466 avsnitt • Längd: 80 min • Veckovis: Torsdag
Fritid • Hobbies • Konst • Visuell konst
Dust off your old film camera and join Rachel, Clare, John and Graeme on their adventures in the wonderful world of analog photography, from point and shoots to pinholes and everything in between.
The podcast Sunny 16 Podcast is created by Ade, Rachel, Clare, John and Graeme. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Rachel and Clare catch up with Ruth from The Photography Show to get all the hot info on the upcoming show, taking place in the quaint little town of London for the first time!
SUN25 - gives 20% off standard entry, expires 5th March
Holy Cow it's 2025! Never has a year been more futurey than this one, and we're back from our break to see where all the flying cars are.
In this episode it's truly a delight to be joined by the one and only (unless he's been cloned because future) Simon Forster of Large Format Photography Podcast and Classic lenses fame! He joins us to judge the long overdue cheap shots challenge, and it's a lot of fun - thank you so much to everyone who took part.
You can see all the pictures here: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/cheap-shots-challenge-older-people/
You can find Simon's wares here: https://forsteruk.com/?srsltid=AfmBOopJcw_AU7jXIhNWKudZgYuKbZn2VAtasTN9YI5uqVR-eiBqeuzl
In this episode Rach, Clare and Graeme talk about using the power of using (in a good way) Other People to help inspire, motivate and move our own creativity forwards.
On this weeks show the fabulous Rachel returns, and we're joined by the almost equally fabulous Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland for a good old chat about stuff, the acquisition of which is a constant cure/temporary balm for reality. Reflection on the new stuff that's come out this year, the recent availability of much loved stuff, the ever increasing cost of stuff, and of course the stuff we'd like for Christmas. It's officially stuffing time.
Where to find great Stuff:
In this episode Clare and Graeme are joined by the delightful Marwan El Mozayen and Charys Schuler of Silvergrain Classics magazine to talk about their superb publication, and the exciting project they embarked upon with Jeff and Susan Bridges to bring the iconic Widelux camera back into production!
Discount code for SIlvergrain Classics Magazine: SUNNY1610
On this weeks show Graeme is joined by some of the fantastic contributors, Ian Wallace, Dave Wenham and Yant Martin Keyte to the recently published zine Ambiguous to talk about the process of producing the zine, working as part of a collective and of course the work in the zine itself.
Photozine collective
The Photozine Discord https://discord.gg/ynE9mwkh
Where you can Buy Ambigious (Profits to Asthma and Lung UK)
and if those copies have all gone a few copies are available here
Contributors interviewed
Our Editor Richard
Other Collective members
And to be remembered our inspiration John Whitmore
Rachel, Clare and Graeme return to discuss the recent crop of new product releases and Kickstarters, catch up on Photography adventures/misadventures, and read some thoughtful emails from some fabulous listeners.
On this weeks episode Rachel and Clare are joined by the delightful Wicher from Jaggle to talk about something new and exciting he has built - a way for anyone to make dark room prints without the need for a darkroom equipment, or even a dark room!
Find out more here:
On the subject of new and exciting products, Intrepid are back with a new kickstarter for two very exciting (at least to large format shooters) new releases - an independent shutter and a new lens!
Find out more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/intrepidcamera/the-intrepid-lens-and-shutter-project
And, just to make sure no one loses sight of why we all actually take pictures, the end product is also important, a great example being the Ambiguous zine currently available and raising money for a good cause - https://richardhall.online/new-zine-now-available/
Lina Clerke and Nina Emett join Graeme and Billy to discuss the remarkable life and photographic journey of Marilyn Stafford upon the release of the second edition of the book “Marilyn Stafford: A Life in Photography”.
Down the line Podcast: https://marilynstaff1.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/MS-edit1_BenHarmanpodcast_FINAL.mp3
https://fotodocument.org (award page - https://fotodocument.org/fotoaward/)
Hundred Heroines - https://hundredheroines.org
Shout out to Anil Mistry - @anilmistryphoto for bringing Marilyn and her fascinating story to our attention
Shout out to everyone still tagging the Sunny 16 group in their Flickr photos (https://www.flickr.com/groups/2934650@N25/)
Rachel - @littlevintagephotography and https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk
Clare - @claremariebailey and https://www.claremariebailey.com
Email us at [email protected]
See some show notes potentially at sunny16podcast.com
Discord - https://discord.com/invite/z3VyfXj4Qj
On this weeks show Rachel, Clare and Graeme are joined by the ever delightful Billy Sanford to talk about a few of the pictures they've made over the years that have become important to them, and talk about why in the hope that we can all take more important pictures in the future!
If you want to see the pictures (except Rachel's as sadly most of those are lost to time), you can find them here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-7h8i4f4RtpN3KzvKYIyePiexoaOLXW0?usp=sharing
Before all that though we have some late breaking news!
Find out more about the new "Ambiguous" Zine here: https://richardhall.online/new-zine-now-available/
Find out more about Phoenix film in 120 (I wants it...) here: https://www.harmanphoto.co.uk/harman-phoenix-200-120
It's a summer time check in from Rachel Brewster-Wright, Clare Marie Bailey and Graeme as we head into a lovely wet bank holiday weekend.
Find workshops and all things Little Vintage Photograpy here: http://littlevintagephotography.co.uk
Get Rachels workbook here: http://littlevintagephotography.co.uk/workbook , Also in store at Open Eye Gallery, Real Camera Company (Liverpool & Manchester stores) and Dead Ink Bookshop, Smithdown Rd, Analogue Wonderland and the Intrepid Camera Company
Exhibitions at the Open Eye Gallery : https://openeye.org.uk/
It's what literally everyone has been waiting for, the creme de la menthe of informed opinions Rachel and Graeme making their views on the Pentax 17 known. Finally the you can all stop holding the front pages!
Not just that, but Rachel has been inspired by a noted influencer to buy a new camera, Graeme has been shooting with a new and interesting lens, the Big Film Photowalk has happened, an insulted man has provided a new cheap shots challenge theme and Clare is at the cinema! It's all kicking off, I hope your sitting down to listen!
AT LAST! Yes, it's finally here, the Cheap Shots Challenge judging for the History round, sorry it's so late!
Joining the gang to do the all important judging is photographer, author, fan of history and all round good guy Ian Wallace, who casts his appraising eyes (both of them) over the fabulous collection of images submitted by our wonderful listeners.
Want to see as well as hear about these pictures? You're in luck, just go to https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/cheap-shots-challenge-history/ and enjoy, we insist.
Find all of Ian's work, books and photography here: https://www.onahillroad.com/
Find out about the upcoming Big Photo Walk here: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/products/the-big-film-photowalk
The gang return to give a big thanks for all the fab Cheap shots entries (and an 11th hour last minute callout in case anyone has forgotten), talk Pinhole day and Polaroid week, Rachel's upcoming trip to Photographica and the upcoming Big Film Photowalks happening all around UK at the end of June.
Can we really squeeze all these things into a short show, and get sidetracked by AI? Hell yes we can
Send your emails and Cheap Shot Challenge entries to: [email protected]
Rachel and Clare are back once again to talk about events and exhibitions going on around the country, pieces of culture people might be interested in seeing and what they've been up to, including putting on a Photography exhibition in a Bank Vault!
With apologies for the delay in getting this episode to you (due entirely to Clare looking at dog pictures on the internet), it is with the usual big pile of delight that we bring you 3 of the finest of the current available hosts of the Sunny 16 Podcast for a show full of chat about the Photography show and some interesting new work Clare is getting started on, plus all the usual diversions!
https://chroma.camera/ - Home of the Double Glass lens and upcoming Chroma Click
Rachels Exhibition submission details:
TAKE/MAKE/CREATE - A collective analogue exhibition in a Georgian BANK VAULT! - Free submission!
Exhibition Call !! - Open to anyone who has done a workshop with me / Little Vintage Photography, or is a member of my Patreon and/or Darkroom & Studio Membership!
At the start of 2024 I made a decision to try to celebrate and share more of the analogue photography that is created by our amazing community, and one of those ways, is to have an exhibition where you can see and share physical prints!
Given that there is an original BANK VAULT which has been turned into an exhibition space for hire, literally housed within No.1 Hamilton Square (where the Little Vintage Photography Darkroom & Studio are based) it seemed like the natural choice.
Therefore, for those who are part of the Little Vintage Photography community, I am offering an exhibition call for your favourite, black & white analogue work, to give you an opportunity to exhibit it within this uniquely special place, for a week in April (19th-26th)
There will also be a Private View on 19th April 5-7pm (drinks & nibbles stat)!
Eligibility & Entry Criteria:
* Be a previous LVP Workshop attendee, a member of the Little Vintage Photography Patreon and/or a Darkroom & Studio Member (p.s. You can join LVP Patreon from £3 a month, or £10 a month as a Darkroom Member!)
* Have an image created using an analogue process / shot on film and/or darkroom print
* Print size to be up to 10x8" (max)
* Black & White only
* Open theme of 'Take/Make/Create' - choose a favourite image that you've always wanted to exhibit
* You're happy to help share a post or two about the event on social media (if you have SM - don't worry if not!)
* You can send the image to arrive (physical print or digital scan) no later than Friday 5th April
There is NO submission fee required (I wanted to make it as accessible as possible so am using Patreon support)
But if you are in a position to do so, and would like to contribute a little towards the framing, hanging & venue hire costs (as I'll be covering the rest myself), any extra you can spare would be gratefully received - I'll send a PayPal link in a few (and your name / SM handle will of course be added to a sponsors list at the exhibition!)
If anyone interested can contact me by 5th April, with a view to getting their piece to me by 12th April, that'd be great!
You can comment on this thread, send me a DM on Instagram.com/littlevintagephotography or email me via my website: littlevintagephotography.co.uk/contact
You can post a physical print (please ensure it's not your only copy and/or properly insured!) to: Little Vintage Photography, Hamilton Vault Studios, No.1 Hamilton Square, CH41 6AU or send me a high res digital version via wetransfer.com - drop me a line first though, so I can give you full details!
Unfortunately, due to funds, I won't be able to post work back, but am happy to keep it for in-person collection, for 3 months after the end of exhibition.
On this weeks show we have return visit from the fabulous pusher of film photography frontiers Dave Walker joining us to talk about his recent adventures creating in-camera colour prints using the Pinsta camera, and making black and white into positive prints with a simple procedure that even Graeme wasn't able to totally mess up.
You can find Dave on Instagram @DavetheWalker80
His 35mmc articles are here: https://www.35mmc.com/14/02/2024/the-black-and-white-paper-reversal-process/
We also spoke to the lovely Emma Lloyd about a print sales project she is running this month to raise money for charity and celebrate International Womens day.
Event details: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3_FgmeyHjd/?igsh=MWYwN3M0NHlzOW51Yg==
[email protected] @grainsplaining Twitter and IG @emmajlloyd_ @photoxcore_archiveOn this episode we're delighted to be joined be photographer, printer, exhibitor, gym attendee and all round legend Pete Langman to talk about his recent exhibition, how he handled documenting sensitive subject matter, and where his experiences are leading him next.
You can find Pete's website here: https://www.cameraandcoffeecabin.click/
The video of stills and spoken word here: https://youtu.be/futXonHE9kw?si=N4uWf1CVfrUW0eot
And @grainagainstthemachine on Instagram
Ring the bells, bang the drums, hoover the cat, it's Cheap Shots Challenge judging time! Rachel and Clare let Graeme out from the producer box he's kept in, and they're joined by the wonderful Val Plichta, English teacher, oft-time photography model/muse for Rachel and the perfect person to judge both the our efforts and the frankly far superior work done by our marvellous listeners.
Rachel Instant box camera sessions: https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/vintage-portrait/
Analogue Retreat mailing list: https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/the-analogue-retreat/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/littlevintagephotography
Cyanotype Workshops: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/802781811007?aff=oddtdtcreator
Open day: https://www.theshoreditchacademy.com/current-workshops
Photography Show: https://www.photographyshow.com/welcome
On 27th of January the world lost a legendary and unique photographer, Brian Griffin. His never ending creativity, off the wall vision and sheer drive to make new and original art left us with a body of work unlike any other, and earned him many plaudits, including Photographer of the Decade for his work in the 1980's.
We were lucky enough to be joined by Brian on the show a couple of times. He was a truly lovely person, generous with his time and with an inexhaustible supply of stories about his work and life. Our conversation with him inspired all of us greatly (John would be referencing knicker elastic for many months after the show), and Clare went on to become good friends with Brian, an unsurprising meeting of creative minds.
In tribute to Brian we're rebroadcasting his first appearance on the show, when we all got introduced to the man behind some truly incredible work, yet who somehow has gotten forgotten about as the years went on. As an added bonus, John was on this show, and it is always wonderful to hear his voice.
On this show Rachel is joined by the fabulous Billy Sanford to talk about what they've been up to over the festive period, their photography plans and hopes for 2024 and much more - there's plenty to talk about!
Get your pictures in for the Cheap Shots Challenge to [email protected]
On this weeks episode Rachel and Clare delve into mail from the community, discuss how to approach getting your work into galleries, Rachel's new Afghan camera and much more.
Don't forget to get working on your Cheap Shots entries, the theme this time out is "Literature"
Application to take part in "Ambiguous" zine: https://forms.gle/yhToPdsEeqYFShxK9
It can also be found in my Twitter, Instagram and Bluesky accounts @richardhall on twitter & Bluesky, @connexions on Insta.
Crown and Flint film management app: https://crown-and-flint.goodman-wilson.com/press/25092023.html
Get involved with Real Photography Company: https://www.instagram.com/p/C0d4riwoBLR/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ==
It's a real treat this week to be able to share with you all the frankly brilliant news that Harman Labs, the people who already bring you all of your favourite Ilford and Kentmere films, papers etc, are launching a brand new made from the ground up colour film for the first time ever at their factory in Mobberley!
Matt and Michelle join Rachel and Graeme to give us all the details, go to the freshly minted Harman Photo website: https://harmanphoto.co.uk/ to see example photo's, videos and more.
You can find and follow them on https://www.instagram.com/harmanphoto/ and https://twitter.com/HarmanPhoto
And as you listening you can buy this film RIGHT NOW from your favourite Ilford and Kentmere film Stockists!
On this weeks show Rach and Clare return to catch us up on all they've been up to and to talk about the delights and difficulties of shooting over the gloomy months of winter and offer their suggestions on how to make the best of the grey months.
Big shoutout to everyone's favourite Sunbeam Billy Sanford who's crazy rock and roll lifestyle finally caught up with him this week - Get Well Soon Billy!
Find the trailer for Simon Riddells new documentary Peak Perseverance here: Peak Perseverance Trailer OFFICIAL
If you want to get involved with the Cheap Shots Challenge (and we very much hope you do) then email your 2 favourite shots on the subject "Literature" to [email protected] - we're excited to see what you come up with!
More fabulous folks from the Analogue Spotlight event in Nottingham. Thanks to everyone who gave up their time to talk to us on a busy day.
Alecia and Dan from Lensfayre: https://www.lensfayre.com/
Molly : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2HlJ1U76_QmtECCGuRIG7Q https://www.instagram.com/eclectachrome/?hl=en
Naomi from Intrepid Cameras: https://intrepidcamera.co.uk/
Sam from Solarcan: https://solarcan.co.uk/
James Lane from Zone Imaging: https://zoneimaging-photochemicals.co.uk/film-processing-lab-store
Johannes Heberlein: https://hedeco.de/
Josh from JFR Film: https://jfrfilm.co.uk/
Karen and Amy from Analogue Wonderland: https://www.instagram.com/karenshootsfilm/ https://www.instagram.com/amyfarrerphotography/
Dan and Dave from Leicester Lo-Fi: https://leicester-lofi.co.uk/
In this episode we've got the first part of our coverage from the Analogue Spotlight event which took place in Nottingham a few weeks ago. Part 2 will follow shortly, but for now you can tune in to hear from:
Paul Mckay from https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/
Peter from This is How I Roll Film https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Thisishowirollfilm?ref=l2-about-shopname
Simon Forster from https://simonforsterphotographic.co.uk/
Michelle and Neil from https://twitter.com/HarmanPhoto and of course https://www.ilfordphoto.com/
Emily Gerrard from https://www.sans-studio.co.uk/
Dave Faulkner from https://alfiecameras.com/
Steve Lloyd from https://chroma.camera/
And Rachel Brewster Wright from here. And https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/
It's a new day at Sunny 16 Towers as Rachel and Clare take the wheel of the good ship (which is also a tower) Sunny 16 onwards to exciting new waters full of analogue photography goodness.
On this weeks show they discuss all they've been up to lately, from running workshops to taking part in exhibitions, Holga week 2023, the upcoming Analogue Spotlight event in Nottingham, answer listener emails and MORE!
Rachel and Clare would love to hear from you - get in touch at [email protected], join the brilliant Sunny 16 Podcast Discord channel where you'll find lots of active film photography conversations, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @Sunny16podcast
Sunny 16 is back from its summer break! The whole gang are here, refreshed from the break and with stories to share. And we have some announcements too on how the show is moving forward.
Some things mentioned in the show:
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
It’s summer holiday time! What are the team up to over the summer? What photo adventures await? Also, for the first time ever, we are taking an extended break over the summer - but we will be back with you all in the autumn! We hope you all enjoy your summers too 🏄♀️🪇🏖️
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
And so it is time to conclude our short series on lighting. Thank you to everyone who submitted images for our assignment on “Intentional Light”. It was great to see them and to discuss them on the show. There are some host submissions to discuss as well.
Video mentioned by Christian on what to shoot when “there is nothing to shoot”.
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
As our lighting series progresses, this week we take a deep dive into Clare’s current, amazing project, inspired by and including lots of lighting. With a deadline of the Revelat show in just a few weeks, Clare has been both hugely busy and hugely creative!
Mentioned in the show:
Civilisation - The Way We Live Now
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
Out of grumpiness can spring beauty. Specifically, Ade is grumpy and that seeds a rich, rambling and revealing conversation about the role vulnerability plays in our creativity. If that sounds heavy, fear not, indulge yourself 😀.
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
A crafty discussion about exposure and how to use it to influence you images - with a generous helping of practical tips on the technicalities of working with flash. Too many topics covered to list them all in the show notes so buckle up and listen in!
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
We teased, then went quiet - but here we are with the start of our new mini-series on lighting! Actually, the launch of two new series on lighting, one here on Sunny 16 and the other on Sunny 16 Presents. Tune in to find out more.
We also have a guest co-host who will go on to host the S16P series, none other than John-Michael Mendizza 🎉. Get a head start on John-Michael’s lightning work at his website or insta.
And as if that is not enough, we invite you all to participate in the mini series by sharing with us your photos made with intentional lighting. More details in the show. Discord link below for joining in.
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
Whoosh! Spring has sprung - or at least is springing, and only if you live in the northern hemisphere - but you get the point. When our minds turn to travelling with for photography and with our cameras, what do we look for? Truly we chase the light 😀!
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
It’s news week on Sunny16 - lots of stuff to talk about:
Christian’s new mandolin
Polaroid Blue Reclaimed Edition
Fujifilm suspends domestic supplies in Japan
Apple, Chair, Hat
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
In this episode we chat with delightful Ariela Badenas who's a photographer from Vancouver, Canada. She tells us why she loves film, how important community darkrooms are and why she would rather wear all her clothes on top of each other than not have enough space in her bag for cameras when travelling.
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
Time to round up the conversation on photography style. What have we learned? What surprised us? What will we do differently in the future?
Big shout out to the Discord community - loads of great discussion on this topic there. Please do join us and join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
It’s show and tell week on Sunny 16. As part of our mini-series on style, we have talk about our own work and our personal style evolutions. As luck would have it, we have an enormously insightful special guest join us to help navigate - Anil Mistry. Friend of the show and waaayyy too long since he last joined us, Anil applies his 30 years experience as a creative across many media and genres to help us find our way!
Find Anil’s work at…
Find Sunbeams at…
Rach: Little Vintage Photography
Christian: Instagram
Ade: Website (new this week!)
Enjoy the conversation and then join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
Welcome to our mini-series on photographic style! We’ve been wanting to discuss style for ages but didn’t feel we could do it justice in a single show so it was a great topic for our first foray into longer conversations. (Yeah, ok some of the earlier Sunny 16s did go on for hours 😂.)
What is photographic style? How do you get a style? Can you choose a style? How do you learn from others and take inspiration from their work without copying?
To help us dive in, our super special guest is Nick Carver - film photographer, educator, YouTuber and a fellow traveller on the journey to understanding this elusive subject.
Nick recently posted a video on style in his own work. And his website has some awesome collections!
Enjoy the conversation and join in on the Sunny16 Discord 😀
The reality of making this show has been a much richer discussion than any of us expected. We talk about Outsider Artists - their work, the impact they have had on the art world when finally recognised, exploitation of unintended legacies - the list is long and we have only scratched the surface!
Photographers mentioned in the show
Help us continue the conversation, join the Sunny16 Discord 😀
Tune in for the long-awaited (sorry about that folks) conclusion and results of the Cheapshots Challenge. Our theme is harvest and our show is replete with metaphorical and abstract interpretations of the theme - with a few actually-on-brief submissions as well 😀.
Many thanks to everyone who submitted images - as you will hear, we got some awesome stuff!
Find the photos at the Sunny 16 website.
And while you’re at it, join the Sunny16 Discord too 😀
Artist, educator and hybrid photographer Danny Bittencourt joins us for an exploration of the art, the emotion and the process of photography-based art beyond the print.
Danny on the web:
And while you’re at it, join the Sunny16 Discord too 😀
Ant and Craig from the Pretence Collective join us to talk about their zine Pretence, how they met, got inspired, put out an open call and made an amazing book for us all to enjoy! Check them out at:
And while you’re at it, join the Sunny16 Discord too 😀
Ilford Master Printer, professional print colourist, tutor and artistic experimenter Andrew Sanderson joins us to discuss his work, passions and not-projects!
Andrew on Instagram
Get Andrew’s books on Abe Books
And while you’re at it, join the Sunny16 Discord too 😀
Happy New Year everyone!
Just a few weeks ago, Dave and Benny set up NorthWestFilmPhoto - a group dedicated to film photography in the north west of England. They are just starting out and have already built a great Discord community and hosted a big photowalk.
Our conversation with the NWFP guys has loads of interesting stories and real excitement for something new that is kicking off in glorious (we hope) 2023!!!
NWFP links here! (Instagram, Facebook, Discord)
And while you’re at it, join the Sunny16 Discord too 😀
The Sunnies Awards 2022 yaayyyyyy! Back by dope demand after a two year break, we have an amazing breadth and depth of work and stuff to celebrate and to share. Our 7 categories for the Sunnies are:
1. What is your favourite Sunny 16 Presents show?
2. What is the best new film launched in 2022?
3. What is the best new camera launched in 2022?
4. Who is your favourite vendor of refurbished cameras?
5. Who is the most influential newcomer in the analogue community?
6. What is your favourite body of work published this year?
7. What is your favourite innovative widget of the year?
Clearly we won’t spoil the show by listing all the outmodes here 😀. But we will list all the recommendations for question 6 because it has given us so much to enjoy…
And because it will help promote everyone, here is a list of people voted for in category 4:
Enjoy the show and the super special guest host. Happy Holidays to everyone and hugest thanks for all your support to Sunny 16 ❤️❤️❤️
Back once again (like the proverbial renegade master) we are honoured to talk to Duncan Gammon of SilverPan Film Lab who regales us with tales of community spirit, bespoke development and printing and single-handedly getting Hasselblad to do a production run of motherboards.
(I might have exaggerated that last one.)
Artists mentioned by Duncan during the show:
Vote for the Sunnies Awards by Sunday 18th December please
Send us your last, late Harvest photos for the cheapshots challenge to [email protected]
Continuing our occasional series on analogue entrepreneurs we are hugely pleased that Jame Burris of Dorset Vintage Camera Hire joined us to talk about his side business renting out medium format cameras. This is a great story of turning something you love into something bigger.
Send us your Harvest photos for the cheapshots challenge to [email protected] by 11th December
B-b-b-b-b-b-breaking News! We sent out the Sunny16 News Hound to get us a scoop this week. Listen up for something properly exciting!
Send us your Harvest photos for the cheapshots challenge to [email protected] by 11th December
Rach has some very exciting news to share - including what is probably the coolest darkroom location ever!
Sign up to the waitlist for The Ultimate Film & Darkroom Workbook - Pre-orders opening soon!!! You’ll be able to buy it for Christmas and will be shipping out in January.
Visit Emma’s new Etsy shop for photographer Christmas gifts and more
Send us your Harvest photos for the cheapshots challenge to [email protected] by 11th December
Listen to Digital Film Photography on the Sunny 16 Presents podcast channel
The return of the Sunnies Awards 🥇🥇🥇
We’ve missed The Sunnies for the last two years so it’s super exciting to bring them back for 2022. This year we want to celebrate the Analogue Community and everyone in it. There are seven categories and a link at the bottom of these notes to vote.
Categories where you vote for your favourite out of a finite list…
Open categories where we look to celebrate the community - could be anything or anyone
Please vote on this google form
Our guest this week is Ellen Rogers - fashion and fine art photographer, lecturer, PhD student and self-confessed photo nerd. Ellen’s clients include Vogue, Vice and plenty of other publications. An immensely enjoyable and far ranging conversation on photography (of course), learning, teaching, mechanical sympathy and much more!
Ellen didn’t mention the Iranian uprising in the podcast but she asks that people keep an eye on the #MahsaAmini hashtag, for ongoing news and to raise awareness of what is happening to the people of Iran as it’s a struggle close to her heart.
Ellen Rogers
Instagram: @ellenjanerogers
Web: ellenrogers.com
She Hearts Film photowalk coming soon:
This week we are starting an occasional themed show called Analogue Entrepreneur where we get to talk to people about the business side of their creative work. Who better to start us off than our very own Rachel!
What energises you about photography? Is it people, books, exhibitions, heated discussions about your favourite film stocks? Whatever it is, it’s a glorious thing to get positive energy from a creative endeavour - and that’s what we talk about this week!
Also, we launch the new round of the cheap shots challenge with the theme - Harvest.
You know that moment when your kickstarter completes and all your experienced friends say "now's when the work really begins"? This week we have the honour of luxuriating in that feeling with Dave "Alfie" Faulkner of Alfie Cameras as his rollercoaster continues.
Holy Scones Batman, the Sunny 16 Podcast has only gone and hit episode 300! They said it couldn't be done, or at least they said it shouldn't be done, but then we did it anyway because that's just how we roll.
On this bumper episode Ade, Rach, Clare and Graeme are all here for a catch up, then Matthew Joseph joins us for a trip down memory lane, and as if that wasn't enough/too much we also have a special announcement about a very limited edition Sunny 16 Product!
So you know, a lot.
We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us through, listening, taking part, donating or just sending out positive vibes over the years. It amazes us that we made it this far, and we could not have done it without you.
This show was a bit of a mare to put together, so if it's a little off in places don't yell at me. If I've really screwed the pooch please scream away.
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Honey Bee by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3882-honey-bee
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://incompetech.com
More conversations from our trip to the Photography Show, but this time from the (relative) comfort of a bar patio!
Featured on this episode:
Rachel Brewster-Wright: https://www.instagram.com/littlevintagephotography/
Steve Lloyd: https://www.instagram.com/chromacamera/
Michelle Parr: https://www.instagram.com/shelby2003.mp/
Hannah Gross: https://www.instagram.com/hannahjuliettephotography/
Emma Lloyd: https://www.instagram.com/emmajlloyd_/
Karen Freer: https://www.instagram.com/karenshootsfilm/
Clare Williams: https://www.instagram.com/thegladsatsuma_onfilm/
Peggy: https://www.instagram.com/cameragocamera/
Amanda Izquierdo: https://www.instagram.com/mandyleft/
Henry: https://www.instagram.com/talesfromthemagicboxpodcast/
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3340-acid-trumpet
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://incompetech.com
Ade and Graeme hit the floor of the 2022 UK Photography Show and get chatting to...
Matt Parry from Ilford Photo https://www.instagram.com/ilfordphoto/
Dave Faulkner from Alfie Cameras https://www.instagram.com/alfiecameras/
Juho Lepannen from Camera Rescue https://www.instagram.com/camerarescue/
Henry from Tales from the Magic Box podcast https://www.instagram.com/talesfromthemagicboxpodcast/
Naomi Davison from Intrepid https://www.instagram.com/intrepidcamera/
Stephen Dowling from Kosmo Foto https://www.instagram.com/kosmofoto/
Brian from Capix http://www.capix.com/about.html
James Lane from Zone Imagine Lab https://www.instagram.com/zoneimaginglab/
Sam Cornwell from Solarcan https://www.instagram.com/thesolarcan/
Hamish Gill from Pixl-latr etc etc https://www.instagram.com/pixllatr/
Holly Gilman from Analogue Spotlight https://www.instagram.com/analogue.holly/
Steve Lloyd from Chroma Cameras https://www.instagram.com/chromacamera/
Joshua Cole from Flints Auctions https://www.instagram.com/flints.auctions/
Simon Riddell from being the mighty Simon Riddell https://www.instagram.com/mentalcollodion/
The following music was used for this media project:
Music: Bit Quest by Kevin MacLeod
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/3438-bit-quest
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Artist website: https://incompetech.com
This week we're joined by friend of the show Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland to talk about preparations for the upcoming Photography show, what's going on at Analogue Wonderland and how film supplies are looking at the moment, all this AND nose grease talk!
This is Sparta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvYZRskNV3w&ab_channel=lelefonda
What a treat (for us at least) this week as we drag the boys from I Dream of Cameras back into the Sunny 16 office for a free range catchup and their Every-40-Episodes mandatory staff appraisal.
On top of that, Rachel has some awesome news - she's launching a new Photography Workbook, and not just any Photography workbook, the ULTIMATE Film and Darkroom Workbook! If you want to do engage in more hands on darkroom stuff, or just do what you already enjoy doing, but in a more structured, thoughtful, and ultimately productive way then you need to check this out.
Sign up for the Waitlist and bag a pre-order discount here: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/5f31706d307c1600261e2852
Rachel's website:
It was a real treat this week to welcome acclaimed photographer Brian Griffin back to the podcast to discuss art and knicker elastic, but even more importantly his new book Gary, which is on Kickstarter NOW! Brian is a genuine legend, if you missed his first appearance on show 223 then go listen to that, then hurry on back for this one!
Gary Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/briangriffindada/gary-0
Brian Griffin website: https://www.briangriffin.co.uk/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brian_griffin_photographer/?hl=en
Photography show: https://www.photographyshow.com/
On this weeks show we're joined by Dave Faulkner of Alfie Cameras to talk about the companies first camera, the soon to be Kickstarted Alfie Tych, a half frame camera for the modern era!
Sign up for the newsletter here to get all the latest news and updates on the Kickstarter here: https://www.alfiecameras.com/
Check out the cameras ongoing development on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alfiecameras/
On this weeks show our hosts gather once again to catch up, enjoy some great pictures sent in by listeners and discuss their own attempts at creating work using song lyrics as inspirations, all to the backdrop of a scanner running in the background because someone left everything to the last minute...
John-Michael Mendizza on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jmmendizza/?hl=en
Billy Sanford: https://www.instagram.com/bsanfordjr/?hl=en
Analogue Wonderbox: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/collections/film-subscriptions
Photo Print day: https://mobile.twitter.com/photoprintday
On this weeks show Ade chats with the rest of the gang about his new endeavors in photo journaling, why he started and what benefits the practice is bringing him.
On this weeks episode, friend of the show Ruth Folkard returns to the podcast to chat with Ade, Rach and Clare about the upcoming Photography Show at the NEC, and more importantly the Analogue Showcase, which promises to be an even more film fun packed space than last year, hope we'll see you all there!
Show info and tickets here: https://www.photographyshow.com/
Use offer code SUNTPS22 to get a 20% discount on advanced entry adult tickets
It's Jeff week here at Sunny 16 Towers (which is coincidentally Jeff's nickname) after the I Dream Of Cameras star (co-star) made a flash trip to the UK to buy a fancy camera, drink some fancy beer in the sun with Ade, make prints and drink pints with Rachel, visit burial grounds and television sets and probably drink who knows what with Clare, and drink Lemonade and get shown the way out by Graeme - what a week!
Is Jeff as nice as he comes across in his podcast? Is the Xpan the answer to all of life's questions? Does Gabe just not like us enough to travel half way around the world? Some of these questions will be answered, some you can figure out for yourselves, only on Jeff Week here at Sunny 16!
Title for this show provided by Ade. Alternative titles included "Jeffs-on-an Airplane". "Four Welcomes and a Fuji-clone" and "The Perils of Poor Impulse Control"
Almost every year there comes that special episode where it's just too darned hot for human beings brains to function well, and that's when we like to record. On this years Hot Mess special we're also joined by Emma Lloyd and Alex Heron, CEO's of the new Grainsplaining podcast, coming to Sunny 16 Presents any day now...
Rachel Brewster-Wright: For people who aren't sure where I am: on Instagram: @littlevintagephotography on Twitter: @VintagePhotoCo
On this weeks show, Ade chats to Clare about the how he went about putting together his first ever Zine "Smithereens", with a brief interruption from Graeme and Billy Sanford to tell everyone to make stuff for Sunny 16 Presents, AND some awesome new music from Schnauser. It's like a weird open top sandwich of a show, enjoy!
Hit Ade up for a zine here: https://twitter.com/Ade968
Hit us up with your Sunny 16 Presents ideas or intro recordings here: [email protected]
And go listen to the new album from Schnauser, Altra Seccatura here: https://schnauser.bandcamp.com/album/altra-seccatura
On this weeks show the team are all here, along with fabulous guests Alecia Barnes and Dan Giannopoulos from LensFayre!
On this weeks show Clare and Graeme are joined by the fabulous Willow Dunn, whose beautiful wet plate portraits were a huge hit at the Analogue Spotlight, about how and why they got into this process, and how they ended up at the event a mere two months after making their first Tintype!
Find Willow here: https://www.instagram.com/wetplatewillow/
Its a full house of hosts this week, most of which are either ill or knackered, but you know, here! Fortunately sickness has not yet been shown to be transmissible via podcast and we've all been up to fun things to report back on. Well, Rach and Clare have.
If you want find out more about the Revela't Festival go here: https://revela-t.cat/2022/en/
The new Agent Shadow film sneaking out here: https://kosmofoto.com/product/kosmo-foto-agent-shadow-film/
The Chroma 612: https://chroma.camera/product-category/cameras/six12/
What Graeme's iffy zoom-burst pictures look like: https://graeme-jago.smugmug.com/Galleries/Thisandthat/Abstract/
At the end of a fun but long day at the Analogue Spotlight we sat down with some of the people behind it to hear how it all went.
Audio quality isn't great, but as always the people we chatted to were.
On this weeks show we're joined by the wonderful Solarcan Man himself, Mr Sam Cornwell, to hear all about the Solarcan Puck which is up on Kickstarter now. This is a really properly cool little creation that is absolutely worth your time to investigate, so go have a look before the Kickstarter ends.
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by the mighty Steve Starr (better known by many as @stig_ofthedump) To talk about the book a Fortunate man from the 60's a work produced by writer John Berger and documentary photographer Jean Mohr detailing the life and practice of a local GP in a small village in the Forest of Dean, and how Steve used this as an inspiration to create his own book, not only for the subject matter, but also for the way the writing and pictures were used together to create a whole story.
On this weeks show the whole gang is here, and not only that, we're joined by one of our favourite humans Hamish Gill to get all the info on the upcoming Analogue Spotlight event! Well, okay, maybe not all the information, but definitely some. Of varying quality. Did we mention that Hamish had been up since 4.30am?
Check out this for a perhaps more coherent understanding of what will be there: https://analoguespotlight.com/launch-event/
Find Rachel's new pop-up darkroom hire here: https://www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk/pop-up-darkroom-hire/
Polaroid week 2022: https://www.flickr.com/groups/roidweek2022/
35mmc: https://www.35mmc.com/
Ade, Clare and Graeme get together once more to discuss Ade's shiny new camera, Clare's adventures putting on an interactive performance art piece in Norway and some awesome work from listeners on the them of "Blue".
We're also getting excited about the upcoming Analogue Spotlight - check out all the stuff happening and get yourself a ticket here: https://analoguespotlight.com/launch-event/
Check out the new Solarcan Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/samcornwell/the-solarcan-puck?ref=project_link
Analogue Club Amsterdam: https://analogclubamsterdam.nl
This week we're delighted to be joined by documentary photographer Jim Mortram, creator of the Small Town Inertia blog and subsequent book in which Jim documents the lives and stories of the often forgotten people of his own small town with an intimacy and sensitivity rarely found in this kind of work.
Find Jim's blog here: https://smalltowninertia.co.uk/
On twitter: https://twitter.com/JAMortram
Photoprintday: https://twitter.com/PhotoPrintDay
Old school times at Sunny 16 with Ade and Graeme minding the fort this week, and basking in an absolute deluge of new film announcements from the last couple of weeks!
Kodak Gold in 120: https://emulsive.org/articles/news/25-cheaper-than-both-portra-and-ektar-the-return-of-kodak-gold-200-film-in-120-format
Cinestill 400D: https://kosmofoto.com/2022/03/cinestill-announces-new-400d-colour-negative-film/
Fugufilm: https://kosmofoto.com/2022/03/jch-fugufilm-400-is-entirely-new-emulsion/
Fuji price hike https://kosmofoto.com/2022/03/fujifilm-to-raise-film-prices-by-up-to-60-in-april/
Analogue Spotlight: https://analoguespotlight.com/launch-event/
On this weeks show we have a round table discussion on the subject of diversity (or lack thereof) of representation within the film photography world, especially by some of the bigger players.
Joining us for this chat are three fabulous guests:
Izzie Farr : https://www.instagram.com/izzie_farr/ and https://bekindshootfilm.com/
Tonicha (T): https://www.instagram.com/iso_latedfilm/ , https://www.instagram.com/graingurls/ and https://www.graingurls.com/
Michelle Parr: https://www.instagram.com/shelby2003.mp/ and https://www.ilfordphoto.com/
Analogue Spotlight event: https://analoguespotlight.com/launch-event/
On this weeks show we've a full house of hosts gathered to catch up on what we've all been up to, and to chat about the theme of Traffic we had running in February.
Find the album Tresor which Clare shot the cover of here: https://heavenlyrecordings.com/new-music-and-album-gwenno-announce-her-new-record-tresor-with-the-first-single-an-stevel-nowydh/
On this weeks show it's the welcome return of Steve Lloyd of Chroma cameras, back to tell us all about the ever expanding range of cameras being made up in his Liverpool workshop, from the tiny Cube, to the new Chroma 6x12 and beyond!
Find (and buy) Chroma cameras here: https://chroma.camera/
On this weeks podcast it is an honour and a delight to welcome to the show Anjella Roessler, a fantastically talented fine art and portrait photographer and artist who has been creating powerful, moving work representing a range of difficult subject matters, both historical and contemporary. We talk about her series "Land of blood" and "Without Consent", how continued education in photography has helped her achieve new heights with her work and much more.
Find Anjella's website here: https://www.anjellaroessler.com.au/
Anjella is on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anjella_roessler/
On this weeks show Ade is joined by our old friend Anil Mistry to hear all about his new book Hometown.
Order a copy of Anil's book here: https://fistfulofbooks.com/product/hometown/
Yes, it's February now, but the thought was definitely there. Matthew and Graeme are here to bask in the joy that is thoughtful listener emails
Flic Film C41 heater: https://flicfilm.ca/accessories/
On this weeks show we look back on a month of exploring our desires, or at least trying to explore the idea of desire in our Photography, and launch our official rebranding of 2022 as Twenty Twenty Do.
Ade, Billy and Graeme's pictures of Desire: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RmPQJAAlxZUKRj2_WaaGzSDEU6ElbiBP?usp=sharing
Orwo new films article on Kosmo foto: https://kosmofoto.com/2022/02/orwo-confirms-two-new-films-are-being-released-in-2022/
Analogue Spotlight questionnaire: https://www.instagram.com/analoguespotlight/
On this weeks show we chat about our various efforts to actually get off our collective arses over the last week and engage with our hobby in many and diverse ways, with a surprising amount of success!
On this weeks show we talk about what we'd be leaving behind for others if we suddenly weren't here. This included topics like the way we all handle our image storage, both digital and physical, how our pictures could be accessed and used by others in the future, and how someone who isn't into photography could make any sense out of our mountains of gear!
It's a post festive period catchup this week, and a look ahead to a year of hopefully photographic fun.
Our impromptu list of monthly subject/inspiration topics:
January: Desires
February: Traffic
March: Blue
April: Magic
May: Tree
June: Song Lyric
July: Electric Dreams
August: Motivated light
September: Forced perspective
October: Event
November: Into the night
December: Faces
Seasons Greetings everyone, we're here with an alcohol fueled mini Sunny Awards show so pull the good stuff out of 2021 before we cast the generally wretched year into the fiery abyss forever.
Some of the awesome stuff and people from this year:
Ethan Moses 20x24 Instant Pictures Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cameradactylmongoose/20x24-instant-pictures-in-los-angeles
Reveni Spot meter: https://www.reveni-labs.com/spotmeter
Pinsta camera: https://www.pinstacamera.com/
Photography Through the Pandemic Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hamishgill/photography-through-the-pandemic
I Dream of Cameras: https://www.idreamofcameras.com/
They Live movie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Live
Anna Atkins: https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/anna-atkins-cyanotypes-the-first-book-of-photographs.html
James Lane: https://www.zoneimaginglab.co.uk/about
Audrey Steimer: https://audreysteimer.com/
Emma Lloyd: https://www.instagram.com/ejlloydart/?hl=en
Alex Heron: https://www.alexandraheron.com/
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3582-dance-of-the-sugar-plum-fairies
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
On this weeks show, after a suitably rambling start, we get into a discussion about some of Ade and Clare's favourite photographers (the very different William Eggleston, Dianne Arbus, Corinne Day and Helmut Newton) why their work has been important to them over the years, and why it stands out amongst the sea of photography out there. We also have a couple of cracking follow up emails from last weeks show.
Ade, Clare and Graeme ease themselves back into the podcast mindset with a rambling conversation about our recent adventures, what inspires us to shoot, how we feel about what we shoot and a host of digressions. Like we said, we're easing our rusty pod-brains back into gear this week, so bear with!
The podcast returns this week as Ade, Clare, Hamish and Graeme get together to remember our dear friend John in the way that he affected all of our lives - positively. No tears, some laughs, and at the end just a whole load of John
We don't dwell on what his loss means to us personally, because if you listened to the last podcast then you deserve a break and a medal, and if you've listened to this podcast over the last couple of years then you already know. He brought joy, wisdom, compassion, support and inspiration to all of us, and now we don't have him. It sucks. It hurts.
Thanks for bearing with us :)
If you would like to back the Photography through the Pandemic book which Hamish talks about, now dedicated to John's memory, then go here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hamishgill/photography-through-the-pandemic
If you would like to donate to the Just Giving page, go here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/anne-marie-brownlee-1
On this weeks show Ade and Clare are joined by Oliver New, the man behind the Pinsta Camera, a highly innovative new product currently on Kickstarter which manages to combine a Pinhole camera, developing tank and micro dark room all in one small, exceedingly well built box.
Find the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1221830697/pinsta-instant-camera-micro-darkroom-and-negative-enlarger?ref=project_build
And on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pinsta_camera/
It's the Cheap Shots Challenge, back again helping you relaxing with the theme UNWIND.
We are joined by the fabulous Tina Rowe who gives us a little update of what she has been up to as well as providing some valuable commentary on the submissions on the way to selecting a winner.
Who knows what they will physically win, but a winner in the eyes of Tina is the greatest prize anyone could hope for.
Also available on YouTube so you can actually see the photos:
Tina's video in full:
Azul : https://vimeo.com/612972367
Buy us a cuppa: https://ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
------------------------------ Sunny 16 Podcast ------------------------------- https://sunny16podcast.com/
Clare Marie-Bailey
Ade Stock
Graeme Jago
John Whitmore
On this weeks show we're joined by Marina Llopis and Paul McKay to hear all about the newest addition to the Analogue Wonderland Empire, the Analogue Wonderlab, which Marina has brought into existence over the last few months and which opened for business this week!
Marina on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifwefilm_/?hl=en
Analogue Wonderlab: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/collections/film-developing
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by the fabulous Alexandra Heron, photographer and now public speaker, to talk about her long term project "Breadth", a collection of beautiful portraits of people on the Autistic spectrum, as is Alex, and their own individual stories, with the aim of shattering the many stereotypes associated with autism.
After a busy day at the Photography Show 2021 we headed, as good folks are sometimes want to do, to the nearest bar, and proceeded to collar a few friends for a chat.
Anil Mistry: https://twitter.com/anilmistry
Paul McKay: https://twitter.com/AnalogueWLand
Michelle Parr: https://twitter.com/ILFORDPhoto
Steve Lloyd and Dave Gurney: https://twitter.com/ChromaCamera
Hamish Gill: https://twitter.com/HamishGill
Alex Purcell: https://twitter.com/GrainyBlur
Stephen Dowling: https://twitter.com/kosmofoto
Mining by Moonlight by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4055-mining-by-moonlight
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
It's the Sunbeams annual outing to the Photography Show!
Chroma Camera
Analogue Wonderland
Ilford Photo
Kosmo Photo
Zone Imaging Lab
M.S. Hobbies
SilverPan Filmlab
Intrepid Cameras
Bright Rooms
Huge thank you for all your support!
Buy us a cup of tea (and cake) here:
Sunny 16 Podcast
Video presented by:
Clare Marie-Bailey
Ade Stock
Camera + Edit:
John Whitmore
See you all next year!
Join us on a fun-filled journey as we prepare for the UK Photography show, planning a photo challenge with some wonderful and thought provoking suggestions from our Instagram followers...
Strap in folks, it's a wild ride.
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Roberto Martinez Jimenez to talk about being a young film shooter, finding communities, and his new photobook amongst many other things!
Find Rob at https://www.instagram.com/acrosstheroll/
Technology conspired against us this week - first off Ade and Clare's initial show just didn't record properly and then Graeme and Jasper's conversation was haunted by some digital goblins. Luckily, Ade and Clare managed to pull some of their recording from the ashes, and the audio goblins on the insert mostly just go away, so that's nice!
Find Jasper and his work here: https://www.instagram.com/jtheokauth/?hl=en
It's a host catch up this week, with John visiting a haunted house and being too afraid to admit he saw a ghost, Clare making secret movies and Ade filming his family, hopefully not secretly. Oh, and did we mention that Rachel has kindly brought the newest Sunbeam into the world? Well she has! We haven't started her induction program just yet, but give it a few weeks and we'll have her shooting film and podding like a pro.
We also have a conversation with Ruth Folkard and Hamish Gill about the upcoming Photography show in the UK, and in particular the Analogue Spotlight part of it, which features a lot of stuff to interest us film shooters.
And, as if that wasn't already enough, we've got some great listener emails and Cheap Shot's Challenge pics rolling in! What a week!
Photography show links: 20% Discount code is SUNTPS21
Analogue Spotlight programme: https://www.photographyshow.com/talks-and-demos/free-talks-demos?&sortby=customfield_3205%20asc&filters.STREAM=analogue-spotlight-ijem&searchgroup=1A6310E0-september-2021 Our safety measures: https://www.photographyshow.com/keeping-everyone-safe The NEC's safety measures: https://www.thenec.co.uk/visitors/plan-your-visit/ Ko-Fi Heroes:Alison Bell: @analogally on Instagram
Gary Florczak @anagramofgray
Kosmo Foto @kosmofoto
AlexPurcell @grainyblur
AndyD @aandyduncan (or possibly @andyduncan)
Jeff Greenstein @sjeffgreenstein
David Allen @dbloomsday
Ian Wallace @ian_onahillroad
andrew stuart allen @andrewstuartallen
Bill Thoo @billthoo
Chris Mena @chrismena and check out his company @madewithalchemy
Sławek Karwasz @karwasz
Alex Morrison @alexmorrison35
Hilary Clarke @aitchclarke
Martin Smith @westen30
SamChristopherCornwell @solarcan
Jaya Bhat @jayabhat
Dunstan @dvavasour
Billy Sanford @bsanfordjr
Whilst the hosts are away on well earned holidays, making films and having babies (huge congratulations to Rachel on the birth of her daughter!) we thought we'd share with you the series of interviews Clare had when out at the Experimental Photography Festival.
Experimental Photo Festival:
Gisle Nataas
Felicita Russo
Cristina Fontsare
On this weeks show it's a proper treat to have both Clare back from her trip to Spain to attend the Experimental Photography Festival, and Rachel back with us for probably her last pre-motherhood appearance! And John and Graeme are there as well, because someone has to press record and stop.
Lots of festival chat from Clare, photographic preparations before going into hospital with Rach, John has been on an interesting workshop this week exploring new ways of getting art out in the world, and Graeme went for a walk - we've all had a mad old time of it.
Polaroid Now book: https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9781797201375?gC=5a105e8b&gclid=CjwKCAjwmK6IBhBqEiwAocMc8iTKeyvcdvvtnNNv_A2l943m-fWW9xeASfGK2zz4rqKMnX8U7C4WBhoCiXAQAvD_BwE
A long overdue delve into the mail bag, with some great suggestions for cameras for Ade and much more
Malcolm Myers camera reviews:
127 day gallery: https://127film.blogspot.com/2021/03/127-day-exhibition-january-27-2021.html
On this weeks show, James Lane from Zone Imaging Lab to talk about bespoke black and white printing services, making his own developers, 510 Pyro developer and his work to try and create a tablet form developer!
Find all of James' information and the things we talked about here: https://www.zoneimaginglab.co.uk/
On this weeks show we're joined by not one but two delightful people, Holly Gilman and Hamish Gill! They join us to talk about the awesome book that Holly has put together with the help of 49 photographers from around the world (and Hamish) titled Photography through the Pandemic.
35mmc article on the book: https://www.35mmc.com/26/04/2021/photography-through-the-pandemic-35mmcs-first-book-by-holly-gilman/
Insta - @analogue.holly
Website - www.analogueholly.com YouTube - https://youtube.com/channel/UCfl5ACxov4GT2otFt8i6eTg
Rachels new Ilford Video on Direct positive paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFUSiRwfOHs&ab_channel=ILFORDPhoto
Agent Shadow Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kosmofoto/kosmo-foto-agent-shadow-35mm-bandw-film-and-the-36-frames
Peak district photo walk: https://www.photowalk.me/photowalk/peak-off-beat
On this weeks show we're joined by the wonderful Benoit Felten to hear about his stunning collection of double exposure work, Photosynthesis.
Find Bens work here: https://www.instagram.com/benfelten/?hl=en
On this weeks show the hosts are joined by the man, nay the legend that is Mike Gutterman, host of the Negative Positives Podcast, to look back on the changes in the film photography landscape in the last 5 eventful years of podcasting.
Find the podcast here: https://anchor.fm/mikegutterman
Mike on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/guttermanphoto/?hl=en
Mike on Bandcamp: https://mikegutterman.bandcamp.com/
On this weeks show we address the issue that despite backing the Agent Shadow kickstarter to get his hands on a load of 35mm film, Ade doesn't own a 35mm camera, having sold them all last year.
His co-hosts offer a variety of suggestions for what he should buy to rectify this issue, none of which he seems convinced by, hopefully you guys can do better!
Also on this show we launch the next round of the Cheap Shots Challenge!
Send in your suggestions for Ade and your Cheap Shots pictures to: [email protected]
On this weeks show we ramble broadly on about what it's been like to start interacting with other people photographically in the wake of the first photo walk since January 2020.
A huge shout out to everyone we met on the day, especially all the people who we failed to mention on the show - it was lovely getting to see you all/watch many of you slowly turn bright pink!
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Stephen Dowling of Kosmo Foto to hear all about his new line of film, Agent Shadow, and the Kickstarter that's launching it.
On this weeks (belated) show we hear how John's work in preparation for his collaborative exhibition is going, how Clare's work in preparation for her part in the Experimental Photography festival is proceeding, and how Graeme flooded his shed with fixer. Not everyone can be doing something great I guess.
On top of that we have a great and thought provoking selection of emails to share with you.
Pinhole and lawn bowls event: https://www.realphotographycompany.co.uk/events-courses
Large Format Camera Store: https://www.lfcamerastore.com/
On this weeks show Graeme is chatting in person with Dave Walker, all round lovely chap and smart dude, about using modern and easily available technology to solve some of the problems facing analogue photographers and his own project attempting to re-interpret the innards of old electronics based cameras!
Find Dave on Instagram:
And his T90 project here: https://thet90project.design.blog/
On this weeks show we're joined by the mighty Mike Caputo to talk about his recently edited and published photography magazine which features a different photographer for each of the 50 US states sharing their work!
We also talk about Graeme's new enlarger, the trip he made with John to get it, and his pretty amazing Birthday camera.
Also, there was a surprise collection of listener content at the end of the show for Graeme, including a couple of very different but equally magical songs amongst many other kindnesses. A huge thank you to everyone who got in touch and sent something in, you are all far better people than we deserve to have listening!
Find Mike on Instagram @aloha_bigmike
The new zine can be seen and bought here: https://www.blurb.com/b/10703303-america-fifty-on-film
The Birthday Song by Silence is full of birds
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/This week Graeme, Clare and John catch up about their analogue photographic adventures and (sometimes unnecessary!) purchases.
We also take a look through a fantastic new zine from Ian Wallace (https://www.onahillroad.com/) about Paddington Train Station.
Available on YouTube:
Send your behind-the-scenes email comments to:
[email protected]
and John says, send your special emails to:
On this weeks show it's the return of the One Hour Challenge, where the hosts of the show have one hour to try and accomplish a photographic goal, and you get to listen along to see how well (or otherwise) they get on.
The challenge this time out was to use household light sources as cheap/free ways of lighting our pictures. Both the results and the light sources used were very varied...
Music used on the show:
Pixelland by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4222-pixelland
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
On this weeks show we're joined by Pablo Giori, co-director and program manager for the Experimental Photography Festival, an amazing event taking place in Barcelona later this year. We talk about the event they held last year, what's new for 2021, and about the place of experimental photography within the larger art world today.
Find out more about the festival here:
And see Pablo's work here: https://www.instagram.com/pablo.giori/
On this weeks show we're delighted to welcome back the fabulous Tina Rowe to talk to us about her work over the last year experimenting with liquid emulsions on everything, and impromptu art installations around London.
You can find Tina's work on Instagram @tinarororo, and on her website https://tinarowe.co.uk/
To celebrate the the launch of episode one of the lighting lounge hitting the Sunny 16 Presents feed, this weeks podcast has some light conversation, and a lighting challenge for everyone that everyone can get involved with. We also check out some great emails from listeners, and help Graeme figure out what he wants for his birthday (mostly just because it happens to be lights).
Matt Murray's website for details on Lomochrome Purple zine shoutout: www.mattlovescameras.com
Contact email for John Michael Mendizza if you'd like to take part in the Olympus IS1000 World Tour: [email protected]
Pinhole day details: http://pinholeday.org/
This week Clare and Ade talk with Michael Kirchoff about his extensive travel and personal photography projects and writing for numerous websites and publications.
Also available on YouTube:
You can find the topics discussed via:
It's Cheap Shots Challenge judgement time again, drawing to a close the Clichés round. Joining the team to offer his wit, wisdom and highly judgmental nature is the one and only Paul Mckay from Analogue wonderland!
This podcast is available to watch on Youtube: https://youtu.be/fa-gp-8FLvM
Or if you would like to look at the pictures we discuss, you can find them here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15HpEN3izkRGlF_tcCKN9O18tqlOAQiRx?usp=sharing
Huge thank you to everyone who took part, you guys are AWESOME!
Many thanks to Paul, you can find everything Analogue Wonderland at https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/
Special thanks to Alex Purcell for the fabulous zine of his pinhole work. Alex is @grainyblur on Instagram and Twitter and well worth a follow as he's a talented delight.
Details of Ethan Moses' new slide digitizing doodad, the BoopBoop trigger here: https://www.35mmc.com/30/03/2021/presto-digitization-with-the-cameradactyl-boopboop-trigger-for-mounted-slides-by-ethan-moses/
On this weeks show Ade, Clare and a random frog catch up for a chat about the weeks activities and a discussion about printing practices, both darkroom based and using a printer.
This week Clare and John chat with Max from Intrepid cameras about their Kickstarter campaign for the new 35mm and 120 enlarger they have created.
From the early days of their first 4x5 camera to the range of cameras and accessories that are now available, Max talks us through what goes into designing and manufacturing the equipment that is helping ensure a tangible future for analogue photography.
John Whitmore
Clare Marie Bailey
Sunny 16 Podcast
[email protected]
Once more unto the mailbag dear friends, once more.
Cracking bunch of emails and Cheap shots entries this month, find all the images we talk about here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15HpEN3izkRGlF_tcCKN9O18tqlOAQiRx?usp=sharing
Rachel's fab new #shootfilmbenice pin: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/974992835/shootfilmbenice-enamel-pin-badge-eco?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=%23shootfilmbenice&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&frs=1
Zenith Headquarters: http://cameras.alfredklomp.com/toe/
Homemade Camera Podcast: http://homemadecamera.com/
FP4 Party details on Emulsive: https://emulsive.org/fp4party
Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day: https://pinholeday.org
Analogue Wonderlands blog by Emily (not Emma) Jackson: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/blogs/film-photography-blog/emily-jackson-iwd2021
Emma Lloyd Instagram: @ejlloydart
Emily Jackson: @traveloptical
#sheheartsfilm Information: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJyh7QHOKa/
Quarantine Zine Submissions:
On this weeks show Clare, John and Graeme are joined by Toby Van De Velde to hear about his newly released film Red Eye Redscale. We also catch up with the weeks activity, most of which was post based, and check out some fab Cheap Shots Challenge entries.
This show is also going up on Youtube in two parts owing to its's prodigious length
YouTube : Part A -
Flickr Group: https://www.flickr.com/photos/190255443@N06/
Visions of Wanderlust:
C- Scapes Zine
Analogue Lockdown zine Mark Thompson - https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/908592167/analogue-lockdown-photo-zine?frs=1&ref=shop_home_active_1
Cheap Shots Images: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15HpEN3izkRGlF_tcCKN9O18tqlOAQiRx?usp=sharing
On this show we catch up with Matt Bechberger from Reveni Labs to hear all about the new spot meter he's Kickstarting, and his highly successful light meter Kickstarter from last year.
Find the Kickstarter here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mattbechberger/reveni-labs-spot-meter-tiny-spot-meter-for-your-film-camera
Website: https://www.reveni-labs.com/
Instagram: https://www.reveni-labs.com/instagram
On weeks show Ade, Clare and Graeme catch up for a hostful lite, and chat about a recent inspirational viewing of the film Manhunter, preparation of a new podcast all about using lighting in photography, and falling down an ebay hole, amongst many other things
We also have some listener emails to read, a new plastic fantastic camera from Harman Technology to talk about, the decision that the prize for the current round of the Cheap Shots challenge is going to be Graeme's Cheap shots camera, and, most excitingly of all, some news about Rachel!
It's a lot!
Pixels and Grain website: https://pixelsandgrain.photo.blog
Argos catalogue archives: https://retromash.com/argos/
New camera from Harman Technology:
Justin Quinnell's Pinhole resource website: https://www.pinholephotography.org/how-to-info
On this weeks show we're joined by the fantastic Vladislav Kern and Mark Beadle to talk all things Soviet cameras
Find Vlad here: https://www.instagram.com/ussrphoto/?hl=en
Mark: https://www.instagram.com/mark_beadle90/?hl=en
Classic lenses podcast #17 with Vlad Kern: https://www.podbean.com/site/EpisodeDownload/PBA601F88P7C8
On this weeks show we're joined by Gabe Sachs and Jeff Greenstein, the two utterly delightful hosts of the camera collecting podcast "I dream of cameras", as well as being writers and producers of some of the most iconic shows in Hollywood, but really, who cares about that when there's cameras to talk about.
The conversation goes all over the place, as you might expect, but it was a real good time, and as well as listening you can also watch the show on YouTube, which is well worth your time as John was doing some incredible real time producing of his own so there's plenty to see going on.
Youtube show: https://youtu.be/eMMHwg-HfQM
Find the all of the I dream of cameras show info here: https://www.idreamofcameras.com/
Subscribe to Sunny 16 Presents to make sure you don't miss an episode: https://sunny16presents.podbean.com/
You can find Jeff: https://twitter.com/blue439
And you can find Gabe: https://twitter.com/gabestuff?lang=en
Check out the videos from Roja and Marlowe on this feed for a look at Rachel's rockstar days! https://www.youtube.com/c/WeatheredMan/videos
John and Graeme return with another sack of listener emails, cheap shot challenge entries and general chatter
On this weeks show it feels like we've gone full Cher and and turned back time, because it's Ade and Graeme talking to our old friend, Simon Riddell!
Simon joins us to talk about his struggles over the last 12 months, and how wet plate photography not only gave him a means of coping with these difficult times, but ended up being far more important as a tool for mental wellbeing both for himself and others.
As the subject matter is a little heavier than usual, and Simon says shit an awful lot, this may not be suitable for younger or more sensitive listeners.
You can see the work we talk about here on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mentalcollodion/
Or here:
On this weeks episode Clare and Graeme are joined by Nikki Culley, a fantastic photographer and printer from Manchester to talk about the work she's been creating over the last year, experimenting with Ortho film and a rough developing process, and then taking these unique, marked and negatives and making painstakingly crafted beautiful, moody prints from them.
You can find Nikki's work here: http://www.nikkiculley.com/
And Nikki is on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nikkiculleydarkroom/?hl=en-gb
John and Graeme are back for another Sunny 16 Extra, this time catching up with two of our favorite people Michelle Parr and Matt Parry from Harman Technology - the company who make all the Ilford Photo things we know and love.
We talk about the last 12 months and how it affected the supply of Ilford stock, how the recently released Ortho film is doing, and of course the new Ilford Multigrade RC Portfolio paper.
Watch the show on YouTube:
Lina Bessonova made a fantastic in depth video review of the new paper, check it out here:
On this weeks show we've got a gaggle of hosts in one virtual room for a new years catch up, which we recorded on video as well - YouTube link below if you want to watch along! Clare, Ade, John and Graeme talk about recent activities including printing, photobook reading, zine preparations and Gerbil videos - what a week!
We also talk briefly about the Fuji film discontinuation, and the new paper from Ilford.
AND very excitingly, we announce the start of a new round of the Cheap Shots Challenge! Rules below for the forgetful:
Cheap shots Challenge subject - Cliches
Rules: Use a camera that cost the equivalent of £30/$30 or less (including the lens ideally!)
Submit two images to [email protected] by the 28th February
Put "Cheap Shots Challenge Cliches" in subject line
Put your name, the camera and film used in the file name for each shot
Tell us the story of your images in your email, and explain why your cliche picture transcends the cliche!
Youtube Link:
Useful Links:
John's Patron and subscribe page:https://johnwhitmorephotography.co.uk/support/
For this podcast extra Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland, primarily to tell us all about the UK Film Photography Community Fund initiative that they've just started and are now taking applications for, but also to bring us up to speed with where film supplies are at the moment.
Find all the relevant information on the UKFPCF here: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/pages/film-photography-community-fund
You only have until the end of January to get your application in, so don't hang about!
This week we are joined by the pinnacle of 80s pop bands, The Bangles! errr...nope that's not right, but it is the equally inspirational, Dan Bassini.
Talking about his lockdown project that led him to producing 'Cruel Summer', an exploration of his local area and a solo road trip around New England. Using the same compact cameras and his vast experience that he usually applies to creating 'No Invite', a series of photozines about the New York fashion week.
Backing Paper returns for the New Year with a splendid selection of interesting listener emails and nonsense talk from John and Graeme.
If you want to get in touch with us, drop us a line at [email protected]
Music is Remortgaging the the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission
This week we're delighted to welcome back to the show Kilian Idsinga, joining us to talk about the launch of an new Let's Explore magazine, and the call for submissions.
All the links to Let's Explore and Kilian:
https://www.letsexploremagazine.com/ https://www.letsexploremagazine.com/magazine/themes/empowerment/ https://www.letsexploremagazine.com/shop/ https://www.letsexploremagazine.com/my-story/ (this page has the option for people to subscribe to my very occasional newsletter) https://www.instagram.com/letsexploremag/ https://twitter.com/letsexploremagHey folks, in the hole left by the Sunny 16 festive break we've got the perfect thing to plug it - another fabulous episode of I dream of cameras from Jeff Greenstein and Gabe Sachs. On this show they discuss something many of us have experienced - the hunt for that camera the has just become a must have, whatever it might be!
Music for this show is "Freddie’s Back” by Fred Coury, used with permission
You can find Jeff: https://twitter.com/blue439
And you can find Gabe: https://twitter.com/gabestuff?lang=en
In this year to forget, the Sunbeams annual Christmas get together is very much a Christmas stay apart, but nonetheless it's a delight to have Clare, Rachel, John, Graeme... and Ade all back together for an end of year chinwag and celebration that we've made it this far!
If you'd like to see our fabulous Christmas hats (and who wouldn't) then go to our Ko-Fi page and there should be a link to the video for this episode - no donation required or asked for, it was just the easiest place to share it without putting it out for general YouTube broadcast as it was a post recording decision to share it, so it is what it is!
Much festive love from us all at Sunny 16, I hope the you stay safe and well over the next few weeks and months, and we look forward to talking to you again in 2021
Video here:
Music for this show:
Happy Christmas Inspiring by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/7179-happy-christmas-inspiring
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
On this weeks show we try to put our newly inspired good planning habits to practice and have a carefully prepared for 1 Hour Shoot!
Sadly, no amount of planning can keep away the lurgy, which struck down both Clare and Rachel, but luckily John and Graeme were joined by three awesome listeners; John-Micheal Mendizza, Billy Sanford and Nick Marshall, who all took part in the challenge as well. And even though Clare couldn't be with us on the night, the next night she gave it a go and recorded some audio for the show!
You can find the work of this weeks guests:
On this weeks show, John Clare and Graeme are joined by professional photographer and artist Craig Fleming to talk about how his rekindled love of shooting film not only inspired his personal photography, but also helped him find more work, and helped keep his passion for photography alive when work threatened to drag it down.
Find Craig here:
If you want to join us online for next weeks One Hour Challenge, drop us a line at [email protected] and we'll send you a link on the night
On this weeks show, Rachel and Clare give the hapless Graeme an insight into the kind of planning and preparation that goes into a successful shoot, exhibition, event or whatever it may be - turns our it's a lot! Given how little time many of us have to actually take pictures, we hope a chat about how to get the most from that time will be useful.
As part of this we've also decided that in two weeks, on December the 17th, we're going to attempt another one hour challenge, but this time we're all going to plan in advance and see if that helps! We'd love you to join us virtually for it and take part, so get planning your shoot and there will be more details soon!
Here's the link to Rachel's music! https://rojamusica.bandcamp.com/album/promises-i-should-have-kept-e-p
Ep. 225: Video Maimed The Podcast Star
It’s a first (and possibly last) for Sunny 16 this week as we attempt our first ever video recording in order to make more sense of the Cheap Shots Challenge judging, so if you want to watch Clare, Rachel, John and Graeme look uncomfortable and see the pictures we’re talking about, then go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMgxzMInRZCR9PG2j7LdgsQ/
Link to see the pictures discussed: Music
Big thanks to our entrants for this round, Billy Sanford, Bob Matter, Ian Wallace, Aaron Alfano and Anthony Rue for their time and effort.
Mike Crawford’s Rijeka exhibition: http://www.atelier-d-online.de
Sunny 16 Podcast
Clare Marie Bailey
Rachel Brewster Wright
John Whitmore
In a break from our usual programming schedule, this week we have for you the first episode of I Dream of Cameras, a show created for us by Jeff Greenstein and Gabe Sachs, two Hollywood producers who just happen to be avid camera enthusiasts and collectors, talking about their collections and cameras past, and what they mean to them.
Future episodes will be on the Sunny 16 Presents feed, so if you enjoy this, make sure you're subscribed to it!
Acid Trumpet by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3340-acid-trumpet
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Shane Balkowitsch, a wet plate collodion photographer who, since making his first plate in 2012 with no prior photographic knowledge, has gone on to create an incredible body of work, taken world famous portraits, and is working on an amazing project to photograph 1000 native Americans. All this, and much more.
Find Shane's work here: http://sharoncol.balkowitsch.com/wetplate.htm
Documentary on Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Balkowitsch-Shane/dp/B087CCQGDB
On Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/balkowitschfilm
Shane's conversation with the Large Format Photography Podcast: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-gc4hs-eb1148
Clare and Graeme are back with a great selection of listener emails, and also some great stuff that's arrived in the post this week.
Fred Parker Exposure guide:
Toni Skokovic Balopticon 25 zine
On a Hill Road book by Ian Wallace
Holga week
Got a real treat for you this week, with multi award winning photographer Brian Griffin, one of the most respected and lauded photographers of the 70's and '80's, a photographer who not only managed to make photo's of business leaders into surrealist art, but also shot some of the biggest names in music in the 80's, and is responsible for some iconic record covers.
We had a great chat with Brian, but we only got to scratch the surface of his experiences. Luckily for us all he's currently kickstarting a book documenting his work and life from 1969 to 1990 called "Black Country DADA" so go check that out!
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/briangriffindada/black-country-dada?ref=profile_created
Brian's website: https://www.briangriffin.co.uk/
Instagram: brian_griffin_photographer Twitter: @canadawharfBrian's poetry slide show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMV8eEvX8aI
It's a full house this week with Clare, Rachel, John and Graeme all here to catch up with each other and you guys, with adventures such as a trip to Italy, videos for Ilford, an printing work for exhibitions and more to talk about. Not only that but we've also got some great listener emails to dip into as well.
John's Patron subscription: https://johnwhitmorephotography.co.uk/support/
Tide predictor: http://www.ukho.gov.uk/EasyTide/EasyTide/SelectPort.aspx
Chicago Youth symphony orchestra: https://youtu.be/5kbAWI7K0ok
Derrick Tate performing: https://youtu.be/5kbAWI7K0ok
Lime 1 Kickstarter
Johannes Heberlein
On this weeks show, John and Graeme are joined from Australia by Julian Kingma, award winning professional photographer and all round utter delight to talk about his early days as a newspaper photographer, making the work transition from film to digital, pursuing projects and making that pay, getting portraits in the national gallery and much more.
Julian is an excellent follow on Instagram, find him here: https://www.instagram.com/julian_kingma/?hl=en
On the show this week John and Clare talk with Michael Behlen, founder of The Analog Forever magazine about how it was started, the current edition and what the future holds for the magazine.
You can browse the online content and find out about how to submit here:
Michael’s own photography can be found on his Instagram:
and website
Sunny 16 Presents
Clare Marie Bailey
John Whitmore
This podcast is brought to you by Technical issues, late nights and a stinking cold, but it got here in the end. Some great listener emails, shameless plug from Analogue Wonderland and a little taster of the content over on Sunny 16 Presents.
Positive Fat Bass Intro Loop by WinnieTheMoog
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/6093-positive-fat-bass-intro-loop
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Spy Glass Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Backing Paper is Back! Clare, John and Graeme are here with some emails, some listener audio, cheap shots challenge entries and more!
Huge thanks as always to our amazing Kofi donors for enabling us to keep doing this.
If you'd like to help keep Backing Paper alive and well, and maybe you've got some help and answers for some of the questions from this weeks show, then please drop us a line at [email protected]
On this weeks show John and Graeme are joined by the fabulous Ethan Moses to talk about his new and soon to be kickstarter automated film feeder for DSLR scanning. It's super cool and super fast and well worth checking out, as is everything Ethan does.
You can find the Youtube teaser video here: https://youtu.be/wHuROS0uDHs
Follow on Instagram for more updates: http://instagram.com/cameradactyl
Ethan's website: https://www.cameradactyl.com/
The Homemade camera podcast: http://homemadecamera.com/
John's Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJex50Q7wJHyZ5ZscvgfUQ
This week it's John and Graeme catching up, with chats about Johns recent experiences using the Cameradactyl OG large format camera, and actually getting to try out the Pixl-latr to see if it will become part of his workflow.
Graeme for his part got stung by a wasp, so everyone's bringing something to the table.
We're out and about this week as we visit SilverPan Film Lab's new premises and chat to the delightful Duncan Gammon about setting up his new space, what goes on at Silverpan, his new subscription service, black and white slides and much more.
You can find Silverpan Lab here: https://www.silverpan.co.uk/
And on social media here: https://www.instagram.com/silverpanlab/
On this weeks show, returning favourite Hamish Gill joins us to talk about the long and winding road of bringing the Pixl-Latr to market and an upcoming addition to the Pixl-latr family of products, a forthcoming line of lenses and a big redesign at 35mmc. He's a busy guy!
In our own news, the Sunny 16 Presents feed is now live, and you can find it on Apple Podcasts here:
You can see when new episodes go live and get all the links on twitter @sunny16presents
The new feed will filter out to all the regular podcatchers and apps over the next few days. Please check it out and let us know what you think.
On this weeks show we're joined by Matt Parry and David Allen to talk about their new zine "2 Sic 2 Spurious", chock full of community provided mistakes and mishaps on film. It's a great zine, and far better than a collection of cock-ups has any right to be!
You can see an online flip book of the images here: https://15negatives.com/zines/2sic2spurious
And can get a copy for yourself by reaching out to Matt on twitter at @mparry1234
You can find David on twitter at @DBloomsday
We got some emails, so you get some Backing Paper! It's a great deal!
It's a splendid (and lots of fun) Cheap Shots judging round this week, and John and Graeme were lucky enough to be joined by the sublime Lucy Ridges who took on judging duties.
To follow along with the pictures, you can find them all here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vaLDiPymt0Rd2aIij1tm1tnSAiKq7RbV?usp=sharing
Or hopefully if you're listening to this after Thursday, on the sunny16podcast.com website!
You can find Lucy's work at https://www.lucyridgesgallery.com/#1 and www.lucyridges.com
And follow her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lucyridgesphotography/
Clare, John and Graeme catch up for a chat about what they've been up to over the last week, including darkroom printing with paint brushes, some Super 8 chat and building a bad camera by taking a good camera apart.
It's a combo show this week, with Rachel, Clare and Graeme here to first off delve into some splendid listener emails, and then fill you in on some hopefully exciting and quite big (for us) changes coming to how we're going to be going forwards here at Sunny 16 Towers.
We hope you're all on board, and we're incredibly thankful for everyone who's come on the journey with us this far.
Email address for HomeMade camera zine: [email protected]
Justin Quinnells Summer School: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/alternative-photography-summer-school-registration-107847362364
Email address for Sunny 16 Presents related correspondence: [email protected]
It's a late night Friday ramble with John and Graeme this week where we chat about what we'd do if all constraints on our ability to take pictures were removed, and whether or not it would be a help or a hindrance in producing good pictures.
What conclusions did we arrive at? None really, other than the fact that an being given money to make art sounds pretty great, even if it wouldn't necessarily make for better art.
You've been warned!
This week John Whitmore joins Graeme for some emails, some cheap shots challenge pictures and some terrible puns, and a good time is had by, if not all, the hosts at least.
Funny Face trailer link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WhylJq7ra-I
On this weeks episode Rachel and Clare talk to the delightful Dave Shrimpton about his incredible and varied adventures in photography, including his beautifully ethereal portraiture, wet plate photography, and underwater large format (or really wet plate if you will.)
This week Clare Marie Bailey joins Graeme to delve into the listener mail bag.
Marina's Youtube Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZXe1cKqp2QHa_jdImrdCRQ/featured
On this weeks show John, Clare and Graeme are joined by the fabulous Stefan Mertz to talk about his work, his role as curator of the InstantArt exhibition in Paris, and his recent adventures in wetplate photography.
You can find Stefans work here, please note that it is NSFW:
Information on InstantArt exhibition here:
Rachel and Graeme dive into the mailbag once more!
Why has it been so darned hot this week? Because all of the Sunbeams are out in force, including a return visit from one very special 'beam!
This week, in Rachel's absence, Graeme is joined by the wonderful John Whitmore to read some splendid listener emails.
Please keep your letters coming in to [email protected]
Underexposed at long last returns, with Rachel at the helm and joined by the fabulous Clare Marie Bailey and Hilary Clarke. Find the the video of this show at patreon.com/littlevintagephotography
Instagram recommendations: @merrimayhem (Meredith Wilson), @roo_roo (Ruth Storey), @Iamnina (Ina Echternatch) @clegairphoto and @solexposure
Music is "Nasty" by Jeremy Warmsley: @jwojwo / www.jeremywarmsley.com
This weeks show is an audio version of the fantastic conversation Paul Mckay had with the wonderful Tina Rowe, Rob from London Camera Project and Eric Toribio on the Analogue Wonderland Youtube Channel - go there for the full visual splendor of it all (and to laugh at Paul's haircut). Many thanks to them all for letting us share this
Video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da8we4Co_Jc
Description Paul is joined by three incredible black film photographers:
- Rob LCP - https://www.instagram.com/londoncamer...
- Eric Toribio - https://www.instagram.com/ribsy__/
- Tina Rowe - https://www.instagram.com/tinarororo/
We discuss their journey into film photography, how their personal experiences have been shaped by their race, and their thoughts and hopes for the Black Lives Movement - for photography and for wider society.
Rob also goes on a selling pitch for the APS format...
Follow the Photographers For more of Tina's work head to her website - https://tinarowe.co.uk/ For more of Eric's work head to his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_-... To join Rob's photowalks head to: https://www.meetup.com/London-Camera-... Recommendations for other black artists to follow:
On Instagram: @ramonjamar_ @_zackwebb @DamonLoble @ImDaveWillis Renell Medrano - @renellaice on Instagram
Ingrid Pollard. Incredible landscape photographer. Exceptionally knowledgeable about alt processes. http://www.ingridpollard.com/
Women in photo https://instagram.com/womeninphoto?ig...
Authority collective for women, non binary BAME photographers. Very active community https://instagram.com/authoritycollec...
Carrie Mae Weems. Basically the queen of art photography https://instagram.com/flash9?igshid=q... https://instagram.com/carriemaeweems?...
Mfonfoto photographers of the African diaspora https://instagram.com/mfonfoto?igshid...
Sandra Harper. Cool photographer excellent human https://www.sandra-harper.com/
Paul Halliday. Runs Urban Photo at Goldsmiths. Smart interested and interesting https://twitter.com/PaulTHalliday?s=09
Autograph the association of black photographers. One of the best galleries in the UK showcasing the work of BAME photographers from around the world https://instagram.com/autographabp?ig...
Heineken don't make darkrooms but if they did... My darkroom. BW, colour, altprocess, superb humans http://e5process.co.uk/
Douglas Nicolson., We share the studio and he's the best. Highly experimental, really smart and thoughtful and he puts up with me. https://instagram.com/douglas_nicolso...
Ingrid Pollard. Incredible landscape photographer. Exceptionally knowledgeable about alt processes. http://www.ingridpollard.com/
Deb Willis and the tisch school of arts https://debwillisphoto.com/home.html
And the studio museum in Harlem. https://www.studiomuseum.org/
Matthew Joseph joins Graeme this week to attempt the reading of a splendid selection of listener emails.
Elsa Dorfman documentary: https://www.netflix.com/title/80145699
On this weeks show Clare, John and Graeme catch up on the last week, and have a chat about the things that inspire their work, including a shocking revelation from John.
All this, and more rambling than is legally allowed in Scotland or Wales at the moment!
Elsa Dorfman - https://www.wbur.org/news/2020/05/30/cambridge-photographer-elsa-dorfman-famous-for-her-giant-polaroids-dies-at-83
It's One Hours Assignment time again here on the Sunny 16 Podcast, so tune in as Rachel, Graeme, Clare Marie Bailey and John Whitmore have one hour to raid their cupboards and try and make some interesting pictures!
A cracking selection of emails and the final installment in John Michael Mendizza's dark room diaries!
On this weeks show, Graeme is joined by John Whitmore of @thedarkshed on Instagram and Twitter, and Darkshed Live on Youtube for a rambling exploration of why we use or want certain cameras, and whether it's always a logical journey.
Better late than never! Back once again for more listener fueled delights
On this weeks show, Rachel, Graeme and fabulous substitute co-host Clare Marie Bailey are joined by the delight that is Andres Aquilar Caro to hear all about the Experimental Photography Festival, as well the online magazine he runs, Instant Photographers, and much more!
Ade's taking a sabbatical from the podcast for a few weeks whilst the delights of lockdown living are forcing him to be on conference calls all day for work, so we're drafting in some help to keep Rachel and Graeme company whilst he's away, and this week it's in the form of the fabulous Clare Marie Bailey.
It's a week for catching up on what we've all been up to, from Skype portrait sessions so pinhole pictures of street bingo!
Be sure to check out the #1212project on twitter, and Rachel's pinhole article here: https://petapixel.com/2020/04/30/taking-pinhole-portraits-of-lockdown-street-bingo-for-world-pinhole-day/
It's Monday, so it's time for more fabulous listener emails!
Special thanks to Gilbert Townshend for his monthly diary update, and to John-Michael Mendizza for his darkroom adventures audio!
Anthony's Trichromes:
Richard Davies Blog:
Hurrah, it's World Pinhole Photography Day! Join Rachel and Graeme as they discuss their plans, and how Polaroid went for them, as well as diving into superb selection of emails.
Jonathon Becker pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/32808545@N00/albums/72157714009632363
Lockdown World Pinhole Day Information:
For episode 199, Rachel and Graeme welcome back friend of the show David Allen to talk about his new website for makers of darkroom prints to sell their art, why he's made it, how to approach valuing your own work and much more.
Rachel and Graeme return - it's almost like they've got nowhere else to be right now!
Gary Florczak
Instagram: @anagramofgray
Lockdown World Pinhole Day Information:
Polaroid Week!!!!
15 Negatives
Ade, Rachel and Graeme reconvene to chat about what they've been up to, read some listener emails, appreciate a lovely zine from Ben Mills (aka @hipshootfilm) and discuss the important topics of the day, like peanut butter combo's and Thank You Baked Potato. In short, it's a must listen.
On this weeks episode we're joined by two of our favourite people, Michelle Parr and Matt Parry from Ilford Photo. We catch up with them both working from home with all the sonic adventures that can provide, and chat about the results of their recent survey on printing habits, how the company is responding to Covid - 19 and all sorts of other stuff.
Ilford Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/HarmanTL
Rachel's Analogue Adventurer Kits: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/LittleVintagePhotoCo
Rach and Graeme return for more chat and listener emails, along with a lovely audio diary from Gilbert Townshend
John Whitmore youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXJex50Q7wJHyZ5ZscvgfUQ/
Kraken Camera info: FrozenPhoton.com
If you have any questions, you can email [email protected]
On this weeks show, Ade and Graeme are joined by the wonderful Lucy Ridges, professional photographer and artist to talk creativity, building a business as a photographer and exactly how hard it is to write artists statements, along with some great tips on things to do when you're stuck at home.
You can find Lucy's work at https://www.lucyridgesgallery.com/#1 and https://www.lucyridges.com/
or on Instagram and twitter: https://twitter.com/lucyridges
Rachel and Graeme are back once again to delve into a mighty pile of listener emails.
Angle of view: https://wp.me/p9WXxh-tt
Analogue adventurer Kits: https://etsy.me/2KIVMNC
Book binding video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04vt8YfT7XM&feature=youtu.be
On this weeks episode EM from emulsive.org joins Graeme to talk about how we keep creative and sane whilst we're stuck home in lockdown, with lots of great ideas for projects and tasks from his recent article, 65 PHOTOGRAPHIC PROJECTS YOU CAN DO WHEN YOU’RE STUCK AT HOME.
You can find the original article here: https://emulsive.org/articles/65-photographic-projects-you-can-do-when-youre-stuck-at-home
Take care of yourselves and others
The Mailperson has been to Sunny 16 Towers, so this week we get to hear what's turned up. Also, Rach has been making cool video's for Ilford, and Graeme has finally got power in his darkroom!
Ilford video: https://youtu.be/b-keDPtVnGA
Rachel's wedding photography: https://littlevintagephotography.pixieset.com/stefandoliver/
On this weeks episode the whole gang is here to chat about what they got up to in the absence of going to the Photography Show, including playing with new cameras and a 3 hour livestream!
On top of that, we've included the most recent episode of Ade's other show, The Future of Photography, on which there was an interesting conversation about how the current Coronavirus situation might affect both practical and creative aspects of photography
Snapshot camera info: https://chroma.camera/
Kraken Camera info: http://frozenphoton.com/kraken/
Youtube livestream video: https://youtu.be/BKM3MvikWa0
The Snapshot is one of the new cameras from Chroma Cameras, and Steve Lloyd was foolish enough to lend Graeme the only production model currently in existence for the weekend. T
You can currently get the Snapshot with a 10% discount, but this is a very time limited offer, Head to https://chroma.camera/ to find out more
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by the fabulous Brendan Barry, a man for whom any object which stays still for a sufficient length of time could become a camera! We talk everything from Cheese cameras to skyscraper cameras, and many bizarre bits in between, as well as talking about the outreach work Brendan does to spread the science of light.
This week Matthew Joseph rejoins Graeme to try and read some cracking listener emails.
Jonathon Becker 16x20 Camera project: https://imgur.com/a/DTSm6I7
International Womens Day: Rach Analogue Wonderland
On this weeks episode, as the Photography Show draws close, we grab two of the attendees (and two of our favorite people) to chat about what they've been up to and what they're bringing to the show - Stephen Dowling from Kosmo Foto and Steve Lloyd from Chroma Camera.
Find Stephen's website here: https://kosmofoto.com/
Find Steve here: https://twitter.com/chromacamera
It's not too late to get your tickets to the Photography Show - you can use the code SUNNYTPS20 to get a 20% discount on a day ticket.
Don't forget, if you're attending on Saturday and would like to come to the Live Sunny 16 Podcast, you need to get a free ticket from the Photography Show event page.
Do you need a system for organizing and labelling your negatives, because we do - well this is the podcast for you! We have several great emails this week on listeners preferred methods, along with some other fun mail and chat!
Triplex Tanks: https://www.buymorefilm.com/accessories/duplicate-rnb6n
Dave Walker on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davethewalker80/
Matt Loves Plugging his show Pano Competition: mattlovescameras.com
Gilbert on Instagram: @gmtownshend
On this weeks show, Graeme is joined by the delightful and talented Dan Bassini to talk about his No Invite work, a series of zines created from the fantastic pictures he's been taking around New York fashion week for the last 3 years, and the perils of putting expensive plastic cameras to some hard work.
Dan's website: https://www.danbassini.com/no-invite#1
Dan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danbassini/
Phototography show events page: https://www.photographyshow.com/photography/events
Discount code for Photography Show: SUNNYTPS20
Rachel and Graeme are back for another splendid week of listener emails.
Where to get your free tickets for the live podcast: https://www.photographyshow.com/photography/events
Discount code for tickets to the Photography Show: SUNNYTPS20
Kieran Picken Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmLzjtNW
On this weeks show it's Cheap Shots Judging week, with the fabulous Judge Adam James De Simone, creator of the Shitty Camera Challenge on Twitter, a great fun community event that shares much of the same spirit as the Cheap shots challenge.
Follow along with the pictures here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1lWiCwWHkSkX90tV1Zstl_y-8zDdY0oMJLTrBhuwQtRo/edit?usp=sharing
Pictures on yellow background are those picked by Adam to talk about, but not in the order he placed them, because SPOILERS!
You can find Adam's twitter feed here: https://twitter.com/silentcar
The Shitty Camera Challenge feed here: https://twitter.com/shittychallenge
Graeme and Ade are joined by Ruth Folkard, Event director for the Photography Show, and Hamish Gill off of 35mmc and the soon to be unleashed Pixl-Latr to take a look at what will be happening in the Analogue Spotlight this year and why.
Included in this discussion is the fact that if you are coming, and want to attend the live Sunny 16 podcast happening, you need to get tickets - don't worry, they're free! Go here to get yours, please :-) : https://www.photographyshow.com/photography/events
If you haven't already got your show ticket, you can use the code SUNNYTPS20 - *This code will take 20% off advanced standard single day tickets only and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, including concession prices and multi-day tickets. Applies to adult rate only. Code expires at midnight on Wednesday 11th March 2020.
Find Hamish's article on all the event here: https://www.35mmc.com/18/02/2020/news-theres-gonna-be-loads-of-analogue-stuff-at-the-photography-show/
This week Graeme is lucky enough to be joined by the fabulous hosts of the All Through A lens podcast, Vania and Eric, to help him with a wonderful collection of emails.
Borax to reduce fog: https://unblinkingeye.com/Articles/Rodinal/rodinal.html
Shutter Tester: https://github.com/c-s-1/shutter-tester
All through a lens Slow Meow film: https://www.etsy.com/listing/765496274/the-slow-meow-tasma-mikrat-200-low-iso
Vania's Portraits zine: https://www.etsy.com/listing/764177955/photozine-pier-sand-water-3
This week Juho from Camera Rescue joins us to talk about their target for finding and re-homing 100,000 cameras, the challenges of keeping and growing the repairs skill base, what's going to make them VERY popular at the Photography Show, and why they own an ambulance.
You can find Camera Rescue here: https://camerarescue.org/
Along with it's sister site, the GAS inducing Kamerastore: https://kamerastore.com/
Or find them on Instagram here: https://instagram.com/camerarescue
Rachel and Graeme return to catch up on the weeks activities and read some listener email. Singular - we need more emails! Write in to us at [email protected]!
Listen to the very end for a special little something extra, an audio diary from Gilbert on his 365(6) day project!
It's a combo show this week as the gang catch up with where they're at in the zine process, and then go full Backing Paper with listener emails and more!
Photography show code:
Discount code is SUNNYTPS20 if you'd like to use it; ts & cs are:
*This code will take 20% off advanced standard single day tickets only and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, including concession prices and multi-day tickets. Applies to adult rate only. Code expires at midnight on Wednesday 11th March 2020.
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are joined by the delightful and inspiring Perry Ge, co host of the Classic Lenses podcast for a conversation about his passion for street photography, and how his shooting style has evolved since living in Hong Kong.
Perry on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/perryge/?hl=en
Classic Lenses podcast: www.classiclensespodcast.com
Rachel and Matthew Joseph join Graeme to go through another weeks worth of wonderful listener letters, followed by the incredible disappearing show!
If you didn't catch it quick last week, Ade and Graeme spoke to Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland and Andy Church from Kodak Alaris for a chat about Ektachrome, price rises, the Photography Show and their new photo competition "Think Outside the Box Speed".
Think Outside the Box Speed:
It's here! Get your poshest frock, biggest hat and shiniest shoes out because it's film photography's Gala event, the 4th Annual Sunnies Award Show!
Thank you so much to everyone who voted!
Rachel's Back! Hurrah and huzzah, Rachel returns to help go through another bulging mailbag of goodness.
Paul Friday's Poem:
On his darkslide, by Miltish.
When I consider how my life is spent
Counting seconds in this shed, so dark inside,
Or juggling lenses, both long and wide,
Lugging them all, though my back be bent.
To serve therewith my muses, and present
My true account, writ in silvery halide;
"Did that take a whole day?" they ask, so snide.
I bite my lip, more bitter banter to prevent,
But mutter "I need neither chip nor chimp for aid
To assist my eye, I have it best
From rule of thumb and circumstance of fate
Of stochastic influence my art is made.
You can keep your digital pleasures with the rest;
They too expose, who only stand and wait."
Print drying: http://www.film-and-darkroom-user.org.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=315
Photographers Therapy Facebook group: https://phlogger.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fa2b2166d5b9c94a574e9ae91&id=6381f16a12&e=d5d83f9b20
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are joined by the incomparable Ian Barnaby Nutt to pick his brains and make the most of his experiences in making zines.
Find Ian's work here: https://barnabynutt.com/
We're sticking with a theme for the second week in a row of being joined by a host from the Classic lenses podcast, this time in the splendid from of one Johnny Sisson who helps Graeme get through a bulging sack of splendid listener mail with aplomb.
Richard Hall's zine: https://mixam.co.uk/share/5e11134d891c25134b030a9f
Harry Scott's Tales from the Magic Box podcast:
127 Day Information: https://127film.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_18.html
In a break with tradition we've postponed the Sunnies Awards show as Rachel couldn't be with us this week, so instead Ade and Graeme spend an episode coming up with too many things to commit ourselves to doing, some of which might actually happen.
Most pressing amongst these are: Photowalk in London on the evening of Thursday 16th January, and Photo meetup in Oxford on February the 8th, more details to come.
Happy New Year Everyone!
We're back! Well, sort of - Graeme's back, but as the show progresses it becomes more and more evident that he's got a good cold going on, and sadly Rachel can't be with us this week. Fortunately for us and for you, Simon Forster off of the Classic Lenses and Large Format Photography podcasts stepped in to help out with a bulging sack of emails.
Listen / skip to the end for news on an upcoming photowalk in Oxford!
A day (or two) late, but here for your festive ears nonetheless, it's the Sunny 16 Christmas episode! This show has it all! OK, maybe not ALL, but it does have Ade developing his first ever roll of film, a look at all the great prints sent in for the Ilford Paper competition and the picking of a winner, AND Christmas presents!
It's like a whole Christmas dinner in one podcast!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Everyone, love and seasonally appropriate hugs from Rachel, Ade and Graeme
Music and sound effects used under Creative Commons Public domain license courtesy of Orangefreesounds.com
This week for our last recording of 2019 we're delighted to be joined by Andrew Walsmley of http://phlogger.co.uk/ website and podcast!
Cameradactyl Brancopan:
It's that time of the year for one of our favourite Seasonal traditions; the gathering together of three of the finest wise men of the web to look back over 2019, chat about the year that was and speculate on the year to come. Our three wise men are of course EM from Emulsive.org, Hamish Gill from 35mmc.com, and Bellamy Hunt from Japancamerahunter.com.
Sadly no Rachel this week, just us Graeme and Ade in the mix, so good luck trying to pick out which British middle class voice is which! To help, if you hear someone risking life and limb in busy traffic, it's EM, if you hear someone making Sausage rolls it's Bellamy, and if you hear someone who sounds like they've just woken up...well, that could be Ade or Hamish!
Find the form and share your thoughts and feelings on what's great right here: https://forms.gle/CEEYCRkodXu3bud87
This week it's Sunbeam and host of the All Through a Lens podcast Eric's turn to be dragged kicking and screaming back onto the show to share what he's been up to and read some brilliant listener emails.
Find Eric @conspiracy.of.cartographers on Instagram
And the All Through a Lens podcast here: https://allthroughalens.podbean.com/
Vote for the Sunnies 2019 right here: https://forms.gle/CEEYCRkodXu3bud87
'How to make a zine’ episode of the Viewfinder Vikings podcast : https://anchor.fm/svein-olav-humberset/episodes/Episode-19---Taking-Away-The-Excuses-Between-You-and-Your-First-Zine-e9dkh9
On this weeks episode Ade and Graeme are out on the road to attend the screening at the Kiln in Worcester of One-Shot Inchindown, or Tanky Mconeshot as it's better known to us!
The show features the Q and A with Dave Allen after the screening, followed by some quick chats with a few of the fine people who turned up to see the film, including the host of the event Hamish Gill and many friends and new friends of the show.
Audio isn't always great, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just the same
Rachel and Graeme are back for another week of listener emails and other such stuff!
Vote for the Sunnies 2019 right here: https://forms.gle/CEEYCRkodXu3bud87
As the year draws to an end, it's time once again for the magical celebration that is the Sunnies! A perfect opportunity to vote for something you truly believe in and know your vote can make a difference.
Find the form and share your thoughts and feelings on what's great right here: https://forms.gle/CEEYCRkodXu3bud87
Other links from the show:
Alyssa Chiarello - @alysvintagecameraalley
Emulsive Secret Santa
Upcoming film screening and photowalk https://www.photowalk.me/photowalk/one-shot-inchindown-photo-walk-and-film-showing
Christmas Social Photo Drinks - 10th December in London https://www.photowalk.me/photowalk/join-ade-martin-and-sandeep-for-london-christmas-and-festive-drinks
It's substitute teacher week this week on Backing Paper as Rachel is away, so Matthew Joseph steps into the fray to help Graeme read some emails in his own unique semi-literate style!
Hilary's website: www.aitchclarke.com
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
On this weeks show we take a look at how some of the Kickstarter funded projects from the past few years are going, with the help Of Ethan Moses of Cameradactyl, who is soon to try a new approach to using Kickstarter, and for the second half of the show we're joined by Hamish Gill of 35mmc and the Pixl-latr, who has spent the last year and a half experiencing the highs and lows following successfully crowd funding a project.
Email, real mails, zines and more on this weeks show! With Special thanks to John-Michael Mendizza for sharing his experiences with digitising negatives at the end of the show.
Cyanotype camera details: https://makezine.com/projects/cardboard-cyanotype-camera/
Joe Baker for Pinhole exhibition can be found @evil_chutney
Richard Halls XP2 tests: https://www.lomography.com/homes/richardhall/notes/1967587-varying-iso-with-ilford-xp2
End Of Summer by Karl Bailey
Filling the time with Roller Derby by Karen Freer
The Kodak 2238 Project compiled by Ian Barnaby Nutt from multiple contributors
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by returning superstar Mike Padua of Shootfilmco.com fame and glory. Mike joins us to gather together a bumper selection of ideas for Christmas gifts for the analogue photographer, perfect if you are planning your Emulsive Secret Santa package, or if you just need some ideas to pass on to a frustrated family!
Mike has a great article on the subject on his website: https://shootfilmco.com/blogs/shoot-film-co/the-ultimate-gift-guide-for-film-photographers-updated-for-2019
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel, Graeme and a fine selection of listener emails - you know the deal!
Address for Print competition: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, OX182NS
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are delighted to be joined by the marvelous Mike Crawford, professional printmaker and photographer to talk a bit about his work and collaborations, especially his recent project Obsolete and Discontinued, which pulled together work from 50 artists all using old long discontinued photographic papers to produce an incredible variety of images.
Address for competition entries is: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK, OX18 2NS
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back for a nifty fifty Backing paper crammed full of listener goodness!
Ben Reynolds pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos/157952353@N02/albums/72157711678332446
On this weeks show the team discuss how the Day into night assignment has gone for them and for the listeners that got involved.
George G Instagram: @onthestreetspodcast
Dave Walker Instagram: @davethewalker80
Alex Purcell Instagram: @grainyblur
Paul Farrell Instagram: @paulfarrell1981
Address for competition entries is: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK, OX18 2NS
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme delve into a fine collection of listener emails.
@kavlingefotoklubb (Instagram)
Kävlingefotoklubb (Facebook)
Address for Print competition: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, OX182NS
Thanks to unexpected commitments, traffic nightmares and broken down vehicles, this weeks show is down a Rachel and squeezed into a tiny time window, but Graeme and Ade make the most of it to talk about some of the recent relevant news.
Lina Bessonova testing Ilford MG Deluxe Paper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpnM9RyQHiY
Address for competition entries is: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK, OX18 2NS
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back for more emails, updates and reminders to you (and mostly themselves) to get stuff done!
Emulsive Secret Santa
Holga Week
Tony Steers
A bumper show this week, kicking off with the wonderful Michelle Parr and Matt Parry from Ilford Photo filling us in on all the fresh announcements of new products hitting today! And as if that wasn't enough (because you know we love to spoil you good people), you then get to listen to the fabulous John Whitmore and the bumbling Graeme test out one of these new products! I know! Exciting!
Find all of the information on Ilfords new products here: https://www.ilfordphoto.com/
And see all the breaking news on twitter @Ilfordphoto
Find John's work and links to the workshops he offers here: https://johnwhitmorephotography.co.uk/
And find him on twitter and Instagram @thedarkshed
Address for competition entries is: Sunny 16 Podcast, 9 Southby, Bampton, Oxfordshire, UK, OX18 2NS
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel's back! All is well with the world!
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are joined by David Allen to discuss some different ways of approaching the Day into night assignment that anyone can have a go at, and some fun techniques to try out.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show, Graeme is joined by the delight that is Alex Purcell (@grainyblur) to read some great listener emails and talk about his recent shenanigans with a shoe box and a clock.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined by the wonderful Lea Elm to talk about the differing merits and potential drawbacks of approaching photography either from a more experimental or a more consistent, focused direction, and methods we use to try and get the best out of both.
Lea Elm - Twitter - @AllThingsEla / Instagram @leaelmphotography
On this weeks Backing Paper Rachel and Graeme are joined by the delightful Mike Caputo (@aloha_bigmike) for some darkroom chat, listener emails and more.
Anthony Pearson blog: https://blog.dankspangle.com/when-a-film-camera-breaks-death-of-a-gr1
Richard Hall C41 in b&w dev images: https://www.lomography.com/homes/richardhall/notes/1967563-different-iso-same-roll
Emulsive Secret Santa: https://emulsive.org/articles/secret-santa/emulsive-secret-santa-2019-registration-open-until-october-31st#a-word-on-2018
On this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined by two of the hosts from the Homemade Camera Podcast, Nick Lyle and Ethan Moses (sadly no Graham Young). We hear their plans for purpose built cameras specifically to tackle the Day into Night assignment, and discuss many different ideas and ways of tackling it, from making simple modifications to cameras we own right up to some real Rube Goldberg style ideas, and much in between!
Find the Homemade Camera Podcast here: http://homemadecamera.com/
Cameradactyl: https://www.cameradactyl.com/
Nick on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avynick/
Ethan on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cameradactyl/
Rachel is off sick this week, so to help Graeme get through the show he's joined by Eric and Vania, hosts of the All through a lens podcast. Listener emails, some questions asked and more, all on this weeks show!
Theo Panagopoulos One hour challenge blog: https://www.photothinking.com/2019-09-27-one-hour-one-film/
Steve Morley's FLickr pics: https://flickr.com/photos/132446253@N04/
Gary Quinns Day into Night blog: https://gqglasgow.wordpress.com/2019/07/09/turning-night-into-day/
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks episode we reveal the choice for the next assignment as voted for by listeners and discuss ways we might approach it. And speaking of our wonderful listeners, we also answer some questions sent us via Twitter and Instagram.
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
After last weeks disaster, comes this weeks disaster! It's a fresh episode of Backing Paper! To help us deal with all the brilliant emails in we've roped in the delightful David Allen of the Danger Boyz and Tanky McOneshot fame!
On this weeks Sunny 16, Ade, Rachel and Graeme are joined by Anil Mistry and Stephen Dowling to dive into the subject of photowalks, with lots of good tips and advice for anyone who fancies hosting one.
You can find Anil @anilmistry on Twitter, and Stephen @kosmofoto
Find and share photowalks on https://www.photowalk.me/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
To use a technical term, someone (Graeme) really screwed the pooch this week with Backing Paper and managed to delete the entire episode. Luckily we've got something awesome for you to listen to in it's place - the first episode of a brand new podcast started by our good friend Eric J (@Conspiracy.of.Cartographers) and Vania Francesca (@SurfMartian)!
You'll find their show on all your favourite podcast providers with new episodes every couple of weeks so go subscribe now, or just head to https://allthroughalens.podbean.com/
And find them on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/allthroughalens.podcast/?hl=en
On this weeks show Rachel, Ade and Graeme discuss potential topics for the next assignment, and share their idea for potentially starting a new podcast feed aimed at giving more people a voice, and creating an audio resource for photographers. There's also an update on Photoklassik Magazine, an audio essay from Christian Strauff, and a follow up from Graeme's adventures in Oxford with Nasir Hamid - it's a busy week!
Find the Sunny 16 Presents post here: https://ko-fi.com/post/We-want-your-input-F2F612VMO
Christian Strauff on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/c_str1/?hl=en
Loads of events and goings on to let you know about this week, so we've roped in the one and only Paul McKay to help us fill you in.
One Shot: Inchindown Premier - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/one-shot-inchindown-world-premier-plus-qa-session-to-follow-tickets-71343547471?aff=utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text
Analog Forever - https://www.analogforevermagazine.com/
Analogue Wonderland - https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/
It's mad old school as Rachel abandons Ade and Graeme to their own devices for a week, and they decide to do something some would say they should've done over 3 years ago, and Googled "Film Photography" to see what gets presented to people investigating the hobby for the first time! Long overdue research, or an example of why we shouldn't let Rachel leave us to our own devices - you decide!
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week with Rachel off working hard, Graeme calls in Eric to hear how his travels went and to tackle some emails.
Find Jonathon Becker on flickr here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/32808545@N00/
After many weeks the team is finally back together to wrap up the Self portrait assignment. We're also delighted to include reports from Hilary Clarke, Matthew-Joseph, Monika Danos and Ian Nutt.
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's an actual short show this week! Thanks to it being too hot and Skype being too darn janky Rach and Graeme keep it brief (for once).
Full interview with Liz Matjacic: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hN_I31cZwjPT4c4hvdefXFAdNUaqlbie
Washi film list:https://www.filtrfilmcameras.co.uk/blogs/news/the-worlds-smallest-film-company
Analog Cymru Exhibition: https://botanicgarden.wales/visit/whats-on/exhibition-analogue-creatives/
FilmBros: http://www.filmbros.co.uk/
Cafe Obscura newspiece:
Here it finally is, the third and final solo host show exploring the self portrait, this time coming from Graeme and featuring a conversation with psychologist Elizabeth Matjacic, and past guest and fantastic self portrait creator Dee Elegia, interspersed with waffle from the host.
You can find Dee and her work here: https://www.instagram.com/iamelegia/
Full conversation with Liz Matjacic: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hN_I31cZwjPT4c4hvdefXFAdNUaqlbie
Music provided for the show is "Finally Forgive" by The Epstein, used with permission, find them and their music here: https://www.theepstein.com/
It's Monday, so you know what that means? Work probably, but also a new episode Backing Paper! This week Rachel and Graeme are joined by Steve Lloyd of Chroma Cameras to hear a bit about the current Kickstarter he's running with Jason Lane for the The ChromaGraphica Double Dry Plate Holder.
Find out more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dryplateholder/the-chromagraphica-double-dry-plate-holder
And listen to a more in depth discussion with both Steve and Jason Lane on the upcoming episode of the Large Format Photography Podcast, coming out this Friday (23/8/2019) : https://largeformatphotographypodcast.podbean.com/
Daniel Edwards Washi blog post: https://www.filtrfilmcameras.co.uk/blogs/news/washi/
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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This week Ade needs help - lots of help - on the self-portrait assignment. Happily, Clare Bailey is around to help him out. Clare starts with philosophy which wakes Ade up and plans for awesome images ensue…
Music this week is...
"Loopster" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
It's Sunday, and Rachel and Graeme are delving into the mailbag like a pair of hungry squirrels on the hunt for nuts. Don't worry, this podcast does not contain nuts.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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It's Here! The first of our Self Portrait Assignment shows, kicking off with the ever brilliant Rachel! In this episode, Rachel talks to art teacher Stef about different approaches to the subject, Rose Teanby about self portraits in history, and then gets practical working with Hilary Clarke to help her produce her first self portraits.
If you’ve enjoyed the show, please let us know. You can get in touch here:
Website: www.sunny16podcast.com / www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Twitter / Instagram / Facebook: @sunny16podcast
Music by Jeremy Warmsley: @jwojwo / www.jeremywarmsley.com
We asked for emails, and listeners you came through in the finest of forms! A great selection this week for Rachel and Graeme to dig into so jump on board!
Joseph Bakers Telephone box is here:
You can find out all about the Frugal Film Project right here: https://rr1photography.com
And the information about the exhibition Sam Cornwell is creating is here: http://www.thirlestanecastle.co.uk/events/events-calendar/theoretical-sharpness-photographic-exhibition
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauzer, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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With the Sunny 16 team variously scattered this week, this weeks show was recorded when Graeme met up with Nasir Hamid one warm evening to take some pictures around Oxford. Thoughts and suggestions on getting the most out of the time mix with nearly getting run over by cyclists. A lot.
Nasir has put together a blog post based on his previous wanderings in this particular part of Oxford, including pictures and areas talked about in the show. You can find it here: http://www.simplyoxford.com/?p=5140
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back, with a show that manages to both be amazingly short for a Backing Paper, and amazingly long for a show with only one email. Go figure!
Find the Shutterslugs here: https://www.instagram.com/shutterslugofficial/?hl=en
Roberto Martinez here: https://www.instagram.com/analoglives/?hl=en
On this weeks show Graeme is joined by the wonderful Ky Lewis to talk about her work with a variety of processes and subjects (although they do get quite caught up in one avenue in particular which might not be suitable for those of a delicate constitution!) They also discuss collaborations, exhibitions, and following creative paths wherever they may lead you.
You can find Ky here: https://www.instagram.com/kylewis1/?hl=en
And all of her information on exhibitions etc here: http://www.kylewis.co.uk/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
The Dynamic Range Due return for another solid blast of emails straight to your core! You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show, Ade and Rachel talk to Marwan and Charys about the fantastic magazine PhotoKlassik International, a stunning publication dedicated entirely to Analogue Photography from around the world.
Listen on after the end credits to here a conversation between Hannah Brown from Lomography and Graeme about the new Lomochrome Metropolis Kickstarter.
Find PhotoKlassik International Magazine here: https://photoklassik-international.com/
Find the Kickstarter for Lomochrome Metropolis here: http://bit.ly/2JFGDZQ
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
The wonderful Rachel and the present Graeme return for a show with, for once, more news than emails! Listen up to hear about Lomography's new film Lomochrome Metropolis, and a fantastic video from Ilford well worth watching.
Find the Kickstarter for Lomochrome Metropolis here: http://bit.ly/2JFGDZQ
Find the video on Ilford here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXpoALotxf0
Find our Instagram being run by Hobbit Matthew Joseph here: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/?hl=en
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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It's comfy chair time this week as Paul Mckay joins Graeme live and in person to sit on his sofa, drink cider and chat about the first year of Analogue Wonderland, the current state of the film market, and what the future may hold. Not only that, but Analogue Wonderland has another competition in the offing and a great deal associated with it - you won't want to miss out.
As well as all the AW chat, to make up for a missed Backing Paper show we read through some listener emails, and of course have some Ko-fi donor facts, this week hand selected by Paul!
Find all the details on the competition here: https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's Cheap Shots Challenge Judging time again, and who better to cast his judging eyes over the submissions of both host and listeners alike than the luminary legend that is Hamish Gill from 35mmc and the Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast.
You can follow along with all the images right here: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-10-people/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
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You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
A special treat this week as Rachel and Graeme are joined by fellow Sunny team member Eric to read some emails and do some chatting. It's another highly polished and professional broadcast from the Sunny 16 Network, despite the best efforts of Barry "Stardust" Gibb.
Eric on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/consofcart?ref=ks_wide
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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It's a bit of a ramble this week as we chat about Graeme's visit to the mega bike meetup and his efforts at taking pictures there, Ade's continued adventures with Instax, and what he can actually do with all the ones he's got, and we look to you our wonderful listeners to let us know which of three topics you'd like us to tackle (along with you) on our next assignment!
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme return for another week of listeners emails and other assorted delights.
Chris Mena Malcolm in Millenia: https://t.co/1Js0joR1XD
Tony Steers www.steers-gallery.co.uk
This weeks show was mostly recorded on location in John Whitmore's DarkShed, at his open Studio event last weekend, and features him making a print with Rachel from start to finish. There's also some chat with other attendees, including Steve Lloyd from Chroma Cameras, Hamish Gill from 35mmc and Simon Forster from the Classic lenses podcast
John on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thedarkshed?lang=en-gb
Johns website: https://t.co/2o7GLcvn2D
Perry Ge's article on 35mmc: https://www.35mmc.com/14/06/2019/protest-photography-composing-and-shooting-hong-kongs-mass-protests-with-a-konica-hexar-rf-and-xpan/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's another week of wonderful listener communications, cheap shots entries and all that good stuff!
Cheap Shots Challenge pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gCtKp1nqswyndHzHbnAcc_Xv2Jd5cP3w
Film Bros Competition: https://filmbros.co.uk/blogs/blog/photo-competition-with-kodak-prize-bundle
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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It's a catch up show this week, along with some audio from Rachel's recent photo meetup, and a couple of great one hour assignment submissions. We also talk a bit about our plans for the next few months.
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's another bumper Backing Paper this week as Rachel and Graeme share listeners entries into the cheap shots challenge and other assorted goodness. All this, plus some exclusive horoscopes for our Ko-Fi backers from the legendary Barry "Stardust" Gibb!
Cheap Shots Challenge pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gCtKp1nqswyndHzHbnAcc_Xv2Jd5cP3w
John Hutton: http://www.johnhuttonphotography.co.uk/glasgow-in-bits
Analog Memo: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.barrycarr.analogmemo
Graham Young Zine: https://www.etsy.com/shop/FrozenPhotonCameraCo
6 Towns Photography Club
Courtyard Studios
Roundwell Street
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show Rachel and Graeme are joined by David Allen, one half of the Danger BoyZ to hear how the Tanky McOneShot shoot went, and how the documentary is coming along. We also talk about pushing at the edges of what's classed as a photograph, and the fun that can be had with that.
Find out more about Simon and David's adventure, and more importantly help fund the documenting of it by going to: https://www.gofundme.com/tanky-mconeshot-documentary
You can find David on twitter: https://twitter.com/DBloomsday
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dbloomsday/
And his Patreon here: https://t.co/mUg1IOQYUb
You can find Simon on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/srfilmphotography/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's a biggun this week with cheap shots challenge pictures and emails galore, so buckle up! Be sure to stick around after the music to hear Ian Nutt's soggy hike up a mountain for the one hour assignment!
Cheap Shots Challenge pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gCtKp1nqswyndHzHbnAcc_Xv2Jd5cP3w
Filmwasters Walk: http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9809.0
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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Following on from last weeks show, this week Ade, Rachel and Graeme chat about the results of their one hour adventures, what worked and what didn't, and what they got from the experience. On top of that, we've had some brilliant listener submissions which will take you on a whirlwind world tour!
You can see all the pictures talked about right here: https://sunny16podcast.com/on-assignment/assignment-1-one-hour-photos/
Including listener pictures where sent in.
With thanks to Mike Gutterman, Matt Jones, Richard Hall, Kerry Jeffrey and Matthew Joseph for taking the time to both take part, and record their entertaining experiences.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rach and Graeme are back once again with your emails, cheap shots challenge images and more! Listen to the bitter end for a little something something.
Cheap Shots Challenge pictures: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gCtKp1nqswyndHzHbnAcc_Xv2Jd5cP3w
Filmwasters Walk: http://www.filmwasters.com/forum/index.php?topic=9809.0
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Epic Battle music by Grzegorz Majcherczyk used under a creative commons license
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We're trying something different this week folks so brace yourselves. We realised that the three of us constantly complain about a lack of time to take pictures, so we decided to do something about it, and we found a whole hour for shooting...only thing is, the only time we had was during podcast recording, so I guess you guys are coming with us!
How did we each get on with a roll of film to shoot and 1 hour to do it in? Highs, lows, and the expected amount of panic.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's Monday, so here's your weekly dose of emails, chat and general nonsense from Rachel and Graeme.
https://johnwhitmorephotography.co.uk Social media are all @thedarkshed https://twitter.com/thedarkshed https://www.instagram.com/thedarkshed/ https://www.facebook.com/thedarkshed/ There are also FB / Eventbrite events and a mailing list to get the latest updates. https://www.facebook.com/events/1153581328152979 https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/john-whitmore-photography-garage-gallery-exhibition-tickets-61696536000 Warwickshire Open Studios - map and artist info: https://www.warwickshireopenstudios.org/On this weeks show, Matt Wells from Ag Photographic joins us to talk about what's been happening over at Ag for the last year, and to share some exciting news about what's coming next.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back once again to delve into the bulging sack of mail and share the goodness with you all.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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For our 150th episode we're delighted to be joined by Graham Young, creator, podcaster and educator, to hear about his work on the Homemade Camera Podcast, and his new show, Getting Started With Film Photography.
Instagram: @grahamhomemadecamera Flickr: FreezerOfPhotons Homemade Camera Podcast: http://homemadecamera.com/ Zine submission form: http://homemadecamera.com/homemade-camera-zine-submission-form/ Get Started With Film Photography Podcast: http://getstartedwithfilm.com/ Get Started WIth FIlm question submission: http://getstartedwithfilm.com/question-submission-form/ The name of the person who has been promoting the Lumenbox; he goes by the name Joterman: https://joterman.com/ Graham mentioned @chickenthumbs, @futtigue @doragoodman, Dale Willets: @delusions_of_competence, @parrotcam, @nicolesmall_oneonone (though I called her Monica for some reason), @cropped_camera, @avynickWebsite: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week Matthew Joseph joins Graeme to read (or at least try to) your emails.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show we're joined by the ever delightful Eric Swanger (@conspiracy.of.cartographers) to talk about travelling to take photos, different ways to approach it and what things to take into consideration.
Eric's got a fantastic new edition of his zine All Through A Lens available now, based on his own experiences of travel. It's a great read and has some splendid photo's, go to Eric's Instagram page @conspiracy.of.cartographers to find out how to get hold of it.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that Karl Havens, host of the Classic Lenses Podcast and recent guest on the Sunny 16 Podcast has died. Our thoughts are with his Family and friends.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show Ade, Rachel and Graeme catch up with what they've been up to over the last few weeks, including getting out taking delivery of a new 4x5 camera, getting back to basics with a Holga starting on a grand dark room clear out, and compulsive Cyanotyping. All this, and as always, much more.
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined by the true heart of the Classic Lenses Podcast, Karl Havens. We have a ranging talk about why you might want so many lenses, buying advice, and much more.
You can find the Classic Lenses Podcast here: https://www.classiclensespodcast.com/
And Karl's pictures here: https://www.instagram.com/karl_havens/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's definitely going to be a short show this week, I can feel it in my water! Rachel and Graeme are back once again with your emails and other ephemera.
209 women - @209women (twitter)
Alisdair Dougall's Retropan article: https://www.aspirationalphotos.com/articles/retropan.html
Negative Positives Double Exposure Challenge sign up page: https://utahfilmphotography.com/2019/04/02/the-2nd-annual-negative-positives-podcast-double-exposure-challenge/ Homemade Camera Podcast Zine submissions: http://homemadecamera.com/homemade-camera-zine-submission-form/Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
It's that here again, Cheap Shots Judging time! We're delighted to be joined once again by Clare Marie Bailey to look over a fabulous collection of listener submitted photo's, hear Clare's thoughts on them and who she picks as a winner!
And, we also have the hosts pictures! Well, some of the hosts pictures anyway...
Follow along with all of the images HERE: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-9-fashion/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back for more emails, chat, and some fascinating facts about our wonderful Ko-Fi donors!
Open SX70 : https://opensx70.com/about/
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show Ade, Rachel and Graeme are joined by the charming Ian Fleming to talk about his all encompassing love of analogue photography, shooting 8x10 Polaroids, using 126 cameras in 2019 and much more. Ian also has some darkroom equipment he's keen to find a home for, so listen till the end if you're interested in getting your hands on an enlarger!
You can find Ian's photography on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifleming/?hl=en
And on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bathuk/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Neil Piper from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast joins Graeme this week to read a fine selection of listener emails, talk about Graeme's most recent failures, and announce the creation of and our absorption into the "Classic Film Negatives Sunny Lensless Studio Podcast", which will be replacing all other pre-existing analogue photography based podcasts henceforth. I know, and it's only Monday.
You can find David Allen's Cheap shots challenge pictures here:https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1ZvBwn7xOALnhaGDVoqfv1LtPpX3iZsHR
Decaffeinated Photographers Youtube video featuring Matthew Joseph!: https://youtu.be/4wWEeaxE-N8
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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On this weeks show Rachel and Graeme are joined by Photographer, printer and educator Lina Bessonova for a chat about her work, her passion for the darkroom, and her desire to give as many people as possible the confidence to give it a go.
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Back after a brief hiatus, Rachel and Graeme return full of colds to delve into the treasure trove of listener emails. Also this week, listen to the end to hear the talk given by Rose Teanby at the Photography Show on Anna Atkins and her Cyanotypes.
Anna issued several copies, each one unique - one digitised version can be viewed online at: https://on.nypl.org/2sgYdg0
Follow on social media and find out more:
littlevintagephotography.co.uk and roseteanbyphotography.co.uk
Buy your own ‘Analogue Adventurer Kit’ to make-your-own Cyanotype Sunprints: https://etsy.me/2KIVMNC
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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This weeks bumper episode was recorded at the Photography Show held at the NEC in Birmingham, and is chock full of conversations we had with some of the many fine film folks we met there, from brilliant listeners who turned up to the Mega Analogue Meetup, to people showing their wares at the show, and other assorted delights. The Audio quality isn't brilliant, but the guest quality is off the charts
With big thanks to Alex, Duncan from Silverpan Lab , Dunstan Vavasour, Matt Parry and Michelle Parr from Ilford, Andrew Church from Kodak, Fraser Yule, Ken Hindle-May, Paul Mckay and Mary from Analogue Wonderland, Stephen Dowling from Kosmo Foto, John Whitmore, Steve Lloyd from Chroma, Simon Forster from the Classic lenses Podcast, Jeremy North from Internet infamy, Robert from London Camera Project, Sam Cornwell from Solarcan, Maxim Grew from Intrepid Cameras, Ash from the RPS, Hannah Brown from Lomography, and most especially Alex Purcell, for giving up their time to be part of this show, and for making it another great year at the Photography Show.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music in this episode is "Bit Quest" By Kevin Macleod, used with permission and thanks
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are joined from the other side of the world by Bellamy Hunt of Japan Camera Hunter to hear his take on the used camera market, what he's been up to since we last spoke, and whether or not attempting to develop a new 35mm camera has driven him insane yet.
You can find Bellamy here: https://www.japancamerahunter.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jpncamerahunter
Instagram: http://instagram.com/japancamerahunter
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme dive into another bulging mailbag filled with thoughts on the recent conversations, as well as some insight into the different reasons why people shoot film. All this, plus some special "facts" are revealed about our awesome Ko-fi donors! Don't miss out!
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
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This week in a rare hosts only show, Ade, Rachel and Graeme have a conversation inspired by a listener email about the way they view their own collections of cameras, from small to not so small. From the reasons for having them to the effect it has on our creativity, and the implications of many cameras being with few people, we explore it all.
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme go through this weeks great emails and Cheap Shot's entries, and Graeme gets moaned at.
Find the pictures we talked about HERE
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
On this weeks episode Ade and Graeme are joined by Anil Mistry and Stephen Dowling to talk about the current state of the point and shoot market, whether celebrity driven popularity is a problem, how to hunt for a bargain, and what are the best alternatives to the high priced "premium" cameras.
We also hear what's happening at Kosmo Foto from Stephen, news from Dubble Film, and as a special treat there's a little call in from the Danger BoyZ at the very end! We spoil you, we really do :-)
Find Anil's work here: https://www.anilmistryphoto.com/
Find Stephen here: https://kosmofoto.com/
Dubble Film: https://www.dubblefilm.com/
Support the Danger BoyZ and see updates here: https://www.gofundme.com/tanky-mconeshot-documentary
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This weeks Mike Caputo joins Graeme all the way from Hawaii to read listener emails, look at some great Cheap Shots Entries and talk about the exciting new public Darkroom he's starting up.
Find out more about the Hawaii Darkroom and support it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hawaiidarkroom/the-hawaii-darkroom
Find Mike here: https://www.instagram.com/aloha_bigmike/
Find the pictures we talked about HERE
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
On this weeks show we're joined by the brilliant Ethan Moses, the man behind Cameradactyl 4x5 cameras and the Buttergrips to talk about his many products, where he hopes to go next and the challenges facing anyone trying to manufacture cameras.
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme return for another fantastic batch of listener emails, cheap shots challenge pictures and even more thank yous!
Find the pictures we talked about HERE
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
In this weeks show we are delighted to be joined once again by Simon Riddell and David Allen, collectively known far and wide as "The Danger Boyz". We catch up on all they've been up to individually, and then get into the business at hand of learning about their upcoming project, which involves a giant WWII oil tank, a large format camera, paddling pools and a skateboard. You don't want to miss this.
We've also got some great news about Kosmo Foto Film in medium format, coming soon!
Find out more about Simon and David's upcoming adventure, and more importantly help fund the documenting of it for us all to enjoy later by going to: https://www.gofundme.com/tanky-mconeshot-documentary
You can find David on twitter: https://twitter.com/DBloomsday
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dbloomsday/
And his Patreon (with a limited number of special Sunny 16 level pledges available) here: https://t.co/mUg1IOQYUb
You can find Simon on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/srfilmphotography/
Find all the news on Kosmo Foto's new announcement here first: https://kosmofoto.com/
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks Backing Paper Graeme is joined by the wonder that is Eric @conspiracy.of.cartographers to look at some great fashion shots for the Cheap shots challenge, read some awesome emails and help say thank you to a lot of really brilliant people.
Find the pictures we talked about HERE
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
Buy us a cup of tea at
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Sam Cornwell, the man behind Solarcan! We talk about the trials and tribulations of bringing a product to market, sending Solarcans into space, the magic of Solargraphy, and about how bright the Sun really is (spoiler alert, it's very bright). We also talk about Sam's upcoming stand at the photography show, and speculate about what could be coming next.
You can find Sam here:
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
You can buy us a cup of Tea over at https://www.ko-fi.com/sunny16podcast
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Good news bad news. Good news is this weeks Backing Paper not only features the wonderful Rachel, but also Hamish Gill from 35mmc joins us to talk about the meetup at the Photography Show. Bad news is audio quality isn't great this week due to technical difficulties (I broke my PC) - sorry!
Sign up for the meetup at the Photography Show at
Buy your tickets to the show here: https://www.photographyshow.com/registration
And use code : LVPTPS19 to get a 20% discount off an adult ticket.
And finally, if our incompetent but heartfelt vague suggestion that money might be helpful in paying for things struck a chord with you, you can find our ko-fi page here and buy us a lovely cup of tea, we'd be very grateful :-)
Music is Re-mortgaging the nest of hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists.
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by the wonderful and talented J.M. Golding, a photographer who has won widespread recognition for her amazing work with toy and plastic cameras. She is also the person responsible for running and organising the annual 127 Day events throughout the year.
Find J.M and her work here: https://www.jmgolding.com/
Find all the information on 127 day here: http://127film.blogspot.com/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme return for more chit chat and listener emails on lucky number 13!
Code for discount at the Photography show is: LVPTPS19
Music is Re-Mortgaging the nest of Hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists. You can listen to and buy Schnauser's music here: https://schnauser.bandcamp.com/track/re-mortgaging-the-nest-of-hairs
This week Rachel, Ade and Graeme are joined once again by Andy Church of Kodak Alaris and Paul McKay of Analogue Wonderland to get only the newest of news. There is grilling, there are roasts, and there are most definitely some hot scoops to be had, so don't miss out on this buffet of analogue goodness.
Also, don't miss out on the brand new competition announced at the end of this show - go to www.analoguewonderland.co.uk for full details and find out how you can get a free roll of Kodak TMAX P3200!
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week Graeme is joined by Neil Piper, host of the Soot and Whitewash podcast to read your emails and chat about some upcoming events.
FInd Neil at www.neilpiper.com
Dundee Photowalk: https://www.photowalk.me/photowalk/dundee-photowalk
Music is Re-Mortgaging the nest of Hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists. You can listen to and buy Schnauser's music here: https://schnauser.bandcamp.com/track/re-mortgaging-the-nest-of-hairs
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by Duncan Gammon of Silverpan Labs, a small independent Film lab set in the UK whose size and set up leads to a flexible and personal approach to film developing.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
We're back Baby! Rachel and Graeme kick off 2019 proper with some emails, some chat and the first entries for the current round of the Cheap Shots Challenge!
Find the pictures we talked about on this weeks show here: http://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-9-fashion/
Brilliant new music is Re-Mortgaging the nest of Hairs by Schnauser, used with permission, all rights reserved by the artists. You can listen to and buy Schnauser's music here: https://schnauser.bandcamp.com/track/re-mortgaging-the-nest-of-hairs
A week late but hopefully worth the wait, we are very proud to present the Sunnies Awards show 2018, as voted for by you, the brilliant film community.
All music supplied by Kevin Mcleod of Incompetech.com and used under a creative commons license
Happy Christmas everyone!
The three Sunbeams get together for their traditional festive look back over the year and look ahead to the next whilst sipping a glass of something alcoholic and getting ready for Christmas.
Music this week is "The Normalist Christmas" by Weatheredman and featuring Miss Stakes, used with permission with all rights reserved by the artists. Find the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70fTdB0b-dY
And buy the track here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Normalist-Christmas/dp/B07KKFQM3M
On this weeks festive episode we're joined by Em from Emulsive.org and Hamish Gill from 35mmc for a jolly look back over the last year with these two happy Elves.
If you enjoy hearing Em and Hamish' banterm then look forwards to a brand new upcoming podcast from them in the New Year! The more messages Em gets, the sooner he'll release it, so let him know you want it!
Hamish: https://www.35mmc.com/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Graeme and Eric try to get into the festive spirit on this weeks backing paper, with at best mixed success
Christmas Rap Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
This week Ade and Graeme are joined by Florian "Doc" Kaps and Uwe Mimoun from, KONO! The Reanimated Film to talk about bringing Instant Pack film back from the dead, the challenges involved, progress made and the current One Instant Kickstarter project.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week Graeme has a mic problem and a Mike Gutterman solution
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
It's Judgement day on the Sunny 16 Podcast, and we're delighted to be joined once again by the one and only Sandra Coan to cast her eyes over this rounds fantastic entries for the Cheap Shots Challenge.
Sandra takes us through her 10 favourite images, before facing the harrowing task of picking a winner, and after that harrowing decision she's faced with the hosts entries, which might be even more traumatic!
As well as all of this Cheap Shots fun, stick around to the very end to hear all about the Sunnies 2018! It's all kicking off!
The prize for this round of the Cheap Shots Challenge was very kindly donated by the new online film store Film Bros UK - you can find them at https://filmbros.co.uk/ and sign up to their newsletter for 10% off your first order!
Listener entries and Artists Statements here:
Ade's submission here:
Rachel's submission here:
And Graeme's here:
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week Graeme is joined by either Matthew Joseph (@fotodudenz), or Christopher Walken (we're still not sure which) to read through a fine selection of emails from you, our brilliant listeners.
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme are joined by Anil Mistry for a spicy chat about pushing ourselves as photographers and stepping out of our comfort zones.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week we're delighted to be joined by Alex Purcell to delve into the emails once more.
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this weeks episode we're joined by the wonderful and talented Clare-Marie Bailey to hear how vintage cinema and her home environment came together to give her the inspiration needed to create work that has a beautifully distinctive look and feel to it. We also learn how she transforms her piece of Wales into California, Greece, or wherever else she wants her movie set to be. Also, we hear about the progress Ade is making with his collaborations, and Rachel's work is getting some gallery showings!
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Graeme and Eric delve into the listener mailbag for another week
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
This week we're delighted to be joined once again by Kilian Idsinga, creator, editor and publisher of Lets Explore Magazine. We talk about the the latest edition of LEM, and then dig into how we deal with both giving out and receiving rejections and criticism.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are joined once again by Dave to wrap up the entries for the current round of the Cheap Shots Challenge and marvel at both the fine art and the nonsense people write about it!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
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Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this weeks show we're very happy to be joined by the delightful Elvis Halilovic, founder Of Ondu and producer of beautiful wooden pinhole cameras, to talk about the new Mk III camera range, and the rollercoaster journey to get to this point.
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Back once again for another dose of listener emails, cheap shots challenge entries, and as a special bonus this week a returning guest from the earliest days of the podcast!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On this weeks show it's just the three Sunbeams, chatting about Ade finally looking at his Bhutan photo's in depth a year after he took them, what he should do with them now he HAS looked at them, and thoughts on the reasons for, and how to get out of, a photographic funk.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Rachel and Graeme are back to take a look at some more Cheap Shots entries, read some emails, and even listen to some listener submitted potential theme tunes!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On this weeks episode we're taking a look at how some of the many crowd funded projects we've discussed over the last couple of years have fared, and it's certainly a broad range of results, from good to bad to the Yashica Y35.
And who better to join us on the show for an inside scoop on the pleasures and pitfalls of Kickstarted campaigns than Hamish Gill, creator of the Pixl-latr and of course 35mmc.com.
#The day after we recorded (because of course), Reflex put out an update which addressed some of the points we discussed on the show, go to their Kickstarter page listed below to read in full#
Hamish can be found here:
Chroma: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1794420225/chroma-the-unique-4x5-technical-camera
Silberra: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/silberra-b-w-photographic-films#/
Yashica Y35: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1940283777/expect-the-unexpected-digifilmtm-camera-by-yashica
Ihagee Elbaflex: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/692391811/elbaflex-35mm-true-analog-camera-history-reloaded/description
Ferrania: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/filmferrania/100-more-years-of-analog-film
JollyLook: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jollylook/jollylook-the-first-cardboard-vintage-instant-came
RollieFlex Instant Kamera: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rolleiinstantcamera/rolleiflextm-instant-kamera/description
Intrepids new kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1436129614/intrepid-4x5-enlarger-print-and-scan-35mm-120-and/description
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Emails, Cheap Shots and general tomfoolery with everyones favourite adventurer this week, Eric from @conspiracy.of.cartographers!
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined be the talented and charming James Moreton, a photographer and printer from Northern Ireland who has produced some beautiful work focused on his family, his homeland, and more recently, Fairies (allegedly).
James is also a member of the AllFormat Collective, a group of fantastic photographers from around the world who have already worked together to produce one photobook, and another is on the way.
A well as talking about all of the above, we get James to give us his insight into what it means to shoot fine art in the vain hope that it'll help us hosts with the Cheap Shots Challenge as the deadline looms.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Welcome to the first Backing paper, a shorter* weekly addition to the main show to act as a home for things like listener emails, cheap shots updates, community news and events etc - basically anything we don't have time for in the main show!
This week Rachel and Graeme take a look at the first batch of entries for the current round of the Cheap Shots Challenge, and answer some pressing listener questions!
*Using the Sunny 16 Podcast definition of "Shorter", obviously.
Cheap Shots Pictures: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-8-fine-art/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
On this weeks episode we're delighted to welcome back Abe Fettig, creator of the highly useful Filmlab app to talk about his experience of Kickstarting a project, the difficulties involved in digitising film and hitting version 1.0. We also have the second installment of Martin Scarlands Dark room building adventures.
All this, and there's even an announcement from us here at Sunny 16 Towers!
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we're delighted to welcome back Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland to get an a film shooters view on what and who there was to see at Photokina 2018, including of course Kodak's release of Ektachrome, Cinestill's new products, a new product from Japan Camera hunter and more! Plus we hear about the results of the Summer Holidays competitionand Paul complains unfairly about Graeme's exemplary promotional skills.
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we were delighted to be joined be the young entreprenuer behind boutique film brand Bretz Analog, Henry Bretz. We talk about what drove him to pursue his goal of releasing film under his own brand, how he got there, and the many things he hopes to do in the future including supplying colour 127 film!
We also talk about the temperature control system for developing film from Cinestill and more!
Find Henry here:
Cinestill announcement:
Photowalk Me - www.photowalk.me
Photokina -
Emulsive santa nominations for good causes ends soon
RPS 100 Heroines Nominations close next friday - 28th Sept http://www.rps.org/100-heroines/nominate-here
Rachel’s contribution to Emulsive article on RPS 100 Heroines:
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks episode we're joined by the spectacular Matthew Joseph to discuss his love of shooting as wide as it gets with a Hassleblad Xpan, his many and various photographic frustrations, and his move to painting. We also deal with some internet gremlins and Graeme has a mental breakdown.
Matthew on instagram and Twitter: @fotodudenz
Matthews website: http://fototheque.com/
Matthew’s shout out: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPYK65DwmeJ6YzB9b2g70LA
Industry News / Things of Interest:
Let’s Explore Magazine is out!
Analogue Wonderland new points earning thing
Emulsive santa nominations for good causes ends soon
RPS 100 Heronines Nominations close next friday - 28th Sept http://www.rps.org/100-heroines/nominate-here
Rachel’s contribution to Emulsive article on RPS 100 Heroines:
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show (what show!) We're joined by the Godfather of analog phtography podcasting, the ever entertaining Michael Raso. Founder and Captain of the illustrious Film Photography Podcast, and creator of the Film Photography Project, which has worked to make films and film formats that might otherwise be hard to come by readily available for photographers, and has provided hundreds of cameras to schools through it's donation project.
As well as the FPP they discuss Michaels many years work in the film and video industry as a producer and creator, and much more
Find the Film Photography Project in all these places:
Learn more about Michaels work on old films here:http://alternativecinema.blogspot.com/2010/04/interview-with-michael-raso-archive.html
Links from show:
Rachels artist residency: https://www.wirral.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/make-it-0
Submission for polaroid photo calendar open = http://c4e.slanted.de/photodarium-2020
Our friend J.M. Golding is in this! = http://www.wbur.org/artery/2018/09/05/somerville-toy-camera-festival
Emulsive Secret Santa 2018 Registration: https://emulsive.org/articles/secret-santa/emulsive-secret-santa-2018-public-registration-is-now-open
Eric, who is running our Instagram and can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this episode we are joined by the brilliant and talented Sandra Coan, professional newborn, maternity and portrait photographer, and photography and business educator. We talk about shooting film professionaly, lighting, and the realities of maintaining a successful business in photography for over 18 years.
Sandra is one of the new Kodak Ektachrome beta testers, and you can hear her talk all about her experiences with it on the August 26th episode of the Studio C-41 podcast
Email links:
Analogue Wonderland Summer Holiday Competition:
Emulsive Secret Santa 2018 Registration: https://emulsive.org/articles/secret-santa/emulsive-secret-santa-2018-public-registration-is-now-open
Eric, who is running our Instagram and can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's the beginning of September, so that can mean only one thing - IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS! Almost! Anyway, it's definitely time to get excited about and involved with the Emulsive Secret Santa, the biggest community event of it's kind in the film photography world, and this year as well as the joy of giving and receiving gifts, you can also take part in helping to find the good causes to be recipients of the first Secret Santa Sponsor awards.
Graeme is joined by the delightful and charming Aislinn Chuahiock, and also EM. to dig deep on what's happening this year. You can find all the details on how to take part below.
Sign up here:
Sponsors and good causes info:
Music for this show is Bit Quest by Kevin Macleoud
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
In this weeks episode the wonderful Johnny Scissorhands returns to join Rachel, Ade and Graeme for a fun catch up on what we've all been up, including Rachels many adventures, Johnny going through some old negatives and Graeme getting out to play with a new camera that beeps.
And of course, Johnny turns his critical eye on the hosts submissions for the Cheap Shot's challenge and picks a winner, as well as the topic for the next round!
Johnny's Instagram:
Visit here for help with writing the mandatory 200+ word statement to accompany your submission for the Sunny16 ’Fine Art’ Cheap Shots Challenge:
That one photo Johnny didn’t f##k up back in 1998:
The Mark E. Smith Virtual Memorial Black North Victorian Theme Park Exhibition:
John Yau - www.afps.blog
Photo/foto Magazine:
Summer Holiday Competition Details here:
Emulsive Secret Santa 2018 Registration: https://emulsive.org/articles/secret-santa/emulsive-secret-santa-2018-public-registration-is-now-open
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode Ade and Graeme are once again joined by Eric Swanger to talk about his recent photography trip, how we talk about our photographs (and why we perhaps don't do it enough) and much more. Eric also prepared a cracking little photography in the movies quiz for us all to try our hands at!
You can find Eric's work here: https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Godley and Creme:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW6Mn0iP8i8
Summer Holiday Competition Details here:
Emulsive Secret Santa 2018 Registration: https://emulsive.org/articles/secret-santa/emulsive-secret-santa-2018-public-registration-is-now-open
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we're joined by the spectacular Johnny Sissons, co host of the Classic Lenses Podcast and all round star to judge round 7 of the Cheap Shot Challenge, Landscapes! It's a big old show with a lot of awesome entries, so buckle up!
Find all the entries here: https://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-7-landscapes/
Find Johnny here:
Summer Holiday Competition Details here:
Website: https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
We've had so many awesome emails lately that there's been too many to squeeze into our regularly scheduled shows, so we decided to make a special show just for them! Lots of Cheap Shot's Challenge entries and a few other juicy nuggets as well!
In this weeks episode we're joined by Keith Moss, a highly talented photographer who has maintained a very successful career in photography for over 30 years despite the ever changing nature of the business, and our good friend and one half of the Danger Boyz, Si Ridell. We chat about what it takes to have a long term career, the importance of adapting, and how to keep your passion while being in business. We also hear all about the workshops Keith and Si are organising on the Isle of Sky which sound brilliant!
All this, and the final installment of Eric's travel journal!
Keiths Website: https://www.keithmossphotography.co.uk/
Si's Website: https://srfilmphotography.co.uk/
Si on Twitter: https://www.instagram.com/srfilmphotography/
Lets Explore Magazine:
PreOrder The Perseverance Issue
Eric on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Summer Holiday Competition Details here:
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode Rachel and Graeme are joined by the delightful Max Grew from Intrepid Cameras for a conversation about all things large format, with some great advice from Max especially for people who may not have shot with it before. We've also got more great emails and another installment of Eric's audio diary!
Eric on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Competition Details here:
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show Rachel and Graeme are joined by Lyndon Booth from Londinium Cameras to talk all about camera repairs! On top of this, it's Rachels' 1 year anniversary as co-host, Graeme has been doing a cut-and-shut job on some of his cameras and we get through a bumper stack of brilliant emails!
Lyndon's contact details:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/londiniumcamera
Website: https://londiniumcameras.wordpress.com/
Competition Details here:
Kodak Alaris Website:
Eric on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Roll Film Week on Flickr
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
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Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we're delighted to be joined by the wonderful Andy Church from Kodak Alaris, and Paul Mckay from Analogue Wonderland. We talk many things Kodak Alaris, new films, old films and films yet to be, and are delighted to hear the announcement of an exciting new competition being run by Kodak Alaris and Analogue Wonderland.
As well as all this excitement, Graeme has received his Jollylook instant camera and has some first impressions on that, and Rach has all the details you need for the upcoming roll film week. All this, AND a audio diary entry from our old friend Eric!
Competition Details here:
Kodak Alaris Website:
Eric on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
Roll Film Week on Flickr
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Something a bit different for the first half of this weeks show, we bring you an episode of Ade's other podcast; "The Future of Photography" where he and co-host Chris Marquadt try to figure out whether the Instax SQ6 or the new 400 megapixel Hasslelad will have the most impact on photography going forward. After that you can hear all about Rachel's brilliant new Analogue Adventure Kit, available to buy NOW from her Etsy store - make a pinhole viewer and create your own Cyanotypes, with NO UNPLEASANT CHEMICALS getting posted to you! Result!
If you don't feel like you've got enough Rachel from this weeks show, be sure to listen to episode 148 of the Negative Positives Podcast with Mike Gutterman and Andre Dominguez as Rachel was a guest on the show and talked at length about her work, photography philosophies and much more, it's a great listen.
The Future of Photography Podcast:
Rachels shop on Etsy:
Negative Positives Podcast
127 Day - http://127film.blogspot.com - 12th July
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week we're joined by phototographer and artist Nikki Culley to talk about her upcoming exhibition, working with the Unio Collective and making a career change to live a photographic life. On top of that Rachel has been putting together some cool Cyanotype kits, there's some colourful new films on the way, and some great letters from the community.
Find Nikki here:
Ade's recommendation:
Londinium Cameras Camera Repair:
Yodica Films:
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode the triumphant trio are joined by the brilliant Kate Hook, experimental photographer, youtuber, film souper and all round star to discuss her techniques, why she shoots the way she does and much much more.
Website & Social Media Handles - Film freek Youtube
Shout out to http://www.palmlabs.co.uk/
Martin Ruffin: https://www.instagram.com/martinruffin/
Intrepid 4x5 Mk 3: https://intrepidcamera.co.uk/products/intrepid-camera
Pixl-Latr - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hamishgill/pixl-latr-helping-you-digitise-35mm-120-and-4x5-fi
Diana Instant Square - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lomography/the-diana-instant-square-camera?ref=nav_search&result=project&term=lomography
Londinium Camera Repairs: https://twitter.com/londiniumcamera?lang=en
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show Graeme and Rachel are joined by Adam Scott of Dubble to talk about his cool and creative films, and the Dubble App that started it all off. We also talk about the Pixl-latr kickstarter and a new black and white Monobath developer coming to market from the fine folks at Cinestill.
Dubble on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dubblefilm/
Pixl-latr Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hamishgill/pixl-latr-helping-you-digitise-35mm-120-and-4x5-fi
Cinestill Monobath: https://emulsive.org/articles/news/announcing-cinestill-df96-developer-and-fix-monobath
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show Ade and Graeme were joined by the dynamic duo that is Simon Ridell and David Allen, aka the Danger BoyZ. They talk about risking life and limb on the north coast of Scotland to shoot film, heading down into a massive underground WWII Oil tank to make one extraordinary shot on large format, and accidentally breaking into a French Chateau with grappling hooks.
We also talk about the upcoming launch of the Kickstarter for Hamish Gill's Pixl-Latr, the Cool Film Club and SilverPan Labs.
Simon Riddell https://www.instagram.com/siriddell/ or https://www.instagram.com/loonysi/ if you don't to see an impressive collection of selfies
David Allen https://www.instagram.com/dbloomsday/
Or find them both at https://www.instagram.com/dboyzphoto/
Bring Droney Home https://youtu.be/NbVhjljlN5w
Simon published in RPS https://issuu.com/royalphotographicsociety/docs/rps_analogue_issue_6_0418?e=6230194/60295586
Sign up to be amongst the first to hear when the Pixl-latr goes live here: http://pixl-latr.com/
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode it's Cheap Shots Challenge time once again, and we were delighted to be joined by the ever lovely Eric Swanger who was our judge for this round. Lots of great entries, lots of fun, and all aiming to win the fantastic prizes given by the great new online Film megastore, analoguewonderland.co.uk .
And of course it's not just listener submissions that get judged, it's also the hosts - did Eric choose wisely? Only you can say! You can follow along with all the pictures at: http://sunny16podcast.com/cheap-shots-challenge/round-6-food/
Find Erics work at https://www.instagram.com/conspiracy.of.cartographers/
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode it's the three of us back together catching up after a busy few weeks, chatting about the fact we've all actually been out with cameras, Rachel's finished her large project for the client in Birmingham, Graeme has bought more low cost cameras and Ade has actually got his cheap shots pictures in ON TIME! All this, and some wonderful conversation from the Merseyside Photowalk which took place last weekend.
DON'T FORGET - CHEAP SHOTS CHALLENGE PICTURES NEED TO BE IN BY SATURDAY 2nd JUNE!!! Email your entries to sunny16podcast@gmail.com and you might win an awesome prize from Analogue Wonderland!
New Website! https://sunny16podcast.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this week’s show, Rachel from Little Vintage Photography is back with another episode of UnderExposed, this time, made up of recordings from three separate get togethers with awesome female photographers. They discuss exhibitions, workshops, first time pinholes, handmade cameras, failures, cyanotypes, publishing and tray developing. It’s a bumper episode!
Huge thanks to all the contributors, you can (and should!) follow them on social media here (Twitter / Instagram / Website):
Nikki @unio_collective / @nikkiculleyphoto / www.nikkiculley.com
Lea @AllThingsEla / @leaelmphotography / www.leaelm.com
Ruth @PolaRooS / @roo_roo_s / www.facebook.com/The1212Project
Hilary @aitchclarke / @aitchclarke / www.flickr.com/photos/aitchclarke
Meredith @merrimayhem / @merrimayhem / www.flickr.com/photos/mawphotography
Rachel @rebrewster / @littlevintagephotography / www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk
If you’ve enjoyed the show, please let us know. You can get in touch here:
Website: www.sunny16podcast.com / www.littlevintagephotography.co.uk
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Twitter / Instagram / Facebook: @sunny16podcast
Music by Jeremy Warmsley: @jwojwo / www.jeremywarmsley.com
In this weeks episode Ade and Graeme had the distinct pleasure of being joined by Paul McKay, founder and head of all things at the new online film megastore Analogue Wonderland, launching tomorrow!
They chat about why Paul decided to give this business a go, the kinds of films he'll be stocking and what can be expected in the future, and much more, including a really great joke. See if you can spot it!
We also remind listeners that the Cheap Shots Challenge has two weeks left to run on this round, AND, in an exciting twist, Paul has donated two prizes of £25 gift vouchers to give to two winners!
You can find Analogue wonderlands here:
Paddy Sumerfield Interview on Photographica: http://flowphotographic.com/photographica/ep17-conversation-for-paddy-summerfield/
DarkRoom UK Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBLBD_Qht0PHmX-weQt8YhQ
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Hello and welcome back for the final installment of our Ilford extravaganza! In this episode we take you on an audio tour of the site where you'll get to hear how the emulsions are made, the materials coated and the products finished. We also hear about the new purpose built darkroom at Ilford.
Huge thanks again to everyone at Ilford for being so generous with their time, and patient with our faffing around!
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In part two of our 100 episode celebrations we bring you more from our visit to Ilford Photo, this time in the form of a tour of the film processing lab in the company of the technical service Manager Neil Hibbs, and a natter with Michelle Parr, and Matt Parry.
Thank you everyone for listening and helping us get to 100!
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
It's episode 100! We made it! And to celebrate this we've got something special lined up for this week, a series of 3 shows all featuring audio from our recent visit to Ilford Photo!
In this first part, once Rachel, Ade and Graeme have done some good and proper celebrating, it's over to Ilford for an interview with Giles Branthwaite (Sales and Marketing Director), and Michelle Parr (Social Media Manager and Digital marketing) covering the recent changes to Ilfords website and social media platforms, what the company is currently focused on, and what the future may hold.
Shows to follow later this week will include a tour of Ilfords Film Developing lab, and a tour of the production site.
Thank you everyone for listening and helping us get to 100!
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week we were delighted to be joined by Gary Ho, founder and CEO of MiNT Cameras, makers of fine Instant Photography tools. We talked to him about the history of MiNT, the TL70, and of course their partnership with Rollieflex to make the Rolleiflex Instant Kamera, currently being very succesful on Kickstarter. If you're tempted, but want to know more before jumping in, this is the show for you.
We also managed to get all three hosts on this weeks show! Well, at least for half of it, it's a start.
MiNTy Links:
Polaroid Week: https://www.flickr.com/groups/roidweek2018/pool/
Ade's Lomo Instant Square pictures :https://www.flickr.com/photos/ade968/
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode Graeme and Rachel were joined by the lovely Tristan Aitchison, photographer, film-maker and all round great guy to talk about his first feature length film; Sidney and Friends, which documents the lives and stories of a community of intersex and transgender friends living in Nairobi, Kenya. The movie was shot using a variety of vintage lenses, with many still shots taken on analogue cameras used throughout. As well as the films they discuss the recent photography exhibition Tristan had, and the time he broke into a house with a 70 year old woman in a dressing gown.
Tristan's links:
Sidney and Friends:
Flow Photofest:
Mint Rolleiflex:
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
This week our super special guest is author, educator, photographer, fibre nerd and pen addict Monika Andrae. Monika co-wrote The Film Photography Handbook and talks to us fresh from a weekend hosting a workshop breaking all the rules of film photography.
Oh, and thankfully, Ade is back.
Find Monika’s work at:
https://t.co/fI7LINSvzr (Flickr)
The Film Photography Handbook
WPPD coming up http://pinholeday.org/ April 29th
John Whitmore’s photowalk info:
Podcast recommendation from Jeremy North
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Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
On this weeks show we're delighted to be joined by all round splendid chap Anil Mistry to hear about the collaborative book "Goodnight Sweetheart" he's produced, why he felt it needed to be made, and the charity he's raising money for. We also get some great insight and advice on overcoming he fear of taking strangers pictures.
Anil's website: https://www.anilmistryphoto.com/
Find Goodnight Sweetheart here: https://www.anilmistryphoto.com/shop/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/anilmistry
Instagram: http://instagram.com/anilmistryphoto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Anilmistryphotography/
C.A.L.M. : https://www.thecalmzone.net/
Guide to Street Photography: https://emulsive.org/articles/thoughts/how-to-shoot-street-portraits-a-practical-guide-by-anil-mistry
Pinhole Day: http://pinholeday.org/
Half frame Club: www.halfframeclub.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunny16podcast/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we're joined by the exuberant, the awesome, the one and only Mike Padua from Shootfilmco.com to talk Hot takes and wingless Flamingos, but more importantly to judge the images submitted for this round of the Cheap Shots Challenge!
Lots of great entries, lots of useful comments from Mike, and lots of smack talk from certain members of the team when it comes to having their photo's judged. Be sure to stick around till the end to hear what the next challenge is.
You can follow along with the judging by viewing the all pictures right here: https://tinyurl.com/yakjr6sl
You can find Mike online at :
And of course www.shootfilmco.com
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunny16podcast/
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
In this weeks episode we are joined by the delightful and very well informed Simon Forster of, amongst many other things, the Classic Lenses Podcast to talk about aspirational lenses, why vintage lenses are so sought after and how they can change the way you approach photography, and much much more. Stay tuned past the credits to hear a response to a listener question about creating podcasts - the answer got a bit long to fit in the show!
AND Cheap Shots Challenge! You have until the 31st to submit your two best images taken with your cheap shots camera to us via email so GET SHOOTING!
Main podcast post on Facebook
Johnny Sisson from the Classic Lenses podcast/Central Camera, Chigago
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Something a little different this week as the show was recorded at the Photography Show UK over two days. On the first day we held our first proper Sunny 16 Podcast get together and Ade, Rachel and Graeme got to meet up with a great bunch of fellow analogue photographers. On Day two Rachel and Graeme returned to the show and spoke to as many people doing cool things as they could find, so there are chats with fine folks from Instax, Lomography, the Disabled Photographers Society and Ilford Imaging EU, as well as a catch up with the ever delightful friend of the show Hamish Gill.
Meetup attendees:
Rachel - https://twitter.com/rebrewster
Ade - https://twitter.com/Ade968
Graeme - https://twitter.com/BanjaxedPhoenix
Andrew Bartram - http://twitter.com/@warboyssnapper
Andrew Slorach - http://twitter.com/vrunit
Mark Hickford - https://twitter.com/Jimmyshootsfilm
Jeremy North - https://twitter.com/jeremynorth
Alex Purcell - https://twitter.com/GrainyBlur
Toby Van de Velde - https://twitter.com/TobyVPhoto
Stig - https://twitter.com/Stig_Ofthedump
With special thanks to:
Hamish Gill - https://twitter.com/HamishGill
Craig MacMillan - https://twitter.com/lomographyuk
Karina Thomsen - https://twitter.com/instaxHQ
Florian Koehler - https://twitter.com/ilford_eu
Tim Goldsmith - http://www.the-dps.co.uk/
Bit Quest Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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On this weeks show we are joined by the spectacular Dee Elegia, an artist, photographer and model to talk about her striking self portraiture, collaborations, self publishing and much much more. We also read a great and lengthy email with lots of camera chat!
You can find Dee at http://www.elegia.co/ Please be aware that some of Dee's work is NSFW
Instagram : https://instagram.com/iamelegia/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamelegia
Also, don’t forget the Birmingham meetup on 18th March. First we meet at the NEC for The Photography Show and then we go into the centre of Birmingham for a photo walk. You can sign up here: https://www.photowalk.me/photowalks/view/12
AND Cheap Shots Challenge! You have until the 31st to submit your two best images taken with your cheap shots camera to us via email so GET SHOOTING!
Instagram @sunny16podcast
Twitter @sunny16podcast
Facebook @sunny16podcast
Email us - [email protected]
Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
Hey folks and welcome to the notes for this show! We had awesome guest host Mike Gutterman with us this week talking about his own podcast Negative Positives which you can get here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/negative-positives-film-photography-podcast/id1296949768?mt=2
We also had a lot of emails from listeners which fantastic - please keep them coming.
Also, don’t forget the Birmingham meetup on 18th March. First we meet at the NEC for The Photography Show and then we go into the centre of Birmingham for a photo walk. You can sign up here: https://www.photowalk.me/photowalks/view/12
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Music from ‘Promises I Should Have Kept’ by Roja on Spotify, Amazon or iTunes
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