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Ever noticed how the smallest changes can have the biggest impact? On Nudge, you’ll learn simple evidence-backed tips to help you kick bad habits, get a raise, and grow a business. Every bite-sized 20-minute show comes packed with practical advice from admired entrepreneurs and behavioural scientists. Nudge is fast-paced but still insightful with real-world examples that you can apply – this is not your average business podcast.
The podcast Nudge is created by Phill Agnew. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In 1980, Michelle Smith published a book that triggered the Satanic Panic, a worldwide fear that Satan worshippers were recruiting millions to embrace satanism.
Today, I explore the surprising science of false memories with Dr. Charan Ranganath, author of Why We Remember. Dr. Ranganath reveals how memory is more imagination than recollection, why some people vividly remember things that never happened, and why the Satanic Panic was based on fiction not fact.
You’ll learn:
How Michelle Remembers sparked the Satanic Panic and shaped public fear.
Why memories “recovered” in therapy can feel real but be completely false.
How a memory expert misremembered her own mother’s death.
The shocking study where 40% of participants believed they committed a crime they never did.
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Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Charan’s book Why We Remember: https://charanranganath.com/
60 Minutes Australia. (1989). Teens cruel ‘sacrificial’ offering to Satan in quiet country town [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/yiN27M0akuY
Bartlett, F. C. (1928b). Types of imagination. Philosophy, 3(9), 78–85.
Bartlett, F. C. (1932). Remembering: A study in experimental and social psychology. Cambridge University Press.
KABC News. (1988). Devil worship: Satanic panic circa 1988 [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/RGxf7G3Xpj4
Kassin, S. M. (2008). False confessions: Causes, consequences, and implications for reform. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17(4), 249–253.
Loftus, E. F. (2005). Planting misinformation in the human mind: A 30-year investigation of the malleability of memory. Learning & Memory, 12(4), 361–366.
Loftus, E. F., & Pickrell, J. E. (1995). The formation of false memories. Psychiatric Annals, 25(12), 720–725.
Loftus, E. F., Miller, D. G., & Burns, H. J. (1978). Semantic integration of verbal information into a visual memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 4(1), 19–31. https://doi.org/10.1037/0278-7393.4.1.19
Magnetic Memory Museum. (1994). Law enforcement guide to Satanic cults [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/VTJ0_BABexo
Ranganath, C. (2024). Why we remember: Unlocking memory’s power to hold on to what matters. Doubleday.
Roever, D. (1989). Exposing the Satanic web [Video]. Rcom Productions. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Hgymy7VlhT8
Shaw, J., & Porter, S. (2015). Constructing rich false memories of committing crime. Psychological Science, 26(3), 291–301.
Unknown Author. (1990). Satanic cults & ritual crime [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/byUvJDXqxa4
Winfrey, O. (1989). Oprah Winfrey Show 1989: Ritual sacrifice of babies [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/BRninYpnlzM
Elon Musk’s hiring strategy goes against conventional wisdom—he asks just two questions and relies on gut instinct. But does it actually work? Today, Prof. Gerd Gigerenzer reveals why Musk’s method might be smarter than traditional hiring processes and explores the psychology behind better decision-making.
You’ll learn:
Why Musk’s hiring heuristic could outperform complex selection methods (feat. insights from Gerd Gigerenzer).
How experienced managers naturally use heuristics to make better hiring decisions.
The surprising downside of having multiple interviewers (feat. findings from a 2014 hiring study).
A smarter way to assess job candidates (that goes beyond endless questions).
Download the Reading List: https://nudge.kit.com/readinglist
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Gerd’s book Smart Management: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262548014/smart-management/
Reb, J., Luan, S., & Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Smart management: How simple heuristics help leaders make good decisions in an uncertain world. The MIT Press.
Luan, S., Reb, J., & Gigerenzer, G. (2019). Ecological rationality: Fast-and-frugal heuristics for managerial decision making under uncertainty. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6).
Fific, M., & Gigerenzer, G. (2014). Are two interviewers better than one? Journal of Business Research, 67(8), 1771–1779.
I explore the surprising science of memory with Dr. Charan Ranganath, author of Why We Remember. Today, Dr. Ranganath reveals why forgetting isn’t a flaw but a feature of our brains and how simple strategies can dramatically improve recall.
You’ll learn:
Why forgetting is normal (feat. Ebbinghaus’s forgetting curve).
How multitasking physically changes your brain and worsens memory.
Why filming concerts on your phone makes the experience less memorable.
Proven techniques from memory athletes to help you remember more.
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Charan’s book Why We Remember: https://charanranganath.com/
Ebbinghaus, H. (1885). Über das Gedächtnis: Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
ESPN. (2018). LeBron James recalling play with photographic memory [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkHAsh-i6WQ
Miller, G. A. (1956). The magic number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2), 81–97.
Ranganath, C. (2024). Why we remember: Unlocking memory’s power to hold on to what matters. Doubleday.
Tulving, E., & Schacter, D. L. (1990). Priming and human memory systems. Science, 247(4940), 301–306. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.2296719
White, R. (2018). How to memorize a deck of cards (fastest way taught by memory champion) [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/yevxvTbUa4s?si=x447uhmpm9-z--SD
Golf players, investors and CEOs perform better if they take their time. Or do they?
Today, Prof. Gerd Gigerenzer reveals why intuition often outperforms complex analysis and how shortcuts can lead to smarter decisions in business, sports, and investing.
You’ll learn:
Why gut instinct can beat data-driven decisions (feat. insights from Gerd Gigerenzer).
How firefighters, CEOs, and handball players make better choices under pressure.
The dangers of overthinking—why too much time can worsen decisions (feat. 2004 golf study).
Why simple rules predict outcomes better than complex models (feat. Wimbledon & NFL studies).
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Gerd’s book Smart Management: https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262548014/smart-management/
Baum, J. R., & Wally, S. (2003). Strategic decision speed and firm performance. Strategic Management Journal, 24(11), 1107–1129.
Beilock, S. L., Bertenthal, B. I., McCoy, A. M., & Carr, T. H. (2004). Haste does not always make waste: Expertise, direction of attention, and speed versus accuracy in performing sensorimotor skills. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11(2), 373–379.
DeMiguel, V., Garlappi, L., & Uppal, R. (2009). Optimal versus naive diversification: How inefficient is the 1/N portfolio strategy? The Review of Financial Studies, 22(5), 1915–1953.
Dörfler, V., & Eden, C. (2017). Becoming a Nobel Laureate: Patterns of a journey to the highest level of expertise. AoM 2017: 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA, August 4-8.
Easterbrook, G. (2010). TMQ’s annual bad predictions review. ESPN.
Eslam sdt Henry. (2018). Best football trick world cup 2006 Jens Lehmann [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/LRAOEWAbO00
Johnson, J., & Raab, M. (2003). Take the first: Option-generation and resulting choices. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 91(2), 215–229.
Klein, G. A. (1999). Sources of power: How people make decisions. MIT Press.
Reb, J., Luan, S., & Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Smart management: How simple heuristics help leaders make good decisions in an uncertain world. The MIT Press.
Serwe, S., & Frings, C. (2006). Who will win Wimbledon? The recognition heuristic in predicting sports events. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19(4), 321–332. https://doi.org/10.1002/bdm.530
West, D. C., Acar, O. A., & Caruana, A. (2020). Choosing among alternative new product development projects: The role of heuristics. Psychology & Marketing, 37(12), 1719–1736. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21397
Learn why so many ads today are ineffective and what marketers are getting wrong. Today, Tom Goodwin reveals the four simple truths about advertising, the surprising power of “wasted” marketing, and why aesthetics alone can make an ad more persuasive.
You’ll learn:
Why most digital ads fail and how short-term thinking is to blame.
The hidden power of repeated exposure (feat. Moreland & Beach’s 1992 study).
How slow-motion, jingles, and branding signals can make products feel more premium.
Why targeting is overrated.
The one thing marketers should focus on to create better campaigns without breaking the bank.
This episode contains strong language.
Access the bonus episode: https://nudge.kit.com/07a850cbb7
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Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Tom’s book: https://www.koganpage.com/digital-technology/digital-darwinism-9781398601925
Follow Tom on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomfgoodwin/
Follow Tom on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/tomfgoodwin
Cialdini, R. B. (2021). Influence: The psychology of persuasion (New and expanded ed.). Harper Business.
Goodwin, T. (2018). Digital Darwinism: Survival of the fittest in the age of business disruption. Kogan Page.
Innes, M. (2023, May 5). CMO tenure falls to lowest level in more than a decade. MarketingWeek. https://www.marketingweek.com/cmo-tenure-falls/
Moreland, R. L., & Beach, S. R. (1992). Exposure effects in the classroom: The development of affinity among students. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 28(3), 255–276. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1031(92)90055-O
SungJin, J. & Dubois, D. (2022). When and how slow motion makes products more luxurious. Journal of Marketing Research.
Join the Nudge Unit: https://maven.com/nudge-unit/course-cohort
Why does a $5 Uber voucher turn angry customers into loyal fans? In this episode, Eva van den Broek and Tim den Heijer share actionable insights from their book The Housefly Effect, revealing seven marketing psychology tips you can use to grow your business.
You’ll learn:
How scarcity drives demand, from pineapple rentals to volume-limited products.
Why a $5 apology voucher boosted Uber’s revenue (feat. reciprocity principle).
How Tropicana’s rebrand taught marketers a costly lesson about habits.
Why "95% fat-free" yoghurt sells better than "5% fat" (feat. framing effect).
The clever way airlines manage flight-time expectations to keep customers happy.
Get the book: https://bedfordsquarepublishers.co.uk/book/the-housefly-effect
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Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
van den Broek, E., & den Heijer, T. (2024). The Housefly Effect. Bedford Square Publishers.
Bundesliga study | Brandes, L., & Franck, E. (2012). Social preferences or personal career concerns? Field evidence on positive and negative reciprocity in the workplace. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(5), 925–939
McFlurry sales boosted by 55% | Walsh, N. (2024). Tune in: How to make smarter decisions in a noisy world. Bedford Square Publishers.
Uber $5 apology | Halperin, B., Ho, B., List, J. A., & Muir, I. (2019). Toward an understanding of the economics of apologies: Evidence from a large-scale natural field experiment (No. w25676). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w25676
Berger, J. (2013). Contagious: Why things catch on. Simon & Schuster.
Gu, Y., Botti, S., & Faro, D. (2013). Turning the page: The impact of choice closure on satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 268–283.
Martin, S. J. (2024). Influence at work: Capture attention, connect with others, convince people to act. [Paperback]. Economist Edge.
Yuan, Y., Liu, T. X., Tan, C., Chen, Q., Pentland, A., & Tang, J. (2020). Gift contagion in online groups: Evidence from WeChat red packets.
Join the Nudge Unit: https://maven.com/nudge-unit/course-cohort
Can tiny nudges dramatically change our behaviour? In this episode, Eva van den Broek and Tim den Heijer explore the subtle yet powerful psychological tools that influence daily decisions, often without us realising it.
You’ll learn:
Why doubling the size of a plate made kids eat 41% more (feat. the Delboeuf illusion).
Why Schiphol Airport painted a fly in the urinals (“The Housefly Effect”).
The role of defaults in organ donation, student loans, and fast food orders.
How loss aversion turned teachers into top performers, improving student grades by 10%.
Why IKEA sell cheap ice cream (feat. the peak-end rule).
Get the book: https://bedfordsquarepublishers.co.uk/book/the-housefly-effect
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Carmon, Z., & Kahneman, D. (1996). The experienced utility of queuing: Experience profiles and retrospective evaluations of simulated queues.
Dai, H., Milkman, K. L., Hofmann, D. A., & Staats, B. R. (2015). The impact of time at work and time off from work on rule compliance: The case of hand hygiene in health care. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(3).
Holden, S. S., Zlatevska, N., & Dubelaar, C. (2016). Whether smaller plates reduce consumption depends on who’s serving and who’s looking: A meta-analysis. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 1(1), 134.
Kahneman, D., Fredrickson, B. L., Schreiber, C. A., & Redelmeier, D. A. (1993). When more pain is preferred to less: Adding a better end. Psychological Science, 4(6), 401–405. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9280.1993.tb00589.x
Kaur, S., Kremer, M., & Mullainathan, S. (2015). Self-control at work. Journal of Political Economy, 123(6), 1227–1277.
Levitt, S. D., List, J. A., Neckermann, S., & Sadoff, S. (2016). The behavioralist goes to school: Leveraging behavioral economics to improve educational performance. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 8(4), 183–219.
van den Broek, E., & den Heijer, T. (2024). The Housefly Effect. Bedford Square Publishers.
Join the Nudge Unit: https://maven.com/nudge-unit/course-cohort
Business books are everywhere, offering seemingly simple solutions to complex problems—but are they truly helpful? In this episode, Alex Edmans explores the biases that make us fall for oversimplified advice and why many popular business books fail to deliver.
You’ll learn:
How black-and-white thinking fuels the success of books like Dr. Atkins’ Diet Revolution and Start With Why.
Why confirmation bias leads us to believe unproven claims (feat. Simon Sinek’s “Why” theory).
The dangers of ignoring nuance, such as in Angela Duckworth’s Grit and Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000-hour rule.
Real-world examples of flawed reasoning, from the London Marathon tragedy to corporate missteps.
How to critically evaluate the advice offered in bestsellers and avoid falling for universal “truths.”
Download the Reading List: https://nudge.kit.com/readinglist
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Alex’s book May Contain Lies: https://maycontainlies.com/
Edmans, A. (2024). May contain lies: How stories, statistics, and studies exploit our biases—and what we can do about it. University of California Press.
Atkins, R. C. (1972). Dr. Atkins' diet revolution: The high calorie way to stay thin forever. New York: Bantam Books.
Seidelmann, Sara B. et al. (2018): ‘Dietary carbohydrate intake and mortality: a prospective cohort study and meta-analysis’, Lancet Public Health 3, E419–E428
DeLosh, Edward L., Jerome R. Busemeyer and Mark A. McDaniel (1997): ‘Extrapolation: the sine qua non for abstraction in function learning’, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 23, 968–86.
Fisher, Matthew and Frank Kiel (2018): ‘The binary bias: a systematic distortion in the integration of information’. Psychological Science 29, 1846–58
Sinek, S. (2009). Start with why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action. Portfolio.
Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. Little, Brown and Company.
Duckworth, A. (2016). Grit: The power of passion and perseverance. Scribner.
I explore the truth behind the famous 10,000-hour rule, popularized by Malcolm Gladwell. Today, Prof Alex Edmans uncovers why the rule persists despite its flaws and dives into the psychological biases that make misinformation so believable.
You’ll learn:
Why the 10,000-hour rule isn’t as universal as it seems (feat. insights from Alex Edmans).
How confirmation bias shapes beliefs—from the Atkins diet to Deepwater Horizon.
The dangers of narrative fallacy in explaining success (feat. 1975 Barry Staw study).
Real-world examples of misinformation, from Belle Gibson’s cancer cure claims to Volkswagen’s diesel scandal.
A simple mental trick to fight confirmation bias and save yourself from misleading ideas.
Download the Reading List: https://nudge.kit.com/readinglist
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Alex’s book May Contain Lies: https://maycontainlies.com/
Gladwell, M. (2008). Outliers: The story of success. Little, Brown, and Company.
Edmans, A. (2024). May contain lies: How stories, statistics, and studies exploit our biases—and what we can do about it. University of California Press.
Kaplan, Jonas T., Sarah I. Gimbel and Sam Harris (2016): ‘Neural correlates of maintaining one’s political beliefs in the face of counterevidence’, Scientific Reports 6, 39589.
Wong, Nathan Colin (2015): ‘The 10,000-hour rule’, Canadian Urological Journal 9, 299.
Staw, Barry M. (1975): ‘Attribution of the “causes” of performance: a general alternative interpretation of cross-sectional research on organizations’, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 13, 414–32.
Neil Rackham’s groundbreaking research uncovered what separates skilled negotiators from the average. Drawing insights from real-world negotiation sessions involving union disputes, management decisions, and high-stakes contracts, this episode unpacks the actual behaviour of skilled negotiations.
You’ll learn:
The specific ways skilled negotiators prepare differently from average negotiators (feat. 48 skilled negotiators).
Why immediate counterproposals can ruin a negotiation (feat. insight from 102 negotiations).
The critical role of long-term thinking in effective negotiations.
Key behaviours that skilled negotiators use to foster collaboration and transparency.
Practical tips you can use.
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Rackham, N. (2003). The behavior of successful negotiators. McGraw Hill/Irwin, New York.
Reb, J., Luan, S., & Gigerenzer, G. (2024). Smart management: Why successful leaders must embrace simple strategies in an increasingly uncertain and complex world. MIT Press. https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262548014/smart-management/
75% of us expect to spot the unexpected. But we’re wrong. Today on Nudge, Dan Simons shares his results from perhaps the world’s best-known psychology experiment: the Invisible Gorilla. Listen, and you’ll take part in our own audio version of his experiment, and I'll dig into research papers to learn how Dan’s findings apply to marketing.
Dan’s book Invisible Gorilla: https://www.theinvisiblegorilla.com/
Dan’s book Nobody’s Fool: https://dansimons.com/NobodysFool.html
Outdoor Advertising Recall study: https://tinyurl.com/5e8s5nwv
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
The Francesca Gino scandal shook the academic world, exposing fraudulent research practices at one of the world’s most prestigious institutions, Harvard Business School. This episode unpacks the details of the case, from the initial discoveries to the implications for science.
You’ll learn:
How a PhD student uncovered data manipulation in a high-profile study (feat. Zoe Xani’s investigation).
The critical role of whistleblowers in exposing fraud (feat. Data Colada’s analysis).
Key findings from Harvard’s 1,300-page report on research misconduct.
Which studies were faked and what they claimed to find.
How self-correcting mechanisms can strengthen trust despite scandals.
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Data Colada. (2023). [109] Data falsificada (Part 1): “Clusterfake”. https://datacolada.org/109
Data Colada. (2023). Data falsificada (Part 1): Evidence that Francesca Gino fabricated data. Data Colada. Retrieved from https://datacolada.org/110
Data Colada. (2023). Data falsificada (Part 3): The cheaters are out of order. Data Colada. Retrieved from https://datacolada.org/111
Data Colada. (2023). Data falsificada (Part 4): Forgetting the words. Data Colada. Retrieved from https://datacolada.org/112
Data Colada. (2024). [116] Our (first?) day in court. https://datacolada.org/116
Data Colada. (2024). [118] Harvard’s Gino Report Reveals How A Dataset Was Altered, Data Colada. https://datacolada.org/118
Dalton, R. (2023, October 18). Embattled Harvard honesty professor accused of plagiarism. Science. Retrieved January 6, 2025, from https://www.science.org/content/article/embattled-harvard-honesty-professor-accused-plagiarism
Dubner, S. J. (2024). Why is there so much fraud in academia? (Update) [Audio podcast episode]. In Freakonomics Radio. Freakonomics, LLC. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/why-is-there-so-much-fraud-in-academia-update/
Dubner, S. J. (2025). Can academic fraud be stopped? (Update) [Audio podcast episode]. In Freakonomics
Radio. Freakonomics, LLC. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/can-academic-fraud-be-stopped-update/
Gino, F., Kouchaki, M., & Galinsky, A. D. (2015). The moral virtue of authenticity: How inauthenticity produces feelings of immorality and impurity. Psychological Science, 26(7), 983–996. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797615575277
Gino, F., & Wiltermuth, S. S. (2014). Evil genius? How dishonesty can lead to greater creativity. Psychological Science, 25(4), 973–981. https://doi.org/10.1177/0956797614520714
Gino, F., Kouchaki, M., & Casciaro, T. (2020). Why connect? Moral consequences of networking with a promotion or prevention focus. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
Harari, Y. N. (2024). Nexus: A brief history of information networks from the Stone Age to AI. Fern Press.
Judo, P. (2024). It’s over – Gino vs Harvard fake data scandal [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/Q9tgyVPytBk
Konnikova, M. (2023). They studied dishonesty. Was their work a lie? The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/10/09/they-studied-dishonesty-was-their-work-a-lie
Lewis-Karus. (2024). How a scientific dispute spiraled into a defamation lawsuit. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-a-scientific-dispute-spiralled-into-a-defamation-lawsuit
Shu, L. L., Mazar, N., Gino, F., Ariely, D., & Bazerman, M. H. (2012). Signing at the beginning makes ethics salient and decreases dishonest self-reports in comparison to signing at the end. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(38), 15197–15200. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1209746109
I put AI to the test at one of the world’s largest marketing conferences, Inbound 2024. This episode dives into the surprising results of my experiment and what they mean for the future of marketing.
You’ll learn:
Why AI-generated content is seen as error-free (feat. 2022 study by Henestrosa et al.).
How AI compares to humans in persuading consumers (feat. 2023 meta-analysis).
Why strong positioning, like Wistia’s, is key to beating AI at its own game.
The marketing tasks most at risk of being taken over by AI (feat. 2024 survey).
A senior marketer’s take on whether AI could ever replace humans (feat. Richard Truncale).
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Henestrosa, A. L., Greving, H., & Kimmerle, J. (2022). Automated journalism: The effects of AI authorship and evaluative information on the perception of a science journalism article. Computers in Human Behavior, 138, 107445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2022.107445
Huang, G., & Wang, S. (2023). Is artificial intelligence more persuasive than humans? A meta-analysis. Journal of Communication, 73(6), 552–562. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqad024
Kasumovic, D. (2024). Artificial intelligence (AI) marketing benchmark report: 2024. Influencer Marketing Hub. https://influencermarketinghub.com/ai-marketing-benchmark-report/
Shotton, R. (2023). The illusion of choice: 16 ½ psychological biases that influence what we buy. Harriman House.
Chan, W. T. Y., & Leung, C. H. (2018). An empirical study on reverse psychology applied in advertising messages. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 8(9), 321–329. https://doi.org/10.18488/journal.1007/2018.8.9/1007.9.321.329
From curing scurvy to shaping billion-dollar business strategies, this is the story of the most important experiment in science and its profound impact on our world.
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Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Inspired by the insights and storytelling of May Contain Lies How Stories, Statistics, and Studies Exploit Our Biases – And What We Can Do About It, authored by Alex Edmans.
I spoke to the leading behavioural science authors, researchers and practitioners in 2024. Here are their top lessons. It features insights from Tali Sharot, Todd Rodgers, Rory Sutherland, Prof. Sarah Moore, and Chris Voss. Plus, some big news for 2025.
You’ll learn:
Why our happiness fades, no matter how good life gets (feat. Tali Sharot).
How shorter emails can drastically improve response rates (feat. Todd Rogers).
Why our behaviours often shape our attitudes—rather than the other way around (feat. Rory Sutherland).
The surprising persuasive power of swear words in reviews and advertising (feat. Sarah Moore).
A hostage negotiator’s secret for winning arguments (feat. Chris Voss).
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phill-agnew-22213187/
Watch Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast/
Epstein, Leonard H., Katelyn A. Carr, Meghan D. Cavanaugh, Rocco A. Paluch, and Mark E. Bouton (2011): “Long-term habituation to food in obese and nonobese women,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 94(2), 371–376.
Adams, Gabrielle S., Benjamin A. Converse, Andrew H. Hales, and Leidy E. Klotz (2021): “People systematically overlook subtractive changes,” Nature, 592, 258–261.
Rogers, Todd, and Jessica Lasky-Fink (2020): “Write shorter messages,” Harvard Kennedy School.
Boomerang (2016): “7 Tips for Getting More Responses to Your Emails—Backed by Data,” Boomerang Blog.
Rosset, Evelyn (2008): “It's No Accident: Our Bias for Intentional Explanations,” Psychological Science, 19(6), 566–572.
Lafreniere, Katherine C., Sarah G. Moore, and Robert J. Fisher (2022): “The Power of Profanity: The Meaning and Impact of Swear Words in Word of Mouth,” SAGE Open.
Westerholm, Jim (2017): “Damn good coffee: Swear words and advertising,” Mälardalen University.
van Kleef, Gerben A., Carsten K. W. De Dreu, and Antony S. R. Manstead (2004): “The Interpersonal Effects of Anger and Happiness in Negotiations,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 86, No. 1, pp. 57–76.
This episode contains swear words.
I’ve scoured his 38-year career and documented every persuasion tactic he’s used. Here’s how Steve Jobs became the most successful CEO of all time.
Sign up to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Subscribe to Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgepodcast
I tested a fairly unknown persuasion principle on 96 loyal Nudge listeners. It made my message 20% more effective. To hear how and why, listen to the latest episode of Nudge with the fantastic Bas Wouters, best-selling author and CEO of the Cialdini Influence.
Bas’s book Online Influence: https://www.onlineinfluence.com/book-online-influence/
Cialdini’s latest edition of Influence: https://tinyurl.com/2sdz9524
Join the Nudgers: https://forms.gle/wyKZB9SrHKnFks7G6
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I’ve spent weeks writing handwritten letters rather than emails. I’m running an experiment inspired by today’s guest, Harvard Professor Mike Norton. Mike’s the scientist behind the IKEA Effect, and in today’s Nudge, he explains how that bias could help me gain more reviews. Did it work? Find out on today’s episode of Nudge.
Mike’s book Ritual Effect: https://tinyurl.com/mwbvws3n
Watch Nudgestock: https://www.youtube.com/@nudgestock
Control emails: https://im.ge/i/Control-emails.fEPKZW
Handwritten emails: https://im.ge/i/handwritten-emails.fEPfX0
Stats for the control email: https://im.ge/i/Control.fEP9YK
Stats for the handwritten email: https://im.ge/i/Handwritten-variant.fEP5hF
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
This is one of my favourite interviews of the year. Listen, and you’ll learn why you should go last in a job interview, why you should pay incentives out in regular but smaller sums, and how you should always list your benefits in threes.
Steve’s book: https://tinyurl.com/23u5aysv
Steve’s website: https://influenceatwork.co.uk/
Subscribe to the Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I spent four hours watching 300 ads back to back.
Today, I reveal how they use psychological principles to persuade you.
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
The world’s best websites follow psychology-backed rules. Today’s guest, Thomas McKinlay, has read over 500 scientific marketing papers to figure out how to create a perfect website. On this episode of Nudge, he shares all the secrets.
Thomas’s newsletter: https://www.sciencesays.com
Subscribe to the Nudge newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Get the bonus episode: https://nudge.ck.page/2a6d523eea
In today’s episode, I use a marketing psychology principle to try to go viral on YouTube. Did it work? Listen to find out.
Effortful YouTube video: https://youtu.be/L6ueaBYDop8?si=5kHrlW66Fdzk6yTb
Effortless YouTube video: https://youtu.be/bhMCGaRsyUQ?si=LSXqZExxOZX7gIji
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I shrunk Britain’s favourite bread and showed it to a dozen Brits from Bolton. I was experimenting with shrinkflation. Companies shrink the size of their products without changing the price, benefiting from a psychological bias that means we struggle to notice small changes. Today, chatting with Grace Forell from Which?, I figure out the psychology behind shrinkflation, why it works, and I test if anyone notices my shrunken loaf of bread.
Methods of Persuasion: https://www.kolenda.io/books
Grace Forell’s podcast: https://tinyurl.com/38hu99bu
Today, I try to persuade 20 total strangers to listen to Nudge. To help, I’ve asked Brain Ahearn for advice. Brian’s Tedx talk on pre-suasion has been viewed by over 1 million people. He teaches tactics that anyone can use. So, I put his advice to the test. I’ve found 40 strangers and asked them if they’d listen to Nudge, but for 20 I used Brian’s ‘pre-suasion’. Did it work? Tune in to find out.
Brian’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianfahearn/
Brian’s website: https://influencepeople.biz/
Learn more about Voxpopme: https://www.voxpopme.com/
What makes us happy? This question generates wildly different answers. I asked four Nudge listeners and got four different answers. Being the behavioural science nerd I am, I’ve always wondered if there is a scientific answer to this question. Is there a study that reveals the secrets behind the good life?
Yes, there is. It’s the longest study on human happiness ever conducted. Today, I spoke to Marc Schulz, the associate director of that study, and he shared the results.
What causes a happy life? Find out on today’s episode of Nudge.
Marc’s book The Good Life: https://tinyurl.com/3fzcwuhp
Access the Bonus Episode: https://nudge.ck.page/8c8b5f6c05
Robert Cialdini is known to most as the godfather of influence. But is his 40-year-old book still relevant? Today, with Bas Wouters, best-selling author and CEO of the Cialdini Influence, we debate whether Cialdini’s 1984 findings still apply.
How I persuaded 8 influencers to promote Nudge: https://tinyurl.com/y8dvy9xk
Bas’s book Online Influence: https://www.onlineinfluence.com/book-online-influence/
Cialdini’s latest edition of Influence: https://tinyurl.com/2sdz9524
BBC’s Bickman experiment: https://youtu.be/4jcleVvgchs?si=hxG2nodA_1vAZfDS
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing Nintendo Brain Training. I’ve always thought it’d make me smarter. Most people agree. I asked 25 Brits, and 24 said it “helps their memory.” And yet, my guest on Nudge, Prof Dan Simons, thinks we’re all wrong. So, does Nintendo brain training work? Well, in today’s episode of Nudge, I find out.
First, I analysed the dozens of ads Nintendo had put out. I share the psychological nudges they used to persuade us and how they made their game so popular. Then, I run my own experiment. For 5 days, I play Nintendo Brain Training. I record my progress and measure if my intelligence has improved after a week. And finally, I chat with Professor Dan Simons and hear why he thinks so many people like me were lured in by Brain Training’s claims.
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Learn more about Voxpopme: https://www.voxpopme.com/
This advice has changed the way I work.
Professor Adam Alter covers the science behind creativity, Bob Dylan’s songwriting tricks, Pfizer’s profitable pivot, Pixar’s crowd-based wisdom, and one study that changed my perspective on creativity.
Adam’s book: https://adamalterauthor.com/anatomy
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Mike Temple’s Blowin’ cover: https://youtu.be/tFgohZ8xtnI?si=z0LYO9E2qX5PCEEw
Professor Danny Zane told me to slightly change how I promote my products. His advice increased my sales by 600%. Today, on Nudge, I reveal what he told me.
Tesco is the largest UK employer. They conduct almost 1 million interviews a year, yet I think they might be pointless. Today, I will share psychological studies showing common interview flaws. I explain why so many of us are bad at predicting what others think and suggest a better way to conduct interviews.
Thinking Fast and Slow: https://tinyurl.com/msd3kz9b
Talking to Strangers: https://tinyurl.com/yewvrwb5
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Fraudsters use four common tactics to con you. These tactics have been proven to work in scientific labs, adopted by the world’s best marketers, and used by scammers to manipulate and persuade. Are you being conned? Find out on today’s episode of Nudge with Dan Simons.
Dan's book: https://www.dansimons.com/NobodysFool.html
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
There’s a strange ritual Messi does at the start of every game that helps make him great. This ritual also helps job candidates succeed in interviews, sketch comedians create better jokes, and helped A-ha write Take On Me. To hear what it is, listen to bestselling author Adam Alter teach me the science behind beating procrastination.
Adam’s book: https://adamalterauthor.com/anatomy
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Whether clinking a glass with a friend, blowing on a cake, touching wood for good luck or tapping the plane before boarding, most of us have at least one weird ritual. Today’s guest, Harvard Professor Mike Norton, studied them for years. In today’s Nudge episode, he shares his findings. It turns out that those odd rituals are more important than we think.
Mike’s book Ritual Effect: https://tinyurl.com/mwbvws3n
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I didn’t pay them. I didn’t force them. I didn’t even try to persuade them. No, to convince these 8 influencers I used an extremely powerful psychological bias. This same bias has been used to sell one thousand pounds of cheese in three hours, turn greedy bankers into charitable donors, and (potentially) save us from nuclear war. Listen to find out how I persuaded 8 influencers to promote this podcast.
The (free) Science of Persuasion course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
The Science of Marketing course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
Robert Cialdini’s new edition of Influence: https://tinyurl.com/2pn23p83
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
I interviewed a (former) mind reader. He still reads minds today, but not for gimmicks. Instead, he uses his powers to help companies increase their sales. Today on Nudge, he shares 21 psychology-inspired tips that are proven to increase revenue.
Nick's newsletter: https://www.kolenda.io/
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
The bestselling author of The Power of Habits and Supercommunicators shared his top communication advice. Today, on Nudge, I tested Charles Duhigg's advice on four strangers. Will his advice make me more popular?
Access the bonus episode: https://nudge.ck.page/72cea6802d
Charles's book Supercommunicators: https://tinyurl.com/447wkpmz
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Facebook has developed AI that’s smart enough to manipulate and persuade humans. Political spinsters have used it to persuade voters. Scam artists used it to con thousands of people at scale. Yet, I’m most worried about how AI might take my job, how AI is almost certain to become a better podcaster, writer, and marketer than me. Today, I share what happens when AI can persuade humans, and I suggest a way for all of us to keep our jobs in an AI-dominated world of work.
The Coming Wave: https://tinyurl.com/pvsbvhuh
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
What do Maradona’s Hand of God and Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” have in common? Both might be due to cognitive biases. Today, on Nudge, Nuala Walsh shares seven cognitive biases that shape our decisions and might ruin my life.
Nuala’s book: https://www.nualagwalsh.com/
Nuala’s TED talk: https://youtu.be/xLSAkVxPOk0?si=PPjFSAO7tk8VszPM
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
He lied to his students, his friends, and his family. He fabricated data in 57 separate studies. He publicised racist views as scientific fact. And for a decade, he got away with it. Today, I share how one of the world’s most popular behavioural scientists fooled the world.
Nobody’s Fool: https://tinyurl.com/yv6pf93v
Influence: https://www.influenceatwork.com/store-new/
Subscribe to the (free) Nudge Newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
In today’s episode of Nudge, Rory Sutherland explains how to
Sell a £500 hoover
Make a flight delay pleasurable
Improve the London Tube map
Persuade more effectively
Make any cafe more popular
Stop drink drivers
It’s a cracker.
(A version of this episode was released in 2021, but it’s been heavily edited so still worth tuning in to).
Access the bonus episode here: https://nudge.ck.page/a48dd10ceb
Rory’s book Alchemy: http://tinyurl.com/3ucjy6rz
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What do election winners have in common? What makes a speech more persuasive? Are there tactics that every politician follows? And can we use these same tactics in our day-to-day work? I’ve spent the past week listening to nothing but election winning speeches. Today, I share what makes an election winning speech.
Derek’s book Hit Makers: https://tinyurl.com/yeymzds8
Jonah’s book Magic Words: https://jonahberger.com/magic-words/
Follow the Nudge Newsletter (it’s free): https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In today’s episode of Nudge, Rory Sutherland explains:
The reason behind Brexit
How doormen were undervalued
What bees teach us about creativity
The problem with R&D
Amazon’s two way door
Don’t miss this.
(Warning this episode contains explicit language).
Access the bonus episode here: https://nudge.ck.page/a48dd10ceb
Rory’s book Alchemy: http://tinyurl.com/3ucjy6rz
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In the 5 years I’ve spent creating this show, I’ve learnt a lot about advertising. Today, I share six evidence-based principles that are proven to improve any ad. If you want to understand why you buy the things you buy, then tune in.
Join the free Science of Persuasion Course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
I guarantee that the words you use to win arguments are ineffective. I don’t think you’re a lousy persuader, I think we all are. Today, world-leading neuroscientist Tali Sharot shares her decade-long research into persuasion. She tells me that the way I argue is ineffective and reveals how to win any argument.
Access the bonus episode: https://nudge.ck.page/de30a8ac24
Tali’s book, Look Again: https://tinyurl.com/5n8p3btb
Tali’s lab: https://affectivebrain.com/?page_id=161
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I’ve tested 100s of psychological tactics on my email subscribers. Today, I reveal the 10 tactics that actually work.
Join the free Science of Persuasion Course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
My endowment test: https://tinyurl.com/bv2umtup
My scarcity nudge: https://tinyurl.com/376stytp
My loss aversion nudge: https://tinyurl.com/5hyh9y4h
My experiment with International Podcast Day: https://im.ge/i/PrV4l9
My consistency experiment: https://bit.ly/3sABZTU
My curiosity gap experiment: https://bit.ly/3DiGasA
This is surely the most persuasive message on earth? It made 22,000 Brits agreed to 1,000 hours of community service, including, but not limited to; cleaning toilets at festivals, scraping chewing gum off the streets, and manually relieving sewer blockages. In today’s episode, Harvard Professor Todd Rodgers explains how.
Access the bonus episode here: https://nudge.ck.page/b64397a286
Writing for Busy Readers book: https://writingforbusyreaders.com/
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
How 22,000 agreed to 1,000 hours of community service: https://tinyurl.com/y9znsvhn
Warning. This episode contains explicit language.
In 2018, KFC told the world they FCK’d up. Today on Nudge, Professor Moore shares the science behind swearing and reveals if swearing in ads helps or hinders a brand.
Access the bonus episode here: https://nudge.ck.page/e1bed9bc16
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
It seems inevitable to us now that someone would eventually land on the moon. But back in 1962 that wasn’t so certain. With the ever-rising costs of the Apollo space program, and a huge amount of tax needed from each US citizen, JFK struggled to convince people. That was until one speech on a sunny day in September. This speech went down in history, persuading the nation to reach for the moon. In today’s Nudge, I explain the psychological tactics Kennedy used to make that speech so compelling.
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Tali Sharot’s book The Influential Mind: https://tinyurl.com/ytvpyuk2
Chris Voss, the FBI’s former chief hostage and kidnapping negotiator, shares how to succeed in any negotiation.
Chris’s newsletter: https://www.blackswanltd.com/the-edge
Chris’s book: https://www.blackswanltd.com/never-split-the-difference
Follow the Nudge newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
Chris Voss, former chief hostage and kidnapping negotiator for the FBI, shares the worst negotiation mistakes you can make.
Chris’s newsletter: https://www.blackswanltd.com/the-edge
Chris’s book: https://www.blackswanltd.com/never-split-the-difference
Follow the Nudge newsletter: https://nudge.ck.page/profile
In the 5 years I’ve run Nudge, I’ve interviewed 10 experts on pricing. These aren’t run-of-the-mill LinkedIn gurus. They’re peer-reviewed researchers from some of the world’s most prestigious universities. Today, I reveal their top 10 pricing tips.
Join the free Science of Persuasion Course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
In today’s episode of Nudge, Rory Sutherland explains:
When to tell smokers to quit smoking
How to double McDonald’s orders
Ways to make Londoners recycle
Why pensions schemes are broken
How to make high earners pay more tax
You won’t want to miss this.
(Warning this episode contains explicit language).
Rory’s book Alchemy: http://tinyurl.com/3ucjy6rz
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I’ve spent 200 hours interviewing persuasion experts. Today, I share the persuasion tactics that actually work.
Join the free Science of Persuasion Course: https://nudge.ck.page/persuasion-course
Reddit ads: https://imgur.com/a/BsCwx7n
Reddit ads results: https://imgur.com/a/iEB4W79
I wish I had followed Prof Todd Rodgers’ advice earlier.
Writing for Busy Readers book: https://writingforbusyreaders.com/
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Churchill’s plea for brevity: https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/churchills-call-for-brevity/
I used to love football, but nowadays I’m indifferent towards it. Today on Nudge, Professor Sarah Moore explains why.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In today’s episode of Nudge, Uri Gneezy explains why Amazon paid staff $5,000 to quit, how he got Singapore taxi drivers to walk more, and how Pret made their staff friendlier.
Uri’s book Mixed Signals: https://tinyurl.com/28mh4kke
Follow the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Uri's previous episodes on Nudge: Episode One / Episode Two
In 1991, CEO of one of the UK’s largest high street brands lost £500m in value overnight. He almost caused his company to go bankrupt, which ultimately led to his dismissal and a complete company rebrand. In today’s episode of Nudge, I share his story, explaining the psychology behind why this happened and some messaging advice that every marketer needs to know.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Episode 70 of Nudge: https://tinyurl.com/vk2cxcuc
Classic VW ad: https://tinyurl.com/52t4xny2
Avis "Try harder": https://tinyurl.com/4k93t3zv
Ratner’s speech in full: https://youtu.be/Nj9BZz71yQE?si=Rf4Z0jkeofH4bQtk
The Wasp (1984) book reviews: https://tinyurl.com/2mxhk6wf
Is there a hidden sexual symbolism behind the famous golden arches? Yes (apparently). I laughed at this, thinking it was BS, but today I realise I’m probably wrong. See subtle tweaks in logo designs dramatically change how they’re perceived. Today, I talk to Professor Nazuk Sharma as she explains how tweaks to design can make people buy.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Connect with Nazuk on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nazuksharma/
Nazuk’s Google Scholar Profile: https://tinyurl.com/bdduyt2k
The story behind McBreasts: https://tinyurl.com/2pdbx8ak
Every year $342 billion is spent on bottled water. And yet, for many of those customers a safer version, that tastes the same, is 300x cheaper. Our collective thirst for bottled water is largely irrational. It doesn’t make sense. But so, it seems, are the pricing strategies of several major brands, from fashion, to food, to flights, irrational prices often trump rational approaches. Today, Melina Palmer, host of the Brainy Business, explains why irrational prices surprisingly sell.
Melina’s podcast: https://thebrainybusiness.com/
Melina’s book (with free chapters): https://thebrainybusiness.com/nudge
Fiji ad: https://tinyurl.com/yufdwdj9
Cleveland Utilities Response: https://tinyurl.com/4hhh45wj
Today, a world-leading neuroscientist explains everything wrong in my life. She details why marriages fail, if cleaning can be fun, how Facebook drove depression, and shares lessons on creativity. In 30 minutes, I learnt more about happiness than in the past 30 years.
Access the bonus episode: https://nudge.ck.page/de30a8ac24
Tali’s book, Look Again: https://tinyurl.com/5n8p3btb
Tali’s lab: https://affectivebrain.com/?page_id=161
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In 2016 Amnesty international revealed how Microsoft, Volkswagen, and Samsung used suppliers with links to child labour. In 2017 BBC’s Panorama revealed how dozens of iPhone workers had committed suicide due to poor working conditions. In the summer of 2023 we learnt that Amazon’s UK division paid no corporation tax for the second year in a row. Did any of these unethical scandals directly affect sales?
Today, professor Daniel Zane—who has studied the wilful ignorance customers have towards unethical practices—explains why.
Danny’s webpage at Lehigh: https://business.lehigh.edu/directory/daniel-zane
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Special days like Valentine’s day have an interesting effect on us. In ancient Roman times they inspired men to whip each other with animal hides. And today, they encourage men to spend hundreds on prospective partners. In today’s Nudge, researcher Danny Zane explains why this happens, sharing his eye-opening studies on how these special days affect us.
Danny’s webpage at Lehigh: https://business.lehigh.edu/directory/daniel-zane
The dark history of Valentine’s day: https://tinyurl.com/yfh68kj5
My experiment with International Podcast Day: https://im.ge/i/PrV4l9
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Learn the 7 scientifically-proven tips which are certified to improve your offer, and create a promotion that’s “too good to refuse”. Today Thomas McKinlay, founder of Ariyh is back on the show with more marketing-science wisdom. You’ll hear why extraordinary long warranties win, how time-limited offers fail, and why a thank you note isn’t as sweet as it seems.
Ariyh newsletter: https://ariyh.com/
The ecommerce playbook: https://ariyh.gumroad.com/l/ecommerce
Follow Thomas on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasdmckinlay
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What do Bieber, Lorde, Cézanne, Monet, Nudge Podcast, and Rock Around The Clock have in common? They all became much more popular through exposure. In today’s episode of Nudge I’ll share the irrational psychology behind popularity, and you’ll learn what it takes to create a hit.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
My billboard experiment: https://i.im.ge/2022/10/21/2Nj6C0.Costly-Signal.png
Grab your copy of Wallet-Opening Words here:
Support me as I go full-time:
Sharing secrets shouldn’t be frowned upon. Being open, transparent, and candid can work in your favour. Today I’m speaking to someone who doesn’t hide much, John Lee Dumas, host of Entrepreneurs on Fire, one of the world’s most popular business podcasts. John shares almost everything, from his exact monthly income, his tax saving schemes and intimate tours of his house. Today, I explain the psychology behind sharing secrets, and how John’s business probably benefited from his transparency.
Listen to my bonus episode with JLD: https://nudge.ck.page/25236676ed
Listen to Entrepreneurs on Fire: https://www.eofire.com/podcast/
JLD’s website: https://www.eofire.com/
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In the middle ages hundreds of thousands of Europeans danced themselves to exhaustion. Some danced for weeks on end, many ended up dying of heart attacks and heat stroke. But why? What strange illness was causing this oddity? Turns out, it was all psychological. The dancing epidemic of the middle ages was one of the first noted examples of mass hysteria, a phenomenon where these individuals experience real illness, brought on by imagined ailments. Mass hysteria has been documented in 19th century nunneries, 20th century Palestine and 21st century CIA agents. Today, I attempt to figure out if mass hysteria is more common than we think—and I discover how the same phenomenon has changed the wine we drink, the podcasts we love, and the names we give our kids.
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Tali Sharot’s book The Influential Mind: https://tinyurl.com/ytvpyuk2
AP Archive footage of the 1983 fainting epidemic: https://youtu.be/8qcQwbJFlsU?si=xgDYI2JWWfmOTJHj
Synchronised clapping: https://youtu.be/Au5tGPPcPus?si=PN_jRK2XQkGSTpgn
On today’s episode of Nudge, I learnt something that genuinely surprised me.
Persuasive people aren’t born persuasive.
They’re not persuasive because of their looks, their character, or their position.
No, according to today’s guest, Dr Jonah Berger, their persuasiveness actually comes from the words they use.
Tune in to learn how the likes of Donald Trump and Barack Obama use simple tactics to become more persuasive. And learn how you can become more persuasive by following these easy-to-apply tips.
Link to previous episode with Jonah: http://tinyurl.com/ywwbe46r
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Jonah’s book Magic Words: https://jonahberger.com/magic-words/
Adobe increased retention by 8% simply by changing the way they asked a question. Sainsbury’s added a behavioural science principle to their ad and boosted mobile downloads by 13%. And one nudge-inspired Ramadan project reduced food waste amongst families by 67%. All three of these projects are interventions by Rory Sutherland’s behavioural science practice at Ogilvy. In today’s Nudge, we’ll go behind the scenes on each of these interventions, determining why they work, and how you can copy their success.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Sainsbury’s Smart Shopper ad: https://youtu.be/Dj8h1bv2zmQ?si=mQZs9-YZw0wkgM7b
Ogilvy annual: https://www.ogilvy.com/ideas/behavioral-science-annual-2023
Mike’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-hughes-03778b42/
I’ve spent over 50 hours this year talking to psychology experts in 2023.
In today’s show, I share the 6 best bits of advice I’ve heard all year.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I sat down with fellow chart-topping marketing podcaster Jon Evans to record 10 lessons marketing lessons every marketer should know.
This campaign was praised by Piers Morgan, yet lamented by Jordan Peterson.
It was championed by Caitlin Moran, yet condemned by the Guardian.
It’s a campaign that’s split opinion, not by typical ideological lines, but within the echo chamber.
Today, I spoke with Mike Hughes, one of the people behind the campaign, to figure out why it was so polarising, and whether or not the campaign was successful.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Caitlin Moran’s article: https://tinyurl.com/49mhp8m9
Guardian’s article: https://tinyurl.com/ej6amsyf
MAAATE campaign: https://www.london.gov.uk/maaate
Mike’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mike-hughes-03778b42/
In 2021, the NHS sent a text message to every single Brit. This wasn’t a normal text. It was jam-packed with six world-famous persuasion techniques designed to shift behaviour. In today’s episode of Nudge, famed behavioural scientist Patrick Fagan walks through the six techniques, and explains that everyone, from the NHS to a 6-year old selling lemonade can apply them.
There’s an incredibly simple way to make your message more persuasive. In fact, it’s as simple as changing a letter. In today’s episode, Professor Christopher Bryan shares his studies on messaging. He’s convinced people to vote, persuaded children to tidy up, and students to stop cheating. How? By using nouns, over verbs.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Chris’s study: https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1103343108
Chris’s website: https://voices.uchicago.edu/bryan/
Be A Voter (Iowa video): https://youtu.be/YYY6tWR8qQk?si=8xxk6-DDl0_F_Lt9
*CORRECTION: There’s a point where Christopher says that the average effect of a piece of GOTV mail is 2% pts. In fact, it’s half a percentage point. The 2% effect he was thinking of is the effect of receiving a GOTV phone call from a live human (i.e., not a robocall).
Nudge has 1,231,705 plays. I haven’t mentioned this before, and that’s a mistake. Not sharing how many have listened has hindered my growth. At least according to today’s guest. Thomas McKinlay is the founder of Ariyh, a newsletter that shares the latest marketing research. And in today’s Nudge he shares 5 tips that are proven to boost sales, improve satisfaction and (hopefully) encourage more of you to listen to this show.
If I tell you to "listen to this podcast!", you'll be less likely to listen. We only act if we feel a sense of autonomy. So demands like this tends to backfire. Today, my guest Bri Williams explains why this happens. Listen to learn, why offering one choice backfires, why we pick the middle choice, and the FBI's guide to negotiations.
Access the bonus episode: https://tinyurl.com/nudgebonus
Bri’s book: https://www.briwilliams.com/WBB
Bri’s website: https://www.briwilliams.com/
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Ever wondered why the houses are so thin in Amsterdam? Or why there are boarded up windows in London? Or why most daycare centres don't charge a late pick up fee? Well it's all to do with (bad) incentives. Hear the world's incentive expert Uri Gneezy explain all in the latest episode of Nudge.
Today’s guest shares how to make people 50% more likely to agree to your request. How to make children 33% more likely to tidy up. Plus, how to make your team more creative, your pitches more believable and your suggestions sound more confident.
You don’t have to take some magic pill, or get face-altering surgery. You just need to change the words you use. Tune in to hear Dr Jonah Berger, best selling author and acclaimed behavioural scientist explain what makes some words magic.
In the early 2000s Head and Shoulders, the anti-dandruff shampoo product, sold 26 variations of their shampoo. The thinking was, the more choice, the more sales.This made sense to almost everyone, except today’s guest. See, today’s guest, the world leading expert on choice told Proctor and Gamble, the company behind Head and Shoulders, to reduce the number of variations from 26 to 15.
And when they did, sales increased by 10%. Find out why on today’s episode of Nudge, featuring the brilliant Sheena Iyengar.
Sheena’s book Think Better: https://tinyurl.com/55atv59w
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Can governments manipulate their citizens? Can everyday people be convinced to munch on insects? Are humans akin to wild hogs? And can we learn how to resist manipulation? In today’s episode, ex-Cambridge Analytica employee Patrick Fagan attempts to answer these questions, and more.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Patrick’s book Free Your Mind: https://tinyurl.com/bddd6vce
Follow Patrick on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pfagan87/
Your accountant (probably) doesn’t have a tattoo. This isn’t because they’re scared of needles or because they’re uncool losers. It’s because tattoos are essentially costly signals that change the perception of others. These costly signals have been proven to increase sales of MP3 players, to boost blood donations, and to get diners to pay more for their meal. Hear how on today’s episode with world-renowned behavioural scientist Uri Gneezy.
In this bonus episode of Nudge, I've feed swapped with Louis Grenier and his brilliant podcast Everyone Hates Marketers. Today, you’ll hear one of my favourite episodes of EHM—his discussion with the best selling author and marketing legend, Seth Godin. If you liked the show, do go and check out Louis’ podcast using the link below (you’ll spot a Nudge episode over there as well).
Louis’ podcast: https://podcast.everyonehatesmarketers.com/
Follow the Nudge Newsletter (it’s free): https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
My guest today has read over 1,200 pages of marketing research papers and summarised this knowledge into 3 practical marketing insights every marketer should know. He promises that these insights contain no opinions, no sketchy data, and definitely no fluff. The insights he’ll share are from papers recently published, so it won’t be the same old wisdom you’ve heard before. Plus, he’s fairly certain at least one of them will boost your profits. Join Thomas McKinlay of Ariyh fame and I as we share the 3 marketing insights every marketer should know.
Ariyh newsletter: https://ariyh.com/
The ecommerce playbook: https://ariyh.gumroad.com/l/ecommerce
Follow Thomas on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasdmckinlay
Sign up to my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In 2010, Lady Gaga wore a dress made of raw beef cuts at the Video Music Awards. Why? Well, it turns out it has less to do with differentiation, and more to do with status. In today’s episode of Nudge, the final with my wonderful long standing guest Richard Shotton, we explain why powerful people dress differently.
Access the bonus episode: https://tinyurl.com/5xzu6uv3
Harvard Fake Data Scandal Episode: https://tinyurl.com/yxy8tz2k
Lady Gaga’s Meat Dress: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meat_dress_of_Lady_Gaga
Louis’ newsletter: https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/
Yes Mistress: https://theyesmistress.com/
The drunk UX tester: https://theuserisdrunk.com/
La Vie ad: https://tinyurl.com/4xjf4uy4
Today’s guest is HubSpot CMO Kipp Bodnar. He’s helped HubSpot grow from a $10 million company to a $1.7 billion company. Kipp reveals how in today’s Nudge. Tune in to hear the 7 marketing lessons he used to grow Hubspot.
Access the bonus episode with Kipp: https://tinyurl.com/4pfrj637
Listen to Marketing Against The Grain: https://link.chtbl.com/VRVPL0rs
Follow the Nudge Newsletter (it’s free): https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Today I interviewed one of the world’s leading social psychologists, Professor Sheena Iyengar, to ask her … am I the only one who hates brainstorms?
Sheena’s book Think Better: https://tinyurl.com/55atv59w
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
There’s an ad that’s stuck in my mind for over a decade. It’s annoying, poorly written, and nonsensical, yet millions of Brits like me can’t forget it. In today’s episode, the bestselling author Richard Shotton explains why.
I didn’t want to make this episode. But I felt I had to. Listen to Nina Mazar teach me why nudges don’t always work in the way I tell you they do.
Nina’s website: https://ninamazar.com/
Nina’s book: https://bit.ly/3JhzsWx
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
WARNING: It has come to my attention that this program may contain subliminal advertising which could potentially impact the decision-making of certain individuals. We urge all listeners to exercise CAUTION before choosing to listen to this episode. We advise that only those possessing a strong will and UNWAVERING RATIONALITY should consider listening to this show.
There's a winning formula that turns any trailer into a blockbuster smash hit. Today, I reveal what it is.
I’ve spent way too long watching trailers, and way too much money creating my own faux-trailer for my imaginary Hollywood hit. Tune in to hear it.
News has come out that has shocked the world of behavioural science.
Francesco Gino, a top professor at Harvard University, one of the world’s best known behavioural science researchers has been exposed for data fraud.
In today’s emergency episode, I’ll cover what happened, what this means for the industry, how it affects marketers and the future of this show.
Pete’s video on 5 behavioural science every beginner should know: https://youtu.be/MZ_bC8WhOWM
Pete’s video on the scandal: https://youtu.be/d2Tm3Yx4HWI
Pete’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@PeteJudo1
The Data Colada Articles:
Part 1 - https://datacolada.org/109
Part 2 - https://datacolada.org/110
Part 3 - https://datacolada.org/111
Part 4 - https://datacolada.org/112
When Whitney Wolfe launched Bumble she put up official looking signs outside lecture theatres at universities saying “NO ACCESS TO FACEBOOK, TWITTER, TINDER, & BUMBLE INSIDE”. You’d think telling people not to use your app would put potential customers off. But the opposite is true. Bumble quickly grew to become the second biggest online dating site, now worth over $3 billion. In today’s Nudge with Richard Shotton, you’ll hear why that campaign worked so well.
Please feel free to ignore my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Kennedy’s anti-Nixon ad: https://tinyurl.com/yckpfar5
Check out Astroten: https://www.astroten.co.uk/
Illusion of Choice: https://tinyurl.com/mrxduj97
The Choice Factory: https://www.richardshotton.com/the-choice-factory
How did Winston Churchill become so influential? What propelled him into the limelight? What made people idolise him?
Realistically, there are hundreds of potential answers. But one that’s overlooked is less about politics and more about psychology.
In today’s episode, I share the behavioural bias Churchill leant on throughout his career. Weirdly it’s something today’s politicians and business leaders don’t use enough.
Paul Johnson Biography: https://tinyurl.com/2e8dpxa3
Andrew Roberts Biography: https://tinyurl.com/2p94v8rx
“Capitol Crawl” Protests: https://tinyurl.com/yuu39vnk
Access to the bonus Churchill episode here: https://tinyurl.com/bonus-ep-nudge
This episode is about 24 minutes in length.
But I only want you to listen to just 17 minutes and 42 seconds of it.
Tune in to learn why.
Today’s guest, Jay Clouse, used one simple nudge to grow a $200,000 side hustle. This same nudge helped launch some of the world’s largest businesses, grew sales for a seltzer company, and has boosted charitable donations across the globe. Find out what it is in today’s episode of Nudge.
Access the bonus episode: https://tinyurl.com/mrz355ch
Jay’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@CreatorScienceYT/videos
Jay’s podcast: https://podcast.creatorscience.com/
Jay’s newsletter: https://creatorscience.com/subscribe/
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Does obscuring the letters of my guest’s name make this podcast more popular? Does asking a question in an ad make it more engaging? Does a wine with a cork top taste better?
Find out in today’s episode of Nudge.
Elizabeth Holmes deceived the world. By lying repeatedly over her 15-year career, she raised $1 billion in funding and became the world's youngest self-made female billionaire.
In this episode, I explain why people believed her (spoiler: it's due to behavioural science).
My Halo Effect experiment: https://imgur.com/oV4REzq
Harvard Labour Illusion study: http://bit.ly/41TWo73
Labour illusion on Theranos.com: https://i.im.ge/2023/03/09/7fUfZp.Theranos-one.png
Watching-eyes effect on Theranos.com https://im.ge/i/7f0sY8
Theranos sign outside their office: https://im.ge/i/7fjLHy
Elizabeth’s fake voice?: https://youtu.be/PjnsYz-xdOI
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take my marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
There’s a simple trick governments use to dramatically change the behaviour of their population. It’s been known to keep kids in school, reduce imprisonment, encourage healthy eating, and lower household energy bills. And yet, this well-known trick has surprising, detrimental consequences.
Today, I chat with London’s most popular taxi driver Tom Hutley about the problems with making things easy. We talk about Uber, stocks, and organ donations, and explain why the easy option isn’t always best.
Tom’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TomtheTaxiDriver
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
Most of us have heard that Elizabeth Holmes is a pathological liar. How she coned investors out of billions. But few of us know why she did it, why her employees endorsed her and why so many of us believe her.
In this episode of Nudge, I study the psychology behind dishonesty and attempt to reveal the psychology of a liar.
Dan Ariely’s book: http://bit.ly/3T2RTmx
The Dropout podcast: http://bit.ly/3yuRXSy
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Card counters should bankrupt casinos. They have an edge that means they’ll win more than they lose. But they don’t bankrupt casinos. And the reason why has more to do with behavioural science than mathematics. Today I chat with one of the world’s most popular card counters, Steven Bridges as we talk through how card counters use psychology to get an edge.
Listen to the bonus episode: https://tinyurl.com/w6r3nfna
Steven’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@stevenbridges
Steven’s website: https://linktr.ee/stevenbridges
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
I asked one of the world's leading experts on happiness to share scientific tips for living a happier life.
Link to buy Cassie’s book: https://www.cassiemholmes.com/happierhour
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Check out my course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
In this episode, I discuss Derren Brown, Solomon Asch, the conformity bias, social loafing, my favourite reality TV show … and why most of us feel uncreative and unproductive at large organizations.
Tune in to hear Professor Ayelet Fishbach and I share why groups can dampen our productivity, why dishonest leaders create dishonest teams, and how to convince a sane member of the public they’re flying through space while sitting in a room in Ipswich.
YouTube video on Space Cadets: https://youtu.be/h42yAOm7vI4
Ayelet’s website: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/
Ayelet’s book: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/book
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
All the clips I’ve used on the show:
Too much free time might make you unhappy. Find out why on this episode of Nudge with Professor Cassie Holmes.
Link to Bystander Study on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4S1LLrSzVE&ab_channel=HeroicImaginationTV
Link to buy Cassie’s book: https://www.cassiemholmes.com/happierhour
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Check out my course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
London black cab drivers memorise (almost) every road in the city. I wanted to know how.
Today, I interview one of London’s most well-known black cabbies, Tom the Taxi Driver. He explains how he memorised 25,000 roads in London sharing the memory tactics he used. We go into the science of memory, how taxi drivers literally have a bigger brain, and I attempt to memorise every capital in the world.
Tom’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TomtheTaxiDriver
Full video of my attempt to name all 202 capitals: https://youtu.be/IAsyqI22m4g
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take my marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
Today I interview motivation expert Dr Ayelet Fishbach and ask if she can cure my procrastination problem.
The Palau Pledge: https://bit.ly/3DcnfQZ
Ayelet’s website: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/
Ayelet’s book: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/book
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Are you interested in a productivity hack, proven by science that will not only make you more productive, but also increase life expectancy, and enhance memory and creativity?
It’ll also make you more attractive, aid in weight loss and lower food cravings. It reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes, plus it improves your mental health and overall well-being.
Sounds good, right? Well, tune in to hear what it is.
Show notes:
Dr Matthew Walker’s Book: https://www.sleepdiplomat.com/author
Dr Matthew Walker’s Podcast: https://www.sleepdiplomat.com/podcast
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
Ever wonder how stupid people get such important jobs? It might be down to overconfidence. We all assume we’re better at our jobs than others. In this episode, best-selling author Will Storr and I look into the science behind overconfidence. We cover the confirmation bias, status, capitalism, communism, and why 100s of my listeners say they’re above-average cooks.
My survey results: https://tinyurl.com/yc79c2kn
Jonathan Haidt videos:
Learn more about Will: https://willstorr.com/
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Subscribe to Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHQaw8jIdtPL0PM1ksyLoQ
Most of us struggle to stay motivated. That’s normal. A lack of motivation is something that can affect us every day. Perhaps you’re struggling to stay motivated at work, or perhaps you need to motivate your team. It’s hard. So, here are some tips on how to find your intrinsic motivation from an expert Professor Ayelet Fishbach, author of the bestselling motivational science book Get It Done.
Ayelet’s website: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/
Ayelet’s book: https://www.ayeletfishbach.com/book
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Changing someone’s mind is tough. But there’s one tactic that makes it much easier. Listen and you’ll learn how Trump convinced millions to support him, why Shakespeare became so popular, why Star Wars broke Hollywood, and a simple trick to get any job you want.
Learn more about Will: https://willstorr.com/
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Subscribe to Nudge on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHQaw8jIdtPL0PM1ksyLoQ
Credit to Lee Rosevere for the intro music: https://leerosevere.bandcamp.com/
In this episode, we explore the story of how 15-year-old Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg became a global climate icon. From giving schoolroom presentations to inspiring speeches at rallies and the UN, we detail the communication strategies that made her message stand out and captivated audiences worldwide. We also examine the behavioural science principles behind her success and how you can apply these principles to your own messaging and activism. Tune in to learn more.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Ever worried about someone stealing your phone at the beach? Well, there’s one thing you can do to make your phone 4x safer. It involves using a psychology-inspired principle to change behaviour. On this show, you’ll learn what it is, and why it’s important to marketers. Today, Nancy Harhut and I will cover five more marketing principles. Plus, I’ll share my real-world experiments to reveal which principles work, and which don’t.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Consistency experiment: https://bit.ly/3sABZTU
Input bias experiment: https://bit.ly/3sEPFgC
Framing experiment: https://bit.ly/3TMKgA2
Information gap experiment: https://bit.ly/3DiGasA
Authority bias experiment: https://bit.ly/3sF0G1A
Nancy’s book: https://amzn.to/3DZTl23
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take my marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
In this show, I share 5 ads that changed the world. Some have changed our morning routines, and others have changed our Christmas celebrations. Some have determined the leaders we pick and others have altered the wars we fight in. Whether we like it or not, advertisements have changed our world, and in today’s Nudge. I’ll show you how.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
Book: 20 Ads That Shook The World*: https://amzn.to/3Xw0e40
*Some of Twitchell's work has been criticized for plagiarism (although there's no evidence of plagiarism in this book). Learn more here: http://bit.ly/3TcAIPC
Curious about the persuasive power of familiarity?
Ever wondered how on earth Trump won?
In this episode, I reveal how Donald Trump used mere exposure to convince millions to follow him. Tune in to learn how repeated exposure may have influenced public opinion and contributed to Trump's problematic success as a politician. Plus, we'll discuss the potential drawbacks of relying on mere exposure and its implications for democracy.
20 Ads That Shook the World: bit.ly/3P8BsTM
Pete Judo's YouTube: bit.ly/3uyXUvH
Creative Mischief: bit.ly/3ux3kHN
Julius Caesar Podcast: bit.ly/3Hksvoz
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I’ve spent $1,000s testing marketing principles for this show. Some work. Some don’t.
In this episode, Nancy Harhut and I put these principles to the test in a set of real-life experiments.
You’ll learn what works, and what doesn't.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Scarcity experiment: https://bit.ly/3TZx2Qk
Endowment experiment: https://bit.ly/3N6Gtey
Loss aversion experiment: https://bit.ly/3FkN5Ea
Social proof experiment: https://bit.ly/3gJMIJd
Reciprocity experiment: https://bit.ly/3Txiqrv
Nancy’s book: https://amzn.to/3TF73hp
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
After reviewing 100s of studies on happiness, I’ve discovered the worst ways to spend your money (according to science).
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
In this episode NYT-bestselling author Daniel Pink shares a science-based approach to the art of persuading, selling, and bagging yourself a raise. Plus you’ll learn how the Haka helps the All Blacks stay #1, the persuasive trick that convinced jurors OJ wasn’t guilty, and the pitch Ronald Regan used to win the election.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Dan’s book To Sell Is Human: https://amzn.to/3d9qFtD
Dan’s book The Power of Regret: https://amzn.to/3btHAX9
Listen to Nudge episode 74: https://bit.ly/3Q2Edpb
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Could you fall in love with AI? From hologram weddings to humanized brands, today we dive into the psychology behind our love towards objects and ask, is this just a weird one-off or a hint at what's to come? Joining us is Aaron Ahuvia PhD, keynote speaker, author, and world-leading expert on brand love.
Read Aaron’s book: https://thethingswelove.com/
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
MrBeast has captured the attention of the world. His YouTube videos have been viewed 26 billion times. He has more subscribers than the population of Russia. He turns over more than $50 million each year, and he’s just 24. Today, I’ll explain how he did it. I’ll walk through the subtle yet significant psychological tactics MrBeast uses to draw in viewers and turn them into fans. MrBeast is probably the world’s greatest marketer, tune in to learn why.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
My labour illusion experiment: https://bit.ly/3drDobr
My costly signalling experiment: https://bit.ly/3BsrC8D
My contrast effect experiment Google Survey results: https://bit.ly/3f9GTE5
My contrast effect experiment round-up: https://bit.ly/3SjxRlZ
According to a 2020 Swedish study, most lottery winners see no notable improvement in happiness or mental health. This begs the question; can you pay to live a happier life? In this episode I dig into the psychology behind money, covering why scarcity beats abundance, learning if experiences trump materials, and determining what’s the best thing to spend money on to increase your happiness.
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Kids today, they’re lazy, entitled, and self-obsessed. Their expensive avocado toast diets and Netflix-binging weekends mean they can’t get on the housing ladder, and they’re snowflakes, lacking the resilience that older generations have.
Or are they? Much of the conversation about Gen Zs and Millennials follows that trend, but is it right? And more importantly, is there any evidence to back it up?
Join Phill Agnew and Bruce Daisley (bestselling author of Joy of Work and Fortitude) as they discuss if children really are less resilient, why schools should start later, how rugby players improved performance by 2.5%, and the best way to quit smoking.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Read Bruce’s book: https://amzn.to/3STOp56
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Steve Jobs was a master of persuasion. He persuaded billions of us to buy MP3 players, laptops and phones, usually at higher prices than before. Much of this is due to technical innovations and unparalleled marketing. But some of it is down to his persuasion techniques. Techniques that all of us can adopt. In this episode, you’ll learn how Steve Jobs persuaded the world using simple techniques that anyone can copy.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Access the bonus Steve Jobs episode here: https://bit.ly/3f7UD2f
I’ve spent weeks analyzing Steve Jobs’ career and in today’s show, I’ll share how he uses psychological biases and principles to influence people and even manipulate them. Steve was a master of persuasion, but he wasn’t super-human, he just used simple tactics that anyone can replicate. In this two-part series, we’re going to break down how he did it, starting by explaining the persuasion tactics he used to get what he wanted.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I’ve spent +30 hours this year talking to psychology experts. In today’s show, I share the 5 best lessons I’ve learnt.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Take the Science of Marketing course: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
Book recommendations:
Wanting by Luke Burgis: https://amzn.to/3i86PBb
How to Change by Katy Milkman: https://amzn.to/3VpGDk9
Irrationality by Stuart Sutherland: https://amzn.to/3i2LuJA
Stories stick in your mind. In this episode, you’ll learn why, and how you can tell a better story. Joining me today is storytelling expert Dr J.J. Peterson. We discuss the great stories behind Apple, how to make someone remember an event for 7 years, and why Tidal failed. You’ll learn how images boost memory, the best-selling book titles, and the two rules behind every good story.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Listen to episode 40 of Nudge: https://bit.ly/3Mtgg9y
JJ's podcast: https://apple.co/3g9d9Yw
JJ's book: https://amzn.to/3VtgTnB
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Want to make a good decision? Don’t make it in the afternoon. In today’s show, NYT bestselling author Dan Pink explains the science behind perfect timing. We share the worst decision in the history of English football, why you shouldn’t go to the hospital after lunch, and how I made people 75% more likely to listen to this podcast.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Dan’s book The Power of Regret: https://amzn.to/3btHAX9
Dan’s book When: https://amzn.to/3SCvgVs
My fresh-start-effect experiment: https://imgur.com/a/Yi9QFyk & https://imgur.com/a/ukZXQlz
Episode 68 of Nudge: https://bit.ly/3d6PCWi
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Back in the 1800s, the people of Prussia ditched their gold and silver jewellery in favour of iron jewellery. That’s right, the wealthy, reputable, noble people across the region proudly wore, iron. The reason why can explain what we choose to buy today, how much we’re willing to spend, and what we think of brands. On today’s show, I’m joined by professor Matt Johnson as we discuss why branded painkillers work better, how Nike golf clubs drive further, why Ray-Ban sunglasses are perceived as better, and how brands literally change what we think.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Matt’s book: https://amzn.to/3qJ9McK
Matt's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattjohnsonisme/
Matt's Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattjohnsonisme
Matt's Personal Website: neuroscienceof.com
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Are you one of those people that try to do everything? Are you a yes man/woman, keen to agree to everything at work? If you are, you might appear less productive than your peers. In this episode, I share how behavioural science can be applied at work. You’ll hear from experts Bruce Daisley and Steve Martin on how to be more productive, how to give feedback and where ‘yes men’ get it wrong.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Bruce Daisley on Nudge: https://bit.ly/3Hv05EI
Joy of Work book: https://eatsleepworkrepeat.com/book/
Steve Martin on Nudge: https://bit.ly/3K7TstF
Bottom Line, BBC Radio 4: https://bbc.in/3C5s0dk
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Ever struggled to put your child to bed? To motivate your employee? Or to get your spouse to take the bins out? If you have, you probably struggle with selling. See selling is something all of us do. 40% of work is a “selling activity” according to Gallup. It might not involve selling a product but involves persuading, convincing and influencing someone. In today’s show, I’m joined by Luis and Fonzi the BizBros from Content is Profit who walk through their sales history. You’ll learn how to get a better deal when negotiating, a better way to ask for someone’s number and the best elevator pitch of all time.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Follow @BizBrosCo: https://twitter.com/bizbrosco
Check out Content Is Profit: www.contentisprofit.com
Listen to me on Content Is Profit: https://bit.ly/3CRp3iw
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
To Sell Is Human: https://amzn.to/3Ct6hMP
Today’s title sounds like clickbait, but that’s the point. In this show, I share the history of clickbait, why curiosity can make someone seem more attractive, the science behind memory, and how I got 11k followers on TikTok in just two weeks.
Listen to the episode “How I made a Reddit ad 15% more effective”: bit.ly/3E8jpYR
The data behind the TikToks: https://bit.ly/3vd5QUg
Robert Cialdini’s Pre-Suasion: https://amzn.to/3OvEYFB
Sign up for my newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Julius Caesar is considered by most historians the greatest military commander of all time. You might know of his war strategies, battle tactics, and perhaps his career history. But I bet you don’t know how he convinced a continent’s population to follow him. Or how he made the region’s largest army adore him. In this episode, you’ll learn the leadership tactics that took Julius Caesar to the top. You’ll hear the methods he used to convince and influence others. You’ll discover applicable practices that you can use, and you’ll even hear the real reason why the humble potato is so popular.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
How To Take Over The World (Julius Caesar): https://bit.ly/3MPXkC8
My costly signalling experiment: https://i.im.ge/2022/10/21/2Nj6C0.Costly-Signal.png
Listen to episode 63: https://bit.ly/3TnCKeN
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The biggest lie in business? Maybe it’s “you have to spend money to make money”. There are plenty of examples of cost-free marketing based on proven behavioural science tactics that get results. Listen to Ogilvy’s behavioural science consultants Ella Jenkins and Mike Hughes share how to boost app downloads without spending on ads, ways to stop people throwing away bread and the world’s smartest billboard.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Download the Annual: https://www.ogilvy.com/ideas/behavioral-science-annual-2022
French train station app-style departure board: https://imgur.com/a/0YoahRE
“Looking for a graphic designer?” billboard: https://bit.ly/3RYZsZV
Mike’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeDHughes
Ella’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ellajenkins95
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Millions die from malnutrition each year. But it’s not always due to a lack of healthcare. In some communities, there’s a distrust of medical officials. So, how do you save lives when people won’t listen to a doctor? Well, you could turn to behavioural science. On today’s show with behavioural science experts from Ogilvy, Ella Jenkins and Mike Hughes, we share how to make healthy yoghurt more appealing, how to get millions of Indian children to wash their hands, and how to improve your memory.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Download the Annual: https://www.ogilvy.com/ideas/behavioral-science-annual-2022
Nomadic Yoghurt Packaging: https://imgur.com/a/Q6Q51sB
Huel’s anchoring ad: https://imgur.com/a/AjGNDQ5
Mike’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeDHughes
Ella’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ellajenkins95
Grit, growth mindset, resilience training. This stuff is important, at least according to the books, schools and courses that charge thousands teaching it. But is it useful or utter rubbish? On today’s show, Bruce Daisley walks through his investigation into grit and growth mindset and shares his findings. He’ll also share studies on how to keep cancer-ridden rats alive (without medicine), how to actually help a friend who’s having a stressful time at work, and what actually makes someone resilient.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Read Bruce’s book: https://amzn.to/3STOp56
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Listen to episode 22 of Nudge: https://bit.ly/3C414N7
There’s one trait that links many of the world’s elite performers. Many Olympic winners, world record holders and Champions League football players share it. It’s not what you’d expect (and it’s definitely not 10,000 hours of training). In today’s Nudge, you’ll hear bestselling author Bruce Daisley explain why lottery winners are unhappy, why the 10,000 hours rule isn’t true and the trait that drives Olympic gold medal winners.
Just a heads up, this episode contains conversations about childhood trauma.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Read Bruce’s book: https://amzn.to/3STOp56
Listen to episode 21 of Nudge: https://bit.ly/3JTMwRY
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I improved my Reddit ads by 15% by using a genuine magic trick. Listen and you’ll learn how palm reading works, the power of asking questions, and how to get anyone to answer a survey. I’m joined today by the brilliant Katelyn Bourgoin who writes the world’s most popular newsletter on consumer psychology.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Katelyn's newsletter: https://customercamp.co/whywebuy/
Katelyn's Twitter: https://twitter.com/KateBour
Barnum Reddit ads: https://imgur.com/a/BsCwx7n
Barnum Reddit ads results: https://imgur.com/a/iEB4W79
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Jose Mourinho is one of the world's most successful football managers. He has consistently turned good teams into the world’s best. He’s done so by signing fantastic players, by mastering tactics, but also by using psychological mind games to motivate his players and undermine his opposition.
In this episode, I share interviews with Mourinho to pick apart why he used mind games, what he aimed to achieve, and whether or not they really worked.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_agnew
Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3mcmaiZ
There’s one thing that almost all of us will regret. And we regret it more and more as we get older. In this episode with Dan Pink, author of NYT bestsellers Drive and When, we chat about regret, why you should have a bias for action and the world’s most regretful world-record holder. Oh, and you’ll learn why your gut instinct is statistically more likely to be wrong.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Dan’s book The Power of Regret: https://amzn.to/3btHAX9
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Exclusive access to the next episode with Dan: https://bit.ly/3Qp3JFv
Three types of people live a life of no regret. Children, the mentally ill, and liars. 99% of us have regret, but for good reason. Regrets help us. Today, Dan Pink, best-selling author of Drive and When, explains why regrets are good for you, how to negotiate better, and the golden rule for living a happier life.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Dan’s book, the Power of Regret: https://amzn.to/3bjKzSb
Listen to episode 61 of Nudge: https://bit.ly/3bqj4WP
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I’ve spent over 100 hours learning about persuasion. I’ve discovered that effective persuasion isn’t a fluke. There are well-documented strategies to become more persuasive. Listen to Professor Vanessa Bohns and I explain how compliments increase tips, why you should ask someone out on a sunny day, and how one sentence saved a salesperson from bankruptcy.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Cialdini’s book Pre-Suasion: https://amzn.to/3OLR1iO
Vanessa’s book: https://www.vanessabohns.com/
Follow Vanessa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/profbohns
Listen to episode 29 on first impressions: https://bit.ly/3NBI6j0
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
I spent two years trying to get someone to say yes but failed. Listen to hear Yale Professor Zoe Chance explain where I was going wrong, and how I eventually got them to say yes.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Zoe’s book: https://bit.ly/3ajysn6
Phill failing to get Dan Pink on Nudge: https://imgur.com/a/CYTIqoU
Dan Pink eventually says yes: https://imgur.com/a/X24SGBu
Zoe’s website: https://www.zoechance.com/
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_agnew
Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3mcmaiZ
Listen to 5 highly effective negotiations tactics: https://bit.ly/3mCMnHI
You make stupid decisions. We all do. We can’t help it. It’s not because your stupid. It’s because most of the time, your brain isn’t thinking. Listen to Yale Professor Zoe Chance explain how you make decisions, why you make stupid mistakes, and what makes a speed dater appear more attractive.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Zoe’s book: https://bit.ly/3ajysn6
Zoe’s website: https://www.zoechance.com/
Watch Veritasium’s video on The Science of Thinking: https://bit.ly/3MmynMY
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Listen to episode 11: https://bit.ly/3O52fOR
At the height of the Cold War, Britain choose Kevin Keegan to warn the public about nuclear war. That’s right. English international football Kevin Keegan. In this show, you’ll learn why. And why taller people win elections, beautiful people get higher pay and one vital lesson every business should know.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
As a marketer, I wish I had learned about the ‘labour illusion’ sooner. The labour illusion suggests that consumers perceive products more favourably when they’re aware of the effort put in. In today’s show Sam Tatam, Head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy explains Aquafresh’s smart product marketing trick, why a cider brewer left twigs in their packages ‘by accident', and how Uber stops customers from cancelling their rides.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sam’s book: https://linktr.ee/evolutionaryideas
Monteith’s “Sorry about the twigs” ad: https://imgur.com/a/9LEIZ7i
Intermache’s freshest orange juice: https://imgur.com/a/P0rv140
My labour illusion Reddit ad: https://imgur.com/a/fnkiY9V
Subscribe to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Very few of us come up with unique ideas. Just 1% of successful patents actually introduce something new to the world. Most successful ideas are built off other good ideas, so for true innovation, we should look at other fields like biology and psychology. That’s what today’s guest Sam Tatam, head of Behavioural Science at Ogilvy, argues. Join us as we discuss biomimicry, the energy provider that told customers not to buy and the brown M&M clause.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sam’s book: https://linktr.ee/evolutionaryideas
The Regulars Wall: https://imgur.com/a/ICuQgpl
Katz Tip Counter: https://imgur.com/a/1sXlQDU
Octopus Energy telling customers ‘not to switch’: https://imgur.com/a/gBni8tA
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
How good are you at marketing? Do you consider yourself a pro or a novice? Well, in today’s Nudge you can test just that. Maddie Croucher, senior consultant at Ogilvy’s behaviour science practice, is running a big fat marketing quiz. Play along to see how good at marketing you really are.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Question one: https://imgur.com/a/EmYmJPy
Question two: https://imgur.com/DnrsQxV
Question three: https://imgur.com/a/mZFmaoo
Maddie’s book Change for Better: https://bit.ly/37gTdyu
Follow Maddie on Twitter: @maddie_croucher
Sign up to the Nudge newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
All of us use data. We use it to convince people at work, to decide which restaurant to go to, and where to invest our pension. But most of us don’t think about how we share data. Turns out, the way you share data is almost more important than the data itself. In this show, Karla Starr explains how to make numbers memorable. Listen to learn how to improve your marketing, how to become more convincing, and Ronald Regan’s major marketing mistake.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Karla's website: https://kstarr.com/
Karla's substack: https://substack.com/profile/873539-karla-starr
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Imagine if your business could implement a tiny, cost-free change that increased sales and made customers happier. It sounds like magic, but the travel industry does it all the time. Moscow metro uses memorable voiceovers to stop folks from missing their train. Houston airport made the walk to baggage longer to reduce complaints. And marketers for Eurostar promoted experience over technical feats to attract customers. Cost-free nudges are pillars of good transport. Join Pete Dyson and Phill Agnew to explore how nudges can revolutionise travel and save millions.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
The book Transport for Humans: https://londonpublishingpartnership.co.uk/transport-for-humans/
Pete's Twitter: https://twitter.com/pete_dyson
Learn more about Pete's work: https://www.transportforhumans.com/
Phill's Twitter: https://twitter.com/p_agnew
Subscribe to the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Is there a good strategy to win in rock paper scissors? Apparently, there is. In this podcast, you’ll learn how habit moulding marketing has increased gym-goers, podcast listeners, and retirement savings. You’ll get a number of tips you can apply to your marketing, and, of course, the best strategy for winning at rock paper scissors.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The Rock Paper Scissors paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.5199v1.pdf
IPA paper on checking your fire alarms: https://bit.ly/3h8K0tq
My fresh-start-effect experiment: https://imgur.com/a/Yi9QFyk & https://imgur.com/a/ukZXQlz
I spent £50,000 on a marketing degree and didn’t learn a thing about behavioural science. I came into marketing unprepared, and a bit crap at my job. But behavioural science offered a solution. I learned how people make decisions, and I built better marketing to influence those decisions. One of the people I learned from is Katelyn Bourgoin, my guest on today’s show. Listen to learn the 3 nudges I wish I’d learned at business school.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Katelyn's newsletter: https://customercamp.co/whywebuy/
Katelyn's Twitter: https://twitter.com/KateBour
Octopus energy’s ‘spin the wheel’: https://imgur.com/a/0G7TzN2
Dishoom’s matka: https://imgur.com/a/Wx8yy9B
Amazon Prime’s loss aversion tactic: https://imgur.com/a/24bhujO
Most of us hate asking for things. But should we? In today’s show, I’m joined by Professor Vanessa Bohns who has spent her career asking 15,000 people for things. Her findings reveal that most of us hate asking, yet people agree to requests more than we think. It’s a cracking episode covering everything from marketing strategy to workplace burnout. Don’t miss it.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Vanessa’s book: https://www.vanessabohns.com/
The Amazon link to Vanessa’s book: https://amzn.to/3KOtxXW
Follow Vanessa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/profbohns
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
When you think of influence you probably think of Beyonce, Ronaldo, or Obama. But you don’t think about yourself. In today’s show, Professor Vanessa Bohns talks about the influence you already have. She explains why we underestimate how many people like our company, why we overestimate how social our friends are, and how we change our views depending on who we’re talking to. Tune in and I guarantee you’ll learn something surprising about yourself.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Vanessa’s book: https://www.vanessabohns.com/
Follow Vanessa on Twitter: https://twitter.com/profbohns
Sign up for the Nudge Newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Do you want the good news or bad news first? It's a common question, with a simple answer. Always start with good news. In this episode learn why New York elections aren't fair, how two products with the same description are viewed differently, and the subconscious advantage every salesperson needs.
Try HubSpot for free: https://hubspot.sjv.io/jWq4k6
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Nature or nurture. What’s more important? It’s an age-old debate that’s been argued over millennia. But there shouldn’t be a debate. Because there’s a scientific answer. To find out, hear Lisa Feldman Barrett—who’s among the top one percent most-cited scientists in the world—explain why the debate is pointless.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Lisa's book: https://lisafeldmanbarrett.com/books/seven-and-a-half-lessons-about-the-brain/
There’s a lot of nonsense in marketing. Especially when it comes to the brain. At most conferences, you’ll hear some marketer harping on about “appealing to the left brain” or “targeting the lizard brain”. It’s all bollocks. To debunk these marketing myths and give you everything you need to call bullsh*t, check out this episode with Lisa Feldman Barrett.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Lisa's book: https://lisafeldmanbarrett.com/books/seven-and-a-half-lessons-about-the-brain/
What does the world’s 5th strongest man, Heinz beans, & Hinge have in common? They’re all examples of great marketing. In today’s show, I sit down with Harry Dry (the brains behind marketingexamples.com) to discuss his favorite marketing examples. We discuss the marketing genius behind Wordle, Bob Bob Ricard, meat-free diets, Ben Foster’s YouTube channel, NordVPN, and Jack Grealish’s socks.
Unlock the Nudge Vaults: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/vaults
Sign up for the newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Marketing Examples: https://marketingexamples.com/
Copywriting Examples: https://marketingexamples.com/inspiration
I've spent two years learning how to improve my marketing with behavioral science. Yet, it often doesn't work. I'll regularly try something, expect it to succeed, only to see it fail miserably. Not all behavior science can be replicated effectively. Today, Jason Collins, a behavioral and data scientist, joins me to talk about just that. Listen and learn the nudges that don't work, how I lost email subscribers by testing a nudge, and how to apply behavior science effectively.
Jason's blog: jasoncollins.blog
Unlock the Nudge Vaults: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/vaults
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
When you need to change someone's mind, what do you do? Do you lecture them with facts? If so, you're probably not very successful. In today's show, I talk to behavior change experts Laura Osborne and Alex Chesterfield on the science behind changing someone's mind. Listen to learn why facts don't win arguments, how asking questions is a mind-changing superpower, and the proven tactics to change minds.
Unlock the Nudge Vaults: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/vaults
Sign up for the newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Poles Apart book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Poles-Apart-Ali-Goldsworthy/dp/1847942954
In 2010 a plane crashed in the DRC, Africa. Investigators couldn’t figure out the cause. It wasn’t mechanical, it wasn’t a technical error. No. It was human instinct. In this episode, you’ll hear Laura Osborne and Alex Chesterfield, authors of Poles Apart, explain why we form groups, how these groups affect our decision making and why following the herd caused a plane to crash.
Unlock the Nudge Vaults: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/vaults
Sign up for the newsletter: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Poles Apart book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Poles-Apart-Ali-Goldsworthy/dp/1847942954
480 minutes of Nudge Podcast were published last year, but what were the best bits? In this special end-of-year episode, I’ve summed up the six best bits of advice I heard. Hear from April Dunford, Rory Sutherland, Louis Grenier, Bri Williams, and Adam Ferrier. You'll learn marketing tips you won’t forget.
Sign up to the Nudge Newsletter: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Join me on Wisdom, 5 pm GMT, Jan 4th https://joinwisdom.audio/phill
The effects of climate change are already having devastating effects on the planet. Policymakers, organizations, and communities are working to solve the problem - but time isn’t on our side. So, can nudges help? Will small behavior changes have a big enough impact. I’m joined by Lis Costa, Senior Director at the Behavioural Insights Team to find out. Follow Lis on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lis_Costa_ The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list Sign up to Wren and offset your carbon emissions: https://bit.ly/3AUWy0o
Don’t listen to this show. That’s what I told 10,000 people. But people didn’t follow the suggestion. In this show, you’ll learn about the Pratfall Effect and why people embrace flaws. I talk about what happened when I sent 500 people an ‘accidental’ picture of a cute dog, the weird strategy that helped Australia win their first Winter Olympic gold, and why I told people that my podcast was crap.
Sign up to the mailing list and get all the resources: https://astounding-thinker-8472.ck.page/245c851bde
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Did you know longer trips to the dentist can be more enjoyable? The peak-end rule has a weird effect on how we remember negative experiences. In this episode, I’ll explain how this bias increased repeat colonoscopy patients, encouraged a record number of people to sign up for my course, and how a trip to the supermarket ended the cold war.
Sign up to the mailing list and get all the resources: https://astounding-thinker-8472.ck.page/e3a28121c1
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
There are two words that strike fear into the hearts of behavioral scientists. Replication crisis. Today, many famous nudges can’t be replicated. In many cases, they were one-offs. So, rather than share studies, I wanted to run my own. Over the next four episodes, I’ll attempt to grow this show by experimenting with nudges. Listen to this episode on social proof and learn why dozens unsubscribed to my mailing list, what happened when 300,000 people saw my ad, and why everyone, from theatre lovers to Issac Newton falls for social proof.
Sign up to the mailing list and get all the resources: https://astounding-thinker-8472.ck.page/8399c61a76
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
60% of us think spending +3 hours a day on the web is unhealthy. Yet the UK average time spent online is +4.5 hours. We’re hooked to our devices and suffering. The mere presence of a smartphone can reduce performance in memory tasks by 11%. In today’s show, I’m joined by Elisabeth Costa, senior director at the Behavioral Insights Team, who talks through how nudges are used to manipulate us online.
Read Lis’s and David Halpern’s paper: https://bit.ly/3zKJv0Z
Follow Lis on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lis_Costa_
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
It’s not easy applying behavioral science. You can geek out on Thinking Fast and Slow and listen to Rory Sutherland rave about nudges, but that won’t mean you feel comfortable applying it in your job. To help, I spoke with Melina Palmer, host of the Brainy Business, and author of What Your Customer Wants And Can’t Tell You. Melina explains her approach for applying behavior science, how to build a team, the budget you’ll need, and my experience with doing just that in my day job.
Melina’s book: https://amzn.to/3iP5ITE
Get a free chapter: https://thebrainybusiness.com/nudge
Melina’s podcast: https://thebrainybusiness.com/podcast/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In today’s special episode you’re invited to enter a brand new clinic. Instead of a waiting room, there’s a bar with live jazz. Instead of a doctor, there’s a marketer in a tweed jacket. Today, we’re entering the Rory Sutherland Nudge Clinic, the place people go for counter-intuitive ideas. Listen to learn the smartest way to run a cafe, how to stop people drink driving, and how to persuade your parents.
Rory’s book Alchemy: https://amzn.to/3chAK3u
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Throughout our lives, we’re taught to think rationally. We’re taught to consider the evidence. To make forecasts. To follow the economic models and stick with the trend.
This rational thinking is a core part of our education, our government policies, and our businesses. But in a world where everyone thinks rationally, it can pay to think irrationally.
At least that’s what my guest Rory Sutherland thinks. Listen to Rory explain how to improve train travel and get people to wear masks, all by thinking counter-intuitively.
Rory’s book Alchemy: https://amzn.to/3chAK3u
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
We’ve all heard advice on beating anxiety. We’re told to vent our frustrations, to break down and analyze the problem, sometimes we’re told to try and forget about it or move on. But what does science say? Today I’m joined by Ethan Kross, author of the national bestseller Chatter. We discuss the surprising truths about beating stress and anxiety.
Ethan's book Chatter: https://www.ethankross.com/chatter/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What do you do when you get stressed out? Do you work through exercises and routines to solve the problem, or do you hope it’ll go away? Most of us wait for the experience to pass, but we shouldn’t. In today’s show, bestselling author Ethan Kross talks through why we get stressed and three proven tactics to beat it.
Ethan's book Chatter: https://www.ethankross.com/chatter/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Speaking to customers isn't something that comes naturally to many marketers. We're not researchers. We're not trained to interview. And yet it's a vital task for all of us to master. My guest today helps marketers with this. Louis Grenier is a bit of a customer interview expert. He’ll explain how many customers you need to talk to and what to ask.
Louis' podcast: https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/podcast
Louis' newsletter: https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
As little as 16% of marketing is remembered and recalled successfully. That means that as much as 84% of marketers’ work is wasted. To capture consumer’s attention we’re told to stand out. To be different. But how? In today’s show, Louis Grenier explains how to be radically differentiated - to capture attention and grow your business.
Louis' podcast: https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/podcast
Louis' newsletter: https://www.everyonehatesmarketers.com/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
You might be surprised to learn that a 5/5 star review isn’t the best, or that an imperfect cookie tastes better. The science behind this weird phenomenon is the Pratfall Effect. In this episode I chat to Joseph Marks about how the effect improves ads, wins court cases and can help you get a second date.
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Link to Joseph's book Messengers: https://amzn.to/2maUW0z
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Charm pricing (also known as 9-ending prices) is one of those marketing tricks that is known by all. It has left the marketing textbooks and is used by everyone from kids selling lemonade to businesses selling smartphones. With such widespread adoption, it's worth exploring if the nudge still affects consumers. In today's episode, we take a look at the history of charm pricing, explore case studies of businesses that have used it, and ask if it's something you should try.
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Read Priceless by William Poundstone: https://amzn.to/3zh0wzJ
Wondering why your latest product won’t sell? Well it might be due to lazy, scared and overwhelmed consumers. These are the three big barriers stopping customers from making a change and buying your product. In this episode, my guest Bri Williams talks through her model for behavior change highlighting some crucial marketing tips.
Bri’s website: https://www.briwilliams.com/
Bri’s Influencing Action Course: https://www.briwilliams.com/about-influencing-action-course
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Could highlighting a product weakness increase sales? In today’s show, I join Adam Ferrier to explore the negativity bias and attempt to understand why we are drawn to negative events over positive ones. We chat about how newspapers use this bias to write their headlines, how some of the best marketing campaigns leverage negativity, and why negative thoughts stick in your head for longer.
Adam’s book Stop Listening To The Customer: https://amzn.to/3oYTcDa
Adam’s Agency Thinkerbell: https://www.thinkerbell.com/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Customers lie all the time. In fact, we all lie, often without even knowing it. When asked, 25% of high school seniors say they’re in the top 1%. Often talking to customers can lead to bias, unreliable results. So my latest guest has a solution … stop talking to customers. Today, Adam Ferrier and I discuss why companies like Apple and IKEA don’t listen to their customers and how market research can make your brand bland.
Adam’s book Stop Listening To The Customer: https://amzn.to/3oYTcDa
Adam’s Agency Thinkerbell: https://www.thinkerbell.com/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Think about all the decisions you’ve made in your life. Deciding where to work, agreeing to go on that first date with your spouse, asking for fries with your burger. We like to think all of these decisions are considered and thought through. In today’s show, Tim Ash explains how most of our decisions aren’t rational. Instead, they are dictated by evolutionary traits developed thousands of years ago.
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Many hate building IKEA furniture and yet tend to value it higher than pre-built furniture. In fact, many prefer it to expert-built furniture. Tune in to learn why we irrationally value Super Bowl tickets, how Betty Crocker became an overnight success and why so many investors make dumb decisions.
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Following the 2018 Cambridge Analytica scandal, commentators began to claim that highly targeted personalized ads had helped swing the 2016 election in Trump’s favor. In this episode, I speak to Patrick Fagan, a former Cambridge Analytica employee to discuss whether personalized ads work, what effect advertising has on our life satisfaction and why digital advertisements may be an improvement on traditional marketing.
Patrick's book #Hooked: https://amzn.to/3pihg4d
Patrick's website: https://www.patrickfagan.co.uk/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What is the best way to learn about someone's personality without meeting them. Is it by talking to their spouse? Or is it by looking at their Facebook profile? Research suggests that Facebook knows more about our personality than our closest loved ones. Data about each of us on Facebook can be used to predict our behavior helping marketers learn what we buy, what we like, and what we believe. But how much of this is science fiction? To figure that out, I chat with Patrick Fagan, former Lead Psychologist at Cambridge Analytica about the power of online data.
Patrick's book #Hooked: https://amzn.to/3pihg4d
Patrick's website: https://www.patrickfagan.co.uk/
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
For many, marketing is about getting as many people as possible to sign up for your product or service. It’s about getting people through the door. However, that’s just part of the process. To run an effective business you have to make sure the customer sticks around and you have to make sure you attract the right customer. In this episode, Ramli John walks through his tips to help customers onboard and keep them hooked on your product.
Ramli’s podcast: https://growthtoday.fm/
Ramli’s site: https://ramlijohn.com/
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
All too many companies struggle to position their product. They pick the wrong market, highlight the wrong features or fail to spot the right competitors. But get positioning right and something magical happens, all your work improves. In today’s show, the great April Dunford will talk through how to identify true competitors, tips for picking the right market and examples of successful positioning pivots.
April’s book Obviously Awesome: https://www.aprildunford.com/obviously-awesome
Follow April on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aprildunford
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Most marketers have spent years studying the profession either on the job or in education. And yet, when it comes to positioning, something which is fundamental to every aspect of marketing, most of us struggle. In this episode, I chat with positioning expert April Dunford on why that is and her plan to solve it.
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
April’s book Obviously Awesome: https://www.aprildunford.com/obviously-awesome
Follow April on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aprildunford
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The Science of Marketing Course: https://scienceofmarketing.teachable.com
Marketing is tough. 25% of all marketing budget is wasted. Most marketers don't know the science behind what works. The Science of Marketing course, created for Nudge listeners, is here to solve that. This four-part course reveals how behavior science and consumer psychology can boost each stage of the marketing funnel. In the course, host Phill Agnew references peer-reviewed studies, cited sources, and fantastic examples from Nudge guests to help you improve your work. Discover the science behind great marketing today:
Sign up to the free course today: https://science-of-marketing.teachable.com/
In this special end of year episode we revisit some of the best insights shared on the show in 2020. We hear how to ask your customers the right questions, how to plan for 2021 and how to overcome burnout and stress in your job.
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
There’s endless advice for entrepreneurs out there. It's overwhelming. With so many success stories it’s hard to know who to follow. In this episode, I debunk many of those stories and reveal the real science behind success. I’m joined by Melina Palmer, host of the Brainy Business podcast and we discuss three lessons, backed by science, that every entrepreneur should know.
Melina’s podcast, Brainy Business: thebrainybusiness.com/podcast/
Melina’s courses and certifications: thebrainybusiness.com/courses/
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Why will a free 72-ounce steak draw in hoards of customers for one restaurant but zero customers for another? Nudges are loved by many marketers across the globe, yet they don’t always work as expected. In this episode, I chat with Dr Michael Hallsworth, managing director of the BIT North American about some empirical evidence that reveals if nudges really work.
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Does money motivate you? For most of us, we’d probably say yes. We work 9-5, five days a week for money. We can’t live without it. It’s normal to think that money therefore is the ultimate motivation. If you want someone to do something just pay them, right? My guest today, Dr Michael Hallsworth managing director of the BIT North American unit shares a different point of view.
Michael’s book Behavioral Insights: www.amazon.co.uk/Behavioral-Insights-Press-Essential-Knowledge/dp/0262539403
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Most businesses make obvious mistakes when it comes to pricing. Some businesses undercharge, leaving money on the table, others are overpriced and put off buyers. Getting your price right isn’t easy. In this episode, I chat with pricing expert Ammanuel Selameab about the common pricing mistakes and how to avoid them.
Ammanuel’s company Run Pricing Tests: www.runpricingtests.com
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
We’re obsessed with food. We spend more time creating it and more money on it than we ever have before. But do we love the actual taste of what we eat or simply how it makes us feel. In this episode I’m joined by Eve Turow-Paul, a globally recognized expert on food. We discuss our modern-day obsession with food, our irrational views of what we like, and studies that show how marketing distorts our perception.
Eve’s book Hungry: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hungry-Avocado-Instagram-Influencers-Connection/dp/1948836971
Eve's website: https://eveturowpaul.com/
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Neuromarketing Bootcamp by Matt and Prince | Use offer code NUDGEPOD for $500 off: https://www.popneuro.com/neuromarketing-bootcamp
What do Star Wars, oil spills and eBay descriptions have in common? They help us understand what makes communication great. In this episode, neuroscientist Dr. Matt Johnson and marketing expert Prince Ghuman discuss the power of storytelling in marketing and the brilliant campaign that encourages millions of Americans to start paying for bottled water.
Blindsight book. getbook.at/blindsight
Sign up for Prince and Matt’s neuromarketing bootcamp https://www.popneuro.com/neuromarketing-bootcamp
TED Talk on Neuromarketing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpJvuPOG40M
TED Talk on Empathy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1DmFPPVtRE
Sign up to the Nudge Mailing list - https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What’s the point of branding? Why do companies spend billions every year on it? To understand that we need to look beneath the surface at the brain. In this episode, neuroscientist Dr. Matt Johnson and marketing expert Prince Ghuman discuss how brands change how we perceive a product, what happens in our brains when we see a brand and what makes some brands more memorable than others.
Blindsight book. getbook.at/blindsight
Sign up for Prince and Matt’s neuromarketing bootcamp https://www.popneuro.com/neuromarketing-bootcamp
TED Talk on Neuromarketing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpJvuPOG40M
TED Talk on Empathy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1DmFPPVtRE
Some of us love it, some of us hate it, but is it good for us? In this episode I’m joined by Dr Emma Byrne where we discuss how swearing can make you more resilient, how it can increase your trustworthiness and how it changes from country to country.
Growth hacks are loved by many marketers around the world. But should you use them? And are there any risks? In this episode, Rand Fishkin, founder of SparkToro, Inbound.org, and Moz explains what happens when growth hacks fail and a smarter way to plan your marketing.
Ever get the feeling no one’s listening? Have you ever spent months working on a project only to find no one cares? Turns out most marketers have had this experience, but not because they’re bad at their jobs, instead it's because they haven’t found their audience. In this episode, Rand Fishkin, founder of SparkToro, Inbound.org and Moz explains how to find the right audience for your product or service.
James Stanier's Book "Becoming an Effective Software Manager"
Have you managed to get your side hustle off the ground? Do you keep planning to work on it but never find the time? Do you wonder if you’ll ever create something that resonates? In today’s show, Jeff Gothelf, coach, author and keynote speaker, will talk through simple steps to get your side hustle up and running.
Link to Jeff’s book Forever Employable: https://amzn.to/30rP2ue
Sign up to the Nudge mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
How do you price your product? Do you painstakingly quiz consumers on what price will work for them? If so, you might be making a big mistake. In today's show, with pricing expert Leigh Caldwell, we explain the science behind pricing strategies that work. We'll cover the decoy effect, how to increase prices without losing buyers and the power of free.
Leigh's book The Psychology of Price: https://amzn.to/2Yc1lrE
Leigh's agency: https://www.irrationalagency.com/
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Pricing a product isn't easy. We're reliant on out of date models and frameworks that don't reflect the real world. In today's show, with pricing expert Leigh Caldwell, we explain the science behind pricing strategies that work. We'll cover how to use anchors, if charm pricing works and the importance of product positioning.
Leigh's book The Psychology of Price: https://amzn.to/2Yc1lrE
Leigh's agency: https://www.irrationalagency.com/
Cognitive Economics Event: https://cognitiveeconomics.org/events/
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Who should make the final call on a new hire? What should you ask during an interview? Can a job ad exclude good candidates? To answer these tough questions I’m joined by Kate Glazebrook, Co-Founder of Applied and formally of the UK’s Behavioural Insights Team. In this episode we highlight the mistakes most hiring managers make and how to avoid them.
Get started with a 14 day free trial of Applied: beapplied.com/free-trial
Check out Applied: beapplied.com
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Marketing at a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) startup isn’t easy. Usually you’re short on budget, given dozens of responsibilities with only a handful of teammates. But that hasn’t stopped some of the leanest organizations grow to multi-million dollar brands. Today I’m chatting with Georgiana Laudi who has helped many SaaS businesses grow from one employee to thousands. In this episode we chat through 8 hacks every SaaS marketer can test out and apply.
Link to Forget the Funnel: https://forgetthefunnel.com/
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The best adverts are the ones that make us cry, or laugh, or both! Right? Well not quite. In this episode, Phil Barden, author of the best selling consumer psychology book Decoded, explains the science behind adverts that really work, why emotion is important but not everything, and gives an analysis of the best ad from 2019.
Phil's book Decoded: https://amzn.to/2EXoIMl
Phil's agency Decode: https://decodemarketing.com/en
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Did you know judges and doctors make better decisions when given less time? Turns out our first impressions are seriously accurate. Today I’m joined by Phil Barden, MD at Decode and best selling author of the consumer psychology book Decoded. In the show we chat about the importance of first impressions in marketing, how you’re more likely to spot a McDonald’s logo when you’re hungry, and the trick that makes street food stalls so successful.
Phil's book Decoded: https://amzn.to/2EXoIMl
Phil's agency Decode: https://decodemarketing.com/en
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The last few months have shown that unprecedented changes to human behavior and habits is possible. But how was it achieved? Some countries chose a hard, enforced approach, while some were more lenient. In this episode we take a look at how the UK has changed behavior. We’ll look at the messaging the government used, the adverts that worked, the opportunities available and the problems we still face.
John Drury’s blog: https://bit.ly/2XoKiDT
UK government’s Easter weekend advert: https://bit.ly/2UVg3Tw
UK’s Covid-19 designs overtime https://imgur.com/koj5lpA
Richard Chataway’s blog: https://bit.ly/2Vd9SsU
Professor Chris Witty TV ad: https://bit.ly/2VkuWh4
Roger Dooley blog: https://bit.ly/3c5BiYu
Sign up to the Nudge mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Due to Covid-19, consumers across the globe have different priorities. Their needs, concerns and fears have changed over night. So, how should marketers continue their work without sounding out of touch or irrelevant? In today’s show I’m joined by Joel Klettle, founder of Business Casual Copywriting. We cover why attempting to understand consumers before you start marketing to them is more important now than ever.
Link to Business Casual Copywriting: https://businesscasualcopywriting.com/
Sign up to my mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
According to HBR, 80% of new product launches fail. But why? Could it be because the frameworks and models marketers implement aren't fit for purpose? Or perhaps because our understanding of what works might not be right? In this episode Richard Chataway, vice president of BVA Nudge Unit UK and author of Behavior Business, explains the mistakes most marketers make and how to avoid them.
Link to Richard's book: https://amzn.to/2TyIfuE
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The world is panic buying. The UK’s largest supermarket has capped sales of essentials, Kiwi shoppers are spending 40% more YoY, and some Malaysian consumers have spent 800% more on hand sanitizer. But why does it happen? What can psychology tell us about this behavior? And more importantly, is the response from corporations and governments correct?
Find your local food bank: https://www.trusselltrust.org/get-help/find-a-foodbank/
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
What simple tricks make call centers more effective? How do Amazon, Google and Netflix increase product usage? And what can private organizations learn from governments when it comes to behavior science? In this episode Richard Chataway, Vice president of BVA Nudge Unit UK and author of Behavior Business, explains how the world's leading governments and organizations use nudges within their work, and tips you can follow to do the same.
Link to Richard's book: https://amzn.to/2TyIfuE
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Whether we like it or not, writing is a vital part of our jobs. It's the way we communicate, negotiate, convince and ultimately work. If your writing isn't persuasive, you won't be very good at convincing others. In this episode I chat to Joanna Wiebe who explains how to create effective writing that persuades others.
Breakthrough or bust blog: https://bit.ly/2P3WF3s
CopyHackers site: https://copyhackers.com/
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
75% of Americans say the worst aspect of their job is their boss. In fact, Daniel Kahneman found that interacting with a boss was the second least favorite activity of our day (just ahead of commuting!). In this episode, Bruce Daisley talks through the key traits good bosses share and the bad habits bosses need to shake.
Bruce’s book Joy of Work: https://amzn.to/35vgjuB
Bruce’s podcast Eat Sleep Work Repeat: https://eatsleepworkrepeat.com/
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Only 8% of us in the UK feel engaged by our jobs and the majority of us say we’re say we feel burned out in our roles. The modern workplace is actually less productive and more stressful than before. So what’s the solution? In this episode best selling author and podcast award winner Bruce Daisley talks through the optimal amount of hours to work per week, the science behind taking a lunch break and the differences between a productive and unproductive office.
Bruce’s book Joy of Work: https://amzn.to/35vgjuB
Bruce’s podcast Eat Sleep Work Repeat: https://eatsleepworkrepeat.com/
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
As marketers, we are constantly told to change a consumer’s attitudes. Gurus often call it the key to long term success and cite examples from mammoth organizations like Nike, saying “they changed attitudes towards running”. But is it good advice? Should marketers focus on changing attitudes? In this show, my guess Phil Barden, suggests a different route. He talks about why changing behaviors is easier and more effective than changing attitudes, sharing diverse examples from organ donations to cafeteria designs.
Phil's book Decoded: https://amzn.to/2EXoIMl
Phil's agency Decode: https://decodemarketing.com/en
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
"Can’t products sell themselves?” Most marketers will have heard a variation of this question throughout their careers, but is it true? In this episode, Phil Barden, author of the bestselling consumer psychology book Decoded, explains the importance of marketing. He talks about why we spend 3x more on Starbucks than Greggs, how a product’s packaging changes perception and why marketing is more important than many believe.
Phil's book Decoded: https://amzn.to/2EXoIMl
Phil's agency Decode: https://decodemarketing.com/en
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
In this special end of year episode we take a look back at the most important nudges shared on the show in 2019. Listen to learn about the most successful advertising campaign of the 20th century, the easiest way to sell more cookies and the simple sales tactic that improved revenue by 20%.
Sign up for the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
One of the best marketing campaigns of the 20th century encouraged millions of Americans to brush their teeth. It is lauded as incredibly effective, but was it ethical? Helping us understand the ethics behind habit-shifting marketing is Nathalie Nahai. In this episode, she explains how habits change and the ethics behind where to draw the line.
Link to Nathalie's book Webs of Influence: https://amzn.to/2QC5va3
Link to Nathalie's podcast: https://bit.ly/2r68c9i
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Most of us have experience creating a website. Whether it’s for work, a personal project, a wedding or a charity fun run. But do you know the psychology behind why one site is more effective than another? In this episode, best-selling author and international public speaker Nathalie Nahai condenses years’ worth of research to reveal what makes a good website.
Link to Nathalie's book Webs of Influence: https://amzn.to/2QC5va3
Link to Nathalie's podcast: https://bit.ly/2r68c9i
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Does the weather dictate where students choose to go to university? In this episode, Dr Alastair Goode explains how our brain developed, why we take shortcuts when making decisions and how VR reveals when we stop noticing ads.
Check out Gorilla in the Room: https://gorillaitr.com/
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Ever find yourself at work, desperate to finish an important project, but seemingly getting nowhere? My guest, Nir Eyal used to experience that a lot. Then he started to look at the science behind distraction and what you can do to stop it. In this episode, Nir explains how to stop getting distracted, why open plan offices don’t work and how Slack created a distraction free workplace.
Link to Nir's book Indistractable: https://amzn.to/2W13eWN
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What’s the first thing you do in the morning? If you’re like 79% of Americans, the first thing you’ll do is check apps like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. But what makes these products so addictive? What differentiates them from thousands of similar products? In this episode I chat to best-selling author Nir Eyal about the science behind habit forming products.
Link to Nir's book Hooked: https://amzn.to/2OrXjbe
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Influencer marketing has a bad name. Hearing it mentioned will conjure up thoughts of tacky endorsements and faked Instagram pics. But is it really all that bad? In this episode, I chat to Joseph Marks who explains the science behind why being nice can influence, and to Steve Rayson, who created a multi-million dollar company using positive influencer marketing.
Messengers book: https://amzn.to/2maUW0z
Buzzsumo blog: https://bit.ly/2m7ItdQ
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Some people are just more convincing than others. People laugh more at their jokes, they're better at finding partners, and ultimately they get paid more. Understanding what makes these people more convincing is something my guest has spent years studying. In this episode, I chat to Joseph Marks who explains why taller people get elected more, how attractive people receive higher pay and why expensive cars don't get honked at.
Link to Joseph's book Messengers: https://amzn.to/2maUW0z
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Marketers are constantly told stories about how a brand targeted millennials with great success. But is it a smart tactic? In this episode I chat to best selling author Richard Shotton who explains that consumers aren’t really changing and to influence them we need to think beyond simple segmentations like ‘millennials’.
Link to Richard’s book: https://amzn.to/2ZtvLcB
Sign up to our mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
“How do you plan to get to the polling booth?”. This phrase can swing voter turnout by 9% and ultimately change the outcome of an election. To figure out why I chatted to bestselling author Steve Martin about the powerful consistency principle.
Link to Steve’s book Small Big https://www.amazon.com/small-BIG-changes-spark-influence/dp/1455584258
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You’re influenced by scarcity, even if you don’t notice it. In this podcast Richard Shotton explains why marketers love scarcity, why so many Airbnbs contain pianos, and why cookies taste better when they’re the last in the jar.
Link to Richard’s book https://www.amazon.com/Choice-Factory-behavioural-biases-influence/dp/085719609X
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
The UK governments contains a team of 60+ behaviour scientists in charge of nudging the country. They tweak HMRC letters, JobCenter scripts and road signs on the M6 all to nudge British people in the right directions. Listen to hear the success they’ve had and what the private sector could learn.
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Did you know that removing a $ sign from a menu increases the amount consumers buy? In this episode I chat to Sybil Yang who explains the psychology behind pricing, how to organise the most effective menus and why charm pricing shouldn’t be ignored.
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There are simple rules that make brands stand out, but most marketers and advertisers dismiss them. In this episode Richard Shotton will explain the science behind distinctive marketing and why so many brands fail to capture our attention.
Link to Richard’s book https://www.amazon.com/Choice-Factory-behavioural-biases-influence/dp/085719609X
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
One line of text has helped the UK government save billions in unpaid tax, helped pubs sell 2x more beer and stopped hikers stealing endangered petrified wood. In this episode Steve Martin explains how social proof can dramatically influence consumers and how brands use it to great success.
Link to Steve’s book The Small Big: https://www.amazon.com/small-BIG-changes-spark-influence/dp/1455584258
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Did you know that companies spend millions trying to discover when customers have kids? In this episode I chat to best-selling author Richard Shotton about the power of habit. He explains how life events encourage purchases, why those aged 49 are more likely to run a marathon and how Sainsbury’s used habitual marketing to generate billions in revenue.
Link to Richard’s book https://www.amazon.com/Choice-Factory-behavioural-biases-influence/dp/085719609X
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
Let’s say you're trying to negotiate a pay rise at work. Do you know what to say, how to say it, or even when to say it? Most of us have no idea. In the episode best selling author, Steve Martin, talks through 5 effective tactics for getting the best deal in a negotiation.
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
We know music can make us happy or sad, but did you know it can change the type of wine you buy? In the first episode of Nudge, we chat with Adrian North who has studied how music affects what consumers buy. Listen to learn: How music can change the products we buy. Why ads change narrators to improve product recall, and how a gym used music to keep people working out for longer.
Sign up to the mailing list: https://www.nudgepodcast.com/mailing-list
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