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Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, Missouri is a thriving non-denominational church led by Pastor Brian & Peri Zahnd. We are followers of Jesus seeking to be an authentic expression of the kingdom of Jesus in the twenty-first century. Additional sermon audio and other resources are available on our church website at wolc.com.
The podcast Word of Life Church Podcast is created by Pastor Brian Zahnd. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
In his Sermon on the Plain Jesus tells us that God is our Father, and that our Father is merciful; and because we are children of God, we should be merciful just as our Father is merciful. Jesus calls us to mercy, not merely because mercy is a superior ethic or because mercy tends toward peace, as true as that is; rather, Jesus calls us to be merciful because that is what God is like!
There is no easy alliance between the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of God, and all attempts to create an easy alliance between these two kingdoms are misguided and doomed to failure. The kingdom of the world is founded on greed and war—Mammon and Mars. The kingdom of God is founded on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Furthermore, these two kingdoms are organized around irreconcilable values. The kingdom of the world values economic power and military might, while the kingdom of God values co-suffering love and divine mercy.
When Simon Peter first got a glimpse of who Jesus really is, his initial reaction was one of fear. The transcendent and holy otherness of Jesus simply overwhelmed Simon Peter. But the Lord’s response to Peter’s fearful reaction can be understood as something like this: Don't be afraid of me, follow me. If you follow me, I will make you into a new person—the person you were always meant to be.
It’s astonishing how angry some people will get if you try to take away their religion of revenge. They’re terribly upset by the idea that God might give divine favor to those they deem unworthy of it—to those who do not belong to their kind of people. The very idea that God might have mercy on all is condemned as blasphemy. This is exactly what Jesus encountered when he preached in his hometown of Nazareth.
Jesus is the fulfillment of Scripture, and all Scripture is fulfilled in Christ.
This may sound like a simple statement, but it’s actually an essential foundation for good theology.
Scripture is not fulfilled by “biblical principles applied to your life.”
Scripture is not fulfilled by geopolitical events speculated as “end time signs.”
Scripture is not fulfilled by the modern nation of Israel or any other nation.
All Scripture is fulfilled in the Word of God made flesh who is Jesus Christ.
Most of Jesus’ miracles involve dire circumstances—disease, death, danger, demons, and so on. But in Jesus’ very first miracle there is none of that—no deadly storm, no one is dying, there are no demons; it’s merely a wedding feast that is running low on wine. Some would dismiss this as “first world problems.” But Jesus doesn't do that, and we're surprised by a gratuitous miracle. There's an element of whimsy in the miracle story of Cana of Galilee that makes it particularly endearing.
Why was Jesus baptized for repentance by John the Baptist? (Yes, Jesus is willing to participate with us in our repentance. But there is something deeper.) Jesus is not so much being baptized by the waters, as he is baptizing the waters. Jesus is sacramentally consecrating the waters so they become mighty waters—the mighty waters of salvation.
To actually celebrate the Twelfth Day of Christmas may seem strange and overly religious to some, but in a secular age determined to rush past the holy, it’s an act of sacred resistance. And the final day of Christmas is a good time to meditate on the Logos in adolescence.
"Hope builds a bridge across the abyss into which reason cannot look. It can hear an undertone to which reason is deaf. To the hopeful, the world appears in a different light. Hope gives the world a special radiance; it brightens the world."
–Byung-Chul Han, The Spirit of Hope
Shepherds, though now romanticized in Nativity scenes, were at the bottom of society. These were not landowners but hired hands who watched over the sheep by night; sleeping, if they did, on the cold hard ground. That these simple shepherds and not the high and mighty were the first to know the greatest news of all was entirely in keeping with Mary’s prophetic song:
He has shown the strength of his arm,
He has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
And has lifted up the lowly.
In our contemporary context we need a Christianity formed by the Magnificat. In the American superpower we are typically inclined toward ideologies of success and anthems of strength. But the grace of God does not run uphill toward the pinnacles of success and strength, it rolls downhill toward the low places of humility and trust.
Mary as the Mother of God is both a holy and unique mystery, and an enduring archetype.
John the Baptist drinks no wine, because he’s not the one who brings the party, he only prepares the way. The party begins when Jesus turns the water to wine at the wedding feast of Cana. John is Advent; Jesus is Christmas.
Jesus of Nazareth being interrogated and ultimately condemned by Pontius Pilate is one of the most dramatic moments in the gospel story, and one of the most strangely fascinating moments in human history. Jesus on trial before the Roman governor of Judea establishes a historical context for the crucifixion. Indeed, it creeps into the Creed: “He suffered under Pontius Pilate.” If we enter into the theological depths of this historical moment, we discover that though on the surface Jesus is on trial before a Roman governor, in reality the world was on trial before the King of Kings.
In his Olivet Discourse Jesus predicted that the Temple would be destroyed, saying “all will be thrown down.” This came to pass a generation later when the Roman legions destroyed Jerusalem. But if Jesus’ words are words that “will not pass away,” what do these words say to us today, these words that—“all will be thrown down”?
Psalm 130 invites us to wait for the Lord more than watchmen for the morning. Our souls wait for the Lord because there are no quick and easy paths on the road to spiritual formation. Waiting is inevitable. Waiting is baked into this ancient Christian faith we have received. Instead of a hurried dash through a department story, the Christian life is more like a slow walk down a wooded trail. The Christian life is a slow walk interrupted by moments of grandeur. Most of our days are spent waiting patiently on God. But we don't wait alone. God the Holy Spirit gives us faith, hope, and love to empower us in our waiting.
Let nothing disturb you
Let nothing frighten you
All things are passing away
God never changes
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing
God alone suffices
–Teresa of Ávila
In Mark's Gospel bar-Timaeus (son of Timaeus) is the only person Jesus healed who is given a name. The blind beggar bar-Timaeus is also the first person in Mark's Gospel to identify Jesus as the Son of David. So who is Timaeus and why does it matter?
The problem that James and John and the rest of disciples had, was that they thought Jesus could be contained in their own ambitions and agendas; that Jesus could be contained in the systems and political structures of the world they already knew. But they were wrong. They were wrong because Jesus is the uncontainable Christ.
The faith of Abraham is a pilgrim faith that confesses the kingdoms of this world are all transitory and passing away, and that the only eternal kingdom is the kingdom of the heavens, where Jesus Christ reigns at the right hand of God.
Philip the Evangelist rode in a chariot with the Ethiopian Eunuch on the Gaza Road two thousand years ago. Brian Zahnd road on a train with Yu in Paris on the day Derrida died. The two stories are not entirely different.
No matter what cripples us, no matter what issues we have, no matter how many dark spirits afflict us, Jesus is the one who recalls us to life.
In The Chronicles of Narnia, Puddleglum tells the underworld witch, "I'm on Aslan's side even if there is no Aslan. I'm going to live like a Narnian even if there isn't any Narnia." In this story C.S. Lewis is doing more than telling a children's fantasy, he is portraying what it means to "walk by faith."
Bread on the table is ordinary, but bread in the hands of Jesus becomes extraordinary. Bread in Jesus' hands during the Passover meal became an extension of Jesus’ very flesh. During Jesus' teaching ministry, bread became a feast for 5,000 people. During a meal with two disciples in Emmaus, bread became a revelation of Jesus in their midst. And we are like bread. Jesus takes us, blesses us, breaks us, and gives us to the world making our lives extraordinary.
This sermon explores the transformative work of Christ to give us beauty for ashes and bring healing to our woundedness. As Henry Nouwen states: "Nobody escapes being wounded. We are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not 'How can we hide our wounds?' so we don't have to be embarrassed but 'How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?' When our wounds cease to be a source of shame and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers."
Haven't seen you in quite a while
I was down the hold just passing time
Last time we met was a low-lit room
We were as close together as a bride and groom
We ate the food, we drank the wine
Everybody having a good time
Except you
You were talking about the end of the world
I took the money
I spiked your drink
You miss too much these days if you stop to think
You led me on with those innocent eyes
You know I love the element of surprise
In the garden I was playing the tart
I kissed your lips and broke your heart
You were acting like it was the end of the world
In my dream I was drowning my sorrows
But my sorrows, they learned to swim
Surrounding me, going down on me
Spilling over the brim
Waves of regret and waves of joy
I reached out for the one I tried to destroy
You, you said you'd wait
'Til the end of the world
Oh life is bigger
It's bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
Every whisper, of every waking hour
I'm choosing my confessions
Trying to keep an eye on you
Like a hurt, lost and blinded fool, fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this the hint of the century
Consider this the slip
That brought me to my knees, failed
What if all these fantasies come
Flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
That was just a dream
That was just a dream
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you laughing
I thought that I heard you sing
I think I thought I saw you try
But that was just a dream
Try, cry, fly, try
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream, dream
Come as you are, as you were
As I want you to be
As a friend, as a friend
As an old enemy
Take your time, hurry up
Choice is yours, don't be late
Take a rest as a friend
As an old
Come doused in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
As a trend, as a friend
As an old
And I swear that I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun
No I don't have a gun
Collective Soul
Give me a word
Give me a sign
Show me where to look
Tell me, what will I find?
What will I find?
Lay me on the ground
And fly me in the sky
Show me where to look
Tell me, what will I find?
What will I find?
Whoa, Heaven let your light shine down...
Love is in the water
Love is in the air
Show me where to look
Tell me, will love be there?
Will love be there?
Teach me how to speak
Teach me how to share
Teach me where to go
Tell me, will love be there?
Will love be there?
Whoa, Heaven let your light shine down...
If God had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
If God had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in Jesus and the Saints
And all the prophets?
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
Just tryin' to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope, maybe in Rome
And yeah, yeah, God is great
Yeah, yeah, God is good
Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
What if God was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
Just tryin' to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone?
Back up to heaven all alone
Just tryin' to make his way home
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome
The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood to reveal God’s neighboring presence. God has joined us as us in order to rescue us and the world. The infinite took on the finite. Immortality took on mortality. The eternal took on the earthly. The God of creation moved into the neighborhoods of our creation in order to rebuild our neighborhoods. God is here. God’s neighboring presence is here with us and for us in order to remake us. In and through Jesus, God joins us in three movements. God joins us in life (incarnation) to be with us and we awaken. God joins us in death (crucifixion) to rescue us and we believe. God joins us in new life (resurrection) to transform us and we participate.
When by the grace of God we realize that who we've become is not who we are supposed to be, the good news is this: We can put our trust in Jesus, be reborn, and begin the salvation journey of becoming the person we were always meant to be.
Can the gospel be told as a tragedy? Obviously. And it certainly was by the Apostles. Before we jump to the triumph of the resurrection we must first face the tragedy of the cross.
The gospel is the divine comedy that begins with a ninety-year-old woman having a baby and concludes with a slain lamb overcoming all the monsters of the abyss. This is the divine comedy we’re invited join by simply believing that Jesus is Lord, and the joke is on the devil.
In a Voyage and Return story the central character travels out of their familiar, “everyday” surroundings into another world completely cut off from home. This other world is strange, different, exotic, and perhaps at first, exhilarating. But eventually a shadow intrudes. Things begin to change…for the worse. The traveler increasingly feels threatened or trapped. At some point they will need to return home—but enriched and transformed. Unlike the Quest plot, the journey away from home is usually by accident or a mistake—they pass through the looking glass, fall down the rabbit hole, or stumble through a wardrobe into another world. There will be adventures and dangers, but the story ends with the hero returning home, now with greater wisdom and a newfound appreciation.
"You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune—though it would not be the fortune you seek. But first, first you must travel—a long and difficult road, a road fraught with peril. You shall see things wonderful to tell. You shall see a cow on the roof of a cotton house, and oh, so many startlements. I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward. And though the road may wind, yea, your hearts grow weary, still shall ye foller the way, even unto your salvation."
-O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Rags to riches is the familiar story where we begin with an apparently ordinary, insignificant person, overlooked or even dismissed by everyone else, who suddenly takes center stage and is revealed to be someone quite extraordinary. And the greatest rags to riches story is the gospel story of Jesus of Nazareth.
The greatest stories, epics, and myths offer a profound insight into the deepest longings of the human heart, for as Ecclesiastes says, “God has placed eternity in their hearts.” In analyzing the great stories we discover that there are seven basic plots: Overcoming the Monster, Rags to Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, and Rebirth. All of these plots point to the true story, the true epic, the true myth that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. In this sermon we look at the gospel as Overcoming the Monster.
The gospel is first and foremost a story—it’s the story of Israel, the story of Jesus, the story of God saving the world. And this story is what all the great stories in one way or another point to—because, indeed, Jesus Christ is Lord of the Story.
The unique way Christians talk about God is found in ancient language. We say God is a Holy Trinity. We believe the one true living God, the creator God, the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob has been revealed in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in one God, one divine essence and substance in three persons. The doctrine of the Trinity is important and essential because it tells us who God is and subsequently who we are.
The church born on Pentecost -- the very first church -- devoted itself to four things:
1. The Apostles' Teaching (Didache)
2. The Fellowship (Koinonia)
3. The Breaking of Bread (Eucharist)
4. The Prayers (Liturgy)
Tanakh is a Hebrew acronym for the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings/Psalms. After his resurrection Jesus told his disciples, "Everything written about me in the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms had to be fulfilled." Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. If we want our minds to be opened to understand the Scriptures, there’s one essential key: The aim and end, the Alpha and Omega, the promise and fulfillment of all Scripture is…Jesus Christ!
The Apostle Paul speaks often of the mystery of Christ as the supreme revelation of God, but this in not a mystery we can place under our control. In his poem The Magi, William Butler Yeats aptly describes the incarnate Word born at Bethlehem as "the uncontrollable mystery on the bestial floor."
The landscape of our current culture seems to be filled with fury and it has left the condition of our souls vexed with anxiety. If we trust and follow Jesus, the one who cares for our soul, he will lead us, as the Good Shepherd, out of the landscape of fury and into pastures of peace.
Do you believe in ghosts? The disciples may have. Upon seeing the resurrected Jesus, they wrongly assumed he was a ghost. This opens the door for Jesus to assure them(and us) that he has risen indeed. If Jesus has been raised, then death has been defeated, and we need not fear. Therefore, Jesus continues to ask "Why are you frightened?".
One way to think about the resurrection is to see it as Jesus’ first step towards ascension. Another way is to think of the resurrection of Jesus like a wormhole, a tunnel through time and space. From this perspective, Jesus went into death creating a passageway from this broken down world into God’s new world where all things are new again. In stepping through that doorway into the place where God the Holy Spirit is making all things, we have the opportunity to participate with the Spirit. We participate by stripping off everything associated with our old sinful nature and putting on our new nature created to be like God. We strip off everything that doesn't look like Jesus so we can be like the God revealed in Jesus. A new life is waiting for you. Are you ready for it?
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.
-W.B. Yeats, The Second Coming
In him all things hold together.
He is the head of the body, the church.
He is the beginning,
The firstborn from the dead.
-St. Paul, Colossians 1:17–18
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Jacob Taylor discuss The Harrowing of Hell in this special Good Friday episode. This is the last episode of conversations based on Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. We hope you have enjoyed this series and invite you to subscribe for future related content.
GET THE BOOK - The Wood Between the Worlds by Brian Zahnd
Jesus Christ—the Logos made flesh—is the true icon of the living God. The world has at last truly seen God. And what is the climactic, definitive moment of God’s self-revelation in Christ? It’s the central event in the gospel story—the crucifixion. The cross is the pinnacle of divine self-disclosure.
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Jacob Taylor explore themes from the Lord of the Rings epic by J.R. Tolkien and more specifically how power should be handled by those who follow Christ. This episode continues conversation based on Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
GET THE BOOK - The Wood Between the Worlds by Brian Zahnd
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Derek Vreeland discuss the wild images and stunning message of the book of Revelation. This episode continues conversation based on Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
GET THE BOOK - The Wood Between the Worlds by Brian Zahnd
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Derek Vreeland explore topics ranging from the betrayal by Judas to the Protestant presumption that there can be no salvific work after the moment of death. This episode continues conversation based on Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
GET THE BOOK - The Wood Between the Worlds by Brian Zahnd
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Word of Life is located in St. Joseph, MO. We are seeking to be an authentic expression of the Kingdom of Jesus in the 21st Century. You can learn more at https://www.wolc.com
To make a financial contribution to the ministry work of Word of Life Church visit https://www.wolc.com/give
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Jacob Taylor discuss the role of beauty in the Christian faith. This conversation continues to discuss themes from Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
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Do you need prayer? Are you new to Word of Life Church? One of our pastors would love to connect with you. Fill out the form at https://www.wolc.com/connect
Word of Life is located in St. Joseph, MO. We are seeking to be an authentic expression of the Kingdom of Jesus in the 21st Century. You can learn more at https://www.wolc.com
To make a financial contribution to the ministry work of Word of Life Church visit https://www.wolc.com/give
"Beauty demands to be noticed; it speaks to us directly like the voice of an intimate friend. If there are people who are indifferent to beauty, then it surely because they do not perceive it." - Roger Scruton, Beauty
ABOUT THIS PODCAST - Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Jacob Taylor sit down for a conversation about theodicy and centered on the idea that only the suffering God can help. This conversation continues to explore themes from Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
GET THE BOOK - The Wood Between the Worlds by Brian Zahnd https://wolc.com/twbtw
Once a symbol of imperial terror, the cross has become the eternal symbol of divine love. When we look upon the cross today, we don’t see an instrument of torture and death; we see the supreme demonstration of God’s love. We see the lengths to which God will go to save the world.
Brian Zahnd, Cole Novak, and Derek Vreeland explore the paradox of God revealed in the crucifixion of Christ on the cross. This conversation continues to explore themes from Brian's new book The Wood Between The Worlds: A Poetic Theology of the Cross. Follow for more episodes each Thursday in Lent.
The cross of Christ is the wood between the worlds.
There is the world that was and the world to come,
and in between those two worlds,
is the wood upon which the Son of God was hung.
It's nearly impossible to comprehend how shocking Jesus' call to "take up your cross and follow me" was to a first century audience. It would not have been heard as a call to a pious spirituality. It could only be understood as a call to martyrdom. And what could be more shocking than that?
The Uncreated Light of Tabor illuminates the Old Testament. The Light brighter than the sun that shines from the face of the Transfigured Christ turns the Old Testament into a brand-new text. At the Transfiguration we learn that Jesus is the telos of the Old Testament.
Everyone is searching. Everyone who hasn't given up and succumbed to despair and surrendered to nihilism is searching for something. And ultimately, whether they know it or not, they're searching for Jesus.
The fame of Jesus spread throughout Galilee, then Judea, then the Roman Empire, and then throughout the whole world, so that Jesus of Nazareth is far and away the most famous person in history. Fame is connected with fascination. We're fascinated by famous people—we want to know more about them. And fascination with Jesus Christ is the essential thing. But wherein lies the fame of Jesus? What is Jesus famous for?
To follow Jesus is to embark upon the risk of becoming—it’s the lifelong journey of becoming who you are meant to be. And this journey is always a risky adventure. There are gains and losses, successes and failures, victories and defeats. Sometimes you walk on water for ten seconds—and the next moment you're crying out, “Lord, save me!” And in that moment of risk Jesus does save you. But the greater truth is this: As long as you're moving toward Jesus, there’s really never any risk at all.
The story of Jacob's Ladder in Genesis has a powerful influence upon our theological imagination:
It speaks to us of the reality of another world called heaven.
It speaks to us of another order of being called angels.
It speaks to us of the possibility of a ladder of interaction between these two worlds.
One of the reasons that after nearly fifty years of following Jesus and after over forty years of full-time ministry that I’m not bored, burned out, jaded or cynical, is that many times and in many ways—including by dreams—I’ve been warned and wooed by the Holy Spirit to travel by another road.
Ours is an age of acute empirical perception that affords spectacular scientific and technological developments, but our age is also an epoch of dire spiritual dullness leading to a deep poverty of the soul. This lack of spiritual perceptivity engenders a profound sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. To recover meaning we need to rediscover the paths of unseen existences.
Dave Matthews Band
Broke old toy soldiers lined up one, two, three
Little kid and everything I did just to save my paper queen
'Cause love won't let me go
Yeah, no army's gonna save my soul
'Cause love won't let me go
Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath the bed
Just the monsters in your head
I hear strange voices at every step I take
No, you can't cross the ocean if you can't get past the break
Even if fear don't put you down
Won't you lean on me while I'm around
Oh, no rope to hang the dead
No line to save the drowning man
Just the monsters in your head
Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath the bed
Just the monsters in your head
See killer's eyes and painted faces
The Devil wants your soul, but Jesus saves
Traffic jam is an angry maze
The Devil wants your soul, but Jesus saves
Chutes and ladders, pick-up sticks
Counting cars and counting bricks
Driving past the ol' five-and-dime
Can't get nothin' for a nickel since a long, long time
I won't let you down
Nothing in the closet
Nothing underneath your bed
Just the monsters in your head
No rope to hang the dead
No line to save the drowning man
Just the monsters in your head
Love won't let you go
Love won't let you go
The Holy Trinity is a sanctuary of perfect love where there is never any fear, discord, or sorrow. It is from this sanctuary that the the Holy Spirit is sent as the Paraclete—the one who comes alongside to help us.
John the Evangelist originally concluded his Gospel with chapter twenty. But sometime later, perhaps to affirm the leadership of Peter and to dispel a rumor about himself, John wrote and additional chapter -- a chapter that can be described as a lovely coda.
On the first Sunday in Lent the lectionary takes us to the wilderness temptation of Christ. As Jesus prayed and fasted forty days in preparation to launch his ministry—a ministry that would announce and enact the arrival of the kingdom of God— he was beset with three satanic temptations. The first two temptations involved misuse of miraculous powers. But it was the final temptation that was the most insidious of all: the temptation to receive political dominion over the kingdoms of the world in exchange for bowing down to the devil. The third temptation deserves special attention, not only because it was the most sinister, but because it is the temptation that has beguiled and beleaguered the church for seventeen centuries.
Jesus knows that all forms of spirituality built on legalistic, rule-based religion focused on behavior modification is a dead-end road. It cannot produce life. Inward transformation, a change of the heart and the formation of character, becomes the foundation for real life in the kingdom of God. Jesus warns us of the judgment that is to come if we allow anger to become angry words that seek to hurt and destroy. It is ok to get angry, but there is a massive difference between being a person who feels angry and being an angry person. One is Christlike and one is not. If we are to be made new, renewed in the likeness of God, we have to deal with our anger issues. To do so we need to answer at least three questions: How do I respond to the anger I feel? How do I resolve the anger that seems to linger? What about righteous anger?
When Isaiah penned his “Rivers In the Desert” poem, Judah was in a bad way—internally Judah was corrupt and externally it was under threat of foreign invasion. But the poet of audacious hope does not despair; instead he proclaims that God will come, and in that day it will be said, “Here is your God!”
Paul says that Christ has abolished death and brought immortality to light, and he says this is the gospel. And it is! But it’s not the gospel we’re accustomed to hearing. Over time the gospel has been reduced to be almost exclusively about forgiveness. Of course forgiveness is a beautiful component of the gospel, but that’s not all there is. The gospel in its fullest and most grand presentation is about the abolition of death.
Where there is no war, is in heaven above, where Christ reigns supreme. In the world above, the world to come, the war is already won. The devil has been cast down and no longer has any place in heaven above. Heaven is the place where there is no war, so keep your head in heaven above.
This sermon is an exploration of the fundamental truth that many of us know, but most of us find hard to believe. 1 John 4 lays out the extraordinary claim that God is love. The implications for our lives and the world we live in are profound and unlimited in the light of this reality - if only we can come to know and believe that it is true. May we let go of our false self and let our true self be known and loved by the God who is love.
After the ancient people of God crossed the Jordan River and entered into the Promised Land, they stacked 12 stones to serve as a memorial that God indeed had remained faithful to God’s people. The resurrection of Jesus is our memorial stone as the renewed people of God. Jesus’ resurrection was not a collection of stones stacked by human beings, but a single stone that God rolled away when life triumphed over death. Resurrection as a memorial stone is a way of seeing. Our painful past is often recorded in our memories in black and white, but resurrection colors everything with hope and life. The resurrection as a memorial stone changes how we look at our suffering personally and collectively because the resurrection of Jesus is a signpost pointing us to a future resurrection of our own.
The Gospel of John decidedly and deliberately differs from Matthew, Mark, and Luke. John the Evangelist wants to give us a theological Gospel containing the highest possible Christology. In his opening sentence John tells us that this one who is the Word of God is fully divine. While the other Gospels give genealogies and tell us that Jesus comes from Bethlehem and Nazareth, John is not interested in those particular biographical details. For John the only genealogy of Jesus that really matters is that he is the Son of God, who was in the beginning with God, and that he is the truth of God who comes from heaven, that is from above.
Hiss Golden Messenger
Feeling bad
Feeling blue
Can't get out of my own mind
I know how to sing about it
Ring of bone
A little lonely
I better hit the road, child
We can cry into the phone a while
Find me
Steady with your hope now
That little light's gotta last a while
Like an arrow to the marrow
I know it feels like hell now
'Til we make it to the other side
You want good news
You want sanctuary
When you try to get real
Oh, they break you on the wheel
You wanna move
You want sanctuary
That's all that I can offer to you
From the bottom to the bone
To the bone
Get used to the bad news
It's all part of the show, child
Handsome Johnny had to go, child
Did you feel the bad news?
Oh, there's something you should know now
Little things that'll cut you down
Ragged people
Hard times
And the lightning strikes the poorhouse
The rich man cries like a crocodile
But the game that they taught me
Sometimes it feels like it just ain't fair
You want good news
You want sanctuary
When you try to get real
Oh, they break you on the wheel
You wanna move
You want sanctuary
That's all that I can offer to you
From the bottom to the bone
To the bone
Yeah, to the bone
Ah, to the bone
Yeah, to the bone
Ah, to the bone
Yeah, to the bone
Ah, to the bone
Feeling bad
Feeling blue
Can't get out of my own mind
But I know how to sing about it
Quiet Town
The Killers
A couple of kids got hit by a Union Pacific train
Carrying sheet metal and household appliances
Through the pouring rain
They were planning on getting married after graduation
Had a little baby girl, trouble came and shut it down
Things like that ain't supposed to happen
In this quiet town
Families are tight
Good people,
They still don't deadbolt their doors at night
In this quiet town
When we first heard opioid stories
They were always in whispering tones
Now banners of sorrow mark the front steps of childhood homes
Parents wept through daddy's girl eulogies
And merit badge milestones with their daughters and sons
Laying there lifeless in their suits and gowns
Somebody's been keeping secrets
In this quiet town
They know how to live
Good people who lean on Jesus
They're quick to forgive
In this quiet town
Now whenever I'm near the town
I'll find some reason to give
And I will walk with the dead and the living where I used to live
And every time I see my parents in the prime of their lives
Offering their son the kind of love he could never put down
Part of me is still that stainless kid, lucky
In this quiet town
Salt of the land
Hard-working people, if you're in trouble
They'll lend you a hand
Here in this quiet town
The first crop of hay is up
School let out and the sun beats down
Smoke billows from a Sunday train
That cries away from a quiet town
Unconditional (Lookout Kid)
Unconditional (Lookout Kid)
Arcade Fire
Lookout kid, trust your heart
You don't have to play the part
They wrote for you
Just be true
There are things that you could do
That no one else on earth could ever do
But I can't teach you, I can't teach it to you
Lookout kid, trust your mind
But you can't trust it everytime
You know it plays tricks on you
And it don't give a damn if you are happy or you're sad
But if you've lost it, don't feel bad
'Cause it's alright to be sad
Lookout kid, trust your body
You can dance, and you can shake
Things will break, you make mistakes
You lose your friends, again and again
'Cause nothing is ever perfect
No one's perfect
Let me say it again, no one's perfect
A lifetime of skinned knees
And heartbreak comes so easy
But a life without pain would be boring
And if you feel it, it's fine
I give you everything that's mine
I give you my heart and my precious time
Lookout kid, trust your soul
It ain't hard to rock n' roll
You know how to move your hips
And you know God is cool with it
But some people want the rock without the roll
But we all know, there's no God without soul
A lifetime of skinned knees
And heartbreak comes so easily
But a life without you
Would be boring for someone like me
And if you feel it, it's fine
I give you everything that's mine
I give you my heart and my precious time
(Precious time)
(Give you everything)
I give you my heart and my precious time
No matter what you do
It's unconditional
No matter what you do
It's unconditional
Waiting On A War
Foo Fighters
I've been waiting on a war since I was young
Since I was a little boy with a toy gun
Never really wanted to be number one
Just wanted to love everyone
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this
More to this, more to this than
Just waiting on a war?
Just waiting on a war?
Every day waiting for the sky to fall
Big crash on a world that's so small
Just a boy with nowhere left to go
Fell in love with a voice on the radio
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this than that?
Is there more to this
More to this, more to this than
Just waiting on a war?
Just waiting on a war?
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
I've been waiting on a war since I was young
Since I was a little boy with a toy gun
Is there more to this
More to this, more to this than
Just waiting on a war?
Just waiting on a war?
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
Just waiting on a war for this and that
There's got to be more to this than that
'Cause I need more
Yeah, I need more
Just waiting on a war
Just waiting on a war
Yeah, I need more (for this and that)
(There's got to be more to this than that)
Yeah, I need more (just waiting on a war, for this and that)
(There's got to be more to this than that)
Just waiting on a war
Sunday, July 31, 2022
Life ain’t always empty…
Don’t get stuck in the past
Say your favorite things at mass
Tell your mother that you love her
And go out of your way for others
Sit beneath a light that suits you
And look forward to a brighter future
Life ain’t always empty…
Sink as far down as you can be pulled up
Happiness really ain’t all about luck
Let your demeanor be your deep down self
And don’t sacrifice your life for your health
When you speak, speak sincere
And believe me friend, everyone will hear
Life ain’t always empty…
Bring your own two cents
Never borrow them from someone else
Buy yourself a flower every hundredth hour
Throw your hair down from your lonely tower
And if, and if
You find yourself in the family way
Give the kid more than what you got in your day
Life ain’t always empty…
Never let a clock tell you what you got time for
It only goes around, goes around, goes around
Take your family name for your own great sins
'Cause each day is where it all begins
And don’t give up too quick
You only get one line, you better make it stick
If we give ourselves to every breath
Then we’re all in the running for a hero's death
Life ain’t always empty…
Mary and Martha do not represent two kinds of people—the contemplative person and the practical person. Mary and Martha represent two choices—two choices we all have to make. Jesus said that Mary made the better choice. Mary chose to be an everyday mystic.
The life of the age to come for those who are seeking first the kingdom of God is a “go and do” kind of life. Near the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "Not everyone who calls out to me, 'Lord! Lord!' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter" (Matthew 7:21). This may be one of the most sobering things Jesus has to say. Calling Jesus Lord is not the same thing as doing what the Lord Jesus says.
Our life in pursuit of Jesus is not primarily about theology (what we believe), liturgy (the shape of our worship), or piety (our heart’s devotion), but a way of living shaped by the Holy Spirit around the death and resurrection of Jesus. Yes, what we believe about God is important. Yes, worship and prayer are important. Yes, devotion and passion for God are important. But each of these find
their significance when they prompt us to go and do.
Wherever people hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and begin to love God with all their hearts, love their neighbor as themselves, embrace the way of peace and reject war, refuse to be an agent of accusation, choosing advocacy instead, there Satan falls like lightning.
The "Sons of Thunder," James and John, wanted to call fire down from heaven on a Samaritan village who refused to welcome Jesus. In their petition they were able to cite Scripture because Elijah had done this. But Jesus rebuked them, saying, "You do not know what manner of spirit you are of." The question isn't can we find it in the Bible, but can we find it in Jesus. If we weaponize the Bible to hurt other people, we do not have the Spirit of the Lord.
Don't surrender your faith in Jesus to an ideological ism. Nationalism, Socialism, Capitalism, Marxism, Conservatism, Progressivism, Fundamentalism, Liberalism, etc. Isms can easily become possessed, turn into a herd, and rush off a cliff. Sit with Jesus instead. Jesus will put you in your right mind. Following Jesus may sometimes look conservative or sometimes look progressive. But it’s Jesus we are following, not an ideological ism.
This sermon is about the long, gradual, Spirit-guided journey into the dazzling light of all truth.
Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —
–Emily Dickinson
The Holy Spirit is the experience of God. Thinking about God is theology. And theology matters. Theology is the Queen of the Sciences. It’s important that we think as accurately as possible about the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—just like it’s important that we think as accurately as possible about physics, chemistry, and mathematics. But relatively few people are called to do the actual hard work of creating and writing theology. Not everyone is called to be a theologian. But the message of Pentecost is that everyone can experience God!
On the seventh Sunday of Eastertide we look at the culmination of great story of redemption. At the end of the Bible we discover that the gospel story does not end with the lucky elect whisked off to heaven—it ends with heaven coming to earth. And the story does not end with the demise of the nations—it ends with the healing of the nations.
"I do not know what is happening. The reason of my waking mind tells me that great evil has befallen and we stand at the end of days. But my heart says nay; and all my limbs are light, and a hope and joy are come to me that no reason can deny. In this hour I do not believe that any darkness will endure!”
–The Return of the King, The Steward and the King
Sermon by Jonathan Martin.
In this sermon, Jonathan Martin reimagines Luke's story of two
disillusioned disciples walking the Emmas road away from the holy city, where they had watched their hope die a gruesome death right before their eyes. With compassion born from his own experience, Martin reveals that the resurrected Christ is profoundly present with us-even as we walk away. This is a sermon to help you feel seen in your spiritual journey and all its complexities ... and to find home where you least expect it.
With the resurrection of Jesus Christ the darkness is fading and the true light is already shining. But how do we know if we are shining in the light or drifting into the darkness?
The greatest revelations of divine love come from showings of the risen Christ. But these showings are not just for first century disciples or medieval mystics; Jesus wants to show himself to all of us, and in ways that are unique to our experience.
"What inclines even me to believe in Christ’s resurrection? It is though I play with the thought of it – If he did not rise from the dead, then he decomposed in the grave like any other man. He Is Dead and Decomposed. In that case he is a teacher like any other and can no longer HELP; and once more we are orphaned and alone. So we have to content ourselves with wisdom and speculation. But if I am to be REALLY saved – what I need is…faith. And faith is faith in what is really needed by my heart, my soul, and not my speculative intelligence. For it is my soul with its passions, as it were with its flesh and blood, that has to be saved, and not my abstract mind. Perhaps we can say: Only LOVE can believe the Resurrection." -Ludwig Wittgenstein
Jesus preaches his own Easter sermon, when in the book of Revelation he says, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty (Pantocrator). Fear not! I am the First and the Last. I am he that lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Death and Hades." Because it is Jesus Christ, the Almighty Pantocrator, who has the keys of Death and Hades, we can fear not!
The cross is the true center of history—everything leads up to it and everything flows from it. The death of God upon a tree is not just some event within history, it is the event that defines and explains, reveals and redeems all of history. However we understand the origin of sin within the human story, its trajectory moves inevitably toward Good Friday. This is the moment when the Spirit of Love that flows between the Father and Son erupted to engulf and forgive the sin of the world.
During his final days in Jerusalem, Jesus prophesied the end of the old temple and the emergence of a new temple -- a new temple known as the Body of Christ. This new temple is not made of limestone, but of living stones. One of the chief characteristics of this new temple is its radical inclusivity -- it is to be a temple for all people.
The thing that was initially the most obvious about Jesus was that he was a healer. Everyone knew that Jesus was a healer, even his enemies, who sought to use this against him. In the story of Jesus healing the man with a withered hand in the synagogue on the sabbath, we look at Jesus—who is the perfect revelation of God—and ask this theological question: Is the character of God revealed in the power to harm or heal?
What happens when the carriers of hope and healing become the cause of harm and hurt? The wounds cut deeper, the pain becomes unbearable, and the harassed and helpless feel like sheep without a shepherd. Despite the failure of the church at times, there remains a good shepherd who walks with us through every valley. Jesus is the healer of every disease and every affliction including the afflictions suffered because of his church.
Ultimate Healing
The healing of Lazarus brought the dead back to life. Much like the other events of healing in the ministry of Jesus, this miracle demonstrated God’s glory, majesty, and magnificence. People saw Jesus' authority as he raised the dead and many believed in him. This miracle was a sign for those present at the tomb of Lazarus and a sign for us. The raising of Lazarus is a sign that our ultimate healing will take place in the resurrection at the end of the age.
Jesus carried our sins in his own body on the cross so that he might take away our sins, our brokenness, our sickness. This is the good news buried in the sorrow of Lent. He was wounded so that we could be healed, both body and soul, healed both on the outside and the inside, and so we bring sick people to Jesus with our prayers whether their brokenness is in their bodies, minds, or emotions.
We tend to make a hard theological distinction between sin and sickness, between iniquity and illness, between guilt and death; but Jesus doesn’t seem to make that kind of hard distinction. In his great compassion Jesus looks upon all of us as soul-sick sinners broken by a terrible fall, and he comes to help us, to heal us, to forgive us, and to restore us. The salvation we find in Jesus Christ is holistic.
You have heard it said, God helps those who help themselves. But I say unto you, God helps the helpless and leaves the rest to help themselves. We are saved when we call upon the name of the Lord—and we call upon the Lord when we know we can't save ourselves. When we go into the ashes and wait in the place of loss, we admit that we need God.
Scripture references are NRSV.
Transfiguration Sunday, February 27, 2022
Mystics on the Mountains
One of the most remarkable aspects of the Transfiguration is the appearance of Moses and Elijah—Moses who lived twelve centuries before Christ and Elijah who lived nine centuries before Christ. Moses and Elijah were mystics who had had their own encounters with God on a holy mountain. They were Mystics on the Mountains.
During the season of Epiphany leading up to Lent, the Gospel readings in the lectionary are focused on the early ministry of Jesus—that is, from his baptism to his transfiguration. What we find in the first half of the Gospels is the healing and teaching ministry of Jesus as he travels throughout Galilee. This sermon will look at the core of Jesus’ kingdom message—The Politics of Heaven.
When Jesus began his public ministry in Galilee around the age of thirty, the thing that drew the crowds and spread his fame was that he was a healer. John the Baptist was famous as a preacher and baptizer, but Jesus was first of all famous as a healer and miracle worker. From curing Peter’s mother-in-law of her fever in Capernaum at the beginning of his ministry to resorting Malchus’ severed ear in the Garden of Gethsemane at the end of his ministry, Jesus was a healer. When we look at the ministry of Jesus we can say…Hence Comes the Healer.
"Every one of us is shadowed by an illusory person: a false self. This is the man that I want myself to be but who cannot exist, because God does not know anything about him. And to be unknown by God is altogether too much privacy. My false and private self is the one who wants to exist outside the reach of God’s will and God’s love—outside of reality and outside of life. And such a self cannot help but be an illusion. … The secret of my [true] identity is hidden in the love and mercy of God."
—Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation
Jesus was rejected in his hometown. What are we to think of the people of Nazareth? Were they just more dull-witted or hard-hearted than the people of Capernaum? No. They had simply stumbled at the offence of familiarity. And today in Western society, we're all from Jesus hometown.
My life has become so intertwined with the story of the Wedding Feast at Cana that it has become the primary way that I tell my born again again story. Every time I read about how Jesus turned the water to wine, I feel a deep personal connection with the story. It’s become my story—or at least some of my story. And when the Gospel stories become our stories, this is when Scripture is doing its most profound work in our lives. I love the whole Bible, but I have a particular love for the story of Jesus’ first miracle. My love for this story is such that whenever I just hear the word Cana, it makes me happy. When I hear the baffled steward say, “But you have kept the best wine until now!”, I think, “That’s my story too!” The story of how in midlife Jesus turned the water to wine and I discovered the vintage I’d been looking for all my life.
The spiritual genius of the lectionary is on display when the water and flame poem of Isaiah 43 in the Old Testament is connected with Luke’s account of Jesus’ baptism in the New Testament. By making this connection, we are shown that God’s promise to be with us as we pass through rivers and waters, through fire and flame, is fulfilled, as all the promises of God are, in Jesus. For Christ Jesus is the one who joins us in the waters of baptism and the one who purifies us in the baptism of fire.
The star of Bethlehem is not to be found in a re-creation of ancient astronomy. The star of Bethlehem is the "more sure word of prophecy" that rises in our hearts in response to the proclamation of the gospel.
Christ is not just born in the beautiful places of our lives, as if we live in the idyllic bubble of a snow globe. Christ is also born in the war-torn places of our lives, littered with rubber bullets and teargas canisters. Jesus was not born into a fairytale but into the world as it is.
Our secular age doesn’t make much room for a world filled with blessings. Our age is one that wants to reduce everything down to cold sterile mechanisms, where everything is predictable, provable, and explainable. We are given the choice to live in a world of blessings or curses. What kind of world do you want to live in? God who blesses all humanity has made a way for us to live in a world full of blessings because Jesus rescued us from the curse. If we want to live in a world full of blessings then we have to do our part and impart blessings to others including those who curse us. When we bless those who curse us, we neutralize cursing. When we curse those who curse us, we normalize cursing. Choose to bless.
I have climbed highest mountains
I have run through the fields
Only to be with you
Only to be with you
I have run
I have crawled
I have scaled these city walls
These city walls
Only to be with you
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I have kissed honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
I believe in the kingdom come
Then all the colors will bleed into one
Bleed into one
But yes I'm still running
You broke the bonds
And you loosed the chains
Carried the cross
Of my shame
Oh my shame
You know I believe it
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
But I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Think about it, there must be higher love
Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above
Without it, life is wasted time
Look inside your heart, I'll look inside mine
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
Worlds are turning and we're just hanging on
Facing our fear and standing out there alone
A yearning, and it's real to me
There must be someone who's feeling for me
Things look so bad everywhere
In this whole world, what is fair?
We walk blind and we try to see
Falling behind in what could be
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring be a higher love
I could rise above on a higher love
I will wait for it
I'm not too late for it
Until then, I'll sing my song
To cheer the night along (bring it)
I could light the night up with my soul on fire
I could make the sun shine from pure desire
Let me feel that love come over me
Let me feel how strong it could be
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Bring me a higher love
Where's that higher love I keep thinking of?
Welcome to your life
There's no turning back
Even while we sleep
We will find you
Acting on your best behavior
Turn your back on mother nature
Everybody wants to rule the world
It's my own design
It's my own remorse
Help me to decide
Help me make the
Most of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
There's a room where the light won't find you
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
When they do, I'll be right behind you
So glad we've almost made it
So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world
I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the world
Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it
One headline, why believe it?
Everybody wants to rule the world
All for freedom and for pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever
Everybody wants to rule the world
The sixth century BC was a very difficult time for the Jewish people. Their holy city and their holy temple had been destroyed, and most of the survivors had been deported into forced exile in Babylon. The difficult challenge they faced was how to survive as exiles in Babylon and maintain their monotheistic faithfulness to Yahweh. How do you integrate into Babylonian society so that you can have a life but at the same time retain your Jewish identity? How do you live in a pagan world without becoming a pagan yourself? This is what the book of Daniel is about.
The Crucifixion is not a defeat to be overturned by Resurrection; the Crucifixion is a victory revealed by Resurrection. The cross was made by Christ to become the portal by which he invaded death to liberate the dead ones.
In Cain the world was organized around an axis of power enforced by violence. Violent power became the organizing principle for human civilization. This is the story of Cain of Abel, the story of Romulus and Remus, the story Sméagol and Déagol. These archetypal stories remind us of dark truths we would rather keep hidden. But Jesus came into the world to shine the light, tell the truth, and re-found the world. In Christ crucified the world is re-founded around an axis of love expressed in forgiveness.
On Good Friday the sin of the world coalesced into a hideous singularity that upon the cross it might be forgiven en masse.
John's poetic prologue to his Gospel is one of the loftiest presentations of Christology in all the New Testament—it's also one of them of the most beautiful passages of Scripture. John's theopoetics reaches its crescendo when proclaims that until we see Jesus, we've never seen God.
When Jesus was dedicated in the Temple, two old prophets -- Simeon and Anna -- spoke of the infant Jesus as Salvation and Redemption. Indeed, Jesus will save both Simeon and Anna, but neither of them knows how.
We look for Jesus in the story of Isaac, because as Christians that is how we read the Bible. Issac is the son of promise. Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises of God. Isaac is the son of laughter. Jesus is the bringer of joy. Isaac is the son of sacrifice. Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Isaac serves as a signpost pointing to the hope, joy, and new life we find in Jesus.
In his many adventures Abraham constantly encountered Christ in some way. Abraham encountered Christ in the Voice that called him out Ur of the Chaldees and into the land of Canaan. In the foreshadowing of Melchizedek king of Salem who gave him bread and wine. In the trinity of strangers he entertained at his tent under the oaks of Mamre. In the smoking oven and burning torch that appeared when the covenant was cut. In the ram caught in the thicket on Mount Moriah on the day Isaac was offered up. Truly Jesus says, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”
Jesus is the Ark that carries the Cosmos away from corruption and into God’s new creation. Just as there was a door placed in the side of the Ark for access to salvation, so the side of Jesus was pierced that creation might enter the heart of Christ and be carried through the flood of destruction and arrive safely in a redeemed world where all things are made new.
Where do we find Jesus in Genesis in relation to Adam? We find Jesus as a new Adam who gives humanity a new original ancestor. We find Jesus in the Seed of the Woman who crushes the head of the serpent. We find Jesus in the One who comes in search of lost Adam.
If we read the Old Testament as only predating Christ instead of deeply anticipating and foreseeing Christ, we have failed to read it in a Christian manner. But when we see Christ as the Creator, as the New Adam, as Noah’s Ark, as Abraham’s sought-after city, as Isaac’s ram on Mount Moriah, as the ladder between heaven and earth that Jacob saw, as foretold in the life of Joseph, then are we reading the Old Testament in the way Jesus taught his disciples to read it following his resurrection.
John Brown went off to war to fight on a foreign shore
His mama sure was proud of him!
He stood so straight and tall in his uniform and all
His mama’s face broke out into a grin
“Oh son, you look so fine, I’m glad you’re a son of mine
Make me proud to know you’re wearing a gun
Do what the captain says, lots of medals you will get
We’ll put them on the wall when you come home”
That old train pulled out, John’s ma began to shout
Telling everybody in the neighborhood
“That’s my son that’s about to go, he’s a soldier now, you know”
She made well sure her neighbors understood
She got a letter once in a while and her face broke into a smile
She showed them to the people from next door
She bragged about her son with his uniform and gun
In this thing she called a good old-fashioned war
Then the letters ceased to come, for a long time they did not come
Ceased to come for about ten months or more
Then a letter finally came saying, “Go down and meet the train
Your son is coming back from the war”
She smiled and she went right down, she looked up and all around
But she did not see her soldier son in sight
When all the people passed, she saw her son at last
When she did she could not believe her eyes
Oh his face was all shot off and his hands were blown away
And he wore a metal brace around his waist
He whispered kind of slow, in a voice she didn’t know
And she couldn’t even recognize his face!
“Oh tell me, my darling son, tell me what they’vd done
How is it that you come to be this way?”
He tried his best to talk but his mouth could hardly move
And the mother had to turn her face away
“Don’t you remember, Ma, when I went off to war
You thought it was the best thing I could do?
I was on the battleground, you were home acting proud
You wasn’t there standing in my shoes”
“Well, I thought when I was there, Lord, what am I doing here?
Tryin’ to kill somebody or die tryin’
But the thing that scared me most was when my enemy came close
I could see that his face looked just like mine”
“And I couldn’t help but think, through the thunder rolling and stink
I was just a puppet in a play
And through the roar and smoke, the string it finally broke
And a cannonball blew my eyes away”
As he turned away to go, his mother was acting slow
Seeing the metal brace that helped him stand
But as he turned to leave, he called his mother close
And he dropped his medals down into her hands
My name was Richard Nixon only now I'm a girl
You wouldn't know it but I used to be the king of the world
Compared to last time I look like I've hit the skids
Living in the project with my two little kids
It's not what I would of chose
Now you have to call me Rose
I was boss of bosses the last time around
I lived by cunning and ambition unbound
The suckers said they'd stand behind me right or wrong
As if they thought that hubris was the mark of the strong
I was an arrogant man
But now I've got it in hand
It's not what I would have chose
Now you have to call me Rose
Call me Rose
Call me Rose
It's not what I would have chose
Now you have to call me Rose
My name was Richard Nixon only now I'm a girl
You wouldn't know it but I used to be the king of the world
I'm back here learning what it is to be poor
To have no power but the strength to endure
I'll perform my penance well
Maybe the memoir will sell
It's not what I would of chose
Now you have to call me Rose
We're all born to broken people on their most honest day of living
And since that first breath we'll need grace that we've never given
I've been haunted by standard red devils and white ghosts
And it's not only when these eyes are closed
These lies are ropes that I tie down in my stomach,
But they hold this ship together tossed like leaves in this weather
And my dreams are sails that I point towards my true north,
Stretched thin over my rib bones, and pray that it gets better
But it won't, at least I don't believe it will
So I've built a wooden heart inside this iron ship,
To sail these blood red seas and find your coast
Don't let these waves wash away your hopes
This war-ship is sinking, and I still believe in anchors
Pulling fist-fulls of rotten wood from my heart, I still believe in saviors
But I know that we are all made out of shipwrecks, every single board
Washed and bound like crooked teeth on these rocky shores
So come on and let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief
And fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach
Come on and sew us together, just tattered rags stained forever
We only have what we remember
I am the barely living son of a woman and man who barely made it
But we're making it taped together on borrowed crutches and new starts
We all have the same holes in our hearts
Everything falls apart at the exact same time
That it all comes together perfectly for the next step
But my fear is this prison, that I keep locked below the main deck
I keep a key under my pillow, it's quiet and it's hidden
And my hopes are weapons that I'm still learning how to use right
But they're heavy and I'm awkward, always running out of fight
So I've carved a wooden heart, put it in this sinking ship
Hoping it would help me float for just a few more weeks
Because I am made out of shipwrecks, every twisted beam
Lost and found like you and me scattered out on the sea
So come on let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief
And fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach
Come on and sew us together, just some tattered rags stained forever
We only have what we remember
My throat it still tastes like house a-fire and salt water
I wear this tide like loose skin, c’mon, rock me to sea
If we hold on tight we'll hold each other together
And not just be some fools rushing to die in our sleep
While these machines will rust I promise, but we'll still be electric
Shocking each other back to life
Your hand in mine, my fingers in your veins connected
Our bones grown together in time
Our hands entwined, my fingers in your veins connected
Our spines grown stronger inside
Because I know that our church is all made out of shipwrecks
From every hull these rocks have claimed
But we pick ourselves up, and try and grow better through the change
So come on and let's wash each other with tears of joy and tears of grief
And fold our lives like crashing waves and run up on this beach
Come on and sew us together, were just tattered rags stained forever
We only have what we remember
Well, I came upon a child of God
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, tell me, where are you going
This he told me
Said, I'm going down to Yasgur's Farm
Gonna join in a rock and roll band
Got to get back to the land and set my soul free
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion year old carbon
And we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden
Well, then can I roam beside you?
I have come to lose the smog,
And I feel myself a cog in something turning
And maybe it's the time of year
Yes and maybe it's the time of man
And I don't know who I am
But life is for learning
We are stardust, we are golden
We are billion year old carbon
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden
By the time we got to Woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere was a song and a celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bomber death planes
Riding shotgun in the sky,
Turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust, we are golden
We are caught in the devil’s bargain
And we got to get ourselves back to the garden
Saw a man's home, a box made of cardboard
Frozen to the bone, can't take much more
He says Lord I need help here, send me a strong hand
To lift me from the street, help me to stand
I've been forgotten, been forsaken
Poisoned by a bottle I could not shake it
I've been passed over, been rejected
And I'm afraid I'll never feel
The warmth of summer come again
Man I am helpless, I'm freezing
You were there, you were there
I saw a sick man on a sick bed
Scorned by the world like he had two heads
He says I'm a man here dying a cruel death
I'm cut off from the world, man it was so sad
He was suffering, he was ailing
Tortured by his fate, his body was failing
He says I'm an outcast, left defenseless
And I'm afraid that I'll be dead
Before the summer comes again
I've been rejected, man I am dying
You were there, you were there
Saw a rich man alone in a dark house
A prison made of gold he could not break out
He says my life is aimless, it just seems pointless
Boredom truly kills, man I am hopeless
I got diamonds, I got houses
I got silver clouds and silver spoons to match it
I've come up empty, man I am desperate
And I never want to feel
The warmth of summer come again
I'll be forgotten, my life is over
You were there, you were there
You were there, Lord, you were there
When I was young it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical
And all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily
Joyfully, playfully watching me
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible
Logical, oh responsible, practical
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable
Clinical, intellectual, cynical
There are times when all the world's asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am
Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical
Liberal, fanatical, criminal
Won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're acceptable
Respectable, presentable, a vegetable!
Oh, take it take it yeah
At night, when all the world's asleep
The questions run so deep
For such a simple man
Won't you please tell me what we've learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am
When things become unsettled, we typically look for some kind of change, something new, but what we need right now is not a new car, a new job, a new spouse, a new church, or a new country. What we need in the midst of all this craziness is a new hope. Faith, hope, and love all work together. Faith is a present reality oriented towards the past, what God has done. Hope is a present reality oriented towards the future, what God will do. Love is that present reality made known by the Holy Spirit.
When David returned to his home in Ziklag, he encountered disaster -- he had lost everything. His house had burned down, his possessions had all been stolen, his family had been kidnapped. What do you do on a day like that? How do you recover from such devastating loss?
The living God is the God who speaks. This God who knows you, loves you, and calls you by name, will speak to you. You can learn to discern the voice of God. And this is a wonderful thing, because one word from God can change your life.
We live in a moment when almost everyone feels weary and worn. Too much has come at us too fast. We are facing no less than four crises at once: A public health crisis; an economic crisis; a political crisis; a racial justice crisis. In addition to these we still have to deal with whatever personal crises may come our way. We are weary and worn. And to the weary and worn Jesus says, “Come to me. You're weary and I want to give you rest. You're worn out from heavy burdens—let me lighten your load. The world is harsh, but I am gentle; the age is arrogant, but I am humble; the times are hard, but my yoke is easy. Come to me and I will give you rest.”
When I begin to feel pessimistic about the way things are in the world, I remember that the world will be saved, because God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world. Because Jesus is the Savior of the world, the world will be saved. The Word of the Father sent from heaven will not return in vain—it will succeed! This is not an excuse for irresponsibility or apathy, but an invitation to trust Jesus and to cooperate with the Savior in saving the world.
To cultivate joy that is not dependent upon acquisition or events is deeply Christian. It also subverts the powers who want to control everything, including our joy. The powers want to dictate when and why we can rejoice, and then sell it to us. Rebel, and rejoice in the Lord! This is the scandalous joy given to us by Jesus.
One of the most important stories in the history of Israel is the story of their exile in Babylon. Israel's experience with exile informs so much of the Bible that its importance cannot not be overemphasized. The story of exile is what sets up the good news of Jesus.
The life of discipleship (which is to say the Christian life) is a life of obedience to Jesus. When the church lets decisions replace discipleship, we drift into nominal Christianity.
This church and that church may come and go with the tides of time, but the Church, built upon the foundation of the revelation that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, will outlast the gates of Death and endure from generation to generation.
The foundation for Christian faith is the revelation of Jesus Christ; not the Church, not the Bible. The revelation of Jesus is where our faith begins and it cannot begin anywhere else. The Church and the Bible are essential, but they are not the foundation. And both the Church and the Bible teach us this.
“The Psalms are not for those whose life is one of uninterrupted equilibrium. Such people should stay safely in the book of Proverbs.” –Walter Brueggemann
In the world of the king, in the safe confines of the palace, just reward and proper punishment are seen as a sure thing. But the Psalms see a much more complicated world. The Psalms give us a perspective from the bottom, from the outside, from the poor, from the forgotten. The Psalms give us prayers for an unpredictable world where just reward and proper punishment are not always the guaranteed outcome.
When Jesus says he’s the way, he means he’s the way to Father’s House. And what is the Father’s House? It’s the House of Love. We constantly have to choose between the House of Fear and the House of Love.
On their 40th wedding anniversary Brian and Peri Zahnd talk about a life of following Jesus together.
Have you ever said goodbye to a hero?
Have you ever had to lay away your dreams?
Have you ever been so lonely that a stranger is your best friend?
Then you'll know what I mean
So this is our highway to heaven
Our American dream
The two fools on the road to emmaus
Well they might as well be you and me
Have you ever been angry at your country?
Have you ever been angry at your God?
Have you ever been so angry that you can't see what you've got right in front of you?
Have you ever been distracted by the homeless?
Have you ever thrown your dollar with disgust?
Have you ever thought the great commission's just too great a cost?
Have you ever played the fool?
-Jason Upton
When Jesus died his soul descended to hell, Hades, Sheol, the realm of the dead. But Jesus did not enter Hades as a captive, Jesus invaded Hades as a conqueror. Because Jesus is fully human, he could die and descend into Hades. But Jesus is fully God, it was impossible for Hades to hold Christ as a captive.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just a one-off personal victory for Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus Christ has cosmic implications -- new heavens and new earth! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the event that guarantees the resurrection of the human race! This is what the Apostles and the early church taught and emphasized. But somewhere along the way this emphasis got lost in the West. Now is the time to recover The gospel message that the resurrection of Christ is the resurrection of the dead ones.
Coming from the Mount of Olives, Jesus not only entered Jerusalem from the opposite direction than the Roman governor, but in the opposite manner. Instead of riding a warhorse like Pilate and all the warhorse riders throughout history, Jesus rides a donkey, and not even a full grown donkey, but a donkey’s colt. Jesus’ triumphal entry was the anti-military parade. It was a mockery of Rome’s intimidating show of military power. It also presented Jerusalem with a stark contrast between the way of war and the way of peace.
On three occasions in Galilee, Jesus foretold his death by crucifixion. But in Jerusalem, a few days before his death, Jesus talked about the meaning of his crucifixion. We cannot attempt to understand the meaning of the crucifixion without paying attention to how Jesus understood his death. Jesus interprets the meaning of his crucifixion by saying it will accomplish three things:
1. It will judge the world.
2. It will cast out the ruler of the world.
3. It will draw the whole world to him.
In the time of coronavirus the question isn't who can we blame, the question is how we can love and who can we help. We don't know what's going to happen, but we know we're not abandoned. We can't control our lives, but we trust God. We can help everyone, but we can help someone
We find ourselves here again at the the well in Samaria. This sermon invites us into the story of the woman at the well with a fresh perspective and a daunting challenge. Are we willing to see this woman as strong and brave? Are we willing to follow her lead and visit the places of our own pain? In doing so, we will find a God who doesn’t exempt himself from places of pain, but rather makes himself present there in that very place.
At the Transfiguration the disciples had a powerful encounter with the brightness of Jesus in his divine glory. During the season of Lent we can let the brightness of Jesus shine into some of the dark places of our hearts. Shadowy places develop in our hearts when we are living from a place of pretense or hypocrisy. Shadowy places expand in our hearts when we move away from love. God wants to do incredible things in our world and God has chosen to do those things through the church. God wants to set right a world gone wrong and that begins with setting his people right. Lent is a time for self-examination and repentance, a time to allow the brightness of Jesus to shine in our hearts to reveal pockets of our hearts that still do not look like Jesus.
In speaking of the devil I mean something, though not precisely, like this: Experiences of evil and pressure toward evil that become disturbingly present in our lived experience. We all have these experiences with evil from time to time, and in those moments there’s no doubt that the devil is real. And are angels heavenly energies of grace that are generally non-material (as we understand materiality) but can at times assume a material presence? This seems to be what C.S. Lewis thought and I tend to agree.
During Lent we follow Jesus from Galilee to Good Friday in Jerusalem. It’s a journey to the center of salvation. That the cross is the center of salvation is a confession all Christians can agree on, but precisely how the cross is the epicenter of salvation belongs to sacred mystery. The cross is a mystery, not because we have no idea what it means, but because we can never fully fathom or articulate the depth of its meaning.
Jesus who is the light of the world says that we are salt and light. As salt, Jesus is sprinkling us throughout the earth that we might provide moral flavor and preserve society from collapsing in on itself due to moral rot and decay. As light, we are reflecting the light of God's love into a world growing dark because of tribalism, rage, and despair. We are called to reflect something different in the world God loves. The pollution of perpetual rage has left people in a place of bitterness, cynicism, and despair, which is an awful state of existence. We who follow Jesus are the hopeful hope-bringers who shine the hope of the gospel into the darkness of despair.
Moses says if Israel is going truly be the people of God they must have a different economy.
The Prophets say worship is meaningless if it doesn't affect how we make and spend our money.
Jesus says love of money is the single biggest challenge to full participation in the kingdom of God
The Apostles say the newness of Christ touches all areas of our life, including our money.
The interesting thing about Jesus and money is that he really doesn't say anything other than what Moses had already said. What Jesus does is call his followers to take seriously what Moses said about money and to live according to God’s alternative economy. We see this especially in the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler.
“True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar; it is not haphazard and superficial. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring. A true revolution of values will soon look uneasily on the glaring contrast of poverty and wealth.” –Martin Luther King, Jr. (1967)
Other than God himself, the Bible talks more about money than any other topic. We cannot separate our relationship with God from how we think about, how we make, and how we spend our money!
A portent is a sign that anticipates a momentous event. Isaiah’s Arise, Shine song is a portent of the three kings who came from the East bearing gifts to pay homage to the Christ child. But the event itself — the Adoration of the Magi — is a portent of an even more momentous event: The Gentile world coming to faith in Jesus Christ.
When the angel appeared to the shepherds, he gave them five gold rings in the Christmas announcement. These five announcements ring true:
Fear Not
Good News
Great Joy
All People
A Savior
It’s only by reading the Scriptures in the light of Christ that we get their full meaning. No one could have “predicted” that Messiah would be born of virgin from Isaiah 7. But once we are told that Messiah was born of virgin, then we can see it. Christians must read all the Bible in the light of Christ to discover all its riches
Advent is for waiting. As we tell the story of redemption through the church calendar we begin our telling of the sacred story, not with doing, not with celebrating, but with waiting — waiting for God to act.
Isaiah envisions a day when a Messianic king will rule in righteousness, causing the beastly to be converted and to live humanely with the most vulnerable in society. It's the glorious day when the lion lays down with the lamb.
Jesus Christ is the light that enlightens every person. In the light of Christ we know that narcissism is a deformity of the soul because in the life of Jesus we see self-sacrifice. In the light of Christ we know that materialism is a wrong orientation of the soul because in the life of Jesus we find no greed. In the light of Christ we know that nativism is odious because in the life of Jesus we see radical hospitality.
When you are grieving and in great pain, pour out your lamentation to God, but hold on to your ticket. Remember that life is a precious gift, affirm the goodness of creation, love every leaf and every grain of sand, and trust God. Trust that, in the end, God is able to make all things work together for good, that God will wipe away every tear, and that God will make all things new.
When we encounter tragedy, the question is not, Who can we blame? The question is, How can we help? If the framing question in tragedy is, Who can we blame?, then we end up doing the work of the devil. But if the framing question in tragedy is, How can we help?, we will do the work of God.
The Book of Job exposes the satanic practice of blame. The book presents a test to the reader: Can the reader hold onto what God says about Job — that Job was blameless. Most readers cannot. Eventually they are seduced into agreeing with the arguments set forth by Job’s accusers. Most readers end up forgetting what God has said about Job and agreeing with what Satan says about Job. This shows us the insidious lure of the satanic temptation to blame a scapegoat. It’s a temptation that really only Jesus can save us from.
“The essential thing in heaven and in earth is that there should be a long OBEDIENCE in the same direction that thereby results, in the long run, in something which makes life worth living—virtue, art, music, dancing, reason, spirituality—anything whatsoever that is transfiguring, refined, foolish, or divine.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche
Jesus shows us what it means to be family. We are fully seen and known by him. Even after diving deep into the details of our lives he still calls us family. This is how we are called to love each other as well. To go out of our way and be troubled by what troubles others is the love Jesus challenges us to live.
It feels good to be chosen, because it communicates to us that we are wanted. It communicates that not only are we welcomed, but we are wanted. It creates a sense of belonging. Psychologists since the 1950s have said that a sense of belonging is a fundamental human need. You feel like you belong when you know you have been chosen. As followers of Jesus we have been chosen, not for salvation, but for a vocation, for a mission to bear the image of God in the world. We live in a wolf-world and Jesus isn't sending us out to be a better version of the wolf. Jesus is sending us out like sheep among wolves. Jesus is sending us out to be distinctly different, a chosen and holy people. It is through our holiness, our distinctiveness, that we fulfill God's call for us.
You were made to worship, because you are human. Worship is a human quality. We all have the capacity to look towards something outside ourselves, to give attention to some version of the good life, to give our hearts and devotion to something or someone. This is what worship is and we were made for this. Our hearts were made for worship just as our bodies were made to move. We were made for worship. For followers of Jesus, God is looking for worshipers who will worship God in spirit and truth.
From Moses to Mary we see God calling individuals to specific tasks and special vocations through peculiar and powerful events. This can leave us awestruck and distraught at the same time, wondering what our calling may be and if we have missed our calling. In Christ we discover that we are all called and our calling is more about who are becoming than what we are specifically doing.
We are created to be people of peace. Jesus is present with us in the midst of our fears and worries. Rather than participate in the chaos Jesus invites us into the peace of His presence through prayer. Prayer is the place that makes space for peace.
There is a sense in our day that the drive for more is driving us crazy. Jesus wants to liberate us from this madness of more, setting us free to rest in his grace. Jesus says to us, “Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest.” May we learn to walk the way of thankfulness and trust, seeing more than enough wherever we look.
The second most important question a person can answer is "Who are you?" This question follows the most important question "Who is Jesus?" As we look to Jesus and the cross we can honestly answer, "I am loved." Shame is soul-crushing and can keep us from believing the truth about who we really are. The good news is that shame has been defeated by Jesus' death and resurrection. The words of shame are not who we are. We are people who are loved. In the words of Henri Nouwen, “We are not what we do. We are not what we have. We are not what others think of us. Coming home is claiming the truth. I am the beloved child of a loving Creator. We no longer have to beg for permission from the world to exist.”
Mama, take this badge off of me
I can’t use it anymore
It’s gettin’ dark, too dark to see
I feel I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can’t shoot them anymore
That long black cloud is comin’ down
I feel I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
Jesus just left Chicago
And he's bound for New Orleans
Well now, Jesus just left Chicago
And he's bound for New Orleans
Workin' from one end to the other and all points in between
Took a junk through Mississippi
Well, muddy water turned to wine
Took a junk through Mississippi
Muddy water turned to wine
Then out to California through the forests and the pines
Ah, take me with you, Jesus
You might not see him in person
But he'll see you just the same
You might not see him in person
But he'll see you just the same
You don't have to worry 'cause takin' care of business is his name
Now I've been happy lately
Thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be
Something good has begun
Oh, I've been smiling lately
Dreaming about the world as one
And I believe it could be
Someday it's going to come
'Cause out on the edge of darkness
There rides a peace train
Oh, peace train take this country
Come take me home again
Now I've been smiling lately,
Thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be,
Something good has begun
Oh, peace train sounding louder
Glide on the peace train
Come on now peace train
Yes, peace train holy roller
Everyone jump upon the peace train
Come on now, peace train
Get your bags together,
Go bring your good friends, too
'Cause it's getting nearer,
It soon will be with you
Now come and join the living,
It's not so far from you
And it's getting nearer,
Soon it will all be true
Oh, peace train sounding louder
Glide on the peace train
Come on the peace train
Peace train
Now I've been crying lately,
Thinking about the world as it is
Why must we go on hating,
Why can't we live in bliss
'Cause out on the edge of darkness,
There rides a peace train
Oh peace train take this country,
Come take me home again
Oh, peace train sounding louder
Glide on the peace train
Come on the peace train
Yes, peace train holy roller
Everyone jump upon the peace train
Come on, come on, come on
Yes, come on, the peace train
Yes, it's the peace train
Come on the peace train
Oh, peace train
I want to live, I want to give
I've been a miner for a heart of gold
It's these expressions I never give
That keep me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old
Keep me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old
I've been to Hollywood, I've been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold
I've been in my mind, it's such a fine line
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold and I'm getting old
Saw you stretched out in room 1009
With a smile on your face and a tear right in your eye
Could not seem to get a line on you, my sweet honey love
Berber jewelry jangling down the street
Making bloodshot eyes at every woman that you meet
Could not seem to get high on you, my sweet honey love
May the good Lord shine a light on you
Make every song your favorite tune
May the good Lord shine a light on you
Warm like the evening sun
When you're drunk in the elevator with your clothes all torn
And your late night friends leave you in the cold gray dawn
Just seen too many flies on you, I just can't brush them off
Angels beating all their wings in time
With smiles on their faces and a gleam right in their eyes
Thought I heard one sigh for you
Come on up, come on up, now, come on up now
May the good Lord shine a light on you
Make every song you sing your favorite tune
May the good Lord shine a light on you
Warm like the evening sun
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be alright
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
Well, all I can tell brother is you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be alright
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change your head
You tell me that it's institution
Well, you know
You better free you mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be alright
“There must be some way out of here,” said the joker to the thief
“There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief
Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth”
“No reason to get excited,” the thief, he kindly spoke
“There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I, we’ve been through that, and this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late”
All along the watchtower, princes kept the view
While all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too
Outside in the cold distance a wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching, and the wind began to howl
Justice is the presence of God’s healing presence in the world. It's God’s ongoing work of setting right a world gone wrong. When people are suffering, where the strong oppress the weak, when people are suffering lack, the justice of God comes. When the brokenness of our world keeps people pushed aside and robbed of dignity and value, the justice of God comes to heal and restore. When we do justice and love kindness we are joining God in God's mission on the earth.
God is like Jesus.
God has always been like Jesus.
There has never been a time when God was not like Jesus.
Just like we have four directions and four seasons, we have four Gospels. These four distinct, yet complimentary witnesses, give us a full portrait of Jesus Christ. We need all four Gospels just like we need the whole body of Christ. Luke, the third Gospel written, gives us the most human picture of Jesus. It's from Luke that we see the prayer and table practices of Jesus.
Matthew opens his Gospel with these words: “The book of the genesis of Jesus Christ.” So we could say that Matthew is the Genesis of the New Testament. But in a Christian reading of Scripture, Matthew is actually the genesis of the whole Bible—for it is only as we look back on the Old Testament through the light of Jesus Christ that we can read the Old Testament in its proper light.
The New Testament opens with four Gospel witnesses to the life of Jesus Christ. Each of these Gospels has their own voice, perspective, and particular emphasis. The Gospels are not mere biographies—they are theologically driven documents. They differ in historic details because they’re interested in theological reflection. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are not mere biographers, they are theologians.
On Trinity Sunday the church emphasizes that the living God is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Trinity is not a word found in Scripture, rather it is a formulation within the Christian religion drawn by the church from Scripture in concert with the Holy Spirit. It took the church three centuries to arrive at the creedal statement about the Trinity set forth in the year 325. In the Council of Nicaea we see how the Holy Spirit works with the church in the development of the Christian religion. But I also know that some modern protestants balk at Christianity being referred to as a religion. So today I want to address the question: Is Christianity a Religion?
Visions are for when you’re holding on tight and are looking for direction. Dreams are for when you’re letting go and have less to lose — or something like that. Visions are prose and need a plan. Dreams are poetry and only need be dreamt. Visions are still a little bit tethered to what we tend to think is possible. Dreams are a portal to a world where all things are possible. We are free to dream of that which we have no idea how it could come to pass. Much of the Bible is the poetry from those inspired dreamers we call prophets.
The ascension of Jesus given to us in Acts 1 pictures Jesus going up into heaven. Jesus has gone up into heaven until the day when he brings heaven down to earth. So what is Jesus doing up there? In the Apostles' Creed we confess, "He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father," a place of authority, so when you hear “ascension” think “promotion.” Jesus was promoted to the right hand of the Father. Though hidden from our eyes, we believe Jesus is ruling and reigning over the earth from the control room of heaven.
In the closing chapters of the Bible, the lost garden of Eden and Abraham’s sought-after city are combined in the garden metropolis of the Lamb. The arrival of New Jerusalem is celebrated as a great wedding. Just as Jesus began his ministry at the wedding in Cana, now the ascended Christ presides over the marriage of heaven and earth. The tragic divorce between heaven and earth is now reconciled by the Lamb. Today every local church is to be a suburb of New Jerusalem.
The book of Revelation is the most prophetic book in the Bible; it’s a prophetic interpretation of the cataclysmic events of the AD 60s and 70s; it’s a prophetic critique of the Roman Empire and thus all empire; it’s a prophetic exposé of the idolatry of civil worship; and most of all, the book of Revelation is a prophetic depiction in sign and symbol of the ultimate triumph of Christ. It’s from the Apocalypse that we gain the Christian eschatological hope of God in Christ making all things new.
When we dare to read the book of Revelation we find all manner of strangeness — angels and demons, dragons and beasts, bowls of blood and a bejeweled city, angels with four faces and locusts with human faces, cryptic numbers like 144,000 and 666, a beast with seven heads and ten horns and a lamb with seven eyes and seven horns, a great whore drunk on blood and a pregnant woman clothed with the sun, three frogs that deceive kings and an angel that tells John to eat a scroll, wars in heaven and wars on earth, blood as high as a horses’ bridal and angles falling like stars, lakes of fire and rivers of life, a fallen Babylon and a New Jerusalem!
The New Testament gives us about eight accounts of Jesus appearing to people following his resurrection. First to Mary Magdalene in the garden; then to a group of women as they left the empty tomb; to Cleopas and his wife on the Emmaus Road on Easter afternoon; to ten disciples in the upper room on Easter evening; to Thomas a week later; to seven disciples beside the Sea of Galilee; to all of the disciples on a mountain in Galilee; and finally, as to one untimely born, to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. What all of these appearances have in common is that they all contain an element of surprise. To encounter the risen Lord is to be surprised by Jesus.
Thomas, the disciple of Jesus. Thomas the twin. Thomas the one who doubted. But Thomas was no more inclined to doubt than any of the other disciples, it’s just that Thomas had not had their experience; so Thomas had a roadblock to belief. We’re told that Thomas had a twin. Who is the twin of Thomas? We are. In a secular age we’ve all encountered the same roadblock to belief as Thomas. As sons of the Enlightenment and daughters of Modernity we’re all Thomas now.
Throughout Lent we’ve been seeking to encounter the Unvarnished Jesus. In 46 daily meditations and seven sermons we’ve been looking at and listening to Jesus Christ. We’ve seen him announce and enact the kingdom of God by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, casting out demons, and forgiving sinners. We’ve seen Jesus on his long journey toward the royal city of Jerusalem; a journey toward coronation by crucifixion; a journey into danger and death; a journey that ends with Jesus buried in a garden, laid to rest inside a rock-hewn tomb. Now, on Easter Sunday, we see Jesus on the Other Side.
That Jesus was crucified with victims on either side of him presents us with a powerful image: Jesus among the victims in solidarity with them, but simultaneously becoming the dividing point. How we respond to Jesus determines everything. One thief sees in Jesus the possibility of a new kingdom and believes. The other thief, though himself a victim, can’t resist participating in the old way of victimizing others. Only one response leads to the paradise of union with Christ.
Jesus arrived in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in order to be crowned King and inaugurate the Kingdom of God. During his coronation and passion Jesus stood before all three representatives of the principalities and powers — Joseph Caiaphas the High Priest, Herod the King of Judea, and Pontius Pilate the Roman Governor.
All four Gospels give an account of Jesus being anointed by a woman as an act of worship. In Matthew and Mark, Mary, the sister of Lazarus and Martha, anoints Jesus’ head in Bethany following the Triumphal Entry. In Luke an unnamed woman who was a notorious sinner anoints Jesus’ feet and wipes them with her hair in the home of Simon the Pharisee in Galilee. In John these two anointings are combined. Mary of Bethany anoints Jesus’ feet and wipes them with her hair just before the Triumphal Entry. But in all four accounts the woman is criticized by someone for her extravagant worship, yet defended and commended by Jesus.
The parable of the prodigal son is one of the most important stories of our faith. As with any truly great story, this parable invites everyone everywhere throughout all time to find themselves somewhere in this tale of a father and two sons. Jesus' brilliance is on full display as he invites us to see the father's love afresh and anew in our own lives. He challenges the notion that we can earn God's love for ourselves or withhold his love from others. Jesus reminds us that the love of the father is readily available in abundance for everyone.
Some Galilean Passover pilgrims had been executed when they rioted against Roman occupation and eighteen people had perished in a Jerusalem building collapse. Jesus commented on these tragedies by saying, unless your rethink everything, you will all perish in the same way. Jesus is not talking about afterlife issues, but warning Jerusalem against embracing the way of war. Jesus is saying to them, if you don’t rethink war and peace according to what I’m teaching, you’re all going to die by Roman swords and collapsing buildings. And this is exactly what happened forty years later when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70 and according to Josephus 600,000 people perished. War is hell. And there is no way to peace — peace is the way.
Salvation is this: to live in the kingdom of God—the kingdom that comes from heaven bringing peace, justice, and human flourishing to the earth, and where King Jesus bestows forgiveness upon all, and finally, at the end of the age, raises the dead.
In the wilderness the devil tempted Jesus with three good ideas:
1. Feed everyone.
2. Liberate everyone.
3. Persuade everyone.
And who would disagree that these are good ideas? But Jesus discerned the devil lurking in those good ideas. The devil's good ideas were really these not so good ideas...
1. Feed everyone and forget God.
2. Liberate everyone and kill the bad guys.
3. Persuade everyone and eliminate faith.
Jesus is the perfect epiphany of who God is. Reading the Bible without the spirit of Jesus is a veiled and death-dealing reading of Scripture. This why Augustine said, "It is not the Old Testament that is done away with in Christ, but the concealing veil, so that it may be understood through Christ."
Loving is a kind of knowing. We know God not only by collecting information about God. We know God by loving the way God loves. We love our enemies because God loves them. God loves the people we hate. When we love those who judge us, make fun of us, insult us, dismiss us, or judge us we see who God is and who we are supposed to be. Hate is a destructive force. When we respond to enemies with hate, it begins to deform our hearts. When we love our enemies we find our true selves and we free ourselves from hate and the need to serve as judge, jury, and executioner.
In Matthew's account of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus opens his sermon with the Beatitudes -- eight blessings. In Luke's account of the Sermon on the Plain, Jesus also opens his sermon with the Beatitudes -- this time four blessings. But in the Sermon on the Plain Jesus also pronounces four woes. Luke's Gospel reminds us that the Kingdom of Christ brings both blessing and woe.
You may feel like a sinner; you may feel guilty; you may feel like a failure; but none of that matters. Keep believing in the boundless mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will see the goodness of God in the land of the living.
The Bible is a dangerous book — especially if you emphasize the parts people would rather overlook. In his hometown the people of Nazareth tried to throw Jesus off a cliff. Why? Because Jesus told the stories prophets tell — and no prophet is accepted in his hometown.
Throughout history the Bible has been misused to justify wars of conquest, genocide, the institution of slavery, women held as property, and any number of other egregious abuses. But to do this we have to ignore the greatest truth the Bible gives us: Jesus Christ is Lord of All! As Christians we are not allowed to use the Bible to disobey Jesus! All Scripture is fulfilled in and by Jesus Christ. So if we don’t see it in Jesus, we let it go—because even the Bible must bow to Jesus.
Every baptism is a new Exodus from the bondage of Egypt and a new entrance into the Promised Land of freedom and forgiveness in Christ. Every baptism is a spiritual incorporation into a new Israel — an Israel no longer defined by ethnicity, circumcision, and Torah observance, but defined by faith, baptism, and loyalty to Jesus. This new Israel is what the Apostle Paul calls the Body of Christ or the New Humanity.
On January 6 we commemorate the epiphany granted to the magi from the east—Persian astronomers, astrologers, magicians who discerned an auspicious sign in the stars and made a thousand mile journey to worship the Christ child in Bethlehem. These magi were the first Gentile worshipers of the King of the Jews and with their famous gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, they foretold that Mary’s child would not just be King of the Jews, but King of Kings. After seeing and worshiping the infant King indicated by the Christmas star, they returned to their own country, but by another way, because they would never be the same.
When we think of Jesus we mostly think of the man of his ministry years. At Christmastime we also think of the baby Jesus lying in the manger of Bethlehem. But there’s one episode in the Gospels that takes place between infancy and ministry. It’s the episode of the boy Jesus when he was in Jerusalem at the age of twelve
In the eighth century BC the Hebrew prophet Micah of Morasheth said that Bethlehem would be the place where a new king of the Jews would be born. Bethlehem was a small village five miles south of Jerusalem, but it was also the place where three hundred years earlier King David had been born. In other words, Micah was prophesying that in Bethlehem a new kingdom of Israel would begin. But we who know the Christmas story can say much more than that — we can say that Bethlehem is where The Second Half of Human History began!
When God lives among us salvation will swallow up our sorrows, sweep away our troubles, and we will fear no more. When God lives among us our salvation will have come. Salvation is not a program or a plan, salvation is not three steps or four laws—salvation is what happens when God lives among us.
During Advent we prepare the way for a “second coming" of Christ into our lives. Yes, Jesus Christ shall come again to judge the living and the dead. Amen. But the living Christ also comes to us again and again in fresh new ways, and we must prepare the way for these new comings of Christ. We prepare the way by cultivating a willingness to change. Dietrich Bonhoeffer put more bluntly: "When a human being confronts Jesus the human being must either die or kill Jesus.”
Advent is for waiting. And our Advent hope is rooted in sacred memory — the memory of the story of salvation that we tell through the Christian calendar. We begin the year-long telling of the salvation story, not by celebrating, but by waiting — waiting for God to act. But that’s the problem, we don’t really like waiting, because waiting is not having. Waiting assumes a kind of poverty, we wait because we lack. And in our Amazon and Instagram age of one-click consumerism and careful image cultivation we a conditioned to be ashamed of our poverty, of our lack, of our having to…wait. In our waiting it can feel like the embarrassment of sitting alone at a table for two and telling the maître d' that our date will show up any moment, yet inwardly we’re already feeling the shame of having been stood up. Our waiting has been in vain and we feel ashamed. But here’s the message of Advent: None who wait for God will be put to shame.
I know I’m speaking idealistically, but I’m a dreamer (and I’m not the only one), so let me just say it. There’s no place on earth like the church. A place where Matthew 25 is just a normal day — a place where the poor are fed and clothed, the sick are helped and healed (who do you think invented hospitals?), a place where the immigrant is welcomed, and the prisoner is given dignity. A place where everyone is saint and sinner. A place where a judge and a felon can sit side by side on the same pew with equal status in Christ. A place where we not only carry each other’s burdens, but when necessary carry each other, because, despite our vast differences in education and opportunity, opinions and politics, we are learning to love one another like Jesus loves us — unconditionally. Yes, I know I’m speaking like a dreamer, but I’m dreaming with my eyes wide open, because I’ve seen everything I’ve just described right here at Word of Life Church. Amen.
The Babylonian exile was a time of theological deconstruction for Israel. The literal destruction of Jerusalem and the temple gave the Hebrew prophets space to rethink things. And they did. They dreamed of a new Israel, a new Jerusalem, a new temple, and a new covenant.
If we’re schooled in denial we don’t know what to do with suffering when it comes. But the Hebrew people—formed in the crucible of suffering—know what to do. You write a poem, sing a song, create a lament that gives full expression to the pain you feel. You make art out of your pain so that you can give it away to God.
Jeremiah was a prophet for the end times; and we need such prophets because things are always coming to an end. It’s hubris and idolatry to think that anything other than God and his kingdom lasts forever. Nations and empires, institutions and economies, moments, movements, and even our lives all come to an end. But prophets like Jeremiah help us accept these inevitable endings and see the purposes of God in them.
This road we are on following Jesus isn’t pretty or neat and tidy. It’s hard to follow Jesus. Whoever told you otherwise is selling Jesus short. Following Jesus is thrilling and rewarding, but it isn't easy. We have to accept hardship as the pathway to the peace that Jesus talks about. The psalms have been given to us as very real, very honest language to be used to reach out to God through the hardships of the Christian life including the hardships of patience, perseverance, forgiveness, and love.
This beautiful pilgrim psalm is a meditation on the mercy of God. The psalmist sings about how God does not mark iniquities, about God’s plenteous forgiveness, about God’s steadfast love, about God’s great power to redeem. It’s also a song about waiting with hope. The soul of the pilgrim waits for the mercy of God...more than the watchman for the morning. Yes, we wait for the mercy of God—mercy as sure as the morning.
"Sometimes when I stand in some corner of Auschwitz, my feet planted on Your earth, my eyes raised toward Your heaven, tears sometimes run down my face, tears of deep emotion and gratitude. And I want to be there right in the thick of what people call “horror” and still be able to say: life is beautiful. And now I lie here in a corner, dizzy and feverish and unable to do a thing. But I am also with the jasmine and with that piece of sky beyond my window. For once you have begun to walk with God, you need only keep on walking with Him and all of life becomes one long stroll—such a marvelous feeling." -Etty Hillesum (1914-1943)
Pilgrimage (a journey of a spiritual nature) has always been a practice among spiritual seekers. The ancient Jews were to make three pilgrimages a year to the holy city of Jerusalem. This is the context for Psalm 84 — it’s a meditation on the pilgrim journey to Zion. As such it's a profound reflection upon the all-important journey of the heart — an inner pilgrimage toward a mature revelation of God.
On the journey of life, we will find ourselves as both the helper and the helped. The myth of the self-made man is a strong belief in our culture, but an honest reflection on life will find "no man is an island entire of itself." We are a God-made mankind and it is not good that we are alone. Therefore, may find comfort in a God who is good and faithful - who's help most often comes through other people.
We are resurrection people not only because believe in the doctrine of the resurrection. We are resurrection people because we practice resurrection. We walk in newness of life. There are four practices that open up the door to all the other practices of the faith, namely awareness, learning, reflecting, and action. When we adopt these four practices, the way of life opens up for us.
“The devout Christian of the future will either be a ‘mystic,’ one who has ‘experienced’ something, or he will cease to be anything at all. –Karl Rahner
The tsunami of secularism will be survived, not by clever apologetics, or by waging misguided culture wars, or by pining away for an irretrievable past, but being a person who has had their own mystical experience with God.
My Back Pages
Bob Dylan
Crimson flames tied through my ears
Rollin’ high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads
Using ideas as my maps
“We’ll meet on edges, soon,” said I
Proud ’neath heated brow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth
“Rip down all hate,” I screamed
Lies that life is black and white
Spoke from my skull. I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers
Foundationed deep, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Girls’ faces formed the forward path
From phony jealousy
To memorizing politics
Of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists
Unthought of, though, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
A self-ordained professor’s tongue
Too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty
Is just equality in school
“Equality,” I spoke the word
As if a wedding vow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
In a soldier’s stance, I aimed my hand
At the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not I’d become my enemy
In the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats
Mutiny from stern to bow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats
Too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking
I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms
Quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I’m younger than that now
There Is A Light
And if the terrors of the night
come creeping into your days
And the world comes, stealing children from your room
Guard your innocence
From hallucination
and know that darkness always gathers around the light
There is a light you can’t always see
If there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark that we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light, don’t let it go out
When the winds screams and shouts
And the sea is a dragon’s tail
And the ship that stole your heart away sets sail
When all you’ve left is leaving
And all you got is grieving
And all you know is needing
If there is a light you can’t always see
If there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark that we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light, don’t let it go out
Cause this is a song
A song for someone
Someone like me
I know the world is done
But you don’t have to be
I’ve got a question for the child in you before it leaves
Are you tough enough to be kind?
Do you know your heart has it’s own mind?
Darkness gathers around the light
Hold on, hold on
There is a light you can’t always see
If there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark that we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light don’t let it go out
And this is a song
A song for someone
This is a song
A song for someone
Someone like me
Someone like me
Someone like me
A portion like madness in season
Bracing all like a breaking of reason
With every night lost and every day torn
With the drama feeling calmer and it's calmer in the storm
Speakers are crying like a forest in the rain
I was so alone with my thoughts and my pain
And the darkness closed like a mouth on a wild night
I'll never be free
Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way
I can't stand on my own anymore
I can't stand in the stain of the broken and poor
I can't break what I held and it never was true
In the mirror what I said was a lie to you
And me and everything I see and everything I could
I tried so hard to be good
For myself, for you, for the hidden and divine
For everything but I can fail just so many times
Ooh, in this darkness
Please light my way
Light my way
I'm passing sleeping cities
Fading by degrees
Not believing all I see to be so
I'm flyin' over backyards
Country homes and ranches
Watching life between the branches below
And it's hard to say
Who you are these days
But you run on anyway
Don't you baby?
You keep running for another place
To find that saving grace
I'm moving on alone
Over ground that no one owns
Past statues that atone for my sins
There's a guard on every door
And a drink on every floor
Overflowing with a thousand amens
And it's hard to say
Who you are these days
But you run on anyway
Don't you baby?
You keep running for another place
To find that saving grace
Don't you baby?
You're rolling up the carpet
Of your father's two-room mansion
No headroom for expansion no more
And there's a corner of the floor
They're telling you is yours
You're confident but not really sure
And it's hard to say
Who you are these days
But you run on anyway
Don't you baby?
You keep running for another place
To find that saving grace
Don't you baby?
The day you came
Naked, afraid
Young mother screams and pushes you
The day you came
Oh joy begin
Weak little thing
More precious there’ll be nothing, no
Oh joy begin
Let’s not forget these early days
Remember we begin the same
We lose our way in fear and pain
Oh joy begin
First just one step
One word and then
With laughter sing, oh life begin
First just one step
Innocent kiss
Black magic bliss
First broken bone
Sudden and swift
Oh innocence
Let’s not forget these early days
Remember we begin the same
We lose our way in fear and hate
Oh joy begin
Oh joy begin
Love Never
Jimmy Eat World
Love ain’t never been your friend
Love never going hear what you’re demanding
Love ain’t some magical thing
Love never gonna to be the way you’re dreaming
It’s going to seem so far
It’s going to feel so hard
Until you want the work more than the reward
Until you stop asking, “Oh, what is it all for?”
Do you want the work more than the reward?
My Mind Is For Sale - Jack Johnson
Well, I heard the blinker's on
I heard we're changing lanes
I heard he likes to race
I heard there's six or seven words he likes to use
Are always in bad taste
And I heard that Monday's just a word we say
Every seven times around
And then we pin the tail on Tuesday
Watch those strings go up and down
The elephant in the room begins to dance
The cameras zoom into
His mouth begins to move
Those hateful words he uses
I don't care for your paranoid
Us against them walls
I don't care for your careless
Me first, gimme gimme appetite at all
And all the real estate in my mind is for sale
It's all been subdivided
Divided into reasons why
My two opposing thoughts at once are fine
The residue from the price tag
On the tip of my tongue
Words don't come, they go
How many likes I gotta get
Before I know the truth
And the truth is
Season three will be a great reason
To forget all about
Reality's a slippery slope
Watch the TV, scream and shout it
I don't care for your paranoid
Us against them, fearful kind of walls
I don't care for your careless
Me first, gimme gimme appetite at all
Now I heard the blinker's on
I heard we're changing lanes
I heard we need more space
I heard there's six or seven words are in bad taste
It's absurd to believe that we might
Deserve anything
As if it's balanced in the end
And the good guys always win
I don't care for your paranoid
Us against them fearful kind of walls
I don't care for your careless
"Me first, gimme gimme" appetite
With the residue from the price tag
On those two opposing thoughts in my mind
Us against them fearful kind of walls
The story line of the Book of Acts is very straightforward: It retraces the Gospel from Jerusalem to Samaria to the Gentiles and finally to Rome. The dominant person in the first twelve chapters is the Apostle Peter: His preaching in Jerusalem, his proclamation of the Gospel to the Gentiles at Caesarea, and the Council in Jerusalem that determined that Gentiles do not have to become Jewish in order to belong to the body of Messiah.
The central figure in the remaining sixteen chapters of Acts is the Apostle Paul: His conversion on the Damascus Road, his preaching of the Gospel to Jews and Gentiles throughout the Roman Empire, the persecution he suffered from both Jews and Gentiles, and finally his arrival in the capital city of Rome about thirty years after the resurrection of Jesus. Rome is where the Jesus revolution had to go.
Why were the first Christians frequently persecuted? Not because they embraced a new religion, but because with their faith, their baptism and their Christian lifestyle they announced and enacted a new social order. The first Christians pledged their allegiance to Christ as the world's new and true King and they dared to live according to that allegiance.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
Join us next year for our next Water To Wine Gathering, June 13-15, 2019. Register now at www.watertowinegathering.com.
In Acts 9 we meet a man who was always zealous for God, who always wanted a revolution, who always wanted to change the world; but after he met Jesus he had to rethink how the world is to be changed and how the revolution is to come. This man is Saul of Tarsus—we know him as the Apostle Paul.
Hierarchies and strategies of exclusion belong to the old order that died with Christ. In the new order of the risen Christ, revolutionary inclusion and equality reign. Ethnic hierarchies, economic hierarchies, gender hierarchies are all done away with!
From Stephen and James, Peter and Paul, Polycarp and Perpetua in the early church, to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Jim Eliot, Oscar Romero, and the Coptic martyrs in modern times, the church has always had those who overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, and loved not their lives even unto death. These are the martyrs—the great saints whose loyal witness we honor.
On the day of Pentecost Peter preached the gospel to people who belonged to a religion that had become corrupted by its compromised allegiance to a materialistic and militaristic empire. So Peter’s invitation was, “be saved from this crooked generation.” It's the same today.
The Bible becomes an obstacle for some people when they are in a serious season of doubt or a process of spiritual deconstruction. Some choose to throw the Bible out and others simply walk away from the faith. Jesus offers us a better way: Read the Bible with Jesus at the center. In this way, the Bible leads us to Jesus. The written word leads us to the living Word. The word made text leads us to the Word made flesh. The Spirit-inspired word leads us to the Spirit-conceived Word. The Bible is the word of God insofar as it leads us to Jesus who leads us into the life of God, the Triune life of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
In the Bible the new day doesn’t begin at sunrise or at midnight, but at sunset. Thus, for example, the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday. In the Jewish way of thinking each new day begins with new darkness. This is counterintuitive. The new day does not begin by being able to see, the new day begins with being unable to see. Dark nights come before new dawns. Spiritual progress does not begin with the bright day of knowing; spiritual progress begins with the dark night of unknowing.
"Without somehow destroying me in the process, how could God reveal himself in a way that would leave no room for doubt? If there were no room for doubt, there would be no room for me." –Frederick Buechner
"Do you love your faith so little that you have never battled a single fear lest your faith should not be true? Where there are no doubts, no questions, no perplexities, there can be no growth." –George MacDonald
At the center of Christian faith is not a belief system or a book, but a person—Jesus Christ. We confess Christ as the incarnate Word of God who saves the world through his death, burial, and resurrection. Constructed around Jesus is our theological house. But we may discover that our theological house is an inadequate dwelling for Christ the King—too small, too sectarian, too impoverished. That's when our theological house has to undergo a renovation, and perhaps some deconstruction and reconstruction.
What we think and say about God affects us more than we know. If we believe lies about God, those lies begin to run rampant and do damage to our souls. Today, we will turn our attention to the one true living God and listen to a great conversation about separating out truth from lies regarding the God we worship.
Paul Young is the New York Times bestselling author of The Shack and most recently Lies We Believe About God. Through his own journey of coming to discover the God revealed in Jesus, Paul has experienced overwhelming healing and the grace of God's transforming love.
Soil is miracle ground — it’s the matrix of all life on earth. As the second account of creation in Genesis tell us, all life comes “out of the ground” — plants, animals, and humans. We did not fall as pure spirits from the realm of the perfect forms and find ourselves imprisoned in contemptible matter (as Platonism claims); rather we were formed from the dust of the earth, breathed on by God, and became living souls. We are humans from the humus, soil with a soul; we are a mysterious synthesis of the dust of the earth and the breath of God. There is a sense in which humans are very complicated, self-aware rocks — rocks so magnificently complex that we are capable of bearing the Creator’s image and sharing the Creator’s spirit.
"It was granted me to carry away from my prison years on my bent back, which nearly broke beneath its load, this essential experience: how a human being becomes evil and how a human being becomes good. In the intoxication of youthful successes I had felt myself to be infallible, and I was therefore cruel. In my most evil moments I was convinced that I was doing good, and I was well supplied with systematic arguments. It was only when I lay there on rotting prison straw that I sensed within myself the first stirrings of good. Gradually it was disclosed to me that… The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties—but right through every human heart and through all human hearts." -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago
The truth can change a man
In the wisdom of his days
It whispers soft but constantly
You cannot live this way
–The Call, “When”
In the madness of modernity how do we cultivate the practices of prayer and contemplation that give us a life that we can live?
"On the third day the friends of Christ coming at day-break to the place found the grave empty and the stone rolled away. In varying ways they realized the new wonder; the world had died in the night. What they were looking at was the first day of a new creation, with a new heaven and a new earth; and in a semblance of a gardener God walked again in the garden, not in the cool of the evening, but in the dawn." –G.K. Chesterton
In 1977 NASA launched the Voyager spacecraft, and for forty years it has continued its long journey into interstellar space. Today Voyager is more than thirteen billion miles from home. Aboard Voyager is a golden record; one of the songs on the golden record is Blind Willie Johnson's Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground. It's a blues moan. It has no lyrics. It's a song about death, the most bitter of all human experiences. It's a song that belongs to Holy Saturday.
At the cross the sin of the world coalesced into a singularity where it was both borne and forgiven by God in Christ. The structures of sin (“the sin of the world”) that entangles and implicates all of us reached its hideous apex in the crucifixion of the Son of God. At Golgotha the sin of the world gathered in a Good Friday singularity where it was absorbed and forgiven and thus dispelled.
Gethsemane means "oil press" and it's in the garden of Gethsemane that the Anointed (the Christ) comes under immense pressure. It's in Gethsemane that we most clearly see the humanity of Jesus as he struggles with the will of the Father. And it's in Gethsemane that Jesus most pointedly renounces the myth of redemptive violence and takes his stand for a peace that will only come through co-suffering love.
When Jesus was in the home of Simon the leper on Wednesday during his last week, a woman poured a bottle of costly perfume on him while he sat at the table after dinner. The group around the table scolded her. But Jesus commended her. They thought what she did was shameful. Jesus saw it as beautiful, because she was preparing his body for burial. What she did was an act of worship and in it we discover that two components working together make Christian worship a beautiful thing—intentionality and expression. Both are needed. Expression without intentionality ends up in heartless worship and intentionality without expression ends up in lifeless worship. But together they bring out of us something very beautiful.
On Jesus’ last Tuesday, he speaks to us with unfiltered clarity. The temple and it’s systems which perpetuate injustice has walked the way which leads to destruction. As the end of Jesus’ life draws near, he speaks to us about the things of utmost importance. How might we avoid the same fate as this temple and the city which surrounds it? We must let Jesus lead us in the way of neighborly love.
On Monday of the final week before his death Jesus interrupted the operations of the Temple by driving out the sacrificial animals with a whip and flipping over the tables of the money changers. We are accustomed to calling this the "cleansing of the Temple." But is that what it really was? Or is there a better to way to interpret Jesus' provocative action in the Temple?
There's always some dude on a horse. The most famous dude on a horse is Alexander the Great (356–323 BC). Even his horse is famous—the warhorse Bucephalus (355–326 BC). At the same time when Alexander and Bucephalus were conquering the world, the Hebrew prophet Zechariah gave a different vision of a different kind of king. Zechariah prophesied that Israel’s king would not be like Alexander the Great, riding a warhorse and conquering by killing. Instead, Zechariah prophesied that Messiah would come with gentleness and humility, riding a lowly donkey and teaching peace to the nations.
Jesus came as a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy where the wolf and lamb come to eat together. The mission of Jesus is revolutionary because Jesus wants to save both the oppressed and the oppressor, both the abused and the abuser, both the offended and the offender, both the lambs and the wolves. All people are invited into his saving embrace. We can experience a kind of forgiveness that leads to reconciliation if lambs tell the wolves how their actions make them feel and if wolves ask, "Will you forgive me?"
Cristine Eckhardt's Story of Forgiveness
What Jesus calls us to in the Kingdom of God is not a religiously modified version of the self-preservation and self-promotion value systems that govern the empires of men. What Jesus calls us to is far more radical than that. Jesus calls us to the demanding ethic of the turned cheek and the second mile; he challenges us with the absurd idea of loving our enemies, overcoming evil with good, and triumphing over tragedy through forgiveness. The only reason we even entertain the possibility of living such a life is that we believe Jesus is the Son of God.
Todd Norris's story of forgiveness
We must dare to believe in Jesus’ radical ideas of enemy-love and endless-forgiveness, because without this kind of love and this kind of forgiveness, there is no future. The future you look for, the future you long for, the future that would free you from the unending repetition of the painful past, lies in your capacity to move beyond the past through the liberating practice of faith-based forgiveness. It is forgiveness that creates the future you want to live in.
Candy Draper's Story of Forgiveness
When we choose to forgive those who harm us, instead of perpetuating the cycle of revenge, we become a living imitation of Jesus Christ. As we do this we help flood a world hell-bent on paybacks with a forgiveness that washes away sin. The world is full of a lust for vengeance that fuels our conflicts—from petty quarrels to deadly wars. Christians are called to opt out of the game of getting even.
Glen & Heather Taylor's Story of Forgiveness
If Christianity is to be a compelling and relevant voice in the 21st Century, we need a fresh message—not a new innovation or novel interpretation, but a return to our roots. And if Christianity is about anything, it's about forgiveness.
The Epiphany text begins with these words: “In the time of King Herod.” Most of history has been “in the time of King Herod.” And if not the time of Herod, then the time of Pharaoh, the time of Nebuchadnezzar, the time of Caesar, the time of Nero, all the way into modern times—the time of Hitler and Mussolini, of Franco and Salazar, of Pinochet and Putin. It’s true that most of history has been lived in the time of tyrant kings. But the gospel also tells us that since the birth of Jesus, heaven has been invading the time of tyrant kings.
In singing his prophetic song over the infant Jesus, Simeon drew upon a verse from one of Isaiah’s Servant Songs. The Servant Songs (Isaiah 49–52) were prophetic poems written in the sixth century BC that envision Israel as Yahweh’s Servant. But these poems also seem to envision Yahweh’s Servant as a person who will be the embodiment Israel. In other words, this Servant will be Israel in person, as a person. And it is this person who will fulfill Israel’s mission to the world—it is this person will be Messiah!
This is what Christians confess about Christmas: Emmanuel (God with us) joined humanity, not by swooping down from the celestial heavens in a golden chariot, but by being born—born in a stable, wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Like all of us, God was pushed from the womb through contractions, labor, agony, and blood, to enter headfirst into the beautiful and horrible mess that is our world. This is not Athena springing fully formed from the head of Zeus, this is Jesus born of Mary.
It was through a young, poor Jewish maiden named Miriam (Mary) living in the backwater Galilean village of Nazareth during the Roman occupation of the first century, that the Eternal Logos, the Word of God, the Logic of Divine Love, took on flesh, becoming incarnate and fully human. In Christian theology this is known as the Incarnation and Mary is known as the Theotokos—the God-bearer. The Incarnation of Christ through the Theotokos is one of the most sublime confessions of the Christian faith—it’s the sacred mystery of how through a cooperation of the Spirit and humankind the holy becomes enfleshed.
John the Baptist was a burning and shining lamp—but he wasn’t the dawn of the new day. John doesn’t belong to the new day—John belongs to the end of the long night. John is not the sun of righteousness that will give the world a new order and orbit. John is a supernova—the brief, brilliant explosion of a dying star. But it's John who prepares us for the coming of Jesus and the birth of a galaxy of grace.
In the birth of the baby born in Bethlehem in the days of King Herod we find the fulcrum of every human hope and every diabolical fear. What the poets and prophets hoped and prayed for, and what the principalities and powers feared and fought against, is what the birth of Jesus brought into the world.
Those who treat the unlucky souls who have fallen into the cracks of society as worthy of dignity and respect, compassion and provision, are seen by Jesus as co-conspirators in his Kingdom. The Kingdom of Jesus is heaven’s insurgency against the inhumane regimes of beastly empire. Those who treat the minimum wage worker, the undocumented refugee, the sick with a pre-existing condition, the convict serving a life sentence as a human being worthy of love, are welcomed by Jesus into the Kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world.
“The first precondition of being called a spiritual leader is to perceive and feel the falsehood that is prevailing in society, and then to dedicate one’s life to a struggle against that falsehood. If one tolerates the falsehood and resigns oneself to it, one can never become a prophet. If one cannot rise above material life, one cannot even become a citizen in the Kingdom of the Spirit, far less a leader of others.” –Vladimir Solovyov in his eulogy of Fyodor Dostoevsky
Can you feel it? It’s all around you. But can you feel it? The falseness — the falseness that prevails in society. Most are so sedated they never even suspect it. Some sense it, but cannot name it. It takes a prophet to name it.
“How can we live in the midst of a world marked by fear, hatred, and violence, and not be destroyed by it? To live in the world without belonging to the world summarizes the essence of the spiritual life. Our true house is not the house of fear, in which the powers of hatred and violence rule, but the house of love, where God resides. Through the spiritual life we gradually move from the house of fear to the house of love.” –Henry Nouwen
Hans Urs von Balthasar said, "Love alone is credible; nothing else can be believed, and nothing else ought to be believed.
The first thing that must strike a non-Christian about the Christian’s faith is that it is too good to be true." And even Christians are hesitant to believe that the deepest essence of God’s being is co-suffering, self-giving, never-ending love. Yet this seemingly inconceivable truth about the love of God is the pinnacle of scriptural revelation.
Here we are now, five-hundred years down the road—five-hundred years beyond the Wittenberg Door. And finding ourselves half a millennium beyond the Wittenberg Door, how should we now think about the Protestant Reformation?
If you are a follower of Jesus you are not what you do. You aren't what people say about you or what you say about you. You are not what your haunted past says about you. These all belong to your old self, your false self. If you are a follower of Jesus, you find your true self in Jesus. Through baptism we have died to our old self and now our life, our new self, is hidden away with Christ in God. Who am I? I am Christian. I am a fellow follower of Jesus. I am a full-functioning member of God’s family. This identity supersedes all other identities. Before race, nationality, and gender, I am Christian. Before family identities, I am Christian. Before political affiliation and ideology, I am Christian. Fight the temptation to trade away your Christian identity for anything else, because your life, your true self, is hidden with Jesus.
A well respected, established pharisee and religious leader comes to Jesus under the cloak of darkness. Why? What is his fear? What does he want with Jesus? Can we begin to understand the life giving work of God through the story of Nicodemus?
Jesus comes to bring long awaited changes to a weary and wounded world. His work to transform the world is accomplished through transforming people. Stories of transformation like the story of Nicodemus, reveal a God who cannot be tamed or controlled. Like the wind - the Spirit of God is blowing in new life, new seasons, and new perspective. Are we willing to open up and receive it?
Q&A Session from the message "What About the Book of Revelation?"
What is the book of Revelation? It's basically four things:
1. Revelation is a prophetic interpretation of the cataclysmic events of the AD 60s/70s.
2. Revelation is a prophetic critique of the Roman Empire.
3. Revelation is a prophetic exposé of the idolatry of empire and civil religion.
4. Revelation is a prophetic portrayal of the eventual triumph of Christ.
Q&A Session from the message "What About Hell?"
Jesus’ teaching on hell is basically this: If you refuse to love, you cannot enter the kingdom of God and will end up a lonely, tormented soul. But hell in its popular and pagan misconceptions has been a blight upon the beauty of the Christian gospel.
Q&A Session from the message "What About the Violence of the Cross?"
The sacrifice of Jesus was not a payment offered to an offended deity bound to an economy of appeasement. That is a pagan and ugly distortion of who God is—the God whom Jesus called Father. The ugly violence of the cross is entirely attributable to human structures of sin, while the beautiful forgiveness of the cross is entirely attributable to God’s extravagant love and mercy.
Q&A session from the message "What About Old Testament Violence?"
In responding to the the troubling question of genocidal violence in the Old Testament and its alleged divine endorsement, we really only have three options:
1. We can question the morality of God.
2. We can question the immutability of God.
3. We can question how we read Scripture.
Q&A from the message "What about the Wrath of God?"
The wrath of God is a biblical metaphor we use to describe the very real consequences we suffer from trying to go through life against the grain of love. The wrath of God is understood as divine consent to our own self-destructive defiance. When we sin against the two great commandments—to love God with all our heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves—we suffer the inevitable consequences of acting against love. We can call this the wrath of God if we like; the Bible does, but that doesn’t mean that God literally loses his temper.
Q&A Session from the message "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God"
The hands of God are not hurling thunderbolts from heaven like Zeus of the Greek pantheon. The hands of God have been stretched out in love where they were nailed to a tree. The nail-pierced hands of God now reach out to every doubter and every sufferer, revealing the wounds of love. The hands of God are not hands of wrath but hands of mercy. To be a sinner in these hands is where the healing begins.
Seen my share of broken halos
Folded wings that used to fly
They've all gone wherever they go
Broken halos that used to shine
Angels come down from the heavens
Just to help us on our way
Come to teach us, then they leave us
And they find some other soul to save
Seen my share of broken halos
Folded wings that used to fly
They've all gone wherever they go
Broken halos that used to shine
Broken halos that used to shine
Don't go looking for the reasons
Don't go asking Jesus why
We're not meant to know the answers
They belong to the by and by
They belong to the by and by
Seen my share of broken halos
Folded wings that used to fly
They've all gone wherever they go
Broken halos that used to shine
Broken halos that used to shine
Broken halos that used to shine
Broken halos that used to shine
Us and them
And after all we're only ordinary men
Me and you
God only knows
It's not what we would choose to do
Forward he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
And the general sat
And the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black and blue
And who knows which is which and who is who
Up and down
And in the end it's only round 'n round
Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
The poster bearer cried
Listen son, said the man with the gun
There's room for you inside
"I mean, they're not gonna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really...I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"
Down and out
It can't be helped that there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?
Out of the way
It's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For the want of the price
Of tea and a slice
The old man died
Father tell me, we get what we deserve
Oh we get what we deserve
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
Way down we go
You let your feet run wild
Time has come as we all oh, go down
Yeah but for the fall oh, my
Do you dare to look him right in the eyes?
'Cause they will run you down, down til the dark
Yes and they will run you down, down til you fall
And they will run you down, down til you go
Yeah so you can't crawl no more
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
'Cause they will run you down, down til you fall
Way down we go
Oh bab-bab-yeah
Wow baby
Bab, down we go
And way down we go
Way down we go
Say way down we go
Way down we go
We've wanted to be trusty and true
But feathers fell from our wings
And we've wanted to be worthy of you
But weather rained on our dreams
And we can't take back
What is done, what is past
So fellas, lay down your fears
'Cause we can't take back
What is done, what is past
So let us start from here
'Cause we never wanted to be lusty or lewd
Nor tethered to prudish strings
And we never wanted to be jealously tuned
Nor withered into ugly things
But we can't take back
What is done, what is past
So fellas, lay down your spears
'Cause we can't take back
What is done, what is past
So let us start from here
And if all that you are
Is not all you desire,
Then, come
Come, let yourself be wrong
Come, it's already begun
Come, come alone
Come with fear, come with love
Come however you are
Just come, come alone
Come with friends, come with foes
Come however you are
Just come, come alone
Come with me, then let go
Come however you are
Just come, come alone
Come so carefully closed
Come however you are
Just come
Come, come along
Come with sorrows and songs
Come however you are
Just come, come along
Come, let yourself be wrong
Come however you are
Just come
Every inch of sky's got a star
Every inch of skin's got a scar
I guess that you've got everything now
Every inch of space in your head
Is filled up with the things that you read
I guess you've got everything now
And every film that you've ever seen
Fills the spaces up in your dreams
That reminds me
Every inch of road's got a sign
And every boy uses the same line
I pledge allegiance to everything now
And every song that I've ever heard
Is playing at the same time, it's absurd
And it reminds me, we've got everything now
We turn the speakers up till they break
'Cause every time you smile it's a fake!
Stop pretending, you've got
Every inch of road's got a town
Daddy, how come you're never around?
I miss you, like everything now
Mama, leave the food on the stove
Leave your car in the middle of the road
This happy family with everything now
We turn the speakers up till they break
'Cause every time you smile it's a fake!
Stop pretending, you've got
The psalmists and prophets come to understand that God abolishes primitive ritual sacrifice in order to establish as justice actually doing God’s will. This is what we see in the life of Jesus. Jesus was faithful to embody God’s will even to the point of shedding his blood as he forgave sinners. Jesus did not shed his blood to pay off God in the form of a ritual sacrifice. That’s not what God wanted. Jesus shed his blood in faithful obedience to his Father’s will, demonstrating divine forgiveness even as he was crucified! As Jesus told the sacrifice-obsessed Pharisees, “Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’” God desires lives marked by mercy, not the sacrifice of victims. Jesus’ death was not a ritual sacrifice of appeasement but the supreme demonstration of God’s mercy. Jesus did not shed his blood to buy God’s forgiveness; Jesus shed his blood to embody God’s forgiveness! This is the gospel!
In the Psalms the largest single genre is the psalms of lament. But American Christians are loathe to lament. We are schooled in denial. It's part of the pathology of a superpower that sorrow must not be shown. But if we refuse to lament, we refuse to be healed.
Think of the Delta Blues sung by black plantation workers on Saturday nights in the 1930s. Think of Gospel music sung in black churches by those same people on Sunday mornings. This is the Psalms—a collection of songs and prayers that combine groans of sorrow with shouts of joy. This is the Psalms—Gospel & Blues.
In keeping with a healthy dose of rebellion, I unabashedly call myself religious. Self-identifying as a religious person may be the last act of rebellion possible in our libertine era! In the secular West the religious person may be the last rebel. So let me say it deliberately and with a hint of defiance: I’m not just spiritual, I’m religious! Anyone can be spiritual. Atheists are spiritual these days! So of course I’m spiritual—we all are!—but I am also intentionally religious. I accept the rigors and disciplines of a religious tradition. I do so because I refuse to leave my spiritual formation to the fads of amorphous “spirituality.” As Martin Luther King taught us, we all exist within an inescapable web of mutuality. I don’t get to make up Christianity, it’s a received faith. It’s a gift from God.
St. Francis of Assisi was a living embodiment of the Beatitudes—his life demonstrates that it is possible to live what Jesus taught. Francis was the blessed poor, the comforted mourner, who in his meekness inherited the earth. Francis hungered for justice, but gave mercy, made peace, and in his purity of heart perceived God in all things. And even though Francis was persecuted by his family and hometown, his life was indeed the kingdom of heaven on earth.
“Into this dark night souls begin to enter when God draws them forth from the state of beginners on the spiritual road, and sets them in the state of those who make progress, which is that of those who are contemplatives, to the end that, after passing through the dark night, they may arrive at the state of the perfect, which is that of the Divine union of the soul with God.” —John of the Cross. The Dark Night of the Soul
The great mystics found in the Bible and throughout church history all have a common experience; no matter how different the stories of their own spiritual journeys are, they all eventually arrive at a place of deep friendship with God.
God has existed from before time and space and matter and creation, existing as a community of love, he Father, Son, and Holy Spirit loving one another in a perfect dance of self-giving love. We all the God as Trinity. God has opened himself and he has sent his Son and sent his Spirit to invite us to come. Jesus says come. The Spirit says come. All we have to do is turn and come and be welcomed in. God is love and the uncommon Trinity is how we define love. God is love not in theory or abstraction. God is love in relationship. The God we worship is a steady stream of love. How you experience that love depends on how you respond to the love of God.
The promise of God to Abraham and David was that through their seed and sons the world would be rescued from the deep distortion of sin. But millennia later Israel was also entangled in sin. The rescuers themselves were imperiled. Israel had failed in their mission and vocation. Or so it seemed. In the fullness of time Jesus was born -- the true Seed of Abraham and Son of David -- and Jesus took Israel's mission on his shoulders and carried it through to victory.
Our trust is not in the golden calf of The Economy—
But in the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
Our trust is not in who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—
But in the One who sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven.
Our trust is not in a trillion dollar Defense Budget—
But in the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.
Our trust is not in Wall Street, the White House, or the Pentagon—
But in the risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ.
Because we’ve not understood the Ascension of Christ, we’ve also not understood the Book of Revelation. We’ve thought Revelation is primarily a prediction about future events, when it’s primarily a prophetic description of the ascended Christ.
If Jesus Christ is Lord over the principalities (the power structures of this age), then don’t put any faith in the political, economic, and military powers of this age. Pledge your allegiance to Christ alone and put all your faith for salvation in him. It’s not Wall Street or the White House or the Pentagon who is going to save us, but Jesus Christ — the one who conquered Sin and Satan, Death and Hell, and who now fills all things everywhere with himself.
Following Jesus is to learn what it means to live life to the fullest. In doing so, we have to learn to trust the ways of Jesus. We have to learn to entrust the whole of our life, our ways of thinking and being, to the Master of Life, Jesus - that we may become like Jesus. This process of becoming is not void of struggle, pitfalls, and failures. The story of Peter reminds us of a God who heals, restores, and always invites us to stay on the journey of following him - despite our struggle.
Christianity is not primarily a set of beliefs, even though the work of theology is massively important for the church. Christianity is not primarily a personal relationship with God, even if personal faith and responsibility are required. Christianity is not primarily a religion, even though the liturgies that shape the worship and work of the church are indispensable. Christianity is primarily a way, that is, a way of living shaped around the death and resurrection of Jesus. We all want the life Jesus offers, but to be a disciple means we confess the truth of Jesus and walk in the way of Jesus. The Jesus truth plus the Jesus way equals the Jesus life.
"By his wounds you have been healed" is a poetic contemplation of Saint Peter on the cross of Christ, and it is one of the most sublime passages in all of the New Testament. As a meditation on the meaning of the cross it is far superior to the formulaic and often ugly “atonement theories” that later crept into the church. Quite simply, Peter sees the cross as the wound that heals the world.
We behold in the Eucharistic mystery the sacred mystery that after Easter Christ is with us in another form, in the blessed and broken bread. This is the point of the dramatic gesture at the climactic moment in the Emmaus road story: Jesus is present as bread on the table! Of course, this is a very different presence than what was anticipated by either the Emmaus road disciples or the heirs of Christendom.
On the cross Jesus shed his precious blood to expose, condemn, forgive, and ultimately ransom us from our soul-destroying “rat race”—the insane pursuit of wealth and power, or what Peter calls, “the futile way of life inherited from our ancestors.”
"We are all Thomas now." These words echo throughout our current secular age. Everything is questioned. Everything is doubted. In response to this seemingly dark reality, we can choose to retreat into a closed off life of certainty or open to the endless possibilities of an enchanted world. A world where Christ fills all things. In an age of doubt, we find the doubter's doubt is faith. This sermon explores the tension we feel as people of faith in a secular age.
Jesus appearing in a locked room, speaking peace, and sending his disciples into the world with a commission to forgive, should speak powerfully to a traumatized post 9-11 church that is afraid, angry, and retreating into ever smaller locked rooms of security obsessed ideologies.
What’s Happened To You?
The Call
What's happened to you?
You used to be so shy
You used to hang your head down
You wouldn't look in my eyes
Did you some great vision
Did you finally break through
Did you shake the foundations
What's happened to you?
What's happened to you?
You used to look so tired
Now there's a spring in your step
And your words are on fire
Did you hear some great secret
Did the words ring of truth
Did you rise from the ashes
What's happened to you?
Where the four winds meet
The world is so still
The waves are not pounding
And the hungry are filled
Our shadows have crossed here
Where the sun touched the ground
The gathered are singing
what a beautiful sound
What's happened to you?
You used to be so unkind
You used to curse at this poor world
So what changed your mind
What stirred such compassion
Is a mystery to me
I don't know what's happened
Oh, but I like what I see
Jesus entered into Death by death in order to fill Death with himself; so that now to enter into Death is to encounter Christ.
The principalities and powers assert the right to wield violence because they claim to be wise and just. But the crucifixion of Jesus reveals the awful truth, and puts the principalities and powers to shame. We shroud our violence in the myth of justice, but in our violence we are neither wise nor just. What we are, is capable of the greatest crime: the murder of the innocent Son of God. At Golgotha we recoil in horror at our violence and stagger away saying, what have we done? Because even if we are not personal participants in violence, most of us have too often placed our faith in institutions of collective violence. But on Good Friday the truth comes out…and we beat our breasts in sorrow.
Lift up your heads, O gates;
lift them high, O everlasting doors;
and the King of glory shall come in.
“Who is this King of glory?”
“The LORD, strong and mighty,
the LORD, mighty in battle.”
Lift up your heads, O gates;
lift them high, O everlasting doors;
“Who is this King of glory?”
“The LORD of hosts,
he is the King of glory”
(Psalm 24:7–10)
To read the Bible in such a way that's it’s not a sprawling mass of contradictions we have to center our reading at some stationary, unmoving point. That is, we have to find the place to stand in this thousand page epic of redemption where we say, “It's from this vantage point that I’ll read and interpret the rest of Scripture.
It’s not Leviticus with its prohibition against eating shellfish and other obsolete laws.
It’s not Joshua’s conquest of Canaan with its troubling genocidal violence.
It’s not even Paul’s technical theology of justification that we’re so prone to misread and misunderstand.
It’s certainly not the Book of Revelation with its wild (and often inscrutable!) metaphors.
Center your reading of the sacred text in the Gospels…with Jesus…on the cross…as he forgives his murderers. Luke 23:34 ("Father, forgive them") is the Pole Star around which the rest of scriptural constellations rotate and are interpreted.
The story of Lazarus abides among us as a story of enduring hope despite all odds. When all seems lost, when all hope has faded, we remember the story of Lazarus. Because Jesus is the resurrection and the life, no one — no matter how mired in sin and death, in sorrow and despair — is a lost cause.
Economic self-interest is the single greatest obstacle to participating in the kingdom of God.
Jesus doesn’t teach Marxist economics.
Jesus doesn’t teach Capitalist economics.
Jesus teaches Love economics.
We’ve been scripted to believe that life is a competition of acquisition. But that is a lie. Life is not a game; life is a gift. The purpose of life is not to win; the purpose of life is to learn to love well.
Jesus has healed the blind man and it was a scandal. There should have been a party, but instead there was an investigation. The Pharisees were all upset about this and they launched a criminal investigation. Jesus shows them what true judgment looks like. To their surprise, it wasn’t fault-finding or pointing the finger of accusation. The judgment of Jesus is not a judgment of condemnation, but a judgment of light, exposing things for what they are in order to set things right.
The life of faith is a life of trust. When Jesus
invites us on the journey of following him with these words, "Come follow me" he is saying to us "Come trust me." What does it look like to answer that call? What happens if we struggle to answer that call? This sermon explores these topics and more as we dive into the call to trust.
"Things fall apart; the center cannot hold." Nothing of this world can resist the inevitable entropy of life and death. Only that which is eternal can be the center that holds so that things don’t fall apart. Which just another way of saying only God can occupy the orbital center of our life.
Christ is before all things,
And in him all things hold together.
–Colossians 1:17
Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
Christ, be with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ where I lie,
Christ where I sit, Christ where I arise,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Salvation is of the Lord.
Salvation is of the Christ.
May your salvation, O Lord, be ever with us.
The dark night when Nicodemus came to Jesus reflected the dark night of his own soul. For a long time Nicodemus had lived in the sunny land of a Pharisee’s certitude. Nicodemus had it all figured out. He had all the answers. He was the Bible Answer Man. But then along came Jesus and suddenly his equations no longer added up. Jesus was an untrained, self-made rabbi from Galilee who was not a Pharisee — and yet God was obviously with him. All of this created deep theological cognitive dissonance for Nicodemus.
Jesus was the monkey wrench in Nicodemus’ theological system.
Jesus was the pebble in the shoe of Nicodemus’ certitude.
Jesus was the solar eclipse that suddenly cast a shadow of doubt into Nicodemus' soul.
We live in an unprecedented time of the exponential growth of human knowledge. Some have suggested that knowledge in some sectors is doubling every 12 months. This does not necessarily mean that we are getting smarter, because knowledge is not the same thing as wisdom. For Christians, Jesus is for us the wisdom of God. In Christ we learn Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord and it is curated in the halls of patient reflection. We will learn and grow in wisdom either by listening to wise people or by suffering through our own failure.
Because Jesus prevailed over the devil in his wilderness temptation, and remained true to the Father’s will all the way to the cross, the world now has a saving alternative to the death dealing ways of Pharaoh and Caesar. Because Jesus was formed in the Scriptures and not the dominant script of idolatry and injustice, we can be formed in the Word of Christ and overcome the devil. As the Apostle John said, “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.”
As I call Christians to the practices of radical forgiveness and nonviolent peacemaking that Jesus embodied and most clearly sets forth in the Sermon on the Mount, I often encounter Christians using Romans 13 as a kind of rebuttal. Their argument goes something like this:
“God has ordained the government and has given it the sword to execute vengeance; therefore we cannot be opposed to war because Romans 13 sanctions ‘Just War.’”
But this is an egregious misinterpretation and misapplication of what Paul is talking about.
On Mount Sinai we only see the back of God; so assumptions are made and at the bottom of the mountain people are executed in the name of holiness, justice, etc. But on Mount Tabor we finally see the face of God in Christ, and at the bottom of the mountain people are healed and set free from their demons. On Mount Tabor the Theology of Terror (back of God theology) is excelled by the Theology of Love (face of God theology).
“It is simply out of the question that God ‘helps’ the Germans or the French or the English. God does not even ‘help’ us Swiss. God helps justice and love. God helps the kingdom of heaven, and that exists across all national boundaries. The foolish mixing of patriotism, war enthusiasm, and Christian faith could one day lead to the bitterest disappointment. We will not join in drinking this intoxicating potion. We want to look steadfastly and unwaveringly to God, who loves everyone equally and who is above all the nations.” –Karl Barth, 1914
If God reveals himself to us as I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE, it seems to indicate there is to be a "divine unfolding" over time. How we first know God will not be how we will know God as we stay on the journey. This doesn’t mean God is changing. God is immutable. God does not mutate. God does not change. But from our perspective it may certainly appear that God is changing.This is the divine unfolding.
We share this planet with seven and half billion other people. What are they for? Are they mere “extras” in a movie called "ME"? Are they resources to be used in the advancement of our selfish agendas? Are they objects to be analyzed, categorized, and utilized according to how they benefit us? Of course not! That approach to the worth and purpose of people is entirely antichrist! People are bearers of the divine image, and as such they are to be unconditionally loved and respected, always accorded justice, and given proper dignity as an expression of our love for God. To mistreat, use, and abuse other people is an insult to God. It's a kind of blasphemy.
We need holy places to help cultivate our sense of the sacred. By spending time in places connected with sacred history or set aside for worship we develop a capacity to see the glory of God in every bush. This is holy ground. But the deeper truth is that every step we take is on holy ground. It's all holy. There are no non-sacred places, only sacred places and desecrated places. But it’s specific “holy places” that lead the way to seeing all places as holy. It's the practices of prayer, pilgrimage, and contemplation that help alert us to the fact that we live our lives on holy ground.
The most embarrassing moments in church history are when the church sold its soul for political power. Whenever the church reaches for the sword of Caesar, it lets go of the cross of Christ. We don’t have to change the world, we only have to be that part of the world already changed by Christ. But this requires that we be genuine Jesus people.
The story of Jacob at Jabbok is one of the richest mines for spiritual gems in all Scripture. It’s the first place where we are specifically told of someone who saw the face of God. It’s also the origin of the name Israel—a name that becomes synonymous with God’s people.
The spirit of the age blesses the cocky and self-confident—
But Jesus blesses the poor in spirit.
The spirit of the age blesses those who are shallow and thus happy all the time—
But Jesus blesses those who have the capacity to mourn deeply.
The spirit of the age blesses the power-hungry who want to run the world—
But Jesus blesses the meek who are willing to trust God.
The spirit of the age blesses the privilege-protectors—
But Jesus blesses the justice-seekers.
The spirit of the age blesses those who think justice is retribution and revenge—
Jesus blesses the merciful instead.
The spirit of the age blesses the clever ones who come up with the best schemes—
Jesus blesses the pure-hearted who have no schemes.
The spirit of the age blesses those who are great at waging war—
Jesus blesses those who have the patience to work for peace.
The spirit of the age blesses those who fight for might—
Jesus blesses those who suffer for what is right.
To be a Christian, to be a disciple of Jesus, to participate in the Revolutionary Kingdom of Christ, is to be a follower of the Lamb—the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world. But what does this mean?
Here is the text to the prayer of St. Francis...
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
In the bleak landscape of death's darkness, the light of life comes as a shocking surprise. Our world is well-acquainted with the ugly reality of death and sin. This is why the life and resurrection of Jesus become the most shocking moments in human history, present, and future. Love, incarnate and resurrected, shocked the world and overcame death. As followers of a beautiful savior, how might we live faithful lives reflecting the shocking beauty of Christ?
Baptism has become a portal out of this old broken-down world and into God’s world of new creation, an escape hatch out of the kingdom of empire, power, idolatry, and injustice and into the kingdom of love. Jesus was baptized to fulfill God's plan to rescue the world. All those who follow Jesus through the waters of baptism can enter his revolutionary kingdom.
The light of Jesus reveals the obstacles, the clutter, the junk, and the unnecessary complexities in our lives. God knows we need things. We need hings to wear, things to eat, things to live in, things to drive, but the light Jesus shines on all these things is the truth that life is not found in pursuit of things. Life is found in pursuit of the kingdom. The way of Jesus is the way of kingdom-minded simplicity.
Pagan astrologers read it in the stars — a new king of the Jews had been born. And so the magi came from the Orient bearing their gifts and accidentally got tangled up with the current King of the Jews — a debauched and murderous megalomaniac named Herod who decades earlier had been made an imperial client king by the Roman Senate. Not long after that the death squads were breaking down doors and killing baby boys in Bethlehem. An angel got Mary and Joseph and the baby king out of town in the nick of time. And so the Holy Family became refugees seeking asylum in a foreign country in order to escape a violent regime in their homeland. If this all sounds very political, you’re right, it was…and it still is.
"You know what happens when a portrait that has been painted on a panel becomes obliterated through external stains. The artist does not throw away the panel, but the subject of the portrait has to come and sit for it again, and then the likeness is re-drawn on the same material. Even so was it with the All-holy Son of God. He, the Image of the Father, came and dwelt in our midst in order that He might renew mankind made after Himself."
–Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373), On The Incarnation
"You know what happens when a portrait that has been painted on a panel becomes obliterated through external stains. The artist does not throw away the panel, but the subject of the portrait has to come and sit for it again, and then the likeness is re-drawn on the same material. Even so was it with the All-holy Son of God. He, the Image of the Father, came and dwelt in our midst in order that He might renew mankind made after Himself."
–Athanasius of Alexandria (296-373), On The Incarnation
Isaiah anticipates a time when the earth will be arid and lifeless, and the people will be blind, deaf, and disabled. The land will be burning and the people will be blind to the problem, deaf to the word of God, and unable to do anything about it. The spiritual aridity of the people is reflected in a once lush land turning into a scorching desert. But in his Messianic poem of hope, Isaiah says something will happen that will change everything: The desert land will blossom and broken lives will be healed. What will cause there to be streams in the desert and for the lame to leap like a deer? God will come!
Waiting on God is an acknowledgement that we are not in charge of our own spiritual formation. Through healthy practices of spiritual formation we regularly present ourselves before God. What happens there will happen in God’s own time or Godspeed.
If we see Jesus in Isaiah's prophecy of a king whose reign causes the lion to lie down with the lamb—and we do!—it means that we cannot reduce Jesus to the “personal savior” of our “private soul.” Jesus may indeed personally save our soul, but he’s also the righteous king who brings justice to the poor and challenges the systems of oppression presided over by the principalities and powers.
“How can we live in the midst of a world marked by fear, hatred, and violence, and not be destroyed by it?”
“To live in the world without belonging to the world summarizes the essence of the spiritual life.”
“Our true house is not the house of fear, in which the powers of hatred and violence rule, but the house of love, where God resides.”
“Through the spiritual life we gradually move from the house of fear to the house of love.”
(Henri Nouwen, Behold the Beauty of the Lord.)
Under the inspiration of the Spirit of the Lord Isaiah re-imagined the world…
A world where swords become plowshares and spears become pruning hooks.
A world where weapons of war becomes instruments of agriculture.
A world where people seek to make the world a garden and not a battleground.
A world where tanks are turned into tractors and missile silos become grain silos.
The kingdom of God does not come by the sword, it comes by the cross.
The kingdom of God does not come by killing, it comes by dying.
The kingdom of God does not come with vengeance, it comes with forgiveness.
If it comes by the sword (by some dude on a horse), it’s not the kingdom of God.
If it comes by killing (the way of Cain), it’s not the kingdom of God.
If it comes with vengeance (the way of the Beast), it’s not the kingdom of God.
By the way of the cross…
By self-sacrifice, by co-suffering love, and by radical forgiveness…
Is how the kingdom of God comes.
And it comes no other way.
If we lose sight of this, we will be blind to the kingdom of God. And if we’re blind to the kingdom of God, we will mistake something else as the kingdom of God.
"By his wounds you are healed." This is a deep and holy mystery, but it lies at the heart of what happened at the cross. Jesus took a world of suffering and sorrow into himself, so that we could be healed. When we lay our wounds upon the wounds of Christ it does not multiply woundedness, it initiates healing.
To follow Jesus and the way he taught, especially when living in a military-economic superpower, is to be radically counter-cultural. The ways and values of superpowers are the very opposite of the ways and values commanded by Jesus. To live out the Sermon on the Mount in the context of empire will cause you to be viewed as a freak -- a Jesus freak. The Jesus way, when truly lived, has always been viewed with suspicion by people in power. As the Apostle Paul said to the Roman governor, "I admit that I follow the Way which they call a cult."
Whatever it means for the world to be saved, God does not do it through the conventional means of power (politics, weapons, wars), but though the unconventional means of utter powerlessness—through the crucifixion of a Galilean Jew. Thus the kind of power Christians are to aspire to is cruciform in nature
On the 35th Anniversary of Word of Life Church, Pastor Brian tells the story walking the Camino de Santiago during his Sabbatical.
We have told ourselves that some scars last a lifetime and some wounds may never heal, but the story of scripture tells an entirely other truth. God is working throughout history, the present, and the future to make all things new and set all things right. How might this bring hope, healing, and redemption to our own lives? And as we experience this new creation work, what are we called to do with it?
If you've ever struggled to trust God, you are not alone. The story of the people of God has been a long story of learning to trust that God cares. In a world where we feel bombarded with anxiety, uncertainty, and injustice, we often ask "Who cares?" Jesus reminds us that God is more just than we could have ever imagined. He is a God who cares and will act to set all things right.
For generations, even before humans were literate, father and mothers have sat fireside with sons and daughters, night after night, telling stories. These Stories, both new and old, are the stories that have become our scriptures. Storytelling is the way we pass on our history and our own experience, inviting others into our story. When our story intersects with the Jesus story, our response should be to go and tell this story. Telling our story may be the very way that someone else is able to find hope and healing in their own story.
The death of Jesus on the cross is central to the gospel story and it is central to our faith. The cross was scandalous for first-century Jews and silly for first-century Romans. It is ignored by modern people, but for those of us who believe, the cross changes everything. It is the day a revolution began. The cross is only revolutionary if we get the end game right. If the end is disembodied Christians living in heaven for all eternity then the cross becomes the central figure of a new religion, nothing more. But if the end of our story is new creation, the restoration of all things, the salvation of the world, then we see again the revolutionary nature of the cross.
The gospel isn’t a plan or a theory.
The gospel isn’t good advice or moral instructions.
The gospel is not a collection of God-facts.
The gospel is a story. It is the story of Jesus, his life, death, and resurrection.
Salvation occurs at the intersection of your story and the Gospel story.
Through the storms in life, Christians since the beginning have held on to an anchor of the hope in Christ. Storms are not something we can avoid in life. So how can we make it through the storm? Looking at the gospel story of Jesus as he calms the storm, we find that we are not alone and we can ask for help in the midst of the storm.
Every life is a story unfolding. We live in a world where bad stories are told and in need of good stories. How might our life tell a good story? This sermon explores how life hinges on the details and how the God of the grand sweeping narrative of the universe is also the God of the details of every human life.
The Book of Ephesians is a densely packed letter busting at the seams with so much: the gospel, the love of God, the mystery of God revealed in the life of the church, family life, and spiritual warfare. The opening of the book, verses 3-14 of chapter 1, is a prayer of thanks and praise to God, written not to isolated individuals, but to the church. We learn that it is not so much that I am blessed, loved, and chosen. Rather it is that I belong to the people of God who are blessed, loved, and chosen.
Your life is a story and we are the stories we tell. It’s in our neurons. God has hard-wired our brains for story, which is why we all like a good story. We love to hear a story of trial and triumph, or a long satisfying journey, or the hero defeating the monster. We all love these, but storytelling is not just a way of entertainment. Telling our stories is a way to practice self-awareness. It is how we form our identity and understand ourselves and make sense of the world around us. And the God of story is forming your story into our story.
What if you only had one last sentence to speak to those closest to you? You might find the words you speak may be the most important words you've ever spoken. This sermon takes a look at the last sentence Jesus ever speaks, "I am with you Always." In doing so we see in Jesus what God is like and has always been like.
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If we love Jesus then it seems like we should love what Jesus loves. And what does Jesus love? The church. While the New Testament uses many metaphors to describe the church, the most helpful may be the image of church as the body of Christ, the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Paul in 1 Corinthians 12 uses this metaphor as a way to describe our need for one another in the body of Christ. The foot cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you. We are all needed and the church herself is necessary if we want the faith to continue.
Happy are the people whose strength is in God!
whose hearts are set on the pilgrims’ way.
–Psalm 84:5
Put plain and simple, the Christian life is a pilgrim’s journey. It’s not static, it’s not sedentary, it’s not the mere maintenance of the status quo.It's the difficult and demanding pilgrimage of following Jesus through life. Nothing of this world (by which I mean American culture) prepares us to be Christian. If we think being Christian basically means being a good citizen and going to church on Sunday, we've profoundly misunderstood what it really means to follow Jesus!
How Much a Dollar Cost
Kendrick Lamar
How much a dollar really cost?
The question is detrimental, paralyzin' my thoughts
Parasites in my stomach keep me with a gut feeling, y'all
Gotta see how I’m chillin' once I park this luxury car
Hopping out feeling big as Mutombo
"20 on pump 6" - dirty Marcellus called me Dumbo
20 years ago - can't forget
Now I can lend all my ear or two how to stack these residuals
Tenfold; the liberal concept of what men'll do
"20 on 6" - he didn't hear me
Indigenous African only spoke Zulu
My American tongue was slurry
Walked out the gas station
A homeless man with a semi-tan complexion
Asked me for ten rand, stressin' about dry land
Deep water, powder blue skies that crack open
A piece of crack that he wanted, I knew he was smokin'
He begged and pleaded
Asked me to feed him twice, I didn't believe it
Told him, "Beat it"
Contributin' money just for his pipe, I couldn't see it
He said, "My son, temptation is one thing that I've defeated
Listen to me, I want a single bill from you
Nothin' less, nothin' more"
I told him I ain't have it and closed my door
Tell me how much a dollar cost
It's more to feed your mind
Water, sun and love, the one you love
All you need, the air you breathe
He's starin' at me in disbelief
My temper is buildin', he's starin' at me, I grab my key
He's starin' at me, I started the car, then I tried to leave
And somethin' told me to keep it in park until I could see
The reason why he was mad at a stranger
Like I was supposed to save him
Like I'm the reason he's homeless and askin' me for a favor
He's starin' at me, his eyes followed me with no laser
He's starin' at me, I notice that his stare is contagious
Cause now I'm starin' back at him, feelin' some type of disrespect
If I could throw a bat at him, it'd be aimin' at his neck
I never understood someone beggin' for goods
Askin' for handouts, takin' it if they could
And this particular person just had it down pat
Starin' at me for the longest until he finally asked
Have you ever opened up Exodus 14?
A humble man is all that we ever need
Tell me how much a dollar cost
It's more to feed your mind
Water, sun and love, the one you love
All you need, the air you breathe
Guilt trippin' and feelin' resentment
I never met a transient that demanded attention
They got me frustrated, indecisive and power trippin'
Sour emotions got me lookin' at the universe different
I should distance myself, I should keep it relentless
My selfishness is what got me here, who am I kiddin'?
So I'mma tell you like I told the last bum
Crumbs and pennies, I need all of mines
And I recognize this type of panhandlin' all the time
I got better judgement, I know when it's hustlin', keep in mind
When I was strugglin', I did compromise, now I comprehend
I smell grandpa's old medicine, reekin' from your skin
Moonshine and gin, now you're babblin', your words ain't flatterin'
I'm imaginin' Denzel but lookin' at O'Neal
Kazaam is sad thrills, your gimmick is mediocre
The jig is up, I seen you from a mile away losin' focus
And I'm insensitive, and I lack empathy
He looked at me and said, "Your potential is bittersweet"
I looked at him and said, "Every nickel is mines to keep"
He looked at me and said, "Know the truth, it'll set you free
You're lookin' at the Messiah, the son of Jehovah, the higher power
The choir that spoke the word, the Holy Spirit
The nerve of Nazareth, and I'll tell you just how much a dollar cost
The price of having a spot in Heaven, embrace your loss, I am God"
I wash my hands, I said my grace
What more do you want from me?
Tears of a clown, guess I'm not all what is meant to be
Shades of grey will never change if I condone
Turn this page, help me change, so right my wrongs
The hit song Stressed Out by 21 Pilots is track 9 of Finding God on Your iPod. This song captures the desire of most modern men and women of our stressed out, anxiety-filled society. We want to go back to when things were simple and stress-free; the childhood years of life. To be stress free would be like Heaven on Earth and Jesus is inviting us into that kind of reality here and now. How might we learn to life in the unforced rhythms of God's grace? It has something to do with recovering a child-like trust.
"What’s So” by John Paul White is a song about the importance of being rooted. The song opens with these lines:
Hole in the road
Sun on your back
Shoulder the load
Your ancestors passed
Wear on your sleeve
The virtues you lack
But don't get above your raising
Modern society is transient. Modern work life has people moving from one place to another and many of us experience the absence of rootedness. Many people feel uprooted and disconnected. The Gospel offers a solution in that all of the work of God is connected to a particular time and place with a particular people. Rootedness in Christ, in the church, and in communion establishes us on a solid foundation.
Mercy Please
The Whistles and The Bells
If we are what we eat then my future it is scary
For I have been scarfing down the pages of the devil’s dictionary
In my veins there’s a potent cocktail of fear and worry
That will show in my soul when the test results return from its autopsy
I need just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more mercy please
A beggar at your door, a beggar at your door I will always be
When the henchmen of midnight march me up to the gallows
and I stand accused with a noose around my neck in the shadows
and my crimes fill the dark as the ringleader barks and he bellows
And the whisper of hope cuts the burlap rope
And steals all the ghetto king's gusto
I need just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more mercy please
A beggar at your door, a beggar at your door I will always be
Leon Bridges claims to be "just a kid from Fort Worth, Texas." This kid, who is 25 years old, brings a sound and a soul from 60 years ago. His vintage sound and soulful songs on his first album "Coming Home" lead us to its concluding track entitled "River." Leon brings a message of light to the world as he shares from a heart that longs for redemption in the waters of baptism. It is the very Baptism of Jesus that inaugurates New Creation and calls us to join in what God is doing to set all things right. Let the justice of God roll down like a river.
The Strumbella's song "Spirits" has been growing in popularity because it taps into the age-old cosmic battle between good and evil, the light and the darkness, Superman and Lex Luthor, Jedis and the Sith, "spirits" and "guns." From classic Greek mythology to modern film, these themes have been played and replayed time and time again. The "spirits" are the things that give life and the "guns" are the things that destroy. Both of these reverberate in our heads, battling it out and keeping us frustrated. The moment we put the guns down and turn to the Spirit, that’s when we say: "Maybe we don’t wanna stay the same." This movement opens us to the possibility of real change.
Rolling Stones magazine claims Lucius is the best band you've never heard of. They bring an honest lament in the beautiful vocal driven "Dusty Trails." Each of us has been told that everything will be ok in midst of our sorrow, but what do we do when everything is not ok? What happens when we arrived in a place of doubt, despair, and disappointment? This track explores how we might live in the honest tension of lament and laughter, doubt and faith, confusion and confession.
I Will Be There
Eric Clapton
When times are hard and friends are few
And you need someone to help you through
Just call my name and I will come running to your side
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
I will be there
I will be there
I will be there
I will be there
When morning comes and nothing's changed
And the world outside plays the same old game
Just call on me and I will ease your lonely heart
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
I will be there
When you are lost in the night
No where to turn
I will be there
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
I will be there
Don't be afraid
I will be there
When every one that you believe still lets you down
I will be there
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
Will be there
Don't be afraid
Just call my name
And I will come running to your side
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
I will be there
When you are lost, lost in the night
No where to turn
I will be there
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
I will be there
When everyone that you believe still lets you down
I will be there
Don't be afraid, don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
When you are lost, lost in the night
No where to turn
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Don't be afraid
Burn The Witch
Stay in the shadows
Cheer at the gallows
This is a round up
This is a low flying panic attack
Sing a song on the jukebox that goes
Burn the witch
Burn the witch
We know where you live
Red crosses on wooden doors
And if you float you burn
Loose talk around tables
Abandon all reason
Avoid all eye contact
Do not react
Shoot the messengers
This is a low flying panic attack
Sing the song of sixpence that goes
Burn the witch
Burn the witch
We know where you live
We know where you live
Her Mercy
Glen Hansard
When you're kneeling through the hours,
And you're doubting your given powers,
And when you're ready for her mercy,
And you're worthy,
It will come
When you're sneaking round the back door,
And she’s waiting for you no more,
And when you're ready for her mercy,
And you're worthy,
It will come
When the birds are just tuning up still,
And the dawn breaks on your windowsill,
And when you're ready for her mercy,
And you're worthy,
It will come
It will come
When you're broken,
When your heart is finally open,
When you're down,
Down and troubled,
When you're lost among the rubble
Well, there's sugar on the old spoon,
Let’s do that two-step around your front room,
And when you're ready for her mercy,
And you're worthy,
It will come
Mercy, mercy, coming to you,
Feel her beauty flowing through you
She will unbind you, set the word free.
Mercy, Mercy
The story the Bible wants to tell is the story of a good God who created a good world that went horribly wrong. Ever since, God has been at work setting right his good world gone wrong. His plan from Abraham through Jesus was to work through his people as King to make things right. King Jesus is changing the world in particular through the holiness of his people. How we live and how we love is the Jesus way of changing the world.
Once upon a time the trees decided to choose a king. First the trees said to the Olive Tree, "Be our king!" But Olive Tree refused, saying, "Should I quit producing my olive oil that blesses both God and people, just to wave back and forth over the trees?" Then they said to the Fig Tree, "You be our king!" But Fig Tree also refused, saying, "Should I quit producing my sweet fruit just to wave back and forth over the trees?" Then the trees said to the Grape Vine, "You be our king." But Grape Vine refused, saying, "Should I quit producing my wine that cheers both God and men, just to wave back and forth over the trees?" Then all the trees finally turned to Bramble Thornbush and said, "Be our king!" And Bramble Thornbush replied to the trees, "If you truly want to make me your king, come and put your trust in my shadow. But if not, let fire come out from me and devour the Cedars of Lebanon." (Judges 9:8-15)
When we are at critical crossroads in our lives and we are faced with two doors and we are unsure which way to go, the truth is there is not a “right” door in terms of the will of God, as if God is only behind one door. One of the surprising things about following Jesus is we discover God is behind every door. Even if we walk through the door bearing a sign saying: "Sin and Destruction," we can find the love of God there. There is no place where God is not.
The American church should spend the next one hundred years emphasizing two things: Contemplation and Transformation. One of the most serious maladies infecting Western/American Christianity is that we’ve made Christianity non-contemplative (reactive) and transactional. Our reputation for deep anger and shallow religion are symptoms of this. To move away from industrialized soul care to artistic soul care is a major paradigm shift. It requires re-calibrating how we fundamentally think about our engagement with God. Instead of thinking in terms of transaction, we need to think in terms of transformation.
The Life of A Great Sinner was to be the title of Fyodor Dostoevsky's sequal to The Brothers Karamazov – a book that was never completed. In this sermon "The Life of A Great Sinner" is the story of Zacchaeus – the short tax collector who climbed a tree so he could see Jesus, the "wee little man" of the Sunday School song. But describing Zacchaeus as a "wee little man" is probably misleading. Romans weren't looking for "wee little" bureaucrats to collect their taxes, but enforcer types. Zacchaeus was more like "Sammy the Bull" Gravano – the short of stature mafia boss. This is the story of Zak the Bull...and his encounter with Jesus.
"I woke up this morning looking for someone to blame. Someone to hate. Someone who I could make the single target for my fear about the officers killed in Dallas and for what happened to Alton Sterling and Philando Castile. It was such a desperate feeling to want to discharge the uncertainty and scarcity. Then it dawned on me that this is the exact drive that fueled what’s happening right now. Instead of feeling hurt we act out our hurt. Rather than acknowledging our pain, we inflict it on others. Neither hate nor blame will lead to the justice and peace that we all want—it will only move us further apart. We can’t forget that hate and blame are seductive. Anger is easier than grief. Blame is easier than real accountability. When we choose instant relief in the form of rage, we are in many ways choosing permanent grief for the entire world." –Brené Brown
Jesus, we sit with you in lament for the land.
We lament the long history of injustice that has been upon this land.
We weep for the Native Americans who were killed and driven from their land.
We weep for the African slaves who were sold and suffered in this land.
We weep for Native Americans who continue to suffer injustice in this land.
We weep for African Americans who continue to suffer injustice in this land.
We weep for the families of black men who have been unjustly killed.
We weep for the families of police officers slain while keeping the peace.
We weep for our children growing up in this violent land.
But while we weep, lament, and repent…
We do not give in to despair.
We look to God, for our hope is in God.
The psalmist said, “The meek shall inherit the land.”
Jesus, you said, “The meek shall inherit the earth.”
Lord, teach us to be meek and trusting, not greedy and clutching.
Jesus, you blessed those who hunger and thirst for justice.
We have a deep ache in the pit of our belly;
We have a searing thirst deep in our soul—
For this wounded land to see justice and be healed.
But we don’t know exactly what to do—
So Jesus, we sit with you.
We sit with you so we might see the deep truth—
That God is love…
And there is no them, there is only us.
Jacob wrestled with God and became Israel—the God wrestler. In time Israel became the name for the people of God. The people of God are not those who have God all figured out or have learned to use God; the people of God are those who wrestle with God.
As we get closer to July 4th, people often ask: Is it OK to be patriotic? Can I be a Christian and a Patriot? Can I celebrate national holidays like the fourth of July? Answering questions like these require a clear definition of patriotism. If by patriotism you mean pride of place and love of people in that place, then yes, it's OK to be a patriotic. But...it is easy for patriotism to turn into nationalism whereby we elevate our love for country over our love for Jesus, which creates all sorts of problems in our faith life. Jesus calls us to a life of discipleship where we put him first and everything else becomes a distant second.
The land of the Gerasenes is opposite Capernaum on the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Though it’s only eight miles away by boat, it really was a world away from Capernaum -- the land of the Gerasenes was a land of Gentiles. So when Jesus said, "let’s go over to the other side," he was saying, "let’s go to 'them.'" (If we’re going to learn to love the other, we’re going to have to get to know them.) The city of the Gerasenes was Kursi. In the city of Kursi there lived a man whose had lost the battle with his demons....but that was about to change.
Let’s try to evaluate the church in the context of beauty and ask some fearless questions.
Instead of contributing to the hateful rhetoric of our ugly age, could the church be a shelter from the storm?
Instead of a furrowed brow of disapproval, a clenched fist of anger, a wagging finger of condemnation, could the church present to the world a compassionate countenance of grace?
Instead of being sucked into the destructive dualism of reactive people, could the church become a contemplative people seeking to hold all things together in the reconciling love of Christ?
Instead of ratcheting up culture war polemics, could the church speak the first words of the risen Christ, “peace be with you”?
As a child Prince Mephibosheth was let down by a loved one; as a result he was crippled, living on the edge of hell. Have you ever been let down by a loved one and the episode left its mark on you? Have you ever been hurt by those who were supposed to help you? Do you limp through life, suffering from old wounds, feeling like you're going through hell? This is Mephibosheth. But it's not the end of the story...
Power as defined as the need to be in control, and to be able to control others, belongs to that part of the world Jesus wants to save us from. We are all addicted to power and we don't even know it. This kind of power is challenged by the gospel. Jesus takes away the sin of power through powerlessness, leaving for us an example to follow. Jesus says those who lose their life will save it. When we experience this kind of powerlessness, we are empowered to become fully healed, fully human, and fully alive.
Simeon Bachos, the Ethiopian eunuch, became the first Gentile convert to Christ. There is a powerful message here, because Simeon Bachos was the ultimate outsider. Excluded by his ethnicity and wounded in his sexuality, Simeon had never belonged, never had a place he could truly call home. But when Philip preached Jesus to him and then baptized him, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled—the inclusive temple of Christ had been built!
Religion is bad when it fosters and legitimizes violence.
Religion is bad when it is infected with hypocrisy.
Religion is bad when it becomes a source of spiritual pride.
Religion is bad when it becomes in end in itself.
Religion is bad when it becomes a means of domination.
Religion is bad when it becomes an apparatus of coercive power.
But religion can also be good; not only good, but absolutely necessary. Religion is how we pass on the faith from generation to generation. Christian religion is the practices of prayer, worship, scripture, creed, sacrament, and justice that form us into Christ-like people. Christian religion is what binds us to the Christian faith Only by the practices of Christian religion will we survive the tsunami of secularism.
The book of Ruth is a short-story vignette stuck between Judges and Samuel. From Genesis to Judges the Bible's story is dominated by larger than life characters—Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samson, Gideon. The great heroes of Israel. All of these heroes of faith experienced miracles and were marked by greatness. But at last, with the book of Ruth, we meet some ordinary people. Some people, not like Moses, but more like us. In the story of Ruth there are no miracles, no angels, no tales of daring-do. Yet God is very present in Ruth’s story. At work as God usually is, quietly, behind the scenes.
Bible reading as part of a spiritual formation regiment can be extremely beneficial in helping form disciples of Jesus in Christlikeness. But this isn’t always the case. There are ways of approaching the Bible, reading the Bible, using the Bible that are detrimental to the soul. Because the Bible is such a powerful thing, the misuse of it can be extremely dangerous. So how do we read the Bible so that it's good for us and not bad for us?
God has a face—it’s the face of Jesus. We see the face of God when we see Jesus. The beauty of God is fully seen in the face of Jesus. We see the face of Jesus as it is revealed in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. As we gaze on the face of Jesus, we are gradually transformed into the same image. To be transformed into the image of Jesus is the full work of salvation. The Old Testament said no one could see the face of God and live. The New Testament says it’s only by seeing the face of God in Christ that we live.
How can we live in the midst of a world marked by fear, hatred, and violence, and not be destroyed by it? By becoming aware that our true house is not the house of fear, in which the powers of hatred and violence rule, but the house of love, where God resides. Through the spiritual life we gradually move from the house of fear to the house of love.” –Henry Nouwen, Behold the Beauty of the Lord
We are not Levites at Sinai cutting down sinners in our zeal. We are healers from Mount Zion reconciling people to God. We are not given the ministry of death from the letter; we are given the ministry of life from the Spirit. If we have more passion to put up the Ten Commandments in courthouses than to advocate for immigrants, help prisoners, and reconcile sinners, we can be sure we are filled with the wrong spirit and have the wrong ministry!
When the Law was given at Mount Sinai, the Levites took up swords and killed 3,000 people who had worshiped the golden calf. At Pentecost, when the holy spirit was given, Peter preached the gospel and 3,000 people were saved! The Apostle Paul says it this way: “The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.”
God is triune but Jesus gets a lot of attention because the Father sends the Son and the Spirit glorifies the Son. Jesus said that the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, would come to glorify him. The work of the Holy Spirit is not to draw attention to the work of the Holy Spirit, but to draw our attention to Jesus. He does this by producing within us the fruit of the Spirit.
Ascension Day is easily the most overlooked holy day in the church calendar. In Western culture Christmas and Easter remain very prominent (even if commercialized). In the church Good Friday and Pentecost are still recognized as holy days. But Ascension Day has been almost totally lost. This should tell us something: We’ve lost the meaning of the Ascension of Christ. The gospel is the story of Jesus: Incarnation, Proclamation of the kingdom of God, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension. If we fail to understand the Ascension, our gospel is incomplete.
The demonic seduction of accusation, empire, and propaganda (dragon, beast, and false prophet) always lead humanity to another bloody battlefield. Armageddon always looms. Yet hope abides. Armageddon is always a possibility, but never an inevitability. If we reject the ways of the beast and follow the way of the Lamb, Jesus will lead us away from the doom of Armageddon into the shalom of the New Jerusalem. Though the fires of destruction are always burning outside the walls, the Spirit and the Bride are always calling us into the city of the Lamb...and her gates will never be shut.
The Book of Revelation may be the most important biblical text for American Christians right now, but only if we can rescue it from its egregious misinterpretations and learn to read it properly. Revelation is NOT a 1st century prediction of the geopolitical events of the 21st century; Revelation IS a prophetic critique of the idolatry inherent with economic and military superpowers. The overarching message of the Book of Revelation is this: Jesus is Lord and Rome, etc., etc., is not.
The eschatological vision of the Bible is the answer to our constant prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” So at the end of the Bible we are shown a prophetic picture of the arrival on earth of the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem; a garden city that embodies fidelity and justice.
“Jesus stands before a broken world and says, 'Come follow me.' He invites you to discover a beautiful life that lasts forever." - The Journey at Word of Life Church
A beautiful life is the kind of life that last forever.
A beautiful life is the kind of life that saves the world.
The most beautiful life is the life of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
It is the beauty of Christ that shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. It is the beauty of Christ that compels us to join with the Roman centurion at the Cross confessing “Truly, this is the Son of God.”
In the bleak landscape of our bottom-line, results-obsessed culture, may we find new life as we join Jesus on this journey of beautiful living.
From the beginning Jesus has been gathering together a flock, a community of people, who follow Jesus and believe his teaching, a community that would share his life, eternal life. The Journey at Word of Life is not a solo project. It is an adventure we share together with friends and also with people who we would not necessarily be friends without outside of our shared faith.
Following Jesus is something we do together, but it is a self-initiated journey. No one can walk this journey for you; it is something you determine to do. God does give his Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to be our helper and companion. However, you make the daily decision to either cooperate with or work against the Holy Spirit.
We are each responsible for our own exploration of The Journey. We have the help of the Holy Spirit, but we also have the help of the collective wisdom of those who have followed Jesus before us. We have summed up much of this wisdom in what we call The Four Practices: awareness, learning, reflecting, action.
In a culture of consumerism worship is an act of holy rebellion. Worship is gloriously impractical—a royal wast of time. Because contemporary models of worship involve a band, a stage, and popular music, we are tempted to confuse worship with entertainment. Worship is not entertainment! Entertainment is evaluated on the basis of did we personally find it enjoyable. Worship is evaluated on the basis of did we give God the glory due his name.
April 8, 1966—fifty years ago today—Time magazine published its most iconic cover, asking the question that haunts modern man: “Is God Dead?” After the horrors of the Holocaust and Hiroshima should we concede that Nietzsche was right in his provocative prophesy about Western civilization? Is God dead? This sermon is on the "Doubting Thomas" story. In his commitment to empiricism and the doubt it engendered, Thomas was a prefiguring of the modern age and the crisis of faith. Thomas was called “The Twin” (Didymus). He had the twin experiences of crippling doubt (“I will never believe”) and soaring faith (“My Lord and my God!”).
On the evening of the resurrection Jesus appeared to his frightened disciples as they were hiding in the upper room. He spoke peace to them, breathed the holy spirit upon them, and sent them into the world. From that locked room on that first Easter the gospel message of Jesus has traveled around the world and down through the centuries launching billions of spiritual journeys.
The expression “the scales fell from my eyes” is an idiom for a sudden epiphany. Something that had blinded us is suddenly removed so that now we see the truth. This idiom has its origin in the story of Saul/Paul’s Damascus Road conversion. “Damascus Road” has also become an idiom for a sudden change. But the Damascus Road event and the scales falling from Saul’s eyes are not exactly the same thing. They’re related, but different. One is deconstruction, the other is reconstruction.
The first person to see the risen Christ was Mary Magdalene. When Mary first saw Jesus in the garden she thought he was the gardener. A logical mistake. Or maybe a prophetic mistake. Or maybe not a mistake at all. As the first seed of resurrection raised, Jesus is now the gardener of resurrection, cultivating new life in all who believe.
With the burial of Jesus the new tomb has become a new womb. On Holy Saturday we have nothing to do—nothing to do but to wait. Sometimes it’s a good thing to come to the end of all our striving and enter into a holy Sabbath. A Sabbath of waiting…resting…waiting. When the work is done and the seed is sown, there’s nothing more to do, but to rest and wait...and see what tomorrow will bring.
The conquering king on a majestic horse has become a universal symbol of power. The king astride the warhorse is an equivalent symbol to the king upon his throne. Which is why to this day in every capital city there’s always some dude on a horse. But Jesus did not ride a warhorse into Jerusalem. Jesus rode a donkey…a little donkey. The one who rode the little donkey in humility, peace, and gentleness, now rides the white horse with all authority in heaven and on earth.
The book of Job is a test in how well the reader can resist scapegoating a blameless victim. The key to the whole book is found in the first verse. Job was blameless. But most readers fail the test and end up at some point agreeing with Job's three "miserable comforters" and the most vicious accuser of all, Elihu. But Job was BLAMELESS! Can the reader remember this all the way through? Most readers cannot; eventually they side with the accusers—the satan. We are possessed!
Mary’s anointing of Jesus at Bethany should restrain us from being too quick to judge some act of artistic worship as an unwarranted extravagance. In an age of secular pragmatism all prayer and worship is seen as an extravagant waste, the greatest of all wastes—the waste of time. The secular pragmatist says, “time is money.” But the worshiper knows better. The worshiper knows that time is a gift from God, and that we have not properly appreciated God’s gift of time until we return the best part of it back to God in prayer and worship.
The tenth station in the Scriptural Stations of the Cross ends with this prayer, "We love you Jesus; by your wounds heal us." The wounded of Jesus indicates that the way of Jesus includes suffering. Jesus suffered to leave us an example and on the cross he bore our sins, suffering so we could die to sin and live the life of justice. The cross is the center of our faith. The cross is where we see God enthroned. The cross is where we see sin condemned. As we continue to trust God, the wounds of Jesus can heal us, over time, both body and soul.
Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son recast in a contemporary setting and told from three different perspectives. Robert's story, Mike's Story, and Lloyd's story.
Christ above me...Divine
Christ below me...Incarnation
Christ before me...When Seen
Christ behind me...When Unseen
Christ at my right hand...When I’m Strong
Christ on my left...When I’m Weak
Christ all around me...Cosmic Christ
Christ within me...Formed within me
The way of Jesus is the way of peace and mercy. It’s what Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount. It’s what Jesus lived all the way to Calvary. It’s the practice of enemy-love and radical forgiveness. This road is demanding, but it’s the narrow path that leads to abundant life. The question we face today is this: Do we believe in Jesus enough to follow him in the narrow way that leads to life? The stakes are high. If by nurturing fear and clinging to self-interest we choose the way of anger and resentment, hatred and scapegoating, nationalism and militarism, it will lead us to hell…and it will lead us to hell every time. Right now the Church desperately needs to live up to its lofty calling to be a city set on hill shining forth the light of Jesus. America needs the Church to be a beacon of love and mercy illuminating the way of peace.
G.K. Chesterton suggested that Saint Francis walked the world like the pardon of God. It’s an apt summary of the saint’s life. Francis embodied the grace of God as he walked the hills of Umbria barefoot in his patched brown habit and simple rope belt, preaching to birds and bishops. His life was a kind of performance art protest against the pervasive sins of thirteenth-century Italy — pride, avarice, corruption, and violence. Yet sinners themselves were drawn to Francis. How else do we explain why, in his lifetime, forty thousand people joined his rigorous order of radical Christianity emphasizing poverty, simplicity and humility? Like Jesus, Francis could uncompromisingly denounce systemic sin, while extending genuine compassion to the people caught in its pernicious web. To be a prophetic witness against systems of sin and a preacher of God’s pardon for sinners at the same time is the peculiar grace at which Francis excelled and to which the church is called.
Perhaps the most misunderstood and misused teaching of Jesus is his Olivet Discourse -- the teaching Jesus gave to his to his disciples on the Mount of Olives regarding the signs of "the end." The end of which Jesus is speaking is not the end of the world, but the the end of the Temple age. While the Temple establishment was plotting the end of Jesus, Jesus was prophesying the end of the Temple, the Temple establishment, and the Temple age. Jesus connected the demise of the Temple with the dawn of the Kingdom of God.
Patience is the heart of wisdom. Impatience is the essence of foolishness. When we demand “results” on our own timetable, we will most likely find ourselves out of step with the patient pace of historic Christianity. Impatient saints don’t exist. The saints have learned the secret of being patient with the world, with themselves, and even with God.
When we trust in Jesus, it does not guarantee that nothing bad will ever happen in our life. Evil, the destroyer of worlds is present in our World, but so is God, the savior of the worlds. In midst of suffering, we often have many questions about the goodness of God and the power of evil. What do we do with Evil? How do we respond when everything comes crashing down. Is there any hope to hold on to?
Jesus prayed that we would not be taken out of the world, but that we would be set apart while in the world. In answer to Jesus prayer, the tradition of Lent allows us to be present in, but separate from, the world.
We practice traditions like Lent and Ash Wednesday not because we are commanded to by Bible, but because we are invited to by the church. As we practice Lent, we find that it invites us to practice self-denial, gives us space to reflect and rethink, connects us with echoes from the past, creates contrast in our lives to prepare us for Easter, and ultimately it points us to Jesus.
On the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus and talked with him about the "exodus" he would soon accomplish in Jerusalem. This exodus is more than a euphemism for death. Just as Moses led Israel out of the empire of Egypt through a divine exodus, Jesus' cross opens the door for our exodus out of the empire of sin and death.
In announcing that God’s jubilee of liberation, amnesty, and pardon was arriving with what he was doing, Jesus omitted any reference to God exacting vengeance on Israel’s enemies. In claiming that Isaiah’s prophecy had been fulfilled in their hearing, Jesus is claiming to be Jubilee in person. But the scandalous suggestion is that this Jubilee is to be for everybody…even Israel’s enemies. Jesus has edited out vengeance, and this gives us a key to how Jesus read the Old Testament.
Ours is an angry and vociferous age. We’re constantly subjected to the noise of charged political rhetoric — the wearying din of the culture wars. Too often Sunday morning can be little more than a religious echo of this same noise. But shouldn’t Sunday be a Christian Sabbath, a time to quiet our souls and receive the gift of silence? What if, instead of being another contributor to this clatter, our churches became a shelter from the storm offering respite to shell-shocked souls?
When God gave Israel the Law, God also gave Israel a calendar. Included in Israel's sacred calendar was the year of Jubilee when debts were canceled, slaves were freed, and property inheritance was restored. The Jubilee was a divine liberation from debt, slavery, and eviction. During Israel's exile Isaiah prophesied of a Spirit anointed person who would announce the restitution of Jubilee. Six centuries later in the synagogue in Nazareth Jesus announced that he was fulling Isaiah's prophecy by announcing the arrival of God's jubilee
"Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace. Those four words seemed prescient. I don’t want to make too much of what was probably just a happy coincidence, but those four words did speak to me. Echoes, silence, patience, and grace. These were things I needed. I needed to hear echoes from the past. I needed to practice more silence in the present. I needed patience with the future. I needed grace to tie it all together. Like the five words in 2004, these four words in 2009 meant something to me. Four words from the Foo Fighters on the train to Assisi." - Pastor Brian Zahnd, "Water To Wine"
Why would the pastor of a large and successful church risk everything in a quest to find a richer, deeper, fuller Christianity? In Water To Wine Pastor Brian tells his story of disenchantment with pop Christianity and his search for a more substantive faith.
“I was halfway to ninety—midway through life—and I had reached a full-blown crisis. Call it garden variety mid-life crisis if you want, but it was something more. You might say it was a theological crisis, though that makes it sound too cerebral. The unease I felt came from a deeper place than a mental file labeled “theology.” I was wrestling with the uneasy feeling that the faith I had built my life around was somehow deficient. Not wrong, but lacking. It seemed watery, weak. In my most honest moments I couldn’t help but notice that the faith I knew seemed to lack the kind of robust authenticity that made Jesus so fascinating. And I had always been utterly fascinated by Jesus. What I knew was that the Jesus I believed in warranted a better Christianity than what I was familiar with. I was in Cana and the wine had run out. I needed Jesus to perform a miracle.” –Brian Zahnd
Original blessing is more original than original sin. Jesus is the new Adam who leads humanity back to original blessing. The community of the baptized belong to the new humanity to which God says, "You are my beloved sons and daughters, with you I am well pleased."
"Magi from the east came to Jerusalem saying, 'Where is he...?" -Matthew 2:2
Two thousand years ago magi from Persia came to Jerusalem seeking the one born King of the Jews and asking, "Where is he?" What about modern magi? What about 21st century seekers? What about those who in some way believe Jesus is important, but don't quite know where to find him. If asked by modern magi, "Where is he? Where is Jesus?" -- what should we say? Here are five responses:
1) At the right hand of God.
2) Among the suffering.
3) Among the baptized gathered in his name.
4) With you. Always.
5) In the bread and wine of communion .
One of the most unique things about the religion of the ancient Hebrews was the prohibition against making images of the Divine. The two things all ancient religions had in common were sacrifice and images. Israel shared sacrificial rites similar with other religions, but they prohibited the creation of sacred images. Israel had a correct instinct that to make an image of God is to misrepresent God. Israel was taught by God that they didn’t know enough about God to make an image of God. So Israel had a Torah, but no icons -- no representative images revealing what God is like. But then something wonderful happened! The most wonderful thing of all happened! The Word, Wisdom, Logos, Logic of God became flesh…a baby…a human being! Who is Jesus? The perfect icon of God. The exact imprint of God’s nature. With the coming of Christ we have a new way of knowing God!
Losing Jesus. Finding Jesus. Rethinking Jesus. This is how we make spiritual progress. This is the only way we make spiritual progress! We think we’ve got Jesus figured out. We think we know the crowd where Jesus can be found. We think we know where we can always locate Jesus. Then one day…he’s not there! And we have to go searching for him. “Seek and you shall find.” But when we find Jesus after losing him, he’s…different. That’s when the rethinking (repenting) starts. It’s the only way we make spiritual progress.
Jesus came into the world at the intersection of beauty and pain. Christ was born on the fault line of our most intractable conflict. O little town of Bethlehem… A city today where the beauty of Orthodox icons and olive wood Nativity sets collides head on with the brutality of teargas canisters and rubber bullets. Hope and horror in the House of Bread.
As Christians we will either be a people of joy and peace or else will belong to the crowd of fear and rage that is so vocal in our day. In an age of fear and rage we are called to be a people marked by joy and peace. One of the scandalous things about the early Christians to the Roman mind was their apparently absurd joy. Despite the fact that the early Christians were often persecuted, they were characterized by an unmistakable joy—not a glib and superficial happiness, but a deep and abiding joy.
Advent is the season where we prepare for the birth of Christ. We don’t just prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ (decorate, shop, bake, etc), but we actually prepare for Christ to born into our lives in a new way. Thus Advent is the season where we do work to keep Christ in Christians.
We are presently in a time of great darkness. The darkness of hate, bigotry, violence, and vengeance threatens to sweep over the world. But in this darkness a light shines -- the light of Jesus. Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, prophesied about Messiah, saying that he would, "give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide us to the path of peace."
When I was in Bethlehem the week before Advent I was given two beautiful icons. I was also given two other "souvenirs"—a spent tear gas canister and a used rubber bullet. Jesus was born in Bethlehem—at the intersection of beauty and pain, on the fault line of our most intractable conflicts. This is where salvation comes into the world. O little town of Bethlehem—where the beauty of Orthodox icons and olive wood carvings collides with the brutality of tear gas and rubber bullets. This is the birthplace of Jesus. To speak only of the icons is too sentimental. To speak only of the tear gas is too cynical. When we read of Bethlehem in the Bible we find both the adoration of the magi and the slaughter of the innocents. Hope and horror, beauty and brutality. The Incarnation is the matrix of salvation, and thus we commemorate it in the beauty of art. But Jesus was not born into the beatific scene of a Nativity icon—Jesus was born into a war torn world where paranoid despots dispatch death squads and where tear gas and rubber bullets litter the streets. Or to say it another way, "The Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5).
The season of Advent is about anticipation, preparation, and longing. Anticipation because something has been promised by God. Preparation because we must prepare the way to participate in the promise. Longing because what has been promised matters—the salvation of the world. During Advent we practice the Christian virtue of patience as we learn to wait on God.
Jeremiah 33:14–16 is one of the great Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. It was given by Jeremiah 400 years after David and 600 years before Christ. The prophecy says that a king will come from the line of David who will be the righteousness (covenant faithfulness) of God. This anointed king is how God keeps the promises he has made to Israel. The distinguishing characteristic of this king is that he will establish justice. In other words, Messiah will bring salvation by setting the world right.
As followers of Jesus we are called not to avenge ourselves, but to "leave it to the wrath of God," because vengeance belongs to God; God will repay. We know God's vengeance is not an eye-for-an-eye justice, so what can it mean? The wrath of God, often connected to God's vengeance, is a metaphor pointing us to God's judgment. What we call the "wrath of God" is what evil looks like in the light of the love of Christ. God will repay those who have done evil, but God's judgment is tempered with mercy.
The Christian mind is the mind of Christ where we are enabled by the Spirit to think as people in Christ. The danger of not developing a Christian mind is the potential to be cut off from the life of God. We have the mind of Christ and we have the ability to work with the Spirit in cultivating a Christian mind that is humble, renewed, active, and maturing.
Since Cain Killed Abel the human family has been longing for justice.
Following in Israel's legacy of longing, Isaiah paints a picture of the plans and purposes of God to save. He reminds the people of God to tarry. In the midst of suffering, when the light of the future seems to flicker and fade Isaiah beckons the people of God to keep waiting. For there is one coming that will set all things right. He is not coming to condemn the world, but to save it.
Hope has been the theme of the people of God since the beginning.
Hope is essential to carry on. In those times that everything seems lost we hold to hope. We hope that what has been lost can be found, what has been broken can be mended, and what has been destroyed can be rebuilt. Does what we hope in matter? And what happens if our hope becomes misguided? Will God's faithfulness to save, heal, and redeem still reach us in our misguided hope?
There are monsters in this world, but the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is not one of them. Yes, there are monsters. We have an imagination for monsters because we know of their existence. Venomous and vicious beasts were a daily peril for our earliest ancestors. Volcanoes and tsunamis can swallow whole cities. Hurricanes and tornados roar from the heavens, leaving hell in their wake. Epidemics of disease are lethal predators taking their pitiless toll. Worst of all, there are monstrosities of men — conquerors and warlords, tyrants and despots — galloping across history like ringwraiths bringing conquest, war, famine, and death. We can imagine monsters because we have met them. But the living God is not one of them. Not the God who Jesus called Abba.
In forty years of following Jesus these are my four most significant discoveries:
1. Jesus Is the Light of the World
2. The Christian Life is a Journey
3. The Kingdom of God is Everything
4. God Is Like Jesus
Paul writes to the deeply flawed church at Corinth and calls them saints—which is theologically correct, but also, if you know about those Corinthian Christians, a bit hilarious. We are called saints in Christ. Which is a lovely thing to call sinners trying to follow Jesus. We are saints—holy ones. But we’re also sinners…and we live in that tension. Those of us following Jesus are pilgrims trying to make progress toward sainthood. As Robert Louis Stevenson said, “Saints are sinners who kept going.” We are sinner-saints pressing on to live up to our high calling in Christ Jesus.
In Mark chapter ten we find two stories back to back that exemplify how we should and should not pray. In the first story James and John approach Jesus saying, "We want you to do for us whatever we ask." This self-agenda based prayer is met with rebuff from Jesus. In the second story the blind beggar Bartimaues simply prayers, "Lord, have mercy on me." Jesus responds to this humble, open-ended plea for mercy with, "What do you want me to do for you?" It wasn't the two disciples who knew how to pray, but the blind beggar.
If there’s a secret to making progress as a Christian pilgrim, it’s this: When following Jesus gets hard and discouraging and confusing—and it will!—just don’t quit, but keep on pressing on.
The modern adage goes, "I'm not religious, but I'm spiritual." But what does that mean and where does it come from? The modern contempt for religion doesn't come from Jesus and the Apostles, it comes from the likes of Voltaire and Nietzsche. Jesus was religious. Throughout his life Jesus engaged in religious practices. Religion is essential to spiritual formation. If we hope to be formed as Christian people we can't leave it up to vague notions of abstract spirituality, instead we need the practices and disciplines that belong to the received wisdom of the Christian religion.
The Christian life is a journey, a pilgrimage. It's not a static state of being, but a call to follow Jesus. The point of the journey is not so much where we're going, but what we're becoming. Jesus didn't say, "Follow me and I will take you..." Jesus said, "Follow me and I will make you..."
In the fifth century BC Ezra led Jerusalem in a revival of fidelity to the Torah by exhorting those who had married Samaritan women to divorce them and send them away along with their children. But what happens if we invite Jesus into the story? Things change. Jesus never used the word grace, but his whole life was an embodiment of grace. Jesus embodied the grace of God by always making room at the table for the excluded other.
Zechariah is the prophet of the comeback. Israel had been on a long losing streak. A divided kingdom, a civil war, corrupt kings and priests, Israel conquered by Assyria, Judah conquered by Babylon, and worst of all, the Temple of God destroyed. It's under these bleak conditions that Zechariah dares to prophesy of a comeback for Israel. Not only will the Temple be rebuilt, but Israel's true king will come to Jerusalem. This king won't ride the warhorse; he'll enter Jerusalem on the peace donkey. But Zechariah also prophesies that the Peaceable King will be the Pierced King.
God's people were living in exile in Babylon. The world around them had grown dark. No light. No temple. No Sabbath. No God. No hope. Into this dark cloud of despair comes a word from elsewhere from Isaiah of the Exile. He brings a word of comfort, a word of encouragement -- the God of Israel was coming to rescue and save.
Isaiah poetic word of prophecy was filled with seven themes:
1. God is creator. (Is. 40:28-31)
2. Israel is God’s servant. (Is. 43:10-11)
3. Idolatry is stupid. (Is. 44:9, 14-19)
4. Israel has sinned and thus suffered. (Is. 48:3-5)
5. God is compassionate. (Is. 49:13-18)
6. God’s messenger is coming. (Is. 52:7-8, 13-15; 53:1-9)
7. New creation awaits. (Is. 65:17-25)
In this we see the gospel in miniature.
We live in a secular age with this consensus, the way things are is the way things will be. In this secular age, there is little room for dreaming. Dreams are seen as the practice of children, but what if we could learn to dream again? What new possibilities might open up before us as we embrace this sacred practice of the imagination. From the dreams of Isaiah to the visions of John the Revelator, we are invited to join in the long history of sacred dreaming.
The story of Jeremiah is a tragedy -- a tragedy that foreshadows the tragedy and suffering of Christ. Jeremiah, like Jesus, lived and preached in a tragic time as Jerusalem hurdled toward destruction. Like Jesus, Jeremiah protested the Temple, was arrested, and publicly scourged. Jeremiah described himself as a lamb led to the slaughter. But Jeremiah also prophesied of a better day built upon a New Covenant. In the life of Jeremiah we see the tragic elements of the gospel story, but we also find echoes of hope, because in Christ no story is left as a tragedy.
Tucked away in the middle of the often bleak and sometimes scathing Minor Prophets we find a comedy: The book of Jonah. This reluctant prophet turns out to be the most successful evangelist in the Old Testament. But how it happened is funny. When God calls Jonah to travel five hundred miles East and preach to Israel’s despised enemies the Ninevites, Jonah buys a ticket on a ship sailing two thousand miles West! In his flight from God, Jonah accidentally converts a ship full of heathen sailors, is swallowed by a whale, and is finally spit out on the shores of Nineveh. After Jonah’s bleak doomsday sermon everyone in the great city of Nineveh repents. Even the animals repent and don garments of mourning. Imagine cats and dogs, cows and pigs wearing burlap to show sorrow for their sin. Yes, this is a comedy. What we find in the dramatic comedy of Jonah is an Old Testament theology of mercy — a theology that will eventually find full expression in the life and teaching of Jesus.
Isaiah of Jerusalem gave us three of the most important Messianic songs of salvation -- The Immanuel Song, The Prince of Peace Song, The Lion and Lamb Song. These songs all find their fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth as he brings God's presence, God's peace, and God's kingdom.
The parables of Jesus are not nice and conventional stories with a moral lesson. Neither are they stories designed to simply get us to pray a “sinner’s prayer.” Anyone who thinks this is what Jesus’ parables are about has clearly not read them! There is nothing nice or easy, clear or conventional about Jesus’ parables. If anything, Jesus’ parables are crazy, confusing, and most of all disorienting. But why? Jesus’ parables are designed to disorient us from our conventional assumptions so we can be coaxed into the alternative and un-imagined universe that is the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is nothing less than an alternative way (God’s way!) to arrange the world.
The Prophets are not predictors or political activists; they are poets. These poet/prophets assume the role of pulling back the curtain in society to reveal how things really are and what God is really like. Hosea does just that with a bold prophetic performance. He reveals the truth about Israel's unfaithfulness while also revealing the truth about God's faithfulness. Are we willing to face our own brokenness, pain, and sin? Because in doing so, we will discover a God who is ready and willing to heal, comfort, and forgive.
The fear of global terrorism creates anxiety, no doubt, the question is what do we do with our anxiety? There is the response of anger, hate, and the compulsion to stand up and fight on one hand and the response to suppress how we feel, disengage, and live comfortably numb on the other.
Jesus shows us a better way.
Jesus does not call us to stand up and fight for what is right. He does not call us to hide and pretend like injustice and fear are not real. Jesus invites us to live peaceably in a world of terror. Paul gives us at least 20 things we can do to live peaceably in his instructions to the church in Rome in Romans 12. As we live peaceably we can have hope for peace in our world.
What are the Hebrew prophets up to? What’s their agenda? The prophets call us to integrity—to wholeness of being. Religious people tend to build walls to separate the sacred and secular, but the prophets will not tolerate this bifurcation of being. The prophets use their poems like battering rams to break down the walls we build to separate the sacred from the secular. The poet-prophets thunder, "There is no secular! It’s all sacred!"
The Hebrew prophets simply will not tolerate the separation of worship and justice. Worship is how we relate to God and justice is how we relate to our neighbor. False religion says as long as we believe right and worship right, we can get away with treating our neighbor wrong, that our sins will be hidden by our worship. But the prophets vehemently disagree with this! All of them. This is a consistent theme throughout the Hebrew prophets.
The bonus track in Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "Song for Someone" by U2.
And I’m a long, long way from your Hill of Calvary
And I’m a long way from where I was and where I need to be
If there is a light you can’t always see
And there is a world we can’t always be
If there is a dark that we shouldn’t doubt
And there is a light, don’t let it go out
And this is a song, a song for someone
Check out the music video above.
If there is a secret to the Christian life, it's this: Just don’t give up, don't quit, don’t stop. Press on. We all stumble. We all fall. We don’t have to be perfect, we just have to press on. Perfectionism is the enemy of true progress. When imperfect people seriously aspire to perfection the results are disastrous. People who find themselves in a culture where perfection is expected are forced to pretend. To live in a world of pretense is to live outside of reality. And there’s another word for living outside or reality—insanity!
When we try to be perfect we find it impossible to be good. The pretense of perfection leads people to be legalistic, judgmental, proud, duplicitous, depressed and generally screwed up from the cognitive dissonance of an expectation that is cruelly contradicted by reality. “Perfect” people cannot be good. This why perfectionist groups always implode in spectacular scandal! If because of an expectation of perfection and a fear of rejection we can’t bring our sin into the light of confession and forgiveness, it grows in the dark until it becomes an uncontrollable monster! But the good news is, we don’t have to be perfect! The only perfection Jesus calls us to is perfection of mercy.
Song nine in Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "War in the Mind" by Lauryn Hill.
"The prophet knew that religion could distort what the Lord demanded of man, that priests themselves had committed perjury by bearing false witness, condoning violence, tolerating hatred, calling for ceremonies instead of bursting forth with wrath and indignation at cruelty, deceit, idolatry, and violence." –Abraham Joshua Heschel
"God needs prophets in order to make himself known, and all prophets are necessarily artistic. What a prophet has to say can never be said in prose." –Hans Urs von Balthsar
Song eight in Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "Sing All Our Cares Away" by Damien Dempsey.
The power of song must never be underestimated. Don’t ever say, "but it’s just a song." Half the Bible is “just a song!” We’ve diminished the power of song because we’ve succumbed to empiricism. Song is not reason. Song is resistance—resistance to the totalizing of the facts. We sing to push back the “facts” and create room for hope to rise. And when hope rises, we rise with it. That’s when it becomes a Song of Ascent. The Hebrews have known this. The Irish have known this. African Americans have know this. And the church has always known this…unless we have forgotten it. The church is to be the community that sings the Jesus songs of faith, hope, and love.
Song seven in Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "The Thief and The Friend" by Jason Upton.
"Many men are brave
And many men are strong
But few men have I ever seen
Who’ll fight for who’s right
And then fight for who’s wrong
Fight for the friend and the thief
But I’ve heard of you
You’ve got so many names
But you call yourself Son of Man
I’ve heard your song on the streets where I live
Heard it over and over again
Light a candle tonight let it shine, let it shine
Let it shine for the goodness and glory of God
Let it shine on the wrong
Let it shine on the right
And shine especially bright for the losers
I have given them hope and a future"
- Jason Upton
The sixth song in Finding God on your iPod 2015 is "Brother" by The Brilliance. The supreme Christian confession—Jesus is Lord—is a political statement. Those who confess Jesus is Lord are to seek to embody the politics of Jesus. What are the politics of Jesus? Not the politics of competition and conquest, but the politics of love. Love for God…love for neighbor…even love for enemy. Because when we look into the face our enemy…we see our brother.
The fifth song in Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "Us for Them" by Gungor. It’s easy to see we live in a world arranged around ‘Us vs. Them’—it's our organizing principle. But this arrangement produces hostility, hatred, and untold injustice and suffering. We may think that as long as “our side” wins it’s okay…but it’s not okay! It’s the way of death. If the world is to be saved and healed, it must be rescued from ‘Us vs. Them’—because the way of Cain always ends with Auschwitz, Hiroshima, and all manner of mass suffering.
So Jesus comes as the Savior of the world. Not to save us from God, but to save us from…us! Because the deep truth is this: There is no them, there is only us. In Christ the chosen people is the human race and the holy land is the whole earth.
The fourth song in Finding God on your iPod 2015 is "The Waterfall" by My Morning Jacket. Sometimes it feels like life is just piling one painful thing after another on top of us.The power of the waterfall as a metaphor is in its unending relentlessness. Long before My Morning Jacket used the waterfall as a metaphor for how life can beat us down, the Sons of Korah used the waterfall as a metaphor in exactly the same way. So how do we stop the waterfall? How do we stop the endless cascades of pain? We can’t do it by stopping all the painful experiences. But here’s a secret:
Most of our pain is either retrieved from the past or borrowed from the future.
That’s the first part of the secret—that our pain is mostly not present, but retrieved or borrowed. The second part of the secret is this:
We stop the waterfall of pain by learning to live in the present moment present to God's eternal love.
Song three in Finding God on your iPod 2015 is "Mercy" by Muse. The cry, show me mercy from the powers that be, is actually this cry: Show me the church! Show me the body of Christ that is characterized by compassion and looks like Jesus! Without knowing it, Muse is actually being very prophetic; they’re saying, Please, church, won’t you act like Jesus so we can see mercy!
Which is why the church in America can be neither Democrat nor Republican. If we import their politics of power into the church, we import the spirits of the principalities and powers into the church and we become deeply compromised.
As Christians we don’t follow a donkey or an elephant…we follow the Lamb!
The second song for Finding God on Your iPod 2015 is "Don't Wanna Fight" by Alabama Shakes. We live in a combative age. It’s constantly modeled for us and if we're not careful we'll pick it up like a bad habit. If the church takes on a combative spirit, it has capitulated to the spirit of the age. To be Christian is not to be combative in the name of Jesus, but to be something else entirely. If the church is to be a city set on a hill, a light shining in a dark place, then we must turn away from the combative and turn toward the contemplative.
Jesus was a fighter, but his weapon was not a whip or a sword or a gun or a nuke. His weapon was a cross. On the cross Jesus laid down his life forgiving his enemies. His weapon was love, his weapon was forgiveness, his weapon was faith. And having seen Jesus on the cross forgiving his enemies…I don’t wanna fight no more.
First song in Finding God On Your iPod 2015 is "There Is No End To Love" by U2.
Finding God On Your iPod is not an attempt to be cute or clever; I take this sermon series very seriously. I think some of my best sermons in the past seven years have come from Finding God On Your iPod. "Don’t Drink The Water" (2012) and "Ain’t No Reason" (2014) come to mind. Preaching is an intrinsically artistic endeavor. Sermons without artistry are either just lectures or bad sermons. What the Bible calls prophets, we usually think of as poets. Isaiah and Jeremiah, Hosea and Amos, Zechariah and Malachi, and even John the Revelator were what we call poets. The poetic and the prophetic are closely related. And the most visible poets today are music artists. So Finding God On Your iPod is an exploration of prophetic and spiritual themes found in contemporary music; some of it is explicitly Christian, some of it is not. But you can be sure of this: Every song will lead to a sermon that is saturated with gospel message of Jesus.
We have all felt the restless weight of our culture's demands to want more, need more, and thus do more. Just as God heard the restless cry of his people in Egypt, God hears our cry. He is calling us out of The Madness of More and toward the promised land of plenty. Will we trust God to deliver, sustain, and provide?
Without seeing the kingdom all we are left with is a docile, sentimental, personal "Jesus" who has little to do with the world God loves and wants to save. Jesus without a kingdom is like an eagle without the open sky or a whale without the expansive ocean or a bear without the thick woods. You cannot lock up Jesus in the captivity of your own personal spirituality and expect to see Jesus as he is. To see Jesus as king requires you see the kingdom of God and catching a glimpse of the kingdom of God changes how you see everything else.
All of Creation—from the mightiest mountain to the tiniest grain of sand—is a gift from God. People and animals, plants and every grain of sand, all belong. To be rightly connected to God’s good Creation can bring dimensions of revelation and restoration that may come in no other way.
Is the blessing and mercy of Christ just for those in the center of God's will or is it also for those on the fringe? If we carefully observe Jesus in the Gospels the answer should be obvious. But the little Pharisee that lives in all of us objects to this. We need to ask ourselves if we are trying to reconcile scandalous grace with a moral economy of merit? If so, the kingdom of God will remain either invisible or offensive.
Life can have a way of becoming a grey tedium of dull routine for many people. Every day can seem very 'everyday.' In the midst of our seemingly humdrum lives, is there a way to redeem a sense of the holy? Is God closer than we might think? If so, how might we find him? And once we do, how might our lives change?
We know God by approximation and encounter. Within the approximation we have been given by the church we see that God is righteous. Righteousness is a Bible word that many fail to understand. God’s righteousness is his covenant faithfulness. This reimagining of the word righteousness fits within the big story the Bible tells: a story of creation, corruption, covenant, and new creation. God has remained faithful to his covenant to bless the world through Israel. As followers of Jesus the Messiah we are invited to participate with God in blessing and restoring the world as we seek after his covenant faithfulness and embody it as we live our lives of worship, work, and play.
Once we understand that Jesus is image of God, the exact imprint of God’s nature, and the only perfect theology, we can answer some important questions about God that in the past we humans have often gotten wrong.
Does God send the storm? No. He calms the storm.
Does God cause famines? No. He feeds the hungry.
Does God inflict sickness? No. He heals the sick.
Does God shun sinners? No. He welcomes them.
Does God condemn the guilty? No. He saves them.
Does God blame the afflicted? No. He shows them mercy.
Does God resent human pleasure? No. He turns the water to wine.
Does God take our side in our hostilities? No. He humanizes the other side.
Does God kill his enemies? No. He forgives them.
Does God return with revenge on his mind? No. He comes with words of peace.
Martha was distracted and worried about many things. But Mary had learned the secret of Real Presence. If we don't learn how to be really present to the Real Presence, we will be constantly harassed by pain from the past, distraction in the present, and anxiety about the future. In our age of distraction learning to practice Real Presence will bring much needed peace and healing to our souls.
When Jesus quoted from Isaiah 61 at his hometown synagogue in Nazareth, he says the Spirit of the Lord is upon him to proclaim good news, liberation, restoration, and the year of God's favor. But Jesus omits Isaiah's line about "the vengeance of our God." Was it was a mistake? No. From what Jesus says next we know it was clearly intentional. Jesus came to bring the mercy of God and close the book on vengeance.
Whether it’s a flood, a famine or a Pharaoh…God will deliver you! When you’re facing a Goliath or in a lion’s den…God will deliver you! Even if the wine runs out, the boat is begins to sink or Lazarus begins to stink…God will deliver you! The point of salvation history is that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. But faith doesn’t mean that everything will always turn out just the way you want it to. Shall we say that God failed to deliver these heroic sufferers and faithful martyrs? Of course not! God delivered them through the testing of their faith, not from the testing of faith. Isaiah sawn asunder was not less delivered than Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego.
When we follow the example of Stephen we discover a life filled with the Holy Spirit as we remain open to God in prayer, acknowledging his presence with us and his love for us.
In the final hours before his crucifixion Jesus is blamed, accused, condemned. The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of blasphemy; Pilate convicted him of insurrection. But Jesus is neither a blasphemer nor a violent revolutionary—he is blameless. Indeed, he is the only truly blameless one—he is the innocent Lamb of God. But Jesus takes the blame anyway. All of it. He doesn’t try to defend himself. Jesus doesn’t argue, Jesus doesn’t defend himself, Jesus doesn’t even open his mouth. Why? Because Jesus takes all the blame. Jesus doesn’t deserve any of the blame, but… Jesus bears it. He takes it. He carries it. He absorbs it. All of it. Why? Because he’s the Lamb of God—the completely innocent scapegoat who takes all our blame. Jesus is the Lamb of God. And what does the Lamb of God do? The Lamb of God takes away all the sin of the world. Jesus takes away all the blame of the world. Where does he take it way to? To hell, to Sheol, to the grave. Where it belongs! And Jesus leaves it there…in hell…where it belongs…where satan belongs!
O LORD, the hope of Israel!
All who forsake you shall be put to shame.
Those who turn away from you
shall be written in the dust,
for they have forsaken the LORD,
the fountain of living water.
–Jeremiah 17:13
If we use the Bible to condemn other people…
If we use the Bible as a weapon to trap our enemies…
If we use the Bible as a barrier to dam the river of God’s mercy…
We are written in the dust.
The journey from Sinai to Tabor…
The journey from Exodus to Matthew…
The journey from the Old Testament to the New Testament…
The journey from God hidden in darkness to God revealed in light…
The journey from seeing the back of God to seeing the face of God…
Is the journey of the progressive revelation of God found in Scripture.
It's the journey from Back of God Theology to Face of God theology.
In Acts 2 we find the believers devoting themselves to “the prayers.” In Acts 4 we find the believers lifting their voices in spontaneous prayer. We need both: The formation of liturgical prayer and the spontaneity of improvisational prayer.
"Sitting with Jesus" is a form of contemplative prayer. There are breakthroughs in spiritual development that can occur through contemplative prayer that can occur no other way. Either we gain new perspectives through contemplative prayer or we forever look at the world through the same old lens of frightened self-interest. It is in contemplative prayer (or "sitting with Jesus") that universal love becomes possible.
We all know we live in a broken world. From Fallujah to Ferguson, Beirut to Baltimore, there’s too much hate, too much war, too much poverty, too much sorrow. Some religious folk just want to post a “condemned” sign and abandon the world. Their escapist fantasy is to fly off to some other world. But this is not the blessed hope. God still loves our beautiful and broken world, and the Carpenter of Nazareth came to restore it, not condemn it. The Hebrew prophets dreamed of a day when all things would be restored. Their poems speak of lions lying down with lambs, swords turning into plowshares, barren wastelands being healed, and every bitter tear wiped away. After Pentecost the apostles preached that Jesus is the hero of the poet’s dream. So this is our gospel: The world is broken because we are broken…but Jesus restores all things!
That God may send Jesus
The Christ appointed for you
Whom heaven must receive
Until the time
For the restoration
Of all things
-The Apostle Peter (Acts 3:20-21)
The Apostle Paul says that he received his revelation directly from Christ. Paul never knew the historical Jesus of Nazareth, but he did know the risen and ascended Christ of the Cosmos. Paul also says that it is this "Christ of the Cosmos" who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth.
If we don’t perceive the importance of Pentecost, it’s because we don’t perceive how the gospel culminates with the creation of the Church. The catholicity of the Church is not about speaking one language. (That's Babylon.) It's about one gospel spoken in many tongues. We must not shrink Pentecost to an individual spiritual experience. Pentecost isn't about individualism; it's about our unity in the Holy Spirit.
Armageddon. It's word that only appears once in the Bible, but few words have captured popular imagination more than Armageddon. As such it's much used and and abused by the popular misinterpreters of Revelation. To hear them tell it, the world is being drawn inevitably toward an unpreventable war. But this is a horrible misinterpretation. Our looming Armageddons are always a possibility, but never an inevitability. Armageddon is inevitable only if that's what we want. Armageddon is inevitable only if we refuse to follow the Lamb. Armageddon is inevitable only if we follow dragons, beasts, and false prophets.
The only thing Jesus ever talked about was the Kingdom of God. Think of it as the Government of God; God's politics of grace; God's alternative to anti-human empire.
Jesus announced the Government of God in disorienting parables about a curious grace and a new kind of justice that upends the established order. Jesus said that with the coming of God's Government, "many who are first will be last and the last will first."
Jesus enacted the Government of God by miracles of healing and provision, the "unauthorized" forgiveness of sinners, and a table practice of radical hospitality.
The Government of God that Jesus announced and enacted isn't about dying and going to heaven. The Government of God is about heaven's politics of grace and justice coming to earth—as Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy Government come, Thy Politics be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
We certainly need fresh encounters with the Holy Spirit, but we also need the wisdom of the historic church. We need the Holy Spirit and we need the creeds. We need the power of the Spirit and we need the writings of the church fathers. We need the gifts of the Spirit and we need the traditions of the church. We need an openness to the surprising work of the Holy Spirit and we need serious, theological study of Scripture.
One of the ways to bridge the gap between these kinds of needs is to reflect upon the Holy Spirit using "Come, Creator Spirit," a 9th century hymn to the Holy Spirit. What we see among other things in considering this hymn is the Holy Spirit is not only the breath of God, but the touch of God; the place where God touches humanity.
Most of our problems in church life are rooted in worship problems driven by theology problems. This phenomenon is why the Apostle Paul addressed problems in the ancient church with answers in what we think and what we say about God. The god we believe in is the god we will worship. Worship the wrong god and experience the road to destruction and heartache. Christians worship the one God, the creator God, the God of Israel. We worship one God, but whatever it meant for God to be one was radically rethought by Paul by Jesus and the Spirit. The one God we worship is a holy community of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The branches of our life that are incapable of transmitting the life of Jesus will eventually be burned. The branches of our life that are capable of transmitting the life of Jesus will eventually be cut back. But if we keep abiding in the mystery of Jesus, the pruned places of pain and loss will become the source of great grace to help heal others.
We're told that the Ethiopian Eunuch went to Jerusalem to worship. But this treasurer in the royal court of Queen Candace would not have been allowed to worship in the Temple. The Torah prohibited eunuchs from the entering the Temple. But Isaiah held forth a vision of a new kind of Temple where eunuchs would be welcome. When Philip preached the good news of Jesus, the eunuch discovered that he was welcome in the new Temple that is the kingdom of God.
Jesus said he was was the good shepherd who came to bring abundant life. He also said that those who came before him were thieves and robbers who came only to steal, kill, and destroy. Who were these bad shepherds? Jesus then said the sheep hear his voice, but they did not listen to the bad shepherds. Who are these sheep?
The kingdom of God is not heaven. It is not the church. The kingdom of God is the present rule of God in Christ on the earth through the church. It is where God is in charge and running the show. For those who enter into this kingdom and become kingdom-people God desires for them to live together in unity. In Romans 14, the Apostle Paul dealt with a growing division in the church between meat-eaters and vegetarians. In the end, Paul encourages them to stop judging and despising one another and instead work for the things that make for peace and mutual up-building, to be one as God himself is one.
The Emmaus Road disciples encountered Jesus on the road and he was made known to them in the breaking of bread. It's the same with us. We encounter Jesus on the road of our own surprising story. And we encounter Jesus in the bread of our shared sacrament. Story and Sacrament. We need both.
It’s high time that a morbid fascination with a supposed unalterable script of God–sanctioned–end-time–hyperviolence be once and for all left behind. A secret (or not-so-secret) longing for the world’s violent destruction is grossly unbecoming to the followers of the Lamb. We are not hoping for Armageddon; we are helping build New Jerusalem. We will not complete it without the return of the King, but we will move in that direction all the same. We refuse to conspire with the beasts of empire who keep the world confined to the death culture of Babylon. There’s always another Armageddon looming on the horizon, threatening to perpetuate the bloody ways of Cain and throw more Abels in a mass grave. But we are not to cooperate with that vision. We are to resist it. We are to anticipate a future created by the Prince of Peace through the very lives we live. We are to work in concert with Jesus Christ as he labors to repair the world.
Thomas, one of the disciples of Jesus, wanted to see the wounds of Christ. What he discovered was the flesh of the wounded God. He was not so much "Thomas the Doubter" as "Thomas the Revelator." The very wounds of Christ, the wounds Thomas touched, were wounds opening up a window into the glory of God.
Perhaps the most misunderstood and misused teaching of Jesus is his Olivet Discourse -- the teaching Jesus gave to his to his disciples on the Mount of Olives regarding the signs of "the end." The end of which Jesus is speaking is not the end of the world, but the the end of the Temple age. While the Temple establishment was plotting the end of Jesus, Jesus was prophesying the end of the Temple, the Temple establishment, and the Temple age. Jesus connected the demise of the Temple with the dawn of the Kingdom of God.
The Gospel of Mark was the first of the four gospels to be written and its original ending was rather strange and quite abrupt. At a later date a longer and more satisfying ending was appended, but Mark’s original conclusion to his gospel narrative was simply this: “And they went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had seized them, and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” The End. But how can that be the end? It’s so sudden, so abrupt, so lacking in resolution or explanation. We’re left with three women fleeing from the empty tomb, trembling, astonished and speechless. It’s as if the film in the projector simply ran out and we find ourselves sitting in the theater puzzled by the unexpected ending. Why?
A Good Friday meditation on Jesus' trials, crucifixion, and burial -- a contemplative journey from Caiaphas' dungeon to Pilate's court, from Golgotha to the garden tomb.
The king approaches on Palm Sunday
Forsaking the glorious war horse
To ride a ridiculous peace donkey
Gentle as the wings of a dove
Inaugurating the reign of love
Conquerors come with hubris, blood, and violence
Riding stallions of famine, war, and pestilence
(They tell me Genghis Khan murdered all of ten million)
The Prince of Peace comes without breaking a bruised reed
Swords are now for plowing, spears are now for pruning
(I’ll tell you for a fact, Jesus of Nazareth killed nary a one)
If Hosanna praises rocket’s red glare: Weep over Jerusalem!
If Hosanna acclaims kingdom come: Let the rocks cry out!
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the source of much of animosity and fear in our world. Forming a Christian response requires much knowledge of the current complexities and history of that region. In the end, this highly political situation is about people, Israeli people and Palestinian people and as Christians we are not called to take Israel’s side, but to imitate Israel’s Messiah.
Since the foundation of the world (by which we mean the beginning of human civilization) there’s been something fundamentally and tragically wrong with the world. But we mostly accept it as normal because to us it’s just the way the world is. (Only the prophets offer a minority report.) The basic arrangement of the world is this: The strong dominate the weak. In the domination system, economic power, military power, and religious power are used to dominate the weak. This system guarantees privilege for a small elite and oppression for most. Those who control the treasuries, the armies, and the temples benefit from this system. In Judea in the time of Jesus those who controlled the treasuries, the armies, and the temple were King Herod (the King of Israel), Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor), and Joseph Caiaphas (the High Priest). There is a reason why these three powerful men figure so prominently in the Passion story.
Beware of simplistic and formulaic explanations of the Cross. We cannot easily know the mystery of how the crucifixion of Jesus Christ saves the world. We readily confess it, but that does not mean we can glibly "explain" it. The Bible does not give us a simple, formulaic explanation of the Cross. What the Bible does do is give us a myriad of metaphors about the Cross. One of the most mysterious metaphors of the Cross is Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness. Jesus, in his late night conversation with Nicodemus, chooses to use this strange story to depict his crucifixion and the saving effect it will have on the those who look upon it in faith.
Friedrich Nietzsche said, "a long obedience in the same direction" is what makes "life worth living." And as was so often the case, Nietzsche was right (even if he was wrong on the most important questions). If it's true that it's a long obedience in the same direction that makes life worth living, there's no better example of this than the life of Jesus. Jesus' life can quite accuarately be described as a long obedience in the same direction. And what was the "same direction" of Jesus' "long obedience"? It was toward the will of the father. Jesus' long obedience in the same direction was not the pursuit of happiness or the drive for success—it was a revelation of the Father's will.
What Jesus did in the Temple the day after his arrival in Jerusalem during the Feast was not a “cleansing” of the Temple, but a prophetic protest of the Temple. It was creative and dangerous prophetic theater—not a sudden loss of temper. Jesus wasn’t cleansing the temple for it’s continued use, Jesus was protesting Temple corruption and predicting its destruction. This is why following his protest, Jesus spoke with disciples about the signs of the end—the end of the Temple the Temple age. In so doing Jesus was preparing the way for a radically new kind of Temple.
The hope for the world that I see is where lust for dominance is replaced by love and where lust for vengeance is replaced by forgiveness. The hope for the world that I see is the Jesus way of choosing the cross by refusing the deathtrap of recycled revenge. The hope for the world that I see is where the rage of Achilles is neither glorified as heroic, nor satisfied in retaliation. The hope for the world that I see is where the rage of Achilles is named and shamed as the curse of Cain and extinguished at the cross. The hope for the world that I see is where the disciples of Jesus don’t just watch in admiration as Jesus carries his cross, but practice an imitation of the same kind of cross-bearing forgiveness. This is the kind of Christianity that is not a chaplain to the status quo, but the catalyst for authentic change.
When Jesus first foretold his death, Peter rebuked him saying, "This will never happen to you." Jesus retorted with, "Get behind me, Satan!" Jesus then went on to teach his followers about the necessity of cross-bearing in discipleship. This is one of Jesus' most important teachings. Now imagine this: The Apostle Peter imprisoned in Rome in AD 64 on the eve of his crucifixion. What might Peter say to us about taking up the cross in order to follow Jesus?
Lent is a time for us to revisit, retell, and relive Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, suffering, and death. As we recall the crucifixion we cannot help but ask, "Where is God?" It is this question that seems to haunt us, especially in times of suffering. Could it be that in these moments when God feels so far way, he is actually closer than ever? Could it be that when we are at the end of our rope, we are blessed?
As we journey through the Christian calendar—through Advent to the Christmas Incarnation, through Lent to the Good Friday Crucifixion and the Easter Resurrection—we need to take the humanity of Jesus seriously. For if we fail to do so, if we allow the deity of Christ to eclipse the real humanity of Jesus, the whole gospel story collapses into kitsch and becomes a sentimental caricature lacking in substance, and this will never do. A good test for how seriously we take the real humanity of Jesus is how we view the wilderness temptation. Was it a kind of parody or was it a real temptation? Was Jesus just an actor in play where the outcome was always certain? Or was Jesus truly enticed by the dark side? What I have discovered is that there are hidden aspects of the gospel story that will burst to life if we are willing to look deeply at Jesus and His Temptations.
Is sin more like a speeding ticket or suffering from the flu? If we treat sin merely as an infraction of a law, and forgiveness as a legal pardon of that infraction, people tend to continue in sin. Jesus reveals sin as deeper than mere acts of moral infractions. Sin is a sickness and it has corrupted and infected everything. Jesus saves us from our sin, both personal sin and systems of sin, by healing us, freeing us from sin, as we practice confession and repentance.
Jesus is the true and living Word of God. Jesus is what the Law and Prophets point toward and bow to. Jesus is what the Old Testament was trying to say, but could never fully articulate. Jesus is the perfect Word of God in the form of a human life. God couldn’t say all that he wanted to say in the form of a book, so God said it in the form of Jesus. Jesus is what God has to say!
The Law and the Prophets were the lesser lights in the pre-Christ night sky. They were the moon and stars. Israel could grope forward by their dim light; the Hebrews could navigate through the pagan night by these constellations. In a world of stygian darkness the moonlight and starlight emanating from the Torah and the Prophets made all the difference. Moonlight and starlight.
But with Christ morning has broken! The new day has dawned! The sun of righteousness has risen with healing in its rays! Now the moon and the stars, Moses and Elijah.
What is light? God’s love in the form of photons. What is water? A liquid expression of God’s love. What is a mountain? God’s love in granite, so much older than human sorrow. What is a tree? God’s love growing up from the ground. What is a bull moose? God’s love sporting spectacular antlers. What is a whale? Fifty tons of God’s love swimming in the ocean. Why is there light and oceans and trees and moose and whales and every grain of sand? Because God is love—love that seeks expression in self-giving creativity. Unless we understand this we will misunderstand everything, and in our misunderstanding we will harm creation, including our fellow image-bearing sisters and brothers. Existence only makes sense when it is seen through the lens of love. At the beginning of time there is love. At the bottom of the universe there is love. Admittedly freedom allows for other things too—from cancer cells to atomic bombs—but at the bottom of the universe it’s love all the way down. Cancer cells and atomic bombs will not have the final word. At the end of all things there is love. When the last star burns out, God’s love will be there for whatever comes after. In the end it all adds up to love. Love never ends.
Faith Life Weekend Session 5
Seven centuries before Christ the poet-prophet Isaiah spoke of a day when God will do something wonderful for all nations on Mount Zion. (Isaiah 25:6–7)
God will turn the universal burial shroud into a universal table cloth—funerals will be turned into feasts.
God will swallow up death forever—the end of that dark specter that threatens to make life meaningless.
God will wipe away every tear. Can the terrible tears of every Good Friday catastrophe be redeemed? Yes!
God will give the whole world a feast to celebrate the conquering of death.
Jesus spoke of this as “eating and drinking in the kingdom of God.”
God intends to save the world, not by ballots or bullets, but by a table.
Faith Life Weekend 2015 Session 4
The earliest Christian communal meals (the center of church life) were patterned after the Roman banquet, and were thus familiar to everyone. But the Christian banquet differed from the Roman banquet in four very significant ways…
1. Who was honored. (Not Jupiter, not Caesar, but Jesus Christ.)
2. What kingdom was celebrated. (Not the Roman Empire, but the Kingdom of Christ.)
3. How participants were seated. (Men, women, slaves, landowners, all together, all equal.)
4. Who was the host. (Though there was a sponsor, the true Host was Jesus—it was the “Lord’s Supper.”)
Faith Life Weekend 2015 Session 2
As a child Mephibosheth was let down by a loved one; as a result he was crippled for life. But the story finds beauty when Mephibosheth was called out of the wastelands and seated at the king's table. Have you ever been let down by a loved one and it left its mark on you? Have you ever been hurt by those who were supposed to help you? Did it crippled you? Do you limp through life, still suffering from old wounds? There is hope! This is the story Mephibosheth -- a broken man called to the king's table.
Faith Life Weekend 2015 Session 3
A Moveable Feast is best known as the memoir by Ernest Hemingway. But the term actually comes from the liturgical calendar. A moveable feast is a feast day without a fixed date, like Easter. In this sermon A Moveable Feast is used to describe the ministry of Jesus. In the Gospels Jesus moves from meal to meal, feast to feast, announcing and enacting the kingdom of God. Jesus ministry truly was and is a moveable feast!
Session 1 of Faith Life Weekend 2015
The Jewish Passover and Christian Communion are both feasts of liberation. The Jewish Passover and Christian Communion are both meals of memory. At both meals—Passover and Communion—a story is told. Exodus and Good Friday. We are the stories we tell. We are what we remember. Our feasts shape our identity. To be Jewish is to remember the Exodus. To be Christian is to remember Good Friday. Jesus establishes his liberating kingdom in the heart of domination systems and undoes them from the inside out.
In the New Testament we’re not given just one Gospel witness to Jesus, but four. Each of the four Gospels introduce Jesus’ public ministry in a different way and from a different location.
Matthew: Reissuing the Torah as the Sermon on the Mount.
Mark: Casting out a demon in the synagogue in Capernaum.
Luke: Announcing the Lord’s favor in the synagogue in Nazareth.
John: Turning water to wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.
In each case this establishes a particular emphasis of that Gospel.
Matthew: It's time for a New Torah.
Mark: It's time for the overthrow of Satan's kingdom.
Luke: It's time for God's favor upon the world.
John: It's time for the everlasting feast to begin.
Jesus’ whole ministry consisted in announcing and enacting the kingdom of God. In his three year ministry Jesus never said or did anything that was not toward the end of announcing and enacting the kingdom of God. He did this by preaching, giving parables, healing the sick, casting out demons, forgiving sinners, and by performing a table practice of radical hospitality. During these three years Jesus was training twelve disciples to be the core of a new kind of community he was forming around himself; he called this community his church. The church is the community of baptized Jesus followers who seek to live the kingdom of God, by which we mean the reign and rule of God over the nations through Jesus Christ.
We are hurled into life without warning. First we are not...then suddenly we are! Waiting in the wings a script is thrust into our hands and we're shoved onto the stage of life. It's a script of family, nation, language, culture, and religion. We have no say in the matter. We are simply handed the script. In our fourscore sojourn we are expected to stick to the script...and then die.
But there is a great secret. There is an alternative. There is a counter-script.
We speak of Peter as making the first formal confession that Jesus is the Messiah, and it’s appropriate that we do so; it’s our tradition and Peter was pre-eminent among the disciples. But… A year and a half before Peter’s confession (and upon just meeting Jesus) Nathanael calls Jesus the “Son of God” and the “King of Israel." Both are titles for Messiah. And Nathanael does this all because Jesus saw him under the fig tree. What’s going on? I suspect it’s more than just Jesus’ minor miracle of a word of knowledge about Nathanael’s whereabouts. It’s not just that Jesus knew where Nathanael was when Philip found him, but what Nathanael was doing when he was under the fig tree in Bethsaida.
We all want to be loved and feel like we belong. This is a common human experience. Those who experience love and belonging are those with a sense of worthiness which is connected to how a person responds to the love of God. If we respond to the love of God with open-armed acceptance, we experience the life of God. If we respond to the love of God with rejection, we experience what could be called the "wrath of God." God loves and is love. He invites us to respond to his love with love and find ourselves becoming people of cruciform love.
At his baptism the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus in the form of a dove...not an eagle. The eagle was the representative bird of the Roman Empire. As a symbol of power and might eagles were affixed atop Roman military standards. Hawks and doves, then as now, are symbolic of war and peace, violence and gentleness. Empires have long adopted eagles and lions as their emblems -- birds and beasts of prey. Furthermore, Roman religion believed that an eagle in flight over the Caesar (who bore the title "Son of God") was a sign of divine pleasure -- the gods were "well pleased." That Jesus was identified as God's beloved Son by a dove and not an eagle is very instructive, deeply subversive, and absolutely beautiful. Put simply, the Holy Spirit is a dove, not a hawk.
We live in a secular age. Secularism as a way of ordering society (pioneered by Hume, Voltaire, Paine, and Jefferson) has prevailed in Europe and North America. Secularism carries the sense that nothing is truly sacred; heaven, if it exists, is far away; God, if God exists, should be restricted to the private realm; religion (or spirituality) should be an expression of private individualism. So how do we rebel against the secular spirit of the age? Not through anger, protest, or confrontation, but through an emphasis on Christian Prayer, Story, and Sacrament.
"And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way." -Matthew 2:12
After the Magi found and worshiped Jesus, they returned to their own country by another way; not the way they came.
A real encounter with Christ will not leave us unchallenged or unchanged. Once we see Jesus as the true King, we have to journey through life BY ANOTHER WAY. We cannot remain the same.
As I sat in openness with the Spirit I felt three things about Word of Life Church in the coming year.
A Coming together.
A fresh sense of community.
A move toward the contemplative.
The final move away from consumer Christianity.
A willingness to be radically other.
Because accommodation to Babylon is no longer an option.
To sum it up in three words, we're trying to be Cohesive, Contemplative, Alternative.
One of the boldest claims a Christian can make is that Jesus is the light of the world. Christians don't mean this as a cheap religious cliche or as a bit of bumper sticker evangelism. There's nothing tame or docile about asserting that Jesus is the light of the world. It's the audacious claim that all of history and all humanity are informed and interpreted by the light that comes from the life of Jesus of Nazareth.
"All the kitsch to be found in Christian life and Christian art arises from a failure to take the Incarnation seriously." -Hans Urs von Balthasar
(kitsch: mass produced art in poor taste; often characterized by an excessive sentimentality)
If we think of Christmas as God donning a human costume to playact as a person, we treat the Incarnation as kitsch. If we think of Jesus being born just so he can grow up and can die for our sins, we treat the Incarnation as kitsch. If we think of Jesus as Superman flying around being God all over the place, we treat the Incarnation as kitsch. And if we have a kitschy view of the Incarnation, we will have a kitschy and cartoonish, cheap, and sentimental Christian life. But if we can approach the mystery of the Incarnation as the greatest wonder of all, we can find the door to the substantive faith that is the object of our deepest longing.
What C.S. Lewis told us about Aslan, is true about Jesus: He's not tame or safe, but he is very good. Once we find out that Jesus will be good to whoever he wants to be good to—regardless of race, religion, nationality, politics, or whatever—that’s when we discover that Jesus is neither tame nor safe…he’s just good. Very good! But we’ll never know these things if we stay in the cramped little confines of our assumptions and certitude. We’ll only know these beautiful things if we heed the call to come further up and further in.
If we learn the lesson of Mary's Song we make this revolutionary discovery: Jesus isn't going to meet us in the penthouse of our prosperity, but in the garbage dump of our pain and poverty.
The arrival of Messiah was announced as Isaiah's prophecy that God would come to his people on a highway in the desert. John the Baptist preached in the desert and Jesus first appeared publicly as Messiah in that desert. That's the way it was and that's the way it is. It's from your spiritual desert that God comes to you in a new way. Your spiritual desert isn't bad news, it's good news. This is the lesson and hope of Advent. Because this is the announcement of Advent: Your God is coming!
God is not the cozy cabin of a Thomas Kinkade painting. To get involved with God is to invite great risk -- it's to risk the fiery furnace and the lions' den. Think of the most notable characters in Scripture: Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Mary, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, and most of all, Jesus. Which one of them played it safe? Not a one! To get involved with God is to risk misunderstanding, rejection, failure, suffering, and even death. Christendom was an attempt to invent a risk-free Christianity. But removing all risk makes Christianity incomprehensible. To risk too little, is to risk too much.
During the season of Advent we address the past, the present, and the future all at once. Looking to the past we recall the yearning of ancient Israel for the coming of their long awaited Messiah. Looking to the future we confess that Christ shall come again to judge the living and the dead. But living in the present we look for the appearing of Christ in our everyday lives. To do this we have to wake up. We have to shake off the sedation of certitude, civil religion, and consumerism and awake to the reality of Christ!
The final eschatological vision in the Book of Revelation is the answer to our constant prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” In the final two chapters of Revelation we are shown a vision of the arrival on earth of the heavenly city, the New Jerusalem, the city of the Lamb.
The gospel is the story of Jesus. It's not a plan for going to heaven or a formula for forgiveness; it's not a set of spiritual laws for life or God's principles for success. The gospel is the story of Jesus. To climb into the story of Jesus is to encounter salvation. This is what Zacchaeus did. This is what we need to do.
The final triumph of Christ over beastly empire and its ways and means of death is described in the Book of Revelation as the war of the Lamb. Jesus doesn't become a righteous beast to conquer evil beasts -- Jesus conquers the beasts of empire as a slain and risen Lamb. This is the kind of war that is depicted in Revelation 19 with the white horse rider called the Word of God who wears a robe drenched in his own blood and wages a righteous war with a sword in his mouth. This is the way of the Lamb. This is the war of the Lamb.
"One thing have I desired...to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord." -Psalm 27:4
"It is the prerogative and charm of beauty to win hearts." -Don Quixote
In the modern age Christian apologetic and ethics -- defending truth and defining good -- have been very prominent. Christan aesthetics, on the other hand, has been largely ignored. But we may have reached the point where it is now chiefly the prerogative of beauty to win hearts. When arguing about the truth and shouting about what is good have failed, it is beauty that has enough charm to draw people to Jesus Christ.
The mysterious book of Revelation is a bit like Don McLean's 1972 song "American Pie" -- if you get the allusions and cryptic references it's cool and makes sense; but if not it's just confusing. The book of Revelation is best understood as a first century prophetic critique of the Roman Empire. As such it serves as a Christian critique of all beastly empires. In Revelation we discover that God's kingdom does not come by the violent means of the beast, but by the self-sacrificing way of the Lamb.
Jesus is the savior -- the savior of all that is saved...including the Old Testament. Jesus is the one who saves us from a harmful misreading of the Old Testament. Both Jesus and Paul show us how to read the Old Testament in a redemptive way. To read the Bible in the light of Christ is to discover a Biblical trajectory. A trajectory away from violence and vengeance, and toward mercy and inclusion.
When the Jewish exiles arrived in Babylon their hope was for an immediate return to Jerusalem. But the prophet Jeremiah told them the exile would last for 70 years. So the Jews went about the business of learning how to live as exiles in Babylon. After 65 years of exile, Daniel began to pray and remind God that the 70 year sentence of exile was nearly served. That's when the angel Gabriel came and explained to Daniel that the exile was going to be more like seventy times seven years! This calls for patience with God.
All Hallows Eve (Halloween) and All Saints Day are further examples of Christians re-appropriating pagan holidays for Christian purposes. Like was done with Christmas and Easter -- though Halloween has proved more difficult to unmoor for its pagan past. In its Christian origin All Hallows Eve was a time to remember the departed saints. (You can see how this could lend itself to less sacred and more ghoulish themes.) The idea was to remember the departed saints because they still belong to the communion of saints. Because we believe in resurrection (and being with the Lord in the interim), we understand the body of Christ, the communion of saints, to be comprised of both the quick and dead, the living and those who sleep in Christ.
As followers of Jesus who are also citizens of the nation with the world’s largest economy and most powerful military, we face the same kinds of challenges as the Jewish exiles and early Christians to whom the books of Daniel and Revelation were written. Their situation speaks to us. American Christians have to learn how to live like the Jewish exiles and early Christians who lived in the midst of empire. Like them we live in the tension of engaged citizenship and covenant faithfulness. We are exiles on main street.
Daniel held onto his Jewish identity in the midst of pagan empire through the practice of daily formative prayer. But prayer is no guarantee of success or safety. In fact, formative prayer, the kind of prayer that resists being conformed into the image of the empire, may lead us into the lion's den.
Perhaps the greatest need for the modern Western church is to turn away from the reactive and turn toward the contemplative. We are reactive when we respond out of fear to a perceived threat to our assumptions and self-interest. We are contemplative when we perceive the other through God's eyes of love and respond with compassion. But the only way to enter the contemplative is through the practice of formative prayer.
What if God does not use us despite our weaknesses and failures, but because of weaknesses and failures?
At the end of the Babylonian Empire, King Belshazzar had succeeded Nebuchadnezzar and he followed in the same arrogant ways of his predecessor. During a party where Belshazzar and his guest were toasting the gods of gold and silver, a mysterious hand appears and writes on the wall. The message has Belshazzar leaves stunned. Daniel is brought in to interpret this message and it is bad news: Babylon is coming to an end. The pending fall of Babylon is the way empires go. They grow in power and arrogance and then they fall. As modern-day exiles living in a modern-day Babylon we have hope that the kingdom we belong to is an everlasting kingdom. Jesus has defeated Babylon and we learn to live not isolated from this fallen world and not immersed in it. We live imitating Jesus, knowing he has defeated Babylon.
When things are hazy, one thing is clear: Jesus is the way. When things get crazy, one thing is certain: Jesus is the truth. When things begin to wither and die, one thing is consistent: Jesus is the life. As we reflect upon Jesus' declaration that he is the way and the truth and the life we find the life we were always looking for. To experience that life, the Jesus life, we have to be willing walk the Jesus way and consistently proclaim the Jesus truth.
In chapter 4 of Daniel we find the story of the king who went crazy -- the emperor who went insane. King Nebuchadnezzar is the personification of empire and this subversive story is a prophetic critique of the insanity of empire. But it's only the exiles who possess a counter-script and thereby can live outside the dominant script who perceive the insanity of empire.
"If I have not love, I am nothing." -The Apostle Paul
"Love alone is credible; nothing else can be believed, and nothing else ought to be believed." -Hans Urs von Balthasar
Everything minus Love = Zero.
With this in mind, Pastor Brian shares his four noble truths...
Life is Hard.
God is Love.
Jesus is Lord.
Love Never Fails.
The dreams of the prophets and the nightmares of empires are one in the same. What the people of God hope for the most, is what the empires of man fear the most—that the reign of God will at last be seen on the earth, bringing justice to all people.
Jesus speaks the words “O you of little faith” several times to the disciples, pointing them to the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. As we take a fresh look at the Genesis 1 creation account, freeing ourselves from the culture war surrounding this topic, we also are reminded in times of worry and anxiety to take rest in the reality that God is at work.
The Book of Daniel addresses this problem: How do you live as a Jew in a culture that doesn't want you to be Jewish? To understand the stories of Daniel is easy and safe. What is difficult and dangerous is to take the imaginative leap and apply these stories to our own context. American Christians need to ask this question: How do you live a a Christian in a culture that either doesn't want you to be a Christian or wants to conscript Christianity for its own purposes?
Peter’s “walking on the water” experience wasn’t about Peter learning a cool trick. It was to teach him that living life linked up with Jesus was a completely different way of living. Peri Zahnd shares stories from years of pastoring and watching ordinary people sometimes do extraordinary things, empowered by the Spirit of God.
The book of Daniel was designed to teach ancient Jews how to live as faithful exiles in the midst of a pagan empire. The book of Revelation did much the same for the early Christians living in the Roman Empire. These books are extremely relevant for American Christians, who face the challenge of engaging in a responsible way with American society, while living faithfully under the reign of Christ.
Jesus prayed for the unity of the church. Paul wrote in each of his letters a passionate plea for the church to remain unified, because if the church, the body of Christ, is divided then Christ himself is divided. Today as we survey the landscape of the church it is easy to see how we have become divided into our tribes, but there is hope. Jesus looks at his divided, tribal church and says, "Love one another." As we choose to walk a path of humility, keeping Jesus first and primary, we can find a way to come together in real, authentic relational unity.
We never went to church
Just get on with work
And sometimes things’ll hurt
But it’s hit me since you left us
And it’s so hard not to search
–The Streets
Churchless Christianity is an illusion. You might be some kind of Christian without the church, but your children probably won’t be Christians, and your grandchildren definitely won’t be Christians. Christianity doesn’t long survive outside the matrix of the church.
Taking its cues from the scientism of a bygone era, Western Christianity has tried for too long to make the gospel a kind of scientific formula—a pseudo-science of Biblical facts, atonement theories, and sinner’s prayers—when it’s more like a song, a symphony, a poem, a painting, a drama, a dance, and, yes, a mystery. The Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century saw the artisan replaced with conveyer-belted, smoke-belching factories. Things would no longer be handcrafted, they would now be mass-produced. Christianity followed suit. The revivalism of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries sought to “industrialize” evangelism. While Henry Ford was mass-producing cars, Billy Sunday was mass-producing converts. Except it doesn’t work that way.
Finding God On Your iPodJesus, the one who is the Word of God, sums up the Law and Prophets in two commands: Love God with all your heart and soul and mind, and love your neighbor as yourself. Everything depends on love. So when calculating the meaning of life, if it doesn’t add up to love, go back and recalculate. God is love, and to live life right, you have to go with the flow of love; any other conclusion about life a sad mistake.
What happens if we start pulling on the strings of our affluence?
What happens if we look just beneath the surface of things?
What happens if we open our eyes to what we mostly overlook?
What happens if the other side of the world comes to our own town?
What happens if we discover the real price we pay for what we call security?
"So when I'm walking this prison camp world
I long for a glimpse of the new world unfurled
The chrysalis cracking and moistened wings uncurl
Like in the vision John saw"
-Bruce Cockburn
Those who confess Jesus is Lord are looking for glimpses of the new world. But we don't just sit back and wait for it -- we work with Jesus to move in the direction of New Jerusalem right now. Christians should have a compassionate eschatology, not a catastrophic eschatology. We should have an eschatology that leads us to be healers, not warmongers.
On a train ride from Rome to Assisi, researching the ancient Christian creeds and listening to Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace by the Foo Fighters, Brian says he realized that's what he needed: Echoes. Silence. Patience. Grace. Echoes from the past, silence in the present, patience with the future, and grace to tie it all together.
Ten years ago Brian Zahnd and Word of Life Church embarked upon a daring transition; a radical departure from American pop Christianity into the substantive faith of authentic Christianity. With story, sermon, scripture, and some help from a Tom Petty song, Brian tells this fascinating story.
I believe that one find day all the children of Abraham
Will lay down their swords forever in Jerusalem
-Steve Earle
Jesus is the fulfillment of all that the prophets foretold and the reign of his peaceable kingdom has begun. This is what we mean we confess Jesus is Lord. This is what the Apostles believed and preached. But as long as we fall for the eschatological trick that peace isn't for now, but only for when Jesus comes again, we will remain part of the problem instead of belonging to the solution. Which is equivalent to saying, "I'm going to follow Jesus... when he comes back."
Exodus! Movement of Jah people!
We're leaving Babylon
We're going to our Father's land
-Bob Marley
The people of God are called to a perpetual Exodus. We are always on the move -- always moving away from idolatry and injustice. This calls for an ongoing Exodus. Jah people, Jesus people, Christian citizens, are called to subordinate the interests of the Empire (the Economy) to the demands of justice. At times this will make us unpopular, but this unpopularity belongs to our baptismal identity.
The poetic and the prophetic are related. The poets and prophets are first cousins. Poets use artistic speech to say what cannot be said in conventional speech. The poet-prophets give us an alternative imagination -- a way of rethinking the world. Walter Brueggeman says, "Sunday morning is the practice of a counter life through counter speech." Finding God on Your iPod uses songs from contemporary recording artists to talk about Jesus and the gospel in a fresh, artistic way. This sermon is based on "Invisible" by U2.
A sermon delivered by Word of Life Church Youth Director Jacob Taylor.
The book of Philemon is a little window into the mind of an Apostle who saw the goodness of the Gospel for the whole world. In the Gospel we see God's desire for reconciliation. Human pride, greed, lust, and violence has had a way of tearing things apart. Jesus, in his reign, is bringing things back together. The reconciliation of Philemon the master and Onesimus the slave demonstrates not only God's work of reconciling the world to himself in Christ, it also demonstrates our call to the ministry of reconciliation.
The Gospel is not only for leading us to the doorway into the Kingdom of God. The Gospel is a foundation upon which we stand and it saves and shapes us as we continue to keep it central in our lives. The question is do we understand the gospel? If we misunderstand the Gospel we hear, we will misunderstand the faith we live. The Gospel found in the New Testament confronts the politics of power, the religion of relativism, and the sexuality of self and shapes us into a people of love.
The true and strange story of a Scottish oil worker, a Nigerian prostitute, and the Savior who loves and does not condemn.
There are two primary conversion stories in the Book of Acts. Both are related numerous times. The first is the conversion of Saul of Tarsus from a violent persecutor of Christians to an advocate for Christ. The other is the conversion of the Apostle Peter from prejudice toward Gentiles to advocating for their full inclusion in the church. Both stories are conversions from persecution or prejudice to advocacy. Advocacy is the nature of the Holy Spirit and the way of peace, but this kind of advocacy requires a breakthrough in contemplation.
In Jerusalem Paul got roped into offering sacrifice in the Temple and almost ended up being sacrificed himself! If we think that God wants sacrifice we are never far from violence. If we think God ever needed to be appeased by killing, even by killing an animal, it's not a big leap to start thinking that killing in the name of God is justified.
At the center of Christian theology and practice we find a table. The holy of holies is no longer a veiled chamber reserved for a solitary high priest, now it's a shared table to which all are invited.
Jesus had a knack for taking Old Testament subtexts and turning them into prime texts. These subtexts were always tucked away in the Hebrew scriptures in an attempt to subvert triumphalism and scapegoating. One of these subtexts is the story of Naaman. Naaman was a gentile, a Syrian, the military commander of Israel's enemy. He was also a leper who found hope and healing in the God of Israel.
Hagar was an Egyptian slave treated harshly by her Hebrew mistress. But God saw her. The Hebrews were slaves treated harshly by their Egyptians masters. But God saw them. God doesn't see ethnicity or nationality. God sees suffering. God doesn't care about ethnicity or nationality. God cares about suffering.
What is the book of Revelation? It is the prophetic critique of the Roman Empire, and as such it is the divine critique of all empires. Empires are rich and powerful nations that believe they have a divine right to rule the nations and a manifest destiny to shape world according to their will and are willing to use the means of death to do so. God is opposed to these empires. What they claim for themselves, God claims for his Son Jesus Christ. The book of Revelation is a counter-text to the dominant text of empire. The worship depicted in Revelation is subversion of civil religion -- it seeks to create a people faithful to God as they are drawn into the anthem of the Lamb.
Isaac. The middle child of the Patriarchs. The quiet one stuck between Abraham and Jacob. Abraham is the father of faith -- the man with whom God made his covenant. Jacob is the man who became Israel -- his twelve sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. But what about Isaac? The boy named Laughter. The promised son of Abraham and Sarah's old age? There's not much said about Isaac. He rarely speaks. But there was that one incident. The day his father almost sacrificed him as a burnt offering to Yahweh. Imagine Isaac as an old man recalling the day he and his father went to the top of Moriah to worship Yahweh, and how he ended up bound upon an altar while his father held the knife.
The violent lust for thrones of power is a familiar theme in the human story. And it's a story that is told over and over in the course of the Old Testament—this game of thrones. The story of Israel's first three kings alone is filled with tales of murder, lust, and deceit. The game of thrones is the way of the world. But is there a better way?
The church in Western Europe and North America is struggling with deep disappointment. We are disappointed with the failure of the Christendom project. The grand attempt to produce a continent of Christian civilization through the apparatus of the state is either dead or dying. It appears that secularism has already won in Europe and will win in North America. So we either deny it (more easily done in America), or we angrily blame scapegoats (those we claim have “compromised the gospel”), or we simply trudge along, a bit sad about it all, nostalgic for a mythical past. The church in the post-Christendom world is walking the Emmaus Road. Confused and disappointed. But our confusion and disappointment, like that of the original Emmaus Road disciples, comes from misunderstanding the nature of Christ's kingdom.
"Your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams."
-The Prophet Joel
"You may say that I'm a dreamer."
-John Lennon
Brian Zahnd tells the story of three dreams:
1. In New York looking for the faith of Abraham.
2. In Zurich shopping for shoes with Karl Barth.
3. In Calcutta riding in a taxi with Mother Teresa.
Following Jesus is not a matter of religious preference or memorizing a set of God-facts or preparing for the afterlife. Following Jesus is a journey with surprises, challenges, and changing terrain. Our journey with Jesus is much like long distance hiking, requiring waypoints to guide the way, waypoints such as: training, rhythm, obstacles, companionship, flexibility, and being present.
David and Goliath. The underdog prevailing against impossible odds. The boy who slays the giant. This archetypal story captures our imagination like few other stories in Scripture. But how do we reconcile this admittedly violent story with the Son of David who bears the moniker of Prince of Peace?
Derek Vreeland interviews Brian Zahnd on his new book, A Farewell To Mars.
Jesus is ruling above all powers and authorities in this age and in the age to come. Jesus saw time in terms of two ages. This present evil age is a time where things do not always go right, but in the age to come, God will make all things right. The secret is that the age to come has broken into this present age through the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. We find ourselves living in between these two ages, and while there is tension in this gap, God has a plan for us. He is transforming us now, so we become people fit for the age to come.
Jesus promised to ask the Father to give to his followers the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit. We believe the Spirit is the giver of life who proceeds from the Father and the Son, but where do we find him at work in the world? We need look no further than the church. The Spirit is working in harmony with Jesus to build the church, to fill the church with the holy attitude of God. Where the church is gathered in unity, there the Spirit is at work. Where the church is fighting and divided the Spirit dissipates.
Whether we find ourselves on the mountaintop or in the valley low when it comes to our faith in Christ, Jesus is always faithful. But what do we do when this statement seems suspect? What about doubt? Looking to Jesus' encounter with Thomas after the resurrection, may we learn a valuable truth about how to deal with our doubt.
Jesus said, "Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” In other words, those who are grounded in the truth, or love the truth, put themselves in a place where they can hear the life-giving words of Jesus. Truth, as reality from God's point of view, does not shift or change according to human preference; it exists on it own. The question followers of Jesus must answer is, "Do you love the truth?" More importantly, do you love the truth before you love God. If not then you have no way of knowing if the god you worship is the true and living God. Developing an appetite for the truth requires living uncomfortably in a world of lies and fantasy. Loving the truth allows you to encounter God as he is and thus be formed by him.
What if you could go back in time and talk to your younger self? What would you say? I've thought about this a lot. There's a lot I would want to say, but most of it couldn't be heard. But the one thing I would say for sure is this: Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid! It's what the present says to the past. It's what heaven says to earth. It's what Jesus says to us over and over...don't be afraid!
In Numbers chapter 15 a guy is caught picking up sticks on the Sabbath and is stoned to death. In John chapter 5 Jesus works on the Sabbath by healing and instructs the healed man to carry his bed. Those most committed to the Bible (Torah) want to kill Jesus. There is a way of reading the Bible that will instruct you to stone Jesus. Don't read the Bible that way! That wrong reading of the Bible is what happens if we confuse Biblicism with Christianity. The good news is this: Jesus is better than Biblicism!
With the coming of the Son of Man the world changed. There’s a new charter. A new divine edict. Ever since Jesus re-founded the world at the cross and called humanity to organize itself around an axis of love expressed in mercy and forgiveness, a new moral law has been established in the cosmos that will not allow nations to forever oppose God’s will. As the Hebrew prophets first revealed long ago, God possesses a deep bias for the underclass and will judge nations accordingly. The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus has given the world a new ultimate reality—love for God expressed as love for neighbor and even enemy. Any other agenda is idolatry. Babylon is still with us, but Babylon is always falling. The new gravity of grace will not allow the modern Babylons to stand for long. The kind of entitlement the Pharaohs and Caesars were able to claim for their empires has now been shamed by Christ and cannot endure for long. Greatness, and even security, is not found in wealth and might, but in compassion and mercy. Jesus now calls the nations to be great in serving the least. Nations who resist this call are headed toward their own destruction.
Ancient wisdom speaks of three prime virtues: the true, the good, and the beautiful. These virtues are not a means to some other end (which would be a lesser end) -- rather these virtues are self justifying; they are an end in themselves; they are the telos of our lives.
Contemporary Christianity has placed an emphasis on two of these three virtues. From the truth of Christ we have developed Christian apologetics. From the goodness of Christ we have developed Christian ethics. What we are missing is a Christian aesthetics developed from the beauty of Christ. And what we are lacking is what we need the most right now. In a secular age that is dismissive of the Christian claim to absolute truth and a superior morality, beauty retains it's enduring appeal. For Christianity to win hearts in a secular world it has to be beautiful. We need to discover Christian aesthetics. We need to be beautiful. But how?
Brad Jersak is an author and teacher based in Abbotsford, BC, where he attends Fresh Wind Christian Fellowship and serves as Reader at All Saints of North America Monastery. His heart is to share the good news that God is Love and that God’s love was shown to us perfectly in Jesus of Nazareth. Through his books and seminers, Brad teaches that anyone can learn to hear God’s voice through the simple practice of ”listening prayer.” Those who practice listening prayer find that God’s love heals wounded hearts and empowers them to heal this broken world.
Brad Jersak’s foundational book, “Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God who speaks” trains readers in the ways of “Listening Prayer.” This book provides biblical teaching and 33 practical exercises for tuning in to God’s voice.
Brad self-identifies as a follower of Christ. His spiritual journey includes his confession of faith and trinitarian baptism in the Baptist General Conference; followed by membership and ordination in the the Conference of Mennonites in BC. Then after planting and serving in a “small-c” charismatic church plant, he was chrismated and ordained as a Reader in the Orthodox Church (OCA). He is comfortable ministering with Orthodox, evangelicals and charismatics across the spectrum.
Brad Jersak is an author and teacher based in Abbotsford, BC, where he attends Fresh Wind Christian Fellowship and serves as Reader at All Saints of North America Monastery. His heart is to share the good news that God is Love and that God’s love was shown to us perfectly in Jesus of Nazareth. Through his books and seminers, Brad teaches that anyone can learn to hear God’s voice through the simple practice of ”listening prayer.” Those who practice listening prayer find that God’s love heals wounded hearts and empowers them to heal this broken world.
Brad Jersak’s foundational book, “Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God who speaks” trains readers in the ways of “Listening Prayer.” This book provides biblical teaching and 33 practical exercises for tuning in to God’s voice.
Brad self-identifies as a follower of Christ. His spiritual journey includes his confession of faith and trinitarian baptism in the Baptist General Conference; followed by membership and ordination in the the Conference of Mennonites in BC. Then after planting and serving in a “small-c” charismatic church plant, he was chrismated and ordained as a Reader in the Orthodox Church (OCA). He is comfortable ministering with Orthodox, evangelicals and charismatics across the spectrum.
Jesus was put to death by the Roman Empire (skillfully manipulated by the Sanhedrin). What the Roman Empire did (and every empire does) is shape the world according to its will. Empires makes disciples of all nations. They do this by using the power and fear of death. But on Easter a new empire arrived -- an empire from God appointed for the toppling of all the old empires of death. On Easter Jesus turned death inside out and gave the world a new alternative -- the empire of love, the empire of peace, the empire of eternal life!
"God is dead." Friedrich Nietzsche made the saying famous. But Nietzsche borrowed it from Hegel. And Hegel took it from a line in an old Lutheran hymn for Holy Saturday. O Great Desolation, God, yes God, is dead! The hymn doesn't mean that the God who is Father in the Trinity suffered death. But it does saying something very bold: Whatever it means for a human being to suffer and die, God in Christ has fully experienced. On Good Friday the crucified God becomes the God who dies, the God who is dead.
When Jesus and Pilate meet, it is one of the most epic moments in history. As it turns out, it’s not the trial of Jesus in the court of the Roman governor; it’s the trial of the Roman Empire itself (and all systems of violent power) in the court of God. But the enduring scandal of the cross is this: Though we believe in Jesus, we also have sympathy for Pilate’s ideas about how to run the world. As Miroslav Volf has said, “Pilate deserves our sympathies, not because he was a good, though tragically mistaken man, but because we are not much better. We may believe in Jesus, but we do not believe in his ideas, at least not his ideas about violence, truth, and justice.”
Success is an idol—the great American idol. Which emphasizes the scandal that Jesus died as a failure. Jesus died as an apparent failure in the eyes of everyone. Yes, we know that Easter changed that perspective, but slow down. We can't rush from Christmas to Easter. We have to take Good Friday on its own terms. If we use Easter to obliterate Good Friday, rather than illuminate Good Friday, we end up a "theology of success," instead of the true theology that comes from the Crucified God.
The Cross isn't just one thing with a single meaning. Rather the Cross is where all that is wrong with humankind and the world we've built is dragged into the light, and God's redemptive alternative is offered. Christ crucified is the Lamb of God (the last scapegoat) who takes away the foundational sin of scapegoating.
How did Jesus understand his own death? What purpose did he see in it? Did Jesus have a "theology of cross"? In fact, he did. A few days before Good Friday Jesus said his crucifixion and death would accomplish three things: 1. Judge the world. 2. Drive out Satan. 3. Reorganize the world.
Understanding that God is like Jesus is essential to our understanding of salvation. We must not think that salvation comes about because Jesus appeases a vengeful God, angry at the actions of sinful man. Salvation comes about because Jesus reveals the Father and does the Father's work. If we believe God killed Jesus for the sake of justice, we have dramatically distorted our understanding of salvation.
God is like Jesus.
God has always been like Jesus.
There has never been a time when God was not like Jesus.
We have not always known what God is like—
But now we do.
The universe has a flow and a telos, a purpose and an aim, a goal and a grain. And the grain of the universe is love. From the heart of God there is an endless flow of love. What wisdom knows is that to flow— and not fight— your way through life, you need to go with the grain. To flourish as a human being you must go with the grain of love. Our capacity to love comes from knowing that we are loved by God. Love of God demands love for the other— be they lover, neighbor, or enemy. The only way to love the other, especially an enemy is to practice the art of contemplation. Contemplation makes the Golden Rule possible.
When we look at the death of Jesus on the cross in the light of the resurrection, we are looking at our salvation. But, what do we really see when we look at the cross? Are we looking at the appeasement of a monster god through barbaric child sacrifice? Or are we seeing something else? Is the cross vengeance or love? When Jesus says, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," he is not asking God to act contrary to his nature. He is, in fact, revealing the very heart of God! The cross is not about the satisfaction of a vengeful monster god, the cross is the full revelation of a supremely merciful God! In Christ we discover a God who would rather die than kill his enemies. Once we know that God is revealed in Christ, we know what we are seeing when we look at the cross: The cross is where God in Christ absorbs sin and recycles it into forgiveness. The crucifixion is not what God inflicts upon Christ in order to forgive, but what God endures in Christ as he forgives.
Jesus was faithful. Jesus remains faithful. Jesus will be faithful. This theme of faithfulness is the foundation of Paul's view of how God intends to save the world through sending his Son. To see the the faithfulness of Jesus in the New Testament requires a proper understanding of the big story the Bible is telling, a four-act story of Creation, Corruption, Covenant, and New Creation. With that story in mind, we can see the faithfulness of Jesus in Paul's description of the death of Jesus in Romans 3:21-24. Through his faithfulness, God declares us justified, and thus incorporated into the covenant people of God.
Why did Jesus die? Why was he tortured? Why was he crucified? Why was he murdered? To answer these questions, you must first answer this question: Who Killed Jesus? This much must be made clear: God did not kill Jesus! To suggest God tortured and murdered his Son is to malign the character of God. God sent his Son into a world founded on a sinful and satanic system of blame and violence to bear witness to divine love and to save us from death and the ways of death. Jesus sacrificially laid down his life, but it was not a suicide. At the cross, human religion and politics committed homicide. The sacrificial killing of Jesus is not what God required; it's what we required.
We don’t preach the Bible, we preach Jesus. We use the Bible to preach Jesus. The difference between preaching the Bible and preaching Jesus is the difference between Christianity and Biblicism. The difference between Christianity and Biblicism is the difference between following a book and following our risen Lord. Philip didn’t preach the Bible, he preached Jesus. He used the Bible to preach Jesus. The Bible has never saved anyone. It’s Jesus who saves. The Bible is the means, but Jesus is the end!
We Christians are a most peculiar people. Why? Because we worship a crucified God. Other religions worship a an omnipotent God, a glorious God, a victorious God—
but we worship a crucified God! The death of Jesus upon the cross was murder. It was a lynching. It was a mob killing that God knew would happen because of our sin, but he did not will it. What God willed was that through his death Jesus would save us from sin and death. God crucified. The giver of life put to death. The Creator crucified by his creation. This is the greatest scandal of all time.
The Transfiguration is the high point of the narrative arc in the synoptic gospels. Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus on the mountain where he was praying. This is the moment It is when the divinity of Jesus was revealed to Peter, James, John. The Transfiguration moment is where the Old Testament hands the project over to Jesus, where Moses and Elijah find their great successor, and where the old witness of the Hebrew scriptures truly becomes the new witness of the New Testament.
Special Guest Terry Wildman is a Native American and the head of Rain Song Ministries, a Christian organization ministering to the indigenous people of North America. In this special sermon, Terry Wildman describes the current plight of Native Americans and offers a perspective of an appropriate Christian response.
Pastor Brian Zahnd recently made a blog post that received considerable attention, entitled, "My Problem With The Bible". It has been shared over 17,000 times on Facebook, 700+ tweets on Twitter, and been reposted on numerous blogs across the internet. Obviously, he has hit on something that a lot of people resonate with. In this sermon, Pastor Brian shares that he is serious about the Bible, and wants to read it for all it's worth, but he has a problem with it. Discover what his problem is (and perhaps your problem too) in this sermon.
When we look to Scripture we discover God is the God of time who created time along with everything else in his creation. God existed before time. He is not bound by time, but rules over time. He entered into time through Jesus Christ. Time, as a part of God’s good creation, is sacred. One of the ways we can recover the sacredness of time is to organize it around Jesus himself. We mark the years by Jesus. This year is 2014 AD, with “AD” meaning the year of our Lord. We follow the church calendar in order to mark the months of the years around Jesus. We honor the sacredness of Sabbath because of the resurrection of Jesus and if we open ourselves, we find every moment to be sacred. Every moment opens up before us as an opportunity to acknowledge Jesus and make the moment-by-moment choice to obey him and not waste the time we have been given.
Jesus is presently building his church. We are called to walk in such a way as to build up the church, because we are one body, one church, one body of Christ. We work with Jesus to build up the church by consciously doing life together. God has made us in his image, in the image of the one God revealed in the distinct persons. We were created as distinct, unique individuals who are interconnected with other people. In the New Testament we find the recurring phrase "one another". This phrase tips us off to our responsibilities, the things we can do for one another as we live together, working to build a healthy, unified church.
The Bible opens with the story of God's work of creation. At the end of the first account of creation in Genesis the point is made emphatically: "...and behold, it was very good." Genesis 2 gives a second account of creation—this time the emphasis is on the human vocation. Creation was good, but it was incomplete. Adam was to work with God as a gardener, tending God’s good earth, cultivating it, caring for it, protecting it, and expanding it. The original human vocation was to work with God in the cultivation and care of God’s good earth. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth in order to deputize them for the care and cultivation of the earth. But then sin happened, with catastrophic effects upon human identity and vocation. Not only did human beings begin to suffer, creation itself began to suffer. God's children commissioned with the care of God's good earth had turned bad.
Why is there light and water and trees and whales and life and Valentine's Day? Because God is love. Creation is God’s infinite love expressed as matter and energy. God is love that seeks expression in the beauty of self-giving creativity. This is the basic revelation needed to understand the phenomenal gift of life. At the bottom of the universe, and at the end of all things, there is love. The meaning of life adds up to love. And unless you love, you will live life wrong.
One of the primary goals of spiritual formation is to become your true self. This is why the primary purpose of prayer is not to get God to do what you want, but to become properly formed. If you spend all your time praying out of your agitated, grasping, foolish, fearful self, it does very little good. We have been distorted by sin, both our sin and the sins of the fallen world. We must lift up our soul to God. We lift up our soul to God that we might recover the proper image and that we might escape our false self and find our true self. Your true self is one that is calm, content, wise, and unafraid. Deep inside, this is who you really are.
When we feel hurt, threatened, angered by a person, an incident, or some situation, we instinctively view it through a perspective of self-defense. If you are a non-contemplative person you will think your perspective is the total truth. We must have a change in perspective, or we will forever look at the world the same way. There are breakthroughs in perspective that occur through the practice of contemplative prayer that can happen no other way. Contemplative prayer is prayer without agenda and largely without words. In contemplative prayer, you sit with your problems and issues in the presence of Jesus. Jesus can give us an entirely new perspective outside of ourselves.
In order to experience natural, open conversation with Jesus, an openness is required. The initiation is on Jesus' part, but our response requires an opening. There is a gentle knock, which leads to either an opening, or nothing. All conversion results from a moment of spiritual openness. But too often we restrict spiritual openness to a single moment of conversion. An over-emphasis on a single "got saved" moment ruins us for future spiritual growth. People often have their one moment of spiritual openness, then slam the door forever! Christianity is an ongoing conversation with Jesus. This is true both for the individual believer and for the corporate body. Jesus Christ is the Living Word with whom we must constantly engage. We need to cultivate spiritual openness. This is the path to more conversions and deeper salvation.
Part of maintaining a healthy soul is learning who you really are, knowing yourself. In this message, Peri Zahnd presents a description of the Enneagram personality system, including the basics that you will need to understand how the Enneagram works. As you will see, only a few simple concepts are needed to begin your journey of self-discovery.
The Living God is both the father and home of the human soul. When a soul tries to live on its own apart from God is in a wrong state, it has "lost" its way. This is why "lost" is so often the metaphor used to describe what is wrong with us. The lost soul tries to live apart from its true father and away from its real home. The opposite of the lost soul is the soul that lives by faith. Living by faith is the proper way to go about the task of being human. Your soul is a precious gift from God. But the fallen world with its system of power politics, greedy economics, and scapegoating religion, is an enemy to your soul. The world will leave your soul in tatters, distorted by pride, fear, and greed. This is why we need to discover the way in Christ to restore our soul.
Every person is sacred. If we are going to talk about recovering the sacred in a secular world, we have to talk about the unique sacredness of the human being. There is a sacredness that belongs to all of God’s creation, the oceans and forests, the mountains and plains, the planets and stars, the plants and animals. But there is a unique human sacredness. It’s called the Imago Dei, the Image of God.
For most of the last half of Christian history we've made the gospel mostly juridical. We have made our salvation a study of how to be acquitted for our crimes and be declared innocent before the court of divine justice. But our problem is not just that we’ve run afoul of the law and stand guilty before God. Our deeper problem is that we are ill. We need a gospel that is therapeutic and healing. We need a physician to heal us from our harms. We are ill because of our addiction to mimesis and violence. We’re sick because we look at each other through the distorted lens of competitive fear. We harm ourselves because of our irrational obsession with wealth and power. The kingdom of God is enacted when the sick, both bodily sick and spiritually sick, are being healed!
The Bible is the word of God that bears witness to the Word of God: Jesus Christ. The Bible did not create the Heavens and Earth. The Bible did not become flesh. The divine Word of God did these things. Jesus is God. The Bible is not. We worship Jesus; we do not worship the Bible. We worship the God revealed in Scripture. The Bible is not perfect. Christ is the perfection of God as a human being. What the Bible does infallibly is point us to Jesus Christ. The Bible is the inspired witness to the true Word of God who is Jesus Christ. The Church must always be in conversation with our sacred text, but to the end that we might submit to the rule of the living Christ.
When it comes to being chosen in a favorable sense, we all want to be picked. Whether it's chosen for the baseball team, as a cheerleader, for the prom, or for the job, we all want to be special. To find yourself not among the chosen can be a very painful experience. We want to be among the chosen people, we want to be a chosen person. Within our own stories that we tell we are the chosen. Every nation and ethnicity have stories that affirm they are special and chosen: the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Native Americans, modern Americans, and of course, the Hebrew people. Within our own stories, we relate ourselves as the ones that are great and blessed, bringing wisdom and bringing liberty. We need the sense of chosenness to produce the necessary sense of community. But as we engage with other people, other tribes, other nations, and other ethnicities, we need a more contemplative view. This is exactly what the prophets do! They help us see life from a contemplative perspective.
Christianity is a sacramental faith. It is not a faith of mere theological ideas, but of sacraments. Sacrament is an interface between the spiritual and the material, between heaven and earth. Jesus Christ as the Incarnation of the Word of God is the ultimate Sacrament. Because of the Incarnation and Resurrection Christianity is a sacramental faith. To be properly practiced, Christianity requires not just prayer and scripture, but water, bread, and wine. These are the necessary elements for the sacraments of baptism and communion. These sacraments are portals for interaction with Christ, who is the ultimate Sacrament.
Mankind was created for more than what we're living for. Created in God's likeness to bear his image, we strayed far from the life of God. It is Jesus who calls us, as he did Nicodemus, out of the "Circus of Systems" and into the life of the age to come, the life we are created for. Will we have the faith of Nicodemus and enter this new life?
Secularism is a philosophy that says nothing is truly sacred. At best there are only ideas we call sacred. But there are no real sacred objects or places or times or things. The secular West has generally accepted this premise; but we feel it as a great loss. The modern premise that there are no sacred things is simply untrue. Christians insist that the sacred is more than a mere idea; there are sacred realities. Christian insistence upon the reality of the sacred is based upon one confession: The Word became flesh. Words are symbols signifying something beyond themselves. Words are not the thing themselves, but they are how we describe and communicate the idea of a thing. The Word of God, however, is God. The Word of God is Life and Light, and that Word became flesh! The Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, perfectly reveals God because he is God made flesh. The Incarnation settles the question of whether or not there are sacred things: Jesus is sacred flesh and blood!
The role of art is to remind us of this beauty, to help us see what we've overlooked. Those who labor in the visual arts help us see what we have lost sight of. The poets and writers remind us of what we too easily forget: Life is beautiful. Even when life is tragic and painful, there is still beauty in it. We can say similar things about the artists working in music, theater, film, dance. They don’t just create beauty, they call attention to the beauty that already belongs to life. Life is beautiful. And ultimately life is beautiful because God is an artist. God doesn't mass produce anything. Not mountains, not snowflakes. He doesn't manufacture cheap clones. We share a common faith; the faith that confesses Jesus Christ is Lord. But each of us also has a unique story. We need to allow more latitude for diverse stories of saving grace. And not just diversity in how people encounter Christ, but diversity for how the life in Christ is lived out. Don't compare your story with others. We don't need an enforced conformity. We are each a unique poem of God.
21st century Western culture no longer has the sense of a God-saturated world. Modern people are not very religious at all. Today most people, though not atheists, feel God is somehow absent or far away. Instead we feel that we live in a secular world with God a long way off. Collectively we feel this as a kind of loss. The Western world in modernity is like a person haunted by a nagging feeling that something has been lost. That something is the Sacred. The sacred has been lost; but it can be recovered. However, this is NOT done by taking up arms in the culture wars. The culture wars are mostly a debate about the nature of civil religion in America. We cannot try to enforce the sacred on a secular culture. Instead, we need to help the church recover the beauty of the sacred. It is sacred beauty, not angry protest, that can make Christianity alluring again.
To have a sense of the kind of time in which you are living is part of being prophetic. Malachi was a prophet. He had a sense of the time in which he lived. Malachi knew he lived in a dark time. But as a prophet, Malachi believed the day would come, that there would be a dawn. This dawn (as all the prophets said) would be the coming of Messiah. God's anointed king would bring the day of God's glorious reign upon earth. The canon of the Hebrew scripture closes with a final prophetic picture of Messiah: The picture of a glorious sunrise where sun rays are seen as wings. With prophetic imagination Malachi sees healing conveyed in those radiant beams. This is Malachi's poetic prophesy of The Healing Sunrise.
The Gospel of John tells us that "no one has ever seen God until they see Jesus." The revelation of God is given to us in Jesus Christ. And so we must ask ourselves: Does the view of an angry sadistic monster God look like Jesus? Do we see examples of Jesus pouring out vengeful wrath upon people? Of course we don't! And so, we must reject the view of a monster God. Yet people still struggle with the vision of an angry, vindictive God. God's attitude towards you is one of unwavering fatherly love. God knows you and God loves you. God as your father is responsible for you. He is not a neglectful parent. Our Father is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. God doesn't view you as an enemy, but even if he did, he would love you. God is kind!
Christ is the new day. If we think only in terms of Christ bringing a new day then we sit by passively and wait for Jesus to forcibly bring the new day. This is the way most of us have been misled to think about the kingdom of Christ. But if we think a bit more creatively, deeply, and scripturally, we discover Christ is the new day and that to be in Christ is to enter the day now! This was in the Bible all along, but somehow we managed to miss it. To believe in Christ is to be baptized into Christ and his kingdom, which is to enter into the new day that is Christ!
The good news of great joy is that the world's true king has been born! This Savior-King is going to free us from our chains and lead us out of the dark. Christmas is the time of year when Christians are called to repeat the sounding joy. The world’s true King didn't come to reign over the old politics of fear. Christ the King came to lead us out of fear and into the politics of love. Jesus invites us into a new kind of politics. It is the way of peace. There is no way to peace, peace is the way. Jesus is peace. Instead of predatory, our stance is benevolent. We don't have to hate. We don't have to fight. We don't have to fear. We can have goodwill toward our sisters and brothers, and toward all of our fellow humans!
A long time ago, the church made the cross mostly about private and individual sin. From there the cross eventually became largely sentimental. What was left out was its prophetic critique and divine condemnation of the religion and politics of the world. Religion has been largely about using blame to make ourselves feel better. Politics has been mostly about using power to get what we want. The crucifixion is where God exposes and shames our religion of blame and our politics of power. The cross is where love triumphs over blame through forgiveness. The cross is where love triumphs over violent power through suffering. The cross is the triumph of God's LOVE over the world!
In the early first century, declaring a new religion wouldn't cause much trouble. The world was awash in varied religion, but it had one political scheme: the Roman Empire. For the early Christians to declare a new political king was a very dangerous proclamation. The early Christians dramatically and radically re-imagined the world with a new king, a new Caesar. This is precisely what the gospel is a declaration that the world now has a new emperor: Jesus Christ of Nazareth! The early Christians were accused of being "people who are turning the world upside down" because they were part of a strange movement that worshiped a crucified Galilean Jew whom they claimed had been raised from the dead and was now the world's true emperor. This new king would reorganize humanity, based on a system of reconciling love, not avenging power. This new world is the Kingdom of God.
The book of Daniel sets forth a vision of a king who is not like warrior-conqueror kings of world history. The dominating rulers throughout history were warriors, known for their rage and mercilessness in conquering the kingdoms of the world. But Daniel reveals a king who will rule humanely and not beastly, who's reign is known for its peace and everlasting shalom. We worship a different kind of king: King Jesus!
When Jesus left his quiet life as a carpenter to launch his career as a prophet and preacher, he first had to walk from Nazareth to Capernaum. We to tend to look at the life of Jesus as being filled with wonder and miracles. But in the Incarnation of God, Christ entered into the tedium of human life. But Jesus made it holy. All of the unremarkable bits necessary to living are made holy in Christ. Ordinary living is elevated to a sacrament. When we see the Incarnation for what it really is, life itself becomes a kind of Jesus Trail. In the ordinary activities of human life we are walking in the footsteps of Jesus.
The theme of Jesus Christ as king is the predominant theme of the Christmas Carols. We sing "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her king" and "Hark! The herald angels sing, glory to the newborn king". But what do we mean when we sing about Jesus being king? Is Jesus just a “spiritual” king? A king in heaven? Actually the answer is NO! When the apostles first called Jesus King, they meant it in the most literal and political way! The gospel is the story of how Jesus of Nazareth became King of the world. The gospel is not primarily about going to heaven, self-improvement, or even personal forgiveness. Though these things are related to the gospel, the gospel is primarily the royal announcement that Jesus Christ is now King of the world!
John describes Jesus as "the light that has come into the darkness." All of us have been impacted by the darkness of the world's system and we have seen the effects of this darkness in the lives of the next generation. It is up to us to bring this next generation, our children, into the light of Christ and each of us have a part to play.
The "kingdom of God" is Jesus-language. Jesus began his public ministry by saying, "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand." He continued to proclaim the kingdom and demonstrated the kingdom throughout his ministry. After his resurrection he spent time with his disciples, talking to them about the kingdom, but did they see it? Do we? For all of our worship and devotion to Jesus, do we see the kingdom he proclaimed? A glimpse of the kingdom of God changes everything. It changes how we live, how we love, and how we pray. Seeing the kingdom is possible, but it requires new eyes. We must be born again if we are to see this kingdom which has come.
At the core of being an authentic expression of the Kingdom of Jesus in the 21st century is following King Jesus. As we follow him, we hear him calling us to go and make disciples. We are followers of Jesus who are called to make followers of Jesus. We invite people to follow Jesus and welcome them into the family through baptism. From baptism we continue the disciple-making process by teaching them the ways of Jesus. He enables us to make disciples by being present with us. He has promised to be with us by his Spirit, transforming us into the kind of people who want to follow him.
To be a Christian is to confess faith in God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe the Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and is himself God. Part of the ongoing ministry of Jesus is to baptize us or immerse us in God's life-giving Spirit. The picture of this baptism is not so much of individuals getting the Holy Spirit within themselves. Rather the picture of full immersion in the Holy Spirit is Jesus gathering his church together and plunging us into the depths of the Spirit. We need the Spirit like our body needs each breath and as we live immersed in the Spirit we find a life of righteousness, peace, and joy.
Christianity is inherently full of mystery. Christianity is not an explanation, it is the confession of a sacred mystery. At the heart of the Christian faith is the great mystery of the Incarnation. Most Christian heresies come from trying to relieve the tension of the Incarnation. In trying to lessen the tension we either diminish the deity of Christ or the humanity of Christ. We must learn to enter the mystery and live within that tension, that Jesus is fully human AND fully God. The flesh and blood of Jesus is both human flesh and blood and divine flesh and blood. When Jesus offers us his human flesh and blood, he offers us divine, life-giving flesh and blood. Don't try to explain this mystery, don't resist this mystery, don't balk at this mystery... Enter The Mystery!
One of the primary goals of spiritual formation is to become your true self. The real you is calm, content, wise, and unafraid. It is only the false self, the shadow self, that is agitated, grasping, foolish, afraid. You may have had very little contact with your true self. The self who is calm, content, wise, and unafraid is who you really are deep inside. Why are we more often agitated, grasping, foolish, and afraid? We have been distorted by sin. The fallen world has marred the image of God in our life. And so, we lift up our soul to God that we might recover the proper image and that we might escape our false self and find our true self. The psalms are meditations that bend the soul toward calm, content, wisdom, courage. This is one of the primary purposes of daily praying the Psalms: to lift up our soul to God and discover and recover our true self.
Jesus is a king, the king; and he has a kingdom. To be a Christian is to confess that Jesus is the world’s rightful king and to enter that kingdom by faith and baptism. Our calling is to live as citizens of the kingdom of Jesus here and now, in the 21st century. We don’t live in 2nd century persecution or 12th century Christendom or 20th century modernity. We live in the 21st century postmodern world with its own challenges to the gospel and its unique opportunities to embody the Christian faith. If we can learn to live as a people faithful to Jesus we will be a city on a hill.
God doesn't cause all things to happen, nor does he always prevent bad things from happening. But God does cause all things that happen to work together for good. But God is able to take all the events of your life, the good and bad, the beautiful and ugly, and weave them together in such a way that in the end the whole story is beautiful! Sometimes in the present moment our lives seem to be a confusing, painful mess. But the One at the loom working on the story of your life has a hand of grace. When dark, ugly, and painful events come into our life, we suffer. But never let go of the promise that, in the end, the tapestry of our lives will be beautiful.
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes… and there will be no more pain, for the former things have passed away. And he who sits upon the throne says this: 'Behold! I am making all things new!'" –Revelation 21
When imperfect people aspire to perfection, the results are disastrous. And when people find themselves in a culture where perfection is expected, (in their family, or church, or job), they are forced to fake it. Perfectionism requires hypocrisy, and requires people to live outside of reality. But Jesus saves us from all of that! Jesus saves us from the pressure to be perfect. This is really good news! When you don’t have to be perfect, you can begin to be good. The glory of God is seen in mercy, not perfection. Jesus has established a temple for the imperfect. Being perfect is not what Christianity is all about. The church is a place where broken people can find acceptance, forgiveness, and healing in Jesus Christ. The house that Jesus builds is a temple for the imperfect. The church is to be a temple for the imperfect, a place where the glory of God is seen in mercy.
We don't like to admit it, but it's not always our weaknesses that get us in trouble. Sometimes it's what we are good at— our strengths, our successes, our victories— that cause trouble to find us. We pray for success, and some of those prayers are answered. But too much success can become a stumbling block. If the Apostle Paul had nothing but success and smooth sailing in his ministry, it would have been his undoing. But Paul suffered, he felt weak, and knew he had to depend on the grace of Jesus. In this way, Paul’s life reflected the contours of the cruciform. Paul would have never achieved the same authority if he had not been subjected to great suffering. Paul gains both grace and credibility because he suffered deeply.
Everywhere Paul went there were riots. But riots were never Paul's doing or desire or intent. Paul didn't advocate for angry, loud, public protest, but just the opposite. He wrote to the Thessalonians that they should “aspire to lead quiet lives." Paul advocates not for a riot Christianity, but a quiet Christianity. In a world that grows weary of the endless noise of ideological anger, the church is to be a haven of quietness and trust, a quiet refuge of peace. Isaiah dreams about what it will be like when righteousness returns to the earth. He write that the effect will be peace and the result will be quietness and trust. The result of righteousness among God's people is not riot and protest, but Quietness and Trust.
In the garden of Gethsemane, the disciple Peter was ready to go to prison and death with Jesus. But when he attempted to defend Jesus from the Roman soldiers who had come to arrest him, Jesus rebuked Peter, telling him to put away his sword and renounce violence. Peter was disillusioned and began to follow Jesus only at a distance. Before being redeemed, Peter would end up shedding some heavy tears. In in our own lives, often deep spiritual transformation happens only through the shedding of tears. Tears are necessary to soften the soul. But Jesus will not leave those tears unredeemed, they serve a holy purpose. Jesus remade Peter after his greatest failure, which caused those heavy tears. God, by his grace, uses our sins and failures to form Christ in us. Before you can be remade, you may have to be undone- and that will involve shedding some tears.
Pastor Derek Vreeland delivers a sermon entitled, "The Useful God".
Jacob swaggered through life with the confidence typical of a con man. He was a success in the shallowest sense of the word. Jacob had a kind of success; but what he didn't have was dignity, integrity, holiness. God was at work in Jacob's life and would bring about holiness in Jacob. The tool that God would use to produce this holiness in Jacob’s life was pain. When Jacob came face to face with real pain he would see the face of God. Transformed by pain, Jacob limped the rest of his life. He had been blessed and broken— and his blessed brokenness gave him a new name and a new life.
Jesus breaks bread and calls it his body. His broken body becomes the source of our salvation This is breaking that is good and that belongs to redemption and resurrection. This is the kind of breaking we're called to share with Jesus. But there is a kind of breaking—a kind of response to pressure—that is not good. After receiving the broken bread, Judas departed into the night to betray Jesus. Judas' journey into the darkness was a response to pressure that is Breaking Bad. Pain, pressure, disappointment are the sources of inevitable breakage in our lives. As humans, you will experience these things. It's part of the human condition. How you respond to these pains determines whether you break good or break bad. We are called to follow the Jesus way of trusting God, and not breaking bad. When we trust God, God is faithful and becomes a source of healing. But when we break bad and try to take control, we inflict our wounds on others. Let's learn to trust in God!
We are to be gospel-centric and gospel-saturated in the life of the church, because the gospel creates a certain kind of culture, shaping how we think and how we live. In order to be this kind of church, we preach the gospel first and morality second. God has saved us and called us to a holy life, but we emphasize the gospel of God's great love first. This life then creates the kind of culture whereby we can flourish in the holy life, where the Spirit continues his work of transformation within us.
The idea that God could and would truly suffer is foreign and scandalous to us. From the dawn of religious consciousness, humanity has shared similar images of God: The Glorious God, The Almighty God, The Holy God, The Merciful God. But the idea that God could suffer is something altogether unexpected. But God did suffer; torture, crucifixion, and finally death. On the cross Jesus suffers with us as God. God not only became human, he became the kind of human we don't want to be; A despised and rejected outcast, a failure. Jesus Christ God with us in life, in struggle, in sorrow, in pain, and in death. Jesus died the worst kind of death, that he might go down to the ugliest depths of death. But this suffering is not just an act of solidarity; it's also an act of salvation. God in Christ suffered death that he might enter into death and lead the way out. God saves us by suffering death with us! Only the suffering God can help.
In the Bible, the new day doesn't begin at sunrise or at midnight, but rather, at sunset. God wants us to see that each new day begins with darkness. The new day does not begin by being able to see— The new day begins with being unable to see. Likewise, spiritual growth does not begin with knowing. Holding onto certitude and insisting you have all the answers prevents spiritual progress. The process of spiritual growth is knowing, unknowing, and then new knowing. There are some things you have to unlearn before you can make spiritual progress. We want to think that to make spiritual progress all we need is positive addition. But a lot of making spiritual progress is about negative subtraction. Unknowing is harder than not knowing. It's not the learning that is hard, it's the unlearning.
Religion can be misused as a way of avoiding the reality of pain. Religion becomes delusional and destructive when misconstrued as a guaranteed way of avoiding pain. This phenomenon is dramatized in the cycles of debate found in the Hebrew scriptures of Job. The first lesson we should learn from the book of Job is to be wary of explaining to sufferers why they are suffering. If we accept that Job was a blameless man who suffered outrageous and undeserved misfortune, as the scriptures says, then our false certitudes, our easy answers, and our trite clichés need to be called into question. Perhaps the main lesson we are to learn is that blame is the satan and serves no good purpose—whether it's the friends blaming Job, or Job nearly blaming God.
The bread and wine in communion are more than a symbol, but not less than that. In the broken bread we see not only a symbol of the brokenness of Christ given for the sins of the world, we also see a picture of the church. Jesus blesses us; he breaks us; he gives us to the world. This three-step Eucharistic action provides for us our core identity. We are blessed. We are broken. We are given. In our brokenness we admit we are broken by sin and we also choose to break open ourselves to allow people to see us as we are. This kind of vulnerability is the pathway of love. We cannot love or be loved if we do not trust. We do not trust and do not become trustworthy if we do not know. We do not know and are not known if we are not vulnerable.
Beginning at Bethlehem, Jesus enters the world of the wounded and is himself wounded. Yet there is a beautiful, sacred mystery: It is by those wounds that we are healed. In bringing our hurts to the wounds of Christ we begin to find our healing. But for this to happen we must first acknowledge our wounds, our own pain. In our culture we find this hard to do, because we are schooled in denial. We have been taught to deceive ourselves and deny our pains and our wounds. Of course that kind of denial only bottles up the pain until it poisons the soul. Depression, anger, addiction, sickness are what result from un-lamented pain. When we’re schooled in denial we earn a degree in how to stay miserable. But when we face our pain with honesty, when we grieve and lament openly, we open up space for the comfort of God, given by others, to come to us and heal us.
The Church is the society of Jesus. That is, it is God's alternative society built around Jesus. Within the various societies of the world there are pockets of the society of Jesus, consisting of baptized communities learning to live the Jesus way and embracing the politics of Jesus. As these Jesus societies are faithful to the Jesus way they are the light of the world, the salt of the earth. But if they are unfaithful, they become nothing more than religious versions of the wider culture. This is why our first task must always be to remain faithful to Jesus, not to be "effective" or "successful." At Word of Life Church, we want to learn to be a faithful society of Jesus in 21st century American society.
We inhabit a world of hurt. Pain is an ever-present possibility. Grief stalks us. This is not just true of people in third-world countries suffering deep, grinding poverty. This reality is not restricted to the victims of violent regimes in the Middle East. It is the human condition. Pain is no respecter of persons. It comes to us all. To take part in the journey of life, pain is inevitable and unavoidable. Part of our Christian hope is that God will someday lead his creation beyond pain. We have the hope of a world beyond hurt. But our present world is quite different. For now pain remains the price of admission into God's good creation. What we see in the Bible portraits is people who learned how to transform their pain. They learned that by grace we can transform our pain into a kind of grace: A grace that heals.
In the final track of the summer 2013 series, Finding God On Your iPod, Pastor Brian Zahnd examines the song “Show Me The Place” by Leonard Cohen. It is a serious and prayerful reflection on the Incarnation. If we drift too far into the realm of ideas and out of the realm of matter, we easily drift away from Christianity and toward Gnosticism. Christianity is an intensely earthy, material religion. God came to earth, not merely as an idea, but in the form of a man, with all of the dirtiness and pain that human life requires. God shares human suffering with us. He suffered sorrow, bereavement, betrayal, rejection, torture, and even death. This is the great scandal of Christianity: We worship a suffering, crucified God.
In the final Sunday morning installment of the 2013 edition of Finding God On Your iPod, the rock & roll foursome Alabama Shakes tell us that "you gotta hold on". Take hold of the life of the age to come... and hold on! We can't settle for the script of the old age; we must lay hold of a new way of being human. Jesus in his death and resurrection really did re-found the world. The powers and principalities with their ways and means of death have been overthrown. Believe that in the resurrection of Jesus a new world order has been inaugurated. Sometimes it's hard to see that God's new age has dawned, but hold on! The bitterness of death and the sting of salty tears is still with us, but hold on! The ugly specters of war, poverty, and injustice still haunt us, but hold on!
Our 21st-century Western culture prescribes consumerism to quench the thirst of our soul. The up-and-coming hip-hop artist Macklemore uncovers the fraud of such prescription in his track called Wing$. As consumerism is exposed, it leaves us wondering is there anything that can truly quench the thirst of the human soul.
Dave Matthews is someone who hungers and thirsts for justice. It's a theme that repeatedly appears in his songs. What Dave Matthews may not realize, however, is that the justice he hungers for is what the gospel is really all about. In the song Mercy, Dave Matthews sings, "Imagine that we could get it together / Stand up for what we need to be / Cause crying won’t save or feed a hungry child / Can’t lay down and wait for a miracle to change things". And in the song that immediately follows on the album, the recurring line is, "We gotta do much more than believe if we really wanna change things." We DO have to do more than believe and pray. But, we must believe and we must pray. We do this because believing and praying is how we are properly formed into agents of God’s mercy and redemption in the world. Jesus spent his time on earth in ministry changing the world as it was at that very moment. He did not have a focus of teaching people how to go to heaven when they die. Jesus insists that God actually cares about the kind of world we have. Jesus wants us to bring the will of God on earth as it is in heaven, right now! Between now and our death, let's try to bring heaven to earth. Let's multiply mercy.
In the song Demons by The National, Matt Berninger sings about wishing that he could rise above his depression, hurt, and pain, but instead "stays down with his demons". Emotions like shame and anger, lust and loneliness, are human emotions. But, improperly processed and left unattended, these wounds can become the breeding ground for demons, such as addiction, depression, violence, and suicide. Jesus never blamed people for their sins or for their demons. Jesus came, not to condemn people for their demons, but to lift them out! Alone, a person may not have the ability to rise above their demons. But a person can always turn towards Jesus. You don't have to stay down with your demons. Jesus can heal you and set you free from those demons.
If Blowin' In The Wind is a modern psalm of prophetic imagination, The Whole Night Sky is a modern psalm of lament. The idea that faith is a means of avoiding suffering is a big con. It is popular, but it's simply not true. Faith does not give us an exception from being human. Faith does not prevent pain and suffering. What faith does is enable us to encounter God, even in our pain, and give us purpose. Our purpose it to become fully human, like Jesus. Jesus endured pain and suffering, but transformed it into grace and beauty. Jesus' faith transformed an ugly crucifixion into the beautiful cruciform. We will either transform our pain or we will transmit our pain and hurt other people. Faith enables us to transform our pain from something ugly and destructive into something beautiful and redemptive. Jesus saves us in our pain and suffering, not by taking us out of it, but by sharing it with us. We are not alone in our pain and suffering; God in Christ shares it with us.
Micah the poet/prophet was living during a time of economic prosperity, but he warned Israel and Judah of pending punishment. While judgment was coming, Micah expressed his desire to wait for the salvation of God. Much of the Christian journey is waiting. Following Jesus requires more patience than power. While many of us hate waiting, we find that in waiting we become more like Jesus. Waiting is the work of prayer where we create space for God to be at work. Prayer, corporate worship, and small groups are all places where we can wait on God.
Pearl Jam front-man Eddie Vedder has quietly written and recorded a number of acoustic-driven songs over the last six years, songs filled with meaning and substance. In 2007, he wrote "Society" for the soundtrack to Into the Wild, a movie about Chris McCandles, a young man who lived life off the grid. Vedder captures the spirit of McCandles who said good-bye to a world filled with greed and consumerism. Jesus gives us a similar call to exit a world of wealth, a culture of consumerism, and a society of stuff. Life, according to Jesus, does not consist in the abundance of possessions.
The Grammy-award winning, Philly-based, hip-hop band The Roots collaborated with Monsters of Folk to create a prayer in the form of a song. The heart of the song is the ancient question, "Why do we suffer?" Through artistry and poetry, the song wrestles with the classic problem of evil, that is, if God is all-good, all-loving, and all-powerful then why is evil and suffering still present in the world? In confronting this problem, we are well served by acknowledging evil instead of ignoring it, praying instead of simply reacting, and looking for solutions instead of assigning blame. In the end, while we do not find explanations, we do find hope in the mystery of our faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
What are prophets? Prophets are channels, conductors, conduits of holy imagination. Prophets have enough of the spirit of God to imagine the world other than it is. They give artistic expression to an alternative way of arranging the world. Today we tend to call them poets—but prophets are really just spirit-filled poets. In Blowin’ In The Wind we have a modern day poet asking a prophetic question: “How many roads must a man walk down? The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind.” But what does that even mean? Is the answer just too ethereal to grasp? Or does it mean the answer is right in front of us? Perhaps the answer is from the breath of God, from the deep spirit of God, from the blowin’ wind of God.
When we feel hurt, threatened, angered by a person, an incident, or some situation, we instinctively view it through a perspective of self-defense. If you are a non-contemplative person you will think your perspective is the total truth. We must have a change in perspective, or we will forever look at the world the same way. There are breakthroughs in perspective that occur through the practice of contemplative prayer that can happen no other way. Contemplative prayer is prayer without agenda and largely without words. In contemplative prayer, you sit with your problems and issues in the presence of Jesus. Jesus can give us an entirely new perspective outside of ourselves.
In his gospel John strategically places seven miracles of Jesus as signs to guide us. These signs are intended to point us to the right way to believe in Jesus the Christ. In the final installment of the Seven Signs In The Gospel of John series, we have a surprise. There is actually an eighth, hidden sign in John's book. It is the sign of new beginnings. New beginning is one of John's major themes in his gospel. And when we read the account of Mary Magdalene coming to the tomb early on the third day after Christ's crucifixion, only to find the tomb empty, we are seeing the new beginning of the world. Jesus Christ is the firstborn of the new humanity. In Jesus Christ humanity finds its second genesis. In Jesus Christ we recover our original vocation: to make the world a garden.
Jesus' received word that his friend Lazarus was sick and Jesus responded by waiting two whole days before he went to see him. During this time Lazarus died. His sisters, Martha and Mary, were grief-stricken. When Jesus went to see them, he did not lecture them or preach at them, but he entered into their grief, encouraging them and weeping with them, shedding the very tears of God. When he went to the tomb of Lazarus he raised him from the dead signaling the defeat of death, so that all who put their faith in Jesus no longer fear death, as the sting of death had been removed.
While there are those who have attempted to strip all of the hardship out of the Christian life, the reality is life is hard and following Jesus is hard. The Apostle Paul said he chose to boast in his hardships, calling some of his hardships a “thorn in the flesh.” Jesus said the way he was blazing for us with narrow and hard, so we should accept hardship and expect it. The hard is what makes life great. Indeed everything we call great was bought by the hardship of someone.
When Jesus’ disciples saw a man who had been born blind they asked the a question framed around blame. Who sinned? Who can we blame? Whose bad karma is this? The disciples belief was essentially that because something bad has happened, someone must have sinned, and somehow they deserved it. People who blame suffering on bad karma (and Christians do this all the time) still have mud in their eyes; they are still blind. Jesus is the light of the world. And his light brings a whole new perspective to the works of God. The works of God are not to assign blame and condemn the victim. If we will wash in the water of Jesus, we will get the mud out of our eyes and begin to see. It doesn’t matter who sinned; the way of God is grace and the work of God is mercy!
Often, we confuse God for a malevolent monster that intends us harm. Because of deep-seated shame the thought of God produces anxiety and avoidance and generates a “monster god” neurosis. This becomes the foundation for appeasement-based religion. The monster god narrative feeds into a wrong theology about Jesus— that Jesus came in order to save us from God. We are terrified of the One who is actually trying to help us. We mistakenly think the One coming to help us is coming to harm us. But the revelation of God based in Christ tells us something else: God is love! Jesus comes as the rising sun giving full revelation and dispelling the monster god. Jesus does not save us from God! Jesus reveals God to us! Jesus calls us into a world free from the monster god— A world created by the true and living God, the Father God who is love.
In Jewish culture, the sea is a representation of chaos and the origin of evil. The biblical Israelites were not a seafaring people. This is made evident by the way the bible uses the sea in metaphor. The book of Revelation the new earth has no more sea. Job, in praise of God, says, “God tramples the waves of the sea.” And in the book of Daniel, the author describes a vision of beasts that come up out of the sea. So when Jesus came walking on the sea to the disciples who were in great distress in the storm, it is a sign. It is a sign that leads us to life and informs our faith in Jesus. When we see Jesus walking on water on the rough sea in a dark and stormy night, it tells us that Jesus is Lord! When our life feels like a sinking ship and we are in a dark and stormy situation, we are not alone. Jesus will come to us and calm our fears. When Jesus comes to you everything will be alright!
At your worst, most sinful, backslidden, far from God state, God’s heart towards you is still one which burst with longing for reconciliation. God is not full of vengeance or angry with you. His attitude toward you is one of unwavering love, like a mother or father has towards his children. God knows you and loves you, and knows you have a complicated story. Unlike most people, God does not put all of the blame on you. God as your Father is responsible for you.
The human condition suffers from a kind of emptiness. We are born with a pervasive mentality of scarcity and insufficiency. We don't perceive ourselves as blessed with abundance, but cursed with scarcity. We fear there won't be enough oil, land, water, food, money, labor to go around, so we use force to guarantee us what we believe is ours. This way of viewing the world is absolutely dominant, And into this sad world dominated by the paradigm of scarcity the Son of God appears. Jesus came to save us from the cycle of conquest, war, famine, death. Jesus constantly tell us not to worry about scarcity, but to trust in God. The miracle of the loaves and fishes is the sign pointing us to Jesus and a new way. Christ is the single point at which the Infinity of God is poured into the finite Creation. We don't have to fight down here. To connect with Christ is to connect with the Infinite! This connecting point is called Jesus Christ. To connect with this point is called faith. To believe in Jesus in the right way is to connect our lives to The Beauty of the Infinite.
We read in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. We accept this statement about faith, but how exactly is faith substance and evidence? Some have tried to make faith too spiritual by imagining faith to be a spiritual substance, a force under our control. However this is not how we see faith at work in Scripture. Others have attempted to define faith as empirical evidence, trying to conjure up rational arguments to answer every question raised against the faith. Yet faith is not empirically verifiable because the God who is the object of our faith cannot be found using the rules of empiricism. When viewed in the context of Hebrews 11 and 12, we discover that faith is substance and evidence as it is confessed and lived out in the life of the Church. We become the substance and evidence of faith as we rightly confess and rightly live out the things we believe.
This is the third message in a series of the seven signs John recounts in order to form our faith in Jesus. It's the story of a man paralyzed for 38 years whom Jesus healed at the Pool of Bethesda. In this story we see that what the healing that the Pool of Bethesda promised is what Jesus does! And Jesus is not only the hope of the Jews; he is also the hope of pagan Gentiles. We are all in need of some kind of healing, and Jesus is the healer.
In order to experience natural, open conversation with Jesus, an openness is required. All conversion results from a moment of spiritual openness. But too often we restrict spiritual openness to a single moment of conversion. An over-emphasis on a single "salvation" event ruins us for future spiritual growth. Often, people have their one moment of spiritual openness, and then slam the door forever! But nothing is more essential to spiritual development than spiritual openness. Christianity is an ongoing conversation with Jesus, the Living Word with whom we must constantly engage.
If we treat the Bible as a complete catalog of "do's" and "don'ts", then we can almost always find a way to justify whatever we want to justify. From slavery to genocide, you can find a scripture to "prove" just about anything you want in the Bible. But if we recognize that Jesus is the Living Word with whom we must engage, then we are engaging with the Logos of Life - God's Wisdom of how to live. To believe in Jesus is to believe that he is what God has to say. If you'll believe in the Logos of Life (Christ), your soul will be healed and you will find life.
The kingdom of God is something that happens at a table. The church is not a kind of Temple, it is a kind of Table. The Temple, as understood 2000 years ago in Jewish society, was closed off, restricted to people of a particular ethnicity and nationality. Moving from Temple to Table is part of the reformation work of Jesus. It is the New Covenant. Instead of hierarchical, religion, and purity code religion that excludes outsiders, the center of God's activity is now the shared table.
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus performs his first miracle, and in doing so, reveals his glory and his beauty. Jesus' first miracle is not "crucial". He doesn't heal the sick, or cleanse the leper, or cast out a demon, or calm a storm, or even raise the dead. Jesus' first miracle is to keep a wedding party well-stocked in wine. And it is a sign. In a beautiful and artistic way Jesus is announcing the arrival of the reign of God. It is a sign that there is about to be a huge shift in how we understand our relationship with God. Instead of washing, washing, washing, but never really feeling clean, the Kingdom of God will be more like eating and drinking with close friends. Jesus is signaling a seismic shift in the center of God's redemptive activity. With the coming of Jesus the center of redemption moves from the Temple to the Table! Instead of a hierarchical, sacrificial, purity code religion that excludes outsiders, the center of God's activity will be the shared table.
To first think of the "Bible" when say "Word of God" is a theological mistake. The Bible is the word of God, but only in a secondary sense. That the Bible is the word of God is true in the sense that it faithfully bears witness to the true Word of God: Jesus Christ. We're not born again by reading a book, we're born again by encountering Jesus Christ. We're not followers of a book, we're followers of Jesus! We are not worshipers of a book, we are worshipers of Jesus! There is no word from God that comes after Christ or supersedes Christ. Jesus is the true Word of God, the full Word of God, and the final Word of God. Jesus is how God speaks into the world. Jesus is what God has to say.
The world after Easter is fundamentally different than the world of Good Friday. In the world before Easter Caesar is Lord, because Caesar holds the power of death. But in the world after Easter Jesus is Lord, because Jesus has conquered death. And not by by means of a temporary resuscitation that ultimately again succumbs to death, but by the complete triumph of resurrection unto eternal life! Which is why our ultimate Christian hope is not heaven, but resurrection! When Christ appears heaven and earth will be made one. The resurrection of the dead is the full realization of New Creation. Christ is coming, not to take us away, but to bring heaven to earth. The blessed hope is not that we are going somewhere. The blessed hope is Christ is coming!
The Old Testament story of Job is one of tragedy. In three thunderclaps of horror Job loses his wealth, his health, and his children. Very quickly following this episode, Job's friends show up to comfort him, but in reality, they end up tormenting Job's already shattered soul. These three friends likely intended well, but in their obsession to explain the tragedy they became satanic agents of accusation and cruelty. In the sermon Windbag Speeches by Pastor Brian Zahnd, we discover the cruelty of talking too much.
The Messiah of the Jews was Jesus Christ. That Christ would be worshiped as King among pagan the Gentiles is the great hope of God! God always intended to unite the whole world as one people, without any division. God had to begin with one person, with one people; the Jewish people. But all along the plan was to unite the whole world into one body: the body of Christ! But this unity of worship doesn't come by triumphalism. It doesn't come by the ways of conquest and domination. If you have an attitude that we Christians need to conquer and convert others, you've missed the whole point! Triumphalism is the opposite of the humility of Christ! It comes by suffering! When we absorb enough of the sin and suffering of the world in an imitation of Christ, people are irresistibly drawn to the body of Christ.
Calling things by their names is the way of the God and the first vocation of man. In Genesis, Adam is instructed by God to gives names to all the animals. Humans are the ones who make Creation a community of the named and known and not just an impersonal collection of unknown and disassociated things. Without humanity, the universe is a cold and impersonal collection of objects. But humanity gives names to things and the universe becomes known and personal. Be wary of an overemphasis on numbers. Turning names into numbers, persons into statistics, and people into things is what the Beast does. It is the root of the beastly actions of totalitarian regimes.
If you want to sum up the Gospel in its most succinct form, this is it: Jesus is Lord! The Apostles actually believed that with the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus, the world was now being governed by a new emperor, a new administration. The politics of Caesar and empire had been replaced by the politics of Christ. Through faith and baptism we become citizens of the kingdom of God, and we bring the culture of the Kingdom of God to earth through how we pray and how we live. This is what we mean when we say, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." For the baptized, our government is not from earth, but rather from heaven. Through the luck of our birth we may be American, or Chinese, or French, or Iranian. But if we are baptized, our allegiance is pledged to Christ and our citizenship is in heaven. Jesus is Lord, and Caesar is not!
Pastor Brian Zahnd interviews P.G. Vargis, missionary and founder of the Indian Evangelical Team (IET), a Christian missions organization spread across India, Nepal, and Bhutan, and is the fastest growing missons organization in South East Asia. Today, IET trains hundreds of indigenous men and women to be effective, godly church planters and Christian leaders through its regional Bible schools and its leadership training centers.
In the world after Easter the Apostle Paul is possessed by a radical new vision for the world. This is what compels him to travel unceasingly throughout the Roman Empire. Paul daringly proclaims that the true gospel of peace is not the Pax Romana (Peace of Rome), but the Pax Christi (Peace of Christ). In his deeply theological letter to the Gentile church in Ephesus, Paul describes his radical vision for the world-he calls it "one new humanity." For Paul, what is saved in the death and resurrection of Jesus is not merely individual souls, but human civilization itself- "the world." In the cross of Christ the evil phenomenon of achieving unity through groupthink hostility is killed. This accomplishment of the cross gives humanity the possibility of peace. Through the gospel of peace Jews and Gentiles (and every other division of humanity) can now overcome their hostility and be formed in Christ as One New Humanity.
The kingdom of God is salvation in its full expression, and it's all a gift. In the midst of the human catastrophe and civilization gone wrong from the very foundation, God has acted and given to us the Kingdom of God. We cannot build it or fight for it. We can only perceive the kingdom by faith and receive it as a gift. But because human history is mostly about building and fighting and constructing empires, that is cam only be done by faith is very hard for us to comprehend. We think all the great things are built and fought for. But that is a lie. The kingdom of God is the Father's gift to humanity, given in Christ. It's all a gift.
Fighting, arguments, and disagreements are a part of the human condition. Many times our disagreements are over small, insignificant things. We often need to step back and ask, "Does what we are arguing about really matter?" In his letter to the Galatians, Paul put all of our fighting in context by stating emphatically: what really matters is new creation! In Christ we have been rescued from old broken down creation and have been given access into God's new creation, where there is no more division based on race, gender, or social status. When we divide over these issues we fail to see how the world has changed since the resurrection of Jesus. In this new post-resurrection world, we respect everyone, recognizing everyone is loved by God.
The Bible contains some shockingly brutal stories. Some of them involve gang rape, murder, and dismemberment. These are not the stories that we tell our children at bedtime. Many of these stories involve a merciless mob of people. Sodom is primarily about group violence from a merciless mob inflicted on foreigners. They are many stories of public stonings. Even the crucifixion of Jesus was at its roots a mob lynching. Lynch mobs never think of themselves as evil. But in fact, the merciless mob is the manifestation of the satan in its fullest form! An angry crowd is cruel, merciless, and stupid, but most of all, it is dangerous. If you follow an angry crowd you will almost certainly be wrong. Even if you're not wrong in the issue you will be wrong in spirit. The crowd is antichrist. Jesus loves you, but he does not love your angry crowd. Jesus never calls his people to join a crowd, only a little flock. Jesus never leads anything other than a gentle, peaceable, merciful minority.
With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, death was defeated and new creation began. New creation can be perceived and participated in by the body of Christ right now! The world after Easter is not the same world as the world of Good Friday. On Good Friday, the world was under the old order of the old creation dominated by sin and death. The world after Easter is a world where new creation is already dawning in the land of death. This is why Paul says, if anyone is in Christ, Hello, New Creation!
With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, death was defeated and new creation began. New creation can be perceived and participated in by the body of Christ right now! The world after Easter is not the same world as the world of Good Friday. On Good Friday, the world was under the old order of the old creation dominated by sin and death. The world after Easter is a world where new creation is already dawning in the land of death. This is why Paul says, if anyone is in Christ, Hello, New Creation!
We are called to fight the good fight of faith. Last week in Part 1, Pastor Derek Vreeland described in detail the three primary enemies of our faith-secularism, individualism, and nationalism. This week, in Part 2, he continues by describing how the resurrection of Jesus delivers the final blow to these enemies. Our fight is with defeated enemies, which requires us to live a certain way, namely as sacred people, communal people, and intentionally Christian people.
The world did indeed change after that first Easter Sunday when Jesus rose from the dead. In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul identifies baptism as the doorway into this new world, a world without condemnation, a world of peace, adoption, beauty, and love. In this new world we find our old selves being replaced by our new selves, new identities formed in the image of Christ. Baptism does not wash away our sins as much as it breaks the power of sin from us, enabling us to walk in newness of life free from the old world dominated by sin and death.
We are called to fight the good fight of faith and the enemies of our faith include secularism, individualism, and nationalism. In this message, Pastor Derek Vreeland spends time defining and illustrating what these enemies are like. Secularism is any attempt to do life without God. Individualism is the preoccupation with putting ourselves first. Nationalism is the love, devotion, and allegiance to your nation above you love, devotion, and allegiance to God. Being able to recognize these enemies is the first step in the fight against them.
Jesus told a Samaritan woman, "Salvation is from the Jews, but it is for the whole world." Although the Gospel began in Jerusalem, it must journey to Rome because in the world after Easter the nations are now called to surrender their sovereignty and confess their allegiance to Jesus Christ. Rome was the Capital of the Empire, and the Roman Empire stretched across the whole world. When the Gospel was delivered in Rome, it was a revolution! It changed the whole world! Taking the Gospel to Rome was not a private announcement to private individuals about how to go to heaven when you die. The Gospel was and is a public announcement to the whole world proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven has come and that God is now reigning over the nations through his Son Jesus Christ!
If you want to read the Bible right, you read from the perspective of the cross. If you want to get God right, you understand him as revealed in Christ. On Good Friday, where do we found Christ? He is stretched out upon a cross, dying, imploring his Father to forgive. God is not the one who demanded crucifixion. nor is he the one doing the crucifying. God is the one who was crucified! All of humanity, bound by sin and satan, killed Jesus. The crucifixion is not what God did, it is what God endured. He is The Crucified God.
Pastor Brian Zahnd has been teaching from the Gospel of Luke for nearly four months, as we examine the stories of Jesus. We have arrived at Palm Sunday, celebrating Jesus' triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem. Palm Sunday is confusing. It is a combination of both joy and sorrow, of celebration and of suffering. It contains Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, but shadows the impending doom of Calvary. Should we celebrate on Palm Sunday or do we lament on Palm Sunday? The crowd cheering and praising Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem was right to celebrate, but they did it with a wrong understanding. This is a warning for every Jesus follower about: Getting Jesus Right... Getting Jesus Wrong.
Throughout the Gospel of Luke, we see Jesus moves from table to table, meal to meal, announcing and enacting the Kingdom of God as radical hospitality. In the 19th chapter of Luke, Jesus is on his journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. Jesus and his disciples have arrived in Jericho, just a day before they will arrive in Jerusalem and ride through the gates in what will become known as the Triumphal Entry. As Jesus made his way through the city of Jericho, the chief tax collector Zacchaeus made his way to see Jesus. Zacchaeus was rich and corrupt, as consummate moral outcast, who had been excluded from worship at the temple. He would be the last person you'd expect to find the Messiah with. But we must not be so quick to dismiss those who appear to be far from the Kingdom of God just because they don't presently participate in the accepted forms of religious life. What Zacchaeus has going for him is that he is intensely interested in finding out who Jesus really is. Discover the radical hospitality of Jesus towards Zacchaeus in this message.
In our modern age, "Hell" has become a catch-all word. It includes everything from the grave to an afterlife-destination to Dante's Inferno to a minor swear word, and much inbetween. Many modern English translations of the Bible don't even use the word "hell." It is important to actually listen and hear what Jesus says about hell, rather than try to force him to fit your particular theological system. In the parable of "The Rich Man and Lazarus", Jesus reveals a little about Hell... and how to get there.
The greatest and most famous Jesus' parables is the Parable of the Prodigal Son. It is the gospel found inside the gospel. The parable of the Prodigal Son is a story of the Kingdom of God being announced and enacted. Jesus gave it to those who were angry about how he was ushering in the Kingdom of God. The actions of the father in the parable are the actions of Jesus in his ministry. In his table practice and in his parables Jesus is showing us what God is like. Jesus came to change the mind of humanity about God, not to change the mind of God about humanity. Jesus does not save us from the God; Jesus reveals to us what God is like. Jesus and God always act in unity. Jesus unconditionally receives the sinner who comes to him, because this is what God is like!
We have all heard the famous parable of "The Good Samaritan". It has become so famous in our culture that it has unfortunately lost its meaning. Despite popular belief, the point of the parable of the Good Samaritan is not to be "a good Samaritan." Jesus crafted this parable to answer a question about eternal life and love of neighbor. Jesus was speaking to Jews, and Jews and Samaritans hated one another like poison! In his parable, Jesus reveals that it is not one of 'us' (the Jews) loving 'them', but rather, 'them' loving one of 'us'. He has turned the tables and asked a very subversive question: What do you do when your enemy acts in love and treats you like a neighbor? Who proved to be a neighbor to the Jewish victim? It was the enemy, the Samaritan, who showed the Jewish victim mercy. And Jesus us commands us to do the same, for to show mercy is to enact eternal life.
The Samaritans were a separate ethnic group from the Jews, with different theological views. These differences often translated into violence between the two groups. Most Jews would thus travel around Samaria instead of traveling through it. But on his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus journeyed right through the middle of it. During their travel, a Samaritan town refused him and his disciples hospitality because they were Jews. In response to this insult, the disciples James and John wanted to burn them up with the fire of God, and found scriptural evidence to support their argument. In their desire to burn the Samaritan 'them' with the fire of God, James and John cite the Bible to support their desire. This is exactly what Elijah did when the Samaritans opposed him. James and John (and the rest of the disciples) obviously think violence is an option, and they believe Jesus will ultimately turn to violence in order to usher in the Kingdom of God. But they are wrong! Jesus is not Elijah! Jesus' way of changing the world is not on a battlefield but at a shared table. He blesses his enemies, and instead of resorting to violence, will allow his body to be broken and his own blood to be shed.
To follow Jesus is revolutionary. That's not hyperbole; it's the absolute truth. To live the Jesus way is the most revolutionary thing a person can do. To follow Jesus' practice radical love, forgiveness, hospitality, and humility, and to join God's alternative society that is formed around Jesus Christ is life-changing. It's revolutionary! in the 1970′s, the Jesus Revolution was a genuine move of the Spirit of God. It was a real revolution. It's strength was that it was a return to radical focus on Jesus. It's weakness was that it was largely separated from the church. When the Jesus Revolution finally did connect with the church, it was swallowed up by conventional evangelicalism and lost its radical edge. We are at the brink of another cultural Jesus Revolution. We can't settle for a tame, domesticated, conventional Christianity. We need to be a little bit rebellious, a little bit dangerous. We should dare to be a Jesus revolutionary!
We would prefer to think there is never any conflict between our family and our faith. But this is not always the case. Sometimes we find the family we're born into is in conflict with the kingdom we have been reborn into. Jesus himself experience this conflict. His family didn't really get what he was doing. They did believe that he could be the Messiah, they simply didn't think he could be the Messiah the way he was going about it. They didn't believe he could be Messiah and preach "love your enemies" at the same time. And although Jesus' family didn't immediately understand the gospel of his kingdom, they eventually understood. They were all present at Pentecost. His brother James became the first pastor. Jesus' love for his family never waned, but he also knew he had to subordinate his natural family to his kingdom vocation.
By far the most common way we're formed in faith is we receive it from our parents. There are Christian conversions from other religions and non-religious backgrounds, but these are more rare. Many of us are Christians because are parents were also Christians. We are all formed by tradition with choices made by parents, in our language, in our culture, etc. But we don't just give our kids a Bible and expect them to be Christian. They need the understanding and experience of Christian tradition!
As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to speak the truth lovingly, to speak words that build up, to put away anger, wrath, and slander, and to forgive one another. How do we live this out in our homes particularly in the context of marriage? In this message, Pastor Derek Vreeland offers a helpful tool to empower couples to communicate in such a way that brings resolution to conflicts and forgiveness to torn relationships. Following these guidelines, couples can express the peace of God at home.
The greatest challenge that we face in passing on our Christian faith to our children and our grandchildren is the growing tide of secularism in America. Secularism is the idea that stemmed from the Enlightenment that God must be restricted to the private realm. But the private spirituality of the solitary, self-styled Christian will not withstand secularism. To live as a Christian in the 21st century West will require the organized faith community of the Church with its sacred traditions. The Enlightenment that introduced the modern age taught us to think individually. But the Biblical way of thinking is corporately and generationally. Christian tradition is how Christian faith is passed on from generation to generation. It is true that tradition must be kept alive by the Spirit. But rejection tradition wholesale leads to the evaporation of faith. This is why at Word of Life Church we are recovering and rehabilitating the word "tradition." Our grandchildren will not be Christians because of an emotional experience. They will be Christian by the process of formation through the traditions of prayer, scripture, sacrament, worship, creed, and calendar.
In life, it's easy for us to assign labels to people. It's how we identify ourselves inside a group. But often, even without realizing it, we put label on other people in order to negate them. We reduce them to a category. We put labels on ourselves that we have to live up to (or down to). Once you adopt a "pressure group label" you have to live up to the expectations of the group. Self-adopting a pressure group label is pledging allegiance to group-think hostility. When we, as Christians, label people and view them as a category rather than a person, we misjudge them. Our self-righteousness can require us to categorically exclude a sinful person from our presence. When viewed as a person however, our righteousness compels us to receive and forgive sinners.
The degree to which the Sermon on the Mount has been ignored by Christians is scandalous. We want Jesus to die for us, but leave our world alone, especially if we are on top of the world. But Jesus has no intention of leaving our world alone- he fully intends to change it! What Jesus preached in his sermons and what Jesus did on his cross are one in the same! In the Sermon on the Mount and on the cross Jesus re-oriented the world from an axis of power enforced by violence to an axis of love expressed in forgiveness. To critique the enforcement of violence in our culture will draw the ire of many. And often, it's hard to be truly compelling about loving and forgiving our enemies when we don't have real and deadly enemies. But Martin Luther King, Jr DID have real, deadly enemies. But he taught, and practiced, the Jesus way of loving and forgiving your enemies. It was a message that would ultimately bring his death, but he changed the world!
Jesus is forming a movement of people who will join him in announcing and enacting the Kingdom of God. An important understanding about Jesus is the way in which he selects his followers. Jesus does not seem to be very concerned about our categories of "good people" and "bad people". Instead, he divides people into the proud and the humble. The shocking thing is who joins Jesus' new movement. It's not the insiders, but the outsiders. It's not the righteous, but sinners. The moment Simon self-identified as a sinner, he qualified to become a disciple. Jesus spent very little time condemning moral transgressions. The emphasis of Jesus' ministry was to be with people, to share a table with them. Teaching people how to encounter Jesus Christ and live in his presence will do far more to produce real transformation than trying to apply the law. Christianity is not a Bible study or a moral code, it's an encounter with Jesus Christ!
After Jesus completed his 40 days of prayer and fasting in the wilderness, he soon returned to his hometown of Nazareth. Initially, Jesus was well received by his own people. They were brimming with excitement and great anticipation that their hometown kid might really be the long foretold messiah. But Jesus quickly realizes that the people in his hometown really just want to see him do miracles. They want Jesus to be a spectacle and do tricks for them. Jesus also knows that it is virtually impossible to be a prophet in your hometown. The prophet always challenges the idea of "us vs. them". When the hometown crowd hears one of their own challenge the idea that God is not on their side, they quickly turn on him.
John the Baptist called on Israel to repent in preparation for the Messiah. When people began asking what it was they should do, everything John said had to do with money. When you are willing to rethink what you do with your money... you've repented! John doesn't mention any other sins, but he continually stresses economic repentance. Why? Because he is trying to prepare a people who will follow Messiah into a new kingdom. The greatest obstacle to entering the kingdom of God is the tyranny of economic self-interest.
God did not suddenly appear on the earth in human form one day. He came just as every other human did: He was born to a mother as an infant, and grew through childhood and into an adult. But the Bible tells us very little about Jesus' childhood life. The only account of his life between infancy and age thirty is found in the book of Luke, in which a 12-year-old Jesus is "lost" at the Temple in Jerusalem. And when Mary and Joseph finally find Jesus safe in the Temple, it is there that we hear the first recorded words of Jesus, when he says "Why are you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?" Although Jesus was speaking to his parents, he could very well be speaking to each one of us, "Why are you looking for me?" We seek after God in church buildings on Sundays, not because Jesus is lost, but because WE are lost. And we believe that Jesus knows the way!
When God became Man and came to the earth, he experienced the fullness of humanity. He didn't merely just appear as a man. He was born as a helpless baby, lived a life as a man in the Roman occupied territory of Israel, and died. Jesus became Immanual, God with us, so that he might give us a new way of being human. He came that he might lead us beyond the ways of death into life and resurrection. As humans, we are indeed a violent species. From Cain killing Abel, to Auschwitz, to Hiroshima, to Sandy Hook Elementary School, we have been born into violence. Born on the first Christmas, the Prince of Peace offers us a better way.
What kind of news would make you literally leap for joy, jump up and down, and throw your hat in the air? The end of a long war? The fall of the Berlin Wall? Winning the lottery jackpot? Being cured of cancer? When war ends and tyranny topples, when prosperity comes and sickness goes, that is good news! And this is the kind of good news that Mary and Elizabeth celebrate together. These two poor and oppressed Jewish women, living in an occupied land, are both pregnant with children that angels have prophesied great things over. They are overflowing with joy because they believe something is about to happen. They believe God is about to act and launch a revolution through their two sons. The coming revolution is the kingdom of God: God's way of running the world.
What a mystery the mother of Jesus is. Mary is the human, the woman, through whom God enters and takes on humanity. Mary is a mystery because she's intimately connected with the greatest mystery of all: The Incarnation. In Christ God became fully human and Jesus is fully human as you! The story of Jesus begins in earnest with the Annunciation, the angelic announcement to a young virgin that she would bare a son named Jesus, called the Son of God. Mary is poor and obscure. She is an utterly insignificant peasant in the nowhere of Nazareth. But now an angel is telling a peasant girl that the true Son of God is going to enter the world in poverty; it's not the economy that matters most, but the reign of God. When the angel Gabriel begins the Annunciation to Mary, he begins with the message "Rejoice!" We might say this is the proper beginning of the New Testament. The long, dark night is at last coming to an end and it's time to Rejoice! God is keeping his promise to bless the world though the seed of Abraham, Rejoice! God is keeping his promise to make the Son of David the ruler of the nations, Rejoice! The child who will bless the world and rule the nations is about to be born, Rejoice!
We shouldn't ever think that Jesus just popped into history 2,000 years ago out of nowhere. Jesus is the continuation of a story that began a very long time ago with Abraham & Israel. With the birth of Jesus God is not starting over. God is keeping his promise to bless the world with the seed of Abraham and to rule the world with the Son of David. And in Luke's Gospel, he is telling the story of how Israel's Messiah became the king of the world. In Jesus Christ we are offered the forgiveness of sins, the promise of everlasting life, and the way of peace. This is the salvation of the Lord.
Pastor Brian Zahnd concludes his two-month series on climbing the Mountains of God with the "Mount Everest of the Gospels", the Mount of Beatitudes. The Beatitudes are not commands, but portals to a new way of thinking. They are not platitudes, but paradoxes. The Beatitudes are the Preamble to the Constitution of the Government of God. The government of God is nothing like the governments of this age. If we can become a people formed by the Beatitudes, what would happen? We will receive comfort and mercy. We will see God and be called the children of God. We will be persecuted. But we will receive the kingdom and we will inherit the earth.
One of the most fascinating stories in the Gospels is the account of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. Along with his birth and his crucifixion and resurrection, the Transfiguration is one of the most important events in the life of Jesus. It is packed with mystery and meaning. In the Transfiguration, we are able to see Jesus' divinity shining through his humanity. The flesh of Jesus is human flesh, but it is also divine flesh. Jesus is not "absorbing" or reflecting glory, like the story of Moses on Mount Sinai. The glory shining from Jesus comes from within. If you will climb the mountain and gaze at the glory of God in the face of Christ, you will experience your own transfiguration, a spiritual metamorphosis. And this is what this Christian thing is all about! To become like Jesus! The goal of the Christian life is not to go to heaven when you die, but rather to become like Jesus now!
The Bible never hides the humanity of its heroes. Noah, Abraham, David all have incredible failures recorded in the Bible. Even the prophet Elijah, known best for praying fire down from heaven, is shown curled up and a tree praying to die. Elijah believed it was up to him to save all of Israel, and he believed he was on his own. But God showed him he wasn;t the only one left. In fact, there were over 7,000 other faithful worshipers. You can't do walk the Christian journey alone, you can't make it on your own. Sometimes you need to be on the mountain of God deep in prayer, but sometimes you need to get off the mountain and go find a friend. In the long run there's probably nothing more important than friendship. However important you think friendship is, God would probably tell you it's even more important. And whatever it is that you are sacrificing your friendships for in order to achieve, is probably not worth it in the long run. Elijah thought his zealous work for God was the most important thing, but without friendship he ended up emotionally crippled and useless for ministry.
On the 31st anniversary of Word of Life Church, Pastor Brian Zahnd tells the story of back-to-back days standing atop Mount Sinai in Egypt and Mars Hill in Greece. To do so is not easy, and would not have even been possible in the days before jet travel. But it was an experience filled with prophetic symbolism and was an indication what the next five years would hold for Word of Life Church.
Moses also climbed Mount Sinai, and it is the place where he received the 10 Commandments from the Lord. This was the Law, written by the finger of God on two stone tablets. The purpose of the law is to produce justice and a worshiping society; to learn how to worship God in order to treat people right. Jesus tells us on the Mount of Beatitudes that he did not come to abolish the Law, he came, rather, in order to fulfill it. The entire Sermon on the Mount is about the whole Law summed up in two commandments: To love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. This is the Jesus Way. This is what God's design for humanity is.
Our mission as the Church (to preach, baptize, make disciples, teach, do theology) flows from our worship. Why do we preach the gospel, make disciples, teach, do theology, build churches, care for the sick and poor? Because we worship the true and living God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Everything we do as a church flows from our identity as a worshiping people. Worship is central, primary, formative, and it is essential. Our attitude when we gather together on Sunday mornings should be that we are disciples intending to worship, not consumers needing to be entertained. One of the worst ways to evaluate worship is by how it makes you feel. The purpose of worship is not to make you feel something (it's not about you, afterall), but rather, the purpose of worship is to properly relate to God and be properly formed. On Sunday mornings when we gather as a corporate body, we will be faithful, intentional, thoughtful, and thankful. And we will remember, everything we do as a church flows from our identity as a worshiping people.
Guest speaker Brad Jersak from Abbotsford, British Columbia, paints of picture with words of God's dream for humanity and the Kingdom of God as described in Isaiah in a message inspired by by Tom Sine's Mustard Seed Conspiracy.
Mountains are a classic metaphor for prayer. A lot of praying in the Bible happens on mountaintops. Once, when Jesus was praying on a Galilean mountain, his disciples asked him to teach them to pray. So Jesus did what all Jewish rabbis did to teach their disciples how to pray, He gave them a prayer to pray. He didn't teach on abstract concepts or sentimental ideas, he gave them a specific prayer. Without being taught how to properly pray, we simply recycle and reinforce our own fears, desires, and misguided opinions. We never make any actual progress; we just keep trying to get God to do what we would do. We try to manage God. It is a pagan concept of prayer to attempt to cajole God into doing what we want. The Christian concept of prayer is that we need to be transformed by God. The primary purpose of prayer is not to advise or manage God, but to be properly formed.
In Christ we have come to the mountain of God. And God, much like a mountain, is far too vast to be comprehended from one perspective. If you want to have a full conception of the living God, you need more than one perspective! To have more than one perspective of a mountain, you need to traverse the mountain, to climb on it. Of course, it's not easy. Mountain climbing is never easy. It's difficult and demanding; dangerous in places, scary at times; and seeking to understand God is the same way. But you can do it. And it's worth it!
In the final track of the 2012 edition of Finding God on Your iPod, Pastor Brian Zahnd examines the vision of Jesus and Paul for a new humanity, gathered together into one flock with Jesus as the shepherd; A humanity in Christ that learns to kill the hostility instead of kill one another. From this text, Pastor Brian is able to offer a prophetic critique of the systematic destruction of the indigenous peoples and cultures of North America in the name of Manifest Destiny. "Manifest Destiny" was an American self-delusion justifying the systematic destruction of indigenous peoples and cultures in the name of "progress."
Jesus taught that lamp of our being is the eye. We can have bright eyes or dark eyes. How we look at life has a lot to do with whether our soul is filled with darkness or light. We can look at life with squinty-eyed greed, calculation, and cynicism. Or we can look at life with wide-eyed wonder, love, and acceptance. After four years, Bob Dylan finally makes an appearance in Finding God On Your iPod - the song and the sermon are called Dark Eyes.
The satan is the spirit of accusation, especially fear-based accusation. When people feel threatened in some way, such as their security, their worldview, or their ideology, they tend to channel that negative vibe into an accusation of someone else. This is the scapegoat phenomenon. Instead of allowing the spirit of faith, hope, and love to control them, they seek to dispel the negative feelings by transferring it through accusation. This is the primary work of satan. And it is the opposite of the work of the Holy Spirit! The way you deal with accusation is not to lash out, but rather, to forgive, and when possible, help people see what they are doing. You cannot let unjust accusation turn into self-accusation. That's the devil in your head. In the song Negative Vibes by Irish singer-songwriter Damien Dempsey, he addressing his critics and the spirit of accusation when he sings "I'm never going to let your negative vibes and comments get through to my psyche and cripple me."
For a long time God has been trying to communicate his self-revelation to humanity. We must realize that Jesus is the exact imprint of God's nature-the perfect, eternal Word of God! Everything we know and believe must be reconsidered in the last days in the light of God's final word- Jesus Christ! Jesus is the revelation of truth that is superior even to Scripture. Jesus Christ is God's final world to humanity, and Jesus Christ is God's final word to YOU!
Pain in the great equalizer. We have all felt pain of one kind or another, but we do not have to bear it alone. We can take our brokenness to Christ and experience healing of body and soul. Healing and recovery is a part of the life story of Johnny Cash, a true American icon. Six months before his death, he recorded the song "Hurt" originally written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. In this song, Johnny Cash sings in mournful regret of the hurt he caused others through a life in turmoil. While he created a lot of hurt through his life-long struggle with addiction, he experienced healing and wholeness as he chose to live in the kingdom of God. As the story of Johnny Cash demonstrates, God did not turn an blind eye to our suffering, but chose to enter into suffering humanity so that by his wounds we can be healed.
We are God's workmanship, his poem, created in Christ Jesus. God is not a machine mass-producing religious experience industrial style. God is an artist. We are his work of art and we move the life with the grace of Christ. We should desire to be a work of art. This is the longing in The Guggenheim Grotto song, "Philosophia". As we engage our lives with Jesus Christ, the redemptive result is poetic. Our lives gain a graceful structure and poetic expression that is beautiful. Jesus is the poet who can rearrange the logos of our life, the words that tell our story, and do it in such a way that our life becomes a beautiful poem. For your life to be a work of art, for you life to become a graceful poem, the place to begin is to give your life over to the great Artist, the great Poet.
Pastor Derek Vreeland presents a bonus track to the 2011 Finding God on Your iPod series: Barton Hollow, by the folk-duo The Civil Wars. This song tells the story of a criminal wrestling with guilt, forgiveness, and doubt. We are fully aware of our shortcomings and failures and while we confess faith in God who forgives, sometimes doubt creeps into our lives. Doubt is never the enemy of faith, because every doubt is based on an alternative belief. Instead of ignoring our doubts, we need to face them, struggle through them in community with other followers of Christ. Wresting with doubt is one of the ways we grow in faith.
In the fifth and final week of 2011′s Finding God On Your iPod, we listen to hall of fame rockers Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers and their latest album, Mojo. The song Something Good Coming is a song about hard times and hope. It is a very human song, admitting that life can be hard, but deep down we hold on to hope that something good is coming. As Christians, we believe that God is the creator and that God is good, and that no matter how messed up life can be, it's not the final word. We know God cares and will ultimately intervene and set things right. When you're poor, hungry, and sorrowful because life hasn't turned out the way you would like and you feel terribly unlucky, Jesus says that you are lucky and something good is coming! But why? Why are you blessed? Be careful trying to explain it or you may find yourself thinking you deserve it. It's the mystery of an unexplained grace. It may be better to just say, "I'm lucky!" There's nothing wrong with saying "I'm lucky" if you follow it with, "praise God."
In part four of 2011′s edition of Finding God On Your iPod, we look at the song "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. The song is loosely based on the poem The Lady of Shalott by Lord Alfred Tennyson and deals with the subject of your own death. Modern society avoids speaking, or even thinking, about our own demise, but the undeniable reality is one day we are all going to die. And faced with that reality, one must wonder then what the meaning of life is; what is it all about? When death is imminent, there can come a clarity as to what really matters in life. The meaning of life is love. We are created by the God who is supremely identified with love. As you work out the equation for the meaning of life, if it doesn't add up to love, go back and recalculate. "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. So now abide faith, hope, and love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
In the third installment of 2011′s edition of Finding God On Your iPod, Pastor Brian introduces the blues based rock of The Black Keys and their song Unknown Brother. It's a simple song expressing one of humanity's deepest longings, that someday we will meet again our departed loved ones and family members. The great problem the Gospel addresses is death. Romans tells us, "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." To believe in Christ and to be baptized into Christ is to pass from the dominion of death and its futility into the promise of eternal life. The great promise of eternal life will be fulfilled in us as it was fulfilled in Christ by resurrection. This is the blessed hope, the Christian hope, the resurrection hope of Easter.
In the second installment of the 2011 Finding God On Your iPod series, Pastor Brian examines the song "Roll Away Your Stone" by Mumford & Sons. The song is reminiscent of the story of the prodigal son, especially the lyrics, "It seems that all my bridges have been burnt / But you say, that's exactly how this grace thing works / It's not the long walk home that will change this heart / But the welcome I receive with the restart." The change of heart that we believe happened to the prodigal son didn't so much happen on his long walk home from the far country as much as it happened because of the way his father welcomed him home, The father did not punish his son for leaving, for squandering his inheritance, but instead celebrated his son's return with a lavish party and meal, slaughtering the prized fattened calf. God is love. And in the end it's the love of God that will change our heart. If we will love God in return, his love becomes like a shared meal. This table where the Father has prepared the fattened calf to welcome you home is the table where you can find the restart that will eventually change your heart.
We used to wait. One of the biggest changes that has occurred in the past century is the speed of life. Much of our technology has been utilized to make things happen so much faster, so much so that we don't have to wait for much. When Arcade Fire tells us to wait for it, they're saying something we all need to hear. The Bible really has nothing good to say about being in a hurry. In fact, the inability to wait patiently is a kind of lust that tends to lead to trouble. When you're in a hurry, you're out of sync with God. Modern man thinks everything can be made better by making it fast or instant. But God disagrees. God says, wait for it. The Bible says things like, "be still, be at rest, have patience, and wait for God". But the beast of our modern life says things like, "be loud, be upset, demand it now, wait for nothing." If we allow our souls to be conformed to the beast of a superpower culture, we become the most impatient people in history, and it explains why we can't even sleep at night!
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