobgoblin, a mass battle rank and flank game, is about to reach its final release date and Warhammer: The Old World, a mass battle rank and flank game, has just hit the market, he's been thinking about the relationship between the two. Obviously, Games Workshop is a far bigger company with far more resources than a small independent developer, so how do you exist in the shadow of a giant? Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 99, since the guys are both in the middle of putting together their own rulebooks, Mike has been thinking about what he does, would like to, and maybe should include in his. Specifically, he's been thinking about hobby sections, how to kitbash, build and paint minis for his games. Should you include a hobby section in your book? Is it the modern thing to do? Should it be something we do more? Or less? Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 98, Glenn has been thinking about Boarders and Black Flags, his game of high seas piratical action, and about how he hasn't allow players to stab or shoot each other in it, to make it more fun. Which seems counter intuitive for a game about pirates with cutlasses and muskets and all that, but the lesson he thinks he's learnt is, nothing has to be in your game, no matter how obvious it seems. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 97, Mike recently watched this video: And was rather excited about the way in which it suggested a methodology for thinking about his creative process. Glenn watched it too and didn't really get it. So Mike's going to explain why it excited him. Then Glenn will probably explain why it didn't excite him. So that should be fun. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 96, its time to talk about structuring a rulebook. It needs to be done, we put it off for long enough, so here it is. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 95, Mike has been considering resolution systems, many designers of miniatures wargames do, we find it quite comforting. In his consideration Mike has come to the conclusion that they don't really matter. Or rather, which one you use doesn't really matter. Glenn thinks sometimes they do, but yes, mostly they probably don't. Which is probably freeing or something. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 94 there are many words, we have all the words, good ones and slippery little buggers alike. Must, May, Can, Should, Within, Without, Into, all are fine and splendid and rarely ever cause problems for anyone in day to day life. But the writing of rules is not day to day life, and in that these blighters cause all manner of problems. The guys disagree over the best use and meaning of May Not, specifically. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 93 when you create a game you create a world, which is great, but how should you visually represent it? Should you go with evocative drawings, expensive and lengthy to commission, but offering players freedom and inspiration, maybe too much freedom? Or should you go for photographs of inspiring, even intimidating tabletops, allowing people to see exactly what a game in play really looks like, for good or ill? These questions and more go totally unanswered in this chat. Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
The guys take a break from their usual rules discussion and analysis to take a little look back over 2023 at what they've played, what they've worked on, what has inspired them and what they intend to work on in the coming year. Thanks to all of you for following the channel, and a happy festive season to you all.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here: Check out Planet Smasher Games here: The Rule of Carnage discord server: If you want to support the channel financially you can join Mike's Patreon here: If you want the number on Glenn's Patreon to go up one, you can join his Patreon here:
In Episode 92 when you create a game you create a world, which is great, but how specific should you be about that world? How much creativity should you leave players to build their own version of it, and what exactly does specificity look like in terms of games? These questions and more go totally unanswered in this chat. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
It can happen that halfway through a design that you realize it isn't what you thought it was, that an important mechanic doesn't really matter, or that the setting isn't fitting the game. You may well wonder if you should change whatever's working, if its central to the game. You should.
Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
Many games choose to present themselves as being part of a dichotomy where on one side there is narrative and the other is competitive, as though a game can only be one or the other. We think that's pretty much utter bunk. The two just are not connected, a game can be neither, or both. So let's all agree to stop pretending otherwise shall we? Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
Games are what your players spend most of their time doing. In most minis games, what players have to spend their time doing is experiencing downtime. Your game's downtime defines the nature of your game and its player's experience of it.
So its worth thinking very hard about it.
Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
Every game needs to find its audience, however good it is, if a game doesn't get to the right people it'll never get played, or at least, not more than once. How do you find the right people, or at least, how do you let them find you, or at least work out who they are? Goodness knows really, but here are a few guesses. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
Why are we even doing any of this? Not in a downer way, but does the world need the game you're working on? Does it need any games, yours or ours. Yes, obviously, but why? Let's figure that out. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode, the guys have been playing a range of new games, or at least new to them, recently. Some have been great, some have had issues, one of the worst issues with any game and with some of these has been disengagement. Sometimes its disengagement from the game engine, sometimes from the scenario, sometimes the game as a whole but its always a problem. They consider some of the reasons and even a few possible solutions. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys have been thinking about miniatures agnosticism again. In particular they've been thinking about it in relation to interestingly narrative faction building. Once you say a faction is a certain type of thing, you're saying that people can't use anything to represent them, so your game isn't minis agnostic, but people like factions with story and definition. How do you reconcile those two things? Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode, Glenn has been considering list building and option balancing. He's tried a few times to formalize the idea of pricing things for "piloting" skill, and recently he's been thinking about an idea of "utils", units of utility, and how they might relate to balancing a game. So he talks about that for a bit. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys have been thinking about rules, in particular, Glenn has been thinking about how they're presented. Particularly about the difference between repeating rules multiple times and placing them once in a reference and then referring to it. Both options have strengths and weaknesses so they examine those for a while. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys have been playing a range of new, or new to them, games which have bought up some interesting (hopefully) considerations.
Specifically this time, they've been thinking about rules, or at least the presentation of rules, the ones you're meant to learn, to internalize and have in your head versus the ones that you're meant to refer to the rulebook for. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys have been playing a range of new, or new to them, games which have bought up some interesting (hopefully) considerations. Currently they're considering the idea of measureless movement, which seems to be a bit in the zeitgeist at the moment, how does it work, how can it work, is it a good idea and how can it be made good idea if its not one yet. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys have been playing a range of new, or new to them, games which have bought up some interesting (hopefully) considerations. The first thing to occur is that they previously talked about AI, without fully engaging on the subject of target priority for AI opponents or their pathfinding systems. The time for that engagement is now! As such, they chat about these issues, and a bit about some of the solutions. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Mike has been going through the final stages of developing Hobgoblin before it goes out to meet its adoring public, and as such he's deep into the self doubt and worry parts of the process. Any designer worthy of the name worries about the quality and worth of their work, if you find yourself often in a similar position, or ever, here are some things to consider to get your head right. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys chat about exactly how to design miniatures agnostic games. It might sound easy, but its actually not, and just saying that a game is minis agnostic because you don't have a range of minis to supply doesn't really cut it. Here Mike and Glenn talk through some of the specific problems, and even one or two solutions for them. Mostly just problems though. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys chat about what drives hobbyists. Minis games are almost unique in the level of physical preparation they presume from their players before play can begin, this hobby engagement can attract players to your game and inspire them into a virtuous hobby cycle, or drive them away. Considering their needs and drives can make it more likely to be the first thing and not the second. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys chat about players, specifically player personality types, beginning with the Magic the Gathering player types and then discussing classic Bartle's player types. While everyone is an individual, players are often attracted to the same broad things in games and catering to these drives can lead to you game being played more and more often, so its worth thinking about them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys chat about how bad scenarios can ruin good games, and more to the point, how to make good scenarios. They've had a few chats about scenarios, but still keep messing them up, so one more can't hurt. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Glenn asks Mike a few piercing questions about the highly successful Kickstarter for Mike Hutchinson's Hobgoblin, what lessons might be learned and what other people might get from it. Listen as Mike wilts under Glenn's journalistic integrity. Its basically Frost/Nixon. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys go through some tips and tricks about physically creating the bits for testing your game. At some point actual people will need to play your game, understanding the process you put them through to do that will help you understand how likely they are to do it and how to make it more attractive to them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys consider the user interface of your game. Your game presents itself to people as a mental medium in its rules, a visual one in its reference sheets and cards and a tactile one via its dice, miniatures and other elements. All of these approaches have different things you can leverage to make your game easier to understand, easier to play and more fun, so its well worth considering them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Glenn talks through his inspirations and design goals for his new game, Pukeapocalypse. Pukeapocalypse is a fast playing narrative skirmish game set in a nasty apocalyptic world, its also in its Beta test, so you can check it out by following the links below. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Pukeapocalypse beta:
The Pukeapocalypse TTS mod is here: Steam Workshop::Pukeapocalypse (
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys discuss some of the digital tools that they use in the process of designing and prototyping their games. From concept to first draft, the tools you use can really speed up your design process and make your inspirations get to the tabletop faster, here are a few ideas how to use them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Mike has been reading about randomized openings in games of competitive Checkers, when there was such a thing. Its led to much consideration of the ways that we mess with set-up conditions, whether with initial deployment or with early moves. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Glenn has been thinking about the information that a miniatures game offers its players. They can see the tabletop like a god, the position of every trooper is public information. Some of that, as a general, they should have access to, and some they should not. At the same time, they are allowed to ask questions and check facts, some of which they would, again, not have access to. How, or should, you seek to control their access to information to better match their in game perspective? Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys chat about ludonarrative dissonance, the tendency of games to have gameplay and mechanics that fail to match up with the story attached to them. Glenn suggests that in the case of tabletop games it has far more to do with a break between the "front end" experience of the players and the "back end" systems of running the game. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys imagine an alternative history of tabletop miniatures gaming. They previously talked about how Chess was one of the major sources of modern miniatures gaming, now they imagine how modern gaming might have been different if that source had been instead, Go, Parcheesi or Hnefatafl. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Glenn talks about Saga. Saga is a dark ages set Skirmish level combat game and it does a whole bunch of very clever and interesting things with its design, here Glenn goes into a bit of a deep delve on some of them with some analysis and suggestions. Glenn is the developer of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about campaigns. Or more properly, progression systems. Or more properly, suitable endings for progression systems, how to get out while the going is good and keep people coming back for more. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about miniatures agnosticism. We all hear the term, but Glenn has recently been thinking more and more about how its used and what it means. Often it seems to be a negative term, defining what a game isn't, maybe its time to talk about what it means that they are. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode Mike takes us through the history of miniatures gaming from its origins in the 1780s through to the 1970s. Its not only fascinating as a history lesson, but many of the games and mechanics he talks about have a lot to offer today. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about uncertainty. It may well be that uncertainty is an absolute necessity in the design of games, but what sort form should it take? Is it possible to create uncertainty by the means of complexity in a miniatures wargame, and if possible, is it a good idea? Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about turns, which players take during a game and rounds, which break up a game to allow elements to refresh and reset. They wonder if rounds are necessary, and what might replace them in your game. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about where games choose to leave gaps for their players to fill out, options to choose and the like. This sort of personalization seems to have died off with games becoming more professional products, they wonder if its something that we're now missing. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys discuss terrain, specifically rough terrain, specifically quite how much Glenn hates the standardized rough terrain rules. Rough terrain rules are often a fun sink in games, they chat about how and why games do this and what the alternatives are. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys discuss look into close combat engagement in tabletop miniatures games. When two units hit in close combat they tend to lock in their positions permanently until the combat is resolved. Mike's game Hobgoblin doesn't do this, which might be a bad idea or not, but it certainly creates interesting problems. Here they chat about what those problems are, why games avoid them and what they can do about them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys discuss abstraction. All games abstract parts of reality, arguably games are abstractions of reality, what you abstract, where and why will go a long way to defining your game. This is an examination of what it might entail. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys discuss some elements around special rules surrounding moving a unit into close combat engagement range, commonly known as charging. Should it have special rules or powers, or not, and what do the rules we attach to it mean or result in? Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys go through the comments sections on their videos and answer some questions from their fans. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
Since its around the holiday season, the guys chat about designing special seasonal scenarios, in particular, Christmas themed ones. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this seasonal episode the guys chill out a little bit for the holidays and chat about the games of their christmases past present and future. Games that they reminisce about and feel nostalgia for, games they're working on right now, and games that excite them coming up. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about granularity, a term for the detail in a given game system, where it can help and where it can detract from a game. They also address crunchiness, the sense that a game has a lot to engage with, and why that might or might not be a good thing, how crunch and granularity are different from each other and how neither are the same as complexity. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys continue talking about collaboration, in particular some things to do or ways to be that can make you a good leading partner in a collaboration and then, a good follower. Collaboration is sometimes vital, particularly when starting out, and these tips can help anyone looking to work with a partner on a creative endeavor. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys start talking about collaboration. Specifically, they talk about their own history of collaborating, how they started working together on the highly successful Gaslands and where they found common ground. They then move on to talking about Skulljacker, a lost game that suffered from more poorly defined collaborative goals and guidelines. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
The Rule of Carnage discord server:
In this episode the guys talk about some projects they're working on, Glenn's projects Crash T.V. (a co-operative game where players are forced into competing in deadly gameshows in a dystopian future) and Pitch and Yaw (an asymmetrical game of high seas pirate boarding actions) and Mike's Berserker (a solo game with little random number generation about chaining kills in a hell dimension). Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys try to figure out exactly why they keep writing campaign systems for their games. Campaign systems are hard to playtest, tough to balance and rarely played, all of which are excellent reasons to never write another one, and yet write them they do. Why do they choose to do such a thing and why won't they ever stop? They're not really sure, but they're happy to talk about it irrespective. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys chat about what they like so much about Games Workshop classic game Man O' War. They try to figure out what clicks about this game despite its significant failings and why it holds a special place in their hearts, and a little bit about what that can teach us for our own designs. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys discuss putting plot armour on your games. When players are battling each other they will often do the "wrong thing" in narrative terms. Without wanting to restrict player choices game designers will want to guide and assist them in creating a satisfying story, how to do that is what this episode is all about. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys discuss theme in game design, firstly they spend a while discussing a more accurate and specific definition of theme than is generally used in the description of tabletop games, extending it to include conceit, background and genre. Having more clearly and usefully defined their terms they go on to discuss some elements involved in creating more thematic rules and, in turn, games. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys discuss designing solo mode systems and tabletop AI. They chat about the differences between creating a set of scenarios and systems for a pre-existing game or a whole bespoke solo mode system. In the later part of the chat they talk through some of the issues and possible solutions for designing an AI system for a game, whether as part of a bespoke solo system or to drop into an existing favourite game. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys talk about activation advantage, the powerful situation where one player has more activations than their opponent in an alternating activation system. They suggest a handful of possible ways of lessening its effects while alerting people to its problems. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode the guys talk about using decks of cards for random number generation in your designs, they have a huge breadth of affordances and uses, despite being quite rarely used. They then go on to suggest some uses for cards other than just random number generation. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn presents the idea that most shooting in most skirmish games is basically not very good. He suggests that shooting is hard to make interesting and that a lot of games don't really bother, and that its almost always a long way from accurate as a simulation. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike respond to a comment asking for their opinion on movement templates as opposed to movement based on measured distances. They talk about the use of templates in Gaslands and measurements in A Billion Suns and all sorts of other systems. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike take a closer look at the army list building process in the game Mike is currently working on, Hobgoblin. As they do they talk about the nature of the designer and developer relationship, talk about defining the purposes of a design and consider who army building can or should work. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about world building, creating a story to explain where your game is happening, and often why. They talk about why you might want to world build, what you should put in when you do and just a little bit about how to actually do it. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk cognitive load and complexity budget. Complexity budget being the mental strain that learning your game puts players under and cognitive load the mental strain that playing it puts them under. They talk about good ways to lessen both and why you should care about them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about representing damage in your game, whether forces should degrade with damage, how to note it and whether you should even have it at all. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about synergy and emergence in games, hopefully with a few tips on how to engineer them into your designs. They suggest that synergy is something you want players to see so that they can engage with and enjoy building it and that emergence is an unseen bit of story building for players. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about whether there are some things that absolutely must be true about miniatures games design, or designs. A lot is up for grabs here and there's not a lot that they conclude is sacred. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike answer questions from comments left by viewers of their YouTube channel. More of it is about D4s than is probably usual in life, but that's just how the pyramid tumbles. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk dice mechanics, how dice can be controlled, moderated and modulated in your game. They even talk about some of the odd and interesting uses dice can be put to other than just random number generation. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about some rule that often come as assumptions in the world of miniatures gaming but that probably shouldn't be assumptions anywhere, or even anything anywhere. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike get quite philosophical and ramble on about the line between game and process, what makes something one or the other, when a game is a puzzle and when a puzzle is a game. They try to relate it back to narrative miniatures games and the difference between sit forward and sit back gaming, but they might not really have succeeded. It might all just be an example of process podcasting. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike chat about activation and initiative systems, beginning with the differences between IGOUGO and alternating activations. They discuss the many, varied and fascinating ways to decide the order of player activations and that of their units. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike chat about psychology effects in miniatures games, fear, terror, disorder, panic, frenzy and all sorts of methods for simulating the psychology of troops on the tabletop and removing control from players. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike investigate how to make something out of nothing in your designs. Chaos over control and turning everything up to eleven rather than shutting down the fun. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike take a deep dive into dice pools, methods for controlling the spread of probability within a game's design. They talk about how pools work and the different dice that might be used in them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about victory conditions, what form they might take, what they're for and if you really need them or not. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about bloat in games, what it is, how to recognise when its creeping into your games and how to stop it. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about flaws in games, how to recognise them, when to accept them and the ways in which they can become some of the best and most popular features in your game. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about some recent tinkering and testing that they've been doing in relation to some possible alternative version rules tweaks for Gaslands, in this case for the making cards more resilient and able to finish races more consistently. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk the recent release of a new set of contracts for A Billion Suns, the Warzone contracts, built to encourage massive battles with gargantuan spaceships. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about some recent tinkering and testing that they've been doing in relation to some possible alternative version rules tweaks for Gaslands, in this case for the Evade rule. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about some recent tinkering and testing that they've been doing in relation to some possible alternative version rules tweaks for Gaslands, in this case for the Wipeout phase. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about luck in games and how it aligns, or sits contradictory to, skill. They discuss types of randomness, and to a degree types of skill and chat a little about why tabletop miniatures games are so obsessed with luck. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about Mike's project Hobgoblin, particularly the design principles that have been developed for it since their last conversation on the subject. They talk a bit about design principles in general, while applying them in practice to a live design. In the second half of the chat they engage in a live development discussion for the game. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about designing list building for tabletop miniatures systems. They discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a faction system, why people like asymmetry in the options and the thorny issue of netlists. They then go on to get into the world of Metas and tournaments, how to keep the meta of your game healthy and what the important points to get right for your community are. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about designing campaign systems for tabletop miniatures games. They talk about linear, branching and map campaigns with or without a strong narrative. They also talk about progression systems, their problems and a range of solutions and whether or not your game needs them. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about catch up mechanics, popular in board games but traditionally absent from tabletop skirmish miniatures games. Why is this the case, and should you consider changing it for your design? They talk about the very clear catch-up mechanic in Gaslands and the possible presence of one in A Billion Suns. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about the results of their various attempts to meet a challenge that Mike set back in Ep 06. Glenn designed a game based on Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson while Mike based his on City of Glass by Paul Aster. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Too Weird To Live here:!Ak821k-rhLdkqFf8zkNhvx18PNIo?e=Ib5nt3
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about playtesting, what it is, how to do it and who to do it with. Playtesting is one of the most vital parts of any game's development and needs to be tangled with at some point, and sooner rather than later. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about the combat phase, if you actually want to include such a thing or not, what it might consist of if you do and what it might look like if you don't. They'll discuss things you can do to make your combats interesting and effective rather than just two bunches of models kicking each other in the shins until they're raw and bloodied. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about the process of going from a first idea through development to a prototype and then to getting a product out into the world. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about what it is that they're currently working on and might be releasing in 2021. Once they're done with that they engage in a brutal Pitch Battle with a set of five ideas each to be shot down or thumbed up. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn Ford and Mike Hutchinson talk about firstly, what the podcast series is about and then, at some length, what the hell a tabletop miniatures game is. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk Hobgoblin, the game that Mike was pitching when Gaslands got picked up, a fantasy mass battle game. Neither of them have really looked at Hobgoblin in a few years but Mike has gotten interested in it again, in this episode they talk through what the game needs and start in on some development. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk A Billion Suns, the hit game from Osprey that Mike designed and Glenn developed, specifically some of the parts that are most unusual, interesting and that they're super proud of along with some behind the scenes stories of development. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about Scenarios, the basics of designing basic ones and some elements of designing more advanced one, they then discuss why scenarios aren't as popular as maybe they deserve to be. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about movement rules and how they interact with terrain and then in turn how terrain interacts with Line of Sight. They discuss true line of sight as opposed to abstract line of sight and squad as opposed to unit movement and all manner of other things. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about theme, setting, genre, fluff, whatever you want to call the none-gameplay background parts of a game. Both how it integrates with designing games and then in the later half of the podcast a little about why skirmish games have such a limited range of topics. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about deployment, including chats about terrain deployment, unit deployment, deployment zones from the more standard versions found in most games to the weird and wonderful. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
In this episode Glenn and Mike talk about catch-all rules such as the legendary Rule of Carnage itself along with a discussion on rules as written versus house rules and edge cases. Glenn and Mike are the developer and designer respectively of games such as Gaslands, Gaslands: Refuelled and A Billion Suns and here they talk about how, why and sometimes if to design tabletop miniatures games with discussions, tips, reviews and interviews.
Check out Man O' Kent Games here:
Check out Planet Smasher Games here:
Take a look at the podcast as a video on YouTube: Rule of Carnage - YouTube
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