67 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
This is the only official Podcast of the Bashar & Elan Channeling Sessions, as channeled by Andrew.
This podcast includes sessions from the 2-year training session by Bashar for Andrew to learn to channel Elan.
Season 1: Training Sessions to Channel Elan (EP1 – EP40)
Season 2: Blended Sessions PODCAST (EP41 – EP58)
Season 3: Elan Solo Sessions (EP59+)
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The podcast Bashar/Elan, channeled by Andrew: Training Sessions to Channel Elan, the Blended Sessions, Elan Solo is created by Elan Interactions. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Here we present almost the full interaction! At the beginning of the second half, there is a ... special ... guest. You won't want to miss this.
In this 67th transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, opens by reminding us that we are actually one whole continuous being. He describes that we are one full holistic expression, containing everything we need to fully explore, experience and express our lives most fully. He reinforces that our reality actually exists within our consciousness and not the other way around. Therefore, the idea of inside and outside are ultimately an illusion in the scheme of our totality. As we begin to expand our awareness to this recognition, we often first see ourselves as a collection of parts, both physically and psychologically. When we characterize portions of our consciousness, we view them separate parts, many of which can be diametrically opposed to one another. When we steep ourselves in that interpretation we can tend to create a sluggishness or even a paralysis the expressing our life as one integrated whole and according to preference. We often say that we need to get rid of the parts of ourselves that we don't like or prefer. Because there is no objective "outside", there is really no place to get rid of anything to. He proposes that instead of seeing these aspects as different "parts" that we have to sort through to keep some and get rid of others, that we can instead re-label them as "choices" . When we redefine the so-called "parts" of ourselves as "choices" we then give ourselves back the power to easily choose between them, rather than needing to keep some parts and get rid of others. Being willing to merely change the wording, completely changes the perspective and affords us easier access to choose the things about ourselves that we prefer and release those that are not relevant to we choose to be. When we view it this way, we then cease to invalidate the things that we do not prefer, and instead merely exercise our ability to easily choose the aspects of ourselves that we do prefer and by extension release the unpreferred aspects without needing to invalidate them. When we validate all viewpoints within ourselves, we give them equal weight in order to easily choose one or the other. When we invalidate our choices, we actually give them more weight and not less, and so they become harder and less likely to release them. We will continue to release any previously released material with plenty of unreleased bonus material, so if you've already heard any previously released material, there will always be something new included that you haven't heard until now. Enjoy! You've attracted yourself here for a good reason, go get what you came for ...
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 66th transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, redefines trust and faith which allows us to more easily identify and realign the beliefs we are expressing and desiring . This previously unreleased session includes the session intro, many of the sharings, and the session outro.We will continue to release any previously released material with plenty of unreleased bonus material, so if you've already heard any previously released material, there will always be something new included that you haven't heard until now. Enjoy! You've attracted yourself here for a good reason, go get what you came for ...
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this full 65th transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, again opens the entire session to questions and answers. This is a previously unreleased session, and for the first time ever, we are including the entire interaction.We will continue to release any previously released material with plenty of unreleased bonus material, so if you've already heard any previously released material, there will always be something new included that you haven't heard until now. Enjoy! You've attracted yourself here for a good reason. Go get what you came for ...
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 64th transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, discusses that we all have the ability to measure, gauge and tailor our responses in any given situation. He presents this as one of our great powers. By remaining aligned to our most preferred version of ourselves and then only interpreting our "outer" circumstances through the lens of our preferred self, we can purposefully finesse our respondent actions to quickly create new preferred results in our manifestations and circumstances.This session is previously un-released and in addition to the usual beginning introductory talk, we include the entire Part One of the session.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 63rd transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, reminds us that we create it all and everything fits, everything has a reason and a purpose to exist in our lives. He suggests that we can use every single one of our creations and our willingness to do this on purpose, with intention and enthusiasm, can result in a grand acceleration of positive synchronicity and preferred outcomes in our lives. Our previous perceived "liabilities" now can become our greatest assets. Although the introduction to this session was previously available, this new release has superior sound quality and now for the first time, we include the ENTIRE FIRST HALF of the original interaction, following up with the Intro from the second half and the session Outro. We will continue to release any previously released material with plenty of unreleased bonus material, so if you've already heard any previously released material, there will always be something new included that you haven't heard until now. Enjoy! You've attracted yourself here for a good reason, go get what you came for ...
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 62nd transmission, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, forgoes the usual beginning topic talk and dives right into the sharings. Included are the intro, highlight sharings, and the outro.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
From this session forward, we will be including the Q and A's !
In this 61st transmission, in his third solo session, Elan, as channeled by Andrew, continues to build a solid foundation for the understanding of his messages. After the last session established that All is One, he now focuses the discussion on the fact that You Are It. What this means is that in any given moment, when you decide who you are, whether randomly or purposefully, you then immediately ARE that person. He expands on the ways to experience this directly, and how to maintain the new preferred version of yourself after you've initially established it. After the introduction, the floor is opened for attendees of the session to present their ideas on how to approach the goverment about UFO disclosure. This is an extension of the previous session called "Public Access" where Elan invited us to communicate with our goverments as equals in order to open up a dialog. Several sharings are included. Even though this session was recorded in the past, the ideas for opening up such an interactive dialogue are more relevant now than ever. The recording ends with the session outro.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 60th transmission, the second of Elan's solo sessions, Elan, as channeled by Andrew delivers the foundation for his unfoldment of his individual messages to us with the idea that "All Is One". We have all heard about the idea of Oneness, but here we get a useful and enlightening elaboration on what this means to us on a more practical level.
Elan reminds us that in addition to its meaning that we are all connected, and "part" of a greater whole. Here we are reminded that even this interpretation presumes that we can ever be separate or disconnected which would necessitate that we need then to be "re-connected".
We are reminded that everybody and everything are already a direct expression of one event, one simultaneous, multidimensional and eternal event. We are reminded that our oneness is actually our starting point, not our destination.Understanding this allows us to realign to the fact that EVERYTHING is a direct expression of and from us [you]. When we begin to BE this idea, we begin to experience that the reality that we believe that we exist within, actually exists within us. He compares our version of this spiritual emergence is like waking up from a dream. Once we begin to express the knowingness of Oneness, we begin to see how everything fits and nothing is extraneous, and everything truly part of our process.We believe that Elan's entire messages to us over the next year were delivered purposefully and crafted with the knowledge of their synchronicity, with an absolute intentional choreography. This results in the ideas building in a structured way upon a firm and fundamental foundation.
This session is the foundation for all future sessions to come, and we're all hearing it in perfect timing. This information is always a purposeful expression of synchronicity and all the information is holographic. Therefore, its always exactly what we near to hear, exactly when we need to hear it. Pay attention to how all of these sessions apply to you in perfect timing. And enjoy!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
Welcome to Season 3: The Elan Solo Sessions!
Congratulations!Welcome to the 59th Elan, as channeled by Andrew, transmission -Elan's first solo session!
Whether you're new here or been following the process, this is perfect timing. The rest of the sessions are all Elan sessions. Bashar has finished his 2-year training. Elan appropriately titled this first interaction, "Happy Birthday." As with most sessions, the title has more than one meaning.So tune in, sit back and enjoy the beginning of the new phase of the journey with a special, purposefully timed meditation. We trust you're having as much fun as we are, and you are enjoying the artwork, enjoy the eyes open parts of this one, before and after themeditation. Enjoy!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
The FINAL BASHAR-ELAN Blended Session! Next session begins Elan's Solo Sessions, our Season 3!
In this 58th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, discuss an option to approach our governments about Extraterrestrial disclosure. In this touching final session with Bashar, Bashar delivers his final words, acknowledgments, and accolades. They include a few possibilities for coming attractions in the upcoming sessions. The next session will be Elan's first solo transmission! Things are ramping up!Special thanks to those that have followed along with these initial sessions. You are the modern day pioneers and we appreciate your involvement. To express our gratitude, we have released the full version of the Elan book, "Your Power on a Plate", as a free .pdf download on elaninteractions.com. Previously, only 1/3 of the actual original manuscript has been available online. This is the rest of the book, which most people have not read yet. The previously available versions ended abruptly in the middle of a chapter. Therefore, most of the material has not been published since the release of the first print edition.
We are very excited about the look and feel of this second edition. In addition to the free download of the complete volume , there is also beautiful print version that can be ordered online. These are available on Amazon.We trust that you are enjoying the process as well as the information.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 57th transmission, the second to last transmission co-piloted by Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, they discuss the nature of predictions. They elucidate on the definition of predictions and add some fascinating aspects to how a prediction is derived, their accuracy, and about why some predictions do or do not come to pass. This is another great session and we can now really get the sense that Elan is pretty much running the show, while Bashar is getting in his last digs before receding to a support position.This recording consists of the Introduction to the session and at the end, the final outro or epilogue.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 56th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew,s introduce the idea of the Open Space. This is the space where it is most simple to create any outcome from. This session includes the beginning intro, the intro for part 2, and the outro. Enjoy!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
Personally visit the Mothership in this unique consciousness-driven excursion. In this exciting 55th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew takes you on an amazing journey. First, you will be reminded that you are already home, no matter where you are. After this useful reminder, you will be going on a special Field Trip to the mothercraft. This recording contains the Introduction, Field Trip, and includes sharings from the other participants so you can compare your experiences. We are always reminded that all of these communications are holographic, and therefore even though the original field trip took place at a different time, you will be there if you participate, happy trails! Please do share your own experiences on the mother craft in the comments.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 54th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channled by Andrew, reminds us that the greatest gift that we can possibly give to the world is to be ourselves most authentically and fully. We are the greatest gift that we can give. The things that make us unique require us to be fully present in order to discern and express it. Our existence itself is our full acknowledgment that the Universe thinks that the Universe would be incomplete without us. Therefore, the Universe needs us, and we can bring ourselves fully and live with finesse throughout our day.The more authentically that you bring yourself to every interaction, the more opportunity you give for others to have a clear new reflection to interact with. As we bring our unique aspects to every interaction, we continue to fully contribute the gift of who we are.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 53rd transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, discusses a new way to look at physical reality as being utterly equal to spiritual or non-physical reality. They remind us that physicality is a direct expression of spiritual awareness. In realizing this, we are urged to notice the instances of when we consider the physical as a "lesser" experience, one that we must deny and grow away from. When we bring this to our conscious awareness, we are invited to validate our physical experience. While non-physicality and spirituality are a more expanded expression of awareness, it is not qualitatively better in any way. Once we begin to truly grasp this, we gain the ability to express ourselves within physical reality as remaining spiritual beings, embodying and authentically expressing our spirit, while still firmly in our physical form.As we learn to validate everything, including physical life, we open up new possibilities to experience our exploration of the physical in a new and expanded way. We learn to be inclusive, equalizing all ideas. This gives us equal access to choose any idea equally. This gives us the opportunity to create the life that we truly prefer. We begin to see how everything fits, and we begin to use all our creations, notice and accelerate the experience of synchronicity, and position ourselves to completely transform our lives, according to preference.As we appreciate where we are at, we lose the urge to "escape" physical reality. Paradoxically, this is one of the prerequisites for eventually evolving into our non-physical expression.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 52nd transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, elaborates on the definition of establishing, following, and acting upon your excitement with integrity. At the end of the intro, the outro from the same session is included.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 51st transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, officially provides a name for "The Other". Leading up to the final moment of the big reveal, they give a strong and useful distinction and elaboration between how we create on a conscious level, leading up to how and why we create from the so-called unconscious or subconscious level. This is yet another inspiring, useful and impactful angle to understand about our sub/unconscious beliefs, and this explanation clearly describes how we can transform these beliefs, finally expressing all of our beliefs consciously and according to preference. Pay attention near the end because after the introductory presentation, after the part where he usually says, "sharing", we've included the outro - the wrap-up from the very end of the session. It ties everything together very nicely with this introduction. There's some surprises in there, be sure not to miss them!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 50th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, provide a simple tool to validate a belief, opinion or opportunity that you do not prefer. We've learned from these sessions that validating any belief equalizes it to all other beliefs. Once beliefs are equalized, it is simple to choose the one that you prefer. Once you express the belief that you prefer, your life then attracts and expresses the change automatically. The perspectives that are being shared in these interactions are all very concise, simple and accessible. As we begin to use these tools, we can notice that there is always one of these tools that will apply to any situation. This one will come in handy as well.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 49th transmission, Bashar-Ela, as channeled by Andrrew, expands on the concept that we create our reality because the outer reality is actually within our own consciousness. Understanding this, we realize that there is no "outside", and therefore there's really no place to get rid of anything to. Instead, we simply shift our focus and more accurately replace old outdated beliefs because we cannot actually "get rid" of them. Once we come to terms with this nuance, we can then begin to consciously express preferred beliefs and they reveal about how to do this, pragmatically. They introduce a new shortcut, or tool called "Even That". Listen to this session to see the definition of this amazingly simple and useful tool, and learn how to use it in any circumstance.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 48th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, continues to describe the upcoming "changing of the guard", as he continues to gradually recede in these interactions. He elucidates a few more details about the transition and hints that the other entity soon to be named, is taking on more and more of a role in the communications.After this initial explanation, 2 sharings with audience members are included.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this previously unreleased 47th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, introduces a small perspective that can make a huge difference. The keys to making personal change, and maintaining that change, can often be very simple, yet still utterly profound. These sessions are all digitally remastered for improved clarity of Bashar/Elan and the audience questions and exchanges.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 46th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, discusses how to gauge your most likely timing for manifestation with the given belief system that you are expressing. After establishing the likely timing, they discuss how one might accelerate the timing of the desired outcome.Included toward the end of this recording is the introduction for the second half of the session which elaborates on the transition from Bashar to Elan. Also included are a few sharings/interactions with the audience.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 45th transmission, conducted for a MUFON group in Rhode Island, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, reveal more about the power of the belief of the equality of all things. He uses the examples of the equality between our society and theirs, the equality between preferred and unpreferred beliefs, and even the equality of the spiritual and the physical. He elaborates that the willingness to equalize all of these factors leads directly to the ability to easily change them.In terms of the the equality between them and us, he reinforces that as we acknowledge the equality experientially, this gives us equal access to interact in greater depth, and brings us closer to being able to have face-to-face interactions with them. In the case of changing beliefs, he points out that invalidating or judging an unpreferred belief actually gives it more weight and not less. Equalizing all beliefs, provides a new window to provide equal access to the preferred beliefs. In highlighting the equality between the spiritual and physical/material, he invites us to embrace our physical world as a a spiritual expression and use the advantages of experiencing the physical as a spiritual expression. This gives us equal access to reveling in our creations, remembering that we chose to be here, and fully experience of the physical state of consciousness.Towards the end, he again elaborates that these interactions have always been a blending of Bashar, and another individual from his planet, still as of yet unnamed. He describes that he has began the process of receding, while allowing the other individual to slowly take the helm of the ongoing and expanding interactions.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 44th transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, expands on the subject of Unconditional Love. This session was conducted at a "Psychic Cruise Event", on a day cruise in the Long Island Sound. We have included the entire session, including the "sharings", after the main theme. This is the first full session that's been posted.Bashar/Elan discusses that Unconditional Love is part of the primary frequency of the Universe. The main nuance of unconditional love is that it is inherent and not granted. Nothing has to be done to receive that love, and there are no conditions under which it can be lost. Because we are expressions of creation, we too contain the ability to love unconditionally, both ourselves and others. Because we didn't have to "do" anything, or fulfill any conditions in order to be granted existence, All-That-Is obviously believes we deserve to exist. We're invited to treat ourselves with the same respect and match that vibration or frequency in our consciousness and in our lives. Although many have been taught that they are not deserving or worthy to create a joyful life according to preference, we inherently contain the "ability" to deserve, this is our opportunity to reclaim and express our own deservability.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 43rd transmission, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, finally reveals that he has been training this channel to bring through another entity from Essassani, though he doesn't yet reveal the name to be used. He also explains that the transmissions through this channel have really been a blending all along. We can already hear the distinctive style of Elan coming through on this and the last several sessions. The main body of this useful and empowering session speaks about the nature of the so-called "Ultimate Truth", and how this relates to the idea of "relative truths". Within this explanation, they reveal the value and advantage of starting to validate the truths that we do not choose, without necessarily having to condone them. The realizations that are shared are very useful and can help one to gain more even access to creating a life according to preference. Again this is accomplished by validating thereby equalizing all other truths. This allows one to most effortlessly choose and live the truth that truly resonates with us as an individual, fully, and with total commitment.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this previously unreleased 42nd transmission, Bashar-Elan, as channeled by Andrew, explains how to transform our so-called "habits" into conscious "choices", allowing us to now recreate our lives without the apparency of being hampered by these old outdated habits. This session is packed with insights that will really make a difference to create one's life according to desire, preference and guided by excitement.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 41st transmission, Bashar/Elan, as channeled by Andrew, gives us a simple tool to use in order to transform the remaining things in our lives that appear as things that we still don't desire or prefer.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 40th transmission, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses the fascinating subject of dreams. He starts out by suggesting that dreams are actually another form of experiencing aspects of this one reality. He expresses that our dreams are actually real, and we are also actually dreaming right now, while we are awake. This is also a dream, the waking dream. He further explains that the difference between the sleeping dream and the waking dream is the parameters of how we experience the flow of events, and while the waking dream seems more purely "linear", the sleeping dream is far looser and thoughts do become actual things without needing to go through a logical procession of events. He says that the sleeping dream doesn't necessitate the same degree of the experience of limitation and needing to perform actions to create outcomes. He reveals that the dream reality is actually closer to the experience of our Higher Self, our more expanded states of awareness. And he includes that we can only bring back certain aspects of sleeping dreams because they are so different and foreign to our waking dream experience that we simply have no framework and no words in order to bring them back as a tangible memory. This results in gaps when remembering our sleeping dreams.He says that one of the things that we sometimes do during dreams is blueprint upcoming events of our lives, and then forget that we blueprinted. Once in a while, the blueprint will bleed through into the waking dream, and he says that this is one of the causes of what we call "Deja Vu". Another interesting insight is that there is a connection between achieving and experiencing lucidity in a sleeping dream, especially as we achieve lucidity in the recognition that our waking life is a dream, and this allows us to create new more malleable results during the waking dream as well. There is a lot of interesting and of course, usable, information in this session. Enjoy exploring, and while you do: pleasant dreams to you!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 39th transmission, Bashar, as channled by Andrew, is interviewed on the radio by a somewhat skeptical "host."
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 38th transmission, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, more deeply explains frequency and vibration in the discernment and expression of consciousness. He uses practical examples of how frequency determines the experience of all aspects of physicality. In terms of discernment, he explains how frequency filters our perceptions. In terms of the expression of frequency, he clarifies how we can change the output of our frequency or vibration, effectively "raising" our frequency to higher, more expansive frequency. This allows us to experience ourselves and our reality in a more expanded, purposeful, inclusive and fuller manner. He includes the idea of defining our individual "signature vibration" which is the frequency that determines our existence and experience as a discreet individual. This signature vibration is what allows us to experience ourselves as the same being, even as the outer reality continues to change and evolve. He includes the discussion of the qualities of the frequency of unconditional love. We can vibrate sympathetically with the vibration of unconditional love by aligning and realigning to it in every situation. Ultimately, he sums up that the expression or output of our frequency is determined by the actions that we take. In aligning our actions with the frequency of positivity and unconditional love, we cannot help but begin to get back the reflection of that higher vibration. We then begin to see the fruits of that higher frequency in the circumstances of our lives.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 37th transmission, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, expands about the occurrence of synchronicity in our lives. He explains what it is, and how to use the recognition of synchronicities in our lives in order to parlay toward more preferred outcomes, while actually experiencing and benefitting from even more synchronicity. He explains the idea of coincidence, shedding a broader light on what this means and how it relates to synchronicity.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 36th session Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, illuminates that although we live many lives, this is the only life where you will be this you, and this makes it totally unique. By being willing to be yourself most fully, you use the gift of our existence to add something wonderous to the Universe. He also elucidates on the use of allowance, vs force, in creating your life in the most natural and effortless way.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 35th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, points out that we did not have to do anything in particular in order to exist. Because we are obviously part of creation, we were created on purpose. The Universe or All-That-Is must therefore believe that we deserve to exist because there are no extraneous or pointless creations. Continuing, because we did not need to do anything in order to exist, and All-That-Is believes we deserve to exist, it is completely up to us to use that realization to treat ourselves with the same respect. By matching the Unconditional Love that All-That-Is always has for us, and now acting as though we unconditionally deserve to exist, we now have the option to create whatever experiences we want in our lives, and begin to live our lives according to preference and desire. We do not have to "earn" the right to get what we want, it is built-in to the fact that we exist unconditionally in the first place. He goes on to point out other fascinating ideas about the way we experience our relationship to All-That-is. He explains that we can decide on the nature of that relationships, once we understand it. He includes insights about judgement, calling it purely "man-made", since All-That-Is doesn't judge us, and reminds us that we no longer need to judge ourselves using these new understandings.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 34th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, gives us, in the spirit of fun and play, a short but powerful playful game/technique to immediately transform our life. He emphasizes the use of our imagination as a tool, instead of merely a generator of fantasy or escape, in order that we can begin to hone our imaginations and allow them to function more efficiently in order to cater and calibrate to our truest version of ourselves. He introduces the concept of our "Referential Preferential" selves.This is a great session and one that you will continue to be able to use until it's simply no longer necessary.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 33rd session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew,is speaking with a new audience. He discusses 2 basic ways that we create our realities - consciously and unconsciously. He expands that in order to change our lives, we must first own the reality that we have already created. He then extends the discussion into the phases of awareness that allow us to convert our realities to one of preferred outcomes.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 32nd session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, explains the difference between free will and predestination. He redefines free will to be more general and looser than the more common definition. He clarifies that all situations are fundamentally neutral and we assign the meaning. The meaning we assign determines the effect that we then experience.
In this 31st session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses their interpretation of the broader concept of Soulmates. He explains that there are different types of soulmates, moment-to-moment, soul family and actual mates. He introduces the idea of the oversoul. One of the most important and useful concepts that he explains is that when one attracts a mate from a feeling of already being complete, the relationship will reflect that completeness. Conversely, if one attracts a mate out of a feeling of incompleteness, the relationship can only reflect back incompleteness. **This is the first session that we are presenting which has some questions and answers at the end of the beginning talk. This was chosen because the questions expand on the topic.
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In this 30th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, is really hitting his stride. Each session seems to get tighter, better, more concise and and more pragmatically useful on a daily basis. In this session, he explains about the process of how we create time. He expands that we always only exist, and only act from, the "now" moment. He goes on the explain that the present is not experientially even a result of the past, and that instead we create the past, and indeed, the future, always only from the present now moment. Since our power always lies only in the now moment, this is a very useful revelation. He introduces an idea he calls "Retroactive Reconstruction". Rather than describe this here, you can listen to discover what this technique can do for you to allow you to manifest your preferred reality in a much quicker way. There's a lot of gold in this session. Check it out.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 29th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, reminds us that ultimately everything we believe or do is always a choice. By sincerely and authentically owning the choices we make, we take back our power to choose anew and according to preference. Owning our choices equalizes them to all other choices, giving us unfettered access to the preferred choices. Now making choices according to preference results in getting preferable physical results in our lives.He points out the distinction between "acting" and "reacting". He finally reminds us that we cannot be responsible FOR others, their choices, thoughts and actions of, but we can always be responsible TO them by being ourselves most fully. Being ourselves fully is the greatest gift that we can give in any moment.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 28th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, reinforces the equality between physicality and non-physicality, spiritual and physical, reminding us that everything is ultimately only a form of spiritual expression. He also explains that by applying equality to ideas, all become equally accessible to choose the preferred ones.He discusses the importance of grounding to the spiritual process, and describes the circuit that is created by having ones head in the clouds, while still keeping the feet firmly on the ground.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 27th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, explains that were All-That-Is to have a desire, that desire would immediately become manifest. Being that we are microcosms of the All-That-Is macrocosm, we also inherently contain the same ability, to manifest our hearts' desires.He goes on to expand the way that we can adjust our approach to make our desires come into being more quickly and efficiently.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 26th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, begins by reminding everyone that it is no accident that you are hearing this session exactly wherever, whenever you are. So, if you've been attracted to hear this now, Listen up.From here, he gives useful reflections and definitions about how we generally experience abundance. He gives his definition of abundance, which differs from our usual version. With a relatively small redefinition of abundance, he allows us to open up the floodgates of positive abundance in our lives right now.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 25th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, expands on the ways that we create our realities, either haphazardly and unwittingly, or purposefully and consciously. He talks about how we compartmentalize our consciousness in order to not look at things, and discusses the consequences of the things we tuck into our subconscious closet as they come to the surface, often in unpleasant ways. And of course, he discusses an alternate way to integrate all of this and moving forward create only consciously.He briefly discusses the idea of parallel Earths and relates as to how this shows up in our daily lives, and in the lives of others. He wraps up by addressing ideas regarding repetitive seeming symbols in our lives.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 24th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, speaks to a new audience. This session is a nice introduction to him and his society, and as well, a lovely primer of many of the basic concepts. Enjoy. A++
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 23rd session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, reminds us that everything that appears to exist outside of us is actually within us. The external reality is a reflection of our consciousness and we can only change the reflection if we start with the reality within. He explains that the world scenario is a macrocosmic reflection of our inner microcosm. This of course applies to everything including peace. In order to see peace in the world, we must first start to find the peace within and through our actions midwife that peace into the world. He mentions that hating war is not the same projection as loving peace. Hating war is still emanating the vibration of hate, while loving peace projects love instead. There are quite a few more real gems in this session - happy treasure hunting!
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 22nd session Bashar, as channled by Andrew, begins to flesh in the mechanics and details about belief systems. He introduces the idea that we express a primary belief, around which there are accessory or aggregate beliefs, these result from and reinforce the primary belief. He elucidates that once we change our primary beliefs for a more preferred outcome and manifestation, we may experience echoes of previous belief systems and these appear as neutral symbols which on the surface, are more easy to assign negative, old interpretations. This can create the apparency of slowing down the new change we see in our lives from the new preferred beliefs, and if not addressed, can even seem to cancel out the new preferred change. He explains about how neutral symbols are often interpreted as "evidence", instead of present time projected reflections and then used unintentionally to reinforce an old belief unless one maintains this new awareness. He includes some examples of primary beliefs, explains positive options for transforming them. He provides new ideas for how karma may be expressed in a way that is not confined to tit for tat, or an eye for an eye. This is a great session. It is very pragmatic, practical and useful for transforming beliefs and maintaining the change.
In this 21st session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses the fact that our realities exist relative to each other. He talks about the experience within the bandwidth of each reality and mentions how we can calibrate our reality bandwidth to be more compatible for an eventual face-to-face meeting with them. He fortifies the idea that validation is a tool of integration, and suggests that it is to our advantage to validate our imagination and our dreams. He wraps up by reminding us to trust in timing, and expands about how our timing is always perfectly aligned to set up us to receive the things we desire most fully.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this brief 20th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, wishes everyone a happy new year and discusses that we are at the end of a 25,000 year cycle of the exploration of extreme limitation. He labels this lifetime as occurring during the transformational age and we will have the rare opportunity to explore both aspects in one lifetime: limitation and the experience of becoming unlimited. He reminds us that all things that occur are a neutral set of props, the meaning we assign determines the result we then experience. He expands that it is useful to not just stop at labeling a symbol as neutral, but most effective to always find the positive interpretation: how does this serve me, exactly the way it is, in order to transform the result of ANY symbol or experience to a positive experiential outcome.
All of these sessions can be enjoyed, always for free, at:
In this 19th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, explains our consciousness as the breakdown of the white light of Infinite Creation through the prism of belief, emotions and thoughts. He explains how to discern the desires of your higher self and then conducts a powerful meditation to align and nurture our light bodies.
In this 18th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, reminds us that we only ever exist in the now moment, the present time. Once we get grounded into the moment, we can live in a more deliberate and purposeful manner. We create ourselves completely and anew in every moment, with only the apparency of a continuity. As we are able to better navigate the moment with clear intention and finesse, we can create new preferred outcomes. At the end of the opening message, Anima comes through briefly, which we later realize was another meaning for the title, Present Time. For those who are not familiar with Anima, Bashar has previously described her as his counterpart in Essassani and also a first contact specialist.
In this 17th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses the granting of validity to all things. He explains that we can learn how to use our differences to discern more about ourselves. He then lays out the basic difference between discernment and judgement. He expands on excitement and synchronicity.
In this 16th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, expands the definitions of the various phases of consciousness, starting with 1st Density, extending to 7th density. He describes some of the qualities, similarities and differences in experience as one expands up through the densities. He spends time delineating between 3rd and 4th density consciousness and elucidates on the levels of consciousness beyond the physical. This is a great session with fun and new insights, and provides additional flavors of our experience.
In this 15th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses trust and faith. He explains that faith or trust is not something that needs to be mustered up or strengthened because we always have 100% trust in something. This distinction is very useful to identifying where we are putting that 100% trust, and to redirecting that trust toward something more preferable in our life.He reminds us about all situations being fundamentally neutral and the meaning we assign determines the effect and result that we then experience.He provides a useful example. In this session you can start to hear more of Elan coming through.
In the 14th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, elaborates on the concept that everything is all one thing, including cause and effect. He speaks about the definition of abundance, describing the role of allowance and exchange.
In this 13th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, explains about the inherent equality that exists between all states of consciousness, including our own and theirs. He explains that the most conducive mindset to have eventual face-to-face interactions is the mindset of equality, and the granting of complete validity to all expressions of consciousness. He reminds us that when we are reliant on them, we are not treating ourselves as equal to them, instead placing them above us, and this more limited mindset of incompleteness will not be likely to ultimately result in face-to-face interactions.He elaborates how it would look for one to act as an equal. Lastly, he speaks about the underlying inherent spirituality in all things, even the material, and draws the comparison suggesting that we can begin seeing and treating our materiality as a spiritual expression in and of itself.
In this 12th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses Integration and Synchronicity. He talks about what it means to act on excitement with "integrity", and how this definition of integrity is based on actions that are integrative, as opposed to separative. He expands about recognizing, acknowledging and feeling gratitude toward synchronicity. He simplifies the steps to using positive synchronicity to assist one in order to manifest according to preference.
In this first larger public session and the 11th session overall, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, lays down their foundational concepts in order to allow new participants to gain commonality and become calibrated with his messages and interactions. This session is a really dynamic, cohesive and complete session explaining many of their baseline perspectives, including their point-of-view on creation and life in general. The audience is engaged and strongly resonating with the various topics which include the perspective that everything is all vibration and frequency, and one can only experience a reality that they're being the vibration of. He espouses on the holistic, inclusive and holographic nature of physical reality while nicely laying down the foundation of the ideas that result in the ability to completely re-make ones life, according to preference, joy and ecstasy. There's so much here, it's best to just listen for yourself. Enjoy this... evening with Bashar, as channeled by Andrew.
In this fascinating 10th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, answers the question: "Why in the world would we ever choose to forget our higher self, our true nature, and live a life as though we have amnesia of the soul?"If you're wondering the same thing, this session is for you....
In this 9th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, draws the distinction between the sleeping dream and the waking dream, explaining that our life truly is a waking dream. He elaborates that the waking dream has a different definition, with different qualities, but also shares some important qualities and aspects.Using this recognition, we can begin to live the waking dream in a more lucid manner, more effortlessly and rapidly to make new changes moving forward.He introduces the idea of interacting with their civilization in the sleeping dream state, explaining that their society generally exists on a more etheric, dream-like expression of consciousness.By living the waking dream consciously, we bring our waking dream into more alignment with the sleeping dream.Being willing to live the dream is achieved by being fully present in the moment, using our faculty of excitement to discern what is most "us" in any situation, and then being willing to act on that excitement, with integrity.He concludes that by interacting together, we're already creating a brand new shared dream.
In this brief 8th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, talks about the Sassani word "Shivai", explaining its meaning and its motivating attitude.
In this 7th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, continues to hit his stride, the communications are becoming more cohesive and fluid. The messages are continuing to evolve and clarify. In this transmission, Bashar reminds us that the things they discuss with us are indeed physics and not merely airy philosophy. He reviews the concept that we resonate or vibrate at a certain frequency or rate, depending upon the belief systems that we are expressing and their corresponding resultant actions. He reiterates that we can only experience a reality that is in accordance with the vibration that we're being, that we can only experience a reality that we're being the vibration of. He speaks about the power and advantages of validating other points of view and expands that our willingness to validate other points of view and ourselves also results in our reception of validation from external sources and the circumstances within our life. He explains that our impact has a ripple effect and a more profound impact on the Universe than we presently realize. He concludes by making the point that when we change the way we create our lives by consciously and purposefully crafting and asserting our intention, and allowing the Universe to co-create our lives with us, we get a quicker and more finesseful result by releasing the need to control the details, and allowing the details to be handled by the Universe, while still doing our part in the form of following our excitement, with integrity. He states that making even a miniscule change in our perspective results in a grand and sweeping change within our reality.
In the 6th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, speaks about equality with different examples. He sets the stage in declaring that they do not consider themselves as better than us in any way, but truly sees all of us as equals, and invites us to do the same. Our willingness to begin to act as equals not only transforms our lives completely, but then also prepares us for a smoother more comfortable first contact with them in the future.He explains more about the channeling process itself and lays out some of the reasons for communicating with us in this way initially. He also speaks of the equality of the various densities of consciousness and expands a little more about using excitement as a compass. Lastly, he elucidates about what is meant by acting on one's excitement with integrity.
In the 5th session, as the session progresses the pace begins to quicken and the delivery is becoming more fluid and stable. Toward the end, there is still a bit of a pause demonstrating the continuing evolution and fortification of the link. Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, emphasizes the advantages of the vast diversity, while reminding us that we can grant validity, instead of judgement, to all forms of diversity, even those that differ from our own. He reminds us that there is inherently a unity and strength in diversity.He explains that our individual points-of-view are directly analogous to individual eyes, literally the Eyes of Creation. And just like the integration of vision by both of our eyes by our brain to form a more accurate picture of our experience, All-That-Is integrates all of our points-of-views to know the totality of creation. All points-of-view are vital, none can be left out. One of our eyes doesn't judge the other, neither do we have to judge other points-of-view or "eyes" that only see reality from different angles. He expands that when we invalidate the point-of-view of another, we cut ourselves off from that part of ourself, and thus cut off our access to our own Higher Self, other parts of our consciousness, and aspects of All-That-Is. He concludes that when we invalidate another, we are judging them, and thus becoming the vibration of judgement ourself. This in turn, cuts us of off from our total self. By being willing to grant validity to all other points-of-view, regardless of being in agreement with them, and by simply ceasing to judge them, we open up new connections, express more of our fullness, while enabling access to more of ourselves and to new sources of inner wisdom. By opening our own "eye" of creation widely, by appreciating the "eyes" of others, by allowing a situation where we judge to provide a reflection to ourselves, we ultimately expand our ability to be more receptive, and then, more effective.
In this 4th session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, discusses the use of imagination as a tool to conjure up your truest version of yourself and preferred outcomes. He explains that we always use our imagination in some way, though often for picturing unpreferred scenarios or outcomes. Because we always use it already, imagination is nothing we have to learn how to use, but rather, now we have the opportunity to use it constructively to shape the new changes in our lives that we wish to experience.
This third session continues to demonstrate the fortification of the link between Bashar and the channel, Andrew. The delivery is starting to become a little cleaner, and more fluid, though there are still some aligning gaps and slowness of delivery. In this session, Bashar continues his discussion about action. He acknowledges that we're in a time of acceleration and that this can make both negative and positive manifestations occur more rapidly. He stresses the importance of becoming more consciously aware of the beliefs that we're expressing in any moment before we perform any physical action. He explains that it's alright to entertain negative thoughts and beliefs, but urges us to refrain from taking an action until we're aligned with our positive beliefs, since both will manifest more quickly in these times. He reminds us that we only create and exist in the present moment, and so, in that regard, the past does not truly result in the present. Each situation that comes up is an entirely new situation, and only when we assign a meaning that it has resulted from the past do we experience that apparency. We can now experience each moment as anew, containing neutral symbols that we assign meaning to. The meaning we assign determines the result we experience. Bashar likens acting on your preferred beliefs even if you have doubts, as similar to our saying, "fake it till you make" it, but explains that in reality, it is not really faking it, because one is actually BEING that person when they act AS that person. He again reminds us that this is another way to understand that believing is seeing and not the other way around.
This is the 2nd Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, training session. The group of participants had gone outside after the previous 1st session, hoping to see a UFO, or Bashar's ship, though this didn't occur. Bashar explains a little about some of the mechanism for experiencing such a sighting. As the link between Bashar and the channel is still fortifying, there are pauses within the delivery. He mentions this and states that things will get tighter, more fluid, and speed up as the sessions progress. The session begins with a few expansions on concepts from the previous 1st session. He more clearly defines clear intention and clear definition. He suggests to keep the specific parameters in the way that one expects their manifestation results to remain in more vague terms, in order to allow the Universe to determine the most conducive details.
Bashar trained Andrew for 2 years to channel Elan. These are those original recordings. In this very first live public session, Bashar, as channeled by Andrew, conducts a meditation to allow one to identify and align with their signature vibration. This lays down the groundwork to establish a perfect foundation to launch the subsequent 120+ interactions that follow. Enjoy this meditation while alone or with a group of your choosing. Remember, that all of this information is truly holographic, and as such, it is always heard in the perfect timing, exactly according to individual exploration and desire. During the meditation, you are literally present with any person or group that ever participates, either in the past, present or future, this is the mulitidimensional, infinite and eternal nature of these interactions. This previously unreleased digital master of this session demonstrates the beginning of the evolution of these channelings, while documenting the phases of this channeling process through this particular channel. In this first session, the channel begins calibrating to the frequency of Bashar (and unknowingly specifically yet) ... Elan.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.