566 avsnitt • Längd: 170 min • Veckovis: Måndag
This podcast will seek to provide biblical teachings and answers on multiple issues that cause sincere seekers to stumble due to ignorant teaching and false prophecy. We all are ignorant as touching some topics and sometimes misrepresent God in our interpretation of revelation, so no self exaltation is intended here. We will never claim to know it all, but we have learnt a few things by sitting at the Lord’s feet.
The podcast God’s Lighthouse is created by Ita Udoh. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Righteous Government -Prophetic Parallels From Isaiah 32 (Sat 08 01 2022)
Jerusalem’s Boundary Breaches (Sun 15 05 2022)
Passover- Get Rid of Yeast (Sat 09 04 2022_mrn)
Discerning God's Will in Governance (Mon 01 10 2018)
The Serving Soldier - The Mindset, Warfare & the Ways to Serve God (Sun 23 02 2025)
Christ's Servant - Earthly Wealth vs. the Ultimate Reward (Sat 22 02 2025)
Did you know that demons spirits have humans assigned attached to them as their full time assignment?
Why does Satan fight evangelism so hard?
Did you know that an Intercessor's role goes beyond pleading for mercy?
Are gifts of the Spirit only for men of God?
How confronting and disciplining people is part of intercession
How guidance and not weapons makes for waging a good warfare
What does 'falling into the hands of God mean'?
How God upholds everything with the word of His power
Do you know that God does not delight in your staying hungry? Find out how to fast the proper way
How to counter Satan's words with God's words
How to wait on Lord.
Things you could do while aside, seeking God
Kingdom Priorities: Seeking What Matters to God with a Humble Heart (Wed 19 02 2025)
The Tale of Two Kings - The Purpose of the Oil (Sun 16 02 2025)
A Tale of Two Kings - the Price of Disobedience (Fri 14 02 2025- Tarry)
Dangers of Samaritan Living The Influence of Bad Company vs. Holy Living (Fri 14 02 2025)
Commendable Christianity (Sun 29 01 2023)_1SV
How to Use Your Authority (Fri 11 11 2022)
The Tongue's Power - Life, Death & the Heart (Tue 06 04 2021)
Discipline Your Tongue (Sun 20 10 2019)
The Power Of The Tongue (Fri 21 09 2018)
Forgotten Doctrines in the Church & the Way of Proper Service [Q & A] (Wed 12 02 2025)
Nurturing God's Purpose & Avoiding Spiritual Miscarriage (Sun 29 10 2017)
The Heart of True Discipleship (27 08 2021)
Times & Seasons in God's Training Ground (Sun 21 10 2018)
Growing Up Quickly Preparing for God's Judgment (Sun 26 02 2017)
True Servants- When, Whom and How (Sun 09 02 2025)
Between Blessings & Curses - The Servant's Journey to Honour (Fri 07 02 2025 Family Tarry)
What is the difference between the dwellings of Jacob and Zion?
Why did God say, "Jacob I love, Esau, I hate"
Difference between a Teacher and an Evangelist
Is authority over demons a sign of attaining great heights in Christianity?
Who are those that have their names written in the Book of Life?
Is it possible for one's name to be removed from the Book of Life?
Did you know that there are other books apart from the Book of Life?
Should a person carry out restitutions after coming to the Lord?
Find out what will keep you from worshipping the beast.
Who are the Overcomers?
How can one prepare to be an Overcomer?
Is the 'Millionaire mindset' something Christians should follow?
Do the Scriptures describe the Lord as a lion and a lamb or is He just a lamb?
How to know what will happen in the future
Find out how the Law of Moses helps you understand the whole message of the Bible
Who are the sons of God?
Is Jesus the only son of God?
What does 'the only begotten' really mean?
Antetypes of Jesus and the significance of the number 30
Prophetic warning about plane crash and the plane crash in Washington DC
Did you know that women are now as bound to pornography and drunkenness as men were?
Does the Lord require you to pray ceaselessly for power and to 'call things forth'?
What is the easiest way to ward off the enemy?
Are Aliens real?
Different outcomes of wilderness seasons
Should a Christian consult the dead for solutions to problems?
Demonic undertone in the 'The Originals Movie Series' you how it may be affecting you
Who is a 'Strong man' according to Matthew 12:21?
How Satan overcame Adam and became the strong man on the earth
What gives Satan authority?
Why many Christians will be deceived by the Anti-Christ
Find out how the Lord Jesus [the stronger man] will defeat Satan [the strong man]
List of movies that antagonise God and portray Satan as good
Did you know that God shares His glory?
Who were the sons of God?
What does Mount Zion represent in the Bible?
Will the Holy Spirit be present in the Age to come?
How art plays an important role in teaching
Are all sins the same? Will God judge certain sins more severely than others?
Lessons from the prophet Hanani: Dangers of teaching God's people rebellion
Is it possible for a Christian to make covenants with God?
The 5 major covenants recorded in the Bible and how they were initiated.
Lessons from Gideon: How to express gratitude to God
What does it mean to offer a thank-offering to God?
Different ways to offer thank-offerings to God
What is the reason for ingratitude in the lives of many Christians?
Should Christians clamor to live long lives?
What it means to praise God with a lifted voice
What do old and new wineskins represent?
Lessons from Nicodemus: What happens when a teacher of the law becomes a disciple of the kingdom of God?
Did you know that are requirements to partake in the kingdom of God?
Must one be a scholar or go to a seminary to access the deep things of God?
Do you need an elaborate message to get people saved?
Did you know that the top Universities of the world were founded to train ministers?
According to 1 Corinthians 9:27, what does it mean to be 'castaway'?
The price to pay to attain the first resurrection
John Wesley's story and a brief history of the Methodist Church
Did you know that unforgiveness can cause cancer?
Can a new believer, struggling with sin, lead another person to Christ?
How to be an overcomer
Why much will be expected from the Christians of this generation
Was Jesus' temptation in the wilderness a place or an experience?
Was the garden in Eden a physical garden? Were the trees of life and the knowledge of good and evil symbolic or were they physical too?
The relationship between the fruit of righteousness, the tree of life and wisdom
Did you that there are two kinds of wisdom? How to tell them apart
Who did Satan attempt to overthrow? Was it God the Father or the Lord Jesus?
What is the significance of Water Baptism? Can a person be baptised before giving their lives to Christ?
The role of China in the last days
Dangers of speaking against spiritual authority
What is the purpose of the wilderness?
How to deal with envy
The twelve spies: How to identify the ten spies who bring a bad report in the church today
If you get saved in your room or private space, do you have to come out for an altar call again?
Things you should not do while in the wilderness
According to scriptures, what does the number 40 represent?
How to know when a preacher is taking advantage of you
Is it right to criticise a man of God?
Should a preacher charge to pray for people?
Difference between a sin committed mistakenly and deliberately
Did you know that you will become what you hear? Why you should not listen to every preacher
Find out how abortion can open the door for the spirit of murder
Ever heard of the Muses? Find out how the Twilight Series originated from demonic inspirations
What are three major areas a Christian can be tested in?
Should you confess your sins to God only? Are there sins you shouldn't confess to God alone?
Did you know that many therapists are pastors of the kingdom of darkness?
Three major ways Michael Jackson got his songs
Why you mustn't remain empty after a demon has been cast out of you
The Power of Confession, Deliverance & the Wilderness (Fri 17 01 2025)
[b] Curses, Causes & the Corpus Christi (Fri 10 01 2025_All Night)
[a] Curses, Causes & the Corpus Christi (Fri 10 01 2025_All Night)
How can a person abide in Christ?
Why does the devil try so hard to keep Christian disconnected from God?
How to know God's will
Why God uses the picture of a vine for His people
Do the 'good deeds' unbelievers do count for them?
Different kinds and levels of waiting on God
Did you know that you can pray today and mitigate a problem that would've happened in the future?
Can Christians have generational curses affect them?
Why does God allow Christians pass through uncomfortable situations?
The Prophetic significance of the furniture in the Tabernacle of Moses
What does a curse to the 3rd and 4th generation mean?
How spirits gain permission in people's lives
The most powerful thing to break curses
Things Christians must do to be fruitful
What do you know about a time when God spoke with man daily?
Why many not partake in the promises God has made available
What does "With God, all things are possible mean?"
Why will it be hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
How is Jesus the prince of peace?
Who were the 'judges' in the Bible?
Did you know that Repentance doesn't mean asking for forgiveness only? How to repent properly!
The Kingdom of God is not heaven. What is the Kingdom of God?
Process: The place between God's promises and fulfillment
How to be worthy of the kingdom of God
Should a Christian have a bucket list?
How to enter the kingdom of God as a rich person.
Who should a Christian be good to?
What is the easiest way to store Scripture in your heart?
What does it mean for there to be a famine of God's word?
How to cast out demons using music
The Truth Behind Hip Hop by G. Craig Lewis: Fact or Fiction?
Find out how music has pushed many into committing all kinds of sins
How the Scriptures are filled with antetypes of the Lord Jesus
Did you know that suffering is a MUST for every Christian?
What does it mean to be a Nazarite?
Can God use someone with the fears?
Tabernacle Ministry and the Burdens of Levites (Wed 01 03 2023)
The Righteous Believer - Fear, Testimony & Prophecy (Wed 21 04 2021)
God's Models: From Creation to the Last Day (Wed 08 01 2025)
Practical Evangelism (Sun 10 01 2021)
Teaching on Evangelism (Wed 10 01 2018)
Navigating God's Plan for your Life and Pastoral Calls on Women (Sun 05 01 2025)
Strategies for Effective Service - Obedience & Waiting (Fri 03 01 2025)
The Lord's Displeasure: From Times Past to the Last Day (Wed 01 01 2025)
Dressed for Battle - Humility, Weapons & the Armour of God (Friday Tarry, 13 12 2024)
Did you know that government leaders are servants of God?
How to recognize spiritually filthy hands
Real Christianity vs Juju Christianity.
Find out why you do not get answers to your prayers: Confessions by a former satanist.
Did you that there are more than one hedge of protection available for a Christian? What are these? And how to access them
Habits that will make you fall for the Anti-Christ
Luke 12: What does it mean to be dressed for service and keeping your lamps burning?
How to get God to draw near to you
What sort of salvation will Jesus bring on His second coming if people are being saved now?
How to tell if a church is a shrine or a genuine gathering of believers
Title vs Function: Which is more important and should be esteemed more?
Did you know that God searches the motive behind everything you do?
What happens to the Christian who does seemingly spiritual activities just so that they can boast?
Lessons from Michal: Fate of those who reproach the Lord and His people
Did you know that real science agrees with the Bible?
Is the earth really round? Did man actually visit the moon? Has science been lying to us the whole time?
The aftermath of sons of God coming to Earth
How was all flesh corrupt in the days of Noah?
Deborah vs Michal: The state of the church who accepts or despises the Lord and His servants.
Deception: The major way Satan operates and how to overcome him
Why did village life cease in the time of Deborah? What are the blessings of village life?
What it means to be beheaded for Christ
Do you struggle to pray?
How to pray in songs
Why did God allow countries to be colonized?
Does God receive the offering of songs from non-melodious voices?
Why Christians go through difficult situations
Did you know that discipling others can be a form of suffering?
Did you know that God has a divine calendar and governs the earth with it?
What does it mean to be a vessel unto honour and a vessel unto dishonour?
How to get your prayers answered by God. What does it mean to pray according to God's will?
Why did God call Nebuchadnezzar His servant?
Find out how God uses one nation to discipline another nation.
Did you know that suffering is a must in the life of every Christian? What awaits those who endure suffering with Christ?
How to qualify to rule and reign with Christ.
The benefits of believing in Christ and the different forms of suffering a Christian will face.
Is it possible for a Christian to have demons?
What it means to be possessed, obsessed or oppressed by a demon.
What does "healing is the children's bread" mean?
Why the beast will overcome many Christians
Can a Christian have multiple deliverance sessions from oppressive spirits?
What do the beasts in the Bible mean?
Different manifestations of the spirit of Rebellion
Difference between infatuation and lust
Are there medically justifiable reasons for abortion?
Can married couples abort a child if they already have too many or are not ready to have children yet?
Did you know that the human system is drug factory? The science of drug addiction
Are contraceptives abortifacients?
The different ways to receive the counsel of the Lord outside prophecy.
What is the difference between purity, naivety and innocence?
What does the Bible say about those who get others drunk?
Different ways demons gain legal rights in people's lives
Did you know that humility is a great armour in the spirit?
Why does it seem like Christians lose their battles even with their armours in place?
What is the hope of our salvation?
Why every Christian should do evangelism
How to walk on the path of righteousness
Blindness as a weapon of warfare for Christians
What does it mean to 'Go in this thy might'?
Practical steps on how to practice true and faultless religion
Did you know that there is a kind of sin that cannot be Atonement for?
Lessons from Ahab: How to act after receiving a negative prophetic word
Did you know that you can prepare for the future by looking at the past?
Why does God allow other gods compete with Him?
Did you know that God leaves enemies in the lives of Christians?
Is it possible to be greater than your human masters?
Baal: How did the children of Israel serve this god?
What is the present day manifestation of Baal worship in the church?
How does a Christian become a worshipper of Baal?
Does God's forgiveness also remove the consequences of our sins?
Find out how Jezebel and Balaam has taught God's people sexual immorality and to eat food offered to idols.
Consequences Of Baal worship
Want to know how the church is guilty of performing child sacrifices?
The physical and spiritual implications of abortion
Solutions to Baal worship
Why is understanding a very important thing in the life of a Christian?
What does it mean to handle the word of God correctly?
How to prove your love for God
What is the fate of the one who is double-minded?
How does God keep us from stumbling?
What should you do when you're being persecuted for God's sake?
Why every Christian should recall the prophecies spoken about them
The Bronze Serpent Warfare against Idolatry & the Wisdom of God (Fri 13 12 2024)
God's Settlement Process & the Ultimate Reward (Wed 11 12 2024)
The Power of Brokenness & the Danger of Lies (FAM 29 11 2024)
Obtaining Favour Through Justice (Sun 08 12 2024)
Introducing the Mind of Justice (Sat 07 12 2024)
The Sign of a Legitimate Son (Fri 06 12 2024)
The Path to Victory on the Day of Accounting (Wed 04 12 2024)
Remember! - Broken Vows and Proper Giving (Sun 01 12 2024)
The Almighty Formula to Achieving Destiny (Fri 29 11 2024)
Indoctrination for the Fivefold Ministry (Wed 27 11 2024)
Principle Of Seed and Harvest Bread and Incense, Giving and Honour (Tue 20 12 2022)
Maximising Time and Opportunities (Sun 25 12 2022)
The Kingdom of God (Part 2) The Spirit of Glory and of God (Fri 23 12 2022 - 3rd Session)
The Kingdom of God (Part 1) - Qualifications for Reigning With Christ ( Fri 23 12 2022- 2nd Session)
Maintaining Horizontal Relationships (Fri 23 12 2022 - 1st Session)
Mammon Worship - Limitation to Deeper Waters ( Thu 22 12 2022 - Session 2)
How to Migrate to Deeper Waters (Thu 22 12 2022 - Session 1)
Journey to the Promise Land Expectations and Limitations ( Wed 21 12 2022 - Session 2)
Callings and Giftings (Part 2) The Extreme Danger of Laziness (Wed 21 12 2022 - 1st Session)
Callings and Giftings (Part 1) - End of the Age Preparation (Tue 20 23 2022 - Session 2)
Kingdom Provision - Principles and Pitfalls (Sun 24 11 2024)
Partaking in the Passover- Prophecies & Protocol (Fri 22 11 2024)
The Heart of Victory God's Glory & the Spirit of Praise (Sun 17 11 2024)
The Birthing of Servants Shadows, False Gods & Maturity (Wed 20 11 2024)
The Canopy of God and the Canopy of Riches (Fri 15 11 2024)
Discerning God's Will - Promises, Prophecy and Prisons (Wed 13 11 2024)
The Dynamics of Light (Sun 10 11 2024)
Consecration for Ministry Procedures & Misconceptions (Fri 08 11 2024)
The Church of God Handling Transitions (FAM 03 11 2024)
The God of the Nations - Politics, Mercy and the Divine Will (Wed 06 11 2024)
What are the foundational teachings of Christ?
Did you know that there are three kinds Baptisms that every believer must undergo? Find out what these are
What are the characteristics of Wisdom?
The Path of Wisdom vs the Path of the Simple.
Why you must choose the instruction of Wisdom over financial pursuits
The Day of the Lord, and how to prepare for it
Practical ways to encourage people to love
What you must do even more as the day of the Lord approaches
What will happen to people who were once Christians but turned their backs on God?
Did you know that there are three stages of Salvation?
What does it mean to be born of imperishable seed?
Is it possible to be bound by oaths you made ignorantly?
How can you be free from demonic vows and oaths?
Find out the category of people who will partake in the first resurrection.
Ever wondered why there are so many religions and gods in the world today?
Did you know that the word 'rapture' is not in the Bible?
What does this imply and how does the Bible refer to the 'catching away' that will happen to some Christians?
Why do people sin even when they don't want to?
Did you know there are different levels of sin, and different punishments follow them?
How Namaan was a shadow of the fulfilment of the Law on Leprosy
Did You Know That God Has Secrets?
What You Can Do To Have His Secret Revealed To You
Why You Should Not Tailor Your Life According To Hollywood
How to Know If A Person Has A Demon Of Anger
Different Degrees Of Love And How To Attain The Highest Level
Going Through A Discipleship Course v. Being A Disciple
If Joseph Took The Birthright, How Did The Sceptre Remain In Judah?
Can Christians Ask For The Forgiveness Of Sins Of Other Christians?
Components of The Birthright Given To The Sons of Jacob
Did You Know That A Child Can Inherit God's Love From His God-fearing Parents?
Can A Christian Have Love But Not Faith?
Why Was The Birthright Taken From Reuben?
Why Did It Also Skip Simeon And Levi?
What Are Parapets And Why They Are Important For Every Christian?
Word Of Knowledge V. God's Omniscience
Why Disasters Sometimes Happen In Places After Revivals
The Difference Between Short Term Authority And Long Term Authority In A Believer's Life
Different Manifestations Of New Demonic Spirits On The Earth.
How To Know That Judgment Is Coming On A People
Different Ways Angels Pass On Their Message
The Price To Pay For Spiritual Authority
Is It Right To Pay For Spiritual Gifts?
What Is The Difference Between God's Judgement And Satan's Affliction?
The Consequences Of Getting Emotionally Naked With One Who Is Not Your Spouse
The Easiest Way To Escape Sin As One Who Is Baptized With The Holy Spirit
The Dangers of Inattention and Ignorance (FAM 27 10 2024)
Why Does God Insist That People Pray Even When He Knows What They Need?
How Demons Operate In People's Lives.
How To Dwell Under The Shadow Of The Almighty.
Can The Lord Give Satan Permission To Attack A Christian?
The Five-fold Ministry: Esteeming Function Over Titles.
How To Build Strongholds Like David Today.
The People God Turns His Back On.
The Battle Between The Elijah Company And The Prophets of Baal
How Is The Word of God Spirit And Life?
Why The Messenger of Death Can Be Sent To A Person.
How God's People Provide Legal Representation In The Spirit Realm
Did You Know That There Are Different Levels Of Righteousness?
The Most Powerful Fear That Plagues Man & How To Overcome It
Why Did Michal Remain Barren For The Rest Of Her Life?
How The Fear of Man Is A Snare
How To Be Like A Little Child For The Sake Of The Kingdom
How Will Those Who Lead Many To Righteousness Have Many Crowns?
Why God Allow His Children Go Through Tough Things?
Lessons From King David: How To Worship God Above The Opinions Of Men
Why Is It Important To Sing New Songs To God?
How To Be Worthy Of The Kingdom of God
The Cost of Discipleship
The Ministry of Angels Revelations, Hierarchies & Messengers (Wed 16 10 2024)
The Ministry of Angels - Idols in the Church & Angels on Assignment (Sun 20 10 2024)
The Ministry of Angels - Idols in the Church & Angels on Assignment (Fri 18 10 2024)
Understanding the Ministry of Angels (Sun 13 10 2024)
Shadows and Realities & Acceptable Offerings (Wed 09 10 2024)
The Power of Hospitality & Marks of the Last Days (Sun 23 09 2024)
Signs of the Last Day Wars & Battle Equipment (Sun 29 09 2024)
The Unjust Gods and Access to God's Throne Space (Fri 27 09 2024)
The Two Zions: Jerusalem Above vs Jerusalem Below (Sun 15 09 2024)
Myth or Fact: If God wants to do something, He'll just do it
How many Christians abuse the saying, "It's just by God's grace"?
How to make disciples
Is the Holy Spirit offended at all planning?
Accountability Partners v. Church Elders
Did you know that many Christians die because of the village goat syndrome?
Two many ways Christian leaders are to lead those under them
How to serve as a midwife to God's birthing process
What should the aim of every sermon be?
Should Christians align with Reformed Theology?
Why every Christian should be eager to receive rebukes
Lessons From Charles Finney's life
Why Christians should never be bored
Did you know that it is possible to miscarry God's purpose in your life?
How to make disciples of Christ.
The importance of preaching above endless prayers.
Find out how Christians are responsible for many not giving their lives to Christ.
What is the proof that one has encountered the word of God?
How can you offer proper incense to God?
Is a man of God powerful because of his personal sacrifice or the joint effort of others?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies, and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
How Wisdom Is a Major Weapon For Winning Battles
What Is It Sheep Needs?
Where Do Sheep Come From?
Did You Know That There Are Four Kinds of Sheep The Lord Wants Us To Attend To?
God's Charge Against The Shepherds of Israel
Qualities of a True Shepherd
The Ultimate Goal of Shepherding
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Hindrance to True Leadership, Dangers of Ingratitude, Role of the Levites and Lots More!
Did You Know That Times and Seasons Always Apply to Every Message God sends?
Find Out How Humility Helps You See From God's Perspective
How The Devil Gains Access Into The Lives of Christians
the Three Major Things God Requires of Every Man
Who Are The Levites, And What Is Their Role In Christianity Today?
How To Handle Young And Productive Sheep Under Your Care?
The Role of Musicians In The Body of Christ
The Difference Between Judgement And Enforcement In A Christian's Life
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
The often ignored but vital things every Christian needs to mature
Does being a wealthy person mean you're vain?
Why do many Christians fall into depression?
What it means to have "a walk with the Lord"
Practical ways of fighting depression
In what ways can a Christian be assisted by the Holy Spirit?
Find out why you shouldn't underestimate Satan's ability to tempt you
How to recognize the voice of the true shepherd
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
How To Become Mature And Blameless
David's Mighty Men
Why Your Should Work On Having No Weaknesses
Living With A Strong & Unbreakable Code: Lessons From Uriah
Why You Should Not Disrespect The Devil
What Things Make you Worthy of Christ's Rewards?
How Satan Uses Unresolved Issues of The Past To Attack Christians
How To Be Worthy Of Christ And His Rewards
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
What God Expects Pastors To Feed His People With
How Marriage Provides A Major Training Ground For Shepherding
Did You Know That A Lot of Women Were Shepherds In The Bible?
The Right Motivation For Shepherding
How Satan Attacks Men of God Successfully
How To Know If A Christian Is Worshipping Mammon
Understanding the Role of Women In Ministry
How To Prepare for The Coming Deception In The Last Days
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Did You Know That There Are Different Levels of Servanthood?
Who Are The People You Should Hold In High Esteem?
The Markers of A Successful Shepherd
The Signs of Successful Pastoring
What The Church Desperately Needs In Preparation For God's Coming Judgement
How To Tell If Your Pastor Is True
Functions of A Shepherd's Staff
Are Christians Meant To Honour People For Their Titles?
Did You Know That God Has A Charge Against His People And Has Taken Them To Court?
Why Do God's People Go Through Lack?
The Dangers of Harbouring Unforgiveness.
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
How God Makes Us Into His Sheep
Did you know that God called Cyrus A Shepherd?
Rights of A Shepherd Over Sheep
The Fastest Way To Gain Authority In The Spirit Realm
What It Means To Give Double Honour To Teachers & Preachers
Consequences of Not Receiving & Accepting Pastoral Ministry
The True Meaning of 'Pastor'
How Christians Can Serve God Yet Despise Him
Can Poverty Be A Blessing?
What It Means To Be Spiritually Drunk
Practical Ways True Pastors Protect And Defend The Sheep From Spiritual Predators
Dangers of Spiritual & Physical Drunkenness
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Jacob As A Representation of Jesus
How Emotionalism Is A Mega Enemy of Christians
How Did Jesus Gain Authority Over All That Is In Heaven, On Earth And Under The Earth?
Reasons Many Suffer Unnecessarily While Obeying God
Did You Know That Angels Reflect What The Humans They Are Assigned To Do?
What Does The Phrase, 'It Is Appointed For Man To Die Once, After Which Is Judgement' Mean?
How God Will Fill Up The Incense Quota of The Earth
Is It Right To Put Ministry Before Family?
The Necessary Ingredient For Ruling With Christ
How To Go Through Tribulation With Joy
Is It Proper To Put Out Fleeces For God?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Presumptions, Authority & Shepherding (Sat 31 08 2024)
How To Know When A Person Is Led By The Spirit of God
The Judgment Against Babylon V. The Judgment In Zion
The Significance of The Sound of Trumpets
How Will God Judge The Church?
How to Qualify As A Leader In the coming Age!
The Role of Shepherds In The Body of Christ.
How To Dig Deep Foundations That Will Stand The Test of Time!
True Biblical Shepherding V. The Shepherding Movement of The 1970s
What Does It Mean To Be "Beside Still Waters"?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
How The Lord Shines Light In Darkness
Manifestations of The Spirit of The Age
How Judgement On The Daughters of Zion Will Come
A Major Way People Conceal Their Sins
How To Discern The Motives Of Your Heart Properly
The Reason For Open Ears
Why Confessing Sin Is Important For Every Believer
Consequences of Immodest Dressing
Are There Still Consequences For Confessed Sin(s)?
What happens when a Christian conceals their sins?
What It Means To Judge Yourself So You Won't Be Judged
The Connection Between Sin And Sicknesses
Should You Confess All Sins To God Only?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
The Shroud of Death Over the Earth, Importance of Solid Foundations, Keys to Answered Prayers and Lots More!
How To Gain Understanding From God
What Does It Mean To Pray/Come In Jesus' Name?
Why Many Christians Have Unanswered Prayers
The Importance of Solid Foundations in A Christian's Life
How To Be Free of The Shroud Of Death Which Covers Everyone On Earth
What Does It Mean To Hide God's Words In Your Heart?
Why Many Christians Fall Away When There Is Trouble
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Why Many Christians Choose Mammon Over God
How Gifts Can Result In Grooming Or Bribery
What You Should Do Before Being Commissioned Into Ministry
What It Means To Be Perfect As God Is
Being A Member of God's Family Worldwide V. Being A Member of A Local Church
Different Levels of Service To The Body of Christ
The Family In Heaven v The Family On Earth
What Are The Keys To Maturity For The Body Of Christ?
Signs That Show That You Are A Part Of A Spiritual Family
Can A Christian Have More Than One Spiritual Family?
Qualifications To Be A Friend Of God
God's Unique Method Of Fighting Warfare And Lessons To Draw From It.
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
The different representations of the Church
Why Jews Have Leading Brands & Businesses In The World
Should Christians pray against witches?
What It Means To Bear Your Yoke In Your Youth
The Blessing of Jacob/Israel And How to Partake In It.
Lessons from the Lives of Jacob and Esau
How God Toughens Sensitive people
How To Dwell With God Who Is A Consuming Fire
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Noble Christianity & the War Against Deception and Envy (Wed 23 08 2023)
Knowing God's Will- Where and When (Sun 24 10 2021 - 1st Service)
Principles for Godly Living (Sun 05 08 2018)
Did You Know That Christians Are Either Characterized As Sheep Or Goats?
What Are Spiritual Coverings? And Why Are They Important?
How to Communicate With God Properly
Praise: A Weapon of Warfare
Characteristics of a Fool And How To Be Wise According to God's Standards
The dangers of not Giving God the honour due Him
How Praise Is A Sacrifice
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
What does it mean to be led by the Spirit?
Do All Angels Have Wings?
Common Traits of Bible Characters Who Were Led By The Spirit
Understanding God's Times and Seasons
Find Out What You Should Do After You Receive A Prophetic Word
Why Many Christians Fast But Their Prayers Remain Unanswered
How To Test Prophetic Words
The Difference Between Asking, Seeking and Knocking
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Light versus The Avenger (FAM 18 08 2024)
Why You Should Not Make Life Decisions For Yourself
The Major Reason For Inferiority Complex in Christians?
Find Out Why You Should not Compare Yourself With Others People
The Pitiful Life of Many Celebrities
The Lord's Prayer Model: How To Pray Effectively
A Day In The Life of Jesus
What It Means To Be A Claypot In God's Hands
How Your Needs Can Be Met Without Money
The Biblical Way To Make Friends
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Did You Know That a Pastor Should Not Only Care About Your Spiritual State?
How To Develop a Godly Sense of Justice.
What Are The Weightier Matters od the Law?
How to Not be a Spiritual Cuckoo Bird!
Practical Ways on How to Carry Out Justice.
What Was the Hypocrisy Practiced by the Pharisees?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Last Day Weapons (Sun 11 08 2024 - 3rd Session)
Confrontations & Retreats (Sun 11 08 2024 - 2nd Session)
Battle Arenas (Sun 11 08 2024 - 1st Session)
Last Day Armament- Word, Spirit, Endurance & Music (Sat 10 08 2024)
The Importance of Having the Holy Spirit in the Last Days.
How to Balance the Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
The Prophetic Nature of Music.
What Events Will Mark the Last Days?
Did You Know That Another Spirit Moves In When The Spirit of God Leaves a Person?
Why Many Christians Will Worship The Antichrist.
What is the Fate of Those Who Chase After Signs and Wonders?
Lessons From Boy-David.
The Counterattack for the Spirit of Distress in the Last Days.
How to Get Your Prayers Answered by God.
What is the Purpose of Prayer?
Discover the Key to Winning Your Christian Race!
The Kind of Fasting That God Pays Attention To.
The Mountain of the Lord and the Criteria for Ascending It.
Did You Know That The Law Are Prophecy?
You test true prophecy by what it testifies about.
The Criteria For Being A Leader In The Body Of Christ.
How to Escape The Delusion Coming In The Last Days.
What To Do In Seasons of Abundance And Lack.
Did You Know That You Can Make Your Man Of God Your Idol?
How to Tell If a Christian Truly Knows God.
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel:
Did you know that where you worship matters?
The spiritual mountain of worship for every believer
How to tell a real church from a fake one.
The Majesty of God
Did you know that strong manifestation of the gift of the Spirit does not equal maturity in Spirit things?
Criteria for those who can dwell in God's presence.
What is a key weapon for winning spiritual warfare?
Lessons from the life of Job and the mystery of God's knowledge.
The danger of God's glory departing from a place.
Why did God distribute spiritual gifts to His people?
Wisdom vs Riches: Which is More Important?
What To Do When You Have Special Encounters With God.
Did You Know That The Story Of The Good Samaritan Speaks Of The Lord Bringing Healing And Revival?
The Significance Of Oil And Wine In A Christian's Life.
Why It Is False Doctrine To 'Command Your Day'.
The Three Harvests — Grapes, Wheat & Barley, And How They Represent Different Kinds Of People.
Will Tribulation Come Before Or After 'The Rapture'?
How To Enter The Kingdom Of God!
How Jesus turns water into wine in the life of a Christian!
Understanding God's true intentions in the Law.
What does meditation mean according to the Bible?
How did Jesus fulfill the Law given through Moses?
Find out how to receive the desires of your heart from God!
The place of Israel in God's Love Plan for the nations
How to stop yourself from sinning when you are angry.
If you were born in the time Jesus walked the Earth, do you think you would've followed Him?
What you should do when you receive negative prophecies?
Does the sorrow you feel for doing something wrong equal repentance?
Examples of unprofitable people who ended up being useful to God
How to be useful to the Lord.
Man's true state in God's eyes
Reasons many Christians have hardened hearts
Did you know that the presence of God is connected to His words?
Three ways Satan tempts every man
God's idea of success
How to get your sins forgiven by God
How to manage God's yokes and burdens
Practical ways to fight and overcome sleep!
Is it right for a Christian to partake in protests?
How to enter into God's rest
Did you know that the resurrection will take place in a certain order?
How Did Jesus Fulfil The Law And Not Abolish It?
Did you know that there is a third Jewish sect in addition to the Pharisees and Sadducess?
How Jesus Is Our High Priest
Why There Are Many Churches In The World
How to be wise as a serpent
Does God afflict people?
How to get your healing quickly!
Why do many Christians Stumble?
The reason many Christians have troubles
Find out the primary source of life in man!
The result of diligent discipline!
How to be angry and not sin.
The requirements for having your prayers answered
Want to know what the sure mercies of David?
Did you know that God does not take sides?
What should a Christian's response to a "bad" Government be?
Sacrifices & Offerings: Phases & Sizes (Fri 19 07 2024)
Why Many Christians Do Not Partake In What God Is Doing Per Time
Why Are Four 'Problematic' Women Mentioned In Jesus' Genealogy? Rehab. Bathsheba. Ruth. Tamar.
How The "Foolishness of God" Is Wiser Than The Wisdom of Men
Lessons From The Life of Paul: What it means to count everything as dung
How To Overcome All Self Esteem Issues
Learn why you should judge nothing before time.
Did You Know That God Seldom Calls Powerful People? Why?
How To Be rich And Useful To God!
Why The Seven Mountain Prophesy is Erroneous
Does God still Speak Through The Casting of Lots Today?
How to remain in faith in the face of troubles
How To Be Confident In God
Strategies on how to overcome fear!
How can you complete your race as a Christian?
Did you know that God has three feasts?
The mystery of the number '50'
What is the significance of Pentecost for a believer?
The Difference Between The Bible And Other 'Holy' Books
The enemy's plans for children in these last days.
How To Activate The Prophetic In Your Child
Why do many with talents not go far?
What does it mean to say that the race is not for the swift?
The way of escape God provides for all facing temptations
Did you know that an unbeliever will be better off than a backslidden Christian on Judgment day?
How many Christians trust in horses over God
Is a Christian saved once and forever?
Did you know that government leaders are servants of God?
Find out how to be on God's good side on Judgement Day.
Want to know the primary cause of afflictions in your life?
Is something true because your Pastor said so or because the Bible said so?
Works is the spirit of faith!
Are you interested in finding out the venue for the Day of Judgement?
How to know if your Pastor is teaching a destructive doctrine.
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse
The Power for Change - Prophetic Counsel (Thu 29 09 2022)
Truth vs Deception- Recognizing the Good Shepherd's Voice (Sun 11 07 2021)_1sv
Discerning God’s Voice- Lessons from Lot (Fri 06 12 2019)
Hearing God 3- Errors in Handling God’s Words (Fri 11 10 2019)
Hearing God 2 (Thu 10 10 2019)
Hearing God 1 (An Introduction) (Wed 09 10 2019)
Understanding God’s Voice (Wed 13 12 2017)
Hearing God- The Principle of Consistency (Wed 06 12 2017)
Did you know that there are two kinds of resurrection?
Want to know how to be a witness of the Lord's Resurrection?
Does the blood of Jesus cover all sins? Including the very terrible ones?
Is it possible for a Christian to hear the voices of demons?
Which is greater? The word of God or prayer?
Did Jesus really start His ministry and end with prayer?
What opens the door to demonic oppression in the life of Christians?
If you wish for the full message, with the worship, testimonies and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/Tj-NhPqsMao
SHow having skills can be more important than being a graduate.
How to foretell the future!
Did you know that the Holy Spirit can either be a source of light or darkness to you?
The mystery of the "third day"
How To Pass all your tests and fulfil destiny
The kind of prayer that displeases God
Why you should never lie to a man of God
How The Holy Spirit helps in our weakness
How to receive from God!
Did you know that wisdom is strength?
Who are the wise counsellors the Bible talks about?
How to overcome all temptations
Why the devil has been able to win battles against you
How to discipline your child according to the Bible
How the Holy Spirit speaks through your thoughts!
And Lots More!
If you wish for the full meeting, including the worship, testimonies, and prayers, follow this link to God's Lighthouse Channel:
James 1:18 - What does it mean to be the first fruit of all God's creation?
How did creation fall into the bondage of corruption? How will mankind be liberated?
Did you know that the Church have idols of interpretation? Find out what you should do to gain more understanding.
What should you do when you are in need but do not have money?
Every Christian's calling: Finding God
Did you know that there will be a famine of God's word? What Amos 8:11 means
Why does God allow His children to through tough situations?
How God trains His children.
The Heavenly Adam vs The Earthly Adam: How to escape the dragon by dwelling on things above.
Will there be marriage in the age to come?
2 Peter 1:5-6. The foundation for acquiring knowledge.
The importance of self control.
As you listen to this message you will learn how to break free from the bondage of this corrupt world.
EODT_The Price of Oil and Love (Fri 01 02 2019)
Seeking the Kingdom - Old Patterns, New Dimensions
(Fri 28 06 2024)
Where do you draw the line when it comes to obeying government? Is there a time not to obey?
How you can set yourself up to deny Jesus in trying times.
How do I become a disciple?
Does just being a christian make me immune to deception—Satan's mighty tool?
Fruits: What you must always look of for in battling deception.
[John 8:44] : How to recognize the voice of the dragon.
Revelation 12: The coming of the Dragon, and how you must prepare to overcome him.
Being Under Authority: A protection you will regret despising.
Can a Man of God start in Truth and end in Lies? How and Why?
Spiritual Fatherhood/Sonship: What the bible says.
How should you watch for the fulfillment of prophecy?
Did you know that angels obey only the Lord's command?
Find out why you should never command an angel!
The role of angels in the last days.
How to receive the service of angels.
Jeremiah, Daniel, and Revelation: Books with Instructions For The Last Days You Should Absolutely Pay Attention To!
Is the display of spiritual gifts proof that you know God?
Get to learn the distinction between walking in gifts and walking in obedience
In this message you will learn the importance of angels, their role in the last days, and how to receive their ministry!
Service Disqualifiers: Pride, Bitterness & Lawlessness (FAM Sun 23 06 2024)
Did you know that Babylon is the ruling system of the world today? Get to know how to be free of her influences.
The Three Dimensional Processes of God: Why does God seem to operate in three phases?
Is getting a certificate necessary for ministry and the Christian life?
How to maintain a healthy relationship with God that is not based on crisis and emergency!
How to seek God in a way that is profitable.
Can't endure the ridiculous? You can't see the Spirit realm! Get to understand the ways of God
How to trust God for your daily needs
Did you know that the filthiness of Zion (God's people) will be cleansed by judgement and fire?
As you listen to the message, you learn how to make your way from Babylon to Zion, the mountain of the Lord!
The difference between God's will and God's plan, the two trees in the garden and lots more!
Did you know that man does not have total freewill? Get to know how the 'freewill' you have is limited authority.
Want to know how spiritual and physical forces affect the authority you've been given?
What is the price to pay to grow in authority?
Lessons from the Garden in Eden: How can man use his authority to [dis]obey God?
As you listen to this message, you will receive understanding on how to walk in line with the will of God!
Did you know that somethings you believe may not be of God but burdens of men? Find out how this is possible, and how to get rid of them.
How understanding God's words helps you pray properly
Why most Christians don't feel joy while praying!
Did you know there were three major Jewish sects and not one? Lessons from the Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes
The Law: How Jesus revealed the intentions of God through the law?
The word 'Sin' has five different renditions.
Get to know the different categories of sin, and how to avoid them all.
In this message you will understand why you have unanswered prayers and how to pray properly.
What does it mean to die daily? Learn how to take up your cross every day to follow Jesus.
Who are the elect? And how do they qualify to be chosen?
The Ultimate Fruit of a Good Ministry: The Reduction of Sin.
Pride: The major reason for distortion in the family.
How to remain in God's will as a servant of God.
Did you know that the path of servanthood has suffering in it?
Matthew 24:24 - How to avoid being deceived by false messiahs and prophets in the last days!
Psalm 1: According to scriptures, what does it mean to be blessed?
Did you know that your presidents, governors, and other civil rulers are servants of God? Learn about the two classes of servants of God!
In this message, you will learn how to prepare provisions to take your possessions in Christ, and how the word of God shapes you into a faithful servant of God!
Did you know that the gap between you and mighty deeds could be boldness?
Why do many preachers burn out?
Sabbath: Why does the Lord give us seasons of rest?
What is the wedding feast of the Lamb all about?
Categories of those invited to the Lord's banquet. Find out if you qualify to be in this feast, and what happens when people decline the Lord's invitation.
Christians have power inherent in them. What holds them back from manifesting the power of God in them?
In this message you will learn about the Lord's invitation, and why many fail to respond to His invitation.
The Three Levels of Salvation for every Christian.
What is the difference between a disciple and a believer?
Ever wondered how to get rid of the impurities in your mind? Find out how to be cleansed by the word of God.
The five-fold ministry: Different classes of servants and their roles.
Women make the best pastors. Find out how this is possible.
In this message you will learn about the concept of servanthood and how to serve faithfully in this role.
How to store up God's words in your heart: The Colossians 3:16 strategy
Swords vs Arrows: The place of the word and prayer in a believers' life.
Discipleship: The goal of Christianity. Find out how disciple-minded Christians are different from others.
Want to be a servant of God? Find out how to become one.
Glean understanding on how to be a true disciple as you listen to this message today.
Why do many fall from the faith no matter the signs and wonders they have seen? Find out what keeps a person steadfast in the Lord
Those who follow after signs and wonders will follow the Anti-Christ.
What you should do to avoid being a follower of the lawless one.
How to distinguish between signs from God and those powered by the devil or the flesh.
Did you know that the Danites are the only tribe of Israel that lost their inheritance? Get to know why, and learn how to take and keep your own inheritance in God.
The Patterns of Paul's teachings
The Word or Power of God. Which should you choose?
Samson vs. Samuel: How to fulfill your calling without ending halfway.
This message will teach you how to balance the word and power of God, and how to serve faithfully in your calling.
The Making of A Fruitful (Faithful) Servant (FAM Sun 09 06 2024)
Different levels of access to God, and how you can get deeper access to Him
The Promised Land: A place of more access to God than normal.
Did you know that servanthood is a means to glory and honour? Find out how this is possible.
How does Moses, the Law, and the Prophets testify about Jesus?
Why you should persevere in well-doing
Did you know that there are different categories of sin, and they do not all have the same punishments? Find out about these categories, and how to overcome them.
What are the gifts of the spirit?
How to properly administrate the gift of the spirit!
Pride: The major undoing of many gifted ones.
God can answer a person according to the idols of their heart. What you can do to avoid this.
Learn how to access the Lord and what happens when people come to God with idols in their hearts!
Discipleship: The journey to being a servant of God
What are the benefits of waiting on the Lord?
What should you do when you are waiting on the Lord?
How to get your eyes opened.
Lessons from the disciples on the way to Emmaus.
Did you know that impatience with the Lord deprives you of seeing clearly?
Lessons from Thomas Didymus: The happiness of believing without seeing.
As you listen to this message, your hope in God will be revived and your eyes will be opened to see Him clearly.
How to tell the future from the past. Lessons from Ecclesiastes 1:9
What is the significance of the Samaritans in the Bible?
Mystery Babylon: The Mother of Prostitutes
Nebuchadnezzar: Did you know that Babylon always goes after the mighty, skilled, and renowned?
How to avoid the influence of Babylonian music in your life.
Want to know how the absence of greed frees you from the clutches of Babylon?
In this message, you will learn about the spiritual implications of being in Babylon and how to leave for Zion.
Acceptable Boasting - Strength, Wealth and Wisdom (Wed 13 07 2022)
The Provision for Zion (Sun 20 02 2022)
How to Leave Babylon - Ask The Way (Fri 11 02 2022) 02
Ask the Way: An Exhortation on Giving (Fri 11 02 2022) 01
Realities: Hard Hearts, Spiritual Governments & Real Giving (Sun 02 05 2021)
Principles of Godly Giving 3 (Fri 19 02 2021)
Principles of Godly Giving 2 (Sun 05 11 2017)
Principles of Godly Giving 1 (Sun 29 10 2017)
Did you know that devil's weapon is deception, not brute force?
Every tree that bears bad fruits will be cut down by God! Find out how to bear the fruits of righteousness and peace
Find out how imitating those who imitate Christ can help you reach God's promises to you.
Examples of Faith: Want to know how to obtain the promises through faith and perseverance?
Why do Christians suffer attacks from the enemy?
Repentance: is the easiest way to get healed of sicknesses.
Learn how faith and perseverance work together to thrust us towards the plans of God in our lives.
Believing Obedience: The bridge between God's promise and its fulfilment.
Did you know that you cannot make a fresh covenant with God? Here is why. The five covenant head in Scriptures.
Why you can have a great destiny and calling but never fulfil it.
What does it mean to be led by the spirit of God?
Want to know how to not be a slave to sin?
As you listen to this message, you will learn how to be led by the spirit of God, not be a slave to sin, and preserve until God's promises are fulfilled in your life.
The anchor of our salvation, what to do with riches and lots more!
Enlightened self-interest: Why you must forgive those who offend you
Did you know that many will be living life normally when the day of the Lord comes?
One of the keys to conquering the territories God has kept for you is to die to this present world.
Did you know that God has chosen the poor of this world to inherit the coming kingdom?
What does it mean to be rich in faith? Who are the poor of this world?
How to be rich in good works.
The anchor of our hope: Find out how Jesus grants us access into the Holy of Holies.
Learn about true riches, humility and how to keep your hope alive in this message.
Did you know that the Bible is the largest collection of prophecies? Find out why prophecies will be greatly needed in these last days.
What are the things that compete with the love for Jesus in our hearts?
Lawlessness is a disqualifier from the kingdom of God!
Can a Christian be oppressed by the spirit of witchcraft?
Find out how sin opens the door for demonic oppressions in your life.
Three things to avoid in the last days: Dissipation, Drunkenness and Worries of life.
Those who go after signs and wonders will be deceived by the Lawless One. Find out how.
Ever heard of the seal of the Lord?
Did you know that the seal of the Lord will preserve you from the dangers coming on the earth?
In this message, you will learn about the consequences of sin and how to get the seal of the Lord!
Did you know that government authorities are servants of God? Find out how this is possible.
Did you know that your obedience to civil authority will have effect on your spiritual life?
Did you know that you are opposing God when you disobey civil authority?
Character of the noble: searching things out. Lessons from the Berean Christians
Why does God speak in parables?
The Test of True discipleship: Leaving everything to follow
Did you know that disciples must go through suffering?
In this message you will learn the cost of discipleship and why you should submit to civil authorities!
What makes a person a son of God? Stages of Christian growth and how they work.
Did you know that the sons of God can only be manifested in the coming age?
Qualifications for those who will be rulers in the age to come
Fruits vs Gifts: What will the Lord judge by when He comes?
Are you easily swayed by signs and wonders? You will follow the Anti-Christ. Find out how.
How to remain stable no matter the circumstances around you.
The three battlegrounds to conquer: Yourself, the church and the world.
Lessons from the book of Judges: How to prepare for the coming of the Lord.
Unpack strategies for the battles of the last days and the coming kingdom as you listen to this message!
Did you know that the opposite of 'holy' is common and not filthy.
What does it mean to be holy as God is holy?
Can a person be righteous on this Earth? What does 1 Jn. 3:7 mean?
The fear of the Lord keeps men from evil. What does living in the fear of God look like?
What principles will God judge by?
What calamity befalls those who follow erring men of God?
Holiness: How to escape the coming disasters on the Earth
Learn the fear of God and the practical way to walk in holiness as you listen to this message today.
Did you know that there is more being a believer of Christ? Learn about the five stages of Christian growth
What must you do to become a disciple of Christ?
There are three major yeasts talked about in the Bible. What do they mean? Get to know how to avoid the yeasts of Herod and the Pharisees.
The primary beneficiaries of the Word of God - your spirit and soul.
What to do in tough times to stay in faith.
Prophesy: One of the ways the Lord saves His people from trouble
What to do with knowledge: When to seek more and when ro refrain from doing so
The Fish and bread Gospel and why you must avoid it.
How does righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost make the kingdom of God?
Learn how to be a true disciple of Christ as you listen to this message today!
What are the things that hinder many from hearing God?
How to know when the Holy Spirit is speaking to you
Are you carrying a yoke put on you by a human, thinking it is from the Lord? Find out how to get rid of man-made religious burdens
What is the significance of the altar of incense to us today?
Want to know why the Lord doesn't reveal everything about our lives to us?
How to offer up acceptable incense to the Lord
Those that are led by the Holy Spirit are usually not set in their ways. Get to know how to be like powder in God’s hands.
In this message, you will learn how the Holy Spirit speaks and how to offer up incense to the Lord!
Understanding the roles of priests: Lessons from the book of Leviticus.
What does it mean to speak as an Oracle of God? 1 Pet. 4:11
How does God use the weak things of this world to shame the wise?
Find out how your weakness qualifies you for God's use.
How to become a disciple of Christ
Did you know that whatever you lose for God's sake will be restored a hundredfold? When will this be?
How to be a faithful steward!
Did you know that God demands that you repay your parents? Find out how.
The voice of the Holy Spirit vs Demonic voices.
Join Pastor Ita Udoh as he gives an exposition on how to prepare to be faithful in this age in preparation for the age to come.
Fulfilling Destiny in the Face of Fear (Fri 10 05 2024)
Cleansing from Bitterness (Wed 08 05 2024)
How to offer a proper sacrifice of thanksgiving to God
For everything you are ungrateful for, someone else is wishing to have. Find out how to offer sacrifices of praise from your lips.
Ever wondered why you have annoying siblings, roommates, or colleagues? Is it possible that God is using these people to train you for what is ahead?
Debunking marital myths: How to prepare mentally for marriage.
Three stages of purification: The individual, the church, and the world.
Did you know that the lake of fire is how God purifies the world?
Understanding the fear of the Lord and how impurities stop you from seeing the Lord as He is.
In this message, you will learn the importance of gratitude and how to live a pure life.
Did you know that singing is a form of prayer?
Did you also know that prayer is incense and there is a required amount of incense needed for the last days?
Addressing misconceptions on 'Satan being under your feet!'
Find out how the devil subtly deceives Christians into disobeying God.
Lessons from Proverbs 7: How Christians fall into the snares of mystery Babylon.
God expects us to bear fruits after repentance. Find out how.
In this message, you will learn how to overcome the enticement of Babylon and live according to God's laws.
What is the role of the church in the well-being and safety of christians?
What does spiritual warfare look like today?
Spiritual growth is possible. Find out how to.
Importance of paying attention to spiritual guidance and the dangers of false doctrines.
Did you know that suffering plays a vital role in building character?
Practical steps for effective time management and handling responsibilities.
Why do many Christians face never-ending afflictions?
Gain understanding on the principles of spiritual warfare as you listen to this message today!
The Fiery Distinction -Wheat & Tares (FRI 05 03 2021)ALN-S2
Leprosy - Examination & Cleansing (FRI 05 03 2021)ALN-S1
Discerning Truth and Resisting Falsehoods (Sun 28 02 2021)S4
Keys to Spiritual Maturity: Humility & True Repentance (Sat 27 02 2021)S3
The Spirit of Truth vs Babylon’s Bondage (Sat 27 02 2021)S2
Preparation for the Coming King (Fri 26 02 2021)
What state of heart should you have in a season of harvest?
Practical steps to cultivate righteousness in your surroundings!
Did you know that there is a limited time for harvest? Learn how to maximize seasons of harvest
Who qualifies as a disciple?
Following Jesus is key to understanding the word of God!
Learn about the price you must pay to gain understanding in this message!
The three yeasts Jesus taught against: were the yeasts of Herod, Pharisee, and Sadducee.
How to get rid of these yeasts.
Why does God allow us to undergo pressure?
Did you know there is a difference between finding God's hands and Seeking His face? Find out how to seek God's face.
What does it mean for your righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees? Did you know that there are different measures of righteousness?
Lack of love for the truth: criteria seeking for following the antichrist.
What does it mean to have a calling?
God's intention is to rid His people of impurities. Discover how He will do this.
In this message, you will learn how to grow in the knowledge of God, with the Holy Spirit as your teacher.
The three yeasts Jesus taught against: The yeasts of Herod, Pharisee and Sadducee.
How to get rid of these yeasts.
Why does God allow us undergo pressure?
Did you know there is a difference between finding God's hands and Seeking His face? Find out how to seek God's face.
What does it mean for your righteousness to exceed that of the Pharisees? Did you know that there are different measures of righteousness?
Lack of love for the truth: Criteria for following the antichrist.
What does it mean to have a calling?
God's intention is to rid His people of impurities. Discover how He will do this.
In this message, you will learn how to grow in the knowledge of God, with the Holy Spirit as your teacher.
Did you know that one way greed manifests is through anxiety and inability to steward resources?
Why do many Christians hold strongly to self-love? What does the Bible say about those who are lovers of themselves?
List of things to look out for in the last days and how to avoid them!
Biblical definition of pride and how to walk in humility.
How to walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called.
In this message you will learn practical steps on how to live a life pleasing to God!
What is the Lake of fire?
Is denominational Christianity good for you? Dangers of holding onto denominational doctrines above God's words.
According to Revelation 20, on judgement day, books will be opened. What books are these?
It is better to listen rather than speak when in the house of God - Eccl. 5: 2
Find out how to pray according to God's will!
Lessons from Jesus' prayer life.
How can one please God with their money?
Did you know that giving to the rich eventually leads to poverty?
Lessons from the life of Gehazi: How greed causes leprosy in the church today!
Major causes of leprosy: Sin, rebellion, pride and greed!
The first and most important step to being cleansed of leprosy is humility.
Leprosy can be passed down family lines. Get to learn lessons from Joab's life.
What should you do after God heals you from Leprosy?
The difference between being healed and presenting yourself for examination by the priest.
In this message you will learn more about leprosy, how it spreads and how to get cleansed!
Did you know that a proof of a person's walk with God is not by how long they've been saved but by how long they've stayed saved?
The three major expressions of the fleshy nature that can cut you off from God's presence.
How can a servant of God be spiritually unclean? Should a man of God still minister when he is unclean?
Examples of highly placed people afflicted with leprosy in the Bible.
Did you know that leprosy can be inflicted on a person by God?
Humility is the major way to get healed of leprosy!
Find out more about spiritual uncleanness, how to be healed and stay healed!
Did you know that following God's laws help you stay healthy?
What attracts demons to Christians and a church family as a whole?
How to identify a dead church!
Did you know that a proof of being a child of God is that He disciplines you?
What is the fate of Christians who are not disciplined by God?
The Church has contaminants that can keep her from fulfilling God's will. What are these?
Three things that can destroy a Christian: Looks, Money and Brains!
Do you wish to stay longer on the path God has called you to walk?
Find out the dangers of chasing power instead of the word of God!
Learn about the spiritual representation of leprosy and how to identify it in your life as you listen to this message!
Rewards for righteous acts, lessons from the life of Ruth, types of leprosy, and more!
Did you know that giving to the rich makes you poor?
Find out how the Law of gleaning applies to Christians today
Did you know that tithes are to cater for orphans, widows, and strangers, not pastors alone?
Punishments for those who oppress the poor. Giving to the poor is lending to God!
Lessons from the life of Ruth: Forsaking your old ways to follow the one true God.
Three ways spiritual leprosy can arise in a christian’s life and their implications.
In this message, you will learn about the dangers of greed and how to avoid it!
Why do many Christians fret when the enemy attacks?
Strategies for facing the enemy head on.
Did you know that having the fear of God rids you of the fear of the enemy?
Lessons from the kings: The sore consequences of a proud and lifted heart.
What happens when God's children disregard the people sent to help them?
In this message you will learn about the dangers of pride and what to do in the face of battle.
What is the purpose of the tongue? Why were we given a little instrument that has such great power?
Learn how to stop cursing with your mouth.
One way we can administer justice is through our words!
How to prepare for the judgement of the Lord!
Ever wondered how you can be closer to God? Do you want to ascend God's holy hill?
In this message, you will learn how to be set apart and walk closely with the Lord!
How to get a thorough understanding of concepts in the Bible
Understanding the dual nature of God - kindness and severity!
How to yield to and accept the righteous and just side of God!
God judges according to certain things. What are they?
Did you know that when God's commandments become burdensome, you have likely gone into legalism?
In this message, you will learn how to welcome God's judgement and align yourself with it!
Did you know that Passover is a time to reflect on your life?
After giving your life to Christ, there are battles to fight on the way. Find out how to handle the battles that will come your way!
Rain, Grain, Oil, and wine are things to expect in the Promised Land. What do these things mean? Find out in this message.
Why do we have a great cloud of witness? Lessons to learn from those who have gone ahead of us.
What does it mean to resist sin to the shedding of blood?
How can we run the race set before us consistently without losing faith?
Mindsets that inhibit our fierceness in battle!
Justice comes when people stand for what is right. Find out how to be a conduit of Justice.
Consequences of injustice and rewards of righteousness in the land!
Acquire strategies on how to fight the good fight of faith as you listen to this message today!
What is the difference between peace that is from the world and that which is from God?
Judgment brings forth righteousness, and righteousness brings forth peace! How to receive God's judgement with the right attitude.
Find out how ignorance, anxiety, lust and anger can inhibit your peace!
How does praying for those in authority help us live a peaceful life?
The three things that compete for attention in a Christian's life.
You have a choice: The tree of life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
In this message you will learn practical steps on how to pursue peace with God and man!
Did you know that failure to keep the Lord's Sabbaths can lead into captivity?
How do you enter into the rest God provides?
When the Lord sets you free, He is setting you free so that you can sacrifice to Him!
Things that can stop you from entering into the rest of God: Lessons from the Israelites in the wilderness.
Does the accuracy of a prophetic word classify a prophet as real?
What are the parameters for testing prophetic words?
What does it mean to keep the Sabbath Day Holy?
Learn the importance of Passover and how to enter into God's rest as you listen to this message today!
Learn how you can agree with God in all things!
Sexual immorality is more dangerous than you think. Learn how to avoid it!
Seeing that the Lord has promised us joy at the end of our Christian journey, what must we do to attain this joy?
What happens when people don't agree with God? Consequences of not yielding to the Lord's words.
The disparity between God's ways and man's ways.
Lessons from the Israelites and Moabites: Consequences of sexual immorality.
Did you know that confessing your sins in part will hinder you from being forgiven totally?
In this message, you will learn how to walk in the way of God and attain the fullness of the joy He has promised!
The place of endurance in a Christian's journey of faith!
What things will you have to endure as a Christian?
Find out how you can overcome every temptation that comes your way!
What should you do when faced with multiple trials and persecution?
Is there a purpose for enduring hardship?
How to enjoy God's goodness with the right attitude!
Gain wisdom and understanding on how to persevere till the revealing of our Lord!
True enemies of the Christian faith, how to overtake and consume your enemies, and lots more!
Did you know that the true enemies of a Christian aren't poverty, accidents, failures, etc.? Would you like to know your true enemies and how to conquer them?
What does it really mean to be holy?
When the Amalekites show up, what should you do?
Are you struggling with lust and do not know how to overcome? Discover ways to fight lust battles and win!
Ever wondered how you can seek God's face? Do you know what it means to wait on the Lord?
How to contend for the faith and build your shield of faith!
Wisdom and understanding are weapons to wage war with. Acquire these as you listen attentively to this message today!
There are tons of lessons to glean from the story of Gideon and the three hundred men!
Why do God's people go through cycles at different times in their lives? Why does the enemy win repeatedly in certain areas of your life?
Did you know that comfort and unbelief are major disqualifiers in fighting the Lord's battle?
Curious about how to defeat the ruling forces on the enemy's side?
Midianites still come after the people of God today. Find out what they are and how to get rid of them!
Discover war strategies as you listen to this discourse on the life of Gideon today!
"Pass It Down": Sustaining A Jesus Culture Across Generations
When the Son of man returns, will He find faith in you? Learn how to build rock-solid faith that will stand the test of time.
Your faith must go beyond the belief demons have. Find out how to have real faith that pleases God.
What is the true definition of faith according to scriptures?
Faith is the body to actions. Get to know how this works.
Ever wondered why you go through so much challenges as a Christian? Will you like to learn how to endure the testing of your faith?
Learn more about living faith and how to be a doer of God's word as you listen to this audio today!
The dangers of not recognizing times and seasons.
How to get the spirit of grace and supplication and lots more!
To everything there is a time and season - Discover how to recognise God's times and seasons in your life.
Did you know that God expects us to have seasons of mourning and celebration? What happens when people only want to celebrate all their lives?
Ever felt sad and couldn't understand why? What do you do when your heart feels heavy and you can't find the root of the problem?
Did you know that the spirit of prayer comes with mourning and grief?
Learn how to maximise every time and season in this message with Pastor Ita Udoh.
The Law, the prophets and the judges, why God's people are oppressed and lots more!
Did you know that God first sends His Law to you before He send prophets?
Are you struggling under one oppression or the other? Does it seem like things you overcame in the past have come back to haunt and overcome you?
Ever wondered what happens when people throw God's law behind them?
Find out what calamity befalls people who kill/silence those God sends to draw them back to Him!
How to identify the judges God sends in your life to save you from oppression
The Kingdom of God has a guest list. Get to know those on it and how to join.
As you listen to this message, you will learn how God's people get into oppression and how to escape this!
What happens when people don't pace themselves and want to enjoy all the goodies of life at once?
Why did God pick the three hundred men Gideon went to war with?
How the devil distracts you from the kingdom of God with eating and drinking.
Ever wondered why you seem to worry about things a lot and fantasize about the lifestyle you wish you had?
In this message, you will gain deliverance from he spirit of worry and learn contentment just as God intends.
The Church of God
Ever wondered if a prophetic word from God could be negative?
What makes a true prophet? A hundred percent accuracy of words given?
Composure or Sequentially: What does it mean to do things decently and in order?
How to be a proper administrator of prophetic gifts.
Curious about learning how to honour your parents with your earnings?
How should you regard those who contribute to your growth - spiritually and physically?
In this message you will receive understanding on how to grow in your prophetic gifting and so much more!
The Master Key to A Happy Home (Thu 07 03 2024)
The Reward of the Lord Christ: How to Fully Participate (Sun 10 03 2024)
The dual nature of God, righteousness of the saints, the wounded bride of Christ, and lots more!
Ever wondered if the righteousness of Christ is all there is for a Christian? Did you know that it is the one who practices righteousness that is righteous?
Curious about learning God's appointed times and seasons? What happens when a window of opportunity closes on a backsliding Christian?
How to understand signs!
The Lion and the Lamb: Did you know that God is not only kind, but severe too? Find out how to receive of God's kindness and not His severity.
Did you know that the Bride of Christ has wounds that displease Christ? Find out what led to her wounds!
A call for doctors and nurses who will help in treating the wounds of the Bride of Christ!
Learn how you can be a part of these caregivers as you listen to this message today.
Did you know that women are more given to be intercessors? Discover ways you can grow to be a faithful intercessor.
Have you ever been afraid of losing your inheritance? These five things will stop you from gaining your inheritance.
Did you know that disaster follows when people crave things out of God's plan and timing?
What does it mean to test Christ?
In this message you will learn of the inheritance killers and how to avoid them.
The Marriage Guide/GGG
The Marriage Guide/GGG
Inheritance Series
The Wrath of the King & The Inheritance of the Levites (Fri 01 03 2024)
The Inheritance
The Inheritance Series
Ephraim Vs Manasseh (Fri 23 02 2024)
Learning Peace in War (Wed 21 02 2024)
The wisdom of Solomon vs the wisdom of Jesus, how the devil devours Christians and lots more!
Did you know that the Devil devours God's people through the influence of the world system? And that Babylon and Assyria are a representation of the system of this world?
Suffering for Christ's sake is how you escape being devoured by the Devil!
How do you differentiate the wisdom of Jesus from that of Solomon?
Find out how Solomon introduced strange gods into the land of Israel!
Ever wondered why it'll be easy for many to follow the antichrist? Did you know that the coming of the antichrist will be accompanied with signs and wonders and workings of Satan?
The Jews seek a sign, the Greeks seek wisdom - Find out what the church of God is meant to seek!
Receive strategies on how to resist the devil and be alert as you listen to this message today!
The word of God is the light that illuminates every life, anointing is given for teaching, and lots more!
How does the word of God light up the life of men? What happens to those who have no light [word] in them?
Did you know that Authority is acquired over time and that it doesn't work like Power?
Priests and Prophets: Do you know that prophets are a stop-gap and that they are sent when people don't listen to the word of God?
When you go to pray, get God to say something and let your words be few!
This message provides a deep biblical exposition on how to get your inheritance using the light of God's word!
Finding Your Inheritance in a Divided Kingdom (Fri 16 02 2023)
The Last Adam & the Inheritance of Daughters (Sun 11 02 2024)
God's Three Witnesses On Earth (Fri 09 02 2024)
The Life-giving Light (Wed 07 02 2024)
The inheritance is given to those who seek it!
Ever wondered what the Kingdom of God is about? Are you interested in learning how to seek the Kingdom of God?
Did you know you directly affect the prosperity of your country when you speak ill against it?
Do you have fears that you wish to overcome? Learn the surest way to overcoming all fears.
Receive light and understanding as God's word unfolds to you in this message today!
Cessationist: Present day Sadducees, the purging of the house of David, the prophetic ministry and lots more!
Did you know that people who don't believe in the supernatural do not know the scriptures and the power of God? Are you aware that you have to turn a blind eye to truth to say that miracles don't happen anymore?
Have you ever wondered what will happen to the church of God in the last days? Find out how God will clean His church with a spirit of judgement and of fire!
Did you know that God sends fire to His church in order to purify her?
What happens when you don't pay attention to the signs the Lord shows you? The disaster of those who disregard the prophetic ministry.
Discover the role God's purging process plays in preparing you for your inheritance as you listen to this message today!
Spirit, Water and Blood - The three-step process of Salvation!
Godly women have callings too. Ever wondered if it is biblical for a woman to be a pastor?
Did you know that there are three phases of salvation? That you were saved, are being saved and will be saved?
Find out why you shouldn't speak mercilessly about the fall of another Christian.
What does the Bible mean when it says 'narrow is the way that leads to life, few find it'?
Did you know that 'knocking' is how you gain access through the narrow door?
In this message you will learn what role asking, seeking and knocking play in your Christian journey!
The day of the Lord will not come like a thief in the night to everyone, Christian demonization, and lots more!
Ever wondered if it's possible for a Christian to have demons? What did Jesus mean when He said 'The children's bread' cannot be given to dogs?
Did you know that the day of the Lord will not come like a thief in the night to everyone? That you too can be aware of the day the Lord will come? Find out how!
Did you know that just like in the days of Noah, many people will not escape the coming disaster on the earth?
Are you aware of the legality of the spirit realm? That many times people are oppressed because the enemy has a legal right over them?
Learn how the laws of God can lead you to victory over the enemy as you listen to this message today!
Faith towards God: utterly different from positive thinking. the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the teachings of another Jesus!
Ever wondered why you have 'faith' for something and it never comes to pass? Did you know that God only rewards those who diligently seek Him?
You can only have faith when God has spoken a word because faith comes from hearing God's word.
Lessons from the children of Israel: Doubting God after He has sent His word.
Curious about knowing the freedom that is the inheritance of God's people?
With your writing materials in place, learn how to have faith towards God as you listen to this audio today!
[Q&A Session]
Promise and Fulfilment 5 (Wed 24 01 2024)
Promise and Fulfilment 4 (Sun 21 01 2024)
Inheritance Through Sanctification 1 (Sat 20 01 2024)
Pastors and scandals, circumcision before inheritance and lots more!
Find out the importance of circumcision before acquiring your inheritance.
Did you know that between Egypt and the Promise Land is the Wilderness? And that your period in the wilderness can be prolonged based on the choices you make?
How do you handle scandals against a spiritual leader?
Ever wondered what to do after giving your life to Christ? Are you interested in learning how to grow in holiness?
When the Lord calls, He needs a response. Learn how to respond to His call.
As you listen to this message, you will learn how to live a set-apart life on your way to attaining your inheritance.
Immorality, impurity and greed: Three things that will hinder you from getting your inheritance.
Curious about how to store up treasures for yourself in heaven? Did the Bible really say that wherever the sole of your feet touches will be yours? Or have you been reading that passage wrong all along?
Are you aware that the inheritance of Christians does not lie in material things?
Did you know there are curses as well as blessings in the Promise Land? Find out how to avoid the curses and get blessings.
Destruction awaits pastors who lead their followers to disregard God's word.
Should you remain in a church where the pastor is actively living in sin?
In this message you will learn how idols can stop you from getting your inheritance.
The Principle of Purification (Sat 23 12 2023)
The Danite Disaster 3 (Sun 14 12 2024)
It is better to go to the house of mourning than the house of rejoicing!
Were there times you wished God warned you before calamities befell you? Do you think God did not send a warning or you were just not paying attention?
What happens when the hedge guarding you spiritually is removed?
In acquiring your inheritance, the primary step to take is determination. Find out what happens when people are determined in the wrong direction.
In this message, you will draw strategies on how to go forth and acquire your inheritance!
Justice vs Kindness and Greed vs Faithfulness (Sun 24 12 2023)
The Model Warfare (Sat 23 12 2023)
The Power To End All Wars(Mon 25 12 2023)
Exposures in the church, the coming of the antichrist, regaining of inheritance and lots more!
Ever wondered what will happen to the world when the lawless one comes? What must you do to be among those who won't be deceived by the lawless one? Do you know that you don't stand a chance against the lawless one if you don't love the truth?
Curious about what the actual inheritance of a Christian is? Could it be that there is more to the inheritance than money and material things? Should things always come to you easily because they are from God? Is there a need to fight for your inheritance or has Jesus done it all for you?
Get answers to the unending questions on inheritance and deception as you listen to this message with Pastor Ita Udoh.
Perishable vs Imperishable Acquisitions (Sun 07 01 2023)
Obligations Preceding Apostolic Ministry (Sat 23 12 2023)_Eve
Causes of Sickness and the Right to be Healed (Fri 05 01 2024)
Witnesses of Light (Fri 29 12 2023)
[a] Consecration- Priorities, Processes, and Practicals (Sun 24 12 2023)_All_Night
DAY5B: The Apostolic Shepherding Mandate- Past to Present (Sun 24 12 2023)_Evening
The Model Warfare (Fri 22 12 2023)
Principles for the Birthing of Apostolic Callings (Thu 21 12 2023)
Testing Apostles and Prophetic Jurisdictions (Wed 20 12 2023)
Overcoming the Dragon's Death (Sun 17 12 2023)
Babylon's Bane (Fri 15 12 2023)
Turning Common into Holy- Nepotism vs Weaknesses (Wed 13 12 2023)
The Ten Secrets to Perfection (Sun 10 12 2023)
The Day of Distress: Expectations & Preparation (Fri 08 12 2023)
War vs Peace- Building Immoveable Foundations (Wed 06 12 2023)
[a] Gaining Victory in the Courts of Heaven: The Power of The Mediator (Fri 01 12 2023)
Proper Assessment of the Enemy vs Our Lord (Wed 29 11 2023)
How to Achieve Your Destiny Safely (Sun 27 11 2023)
Enemies of Holiness- Blindness and Partiality (Fri 24 11 2023)
Preparing for the Beasts (Satan's Seed) [Wed 23 11 2023]
The Way to the Highway of Holiness (Sun 19 11 2023)
Holiness: Categories, Enemies, and Practices (Fri 17 11 2023)
The Great King 2: Maker of Men and Kings (Wed 15 11 2023)
Preparing for the Day of Accounting (Sun 12 11 2023)
Marrying in Lord: Esau vs Jacob Marriages (Sat 28 10 2023)
Tests & A Fool's Guide to the City (Fri 10 11 2023)
Last Day Floods & Divinely Orchestrated Defeats (Wed 08 11 2023)
The Mystery Behind Signs, Wonders, Miracles and Gifts (Fri 13 10 2023)
Stages of Christian Growth- Believer, Disciple, Servant or Friend (Wed 01 11 2023)
Marrying in The Lord: Esau vs Jacob Marriages (Sat 28 10 2023)
The Prophetic Church vs Jezebel and Perfect Political Prayers (Sun 29 10 2023)
The Great King (Fri 27 10 2023)
Prepare for War: Shadows of the Coming Battles (Wed 25 10 2023)
How to Win the Coming War (Sun 22 10 2023)
Kingdom Warriors: Strategies for Victory (Fri 20 10 2023)
BVZ - Escaping Babylon (Wed 13 09 2023)
Times and seasons; a time to embrace and a time to refrain (Wed 18 10 2023)
The Spirit upon and His Manifestations (16 09 2023)_Evening
The Spirit Within and His Permanent Presence (16 09 2023)_Morning
IPFN - The King's Entourage- Restoration, Freedom & Healings (Fri 15 09 2023) Evening
IPFN - The Nigerian Church- Surviving the Coming Darkness (Fri 15 09 2023)_Morning
IPFN - Lady Nigeria 2 (Thu 14 09 2023)_Evening
IPFN - Lady Nigeria 1 (Thu 14 09 2023)
The Warfare for Kingdom - Myths & Truths (Sun 15 10 2023)
The Mystery Of The Feast Of Booths - Past, Present and Future (Wed 11 10 2023)
Harvest Time - Boasting, Faith Wars & Green Fields (Sun 08 10 2023)
Types of Sacrifices: More Burnt! - and Grain - Offerings (Fri 06 10 2023)
Types of Sacrifices- Sin, Guilt and Burnt Offerings (Wed 04 10 2023)
Proper Sacrifices - National and Personal (Sun 01 10 2023)
Spiritual Ranks and Pangs, Pains and Gains (Thu 28 09 2023)
Identity Theft & Simple Strategies for Sure Victory (Wed 27 09 2023)
The Law of God - Light for Now and the Age to Come (Sun 24 09 2023)
The Feast of Trumpets: A Call For Clear Sounds. (Fri 22 09 2023)
The Feast of Trumpets - The Making of A Bondservant (Wed 20 09 2023)
A tale of two kings - Victories and flaws (Sun 17 09 2023)
Christian Maturity- Nobility Vs Peasantry. (Sun 10 09 2023)_Evening
Christian maturity: The goal and means to maturity (Sat 09 09 2023)
[a] Christian Maturity- From Outer Court to the Holy of Holies (Fri 08 09 2023)
Christian Maturity - Last Day Hoarding & Burning (Thu 07 09 2023)
Christian Maturity - The 7 Spirits of God-Wisdom & Understanding (Wed 06 09 2023)
Christian Maturity - Definition and Victory over Sexual Immorality (Sun 03 09 2023)
The Second Dimension & the Principle of Separation (Fri 01 09 2023)
The Pastoral Calling- Knowledge, Understanding, Integrity & Skill (Wed 30 08 2023)
The Power of the Tongue - Truth vs Lies (Sun 27 08 2023)
Series: The Coming Kingdom
Title: The Mystery of Sonship
Date: Sunday, 25 06 2023
Series: The Coming Kingdom
Title: The Mystery of Sonship
Date: Sunday, 25 06 2023
Series: The Day of the Lord
Title: Celestial Glory in The Day of Wrath
Date: Sunday 20 08 2023
Series: The Day of the Lord
Title: Celestial Glory in The Day of Wrath
Date: Sunday 20 08 2023
Series: The Day of the Lord
Title: Celestial Glory in The Day of Wrath
Date: Sunday 20 08 2023
Series: The Coming Kingdom
Title: The Secret to Greatness
Date: Fri 18 08 2023
Series: The Coming Kingdom
Title: The Secret to Greatness
Date: Fri 18 08 2023
Message Series: The Coming Kingdom
Message Title: [Part 1] The Promised Land - Facing the Giants
Date: Fri 23 06 2023 (All - Night)
Message Series: The Coming Kingdom
Message Title: [Part 1] The Promised Land - Facing the Giants
Date: Fri 23 06 2023 (All - Night)
Building Faith - The Key to Elevation (Fri 23 06 2023)
[Part 2] Expectations & Honour - A Key to Blessings (Wed 21 06 2023)
[Part 1] Expectations & Honour - A Key to Blessings (Wed 21 06 2023)
The Way of Understanding [Sun 13 08 2023]
Navigating Through Tough Times Remember God's Goodness (Wed 09 08 2023)
How to Be Established in Hope (Fri 11 08 2023)
[Part b] Faith and Power: Keys to Unlocking Divine Authority
[Part a] Faith and Power: Keys to Unlocking Divine Authority
The Pseudo-Jesus, and the Pseudo Spirit (Sun 06 08 2023)
Prophecy, Sowing, Reaping, and the Coming Age (Fri 04 08 2023)
The Day of the Lord: Good or Bad? (Wed 02 08 2023)
The Guarantee of Glory vs Celestial Warfare (Wed 14 06 2023)
The Potter's Wheel: The Making of A Vessel of Honour (Fri 16 06 2023)
Ever heard of the concept of the porter and the clay? Did you know that there a vessels for honour and dishonour? Will you like to learn how to be a resourceful servant? Is it possible to consume too much music? How to know when you're consuming too much music.
Attain a new level of understanding as you listen to this audio!
Keys to A Sustainable Christian Walk (Wed 26 07 2023)
Do you seek to understand the true meaning of Grace? Did you know that there are multiple dimensions and facets of Grace? Could there be any connection between the Law and Grace or are they two opposite concepts? What really are Abraham's blessings? Will you like to know what quality of Christian you are?
Walk your way through the path of freedom as you learn these truths today!
The Voices: Good or Bad? (Fri 21 07 2023)
We Are At War! (Wed 19 07 2023)
Enablers and Pitfalls of the Prophetic Ministry (Sat 01 07 2023_Tarry)
Enablers, Pitfalls and Myths of the Prophetic Ministry & Levels of Prophetic Revelation (Sat 01 07 2023, All-Night Meeting)
Google Drive: https://bleenk.co/xqlm4fdsfj
Telegram: https://t.me/Godslighthouse/5416
Prophetic Ministry - A Practical Session (Sat 01 07 2023)
Enemies of the Prophetic Ministry - Blindness and Drunkenness (Fri 30 06 2023_Eve)
Prophetic Ministry - The Gift vs The Office (Fri 30 06 2023)_Mrn
Keys to a Thriving Prophetic Ministry & Understanding Heavenly Administrations (Thu 29 06 2023_Eve)
[Part 2] The Nature of Prophetic Ministry - Navigating the Spirit Realm (Thu 29 06 2023, Mng)
[Part 1] The Nature of Prophetic Ministry (Wed 28 06 2023)
Faith and Power: Keys to Unlocking Divine Authority (Fri 14 07 2023)
The Throne of Grace: Empowerment for The More Excellent Way (Wed 12 07 2023)
Secrets of the Benjamin Company (Wed 05 07 2023)
Do you know there are matters God esteems higher than tithing? What are these matters? Was the law given by God or by angels? What advantage do Christians have over the Jews? How do I grow out of spiritual infancy? At what stage does one attain spiritual maturity? What does it mean to be tossed about by every wind of doctrine? How do I handle the contradictions I see in Scripture?
Join Pastor Ita Udoh as he dives deep into scriptures, answering these questions and bringing insight to other captivating topics!
Are you continually oppressed by Satan after praying for so long? Do you have addictions you desperately want to be free from? Are your prayers against principalities and powers falling flat? Do you need long prayers for effective spiritual warfare? Ever questioned why people scream during deliverance? Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God of the New Testament? Have you ever received prophecies and wished you understood what they meant? Do prophetic words have literal meanings or are they always figurative?
If you seek answers, this is the message for you!
[Part 3] Healing From Oppressive Spirits (Sat 03 06 2023)
Fathers and Masters: The Way to True Sonship (Sun 11 06 2023)
Pentecost: Renewal of Covenants (Sun 04 06 2023)
Acceptable Sacrifices: A Prophetic Parable for Nigeria (Fri 02 06 2023)
[Part 2] Healing From Oppressive Spirits (Wed 01 06 2023)
The Law: Foundations of Holiness (Wed 31 05 2023)
[Part 1] Healing From Oppressive Spirits (Tue 30 05 2023)
The Secret to Speedy Transformation (Sun 28 05 2023)
• The Mystery of the Elohim Unveiled: What is the meaning of 'Elohim'? What if it refers to something beyond the identity of God as we know him? - unravel the profound truths!
• Must Listen: Can a born-again, spirit-filled Christian be deceived by Satan and/or his demons?
• 2023 Elections: Will God allow Nigeria to be ruled by a Muslim-Muslim duo?
• Newly-arrived Gods: Is the concept of worshipping the Orishas (gods of old) a myth? Does God recognize the existence of such entities, or are they mere fabrications of human minds? Are theories about their return fables or facts? Find answers now!
• Is it possible that there are multiple paths to reach God? What makes Christianity different from other religions? What if Christ was not the only way to the Father God? Get answers!
• The SOFT Protocol: What are the tools needed to test the spirits and distinguish between genuine divine revelations and falsehoods?
Explore the crucial importance of discernment when encountering spiritual influences.
• The Genesis of a False Prophet: How men of God who started well have become mouthpieces for demons - A practical illustration.
• Exploring God's Character: What does God really want from his people? Step back in time and witness the captivating tale of Nineveh—a city that experienced temporary repentance and eventual judgment.
Prayer Principles: The Master's Method vs Pagan Practices (Wed 24 04 2023)
• Did you know: There is protection for every Christian beyond the armour of God! What is this other source of safety? How do I get this higher form of protection? - Listen for this secret of double protection.
• You never heard it this way: The Holy Spirit is supposed to make you sin-conscious!
• According to the Scriptures is it disorderly for a group of people to pray in tongues all at once? What is the Bible definition for order? How doe this relate to the gift of prophecy?
• Interesting: Did you know that the Lawless one (Antichrist) is also called ''The Assyrian"? - Find out reasons behind that name and how it relates to you.
• There are two classes of Christians that are easily defeated. What are these classes? How do I avoid belong to any of them? What if I fall under any of them?
• Prophecy: Does God still speak through prophecy from humans, or should I stick to the Bible alone? What is the purpose of prophecy? How should I respond to it?
• What does it mean to repent of one's sins? Is saying sorry enough, or do I have do any physical works to show remorse for sin? Is restitution necessary, or is it practicing works as opposed to faith?
• What does it mean to communize God? In what ways have I been guilty of this? How do I retrace my steps and correct my wrong?
• I have been having issues relating with the leaders in my Church. Is it okay to let things be the way they are? - Find out what you stand to lose!
• Th Power of Prophecy: Shocking things you did not know about the story of Jonah.
Money and the Last Days' (Wed 17 05 2023)
Flourishing vs Famine: Keys to Unlocking Rain (Sun 14 05 2023)
• Shocker: Prayer is not the Master Key! Here's the strategy for victory that ALWAYS works.
• Have you had a trail of unanswered prayers and wondered where you have been getting it wrong? - Listen for answers.
• Jesus said he cast out demons by the 'finger of God'. What or who was he referring to?
• Are all angels powerful than demonic beings? Are angels more powerful than children of God, or do Christians have authority over them? - Discover more!
• The Concept of fiery darts (flaming arrows): What are flaming arrows? How do they manifest? How do I quench them?
• Is it true that eating the food of angels can grant one victory? Is it possible to eat such food? Do angels even eat?
• Household Enemies: How do I pin-point them? What's the effective method of fighting them?
• How can I become untouchable by my enemies during spiritual warfare?
• What price do I have to pay to enjoy peace? For how long do I have to keep fighting?
• Ever wondered why your problems still persist, even after getting Men of God to pray for you?
• The gods of old (The Orishas): Are these a mere conspiracy theory, or should we be alarmed? - Historic parallels from the worship of ancient Roman deities and the passing of gay rights laws.
• The Great Deception: What if a time came when your very own Pastor decamps from the true God to follow the Antichrist? What would you do? How will your faith survive such a time?
• Ever wondered why the entire book of Psalms is full of prayers in the form of songs? - Listen and unravel the mystery.
• Lies, Propaganda, and Fake News: How will technology be influential to the Antichrist? How can you protect yourself?
• Why is it difficult for me to love the truth? Is it possible that God has handed you over to a spirit of delusion, as the Bible says? How can I be free?
• Certain bondages have lingered even after I became a dedicated Christian? What am I not doing right? Get answers!
• Two mysterious women throughout the scriptures: Zion and Babylon. What do they represent?
• The Worship of Mary: Do you know that Jesus never referred to Mary as his 'mother'?
• Are you confused about 'helping' a friend during tests or examinations? Is it a sin before God?
• The Five Fold Ministry: What are these, and what role do they perform in the body of Christ?
• Did you know: According to the Bible, having the gift of prophecy does not make you a prophet?
• Why a prophet should not be your primary source of Bible teaching.
• Is it possible to see the face of God? Can one truly experience the glory of God?
• How do I get to please God consistently? Is there any easy way?
• How do I know a ministry is built on falsehood? - Discover the early signs.
• Struggling to study your Bible? Here's your motivation!
• Are all Christians supposed to teach the scriptures, or is is restricted to a select few? What are the qualifications for teaching the scriptures?
• How to navigate through dark times.
• Scriptural proof that people will know when Jesus will return!
• 'You will never share Your Glory with anybody' – Why you should stop singing that song.
• Two Kinds of Glory: Fading Glory vs Lasting Glory
• Are you constantly tormented by the fear of death? – Find out how to overcome this.
• Have you been finding it difficult to gain access to the spirit realm? Discover the reason and the solution.
• How to gain constant access to the Secrets of God.
• The secrets to walking in greater levels of God's glory.
• "I am a godly man, but I am poor" — Where do I stand in God's plan? Have I failed Him?
• God's Justice System: Is my faith enough, or does God care about my works?
• The Last Day Church: Predicting the future of the Body of Christ from His life on Earth.
• What is God's viewpoint on storing up life savings? What is His purpose for giving you wealth?
• How to cut costs when organizing a funeral ceremony.
Servants of God Zion's or Babylon's (Wed 03 05 2023)
• What kind of Pastor do you have: A Sheperd like David or and Wild Beast?
• Shepherds, Lions and Bears: Is it wrong for a Pastor to 'attack' other men of God?
• 'Do not speak on a matter when the Fathers have not spoken' - A perfect illustration on the abuse of Spiritual Fatherhood.
• How to easily indentify pastors who are wild beasts, and how to stay safe from them.
• What guidelines should I follow when choosing my pastor?
• Why many born-again Christians go back to the world.
• David's Shepherding Model: The Attack and Rescue mandate of Pastors.
• The importance of accountability in effective Pastoring.
• [Prophetic Alert!] The Great Falling Away and the Great Harvest: Why the Church will need many true Pastors.
• What is Grace? This definition will change your whole life!
• God's Justice System: Why does it seem evil people are not judged for their deeds?
• Did you know: According to scriptures, you may have been an idol worshipper throughout your entire Christian journey? Here's how to fix it.
• Spiritual Blindness: How it robs you of God's glorious plan for you.
• What causes spiritual blindness? How can a person get healed of it?
• God's Blueprint for Leadership: How God requires every ruler to govern the people.
• The dangerous effects of focusing your Christian growth on the supernatural.
• Grace and Justice: Will there be an end to the era of grace, as some say?
• The Law of God: What happens to us when we misunderstand or trivialize it.
• Spiritual Hearing and Sight: Why you should take God's words you hear very seriously.
• Job's Story: Why it is impossible to prove that God is unjust.
• Is it wrong to question God? Or do I just allow things remain the way they are?
• Prayer Power: During intercession, how long does a person need to stay in the face of God to get answers?
• Gaining Authority with God: How you can cause God to make adjustments to 'unchangeable' things because of you.
• Do hormones have a role to play in the success of marriage?
• When does love become tangible in a marriage - before or after the wedding?
• Keys to a happy marriage you need to have.
• Envy: How marriages can be destroyed even before they begin.
• How does God measure my love for Him?
• Knowledge: What you need to be able to align with God's justice.
• Murmuring in your heart versus talking to God: Find out the difference!
• Choosing a Spouse: What should I do when God's will for me clashes with what my parents want?
• What do I do with a pregnancy that came from immorality? After I have repented of my sin, what is God's will concerning such a pregnancy?
• Parenting: Why you must be careful about the way you dress your children.
• Did you know you could be the greatest in God's kingdom? Find out how!
• The Power of Music: What the songs you listen to have been doing to you.
• Two Songs of Justice: The Song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb.
• Keys to making the Lord delighted: Righteousness, Justice and Mercy.
• Lessons From Ben Carson: How you can convert your wounds and weaknesses into strength.
• The Law of Sin and Death vs The Law of Moses: Know the difference!
• This generation needs truth more than ever. Find out why.
• Fake News: Why God hates it and how to identify them.
• How you can wield your mouth as a weapon of destruction.
• Magnifying Your Office: Why your primary ministry focus must always be where God has called you to function.
• There are two occupations that will always be relevant. What are they? Why will they always be relevant?
• Traits of True Prophetic Ministry: Are you being turned away from sin? Are you being prepared for the future?
• Lessons from Jerusalem and Armenia: What happens when prophecies are ignored?
• Why only few people benefit from the prophetic.
• The Spirit of the Miser: When slavery to Mammon has gone extreme.
• How you can always know where a man's heart truly is.
• How to increase your righteousness.
• 'Cast your bread upon the waters': An understanding that will make you for life!
• The Principle of Bread and Seed: How to amplify your harvest.
• Here's the secret wisdom of Kingdom investments that will make you relevant in the future!
Keys to Effective Prayer and Much, Much More!
Spirit: The Language of God (Sun 16 04 2023)
• Ever wondered why you keep getting born again but never seem to be able to stand strong?
• Did you know: Jesus gave spiritual leaders the authority to remit or retain sins!
• How to differentiate between callings/ministries: Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists.
• Fame and Fortune: Why many preachers destroy their callings.
• John 13: The spiritual significance of washing our feet.
• Biblical Leadership Models: The prime example of Jesus Christ.
• Why you should not run your spiritual education based on trial and error.
• Did the Bible really say a woman shouldn't speak in Church?
• Is there even a place for women in Ministry? Is it right for a woman to lead a ministry?
• Understanding God's Severity: Why did God want to kill Moses for not circumcising his son?
• Social Media Sins (SMS): Why you must be careful about your life on Social Media.
• How and why you should understand the language of God.
• What truly is the Kingdom of God? Is there more to what you have heard?
• Why poor people will be the rulers in God's Kingdom.
• How listening to the devil's lies can hinder one from coming before the Lord.
• Listening: the primary requirement when coming before the Lord.
• Why we should fill the atmosphere with worship at all times.
• Incense: What makes our prayers acceptable.
• How to know when a fast is purposeless.
• Is it wise to remain in a Church group when its activities are no longer beneficial to your spiritual training?
• The Spirit of Sadducees and the vast implications of unbelief.
• What is the kingdom of God?
• Why there is a need to update your knowledge of God.
The Last Adam and the Disciples' Advantage (Fri 31 03 2023)
How to Protect Your Heart - Warnings from Solomon (Wed 29 03 2023)
The Ways of God - Seasons of War vs Seasons of Rest (Fri 03 03 2023)
Tabernacle Ministry and the Burdens of Levites (Wed 01 03 2023)
Times and Seasons (Wed 01 02 2023)
Crossroads: How to Identify Right Paths (Wed 08 03 2023)
Nigeria - It’s a Season of Praise! (Sat 11 03 2023)
• What is the purpose of the Spirit of Truth?
• Does Satan have the ability to see into your future?
• Ever wondered how you can be born-again and still struggle with sin?
• Are long hours of prayer necessary for a fruitful walk with God?
• The Three Dimensions of Salvation: The difference between justification and Sancification.
• Why God allows the pressures of life to hit you.
• 1 Timothy 2: What are the things that block the answers to your prayer?
• The merits of treating others with mercy.
Guaranteed Victory in Heaven's Court (Sun 12 02 2023)
Positioning for Influence (Wed 25 01 2023)
The Cost of True Sacrifice in Restoration (Fri 10 02 2023)
Keys to Wealth and Spiritual Establishment (Wed 08 02 2023)
Glory Conductors (Sun 05 02 2023)_1sv
Judgment Day: Red Rugs or Hard Flogs?
Godthink vs Manthink - Times and Seasons (Wed 01 02 2023)
Patience: The Key to the Promise (Sun 29 01 2023)
Commendable Christianity (Sun 29 01 2023)
• The relationship between the Daniel 2 statue and the Last Day generation.
• Is your source of information from Heaven above or Earth below?
• Why we should set our minds on heavenly things.
• How do we prove our love for God?
• The importance of submitting to governmental authorities.
• The consequences of corruption.
• Having the mindset of a faithful custodian.
• Why we should get rid of the yeast of Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.
• Why we should be quick to listen and slow to speak.
• Dangers of adding to God's word.
• Do you apply your bible to life? Here’s how to!
• Antidote to bitterness: pray for your persecutors!
Rules for Sacrifice (Sun 22 01 2023)_1sv
• The significance of the Second Temple as model for the Last Day Church.
• Seasons of Warfare: Why you must maximize them to experience desired change.
• The Way of Faith: Why God doesn’t give all the details about His plans at once.
• Sonship Explained: The Promise vs the Fufilment
• How God trains us to become Sons.
• Why and how Jesus leanrt obedience to God.
• How to avoid carryovers in your walk with God.
The Principle of Light, Darkness, and Time (Fri 13 01 2023)
Bene Ha Elohim: The Mystery of the Only Begotten Son (Wed 11 01 2023)
The Exodus Principle: Get Out Now! (Sun 08 01 2023)
How to Live in the Realm of Divine Health
Warfare Through the Eyes of God (Part 2)
Ignorant Christians: There are Two Laws!
Sarx or Pneuma: Who’s Your Boss + The Myth of Happy Marriage (Wed 14 12 2022)
Expose: The Bride and the Beast (Sun 11 12 2022)_2sv
Grace and Works Clarified (Sun 11 12 2022)_1sv
• Why God allows Churches to go through persecutions.
• How to handle persecutions when they arise.
• What you should know about TikTok.
• How to prepare for the dark days ahead.
• Understanding the workings of Satan and the reality of spiritual warfare.
• Which day of the week is the correct day of the Sabbath?
• How to consolidate victories acquired in the courts of Heaven.
• The hidden wisdom on the Laws of God.
• What it means to gather in the name of Jesus.
The Mystery of Pride and Blindness (Wed 07 12 2022)
• How live an victorious life. (How to live a victorious Christian life should be better)
• One-Man Armies: Is Christianity really a personal thing?
• How to be trained to reign with Christ.
• What is the full gospel of the Kingdom?
• Why and how you must persevere in righteousness.
• Suffering: The pathway to inheriting the Kingdom of God.
• What you didn’t know about the 25th of December.
• 2025: Prepare for what is coming!
• The Israel of God: God’s grand redemption plan.
The Breaking of Bread and the Danger of Divisions (Fri 02 12 2022)
• Asking Questions: A key to better understanding and spiritual growth.
• Why do most people from humble backgrounds excel better than others?
• Idahosa’s Story: Why you should not hold on to your horrible past.
• The Future: Why we should trust God’s plans for us.
• When God has you in mind: Lessons from the life of Joseph.
• Biblical definition of prosperity.
• The reason for the American Civil War in 1861 - 1865.
• George Washington’s Visions: World War III
• Levels of Liberty: The difference between a captive and a prisoner.
• Did You Know? God has three arms of government!
• TikTok: How the Chinese are being prepared for life and war.
• Theocracy vs Democracy: When God rules vs When man rules.
• Revelation 2:26 : How to gain rulership over nations.
• Why people persecute God and his people.
• How to love God.
• The real definition of sin.
• Do you have to be born again to enjoy God’s kindness?
• Why and how God disciplines His children.
• Spiritual Birth: How to know a person is born of God.
• The Spirit Realm: How it works and the right way to access it.
• What it means to be holy unto the Lord.
• Righteousness: Seed and Harvest.
• The danger of being an unfruitful child of God.
• Fruit vs Gifts: Where to focus.
• Spiritual Authority: Staying within the limits of your authority.
• Why Jesus didn’t heal every afflicted person he came across.
• Common myths surrounding the birth of Jesus.
• Real stories to illustrate the operation of angels.
• Angelic encounters in the Bible and what it means for the Church today.
• Why the Church needs the intervention of the angels of God.
• What to do during encounters with the angels of God.
• How your relationship with God-ordained authority influences the activity of angels in your life.
• Does a Christian have the power to command the angels of God?
• Things that discourage the intervention of the angels of God in your life.
• The definition of effectual and fervent prayer.
• The major ways Christians get defeated.
• The danger of impatience in handling the things of God.
• The danger of rebelling against spiritual authority.
Clash of Endtime Seeds - The Disciple Solution (Wed 23 11 2022)
• The significance of scriptures in preparing us for the Last Days.
• Shadow and Substance: The First Adam vs The Last Adam.
• Consequences of the depravity of mankind.
• “As it was in the days of Noah…”: What we should expect in the days ahead.
• A Third World War is coming!
• How to be angry and not sin.
• Warfare: The battlefield of the mind.
• A Pure Heart: How to Gain Access to God.
• How to follow God's will for your Life.
• What happens to aborted babies?
• Why should we pray for our leaders?
• Psalm 23: Walking through the path of righteousness.
• Should a woman be in ministry?
• 2025 and Beyond: What to expect.
• The meaning of ‘Amen’.
• Why Instrumentalists and other Church workers are typically godless.
• What happens when you do not say ‘Amen’ to God’s purposes being birthed through prayer.
• The obstacles to your partaking in what God provides in the gathering of His people.
• Things you must never agree to!
• How to overcome distractions in Church meetings.
• Why and how you must pray for every government official.
• What you did’nt know about tertiary education in Nigeria.
• How Christians are encouraging the destruction of this nation.
• Why you need to research on what Scriptures say about government.
• The Coming of Christ: How to avoid missing it as the Jews did in the past.
• Understanding the urgency of the times we live in.
• What to expect when the Spirit of Elijah comes.
• The importance of the spirit of discernment in the life of every believer.
• The purpose of God’s gifts.
• Why and how spiritual gifts are lost.
• Prayer for the restoration of lost/stolen gifts.
The Path to Maturity and Overcoming Greed (Sun 13 11 2022)_2sv
Last Days- Blindness and Deliverance (Sun 13 11 2022)_1sv
• The Tongue: A great rod of authority.
• Authority: How you can activate life or death using your mouth.
• Consequences of using your tongue like a fool.
• Pschological Trauma: How some husbands are pushed into infidelity.
• How to differentiate between words of rebuke and demoralizing words.
• How to be healed from the effect of psychologically traumatizing words.
• Deliverance prayers for cleansing of your mouths, eyes and ears.
• Maturity: Why you should be bold about doing righteousness.
• Authority: The significance of the rod/staff.
• How to generate wells of water with authority.
• What to expect when you are filled with the Spirit.
• How to use the staff (authority) God gives you.
• Scriptures: Linking shadows with substance.
• Purpose of knowledge and deep insight = Growing in Love.
• The Word vs Power: Which is more important to seek?
• The primary job of the Holy Spirit.
• Warning to A Misguided Generation: How your unrestrained thirst for power will make you serve the Antichrist.
• The Matthew 7 Veto: The danger of misusing the authority God gives you.
Beware of Dogs (Sun 06 11 2022)_2sv
The Purpose of Holiness (Sun 06 11 2022)_1sv
• “The gifts of God are irrevocable” — A proper understanding.
• Unchangeable God: Proof of God’s mercy and grace, even in the Old Testament times.
• Why many people do not enjoy God’s mercy.
• Church today vs the New Testament Church in the Bible.
• God’s Soldiers in Action: How the founder of the Church of Satan died.
• Why you must confess your sins, even as a born-again child of God!
• Old Gods: Manifestations of Ba’al, Asthoreth and Molech in today’s world.
• How many children deceive their parents and get cursed!
• How to tap into the manifold wisdom of God.
• Why God gives ‘crazy’ tasks to His prophets.
• The key to understanding the words of God.
• Distractions vs the Real Thing: How to locate God in the midst of many voices.
• Why Heaven is not the promise land for Christians.
• Ahab’s Example: The danger of having personal prophets.
• How to be a true prophet of God.
• How to know your ‘Man of God’ is a diviner.
• A response to the Seven Mountain prophecy.
• The key to preservation in the Last Days.
• The key to God-given victory.
• Why you should have spiritual fences around your life.
• How to pray effectively.
• Proven methods for effective spiritual warfare.
• ’Deep groanings that cannot be uttered…: What does this really mean?
• Is everyone equal before God?
• The importance of staying within the boundaries of your calling.
• Understanding the operations of demons.
• Is it wrong to give awards to Christian singers?
• The hierarchy of the Spirit realm.
• How to break transgenerational demonic afflictions.
• The bread of life versus the bread that brings death: Which do you partake in?
• How to become immune to Satan's bread.
• Is God totally sovereign or is Man given total freewill?
• The relationship between the number 3 and the mystery of bread -- in the scriptures.
• Why and how to understand the speakings of God.
• Cessationist Beliefs: Warnings for the future.
• The yeast of the Sadducees and the Pharisees in the church today.
• Understanding the timing and procedure of God's prophecies.
• Is it out of place for a Christian to be very wealthy?
• Prophecy on the futuristic upliftment of Nigeria and Africa: Why you shouldn't leave Nigeria!
• Are Christians right to be members of political parties?
• Tabernacles: The third loaf of bread and the forgotten Feast.
• Tips for Spirit led Praise and Prayer.
Strategies for Freeing Captives (Wed 26 10 2022)
Training in Godliness: Preparation for the End of the Age (Sun 23 10 2022)
Glory, Honour and Immortality: How to Qualify (Fri 21 10 2022)
• The importance of reverence in the place of prayer.
• How does God relate with those who are more mature spiritually?
• Is every disobedience a stumble? The difference between stumbling into sin and willful disobedience.
• The dangers of trivializing God's instructions.
• What does it mean to trust in horses and chariots?
• Why Christians repeatedly fall into the same temptations and how to break the cycle.
• Why many dedicated Christians tend to forget God.
God's River: The Key To Fruitfulness (Sun 16 10 2022)
• The Authority Structure of Heaven: Beyond the Godhead, there’s more!
• The dynamics of authority in both the spiritual and physical realms.
• How to know you may have been worshipping satan and disregarding God’s Authority!
• How and Why the Beast will prevail over the saints of God.
• Water, Blood and Fire - Methods for purification.
• Proper Definitions: Fountain of Blood, or Fountain of Water?
• The different purposes of the Blood and the Water (Word)
• How to be established in your walk with God.
• How false prophets/teachers are created and why you should strive not to become one.
• Why God allows His people go through sufferings.
• How to reverse the hands of God’s vengeance
• Wasted Prayers and a Lack of Faith: Prayers for the future you should never make.
• Scriptural templates for praying in line with God’s heart.
• Why the book of Romans causes confusion among believers.
• Template for Proper Discipleship: Listening before speaking.
• How to know your calling and how to avoid not fulfilling it.
• The Bondservants’ Mark: The secret to repelling the Mark of the Beast.
• Why many ministers of the Gospel get weary.
• The relationship between Prayer Postures and effective prayer.
• The word of God versus Prayer: The Balance you must achieve.
• What are the riches of God’s glorious inheritance in the saints?
Good Servants Truth Pointers (Sun 09 10 2022)
• Characteristics of the True Children of Abraham.
• Daniel’s Example: The attitude Christians must have to unlock the seals of the End of the Age.
• The impact of breaking seals.
• ‘Crazy Bob’: Final message of an American Prophet.
• The balance between faithh and works.
• Spirit on the Move: Understanding the workings of the Wine of the Spirit.
• Old vs New Wineskins: Why and How old Christians always resist the new Moves of God.
• Babylon vs Zion: Here’s why you need deliverance from captivity.
• How to be delivered from trouble in the last days.
• Debunk the Myths: Owls and Cats are dedicated to Witchcraft?
• Refiner’s Fire: How live a spotless spiritual life.
• Why you should let people judge you.
• Faith: How your ability to take risks directly affects your walk with God.
• The importance of maximizing every season God has allocated to you.
• Why you need to be violent in your warfare against your enemy.
• The Day of Atonement: The shadow and the substance.
• The proper procedure for approaching the Holy of Holies.
• What does it mean to be carried on Eagles’ Wings?
• The coming of God’s undiluted wrath and how to be spared.
• The Tabernacle of Moses: Blueprint for the Future.
• Scriptural Interpretation: What does a horn represent?
• Two questions you must ask yourself in your walk with God.
• Cross examinaing the Natural Israel vs the Spiritual—in light of scriptural interpretation and prophecies.
• What are the blessings of Abraham?
• Why you should be wary of Samaritan worship in your Christianity.
• Why the Laws of Moses are vital to the Church today.
• How to store up and segment your knowledge for effective Christian progress.
• Why many do not enjoy the benefits of the Bread of Life today.
• The Power of A Bible-obeying Church: How the Scriptures command us to settle disputes.
• The Beginning: Why God asked for tithes.
• Prayer Versus the Word: Which is more important?
• The Law is Prophecy: Why the Church is blind to God’s Last Day plan.
• Sabbaths: The principle of rests and why you must observe them.
• Atonement: Why you will always need the mercy of the Blood of Jesus Christ, even after you are born again.
• The different types of offerings.
• The purpose for the gathering of Believers.
• Humility: primary criterion for partaking in the Lord’s Feasts.
• Cycles of the Earth: The Harvest season is here!
• Why you must understand the judgement of God.
• Can God allow bad things happen to His people?
• “Sell what you have and give to the poor.” — A proper understanding.
• Why the Last Day Christian must be ready for what is coming!
• Does the Bible ask us to fear God—literally?
• How to know your wealth is from the Devil—even if you are a Christian.
• The danger of not observing the Lord's sabbaths.
Across the Ages: Two Kinds of Seed (Sun 02 10 2022)
• What are Parables? Why did Jesus have to teach using them?
• Is understanding a basis for transferring knowledge?
• Why it is dangerous to discard the Laws of God.
• The price to pay to discover the treasures hidden in God’s Laws.
• Why you find it hard to resist/overcome sin.
• If I have been forgiven of this sin, why does it seem I am facing the consequences of my actions?
• The First Adam vs the Last Adam: Understanding God’s love revealed from the very beginning.
• When he was on Earth, did Jesus exist as the Creator or a created being?
• God’s Hidden Speech: The prophetic significance of the number 10.
• How to effect change within and around you.
• The different modes of prophecy and how to identify/differentiate them.
• Greater Gifts: Why the gift of prophecy is like none other.
• Spiritual Treasure Hunting: Why and how to partner with the Holy Spirit to discover the things of God and effect transformation.
• Hearing God: The need to understand the various ways God speaks to us.
• Does God speak only to Christians?
• Despising Prophecy: Why the works of your hands are being destroyed.
• How to groom your spiritual gifts.
• How to be an effective trumpeter of God’s purposes.
• How to be Able to Predict God’s Plan for the future.
• Why it is an absolute necessity for you to believe in the Resurrection of the Dead.
• Ezekiel 47: How deep into the things of God are you?
• 1000 Cubits, 1000 Years: How your depth in God in this life determines your place in the Millenial Reign.
• The Mind of Christ: How to be beheaded for name Christ.
• Careless Speech: It’s time to repent!
• How to consistently experience the manifestation of God’s Kingdom in your life.
• The influence of shepherds in the building or destruction of the Church of God.
• The Ultimate Sacrifice: Why your life should be a Drink offering to the LORD
• How to escape the judgement that is about to visit the Church.
• Powerless Christianity: How you can appear to be godly but in truth, are godless.
• A Throne For You: The reward for laying down your life—even unto death!
• Hunger For God: How to know if what you have is the real deal— or not.
• Did You Know: Humans will judge other humans on the Day of Judgement.
• The Prophetic Significance of Jos in the nation, Nigeria.
• Is it unscriptural for Christians to carry weapons?
• A Tale From Indonesia: How God typically protects His own in the days of trouble.
• Why your ministry is powerless—even dead.
• What it means when you see a car in your dream.
• Fireworks vs Steady Lighting: Why most revivals were not sustainable.
• The Use of Sharp Arrows and Swords: How to make God’s Word a more effective weapon of warfare in your hands.
• What it means to teach your children the Word of God diligently.
• Signs and Wonders: Why many Christians will surely be carried away by the Lawless one—Antichrist— when he comes.
• Genesis 3:15: Watch out for the Seed of the Serpent!
• Are you constantly afraid and apologetic about telling and standing for the truth? You need to hear this!
• Fighting Hopelessness: What to do when you sin and you feel like running away from God.
• Take Note: There are some sins that must be confessed to men and forgiven by them. Here’s why…
• Conviction: What to expect when the Spirit of God is on the Move; Case Example: Revival Among the Zulus.
• Humility—What it means to have the Mind of Christ.
• There are two kinds of righteousness under the New Covenant.
• Should I keep confessing the sins from my past when I get born again?
• Gifted Men vs Fruitful Men: How to select your role models and mentors.
• Is Restitution scriptural for the New Testament Believer?
• How you can be led by the Spirit and have zero casualties in your walk with God.
• Why the teachings of God must be passed from one generation to the other.
• Are you building deep foundations for your ministry, or are impressing people?
• How and why we must spur each other to love and good works.
• Four types of sheep in God’s fold, and the role of true shepherds in tending them.
• How your Pastor determines if you live a blessed or cursed life.
• Why you must be loud and clear about your standing with God at all times.
• Characteristics of True Trumpet Sounds
• The true meaning and cost of imitating Christ.
• The Definition: What does it mean to offer an accpetable sacrifice to God?
• How Christians can contribute actively to the destruction of their land.
• Sermon on the Mount: What Christ taught about submitting to government authorities.
• Be careful about the measure of mercy you give to people!
• The Beauty of New Songs — Understanding this will completely transform your Prayer life!
• Trumpets in Warfare: How to secure your victory even when the Enemy is winning.
• Why you should imbibe the practice of hospitality.
• Lies: The reason many are enslaved in the Church.
• From Darkness to Light: Warnings for a generation whom God has given so much!
• Discipleship: The Price, the Commission and the Prize.
• Wrong ways of thinking you must be rid of when you receive a call to begin a ministry.
• How to know if the people you associate with are holding back your blessings
• Why you should dwell among those who fear the Lord
• The advantage of saving a brother who wanders from truth.
• Prophetic Patterns Across Divine Timelines — You need to know this!
• Three Ages, 12 Onahs, and 120 Jubilees: Why the time from 2025 to 2075 will be like this age has never seen!
• Seasons of Harvest: Why we must be wary of bad seeds of doctrine (lies) being planted in our hearts.
• Satan's intentionality in attacking the Church, and how we should respond.
• Destiny, Sovereignty and Freewill — Where do the Hindus, Buddhists, and other religions stand with God?
• God’s Timetable: Why the Essenes’ Solar calendar is more accurate than the regular Jewish (Pharisee) Lunar calendar
• The significance of the number 120 and a shocking understanding of Genesis 6:3.
• How the Lord will give you the desires of your heart.
• “Do not appear before the Lord empty-handed” — A proper understanding.
• Recap: The Feasts of the Most High God.
• Yeast of Sadducees: Why you must avoid preachers who do not believe in the Supernatural.
• Why you must get to understand the the Feast of Tabernacles.
• What are trumpets about? What do they signify?
• Prayer Secrets: Why the loudness of your prayer is not equal to the volume of the answers you get.
• The real reason many christians will miss the rapture.
• The role of consecration in aligning you with the Moves of God.
• Last Day Deception: Why many will depart from the faith.
• Kinds of Conscience.
• The role and qualities of a Shepherd.
• The purpose of the Anointing.
• Why you must put on the whole armour of God!
• Why and how to tests spirits.
• Why you must be submitted to God-anointed shepherds.
• The Sabbath: Types and Significance.
• Righteousness and Justice - The Two Tablets of Stone and the Foundation of the Throne.
• Spiritual Growth - How to discern spiritual immaturity.
• ‘Mercy triumphs of over Judgement’: What you must know about God’s order, timing and procedures.
• The Tabernacle of Moses: What to look forward to in your walk with God.
• Lessons from Abraham the Shadow and Christ the Substance.
• The Lord of Hosts: We serve a God of War!
• The Creation Story: Blueprints and Parallels of God’s Last Day Execution.
• The Rush: One of Satan’s Biggest Tricks you need to know!
• Why you cannot afford to reject any unappealing portion of the Scriptures.
• The dynamic teaching modes of the Holy Spirit.
• The building power of prophecy.
• What must be done after a prophecy is received?
• Why accurate prophecies fail sometimes.
• Is it ever possible to fall from the Grace of God?
• What is a reprobate mind? How can one end up with a reprobate mind?
• Lessons from Judas Iscariot.
• How to walk in the way to Life.
• How to prevail against the winds of evil doctrines.
• Who is a deacon?
• Criteria for becoming a deacon.
• Hearing: Modus for effective warfare.
• Why oversight in the Church is thwarted.
• Baptism: What does it signify?
• How language affects the way we think.
• How to ascend the hill of the Lord.
• Marriage: Idols that must be demolished!
• ‘Touch not my anointed!’— When and how to stop following a Man of God.
• The Blind Servant: The Symbolism of Samson’s Final Conquest.
• Passing the Baton: How to preserve eternal blueprints across multiple generations.
• The Spiritually-minded vs the Carnal-minded: Contrasts and Balance.
• The Mystery of seeing with your ears.
• The Promise of the Commonwealth and the importance of maintaining our spiritual foundation.
• Why it is possible to be more knowledgeable than the Christian heroes that have gone ahead of us.
• The root of witchcraft and how to destroy it!
• Hindrances to running a successful Christian race.
• Principles of Rain and Seed - The Power of Words.
• How does the word of God save a soul?
• 1 Timothy 2:15 — How will women be saved through Childbearing?
• The Mystery and significance of the breaking/destrcution of Christ’s Flesh.
• How to lay the path for God’s glory to come through.
• A dimension of God’s Love for the Church we need to pay attention to.
• How to avoid being a bastard (an illegitimate child) in God’s House.
• Is it wrong/unnecessary luxury for a preacher to fly using first class?
• How to lay the path for God’s glory to come through.
• The Church of God - A Biblical definition.
• A Guide to receiving proper counsel.
• Attributes of the household of God.
• Why it's important to know God in the days of your youth.
• Sin & its Ripple Effect Phenomenon.
• Why you should have Seasons of Sabbath.
• Spiritual and Physical benefits of laughter.
• Spiritual Constipation & its Remedy.
• Receiving the Sincere milk of God's Word.
Building Your Most Holy Faith (Wed 05 06 2019)
Avoiding Shipwreck (Wed 29 05 2019)
The Rebellion of Korah (Wed 22 05 2019)
Evil Leaders & The Promised Land (Wed 15 05 2019)
03 The Error of Balaam (Wed 24 04 2019)
The Path Of Cain-How to Escape the Dominion of Sin (Wed 17 04 2019)
Contend For The Faith (Wed 10 04 2019)
• How to know you are moving under the Glory Cloud of God.
• How you can find God anywhere.
• How to eradicate bitterness and release sweetness in your life.
• Signs of Quack Christianity.
• How to be free from spiritual slavery.
• What to do with Scriptures you do not like or understand.
• The Mystery Behind Human Hair: Understanding this will end your problems instantly!
• Interceeding For the Nation: Why Nigeria is not nation with the greatest problems.
• The Living Water vs The Waters of Babylon and Egypt
• How Christians should respond to new technological inventions.
• How to access the healing power of God
• Is the King James Bible the only authentic—divinely mandated—Bible? Answers from Bible History.
• How and why God gave man the Power of Cultivation.
• What it means for God’s Words to come to us like rain.
• The Characteristics of the False Jesus.
• Accursed Objects: Why you must never have images, sculptures, etc, of Jesus.
• A Common Way People Work for Satan—even Christians.
• Is it right to seek the anointings of dead Men of God?
• Why people do not receive Divine answers to troubling questions.
• How to know you are operating under a Different Spirit—not the Spirit of God.
• Why it is wrong to call on the ‘God of A Man of God’.
• How to know you need to be delivered from the Spirit of Discord.
• The Major Doorway to Demonic Infestation: The Works of the Flesh.
• Three Mysteries We Must Fight: The False Christ, The Different Spirit and Another Gospel.
• ‘Perfect love casts away all fear’— a proper understanding.
• The Weightiness of God's glory.
• Careless Speech: Remember you will give account!
• What was I made for?
• What it means to have a pure devotion to God.
• The perks of seeking God with humilty.
• Enlightenment on the coming Rest of God.
• How to pray prayers that will change our country for Good.
• The Forgotten Legacy of Pa Syndney Elton.
• How to ensure your foundations as a Christian remain unshakable.
• Proverbs 25: 2 — How to develop a Kingly Character.
• How to invest into enternal habitations.
• Why a true Christian is hated and persecuted.
• How to be inoculated against the contaminations of this world.
• What is means to be beheaded for Christ.
• Why the Mark of the Beast is economical.
• Kingdom Rulership: The principle of authority delegation.
• What’s the fastest way to get wealth?
• How to know you have encountered the Word of God.
• How to pray prayers that will change our country for Good.
• Speaking in tongues can become unacceptable. When?
• What is prophecy? How to recognize it at work.
• The role of Biblical prophecies in preparing you for the future.
• ‘The Finished Work of Christ’: What about the unfulfilled prophecies?
• The correlation between Monkey Pox and Romans 1.
• Common fallacies around the Birth of Jesus.
• How prophecy affects nations.
• Facts you need to know concerning the gift of diverse tongues.
• The Power that is released when you are a law-abiding citizen.
• Divine Cycles of Numbers: Why the Bible is the ONLY book of its kind in existence.
• The fickleness of human opinion: Why you must be careful about establishing your viewpoints on every matter.
• How to remove the obstacles to God-desired fruitfulness in your life.
• God's Processes: Why and how to yield to all of them.
• A Guide to Building a long & lasting foundation in your walk with God.
• The Dangers of a faulty foundation in Christianity.
• Why you must avoid being a man pleaser.
• God's Three-Step Builders: Five fold ministry, the Saints and the Body of Christ.
• Giving thanks in all circumstances - God's will for our lives.
• Laziness and Pride - The Greatest enemies to success.
• The qualities of a true House of Prayer.
• The primary purpose and different components of effective prayer.
• The Finished Work of Christ: “He who began the good work in you…”
• What is Grace? You surely want to hear this!
• Why Nigerians will lose out on partaking of God's great plans for the nation.
• Why people, distort, misunderstand & confuse the writings of Scriptures.
• The Sovereignty of God vs Free Will: What You Must Know.
• God’s role in the selection/election of the leaders of nations.
• Books of the Bible you must read/study to know God’s mind on Government.
• How to get God to move through you supernaturally.
• Why God can employ weird methods in His dealings with us
• What it means to be in the Spirit.
• Is "speaking in tongues" authentic?
• How to test a weird miraculous act.
• Understanding the interactions between the spirit and the mind.
• What you didn’t know about Olive oil.
• The different pathways to getting spiritual gifts from God.
• Signals that confirm you should separate from a spiritual father.
• The Christmas Tree Phenomenon: Gifts vs Fruits
• How to handle Pastors who actively practice sin.
• The features of a dysfunctional spiritual family.
• What is the mindset of Christ?
• The price for exaltation.
• Perishable vs imperishable seed.
• Why your Christianity is boring.
• The Concept of Lordship and Implications of Jesus as your Lord.
• Understanding the orchestrations of God.
• How to bargain with God appropriately.
• How to be motivated to serve God.
• Who the 144,000?
• How to escape the terrible wraths of God coming on the earth.
• Bible Translations & Interpretations: Historical nuggets that will transform your view of the Bible!
• Old Testament vs New Testament: Why you find it hard to understand God through the Scriptures.
• The God of Our God: Demystifying the Mystery of the Trinity.
• Why a Man of God, when given to sin, can become worse than an unbeliever.
• Revealed: The Location of the Lake of Fire.
• Jesus: The Lion in the Lamb!
• The Three False Gospels: Legalism, False Prosperity and False Grace
• Doxa: The Mystery behind the weightiness of Paul’s letters.
• When your freedom becomes a barrier to weak people…
• Does the Bible really prohibit women from wearing trousers? What about Deuteronomy 22?
• Is it possible for a child of God to fall out of Grace/Favour with God?
• Who caused the flood? God or Noah?
• The impact of how impressive you strive to be, on your relationship with God.
• Influence: A plumbline for measuring faith levels
Luke 11:11-12, James 1:17, Jeremiah 3:15, Colossians 1:9-11, 1John 2, Revelation 3:5, John 17, Romans 6
• How to spend time with God.
• What it means to seek the God.
• How does sanctification come?
• Results of true knowledge and understanding.
• Kinds of leaders we should follow.
• How to growup spiritually.
• Knowledge: A container for love.
• Why you must follow and listen to the right people.
• Three major false gospels.
• The mystery of Incense-making: How you can partner with the angels to cause great shifts on earth.
• How many Christians supply Satan with weapons against themselves.
• Why thank God for Nigeria?
• Hypocrisy in the Church: Whose side is God on?
• What are the things that block pure praise from your life?
• Why many do not understand the Law (Moses)
• Why and How you should not deny yourself the good gifts that God has provided for you.
• A definition of repentance everyone needs to know.
• There are two reasons your problems have persisted for so long. What are they?
• The secret to ending family curses and afflictions for good!
• The Mystery behind cultivating Genuine Anointing.
• How to kill sin before it manifests.
• How to break the yoke of fear.
• How to Walk in Light and Life
• The Mark of the Bondservant vs the Mark of the Beast
• The Mystery of the Sign of the Lord.
• Man: the Mystery of number 6.
• Giving: How to Direct Your Resources.
(1 Kings 8:10-11; 2 Chronicles 5:14; 2 Chronicles 26:19; Philippians 4:6; 1 Samuel 1:11; 1 Samuel 1:5-6,17, Psalm 119:105,130; John 6:63; Ezekiel 9:4; James 2:4-5; 1 Peter 4:17-18; Romans 2)
• The Mystery of warfare through High Praises and New Songs.
• How to download New Songs from the throneroom.
• How to get power to bind principalities and powers..
• Is it wrong to argue about the scriptures? (Scriptural Viewpoint)
• Ever wondered why you experience freedom ONLY in some aspects of your life? Here’s why!
• Power in Your Thoughts: How to Become Invincible
• The key to discerning false teaching.
• Times and Seasons: The Mystery of God's Calendar.
• There are certain people you must have in your life! Who are they?
• The Mystery of Midnight prayers and warring with principalities and powers.
• The key to survival in times of darkness.
• Why Christians get easily defeated.
(2 Peter 1:2; Psalm 119:105; 2 Corinthians 12:9; James 1:22-23; Matthew 7:22-23; Hebrews 13:6)
•Grace & Peace: A Product of the Knowledge of God.
•God's Grace- There's more to it than just "Unmerited favour".
•Spending Time with God: The key to Knowing God Intimately.
•Practical Tips on how to Spend More Time with God.
•Your Relationship with God: A Business Transaction or a Love Relationship?
•Explanations on the Holy Spirit and it's Manifestations.
• What should be my Priority in Courtship and as I look Forward to Marriage?
• Courtship: Proper Procedures & Protocols.
•Why It's Important to have a Proper Relationship with God Before saying "I do".
(2 Corinthians 10:12, Psalm 15, Psalm 24, Isaiah 1:19-20, 1 Corinthians 10:11-13, Isaiah 6:5, 1 Timothy 1:15, 1 John 1:10, James 3:2, Isaiah 8, Isaiah 50, Daniel 12)
• The importance of passing your spiritual classes/examinations.
• Examination malpractice and it's grave futuristic consequences.
• The price for climbing the Holy Hill of God.
• How to not fall under the pressure of temptations.
• How tests (temptations) are key to your spiiritual growth.
• The danger of looking down on believers who are not as mature as you are.
• How to stay humble in your walk with Christ.
• “I am Chief of Sinners” — What Paul understood that many do not today.
• Benefits of being a Bondservant of Christ.
• How to avoid receiving the mark of the beast.
• How to make people disciples of God.
• Clean Lips: A criterion for ascending God's Holy Hill.
• The true definition of a disciple.
• Levites: Who they are and what they represent in today’s Church.
• The foolishness of Atheism.
• God's definition of "Hate" (Luke 14:26, etc).
• What really is self-righteousness?
• Luke 16: The Parable of Shrewd servant explained.
• How you can be serving Mammon without realizing it.
• The proper way to love God.
• Should demons be cast out of unbelievers?
• What does it mean to be as "wise as a serpent"?
(Luke 16:1-15; 1 Corinthians 13:1-3; Luke 14:26; Matthew 25:31; Romans 6:1-5, 1 Corinthians 15:9; Matthew 12:43-45)
Revelation 3:2-5; Ecclesiastes 5:1; Matthew 12:36-37; Titus 2:11; Ephesians 2:8-10; Matthew 12:30-32; Matthew 7:17)
• Do you appear to be alive yet dead spiritually?
• Consequences of denying the Lord.
• What God’s Grace is meant to accomplish in your life.
• Why it is dangerous to cherry-pick scriptures.
• How you can be sure a teaching is from God or not.
• How to strengthen your walk with God.
• What next after New Birth? - A Guide for Young Believers.
• How God will Judge on that Day: Works or Faith Only?
• Blasphemy: Be careful how you speak about God!
(Revelations 2:1-2, John 2 :24-25, 1 Corinthians 12:28, Revelations 22:11-12, Jeremiah 6:27, Luke 13:6, Matthew 7:16-20, Ezekiel 44, Luke 12:35-44, Galatians 6:9-10)
• The meaning of the breaking of Bread
• The result of keeping company with the ungodly.
• Dangers of supporting a false minister before the Church.
• What it means to be the salt and light of the world.
• Are we to test the authenticity of servants of God?
• How you can share in another's sins.
• The healing of the soul and why it's highly important.
• Fruits: A way to differentiate true from false.
• How to be a faithful servant of God.
• The rewards of faithfully serving God.
Jeremiah 9:23-26; 1 Corinthians 9:9-11; 1Timothy 5:17-18; Romans 15:27; Galatians 6:6; Philippians 2:29; 1Thessalonians 5:12; Hebrews 5:7-8
• What things are Christians permitted to boast of?
• The value of God's wisdom.
• The difference between human strength and God's strength.
• Do good works matter to God?
• The importance of a good reputation in evangelism.
• What does it mean to take the name of the Lord in vain?
• How can wealth be truly God-given?
• Practical ways to honor one's parents.
• Scriptural proof that Pastors should benefit from offerings.
• The importance of listening to wise counsel.
• What is the purpose of Tithes?
• Weightier Matters of the Law: What are God's priorities?
Tim 3, Exo 22:28
• A Call to Offer Proper incense for your Country.
• Bless and not Curse your Country.
• Thanksgiving for Leaders - Key to a Peaceful and Quiet Life
• A Guide to Effectively Intercede for a Nation.
• Coming Judgement on Those who Oppose Authority
• Reasons for Unanswered Prayers in the Body of Christ.
• Giving thanks in all Situations - God's Preference.
• A Peek into the History of the Bible: Why Christians today are utterly inexcusable.
• Why much is expected of the Last Day Church.
• How to secure your children's future in the Lord.
• How to prevent boredom as a Child of God.
• The danger of hardening your heart
• Why do you listen to God only when you are in trouble?
• What frogs represent spiritually.
• Why you must go to Church consistently.
• How to differentiate between true righteousness and self-righteousness.
• Why God gave the dietary laws in the Law of Moses: The Health implications.
• How you listening to God or not has direct consequences on your health.
• Scriptures: Inspired by God or written by men?
(Genesis 3:17, 21:10-13, 23,49, 50; Hebrews 11:12-16; Joshua 24:32; Matthew 27:51-53; Acts 3:21-26; Romans 6:1-6, 1 Corinthians 15:29, 1:13-16)
• The concept of listening: Knowing when to listen and when not to.
• The dangers of habitually speaking carnally.
• The difference between God's will and God's plan.
• Why and how to trace your spiritual lineage appropriately.
• Why it is dangerous to always seek free things.
• The Wisdom of Abraham.
• How to form the habit of listening to God.
• What is the new covenant?
• The proper way to inquire of God.
• The art of dying daily.
• Is water baptism still significant for believers today?
• What is the blessing of Abraham?
• The Holy Spirit: Why we are sure the promise of Resurrection will be fufilled.
• The importance of humility in ministry calling.
(Deuteronomy 13:6-10, 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, Zechariah 14, Isaiah 51, Zechariah 10:1-3, Revelations 22:14-15, Psalm 24:3-4, 1 Corinthians 1:26-29, Psalm 109, Proverbs 26:2, Numbers 22-23, Jude 1:11, Revelations 2:12-14 )
• Witchcraft: How it draws you back into slavery.
• The effects of celebrating or not celebrating feast of Tabernacles.
• The merits of being child-like.
• Understanding what it means to seek the Lord.
• Dwelling in God's presence: The covering from witchcraft.
• Attributes & the nature of idols.
• How to recognize the practice of witchcraft in Church.
• The function & difference between true shepherds and the false.
• Sexual Immorality and idolatry: The teachings of Balaam.
• How Christians can get cursed.
• The God-fixed curse against the thief and liar.
• The dangers of testing the Lord God.
(Ecclesiastes 5, Hebrews 13:15, Jeremiah 7:4-14, James 1:22-23 , Isaiah 55:1, 1Pet 2:2, Colossians 3:5-19, 2Timothy 3:12, 1Corinthians 6)
• Listening: God's Preferred Sacrifice.
• What it means to offer the sacrifice of fools.
• Why and how to use the Word of God as a mirror.
• Maturity: The process God takes us through.
• Why God can allow problems to remain in your life.
• Never lead God's children into sin!
• The duty of a Pastor.
• Spiritual Milk: What news Christians need to grow.
• What do I do if I work in an organization that operates illegally? How do I protect my faith?
• How do your words power angels and/or demons?
Saturday 2nd July, 2022
Spiritual Warfare
War Against Witchcraft: Jezebel's Teachings
Ita Udoh
(Exodus 22, Revelations 22:7, 2 Corinthians 6, Deuteronomy 13, 2 Thessalonians 2:7, 1 Timothy 1:9, Revelations 13:17, Nahum 3:4, 1 Corinthians 5:9-11, 1 Kings 18:19)
* The timeline of the ages—more insight.
* The spirit of lawlessness and rebellion at work: Lessons from Saul's life.
* Why Laws exist; law systems that must be shunned thoroughly.
* Dreaming: A calling that has been neglected
* How witchcraft works.
* Greed; the operation of mammon in the body of Christ
* The Authority structure in the Spirit Realm
* The danger of sexual immorality in the church.
* How the church is being prepared to take the mark of the Beast.
* "NO PVC, NO ENTRY" —Is this a wrong move by churches nationwide?
* The teachings of the Jezebel in the Church.
* How to fight the spirit of greed.
To watch the FULL VIDEO, click the link below:
(Philippians 2, 2 Corinthians 10:6, Jeremiah 51:20, Ecclesiastes 10:10, 1 Corinthians 8-11)
* The Magic of Humility: How you can leave a peaceful life from day to day.
* Obedience is better than sacrifice.
* How pride makes you open to the Enemy.
* The disadvantage of not yielding to the voice of the Holy Spirit
* The power of words in the spirit realm
* The sin of unbelief and its consequences
* Witchcraft and the kingdom of darkness
* Why you must sharpen your weapons of war!
* The significance of communion
* The real war Christians are to fight.
(Genesis 1:1-2; John 3:3-6, 3:31, 3:17, 1:1-2; Revelation 21:1; 1 Corinthians 15:44-50; Luke 8:1-3; Philippians 4:12-13; Matthew 8:20; John 14:2; Romans 2)
• The role of the Water and the Spirit
• The Creation story and its significance to the Church.
• The Nature of the First Adam vs the Nature of the Last Adam.
• What it means to be born of the Spirit.
• Tips on Financial Prudence—How to save money efficiently.
• Time: The currency for gaining understanding.
• The wages of stealing.
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
- Worldly Wisdom vs Heavenly Wisdom: Knowing the Difference
- Is there any difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?
- Was Solomon truly the wisest man that ever lived?
- Does being a Christian guarantee that I will never suffer again?
- Who are bond-servants of Christ? How can I become one?
- How to detect an enemy of the Cross of Christ.
- The need for skillful Builders for God's House.
- How does the Spirit of Wisdom manifest?
- How you can know a person is spiritually mature.
- Why you must not trust in your own wisdom, but God's.
- What makes a man remain in the realm of the natural? What makes a man spiritual?
- ...and many more radical topics to engage!
(2 Peter 1:3, Isaiah 42:8, John 17:1, Genesis 45:13, 1 Cor 15:40-41, John 2:11, Mathew 5:6, John 17:22-23)
• Good Works - The Manifestation of God's Glory.
• Does God Really Want to Share His Glory?
• Qualifications to Share in God's Glory.
• Glory: The Glamour God Uses to Draw men to Himself.
• The Christian & Good Works.
• Humility -The Preservative for Every Preacher.
• The Futility of Terrestrial Glory.
• Good Works vs Show-offs - Drawing the Line.
• Preparation Should Precede Death - Biblical illustrations.
Psalm 34; Psalm 78: Haggai 1; Mark 6
• How to relate properly with your bosses.
• Discipline is love—from God and man.
• The importance of spiritual parents.
• How a spiritual child should behave.
• How to honor men of God properly.
• Addressing Cessationism: Is your God dead?
• Familiarity: A hindrance to God's work in people's lives.
• Why people disregard God.
• The importance of passing down stories to other generations.
• A peek into Church History in Nigeria
• The fear of the Lord.
(Proverbs 6:23; Matthew 7:14, Zechariah 11:15; Jeremiah 14:14; Revelations3:15-18; Isaiah 55:1-3; Hebrews 11:6; Galatians 6:9-10)
• The importance of discipline.
• The proper way to live.
• The futility of money.
• The different kinds of sheep.
• The responsibilities of a pastor.
• How to be a sheep at God’s right hand.
• How to buy gold from the Lord.
• Kingdom Investment: How to administer your resources.
(Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 6:13; Hebrews 12:6; 2 Samuel 7:14)
• Understanding the concept of discipline
• Discipline: Criterion for being God's legitimate son.
• How does God's discipline manifest?
• Take Note: Your spiritual growth depends on your level of discipline.
• "My relationship with God is personal."—How true is this?
• Spiritual 'Carry-overs'.
• "A female should not put on a male's clothing and vice versa."—A true scriptural interpretation.
• What is the balance between humility and low self-esteem?
(Proverbs 13:24; Proverbs 6:13; Hebrews 12:6; 2 Samuel 7:14)
• Understanding the concept of discipline
• Discipline: Criterion for being God's legitimate son.
• How does God's discipline manifest?
• Take Note: Your spiritual growth depends on your level of discipline.
• "My relationship with God is personal."—How true is this?
• Spiritual 'Carry-overs'.
• "A female should not put on a male's clothing and vice versa."—A true scriptural interpretation.
• What is the balance between humility and low self-esteem?
(2 Peter 3:1-16, 1 Peter 4, Isaiah 55:1-7)
• The letters of Peter: Why you must pay attention to them.
• Wholesome Thinking: The role of Scriptures.
• What to do when faced with fiery trials.
• The end of the season of the Gentiles.
• How to receive grace and peace.
• Guidelines to partaking in the covenant of David.
• What it means to behold the Lord.
• Why does God speak the way He does?
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(2 Peter 3:1-16, 1 Peter 4, Isaiah 55:1-7)
• The letters of Peter: Why you must pay attention to them.
• Wholesome Thinking: The role of Scriptures.
• What to do when faced with fiery trials.
• The end of the season of the Gentiles.
• How to receive grace and peace.
• Guidelines to partaking in the covenant of David.
• What it means to behold the Lord.
• Why does God speak the way He does?
📁 Click on the links below to download:
Click on the links below to download:
■ Via Our Google Drive Page:
■ Via Our Telegram Channel:
• Wise Counsel: how to wage a successful spiritual war.
• God's Purifying Fire: How to offer righteous offerings.
• Satan's Major Target: Spirit, Soul or Body?
• What's the sin of perjury?
• Moses & Jesus: The Old Covenant and the New.
• Does the new covenant nullify the old ?
📁 You can also download via the following channels:
■Via Our Google Drive Page:
■Via Our Telegram Channel:
• Wise Counsel: how to wage a successful spiritual war.
• God's Purifying Fire: How to offer righteous offerings.
• Satan's Major Target: Spirit, Soul or Body?
• What's the sin of perjury?
• Moses & Jesus: The Old Covenant and the New.
• Does the new covenant nullify the old ?
📁 You can also download via the following channels:
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WHAT DOES IT TRULY MEAN TO SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT? So many people have found it hard to accept the goodness of God and that He is not quick to throw them away. One common reason for this is the misunderstanding on the issue of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and committing the unpardonable sin. Listen carefully as Pastor Ita explains what Jesus was really saying, and become free again!
"Healing is the bread of the Children." This is a popular saying in the Christian community. What kind of healing exactly was Jesus talking about? Also, it is a commonly debated topic as to whether a Christian needs deliverance from demonic oppression since he or she is seated in heavenly places with Christ. However, what does the Bible REALLY say about this?
To listen to full message:
https://t.me/Godslighthouse/2188 OR
The big plan is the Kingdom of God. The earth will be restored, and the Lord wants those with whom He will carry out this restoration project. It's long term. But those who will wield the authority must be willing to lay down their lives now.
A lot of people have lost their lives because of false prophets. Ask Ahab.
Who is a prophet of God? Who is a false prophet? What should prophets say? How can we tell that a prophet is false, especially in these last days? Can God deceive people?
All these and more, are addressed in this short snippet.
God isn't as conservative about certain things like many Christians tend to be. All sins do not have the same implications, just as they have different direct consequences. Many times, the issue isn't that the act itself is a sin; the issue is that of love. Do we love others enough to forgo something so as not to be a stumbling block to them?
The call to sonship is a call to service. More than making us happy all the time, God is more pleased to have a relationship with us. He does not want us so independent that we wouldn't need Him anymore - like asking for bread to last a decade, instead of for daily bread. We are meant to serve God first, because that is how to show that we are qualified to wield authority. Like Jesus, we will have to learn obedience through the things that we suffer.
The money you get from Gambling is not good money. Read "The Christian Gambler", a testimony on https://g-lh.org
Whatever you see prevailing is linked to the Church.
God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth. (John 4:24)
With the help of the Holy Spirit, you probably pray 70% of your prayers. You must open your mouth and speak.
The true definition of Exhortation.
It's OK to take your time and ponder on what you want to ask the King for...our safety comes from being with the King.
You get more skillful in your gifting when you practice more.
The Fruits of the Spirit in practice.
People don't just DIE, death requires permission.
Who is a Spiritual Father?
Jesus came to declare the year of God's favour, the year of God's Vengeance is at hand.
It matters so much that you allow the Father to dress you.
Abortion is MURDER...
A Devoted thing is a dedicated thing to GOD, it's not yours, and you must not joke with it.
What are the battles?
The reason why people have Failed Expectations...
Be careful you don't carry a teaching that permits people to fall into immorality.
Hate is you just keeping quiet for evil to occur to someone.
All the troubles you get into is because of your DISOBEDIENCE. Avoid the little foxes that spoils the vine.
You can't make a show of everything.
You can't be envious of people, because everyone has a calling.
Justification for All
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.