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Everything you should know about #Scouting in #Canada, and occasionally other places.
The podcast The Scouting Stuff Podcast is created by The Scouting Stuff Team. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Scouts Canada is piloting a new “Early Years” section starting this September: Chipmunks!
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Scouter Ken is joined by Heather Ferguson and Ruchi Manikthala from Scouts Canada to discuss the recently-announced Chipmunk Scouts, which is now the official name of the “Early Years” program offering that Scouts Canada will begin piloting this September.
Building off of what The Scout Association did with Squirrel Scouts, Chipmunks will welcome youth 4-5 years old into an introductory Scouting program, involving parents and – hopefully! – driving more recruitment of both youth and adult volunteers.
Learn More: All About ChipmunksMarch 1st, 2025
March 7th, 2025
And if your group wants to volunteer to run one of the pilot Chipmunks sections, express your interest using this form.
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Scouts Canada announces “Chipmunks”, Scouts in France spot fires...and UK Scouts hike, hike, hike.
News Stories
Big News for Little Adventurers: Introducing Chipmunks!
Scouts on Watch: 45 Years of Partnership with Firefighters to Fight Wildfire Risks
Dunbartonshire Scouts see record-breaking year for members
Scouts from Haringey complete extreme Challenge Event
Scouts from Croydon complete 30KM challenge event
Scouts from Islington and Highbury complete extreme challenge event
Berkshire Scouts complete 30km challenge hike
Scouts from Bristol complete 50KM Challenge Event
Scouts from Enfield complete extreme Challenge Event
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
WOSM is looking for a new Secretary General, Scouts in BC help out after a fire...and Scouting America is official.
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How Venturer Scouts from the 23rd Nepean Scout Group kept their heads during the Jasper wildfire evacuation.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by Cadence James (National Youth Commissioner for Scouts Canada, and a Rover Scout with the 23rd Nepean Scout Group), Molly Prevost (another Rover Scout with the 23rd), and Foster Millett (a Venturer Scout with the 23rd) to discuss their trip to Jasper National Park...which saw them arrive just prior to the massive wildfire that devastated much of the area.
It’s a story that Scouts Canada has retold in a few places already, highlighting the resilience of the youth and the attitude of preparedness that Scouting equipped them with. All of that comes out in the conversation, as does the value of being able to find the good in a crisis situation.
Programming Note: The podcast is going to shift its production schedule a bit for 2025. There will probably be just one full-length episode per month, with shorter news & PSA episodes filling in the other weeks.
Cadence’s shout-outs include Lucas Normandeau and Krystal Reid (both with Cascadia Council), Willa Holmes (from Northern Lights Council), and all the Venturers and Scouters who came on the trip.
Molly and Foster’s shout-outs include all the Scouters who came on the trip: Mike Hubbard, Brian Bezaire, John James, and Devin Morrison.
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Scouts in Guyana celebrate 115 years, Girl Scouts discontinue cookie flavours...and some good news about a Scout property.
News Stories
Neckerchiefs are here! There isn’t a storefront page on the podcast website yet, but we’ll get one in place soon.
Uganda Scouts Provide Clean Water to Over 6,000 People Girl Scouts kick off 2025 cookie season Girl Scouts Plan to Discontinue Two Iconic Cookie Flavors in 2025 Lions support Sudbury camp run by Scouts Canada Scouts training to assist maritime schools Volunteering with Scouts Scouts club left ‘uneasy’ after trailer stolen 115 Years of Scouting in Guyana: A Legacy of Leadership and Environmental ActionSubscribe
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Scouts go walking for JOTA-JOTI, Scouts in Brazil celebrate 100 years...and UK Scouts help name new beavers.
News Stories
Scouts walk 70,000km for the planet during JOTA-JOTI 2024
JOTA-JOTI 2024: Record-breaking year of connections and green action
Scout Centenary in Brazil Illuminates the Christ the Redeemer
Wilton Scouts BSA Troop 125 Continues War Memorial Wreath Tradition
The Boy Scouts inspired Norman Rockwell. His works will now help pay abuse survivors
Scouts launch volunteering programme with HSBC UK to help more young people learn key money skills
Liam Burns: Badges and Program Changes
Baby beavers first born in 400 years named by pupils and scouts
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Finding opportunities to meet Scouts from around the world.
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Scouter Ken is joined by Ethan Coudenys, a Scouter and Rover from Paris, Ontario, and the Head of Contingent for the Scouts Canada group heading to the 17th World Scout Moot, which will take place in Portugal in mid-2025.
In addition to discussing the Moot and other larger international events, though, Ken and Ethan discuss how to do international Scouting at a more personal level, both online and when traveling abroad. (Bring extra neckers!)
Not so much shout-outs as apologies to Zane, Ryder, and Si...all of whom put in requests for stickers. They’re in the mail!
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
WOSM Secretary General steps down, Scouts react after disasters...and JOTA-JOTI brings Scouts together over the air & Internet.
News Stories
Scouts unite for urgent disaster relief around the world
Libya Hosts Arab Scout Moot: A Celebration of Discovery and Rich Heritage for Arab Youth
Scouts lead actions to protect beaches and promote responsible tourism
Local Scouts return from World Brotherhood Camporee by land, sea
Blackburn Scouts asking for more volunteers to help explorer
Girl Scouts USA hikes up its membership prices in an attempt to save its programs and services
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Scouts Canada CEO Liam Burns offers his thoughts on “Youth Led”, the Canadian Path, badges, and more.
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Scouts Canada CEO Liam Burns joins Scouter Ken for a discussion about...well, a number of things. Although it was Liam’s blog post about Scouts Canada’s badge program – which rightly called out some of the shortcomings of the new badge program ushered in under the Canadian Path initiative – that precipitated this meetup, the actual conversation ranges over a variety of topics. From Squirrel Scouts to the concept of “youth led”, badges to program frameworks, and keeping Scouting going through the pandemic, it’s a wide-ranging conversation!
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Long-time Scouter and author James B Wood joins us to discuss his new book for current and prospective Scouting volunteers.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by James B Wood, a Scouter from the UK Scout Association. Having been “in the trenches” as a volunteer for many years, he took it upon himself to write a book - now out and available in print or on Kindle - for current and prospective Scouters alike, to offer them guidance on what to expect and how to navigate the challenges of leading Scouts.
The book is called It’s Only an Hour a Week. Because we all know it is never just an hour a week, don’t we?
About James Wood
You can find out more about Scouter James on his website. He’s also on Twitter, Threads, Instagram, and Facebook.
It's Only an Hour a Week is, again, available in print or on Kindle.
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Albania (re)joins WOSM, the UK gets a new Chief Scout...and the World Scout Conference happened.
News Stories
Scouting in Albania joins as the 176th Member Organization of World Scouting
2,000 Scouts gather for the opening of the 43rd World Scout Conference in Cairo
84 people join Scouting every hour: A decade of remarkable growth
Scouts of China to host the 17th World Scout Moot in 2029
Denmark to host the 27th World Scout Jamboree in 2031
Boy Scouts explore sale of 500 acres of Sand Hill camp in Brooksville
Local scout trailer stolen for the third time, parents and scouts disappointed
Enniscorthy scouts to revive group after more than 30 years
Scouts coffee cart earns £1.5k weekend profit
Adventurer Dwayne Fields becomes new UK Chief Scout
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Why do Scouts wear neckerchiefs?
Podcast Topics
After far too long, Ken and Colin sit down for another chat, this time about neckerchiefs...arguably one of the most universal symbols of the Scouting movement. Scouts from around the world sport neckers – a short name they’re affectionately known by – at all manner of events, and trading neckers is a common sign of friendship at Scouting events.
Jon left us a tip, and some encouraging words, at Buy Me a Coffee.
"Thanks for the podcast. I hope you can find a way to produce more of them."
Thanks, Jon! Hopefully you’ve been enjoying the latest episodes.
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Philippine Scouts respond after a typhoon, Scouts Canada launches a helpline...and Italian Scouts take Vespas to Norway.
News Stories
Hope After the Storm: The Philippine Scouts' Relief for Typhoon Survivors
Solidarity on Wheels: Italian Scouts' Vespa Expedition to Norway
Scouts Canada Launches the Camptastic Helpline Just In Time For Camping Season
Province investing $52,000 to support restoration of critically endangered Oak Savanna
Boy Scouts Help Save a Man’s Life When He Goes Into Cardiac Arrest Mid-Flight
After fleeing Jasper wildfire, Ottawa scout group now home safe
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Kenyan Scouts double membership...and Scout jamborees take place in Canada, Iceland, and Norway.
News Stories
5,500 Scouts and Guides Gather for the 7th Roverway 2024 in Norway
Kenya Scouts Association doubles membership to 4.4 million
Girl Scouts San Diego announces partnership with new baker
More than 1,700 Scouts arriving for jamboree near Sooke
Scout Jamboree in Sooke welcomes kids from around the world
Update On Tamaracouta Scout Reserve
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Scouts need (more) volunteers, Bear Grylls steps down...and Mali joins WOSM.
News Stories
Volunteers urged to step up for Scouts Canada in Barrie
Scouts Canada Seeks Volunteers and Business Support in Kingston
Scouts Canada urgently needs volunteers in Burnaby
Scouts Canada highlights Prince George as area needing volunteers
Scouts Canada says more volunteers needed in 17 B.C. cities, including Kamloops
Scouts send SOS over ‘volunteer crisis’
Scouts Canada: Volunteer Information
Scouts issue statement after reports Bear Grylls standing down following Russell Brand baptism
Bear Grylls history with the Scouts explained amid Russell Brand baptism controversy
Massive flooding in Sri Lanka: Scouts call for relief support
Sri Lanka Flood Relief Donation
Association des Scouts et Guides du Mali joins as 175th Member of World Scouting
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Scouts Canada plants trees, Scouts BSA pilots co-ed troops...and UK Beaver Scouts hunt for the Gruffalo.
News Stories
Launching the Canadian Climate Challenge
Applications for the Scouts Canada Scholarship Program are now open!
Scouts honor veterans by placing flags at Appleton cemetery ahead of Memorial Day
Ely Scouts Gruffalo hike for Cambridge Search and Rescue
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Scouts BSA renames to Scouting America, Scouts fundraise and rally to help...and a fire ravages a Canadian Scout Camp.
News Stories
Boy Scouts of America announces rebrand to ‘Scouting America’
Tides of Transformation: Thousands of Portuguese Scouts Leading the Charge Against Marine Litter
Young People Innovating Solutions to Plastic Waste in Rwanda
HRH Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg awarded Bronze Wolf for exceptional service to Scouting
Scouts of Venezuela implements Interreligious Dialogue Challenge to promote peace
Empowering Change Through Interfaith Collaboration and Environmental Education
Supporting the Growth and Development of Scouting in Congo
A Year of Impactful Giving: Scout Donation Platform’s Matched Campaign
Donations matched: Uganda Scouts for Clean Water
Historic Scouts Canada camp lodge burns to ground in Quebec’s Laurentians
Brazil Scouts Rising Together: Post-Flood Reconstruction
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Let’s learn a bit about a particularly hazardous invasive plant to watch out for this summer.
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Scouter John Kemp of the 5th Brant Troop joins Scouter Ken to discuss giant hogweed, an invasive plant that looks a bit like cow parsnip, and which grows near watercourses. Anyone out exploring in the bush should take care to avoid contact with giant hogweed; the sap damages the skin in a way that causes it to develop a severe burn when exposed to sunlight.
John is also part of a group of volunteers who track growths of giant hogweed, and work with municipal authorities to eliminate it, and this episode is all about how to identify giant hogweed, how to report its presence, and how to be safe around it.
Important giant hogweed resources:
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
What is the Better Programs Initiative? Let’s find out!
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Scouter Ken is joined by Scouter Alicia, who is one of the representatives of Scouts Canada’s new Better Programs Initiative, a knowledge-sharing forum where Scouters can share (and find) ideas on how to run a top-tier Scouting program.
Visit this episode's page at our website to find QR codes for the initiative and the Scouts Canada Network.
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If you aren’t already planning for how different roles within your group can transition between people, you need to be.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by Scouter Corey - the outgoing Group Commissioner for the 59th Edmonton Scout Group - to discuss the importance of planning for how to transition people out of (and into!) roles within a Scout Group.
Transition planning takes many forms. Ideally, the outgoing role holder should mentor the incoming member to make sure that there’s a full handover of knowledge and processes. But this needs to be backstopped by a digital infrastructure that allows for data to be easily moved between people as well; email accounts, documents, cloud storage, etc. all need to be able to move from one person to the next as well.
Services and resources mentioned in the episode:
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Youth between the ages of 14 and 17 can also volunteer as Scouters, at least in Scouts Canada.
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In their first in-person sit-down session of the year, Scouter Ken and Scouter Colin discuss Youth Scouters. This is an extension of the volunteer apparatus within Scouts Canada that allows minors (between the ages of 14 and 17) to go through the training and interview process that adult volunteers must complete to become Scouters.
Youth Scouters count toward ratio requirements as long as at least two adult Scouters are also registered with the section (apologies: Ken said one Scouter in the episode; it should be two). Importantly, however, Youth Scouters do not count on the “youth” side of a section’s ratio; they count as Scouters, and so do not have to be interacted with according to the Two-Scouter Rule.
Youth Scouters can be a great way for Venturers to give back to their groups, accruing volunteer hours as they do. And for groups who are strapped for volunteers, Youth Scouters might just be what’s needed to allow a section to run its program for the year.
A shout-out to Emily who wrote in regarding Episode 88, which concerned orienteering:
"Just listened to Episode 88, Orienteering (2019). You mentioned don’t get your compass near a big, powerful magnet — guess what? I absent-mindedly put my compass into a zipped breast pocket during a break at land navigation training, RIGHT ON TOP OF MY SMARTPHONE. When I went back out on the course, I was totally baffled: suddenly, I couldn’t orient myself. I’d been doing so well!!! I couldn’t find the objectives or identify drainages, and I couldn’t pass the field exam. Embarrassing!
I was mystified. It took a couple of days for it to dawn on me that I had demagnetized my compass by putting it in my pocket lying atop my smartphone. It was completely useless, and pointed in random directions!! Live and learn."
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Scouts Canada has partnered with Busy Minds and Little Yogis Academy to help bring mindfulness into program content.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken and Scouter Mike are joined by Michelle Faber, the founder of Busy Minds, for a live discussion mindfulness, its importance to mental health, and the ways in which Scouts Canada is partnering with Busy Minds (and Little Yogis) to add mindfulness exercises into group programming.
Learn more:
Mindfulness apps discussed in the episode:
And again: this episode is a recording of a live event that was done on the Scouts Canada Discussion Group on Facebook, and on Workspace/The Network.
A big thank you to Scouts Canada and Mike Eybel for facilitating this episode, and to Kate Larkin for being the inaugural guest!
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The first ever LIVE episode of Scouting Stuff, and an introduction to Scouts Canada’s “Sasquatch Seekers” event.
Podcast Topics
In the first of what will become a series of LIVE episodes, Scouter Ken is joined by Kate Larkin - the Director of Program & Volunteer Services for Scouts Canada - to discuss the Sasquatch Seekers challenge. This is a series of four weekly challenges for Scout Groups across Canada to complete, exploring a variety of activities and skills all themed around the hunt for Canada’s most elusive megafauna.
(There’s also a leaderboard, by the way. With prizes.)
Mike Eybel - the Associate Director of Communications for Scouts Canada, and an occasional guest of the podcast - also makes an appearance or two.
And again: this episode is a recording of a live event that was done on the Scouts Canada Discussion Group on Facebook.
A big thank you to Scouts Canada and Mike Eybel for facilitating this episode, and to Kate Larkin for being the inaugural guest!
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Beaver Scouts (at least in Canada) is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2024.
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Scouter Ken and Scouter Colin - finally, only two months into 2024! - sit down (virtually) to discuss Beaver Scouts. Despite a popular Canadian legend that the program for “younger than Cub Scout” youth was developed in Canada and exported to the world, the actual history of it goes back a bit further...to Northern Ireland, in fact.
But half a century ago, Scouts Canada officially launched its Beaver Scouts section, and is planning on celebrating that this summer. Is your group ready? Is your council?
By the way, if you want to see what different Scouting NSOs call their sections, here’s a lengthy list.
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Two brothers - twins, at that! - discuss their introduction to Scouts Canada and the roles they’ve served in therewith.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Shayne and Scouter Sheldon rejoin the podcast for another episode, this time to discuss their respective Scouting journeys with Scouter Ken. Though they came to the organization in different ways (and at different times), they both ended up serving as Group Commissioners for two different Ontario Scout Groups at the same time.
Also: camp cooking. We talk about camp cooking.
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What is the rangemaster role within Scouting, and how do you become one?
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by Scouter Sheldon, the program director for Camp Everton in Ontario (and, coincidentally, the brother of Scouter Shayne from Episode 144).
Much of the discussion in this episode focuses on the role of the rangemaster, which within Scouts Canada is a specifically-trained person who can run archery, pelletry, and even axe/tomahawk-throwing.
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Where can youth find leadership opportunities? Funny you should ask!
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by Scouter Shayne from Ontario for this episode. Among many other roles, Scouter Shayne has served as a Group Commissioner, a Section Scouter, and a Contact Scouter, and has also been with the Canadian Forces for three decades.
The discussion ranges over a few topics, including the similarities and differences between Scouting and the military, why girls being part of Scouting is still a surprise to some people to this day, and the leadership opportunities that Scouting affords young people.
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Scouts across Africa help the vulnerable, Scouts in Canada sell trees...and Scouts were even at COP28.
News Stories
Advancing Gender Equality through Scouting in Ethiopia
Reintegrating Vulnerable Young People through Ticket to Life Initiative in Africa
4th World Scout Education Congress Shaping the Future of Education in Scouting
World Scouting Brings Youth Voices to COP28 Climate Talks
Transcona Scouts Hall receives funding for renos
Scouts tree lot is now open in Okotoks
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TV News Logo, by moodmode
Scouts help with hurricane relief, JOTA-JOTI breaks records...and Hungarian Scouts camp on a river.
News Stories
Scouts de Mexico Extend a Helping Hand in Hurricane Aftermath
A Record JOTA-JOTI! Digital Meets In Person for an Epic Jamboree
No need to fear… the Boy Scouts are here!
River Scout Camp: A Journey Through Time with Hungarian Scouts
Scouts fees rise to fund new safeguarding team
Swindon Gang Show returns: Scouts and Guides light up stage
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Two of the three French Scouters who traveled by bicycle to WSJ 2023 tell us all about their adventure!
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken is joined by Florian and Antonin – two of the three French Scouters who comprise La CyclOdyssée, who we mentioned briefly in the January 16 episode of Scouting Five – to discuss their 7-month journey to the World Scout Jamboree in Korea.
Because rather than fly from France to get there, they opted instead to ride their bicycles, covering over 15,000 kilometers in 7 months.
You can find links to all of La CyclOdyssée’s social media profiles at their LinkTree. In particular, their Instagram page is well worth a look.
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Are you taking part in JOTA-JOTI this year?
News Stories
Sadly, there won’t be any Scouting Stuff neckers or crests at this time; orders for both items didn’t meet the production thresholds. If you placed an order, it’ll be cancelled and you’ll get a refund.
Stickers are still available, however!
The Biggest Annual Scouting Event is On: It’s JOTA-JOTI 2023!
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A bit more information about how Scouts BSA' Transatlantic Council is structured, and the role Kandersteg plays in it.
Podcast Topics
Scouter Will, from Scouts BSA’s Transatlantic Council, joins the podcast to discuss the Council and its role in allowing the children of deployed soldiers and diplomats to continue participating in Scouting even when they’re nowhere near the United States.
And as it turns out, Kandersteg International Scout Centre – which they call Camp Alpine – is an integral component of the Council, and their main meeting place for camps.
Also discussed:
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A successful musical fundraiser, Scouts Canada apologizes...and Scouts in Brazil get crafty with plastic waste.
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Scouter Paul from the Hudson Explorers explains a fun game his unit plays with paper boats...and fire.
Podcast Topics
Whilst at Kander100, Scouter Ken met up with Scouter Paul from the Hudson Explorers, an Explorer Scout unit based in Sutton Coldfield, just outside of Birmingham. Some of the unit are regular listeners of the podcast, and that little meet & greet turned into an invitation to join them - and a few other contingents from various countries - in a game they called “Battleship”.
“Battleship” begins with the Scouts breaking into teams and folding 20 origami boats. While they’re busy with this, the Scouter set up a rectangular or square area outdoors, which the Scouts spread their boats around once they’ve got them made.
Each team then gets a metal garden spade, a flint & steel, and fifty cotton balls. The rest is fairly self-explanatory: they light each cotton ball in turn with the flint & steel, then use the spade to fling the fireball at an opposing team’s boat.
The team with the most undamaged boats left wins!
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Scouts respond to disasters, another Scout Group loses gear to theft...and you can now get a podcast necker or badge!
News Stories
Scouting Stuff Merchandise Pre-Orders
Ride the Waves Not the Waste with Scouts of Trinidad & Tobago
Libyan Scouts' Heroic Response to Devastating Floods
Morocco’s Scouts unite to launch relief efforts after deadly earthquake
Moncton, N.B. scout troop loses $8,000 worth of camping equipment in theft
Scouts celebrate 70 years in Rossland
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
The Kander100 Jamboree was a huge success. World Jamboree 2023...not so much.
Podcast Topics
Ken and Colin discuss the challenges - to put it mildly - faced by those who attended the 25th World Scout Jamboree in Korea this summer, as well as the response of WOSM and various national contingents to the heat wave and other issues that emerged at the site.
And then the conversation shifts to Kander100 and the experience of the Canadian Contingent thereat, as well as how Ken and his family enjoyed their Swiss vacation.
Also: check out the Scouting Stuff Stuff page! You can order stickers there at the moment...and soon, neckerchiefs and badges will be available as well. Watch our social media for more details!
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Jamborees around the world, a new WOSM member organization...and a disturbing documentary.
News Stories
Scouts Honor: The disturbing true story behind Netflix documentary
Former Scouts Canada employee sentenced to 4 years for sex crimes
Proposed settlement reached in Ralph Rowe lawsuit
A wave of transformation: 80,000 Scouts spark change in Algeria
Saudi Girls in Scouting Volunteer in Large Numbers During Pilgrim Service
43,000 Scouts unite for 25th World Scout Jamboree in South Korea
WOSM Statements from the 25th World Scout Jamboree
Closing ceremony of the 25th World Scout Jamboree reunites Scouts at Seoul World Cup Stadium
Scoutisme Congolais joins global Scout Movement as 174th Member Organization
Scouts Plant Seeds of Hope in Senegal
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a volunteer at Kandersteg International Scout Centre?
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken chats with Sam (from Canada) and Laura (from the United States), two “Pinkies” (read: seasonal volunteers) at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC).
Sam and Laura explain what it’s like to be a Pinkie, as well as how to apply for the role. Pinkies serve three-month terms roughly corresponding to the four seasons, and the application process includes a motivation letter, a CV, a picture, and a video explaining why you’d love to volunteer at KISC.
A big “thank you” to – who else? – Sam and Laura for agreeing to this interview, to Sam for reaching out to Scouter Ken ahead of Kander100, and to Laura for being a listener to the podcast as well!
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
An interview with Jack Higgins, the director of the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC).
Podcast Topics
Scouter Ken was at Kander100 (also called KISC100), the large(r) jamboree held to celebrate the centenary of the “permanent mini-jamboree” that the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC) in Switzerland was founded to be.
As it happened, some of the media staff at KISC had heard Episode 137, and asked Scouter Ken if he’d be interested in doing an interview with Jack Higgins, the director of KISC.
Many thanks to the Kandersteg International Scout Centre (KISC), the media team thereat (especially Myles and Luis) for setting everything up and providing recording gear, and of course Jack Higgins for taking the time to do this interview.
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Drive Acoustic Rock, by ArtMusic
Scouts help refugees, a king is crowned...and what SHOULD you expect at a Jamboree?
News Stories
From Fundraisers to Advocates: Norwegian Guides and Scouts Transform Lives of Young Refugees
Scout Camp in a Refugee Camp: How Scouting is Helping in Malawi
Arab Parajamboree sets the bar for hosting inclusive Scout events
Scouts support King Charles III’s Coronation at Westminster Abbey
Scouts design TransLink’s first-ever scout badge
Westfield Scouts live motto “Be Prepared” at Memorial Day Ceremony
100 YEARS AND COUNTING: 1st Port Perry Scouts to mark century milestone in June
8 things to know before the World Scout Jamboree
And if you’d like a shiny new Scouting Stuff sticker, make sure to hit up any of the contact options below to ask for one!
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
Some brief thoughts on how to prepare your Group (or Contingent) for Cultural Day at whatever Jamboree you’re attending.
Podcast Topics
Cultural Day has become a staple of Jamborees, and it’s important to be prepared for it. As Scout.org notes:
"In the middle of Sunday, each unit puts on a demonstration illustrating the culture of their country, region, or locality. The camp is closed to visitors. This is your opportunity to cook, sing, dance, or offer an experience from your country that will make a memory for your guests.
I remember watching Scouts getting henna tattoos at the India camp, eating amazing kimchi with the Koreans, sampling hákari with Icelanders (think twice about this!), and vegemite with the Australians.
Have your unit throw a party that your guests will remember. Take turns staffing your unit party by wandering around the sub-camp."
Ken and Colin discuss Ken’s own preparations for the Cultural Day taking place at Kander100, including food ideas, games, music, and various other representations of what Canada is like!
Firstly, a shout-out to the Mannofield Explorer Scouts; we wish you all the best with your musical fundraiser!
We’d also like to give a shout-out to Andrew Obee and Liam Burns, the latter of whom we will have to arrange to bring on the podcast at some point!
And finally, a big “thank you!” to Joe Vantour, Andrew Waddington, Robert Kelly, Andrew Rice, and Leah Marie for their interest in our new stickers. Leah, especially, was instrumental in finalizing the design of them!
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Drive Acoustic Rock, by ArtMusic
Explorer Scouts fundraise with an album, and Scouts Canada launches a helpline.
News Stories
Scouts Canada launches free helpline for all your camping calamities
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Upbeat Rock (Good News), by Alex Grohl
What happens when you let a bunch of Venturer Scouts run a Cub camp?
Podcast Topics
Scouter Andrew returns with another recorded interview, this time with members of the 1st Bow Valley Venturers and Rovers, who recently hosted a Cuborama in southern Alberta.
A big shout-out to the 1st Bow Valley Venturers and Rovers for agreeing to this interview, and for putting on what sounds like a fantastic Cuborama.
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Drive Acoustic Rock, by ArtMusic
The trials and pitfalls of being a Jamboree Contingent Lead.
Podcast Topics
Ken and Colin discuss the upcoming Kander100 Jamboree, taking place at the Kandersteg International Scout Centre in (where else?) Kandersteg, Switzerland, this summer.
Actually, this episode is mostly a banter/catch-up session, but there is a fun and (potentially) challenging meeting idea for Scouts to be found near the end.
First, Scouter George from the 1st Cobble Hill Scout Group wrote in with some follow-up on a podcast review that was discussed previously:
"Thank you for your support of Scouts and Scouters across Canada with your podcast. I hope you get a chance to have Liam join, maybe after his cross-country listening tour?"
If Liam is interested in coming on an episode of the podcast, we’d be happy to have him! It’s always nice to add guest voices.
Additionally, speaking of reviews, Scouter Chris from the UK left us one a while ago:
"Recently discovered your podcast. I am a Scout Leader in the UK and am enjoying listening to you guys. From listening to just a few episodes, already spotted a few differences in Canadian and UK Scouting but also a lot we do the same. Scouting rocks no mater where we roam!"
Thanks for the kind words, Chris!
And finally, a big “thank you” to Tim Blair for allowing his recorded session on registration waitlists to be used as an episode!
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Drive Acoustic Rock, by ArtMusic
A presentation given on Scouts Canada’s Workplace site, detailing how to say yes to youth waiting to join your Scout Group.
Podcast Topics
This week’s episode comes from a presentation given on Scouts Canada’s new Workplace site (Workplace is Meta’s business product, essentially Facebook for work teams) by Tim Blair of the 11th Seymour Scout Group.
The title of the presentation is "Can you say yes to your waitlist?", and deals with strategies for bringing more youth into your Scout Group even when your registration rolls are currently full.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
How do you handle turnover in your Group Committee?
Podcast Topics
Ken and Colin discuss how to carry out an effective Group Committee transition. It’s not as easy as just electing a new treasurer or group commissioner; a Group should make sure to have all of the infrastructure in place ahead of time to ensure an orderly handover of documents, email accounts, and other pertinent information and materials.
If a Group has gone through the process of getting itself online, organizations like TechSoup (or TechSoup Canada) can help a Group expand from just having a registered domain into having a full-fledged team and document management solution (e.g. Google Workspace, Microsoft 365)...often for free, or for a vastly reduced non-profit-friendly price. Getting set up with solutions like these can facilitate both easier sharing and storing of important documents and records, but also smoother handovers of same between individuals.
Liam, from the 2nd Airdrie Scout Group, left us a review online:
"As a scout this is interesting to listen to."
Thanks for the kind words, Liam! We love getting reviews, especially 5-star reviews...and we’re glad that you’re finding the podcast interesting.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
The Girl Scout cookie crumbled this year. Here’s what happened
Scouts coming together in Maple Ridge for rally day
Squamish Scouts presented with the Duke of Edinburgh gold award
Scout makes 3D printer prosthetic limbs in Mexico
Young People Called to Innovate as the first Africa Rover Moot Opens
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Jamborees and Moots, Religious Symposiums...and Emergency Response.
News Stories
1st Africa Rover Moot, Kenya 2023
Interreligious Symposium Unites Scouting in the Central African Republic
Scouts Mobilise to Support Cyclone Freddy Emergency Response
How Anna realised that happiness can be found even in the darkest of times
10,000+ Scouts Gather for 32nd Asia-Pacific and 11th National Scout Jamboree in Bangladesh
Two hospitalised as scout group caught out by Storm Noa in Wicklow Mountains
Boy Scouts' record $2.46 bln sex abuse settlement upheld by judge
10th Welland Scouts pound the pavement to help neighbours
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scouter Andrew from the 4th Elks Triwood Scout Group (based in Calgary, Alberta) is back this week with another group discussion.
In mid-March, Scouters from across Canada met in Ottawa for a weekend workshop about The Big Opportunity, the grassroots volunteer recruitment and encouragement initiative that the podcast has been covering over the last few episodes. After this workshop, Andrew sat down with a few Scouters he met there – Emma, Alicia, and Anna – for another discussion of The Big Opportunity and how to make it work.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouter Andrew with the 4th Elks Triwood Scout Group (based in Calgary, Alberta) sat down with a number of his fellow Scouters for a lengthy discussion of Scouts Canada’s Big Opportunity, how it applies to their Group, and how they’re already making some of its aims a reality. The entire conversation was recorded, and Andrew generously provided the discussion to serve as an episode of the podcast.
So if, after Episode 130, you find you have some questions about how The Big Opportunity can apply to your Group, or what it even looks like to be implemented at a Group level, the discussion that forms the core of this episode might offer some insight...and some ideas.
Scouters Andrew, David, Stacey, Lindsey, and Peter of the 4th Elks Triwood Scout Group for the insightful discussion and their agreeing to share it with the wider Scouting world.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouts Founder’s Day 2023: History, significance and all you need to know
International Scouts Day observed
Scouts' tree-planting initiative aids wildfire recovery from Croatia to North Macedonia
How Czech Scouts transformed two hotels into safe havens for refugees in five days
World Scouting supports relief efforts after deadly Türkiye and Syria earthquakes
Scouts Canada celebrates flag raising in Bracebridge
Our Community: Scout Museum set to open, PNE selling score clock
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken flies solo this week, and discusses Scouts Canada’s new volunteer-focused initiative, which they’re calling the Big Opportunity.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Fundraiser launched to re-open 100-year-old Camp Byng amidst ongoing legal dispute | Coast Reporter
15,000 kilometers by bike to join the World Scout Jamboree 2023 | Scout.org
ZHP is awarded the EESC Civil Society Prize 2022 | Scout.org
Scouts in Europe cross countries to receive and spread a light of peace | Scout.org
9 New Year’s resolution ideas for Scouts | Scout.org
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin close out the year with some reflections on the concept of doing a good turn, and how Scouts Canada -- in its efforts to find new ways to reach out to prospective members — might well have everything it needs already. Is it a question of pivoting the movement in some way, or is it a question of re-emphasising the values the movement already seeks to inculcate in its members?
We’d like to give a shout-out to One Movement Media, formerly Scouting Radio. We’re not sure if they’re still re-broadcasting our episodes, but even if not, they’re doing great work bringing Scouting to their internet audience.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scout Leaders meet in Ciudad del Este to make decisions for the future | WOSM
Girl Scout cookie season is in danger. Again | SFChronicle
Local scouts selling Christmas trees once again | OkotoksOnline
Local Boy Scouts selling Christmas trees at Graber’s | Harvey County Now
Yellowknife Scouts kicks off annual Christmas tree sale | NNSL
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Antigua & Barbuda Scout Association becomes 173rd WOSM Member | WOSM
Scouts help Cianjur’s earthquake victims | WOSM
Scouts’ youth-led response supports over 800,000 Ukrainian children and families with humanitarian assistance | WOSM
Romanian Scouts rush to borders, offering immediate relief and support to refugees from Ukraine | UNICEF Europe and Central Asia
Scouts step up to cook Thanksgiving meals for their community | WPBN
Sunshine Coast Scouts Camp Byng closed 'until further notice' | Coast Reporter
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken is joined by Scouter Jonathan for this episode, to revisit a topic that was discussed as recently as Episode 121: how do you find volunteers for your Scout Group? And once you’ve done so...how do you retain them?
As you might well imagine, there’s no one-size-fits-all, cut-and-dried solution. It’s generally not a winning strategy to try and force the issue by way of ultimatums, though at times it may be necessary to trade someone’s commitment to train up as a Scouter for a “reserved” spot in the program for their child.
But once you’ve got those volunteers, how do you retain them? How do you keep them coming back? In part, this will depend on running a great program; parental engagement will follow youth engagement, in most cases. And in part, this will also depend on giving each Scouter the chance to shine in the role, to bring their knowledge and talents into the program for the benefit of the youth.
But perhaps the most important thing is to foster a sense of community and friendship between Scouters. It’s one thing to show up every week for meetings; it’s quite another to be able to meet up, have fun, and support each other outside of meetings too.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouts Worldwide Connect in Digital and Radio Jamboree | WOSM
World Scouting launches first green NFT badge at JOTA-JOTI | WOSM
Get the green NFT badge! | WOSM
Announcing: Winners of Project for the Planet | WOSM
Giving my Scout promise miles away from home | WOSM
N.B. scout group waiting for WestJet reimbursement months after flight - New Brunswick | Global News
Local Boy Scouts hosting annual Scouting for Food to benefit Feeding the Gulf Coast | Fox10 TV
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scout Movement honours the life and legacy of Her Majesty The Queen | WOSM
Queen's funeral: 'I camped out as my final duty to the Queen' | BBC News
Queen Elizabeth II: Devon scouts honour passing of patron | BBC News
Queen Elizabeth II: The Scouts sweet shop worker helping in London | BBC News
The Queen's funeral: TV adventurer Bear Grylls represented the Scouts at service | The Scotsman
Omar Lugo awarded Bronze Wolf for championing World events and Regional growth | WOSM
Scout helps combat deadly waterborne diseases in rural communities | WOSM
Boy Scouts downsize under strain from sex abuse suits | CTV News
Bethel Park Boy Scout troop celebrates its centennial | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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God Save the Queen by The Band of the Grenadier Guards
Rule, Britannia by The Band of the Grenadier Guards
Scouter Ken has been selected as the Contingent Lead for the Scouts Canada delegation that will be attending Kander100, the mini-jamboree being held to celebrate the centenary of Kandersteg International Scout Centre. Thirty Scouts and Scouters (in total!) from Canada will be attending the event.
If you’re curious, the Canadian Contingent website is here: KANDER100 JAMBOREE
And yes, this likely means that there’ll be an episode or two recorded at (and published from) Kandersteg next year.
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Baltic Levity by Kevin MacLeod
Algerian Scout champions youth empowerment and rights | WOSM
Leaders from National Scout Organizations Convene in Nairobi for the 18th Africa Scout Conference | WOSM
Appleton Boy Scouts receive Heroes Award for aiding after Amtrak crash | CBS 3Duluth
County to buy Girl Scouts camp, create park, save Rocklands | Miami Today
70 Scout Groups win big adventures with funding from Hydro One and Scouts Canada's Grizzly Den | Cision
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin revisit a topic from almost half the podcast ago — Episode 67, published in September of 2018, specifically — and offer some thoughts on how to hold a successful parent meeting.
You can find some interesting blog articles about what needs to be communicated to parents, and how, and exactly how you go about it with the parents of youth in your Group will depend on all sorts of factors. But in summary, here’s the gist of what a successful parent meeting should include:
Scouter Eric from the Northern Lights Medical Venturers reached out to us to let us know that the MedVents are once again accepting membership applications. If you’re interested in Vocational Scouting and your home group is in NLC, consider submitting your name.
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Say hello to the new scout.org! | WOSM
Scouts in Vietnam to install solar lights for ethnic community | WOSM
Scout highlights Messengers of Peace work during Dalai Lama visit in India | WOSM
Scarf Day for scouts | Whanganui Chronicle News - NZ Herald
Romanian Scouts rush to borders, offering immediate relief and support to refugees from Ukraine | WOSM
Kenyan Scout supports teens through pregnancy, motherhood | WOSM
New development could displace historic totem pole at Ottawa's Scouts Canada headquarters | CTV News
Resolute works with Scouts | TBNewsWatch.com
Scouts Canada declares Jasper as Canada’s ‘most epic’ camping destination – Jasper's source for news, sports, arts, culture, and more | The Fitzhugh
Boy Scouts Ruling Threatens $250 Million Abuse Deal With Mormons | BNN Bloomberg
Ambassador Kennedy thanked Solomon Scouts who saved her father | Solomon Star News
Tunisian National Olympic Committee set for Scouts collaboration | InsideTheGames
Popular Boy Scouts camp in Mass. forced to close | WWLP
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Whoa...where did June go?
After too-long a hiatus, Ken and Colin sit down for another catch-up discussion, and also take a look at two recent stories that have come out concerning Scout Groups whose travel plan disruptions have made the national news.
The first story is that of a Scout Group who ended up stuck in Zurich due to incomplete data in the ArriveCAN mobile app. The second is that of a different Scout Group who ended up camping out in the Vancouver airport after their planned flight from there to Whitehorse was cancelled.
Two very different stories, but both illustrate the challenges that Scout Groups will likely be facing for a while yet as they plan and carry out adventures...especially the sorts of adventures that require air travel!
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
A discussion of packing lists: what to include on them, and why they're important.
Parker rejoins the podcast and chats with Ken about packing lists. Because while it's nice to think that Scouts might be mature enough to know what to bring along on a trip, and while it might be tempting to test one's Scouts by making them suffer through the consequences of forgetting some key piece of gear, the truth of the matter is that just about everyone — even adults! — can and will benefit from having a list to refer to when the time comes to put together all the gear one will need for an adventure.
Scouts BSA has published some excellent, if generalized, warm weather and cool weather packing lists; Ken's own Group has also developed a list that it maintains internally and periodically updates.
Important Note: By all means, make use of the above-linked documents...but only use them as templates. Always pack according to your troop's needs, and your individual needs as well.
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouts from Fort Benning and St. Luke add a badge for broadcast media | WRBL
Boy, 12, Bitten by Black Bear During Boy Scout Camping Trip | PEOPLE.com
Scouts and others honor veterans, place flags at gravesites | Local News | pressofatlanticcity.com
World Scout Jamboree: Falkirk Scouts host Platinum Jubilee afternoon tea in Laurieston | Falkirk Herald
Muslim and Christian Scouts from Palestine help during Ramadan | World Scouting
Africa Scout Region Targets 10,000 Leaders with Safe from Harm Learning | World Scouting
Special Olympicas signs agreement with Scouts of Venezuela | World Scouting
Singapore's Chay Hong Leng awarded Bronze Wolf for outstanding contributions to Scouting | World Scouting
UK’s Craig Turpie, a champion of youth involvement, honoured with the prestigious Bronze Wolf Award | World Scouting
After more than 3,000 posts and countless memories, I’m starting a new chapter (scoutingmagazine.org)
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scout Numbers Surge BBC Breakfast - Part 3 30 April 2022 | BBC
Canadians lack basic outdoor skills, Scouts Canada survey shows | National Post
Florida woman charged with stealing $10K from Boy Scouts | NYPost
Update to Scouts BSA joining requirements opens the door to more young people | Scouting Magazine
Pareidolia Brewing Company Host Adult Pinewood Derby to Benefit local Boy Scouts of America | Sebastian Daily
Sea Scouts Will Fundraise To Replace Boats Lost In Shed Fire | Falmouth News
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Judge Approves Sale of BSA Warehouse | insurancejournal.com
Fire damages buildings at Girl Scouts camp near Rogersville | ky3.com
Lawsuit against Boy Scouts Says Bird Refuge at Deer Lake Must be Preserved | ctexaminer.com
Kimberley Scouts making Camp Stone available for third party rentals again | Kimberley Daily Bulletin
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin discuss the ongoing war and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, and comment both on what Scouts in the country (and in surrounding countries) are already doing to help out the many millions of refugees that have fled (or are trying to flee) their homes, and what Scouts in other countries can do (and are already doing) to help out in their own way.
Scout Donation Platform Link: Ukrainian Scouts Humanitarian Response
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Boy Scouts Victims' Fund Unfair to Insurers, Companies Argue in Court | BNN Bloomberg
Small changes, big impact for Guatemala’s plastic waste | World Scouting
Scouts revved up by return of Kub Kar Rally | Welland Tribune
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Registration for 1st Africa Rover Moot 2023 is Open | World Scouting
Scouts Call for Greater Investment in Young People on Africa Scout Day | World Scouting
Ukrainian Scouts provide food, shelter, support | World Scouting
Scouts Support Refugees and Families Fleeing Ukraine Across Borders | World Scouting
Plast Ukrainian scouts make first-aid kits for civilians in the war | The Washington Post
Hay: Scout hut brings back fond memories | Red Deer Advocate
Advocates hope to stop sale of Boy Scout camp to developer | RMOToday.com
Scouts donate essential items to flood victims in Merritt | CBC News
Scouts raise $2,000 for food bank | Coast Reporter
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Support pours in for Ukraine, Scouts in Africa step up for their communities...and UK Sea Scouts celebrate a centenary.
Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
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The World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM) has issued a statement on the Russian-instigated conflict in Ukraine.
For our part, we condemn Russia’s aggression (inasmuch as that means anything), and we pray for a speedy resolution to these events. We cannot begin to imagine the fear with which Ukrainian parents must be living, as they continue to send their children to school...and potentially into harm’s way.
And we hope that all Scouts in the country, especially, are safe and remain unharmed by the conflict. We are also confident that when the time comes and the need arises, they will be there to aid their communities in the ways that Scouts do best.
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The Ukrainian National Anthem
The Baden-Powell Faceook page isn’t being updated anymore, but back when it was still actively being posted to, the team behind it posed an interesting question:
“Scouting is a brotherhood – a scheme which, in practice, disregards differences of class, creed, country and colour, through the undefinable spirit that pervades it: the spirit of God’s gentleman.” - #BadenPowell
How has your exposure to Scouts from other countries influenced your worldview?
Ken and Colin attempt to give an answer!
A first shout-out this week goes to TheStrider, a Scouter with the 2nd Smiths Falls group, who has a sweet thing going with his local Subway establishment, and who has been working to get his group moved onto a shared Microsoft Office 365 non-profit tenancy.
Additionally, Dan Tapley’s council, Battlefields Council, has partnered with Canadian Blood Services via their Partners for Life program. Can Scouts donate 50 units of blood in 2022?
And Ken’s wife Grace (and her sister Mary) get a shout-out as well, for proposing (?) a leech therapy badge. #NursingHumour
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouting Nederland Wins People's Choice Award with #ScoutOn Hybrid Event | World Scouting
5th Chief Scout Executives Meet Pivots on the New Triennium | World Scouting
'Opportunity' stolen from Burlington scouts, along with trailer full of camping gear | CBC News
Scouts' skills and mettle tested in the Klondike Derby | Community | Lockport Journal
COVID-19 changes to Scouts BSA requirements expiring March 1, 2022 | Scouting Magazine
Kate hails inspiring teenage Scout fundraiser who slept outside for a year | The Independent
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Siobhan Ward, a Youth Program Specialist with Scouts Canada, joins Scouter Ken to talk about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and how Scouts Canada has chosen to incorporate these into the Scouting program,
Scouts Canada SDG Resources:
Siobhan would like to shout out the Scouts for Sustainability volunteer committee, and the Scouts for Sustainability Youth Advisory Panel, both of whom contributed to the creation of the SDG badge program.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
This week, Scouter Ken is joined by Scouts Canada National Communications Director Scouter Mike (why yes, he’s back!) and Scouter Sandra, from Scouts Canada’s Program Support Team, to discuss the upcoming Claim the Flame competition. This is yet another competition that Scout groups within Canada are encouraged to participate in; its emphasis will be getting youth to think about how to keep active and find adventure in winter...and how to do so safely. Which, handily, ties in to the Winter Skills Outdoor Adventure Skills badge.
Scouter Mike would like to thank Tim Fountain, Rubene Desousa, Joe Vautour, Ann Carr, Anita Bergman, Anissa Stamboli, and Svetlana Kurmeleva for all of their assistance in bringing Claim the Flame to fruition.
Scouter Sandra, meanwhile, would like to thank Ginger Greenwood, Kerry Radey and Laura Flett for all their hard work as members of the Program Support Team.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouts Canada Challenge For Kids To Level Up Winter Outdoor Skills | toronto4kids.com
1st Rosetown Scouts Looking For Members | WestCentralOnline
BSA Bankruptcy Plan Misses Mark in Vote by Abuse Claimants | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
‘Dilapidated’ Bristol scout hut could get makeover as locals plea for community centre | Bristol Live
Hundreds of Malaysian Scouts quickly mobilise to help typhoon Rai victims | World Scouting
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scouts Canada appoints adventurer Les Stroud as Chief Scout | Blackburn News
Former South Surrey Scouts leader sentenced in child pornography case | Surrey Now-Leader
London, Ont. crash: 8-year-old girl dies, Girl Guides of Canada members among pedestrians hit | Global News
Boy Scouts bankruptcy case: Insurer agrees to pay $800 million | USA Today
Central Oregon Scouts BSA set to begin Christmas tree recycling fundraiser | KTVZ
7 ways Scouts amazed us in 2021 | World Scouting
Bronze Wolf awarded to Malcolm Tan, Peter Blatch and Roger Mosby for lifetime of service to Scouting | World Scouting
UNICEF Belize recognizes the Scout Association as the Champion of Children-NGO | World Scouting
Brazilian Scouts awarded as the country's most relevant NGO for Education | World Scouting
Dundas Scouts get new group crest from local business | Scouts Canada
Scouts Canada will Continue to Monitor the Roll-out of Vaccines to Children 5- to 11-years-old | Scouts Canada
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin attempt to tackle a question that almost every section of every Scout Group has to deal with at some point: how to handle a shortage of qualified volunteers — whether you call them Scouters, Leaders, or Cub/Scoutmasters — and how to go about attracting new volunteers to the program.
It’s going to be hard to start; that’s pretty much a given. Running program when you’re short on people is difficult, and you’ll likely have to get a bit creative; maybe you’ll need to borrow Scouters from another section within your Group, or maybe you’ll need to borrow Scouters from another Group entirely. Maybe you’ll need to schedule activities that see two sections come together in one space, so that Scouters can be shared between sections.
But the important thing is to find ways to keep running a program for the youth...and then go all-in on that program. Do whatever fun and crazy things cross your mind, or the youths’ minds. Because effective recruitment probably starts not with begging or cajoling parents into signing up, but in making sure that the youth are engaged and having fun, week after week.
And once you’ve got that happening, the next steps in the recruitment process become easier.
Firstly, we have a shout-out to Scouter Charles, who sent us a link to ScoutmasterCG’s chart of different types of camp fuels, which discusses the ethics of each: https://scoutmastercg.com/disposable-propane-cylinders-2/
Secondly, Scouter Carl from the 6th Stockport Scouts sent us an update on how things are going for his group. He’s been navigating the challenges of a career change as well, but it sounds like Scouting in Stockport is alive and well...and even going on camps!
Thirdly, Scouter Shane from Cub Pack 290 in New Hampshire reached out to see about arranging a chat between a couple of Arrow of Light Scouts from his pack, and any interested Cubs and Scouts from the 59th Edmonton. Happily, that discussion — a requirement for Arrow of Light — was able to happen recently.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Arab and Asia-Pacific hold first-ever International Commissioners Gathering | World Scouting
Scouting for leaders: Scouts BSA seeking adult volunteers | Heraldrepublican
Mooresville Cub, Boy Scouts collect food for FeedNC | Mooresville Local News
Wyre Scouts - As you'll know, recently we tragically lost one of... | Facebook
Scouts Canada - "With you, I would like to help put forth the... | Facebook
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Now a couple of stolen vans are... - SYP Operational Support | Facebook
Boy Scout council moving to 26-acre ‘Adventure Center’ | wrdw.com
Scouting for Food event to assist those in need | theintelligencer.com
Christmas trees are now available... - 1st St. Albert Scouts | Facebook
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Local Scouts groups see popularity surge but need more adult leaders | NanaimoNewsNOW
Scouting alive and well in Saanich; 1st Douglas Scout Hall celebrates 40th anniversary | Victoria News
Burnaby teen aims to bring joy to seniors with birthday serenades | CBC News
Introducing Citizenship in Society, the BSA’s newest merit badge | scoutingmagazine.org
Your Scout can help shape the future of Scouts BSA within new youth council | scoutingmagazine.org
Why Scouts are Going to COP26 | World Scouting
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin — recording live and in public! — discuss the importance of Scout groups having some sort of online presence, and then for two reasons.
Even having something like a Facebook Page for a group — or a website with a contact form — enables members of the community to find your group and get in touch easily, if (say) they have questions about the program or need a little guidance as to how to get their child signed up. This also enables other members of Scouting to get in touch with your group easily, if (again, say) they’ll be visiting the area and are looking for an opportunity to link up.
Beyond that, though, having an online presence can help drive recruitment, and maybe even fundraising, for your group. This is the way that younger parents — and youth themselves — communicate, research, and reach out; if you’re not meeting them where they’re at, you run the risk of missing them entirely.
Google Domains is a cheap way to get a domain name, and allows you to then use Google Sites tech to build a basic site. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter need no introduction...and for those feeling a little braver, these free resources may help create an even richer web presence.
A first shout-out goes to Scouter Greg, who wrote in asking for some guidance on accessing the oft-discussed Burtonsville Island.
And a second shout-out goes to Scouter Carl, who wrote in to inform us that Squirrel Scouts merchandise was back in stock at The Scout Association’s online store.
And as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Cub Scouts in Nanaimo raising money to present bouquets to hospital workers | Nanaimo News Bulletin
As sex abuse victims consider a settlement, Boy Scouts of America weighs in | Arkansas Times
Young people worldwide connect over the Internet and airwaves for JOTA-JOTI event | World Scouting
Scouts learn to code during JOTA-JOTI and Expo 2020 Dubai | World Scouting
Asia-Pacific first-ever collaboration on humanitarian mapping signed | World Scouting
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Judge says he plans to rule for Boy Scouts on Girl Scouts' trademark claims | Reuters
Cookham scout group celebrates centenary - Photo 1 of 1 | Maidenhead Advertiser
Sheffield scout gets rare Cornwell award for courage and determination | BBC News
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin — live from the garage, this time! — discuss the various fuels that are available for use in things like camp stoves, lanterns, and heaters, and how they compare to each other as regards things like weight, cold temperature performance, ease of use, and more.
It will not surprise the listener that there is a fairly large amount of controversy in the outdoors/camping enthusiast communities about which fuel type is best. That being said, Ken and Colin don’t come down wholly in favour of any one fuel in this episode, for reasons which will hopefully become apparent.
Firstly, a somewhat overdue shout-out to Chuck Fraser, who followed up with us after his prior shout-out regarding the knife safety worksheets he helped put together.
Additionally, Scouter Carl wrote in to catch us up on some news from over in England:
Wondered of you'd be interested in this story for scouting 5?
A scout awarded the Cornwell Badge for courage and determination. Quite an inspiring person!
Our scouts are taking part in a nice range of outdoor activities and meeting in our usual church hall again.
Beavers have a badge day and pantomime organised and the cubs have an activity camp at our local activity centre.
Scouts are hiking next weekend and camping for remembrance weekend to brush up on our scouting skills, we had an influx of young scouts moving from cubs and a number of people new to scouting so we now have a young and inexperienced troop.
The group has had a lot of interest and we have pretty much filled up all the sections. Looks like people have been desperate for things to do during our lockdowns and seen that scouts were offering that, well definitely in the area we serve anyway!
Finally we have a little squirrel in the making (literally), our 3rd child is due in February 2022 and I'm hoping a squirrel drey will be ready for them when they turn 4.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Labware's Kershner to be honored at Boy Scout fund-raiser | Delaware Business Now
Tributes to “father for international Scouting in Western Europe” | Delano News
Garstang Scouts to hold ‘Gin and Ale’ fundraising night ahead of Malawi expedition | Blog Preston
Key Hearing on Fate of Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Plan Underway | Insurance Journal
Boy Scouts' bankruptcy leaves religious groups open to lawsuits | Axios
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Ken and Scouter Corey (Hawkeye) discuss the newly-launched Squirrel Scouts program that The Scout Association in the UK has brought online. It’s a brand-new program — which has been a pilot project for the last two years, and was based off of a Northern Ireland “feeder” program that wasn’t officially a Scouting section but encouraged youth to join up once they were old enough for Beavers — aimed at 4, 5, and 6 year old youth...especially in communities that have been traditionally under-served by Scouting programs in the past.
Firstly, to Scouter Matthew, for sending in a photo of his daughter — a White Tail Beaver — wearing their group’s custom-designed woggle:
The recent episode on the woggle prompted me to get a picture of the unique woggle that our group has been using for many years. I couldn’t get an exact year that it was introduced. For a long time they were cut from pine, but these days we have been getting them cut from sheets of wood on a CNC machine.
Also, a shout-out to Scouter Carl for providing us a look at the Squirrel Scouts logo (which is awesome!).
As well, a note of thanks to osbot for sending in a new 5 star review of the podcast:
Just getting back to Scouting as my own kids are of age. This podcast has been a great connection for me to get into a Scouter mindset and rediscover a passion from my youth. I appreciate the wisdom on things like knife safety as well as the regular news updates.
Corey also gives a shout-out to Colin, who at the time of this recording had been incognito for a couple of weeks, dealing with projects at work.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Boy Scouts launch 'Shoot for the Moon' fundraiser | Catoosa Walker News | northwestgeorgianews.com
Scouts to help generation of young ‘Squirrels’ branch out after they suffered in lockdown | telegraph.co.uk
Kimberley Scouts will be preparing sand bags for sale | Kimberley Daily Bulletin | kimberleybulletin.com
Estevan Scouts Shuts Down... At Least Temporarily | Discoverestevan.com
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Virtual 42nd World Scout Conference unites Movement and looks to the future during historic event | World Scouting
Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the 2021-2024 World Scout Committee announced | World Scouting
World Scout Conference declares Egypt the host for the next event in 2024 | World Scouting
Poland to Host the 26th World Scout Jamboree in 2027 | World Scouting
Dire situation for First Renfrew Scouts | 96.1 Renfrew Today
A Judge Has Given The Boy Scouts Conditional Approval Of An $850M Bankruptcy Deal | NPR
JOTA-JOTI 2021 | JOTA-JOTI 2021 - The world's largest digital Scout event
And: The Northern Lights Medical Venturers (and Rovers) are recruiting!
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World Scouting honours the legacy and contributions of Jim Sharp | World Scouting
Scouts in Portugal Support a Vaccination Awareness Campaign Targeting Young People | World Scouting
Scouts Join Disaster Relief Efforts after a Tornado Hit Czechia | World Scouting
Over 155,000 Young People Create Virtual Memories at the 8th Africa Scout Jamboree | World Scouting
Local Scouts group seeking volunteer leaders - Sun Peaks Independent News | SunPeaksNews.com
Scouts BSA Camp Fleischmann fire damage assessment (kolotv.com)
Law Review: Boy Scouts of America settles suits filed by sexual abuse victims | SierraSun.com
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Ultima Thule
Héctor Carrer awarded with Bronze Wolf as Scouting’s highest honour
Scouts from Africa to Gather in Kenya for the 1st Africa Rover Moot in 2023
A youth organization is looking for funding to keep a scout reservation open
Chicago-area Scout saves family after tornado hits home
Boy Scouts of America: $850m deal agreed over sexual abuse claims
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin — in their first in-person recording in over a year (the last one having taken place on or about March 12, 2020) — discuss woggles, the ubiquitous neckerchief fasteners used by Scouts the world over, examining the history of the word “woggle” and the emergence of their use.
Particular focus is given to the Gilwell Woggle, which is awarded to Wood Badge recipients in some countries. This distinctive — but easily-made — woggle is fashioned using a Turk’s Head Knot (also called a Sailor’s Knot), a mathematically intriguing knot that might have had its origins as a means of denoting the king spoke on ships wheels.
Scouter Chuck writes in with some follow-up about the document we referenced in the recent knife safety episode:
Cool to see a document I co-authored referenced in your transcript. We have a permit system for safe use of tools: Knives, Axe and Saw, Match and Fire, and Stove and Lantern. There weren't any standards so we wrote them for local use in 2012, and have been happy to share them. You never know where they'll end up.
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Building off of Episode 74 - What's In a Knife?, Ken and Colin return again to the topic of one of the most valuable Scouting tools...this time with an eye toward how to use a knife safely. Much of this episode is based off of the knowledge requirements of the Knife Permit that Scouts in Scouts Canada can earn; the guide to earning the permit is well worth a read as a resource for teaching knife safety.
One shout-out goes out to David Walker with the 3rd Blueberry Scout Group in Alberta; he invited us to attend an open house at Scoutland, a Scouts Canada lease located on Chickakoo Lake west of Edmonton. The open house takes place on July 24th, beginning at 10:00 AM; if you've never checked Scoutland out, consider doing so!
And another shout-out goes to Scouter Tara of the 163rd Winnipeg Cubs, and her two sons Keiran and Keagan, who raised $1,000 (their goal) in funding for Rescue Siamese, a Winnipeg-based cat rescue organization. This was their project for their North Star Awards; well done, to both!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Solomon Islands joins global Scout Movement
Scouting collaborates with sustainable musician and Eagle Scout, AY Young
Roger C. Mosby becomes the BSA’s 14th Chief Scout Executive
Bear suspected in honey heist at Scout Camp
Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts suffer huge declines in membership
Gift of archery getting kids excited about scouting
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Long-time Scouts Canada employee charged with child sex crimes
Latest Boy Scouts Bankruptcy Plan Increases Victims’ Fund, Drops Insurer’s $650M Offer
Brighton Girl Scouts build, install food pantry at Imagination Station playground
Walker Books launches Scouts Book Club
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Thinner Mints: Girl Scouts have millions of unsold cookies
BSA membership fee to change beginning Aug. 1, 2021
Cub Scouts Hosting Three Days of Fun for Area Kids
Help the North Ayrshire and Arran Scouts
Scouts launch campaign to recruit volunteers in the north-east of Scotland to help young people recover from the pandemic
Scouts in Greece Join Forces with WWF to Fight Plastic Pollution
8th Africa Scout Jamboree to be held Virtually
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin, not having a specific topic to cover this week, take some time to respond to some messages that listeners of the podcast have sent in.
First up, we hear from J.P. Toruksni and the 36th Ottawa Cubs, whose outdoor winter challenge came to a close a few months ago. J.P. sent us a voicemail, which you’ll hear in this episode; you too can send us messages in this way, and we’ll happily work them in!
Next, we hear from Dan Tapley, who sent us an email with some comments on our episode about sleeping bags.
And finally, from across the Atlantic Ocean, we hear from Grainne O’Carroll, who writes in from the Banba Cubs of the 8th Port Sea Scouts, based out of Dun Laoghaire in Ireland.
In a way, this whole episode is a shout-out, to J.P. Toruksni, Dan Tapley, and Grainne O’Carroll. Thanks again, all of you, for getting in touch with us!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scout volunteer getting Sovereign Medal for her sash
Boy Scouts of America under investigation in Michigan following sex abuse allegations
Scouts BSA Girls Troop 496 celebrates second anniversary
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Scouts suffer worst membership slump since second world war | Scouts and scouting
Scouts donate 1,000 items to food bank
Boy Scouts abuse claimants seek details of local council, insurer payments |
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Health department teams with Girl Scouts for free cookies at vaccination sites
Nutley Scouts Break Record: Over 44,000 Foods Collected for the First Time
Trash the Trash Day Program Taken Part by West Paterson Scouts
Nepal Scouts sets a milestone; 753 local Scout committees formed
Afghanistan Scout Association continues to advocate for peace and youth development through Messengers of Peace
Indonesian Scouts build emergency kitchen, distribute food at disaster areas
Mongolia: Youth for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
Camp Samac in Oshawa designated as heritage property
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
For the second time in a row, Scouter Mike rejoins the podcast to discuss Scouts Canada’s new popcorn fundraising campaign with Scouter Ken. We’ve talked about popcorn before on the podcast, and Mike has often been the voice thereof...but in 2021, the fundraiser is markedly different.
For one, there’s a new supplier: Trail’s End is out, and Papa Jack’s is in! That means that this year, Scout Popcorn in Canada is 100% Canadian-supplied; Papa Jack’s is a family-owned business based out of Ottawa, Ontario. The reason for the change is complicated, but Trail’s End will apparently continue to honour the popcorn scholarships that were given as incentives in previous years...so that’s good.
You can check out the selection of products at ScoutPopcorn.ca, the official fundraiser website. The selection of flavours and products is different than in previous years, but everything is Canadian-made, and produced in a nut-free facility! Much like with the coffee fundraiser, you can select which group will benefit from your purchase at checkout; groups earn 45% of the sticker price with each popcorn sale. And yes, bulk orders are possible, for those groups that want to have popcorn “in hand” to sell.
Scouts Canada is also offering a few prizes for the top-selling youth in Canada; the top three will earn their groups a $1,000 reward. Oh, and there’s another popcorn campaign coming in Fall!
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Girl Scouts to bring STEM Mobile to rural troops
Stolen motors, boat leave Saanich youth sea scouts program inoperable
Girl Scouts using drones to deliver cookies in U.S.
Bismarck woman suspected of burglarizing Grand Forks Girl Scouts building
The Tunisian Scouts Organization contributes to facing Covid-19 by entertaining children and their families
Scouts of Montenegro Support their National Vaccination Campaign
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scouter Mike from Battlefields Council rejoins the podcast to talk about the Great 8 Challenge, an eight-week series of challenges for members of Scouts Canada hosted by Les Stroud (also known as Survivorman; you may have watched his long-running Discovery Channel show).
If your Group is participating, make sure to post their efforts online using the hashtag #SurviveWithLes; submit your challenge reports to Scouts Canada here, and keep tabs on the leaderboard — when it goes live — here.
Also worth checking out (and happening at the same time): Spring into Adventure ScoutCon 2021
Mike has a shout-out to offer to Rylan, a Venturer Scout who has been running D&D games for Mike’s Venturer Company.
He also has kudos to offer to Tim Fountain, the technical genius national virtual campfires. Mike and Tim will be doing weekly live discussion sessions every Thursday evening during the Great 8 Challenge on the Scouts Canada Discussion Group on Facebook.
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
HRH Prince Philip, lifelong champion of young people around the world, passes at age 99
How the Golden Ray's Final Voyage Went Wrong in a Hurry
Red Deer Scouts, Venturers and leaders honoured for back country rescue
Early Years Programme Proposal
Westerham Scout Compound was broken into again
The Great 8 Challenge 2021
Get Shuffle!
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin discuss the all-important sleeping bag. Even more than the extra socks that Ken never shuts up about, having the right sleeping bag for a camp will make or break the whole camping experience; a sleeping bag that isn’t well-cared-for, or which isn’t appropriate for the weather you’ll be camping in, will make for miserable sleeping...which will make for a miserable camp.
Topics covered include:
Scouter Sarah and Scouter Chris both commented on a photo Ken posted to the Facebook page of his daughter’s Scout Troop’s ember-cooked food; evidently, Scouter Chris’ group had done something similar a weekend prior.
And hey...it was Colin’s birthday recently; congratulations to him!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Ken and Colin discuss a particular sort of campfire cooking: placing foil-wrapped food directly on the embers after the fire has died down some. It’s an easy concept to grasp: you wrap your food up in foil, wait for the fire to burn down so that there’s a nice bed of hot coals, and the place the food directly on the embers for however long it takes to cook through (typically, turning it once).
Of course, each step in the process presents certain challenges, and it’s easy to screw up along the way. For best results, you’ll likely want to let the fire burn for at least an hour, and you’ll want to make it a good-sized fire to start; the goal is to have a large bed of embers across almost the entire bottom of whatever fire pit you’re using.
It’s also important to wrap your food in at least a couple layers of foil, not just one; this creates a kind of double-boiler effect that results in more even heating...and less burning. Leaving a bit of space — not packing the foil too tightly around your food — is also key.
And finally, if you’re looking for recipe ideas, the Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles have a great cookbook available that is just brimming with ideas.
We’ve got a couple quick shout-outs to Scouters Sarah and Chris, who commented on a photo Ken posted to the Facebook page of the foil-wrapped cooking his daughter’s Scout Troop did just before this episode was recorded. It would seem that Scouter Chris’ Group also did some campfire cooking recently!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
New Study in Estonia: Scouting Increases Happiness, Gives Youth Solid Base for Future
Saudi Scouts contribute to the organization of Covid-19 vaccination centres
World Scouting launches new Financial Management Toolkit to support NSOs in financial best practices
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
This is mostly a nostalgic/reflective episode, as Ken and Colin reflect on the length of time the podcast has been running and re-introduce themselves — and their Scouting careers — for the benefit of new listeners that have signed on.
By the way: here’s the Hinterlands Who’s Who that Colin mentions.
As always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Scouts of Luxembourg Win a European Citizens’ Prize for 2020
Anger after Girlguides close Chigwell Row Campsite used by Brownies and Scouts all over the UK without consultation
1,000 female Eagle Scouts make history as part of inaugural class
Eagle Scout Class of 2018: The numbers behind the number
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin discuss the venerable Field Book for Canadian Scouting, once a staple of a Scout’s program materials in Scouts Canada’s program, and now an often-pricey collector’s item. This episode isn’t intended as an endorsement of any of the below-mentioned materials; it’s more a curated list of works that Ken and Colin have come across over the years.
The Field Book may be out of print, but there are several reasonable alternatives available. Beaver Scouts and Cub Scouts might find some utility in Ranger Rick’s Kids Guide series of books. Ultimate Survival Technologies’ Learn & Live Cards are pocket-sized reference cards for various survival concepts. The SAS Survival Guide might be great for Scouts (and older youth). And Ken and Colin would be remiss if they didn’t also mention Mors Kochanski’s various writings. The 2014 BSA Fieldbook is also an excellent option.
The 36th Ottawa Cub Scouts' winter challenge for Cub Scouts is still ongoing.
And as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Boy Scouts seek to extend halt to lawsuits vs. local groups
La Crosse Area Female Scouts from Scouts BSA holding a Council-wide Event at Camp Decorah
Scouts apologise to Ben Leonard's family after inquest delayed
Scouts to plant 100,000 trees
Scouts Canada ends lease of Northumberland County Forest property
Survey finds 52 per cent of Canadians are currently active outdoors only once a week, with 28 per cent participating less than once a month
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
What Covid meant for St Albans Gang Show
First Blueberry Scouts mark 40 year milestone
Scouts and Coca-Cola unite to fight the Victorian government on the cash-for-cans scheme
Florida Scouts become video pen pals with Scouts from England
Scouts contribute 2 billion hours of community service towards peace and sustainable development
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Two boy scout leaders accused of sexually abusing children
Local Boy Scout leaders start Kearney first Scouts BSA Girl Troop
N.S. Scout leader questions COVID-19 restrictions when others can have 60 people
Winter Woodlot Tour Feb. 6 in Rustico
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Scouter Mike rejoins us to discuss Scouts Canada the 3rd National Virtual Campfire that Scouts Canada will be hosting next month, on February 27th at 7:00 PM Eastern Time. Which, as it happens, is the last day of Scout/Guide Week this year. Of course, they need the usual collection of skits, songs, cheers, and jokes — especially skits, which have tended to be in short supply in previous Virtual Campfires.
But they are also looking for short video submissions from “youth co-hosts”, which should take the following form:
The deadline for “youth co-host” video submissions is February 12th, 2021, and the deadline for skit/song/cheer/joke video submissions is February 20th, 2021. Send in content here: https://bit.ly/ScoutsCampfire
And: follow the Scouts Canada news and events page!
As you might expect, Scouter Mike has a number of shout-outs to offer; assembling the Virtual Campfire takes quite a sizeable team! This includes Bill Dewar and Thomas Dewar, both of whom Mike credits as amazing campfire chiefs. Tim Fountain puts most of the campfire program together, and Ruben De Sousa helps out by contributing graphics. Venessa Christian, Ken Broad, Anissa Stambouli, and Joe Vantour comprise the social media team. Jake Forsyth is in the mix as well. And Marc Chamberlain heads up Scout’s Canada’s team overseeing Scout/Guide Week.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Beach Party, by Kevin MacLeod
News — good and bad — from Northern Lights Council (Scouts Canada)
Boy Scouts set to kick-off 'Scouting for Food' food-drive as need soars
Scouts can help protect the environment by earning the new Environmental Protection Agency award
Hank Aaron, former Scout, baseball legend and lifelong friend of Scouting, dies at 86
Boy Scouts' Insurers Attack Massive Rise In Sex Abuse Claims
Everything you need to know about Scout Sunday 2021, Scout Sabbath 2021 and Scout Jumuah 2021
Scouting and Guiding nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for global contribution towards peace and dialogue
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Bear Grylls signs on as Chief Ambassador of World Scouting until 2022
Scouts can soon earn a Dungeons & Dragons activity badge
Scouts group in Summerside facing volunteer shortage
New construction training program starts to build bunkhouses for Scouts
Row over church plans to sell off scout hut for housing
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Ken and Colin kick off 2021 by discussing...well, after an extended amount of banter about holidays and a few other topics, the discussion eventually settles onto the history of badges.
Call them what you want: crests, merit badges, personal achievement badges, outdoor adventure badges...they’re a nigh-universal element of Scouting programs that can trace their history back to the movement’s founding. Even in Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell discusses badges at various points...in particular, the Scout Badge, a two-part crest that combines a scroll (which reads “Be Prepared”) and an arrowowhead/fleur de-lis. This badge signified progression in the Scouting program; a newly-invested Second Class Scout would receive the scroll, and then later the arrowhead upon being prompted to First Class.
And badges are used, in part, as a means of signifying a Scout’s progression even to this day. But, of course, that’s not all they’re used for either, is it?
First off, a shout-out is due to J.P. Torunski and the 36th Ottawa Cub Scouts. They have challenged Cub Scouts across Canada to get out and move over the winter months ahead. By the end of March, Cubs should try and do one of the following:
Personally, we say: why limit this challenge to just Canada? If you’re anywhere in the world and you have a Cub Scout pack, feel free to challenge them to achieve one of these adventures; they’ve got three months to make it happen!
And, as always, a big thank you to the folks at Scouting Radio for rebroadcasting Scouting Stuff episodes to their worldwide Scouting audience. If you're listening to us on Scouting Radio right now, let us know; reach out and get in touch. We'd love to hear from you.
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Slow Burn, by Kevin MacLeod
Alford Scout presented with honour for overcoming adversity and supporting charity
Solon pushes bill to strengthen Boy Scouts as autonomous NGO
1st Airdrie Scouts help the community through annual Christmas tree recycling
Fire destroys buildings at Scouts Canada’s Camp Nedooae, RCMP investigating
Boy Scouts of America accuse Girl Scouts of starting 'war'
New Year Honours 2021: Reading scoutmaster appointed MBE
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Unexpected Hoedown in Bagging Area, by Doctor Turtle
Featuring a special winter challenge for Cub Scouts!
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Scouts help a food drive, a big win for STEM Scouts...and Kenilworth Scouts can deliver Christmas cards this year.
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Scouts Scotland selects a president, Scouts in Canada fundraise with photos...and a Cub Scout holds a toy drive.
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Doing a “Good Turn” - to one person, if not to many - daily is a key element of what Scouting is (should be) about.
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Scouts Canada goes virtual again (in places)...but Christmas tree sales proceed.
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Czech Scouts help the elderly, Beaver Scouts buy pyjamas...and the Scout Association restructures.
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Scouts looking to restart in Meridian, UK Scout troops face hard times...and Finnish Scouts go to school(s).
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The Council Voting Representatives for Scouts Canada’s Northern Lights Council join us to speak a bit about what they do.
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Scouts sell sandbags, a successful summer camp...and African Scouts turn the tide on plastic.
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It takes a fair bit of effort to bring a new Scouter on board. But there’s a good reason why that is!
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Sydney Ireland earns Eagle Scout, Scouts Canada councils limit in-person activities...and Greek Scouts help out after a freak storm.
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Kate Middleton meets with Scouts, Scouts Canada cancels camps...and a young lady earns Eagle.
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A museum opens a Scouting exhibit...and Scouts fundraise, fundraise, fundraise!
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Scouts Canada's second National Virtual Campfire is coming up...submissions close tomorrow!
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Boy Scouts get support from Elks, Scouts in Colchester meet again...and a Scouts Canada camp winds down an emergency program.
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It’s all about being prepared.
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Fundraising in the post-COVID reality might look a little different.
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Scout groups look forward to resuming in-person meetings, YET ANOTHER stolen trailer...and the Girl Scouts get new uniforms.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Team Eagle Scout competes in Eco-Challenge, Scouting memorabilia fetches a tidy sum...and a UK toy store helps fund a Scout hall.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Scouts Canada is bringing back in-person meetings in September of 2020. What will Scouting look like in Canada thereafter?
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Tracking the history of a Sea Scout ship, Scout properties in BC face issues...and a trailer thief gets caught.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Fundraising opportunities resume as markets reopen, Scouts hold a virtual festival...and it was Scout Scarf Day this past weekend.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Scouts get new kayaks, a new Scouts BSA troop for Girls forms...and there’s a new Scouts Commissioner in Barbados.
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Facts on the founder of Scouting. This discussion broadcast on Scouting Radio on Saturday 27th June 2020.
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Scouts crowdfund new gear, BP’s statue in Dorset is opened up again...and why not camp in the Great Indoors?
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Scouts Canada have published guidelines for how, and when, in-person Scouting in Canada can resume.
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3D-printed wolf heads for Cubs, Philmont cancels summer programs...and Keyna honours BP.
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Scouts BSA launches a new merit badge...and Scouts around the world work with COVID-19 task forces.
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Statue controversy at Poole Quay, a Scout Hall gets decommissioned...and hey, why not have a virtual water fight?
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Scouts Canada goes live, a Scouting couple celebrates 20 years of volunteering...and at least one Ohio Scout camp is re-opening.
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Yes. Very Yes.
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Scouts in the UK receive a windfall; a Scout cycles virtually to Africa...and Scouts have better mental health and resilience.
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A Beaver Scout is awarded for bravery, yet more Scouting gear stolen...and more virtual events held by Scouts around the world.
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Scouts Canada is going to throw a big online party this weekend.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Yet another Scout Troop’s trailer is burglarized, Memorial Day events are cancelled...and Scouts in the US and Afghanistan build bridges.
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Scouts Canada offers up properties as emergency sites, Scouts camp at home...and hike “to the moon”.
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Hopefully, Scout Groups, Councils, and National Organizations will hold on to some of the things that have emerged out of this period of social distancing.
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Virtual campouts and campfires abound...and a Scout’s supply delivery program enjoys unexpected success.
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Girl Scouts, Scouts, and Guides take camps, fundraisers, and food drives online.
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Camps for the summer may have to be cancelled...but camping doesn’t have to be!
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Girl Scouts deal with unsold cookies, Scouts donate neckers...or plan to hang them in windows.
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The podcast has a Discord server, a museum opens at Gilwell Park...and hey, what can you do with your used camping gear?
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Full show notes available at scoutingstuffpodcast.com.
Lawsuits against the Boy Scouts, numerous Scouting anniversaries...and some quick thinking prevents a wildfire.
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Whilst at Funarama recently, Ken recorded a few int
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This week, we are joined by Mark and Niels, two of the developers of
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Regan Coyne, who has graced the podcast with her presence a few
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Ken and Colin discuss the state of the
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Ken and Colin re-open the discussion about Scouts Canada's new Personal Achievement Badges, w
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This week's epsiode was actually recorded back in October, while Ken
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The 26th St Peters WhiteTail Beavers, in Edmonton, Canada, have
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It was Remembrance Day this past weekend — Veteran's Day in the United Stat
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To celebrate that it's the fiftieth episode of the podcast, Ken and Colin invi
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Justin Dawson of Scouting Radio joins us this week; we held a lengthy Skype call while I was
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Our previous attempt at uploading this episode suffered from some encoding issues; the episode was a mere 18 seconds long. We've re
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Before we dive into the meat of the topic, Ken and Colin take a quick look at the state of the podcast, and note that Scouting Stuff
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Bookings for sleepovers at the Royal Navy Submarine museum in 2019 now open! Contact [email protected] for details!
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Listener danteplay sent in h
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Scouter Colin — not our Colin; a different one — writes:
On your podcast y
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Scouters Mike and Carolyn, both from Battlefields Council in Ontario, jo
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This week, Ken
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This episode was done on the fly by Ken, after a) none of the Scout groups who had offered to possibly submit recordings from the recently-concluded 2017 Canad
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Ken and Colin discuss the podcast's new logo, and Canada Day as well, before exploring the Scout Motto: Be Prep
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Ken is rejoined by Hawkeye to talk about how taking Beaver Scouts (the youngest sectio
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Ken is joined again by Regan, the Area Support Mana
The Beaver Hills/Rivers Edge Cuboree (a mini-Jamboree for Cub Scouts) is held annually in Edmonton, Canada; this year, the venue was a field/forested area attached to CFB Edmonton. Over 200 youth, plus numerous Scouters and Offers Of Service, were in attendance.
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This episode — a short collection of musings about the Respect in Sport training that Scouts Canada is n
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Ken is joined by a couple of Scouters from his Beaver Colony — Echo
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State of the Podcast
It turns out that Scouting Stuff is doing rather well on the iT
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Ken and Colin discuss how to care for a tent, and why it's impo
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This is an encore presentation of last week's episode; we published the audio for Episode 33 by mistake, and although we corrected this
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Mark Little, the Council Commissioner for
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Ken and Colin sit down to discuss the Ernest Poole Scout
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Regan Coyne, one of the Area Support Managers
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Ken and Colin discuss dutch ovens, double boilers, and how to bake a cake at a Scout camp.
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Brian joins us again to talk about Philmont Scout Ranch
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Eric, from the Northern Lights Medical V
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Trevor Nimegeers wrote an
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Scouts Canada recently changed their policy on youth-leader ratio. You can find out some information about what the ratios
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This episode is a bit more off the cuff, so here's a list of topics discussed:
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This is a short episode, much of which is actually an excerpt from the other podcast that
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What is JOTA-JOTI? Well, according to the official website: “Jamboree-On-The-Air and Jamboree-On-Th
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Why does Scouting use the fleur-de-lis as its symbol? Wasn't the organization founded in England? Don't laugh; that's a question we've gotten before, and probably will again. At some point, a
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The first edition of The Wolf Cub Handbook was printed in December of 1916; this year marks the 100th anniversary of Cub Scouts. Lord Robert Baden-Powell created the Cu
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Ken and Brian discuss the Wood Badge
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Ken and Brian discuss the Eagle Scout rank in Boy Scouts of America, the high
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Ken and Colin discuss the Q
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From scouts.ca: “Medical Venturers — of
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What is advancement? How does advancement differ between Boy Scouts of America, Scouts Canada, and other Scouting organizations arou
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We missed recording this last week, in part because Ken was at the Northern Lights Council's Beaveree
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Emergency situations can come up quickly and with little warning, although some kinds of emergencies can be fore
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We're in the middle of Good Turn Week, “an initiative spearhea
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Ken and Colin revisit the topic of badges as a means of evaluating a Scout's progressing through the program...and for the most part find themselves in agreement with the new instructions issued by Scouts Canada concerning disassociating badges from personal progression (which, previously, w
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We were finally able to get Brian back on the show, so we took the opportunity to catch up with him about a few topics that have been discussed in recent episodes. A lot of the discussion focused on Pinewood Derby, and the similarities and differences between how Scouts Canada and Boy Scouts of America give youth the opportunity to build and race wooden vehicles.
But, we also took the time to discuss badg
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Ken, Colin, and Ted discuss Kub Kars — Scouts Canada's equivalent of Pinewood Derby — and the variants of it that exist for other s
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Ken, Colin, and Ted discuss those other badges, the ones that get handed out to Scouts (and Cubs, and Beavers) that don't get put on the uniform. These badges aren't merit badges, but rather serve to commemorate different events that the Scouts have participated in (e.g. archery lessons, camps, or even fundraising activities like bott
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Ken and Colin talk about one of the time-honoured traditions of Scout Camps and international events (such as Jamborees): badge trading. And not just badge trading, but necker trading, and even uniform trading. Trading another Scout for a memento of your meeting, such as a badge o
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Firstly, we'd like to give a shout-out to whomever nominated Scouting Stuff for inclusion on Podbean's list of Featured Podcasts under the Government & Organizations category. That is a curated list, and for a podcast to appear thereupon, the listeners of that podcast must nominate it for consideration. So, whoever did t
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Ken, Colin, and Ted were saddened to learn that their once and former Rover Den — a cabin on Lake Wabamun in Alberta that, as members of the 59th Greenfield/Royal Gardens Rover Crew, they had come to know as their own and cherished as a special pla
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One of the big challenges facing any Scout group is that of retaining members. What are some of the reasons that Scouts (and Cubs, and Beavers, and leaders too) will drift away from Scouting, and how can Scout groups — at all levels, from national down to the individual leaders — respond to this and keep Scouts Scouts?
(Hint: There isn't an easy fix.)
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As was alluded to in Episode 3, some of us were able to go and see Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, a movie that pits — yes — Boy Scouts (it is set in the United States, after all) against zombies. We had initially expected that the movie would be little more than an appropriation of the Scouting label...but it turns out that there's actually more to it than that. If you can look past the not-family-friendly content and the zombie-killing premise, you can see in the three Boy Scout characters in the movie a lot of the same dynamics that are present in many Scout groups.
Theme Song from The Walking Dead, composed by Bear McCreary
This episode is a bit more off the cuff, so here's a list of topics discussed:
We're discussing uniforms in this episode. If you look at the etymology of the word “uniform”, it basically means “one form”; it's an outward sign of the unity of a group, of the fact that they are all there for the same purpose, to work toward the same goal(s). This is as true for a soccer team as for a Scout group, and the intent is the same; some individuality is stripped away — and differences based on ethnicity and economic standing are diminished — in order to build up group cohesion. If individuals within the group are going to distinguish themselves, it won't be by their outward appearance, but by their achievements.
In this first Scouting Stuff You Should Know podcast, Ken, Colin, and Brian examine the question of just what Scouting is. We take a look at how some of the different Scouting movements around the world define it, and also refer back to Lord Baden Powell's Scouting for Boys (which doesn't offer as concrete a definition of what Scouting itself is, although it goes into great detail about the characteristics of a Scout).
Galizur, by John Zorn & The Dreamers
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