248 avsnitt • Längd: 115 min • Veckovis: Fredag
Give Them An Argument is a YouTube show and podcast dedicated to building a smarter, funnier and more strategic Left. New episodes are live on YouTube on Monday nights with an exclusive postgame for GTAA patrons after the main show. (To become a patron, go to patreon.com/benburgis and sign up for the monthly cost of a milkshake at a 50s nostalgia diner in 1994.) Past guests have included Slavoj Žižek, Richard Wolff, David Pizarro, Gregory Sadler, Glenn Greenwald, Krystal Ball, Bhaskar Sunkara, Sam Seder, Ana Kasparian, Emma Vigeland, Matt Christman, and Amber Frost. The show has also featured debates between host Ben Burgis and opponents ranging from Walter Block to Charlie Kirk.Ben is a philosophy professor, Jacobin columnist, and frequent debater. He did a regular ”Debunk” segment on the Michael Brooks Show until 2020. He’s appeared on the Debate Night with Charlie Kirk, System Update with Glenn Greenwald, Rising, Krystal, Kyle & Friends, the Majority Report w/Sam Seder & the Joe Rogan Experience.benburgis.compatreon.com/benburgis
The podcast Give Them An Argument is created by Ben Burgis. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In our last episode before this year's season break, Matt McManus & Robert Myles join Ben Burgis to break down Jordan Peterson's new book "We Who Wrestle with God." (He doesn't seem to have read any more Marx since 2019.) Before that, Ben and the crew take a look at Ben's article at MSNBC about Obama and the various responses it's provoked--a disdainful sniff from uber-popular historian Heather Cox Richardson on her Substack, what can only be described as a right-populist haiku from Steve Bannon, and a whole lot of unhinged reactions from grassroots libs. In the postgame we're joined by Deep State Kuba for a last bit of non-"We Who Wrestle..." JBP-bashing before we hit the road.
Read Ben's MSNBC article:
...and his Substack on Peterson's misunderstandings of Marx:
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Order Robert's book:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Robert on Twitter: @robertjmyles
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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[Many apologies about the delay! Lots going on lately. The other delayed ep will be posted by the end of the week.]
Jihadists are taking over Aleppo, US missiles are striking deep into Russia, and the atrocities in Gaza have reached the point that a *former Israeli Defense Minister* (and Likud Party member!) recently accused Netanyahu of "ethnic cleansing." This seems like a good time to bring in the foreign policy duo of Mean Djene Bajalan and Deep State Kuba to help Ben Burgis make sense of what the hell is going on around the world.
Order Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine":
Read Ben and Djene's co-written article "Calling a Football Riot a Pogrom Insults Historical Memory":
Read Ben and Kuba's co-written article "Trump Wants to Purge the Deep State So He Can Weaponize It":
Follow Djene on Twitter: @djenebajalan
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Ben Burgis welcomes back major friend of the pod Matt to talk his new book:
"The Political Theory of Liberal Socialism," in which he "presents a comprehensive guide to the liberal socialist tradition, stretching from Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Paine through John Stuart Mill to Irving Howe, John Rawls, and Charles Mills."
Buy the book here:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Juan David Rojas joins Ben Burgis at the top of the show to discuss the reasons Claudia Sheinbaum romped to victory as an economic populist in Mexico's presidential election a few months before Kamala Harris crashed and burned. (Some liberals would prefer to blame sexism for the latter, but the contrast makes that...a bit implausible!) After that Vanessa, Wills joins us to talk about her fascinating new book "Marx's Ethical Vision."
David Lay Williams comes on to talk about his excellent new book, "The Greatest of All Plagues: How Economic Inequality Shaped Political Thought from Plato to Marx."
Order the book:
Read Ben's review of the book in Compact:
Order Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine":
Follow David on Twitter: @LayWilliams
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Deep State Kuba joins Ben Burgis for a deep dive into the ongoing atrocities in Palestine--both debunking Zionist apologetics and pushing back against the dumb and counterproductive things leftists sometimes say in the name of Palestine solidarity and crafting a better and more effective message.
Order Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" from Everyday Analysis:
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
First-time guest Tony Annett and Matt "I Brought My Own Mic" McManus return for an in-depth look at thinkers like Alasdair McIntyre and Paul Tillich, the relationship between left-wing economic ideas and Catholic social teaching, and more. (Turns out that, while an adamant atheist when "in the streets" arguing about philosophy, Ben is "in the sheets" of political practice extremely friendly to this kind of thing.)
The launch event for Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" is going to be in October 22nd at 7:30 PM in Los Angeles (at Lawless Brewing Co. in North Hollywood) w/a panel in the beer garden with Ben, Jason Myles and Ana Kasparian. Tickets come with a copy of the book:
Or order the pamphlet from Everyday Analysis:
Read Tony's essay "The Theology of Social Democracy" at Commonweal:
Read Matt's essay "The Left Should Take Alasdair MacIntyre Seriously" at Jacobin:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Tony on Twitter: @tonyannett
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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On the one-year anniversary of Hamas's atrocities on October 7th, which have been used as a pretext for unfathomably worse atrocities for the last year, Ben Burgis does an on-air version of his lecture "Debunking the Many Bad Arguments Made By Israel’s Apologists in the West" which he gave as a teach-in at the encampment at Princeton last April, and before that as a presentation to Metro Detroit DSA & Wayne State University YDSA. (Sadly, we couldn't line up anyone to record either of those!) Before that, Ben and the crew talk about the VP debate, the successful strike that shut down ports across the East Coast last week (and the shameful failure of many liberals to support it), and a petition to posthumously exonerate Ethel Rosenberg. In the postgame for patrons, they watch Ta-Nehesi Coates being grilled on CBS.
The launch event for Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" is going to be in October 22nd at 7:30 PM in Los Angeles (at Lawless Brewing Co. in North Hollywood) w/a panel in the beer garden with Ben, Jason Myles and Ana Kasparian. Tickets come with a copy of the book:
Or order the pamphlet from Everyday Analysis:
Sing the Ethel Rosenberg petition:
Read the MSNBC article about the strike on the docks:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
We talk some Marxism, and then Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison of the American Prestige podcast join us to talk about their article "America Must Grapple With the Limits of Ukraine's Kursk Offensive":
Order Ben's Palestine pamphlet:
Petition for the Smith College workers:
Follow Danny on Twitter: @dbessner
Follow Derek on Twitter: @dwdavison
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Will Cooper, op-ed columnist and author of "How America Works ... And Why It Doesn't," joins Ben Burgis for a friendly debate on how much economic inequality is too much. In an article for Newsweek, Cooper argued that America is much too unequal but he also said that:
"And, importantly, there's nothing necessarily wrong with some people getting rich. A relatively large amount of inequality should even be encouraged. Hard work and ingenuity should be rewarded, as wealth first needs to be created before it can be redistributed. And business success stories motivate others to innovate and take risks that improve society at large. Innovation would plummet if entrepreneurs had severe caps on their income."
As a socialist, Ben has a different perspective! So, lots to talk about.
Before that, Ben and the crew look at the spiraling insanity coming out of Trump and Vance signal-boosting insane racist urban legends about Haitian refugees, and look back at the taste of the virulent anti-Haitian racism on the contemporary Right that Ben got two years ago when he debated Curtis Yarvin. Finally, Mean Djene Bajalan joins for the postgame for patrons. A good time all around.
Order Ben's "Four Essays on Palestine":
Read Will's Newsweek piece:
Get his book:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
Stormin' Norman Finkelstein joins us in the first half of the show to talk to Ben Burgis about the rise and fall of Robin DiAngelo. Then for the second half we switch to examining the other side of the aisle with a conversation with Matt McManus about his very funny review of Charlie Kirk's latest....let's just say "book," "Right-Wing Revolution: How to Beat the Woke and Save the West." Last but not least, Matt's sticks around the postgame for patrons, where we may look into Matt Walsh's thoughts about movies.
Read Matt's Kirk review:
Order Ben's "Four Essays on Palestine":
Read Norm's Substack:
Follow Norm on Twitter: @normfinkelstein
Follow Matt on Twitter: @mattpolprof
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Do Palestinians have the same rights as everyone else, or have they collectively forfeited these rights by being "criminals"? In an article for Merion West, libertarian economist Walter Block argued the latter:
Ben Burgis responded:
...and Walter responded to that:
Now here's the debate.
Link for Andy's fundraiser so he can keep making art for this show!
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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The people's econ prof, Rob Larson, joins us to talk about his new book, "Mastering the Universe: The Obscene Wealth of the Ruling Class, What They Do With Their Money, and Why You Should Hate Them Even More." Before that, Ben and the crew talk about the highlights and the (sadly more numerous) lowlights of the DNC. In the postgame for patrons, they watch Tim Pool be very confused about labor unions.
Contribute to Andy's GoFundMe so he can continue making great art for this show, for his own show, the Substack, etc.:
Preorder Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" from Everyday Analysis:
Order Rob's book:
Follow Rob on Twitter: @IronicProfessor
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Current Affairs editor Nathan J. Robinson joins us once again to talk about Peter Thiel's favorite "populist," J.D. Vance, the (sadly inaccurate) hysteria from Trump, Musk and the New York Post about Kamala Harris being to the left of Bernie and possibly even a revolutionary communist, and his "anti-socialist bingo" card. Before that, Ben and the crew take a moment to remember Michael Brooks, whose 41st birthday would have been last Tuesday. No postgame this week--sorry about that, it's Ben's neighbor on Podcast Street Jason's birthday today so Ben promised to wrap things up by 7 West Coast time--but we'll make the main show worthwhile.
Read Nathan at Current Affairs:
Preorder Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" from Everyday Analysis:
Follow Nathan on Twitter: @nathanjrobinson
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
Matt McManus and Daniel Tutt join Ben Burgis to talk about Marxist theoretician Georg Lukács's analysis of right-wing thought in his book, "The Destruction of Reason."
Preorder Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" from Everyday Analysis:
Read Daniel's article on Lukács:
Read Matt's article on Lukács:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Daniel on Twitter: @DanielTutt
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
This is Revolution host Jason Myles joined Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew to chat about his new essay "This is What You Want, This is What You Get," which uses the classic Eddie Murphy "We've got McDonalds at home" bit to talk about the election and the overall state of American politics at a moment when hope for anything substantially better than what we've got is rapidly leeching away.
Preorder Ben's pamphlet "Four Essays on Palestine" from Everyday Analysis:
Read Jason's essay on TiR's Patreon:
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
Prof. Richard Wolff came back on the show after a too-long absence to talk about his (as you'll see, apparently quite dangerous) new book "Understanding Capitalism." We talked with him him in the first hour and then our friend RM Brown came by to chat about the election in the second hour and into the postgame for patrons.
Follow Prof. Wolff on Twitter: @profwolff
Follow RM Brown on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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In the first half hour of the show, the GTAA crew takes a look at the insanity at the RNC and Biden dropping out. Then director Kavitha Chekuru chats with Ben about her very good but extremely disturbing Al Jazeera documentary, "The Night Won't End: Biden's War on Gaza."
Watch the documentary here:
The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza
Follow Kavitha on Twitter: @KaviChek
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
[Note: This episode was recorded before the coconut dropped on Biden actually dropping out.]
We had something else planned but between the assassination attempt, the JD Vance pick, the RNC, and Biden continuing to do his best impression of an extra from Night of the Living Dead, it seems like the universe really wanted us to just talk about the election tonight. So fine. You win this one. Guest is the one and only Deep State Kuba.
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Matt McManus returns to hash out the arguments in G.A. Cohen's book "Karl Marx's Theory of History" with Ben Burgis. Before that, Ben and the crew take a look at Ben's post-debate interactions with YouTube personality Steven Bonnell ("Destiny"). No postgame on this one, but we make the main show count!
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Last week Ben Burgis had a debate on Israel/Palestine with YouTube personality Steven Bonnell ("Destiny").
It went...oddly.
In this episode we break it all down.
Watch the debate at MDD:
Follow Destiny on Twitter: @TheOmniLiberal
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Anders Lee and Freddy G. come on to chat with Ben Burgis about their new-ish podcast The Vanquished, where they profile losing presidential candidates over the decades. We'll dig into a handful of their favorites. Before that, Ben and the crew talk about his upcoming Israel/Palestine debate with YouTube personality Steven Bonnell ("Destiny"). Last but definitely not least, returning champ Ryan Zickgraf hangs out in the postgame for patrons. This is a fun one.
Listen to The Vanquished:
Follow Anders on Twitter: @andersleehere
Follow Freddy on Twitter: @OrangeFreddyG
Follow Ryan on Twitter: @ryan_zickgraf
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The Nation's Jeet Heer joins Ben Burgis to discuss his article "Friends and Enemies: Marty Peretz and the Travails of American Liberalism." You might not know who Marty Peretz is but you've unfortunately seen his handiwork--Anthony Blinken, for example, is a Peretz protege. So is Jim Cramer. The man's got a lot to answer for, and Jeet gets into all of it.
Before that, the great RM Brown joins us for a freewheeling discussion of Dave Rubin, Jimmy Dore and much more. And in the postgame for patrons, Ben and the crew watch a very different Jeet Heer interview--Jeet's appearance on the Jesse Lee Peterson show. Don't miss that.
Follow Jeet on Twitter: @HeerJeet
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Daniel Tutt joins us again for a deep dive on Mark Fisher's classic essay "Exiting the Vampire's Castle" (heavily featured in Ben Burgis's book "Canceling Comedians While the World Burns: A Critique of the Contemporary Left"). Before that, Ben and the crew talk about NYU's bizarre reeducation program for student Palestine protesters. In the postgame for patrons, Matthew Whalan joins us to watch the last part of Cenk Uygur and Dave Smith's debate on Israel, Palestine & Iran with Batya Ungar-Sargon & Dennis Prager.
Read Fisher's essay:
Buy Ben's book:
Buy Daniel's book:
Buy tickets to the livestream of the event in DC:
Follow Daniel on Twitter: @DanielTutt
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
This time we bring on the big guns--political science professor Matt McManus and Varn Vlog host C. Derrick Varn--to help Ben Burgis watch Tucker Carlson's interview with Russian fascist intellectual Aleksandr Dugin. This interview is basically GTAA catnip. Before that, we introduce new GTAA intern Aidan, talking about the protests at UCLA, and we do a quick wellness checks on Dennis Prager. Last but definitely not least, Varn and Jason Myles hang out in the postgame for patrons.
Watch Varn Vlog:
Follow Varn on Twitter: @VarnVlog
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
David Griscom and Matthew Whalan join Ben Burgis to listen to Ben's debate on the Munk Debates podcast with neoconservative commentator Jamie Kirchick on, "Be it resolved, the campus protesters are on the right side of history."
Before that, Ben and the crew talk about Biden's reception by anti-war students at Morehouse (where Ben used to teach) and Ben's Jacobin review of Mark Robert Rank's interesting but flawed book "The Random Factor: How Chance and Luck Profoundly Shape Our Lives and the World Around Us." Rank stops short of realizing that, if wealth and poverty have as much to do with the luck of the draw as he says, capitalism is indefensible.
Finally, and on the subject of capitalism and the alternative to it, in the postgame for patrons, we take a look at some one-star reviews of the Communist Manifesto.
Read the "Random Factor" review:
Follow David on Twitter: @DavidGriscom
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Jordan Chariton comes on GTAA for the first time to chat about his new documentary "Flint Fatigue." Before that, RM Brown comes by to watch some Bill Maher and Morning Joe. Last but not least, we watch Ben's keynote speech at last week's convention of the Green Party of New Jersey. (No postgame this week, sorry!)
Watch the documentary:
Sign up for Ben's Capital class starting next Sunday:
More info on the class:
Follow Jordan on Twitter: @JordanChariton
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis is freshly back from New Jersey where among other things he did a Palestine teach-in at the Princeton encampment. He also recently sat down for a friendly debate with goodhearted but right-leaning philosophy podcaster Spencer Case. We watch most of that and then bring on Rutgers professor and New Jersey Uncommitted organizer Elektra Kostopoulou to talk about her Palestine activism and (a little bit) about her related academic work. Eleketra also sticks around for the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Watch the full interview on Spencer's podcast:
Check out the Uncommitted campaign in NJ:
Here's some coverage of the Rutgers-Newark encampment:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Two of our favorite Daniels--Bessner and Steinmetz-Jenkins--join Ben Burgis to talk about the Daniels' Jacobin article "Liberals’ Heated Fascism Rhetoric Sidesteps Self-Reflection" and the broader debate on the relationship between Trumpism and Fascism.
Read the article:
Follow Daniel (Bessner) on Twitter: @dbessner
Follow Daniel (Steinmetz-Jenkins) on Twitter: @daniel_dsj2110
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
[Scheduling: Sorry to be releasing these slightly out of order--things got messed up with traveling and etc. but Ep. 15 should be coming out in a couple days, then Ep. 16 on Saturday and we'll be caught up!]
Friend of the show Jordan Peterson recently referred to Luke Savage as an "idiot socialist." This week we talk to Luke himself (as well as actual-friend-of-show Matt McManus) about the article that got Dr. Peterson's attention--"Don't Fear Collectivism":
We're also watching GTAA host Ben Burgis's clips from the MSNBC documentary XCLD: The Story of Cancel Culture, as well as listening to Ben's recent appearance with Laura Coates on SiriusXM.
Follow Luke on Twitter: @LukewSavage
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
Alexander Herbert, a historian of the Soviet Union, joins us to chat about his Substack essay "Do We Really Need Lenin Today?" Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew listen to some of Ben's recent appearance on the WABC show "The Other Side of Midnight" where he answers some questions from host Frank Marano about objections to his views on Gaza. In the postgame for patrons, we watch Tucker Carlson's deeply strange appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience
Read Alex's essay:
Follow Alex on Twitter: @alextherbert
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Jay Ponti, the author of "Be The Revolution: How Occupy Wall Street and the Bernie Sanders Movement Reshaped American Politics" joins Ben Burgis to talk about the chapter on QAnon, Trump, and "neo-fascism"--including some surprising personal connections. Before that, Ben and the crew will be joined joined by the great RM Brown to watch, among other things, Charlie Kirk lose his mind on the subject of Haitian voodo.
Order Jay's book:
Follow him on Twitter: @jayponti
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Ben Burgis and J. Andrew World continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching Sam Seder debate a Majority Report caller who called him a "f---ing idiot" on Twitter for his position on Social Security.
Follow Andy on Twitter: @rightaboutnow2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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No full episode this week, but Ben and the crew do an exciting announcement, check in on Ben Shapiro vs. Candace Owens, and take viewer Q & A.
Smith College petition:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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David Griscom joins us at the top of the show, then Current Affairs editor Nathan J. Robinson chats with Ben about his Israel/Palestine debate with liberal politics streamer Steven Bonnell aka "Destiny." Jason Myles hangs out in the postgame for patrons.
Follow Nathan on Twitter: @NathanJRobinson
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Visit benburgis.com
Matthew Whalan once again joins Ben Burgis for a Thursday Night Debate Breakdown. This week they're watching (actual!) friend of the show Norm Finkelstein taking on Rabbi Shmuley on Israel/Palestine on Piers Morgan's show.
Read Matthew's Substack:
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
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Matt McManus joins us to discuss his Jacobin article "Thomas Sowell Is a Cynical Man":
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Rebellion PAC Executive Director Brianna Wu joins Ben Burgis for a conversation to explore their disagreements on Israel/Palestine as well as on the Biden administration's response to the horrors happening there. Before that, we're joined for the opening segment by the one and only RM Brown. (We'll start with Jordan Peterson-on-Elmo for that.) Last but definitely not least, Rayyvana joins us for the postgame for patrons.
Read Ben's most recent Jacobin articles on Israel Palestine:
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Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
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Gordon Katic joins Ben Burgis to watch Piers Morgan's recent faceoff with former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett over the war in Gaza.
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On a recent episode of his show, professional advocate for the 1% Ben Shapiro lays out his "foreign policy worldview" so we're bringing on one of our favorite foreign policy analysts, Mean Djene Bajalan, onto the show to break it down. Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew watch Ben's recent appearance on News Nation in which Ben and host Dan Abrams argue about whether the Supreme Court is "legitimate." Last but not least, in the postgame for patrons, we get through a few more credits of our education at Prager U.
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Victor and Ethan join Ben Burgis once again for a Thursday Night Debate Breakdown. This week they're watching Ben Shapiro's debate with "Cosmic Skeptic" Alex O'Connor about religion and society.
Check out Victor and Ethan's podcast (with Matt McManus and Gordon Katic) "Academic Edgelords"):
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
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Zero Hour host RJ Eskow joins Ben Burgis to talk about RJ's Current Affairs essay "The Dystopias of Yesterday":
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew watch some of a bizarre-even-by-the-standards-of-Alex-Jones conversation about hive minds and "the AI agenda" between evil clown Alex Jones, enemy-of-lizard-people David Icke, and a voice that may or may not be Elon Musk. Last but not least, Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel and Victor Bruzzone join us in the postgame for patrons to watch some Ben Shapiro inanity. This is a fun one.
Follow RJ on Twitter: @rjeskow
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
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Matthew Whalan joins Ben Burgis for another Thursday Night Debate Breakdown. This time, they're watching a brand-new one--Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (who's somehow both an ardent apologist for Israeli war crimes and an occasional just-asking-questions advocate of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories) debating libertarian podcaster Dave Smith on Kennedy's position on Israel/Palestine.
Read Matthew's Substack:
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Current Affairs magazine's "House Economist" Robert Larson joins Ben Burgis to continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching left-liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith's 1981 appearance on William F. Buckley's Firing Line. (There might also be a surprise bonus mini-breakdown at the beginning of the show.)
Read Rob at Current Affairs:
Follow Rob on Twitter: @IronicProfessor
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Tucker Carlson interviewed Vladimir Putin. Pro-war libs think Carlson should be locked up as a "traitor." Actual Putin apologists--few and far between in the general population, but if you look in the right corners of the internet you can find plenty of them!--ignored a lot of what Russia's ultra-right-wing, militaristic president had to say. Our resident expert on Eastern European People, Deep State Kuba, comes by to provide a little clarity. Later, Conan Neutron joins us in the postgame for patrons to watch Ben Shapiro rank film franchises--it turns out his reasoning skills don't get any better when the subject turns from politics to movies. This should be a fun one.
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Conan on Twitter: @conanneutron
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Ben Burgis and Deep State Kuba continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdown's by watching Dr. Lobster spar with Oxford students.
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The great RM Brown stops by at the beginning of the show to join Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew for some Valentine's Day content with Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro. (They're very concerned about sexual boredom!) After that, we're joined by immigration lawyer Matt Cameron to break down a debate between Breaking Points hosts Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on immigration. (Think of it as a rare "Monday Night Debate Breakdown.") Ben wrote about this debate (and other right-populists taking a similar like to Saagar's) here:
Finally, in the postgame for patrons, we subject you for some reason to more Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro content. Apologies in advance.
Matt has written extensively about immigration-related issues. You can find some that here:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @matt_cam
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
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Victor Bruzzone and Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel come back to watch the second half of this trainwreck of a debate.
Check out Victor and Ethan's podcast (with Matt McManus and Gordon Katic) "Academic Edgelords"):
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Matt McManus and Daniel Tutt join Ben Burgis to talk about Daniel's new book "How to Read Like a Parasite: How the Left Got High on Nietzsche." Before that, This is Revolution host Jason Myles joins Ben and the GTAA crew to talk about Jason's new article "Same As It Ever Was: The Ilusion of Political Discourse in American Media" and talk about the get-together Ben and Jason will be hosting for viewers of both shows at the Rainbow Bar & Grill in Los Angeles at 6 PM on February 14th--because obviously, the thing your significant other most wants to do on Valentine's Day is for you to take them to hang out with divorced middle-aged Marxist podcasters. Hell, that can be their present!
Last but definitely not least, in the postgame for patrons we're joined by Mean Djene Bajalan to watch the lobster man himself, Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, doing Q&A at Oxford.
Buy Daniel's book:
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Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Daniel on Twitter: @DanielTutt
Follow Djene on Twitter: @djenebajalan
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Victor Bruzzone and Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel are BACK for another Thursday Night Debate Breakdown. This week they have the privilege of watching the folks from this video's title debating the meaning of the January 6th riot.
Check out Victor and Ethan's podcast (with Matt McManus and Gordon Katic) "Academic Edgelords"):
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Current Affairs editor Nathan J. Robinson joins us to break down New York Times columnist Bret "Bedbug" Stephens's article "The Genocide Charge Against Israel Is a Moral Obscenity":
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew watch Ben's appearance on Novara Media to talk about the New Hampshire results and the Trump vs. Biden rematch nobody asked for.
[NOTE: The planned debate with Christopher Rufo IS still happening--just not tonight. Should be an update on that very soon.]
Follow Nathan on Twitter: @ \NathanJRobinson
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Jacobin columnist Luke Savage joins us to talk about Luke's article "Modern Liberalism Has Become a Defense of Hierarchy and Deference to Elites" and the incoherent 34-point lib manifesto in the New York Times Luke was responding to--Cass Sunstein's "Why I Am a Liberal." Before that, host Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk Trump, immigration, Biden sleepwalking us into yet another war in the Middle East, and Ben's recent appearance on Woke Bros. Last but definitely not least, Ben subjects the crew to more of Bill Maher's Club Random podcast than anyone should be expected to endure in the postgame for patrons. We do it for you, dear viewers. We do it for you.
Check out Luke's book The Dead Center:
Read his Jacobin article:
Read the Cass Sunsetin article:
Follow Luke on Twitter: @LukewSavage
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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We're baaaaack!
In the first GTAA episode of 2024, host Ben Burgis debates op-ed columnist Will Cooper, a liberal Democrat who nevertheless thinks that Ron DeSantis is more "competent" than Biden or Trump. Ben wrote a Jacobin article a while back responding to Will and arguing that this zany take is an extreme symptom of a much larger problem with mainstream technocratic liberalism. Caucus night in Iowa seemed like an excellent time to revisit the argument!
Before that, we talk about Ben's run-in with Red Scare host Dasha Nekrasova and a few other interesting developments that happened while we've been off the air. At the end of the main show, Damage magazine editor Benjamin Fong talks about his fascinating new limited-series podcast on the history of the CIO. And in the postgame for patrons, we have some fun with Alex Jones's appearance on the Jimmy Dore show.
Read Will's original op-ed ("A Democrat's Case for DeSantis"):
Read Ben's response ("Why Are Liberals' Constantly Fixated on 'Competence' Instead of Politics?"):
Check out Ben (Fong)'s new show ("Organize the Unorganized"):
Follow Ben (Burgis) on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis and Slavoj Zizek talk about everything from Israel/Palestine to quantum physics to the triumph of a libertarian nutjob in Argentina and what kinds of social freedom are worth wanting. It's a *really* good conversation. It had to be prerecorced because of the extreme time difference between Los Angeles and Ljubljana and it went long enough that the last portion couldn't be played on the show. It'll be released next Friday for patrons and we'll probably run it in full for everyone on the YouTube channel a couple weeks after that.
Before playing (most of) the interview, Ben and the GTAA crew watch Ben and break down appearance on News Nation last Thursday, where host Dan Abrams moderated a debate between Ben and a writer from the American Conservative on the legacy of Henry Kissinger. To end Season 5 on a high note, we even got a special postgame appearance from Big Wos.
(Note that there's still going to be one last regularly scheduled debate breakdown this coming Thursday and one last regularly scheduled philosophy stream this coming Sunday. After that, regularly scheduled episodes and streams are on hiatus until January but we'll for sure have clips to get you by plus probably a couple of bits of prerecorded fresh content and maybe even a debate. We'll see.)
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David Griscom joins Ben Burgis to continue GTAA's weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Beakdowns by watching a very short, brand-new one--the debate between Breaking Points hosts Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti on the legacy of Henry Kissinger.
Follow David on Twitter: @DavidGriscom
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The directors of the documentary "Israelism," Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen, come byto talk about the film itself and the recent rash of attempts to censor screenings of it with GTAA host Ben Burgis. Ben reviewed the movie for Jacobin earlier this year:
In the postgame for patrons, This is Revolution host Jason Myles comes by to hang out and chat about rock music, authenticity, left politics, and his new pamphlet "I Was a Teenage Anarchist":
In between Ben and the GTAA crew will be talking about Norman Finkelstein's recent run-ins with Piers Morgan and throw in a comic relief breakdown of Dave Rubin warning of the dangers of Fruit Loops being excessively woke.
Find an IRL or virtual screening of Israelism:
Follow Sam and Erin on Twitter: @IsraelismFilm
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
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Samuel Moyn joins us to talk about his fascinating new book "Liberalism Against Itself: Cold War Intellectuals and the Making of Our Times." In it he argues that liberalism today is shaped by the shift made by many liberal intellectuals who turned their backs on the radical aspirations of earlier liberalisms during the Cold War.
One of our favorite recurrent guests, Matt McManus, just reviewed Moyn's book for Liberal Currents. Both of them have a lot to say about liberalism, socialism, and how we think about rights and human liberation
Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about Ben's Jacobin article today about the "human shields" defense of Israel bombing civilians in Gaza, and Ben and the GTAA crew watch a debate between Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti about whether what Israel is doing rises to the level of "ethnic cleansing." (She says yes, he says no.) In the postgame for patrons, we relax with some Ben Shapiro nonsense.
Order Samuel's book:
Read Matt's review:
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Ben Shapiro just debated...well, the only people he ever seems to want to debate these days--college students. But this time at a fancy setting!
Ben Burgis and Victor Bruzzone break it down.
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One of our favorite guests, Ana Kasparian, returns for a conversation about the ongoing ethnic cleansing in Gaza and a variety of related issues. She and Ben Burgis watch some of a recent debate she did on the subject with the hosts of the PBD podcast. Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew break down a right-wing video about Rashida Tlaib's censure and talk about "from the river to the sea," and Ben's recent articles in Jacobin. In the postgame for patrons, they watch a video on why "anti-capitalism is anti-vegan" (??) and get into Ben's recent sparring on social media with theoretical physicist and capitalism-loving YouTuber Sabine Hossenfelder.
Watch Ana's full PBD appearance:
Follow Ana on Twitter: @AnaKasparian
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Current Affairs magazine's House Economist Rob Larson and journalist Matthew Vernon Whalan join Ben Burgis to continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching a brand-new one for once--Norman Finkelstein's debate on Gaza with Eli Lake.
Read Rob at Current Affairs:
Read Matthew's Substack:
Follow Rob on Twitter: @IronicProfessor
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Jacobin staff writer Luke Savage joins Ben Burgis for a look at (among other things) the sad pointless writing of NYT columnist David Brooks & physicist and science educator Sabine Hossenfelder's late-career pivot toward apologetics for capitalism. Before that, This is Revolution host Jason Myles joins Ben and the GTAA crew to talk about Jason's upcoming show in the San Francisco Bay Area on November 18th (a book launch for Jason's "I Was a Teenage Anarchist" + meet and greet featuring Jason, Ben, and several bands you've heard of!) and take a look at the rapid progression of Jordan Peterson's symptoms. Last but definitely not least the one and only Conan Neutron hangs out with the gang in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Read Luke at Jacobin:
Tickets to Jason's show:
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TIR
Follow Luke on Twitter: @LukewSavage
Follow Conan on Twitter: @conanneutron
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Matthew Whalan and Ben Burgis continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching a debate on "Resolved: That the Death Penalty Is a Good Thing" from a 1994 episode of William F. Buckley's Firing Line. These names didn't all fit in the title but the guests are Ed Koch, Walter Berns, Susan Boleyn, Ira Glasser, Leon Botstein, Stephen B. Bright, Bryan Stevenson.
Matthew has written some relevant essays on His Substack:
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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While Ben is away, Jake and Andy take over the show to watch some of the videos Andy found that we never shared with you. Andy brings on Rayyvana, the Young Turks contributor and co-host of Taking The L, and Kristina, host of Cosmepolitics and co-host of Movie Night Extravaganza to join him in watching some of the strangest videos Andy has found on Rumble.
Follow Rayyvana on Twitter: @RayyvanaTTV
Follow Kristina on Twitter: @cosmepolitics
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C. Derrick Varn, Jordan Dubin and Deep State Kuba once again join Ben Burgis to continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching Sam Harris's 2007 debate with Chris Hedges on politics and religion. (Note that we initially mistakenly thought this was from 2011--the date on the video we were sharing--and some of the discussion reflects that assumption!)
Follow Varn on Twitter: @skepoet
Follow Deep State on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Producer Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
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On the main show, GTAA host Ben Burgis debates Los Angeles GOP Vice Chair + Prager U and Babylon Bee contributor Siaka Massaquoi. (Note: This was originally scheduled elsewhere but we ended up having to move it to just do it tonight int he studio, which is bad news for LA listeners who wanted to see it in person--sorry about that!--but good news for listeners everywhere else who now get access to it sooner?) Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew talk a bit about Ben's article reporting Joe Biden's "kill all the Canadians if there's terrorism from Canada" hypothetical (from his 1982 conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin) for the first time in the English-language press. Left Reckoning host Matt Lech hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Follow Siaka on Twitter: @_SiakaMassaquoi
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattLech
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Victor Bruzzone and Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel once again join Ben Burgis for a Thursday Night Debate Breakdown. This week they're taking a look at a Cambridge Union debate from 5 years ago where Norman Finkelstein, left-wing Israeli journalist Gideon Levy and several other speakers debate the question of whether the two-state solution is dead. [Note: The original plan was to watch a different Cambridge Union debate with Norm but we had to switch due to audio issues. Sorry about the confusion!]
Read Ethan's Substack:
Check out Victor and Ethan's podcast (with Matt McManus and Gordon Katic) "Academic Edgelords"):
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
Follow Victor on Twitter: @victorbruzzone
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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In the main show, Current Affairs editor Nathan Robinson joins us to talk about his magazine's newly released "A Student's Guide to Resisting PragerU propaganda." In the postgame for patrons, we're joined by Katie Halper to talk about Palestine.
Tickets for Ben's debate with Siaka Massaquoi:
Order the Student's Guide for Resisting PragerU propaganda:
Follow Nathan on Twitter: @NathanJRobinson
Follow Katie on Twitter: @kthalps
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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GTAA host Ben Burgis and Current Affairs magazine house economist Rob Larson continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching Bernie Sanders' 2017 debate with Ted Cruz.
On October 22nd at 7 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) Ben is going to be debating Los Angeles County GOP Vice Chair (and Prager U & Babylon Bee contributor) Siaka Massaquoi:
Follow Rob on Twitter: @IronicProfessor
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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[Just realized we didn't put this out on Tuesday like usual. Sorry about that!]
Read Matthew's Substack:
Follow Matthew on Twitter: @VernonWhalan
Follow Jake on Twitter: @yakobabbot
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Tickets for Ben's debate in LA with Siaka Massaquoi on October 22nd:
Hamas and the Israeli state escalated this weekend into all-out war. We start with some thoughts on that from Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew, and then go to Ben's conversation with his fellow Ben, Benjamin Fong, about Fong's book "Quix Fixes Drugs in America from Prohibition to the 21st Century Binge." In the postgame for patrons, Ryan Zickgraf talks about the Trump trials, the end of hyperpolitics, Taylor Swift, and more.
Order (other) Ben's book from Verso:
Follow (our) Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Matt McManus's long awaited book "A How To Guide to Cosmopolitan Socialism: A Tribute to Michael Brooks"--with an introduction by GTAA host Ben Burgis--was officially released on October 1st. Matt joins us to talk about the ideas about socialism, internationalism, universal values and cultural peculiarity and more that fill the book, and for Matt and Ben to talk all things Brooks. David Griscom hangs out in the postgame for patrons.
Order Matt's book from worker-owned Red Emmas bookshop:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis and Producer Jordan watch Socialist Alternative leader Kshama Sawant's debate with Eric Blanc (author of "Revolutionary Social Democracy
Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882-1917)") on the relevance of the Russian Revolution today. The debate was moderated by Jacobin editor Bhaskar Sunkara.
Follow Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Journalist, activist, and novelist Cory Doctorow joins Ben Burgis to talk about Cory's new book "The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation." Ben and the GTAA crew play some clips from Ben's debate with Adam Friended & PSA Sitch on anti-CRT laws and "Cultural Marxism." Norman Finkelstein joins us in the postgame for patrons.
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Ethan from the Confronting Capital channel and Victor Bruzzone once again join Ben Burgis for GTAA's weekly series of debate breakdowns. This week they watch the recent debate between Krystal Ball & Kyle Kulinski on one side and Briahna Joy Gray on the other about Biden and third party voting. And yes, we just ran a clip where Matt Christman argued forcefully that this is a silly topic to argue about but we were still curious what all these people had to say, so we decided to give it a watch it anyway!
Check out Academic Edgelords--the podcast Victor and Ethan do with Matt McManus and Gordon Katic:
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Chapo Trap House host Will Menaker joins Ben Burgis for a conversation about the GOP primary field and Thomas Friedman's latest Thoughts About Ukraine in the New York Times. Before that, Jacobin columnist Liza Featherstone talks about her In These Times article "New York Socialists Won Big On Climate. How Did It Happen?" Last but definitely not least, comedian Robert Yasumura joins us in-studio for the postgame.
Read Liza's article:
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Producer Jordan and Current Affairs magazine's House Economist Rob Larson join Ben Burgis to continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching the classic impromptu debate between Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev and then-Vice President Richard Nixon at the opening of the American National Exhibition at Sokolniki Park in Moscow on July 24, 1959. It's a short debate--no postgame tonight--but it's a fascinating glimpse into a time when big arguments about capitalism and socialism dominated global politics.
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{Sorry, we forgot to upload this on Tuesday--that's when the debate breakdowns are going out now!]
Matthew Whalan joins Ben Burgis to continue the weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching Sohrab Ahmari's recent appearance on "Krystal, Kyle & Friends" to argue about right-populism.
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Self-described conservative social democrat Sohrab Ahmari comes on to talk to Ben Burgis about Sohrab's new book "Tyranny, Inc.: How Private Power Crushed American Liberty--and What to Do About It." Ben and Sohrab agree about a lot when it comes to what's wrong with our late capitalist hellhole but disagree on both halves of "conservative social democrat"--the "conservative" half and the half about stopping at social democracy instead of aiming at socialism. Matt Christman stops by in-studio for the postgame with patrons.
Order "Tyranny Inc.":
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Follow Matt Christman on Twitter: @cushbomb
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Ben Burgis and Victor Bruzzone continue GTAA's weekly series of Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns by watching a recent debate between podcaster (and former Manhattan Institute fellow) Coleman Hughes and New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie on the topic "Does Color-Blindness Perpetuate Racism?" (Bouie says yes, Hughes says no.) They both say partially true things, but this voice could use several hundred times more Adolph Reed.
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Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, and Jordan Dubin are all in studio together. (Matt Christman was originally scheduled but he had to reschedule for late September.) After a half-hearted attempt to talk about a couple of Jacobin articles, they unbutton their metaphorical top buttons and talk about exactly the kind movie the three of them would likely spend an evening talking about off-air, or, OK, maybe that Jason and Ben would be talking about while Jordan sat there and rolled her eyes---the 1982 classic Stephen King/George Romero production "Creepshow." Also Jordan made a cake for Jason's birthday and brown liquor was abundant. A good time was had by all.
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TiR
Follow Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
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Tibor Rutar is the author of a book called "Capitalism for Realists: Virtues and Vices of the Modern Economy" in which he argues that the best system is a moderate, social democratic form of capitalism. In making that case, he heavily relies on "economic freedom" rankings. In the book, Rutar criticizes an article Ben Burgis wrote for Jacobin arguing that such rankings are worthless and tell us nothing:
Rutar also wrote an article for Areo magazine called "Marxism: The Idea that Refuses to Die":
....which Ben wrote about in last Sunday's Substack essay, "Why I"m Still a Marxist: A Response to Tibor Rutar":
In this episode, they finally sit down to. talk out the differences in their worldviews! Before that, Ben and the crew play a new Billy Bragg song (responding to "Rich Men North of Richmond"), and play a bit of Ben's recent appearance on the Left Reckoning postgame where he talked to Matt Lech and David Griscom about Marxism. In the postgame for GTAA patrons, they preview an in-person debate that Ben is going to be doing in-person in Los Angeles and watch a bubbly conservative pundit who seems to be deeply confused about how, as a conservative, she's supposed to feel about the French Revolution.
Check out Tibor's book:
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Freddie de Boer is back to talk to Ben Burgis about his new book, "How the Elites Ate the Social Justice Movement":
Before that, we play Ben's appearance on Monday morning's Majority Report to talk about Michael Brooks (yesterday would have been Michael's 40th birthday) and Ben and the crew talk a little bit about the Nudieland shooting and J. Andrew World's experiences with the Minneapolis punk community. Debunk Song creator Ed Keenan joins us in-studio for the postgame for GTAA patrons to breakdown Michael Knowles and Glenn Beck talking about how to argue with the socialists in their heads.
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Ben Burgis debates New York Post writer Brad Polumbo on student debt forgiveness. Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew look back at Norm Finkelstein's feud with Christopher Hitchens and talk about Ben's article on the Trump indictment:
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Matt McManus comes back for the fuller discussion of his new book "The Political Right and Equality: Turning Back the Tide of Egalitarian Modernity" we teased a few weeks back, and then Ben and the crew switch to a distinctly more low-brow look at the strangest aspect of Matt Wlash's interests in the postgame. At the beginning of the main show, they talk about two of Ben's recent articles for Jacobin. One takes on the idea that we won't have bananas under socialism:
The other talks about the way that conservative freakouts about pride flags and drag shows on military bases (along with several other issues) have made the process of nailing down this year's Pentagon budget unusually contentious--even as the vast majority of lawmakers in both parties if fundamentally on board with a country that doesn't even have universal healthcare pouring an unprecedented 900 billion dollars into its war machine:
Last but very definitely not least, they mention Jason Myles' Kayfabe documentary. You can contribute to make that happen (and get various perks) here:
Order Matt's book:
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This is Revolution podcast host and Sublation magazine columnist Jason Myles returns to talk about his latest for Sublation, "The Grifters: The Capitalist Realism of Left Media":
We've all heard the term "grifters" thrown around as an all-purpose insult for whatever figures in left-wing media someone dislikes. But Jason wants us to think harder about what it actually means, whether the shoe fits, and whether it really captures what's wrong with even the most unhelpful and audience-captured figures out there. (And yes, we're talking about specific people in this discussion!)
Here's that link to the Indiegogo for Jason's feature-length documentary:
In the postgame for GTAA patrons, actress, filmmaker and SAG-AFTRA member Kt Baldassaro talks about the writers' and actors' strike shutting down Hollywood.
Check out Kt's IMDB page:
Follow her on Twitter: @ZombieHunterKt
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Cedric Johnson is a professor of African-American studies and political science at the University of Illinois at Chicago and author of, most recently, After Black Lives Matter: Policing and Anti-Capitalist Struggle from Verso Books:
Ben Burgis chats with Cedric about his book. Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew talk about Ben's most recent Jacobin article on G.A. Cohen ("The Tragic Failure of the Soviet Experiment Doesn't Mean We Should Reject Socialism") and a previous one on human nature arguments against socialism ("Socialism Can Help Contain Humanity’s Worst Impulses and Encourage Our Best"), watch a video from a recently unlocked debate Ben did last year in the UK with Labour MP Thangam Debbonaire, and take a moment to remember the late great Michael Brooks. Ed Keenan--the musician and DSA-LA activist behind the TMBS Debunk Song--hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons and shares some more of his music.
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Returning champion Matt McManus, Jacobin contributor lecturer on Political Science at the University of Michigan, discusses his brand new book "The Political Right and Equality: Turning Back the Tide of Egalitarian Modernity." It officially releases on the 21st, but you can pre-order it here:
Before that, Ben and the crew watch a throwback clip of Ben, Ana Kasparian, and Michael Brooks reacting to the Zizek/Peterson debate and a recent clip of Ana's debate over Medicare for All with Adam Friended and PSA Sitch, and Matt and the crew watch Prager U's latest attempt to make sense of Marxism. At the end of the show, Ben makes the case against canceling Ana over recent micro-controversies and Ben and Graphic Designer Andy struggle-session a bit about some of the underlying issues. Mean Djene Bajalan and the one and only Jason Myles hang out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
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Norman Finkelstein comes back to GTAA to discuss recent Supreme Court rulings and some themes from his book "I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It! Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom" with Ben Burgis. This is Revolution host and Sublation magazine columnist Jason Myles rides shotgun. The film criticism of one Noah Berlatsky, scourge of "class-first leftism," is dissected in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Buy Norm's book:
Read Jason at Sublation:
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James Lindsay went on Jordan Peterson's podcast. Matt McManus joins us to break down the resulting typhoon of reactionary pseudo-intellectual nonsense. Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew cover the controversy over the new documentary "Israelism," Charlie Kirk's reaction to Juneteenth, and a highlight of Emma Vigeland's recent conversation with Tim Pool. Last but definitely not least, Producer Jordan joins us in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
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Special guests RM Brown, Naomi Karavani & Michele Greenstein join Ben Burgis to talk about Elon Musk and Peter Thiel. Before that, Ben, RM, and the crew discuss Cornel West's response to Ben's article. In the postgame for patrons, the gang breaks down a "Democrat for DeSantis" article.
Listen to Naomi and Michele's new podcast "Cargo Cult":
Read Ben's article about Cornel West:
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Follow Naomi on Twitter: @naomikaravani
Follow Michele on Twitter: @peopleconspire
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Playwright and "Succession" staff writer Will Arbery joins the show for the first time to talk about his award-winning play "Heroes of the Fourth Turning"--an intense story about young conservatives set a week after the Charlottesville riots--which came out a few months ago in book form. Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew take on the absurdly empty pseudo-populist candidacy ofd RFK, Jr. In the postgame for patrons, Producer Jordan joins Ben and the rest of the crew to continue delving into the deep lunacy of James Lindsay (and check in about what Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate have been saying about Ben on the Grayzone). Fun episode all around.
Pick up a copy of "Heroes of the Fourth Turning":
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A few months ago, Give Them An Argument, Left Reckoning and This is Revolution did a joint "Give Them a Revolution" live show in New York ft. special guests Bhaskar Sunkara, Emma Vigeland, and Sam Seder. We're finally making the complete recording public. Jason Myles and Deep State Kuba from TiR, David Griscom and Matt Lech from LR, and Ben Burgis and (off to the side drawing pictures sold after the show) J. Andrew World from GTAA represented and friend-of-all-the-shows Conan Neutron MC-ed. Enjoy!
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Follow LR on Twitter: @LeftReckoning
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A lot of people who don't love capitalism might still worry about the way revolutions can go very, very wrong. In the crumbling Russian Empire a little over a hundred years ago, the Bolsheviks came to power on a platform "land, peace and bread" and "all power to" democratically elected workers councils...and ended up with an authoritarian and often economically dysfunctional one-party state where working-class people had fewer right in some ways than their counterparts in Western Europe. What went wrong, and what lessons might still be relevant for those of us who still dream of a pot-capitalist future?
A power panel of Varn Vlog host C. Derrick Varn and This is Revolution crew members Mean Djene Bajalan and "Deep State" Kuba join Ben Burgis to wrestle with these questions. And of course we f*ck around about less serious subjects in the postgame for GTAA patrons because that's the deal with that.
Watch Varn Vlog:
Watch This is Revolution:
Check out Djene's new public radio show, Talking History Live:
Follow Djene on Twitter: @djenebajalan
Follow Varn on Twitter: @skepoet
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
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In the first half of the main show, Political Science prof and Jacobin contributor Matt McManus joins Ben Burgis to discuss his new article about another, much more unpleasant Matt--Matt Walsh. In the second half, we replay Ben's dialogue at a Boston Review event last week with socialist philosopher Christine Sypnowich about equality of opportunity vs. equal flourishing. Last but not least, Zac and Gavin from The Vanguard join Ben and Andy--it's Jake's birthday, so he was reluctantly given the night off--in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Read Matt's article ("Matt Walsh’s Vitriolic Anti-Trans Christianity Is Distinctly Anti-Christian"):
Read Ben's Substack about Christine Sypnowich ("What We Talk About When We Talk About Inequality"):
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Left-wing academic philosopher, Jacobin contributor, and "What's Left of Philosophy?" co-host Lillian Cicerchia comes back on the show to talk to Ben Burgis about Karl Marx's book "The Poverty of Philosophy" and, more broadly, different ways of construing materialism vs. idealism debates and the sometimes vexed relationship between moral critiques of capitalism and Marxist thought. Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew get into the recent strike victory at Rutgers, Bernie vs. Chris Wallace on whether there should be billionaires, and Gad Saad's objections to a 32-hour workweek. In the postgame for GTAA patrons, Jason Myles and Deep State Kuba from This is Revolution podcast join Ben and the crew to watch a expose recently done by intrepid journalists on....the fact that leftists sometimes got to each other's weddings. Don't worry, everyone holds Ben to account for this important transgression.
Become a GTAA patron or sign up for the Marx/Proudhon class:
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Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
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Naomi Karavani, RM Brown, and Branko Marcetic join Ben Burgis to say goodbye to Tucker Carlson's show on Fox. You can read Ben's article "Tucker Carlson Is a Repugnant, Pseudo-Populist Fraud" here:
...and Branko's article "Tucker Carlson Isn’t an Anti-Imperialist — He’s a Rabid China Hawk" here:
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew talk a bit about May Day and the (ongoing) struggle for a shorter workweek, play a clip of Kyle Kulinski talking about Ben's article on that, and promote the class on Proudhon's "Philosophy of Poverty" and Marx's "Philosophy of Poverty" starting on the GTAA Patreon in May. In the postgame for patrons, Producer Jordan joins us to talk about Slavoj Žižek's mutlipolarity article in Compact.
Follow Naomi on Twitter: @naomikaravani
Follow Branko on Twitter: @BMarchetich
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Producer Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
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Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza has, as it turns out, made a LOT of videos covering philosophical topics like John Rawls's veil of ignorance and abortion rights, Hume's argument against belief in miracles (D'Souza isn't convinced), and.....something or other about how Nietzsche helps us understand why tech companies censor conservatives? Or something? Anyway, we're on the job. Debate-breakdown regulars Victor Bruzzone and Ethan (from the Confronting Capital channel) join Ben Burgis to subject themselves to some of these videos. For you.
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew watch and break down a recent friendly debate Ben had w/Briahna Joy Gray on Rising about the Pentagon leaks, and in the postgame for patrons Producer Jordan joins the gang to talk a Compact article that dismissed the mass protests in Israel (where Jordan lived for man years) as a "color revolution." A fun episode all around.
Watch Ethan's channel Confronting Capital:
Follow Ethan on Twitter: @anontwtuser11
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Follow Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
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The main event is fan-favorite recurring guest Matt McManus doing a deep dive on the philosophy and politics of Martin Heidegger. Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about Ben's pilgrimage to New Jersey to walk the picket line in the Rutgers strike (just before that strike ended with massive concessions by management) and watch some footage from a recently-released debate he did with a Starmer-ite British parliamentarian. In the postgame for patrons, Matt sticks around to talk about his review of Florida Governor Ron DeSanctimonious's new book "The Courage to Be Free."
Get Tickets to the Hay Festival, May 26--29:
Read the most recent of Matt's many articles about Heidegger:
Read his review of Meatball Ron's book:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Norman Finkelstein makes his debut appearance on GTAA to talk about his book "I'll Burn That Bridge When I Get to It! Heretical Thoughts on Identity Politics, Cancel Culture, and Academic Freedom." Norm is a lifelong, deeply committed leftist who's faced real consequences in his own career for his advocacy on behalf of the Palestinians, so when he says the Left is f*cking up, perhaps it's a good idea to hear the man out.
Before the interview (and later in the postgame for patrons) Ben and the GTAA crew talk about the Rutgers strike, Clarence Thomas, Peter Hitchens, and Gene Epstein.
Buy Norm's book:
Contribute to the Rutgers strike fund:
Read Ben's article on Clarence Thomas:
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Ben Burgis is back for an action-packed GTAA episode. The main guest is Jacobin staff writer Luke Savage, who recently wrote an essay called "How the Right Gets George Orwell Wrong":
Before that, we get into Ben's written debate Peter Hitchens on the subject of Hitler, talk abut why ChatGPT will NEVER replace Thomas Friedman, and mull Charlie Kirk's idea that the GOP should retaliate against the arrest of Trump by arresting Bill Clinton. (Don't threaten us with a good time.)
In the postgame for GTAA patrons, friend of the show Jason Myles talks about his Sublation article "Virtual Insanity: A Freak Show for Left Media":
A very good time is had by all.
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TIR
Follow Luke on Twitter: @LukewSavage
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Ben is off this week while traveling, so Super-Producer Jake takes the reins for an episode on labor organizing! He welcomes famed Jacobin labor reporter Alex Press as well as rank and file organizer José Sanchez to discuss some of the biggest current organizing drives in America. Of particular relevance -- José is currently organizing with fellow grad students at Duke to form a union. Before that, the gang discusses extremely failed attempts to define the word "woke." On the post-game for GTAA patrons, the crew examines some of the wildest Alex Jones clips Andy could find.
Follow Alex on Twitter: @alexnpress
Follow José on Twitter: @comradesanchez
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis is finally back after having to take the last couple weeks off! The main event is Justin Clark joining us to talk about the delightfully strange world of the Church of Scientology on the main show. Before that, we talk about Bernie's appearance on Bill Maher, debunk a hit piece, and do some other fun stuff, and in the postgame for patrons our "Give Them a Revolution live show producer Jordan joins us to talk about the online phenomenon of "MAGA Communism"--possibly the only thing that could make Scientology look normal.
Read Justin's piece on Scientology:
Watch Clark and Cory Johnston discuss "A Billion Years" by Mike Rinder on YouTube:
Follow Justin on Instagram: @justinclarkph
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Guest host David Griscom and the GTAA crew talk about policing, the right’s lies, and public safety. And then Kurt Hackbarth (@kurthackbarth) joins Dave to talk about how AMLO isn’t threatening democracy--he’s expanding it.
Read Kurt's article in Jacobin:
Follow Kurt on Twitter: @KurtHackbarth
Follow David on Twitter: @DavidGriscom
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Two weeks ago, Ben Burgis debated Jon Miltimore of the libertarian Foundation for Economic Education at Texas Tech's law school in Lubbock. In this episode, we unlock the full debate (which is about an hour long). Two of our favorite guests, Ana Kasparian and RM Brown, are brought together for the first time (on GTAA anyway) to talk about it. In the postgame for patrons, Ben, Ana and RM discuss Ana's recent encounter with Ben Shapiro.
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ana on Twitter: @AnaKasparian
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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You know those animations we're always playing of American conservatives as characters in Lovecraftian nightmares? The creator of those, Aamon Hawk, joins us on this episode! We watch his latest ("Yedolf") and a few older videos and chat with him about what he does. In the second half of the show, Jacobin's Nick French talks about his recent article, "How Analytic Philosophers Have Made Sense of Capitalism":
Ben wrote about French's piece (and a previous Jacobin article taking the opposite view) here:
Last but not least, philosophy professor Ryan Lake joins us on the postgame for GTAA patrons to talk about Tim Pool's love of James O'Keefe and hatred for--we're promising we aren't making this up--Plato, Kant, and Bertrand Russell.
Follow Aamon on Twitter: @AamonHawk
Follow Nick on Twitter: @nickfrenchnyc
Follow Ryan on Twitter: @chaospet
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Philosopher, psychologist, and commentator Slavoj Žižek comes back to the show to talk with Ben Burgis about....well....everything. The conversation hits on everything from the relationship between Hegelianism and Marxism to political correctness to Ukraine to how to think about what comes after capitalism. Before we play the interview--and in the postgame for patrons w/Russell Sbriglia--we touch on Ben's article on Steven Crowder (and his recent run-in with Matt Walsh) among other fun subjects.
Read Slavoj's articles at Project Syndicate:
Read Ben's Substack essay on Žižek:
Read Ben's Jacobin article on Crowder:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben was on a plane back to the West Coast when this aired, but Andy and Cale held down the fort, recapping the big NYC live show and then playing an interview Ben recorded with socialist philosopher and GTAA fan-favorite Lillian Cicerchia about her Jacobin article "socialists Need to Talk About Justice."
You can read the article here:
Follow Lillian on Twitter: @classreductress
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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For the last regular Monday night show before Sunday's live show in Nee York, we're joined by a power panel of Sam Seder (of the Majority Report), Jason Myles (of This is Revolution), and RM Brown (who's on YouTube). Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about recent developments in Brazil and the antics of the American Right. Last but definitely not least, Jordan Dubin and Deep State Kuba hang out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Get tickets to the joint GTAA/Left Reckoning/This is Revolution "Give Them a Revolution" live show at the Cutting Room in NYC at 7 PM on January 22nd w/Bhaskar Sunkara, Emma Vigeland, Sam Seder, and many more guests:
Follow Sam on Twitter: @SamSeder
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TIR
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Jordan on Twitter: @jayohardeeayen
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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This ones packed full of podcasty goodness. Professors Adnan Husain & Harvey J. Kaye, both returning GTAA champions, return for a discussion of Marx's theory of history. Before that, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about Tim Pool's latest attacks on socialism. At the end of the show, they go over some clips from the debate Ben hosted on his Callin show between Glenn Greenwald and Branko Marcetic on "the Bernie/AOC left" and address recent attacks on Ben from Jimmy Dore and Briahna Joy Gray. Finally, Matt McManus hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons, talking some Curtis Yarvin.
Get tickets to the joint GTAA/Left Reckoning/This is Revolution "Give Them a Revolution" live show at the Cutting Room in NYC at 7 PM on January 22nd w/Bhaskar Sunkara, Emma Vigeland, Sam Seder, and many more guests:
Follow Harvey on Twitter: @harveyjkaye
Follow Adnan on Twitter: @adnanahusain
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
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We're started the New Year and the new season of GTAA with two of our favorite returning guests, Krystal Ball and RM "Arun" Brown. We discuss Andrew Tate, SBF/Crypto, Trump/DeSantis and many of the other very normal things that happened in the very normal year of 2022. RM sticks around to talk Steven Crowder & Tim Pool in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Subscribe to Ben's new "Philosophy for the People" Substack:
Read the Announcement post:
Read the first Sunday essay, "Hume in Hell":
Get tickets to the joint GTAA/Left Reckoning/This is Revolution "Give Them a Revolution" live show at the Cutting Room in NYC at 7 PM on January 22nd w/Bhaskar Sunkara, Emma Vigeland, Sam Seder, and many more guests:
Follow Krystal on Twitter: @krystalball
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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This is Revolution's "Deep State" Kuba Wrzesniewski talks Rod Dreher, NatCons, "post-liberalism" and related subjects and then political theorist Matt McManus joins us for a discussion of liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill's relationship to socialist thought. Last but definitely not least, Rayvanna from TYT hangs out in the postgame for patrons for some good old-fashioned dunking.
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Rayvanna on Twitter: @RayyvanaTTV
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
Buy tickets for the GTAA/Left Reckoning/This is Revolution live show in NYC on January 22nd (featuring Emma Vigeland, Bhaskar Sunkara, and Sam Seder):
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Ben Burgis and Professor Adnan Husain break down G.A. Cohen's essay "Historical Inevitability and Revolutionary Agency." Before that, Ben and RM Brown take a look at the right-wing freakout over the Respect for Marriage Act, which has included Ben Shapiro telling Matt Walsh that even "visitors from Mars" would oppose gay marriage. Last but most definitely not least, Matt McManus hangs out on the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Follow Adnan on Twitter: @adnanahusain
Follow RM on Twitter: @xrmbrownx2
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew review the highlights of Ben's debate with Curtis Yarvin, then historian and friend of show Harvey J. Kaye returns to talk about his first book, which was just reissued by Zero Books--the British Marxist Historians. Harvey and prodigal GTAA producer Cale Brooks hang out in the postgame for patrons.
Order the book:
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Journalists Ross Barkan and Ryan Zickgraf join Ben Burgis to talk about the midterm elections. We share a taste of the live show GTAA just did with Left Reckoning and This is Revolution in LA. "Comrade Anders" Lee hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons. A very good time is had by all.
Follow Ross on Twitter: @RossBarkan
Follow Ryan on Twitter: @RyanSmithWriter
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ana Kasparian recently debated Dennis Prager. She joins Ben Burgis and David Griscom to watch the clips and break it all down. Ben and David talk about the joint GTAA/Left Reckoning/This is Revolution #GIVETHEMAREVOLUTION live show in Sunday in Los Angeles. Jason Myles and Deep State Kuba hang out in the postgame for patrons.
Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Follow Ana on Twitter: @AnaKasparian
Follow David on Twitter: @DavidGriscom
Follow Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Matt Bruenig joins Ben Burgis to talk about what a viable fully socialist society might look like and how we could get there. Before that, Naomi Karavani comes on to talk about Bolsonaro's openness to consuming human flesh, Biden's hollow pardon announcement, and a clip of a comedian having a full beer can thrown at her by an angry Trump supporter. In the postgame for patrons, Djene Bajalan discusses how the revolution going on right now in Iran is all the result of every single Iranian being mind-controlled by the CIA. (Or is that his position? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!)
Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattBruenig
Follow Djene on Twitter: @djenebajalan
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
Become a GTAA Patron and receive numerous benefits ranging from patron-exclusive postgames every Monday night to our undying love and gratitude for helping us keep this thing going:
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Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
It's time. In this episode we finally subject you to some videos from the National Conservatism conferences and debunk the lunacy found therein. We're sorry but you knew what you were getting into when you signed up as a fan of this podcast. And hey at least you get to hear some top-notch analysis of it all from Dr. Matthew McManus,
Before that part of the episode, Jason Myles of This is Revolution come on to look at some clips from the great Ana Kasparian's recent debate with Dennis Prager. Then at the end of the main show, an organizer for the October 6th #BansOffOurBodies National Student Strike for abortion rights comes on to briefly chat about what they've got planned, and Ben and the crew raise a glass to toast to Lula's win in the first round of the Brazilian election--on to the second round in a few weeks! Last but most definitely not least, C. Derrick Varn of Varn Vlog (and TiR Gaming Materialists) fame hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Follow Matt on Twitter: @mattpolprof
Follow Varn on Twitter: @skepoet
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Matt McManus talks about his brand new book "The Emergence of Post-modernity at the Intersection of Liberalism, Capitalism, and Secularism: The Center Cannot Hold." There's a philosophy segment w/Dr. Jennifer Burgis at the end where we continue the logical fallacies series and then it's off to the postgame for patrons. But first: It's been much too long since we did one of our deep dives into the course offerings at Prager University. Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew start the show at the U.
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattPolProf
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Ben Burgis and the GTAA chat about the glorious beginning of the reign of "King Charles III", and Ben's article about an Oklahoma teacher pushed out of her job & being denounced by state-wide elected officials for helping her students who wanted to read banned books get public library cards before Jacobin Editor Micah Uetricht joins us to talk about the socialist legacy of the great Barbara Ehrenreich, who passed away at the beginning of the month. After a quick philosophy segment with Dr. Jennifer Burgis, Catherine Liu hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons and talks some more Ehrenreich.
Follow Micah on Twitter: @micahuetricht
Follow Catherine on Twitter: @bureaucatliu
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
Become a GTAA Patron and receive numerous benefits ranging from patron-exclusive postgames every Monday night to our undying love and gratitude for helping us keep this thing going:
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Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Happy Labor Day! Ben Burgis & the GTAA crew start things up by talking a bit about the fairly astonishing number of labor victories around the country since last year's Labor Day, and talk about some egregious (and very funny) instances of conservative hypocrisy on student debt forgiveness, labor unions, free speech, and the value of debate.
The main event is a debate between Ben and Compact magazine founder Sohrab Ahmari. Compact's statement of editorial vision calls for "a strong social-democratic state that defends community — local and national, familial and religious — against a libertine left and a libertarian right."
Ben critiqued that vision and defended the libertine left in an article for Jacobin shortly after Compact's launch:
Follow Sohrab on Twitter: @SohrabAhmari
Follow Compact on Twitter: @compactmag_
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Buy tickets now to the VERY FIRST GTAA LIVE SHOW (co-sponsored by This is Revolution and Left Reckoning) at the Teragram Ballroom in Los Angels on October 23rd, featuring Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ben Burgis, Jason Myles, Kuba Wrzesniewski, David Griscom, Matt Lech, Daniel Bessner, C. Derrick Varn, and more:
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew review Ben Shapiro's video "Marxism Can't Work in America" and correct Shapiro's understanding of American history, Marxism, and socialism, and...well...everything? After that, we play a recent friendly debate Ben (Burgis) had with a third Ben, Ben Spielberg, on how the Left approaches criminal justice reform. The main event is William Paris, the only member of the What's Left of Philosophy? podcast never to have appeared on GTAA, who joins us to talk about utopianism. After a quick philosophy segment w/Dr. Jenn, continuing our fallacy series, it's off to the postgame for GTAA patrons w/Dr. Kuba from This is Revolution. Really good stuff all around.
Read William in Psyche:
Follow him on Twitter: @whitherutopia
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Our friends Jason Myles & (briefly) Kuba Wrzeniewski from the This is Revolution podcast join Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew to talk about Dick Cheney, Woodstock 99, and a big announcement (LA live show!). The great Ana Kasparian comes on for the second half to talk about subjects ranging from abortion rights to Salman Rushdie to how socialists should talk about crime. The main show is capped off with a philosophy segment w/Dr. Jennifer Burgis. David Griscom and Matt Huber hang out on the postgame for GTAA patrons. Good stuff all around.
Watch This is Revolution:
Follow Jason on Twitter: @J_Myles_TIR
Follow Dr. Kuba on Twitter: @DrKuba2
Follow Ana on Twitter: @AnaKasparian
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Sean Hannity thinks that if you don't want to be poor you should be willing to work "70, 80, 90 hours a week," so Ben Burgis & the GTAA crew start with that and then review an impromptu debate that Ben & Connor Halbleib (Berniecrat & Democratic nominee in Kentucky's 5th Congressional district) had with a Callin caller on Medicare for All. The main event is Ben's unlocked interview with Rock Perlstein, author of "Before the Storm," "Nixonland," "The Invisible Bridge" and (most recently) "Reaganland," which was previously released to GTAA patrons. At the end of the main show, Dr. Jennifer Burgis joins Ben for a brief philosophy segment (on the what the Ad Hominem fallacy is vs. what the internet thinks it is) and then Mean Djene Bajalan from This is Revolution hangs out in the postgame for patrons!
Watch This is Revolution:
Order Rick Perlstein's latest book:
...and while you're at it order Ben's latest book:
Follow Rick on Twitter: @rickperlstein
Follow Djene on Twitter: #djenebajal@n
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew start off by talking nuclear war, "doomerism," and cannibalistic mutants. (OK, that last item is just a preview of a conversation w/Jason Myles & Touré Reed on The Hills Have Eyes for GTAA patrons.) "Dead Pundits Society" host Adam Proctor is the main guest, chatting Ben about Jordan Peterson's terrible defense of capitalism and (briefly at the end) Jimmy Dore's odd theory of change. Dr. Jennifer Burgis comes on for a philosophy segment on utilitarianism and rights at the end of the main show and then Ben & the crew get into some spicier Peterson material (he has.....thoughts about porn) in the postgame for patrons.
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Charles Wofford, who appeared on the show once before to debate Ben Burgis on postmodernism and Marxism, comes back now for a more relaxed appearance to tell us all about the philosophy of Theodore Adorno. Before that, Ben & the GTAA crew talk about the Fetterman/Oz race in Pennsylvania and how Joe Biden apparently got high and forgot about his promise to deschedule cannabis and pardon everyone serving time in federal prisons for non-violent marijuana offense.
Bookending it all at the beginning and end of the show, Ben & the crew mark the two-year anniversary of the premature death of perhaps the most talented political communicator in contemporary American left media--Michael Brooks. Without Michael, this show would never have existed, so we thought we'd share a few clips of him. Whether this is your first time hearing about the guy or you miss him every day, we hope you get something out of it.
Read Ben's articles on Michael in Jacobin:
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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AMC's "Mad Men" came out 15 years ago this month. The main guest this week is labor organizer, writer, and professor Shaun Richman, who wrote an essay for Jacobin Magazine about the show's surprising points of connection to leftist ideas:
Before that, Ben Burgis & the GTAA Crew go over an interesting part of Ben's debate with Tim Pool, Tulsi Gabbard & James O'Keefe where O'Keefe repeatedly dodged Ben's question about whether Project Veritas has wealthy donors. (Shockingly the answer is "yes, of course it does.") We also take a look at a recent incident where (defeating our expectations laid out in Episode 3) Jordan Peterson actually popped his head out from underneath his rock to talk to a leftist (Kyle Kulinski). At the end of the show, there's a philosophy segment on positive rights w/Dr. Jennifer Burgis and then Marcus from Left Flank Vets hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Watch the Valley Labor Report episode where they talk about the debate with Tim Pool, Tulsi Gabbard & James O'Keefe:
Follow Shaun on Twitter: @Ess_Dog
Ben Burgis faces off against an interesting trio at the Minds.com Festival of Ideas about media manipulation, freedom of speech, and labor unions.
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Ben Burgis faces off against an interesting trio at the Minds.com Festival of Ideas about media manipulation, freedom of speech, and labor unions.
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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Image Credit, Tulsi Gabbard: Gage Skidmore
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.
Image Credit, Tim Pool: Pete Cashmore
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.
Image Credit, James O’Keefe: Gage Skidmore
Image has been cropped and color has been altered.
Last weekend, James O'Keefe did an ambush interview of Ben Burgis where he tried to claim that the segment Ben, Matt Lech & Producer Jake did last week ("James O'Keefe Hates Free Speech": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKX6tcOZxuQ) was somehow inaccurate. (It wasn't.) He then tried to twist Ben saying that workers who do bad or racist things shouldn't be punished without due process & shouldn't be doxxed to make some stupid anti-union point years later into Ben saying that racism is good. It's asinine, but we have some fun watching it + the part of the debate Ben did with James, Tim Pool & Tusli Gabbard that was available at the point this episode came out. (The whole thing has been posted since.) We also talk a little Roe v. Wade, showing some of Ben's conversation w/Lillian Cicerchia, Jason Myles shows up to talk a little about his experience of the debate & the rest of the weekend in NYC, and Adnan Husain comes on as the main guest for a philosopher/historian dialogue with Ben on Marxist analytic philosopher G.A. Cohen's book "Karl Marx's Theory of History." Finally, there's a philosophy segment w/Dr. Jennifer Burgis on Plato's Meno and Noami Karavani hangs out in the postgame for patrons.
Watch Ben's full conversation on fighting for abortion rights after Roe v. Wade with Lillian Cicerchia:
Read the transcript in Jacobin:
Follow Adnan on Twitter: @adnanahusain
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Tonight in NYC, Ben Burgis is going to be debating Tim Pool, Tulsi Gabbard & James O'Keefe at the Minds Festival of Ideas at the Beacon Theater. (See festival.minds.com.) This week's GTAA main guest Matt Lech (co-host @ Left Reckoning, producer @ The Majority Report) joins Ben for a hard look at all three of those people. Before that, Ben & the crew go through some of Krystal Ball's appearance on Real Time w/Bill Maher and discuss some extremely odd claims made this last week by Dennis Prager & Jordan Peterson. (Yes, this is a ghoul-heavy episode. Sorry?) Rob Larson hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons--where Rob, Ben & the crew check out the rest of Krystal's Real Time appearance (during which, for example, Bill reveals that he has no memory whatsoever of Wall Street crashing and being backstopped by the federal government at the beginning of the pandemic).
Watch Left Reckoning:
Follow Left Reckoning on Twitter: @LeftReckoning
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattLech
Follow Rob on Twitter @IronicProfessor
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Tim Pool has some thoughts about the Trolley Problem, so obviously we had to cover that. The main event, though, is a debate on free will between frequent GTAA guest Ryan Lake (who wrote an award-winning doctoral dissertation on the subject) and philosopher Gregg Caruso (who recently co-authored a collection of battling free will essays with Daniel Dennett). Dr. Jennifer Burgis joins Ben for a segment on Plato's Euthyphro at the end of the episode and then Jason Myles and Dr. Kuba from This is Revolution hangs out in the postgame for patrons.
Read Ryan's dissertation:
Order Gregg & Dennett's book:
Follow Gregg on Twitter: @GreggDCaruso
Follow Ryan on Twitter: @chaospet
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Majority Report host Sam Seder returns to the show as the main guest for the GTAA season finale. Ben Burgis and his wife Professor Jennifer Burgis talk about Plato's "Crito" for the philosophy segment. Ben, Jenn & the GTAA crew raise a glass to toast all the high points of this season (Rogan! Charlie Kirk! Zizek!) and then good friend of the show Jason Myles (of This is Revolution) hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons. We'll be back in a few weeks for Season 4!
Watch the Majority Report:
Follow Sam on Twitter: @SamSeder
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
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Economics professor, socialist writer, and Current Affairs magazine "House Economist" Rob Larson joins Ben Burgis for a deep dive on "the Tuttle Twins"--a series of libertarian children's books. Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew review some of the best moments from his recent debate in Texas and talk about the value of the debate. In the philosophy segment at the end of the main show Ben and his wife Dr. Jennifer Burgis continue their discussion of Plato's apology by chatting a bit about his (fairly weird) claims about moral motivation. Friends of the show Conan Neutron and Ethan Herschenfeld hang out with patrons on the postgame.
Follow Rob on Twitter: @IronicProfessor
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow Jenn on Twitter: @profjennburgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @Gtaa_Show
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In the opening segment, Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about a Tennessee lawmaker's strange use of Hitler in an argument about the homeless, watch a video about Tucker Carlson's demagoguery and get into Christian Smalls's masterful appearance on Tucker's show. The main event is an interview with Jacobin staff writer Luke Savage about his article "The Republican Party Is Waging a War Against Personal Freedom and Free Expression." Continuing with the free speech theme, Ben and his wife Dr. Jennifer Burgis talk about Plato's apology in the philosophy segment at the end of the main show. Finally, Current Affairs writer Dan Walden hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons where we try very hard to make sense of James Lindsay's demented diagram about Hegel, Marx and "leftism"--and finally watch that previously promised libertarian take on Sesame Street. It's an extremely good time all around.
Read Luke's article in Jacobin here:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a postgame after every regular Monday night episode, access to the Discord server, and many other benefits--most importantly including our undying love and gratitude for keeping this thing going.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
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Two of our favorite guests (Prof. Richard Wolff and Jacobin Staff Writer Branko Marcetic) return to hash out a disagreement on vaccine mandates. Prof. Wolff is critical of such mandates on workers' rights grounds while Branko has strongly endorsed them in Jacobin. Ben Burgis is, just this once a moderator instead of a participant in a debate.
Before the debate, Ben chats with the GTAA crew about his article in The Nation on Daniel Muessig, who's about to head to federal prison for 5 years for non-violent cannabis offenses:
After the debate, Ben chats with Matt McManus (filling in for Jenn for the philosophy segment) about his latest piece in Areo Magazine debunking the idea that postmodernism is some sort of "neo-Marxism":
....and in between those there's the debate!
Check out the work Prof. Wolff does at Democracy at Work:
Read Branko in Jacobin:
Follow Prof. Wolff on Twitter: @profwolff
Follow Branko on Twitter: @BMarchetich
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Follow GTAA on Twitter @Gtaa_Show
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get an exclusive postgame every Monday night, access to the Discord server and much more—most importantly including our undying love and gratitude for supporting us while we do this work.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
THE AMAZON LABOR UNION WON! That's huge. Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew celebrate. Then there's a little discussion of Ben's upcoming trip to Toronto (see here for details on be book event at Duke of York and the lecture at Ryerson: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis/status/1509997688162594820) and as the main event we unlock Ben's conversation with academic Jesse Spafford on G.A. Cohen's argument for socialism. In the philosophy segment w/Ben's wife Dr. Jennifer Burgis at the end of show, we talk about the Liar Paradox and Ben's new book. Finally, Matt McMaus hangs out and debunks Prager U with us in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
To listen to that postgame and every other postgame, as well as to get access to the Discord server and several other benefits--most importantly our eternal love and gratitude for supporting the work we do here and letting us keep it going--become a GTAA patron:
Read Jesse's paper:
Follow the Amazon Labor Union on Twitter: @amazonlabor
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Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgs
Follow Dr. Jenn on Twitter: @profjennburgis
Follow Matt McManus on Twitter: @mattpolprof
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about The Oscar Slap and the way it perfectly encapsulates the way our weird late capitalist hellscape manages to turn every stupid little thing that happens into a political issue at the sake time as the most important issues are barely mentioned. Ben talks up a class he's teaching at the School for Social and Cultural Change about the arguments in Marx's "Capital" and promotes a couple of upcoming events in Toronto. (For details on those see: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis/status/1509997688162594820 ) The main event is a crossover with one of our favorite non-GTAA podcasts, "What's Left of Philosophy?", in which two of the co-hosts (Owen Glyn-Williams & Gil Morejón) join Ben to go through Jordan B. Peterson's recently released list of alleged "postmodern neo-Marxists." (You'll be shocked to learn it's not a well-though-out list.) In the philosophy segment w/Dr. Jenn Burgis, Ben & Jenn introduce the Teleological Argument for the existence of God and play an an old clip of Bill O'Reilly making an....odd argument against atheism. Last but definitely not least, Matt Lech of Majority Report & Left Reckoning hangs out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
To become a patron and for the monthly cost of a milkshake at the fifties nostalgia diner in Pulp Fiction check out that postgame and every other postgame, as well as get access to the Discord server and get numerous other benefits (most importantly our eternal love & gratitude for supporting the work we do and letting us keep it going), go to:
Follow GTAA on Twitter: @gtaa_show
Follow Ben on Twitter: @BenBurgis
Listen to What's Left of Philosophy? and become a patron of *them*:
Follow What's Left of Philosophy on Twitter: @leftofphil
[Before you read the episode description: Listeners in Toronto should check out these upcoming events! https://twitter.com/BenBurgis/status/1509997688162594820 ]
Ben Burgis and the GTAA Crew (this week featuring the Prodigal Producer Cale returning to sub for Current Producer Jake) are talk about the latest free speech controversy and Ben's article in Current Affairs about "whataboutism" and the anti-war Left being accused of being Putin apologists. Then Ben's interview with philosophy professor, popular YouTuber and popularizer of neo-Stoicism Gregory B. Sadler, released to patrons late last year, is unlocked as the main event. Gregory talks about subjects ranging from teaching philosophy in prison to the Stoic practice of "premeditatio malorum." It's very good stuff.
In a second substitution, the part of Jennifer Burgis (on her way to Texas for a family commitment) is played by philosophy professor Ryan Lake, who in return for his generosity with his time is subjected to having to watch a Ben Shapiro clip on Lake's specialty (free will and determinism) in the philosophy segment. Finally, Jason Myles from This is Revolution hang's out in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
To watch the postgame w/Jason and every patron-exclusive postgame, as well as to access the Discord server and various other benefits--and most importantly to earn our undying love and gratitude for supporting the work we do and letting us keep it going--become a GTAA patron:
Watch Gregory B. Sadler's YouTube channel:
Follow Gregory on Twitter:
Order Ben's new book from worker-owned Red Emmas:
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Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew look at some insane responses to Joe Biden's declaration that he won't start World War III and review a mini-debate that Ben and Ryan Lake had with a Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist during Ben's Callin show. Benjamin Teitelbaum, author of "War for Eternity," is the main guest. Ben Burgis tends to think Steven Bannon is just a regular Reaganite Republican (which is bad and dangerous enough!) withe edgy prince-of-darkness branding, while Teitelbaum thinks Bannon is something different and qualitatively more dangerous. At the end the two Bens' positions converge a bit. In the philosophy segment at the end of the main show, Ben (Burgis) and his wife Dr. Jennifer Burgis watch a clip of a third Ben, Ben Shapiro. Finally, in the postgame for GTAA patrons, Plastic Pills co-host Victor Bruzzone and YouTuber "Mouthy Infidel" (whose channel has more recently been renamed "Electrons in Love" and whose parents named him Ethan) rejoin Ben to watch the Q&A from the debate the three of them broke down last Thursday.
Become a GTAA patron:
Watch the debate breakdown last Thursday: "Is Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Justified? (Jackson Hinkle & Infrared vs. Destiny & Dylan Burns)"
(We always skip the Q&A when we do debate breakdowns but we've been assured from many sources that in this particular case the Q&A is worth watching at least a spectacle. Sparks were already flying during the debate itself but apparently they get spark-ier and fly-ier during the Q&A.)
Order Benjamin Titelbaum's book:
Order Ben Burgis's most recent book:
[Many apologies for the earlier release with the wrong file!]
Two years ago, Ben Burgis, Matt McManus, Marion Trejo-McManus and Conrad Hamilton co-wrote a book called "Myth and Mayhem: A Leftist Critique of Jordan Peterson." Last year there was a GTAA episode about it. Now that our boy's active again, getting back out into the world and dropping bombs like "climate is just everything so how can we have a scientific model to predict climate change," seems like a good time to check back in on him. All the authors of "Myth and Mayhem" return to check back in on our boy JBP as the main event of this episode.
Before that, Ben and the GTAA crew talk a bit about Biden's State of the Union address and calls from various quarters for the United States to turn the war in Ukraine into World War III by setting up a no fly-zone and recap the parts of Ben's recent conversation with Joe Rogan where Ben argued against anti-CRT laws (and against attempts like the one right now in Texas to ban trans kids from going on puberty blockers) and where Ben & Joe talked about whether a Battle of the Bens could be arranged where Ben Burgis and Ben Shapiro would debate their many political disagreements. In the last part of the main show, Ben and his wife Dr. Jennifer Burgis take a look at Jordan Peterson's attempt to navigate the issue of free will & determinism. Finally in the postgame for patrons, Current Affairs editor Nathan J. Robinson joins Ben and the GTAA crew to review some of the many many tweets by World War III enthusiasts who think anyone who doesn't want the United States to intervene in Ukraine is an "appeaser."
Guys, this is a great episode.
Become a GTAA patron so you can get al those sweet sweet patron-exclusive postgames:
Order "Myth and Mayhem: A Leftist Critique of Jordan Peterson" from worker-owned Red Emmas:
Watch the complete conversation between Ben Burgis and Joe Rogan:
Ben Burgis was on the Joe Rogan Experience last week so a good chunk of this is devoted to going over some clips from that but the main event tonight is a crossover w/the Valley Labor Report podcast to debunk the terrible arguments in employer-sponsored anti-union propaganda. This was a fun one.
Watch the full appearance:
Order the book Ben was talking about on JRE from worker-owned Red Emmas bookstore:
...and his new book on Christopher Hitchens:
Listen to the Valley Labor Report:
Follow the podcast on Twitter:
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Fan-favorite returning guest Lillian Cicerchia (co-host of "What's Left of Philosophy?") comes back to talk to Ben Burgis about Marxist accounts of exploitation--how the concept relates to a useful description of capitalist economies and why it's important to the case for socialism. Producer Jake, whose day job is "union organizer," talks abut the gathering wave of Starbucks unionizations around the country. Professor Jennifer Burgis joins Ben for a philosophy segment on Robert Nozick's theory of property rights. Ryan joins us for the postgame GTAA patrons to talk Mario, turtles, philosophy, and why Biden doesn't just cancel student loans.
Order Ben's new book from worker-owned Red Emmas:
Listen to the Callin show (now available on androids and iPhones to call in and browsers for listen-only):
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about all the big dumb controversies of the week (Rogan, Whoopi) and try to extract from them at least a couple of things that actually matter. Noami Karavani, a comedian and correspondent for "Redacted Tonight," joins Ben to debunk some Prager U videos. Dr. Jenn comes on for a philosophy segment and the one and only Conan Neutron is on deck t hang out in the postgame for patrons. Good stuff all around.
Follow Naomi on Twitter: @naomikaravani
Follow Redacted tonight: @RedactedTonight
Order Ben's new book ("Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters") from worker-owned Red Emmas:
Listen to the Callin show:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about Hitchens and lesser figures who "left the left." Slovenian anti-capitalist philosopher Slavoj Zizek returns to the show to talk about subjects ranging from communism to AOC's boyfriend's feet. There's a preview of the last patron episode w/Conrad Hamilton, Professor Jennifer Burgis comes on for a philosophy segment, and Ethan Hershenfeld comes on to hangout and watch clips of William Lane Craig and Ben Shapiro in the postgame for patrons. This is a very good episode.
Order Ben's new book! For much of the last couple weeks it's been the #1 New Release in Atheism (and #3 in History and Theory of Politics) on Amazon, which was nice to see, but instead of there order it from worker-owned Red Emmas bookstore:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon:
Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew talk about the Democrats rapturous embrace of Dick Cheney. The main guest is Scott Horton, talks about the hlighlights of his recent debate with neocon all-star Bill Kristol. After a quick preview of the patron-exclusive episode from the weekend w/Matt McManus ("Season 3 Episode 26: To Beat the Right We Have to Understand Their Arguments"), Professor Jennifer Burgis returns for another attempt to sort of Sam Harris's deep confusion about meta-ethics.
Order Ben's book "Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He Still Matters" (out now!) from worker-owned Red Emmas:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis wrote a book about Christopher Hitchens--it came out on Saturday! You can snag a copy from worker-owned Red Emmas at this link:
Ben and Djene Bajalan watch and discuss some clips of Christopher, and we unlock Ben's previously patron-exclusive interview with Christopher's thoughtful and entertaining but also terrifyingly ultra-conservative brother Peter Hitchens--who takes the opportunity to say that Margaret Thatcher wasn't "really" a conservative. (Note: The interview was a crossover with The Popular Show.) After that, Ben's wife Professor Jennifer Burgis joins him to talk about Sam Harris's recent thoughts on the is/ought gap in the philosophy section. Finally, our prodigal producer Cale returns to GTAA to hang out in the postgame. It's a good time.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew watch Tucker Carlson and a guest talk about how the military should be full of people who want to sit on a "throne of Chinese skulls." Repeat GTAA guest Paul Prescod talks about his campaign for PA State Senate. Emma Vigeland joins Ben Burgis to break down the antics of Jordan Peterson, Josh Hawley, and Ben Shapiro. Professor Jennifer Burgis comes on for a philosophy segment at the end of the main show and we learn that in addition to having terrible political views Shapiro is pretty clueless about Kant. Anders Lee comes on to hang out in the postgame.
Follow Paul on Twitter: @paul_prescod
Follow Emma on Twitter: @EmmaVigeland
Follow Jennifer on Twitter: @profjennburgis
Follow Anders on Twitter: @andersleehere
Paul's State Senate campaign website:
Preorder Ben's new book (officially out on New Years):
Take the class Ben and Thaddeus Russell are co-teaching on Marx at Renegade University:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew watch Christopher Hitchens vs. Sean Hannity on the legacy of Jerry Falwell and then transition to a quick debunk of Prager U's "Healthcare is Not a Right" video. For the main event, Very Bad Wizards co-host David Pizarro and philosophy professor Ryan Lake join Ben to talk about some intersections between socialist political philosophy and the issue of free will and determinism, jumping off from G.A. Cohen's book "Why Not Socialism?" Finally, Professor Jennifer Burgis comes on to talk about Galen Strawson's argument against free will before Ben heads off to hang out with Djene Bajalan in the postgame for GTAA patrons.
Link for the first episode of the new Callin show (you'll have to download the app on an iPhone, sadly):
Link to the class on Marx with Thaddeus Russell at Renegade University:
Watch the full version of Hannah Hoffman Music's Charlie Kirk Euthyphro song:
Follow David Pizarro on Twitter: @peez
Follow Ryan Lake on Twitter: @chaospet
Listen to David on Very Bad Wizards: verybadwizards.com
Preorder Ben's new book, "Christopher Hitchens: What He Got Right, How He Went Wrong, and Why He still Matters":
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
James Lindsay is very very worried about communists. He sees "communists," "wokeists," "woke Marxists" and "CRT neo-Marxists" under every bed and stashed in every cupboard and he wants the government to pass laws to stamp out the threat although he also sort of thinks they control the government. (Confusing!) So Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew brought on an actual communist (Sean KB of Antifada) to tell us what's wrong with the dude. We're also joined by (ahem) "world-level James Lindsay expert" (we'll explain that one in the episode) Sam Hoadley-Brill. In the philosophy segment, Ben and his wife Professor Jennifer Burgis do a deep dive on how confused Ayn Rand was about utilitarianism. Nando Vila joins us to hang out in the postgame.
Order Ben's new book on Hitchens:
Take the Speakeasy class on G.A. Cohen vs. Jason Brennan starting next Sunday:
Take the Renegade University class on Marx in January:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Slavoj Zizek comes back on the show to explain what he means by "communism" and how it relates to other ideas about socialism and capitalism. Later, in the philosophy segment, Ben and (since Professor Jennifer Burgis is still sick) Matt McManus discuss the question apparently being asked in the Washington Post about whether Immanuel Kant was a Critical Race Theorist. Also, Ben and the crew talk Christopher Hitchens, Henry Kissinger and Theranos, and there's preview for the patron Saturday bonus ep w/Gregory Sadler (on moral luck, Stoicism, and teaching philosophy in prison). Speaking of patrons (ahem: patreon.com/benburgis), in the postgame Djene Bajalan joined to talk about Prager U's love of the British Empire and what Milo has been up to since the mainstream Right dropped him.
Buy Slavoj's new book:
Buy the Hitchens book:
Take Ben's Speakeasy class in December:
Follow Matt McManus on Twitter: @mattpolprof
Follow Gregory Sadler on Twitter: @philosopher70
Follow Djene Bjalan on Twitter: @djenebajalan
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew watch a U.S. Senator say (really) that people who believe that man-made global warming is a serious problem are "Trotsky-like wokesters" and Ben Shapiro says climate change isn't a big deal since only a few thousand people will die. Havey J. Kaye discusses his recent Twitter run-in w/Shapiro. (Actual) friend of the show Ana Kasparian comes on for a deep dive on her Shapiro debate last month at the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Jenn is out sick this week but Georgia State University philosophy professor Ryan Lake subs for her to do a philosophy segment on Ben Shapiro's claims about "natural law morality" in his book "The Right Side of History." That's right, guys. It's an all-Shapiro episode. But you should listen anyway. It's fun.
Ben's Speakeasy class on Cohen vs. Brennan in December:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Marxist analytic philosopher G.A. Cohen wrote a book called, "Why Not Socialism?" Libertarian philosopher Jason Brennan wrote a response called, "Why Not Capitalism?" Ben Burgis and the GTAA crew debunk some claims that Brennan makes in a lecture on all of this. Also: Ben's going to be teaching a three-week class on both books (and his larger critique of Brennan and defense of Cohen) in December.
Later in the show, returning GTAA champ Thaddeus Russell comes on the show to talk a little Karl Marx. Thad is a critic of Marx. Ben, obviously, is a big fan. Plot twist: After Ben's Cohen/Brennan class in December, Ben and Thad are going to be teaching a buddy-cop-movie of a Marx class in January. Should be fun!
Finally (before the postgame for patrons) Ben and his wife Professor Jennifer Burgis do a philosophy segment on Ben's exchange w/Charlie Kirk about "objective truth." (We promise we'll start doing some not-about-Charlie-Kirk philosophy segments soon!
Follow Jennifer on Twitter: @profjennburgis
Follow Thaddeus Russell on Twitter: @ThaddeusRussell
Sign up for the G.A. Cohen/Jason Brennan class in December:
Sign up for the Marx class co-taught by Ben and Thaddeus:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis debates Charlie Kirk on "democratic socialism vs. Trumpian populism." Yes, that's right, we can finally air this. Ben and the crew do about half an hour of introductory material, discussing Kirk's role on the contemporary Right and the "platforming debate" as well as showing a classic TMBS clip with Michael Brooks, Matt Lech, and David Griscom weighing in on Charlie's odd way of referencing philosophers. The full first hour of the debate (the part that was filmed as an episode of "Debate Night with Charlie Kirk") is then played without interruption. When it's over, Ben, Professor Jennifer Burgis, and the crew weigh in on what they just heard and Ben and Jennifer pop some champagne and have a glass on air. The bonus hour of the debate is then played without interruption. When it's over, Ben and Jake have a quick celebratory shot of whiskey, everyone does some postgame commentary, and Ben announces a new class he's teaching on Sundays in December.
Guys, this was really, really good.
The Speakeasy class Ben is teaching on G.A. Cohen's "Why Not Socialism?" vs. Jason Brennan's "Why Not Capitalism":
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis talks to Jacobin's Meagan Day about Erik Olin Wright's analysis in his book Class Counts of all the different (and sometimes contradictory) class positions different people can have under capitalism, and how that analysis helps us understand the current limits of oppositional groups like DSA, the class coalitions defining the PMC-dominated Democratic Party and the Trumpified Republican Party, and how all of this can help us to understand (to tweak the title of another of Wright's books) how to be an anti-capitalist in the 2020s.
Also: Ben has a new book coming out! (You can preorder it here from worker-owned Red Emmas: https://redemmas.org/titles/36536-christopher-hitchens--what-he-got-right--how-he-went-wrong--and-why-he-still-matters ) Lin Wood has accused Marjorie Taylor Greene of being a communist. Ben and his wife Professor Jennifer Burgis break down Charlie Kirk's confusion about Rawls and the Veil of Ignorance. Lot going on in this episode even before we get to the postgame for patrons!
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, and much more.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis talks to "Left Reckoning" hosts Matt Lech & David Griscom about cryptocurrency. Ben and his wife Professor Jennifer Burgis unpack Charlie Kirk's confusion about social contract theory and Rawls. Ben and Producer Jake talk about Charlie's "sexual anarchy" rant and Gene Epstein's argument against minimum wage increases.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben Burgis is back from Arizona where he debated Charlie Kirk. Sadly the video won't be available for a few weeks but we'll be sharing some thoughts about it now. Ben and Producer Jake talk about that, as well as Sam Harris's conflict with Bret Weinstein. GTAA graphic designer J. Andrew World joins to talk about IATSE's strike vote. (Sign the petition! https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/tell-amptp-to-make-a-deal-with-behind-the-scenes-workers) Also, Lillian Cicerchia from the Free University of Berlin is back on to talk about the materialist theory of history. Ben is teaching an "Analytic Marxism and the Materialist Theory of History" class on for Michael Albert's online "School for Social and Cultural Change" starting next Sunday (October 10th) so this seemed like a good time to bring one of our favorite past guests on to talk about that.
Follow Lillian on Twitter: @LILCICERCH
Follow What's Left of Philosophy (co-hosted by Lillian and three other excellent people) on Twitter: @leftofphil
Register for Ben's class "Analytic Marxism and the Materialist Theory of History" at the School for Social and Cultural Change (meets on Sundays from 1-3 EST starting on the 10th): https://sscc.teachable.com/p/analytic...
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben and the crew watch Charlie Kirk and Jen Psaki say revolting things about Haitian migrants and talk about the Democrats rejecting a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and claiming the Senate parliamentarian made them do it. Cataylst editor Vivek Chibber (honestly one of the best and most valuable Marxist thinkers alive today) makes his debut appearance on GTAA to talk about (a) why conservatives are morally bankrupt, (b) the philosophical basis of socialist politics, (d) what class-based left politics looks like, and (c) what parts of the Marxist theory of history still make sense. Professor Jennifer Burgis comes on for the second installment in the weekly philosophy segment at the end of the show.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want! Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben Burgis has Joshua Blanchard (https://twitter.com/philoshua) on the show, who is currently a visiting assistant professor of philosophy at Oakland University in Michigan. Ben and Josh discuss a paper that Josh recently wrote that addresses epistemic peer disagreement, and more specifically, being in bad company when it comes to those who agree with you about something.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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[Note: This is actually from last Thursday--just getting to sticking it up on the podcast feed now. The plan going forward is that (a) the new Thursday Night Debate Breakdowns will go up on the podcast feed for everyone the morning after they're on YouTube, and (b) over the course of the next several months, the 29 Sunday Night Debate Breakdowns we did over the course of Seasons 1 & 2 will go up in podcast form for GTAA patrons.]
Remember the Sunday Night Debate Breakdowns? They're on Thursdays now, so after many many SNDBs this gets to be "#1." For anyone who's new: Ben and various guests watch and break down old debates on YouTube. Some of them are classy stuff like Chomsky vs. Vidal or James Baldwin vs. William F. Buckley, but some are, well, like this! Hasan Piker debated Charlie Kirk a few years ago at Politicon. Since Ben is getting his own crack at Charlie in Arizona at the beginning of October, everyone thought this would be a good one to do for a breakdown.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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So much good stuff in this episode. One of our favorite people, David Griscom, returns as the main guest. The new weekly philosophy segment with Jennifer Burgis debuts at the end of the episode--she weighs in on Ayn Rand's angry rant about the influence of Immanuel Kant. But here's the bad news: We're spending almost the entire episode watching and discussing Prager University videos. Sorry--but this is happening.
Follow David Griscom on Twitter: @DavidGriscom
Follow Left Reckoning on Twitter: @leftreckoning
Link to the SSCC class on Analytic Marxism and the Materialist Theory of History:
Link to the Gotham Atheists meetup event w/Ben this Friday night:
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Charlie Kirk has said that democratic socialism is "the greatest scam in history." Ben Burgis has said that "Charlie Kirk is full of shit--like all Trumpists, he pretends to care about working-class people in the heartland but he doesn't want to raise their wages or give them healthcare." Ben thinks he and Charlie should have a discussion about this, and a lot of people seem to agree--enough money has been pledged in charitable donations by people who want to see this conversation happen to pay for more than 7200 meals for people in need. (See https://townsircle.com/events/89 ) The Town Sircle invite expires (along with the pledges) soon, so we thought we'd devote this episode to doing a deep dive on Mr. Kirk along with two of our all-time favorite guests--Nando Vila from Jacobin's Weekends show (and Woke Bros) and Jason Myles from This is Revolution. In a later part of the show, philosophy professors Mark Warren and Ryan Lake talk about how Charlie Kirk has stumbled into the Euthyphro Dilemma was his frequent insistence that "rights come from God, not human governments." Plus something about how atheists can't explain music?
Pledge on the Town Sircle event page: https://townsircle.com/events/89
Follow Nando on Twitter: @nandorvila
Follow Jason on Twitter: @TIRShowOakland
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Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame every Monday nioght, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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"American Prestige" co-hosts Daniel Bessner and Derek Davison join Ben for a deep dive on foreign policy.
Follow Danny on Twitter: @dbessner
Follow Derek on Twitter: @dwdavison
Follow their podcast: @AmPrestigePod
Donate to help people in need and also pressure Charlie Kirk to debate Ben:
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Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame after the main episode every Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and monthly "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben and the crew talk about Cori Bush's protest and what a socialist housing policy might look like, Ben and Cale discuss the new Contrapoints video and preview and discuss Ben's conversation with Matt McManus (dropping for patrons on Thursday), and Ben talks to Lillian Cicichera (prerecorded) about an interesting philosophy paper she wrote about class:
Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame after the regular episode on Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Matt Lech (Left Reckoning, Majority Report) comes back on GTAA to take patron questions.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame every Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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About a week and a half after the Capitol riot, Ben co-wrote a Jacobin article with fellow TMBS alumnus Daniel Bessner in Jacobin:
Ben and Danny think that the case they were making in the article has only gotten stronger in the last several months. Their friends (really, not just a courtesy, we like these guys) Matthew Sitman and Sam Adler-Bell disagree. Matt and Sam criticized the article on the last episode of their (otherwise excellent) podcast Know Your Enemy. Everyone graciously agreed to come on YouTube to sip a little bourbon and talk it out.
Sam and Matt's podcast Know Your Enemy:
Danny (and Derek Davison's) podcast American Prestige:
Follow Sam on Twitter: @SamAdlerBell
Follow Matt on Twitter: @MatthewSitman
Follow Danny on Twitter: @dbessner
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame every Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Larry Sharpe was the Libertarian Party's candidate for Governor of New York in 2018. He joins GTAA this week to argue with Ben about libertarianism and democratic socialism. (Also, Ben, Cale and Andy talk about Critical Race Theory and banning private beaches.)
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: www.patreon.com/benburgis Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, postgames after regular Monday night shows, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Current Affairs founder Nathan J. Robinson and historian Djene Bajalan join Ben to take apart the many terrible arguments made by Ben Shapiro--an individual The New York Times once chose to call "the cool kid's philosopher." Nathan's recent article on Shapiro can be found here:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Jacobin staff writer Luke Savage joins Ben to talk about the many inane things said in the most cursed possible context--an interview of James Carville by Chris Cuomo.
Luke's original article:
To access the whole episode, become a GTAA patron by going to patreon.com/benburgis. As well as the weekly Thursday bonus episodes, patrons get access to the Discord server, patron-exclusive postgames on Monday nights, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben answers some Q&A questions and reads an unpublished fragment by Michael Brooks.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame every Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Michael Brooks died a year ago on Tuesday. After an interview with Richard Wolff on his most recent book and how he thinks we can move beyond capitalism, the rest of the episode is devoted to a Michael tribute. Joshua Kahn Russell joined for the postgame for patrons
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, a postgame every Monday night, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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NYMag's Eric Levitz makes an argument about how the left talks about crime. It's good stuff.
To access the whole thing, become a GTAA patron by going to patreon.com/benburgis. As well as the weekly Thursday bonus episodes, patrons get access to the Discord server, patron-exclusive postgames on Monday nights, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Jacobin Magazine founder Bhaskar Sunkara (@sunrayray) and Age of Napoleon host E.M. Rummage (@Trillburne) join Ben for a special Bastille Day bonus episode on the French Revolution and its enduring significance for emancipatory politics.
Subscribe to Jacobin today for a special Bastille Day discount:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben talks to the crew about Cuba. Pascal Robert talks about Haiti.
Ben's Cuba article:
Pascal Robert is the co-host of the This is Revolution podcast:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Jacobin staff writer Branko Marcetic joins Ben to discuss the life of anti-war former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel. To access the full episode become a GTAA patron at patreon.com/benburgis.
Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Left-wing history and foreign policy gurus Djene Bajalan and Kuba Wriesniewski join Ben to weigh in on all the recent discourse about Stalin (and to talk about FDR a bit while they're at it). Ben explains why he's been gone.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben had to be gone tonight due to a family situation. Cale Brooks & Harvey J. Kaye kindly stepped in with a History Q&A.
It has somewhat recently come to light that the NFL created a different scoring scale for Black players versus players of other races when it came to deciding how affected a player was by traumatic brain injuries occurring during their time on in the NFL. If a player was Black, they needed to demonstrate a higher level of impaired cognitive function than players of other races. Strangely, this has made a lot of people angry, confused, and just totally baffled, not least because the NFL freely admitted it when confronted with this fact. They were, to paraphrase, “Yes, we are doing this.”
Roberto Aspholm and Cedric Johnson wrote an excellent article about it, connecting the old-school biological racism of NFL to the liberal embrace of "disparity ideology." You should read it--and listen to the interview with Roberto!
This is a preview from Patron-Only Season 2 Episode 15.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks and Jacobin's Weekends show, Jason Myles of the This Is Revolution podcast, and some members of Buffalo DSA join Ben to talk about everything that's going on this week--from India Walton's stunning victory in Buffalo to why police privatization is a uniquely horrifying idea. There's also a preview of the bonus episode with Roberto Aspholm (dropping for patrons on Thursday), a breakdown of Dennis Prager's thoughts about socialism, and a preview of Ben's discussion with Glenn Greenwald (re-airing on the GTAA YouTube channel on Thursday).
Here's the Lucky Black Cat video that was mentioned in the Prager U debunk:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben is joined by Rick Perlstein, author of “Reaganland,” and they discuss a group of weird right-wing economists that developed theories around supply-side economics in the mid-‘70s.
The Laffer Curve, the two Santa Claus theory, and other supply-side theories unfortunately were stupid and did not work. That was the downside. Luckily, Jimmy Carter won the presidency, cancelled a bunch of Single Santa Claus projects, and also ruined that side of economics. Not a great period all around. Enter Ronald Reagan!
This full episode is Patreon Exclusive this week!
Find Rick Online:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Marco Rubio once again reveals that "right-wing economic populism" is a sick joke. There's a preview of the interview with Rick Perlstein for GTAA patrons. Daniel Elder is canceled and moves to the right. Luke Savage comes on the show to chat about Barbara Lee's prescient anti-war stance after 9/11 and Victor Bruzzone tries to convince Ben that sortition is better than electoral democracy.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Kurt Hackbarth talks to Ben about the reforms that Mexico's governing left party MORENA has implemented in the last three years. (In the rest of the episode, they get into drawbacks, limitations, and looming problems.)
To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron episode, as well as the Monday postgames, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons also access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Slavoj Žižek shouts out Ben's new book in his article "The Difference Between 'Woke' and a True Awakening" (https://www.rt.com/op-ed/526235-zizek-woke-cancel-culture-awakening/). Anti-Palestinian ghouls attack Ilhan Omar. Ben, Producer Forrest and GTAA YouTube Manager Kelly Carey discuss this and more and play a preview of the patron bonus episode with Kurt Hackbarth on AMLO and the last election in Mexico, and then Ryan Grim makes his GTAA debut.
The episode is called we *still* stand with Ilhan Omar because of the title of Ben's first in-studio appearance on TMBS:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ekin Erkan joins Ben to read through and talk about Herbert Marcuse's correspondence with Martin Heidegger about Heidegger's role in the Third Reich.
Find Ekin Online:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Philosophy professor Jamie Lombardi joins Ben to talk about "heartbeat bills" and other current threats to abortion rights, and to revisit the arguments in classic papers on the subject by Don Marquis ("Why Abortion is Immoral"), Judith Jarvis Thomson ("A Defense of Abortion"), and Margaret Olivia Little ("Abortion, Intimacy, and the Duty to Gestate"). Jamie is starting a chapter of Corrupt the Youth (https://corrupttheyouth.weebly.com/) at her college and raising money for Garden State Equality (https://gardenstateequality.rallybound.org/JamieLombardi).
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Jacobin staff writer Alex Press joins Ben to chat about Chipotle--a company where management "ignores the rats and punishes the workers."
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben Udashen makes his first appearance on GTAA for a two-Ben debunk of (we swear this is a real, non-made up thing) Mike Huckabee's "The Kids Guide to Fighting Socialism."
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben and Forrest were both traveling this week, hence no new regular GTAA episode on Monday or patron ep on Thursday, but here's Ben's complete appearance on MR to talk about his new book and how the left should think about cancel culture.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
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Chess teacher Nick Manley joins Ben to talk about the history of chess in the Soviet Union.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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After a Palestine update with the Electronic Intifada's Nora Barrows-Friedman, act.tv host, comedian, and philosophy professor Julianna Forlano joins Ben to talk about philosophy, comedy, and the state of the left. Ben also talks about a big personal decision.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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For this week's patron bonus episode: Ben talked to Fredrik deBoer, author of "The Cult of Smart," about a bunch of his Substack essays. Two of these essays are "a bad partner is worse than rain" about Israel and Palestine and "Perhaps We Cannot Do Both" which talks about the George Floyd and BLM protests and Meghan Markle and the difference between symbolic fights and real big change.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Sorry for the delay in posting this one--but it's worth the wait! Majority Report host Sam Seder joins Ben to talk about some of the highlights and recurrent themes of his many, many debates with libertarians. In the second half (and going into the postgame), Touré Reed and Jason Myles come on to talk about capitalism, racial injustice, and some of the themes from Touré's excellent book "Toward Freedom."
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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"Canceling Comedians While the World Burns: A Critique of the Contemporary Left" is officially out now! In these clips from the online book launch, Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Ryan Lake, Daniel Bessner, and David Griscom stop by to chat--and to talk about the book. Ben reads a short extract from it at the end. If you (ahem) want to pick up a copy yourself, it's available at all the usual book places but here's a link to order it from the worker-owned bookstore Red Emmas:
To watch the full book launch: https://youtu.be/bgHwwWySfro
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosny Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Left Reckoning's David Griscom talks about Jean-Paul Sartre. Ben and Producer Forrest debunk a video made by a YouTube tax-shelter guru who seems very upset about Ben's "Abolish Inherited Wealth" article. Joe Biden is up to various shenanigans (although we might not get to those until the postgame). Nando Vila plugs Ben's new book.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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About a week ago, Ben debated Gene Epstein at the Soho Forum in Florida on capitalism vs. socialism.. Now that the video's out, Ben watched it with Producer Forrest and economics prof & Current Affairs House Economist Rob Larson and did a little postgame analysis at the end. Enjoy!
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Season 2 doesn't officially start for another week and a half, but we thought this was a worth popping back on to cover. Jason Myles and Pascal Robert from the This is Revolution podcast join Ben to talk about the Chauvin verdict, prospects for the continuing struggle to demilitarize policing and hold murderous cops to account, and more.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben talked to Glenn Greenwald over the weekend about Glenn's new book, "Securing Democracy: My Fight for Press Freedom and Justice in Bolsonaro's Brazil." We were originally planning to play this as part of the first episode of Season 2, but it ended up going so long and being so interesting that we decided to release it as a standalone. Enjoy!
Support Give Them An Argument by becoming a patron at patreon.com/benburgis to get an extra episode each week, access to the Discord server, monthly "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats, early access to the monthly Sopranos recap bonus episodes with Wosney Lambre, Nando Vila, and Mike Recine, and monthly Discord Movie Nights.
Ben interviews Aaron Rabinowitz, a philosophy professor and the host of the Embrace the Void podcast, about moral realism, free will, and several other subjects. This is a free public preview of a patron-exclusive episode. To listen to the full episode and every other Thursday patron episode become a Give Them An Argument patron at patreon.com/benburgis.
Sam Harris, it turns out, is wrong about just about everything. Kurdish Studies professor Djene Bajalan is here to talk about everything Harris gets wrong about Islam and the Middle East. Philosophy professors Mark Warren and Ryan Lake are here to talk about everything Harris gets wrong about subjects like moral realism and free will. We'll also get into some of Harris' extra bonus wrongness about subjects like whether Charles Murray is a "scientist" following the data on race and IQ wherever it leads. The point is that Sam Harris is wrong about an impressive variety of subjects and we're going to go deep. We've planned this episode for a very long time and we thought it would be a good one to go out on at the end of Give Them An Argument Season One. After that, we'll be on vacation (other than a few livestreams and maybe a patron bonus ep or two) for about two weeks. Give Them An Argument Season Two starts on April 26th.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Musician and "This is Revolution" host Jason Myles joins Ben to talk about subjects ranging from Metallica and Black Sabbath to whether grunge is really a distinct genre to what police abolitionism really means in a society with massive economic inequality. To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron-exclusive episode, support give them on argument on Patreon: patreon.com/benburgis
Nando Vila comes on to talk about Brazil, Bolivia, and class politics here at home. But first, Zero Hour host R.J. Eskow chats with Ben about one of their favorite philosophers, G.A. Cohen, and Cohen's little book Why Not Socialism:
Cole James Cash fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/ekpkyb-hel...
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Djene Bajalan and Pascal Robert join Ben to break down this atrocious National Review article:
To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron-exclusive episode, become a GTAA patron at patreon.com/benburgis. As well as extra episodes every week, patrons get access to the GTAA Discord server, monthly "Discord Office hours" group voice chats, monthly Discord Movie Nights, and early access to the Monthly Sopranos Bonus Episodes with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre.
Physician, activist, and Michigan-based Berniecrat politician Abdul El-Sayed and his co-author Micah Johnson discuss their new book "Medicare for All: A Citizen's Guide." You can buy it here:
Writer Natalie Shure talks about her recent piece in the Nation and the broader fight for Medicare for All:
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Russell Sbriglia, Matt McManus, and Ryan Lake join Ben to continue their deep dive into the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron-exclusive episode, become a GTAA patron at patreon.com/benburgis. As well as extra episodes every week, patrons get access to the GTAA Discord server, monthly "Discord Office hours" group voice chats, monthly Discord Movie Nights, and early access to the Monthly Sopranos Bonus Episodes with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre.
Nomiki Konst, host of The Nomiki Show and contributor for The Majority Report, comes on GTAA to break down some of the complexities of Puerto Rico's statehood and independence movements, talk about the terrible anti-Italian discrimination currently being experienced by New York's completely powerless second-generation Governor, and talk up the PRO Act. There's a preview for the Beginners Guide to Kant Pt. 2 episode dropping for patrons on Thursday. Teachers union activists Kenzo Shibata and Paul Prescod talk about the struggles currently going on over reopening and COVID safety and the history of the Chicago Teachers Union. Ben and Forrest go deeper into the PRO Act and Jacobin YouTube producer Cale Brooks makes a surprise last minute appearance to dig into the difference between a labor rights approach and a labor freedom approach. This episode is just a buffet of awesomeness.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Liza Featherstone chats with Ben about her in-depth profile of Natalie Wynn ("ContraPoints") in The Nation, "Natalie Wynn Wants to Redistribute the Goddamn Champagne":
To get the full episode and every other Thursday episode, become a patron of Give Them An Argument: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a bonus episode every Thursday, access to the Discord server, a “Sopranos” Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and "Discord Office Hours" (regularly scheduled group voice chats).
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben and Forrest watch Kyrsten Sinema do the thumbs-down on a living wage like Emperor Commodus doing the thumbs-down to sentence a gladiator to death in the arena and then discuss the recent firestorm over Glenn Greenwald's comments on "socialism" and left/right convergence. Thaddeus Russell comes back on the show to talk about postmodernism, politics, and other things. There's a preview of the patron-exclusive episode coming on Thursday where Liza Featherstone talks ContraPoints. A good time is had by all.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Philosophy professor Ryan Lake, poli sci professor Matt McManus and literature professor Russell Sbriglia join Ben for Part I of a multi-week deep dive into the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Part II should be coming in a couple of weeks!
To get the full episode and every other Thursday episode, subscribe to Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Besides the Thursday bonus episode every week, patrons get access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, monthly movie viewings, and monthly "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
The authors of "Myth & Mayhem: A Leftist Critique of Jordan Peterson" (https://redemmas.org/titles/34806-myth-and-mayhem--a-leftist-critique-of-jordan-peterson) reunite to do a deep dive on Dr. Peterson's lunacy on the occasion of the publication of his new book. Vic Vaiana substitutes for the absent David Griscom and does a segment on Pink Floyd. Ben and Forrest debut a new weekly segment--the Biden Update. A good time is had by all.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Heterodox economist Nia Cola and Zero Books' C Derick Varn have a friendly "debate" (agreeing on more they than they disagree on as it turns out) about MMT vs. orthodox Marxist economics. We don't exactly settle the issue for all time but it is a good medium-deep dive into some important aspects of the controversy.
To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron-exclusive episode, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, a monthly Discord Movie Night, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Emma Vigeland denies being a "Cuomosexual" and discusses the life and work of the late Rush Limbaugh. Pascal Robert does a deep dive on American and Haitian revolutionary history. Ben and Forrest discuss Ben's recent debate with right-wing megapastor Douglas Wilson. There's a lot going on in this one.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Jacobin Deputy Editor Micah Uetricht wrote an excellent essay for The Nation about socialist scholar and frequent anticipator-of-disasters Mike Davis. You should read it--and join the Patreon so you can listen to the whole interview!
Mike Davis' Forecast for the Left: https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/mike-davis-old-gods-set-night/
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Shaun Richman talks about his excellent book "Tell The Bosses We're Coming" (https://redemmas.org/titles/34879-tel...). Nathan J. Robinson talks about being fired from The Guardian for making a mild joke about U.S. military support for Israel. David Griscom talks country.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Writer and cohost of Dissent Magazine’s Know Your Enemy podcast Sam Adler Bell joins Ben Burgis for this week’s Patron-only episode. Sam and Ben discuss a piece that Sam wrote for The Drift, “Doctor Do-Little | The Case Against Anthony Fauci“ (https://www.thedriftmag.com/the-case-...). Sam explains the arguments for and against severe criticism of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in the government’s Covid-19 response.
Find Sam Online:
To get the full episode and every other patron-exclusive episode, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. In addition to the weekly bonus episodes, patrons get access to the Discord, monthly Sopranos recap episodes with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben and Forrest watch a clip of Michael Brooks and talk about future plans for the show. There's a preview of Thursday's patron bonus episode featuring Sam Adler-Bell talking about his piece on Dr. Fauci in The Drift (https://www.thedriftmag.com/the-case-against-fauci/). Ben debates libertarian Adam Kokesh (https://adamvstheman.com/) on the Civil War, decentralization, segregation, and capitalism vs. socialism. Jason Myles from the This is Revolution podcast (ThisIsRevolutionPodcast.com) comes on to talk about tech censorship, the Black Panthers, and a lot else in a marathon second "half."
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a Thursday bonus episode every week, access to the Discord server, a Sopranos Recap Bonus Episode every month with Mike Recine, Nando Vila, and Wosney Lambre, and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Zero Books editor Doug Lain joins Ben to talk about tech censorship, free speech, the media's stance during the Trump years, and more. For the full episode and every other Thursday episode for patrons, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons also get access to the Discord and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Ben plays a sadly evergreen Michael Brooks clip about U.S. aggression toward Iran. Krystal Ball comes on to get into Biden's uninspiring firs two weeks in office. Ben and Forrest do a deep dive on Biden's terrible record. David Griscom talks George Jones. There's a preview of Ben's conversation with Doug Lain about free speech and tech censorship.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Amber A'Lee Frost from Chapo Trap House and Jacobin Contributing Editor Daniel Bessner chat with Ben about their co-written Jacobin article "How the QAnon Cult Stormed the Capitol." (https://jacobinmag.com/2021/01/q-anon-cult-capitol-hill-riot-trump) This is a free public preview.
To get the full episode, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get a weekly bonus episode, access to the Discord server and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Ben and Forrest break down Biden's inaugural address and his first week in office. Katie Halper, Daniel Bessner, and Rania Khalek come on for an all-star panel on Biden's foreign policy. Forrest plays a teaser of the patron-exclusive episode dropping Thursday with Ben's conversation with Bessner and Amber A'lee Frost about their excellent Jacobin piece exploring the insanity of QAnon. David Griscom talks about The Highwaymen on Outlaws & Revolutionaries. Guys, this is a fantastic episode.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Every month Nando Vila, Wosney Lambre, and Mike Recine have been joining Ben to discuss an episode of the Sopranos. This time they're discussing Season 1, Episode 3 ("Denial, Anger, Acceptance"). This is a free public preview of a patron-exclusive episode.
To get the full episode and every other Thursday patron episode, support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Visit benburgis.com
Michael Albert talks about his model of "participatory economics." David Griscom talks about Kris Kristofferson and Vic Vaiana talks about Black Sabbath. Ben and Forrest talk about MLK's radical politics, the Great Trump/Fascism Debate, and how mafia movies give us a sense of what life might be like in an anarcho-capitalist "utopia."
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Dasha Nekrasova of the Red Scare podcast joins Ben Burgis to discuss Red Scare’s permanent ban from Twitter at the same time that Trump was banned. Later in the conversation they talk about Red Scare's politics and sense of humor, the prospects for a successful socialist project in the United States, and a lot more. This is a free public preview.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Thaddeus Russell argues with Ben about socialism. Ana Kasparian discusses the state of the left and the legacy of Michael Brooks. Bryan Atinsky shares a cautionary tale about free speech from his experience on the Israeli left. Ben previews his conversation with Dasha from Red Scare. Vic Viana has technical issues. Other than that last part, this one's ridiculously full of awesome things. Check it out.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Professor Djene Bajalan (https://twitter.com/djenebajalan) joins Ben this week for a Patron-only episode that seeks to give a basic lay-of-the-land regarding Kurdish nationalism and the resultant liberation struggle. This is a free public preview.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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In this first episode with the new live format, Marxist economist Richard Wolff talks worker coops. David Griscom talks John Prine. Forrest Miller debuts in his new role as on-air producer. There's a tribute to Ben's late mentor Quentin Smith and a preview of the first patron-exclusive bonus episode (Episode 21 - A Beginner's Guide to the Kurdish Liberation Struggle). Guys, it's GTAA Version 2.0.
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In the second installment of the monthly series of Sopranos Recap Bonus Episodes with Ben, Nando Vila, Wosney "Big Wos" Lambre, and Mike Recine, the guys talk about Season 1, Episode 2 ("46 Long").
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Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek talks about communism, the pandemic and many other things. Amber Frost talks about her article "The Problem with Hashtag Activism." David Griscom talks about Tom T. Hall. Various format changes are announced for January. This is good stuff, guys.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
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Ben argues with libertarian Jason Lee Byas from the Center for a Stateless Society about whether privatizing all roads would be a dystopian nightmare. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley professor and Fully Automated host Nicholas Kiersey comes on to chat about academia, identity politics, and the left. David Griscom talks about Doug Sahm in this week's Outlaws & Revolutionaries.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
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Rudy Giuliani farts in court. Natalie Wynn ("ContraPoints") talks to Ben about persuasion, philosophy, reform and revolution, free speech and a whole lot more. Ben and David wrap up their discussion of Sturgill Simpson's discography. This is good stuff.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Current Affairs "House Economist" Rob Larson, historian and Jacobin Contributing Editor Matt Karp, and historian and Jacobin contributor Alex Gourevitch do a panel discussion of how to understand the concept of freedom in a way that doesn't just cede it to libertarians, how important that concept has been to left-wing movements from abolitionism to the early labor movement and how all of this relates to the contemporary left. Then, in the "Outlaws & Revolutionaries" segment, David Griscom joins Ben to discuss Sturgill Simpson's dreamy, druggy, political, and poetic bluegrass album "Cuttin' Grass." Guys, this one's a banger. Give it a listen.
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Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben debates libertarian economist Walter Block on property rights and redistribution. Mike Recine comes on the podcast to chat about Goodfellas and The Sopranos. David Griscom is on vacation this week but he'll be back next week for more Outlaws & Revolutionaries. Gonna be honest, guys, this episode's a little disjointed, but it's all good stuff.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Dead Pundits Society host Adam Proctor joins Ben to talk about the state of the left, historian Daniel Bessner talks about his Jacobin article "The General Who Brought Down the American Empire," and in the Outlaws & Revolutionaries segment David Griscom explains why he texts Ben videos of Jamey Johnson songs when he's drunk.
Ben is joined by Nando Vila, Wosney "Big Wos" Lambre, and Mike Recine for the first in a monthly series of Sopranos Recap bonus episodes.
Glenn Greenwald! Matt Christman! Outlaws & Revolutionaries with David Griscom! Guys, there's a lot of good stuff in this episode. You should give it a listen.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as various forms of bonus content currently in the works and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Meagan Day comes on to discuss what we know so far about the election results and what a Biden Presidency and a Republican Senate could mean for the socialist left.
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
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Ben reacts to the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn. Greg Belvedere talks about worker coops. There's a panel on the Presidential election featuring Matt Lech, Zeeshan Aleem, Luke Savage, and Katie Halper. Finally, David Griscom memorializes Bill Joe Shaver in the Outlaws & Revolutionaries segment.
Ben talks about his Jacobin review of Aaron Sorkin's "The Trial of the Chicago 7." Jeff Cohen talks about VoteTrumpOut. David Feldman comes by to explain that, despite being an "old lefty from way back," he wants Trump to serve a second term. Colette Shade makes her GTAA debut to talk about her New Republic article "Self-Help Hacks at the End of the World." Finally, rapper and activist Napoleon da Legend talks about his music career, mass incarceration, and his relationship with Michael Brooks.
Jacobin Review of the Trial of the Chicago 7 - https://jacobinmag.com/2020/10/the-trial-of-the-chicago-seven-aaron-sorkin-film-review
Vote Trump Out - https://votetrumpout.org/
David Feldman - https://davidfeldmanshow.com/
"Self-Help Hacks at the End of the World" - https://newrepublic.com/article/159819/self-help-hacks-end-world
Napoleon da Legend - https://www.napoleondalegend.com/
Samuel Moyn chats with Ben about why the judicial powers of the Supreme Court are an obstacle to social progress. We don't need to pack the Court. We need to find ways to disempower it.
Prager U gets the recent history of socialism very wrong. Ben is joined by Matt McManus to talk about the relationship between Marxism and philosophical liberalism and then by Matthew Sitman (and David Griscom) to talk about conservatism, country music, and why those are two very different subjects.
Here's Matt McManus' latest article in Jacobin:
...and Matthew Sitman's country music essay in Dissent:
Ben is joined by Daniel Bessner and Djene Bajalan to break down the Azerbaijan/Armenia conflict. Djene's article in Jacobin:
Scottish libertarian Antony Sammeroff comes on the pod to debate libertarian and socialist ideas about healthcare. Ben talks to Krystal Ball about the Presidential election and why right-wing populism is a political dead end. Finally, Cole James Cash fills in for David Griscom's usual music segment to talk about his album "2016." This is a good episode, guys. You should give it a listen!
Ben is joined by Paul Prescod to talk about his Jacobin article "Trump Claims He's Pro-Worker. But His Labor Board Is Trying to Destroy Worker Organizing." (https://jacobinmag.com/2020/09/trump-national-labor-relations-board-nlrb) Then Daniel Bessner, Shawn Gude, and returning champion Harvey J. Kaye join the podcast for a panel on Eugene V. Debs and the what the socialist left can learn from its early history. At the end David Griscom comes back for another installment of "Outlaws and Revolutionaries" where he and Ben talk about mezcal and the music of Guy Clark.
Ben is joined by Woke Bros co-host Wosney "Big Wos" Lambrey and Congressional candidate Shahid Buttar. Judith Jarvis Thomson's classic paper "A Defense of Abortion" is revisited in the context of Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. A deeply strange story about Keith Richards is mentioned in passing while Ben discusses Terry Allen with David Griscom during this week's installment of David's weekly "Outlaws & Revolutionaries" segment.
Woke Bros: https://blackopinionsmatter.libsyn.com/
Shahid Buttar: shahidforchange.us
Judith Jarvis Thomson: https://rintintin.colorado.edu/~vancecd/phil215/Thomson.pdf
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Ben is joined by David Feldman and Emma Vigeland to talk about the election and by Nando Vila to talk about US imperialism in Latin America. In this week's installment of "Outlaws & Revolutionaries," David Griscom talks about the great Blaze Foley. The episode ends with some chat questions about the relationship between socialism and Irish Republicanism, Ben's Michigan State University "Beat Michigan" shirt, and the struggle ahead for the American left.
Vice Article: "5 Black Men Kidnapped by 'Police' in Honduras Are Still Missing" by Jared Olson
Ben is joined by authors Christopher Patton, Thomas Frank, and Fredrik de Boer to talk about their books and by David Griscom for another segment of Outlaws & Revolutionaries. Links to the books and to some of the songs mentioned by Griscom below.
Independent creators rely on your support to create the content you want!
Support Give Them An Argument on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/benburgis. Patrons get early access to every episode as well as a weekly bonus episode and regularly scheduled "Discord Office Hours" group voice chats.
Follow Ben on Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenBurgis
Like, subscribe, and get notifications on Ben’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/BenBurgisGTAA
Visit benburgis.com
Pre-order "The Iowa City Police Log: Life and Strife in a Midwestern College Town" by Christopher Patton:
Order "The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism" by Thomas Frank from the worker-owned bookstore Red Emmas:
Order "The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice" by Fredrik de Boer from the worker-owned bookstore Red Emmas:
After an examination of why Ed Markey is absolutely right to talk about "what your country can do for you," Ben is joined by Nathan J. Robinson to talk about an article they co-wrote about Glenn Beck for the new issue of Current Affairs, Yaron Brook debates Ben about the philosophy of Ayn Rand, and David Griscom comes back to drink tequila and talk about the politics of country music.
Ben is joined by Djene Bajalan from Missouri State University, Eric Levitz from New York Magazine, Matt Christman from Chapo Trap House, and Meagan Day from Jacobin. David Griscom does the first installment in his new weekly "Outlaws & Revolutionaries" segment to talk about country music and left politics. Oh, and Yoram Hazony is wrong about Marxism and the Enlightenment!
Articles mentioned in the episode:
The Challenge of Marxism by Yoram Hazony (Quillette)
The American AKP by Djene Bajalan and Michael Brooks (Jacobin)
'Working Class' Conservatism Doesn't Work Without Unions by Eric Levitz (New York Magazine)
Ben is joined by Michael Powell from the New York Times, David Griscom from The Michael Brooks Show, Dave Smith from Part of the Problem, and Ana Kasparian from The Young Turks and Weekends with Ana Kasparian and Nando Vila.
Articles mentioned in the episode:
A Black Marxist Scholar Wanted to Talk About Race. It Ignited a Fury. (Michael Powell)
How to Debate Libertarians on Taxes and Destroy Them (Ben Burgis)
Without the Ability to Democratically Plan Our Society, We Don't Have True Freedom (Michal Rozwoski)
The Left Needs to Stop Falling for Absurd Sex Panics (Liza Featherstone)
Ben is joined by TMBS Super-Producer Matt Lech to talk about Bret Weinstein and the hypocrisy of the IDW, historian Harvey J. Kaye to talk about radical history, Jacobin founding editor Bhaskar Sunkara to talk about social democracy and the possibilities for a realistic alternative to capitalism, and Jacobin columnist Liza Featherstone to talk about DSA's recent electoral victories in New York.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.