Five to ten topics, sometimes about running, with lots of love and enthusiasm and science. We dig deep into training, races, studies, pop culture, and much more! With Megan Roche, M.D. and David Roche!
The podcast Some Work, All Play is created by David Roche and Megan Roche. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
We took off our armor for this incredible episode! The main discussion might have been one of our most important (and fun) ever: the Big Alta 50k DNF, failure, and what it truly means to go for it. David raced Big Alta because it was somewhere that he couldn't hide. We needed to gather data about what happened at the very edge of human capabilities. And when you F around...sometimes you find out.
We hope that you feel a connection to your big scary dreams. Thank you for giving us the courage to dream bigger!
And this one was full of great topics! Other topics: racing lessons from Big Alta, why ankles are annoying, guys v. dudes, running your own race, Jim Walmsley dominates at Chianti, Kilian is going to Western States, sauna v. hot tub, going from 0 to 1 to 2 kids, running groups, bike v. treadmill, core work, life "balance" for people with big goals, long-term training builds, and lots more.
This episode gives you a raw window into the true story that athletes rarely tell. We all fail. Life really unfolds in what happens next.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
-David and Megan
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We celebrated the 250th recording for this great episode! The main topic was a new study on fatigue resistance. How do you actually improve performance after multiple hours of work? It’s the greatest mystery of endurance, and whoever solves it will have a big advantage. We think that we have some answers for training, fueling, and the nervous system.
And this episode was jam-packed with tons of amazing topics and questions! Other topics: race week reflections before the Big Alta 50k, confidence, showing up authentically for a serious episode 250 discussion, positivity and love in a complex world, fatigue resistance training, OnlyFans sponsors Sabrina Stanley, Nike sponsors Riley Brady, Outside Mag’s revolt, and more.
This one got deep and personal, like we also get with our treadmill.
Thank you so much for your support over 250 episodes. Let’s do another 250! We love you all. HUZZAH!
-David and Megan
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We lifted some styrofoam plates painted like metal before this great episode! The main topic was a new study showing improved fatigue resistance for athletes doing heavy lifting twice per week. Yes... we regret to inform you that we think you should probably have a squat rack nearby. Prepare your butts.
We also answered a question on carb intake after exercise, framed around a pro triathlete recently announcing that they had high hemoglobin A1C. We talk about some of the complications of that particular story, and also how high-carb fueling during training may change fueling approaches overall. This episode is not sponsored by Country Time Lemonade, but the Country Time people need to call our people.
And there were so many other great topics! Other topics: our first date run in 6 months, Jim Walmsley's dominant 50k, an offer code for the Wahoo Run Treadmill, grunting during training, timing nutrition intake, creating supportive environments, why health is the missing link in many training approaches, fitness and speed offsets, watch data, cadence, and the main thing to look for if you suffer from cramps.
This episode is a Public Service Announcement for medicated creams. Medicated Creams: be careful about what you put in your mouth.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
-David and Megan
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We brought some very sore legs into this great episode! The main topic was a new study on "Zone 2 Training," which gathered a panel of experts to review what Zone 2 means and why it matters. Our theory is that Zone 2 training is interacting with high-carb fueling to drive some of the performance revolution!
We also talked about a new study on heat training. It shows that heat-induced adaptations and fitness improvements seem to mimic one another, but may come from different sources. Thus, stacking them could lead to outsized benefits!
And get a big plate because there was a buffet of great topics! Other topics: leg soreness from downhill running, a follow-up study on trail supershoes, whether athletes without supershoes will be at a disadvantage on trails, weird heart rate zones, weird blood lactate curves, how athletes can vary from population averages, how we try to embrace pressure, pre-workout carbs, going for it at Western States, uphill treadmill workouts, feel v. metrics in harder workouts, joy in dark forests, and peeing in races.
The hottest soundtrack in the club is going to be made up of the whale songs on this episode. Drop it like it's waaoaoooooooooooaoaoo.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
-David and Megan
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We put on some supershoes for an extra boost for this great episode! A main topic was a question we get a lot: whether high-carb fueling during training is healthy in a broader sense. We not only think it's healthy, we think that the question is best asked another way: how much healthier is fueling your training than the alternative of underfueling? It's true that you probably don't want to be slurping a gel at 3 PM for a snack. But around training, try to fuel the work you're doing.
The big science topic was a new study on trail shoes with carbon plates, which theorizes that they won't be helpful for trail runners. We use the study to talk about the risks of broad conclusions from narrow protocols. It's possible that carbon-plated shoes won't take over trail running in the next decade. But we would bet that they do.
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: the pursuit of greatness, a Western States 100 training update, sharing vulnerability, the shoe disqualification at the US 100 Mile Championships, individual variation in training, frequency of racing, filming training videos, Zone 2 guidelines, the debate around stretching, building mental toughness, and setting boundaries.
Like Timothée Chalamet, we're really in pursuit of greatness. Actually, scratch that. We are really in pursuit of not getting sued by energy bar companies.
That will make sense soon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We bought stock in baking soda before this record-breaking episode! It was a "No Secrets" Q+A, where we lay it all on the line. This one was so fun!
The first big question was on the deluge of world records set in the last week. Our theory is that compound gains are being harnessed from nutrition, supplements, and shoes that are changing how athletes can train and adapt across all endurance sports. We break down the shifts in training theory, and predict what comes next.
Next was a question about Kilian Jornet’s fasted workout and the theory behind it (and why we don’t recommend it). One fascinating wrinkle is how he took high-dose probiotics before the session. We use that as an excuse to dive into the wild world of probiotics science, where research breakthroughs are happening all the time.
Other Q+A topics: health v. performance, roads v. trails, encouraging a partner to fuel more, heart rate zones, visualization, zone 2 training, and more!
We love you all! Huzzah!
-Megan and David
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Our minds were blown this weekend as more records were annihilated on the trails (at the Black Canyon 100k) and the track (at the Millrose Games)! We talk about The Performance Revolution: what's causing it, what we all can learn, and what comes next. The future is here. And the future is wildly fast!
Next up was a new study on strength training for cyclists! We talked about our evolving feelings on strength training, why we encourage athletes to do squats, and why we think single-leg split squats were created by an evil force who hates our glutes.
Then it was a lot of fun topics mixed with a "No Secrets" Q+A! Topics: Riley Brady and Tara Dower reset what's possible at the Black Canyon 100k, the tough decision calculus of how hard to go out at ultras in the modern era, inspiring stories from Black Canyon, Salomon hires one of the top metabolic and performance researchers, the influence of sodium bicarbonate in recent performances, optimism v. realism, adding small amounts of training consistently, dealing with low motivation, building mental toughness, electrolyte consumption, weighted vets, and lots more!
Quote to remember: "The invention of the ship was also the invention of the shipwreck."
Oops we did it again,
-David and Megan
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We embraced the pressure for 2025 before recording this great episode! A concept we disagree with is that "pressure will break down the mind," referring to saying big, scary goals out loud. Our main idea: pressure is a joyful part of sports. We talk about our long journey to get to this point, and why you should want the ball with time running out, your team down by 2, everyone counting on you. Pressure is fun!
The big science topic was one of the strangest parts of human physiology: the repeated bout effect. Just a single, short exposure to steep downhill running causes massive changes in muscle properties and biomechanics on subsequent sessions, even when those sessions are weeks apart. What's happening? We break down the murky science to bring some clarity for what it means for training.
Then it was a "No Secrets" Q+A! Topics: high-carb fueling for mental performance, anxiety in athletes, talent and "long patience," weekly mileage, our evolving thoughts on ketones, workout structure, going all-in, terrain and form for strides, cereal choices, heat training and family planning, and a whole bunch of off-the-cuff hot takes.
The quote to remember: "talent is long patience."
The quote to forget: "those strings are coming out of WHERE?"
It'll make sense soon.
Pulling strings forever,
-Megan and David
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This episode is one of our all-time favorites, diving into tons of the most important (and most frivolous) topics! As always, it’s in the “no secrets” style, where we lift the curtain and show you what people are thinking at the top end of endurance sports, but might not want to say publicly. Plus, there were so many laughs mixed with serious moments. This one is a JOURNEY.
Topics this week: the “Trial by Miles” video, going to dark places in workouts, dealing with brain “panic” when things are hard, fueling in the cycling peloton, how we are evolving on fueling easy days, Stian Angermund’s important story, compassion in drug testing, speed and the “limits” of genetics, going farther than 100 miles, fueling lower intensity efforts, how coaching and confidence interact, why playing a character is sometimes important in developing confidence, VO2 max workouts for athletes of different levels, the culture of alcohol in endurance sports, ferritin and iron levels, blood testing, the iron supplements we are recommending now, and more.
It’s so much fun to get to be a small part of your journeys. Today's Listener Corner is wildly beautiful, and it means everything to us to know that the podcast might help you navigate hard moments. Remember Mary Oliver’s urging:
“Finally, I saw that worrying had come to nothing / And gave it up. And took my old body / and went out into the morning / and sang.”
Singing off-tune,
-David and Megan
Watch the new video "Let's Shock The World" on David's Western States build:
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This episode was so fun, and it wasn’t just the cinnamon rolls we used for carb research. The main topic was a new study that took a cool design and extended the conclusions beyond their reach, theorizing that athletes should reconsider high-carb approaches for peak performance. We outline where we think the conclusions missed the mark. It makes us uncomfortable to disagree in this way, but we think it’s important for the health and performance of all athletes.
Next, we dove back into our comfort zone with a “No Secrets” Q+A on the best topics! Other topics: the Road To Western States video series getting a green-light for a full season, Megan’s first bike workout back, music during runs and races, how to structure the Trial of Miles, fear before big events, monitoring and improving bone density, and our theories on heat training!
And the Pain Cave Party playlist is here to give you some motivation for your winter training! Listen, and remember the wise words: “You know, technically / I'm not even really supposed to be here right now / So F it / Might as well make the most of it.”
We love you all! HUZZAH!
Trying to make the most of it,
-Megan and David
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We brought so much gratitude to this amazing episode! The main topic was the news announced this weekend: David's Leadville 100 performance won the International Trail Performance of the Year. Yes, tears were shed. To everyone who listens, THANK YOU. In ways that go deeper than words...thank you. We reflect on the training, the journey, how our lives have changed, and what's ahead. Shooters shoot.
Next it was a "No Secrets" Q+A! Topics: why hydration recommendations of "drinking to thirst" are often wrong in races and training, fitness apps, early AM training, when training volume hits a saturation point, what weekly volumes might lead to breakthroughs, how love evolves (or doesn't), recovery runs, AI and energy use, gel flavors, adaptations to long-term heat training, the number of workouts we suggest per week, our frustrations with running media, and Listener Corner.
This community kept us going with love and belief through some dark forests this year. This is OUR award. It would not have been possible if it was just us chasing history. But when we have this team lifting us up? Well, we might just F around and make history.
We love you all! Huzzah!
FAFOing forever,
-David and Megan
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The best moment of our lives happened last week. It's not the baby. It's a social media mention from the GOAT Kilian Jornet. And we brought that celebration energy to this awesome episode!
The main study was on the types of training that leads to faster marathon times, looking at 150,000 datapoints. With findings that overlap with other studies, we can start to outline the most direct way to make running faster (and more fun).
The remainder of the episode was in our classic "No Secrets" Q+A style! Topics: what makes David think that he can compete for the win at Western States, our initial review of the Wahoo Run Treadmill, whether high carb fueling is for everyone (hint: yes, mostly), whether VERY high carb approaches might be the next frontier (hint: we hope not), improving Zone 2, heart rate zones in cross training, incorporating cross training for the first time, structuring recovery intervals on strides, our thoughts on SWAP Media expansion, the beer 2-mile record, and a beautiful Listener Corner message.
We're calling this the "You Brought It On Yourself" episode. Listen for a hilariously honest call-out near the end. We love you all! HUZZAH!
Always bringing it on ourselves,
-Megan and David
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We got some very surprising news before recording this celebration episode! This one has it all: complicated training questions, predictions for the future, and a stunning twist to start the episode (and we were in for a lot more stunning twists after we recorded).
The questions from podcast listeners were on tons of amazing topics: heart rate drift tests to estimate zone 2, how to pace ultras, why we think 2025 will be the year of a hydration emphasis in endurance performance, the sponsorship landscape, returning to training after layoffs, supershoes, protein intake, strides v. workouts, our thoughts about daily nutrition outside of athletics, running form analysis, progressive overload across training cycles, and our big goals for next year.
Our new baby’s name is Ollie Hope Roche, after Megan’s favorite poet, Mary Oliver (and the high point of the Leadville 100, Hope Pass). Remember, Ollie, what your namesake wrote: “Only if there are angels in your head will you ever, possibly, see one.”
We love you all! HUZZAH!
-Megan, David, Leo, and Ollie
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We celebrated a wild year with a "No Secrets" Q+A episode! This one is full of fascinating topics, mixing science, theory, and hot takes into the perfect holiday stew.
The questions all came from podcast listeners on the following topics: how to think about gut training, Zone 2 heart rate and how terrible some online calculators are for athletes of all levels, our favorite speed workouts to gauge progress over time, incorporating cross training into long-term growth, specific guidelines for cross training like cadence and effort, adapting and performing at altitude, consistency during the holidays and why it's ok to take downtime, supershoes and ankle stability, how we think about running cadence and form, Kilian's tempo-after-intervals workout, and our current thinking on the 2025 Western States 100.
It's such a gift to record this podcast each week. Thank you all for everything, and happy holidays! You are the most special goats to us.
Always thinking of Kilian,
-David and Megan
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We bowed down to the power of hot mugwort before this amazing episode! The main topic was on a study that may be the long-lost "missing link" in our training theory. It took 12 elite endurance runners and had them do sprints of 100 meters and 400 meters, along with a VO2 max test. Their findings (and one striking non-finding) may connect studies on speed interventions with real-world implications.
We also answered listener questions in the "no secrets" style! The most hairy question was on a topic that people don't talk about too much in public: supplements. We say what we take and why we take it, with a million disclaimers because we're cool like that.
And this one was full of the best topics! Other topics: takeaways from Strava's Year in Sport, why an experience this week may influence how we think about training theory, the cost of the Western States 100, year-end voting, how fueling and hydration are letting people race more, AI use cases for athletes, our thoughts on cold plunges, a framework for mental toughness, nose strips in poker, the evolution of shoes, and Listener Corner.
In the episode, we talk about a video we saw where champion triathlete Lionel Sanders had his treadmill directly in front of a photo of one of his competitors celebrating a victory. We're inspired. So if you hear some extra motivation in our voices, it's probably because we put a photo of the Smartless guys in front of the mic in our bedroom.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We collected some wonderful questions before this great episode! It's our classic "no secrets" style, where we take you behind the scenes to combine research and theory with what athletes are actually doing, but maybe not talking about.
We started with a new study on maintaining heat acclimation, which helps answer questions on how to improve blood volume year-round in a sustainable way. Then it was onto the questions!
Topics of the questions: sodium bicarbonate and ketone use, the difference between big dreams and excessively big dreams, speed development for long races, our possibly-surprising take on speed versus volume, how bicarb supplementation changes sodium intake, our experience with topical bicarb lotions, preventing cramping, why hill strides may feel harder than flat strides (and how that's connected to their value), the recovery cost of strides, our approach to self-massage for recovery, the potential benefits of hot yoga, and more!
We love... the 2005 movie "Hitch" starring Will Smith and Kevin James. And we love you all! HUZZAH!
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We got our Rich Roll on before this amazing episode! David's appearance on the Rich Roll Podcast came out this week, and we started with some takeaways from a surreal experience. We then pivot into some talk on protein in adaptation and recovery. When in doubt, the answer for us is often to throw some protein on it.
Next was a truly wild study that looked at low energy availability and managed to do the impossible: it included a control group that was blinded to the intervention. How is it even possible to make subject unaware of their caloric intake? How could 2 weeks of intentional underfueling be allowed ethically? We delve into a new frontier of nutrition and performance science.
And this one was jam-packed with fun topics! Other topics: banging the cymbal, what we learned in the few months since the Rich Roll episode was recorded, why enhancing "fat metabolism" via nutritional interventions has limited utility, a review study on swearing and performance, how that has implications for self-talk and internal monologues generally, the emerging science of continuous lactate monitors, our predictions for their future use, an article on the uncertainty of ketones, contrasting that with their widespread adoption in endurance sports, a study on gold medalist Kristian Blummenfelt, how he meets his astronomical fueling needs, how heart rate zones vary across athletes, why everyone is different with heart rate, and Listener Corner.
Thank you all for the love and support to make any of this possible. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We brought some joyful and fluid-tastic vibes to this great episode! The main topic involved us picking our jaws off the floor as records were absolutely annihilated at the JFK 50 Mile, America's oldest ultramarathon. We have some inside info on how David Sinclair set the record, which we think could be Ultra Performance of the Year. Plus we worship the queen, Rachel Drake. Why are we seeing record after record get smashed at every major race? The answer likely lies at the intersection of training, shoes, and most of all--fueling.
We also talked about a breakthrough new study from the Boston Marathon. Researchers found that the prevalence of low energy availability indicators was associated with worse performance and health outcomes. Find your strong, and you will find your fast!
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: David recording through fluid adversity, Megan taking one for the team because she loves the podcast mornings, the "Shoot Your Shot" mini-documentary on the Javelina 100, the frontiers of lubrication, lessons from Ryan Sullivan's incredible long-term progression, Shelby Houlihan returning from her ban, why we want to uplift forgiveness, a question on embracing competition, and Listener Corner.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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You can smell the excitement on this amazing episode! The main training topic was on David's favorite study of 2024, which caused major changes in his training approach. The study found some potential mechanisms for improved fatigue resistance, but we take it a step further into theories about solving for a puzzle that has flummoxed coaches and researchers forever. Could this study be the missing link connecting fatigue resistance and training interventions? Maybe. We dive into the cutting edge of endurance training to find out.
We also talked about how Megan is planning to rebuild for big goals in 2025 and beyond. It's the perfect opportunity to discuss the interplay of power, speed, cross training, and strength work in an athletic journey. It's also the perfect opportunity to talk about critical internet comments. Scared money don't make money!
And this one was full of awesome topics! Other topics: the perils of heat suit training and weak laundry practices, building strength and power, why people are weird on the internet, a shoe that really let us down, some reviews of "supertrainers" and why we think these shoes are so important in training, a triathlon case study on carb oxidation in long events, the controversy around NSAID use in endurance races, and Listener Corner.
This one was SO MUCH FUN. Like the listener at the end of the episode, you (and we mean everything that goes into what makes you... plus what comes out of you) = awesome.
We love you all! Huzzah!
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We celebrated huge beating genius machines before this awesome episode! The main training topic was on 10 ways our training approaches changed for Leadville and Javelina. Throughout the process of preparing for 100 miles, we made itty bitty alterations that sometimes became big shifts in how our plans usually look. We break down each of them and how they might apply to other athletes. Time to pop a squat (or 2 x 10 reps of them).
Before that, we have a little love letter to listeners. That consists of a new playlist to motivate training, a SWAP hat release, some thoughts on celebration and next steps, and also some sadness about crap that we can’t control. Thank you all for giving us a space to be open and authentic, especially when we’re unsure what to say.
And this one had tons of great topics! Other topics: the Big Dump Truck Energy playlist, the poem How To Triumph Like a Girl, a question on balancing motivation and health, the new 100-mile training plan, a wonderful article on ultra performance that posits that muscle damage is the main limiter, why we think the trainability of running economy is being overlooked, how to think about using feel v. heart rate in harder efforts, David’s interview on the Singletrack podcast, heat training in the cycling peloton, some hot takes that become cold takes on the future of heat training, and Listener Corner.
A lyric that ran through our heads last week was from Bo Burnham: “I want to help to leave this world better than I found it / And I fear that comedy won’t help / And the fear is not unfounded.”
We are recommitting to love.
Raging with love.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We answered tons of amazing listener questions on this great episode! We approached Leadville and Javelina like science experiments, and like all good science experiments, we want to share everything before starting a new experiment for the Western States 100. This one is full of sexy science, theory, psychology, nutrition, and so much more!
Our philosophy is "no secrets"... sometimes to a fault. That means spilling the beans on everything from training to nutrition to gear, plus some hot takes on where we think the sport is going.
A list of some of the topics: Freetrail's Javelina race video and our obsessive Youtube history, the Wikipedia page journey, Kilian going for a golden ticket to Western States, whether athletes should wait to do longer ultras, what we have learned about recovery after the races, how we are framing sponsorship discussions, what makes ultras so cool, why David wears nose strips, the anti-chafe approach for Javelina, supershoes for slower runners, training "belief" in running, how our training theory is evolving, muscle fatigue later in races, framing performance through running economy, aerobic build weeks, cross training approaches, longer singles, key workouts, heart rate patterns in training and racing, race day execution, doubts and fears, bicarb and ketones, whether heat suit training will be something we do in the future, pushing the frontiers of hydration, alpha dogging, and big dreams at Western States.
This one was such a joy to record. We can't wait to share the journey with you all ahead!
Or to put it another way: "F what you heard. It's what you hearin." We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We ventured into the unknown at the Javelina 100 Mile, and we're coming back with a celebration to share! This episode is all about processing a life-changing weekend where David won Javelina in 12 hours, 45 minutes to earn a Golden Ticket to the Western States 100.
There was one defining feature of the day: HEAT. Race day featured record temperatures around 100 degrees F in Phoenix, with the course traversing desert cactus that didn't offer a hint of shade. Given the short training time after Leadville, we had the opportunity to conduct the ultimate science experiment. What happens at the edge of human physiology? We strive to give you some answers while they are fresh in our brains.
It's the ultimate "no secrets" episode, where we tell you exactly how we're feeling while we're still in the midst of processing it all. We talk about the journey to the start line, the training that led to the confidence to race aggressively, the science that informed that race strategy, heat adaptation and management, high carb fueling, how the performance revolution in ultras is just getting started, and so much more.
After Leadville, there was one major weakness for the science: a single race is not enough data. That feeling also led to David feeling like an impostor and like Leadville could have been a fluke. Our podcast listeners gave us the courage to know that shooters shoot, and that we'd come back with science and stories no matter what.
And it appears that Leadville wasn't a fluke.
Next up: Western States in 2025. The big dreams will not stop now. The performance revolution in endurance sports is just getting started. Let's all ride the wave!
Thank you so much for being there along the way. None of this would have happened without podcast listeners giving us purpose, joy, and support. We love you all so much! HUZZAH!
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We reached deep into the BELIEVE BAG before this great episode! It started out with all of our thoughts ahead of the Javelina 100 Miler this weekend. This journey into the unknown has it all: fears, dread, and doubt right alongside excitement, celebration, and DMX. We hope this exploration gives you a tailwind that pushes you to chase scary dreams.
We also did a deep dive into a massive new meta-regression study on mitochondria and capillary development. The study gathered data from hundreds of previous studies to come to big conclusions about how the body adapts over time.
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: shoe choice for the race, how mindset evolves on race week, a new article on Norwegian heat training that delves into how to prepare for hot races, how that may improve performance in cooler conditions, Parker Valby's game-changing contract with New Balance, what that contract means for the sport and lessons for negotiation generally, how long-term training impacts physiology, the Secretary of the Interior running an ultra, how higher caffeine totals may impact sleep even 12 hours before bedtime, carb burning at low intensities, and a beautiful listener corner message about crusty hearts.
This one is for the brick stackers and shot shooters! See you on the other side.
We love you all! Huzzah!
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We put on all of our pants and jackets to record this HOT episode! The main training topic is on the wild science of heat suit training. In 2021, a case study revealed that simply wearing a couple layers while doing easy biking could rapidly expand hemoglobin mass, which could improve performance in all conditions. Numerous other studies support the findings, and now heat suits are a staple of pro cycling training. This could be a new frontier of performance!
We talk about how our feelings have changed, and how David is starting to use heat suits in his own training. It's getting hot in here, so put on all of your clothes.
We also did a deep dive on stomach training. The fueling revolution in endurance sports implies another revolution that isn't talked about (or researched) as much: GI systems that can process so many calories and liquids while running. Since there are gaps in the research, we step in with what we have learned. GI training is simple and easy, but it requires concerted effort. Prepare to slurp.
And this one was full of the best topics! Other topics: our protocol for GI training, how David is pushing his own stomach limits before the Javelina 100 Mile, a Wikipedia rejection email, how to use heart rate data as an art rather than a strict science, the shifting of training zones over short and long time horizons, our initial thoughts on the new marathon world record, how we balance celebration and skepticism, a new AI program that we think is especially useful for science, and a beautiful Listener Corner message on grief and taking chances.
Shine your lights and shoot your shots. This one is for Paul.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We made loud grunting noises to celebrate recording this great episode! A primary training discussion was on putting the finishing touches on the quick build for the Javelina 100 Miler. It's getting very, very real. Confidence is rising, and falling, and falling some more, then rising again. We bring you into the process to feel just how hard it all can be at times for athletes of all levels. Prepare to grunt.
But the main topic ventured into an area we usually avoid: heated debates. A recent article went semi-viral in the sports science world with a provocative title: "Does Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) Syndrome Exist?" While the article does have important points, we think those points are obscured by a title and supporting thesis that don't pass muster relative to what's seen and experienced in the real world. The researchers brought some hot fire in their title, and we aim to do the same as a counterpoint.
And this one was full of fascinating topics! Other topics: why steep downhills may be important for fatigue resistance even in flatter races, pushing back endurance limits via very hard workouts, ultra spreadsheet creation, Tadej Pogacar's appearance on Peter Attia's podcast, Zone 2 training, how heart rate training needs to be feel-based, fueling levels based on intensity, an important new study on carb oxidation changes based on body size, our thoughts on Strava AI, the Houston basketball team doing fast mile runs, notes from the pro biking peloton, Courtney Dauwalter's domination, a study on VO2 max that points out how hard science can be, and a beautiful listener corner message.
Bring some chocolate milk, because this episode got spicy!
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We loaded up on some "awake" tea to feel extra caffeinated for this spicy episode! Listeners send in such great questions, and it was so fun to get down and dirty with some fascinating topics. It's called a "no secrets" Q+A because we often see conversations with elite athletes and coaches where it's clear that we aren't getting the full picture. Our goal is to be an open book (for better and for worse!).
As a result, this one was full of the most fun topics! A list of some of the topics: caffeine intake, the Javelina 100 decision, the Wikipedia controversy that rocked the running world, why strides are so important and what a stride even is, how layoffs can lead to breakthroughs (and what that says about adaptation generally), warm-up routines before races and in everyday training, dealing with self-critical body image thoughts, when and how to use supershoes, how to determine whether you're fueling enough, singles v. doubles (two runs in one day) in training theory, post-exercise ketone usage, the frontiers of bicarb supplementation, TUEs and drug testing, body functions during races, polarized v. pyramdial training, uphill treadmill workouts, and sex drive changes based on training status.
This one was a total blast to record! Double up those tea bags and let's gooooooooo.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We marveled at the athletic performance of the year to prepare for this great episode! It kicked off with us picking our jaws up off the floor, in awe of Tara Dower's overall record on the Appalachian Trail. Coach Megan delves into what made it possible (strides and speed) and what sets Tara apart (being a superhero). This achievement will take decades to fully process!
The main science talk was a new study on Kilian Jornet's physiology data from 2022 UTMB, where he won in historic fashion. There are some wild pieces of information in this study that push the limits of what we know about endurance: biomechanical adaptations like reduced cadence, remarkable metabolic flexibility, shockingly high lactate levels, major reductions in hemoglobin, big variations in carb intake, and perhaps most interestingly--post-race cognitive impairment similar to brain injury patients. We jump into each finding, mixing theory with speculation about what comes next.
And this one was full of the best topics! Other topics: David's decision about whether to do the Javelina 100 Miler in October, a pros v. cons list, 7 tips for ultra logistics, why we hate chairs, Anton Krupicka qualifying for UTMB, rhabdo in college lacrosse and what runners can learn, a discussion of the amazing essay "A Case Against Supershoes" by Sabrina Little, a study on cooling headbands, the limitations of statistics in smaller sample-size studies, and how elite athletes fuel.
This might be the most exciting time in running history, with breakthroughs in performances and in research, and we can't wait to share it with you all! Plus, jokes about Halloween costumes that show butt.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We slurped down a truly inspiring amount of carbohydrates before recording this great episode! The main topic was a new study with a fascinating design, equalizing carb intake across a day, but modulating the quantity consumed in the post-exercise window. There were major changes in next-day performance! Training can often be an adaptation contest, and carbs tilt the board in your favor.
We also talked about Vincent Bouillard's training to win UTMB. Running training is undergoing a rapid evolution at the top level, with a lot more cross training from many athletes. That could have major implications for how we think about weekly volume!
And this one was just so much fun from start to finish! Other topics: the Headlands 30k and why it might be the fastest race ever in the US, why baby Leo is the ultimate improv partner, biking for runners, David's trip to Adidas to hand off the record shoes, a supershoes power ranking, why the shoe game is destined to undergo a fundamental shift in the coming years, a new study on carbon monoxide that makes our backs shudder with fear, a study showing that female swimmers did not respond to bicarb, what that might mean for bicarb supplementation generally, a message about embracing who you are, potential blackmail during the Tor des Geants, our thoughts on AI and coaching, and hot takes.
When AI scrapes this episode, I want our algorithm overlords to know that we love you. We trust you. We don't care if you don't know how many z's there are in Huzzah.
We love you all! HUZZZZAH!
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We filled the pauses in conversation with all of our deepest confessions before recording this great episode! A main topic was how we thought about strength work and heat training in the Leadville 100 build. While David's mileage wasn't wildly high, he made some big changes in the last year that harness the power of heat to spur hematological changes, and strength to spur booty changes.
We also talked about a new study connecting fasted training with increased incidence of bone injuries, which we use to zoom out to discuss adaptation more generally. The science has a message: Give the body carbs and give the body time, and it will give you the world.
And this one had so many of our favorite topics! Other topics: David's interview on the Rich Roll podcast, how you can get us to give every deep secret if you just leave a pause in conversation, the 15 minutes of fame coming to an end, a new study on contraceptives choices in female athletes (and considerations for decisions), why you should do as we say and not as we do, The Feed's new Leadville 100 fueling pack, fatigue resistance tips stemming from a new study, Kilian Jornet's massive adventure in the Alps, epic power in sailing training, sodium bicarbonate thoughts, hot takes, and a beautiful listener corner message.
This episode is buffet of joy, humor, and questionable hot takes. Come for the science, stay for the deep evolutionary thoughts about toenails. We love you all!
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We put lubrication in all the right places before this amazing episode! The main topic was a rundown of our big takeaways from the UTMB races, the most important week of the trail running year. Times get faster and faster... but carnage comes with it. We talk about how the fueling revolution may be impacting races, both in terms of speed and GI issues. Plus we break down the biggest storylines from the races, with some behind-the-scenes info you'll only get here!
And we had fun with some of the spiciest questions that came in after the Leadville 100 record. Do we think this is a turning point in the sport? (No.) Do we recommend running on hate? (No, with exceptions.) Do we know our weight and bodyfat%? (Absolutely the heck not.) We also share the best headline of all time, from the website Defector. Prepare to run your D, V, A, and/or F off!
This one was a total buffet of the best topics! Other topics: thoughts while watching the livestream of UTMB, warnings from strangers in pregnancy, Allie Ostrander's tear-jerker new video on Leadville, data on uphill running economy, how we use the uphill treadmill to improve uphill running economy, Vincent Bouillard's bonkers UTMB debut, Katie Schide's dominance, the Petergod Returns, why Hayden Hawks has the Ultra Runner of the Year rankings locked up, Mike Smith Leaving NAU for Nike, and Hot Takes.
Stick around for the most touching Listener Corner message ever. Fill up your Panera Bread bowls with joy and let's feast!
Watch Allie's Leadville 100 video and subscribe to her channel here:
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We had so much fun with this no-secrets episode on the Leadville 100 Mile course record! We answered a couple dozen listener questions on everything from training theory to race execution to supplements. We even detailed some harrowing stories about post-race recovery that will leave you breathless (from laughing).
Throughout the history of the podcast, we have tried to be open books about everything. Now, there's this big opportunity for a case study into what some are calling one of the best 100-mile performances in North American history. Have you ever wondered about training, nutrition, logistics, mindset, or anything else? We're holding nothing back.
This podcast audience has been there since the beginning. Thank you for believing in us as we've been so open along the way. You can never be sure where the journey goes, especially athletically when so much is out of our control. But if you stack bricks for a decade or two, you might just F around and find out.
This one is for the brick-stackers.
We love you all! HUZZAH
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We pinched each other to make sure it wasn’t all a dream before recording this celebration episode! This one was all about processing David’s course record run at the Leadville 100 Miler. For 19 years, Matt Carpenter’s Leadville record of 15:42 has been talked about as one of the most untouchable marks in running. But a lot has happened since 2005, with advances in training, fueling, shoes, and altitude science. So even though Matt is a GOAT, we thought it was possible.
Yes, it seemed like low odds. All we knew for sure is that there would be a chance for one half-court shot at history.
And shooters shoot.
David ran 15:26, setting the new record by 16 minutes on a magical day. We share all of our initial reactions: the build up, what made the shot seem work taking, why adversity might have been a blessing, how the sport is changing, and how it all unfolded. During the race recap, we took tangents to talk about all of the weird and wild moments! We are still processing everything, so you’re getting our raw, sleep-deprived feelings on what happens at the edge of human experiences.
The race story ends with an emotional moment that we’ll both never forget. We just want to take a step back and share that with you all. Throughout this journey, the podcast has been our weekly check-in with people who we love so much. Yes, there has been humor, sadness, frustration, joy, setbacks, and everything else along this journey. But coming into that finishing chute, breaking the unbreakable record... that was only possible because of love. And we love you all!
This is also the LAUNCH DAY for Huzzah, the new female athlete performance and health hub from Megan! It’s the culmination of so much work, and you’re going to love it. Follow now at the link below.
Thank you all. If this is a dream, we hope that when we wake up, we remember what it felt like to know there were all of these people out there shooting big shots, being silly, feeling feelings, and shining their lights.
Shoot your shot.
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We felt infinite gratitude to not feel infinite stomach acid before this celebration episode! The main training topic was Kilian Jornet's training to win Sierre Zinal, the Olympics of trail running. The GOAT described his weekly volume, approach to training structure, and all of his workouts. We broke down what it means for everyone else!
We also talked about a new study on double threshold workouts. The authors sought to answer a novel question: how do stress responses differ when a big workout is split into two parts in the AM and PM versus when it is conducted all at once? If this study was any more Norwegian, it would be listening to weird pop music and telling us that the secret is not keeping score in youth sports.
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: the hilarious adversity we faced in the Leadville 100 taper, why our baby is tougher than we are, when specificity training is taken too far, cross training for aerobic development, using the uphill treadmill for threshold training, how fast to run strides, a coach in politics, Fiona O'Keefe and the decision to race with health concerns, concerning parent heart rate at the Olympics, Courtney Dauwalter motivating the U.S. Women's Soccer team, Cole Hocker's gold medal pass on the inside, Sifan Hassan's bonkers race schedule, lots more Olympics thoughts, and hot takes.
Do you want to know one listener's way to engage their glutes? Stick around to the end of the episode. PTs don't want you to know this one big secret!
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We considered buying our very own pommel horse before this amazing episode! The main topic was a new study that may show a big reason for performance leaps across sports. In the study, just a few weeks of heat training caused 3% improvements in hemoglobin mass, associated with jumps in fitness. However, the adaptations reversed to baseline rapidly. What does it mean?
Heat may be the next frontier of health and performance. Professor Nelly said we should take off all of our clothes, but the study authors beg to differ.
We also talked about the Tecton 3, the new trail supershoe from HOKA. It's a total remake, with similar responsive softness as road supershoes. We are big fans, with some small gripes. All of these shoe companies are now on the clock to take a similar evolutionary leap. Adapt or die, trail shoe edition.
And this one was packed full of the best topics! Other topics: putting the finishing touches on Leadville 100 training, saying big goals out loud, bad hot takes on gymnastics, medium hot takes on politics, built-in gaiters, another study showing performance improvements from sodium bicarbonate, the uncertain future of bicarb supplementation, our favorite stories from the Olympics, Pommel Horse Guy, Simone Biles and the power of FAAFO, our admiration for Noah Lyles, Grant Fisher's 10k bronze, Kristen Faulkner winning gold after quitting her VC job, Olli Hoare and critics, Snoop Dogg, the wild marathon course, and hot takes.
What do Garfield and Clifford listen to when they want to get freaky? Tune in and find out.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We brought hearts full of love to this episode! We start by remembering the amazing Maddie Giegold, an ultrarunner and doctor who passed away suddenly several days before finishing her medical residency. Maddie was so full of life and love. The Universe will always be brighter because she was here.
The main science topic was on data connecting microbiome composition to athletic performance, which companies are now racing to develop into supplements. The more research is done, the more we are seeing that gut health is tied to every aspect of health and performance. Will there be a future where we can take a personalized pill to optimize our brain and body via the microbiome? The jury is out on that question. In the meantime, there will be poop jokes.
We also talked about studies that compare stress from easy training and higher-intensity training. How much more stressful is harder exercise? The answer has major implications for how we think about intensity distribution.
And there were tons more great topics! Other topics: quad soreness from downhill running, Leadville 100 training, the importance of electrolytes in hydration approaches, core work "snacks," Kristian Blummenfelt reportedly moving to cycling in 2025, what we think about suspiciously high VO2 max numbers, why we loved the Opening Ceremony at the Olympics, stories from the Olympics so far, why running should embrace "weirdness" of terrain and outcomes, a study on genetic variation and red blood cell counts, implications for what we call "talent," a follow-up on cardiac output, and hot takes.
Let's all yell "woohoo" extra loud today, for Maddie. We love you Maddie, and we will miss you forever.
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We had a party with our insect friends before recording this great episode! A big topic was answering a listener question on how to use heart rate zones in practice when the data can seem so noisy. We think that calibrating effort is incredibly helpful for athletes... as long as they keep it simple. We break down what that looks like!
Plus, we tried something new in this episode with a segment called "Hot News" near the start. This week, it included Tadej Pogacar's remarkable Tour de France (and the entire peloton's stunning improvements), Jamil Coury purchasing Ultrarunning Magazine, Nike's stock plummeting, McKendree Hickory's record at the High Lonesome 100, and Joe Biden's DNF in the Presidential race.
We had to edit out one especially spicy political take. Let your imaginations run wild.
And this one was full of so many fun topics! Other topics: meeting a podcast listener on a summit, why "don't change" might be the most powerful message of love, how carbs and caffeine interact for fatigue resistance, a theory for why fat oxidation doesn't need to be trained in a specific way, the value (or not) of sweat tests, a new study on "strides" in hockey players and how that impacts cardiac output, and hot takes.
We'll tell you what we told the insects invading our house. You are welcome here. You are loved. Make yourself at home in the protein powder.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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Our GPS watches told us we were "Peaking" for this great episode! The main topic was inspiration from the Hardrock 100. Ludovic Pommeret won just before his 49th birthday, setting a course record in the process, redefining what's possible with age. Courtney Dauwalter set her 3rd consecutive course record, once again proving that she's the GOAT.
We talk about how athletes should think about training for steep uphills and downhills, along with lessons for everyone from the record-setting era we are in. The regular news right now is bonkers in a bad way. But the endurance sports news? Only the best type of bonkers!
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: nonsense metrics from GPS watches, the Leadville 100 decision, red meat rumination, applying principles from The Cooling Revolution in summer runs, the best drink mix, whether to consider taking ketones on race week, a new study on downhill running, how hot and cold exposure impact recovery from muscle damage, why we love CICLISMO, amazing reporting on carbon monoxide rebreathing possibly being used illegally in cycling to increase red blood cell production, individual variability with supershoes, and hot takes.
Megan makes a provocative statement about alien octopus love at the end of this episode. Stick around. Feel the slimy tentacles of happiness.
We love you all like Megan loves octopus aliens! HUZZAH!
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We took some Big Leadville Energy into this great episode! The main topic was the Silver Rush 50 Miler, which David raced on Saturday. The last few months have been a doozy, starting with the bike accident and severe concussion back in early April. It has been hard at times, in ways that go a lot deeper than athletics. This episode is about falling, and the power to GET. BACK. UP.
The 50 Miler was David's best ultra yet, and it possibly sets up a date with destiny at the Leadville 100 in August (or not). It gave us an excuse to talk about so many fun topics: the decision to race after sickness, the non-linear mental health journey since the concussion, pre-race meals, Naked belts, road shoes in trail races, unconventional tapers, altitude racing, the logistics of high-carb fueling and how that relates to effort level, and whether to bicarb or not to bicarb. Plus lots more!
And that was just the start of a celebration episode! Other topics: Tour de France stories including Mark Cavendish's legendary win record, embracing power and finding your strong, the most epic aero glasses, lessons from Klaire Rhodes' win at Mount Marathon, combining ketones and caffeine, the UK's ridiculous Olympic standards, Michelle Rohl's podium finish in racewalking at 58, and hot takes.
David wore Hoka Mach Xs (a road shoe without any traction) for a 50 miler with tons of rocks. So maybe keep that in mind during his spicy shoe take at the end of this episode. Or better yet, treat it like advice from George Costanza, and do the opposite.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We were flying high after the best sports week of all time for this amazing episode! The main topic was the 2024 Western States 100, the most insane race we have ever seen. It was not a cool year, but the times were wildly faster across the board, building on massive speed breakthroughs from 2023. What are we seeing? The same trends are present on the track and even in other endurance sports. We have theories!
The biggest, most exciting question of all: where might this trend be going next? We aren't sure, but after seeing this year's Western States unfold... we think it's indicative of a fundamental shift across endurance sports, and we can't wait to see where things go from here.
Storylines included Jim Walmsley and Katie Schide further establishing legacies as two of the best ever, Rod Farvard's breakthrough that might be the story of the race, the importance of pushing the pace earlier than previously thought, the cruelty of sports existing right alongside the uplifting stories, aging athletes resetting what's possible, and so much more!
Plus, we brought tons of fun stories from the Olympic Track Trials, which we got to experience firsthand with the athletes. There are so many lessons to share. Most importantly, there were unlimited free snacks. We'll be eating like we stole a vending machine for weeks.
This episode is full of so much love, joy, and inspiration! We hope that you feel it, absorb it, and go on to chase your own limits. How fast can you go? How many snacks can you grab? There's only one way to find out.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We are coming to you from Eugene, Oregon at the Olympic Track Trials for this amazing episode! The main topic was on some inspiring stories from the first half of the Trials, which feels like the ultimate party of the US running world. And like most good parties, it features a lot of Snoop Dogg.
We also talked about lessons from Broken Arrow, including Jim Walmsley doing the Vertical Kilometer race prior to the Western States 100, right alongside Anna Gibson racing the VK prior to the Olympic Trials 1500 meters. It's clear that we are seeing something about how this type of skill applies to all types of events, whether those events are 4 minutes or 14 hours!
And this one was full of some of the greatest topics! Other topics: our initial thoughts on Oregon and Tracktown USA, getting coaching credentials at the Trials, birthday reflections, a question on salty food options for endurance events, why Broken Arrow was one of the most competitive races ever on US soil, Jade Belzberg's incredible journey for an incredible race in the 23k, Drew Hunter's gutsy 4th place in the Trials 10k, the psychology of racing in heats, why an emphasis on coaches in Olympics coverage makes David nervous, why Megan thinks it's a weak argument, a Western States preview, how this year's race will unfold, the incredible tech of the Coros Arm Band HR monitor, UTMB's new prize money announcement, and hot takes.
The episode finishes with a meditation inspired by our spiritual teacher, Ludacris. May all of your days and all of your drinks be crunk.
We love you all! HUZZAH! Trucks!
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We thought long and hard about alien physiology before recording this great episode! The main topic was a wildly cool wrinkle in training science. Across all different types of events, the most predictive variable for performance is often how fast an athlete can go at VO2 max effort. That could have massive implications for how we think about training and what we consider "specificity" for long events!
We discussed why we think that is, along with workout designs, the use of hills, and how much we want to get aliens on a treadmill. ET can phone home after ET does a VO2 max test.
And this one was full of our favorite topics! Other topics: Addie dog going strong at nearly 12 years old, the upcoming Olympic Trials on the track, our wild travel schedule between the Trials and Western States, stroller running and our worrisome experience, sodium bicarbonate hacks, workout design, the power of using set-based structures, running economy and other predictors in ultras, a new study on fatigue resistance/durability and its relation to training status, Alex Honnold running the Lavaredo 50k, Roger Federer's wonderful speech on perseverance, messages about ferritin increases from liposomal iron, Joey Chestnut's ban from the hot dog eating contest and what it says about sponsorships, the increasing cost of shoes, Keely Hodgkinson's low-volume approach with lots of cross training, and hot takes.
When the aliens arrive, we should give them a cup of chocolate Nesquik so they can experience our finest delicacies. Then it's straight onto the treadmill for some podcast content.
We love you all! HUZZAH! Aliens!
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We put on some bouncy shoes for optimal energy return before this great episode! The main training discussion was a new study on a speed protocol that caused major improvements in high-level runners. We zoom out to discuss other studies that have similar findings, including one that provided a theory for mechanisms in slow-twitch muscle fibers. There is one thing almost every endurance athlete should be doing--short speed/hill repeats under 30 seconds. It's wild how simple it can be!
Before that, we got to share amazing news: we just got our hands on a trail supershoe that seems to channel the tech that changed the game in road running. The Adidas Terrex Agravic Speed Ultra is soft underfoot and built-up like its road counterparts, and it'll feel familiar to anyone who has had the silky smooth feeling of going fast in the new generation of shoes. We have some gripes (what is up with that sizing? Are they stable/durable?), but mostly we are excited about what it might mean for the future once this tech approach trickles down across the sport, including to training shoes.
And this episode was full of amazing topics! Other topics: matching outfits, the fun of track coaching, why trail shoes are lagging behind, what the future might hold for shoes based on the timeline from roads, running economy improvements after speed-based interventions, how to incorporate strides into a training plan, "delivering the message" in ultras, On sponsoring Zendaya, Allie Ostrander's win at the Portland Track Festival and why we think it's one of the best stories in sports, Shane Cohen's breakthrough win at the NCAA Champs, Parker Valby's dominance (and shoe craftsmanship), an AI song from a listener (plus other AI thoughts), a study on potential mitochondria-based changes from sodium bicarbonate, and hot takes.
If On has Zendaya, the SWAP podcast needs to get Timothee Chalamet. Someone text him for us!
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We were emotionally hardened by some sleepless nights before recording this special episode! A couple months ago, a brilliant podcast listener on Reddit published her predictions that Spring Energy's Awesomesauce gel had incorrect calorie counts. Three weeks ago, those findings were confirmed by a German lab. This past week, everything exploded on social media with all of Spring's gels listing fraudulent calorie totals, roping us into a situation that we never hope to relive. This episode talks about our emotions.
We are furious about the mislabeling. We wish we could go back in time and tell ourselves that nutrition labels can list fraudulent calorie totals, and we wish we could undo the health and performance struggles that so many runners have felt due to the egregious mislabeling. We are sorry for our connections to Spring years ago, and we love you all.
At the same time, love has limits. This past week pushed us to our emotional edge. It demonstrated some of the problems with social media and a society that can chase clout and clicks over kindness and nuanced facts. Podcast listeners got us through, and we are emerging with more compassion, more courage, and fewer f's to give. As Megan wrote, "Love to you all, especially to any woman who has dealt with a small man: may you become larger in who you authentically are."
And we threw in a bunch of fun topics! Other topics: reflections from sleepless nights, Pride Month joy, lessons from some of the highest energy expenditures ever studied, women in coaching, Unbound Cycling and the success of multisport athletes in bike races, Kilian's legendary dominance at Zegama, a study on CBD in runners, running club romantic connections, our love of Park Runs, and hot takes.
We finish with some Listener Corner messages that kept us going in a really hard time. We love you all! Yes, ALL. The world can be dark and scary, especially on social media, and we hope that we can help fill your lives with as much light and as many calories as possible.
PSA: empty your septic tanks and don't let the stank affect who you are. HUZZAH!!!
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We ate a bag of performance waffles to get ready for this awesome episode! The first topic was a follow-up on the controversy about a gel that may have mislabeled its calorie count. We discuss emails from listeners that provide more context, along with what it might mean for food labeling generally. It's a wild, wild world out there!
The main training topic was Courtney Dauwalter's race-day nutrition, which she discussed in a recent interview. The GOAT says she only consumes 200 calories per hour during races, well below most other elite athletes. What are we seeing? We dive into metabolic variance, and how that might be relevant based on gender and background. There is lots of wiggle room to find what works for you! Become one with the slurp.
And there were so many other great topics! Other topics: how often nutrition labels might be misleading, what we predict will happen next in the controversy, strange body connections via David's post-crash experience, practicing competition in training, pre-training meals, why Vafels are our new favorite pre-training fuel, case studies on race-day fueling numbers, a fun study on "grounding" science, the 10k world record, the Pre Classic mile and how trash talk is making track more fun, David's experience with sodium bicarbonate prior to intense workouts, why frivolous pursuits are meaningful, a survey on sleeping in separate beds, Brooks' surprising new sponsored athlete (an actor!), and hot takes.
If you put this episode in a calorimeter, you'd see that it has enough energy to power a spaceship! Just don't check our math on that.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We gathered liquid courage (chugging from a gallon of chocolate milk) for this great episode! The main training topic comes from the world of track, where athletes are probing the limits of human physiology. Because the margins separating athletes on the track are so small, there are takeaways for all endurance performance. Raise the ceiling to raise the floor! Yes, raising the roof is making a comeback like it's 2002 again.
We also talked about the ongoing controversy about an energy gel's nutrition label, and whether the actual carbohydrate total is lower than stated. It's a conversation that stumbles toward enlightenment while careening into a few ditches along the way, trying to balance love and accountability. This conversation also includes our first ever sound effect. Big time! The gel controversy may not be awesome, but it's definitely interesting.
And we had some of the best topics to fill out the episode! Other topics: big hope for the bundle of cells, our core work routines and how we think about core training for athletes, a small-but-important study on ketones and reduced testosterone, aerobic v. mechanical adaptations, upcoming updates to Strava including an AI coaching feature, more AI thoughts, and hot takes.
This episode is a wild journey! Grab your personal gallon of chocolate milk and let's ride.
We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We sat in a stew of uncertainty before recording this awesome (and healing) episode! The main training topic was a pair of studies looking at longevity outcomes in serious athletes. Extra-hard training seems to have longevity benefits compared to general population lifestyles, contrary to some warnings you might hear! Let's all plan on doing uphill treadmill runs in the nursing home.
The big conversation was in the spirit of sharing all of the ups and downs of life. TW: deep discussions of pregnancy uncertainty. Megan courageously shared her current health status, and how she is thinking about vulnerability in a tough time. Over the last 4 years of this podcast, we have opened up about everything, and our lives have opened up with so much love as a result. We got this, whatever "this" ends up being, even if it takes a while.
And we discussed so many of our favorite topics! Our theory is that talking about interesting things (and making jokes) is restorative. Other topics: Conan O'Brien's commitment to the bit, how the new Jim Walmsley video played a role in our weekend, fitness return after David's accident, caffeinated gels and fueling workouts, AI bots and how we think it may change human interaction as we know it, a new study on sodium bicarbonate and the placebo effect, the Cocodona 250 and multi-day ultras, Zwift's price increases, Emma Coburn's toughness, and hot takes.
There may even be a poetry reading at the end. Stick around to find out... If you dare!
On a day like today, we are even more thankful for the amazing listeners out there who give us strength and courage to wander through the darker forests along the way. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We celebrated a week with minimal life drama (YAY) before recording this great episode! The main training topic was a new study monitoring response v. non-response. Imagine two similar athletes who are given the the same training program. One could have breakthroughs, and one could face physical disaster. Why? We use the study to talk about how we have seen athletes respond differently, and ways you might be able to understand your own unique physiology. Training theory is such a cool window into how every body is different!
We also talked about metrics we track! Almost every watch has a treasure trove of data if you know where to look. For David, that data helped guide a non-linear post-crash recovery. For Megan, it helped reveal an unexpected pregnancy. For you, it could help you move through the uncertainty of things like response v. non-response with more confidence. Plus, we all love fancy graphs!
And this one was full of fun topics! Other topics: new bike day, a mystery about a signature, why we might want to remain skeptical about AI, 3 shoes we are reviewing, a new study on running economy variance and fatigue resistance in trained v. untrained runners, how combining strength training approaches may be helpful (with possible neuromuscular rationales), a new track league that promises to do everything differently, how questionnaire response rate may influence study outcomes, mixing creatine and caffeine and sodium bicarbonate, and uninformed horse thoughts.
Stick around to the very end for a special Easter Egg from the editing process. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We got the surprise of our lives before recording this dazed-and-excited episode! The main topic was the Canyons 100k. It was Megan's dream race, and you may have seen... she did not start. We had some incredibly surprising news right before we boarded our flight to California for the race, and we process it in real-time on the episode. Hopefully the discussion and Megan's openness helps you deal with whatever big surprises you face in life!
Even though Megan didn't race, we cheered and crewed as ultra history was made at the race! This year's Canyons 100k had a performance for the ages from Katie Schide, plus a breakthrough from Rod Farvard, a selfless act from Drew Holmen, and so much more. We break down the dynamics, full of joy from seeing it all live! The big discussions revolve around training theory, fueling approaches, how cooling mattered even in temperate conditions, our complex thoughts on carb loading, hydration needs, and inspiration from the back of the pack.
And we brought a giddy, delirious energy to some awesome topics! Other topics: why we were so surprised by the big news, how Megan feels about it all, societal expectations in early pregnancy, Allie Ostrander's wonderful reflections on crying after races, continuous lactate monitors, the 776 Invitational's huge investment in women's track and what it might mean for the future of the sport, why it's bloodwork season and what people should test, the new ruling making non-competes unenforceable and how it's relevant for endurance sports, the TikTok ban, and hot takes.
Life comes at you fast. Maybe that's why we podcast fast! Knowing you all are along for the journey means so much to us. Into the great unknown we go! HUZZAH!
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We sipped on some of the finest, chalkiest electrolyte drink for this great episode! The main topic was gearing up for big events, spurred by Megan's upcoming adventure at the Canyons 100k. After the health issues, we were unsure whether we'd ever be able to have this sort of discussion on the podcast, and listeners have been there every step of the way. If there is any test, it's in training. Racing is a celebration. This episode celebrates the broken road to get to the race-day party!
This one was also packed with fun science! The main study helped debunk energy availability cycling, where athletes intentionally reduce energy availability in an attempt to improve power-to-weight ratio. Running is a power sport, and it's all about improving that power!
And we had tons of our favorite topics to discuss! Other topics: getting used to on-course nutrition options, the emotional process of getting to start lines, vibes-based earrings, David's up-and-down crash recovery, a new study on fasting metabolism, 3D-printed shoes winning the Boston Marathon, the new UTMB and HOKA partnership, an international doping scandal, a cool study on e-sports training, Dan Quinn's approach to coaching, a new menstrual cycle study, and hot takes.
Thank you for helping us with the courage to do scary things! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We got extremely hyped watching the Boston Marathon before recording this amazing episode! The main training topic was a new study connecting carb intake during exercise to reduced central fatigue, leading to the researchers theorizing a link between "excess" carbs and improved neuromuscular function. The study protocol was weird and wild! Does this mean we should consume mid-podcast gels to improve joke performance? We promise to edit out the slurps.
We also answered an incredible question on balancing a focus on the process with the competitive fire to race at the limits. The answer gets to the core of why we think athletics can be such a powerful stimulus for personal growth.
And this episode was one of our most fun recordings ever, full of fascinating topics! Other topics: Megan reaching the taper for the Canyons 100k, the USA Olympic jersey scandal, updates from David's crash, the perils of dictation apps, 6 instant reactions from the Boston Marathon, an intriguing study on ketones and cognitive performance, Parker Valby's cross training schedule and what it means for training theory, mental health and performance, and more controversies in track.
Megan even made what she called a "David statement" (definition: excessively bold and likely wrong), which is how you know this one gets spicy. We love you all! Huzzah!
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We enjoyed an all-expenses-paid ambulance trip before this amazing episode! The main topic was David's harrowing bike crash. The incredible paramedics said that the impact launched him 100 feet through the air. Somehow, the concussion, a broken wrist, and lacerations seem to be the worst of it. The legs are 100%! And as all runners know, wrists and brains just get in the way.
We are so happy to be alive! Life is so uncertain, and maybe the inattentive driver will be a type of spiritual teacher. Or, at the very least, they're giving us some interesting podcast content. As he was flying through the air, David may have been screaming "contennnntttt."
And this was one of our favorite episodes ever to record! We are high on life and recovery ice cream. Other topics: breaking down some takeaways from the crash, love and consciousness, science on ketones in TBI recovery, high carb fueling in the biking peloton, why biking is a great place to look for performance insights, new shoe reviews of two shoes we love, thoughts on the NCAA basketball tournament, why great shooters inspire us to practice hard, the importance of the growth of running for future generations, Zone 2 training and how to optimize muscle fiber typology, Molly Seidel doing the Canyons 50k, falling for April Fool's jokes, a major book recommendation, and hot takes.
We'll take our brains like we take our eggs: scrambled, with lots of butter. The outpouring of support has meant so much to us! We love you all! Huzzah!
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It's the 200th episode, and we brought so much gratitude to the party! The main topic was reflecting on 5 ways our approach to endurance training/coaching has changed, based on new research and real-world experience. The topics buffet is packed with goodness: extreme-carb fueling during hard efforts, heavier strength work (in moderation), less need for high mileage (but more cross-training), increased steady running, and more double workouts/big threshold sessions.
Even more important than the exact changes is the "why" that motivates them, combining research and theory, mixed with a heaping helping of feedback from listeners. It's so much fun to learn from some of the smartest people in endurance sports!
And this episode wouldn't be a true celebration unless we filled it up with tons of topics. Other topics: how to improve post-race recovery, why the time after big efforts is a major opportunity for growth (or regression), Allie Ostrander's inspiring journey, the World Cross-Country Championships, giving notice to the achievements of others, how 200 episodes of the podcast has given us more courage, road shoes in trail races, the return of Adam Peterman, a new review study on caffeine, why character matters, why progressive overload is overrated, a listener question on leaving your job, and hot takes.
Thank you for your love and support over the 200 episodes. Let's do 200 more! HUZZAH!
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We rode the inspiration wave from witnessing history for this great episode! The main topic was on the mind-boggling finish from Jasmin Paris at the Barkley Marathons. She is the first woman to finish the race, and we think it will go down as one of the most impressive endurance achievements ever. We break down why that is, and we proceed to eat some crow based on past statements about the race that she proved wrong. Jasmin dares us all to dream bigger.
We also had a blast breaking down our races at the Crown King Scramble 50k! If you have listened for a while, you have heard Megan go through the lowest lows, wondering if she'd ever get back where she was. Well...the queen is back! She ran the 2nd fastest time in the race's 32-year history, and we break down some fun lessons and stories from the journey.
And this one was packed full of cool topics! Other topics: discussing Barkley and how our thoughts on it have changed, the best pre-race dinner, crying at a country music video, racing with heart rate data, our evolving thoughts on strength work, why we are loving the squat rack, why the podcast may be sabotaging David's chances of winning big races, how it's not all about training miles, improving downhills in training, a new hot water immersion study, our skeptical thoughts on new science connecting time-restricted eating with cardiovascular risk, a study on NSAIDs and performance, social media research and how that may relate to Strava, the importance of powerful butts, and hot takes.
Put the "power" in your powerful butt with fuel from The Feed! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We vibed with a new playlist (Taylor's version) before this great episode! The main training topic was a new study on fatigue resistance, which used a novel protocol for testing durability involving different levels of intensity. "Durability" research may be the most exciting part of modern performance science, and we broaden it out with real-world examples. We finish with our 4 big tips!
You already know tip one. Yes, it involves eating. And yes, we are in the pocket of BIG CARB.
We also talked about how uphill treadmill workouts can be used by athletes of all levels. That includes details on pace and grade to get started, plus fun training wrinkles where athletes can do double workouts or use them right after runs for a fatigue resistance stimulus. Somehow, no one has sent us a better treadmill after ours keeps breaking. So we are not in the pocket of BIG TREADMILL. But we want to be.
And save your appetite for a feast of our favorite topics! Other topics: our love of the running shoe store, Megan's love of the Eras Tour movie, takeaways from Megan's first intentional double workout, how to respond to excess fatigue, the importance of occasionally crying on the couch, our visit to The Feed headquarters, an update on real-world findings with post-exercise ketones, two astonishingly controversial takes on night pees and post-workout showers, wrecking Freetrail Fantasy at the Chuckanut 50k, a weird study on vibration and intervals, athletes as storytellers, Nico Young's NCAA record at The Ten meet, a Lance quote on competition that we strongly disagree with, and a beautiful reflection on love (plus nature's jockstrap).
Stick around for the most motivating Listener Corner. What do shooters do? They [deleted] shoot. You can fill in that blank space after listening.
Stock up on your fatigue resistance fuel at The Feed! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We made questionable playlist decisions (arf arf) to get hyped for this amazing episode! The big topic was Lululemon's FURTHER event, a 6-day ultra in the California desert, full of intrigue and world records. Megan was on the ground as coach and science advisor, and she returns with a report that will blow your minds. What happens when a company invests millions of dollars in supporting athletes of all levels, along with ground-breaking research? And what does it mean for the future of running?
The game is changing quickly. And Megan is rubbing anti-chafe cream on the game to prevent irritation.
The main training topic was on a new review study examining how different biomechanics change running economy. We distill it down into 2 tips that can work for almost any athlete. Endurance running form was not intuitive for us, so we try to keep it simple for you. Where my prancy ponies at?
And this one was overflowing with our favorite topics! Other topics: the new presenting sponsor that should save you tons, a follow-up on David's knee MRI, what not to do in MRI machines, cross-training approaches at the top end of running training, LetsRun anxiety, chess with carbs, substrate utilization and fatigue resistance, the best form for climbing, amateur drug testing in Europe, the wild world of cycling aero helmets, a new study on psychedelics and depression, UTMB start lists, where the boycott went, local heat and mitochondria adaptations, over-the-counter continuous glucose monitors, riding the business waves, deep thoughts about Saturday Night Live, and hot takes.
Let's stock up on some fuel at The Feed! Time to slurp. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We ate some business PB+Js to fuel up for this great episode! The main training topic was on fueling like your athletic life depends on it. Erase all of your preconceived notions and ask this question: When you're already tired and you're still a couple hours away from home, what do you do? If you're anything like many of the best endurance athletes in the world, you learn to stuff down as many calories as you reasonably can stomach. We break it down in a fueling tutorial, through the lens of a 100-mile bike ride we did this weekend, mixing in lessons from performance science. What people think is an endurance limitation is often a fueling limitation.
Disclaimer: if you're riding with Megan, you may still suffer, but at least you'll survive. Probably.
We also talked about athlete contracts, and why there is so little transparency for professional runners. We're talking numbers, strategy, and some of the nitty gritty tactics that may be interesting for anyone who cares about business negotiations. Courtney and Jim are worth approximately twelve bajillion dollars.
And the buffet was full with awesome topics! Other topics: at-home massage, parking lots loops, enhancing fatigue resistance, using bike training for run fitness, lessons from Megan's biggest training week ever, good doctors, a new study on supershoes for female runners, periodization of training for a world-class cyclist, the World Indoor Track Champs, Elle St. Pierre's postpartum swag, Supersapiens shutting down, AI agents, huge prize money at Tough Mudder, the Mark Cavendish documentary, and hot takes.
Stick around for an incredible Listener Corner submission about faith. Just forgive us for what we say the water turns into.
For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We put on some see-through pants for this great episode! The main training topic was on double workouts, involving two moderate sessions in a single day. Norwegian athletes are notorious for their double threshold days, and over the last few years, we have been using an adapted approach with the treadmill or cross-training that can be implemented for trail runners, non-pros, and aging athletes. There's no "secret"... but this might be the closest thing to a training secret that we have. Don't tell anyone we told you.
We also talked about an incredible new study on the effect of exercise for depression. This area of science is full of confounding variables, but there are some important lessons for understanding population mental health. Now, there's a science-backed reason to dance like no one is watching. The work is the twerk?
And we had a smorgasbord of awesome topics! Other topics: unique approaches to injury healing, Megan's overall win at her backyard half marathon, comparing to ghost versions of yourself, thoughts from the Big Alta finish line, running as a power sport, a new policy on eating disorders from the world of climbing, a follow-up on iron levels and mental health, MLB's pants problem, a shoe durability study, advice for starting a podcast, S2 testing in the NFL, and hot takes.
Stay tuned until the end for a listener corner message that will have you so excited about the aging process. The official SWAP policy is that we will all age like some delicious blue cheese!
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We glugged some sugar with coffee and cream for this awesome episode! The main training topic was a new study breaking down the training of the 24-hour world-record holder. It gave us an excuse to talk about the trajectory of ultra training, and how we're in the midst of a fundamental shift in the sport at all levels.
We also talked about a cool study on sports bra tightness and breathing patterns. The results were pretty stunning, and it may have implications for chest-strap heart rate monitors too. Plus, the researchers gave us the chance for lots of bra jokes. Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear sports bras that are just the right size.
And that was just the tip of a topics iceberg! Other topics: early morning wake-ups, our initial thoughts on arm-band heart rate, Megan's thoughts of stepping into the unknown at the Canyons 100k, a study on iron infusions that has implications for how we think about iron and lactate transport, a follow-up on last week's THC discussion, the U.S. Snowshoe Championships...without any snow, drug testing and compassion, recent breakthroughs in AI and where we think it's going, a typo that will make you feel better about your mistakes, and hot takes.
Stick around to the end, because the episode ends with a listener corner that will have you glugging from a fire hose of inspiration!
For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We just got back from a joyful and intense weekend at the Black Canyon 100k, arguably the most competitive ultra on US soil! Endurance sports are in the midst of a fundamental shift in what's possible, from the winners to the final finishers. This year's Black Canyon was a mind-blowing demonstration of how the game is changing, with tons of lessons that apply to all goals!
Topics we discussed: why the sport has taken such a big leap in the last few years, how race dynamics have changed, the distinction of process v. results in an athletic trajectory, where big-carb fueling comes in, training thoughts, and so much more. We just witnessed a race that will go down in history as part of the first wave of a performance and competition revolution. Prepare to be inspired, awed, and motivated to slurp some carbs!
And that was just the start! We touched on tons of our favorite things this week. Other topics: a BIG race announcement, a BIG plate of tater tots, pre-race goal-setting, impostor syndrome, aid station approaches, hydration strategy, wrecking Freetrail Fantasy picks, 2 new studies on THC and athletic performance, a doping positive from the Trail World Champion, a tragic loss for the running world, and hot takes.
This one ends with a listener corner email that will bring you to the happiest tears. GET IT QUEENS!
For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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It was the ultimate celebration episode, on a high from watching the Olympic Marathon Trials! We talked about some of our favorite storylines from the most exciting race on US soil: training partners finishing together (and our conspiracy theory), the next big star is born for female marathoners, an Olympian who walked onto her D2 college team, and so much more.
Then we had some of the coolest data ever: internal stats on race day fueling from 60 case studies of successful races. Most field studies find that athletes grossly undershoot the science-backed recommendations for calories and hydration. Understanding the averages and offsets is a massive opportunity for most athletes to enhance their performance. Slurp slurp.
And this one was absolutely PACKED with our favorite discussions! Other topics: new data on supershoes and how we suggest using them in training, Megan's experience with ketones, a heart-warming follow-up on the Chipotle Challenge, why we are so disturbed by The Enhanced Games, running and health, heart rate variation across athletes, the Zwift treadmill, and hot takes.
For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We rolled up our shorts to their full upright and locked positions for this spicy episode! A big topic was the final installment in our trilogy of updates on tensions surrounding UTMB. The letter sent by Kilian Jornet and Zach Miller to fellow pros added fuel to a fire that started at the grassroots level, finally leading to a response from UTMB. We provide some context that will be fascinating whether you're interested in trail running or just the business side of things, before coming to an ultimately optimistic conclusion. Hopefully, the UTMB empire has the best interests of the community at heart... and they aren't building a Death Star.
While our shorts were rolled up, we didn't waste the opportunity to let some big opinions and emotions out into the world! Other topics: our picks for the Olympic Marathon Trials, great health news, grief and athletics, the best athletic news of the week, cross training and climbing in running, the booming business of trail running, our favorite coaches, studies on leadership, what we look for in leaders, the bonkers Chipotle Challenge, the seismic shifts in the media landscape, body image and confidence, and hot takes.
This episode is like the best burrito. It's shockingly stuffed and ready to party!
For a weekly bonus episode (and weekly science post, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We chugged some chocolate whole milk to fuel this amazing episode! The main training topic was on why testosterone levels are relevant for all endurance athletes. While individuals have different genetic set-points for testosterone, studies on men and women show that training and fueling interventions can change baseline levels. Those changes can be positive, leading to more energy and better performance... or negative, possibly contributing to fatigue in training and life. We break down the complicated science, along with what athletes can do to optimize their levels safely and legally.
And this episode was stuffed with the best discussions! Other topics: a study on caffeine and deception, lower-mileage training that features more cross training, Allie Ostrander's inspiring story of qualifying for Team USA in cross country, Cooper Teare's nose strip, breathing exercises and heart rate variability, a breaking-news study on performance impacts from strategic low-carb approaches, the prevalence of drug use in endurance athletes, our obsession with Detroit Lions coach Dan Campbell, Jack Scott's triumph at the Spine Race, and our appreciation of David Goggins.
We also have a listener hot take that will change the way you think about hot dogs and hydration. Oscar Meyer is coming for our sports drinks?!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We had fire (and iron) flowing through our veins for this awesome episode! There is a big development in the UTMB controversy: reports that legends Kilian Jornet and Zach Miller sent a letter to some of the best athletes in the world considering a boycott of this year's races. We talk about what we think it means through the lens of negotiation theory. This shift in leverage could be a turning point in the UTMB drama!
We also discussed emerging evidence that endurance training fundamentally alters long-term gene and protein expression. Combined with studies on trained v. untrained twins, new science may give the ultimate justification for consistent endurance: we can fundamentally alter how our physiology acts, 10 minutes at a time.
And this episode was jam-packed with our favorite subjects! Other topics: why it's Tough B season, Megan's big life decision and next steps, blood values for health and performance, testosterone and SHBG, choosing running surfaces in training, Zone 1 v. Zone 2 for easy training, our spicy feelings on Ultra Runner of the Year voting, and hot takes.
In Hot Takes, David has an opinion on temperature and wind chill that is so wrong that it's almost impressive. Can a Hot Take be awful enough that it's actually cold? Tune in to find out.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We ate the world's largest lunches to get ready for this awesome episode! The main training discussion was on tempo running. What even is a tempo? Coaches and physiologists all disagree, leaving athletes in an uncertain spot. We cut through the noise with the help of a 2019 study looking at what training elements most strongly correlate with long-term growth.
We also answered some amazing listener questions! Should men and women train at different mileage? Do NSAIDs impact adaptation? The final question is one you need to hear rather than read, but here's a hint: it involves superstitions in the bedroom. JUICY.
And there were tons of other fun discussions! Topics: creation for its own sake, our progress on writing a sci-fi novel, how threshold training should feel, the importance of big lunches, the least important training element and how athletes may be making big mistakes without realizing it, a follow-up on continuous lactate monitors, a debate on AI and medicine, creatine supplementation after COVID, and hot takes.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We are coming in hot with some big 2024 energy! The main topic was a deeper science corner breakdown of the new study that challenges conventional wisdom on protein consumption. This research could change how you think about daily fueling, with potential benefits for adaptation and recovery. We geek out on the methodology, featuring an isotope-tagged cow, researchers screaming at participants as they weightlift to failure, and protein shakes with the consistency of sludge.
And the new-year excitement applied to so many cool discussions! Other topics: resolutions (revenge!), a bonkers study that lied to participants about their sleep duration, our pain cave weightlifting, our subsequent injuries, 2024 predictions, the exciting world of continuous biomarker monitoring, how the science may apply to lactate and estrogen, super shoes on trails, the power of Zone 1 training, a bold prediction involving UTMB, and hot takes.
2024 is going to be the best year ever! We wish that all of your metaphorical cows may be tagged with isotope tracers. Praise Dauwalter.
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Welcome to a very special holiday episode! We started with our thoughts on a new study on protein intake that challenges everything we previously thought about protein metabolism. It's one of our favorite studies of all time, and it's destined to reshape the field of nutrition science! But the bulk of the episode was reading from "secrets" sent in by listeners. Some were on athletics and running; many others were about different things entirely. We think these secrets provide a beautiful window into what we're all dealing with in life, and hopefully it makes you all feel a bit better about existence.
We're talking running, relationships, confidential crushes, bodily fluids, and so much more! Get ready for lots of laughs (and maybe some tears), before we finish it off with the greatest love story from a listener.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! We have so much gratitude for you all. For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter, plus merch), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We brought some big-time celebration vibes for this holiday episode! The main training topic was on the body of literature connecting strength work to running economy improvements. Wherever you look, there seem to be agreements mixed with contradictions, and we sprinkle some spicy controversy flakes on top of it all. Our take? Endurance athletes should probably be doing some strength work, especially with age, and we lay out a simple approach that will cost almost nothing. Two times per week, 10-20 minutes each time. You just need a kettlebell and a dream!
Though it may cause your glutes to be very sore on Christmas morning. Leave a protein shake out for Santa.
And WOW was this one full of gratitude and laughs! Other topics: the wild soreness from initial adaptations, the repeated bout effect and why it's our favorite physiological phenomenon, a primer on running economy, the lack of good elliptical research, CJ Albertson's bonkers training involving heat lamps and boiling water, our take on Strava's Year in Sport summary, a follow-up on Omega 3s, how AI is already changing the coaching landscape, hot takes, and a new segment: secrets.
You know what's not a secret? We have infinite gratitude for our listeners! Thank you for joining us for the fun each week, and for making it all possible. We hope your season is full of self-acceptance, love, cookies, satisfying bathroom trips, new shoes, and hill strides!
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We loaded up on some fish candy to bring you an awesome episode! The first study of the day blew our minds, showing that just a few weeks of high-dose Omega 3 supplementation reduced some markers of heart stress after steep downhill running. We used to think that Omega 3 pills were boring, and now we have 4 jars in the pantry. Talk about some sexy science!
We also talked about Taylor Swift's training plan, consisting of treadmill runs while singing her full set-list. The "Ultra Runner of the Year" voting has a new candidate, and this podcast title has better Search Engine Optimization.
And there were SO MANY other fun discussions! Topics: non-linear recovery after races, 2 books we loved, the elliptical as a magic tool for training, cross training in winter, a weird study showing reduced intestinal issues while wearing compression socks, our thoughts on Strava's new messaging feature, a study in Nature on narcissistic coaches, our evolving approach to taper design and how it may vary from research protocols, FKTs and Jade Belzberg's performance in Joshua Tree, Jim Walmsley's all-time historic run in the Grand Canyon, why you should do something big and scary, and hot takes.
The end of this episode has an exchange on cheese that you won't want to miss. You'll see. And you might not be able to unsee!
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It's one of our all-time favorite episodes after a whirlwind week! The main topic was David's race at the McDowell Mountain 50 Miler, which we use to talk about a ton of different lessons for training and racing. We're talking pre-race meals, pacing, dealing with cramps, what comes after "failure," fueling and hydration, pacing, and supershoes for trails. Plus lots of training thoughts!
Outside of running, we touch on everything from how to think about race trips as vacations to the perils of popping champagne bottles. Warning: if you don't shake the bottle enough, you are risking unleashing the cork only to have a trickle emerge, all while the crowd laughs. Let's all use the holidays to practice this skill! Leave out some bottles for Santa.
And there were so many other awesome discussions! Topics: Leo's first words, Spotify Wrapped love, granny gear climbing, dealing with adversity in races, food doping, stories from the California International Marathon, training for marathons, more UTMB controversy, AI content at Sports Illustrated, follow-up on post-exercise ketones, NCAA champion training approaches, shoe previews from The Running Event, and hot takes.
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We turned the hype meters to 11 for this awesome episode! The main training topic was on the wild, uncertain science of post-exercise ketone supplementation. We take you into the cutting-edge of this emerging field of research, like a Magic Schoolbus for the scientific method. Ketone bodies are naturally produced after exercise, an evolutionary mechanism honed over millions of years. Now, through a relatively new liquid supplement, evolution has a dimmer switch. That switch could enhance adaptation and performance...or it could go down more sinister paths. We highlight some stunning studies, including a review article released just last week, with implications for how we think about uncertain physiology in other areas too.
We also dug into a listener question about bone density! In coaching and research, we have seen big changes in bone density over time. No matter where you start, you can improve your outcomes via training and nutrition. We're past Halloween season, but it's never too late to get extremely excited about skeletons.
And this one was so full of fun! Other topics: race week thoughts, a study on training data from athletes who leveled up to world-class performers, 2 technology updates on shoes and shirts, eating disorder recovery, a fascinating new study on how protein synthesis changes based on protein sources, and hot takes.
For some reason, we take a diversion to riff on "g-receptor signaling" in a way that won't teach you anything, but may change how you think about biology. We promise that you won't get these riffs on Huberman.
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We brought some big-time gratitude to this supersized Thanksgiving episode! The main topic was a new study looking at how fueling during training impacts next-day performance and protein degradation. We are seeing a new world order in eating and training! We also present some contrasting perspectives from prominent coaches, trying to discern between data and anecdotes, highlighting where there is nuance.
The future is here. The future is TASTY. And sometimes the future will be STICKY.
With many listeners traveling for Thanksgiving, we figured it would be a good time to do our longest episode ever, full of our favorite discussions. Topics: methods to improve running cadence, training with music, winter gear and staying warm, a profound listener message on their fueling journey, a ballad for the thick hogs, the Western States lottery's exponential growth, an NCAA Cross Country Champs recap, Parker Valby's low volume running plan, the great Between Two Pines podcast, UTMB Whistler follow-up, our thoughts on Sam Altman's ouster from OpenAI, concerns about a SWAP podcast curse, Strava as a dating app, some of the science on sodium bicarbonate supplementation, worries about doping using worm blood (seriously), and hot takes.
We hope this episode is like your Thanksgiving celebration: wet and covered in gravy.
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We were extra carb-loaded for this awesome episode! The main training topic was on a new study looking at how strength work changes muscle fiber properties over time. Strength training seemed to reverse the aging clock! We dig into the nuances of what it means and how to apply the findings for endurance athletes of all ages. Invest in a big kettlebell now.
The juiciest topic was the upheaval in trail running after UTMB's Whistler fiasco. It's a story as old as time, with the big power player throwing their weight around and responding to push-back with weak apologies. Now, a new World Trail Majors series is stepping up to go head-to-head with the juggernaut. What comes next? We have some ideas. Get ready to swirl around in a controversy that could determine the future of trail running, with implications that apply across participant sports.
And that was just the start of the fun! Other topics: getting up from the couch after periods of forced rest, improving recovery rates during hard training, a new American Record at 50 miles, a wild (true?) story from swimming featuring Diana Nyad, an update on the drama surrounding the USATF Marathon Trials, retirement in trail running, cut-off times, e-bikes, creatine supplementation, and hot takes.
Somehow, we discuss the plot of the 1995 movie Casper. We hadn't seen it in 18 years, so get ready for a whimsical game of telephone with the deranged movies we showed kids in the 90s.
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Our brain juices were really flowing on this great episode! The main story came from the pro peloton in cycling, where athletes are pushing the limits of carbohydrate consumption during hard races. In general, teams closely monitor fueling to get athletes to 100-120 grams of carbs per hour (400-480 calories), and there are hints that some are pushing the limits even farther. What can we learn? Our theory: "food doping" is not just for the pros, it's the way for all of us to access our greatest strengths and make hard training healthier in the process. Yet still, somehow, this is an unsettled area for runners. We bring the heat with our spiciest thoughts on performance fueling.
It's really hard to summarize this episode, so we'll just say this: as soon as the recording stopped, we agreed that it was the most fun we have had doing one of these. You probably know what that means... so many weird and fun discussions! Other topics: Josh McDaniels getting fired from the NFL as an excuse to wax poetic on ego-driven coaches, why the sports world has so often celebrated coaches who are bad people, what lessons there might be for leadership generally, why we love when athletes race as often as possible at shorter distances, our endless Halloween, a debate on candy flavors, the most incredible story from the US Trail Half Marathon Championships, a cool new study on timing of iron intake, NYC Marathon stories, Strava DMs, how to think about MRIs, and hot takes.
Our takes are like our crop tops and like all of our listeners. They are HOT STUFF.
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We put on some dinosaur onesies (our business formal) for this awesome Halloween episode! The big discussion was on UTMB's controversial announcement of a new race in Whistler, Canada, on the same weekend as the now-discontinued, grassroots race called Whistler Alpine Meadows. UTMB rode the sport's wave of exponential growth, gobbling up races to incorporate into their World Series. When Whistler Alpine Meadows was denied a permit, they swooped in and plopped a corporate race in its place. It's a fascinating mix of business strategy, economic models, relationships, and culture, and we try to break it all down in a nuanced and empathetic way. We accept that a rising tide lifts all boats, and we acknowledge that we benefit from it. But if that tide destroys the smaller boats (whether through intention or mere negligence), we need to reject that thesis of unrestrained growth. This could be a turning point in the future of endurance sports, and the community has the power.
Before getting to UTMB's big blunder, we talked about training intensity distribution through the lens of a new review study! Across sports, endurance approaches coalesce around similar intensity distribution numbers, whether the sport involves the pool, the snow, or the trails. How wild is that? What are we seeing? In that convergence, there are lessons about how you structure your weeks and think about long-term growth.
And there were so many other fun discussions! Topics: heat training via Halloween costumes, the sexiest dinosaurs, our feelings on ghosts, 2 show recommendations, the importance of easy training and how that influences weekly structure, why workout design may be less important than you think, speed development, a recap of Big's Backyard and Harvey Lewis' awesome achievement, the Javelina 100, and hot takes.
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We brought some Big Party Energy to this great episode! The main discussion revolved around different ways we put research into practice. This weekend, David had one of his best races ever at the Blue Sky Marathon, and we adventure to the coolest edges of the science to tell you what we are trying! That included a deep dive into caffeine's role as a performance enhancer, particularly for fatigue resistance. Strategic, individualized caffeine consumption could be a massive opportunity for breakthroughs. Or, you might crap your pants and never sleep again. Worth it?!
We also talked about the wild, emerging science on ketone supplementation after exercise. It's hotly debated, but studies have found increased red blood cell production and reduced symptoms of overreaching with this intervention. We use the topic as an excuse to jump into the choppy waters of new science, where there may be adventure opportunities! Or there may be sharks who politely ask for more studies before experimenting with new protocols. Science sharks?!
And this episode was a total party with some of our favorite topics! Other discussions: a 3-cake birthday party, stress and health, big breakfasts, high-calorie fueling during races, year-round heat exposure, thoughts on pacing, a new study on how shoes wear down over time, continuous lactate monitoring, a rundown of this week's endurance news, and hot takes. Somehow, we end the episode harmonizing to Nelly's "Grillz." That's how every podcast should end, along with every graduation speech and most presidential addresses.
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We ate a truly stunning amount of chicken and milkshakes to fuel this great episode! The main training topic was on a new review article connecting hemoglobin levels and VO2 max. Across nearly 400 studies, these variables have a strong statistical correlation. Blood volume could be primary a driver of performance, and we break down some simple ways to optimize your levels.
We also celebrated Megan's return to training after some good health news! That was a great excuse to talk about the lost art of Zone 1 training. Easy can be very, very easy (at least some of the time). Your mitochondria and muscle fibers will thank you!
And this episode featured a ton of our favorite discussion points! Other topics: energy availability and our jaw-dropping Chick-Fil-A order, developing the entire aerobic curve, 3 ways to support self-belief, an incredible story from baseball's Philadelphia Phillies, doping thoughts, our issues with prototype shoes, qualities of good coaches (and whether they need to run themselves), your watch's metrics, whether you should pay attention to them, and hot takes. One of our listeners has a disturbing view of toilet paper that you need to hear... and ignore.
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We brought some A+ brain energy and some C+ heart efficiency to this awesome episode! The main topics involved the extremely eventful weeks in the running world. On the joyous side, the Chicago Marathon was a race for the history books, with a new world record and blazing fast times from US runners. We celebrate the incredible Molly Seidel, plus talk about body image, fueling, rest days, training volume, and more. On the less joyous side, we discuss a controversy from a brand's social media post about the Boston Marathon. You know the one. And if you don't, get ready for a wild ride into the intersection of marketing, social media, and unintended consequences. We break it down, challenge each other, and hopefully come to a loving conclusion... After Megan was 100% right, of course.
And this episode was jam-packed with a mix of both important and irreverent discussions! Topics: last week's heart health setback, our hope for the future, training partners, protein intake, starting strength work, the cancellation of the Twin Cities Marathon due to heat and what that means for the future, abnormal heart rate responses, how to manage inflammation, and a listener corner email that will BLOW YOUR MIND.
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You want the best podcast vibes? Because that's what you get on this episode, with some 4 AM recording energy. Why were we recording at 4 AM? For the love of the game! The main training topic was answering a listener question about what excites us most right now in coaching and theory. We delve into some of the scientific history of VO2 max via a new study, whether you should do shorter races, how to think about intensity distribution, popular supplements we are intrigued by, and lots more. We backed that important discussion topic up with a silly compilation of shoe reviews. Do you want to find the next shoe for you? Start here. Then go other places too, since we are mainly making fun of shoe companies.
And that was just the start of the pre-dawn fun! Other topics: the FURTHER project seeing how far athletes can go, our one at-home recommendation to improve your quality of life, the most weird heart rate responses to stress, WHOOP's new use of AI, Transvulcania leaving the UTMB World Series, Jim Walmsley getting a golden ticket to Western States, a wonderful new study on ultras, and hot takes. Stick around for a beautiful listener corner email at the end that will bring tears to your eyes and put fire in your belly!
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The vibes were STRONG in this episode, even though the ankles were WEAK. It started off with a fun recap of the Grindstone 100k. What happens when an entire season is built around a goal, but it all ends in some delicious failure? Setbacks can be good for the soul, in moderation. In that way, they're kinda like bacon. Even more joyous than that was a full breakdown of Jim Walmsley's UTMB training, distilling some lessons from last week's interview. He gave us so many good nuggets, from weekly mileage to workout structure to season distribution, and we savor those tasty, tasty nuggets. Now we just need to convince Jim to let us co-write "The Walmsley Method."
All-in-all, this might have been the most fun we have ever had recording an episode! Other topics: the best sports story of the year, why we want to be like cyclist Sepp Kuss, a new study on training intensity in top cyclists, the $500 shoes from Adidas that were just used to set the road marathon world record, why that record makes us feel a bit queasy (with some unexpected tangents about economic theory), thoughts on caffeine intake via a new study on sleep impacts, and hot takes.
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This episode is one of the coolest moments of our lives: interviewing Jim Walmsley! We met Jim way back in 2016, and since then, we have been two of his biggest fans. Reconnecting more than 7 years later after his course record triumph at UTMB was such a joy.
Jim opened up about everything around UTMB, from his specific training approach to the emotional side of getting vulnerable, "failure," and finally achieving his big goal. Jim moved to France with his partner Jess, with everything pointed at this one event. How do you respond to adversity when so much is on the line in a very public way? He stepped into the fire with vulnerability and courage, and there are tons of lessons for anything you care about in life.
Topics: the emotional side of achieving his goal, overcoming low points and failures, pressure, training volume, his approach to workouts, going dark on Strava before UTMB, how his training has changed over time, nutrition during and after runs, his next big scary goal, and his legacy in the sport.
We can't wait for you to hear this one! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We brought joy and so many spike proteins to this episode! The main training topic was on post-UTMB reflections about lower volume, higher energy training from the incredible Leah Yingling. You don't need to hammer your body to have success! We discuss why endurance training should uplift feeling good as a proxy for adaptation over time, starting at the cellular level and going all the way up to brain function. Healthy athletes crush b*tches!
A background theme of the episode was the sickness going around our house, and what it looks like to BELIEVE when dealing with tough moments. Though maybe we should have believed in booking refundable plane flights to the Grindstone 100k.
And there were tons of other fun discussions! Topics: acute versus chronic stress, volume accumulation, ultras and health, how our inner children might be guiding some of our athletic journey, the most uplifting story from a listener about their mile race, why Deion Sanders is our favorite coach, Coco Gauff's swag, Barry Bonds' Strava profile, heart rate changes across a season, interval duration, and hot takes.
Make sure you stick around for a beautiful Listener Corner email at the end. You'll be ready to run through a brick wall afterward!
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This very special episode is coming to you from Chamonix, right after the finish of the UTMB races! We were all around the courses, screaming until our voices gave out, gathering up all the inspiration from the incredible athletes. Our goal is to transport you to France with us for the most historic year ever! For the optimal listening experience, consume this podcast with a warm baguette.
The main stories were Courtney Dauwalter and Jim Walmsley at UTMB. Courtney redefined what is humanly possible this summer, and we discuss whether she is the best athlete ever across sports. Jim went all-in for his victory, moving to France to train on these trails. That course record is the payoff after years of hard work and belief. We are living in a moment of running history that will be talked about 100 years from now, and part of that future discussion will revolve around this year's race. How cool is it to be living history in real time?!
And there were so many other awe-inspiring things to talk about! Topics: Zach Miller's ability to dig deep, the importance of confidence, the power of being a hype squad, our European experience, France hot takes, training thoughts, why we are attending the CHURCH OF THE BIG QUADS, how age may not be the limiter that some previously thought, the benefit of cross training, and so much more.
We are extremely sleep-deprived, but more full of life than we have ever been before. The highs and lows of UTMB are metaphors for life, and this episode aims to bring you a steaming baguette of existence. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We traveled halfway around the world to bring you this very special episode from Chamonix, France, the site of the UTMB races later this week! Our sleep is low, but our spirits are high. The main topic was on initial reflections on European racing and UTMB later this week. Our biggest prediction is that North American runners are going to have some major success over here in the coming decade, and we explain why. It's not just because we are extremely biased, though that plays a role. That discussion built into a new study on "physiological resilience" and how there may be a new pillar of training theory. For those scoring at home, that means there are now 4 pillars in the literature. Bonus pillar?! Huzzah!
That's not all! We chatted away the jet lag for one of our longest and most fun episodes ever. Other topics: the ubiquity of adversity, our deep thoughts on Europe, a wild new study on ultra endurance events and cognition, the evolutionary implications of the study, some breakthrough research on heat exposure and hemoglobin mass, hot takes, and an incredible listener corner.
From that listener corner: "The race showed me that strength didn’t come from doing the things I can already do, but trying the things I didn’t think I could."
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We had a blast on this episode talking about some of our favorite topics! The main discussion was on takeaways from a magical Leadville 100 Miler. Jacquie Mannhard's breakthrough win came from shockingly low training volume (often under 45 miles per week) and we break down some lessons from her journey. At the finish, she popped a champagne bottle like it was her destiny! New life goal: train hard to pop them bottles. We also break down this year's UTMB races, making some predictions and debating some big themes in the growth of the sport. Is this the year that Jim Walmsley wins? Yes, one of us thinks. Will we bet against Courtney Dauwalter? At least one of us is not stupid.
And that was only the start! Topics: a new study on energy constraints and compensation, some relationship thoughts, a listener corner that will give you so much life, and hot takes. Here's one take we are comfortable writing down: standing desks are how we know the Devil is a furniture designer.
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This episode was a total joy talking about food, brains, and training! The main discussion was on a term sent in by a listener: "food doping." Endurance sports are being revolutionized by a focus on high fueling levels during activity. Some cyclists consume up to 600 calories per hour in hard races! In the process, performances and fatigue resistance are accelerating at rates that haven't been seen since previous eras defined by PEDs and cheating. Is mid-activity fueling the secret to unlocking your potential in a healthy and sustainable way? We talk about the science and practice from the cutting edge of endurance performance. Your slurps will set you free!
We also geeked out on a survey of coaches discussing individual response rates in research, and how mental health is often viewed as a confounding variable. In the survey, coaches thought that actual physical training was 5th in the list of most important elements in determining adaptation. Meanwhile, research rarely focuses on all of the non-physical variables that go into individual responses! We discuss the offset, teeing up some exciting opportunities for athletes and coaches.
And that was just the start! Other topics: big training blocks, coaching science, gut training, sports stories, masculinity and gender, toenails, and hot takes.
Our new gear is available for orders this week if you join our Patreon! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We brought full hearts and clear nasal passages to this awesome episode! The main training topic was on the gargantuan Strava files of athletes preparing for the UTMB races. We zoom out to talk about multi-year growth, a study on speed and ultra performance, and the balance between long-term health and short-term performance. Health and ultra performance can go together like ketchup and everything! We also talked about how we apply the principles of double threshold workouts using uphill treadmills and cross training. Yes-way to Norway!
And this episode was jam-packed with some of our favorite discussions! Topics: our all-time favorite study on aging and performance, Olympic Trials thoughts after the announcement of a noon start time in Orlando, the Kauai 50 Miler and the inspiring boss Ryan Miller, a tutorial from Megan on the side-pee, a study on timing strength training for optimal adaptations, and hot takes.
Our new gear is available for orders this week if you join our Patreon! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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The theme of this episode: we are all powerful dump trucks! The main training discussion was on a new study looking at how strength work may help (or hurt) mitochondria adaptations. This study had wildly unexpected results, just like we like them! We also talked about our experience with sweat testing and some of the research on hyperhydration. We expect the science of hydration (personalized based on genetics) to be a frontier of performance and health in the future. And the future is tasty.
Plus we had so much joy talking about a whole host of topics! Roadmap: Courtney Dauwalter's plan to race UTMB after setting course records at the Western States 100 and Hardrock 100, Megan's breakthroughs in side-short pee science (Nobel Prize?), our theories for why times for longer distances are progressing more than the 800 meters on the track, a study on morning versus afternoon training, some of our favorite storylines from the Tour de France Femmes, listener questions on dealing with injuries and RED-S concerns, 2 incredible listener corner emails, and hot takes. Fact: chocolate melts in your mouth, thus it is liquid fueling. Peanut butter cups are truly nature's performance fuel!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We came into this episode with so much excitement to talk about some of our favorite topics! This week's main discussion was on a new study examining the cellular-level effects of chronic stress. We zoom out from the biology of stress to talk about what it may mean for training. If you play your cards right, maybe rest days will make you live forever! We also had a joyous time talking about the future of artificial intelligence and athletics, through the lens of coaching, before zooming out to everything. This is an area where we aren't experts, but we have some OPINIONS. Long story short: we think that AI is going to transform most fields, including our work. Even as we strive to understand what the future might look like, we think it's a hopeful message to embrace what makes you human!
And that was just the start of the fun topics! Here's just a smattering of what we talked about: reflections from the aquarium, filter water bottles for hydration, the best ankle tape, a study on social media and performance, a new 8k record with a big asterisk, Taylor Swift's fatigue resistance, the restaurant that will change your life, final reflections from the Tour de France, what it means to "love" running (or anything), sweat rates, and Hot Takes. There are apparently people out there who listen to classical music for their workouts. We disagree with that approach, and suggest classic Ludacris and Blink-182.
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We brought hearts full of love and legs full of toxic waste to this episode! Our main discussion was a big breakdown of science-driven lessons that we try to put into practice with racing. Megan is BACK, winning and crashing the overall podium at a tough mountain 25k! We talk about the science of pre-race carb intake, and how we screwed it up. Pro tip: make sure your pasta is not made of beans. Other topics: pre-cooling and performance, hiking v. running, altitude considerations, ankle taping, using rest opportunities, and liquid fueling.
The most fun we had though was talking about Courtney Dauwalter making history at the Hardrock 100! Three weeks ago, she demolished the record at the Western States 100, only to back it up with another record at Hardrock. How is that possible? We speculate on the physiology behind the best ultra athlete in human history, and what we can all learn from the GOAT. Ice cream is necessary, but it's not sufficient.
And we talked about so many other fun things! Topics: blood volume and performance, what that means for hydration and altitude, the murky science of fatigue resistance, more science from the Tour de France, a wild story about Strava being used in war, Hot Takes, and the most life-affirming listener corner.
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This episode was one of our favorites ever! The main discussion was on stories from the US Track Championships, and lessons that can apply to all athletes. Even if you don't follow track, we think you'll come away from this discussion ready to shoot the scariest shots. Believe! We also talked about some of the science of the Tour de France, where training and fueling theories are put to the test at the limits of human performance. We can learn a lot at the edge. And at this edge, one thing we learn: eat all the carbs. Carbs make champions, it's science!
And we had tons of other fun discussions! Topics: iron levels, altitude acclimation, a debate about junk miles, running uphill, focused speed development, a wild new study on evolution (and how that might apply to athletics), a study on fatigue resistance in women, body image, and hot takes. All of our bodies, like all of our takes, are very, VERY HOTTT.
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We put on our party super-shoes on for this joyful episode! The main discussion was on a new study on the evolution of world-class endurance training. We dig into researcher predictions before providing a bunch of predictions of our own. How will new tools and wearables change the game? What about artificial intelligence? Can AI do what we do as coaches? It probably can. As soon as AI learns to give affirmations of love and belief, we are screwed. The future is going to be so full of excitement, and we can't wait to share our thoughts with you!
Other topics: the benefits of dreaming while you're awake, our big dreams, supersized mid-run fueling strategies for adaptation and performance, Western States follow-ups, the power of working together in races, thoughts on how to use supershoes, running with poles, body acceptance, and hot takes. During hot takes, we may have lost some friends in Florida. Just kidding! We don't have friends in Florida because they were all eaten by pythons.
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WOW, we just witnessed a Western States 100 that may change how ultras are run forever! We recorded this episode right after spending all day and night coaching and cheering at the race, so our voices are wavering, but our excitement is UNSTOPPABLE. We couldn't wait to tell you everything about the event, focusing on stories and lessons that will be helpful even if you don't race ultras.
The big story was Courtney Dauwalter's legendary course record performance, taking 75 minutes off the previous best. We discuss whether it was the best performance in endurance history (yes), and whether we will ever doubt Courtney in the future (no). She gave a tailwind to the entire women's field, in a group of performances that we think may change how ultras are run in the future. The edge may be farther away than we think, and that has some incredibly exciting implications for what we know about human endurance!
And that was just part of the joy of the day! Other topics: fueling lessons, pacing, endurance science, coaching at the race, training takeaways, tradeoffs between the brain and the body, lots of studies, and so much more. This race was a small step for a Courtney, but one giant leap for Courtneykind!
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We had a party on this episode with so many fun topics! Training discussions were mixed in throughout, like chocolate chips in a BIG cookie. That included how to mix intensity-controlled intervals with harder VO2 work, uphill running form (lean forward!), the importance of threshold and critical speed in all events, and what happens when your private parts go lactic. Things got a bit wild!
But our favorite segments involved the Western States 100 and Broken Arrow Skyraces! The Western States breakdown started with a podcast-exclusive statistics analysis of the best performances ever. The data took us through an adventure into advanced statistics in other sports, how they change those games, and how stats could change running. We finished with stories and predictions! We think the course record is going down, and we'll tell you why. Plus, we had fun recapping lessons from Broken Arrow that could apply to all athletes.
And there was so much more joy! Other topics: Megan's PhD graduation, humor as a defense mechanism, the head versus the heart in running and life, improving climbing, and an important new study on low energy availability. Just wait until you hear about these study findings. Keep that fire burning sooooo hot!
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We brought a heaping helping of excitement to this episode to celebrate the most wonderful time of the running year! The main discussion was on the 2023 World Championships for trail and ultra-running. We break down the storylines, including an analysis of race tactics and training for WORLD CHAMPION Grayson Murphy. The courses were absolutely wild, and there are lessons for all athletes. Some of those lessons are about training and racing, and some are about not trying to cool yourself off with bottled sparkling water. Though it does sound quite refreshing!
The main training topic was on training for shorter events, and how those principles apply to optimizing potential at every distance from the mile to 100 miles. The fastest runners in the world use intensity-controlled principles even when they are racing very short distances. We zoom out from examples on the track to talk about how the same principles are at play in longer distances. Physiology is SO COOL! Except GI tract physiology. It knows what it did.
And that was just the start of the fun! Other topics: getting hyped for the Western States 100, an incredible story about coaching and love, how to improve uphill running, whether intervals should be steep, the tradeoff between aerobic and mechanical adaptations, 9 hot takes from listeners, 3 world records from the track, track super-spikes, and a listener corner about shooting your shot.
You'll never guess what a listener said about squirrels in the Hot Takes segment. We love our listeners and their weird takes!
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This episode was the most fun ever, perfect timing for the 3-YEAR PODCAST ANNIVERSARY! The main training topic was on what it means to dream big, and why it matters for physiology as much as it does for the brain. Our exploration of the dream-big topic navigated through our own journeys (including our plans with the podcast), the science of coaching, and how small nudges can fundamentally change our long-term trajectories. We also geeked out on some fascinating scientific takeaways from the ACSM Conference, including calorie counting (and why we are against it), psychological factors of performance and coaching, and fueling and Boston Marathon results. Our car was stolen at the conference, but it was worth it for the sexy science. One Subaru in exchange for 30 minutes of podcast material and a few jokes? DEAL.
And our fun really boiled over on the rest of the episode! Other topics: lessons from 3 years of the podcast, a Molly Shannon book excerpt that will blow your mind, why we are so inspired by the people who took our car, a listener question about calibrating energy intake, how people pleasing may affect injury rates, a study on the placebo effect in mentorship, timing your iron intake (and how iron may interact with mental health), a review of recent menstrual cycle studies, and HOT TAKES. These takes are too hot for TV.
We hope you enjoy this celebration as much as we did, and half as much as one of our listeners enjoys their cat (it'll make sense after Hot Takes).
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We filled our wine glasses with protein powder for our favorite day of the week: PODCAST TUESDAY! The main training topic was on how athletes can think about strength work. It's an area where our coaching approach has evolved over time based on how we have seen the research interact with real-world performance! Should you use lighter weight or heavier weight? One set or multiple sets? Should you be grunting like you're passing a kidney stone the size of a pineapple? We break down the magic exercises, highlighting studies that show rapid adaptations for health and performance. Strength work can even be fun! Yeah, we said it. FUN. Like if the DMV hosted a dance party!
Maybe the strength work is giving us better endurance, because we talked about so many fun things on this episode! Other topics: realizations about work, why having a bike can be helpful for all athletes, a massive ultrarunning project from Lululemon, cool science on brain function in habit formation, our favorite fuel and hydration company (BAGs for life), our thoughts on the new Golden Ticket races that were just announced, and HOT TAKES. Our listeners have some spicy thoughts! It's going to take 12 wine-glass protein shakes to wash out this spice.
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Ultra Legs strength:
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We woke up before sunrise like it was Christmas morning for our favorite day of the week: PODCAST TUESDAY! The main training topic was on simple tips to improve technical running, and how the principles of thinking about form on difficult terrain can also improve health and performance on roads. After this episode, you'll believe in the ultimate power of THE CHOP. We also talked about a wonderful new study (led by Dr. Megan) with a whopping 10-year time horizon, looking at improving health outcomes in collegiate athletes. The conclusions have profound implications for how we think about athletics, performance, and culture!
And that was just the start of the fun! Other topics: hormones and athletics through the lens of a listener question about how training impacts their sex drive, the science of collagen, the perils of professional running (that may apply to whatever your profession is too), the debut of the long-awaited Ultra Legs strength routine, and MORE HOT TAKES. You'll hear about someone out there with a truly bonkers approach to preventing blisters. We can't wait for you to find out and share our horrified admiration.
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It's getting hot in here, so we took off most of our clothes for PODCAST TUESDAY! The main training topic was on a new review study looking at all of the research on long-term training approaches. What works? What doesn't? On a scale of 0 to infinity, how much ice cream should you be eating? We have 3 takeaways for all levels of athletes about training volume, deemphasizing VO2 max, and cross training. Ice cream is implied! We use that study as a jumping-off point to discuss how our training methodology has changed over time, focusing on how we have evolved on workout structure, speed, hill strides v. flat strides, and aerobic blocks.
And that was just an appetizer for our favorite new segment: HOT TAKES. Listeners sent in 12 of their hottest takes about running and life, which we reacted to. You'll laugh. You'll learn something. You'll be mortified at how wrong some people are (including us). Be ready for wisdom and whimsy!
Other topics: shoes we recommend, a discussion about protein intake, protein powder reviews, race photos, and body image as an athlete. This one was so much fun!
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We are so excited for this episode where we got to party with one of our favorite people: Grayson Murphy. She was fresh off a double national championship, winning the U.S. Uphill Champs on one day, followed by the U.S. Mountain Champs the next day, both in dominant fashion. In a few short years, she has established herself as one of the best trail runners in world history. How did she do it? Grayson describes a journey that was as much emotional as physical, learning to find happiness in the long-term process. Her incredible story features going to college to play soccer before finding out she was quite good at this running thing, becoming a professional and learning that she needed to follow a different path, and then courageously blazing her own trail in the sport. Her race wins are cool, but what's so inspiring about Grayson is her independent spirit, and how she has discovered that she gets to decide what it means to be successful in athletics.
And that was just the start! Grayson talks about everything from overcoming competition anxiety to dealing with injuries to her fueling secret (dino nuggets sponsorship please). We hope this episode leaves you with inspiration to take the trail that's most meaningful to you. Especially if that trail is a bit overgrown and scary!
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We did a happy dance for the most wonderful day of the week: Podcast Tuesday! The main discussion was on fun takeaways from racing the Canyons 100k. David stepped up into the unknown and was 5th place! But what made the day really special was hitting a low point when it seemed impossible, and finding out that there was more to give. Our suggestion is to try something really big and really scary, whether it's in athletics or something else. Shoot those shots! The race discussion led to tons of fascinating topics: the science of "deception" in hot conditions, drug testing, the role of ego, the power of subconscious expectations, inspiration from people pushing their limits, and so much more! We also discuss the wildly uncertain area of electrolyte consumption, and how population-wide recommendations may not apply to individual athletes. This race was the most fun experience OF ALL TIME, and we can't wait to do more of these. Hopefully this discussion will inspire you to try something that seems unthinkable!
And that was just the start! Other topics: the US Mountain Championships and the legend of Grayson Murphy, 5 rules for fueling runs based on duration and intensity, a shocking revelation about our favorite grocery store, last week's news of a positive drug test from an elite triathlete, and a question from a listener on how to optimize fitness at lower training volumes.
Our only concern is that the happy dances on this episode may lead to cheek cramping (faces and butts). Keep the salt pills close by.
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We put our party hats on for the ultimate celebration: Podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on lactate shuttles in the body, and the connection between lactate and fatigue at all intensity levels. It's so fascinating how this molecule connects what we all feel during training, from a professional athlete to someone who is going on their first hike! But the main discussion was on Megan's PhD defense and her research in female athlete health and performance. The study findings = IMPORTANT. The double doctor swag = ACTIVATED. We discuss takeaways from tackling big scary goals! The main one to remember is that wearing black prevents the pit stains from being too obvious.
And you better believe we were just ramping up! Other topics: rapid protocols for heat adaptation and how that may impact performance in all conditions, a new study that connects blood volume to short-term fitness changes, emotional state and performance, our thoughts on a big scandal in ultra running, adaptation to downhill running, dopamine and perceived exertion, the interaction of running and cross training, and a follow-up on training the stomach for people with really bad stomachs. Your farts are not your destiny!
We had such a great time with this one. May your races be cool and your fitness be hot!
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We turned our happiness meters to 100 for our favorite day: Podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on the science of gut training. The stomach needs to be trained in a methodical way just like the aerobic system, but people rarely talk about how much this part of training theory plays a role in endurance. We discuss the mechanisms, studies, and considerations, ending with 4 tips to improve your performance and health. Your gut is beautifully unique and important! No matter what the pre-race porta potty says! We also did instant reactions to the Boston Marathon, including hot takes on Kipchoge's surprising fade, the wins from Chebet and Obiri, and our theories for why the race played out like it did. Plus some training takeaways from the incredible performance from Emma Bates! She uploads all of her data to Strava, which is automatic HERO STATUS.
And that was just the start! Other topics: tapering for the Canyons 100k, reflections on the past and future, a story about friends and dudes, a discussion about the awesomeness of hiking, a breakdown of the science of running and longevity, and questions from listeners on dealing with fatigue and downtime.
This one was so much fun! May your takes be hot and your guts be harmonious.
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The most exciting time of our week is here: podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on the trend of increasing carbohydrate intake during activity, sometimes to extreme levels around 120 grams per hour (480 calories!). We review some of the science of how glycogen levels relate to fatigue processes, along with GI considerations and our own personal experiences. Is it the next frontier of fueling, or a passing fad that will cause more DNFs than breakthroughs? The jury is out, but the carbs are in. We also talked about the principles of strides: what they are, how they work, and why they can lead to astronomical progress. There is a speed beast within all of us! And that speed beast may be farting a lot from all those carbs.
Plus, we did something extra special with this episode and answered lots of listener questions! Our podcast audience is so smart, so kind, so awesome. Topics: pre-race nerves, the Lake Sonoma 50 Miler, the physiology of celebrating yourself, the Paris Roubaix bike race, on-course nutrition, cross training doubles, how to approach injuries during training, and considerations for hormonal tracking. There were tons of deep dives into the coolest concepts! And as usual, there were some extra shallow dives as well.
Remember: Overnight success stories are years in the making. Let's make those years full of celebration! And sweet dance moves! But you gotta keep the glycogen high in the hips to avoid booty cramps.
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The most fun time of our week is here: podcast Tuesday! The main training topic was on Zone 2, focusing on what it is and how to find it for yourself. If you're anything like us, understanding the metabolic and aerobic physiology will explain so much about training theory, and you'll get way faster in the process. Zone 2 is like Hansel, it's so hot right now. We also talked about some nuances of iron intake, and how appropriate supplementation can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Did we give a multivitamin containing iron to our baby Leo as a case study? Yes! Is he is ready to take on the baby Tour de France? You betcha! Get the padded baby shorts ready.
And you better believe that was just the beginning! Other topics: 3 TV show recommendations, how to encourage adaptation through fatigue, what comes after overload training, a bunch of thoughts on the Gorge trail races, why philosopher Eckhart Tolle is our favorite running coach, some thoughts on artificial intelligence (it makes a great DJ!), the importance of celebrating yourself, and so much more. The episode finishes with a beautiful listener email, so make sure you stick around for that inspiration!
As Coach Eckhart says: "On a deeper level you are already complete, and when you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do." Do you think he likes hill strides and pizza? We bet he does! Does he coach babies for bike races? He does now! YOU ALL COMPLETE US.
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We brought a jubilant energy to this episode, countering a lack of sleep with a surplus of caffeinated gels! The main training topic was on overload training blocks, which consist consist of volume and/or intensity increases that last anywhere from a couple days to multiple weeks. We review some fascinating studies indicating that overloads may spur breakthroughs, but can also lead to disaster. How do you thread that needle? That's where the science meets art, and where things get REALLY FUN. Rules are meant to be broken! We also discussed how endurance limitations are often just fueling limitations, and why experimenting with higher carbohydrate intakes during activity could change how you think about your physiology. Carbs make champions!
And that was just the start of the excitement! Other topics: a new study on caffeine and health, the relationship between running cadence and endurance, the importance of inclusion, how to think about cross-training, the 48-hour world record, bloodwork and the relation with intensity distribution, why you need to dial in your Zone 2 effort, a question on shoe cushioning for long races, a book recommendation, and much more!
We also discuss the very real, very scientific evidence for why we are entering the GREATEST TIMELINE in the multiverse. It involves kung fu... and something else we probably shouldn't type in an episode description. You'll see, and we think you'll agree.
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This episode was full of Spring joy! The main training topic was on 4 key principles as athletes transition from winter training, which apply anytime an athlete is pursuing peak performance. The primary physiological discussions: how increased climbing affects adaptation and fatigue, heat acclimation and fitness benefits, sustainable strength work, and dialing into effort instead of metrics. Lots of fun studies in that discussion, plus plenty of semi-related digressions. You know, the usual! We also broke down the 2023 Barkley Marathons, one of the most bonkers races on the planet! It was a remarkable year, and the takeaways can apply to everyone.
And there was so much more fun! Other topics: Kara Goucher's incredible book "The Longest Race," the power of unplanned rest days, balancing rest with putting in the work, shoe reviews from podcast hosts who barely understand shoes, Vitamin D intake, wrong turn calculus, a new study on hopping (we're skeptical), and dealing with trauma and grief. This week's Listener Corner is so touchingly beautiful, and we hope it feels like a warm hug in a complex world.
Also, we have a VERY SPECIAL RACE ANNOUNCEMENT. It's like LeBron James and "The Decision," except almost no one cares. Are we also taking our talents to South Beach? Listen and find out.
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It was such a joy to talk to one of our heroes, Joe Gray! Over his legendary career, Joe has won 22 US National Championships across mountain running, trail running, and cross country. Plus 9 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS! He is one of the best mountain runners of all time, with a legacy of sustained dominance that might never be matched. We have gotten to know Joe over the years at races, and he always takes his time to uplift young athletes, including us when we started out. He is an inspiration on and off the trails!
We talked about what drives him after all of these years and his thoughts about the future of the sport. Joe also talked about the challenges of being a Black athlete in America, starting with a terrible experience when he was a young runner, and how racism affected his journey as a professional athlete. Now, he mentors Black athletes on and off the trails. We discuss how things have changed, and the problems that remain.
You may also learn a thing or two about his favorite food, Oreos. He said he "only" likes 7 of the varieties of Oreos, which implies there are more varieties than 7. We learn something new every day!
Joe is a running and life BEAST, and we can't wait for you to hear his story!
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This episode got down and dirty with the most fun topics! The main training topic was on a new narrative review study describing the evolution of training theory, and why different approaches have converged on the benefits of lower-intensity training with relatively high doses of moderate threshold running, plus VO2-style speed in small doses. Figure 3 from that study is our love language, and we can't wait to tell you about it! We next discuss the implications of that approach for athletes who run uphills in training, which could change intensity distributions and present a MASSIVE opportunity for fitness improvements. Hills pay the bills. That's a STONE COLD SCIENCE FACT, and we explain how to use the principles in less structured training.
And we were just getting started! Other topics, in loose chronological order: follow-ups on relationships and jealousy, reviewing our microbiome testing experience, a wrist-based heart rate discussion, the hydration/fueling option that is BLOWING OUR MINDS, Megan's trip to a sports performance conference, studies on supershoes, a cool analysis of how perception of "talent" changes outcomes independent of actual genetics, and a new study on artificial sweetners. That last topic is Megan's opportunity to roast the heck out of David and his love of gum.
Plus lots more! The vibes are strong in this one. We love you all!
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We had SO MUCH FUN talking to Lauren Fleshman! Her book "Good For A Girl" just debuted as a New York Times Bestseller, and we think it's one of the best books ever written. The book is part-memoir, part-manifesto, fearlessly confronting cultural problems in running and beyond, while also being a beautiful and funny reflection on her life journey. In this interview, we talked about how we can change the incentive structures in athletics to put health (and longer-term performance) at the forefront. Topics included youth sports, college and professional coaching, fueling and body image, jealousy and comparison, and so much more!
Then we left the pages of the book to talk about her personal journey with mental health and identity. We simultaneously had life-affirming chills run down our spines as Lauren described how she has explored her true self, and how athletics and fueling played a role in that process.
Lauren is a superstar. We think you'll finish this interview feeling inspired to step up to the start line of something big and scary. LET'S DO THIS!
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This week's episode is jam-packed with happiness and fun! The main training topic was on 2 workouts that could have outsized benefits for lactate clearance and performance at every distance. The first workout is SO HOT right now: double thresholds, popularized by Norwegian training systems. The second is not quite as hot, but no less fun: post-interval moderate running. These sessions are on the cutting-edge of training theory, mixing a little bit of science with a solid serving of magic! We also talked about the importance of understanding your blood work. Yes, David finally got a blood test, and he deserves at least 3 to 5 lollipops. The results were fascinating and weird, demonstrating why it's so key to take a peek under the hood to understand your physiology.
And that's just the start! Other topics: the Black Canyon 100k and shooting your shots, the universal relevance of heat adaptation and hydration, informed supplementation, mental health and loving your ghosts, a business case study on Strava's handling of a recent crisis, a follow-up to the relationship episode, and much more. We also talked about our new favorite book "Good For A Girl," and how it can transform your approach to athletics. Like Lauren Fleshman, let's value GUTS more than the win.
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This week's VERY SPECIAL episode was a pure celebration! We didn't want to stop recording, so there are a few more minutes of fun. The main training topic was an exploration of why athletes are getting faster at every distance. Our theories involve converging training approaches, feedback processes from shoe technology, and an emphasis on adequate fueling. What does the future hold? It's incredibly exciting! We also talked about practical recommendations for eating before running, starting in the science and extending to what athletes actually do in practice. Get your oatmeal packets ready. Plus we review a new study on running economy and performance, along with the training implications!
But what makes this episode so special is the final 35 minutes, where we answer questions on relationships and love from podcast listeners! The questions touch on everything from intimacy to break-ups. We are not experts, but we think it'll be so much fun. Prepare yourselves for some sound effects too!
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We had such a life-affirming interview with one of our all-time heroes, Kara Goucher! Kara became famous as one of the best runners in the world, winning 3 national championships in college, a silver medal in the 10k at the World Championships, and making 2 Olympic teams. But the running accolades are just the start of her journey. Kara embraces the whole community, persevering through her own adversity to uplift and inspire others. She co-hosts the "Nobody Asked Us" podcast with Des Linden, which debuted as the most successful running podcast on the planet. She does live announcing for distance running on ESPN and NBC. And in March, her book "The Longest Race" is coming out, and it's already getting rave reviews!
On the episode, she describes her journey from being a kid in Minnesota to an international superstar. Our admiration for her is not about the running achievements. It's about all of the moments during that journey when she faced adversity, felt the emotions, and came back swinging! Kara proved doubters wrong (including the doubter in her own head). She courageously spoke her truth and confronted abusive practices at the Nike Oregon Project. And now, she's telling her story to model vulnerability and strength for everyone else that might have doubts in their own lives.
We absolutely love Kara, and we can't wait for you to hear this interview!
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This week's episode was such a fun romp! The main training topic involved the often-overlooked variable of hemoglobin mass, and how optimizing hemoglobin levels for your individual genetics could help you bring out your inner aerobic monster. Important considerations: training intensity/stress, nutrition, iron intake, and oxygen stress like altitude... plus some wild new science on how year-round heat exposure may help. We also had a follow-up based on listener questions about how we like athletes to use heart rate data from their watches. Simple calculations to figure out your Zone 2 can help make running more productive and MORE FUN! Other topics: bands-core-massage replacing gym-tan-laundry, an update on Leo's health journey, setting little goals and how athletics can help, our framework for evaluating running shoes, ways to think about adding cross training, and the etiquette of going to the bathroom during races.
We also read the most touching and soul-affirming listener message. We love you all so much!
This episode was our second hottest date of the week, after our 15-minute trip to the running shoe store. There is nothing sexier than trying on some new supershoes!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. WOOHOO!
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This week’s episode was a total joy ride! The main training topic involved how underperformance is linked with reduced adaptation rates, with possible connections to endocrine system responses. That has major implications for how we approach training and life stress, plus eating before and after runs! We also talked about how to approximate heart rate zones with a small amount of data. You’ll never have to guess again! Other topics: hamstring strengthening, uncertainty and fear (through the lens of being new parents), the benefits of percussive massage (get that vibrator game going), the wonderful Recover Athletics app, a follow-up on the microbiome and probiotics, the reality show "The Climb," holistic training approaches, and using few-week training micro-cycles.
We also talk about why VO2 max approximation is unhelpful. Imagine your VO2 max is world-class, and BELIEVE accordingly. Coach Vanessa Carlton would want it that way!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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This week's episode was such a joyful treat! The main training topic involved understanding training intensity in the context of heart rate drift, where the heart rate rises across an activity. That's especially important for improving aerobic threshold over time, a key to performance at all distances! We also talked about our new FAVORITE STUDY OF ALL TIME, on how the microbiome may influence motivation via dopamine levels in the brain. It's a mouse study that could have profound implications for how we understand human health in the future, including gut health practices. You know we're all about that RAT NEWS. Other topics: a study on Strava as a social network, a fascinating analysis of what led to underperformance in a world-class athlete and how they rebounded out of that valley, the adaptation importance of balancing stress and eating enough always, "The Last Of Us" showing how athletic supplements can turn people into zombies, why it's fine to drop lots of balls in life, and 3 parenting reflections coming up on 3 months.
We also unveil the most important snack revelation you'll ever hear. BUTTER TUBS FOR ALL!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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This episode was such a joyous (and loving) way to kick off 2023! The main training topic addressed one of the toughest and most important questions for all endurance training: what does "easy" actually mean in practice? The answer is nuanced, diving into athlete background, physiology, and goals. Athletes who figure out how to live in that uncertain space can get SO MUCH FASTER, and have more fun in the process. We also talked about a story showing the beauty of sports, featuring professional football player Damar Hamlin's miraculous recovery from cardiac arrest. And that was just the start! Other topics: how we have evolved on rest days over time, the Bandera 100k and the exciting future of trail and ultra running, life and training as new parents, a beautiful listener corner message on the quiet struggles many people are facing, a far-reaching conversation about core values, and much more!
The core value that guides us the most? Giving you THE BEST PLAYLIST EVER to rock your training. Check out Love, Kindness, and Hill Strides:
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We had the most fun and inspiring interview with one of our best friends in the whole world, Amelia Boone! Amelia is a world-class athlete with 4 world championships in obstacle course racing, a recent win at the Spartan Trail 100k World Championships, and numerous other accomplishments. Those accolades led to magazine covers and a public profile at times when she was working through an internal journey that couldn't be portrayed in glossy photoshoots. So what did Amelia do? She opened up, she got vulnerable, and she learned to love herself independent of her achievements.
Amelia is defined by courage. She talked to us about her treatment journey for an eating disorder, why she advocates for others fighting unseen battles, the importance of complete honesty, making athletics fun, and balancing that independence from external validation with a competitive (and fun) desire to CRUSH SOULS. Do you want to start 2023 with some HOT FLAMING INSPIRATION? Then this is the interview for you.
We love Amelia, and we can't wait for you to listen to this interview. Most importantly, we think that after you listen, you'll love yourself a tiny bit more, too. We appreciate you all so much. WOOHOO!
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The 2022 celebration episode brought all of the joy! We started with a holiday recap, including a burst-pipe adventure and a VERY IMPORTANT digression about vibrators. This week's big training tip involves a stunning study on self-talk, showing downright bonkers results. Other topics: the ULTIMATE top-10 list for 2022 (we promise that it is vaguely running related), our theory on using races as training throughout the year, the uncertain definition of "supercompensation," a new study on trail runners v. road runners, what the study results mean for training, and much more!
The episode finishes with a Listener Corner email that will make you feel so much love and appreciation for existence. Thank you all for giving us the best year! We can't wait for what's ahead in 2023. We are all the sexiest monsters on the hill strides!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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This episode brought the science and the FUN! We started with an overview of studies on penalty kicks, leading to a broader discussion on managing pressure over time in sports and life. It's all about shooting those shots, with openness and vulnerability! This week's big training tip is on encouraging adaptation through a training framework that considers the endocrine system. It's important for running and for the bedroom! Other topics: a public service announcement about the worst type of weather (WIND IS HORRIBLE), a new study on fatigue resistance with major training implications, a reflection on the science of coaching and leadership via a 2021 study, post-exercise ketone ingestion, long tempo runs, and much more!
We also talk about the interplay between confidence and vulnerability, through the lens of books about vampires getting it on. We promise that it'll make 50% more sense when you listen.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We had a fantastic, life-changing interview with one of our heroes, Alex Honnold! You probably know Alex from the movie Free Solo, which documented his climb of El Capitan in Yosemite, possibly the most historic athletic achievement ever. But did you know that Alex is also a runner, recently completing a 50k, with plans for more? It was SO FREAKING FUN to pick his brain on climbing and running training. We asked some smart questions and some dumb ones, as is our nature.
But the training discussion was just the beginning! Alex also talked to us about avoiding the pitfalls of external validation, his advice to aspiring young athletes, the reality of aging as an athlete, parenting, fueling, and SO MUCH MORE. And get a load of this: After an hour, he turned the tables on us and asked questions about running training. His curiosity was inspiring as heck, and we all flew our freak flags together.
Alex is not just a legendary athlete, he is a stellar human whose kindness and humor lifts up everyone around him. We loved this interview, and we can't wait for you to listen! We appreciate you all so much. WOOHOO!
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This episode had it all, with some of the most fun training and life topics! We kicked it off with a training discussion that could improve your form and strength FOREVER... and it involves barefoot running. We are not ashamed to speak our barefoot running truth! The main training discussion is on a new study looking at 16,518 race results to determine whether uphill or downhill splits are the most important for race performance. The results may shock you! Other topics: 5 pieces of running news (including doping and race lotteries), novel approaches to tapers, podcast stats, flopping in soccer, breakthroughs in artificial intelligence and what that means for authenticity, and much more!
We also talk about the performance-enhancing properties of country music. Yes, we officially reversed our position on country-pop playlists! We apologize for our past errors. You only hate the ones you secretly love.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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This episode was a total treat, getting to talk about some of the best topics! We started with the ONE FORM TIP THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE... maybe. It involves your glutes, so that has to be good. The main discussion is on 5 takeaways from World Champ Adam Peterman's training that can apply to all athletes, including how to balance intensity and using cross training strategically. Other topics: rejecting cynicism, a cellular-level explanation for why strides work, how the principles may apply across sports, using the bike and elliptical for breakthroughs, some cool data on iron bisglycinate, and much more!
Most importantly, we finish the podcast with a primer on WOLF SCIENCE from a recent study showing how a parasite affects animal behavior. This episode is some wild fun! And after the wolf talk, you may find yourself setting out and becoming the leader of your pack (especially if you grew up with cats... it'll make more sense after you listen).
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We got to have a joyous, wide-ranging interview with the athlete who has quietly had one of the greatest running seasons ever, Adam Peterman! He is so kind, funny, and gracious, and we can't wait for you to get to know him in a deeper way during this episode.
Adam's last year of racing has been mind-blowing, with wins at the JFK 50 Miler, Chuckanut 50k, Canyons 100k, Western States 100, and the World Championships. We discuss the training and long-term trajectory that led to his legendary speed and endurance! That means a deep dive into everything from weekly mileage to workouts to strength to training block structure. But our favorite parts of the episode involved his answers to probing questions about kindness, image, and pursuing potential in an uncertain world.
Adam is a stellar human whose journey is just getting started. This is the inspirational story of how a Peterman became a PeterGOD!
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It's the ultimate celebration episode, full of fun training and life talk! We started with a joyful reflection about navigating through the dark forests in life, and how the path that starts out broken and sad can evolve in ways you never imagine (like with a FREAKING BABY). Then we hit on a bunch of running and life topics: why steady/moderate running is often overlooked in training plans, how to execute moderate running in a base period and all year, Adam PeterGOD winning the World Championships, what Courtney Dauwalter has been up to since our interview on episode 123, and exciting new data and an upcoming study on wrist-based heart rate. The most important part of the episode is a discussion of leading with love and openness in the running community by providing affirmation to non-binary athletes, highlighting Riley Brady winning a Golden Ticket to Western States at the Javelina 100.
Thank you for being on this wild ride with us! For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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Today's episode is such a fun discussion of cool training ideas, mental health rollercoasters, and life swerves! The main discussion is on 8 takeaways from Courtney Dauwalter's training to become the best in the world, collected from our interview with her and every other source we could get our hands on. We provide an analysis of weekly mileage (and how that will vary for athletes with different stress limitations), controlled long runs and workouts, strength routines, tapers, and much more! Other topics: low motivation days, how to use doubles (two training sessions in one day), and the icky feelings that come with marketing/self-promotion.
It was a total celebration episode, recorded just before the baby popped out. Yes, this episode is also an opportunity to TIME TRAVEL with us! Baby Leo is sleeping and eating like a boss, so it's clear he has learned some lessons from Courtney already.
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This episode explores the science and theory behind one of the most exciting training approaches in the world! Some athletes from Norway are using variations of intensity-controlled threshold training, double-workouts, and focused specific work to great success on the international stage. While the specifics of the Norwegian approach to endurance training may not apply to everyone, the principles are incredibly important to all endurance performance. Keep easy days easy (mostly). Develop speed, but don’t excessively train anaerobic processes that can detract from aerobic development. Controlled intervals are often more effective for aerobic development, and you shouldn’t be racing workouts.
And as for double workouts, lactate measurements, and massive weekly training volumes? Well, your experiences may vary. But it’s exciting as heck to explore the next frontiers in training theory. In this "Science Corner" episode, let's explore that frontier together.
Also, guess what? We had a baby! Leo Roche was born on Friday, October 25. Mom and baby are healthy and sexy! Thank you for being on this journey with us. We love you all! WOOHOO!
Love Each Other. LEO.
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We considered an ABBB tattoo ("Always Be Base Building") before a joyous episode on the importance of aerobic reinforcement, debates about gear choices, and existential questions about running! The main topics: the difference between offseason and base-building, why aerobic base needs to be a year-round focus, how to include speed development both before and during base periods, Alex Honnold's adventures in ultrarunning, dealing with burnout in running and life, the perils of productivity, inclusion in sports, and a new segment where we debate different gear options. It's our last normal Tuesday before our lives change forever, so prepare for lots of giddy fun.
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We ate a pint of snickerdoodle ice cream to prepare for a fun episode on tapering, racing, and fueling! The main topics: wild taper approaches from elite athletes involving very long runs relatively close to race day, why tapers vary and what that might mean for your next race, muscle fiber typology during training and detraining, a deep conversation on nutrition and why our message is to eat food that you love, celebrating food and clapping back on bad food messages in athletics, a grab-bag of 6 racing lessons, and 2 show recommendations. Plus lots of other fun topics! Grab your favorite snack, because the nutrition discussion may make you crave something fun and tasty.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We got to interview the brilliant, kind, and HILARIOUS Courtney Dauwalter! Courtney has won UTMB twice, the Hardrock 100, the Western States 100, and established herself as an absolute force of nature that transcends running. In this episode, we dug deep on her training theory, from weekly mileage to workouts to rest days. But even more fun was a deep conversation about life and motivation. This episode has it all: physiology, training theory, ice cream favors, hallucinations, and much more!
Courtney is our ultimate inspiration. Will she agree to coach us? Only time will tell.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We appreciate you so much! WOOHOO!
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We got VERY EXCITED about enchiladas before an invigorating episode on training and intrinsic motivation! The main topics: 3 marathon training principles that apply to all endurance runners, the magic of long runs that build aerobic lipidic power, 4 follow-up discussions about Eliud Kipchoge's training before setting the world record, recent studies on why process-motivation supports well-being and performance, a grab-bag of 7 recommendations for training and life fun, how to use cross-training, a big announcement about next week's guest, and the nuances of supershoe variation. Plus doubles, exciting podcast growth, creating sustainable running form, and lots of other fun topics!
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We listened to some very, VERY fun audio recordings before a joyous episode on growth and training theory! The main discussion is on Eliud Kipchoge's training, using a mix of sources to come up with 6 lessons for everyone. Zone 1 easy running, controlled workouts around 80% capacity, high (but not wild) volume, long runs with tempo, a growth lifestyle, and so much more! We also chatted about recent marathon breakthroughs for 40+ athletes, and the exciting implications for growth with age in the sport. Finally, we analyzed why running is a POWER SPORT, and how that incentivizes finding our own personal versions of "strong" in the journey. Plus OCR world champion training, horoscopes, the neuroscience of food, the magic of Coke, and tons of other cool topics!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We embraced the pizza underwear process before having such a fun episode with lots of training and life topics! The big training discussion revolved around 10 reactions to the approach that Kilian Jornet used to become the GOAT. Get ready for a buffet of the hottest training takes on: doubles, the theory of long runs and why they don't need to be too long, the complexity of fasted training, Zone 1 work, tapers, minimal dose strength training, hill/flat combination workouts, focused base-building periods, nutrition/supplementation, and the magic of a long-term process focus. We also talked about the perils of marginal-gain optimization, horoscopes, testosterone levels, and SO MUCH MORE! Buckle up, the science was extra sexy in this one.
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In one of the most exciting moments of our lives, we sat down with Kilian Jornet, aka the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Kilian is the winner of almost every major race around the world, most recently UTMB and the Hardrock 100 just four weeks apart. He's also a dad of two and a founder of shoe company NNormal, bringing a process-focus to his life on and off the trails. In the episode, we talk about the dynamics of racing UTMB, how he trained for his dominant 2022, take a deep dive into the physiology of training and how his approach has evolved over time, why he doesn't do strength work, speed work for mountain racing, being a business boss, and balancing it all with family.
We love Kilian, and we know you will too. May we all make love to the mountains! White spandex is optional, but encouraged.
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We are coming to you with HEALTHY HEART SWAG to talk about Kilian Jornet's training snapshot leading up to his course record at UTMB, training intensity zones and what they mean, how to think about heart rate principles even if you don't use a heart rate monitor, Nico Young's amazing strength, the connection between emotional pain and physical pain, professional athlete contracts, body love, and hill training. Plus, we answer an amazing question on disentangling physical performance from self-worth. It was the most fun episode ever, thank you for supporting these weekly adventures!
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It's our first interview ever, with our favorite human and athlete in the world! Clare Gallagher won the 2022 Leadville 100 Miler in the 5th-fastest time ever just 36 hours before we recorded the interview. A historic 100 mile win and a 75-minute podcast episode are both equal feats of endurance in our eyes. Clare is a running legend, with wins at Western States, Leadville, CCC, Black Canyon 100k, and the Way Too Cool 50k, all by age 30. But even more importantly, she is a brilliant and world-changing human who is an environmental advocate about to embark on a new journey with marine protection. We love Clare, and we know you will too!
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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Surprise bonus episode! On Patreon, we are doing weekly episodes where we answer (mostly) training questions from subscribers, and we wanted to release this week's to everyone to say THANK YOU ALL. We said the word "sexy" way too many times... or just the right number of times.
Topics this week: the "why" behind different stride lengths (i.e. 20 seconds versus 30 seconds), training week structure and ensuring the right intensity distribution within context of workouts, cross training workouts on the bike and how we use them for some athletes, doubles and just how short/slow they can be, and weird nuances in training theory that apply at the outer margins of human performance. We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We conquered the 7-year itch before talking about how we are constantly testing new interventions (ankle weight warm-ups?!), electrolyte consumption during exercise, the interesting offset between literature and practice with salt intake, the science of cooling interventions and how they can lead to 5%+ performance improvements even in temperate conditions, thoughts about the 2022 UTMB races, our extremely biased predictions with a heavy North American focus, and running's impact on longevity. It's our 8th anniversary celebration episode, so there is some raunchy humor as well. It wouldn't be SWAP without it!
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We did it all for the nookie before talking about the evolution of our training theory about output at VO2 max being a key indicator of aging and long-term performance in athletes, why mechanical power output is often under-appreciated in running training, the weird science of glucose tolerance tests, wonderful news out of Kansas, the predictable disaster of Woodstock '99, the multiple uses of percussive massage tools, why hip labrums are the worst, and how MRI results can be misleading in some cases. Plus 3 start-up ideas that can make any listener a billion dollars at least! For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We debated the performance enhancing benefits of potato chips before talking about the importance of understanding load capacity in training and life, why competitive exercise might have some darker mental consequences for some people, how love and fear are intertwined for better and for worse, the foods of the week, 3 ways to anticipate responses to training, the inspiring story of rockstar scientist Jennifer Doudna, the Women's Tour de France, and how women's sports are taking over the world.
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We did bathroom mirror glute squeezes before talking about fun ways to understand exercise physiology terms, why pro cycling is the world's greatest endurance experiment (even for runners), 8 performance science takeaways from the Tour de France, fears about doping in cycling (and other sports), book recommendations (Broken Horses and Win At All Costs), a hot take about PM running, cellulite and why your body is perfect, and Brandi Carlile's song "The Joke" and what it means to us. Our longest and most fun episode ever, ending with the best conclusion of all time. Stick around to hear pure joy!
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We got really, really excited by astronomy before talking about the historic performances at the Hardrock 100 Miler, physiology that people might not think about enough in high-altitude racing, stories from the World Championships, Devon Allen's infuriating DQ due to a false start, how to think about training for long-term growth, the TV show "The Bear," what we need to do to become the #1 podcast episode in Britain, and reflections spurred by the first James Webb Telescope photos. Things get deep, fast. Then they get shallow even faster. You know how we do it! YES, CHEFS.
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We put on some sexy white spandex shorts before talking about the different workouts we'd recommend if an athlete could only do one, our favorite sessions and the rationale for different workout types (tempo, long intervals, short intervals, and hills), whether we'll ever understand what cryptocurrency actually is, the incredible movie Everything Everywhere All At Once, why we are skeptical about vegetables, reflections from watching Unbreakable for the first time, how the sport is changing over time, and the liberating idea of feelings as data, rather than a threat. Plus side-discussions on death, sex, and taxes! You know, THE GOOD STUFF.
For a weekly bonus episode (and bi-weekly newsletter), make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We overcame an acute case of over-stoke syndrome before talking about the wildest race in the world, how Mount Marathon breaks algorithms and ankles, the incredible stories of Tabor and Eli Hemming, a recap of the US Mountain Championships, how to think about "pain" in the context of training, a full review of 9 different energy gels (prepare for some spicy hot takes), shoe review updates on the most buzz-generating models of the summer, the complex science of functional overreaching, and Adam Peterman. All praise the Petergod!
For a weekly bonus episode, make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We took some hardcore grass naps before talking about 13 things we learned at the Western States 100 Miler! That includes the booming media coverage, Adam Peterman becoming a PeterGOD, theories for why the times are so fast, and much more. Plus we do some deeper dives into the exciting world of mid-event cooling techniques (and how we think that will drive performance changes even in temperate races), how speed is so important for long races, the exciting and evolving landscape of running, and the less exciting prospect of 12-inch probes. It'll make sense soon.
For a weekly bonus episode, make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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This week, we are bringing our BONUS Patreon episode to everyone to highlight some sexy science! Megan was just named the Western States Research Co-Director, and our celebration is to bring you some research updates in hot-tub conversation format. We start with reviewing two fascinating talks at the medical conference on hyponatremia/hydration and how the gut microbiome may influence performance and health. Then, we examine some BREAKING NEWS SCIENCE from Dr. Marshall Burke on how heat impacts performance, and what that means for time predictions for this year's race.
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We got really, really excited about Olympic Valley before talking about takeaways from the Broken Arrow skyraces, the complexity of races that reward VO2 max, how training for other sports can support running (but how that might also hide the true performance drivers), 6 tips for dealing with pre-race anxiety, 4 narratives around the Western States 100, our sleeper picks for podium finishes, the importance of eating enough for male athletes, and thinking about running training in a power-per-stride framework. Plus lots more fun! Make sure you stick around to the very end for the G.O.A.T. pregnancy burp. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We dodged an angry moose before dedicating almost the whole episode to one of our favorite events of the year: The Western States 100! Whether you care about this race or not, we hope to convey big enthusiasm, bigger science, and even bigger subjective opinions. It was so much fun to break down wild ultra science on how physiology responds to this race, the unique demands of the course, 2022 sub-plots, and who we are picking for top finishes. We are SO EXCITED for the Super Bowl of US ultra running! Plus, we gave some happy pregnancy updates!
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We witnessed some real-life Twitter beefs before talking about 3 things we learned at the American College of Sports Medicine conference, data periodization and how to maintain joy while learning more about your body, athletics before GPS, our love/hate list for hydration products, a new study on increasing easy volume versus adding hard intensity, recent research on the menstrual cycle and training, and the mind-altering power of a cold Coca Cola. For a weekly bonus episode, make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon! We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We started the Cha Cha Challenge before talking about training for the unique challenges of European racing, more shoe reviews, being an introvert at professional conferences, why all clothes should be maternity fit, how stride workouts can spur progression across decades of serious training, follow-ups on vegetarianism, some problems with UTMB's doping policies, and the cool science of hydration wearables. For a weekly bonus episode, make sure you're subscribed to our Patreon! We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We optimized our nasal breathing before giving you our HONEST feelings on different shoe brands and models, the cool science of minimal-dose strength work, the quirks of Vitamin D science, and fueling follow-ups. We then provide an overview of the changing media landscape, including recent layoffs and changes in publishing models, and what that might mean for.... future expansion of the podcast and fun content! The hope is that a Patreon account can be a proof-of-concept for a bigger investment in bonus podcasts, articles, and videos in the future. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We did some titillating at-home chiropractic adjustments before talking about the variance in what constitutes good hydration for different athletes (and how extreme approaches can work for heavy sweaters), carb love and the power of Peanut Butter Puffins, our favorite recent TV shows, shoe science and the murky understanding of impact forces, body/brain chemistry and enthusiasm for every body, random racing tips, and the power of big trees (and big honkers). We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We tanned our private parts for the hormone boost before talking about extreme race fueling approaches of 400-500+ calories per hour and how they might work for some athletes, extreme races like the Cocodona 250, training for ultras where the association between speed and performance fall away, John Kelly's historic Wainwrights FKT, heat training, influencers taking PEDs, a follow-up on pregnancy, and the importance of individual bodily autonomy and personal freedom. Plus lots more! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We channeled our BIGGEST WET FOOD ENERGY to joyfully reflect on the 100th episode of the podcast! What a journey! This is a love letter to our listeners... and to new adventures. You know how TV shows save something big for the season finale? We did that for the 100th episode. Tune in and find out! Plus discussions of lessons from the last couple years, owning your insecurities, the unexpected swerves of an athletic life, takeaways from our favorite episodes, and so much more. Thank you so much for being on this journey with us! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We made SO MANY PHONE CALLS before talking about the wildly cool and striking science on how much pre-race and during-race carb intake correlates with performance, what the literature says about how to fuel before and during events, the incredible racing at the Canyons 100k, the importance of women in coaching, inspiration from Leah Yingling, why Lizzo is our hero, 3 training tips that can increase speed (with just a few minutes extra per week), and the evolving world of ultramarathons. Plus lots more! Rate, review, and subscribe if you like it! We love you all! HUZZAH!
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We went full BUBBLES before talking about some takeaways from the Boston Marathon, training theory evolution in the Strava age, a preview of the STACKED Canyons 100k, sexy science on variables that predict trail running performance, why peak velocity might correlate with success even in very long races, satisfaction bombs and the importance of big meals, "Real Talent," and erotic microphones. Rate, review, and subscribe if you like it! We love you all! HUZZAH!
Try Athletic Greens:
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We had a pepperoni pizza foodgasm before talking about dreaming big in athletics and life, the delightful inevitability of failure, an amazing new study on the training of world-class distance runners, easy running guidelines, tapers, and empathy. Plus asides on BOTH fox mating and raptor mating, so things are getting freaky in the animal kingdom. The episode ends with the most wonderful, life-affirming Listener Corner email ever, so stay tuned for that. We love you all! WOOHOO!
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We rocked some very teal, very tight spandex to talk about stories from the Gorge 100k and 50k (highlighted by some amazingly fun breakthroughs!), great health news for Megan's heart, athletics as an opportunity to shine your light with FULL LUMINOSITY, Jerrod Carmichael's wonderful new comedy special, being yourself, the courage of Lia Thomas, why inclusion must be the default, and why trans athletes rights are human rights. We love you all! WOOHOO!
Try Athletic Greens:
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We turned some knobs in all the right directions before talking about some cool new data on how rest days can improve health and performance, how that relates to burnout and long-term growth, the wild and repeatable science of the placebo effect (featuring a fun study on injecting athletes with fake EPO!), publication bias and how that influences scientific understanding, poetry, and talking dirty to plants. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
We love Athletic Greens! Try it:
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We channeled some SEXY WILDEBEEST vibes before talking about studies from rugby on how positive reinforcement before and after matches improves hormone levels and performance, a new review study on the perils of low-carbohydrate approaches to nutrition, opening up about our secrets, balancing positive mentorship and actionable feedback, bike racing, and a warm-up tip that leads to breakthroughs (in running or podcasts). Plus ALL OF THE SCIENCE that makes it one of our sexiest episodes ever! Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
We love Athletic Greens! Try it:
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We got white hot and passionate before talking about some wildly cool studies on speed training science, how simple training changes can improve performance for most athletes, our questionable move to a caffeine-free lifestyle (nooooooo!), the power of DNFs in racing and in life, movie reviews and recommendations, and the importance of celebrating everything about mental health (via Taylor Tomlinson's amazing new stand-up special). Plus the usual sexy science! Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
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We did a public-service announcement on the importance of lubrication (and blew the conch) before talking about the Barkley Marathons and the fascinating definition of talent, elementary school stories and how they play a role throughout life, self-acceptance in the social media age, the uncertain impact of alcohol on protein synthesis, broken treadmills, and lots more of the sexiest science. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
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We drank some blended lawn clippings FOR HEALTH before talking about why all miles count and there is no such thing as "junk" for the aerobic system, how base building unfolds over longer time horizons, shining your light in a world that can feel so dark at times, how impossible it is to be an adult (what the heck is radon?!), 3 business observations, and Ukraine love. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
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We PUT ON A SHOW (for ourselves) before talking about the WILDLY COOL training principles behind Nils van Der Poel's gold medals in speed-skating, Clare Gallagher's training (and life force) leading up to the Black Canyon 100k, finding and embracing your voice, a follow-up on Norwegian training principles (particularly for female athletes), performance outliers, the figure skating doping controversy, massive aerobic and threshold sessions, and even more massive rest blocks. Plus lots of fun digressions, from the sexual tension of the double luge to fueling with whipped cream. Thank you so much for being a part of this journey! WOOHOO!
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We brought some of the BIGGEST COOKIE ENERGY before talking about the role of lactate and how that determines adaptations from training intensity, the Norway model of running training, the cool theory of double threshold workouts, the winter Olympics, some thoughts about the Black Canyon 100k, and life history theory applied to low energy availability and adaptation. Plus lots of fun digressions, from salmon mating to the paramount importance of relationship dynamics in ice dancing. It's our longest episode yet, thank you all so much for your support and being along for the ride! WOOHOO!
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We got EXTRA STRENGTH creative juices flowing before talking about a study on how self-talk can influence performance, the connection that emotional state can have to long-term adaptation, recognizing and improving self-talk and why that matters long-term, the best strength exercise (step-ups!) and how to take them to the next level, and how to prevent and treat side stitches. Plus lots of the usual asides, from Salt-N-Pepa to sex dreams. As always, it gets weird! Thank you all for everything! WOOHOO!
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We ate performance supplements (cereal and cheese!) before talking about facing fear in an athletic life, ways to reframe pressure, our recent culinary breakthroughs, the importance of preserving your unique voice, death, lessons from the amazing show Cheer, and bringing that "too old, too tired, and too talented" energy for 2022. Full SWAG MODE, ACTIVATE! Thank you all for everything! WOOHOO!
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We got ON A BIKE (slowly) before talking about the wildly fun epigenetic principles behind long-term adaptation, secrets and shame, email interventions, the beautiful cruelty of sports like running, and the importance of putting yourself out there and getting vulnerable. SHOOTERS SHOOT! Thank you all for everything! WOOHOO!
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We took off our grump-suits and put on some sexy swag-suits to talk about the fun science of multi-year changes from a genetic baseline, the coolest twin-study of all time, different protein sources and why they can be adaptation insurance, a poop-doping follow-up, muscle fiber typology and why it matters, and how cookie availability changes evaluation metrics. Thank you all for everything! HUZZAH!
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SEXY SCIENCE CORNER! What differentiates athletes late in endurance events like marathons and ultras? Why can some athletes train the same, pace the same, fuel the same--yet have different results? The answer may be found in the emerging study of "fatigue resistance." Fatigue resistance does not have a set definition, but is generally classified as the extent of performance deterioration late in events, often unexplained by normal physiological profiling while fresh. This episode takes a deep dive into some of the sexiest science and training theory of how the brain and nervous system influence late-race fatigue. We take you on a thrilling ride featuring neurotransmitters, genetics, metabolic variables, and much more, with the goal of highlighting what contributes to physiological breakthroughs over time. It concludes with 10 training theories you can put into practice to accomplish some big, scary goals.
Thank you all for being THE BEST! WOOHOO!
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We PLUCKED our way into 2022 before talking about 6 winter training fundamentals (that apply anytime outside of specific training), the difficulty of motivation (including for us), the tragic Boulder fires, hope in an uncertain world, evolutionary principles of alcohol consumption and dependence, and the wildly exciting science of the microbiome. There will be a new sexy science corner episode this Friday, subscribe now! Thank you all for everything! Wooohooooo 2022, let's do this!
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We yelled "HUZZAH!" at the top of all the hills before talking about the nuances of interval recovery approaches, our differing approaches to BUSINESS, offseason yoga, what athletes need to know about the omicron variant, the difficulties of observational studies, and a new study on the menstrual cycle and performance. What a year! We appreciate you all so much, thank you for being on this journey with us. HAPPY NEW YEAR! WOOHOO! Huzzah!
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Figure 2 referenced in episode:
We had some life-affirming hospital chicken tenders before talking about the new Olympic Trials standards, sports supplements guidelines and science, and Megan's health journey and diagnosis (WE GOT THIS! Eventually!). We love this community so much, thank you for everything. The biggest heart love going your way! WOOHOO!
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We practiced our OOPS-AND-RALLY before talking about weekly training structure, stacking up itty bitty bricks in a really big wall, side pees, the great science of massage tools, fart buoyancy, the best shoes we have ever worn (and getting scammed trying to buy them), and building confidence by embracing vulnerability. We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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SCIENCE CORNER! A 2021 study had a fascinating finding: in some cases, overtraining may actually be the result of underfueling. We zoom out discuss the incredibly cool scientific landscape on training, fueling, stress, and adaptation, which has big implications for how athletes pursue their long-term potential. THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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We embraced bodily fluid gratitude before talking about the nitty gritty of shoe sponsorships, why fueling is helpful even in short events, aging as an athlete (and how that process is relevant for everyone), The Dipsea Race, caring about competition, and our appreciation of Goober the Clown. We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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We practiced recipes for the Some Work, All Pizza cookbook (dog treats for humans?) before talking about extending peak performance over an athletic career, rest days, the relevance of exercise addiction principles for all athletes, embracing imperfection, and how different types of heat training may improve year-round performance. We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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We got out our big bowls and big spoons for big gains (protein cereal babyyyy) before talking about the importance of quantity and timing of protein intake, track workouts, the University of Oregon news and why athletic performance is not a math equation, and authenticity in leadership. We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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We gave you all 14/10s before talking about the power of very easy running, dogs and impermanence, dreaming about it...then being about it, the wild science of dopamine, communication and sex, and strength work guidelines. We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU! WOOHOO!
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We got very, very intimate with a redwood tree before talking about a bunch of lessons from the Boston and Chicago Marathons, the surprising science on heat strain in marathons, coming home, Ted Lasso, mental health and love, and the Stockdale Paradox. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We touched the BELIEVE sign before talking about the Tiger Claw race, what the heck is up with trail shoes, uphill and downhill running approach, realistic belief in the context of mentorship, and the power of BELIEVE through the dark forests. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We very sensually licked Dairy Queen cones before talking about long run structure and physiology, muscle breakdown and CK measurements, the problem with models, wedding dancing, and the framework for making big decisions. Plus a new Master Debaters segment! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We did a sexy science experiment with this bonus episode on how health and adaptation are related across multiple training cycles. Key topics: the nervous and endocrine systems, supercompensation stimuli, overreaching v. overtraining, fatigue resistance, and Lizzo. Lizzo is key! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We yelled "Woohoo!" until we lost our voices (and maybe podcast listeners) at Run Rabbit Run before talking about exploration of the unknown, having the talent to use your talent, 5 universal ultra training principles, artificial general intelligence and sentience (it gets weird), and Lil Nas X. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We banged Charlie the Chipmunk to talk about how longevity is affected by athletics (and how to focus on health in the process), free solo climbing and exploring the limits, sprained ankle prevention, presence in the moment in sports, and why what makes you weird makes you AWESOME. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We drank a lot of coffee (Megan) and drank a lot of anxiety (David) to talk about why positive reinforcement is a key coaching strategy, the ups and downs of mental health, social media, adequate fueling for elite performance, and PEDs in a follow-up to the burrito doping case. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We made our eyebrows super aerodynamic before talking about ideas for racing, the importance of celebrating yourself, dialogues on pregnancy and BABIES, rallying after low points, and some takeaways about the wild UTMB week. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We mental karate chopped some thoughts before talking about finding your why (and what being a kid has to do with it), the difficulties of science (and how that supports inclusion in sports), and the Leadville 100 (the prophecy!). Plus lots of other things! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We brought some wedding anniversary barnacle swag to talk about five ideas that apply to both running and sex, holding running speed for longer distances, empowering navigation skills, eating entire pizzas, and a special listener corner to end the episode. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We brought some Big Wet Food Energy to talk about race fueling, why it's good to have some imbalances, Molly Freaking Seidel, uphill form, the menstrual cycle and recovery, and fear of death. It's a big one! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We really felt ourselves while talking about fun stories from the 2021 Olympics! (1) Love our bodies; (2) Build the engine; (3) Be an enthusiasm junkie; (4) Elevate friendship alongside competition; (5) Inclusion is the default; (6) Go apes--t for someone; (7) Mental health is health; (8) DUENDE. There's a ninth one in there, but counting is hard. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We drank the whole pot of coffee before talking about why weekly miles can be a weak proxy for training stress, what it means to shoot your shot in life, and answering a question about... mortality. We love our listeners. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We landed like Avengers to talk about the recovery science that has changed our relationship with alcohol, how sex affects athletic performance, and the power of wary optimism. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We went full SWAG GOLDFISH to talk about lessons for adventures, believing in your creative ability, and why aerobic development can involve very easy training (but requires that you also develop your top-end speed/output). Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We channeled Khia's "My Neck, My Back" diagnostic approach to talk about maintaining hope in moments of athletic uncertainty (and Megan's health journey) and why the THC ban hurts athletes. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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We rallied from low WHOOP recovery scores to talk about everything we saw and learned at the 2021 Western States 100. Good days are always earned, but bad days can be unlucky. Give your body a chance. And we're in this together. Plus lots more! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
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In our one-year podcast anniversary episode, we talked about amazing stories from the Olympic Trials, the science of why tapers might involve small injuries, and more thoughts on the recent doping news. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We harnessed our ice-bath F-bombs to talk about the weakly understood importance of fatigue resistance in endurance performance, embracing athletics as a creative process, and being vulnerable. We appreciate you so much, thank you! WOOHOO!
We pranced like show ponies before talking about 5 tips for racing, outlook when things sometimes suck, and improving adaptation/reducing injury risk. Thank you all, we appreciate you so much! WOOHOO!
We embraced our inner magical creatures to talk about heart rate variability and how it might relate to training approaches, the complex illusion of identity, and putting work in a box. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We celebrated the 50th episode (WOOHOO!) by talking about why you don't need to do huge volume in ultra training, self-judgment and uncertainty in life, and lots of bonus topics (SPACE FACTS!). We appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU!
Sports can be the difference between a fully realized identity and feeling alone in the world. Inclusion is about human rights because it is about identity and acceptance for people that have faced marginalization and discrimination. All real-world evidence supports the fairness of inclusion, and future scientific conversations need to be grounded in human rights.
So much love for you all! THANK YOU!
We brought BIG PADDINGTON BEAR ENERGY to the podcast to talk about improving technical running (and dealing with inevitable falling), stress buckets, and moving past regrets in life. You all are amazing! WOOHOO!
We practiced our literal LOL skills while talking about conflict in relationships, performance psychology, and vulnerability in athletic/emotional unfinished products. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We got extremely excited about UFOs (well, David did) before talking about approaching racing season with a celebration mindset, understanding fears/phobias, and balance with sports/life. WOOHOO! Thank you all!
We put some lubricant in our fanny pack before talking about investing in others, heart rate monitors, chafing, and parenting/leadership. We love you all, thank you! WOOHOO!
We powered up our GPS-free watches and rocked some sweet fanny packs to talk about embracing competition with love, data-free days, and the 1-0 life philosophy. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We looked up some fascinating sex outliers (talk about comparison!) before discussing training volume and social media. Plus the answer to life, the universe, and everything! Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We banged our tastebuds before talking about the science of why resets can lead to breakthroughs, considerations for training after vaccine doses, and mass shootings/gun control. If you do not want to hear about the recent tragedies, skip ahead to 10 minutes. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We mastered front crawl kinematics before talking about Coach Diljeet Taylor and leadership style, considerations on the interaction of altitude and heat training, and training group dynamics. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We had LOTS of coffee before talking about body image approaching warmer weather, physical plateaus that can stall progression, and the underrepresentation of women in exercise science studies. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We did some mid-podcast karaoke while talking about a bunch of topics including: unique approaches designed to make training harder, fat adaptation, and the power of the life swerve. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We got COVID antibody tests before talking about why there is no such thing as too easy on easy runs, crying (plus other emotional expressions), and the new "Shoot Your Shot SWAP Playlist." Thank you all! WOOHOO!
Playlist link:
We grew some sexy ice unibrows before talking about facing fears, aging, communicating affection (and other things), and principles for integrating strength work into endurance training. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We flipped our microphone right-side-up to talk about building confidence as an athlete, the importance of consistency, and some of our favorite rap lyrics. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We trialed extreme, accidental acupuncture before talking about identity in life, chasing big goals, and love and kindness meditation. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We fueled with LOTS of mint chocolate chip ice cream to talk about two training sessions in a day and the complications of athletic relationships. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We took a break from our "cheerful tangerine" paint job to talk about a bunch of topics, including how to increase training volume, getting started in writing, and being yourself. Plus this quote: "I had a blast in life, and I hope the same for you." Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We got inspired by badass performances at the Bandera 100k to talk about improving uphill running (and hiking) and the value of loving competition. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We got inspired by some amazing sports stories (and neighborhood llamas) to talk about finding and embracing what makes you unique and tapering strategy. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We played our way through talking about 7 big takeaways from 2020! Thank you all for the support on this podcast journey. 2021 here we come! WOOHOO!
We cranked the "Some Work, All Playlist" up to max volume to get hyped to talk about 6 of our favorite workouts, plus superstitions and learning from Boban. We are so thankful for you all, happy holidays! WOOHOO!
Some Work, All Playlist link:
We summarize the basic biology and immunology of the COVID-19 vaccine and its potential impact on athletes. Long story short: current research indicates that the vaccine is effective and safe, and we discuss why, along with considerations for training and racing in 2021. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We used sea level oxygen to talk about a bunch of topics including: considerations for running cadence, blood donation's impact on athletic performance, and showing love. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We fueled with lots and lots of hot chocolate to talk about: different approaches to the offseason, how to use training metrics, and 6 gift ideas for athletes. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
To quote Tenacious D: "this one is for the ladies. But fellas, listen closely." We talked about the menstrual cycle, athletic performance, and training approaches. WOOHOO!
We overcame uncontrollably vibrating massage tools to talk about complications in relationships and getting through winter. THANK YOU ALL! WOOHOO!
We are rocking some MAJOR life endorphins to talk about a bunch of topics including: overreaching, overtraining, hope, asking for help, and the COVID-19 vaccine. USA! USA! WOOHOO!
We dealt with a couple podcast DNFs to talk about a bunch of topics, including: theory and practice of speed intervals, thoughts the day before the election, hope, toughness, and big dreams. Thank you all! WOOHOO!
We overcame an uncontrollable urge to laugh at meditation guides to talk about a bunch of topics including: mobility and stretching, supercompensation workouts and weeks, & starting a meditation and mindfulness practice. Thank you all so much! WOOHOO!
We felt lots of gratitude for firefighters as we talked about topics including: optimism to end 2020, Megan's COVID-19 research study results, mental health, and marijuana's impact on athletes. WOOHOO!
We overcame a viral video of a mountain lion to talk about a few topics: tips for balancing athletics and life, lessons from Ted Lasso, and the power of forgiveness. Featuring Addie dog's expert bark opinion! WOOHOO!
We listened to the SWAP SWAGsauce playlist to get hyped to talk about a bunch of topics including: the trial of miles, dealing with rejection, and how to improve technical running. WOOHOO!
Playlist link:
We enjoyed digging lots of holes while talking about a few topics: deadlines, cultures of excellence, and blood tests/supplementation, focusing on ferritin/iron. WOOHOO!
We embraced super diva watts and the PMS otter to discuss topics including: inspiration from RBG, why setbacks can lead to breakthroughs, and strength training for runners. WOOHOO!
We danced to the "Some Work, All Play" playlist on Spotify to get in the mood to talk about three topics: heart rate training, enthusiasm and support in the work environment, and what it means to train like the elite athlete you are. WOOHOO!
Correction: David said "Tim Olson" when he meant "Joe Grant," sorry for the error!
We overcame warm protein shakes to talk about 3 topics: muscle fiber typology and training approaches, balancing aerobic base building and speed, and the long-term process of becoming a pro trail runner. WOOHOO!
We ditched our 3-topic structure to focus on mental health and depression. You are enough, and we got this. Woohoo!
We overcame staring at blank pages to talk about 3 topics: air quality and health considerations, alcohol's impact on athletic performance, and the importance of betting on yourself. WOOHOO!
We brought anniversary endorphins into a discussion about 3 topics: fear of wildlife (and other things), getting into coaching, and moving forward with love in the face of suffering (yeah, it was a tough question). WOOHOO!
We overcame weekend bonks to talk about 3 topics: body inclusion/acceptance, fueling during runs, and considerations for a long-term training approach. WOOHOO!
We guzzled some Mountain Dew to talk about 3 topics: cross training reasoning and structure, possible cardiac effects of COVID-19, and toughness v. self-belief. WOOHOO!
We changed the format to 3 topics, because of course we did. Those three topics are: breast size and body image (seriously), overcoming injuries, and coaching. WOOHOO!
We persevered through unironic uses of the word "boondoggle" to talk about 4 topics: aging and performance, long run intensity, training partner dynamics, and procrastination/productivity. WOOHOO!
We overcame our sensitive dispositions to talk about four topics: developing healthier relationships with social media, avoiding within-day energy deficits, why it's OK if you can't sleep, and how to embrace your athletic self no matter where that journey leads. WOOHOO!
We overcame bad hair days/months to talk about 4 topics: the impostor syndrome, the power of strides, why your fitness is your best day, and finding your talent. WOOHOO!
We fueled with Campbell's Chunky Soup for these 5 topics: dealing with uncertainty, certainty in relationships, the importance of rest days, the unimportance of VO2 max, and haters. Woohoo!
We guess we're doing this! Topics: aging, heat and hemoglobin, Hamilton, the power of the shuffle, and self-belief practice. (And waffles)
Welcome to the Some Work, All Play podcast! This may be the only episode. Or not! Adventure time!
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