55 avsnitt • Längd: 70 min • Veckovis: Lördag
A podcast about poisons- all types, throughout history, including modern application and future implication. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/goldstar002/support
The podcast The Poisoner’s Almanac is created by Goldstar002. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
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What is up, poison friends! This is a long one, because I was too stubborn to make it two parts. I feel it is time we discuss Measles. It is making a bit of a come back in Europe and in the US, but I don't think many people know much about the illness apart from it involving a rash and such. Measles is one of the most contagious diseases that we know of. It is not the same as chicken pox (though that one does such as well), and it can lead to lasting disabilities and death in some cases, especially in young children. Many of you may have seen the recent death of a Texas child because of Measles, for instance. While there are people who get through the virus unscathed, we cannot predict who will end up dying or left with longterm complications (even some that do not show up until years after the original infection). It is estimated that 1 in five people who catch measles will end up hospitalized.
We also discuss Mumps and Rubella this episode, because the typical vaccine for Measles also protects agains these two as well. Speaking of vaccines, we just had to go into the ingredients, purpose, and mechanisms of those in general and in the MMR vaccine specifically. Lastly, we need to discuss where the anti-vaccination stuff started and that involves the history of Andrew Wakefield and his fraudulent paper that was later retracted. This is the man who put forth (and still promotes) the reason for fears that have led to a decline in childhood vaccines. He lost his medical license but still makes good money off his supporters.
Let's get into it!
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Hello poison friends!! Spring is nearly upon us and I've been thinking about all the gardening possibilities but also the return of all the annoying pests that make gardening and being outside (especially in the South of the US) so difficult. So, I thought it would be a good time to discuss pesticides. Well, the ones we have not covered yet, because remember, arsenic, lead, mercury, cyanide, and many of the murderous elements and compounds we have discussed in the past were also used in pesticides.
I wanted to go big this time and discuss those used in large scale agriculture or pest control for disease spreading insect (like those pesky and sometimes deadly mosquitoes). We are talking about the organochlorines (mainly DDT), the organophosphates (which were also involved in chemical warfare), and a few others that were used for more nefarious purposes...like murder. We are looking into the history, uses, abuses, and consequences (short term and long term) of such chemicals, as well as when and why some were banned in various places.
The title here as a "double edged sword" really fits because, on the one hand, it kills disease causing insects, but there is always a cost...
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If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
Hello dearest poison friends! I hope you are all well and staying safe! I was pondering the pollution of our worlds waterways this week and thought we could take on the discussion of some toxic and polluted (sometimes deadly) rivers. Obviously, I cannot speak on every single river that could qualify for these titles in one episode, so if you like this topic then we can do more in a future episode.
Today however we are visiting West Java, Indonesia, where the Citarum River supplies water for drinking, bathing, cleaning, and irrigation for crops for millions of people. There also happen to be around 2,000 industries on its banks dumping waste such as heavy metals and toxic byproducts into the water. Solid waste such as plastic, diapers, and other household trash is also dumped in and along the river by residents of the capital city of Bandung and many villages living near its waters. In some areas, you cannot even see the surface of the water and dead fish and other animals float alongside the rubbish. This along with livestock waste and human sewage has made the river dangerous to those living near it and using it on a daily basis.
We also discuss the Rio Tinto in Spain, where the water runs orange-red to blood red in color due to over 5,000 years of mining in the area. The water is acidic and filled with heavy metals and other mining byproducts. Oh, and we have to discuss the company that now operates the mine, conveniently called the Rio Tinto Company, and their many shady dealings all over the world.
The Ganges is well known for a few things: it is a holy site for Hindus and it is heavily polluted with untreated sewage, human remains, industrial waste, and agricultural run-off. The water quality has been so bad that the incidence for illness after getting into the water is over 65%. Even, so, many Hindu pilgrims come to bathe ritually in this river and to dispose of human ashes as it is considered a place where sins are forgiven.
I had to put at least one US river on here (because there are a lot of polluted rivers here as well), so I decided to go with the Ohio River (a hard decision as I was also thinking of the Mississippi and the Hudson as well). Most of the pollution here is caused by past industrial waste (including PFAs, dioxin, benzene, etc) and agricultural run-off.
Oh and as a bonus, we head to the jungles of Peru to talk about one of my favorite rivers.
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If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
Hello poison friends! Happy (late) Valentine's Day! I wanted to discuss a bit of history behind the holiday for those interested and I though this would be a great time to discuss...parasites! Also, one such parasite is spread by a critter called the Kissing Bug, so thats fun. These particular bugs spread the parasite that causes Chaga's Disease which has affected mainly Central and South America, but is becoming a problem elsewhere as well. The bug and the illness has a long history and involves such characters as Charles Darwin.
Another parasite we are discussing is transmitted via the painful bite of the tsetse fly and is found in various parts of Africa. This parasite causes African Sleeping Sickness (there are two types in humans, basically). So lets learn about these parasites, their vectors, and the history behind these diseases as well as the symptoms, current status, and treatments. Also, lets learn how to avoid parasites...actual ones and, well, those among the human population ;)
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Hello dear poison friends! I wanted to talk about a subject that we have hinted about before: Syphilis! Yes, this is an STD and we are mentioning the history and scientific side of this disease, but this will not be graphic apart from mentioning symptoms and causes. I just want to mention this for those with young children who sometimes listen. Keeping it clean, but do make your own judgment based on the content.
Alrighty then, the history of Syphilis is both fascinating an tragic. It broke out in Europe most likely beginning in the late 1400s, possibly brought from the Americas/Caribbean by Columbus and his crew, and spread from there rapidly. As we know, it was blamed more so on the four humors being out of balance or on having insulted the gods/God and being thus plagued. We are discussing the history of its name, symptoms, stigma, and treatments. This disease disfigured and killed many throughout history and created many difficulties in times of warfare. We are also looking at the progression of out understanding of it being caused by a bacterial agent and how antibiotics were a game changer for those infected. Finally, we cannot talk about Syphilis without mentioning the US Public Health's Tuskegee Experiment, as it was terribly unethical and racist. Just a heads up, there will be a pause in the middle of this episode where Adam departs for a school event with our daughter, and I bring in our bestie, Erin Fortenberry!
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If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
Hello poison friends! I told you guys last week we'd cover a few power plant disasters and the uranium mines in the US on Navajo Nation lands. Three Mile Island is located in Pennsylvania in the US, and was the site of a relatively small nuclear power plant. I want to go into its history as well as what happened on March 28th, 1979, only three months after the second generator began operating, when there was a malfunction leading to a partial meltdown and risking the plant and those around the site. This incident was about 7 years before the accident at Chernobyl, and while it was not as serious, it did cause a lot of concern and fear about nuclear energy.
We also discuss the disaster that caused the meltdown at the Fukushima Power Plant in Japan. On March 11, 2011, there was a massive earthquake near the plant followed by a equally massive tsunami some time later. The natural disasters themselves left 20,000 people in the coastal area, where many plant workers lived with their families, dead or missing. The Tsunami made it over the sea wall of the plant, flooding and damaging generators, control systems, and cooling systems. Three of the six reactors had been online at the time and without coolant getting to the systems, meltdown was imminent.
Lastly, we have to discuss the abandoned Uranium mines in the Navajo Nation. Between 1944-1986, these mines were leased by the Navajo Nation to companies for the extraction of uranium for the creation of nuclear weapons and such. Many of those in the Navajo tribe worked these mines without proper protection or even ventilation. None of them were told about the possible effects radiation from the site could have on them.
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Hey poison friends! Finally getting to post this one! Just a heads up, my voice still sounds funny thanks to being sick, but feel free to laugh with us as I fail to use words properly a few times this episode lol.
This week we travel to Indonesia to discuss the sulfur mines on an active volcano and the miners who collect it to be processed. While tourist travel to see the blue flames caused by the burning sulfur, most of the miners cannot afford such a thing or gloves. They normally cover their mouths with wet cloths and travel miles up steep, rocky, terrain to mine the sulfur and bring hundred of pounds back the same way, all the while facing blistering from longterm exposure to the sulfur and lasting respiratory problems. Oh and there are acidic lakes, too.
Next we move on to India, where pollution and toxic waste dumping have long been a problem. In the capital of Madhya Pradesh, one of the worst industrial accidents occurred in 1984, now known as the Bhopal Gas Disaster. How did it happen and what were its effects? For one, it killed and injured thousands, leaving many with serious longterm health problems. Also, the area has never been fully cleaned up, though recent measures have been announced. Lets get into it!
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Hello poison friends!! We are bringing you the second part of our discussion of tuberculosis. This episode reviews the illness a bit but delves into some of the treatments attempted in the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. This includes the institutions known as sanitariums (one starting in a cave, strangely enough) where tuberculosis patients (who could afford to) would travel for treatment regimens including routine sunning and fresh air sessions as well as rest and what was deemed as good nutrition. This was also a way to isolate those with the disease to keep them from spreading it. Some of these institutions were not the "health spas" they were made out to be, abusing, neglecting, and experimenting on patients instead.
We finally reach the discovery of antibiotics and possible vaccines and cures that were met with both joy and cynicism. Since the first use of these antibiotics, which were miraculous for the time for sure, more have been created to fight the illness more effectively, especially with antibiotic resistant strains becoming a problem. Lets travel through time and revisit the horrors of this illness, the petty disputes and drama of some of the scientists involved in trying to stop it, and the discovery of what worked.
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Hello poison friends! I have wanted to discuss an illness so old and vile, it has made its mark on all of society and culture throughout centuries of its gruesome existence. Tuberculosis was also called the wasting disease, consumption, and the "white death," among other things and has plagued humanity for thousands of years. Lets look at its history and effects on societies and cultures throughout the world and how it finally became recognized as a bacterial infection (a vicious one at that). It eats away at the lungs and beyond as it can affect every organ system of the body and kills gradually. We'll discuss some of the more superstition reasoning for the disease given by earlier societies and the gruesome methods they tried to cure it. We also cannot talk about tuberculosis without mentioning its impact on fashion and beauty standards (yes you read that right) especially among the Victorians. This is too big a topic and too old a disease to not make into two parts! So lets get into it!
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If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
Hello poison friends! We are bringing you a poison found in many garages and used as a coolant for engines and de-icing windshields and aircraft, and strangely also found in products such as snow globes in small amounts. Antifreeze poisoning cases reach about 5,000 annually here in the US due to accidental or intentional ingestion of the toxin. This poison wreaks havoc throughout the body and can kill rather quickly and horribly. Aside from discussing how this poison acts in the body and the unfortunate effects victims face, we have stories ranging from poor and fraudulent business practices using the toxin to straight murder. These cases get weird, devious, and invest in some good cabinet locks.
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If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor. Visit https://betterhelp.com/almanac for a discount on your first month of therapy. If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
It's beginning to look a lot like poison... ;)
We are discussing some Christmas related plants that have been rumored to be poisonous (and some are). So why are some plants even connected to Christmas? Well, beyond the obvious that some are red and green, like the ever popular poinsettia, there are a lot of stories and myths surrounding them. For instance, did you know mistletoe was revered by the celts and has its place in Greek/Roman symbolism and Norse mythology? Or where kissing under mistletoe even comes from? Lets have some festive fun this episode and talk about the history and toxicity of the plants we love to decorate with this time of year!
Just a heads up, we are taking a break next week from regular episodes but there will be a bonus episode on the patreon! Regular episodes will resume the following week! I hope everyones Christmas/Holidays are wonderful, whatever it is you celebrate! We are thankful for you all!
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If you have questions about the brand relating to how the therapists are credentialed, their privacy policy, or therapist compensation, here is an overview written by the YouTube creators behind the channel Cinema Therapy that goes into these topics:
Hello, dear poison fans! We have part two of The Bubonic Plague and its many outbreaks throughout history! I hope y'all are ready, because this is a long one because I didn't want to leave too much out. In this part, we review the decline of the medieval Black Death as well as various (and strange) cures that honestly did not help. We also discuss the rise of the Great Plague that hit London and surrounding villages in 1665-1666 and the effects of it, as well as the changing beliefs and still strange and unhelpful remedies. We can't NOT discuss more modern outbreaks or how it was finally discovered what was causing the plague and how this changed everything. Oh, and speaking of modern outbreaks, we still see them some places. So we are talking about that as well! Lets have some morbid fun and learn something new!
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Hello, poison friends! I hope you are all well and ready to discuss a subject that is well, a little dark. The Bubonic Plague! The Black Death! The Great Plague! We've all heard how the Black Death took out like 1/3 of Europe when it arrived there in the 1300s, but how did it get there and where did it come from. We are going back much earlier to look at previous bouts of plague and how the bacteria mutated to be so deadly as well as how and why the disease spread so quick and so far. We are also looking at what the people of the day thought about the plague and where it might have come from (as ya know they did not have the resources or understanding that we do today). That is this episode (part 1), but don't worry because when part 2 comes out, we are moving forward a bit in history because the plague did not stop there.
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Poison friends! Hi! It was a week of turkey laden frivolity or whatever as Thanksgiving was this past Thursday, and I could not help but feel the need to cover some foodborne illnesses that can range from annoying and gross to deadly. Come on a journey through time and...microbiology? as we discuss, Salmonella, Typhoid Mary Mallon, and Botulism. It is going to be a little gross and a lot informative (yes, I realize that does not work well grammatically).
Thanks so much to all of our listeners and supporters, you guys have truly been so encouraging and helpful, and we love sharing this time with you guys.
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I am honestly surprised this subject has not come up yet, because it is humorous....jk that was so lame. HUMORS! Lets talk about how "medicine" used to be and what philosophers and doctors (and even barbers?) thought about the human body. If you were sick, "hysterical," or struggling with "depraved habits," then the four humors (blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm) were out of balance, you simply needed a good bloodletting. Where did this idea come from and how did it effect society? What does George Washington have to do with it? Oh, and smallpox and its relatives!! I swear we'll connect it all!
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Merch is finally live, with more to follow in the future!
Hello, poison friends! Hoping you are well this weekend! We need to discuss the history of biowarfare and the agents that have been used both historically and recently. Before that discussion, however, we need to go over some microbiology and the history of illness (bacterial and viral), germ theory, and such. So lets take a dive into some infectious diseases (plague, smallpox, botulism, anthrax, etc.), where they came from, what they can do the body, and how they have been used in war and terrorism. Oh and we will specifically talk about anthrax, since it is likely more commonly known among these agents! But don't worry, there are more to come.
Hello poison friends! We are bringing you two nasty nerve agents by the name of Sarin and Novichok. We have talked about nerve agents before but not these two meanies. Lets explore where they came from and their affects on the human body, as well as why they were made in the first place. We also have to go over their history and use in warfare and terrorism. Some of you may recall hearing the names of these too in somewhat recent years (yes, I am delusional enough to still call the 90s recent, let me have this). Sarin was made and used by an already violent Japanese cult in 1994 and 1995 with intent to kill and injure as many as possible. Novichok has its history in espionage and assassination attempts.
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Merch is finally live, with more to follow in the future!
Hello Poison friends! I hope all of you had a wonderful week! We are bringing y'all two requested poison topics and learning how too much of a good thing can be deadly. That being said, don't eat too much candy this weekend, spooky friends.
Fluoride has been a controversial topic as it is included in the water supply in many places to prevent dental problems. Lets discuss how it does this and at what point ingesting fluoride can be a problem. Also, insulin is a very important hormone in your body and some need to have it injected because of Diabetes. Let's break down what it does, how Diabetes (types 1 & 2) work, why some people think insulin can be used as the perfect murder weapon, and why this is not always the case.
I said in this episode I would include a few references for you to check out so here we are:
Fluoride by US state-- https://nccd.cdc.gov/doh_mwf/default/default.aspx
Entire book featuring murders by insulin if you are into the subject and want more stories: Insulin Murders by Vincent Marks and Caroline Richmond.
As always, we are so thankful for our listeners and supporters! If y'all have any questions or recommendations on topics to discuss (or even if you just wanna say HI!) feel free to comment or DM us here, the Poisoners Almanac IG, or the Patreon account. We love hearing from y'all!
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Hello, poison pals! We are bringing you an episode of the spooky and supernatural today! Let's discuss how poisons have influenced and played an important role in various spiritual and witchy ways. We are bringing witches and witch trials back up to discuss the once popular idea of Flying Ointment (or Witches Ointment), its possible ingredients, and its proposed effects on the body and soul (according to those accusing others of witchcraft). We are also talking about goofer dust (commonly heard within voodoo/hoodoo/root working practices) and how it has been used historically and modernly. Root doctors are another topic we had to discuss alongside goofer dust and of course the possibility of poison/drug induced zombies in Haiti. Lets get spooky! I hope you all have a wonderful halloween (whether you celebrate it or not--we are simply having fun over here and learning about some poison history and about different cultures you might find said poisons in). Let us know if you have any experiences with these poisons or cultures! Hopefully you have encountered the latter more than the former!
Once again, thank you to all of out listeners and supporters on Spotify and Patreon. You guys have no idea how your support, reviews, DMs, recommendations, etc encourage and help us along! You guys are a huge part of this podcast and our journey into learning more about poisons, history, folklore, culture, etc. This may have started out as just about poisons and poisoners, but we have learned so much more than just those specific topics and I am so thankful for that!
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Hello, poison fans! This episode we are discussing the aftermath of the accident at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, both immediate and later. Radiation Sickness is no joke and what these people went through was horrible. We will discuss some of the people we mentioned in the previous episode and what became of them as well as what happened to Pripyat its residents. That radioactive cloud that arose from the destroyed reactor 4? Yeah it traveled and it was not until radiation was picked up by Denmark, Finland, and especially Sweden that the rest of the world began to realize something crazy had happened. Lets get into it...
Again, we always want to say thank you for listening and support! You guys are the best!
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Hello my poison friends! It is time we discuss some abandoned towns out there that have been made uninhabitable by toxic materials. We've talked a little about Wittenoom in Australia during our talk on Asbestos, but what about the multiple abandoned lead mines and the town basically sitting on hell? And we can't have this episode without discussing what happened at Chernobyl and the surrounding city of Pripyat. This will be a 2 parter because of the amount of info surrounding the latter, but it is gonna be wild. Also, come follow us on socials and feel free to reach out to us in comments or DMs! You guys are the best!
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Hey Y'all! We are back! Thank you all so much for your patience and support and messages and comments! Y'all are the best, and we are excited to be back. It is officially spooky season and we have a lot we can cover! Today we are discussing some creepy trees with even creepier folklore. Not all of these trees are poisonous, but they are all either dangerous or infamous. I hope 'yew' all enjoy!
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Hey poison pals! This one is a bit longer than usual, so bear with us (beer with us?). We are tackling alcohol (ethanol vs methyl alcohol) and the Prohibition of the 1920s/30s in the US. Alcohol is a toxin and we can't not discuss its effects on the body and on culture as well as the effects of methyl/wood alcohol which blinded and killed many during the Prohibition. Also, come learn how the American government was involved in the poisoning of its citizens during this time (seriously big oops). Obviously, the making and drinking of alcoholic beverages was going on way before that time period, so of course we delve into some world alcohol history and such first! You'll notice a pause halfway through where we took a break to get through the day (and I return with a well earned drink of my own--just one, because moderation and all that). Anyway, come learn and have fun with us as we delve into this messy business.
Thanks so much to everyone for listening and supporting us however you can! We love to hear from you guys on here and on the IG!
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Hello my poison friends. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Lets go back in time on this Friday 13th (we recorded yesterday lol so technically it was Friday 13 then) so we can pull apart some long believed myths concerning the involvement of a few powerful families and poisons (among other accusations). I do love a good history lesson and these are a wild ride through rumors of witchcraft and poisoning, toxic relationships, religious wars, and murder. I will be making mentions of a lot of Henry's and Giovanni's (these names were apparently big in their time) and stumbling over some other names (Adam is here to help me with religious terms I was apparently unaware of how to pronounce--just know that I am doing my best). Some of our players this episode include Henry XIII and Anne Boleyn, Catherine de Medici and her supposedly poisoned gloves, and the Borigias wild parties/orgies/poison fests. Rumors in and of themselves can poison reputations, so lets remedy some (only some) with the truth! We are so thankful for our supporters and listeners. Happy listening!
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Poison friends! Today's episode is all about food adulteration (drinks and some medicine/supplements as well) that was taking place in the 1800s-early 1900s (even some more recent scandals). My biggest source for this episode was Deborah Blum's The Poison Squad, which I highly recommend (her other book, The Poisoner's Handbook is also great). It follows scientists (namely one, Dr. Harvey Wiley) and their allies in the fight to protect consumers from food processors and corporations who were more concerned with saving money than protecting the people they sold to. We will discuss the toxic preservatives, disgusting additives, and fakes that were once allowed as a part of our food supply as well as how it effected the people who consumed them. We will also discuss important legislation and how long and difficult that road was. Hold on to your stomachs, folk...things might get gross.
Also, trigger warning for animal cruelty discussed in one part...basically the treatment of livestock during this time.
Thanks so much for listening and learning with us!
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Hello friends, I do hope you are all well and ready for some toxic facts and tales. I wanted to discuss a little bit about how addictive substances effect the brain/body, especially some specific ones I know you've heard of as well as a few more lesser known substances found in various cultures around the world. Trigger warning for addiction (we are discussing cocaine and nicotine--as found in tobacco products but also pure nicotine as a poison. I find the history of these plants fascinating and I hope you will as well. So lets dive in and "chew" some facts.
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Hello, Hello! I hope this weekend brings you all some rest. In this episode we are discussing some "miner" details of asbestos...okay that was dumb, but seriously, asbestos was once mined and used for the production of building materials and other products around the world (still is in some parts) and we just need to discuss the toxic effects it has had/has on the body. Also I feel like we have not given much attention to two special gases that can be deadly in their own right if circumstances allow them to be. I must apologize for my voice in this one, I've been sick all week. Wasn't gonna let it stop us from bringing you this episode though!
Also, I mention during a part in here about a great tiktok account for Spooky Lake Month coming up! If you don't know about Spooky Lake Month check out geodesaurus on tiktok and on IG because I love her account and think you guys might too. She has no idea who I am, I'm just super excited for more of her content lol
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Hello, Hello! This one is a bit longer than the usual episode, but I wanted to actually finish everything I had planned, Starting off with what was left out of last weeks episode, Colchicine. Then we dive into the wild world of anesthesia and paralytics that are known for their use during surgery/procedures but have also had a rough history recreationally and criminally. We discuss such famous cases as the deaths of Michael Jackson and Matthew Perry, as well as that of Elijah McClain, who died as a result of poisoning during an interaction with police and paramedics. I want to warn you guys that there is some talk of drug abuse, attempted suicide, and racism/racial profiling and excessive force involving police/EMS. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts as we process these cases together and learn about more poisons and their uses + effects! We are so grateful for our listeners and supporters! You guys are the best!
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I know what you are thinking: What in the world do veronal and visine have to do with eachother? Well, they both begin with V, and I was going to discuss a third medicine in this episode called colchicine, which kinda rhymes with visine, but well, I got too excited during my research and there just was not enough time in the episode for that last one. No worries, though, I will be covering it next week alongside whatever else we bring to you.
Anyway, veronal and a chemical found in visine (as well as other eye-drops advertised to "get the red out") called tetrahydrozoline, were/are medications that have been used to do harm and we should discuss it. So come learn some toxic stuff with us! Thanks again to all of our listeners and to our monthly supporters! We are so thankful for all of you and happy to bring you episodes every week!
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Hey poison pals! Want to thank all of you for listening as well as our monthly supporters, Karl Zeigler Jr, and Taylor McCaleb! You guys rock and we are so thankful. This week's episode nearly didn't happen because of so much life interference and even during the recording you'll notice that Adam had to go into work after the first half, so sorry if the intro feels a bit rushed!
This week I wanted to discuss some common remedies of old that we still use as well as a more modern opiod derivative that have become accidental and intentional poisons. While any drug can be overdosed on and therefore become toxic, some of these have been intentionally misused. Also we discuss elderberry and the history and folklore behind this plant that has been used for quite awhile now to help with cold/flu symptoms. Bet you didn't know it was poisonous if not properly prepared huh? Well, maybe you did, y'all are smarties!
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Hello, poison pals! Here is the conclusion of the radium girls and their fight for justice. Radium is only one of the many poisons that have been used industrially and workers rights to know and protect themselves are probably newer than you think. We also discuss a bit about how the cleanup of these materials is going and the effects radium exposure even in the form of waste has had on the surrounding residents of these towns. Radium while "beautiful" as Marie Curie once called it, is also deadly and its discoverer found that out all too soon herself.
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Hello poison-philes, here is part 2 of Radium. I hope you guys are ready for some drama inside and outside of the court as these girls fight for their lives and for justice as the radium literally eats away at them. Radium is obviously not the miracle people once thought it was and here we will review how it operates in the human body as well as it's history in industry and medicine. These girls's cases would lead to great change, though many of them would not live to see it. Also, Adam has more trouble with words than me from the very start >.< Just had to include that ;)
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Hello my poison pals, I hope all of you are well and ready for a tale of radioactive proportions. We've discussed a bit about polonium recently and I think it is time we brought up Radium in all it's toxic glory. It had a unique place in history as it's discovery was thought to be miraculous. Lets discuss some of those who found it anything but that. I had to make this into parts as there was just too much information for one episode, and be warned: you will feel things.
Thanks again for listening and sharing this interest with us. We love that so many of you are enjoying learning about all of this as much as we are and love all of the comments, DMs, reviews you guys leave us! You guys are the best!
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Hello, my favorite poison peoples! We are discussing a persistent pollutant and a couple of nasty elements with some glowing qualities. Get ready for some history, science, mystery, and intrigue as we dive into the discovery of these killers and how they have been used to poison, destroy, and assassinate. As, always follow us and leave us some feedback, we always love hearing from y'all!
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Hello, poison pals! Let's dig into some poisons you may have never heard of. Many of these had their moment in the past, but still exist and are just as lethal, so be careful out there. Also, y'all know I love some history and folklore, so get ready for some story time with toxins as we delve into some feisty foliage. Also, we love hearing from y'all so let us know if you've heard of or seen these lovelies!
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Hey poison pals! Becca, here. This episode, I give Adam three real cases to see how well he's been listening and if he can guess the poison involved in each case. Feel free to guess as you listen as well, but be aware it can get tricky. Don't worry, I will be discussing new poisons in the next episode, but let us know if you like this format, too and we can do it again sometime. Stay hydrated and poison-free!
Becca, here! This episode, we discuss where the deadly poison ricin comes from, as well as how it has been used historically and (of course) criminally. For some reason, there has been the occasional ricin in the mail incident and of course we'll discuss those, as well as other terroristic/killer intentions (and spies! we can't leave out spies in this case). We also talk about Abrin (a similar poison) bc no one talks about it much and I imagine that would hurt its feelings (FOMO anyone?). Also, we mention Breaking Bad...and I do my best to pronounce the names of locations and such. Happy listening!
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The terms 'venomous' and 'poisonous' mean different things which is why this episode is separate from the last one. There are venomous caterpillars. Yep, you read that right. There are caterpillars that have just had it and they're coming for us. I mean, you could probably outrun one because they're not that fast, but what if it's a surprise attack like they dive bomb onto your shoulder from the tree branch where they've been plotting you're demise for months and on the way down they scream 'BBL DRIZZAAAAAY' and then you wake up because this was a dream and that's what happens when you have a cookie after 6 pm. Do better.
There's a church that was formed around licking poisonous frogs because they have hallucinogens on their skin. They have a Facebook page. This is real. I wish I was making this all up, but no. If you're feeling down, just remember you're doing better than the yahoos who lick poisonous frogs sitting on a church pew with other yahoos who think this is normal behavior. Cut yourself some slack brah. You're actually doing ok.
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More cyanide? Yes, we have Part 2 this week. Did you know the origin of the phrase 'drinking the Kool-Aid'? It's not pretty. And it's directly connected to cyanide. I realize this could damage our collective impression of Kool-Aid, which is obviously the giant Kool-Aid man crashing through the wall at someone's house with an 'OH YEAH!'. But don't worry (your honor) we leave the Kool-Aid man out of this. Anyway, here's Kool-Aid Wall [crash OH YEAH].
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The guy that blows up the lab where they made Captain America is played by Richard Armitage, who also played Thorin Oakenshield in the Hobbit trilogy by the way, so he runs away and Captain Steve Rogers chases him and catches him, but then the guy bites down on a false tooth which is actually a cyanide vial and he foams at the mouth and expires. Yeah, that's cyanide. Super secret spy stuff. Also why don't you have The Hobbit trilogy extended edition on DVD you peasant? Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
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Bob Ross paints happy trees. He would never paint these trees because they're actively trying to kill us. They're what the US Department of the Interior refers to as 'unhappy.' Like, they're so unhappy it feels like someone made them in a lab. Pretty sure Mugatu from Zoolander made these trees. We're obviously people of taste and culture, us Zoolander fans. Anyway, here's Wonderwall. Thanks for listening!
Have people been accidentally buried alive because they were presumed dead but really it was just opium poisoning and there were some kids playing in the graveyard and heard someone screaming from underground but nobody checked until the next day and now I won't sleep well for a week thinking about this because it's so horrifying? At the risk of spoiling it....yes, all of that is true. Enjoy this episode while you're not sleeping.
Is there a poisonous plant that contains the precursor to the cardiac medication digoxin? We tackle that in this episode!
Is the mushroom from the Super Mario Brothers' franchise actually toxic in real life? Is it ok for Toad to have it on his head? We answer these and many other existential fungi questions in this episode. Once you've finished listening, you will be able to extricate lethal fungi from the mouths of your unsuspecting friends and loved ones who are doing some sort of Survivor Man challenge to kinda, y'know, find themselves- like Dwight Schrute did for Michael Scott. Yeah, that kinda vibe.
Does chloroform really make you go to sleep when doused on a rag and held over your mouth or is that just Hollywood? Did one of my wife's best friends get her a book all about strychnine and make this episode even better? Listen and find out!
Enjoy and thanks for listening!
Is the 'lead-poisoning stare' real or just a meme? Did the Roman Empire fall because they used lead in their dentistry? We tackle these poisonous questions in this episode. Enjoy and thanks for listening!
This episode covers arsenic! Enjoy and thanks for listening!
This episode covers aqua tofana. Enjoy and thanks for listening!
This episode covers Jimson weed and Mandrake. Enjoy and thanks for listening!
This episode covers belladonna! We get deep into its rampant use during the Roman empire around the time of Nero rising to power. Enjoy and thanks for listening!
This episode covers hemlock, aconite, and why they're super bad news.
Welcome to The Poisoner's Almanac Podcast! We cover poisons, all types, throughout history, modern applications, and future implications. Thanks for listening!
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