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“The Return of the Repressed is exploring the crypto-catacombs of the Ideological State Apparatus. A psychotic wandering through the forgotten crimes, deals and rituals that architectured our every-day life predicament. “
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The podcast The Return Of The Repressed. is created by Marcus 马克思. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
“The Magic Circle: Swedenborgian PTK” - a new joint investigation from The Return of the Repressed and ParaPower Mapping.
Subscribe to the PPM & The Return of the Repressed Patreons to support our work:
A multipart series investigating a Swedish ritual murder ring unlike anything you’ve ever previously encountered. A tale of…Abwehr secret agents, séances clouded with the Witches Sabbath drug henbane, hypnotism, Nazi paramilitaries, Tantric Luciferians, Danish dark ascended masters, Swedish electrical utility giants, American gangster ethos, Dr. Caligari, Dr. Mabuse, Babelsberg movie industry, Prohibition & Depression-era American cultural exports, Swedish bootleggers, astral projection, the OTO, Erik Jan Hanussen, opium, the Hindu goddess of destruction Kali, yoni emblems, Nitzchean “Übermenschen” killers, psych hospitals, military-supplying haberdashers, the British SIS, the Swedish C-byrån (C Bureau Intelligence Service), Swedenborg, telepathy, Hypnotic Breakfast Clubs, Christmas homunculi, anarcho-syndicalists, turncoat Communists, stakeouts, verdant Swedish forest, “From Hell”-esque murder geometry, Theosophy, Baron von Reichenbach and the Od Force, the “specialness” of the bloody fluids, Kumārila Bhatta, kundalini, Hatha Yoga, Tantrism & Advaita Vedanta, Beelzebub, the Theosophical Society, Blavatsky, bucolic visions of psykopomps from Asatron by the lake, farsighted Grandmothers, valkyrior, weapons tests, stakeouts, murder by “Midsommar”-esque carbon dioxide poisoning, heists, car chases, and much more. Tracks & Clips:| Pugh Rogefeldt - “Haru Sett Mej Va” | | Hypnosmord - “B: Världen sover" (The Thurneman Improvisations) | | Bob Lawrence with Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra - “Annanina” |
Radio Nong Kwai 7 - Ancient Communism and The Return of The Repressed
We compare notes on living and breathing ancient communism with Marcus from Return of the Repressed.
For the full Maniq episode go to Counterinsurgency 5.
I also thought adding some pictures from the book I'm currently translating and those I took of Speaker Kai might be nice. Here you go:
“The Magic Circle: Swedenborgian PTK” - a new joint investigation from The Return of the Repressed and ParaPower Mapping.
Subscribe to the PPM & The Return of the Repressed Patreons to support our
A multipart series investigating a Swedish ritual murder ring unlike anything you’ve ever previously encountered. A tale of… Abwehr secret agents, séances clouded with the Witches Sabbath drug henbane, hypnotism, Nazi paramilitaries, Tantric Luciferians, Danish dark ascended masters, Swedish electrical utility giants, American gangster ethos, Dr. Caligari, Dr. Mabuse, Babelsberg movie industry, Prohibition & Depression-era American cultural exports, Swedish bootleggers, astral projection, the OTO, Erik Jan Hanussen, opium, the Hindu goddess of destruction Kali, yoni emblems, Nitzchean “Übermenschen” killers, psych hospitals, military-supplying haberdashers, the British SIS, the Swedish C-byrån (C Bureau Intelligence Service), Swedenborg, telepathy, Hypnotic Breakfast Clubs, Christmas homunculi, anarcho-syndicalists, turncoat Communists, stakeouts, verdant Swedish forest, “From Hell”-esque murder geometry, Theosophy, Baron von Reichenbach and the Od Force, the “specialness” of the bloody fluids, Kumārila Bhatta, kundalini, Hatha Yoga, Tantrism & Advaita Vedanta, Beelzebub, the Theosophical Society, Blavatsky, bucolic visions of psykopomps from Asatron by the lake, farsighted Grandmothers, valkyrior, weapons tests, stakeouts, murder by “Midsommar”-esque carbon dioxide poisoning, heists, car chases, and much more.
Tracks & Clips: | Babylon Berlin - S1 EP 1 opening scene | | Pugh - “Här Kommer Natten” | | Hypnosmord - “Pianofingrar (The Thurneman Improvisations)” | | Artie Shaw Orchestra - “Moonray” |
The Star Wars continues! We will study written Greek myths, paintings of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, unwritten myths of the Aborigines of Australia and Polynesia. We will trace and track the first dates of the mention of the Pleiades and reclaim them from the New Age Nazis!
A season finale! If all goes well you will never be the same. The preparation has prepared you for the receival of what is to come. Impossibly old dates for the early signs of natural farming and early communism. Ive pushed everything up to 11 hoping the machine can take it!
This is the story of how the primordial grains, the crop wild relatives of our contemporary economic base and the political source of our conflicts came to be. Stargazing, Orion, The seven sisters, old canoes and Mayan calendars, seriously what more could you ask for!?
Did you know that communists built 7 meter tall apartment blocks with marl concrete over 13k years ago? That their bread and beer predates agriculture and that they had copper jewelry industry 10k years before the Bronze Age? Or that collective Shamanesses invented religion?
Fringe archeology is a French-German protofascist misogynistic psyop, invented by 19th C. secret societies to obscure class struggle and to remove the evidence of hundreds of thousands of years of Muxi Shizu Gongshe. What Mao called the era of “matrilineal communes”.
Tonight I want to take you on a religious journey towards the heart of our original nature, when under care and welfare we lived long lives and went on longer adventures, exalted those of mental or physical disabilities as guides in our quest for the Flowers of Unbounded Space.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all of you. Tonight I sit down with a good friend of mine from the Komintern Podcast. In Secret Santa fashion we brought one gift each to give one another and you dear listener. Since we didn't know in advance what the stories would be about, other than having a Christmas theme and being of radical political history, I will also not tell you anything more than that. Hope you enjoy it and have a very pleasant weekend.
The IOF archeological units has taken Al-Aqsa hostage, refusing islamicate excavations, they change the names of ancient sites and produce national myths out of Joshua's genocide. But they can not defend themselves against the communal democracy which the Muslims built in Iberia.
Today we look at the latest evidence that will establish our gaze deep in to an impossible past. How British, American and Zionist Imperialism has dominated West Asia for some two centuries under the auspice of Biblical Archeology. Destroying remains and forging artifacts.
With materialist theory we will compare Mossad approved conclusions of an older generation of archeologists with that of a new and begin to discard basic idealist concepts of a Holy Land chronology to free our prehistoric communists from the priesthood' blessing scams.
In this public season finale we bring you a summary, a conclusion and most importantly we will build for you Bifröst, the bridge from the pseudo legendary rune-phantasmagoria which we have all learned to fear to the post modern respectability which we have all learned to admire.
As we move from a German Midgård to an American Asgård we have to beg of you to see the lure of the Scandinavian Helheim. The race-biological experiment which the wasp worlds wealthiest paid to put in to practice, in the form of the worlds first State Institute of Aryan hygiene.
Ideas of Modernity, Democracy, Nationhood, Welfare and Rights of a People, as admirable as they might seem, are in their original bourgeois form the real sticky icky of Jesus love, which makes us want to throw up. You're not wrong, let us show you how the West's best was made.
A latent psychotic stream of consciousness intro before we begin carpet truth bombing every concept of the prehistoric we have been forced to inherit by imperialist archeology up until some 20 years ago. It's been a long time coming and by far the most requested return of the repressed, Y'all ready for this?
Its that time of the year again. After popular demand I have researched and produced another original short story. Sebbe is of on some holiday in the lands of the ancient Greeks looking for bones or whatever after an identity crises, making sure the final of the Skull Boys is what you want it to be. Thus I have had the pleasure of stepping up my editing game and buy new gear as to hopefully give you the latest in fictional narration this scene has to offer. If you like it please share with friends and loved ones and as always a thousand thanks to the patreons who made this possible!
If I wrote a scifi about a brewery, which outmaneuvered the old clergy, recruited brains of the scientific apparatus and requisitioned all PMs with power, as to institute a human breeding program inspired by pure lines in their GM yeast standardization. You'd say, get real man!
Well as they say, reality is often stranger than fiction. Thus let me take you on the second last, Skull Boys, wild ride of 2024, for as Shakespeare knew, there is something rotten in the State of Denmark, as we make our way home to a fake urheimat.
The oldest monarchy in the "western world", its birth contemporary with the Umayyad Caliphate's civilizing of Al-Andalus in the 8th century. Also happens to be that nation which received more money per capita from Rockefeller than any other. And what did they pay them for...?
Why to become the first European country with a national sterilization law ofc. As Scandinavia embarked on a traitorous road, not revealed until the fall of the Soviet Union. When it became clear that Sweden had roughly eugenically sterilized as many as the whole of the US.
Yet Social Democracy is seen by many all over the world as the best system beyond Communism and Capitalism, a third way different from Fascism. We will see today how they spun the threads of that veil. How the illusion of "voluntary choice" became essential to the Welfare State.
In this episode, summer longs for autumn as we enter among falling leaves the Court of the Rat King. Whatever naked tail, you'll find the well known. A high grade conspiracy, the International Eugenics Conference of 1912, building a double bridge to the 20th and 21st centuries.
Long after the House of Cecil framed Guy Fawkes on the fifth of november. The impotent of patriarchy recruiting bourgeois feminists. Mothers of birth control made into Trojan horses, the coco's false eggs, love poems written on the clinker tiles of the Zyklon chambers.
The criminalization of unemployment, a hell of secular bio-morality, when socialphysics became sociology. The sacred geometry of statistics, but for whom does the bell curve toll? When we suggest that IQ was initially a measurement of suggestibility, hypnosis as conformity.
Even should you be versed in the history of sus-Indiana methods, the madness of forced sterilisation, trauma of the fallen, a molecular vision of severed life. I think you'll find something when we open the medical files of the Nürnberg trial, stained old by Rockefellers yellow fever.
Today we jump right into it. We will follow the grave robbing life of the 19th century's most famous phrenologist, Gustaf "the skull measurer" Retzius. A historical paparazzi trip from Kalevala's Finland to an Egypt of stolen mummies and chloroform scamming on Turtle Island.
Sebbe helps me understand early bourgeois paedophile networks, workhouses, orphanages and summer camps during the last decades before the invention of the automobile. We begin mapping the Eugenics Internationale by looking at member lists of the first anthropological societies.
I discover a collection of old ghost stories which explains why the Retzius home was called the Ghost Castle. Dark tales about Swedenborgian pirates and Dutch slave traders, the coincidence of a hidden crypt of anonymous skeletons in the garden of the foremost bone collector.
Long before there was a CIA or even an OSS, an MI6 or the SSB, modern intelligence began forming among the far-flung outposts of the Great Game between the British n Russian empires. Among Shahs, Kalifs, Sheiks and a new form of recruited intellectuals of the German universities.
Today we tell you how a group of Swedish explorers became the teenage idols of Hitler, Göring, Himmler and Rosenberg. How in the late 19th they coined the term Geopolitics, fused together Vitalism (Lebensphilosophie) and Vital Space (Lebensraum) for the sake of the Aryan myth.
How they robbed graves for skulls from Turtle Island in the west to Lhasa and Edo in the east. We will see how all the subspecies of bourgeois irrationalism i.e US pragmatism, UK utilitarianism and continental positivism synthesised in a fascist vehicle of imperialism.
This a behemoth episode for the real heads. Packed with the typical macabre mood setting intro which throws Nietzsche under the bus like never before. Travel journals, letters and dark comedy about some of the most despicable people the world of spooks has ever called their own.
Me and Sebbe are still trying to patch together a transition episode from the 19th century which we have now been discussing for more than a month as well as the more contemporary mess that is to come during the inter-war period of the building up of the Swedish State Institute for Racial Biology.
The transition in question involves the imperialist philosophy of irrationalism and vitalism, represented above all others by Nietzsche, as the Bourgeoisie, after the 71 Paris commune, finds itself being utterly incapable of intellectually dealing with the new question of the organised proletariat and opt out for a more barbaric and primitive interpretation of the Aryan Myth.
It also sees the birth of Nordism and the pop-literary production of teenage idols for Hitler, Himmler and Rosenberg during their youth in the form of Scandinavian explorers.
Sebbe is reading old travel journals of these proud grave robbers and I'm going through blond and blue eyed reason-for-sterilisation-journals of the 30s, If all goes well we will release this episode next weekend.
In the meantime please make due with this very entertaining conversation I had with Fergal of the Kingless Generation Podcast last year, which he has been kind enough to allow me to post here as well. Please check out his podcast it is an absolute gem for those real heads interested in the deep history of class struggle and paleo-parapolitics.
[Episode Description]
Marcus’ travels around China and Europe, Daoist geomancy and natural foods, archaeobotany, the artefact versus the container, peoples’ archaeology and anti-malarial drugs during the Cultural Revolution, the immunology of smoking mugwort on different continents, ergot bacteria and sacred exstatic experiences, iron as a democratic metal, destruction of surplus as value producing spectacle, Jim Jones as stage magician, Hegel and ritual cannibalism, the word “apophatic”, the pedastal and the figurine, Thomas Aquinas’ friends boiling the meat off his bones, the whip inside the mind, the (di)vision of labor, Sino-Japanese comparisons, restoration versus acceptance in curatorship, insides and outsides of Kyoto and the rule by retired soveregns, Buddhist clerks and bean counters, Amino Yoshihiko: peasants are more than just farmers, Japanese castles are all fake, Latin poetry under Mussolini, the division of labor as the thing that the most successful Indigenous societies kept at bay, Adam’s calendar in Mpumalanga
Aryans don't really exist, they are arguably less real than Aliens and Big-foot. We have no names of any Indo-European, they have left behind no texts, and no archaeological artefacts can definitely be traced to them. Yet most of you probably think this statement is hysteric.
How so? Who introduced this notion? Well starting of small, the French Revolution, and the birth of socialism, was betrayed, not as most bourgeois historians would tell you by a zealous atheism or plebeian blood-thirst. But by a reactionary movement who praised ethnic origins.
For more than two hundred years after the storming of the Bastille, recruited intellectuals have searched in vain for these lost people. Their descendants today teach about ascended masters to the most gone a far, and those more within the general grind are told about charisma.
At the phallic heart of their desires lies a castration anxiety. Be it testicle sunbathing morons looking to make a buck of the desperation of the youth on social media or the cognac drinking editors of Mankind Quarterly who gave us the Bell Curve. All of them are worried sick.
Worried sick that the western legacy is nothing but a cultural bi-product of a Jewish tradition. Which is why you never hear of Jesus, the Jew of Nazareth or that the early Christians were a Semitic cult. So instead they have been reaching, reaching far and wide.
We want to tell you about this reaching, since it concerns the fetishization of our own people, those of the Nord, relativity speaking an insignificant number of people who are in numbers less than the inhabitants of New York, certainly less than the population of Chongqing.
So come with us again as we tell you how we were made to believe in made up people like the "Scythians", the barbarians of 80s Kurgan blockbusters. And how the proud working people of India were ravaged to die on the plantations of the Brits while they took their ancient texts.
What if I told you that there exists a secret society dating back to Charlemagne, first Holy Roman Emperor. Advisers, almanacists and court painters possessing a scientia which ever since has governed PR, a hermeneutics, Pythagorean mysticism and Kabbalah numerology mishmash.
They taught Louis III how to entertain the people with tales of Vikings, which still run on Bernays’s Netflix. They stood on the receiving end of the crusade's plundering of the Islamicate libraries which stockpiled their bookshelves with far away, long gone Byzantine loot.
If you're thinking here is Marcus with another far-out theory from his isolation in the Alps, then you're ofc right to do so, but I wonder, do you know that Hegel during his most savage critique dedicated a whole dismantling chapter against this lodge orders claim to knowledge?
Isac Newton rubbed his hands at their robbery, John Dee kept copies of their work, Ben Franklin even took to writing under a pseudonym which carried the name of one of their most influential Magus. And I'm not talking about the Freemasons, Illuminati or the Rosicrucians.
Did you ever stop to wonder why paintings of the Baroque Caesars seem to follow you around with their gaze in the "open to the public" castles? Who interpellated the Panoptic vision in the soul of the commoner? Faith and destiny was their ware, just like today's neuroscience.
Brains are still calculated in cm3, IQ is a speed test of that supposed engine, yet the real onto-intentions of that mechanics lies resting in old diaries of the intelligentsia who mapped the Systema Natura during the industrial espionage of the Age of Exploration.
Come with us now on a journey through time and space, to the world of the greatest trick the White Devil ever pulled.
A season finale is upon us. A lot remains to be said about Lysenko, epigenetics and that original cliffhanger regarding Darwins repressed theory of pangenesis.
Not all has been said about Kruschev and the nuclear-bomb-corn of American Big Ag during the creation of the first truly global market of grain speculation, all has not been said about x-ray Mullers letter to Stalin that kickstarted the purge of the natural sciences or how Huxley got him into the soviet union and how they helped exiling Serebrovsky’s deserter students to take part in radiation sterilisation experiments in Nazi Germany.
Not much has been said about Lysenko's teachers themselves, Michurin and Timiryazev who, though already seniors when the winter palace was stormed, nonetheless gladly supported the communist reorganisation of their scientific fields.
We have yet to explore the great around-the-world adventures of Vavilov which debunked the biblical idea of a single origin of civilization, have not yet in detail told the story of Himmler's SS-biopiracy operations. During which it was not Vavilovs international Rockefeller “colleague” who defended his seed banks in Leningrad, but Lysenkoites who starved to death on their post to protect the work and legacy of a man whom western historians are telling us they saw as an enemy to be eradicated.
There is a lot left to be talked about dear listener, but to really get there, we will begin today with something which our Marxist-Botanist Allan G. Morton has stated was and is “In fact, after all, the central problem of genetics, the explanation of Ontogeny.” This is a story of genetic fluidity and shaken heredity, the material dialectic critique of DNA-essentialism.
The roaring 20s finally approached the years of its hangover, the last Brut Nebuchadnezzar popped to the crying ocean of small-savers, Kammerer went to pass and with him the last western lantern on that vast body of water to suggest biological nonconformity went out.
Also in the USSR the situation looked bleak as there too environmental concepts were restricted by fruit fly vials, crawling maggots and droning nuisance was said to reveal all secrets of man and her faith. But a newcomer revived the debates of the 1930s and won his public.
Today we will take a look those debates at length, read the primary transcripts of the last fundamental critique of what would become the Century of the Gene, when we all got registered as fleshy data hosts, we will track the movement of the conspirators that shut the debate down.
As the answer to a century old mystery is proposed, the gates of a hundred new questions are revealed. Follow me on one of the craziest rides through the history of science that I ever recorded.
It is a star studded and celebrity packed episode with all your old favourites, J.P Morgan and Rockefeller and their ario-heroic archaeological expeditions to Central Asia. Bone War contestants like American Museum of Natural History president Henry Fairfield Osborn and his pet snake G.K Noble.
Nazi-Purges at German speaking universities of basically the entire subsequent Manhattan Project, compensated with honorary doctorates handed out by Hitler to the namesake behind the T-Rex and the Velociraptor.
Old discovered letters filled with secrets and David Attenborough narrated assumptions about evolution that have a dark past. 1930s Julian Huxley propaganda films describing shit even the Swastikalers had to initially hush up.
Tying it all together is the adventurous life of Paul Kammerer, a biological rock-star so popular that he could even convince bible belt American workers of his socialist theory of evolution. His days in Moscow and the reasons why some people wanted him gone will with the help of Austrian Investigator Klaus Taschwer finally be revealed for the first time in podcast format and hopefully bring Kammerer's ghost to rest in peace, I know that he would have wanted for you to hear his story.
Paul Kammerer was once the worlds most famous biologist, a poor leftist jew from Austria surrounded by monsters, made it big despite the odds through a new form of popularisation of science.
His audience not consisting exclusively of learned men as was the custom in the first decades of the 20th century, instead, rather, commoners of all walks of life, men and women alike attended his lectures.
But then just as "the eclipse of Darwinism" was declared over by UNESCO's latter head Julian Huxley, radioactive eugenicists all over the world declared him a fraud in the yellow press. The road was now swept clean for a genetic reductionism that did no have to bother about environments.
For more than a century with the help of the worlds largest newspapers and the highest price committees of biology this notion of fraudulence have been the common opinion, and Paul Kammerer was forgotten.
However, very recently thanks to an investigative journalist from Austria, a new picture has been painted which involves scheming New Yorkers and secret societies of the Hapsburg empire with Siegfried bust heads and student faculty groups known as the Swasitkalers.
To a soundtrack of the Neue Deutsche Welle I have tried to translate and reveal this picture for you.
Where does the hatred towards Epigenetics, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, The Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics and finally Lysenko come from, where and how did it begin?
Today we will launch an assault of historical revelations against a mystified truism of genetics and heredity which unless you were born before 1950 have always already been the dominant mode of thinking.
We will investigate the earliest Sci-fi and the experimental science of the 1920s as we go looking for the Neo-Darwinists who in their blind appropriation discarded the materialist core of Charlie's teaching and replaced it with a metaphysical alchemical preformationism.
We will go through NKVD files on the mountaineers case, read Evola and his alpine meditations, frighten ourselves with body-less living dog heads, crypts in princely villas of the bourgeoisie quarters of Moscow were people are said to be frozen alive.
We will finally learn how the Rockefellers and its Fruit Fly Mafia made its way in to the USSR and who became their recruited intellectuals, linking up of course with the very heart and centre of underground anti-soviet activity. This and a lot more awaits you on this coming three hour journey. Enjoy!
Alas! the biography of Lysenko. Born in a small village which centuries ago unintentionally saw the historical defeat of Swedish Karolinian imperialism at Poltava. From the backwaters of the Ukraine to the hallways of big decisions in Leningrad and Moscow. His techniques and methods revealed as they are remembered by those who met him and lived well-fed under the benefits of his agro-ecological policies. We will begin our story with a theatre play, reasons for which will eventually become apparent as we begin to see the fingerprints of a conspiracy within the life sciences, lost in time. So fill up your kerosene lamps as I take you through old and forgotten pipelines of Soviet exiles. Originally built by the Rockefellers and maintained by senatorial help of contemporary Washingtonian presidents. Hell bent on eradicating the scientific opposition to their genetico-ontological project. We will also begin to familiarise ourselves with Lysenko's domestic enemies, the briefly aforementioned Koltsov-Serebrovsky eugenic clan, the Weismanists, the experimental techs of the Fruit Fly Mafia. Make no mistake about it their listener, in their view we are not the historical subject-object evolved to revolt but rather "biochemical puppets" all watched over by a pax-Americana of Loving Grace.
Having been introduced to Lysenko and why he still matters, having given a rudimentary picture of agricultural research in the Tsarist days, we will today suit up in the armour of proletarian science, as to be able to fight the beasts that lay ahead. This episode is a bit theory heavy but I've sprinkled it with some comedy, some parallax events and a biological cliffhanger of the centuries!
We are standing at the gate of the law but unlike Kafka's protagonist we will not be discouraged by the guard or his warning of other guards, more mightier door after door, come dream or nightmare we must step through for the sake of an environmental future that is not a virtual hologram.
Brace yourself dear listener, for it's getting heavier.
Almost a year ago, the ekofascism series came to a dramatic painful conclusion with the green dossier and the Hunger Plan. If you at some point stopped and wondered during those last spring months how the USSR still managed to feed its people and eventually defeat the fascist monster that stood frothing at the gates of Moscow, then fear not, because the return of the repressed is returning with another longer season of answers.
The most demanding expedition yet, one that will answer questions you didn't even know you had. This investigation of the most hated scientists in western modern history, might eventually turn on its head everything you ever thought you knew about biology.
Without further ado I present to you dear listener, the story of Trofim Lysenko!
We discuss further the People's Temple connections to Synanon and related groups, sus Indiana, the Jonestown Red Brigades, Jim Jones' schizophrenic positions on geopolitics, Guyanese politics, normie ass takes on cults, and a few interesting tangents. To finish, we discuss alternate theories to the Jonestown mass casualty event, the ever-important question, "where did the money go?", and our lack of clear conclusions.
We go through Jim Jones's early career, his psychiatric history, Guyanese history and anthropology, the Ukiah era, welfare scams, drug rehabs, several more interesting topics, and my personal favorite: the very curious crossover between Jones's ministry, the Mendocino State Hospital, Emmanuel Swedenborg, and Herb Mullin. Oh, and the first school shooter in the US.
This is a reupload of the Jonestown series I did with Jimmy FalunGong from Programmed to Chill. He has been kind enough to let me upload it also on my show for easier access to those who are not subscribed to his show. And who knows might be worth a re-listen for those who forgot.
In these dark times its difficult to find reason for making believe, this will all change once you hit play. Answering Reid for almost two hours I will do my outmost to lift you spirits to unknown heights. Counterintuitively by taking a deep dive in to Chinese secret societies, covering thousands of years, culminating in a communist community exorcism by the black and red Dao. We are talking apotropaic magic, the swallowing of protective charms, anti-fascist Kung Fu fighting, mystic mind-control and brain washing in the Tang dynasty, social tech of the Henan peasantry and the socialist Shaolin monks who would liberate Beijing from the compradors, the war and drug lords as well as imperialist invaders. God Jul to all followers, occasional listeners and foremost supportive patrons! As always if you like the thought-through homemade covers, the meticulously sampled music, the painstaking congenial research and the many hours of attempting to edit together esthetically pleasing, inspiring and educational content, then please give me a star on your app of choice, write a kind review if possible and why not — if you haven't already — become a paid member and gift me a small Christmas present on Patreon or Spotify. Once again God Jul and a happy New Year, sincerely hope you like this one!
Follow me to the Himalayas as I try to answer Wendy Paintings questions about inter-dimensional Big Foot. I will make an attempt at revealing how the British Operation Phoenix precursor was responsible for one of the most sold anti-communist book in history and how they spiked it with Yeti mythology. I will then try to link it with that bogeyman which have been haunting me all autumn. That's right more Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels insanities as I read to you from his Theozoology.
After that there will be some free wheeling as I answer Fergal from The Kingless Generation and contemplate on my daily and not so daily life in Japan.
More names, bigger budget, weirder aspirations. We make the jump from subculture to pseudo religion. Board the starship with us or be left behind and fail to detonate your reality, it's your choice, this is the only planet of choice. Though the priests of Solomon have tilted its axis, there is still a chance for you to pick up the God phone !
Squidwards - Soviet Memories
Наукоград - Мечты
This Mortal Coil - Kangaroo [Remastered]
Hello and Welcome to the first QnA. I have received a fair share of interesting recordings and written questions which I will my very best to answer. This will become at least three episodes in total. I answer some hosts from other shows that I have visited, old time supporters and guests. Everything from personal questions and the possible childhood damage that led to this show, the real shit of Nordic Noir film-tips, the research of Stieg Larsson, Freud and The Uncanny in 18th century horror short stories and what the Sandman might teach us about Capitalism. Anti-Soviet appropriation of the Abominable Snowman Yeti and the possibility of a Lemur Big Foot. The demonology of landlords during the European peasant rebellions. Bodhisattva-Maoism in Nepal, why the repressed is returning and of course whether Hitler is dead or not. This and much more, so please take a stroll in the autumn landscape while I try and brighten up your weekend!
We continue to investigate the people orbiting the Nine. Sturgeon nuclear-sub fleet commanders who believe they are talking to conscious super computers on alien space ships from the future. The inherent vice of LSD gurus at Esalen rubbing shoulders with Huxley and Watts.
Reid tells us what R.Temple had to say about hypnosis and I try to understand what Lacan meant by psychic rape before we build the case of Puharich guilt. Anti-Communist acid experiments in Czechoslovakia during the Doctors Purge have us wondering if someone roofied Stalin.
The early contours of a state crafted UFO-Religion, origin story included, is taking shape. And no one is safe when lizard-men with top connections at an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject are trade-marketing Archetypal Aryan Astrology Charts.
I’m finally joined by the show's first guests, archeologist Colin and historian Reid. We are beginning a journey that will last throughout the autumn. Stepping through The Stargate, to ask questions about a sus séance unit found in a thick, real X-files dossier within the MIC.
Staring broad, introducing forgotten names, decrypting old messages from hijacked TV broadcasts, wondering about the sensory deprivation of space ships, about how long before you go insane on a nuclear submarine and why the Pentagon were hypnotising space children.
We felt it was of out-most emergency in our contemporary mess of psychedelic revivalism to ask why in the end of the 40s, during the paperclip briefings, Operation Artichoke doctors went looking for Aztec truth serums, plants and seeds in the footsteps of Ahnenerbe expeditions?
Seriously, why did NASA and Jim Jones both pick the year 1963 to go to Brazil to find psychic shamans, don't they know that you should never channel the spirits of surgeons called Adolf Fritz? Was someone "beaming thoughts into their heads" with hidden dental radio transmitters?
Finally like others since 1976 we asked: How did the Dogon People of Mali know that Sirus has an invisible twin star, before the invention of the telescope? In short, we're checkin out the show, with a glassy eye, looking at the sun dancing through the sky, did they come by UFO?
We continue to investigate the people orbiting the Nine. Sturgeon nuclear-sub fleet commanders who believe they are talking to conscious super computers on alien space ships from the future. The inherent vice of LSD gurus at Esalen rubbing shoulders with Huxley and Watts.
Reid tells us what R.Temple had to say about hypnosis and I try to understand what Lacan meant by psychic rape before we build the case of Puharich guilt.Anti-Communist acid experiments in Czechoslovakia during the Doctors Purge have us wondering if someone roofied Stalin.
The early contours of a state crafted UFO-Religion, origin story included, is taking shape. And no one is safe when lizard-men with top connections at an international nuclear fusion research and engineering megaproject are trade-marketing Archetypal Aryan Astrology Charts.
I’m finally joined by the show's first guests, archeologist Colin and historian Reid. We are beginning a journey that will last throughout the autumn. Stepping through The Stargate, to ask questions about a sus séance unit found in a thick, real X-files dossier within the MIC.
Staring broad, introducing forgotten names, decrypting old messages from hijacked TV broadcasts, wondering about the sensory deprivation of space ships, about how long before you go insane on a nuclear submarine and why the Pentagon were hypnotising space children.
We felt it was of out-most emergency in our contemporary mess of psychedelic revivalism to ask why in the end of the 40s, during the paperclip briefings, Operation Artichoke doctors went looking for Aztec truth serums, plants and seeds in the footsteps of Ahnenerbe expeditions?
Seriously, why did NASA and Jim Jones both pick the year 1963 to go to Brazil to find psychic shamans, don't they know that you should never channel the spirits of surgeons called Adolf Fritz? Was someone "beaming thoughts into their heads" with hidden dental radio transmitters?
Finally like others since 1976 we asked: How did the Dogon People of Mali know that Sirus has an invisible twin star, before the invention of the telescope? In short, we're checkin out the show, with a glassy eye, looking at the sun dancing through the sky, did they come by UFO?
Embarking on a new investigation with Reid @seriations and Colin @archaeo_concern in to the Star Gate Conspiracy. First EP will be an introduction to the alt-history backdrop of the SS-Ahnenerbe. We will compare old with new and look at suspicious connections to find out what they're selling.
Books :
Radikalare än Hitler – Göran Dahl
The Master Plan – Heather Pringle
Vom Werfenstein zur Wewelsburg – Jost Hermand
The Stargate Conspiracy – Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince
The Edda
Das Geheimnis der Runen – Guido Von List
[I will extend this list when I get back to the office]
Ofdrykkja – HårgalåtenErnst Busch - Der heimliche Aufmarsch
Ebanisteria Musicale C.M. Ferrari – Tagelharpa, Herr Mannelig
Mozart –“Lacrimosal”
Kolhoosi 13 - A White Sea
This Mortal Coil – Song to the Siren
Rabadam Ching!! The Cannabis series has come to its final chapter, what was meant as a shortstory became a book. And as you can see from the ep-cover I've madly let go of any restraints. We are going after them, the anti-hemp Hitlerists of America! This is a thread description.
First we make some final comments about Butler and the Marines. Who paid the veterans, was it a false flag, what was the purpose and why did Smedley become pen pal with Edgar Hoover? We look to Gramsci and his writings on the Gendarme Night-watchman state for answers.
Then we establish some ground work with the history of the trust to end all trusts, the Guaranty. Tracing the steps of "the friends of Morgan" and American European banking developments after Napoleon brings about shady marijuana business in Japan and the Black Eagle Banner.
We study the futility of various commissions to hold these so called Merchants of Death responsible. And ask if these white old mens sons prosecution work at the OSS might have had something to do with it. Which is hard to answer as they bought up the investigative press.
Thus we resort to 30s and 40s analysis by the Comintern and also the Fourth International to create a definition of international fascism and its temporary solutions to overproduction. Piece by piece the interregnum of Natural vs Synthetic agriculture starts to take shape.
I put Andrew Mellon on trial and look at the history of his nephew Anslinger as he went from a railroad snitch to a German speaking spy with mysterious ties to the Kaiser Wilhelm. When I finally dived down in to DOS documents and his personal files all became clear.
I debunk the debunkers on the swindling of Hearst and cite Parenti. In a roundabout way the story of the MTA of 37 will explain the contemporary debacle in the Ukraine and paper straws as it will open wide the gate for what is to come i.e the GMO research of the Third Reich.
This is just some of the nuggets, since never before has so many threads come together in a single episode. Massive thanks to all of you who has been with me on this journey! The length demands relabelling the titles so don't be confused, but most importantly please have fun !
Mando Diao - Rabadam Ching
Jang Hyun - Please Wait
Experience and Beyond -Reimagined Version of Experience by Ludovico Einaudi
"Beginning To End" Hendyamps Studios - Cello by Aimee Norris
Pure Intonation Ambient Oud Music Red Sand - Wind 2023 - Naochika Sogabe
Steppenwolf - The Pusher -VINYL-
Machinata -Industrial- Dark- Ambient- Experimental
Void Stasis - Clockwork
Thåström - Sluta när jag vill
I went on to the @OASInfoService to talk about a possible beginning of anti-communism, modern para-politics and false flags.
"We are SO back... to discuss the (likely) false flag psyop known as the molly maguires -- a terrorist group which conveniently for CEO Franklin B Gowen only bombed competitors of his reading company, which foot the bill for Allan Pinkerton's informant James McParland, who went on to a long career of bombing and murder for hire."
We have reached the threshold of history, the 20th century. The possible role of hemp in the last great communist peasant uprising of the American Midwest. How FDR divided US farmers and how the Brits shutdown the first general strike in the Jute plantations of Bengal.
We will read the revival of the marines as a new becoming of an American east and west India trading company as it tries to rewrite the colonial world of natural fibres. With Smedley Butler we return to Manila, follow him to China onward to the Banana Wars of Wall Street.
China, the Hemp and Jute production of which covers almost perfectly the area which will later become occupied by imperial Japan. A point buried deep in old map archives about international fascism which can not be brought home in a tweet.
We dive into the heroic resistance of the Soviet hemp industry. How USSR scientists pursued a forgotten mediaeval quest for the original crop wild weed. A history of Tesla-coil-feminization, zero-THC Siberian strains and the cultivation of four fifths of the world's Cannabis.
We read from the first Big-Ag documents, forgery and erroneous science misshaped by a tobacco, cotton and timber mania of the Whitney family and their many friends. The plot thickens in the eight corridors of the universe when DuPont funds Anti-Bolsheviks insurrection.
I will keep listing and bringing together seemingly separate international Rubicon moments, all of that faithful year of the 1937 Marijuana tax act. If Pompey Magnus is the consul of the world's natural fibres then Nylon is Gaius Julius Caesar. Behold the Fourth Black Eagle.
We step back from the Palme murder to explore the Palme family and the rise and rise of Olof in Swedish politics. Also there are psychics and nazis in this one.
Four faces are usually named in theories about an anti-cannabis conspiracy. Hearst, Anslinger, Dupont and at times Mellon. The story is older and much broader. Today I will begin explaining why these people and others were also involved in the fascist Wall Street Putsch of 1933.
One American old money family, described at times as the core of the skull and bones, is the Whitneys. But it was not the cotton engine that got them rich. Their fortune, as much of the bourgeoisie's, was made during the Napoleonic wars. A war structured by hemp supply n trade.
Realising the vulnerability of an entire world market depending on a single nation's production of cannabis, as the map of Europe was redrawn, the colonial powers went to the global south, looking for alternative exotic natural fibres and slaves for the new mono-plantations.
The 1850s onward was also an era of petrochemicals, steam and steel ships, sulphide extraction and chlorine bleaching for timber paper, it was the first truly global structuring of an agricultural commodity order, and the Whitneys show up everywhere.
Understanding the beginnings of this anti-hemp matrix will take us to Freemason-guerillas in the Philippines, reactionary US admirals, the letters of Alexander and Napoleon, Viennese sledge trade, Yamashita's gold as well as gangsters of capitalism in German East Africa.
Matthew from 'Ghost stories for the end of the world' has been kind
enough to allow the good patreons of The Return of the Repressed to take part in the Palme investigation. I will upload two episodes weekly so that you all will receive the grand finale on the day of its release,
which might be two episodes, coming out two weeks from now, and the
next, if things goes as plan!
Trying to complete both the Hemp series and the Palme series finale in the same couple of week have been tough! It is almost done and I will either release it as one big 4 hour episode next week or 2 parts starting from next,(let me know in the comment what you prefer) either way you will be getting a lot of content the coming weeks which hopefully will cover my much needed summer holiday as I go to Kyushu Kagoshima by the end of July... trying to find that god damn rice field.
Today continues our historical hemp journey. We move from its prehistory to the Great Nordic Wars, from the deep Middle Ages up to Napoleon. Exploring the trading, scheming, piracy, licence forging, blockading and war declaring when capitalism became international.
Focusing on this Age of Sails when an entire world depended on a single fibrous plant. So crucial to the very concept of the commodity that the largest army Europa had ever seen broke the alliance between East and West on behalf of The Isles and marched from Paris to Moscow.
Through logbooks, old letters and decrees we follow the east coast merchant houses of Philadelphia, Boston and New York, prostituting the American flag for George III, forming the dangerous, yet essential Baltic circuit of hemp trade from Russia to England and the New World.
An exciting story of modern vikings who with Napoleon's grace, after the British bombardment of Copenhagen, hunted in gunboats Yankee barks, brigs, and full-riggers overflowing with cannabis worth millions, upping the stakes of the most profitable crossings in history.
We read what Marx and his female comrades wrote about the Russian communes that collectively grew the cannabis over which so much blood was spilled. A marriage between a plant and a mode of production which in their own words could be a direct path to the next stage of History.
So please sign up on patreon or subscribe here on spotify to access the next instalment and the rest of this bonus series on the para-politico-economical history of cannabis sativa!
In the first bonus ep of the show, our Ecofascist narrative is expanded to include the long history of hemp! By supporting the show for as little as 3 Dólares you can help me produce a counter narrative against fake cannabis activists, CIA infiltrators and IG Farben.
Racing through millenniums of hemp history we get sidetracked by Chinese etymology, aquatic Neanderthals and an unknown cradle of civilization discovered by soviet agronomists and archaeologists, the hemp wars of 1812, Napoleon's invasion of the Tsar's weed plantations etc.
We will investigate why "The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937" was introduced at the end of not only the Great Depression and the biggest land grab by the latifundia barons in US history but also during the interregnum of the first and second agricultural revolution.
We will read about the history of the Midwestern communist farm unions who fought back during the last peasant revolts of US history. We will see who had most to gain from the confusion of hemp and marijuana. We take a look at the many plastic patents of the AgChem industry.
In so doing we will be able to finally show that the fascists involved in the Wall Street Putsch are the exact same conglomerates who knew that a biotech transition from local mechanisation to capital intensive motorization needed to involve the eradication of Cannabis Sativa L.
Spotify Paid subs link:
Patreon link:
The Emperor Wears No Clothes: A History of Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana
Marijuana - The First Twelve Thousand Years
Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages
Worn: A People's History of Clothing
Understanding Marijuana: A New Look at the Scientific Evidence
Neanderthals Could Make String: Oldest Rope Known Found in France (Haaretz)The Home of the Aryans (Witzel, Michae)
NEW MKULTRA DISCOVERY: Terence McKenna admitted that he was a “deep background” and “PR” agent (CIA or FBI).
Jonh Holt - Police In Helicopter (12’ dub mix)
Sonny Bono - Pammies on a Bummer
Bob Marley - Them Belly Full But We Hungry (Instrumental Original)
Bob Marley - The Wailers - Exodus (Instrumental Original)
Grass soundtrack - Quit playing games with Gog
Peter Tosh - Johnny B. Goode (instrumental)
The investigation has reached the Hungerplan of the NSDAP-Reichsministers of Agriculture, Herbert Backe and Richard Walther Darré. In due manner we will see how the 20th century's largest man made famine came about and how it continues to shape our contemporary time.
How did Backe outmanoeuvre his mentor to conquer the throne of evil? What really happened in the central black earth region, the largest magnetic anomaly on Earth known as Kursk? And why are the warmongers there today again?
We go looking for the origins of the "Drive to the East" narrative, Blood and Soil and the mythology of the black on white cross of the Teutons. I'll read the addresses to the nation by Fichte and attack it with satirical poetry from Marx's third cousin Heinrich Heine. This and much more awaits you if you will join me in the very emotional and mind altering fourth instalment of The Return Of The Repressed Ecofascism series.
Music:Penderecki: Symphony No. 3 / Threnody
Niccolò Paganini: Caprice no. 5 Sumina Studer
John Mayall: Out Of Reach
Jesse Ahmann - Montana Cellist : “Emotional Cello improvisation”.
Gesine Gerhard - Nazi hunger politics a history of food in the Third Reich
Susanne Heim - Plant Breeding and Agrarian Research in Kaiserwilhelm-Institutes 1933–1945
Richard Walther Darré - A New Nobility of Blood and Soil
Anna Bramwell - Blood and Soil Walther Darré and Hitler’s Green Party
Janet Biehl, Peter Staudenmaier - Ecofascism Lessons from the German Experience
R. C. Lewontin - Biology as Ideology The Doctrine of DNA.
Lily E. Kay - The Molecular Vision of Life Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology)
Mario A. Di Gregorio - From Here to Eternity. Ernst Haeckel and Scientific Faith
György Lukács - The Destruction Of Reason
Susanne Heim, Carola Sachse, Mark Walker - The Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism Antony C. Sutton - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
Franz-Josef Brüggemeier - How green were the Nazis nature, environment, and nation in the Third Reich Kristie Macrakis - Surviving the swastika scientific research in Nazi GermanyRichard Weikart - Darwinian Racism How Darwinism Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism
Douglas Totte - Fraud, Famine and Fascism The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard
Richard Weikart - From Darwin to Hitler Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics and Racism in Germany
Kenneth M. Ludmerer - American Geneticists and the Eugenics Movement: 1905-1935
Jason Hickel - Bill Gates says poverty is decreasing. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Report of the Investigation of I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. Prepared by Division of Investigation of Cartels and External Assets Office of Military Government, U. S. (Germany) November, 1945
Organic Farming in Nazi Germany The Politics of Biodynamic Agriculture, 1933–1945
The first agricultural revolution worthy of its name in terms of relative suddenty was not an event of the neolithic. It took place in the 16th century and would gradually develop through a series of sub-revolutions until the end of the 1940s, when it was replaced.
The interregnum of the first and the second revolution, when the old was dying and the new could not be born, when mechanisation was to become motorisation, would be a period of time that included the Wall Street Crash, and the two world wars.
Though often overlooked, all that destruction was foretold by another cluster of events. The First World Crisis of Agricultural Overproduction of 1890. Today we investigate if there were perhaps some well aware of this or if it was just the lack of agency of the M-C-M' circuit.
As the spoiler in the title suggests, we will point a finger at the historical block which has been occupying the newspaper all over the world for the last year. We will interpret the dream of the Pharaoh in Genesis 41 and we will investigate the most secret cabinet of the Weimar.
Hello and welcome to another episode of The Return of the Repressed.I have today, I believe, an extra good episode in store for you today. Foucault told us to go looking for the roots of the biopolitical new biology in 18th century Germany liberalism. We will heed his advice and do so!
With the help of Lukacs and his writing about Dostoevsky, Hegel, Schelling and Hölderlin we will make a distinction between reactionary and revolutionary romanticist anti-capitalism. As we move closer to the turn of the last century we will see how the Lebensreform picks up the hatchet of the three musketeers of German idealism.
Reading Freud we will try to understand how their civilizational discontent expressed itself through occultism, paganism, vegetarianism and how these the fist ecological hippies had their movement and ideas hijacked by the Völkisch aspirations of proto-nazistic genetic evolutionary biologist and other recruited intellectuals.
I’ll do some art-deconstruction and psychoanalysis of the first psychedelic painter of the first counter culture to see how he, Hugo Höppner aka Fidus and people like Martin Heidegger despite their distrust for technology came to worship the Sun as a mechanical swastika-wheel of karmic Germanic destiny.
Step by step we will come closer to a in part Robber-Baron-financed agricultural project of Richard Walter Darré and his successor Herbert Backe. Darré who inspired by the Lebensreform of which he was a part, where and when he first met Himmler in their 20s, turned some of the ideas of anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner in to what was officially known as the Hungerplan of the Generalplan Ost.
In so doing we will uncover the new attempts at breeding of humans, animals and plants and the New Biology's fascination with genetically modified organisms as they systematically starved some 7 million soviets and others in the occupied lebensraum. Which will be our preparation for the next episode on this largely, relatively unknown holocaust of which we have proud self-aware documented evidence. In other words, finally when investigating a truly man-made famine we will have no need for cold-warrior projection and speculation.
So buckle up and join me as we dispel the Rune Magic of Death to reveal the true nasty face of Ahriman and Operation Barbarossa... it just hit me, clue was always in the title!
Today we will begin a new journey through the past. A journey that will cover and overlap the whole history that has been our subject matter in the Bio Peace and Warfare series. A parallel narration which will take the form of a slightly more theoretical investigation with the new title Ecofascism.
My assumption is that only highlighting examples and names we will not shock anybody familiar with the very familiar topic of fascism. We need to understand more thoroughly how it as an ideology understands nature and its ecology. We also need to understand how this was not only a German but is a common joint project by the entire developing world, a global fact that has been thoroughly obscured by the singling out of a particular man of a particular party in a particular country at a particular time.
In this extended introduction to what was once called not Ecofascism but “The New Biology” we will learn the names of some of the involved economical foundations, corporations and important actors, as well as the material and theoretical reasons for their ideology. A new hegemonic historical block of primarily England, America and Germany which together as a single unit if not bought, at least began to lease the scientific community of human development itself.
I will read from the magic mountain of Thomas Mann to set the mode of the early 20th century. Those vibes will then be given structural depth as we make use of theorists such as Foucault and his biopower, Gramsci and his recruitment of intellectuals as well as contemporary dialectical geneticists, evolutionary biologists, mathematicians and physicists etc to introduce a neglected often unheard critique of the hegemony of the aforementioned historical block.
If I did my work correctly and thoroughly enough, you will already by the end of this introduction start to question things like genetic reductionism, the protein paradigm, IQ heritability, the DNA doctrine and perhaps the E-word itself…that is evolution.
These dents in the body armour of the sane modern subject will not be put their by a religious lance so that you can join me as reborn subjects in my new Pentecostal end-time cult. They are intended to bring about a grasp of the causes of the overdetermined trajectory of what has poetically been called the Second Silent Spring and more scientifically The Sixth Extinction Event .
The time has come to lay to rest statements such as “I cant believe that they are doing this” or “I can't understand why they are doing this”. We will "believe" but most importantly we will come to understand why.
In so doing as a bonus we will also look at the famous intellectuals who uphold this elite narrative of social control today on social media under the psyop-auspices of being ambassadors for a “forbidden knowledge” such as Sam Harris, Charles Murray and Jordan Peterson etc.
In short we will hopefully come to understand how we were all forced to take for granted that all the mechanisms of life and the control of that life, were to be found at a submicroscopic level. A place not of bacteria but the molecular gene, where of course at a depth of PPM to PPB of a centimeter, very few can afford the eye necessary to look for the truth. An historical documentable move by the ruling classes to successfully bar the gates to the very top of the very cool rooms of the pyramid of empirical observation. Imposed on all but a selected few who also just happens to be not scientists but the world's richest patrons.
Music: Kevin Macleod – Virtutes Instrumenti
Unworn – A winter that kills
Lynn Anderson – Rose Garden
Johann Sebastian Bach - Chaconne-Partita No. 2 BWV 1004 Hilary Hahn
Peter Tosh – Stop that train
Maurice Ravel – Pavane Pour une Infante Défunte (Pavane for a dead princess)
Immortal Technique - Bin Laden -Remix- feat Chuck D-KRS-ONE
Max Weber – Wissenschaft als Beruf (Science as a Vocation)
Thomas Mann – Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain)
Antonio Gramsci – THE GRAMSCI READER Selected Writings 1916-1935
Lily E. Kay – The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rise of the New Biology (Monographs on the History & Philosophy of Biology)
Richard C. Lewontin – Biology as Ideology: The Doctrine of DNA
Michel Foucaul – The Birth of Biopolitics Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979 (Lectures at the Collège de France)
Göran Dahl & Daniel Görtz – Jordens kall : Ekologismens ljusa och mörka historia
Antony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the rise of Hitler
In this episode, we are going to get inside the hive mind of Bill Gates. He will serve the role of being the face for so many of the faceless mechanisms that are pushing agriculture and our planet to the brink of destruction. Personally I can't stand him or the commercial media insistence on continuously asking for his opinions on matters which he has no authority on whatsoever. The man is not a doctor nor a farmer yet today he has been allowed to buy political control of both of these institutions that are as old as mankind itself. This madness is being brought to the forefront right now in Ukraine.
So far the pattern of the bio-peace and warfare series have been to start far back in time and then up to the present. First from unit 731 through Rwanda, India and the HIV crisis of the 80s ending up in the contemporary mess of the modern Zaibatsu and Nazi conglomerates that are killing all insects. Now again we will have moved from the Victorian holocaust and The high Qing up through the GLF and in to present Ukraine.
Thus today I will tell the much neglected story of the parapolitical economy of that country's farming and the structure of the modern latifundia. Known as the bread basket of Europe, this research regarding the relationship between deep state intrigues and Big Ag has at least made things a lot clearer for me and I hope that what I found out will do the same for you.
We will study the break up of the collective farms after the fall of the Soviet Union and the embezzlement of Europe's most fertile soil that historically fed the first cities, older even than Mohenjo-daro. A long history of the biggest oligarchs on the continent, agent orange Assassination attempts, professional lying PR firms that have been in the game since the first Iraq war, destructive financial institutions of the EU and the US.
I present here a long explanatory dive into Wikileaks documents, published reports from the Oakland institute and a series of other publications, US-Ukraine business council documents and public speeches of the involved financial presidents. In order to make sense of it all I will borrow some theories from a broad range of thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, Carl Schmidt and Edward Bernays. To give historical perspective i will finish of with my customary interpretation of old roman and Greek War-Ag mythology.
I hope you will enjoy it, I'm so happy to have you with me in these troubled times!
Biotech Ambassadors: How the U.S. State Department Promotes the Seed Industry's Global Agenda
Frederick Engels 1883 The Book of Revelation (Marx and Engels On Religion, Progress Publishers, 1957)
Merchants of Spin: Monsanto’s Astroturfing of Glyphosate in the EU
Bill Gates’s Foundation Is Leading a Green Counter-revolution in Africa
Gates Ag One: The Recolonisation Of Agriculture
Gates Foundation 'feeds the world' with corporate agriculture
What They’re Not Telling You About Monsanto’s Role in Ukraine
Monsanto and the Merchants of Poison
The Accumulation of Capital. ( Rosa Luxemburg)
Propaganda (Edward L. Bernays)
Anti-Oedipus Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari)
Oneness vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom (Vandana Shiva)
O Virtus Sapientiae - Hildegard Von Bingen (lilja4ever soundtrack)
СВ Хутор - Ты моей никогда не будешь
Со мною вот что — Таврия
ППК - Воскрешение -Robot-s Outro-
Alphaville - Forever young (Lilja4ever techno remix)
We are finally back after the holidays. I have a really massive episode in store for you today! Both in terms of length and subject matter. We will continue our bio-peace and warfare series by looking for an alternative to all the doom and gloom we have experienced so far!
To do this we will go back to the High Qing in the first half of the episode, before the nationalisation of the British East India Company and the opium, before the American Civil war, before the birth of the railroad commodity matrix proper and before the late Victorian Holocausts and the Irish Famine, you know the fable time and land of guardian animals painted blue on to white porcelain that Antoinette and Ludwig would throw at walls during their dinner parties.
This will lead us into an exploration of the Great Leap Forward in the second half, something that I have been promising to go through for the longest time. We will debunk the anti-communist recruited intellectuals, we will get a glimpse of a global think tank network responsible for the revision of this narrative. But most importantly we will study in detail, overlooked anomalies in their data. An investigation that will slam open the door for a much more fascinating history of the power struggles within the CCP during the biggest single agricultural project in mankind's history
Simply put, it's time to allow the return of the repressed!
Mike Davis - Late Victorian Holocausts
Mobo Gao - The Battle for China's Past Mao and the Cultural Revolution
Mobo Gao - Constructing China
Dongping Han - The Unknown Cultural Revolution
Pierre-Etienne Will R. Bin Wong - Nourish the People The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850
Sun Jingxian, “Population Change during China’s “Three Years of Hardship” 1959-1961
The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner
Pink Floyd - " MOTHER " The Wall 1980
谷水車間 Dream Can - Kill the Man
纯享版, 齐秦《外面的世界》The outside world
Heroes of Might and Magic III Rampart theme by Paul Romero
Faye Wong - Dreamlover -Chungking Express OST- 王菲 夢中人
We are finally back after the holidays. I have a really massive episode in store for you today! Both in terms of length and subject matter. We will continue our bio-peace and warfare series by looking for an alternative to all the doom and gloom we have experienced so far!
To do this we will go back to the High Qing in the first half of the episode, before the nationalisation of the British East India Company and the opium, before the American Civil war, before the birth of the railroad commodity matrix proper and before the late Victorian Holocausts and the Irish Famine, you know the fable time and land of guardian animals painted blue on to white porcelain that Antoinette and Ludwig would throw at walls during their dinner parties.
This will lead us into an exploration of the Great Leap Forward in the second half, something that I have been promising to go through for the longest time. We will debunk the anti-communist recruited intellectuals, we will get a glimpse of a global think tank network responsible for the revision of this narrative. But most importantly we will study in detail, overlooked anomalies in their data. An investigation that will slam open the door for a much more fascinating history of the power struggles within the CCP during the biggest single agricultural project in mankind's history
Simply put, it's time to allow the return of the repressed!
Mike Davis - Late Victorian Holocausts
Mobo Gao - The Battle for China's Past Mao and the Cultural Revolution
Mobo Gao - Constructing China
Dongping Han - The Unknown Cultural Revolution
Pierre-Etienne Will R. Bin Wong - Nourish the People The State Civilian Granary System in China, 1650-1850
Sun Jingxian, “Population Change during China’s “Three Years of Hardship” 1959-1961
Hiperson- Our Ballad
Loose Change Reprise
Awich - 洗脳 feat. DOGMA - 鎮座DOPENESS
Katyusha Chinese Version
We have arrived at another season finale and the last episode of the year. It is a fascinating exploration of lost and repressed phronesis, book burnings and a systemic rewriting of history as old as history itself. We will find out about the deep linguistic theories about a Borean communist homeland beyond the shit coating of ariosophy as we go looking for the oldest calendars, the oldest constellations, clocks, sail and the oldest words.
I will have a go at Jung, challenge some rocket scientists, tell dark winter ghost stories about the first plantations in China, analyse the material power of Jupiter and Saturn with the help of 19th century forgotten astronomers. Tell you a tale about what I have seen on old Babylonians cylinder seals and the Sistine Chappel regarding why we show up for work on Mondays.
I am going back to Europe for Christmas and New Years to meet old friends and family. Thus rather than splitting this last episode up in 3 smaller episodes you will get it all as one giant conclusion and cliffhanger which you can split up at your own will until we return again at the end of January. I don't know if that's the best way to do it in order to keep an interest in the show alive, but I've seen in the "end of the year statistics" that you dear listeners have been sharing the show like crazy on sms, WhatsApp, twitter and so on, which makes me so happy that I am sure you will be here when i get back.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Marcus!
Today we go deeper in our exploration, we will look at the history of navigation and maritime architecture, some questions from the previous episode will be answered and some new will be posited. There are plenty of mysteries here like cave paintings of boats from the deep ice age, maps that seem to understand longitude long before the chronometer and captain cooks voyages. There is the peculiarity of the Japanese current and the story of how Europeans first came to Polynesia and why the western gates of the pacific where closed for almost 500 years after Marco Polo. Far East Pottery that predates "pre-pottery neolithic" of "the cradle of civilization" no matter how counter intuitive that sounds. There is an old indigenous canoe from British Colombia that sailed around the world in 1901. I will try to tie some of it together by an continued elaboration of my own theory and a double edged critique of the hegemons as well as the alternative historians and archaeologists. Here the monopoly knowledge production of Cambridge University will take another blow which they might not recover from. After all not to many are looking for a proto-communist world society with painted sails before the Younger Dryas so I promise you unique good times!
I have been asked to elaborate on my critique of the historical relativism that fermented the enchantment-reaction against the totalitarian enlightenment of the early industrialised world. The ideological peaks of which we where introduced to in our short story about the mountain of truth.
Graham Hancock probably the most popular figure in the quest to find a forgotten prehistory has a new Netflix series out. He is neither in my opinion a conscious crypto-fascist nor an unconscious useful idiot, I like him, but many of his fans and fellow travellers are. They are part of that same mesmerizing dance that moved to the Theosophic tunes which became Anthroposophy and finally co-opted in to Ariosophy, to name only one of the many veins of the Volkskörper.
Many of the topics popularised by Hancock are far to interesting to allow that to happen again. And personally I feel his historical idealism is no real threat to the bourgeoisie reading of history. It would be a shame if the tradition that is the critique of our modern hegemonic historical world view, where to loose its political overtones and become merely a psychedelic individualist search for truth.
So lets see if we can find something more interesting then that mesmerising notion of a Class Society of lost ancient high technology. Because to hell with a federation of kings if that is what the A word stands for.
Radikalare än Hitler? (Göran Dahl)
Blod i salongerna. Om sex, primitivism och längtan efter det naturliga (Ingela Lind)
Hitler’s Monsters A Supernatural History of the Third Reich (Eric Kurlander)
Mountain of Truth The Counterculture Begins, Ascona 1900-1920 (Martin Green)
Das Geheimnis der Runen (Guido von List)
ALDEBARAN VRIL 1917 Extraterrestrials Messages to Maria Orsic and the Birth of the First German-Made UFO (Maximillien de Lafayette)
Arktos The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival (Joscelyn Godwin)
Textere Oris - First Snow (SiJ)
Krigsgaldr (Heilung)
Byssan Lull, Koka Kittelen Full (Vidia Wesenlund )
Psalm (Thåström)
Des Knaben Wunderhorn Selbstgefühl (Gustav Mahler)
Gymnopédies (Erik Satie)
Thoughts in My Mind (Donnie and Joe Emerson)
Orgy in Cleopatra's palace - Rome season 2 soundtrack
Gewinner (Clueso)
Beyond the Ghost - Message from the Horsemen (Dead Melodies)
Dark Monastery Chants Gothic litanies (Ambient Grimdark)
Coming back to life (Pink Floyd)
People mentioned in chronological order
Hanns Hörbiger
Thomas Mann
Gustav Mahler
Hugo Höppener (Fidus)
Madame Blavatsky
René Guénon
Knud Rasmusen
Henrik Ibsen
Rudolph Steiner
Franziska Countess zu Reventlow
Adolf Eduard Herstein
Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung
Sabina Speilrein
Otto Gross
Hermann Hesse,
Franz Kafta
Von Richthofen sisters
Herbert George Wells
Hugo Ball
Stefan George
Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach
Rudolf von Laban
Gustav Gräser (Gusto)
Ida Hoffman
Theodor Reuss
König Ludwig
Gustav V
Maria Orsic
Dietrich Eckart.
Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels
Some of the places and the social formations mentioned
Wald sanatorium in Davos.
Monte Veritá.
Saint-Gotthard Massif.
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).
Theosophical society.
Anthroposophical society.
Thule Society,
The Cosmic Circle,
Vril society,
The Order of the New Templars (ONT)
How was it possible that for two millennium prior to the arrival of British trading soldiers, India had only know some 17 famines, while after they anchored, under 120 years of imperial domination, 31 much greater subsistence crisis would ravage and kill hundred of millions? How did the third world come to be? Have there always been famines or are they a product of the free market, and or is it perhaps one of the original crimes of the Anunnaki? In this season finale we bring our Biological peace and warfare series to a temporary close hoping to answer these questions and more.
Late Victorian Holocausts: El Niño Famines and the Making of the Third World by Mike Davis
Famines and peasant mobility by D. Rajasekhar
A Radical History of the World by Neil Faulkner
Silent Violence: Food, Famine and Peasantry in Northern Nigeria by Michael Watts
The Great Agrarian Conquest by Neeladri Bhattacharya
George Harrison and The London Radha Krishna Temple - Govindam Adi Purusam (1970)
Velvet Underground -Venus in furs (1966)
The Doors - Indian Summer (1965)
Ustad Aashish Khan & Pandit Swapan Chaudhuri - Inner Voyage (2010)
Johann Sebastian Bach - Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet (Nu grönskar det, Now there will be greening, sung by Class 6G & 6H frrom Adolf Fredriks Music classes in Farsta)
In the damp mustard smelling tombs of the Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, we find some writing on the wall that sends us once again further back in time in order to be able to continue this investigation of pirated seeds, burning fertilizers, choking pesticides and the gluttony of our bovine god Moloch. Together with other celestial beings, said to be older than the ice age, he will tell us how the german dye makers conquered the international markets of those colours set to replace the natural beauty of this world. How in their greed they found new drugs and became the transnational pusher man. Standing on the giant shoulders of the reaper of the Victorian holocausts, licking the rusty scythe that is the aristocratically sanctioned gangsterism in the colonies.
The Violence of the Green Revolution Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics (Vandana Shiva)
Who Really Feeds the World The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology (Vandana Shiva)
Toxic Legacy How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (Stephanie Seneff)
Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank (Eric Toussaint)
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Revolution, 1941-1956 (John H. Perkins)
The Monsanto Papers (Carey Gillam)
Hells Cartel IG Farben and the Making of Hitlers War Machine (Diarmuid Jeffreys)
The Coffee Book Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop (Nina Luttinger, Gregory Dicum)
LA MUSICA NOTTURNA DELLE STRADE DI MADRID. No. 6, Op.30 Composed by Luigi Boccherini.
It is about time that we move on to the mother of all conspiracies, the green revolution and the total control of the world's food production. Our story conveniently starts with a small semi-dwarf grain, stolen from the experimental labs in Japan in 1945. A grain and a crime which will take us on a journey to the US, Mexico, Malaysia, India, Rwanda indeed anywhere in the world where plants can be grown. It's a story of industrial espionage, assassination, the covert funding of extremists, the Rockefellers, Ford, the World Bank, IG Farben, Monsanto, Bayer, the United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Gates and the other technocrats, Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Chem, Big f**ing everything.
The Violence of the Green Revolution Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics (Vandana Shiva)
Who Really Feeds the World The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology (Vandana Shiva)
Toxic Legacy How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (Stephanie Seneff)
Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank (Eric Toussaint)
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Revolution, 1941-1956 (John H. Perkins)
The Monsanto Papers (Carey Gillam)
Hells Cartel IG Farben and the Making of Hitlers War Machine (Diarmuid Jeffreys)
The Coffee Book Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop (Nina Luttinger, Gregory Dicum)
Bruce Springsteen "The ghost of Tom Joad" (1995)
Deichkind "Hört ihr die Signale" (2008)
Die Wehrmacht "Erika" (1930)
It is about time that we move on to the mother of all conspiracies, the green revolution and the total control of the world's food production. Our story conveniently starts with a small semi-dwarf grain, stolen from the experimental labs in Japan in 1945. A grain and a crime which will take us on a journey to the US, Mexico, Malaysia, India, Rwanda indeed anywhere in the world where plants can be grown. It's a story of industrial espionage, assassination, the covert funding of extremists, the Rockefellers, Ford, the World Bank, IG Farben, Monsanto, Bayer, the United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Gates and the other technocrats, Big Pharma, Big Agg, Big Chem, Big f**ing everything.
The Violence of the Green Revolution Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics (Vandana Shiva)
Who Really Feeds the World The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology (Vandana Shiva)
Toxic Legacy How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (Stephanie Seneff)
Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank (Eric Toussaint)
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Revolution, 1941-1956 (John H. Perkins)
The Monsanto Papers (Carey Gillam)
Hells Cartel IG Farben and the Making of Hitlers War Machine (Diarmuid Jeffreys)
The Coffee Book Anatomy of an Industry from Crop to the Last Drop (Nina Luttinger, Gregory Dicum)
Immortal Technique “third world”
Bob Dylan “One more cup of coffee”
It is about time that we move on to the mother of all conspiracies, the green revolution and the total control of the world's food production. Our story conveniently starts with a small semi-dwarf grain, stolen from the experimental labs in Japan in 1945. A grain and a crime which will take us on a journey to the US, Mexico, Malaysia, India, Rwanda indeed anywhere in the world where plants can be grown. It's a story of industrial espionage, assassination, the covert funding of extremists, the Rockefellers, Ford, the World Bank, IG Farben, Monsanto, Bayer, the United Nations, Nobel Peace Prize winners, Gates and the other technocrats, Big Pharma, Big Agg, Big Chem, Big f**ing everything.
The Violence of the Green Revolution Third World Agriculture, Ecology, and Politics (Vandana Shiva)
Who Really Feeds the World The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology (Vandana Shiva)
Toxic Legacy How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment (Stephanie Seneff)
Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank (Eric Toussaint)
The Rockefeller Foundation and the Green Revolution, 1941-1956 (John H. Perkins)
The Monsanto Papers (Carey Gillam)
Hells Cartel IG Farben and the Making of Hitlers War Machine (Diarmuid Jeffreys)
The Clash "straight to hell"
Neil Young "After the gold rush"
Led Zeppelin "Kashmir"
From the US Chemical Warfare Service at Fort Detrick in Maryland to the Guāndōng Army at Unit 731 in Manchukuo. A tale of spy rings of New Guinean tribesmen, corrupt American generals, the Spider Web chart, cursed gold, Pfizer, HIV blood, new religious movements and bubonic plague bombs. You don't want to miss out on this extended miniseries in the eve of the age of pandemics.
Hidden Atrocities Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial
Unit 731 Cover-up The Operation Paper Clip of the East
Lab 257 The Disturbing Story of the Governments Secret Germ Laboratory
Hellfire Boys The Birth of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service and the Race for the Worlds Deadliest Weapons
The Jewish Threat - Anti-Semitic Politics Of The American Army
Unit 731 Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East
Toxic archipelago a history of industrial disease in Japan
Factories of Death Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-Up
Hako Yamasaki: Cursed 呪い (Human Nature 1979)
Sigur Rós: Avalon (Ágætis byrjun 1999)
Peter Tosh: Vampire (No Nuclear War 1987)
From the US Chemical Warfare Service at Fort Detrick in Maryland to the Guāndōng Army at Unit 731 in Manchukuo. A tale of spy rings of New Guinean tribesmen, corrupt American generals, the Spider Web chart, cursed gold, Pfizer, HIV blood, new religious movements and bubonic plague bombs. You don't want to miss out on this extended miniseries in the eve of the age of pandemics.
Hidden Atrocities Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial
Unit 731 Cover-up The Operation Paper Clip of the East
Lab 257 The Disturbing Story of the Governments Secret Germ Laboratory
Hellfire Boys The Birth of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service and the Race for the Worlds Deadliest Weapons
The Jewish Threat - Anti-Semitic Politics Of The American Army
Unit 731 Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East
Toxic archipelago a history of industrial disease in Japan
Factories of Death Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-Up
Malaria! - Kaltes Klares Wasser (1991)
28 Days Later Soundtrack - In The House- In A Heartbeat (2002)
From the US Chemical Warfare Service at Fort Detrick in Maryland to the Guāndōng Army at Unit 731 in Manchukuo. A tale of spy rings of New Guinean tribesmen, corrupt American generals, the Spider Web chart, cursed gold, Pfizer, HIV blood, new religious movements and bubonic plague bombs. You don't want to miss out on this extended miniseries in the eve of the age of pandemics.
Hidden Atrocities Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial
Unit 731 Cover-up The Operation Paper Clip of the East
Lab 257 The Disturbing Story of the Governments Secret Germ Laboratory
Hellfire Boys The Birth of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service and the Race for the Worlds Deadliest Weapons
The Jewish Threat - Anti-Semitic Politics Of The American Army
Unit 731 Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East
Toxic archipelago a history of industrial disease in Japan
Factories of Death Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-Up
Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (Vinyl 1968)
Ulf Dageby - Gallret (1979)
From the US Chemical Warfare Service at Fort Detrick in Maryland to the Guāndōng Army at Unit 731 in Manchukuo. A tale of spy rings of New Guinean tribesmen, corrupt American generals, the Spider Web chart, cursed gold, Pfizer, HIV blood, new religious movements and bubonic plague bombs. You don't want to miss out on this extended miniseries in the eve of the age of pandemics.
Hidden Atrocities Japanese Germ Warfare and American Obstruction of Justice at the Tokyo Trial
Unit 731 Cover-up The Operation Paper Clip of the East
Lab 257 The Disturbing Story of the Governments Secret Germ Laboratory
Hellfire Boys The Birth of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service and the Race for the Worlds Deadliest Weapons
The Jewish Threat - Anti-Semitic Politics Of The American Army
Unit 731 Laboratory of the Devil, Auschwitz of the East
Toxic archipelago a history of industrial disease in Japan
Factories of Death Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932-1945, and the American Cover-Up
Fear East Family Band, To Many People (Vinyl Far out 1973)
Damien Marley, Confrontation (2005)
April Rain - Erased One
This is the Second episode of our new mini series in East Asia. With the crotch of Korean political cinema we will walk through the rise of protofascism and its opposition. In the first two episodes we will follow the loving Kaneko Fumiko on her way to the gallows of high treason. We will take a look at the beginning of anti-imperialism during the March 1st movement, the Kristallnacht of the great Kanto earthquake, the building up of the Japanese Tokkō “Special Higher Police '' and much more.
#Feminism #Anarchism #Protofascism #Japan #Korea #1920 #KanekoFumiko #Zizek #Gramsci #Schmitt #Diaries #Secretpolicereports
Anarchist from the Colony
Mr. Sunshine
Different Dreams
The Prison Memoirs of a Japanese Woman (Kaneko Fumiko)
Treacherous Women of Imperial Japan
Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 1
The Japanese Police State Tokko in Interwar Japan
Korean Workers The Culture and Politics of Class Formation
Kim Jung Mi, 햇님, HAENIM [Vinyl, NOW 1973]
Jang Hyun, Sunset [ Vinyl, Beautiful Rivers and Mountains: The Psychedelic Rock Sound of South Korea's Shin Joong Hyun 1958-1974]
[email protected]
This week we embark on a new mini series in East Asia's 1920s. With the crutch of Korean political cinema lets walk through the rise of protofascism and its opposition. In the first two episodes we will follow the loving Kaneko Fumiko on her way to the gallows of high treason.
A love-story paralleled by the March 1st movement, the Kristallnacht of the great Kanto earthquake and the watchmen of Tokkō, “Japans Special Higher Police”.
#Feminism #Anarchism #Protofascism #Japan #Korea #1920 #KanekoFumiko #Zizek #Gramsci #Schmitt #Diaries #Highpolice
Anarchist from the Colony
Mr. Sunshine
Different Dreams
The Prison Memoirs of a Japanese Woman (Kaneko Fumiko)
Treacherous Women of Imperial Japan
Asia's Unknown Uprisings Volume 1
The Japanese Police State Tokko in Interwar Japan
Korean Workers The Culture and Politics of Class Formation
Hako Yamasaki. Utaitaino (I want to sing ) [Vinyl Tsunawatari 1976]
Rolling Stones-Paint It Black Gayageum ver. by Luna
Mazzy Star - Look On Down From The Bridge [Vinyl Among my Swans 1996]
Welcome to the extra long season finale. We have arrived as promised to that segment of our show which is going to get a tad bit far out. It's about time we take a look at some of the curious characters, spooks, provocateurs, informers, saboteurs and infiltrators that are involved in the event which the San Francisco Chronicle recognised as constituting the greatest single loss of American civilian life in a deliberate act until the incidents of September 11, 2001.
#Jonestown #Psychoanalysis #Healing #Christianity #Lacan #Freud #Communism #Maoism #Conspiracy #CIA #FBI #SIS #Rotary
Credits to Jonestown Education Institute for making research easy. You can find transcripts and tens of thousands of original files over at
Reading list:
The Strongest Poison, by Mark Lane
The Jonestown Carnage--A CIA Crime, by S.F. Alinin B.G. Antonov A.N. Itskov
A Sympathetic History of Jonestown, by Rebecca Moore
Dirty Work - The CIA in Europe, by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf
Safe for democracy the secret wars of the CIA, by John Prados
Whos Who in CIA, by Julius Mader
We have reached the third episode and the struggle sessions known as White Nights, from now on its going to get really dark in Jonestown. Please be advised there is a lot of swearing and explicit phrasing.
#Jonestown #Psychoanalysis #Healing #Christianity #Lacan #Freud #Communism #Maoism #Conspiracy #CIA #FBI #SIS #Rotary
Credits to Jonestown Education Institute for making research easy. You can find transcripts and tens of thousands of original files over at
Reading list:
The Strongest Poison, by Mark Lane
The Jonestown Carnage--A CIA Crime, by S.F. Alinin B.G. Antonov A.N. Itskov
A Sympathetic History of Jonestown, by Rebecca Moore
Dirty Work - The CIA in Europe, by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf
Safe for democracy the secret wars of the CIA, by John Prados
Whos Who in CIA, by Julius Mader
In this second episode we continue our journey with Peoples Temple in the 70s. We are going to listen to some more original tapes from the FBI archive. We will then try to psychoanalyse the phenomenon of Jim Jones becoming a Healer and how the people around him sustained that mandate.
#Jonestown #Psychoanalysis #Healing #Christianity #Lacan #Freud #Communism #Maoism #Conspiracy #CIA #FBI #SIS #Rotary
Credits to Jonestown Education Institute for making research easy. You can find transcripts and tens of thousands of original files over at
Reading list:
The Strongest Poison, by Mark Lane
The Jonestown Carnage--A CIA Crime, by S.F. Alinin B.G. Antonov A.N. Itskov
A Sympathetic History of Jonestown, by Rebecca Moore
Dirty Work - The CIA in Europe, by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf
Safe for democracy the secret wars of the CIA, by John Prados
Whos Who in CIA, by Julius Mader
In this first episode we will walk through an introduction of Peoples Temple by a series of original tape recordings from the FBI archives.
Using a psychoanalytical method developed by Jacques Lacan known as the four discourses, we will try to get in to the heads of those who defected from American imperialism in the 70s and went on to establish a commune in the deep jungle of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, known as Jonestown: Peoples Temple Agricultural Project.
Credits to Jonestown Education Institute for making research easy. You can find transcripts and tens of thousands of original files over at
Reading list:
The Strongest Poison, by Mark Lane
The Jonestown Carnage--A CIA Crime, by S.F. Alinin B.G. Antonov A.N. Itskov
A Sympathetic History of Jonestown, by Rebecca Moore
Dirty Work - The CIA in Europe, by Philip Agee and Louis Wolf
Safe for democracy the secret wars of the CIA, by John Prados
Whos Who in CIA, by Julius Mader
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.