408 avsnitt • Längd: 30 min • Veckovis: Fredag
AstrologyNow is devoted to sharing the ancient science of Jyotish or Vedic astrology. By tuning into cosmic forces we may better understand ourselves at a soul level, connect to others with more divinity, and feel more prepared in navigating the world around us. This podcast provides weekly astrological updates, forecasts, and research while encouraging personal introspection and providing insight into global events.
Christine has a Masters in Social Work and is certified in Vedic Astrology, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini. She owes all of her knowledge to her teachers and is infinitely grateful.
The podcast AstrologyNow – Vedic Astrology Guide is created by Christine Rodriguez. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Hi everyone!
In this segment we explore the month of March and significant transits to anticipate. This is a pivot point for 2025... Matters are about to turn dramatically and continue to do so through the Spring months.
Learn more about how these shifts may impact you and the world at large here.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Today, we discuss Venus retrograde in Pisces and what to expect on a global and personal level.
Venus will retrograde from March 1st - April 12th. Venus RX will bring up relationship issues from the past, past life connections, relationships OF the past, and all things love and intimacy... how will it impact you?
Aries: 24:21
Taurus: 25:16
Gemini: 25:55
Cancer: 26:50
Leo: 27:44
Virgo: 29:01
Libra: 30:13
Scorpio: 32:00
Sagittarius: 33:16
Capricorn: 34:07
Aquarius: 35:48
Pisces: 37:21
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! I sometimes will remember other details I wanted to add after posting... I hope that you find this interesting!
We discuss a more troubling story connected to this lunar mansion, so I wanted to add a discretion just in case!
Learn more about the asterism here!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In this segment, we cover the beautiful, artistic, and creative nakshatra - Rohini!
Rohini spans from 10 degrees to 23.20 degrees of Taurus. Rohini is governed by the Moon, associated to Brahma, and is brimming with fertility.
Learn more about the asterism here!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we cover the upcoming new moon in Aquarius and what this could represent on a personal and global level.
We also discuss Mars *finally* going direct, the upcoming Rahu/Saturn combination, and other astrological on-goings.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we interview, yet again, Dr. Nibodhi.
Dr. Nibodhi has been in partnership with his wife for over 20 years. Their relationship is quite unique in that they lived on an ashram together and were marred by their Divine teacher, Amma.
We spend time discussing love, relationship, and intimacy while integrating spiritual life.
Happy Valentine's Day! We hope this serves you well!
Relationship playlist:
Characteristics of Your Spouse:
Soulmate Connections:
Contact Dr. Nibodhi:
Dr. Nibodhi on Facebook
He is the author of six books on health and consciousness.
He offers Vedic/Ayurveda Consultations in person and online. Sessions with Nibodhi give clients a deeper understanding of their total state of health and provide tools for creating greater well-being in their lives. Ayurvedic consultations with Nibodhi are a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey towards optimum, radiant health and consciousness. Nibodhi listens with deep awareness to your health and life concerns. He determines and explains your unique constitution, and offers you a completely individualised approach and protocol that supports your health and life goals.
Dr. Nibodhi Books:
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss some recent events in the news and correlate them to astrological events.
We spend time exploring how this full moon in Ashlesha could impact security - personally and globally. Ashlesha has an association to poison... that which can heal OR that which can destroy. We discuss some strategies to get the most out of this cycle and manage the cosmic energies with grace.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we discuss observations of Krittika nakshatra.
Krittika spans between Taurus and Aries. It is governed by the Sun and associated to Agni. The symbol is a knife, razor, or sword... all to say, this is quite the fireball of energy!
We spend time exploring how the Sun and Agni influence this asterism and how it impacts an individuals personality and qualities.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we sit down with James Braha to hear about his 45 years of studying Vedic astrology and how to begin learning this incredible science.
James has invested so much of his life into understanding Jyotish, finding authentic teachers, and distilling what he learned into digestible books for those of us seeking to learn.
James has written multiple books, including Ancient Hindu Astrology for the Modern Western Astrologer and The Braha Sutras, just to name a few.
James has been passionate about teaching and sharing about jyotish for the last several years and recently decided to create a 12 Step Master Class for those seeking to learn.
Please listen to this full segment to learn more about James, his incredible program, and hear astrological insight after 45 years of practice.
Learn more about James and sign up for his class at:
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Venus in Pisces.
Venus will be exalted in Pisces from January 27th - May 31st. This is an extended period of time, given that Venus usually stays in a sign for about one month.
This is a year where Venus goes retrograde, making it a karmic time for love, relationships, art, and creativity.
We spend time discussing the influence of Neptune and Rahu and how this may impact Venus in a positive and negative way.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we explore the asterism of Bharani.
Bharani translates into something like "the bearer" and has the deity of Yama.
Though Bharani is in the youthful, spry, energized sign of Aries, we will come to find that this asterism carries an incredible amount of depth and weight.
Bharani has access to the other side... as Yama is the god of death and rebirth. This asterism is extremely mystical, magical, and has no hesitation when diving into the darker qualities of life.
Learn more about this nakshatra here!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In this segment we explore the transit of Mars into sidereal Gemini. We discuss the implications it may have on social media as well as the inauguration.
We also discuss the recent full moon, Venus conjunct Saturn, and this Neptune/Rahu combination.
I hope it serves you well.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy new series! New Year... New Nakshatra Series!
I've been wanting to do this for a while simply for the fun of it. I love sharing about the Nakshatras and my personal observations. I do hope you enjoy and find it helpful and supportive.
Today we cover the first Nakshatra, which is Ashwini. Ashwini spans from 0 degrees to 13 degrees and 20 minutes.
This asterism contains the energy of both Mars and Ketu, giving it such a fun, energetic, pioneering, and adventurous quality.
Don't be fooled - though Ashwini is very much associated to explorers, rock climbers, and adventure, I've met many Ashwini who choose to explore the spirit or psychological realm instead.
They are incredible healers, counselors, and guides and always know when a good laugh is necessary.
Listen to the full segment for more!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! 🥳 🎊
I hope you all have had an amazing time reflecting and processing your 2024 and preparing for a fresh new start ahead...
This year is going to bring such an incredible shift of collective energy. The social planets of Jupiter and Saturn, the planets responsible for economy/current affairs/culture, will shift within months of each other. Rahu and Ketu, the karmic nodes of the moon, will also shift after their 18 month cycle.
If you've been hoping for paramount change - this could be your year!
On this segment, we discuss the main transits of 2025. These transits include, but are not limited to:
Saturn in Pisces: March 29, 2025 - February 23, 2028
Rahu in Aquarius and Ketu in Leo: May 29, 2025 - November 25, 2026
Jupiter in Gemini: May 14, 2025 - October 18, 2025 & December 4, 2025 - June 1, 2026
Jupiter in Cancer: October 18, 2025 - December 4, 2025
Uranus in Taurus: March 19, 2025 - July 6, 2031 (I accidentally said June)
March 13/14: Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo in Uttara Phalguni (Blood Moon)
March 29: Solar Eclipse 14 degrees of Pisces in Uttara Bhadrapada. (Mercury and Venus are retrograde in Pisces)
September 7: Lunar Eclipse at 21 degrees of Aquarius in Purva Bhadrapada
September 21: Solar eclipse at 4 degrees of Virgo in Uttara Phalguni. Saturn will oppose to the degree.
I hope that you find this supportive on your journey!
Join my class here!: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/2025-prediction-workshop
Schedule a discovery call for the IKVCP here!: https://calendly.com/vedic_astrology/discovery-call
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! I am so thrilled to share this episode with you all... I feel very enthusiastic and optimistic about this upcoming new moon, and I hope the special Jovian energy is shared through the ether.
This new moon is the 2nd new moon of December 2024, making it the Black Moon. The new moon is a time of setting intentions, goals, and aspirations.
This new moon occurring right before SUCH a cataclysmic year of 2025 feels particularly potent and powerful for me... make sure and do your New Years Resolutions early!
We discuss the astrological significance, Sagittarius, Purva Ashadha, and other astrological on-goings.
Happy New Year!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In a recent segment, I asked if you all were interested in hearing more about the conjunction of Rahu and Neptune. Many people responded with YES - so I hope you find this as fascinating as I did!
We spent time exploring the meaning of a conjunction, Rahu, Neptune, and what has happened historically when these two planets meet in the night sky.
Perhaps the most astounding was that the book "Age of Intelligent Machines", on artificial intelligence and predicting the popularity of the internet, was published in 1992... years before we see the rise of such technology... yet again while Neptune and Rahu are conjunct!
** Also correction. When mentioned TWILIGHT - the movies were released during this time frame. The books were before.
Hear more about interesting consistencies here.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we discuss the final full moon of 2024, taking place in the sidereal sign of Taurus.
Taurus is ruled by Venus and associated to the senses. Taurus is a fixed energy that represents steadfastness, patience, creativity, and luxury. When the moon is in Taurus, it is technically exalted, though it's point of exaltation is really in the earlier degrees of Taurus.
The beneficial quality is still present, and the conjunction of Jupiter really amplifies it's auspicious qualities. Jupiter is adding a grace and optimism to this full moon.
We explore other astrological on-goings such as Rahu/Neptune conjunction, Mercury going direct, and the Sun moving from Scorpio to Sagittarius.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! First of all, please check out the playlists that I have available to make it easier for you to access "always relevant" astrology information. There are podcasts on finding children in a birth chart, soul mate connections, the astrology of where you live, and more:
On this segment, we discuss Mars retrograde in the sidereal sign of Cancer.
We've been discussing this transit for a while, but we are finally seeing it play out in real time! Between the drama in South Korea and France, the killing of the United Health Care CEO, earth quake in California, and continued tension around the world - Mars is on full display.
Mars will be retrograde from December 6, 2024 - February 24, 2025. How will this retrograde influence you?
Go to my website to calculate your birth chart and follow along with horoscopes: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/northindianchart
Aries: 19:16
Taurus: 20:46
Gemini: 22:26
Cancer: 24:17
Leo: 26:13
Virgo: 28:52
Libra: 31:21
Scorpio: 33:13
Sagittarius: 35:45
Capricorn: 39:57
Aquarius: 42:03
Pisces: 45:03
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we cover the December horoscope and discuss Venus in Capricorn, Sun in Sagittarius, Mars retrograde, and more.
This month seems to carry a special emphasis on wealth and the economy. With Mars retrograde, we can certainly anticipate some anger or potential violence....
As usually, we discuss how to best utilize this energy on a personal level and explore what may be occurring on a global level.. I hope you enjoy it!
Major Dates:
December 1 - new moon in Anuradha
December 2 - December 28th: Venus in Capricorn
December 6 RETROGRADE 11 degrees of cancer
Feb 24, 2025 DIRECT 22 degrees gemini
December 13 - March 18, 2025: Uranus back in Aries
December 15 - Full Moon in Mrigashira
December 15 - Mercury is direct
December 15 - January 13, 2025: Sun in Sagittarius
December 28, 2024 - Venus in Aquarius
December 30, 2024 - New Moon in Sagittaiurs Purva Ashadha
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In this segment we cover the upcoming new moon on December 1, 2024 in the sidereal sign of Scorpio.
We discuss how this transformative, intense, yet cunning energy may show up in your personal life AND the world around.
Remember that the moon is debilitated in Scorpio, meaning this energy could come with an emotional intensity . However, there is no moon like a Scorpio moon to focus on alchemy and manifestation!
We discuss the upcoming Mercury retrograde as well as Mars retrograde and what to be looking out for.
As always, we also contemplate other astrological ongoings.
I hope you enjoy!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment, we spend time discussing the significance of Saturn and what this could mean on a personal and global level.
Saturn is going direct at 18 degrees of Shatabhisha, the star of 100 healers.
I thought it was so interesting that right after recording this, hours before Saturn went direct, Kennedy was named the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. In the meantime, stock for Pfizer and Moderna plummeted.
Watching these types of astrological case studies in real time is too far out. I hope you find it as interesting as I do!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment, we discuss the upcoming full moon in Krittika nakshatra, in the final degrees of Aries.
Krittika is governed by the Sun and the deity is Agni. There is a passionate heat to this sign that moves us forward with plans and ambitions. This nakshatra operates from a place of logic and objectivity... it is very rare that I say "facts over feelings", but this is what Krittika demands in order to operate fully!
We discuss how to best use this energy on a personal level and what it could mean for the collective.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
Here is the November horoscope.
I tried not to focus on politics too, too much - as I don't want to continuously be redundant. But we can surely expect protests and unrest, as discussed at the end of the podcast.
In this horoscope, we cover all of the main transits for November and how to best move through this time on a personal and global level.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we discuss the nakshatra of Swati and philosophize on flexibility, steadfastness, and how to anchor ourselves in to what is important.
In times of turbulence, divide, and drama - how can we create space to bend with those around us while still upholding what we find important?
We discuss Sun debilitation, Mars debilitation, and how to work with this energy in the upcoming days.
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we cover the transit of Mars in Cancer.
The fiery and passionate planet of Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer - causing Mars to feel quite uncomfortable and unable to operate properly.
This can cause some big disturbances in the world and potentially in our personal lives! What happens when the planet of war and anger is subjected to the emotional waters of Cancer?
Astrology is like the weather. When we understand the cosmic energy ahead of time, we can plan accordingly.
I hope this is helpful!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Hi everyone!
In this podcast we interview Dr. Nibodhi.
Nibodhi is a student and practitioner of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Vedic Astrology and Indigenous Wisdom traditions. Professionally he a board-certified Traditional Naturopath and Ayurvedic Practitioner and educator. He has also studied Jyotish with an emphasis in medical astrology. He is certified in Vedic psychology/ counselling, clinical nutrition, & yoga teacher/ yoga therapy as well as numerous certifications and trainings in other fields of Health and Consciousness. While he has formally studied at numerous schools his most profound studies came from one on one training with numerous Vaidyas, Yoga masters, Shamans and Elders and Healers from the Vedic traditions as well as various indigenous traditions. He has more than 3 decades of studies and experience in mindfulness and tantric meditation practice and offers guidance in personal and private practice.
He is the author of six books on health and consciousness.
He offers Vedic/Ayurveda Consultations in person and online. Sessions with Nibodhi give clients a deeper understanding of their total state of health and provide tools for creating greater well-being in their lives. Ayurvedic consultations with Nibodhi are a physical, emotional, and spiritual journey towards optimum, radiant health and consciousness. Nibodhi listens with deep awareness to your health and life concerns. He determines and explains your unique constitution, and offers you a completely individualised approach and protocol that supports your health and life goals.
Sessions with Nibodhi may include, but are not limited to, individualised nutrition, dietary, and herbal protocols, yoga and/or other exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, and lifestyle practices which are personalised to bring you into optimum balance.
Since 2003 he has been living half of each year in Kerala, India serving in a 100% Non-profit/Charitable, Ayurveda and Naturopathy Wellness Center where he also has taught week long Ayurveda-Yoga intensives twice a year since 2013.
To find out more or sign up for a consultation, email:
[email protected]
Nibodhi’s “official” qualifications include the following:
-NAMA (National Ayurveda Medical Association): Certified Ayurveda Medicine Practitioner USA 2012
-Ayurvedic Healing Institute: Vedic Psychology/Counselor (6/2017)
-American Institute of Vedic Studies - Integral Vedic Counselor (2018)
-American Institute of Vedic Studies - Ayurvedic Astrology (2018-2019)
-Ayurvedic Healing Institute: Vedic Medical Astrology (4/2020)
-The Ayurvedic Institute: Ayurvedic Practitioner (2003)
-Alandi Ayurveda Gurukula: Pancha Karma, Nadi Pariksha, Aushadhi, Ayurvedic Cooking (1998-2003)
-Dr. John Douillard - Ayruvedic Pulse Course (1999-2000)
-Rocky Mountain Institute of Yoga and Ayurveda: Pancha Karma (1999-2000)
-D.H.A.R.M.A (Dhanvantari Himalaya Ayurveda Research and Medicine Acadamy) - Pancha Karma, Rasa Shastra 2002
-Martin Seligman Positive Psychology (5/2020)
-Gabor Mate: Compassionate Inquiry: Trauma Healing (9/2022)
-ANMCAB (American Naturopathic Medicine Certification and Accreditation Board): Certified "Naturopathic Doctor" Washington D.C., USA 2002
-ANCB (American Naturopathic Certification Board): Certified Traditional Naturopath, USA 2006
-IBAM (Indian Board of Alternative Medicine) M.D. (A.M.), Medical Doctor of Alternative Medicine, India 2006
-IBAM (Indian Board of Alternative Medicine)/Open International University of Alternative Medicine) D.Acu., Doctor of Acupuncture, India 2015
-RMP license in India (Registered Medical Practitioner) India 2014
He has so many other certifications that I am exceeding my text for this podcast!
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Hi everyone!
In this segment we cover the main transits for October 2024.
This is the month where Mars enters the sign of Cancer. We've been discussing this transit from the beginning of 2024... Mars is the planet of the warrior. It is very uncomfortable in the emotional, soft sign of Cancer - meaning that it will be debilitated.
This transit will lead to a lot of controversy amongst citizens and a general sense of dissatisfaction. Mars will retrograde later into December, which is REALLY when we will begin seeing some drama.
We are in for an obviously dramatic end to 2024 and start to 2025... knowing how the astrological weather will influence us will support us in moving through it with intelligence and grace. Astrological insight is invaluable!
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In this segment, we cover the upcoming eclipse in the sidereal sign of Virgo.
We spend time taking a look at the typical eclipse drama and spotting eclipse energy in the media. Sean Combs sex scandals is just TOO sensational. Who isn't involved in this nefarious group of people?!
We also discuss health and wellness and how functional wellness is really hitting the media hard as so much truth is exposed in regards to pesticides, artificial colors, and toxins... Hello Ketu in Virgo! Of course, what we should also mention is Uranus in Taurus, REALLY creating a shake up with food!
We spend notable time discussing the service oriented quality of Virgo and the beauty that radiates when we share joy in the success of others.
I hope you all enjoy!
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we interview, the amazing, Ashley from SunGoddess Astrology to discuss the D9 Navamsa chart.
This is a notorious chart that gives insight into the nature of your spouse and, really, reveals the overall power of your individual birth chart.
Ashley breaks down nuanced concepts of the D9 and shares sacred insights into what certain placements may reveal about you or your partner.
You don't want to miss this segment!
About Ashley:
Ashley is a professional Vedic Astrology practitioner and Intuitive Tarot card reader, working in Los Angeles, California.
She provides quality readings for private clients consultations online, and at corporate functions, private parties and public events.
Ashley is an intuitive reader and educator, who facilitates learning about the ancient art and science of Vedic Astrology, by mentoring students and clients, and teaching Astrology workshops and Tarot classes.
She has established a deep involvement with various astrological organizations, both locally and internationally, to continually pursue her passion as a lifelong learner, spiritual seeker and practitioner.
Instagram:@sungoddessashley @sungoddess_ashley
YouTube Channel:www.youtube.com/c/sungoddessastrology
Website: innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the vortex of eclipse season!
This is a very special time of year to have the eclipses, as it marks the beginning of Pitru Paksha. This is a time celebrated in India to pay homage to ancestors
and work to alleviate karma so that their souls may have a more peaceful journey.
We spend time exploring this concept as well as other astrological on-goings.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Eclipse Season is amongst us!
In this segment, we discuss the spiritual significance of eclipse season and how this season may impact us on an individual and global level.
We also cover the main transits of September - Virgo season, Venus debilitated, and Mars in Gemini to name a few.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy Friday...
On today's podcast, we explore the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Leo, specifically in Purva Phalguni.
We explore the nakshatra, discuss other astrological on-goings, and explore the concepts of Prakriti and Purusha.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
We've been discussing Pluto return for the USA since 2018 and this period of time is certainly not boring.
The USA is experiencing an exact Pluto return in 2024, and we really are witnessing a year like no other. Between an assassination attempt, Biden dropping out of the race, global humanitarian crisis, and threats of a world war - this is certainly not an uneventful time in history.
In this segment we look at some of the intense transits from now until mid 2025 and what to be on the lookout for.
We also discuss how to focus on what we can control in order to create from a space of love instead of destroy from a place of hate.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
We have a busy session today as we discuss the upcoming full moon in Dhanishta nakshatra, recent political events and what to anticipate in the upcoming months. We also discuss Uranus in Taurus, Uranus retrograde, and Venus debilitation before eclipse season.
I hope you all find it helpful.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
We are doing things a little bit differently today! I am spending time in reflection with my mother in my home before setting off on a 6 month journey.
On this podcast we discuss the infinite beauty in the world around us, mirror neurons, and how to attract beauty by embodying beauty (not in a superficial way!).
Our bodies are our vehicles to experience love, connection, and the divine. Therefore, they really do become our temple of worship.
However, the body is this ever changing facet of life. Superficial beauty standards are the quickest way to suffer, because they attach us to something that is truly impossible. Finding the depth and subtle beauty within and, more importantly, how we choose to find beauty - cultivates an inner landscape that is constantly in bloom.
I hope you enjoy!
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we spend time philosophizing on Ashelsha nakshatra and the upcoming new moon. As always, we also cover other astrological on-goings.
I got a question from my, initial-student-turned-friend-turned contractor, Emylee. "Why are all of the mercury ruled nakshatra so intense?"
The mercury ruled nakshatras of Ashlesha, Jyeshta, and Revati all contain gandanta zones.
These are the ending degrees of a water sign and into the early degrees of the fire signs. This is why, similarly, the Ketu ruled nakshatras (Ashwini, Magha, Mula) can also carry an intensity.
The mercury ruled nakshatras are especially mystical, intuitive, deep, and esoteric... consider yourself LUCKY if you have these placements and are interested in the occult.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we look at the main transits of August and how they will impact us individually and the collective.
We take time looking at the rest of 2024 and into 2025... where Saturn and Rahu will conjunct briefly. This is a terrible combination. The last time this occurred in Pisces, we had two major assassinations in the USA.
We take time exploring the charts of Kamala, Trump, and the USA and what all of this could be lining us up for, here in the United States.
This is the last month before ECLIPSE season, followed shortly by Mars retrograde. So, the rest of 2024 will... be interesting to say the least.
Work with Christine
I recently committed to creating more YouTube videos. If you're interested in shifting gears and learning about compatibility, please follow this link:
The Characteristics of Your Spouse in Vedic Astrology: All About Your Darakaraka
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hello everyone! Happy Guru Purnima!
The full moon will take place on July 21, 2024 in the sidereal sign of Uttara Ashadha.
In this segment we discuss parampara, or lineage of guru and teacher.
This is an extraordinary energy to mediate on lineage, ancestry, and our teachers.
Everything occurred just so for you to be born exactly as you are... and what a cosmic miracle that is!
Of course, we also discuss other astrological ongoings.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! In this segment I share an interesting and exciting tool that I've been using with my family.
Astrology works. Therefore, everything will have a birth chart and synastry/compatibility will work in the same way for all relationships.
That said, if you've ever listened to any of my relationship synastry podcasts or watched any videos, like this one, you'll find that this isn't very different!
States, countries, territories - they have personalities! And depending on the energy of the space, it will impact us in various ways.
Why do you love Idaho while your husband hates it? Why is it that every time you go to New York, you seem to be low energy? Why does Montana just set you free?
This is all due to some astrological significance between you and the space.
1. Calculate your birth chart
2. Calculate the spaces chart. You don't *need* a time to do this, because we are most interested in how the states planets relate to YOU.
3. See any personal connection. Look for planets in the same sign as you or planets opposing your natal planets. Remember that, often, Moon/Venus/Mercury/Jupiter will create lighter energy. Mars/Saturn may be a little harsher. Rahu/Ketu is karmic. To be basic here (:
4. Look to see the relationship between your atmakaraka and darakaraka. AK is the planet with highest degrees. DK is lowest. Maybe you have the same AK as the state you love, its AK is on your ascendant. Maybe the states AK is in the same sign as your DK!
I have done this with several charts and if you've lived in a place for a long time or find yourself ever returning to a land - there will absolutely be SOMETHING significant that you find.
I hope you enjoy!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
We've been talking about this month for a while.
July of 2024 will bring some very intense events that will change the trajectory of 2024... though you probably didn't astrology to tell you that!
We have an upcoming Mars retrograde in the fall of 2024 that will set us up for an extremely intense election.
We discuss some of the main dates to watch out for, as well as our usual "astrological on-goings".
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
In this segment we discuss Saturn retrograde.
Saturn will retrograde from June 29th - November 15, 2024.
Saturn is the planet of karma, hard lessons, responsibility, delay, hardships but also glory after hardwork, commitment humility and service.
Remember that the REtrograde period is all about the "re"s... revisiting, revising, reassessing, renewing, re-evaluating.
This is a very important time for personal reflection and awareness.. especially if you're governed by Saturn OR have planets from 18-25 degrees of Aquarius.
We spend time discussing the period in general and then get into horoscopes.
Aries: 23:33
Taurus: 26:49
Gemini: 29:37
Cancer: 32:23
Leo: 36:14
Virgo: 40:46
Libra: 44:23
Scorpio: 47:56
Sagittarius: 51:08
Capricorn: 54:35
Aquarius: 59:18
Pisces: 1:03:00
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we spend time paying homage to the beautiful planet Surya, or the Sun.
The Sun represents courage, self-esteem, confidence, nourishment, and royalty. The Sun is truly responsible for "main character energy", if you will. But be mindful! Too much of that can "burn people out" or fry fertile land!
This podcast in intended to inspire you to embrace inner confidence with self-appreciation and faith in the path of the divine... regardless of external influences.
Enjoy these bright Summer months and create the life you deserve!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy Friday per usual.
On this segment we discuss the powerful nakshatras of Mula and Ardra... these opposing nakshatras are notorious for their destruction, calamity, and mayhem.
However, there are times in life when this energy is absolutely essential. I can think of so many examples in my life when I've been so grateful for forces powerful enough to destroy negative influences, attachments, or energetic ties. I am sure that you can relate!
In this segment, we discuss how this full moon may influence you and the world around, and how to best flow with the energies that be.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
Please excuse my vata (windy/scattered) mind! I've been on the move and still working on finding my level ground!
On this segment we discuss the massive shift of Uranus into the sign of Taurus and what this could mean on a global level.
We explore the last few times that Uranus was in Taurus, which reveals that Uranus was in Taurus for the Revolutionary War, Civil War, and during WWII.
The US is having a Pluto return this year, as well as the beginning of a return for Uranus. Those are two returns in EARTH SIGNS - which is all about structures, government, wealth, economy, and currency.
If you're more interested in personal transits, you can skip ahead to 20:42.
After this mark, we discuss how to best utilize the energy of the transits on a personal level. We discuss Mars, Gemini season, and Saturn retrograde.
I hope you all enjoy!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy (almost) new moon in Rohini Nakshatra!
Taurus is all about the senses, creativity, taking things slow, patience, and the long haul.
Rohini is a nakshatra held within Taurus that is the epitome of creative energy. Rohini is governed by Brahma - the creator of the Universe!
This nakshatra is also notorious for beauty, love, romance, and sensory experiences.
In this podcast we discuss accessing sensuality through being present and the power we have in creating our own reality through perception.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
I am so excited to share an interview with, one of my favorite souls on the path, Randy Rudloff.
Randy spends time speaking to his experience with not just one cycle of Saturn return and Sade Sati... but multiple!
He shares how each experience offered different challenges, changes, and struggles - but also gifts, insight, and shaped him into the individual he is today.
The conversation is rich with wisdom and a bit of good ol' Texan humor as well.
We hope you enjoy!
Follow Randy on Instagram at:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
First, please excuse a persistent "beep"... apparently a fire alarm needs batteries!
Second, here is a mildly late May horoscope. I hope it serves you well.
We dive into handling challenging transits, putting faith above fear, and how to best utilize the energy of May.
We have an upcoming full moon that will be debilitated in the sign of Scorpio. How can we handle the potential for turbulent emotions, stubborn natures, and iciness?
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Happy Akshaya Tritiya!
I can't believe we are already experiencing our transit of Jupiter in Taurus..
In this segment we spend time exploring the combination of Jupiter in Taurus and what this will mean for us individually and collectively.
Taurus is a fixed, earth sign and governed by the planet Venus.
This being said, Taurus is all about slowing down, taking a moment to pause, and to think of the "long game".
This is a time to learn from our senses! How can we see the divinity in others? More deeply listen to the ones we love? Choose food from a place of higher wisdom?
In addition, we cover each of the 12 signs with personalized horoscopes. Here are the time stamps:
Aries: 17:22
Taurus: 20:20
Gemini: 23:39
Cancer: 27:32
Leo: 32:35
Virgo: 35:35
Libra: 39:20
Scorpio: 41:56
Sagittarius: 44:39
Capricorn: 47:30
Aquarius: 50:45
Pisces: 53:13
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
** Correction! Akshaya Tritiya in on May 10th**
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Aries, in the nakshatra of Bharani.
Bharani is a powerful nakshatra that is symbolized by the yoni and associated to the deity Yama.
We discuss the dualities of life, death, love, and grief - and how these aspects of life are, inevitably, woven together.
Bharani is a highly creative nakshatra - so we also discuss the potency for manifestation.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
The cosmic storms are churning!
We spend this segment exploring some of the more "potent" transits occurring between April and May and how to best move through this time with grace.
This is truly a very "busy" month cosmically within a very busy year.
As we discussed at the beginning of 2024, this is a year like no other! We have a sequence of rare astrological configurations and some of which we've never experienced before!
If it feels like a year that is introducing a lot of change, rocking the boat, or creating turbulence - you are not alone! The exciting part is that doors of expansion, growth, and evolution truly are opening now. If you're wanting to CHANGE major facets of your life, this just may be the time!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
CORRECTION: Mercury will direct on April 25th
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Swati nakshatra. This marks Hanuman Jayanti!
Hanuman is the god of selfless service, love, devotion, ethics, and morality.
This day reminds us of some of the most outstanding qualities of the human spirit!
We spend time reflecting on devotion and transformation and how these practices go hand in hand.
I hope you find it helpful.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
What a time to be alive... this month brings the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter that we have all been waiting for!
This conjunction does not occur very often. It will give many of us exciting, ground breaking, or potentially unsettling changes in life. Regardless, this combination offers us an opportunity to break away from what was and step into what's new.
Get ready for epiphanies, discoveries, and awakenings - as Uranus is the planet of awakening!
We also discuss the stellium in Pisces, combination of Rahu and Mars, and the upcoming transit of Jupiter in Taurus.
I hope it serves you well.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
In this segment we take time to discuss how this upcoming solar eclipse will impact each of the 12 zodiac signs!
Please be sure to calculate your natal birth chart to understand the placement of your ascendant and your moon sign. In Vedic astrology, we will always assess the transits from both..
Aries: 11:56
Taurus: 14:15
Gemini: 16:48
Cancer: 18:11
Leo: 20:24
Virgo: 23:56
Libra: 26:15
Scorpio: 28:27
Sagittarius: 30:47
Capricorn: 33:41
Aquarius: 36:42
Pisces: 39:20
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Happy eclipse season, everyone! What a time to be alive!
In this segment we explore just how potent this eclipse will be on a personal and global level.
This eclipse marks the Vedic New Year, allowing us to cast a chart for the year to support our predictions as astrologers.
We spend time exploring this chart and what the year may bring...
We also discuss the upcoming Chaitra Navratri, honoring Goddess Durga ❤️
There is plenty to explore and I look forward to seeing you all next week with predictions for all of the 12 zodiac signs!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone! Welcome to Eclipse Season!
In this segment we review the general energy of eclipses, break down the eclipse in sidereal Virgo, and discuss other astrological events.
Eclipse season is truly a time of transformation and change. For many people, this could be a period of immense growth or transition OR fated meetings, encounters, or opportunities.
Eclipses can bring a bit of stress and anxiety as well. But try not to get lost in the intensity. There is often a lot of excitement to be had around this season!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, lunar eclipse
Hi everyone!
I was inspired to talk a bit about predestination and free-will after a discussion with my partner and dear client.
Astrology can be utilized as a tool to grow, evolve, and transcend limitations... OR we could choose to view it as a tool to cement in our perceived limitations and identity.
Let's choose the prior and commit to a life of excellence, moral, and growth.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
Welcome back to AstrologyNow!
Today we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Aquarius, in the nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada.
This is a deep, transformative, and mystical energy. The symbol is the front legs of a funeral cot... on it's way to transform and release what is no longer essential in the fire of transformation.
What are you ready to alchemize?
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy March, happy Leap Year, and happy Eclipse Season! Get ready to buckle up those seat belts - we're going on a ride!
March and April are significant months of 2024 because they ring in our first eclipse season. Eclipses are notorious for fated events, destined meetings, and profound shifts in our livelihood.
If you have planets in the sidereal Pisces or Virgo, this will likely be a big year for you! Even if you don't have placements here, if you're in a Sun, Moon, Rahu, or Ketu dasha/sub dasha - this will likely impact you as well!
In the podcast we discuss Mercury quite a bit, remember that Mercury is also TRAVEL. That said: if traveling, make careful travel plans this month...
March 6, 2024 - March 25, 2024 Mercury in Pisces
March 7, 2024 - March 31, 2024 Venus in Aquarius
March 14th, 2024 - April 13, 2024 Sun in Pisces
March 15, 2024 Mars in Aquarius
March 10, 2024 - New moon in Aquarius Purva B.
March 17th - Saturn out of combustion
March 18 - 19 Mercury and Rahu conjunct
March 25, 2024 - lunar eclipse in hasta nakshatra (Virgo)
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
In this podcast we explore the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Leo, in Magha nakshatra.
This full moon will place an emphasis on ancestors, lineage, and family. Therefore, there is also a special connection to loyalty, devotion, and commitment...
As usual, we explore other astrological on-goings and how to best navigate the upcoming energy.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy Belated Valentine's Day!
I have been so busy in life and it felt so sweet to settle down and talk about my favorite topic... relationship in astrology!
Today we explore the planet Venus and it's impact on how we share love, connect intimately, and attract others!
Could the planet Venus really influence who we find attractive? How can understanding the planet of Venus support us in understanding our loved ones?
Please remember that the placements discussed are GENERALIZED, but I wanted to create a fun podcast with some of my observations. I hope you all enjoy it!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy new moon 🌚
Today marks Magha Amavasya, a day of seeking physical and spiritual purity.
This day is often acknowledged by seeking ancestral support, bathing in holy rivers, and practicing total silence...
Magha Amavasya emphasizes the practice of "perfect speech". How can we use our language in a way to truly reflect our goals, ambitions, and intentions?
In this segment we explore the philosophy of Magha Amavasya and briefly assess where the moon is occurring for each of the 12 signs.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
In this segment we explore the potent new moon energy in the sidereal sign of Capricorn.
This is a very heavy and dense energy as we move towards the light (or lack there of) of the new moon.
This period of time is heavily influenced by both Saturn and Mars... two planets that generally don't ask for hand outs, rest, or comfort.
This is a period of leaning into resistance and really showing the Universe what we want with good ol' commitment, carity, perseverance, and strength.
We explore other astrological energies and how these may impact you and the world around.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! In this segment we discuss the month of February 2024.
This month we will see planets begin to move into the sidereal sign of Capricorn... a sign associated with pragmatism, consistency, and productivity. How can we best utilize this energy to support the manifestation of growth for our ideas and long term plans?
February is not the most.. light of months. But it is an amazing month for getting serious, going deeper, and committing to longevity for what matters in our lives!
We also spend time discussing how this energy will influence us globally. With Mars being exalted, we can anticipate some heat coming from world leaders. It could be a time to practice precaution.
Mars in Capricorn: February 5th - March 15th
Venus in Capricorn: February 11th - March 7th
Sun in Aquarius: February 13th - March 14th
Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo Podcast
Rahu in Pisces and Ketu in Virgo for All 12 Signs
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
Today we spend time exploring the meaning of the sidereal sign of Cancer, Capricorn, and the devotional nakshatra of Pushya.
"we brought wine to the porch, spoke of piety, marriage,
devotion assumed for reasons that could not sustain it"
- Hoop Snake by Rebecca Wee
We spend time contemplating what CAN sustain devotion? What is heavy enough in life to lay the foundation necessary for deep, lasting commitment - whether it be to a cause, a mission, or a human being?
There is a lot brewing in the night sky - and as above, so below!
We discuss how the cosmic environment is impacting us here on earth and how we can best move with the energy.
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
Today we take time to explore the houses in Vedic astrology and discuss which body parts and organs these houses are associated to.
We spend time exploring each house, discussing its meaning from a medical perspective, and I share personal observations and stories throughout my time studying astrology.
Please keep in mind that medical astrology is incredibly complex!
Please don't use this method to diagnose any ailments! There are incredible masters of astrology that use the science to help discover the source of health issues - therefore treating illness. But this should only be done with a well-esteemed, practiced, master. This should not be used for self-diagnosis.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Welcome to 2024!
In this segment we discuss the main transits of 2024... and wow! This is going to be a wild 12 months!
With the complete Pluto return for the USA, Uranus transiting into Taurus, the Great Uranus and Jupiter conjunction, and Mars Retrograde in December.... We won't be bored this year!
With the emphasis on earth signs, we can guarantee a big year for the economy, wealth, and currencies.
We can also anticipate an election year like no other!
Listen here to hear a short form for the year to come. Sign up at patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast to learn more about how these transits may impact you!
Jupiter in Taurus: May 1, 2024 - Spring 2025
Uranus in Taurus: June 1, 2024 - December 13, 2024
Uranus and Jupiter conjunction: April 20, 2024 in Aries
American Eclipse + Vedic New Year : April 8, 2024
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
In today's segment we spend time reflecting on the ego, self-image, and who we believe ourselves to be.
When we attach ourselves to a certain self-imagine, we inadvertently attach ourselves to limitations and a narrow view of who or what we are capable of being.
In this podcast, we breakdown the notion of "ego" and work to detach ourselves from the limiting beliefs that are born from our self-created image.
I hope you all find it helpful and supportive in starting your new year off right.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Ardra nakshatra, in the sidereal sign of Gemini.
The star of Ardra represents difficulty, storms, and challenges.. and through those hardships is built resiliency, perseverance, and incredible strength.
This is the FINAL full moon of 2023! How could this energy be utilized in order to challenge our growths edges and reach beyond what we previously thought possible?
We spend time exploring other astrological ongoings such as Mercury retrograde, Venus in Scorpio, and Jupiter station in Aries.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
It's been a while since we've talked about love, relationship, compatibility, and connection! For today's episode, I decided to share about one of my favorite topics in Vedic astrology...
Of all of the topics I've spent time researching, relationships takes the top of the list! Today I share, arguably, the most important features to assess when considering compatibility.
Be sure to have your birth chart available with the charts of a love interest, partner, or close friend.
I hope you enjoy this topic as much as I do!
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
Today we discuss major transits for December 2023 and what we can anticipate from the final month of the year!
We have two lunar cycles this month that will deliver quite an intense energy. How may we use this energy wisely so that we can use it to our advantage?
We also spend some time peeking ahead into 2024 and assessing how Pluto return and Mars retrograde could influence the United States and the world at large.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Drum roll please! 🎉
Rahu and Ketu, the karmic nodes of the moon, are on the move after 18 months!
When Rahu and Ketu change signs, we will inevitably see profound shifts in global climate. This transit has an impact on culture, economy, leadership, "hot topics", and what become themes in society as a whole.
Similarly, the nodal shift will impact each of us drastically on an individual level. As the shift creates a change in culture, economy, and themes for the globe, in our PERSONAL lives, we will almost always experience some sort of shift in focus, themes, events, etc.
Depending on our chart will influence just how dramatic the transit it!
Remember that these are the KARMIC nodes! They kick up karma for the world, collective, and our personal lives.
In this segment, we review the transit and take a peek into how this 18 months will look for each of the 12 signs.
Aries: 17:48
Taurus: 19:37
Gemini: 23:03
Cancer: 25:22
Leo: 27:48
Virgo: 31:08
Libra: 32:33
Scorpio: 35:04
Sagittarius: 37:27
Capricorn: 39:27
Aquarius: 42:12
Pisces: 45:15
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
The full moon in Rohini nakshatra is coming in hot on November 27th 2023.
Rohini nakshatra is associated to the deity Brahma, who is revered as the creator of the Universe according to Sanātana Dharma. This asterism is favored and loved by many astrologers due to its sensuality, artistic expression, gentleness, and raw creative power.
This is an outstanding time to redirect our awareness and focus onto how we perceive and interact with the world around.
I share one of the most profound lessons I've learned in life and how the wisdom has empowered me to create my reality through how I choose to view the world.
Of course, we are still in the midst of Scorpio season. We spend time discussing how this period of time could impact us individually and explore how this fierce energy has been revealing itself in the media.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! It's that time of the year!
There are few things I love more than presenting my astrological research with you all. And I am thrilled to share some interesting information regarding the karmic controllers of Rahu and Ketu in the signs of Pisces and Virgo.
The karmic nodes of Rahu and Ketu bring deep and karmic matters to the surface both personally and globally.... The nodes shift signs every 18 months, making this a more rare and potent transit to analyze and assess.
In this segment, we go over multiple periods of time similar to that of which we will experience from November of 2023 to May of 2025. These consistencies will help us determine what we may experience in the months to come.
What will this next 18 month cycle have in store for us in regards to the collective?
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Libra.
This transit is important because it is our FINAL new moon while Rahu and Ketu, the karmic nodes, are still in the signs of Libra and Aries (at least according to the true node system!).
We discuss the symbolism of Vishakha, the energy to anticipate, and some of the deeper spiritual influences that give meaning to the planets.
We work through some personal reflection questions to contemplate the "Libran qualities" in our lives and prepare us for the next 18 month cycle.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy November! I can't believe that we have already made it here!
In this segment we discuss the VERY busy month of November.
We will experience many larger transits, including the shift of Rahu into the sign of Pisces and Ketu into the sign of Virgo 😱
Rahu and Ketu will only change signs once every 18 months. They will only be in these signs once every 18 or so years! This is a huge shift!
We spend time exploring the significance of Rahu and Ketu, their shift into the signs of Virgo and Pisces, and what we should be anticipating.
Of course, in the sidereal system it is also SCORPIO SEASON... which we obviously spend time discussing.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy eclipse season!
On this segment, I thought it could be helpful to remind everyone (including myself) of more or less auspicious activities for the eclipse.
Of course, all of this is from a Vedic lens and we spend some time discussing the philosophy behind eclipse practices.
We also spend time discussing superstition and finding balance between the ethereal thought and grounded reality.
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Welcome back to AstrologyNow.
We are preparing for our lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023. This is, honestly, a period of time I've been tracking since the beginning of the year with anticipation of it being particularly fiery!
Of course, we are already seeing intensity brewing and we can expect current themes to continue. This period of time is particularly important as it could directly impact leaders around the world...
Though this experience will likely initiate some storms here on earth (literally or not), for some of us - this truly can be an incredible time of new beginnings, opportunities, and a time of healing.
Ashwini is ruled by the physicians of the gods! This period of time could emphasize health and wellness in some capacity, and offer us tremendous opportunity to heal and support ourselves.
Learn how this eclipse may impact you!
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone!
Happy Friday the 13th and day of Freya! 💃🏻❤️💫 Are you ready for the eclipse on October 14, 2023?
In this segment we do some eclipse reflection, manifestation practice, and take some time to philosophize together.
In order to welcome in and manifest, it's so important to properly reflect on the past and allow ourselves to fully release from both our mind and our body. (I share a practice that my therapist always recommends... shaking it out!)
The state of the world is heavy, scary, and uncertain during this moment of time. We take a moment to settle, ground, and connect from a space of love.
I hope you find this supportive!
Work with Christine:
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy eclipse season, folks!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming solar eclipse in the nakshatra of Chitra.
Chitra is ruled by Mars and associated to the celestial architect. This is an amazing time to embrace creative liberty over our lives, connect with our dharma, and focus on our spiritual practices.
This eclipse marks the end of a 6 month cycle and is preparing us for the wrapping up of an entire 18 month cycle! This is a monumental time of self-reflection, contemplation, and release.
We spend time discussing how this energy may impact us on a personal level, the global climate, and briefly run through how this eclipse will impact each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about the Vedic Coaching Program!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! I can NOT believe that we are already to OCTOBER of 2023!
First, time truly does fly and I hope you all are preparing for a beautiful transition into fall! I love this season and I hope you all have a nice "fall cleaning" and really utilize the time to surrender, release, and let go of what's been weighing on your shoulders.
Second, this is the month that I (personally) have been waiting for all year. If you've had a personal reading with me, I've been discussing this Ketu/Mars combination that will take place! This is a truly hot, fiery, passionate... and also combustible energy that I believe WE ALL should be aware of!
This month is truly one of the more intense months of 2023 and I think it will come with some significant events globally and for many of us in our personal lives.
In this segment we dive into this potent eclipse season and what it may bring for the masses. I anticipate this to be quite a rocky ride and I share the astrological reason as to why I believe this to be.
Eclipses are powerful and intrinsically karmic in nature. Could this be a time of karmic reckoning - for better or for worse?
Has anything been evolving in your own life? Leave a comment or review on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen!
Work with Christine:
Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about the Vedic Coaching Program!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Happy Friday!
On this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon that takes place in the sidereal sign of Pisces on September 29, 2023.
This is an outstanding period of time that we are entering and this full moon could certainly provoke some necessary changes or initiation for some of us!
Uttara Bhadrapada is the nakshatra that the full moon will take place in. This asterism is associated with fortune, luck, and being blessed - while also being associated to a funeral cot.
There is so much rich symbolism to explore with this full moon! We take time discussing the astrological influences (some of the most intense of the year...), exploring Vedic references, and philosophizing on the cyclical nature of our material reality.
This full moon is preparing us for one of the more intense transits of the year and falls right after the fall equinox.
This is certainly a reminder for a "fall cleaning", releasing what is no longer essential in life, taking control of what we can, and finding equanimity in what we cant...
Work with Christine:
Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about the Vedic Coaching Program!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
In this segment we discuss the transit of Jupiter retrograde between September 4th - December 30th 2023.
Jupiter is the planet of truth, virtue, moral, and "right and wrong". This planet has so much to do with law! Jupiter is also a planet that is related to wealth, abundance, prosperity, and therefore the economy.
This planet is retrograde in the fiery, impulsive, independent, and mars-ruled sign of Aries.
I see this period as really emphasizing law and order, revisions amongst rules, and overall ethics. I also believe there will be a lot of focus on guns, firearms, and weaponry - due to this being a pretty big theme for the sign of Aries.
There could also be new advancements in health and wellness and perhaps more focus on homeopathy as well.
We can't forget that Jupiter is about leaders and gurus. This could be a period where information is coming out about leaders of all kinds. It's also possible that false gurus are exposed or their moral principles are being called to question. In a positive note, true teachers will feel more inspired to lead, create, and share their knowledge.
Aries is so independent. It's an excellent reminder to tap back into the guru within your heart. We are never taught to trust our self and personal instincts or even our own knowledge! We live in a system where knowledge and intelligence is often outsourced elsewhere. This is a powerful time to practice tapping into your own inner knowing first.
Aries: 29:35
Taurus: 30:14
Gemini: 31:06
Cancer: 31:51
Leo: 32:36
Virgo: 33:30
Libra: 34:26
Scorpio: 35:22
Sagittarius: 36:32
Capricorn: 37:34
Aquarius: 38:26
Pisces: 39:54
Work with Christine:
Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about the Vedic Coaching Program!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Welcome back to AstrologyNow!
Wow... this Mercury retrograde is REALLY making itself evident with world leaders as anticipated! We spend some time reviewing the astrology and covering current events. Let's see what happens when Mercury directs on September 14th.
In addition to Mercury RX, we also look at Saturn in Aquarius creating the strong focus on artificial intelligence as well as contributing to coups around the world.
The new moon coming up on September 14th will be in the sign of Leo, in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni.
This is actually a *beautiful* new moon and reminds us the importance of living an authentic life.
There are so many events through life that can have a negative impact on our own ability to accept ourselves, our dreams, and our potential.
This new moon can offer insight, clarity, and confidence in working through some of those illusionary obstacles and connect us back to our core.
Listen to the full segment for more!
Work with Christine:
Sign up for a discovery call to learn more about the Vedic Coaching Program!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome back to AstrologyNow!
On this segment we look at the month of September 2023 and discuss how the transits this month will likely contribute to some pretty big changes we see occur into the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024.
Special events this month:
- Venus goes direct (release the confetti!) September 3rd
- Jupiter retrogrades September 4th - December 30th
- New Moon on September 14th
- Mercury goes direct September 15th
- Full Moon on September 29th
Learn more about these transits and how they will influence you and the collective in the full segment!
Learn how these transits will influence your zodiac sign at patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Learn more at https://www.innerknowing.yoga/inner-knowing-vedic-coaching-program
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Happy Friday.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon on August 30, 2023.
This full moon will be in the sidereal sign of Aquarius which is all about futuristic thinking, pioneering ideas, health, science, and communal evolution.
The nakshatra will be Shatabhisha, which is known as the hundred healers. With everything happening in the night sky, there is a major influence on our health and wellness individually but also as a collective! There could also be major scientific breakthroughs, discoveries, or announcements around this period of time. This is *an amazing* time to focus on individual health goals and kicking bad habits for good!
This is also a star that has an association to "a veil"... if could be a time of truths being revealed for ourselves or the collective.
In this segment we also discuss the current retrogrades and how they are influencing global events.
There is *a lot* going on. So don't be too surprised if you're feeling a little stuck, confused, or in analysis paralysis! One of the best parts about astrology is knowing when certain climates will end... so if you're being retrograde-influenced, just take this time to be easy on don't expect yourself to make perfect, quick decisions!
Retrograde Dates:
Venus: July 22 - Sept 3
Mercury: August 23 - Sept 15
Saturn: July 17 - Nov 4
Listen to the full segment for more!
Work with Christine
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
There is currently a LOT of significant movement happening in the night sky. As above, so below! With intensity brewing in the cosmos, it makes sense that we will experience some intensity here on earth as well!
The planet Mars will move into the sign of Virgo from August 18th - October 3rd. This is a big transit for focusing on health, wellness, and longevity. However, this is also a period where we should pay close attention to our own wellness and the wellness of our communities. This is also a time to be extra mindful with water, oil, and gas.
Mercury will retrograde from August 23rd - September 15th. This transit, as usual, could bring challenges to electronics, communication, and travel. But this is also a period to closely watch CEOs, bosses, and those in power. Leo is the kingdom! It's possible leaders will be challenged at this time or even have information shared about them that could come as a surprise.
In addition to Mars and Mercury, we continue our discussion on Venus retrograde and introduce the movement of the karmic nodes of Rahu and Ketu.
Learn more in the full segment!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the mystical sign of Ashlesha naksahtra.
This new moon will stir many deep seated emotions, invoke intense experiences, and offer an opportunity to heal on subtle and karmic levels.
The nakshatra of Ashlesha is associated to tantric, kundalini energy and can offer opportunities to go deep into our spiritual practices - whether they be asana, pranayama, or prayer.
Ashlesha is the "clinging star" and reminds us to assess what in life we should be holding more close to our chest. Similarly, what may we be clinging onto too strongly? Are we suffocating what we want most to thrive?
This nakshatra is also associated to a serpent. Like the venom of a serpent, in some doses it could be medicinal - while in others it could be fatal. Where in life are we needing to walk the middle path?
Be mindful as this moon can also spur feelings of jealousy, control, paranoia, and resentment. It's best to instead lean into the positive qualities of this new moon...
We dive deep into how this period of time may impact us individually and also as a collective.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday!
In this segment we discuss the month of August 2023.
This month is, arguably, one of the most intense and heated months of the year! Literally and metaphorically!
With multiple planets retrograde and multiple planets in gandanta degrees - we can surely anticipate some drama around the world! Miscommunication, issues from the past, criticism and judgement will certainly be afoot in regards to leaders of all kinds!
With Mars entering the sign of Virgo, this is a time where health and wellness will become a focal point... This is the time to take impeccable care of your vitality and physical body.
It is helpful to remember that times of intensity can be approached as running in sand for our spiritual progress... This is a training period!
It's of utmost importance to be mindful with communication, connection, and karmic matters surfacing to heal and release.
This month will likely kick off intensity that will follow into the months ahead.
We know that the year of 2024 will likely change everything for the United States and the WORLD! But how are events now lining up for such change to occur?
Hear how all of these retrogrades and gandantas will influence your zodiac sign at patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome back to AstrologyNow! As always, we are so grateful to have you!
On this segment we discuss the beautiful full moon in Shravana nakshatra that will reign us in for the month of August.
Shravana is all about "hearing the unheard" and tapping into the sides of life that go unseen.
When we think about it, some of the most compelling parts of life are intangible: faith, joy, Spirit, trust, love...
How can we connect with these intangible, yet highly inspirational, facets of our lives with more clarity and authenticity?
What may be clouding the eye of our inner awareness and keeping us from fully enjoying our life as it currently is?
In this podcast we continue this discussion and explore what this full moon may elicit on a global and personal level.
I hope that you enjoy it!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Happy Day of Venus! 💫
Today we discuss the upcoming transit of Venus retrograde.
What happens when the planet of love moves backwards?!
Venus is the planet of love, romance, and relationship. When this planet turns retrograde - it is a time to reflect, review, and reassess all things love!
Venus retrograde always offers a profound time of potential healing and release... particularly in regards to matters of the heart.
This period is also notorious for bringing exes back into the picture, people emerging from the past, past life connections being discovered, or stirring old and latent wounds.
How can we use this time to advance spiritually, emotionally, and karmically?
Listen to the full segment to hear this forecast and contemplations!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone!
The new moon is amongst us and we are fortunate to have a lovely beacon on the horizon!
Though the energy of July can still be intense for many, we are being offered a moment to pause, reflect, and generate a sense of renewal in ourselves and for the world around us.
This new moon will be in the asterism of Punarvasu within the sidereal sign of Cancer.
Punarvasu is steeped in regenerative energy and reminds us to reflect on the cycles and patterns that are upholding our daily lives.
This nakshatra is associated to Aditi, the divine mother, who offers abundance, prosperity, and fortune - and also has a connotation to the cyclical nature of our reality.
Nothing is ever meant to stay the same. Change is inevitable. But just as change is inevitable, the promise of renewal and regrowth is imminent. It is always just a matter of time...
In this segment we dive deeper into the significance of Punarvasu as an asterism as well as what to be mindful of moving further into the month of July.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Friday, everyone!
July is *quite the eventful month*. I believe this month will be influential in how the rest of the year shapes up! So certainly pay attention!
If you've been listening to AstrologyNow, we have been discussing the first Pluto return of the United States and what that could look like. The exact return will occur in the fall of 2024. (Interesting.)
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth.
Capricorn is the sign of government structures, economy, and currency.
It's been incredibly fascinating to observe as these talking points become more and more prominent with the rise of cryptocurrency and the push to digitize wealth!
In terms of government, as individuals wake up the injustices of the system, more and more people are demanding a change.
All of that to say, if we KNOW big change is on the horizon - how will events unfold to lead to this massive transit occurring in 2024?
In this segment we also discuss the transit of Mars in Leo, which will increase ones ability to be courageous in their personal affairs and support us in bold action.
Venus will also retrograde, and is notorious for bringing exes back from the past, past life companions, or relationship patterns to reassess.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for July - listen to the full segment for more!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Friday! And happy full moon as we discuss one of the BEST days of the year... in my humble opinion, of course!
This full moon in the sidereal sign of Sagittarius marks the very special day of Guru Purnima. This is the day of honoring our teachers, mentors, guides, or anyone in life who has acted as an inspiration.
Remember that "guru" translates to "dispeller of ignorance". A guru can be anyone who has supported us in bringing light to darkness within our consciousness...
It is a day to humbly remind ourselves of the grace received in life and how precious the gift of knowledge truly is.
We spend time discussing the light of the full moon as well as the upcoming gandanta transits.
Gandanta refers to "drowning" or a "spiritual knot". As planets pass through gandanta degrees, knots of karma can seem to unravel in our lives and in the world around.
This is a profound time of releasing ourselves from patterns that have kept us bound in the past.
Listen to the full segment for more!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday or day of Venus!
Today we discuss the transit of Saturn and what to expect during this period of Saturn retrograde.
Saturn is the planet of karmic retribution, delays, challenges, responsibility, burdens, and restrictions. However, Saturn is also the planet that rewards hard work, represents instilled wisdom, creates structure and safety, and provides us with longevity. Saturn really isn't all bad!... But we should always be a little cautious when assessing the Great Malefic!
Saturn in Aquarius will bring focus and emphasis to humanitarian pursuits and righting wrongs of the past. Aquarius will also bring a focus to health and wellness, space exploration, and general focus on all things "futuristic". As Saturn retrogrades, the energy of Saturn intensifies. That said, we may see even more powerful groups coming together, new and futuristic innovations, and perhaps even some new technology with health and vitality. In this segment we discuss what else to watch out for collectively.
On a personal level, it's an opportunity to reflect on limitations, boundaries, or challenges we have been facing in life. Are the limitations we are experiencing truly external? Or are they in our perception of the world? We spend time philosophizing on what SaturnRX could mean personally AND what it means for each of the 12 signs.
Follow along here:
Aries: 25:06
Taurus: 27:00
Gemini: 29:19
Cancer: 31:46
Leo: 34:26
Virgo: 36:27
Libra: 39:32
Scorpio: 41:56
Sagittarius: 43:47
Capricorn: 46:35
Aquarius: 48:39
Pisces: 50:36
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Friday, everyone!
This week we have a very special new moon in the sidereal sign of Gemini, Mrigashira nakshatra, on June 17, 2023.
Mrigashira is symbolized by the head of a deer, ruled by the planet Mars, and associated to Soma and the deity of Brahma.
Soma represents the bliss within us while Brahma is literally the god of creation. This nakshatra is very much associated to following bliss, seeking happiness, and chasing fulfillment of the heart. The Mars influence makes this nakshatra extremely passion driven while the influence of Brahma stirs a deep and intrinsic creative impulse.
All of that to say, this new moon is particularly potent for touching the center of the heart and connecting with your true and deep desires. The creative potential is so supportive for intention setting or practices of manifestation.
However, the energy of the deer can make this a time of feeling scattered, distracted, or timid. Be mindful to stay grounded and regulated without making any decisions that are too quick or impulsive...
We discuss this new moon in length and also review other astrological on-goings.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday interview!
You're not going to want to miss this one!
In this segment we interview James Braha, yet again, for another amazing and insightful segment.
Pluto is a massively powerful planet that is not often discussed in Vedic astrology. Pluto is the planet of control, power, destruction, death and rebirth, metamorphosis, and fate.
Today we discuss the planet Pluto when aspecting different planets in a horoscope.
It's important to remember that the chart should always be read holistically - but this podcast should still leave you with a lot to contemplate and explore for yourself.
James Braha:
Part One of Pluto through the Houses:
Interview playlist:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, pluto, James Braha
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Scorpio in Jyeshta nakshatra.
This is an extremely potent full moon! The sign of Scorpio invokes deep transformation, change, and expansion - while also being notorious for stirring fear, anxiety, and instability!
It's fascinating that what generally PREVENTS us from change is fear and that both of these are each sides to the coin of Scorpio... which side will you choose during this full moon week?
Don't forget that the karma control planets of Mars and Venus will be conjunct in Cancer during this period of time... Cancer is the sign of the home, land, real estate, the mother, and *the homeland*. This could certainly create instability and perhaps even discord emerging within countries and their citizens. In our own personal lives, there may be some themes around these cancerian matters...
We dive deeper into other astrological events and what we may anticipate for the collective. We briefly review some current events and demonstrate their astrological correlations.
Please keep in mind that I discuss how all of these transits will impact you personally at patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Friday!
In this segment we cover the "main" transits for the month of June 2023 and spend time assessing the month holistically.
There are a few main themes this month, but perhaps the most notable is the planet Venus!... The planet of love and romance is on the move and will become rather pronounced and emphasized. Matters of the heart may really come to the forefront and it may be a time of confronting issues around security, safety, and stability in love and romance. We discuss what we can expect and how to best channel our own energy.
We also explore the new and full moon, the conjunction of Rahu and Jupiter, and the retrograde of Saturn in the sidereal Aquarius. Will one of these transits influence you the most? If you have not yet already, please calculate your free Vedic birth chart at innerknowing.yoga
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, mrigashira, jyestha, rohini
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Taurus, in the nakshatra of Krittika.
Taurus is the sign of stability, routine, structure, resources, and wealth. Of course, it is also a sign of creature comforts and sensuality.
This is a profound time to introduce beauty and luxury into our daily lives OR to find balance in our relationship to sensual pursuits.
Krittika means "to cut" and has a sharper edge to it. It is also governed by Agni, the god of fire. Krittika represents a penetrating perception, seeing clearly, and also the fire of transformation. We spend time exploring how this fire can relate to our lives and how to use it to our advantage - despite sometimes being uncomfortable.
We also take time discussing the movement of the outer planets and how this could influence finances and the economy in the upcoming years.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday!
May is a pretty eventful month that we should all be paying special attention to.
The planet Mars, who governs war and frustration, will be debilitated from May 10th - June 30th. This could certainly shake things up for the collective and may bring about some tension and controversy. Mars is a great planet for managing aggression and warfare. When it is afflicted, these areas of life are less likely to be managed with intelligence and pragmatism. In this segment, we discuss some areas of life to be mindful of to avoid any unnecessary challenges or stress.
We will see Mercury direct, Venus move into the flirty and fun sign of Gemini, and we will have a new moon in Taurus - putting an emphasis on finances, economy, and security.
Learn how all of these transits will impact your sign at patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse,
Hi everyone! Welcome to Friday!
In this segment we host an amazing guest, Ryan Kurczak, to discuss the nebulous, mysterious, and notorious - retrogrades!
The concept of retrograde planets gets thrown around a lot! I'm sure almost everyone we meet on a day to day basis has a fundamental understanding of Mercury being retrograde.
But what does it TRULY mean to have planets retrograde in our birth chart? What will be influenced? Will it be challenging?... Helpful? Ryan and I discuss how retrograde planets may operate in a birth chart as well as how they may impact the collective.
This is a phenomenal podcast for anyone with retrograde planets in their birth chart and are looking to take their understanding to the next level.
To contact Ryan Kurczak:
Kriya Yoga:
Learn Astrology with Ryan Kurczak:
Playlist with Ryan Kurczak:
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, Ryan Kurczak
Hello everyone! Welcome back to eclipse season..
In this segment we discuss the upcoming astrological influence of the lunar eclipse that will take place on May 5, 2023. This lunar eclipse is occurring in the sidereal sign of Libra - continuing to invoke karma around relationships, connections, and our sense of individuality.
The eclipse will occur in the nakshatra of Vishakha, marking the holiday of Narasimha Jayanti! This is a phenomenal time to call on healing for struggles, disputes, ailments, conflict, or simply need hope and inspiration.
We take time discussing confidence and will power and how to redirect focus to our own personal lives and capabilities, instead of dwelling on matters we have no control over.
At the end of the segment we briefly review where the eclipse will occur for each sign and how it may impact them, but please do sign up for patreon if you're interested in more thorough readings.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hi everyone! Today is the day! FINALLY!
*Please note in this podcast, we spend time talking about Jupiter in Aries IN GENERAL and then get to personal horoscopes. Please be sure to listen to the first 31 minutes before tuning into your personal horoscope so that you don't miss anything!
I've been looking forward to this transit! Jupiter in Aries is (almost) always a time to celebrate. This transit marks a time of exciting new beginnings, creative impulse, and overall zeal.
Jupiter will be in Aries from April 21, 2023 - May 2, 2024.
What is important to note is that from April - November, Jupiter will be with the planet Rahu. In traditional Vedic astrology, this is considered an affliction and will alter the results of Jupiter to some extent.
I like to explain it this way: Jupiter is ALWAYS trying to act like Jupiter. Meaning, it will always be trying to bring blessings, growth, and expansion. Other aspects may just influence how that happens. That said, Rahu with Jupiter will create this buzz of excitement and electricity in whichever house they are transiting, and we must also be mindful of our own dealings, karmic entanglements, and how we go about achieving said expansion.
From November 2023 - May 2024, the energy of Jupiter is a little bit more clear, but due to the aspect of Saturn - we may just find that in order to achieve the expansion, we must offer devotion, work, and commitment that Saturn requires. But it will be well worth the effort to receive the amazing benefits from Jupiter!
We discuss it all in this podcast and I hope you find it helpful! HAPPY JUPITER IN ARIES
Aries: 31:31
Taurus: 35:31
Gemini: 38:54
Cancer: 42:29
Leo: 46:24
Virgo: 50:50
Libra: 55:18
Scorpio: 59:51
Sagittarius: 1:04:00
Capricorn: 1:08:00
Aquarius: 1:13:00
Pisces: 1:17:00
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Welcome to Eclipse Season 2023!
In the sidereal system of astrology, this eclipse will take place in the sign of ARIES.
Aries is the hot, bold, passionate, initiating, quick, fiery sign of the zodiac! Aries embodies new beginnings, fresh starts, and creative impulse. However, Aries is also regarded as the sign of war and is associated to immaturity, impulsivity, combustibility, and aggression.
This is certainly a time to be mindful of violence, accidents, injuries, or outbursts...
Eclipses are notoriously a time of moving from us from one era into the next. For many of us, this eclipse has the potential to shape our life path in a significant way. As mentioned, Aries is all about fresh starts. So even on an emotional or energetic level, this period of time holds the potential to heal baggage from the past to step more freely and courageously into the future.
On a global level, this is certainly a time where the cosmic waters may rock our boat BUT I do believe we are preparing to transition from one "way of being" into the next as we move through this period of time as a collective. I truly do believe it's the beginning of an era!
We spend time talking about why that may be in this podcast!
With Jupiter moving into Aries, we will continue to see a huge focus on the stock market, economy, and "futuristic" ways of handling wealth. The digitizing of money will continuously be a topic of interest and new, futuristic ways of approaching investments and finances is on the horizon. We will continue talking about this in future segments!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Eclipse season, y'all!
This is a monumental month for 2023! And, honestly, recent history in general!
This month we will see Jupiter transit into the sign of Aries, Mercury retrograde, and the beginning of eclipse season!
Jupiter (the Guru) moving from the final sign of Pisces and into the first sign of Aries is a great time of finalities and endings - but also grand new beginnings! This transit occurring so close to the eclipse is bound to bring some chapters to a close while opening the door for exciting new journeys.
Have you felt that change is amongst you? Have you felt a little restless and have some intuitive nudge that something big is about to happen?
Well you might just be onto something! For ALL of us, our lives are about to shift in some way!
In this segment we discuss how these transits may impact us individually and collectively. In our upcoming segments we will dive in a little more deeply to the eclipse and Jupiter in Aries.
This truly is a time of beginnings and endings... be open and receptive to what is being offered to you now!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
I am so grateful to be typing this from the stunning mountains of New Mexico!
This week we spend time discussing the upcoming energy of the full moon and ways to channel the energy effectively. This is our last full moon before the upcoming eclipse! Notice how energy begins to shift and change.
The full moon in Virgo marks the holiday of Hanuman Jayanti. Hanuman is the son of Vayu, the god of the wind. He is a major player in the Ramayana and represents bhakti and devotion. This is a beautiful time to focus on integrity, devotion, service, and strength. We spend time particularly focusing on aligning with integrity and creating a life of meaning and ease.
It is important to note that the actual birthday of Hanuman is when the moon is in Chitra nakshatra, but for the exact time of the full moon (at least for the US), we are considering Hasta.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Happy Firday!
Today we discuss the atmakaraka in Vedic astrology and what it can represent in your birth chart.
"Atma" means "soul" and "karaka" means "significator". This means that the atmakaraka is literally indicative of the soul and what this lifetime is meant to teach, instill, and inspire.
Each atmakaraka comes with a series of gifts and skills, but also lessons and karmic themes.
In this segment we dive into the meaning of the atmakaraka, how to find it in your birth chart, and spend time exploring what each planet could represent in a birth chart.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Welcome to another Friday!
In this segment we discuss some major transits coming up in the next few weeks.
The combined energy is a culmination point of change, shedding layers, and potential chaos.
The Vedic New Year offers an opportunity to celebrate the beginning of yet another sacred cycle. This event is also used to create an entire birth chart for the month ahead! In this segment we take a look into the chart and decipher how it could impact the collect for the year to come.
We also explore the notorious transit of Mars in Gemini. What happens when the heated, passionate, and direct energy of Mars combines forces with the airy, flighty sign of Gemini?
Finally, we continue our discussion on love being part of the spiritual path and what we can expect from Venus conjunct Rahu.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone!
In this segment we explore two of the major cycles of Saturn.
Saturn is the planet of weight, heaviness, restriction, delay, hard work, commitment, cruelty, and karmic retribution.
Saturn is also the slowest moving of the, traditionally used, planets and therefore packs quite the punch with his movement. It's no wonder that ancient seers developed tools to track his movement and predict how these transits could impact us!
Both Saturn return and Sade Sati are quite notorious in the Vedic astrology world.
Saturn return marks a period of time when Saturn completes a full cycle around our birth chart to return to its original point from when we were born. This event usually occurs around the ages of 28-30, and again around 58-60.
Sade Sati is a 7.5 year cycle where Saturn is transiting the sign before, the sign of, and the sign after the moon. That said, it is important to know where your moon is placed in the Vedic system so that you may track this movement accurately.
Learn more about these two major cycles in this podcast!
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday.
In this segment we discuss some of the major transits for March of 2023 and how this could impact us personally as well as globally.
This is truly one of the most intense months of the year. We take time exploring the sign of Pisces, the spiritual implications of chaos, and what we may anticipate for this month.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday interview!
In this segment we interview one of my personal favorites, James Braha.
James is an amazing teacher, astrologer, author, and guide. I was fortunate enough to meet James at the Sedona Vedic Astrology Conference, and I've been hooked ever since!
Today we discuss the planet of Pluto and how Pluto can operate when placed in various houses in a birth chart.
Pluto is a planet of intensity and represents death and rebirth. Depending on where Pluto is located in our birth charts, it will yield various results. James and I explore how Pluto may operate when placed throughout the 12 houses, giving an example for each possible placement.
It's important to remember that the chart should always be read holistically - but this podcast should still leave you with a lot to contemplate and explore for yourself.
James Braha:
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon, pluto, James Braha
Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon energy in the sidereal sign of Shatabhishak.
Aquarius is an eccentric sign that is quite futuristic in nature and has a particular disdain for cultural norms and regulations. The nakshatra of Shatabhishak, held within Aquarius, truly exudes these qualities to a heightened extend.
Shatabhishak has an association to the underdogs of society, the outcasts, or those who have been "cancelled". However, this asterism is also associated to healing, medicine, psychic awareness, and deep perceptivity.
This new moon may bring some interesting news to the surface that could result in deeper perceptivity and heightened awareness. Though, we should also be mindful of images being challenged or information being unintentionally shared. We may also see people coming together to share dissatisfaction with the powers that be.
In this segment we also explore other important astrological on goings and what we can expect for the rest of the month, globally and personally.
Work with Christine:
Sign up for our fundamentals course!
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, new moon
Back by popular demand!
Welcome Ryan Kurczak back to AstrologyNow to discuss the yugas, collective consciousness, and how to better navigate modern day life!
A "yuga" is considered to be an age of time according to eastern, Hindu philosophy.
During various ages, we will experience heights or limitations in regards to human consciousness and our potential. Ryan helps us philosophize and explore on the ages and how to approach our modern world to best support our dharmic path.
To contact Ryan Kurczak:
Kriya Yoga:
Learn Astrology with Ryan Kurczak:
Playlist on the Nodes from Ryan Kurczak:
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, Ryan Kurczak
Hello everyone!
In this segment we explore the month of February.
We will see a full moon in Ashlesha nakshatra, new moon in Shatabhishak, Mercury and Sun in Aquarius, and an exalted Venus in Pisces.
On a global level, this month can still bring about some intensity for world leaders, change makers, and the economy.
Mercury in Capricorn is certainly creating a more serious energy around wealth, finances, and stability. We can expect this to be a theme for the month with a focus on finding solutions and strategy.
Venus entering Pisces is a beautiful placement. This placement reminds us to tune into the heart and tap into an endless and unconditional love... We just have to be extra mindful of rose colored glasses and the tendency to fantasize!
Learn more about the movement of the planets in this full segment!
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, full moon, new year, yearly predictions
Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss some of the most influential and powerful transits for the year of 2023.
With the movement of Saturn into the sign of Aquarius, Jupiter in Aries, Rahu in Ashwini - there is a lot of shift that we can expect to see in the world this year! This is truly a turning of a chapter and the beginning of a new era.
I always love this time of year because it also gives me an opportunity to share research I've found, consistencies, and patterns throughout time. With this information, we can have more awareness on what we can anticipate on both a personal and collective level.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, full moon, new year, yearly predictions
Hello everyone! Happy new moon in the sidereal Capricorn!
Capricorn is the sign of the government, finances, and economy. Globally, this new moon may bring more a focus, changes, or shifts in regards to these areas of life! The Sun represents leaders of all kinds. Being in the Saturn-Ruled-Sign of Capricorn, as well as it's current position in the sky, leaders may also be under some pressure!
On a personal level, for the past 2.5 - 3 years, there has been a huge focus on the sign of Capricorn in our personal lives as Saturn sat heavy in this sign. This new moon offers us an opportunity to reflect on themes, changes, wins, or challenges for the past few years and integrate any of the major lessons learned during this period of time.
Uttara Ashadha literally relates to being "victorious" or "undefeatable". The god associated with Uttara Ashadha is Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. In this segment, we take some time philosophizing on success, defeat, and how the shift in perception could change what obstacles mean to us.
Listen to the full segment to hear more and sign up for patreon - patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast to learn how these shifts will impact you.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, New Year, reflections, intention setting
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday the 13th!
Please do not forget that I am hosting a 2023 Predictions workshop on January 22.
You can sign up here: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/2023-prediction-workshop
In this podcast we continue our conversation about the planet Saturn when transiting the sign of Aquarius. Saturn will be in the sidereal sign of Aquarius from January 17, 2023 - March 30, 2025.
The planets are constantly turning, so no two years will ever be the same. That said, we really pay attention to the year of 2023 and how the influence of Saturn will impact each of the 12 signs for this duration of time.
Saturn is all about limitations, challenges, hard work, and effort... BUT Saturn will always reward those who truly devote themselves for a greater cause. Let's dive in and see how the 12 signs will be impacted!
Aries: 7:58
Taurus: 11:20
Gemini: 14:43
Cancer: 18:19
Leo: 22:19
Virgo: 25:27
Libra: 29:07
Scorpio: 33:19
Sagittarius: 37:02
Capricorn: 41:17
Aquarius: 45:02
Pisces: 48:15
patreon - patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, Saturn, Sade sati, Saturn return
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday.
Today we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal nakshatra of Punarvasu.
Punarvasu is governed by the goddess Aditi and associated to "returning of the light". This is a bright and hopeful asterism that offers so much abundance, nourishment, and support with our New Years resolutions, goals, or intentions.
In this segment we discuss this moon in depth and discuss a method of manifestation that was generously taught to me.
We also discuss the MAJOR shift that will occur January 17th! This cycle will have a profound impact on our world as well as in our personal lives. We can anticipate our culture, climate, and governments to really begin shifting and changing.
Listen to the full segment to hear more and sign up for patreon - patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast to learn how these shifts will impact you.
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, New Year, reflections, intention setting
Hello everyone! Happy New Year!
Oh my gosh -I can NOT believe we are already to New Years Eve!
I hope that you all are percolating and contemplating what you would like to release and let go of for 2022, and brimming with the possibilities for 2023! And if not, perhaps this segment can support you in getting started.
In this segment we do a brief astrological review for 2022 as well as go over each sign and the major transits they experienced this year. At the end, we spend time contemplating and processing events from the year, and beginning the reflection of process of how we would like to move forward.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all in the New Year! I feel so much immense gratitude for another year with you and AstrologyNow, and I'm so looking forward to continue to serving you in the future.
EDIT: At some point I refer to the conjunction of rahu/uranus/mars and accidentally say Neptune! please disregard.
Time Stamps for the Signs REVIEW:
Aries: 11:46
Taurus: 12:11
Gemini: 12:48
Cancer: 13:26
Leo: 14:31
Virgo: 15:33
Libra: 16:33
Scorpio: 17:42
Sagittarius: 19:31
Capricorn: 20:53
Aquarius: 22:51
Pisces: 24:19
💫END THE ZODIAC AT 25:15💫 - Resume here to hear important notifications on transits that will still impact you in 2023 some months.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, New Year, reflections, intention setting
Hello everyone! Happy Friday and happy new moon 🌚
I'm so excited to share my interview with my favorite tarot reader, Chris - or - Tarotexegete.
Chris is a writer, tarot reader, occultist, symbol seeker, and ex-seminary student. He weaves his knowledge of symbolism with history, religion, spirituality, and modern psychology - offering readings that are holistic and deeply insightful. I am always floored with his interpretations and deep understanding of the tarot.
In our hour together we explore philosophy of the craft, how Chris was introduced to tarot + his journey with religion, and our contemplations on HOW energy moves through us to assist us in pulling appropriate cards.
I hope that you enjoy it!
Chris | Tarotexegete
Instagram (to follow and book readings):
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon, tarot
Hello everyone! I can not believe we are experiencing our FINAL NEW MOON of 2022!
This is such a beautiful time to reflect on the year, center ourselves, and redirect our focus to where we would like to build.
This new moon brings a dark, mysterious, and potent energy.
Truths will be revealed in the world around us - and there is the potential for the illumination of truth within ourselves as well.
If you've struggled with trusting your intuition, inner guidance, or "gut" - this period of time offers an opportunity to contemplate why that may be. We are all gifted with incredible intuition and connection to an "inner knowing"... but what may be keeping us from truly connecting with that inner compass? We talk more in the full segment.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, new moon
Hello everyone!
Whew! What a week! My teacher was in town and my days were filled with conversation, puja, practice, and service. I'm still buzzing with the cherished company!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transits for December of 2022. Sagittarius season is amongst us which fills the air with a need for freedom, philosophical stimulation, and Truth. For all of us seekers - this is an amazing time to reconnect with our spiritual practices, take time to philosophize, or take a journey to gain perspective.
However, we need to also remember that this sign is one of the most radical and dogmatic. This will be a month where we could expect to see conflict and tension in regards to belief systems, ethics, or what we perceive to be True.
At the end of the month, the notorious Mercury retrograde will occur, causes us to reflect on our belief systems and what governs our lives. We will have a podcast going deeper into this - but mark your calendars showing that mRx is amongst us!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde,
Hello everyone! Welcome to another day of Venus!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon on December 7th, 2022 in the sidereal sign of Taurus.
The full moon is a time of release and letting go - which is always a fortunate reminder to have once a month. If there has been anything you've been wanting to sever ties with or energetically let go of - this could offer some sweet support.
This particular moon will reside in the lunar mansion of Rohini, known for it's divine creativity, fertility, sensuality, and beauty. That said, there is so much to contemplate when it comes to creation, manifestation, and development.
In this segment we take time discussing the astrological significance of the current sky as well as ponder ways to co-create with the Universe to bring our goals to life.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde,
Hello everyone!
This week we spend more time exploring relationship, compatibility, and synastry in Vedic Astrology - with one of my favorite teachers, Dr. Andrew Foss
As Dr. Foss mentions in the segment, life is complex! Therefore it only makes sense that astrology and synastry can be equally as complicated as we learn to decode the stars.
Dr. Foss shares practical ways to utilize Vedic Astrology and spirituality that can help us better understand compatibility between charts and synergy between people. In our conversation, we also explore how to view and approach relationship in a way that promotes overall healing, understanding, and compassion in connection. Finally, we discuss karmic connections, Rahu, Ketu, and what "binds us" in love.
Dr. Foss is the president of the British Association for Vedic Astrology as well at the author of Yoga of the Planets. Dr. Foss has also developed the software Jyotistar which is available at his website: https://www.vedicsoftware.com
I am so endlessly grateful to Dr. Foss, his knowledge, his kindness, and his generosity that allowed time with us today.
Dr. Foss:
Website: https://www.vedicsoftware.com
Book: https://www.yogaoftheplanets.com
Jyotistar: https://www.vedicsoftware.com
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, Dr. Andrew Foss
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday!
On this segment we discuss the current astrological climate and what we can anticipate for the next few weeks. We spend time exploring Mars retrograde, Jupiter direct, and the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Scorpio.
The new moon takes place once a month and always offers a time of intention setting and starting fresh... this cycle is particularly potent as the new moon will occur in the sign of Scorpio. The moon is considered debilitated in this sign and could stir deep emotions or dig things up that were hidden in the past - globally or personally.
Eclipse season shook a lot up for most of us! This is a time to evaluate the themes, transitions, or epiphanies had and use that information to set new ventures into motion - while releasing what has not worked. The nakshatra of Anuradha offers an amazing reminder to assess what we stay devoted to in our lives amongst the chaos of change.
We dive deeper in the full segment 🐍
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde,
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
I've been sick and under the weather and unsure of if I was going to post a podcast this week. I ultimately decided that posting SOMETHING would be better than nothing at all... so I hope you enjoy my bedside contemplations.
Many of you know about my fascination with love, romance, and intimacy as a spiritual path. Whether an individual is in our life for a reason, season, or lifetime - each soul we come into contact with can have the profound ability to reveal facets of patterning to ourselves or even shift our perceptive forever.
In this segment we ramble, explore connection as a mode of growth, and discuss some common questions.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse
Hello everyone!
Unfortunately, I am sick. But what a better way to recoup than with some Ryan Kurczak! Of course, Ryan was gracious enough to let me repost this older gem so that I could rest this week.
Many of you have heard Ryan's interviews before, but I've found regardless of how many times I listen, there are always new nuggets of advice and information. If you are new to Ryan and his work, of course this is my raving recommendation.
Rahu and Ketu are the karmic nodes of the moon that give insight into past and future karma in Vedic astrology. I warmly welcome, yet again, Ryan Kurczak to share his knowledge on the karmic significance of these mysterious shadow planets and what results they may produce in a birth chart.
To contact Ryan Kurczak:
Kriya Yoga:
Learn Astrology with Ryan Kurczak:
Playlist on the Nodes from Ryan Kurczak:
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse, Ryan Kurczak
Hello everyone! I hope you're all enjoying eclipse season and having amazing insights!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming lunar eclipse in the sidereal sign of Bharani Nakshatra, within the sign of Aries.
*The last* eclipse placed an emphasis on love, romance, and connection. The solar eclipse offered an opportunity to review our love lives as well as how we engage with others.
*This* lunar eclipse is now placing the emphasis on ourselves! Of course whenever we focus on OURSELF, we indirectly impact "the other" - and vice versa. How we engage with others and our ability to offer intimacy is directly related to the intimacy we have created with ourselves.
We discuss what to watch out for personally and globally and how to best utilize this eclipse energy.
Aries: 28:33
Taurus: 29:13
Gemini: 29:51
Cancer: 30:48
Leo: 31:41
Virgo: 32:39
Libra: 33:42
Scorpio: 34:48
Sagittarius: 36:16
Capricorn: 37:43
Aquarius: 39:09
Pisces: 40:35
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse
Hello everyone!
Thanks for letting me get this to you all late! As we move into the fall season, my natural rhythms have really just gotten later and later. I am happy to say I stayed up late - lost in the ethers of astrology research. I'm looking forward to eventually presenting my findings with you all!
In this segment we discuss the month of November.
As you know, we are still in the midst of eclipse season which is spurring sudden and intense metamorphosis and change on a global and personal level. We truly are moving through a portal of transformation.
The month of November is a very "active" month with a whole lot to be watching out for. We have our lunar eclipse in the sign of Aries, Jupiter going direct, a new moon of integration, and Scorpio season slithering in... and that is not even all of it!
Listen to the full segment to learn more about this month of intensity and how to relax into Universal energy.
Wishing you wellness on your journey.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse
In this segment we discuss the upcoming solar eclipse in the sidereal Libra!
WOW! What an interesting time to be alive! With so much activity in the cardinal signs, we are experiencing so much growth, change, and shift individually and collectively. Truth is being revealed in so many realms of life.
This eclipse has the potential to bring so much to the surface involving leadership, authority, and sovereignty - but also around love, romance, and intimacy!
Swati is all about independence, individualism, and freedom. We will certainly see this theme occurring in the world around us.
In this podcast we explore how this eclipse will impact us globally, personally, and how each of the 12 signs will be impacted. Keep in mind that you want to listen to your transits from both your rising sign and moon sign IN THE SIDEREAL SYSTEM. These predictions will not work for the tropical zodiac signs (: Please go to innerknowing.yoga > offerings > chart to calculate your birth chart if you are unsure of your sidereal signs.
Aries: 31:03
Taurus: 32:26
Gemini: 34:11
Cancer: 35:32
Leo: 37:20
Virgo: 39:18
Libra: 40:28
Scorpio: 41:51
Sagittarius: 43:30
Capricorn: 44:32
Aquarius: 45:30
Pisces: 47:14
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde, eclipse, solar eclipse
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss Saturn station direct, Mars retrograde, and what to expect in the upcoming months from a personal and global perspective.
This is a massive time as Saturn represents karmic retribution. This retrograde period has offered insights into how certain systems or constructs have not been ethical or supportive and how we may need to make adjustments as a collection.
Saturn and Capricorn both represents systems, government, and structures. Saturn retrograde has clearly revealed so much that needed to be mended globally as well as in our personal lives. But how will Saturn direct impact us?
Mars represents war, aggression, and anger... but also passion, energy, and will. The retrograde offers an opportunity to increase our awareness around conflict and triggers. But it may also contribute to a sense of loss of energy, loss of motivation, or lack or direction when it comes to passion.
We dive deeper into these queries and observations into the full segment. I hope you find it helpful!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, retrograde
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the nakshatra of Revati.
This is an extremely auspicious full moon as it lands on the sacred day of Sharad Purnima.
This is a time to welcome in abundance, prosperity, nourishment, and general auspiciousness. In the segment we discuss some ways to acknowledge the day and how to make the most of it.
We also discuss general astrological ongoings, what to anticipate as we enter eclipse season, and how to navigate this period with as much grace as possible.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, gottman institute, relationships, love
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the major transits for October of 2022.
There are many planets retrograding, going direct, and we will see eclipse season begin!
Eclipses always bring karmic matters to the surface for the globe as well as in our personal lives. Wherever Rahu and Ketu are placed will give insight into what kinds of matters will come up! This is a profound time for relationship evolution and growth. Notice the connections coming in during this time as well as which issues come to the surface.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, gottman institute, relationships, love
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday!
This new moon will take place the marriage nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni. Uttara Phalguni is all about relating, connecting, and supporting lasting love.
It is a fabulous time for this phase of the moon, given that we are also about to experience Venus is her sign of debilitation until October!
Venus is Virgo isn't all bad. This period of time offers us an opportunity to strategize love, reflect on our own connections with practicality, and learn the difference between healthy discernment and criticism.
If you are single, it's an excellent time to set intentions in regards to love and romance. If you're IN relationship or connection, it's an awesome opportunity to reflect on or even renew your approach with your partner or partners.
We spend some time exploring methods from the Gottman Institute on how to navigate challenges with grace and compassion, as well as what builds a lasting foundation.
You all know I love love. I had a great time recording this one and I hope you all enjoy it. I loved feeling inspired by Uttara Phalguni and Venus in Virgo!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, gottman institute, relationships, love
Hello everyone! In this segment we explore Ketu transit through the nakshatra of Swati.
I have to admit, I sped the research along with this to try and get it out to you all - I'm sure I'll be sharing more in future podcasts about my findings. Regardless, I hope that you find this supportive and interesting! I certainly did!
Ketu is moksha karaka. All about liberation, spirituality, and separation from material reality. Ketu likes to enhance our spiritual lives and awaken more subtle layers of our consciousness. Of course, Ketu can also isolate, separate, and sever.
Swati is a Nakshatra of independence, truth, virtue, and freedom. I love this Nakshatra due to it's contrary characteristics, truth-seeking ways, and ability to rebel when others are too afraid to speak their mind. Swati will always seek what is FAIR, despite if it's the current law or regulation.
Let's explore what events occur when Ketu transits Swati!
I am so grateful to my listeners for their questions this week and look forward to answering more questions in the weekly podcasts!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone!
In this segment we have a philosophical conversation around the Divine Mystery/Spirit/Universal Flow/God.
In fields like astrology, tarot, and mysticism - there is a fundamental acknowledgement that Spirit is a driving force behind our practice. Therefore, the continuous acknowledgement of this power throughout our studies and practice is of paramount importance if we truly want to remain open and receptive to Truth.
It is not uncommon to allow our ego, fear, desire, or excitement guide our readings or interpretation of our own chart or others. How can we remain rooted in humility so that we can really read a chart for what it is? How can we remove our own projection to see messages more clearly?
Most importantly - will we ever have all the answers?
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal Aquarius.
We discuss the importance of individual dharma and finding the balance between spiritual life and material life.
We also discuss releasing and letting go of anything that inhibits radical self-love and self-acceptance.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone!
I can't believe that we are already almost to September!
A lot of you have reached out asking me how I'm doing and inquiring to learn more about the craziness in my life! I appreciate you all so much for offering your compassion and thoughtfulness! Things are finally slowing down and I'm preparing to begin venturing out and about to see more of the United States!
As for the month of September, this is a fabulous month for review, renewal, reorganizing, and re-prioritizing!
Virgo season is amongst us!
Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo for the entire month - offering us insight into how we can re-plan and reorganize our lives.
Venus between the signs of Leo and Virgo offer a fun and interesting dichotomy between expression + romance and then practicality + critical thinking. This is a super helpful month in remembering what "being in love" means to us and how we can practically build that love in our lives.
Learn which other planets are on the move in the full horoscope!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Welcome to another Friday podcast!
This week we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Leo.
The new moon is a time of receptivity and finding action in inaction.
The sign of Leo is all about the heart space, leadership, being charismatic, and taking charge of life!
We take some time exploring the meaning and energy of the upcoming new moon as well as review the current transits.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Happy Friday! In this segment we look at the upcoming "long transit" of Mars in the sidereal sign of Taurus.
Mars is passion, vitality, personal will, and strength. It is also the planet of war and how we handle our own challenges in life.
Taurus is the sign of luxury items, food, security, and wealth!
This transit will certainly transform our own personal lives as well as global affairs. We spend time discussing how this will impact us for our individual signs, but also how this could impact the world collectively.
Mars will be in Taurus from August 10, 2022 - October 15, 2022 and then again from November 13, 2022 - March 12, 2023.
Mars will be retrograde from October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023.
Mars will be in Gemini briefly between October 15, 2022 - November 13, 2022. Mars will again enter gemini on March 12, 2023.
If you have planets between 1 degree of Gemini and 13 degrees of Taurus - this is a particularly transformative time!
Aries: 14:46
Taurus: 18:08
Gemini: 22:33
Cancer: 25:55
Leo: 29:35
Virgo: 33:32
Libra: 37:47
Scorpio: 42:39
Sagittarius: 47:23
Capricorn: 52:15
Aquarius: 57:45
Pisces: 1:02:00
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday!
In this segment we spend time discussing the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Capricorn. This earthy, practical and steadfast sign always offers an opportunity to review our lives pragmatically. This full moon will occur in the nakshatra of Dhanishta - a lunar mansion associated with sacred sound, rhythm, and consistency.
How can we heal our lives through our daily rhythm? What we do consistently will either hurt or heal us.
Learn more in this full segment!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming month of August and the major transits that we will experience.
We will discuss how the movement of the planets will impact us on a global and personal level.
This is a pretty significant month for world events and getting serious.
On a personal level, it's an amazing time to stand out, take leaps of faith, and connect with your dreams!
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone!
In this segment we explore the upcoming new moon in Pushya nakshatra, occurring in the sidereal sign of Cancer.
Pushya is all about nourishment, replenishment, generosity, and care. How do we care for ourselves in a society that never teaches us how to truly tune in to take care of ourselves at a soul level?
In addition, we explore other astrological ongoings and what we can anticipate for the next few weeks.
Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
Today we will discuss Jupiter retrograde and what this will entail for all 12 zodiac signs.
Jupiter will retrograde in the sidereal Pisces, in the Nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada.
This is a time of cleansing, releasing and letting go while ALSO being a time to double down on discipline and commitment for what is a priority in your life.
Find out which areas of life will be impacted for you in this podcast!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Aries: 17:13
Taurus: 21:01
Gemini: 24:17
Cancer: 27:14
Leo: 31:19
Virgo: 35:37
Libra: 38:18
Scorpio: 41:46
Sagittarius: 44:37
Capricorn: 47:29
Aquarius: 50:16
Pisces: 54:09
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of AstrologyNow.
In this segment we focus on the upcoming full moon, intention setting, and releasing limitations and obstacles. We usually spend time exploring how certain configurations will impact the world, but in this podcast we speak mostly about how this phase of the moon could impact us individually.
We also spend time reflecting on teachers and the imprint that they make in our lives, in honor of Guru Purnima.
Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn around the same time as this full moon! Learn how this movement may impact you.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Ardra,
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the horoscope for July. We also "time travel" a bit to look into the 2024 election.
This is, really, the month we have been waiting for.... at least for astrologers! The combination of Uranus, Mars, and Rahu is rather intense and quite out of the ordinary! This combination will surely bring sudden events, outbursts, and explosiveness into the world around us. This combination is also quite passionate and revolutionary... sparking initiative and leaders everywhere to stand up.
Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn where it will be conjunct with Pluto. This combination will have a great impact on the government, structures, finances, and the economy. We can't forget that Saturn was in Capricorn for all of the COVID lock downs. This placement reveals cracks within the system that should unravel so that more stable walls can be built.
In addition, we discuss the smaller transits of Mercury, Venus, and the Sun while also touching on other important dates.
I hope you find it supportive!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Ardra,
Hello everyone!
Welcome back to AstrologyNow!
In this segment we cover the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Ardra.
This nakshatra is governed by the storm god, Rudra, denoting a powerful and destructive force.
Now is the time to wash away negative attachments, unhelpful energetic ties, and put the past to rest.
Learn more about the current transits and how it may impact you and the world at large.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma
Hello everyone!
WOW! I had so much fun putting this together for everyone.
Bharani is one of my favorite nakshatras - and if you're a dharma-phile like me, you'll see why!
Bharani is governed by Yamaraj - or the god of death. This asterism is all about life, death, rebirth, and also morals, ethics, and justice.
With the insatiable, taboo, futuristic, and trailblazing Rahu entering Bharani - we are in for some serious breakthroughs! But we are also in for some serious questioning around ethics, law, and order. We can expect to see rebellion, clash, and questioning to those in elite groups.
This is a time of reinvention and recreation. But in order to create something new, often something needs to be put to rest. What will shift in your life?
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone!
Happy almost full moon!
In this segment we spend some time philosophizing on this transit and how its significance can influence us on an emotional and mental level.
We also cover the movement of Mars and Venus as well as review Saturn retrograde.
Please remember that these podcasts are never replacements for mental health services. Please *always* consult with a licensed mental health professional if you're struggling or needing support.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone!
In this segment we take a look at the main transits for the month of June.
June is a pretty interesting month as Saturn retrogrades, Mercury directs, and we have a stellium building in the sign of Aries.
We discuss the most important dates to watch out for and which type of activities will be the most or least auspicious.
I love this month because it's full of creative potential, excellent communication, passion, and excitement! But we need to be mindful not to get swept away by big feelings...
Learn more here!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Rohini Nakshatra.
This is particularly beautiful lunar mansion - offering fertility, creativity, expression, and abundance.
We discuss the significance of the New Moon, auspicious activities, and practicing finding divinity everywhere, all the time.
We also cover the position of Rahu and Ketu, the karmic implications of Aries and Libra, and how we can utilize the energy to our advantage.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we cover synastry, or finding compatibility, in a birth chart.
I've done several segments on this topic before - but thought it could be helpful to create a simple segment to support new learners.
Ever wonder which signs or planetary placements might be the most suitable for you? This simple guide lays the ground rules of the basics to watch for in the charts of others!
Of course, this is NOT intended to be relationship advice! I share the cautionary tale to not use astrology ONLY to assess compatibility - especially when we are newer to astrology! It is recommended to seek out the assistance of a professional astrologer when assessing actual compatibility with a partner and a therapist or counselor when seeking relationship support.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, relationships, romance, attachment
Hello everyone!
This week we discuss the upcoming lunar eclipse in Vishakha Nakshatra and what we can expect from this planetary energy.
A lot is shifting in the world! As the major planets of Saturn, Neptune, and Jupiter transitioned signs - we could almost instantaneously notice a difference in the world around us and perhaps in our personal lives as well.
Eclipse season only heightens this energy and provokes fated events, karmic reckoning, and extremes.
Learn more in this full segment!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra
Happy Friday and Welcome to May!
This is an eventful month and we have a lot to prepare for! With transits, eclipses, and retrogrades - thank goodness we have astrology to lead the way!
In this segment we discuss the current events in regards to reproductive rights, women's issues, and our planet Venus.
We also discuss the significance of Mercury retrograde and activities that will be auspicious and inauspicious during this time.
As always, we look at all the major transits for the month, including the movement of the Sun, Venus, and Mars. If you would like to know how these transits will influence you personally, please check out my patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra
Hello everyone!
In this segment we talk about the upcoming transit of Saturn in Aquarius!
Saturn will enter Aquarius briefly between April 28, 2022 and July 12, 2022.
Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn for the remainder of 2022, but enter Aquarius yet again in January 2023 - where he will stay for a few years.
This segment discusses the significance of Saturn and what we may expect in our personal lives and the world at large. We also discuss "eclipse season", Dhanishta Nakshatra, and fated experiences around this time.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming eclipse in the sidereal sign of Aries. Specifically, this eclipse will occur in the portion of the sky known as Bharani.
Bharani has a connection to "bearing" and is referred to as "the star as restraint". The symbol is a yoni, or female sex organ.
There is a connection to break throughs, creative downloads, and initiation. This is such a powerful time creativity or for new invention. This is also a powerful time for women or those who identify with the yoni. The conception of ideas may come easier at this time.
There is still an influence of Saturn and other notable on-goings in the night sky. Listen to the full segment for more!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we investigate the upcoming transit of Jupiter into the sidereal sign of Pisces.
Pisces is a very creative, esoteric, spiritual, and "feelings" based signs. This is a time of great spiritual awakening and awareness across the globe.
However, Jupiter will also be transiting with the planet Neptune - which can create illusion, deception, and confusion. There will be a dichotomy of energy - one leading us to deeper insight and knowledge, one leading us to a space of disillusionment. It's a time to connect with philosophy, ancient wisdom, and our own intuition.
In addition, we discuss the influence of Saturn and how this may impact the transit overall.
Learn how this transit will influence you personally and review how it will impact the world at large.
Here are the horoscopes:
Aries: 14:40
Taurus: 18:25
Gemini: 21:13
Cancer: 24:37
Leo: 28:13
Virgo: 32:18
Libra: 34:42
Scorpio: 38:29
Sagittarius: 42:03
Capricorn: 44:43
Aquarius: 47:54
Pisces: 50:49
Wishing you wellness!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
This full moon we will celebrate the appearance of Lord Hanuman! We speak briefly about the significance of Hanuman and cultivating a spiritual practice.
In addition, we discuss the upcoming full moon in Chitra nakshatra. This lunar mansion is all about opportunity, beauty, and building.
It's a time of construction - literal and figuratively. When we want to construct our lives, we must pay close attention to our actions. When we want control of our actions, we must fully understand our thoughts and emotions.
We spend some time exploring concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, but it's important to keep in mind that this is for educational and entertainment purposes only! This podcast is not a substitution for nor is it intended for mental health support. Please consult your therapist or counselor for support with mental health.
I hope you enjoy the podcast!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, libra, virgo, capricorn, cancer, jupiter, saturn, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transits for April of 2022.
With the transit of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune - we are in for a month of change and transition!
The slower moving planets always bring change in economy, culture, and global affairs. With three major planets on the move, this will certainly create change in the atmosphere.
In addition, we have an eclipse at the end of the month that will heighten and intensify energy across the world.
Listen to the full segment for more.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
This is a very special new moon forecast as it marks the LAST of the new moons for this cycle.
Whenever we have a new moon in the sidereal sign of Pisces, this is when we draw up a chart for the year to come to determine what may manifest.
We discuss the upcoming transits, new moon, and manifestations.
I hope this podcast serves you well.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the special transit of Rahu and Ketu and take time to review the previous 18 month cycle.
We take time to contemplate and integrate the past so that we may move freely into the future. In addition we discuss release, letting go, and finding our reason to do so.
Happy Full Moon!
Learn about how Rahu and Ketu in Aries and Libra will impact you for the next 18 months HERE:
Review Rahu and Ketu in Scorpio and Taurus for all 12 signs here! Take a listen and see what happened in hindsight...
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Uttara Phalguni.
This nakshatra is all about relationships, oaths, connection, and intimacy.
In this segment we explore True Love in the deepest sense of the word... why do we meet the people we meet? Why are we assigned the parents we have at birth? Let's explore!
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
Recording this podcast was, literally, almost impossible for me! I've been fighting an illness and have severe brain fog and fatigue. Thank you so much for your patience...
OF COURSE in my cloud of sleepiness I forgot to mention the full moon occurring on March 18th in the sidereal sign of Virgo. For all of our visual learners, here are some important dates:
March 2: New Moon in sidereal Aquarius
March 6 - March 24: Mercury in Aquarius
March 14 - April 14: Sun in Pisces
March 16: Rahu and Ketu transit into Aries and Libra
March 18: Full Moon in sidereal Virgo
March 24 - April 8: Mercury in Pisces (Mercury Debilitated)
In the segment I mention nakshatra dates as well, but hopefully you find these key dates helpful.
I am wishing you and your loved ones safety and wellness.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
In this segment we discuss the currently cosmic weather and upcoming new moon 🌚
The planetary war between Mars and Venus continues - which amplifies our feelings of passion, excitement, and inspiration.
Mars will be exalted in Capricorn - leading to heightened martial skill, activity, and energy. Though we need to be mindful with this transit, as it can also increase irritability, aggression, and war-like behavior.
In our personal lives the build up of planets in Capricorn will ask us to consider the "long-term" outcome of our current choices and circumstance.
The new moon in Shatabhisha offers insight into cosmic law and order. This is also the Nakshatra of healing that offers an opportunity to mend ourselves so that we curate a life of healing.
I hope this podcast supports you.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I've offered horoscopes for each of the signs on my public podcast! This segment shares mini horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs as we witness Rahu move into Aries and Ketu move into Libra. This transit will last from March 16th 2022 until November 28th 2023 according to the true nodes.
If you would like *weekly* horoscopes for each of the 12 signs, please join us on patreon at Patreon.com/AstrologyNowPodcast!
*REMINDER* - Please listen to both you rising AND your moon sign for these horoscopes! Both are applicable.
*SECOND REMINDER* Try not to skip straight ahead - the beginning offers a reminder of what Rahu and Ketu signify as well as a story about a mystical experience I had this week.
Aries: 11:14
Taurus: 14:26
Gemini: 17:40
Cancer: 19:50
Leo: 22:54
Virgo: 25:30
Libra: 30:05
Scorpio: 34:35
Sagittarius: 38:25
Capricorn: 42:13
Aquarius: 45:10
Pisces: 48:17
Happy Star Gazing!
with warmth,
WEBSITE: Innerknowing.yoga
INSTAGRAM: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, jyotish, Vedic philosophy, Vedanta, love you!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Leo.
Loyalty, generosity, kindness... Leo is the sign of royalty and represents true leadership.
We discuss showing up for ourselves as leaders in own lives, as well as being particularly mindful about who we "elect" to the throne within our daily living.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming month of February 2022, the main transits, and what to anticipate on a global and interpersonal level.
I hope you all have an amazing month ahead!
Please remember that I cover the transits and how they will impact your personal zodiac sign on my patreon account, patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, aries, libra, scorpio, taurus, capricorn, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone! Happy Friday 🌸
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Capricorn - specifically in the nakshatra of Shravana.
This portion of the sky is all about hearing, listening, education, and wisdom. In order to learn, we must know how to *listen*. The receptive energy of Shravana allows it to hear, listen, and absorb - instead of focusing so much on outwardly projecting.
I hope this podcast supports you.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez
Hello everyone!
The day has finally come! I've been looking forward to publishing this podcast and so thrilled to share with you all.
Raghunath Cappo is the host of Wisdom of the Sages (with co-host Kaustubha Das), world renown yoga teacher, spiritual guide, musician, author, traveler, friend, and Bhakti yogi.
Raghu is my personal teacher and has had a profound impact on my own life and spiritual teachings. I am so thrilled to share our conversation and hope that you enjoy hearing more about destiny, free will, past lives, ego vs. Supersoul, and spirituality.
Raghunath is an authority in Vedic philosophy and somehow also makes the teachings relatable, relevant, humbling, and sometimes hilarious.
What to expect:
- Raghunatha’s book and how writing his story helped him feel gratitude and find meaning
- being in a punk rock devotional band as a celibate monk
- spirituality gives life more meaning
- Temporary identity and radical responsibility
- Dr. Ian Stevens and the scientific search for proof of reincarnation
- Children who remember previous lives
- The challenges with western therapy
- free will vs. fate
- There is destiny, and there is free will
- Vedic science, decolonizing hinduism, re-establishing the extraordinary knowledge of the vedas
- Joytish is the science of light
- Karma and relationships
- Possession and subtle entities as they relate to mental health and Vedic culture
To learn more about Raghunath:
Postcast: Wisdom of the Sages
Website: https://www.raghunath.yoga
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raghunathyogi/
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, Raghunath Cappo, bhakti, spirituality, destiny, free will, past lives, zodiac, Christine Rodriguez
This is the full moon forecast for January 17th, 2022.
We discuss the meaning and significance of the full moon, Mercury retrograde, Mars in Sagittarius, and the rest of the astrological on-goings.
I hope you find it helpful! I am wishing you all joy.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the major transits for January 2022.
We have quite the eventual month with an extra dash of spice.
In this podcast we discuss the global intensity with applicable ways not to fall folly to external turbulence.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Thank you all so much for choosing to listen to and support AstrologyNow for another year.
I hope this quick guide can support you in reflecting on your completed year and prepare you for the year ahead.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the main transits and themes for 2022.
We have a very eventful year ahead with the karmic nodes shifting, Saturn and Pluto continuing to deconstruct the outdated, and Uranus and Rahu combining forces... and much more!
Learn more about the upcoming shifts in this segment.
Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally:
Work with Christine:
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in gemini.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Happy Friday - the day of Venus... talking all about Venus!🌸❤️
It is not often that Venus goes retrograde, but when she does - we usually all feel it relatively deeply.
Venus represents our love, intimacy, and relationships... but also the beauty and design in our lives, as well as finances, harmony and diplomacy.
Retrograde is always a time of turning inwards, reflecting, and revising. But is also a time when things from the past usually come back to reconcile..
In this segment we explore what Venus retrograde may represent for the world at large and for each of us on an individual level.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Happy December! 🌲🌟
In this segment we discuss the main transits of December and how they will impact us on an individual and global level.
This month is *quite eventful* and a great time to take extra precautions!
The main themes will be around frustration and navigating frustration...
as well as intimacy and navigating intimacy!
Super fun, right?
We are in this together! Hopefully this podcast serves you well and offers some insightful suggestions on how to navigate this time with grace.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Happy Day of Venus 🌸
Today we discuss the upcoming solar eclipse on December 4th, 2021.
This eclipse is quite powerful and may invoke feelings of insecurity, anxiety, and "spinning" thoughts. The moon is debilitated in the sign of Scorpio - meaning that emotional tension may be particularly high. Now is not the time to run from our thoughts or feelings, but to take responsibility and allow ourselves to transform.
Learn more about the upcoming eclipse, Scorpio, Jyeshta, and how this eclipse may impact YOU personally.
I hope this serves you well.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Welcome to eclipse season!
I sat contemplating what would be the most helpful to discuss this week.
Knowing what to expect utilizing the science of astrology can be profoundly helpful... AND knowing how to *handle* said circumstances is an art in and of itself.
I decided this week we could discuss some common cognitive distortions. This is essentially assessing patterns of thought that can leave us feeling powerless, conflicted, and chaotic.
With all of the fluctuations in lunar activity - I hope it serves you well!
Please keep in mind that this segment is not a replacement for therapy and I, Christine Rodriguez, am not a licensed therapist.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Eclipses are often seen as portals of change.
Doorways of spiritual evolution.
This eclipse is particularly potent as it urges us to connect with and merge our spiritual life with our material reality.
This eclipse occurs one day before Jupiter begins his own "new chapter" in the sign of the sidereal Aquarius.
It is time to reflect on and integrate the last two years so that we can set foot into the next transit with clarity, authenticity, and grace.
Learn more in the full segment! I hope it serves you well.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Listen to the "gooiest" podcast I've ever posted as I interview one of my dearest friends and allies in this life.
Please enjoy our segment as we discuss Karma through the lens of the Vedas, Gaudiya Vaishnavism, and philosophy from the Bhagavad Gita.
About K.Lee:
K.Lee Marks is an entrepreneur, Bhakti yogi, podcaster, well-wisher, and seeker of Truth.
K.Lee is the founder of Podcast Farm. This business is geared to support others in finding their voice and broadcasting their message through podcasting. K.Lee specializes in helping others launch their podcast, build an audience, develop content, and monetize their brand. He has many projects such as Amplify What You Love - a program designed to support you in finding your strengths, harnessing your personal potential, and sharing your message with the world. If you've ever struggled with imposture syndrome, technology, or self-doubt - Amplify What You Love helps to quell these obstacles!
K.Lee's podcast is Be On Air where he interviews individuals from all walks of life - from coaches and entrepreneurs to survivors of abuse and humanitarians. K.Lee has a knack for finding the light and beauty in others and highlighting their gifts to inspire the world.
In addition to all of this, K.Lee has a background as a professional musician, magician, circus performer, marketing strategist, and monk in training. He has lived many lives in his 31 years.
Gaudiya Vaishnavism
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone!
In this segment we cover the upcoming new moon in the sign of Libra.
This new moon will fall in the lunar mansion of Swati or the "independent one". Its name speaks for itself as this energy is all about freedom, individualism, and innovation.
What is keeping us from truly embodying our individuality? What is freedom, what does it mean to us, and what areas of life are we NOT free? What can we change to create a life of true liberation?
I had fun reflecting on this one! I hope that you enjoy it!
Inspired by my dog, Madhu, whose moon is actually in Swati and I totally forgot about this until after I recorded!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Welcome to (almost) November!
In this segment we analyze the main transits for the month of November and discuss important dates to mark on our calendars. The theme for November is rebellious, heated, unconfined, and boundless. This can pertain to events we may witness, but what is also auspicious to focus on within our own lives.
The month of November will contain key astrological dates that will set into motion bigger events come December. Keep your eyes open!
I officially adopted my foster dog (my partner adopted his brother!) and I am officially exhausted. I hope everything is clear and concise! Wishing you all joy.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal Aries and Ashwini Nakshatra.
This is a very special day as it's the first full moon after the nine day celebration of the goddess (Navaratri) as well when we celebrate the birthday of Lakshmi. This is also when the ecstatic celebration and dance of Krishna is recognized - giving it an over all sweetness, auspiciousness, and a time to remember lightness and joy.
I hope you find the segment helpful.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone!
The dasha system is one of the most unique and profound elements of Jyotish. This facet of Vedic astrology is what truly gives power to its predictive qualities and distinguishes this science from other systems.
In brief, dashas are planetary periods that influence us throughout life. Ever wonder why some years are hard as nails and others are right as rain? It's likely due to moving through an incredibly challenging OR blessed planetary period... that is entirely unique to YOU and your chart.
It's incredibly difficult to summarize this vast system briefly! I hope that I could do it justice and leave you all with at least some helpful tidbit. Even if it's just reminding everyone to adopt when choosing a furry friend! 😉
Wishing you all joy.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Welcome to October!
I love that this horoscope is being released on the first of October! How auspicious is that?! 🍁 Let's all pour a hot cup of tea, nestle into our blankets, and welcome in fall (yes, we have fall in Texas, too!).
In this segment we cover the important transits of October. Be sure to mark your calendars! We are in for an eventful month...
I hope this serves you well!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Rahu in the nakshatra of Krittika - as requested by a fellow Cancerian. Please look below for time stamps 💫
Krittika is associated with war, disputes, conflict, sharp and penetrating force, Agni, and the God Kartikeya. In this segment we spend time what this energy can mean for us on a personal level, what research I dug up 🤓, and what I foresee in the months ahead.
00:00 Introduction and Ramblings
6:48 Krittika Introduction
10:53 How Will This Impact Us?
19:25 Research on Previous Cycles
26:24 Future
I hope this serves you well.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!🙏🏽
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sign of Pisces, specifically in the nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada.
This sign is incredibly spiritual and prompts introspection into who we truly are - beyond our thoughts, emotions, preferences, and physical body. Now is the time to release false perceptions and connect more deeply with our own divinity and the divinity of others.
The combustion of Mars is certainly having an impact on the world at large (anyone else feeling this?🔥). There is increased threats of violence as tensions rise. Be mindful in the world around you and in your own personal life.
I hope this segment serves you well!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, intention, ceremony, Venus, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! Happy Friday 🌸
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Jupiter in Capricorn from September 14, 2021 - November 20, 2021.
I offer my personal interpretation of this combination as well as a reflection exercise to support you in reviewing the previous time this conjunction occurred. So much happened during this time for many of use that may have impacted how we perceive ourselves or the world around us. This brief transit is an opportunity to heal, reflect, or recommit to what came to us during the last cycle. I also offer insights for each of the 12 zodiac signs and which area of life to pay special attention to.
At the end of the segment I share my personal experience and what I will be reflecting on for this period of time. I hope you find it helpful!
Introduction: 0:00
Personal Interpretation: 1:33
Reflection Exercise: 12:20
Horoscopes for 12 Signs: 19:33
Story Time: 28:28
Closing: 43:10
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the nakshatra of Purva Phalguni.
Purva Phalguni is one of my favorite nakshatras. This is a "marriage nakshatra" and is associated to a wedding bed or hammock. There is an essence of creativity, expression, fertility, abundance, love and, yes, sexuality.
Purva Phalguni is a marriage nakshatra because it has the capacity and skill to harbor intimate relationships. We can not force a loving connection, but it takes tilling, time, love, and care.
The new moon is a time of setting intentions. This is an excellent opportunity to set intentions in regards to love and romance. If you're single, perhaps it's a time to clarify your vision of a suitable partnership. If you're in relationship perhaps it's time to create a new ritual of connection, begin a book together, or have a conversation that deepens intimacy.
Of course, this is also supportive for personal intentions, healing wounds from the past, and taking time to remind yourself of your own sensuality and worth. We discuss this more in depth in the podcast.
For *everyone*, I hope we can all make time to indulge ourselves just a little bit and rest in divine feminine energy.
I hope you find this supportive and helpful!
with warmth,
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, intention, ceremony, Venus, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! Happy Friday.
In this segment we do a full reading for the month of September. We will look at important dates and transits so that we can plan what to expect for the month to come on a global and personal level.
Get out your pens and notepads to take note of these dates - because we are in for some interesting months ahead!
For much of 2020 Jupiter was in the sign of Capricorn. Since April of 2021, Jupiter has been moving through Aquarius where it has given new medical advances and new ways of viewing the health care system. Come September, Jupiter will retrograde BACK into Capricorn - where we will be asked to review the structures and systems within our lives. In this segment we discuss how this may show up in the global and personal sense.
I hope it helps!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we review current events, discuss astrological weather, and dive into what the full moon in Dhanishta nakshatra could mean for the outer world and our own inner worlds.
When I think about Dhanishta, I think about sacred sound. Sacred sound includes words from our gurus - those who dispel darkness and lead us from ignorance. When I think about the guru, I think about the Guru of the Heart... which is the same as our inner knowing, our connection to Source, or our intuition.
I truly believe that we are all deeply connected to Source energy, but various outside influences may cloud our connection and judgement of the Truth.
How do we remove this cloudiness, confusion, or doubt? How can we amplify our connection to our own inner truth with more clarity?
This full moon is an auspicious time to investigate these questions and release habits that may keep us shrouded in the dark.
I hope you enjoy!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, mindfulness
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
This week we deep dive into Venus debilitation. We discuss how Venus operates in Virgo, why it is debilitated here, what we can expect in the world around us, and how we can best navigate this time individually. Venus will be debilitated until September 5th, but we can expect support from Mercury after August 26th.
Venus in Virgo gives us an excellent opportunity to find the beauty in the reality of relationships. The truth is that relationships are not meant to be easy, light, or fun all the time. They can be annoying, frustrating, mundane, and even boring. There can be beauty in the mundane of every day life and joy in routine and knowing what to expect. With Venus in Virgo, it takes this energy to the next level and reminds us to see our people for what they truly are: human beings. By virtue of being human, we will not be perfect. With this transit, let's remember to be even more accepting, patient, compassionate, and loving with ourselves and others.
As we always talk about, this is simply a forecast for the astrological weather so that we know to dress accordingly. Now is not the time to have high expectations or to be overly critical of ourselves or the people around us. It is a time to be practical, realistic, and steady in our connections. We can't forget that Venus also governs wealth - so it's a good time to get finances in order and resist over spending.
In the full segment we discuss strategies for taking ownership of our role in connection as well as horoscope readings for all 12 signs.
I hope you enjoy it!
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! Happy Friday!
In this segment we dive deep into this upcoming New Moon and its implications. There is a lot happening in the night sky that refers to leadership, authority, and power. We may see the world around us struggle for power, control, or for their influence to be heard. Leaders will be making grand gestures that may rub some people the wrong way. It is a time to be mindful with our father figures, gurus, teachers, and the government.
On a personal level, it is time to seize our personal power. In order to do this, we must assess what keeps us from our power? Fear, doubt, judgment, limiting beliefs? The star of Ashlesha has the power to awaken true desire and the authority to move towards it. Now is not the time to allow fear to stifle your potential. It is the time to find clarity in your path and the fortitude to align with your purpose.
I hope you find this segment helpful!
Work with Christine:
get coached in the 9 month Inner Knowing Vedic Coaching Program
web: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone!
We are doing things a little bit differently this month.
We are beginning a new ritual where we will discuss all of the main transits for the month ahead. We will continue to do our deep dive reflections with the new and full moon forecasts - I just thought it would make everyone's life easier if we had a time where we covered all of the main transits and had them marked in our calendars.
I hope that you enjoy this segment and that you find it supportive on your journey.
Work with Christine:
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podacst
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Hello everyone! I hope that you're all having a beautiful week and staying inspired.
This week I decided to create a segment that gives information on Venus when placed in all 12 zodiac signs.
Venus is the karaka (significator of) relationships, partnership, love, and romance. Venus represents finer things, luxury, indulgences, art, expression, and creativity. Wherever our Venus is placed, we can better understand how we give and receive love and what is important to us in relationship.
Please keep in mind that just like everything in Vedic astrology - this topic is vast and we must consider the house, aspects, and dignity of the planet to truly understand it's nature. This segment is to share information simply on Venus through the 12 signs.
I hope you find it entertaining, helpful, and supportive on your astrological journey!
Aries: 6:43
Taurus: 9:18
Gemini: 12:44
Cancer: 15:41
Leo: 18:33
Virgo: 21:08
Libra: 24:55
Scorpio: 28:32
Sagittarius: 33:01
Capricorn: 37:58
Aquarius: 42:20
Pisces: 46:13
Ending: 50:04
Work with Christine:
email: [email protected]
web: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodacst
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, astrology, jyotish, nakshatras, Venus, sidereal astrology, Jyotisha, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces
Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a beautiful week and staying safe.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Capricorn, specifically in the nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha. This nakshatra is associated to victory and power. In order to be victorious, we need courage, will power, and - *awareness*. We must be aware of ourselves and our surroundings in order to strategize for success. That being said, which battles are worth fighting? Are you investing energy and time into an area of life with no reward? It's an auspicious time to reflect on these things and release what is simply a burden.
We continue this conversation through this full segment.
In addition, we discuss the rest of the night sky, auspicious dates, inauspicious dates, and what we can expect to see in the world around us for the upcoming weeks.
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Hello everyone! Happy Friday - Day of Venus 🌸
Today we discuss interesting research pertaining to women, women's rights, mysterious events involving women, and astrological significators that may make women's issues more prevalent in the media.
From victories for women, women going missing, women being found, major breakthroughs, and set backs - we explore the timeline of women's related issues and astrology. As many of you know, there are "astrological hotspots" that set the stage for certain situations to occur. In this podcast we look at a few signs and nakshatras that seem particularly relevant when discussing women.
For readings:
email: [email protected]
web: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Happy Friday, everyone! In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Gemini. More specifically, we will look at the Nakshatra of Punarvasu, which translates into "return of the light".
I think most of us can recall times of struggles and hardship and how overcoming those difficulties resulted in traits of resourcefulness, fortitude, and strength. Punarvasu is all about staying connected to that developed fortitude and celebrating what we *have* overcome. In addition, we discuss duality, non-duality, and finding neutrality in the ups and downs of life.
Happy new moon energy and I hope you all have a safe week.
email: [email protected]
web: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Hello everyone! I haven't done one of these in a while and I thought it would be interesting to share current astrological configurations in relationship to current events.
We continue our discussion on health care, authority, and the economy as well as look into recent global events. Of course, Britney Spears has been making massive headlines, so we spend some time tapping into her chart as well.
For readings:
Instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Sagittarius, specifically in the nakshatra of Mula.
There is a heavy karmic influence for this cycle, so we spend some time discussing the karmic implication of what it means to be human. Cycles, patterns, Samskara - we are here to discover ourselves and heal.
Luckily, the path of mindfulness and yoga come with tools that assist us in our own discovery and deepen our capacity to see ourselves in Truth - and therefore relate in a way that carries more awareness.
I hope this segment finds you well!
For readings:
instagram: astrology now_podcast
Key Words: nakshatra, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, jyotish, Mula nakshatra, personal awareness, spirituality, self-help, healing, Samskara, patterns, Vedic, Sagittarius
Jupiter is all about growth and expansion. Jupiter is the Guru - the natural teacher and great benefic. Jupiter also represents our wealth, faith, spirituality, philosophy, and religion.
When Jupiter turns to move backwards, these areas of our life may take a turn for reassessing. Our faith or beliefs may be challenged. We may reevaluate our financial situations. It's possible we even take a second look at what we've been following as Truth. Spiritual confusion may be underway.
As Jupiter is retrograding in the sign of Aquarius, it's possible that how we have been looking to help and heal humanity is under close review. It's time to look at what has and has not been working - and make adjustments accordingly.
For Readings:
In this segment we discuss the upcoming solar eclipse in the nakshatra of Mrigashira. There is energy surrounding our attachments, our desires, and our inner security - and how all of these are interconnected!
We may be feeling challenged in various aspects of our lives. This is an opportunity for personal introspection and awareness into how attachments in our lives may be supporting or acting as detriment to our overall desires in life.
I hope you find it supportive on your journey!
Instagram: Astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transits in the night sky within the "in-between" phase of eclipses.
This is profoundly powerful time for personal reflection and healing. Choices and decisions we make in this time may hold more weight and impact. It's possible that events occur around us to challenge us, teach us, and encourage us to "level up".
Between eclipse season, Mercury retrograde, and a debilitated Mars - we are in for some opportunities of growth that may be mildly uncomfortable!
I hope this segment serves you well.
For readings:
website: Innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: @astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon and lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. This eclipse will stir many emotions and possibly invoke reflection around devotion, commitment, and energetic ties. Scorpio is all about transformation and change - and shedding our old skin. The full moon in general is a time of release and letting go, making this a particularly auspicious time to transition.
Are there barriers in life that are you keeping from truly moving forward?
It's time to take note of what may still be lingering around you and clear any negative attachments. It's time to stay devoted to the path that will best support you.
Learn more in the full segment!
For readings:
website: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn.
Saturn represents restriction, delay, commitment, responsibility, wisdom, and structure. As Saturn retrogrades, it will ask us to review and revise these various areas of our lives. Saturn will ask us to take personal responsibility and apply our wisdom to make the most pragmatic choices. We may also be asked to break certain patterns or habits that are not supportive in our lives.
Listen to the full segment for Saturn retrograde and how this transit may impact you.
For readings:
email: [email protected]
website: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrology now_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so there is a connection to focusing on the self, leadership, and being a pioneer. In order to feel safe in leading, whether it be others or in our own lives, we must feel truly secure within ourselves.
There are configurations in the sky that may create power struggles or bring a sense of insecurity that could rattle the connection to your center. In this segment, we discuss areas of life to watch out for and strategies to stay connected to your inner knowing.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: @astrologynow_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Hello everyone! It's been a while since we've discussed the difference between Western and Vedic astrology. I was having this conversation recently and decided to make a segment for you all.
Please keep in mind that I study the Vedic Sidereal System of astrology. That being said, this segment is partially bias and I share my journey with Western and Vedic astrology and why I chose to invest my time in Vedic study.
Vedic astrology, or Jyotish, is a sister science to Ayurveda, Yoga, Vastu, and other Vedantic practices. It's important to remember the lineage of this science! Vedic astrology originated in ancient India and follows the astrological placement of the fixed stars.
Learn more in this segment!
Contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Libra. With the Sun exalted in Aries and the moon in Libra - this is such an incredible time to focus on our individual self in relationship to the other.
The most important relationship we will have in this is life is our relationship with ourselves. Once we hone in on what it takes to cultivate an intimate relationship with our own inner world, we may then begin to manifest deep and intimate relations with the world around us. We discuss the importance of the perception of ourselves, showing up authentically, and how this will give us a firm foundation to build lasting relationship.
To contact Christine:
website: Innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrology now_podcast
You've probably heard a million times about dignity, good dignity, or bad dignity. Determining the strength and auspiciousness of a planet is no easy task! But today, I break down two essential and simple ways of determining how strong or influential a planet will be in a birth chart.
I hope you find it helpful!
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss spiritual practice and the purpose of the spiritual path.
We discuss the concept of Ahamkara, or ego, and the role it can play in life. It's important to note that the ego is not an enemy and can be used to for good! But it still takes work and introspection to see beyond our limited perspective and experience. Reality is subjective. Truth is mostly subjective. Self-realization is a deconstruction of what we have thought ourselves and the world to be, so that we may open our eyes to the True Self and connection to the Universal.
Having a daily spiritual practice reminds us of this connection and may inspire us to continuously work to connect with Source. We are never done growing or evolving.
Learn more in this segment!
Contact Christine:
email: [email protected]
website: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrology now_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we cover how Jupiter will impact each of the 12 zodiac signs and what to expect for this upcoming new moon.
The new moon will be in the sidereal sign of Pisces. More specifically, the moon will fall in the lunar mansion, or nakshatra, of Revati. This is the first new moon for this transit of Jupiter and a phenomenal time to turn inwards, take personal inventory, and set new intentions. We discuss some practices to review the past year or cycle of Jupiter and how to set clear intentions.
In the later part of the segment, I discuss how Jupiter will impact each of the 12 signs, what to watch out for, and where blessings may be coming into your life.
I hope you all enjoy it!
To Contact Christine:
email: [email protected]
website: innerknowing.yoga
instagram: astrology now_podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we explore the karmic nodes of Rahu and Ketu and their current position in the sky. We assess recent events in the media and discuss how they align with historical events throughout time.
Some of the information is touchy and creepy - but I give fair headsup about midway through! I hope you find this as interesting as I did!
For Readings:
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: astrology now_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Virgo, more specifically the nakshatra of Hasta. Hasta is a wonderful nakshatra for fun, laughter, building, and enjoying. However, this nakshatra is also symbolized by a hand, palm, or closed fist. This could represent healing with acupuncture, massage, or herbal remedies. But it can also represent manipulation or control, as our hands are what are responsible for manipulating objects through space.
In this podcast we spend time discussing the desire to control, where it stems from, and its potential outcomes. We discuss the freedom that comes with letting go, and turning attention to what we DO have control over. I hope you find it helpful.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Jupiter into the sign of Aquarius on a more global level. Jupiter will move into Aquarius on April 5, and go retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn later in the year. The flux of Jupiter will create events that really make us question what it is we represent and what we stand for. This transit will bring emphasis to the collective and to the future we are all creating. However, everyone will have a different vision of what that future is going to look like.
Will we revolutionize? Will we go back to the old way?
We discuss possible world events and what to watch out for. I hope you find it helpful.
For Readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment I am so excited to introduce the intuitive mentor, Human Design specialist, and energy healer, Pavi.
Human Design is such a complicated topic and, for me, a new frontier! I am so grateful to have Pavi on the show to break down difficult concepts, explain where Human Design came from, and give more insight into how understanding your design can be supportive in your life!
Follow Pavi's instagram:
To Contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment I share (again!) one of my favorite methods of manifestation. We also discuss topics to reflect on in regards to negative self-talk, self-doubt, or unhelpful thinking patterns.
We pick up so much in life that may contribute to an "illusionary" way of viewing ourselves or our capabilities. With this new moon, we're given an opportunity to let these illusions melt away and "reboot" our lives so that we may live with a deeper connection to our True Essence.
I hope you find it helpful.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we explore the meaning of a nakshatra in Jyotish, or Vedic astrology.
I was recently told by someone in my Beginner's Module, "You have a segment for each of the nakshatras, but no segment explaining what one is!". This made me laugh because she was totally right! I briefly explain their meaning in my full and new moon segments, but I thought taking time to thoroughly explain what a nakshatra is could be profoundly helpful.
So much gratitude to each of you for being my teachers and illuminating areas of growth! Your questions are always immensely helpful and inspiring.
To contact Christine:
email: [email protected]
website: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon on March 13, 2021. This new moon will occur in the sidereal sign of Aquarius, more specifically in Purva Bhadrapada. Purva Bhadrapada is represented by a funeral cot or funeral pyre - which can be seen as a fire of purification. Though this nakshatra is "inauspicious for all worldly activity", it is highly spiritual and can give us access to incredible spiritual insight and inquiry. Aquarius is a visionary. Purva Bhadrapada can idealistically imagine a future for the good of others. This new moon energy is perfect for contemplating how we can improve the world around us everyday with every action, word, or thought.
This month is going to get weird! But *you* are in control of your actions and how you respond to the world around you. In this segment we discuss the liberation that comes with taking ownership of our karma with rightful action.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: astrologynow_podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Astrology is so much more complicated than looking at ones Sun sign, though I understand why someone newer to astrology may be plagued with this question!
In this segment we discuss the complexities of astrology, some differences between Western and Vedic astrology, as well as why it's not the best idea to overly identify with a specific sign!
I hope it helps!
Email: [email protected]
Website: innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the only thing we have control over - ourselves! I think it's easy to get swept away by anxiety over "tough transits". Of course we do, it's entirely human! However, usually anxiety turns into the desire to manipulate and control the outcome of a situation - leading to even more frustration, anxiety, and suffering. Join me as I discuss turning anxiety into living with urgency in the present moment.
For readings:
email: [email protected]
website: innerknowing.yoga
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
instagram: astrologynow_podcast
YouTube: https://youtu.be/dsYthozPVnE
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sign of Leo. Leo is all about the arts! Leo is expressive, artistic, theatrical, and dramatic - and *loves* to take time to appreciate nice things. More specifically, this full moon will land in the lunar mansion of Purva Phalguni - one of the most artistic and luxurious nakshatras of the zodiac. This full moon is all about embracing the Venusian side of life, indulging the senses, connecting to our desires, and appreciating the beauty around us.
According to Buddhist philosophy, the quickest way to reduce our dependence on happiness and satisfaction from the outer world is to change our perspective to happiness coming from within. In this segment we discuss balancing our wants and desires with maintaining gratitude for what we have already.
I hope you find it helpful!
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: @AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsYthozPVnE&t=3s
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Mars and Rahu in the sidereal sign of Taurus from February 22nd through April 13th.
Mars is passion, ambition, anger and frustration. Rahu is unpredictable and tends to expand or obscure things. When these two planets come together - we can generally prepare to expect some unanticipated events, anger, and violence.
However, though many people in the world are not paying attention to astrology - we ARE. As cosmic seekers we may use this transit as an opportunity to explore our own anger and frustrations and learn how to express these complicated feelings in a more healthy and productive way. In this segment I share horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs and which area of life this may manifest for you.
I hope this segment finds you well and healthy.
To contact Christine:
email: [email protected]
website: Innerknowing.yoga
instagram: @AstrologyNow_Podcast
patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Happy Valentine's Day Weekend! I hope you all take extra time with your loved ones, children, friends, family, or pets.
In this segment we discuss the hallmarks of positive, long lasting relationships AND detrimental red flags that could tear a connection apart. In addition, we discuss the common indicators of compatibility and attraction between Vedic birth charts.
I hope you find this helpful and implement these tools into YOUR connections and intimate partnerships.
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment I interview entrepreneur and podcaster, Liz Roberta. Liz is a Spiritual Coach and host of the Spiritual Success Podcast with Liz Roberta where she shares about navigating life as an entrepreneur in the spiritual community. Liz also shares some tips and techniques in running an online business while prioritizing spiritual practice.
To contact Liz:
To contact Christine:
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sign of the sidereal Capricorn. There will be 7 planets in this sign - amplifying the qualities of Capricorn in the world at large and in our individual lives.
The new moon will specifically take place in the nakshatra of Dhanishta - representing rhythm. The combined forces of this new moon in Dhanishta, stellium in Capricorn, and Mercury retrograde makes this an auspicious time to discuss the importance of aligning your daily routine with your ultimate intention. How can you become more in alignment with your dharma, or path in life?
To Contact Christine:
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: Patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Dr. Andrew Foss has such profound insight into Vedic astrology, numerology philosophy, spirituality, and has spent years delving into the energies of Gods and Goddesses. Dr. Foss is the Co-Founder and President of the British Association for Vedic Astrology as well at the author of Yoga of the Planets: Their Mantras and Philosophy.
In this segment we discuss the energies of various Gods and Goddesses as well as their relationship to Vedic astrology. In addition, we discuss living as spiritual people in a material world and how to best navigate challenging times (or good times!) by living in flow with our planetary cycles.
To contact Dr. Andrew Foss
Dr. Foss Book:
To contact Christine:
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: Patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we discuss the upcoming Mercury retrograde that will take place on January 30th.
Mercury is the planet of communication, media, advertisement, technology, and reasoning. When Mercury goes retrograde, it has a tendency to shake things up and wreak havoc in these areas of life. In this segment, we discuss what to watch out for an individual and global level - and how to best work with this energy to avoid any mishaps!
We also discuss how this period of time may influence the media, government, currency, and the economy. I hope you find it helpful.
CORRECTION! Mercury Retrograde attack - around 13:30 I mentioned a government adoption of crypto currency, but meant corporate adoption of crypto currency***
I mention Pranic Healing and services from my friend, Kyler, here in Austin. His handle is @_relyk on instagram. If you're wanting to clean out and spruce up your emotional and energetic body - I can not refer him enough. I hope you reach out, schedule a session with him, and share your experience!
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we take time to consider different configurations in a chart that can indicate wealth and power. I use the charts of Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs as examples to find these powerful combinations!
I recently got the request to discuss wealth, fame, power, and influence in Vedic astrology. I decided that there are so many different components to consider, that I will break it down into multiple segments. I hope that you look forward to more in the upcoming weeks! That being said, if you DO NOT have any of the indicators discussed in this show, it does not mean that you will never acquire wealth. Keep listening to future segments to learn more ways to detect wealth and power!
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
There is a stellium building within the sign of Capricorn - asking us to take control, push through, and dedicate our blood, sweat, and tears to what we desire. The upcoming moon in Cancer is a reminder to slow down, make time for nourishment, and reconsider our "hard lines" and judgments that we may place on others. In this segment we discuss our human desire to take control and move our lives in a specific direction, and how to find balance with Universal forces and find trust that perhaps unexpected events may be in support of our higher growth.
I hope that you find this segment helpful and that you may release any emotional burdens with the power of this full moon.
To Contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Saturn is notorious for being "The Great Malefic". Saturn will generally require hard work, commitment, and responsibility from an individual in various areas of their lives (which is not as fun as the blessings bestowed by other, more gentle, planets!). Depending on the house that Saturn is in, and the planets he sits with, and the sign he resides in - Saturn will produce different results for all individuals.
In this segment Ryan Kurczak discusses the influences of Saturn, what may occur when Saturn is conjoined with other planets, and most importantly - how understanding that energy may assist us in navigating our challenges with more grace.
I hope you find it helpful!
To contact Ryan Kurczak:
Kriya Yoga:
Learn Astrology with Ryan Kurczak:
Playlist on the Nodes from Ryan Kurczak:
To Contact Christine:
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Vedic astrology can be profoundly healing. This practice is capable of giving validation, insight, language, and names to various aspects of ourselves that may enable us to adjust our short comings, embrace our strengths, and bring a deeper understanding to various parts of our mind, personality qualities, body, family, partners, and self.
In this segment I discuss why I believe Vedic Astrology to be helpful in this life - in a practical and spiritual sense. I discuss my perspective of the Vedic birth chart as being a blue print of our karma - an indicator as to what we are meant to experience, heal, and confront in this life. A Vedic reading can be profoundly helpful in cultivating awareness and giving language to various aspects of ourselves. This awareness can assist in giving us deeper direction in where we should be directing our focus in order to grow and evolve to our greatest capacity.
However, I also discuss how identifying with a Vedic chart, Human Design, Enneagram, Myers Briggs Personality, etc. may actually be counter productive to true, deep self-realization. Can this over identification create more separation as we overly attach to the ego, instead of bringing us closer to the understanding that we are all cut from the same cosmic cloth?
Learn more in this full segment!
To Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
In this segment we take time to consider different configurations in a chart that can indicate wealth and power. I use the charts of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to demonstrate a few of the configurations discussed in this podcast!
I recently got the request to discuss wealth, fame, power, and influence in Vedic astrology. I decided that there are so many different components to consider, that I will break it down into multiple segments. I hope that you look forward to more in the upcoming weeks! That being said, if you DO NOT have any of the indicators discussed in this show, it does not mean that you will never acquire wealth. Keep listening to future segments to learn more ways to detect wealth and power!
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is our belief systems, personal philosophy, and our ethics and virtues. We will see these areas of life take precedence as those around us become more vocal about their beliefs and what they believe to be True. Sagittarius is known for being quite radical or potentially dogmatic - so beware of people acting out in radical or unpredictable ways.
Getting more specific, the new moon will be in the nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha - or the "latter invincible one". This nakshatra is known for their ethical ways, attachment to virtue, and their inner fortitude. This period is a fantastic time to align yourself with your personal power and live life in a way that is in alignment with what you hold to be True. With the chaos of the outer world, it can be challenging to stay in tune and connected. In this podcast, I discuss strategies for staying connected to your own Truth and resist the urge to give in to the illusion that the outer world has control.
We also discuss other astrological ongoings and continue the conversation on great shift, sudden and unexpected events, and change in our government and governmental structure.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Gemstones seem to be omnipresent in the astrology world! But choosing one that is helpful and supportive to your birth chart can be hard work!
It is always helpful to consult with an astrologer when choosing a gemstone for you. However, in this segment I discuss helpful tips and tricks to use when assessing your chart and deciding which stone would be more or less auspicious. We discuss which stones are associated to each planet and which stone is more or less auspicious for each rising sign.
Be sure you're looking at your VEDIC birth chart. This will not be correct for Western astrology. You can calculate your birth chart here:
Learn Astrology with Me!
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Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Hello everyone! Welcome to year 2021! I feel so much humility and gratitude to the AstrologyNow listeners who are joining me for another turn around the Sun.
In this segment I share one of my very favorite intention setting ceremonies that I use in my personal life everyday. We go through a step by step intention setting process that includes intention, affirmation, and rituals - that will act as fuel for creating intentional living. In order to create change, we must commit to repetitive action... this will involve our unique affirmations and rituals! I also share some insight into patterns, Maya - or illusion imposed on us from the outer world and how to break free of these forces.
If we can manage to stay true to ourselves and truly take ownership of our lives through intentional living, we are absolutely capable of creating the life that we want and life that we deserve. I hope this segment serves you well.
Happy New Year and so, so much Cosmic love to you.
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/AstrologyNowPodcast
Keywords: Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, astrology, jyotish, jyotisha, meditation, mindfulness, Christine Rodriguez, horoscope, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, Virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, new moon, Ayurveda, Vedas, Nakshatras
Did you know that each planet is associated to a different chakra? In our bodes we contain energetic wheels, or chakras, that are responsible for different aspects of our experience and expression. Many of you may have heard of "chakra balancing" or how one may go about "balancing their chakras". Well, using Vedic Astrology we can gain more insight into which chakras may be more or less powerful, more or less in alignment, and using the power of yoga, mudra, or mantra - we may also help bring ourselves back to balance. Learn more in this segment!
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Visit: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon of 2020 that will take place December 29, 2020 in the nakshatra of Ardra.
As many of you may recall, Ardra was one of the two nakshatras responsible for the chaos in 2020. It is symbolic and suiting that our final full moon occurs here! The full moon is a period of release and letting go. Ardra is about demolition, but also resiliency and survival. In this segment we discuss ways to build and sustain resiliency, and also how to notice if we are sabotaging resiliency within our lives.
At the end of the segment I give predictions for each of the 12 zodiac signs in regards to Mars transit in Aries. I hope you find this helpful.
To Contact Christine:
Rahu and Ketu are the karmic nodes of the moon that give insight into past and future karma in Vedic astrology. I warmly welcome, yet again, Ryan Kurczak to share his knowledge on the karmic significance of these mysterious shadow planets and what results they may produce in a birth chart.
To contact Ryan Kurczak:
Kriya Yoga:
Learn Astrology with Ryan Kurczak:
Playlist on the Nodes from Ryan Kurczak:
To Contact Christine:
Humans are the only creatures who do not abide by the cycles of nature. As the solstice comes, we will find that plants and animals retreat from the world, rest, and rejuvenate so that there may be a rebirth in spring. When we look closely we find that this cycle of rest is imperative in the creative process. Despite how humans have shaped society and the systems we live in - we are not free from these natural cycles. It's imperative for us to lean into the yin quality of this winter cycle and embrace rest as part of our creative and productive process.
So much energy is happening within the sign of Capricorn - asking us to re-evaluate the systems we live in. In this segment, we discuss how to find clarity and authenticity within the cycles of our personal lives, using the Four Aims of Life as a guideline.
I hope you find this segment helpful and give yourself sweet permission to rest and renew.
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment I interview The Past Life Regressionist, Daniel. We discuss how exploration of our past lives can give insight and understanding into the karma we are experiencing in this lifetime. We discuss how past life regression can be used as a tool to better understand ourselves as well as our natal birth chart - and how these two can be synthesized to illuminate spaces within ourselves where healing is necessary.
Daniel is a past life regressionist, astrologer, and very dear friend. I hope you find this conversation entertaining, educational, and enjoyable.
To contact Daniel:
To contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
In this segment we discuss the incredible transit of Pluto in Capricorn as well as the rare occasion of Saturn and Jupiter conjunction.
Pluto moves at a snails pace, but this tiny and slow moving planet should not be taken lightly. Pluto represents massive control, explosiveness, and power. Capricorn represents currency, government, structures, systems, authority, status, and justice. The last time that Pluto was in Capricorn was when the United States was born. With this transit, we are bound to see changes in currency, the structures of government, authority, and justice.
Jupiter and Saturn combine forces every 20 years. Jupiter is the guru and represents expansion, growth, prosperity, and optimism. Saturn also represents lessons - but usually hard earned lessons, worldly wisdom, commitment, and control. When these two come together, great changes occur in the world and in our individual lives.
In this segment I discuss the full implications of these transits on a personal and global level.
To learn more about how Saturn and Jupiter conjunction will impact you, please listen here:
To contract Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
In this segment I interview James Braha about the revised and expanded edition of the classic reference book, Ancient Hindu Astrology: for the Modern Western Astrologer.
James wrote one of the first books on Vedic Astrology that was available in the west. Over the past several years, James Braha has accumulated even more information and knowledge on astrology, in which he has compiled to create his Revised and Expanded version of Ancient Hindu Astrology: for the Modern Western Astrologer. Aside from being a phenomenal astrologer with years of experience, James is a down to earth, practical, and hilarious human. In addition - he always incorporates spirituality into his work and honors the lineage of his practice in astrology. I hope that you enjoy this segment as much as I do!
To contact James:
BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KQJTBSQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
WEBSITE: http://www.jamesbraha.com
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the significance of the upcoming total solar eclipse on December 14th, 2020. We are the midst of "eclipse season", and perhaps you feel the shifts in energy! This is a time is of metamorphosis, growth, and setting a stage that is conducive for the life you want to create.
This solar eclipse will be in the nakshatra of Jyestha. This nakshatra is designed for deep and sudden transformation - and is protected in doing so. Imagine a snake slowly unraveling itself from its old skin. It may be uncomfortable and may not be fun - but the serpent was built for this type of change. The solar eclipse landing in this Nakshatra offers a protected time of metamorphosis and personal revival.
Learn more in this podcast and what to expect for your Vedic sign!
Sign Up for a Live Intention Setting Ceremony Here:
Contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment I share my longtime teacher, guru, and friend - Selena Pang. On a personal level, Selena is one of the most influential people in my life and great inspiration. On a less personal level, Selena is an ashtanga yoga teacher, outdoor enthusiast, guru of many, and seizer of life.
We have a discussion about the fifth limb of yoga, Pratyahara, which is traditionally known as "withdraw of the senses". However, Selena has a more creative and intuitive way to describe this limb of yoga. In this conversation, we also share our personal experiences with turning inward and the love and fear that occurs on the yogic path.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we do something new and draw a tarot card for each of the 12 zodiac signs. This cycle in time is powerful as we experience a partial eclipse and full moon in Rohini nakshatra - just weeks before a total solar eclipse. It is a time of release and surrender - creating space for manifestation and truly allowing into our lives our heart's desires.
The tarot is so powerful when used as a tool to enhance personal agency and support empowerment. It is important to remember that the messages within the cards are here to help you - not harm you. The tarot gives incredible insight into past and current circumstance. In regards to the future, remember that everything can change depending on our free will. The tarot becomes the most beneficial when we allow the symbols to support us making the best possible decision to reach our goal. I hope that this pull finds you well and supports you in your journey this month!
Contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the last and final nakshatra of Revati. Revati is a natural humanitarian, a dreamer, an idealist, and highly creative. There is a natural connection to the 12th house, indicating that this nakshatra has the capacity to create a world of their own - rather it be with their idealism, creativity, or travel. The 12th house is also our subconscious and dreams, therefore there is a connection to the other side with Revati - as they have the ability to be in the material world while communicating to worlds beyond. Learn more in this segment!
Contact Christine:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon and penumbral eclipse. The full moon will take place in Rohini nakshatra. This nakshatra is all about beauty, fertility, love, intuition, and creativity. This is a period of creating a sweet life for ourselves and refusing to settle. We discuss techniques in body awareness to notice what stimulus is supporting our health and, on the flip side, what stimulus is keeping our body on edge (or in fight or flight). As always we discuss other astrological ongoings and cover the individual horoscopes for all 12 signs.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we explore the 26th nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada. This nakshatra is represented by the back legs of the funeral cot and the serpent of the depths. This Nakshatra is highly spiritual, intelligent, wise, and pragmatic. It's said that Uttara Bhadrapada contains the same energy of a deep subconscious sleep state, allowing it to exist in complete stillness and awareness. Being completely contained within the sign of Pisces, it takes on strong 12th house energy - giving it an inclination towards moksha (spiritual liberation), but perhaps also self-isolating and lonely. Learn more about this nakshatra in this segment.
To Contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
When utilizing a predictive tool like Vedic astrology, the idea of self-fulfilling prophecy is considered by both astrologers and skeptics. Where is the line between using the valuable tool of astrology as a guide and completely giving all personal autonomy over to the stars? Ryan Kurczak and I discuss the importance of seizing personal power, being in alignment with Truth, and using spiritual practice as a way to veer away from self-fulfilling prophecy. Listen here for the full discussion.
Information on Ryan:
LEARN ASTROLOGY WITH RYAN: https://vedic-astrology.teachable.com
Asheville Vedic Astrology: https://ashevillevedicastrology.wordpress.com/asheville-vedic-astrology/
Kriya Yoga Online: https://kriyayogaonline.com
The Kriya Yoga Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-kriya-yoga-podcast/id1478009937
Ryan's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEMhv-bDzRVrrB6a5HkaZHg
To Contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. This nakshatra is notorious for it's fascination with darkness, mysticism, and the occult. The symbol is the front legs of a funeral cot - connecting this nakshatra to death or other worlds. This nakshatra is often caught between the pursuits of material pleasures and hopes of reaching spiritual fulfillment. Though this nakshatra is often connected to misfortune, pain, suffering, and sorrow - it also possesses the capacity for great worldly gains, notoriety, and success. Learn more in this segment.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Vishakha nakshatra. This new moon brings forth a powerful opportunity to focus on and cultivate our long term goals and ambitions. Though the energy of the new moon itself may bring somewhat confusing and erratic energy, it's a good time to seek solace within and contemplate what you want to create in your life. What is your purpose?
With the upcoming conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, the universal forces are offering us opportunity to really get serious about our lives and have major break throughs. To learn more about how this conjunction may impact you, please listen to the segment on this conjunction:
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the unconventional, eclectic, and visionary sign of Shatabhisha. This nakshatra is ruled by Rahu - contributing to it's unconventional ways and desire to think outside of the box. This nakshatra loves to push the taboo and think beyond the social norms that it is presented with. Shatabhisha translates into "the hundred physicians" - giving this nakshatra a connection to healing, protecting, or the medical industry in general. However, if out of balance, this nakshatra can lean too far into the direction of taboo or rely too heavily on alcohol. Learn more about this nakshatra in this segment.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment I propose possible full moon ritual techniques. As the new moon is good for setting new intentions, the full moon is an auspicious time to release, let go, and surrender elements of your life that no longer serve you. In this segment we discuss how to clear space, a helpful writing exercise for letting go, and ideas on clearing your own energetic space. In order to receive, we must let go of the dusty, outdated energetic ties. In order to let go, we must first acknowledge what is no longer serving us, notice how it served us on our path, and then properly release the tethers in order to move forward.
I am offering a Halloween Full Moon Ceremony on October 31st at 12pm. You can sign up here if you're interested in joining the magic: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/halloween-full-moon-ceremony
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this series we discuss Dhanishta nakshatra - or "the richest one". This nakshatra is often associated to wealth, luck, and good timing. The ruling planet is mars, giving this nakshatra incredible ambition, perseverance, and inner strength. However, though ruled by a hot planet - those born under Dhanishta are often poised, regal, noble, and radiant. Learn more about this nakshatra here!
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Bharani nakshatra. This nakshatra is all about major break throughs, endings and beginnings, death and rebirth. Now is the time to focus on energetic cords between people, habits, negative thoughts, or limiting beliefs that have burdened us - and finally breaking through. I offer full moon ritual ideas for each of the 12 zodiac signs as well as offer other insights into the current astro-climate.
I am offering a Halloween Full Moon Ceremony on October 31st at 12pm. You can sign up here if you're interested in joining the magic: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/halloween-full-moon-ceremony
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss Shravana nakshatra. Shravana is the final nakshatra to be ruled by the moon - emphasizing it's ability to be caring and sensitive. This nakshatra is highly intelligent with an enormous gift of listening and learning. The deity for Shravana is Vishnu, the preserver of the Universe. This factor lends the qualities of organization and structure, as the sign of Capricorn is often associated with. Listen here to learn more about this very special lunar mansion.
For contact:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment we discuss the important role of the moon in determining our emotional resiliency and mental health using Vedic astrology. The new moon offers an opportunity to renew ourselves emotionally, energetically, and spiritually. Connecting with lunar energy and truly integrating the qualities of the moon - we may learn to nurture, nourish, and provide support to ourselves as a "good enough" mother would. We discuss possible New Moon Ceremony options and where to direct our focus for this lunar cycle.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the nakshatra of Uttara Ashadha. This nakshatra is the pinnacle of solar energy, and represents leadership, success, achievement, ambition, and being loyal or committed. This nakshatra is an extremely hard worker, and it's not difficult for them to climb up the social latter quickly when others notice their worth. However, this may turn into egotistical behavior, which Uttara Ashadha needs to watch out for! All in all, this nakshatra is kind, gentle, and introspective - but knows when it's time to go to war for what they want.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
This new moon brings a particular special energy to manifestation and building up what we would like to create. Chitra is the nakshatra of building, constructing, and visualizing how to materialize our heart's desire. With Mercury retrograde, it isn't necessarily the best time to begin a new project, but it is a phenomenal time to review methods that have not worked in the past. By reviewing, we may then clarify a path of wisdom and a strategy to create whatever we are dreaming of.
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
In this segment we discuss the pinnacle of Venusian energy, Purva Ashadha. This nakshatra is goal-oriented, driven, successful, and is the reason that Sagittarius is stereotyped as being adventurous, fun loving, and filled with zeal. However, this nakshatra is also governed by the water deity Apah. This gives the nakshatra a mysterious nature, or the tendency to conceal information. Learn more in this podcast!
To contact Christine:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Email: [email protected]
Patreon: patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this segment we discuss the deep, investigating, healing sign of Mula Nakshatra. Mula is contained within the galactic center - and comes with as much karmic intensity as it sounds like! This nakshatra has profound ability to heal others and themselves. In addition, a Mula native will hold high spiritual capacity. However, they must step out of their own way and be able to accept their power.
For readings:
Email [email protected]
Visit: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Uttara Bhadrapada. This nakshatra is symbolized by the end of a funeral cot and ruled by the planet Saturn. There is a seep connection to the end of cycles, death, release, and surrender. In that, there is also the dedicated and committed aspect of Saturn - making this an opportune time to release and let-go in order to commit to a new way of being.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Web: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
In this segment, we discuss the nakshatra of Jyestha. This nakshatra likes to assume leadership, authoritative roles, and has a natural inclination towards the metaphysical arts. The symbol of this nakshatra is a circle or ring - indicating divine protection OR the natural cycles of life and the cosmos. These natives tend to seek meaning in the world around them, which results in them diving to the depths for secret information. This makes them interested in things like the occult sciences, politics, astrology, yoga, etc.
Learn more about this incredibly powerful nakshatra in this segment!
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Readings: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/readings
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Jupiter and Saturn will join forces from November 20, 2020 to April 6, 2021. Jupiter brings optimism, generosity, and growth - while Saturn brings discipline, practicality, and longevity. When these two come together, it gives the opportunity to break through barriers and create a new reality.
In the sign of Capricorn, it will of course effect the government, powers, and create a sense of serving others. Capricorn is very justice oriented and loves to serve the underdog. We will see more demands for justice that act as a catalyst for even grander change.
Learn how this configuration will impact you and your sign.
Get a reading:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/astrologynowpodcast
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
In this segment we discuss the nakshatra of Anuradha. This nakshatra is known for their discipline, devotion, friendliness, and revolutionary ways. This nakshatra is very simple and yet delightfully complex all at once. From metaphysics to laws of the Universe - they love to explore the depths of truth.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/astrologynow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Virgo. More specifically in the nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni. This nakshatra represents patronage, kindness, interdependence, and harmony. In the meantime - all other astrological configurations urge us towards volatility, frustration, and anger. By harnessing this new moon energy, we may strive to understand and gain compassion for those around us - and setting ourselves free from a lot of anger that arises with disagreement and misunderstanding.
We discuss techniques to free the mind and increase harmony in ourselves and those around us.
For readings:
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the goal oriented, ambitious, determined, triumphal sign of Vishakha! This nakshatra in balance can be incredibly successful while also remembering what is important in life - making them a spiritual warrior and determined to become the highest version of themselves. Out of balance, this nakshatra may become over indulgence and 'cut throat' when it comes to achieving their missions. Regardless, this nakshatra has a courageous heart and "failure" is not a part of their vocabulary. Listen for more information!
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: astrologynow_
In this segment we explore a deeper meaning of Rahu and Ketu and the lessons they come to share in this life. We discuss the upcoming transit of Rahu and Ketu into Taurus and Scorpio, and what this may mean for each of the twelve zodiac signs.
Rahu does exceptionally well in Taurus, as the materialistic node of Rahu feels supported to explore it's earthly pursuits in the luxury-loving sign of Taurus. Additionally, Ketu feels extremely comfortable in Scorpio, as this node is allowed to dig even deeper to depths of hidden information and truth.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the independent, flexible, restless, adaptable sign of Swati. This nakshatra runs from 6°40' - 20° of Libra. This nakshatra is ruled by the node of Rahu. With the mixed energy of Venus (ruling planet of Libra) and Rahu, natives with Swati strong are often charming and have a natural allure. The deity is Vayu, or the Wind God. The nature of the wind gives these natives an airy, flexible quality. They may seem to always be on the move or thinking about where they can go next. This nakshatra is also known for it's resiliency and ability to "go with the flow".
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in Shatabishak. This is a powerful time of healing, releasing, and moving forward from a space of authenticity. Addiction is the opposite of connection. Will you choose to channel this energy to connect? Or will you fall into the illusion of separation? We cover each individual zodiac sign and how this may impact you.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/astrologynow_podcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/astrologynow_
In this segment we discuss the bright, lustrous, creative sign of Chitra nakshatra. This nakshatra falls within 23°20' of Virgo - 6°40' Libra. The symbol for Chitra is a diamond or jewel. The deity is Tvastar, or the architect of the gods. The essence of Tvastar gives these natives the profound ability to create. Natives with this nakshatra strong have the capacity to build and materialize any of their dreamy ideas. Chitra is ruled by Mars, giving the additional energy and will power to complete the tasks at hand.
For readings-
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Magha nakshatra. Magha nakshatra represents paternal lineage, tradition, ancestors, and taking care of the people around you. Magha is ruled by the planet Ketu... giving an additional energy that may bring separation or division in our strong held beliefs. It is an important time to acknowledge and pay homage to our own lineage - while also acknowledging, appreciating, and respecting the beliefs of others.
We discuss auspicious activities for individuals on this day as well as other dates to consider. I do discuss planetary influences that we can expect to see in September to prepare for some serious shifts in energy.
NOTE: In this segment, I mention on September 19 Rahu and Ketu will change nodes, which is when I believe we will see a lot more civil dispute. I want to clarify that Mars will be aspected by Saturn AFTER October 4th, which is when I believe we will see the most significant unrest begin.
Email: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment, we discuss Hasta nakshatra. This nakshatra is contained entirely within the sign of Virgo - giving it the mercurial edge of being witty, intellectual, and curious. In addition, this nakshatra is ruled by the moon, giving it a divine emotional intelligence and deep empathy. We discuss the strengths and challenges of Hasta nakshatra along with some details of their personality.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: Astrologynow_
In this segment I interview James Braha to discuss remedial measures in one's horoscope. Learning that you have a weak or damaged planet can feel stressful or downright scary! Luckily, with Vedic astrology - there are many various remedial measures one can observe to lessen or mitigate the negative impact of afflicted planets. The main remedial measures mentioned are yagyas, mantra, and gem stones. James discusses the influence of these remedial measures as well as where to access them.
To find more about James Braha:
Website: http://www.jamesbraha.com/
Email: [email protected]
James Braha also has numerous talks on YouTube - you can find them by simply googling his name in YouTube.
For Information on Christine:
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
Yagya Information: https://bhawnayagya.org/
In this segment we discuss the loyal, intelligent, connection-focused sign of Uttara Phalguni. This nakshtra runs from 26°40' Leo - 10° of Virgo. This nakshatra is ruled by the Sun - giving them a luminous nature that is difficult to miss. Uttara Phalguni is known for their kindness, friendship, and patronage - having a connection to the deity Aryaman. They have the tendency to be loyal and generous - sometimes to a fault! Those with nakshatra strong will sacrifice for sake of connection - making them excellent partners and friends, but must be careful to ensure their own needs are met, rather than only serving the other.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNowPodcast
In this segment we discuss the upcoming transit of Mars, Mars retrograde, and how we might best prepare for this heated and erratic energy.
When Mars is functioning well, it is directed with it's aggression, passionate, ambitious, and motivated. When it is retrograde - it tends to loose focus, becoming violent, and become unsure of when or when not to engage in conflict.
It seems that the majority of conflict occurs online these days. Do your best to avoid fueling unnecessary fires and choosing your battles wisely. Exhaustion, frustration, fear, and anxiety are going to be amplified. With knowledge of cosmic forces, we may do our best to harmonize in advance.
The dates of Mars transit:
August 16th - Mars in Aries
Sept 10th - Mars Retrograde
October 3rd - Mars in Pisces
Nov 13th - Mars Direct
Dec 23 - Mars in Aries
Keep in mind - if you have planets in your natal birth chart in the early degrees of Aries or late degrees of Pisces, particularly tread with caution.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the passionate, romantic, artistic, creative sign of Purva Phalguni. This nakshatra is ruled by Venus and truly exudes this energy. This nakshatra falls from 13°20' - 26°40' in Leo. Those with Purva Phalguni strong are naturally creative and thrive off of the ability to express themselves. No matter what kind of work they are doing, they will take pride in implementing their own personal, creative spin on their endeavor. The combined energy of Venus and the Sun make these natives hard to miss.
For readings:
Email [email protected]
Website: innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon on August 3, 2020. This is such a powerful cycle to set intention around communication, tuning in to yourself, and touching base with authenticity.
We discuss the full moon energy, suggested intention setting, and personal horoscopes through the signs.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
This new moon will take place in the sign of Cancer, more specifically, Pushya nakshatra. Pushya represents giving generously without prejudice or discrimination. But in order to really learn to give, nurture, and nourish others - it is always best to learn how to nourish ourselves first. This new moon is asking us to serve one another, as well as give generously to ourselves.
The strong aspect of Saturn gives the moon an anxious or insecure nature. Be gentle with yourself and those around you.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
Yoga, Kundalini, Pranayama, Meditation, and Astrology are all interconnected. By breathing we can connect with and balance not only planetary energy - but our nervous system, our emotional state, and our mental state. Therefore - the breath is powerful stuff! "Prana" is life force energy. We connect with Prana with our breath - hence, prana-yama.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to simply forget to breath. In fact, sometimes it's an automatic response to stress. We may hold our breath throughout the day in response to pressure or anxiety - all the while sending survival cues to our body, making us feel even more uneasy (and we may not even be aware of it!). By making awareness of the breath a daily practice, we become more and more in sync with our breathing and can do our best to soothe our bodies throughout the day with deep, full, consistent breath.
It's been a LONG time since I have continued this series, and I am honored to bring on my friend and teacher Ana Pilar Cruz. We discuss the meaning of pranayama, the significance of the breath, giggle a little bit, and Ana teaches the pranayama practice of Anuloma Viloma.
You can find Ana and book private sessions at https://www.myvinyasapractice.com/
You can follow Ana at https://www.instagram.com/helloshakti/
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment I discuss what may occur or come to light through all 12 zodiac signs. Keep in mind - I follow the Sidereal system of astrology.
Eclipses tend to bring things to the surface around the timing of the event... however, the day OF may feel confusing or fragmented. We are seeing in the news so many things coming to the surface. Ghislaine Maxwell has been arrested and Nahko (from Nahko and Medicine for the People) has been accused of sexual assault. Eclipse season is full of surprises. See how this transit may impact you.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. On this day, the Moon will fall right between Jupiter and Ketu. Jupiter is our gurus. Our teachers, our beliefs, and what WE find to be true. Jupiterian beliefs can be quite personal, become radicalized, and can even be divisive at times. Ketu separates the Real from the unreal. Ketu represents the capacity to go beyond our human consciousness and connect to what is objectively True in this life. Now is the time to reflect on your beliefs, your teachers, and these shape your perception of the world.
The Upanishads translation was by Eknath Easwaran.
For readings email [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment I discuss suggestions on how to best navigate the upcoming energy. From June 18th until June 25th, we will have five planets retrograde, spurring difficulties in moving forward, miscommunication, and all around annoyances. However, with the upcoming solstice, the Universal forces offer us the opportunity to connect, share, and celebrate connectivity. It's an excellent time to be mindful of communication, create space for the experience of others, be aware of what may be illuminated for you during the eclipse, setting intentions, and story telling.
For readings email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for reaching out and asking where my forecast is! It's in alignment for me to step back from podcasting and posting at this time. Please support black voices.
If you are a listener who is black - I hope you're well, safe, getting rest, feeling supported, and doing what you're called to do.
If you are a white listener - Please join me in doing our best to be allies and work to unpack privilege, colonization, systemic racism, and internalized whiteness. Please see my resources below.
Code Switch
About Race
Pod for the Cause
The Diversity Gap
When They See Us
The Hate You Give
I Am Not Your Negro
The Black Panthers
American Son
Dear White People
The Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
Go Tell It on the Mountain - James Baldwin
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin Diangelo
The Bluest Eyes - Tony Morrison
People to follow:
I've gotten a lot of questions recently about retrograde planets and how they may impact us in transit OR if we are born with them in our birth charts. In this segment I discuss the significance of retrograde, how often planets retrograde, what they are asking us by transit, and how they may impact you if you were born with a planet retrograde.
"Vakri" means "twisted". When a planet moves into it's retrograde position, it becomes more POWERFUL and also will give "twisted" results. Whatever planet is retrograde, it will generally in some way "warp" how we relate to the qualities of that planet. How do these planets impact YOU? Let me know through email or DM on instagram!
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Krittika nakshatra. Krittika is a beautiful example of yin and yang energy. Though Krittika is ruled by the Sun, associated with Agni, and regularly associated with sharpness, ambition, and drive - it's also connecting to nurturing, defending, and protecting others. This reveals a softer side to Krittika. We discuss utilizing the cosmic energy to protect, defend, and fortify ourselves and choosing what energy to surround ourselves with.
In addition, we discuss other astrological ongoings and what to be keeping your eyes out for.
For readings:
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment I was lucky enough to interview Yogi Baba Prem, who has achieved the rank of Acharya, Yogacharya, Veda Visharada and is the Founder and Director of Universal Yoga/Florida Vedic Institute. Yogi Baba Prem has an extensive background as working as a Master Vedic Counselor, utilizing the power of Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology, and other integrated healing modalities. I was deeply humbled to share this time with him and I hope you all enjoy this segment as much as I enjoyed making it!
Yogi Baba Prem and I discuss how astrology and the power of the cosmos is integrated into every facet of life. Within the system of the human body we have the chakras, or wheels of energy. These chakras are associated to various planets, indicating that astrological energy literally resides within us, and can be utilized to find harmony and balance. In addition to humans, we discuss how cosmic energy resides in all beings and connects the world at large.
For more on Yogi Baba Prem, please visit his website https://vedicpath.com/about-yogi-baba-prem
I highly recommend his book An Introduction to Astrological Yoga - available as an eBook on his website.
For readings with me, please email [email protected]
Visit Innerknowing.yoga
Follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram and AstrologyNow_ on Twitter
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon energy of Vishakha nakshatra. Vishakha roughly translates into "forked" and has a connection to two deities - Indra and Agni. Both of deities are very passionate, driven, ambitious, and "yang". In addition to this heated moon, it's being aspected by Saturn and Rahu - asking us to really slow down and be mindful of our thought patterns, despite how deep or rampant they run.
I offer an exercise stemmed from CBT practices that support tracking automatic thoughts, emotion attached to thoughts, and actions that take place after these thoughts and feelings... how our thoughts manifest into reality! This exercise is by no means meant to replace therapy or replace any techniques currently utilized by your mental health care provider. If anything sounds potentially triggers, I recommend discussing the technique with a trusted mental health provider first.
We finally discuss the upcoming retrogrades, the energy to watch out for, and helpful practices to observe that will help this confusing and potentially frustrating energy easier to navigate. I hope you find it helpful.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
I am so excited to introduce in this segment astrologer and friend - Ryan Kurczak. Ryan has been studying Vedic Astrology extensively for over 20 years, has written multiple books, and is the founder of Asheville Vedic Astrology - where he teaches astrology as well as Kriya Yoga. He offers insight into astrology with practicality, wisdom, and humor.
During this hour, I interview Ryan to hear more about how he approaches the study of synastry and compatibility utilizing astrology. We discuss key indicators of compatibility as well as personal capacity for relationship. Ryan's non-fatalistic views prompt conversation on how to potentially work with planetary energy to overcome difficulties and challenges in relationship.
There were a few audio issues on my end - I appreciate your patience and I hope that you enjoy the segment.
To learn more about Ryan, please visit his website https://ashevillevedicastrology.wordpress.com/
Follow Ryan's YouTube channel here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEMhv-bDzRVrrB6a5HkaZHg
To book a reading with me, please email me at [email protected] or visit Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming New Moon in the sign of Aries. Specifically in the nakshatra of Ashwini. Ashwini is the first of the 27 nakshatras. It represents initiating new beginnings, moving forward, starting new projects, as well as health and healing. It's an excellent time to turn inwards, create new projects, and focus on healing yourself and those around you.
In addition, the sun is in it's exaltation point - adding power to all that the sun represents. The sun represents authority, power, and leadership... In this segment we explore in detail the implications of this placement along with other astrological factors.
For readings, please email [email protected] or visit Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment I summarize astrological ongoings on how they pertain to the economy, recent pandemic, and when we can expect some relief.
Throughout my full and new moon forecasts, I've been discussing an upcoming massive event, the transit of Pluto, and historical periods of ups and downs economically. I decided to make a segment that provides an easy place to get all of the information at once. "Forensic Astrology" is going back in time and viewing what was happening in the heavens at the time of major events. I discuss how astrological factors we see today relate to past events, and when we should see some relief.
Readings: [email protected] or https://www.innerknowing.yoga/
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: Astrologynow_
In this segment we explore the worlds of dream interpretation and Vedic Astrology and the connections in between. Ashley is a master of symbolism and explains how tuning into the subtle messages around us, we can awaken to the true meaning of our dreams, natal chart, and life at large. Everything is a message from the Universe.
Included in this segment is also an abundance of friendly banter between me and Ashley. We discuss strategies of keeping a clean mind and neutral energy that can therefore set us up to better remember our dreams.
For more about SunGoddess Ashely please go to https://www.sungoddessashley.com/ or follow her on instagram @SunGoddess_Ashley
For readings with Christine, please email [email protected] or visit Innerknowing.yoga
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss the upcoming Full Moon in Chitra nakshatra. The deity for Chitra is the celestial architect of the gods. It represents planning, building, and reconstructing. In addition to this full moon, there are other positive signs of moving forward and rebuilding within the cosmos.
For readings please email [email protected] or visit Innerknowing.yoga.
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
In this segment we discuss how the moon may act when it comes into the sign of Pisces. Pisces is all about creativity and imagination. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, so there is a philosophical essence to this sign as well as an inclination in teaching or sharing information. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac so it has a connection to the 12th house, which is all about liberation, spirituality, moksha, and disconnect from the material plane.
Pisces is naturally idealistic, which can sometimes set them up for disappointment... by careful when playing the victim, Pisces!
For readings, email [email protected] or visit innerknowing.yoga.
Instagram: AstrologyNow_Podcast
Twitter: AstrologyNow_
YouTube: AstrologyNow Podcast
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself in the scientific, revolutionary, new age thinking sign of Aquarius! Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and is also an air sign. This means that though it posses the consistent, rigid qualities of Saturn, it's also a little unconventional and free thinking - much like you'd think with the qualities of air. Combined, Aquarius pushes the boundaries of taboo, without actually breaking the law (Saturn wouldn't like that...). They love to join forces with like minded network circles to change ideas, culture, and the world at large.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming New Moon in the sign of Pisces. This is a time of deep transformation and need for personal reflection. With uncertainty in health and the economy, we look back and view what's happened in years before.
To book a reading, visit innerknowing.yoga or email [email protected] and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and on Twitter - astrologynow_
Thank you so much.
In this segment, we discuss the royal, powerful, noble, kingly sign of Magha nakshatra! Magha is ruled by the planet Ketu and runs 0° - 13°20' of Leo. Ketu adds a withdrawn element to Magha - giving them the potential to lead without inserting complete ego. Magha is a traditionalist, like a good leo is, and has the potential to shine like the Sun. Those with Magha strong possess strong ability to lead, great loyalty to family, and ease in influencing those around them.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast (@astrologynow_) on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself in the stable, practical, earthy, hilarious sign of Capricorn!
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming Full Moon in the sign of Leo. More specifically, the Full Moon will be taking place in the nakshatra of Purva Phalguni. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Venus and is represented by a hammock. It's an excellent time to kick back, revel in luxury, and spend time with intimacy - either with a loved one or with yourself! There will be a positive aspect of Jupiter on both Venus and on the Moon, which brings optimism to the mind and to relationships. There will be a Ketu aspect as well, which supports time in solitude, cultivating intimacy with the self or integrating spirituality into your relationships.
For readings, you can email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow's instagram, AstrologyNow_Podcast and on twitter AstrologyNow_.
Have a wonderful Full Moon and talk to you soon.
In this segment we discuss the 9th Nakshatra, the cunning, secretive, perceptive, powerful sign of Ashlesha. Ashlesha is ruled by the planet Mercury and is represented by the Nagas - or half human/half serpent. Ashlesha posses profound occult abilities and gives the inclination towards astrology, mysticism, and healing. The added element of Mercury gives this nakshatra intelligence, wit, and the addition of the dual potential - poison or medicine? This nakshatra runs from 16°40' - 30° of Cancer, providing this sign with intuition, vulnerability, and deep, yet sometimes concealed, emotions.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself in the expansive, philosophical, generous, abundant sign of Sagittarius!
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the 8th Nakshatra: the generous, nourishing, kind, and incredibly disciplined sign of of Pushya! Pushya is fully contained in the sign of Cancer - giving it the natural tendency to care and nurture others. However, Pushya is also associated with Saturn and Jupiter. This means that those with Pushya strong will also posses the qualities of being philosophical, loving to teach others, discipline, structure, and some dogma around beliefs.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself when in the secretive, intuitive, oddly psychic, intense sign of Scorpio!
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal Aquarius. More specifically, in the nakshatra of shatabishak. There is a lot of energy in Aquarius, including the Sun, the Moon, and retrograding Mercury. We discuss the implication of this energy along with remedial measures to help the ease the tension of the retrograde.
For readings, please email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNow_ on Twitter. Thank you so much and happy new moon!
In this segment we discuss the abundant, forgiving, vastless nakshatra of Punarvasu. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter and truly embodies the qualities of the most auspicious planet. Punarvasu brings hope and inspiration to the native. This nakshatra is understanding, empathetic, and provides an everlasting sense of renewal.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss love, attraction, romance, and what may make a long-lasting relationship. We discuss the art of synastry when analyzing charts, the placement of the Moon and Venus, as well as the condition of the seventh house.
Please keep in mind that every technique I mention in this segment is looking at one facet of the chart. Just like everything in astrology, we can NEVER make a judgement based off of one detail. It is so important to consult with an astrologer to get an idea of the compatibility between charts in a holistic manner. Finally, this is not a substitute for a compatibility reading OR relationship counseling/coaching. Please do not make decisions about your relationship based off of this information. This segment simply touched the tip of the iceberg in compatibility.
If you'd like to schedule a reading (or compatibility reading!) with me, you can email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much for listening and happy Valentine's Day!
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself in the Venusian, diplomatic, harmonious, sensual sign of Libra, according to Vedic Astrology.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the moon may express itself in the earthy, practical, organized, helpful, service driven sign of Virgo.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon as well as February predictions. In addition, we discuss the upcoming Pluto transit in December 2020 and the possibility of a new world order... no big deal, right?
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss all about the powerful and intelligent sign of Ardra nakshatra.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the Moon may act in the fiery, passionate, prideful, shiny sign of Leo is accordance to Vedic Astrology.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment, we discuss the upcoming New Moon in the nakshatra of Shravana. We also discuss other astrological events.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram and AstrologyNow_ on Twitter.
Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the fifth nakshatra, Mrigashira! This nakshatra is ruled by Mars and takes the symbol of the deers head. Mrigashira is constantly searching and loves the sensation of "the hunt". Mrigashira falls within 23° 20' Taurus - 6° 40' of Gemini. There is an element of materialism to this nakshatra and a great appreciation of collection.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss how the Moon may express itself in it's own, watery, caring, nurturing, sensitive sign of Cancer!
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we bring in the New Year with our first 2020 Full Moon Forecast in the Nakshatra of Punarvasu.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter (astrologynow_) for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the Nakshatra of Rohini. Rohini is the fourth nakshatra and ruled by the Moon. Rohini is sensual, sexual, beautiful, and loves to indulge in creature comforts. This nakshatra runs 10° - 23°20' of Taurus, hence the connection to sensuality and Venusian beauty. This nakshatra is ruled by the Moon, providing the native with deep intuition, awareness of subtleties and emotionality.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram and AstrologyNowPodcast on twitter for daily astrological forecasts. Thank you so much.
In this segment, we discuss how the Moon may express itself in the Mercurial sign of Gemini.
For readings, you can email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you!
In this segment we discuss the powerful upcoming eclipse in December 2020 and it's domino effect into the year of 2020.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you.
In this segment we discuss how the Moon may show up when it moves into the Venusian sign of Taurus.
For readings, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss self-fulfilling prophecy versus our divine ability to analyze charts. Projection, manifestation, illusion... what all are we bringing with us as humans studying the stars?
For readings, please email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the nakshatra of Krittika. Krittika is ruled by the Sun and is represented by Agni, the purifying flame. People with this nakshatra strong are very independent, discerning, perfection-driven, ambitious, and passionate. This nakshatra runs from 26°40' of Aries to 10° of Taurus.
For readings, please visit innerknowing.yoga, email [email protected], and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss what it means to have the Moon in the sign of Aries according to Vedic Astrology.
This very lengthy segment discusses the Third Limb of Yoga, Asana. Asana are the physical postures we see on television, magazines, and in the media. Physical postures were traditionally used to prepare for seated mediation, but there are so many profound elements that emerge with a physical practice. In this segment we explore more into how the physical postures of yoga may change your life.
For astrology readings, you can email at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you!
In this segment we discuss the upcoming Full Moon in the sign of Taurus. More specifically, in the light hearted, searching, energetic sign of Mrigashira. We also discuss other December astrological ongoings.
For readings, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we discuss the Nakshatra of Bharani, the lunar mansion of Aries, within 13° 20' - 26°40'. This Nakshatra is referred to as "the star of restraint" or "the bearing star". This nakshatra represents divine feminine energy, death and rebirth, the female yoni (reproductive organ), and major break throughs. Those with Bharani strong will feel compelled to complete what has never been done before. Pioneers, creators, artists will all push the boundaries from what has already been accomplished.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram.
Thank you so much.
In this segment we begin a new venture through the Nakshatras. Beginning with Ashwini, the first of the twenty seven Nakshatras. Ashwini is bold, courageous, impulsive, impatient, and loves to move! Anyone with many planets in this Nakshatra will likely be interested in leadership roles, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and may be interested in health and wellness. Listen to this segment to learn more.
For readings or questions, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you.
In this segment we discuss the new moon in the sign of Scorpio. More specifically, the the Nakshatra of Anuradha. It's a wonderful time to devote energy towards devotion, connection, and creating harmony.
For more, you can email me at AstrologyNowPodcast@gmail, visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you!
In this segment we discuss the eight limbs of yoga and observing traditional yogic philosophy as a modern day yogi.
If you have questions, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, or follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you!
In this segment we discuss possible indicators of pregnancy, likelihood to have children, and happiness derived from children.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you.
In this segment we discuss the upcoming Full Moon in Bharani Nakshatra, as well as other astrological on-goings.
For readings, please email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
This segment introduces planetary aspects and how they impact your chart. *DISCLAIMER* I misspoke in this segment. When using a North Indian chart, you will count COUNTER clockwise. If you are using a South Indian chart, you will count clockwise.
Please remember that this is the TIP OF THE ICE BERG in reading charts. Please do not feel anxiety or fear about anything you aren't sure about. It's always best to seek an experienced astrologer before jumping to any conclusions - good or bad.
For reading or tutoring, email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment I explore the 12 zodiac signs and discuss their natural tendencies in conflict and how one may go about diffusing arguments. Please keep in mind, this ONLY going off of rising sign or moon sign according to Vedic Astrology. In order to truly understand an individual, you would want to see their full birth chart.
For readings, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
According to Vedic Astrology, this new moon will fall beneath the sign of Libra. More specifically, in the nakshatra of Swati. This nakshatra is all about negotiation, movement, individuality, overcoming obstacles, and becoming deeply connected to their own core essence. In this podcast I discuss auspicious and inauspicious activity, and a little forecast on what to expect in the upcoming weeks.
For a reading, please visit innerknowing.yoga, email [email protected], and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you!
In this segment, I discuss how to begin learning the house rulers when looking at a chart. If you are very new to learning how to decipher charts, this segment should be helpful for you!
The discount code for New Moon Yoga is NEWMOON10
This full moon will be in the sign of Pisces. More specifically, in the nakshatra of Revati. Revati is the 27th and final nakshatra. It's represented by rhythm, hollow instruments, charity, and ushering travelers home. This is a very auspicious time for creative ventures and being charitable. It's not the best time for drama or drastic decision making!
For readings, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
In this segment AstrologyNow discusses the upcoming Jupiter transit and how it may impact you. Jupiter represents expansion, growth, opportunity, wealth, and optimism. As Jupiter moves into the sign of Sagittarius, it's going to feel right at home. For the past several months, Ketu and Saturn have been sitting in the sign of Sag and bringing some challenge and hardship. Listen here to learn how Jupiter is going to ease these troubling energies up!
For readings, you can email me [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNowPodcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
Happy Equinox! On this segment of AstrologyNow we discuss the upcoming New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Specifically in Hasta Nakshatra. Hasta is all about utilizing their hands to create a better world. This may be in creating arts, crafts, or even in healing - such as acupuncture or massage.
We are lucky enough to be supported by NewMoonYoga on Etsy. NewMoonYoga is an Austin made, woman ran up and coming yoga studio. They offer their own mala beads and essentially oils and are offering US a 10% discount with the promo code NEWMOON10. Please check out their account, and there will be more to come in the future.
For readings, please email [email protected] or visit Innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNowPodcast on instagram.
Thank you so much!
In this segment I interview Brett Haginas, a longtime friend, colleague, soul sister, and team mate in social activism. Brett is a yoga teacher, brith doula, and entrepreneur taking over Austin, Texas. Brett has studied yoga and Ayurveda extensively for the past several years and offers Astrology Now a comprehensive breakdown of the doshas. You can find Brett at Wanderlust Yoga study or book a session with her at BrettHaginas.com and follow her on instagram at Bretthaginas.
For an astrology reading, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and visit AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
In this segment I interview Brett Haginas, a longtime friend, colleague, soul sister, and team mate in social activism. Brett is a yoga teacher, brith doula, and entrepreneur taking over Austin, Texas. Brett has studied yoga and Ayurveda extensively for the past several years and offers Astrology Now a comprehensive breakdown of the doshas. You can find Brett at Wanderlust Yoga study or book a session with her at BrettHaginas.com and follow her on instagram at Bretthaginas.
For an astrology reading, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and visit AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
This full moon takes place under the sign of Aquarius. More specifically, in the nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada. Purva Bhadrapada is represented by the front legs of the funeral cot, a sword, and is literally named "The Former One with Lucky Feet. This nakshatra represents taking negative experiences and turning them into wisdom. It can represent sorrow, loss, and loneliness, but also come with achievement, success, persuasion, and honor. In this segment we discuss the upcoming moon, auspicious activity, a little bit more about the month ahead.
For readings, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you!
According to Vedic astrology, if you were born between March 15th and April 13th, your sun is in the sign of Pisces. Pisces is ethereal, creative, intuitive, generous, and natural teachers. Their ideas are generally out of this world and difficult to compete with! However, sometimes they are so "far out" that they may feel easily misunderstood. They feel a great deal of inclination towards devotional practices, religion, or spirituality.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
In Vedic, Sidereal astrology, if you were born between February 13th and March 14th, your sun is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is the humanitarian. They think globally, scientifically, and are known for their wealth of knowledge!... and they aren't shy about it! Aquarius is unconventional, progressive, innovative, inspiring, ambitious, and social justice oriented. Although they take their tasks seriously, they may have the tendency to be a little flighty.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you!
This is a powerful upcoming new moon! In the Vedic, Sidereal System, the new moon will take place in the sign of Leo. More specifically, in the nakshatra of Magha. Magha is about leadership, control, family lineage, connection to the father, and worldly acknowledgement. Listen to this podcast to hear more about Magha and the other astrological on-goings on August 30th!
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
If you were born between January 16th - February 12th, in the Vedic/Sidereal zodiac system, your Sun is in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is not only an earth sign, but they're ruled by the planet Saturn. They are disciplined, hard working, responsible, conservative, reliable, and only improve over time. In this segment, we discuss how Sun in Capricorn through the houses may show up in your chart!
For readings, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, or follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
In the Vedic zodiac system, this month we will be enjoying a full moon in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is discipline, hard work, practicality, and structure. Specifically, the moon will be in the nakshatra of Dhanishtha. Dhanishtha is the Star of Symphony. It's represented by a drum... a hollow instrument used to radiate the healing power of sound. In this segment, we discuss more about the full moon, the month of August, and other astrological ongoings.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In Vedic Astrology if you were born between December 16th and January 15th, your sun is in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, and they "take on" Jupitarian qualities. They are natural teachers, preachers, counselors, and motivators. Sagittarius love their freedom and always want to pursue what's fair. Having Sun in Sagittarius can also indicate your relationship with your father, the government, and your career.
For more, you can visit my website innerknowing.yoga, email [email protected], or follow AstologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
This new moon will take place in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is watery, emotional, how we nourish ourselves and others. More specifically, it will take place in the nakshatra of Pushya. Pushya is the "guru of the gods" and represented by the utter of a cow. It's all nourishing, spiritualizing, and a great teacher. With the Moon, there will also be the Sun, Venus, and Mars. Listen to hear more about how this may influence you!
Remember, I am a Vedic, Sidereal Astrology. This is the astronomical placement and will different from Western, Tropical astrology.
For a reading and to hear how this will influence you, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
According to Vedic astrology, if you were born between November 17th and December 15th, you were born with Sun in Scorpio. When the Sun moves into Scorpio, it creates someone whose life is themed around transformation. By nature, Scorpios exude determination, passion, inner strength, and the desire to investigate the darker side of life. Those with sun in Scorpio are known for their mystique and ability to dig into psychology, astrology, and all things "hidden". Scorpio are ruled by the planet Mars, giving them the ability to overcome obstacles, manifest their dreams with determination, and harness the energy of "spiritual warrior".
To see your own personal chart, you can visit my website innerknowing.yoga and click on "chart" to access a Vedic chart calculator. You can also email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. Also, don't forget to follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
For more please email me at [email protected], follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram, and visit innerknowing.yoga
Thank you!
According to Vedic astrology, if you were born between October 18th and November 16th, you were born with Sun in Libra. When the Sun moves into Libra, it creates someone who is extremely balanced, justice oriented, peace-loving, intelligent, and artistically engaged. Those with sun in Libra are known for their charm and ability to be diplomatic. Libras are ruled by the planet Venus, giving them the ability to express themselves artistically, demonstrate harmony with others, and also makes them very appreciative of luxury.
To see your own personal chart, you can visit my website innerknowing.yoga and click on "chart" to access a Vedic chart calculator. You can also email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. Also, don't forget to follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
According to Vedic astrology, if you were born between September 17th and October 17th, you were born with Sun in Virgo. When the Sun moves into Virgo, it creates someone who is extremely analytical, grounded, organized, and clean cut. Those with sun in Virgo are known for their perfectionism and the desire to achieve status. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury, giving them the ability to process information quickly and communicate eloquently. They're also social justice oriented and generally appreciate serving others.
To see your own personal chart, you can search a "vedic chart calculator" or email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. For understanding where this is happening in your chart, you can visit innerknowing.yoga and click on "north Indian chart" to see where Virgo is in your birth chart.
Ayurveda Breakdown!
In this segment I interview Brett Haginas, a longtime friend, colleague, soul sister, and team mate in social activism. Brett is a yoga teacher, brith doula, and entrepreneur taking over Austin, Texas. Brett has studied yoga and Ayurveda extensively for the past several years and offers Astrology Now a comprehensive breakdown of the doshas. You can find Brett at Wanderlust Yoga study or book a session with her at BrettHaginas.com and follow her on instagram at Bretthaginas.
For an astrology reading, you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and visit AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
This new moon is a powerful one. The new moon will take place in the sign of Gemini, under the nakshatra of Ardra. Ardra is one of the brightest stars. It represents the destructive energy of Shiva, anger, outbursts, passion, drama, and tragedy. Ardra is also business savvy and known for it's brilliance.
The new moon will bring forth the first eclipse of the month... July holds a lot of transformation and power. I'm looking forward to hearing what you create with it.
For more, email AstrologyNow_Podcast, visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
According to Vedic astrology, if you were born between August 17th and September 16th, you were born with Sun in Leo. When the Sun moves into Leo, it creates someone extremely regal, loyal, confident in one's own identity, charismatic, and a lover of the arts. Those with sun in Leo are known for their desire of affirmation, appreciation, success, and praise. With that, they're also very good at achieving! They're naturally recognized and difficult to miss. Leo have strong personalities and a sense of stamina which also makes them powerful political figures or government workers.
To see your own personal chart, you can search a "vedic chart calculator" or email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. For understanding where this is happening in your chart, you can visit innerknowing.yoga and click on "north Indian chart" to see where Leo is in your birth chart.
This segment gives a brief introduction to the science of Ayurveda and how it can connect with Vedic astrology planets and signs.
We discuss the three main doshas: Kapha, Vata, and Pitta. We briefly discuss the qualities of these doshas and then move on to how these doshas "show up" with the signs and planets.
For more, email [email protected] and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
If you were born between July 18th and August 15th, you were born with Sun in Cancer. When the Sun moves into Gemini, it creates someone that places a lot of emphasis on stability and reliability. The sign of Cancer represents emotions, intuition, nurturing others, the mother, and an emphasis on relationship with those around them. The sign of Cancer is a homebody by nature... they derive a lot of happiness with cooking and "nesting"! On the flip side, they can also be considered to be manipulative and clingy at times.
To see your own personal chart, you can search a "vedic chart calculator" or email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. For understanding where this is happening in your chart, you can visit innerknowing.yoga and click on "north Indian chart" to see where Cancer is in your birth chart.
If you were born between June 15th and July 17th, you were born with Sun in Gemini. When the Sun moves into Gemini, it creates someone extremely intellectual, intelligent, calculative, witty, charming, crafty, and maybe a little bit restless. These folks are often very open minded and enjoy processing thought through verbal communication.
To see your own personal chart, you can search a "vedic chart calculator" or email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. For understanding where this is happening in your chart, you can visit innerknowing.yoga and click on "north Indian chart" to see where Gemini is in your birth chart.
The Full Moon will take place on June 17, 2019 at 3:30am. This full moon will fall under the sign of Sagittarius in the Nakshatra of Mula. Mula is represented by roots. The diety is Niriti... the god of destruction. Mula represents healing as well as dissolution and dismantling our old ways of being. How do these two go hand in hand? Listen for more.
As always, I also give a brief overview of what to expect from the rest of the night sky.
For more information you can email me at [email protected] and please follow AstrologyNow_Podcast. Thank you so much.
If you were born between May 15th and June 14th, you were born with the Sun sign of Taurus. Taurus is earthy, grounded, practical, and artistic. They love the finer things in life as they are led by the planet Venus. In this segment we discuss the sign of Taurus and how the Sun may play out through the houses of your chart.
For more email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment I discuss a little bit more about The Rahu/Ketu transit and how it can influence your personal rising sign. I also discuss briefly how it may appear in the media and current events.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
Kicking off another long journey with exploring each planet through each sign. Sun is the first sign observed and the easiest to detect as all we need to know is the day of birth. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so we will begin with Sun in Aries. The next segment will cover Sun in Taurus, then Sun in Gemini, so on and so forth. After Sun, we will do Moon through the signs, then Mars, Mercury, Venus, etc.
If you were born between April 15th and May 14th, you were born with Sun in Aires. Sun meets it's exaltation point in the sign of Aries. Aries is self starting, initiating, energetic, and fiery. The Sun represents our father, the government, authority, and leadership. I discuss more detail on Sun in Aries as well as discuss how it may act in certain houses.
To see your own personal chart, you can search a "vedic chart calculator" or email me at [email protected] and I'll be happy to send you your chart. For understanding where this is happening in your chart, you can visit innerknowing.yoga and click on "north Indian chart" to see where aries is in your birth chart.
The New Moon is coming up once again. This month, the New Moon will take place in the sign of Taurus. Specifically in the nakshatra of Rohini. Rohini is represented by the deity Brahma and the symbol of the chariot. In this segment we discuss the meaning of new moon energy and how we can utilize our understanding of the cosmos to best utilize our energy.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
The twelfth house represents foreign/long distance travel. It represents our quality of sleep, isolated places, moksha (spiritual liberation), how we relate to spirituality, "bed room pleasures", and hidden enemies. The twelfth house also represents simplicity and austerity. Those with strong twelfth houses may feel themselves drawn to escape the material work either through creativity, isolation, or spirituality. Depending on which planets are placed here, an individual will encounter various qualities of life!
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
The eleventh house represents our hopes and wishes. It represents our social circle, net working ability, and who we choose as friends. The eleventh house is our desire for wealth, profit from our profession, and desire to pursue humanitarian efforts. The eleventh house is a "kama house", giving it a connection to pleasure and our social connections. The eleventh house is the final kama house, giving it a certain maturity. It takes relationships and broadens the ability to connect into the community and networks at large. The eleventh house can also represent large sums of wealth.
For more, email me at [email protected], email innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram! Thank you!
This full moon is very auspicious for gathering with loved ones, gestures of appreciation and love, spending time with friends, spending time in nature, and meditation. In this forecast, I cover auspicious activity as well as other goings-ons in the night sky.
For more, visit my website innerknowing.yoga, email me at [email protected], and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much!
The tenth house is all about career. It's how we present ourselves to the outer world and our ambitions. The tenth house is how we take our dharma from the ninth house and utilize it's power in a practical way to manifest our ambitions in the outer world. The tenth house is the karma house. Karma literally means action. In this segment we go into deeper detail on the tenth house and how different planets placed here may manifest.
To schedule a reading you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
The ninth house represents Dharma, path, your spiritual calling. It represents distance travel, temples, philosophy, religious beliefs, your gurus, and your father. The ninth house is the most mature of the dharma houses. Those with strong ninth houses will generally feel very called to pursue philosophical or spiritual pursuits.
To schedule a reading, please visit innerknowing.yoga, email me at [email protected], and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram.
Happy star gazing!
This new moon will take place in Bharani, a nakshatra of Aries. This nakshatra is represented by the Yoni, giver of life. As we know, birth is not a comfortable process. It takes a great struggle in order to reach the ultimate break through. This is a great time to begin new projects, surround yourself with inspiring people, and take time for deep introspective work. It's a great time to contemplate life and death and remind of yourself of your purpose here on earth.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga, and visit AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
The eighth house is all about transformation and change. Being the eighth house, it takes on qualities of the 8th sign of the zodiac, Scorpio. It represents sex, kundalini energy, and deep karma that we are meant to confront and work out in this life. Hidden knowledge, occult science, yoga, astrology, death and rebirth... this house runs deep! The eighth house represents the area of the psyche explored by psychotherapists. Planets in the eighth house will generally come with deep emotional difficulties, but also deep gifts of prophecy, psychic abilities, and spiritual awakening.
For readings please email me at AstrologyNow_Podcast, visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much!
The seventh house is all about relationships! Committed partners, one on one clients, and how we connect with serious relationships. The seventh house also signifies our sexuality, romance, or likelihood of viewing partnership as s serious investment. The seventh house is a kendra house - giving the likelihood of prominent life events, but it's also a maraka house.
To schedule a reading, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
The first full moon of the Vedic year is the most powerful time of manifestation and creativity. The sun has moved into it's exaltation point of Aries, while our moon sits beautifully in the sign of Libra.
The full moon will take place is the sign of Chitra. This first full moon of the Vedic year is actually recognized as a holiday and festival, Chitra Purnima. Recognizing the powerful time of manifestation. It's the best time to connect with the deity ChitraGupta, the keeper of karmic ties and destiny.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, or follow AstologyNow_Podcast. Thank you!
The sixth house represents disease, health, enemies, competition, and obstacles. It also represents how we approach and overcome those enemies and competition! It represents our coworkers, day to day life, service to others, health and healing, and our pets! The sixth house is a dusthana house, which means it's a generally unlikely house. But challenges generally bring many gifts and deep spiritualization.
For more, visit innerknowing,yoga, email [email protected], and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
The fifth house represents creativity, romance, play, art, and children! The fifth house is a trikona house, and also "purva punya" - meaning it can represent past life merit and benefits we can appreciate in this life. The fifth house is also a dharma house, giving those with strong fifth houses a deep sense of purpose. The fifth house is also the house of intelligence! If you have planets here, lucky you.
This segment covers the planets through the houses. If you'd like to schedule a reading or have questions, please email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram. Thank you so much and happy star gazing!
DISCLAIMER: In the beginning, I mistakenly say "if you follow Vedic astrology this won't make sense"... I meant to say, "if you follow WESTERN astrology". Thank you for your patience!
Follow along for April 5th's New Moon Forescast in the sign of Revati. Revati is the final nakshatra in the zodiac and represents rhythm, returning home, taking care of old issues, and connecting with authenticity.
There is a lot of "drama" happening in the sky this month. In this episode we explore what's happening in the night sky with a few suggestions on how to navigate the energy.
For questions please email [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
In this segment we talk all about the fourth house. The fourth house represents your mother, your happiness, the type of homes you'll live in, land ownership, vehicles, and how we find stability. The fourth house is also a moksha house - adding a spiritual element to this "bhava". The fourth house is said to represent the beginning of life and ending of life.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much!
The Third House represents short distance travel, siblings, courage, mass media, stamina (both physically and mentally), publication, hobbies, and music. It represents our courage in putting our message out into the world! This third house is a "kama house", relating to pleasures and relationships. The third house connects to our first friends - our siblings.
The Third House rules over the throat, neck, shoulders, windpipe, and right ear.
For questions please email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast. Thank you so much.
The second house in Vedic astrology represents our speech, the food we like to eat, our mouths, possessions, wealth, how we feel about spending money, and material assets. The second house is also a maraka house, meaning death inducing house. In this segment, we discuss how planets may act when coming into the second house.
For more, email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
We have all heard about Mercury Retrograde! But what does it actually mean? What can it actually indicate? How can we prevent negative influence? Hopefully this podcast will shed a little bit of light and validation in your Mercury Retrograde war stories.
For sharing YOUR Mercury retrograde stories or for questions, email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram.
Thank you so much.
This forecast is all about the Nakshatra Uttara Phalguni. This sign is in the later degrees of Leo and early degrees of Virgo, meaning it's "on the cusp".
This full moon will bring an auspicious time for charity of others. It's a wonderful time to commune with dear friends, do acts of service, revamp your relationship, or even get married!
I discuss a little bit about other activity in the night sky, but hold tight! There will be more specific podcasts to come.
For readings you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga, and follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you so much!
he first house represents self, the face, the physical body, vitality and your ego. The first house is a dharma house, trikona house, AND Kendra house - giving it a certain auspiciousness. In this segment, we begin exploring insight into the first house, what it represents, and how certain planets can act when coming into the first house.
For readings please visit innerknowing.yoga or email me at [email protected], and be sure to follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram!
Thank you so much!
This New Moon is taking place on March 6, 2019. It will occur in the sign of Aquarius in the nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada.
This nakshatra is symbolized by a funeral cot and endings. Which automatically eludes to new beginnings. In this podcast we discuss endings, beginnings, karma of the past/future, and suggestions on where to direct your energy on March 6th.
For questions, email me at [email protected] or visit my website innerknowing.yoga
Thank you!
Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets... and quite karmic!
Rahu and Ketu show what past life karma you've completed already, and what karma you are here to create in this life time. Remember, "karma" simply means "action". Therefore, we can see what you spent time doing in previous lives, and what you are here to work towards in this life.
Rahu brings unconventional thinking, foreigners, misdiagnosis, mystery, materialism, and insatiable desires. Wherever Rahu is in your chart, it will bring an obsessive quality to the house it's in and planets it's placed with. Ketu is the opposite. Ketu brings separation, isolation, moksha, and spiritual enlightenment. Ketu is what you've already achieved in past lives and what gifts you inherently bring into this life.
Rahu and Ketu come together. They will always oppose one another in a birth chart. You cannot have one without the other. As the nodes turn and transit the sky, they will bring various karmic lessons into our lives.
For questions please email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow us at AstrologyNow_Podcast on Instagram.
Thank you so much.
Saturn delays but it never denies. Saturn is a guru, but generally delivers his messages by demanding us to work... hard. But once we fully understand the messages of Saturn, we will generally reap the rewards for a long time. Saturn is longevity, hard earned lessons, discipline, determination, service to others, and also restriction, calamity, death, and karmic lessons.
With a strong, well placed Saturn, one may be very service oriented with a lot of self determination, will power, and discipline. You may be a social worker, lawyer, or judge. Those with a weak or afflicted Saturn may find it difficult to muster determination or to have discipline in areas of life that may not bring them immediate satisfaction or joy.
Saturn is the planet responsible for "Saturn Return" and "Sade Sati". Both are these are very karmic times that we experience in life. They deliver a sort of rebirth that may come with loss and what feels like desperation.
Saturn does not deliver lessons that aren't mandatory. Knowing where Saturn is in your chart can help liberate and direct you by knowing what you are meant to be learning and working on.
Saturn rules the legs, feeet, nerves, lymph system, chronic disease, teeth, bones, and the immune system.
For more please email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow our instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast. Thank you!
Venus is luxury. Pleasure, senses, the type of foods we consume, clothes we wear, and cars we drive. Most importantly of all, Venus is love, romance, attraction -AND out ability to give and receive love. A strong Venus can create someone that's idealistic in love, delves deep into artistic expression, and is naturally attractive. Those with a weaker Venus may approach love with a much more cautious and judgmental mindset.
Venus rules over the face, eyes, kidneys, pancreas, urinary system, and sexual organs.
Venus can also represent Bhakti and love for spirituality and God. Like Jupiter, Venus is also a spiritual teacher and leader of esoteric knowledge.
For more information email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow us on instagram at AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Happy Star Gazing!
In this podcast we discuss auspicious activity for the upcoming full moon and talk a little bit about Magha and it's qualities.
Magha is a nakshatra of Leo and represents wealth, beauty, fame, power, politics, authority, lineage, and paternal figures.
It's a great time to research about your family lineage or even reflect on your own personal history.
It's a great time for ceremonies and celebration and an inauspicious time for lending money or engaging in trouble with your father.
If you have questions please email me at [email protected] or follow me at astrologynow_podcast on instagram. Thank you so much.
Jupiter is the great benefic. Wherever Jupiter lies it generally brings prosperity, growth, expansion, good fortune, spirituality, and knowledge.
Jupiter represents good karma, generosity, philosophy, faith based practices, preaching, and tradition. Jupiter is the type of teachers that we are drawn to and the teachers that we will find. Those with a strong Jupiter may find themselves keeping higher learning and philosophy close to their hearts. They love to constantly learn and to immediately teach what they've learned to others. Those with a weak Jupiter may find themselves running out of luck, experiencing melancholy, keeping information to themselves, and turned off by organized religion/spirituality.
Jupiter can also represent over indulgence! Wherever Jupiter lies, it can expand the qualities and characteristics of that house and the sign it's in. Jupiter rules over the liver, gull bladder, thighs, knees, spleen, ears, and fat... be wary of sweets!
For more please email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow our instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much.
In comparison to the moon which is your emotional and intuitive mind, Mercury is your analytic and intellectual mind. Mercury represents logic, organization, technology, speech, analysis, math, astrology, writing, sense of humor, and ability to communicate. Mercury is your ability to gather, process, analyze, and utilize information. Those with a strong mercury may be mathematicians, writers, publicists, musicians, public speakers, or businesspeople. Those with a weak mercury may experience difficulty learning. They may find that they process information in unusual or unconventional ways. Mercury is also our humor and wit, but may also be discriminating and critical... which sometimes may go together!
For more please email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow me on instagram at AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much.
This new moon will occur in Shravana Nakshatra of Capricorn. This nakshatra is considered "the ear of God". It's a wonderful time to listen, reflect, evaluate, and absorb.
This is a wonderful time to set new intentions towards education, learning endeavors, spirituality, manifesting wealth, and prosperity.
New moons represent releasing the past and cultivating new intentions to move forward with your future.
For more you can email me at [email protected], visit innerknowing.yoga to schedule a personal reading, or follow astrologynow_podcast on Instagram.
Happy star gazing!
Mars represents energy, your ambition, independence, determination, aggression, ruthlessness, courage, anger, stamina, and prowess. A strong mars can show someone that has the motivation and drive to fulfill their desires. They won't stop until they achieve their goals and aspirations. They may have a natural inclination to protect and defend others. On the contrary, a weak mars may show someone with low energy and lack of desire. They may have low vitality. They may also experience a low self-esteem and find it difficult to move forward.
Mars represents the adrenal glands, blood, and muscles.. the parts of the body required to take action and move forward.
For more feel free to email me at [email protected], visit my website Innerknowing.yoga, or follow AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram for regular astro-updates.
Thank you!
The moon represents the mind. It represents emotions, intuition, creativity, imagination, and how you process and respond to the world around you. The moon therefore signifies your personality and expression to the world. A strong moon may find themselves nurturing others, being strongly empathic, and well attuned to those around them. They may have a strong relationship with their mother. Those with a negatively aspected moon may experience frequent melancholy or depression with a troubled relationship with the mother.
The mind, mother, women in general, intuition, psychic ability, moods, peace of mind, happiness, emotional intelligence, dependency, fluids, and friendships can be seen by the moon.
For questions or readings please email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga or follow me on instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you!
In this podcast I discuss what the Sun represents in Vedic Astrology.
The Sun is the natural atmakaraka, or soul significator. It represents the ego, the father, authority, government, power, leadership, influence, strength, vitality, and self-esteem. The Sun shows how the outer world perceives you.
In the podcast I give a few brief examples of how the Sun may act in various placements in your chart.
For questions or readings please email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga or follow me on Instagram at AstrologyNow_Podcast. Thank you!
Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac and highly spiritual. The "dancers and dreamers" of the 12 signs, Pisces has the natural ability to understand, process, and teach about the occult. Pisces is led by Jupter, the great benefic. They are extremely devoted to their partners, but may have a tendency to feel moody and lonely if their partner can not reciprocate their unyielding sensitivity and love.
Pisces are highly virtuous and generally lead lives that are in harmony with their spiritual beliefs and sense of purpose.
Though they can understand and teach about the esoteric, they can also "spin out" with conspiracy theories and "other world" ideas... watch out for that, Pisces!
Pisces are a water sign and in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others.
For more information you can email me at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga or follow me on instagram at AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
This episode is all about the 11th sign of the zodiac, Aquarius! Aquarius are humanitarians and revolutionaries by nature. They, like Capricorn, are led by Saturn. They are hard working and diplomatic.
Aquarius loves to think for themselves and express themselves creatively. They surround themselves with people, places, things that inspire them and keep them free thinking. They can be cold and depressed at times.
Aquarius are generally "vata" in nature. They can space out and get lost in their creative endeavors. But when it comes to spirituality and thought, they can bring it in and evaluate their beliefs with a more critical eye.
If you're interested in a personal reading or learning more, please reach out at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga, or visit my instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much. Happy Star Gazing!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
The first full moon of 2019 is coming up on January 21st, 2019. In the sidereal zodiac system, the full moon will be in the sign of Cancer. Specifically, in the nakshatra of Pushya.
Pushya is all about nourishment, friendship, hospitality, academics, and service to others. Being in the full moon, it's a great time to really evaluate relationships. Which relationships in your life are serving you, uplifting you, and helping you connect with your higher self? Which relationships may enable bad habits or contribute to personal detriment? Is it time to release relationships that no longer serve you?
There is a lot of energy right now astrologically that is supportive of evaluating things/people in life that you want to keep and things/people in life that may be time to let go of. It is a time where what is weak will shake and break and what is strong will be solidified and last for a long, long time. No one knows what is best for you better than you do. Be honest with yourself. Listen closely to your head and heart.
It's also a great time for acts of service, sharing knowledge, and nourishing yourself and others.
There are lot of other powerful things happening in the night sky that I discuss in more detail in this episode... I hope that you enjoy!
For more information, please visit my website innerknowing.yoga, you can email me directly at [email protected] or follow me at AstrologyNow_Podcast on instagram. Thank you and happy full moon!
This episode of AstrologyNow is all about the 10th sign of the zodiac, Capricorn! Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is serious, structured, reliable, predictable, and diplomatic. They are old souls and generally age well over time. They portray themselves as stoic and emotionless, but deep down, you'll often find Capricorn to be quite soft and emotional.
Though they are excellent long term friends, devoted, and convincing, they can also be cold, cruel, and unforgiving.
If you're interested in a personal reading or learning more, visit my website innerknowing.yoga, email me at [email protected], or find my instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much! Happy star gazing!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac and ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius represents freedom, expansion, philosophy, travel, higher learning, and religion.
Sagittarius is also a fire sign. Depending on aspects and placements, this can make a Sag either strict in religious doctrine or liberal/all inclusive in their spiritual beliefs... either way, they are HIGHLY passionate about their moral compass and finding the truth.
Optimist, cheerful, and courageous, Sagittarius is generally charming and well liked.
For more email me at [email protected] to set up a consultation, go to my website innerknowing.yoga or see my instagram AstrologyNow_Podcast.
Thank you so much and happy star gazing!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac... represented by the scales of finding balance and led by the planet Venus. Libra is all about beauty, refinement, spirituality, and relationships. If you were born between October 17th and November 16th, you would be born with a Libra sun sign. However, if this sign resonates well with you and you aren't born with this sun sign, you probably have many planets placed in this sign or may even be a Libra rising!
If you have questions you can email me anytime at [email protected], visit my website innerknowing.yoga or follow me on instagram at astrologynow_podcast.
If you would like to know how many planets you have in Libra or what your rising is, you can email me or set up a personal consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
The eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio. All about yoga, kundalini, occult knowledge, death, and sex. Scorpio is all about digging deep and transformation. If you were born between November 16th to December 16th, in the Sidereal zodiac system, you will have your sun in Scorpio. If this doesn't resonate with you, you probably don't have many other planets in Scorpio. If you REALLY resonate, and don't have sun in Scorpio, then you may have many planets in this sign or have it as your ascendent! For more information, follow me at astrologynow_podcast on instagram or reach out at [email protected]
Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
All about the sign of Virgo.. notorious for their perfectionism, analytical mind, and critical thoughts, Virgos are also master business people and service oriented. The Virgo sun is born between September 17th and October 17th. The planet Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo, making them extremely well articulated and excellent communicators. They're practical and reasonable. If this sounds like you but aren't born with this sun sign, you may have virgo rising or many planets in Virgo!
For more information visit my website Innerknowing.yoga follow me at wanderfulc on instagram or email me at [email protected]
Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
Leo is the 5th sign of the zodiac, led by the sun. The sun represents the ego, the soul, the father, and how you show up to the outer world! When the sun moves into leo, it makes someone that is hard to miss. Leos are generous, warm, loyal, and charismatic.
For more information on leo or to learn more about how this sign influences you personally, you can email me at [email protected] or go to my website innerknowing.yoga
Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
This podcast talks all about the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini! Gemini is led by the planet Mercury. They are all about communication, the spread of information, analytics, multitasking, and being versatile. These people are incredibly intelligent and HATE to be bored. They need to be intellectually stimulated and enjoy flowing with the change of life. They are symbolized by the twins... they can represent duality and changeability. If you want to know more about Gemini or how influential gemini is in your chart, email me at [email protected] or go to my website, innerknowing.yoga Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
This episode is all about the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer. Cancer is led by the Moon... intuitive, nurturing, emotional, seekers of security and stability. These people can deeply feel into those around them and simply want to find peace and love in their lives. Though they are generally kind and seek harmony, they can also be quick to strike back, play the victim, and hide away in their shell until safety is announced. If you want to learn more about Cancer, how much the sign of Cancer influences your life, or where the moon is in your chart, email me at [email protected] or visit my website innerknowing.yoga Thank you!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
In this episode, we discuss the first sign of the zodiac, Aries! Aries are led by the planet mars. They are self starting, initiative, great leaders, competitive, athletic, and also a little argumentative, aggressive, and can take on a "win at all cost" mentality. Aries is a fire sign and represented by the passionate and forward moving ram. Quick to start, quick to finish, Aries people always have new grand ideas that they can utilize to keep on moving and keep on creating!
keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, learn astrology, horoscope, Christine Rodriguez, Aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, Leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, pisces, meditation, mystery, new moon, yoga
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