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A poker pro’s lonely journey through mid stakes cash games and tournaments. Brought to you by CrushLivePoker
The podcast Third Man Walking is created by Charlie Wilmoth. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Amidst a couple weeks mostly away from poker, your correspondent plays two unusually low-stakes sessions, thinking along the way about the impact of policy upon poker options at public casinos.
0:16 What I've been up to
3:14 What is low-stakes poker like in 2025?
7:44 How poker in casinos is affected by changes in laws
11:01 $1/$3 session in Seattle
14:13 AsAx on J87xss3x5x
19:29 AJo on JTTssx6x8x
21:07 AQss on Q73xxsKdd6x
24:10 $2/$3 session at Hustler
27:00 QTo on KJ5ssx
28:08 Double-board PLO bomb pot: T984 on J844Q and 852Kcc2x
31:30 A8cc on K82xxc2dd7x
34:14 AQ on QQ3r2r3
Your correspondent revisits the 2009 poker reality show "2 Months 2 Million," then reviews a day of poker that spanned two casinos and over 10 hours.
CLICK HERE 0:15 2 Months 2 Million
12:47 Recap of a long Friday session and a hand review: 55 on T85rJdd4x
Your correspondent looks back at the 2015 gambling movie "Mississippi Grind," then reviews a $5/$10 session in which he played several all-in pots.
CLICK HERE0:15 "Mississippi Grind"
10:43 $5/$10 session
10:55 87dd on AT2ddd2xJx
14:52 AA no diamond on KQ2dxd3ddd
16:50 99 all-in preflop
20:15 76cc on T98ssx
21:14 AKo all-in preflop
22:21 66 on J65rTss6x
25:37 AKcc all-in preflop
Your correspondent revisits the 2007 poker film “Lucky You,” then discusses a $5/$5/$10 session that left him shrugging to himself about the quality of his play.
CLICK HERE0:20 Brief life/wildfire update
1:45 "Lucky You"
14:05 $5/$5/$10 session
14:13 On the types of "action" players currently playing in public mid-stakes games
18:27 TT on KT6sxs2sss
20:34 Double-board PLO bomb pot with Jh992.
First board: 9644.
Second board KhQh5x (?) Ahhh
23:01 KsKh on J82ccx5ddTddd
25:11 JJ on A74xssKx2x
29:05 A5hh on T62hhx7hhh7x
31:47 Conclusion
http://twitter.com/thirdwalkingYour correspondent reviews a recent $5/$5/$10 session in which he ran several big bluffs. He also relates a story about a nitty opponent.
FORUM DISCUSSION: CLICK HERE0:27 $5/$5/$10 session
0:43 QTss on KT5xxsJss6x
6:20 Double board PLO bomb pot: JT22xddx. Top board: AKQr8dd4x. Bottom board: Q93r2ss4x
8:45 JJ on A54r4ddTddd
10:34 JTss on 322ccx4xKx
12:59 KQcc on T84hhh2x3hhhh
15:09 T9dd on KQJxssQccKsss
16:30 Q6ss on 942sxx2ss5x
18:52 Thoughts on dealing with an annoying opponent
Your correspondent wins some big pots at $5/$5/$10 but leaves the casino a bit frustrated. Then, he thinks about how poker players think about money.
CLICK HERE0:19 $5/$5 and $5/$5/$10 session
0:36 AQo all-in preflop
1:46 K7o on 752rQss8sss
3:09 QQ on 853rQccJccc
6:31 AhKx on K95hhxTxTx
10:22 QJdd on AJ5dxdKx4ddd
13:34 AA (no heart) on J96rKhh8hhh
14:50 I return to $5/$5
17:36 Poker players’ weird relationships to money
http://twitter.com/thirdwalkingYour correspondent discusses how private games have created an imbalance in live cash-game poker, and what to do about it. Then, he discusses a $5/$5/$10 session in which he made several very strong hands.
0:15 On the migration of private games from high-stakes live poker to mid- and low-stakes poker, and the problems that has created
20:00 $5/$5 and $5/$5/$10 NLHE session
21:15 AA on 664r9r2
24:45 97hh on K85xhx6hh2x
28:28 44 on QT4hxhTx
30:51 44 (again) on 843rJcc
CLICK HEREYour correspondent briefly muses on the difficulty of finding ways to improve when poker continually finds new ways to challenge and mislead you. He then reviews a $5/$10 session that featured some wild street-poker hands, including two in which he made huge folds.
CLICK HERE0:15 On hunting for ways to get better
6:48 $5/$10 NLHE session
7:29 JJ on J65ddxThh
9:03 AJcc on A75xddKx2x
11:08 QQ on 962r5dd
13:15 KK on J53rTr
15:09 TT on 943rQcc8x
17:01 $200 splash pot -- 99 on AK6rQdd4x
20:12 QThh on T83rTr7x (including a discussion of the tactic of overlimping)
25:24 AA on 863hhhKxJx
34:08 JJ on KJ5ssxQx2x
Your correspondent reads the anthropologist David M. Hayano's "Poker Faces," a book that, 42 years since it was published, has much to say about modern poker culture.
CLICK HERE 0:30 "Poker Faces"
18:21 Anatomy of a Downswing, Part 1,000,000, featuring some weird digressions on nearly getting run over by a truck and of being in a mall in suburban Cleveland needing to buy a shirt
29:07 $5/$5 hand history: AA on 922r4hhJx
Your correspondent struggles with his proximity to the recent Nick Vertucci scandal and wonders how long he should stay in the poker world. Then, he plays a $5/$5/$10 session.
0:16 On the Nick Vertucci scandal
12:17 $5/$5/$10 NLHE session
13:03 4c4x on T32ccxQxTx
16:06 QTss on TT3rA6
18:25 QQ on T75r4Q
20:31 JJ on 332xddKx6x
22:01 66 on 652ccxKcccQx
24:57 AKo all-in preflop
Your correspondent waits -- and waits -- for good opportunities at the table.
CLICK HERE0:22 On waiting for my turn
6:17 $5/$5/$10 hand history: AA preflop
10:20 $5/$5/$10(/$20/$40) hand history: A4hh on Q22ccx4xJx
15:51 $5/$10(/$20) session
16:41 7c7x on J95ccx8x3x (playing against an unusual opponent type)
21:00 AKo on AK3r4ss
22:50 QQ (no spade) on K96xss5x7sss
24:44 JJ preflop
25:51 AKo on QT9r57
27:43 QTo on T82cccAx4x
29:25 QQ on QT2hhhJx
30:49 KQo on KQ6r2r
32:21 QTo on J88r
33:05 AQss on QJ3ddxKx3x
34:57 AKo all-in preflop
35:59 $25 bomb pot with K5dd on AJ3dxx2dd7x
Your correspondent defends "mandatory" under-the-gun straddles against recent criticism. Then, he plays a brief but fruitful $5/$10 session.
CLICK HERE0:16 Some not-so-obvious reasons why straddles are good for games
10:10 $5/$10 NLHE session
10:52 K4ss on JJ6rAssTsss
13:04 88 on K42ssxJx6x
14:28 KQo on QT9cxc7hh
16:54 AQo on AQ9sssAxQx
19:19 A4dd on A53ssx
23:08 JJ on 854xssAx2x
25:09 AhAd on J84ccx9ccc6x
Brent Jenkins on the Poker Zoo Podcast:
The Anti-Straddle Manifesto:
Your correspondent tries to fight off bad thoughts while playing $5/$10 and $5/$5 at two casinos.
1:05 On the "dead zone" in late afternoon public poker games
2:32 $5/$10 NLHE session
2:39 AKcc all-in preflop
3:17 KK all-in preflop
4:14 KK all-in preflop (again)
5:46 JJ on QT2hxh4cc
8:15 QTss on QJ6rAxA
10:22 $5/$5 session later that day at a different casino
13:27 AKo all-in preflop
17:34 JJ on T32sxs2x
18:21 AQcc KJ8cxxQx
19:52 AJss all-in preflop
Your correspondent talks to screenwriter and poker player Josh Wilcox, who wrote the upcoming poker movie "Dead Money." Your correspondent then reviews a recent $5/$10 session.
CLICK HERE1:35 Josh Wilcox on "Dead Money"
15:55 Playing a freeroll tournament
20:09 $5/$10 NLHE session
20:15 AKss on K72ccxAxQx
22:04 A7dd on Q96ddxJxAx
24:57 AKss (again) on KQ7xhhTdd
27:50 A9o on 963rTcc9x
33:47 AcAh on 632ddx
Your correspondent offers a prescription for the recent controversy surrounding Jonathan Tamayo's victory in the Main Event of the World Series of Poker. He then discusses potential cheating in online poker and -- ugh -- public live poker games, and finds parallels between what's happening now and descriptions of the early days of poker in James McManus' "Cowboys Full." Then, he reviews a profitable but sloppy session of $5/$10 NLHE.
CLICK HERE0:20 What can be done to address bad optics and a potentially unfair competitive environment in the World Series of Poker Main Event, and in live poker more broadly
Will Jaffe's tweet:
Alan Keating's tweet:
Apestyles on the Thinking Poker Podcast:
"Recent reports out of Paris ...":
Only Friends podcast episode on the alleged live poker cheating ring:
14:43 $5/$10 NLHE session
15:05 AA on K76r
16:00 KK all-in preflop
16:38 QJo on Q72xdd
18:58 QJhh KJ5hcc6x5x
21:08 KQo (both black cards) on KK5xdd6hh4hhh
23:48 JThh on 422hhx5xKx
25:55 AA all-in preflop
26:41 A9ss K87sxx5dd
Your correspondent reflects on the slowness of live poker and how it can make life feel very, very long.
CLICK HERE0:15 Variance & time in live poker
10:37 $5/$10 NLHE session
10:43 TT on Q75rQ9
12:29 A8hh on AJ4rTdd5ddd
14:47 AJss on A43ddx2x2x
17:57 99 on J96hhxJcc
19:44 KdJx on T96ddd
20:53 77 on 976r3ssTx
23:27 98o on 772xss6hh5x
25:08 KTss on 944ssx7sssJx
Your correspondent thinks back to how he thought about poker six years ago. Then, he plays a $5/$10 game where he tries to fend off some splashy, aggressive villains.
CLICK HERE0:15 Las Vegas trip recap
1:03 Your correspondent reflects on how his approach to poker has changed since 2018
8:50 $5/$10 session and a rant about table changes
12:52 76o on 853hhx9cc
14:22 KK (no diamond) on 874dxd
17:50 KdKx (yes, kings again) on Q42ssx5sss
21:27 98dd on Q98sxs7hh
Your correspondent prepares for a brief trip to Las Vegas. He then thinks about what it means that the real action in cash games always seems to be happening somewhere else, hidden from view. He also deals with an annoying opponent in a $5/$10 session.
CLICK HERE0:18 Las Vegas weekend plans
5:15 Why the real action in cash game poker always seems to be out of view
Here is Pokerithm, in case anyone is curious:
19:49 Late-night $5/$10 session review
Your correspondent reviews some of his recent activities, then journeys to the $5/$5 tables and tries to control for luck in evaluating his recent play.
CLICK HERE0:21 Thoughts on Hustler Casino Live's Million Dollar Game
3:33 Appearing on the Thinking Poker Podcast:
3:57 WSOP plans
5:27 Thoughts on downswinging and variance in live poker
10:31 $5/$10 hand: JJ on 877ssx7x
16:40 $5/$5 NLHE session
18:38 JThh on J75sss5x
20:47 AQo on A63rJssKx
22:08 KxQd on K62ddx
23:57 87cc on 643xccTx3x
26:35 KK all-in preflop
27:24 KQdd on T92dxd8x3x
29:57 QTdd on A86r7dd5x
31:15 Giving scores to my play for each session
Your correspondent meditates on banging his head against the wall. Featured topics include being surrounded at the table by people getting massages, trying and failing to assemble a cardboard box, moving to a new apartment, the documentary "The Contestant" (streaming on Hulu), the Pittsburgh Pirates, growing up in West Virginia, getting into stranger and stranger music, and taking a call about a job in the tech industry. Then, he reviews a $5/$10 session.
0:16 Banging my head against the wall
13:36 $5/$10 NLHE session
13:42 AA on JT7hhx
14:38 KQo on J84ccx7x3x
16:20 ATo on T72cxc4x
18:06 A2hh on K94hhx7hhhKx
25:04 JThh on 987xxh2hh
27:28 KK on T73ssx7x
Your correspondent reflects on getting slowrolled -- or something? -- in an annoying all-in pot, then reviews a $5/$10 session.
0:21 A $5/$10 hand: 99 on J94xhh7x
12:30 $5/$10 NLHE session (and some thoughts on a recent casino promotion)
14:56 AA (no heart) on Q96hhx3xQx
17:43 66 on T76rKss
19:57 QQ on A98r58
23:15 J9cc on T84ccx
25:39 64dd on Q43hhx7x3hhh
Your correspondent returns to the subject of his downswing, which continues despite his best efforts to jinx it into going away by talking about it.
0:21 Downswing Part 2
1:31 Taking variance is part of the job
4:25 The downswing leads to bad habits
8:53 Why I'll keep grinding instead of focusing on teaching
15:04 5/10 NLHE hand: TT on T85rJxQx
CLICK HEREYour correspondent discusses his thought process as he endures the worst downswing of his poker career. He also reviews a recent $5/$10 session.
0:17 Maintaining a healthy relationship to the game in the midst of a big downswing
8:29 Dealing with a long stretch of boredom, in which moneymaking opportunities are few and far between
CLICK HERE20:22 $5/$10 NLHE session
21:13 AKo all-in preflop
22:24 AA (no club) on 762ccc9x8x
24:55 "Feel it in the heart of the cards"
26:05 A9ss on AKTxdd9xKx
32:17 AsJx on 985sss3x6ssss
33:58 J9hh on KQTxssAx7sss
Your correspondent visits poker rooms in the Bay Area and Sacramento, folding flopped straights and finding ways to lose ridiculous amounts of money with ace-king. Along the way, he compares live poker in Los Angeles to poker elsewhere, and reflects on a recent bad run.
0:20 Traveling to Northern California
0:42 Poker in American cities that are not Los Angeles or Las Vegas
1:57 What it feels like to enter a new poker room
2:57 3/5/10 at Lucky Chances in San Francisco
3:35 K3hh on KT3ssxQdd
5:34 A9hh on AQ5xhh
8:03 1/3 with straddles at Capitol Casino in Sacramento
9:12 KQo on AJ8rTr3
11:57 J8dd on QT9ssd2x
15:00 AQcc on Q54ddx
16:50 2/5 at Thunder Valley, northeast of Sacramento
17:58 QsTx on AKJssxKxJx
19:05 AKo all-in preflop
21:02 AKdd all-in preflop
21:32 AKo all-in preflop (yes, all-in preflop with AK in three different hands)
22:38 QQ all-in preflop
23:32 77 on AQ7rKr9
25:16 General thoughts on running bad
Your correspondent discusses Michael Craig's poker-boom-era classic "The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King." He follows up on how he finished in the tournament discussed in the last episode, then reviews a double-board PLO bomb pot he played that left him feeling frustrated with himself.
CLICK HERE0:20 "The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King"
12:32 A correction regarding a hand in the last episode (double-board PLO bomb pot with 8733)
14:03 $1200 LAPC tournament, Day 2
14:41 AKo all-in preflop (big blind = 15,000)
15:41 JJ all-in preflop (big blind = 30,000)
16:10 Q4hh on T84A4 (big blind = 60,000)
18:46 Jx9c on JT6ccx3x5x (big blind = 60,000)
21:58 AQo all-in preflop (big blind = 100,000)
23:21 $25 double-board PLO bomb pot hand: KQJ4 (no spades) on KT9ssx3x4x and J52ssxJxQsss
Sources used in the Garfield/Cleveland story:
Your correspondent gets through Day 1 of a tournament for the first time in over five years. He reviews the tournament hands that brought him to Day 2 glory, then recaps a cash session of $5/$5/$10 (with straddles of up to $160) and $5/$5.
0:16 Your correspondent bags a tournament! ($1200 LAPC Million at Commerce)
3:42 AJhh on J95r (big blind = 800)
6:04 AA on A98r2r (bb = 1200)
7:44 K4o on K32r4hhJhhh (bb = 3000)
917 JJ all-in preflop (bb = 4000)
13:19 T6o on 953xccKx (bb = 6000)
17:10 $5/$5/$10 NLHE cash session
17:43 AKo all-in preflop
18:52 AdTx on K32ddx
23:16 KhKx on 653xhh2hhh9x
24:47 $5/$5 NLHE
25:37 AdAx on KQ8dxdTx
28:25 Double-board PLO bomb pot with 8733 on J83rThh and 953xss6sss
Your correspondent discusses why two thousand dollars is an important sum at $5/$10 and $10/$20. He also discusses his recent experiences playing $10/$20, then reviews a recent $5/$10 session.
0:21 Why $2,000 is such an important threshold in mid-stakes cash games
4:40 Comparing $10/$20 to $5/$10
7:17 KsJx on JT8xssTx7x
9:54 $5/$10 NLHE session
10:23 AKo on Q83rThh
12:33 JJ on 993r3T
14:16 A5cc on 932ccx8x
15:36 AJo on 754r2cc
16:32 AA on KK7rK2
19:13 QJo on T32r8r
20:21 AJhh on 832xhh5hhh6x
23:42 KJcc on 976cccJx7x
26:29 Q6o on AT4r7x
Your correspondent discusses how to filter poker strategy advice -- which advice should be ignored and which is worth taking? How can you tell them apart, and when should you feel satisfied with uncertainty?
0:16 How do you find good advice in poker?
12:47 5/10 NLHE session
12:56 AKss all-in preflop
14:04 QJss 4bet preflop
15:29 AQss on AT5r3dd4x
17:42 JTcc on 942xxc9x
19:03 AJo on A84ssxJx8x
21:15 QQ on KQ9J7
23:46 QQ (again) on K75ddxKcc7x
26:37 JJ all-in preflop
33:01 Jackpot hand!
Sabrina Chevannes' tweet:
Persuadeo's essay:
I didn't credit them in the podcast itself, but some of my thoughts on solvers are pretty similar to Marc Goone and Gethen Jacobs', which you can see here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vXh6ZhcL90Your correspondent explains why he chose not to go to Las Vegas to play tournaments last month, and relays how his experience playing the WSOP Main Event in 2019 shaped his skepticism about playing tournaments at all. He then reviews a recent 5/10 session.
0:21 Tournament skepticism and the 2019 Main Event
13:49 5/10 NLHE session (and staying off my phone)
15:09 KK all-in preflop
17:41 98hh QT7dxdQx9ddd
19:58 99 all-in preflop
23:07 QQ on T22hhxQcc5x
25:26 98ss on Q98ddx4x2x
28:32 AQdd 965cxc8ddTddd
Your correspondent reviews a recent 5/10/20 session, then discusses "Game of Gold" and Alex O'Brien's new book "The Truth Detective."
0:21 5/10/20 NLHE session
1:22 AKcc on KT7r3x
2:36 KQo on KK2rTdd6x
4:00 AKss all-in preflop
5:09 KTdd on QT8xxd6hhQx
6:32 AKo on AJ4r2ss7x
9:19 AQcc on AQ4ddx4xAx
13:07 AA on 632rKhh
15:52 QTss on JTThhx9hhh4x
17:53 AdAx 995xdd3xAx
19:38 T9dd on Q85hhdThhhQx
21:29 J6hh on AT2hhxQxAx
25:27 Thoughts on "Game of Gold"
29:10 Thoughts on Alex O'Brien's "The Truth Detective"
CLICK HEREhttp://twitter.com/thirdwalkingYour correspondent reviews a recent break-even stretch. He then considers recent rumors of cheating in high-stakes private games and offers a simple solution: Stop playing private games, and come play poker at casinos instead. Finally, he reviews a recent 5/10 session.
0:58 Why we shouldn't assume downswings have obvious causes
1:34 Whiny bad-beat story: 5/5/10/20/40 KK on TT3rAx
3:26 Nearly a catastrophic punt: 5/10/20 AKcc on 543ssc9sss8ssss
9:37 Thoughts on Nik Airball's accusations against Mars
10:45 Don't play private games
12:19 *Do* play poker in casinos
15:13 5/10 NLHE session
16:07 KQss on 764hsh5ss4sss
18:48 AJdd on QT9rQx4
20:02 55 on Q52r7dd
21:48 KJo (no diamond) on K82ddd2x4x
23:38 QQ on 966r
25:26 Q9cc on 952sxs9xTsss
29:58 KThh on QT2hxh3x9x
31:50 QQ on 986cxc3x
40:22 KQo on KT4r9hhJx
Your correspondent asks whether, in the next ten years, poker will get tougher at the same rate it has in the last ten. Then, he reviews a recent $10/$20/$40 session.
2:37 Vanessa Selbst (44) vs. Kevin MacPhee (A9o) in the 2012 EPT Main Event (Watch here: )
6:10 How and why players will get better in the future
7:35 Why non-NLHE poker variants will continue to grow in importance
13:25 $10/$20/$40 NLHE session (and an explanation of the rules of the many sub-games we played)
16:20 Capped double-board PLO bomb pot: K764 on a top board of KK4 and a bottom board of JT3xhh
19:00 TT all-in preflop
19:56 TT (again) on 955r
24:13 99 all-in preflop
25:08 QTo on Q65rJssJx
26:50 Capped double-board PLO bomb pot: KKJ2 on a top board of T76xhh and a bottom board of AK3r
29:47 Q3cc on Q88ddc7cc5ccc
32:40 A3ss on K97sxx8ss
34:38 Q8dd preflop
Third Man Walking Episode 5, on the poker ecosystem and the rate at which it changes:
https://crushlivepoker.com/podcasts/the-ecosystemThird Man Walking Episode 51, which reviews hands from the 2003 WSOP Main Event:
https://crushlivepoker.com/podcasts/getting-better-over-timeFORUM DISCUSSION:
CLICK HEREYour correspondent rereads Blockhead's gritty gambling memoir "Seat Open," then reviews a 5/5/10 session that blossomed into a bigger game.
11:36 5/5/10 session
11:47 A7cc on 553xccAxKccc
14:41 KQo on A53rJcc
16:52 KTss on AKTccx7ccc6cccc
19:17 We switch the game to 5/10/20
19:41 55 on QT9r8dd4x
21:17 J9hh on QT8ddhAx
22:18 AdAx on 875xdd8xKx
25:17 AcTx on 542ccxQssTx
CLICK HEREYour correspondent recovers from a minor illness, then plays a pair of cash sessions, one at 5/10 and another at 5/5.
0:22 Going to Las Vegas and getting COVID
2:45 5/10 NLHE session
2:51 AsAc on J53hxh2x5hhh
4:12 AQo (no spade) 762sxsAsss8x
7:01 77 on T82dxdKx8x
10:27 AQdd on AQ2rAss7sss
15:03 99 on Q97dddTx4x
19:46 5/5 NLHE session
20:29 TT on 993xss2x
21:32 K6hh on 642cxcJccc4x
23:28 KTcc on Q73xcc
25:31 Q9dd on Q32xcc4ss
26:57 KJdd on J52ssx2sss2x
29:07 KK on 965r8xJx
30:38 AcAx on JJ6xss7cc
32:31 AcAx (again) on AJ7xcc6x
CLICK HEREYour correspondent ties off some loose ends from the last episode about private games, sharing his own limited experience playing in them. He also reviews a session where he made a disastrous call.
0:55 Private games compared to home games
2:27 What are private games actually like?
6:35 My experience with a private game in a casino
9:18 What can be done about more and more games going private?
11:58 5/10/20 and 5/10/20/40 session
12:40 (at 5/10/20) AJdd on KJJ6r4
15:36 (at 5/10/20/40) AQo (no heart, no club) on A76hxhTccJx
23:53 A2o on A7778
25:25 AhKx on AK2xhh
27:20 AxKs all-in preflop
CLICK HEREYour correspondent contemplates cash-game poker's identity crisis as more and more games go private. What do the increasing number of private games tell us about what players want poker to be? And how have pros and other serious players contributed to the downfall of public games?
0:48 Is poker fundamentally a competitive activity or a friendly gambling pastime?
5:05 How pros are dependent upon recreational players
7:14 How the pandemic changed many players' attitudes
11:07 Private games in casinos
14:47 Other reasons players' attitudes towards pros have changed over time
17:11 How pros have driven recreational players away
22:32 What good is it to be "the best" at poker?
Your correspondent struggles with bad luck and bad vibes in a recent cash session and in a big tournament.
0:20 Why this episode is what it is
1:15 5/10 NLHE cash session
3:33 AQo (no spade) on AJ7sxsAxTx
7:22 JJ on AA4r3ddKddd
9:12 KK (no heart) on 543r2hh5hhh
11:30 TT on K83r
13:40 KJhh on K54xxh6hhAhhh
15:55 Q8hh on 964xhh3x2x
18:38 KQo on KQJssx
21:08 $3600 tournament review
29:21 AQo all-in preflop
29:52 J9ss on T96sxs2x2x
34:37 AKo all-in preflop
Your correspondent looks back at the late Doyle Brunson's 1984 book "Poker Wisdom of a Champion" to see what it has to teach us about poker in 2023. He then reviews hands from a recent $1400 buyin tournament in Los Angeles, asking himself in the process if the tournament life makes sense for him.
0:19 "Poker Wisdom of a Champion"
9:26 Tournament hand review - $1400 million-dollar guarantee
20:11 98ss on 887xdd
22:18 K4dd on A52rQccJx
26:00 J9hh on T72hhx
27:47 AA all-in preflop
CLICK HEREYour correspondent discusses a recent score of $16,000 in a bad-beat jackpot, then reviews an annoying day of 5/5 and 5/5/10/20.
0:15 Jackpot hand! JJ on A65AA
4:53 Session review (starting at 5/5)
8:38 QQ on J83ssxQcc
10:01 QQ all-in preflop
11:14 Double-board PLO bomb pot: A997 with A9dd on A95ccx and 842xdd
14:18 (at 5/5/10/20) 85ss on 976xsx4cc6x
16:28 K6dd on T74hdh3ddTddd
18:03 KQdd on 982r5hh4x
19:14 KhKx on J94hhx6x
21:33 AJo on A85dxd5ccAx
22:58 AQo (no club) on 853ccx2ss
25:55 QQ on K86ddxKx4x
Your correspondent reports back from a recent week-long trip to play tournaments in Las Vegas. Along the way, he compares tournaments to the cash games he usually plays and wonders if it's time to try playing tournaments more seriously. Also, he battles intense hunger while playing, then faces an ethical dilemma in a hand against an opponent who keeps exposing her cards.
3:10 88 on 753ccx5x5x
5:54 A7dd all-in preflop
14:14 ATdd on T82rThh
16:53 KQo on KJ8Q6
Your correspondent reviews Aaron Sorkin's movie "Molly's Game" and the Molly Bloom memoir upon which it's based, finding one of the two narratives to be much, much more compelling than the other.
0:55 "Molly's Game" the movie
10:46 "Molly's Game" the book
The Indiewire interview with Sorkin:
CLICK HEREYour correspondent argues that the poker dream is still alive, and that poker should still market itself to players who want to win.
0:22 The Jonathan Little / Matt Berkey Twitter thread
13:38 Phil Galfond's argument for aspiring winning players as engines of poker's future
The Galfond video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVw2k4D0fsc18:32 5/5/10 NLHE session
18:50 TT all-in preflop
21:16 AdAx on KQ8ddxTx
22:41 AA on 964rJss
24:56 JJ on J83ssx
25:56 KK on 9723r9
CLICK HEREA no-hand-history episode! Your correspondent shares some speculative thoughts about the future of RTA in live poker. He argues that casinos and floor staff need to be proactive about learning what solvers and RTA are and taking steps to prevent players from using them at the table. He then reviews Mike Matusow's 2009 autobiography "Check-Raising the Devil," contrasting poker of the boom era with poker today.
0:21 Thoughts on the recent controversy regarding use of solvers/RTA during hands in live poker
7:08 Mike Matusow's "Check-Raising the Devil"
CLICK HEREYour correspondent shares his thoughts on a recent downswing, then reviews a difficult 5/5/10 session.
0:17 Your correspondent returns from Europe and reflects on taking a break
4:52 Annual thoughts on tournaments and whether to play them
12:52 5/5/10 NLHE session
13:21 99 on 852r4ss3x
15:42 AQhh on J33r
16:55 K7cc on 732r
18:09 88 on A95sxs2hh5hhh
19:42 KK all-in preflop
22:28 A tangent on spots where KK can be a preflop fold
27:12 8763 in a double-board bomb pot on 643ccx9cccc2x and 854r6ss5x30:25 QsQh on J63xss9hhAhhh
Your correspondent, still on vacation, reviews two recent 5/5/10 sessions.
1:05 Session 1
1:26 QQ no spade on T64ssx5x
4:12 TT on T42r3ss
8:27 KdKx on T75ddx3ddd
11:04 AKo all-in preflop
13:03 3s3x on J96ssx4xAsss
14:58 KK no club on AQ5ccx7ccc3cccc
18:06 AJo no diamond on QT2dxd6xKx
19:49 QQ on T86r6hhTx
25:51 Session 2
26:10 (at 2/5) AA on 875hhx
27:49 (at 5/5/10) 53hh on 764shs
30:38 AA all-in preflop
Forum Discussion:
CLICK HEREYour correspondent discusses the role of ego in poker as it relates to the game's recent surge of heads-up challenges, and then to the state of games in LA. He then reviews a session that began with a hand he played very badly.
0:16 Upcoming plans
1:08 Ego in poker
11:26 The state of games in Los Angeles
5/5 NLH
16:24 KQcc on Q92ssx7x
18:36 AKss A63xss4x9x
20:46 AKo all-in preflop
22:35 AA all-in preflop
23:42 KTcc all-in preflop
Forum Discussion:
CLICK HEREYour correspondent reviews a portion of Nik Airball's recent interview with Doug Polk, in which Nik describes what it means to be "good for the game." Your correspondent discusses what being "good for the game" means in for the games he plays in and for the the lives he and other mid-stakes pros are trying to lead.
The Airball/Polk interview:
https://www.youtube.com/live/WTFM_dEj_XU?feature=share&t=27730:17 On being good for the game
15:30 A brief recap of an annoying few weeks of poker
16:10 Mistaking variance for dynamics at the table that aren't actually there
17:20 JsJx on Q54rTss
21:46 Bad vibes in a 5/10 session
24:00 JdJx on J84xdd2ddd5x
25:21 AxKd on QQJr2dd9x
26:39 AQo on QTJrAx9
28:07 KK on 985cxcKdd
29:57 JJ (no diamond) on AQ4ddx5ddd2dddd
31:42 J9cc on KT6cxc3ccc9x
For discussion:
Your correspondent discusses running it twice -- what it does, whether it changes anything, and why it can lead to conflict in poker. He also reviews two recent 5/5/10 sessions.
0:19 On running it twice
12:14 5/5/10 session review
12:26 Q4o on AQ3ccxQxKx
14:42 K9ss on J32xssTx6sss
17:58 77 on 533rTx6
20:57 97cc on JT6ddc9dddAx
23:56 A second 5/5/10 session
24:00 TT on T95rQss7x
26:16 AcQx on KT8cxc
27:19 AQo on Q74rAhh
29:27 AKo on AAKr45
32:16 KdKx on 874dxd9ddd
For discussion:
Your correspondent discusses the weird tension between cooperation and competition in the negotiations of ongoing straddles in cash games. He then reviews two recent midstakes cash game sessions.
0:55 On straddling
9:05 5/5/10/(20) session no. 1
10:17 AA on AT7ddx6ddd
14:47 99 all-in preflop
18:06 KQo T65r6xT
22:44 AJcc on 983xhh4xKx
25:07 5/5/10/(20) session no. 2
25:15 64o on QQ7r47
27:41 KTss T65r6x
29:38 99 on J83r6ddJx
31:02 AJo on AJ3ccxKdd8x
32:00 KcKx on AT6ccc8x5x
34:00 Some quick thoughts on double-board PLO bomb pots
Disussion of this episode:
Your correspondent answers some requests for elaboration on a tweet he recently wrote, leading to a wide-ranging discussion that covers the live mid-stakes poker ecosystem and the distinction between not losing and really winning in live public poker games. He also discusses the (dodgy) possibilities of playing in private games or collecting rake from those games.
0:22 The tweet in question, leading to a discussion about maximizing winnings in public casino games
3:49 Not losing versus really winning in live cash-game poker
6:42 Traveling pros as test cases
10:25 Private games
17:53 5/5/10 session review
18:16 8c8x on A76ccx5x
21:21 AsTc on AQ6ddx8x
23:39 KxJh on QT6hxxKhhThhh
26:30 AhKx on KJ4hhxAcc
30:09 KThh on Q62ccxKccc2x
Discussion on this episode:
CLICK HEREYour correspondent travels to play poker in San Antonio and a city where the game was so juicy he won't even tell you where it was. Along the way, he plays double-board PLO bomb pots, encounters novel local poker customs, and wonders whether pros have it all wrong about the best places to play public live poker games.
0:32 Los Angeles as compared to other poker towns
1:42 A wild game in a mystery city
4:39 How huge games can hide in plain sight
5:20 Poker in San Antonio
6:54 NLHE and double-board PLO bomb pots round by round
9:06 AAJ5 with A5ss. Top board: KQThhx9ccAccc. Bottom board: 532r6ss4sss
13:23 QJT4 with QJdd. Top board: KQ9ssx6x3x. Bottom board: A75ddx8xKddd
17:52 5/10 NLHE session
18:01 AKcc on QT3xxc9cc5ccc
20:24 AhKx on JT4hxh2hhh
22:07 AQcc on AJ2xcxQhhAx
24:17 QJhh on A86hhx2x7hhh
Discussion on this episode:
Your correspondent looks back on his approach to poker in 2022 and looks ahead to 2023. Along the way, he wonders whether it's better to stay in one stake at one casino, or to play a variety of NLHE cash games at different venues. Then, he reviews a 5/10 (and then 5/10/20) cash session.
0:18 How much I played poker in 2022
0:59 The advantages of usually playing at the same casino
4:09 The case for playing at a variety of casinos and stakes
7:45 5/10 NLHE session
9:14 66 on J65cxcQx
13:01 KK all-in preflop
14:45 AQcc on 882rQhh7hhh
19:01 QdQx on J76ddxKddd
22:00 AQo on QT2r6cc9ccc
23:55 AA on JJ9rQcc6x
25:26 QQ on 853ddx7hhTx
Discussion on this episode:
Your correspondent reviews two 5/10 sessions in the midst of an annoying downswing.
0:18 An extremely long metaphor about luck in poker
3:25 The venerable tradition of lying about your cards after you muck
5:17 Bad luck and downswinging
Forum Discussion on this episode: CLICK HERE
8:00 5/10 NLHE session no. 1
8:09 JJ on T73cxcJx
9:46 A9o on 976r3cc5x
13:38 AKdd on 862ssxAsssKx
15:13 33 on Q43r6cc
17:31 JJ on AT6r
19:53 Q9o on JT8hxh
21:46 5/10 NLHE session no. 2
22:07 J5o on J52r9ccAccc
23:46 97dd on 984r3cc
25:47 AKo (red) 973ccx4dd
27:02 AQo (no clubs) AJ4r2cc7x
30:19 TsTx on 622ssx5x
32:48 AdQx Q63ddx4x2x
Your correspondent ruminates on the way poker is used for dramatic purposes in books and movies, and contrasts that with the reality of winning in cash-game poker, which, if you're doing it right, isn't terribly dramatic. He then reviews an interesting but sometimes frustrating 5/10 session.
0:20 Your correspondent appears in a poker scene in a music video
3:25 Where does drama in poker come from, and how does the reality of poker conflict with traditional fictional narratives?
4:45 The plot arc of "Rounders," and some speculation about Mike McDermott's life since the end of the movie
7:54 Parallels between Mike McDermott's life and Daniel Negreanu's
12:15 Session review: 5/10 NLHE
14:30 A9ss on K52sss5x
17:40 44 on Q84dxd5xTx
22:25 AQo on 962rQdd2ddd
25:18 33 on 932hxh
27:03 ATdd 852xddTx
28:20 AA on A32ddxJx
Your correspondent talks with Crush Live Poker coach, Hustler Casino Live commentator and high-stakes poker pro Marc Goone about staking up-and-coming poker players.
2:10 Marc joins
2:39 What this business is and how it developed
3:32 Why do you back players, and how do you find the right players to back?
8:00 How do you prevent theft?
9:45 On finding players who don’t fit the typical demographic profile
13:23 What’s difficult about teaching poker, and what’s hardest to learn
15:28 On teaching players how to decide what pieces of information are most important
17:46 Getting students past the threshold of $50 per hour
19:41 How has teaching affected your own game?
20:46 What style of play do you teach, and why?
23:21 Has the stable been a good use of your time?
24:54 How do staking deals end?
29:39 Do you worry about doing harm to the live poker ecosystem?
The episode of the Grind mentioned in the intro:
https://crushlivepoker.com/pod...Marc Goone:
http://twitter.com/marcgoonehttp://twitter.com/thirdwalkin...http://crushlivepoker.comYour correspondent turns to his new assistant Robert to relay his poker thoughts as he recovers from laryngitis. Robert, though, has other ideas.
0:18 Introducing Robert
5:25 Life update and thoughts on the current state of poker in Los Angeles
9:10 The $870,000 Hustler Casino Live pot between Nik Airball and Buttonclickr, and its aftermath
18:32 Listener Q+A: Benefits of poker coaching
21:25 Do you need an accountant who specializes in poker income?
23:07 Getting started as a pro
25:33 What are the lowest stakes where you can make a living?
Your correspondent discusses double-board PLO bomb pots with Crush Live Poker head honcho Bart Hanson, who helps him through two hands and explains core strategies for these sorts of pots.
3:02 Bart joins
12:29 $50 double-board PLO bomb pot, eight-handed. Hero has A753hhxx on the button
Flops 400: T32ccx, Q65hhx. Everyone checks
Turns 400: Accc, 7x. Everyone checks
Rivers 400: 8x, 2hhh. (So hero has aces and threes on the top board and the nut flush on the bottom board.) Small blind bets 300, big blind calls. It folds to hero, who raises to 1100.
29:14 $50 double-board PLO bomb pot, seven-handed. Hero has KJ74ddxd in the cutoff
Flops 350: 332xdd, A76ddd. Small blind bets 250, big blind calls. It folds to hero, who calls
Turn 1100: 2x, Jx. Small blind bets 800, big blind folds.
http://twitter.com/thirdwalkin...http://crushlivepoker.comAfter a brief look at recent developments in the Garrett Adelstein / Robbi Jade Lew controversy, your correspondent reflects on changes in the poker landscape since the start of the poker boom. (Topics include the 2003 WSOP Main Event and the recent YouTube release of the 2011 poker documentary "Grinders.") He then reviews an overbet jam in a recent 5/10 hand.
0:23 Adelstein/Lew controversy
3:36 Keeping up with (or surpassing) the poker competition over time
4:45 Two hand reviews from the 2003 WSOP Main Event
5:17 AcAx vs. KcQx vs. 77 on K83xcc5x2ccc
6:52 AKo (no diamond) vs. AA (no diamond) on K83ddd6dddd7x
9:20 How poker players have improved over time and the implications for individual players
14:12 "Grinders" documentary
19:03 5/10 NLHE hand: JThh on Q72hxhAxKx
WSOP video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?..."Grinders" full movie:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...http://twitter.com/thirdwalkin...http://crushlivepoker.comYour correspondent discusses last week's controversial Hustler Casino Live hand, in which Robbi Jade Lew called Garrett Adelstein's massive all-in with J4o on TT93chch, leading Adelstein to accuse her of cheating. He discusses
whether he thinks Robbi was cheating (maybe not?) and whether Garrett handled the situation well. In the second half, he reviews a recent 5/10 session that featured two especially difficult decisions in response to aggression from his opponents.
0:16 The J4o hand
20:15 5/10 NLHE session
20:27 AKo (red) on KQ8ssxJxQx
23:15 AQo (red) on AQ8rJss6x
24:54 AsKx on K94ssx
30:12 AcAh on 986dxd4ss5ddd
Your correspondent tries to dodge variance and an especially surly opponent in a weekend-evening 5/10/20 session.
2:32 Lojack vs. cutoff on 532ddx4ddd9dddd
8:55 JhJd on 872hhxQx2x
13:43 QTdd on QT9ssx
15:19 A9cc on 986ssx
16:15 AQo on AQTr6hh3hhh
18:50 KQo on 852ddxQx
20:23 33 on 432hhx7x8x
23:01 KQo on KJ6ssx8sss4x
24:45 AhJx on T53rKhhAx
http://twitter.com/thirdwalkin...http://crushlivepoker.comYour correspondent thinks about why winning in poker can feel less intense than losing, then reviews a complex bluff at 5/5/10/20.
0:30 TT hypothetical
3:01 Feeling less when you're winning
6:34 What losing streaks feel like
9:13 Why high-stakes poker culture can be so dull
10:48 Why narratives about non-crushers are more interesting
14:42 Interesting pot at 5/5/10/20: 99 on 865ssx2x5sss
Your correspondent looks back on a fun couple of weeks that included winning a table share of a $100,000 jackpot, running hot in poker, and debuting as a commentator at Hustler Casino Live. He then considers what it means to give action and why giving action can be good, especially in streamed games.
0:21 Winning a jackpot table share
5:49 Running hot
8:17 Giving action
Hand discussed: Andy Stacks' Q8o vs. Double M's AA on T8725
22:33 On whether Garrett Adelstein is one poker's greatest players
[email protected]
Your correspondent fights against his default tendency to play poker too cautiously, especially in double-board bomb pots and bounty games. He also reviews a 5/10 session in which he develops unusual dynamics with his opponents.
1:19 "Natural" talent in sports and poker
4:00 How studying poker can make us play it less distinctively
7:42 How we can improve at poker by fighting against our default tendencies
9:06 My difficulties with double-board hold-em bomb pots, double-board PLO bomb pots, and bounties
16:50 5/10 NLHE session
17:06 QQ on JT5r4rQ
22:15 KJss on KJ5r2hh
26:45 JJ on AT7r6ss
28:13 98o T99rKK
30:40 QThh on J22hhxTdd4hhh
32:38 A9hh all-in preflop
Your correspondent recaps two 5/10 sessions on consecutive days, reviewing 15 hands, including four that fell within a single hour of poker that nearly broke his brain.
0:48 The effects of switching casinos
2:28 AA (no heart) on JT8r2hh7hhh
5:10 KdKx on J52ddx3x
8:17 KK (no diamond) on 732rJdd6x
11:16 KK on Q76rJssAx
13:12 KK (not a typo!) (and no spade) on AJ8sxs
16:08 QTo on T54r3ddQx
18:28 QQ preflop spot
19:22 AQdd on 554dhh2x
22:35 Session two (5/10 no limit)
22:53 AKo preflop spot
25:52 AKss on Q87xss
28:04 QJss on 522sxxKdd8x
30:32 QQ on Q43r5ss
33:58 87ss on JTTssx2sss8x
35:38 Q9hh on 887r6dd7x
38:42 54ss on 553xcc9x9ccc
Your correspondent speaks with iconic rock guitarist and recording engineer Steve Albini, who has recorded Nirvana, the Pixies and PJ Harvey, and who recently won his second WSOP bracelet.
0:16 Introduction
2:16 Steve Albini joins
3:10 Albini discusses his job as a recording engineer
5:04 What kinds of sounds Albini is known for
7:31 How Albini became a serious poker player
8:35 Mixed games
10:03 Adjusting to new constraints in poker
14:42 What Albini likes about poker
16:40 Stylized sociopathy in poker and music (excerpt: Shellac, "Crow," used with permission)
18:58 Machismo in poker (excerpt: Shellac, "Watch Song," used with permission)
21:55 Scamming in poker and independent music
24:36 Why Albini doesn't like Las Vegas
26:10 Other musicians who are good poker players
28:30 Why Albini isn't playing the Main Event
29:40 Albini's thoughts on recording sessions with the Breeders
32:30 Joanna Newsom
34:11 Melt-Banana
37:05 Recap of your correspondent's recent trip to Las Vegas
39:30 Hand from the Mini Main Event: KK all-in preflop
41:56 Hand from Venetian bounty event: KK all-in preflop
Steve Albini, "The Problem with Music"
https://thebaffler.com/salvos/...Shellac, "Crow"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?..."Douchebags in sunglasses ..." quote:
https://www.theringer.com/spor...Shellac, "Watch Song"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Breeders, "Doe"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Joanna Newsom, "Only Skin"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?...Melt-Banana, "Scratch or Stitch"
Your correspondent returns to his review of new Live at the Bike executive producer Houston Curtis’ book, then answers three questions from listeners.
1:41 Joey Ingram’s interview with Houston Curtis and the fallout from the last Third Man Walking episode
9:27 Dealing with burnout (and why burnout might not be a bad thing)
15:59 Having discipline as a pro (in interacting with recreational players, in game selection, and in bankroll management)
19:57 Should we worry about professional poker players?
Your correspondent reviews new Live at the Bike executive producer Houston Curtis’ 2020 book Billion Dollar Hollywood Heist, which chronicles Curtis’ sketchy past as a card mechanic and as a player featured in the movie Molly’s Game. Then, your correspondent reviews an overbet bluff jam in a fun 5/10 session.
0:16 My leaving LATB and why I read this book
3:04 Houston Curtis’ bio
4:45 Curtis’ book Billion Dollar Hollywood Heist
5:54 Curtis’ cheating in an underground blackjack game
6:22 Deck-switching in an underground poker game
7:52 How Curtis got to play in Molly Bloom’s game
10:12 Curtis’ friendship with Russ Hamilton
12:52 Curtis’ arrest over debts with a casino
16:14 5/10 session review
16:23 74ss on 654r6dd
19:13 JJ on QQ78K
21:37 AcTx on T93ccc9x4cccc
24:25 AThh on 843hhx
26:17 Programming note
Cardplayer.com article naming Curtis and Rick Mahr as executive producers:
https://www.cardplayer.com/poker-news/26850-bally-s-interactive-announces-new-investment-in-popular-poker-streamKahnawake Gaming Commission report on Ultimate Bet cheating scandal that names the H_Curtis account:
http://www.gamingcommission.ca/news/pr09112009a.pdfPokerFraudAlert interview (relevant portion starts at around 1:34):
Your correspondent discusses whether self-awareness is a good trait for a poker player, then connects that topic to the recent spate of cheating allegations in the high-stakes poker community. From there, he examines what, if anything, can be done. In the second half of the episode, your correspondent reviews a recent late-night 5/10 session.
0:33 Self-awareness
5:10 Is it good to be self-aware in poker?
9:15 Why poker resists introspection
10:14 Why someone might cheat
16:43 5/10 NL session
17:04 7d7x on Q75dxd
19:27 TT on AT6r8dd9x
21:19 JJ all-in preflop
23:30 AxJs on A87sxs9ddTddd
26:10 QcQx on J97cxcAx
[email protected]
Your correspondent briefly discusses the series of cheating allegations tearing through the poker world. He then describes two hidden factors that can bring a live winrate down, before reviewing a 5/10 session full of tricky decisions.
0:27 Cheating
4:27 Two hidden factors that can affect a winrate
5:15 Rake
6:09 Pro playing an open-limp strategy from the small blind in a flat-drop game
7:44 Recs (correctly) adjusting to the loosest players
11:52 5/10 NLHE session
12:27 KK on K76r8ss4x
15:20 KK vs. AQ all-in preflop
16:11 Black QQ on 965rJhhJx
20:26 AThh on QJ8hxh5xQx
25:17 KcQx on QJ5cxcJx3x
27:48 Black AKo on KQ5hhx9hhh6x
2:15 Where poker came from
3:36 Gambling on steamboats
5:41 Poker in the Old West -- why was poker popular despite the possibility of violence?
10:35 Early poker strategy books
13:13 Poker in the middle and upper classes
16:02 Early club poker in Los Angeles/Gardena
19:15 How fictionalized poker games help writers develop characters
22:19 How poker is depicted as masculine
25:54 Reality TV as a precursor to cards-up televised poker
28:53 Cliched plot elements in fictionalized poker
Buy Poker & Pop Culture:
[email protected]
Your correspondent reviews some 5/10 hands from a frustrating week of poker, then introduces himself to the CLP audience.
0:46--Hand 1: KK $2900eff 5/10
3:50--Hand 2: AK
5:36--Hand 3: AA
7:10 My history in poker
18:13 Playing poker on stream
20:25 Becoming a pro
21:21 Moving to Los Angeles
[email protected]
The transition of Third Man Walking to Crush Live Poker will happen next episode, which will be released Wednesday, April 6.
0:18 Win rates and what stakes to play
4:15 High-stakes poker feels weird
7:17 Why I *need* high-stakes poker to feel weird
14:26 Why playing bigger games is hard
18:20 10/20 NLHE TT 5bet all-in preflop
20:36 20/40 NLHE AKo (no heart) on AQ6r2hh7hhh
22:27 AxKh on 822hhx4x
23:20 QQ on 662r9hh
25:18 AA on AK8r88
28:35 AxKh on J97hhhQxTx
29:56 KK on T75hxh5x6x
31:23 AQhh on Q87xdd
Your correspondent reflects on his recent tournament frustrations and upon the difficulty of assessing his level of ability.
0:48 An announcement
2:21 Tournament session review: $1100 LAPC event
6:24 800 bb KQdd on K96xxdJdd
15:17 Bullet no. 2
15:56 600 bb KThh on Q97hhxTxKx
18:57 800 bb AKdd vs AQcc all-in preflop
20:18 $1100 satellite review
20:29 1500 bb J8o on QT5hxxAhh
23:58 General tournament thoughts and anxieties
Your correspondent reviews a 5/10 session that includes plenty of tricky multi-way pots.
1:31 AdKx on AT9xdd
3:00 KK on KJ77A
5:08 KQo (no club) on K32xcc
7:23 KJo on 544rKdd2x
9:05 AK facing big blind 3bet and small blind 5bet jam
11:17 AKcc on Q55ddx3ddd
13:07 99 on 433ccxJhh5hhh
15:09 KQo (no diamond) Q62r7ddTddd
Your correspondent reexamines the live poker economy, then reviews a swingy 5/10 session.
1:17 The effects of rake
3:42 Hypothetical hand: AA on A74ddx4ddd
5:13 The effects of tighter games
6:25 Live poker vs. online poker
8:48 The effects of poker vlogs
10:57 The effects of pros, especially international pros
12:47 The emergence of live poker markets throughout the US
14:23 5/10 NLHE session
16:23 KcKx on Q84ccxThh6ccc
19:37 AA no clubs on K94xcc
22:10 AsKx on K52xss7x6sss
23:24 AQo no diamonds on A83xdd7cc9x
25:16 ATo on QTXT
27:57 QQ on A33TJ
29:11 KxJc on QT9xccTx6ccc
31:18 JTss on K96sss7xTx
Your correspondent reviews an ill-fated recent 10/20 session.
0:56 5/10 vs 10/20
4:50 AKo on AKTddx7x
8:43 NLH double-board bomb pots
12:47 Double-board bomb pot: KK on KQ7r and 763 two-tone
15:03 AdKx on K32xdd8x9ddd
17:29 KdKs on T62ddxJss9x
19:58 (at 5/10) AA on 653xss3x
Your correspondent lists 12 tips for poker players who'd like to play the game for living.
1:54 Consider other options
3:15 Be realistic
4:13 Understand how you think about money
5:14 Ask yourself if you're a gambling addict
5:29 Focus on cash games unless you have good reasons not to
6:32 Learn from other pros, but don't compare yourself to them too much
9:29 Don't be ego-driven
10:48 Work hard
12:16 Learn about money
14:09 Create a lifestyle that's sustainable for you
15:46 Be open to side revenue streams
16:33 Keep your eye on the exit
17:10 5/10 NLH session
17:33 KJhh on 864hhx5dd
21:44 K7hh on K75r6hhQx
25:34 KK on 654r3ss
28:09 QTss on J94ssx8sss
Your correspondent reflects on an annoying recent experience, then reviews a recent 5/10 session where he tried to induce bluffs, and did some bluffing of his own.
0:18 Don't be this pro
4:38 5/10 NLHE
4:52 AhAx on 765hxh6x2x
7:45 Brief reflection on the AA hand, two days later
9:16 QTcc on 642xccThh2hhh
12:00 87dd on 976hhh9x6x
15:25 AThh on T88ssh9xJx
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Your correspondent discusses why it's important to approach poker with a coherent strategy.
Dan Zack's tweet:
Q9cc call-in to Bart Hanson's show:
1:33 Why pros can win despite not necessarily being smarter than their opponents
5:22 QQ as a limp-call preflop and the expanding-brain meme
8:09 Humility and making the obvious play
9:24 5/10/20 session
10:00 QJo on button in $50 bomb pot on QJ7ccx
11:32 AA on button on J97rAdd
15:03 AKo UTG on KQ4r
17:49 AKo in hijack on AKJr
18:46 AKo in cutoff on 983r48
20:17 AKhh on 852hxhThhhJx
24:25 The consequences of "second-tier thinking"
30:11 GTO vs. exploitative
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Your correspondent reviews a recent 5/10 session that shows how tricky Los Angeles opponents can be.
1:20 TcTx on J86ccxJxJx
6:15 6s6x on A73ssx
9:30 T7hh on T76cxx2cc5x
11:30 QQ first blind vs. second blind
13:19 $50 bomb pot with QJo on T92cxcAx
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Yale Greenfield rejoins Third Man Walking to discuss the aftereffects of COVID on the poker economy; traveling to play poker in the Southwest; playing at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas; and his new vlog, LiveKingPoker.
Check out Yale's vlog: LiveKingPoker.com
0:52 Yale "LiveKingPoker" Greenfield
1:28 Traveling for poker
2:17 Did quarantine make you a better poker player?
5:25 Poker in Arizona, Las Vegas and LA
10:20 Post-COVID live poker games and how they're changing
17:20 Tournaments at the World Series of Poker
19:50 LiveKingPoker
24:11 5/10/20 NLHE cash session
25:04 ATcc in lojack on 966ddxTx
26:33 AJo in straddle on JT7hhxAx
28:03 65hh on button on QJThxx3hh
31:17 ATcc (again) in straddle on KJ9cxc8x
35:33 KK in cutoff on Q75r3ss
37:17 AKo (no hearts, no spades) in big blind on AT4hhs6ss
41:27 AKo (again) in straddle on JT5r
Your correspondent reviews a brief trip to play in the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas and discusses why he probably won't be going back anytime soon.
0:37 Why I used to like tournaments
2:48 QQ (no club) on JJTcxx8cc
5:55 JJ all-in preflop
7:30 I don't like Las Vegas!
10:10 Waiting in line and playing 5/10
12:15 The experience of playing the Millionaire Maker
14:50 Why play tournaments?
16:20 Tourmanent FOMO
Twitter: @
Your correspondent prepares to return to the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas.
0:19 Tournament poker as a psychedelic art exhibit
5:35 $1100 tournament at Commerce Casino
7:00 Frustrating aspects of tournament culture
8:33 QsQc on T73hxh5xJhhh
10:06 A2cc in lojack on AJ5hxhAdd5ddd
11:32 KsKx in cutoff on QJTr5ssJx
14:05 Are tournaments worth my time?
14:58 5/10/20 session
15:12 97hh in cutoff on J93r9cc7x
18:51 KJcc in straddle on T88rQdd
23:19 TT in sb on KT8xdd6x4x
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In the first mid-month session review episode, your correspondent looks back at a juicy 10/20/40 NLHE session.
0:38 AQss on J43sxs5x
3:32 JJ on J65AT
5:22 QJhh on K55ddxTx
7:19 JJ on 852dsdJss
10:00 85o in bomb pot on 764r8hh2x
(There's 1295 in the pot on the turn, not 1195, and 2495 in the pot on the river.)
12:02 A8ss on A98rJssKx
Your correspondent reviews the biggest session of his life, a 25/25/50/50/100 stream on Live at the Bike.
Here's the Live at the Bike stream:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DIOM13h7wk1:16 Why poker is humbling
2:22 5/5/50/50 86dd on AA9xdd5x4ddd
5:58 Big hand, big pot rule
7:20 Session review: 25/25/50/50/100 on Live at the Bike
8:55 A6o in bomb pot on A64r42
10:37 K9hh straight flush on A7658xhhhh
14:39 K4o in bomb pot on KQ4hxhThhh2x
16:27 Ax7d in bomb pot on A32xddAdddTdddd
18:22 33 on 753hhh8x
19:13 K4o in bomb pot on KT2ccx2x4x
20:51 T4o in bomb pot on TT3rQhh
23:36 Tim Duncan poker
26:01 5/10 JJ on 443xhhKccAhhh
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twitter.com/thirdwalkingYour correspondent discusses a high-variance month of LA poker, then rants about why it's okay to call the clock. Finally, he reviews a swingy 5/10/20 session.
0:23 LA variance
0:59 AcAh on button on Q87xss4x9sss
4:24 QJdd on button on T64hddQhh7hhh
8:35 Unpleasantness at the table
10:14 Normalize calling the clock
19:17 5/10/20 No-limit hold-em session
19:58 88 in cutoff 998xhh7hhh2x
23:12 AA in cutoff on KQ227
25:15 A2o (no clubs) in middle position in bomb pot on 422xxx9cc5x
28:59 AA in hijack
30:15 86o (no spades) in hijack in bomb pot on 973ssxTx2x
Find me on Twitter:
twitter.com/thirdwalkingYour correspondent recaps a week of poker in Dallas. Along the way, he discusses double-board PLO bomb pots, the perils of facing unknown opponents, and the differences between typical games and games that are streamed.
1:00 The best aspects of Texas poker
2:07 Double-board PLO bomb pots
3:05 Double-board PLO bomb pot hand history
$5000 effective, $15 bomb pot
My hand: 7543xxss
Flop $120:
First board: Q98ssx
Second board: 763ssx
Checks to middle position, who bets $60. I call in position. Small blind calls
Turn $300:
First turn: 5s (Q98ssx5sss)
Second turn: 2x (763ssx2x)
Check. Middle position bets $180. I call. Small blind calls.
River $840:
First river: Qx (Q98ssx5sssQx)
Second River: Jx (763ssx2xJx)
Check. Middle position bets $650. I raise pot, which I believe is $2790, like a dum-dum. Small blind folds. Middle position goes all in. I call.
9:36 No-limit hold-em
10:14 AQo (no diamond) in big blind vs. button on K94ddx2x
12:28 77 in small blind vs. big blind on KJ7ssxQxJx
15:20 AKo (no club) in utg1 vs. small blind on 843ccxJcccAcccc
18:17 Why streamed games aren't typical
Your correspondent discusses bankroll issues, then reviews a massive $5/$5/$50/$50 cash game session.
Note: This episode does not address the question of when to go pro, which lingers in the background of many questions about bankroll. I may address that topic in a future episode.
0:25 What bankroll do you need?
6:50 Shot-taking
9:30 Why getting better is the best way to address bankroll concerns
13:11 Live session review: $5/$5/$50/$50
15:48 AA in cutoff on Q7395
17:29 AA in hijack vs limp-3bettor
19:53 QQ in small blind vs. button 3bettor on K96ddx
21:47 AdKx in blinds vs. middle position and hijack on JT2ddxKx7x
24:36 T8hh in big blind vs. small blind and straddle on 865xxhTx8x
A series of stories about poker players underreacting to seemingly noteworthy events.
Recent WPT champion Ilyas Muradi joins Third Man Walking to discuss his improbable path to poker glory.
I learned about Muradi's story from the following articles:
Sean Chaffin: "WPT champion's journey: Ilyas Muradi transitions from detention to domination"
www.worldpokertour.com/news/wpt-cham…o-domination/Charles Rabin: "From immigration 'cage' to newest poker champ at Hard Rock. An Afghan refugee's luck returns"
Spencer Woodman: "'Solitary Voices' detainee wins big, but remains in immigration limbo"
www.icij.org/inside-icij/2021/0…immigration-limbo/Rapper, YouTuber, Live at the Bike commentator and high-stakes crusher Marc Goone joins your correspondent to talk about what he likes and dislikes about big no-limit games.
0:18 Introduction
2:25 Marc Goone
3:50 "Seeing people as bags of money"
7:10 High-stakes politics
14:25 Competition and variance
20:55 Does poker have a low ceiling?
26:38 $5/$10 NL KTdd
40:20 Outdoor poker in LA
42:05 Session recap: $5/$10 NL
Check out Marc's YouTube:
www.youtube.com/user/marcgooneHere's the video we're talking about:
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpct2yR3-acMarc's Twitter:
twitter.com/marcgooneMy Twitter:
twitter.com/ThirdWalkingA rant about live private home games, and a comparison of poker with the show Survivor that leads into a discussion of whether poker requires us to lie.
0:23 Live private games and COVID
7:45 What your correspondent has been up to
10:05 Poker and Survivor
Here's the Reddit comment mentioned at around 16:00.
Professional cash-game player Claudiu Marinescu discusses his travels from his native Romania to play poker in the United States and Macau.
Your correspondent shares some details of the life he led before becoming a professional poker player, then recaps two big cash game sessions, $10/$20/$40 NLHE and $5/$10/$20 NLHE.
0:20 Introduction
1:57 A big hand from 2011: J4hh in a limped pot
7:37 $10/$20/$40 NLHE
8:57 Black KK vs. fun player
9:50 QQ vs a tight 3bettor
12:15 Big bluff with QdJx vs. fun player
15:28 A set of sixes vs. fun player
17:57 77 vs. another tight 3bettor
21:43 Crazy fold in a bizarre spot vs. unidentified opponent in $5/$10/$20
Peter Alson joins me to discuss his new novel about poker, The Only Way to Play It.
0:21 Introduction
1:12 Peter Alson
26:05 Session review: $5/$5 No-Limit Hold-Em in San Diego County
37:04 Session review II: More $5/5 No-Limit Hold-Em in the San Diego area
You can follow Peter Alson on Twitter @. More information about The Only Way to Play It is here:
PeterAlsonpeteralson.com/the-only-way-to-play-it/Follow me on Twitter @.
ThirdWalkingYour correspondent discusses one of poker's best-known players and the training site he helped found.
0:23 Introduction
4:10 Matt Berkey (T7dd) vs. Jack Laskey (AKo)
12:08 Berkey (KxQh) vs. Chris Konvalinka (J9hh)
18:07 Berkey and "Dead Money"
25:01 Solve for Why's podcast
28:39 Solve for Why's training videos
32:17 Berkey (K9cc) vs. Andrew Lichtenberger (QJo)
37:31 Berkey (QdTx) vs. Christian Soto (JxTd) and Piosolver (warning: a little bit technical!)
47:51 Conclusion
Live poker is shrouded in uncertainty. It often isn't clear what's happening in a given hand, or even who's winning. Your correspondent examines the implications of this uncertainty for two player types that are common in live poker.
0:00 Introduction
1:35 How much we don't know
8:23 The dreamer
11:37 The pied piper (questionable poker coach)
16:28 Live cash game review: A bad day at 5/10/20
23:24 The pied piper, part 2
Your correspondent describes his own experiences playing poker during quarantine.
0:00 Introduction / live poker vs. online poker
4:28 Private online games
13:22 Playing on apps
17:30 Cash games and meritocracies
22:27 A no-limit hold-em fish tries to learn PLO
Your correspondent's initial thoughts on Maria Konnikova's excellent new book "The Biggest Bluff," in which she learns how to play, and succeeds in, live tournament poker.
0:00 Introduction/COVID/podcast plans
3:20 "The Biggest Bluff"
Yale Greenfield joins Third Man Walking to discuss how the coronavirus has affected the poker economy. We discuss online cash games, tournaments, public vs. private games, how games have changed as the quarantine has progressed, and how poker creates FO
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