312 avsnitt • Längd: 75 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
Join Elizabeth, Lauren, and Daniel as we recap our favorite medical drama! We’re taking a weekly look back at each episode of the hit TV series ”ER”. We’ll break down every episode, as well as look at how each episode impacts the overall story of the iconic 15 season show. Theme music provided by Andrew Edwards of Blue Police Box Music.
The podcast Setting the Tone: An ER Retrospective is created by Setting The Tone. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
This week: Abby helps a child and her grandmother after they’re involved in a car accident, Albright’s feelings for Morris become apparent, Clemente’s justified paranoia continues to escalate, Sam and Luka are surprised to see Steve in the ER and actually sick, and Pratt makes his way to Darfur where problems arise almost immediately.
This week: Sam’s new boss proves to be incredibly stubborn, Neela finally meets Gallant's parents, Pratt ruins his relationship with Olivia, Abby is frustrated as Luka contemplates returning to Africa, and Ray and Morris treat a young deaf black man beaten by the cops after getting into a car accident while trying to get his girlfriend help when she overdoses.
This week: Clemente returns to County and receives a less than warm welcome, Neela is stressed about a presentation she’s giving at a conference, Abby and Luka debate the merits of baptism, Morris gets a surprise set of visitors, Sam has money troubles, Ray works with a man who claims to be suicidal, and a young woman’s complex family issues are brought to the surface after she’s stabbed in the neck multiple times.
This week: Kerry delayed her hip replacement surgery for a 3rd time as she weighs the potential consequences, Neela lets her leftist flag fly, Abby worries about her pregnancy after she’s exposed to a form of meningitis, Pratt finally falls on his sword, and Sam gets an intriguing offer from a wealthy patient.
"Wonder what Carter's up to?"- Nobody
This week: Clemente’s paranoia about Jodie’s husband turns out to be well founded, The ER staff does some bigotry after a date with Pratt is auctioned off for charity, Abby is nervous for some early pregnancy test results, Morris and Albright continue to duke it out over which residents should be doing procedures, and Ray cares for a homeless man who turns out to be familiar to him.
This week: James Woods guest stars as a man dying due to ALS. The episode takes us through the last 6 years of his life from his initial diagnosis to his last day in the hospital, and shows the lasting mark he’s leaving on various doctors at County.
This week: Ray has to help Zoe flee the city after she was beaten by her father, Morris needs advice on dating black women, Dubenko is pressed into running the ER for the day after Clemente is a no-show, Pratt does some light crime to help KJ’s dad, Abby and Luka begin to prepare for their baby, and Neela is stunned after Gallant makes a huge decision without consulting her.
This week: Kerry takes a tumble, Clemente's world begins to crumble, and Abby makes a big decision for her and Luka's future.
This week: Eve has a disagreement with a bigoted Santa, Luka is really feeling the Christmas spirit, Sam visits Steve in his new, and much closer, prison, Clemente has a surprise guest, Pratt does his best to treat a six year old girl with a gunshot wound, Morris has a surprisingly angelic voice, and Abby has some huge news.
This week: Neela and Gallant have a surprise and mostly improvised wedding, Pratt tries to help KJ after KJ is falsely accused of stealing a camera, Luka is your new ER chief, Abby goes the extra mile to save a patient’s life, Clemente is furious after an HIV+ mom refuses to treat her young boy for AIDS, Dubenko ups his recruiting game, and a long dormant relationship is suddenly reignited.
This week: The ER descends into chaos as two planes collide midair and crash into the city below, Ray does his best to avoid Zoe, Abby and Luka aren’t quite sure how to move forward with their relationship, Neela picked the best day to do her paramedic ride-along, Pratt does all he can for a conscious man whose heart won’t start up again, and Clemente disagrees with the staff on how best to handle a mass casualty situation as his past begins to slowly catch up to him.
This week: Tensions rise as Luka and Clemente butt heads over how best to treat a young kidnapping victim, the kidnapper injures multiple members of the ER staff, Gallant’s return home gets delayed, Dubkeno and Neela do an ex-lap in the ER, Ray gets the everloving crap beat out of him (much to Daniel’s delight), Gates makes his debut and nearly gets his head blown off in the process, and Eve tries, but fails, to bring the ER staff together.
It's a chimp in a diaper, what more do you need to know? Just kidding, this episode sucks.
I'm running out of clever episode descriptions.
The fuck did the rain do?
Episode with no description
This week: Pratt meets his father’s new family, that's as far as Lizzie got and I'm tired
This week: Luka and Sam chase after Alex from Chicago all the way to Colorado, Susan and Pratt have some harsh criticism for the new R2s, Neela has to correct several mistakes for a new intern, and Morris just needs a nap.
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 11. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 75 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
Reminder that following this episode, STT will be on hiatus until November 14th!
This week: Carter says farewell to County after 11 years, Morris tries his best to socialize, Pratt makes a visit to a stranger (or is he?), Alex runs away, and Abby, Ray, and Neela are forced to step up after a porch collapse sends multiple critical patients to an understaffed ER.
Special thanks to Aaron Burgin of FullTimeHoops for joining us!
This week: Sam and Luka start couples therapy, the ER has a new volunteer, Ray accidentally kills a stabbing victim, Birdie and Rebecca are back after a home incident, Morris is drunk with power, Jake ponders his future, Pratt is REALLY pissed at Neela, and Carter flies to Paris after Kem’s mom becomes ill.
Special thanks to Marge of In A Snit: A Mad Men Retrospective for joining us!
This week: Ray has to decide whether to prioritize a gig or a patient, Carter gets an early tenure position, Sam and Luka continue to be toxic, Jake introduces Abby to his entire family, Morris gets a promotion, Susan has some choice words for Kerry, Pratt visits his old neighborhood, and the ER is flooded with patients from an explosion at an apartment building.
This week: Lizzie wrote 7 episode descriptions in less than two weeks but forgot this one for some reason.
Also, Diana Goodman of the Laser Time network is joining us again. She's rad.
This week: A woman on a hunger strike is brought in but refuses treatment, Morris keeps screwing up an article him and Susan are publishing, Carter reveals just how big of a donation he’s going to make, Jake and Abby continue to try and be “a thing”, and Ray and Pratt try to help a woman with breast cancer who is scared of of the treatment options.
Special thanks to Francis of In A Snit: A Mad Men Retrospective for joining us!
This week: Gallant makes his grand (but short) return to County General, Neela is super confused by her feelings, Pratt continues to smooth talk every pretty woman he sees, Carter is planning a major addition to the hospital, Steve 2.0 debuts and Sam gives him money, Alex gets pissed at Luka, and Ray helps a young kid who accidentally shot himself.
This week: we get a parallel day in the life of Neela and Gallant as they connect with each other through letters. Neela helps a woman who had both arms amputated and Gallant treats his fellow soldiers and a young girl caught in an explosion near his base.
This week: Cynthia Nixon guest stars as a woman who suffered a stroke but is still fully conscious and aware of her surroundings, Sam and Luka consider more children, Morris is a huge racist POS, Neela helps a young boy with a suspicious home life, Pratt looks more like a leader, Dubenko tries to get a date with Abby, Carter and Wendell finally break up, and Susan considers her options for Chief Resident.
This week: Pratt takes a turn at teaching Jane, Susan thinks she has a relief day from her chief duties, Abby and Jake’s “romance” is apparently heating up, Carter, Neela, and Ray have a brawl with a drug addict and her husband, Dubenko and Kerry disagree on patient care, and a strange woman with vague symptoms holds a secret that will change Kerry’s world.
This week: Pratt is caught in the middle as Dubenko and Luka square off over how best to care for a man who was shot by his boss, Wendell is shaken after a boy she tried to help comes back severely beaten, Susan is on a grant application blitz, and Jake, who is definitely not not a serial killer, clears the way so he can finally get together with Abby.
CW: discussion of a suicide and audio of a character right before they do it
This week: Neela has the hots for Luka, Abby may have the hots for Jake, Susan and Kerry have to put their management pants on, Carter does a heckin’ slander on the internet AND tv, and an old, familiar face returns to the ER after one of his patients' transplanted kidney fails due to a brand new anti-seizure medication.
This week: Pratt does his best to prove he’s an asshole, Abby has a rocky return to work after her kidnapping, Luka and Sam give us a clear example of a toxic relationship, the staff deals with a case of mistaken identity, Neela makes some missteps when dealing with an injured girl in foster care, Kerry keeps bringing up patient satisfaction scores, and everyone’s favorite sleazy lawyer makes his presence known both inside and outside the ER.
This week: Susan keeps going on about survey results, Luka tries to teach Neela a lesson in patient connection, Ray completely messes up the treatment of a transgender patient, and Abby desperately tries to save the life of a young man after she’s kidnapped by gang members.
This week: Pratt helps Chen technically murder her father, Ray continues to be a human dumpster fire, Abby has to work extra hard to help a man in need of dialysis, a new semi-notable med student appears, Carter and Wendell continue to be one of the most awkward couples on the show, and Neela helps a homeless family after a young boy gets hit by a car.
This week: a cop who was accidentally shot by another cop fights for his life, Abby works to get the best care for a little girl whose parents want her transferred, Luka tries to play dad again as Alex gets suspended from school, Chen is looking very exhausted, Carter tries rock climbing, and Neela lays into Ray after he lets down a teenage boy who needed his help.
Content warning: discussion of sexual assault
This week: Abby helps a teenage girl who denies she just gave birth, Sam and Luka disagree on how best to care for a woman who was beaten and raped, Carter and Wendell get a little closer, and the ER descends into more chaos than normal as the staff is surprised with a mass casualty response drill.
This week: Ray Liotta guest stars as a dying alcoholic. The show follows his final hours while Sam, Luka, and Pratt try to find some way to save him, make him comfortable, and help him reconnect with his estranged son.
This week: An anxious Neela makes her return to County, Ray sucks at dealing with grieving family members, Carter claims he’s ok (but is he though?), Abby isn't being assertive enough, Dubenko tries to teach some physics in the middle of a trauma, and Pratt “encourages” the interns with a contest.
This week: Susan gets promoted, Howard has a complete meltdown, Neela gets a job offer, Sam and Alex ponder moving in with Luka, Abby ditches a paramedic ride-along, Kerry gives a great example of constructive dismissal, Corday has a completely unsatisfying goodbye, and the whole ER tries their best to care for two young girls after their mom all but throws them out a window.
This week: Neela goes on a job hunt, Abby goes behind Ray’s back and drug tests a patient, Carter is very much not ok, Chuck breastfeeds his kid, a nerdy new surgeon makes his debut, Corday breaks the law to save an HIV+ patient’s life, Howard shows some troubling signs of a mental illness, and a tired Luka tries his best to be a dad.
This week: Carter falls off the wagon after treating an Iraq War veteran, Luka make an offer to Sam, Neela’s parents make a surprise visit, Ray brings out the rocker look we all know and love, Abby does does her best to help a young woman who is a victim of human trafficking, and a gay couple is brought in after being attacked in Grant Park.
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 10. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 75 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
This week: Luka is a good samaritan, Neela has second thoughts about her career path, Abby finds out if she gets to be a doctor or not, Sam leaves Chicago in a hurry, a mom and son are critically injured thanks to a high driver, Carter has issues after returning to work too soon, Kerry fights for custody of Henry, and a simple case of road rage turns into a fight for Pratt, Chen, and Elgin’s lives.
Content Warning: Unborn Child Death
This week: The med students have their graduation, Neela says Daniel's favorite line of the series, Steve confronts Luka about Sam, Frank makes his grand return to County, Rachel needs Corday’s help, Pratt screws up big time, Abby and Kerry have a tense encounter, and Carter and Kem face every pregnant couple's worst nightmare.
This week: Neela’s lab buddies do some off the books experimentation, Kerry has second thoughts about Henry’s custody arrangement, Pratt is a huge jerk, Abby works with a mom with a troubled past, Carter and Kem prep for the baby’s arrival, and Luka and Sam try to figure out what Steve being in town means for them.
This week: Pratt defends himself after a female patient lodges a complaint, Archie gets hit in the nuts, Jerry gets his nipples rubbed, Neela starts a new elective, Sam’s ex may be hanging around for a while, Abby leads a group therapy session, Carter does rich people things, and Kerry lawyers up.
This week: Abby fails her board exam, Corday gets a job offer, Gallant treats a vet who is not as drug seeking as he appears, Susan helps legal investigate Luis’ death, and an accident during a warehouse fire leaves Kerry in a haze as Sandy fights for her life.
This week: At Carter’s urging, Neela takes on a bigger role in patient care (with mixed results), Chuck gets into a fight with a creep who won't leave Susan alone, Chen can’t catch a break, Gallant reveals his feelings for a colleague, a recovering Frank pops in to say hi to everyone, a group of tennis players beat up a flasher, and Luka takes over planning for Alex’s birthday.
This week: Sam shows her petty side, Jessica Chastain makes her on-screen debut, Chen returns to work, Corday takes a leap with one of her boyfriends, Luka treats a young kid who has an STI, a disgruntled patient heads back to County in a stolen tank, and the ER races to save the life of one of its own.
This week: an entire family with various level of carbon dioxide poisoning are rushed to the ER, Chuck finally meets Susan's dad, Chen returns to County with her sick father, Alex finds out Sam and Luka are together, and a claustrophobic Neela is forced to stay with a baby in the hyperbaric chamber.
This week: Abby gets yelled at by multiple other docs, Carter and Kem go on a weird tour of Chicago, JK Simmons runs into an entire family, Sam treats a young woman with a strange relationship dynamic, and Luka and Sam finally hook up.
This week: Kem is a bit too inquisitive, Corday makes friends with a fellow single parent, Susan is knocked up, Luka tries his hand at teaching, the nurses are horny for Pratt, and Gallant nearly gets shot during a paramedic ride-along. Buy our merch and support LGBT healthcare! https://www.bonfire.com/store/setting-the-tone-store/?fbclid=IwAR0NUrCgiz9TK8XzheoV9t2zCMw1nJueGFX15jkmGnjE5ZaLD2aDRUkrrBQ
This week: Abby and Neela start their neonatal intensive care unit rotations, and experience the high highs and low lows that come with caring for newborn babies who are often very sick. Oh, and Sandy returns from the Shadow Realm to give birth to her and Kerry’s baby boy.
This week: Kem gets adjusted to life in the USA, Gallant finds an interesting surprise when he gets home early, Abby is burning the candle at both ends, Pratt makes a massive mistake, Alex keeps getting into trouble, and Carter has a rather eventful first day back at County.
This week: The story of Carter and Kem begins in earnest through a series of months-long flashbacks. As the two become closer, Kem gets Carter to fund part of her AIDS drug program, the doctors in Africa debate global politics, Carter treats an entire HIV positive family, and somewhere in there Carter gets Kem pregnant.
This week: Alex steals a human finger, Lizzy hosts a memorial service for Romano, Neela works with a couple of Amish teenagers, Abby fails her practice boards, Gallant’s disabled sister comes to town, and Pratt is back to his kinda sleazy bachelor ways.
This week: Abby kills the practice dummy, Morris gets caught smoking a joint, Frank is very proud of his turducken, Abby cares for a woman going through a miscarrage, Pratt pisses off Romano, and the hospital descends into chaos as a helicopter explosion severely damages the ICU and ambulance bay.
TW: discussion of sexual assault and graphic depictions of suicide
Bob Newhart breaks all our hearts, Elf is out this week, writing episode descriptions is hard
Some stuff happens, Bob Newhart is nice. You get the idea.
This week: a new nurse makes a hell of an entrance, Romano shows off his fancy new prosthetic arm, Kovac returns to the ER and immediately starts making changes, Corday’s fling ends rather abruptly, Abby is back in med school, and Susan treats an elderly man who may have intentionally overdosed on some of his medications.
This week: Pratt gets put through the ER wringer and he and an understaffed night shift crew barely keep their heads above water. Also, Morris is incompetent, Kerry is incredibly grumpy, Romano gets a new prosthesis, Abby catches up with Luka, and Randi gets Bob’d.
This week: a new group of residents shows up at County, Romano is having insurance issues, Abby keeps getting sidetracked when she tries to visit a recovering Luka, Zac Efron gets shot, Susan tries to honor an awful family request, Corday gets laid, Pratt gets blindsided by Chen’s parents, and Carter’s letter to Abby quickly gets passed around the ER.
This week: Carter heads back to the Congo to recover Luka’s body, and to try and unravel the mystery surrounding Luka’s apparent murder.
This week: A certain British/Indian med student arrives for her ER rotation, Carter returns to Chicago, a major construction project leaves the ER a mess, Chen shows her jealous side, Pratt flirts too much, a major car crash happens right outside of County, and the staff is rocked by the news that one of their own has apparently been killed.
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 9. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 75 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
This week: Carter gets his first taste of what medical care is really like in the Congo. He joins up with Kovac to try and provide the best care possible for hundreds of impoverished residents of the war-torn country.
On this week’s 200th episode: Stories intertwine as we follow the day shift of Carter, and Pratt’s last night shift at the same time. Carter gets the brunt of the patients from a raging gang war and a mass suicide that leaves the whole hospital stretched to the breaking point. Pratt deals with the trail end of the gang war patients as well as an unsettling stabbing victim, and a firefighter caught in an explosion as Doc Magoo’s burns to the ground. Also, Lizzy tries her best to be there for Romano both before and during his amputation surgery.
This week: Luka is sent into desperation mode after the sick child he’s trying to help makes a surprise early arrival, Eric crashes Gamma’s funeral, Romano’s arm gets set on fire, after a young man’s entire family is injured in a drive-by shooting, Carter tries to stop him from igniting a brewing gang war, Chuck and Susan make a decision about their future, and Daniel’s long nightmare is over as Carter and Abby call it quits.
This week: Abby finally gets a lead on Eric’s whereabouts, Susan defends Chuck after he messes up an intubation on the air rescue chopper, Luka’s surgeon friend from Croatia gets caught up in the ER vortex, Romano is clamping down on ER wait times, Pratt gets to live out every disgruntled worker’s fantasy, and Carter is devastated after the sudden passing of his grandmother.
This week: A depressed Romano begins his reign of terror as the new ER Chief, Susan husband shows up (much to the confusion of everyone else), Luka tries to organize a pro bono surgery for a little Croatian boy, Corday does everything in her power to try and disregard a patient’s wishes, Carter sticks up for the ER staff, and Pratt mistakenly buys stolen goods from a patient.
This week: Kerry is distraught after one of Alderman Bright’s aides dies due to a drug allergy, Luka does a therapy (though maybe not in the traditional way), Romano’s arm troubles keep worsening, Corday tries to get through to a troubled teenager and her mother, and Carter winds up screaming at Abby.
This week: Carter considers proposing to Abby the proper way, Chen and Luka happen upon a grisly scene at Doc Magoo’s, a series of odd coincidences leads to Pratt and Gallant being arrested, Corday’s white privilege is showing, and Susan says goodbye to Sean.
This week: Kerry’s purse gets stolen, Maggie comes to the ER to talk about Eric, Susan has some tough news for Sean, Pratt accidentally pronounces someone dead, Luka finally decides to show up for work, and Carter is trying his best to keep Abby from completely falling apart.
This week: Lizzie forgets to write an episode description before leaving for vacation so Daniel has to wing it.
This week: a little boy flings poop at Susan, Pratt has to get Leon out of town after Leon unwittingly takes part in a robbery, Romano attempts to assist and teach during an emergency surgery, Carter gets conned, Corday gets asked out, and and Kerry gets word that the alderman has gotten County a nice bonus to the hospital budget.
This week: the ER fends off the media as a controversial member of the city council is brought in, Carter makes a house call, Pratt tries to convince Jesse Pinkman to care for his younger siblings, Luka skirts the lines of good medicine to try and get a man up to surgery, Susan’s generous spirit backfires on her, and Adele vanishes into the shadow realm.
This week: Susan tries everything to get a potential sexual predator admitted to psych, Luka and Abby get chewed out at an M&M, Pratt brings a gun to the ER, Gallant does his best to navigate a unique family situation, Chen treats a mathlete, and Kerry is left devastated after having a miscarriage.
This week: Luka hits rock bottom, but in reverse chronological order. Also, Frank and Jerry make their case for being the ER Santa, a young man is way sicker than he seems, Abby’s warnings fall on deaf ears, and we say goodbye to our most beloved radiologist.
This week: A young trans girl’s life is complicated by her father dying, Abby, Eric, and Maggie deliberate about how best to help Eric, Pratt goes to bat for Leon, Chen cares for an abandoned baby, Luka gets a surprise gift from a patient, and Susan treats an abused nurse.
This week: a freak blizzard dumps 3 feet of snow overnight in Chicago. The ER is a ghost town until a mom and her two sons are brought after being hit by a drunk driver. Also, Abby brings Gallant to Nebraska as she searches for answers about Eric’s whereabouts and wellbeing.
This week: Kerry is pregnant, Nathan’s gift of gab continues to backfire on him, Luka is confronted by the husband of the woman he’s been fooling around with, Abby inadvertently gets Eric arrested, all of Susan’s patients are dying, and Carter navigates an unusual situation involving a pregnant woman and her boss.
This week: Abby suspects something may be wrong after Eric shows up with a new girlfriend, Romano has some insurance issues, Luka gets suspended after the nurses lodge a formal complaint, Nathan’s patient advocacy goes a bit too far, Chen gets to save the life of a horrible person, and Corday treats a potential sexual assault victim who’s story takes a horrifying turn.
This week: a med student with Parkinson’s disease begins his surgical rotation, Romano has a mishap with a pig, Luka’s sexual exploits cause tension between the ER doctors and nurses, Abby and Carter are the only ones to dress up for Halloween, a fire at a gay costume party floods the ER with patients, and Corday is just having a really, really rough day.
This week: the ER has gotten a facelift, Abby gets an involuntary promotion, Kerry does an oopsie doodle on live TV, Luka “boffs” a patient’s mom, Carter and Abby argue about her drinking, and Gallant loses it after a patient of his dies after being brushed off by Kayson.
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The Trevor Project: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Howard Brown Health Center: https://howardbrown.org/
Trans Lifeline: https://translifeline.org/
This week: After being brushed off by the staff, a drug addict holds Chen at gunpoint to get what he wants. Carter, fearing for everyone’s safety, leads a staff work stoppage in an attempt to get Kerry to finally make the ER safer and more secure.
This week: Chaos reigns as County is overloaded with patients after two area hospitals close. Also, a new group of med students gets mostly ignored, Corday’s first day back is overwhelming, Gallant starts his psych rotation, Pratt decides to play god, Carter is all over the place, Romano struggles during a physical therapy session, and Kerry has some issues with the chain of command.
This week: As the smallpox scare continues, Abby, Carter, Chen, Pratt, and Stan are quarantined for two weeks in the ER. Also, a terrible accident complicates the hospital evacuation, Susan tries desperately to save a patient, and the show gives 2002 viewers a glimpse into the future by showing what happens when you tell people they need to get vaccinated or wear a mask.
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 8. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 70 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
This week: The safety of the entire city of Chicago is threatened after two children are brought to the ER with what Carter suspects may be smallpox.
This week: As Mark’s brain tumor incapacitates him more and more, he spends his final days in Hawaii with Rachel, desperate to help her in any way he can.
This week: Carter tries to get Abby to go to an AA meeting, Romano has a marathon operation on a young girl with cancer, Kerry properly introduces Sandy to the ER staff, Pratt doesn’t like where he matched for his residency, and the whole ER is left reeling after receiving a letter from Mark and Elizabeth.
This week: Carter confronts Abby about her drinking, Corday gets an important call from Rachel, Romano redefines the pronunciation of the word lesbians, Gallant gets caught up in the fallout of Pratt’s bad decisions, and Susan flies to NYC in search of Chloe after receiving a disturbing voicemail from little Susie.
This week: With the chemotherapy seemingly having no effect, Mark makes the ultimate decision to discontinue treatment. Also, Kerry works to help Mark behind the scenes, Frank makes people take career aptitude quizzes, Chen struggles to treat one of Mark’s frequent fliers, and Carter breaks in the new intern: Dr. Greg Pratt.
This week: As Mark’s condition continues to quickly deteriorate, Lizzy, still unsure of their marriage, figures out the devastating truth. Also, Chen tries to get a traumatized man to speak again, Kerry works on a woman who may have stabbed her friend, and Mark finally reveals the news about his tumor to the entire ER.
This week: It’s a bottle episode! After rummaging through a sex worker’s personal belongings, Abby, Carter, Gallant, Luka, and Susan all have to take a class about proper workplace conduct. Sword fights, Shakespeare performances, sex talks, and deep conversations ensue.
This week: Jerry and Frank can’t seem to be civil with one another, Corday thinks she may have left Mark, Chen has an admirer, Kerry tries to get to the bottom of a shooting, Abby is furious after the case against Brian is settled without her involvement, Luka extends an olive branch to Abby, and Mark’s world is turned upside down after a trip to New York.
This week: Some tainted free bagels take down several ER staff members, Carter gets mad after his mom abandons the orphan boy she’s been helping, Abby is assaulted after helping Joyce escape, Ella is on the mend, and Mark is worried his tumor might be back after Susan notices some worrying symptoms.
Content Warning: child endangerment/overdose
This week: Chen makes her grand return to County General, Corday has the flu, Gallant goes the extra mile to help a blind diabetic man, Kerry tries to assert her authority, Carter’s mom helps out an orphan with cancer, Susan cares for the victims of a letter bomb, and Mark loses it after Ella is brought in with an ecstasy overdose.
This week: Sandy outs Kerry in front of the whole ER, Chen threatens legal action against the hospital, Mark considers sending Rachel back to St. Louis, Susan cares for a man on death row, Carter treats a rapper whom he suspects may have more than just a simple STI, and Abby does what she can to help her neighbor through an ankle injury.
This week: Chen makes a plan to return to County, Abby tries to help get her neighbor out of an abusive relationship, Susan disagrees with how a patient is being treated, Mark finds some very suspicious items in Rachel’s room, Sandy and Kerry have a fight, and a ghost from Carter’s past comes back to haunt him.
This week: The custody battle for Reese forces Benton to take drastic actions, Carter gets some upsetting news from his dad, Abby does some digging to find out more about Nicole, Kerry and Sandy go on a lunch date, and Corday helps Benton try and save a little boy shot by his own mother.
This week: Court proceedings in the custody battle for Reese begin, Corday tries to convince a husband to donate his brain dead wife’s organs, Kerry asks out Sandy, Carter treats a woman with an uncommon allergy, Gallant cares for two boxing brothers, and Mark drug tests Rachel.
This week: A massive rain storm messes up everything in Chicago, Mark fights to save a little boy who drowned, Cleo is leaving County, Benton is NOT the father, Gamma does a hit and run on the Pink Ranger, Nicole is a thief, Carter and Susan continue to flirt, and Kerry and Gallant battle the elements and risk electrocution to try and save a stabbing victim and her baby.
Content warning: suicide, including description of an on-screen attempt, and self-harm.
This week: the ER finally gets a relevant med student, Gamma’s health takes a turn for the worse, Abby has concerns about Nicole’s training, Corday uncovers a surprising commonality in her post-op death cases, things go horribly wrong after a mall security guard injures a child, Rachel gets suspended, Benton weighs whether or not to take a paternity test, and Carter and Susan share a moment.
This week: Corday’s post-op deaths trigger a criminal investigation, Susan cares for a pair of college students with a very contagious disease, Carter tries some alternative methods to help his back pain, Luka treats a homeless man, Rachel isn’t very good at babysitting, Benton gets stuck in the middle of an argument between Jackie and Roger, Abby gets asked out by a patient, and Mark treats a mom and daughter who were caught in a fire.
This week: Susan’s first day back at County is anything but boring, a missing Reese sends Roger and Benton into a panic, the 3rd post-op death in a week triggers an investigation of Corday, Kerry treats a man whose daughter hit him with a car, Carter babysits a couple of new med students, and Rachel tests Mark’s patience.
This week: A familiar face returns to County General, Kerry goes into full CYA mode, Mark makes a surprise hire, Benton struggles to find a babysitter for Reese, Corday operates on a child with a rare genetic disorder, Malucci cleans out his locker, Luka’s waitress friend is having some troubles, and Chen makes a big decision.
This week: Weaver doesn’t trust Chen, Abby breaks Luka’s fish tank, Jackie has some trouble with Reese, Rachel shows up unexpectedly (and recast), Corday’s exhaustion reaches new heights, Carter and Chen care for an abandoned baby, Mark tries to clear the board, and Malucci gets fired.
Happy holidays from all of us at STT! Hope you enjoy nearly two hours of the best bits from Season 3!
This week: Carter’s “simple patient” turns into an all nighter, Corday’s stress level hits new highs, Kerry gets some news about her birth mother, Luka and Abby call it quits, Cleo cares for a child injured at a heavy metal concert, and Chen and Malucci make a decision with dire consequences.
This week: The same events are seen from 4 perspectives: Carter, Kerry, Mark, and Benton. A brawl at a talk show taping floods the ER with patients, a young pregnant woman jumps out of a window, Kerry returns after a sudden vacation, Carter attends his grandfather’s funeral, Benton has a heart to heart with Jackie, and Mark presents the Fossen case at an M&M.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Dr. Dave himself, Erik Palladino. Erik shared with us how his own personal turmoil overshadowed the professional success he was experiencing on the show as well as finally confronting us about all the mean things we said about him on the internet.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 7. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 60 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
On this week’s season finale: a crazed gunman goes on a shooting spree across the city, including an orphanage, overwhelming the ER with patients, as well as threatening the safety of its staff and their families.
This week: Mark cares for an abused child, Maggie makes a big decision, Baby Reese gets a boo boo, Carla hits on Benton, Malucci wants to buy a fancy car, Kerry treats a developmentally delayed woman and her brother, Abby has a hard time accepting her mother’s choices, Carter and Chen get some bad news, and Luka doesn’t know how to play softball.
This week: Much to Abby’s surprise, Maggie contests her 90-day psych hold, Benton injures himself while rushing Mr. Ferris to the ER, Malucci gets maced, Kerry treats an old children’s TV star, Carla needs an operation, and the show writers decide to introduce the viewers to the concept of furries.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Rocket Romano himself, Paul McCrane. Paul shared with us the challenges of being responsible for bringing the heat to the show's chemistry as well as what it's like to find out you're being killed by having a helicopter dropped on your head.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week: Carter and Abby head down to Oklahoma to retrieve Maggie, Mark and Corday welcome one Ella Tiberius Green (her Christian name) into their family, Benton helps out one of his former science teachers, pledge week fills the ER with odd injuries, and two of the show hosts have covid.
This week: It’s Mark and Elizabeth’s wedding day! Kerry heads to a conference, a group of prisoners is brought to the ER, Chen treats a hypothermic child, Corday’s stress level goes through the roof, and Mark has a series of misadventures throughout the city as he tries to get to the wedding.
This week: Malucci can’t stay awake after an April Fools joke goes awry, a still very pregnant Corday does a marathon operation, Carter has second thoughts about breaking up with Rena, an elderly woman with dementia is shot multiple times by a cop inside the ER, Mark treats a boy who was exposed to an unknown chemical agent, and Luka treats a pregnant teen.
This week: Rumors fly after a psych patient accuses Kim of sexual harassment, Carter finds out some interesting information about Rena, Mark gets roughed up by an amateur wrestler, Corday returns to work, and the ER is locked down after an infant goes missing.
This week, on the 150th episode: Kovac keeps the Bishop company in his final hours, Benton shows a med school applicant the ropes, the ER is in chaos after a deadly train derailment, Carter has to perform emergency surgery in the field, Corday has early contractions, and Kerry and Kim work with a young woman who caused the horrific accident.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Production Designer Charlie Lagola. Charlie worked on the show between 2003-2009 and shared with us the crucial, often unsung role of production designer as well as how the advances in computer effects changed his job over time.
Want two week early access to all our cast & crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week: Benton makes a startling discovery while going through med student applications, Chen, Cleo, and Carter are all tested after an unvaccinated child comes in with measles, Mark gets notified about his competency test, and Luka wrestles with his past while trying to help the Bishop.
This week: Malucci cares for a young man who may have HIV, Luka keeps doing what he can for the ailing Bishop, Carter and Abby go to a fundraiser, Corday helps a teenager who needs his third heart transplant, and Mark makes some executive decisions regarding patient care.
This week: Benton gets a surprise promotion, Mark’s return to work is not without its speed bumps, Corday has a meltdown in surgery, Kerry and Kim take their relationship to the next level, Abby treats a pair of frisky old men, Carter goes to visit Chase, and the ER is slammed after a fire occurs at an illegal sweatshop.
This week: Carter doesn’t believe a patient, Benton is once again pressed into helping Kynesha, news of a lawsuit settlement leaves Corday rattled, Kerry comes face to face with her feelings, and Luka treats an ailing holy man.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with casting director John Levey. John shared with us the chaos that is trying to cast 25 or more new parts each week as well as what it was like to put the original cast together.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week: Mark goes under the knife for an awake brain surgery where things don’t quite go according to plan. In the ER, a father and son are brought in after a nasty car crash, but the father takes a turn for the worse after an underlying heart condition is revealed.
This week: Mark and Elizabeth head to New York for a 2nd opinion, Chen goes into labor (and scares the adoptive parents), Benton helps a little girl in a unique situation, Carter can’t get any sleep, and Kerry can’t seem to get rid of her hiccups.
This week: Maggie has a “job interview,” Corday goes through a very intense deposition, Benton and Cleo try to help Jesse’s girlfriend, and Mark has a seizure in front of Carter.
This week: Maggie refuses to return to Florida, Chen’s mom finds out about the baby, Corday gets served, Carter dismisses a patient’s pain, Abby gets blown up, Benton has a patient bounce back, and Mark gets some rather unfortunate news.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Carol Flint. Carol was a writer and executive producer on the series from 1995-1999. She shared with us the challenges that come along with transitioning from writing for the stage to writing for television as well as what it feels like to get compliments from guys like Steven Spielberg.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Kovac treats an abused middle schooler, Corday’s back surgery patient suffers some major complications, Benton desperately tries to save his nephew, Malucci gets punched in the face, and Abby’s mother makes a surprise, and chaotic, visit to the ER.
This week: Luka tries to learn more about the man he killed, Benton is forced to lead a short-staffed ER, Mark’s helicopter has to make an emergency landing, Carter treats a teen with HIV (and has been lied to about it), and the ER is treated to a wedding (of sorts).
This week, Benton desperately tries to find a new job, Kerry and Kim try to help an army veteran with dementia, Carter eases back into trauma cases (for better or worse), Malucci needs a replacement for a hockey game, Chen treats a little boy with a terminal illness, and Abby and Luka’s first date goes horribly wrong.
This week, a structural collapse at a sci-fi convention overwhelms the short-staffed ER, Abby and Luka share an intimate moment, Corday guides Mark through a delicate procedure, Frank tries to get some patients arrested, Malucci won't leave Chen alone, Benton has a huge surprise waiting for him at the hospital, and Carter’s return to the ER isn’t quite what he’d hoped for.
This week, Benton’s patient has some insurance issues, Carter gets a plan to return to the ER, Abby is called down from OB to help Chen with a premature baby, Kerry and Kovac care for a terminal cancer patient, and Mark has a very important question for Corday.
On this week’s season premiere, a janitorial strike leaves the ER a chaotic mess, Carter makes his way home after finishing rehab, Peter has a job interview, Abby runs into some financial issues, Luka comforts a man after his wife dies, and a huge fight breaks out between two rival football teams as Mark and Corday race to save an injured player.
It’s that time again!
Join the STT hosts and special guest Jake from The Popular Court as we recap all the good and bad that was season 6. Hear our opinions on the season as a whole, what we loved and what we hated the most, as well as some thoughts from your fellow listeners.
Want to hear the full episode, including the semi-annual “Tone-y” awards? Support us at the $5 level over at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast to enjoy that plus over 50 additional hours of bonus audio and video content.
On this week’s season finale, Benton and Kovac clash over how to best triage victims from a failed robbery, Corday fishes a bullet out of a heart, Mark tries to treat a stubborn rugby player, Cleo helps a pregnant stabbing victim, and after being caught by Abby, Carter’s drug problem is revealed.
This week, Carter’s mood and behaviors become increasingly erratic, Abby mistakenly discharges a patient, everyone’s favorite politically incorrect desk clerk joins the ER staff, Mark returns to work, Dave gets chewed out by Kerry, and Carol violates one more DNR before hopping on a plane.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Executive Producer and Writer, Lydia Woodward. Lydia shared with us the exhausting roller coaster that was Season 1 as well as how the show managed to stay fresh in the midst of so much chaos and cast turnover.
Want two week early access to all our cast & crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
Content warning: Talk about the sexual assault of a child.
This week, Mark makes David as comfortable as possible as the end nears, Dave loses his cool after treating a young girl with strange bruises, Corday tries to get an anorexic girl the help she needs, Benton has some choice words for Kovac, Kerry and Chen treat a young boy who’s experiencing odd seizures, Carol’s thoughts are decidedly elsewhere, and Carter’s behavior seems a bit odd.
This week, Luka and Carol take a trip to get a new (used) car, Abby breaks the rules to help a young girl with leukemia, Cleo meets Benton’s family, David makes a new friend, Carter digs for more information about his assailant, Kerry returns to the ER, and Chen struggles to help a family make the right decision for a dying woman.
This week, Abby handles a delicate situation involving a pregnant mother of five, Kerry’s suspension leaves the ER in disarray, Luka’s heart patient and Carter’s workman’s comp case have a bit of a mix up, Cleo gets a second opinion on a surgical case, Carter has some anger issues, and David’s home care isn’t going as well as Mark had hoped.
This week, Romano decides to spend some time in the ER, Carter’s past comes back to haunt him, Luka evaluates a series of patients for a kidney transplant, Kerry tries to get the best care possible for a young girl, Chen treats a man with a degenerative illness, a prescription mix up lands Benton and Cleo in hot water, and David makes plans for his end of life care.
This week, a barely functional Carter returns to work, Mark and David take a trip down memory lane, Chen has the hots for an ICU nurse, Corday desperately tries to keep a potential organ donor alive, Abby makes a mistake which Benton tries to fix, and the ER is completely overwhelmed by patients.
On this mont's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Terence Nightingall. Terence was a steadicam operator and director for over ten years on the show and he shared with us his unique perspective being behind the camera for so many of the show's most iconic moments.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Carter tries his best to put on a brave face as he slowly recovers, Mark and Corday’s parents seem to be having some fun together, an exhausted Chen continues to try and take on Carter and Lucy’s workloads, Carol treats two high school girls who may have an STI, Abby gets a feeling that a patient may be worse off than he seems, Luka and Benton butt heads over a surgical case, and Lucy’s mom comes to collect Lucy’s belongings.
This week, after Kerry makes a shocking discovery, the hospital staff rallies to try and save Lucy and Carter.
This week, Lucy treats a man who she suspects may have psychiatric problems, Carter returns to his peak know-it-all phase, Abby gets a lesson in end of life care, Romano operates on his best friend, Mark accidentally arranges a double date for Valentine’s Day, Carol, Luka, Corday, and Benton all try to save two parents after a bad car crash, and Chen and Malucci bicker over the best course of treatment for a cancer patient.
This week, the flu is ravaging both the ER patients and its staff, Carter tries to get through to an angry child with a progressive illness, Benton has to bend the rules to get a little girl treatment for her scars, Cleo treats a boy who is using HGH, Luka resorts to trickery to prove a mom is abusing her son, and medical student Abby Lockheart joins the ER staff.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with John Carter MD himself, Noah Wyle. Noah shared with us what an amazing ride his nearly 15 years on the show was as well as how he once made George Clooney a little jealous.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Lucy faces reality after a procedure she orchestrated goes south, Carol returns from maternity leave, Carter and Chen butt heads over what the best way is to help a woman and her mother, a water outage complicates patient care for the entire hospital, Mark treats a man whom he suspects is a domestic violence victim, Corday concludes her time with Dean, and the romance between Benton and Cleo begins, for better or worse. #Bench
This week, Corday employs some dark methods to try and get information from Dean, Dr. Jing-Mei Chen makes her grand return to County General, Mark flies to San Diego to help his dad let go of their family home, Benton and Cleo have differing opinions on how best to help an overworked basketball player, Luka’s attempts to help two struggling brothers are undermined, and Carter helps Chen out of a sticky situation involving a runaway teen.
This week, Carter inadvertently starts collecting guns, Lucy goes above and beyond to help a woman in need of a heart transplant, Corday has to convince Dean to let her save his leg, Carol is overwhelmed by the twins, Benton tries to care for an older gentleman who’s refusing a life-saving operation, and Cleo finally gets Chad the help he needs for his alcoholism.
This week, Luka helps a very much in labor Carol get to the ER, Kerry helps deliver the first twin: Tess, Malucci has a thing or two to teach Carter, Corday is forced to deal with the Greene family after Mark has to leave to help Carol, and the one, the only, Abby Lockheart makes her debut and helps Carol deliver the second twin: Kate.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Dave Chameides. Dave was a steadicam operator and director between 1996-1999. He shared with us what it was like being the one behind the camera for the ambitious live episode as well as how ER's visual style continued to push the envelope year after year.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
Content warning for discussions of sexual assault.
This week, Lucy and Cleo disagree on how best to help an alcoholic teen, Carter is drunk with power, Corday decides to play God while attending to a seriously injured suspected rapist, Luka and Kerry care for the rapist’s victim, Carol checks in on Meg in the jail ward, and Gabe manages to save one more life on his way out of the ER.
This week, Gabe’s increasingly frequent memory issues cause Kerry to dig into his past (and make some hard decisions), Carol pulls a move with Meg only Doug could love, Carter learns from past mistakes and helps ease an older woman’s husband towards a dignified end, Cleo has some harsh words for a diabetic child and his father, Mark gets a little blown up, Benton pleads his case to Carla, and we say goodbye to Jeanie Boulet.
This week, Malucci tries to get the story on Kerry’s need for a cane, Benton navigates a tricky situation with blood donations for a patient, Lucy cares for a young “creatively challenged” artist, an explosion at a school science lab completely overwhelms Gabe, Jeanie worries about Carlos, Carol tries to get Meg into rehab, and the long national nightmare that is Carter and Elaine is mercifully over.
Content warning for talk of suicide.
This week, Cleo and Yosh treat a little girl who can only be described as the spawn of Satan, Carol helps a pregnant waitress get some prenatal care, Dave needs some work on his bedside manner, Mark treats a young man who attempted suicide, Corday tries to navigate some bad press, Carter continues to ignore Elaine’s boundaries, and Gabe tries to get to the bottom of what really happened with the suicidal teen.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're talking with Robin Bronner. Robin was an assistant director on the show for a total of 79 episodes between 1999-2003. She shared with us the crucial role an assistant director plays in making sure each episode is completed on schedule as well as what we as viewers maybe take for granted that's actually quite difficult to achieve.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Corday is forced to babysit a reporter writing about the hospital, Carter still doesn’t understand HIPAA, Lucy helps Kovac care for an abused woman, love is in the air as Reggie and Jeanie get married, Kerry is a little obsessed with badges but has a surprise for Jeanie, Benton deals with the fallout of Carla’s revelation, and Mark butts heads with Dr. Gabriel Lawrence, the new ER attending.
This week, after burying his mom, Mark returns to the ER and takes on a DNR cancer patient, Dr. Malucci debuts and decides to play paramedic, Carter does a HIPAA violation, Corday is ambushed with a potentially huge promotion, Benton’s custody case takes a very soap opera turn, Luka does his best priest impression for a dying woman, and Jeanie makes a move to try and adopt baby Carlos.
On this week’s season premiere, a very pregnant Carol narrowly avoids a major accident, Randi decks a guy, Romano is up for a promotion, Mark does the right thing and gets immediately punished for it, Jeanie cares for an end-stage AIDS patient and her HIV positive son, Benton and Carla clash at a court ordered meeting, Carter’s thirst for blondes takes a strange turn, and County General welcomes George Clooney’s replacements: Dr. Luka Kovac and Dr. Cleo Finch.
Believe it or not, it's time for yet another season wrap up! Yes, Season 5 has come and gone but we're not quite done with it yet. Join us, and Popular Court co-host Jake Terrell, for a look back at the season that was, who we bid farewell to, and who got Bob'd.
Want the full length episode including the coveted Tone-y Awards? Consider becoming a patron at the $5 level or above at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
On this week’s season finale, Carol gets some interesting news during an ultrasound, Jeanie finally comes clean with Reggie, the battle of Benton v. Carla kicks off, Kerry brings in a seemingly abandoned toddler, Romano finally gets put in his place after making a baffling decision about the ER, Carter didn’t mind his own damn business and Lucy must now suffer because of it, and Mark opens up to Corday.
On this edition of STT Interviews, we're delighted to sit down with Samantha Corbin-Miller. Samantha was a writer on the series between 1996 and 1998. She shared with us what it's like being tasked with bringing down America's sweetheart, Doug Ross as well as the dreaded Episode 19 assignment.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, the winner of the trauma fellowship is decided, Carol finally tells Doug about her pregnancy, Carter needs to mind his own damn business, Mark treats a woman accompanied by some “FBI” agents, Romano has some choice words for Benton regarding his future, and the whole staff rallies to help 3 teenage burn victims (and help find the 4th).
This week, stormy weather plays hell with the power at County General, Carol decides how to tell Doug about her pregnancy, Lucy, back doing another ER rotation, cares for an elderly woman with a suspicious wound, Carter treats a perfume saleswoman, and Corday witnesses the aftermath of a sexual assault.
Happy holidays from all of us at STT! We hope you and your family are enjoying a safe, happy and healthy holiday season. As is tradition for this time of year, we took a look back at some of the best moments of seasons gone by and this time it’s Season 2’s turn in the Delorean! We hope you enjoy this look back at the best, brightest and weirdest moments in STT, Season 2!
This week, Jeanie cares for the reverend of a local church, Carter supervises a high school student interested in a future in medicine, Carol and Lynette butt heads over Coco’s follow-up care, Lucy flexes her psychiatry muscles with a troubled foster kid, Mark and Corday try to get to a surgical conference, and Benton gets an ultimatum regarding his future.
This week, Benton’s plans get disrupted by a hotshot surgeon, Kerry helps a woman who she thinks may be her mother, Mobalage has one last shot at staying in the US, Corday learns of some new competition for the trauma fellowship, Carol cares for Coco after Coco has her baby, Carter jumps to conclusions, and April Fool’s Day shenanigans are everywhere in the ER.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're talking with Louie Liberti, better known to ER fans as Paramedic Bardelli. Louie appeared in 48 episodes across 5 seasons and shared with us the pressures that come with being a character that's supposed to be seen but not always heard as well as what it was like being a part of another character's iconic death scene.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Carter has a rather eventful day as he rides along with the paramedics, Lucy tries to navigate some tricky family dynamics while treating an elderly cancer patient, A pro wrestler attracts the attention of the ER, Kubby is awake and has some important info about her stabbing, Jeanie gets some new light shed on the source of her Hep C infection, and Carol adjusts to life without Doug.
This week, Benton heads to rural Mississippi to help out a nurse practitioner with a broken leg. While there, he learns about the disparities in health care access, makes some new friends, experiences some good ol’ southern racism, delivers a baby under dubious circumstances, and saves the lives of some fishermen after a shrimp boat accident.
Also, the hosts are joined by fan of the show Aaron Burgin to help get a different perspective on the themes of the episode.
This week, Doug’s time on the show finally comes to a close (after nearly killing Jeanie), Mark aids the firefighters and paramedics at the scene of the crash, word of Carter and Lucy’s hookup spreads, Kubby is rushed to the ER, Carol chooses a successor to run the clinic, and Ricky’s dad has some choice words for Doug before he leaves.
This week, Doug is in a tight spot because he may have done some light assisted suicide, Ricky’s father enters the picture and wants Doug charged with murder, Peter considers ways to improve his finances, Carter and Lucy do some ill-advised hooking up, Mark convinces Mobalage to have an operation, Carol’s clinic is shut down, and a school bus is involved in a major accident following a snow storm.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're talking with the legend himself, Abe Benrubi! Better known to ER fans as Unit Services Coordinator (and official STT mascot) Jerry Markovic, Abe shared with us his fondest memories about his time on the show as well as how ER stacks up with the dozens of other film and television projects he's been a part of. Want two week early access to all our cast & crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Doug takes even bigger steps to help Joi and ease Ricky’s pain, Lucy flexes her surgical muscles, everyone’s favorite radiologist reappears from the void, Carol advocates for a nomadic woman with a few too many furry friends, Mark helps out a janitor with back problems, and Kerry’s investigation hits a major roadblock.
This week, Doug breaks the rules of a clinical trial to help a dying boy, Carter can’t cook, Jerry plays DJ in the ER, Lucy begins her surgical rotation, a paramedic makes a serious mistake, Jeanie advocates for a patient with a partially amputated finger, Mark weighs his future career options, Benton operates on a patient who claims to be 140, and haha fat people are funny, am I right?
This week, Amanda Lee’s true nature is revealed, Carol and Doug care for an exhausted mother and her chronically ill son, Dale continues to be a sleaze, tempers flare after a deadly car accident, Benton operates on a deaf woman’s granddaughter, and Reggie flirts with Jeanie in the worst way.
This week, Carter and Lucy try to make a miracle happen when a brain dead teenager and another teen needing an urgent liver transplant come to the ER the same night, a drunk Romano gets knocked out, Benton’s workload keeps getting bigger, Corday connects with a nervous cancer patient, Mark shocks an angry elf, Amanda’s true nature is revealed, and Carol councils a young pregnant girl.
On this week’s 100th episode spectacular, Carter takes a very special guest on a tour of the hospital, Carol cares for a young boy whose story takes an extremely dark turn, Dr. Kotlowitz has Benton assist him with a cochlear implant procedure, Corday has her own mic drop moment at an M&M, and the writers continue to give Doyle nothing of value to do.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews we're talking with Guy Norman Bee! Guy worked as the primary steadicam operator for Seasons 1-3 and also directed an episode. He shares with us how his process with the steadicam changed over time and how it informed his approach as a director later on.
Want two week early access to all our cast & crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, the entire ER rallies to try and save a little girl with an extremely rare blood type, Carter and Lucy scour the city to try and find the girl’s father, and Anspaugh and Benton attempt a daring bloodless surgery as a last ditch effort to save the girl’s life.
This week, Mark goes through a little hazing with the paramedics, Kerry has a fancy new toy to play with, Lucy tries to work up the nerve to voice her opinions to Carter, a promising candidate interviews for the ER Chief position, an exhausted Corday makes a critical error, Doug runs afoul of the anesthesiologists, and Benton gets a different opinion on how to best help Reese.
This week, Doug feels the pressure of being an attending, Mark cares for a young sex worker who was the victim of a brutal beating, Carter is in need of a new apartment, Jeanie helps out a young girl injured under unusual circumstances, Benton gets a different take on how to treat Reese’s hearing impairment, Lucy wrecks Carter’s beard, and Corday finds herself with a new supervisor.
This week, the ER staff gets a little spooky, Jerry does a little thievery, Corday tries her best to get Benton to lighten up a little bit, Kerry’s promotion chances seem to be getting lower by the minute, Mark makes assumptions that cost a patient dearly, Dale proves he’s still an insensitive prick, Jen has some major news for Mark, and Carter chaperones a dorm party that turns ugly.
This week, Corday gets a reality check as she begins her first day as an intern, Kerry has her big interview for chief, Lucy misplaces a dead body, Doug disagrees with Romano about how best to treat a child, Benton begins speech therapy with Reese, a dog gets the better of Mark, and Carol attempts to persuade a young gang member to break the cycle of violence.
This week, Jerry has an interesting experience with a sick horse, Kerry is the last to know about Doug’s new position, Corday has her last day as a surgical fellow, Mark gets called into the field to help a man with a bomb strapped to his chest, Doug cares for a young girl with cancer, Carter accidentally violates a DNR order, and Lucy is still struggling with her IVs.
This week, Corday’s father is in town as she considers her next career move, the AC in the ER is on the fritz, Mark gets some first hand experience with the paramedics, Lucy is still struggling with basic procedures, Baby Reese gets a hearing test, Romano gets put in his place, and Carter experiences the joys of dorm life.
On this week’s season 5 premiere, 3rd-year medical student Lucy Knight has a chaotic first day at County General. Also, Carter is sporting a new look, Mark gets an unorthodox job offer (and maybe isn’t the best tour guide), Doug grudgingly accepts his punishment for the detox baby, Carol gets disrespected, and the staff celebrate Jerry’s birthday.
4 seasons down! This week the hosts offer up some general thoughts on the season as a whole, break down some interesting stats, say a final goodbye to some of the many characters who left, curse the awards makers for not letting ER have any yet again, and hear what the listeners had to say about it all.
Want to hear the whole episode? Head on over to patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast and subscribe at the $5 level for nearly an hour of extra insanity and awards presentations!
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with Kristin Minter; better known to ER fans as Randi! Kristin shared with us her feelings on her first day on set as well as her thoughts on some of Randi’s more outrageous outfits.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
On this week’s season 4 finale, Carol has suspicions that a patient may be more depressed than he lets on, the fallout from Doug’s rogue procedure ripples through the ER, Kerry makes her case for being the permanent ER chief, Corday finds herself without a sponsor, Carter cares for a coma patient, and Anna gets Bob’d.
This week, Max settles in at County to study a possible pediatric ER, Corday learns a lesson in interracial relationships, Romano makes a surprising discovery, Doug does some sneaking in order to break a baby’s addiction to methadone, Jeanie suspects a cold may be something more, and Anna treats a famous televangelist after a botched plastic surgery.
This week, Baby Reese is getting baptized, Carol’s mom has a new boyfriend, Romano has a proposition for Corday, Carter and Anna care for a John Doe patient unable to communicate (at least in a way they understand), Kerry has an unusual situation with an older couple, and Mark and Carol do their best to comfort a man slowly dying of chemical burns.
This week, Carter gets a taste of poverty, Morgenstern does the right thing after throwing Benton under the bus, a women’s health clinic bombing throws Anna for a loop, Jeanie and Anspaugh mourn Scott, Corday and Romano work to try and save Allison’s life, and Doug tries to help a young man after his pregnant girlfriend winds up brain dead.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with two of the longest tenured cast members, Laura Ceron and Yvette Freeman! Hear all about their 15 year odyssey as nurses Chuny Marquez and Haleh Adams as well as what being part of the ER family means to them today.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Doug dons his knight armor while fighting to create a future staff position for himself, Benton is forced to take action after Morgenstern freezes during an operation, Anna makes a bone marrow donation, Scott’s fight against cancer reaches its final stage, Carter makes a drastic financial decision, and Mark does his best to salvage a banquet for the ER staff after pretty much everything that can go wrong does.
This week, Corday ruffles some feathers with her synthetic blood study, Jeanie has some bad news for Scott, Carol encounters some resistance while helping a young girl with birth control, the ER has a bone marrow drive, Morgenstern makes his grand return, Benton hits a woman with a car, and Doug plans for the future.
This week, Doyle gives us proof of life, Mark tries to track Cynthia down to return her luggage, Corday and Benton go on a museum date, Doug treats an abused and poisoned boy, Carter and his family are in shock after Chase overdoses, Anna picks a fight with a neurosurgeon, and Jeanie does her best to care for Scott as he continues to get sicker.
This week, The ER has to be evacuated after victims of a chemical plant explosion contaminate the place with benzine. Carter steps up after Weaver is incapacitated, Corday risks her life to save a man trapped at the scene, the cafeteria is quickly converted into a patient holding area, and Doug and Carol are trapped in an elevator after the fire alarm is pulled.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with the ER power couple, Ellen Crawford and Mike Genovese! Ellen played nurse Lydia Wright for parts of 10 seasons and Mike played officer Al Grabarsky. Ellen and Mike shared with us some of their earliest memories of their time on the show as well as what it was like having an on screen wedding.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast.
This week, Mark takes a trip to San Diego to help out his injured mother. While there, he has to face hard truths about her mental condition, does his best to reconnect with and help his father, and witnesses the fallout of an accident on a military base. Oh, and Cynthia decides to tag along too.
This week, Jerry makes his case to return to the day shift, a snow storm buries Chicago (leaving the ER deserted), a blood shortage forces Carter to make a tough decision on how to treat a serial rapist, Kerry nukes the SPG takeover, Carol and Doug care for a couple and their newborn, Mark and Cynthia’s relationship is on the ropes, and Corday has a proposition for Benton.
This week, Carol has to go for a paramedic ride-along, Doug has a surprise to share, Carter and Anna have to help Chase through drug withdrawals, Kerry is having second thoughts about privatizing the ER, Jeanie does her best to encourage Scott, and Benton and Corday have their first date.
This week, Dr. Swift makes his grand return to the ER (sort of), Ellis makes his pitch for Synergix to completely take over the ER, Corday goes rogue to try and get a vocal cord surgery for Allison, a second elderly sexual assault victim is brought to the ER, Jeanie helps care for Dr. Anspaugh’s son, Anna kills a Tamagotchi, and Mark has some sage advice for Carter.
This week, Benton has the magic touch, Henry comes crawling back to try and pass his ER rotation, Mark cares for an older woman who’s been assaulted, Corday skips out on her London holiday trip, Jeanie forgets her meds, Carter catches his cousin shooting up in a limo.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with series composer, Martin Davich. Martin composed the score for an astonishing 330 out of 331 episodes of the series. Hear all about the creative process that went into creating some of those iconic pieces and how the tone of the show evolved over time.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Carter gets arrested after standing up for a patient’s rights, Jeanie lawyers up, Kerry’s assumptions compromise a patient’s care, Mark’s lawyer shadows him for the day, Doug returns from the desert, Carol is a bit of a hypocrite, and Benton and Corday butt heads on how to best care for a woman’s injured leg.
This week, Carol’s clinic gets off to a rocky start, Jeanie is suspicious about the circumstances of her firing when the ER says hello to a new nurse , a child with a unique condition needs surgery, a lawyer offers to take on Mark’s lawsuit pro bono, Henry returns to attempt to pass his ER rotation, and a love letter falls into the wrong hands.
Who doesn’t love a good road trip? This week, Mark and Doug venture to the middle of nowhere in California to find out more about how Doug’s dad died. They also learn of a whole new life he’d built out there, and make time to say hello to Mark’s family along the way.
This week, Carol has to make the case for her clinic to Carter’s grandmother, Al hatches a plan for him and Jeanie to move to Atlanta, Romano shows off a brand new high tech surgery tool, Kerry has to make a difficult decision, Benton gets Corday in trouble, Mark and Cynthia become a thing, and Doug gets some bad news.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with Marc Jablon! Marc played medical student Larry Weston for parts of two seasons. Marc had all sorts of fun anecdotes for us including what it was like filming Abby and Luka’s wedding in a surprising location and the fear that comes along with getting thrust into an established group of actors.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Carol has an idea for a free clinic, Benton is introduced to the struggles of fatherhood, everyone’s favorite bigot makes his debut, Mark’s “I’m a huge jerk” attitude escalates even further, Al and Jeanie get confronted about their HIV status at a bar, Carter is frustrated by his new med student, and Anna treats a young man with an advanced form of cancer.
This week: Wilson gets some lessons in gambling, Cuddy gets a bit of tunnel vision at the poker table, House is haunted by a past mistake, and the whole team must come together to save a little boy with a rapidly progressing deadly illness.
P.S. - Happy April Fool's Day!
This week, Carter can’t win, Doug is behind on the research part of his job, Jeanie is forced to violate her HIV agreement, Mark overlooked a critical diagnosis in a former patient, and the ER is hit hard after a school bus is involved in a major accident.
This week, we talking about penises way too much, Cynthia has a crazy first day, Al is involved in a work accident, Carter adjusts to the role of ER Intern (and pretends to be poor), Corday does a little flirting, Weaver gets a temporary promotion, Mark still needs therapy, and Jerry blows up the ambulance bay.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews we’re talking with Angel Laketa Moore, better known to ER fans as Nurse Dawn Archer. Angel chats with us about her start in acting, what it was like breaking into show business on such an iconic show, and what it was like to be one of the first fictional characters portraying the fallout of Hurricane Katrina.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Kerry takes on some additional responsibilities, Carter and Anna are introduced to their new med students, the ER is in need of a new desk clerk, Baby Reese is finally taken off of a ventilator, Doug and Carol’s new relationship takes an important step, and Mark is still a complete jerk, but this time it may jeopardize patient care.
On the season 4 premiere, we’re joined by the Laser Time Network’s own Diana Goodman!
This week, the staff must navigate being constantly filmed by a documentary crew, Mark is unfortunately still an absolute jerk, Dr. Elizabeth Corday makes her debut, a good Samaritan suffers a critical injury after saving a man’s life, a brawl breaks out in the middle of the ER, Morgenstern suffers a heart attack, and oh by the way, this entire episode aired live on NBC. Twice.
We’re ⅕ of the way through the series! Listen as we give our thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of season 3, offer some general thoughts on the season as a whole, and run down the exceptionally long list of awards this season was nominated for.
Want to hear the whole 2+ hour episode? Subscribe to our Patreon at the $5 or above level to hear that and get more exclusive content each month, plus a free sticker!
On this week’s season finale, Carter has to convince Anspaugh to let him leave the surgical department, Mark continues to bottle up his feelings (and buys a gun), Doug cares for Charlie once again after she overdoses, Kerry and Jeanie have some catching up to do, and Benton is confronted with the reality that little baby Reese has a long road to recovery.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with Emily Wagner, better known to ER fans as EMT Doris Pickman. As one of the longest tenured cast members on the show, she brings us a unique perspective on the all the different casts and how the show evolved over time.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Mark returns to the ER while still very much injured, Carla goes into labor 2 months early, Benton does his best to help his new son in the NICU, Carter makes a huge decision about his career, Carol bemoans the fact that it’s her birthday, and everyone tries to help out Mark in their own unique ways.
This week, Mark has a really rough time, we say hello to Dr. Anna Del Amico, Carter shepherds a family through a kidney transplant, Jeanie gets Al into a drug study, Doug sucks up to Anspaugh to get a golf club invite, and the ER is captivated by a mysterious steamy story with an unknown author.
This week, Carol debates a huge career decision, Benton does his best to help Carla, Jerry tries to catch a special mouse, Mark brings Rachel's brownie troop to the ER, and Carter has to clean up Dale's big mistake.
This week, Benton violates some privacy laws, Carter has to be sneaky to get a patient the treatment they need, Jeanie cares for a suicidal woman, Doug saves a young couple’s prom night, and Mark tries to find a patient to write up for a journal article.
This week, Mark does several racisms, Carol cares for a sexual assault victim, Carter does his best with a particularly complicated patient, Kerry tries to get a patient into rehab, and a very pregnant Carla gets in a car accident.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with Conni Marie Brazelton, better known to ER fans as Nurse Connie Oligario. She brings us her unique perspective on what it was like to be on the show from the very beginning and when she knew they had a hit on their hands.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, Mark and Doyle do their best to advocate for a patient, Peter eases back into his surgical duties, Carol is welcomed back with open arms, Greg wants to take his relationship with Jeanie to the next level, and Doug has to undo a decision he made.
This week, Ewan McGregor guest stars in ER’s first bottle episode where Carol gets caught up in the middle of a robbery at a corner store. She has to do her best to care for several injured people, including two shooting victims, while also keeping a child and the robbers calm.
Happy Holidays from all of us at STT! We thought this would be a fun way to close out the longest year of our lives and end on a laugh. Grab some snacks, this sucker tips the scales at almost 3 hours long! But it was so much fun to relive these moments and marvel at just how far we've come (seriously, thank you for sticking with us through those early audio quality growing pains).
This week, Mark clumsily attempts to date multiple women at the same time, Haleh is overwhelmed with the nurse manager duties, Doug takes on a particularly complicated case, Carter and the surgical staff get to treat a very special patient, and Greg and Jeanie play detective.
This week, we’re finally joined by Nurse Jenn! She goes in depth into one of the Trauma scenes to show just how much work and coordination goes into a patient like this on TV and in real life.
Also, Mark and Kerry showcase very different teaching styles, Carol agonizes over her mistake, Benton is a little gun shy, and Carter ponders whether to leave Benton’s surgical team.
On this month’s edition of STT Interviews, we’re talking with Chloe Greenfield. Chloe played Sarah Riley for 24 episodes across three seasons. We talk about how a spontaneous decision to attend an audition led to her start in acting as well as what it was like going through those tumultuous teenage years in front of a primetime audience.
Want two week early access to all our cast and crew interviews? Consider becoming a patron at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
This week, the fallout of Gant’s death leaves Benton and Carter reeling, the nurses stage a sick out, Mark may be getting ahead of himself in his new relationship, Carol makes a fatal error, Jeanie makes a new special friend, and Doug tries his best to help Charlie as she recovers.
This week, the ER is a ghost town, Dr. Keaton says goodbye, Kerry recruits Jeanie for a research study, Carol and Doug reflect on the good times, Randi offers some budget advice, Mark and Chuny make googly eyes at one another, and a trauma patient shakes both Carter and Benton to their core.
This week, Jeanie’s diagnosis is revealed to the staff, Mark tries to surprise Rachel with an ill advised gift, Doug cares for a neglected child, Doyle helps an abused woman escape her home, a trans patient is played for laughs, and Carter kicks Gant while he’s down.
This week, Carol crams for her midterm, Mark decides to take out his disappointment on the entire ER staff, Carter gets some bad news of his own, Jeanie’s secret may not be one for much longer, and Doug does his best to support everyone.
This week, Susan says goodbye to the ER, Al and Lydia tie the knot, Jeanie finally gets divorced, Dr. Keaton encourages Benton to approach surgery prep in a new way, Doug and Chuny do some community outreach, and Mark does loops around Chicago hoping to catch Susan’s train before it leaves.
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we are chatting with Lyn Alicia Henderson, better known to ER fans as EMT Pamela Olbes. Lyn worked on the show for 14 seasons making the 12th most appearances all time!
This week, Carter chases down a runaway patient, Benton’s guilt leads to an inadvisable marathon surgery, Susan reveals a life altering decision, Rhonda makes a horrific error, Mark gets rejected, and E-Ray may be developing super powers.
Editor’s Note: We encountered some technical difficulties with Lizzie & Lauren’s audio in this episode and the next one. Their audio is far below our normal quality standards as a result. We’ve identified the issue and it will be cleaned up as of S3E8. Thanks for your understanding.
This week, Susan has some issues riding in a helicopter, a family fights for their lives after a horrible accident, Benton makes a potentially fatal error, Gant finally stands up for himself, and Jeanie and Maggie help fulfill a dying patient's unusual final wish.
This week, Doug and Carol practice a very different kind of medicine, the ER has some spooky electrical problems, Susan returns from her vacation, Gant confronts Benton over his harsh treatment, Haleh shows off her singing talents, and Jeanie has some strong words for Al.
This week, Doug has to rush a woman to the hospital, Jeanie has some trouble with her meds, the nurses are a little thirsty, Carol considers a career change, and Carter again shows he’s better with kids than Benton.
This month we are talking with Ms. Jeanie Boulet herself, Gloria Reuben! Hear all about her thoughts on Jeanie’s legacy as a character, working with Eriq LaSalle, and going on tour with Tina Turner!
This week, Susan has an interesting proposition for Mark, Carol strolls down memory lane with an old teacher, Carter and Gant lament their lack of surgical opportunities, Jeanie is confronted by Benton about her HIV status, and Mark spends his entire shift with one patient.
This week, Jeanie has her first HIV appointment, Carter gets a late start to his day, Susan and Mark ditch their blind dates to have their own fun, and County finds out whether it will close up shop. We also meet one of the longest running characters: Dr. Donald Anspaugh.
On this week’s season premiere, Carter faces the realities of his new surgical internship, Jeanie faces her own reality of living with HIV, Benton reconnects with an old friend, Kerry’s management style is on full display, and Mark is having none of it.
We've made it! 2 seasons down, 13 to go.
Join us this week for your free look at the first half of our season 2 recap. In this version, you can hear us recap the broad stories of the season, mourn the characters who got Bob'd, and hear our initial thoughts and feelings about the season as a whole.
Want to hear the whole episode? Subscribe to our Patreon at the $5 tier or above to gain immediate access to this episode and more! Simply follow the link below!
On this month's edition of STT Interviews, we're chatting with Harper Tracy herself, Christine Elise! Join us as we discuss her journey to the show, why she left, how she feels about her character, and more!
Want these interviews two weeks early? Subscribe to our Patreon through the link below to get early access to a new interview every month!
It’s the season 2 finale! This week, Carter finally graduates and finalizes his plans for next year, Susan turns down the chief resident position, Weaver gets a promotion, Jeanie has an important chat with Benton, Carol make an impulsive decision, and we say goodbye to several characters.
This week, Susan has some feelings to process, Carter cares for a little girl who needs a new liver, Carol lies to an investigator, Jeanie’s ex-husband receives a troubling diagnosis, and Doug spends some quality time with his mom.
This week, Shep displays some anger issues, Carter has to do a surprise pediatrics rotation, Benton’s ethics complaint against Vucelich gets returned to him, Susan has a series of weird flashbacks, and we say goodbye to Harper in the most unsatisfying way possible.
Content warning: descriptions of invasive/gross medical procedures
It's our pilot episode of The Lounge! We wanted to give everyone a look at what the show will look like once we reach the stretch goal over on patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
On this episode, Lizzie describes getting a steroid injection, Daniel tells the tale of how he almost cut a thumb off, and Lauren is just generally horrified by all of it.
This week, Carter’s jealousy finally ends up costing him, Benton takes a turn misdiagnosing a patient, Susan finally gives Little Susie back, Weaver decides to start filming and critiquing traumas, and Mark is nervous about a date.
This week, Mark is the only attending for an overnight shift. You can probably guess how that goes for him. Also, Susan’s custody case suffers a major setback, Carter suffers the consequences of his overindulgent celebration, and Steve the radiologist is back to bore everyone.
On this edition of STT Interviews, we get the chance to sit down with Troy Evans! Mr. Evans is known to ER fans for his role as everyone’s favorite grumpy desk clerk: Frank Martin. We talk about his unusual path to Hollywood, the honor of having been featured in Abby’s last scene, and much more!
This week, Mark debuts some questionable facial hair choices, Carter celebrates a bit too much (to the detriment of a patient), Carol lives the life of a temp, Little Susie takes her first steps, Benton goes behind Doug’s back to reveal a truth, and 2 members of the Bartlet administration visit the ER.
This week, Shep and Raul both suffer the consequences of saving children from a burning building, Susan’s adoption efforts get a bit more complicated, Doug gets stood up by his own father, and Carter struggles when treating a burn victim.
This week, it’s raining babies! A sprinkler malfunction on the OB floor forces the ER crew to deliver 9 babies. Also, Benton performs a marathon surgery, Carter interviews for next year’s surgical internship, Harper has a pregnancy scare, Scottie Pippen makes a cameo, and co-host Daniel gets pedantic about some Bulls tickets.
This week, rumors abound about Mark and Susan, Benton voices his concerns about the research study, Mrs. Rubadoux is laid to rest, Doug’s dad shows up unexpectedly, and Mark decides to buy a motorcycle.
On this edition of STT Interviews, Lizzie and Daniel sit down with Darren Leis! Darren worked as a Med Tech with the props department from seasons 10 through 15. Ever wondered how some of the great practical effects in trauma scenes are pulled off? Here's your chance to find that out, and more!
This week, Mark comes in on his day off, Carter steals some of Harper’s thunder, Carol learns about the wonders of raising earthworms, Susan faces the limitations of Medicaid, and Doug faces some personal biases.
This week, Carter’s lies catch up to him, Morgenstern embraces his Scottish heritage, Mark breaks little Rachel’s heart, Doug has some daddy issues, and Benton makes a mistake during an operation.
Technical note: Lizzie and Lauren are playing with a new mic setup, so there’s some strange popping on their audio. We know it’s annoying and apologize, but it should be better after the next episode.
This week, Rolando gets Bob’d, Shep does a racism, Mark gets served, Benton gets promoted, Anakin Skywalker has a cameo, Al tries to reconcile with Jeanie, and Carter does his best to care for Mrs. Roubadoux.
This week, Carol learns the true meaning of Christmas (sort of), Carter shows Benton the more human side of medicine, Shep shares some feelings, and Mark cares for a holocaust survivor.
This week, Carol cares for a schizophrenic architect, Susan nails a tough diagnosis, Harper and Carter seem to have made amends, Doug has a mystery date, and Mark races to Milwaukee after Jen and Rachel are involved in a car accident.
Hey STT fans! We’ve got a very special BONUS episode this week featuring former ER crew member Carly Blake! Carly worked behind the scenes in both production and post production from 2004-2009 and had all kinds of inside info to share with us. Big thank you to Carly Blake of PunkRox Productions and thexfiles25.com for joining us!
Content warning: discussions on suicide and incest
Hoo boy. This week, Mark puts his managerial foot down, Doug accepts an award for saving a little boy, Carter takes a shotgun approach to medicine, Benton is -still- being a petulant child, Susan needs a nanny, and Carol cares for a young woman who has a complicated relationship with her family.
This week belongs to the one, the only, George. *bleep*ing. Clooney. In quite possibly one of the best episodes in the series, Doug finds himself battling against a raging storm to save the life of a trapped little boy. Elsewhere, the staff does some product placement, Linda makes her final appearance, Jeanie shows up Benton, and Harper has her first patient die on her.
This week, Doug and Harper face the fallout of their poor life choices, Jeanie starts working in the ER, the staff takes bets about Randi’s criminal history, Benton is still being a petulant child, and Carol takes some drastic measures to close the deal on her new house.
This week, the twinkles finally make a second appearance, Weaver has the day off (much to the ER’s delight), Susan makes a huge decision, Harper helps Doug with a tough patient, Carol maybe doesn’t learn the right lesson, and a domestic abuser gets his comeuppance.
This week, Kerry and Susan square off, Benton vents some rage, Mark and Harper take matters into their own hands, Doug does a questionable impression of a coworker, and Shep gets extra sappy with Carol.
This week, Carter gets his first solo patient, Benton violates some boundaries, Mark puts on his best manager face, Kerry is getting all up in everyone’s business, Carol and Shep’s relationship goes to the next level, and Chloe continues on her never ending path of questionable life choices.
This week, Kerry makes her presence known, Carter tries his best to impress Harper, Boulenton takes an awkward turn, Chloe continues to be a walking disaster, and Bob finally gets Bob'd.
Season 2 is finally here! Weaver’s here! Chuny’s Here (to stay)! Shep’s here! Also, Morgenstern’s back, Carter is an idiot again, Mark has no idea what he’s doing as an attending, Boulenton is still problematic, and Carol is as cold as ice.
What a long, strange season it's been. This week, we're joined by Jake from The Popular Court and we're talking about our favorite (and least favorite) events, storylines, and characters from season 1! This is the first half the the episode, made free for all you kind folks. To help us unlock the full episode, please head on over to https://www.patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast and become a Patron today!
It’s the season one finale! This week, Carol’s wedding day doesn’t go quite as planned, Carter lets us know how he really feels about Benton, Susan cares for a dying AIDS patient, Chloe ghosts her own kid, and it turns out the ER staff really knows how to party.
In this week’s penultimate episode of season one, Quentin Tarantino stops by to direct. Also, Chloe gives birth to Little Suzie, we say goodbye to Mama Benton, we say hello to Chuny for the first time, Doug disappoints everyone, and Carter makes a decision regarding his future at County.
We have renamed this episode to “Yikes.” This week, Mark goes full cringe, Jerry goes full Romeo, Doug helps Jake cheat at baseball, Carter’s secret is revealed, and Susan has some choice words for Chloe.
This week, Kitty Forman visits the ER, Benton tries to save everyone, Doug takes up the mantle of little league coach, Mark tries again to save his marriage, and the relationship we’re dubbing Boulenton begins to take shape.
It's our first movie commentary! Watch along with us as we talk about the 2009 Best Picture nominee "Up in the Air," starring George Clooney.
You can help make these a monthly occurrence by supporting us on Patreon at patreon.com/settingthetonepodcast
Until then, you can find new commentaries for sale at settingthetonepodcast.bandcamp.com
Deb, no! On this week’s episode, Carter and Deb’s procedure competition takes an unfortunate turn, Mark gets thrown to the wolves, Benton finally agrees to put his mom in a nursing home, and Doug makes a questionable move in his relationship.
This week, Mark deals with the fallout of Jodi O’Brien’s death, Michael Ironside begins his 6 episode run, Benton gets a major reality check regarding his mother, and the ER is abound with weird patients.
This week, the hosts gush over one of the best episodes of the entire series. Mark does his best to care for a mother and her unborn child (featuring Bradley Whitford as her husband), but what appears to be a simple bladder infection takes a much more serious turn that will leave Mark reeling.
On this week’s episode, Carter is a nosy idiot, Doug has a day, Benton does his best to try and make it to his mom’s b-day party, and Mark’s marriage continues its downward spiral.
This week, the hosts giggle at old technology, Carol cares for a sick Russian girl, the ER docs treat a dog, Kayson ups his creep factor, Mark is a cranky jerk, and Deb feels like she’s on cloud nine.
This week, there’s a snake on the loose in the ER, Benton is in a truly foul mood, Carter gets a dose of life in an urban ER, Mark gets offered a new position, Deb shows up Carter, and the staff pulls a heist from the thieving Cardiology team.
More new characters! Well, just the one, but she’s one of our favorites! This week, we welcome Jeanie Boulet to the ER cast. Also, Deb is a bit of an overachiever, Susan faces the review board, Doug befriends a random small child, Carol and Tag make use of the 9pm time slot, and Kayson gets his karmic justice.
New characters all around! This week, we meet two S-tier characters: Deb Chen and Jeanie Boulet. Also, Kayson keeps being a prick to Lewis, a sociologist pisses off the wrong people, Carol has an all around rough day, Peter searches for his mother, and the staff (Doug especially) get a much needed lesson in caregiver fatigue.
Happy 2020, folks! This week, Carter makes his first trip to the OR, Chloe is moving to Texas, Susan gets blamed for other people’s mistakes, Doug and Linda take full advantage of the show’s 9pm time slot, and Kayson scares the heck out of us.
It’s Christmas Eve at County General! In this week’s episode, Mark is a procrastinator, Susan realizes she’s been ghosted, Carter kills Santa, Rosemary Clooney sings us some lovely tunes, and Doug is back on his nonsense.
On this week's snow-filled episode, Jerry gets us all in the Christmas spirit, the ER is a ghost town (until it isn’t), Bob gets her moment in the spotlight, Carter deals with the consequences of a silly prank, and Carol is engaged!?
Content warning: transphobia and suicide, including explicit depictions of suicidal activity.
This week, we get a vivid reminder that this show was made in the 90’s, An SNL alum visits the ER, Doug complains about having a sugar mama, Div makes his final appearance, and the hosts are disappointed by no less than three characters.
Content warning: talk of sexual assault.
This week, Susan actually has car trouble, Mark and Jen have unquenchable thirsts, Mama Benton has a boo boo, Div continues his march towards a breakdown, and the hosts give Marcellus Wallace some love.
This week, Carter has a perfect day, Mark has some “car trouble”, Doug and Carol share a smooch (scandal), Lydia makes a friend, and the hosts have their minds melted by a YouTube series.
This week, the ER turns into a sauna, Doug is kinda racist, big sister Chloe shows up (already!?), Lauren has some fashion critiques of her own, and Daniel has another belt rant.
This week, Daniel rants about belts (or a lack thereof), Lizzie rants about boats, and Lauren just sighs and shakes her head at both of them. Oh, and we talk about ER too.
This week, the hosts laugh about old technology, marvel at the physicality of chest compressions, feel all the feels with Carter, and SERIOUSLY DOUG?! Leave Carol alone, man. Read the darn room.
This week the hosts gush over Rosemary Clooney, gain some valuable life perspective from Anne Haney, welcome Carol Hathaway back to the ER, and encourage Doug Ross to chill the heck out. Seriously, man. Jeez.
Join us this week as we learn the importance of spatial awareness, which doctor doesn’t wash their hands after using the restroom, why you should never eat the potato salad, and how important it is not to leave your earrings on the floor.
Highlights on this week’s episode include getting to know your hosts, why they love the show, and why they’re crazy enough to embark on this 331 episode endeavor. They discuss just how many long-running show tropes are set in the pilot, why Mark and Jennifer are a terrible couple, and how much character growth all of the cast has in front of them.
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