215 avsnitt • Längd: 40 min • Månadsvis
Everyone’s favorite intuitive, Nikki Novo shares her insights about soul-led living. Tune in each week to hear Nikki’s intuitive insights and to receive spiritual guidance for your everyday challenges.
The podcast Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo is created by Nikki Novo. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Join me in Soul Reading Method!
How do I manage to make accurate predictions and share uncanny messages?
I’m going to let you in on my secret.
I read energy.
Everything is energy. So when I want to know something, I bring the energy forward, hold my focus there, and allow myself to receive the messages.
In today’s podcast episode, I read your energy — or at least, the collective body of our podcast community.
And I did this by calling forward the seven main chakras on the body.
This is the first practice I used to train myself to be intuitive. Years later, I still find it way too much.
We received so many beautiful messages about your energy today. I can’t wait for you to listen.
And hopefully by observing me as I perform the reading, you also learn a little bit about how it’s done.
Join me in Soul Reading Method!
I just made it back home to Western North Carolina after a three-day blitz of content creation with my team in Miami. Wow, I’m tired.
So it’s kind of funny, that I recorded this podcast episode for you a few weeks ago that is all about your content strategy.
It’s easy to have a love-hate relationship with content. Yet, as business owners, it’s hard to avoid it these days.
But just because we need a content strategy to help attract clients, doesn’t mean we have to do it the way everyone else is doing it.
Instead, we must listen to our hearts to see what our path to creativity is.
So in today’s podcast, I wanted to receive messages that can help guide you towards a content strategy that works for you — and your audience.
I’m so excited for you receive the messages you’re meant to receive so you can take action in a way that feels great to you.
And if you loved this episode, you’ll love my intuition development program Soul Reading Method, which is currently open for enrollment.
Spirit guides are super helpful.
I know it can sound weird to believe that there is some sort of imaginary friend watching over us, but… there kinda is.
Spirit guides are spiritual beings that are helping us live into our soul’s path.
This can be:
The important thing to understand is that they want to connect with us and help guide us to our soul’s purpose.
In today’s podcast episode I asked your spirit guide for a few messages — and they delivered.
In the episode, I also explain a little more about what a guide is and how we can work with them.
And if you loved this episode, you’ll love my intuition development program Soul Reading Method, which is currently open for enrollment.
In this week’s pod episode, we’re learning to embrace our next chapter. Not only embracing it, but stepping into confidently.
I know that the unknown can feel intimidating, and change often comes with doubts. But this download I received is really about reminding you that this is a good thing, and a result of living true to your soul’s true path.
In these messages, I share that
I’m excited for you! I hope you find inspiration in this episode to embrace your new chapter with open arms.
Today’s podcast episode is about the growth your business is meant to experience. But somehow you’re stopping it. And even fearing it.
This episode is full of tough love for those of us who are wearing business shoes that are a little too tight. You know it’s time to upgrade, but you’re stalling.
Have no fear, because this episode is the shift you’ve been waiting for.
In today’s episode I share 7 messages about the expansion and growth of your business.
We’ll discuss:
If you found this, it’s meant for you. Step into your next level of business expansion.
Your beautiful loving angels are wanting to come through for you today.
If you’re wondering what angels are. They are our support team, almost like Fairy Godmothers.
Unlike spirit guides, they’re not here to make sure we learn lessons. Honestly, they’re just here to send love and help our dreams come true.
Sounds hard to believe but wait until you feel their energy in today’s podcast episode.
If you’re ready to open up your path to more love and ease, this podcast episode is for you.
I’m excited to hear how the episode shifted you!
Your business is about to uplevel. I’m not sure you realize that all the effort you’ve put in lately is about to cause an avalanche of abundant energy.
I can’t wait for you!
To prepare, your angels were asking me to make this episode to help encourage you but also clear a few things up so you can take the most advantage of this “lucky break.”
Find out what’s coming, how to enjoy it, and how to not block it from happening in today’s podcast episode.
If you’re feeling a little stuck in a situation and hoping to break free, this is the episode for you!
In today’s podcast episode, I share 7 messages about any stuckness you may be feeling.
WE discuss:
Enjoy today’s episode!
Let's go to the show!
Business is more fun with friends, which is why we all seek an engaged community. Not to mention, selling is so much easier when you have people ready to buy!
In today’s episode, I wanted to tap into what creates an engaged community. What energy attracts this, and how can we be better of holding that frequency.
I learned a lot. I bet you will too!
The problem with living a linear life is that it’s predictable. And if your life is predictable, nothing will change. What you see right now is what you will continue to get.
This predictable life is the result of highly depending on masculine energy, rather than balancing that structure with the more feminine qualities.
Since the feminine knows how to create from nothing, in order to create a new life, you need feminine energy.
And not just any feminine energy, but the balanced kind.
In today’s episode, I’m going to share what it looks and feels like to operate from too much Masculine or Feminine energy. And how we can balance the two so we can have powerful creation power.
When you learn to balance your energy, you're going to be blown away by how your life changes. May this episode be that first step.
You have a vision of where you want to be, but you don’t know how to get there.
So now you just find yourself in a place of overwhelm, wishing for some clarity.
Don’t worry, I got you.
In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to share 6 messages I was receiving about your next best steps.
Of course, we all want each and every step to our path personally delivered by the Universe, but those steps are trying to show themselves in other ways. Today’s episode will make those steps more clear.
If this episode inspired you to take action, let me know by commenting on YouTube or leaving me a podcast review.
You don’t have to use social media to grow your business, but you do need to know how to do this one thing well.
That thing? Get amazing word of mouth.
In today’s podcast episode I read the energy of people, products and business who reap the benefits of having amazing word of mouth. Meaning, people are talking about them and that’s how they get business!
So it’s true, you don’t need to make a bunch of content to have a successful business, but you may want to master the art of attracting word of mouth, which we cover in today’s show.
I hope this episode supports you and helps your business attract the people it’s supposed to support.
Your energy is trying to uplevel, but you’re not allowing it.
And therefore, your manifestations are taking longer than you’d like. No fun!
In today’s Soul-Led Living podcast episode, I share 7 intuitive messages to help you shift your energy to the next level so that you can start seeing the actual results of the life you’re calling in.
Here’s a sneak peek of what I cover:
💡 Why our current lives reflect our energy levels.
🌟 How softening your heart can unlock new opportunities.
🧠 The importance of emptying your mind daily for clarity and inspiration.
🗣️ Why changing your words can completely shift your reality.
These insights are for those ready to take full responsibility for their growth. No one else can do this for you. But the good news is I’m here to guide you along the way.
Ready to call in your uplevel? Listen to the episode.
I can’t wait to hear how this episode shifts your perspective and energy. If it inspires you, reply to this email or share your thoughts in a review!
Your next level is waiting. Let's unlock it together.
P.S. Know someone who’s ready to uplevel? Forward this episode to them—they might need this as much as you do!
I made a pretty epic business pod episode this week. I’ve made some great ones in the past, but there’s something special about this one.
In today’s episode I’m reading the energy of the social media landscape.
I’m asking questions like:
There is just so much good info for us. I think it’s a must for every biz owner.
We’re running the episodes on YouTube now, so if you want to connect with me and let me know what resonated or if you have additional questions, please leave me a comment on YouTube.
Join Made for More: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/made-for-more
It’s so nice to be back here with you, kicking off another year of the pod. I’m really hoping to expand it and make it even better for you in 2025!
Today’s episode is always a crowd pleaser: the monthly predictions.
January is a funny month: it’s busy, a little wild, but also fun.
Those of us who really take in the guidance in today’s episode will reap benefits come Spring.
I’m hoping the episode supports you and reminds you that you’re on path.
Join Made for More: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/made-for-more
Join Shine Method: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/shine-method
Join Made for More: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/made-for-more
Join Shine Method: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/shine-method
Join Made for More: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/made-for-more
Join Fully Expressed: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/fully-expressed
Join my subscription on Substack: https://nikkinovo1.substack.com/
Join my subscription on Substack: https://nikkinovo1.substack.com/
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If you’re a business owner, today’s podcast episode is not to be missed.
I decided to read the energy of bestselling products, services and brands.
My curiosity led me to ask the question, why do some products do super well and others don’t? Is it really luck? Or is it strategy?
The answer: it’s a vibe.
In today’s episode I share five messages about these bestsellers so that you can make your brand a bestseller, as well.
Have you received a message about what you’re meant to do next?
Maybe you’ve received a little ping, or you just know if you do this thing, you will be closer to what you’re trying to manifest.
You know what the action is, but you can’t seem to actually do the thing!
It happens to all of us. And I'm always curious about why we can’t always get ourselves to follow through on our intuition.
So in today’s episode, I dig deep into why we sometimes don’t take action. Spoiler alert: it’s not because we’re lazy! There’s something deeper happening.
And my hope is that these messages help you lovingly motivate yourself towards your dreams.
Consistent, regular income. That’s the goal for our businesses, isn’t it?
Especially for those of us used to a regular, making the leap into working for yourself is a brave jump. And sure, we can hold on to that uncertainty for a while, but ultimately we would like to find an island of safety.
The island of consistent revenue.
The best way to create a reality is to shift into it and hold the vibration long enough within us so that we can soon see it as a reality.
But what if we don’t know exactly what that vibration feels like?
With this in mind, I wanted to really understand what the energy feels like, how we can connect to it, and what it has to say to us.
I really love today’s pod episode, and I feel it will be super supportive in your business.
Come ready with a notebook, because I’m sure you’ll receive your downloads.
The souls coming to the Earth these days are like wow.
As the Earth raises in her frequency, she is open to allowing more high frequency beings in. For this reason, we’re seeing an influx of children being born who are super old souls, filled with wisdom and purpose.
In today’s podcast episode, I share a few messages that were coming through. Our children want to talk to us about their purpose, in hopes that we can spot it when the time is right.
Let me know if you feel you received messages from you little one.
It’s that time of the month: monthly predictions!
In today’s episode, I share all my predictions for November.
And by the way, it’s not nearly as scary as I thought it would be! Yes, it’s a month of shadows, but it’s about embracing them, loving ourselves and integrating them into our being.
And don’t forget to share with a friend!
Happy election day! It’s finally here!
In honor of the day, I decided to tap into America, herself, to see what she has to say about her future.
Since I recorded this in advance, I have no idea where the presidential race is or where it’s going, but I loved to hear America’s point of view.
I think you’ll be surprised by the messages she shares.
I’m hoping this episode is a warm cup of tea on a day that can feel really anxious for many Americans and others around the world.
I received a download for your business: The success you’re seeking in business is directly connected to your authentic expression.
And yes, I know, we’ve heard that a bunch: be your true self. But what does that really mean? And how does that make us successful in work?
In today’s podcast episode, I tap into:
I found there to be some really insightful messages, so I hope you enjoy!
I’m going to be honest. I think about my sex life similar to how I feel about wellness. I know it can be healthier, but ya know, it sometimes just feels like another thing.
But funny enough, I was looking at my natal chart a few months ago and noticed that I was going to have a rebirth in this area of life. And it came for me!
It’s come for me so much that I’ve had a recent influx of clients asking me about their own sex life and libido!
On Soul-Led Living, I do my best to apply spiritually to all aspects of life: love, money, career, parenthood, etc. I never thought that sex would be one of them, too.
But I’ve recently started to understand that our sexual energy can really block or expand our lives, so in today’s episode we go into it.
Of course, I’m not an expert on this topic, but I did receive some interesting messages for us that relate to how our sex lives can help us live more deeply into our purpose.
Listen to today’s (very Scorpio season) episode. Enjoy! And you’re welcome to all your current and future lovers, lol!
I had so much fun with today’s podcast episode. One of our fellow listeners suggested that I read the energy of fame. And since all our businesses could use a few more eyeballs, I agreed!
In today’s show I share what fame really is, what it isn’t, and how we often confuse it with power (which is why we feel “ick” about it).
I also went into 7 characteristics of the energy of fame. The more we understand the energy, the more we can bring it into our lives — and also unblock ourselves.
I hope this episode blesses you, your business and all the lives you’re meant to touch. May your light shine brighter than ever before.
If you’re ready to be bright, listen to today’s episode.
Are you feeling like something is about to change — in a good way? Like there’s a bigger plan unfolding?
Well, I’m here to tell you that you’re not crazy.
In today’s podcast episode we’re going to talk about what’s brewing and coming for you next so that hopefully you can move into your destiny with ease.
I share how you can begin to align with this greater plan by taking yourself seriously, preparing for the shifts ahead, and trusting in divine timing. Plus, we talk about the rising vibrations happening all around us and how to elevate different aspects of your life to match these higher frequencies.
One of the key messages from this episode? It's time to create a no-drama zone and clear the way for the next chapter of your life, free from unnecessary confusion and instability.
I’m also giving you some practical tips for this new chapter—like professionalizing your side businesses, preparing for travel, and, of course, validating your intuition. It’s all about stepping into the future with confidence, trust, and authenticity.
Listen to today’s podcast episode and discover what’s next for you on this journey.
I talk a lot about raising our vibration to the next level so we can then start to experience the life we really want.
After reading so many people over the years, I’ve learned that even though our soul is destined to live a certain experience, it doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed. Often, our “human” can get in the way by having thoughts and feelings that don’t align with where the soul really wants to go.
And while there are many techniques to help us get out of this cycle — like mantras, positive self talk, etc — there’s nothing quite like hypnosis.
Hypnosis was actually the first certification I ever received when I started my journey towards the work I do today. It’s designed to help us reprogram the subconscious mind into a mind that can help us attract what is truly meant for us.
Although I love giving uplifting messages, and I can see what is meant for you, I feel that if we don’t incorporate tools like hypnosis it can be hard to move into our destiny.
For this reason, I asked hypnotherapist Adrianna Carlesimo to join me on today’s podcast episode to talk a little bit about how we can reprogram our subconscious mind so that it can actually help us achieve our dreams.
About Adrianna: I am an intuitive Hypnotherapist, based in Brooklyn, NY, supporting clients in transforming their mental and emotional well-being.
My intention is to help people more deeply align with their soul - their highest self - by clearing out anything in their subconscious that's getting in the way of living their happiest and healthiest life.
I predominantly work with issues around mental health (anxiety, trauma, depression, self-worth) - yet I also do a lot around clearing out fears and phobias, and overall just supporting folks in reconnecting with their own inner wisdom and own inner healing potential.
I am very passionate about freedom and love for all beings on this planet, and I believe that my role in that is by helping individuals heal themselves. Heal yourself, heal the world.
Book a Session with Adrianna: https://www.adriannacarlesimo.com/
I haven’t felt this pull for a while, but the guides really wanted to chat with us about our soul’s purpose.
Like I mentioned in today’s podcast episode, our purpose is not solely about work. It truly is an alignment of all categories of our life.
BUT in today’s podcast episode we’re going to talk about your purpose when it comes to your work, business and career.
I found the messages to be helpful, so I’m hoping it supports you as well.
I shared 7 messages that cover topics like:
As always, let me know what resonates.
I’m so happy to be back with you this week!
Thank you for all the prayers, love and messages over the last few days as our family recovered from Hurricane Helene. We are doing well and rebuilding.
Recording this week’s episodes was a light for me, so thank you for being here.
In today’s pod episode I share October predictions and messages.
The month has themes of rebirth, the hero’s journey, and luck.
As always, thank you for listening and please let me know if the messages resonated.
I've been receiving so many questions about spirit babies and how to connect to our children as souls, I decided we needed another podcast about it!But this time, I brought on two friends, Kristine McGlinchey-Yap and Violet Santana, to have this conversation with me. They are both so well versed on this topic, so I can't wait to share them with you.In today's episode, we cover:
Enjoy it and please share with a friend who needs it.
One of my favorite manifesting hacks is using the Future Self.
If you don’t know what the Future Self is, she is the version of you that has everything you want.
You know, all the things you dream of and believe can come your way, but are not sure how to make happen.
She can show you what blocks you from what you want and what can move you closer to your desires. This is why I love working with her.
In today’s podcast episode, I connect with her for you and share a few messages. Many of them really surprised me!
Listen to today’s podcast episode and see what your Future Self has to say.
Soul Reading Method is open for enrolment! We start October 1st. Join today!
It’s eclipse season! Love it or hate it, but it is here.
Starting with yesterday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the eclipse season will continue through mid October.
In order to better understand how we could use this Eclipse season to support our growth, I brought my friend and astrologer Alice Hu on to the podcast.
In today’s episode, Alice shares messages and predictions inspired by the eclipse season.
We talk about:
It’s truly an exciting episode, and so helpful.
Alice Hu is a Career Astrologer and founder of Woo Woo Company. She shares how you can use astrology as a tool for identity work, career development, and business. Alice also facilitates wellness programming for organizations as a fractional Chief Mindfulness Officer, showcasing how mindfulness is a powerful resource for businesses.
Sign up for your free career astrology report www.yoursaturn.com. Loved the free version? Check out the 15+ pages expanded career astrology report here. Use NIKKI for 20% off your report!
Instagram @woowooco
For those of us living soul-led, there’s always something we’re dreaming about or trying to create.
But the only reason we follow these desires is because we’re being brought down a path — a spiritual path.
In today’s podcast episode, I received messages about this path you’re being called to. So if you feel lately that something is calling you, that you’re being guided in a new direction… this episode is for you.
I share 5 messages about this path and how to not only manifest what you’re trying to call in, but also be in harmony with the path God is calling you towards.
Ashley George is the host of A Well + Nourished Soul podcast. She loves seeking curiosity and bringing forward knowledge for everyone to understand what is possible from within. She has a passion for mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being, allowing others to truly be inspired to live their best lives. Feeling their most alive and well. She loves to teach about intuition, the angels, and our own personal connection to the divine. She is a busy mother to three knowing how impactful it is to take care of ourselves, heal, and lead by example for our families. Showing up as our best versions of ourselves, so we can empower our families to do the same!
Mentioned on the show:
I don't mean to complicate your life, your guides told me that you're meant to something you love and make money doing it.
This can be a complicated subject with a ton of emotion, but I do feel strongly that it's part of your path, so I hope you listen to today's podcast episode.
We cover:
Enjoy the episode. May it open your heart.
It's September!
And with a new month comes a new monthly prediction.In today's episode I share 7 messages for September, what it holds and what we can expect.Enjoy this episode and let me know if you feel the same vibes.
Today we have a special guest on the podcast who I know you’ll love.
Joining me today is Niki Irving, the owner of Flourish Flower Farm, a boutique flower farm and florist company based in Asheville, NC.
Two years ago I decided I was going to start a flower garden, and since I had no idea what I was doing, I started to look for books that could guide me. That’s when I stumbled upon Niki’s book Growing Flowers: Everything You Need to Know About Planting, Tending, Harvesting and Arranging Beautiful Blooms.
It was truly such a helpful book, but what I didn’t expect was to fall in love with Niki and her work. I was so excited to find that she lived just a few minutes from me! And when she opened up her on-farm workshops I knew I had to sign up.
I brought Niki on the show because she has managed to take her passion and make it a truly successful business. She is surrounded by beauty and connected to nature in a way, I think many of us wish to be.
I did have a little Mercury Retrograde situation when I was recording with her, BUT I was able to save half the recording.
So I start this episode with a few messages that I received from the conversation and then we go into the interview with Niki.
I hope you enjoy!
When creating our dream lives, there’s one really important ingredient: Self Worth.
I’ve been hearing a lot about our ability to feel worthy and deserving of what we want, so today I decided to ask the Divine how we can connect to stronger self worth.
I received some great messages. And I feel if we really take them to heart, we can change our lives. I’m excited for us!
Also, as a bonus, I made a special self worth meditation to help us to tap into the energy so we can create our dream lives. Join my Substack to enjoy the meditation.
Follow me on YouTube!
Sorry for the clickbait-y title, but this is how I was understanding the messages from the Divine today.
I was understanding that we need to discuss what our reality is currently lacking.
For you that might be money, love, joy, a new home, and so on. Whatever it is, don’t be ashamed about wanting it, because it’s important to your soul’s purpose.
In today’s podcast episode, I received so much information about this topic. We discuss:
It’s a great episode, and I believe it will be supportive to our journeys.
P.S. If you’re not already subscribed to my podcast, please do so today. It truly helps the podcast grow and reach more people. I very much appreciate your support.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
I feel you are working hard to make something happen. It felt like a project, a new business model, or simply a new way of life that feels in alignment for you.
If you’re feeling like this is you, you’re going to love today’s podcast episode.
In today’s show I tap into the energy of what you are working on. I felt into questions like:
This show is here to remind all of us to keep out eyes on the prize and keep going. I hope it serves you!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Join Soul Teacher on Substack to join me for live Q&As and Business Workshops each month.
I’m on a constant journey to heal my body, so I figured you might be too, which is what inspired today’s podcast episode.
I was wondering if I could connect to the energy of our healed bodies and see what I get!
We received some great info that I feel will help us as we seek more clues to a healthy body.
In today’s podcast episode, I share a little bit about my health journey, plus five messages from our healed bodies.
Also, if you’d like the healing that goes with this episode, click here to join my subscription on Substack.
If you’re feeling a little confused, bored, or in the mood to procrastinate in your business, today’s pod episode is for you.
The only reason we’re swimming in this vibe is because we’re avoiding a truth: it’s time to expand our reach!
In today’s episode, I share messages about expanding our reach: why it’s important, how it works out, and how to do it.
I also chatted a little bit about our Airbnb business since some of you have asked me some questions. Happy to share our experience!
But if you want to skip forward to the messages, just go to 21:52 minutes into the episode.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
I feel a little strange telling you what your heart has to say, lol. But don’t you sometimes feel a little confused as to what’s actually in there? I know, I do!
Over the last few days, your heart was reaching out to me, so I could ask you for a seat at the table. It’s saying “Hey, use me! I can make your dreams come true!” Such a great salesperson!
In today’s podcast episode, I share seven messages that your heart asked me to share.
I trust there will be something in there for you that will help you move towards where you’re destined to be.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Your business’ energy needs a bath.
In today’s podcast episode we’re going to talk about some of the stuck energy in your business and ways in which you can help it move again.
There is a mix of messages and exercises in this episode, so consider taking a notebook with you.
We’re going to discuss:
Fun, right?
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
August is just a few days away, so I wanted to get ahead of it and share my predictions for the month.
We can use all the extra time we can get, because August is going to be jammed packed and fast!
Being that it’s Leo season, we can expect strength, but the not in the typical sense. We will see strength through having the courage to look beneath the surface.
The kind of strength that comes with not pushing, but instead, seeing.
It’s a pretty special month. I can’t wait to share my predictions.
I also share about my family vacation out West.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
I know this is such a weird topic. Believe me, I thought the same thing. It’s July! Why would we be thinking of 2025 already?
Well, it seems like the next few months are truly going to fly by, so your business would love to chat with you now so you can take advantage of the opportunities 2025 will bring.
Think of this less as a 2025 strategy session and more of a planting seeds that will create clarity in the coming weeks and months so that you have a clear direction for 2025.
Plus, there are some fun predictions in this episode, as well!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
It feels like a lot of relationships are reaching a completion or an upgrade.
As I opened myself up for messages this week, it was clear that the Divine wanted to talk about our romantic relationships, our friendships, relationships with our kids, clients, and co-workers. All of it!
I even felt messages from future relationships coming through.
If you’re feeling like your relationships are seeking your attention, this episode is for you.
And if you think a friend could benefit from this, please share the episode with them. Sharing is caring!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Today’s episode is short and sweet because I understood that we’re not supposed to be overthinking.
Instead, the Divine guidance around us wants us to know that it’s all happening.
In today’s podcast episode, I share 5 signs that are meant to put you at ease in knowing that what you’re working on, is going to work out.
Also, at the end of the episode, I share why you’re meant to hear this.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Spirit babies are souls that hang around us because they are our future children. Sweet, right?
Their energy often feels like a guardian angel staying close to us.
In today’s podcast episode, I tap into your spirit baby and what they have to share. It was pretty magical!
I divided the episode by:
The spirit babies had a lot to say! And they hope this supports you in feeling clear and confident when it comes to your role of being a mother.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
If you’re wondering about how you’re going to get from where you are to where you’re going, sometimes the answer is: a little bit of luck.
I received a strong message that we all need to be open to some luck in order to reach our goals.
So in today’s podcast episode I’m sharing messages that are all about receiving our lucky break.
In this episode, we cover:
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
In today's episode, I want to share a story with you that truly changed me from the inside out. This is the story of my family’s healing journey as my husband became sober.
To tell this story, I asked my good friend, Maria Suarez, to join me on the podcast.
Not only is she my husband’s friend since the first grade, but she is also the sober coach we turned to when we were going through this difficult time.
If you’re interested in sobriety, the signs of addiction, or what joint healing may look like with your partner and family, this is a great episode.
And if you or someone you love is ready to start a sobriety journey, I’d love to recommend Maria as a guide.
You can reach out to her on Instagram by clicking this link.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
In today’s episode, we talk all about confidence:
I can’t wait for you to listen.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Here's today's podcast episode. We cover July predictions.
Let's see what the month has in store for us!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Changes in our businesses and what we want to do are happening. So it’s no wonder our ability to get things done is also evolving.
In today’s episode, we talk all about productivity:
It’s an episode full of a bit of tough love, but also extremely helpful.
I can’t wait for you to listen.
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Do you ever feel like your soul’s path is a little challenging?
Like, why isn’t your path falling into place?
Well, if you’ve ever wondered why your destiny isn’t easier, today’s podcast episode is for you.
To prepare for today’s episode, I sate in meditation and asked the Divine:
I think you’re going to love it. And don’t forget to share with a friend!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
Raise your hand if you’re a parent struggling to balance work and parenthood. Trust me, my friend, you’re definitely not alone. In today’s episode, we talk exactly about that. I share messages from your business and from your children that will help you figure things out this summer.
We cover:
Can’t wait for you to listen!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes.
In today’s episode, we're diving into what comfort zone is from the intuitve point of view and what messages it has for us. Is it always bad to stay in yours? How to know where it's the time to move out of it? What intuitive tools can help you understand it better and decide on your next steps? We cover all this and so much more in this episode.
I can’t wait for you to listen!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes
In today’s episode, we're diving into the world of social media to uncover why your growth might be stalling and how you can shift your strategy for elevated results.
Here’s what we cover:
I can’t wait for you to listen!
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes
Before we continue on this podcast journey we’re on together, I feel like there’s something we need to talk about first.
In my podcast Soul-Led Living, I’m really asking you to trust yourself, to hear the divine guidance that’s trying to come through while you listen to me speak.
The messages might sound amazing, and you may really want to believe them, but if you’re struggling to understand wether your intuition is right or not, it could be hard to believe in the messages.
So in today’s episode, I talk about how you can understand your intuition better so that you can trust yourself.
We cover:
Join Soul-Led Living on Substack to access meditations and journal prompts for the episodes
Today’s business pod episode is one of my favorites so far.I received this message that so many of us are receiving new business visions and ideas, but it’s not quite clear yet.The divine guidance that’s with you really wants you to get clear, because you’re at the start of making something beautiful that has to do with your purpose in a big way.In today’s episode we cover:
Enjoy! And let me know how it lands.
Would love to hear your feedback about the show!
Please fill out this short form to share your thoughts.
Thank you!
Today we cover June predictions. Let's see what the month has in store for us!
Join me on Substack: Spiritual Teacher & Soul Led-Living Publications!
I felt a strong sense that you’re onto something. Meaning, you are moving into an uplevel, a shift, or a leap — depending on how you want to see it.
Sometimes we know what we’re doing to make these shifts other times we have no idea why it’s happening, but it seems to be happening for you.
In today’s podcast I talk about this uplevel, how it might look for you, and what you can do to keep the momentum going.
Often when we leap towards the level, we might accidentally freak out and start to take part in self-sabotaging behavior.
In today’s show, we ‘ll go over those behaviors just to make sure you don’t accidentally fall into this trap.
At the end of the episode, I feel into why this uplevel is happening and we’re you’re going. What I see for you even made me cry towards the end.
Enjoy this episode, it’s a great one!
PS - This is the last week to register for my intuition program Soul Reading Method. Click here to learn more.
We’ve discussed in the past that you are not your business. Remember? Your business is an energy outside of yourself, with its own path and purpose.
Well, in today’s podcast episode I’m going teach you exactly how you can connect and receive messages from your business by using your intuition.
Come ready to learn!
Also, my signature intuition program, Soul Reading Method, is currently open for registration. Yay! If you’re interested in strengthening your intuition and would love for me to be your teacher, please join!
I get this question a lot.
I used to ask this question a lot, myself.
When I would ask this question, I think I meant “Am I on the right path to get everything I want.. To hit my goals… to be happy.”
The more I walked my spiritual path, the more I realized what I was asking was “Am I living my soul’s true path.”
These days, I spend a lot of time in my readings looking at the soul’s path of others. I like to see if they’re on the soul’s path or not and how we can help them get there.
This path truly is the path of joy, happiness, and abundance.
Also, it’s a great sign when we start to ask ourselves this question, because it means our soul is trying to communicate with us.
In today’s podcast episode, we talk all about your soul’s path and your soul likes to communicate.
We cover:
Join my free workshop series: How to Activate Your Intuition
Ready to commit to growing your intuition? Join Soul Reading Method today.
As a child of immigrants, making money doing what you love wasn’t really a theme I heard at home.
In fact, my father started his college career as a film major at NYU.
After two years of school, my broke the news to him:
“You know you can’t become a filmmaker, right? We don’t have that luxury. You need to become a doctor. Something safe. Something that can move us ahead.”
That’s how my dad became a doctor.
And I have so much compassion, respect and gratitude for my mother’s foresight.
She knew their role in the lineage. And she made sure to live into it.
Even though I was raised to become a doctor, lawyer, accountant — you know the drill — like my mother, I knew my role in the lineage was different.
I was meant to be the person who introduced the concept of “making money doing what you love.”
To start, it was just a theory? Is this possible? Can someone really make a living in a way that feels fun?
And although I have proven this theory to be true, at every up-level I face the belief all over again.
Can we really make money in a way that feels free and fun to us? Do we really believe this concept?
Those are the questions we explore in today’s podcast episode. And what I received from the Divine will blow your mind.
If you’re struggling to prove your own theory, this episode is a must-listen.
I can’t wait to share!
In today’s pod we dig a little deeper into our shadows to take a look at why we don’t have what we want.
If how we feel inside about ourselves is what we reflect in the world, then what is it we’re thinking about ourselves that’s stopping that abundance?
How do we find it and how do we fix it? That’s what we discuss in today’s episode.
We also talk about my Mother’s Day and the summer vacation I’m planning for my family.
Enjoy, and sending you so much love.
If you’re wondering why your brand is not getting the attention you’ve been hoping for, then this episode is for you.
I tapped into the energy of being seen in today’s podcast episode. I was wondering why some people are more seen than others, so I asked!
In today’s episode, I share 5 messages that will help you become more seen.
On today’s pod episode we’re going to do some predictions. We’ll be taking a look into what May holds for us.
May is, um, a mix bag. But we’ll still have fun with it!
I’m also answering a personal question — because you asked!
Plus, I wanted to share an exciting milestone.
Would you like to dive deeper into the podcast content? Join Soul-Led Living on Substack!
Products/people Nikki recommends in this episode:
Disclaimer: We're part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which means we may earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. So, when you click on our links to products and make a purchase, we might get a little something in return. But don't worry, this won't sway our honest opinions! We only suggest stuff we genuinely love or think you'll adore too.
I am sooo excited about today’s business podcast episode.
The guidance I was receiving from the Divine on this one just feels so fresh…. So free.
I just can’t wait to share, but let me tell you a little bit about the show.
I receive a lot of business questions, and often what I sense is the anxiety, fear and overall trapness (is that word?) behind the question.
These questions often feel “small” and therefore tend to receive “small” responses.
So I started to understand that we needed to ask questions with higher vibrations in order to receive the answers that lead us to our future self.
Because our future self is not asking these fearful questions. Our future self is at a higher vibration, so therefore the questions they ask are from a higher frequency.
Does that make sense?
So in today’s business episode, I took 4 common business questions and I dialed up the vibration in order to get answers that are really going to take us to where we’re meant to be.
In today’s episode we’re going to explore these 4 questions, how we can ask better ones, and how to receive the proper guidance for each of us.
I’ll be sharing messages, but this is also going to help you develop your own intuition.
Here are the 4 questions we’ll cover:
Get excited! I’ll see you in the pod.
Isn’t it funny that on my podcast, we rarely have “human” guests, but there’s always a “divine” guest!?
That’s how you and I roll, I guess!
Today’s divine guest is your inner child!
She/he is the cutest and always has the best guidance when it comes to where your heart is truly trying to lead you.
Not only where you’re meant to go, but also what is blocking us from fully shining.
In today’s episode we cover:
I can’t wait to share this one with you!
Last week, I put out a request for business questions to my community, and wow, did you guys deliver!
In today’s podcast, I answered those questions. And even if you didn’t ask a question, I think you’ll get a lot of value from the messages that came through.
I answered questions like:
So many good downloads.
In honor of Earth Day yesterday, I thought it would be fun to connect with Mother Earth to see if she had any messages to share with us, her children.
She had a lot to say!
In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to share what she has to say. We’re going to cover:
The messages were unexpected, but also really beautiful.
It’s time to grow your audience. You know that right? You’re feeling it.
Well, I’m feeling it too. So I decided to plug into that stream of divine guidance that we all love and download five intuitive messages about the expansion of your audience.
I share the five messages I received in today’s business podcast.
I think you’re going to love it.
If you watched my Monday Reading yesterday on Instagram, you might have heard that we are being asked to let go of what is trying to leave us.
Over the last few weeks, we have talked about people who are trying to leave us, jobs, and old versions of ourselves.
Today, we’re going to talk about the habits that are trying to leave us.
I won’t call them bad, because they never are. They might have served a purpose in the past, but they just can’t go with us on our next journey.
In today’s podcast, we discuss 5 habits that are trying to leave you so that you can ascend to your next level.
I think this episode is so powerful that you might even release them just by listening and being present in this space that we create together.
It’s funny to be me. There are just some days that messages haunt me. They stalk me like a crazy ex-boyfriend.
Today’s podcast is about one of those messages.
The energy of your business is my stalker. And they want to tell you this:
It’s time to innovate.
In today’s episode, I’m going to share with you all the ways in which your business is hoping to innovate. It has new ideas, new structures, and wow does it want to be heard.
We’re going to have some fun traveling to the future in this episode!
Listen here to receive the message your business is trying to send you.
PS - I made a future self healing for those of you listening to this episode. If you’re feeling called to this kind of healing, you can purchase the activation here.
Wow, last week’s episode really seemed to resonate with so many people!
I’m thrilled that the messages are helping you remain on your soul’s true path. That’s what I’m here for!
As we start to shed the old ways that no longer serve us, the new us is trying to emerge. Another way to look at it is that our future self is trying to come into our present.
In today’s podcast episode, I wanted to talk about how we can shift into the new energy that is calling us, so that we can begin to see the changes in our reality soon.
In today’s episode we discuss:
Let’s get ready to shift into your future!
PS - I made a future self healing for those of you listening to this episode. If you’re feeling called to this kind of healing, you can purchase the activation here.
Since so many of us are changing the way we work, in today’s business podcast episode, I wanted to have an expansive conversation about money.
Because in order to feel brave enough to change the way we work, we have to be able to expand our understanding around money.
I’m not an expert here, by any means, but I thought it would be fun to connect to the energy of money and see what she has to say to us.
We’ll be learning together in this episode!
In today’s episode, we’ll talk about:
Join Full-Time Spiritual Mentor Course: https://nikki-novo.teachable.com/p/mentor
So many of us are experiencing the “end of an era. “ Meaning, we’re closing out relationships, jobs, and overall ways of doing things.
And while we might be okay with these endings, it’s scary when you can’t quite see what is ahead.
In today’s podcast episode, we’re going to talk about how you can find clarity when you’re in between an ending and a beginning.
We’ll cover
Let’s dive in.
In today’s biz pod, we’re talking books! My fave! Because let’s be honest, writing was my first love.
I know many of you are feeling that book come through you, but it’s totally overwhelming to get started. So I wanted to share with you Megan Williams of The Self Publishing Agency.
Megan’s company has helped me publish both my books “The Final Swipe” and “Soul-Led Living.” And she is just a wealth of knowledge when it comes to book publishing.
If you’re thinking about writing, you’ll love this conversation. We share stories, but we also share really tangible tips for getting started around the second-half of the episode.
And if you want to learn more of my tips when it comes to book publishing, check out my course “How to Write and Self Publish Your Book.”
Can’t wait to see your book babies in the world!
Connect with Megan:
It’s Spring and Aries season! We’ll soon start to feel the feelings of moving forward on something we’ve been dreaming and thinking about.
By now, the vision might be a little more clear in your mind. Or at least the desire is really starting to roar.
That’s amazing! But there’s only one thing: nothing is changing quickly enough, ha.
I always think it’s funny how when we manifest the visions ultimately become really strong but as we start to take steps forward it’s so disappointing when we realize how slow it is to drag our meat suit around.
As souls, we move fast. But as humans, we have a body. Plus, this world is physical. So manifestations take time.
Which leads me to the question: What do we do with ourselves as we wait for our dreams to become reality?
In today’s episode, I share with you what it looks like to trust and hold the vibration of what you really want in life.
We’ll discuss:
Early on in my business, I couldn’t understand why more people weren’t signing up for my offers.
I felt good about them and I knew people needed them. So why the crickets?
Of course, I did what any spiritual girlie would do, I pulled angel cards to see what divine guidance I could get.
I kept receiving this one card which was all about “clearing up communication and any misunderstandings.”
The cards were right. I wasn’t communicating my offers correctly, enough, or to the right people.
This is when I decided to start thinking about how I was communicating.
I think most of us just depend on whatever natural communication style we have. It’s not fun to work on changing how we communicate, because it often feels like how we communicate is who we are. And if we’re being asked to be better at it, then we’re being asked to change ourselves.
With time, I learned that becoming a better communicator just means becoming more of who I am.
Yes, there are a ton of sleazy ways of communicating, but in today’s episode we’re going to talk about ways that feel right for you.
In today’s podcast episode we discuss:
I think this is a convo all of us could use!
Career, work, and how we make money is on our minds in a BIG way this year. And of course, we have the stars and planets to blame!
Today, I bring on career astrologer (and my personal friend) Alice Hu to the show to talk about how we can use our astrology birth charts to understand what our soul wants us to do for work.
We also chat about the upcoming eclipse seasons and what they mean for each of us.
It was a fascinating convo that took so many turns — ones you’re really going to find interesting.
Here’s what we cover:
When you’re on your entrepreneurial journey, make sure you pack friends who get it.
Because as you know, it can be a lonely and confusing journey. That’s why I started this pod to begin with! To have these convos together.
In today’s episode, I invited two of my close business friends: Melanie Fernandez of House of Lilac and Tiffany Dominguez of Taudrey.
Both these women run incredibly successful companies based out of Miami. They are the real-deal. Forget what social media tells you about women-owned businesses and how it looks. These two women live and breathe it. They truly are the kind of female business owners we want to look up to.
And I am honored to call them each my friend.
In today’s episode, we cover:
This is one of my fave episodes to date.
I’m so excited to have my friend — and just all around amazing soul — Jordan Younger on the Soul-Led Living podcast today.
If you don’t know her, she is the spiritual teacher behind the wildly popular Soul on Fire podcast.
I did my best to feel into our audience and pull the best nosey questions I could ask Jordan, ha!
If you already know her work, I think you’ll really enjoy seeing this other side to her. And if you don’t know her, I think you’ll be super curious about how she has built a life around her soul gifts.
Here’s what we cover in the episode:
Last week we spoke about what your business is trying to say to you. Although I hope the exercise was helpful, understanding your business and where it’s trying to move doesn’t necessarily happen overnight.
As a young entrepreneur, I was constantly confused about whether I should abandon a product because it wasn’t working or should I try to fix it. Or am I just not meant to do this work at all?!
In today’s business pod, we’re going to talk about when to know what shift your business is trying to make.
Is it time to give up?
Is it time to pivot?
Or maybe it’s time to start over?
I’ll share the signs of change and how to understand what level of change is trying to come through.
Have a question that you would love Nikki's intuitive guidance on? Leave a voice note for her here. Please note that by leaving a message you agree to our use of your question on the show.
Work is on our minds this year! Do you feel that, too?!
The world is changing, so we’re moving with it, and one of the things we’re thinking about is how we can make money in a way that aligns with our energy and our values.
And since I’ve had so many clients ask me about work lately, I wanted to bring on a guest who I could discuss this topic with.
On today’s episode of the pod, my friend and colleague Sean Nicole joins me to talk about the future of our careers and what our souls really want to do for work.
Sean is an intuitive Human Design reader and a teacher to people who are looking for the soul’s true work.
In today’s episode we cover:
It’s a good one, friends.
Have a question that you would love Nikki's intuitive guidance on? Leave a voice note for her here. Please note that by leaving a message you agree to our use of your question on the show.
Connect with Sean:
When running our own business, it’s hard to see the line between us and the business.
I often have to remind myself that my business is not me. Instead, my business is something I birthed.
This means that our business might have similarities to us — like our children do — but it is its own entity. And if we don’t see it that way, we can miss the messages it might be trying to send us.
In today’s business pod, we’re going to talk about:
Can’t wait for you to listen.
I once had a client ask me when was her “glow up moment” going to happen.
I had never heard of this concept before.
“What’s a glow up moment,” I asked.
“You know, when you finally achieve your goal or mission. When all the good stuff you imagine starts to happen,” she responded.
Now I got it.
Anyone who has ever worked towards a vision knows the feeling of wanting that moment to happen…wanting to just get there already.
In today’s episode we’re going to talk about this frustration, how we can move through it, and how we can tell if this “thing” is actually going to happen for us or not.
We’ll cover:
I can’t wait to hear what you have to say about this conversation.
Cheering you on always.
Sorry I missed our business chat last week. I was so sick and needed the week off. But I’m happy to be back!
This week I have a juicy one for ya. I’m giving you a behind the scenes look at my promotional strategy for this month.
I’m currently in it, so I thought it might be cool to watch me promote one of my products in real time.
I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work over the last few years. And I know I’ll continue to learn more. But I wanted to share what I’ve learned so far.
In today’s episode we’ll talk about:
Let’s geek out together!
PS - My course on how to find your purpose is open this week for enrollment. If you’re looking for your soul’s purpose, click here to learn more about my course.
On today’s podcast episode we talk all about the soul’s purpose, because well, I know way too much about the topic.
After performing more than 800 Soul Readings, I’ve learned a thing or two about why the soul comes to Earth and what it’s hoping to accomplish.
And yes, while everyone has a unique purpose, there’s definitely categories and general information that is true for all of us.
Here’s what we cover in today’s show:
You might want to bring a notebook and pen, because you might get some of your own downloads.
I’ve always loved love. A hopeless romantic from birth, I’ll forever be a sucker for a good love story.
Today, I’m feeling the Valentine’s Day vibes plus those 2024 lunar nodes in Aries and Libra. Meaning, let’s talk about dating and relationships!
I have a few downloaded messages for those of you in partnership or looking that I would love to share.
In today’s Soul-Led Living podcast episode we cover:
Listen to today’s episode.
Also, if you’re in need of some dating support, this week only I’m releasing a special dating offer that includes:
Click here to grab your dating bundle while supplies last.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had several young entrepreneurs come my way telling me that they think they might give up.
Their reason? This is hard, and if it’s hard maybe this isn’t their soul’s true path.
When I heard this, I tilted my head and said “You didn’t think this was going to be hard?”
I was so confused.
I started to ask myself, “Have I not done a good job of letting everyone who is watching me know that this thing called “entrepreneurship” and “living your dreams” is damn hard?”
I get it.
I remember the first time I had to pay the monthly tuition for my first child’s private school, I immediately called my dad and said “How did you do it? And you paid for three private schools!”
He made it look so easy.
And I’m grateful he did, because it was never my burden to carry. But it might have been helpful if he shared with me his losses and how he overcame them so that I wouldn’t feel so guilty when I had my own.
So in today’s episode, I’m going to share some of the hard times I’ve had in business, and how I learned to understand the seasons.
I want you to see that business has its seasons. There are bright times, droughts, and times you have to hunker down. But it’s all natural.
And you can even learn to predict the weather with time.
Listen to today’s episode!
I have a special guest for you today on the Soul Led Living podcast: My husband, Benny.
On Sunday, we celebrated 12 years of marriage.
And quite honestly, just a few years ago I would have never thought we’d be here.
But we’re here! Because we let the old die and new be born.
We’d love to share with you what we learned in hopes of helping you along your partnership journey.
Today we cover:
Benny was a bit shy and nervous, but I reminded him that our community has nothing but love for him <3
I hope you enjoy and please share this with a friend if you feel called to.
Selling? Ewww. Am I right?
The hard truth is if you’re feeling that way about selling, it’s because you’re selling and not sharing.
In today’s pod episode I’m going to teach you how to make this life-changing shift in your mind so that you can feel good about your business and allow it to grow.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
I can’t wait to share this one with you, because there’s so much more I want to teach, but we first need to check in about selling.
I’ve manifested all sorts of things in my life: my husband, a successful spiritual business, 30 acres of land, and so much more.
But to be honest; I’m still getting used to the word manifesting, or calling myself a manifester.
I guess because I see myself more as a creator, and manifesting sounds like I just thought my way into having what I have. Like I magically brought things into my life through my thoughts.
Which isn’t really true.
Instead, I feel like I have created, which to me is a mix of imagining, believing and doing or obeying.
In today’s Soul-Led Living podcast episode I’m going to talk about my manifesting process — aka my creation process.
I share with you my secret sauce and the rituals I incorporate into my day in order to support what I’m creating.
You can listen to the full episode today.
As always, I hope this supports you in creating the life you are truly meant to live.
Owning your own business can be a bit of a lonely road, am I right?
That’s why I cherish my “work friends". These are friends who also own business — many in the same industry as me and others in completely different spaces — who I bounce ideas, call when I’m stuck, and ask for advice.
If you don’t have that support, I highly recommend seeking out those people in your life. In the meantime, I’d love to be that for you!
Today, I’m going to share with you what I’m thinking of doing differently this year than years prior. I learn so much from hearing what other business owners are implementing, so I wanted to share what I’m currently doing in case that helps you.
In this podcast episode, I’m covering:
It’s a good one! Listen to today’s episode now.
Don’t forget to leave me a review or share with a friend!
We all have that challenging situation or person in our life that just won’t resolve.
Like the debt that won’t give, or the judgemental mom who never seems to stop, or the dating life that never ends.
Believe it or not, we are in relationship with these challenges. And when we’re looking to change a relationship, we need to change the pattern we are in.
In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to teach you how to do this so you never have to deal with this annoying situation again.
We’re going to cover:
Ready to be shifted? It’s happening. Listen to this episode today.
I can’t wait to see what space it makes in your life.
If you’re an entrepreneur or one in the making, I downloaded some intuitive messages that are meant to support you in business in 2024.
You can listen to them on my new business podcast. Yes, I said that! Every Thursday, I’ll be dropping a new episode for Soul-Led Living Podcast: Business Edition.
In today’s episode, I share five messages from the business guides I use when feeling into entrepreneurship. I like to call this group of collective guides the New Earth Business Collective.
I call them that, because they support business owners who are creating businesses that are of high vibration. That’s you!
So grab a notebook and pen, because you and I are going to discuss:
Listen to today’s episode! Can’t wait to hear your takeaways!
Did you fail at something and now you’re trying that same thing again? Me too!
Today, I’m re-launching my former podcast Soul-Led Living with Nikki Novo. Yay!
In today’s episode I talk about how I’m starting up the podcast again after failing at my last attempt.
This rebrand is actually my 5th attempt at podcast success!
I share four tips for those of us who are looking to get back on that horse after falling off.
Maybe you’re trying to date again, get your finances together again, fix your marriage again, start a business again… Whatever you’re trying again, you will find support in this podcast episode.
Here’s what we cover:
Give the episode a listen and please send me a note or leave me a review to tell me what you thought of the episode!
In this season finale episode of Ask Nikki Novo, Nikki shares some of her downloads about 2023. We discuss what 2023 is asking of you and what would be helpful for you to know to align with your most authentic self this upcoming year. Nikki also shares a few predictions.
In this episode of Ask Nikki Novo, Nikki takes you behind the scenes of her readings and shows you what techniques she uses to deliver intuitive messages. Our listener questions today are about finding new work and getting in alignment with the life you're destined to have.
In this episode of Ask Nikki Novo, we discuss the different paths our intuition leads us down and how to know when we are supposed to follow a new path or stay on the one we are on. In today’s hot hit, we explore the new paths Giselle and Tom Brady may embark on post divorce.
We discuss:
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Gisele Bündchen or Tom Brady so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Gisele Bündchen or Tom Brady or anyone with first hand knowledge of Gisele Bündchen or Tom Brady. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
In this episode of Ask Nikki Novo, Nikki is joined by her husband Benny who she considers a “master manifestor”. If you are in a season of manifesting, this episode is for you.
We talk about:
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to, nor should it ever take the place of professional services including but not limited to: financial, business, medical, legal, psychological, therapy, and/or counseling.
In this solo episode of Ask Nikki Novo, Nikki does an energy reading on the recession. Don’t worry we are keeping it in the light. She receives messages on its purpose and how long it may last. Nikki also gives guidance on how to be “recession proof”.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact.
In this episode of Ask Nikki Novo we focus on motherhood and what it means to parent intuitively. Nikki takes a question from a listener that is torn between going back to work or homeschooling her child and another question from a mom looking for advice on parenting her Scorpio Starseed toddler. Nikki also reads the energy of Serena Williams and takes a look at what her path could be like after retiring from Tennis.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Serena Williams so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Serena Williams or anyone with first hand knowledge of Serena Williams. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
In this episode, Nikki takes listener questions about what to do when you are feeling stuck (and it feels like the universe is giving you zero answers). She also talks about how to embrace uplevels even though they can feel scary at times. Lastly, Nikki performs an energy reading on Kim Kardashian. Is she in an uplevel or mid-life crisis? Tune in to find out.
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Kim Kardashian so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Kim Kardashian or anyone with first hand knowledge of Kim Kardashian. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
In this episode of Ask Nikki Novo, we are feeling all the love.
We discuss:
Plus in today’s hot hit, we swoon over a video clip of ex lovers Drew Barrymore and Justin Long and learn what their past relationship tells us about soulmates. It is fascinating!
In this solo episode, Nikki talks about what to do when you feel burnt out on your dreams. This episode is for those of you that are feeling like you’ve been working towards a vision or goal for a long time and its starting to feel like you are never going to get there. Tune in for some encouragement.
In this episode, Nikki takes listener questions about money and draining friendships. She also does a full energy reading on Elon Musk and the messages she receives may surprise you. You don’t want to miss this one!
What we cover:
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Elon Musk so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Elon Musk or anyone with first hand knowledge of Elon Musk. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
In this episode, Nikki provides an update on building her dream home. She also takes questions from listeners about moving and marriage. Lastly, she taps into the energy of the recent global heatwaves and Kylie Jenner’s short plane rides. Are they connected? Tune in to find out.
What we cover:
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Kylie Jenner so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Kylie Jenner or anyone with first hand knowledge of Kylie Jenner. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
In this episode, Nikki welcomes listeners to Ask Nikki Novo and shares a few fun facts about herself and how this show came to be. She also performs a reading for a listener that is thinking about changing career paths and does a juicy energy reading on JLO and Ben Affleck. Were they always meant to end up together? Find out in this episode.
What we cover:
Disclaimer: This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. Nikki Novo has no personal connection to Jennifer Lopez or Ben Affleck so please take what she says during this podcast as strictly her opinion in what came through to her as an intuitive download and not a basis in fact from what Nikki learned from Jennifer Lopez or Ben Affleck or anyone with first hand knowledge of Jennifer Lopez or Ben Affleck. This reading and the information Nikki is sharing is for entertainment purposes only.
This episode is an audio recording from Nikki's YouTube video. You can watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/vjNd5dsvlNE
Four stages of manifesting:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
This episode is an audio recording from Nikki's YouTube video. You can watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/t4nk62TIpig
Learn about the 5 Elements of a Soul’s Purpose:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Join Nikki in this episode of awakening as she talks to your soul and shares signs that you’re meant to be a spiritual teacher.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Join Nikki as she shares how to connect and channel safely, in a way that you’re not afraid of what you’re connected to.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Join Nikki in this episode as she shares her tips and tricks for increasing and strengthening your intuition.
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To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
In this episode, Nikki talks about creating the shifts that we’re looking for in life. Whether you’re in a place where you know who you want to become, or maybe feeling a bit stuck with not being able to break out of a pattern. Nikki shares her method for moving from Point A to Point B when you are desiring to change your life.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Aaron Walker is a certified life coach who specializes in mindfulness, energy work, and goal achievement. He has a passion for dreamwork and lucid dreaming which has been a lifelong practice for him.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
CW: eating disorder
Katie Dalebout is a writer, podcast producer, and host. Her weekly interview show began in 2013 and now has nearly 400 episodes with over 4 million downloads. In 2019 she started Spiraling, a co-hosted podcast about anxiety.
In 2016 she published, her first book Let It Out an interactive guide to journaling. She now consults, writes a weekly newsletter, teaches journaling workshops and runs a digital co-working group for creatives called: In-Process.
She lives in Los Angeles.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Lauren Elizabeth Walsh is the Founder and CEO of Global Sisterhood: a movement of over 15,000 Women's Circles in 120 countries. Global Sisterhood provides the training, resources, and self-development programming for women to start circles and grow as leaders. Global Sisterhood is bringing women together to find power and healing, breaking molds of competition, and replacing them with sisterhood and connectedness. Lauren’s works include training women globally to create spaces for deep transformation as well as designing experiences for self-realization, awakening, and reclaiming the Divine Feminine. Lauren is passionate about the liberation of the feminine essence and helping people heal from traumatic imprints and low self-esteem due to growing up in an out-of-balance patriarchal society.
Lauren's work is based on her own journey from trauma and self-sabotage to service and leadership. She is a ritualist, certified life coach, somatic trauma-informed facilitator, writer, speaker, teacher, and intuitive.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Kamila is an intuitive, Starseed, channel, and energy healer. She has intensive training in reading energy, performing shamanic healings, and visiting the Akashic records. She is also currently undergoing Priestess Initiation through the Tantric Rose Mystery School in the Isis – Magdalene Rose Lineage.
As a modern mystic, she can connect with energies beyond the human senses, including communicating with and channelling spirit guides and celestial and inter-dimensional beings. Aside from being an intuitive and healer, Kamila is also a spiritual guide, a writer, and an advocate for women's reproductive health.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Josie Rosario, LMSW, MSEd, RYT is an NYC-based licensed therapist and Bruja who specializes in guiding womxn to break generational trauma patterns and rewrite their legacies. Outside of that, Josie is a business coach for therapists in private practice. Regardless of her role, her purpose is a throughline in everything she does: a disruptor who calls out how the status quo no longer works, and invites you to realign with your highest self to create what does.
Josie identifies as a Black, Dominican-American, bilingual and bicultural, cis-gendered, heterosexual woman; her pronouns are she/her/hers. She’s a two-time graduate of Columbia University, and graduated with distinction from the School of Social Work. She is currently a trainee in Couples and Family Therapist at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in NYC.
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
In this episode, we hear from my husband Benny! He shares parts of his story, and answers some questions. Let us know where we left you wanting more!
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
“It’s just you and me.” Join Nikki as she shares what her daily routine looks like and how she stays both grounded in the earth, but also connected to Spirit. Nikki answers a question she gets often: how does one straddle both the physical and spiritual worlds?
Main Points:
To learn more visit NikkiNovo.com
Join Nikki and Chelsea Jewel as they come together to share their 2022 predictions!
Main Points:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
CW: Assault, Depression and Anxiety
Yetti is a mental wellness advocate, coach, and intuitive who is passionate about helping others find comfort and home within themselves through self-love and self-care. She's passionate about all things mental health, empowering black and brown women, and breaking down barriers built from racial trauma. A reading with Yetti will leave you with intentional next steps and spirit-led guidance to get you closer to your highest self. Yetti has an incredible way of helping souls give themselves permission to life a happy and joyful life.
Main Points:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Zena is a reiki master and former clinical therapist. She blends psychology with her intuitive and healing gifts to create a grounded and warm container for transformation. She helps you heal blocks limiting you from your highest potential, feel more connected and safe in your body and guides you home to yourself.
In this episode, Zena takes us on a journey of healing and of the chakras.
Main Points:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Kat is a licensed physical therapist, movement teacher, birth doula and intuitive guide. She is inspired and guided by her own personal healing and decolonization work as a Filipino - American and woman of color.
Kat draws upon her extensive years of clinical experience, movement training in yoga + Pilates, and energy healing to create unique offerings and tools for her clients to feel embodied and empowered. Her intention is to hold healing space and guide her clients to reflect and connect with their power. Her work focuses on supporting mothers through their pre/postnatal journey and empowerment for womxn of color.
What We Cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Today, I sit with my two brothers – one older, one younger – to discuss their point of view when I started down the path of my spiritual journey. But before we bring them in, I offer my own tips for coming out of the spiritual closet, my own personal process, and four steps you can follow when coming full circle in your spiritual journey.
This is an enlightening conversation for anyone who’s interested in spirituality but is nervous or afraid of the judgment that may come from friends or family.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Ash Johns is a certified psychospiritual life coach, ancestral healer, and conscious business strategist. She’s spent the last nine years at the intersection of personal growth, spiritual practice, and conscious business for personal growth, helping thousands of women, femmes, and women-identifying people to heal the core ancestral wounds that have prevented them from being their best selves. She’s also the host of It’s Still Happening, a podcast deeply relevant to any and all listeners of Soul Led. As impressive as her bio is, it fails to reflect how all-encompassing and multifaceted she truly is.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Today, we’re talking with my friend and colleague, Kristine McGlinchey-Yap. She’s a soul mentor, certified intuitive guide, conscious communicator, and mindful mama. She’s my secret weapon and has been responsible for many of the things we’ve birthed over at Soul Academy. We talk about spirit babies, communicating with the unborn in order to prepare our bodies and minds in the present, and really opening up to the possibilities of parenting.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
You probably already know my wonderful friend, Krista Williams, as the fabulously relatable co-founder and host of the Almost 30 podcast.
Today, the tables are turned, and she’s answering my questions on all things love, spirituality, and aliens! Krista unpacks her experience as fiancée and bride, and how her love and appreciation for their union has deepened since her wedding ceremony. She reveals how her childhood obsession with aliens and connection to The Law of One has evolved into a creative endeavor. Plus: exciting details on her upcoming card deck!
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Teacher, mom, and intuitive, Latoya has a beautiful connection with children’s souls.
In this episode, she walks us through her spiritual journey, from awakening her relationship with her spirit guides and healing her ancestral wounds to reading for my child and helping other parents unlock their children’s potential that’s true to their purpose here on Earth.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Tarot reader, healer, and dear spiritual friend, Kate Van Horn, shares her ever-evolving journey with tarot cards, and how she brings her unique energy of intention and interpretation to her practice.
We reflect on the historical origins of tarot, the messages in the deck, and how to extract the codes from a reading to actualize the change we want to see in our lives – without giving our power away.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Alice Hu’s Saturn return was a pivotal time in her life. When she realized her true soul calling was not in consumer marketing, she turned inward, using spiritual tools such as yoga and astrology to understand herself more. She didn’t know it at the time, but it would lead to her creating Woo Woo Company, and helping others navigate their Saturn return.
Join us for an astro-infused chat where Alice explains the Saturn return in detail, dives into my chart, and shares her cosmic-career wisdom of how to use your chart to pivot your professional life.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
My spiritual journey went into overdrive when I became a mother, and each of my children has upleveled my consciousness and frequency in different ways. In this episode, I unpack the role of motherhood and how it has shifted me physically, emotionally, and spiritually, from the ego-death of childbirth to the practical ways I streamlined my business model to sync with my family's needs.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Writer, poet, mystic, artist, and spiritual soul seeker, Rebecca Campbell, joins the Soul Led collective to reflect on her spiritual journey and career thus far, from her first spiritual awakening in 2011 and 2013, to her most recent initiation into motherhood, her conscious connection to the rose, and the inspiration and lessons learned authoring her bestselling books and oracle decks.
Stay tuned until the end, where we pull a card from her beloved Starseed Oracle deck.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Anyone out there familiar with my work will know that my roots are in spirit guides! So I thought I'd dedicate an episode sharing how you can connect to your unique guides. First of all, keep in mind that developing a relationship with your guide rarely happens overnight (although dreams are a fantastic way to tap into the mystic realm). It takes consistency and practice to tune into the messages our guides are sending us.
Listen as I dig into the different ways you can channel your spirit guides, translate their messages, and start harnessing your other spiritual powers (such as energy reading) by making buddies with your spirit team.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
I’m putting the spotlight on how I built a spiritual business, hoping that it will provide a reference point for those seeking to switch things up professionally – whether that’s working in the spiritual realm or setting up your own business.
Contrary to the traditional psychic perspective, my spirit guides did not come knocking when I was a child. I was preoccupied with everyday, adolescent concerns, like finding ways to earn money to liberate myself from my strict household.
This episode lifts the lid on my zig-zag career path from TV and film production in Florida and Hollywood, writing for magazines, setting up my blog as a side hustle, before eventually scaling it to become a brand. I took some seriously unusual detours and picked up incredible experience and insights while flip-flopping between jobs in the media industry.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
When Jordan Sasser’s spiritual awakening knocked her inner-critic out of the room, she discovered an organic connection to animals. The animal kingdom kept cropping up (uninvited) during her visual exercises. She couldn’t shake them off, so she decided to take the practice to the next level. First, by offering spirit animal readings for clients and, then, by reading animals themselves.
In this episode, Jordan shares how she conquered her initial resistance to dive into the soul academy and how she’s navigating her dual role as an intuitive and animal whisperer while also working a “regular” 9-5 job.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Amanda Abella is a woman of extreme financial contrasts. After graduating from college in 2010 without work amid the crisis, Amanda hustled in writing and coaching. She was scrambling together a decent salary before she received the download to switch gears and upgrade her lifestyle by switching her business model. She created a “Persuade-to-Profit” online course, which made $10,000 cash in the first two weeks of launch. That was in 2017, and things have only skyrocketed since.
Amanda basks in the glow of her accomplishments (and so she should). Still, it took years of working on her sense of deservedness, laying down firm boundaries, and rewiring her attitudes toward money to elevate her income to the level it’s at today. In this episode, she explains how she did it, what specific steps she took to build her abundant life, and why you don’t need to feel bad about wanting to make money.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
You can read the books, take the workshops, and sit and meditate on a mountain if you want to, but spirituality isn’t always an experience you consume when you’re in the mood. The integration from your spiritual education can – and should – be integrated into real-life circumstances and used to confront even the most everyday triggers.
In this episode, I reflect on intuitive downloads, my own experience putting this work into practice for our move to Asheville, North Carolina, and the different ways I’ve leaned into the discomfort and pushed through obstacles to manifest this next chapter in my life.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Violet Santana opens up about the process of becoming an intuitive and how the discovery of her supernatural gifts has imbued another layer of meaning to her practice as a clinical nutritionist & hormone expert.
Violet’s turbulent health journey, suffering from PCOS, and decade-long experience in the “toxic” beauty industry heightened her understanding of her physical body. Still, it took a course with Soul Academy to connect to her spiritual body and unlock the witch wounds from past lives.
Her body scans detect stress, illness triggers, and sense spirit babies, so she’s able to detox the intangible, spiritual blocks as well as healing the physical body.
We discuss how she fuses her spiritual tools with her medical skill set, birthing spirit babies onto the physical plain, and how to protect the body as a clean vessel for channeling – even when we want to reach for that glass of red wine with our girlfriends.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Aaron Abke helps people crack the code of unity consciousness and spiritual awakening by liberating our sense of self from the ego shell we've created (and adhere to daily). Once you step outside of the body and mental matrix, you can see life for what it is: a dream within a dream.
It sounds messy, mystical, and out-there, but Aaron miraculously managed to synthesize these complex philosophies (found in texts such as "A Course in Miracles" and "The Law of One") in the 3D realm. We're huge fans of his work in this community and we love how he interprets the beliefs of Ra into digestible chunks we can all sit with.
In this episode, Aaron shares how he was called to expand on his Christian roots into true unity consciousness, and we explore how the ego wrestles with the truth of our existence and peace within ourselves.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
This episode is rich with information on how ancestral healing departs from traditional therapy and why healing the root chakra unlocks your potential in all tangible areas of your life: from career and friendships to money and dating.
Soul mentors, Mona Desai and Rachel Lyle, share how they were called to work with lineage healing. We reveal the process of cutting the cord on inherited belief systems, from healing the mother wound to reconciling with the witch within.
Knocking on the door to your past can bring up a lot of intense emotions, but Mona and Rachel are living proof that lifting the veil can be a truly cathartic experience that sets you free.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Senior soul mentor and my beautiful friend, Angelica Ray, shares how she tapped into her intuitive gifts after years working in jobs that were out of her true alignment. Taking lessons from her stints in banking and teaching, Angelica followed the breadcrumbs that led her home: right here as an intuitive, healer, and coach.
We also reflect on how we grew into our roles as spiritual entrepreneurs without following the wellness rubric, the emotional ups and downs of female friendships from childhood to adulthood, and the complex power dynamics between healer and client.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Natalia was the best kind of client, the kind that turns into an amazing friend. An intuitive, healer, and master-manifester, she’s the founder of Divina Co., bringing her intuitive gifts to those who need them. I wanted to tap into her wisdom for the sake of you, my listeners! She has so much advice to give.
Before she met her boyfriend, Natalia was never without a date – she manifested them as easily as ordering something from an online shop. At a certain point, she decided that she wanted something more meaningful and, with a few tweaks of mindset, she manifested that as well!
We also get into the ways we’ve embraced our Latin heritages and how to find the perfect balance between embracing your feminine and masculine energies – something I spend a bit of time explaining in depth at the end of our chat.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
We all crave a little purpose in our lives. It’s a big deal. We search for it from a young age, but our purpose continues to grow and evolve as we do. It can look like we have everything in life from the outside, but if we don’t have that one piece – if we don’t feel like we’re fulfilling our purpose – we feel empty inside.
My dear friend, my right hand, and my everything, Kat, joins me to talk “purpose”. She’s the perfect person for this. She’s an intuitive and certified life coach with passion for finding people’s life purpose. During her readings, she spots the energies that are leading you off your life’s path and works to guide you back on track. She brings fantastic energy to her work.
At the end of our chat, I go over what purpose is to me, where you can go to find yours, and the types of purpose I find in most people.
What we cover:
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Have you been curious about Chakras? Chakra Girl, herself, Amber-Lee Lyons, is here to tell us all about chakras: what they are and how we can tap into them to empower and heal our individual energies – not to mention the energies of our alternate selves living on different timelines.
Amber-Lee explains how most of us are living a three-dimensional existence and walks us on the journey we can undertake to become a five-dimensional being.
What we cover:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
I’m joined by Chelsea Jewel, an amazing Intuitive Coach, Karmic Astrologer, and Senior Soul Mentor, who’s on a mission to help others. Together, we get deep into past lives, covering everything from our relationship with interstellar spirit guides, to how we look beyond history and examine our lives in different timelines as well.
Chelsea and I are aligned in many ways, so it’s an absolute joy to hear her thoughts on the questions I throw to her. She gives valuable insight into the methodology for exploring our past lives and using the knowledge we gain as a tool for healing and growth. We even find time to discuss the nature of fate. There’s a lot to take in here!
I also take some one-on-one time with you at the end of the episode to really explain the basics of past lives: why they’re important, what we can do with them and how you can start utilizing them now.
What we cover:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
The incredible Ada Rojas is here to share the wisdom from her Good Vibes and Chill Club. We get into everything from the power of manifestation to how we can open up and let the universe communicate with us.
Ada is an old soul, so when she speaks, it’s time to listen. She tells us how she became known as “the crazy girl with the vision boards” among her friends, but how those vision boards helped guide her in her many achievements. Eventually, they pushed her to build a career in the world of fashion and beauty and she realized she could use her platform as a springboard to talk to people about the big questions that really matter.
She also talks about how the tragic loss of her boyfriend led to her greatest spiritual awakening and what that can teach us about how to view the world. It all comes down to letting your soul lead you – let’s be Soul Led.
What we cover:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Welcome to the first episode of Soul Led! We are rebranding from The Final Swipe podcast. We are still going to be talking about spiritual dating, so don’t worry – but we’re widening up the topics a bit to discover our inner intuitive, stay spiritually inquisitive, and illuminate our unique spiritual paths.
To kick off this first episode of Soul Led, my dear friend and Senior Soul Mentor, Angelica, joins me to answer the questions you all submitted. There are some juicy ones, so get ready!
What we cover:
To learn more, visit NikkiNovo.com
Soul Led is a production of Crate Media
Today on the podcast, I interview Janet! She's no expert or dating guru. She's a listener just like you! As an avid listener of the podcast, Janet took the plunge and booked a session with me, and I sensed that she was a master manifester.
After visiting a therapist it was clear her marriage wasn't working. After a dating experience that just wasn't for her, Janet took Nikki's advice and made a list of what she wanted in her ideal partner.
She started dating, but with some serious intention. Get to know Janet and find out the outcome of her story by giving this episode a listen. Trust me, you’ll learn a thing or two from Janet and her manifesting skills!
What we cover:
Every holiday season, I'm thinking of you.
Society pressure around being single is never fun, but the holidays can be exceptionally challenging.
So I'm here to perk you up, my friend.
In this episode, we talk about three spiritual dating moments we can have this holiday season that can take us to where we truly want to be.
Give the episode a listen or share with a friend who needs some vibe up-leveling.
Love you much,
Lindsey Simcik is an instantly recognizable name in the podcast world. As co-host of Almost 30, she and Krista Williams boast one of the top-rated lifestyle podcasts in the game. I like to think of them as my virtual besties. Lindsey has had an amazing journey that she’s shared on the podcast, relating to thousands of listeners.
Today, Lindsey is in a relationship and considers her time as a single woman empowering, but something that she’s only shared with friends during deep conversations. Now, she’s paying it forward with her Instagram live series called, “The Sacredness of Being Single.”
Listen in to learn more about Lindsey’s series, her own healing, meeting her person, and some lessons she’s learned along the way.
What we cover:
Yue Xu was new to San Francisco when she first met Julie Krafchick at a brunch event. The two hit it off after realizing that dating was their number one favorite subject to obsess over.
Soon their podcast Dateable was born where the two talk to real daters and their experiences.
During their podcast tenure, they’ve both been single and in relationships, giving them learning experiences that have brought them a lot of self-work and growth. According to the podcasters, the work never stops.
Yue and Julie joined me on the podcast to share all their modern dating know-how.
From the Bay Area’s gender roles to the end of fuckboys, the Dateable girls give us new insight into dating during COVID and beyond.
What we cover:
Have you ever had a friend call you out on your shit? The kind of friend who reminds you to stop feeling bad for yourself.
Veronica Grant had that friend. And this friend reminded her that she was awesome, but had a habit of wanting to be validated by outside sources — aka, a guy.
Ultimately, Veronica armed herself with tools to kick the habit of down playing her worth. She found herself a partner who valued her, and then decided to teach other women how to do the same.
These days, Veronica is a love-life coach and a dating podcaster helping women everywhere find love in feely kinda way.
Veronica joined me today on the podcast to share her wisdom on how to move from dating overwhelm to dating success.
We explained how we kick the habit of people pleasing, get over the fear of rejection, and use the feeling of loneliness for good.
What we cover:
Changing our beliefs in order to get to where we want, isn't a new concept.
But I know so many of you are trying to believe good things are coming, or that you're worthy, or that there are still good people out there. I know you're trying, but why doesn't it always stick?
In today's episode, we're going to dig into some of the material in Chapter 5 of "The Final Swipe," where I talk about how to change your beliefs in a way that feels good.
Get your notebook ready, because you're going to want to remember this one.
Have you ever dated someone and thought he or she was the answer to your prayers? Where it all just seemed so perfect, and you really felt heard by the Universe. It felt like…
This is it.
That happened to me once while I was dating, and nope the guy didn’t turn out to be my now-husband. Shocker?
And for someone who really depends on her intuition, thinking this guy was “the one” only to find out later that I was wrong, was a real blow to the ego. Not to mention, the Universe received a few angry letters from me, as well.
Here’s the truth: I was seeing this relationship as an answer to my current life’s prayer and not my future life’s prayer.
In today’s podcast episode, I share that story with you, so you can see where I went wrong with my own intuition, in hopes that you understand yours a little bit more.
Ready? Because you’re about to have a meeting with your soul today.
Listen in on today’s episode of The Final Swipe.
I recently did readings with the hosts of Mindfully Millennial, and I just had to share their thoughts on their experience.
Today, we're running a recording from their podcast where we talk about how I became intuitive, and how I'm able to see people's blocks without ever seeing their faces.
I know, guys, it's bizarre. But truth is, we're all energy.
If you're a tad bit interested in how reading works and how legit predicting futures can really be, this is a must listen to episode.
Today is our wedding anniversary. Eight years! I can't believe it. For a while there, I really never thought I would have a relationship past two years. Here I am, all grown up!
In today's episode, I wanted to share with you my story of how I met my husband. How we came together. What worked. What didn't work.
I know it's kind of an old story, but love is a classic story, right? I wanted to share because I think you might find a few nuggets of wisdom that will help you along your path. Plus, aren't we at the stage by now, where you should know my love story?
Enjoy! And send me any thoughts or questions.
This is your year for love, right? But haven’t you said that before? Isn’t it super scary to think that you’re in the same place all over again?
I got you, my friend.
In this episode of The Final Swipe, I discuss your 2020 plan. This is how this year is going to be different.
It’s a mix of honesty, inspired action, and mindset.
Get your notes ready! Write down what comes up as we talk.
Why do some people from our past just feel sticky? Energetic cords, my friend.
I see these often on people. They look like little ropes coming from one person to the other.
Sometimes, we're the person holding on, and sometimes they're holding on.
Who care who is the doing the holding. What's important is that we release them. If we don't, they become littler energy leaks in our aura.
Don't be afraid to let go of people. It doesn't mean we'll never see them again. This healing just helps us not feel attached to them. We no longer need their validation or love to be feel whole. We are calling back all our energy to ourselves, so we can be our most powerful self.
Warning, do this practice when not driving.
And let me know how it goes!
When we think "boundaries" we tend to think about setting them for people we don't really like. Or for people who we have to keep at an arms length. We rarely think of setting boundaries for people we do like.
In this episode, author and master coach Nancy Levin schools us on the magic of boundaries, and how they make us look sexy while dating.
She also shares her story of being in a controlling relationship, how she was able to get out, heal, and move forward. So many of us can see ourselves in her story, so it's one to listen to.
I also have a funny situation in the recording, where I'm trying to please Nancy, while she's teaching us about how not to please others. It's funny, and very eye-opening.
Get ready to open your heart by expanding it towards yourself first. Give this episode a listen and let me know your thoughts.
What we cover:
The reason so many of us hate dating is because many times it feels very far from romantic. The swiping, meeting strangers... it can all feel really transactional. Which is really just another word for masculine. Let's change that, shall we?
In today's episode of The Final Swipe podcast, feminine energy coach Anya Grace is here to school us on how we can make the process more feminine, flowy and joyful.
I really enjoyed this conversation, because Anya explains so well how we can tap into our own inner strength even when our tendency is feel scared, pain, grief, etc. She's shifting energy in this episode, no doubt.
What we cover:
We all love to hear stories of how couples meet. For one, it gives us hope.
But also, because we feel like we're listening to a magical story that actually occurred. It's like a real-life romantic comedy.
Finding love seems like magic, because it often feels like we have no say in the matter. We think it happens by chance, by luck, by fate.
And it doesn't help that most people will tell you these crazy stories of how they met their partner by chance. They're beautiful stories, but they also feel really disempowering.
I recommend you ask someone who has actually spent the time to analyze what brought them to find their partner.
You guys, it does not happen out of pure magic. Anyone who has found love, has found it because there was energy and focus behind that desire. Most people don't like to admit that they were "looking for love," but they were.
I know I was on a mission to find love every time I found it. My clients who are successful in dating have all put an energy behind dating that eliminates fear. They have strategy!
In today's episode, I chat with my friend and love expert, Coach Cass, who agrees with me — finding love isn't magic!
She shares with us some tips and tricks that have worked for so many of her clients, which really help to take the mystery out of dating.
If you're ready to eliminate that fear and doubt surrounded around your love life, this episode is for you.
It’s that time of the year! When all your family members and old friends get all up in your love life! So fun.
You can hear it now, “Sweetie, why haven’t you met anyone yet? You’re so smart, beautiful, and successful.”
Ugh, yeah, that’s what I’m saying!
Have no fear! We are going to make you holiday dinner table ready with today’s episode.
We’re going to learn how to navigate that energy, how to lessen it, and how to make it work in your favor.
Get your notebook ready, because we have some scripts for ya that are perfect for run-in with tipsy relatives. Another thing to be thankful for!
We talk about:
Links to resources:
Alright, so manifesting is all the rage, right? You’ve studied up on it, made the lists, closed your eyes, and still nothing.
There’s even people out there that will tell you to demand from the Universe. Expect the Universe to deliver! And yet…. nada.
What’s going on? Why isn't it working?
Well, my friend, let me tell you about the one step you may be missing. The part where you take inspired action!
Yeah, my friend, you’re going to need some dates to manifest that relationship.
Yes lady, you’re going to have go out to places where you don’t just huddle around your friends who you’ve known since grade school.
In other words, you have to open up funnels in order for the Universe to deliver your package.
In this episode of The Final Swipe, I teach you what these funnels are and how to create them. I also teach how to not be in constant push or controlling mode. That’s for my recovering control freaks. Love you, guys!
Let’s help the Universe out, yo. Listen to this episode.
We talk about:
Links to resources:
Before every reading I do, I meditate. I focus on the person’s energy like a nosey mom going through her child’s drawers. I’m looking for what’s working, what trauma remains, what fears exist, and what future is set in place.
Everyone is different, and there’s a ton of variation in people’s energy, but one thing I see 9 out of 10 times is a little fence around the heart. Some look like a thin curtain and others look like a full-on fortress.
I see it so often because most of us want to protect our hearts. We’re afraid of what might happen if we allow anyone to get too close. We’re scared of what would happen if we let someone in who might hurt us later. Or, we may have suffered deep hurt in the past, causing us to close up shop.
Funny enough, this doesn’t affect our ability to be a good person. What it does get in the way of is leading a heart-centered life.
The heart chakra is the center chakra, because it’s our center. It’s the closest connection to our essence. When we live from this place, we connect more, experience more, love more.
Sounds pretty amazing, right? But how are we supposed to knock down that damn wall?!
On today’s episode of The Final Swipe, we speak to heart wall expert Nick K. Who get this guys, lives in Loveland, Colorado. I mean, talk about living your purpose.
Nick was so kind to explain what the wall is, how we can work to release it, and what happens when we do. Get your journal ready!
We talk about:
Links to resources:
I see life in dating metaphors. Always have. Always will.
And that started because, one day I just started to see my insides based off what I was doing in my dating life. It was the beginning of my awakening.
Apparently, I’m not the only one.
On today’s episode of The Final Swipe, we have author Kacie Main with us, whose dating experience was so spiritual that she gave it up for lent.
This is such an insightful conversation on how we can let go the constant search for love, but also still be an energetic match for it.
Kacie explains how she did it. How she let go, but in the end found herself and love.
What we cover:
The reason we look for soul mates is because we're looking for a feeling.
We're looking for a feeling of depth and intimacy.
There's a misconception that intimacy and depth happens with some people and doesn't with others.
When in fact, WE create the space for that. We can either make an environment that doesn't allow for depth or we can make one that does.
In today's episode, I'm going to teach you how to make depth in a relationship. And spoiler alert: It has nothing to do with talking your way to closeness. As women, that's are go-to!
In this episode, learn how to:
I'm excited for this one! Give it a listen.
I know, I know. You want to meet people organically and in person, because that is how you get a better read on people. I get it! But it's 2019, and dating apps are a thing. So let's embrace it, rather than romanticize our old flip phones.
Today on the pod, I offer three steps to help you get a read on those online profiles. Here they are:
1. Recognize your judgements
It's important just to note that the first few seconds of looking at someone's profile, you're coming from your judgement. Based off your past experiences, you're going to decide who this person is. Don't judge your judgements, lol! Let them come through, and let them past. And then give the profile a second look.
2. Connect to your heart
As you give that second look, bring your attention to your heart center. See if you can connect to that part of you rather than your mind.
3. Align with you courage
Lastly, once you feel from your heart and receive some sort of knowing, you may quickly fall into fear again. Ask yourself, "What would I do if I was coming from a place of courage," and then make your move.
If you're liking this info, make sure to listen to the full episode where I give a lot more detail. Enjoy!
Today we go over a common question I receive often: How do I manifest, but not feel obsessive over calling in a partner?
Such a good question!
Here are my tips. I have three for you:
1. When manifesting is not working, it's because we're being called to a journey of letting go
It's important to understand that manifesting is natural. We're doing it all the time. We want something, and within little time, it shows up. If manifesting is not working, it's because we're being called to walk a journey of letting go — of releasing all the baggage and false beliefs so that our energy is clean and light.
2. Focus on the feeling
What makes us feel obsessive is that we're focused on the union, on the partner, on the person. When in fact, we want to focus on the feeling. Being in a relationship represents some kind of feeling for us. For some of us it's security, fun, companionship, and so on. That feeling is what we're trying to manifest, and that's what we want to focus on, which in return eliminates a lot of pressure.
3. Keep track of your actions
Lastly, we feel crazy when manifesting because we're all up in our heads. We're thinking about it and visualizing it, but we also want to get honest about what we're physically doing to help co-create this relationship. Remember, we live on this place called Earth that's physical! So let's keep track of what we're doing to help ourselves.
Enjoy the episode. Let me know if you have questions.
Conscious dating, you guys, is a thing! And today, we have the godmother of conscious dating, Angela Holton on the pod sharing wisdom.
She shares with us her own personal experience — how she turned her dating life completely around to something positive and empowering. We chat about not feeling bad for ourselves when dating, how to reduce shame around dating, and how to attract without obsessing.
Lots of great tips in this one! Check it out.
Connect with Angela:
Website: www.lovesanctuary.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angelanholton/
Online Course Waitlist: Conscious Dating: “Become The ONE You Want & Attract The Love You Desire”: https://www.lovesanctuary.com/conscious-dating
Do you find yourself hanging onto old love despite your logic? It makes no sense, right? You know your worth and that this can’t possibly be good for you, but for some reason you’re afraid of letting go.
You’re afraid that you may never feel this way again despite the relationship being a total shit show.
I’m here to tell you you’re not crazy. Not because you’re right. Truth is you’re probably not meant to be together. BUT the feeling and pull is real.
Why? Because you’re dealing with a soulmate relationship.
Now, first let me remind you that we have several soulmates. Your mother can be a soulmate. Your boss, too. And not all soulmate relationships are all rainbows and butterflies.
The one you may find yourself in may be very difficult. Or perhaps it might feel cozy, but lack spark or attraction.
That’s because you’ve done this before! And just because you’ve done it before doesn’t mean it’s supposed to last.
Let’s break down soulmate love, how you can heal, and how you can find one that will lead to a happy ending with little drama.
Give this episode a listen and let me know what you think.
Today’s episode is a tough one.
Here’s why. Many of us are looking for divine masculine energy. Whether we’re in search of a heterosexual relationship or same sex relationship, we’re looking for either predominatly divine femine or predominatly divine masculine energy.
Today I’m speaking to those of you looking for a partner who is predominantly in their divine masculine energy.
We’re going to talk about what those qualities really are and how to create space for them.
Because the truth many times, we either don’t leave any room for the masculine to show up, or we condone it when it appears.
As the patriarchy begins to dissolve it’s important to not label all masucline qualities as the patriarchy. It’s also important that we don’t just turn the patriarchy into the matriarchy.
Let’s clear up all that funky energy and misunderstandings so you can better understand yourself and what you’re calling in. And so you can create a direct line for your manifestations.
I’m pretty obsessed with spirit guides if you haven’t noticed.
I first got into them when I went to visit a psychic who was supposed to tell me that my ex-boyfriend was going to come running back to me. No such luck.
Her reading was so fascinating that I had to understand what she was doing. She explained to me that she could speak to angels. Whaaaat?
And these angels apparently were around us to protect us and had info on us. I needed to know more.
As soon as I got over my fear of seeing and hearing spirits (religion will sometimes do that to you), through my studies I started to connect to spirit guides, accidently. And guess what? They were so chatty. Full of so much useful info.
The first thing one of my guides did was show me a past life, in my dreams, with an ex that healed so much for me and finally allowed me to let go and move on. And eventually be open to attracting my husband.
Besides assisting us in healing, spirit guides are here to do exactly what their title says: guide us. They are highly evolved souls that are assigned to work with us for various reasons. Some come and go depending on what season we’re in and others stick around for much longer. Their job is to help us evolve and reach our potential.
If you’re feeling called to bring romantic partnership into your life, know that this is part of your purpose. And your guide wants you to fulfill your purpose, so they want to assist you in healing any blocks that is keeping you from love — that may be past life stuff or simply negative thoughts. Dating is a great teaching opportunity for them!
In today’s episode, I go over what spirit guides are, how you can connect with yours, and how you can receive help in the love department.
Give this episode a listen to learn more about your helpful guides.
I often think of us as little kicked dogs trying to find love again even though we were abused in a past. Have you ever been with an animal who was hurt in the past? You go in for a snuggle, and they just back up out of fear of getting hurt again.
That's us, you guys! Don't you ever feel like that?
At some point, you will be loved... really loved, and it'll be hard to believe it. One day, you'll allow yourself the love you really deserve, and you'll start to wonder if the person loving you is just pulling a prank on you.
This has been the case for so many of us, and today, we have a guest who so generously shares her journey.
It's a journey of reminding herself that she is worthy, that real love does exist and it exist for her.
This is such a beautiful share from Liz Newman, who was on the first season of The Final Swipe. She found love — and it feels funny.
Ready to feel all the feels on this one. Get ready to love again.
Have you ever had a reading and the person told you one thing was going to happen and it never did? What's the deal, right? Did that person take you for a ride? If you're wondering about this phenomenon, you have to listen to this episode.
In this episode, I talk about what futures look like in a reading; I explain how you can allow your future to come in; and how to deal with the anxiety of dating in the unknown.
The truth is, the future you're looking forward to wants to come in, but we're so bogged down. So let's learn how to release, surrender, and make space (all the buzz words, yes!) for the love you really want. Also, let's learn how to open up our hearts and date even when we don't know what's going to happen with a certain relationship.
There's some good wisdom in your future. Just saying!
Because it's not, and Shani Silver wants to tell you why.
Shani has been single for a decade, and one day she just became tired. Not tired of being single, but tired of being mad about it. And that's when things started to change for Shani.
In today's episode, Shani shares how she changed her life by taking a different approach to being single than what we're normally taught. She explains how she got here, what dating looks like these days, and how she was able to start enjoying her life again.
I was excited to have Shani on the show because she's a beautiful example of being hopeful and optimistic, but at the same time completely present. Meaning, she's looking forward to the future, but she's also truly loving her present.
Her perspective on dating is so refreshing (and needed), that she scored a column with Refinery29 titled, "Every Single Day" and hosts a podcast called "A Single Serving Podcast." Shani is changing the conversation for shamed singles everywhere, so that we can finally look at this time in our life with clarity
There's so much wisdom in this one. Enjoy!
If you’ve hung out with me lone enough, you know all about dating blocks: The strange stuff we believe that get in our way when it comes to love.
We get that healing those blocks is going to be part of the journey.
But truthfully, sometimes you just need some damn good dating strategies.
And that’s what today’s episode of The Final Swipe Podcast is about. Tips! Because no one ever teaches us how to date.
For today’s episode, I was joined by dating and relationships coach Emilia Nagy. She is so sunny, candid, and well versed in dating. You can tell she geeks out on this stuff, which makes her so valuable.
We talk about the positive side of shame, how to overcome narcissistic relationships, and how to kill the dating game.
Grab that paper and pen!
In this episode we talk about:
Links we mention:
There is one thing we can’t go without when dating. If we try to leave this part of us out of the process, we will be completely lost.
That thing is: our feelings.
Connecting to what we feel is what gives us the direction towards what we want. It’s our compass.
But, sadly, we’ve also learned that feelings are bad. We either want to jump out of our bodies when they come up, or we turn them off all together. No bueno, you guys.
Let’s dig into that, shall we? And to do so, I had the pleasure of conversing with feelings expert, Maddy Moon.
My friends, this woman has managed to figure out how to be guided by her feelings even when she’s on dating apps! My hero, and you’re new guide.
In this episode, we talk about what life looks like without feelings, what it’s like to honor even the shadow parts of ourselves, and how to embrace the deep emotions in a way that serves us.
This is such a good convo. It just embodies self-acceptance — which we can never get enough of, especially while dating.
Get cozy.
In this episode we talk about:
Links we mention:
Chances are you’ve heard about chakras, but really, what the hell are they?
In today’s episode of The Final Swipe, we talk all about the heart chakra.
In my private sessions, I use the chakras to read energy, which is how I’m able to see blocks in people. When I see an imbalance in that center, it’s either too open or too closed.
When I was starting out on my spiritual journey, my heart was too closed. In this episode, I talk about the heart healing that changed my life and led me to my energy reading gift.
If you’re feeling your heart chakra is a little off, this is the episode for you. Let’s learn how to bring that bright green energy center back to health. Listen on!
1. Free Heart Chakra Meditation: www.nikkinovo.com/heart
2. My new program, Living Your Best Love Life: http://nikkinovo.com/love
It's not an easy convo, but we need to have it.
For those of us struggling with dating, our soul is asking us to stretch. We are going to have to put ourselves out there and challenge ourselves in a way that you've never done before. Because if we keep doing the same stuff, we're just going to see the same result, right?
The stretch is scary and really uncomfortable, I get it.
In order to avoid that uncomfortable feeling, we do this thing: We keep a placeholder around.
A placeholder is someone we keep around as our backup plan. It's our "in case of emergency" plan.
And while it seems harmless, what we don't understand is how this safety net keeps us small. When we stay small, we don't allow ourselves the true love we really desire.
In today's episode of The Final Swipe podcast we talk about getting ready to release the energetic cords with these people who take up that "romantic love" space in our lives, but don't provide all that we want or need in a relationship.
We also talk about how, sometimes, we keep ourselves busy with other people's lives in order to not feel the void of being alone. But the feeling of being alone is the thing that is going to push outside of our comfort zone in order to find love.
So let's do this together, my friend. Let's get you ready for real love.
Give the episode a listen.
I did a thing recently, and thought it came out really good so I wanted to share it with you.
I was feeling myself.
That thing was an interview with the ladies of Everyday Therapy Podcast.
I'm so grateful to have been a guest on their amazing show. They are such pros, and they asked the best questions.
There was so much great dating wisdom in this one that I just had to share.
We covered topics like:
Intentional swiping
How to feel confident around someone you like
How to let go of dating expectations
How to be in your divine feminine when dating
How to surrender and not control
And so much more.
It's a great one, you guys. Enjoy!
You’ve probably heard me talk about soulmates before because I’m pretty obsessed with clearing the air. When it comes to romantic relationships, there is not just one, person out there to love and cherish us. A soulmate is someone who has lived other lifetimes with us. Get it? Soul-Mate?
So now that we’ve cleared that up, we can get into the real important stuff: manifesting a wonderful romantic relationship. And we’re going to do that today by creating a list.
I know what you’re going to tell me, “Nikki, I’ve made my perfect-man checklist and all I heard were crickets.” And you know what I’ll say to that? You did it wrong.
First off, manifesting is a real thing. We can call things into our lives through our thoughts and belief. Writing what we want down is physical action we can take in the manifesting process. So that’s why we make a list. But the reason your previous list did not work out was because you were coming from the wrong place.
If your list said things like, “I want him to be tall, wealthy, and drive a truck,” I’m sorry to say but it’s not going to work. And here’s why. When we try to manifest things without addressing why we want it, we can attract really wonky stuff. The why is more important than the what. Our lists have to be based on how we want to feel.
(Need more help with this? Check out my book "The Final Swipe," by following this link: https://www.amazon.com/Final-Swipe-Pe...)
You want to attract someone who is wealthy, because maybe you want to someone to be equal to you, or because you don’t want to be taking care of someone, or because you want to feel secure. If you only write down “I want him to be wealthy,” you can attract someone who has a lot, but spends a lot. Or you can have someone who has a lot, but has a lot of debt.
Now, if you create your list based off how you want to feel in the relationship, you can’t go wrong. You’re covering your basis. You would say something like, “I want to feel like an equal,” or “I want to feel financially secure,” or “I want to feel that my partner takes responsibility for himself.”
When it comes to romantic relationships, what lasts is not the outside stuff. What lasts is how we feel. Our emotional needs are what need to be met. The outside stuff we’re trying to call in is the manifestation of a need. We don’t want a tall person just for the hell of it! We want a tall person, because we want to feel small and feminine.
Our feelings list is this week’s spiritual assignment. Create your perfect partner manifestation list with your feelings list in mind. Here are some examples:
“I don’t want to be second to his/her friends and family”
“I want to feel like a priority”
“I want to be able to trust and not feel like I’m going to be cheated on”
“I want to feel emotionally secure and trusting”
“I want to feel beautiful in his/her eyes”
“I want to make sure this person is financially ok”
“I want to feel financially secure”
“I want to make sure this person isn’t a crazy partier”
“I want to feel I’m with a partner who prioritizes his/her health”
“I want to be with someone who will stick around for the hard stuff”
“I want to feel I am in a mature and committed relationship, where communication is of highest importance”
If you have any questions about your list, leave me a comment below. Much love always!
What if you found love, and then later experienced losing it?
That was the case for today's guest, Carmen Ordonez, who was happily married and then lost her husband to cancer at a very young age.
Suddenly, Carmen found herself heartbroken, a single mother, and single in a dating world that was very different than the last time she saw it.
What she did to move forward was incredible, and I'm so grateful to have her on today's episode of "The Final Swipe Podcast."
Even if we haven't experience death of a loved one, Carmen shares so much wisdom on how we can move forward after losing love — or what we thought was love (I'm talking to you, divorced or recently single friend).
Although this wasn't the plan, Carmen managed to gather her vision for a beautiful life, create it, and honor her late husband at the same time.
See dating in a new light with this episode.
In this episode we talk about:
When I was dating and looking for love, I was only saying I was looking for love.
The truth was, I wasn’t looking for only love.
What I was really doing was hoping and waiting for my ex.
At the time, I was pretty aware that I was recovering from a breakup. I assumed the way to get over this would be to meet someone who would sweep me of my feet.
But that wasn’t happening.
In fact, I couldn’t find anyone who cared much for me, and if they did, I couldn’t reciprocate.
How many of us have this plan?
“I’ll keep my ex on deck.”
Whether we’re hoping they’ll come back or keeping them as our back up, if our ex is still in our heart, there is no space for something new.
It’s also a waste of our time!
We pretend to date. We pretend “there’s nothing out there.” But really all we’re doing is sabotaging ourselves so that we can prove to ourselves that our destiny is with our ex.
What needs to happen is an honest conversation.
Confront the situation. Ask your ex if there’s a chance. Ask yourself if that’s what you want or would you rather something new (with all the upgrades!).
And when your ex replies, listen. Like really listen.
Don’t just hear what you want to hear.
Listen with your intuition.
Listen with your heart.
Because it’s time.
Time to move forward. Or time to give it a real try.
No more stuck in the middle.
No more pretending nothing is working out for you.
It’s time.
We talk about:
I completely believe that we have everything we need right now, from where we stand to find the love we really want.
BUT why isn’t it working for you, right?
Well, because unfortunately we have a lot layers of crap on top of us — limiting beliefs, traumas, anxieties, and so on.
So while we’re equipped, often we have to undress the layer, one by one. Which is basically what I mean when I say, “We have to do the work.”
We often have to do the inner work to unlayer and love all of it. From that place is where we begin to create our dream relationships and dream lives.
With this in mind, on today’s episode of The Final Swipe, I speak to my good friend Nina Endrst. Her journey to love was full of all of the shit, but then it led her to so much intention. She did the work. And it shows, because her and her husband are the cutest.
I asked her to come on the show to share her process from trauma to love, because it’s always nice to have real-life examples.
We also went on some tangents covering topics that include, emotional availability, dating anxiety, inner healing work, and SO much more. She takes us on her journey from experiencing trauma in the workplace and in relationships to healing her soul, discovering her passion, and ultimately, finding her husband.
Enjoy this one. It’s a modern-day happily ever after.
We talk about:
Have you ever fallen in love with someone who is off limits or unavailable? Cue: “I wish that I had Jessie’s Girl.”
Unavailable can be, they told you they’re not ready for commitment, or your heart is telling you they’re not open to receiving love.
And off limits can me… they’re you’re boss!
This can be really confusing. Because you’re like, shit, what is going on with my manifesting skills?!
But guess what: this is actually a good thing.
See, when it comes to manifesting a loving relationship, we need to get to a place where we can feel what it is like to be in love.
When I teach this, you often respond by saying “But I’ve never had the kind of love I’m trying to attract, so how would I know how it feels?”
When you ask, you receive! And this is when the universe brings you a person who you feel all the feels for, but can’t necessarily date.
I know this may sound mean, but think of it as a gift. You now know what you’re looking for — you know what it feels like. You can borrow this feeling when manifesting.
Still a little confused? Don’t fret. In today’s episode of The Final Swipe, I walk you through how to create a positive story around this seemingly shitty situation and how to use this experience to make you an even better manifester.
Remember, my friend, the universe is going to help you get towards the vibration you need to be on to attract the love of your life, but often there are inspired steps you need to do in order to get there. For you, this might be one of the things.
I know you’re on the right path, because you’re already receiving answers to your questions. Keep going!
Annnnd, If you don’t want to walk this journey alone, I would love to have you in my membership program, where I’ll answer your question every week. We have a whole community of supportive and uplifting women who are walking the same path as you.
We talk about:
If you're reading this, it's because you understand what I understand, which is that finding love is a spiritual journey back to self — back to our worth and our wholeness.
What happens along that journey many times is that we are confronted with our past. And if we're not aware of it, we'll be confronted with our past over and over again. This is when we start to question "Why do I keep attracting shitty situations?"
This is when we get stuck. There's a part of us that believes in a new future, but we don't understand the role healing our past plays in creating a new reality.
In today's episode of The Final Swipe, we take a look at your present through the lens of your past. And to do that, I brought in my soul sister Christine Gutierrez. Christine is a licensed psychotherapist and trauma expert. I love her perspective of trauma and dating, so I wanted to share her with you.
If you're ready for a new future (and past and present), this episode is for you.
We talk about:
The term ghosting may be new, but that practice has been around for a while.
I remember being ghosted way before it was ever a thing, and feeling like crap. As if something were wrong with me. And it always seem to be "the nice guys" who would do it. You know, those people-pleaser type? Who are too afraid to confront you, so they just pretend nothing ever happened. Ugh, grow a pair.
I'm actually happy there's a term for it now, because before it felt quite shameful and lonely. At least now, we're able to encourage a little accountability on the ghoster.
With swipe culture, ghosting has become even more rampant, considering there are so many blurred lines when it comes to what kind of interaction actually deserve closure.
Regardless, we can all agree it doesn't feel good to be ghosted. But it also doesn't feel great having to let someone know that you're not feeling the connection. So in the end, we ghost, too.
Today, I want to talk about how we can all put an end to ghosting, but not ghosting on our end.
I don't say this because I believe karma is going to get you. I say this because, for so many of us, dating feels like a scary, unsafe interaction with heartless strangers. When we ghost we perpetuate that belief.
When we agree to close the loop on all our dating interactions, we start to see that the dating world is actually not scary or ugly, but rather filled with a group of feely humans all putting themselves out there in hopes of finding their version of love. In other words, we humanize the process, which then makes us feel better about the concept of dating as a whole.
In today's episode, I go deeper into the topic. We talk about how to stop ghosting, how to handle being ghosted, and how to see the dating world as a good place.
Give it a listen and share it with that friend who is a notorious ghoster! Make the dating world a better place.
We talk about:
The reason we can't find love is not because there are no good people out there.
It's not because "everyone on dating apps just wants to hook up."
Truthfully, it's rarely what we think it is.
It's always something so much deeper.
When I was on my dating journey my biggest challenge was not feeling good enough. When I explored the origin of that belief, I was brought to mother. I realized that I saw myself through the eyes of my mother. And her eyes, weren't always the kindest when looking at me.
Now that I'm a mother, I realize what a hard job it is. And how so many of us are mothering from a broken heart. But still, we affect the ones we mother. Even the best of us do! God knows my kids will be on some therapy couch one day talking about how I messed them up in one way or another.
It can be scary, but we need to go there. Until we examine the mother relationship, we can't full see ourselves. And if we can't fully see ourselves, we can't fully accept love.
For this reason, I sought out Mother Wound expert Bethany Webster to be a guest on The Final Swipe podcast. This is such an important topic, and Bethany did such a great job explaining what the mother wound is and how it can affect our dating life.
Give it a listen. And if you know a friend who has mom issues, please send it along.
We talk about:
Have you ever found yourself having the same relationship over and over again?
Somehow, you're always the healer in the relationship? Or the one who financially supports everything? Or you're with people who only want to hook up?
You probably think your manifesting skills are off, when really it's this one little thing that's off.
When dating, we subconsciously think about what we have to offer. Even if we are repeating, "I am enough," over and over again, we still tend to lead with a part of us — a part that we're usually proud of.
This is what I call "our energetic agreements" in relationships.
May you come into relationships saying "I'm really good at fixing. I will fix any problems you have or any that show up in our relationship."
May you are proud of your financial success and your ability to provide. You may say "I will pay for all things."
Or may be you've been told your whole life that you're really smart. Guess what you're going to rely on when texting? Yep, your smarts.
So, it's not that we're manifesting these kid of people, we're unconsciously setting the tone right at the beginning, and we may be setting a tone we really are trying to get away from!
In today's episode of The Final Swipe, I discuss this little thing we miss when dating, and I teach how you can switch it around so you can give yourself the best chance at creating the relationship into one you really want, rather than more of the same.
We talk about:
No matter how zen we try to be about dating, there's one thing women can't get around: our biological clocks.
There is nothing fun about dating when you feel like "time is running out," which is why many women opt to freeze their eggs. And while it might be common in big cities, not all of us have access to real info about the process. Not all of us have a friend who have been through the process.
In today's episode of The Final Swipe, my beautiful friend, Michelle, was so kind to share her story with us. We go deep into the details: costs, emotions, dating life... It's everything you would get from your close friend.
I think many of you will see yourself in Michelle. And through her journey, you can understand yours better.
Have you thought about the process? Are you thinking about it? Let me know your thoughts below.
We talk about:
We all want to feel safe. Dating is often painful because the process does not feel safe at all.
Because of this desire, we often look for our potential partner to make us feel safe. Which is natural, but sometimes we can take it a little too far and create too much pressure for this person we just met.
In today's episode of The Final Swipe, you and I are going to talk about how you can soothe your own anxiety about not feeling safe. This way, you feel empowered internally and you're not putting unnecessary pressure on this new person that you like.
I promise it won't hurt too much! Give this episode a listen and you'll feel better already.
We talk about:
One of the best things I did in in 2018 was join a sister circle. I'd heard all the hype about sisterhood, but didn't think it was for me. I'm one to think I can do it all by myself, ha!
Seriously, gathering with the same group of women, every month, for a year created so much transformation in me. For this reason, I wanted to talk to you about sisterhood. To do that, I brought on my friend Emily Cassel who spends so much time in sisterhood, on the show to expand on the topic.
Being that we're still in the beginning of 2019, I really hope you consider doing group work with like-minded women. Even though finding love seems like a goal for one, it's amazing what can happen when you're with other women who have that same intention for you and for themselves.
Listen in on this conversation and see what sticks out to you. Don't let that intuition go to waste.
We talk about:
Hello lovers!
It’s our first episode of 2019. Woohoo! I was so over 2018.
I mean, there was some good stuff. We welcomed our third child into the world this year! But other than that it was all sorts of ego dying.
What’s ego dying? I talk about in this episode.
In this episode, I talk about what 2018 meant and how that will lead into 2019. I also share a few predictions for what we’ll see as a whole when it comes to love. Hint, hint: it’s good stuff.
Despite wanting to find love, most of us hate dating because it makes us feel all sorts of crazy.
That crazy, uncomfortable feeling is not a sign that you need to runaway to the monastery.
That feeling is anxiety.
What's tricky is that often we don't know it's anxiety. Instead, we think that feeling means "this isn't the right thing," or "I shouldn't be dating," or "I'm not ready to date," or "Maybe I shouldn’t be dating the opposite sex," and so on.
Recognizing anxiety, and then understanding what triggers your anxiety, is going to be a huge part of your dating success.
In hopes of bringing this super important topic to light, I asked anxiety expert — and just all around beautiful human — Sheryl Paul to joins me on The Final Swipe to share her wisdom on this topic.
My friend, we are so lucky to have her. She hasn't done press in a really long time. And I did I mention she's been on the Oprah show? Yeah.
This is a must-listen to episode. And beyond this show, I hope you continue to follow her work as she'll be an amazing resource for you on this journey to love.
We talk about:
For the last few months, it seems like every time I sit down to meditate with my spirit guide, I have the same vision.
It’s like a reoccurring dream, only this vision happens in meditation.
It’s basically my spirit guide saying, “Lady, until you learn this lesson, we are not moving on to the next vision.”
Spirit guides can be tough like that.
What she was trying to teach me was that my external reality is a reflection of my internal client.
Meaning, what’s going on inside: my beliefs, my negativity, my positivity, my focus is what I’m creating outside in the world.
I know this.
You know this.
Yet, we don’t always see the blocks that we’re placing in our way.
In today’s podcast, I help a beautiful woman see her blocks during a reading I did with her.
Lacey was kind enough to allow me to share a piece of her reading with you, so that we can all learn.
We talk about:
1. Believing in what we really want
2. How to date with an open heart, but also not be attached to the outcome when dating
3. How to tell if we're resisting change
1. For making your list, I mention my book "The Final Swipe."
2. Lacey mentions a book she loved titled, "Attached."
Why is it that some people are on dating apps for two weeks and find the love of their life? While for others, it's more like five years?
In this episode, I explain why dating luck seems to be unfair and what we can do to turn it around.
I also talk about my:
Get additional help by:
purchasing The Final Swipe book
joining my masterclass
or booking a session with me
In this episode:
- I speak with astrologer Beth Bullitt
Are you really ready to find love? And if you're not, how to get yourself ready.
Need some extra help on getting ready for love?
Check out my book, “The Final Swipe”
Sign up for my masterclass
Or book a session with me
Get to know the podcast host, Nikki Novo, and how she became an Intuitive Dating Coach
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