434 avsnitt • Längd: 5 min • Veckovis: Lördag
This podcast is a journey with the Quran. Season 1 is a reading of the Holy Quran in English. ( Quran.com) It is a translation of the meaning of the Quran. Season 2 is life lessons from the Quran. Selected verses from the Quran by themes/ topic. It can be used as Duaa/ affirmations / life coaching points to add the Quran within your life. 💐 Share your story with the Quran 👍 [email protected]
The podcast Quran in English is created by Sharifa. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Ramadan Kareem💐
Dear listeners:
We are in sura 39 The Throngs Alzumara another title is The Groups.
How many of Allah’s 99 names can you hear?
What group would you like to be part of in the hereafter?
Choose your companions wisely in this world.
Reflect on Allahs words as your heart hears them.
Let us make this month the month of Gratitude.
Alhamdulilah for Allah
Alhamdulilah for the Quran
Alhamdulilah for all my brothers and sisters in Islam
Alhamdulilah for this blessed month Ramadan
Alhamdulilah for the Prophet Mohammed ( peace and blessing upon him).
How many can you do daily ?
May Allah bless you with more than you ask for🎁
Dear listeners
What a journey this podcast is!
It started as a reading of the Quran to be recorded for life sadakah jareeyah.
Then it turned into coaching life lessons /reflections on everyday living
and now it’s a companion a soul mate🥹🥰💕
May Allah accept it 🤲
the intention is to give and I’m humbled by how much I’m receiving 💐
We are in Sura 40 Ghafir The forgiver غافر.
It’s the most heard Sura in this podcast.
May Allah bless You.
Alhamdulilah 🤲
Thank you for all your support ,
for sharing the podcast,
Blog inshallah coming soon …..
Dear listeners
We are in sura 41 Fusilat
Verses made clear
Allahs names:
Lord of Mercy Alrahman
Giver of Mercy Alraheem
Almighty Alazeez
All Knowing Alaleem
The most Forgiving Algafoor
The Most Merciful Alraheem
All Hearing Alsameea
All Knowing Alaleem
What lesson does your heart see in this sura?
For me :
-Who speakers better than someone who calls people to God ,
does what is right
and says : I am one of those devoted to God.
-We shall show them our signs:
-within the horizon
-And in themselves.
Have a blessed day💐
Dear listeners
Happy new year 2025. May Allah bless us with His Love, May the Quran be our shining bright light in our lives, May it be the year of gratitude Alhamdulilah 🎊🎉💚💐🎁
Sura 42 Alshura Consultation
What life lessons will you take with you from this sura?
The Quran is the light in your life , so make sure to use it.
Allahs names and attributes
I found 21 names of Allah in this sura
How many can you find?
God thank you for all your blessings ,
thank you for the past year 2024
with all its ups and downs.
In you I believe and to you I will return 🙏
Dear listeners,
It’s been a while , I hope you are all well and in good health.
How is your gratitude journal ? 2025 🎁
How is the Quran in your life?
Alhamdulilah for all the ups and downs of life. As long as Allah is with us we are blessed.
I come to you with a sura that is worth all the gold in the world, and more? We are in sura 43 Alzukruf Ornaments of Gold الزخرف
Do you want to know more about Allah? Understand Allah’s names and attributes :
Alaziz العزيز the Most Powerful
Alkhaleg الخالق the creator
Alaleem العليم The All Knowing
Alrahman الرحمن The Most Merciful
Alhakeem الحكيم the All wise
The more you know Him the stronger your love for Him ♥️
What life lessons touch your heart from this sura?
- Remember your lords grace say Alhamdulilah/ gratitude to Allah
Subhan allah / glory to Allah : who has given us control of this we could not have done it by ourselves.
When your lost/ confused/ don’t know where or how to start: say:and believe in your heart ❤️
Allah will guide me الذي فطرني فإنه يهدين
What is your purpose in life?
To believe in Allah,
To believe in this Quran
To do all kinds of goodness in this world for the sake of Allah.
To have good friends ( that remind you to be mindful of God, to pray on time , to fast Ramadan , to give to the needy, to do good for All people, animals , eco system.)
Ornaments of gold…. Are nothing compared to the love of Allah💚
Peace 🎁
Dear listeners
We are in sura 44 Aldukaan, the day of smoke, day of judgment. الدخان
(We have made this Quran easy to understand)
This Quran is sent down to us on a blessed night ليله القدر the power night.
This Quran makes things clear. A life manual. So use it daily.
Allah says:
We were not playing a pointless game when We created the heavens and earth and everything in between. We created them for a true purpose, but most people do not comprehend.
So be mindful of God today.
Look at the sky and say Alhamdulilah.
Have God as your intention before you do anything today.
Strive to do good for yourself, your family, your neighbors, plants ,animals, on earth, humanity.
Have a blessed day💚
Dear listeners we are in sura 45 Aljatheyah Kneeling الجاثيه ( which means the bowing down to God on the day of judgment).
This sura is one of 7 that start with HM haa meem.
It also starts and ends with God’s names ;
The mighty The Wise
Alazeez Alhakeem
العزيز الحكيم
Everything you see is a sign for you. So reflect!
Who made it? Who created it? Who gives it order? Color? Beauty and style?
Subhan Allah
You can see His beauty through His creation.
You can see His love through His blessings to us.
Be mindful in your day of Allah.( Alhamdulilah)
Have a small good deed with the intention for Allah.
you can ; Plant a seed ,
water a plant ,
give water to an animal ,
or give food to someone.
What small and easy thing can you do today ?
God bless you 💚
All praise due to Allah.
Thank you Allah for All ur blessings , tranquility, peace , wisdom , love.
The voice is by Ahmad Alshegeri from YouTube.
Peace 💖
Dear listeners
We are in Sura 46 AlAhqaf The Sand Dunes الأحقاف
This life seems long but in fact it will be seen as 1hr of 1 day at the ending.
Do good deeds+ Believe in God+ The messenger + follow the Quran.
Stories of other people in history help you in seeing the world , human beings and the choices they make. So it is wise to learn from them and not make similar mistakes.
You are given signs in this world to guide you. So remember to turn off your auto pilot as you go about your day.
Be mindful of God, grateful, have good intentions before you do anything.
Why am I doing this?
(Everyone will be ranked according to their deeds and God will repay them in full for what they have done: they will not be wronged.)
Believe in Allah : the one and only.
Listen to the guidance of the Quran: use it as your life manual, your emotional support system, your best friend.
وَمِنۡهُم مَّن یَقُولُ رَبَّنَاۤ ءَاتِنَا فِی ٱلدُّنۡیَا حَسَنَةࣰ وَفِی ٱلۡـَٔاخِرَةِ حَسَنَةࣰ وَقِنَا عَذَابَ ٱلنَّارِ﴿ ٢٠١ ﴾
, ‘
Our Lord, give us good in this world and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the torment of the Fire.’
Sura 2 Al-Baqarah, Ayah 201
Ameen 🤲
We are in Sura 47 Mohammed
Peace and blessings on the Prophet Mohammed.
May Allah Accept these recording for my Dad( past away yesterday) and every believer past present and future.
Alhamdulilah that we believe in Allah
Alhamdulilah that we believe in judgment day
Alhamdulilah we believe in Prophet Mohammed
Alhamdulilah we believe in paradise
Alhamdulilah we believe in the words of Allah the Quran
My tears are pouring but my heart is filled with the love and acceptance of Allah.
Allah thank you for blessing me with dad.
He taught me how to read the Quran
And I pray that Allah accepts this podcast and pour blessings on us all, both the living and dead.
الله يرحمك يا بابا
علمتني القران وكنت خير أب لنا
أنا لله وإنا اليه راجعون
ولا حوّل ولا قوه إلا بالله
Dear listeners
We are in sura 48 Alfatih الفتح The Triumph
Also translates as Victory/ The Opening.
Use the first five verses as a daily affirmation/ a Duaa for victory and Tranquility.:
Allah bless us with Tranquility and a clear triumph in our lives, forgive us our sins past present and future, complete your grace upon us, guide us to the straight path, help us mightily. Send us your tranquility in our hearts and the hearts of the believers and add faith to our faith and make the forces of heavens and earth on our side. You Allah are the knowledgeable the wise the God of All things. Ameen.
Allah’s name :
is Alfatah الفتاح العليم الحكيم the All wise All Knowledgeable
Allah is the Merciful The forgiver الغفور الرحيم
Believers :
We are promised from God ( a beautiful equation)
Believe in Allah + Do Good in this world = The Reward will be = forgiveness + Great Rewards.
👍Stay strong ( with love of Allah in ur ♥️)
It’s All Ok ( the ups &downs , it’s life)
Have faith it’s All Worth it at the end 🤝
Dear listeners,
We are in Sura 49 Alhujuraat الحجرات
Translated as / the private room / chambers.
It’s a Sura of Etiquette , the social borders we have around us, private and social.
The mutual respect we have for one another.
Allah The Most Merciful The most Forgiving. سبحان الله الرحمن الرحيم
So Be mindful of God the most merciful the most forgiving.
We created you All from a single man and single woman
And made you into races, and tribes
So that you Should get to know one another.
Allah knows the secrets of the heavens and earth: He sees everything you do.
Peace and blessings
Friday 💚
Dear listeners,
We are in Sura 50 Qaaf ق
Praise Allah morning and evening , The Lord of Creation, the Creator of the skies and earth and everything between them.
Praise to Allah who created us and to Him we return. سبحان الله Subhan Allah
سبحان الله وبحمده
God sent down His words to the prophet Mohammed ( peace be upon him)
The Quran is a life manual for us.
So read/ listen / reflect / think / explore / question/ the Quran for it is a reminder and warning .
Dear listeners
We are in Sura 51 AlThariyat. The scattering Winds الذاريات
Where do we go from these words:
“On earth there are signs for those with sure faith, and in yourselves too.”
Try not to be on autopilot as u go about ur day, stop
look at nature around you
take a deep breath
and for a moment connect
With everything u see
with your breath
with the sky and
with your Creator.
“Do you not see? In the sky is your sustenance and all that you are promised”
no one is in control of your body and soul except ur creator,
we are all equal human beings,
Look up
Dream big
The sky is your limit
Enjoy the love of God
Deep breath
Go on your daily life
You are supported
You are connected with all the universe
We are all made by Allah
“By the Lord of the skies and earth, All this is as real as your speaking “
By the creator
of these letters we write ,
Of knowledge ,
Of language,
Of voice ,
Of speech ,
Of writing ,
Of reading
by the maker of the sky above and earth
All of this is real.
Praise to Allah , The Provider , The Lord of Power , the Ever Mighty.
سبحان الله هو الرازق ذو القوه المتين
“ It is good for those who believe to be reminded”
God bless you
Be the best versions of yourselves with these beautiful powerful verses inside your ♥️
Dear listeners
We are in sura 53 Altoor الطور
My reflection of this sura :
Believe or don’t believe , that is totally up to you but make sure you are ready for life part2!
The sura ends with a beautiful affirmation for us today:
Celebrate the name of your Lord by day and Glorify your Lord at night.
سبحان الله وبحمده
Subhan Allah wa Behamdih
Have a blessed Friday 💚
Dear listeners
God’s Mercy comes in different shapes and sizes to us all. Sometimes it’s in the form of help from a stranger or it can be in the form of a good deed that you easily do.
What good deed do you find yourself doing easily?
What shape and size is God’s Mercy on you today?
What can I say about this sura when it leaves me humble and it ends with bowing down to Allah the Most Magnificent the Most Merciful.
Dear listeners,
We are in Sura 54 AlGamar The Moon القمر
We have made it easy to learn lessons from the Quran: will anyone take heed?
So what does the Quran mean to you?
What lessons will you take from it?
( When We ordain something it happens at once, in the blink of an eye)
Every action great or small is recorded.
Dear listeners
We are in sura 55 The Lord of Mercy
Alrahmaan الرحمن
Which of your Lords blessings do you deny?
This question is repeated throughout the sura for you to reflect on your life and everything in it so practice being grateful to Allah. Alhamdulilah الحمد لله
Blessed is the name of your lord full of Majesty Bestowed Honour.
تبارك أسم ربك ذي الجلال والإكرام
/ The Owner of Generosity and Honour
Dear Listeners
How are you today?
How about repeating a word from this sura today and see how you feel by the end of the day.
(Glorify the Name of Your Lord The Supreme)
Subhan Allah Alatheem
سبحان الله العظيم
This is from our sura 56 Alwaqiaah .
Translated as:
That Which Is Coming.
Judgment Day.
Have a blessed day
Keep going🦋
Dear Listeners
We are in sura 57 Iron Alhadeed الحديد
What names and attributes for Allah can you find in this sura?
Remember throughout your day that God’s grace is truly immense.
Dear listeners
What can you use from this sura today in your daily life?Reflect !
The first verse can be repeated when there is a dispute with your spouse. When ur complaining remember God is listening you’re not alone even when it sometimes feels that way.
There are 8 names and attributes in this sura. Can you find them?
تأمل وتدبر
Reflect and contemplate
( قد سمع الله)
💗Allah has heard-
You are safe Trust Allah💗
تطمن وثق بالله
May Allah guide us in this life and bless us with health happiness and prosperity. 💗
Dear Brothers and Sisters
We are in sura 59
Alhasher الحشر
Translate as The Gathering / The Exile / The Banished/ The Gathering of forces.
What Names and tributes are used for God?
The Almighty Alazeez العزيز
The Wise Alhakeem الحكيم
The compassionate Alraaouf الرأوف
The Merciful Alraheem الرحيم
We have the last 3 verses with 17 names and attributes of Allah;
He is God: there is no god other than Him. It is He who knows what is hidden as well as what is in the open, He is the Lord of Mercy, the Giver of Mercy./ Ayah 22
He is God: there is no god other than Him, the Controller, the Holy One, Source of Peace, Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Almighty, the Compeller, the Truly Great; God is far above anything they consider to be His partner./ Ayah 23
He is God: the Creator, the Originator, the Shaper. The best names belong to Him. Everything in the heavens and earth glorifies Him: He is the Almighty, the Wise.
Ayah 24
I am so grateful for Dr.Abdul haleem’s English translation of the Quran. I can hear the Arabic verse as I read it in English.
If We had sent this Quran down to a mountain, you would have seen it humbled and split apart in its awe of God:
We offer people such illustrations so that they may reflect.(Ayah 21)
Duaa 🤲
Lord, forgive us our sins and the sins of our brothers who believed before us, and leave no malice in our hearts towards those who believe. Lord, You are truly compassionate and merciful.’, Ayah 10
Dear Friends:
We are at Sura 60 Almumtahinah: The tested women: الممتحنه.
How do we get to know God?
Through His names and attributes.
The All powerful : Alazzez: العزيز
الحكيم The All Wise: Alhakeem
الغني The Self Sufficing : Alghani
الحميدWorthy of All Praise: Alhameed
الغفورThe Forgiving : Algafoor
الرحيمThe Merciful: Alraheem
العليمThe All Knowing: Alaleem
Duaa said by prophet Abraham :
- Lord we have put our trust in you we turn to you You are our final destination.
- Lord do not expose us to mistreatment at the hands of the disbelievers, forgive us Lord for you have the power to decide.
Lessons to take with you in your daily lives:
- beware who you Befriend.
- do good deeds your family and children can’t help you on the day of judgement.
- God loves those who are fair.
-Remember for every beginning there is an ending , judgment day is real so remember to act justly with others .
- have friends that are kind and have morals but always have a believing friend that reminds you to pray and to read the Quran .
-Be mindful of God throughout your day.
Thank you for joining me in this beautiful journey of growth through my person reflections from the Quran.
💝🤲 May Allah bless you with more than you ask for.
Dear listeners, we are in sura 61 Alsaf : translated as :Solid lines الصف
The title also means:
-Be together in God’s name.
- Support each other as brothers and sisters in Islam.
- We are given two stories ;
- Jesus’s people who were together in God’s name.
- Moses people who were divided.
What life lesson can you use in your life:
- Have faith in God and His messenger.
- have the intention that everything you do with ur possessions and family , friends, neighbors, ppl at work is in God’s cause.
- Good news: we are promised Help and imminent breakthrough .
God’s names used here:
- The All Powerful: Alazeez: العزيز
- The All Wise: Alhakeem: الحكيم
Allah you are the All wise All Powerful bless us with your wisdom and help and support us with an easy happy healthy wealthy satisfying life in your name. Ameen💝
Dear listeners, we are in sura 62 Friday / congregation.
Reflections from this sura :
-praise God Subhan Allah سبحان الله
-He sent us His words
- He teaches us His book
-He teaches us wisdom.
How do we get to know God?
- through His words.
- through His names.
- though His attributes ( his characteristics )
What names are used here for God.
_Allah الله
-The Controller : Almalik : الملك
- The Holy One : Alkudoos: القدوس
- The Powerful: Alazez : العزيز
- the All Wise: Alhakeem: الحكيم
there are also characteristics of God :
- God’s favor is immense ذو الفضل العظيم
- the One who knows the unseen as well as the seen : عالم الغيب والشهاده -
- God is the best provider : الله خير الرازقين
Believers :
- praise Allah سبح لله
- Go to Friday Prayers
- seek God’s bounty
- remember God a lot = so you may prosper
Allah please guide us in this life , our parents , kids and partners. You alone know the seen and unseen , what we go through and what we need , we humbly ask you with love and acceptance to provide for us , you are the Best provider.🥹🤲
Dear listeners,
we are with sura 66 Altahreem Prohibition التحريم.
What life lesson can we reflect on:
- guard yourselves and families from betrayingGod.
- submit to God and be aware of Him in your daily lives.
God’s 99 Names within this sura :
- God is the All forgiving : Algafar الغفور
God is The All Merciful الرحيم: Alraheem
God is the All Knowing: Alaleem: العليم
God is All wise : Alhakeem: الحكيم
God is the All Aware : Alkabeer: الخبير
Use God’s names in asking Him / Duaa:
Allah you are the All wise all forgiving the all merciful the all knowing the all aware perfect our lives , bless us with your light and forgive us and give us and our loved ones the best of both worlds with ease happiness , health , wealth and tranquility . Amen 🤲
Dear listeners, how are you today?
This is sura 67 تبارك Tabarak translated as The Kingdom also as Control.
What are the names of Allah in this sura :
The Mighty : Alazeez: العزيز
The forgiving, Alghafoor: الغفور
The Lord of Mercy : Alrahman : الرحمن
The Most Subtle, Allateef : اللطيف
The All Aware: Alkhabeer : الخبير
So put your trust in Allah , who created you and ask Him from your heart using His beautiful names .
Salam translation : Peace
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.