338 avsnitt • Längd: 55 min • Veckovis: Måndag
Boring Books for Bedtime is a weekly sleep podcast in which we calmly, quietly read something rather boring to silence the brain chatter keeping you awake. Think Aristotle, Thoreau, and whoever wrote the 1897 Sears Catalog—mostly nonfiction, mostly old, a perfect blend of vaguely-but-not-too interesting.
If you’re on Team Sleepless, lie back, take a deep breath, and let us read you to rest.
The podcast Boring Books for Bedtime Readings to Help You Sleep is created by Sharon Handy. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Let’s relax with the conclusion of this curiously wonderful blend of mathematics, philosophy, and social commentary. This time, our square throws off the chains of dimensional thinking and gets rewarded with chains of a different sort. Free thinking is costly, it seems.
Patreon Supporters, next week you will be getting all five readings from this book as a single recording for those nights when a long boring book is just the ticket for sleep!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Flatland” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/201
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with some historical details about Ireland up to the 12th century, including the structure of kings and chiefs, the kingly retinue, and the brehon system of laws that applied to both ruler and ruled, which…seems like a good idea, really.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Story of Ancient Irish Civilization” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41666
Music: "Calling to Other Worlds,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this classic history of the Roman emperors and hear a bit about a ruler both famous and infamous in his need for public adulation. Why pay attention to affairs of state when you can perform for judges you’ve bribed? Stately!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Lives of the Twelve Caesars” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6400
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more of this sleepy stroll through some of America’s greatest natural wonders, protected for the enjoyment of all people as national parks. This time, we continue our tour of Yosemite and its mighty glacier-carved mountains. Majestic!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Our National Park” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60929
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more advice about successful farming. This time, we get snookered in the purchase of a cow, wage endless war on weeds, and sell some blackberry bushes. Profitable!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! All supporters in the month of February will be entered into a drawing for a personal, made-just-for-you episode of the book of your choice. Neat!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Ten Acres Enough” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48753
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue with more of the finer arts of behavior as we conclude our instruction in the etiquette of invitations, consider the well-appointed house, and are reminded that looking down on the serving class is inexcusably ill-bred. Well said, Mrs. Post!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! All supporters in the month of February will be entered into a drawing for a personal, made-just-for-you episode of the book of your choice. Neat!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
In our annual celebration of Darwin Day, let’s continue our sleepy stroll through this fundamental text of biology. This time, why natural selection works better in big spaces, the perils of extinction, and the strength that comes from diversity. It’s science!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! All supporters in the month of February will be entered into a drawing for a personal, made-just-for-you episode of the book of your choice. Neat!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1228
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our sleepy tour of the zoological collections of the British Museum and discover the wonders first being seen by the general public circa 1850. This time, reptiles, the fauna of Great Britain, and some philosophy about our place in the history of living things. Because of course that’s included in a 19th century book.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! All supporters in the month of February will be entered into a drawing for a personal, made-just-for-you episode of the book of your choice. Neat!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “How To See the British Museum in Four Visits” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13755
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s climb the slopes of sleep with more from this journey to study the world’s highest mountain. This time, we visit Tingri, climb glaciers, and reach the highest monastery in the world. We’re less than 10 miles from Everest, friends. Dreams of adventure await!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Mount Everest, The Reconnaissance, 1921” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/39421
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with one of the most boring reads I’ve ever encountered, a minutely detailed guide to the internal workings of legislative assemblies. Why, one might wonder how anything ever gets done at all. Motion to sleep, seconded!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Robert’s Rules of Order” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9097
Music: "Calling to Other Worlds,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with another sleepy stroll across the sands of time to ancient Egypt. This time, we finish our overview of tombs and learn about Egyptian painting conventions, including cat-based satire. It never gets old! Maspero has a marvelous way of bringing these images to life, and I think you'll love his descriptions.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Manual of Egyptian Archaeology” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14400
Music: "Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s kick off a new year of sleep with more from this appreciative guide to the magical cat. This time, shorthaired tortoiseshells and tabbies, plus a touch of my favorite—word etymologies! Your brain will purr with contented boredom.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
While your reader recovers from a Christmas cough, let’s rewind back to this relaxing guide to the art and craft of embroidery from two years ago. It’s the perfect way to stitch up the year with sweet dreams. Enjoy!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Everyone who supports in December will be entered into our holiday giveaways at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/535
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s take a sleepy browse through this gift guide from the war years. Tasty candies, children’s toys, decorative gourds and gifts for the discriminating housewife, and several grades of fruitcake depending on how much you like the recipient. Sears has what you need!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Everyone who supports in December will be entered into our holiday giveaways at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our journey to sleep with this delightful trek through the mountains of France. This time, we visit a Trappist monastery, where our author appreciates scenery, silence, and the paradoxical stillness of being busy. Peaceful!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Everyone who supports in December will be entered into our holiday giveaways at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/535
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s conclude our sweetly sleepy reading from this guidebook for the nineteenth-century maker of fancy candies. This time, creams, chocolates, and syrups for the soda fountain. Deliciously dreamy!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported! Everyone who supports in December will be entered into our holiday giveaways at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Frye’s Practical Candy Maker” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37073
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s saw our way to sleep with more from this helpful guide for the novice woodworker. This time, we build our own work bench, improvise a vise, and discover that “measure twice, cut once” is always good advice.
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Woodworking for Beginners” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43604
Music: "Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more from this wonderful guide to studying art in Europe. This time, where to shop in London, the best boarding houses, and then we’re off to Paris with some genteel commentary about being a woman in a man’s artsy world. Take up your brushes, ladies!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Studying Art Abroad and How to Do It Cheaply” at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/studyingartabroa00nier
Music: "Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s, uh, improve our health with this compendium of questionable herbal advice from 1650. But first, the kind of sleep-inducing, self-congratulatory introduction in which only a 17th-century apothecary can excel. Delightful!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Complete Herbal” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/49513
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s hop in our sleepy wayback machine and relax with more from this remarkable little history of everything. This time, the Roman Empire, Hannibal, and the rise of the emperors. Quiescamus!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “A Short History of the World” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: "Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s journey to sleep with Henry David Thoreau as he explores the back of beyond in Maine, ponders the fate of forests, visits some barely-there towns, and…gets accosted by politicians? Talk about timing!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Maine Woods” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/42500
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s celebrate the spooky season with more from this history of lycanthropy and a long chapter of wolfish folktales. Bears, hares, and dogs drinking cider are also mentioned. Honestly, the human imagination is so delightfully weird.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Book of Werewolves” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5324
Music: "Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sail the seas of sleep with more from this marvelous travelogue from the South Seas. This time, we encounter a waterspout and get happily marooned on an idyllic island. Cast away your cares, friends. It’s a lovely tale.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Faery Lands of the South Seas” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/54479
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fall asleep with a new reading from this wonderful look into our universe. This time, we contemplate the phases of the moon, the life and death of the stars, and our position in this vast and whirling universe. The stuff of starry visions indeed!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: "Exit Exit" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fall asleep with a new listener request! This time, we travel back in time to learn the origins of that most pleasant and cozy of places, the country inn. From manors to monasteries and pilgrimage houses, it’s quite a relaxing trip.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Old Country Inns of England” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/44382
Music: "Changing Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s close out our month of new versions of old episodes with a fresh recording of our very first foray into the 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Consumers Guide. In this episode, we trip through the Drugs Department, and what a trip it is. How anyone survived 19th-century medicine, I cannot say.
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with a new recording of a very old episode from a book I had completely forgotten about! Tonight, we learn what constitutes “thinking,” ponder clouds and forks in the road, and consider the similarity between children and scientists. Cutting edge stuff for 1910!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with another new recording of a very old episode—Part One of a fave on this podcast. In this first episode from Mrs. B, we learn the duties of the mistress of the house, from rising early to hiring servants and wearing pleasing color combos. Frankly, it’s enough to send anyone to sleep with exhaustion!
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Book of Household Management” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with a shiny new recording of a very old episode. This time, dreamy sleep awaits our travel and list lovers as we read a schedule of transatlantic steamer sailings from 1925. You may recognize a few famous names if you stay awake long enough. Bon voyage!
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with the first of some fresh new recordings of very, very old episodes. This time, we learn what architecture covers, what we should study, and why putting buildings in healthy spots is a good idea. Obvious? Apparently not!
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Ten Books on Architecture” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/20239
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more history of the British Isles from the wonderful Bede. This time, we wander through four centuries of Roman influence, build some walls, and learn about Saint Alban, who got a miraculous drink on a hill!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Ecclesiastical History of England” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/38326
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue a month of requests from our Patreon raffle winners with more about the operation of agricultural machinery. This time, some Q&A and a surprisingly excellent scientific explanation of the states of matter. Steamy!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Farm Engines and How To Run Them” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43867
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue a month of requests from our Patreon raffle winners with more about the physical characteristics of animal classes. This time, we learn about camels, chameleons, and the totally-not-made-up manticore. Science!
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “History of Animals” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s kick off a month of requests from our Patreon raffle winners with more about the delicious staff of life. This time, bread baking for (19th century) beginners, yeasty science, and the complexities of communion wafers. Tasty!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener supported!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The History of Bread” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/53219
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more about Einstein’s theories of relativity, how geometry gets messy on a sphere, the validity of measuring with eels, and a bit about Pythagoras, who feared beans. Who knew?
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The ABC of Relativity” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67104
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more about the origins of that magical medium, movies! This time, we explore motion, mess with gelatin, and call “Action!” on the development of celluloid film thanks to one George Eastman.
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Moving Pictures” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67972
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from this solo journey by sailboat. This time, we cross the Atlantic, serenade dolphins, and…a seafaring ghost saves our narrator from a cheese-induced fever? Sure, why not. I don’t write them, friends.
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Read “Sailing Alone Around the World” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6317
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from a classic that combines mathematics and social commentary with pointed angularity. This time, our narrator is inducted into that most secret of secrets…three dimensions. Why, it’s madness, I tell you.
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Read “Flatland” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/201
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s celebrate our 300th episode and 10 MILLION listens with a bit of fireworks! That sounds exciting, but it’s really just a sleepy catalog of firework displays in England up to the 19th century. Flaming dragon battles and “philosophical fireworks” are somewhat mentioned, so that’s fun.
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Read “Pyrotechnics” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/64922
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to a political classic and learn more about how to govern as a prince. This time, we hear why neither the rich nor the mercenary can be trusted, why it’s easy to earn the people’s faith by being nice, and the excellent word “dastardy” is used.
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Read “The Prince” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week, let’s relax with the intricacies of car maintenance as we learn the proper care and operation of a 1912 Model T Ford. Why, it’s so simple, anyone can fill the dope caps and grind the valves. Ford thinks you can, anyway, and isn’t that a bit cheering?
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Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sail to sleep with more about the history of maritime exploration, including Vikings in North America, the Chinese invention of the compass, Arabic navigation tools, and the rise of the Portuguese. Dreams ahoy!
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Read “The Book of the Ocean” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/56311
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this relaxing classic and learn more sleepy advice about paying visits, leaving cards, proper wedding invitations, and how to sit in a chair. Dear listeners, it seems your reader had no idea.
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Read “Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week, we conclude a relaxing Greek classic about getting the best from your cavalry horse, including what to wear, and then fall asleep to the riveting legalese of Project Gutenberg’s usage license for all these free eBooks I share with you. The horse stuff is more fun, to be honest.
Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “On Horsemanship” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1176
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's continue to wend our relaxing way through a fundamental text of science and explore how elements combine and de-combine with that wonderful substance, water. Truly the solution for sleep!
Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Principles of Chemistry” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/51326
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this sleepily detailed guide to rail journeys in 1860, and learn what to wear, the importance of travel insurance, and how to steal a horse to get to the station on time. Handy indeed!
Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you get exclusive episodes, keep us ad-free AND get a chance to hear your personal fave. Win-win!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Railway Traveller’s Handy Book” at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/railwaytraveller00unse
Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let’s celebrate the sleepy splendors of spring and go shopping for the latest in floral novelties offered by Gardiner & Co. in their seed annual. Apparently, in 1890, Japanese delights were all the rage.
I also announce a new Giveaway! All Patreon supporters in May will have a chance at one of four slots to determine our readings for August. By joining Patreon, you help us stay ad-free AND get a chance to hear your faves. Win-win!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, while your reader recovers from a snuffly illness, let’s rewind to 2021 and fall into the rhythm of sleep with a book that works hard to put meaning into music, but mostly just manages to make it boring. So…kind of perfect, really.
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Read “How to Listen to Music” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17474
Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s celebrate Earth Day with more from Muir’s poetic ode to the spectacular natural wonders of North America. This time, we complete our relaxing tour of Yellowstone and head to beautiful Yosemite, the jewel of the Sierras. Truly the stuff of dreams.
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Read “Our National Parks” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60929
Music: "Watching Whale on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the relaxing world of dairy products and learn more about the design of a good curing room, dividing profits among your producers, and what makes a great cheese. Hint: it’s definitely not skim milk!
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Read “Handbook on Cheese Making” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/70813
Music: "Chasing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this sleep-inducing exploration, and speculation, about the Red Planet. This time, we learn about seasonal fluctuations of the poles and how they do or don’t mirror our own. Which is exactly as interesting as it sounds.
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Read “Mars and Its Canals” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47015
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s find our mental rapport with sleep as we conclude this, uh, scientific guide to mind reading, learn how to find cards and drive a wagon while blindfolded, and discover how naughty charlatans dupe the public. Fake mind readers, you say? Impossible!
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Read “Practical Mind Reading” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41358
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s spend our way to sleep as we learn more about the concept of value, why pounds are silver instead of gold, and how rent should be charged in corn rather than coin. Truly priceless boredom!
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Read “The Wealth of Nations” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3300
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s climb the slopes of sleep as we continue this history-making journey to study the world’s mightiest mountain. This time, our yaks run wild, we eat dumplings, cross quicksand, and take the first photo of a lama. Dreamy adventure awaits!
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Read “Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/39421
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fly away to sleep with more about beautiful birds and that fantastic family of feathered friends, the parrots. This time, we marvel at lovebirds, cockatoos, and the curious kakapo. Adorable!
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Read “Cassell’s Book of Birds, Volume 1” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48675
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep as one of the Kellogg clan takes the fun out of food through a heady combination of 19th-century food chemistry and moralizing about the perils of spices. Lovers of flavor beware!
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Read “Science in the Kitchen” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/12238
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s calm our minds and relax with more deep thoughts about the nature of reality, what knowledge is, whether the past exists at all, and why the sun may not rise tomorrow. It probably will, though, so not to worry.
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Read “The Problems of Philosophy” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5827
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more advice about building cozy cottages, decorating with simplicity and style, and how to dig a well that doesn’t fill with poisonous sewage. Which…seems like a good idea, really.
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Read “Cottages; or Hints on Economical Building” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67922
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
In our annual celebration of Darwin Day, let’s enjoy a relaxing read from this foundational text of science. This time, we finally get to natural selection, what it is, what it isn’t, and why birds are so very, very pretty.
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Read “On the Origin of Species” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1228
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue the infamous voyage of HMS Bounty, which so far isn’t too exciting. This time, lots of latitude and longitude marking, Fletcher Christian gets a promotion, we see a whale, and the attempt to round Cape Horn is...something less than successful.
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Read “The Voyage of The Bounty to the South Sea” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15411
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep to advice about the latest fad, bicycling! We learn the art of efficient pedaling, passing safely, and climbing a hill with power and ease. Don’t forget to pack your butter sandwiches.
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Read “Bicycling for Ladies” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/62227
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we relax and sleep with knowledge about Earth’s magnetism, why the sky is blue, how rainbows happen, and the origin of auroras that paint northern and southern skies. Lovely!
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Read “Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
In tonight’s relaxing read, we cover the philosophies of Buddha, Confucius, and Lao Tse, then swing back to the origins of the Roman Empire, all in less than an hour. Short history indeed!
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Read “A Short History of the World” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fall asleep to more about nature’s supreme relaxers—cats! This time, we learn about the trainability of cats, the traits of three longhair breeds, and a tale about a deaf cat with a happy ending.
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Read “Our Cats & All About Them” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35450
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s kick off 2024 with another sleepy stroll across the sands of time to ancient Egypt. This time, we unravel the labyrinth of Saqqara, see how pyramids changed, and head to the vaunted Valley of the Kings. Dreamy!
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Read “Manual of Egyptian Archaeology” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14400
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s set aside the commercial noise of the holidays and relax with this walk through the forest, appreciate the glories revealed by winter, and consider the turning of the year through the rhythms of life. Lovely!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into our multi-prize Holiday Giveaway at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Where the Forest Murmurs” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/70192
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s head back to 1945 and see what’s on everyone’s Christmas list from Sears. This time, toys for the little scientist, holiday decorations, sporting gear, magazines, and the dream of every young man . . . slacks!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into our multi-prize Holiday Giveaway at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fall into a sweet sleep with more from the world of fine candy-making. This time, we learn to craft classy treats like Coconut Potatoes, Boston Chips, Baby Cream, and Strings of Comfort. I am not making any of those up.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into our multi-prize Holiday Giveaway at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Frye’s Practical Candy Maker” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37073
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with detailed instructions for the arts of gilding, silvering, and the making of curious inks and secret messages, all of which involve more muskrats, honey, and wolf’s teeth than one might expect.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into our multi-prize Holiday Giveaway at the end of the month. Hurrah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “A Select Collection of Valuable and Curious Arts” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/38067
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s wrap up Listener Request Month with the chronicle of the first solo sailing voyage around the world. Sail to sleep aboard the Spray as our captain builds his ship and starts an adventure most only dream of.
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Read “Sailing Alone Around the World” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6317
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue Listener Request Month with this delightfully thorough guide to train journeys. From reading a timetable to choosing the right portmanteau and hiring someone to throw gravel at your window, every practicality is considered.
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Read “The Railway Travellers’ Handy Book” at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/railwaytraveller00unse
Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue Listener Request Month with this guide to country buildings, by which I mean a treatise on the morality of housing, the meaning of beauty, and the art of proportion. Whatever it is, it’s relaxing!
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Read “The Architecture of Country Houses” at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/architectureofco00down/mode/2up
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s kick off Listener Request Month with this classic, our first full “verse” offering. Scheming gods, shipwrecks, and heroic speeches, it’s everything you want from an epic you just pretended to read in school.
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Read “The Aeneid” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/228
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s slip into spooky sleep with more about the origins of the werewolf, including Scandinavian berserkers and greedy nobles. Your brain will quietly howl with boredom.
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Read “The Book of Werewolves” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5324
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more carby goodness as we learn about naughty bakers, how flour is made, and the terrible reputations of millers. Also, charts of chemical percentages, and I mangle some Chaucer. What *can't* bread do?
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Read “The History of Bread” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/53219
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue this sleepy journey through the mountains of France and encounter cantankerous farmers, lovely vistas, and the legendary Beast of Gevaudan, which ends rather anti-climactically, as legends so often do.
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Read “Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes ” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/535
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s drift off to more from this classic of politics. If you aren’t backstabbing and being backstabbed, are you even governing? Not in 16th-century Europe, apparently!
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Read “The Prince” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week, we pack a trunk and head to Europe to practice art on a budget, learn where to live economically, who to study with, and the importance of taking your oldest underwear.
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Read “Studying Art Abroad and How to Do It Cheaply” at the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/studyingartabroa00nier
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s run away to the country and relax with more from this guide to the simple life, which seems to involve an inordinate amount of weeding. Also, blackberries of unusual size!
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Read “Ten Acres Enough” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48753
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more from Mrs. Emily Post as she advises us on making calls, the art of social climbing, and the niceties of leaving one’s card. Truly a calling card for sleep!
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Read “Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with advice on staging a play, including roles behind the curtain, choosing actors, and blocking the action, courtesy of a scene from Oscar Wilde. The drama!
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Read “How to Produce Amateur Plays” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/39973
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax with some sleep-inducing science and learn why space-time is neither space nor time, but so much more. If you’re not entirely sure what the “more” is, never mind. You’ll be asleep anyway.
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Read “The ABC of Relativity” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67104
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our relaxing hike through Yellowstone National Park, marvel at geysers and hot springs, imagine prehistoric forests, and appreciate the beauty off the beaten path. Dreamy!
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Read “Our National Parks” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60929
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s learn more from Mrs. Beeton about vegetable soups and their ingredients, all of which will be ruined by hours-long boiling. Also, the Prince of Wales is honored with tiny turnip balls.
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Read “The Book of Household Management” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let’s relax with more from the fascinating world of bees and learn all about murderous queens, busy workers, growing larvae, and lazy drones. It’s all sweet honey for your sleepy mind.
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Read “The Hive and the Honey-Bee” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24583
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our sleepy sojourn to Everest and enjoy the flowers of Tibet, pursue timid gazelles, visit monasteries, endure a mutiny and a tragedy, and fire some drunken cooks. Adventurous!
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Read “Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/39421
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with the spread of Christianity in Britain, penned by a saint who was actually there. But first, a preface, an intro, and a biography of the blessed Bede! We do get to the history eventually, but you’ll probably be asleep.
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Read “Ecclesiastical History of Britain” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/38326
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep to more 19th-century know-how, and learn how to set up a cheese factory, get milk to curdle, and appreciate our buddy, lactic acid.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! All supporters in July will be entered into a giveaway for a custom episode of Boring Books for Bedtime made just for you. Yay!
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Read “Hand-book on Cheese Making” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/70813
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s take a relaxing shop through some of Sears’ lesser-known offerings—houses! From Craftsmans to cottages or an entire apartment building, it can all be delivered to you, guaranteed.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! All supporters in July will be entered into a giveaway for a custom episode of Boring Books for Bedtime made just for you. Yay!
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Browse a library of pages from the Sears Modern Homes Catalog here: http://www.searsarchives.com/homes/index.htm
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to Pliny’s relaxing opus and learn about the seasons, planting schedules, and the best time to buy a winter cloak so you don’t get price gouged. It’s all written in the stars!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! All supporters in July will be entered into a giveaway for a custom episode of Boring Books for Bedtime made just for you. Yay!
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Read all six volumes of Pliny’s Natural History at Project Gutenberg: https://tinyurl.com/p67jjkp7
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with quiet thoughts on a loud art, including speculation on Eastern origins, deadly Greek fire, and every mention of fireworks in Europe for a thousand years (no, really).
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! All supporters in July will be entered into a giveaway for a custom episode of Boring Books for Bedtime made just for you. Yay!
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Read “Pyrotechnics: The History & Art of Firework Making” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/64922
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
By listener request, let’s relax and sleep with this guide to the purchasing, care, and training of horses in Ancient Greece. To sum up, hooves are everything, and kindness counts. Good advice!
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Read “On Horsemanship” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1176
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s hear from the world’s greatest showman how to live a wealthy, happy life. Sleepy spoiler alert: do things you’re good at, don’t envy others, and spend less than you make. Talk about boring!
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Read “The Art of Money Getting” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8581
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue with this sleepy theory about the Earth and how fish migrations absolutely, positively prove that it must be hollow. What other explanation could there be? None, says Symmes!
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Read “Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/54329
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s finish our tour of the sleepy world of spices, learn about grains of paradise (my favorite medieval spice), and reveal the connection between saffron and…crocodiles? Sure, why not.
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Read “Spices, Their Histories” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60192
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more about apple history, creating hybrids, and the validity of Van Mons’ theories of propagation. Yeah, I don’t know either, but I guess he was big in Belgium.
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Read “American Pomology: Apples” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37596
Music: "Healing,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax with a subject near and dear to your reader’s heart—cats! Drift off to the intelligence of felines, the first cat show, and drama at the Cat Club. Scandalous!
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Read “Our Cats & All About Them” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35450
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to Aristotle’s classic on the purpose of life. What’s it all for, anyway? No real answers here tonight, alas, but at least he can help us sleep through the confusion.
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Read “The Ethics of Aristotle” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8438
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's return to the flower-filled fields of sleep and learn about insect-charming orchids, blistering buttercups, and pinks of the killing kind. Nature is a cruel mistress!
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Read “Wild Flowers Worth Knowing” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8866
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
In more from this sleepy history, we take a tour of the glories of Greece and Persia, the brief blaze of Alexander, and the intellectual legacy of the Golden Age. Dreamy!
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Read “A Short History of the World” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fall asleep to schooling in the fine art of drawing. We learn how to hold a pencil and draw a line, but only after the kind of lengthy introduction at which 19th century writers excelled. My favorite!
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Read “Harding’s Lessons on Drawing” at the Internet Archive:
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sleep through the stress of Tax Day with more from this capital classic, learn the history of money, how diamonds are dumb, and why a cow’s worth of salt is…really too much salt.
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Read "The Wealth of Nations" at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3300
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s take a sleepy browse through this marvelous catalog, just in time for spring. Vegetables, flowers, and novelties for the garden abound from America’s finest purveyor of plants.
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Browse the 1916 Burpee’s Seed Catalog at the Internet Archive here: https://archive.org/details/CAT31297360
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
In this remastered episode from the wayback, let’s take a relaxing trip aboard the good ship Bounty, which maybe you’ve heard of? It’s all breadfruit and bad weather (so far). Sleep ahoy!
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Read “A Voyage to the South Sea” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15411
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the British Museum of the 19th century and complete our sleepy tour of birds of the world, from ducks to dodos. It’s case after case of curiosities for your tired mind!
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Read “How to See the British Museum in Four Visits” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13755
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax into delicious dreams with this guide to confectionery. Learn the correct stripes for stick candy, the construction of “strawberry rock,” and the stages of sugar. Sweet!
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Read “Frye’s Practical Candy Maker” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37073
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's return to more sleepy science and ponder life on the moon, the makeup of meteorites, and the long, strange lives of comets as they wander through our universe. Spacey!
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Read “Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's begin a sleepy trip through the mountains of France, in which our novice author invents a sleeping bag, buys a donkey, and answers the question, “What could go wrong?”
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Read “Travels with a Donkey” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/535
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s trip back in time two years ago (!!) and relax with this newly remastered paean of praise from one transcendentalist to another. We should all be so lucky to be spoken of like this.
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Read “Excursions” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9846
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from Mrs. Post as she instructs us in the art of conversation, thinking before we speak, and avoiding unforgivable pretentiousness. Useful!
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Read “Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Drift to sleep with science as Darwin himself defines natural selection and the interconnectedness of all things. Also, we hear the archaic word “humble-bees,” which is adorable.
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Read “The Origin of Species” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1228
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week let’s be lulled to sleep by deep thoughts about the nature of matter, and whether things exist if we’re not thinking about them. Who knows! It's philosophy.
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Read “The Problems of Philosophy” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5827
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the sleepy sands of Egypt and learn all about tombs and pyramids. Secret passages, sarcophagi, and ghostly snacks will give your dreams something to feast on.
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Read “Manual of Egyptian Archaeology” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14400
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s stitch our way to sleep with this handbook to the intricacies of embroidery. We’ll work our way through some basic stitches, learn a bit of history, and admire the art of craft.
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Read “Art in Needlework: A Book About Embroidery” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/28269
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from a foundation of science. This time, we explore fundamentals of water, moisture, and the near-magical properties of solubility. Equations alert!
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Read “The Principles of Chemistry” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/51326
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with some aesthetic art ponderings from one of the greats of the late 19th century. It’s all Pre-Raphaelites and poetry, plus a poke at the English, as Wilde was wont.
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Read “Essays & Lectures by Oscar Wilde” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/774
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fight off winter’s chill with this relaxing return to the South Pacific. This time, we drift among Polynesian atolls, reflect on solitude, and learn about a friendly giant ghost dog. Dreamy!
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Read “Faery Lands of the South Seas” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/54479
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
For this week of comfy pants and leftovers, let’s relax with a remastered fave and take a sleepy stroll through wintry woods. It’s a lovely meditation on a world asleep yet alive, and I hope you enjoy it.
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Read “A Winter Walk” in “Excursions” at Project Gutenberg here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9846
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with some shopping for the first Christmas after World War II. From fancy watches to educational toys and gaily wrapped vitamins, Sears has everything you need for a happy holiday.
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into drawings for secret prizes!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s curl up with a sleepy bowl of soup as the inimitable Mrs. Beeton walks us through recipes and the history of vegetables. If you aren’t boiling your carrots for three hours, are you even cooking?
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into drawings for secret prizes!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Book of Household Management” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week, let’s relax and sleep amidst the snow-covered trees of New England, meditate on the hare, and enjoy the intricate histories written in a wood pile. It’s a particularly lovely one, friends. Enjoy!
Help us stay ad-free and 100% listener-supported! Everyone who supports us in December will be entered into drawings for secret prizes!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “In New England Fields & Woods” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/36844
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more about the clever parrot family, learn of celebrated chatty birds, and remind ourselves why getting a talking bird from a sailor isn’t always the best idea. Salty!
Raffle Time! Everyone who supports us in November will be entered into a drawing for a personal episode all your own. Whee!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Cassell’s Book of Birds, Vol. 1” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48675
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PCIII, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from this much-requested guide for engineers. This time, we answer a long list of frequently asked questions and learn all the ways to blow up a boiler. Useful!
Raffle Time! Everyone who supports us in November will be entered into a drawing for a personal episode all your own. Whee!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Farm Engines & How To Run Them” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43867
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
This week, by multiple requests, let’s trip back into Flatland, hear about the mighty Circles, and take a confounding journey to Lineland. What is the “world” anyway? It’s just a matter of perspective.
Raffle Time! Everyone who supports us in November will be entered into a drawing for a personal episode all your own. Whee!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Flatland” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/201
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more mysteries of relativity, like the speed of light, why time isn’t time, and how a fake train robbery reveals that simultaneity doesn’t exist. Except when it does.
Raffle Time! Everyone who supports us in November will be entered into a drawing for a personal episode all your own. Whee!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The ABC of Relativity” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67104
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with this totally true and accurate history of werewolves in ancient Greece, Rome, and the Norse sagas. Curiously, few actual werewolves get mentioned, but someone does get turned into a yarn spinner. Spooky!
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Read “The Book of Werewolves” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5324
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
For our Four-Year Anniversary (wow!), let’s relax and sleep with more from Marcus Aurelius, including some thoughts about smelly armpits. Hey, personal diaries can't all be gems of wisdom.
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Read “Meditations” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, http://www.boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more from one of our most requested books, hear the histories of ginger, mustard, nutmeg, and mace, and learn how to fake them all. Looking at you, naughty Connecticut!
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Read “Spices, Their Histories” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60192
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
We’re back from break! Let’s relax with more from a 19th century guide to running away to the country. This time, we buy a farm, fight peach worms, and praise the wisdom of wives, as one should.
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Read “Ten Acres Enough” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48753
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY, https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this remastered episode, let's relax and sleep with this intro to science basics from one of the 19th century's greatest science champions. Also, we learn why water is a liquid!
***Boring Books for Bedtime is on break but we're returning with new readings for sleep on October 10!***
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Read “Science Primers” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60289
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this remastered episode, let's relax with practical advice about modern plumbing systems. And by modern, I mean 19th century. Indoor plumbing has come a long way, thank goodness!
***Boring Books for Bedtime will be on break through September, so enjoy some remastered episodes from the wayback. We'll return with new readings for sleep in October!***
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “Bad Drains and How to Test Them” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60721
Music: "Ocean Tapping,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this newly remastered episode, let's rest beneath the trees with one of the first environmentalists. His relaxed rambles from Indiana to Florida contain quiet caves, sleepy groves, and a rucksack full of rhapsodies about nature's beauties.
***Boring Books for Bedtime will be on break through September, so enjoy some remastered episodes from the wayback. We'll return with new readings for sleep in October!***
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Read “A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60749e
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this newly remastered episode, rule over sleep with the pithy prose of Machiavelli. But first, a very long introduction to our author and the twisted papal politics of 15th century Italy. Yawn!
***Boring Books for Bedtime will be on break through September, so enjoy some remastered episodes from the wayback. We'll return with new readings for sleep in October!***
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read “The Prince” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232
Music: "Cosmic Tingles,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this newly remastered episode, let’s journey back to New York City in the early 1900s with one of America’s great writers and his dreamy portrait of the city that never sleeps. Fingers crossed you will!
***Boring Books for Bedtime will be on break through September, so enjoy some remastered episodes from the wayback. We'll return with new readings for sleep in October!***
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Read “The Color of a Great City” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61043
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this manual of manners, and learn how to pay a check, walk down a theater aisle, and navigate the social complexities of the opera box. Also, just…be nice. Good advice!
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Read “Etiquette” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sink into the fields of sleep with more from this lovely and informative book on the varied beauty of wildflowers. A few may smell of corpses, but they’re no less wonders of nature!
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Read “Wild Flowers Worth Knowing” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8866
Music: "Changing Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with a much-requested book and drift off as Mr. Smith defines the division of labor, details the connections of commerce, and takes a swipe at the lie of meritocracy. Economical!
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Read “The Wealth of Nations” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/3300
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PC III, licensed under CC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s rewind to 2020 with a remastered version of this marvelous travelogue from an equally marvelous woman. Experience all the dreamy wonders of South America for a mere $1,000. Or more if you’re fancy and like magazines and air conditioning.
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Read “The South American Tour” here
Music: "Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
For our 200th episode, let’s get cozy and relax with advice on planning the perfect cottage. Which apparently includes a library, billiard room, and nursery. Sleepy simplicity!
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Read “Cottages” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/67922
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PC III, licensed under CC-BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to a sleepy favorite and relax with Mrs. Beeton's thoughts on a cook’s duties, French vocabulary, and asparagus. Also, we learn to make Bread Soup. Yay?
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Read “The Book of Household Management” here: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s celebrate the JWST with more from one of my favorite sleepy books. We hear about Jupiter’s moons, dissect Saturn’s rings, and consider whether the Moon could harbor life. Dreamy!
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Read "Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue with our revolutionary relaxation courtesy of Thomas Paine, who has even more thoughts on breaking up with Britain and replacement systems for the republic. Yawn!
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Read "Common Sense” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with this treatise on human rights and the failure of monarchical systems to reflect or ensure them. Plus, a lot of chatter that ties kings to…original sin? Whew!
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Read "Common Sense” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s travel the sands of sleep once again with Herodotus, and learn about flying serpents, fish migration, and the third-cheapest way to embalm your loved ones. It’s balmy bookishness for your weary mind.
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Read "An Account of Egypt” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week let’s relax with information about a revolution in visual entertainment and education. We learn about the persistence of vision and some history that led us to what we today call “movies.”
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Read "Moving Pictures” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, while your reader tussles with a certain virus, let’s revisit a perfectly sleepy combo of ponderous Victorian introduction and ancient Greek philosophy, freshly remastered for your relaxation pleasure.
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Read "The Politics” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, while your reader is laid up with a certain virus, let’s revisit one of my favorite sleepy science reads. Enjoy this remastered intro to a brand new branch of study (in 1899), bacteriology!
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Read "Bacteria” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sail to sleep with more from this lovely work about the seas. This time, we learn the rigging of a schooner, praise the prowess of Pacific Islanders, and head to Iceland with Vikings.
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Read "The Book of the Ocean” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax with more sleepy science from a woman so talented that the word “scientist” was coined to describe her. This time, we learn about all the forces holding us together.
Help us stay 100% listener supported! All supporters in May will be entered into a drawing for our first-ever SWAG! Details here:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "On Molecular & Microscopic Science” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our sleepy stroll through history with the fall of Assyria, the literary bedrock of the Jews, and the birth of philosophy in Greece. Rather a lot to cram into an hour, but Wells makes it sound easy.
Help us stay 100% listener supported! All supporters in May will be entered into a drawing for our first-ever SWAG! Details here:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A Short History of the World” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s take a sleepy tour of the spice cabinet and the origins of allspice, chilies, cinnamon, and cloves, with a pinch of insight into faking spices with brick dust. Useful!
Help us stay 100% listener supported! All supporters in May will be entered into a drawing for our first-ever SWAG! Details here:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Spices, Their Histories” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Heaven Be Here” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s fly off to relaxation with more from this lovely book about our feathered friends. This time, we learn about the birds of early spring, and marvel at the sleepy songs of the sparrows.
Help us stay 100% listener supported! All supporters in May will be entered into a drawing for our first-ever SWAG! Details next week.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Bird Biographies” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s conclude a month of relaxing travels with more from this tour of America’s national parks, sleepily agog at the Grand Canyon and the weird grandeur of Yellowstone.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Our National Parks” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Our month of relaxing voyages continues as we head to the distant South Seas. We set off first for sleepy Tahiti and meet a man with little history but a lot of chickens. And profuse apologies if I sound a bit stuffy. I am!
Help us stay 100% listener supported:
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Faery Lands of the South Seas” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our month of relaxing voyages and rejoin Charles Dickens on his sleepy sojourn to Italy. On the way, we visit a dungeon, pass a madhouse, and end up bemused in Genoa.
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Read "Pictures from Italy” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s kick off a month of relaxing travelogues with more from the first attempt to map the world’s tallest mountain. This time, we take the road from India to Tibet, marvel at flowered forests, and consider the leech.
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Read "Mount Everest, The Reconnaissance of 1921” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s throw off the stress of city cares and head out into the country for a simpler life, which apparently was as much a desire back in the 1850s as it is today.
If you support us in March 2022, you’ll help us stay 100% listener supported AND be entered into a raffle for your very own printed copy of the 1897 Sears Catalog, which is neat.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Ten Acres Enough" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with some sleepy physics, as Bertrand Russell unravels the Theory of Relativity. Drugging people and putting them in balloons is somewhat mentioned. Science!
If you support us in March 2022, you’ll help us stay 100% listener supported AND be entered into a raffle for your very own printed copy of the 1897 Sears Catalog, which is neat.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The ABC of Relativity at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's grab a basket and take a relaxing stroll through the Grocery Department of the Amazon of its day. Coffee beans, cherry phosphate, canned gooseberries—Sears had it all.
If you support us in March 2022, you’ll help us stay 100% listener supported AND be entered into a raffle for your very own printed copy of the 1897 Sears Catalog. Huzzah!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s motor to sleep with more from this wonderful manual for the lady driver, written by race car and speedboat champion Dorothy Levitt. Mechanics and manners are all you need!
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Read "The Woman and The Car” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Gentle Whisperings,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the earliest known work on Western dramatic theory and learn about character, verbs, and why Homer is always right. Also “women can also be good,” which is…something? No worries, it gets a lot better after that.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Poetics of Aristotle” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "earth 2 earth,” by PCIII licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the relaxing wonders of science with more from a foundational work of modern chemistry. This time, we finally finish…the introduction! It’s the perfect compound for sleep.
We are 100% listener supported, and you can help. Everyone who supports us in February 2022 will be entered into a raffle to win a made-just-for-you episode!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Principles of Chemistry” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, let’s appreciate the culinary wonders of weeds with this relaxing guide to nature’s bounty by George Washington Carver. Salads have never seemed so special.
We are 100% listener supported, and you can help. Everyone who supports us in February 2022 will be entered into a raffle to win a made-just-for-you episode!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: "Heaven Be Here,” by PCIII licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to sleepy science with more from Charles Darwin on domestic breeding, pigeon mating, and messy definitions. What is a species anyway? It’s a mystery!
We are 100% listener supported, and you can help. Everyone who supports us in February 2022 will be entered into a raffle to win a made-just-for-you episode!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "On the Origin of Species” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Dream Colours,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Sink into tasteful slumber this week with the history of home decor from the Queen of The Gilded Age. Basically, "like Italy and be rich" seems to sum it up.
We are 100% listener supported, and you can help. Everyone who supports us in February 2022 will be entered into a raffle to win a made-just-for-you episode!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Decoration of Houses” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Peace,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from this bucolic delight, and learn about managing our traction engine, getting out of life’s inevitable ditches, and the qualities of a good grease.
Help keep us 100% listener supported here:
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Farm Engines and How to Run them” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the sleepy sands of Egypt and finish our exploration of religious architecture, with symbolic temples, towering obelisks, and shrines that held...puppets, apparently? Who knew!
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Read "Manual of Egyptian Archaeology” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the heavens and relax with some sleepy stardust about our solar system, learn a bit about our neighbor planets, and consider how they got here in the first place. Far out!
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sense our way to sleep with a book I forgot reading from! This time we learn exercises to hone our skills as psychic parlour performers, which was a for-real thing in 1907.
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Read "Practical Mind Reading” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's dive back into one of your sleepy favorites, and learn about the life of the maid-of-all-work, the perfect dairy layout, and some fine advice about stable ventilation.
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of Household Management” at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax into the natural world with two essays by Henry David Thoreau, in which we take a poetic walk by moonlight, and then contemplate the wintry depths of Walden Pond. Transcendental!
December Raffle! Support us on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee by December 24th to be entered to win a three-month subscription (that's three free audiobooks!) from Libro.fm. Yay!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Night and Moonlight” in “Excursions” at Project Gutenberg:
And “Walden” here:
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s once again be lulled to sleep by the hum of beautiful, busy bees, learn all about the workings of the queen bee, and hear every permutation of the word “fecund” possible.
December Raffle! Support us on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee by December 24th to be entered to win a three-month subscription (that's three free audiobooks!) from Libro.fm. Yay!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Hive and the Honey Bee” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24583
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to the relaxing world of bread and fall asleep to European peasant loaves, the origin of the croissant, and the heraldry of London’s bread guilds. Delish!
Also, I announce our December raffle for supporters! Support us on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee by December 24th to be entered to win a three-month subscription (that's three free audiobooks!) from Libro.fm. Yay!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The History of Bread” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/53219
Music: "Peace" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with the second half of this classic of Greek literature, in which the great Theophrastus defines 30 character types found in literature and life. Trust me, you know a few.
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Read "The Characters of Theophrastus” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/58242
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s wander through the wonders of nature, as conservationist John Muir guides us through the wild spaces of the American West and the flower-filled tundra of Alaska. Honestly, friends, this one is just lovely.
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Our National Parks” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60929
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's take a relaxing wander through the mind-boggling British Museum, learn a bit about its origins, consider the mullingong, and ponder why our author holds such a low opinion of owls.
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Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "How to See the British Museum in Four Visits” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/13755
Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this remastered episode from 2018, we revisit a relaxing work that poses interesting philosophical questions, like "When is a table not a table?" Don't worry, there's no actual answer, so you won't miss anything when you fall asleep.
NOTE: This is the second of our remastered episodes of readings from the wayback that I think are great (and newer listeners have probably missed), but which definitely need some polishing.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Problems of Philosophy” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/5827
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we conclude the mysterious happenings in Sleepy Hollow, which involve a surprising amount of charming detail about autumnal harvests, twittering birds, and pastries, come to find out.
And all our lovely supporters in October will be getting a full, uninterrupted recording of the entire story as a Halloween treat!
Support us here:
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41
Music: "Dream Colours" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's wrap ourselves in the secrets of Sleepy Hollow, which seem a lot less scary than cartoons would have us believe. Irving’s descriptions of country life are surprisingly relaxing.
This is Part 1 of a two-parter that concludes next week. And all of our lovely supporters in October will be getting a full, uninterrupted recording of the entire story right after that as a Halloween treat!
Support us here:
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” at Project Gutenberg: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41
Music: "Dream Colours" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sleep among the wildflowers with this relaxing tour through some lovely native American blooms, plus skunk cabbage and the murderous Jack-in-the-pulpit. Flowers…so much more than pretty!
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? Support us here!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Wild Flowers Worth Knowing” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8866
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to this classic of social and political commentary from the 16th century. If you stay awake long enough, you’ll discover how little has changed in 500 years. So, no need to pay attention. PS You're not seeing things. We have a new logo!
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? Support us here!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Utopia” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2130
Music: "Heaven Be Here" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sail the high seas of sleep with more from this classic of pirate history. Enjoy a booty chest of boredom, including the story of Henry Avery, King of the Pirates, who was…a bit of a coward, come to find out.
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? Support us here!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A General History of the Pirates” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/40580
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
In this remastered episode, we revisit a perfectly sleepy book that celebrates a symbol of autumn. This 19th century ode to apples includes history, health advice, and a nod to Johnny Appleseed, because of course it does.
NOTE: This is the first in what will be occasional remastered episodes of readings from the past that I think are great (and newer listeners have probably missed), but which could definitely use some refreshment to better audio standards.
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? Support us here!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "American Pomology” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/37596
Music: "Healing," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more studies of the beautiful red planet, including observations of its icy poles, which, unlike that whole “Mars has canals” thing, are actually correct.
Everyone who helps us stay 100% listener supported will get a gift this month—the complete recording of "The Book of Tea"—in thanks.
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Mars and Its Canals” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47015
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep on a journey with famed author Charles Dickens, as he wends his way to Italy to spend a year in Genoa. We don’t actually get there, but never mind. The journey is still a delight.
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? We have a special gift of appreciation for everyone who supports in September, the full recording of "The Book of Tea"!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of Tea” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/650
Music: "Peace," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's rock to sleep on the waves as we learn all about the workings of tides, currents, climate, and the early history of boats. It’s an ocean of relaxing information, just for your tired mind.
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? We have a special gift of appreciation for everyone who supports in September, the full recording of "The Book of Tea"!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of the Ocean” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/56311
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let’s relax and allow thoughts of art appreciation, the perfection of flowers, and the long reach of the tea masters to brew a beautiful elixir of sleep.
Want to help us stay 100% listener supported and ad-free? We have a special gift of appreciation for everyone who supports in September, the full recording of "The Book of Tea"!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of Tea” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/769
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, we relax and sleep with more from this classic guide to manners, and complete our education about proper introductions, handshakes, hat lifting, and the horrors of bundle-carrying.
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Etiquette” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
For our 150th episode, let’s take a relaxing trip to the South Seas aboard the good ship Bounty, which maybe you’ve heard of? Don’t worry, this bit’s mostly about breadfruit and bad weather. Sleep ahoy!
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A Voyage to the South Sea” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/15411
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, let’s relax and sleep to more from this classic of Stoic philosophy, and hear all about the fleeting nature of fame, the foolishness of being too busy, and the briefness of our little lives.
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Meditations” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with more sleepy studies of the birds of eastern North America, and discover our author’s surprisingly ardent admiration of the bobwhite, which is admittedly adorable.
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Bird Biographies” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/59880
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax and sleep with more from one of the weirder scientific theories ever conceived, that the Earth is hollow and filled with other inhabited words. Newton is mentioned, so you know it’s science.
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Read "Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/54329
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's return to a sleepy favorite, and a day in the life of an upper and under housemaid. From blacking fire grates to making beds and buffing gilt frames with onions, it…sounds exhausting, if I’m honest.
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Read "The Book of Household Management” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, we return to the relaxation of night skies, and drift to sleep with the stars of the Southern Hemisphere, the sweep of the Milky Way, and the beautiful mysteries of our Sun.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Astronomy for Young Folks” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s take another relaxing wander through The Federalist Papers, and hear how ancient Greece and Germany are great examples of what not to do. So, no need to pay attention to that, I guess, which is convenient for a sleep podcast.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Federalist Papers” at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1404
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week we learn the apiary arts from the Father of American Beekeeping. It’s all about treating your bees with kindness and respect, which is just good advice for life, really.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Hive and the Honey Bee" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24583
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PC III, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's continue our journey with Marco Polo along the Silk Road through Persia, and relax with totally, totally true facts about magical fogs, three kings, and a moving mountain.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Travels of Marco Polo" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10636
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's return to a sleepy satirical world of two dimensions, and learn about seeing, irregularity, and the dreaded perils of not being dull.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Flatland" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/201
Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's take "sawing wood" literally, and find relaxation and sleep with this handy manual of woodworking basics. You'll never look at lumber the same way again.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Woodworking for Beginners" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43604
Music: "Peace" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax and sleep to these ruminations on psychic phenomena and the afterlife. It's all about vibrations, etheric bodies and...an argument for returning Gibraltar to the Spanish? Sure, why not.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Wanderings of a Spiritualist" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/39718
Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's drift into the busy micro-world of bacteria. But first, a long and sleepy introduction to the history of bacteriology, so new, it’s barely history at all.
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat! Everyone who supported us in April, or supports us in May by 5/31, will be entered into a drawing for an episode of your very own!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Bacteria" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48793
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, let's continue our sleepy stroll through history's halls and relax with nomadic wanderers, seafarers, and the ever-shifting conquerors of the Cradle of Civilization. Dreamy!
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat! Everyone who supported us in April, or supports us in May by 5/31, will be entered into a drawing for an episode of your very own!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A Short History of the World" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: “Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let’s continue sifting through the sleepy history of the staff of life, including Greek myths, Pompeii’s ruins, Chinese threshing, and chapati’s role in revolution.
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat! Everyone who supported us in April, or supports us in May by 5/31, will be entered into a drawing for an episode of your very own!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The History of Bread" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/53219
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, let's enjoy a renaissance of relaxation with the thoughts on Erasmus. This dense mix of social commentary and satire is the perfect solution for sleep.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "In Praise of Folly" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/30201
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week, let's float away on gentle waves with this exploration of our oceans. It’s a lovely dip into marine science—some good, some…not, and all sleep-inducing.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of the Ocean" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/56311
Music: “Ocean Tapping” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax and sleep with a lengthy paean of praise written after the death of Thoreau by his contemporary, friend and worshipful admirer, Ralph Waldo Emerson. As obituaries go, it's...a lot.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Excursions" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9846
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime,” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s relax with one of the dullest things ever read on this podcast. Like all IRS Publications, it's 50% information, 50% references to other publications, and 100% mind-numbing boredom. Which is why you're here, after all. Enjoy!
Want to support us and help us stay ad-free? Neat!
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY (https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax and sleep with a classic of character conventions. This work may be millennia old, but you will definitely recognize these people. If you stay awake past the very long intro, that is.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Characters of Theophrastus" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/58242
Music: “earth 2 earth,” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax with a browse through the Millinery Department, and marvel at the most beautiful, stylish and economical hats ever offered to the public. At such low prices, resistance is futile.
Want to support us? Neat! Everyone who does so in March 2021 will be entered into a drawing for a hard copy of the 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: “Heaven Be Here” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s continue our relaxing journey through Scotland with Dr. Johnson, and learn all about cattle, kelp and the customary duties of the laird. Tha mi sgith!
Want to support us? Neat! Everyone who does so in March 2021 will be entered into a drawing for one of our most popular books, The 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Journey to the Western Islands" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2064
Music: “Chrystalis,” by Sounds Like An Earful (https://soundslikeanearful.com/)
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's return to Aristotle's sleep-inducing treatise on the animal world and his very, very detailed description of the human body, plus...elephants!
Want to support us? Neat! Everyone who does so in March 2021 will be entered into a drawing for one of our most popular books, The 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "History of Animals" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/59058
Music: “Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s sink into sleepy social niceties with this classic of manners, behavior and good breeding. If you ever wondered how to introduce a bishop at your fancy luncheon, Mrs. Post is here for you.
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Want to support us? Neat! Everyone who does so in March 2021 will be entered into a drawing for one of our most popular books, The 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Etiquette" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14314
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's drift off into the world of birds and learn all about parrots, the flying monkeys of the avian kingdom. I promise that makes sense if you stay awake long enough. But...unlikely.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Cassell's Book of Birds, Vol. 1" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48675
Music: “Ocean Tapping” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let’s journey back to New York City in the early 1900s with one of America’s great writers and his dreamy portrait of the city that never sleeps. Fingers crossed you will!
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Color of a Great City" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/61043
Music: “Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s plow back into one of your surprisingly sleepy favorites, and harvest a bushel of instruction about the proper management of a traction steam engine. Useful!
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Farm Engines and How to Run Them" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43867
Music: “Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let’s return to Darwin's revolutionary classic, which sounds like it's going to be much more exciting than this exploration of pigeons, pears and sheep actually ends up being.
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Read "On the Origin of Species" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1228
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's continue our relaxing ride through a dream of sleep-inducing detail about handling the newfangled bicycle. The word "knickerbockers" is also used to some effect.
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Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Bicycling for Ladies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/62227
Music: “Heaven Be Here” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we fall into the rhythm of sleep with a book that works hard to put meaning into music but mostly just makes it boring. So...kind of perfect, really?
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Pssst...Everyone who contributes in January 2021 will be entered into a raffle to win your very own, exclusive episode!
Read "How to Listen to Music" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17474
Music: “Healing” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight we journey to our neighbor in the heavens, and begin a sleepy exploration of the "canals" of Mars, proving that even a great scientist can't be right about everything.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Pssst...Everyone who contributes in January 2021 will be entered into a raffle to win your very own, exclusive episode!
Read "Mars and Its Canals" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47015
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let's rejoin our caravan from sand to sandman and explore the ancient Egyptian temples of Karnak and Luxor. It's a dusty dream of a journey.
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Buy Me A Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Pssst...Everyone who contributes in January 2021 will be entered into a raffle to win your very own, exclusive episode!
Read "Manual of Egyptian Archaeology" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14400
Music: “Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let's consider the connection of Teaism and Taoism, relax into the refinement of the tea house, and let go of all our worries in something called the Abode of Vacancy. Enjoy!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of Tea" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/769
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website, www.boringbookspod.com.
Let's take a walk through wintry woods and skate down a frozen stream in this relaxing mix of prose and poetry. Thoreau captures all the beauty of a New England winter, and I hope you enjoy it.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All December supporters will get the complete, uninterrupted recording of "The Prophet" as thanks for your support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A Winter Walk" in "Excursions" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/9846
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime”, by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's relax with this browse through the voluminous Musical Goods Department, and discover all the wonders of mandolins, music boxes and banjorines. Which is an actual thing. Who knew?
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All December supporters will get the complete, uninterrupted recording of "The Prophet" as thanks for your support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: “Heaven Be Here” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we get sleepy with this second half of a philosophy classic, and discuss pleasure, pain and the power of friendship. It's like a cozy set of pajamas for your tired mind.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All December supporters will get the complete, uninterrupted recording of "The Prophet" as thanks for your support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Prophet" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/58585
Music: “Peace”, by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
Tonight, let's complete our sleepy voyage through the constellations as we learn about the stars seen from August through December, the ever-precessing pole star, and the wonder of novas. Heavenly!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Astronomy for Young Folks" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: “Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's fall asleep with this classic of political philosophy from an executed saint, because what's more relaxing than that. Utopia details socio-economic issues that keep us up at night because...we don't live in Utopia. Surprise!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Utopia" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2130
Music: “Heaven Be Here” by PCIII, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let's relax with the story of one of the world's most basic foods. In this reading, we sleepily sift through the grains of early bread history, from prehistoric mills to matzo-making. Tasty!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The History of Bread" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/53219
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we complete Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “skeptical” defense of fairies. Relax to fairy biology, fairy society, and the clairvoyant observations of one Bishop Leadbeater, whose claim to expertise seems to be an impressive beard. Science!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All November supporters will receive the complete, uninterrupted recording of "The Coming of the Fairies" as a thanks for their support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Coming of the Fairies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47506
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let's flit away to sleep as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle presents sightings to bolster his case that fairies are real, including one from Mrs. Violet Tweedale, owner of arguably the most English name ever.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All November supporters will receive the complete, uninterrupted, 4.5 hour recording of "The Coming of the Fairies" as a thanks for their support!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Coming of the Fairies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47506
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Tonight, we relax and sleep with politics as poured from the pen of Aristotle 2,300 years ago. Once again, we wade through a very thorough introduction, and discover that there's nothing much new under the political sun.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Politics" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/6762
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we finish our 3-part wander through 19th century Edinburgh, side-eye "modern" architecture, climb Calton Hill, and cheat the whisky tax, as any good Scot should.
You can help keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! All October supporters will receive the complete, 3-hour recording of "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" as a thanks for their support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/382
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Let's continue our sleepy sojourn to 19th century Edinburgh through the eyes of Robert Louis Stevenson. In Part 2, we listen to legends, ramble through Greyfriars, and muse on memories of rural places. Lovely.
You can help keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! All October supporters will receive the complete, 3-hour recording of "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" as a thanks for their support.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/382
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
This week we start a relaxing, 3-part journey to 19th century Edinburgh with native son Robert Louis Stevenson. Towers and tenements, hills and a Hall of Lost Steps, it's a sleepy trip for your tired mind.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us! All October supporters will receive the complete recording of "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" as a thanks for their support!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Edinburgh: Picturesque Notes" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/382
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we return to one of your favorite books, and head downstairs into the sleepy realm of service. What are the infinite duties of the lady's maid? How do you pack a trunk? Black a boot? Clean a ribbon with gin? These and more await your tired mind.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by checking out these ways to support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Book of Household Management" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, return to the sleepy halls of science with more from this foundational work on chemistry. The philosopher's stone, phlogiston, and the first periodic table for our list-lovers—this relaxing book has it all.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in September will be entered in this month's drawing for a personalized episode of your very own. You pick the book!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Principles of Chemistry" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/51326
Music: “Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY-NC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, travel a straight line to sleep with this combination of mathematical musing and social satire. Victorian classism has never had such a dull, dreamy edge.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in September will be entered in this month's drawing for a personalized episode of your very own. You pick the book!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Flatland" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/201
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight let's return to a relaxing travelogue and continue with Robert Peary's detailed account of the search for the North Pole. Trials, triumphs and...a plan to pipe soup across the Arctic? This book has it all!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in September will be entered in this month's drawing for a personalized episode of your very own. You pick the book!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The North Pole" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/18975
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, we relax with The Lost H.G. Wells Episode, which mysteriously vanished six weeks after its release back in 2019. Why? Who knows! But this sleepy history of our marvelous world, from the appearance of birds to the first cousins of man, is too good to miss.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in September will be entered in this month's drawing for a personalized episode of your very own. You pick the book!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "A Short History of the World" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: “Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
It's our 100th episode! Let's return to the relaxing words of Thoreau's classic, wander the quiet woods, meet some interesting characters, and fall to sleep with thoughts on civil disobedience. Good times!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in August will be entered in this month's drawing for a free 3-month subscription (and 3 free audiobooks of your choice) at Libro.fm!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Walden" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/205
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Take a relaxing journey with Greek historian Herodotus as he reveals the wonders of Egypt. Clothing, crocodiles, calculations—all the sleep-inducing details of the ancient world are here.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in August will be entered in this month's drawing for a free 3-month subscription (and 3 free audiobooks of your choice) at Libro.fm!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "An Account of Egypt" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2131
Music: “Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Relax and sleep with words from the wonderful Margaret Cavendish, and discover why science was once called "natural philosophy". So many ideas, so little clue what they mean.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in August will be entered in this month's drawing for a free 3-month subscription (and 3 free audiobooks of your choice) at Libro.fm!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Grounds of Natural Philosophy" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/58404
Music: “Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Tonight, let your dreams take wing with this delightfully detailed yet poetic guide to the birds of eastern North America. A chorus of cardinals, crows and jays are all here to sing you to sleep.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed! Everyone contributing on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee in August will be entered in this month's drawing for a free 3-month subscription (and 3 free audiobooks of your choice) at Libro.fm!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Bird Biographies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/59880
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Just a very quick update on monthly giveaways, our fantastic August prize from Libro.fm, and thoughts on keeping this podcast ad-free through your help. Thanks for listening!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Music: “Relaxation Loop,” by Sounds Like An Earful https://soundslikeanearful.com/
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Rule over insomnia and go to sleep with the pithy prose of Machiavelli. But first, a long introduction to the twisted papal politics of 15th century Italy that spawned this influential book. Yawn!
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by joining our Patreon or dropping us a tip via Buy Me A Coffee. Everyone contributing in August will be entered in this month's drawing for a free three-month subscription (and three free audiobooks of your choice) at Libro.fm!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The Prince" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1232
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website, boringbookspod.com.
Steam away to dreamland with this travel guide to South America by explorer, archaeologist and record-setting mountaineer Annie S. Peck. If you ever wondered what to pack for a four-month trip south of the Equator, look no further.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by joining our Patreon or dropping us a tip via Buy Me A Coffee. Everyone contributing in July will be entered in this month's drawing for a print copy of one of your faves--the 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "The South American Tour" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/59715
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website www.boringbookspod.com!
Let's relax to more from the not-at-all-exciting world of stuffing boxes and governor balls that make farm engines go. If 30 study questions for a steam engine operator test can't put you to sleep, nothing will.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by joining our Patreon or dropping us a tip via Buy Me A Coffee. Everyone contributing in July will be entered in this month's drawing for a print copy of one of your faves--the 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Read "Farm Engines & How To Run Them" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/43867
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, connect on our website www.boringbookspod.com!
Let's return to the musings of Victorian classicist Benjamin Jowett, his analysis of Plato's Republic, and a lot of sleepy Socratic opinions about the inappropriateness of flutes.
Keep this podcast ad-free and relaxed by joining our Patreon or dropping us a tip via Buy Me A Coffee. Everyone contributing in July will be entered in this month's drawing for a print copy of one of your faves--the 1897 Sears Catalog!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Republic" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/55201
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Tonight, we take another journey into a relaxing science classic, Principles of Geology. Let's erode away our stress, take a sleepy stroll through the halls of geological history, and ponder some rather odd theories about the formation of the land beneath our feet.
We need your support to keep making sleep-inducing podcasts! Please check out...
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Principles of Geology" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/33224
Music: "earth 2 earth," by PCIII, is licensed under CC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let Alexander Hamilton and his compatriots spark a revolution of sleep with arguments in favor of ratifying the US Constitution. If these words prove anything, it's that predicting what will become a Broadway hit is one of the great mysteries of our time.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Federalist Papers" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/1404
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC: http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let's cook up a recipe for relaxation with De Re Coquinaria, by Roman author Apicius. It's an hour of honey, pepper, and fermented fish sauce, plus a lengthy rumination on Pompeii. Delish!
Boring Books for Bedtime is happily sponsored by BetterHelp – affordable and private online counseling you can get anywhere, any time, the way that suits you best. Get 10% off your first month by visiting trybetterhelp.com/boringbooks.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "De Re Coquinaria" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/29728
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC: http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Climb into the saddle of sleep and pedal to peace with this 1896 volume about the latest fad in exercise, bicycling! If you stay awake long enough, you'll know how a bicycle works, though why that's "for ladies," I cannot tell you.
Boring Books for Bedtime is happily sponsored by BetterHelp – affordable and private online counseling you can get anywhere, any time, the way that suits you best. Get 10% off your first month by visiting trybetterhelp.com/boringbooks.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Bicycling for Ladies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/62227
Music: "Heaven Be Here," by PCIII, is licensed under CC
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let's cozy up to a hot cup of tea and steep our weary minds in this classic treatise on tea, culture and history. We all deserve a bit of sleep thanks to this Art of Peace.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Boring Books for Bedtime is happily sponsored by BetterHelp – affordable and private online counseling you can get anywhere, any time, the way that suits you best. Get 10% off your first month by visiting trybetterhelp.com/boringbooks.
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Book of Tea" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/769
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let's return to Conan Doyle's dreamy world of the Wee Folk! Drift into sleep on the observations of a clairvoyant in the fairy glen, which are totally real and scientific. Totally. This episode is happily sponsored by BetterHelp – affordable and private online counseling you can get anywhere, any time, in the way that suits you best. Get 10% off your first month by visiting trybetterhelp.com/boringbooks.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Coming of the Fairies" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/47506
Music: "earth 2 earth" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, contact me on our website!
Let anxiety and stress slip away like a bird on the wing as we find sleep with another listener favorite, Cassell's Book of Birds. Orders, anatomy and the "merry-thought" defined? Just what you dreamed of!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Cassell's Book of Birds, Volume 1" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/48675
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
It's a dreamy return to Samuel Johnson's 18th century tour of Scotland. Tonight, we explore stunning Skye, speculate on ancient fortresses, and consider Calvinism's deep mark on the land. Slainte!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Us a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Crystalis," by Sounds Like An Earful
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, we jump into our sleepytime machine and let H.G. Wells carry us off into the dreamy history of Neolithic man. Agriculture, alphabets and just a dash of human sacrifice to keep your buzzing brain engaged.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "A Short History of the World" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/35461
Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0 http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, we continue our caravan from sand to sandman with the Manual of Egyptian Archaeology & Guide to Antiquities from 1895. It's everything you never knew you wanted about ancient temple columns, quarries and reservoirs.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Manual of Egyptian Archaeology" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14400
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Get pirated off to sleep with this early chronicle of the buccaneering life. Sounds riveting? Not to worry, me hearties, it was written in 1724. A booty of boring sentences be buried here!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "A General History of the Pirates" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/40580
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we relax to the dulcet words of Stoic philosophy, and learn all about not stressing out over things that are beyond our influence. But mostly, we'll just go to sleep, which is kind of the point.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Enchiridion" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45109
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Harvest a good night's sleep with the agricultural tool offerings of one of our favorites, the 1897 Sears Catalog. Guaranteed to relax you with the most scientific methods of the age, or your purchase price cheerfully refunded!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII, is licensed under CC
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
This evening, relax and sleep with one of the weirder scientific theories ever conceived, that the Earth is hollow and filled with other worlds. But first, there are 30 minutes of ambling preambles, because in 1826, of course there are. Enjoy!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Symmes Theory of Concentric Spheres" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/54329
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, we return to one of your favorite relaxing books, and take a tour of the spring and summer skies of the northern hemisphere. A calming cosmos bathed in starlight awaits you, sleepy, stressed out friend!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Astronomy for Young Folks" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45112
Music: "Exit Exit" by PC III is licensed under CC-BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, let's find our happy place and sleep with this reading from an introduction to science basics, written by one of the 19th century's greatest science champions. Stay awake long enough, and you'll learn why water is a liquid!
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "Science Primers" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/60289
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music) is licensed under CC
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Let's rest, relax and sleep with this lovely discourse about drawing. Which is mostly about art theory for the entire hour, if I'm honest. Mr. Speed was slow to get to the actual "drawing" part.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Practice and Science of Drawing" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/14264
Music: “Cosmic Tingles” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, we return to the wisdom of Mrs. Beeton, and relax with her discussion of a well-equipped kitchen, the perfection of weights and measures, and...the history of Pompeii? Sure, why not.
Want to support us? Neat! Here's how:
Become a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/boringbookspod
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/d5kcMsW
Connect: www.boringbookspod.com
Read "The Book of Household Management" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/10136
Music: “Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, let's ride the relaxing waves of history and float through the history of the British Navy. From wee hide coracles to the sea-faring dragons of the Vikings, it's a lovely shanty of sleep.
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Read "The British Navy Book" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/41677
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
This evening, let's relax to the life of the Roman Emperor Claudius, immortalized as both a genius and an unstable imbecile unfit for any duty whatsoever, proving that nothing in politics ever changes.
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Read "The Lives of the Twelve Caesars: Claudius" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "earth 2 earth," by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, let's relax with the second half of one of the world's most influential philosophical texts, the Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu. The journey of a thousand dreams begins with a single snore.
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Read "The Tao Te Ching" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight let's overcome sleeplessness with Darwin's revolutionary classic of evolutionary theory, which sounds a lot more riveting than this text actually is.
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Read "On the Origin of Species" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's relax to the metrical musings of a great Victorian poet about a great Elizabethan playwright, in a wordy work that is mostly about how other Shakespearean scholars are...not great.
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Read "A Study of Shakespeare" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight let's fall asleep to this complex recounting of the road to World War I, as told by Sir Winston Churchill. If this book proves anything, it's that we're not good at learning from history, but we are very good indeed at being bored by it.
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Read "The World Crisis" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let Samuel Johnson take you on a relaxing 18th century tour of the beauties of Scotland, where we breakfast on whisky and consider the wonders of...shoes and kale? Aye!
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Read "Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Crystalis," by Sounds Like An Earful
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's relax with practical advice about modern plumbing systems. And by modern, I mean 19th century, which was stinkier than you think. Indoor plumbing has come a long way.
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Read "Bad Drains and How to Test Them" at Project Gutenberg:
Music: "Ocean Tapping," PCIII, is licensed under CC-BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's kick off a relaxing 2020 with the snooze-inducing wonders of Aristotelian philosophy. To be fair, we never actually finish the ponderous introduction and learn about The Ethics, but I doubt you'll mind.
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Read "The Ethics of Aristotle" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8438
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Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY: http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website (www.boringbookspod.com), or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
As the year draws to a close, let's relax with heady thoughts about time and free will. This reading won't help you understand either, but it will definitely send you to sleep. And isn't that the point?
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Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII, is licensed under CC-BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's return to this holiday-themed book we started last year, and sink into the calming, if laughably classist, vision of a traditional Christmas in merry old England. Happy holidays to one and all!
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Music: "Gentle Whisperings," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
This evening, let go of stress and relax with this beloved philosophical work by Kahlil Gibran. What better time for his musings on kindness, gratitude, fellow-feeling and love? Enjoy.
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Music: "Peace," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Relax to this work by Mary Somerville, the 19th century's "queen of science." An amazing book by an amazing woman that will...send you off to dreamland, frankly. Because, let's face it, chemistry described in long, discursive phrases is perfectly boring.
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Music: "Cosmic Tingles," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's rest beneath the trees with one of the first environmentalists, John Muir. His relaxed rambles from Indiana to Florida contain quiet caves, leafy groves, and a rucksack full of rhapsodies about nature's beauties.
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Read "A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: "Cosmic Tingles," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Relax with random selections, from the nature of gods to the totally-not-at-all-made-up manticore, from Pliny the Elder's remarkable encyclopedia. Who knew the sum of all knowledge could be so sleep-inducing?
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Music: "Exit Exit," by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Enter the dreamy world of the Wee Folk as we continue our reading of "The Coming of the Fairies". Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of that great logical thinker Sherlock Holmes, tries to prove that...actual fairies exist? Okay then!
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Music: "earth 2 earth," by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's quietly celebrate the lengthening nights of autumn with this reading from "American Pomology," a 19th century study on apple-growing in America. Also, we discover that the word "fruits" is weirdly fun to say.
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Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we journey into the mists of history with Marco Polo and his uncles as they journey across the world to the court of Kublai Khan and back again. The 13th century has never been so dreamy.
This week's episode complements a new tale about Genghis Khan by one of my favorite YouTube ASMRtists, The French Whisperer. I encourage you to check him out for relaxation and sleep. He's wonderful!
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Music: "Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's take a spooky yet ponderous journey back to the 17th century witch craze in New England, as described by one of its prime movers, the Reverend Cotton Mather. If he was cursed with anything, it was a love for clauses.
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Music: "Gentle Whispering" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
It's our One Year Anniversary! Let's return to the book that kicked off our boring bedtime journey, and revel in the relaxation of A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses. Thank you to each and every one of you lovely listeners for supporting us. We look forward to boring you even more in the coming year.
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Read "A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/24063
Follow and chat with us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/boringbookspod
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music) is licensed under CC
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Fly away to relaxation on the wings of feathered friends with this week's reading, Cassell's Book of Birds. You'll learn more than you ever wanted to know about bird tongues, if you make it that far.
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Music: “Ocean Tapping" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we get dreamy with the utopian urban planning vision of Edgar Chambless in Roadtown. A city a thousand miles long, built in a straight line? Why, it's the perfect solution for stress!
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Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let a sea of stardust carry you to sleep as we read "Astronomy for Young Folks" and learn about constellations, planets, and the equinoctial points of the ecliptic. You know, kid stuff.
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Music: “Exit Exit" by PCIII, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Sink into slumber as we detail the musical miracle of the Victrola, "the world's greatest instrument," and dream of a distant world where music on demand is a life-changing novelty.
Read "How to Get the Most Out of Your Victrola" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Healing” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Drift off in a world of snow and silence with Robert Peary's account of his trek to the world's northernmost point. But first, a rather lengthy history of Arctic exploration going back to the 1500s! Bundle up.
Read "The North Pole" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we find sleep in sport with a detailed history of the game of cricket. This wander through the origins of England's national game is sure to bowl you over with boredom.
Read "The Cricket Field" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
To wrap up a month of Revisiting Relaxation, let's drift back through one of your favorite sleep-inducers, the Sears Catalog. Tonight's selection is a perfect pick for this podcast, and confirms that, truly, Sears was the Amazon of 1897.
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Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII, is licensed under CC
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we revisit a relaxing science classic, The Principles of Geology, erode away stress with a stroll through the stony halls of geological history, and ponder some very odd theories about our planet.
Read "The Principles of Geology" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: "earth 2 earth," by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight, we return to the managerial wonder of Mrs. Beeton, and fall asleep to everything one needs to know to be a proper 19th century housekeeper, butler or footman. Who knew wine and wick-trimming could be so relaxing?
Read "The Book of Household Management" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: "Watching Whales on the Moon" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation to help you overcome insomnia, anxiety and other sleep issues, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Tonight we revisit one of our most popular books, Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius. His advice for Stoic living continues to be a font of sleepy wisdom two millennia later. Enjoy!
Read "Meditations" at Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2680
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Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation and sleep, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's relax to this work about the classification and characteristics of animals, as determined by Aristotle 2,300 years ago. We don't get to the part about spontaneous generation, but he does mention winged snakes and mammals growing from worms, so there's that.
Read "History of Animals" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Ocean Tapping” by P.C. III, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation and sleep, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's drink deep of the relaxing words of Henry David Thoreau's classic "Walden". Wander the woods in sleepy solitude, where sweet dreams await you amidst the silent sentinels of the trees.
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Music: “Dream Colours” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation and sleep, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
In this episode, we caravan from sand to sandman with the Manual of Egyptian Archaeology & Guide to Antiquities from 1895. It's everything you never wanted to know about pharaonic fortress design. Special thanks to listener Jeremy Zenith for this wonderful recommendation!
Read "Manual of Egyptian Archaeology & Guide to Antiquities" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Exit Exit” by PC III, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation and sleep, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let's gently hammer away at stress and saw our way into sleep with this manual for the amateur woodworker. In it, we'll learn why a list of tools for the beginner is a useless idea, followed immediately by a list of tools for the beginner, because of course it is.
Read "Woodworking for Beginners" at Project Gutenberg:
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Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
Explore Lee Rosevere's beautiful music:
All Boring Books for Bedtime readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading for soft-spoken relaxation and sleep, send a recommendation on Twitter, on our website, or on Patreon. I'd love to hear from you!
Let Alexander Hamilton and his compatriots spark a revolution of sleep with arguments in favor of ratifying the US Constitution. If these Federalist Papers prove anything, it's that predicting what will become a Broadway hit is one of the great mysteries of our time.
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, CC BY
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Flow into the current of sleep on the genius of Nikola Tesla and his experiments in alternating electrical current. It runs our lives, but most of us have no clue how it works. This reading won't do a thing to change that, so feel free to drift off in peace.
Music: “Words or Silence 1” by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
[Apologies, audio now corrected!] Relax to this spectacularly boring book by Mary Wollstonecraft, famed for her ideas about feminism, and not at all famed for her writing for children. If you manage to stay awake through "Original Stories," you'll likely know why. Children's literature has come a long way since 1790.
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music) is licensed under CC
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Lean into languor with "The Advancement of Learning," by great Elizabethan thinker Sir Francis Bacon, one of the originators of the scientific method. This honestly might be the densest thing I've ever read to you. See if you agree!
Music: “Healing” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY. Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Drift away through the Himalaya with the first major expedition to study Mount Everest, highest of high peaks in the Roof of the World. Why tackle Everest? If you can stay awake long enough, you may find out.
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY. Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Let your thoughts flit away as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of the great Sherlock Holmes, tries to prove that actual fairies exist. No, really! It's a fascinating exercise in (not so) critical thinking, if you can stay awake long enough.
Music: "earth 2 earth," by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), is licensed under CC
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Drift off on a voyage of relaxation with one of the foundation texts of science fiction and fantasy--"The Blazing World," written by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, in 1668. Imaginative worldbuilding and early scientific inquiry is a perfect tonic for sleep.
Music: "Gentle Whispering" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC. Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
This week we fulfill a listener request, and relax to one of the world's earliest and most influential philosophical texts, the Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tze. If you stay awake long enough, perhaps you'll figure out what it all means, but don't hurt yourself.
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Let's get transcendental with Ralph Waldo Emerson's "Nature" and relax to his musings on beauty, language, and our connection with the perfection of our surroundings.
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Let's click "I agree" to the mind-numbing powers of legalese with this reading of the Terms and Conditions that accompany every purchase from a rather famous media company. After all, it's not like you were going to read it yourself.
Music: “Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC.
Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com for this song and more
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
In this episode, we return to the musings of the great Victorian classicist Benjamin Jowett, his analysis of Plato's "Republic", and a whole lot of socractical thinking about justice.
Music: "Peace" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Let's relax to the history of our marvelous world, from formless matter through the age of mighty dinosaurs, as described by the great H.G. Wells. It's the stuff of dreams.
Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Float away on a cloud of Benjamin Franklin's scientific musings about our atmosphere, lightning, waterspouts, magnetic poles, and the wonderful utility of mathematics. A great mind working to calm your own busy thoughts--what could be better?
Music: “Boring Books for Bedtime” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY
Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Sink into sleep on a philosophical cloud with "How We Think," by renowned education reformer John Dewey. Nothing will get your brain to stop thinking faster than a bunch of talk about thinking. But try not to think about that.
Music: "Ambiment the Ambient" by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under CC BY
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Space out with a classic of astronomy, Galileo's "The Sidereal Messenger," in which he shares mankind's first observations of the Moon's surface, and heaps a mind-numbing amount of praise on his patron.
Music: "Illuminations," by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC-BY
Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod, and get bonus perks for supporting us on Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod. Thanks!
Let's immerse ourselves in the beauty of Persian poetry with The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald. It's all about living in the moment. And wine. So much wine.
The poetry bit starts at 27:49, if you'd like to skip Fitzgerald's very 19th century intro, but why would you?
Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII, is licensed under CC
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show).
Tonight we relax with The Woman and The Car, written in 1909 by racing pioneer Dorothy Levitt. If you stay awake, you, too, will know how to drive a single cylinder, 8 horsepower vehicle . . . with style!
Music: "Gentle Whispering" by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Tonight we drift off to a self-improvement classic--Meditations, by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Good Stoic advice never gets old, or less sleep inducing.
We're also featuring a music track composed especially for Boring Books by Lee Rosevere. Check out more of his work here:https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
Or subscribe to his very chill music podcast, 5 Minute Meditations:https://apple.co/2VuGQUh
Thanks, Lee!
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Let's drift off to Somnium, or The Dream, written in 1608 by Johannes Kepler. Considered the great-granddaddy of all science fiction, it's every bit as riveting as you think a story by a famed astronomer-mathematician would be. Science fiction has come a long, long way.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music) is licensed under CC
If you've never, ever wondered how to operate a steam engine boiler, this 1903 book about farm equipment is the perfect way to engineer a good night's sleep.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
Let's drift off to a new entry from one of our most popular volumes: The Book of Household Management, by Mrs. Isabella Beeton. Dinner parties, calling cards, and kid gloves have never been so relaxing.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: “Watching Whales on the Moon” by Lee Rosevere, licensed under CC BY-NC. Visit http://leerosevere.bandcamp.com for this and other tracks.
Tonight, we relax to a 2,000-year-old classic about architectural design. It's "Ten Books on Architecture," by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. Let this great Roman writer build you a bridge to sleep. There are also a few happy announcements. Enjoy!
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: “Peace” by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC
Tonight, let's fall asleep to Charles Darwin's deep thoughts about the formation of dirt through the actions of earthworms, which is just as boring as you think it is. Annoying a worm with a bassoon has never been so dull.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
Tonight we read one of the great foundational works of science, Dmitry Mendeleev's "Principles of Chemistry." So groundbreaking. So informative. So perfectly, mind-numbingly dense in the way that only 19th century scientific tomes can be. It's the perfect formula for sleep.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
Tonight, we relax our brains with a tediously detailed description of the not-at-all questionable science of mind-reading. It's all about the ether! No, really, it's science. It says so in this book.
A note of gratitude to all of our listeners, who this past week helped push our podcast past the 10,000 download mark. Thank you for your support.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Ambiment the Ambient" by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under CC BY
Tonight we sink into slumber with the fundamental structures of dramatic storytelling, as defined in mind-numbing detail by Aristotle in his "Poetics". It's the perfect plot for sleep.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "earth 2 earth," PCIII is licensed under CC BY (freemusicarchive.org)
Tonight we ring in the new year with a history of Time and Clocks, plus a dash of physics, from H.H. Cunynghame. It's definitely boring, yet we also learned, which is a great way to begin 2019.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very calming shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
On this eve of Christmas, let's drift off to this charming vision of a 19th century English holiday, complete with warm hearths, jolly company, and swags of holly and ivy. Happy holidays to you and yours, and thank you for listening.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Gentle Whispering" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC
Tonight, let's take another calming dip into the curious 19th century world of the Sears Catalog. This time, we'll explore the Bicycle Department, and 1897's latest velocipedes, cycling suits, and quality guarantees. Plug in, and pedal to peace.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us.
Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII
Tonight, let's fall asleep to the ancient origins of the Irish legal system, the "brehon laws". As we drift off, we'll also pass by some passive aggressive criticism about British control of Ireland, as only a solemn 19th century scholar of jurisprudence can express it.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Exit Exit" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
In this episode, be lulled by "Hand Loom Weaving: A Manual for School and Home", and more early 20th century educational and moral philosophy than one might expect from a hand loom.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Ocean Tapping" by PCIII (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY
In this episode, we relax to the musings of the great Victorian classicist Benjamin Jowett, and his thoughts on Plato's "Republic". It's as perfectly ponderous as you imagine.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Gentle Whispering" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
This episode is specially dedicated to those who find lists and repetition relaxing. Instead of a book, we're reading the Joint List of Eastbound Transatlantic Passenger Sailings for December through April 1925. Bon voyage!
PS Apologies for mangling ship and city names, and for pronouncing Cobh as "cob" and not "cove" through half of the recording.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Cosmic Tingles" by Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org), licensed under CC BY-NC 3.0
In this episode, we venture through some of the 700+ pages of the 1872 Sears Roebuck & Co. Catalog, and discover everything there is to know about freight shipping. We also trip into the Drugs Department, which is both quite boring and mildly horrifying.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us.
Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII
In this episode, we read the first two chapters of "The Principles of Geology," by famed-but-mildly-ponderous geologist Sir Charles Lyell. Honestly, it was kind of interesting, but try not to notice.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us (and earn yourself a very quiet shoutout on the show). Enjoy!
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music)
In this episode, we'll ramble through a chapter of "The Loyalists of America and Their Times," written by a Canadian, so that's fun. And really rather boring.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us. Enjoy!
Music: "Heaven Be Here," PCIII
In this episode, we read the first two chapters of “The Problems of Philosophy,” by Bertrand Russell. There's a lot of talk of tables, and more instances of the word "thus" than there really should be.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "Healing Dream", Solfeggioasis
In this episode, we'll be bored by some housekeeping basics from "The Book of Household Management," a classic, and spectacularly detailed, guide from the pen of Mrs. Isabella Beeton.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also kindly support this podcast.
Music: "earth 2 earth," PCIII
In this episode, we read several chapters from "A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses." It's every bit as mind-numbing as it sounds.
All Boring Books readings are taken from works in the public domain. If you'd like to suggest a copyright-free reading, catch us on Twitter @boringbookspod or on our Patreon at www.patreon.com/boringbookspod, where you can also support us. Enjoy!
Music: "Dream Loop" (DL Music)
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