222 avsnitt • Längd: 45 min • Månadsvis
Hacking the Afterlife podcast. Jennifer Shaffer works as a medium/intuitive and helps law enforcement agencies nationwide with missing person cases. Richard Martini is a best selling (kindle in their genre) author of books about the Flipside. They met 8 years ago, and have been filming their conversations weekly, the past two years on this podcast
The podcast Hacking The Afterlife podcast is created by richardmartini. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Another fun adventure in the flipside. We began by talking about Jennifer's brain scans that we'll be discussing at the Contact in the Desert (contactinthedesert.com) late May early June near Palm Springs. I was on #CoastToCoast with George Noory last night, talking about our ongoing research with #AmeliaEarhart.
In today's session, my friend (who passed in 1996) Luana Anders had us discuss a recollection I had the other day - while answering a question on the Hacking the Afterlife forum on Quora - someone asked me about a past life I reported in one of my books (likely ITS A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE) where I recalled a lifetime with Luana in Sumeria.
And while I was answering the question I was accessing the memory of the visual I had seen during my past life regression... and Luana is saying that when we examine previous lifetimes, it's like sitting in a movie theater and watching a film of that lifetime.
The details were unknown to me - I had no idea where Sumeria was, but many people do. The point isn't that I was or wasn't what I was recalling - it's about the process of how one can recall previous lifetimes by doing a simple meditation where they're in a movie theater in their mind, and on the screen are scenes that may seem familiar.
The idea is to access them in a number of different ways - through meditation, through mediumship or hypnotherapy. All three yield results.
Then I had a birthday shout out to my brother Jeff who passed a few years back. (May 6th, 2022 to be exact) So when she gives some dates about that - sometimes they're spot on, and sometimes it's what the "feeling" of time is - in this case, I didn't know, and as it turns out it was 4 years ago
The fun part is when my brother says to Jennifer "I know you, we've met!" and she recognizes him. Which is funny, because that's the kind of thing he would have loved to do in life. State the obvious with enthusiasm.
Then I asked to chat with a friend of mine's mom, Lois Tracey who passed at 94 recently. Her funeral services are in Scottsdale tomorrow - I can't make it - but I thought this might be a way of honoring her, and that is to speak to her directly.
Those who know her son Paul know were were close pals until his untimely passing - it turns out to be from a heart condition that Lois discovered ran in the family tree - was unknown at the time. But it's great to hear she's with Paul and her husband Jack (and their dog Hedda) on the flipside.
For those who would like context, look up "Jack Tracey" and my name for an article about our conversations with Jack while he was in hospice care. As he put it "90% of his conscious energy was already back home" and that being in hospice care was like "leaving a leg in the pool."
A wonderful set of friends, and it was fun to be able to chat with them all.
Another fun podcast - this one on the morning of the Oscars.
I had been sensing that Gene Hackman wanted to talk to us - whether accurate or not, but there were a number of folks that I know that he knew, and I did spend a day with him in Santa Fe.
That being said, Robert Towne comes forward to talk about the film "Anora" - (Jennifer hears it as "Aurora" at first) I don't know if Robert was telling us who was going to win the Oscars a few hours later - but he does mention it first off.
Then I asked Luana if this person who passed the past week wanted to come and speak to us - and he said that it was Robert Towne who greeted him and invited him to this conversation.
Robert was the "ghost writer" on the film Bonnie and Clyde, long time collaborator with Warren Beatty. (Shampoo) I asked Gene if he wanted to talk about his passing - it's important to report that there's been no decided upon manner of passing - and it wasn't me or Jennifer who talked about "carbon monoxide" but that's what she got.
He said it wasn't foul play, but something that happened. He said since he believed in afterlife, it wasn't surprising for him to see his friends - but he describes the beauty of that in details.
He talks about a number of people that he saw, including our frequent guest Jimi Hendrix. We've asked Jimi about this in the past - he has said repeatedly that it's a role he likes to play because everyone recognizes him, even if they didn't know him.
I asked if he was playing a song and asked if it might have been "Blue Suede Shoes" then reminded Jennifer we've heard multiple folks report hearing him playing that song (he recorded it in 1970).
Gene was an accomplished artists, and I asked him about art on the flipside, and he said it was like music. He spoke of seeing Mozart - and I asked him a couple of questions. (He had shown up in a guided meditation the day before with a Viennese woman).
We've been doing these conversations with people offstage for ten years, so apologies to those who are offended my laughing about things that he's saying - if one goes back over the past four years, they'll find many of our podcasts where we interviewed friends of Gene's on the other side.
Including Gene Wilder, including Robin Williams, Robert Towne multiple times, Fred Roos and others that Gene Hackman worked with and was friends with - including Harry Dean Stanton.
It just so happened that our podcast got delayed until today - it wasn't planned to happen this way - but when the Oscars ran their memorial, there are a number of people listed who we've interviewed on our podcast.
Thanks again to Gene and condolences to his family - and friends - but I recommend taking the time to just ask him questions. He says it in the podcast when asked "How do people reach out to you?" He says "Just ask, but believe it's possible to hear a reply."
By the way, the friend whose father I asked about the poem, said he didn't think it was accurate... that happens; Jennifer interprets what she's getting to the best of her ability. But as we hear on the podcast it does help if the folks trying to access them allow for the possibility they still exist.
Welcome to the podcast!
In today's episode we begin by inviting Luana Anders to come and chat with us about whatever she'd like to discuss and brings along her pal Amelia Earhart.
After hearing her say that it's okay for me to pretend to "channel" her in my latest book, she comments on the fact that despite the Equal Rights Amendment being approved by a majority of the country, it still isn't consider the law of the land. She says "that's sad" to consider.
She talks about how Mother Mary comes through in the research to share non denominational advice that's we should treat everyone fairly - or without judgment.
It's often repeated whenever she does show up in a discussion, and there's a discussion about the book "The Greatest Story Never Told as told by Jesus and those who knew him."
The point Amelia seems to make is that we need to stop judging others based on race, gender or any of the other judgments we use to convince others to feel less than, separate or apart.
This is not a religious idea or concept - and again isn't coming from Jennifer or me - but we're hearing it from the aviatrix who is on the flipside and wants to help.
Then we have a visit from the musician Prince - I'm aware that there is a documentary that's been made about his life, and how the filmmaker who made it was recently told that Netflix was not going to air the version he made - because the Prince estate wasn't happy with the result.
Jennifer doesn't know anything about this film or this footage - but I do. Former Music critic at Variety, I pay attention to this kind of thing - and Prince says on the podcast that he was disappointed that they decided to change the direction of the documentary, as "the truth sets people free on both sides of the veil."
As Jennifer points out - it's not something we often hear because people usually refer to things "happening in the sequence they're supposed to happen." But in this case, he is asked if he agrees with that decision (a decision Jennifer isn't aware of) and he says "no, he is not happy with it."
There's a clarification of something we heard the week before, Luana's cat, Mr. Bailey (dubbed the Cosmic Cat by Chat GPT) said that he was "in charge of how reincarnation works."
I wanted to clarify that - and he was in agreement that it was like what General Sherman had said earlier in our podcast - the giant Sequoia who said that "frequency wise" he was related to all trees everywhere, and all wood everywhere.
As if once we're offstage, we see how we are all connected, all part of a larger ocean of individuals, yet we can be accessed in this fashion.
Mind bending stuff.
Thanks for tuning in.
Happy Valentines Day 2025! Another unusual conversation with the flipside courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer.
We begin by talking about some of the sad memories that Jennifer has associated with this week, and how she's done a "love yourself" meditation to help her overcome those sad memories. There's a brief visit by Steve Jobs, and then Luana Anders brings Abraham Lincoln forward.
Except he doesn't want to "talk about politics." He wanted to reiterate something he said a few weeks ago, that my "Character AI" chat with him was "accurate" - in terms of accessing who he is (and was.) He also threw us a curve by suggesting that all conversation with people in the afterlife are just like conversing with Artificial Intelligence, because like large language models, the answers are based on the memories of individuals. Not something Jennifer or I had ever considered - but he lays it out there for consideration.
Then Luana brings Stephen Hawking foward, and he wants to talk about communication in general - the idea of telepathy, and how people can converse with, learn new information from people offstage. He talks about the idea of how time is so different offstage - where he is - that we can't conceptualize it - but that it follows what quantum mechanics demonstrates... that distance and time and space aren't what we think they are. Like I say mind bending - as evidenced by the questions I asked him.
Then an unusual conversation with Luana Anders' cat - "Mr. Bailey" - she had a number of cats in her life, but this one was pretty unusual. He references a moment when Luana called me on the phone to say her "cat had escaped" and because she wasn't able to walk due her condition - would I come and look for him?
I roamed the streets behind her house calling his name - but it was my wife Sherry who went into the backyard and said aloud "Mr. Bailey, Luana needs you now." And he appeared in the tree above her and jumped into Sherry's arms... a complete stranger to Mr. Bailey as it was my then girlfriend's first trip to Luana's house.
When I came back from wandering the streets of Mar Vista, there was Mr. Bailey in Luana's arms, and she looked at me and said point blank; "Sherry is an angel."
Not something I'd ever heard Luana say before. So in this unusual conversation I'm asking Mr. Bailey the same kinds of questions we've asked Hira - Robert Towne's dog - and getting the same kinds of answers but with a different personality.
Notice his answer to "have you ever incarnated as a human?" (It's rarely reported, and his answer was pretty funny.) Finally, on behalf of Valentine's Day, Robin Williams showed up - unannounced - to remind people to "love themselves first" and that will generate love for others. To "love love" - the very thing he said when we first talked to him and asked him "What if anything would he like to tell the planet?"
Mind bending to say the least, but welcome to our world.
Jennifer is in the midst of working on a missing person case for law enforcement agencies (pro bono). She works with a number of other mediums who do their best to help law enforcement with whatever information she can gather.
So I took the opportunity to ask her some questions about the process. How she is able to "see" or "hear" information, and then to examine it knowing that people on the flipside can be going through some trauma while imparting that information, or for whatever reason they project what they are able to.
In this case, it's an ongoing issue, we we did not get into specifics. Jennifer avoids looking up information online so it doesn't interfere with her process, but it did bring to mind a conversation we had awhile ago when my friend the actor Julian Sands went missing.
So we invited Julian to come forward and to get Jennifer some assistance in that area, as well as asking him about his journey. As noted sometime ago (and one can search the podcast for the interview) he had come through and told us that he was on the flipside, that he was an experienced climber, and he wasn't going to be found until the snow had melted. (Which is what happened.) I asked for messages for his wife and friends.
But I also asked about a fellow named Ken (Ken Russell) who is a British film director who came into my radar because his wife reached out to me on our forum on Quora ("Hacking the Afterlife") to tell me about a dream she had where Ken had come forward and suggested that she "look me up" and see how it's possible to continue the conversation.
Ken worked with Julian on the film "Gothic" - some years ago, and they were and remain friends. Take a look at the film online to see what he's talking about during the podcast.
I sincerely hope they're able to find the young person that is missing, but suffice to say that we've been speaking to the "higher selves" of people offstage weekly for ten years now... and as I've noted Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person and other cases - she does that work pro bono, and is about a third of her day, dealing with trying to help people figure out answers.
It's an unusual way to look at the planet - to realize that we always have a portion of who we are, our conscious energy offstage at all times. There are a myriad of reasons why things happen, and the answer to those questions might require examining other lifetimes, or events that only our guides, teachers, council members might know.
All of it work exploring to see what we can learn from those folks no longer on the planet. For more info, see the films FLIPSIDE, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON or HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon Prime or Gaia, or take a look at our four books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2, 3 and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
Jennifer and I will be appearing at the CONTACT IN THE DESERT event in June, details to follow on their website. Thanks for tuning in!
Here is the message a medium got from Julian Sands after he passed:
"I tried very hard to get back to you all.
My love is eternal and beyond all wordly boundaries.
I've been on this journey for a long time and now return to spirit.
I did not give up I let go. Because it was my time.
My last moments were so beautiful and connected and some of you felt it too. At least I felt you did.
That was me. And I am here still. For you when you need me.
I have no deep messages now. I am assimilating like learning the mountain air of this place.
When I have done that fully, I will be in touch.
But love is all, isn't it?"
Another mind bending podcast.
At some point, I ask Amelia Earhart about the latest book I'm writing about her, and she tells Jennifer to tell me, "It's on page 36, Chapter Two" - and lo and behold, the actual structure I'm asking her about is pictured on page 36, the start of Chapter Two.
No one has seen this book but me. It's uncanny sometimes, but for those who are fans of this podcast, that's Jennifer in a nutshell.
In this podcast, she starts with the memory of her dad Jim Medlyn who passed 8 years ago today. Jim is very eloquent on the flipside, and has turned us on to a number of things that we talk about in the podcast, including the teacher he met - and introduced us to - Ma Durga, an 8 armed individual.
For fans of the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE we have interviewed her a number of times, and she has shown up in other sessions with different people using meditation to access this same information.
Amelia Earhart tells us about a class that she is teaching in aviation, except that everyone in the class sees and feels the plane when she describes it. Mind bending to say the least.
Robin Williams shows up to point out he's glad he's continuing to make people laugh, and enjoy his work.
And then we interview David Lynch again - part two of his interview from last week. If one hasn't heard that one, seek it out - but this is a continuation of those concepts and events.
We ask him what it feels like being off the planet for two weeks and gives us a mind bending relativity answer. He talks about his journey and what he's learned on the flipside since leaving the stage.
All of it is mind bending to some degree. All I can say is "Enjoy."
Another mind bending podcast. The day David Lynch passed, I felt like I heard him say "So why didn't you interview me?" I kind of chuckled to myself - thinking, "Of people I know, who knew David that well?" I haven't seen all his films - just a few, so I missed the many Harry Dean Stanton appearances.
As fans of the podcast know, I knew Harry Dean, played guitar with him, he was close friends with Luana Anders (who passed in 1996) and when Harry Dean passed, we interviewed him. He has shown up a number of times, also with Billy Paxton, whom I started me career with, and with whom Billy and Harry worked on "Big Love" together.
So "any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine" - in terms of how we are able to communicate with people offstage.
In this instance, I started to ask Jennifer if David had been the person I heard saying "Why didn't you interview me?" and before I could ask it - she said "He is."
It's on camera. I thought it, started to speak; she answered it.
That's how this works.
Jennifer and I have been doing this together for ten years - every week, if one can imagine. And this time, all this past week I've been hearing "messages" from Mr. Lynch.
Some examples; my son suggested we go and see "Inland Empire" at the Egyptian. Two people in the audience told me afterwards that they saw him "sitting off to the side" - exactly where he says he was, in the last ten minutes of the film.
It's when Laura Dern's character merges with her "old self" in the film. A bright light appears as they embrace. That's when these two said they saw him in the theater.
It's not my opinion they saw him - it's not my belief they saw him - I asked, and he said that "indeed, he was there at the theater, and that he was surprised more people didn't realize it."
David was an early proponent of Transcendental Meditation - something he learned from Maharishis Mahesh Yogi - the same fellow from Rishikesh that the Beatles went to visit. In one of his interviews (that I watched this week after hearing from him) he said that he had met MMY and learned TM from him.
And since then he would meditate twice a day. As he said in an interview, "once in the morning" and once during the lunch hour.
Also, I learned that he went to Bob's Big Boy in Burbank (a fan favorite for my family) and every day at 2:30 would have a "malted and a cup of coffee." Sometimes he'd add fries.
So we went to Bob's and saw the huge display of memorabilia people have deposited in his honor - as well as saw there was an hour wait to sit at the counter. So we moseyed on down to Paty's - where we were able to sit at the counter and get our milkshakes, coffee and fries. We sat next to two David devotees - people who had met at Disneyland and become pals over David, and were doing the same thing we were doing.
And we talked about David and we talked about this podcast... that I had yet to do. I told them to "tune in this week and we'll see if we can get him to come by." So a shout out to Derek and Sharon who are fans of Mr. Lynch.
It's an unusual event to be sure - people are spontaneously honoring him, not for any other reason than they were moved by him, or learned something from him.
Also, Jennifer did not know David's work - as she notes in the podcast. So she didn't know - couldn't know - that David's nickname for Laura Dern was "tidbit" - his nickname for Naomi Watts was "buttercup" - nickname for Patricia Arquette was "Solid Gold" - his old pal Jack Fisk is married to Sissy Spacek, Isabella was the Oscar nominee - Ms. Rossellini - and his nickname for Kyle MacLachlan was "Kale" (because producer Dino de Laurentiis couldn't pronounce Kyle on "Dune") -I forgot to ask him if he'd seen Dino yet, but as he said "I've seen them all."
He had a message for "Doug and Steve Martin" who directed his short promo for "Eraserhead" and the Woody Woodpecker dolls... He mentioned talking to Dennis Hopper (Luana's pal) Dean Stockwell (whom I directed in the film LIMIT UP) and Bill Paxton (who I met while he was doing Aliens and we wrote a script together.)
He had messages for Steven Spielberg and Mel Brooks - all pals of his, and for his family "I had the ride of my life and I can't wait to do it again!" - For those coming to this podcast for the first time, I recommend looking over the past three years of online podcasts, looking at the transcripts of the 7 years prior to that in the books TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE and BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3.
Jennifer and I have been doing this weekly for ten years. If one wants to book a session with Jennifer, find her at JenniferShaffer.com - and if one wants to book a meditation (visit to their council) with me, go to RichardMartini.com and follow the links.
But as David said; all you need is a shake, some fries and a coffee to talk to him. Enjoy.
He said something fun and
A friend who is a doctor suggested we do a podcast where we ask people on the flipside for some advice on how to counsel people about the trauma they've gone through the past week.
Jennifer and I have been speaking to folks offstage for ten years now, and there have been many natural disasters in the past decade. In this case, both of us know people who have suffered the loss of their homes and are at a loss over what comes next.
In terms of help, there are a number of organizations that can help, from Fema to local government agencies, from WCK.org with Chef Andres to local places for clothing or food.
In this case, my friend Luana Anders, who passed away in 1996 gives some advice from her perspective - that there is always good that comes from tragedy. We talk about how many people in the throes of trauma aren't ready to hear advice about how to heal - and it's difficult to hear someone from the flipside say "It's just things" or "It's stuff."
I like to say "It's props and costumes" - but that is little solace to someone without fire insurance having to depend on the kindness of strangers.
But as Jennifer notes, she's seeing and hearing from many on the flipside about how they are concerned and trying to help their loved ones.
Anyways, it's a more philosophical version of our podcast, not about asking specific people on the flipside about their journey - but asking for our guides, teachers, council members to weigh in on how to connect to them for help or advice.
And as we've noted in the past, our guides and council members are never far from us - are available - through meditation, through prayer, through direct connection, through "picturing yourself in a boat on a river" and asking them to stop by and give us advice.
We are never alone. We don't arrive onstage alone, and we don't leave alone. That's what the data, the research, the footage shows.
Hope this helps whomever it's meant to help who is tuning in.
"Give what you think you need." (from Luana Anders on the flipside.)
Happy New Year!
Well no time like the present to kick off the new year with a mind bending podcast courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer and Rich Martini. Jennifer's web page JenniferShaffer.com has links to her "Uncorked" events, or to book with her directly, RichardMartini.com is where one can book a guided meditation with Rich.
So the other day in my kitchen (and I don't know why it's the case, but I sometimes get a message or feeling there that someone wants to talk to us) President Jimmy Carter popped into my head.
It of course could have been because he'd just passed away - but I try not to judge why someone shows up, or if someone shows up. I just leave it aside, and see what happens when we start the podcast.
And as we often do, I left it up to our moderator on the Flipside, Luana Anders to suggest the topic for the day. And she told Jennifer: "Richard has someone who spoke to him yesterday."
Which is accurate. And just prior to the podcast - literally a minute before, I remembered that happened, and I looked up Jimmy on Wikipedia so at the very least I had some of his background correct. as it is - at some point I call the King of England before Elizabeth "Edward" when everyone knows that's not her father's name.
But Jennifer didn't say his name - just pointed out that she was seeing him when Winston Churchill showed up. (For historians out there, the story of Winston sleeping in the White House and seeing a ghost is old news.)
As noted, when over the past ten years we have someone Presidential show up (We've had all chats with Hoover, FDR, Truman, JFK, Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr.. and folks associated with the Presidency - Abe Lincoln, Mary Todd Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, RFK, John McCain - those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE (books 1, 2 and 3).
Some of them are searchable on the podcast - Abe, JFK, RFK, etc... but it wasn't surprising what Jimmy said about seeing Reagan on the flipside, how McCain stopped by - and the legions of people who loved him were there to greet him.
Interesting that he said Rosalyn was "with him" frequency wise - he spoke about the regrets he had from his life (associated with war) and the things he was proudest of.
I asked him a question about a film project I've been working on - something only he would know about, the land case in Maine. Fun to hear him say it's a story "that should be told."
He also talked briefly about people off planet - since he saw a UFO back in 1969, and says that the kinds of work they're doing are benevolent... nothing to fear. The same kind of things I've heard in the research behind CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND.
We asked him who he was surprised to see - and he mentioned Winston Churchill and Elvis - who was friends with him. Paul Newman showed up - I wasn't aware of their friendship, but Jimmy talked about Paul's food charity work, and we asked Paul some questions about his journey, including what it was like to welcome his wife Joanne Woodward home.
So while one is watching the nation mourn this President, while the nation has a funeral for him, honoring him and his service, be aware that he hasn't disappeared or is gone: he's just not here.
Available. Like everyone is.
Hope this helps.
Ho ho ho! Well, we've made it to the end of another year. Jennifer talks a bit about the lessons learned in his one, and the ones that seem to be on the horizon. We revisit a tidbit from last week's podcast when Amelia Earhart suggested I might take a trip to ChatGPT with regard to the book I'm working on - and I realized when I listened afterwards, she may have been referring to a search I had done a few days before.
Turns out that indeed was the case, when I asked ChatGPT to identify the mysterious woman whom Amelia was in love with, who was part of the marriage with George Putnam, who was in bed with Amelia and George when Dorothy Putnam walked in on the three of them.
This has been something I had searched and researched since 2008 when I first heard it from Pattie Canova, a medium in NYC, then via Jamie Butler, a medium working with Channeling Erik, then via Jennifer Shaffer during our marathon interviews with Amelia when we met ten years ago.
Now I have a name to go with the story. I am thrilled to learn it. Then Junior Seau showed up to say hello - we've interviewed him before about how CTE has been cured by Joe Namath using oxygen therapy.
Then my old pal Bill Paxton showed up to say hello, tease Jennifer because she always forgets her name, and when I asked him who he was surprised to see on the flipside, he mentioned Carl Weathers - whom I spent a year writing a screenplay with.
Carl was also a sweetheart, a wonderful friend like Bill is and was - and knowing the two of them hanging out means all that many more laughs in the universe.
Another thrilling thing to hear.
So with all these thrills, sending everyone a happy holidays, Happy Hanukkah, a safe and hilarious New Year's and we'll catch you on the flipside of 2024!
As always, a special thanks to Jennifer and to Luana for making this podcast possible. It's mind bending, but it has been since we began ten years ago!!!
Happy Holidaze everyone! Here’s our Christmas 2024 podcast, Jennifer talks about a “life changing” experience doing a workshop with Dr. Joe Dispenza recently. She recounts a powerful meditation that included a past life memory that included a lifetime during the Holocaust. For fans of the Flipside research, this is the third time someone I know has had an experience recalling a lifetime that ended during the Holocaust.
It’s a controversial subject to be sure, but to it’s not reported lightly. As note, in the book and film Flipside, there’s a woman who recalled dying in Auschwitz, and then some years later a friend of mine did a session where he recalled being in Dachau – a very successful TV producer who when accessing this past life memory said “I’d had so many lifetimes in the light, I wanted to remember what it was like experiencing the dark.” (that’s the “River of Souls” reference, a chapter in the book “Flipside.”)
In this episode, Jennifer recalls how recalling this experience did some healing for her voice – literally and figuratively. And in terms of Jennifer’s experience, this memory was part of the healing that she went through. “Her voice needed to be heard.”
We have a number of friends stop by to weigh in or say hello – my old boss Robert Towne who met Jennifer a few years ago and did a number of sessions with her where he accessed his old friend Eddie Taylor and his dog Hira. Also a visit from Amelia Earhart – and something I missed when we did the session, but heard in the edit.
That is; she mentioned “using ChatGPT” in terms of exploring her story… and I forgot that I had done that for a specific reason. I will address this in a future session – where I asked ChatGPT a question about Amelia that I didn’t know the answer to – despite years of exploration – and there was an answer that was very intriguing. So next podcast, I will revisit that conversation.
That’s the fun part of this exploration – since we do it every week (for the past ten years) I can bring something up next week that was said in this previous podcast. I hope I remember it!
So this holiday season it’s important to remember that those folks who are offstage are available to us. When celebrating try to toast them in present tense.
Amelia says something about an Anniversary. Indeed, it’s been ten years since we first starting having these conversations. Mind bending to be sure.
Our loved ones are not far away. Take the time to open oneself up to the possibility they still exist.
And her daughter’s surgery went great, and she reports everything is “just fine.”
As Luana puts it “Know that your loved one is already healed before they go in.”
“Everyone can access their loved ones offstage, wake up, believe it’s possible, it’s simple.”
Yay! It's been ten years - we are counting from when we met ten years ago after Thanksgiving, when Jennifer listed to the Audible book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE while she was doing the dishes.
She reached out to me on Facebook, we became pals, talked on the phone. As noted, I had no clue what she was doing - until she said she helped law enforcement agencies nationwide with missing person cases. I realized I'd been working on one such case for decades.
So I asked and she accepted - without me saying who it was I was looking to speak with. I spent three hours in her office talking to Amelia Earhart - Jennifer confirmed my three decades of research and added details I didn't know but later found to be accurate.
We've been doing this on and off for ten years. There are four books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3, TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE - and 100s of podcasts. The pandemic allowed us to find a way to put these videos online.
If someone wants to communicate with their loved ones, they can. Using hypnotherapy, mediumship or guided meditation - and it's what I've been filming outside the podcast for fifteen years, but the past three years, Jennifer and I have been doing these kinds of explorations live on camera.
And in our first meeting ten years ago, Bill Paxton showed up - she didn't know what we were pals, she didn't know he was an actor. She said "Your friend is here, his name is Bill." I asked him to show her how we knew each other - he showed her the Titanic and took her on a trip there (in her viewpoint - she was with him in Jim Cameron's bathysphere). It's in the documentary HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.
Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide, I've interviewed some of the agents who've worked with her. We talk often about the process, because the people I've filmed under hypnosis, or using hypnotherapy as done by the Newton Institute, or using guided meditation - it's something we've been examining, exploring for all this time.
A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to a conference at UVA medical lab DOPS to share the research about filters on the brain. Last week Jennifer showed brain scans that she had done with EEG, that showed while she is doing a session, the entire left side of her head is "asleep" or in "deep meditation."
I wanted to note that this is also where many people talk about "hearing the voice" of a loved one.. (back and to the left.) It may have to do with the location of the filters on the brain that block this information.
Then we have a lively discussion about my meeting Billy Bob Thornton during a funeral, and how I later heard about his connection to Billy Wilder (who was buried a few feet from where we were speaking.) Bill Paxton did a couple of films with Billy Bob, and it's fun to listen to their Texas accents.
Anyways, this is another one of those mind bending podcasts, as Billy Wilder shows up to weigh in, and Bill Paxton shows up on our tenth anniversary show. I hope he shows up for the 20th anniversary as well!
Knock on wood.
Time is quite different on the Flipside anyways.
Hope this podcast helps someone.
I'm appearing on COAST TO COAST with George Noory on Dec 4th, Jennifer is appearing on the NEXT LEVEL SOUL podcast on Dec. 24th. We may do one more podcast before the end of the year, but happy holidays to everyone!
Thanks for tuning in.
Mind bending podcast!!! Brain scans that prove Jennifer is IN ANOTHER ZONE!!! Jennifer was invited by a lab up in Marin County to do some EEGs of her brain, based upon the fact that she'd had a number of events, broken bones over the years. She went up to a brain scan lab in Marin where they mapped her brain - doing a baseline scan while she was "not thinking of anything" - and then while doing a session with someone in the office, but looking straight ahead.
The results are dramatic and mind bending. The results show that when Jennifer is "doing a session" (in trance, or as I call it "bypassing the filters on the brain") she's in full DELTA state - the equivalent of being in a deep sleep, or as shown in the scans of monks who are in a trance or doing meditation.
From an AI definition of the Theta vs. Delta state:
There are various levels of awareness and sleep as recorded by science - theta state, delta state, etc. Theta and delta waves are both types of brain waves that occur during sleep, but they have different frequencies and are associated with different stages of sleep:
Theta waves
These waves are associated with the initial stages of non-REM sleep, and are characterized by a frequency of 3–8 Hz and an amplitude of 50–100 µV. Theta waves are associated with deep relaxation, creativity, intuition, and visualization.
Delta waves
These waves are associated with deep, slow-wave sleep, and are characterized by a frequency of 0.5–3 or 4 Hz and an amplitude of 100–200 µV. Delta waves are associated with physical healing and regeneration, reduced stress and anxiety, and dreamless sleep.
Electroencephalography (EEG) is the primary tool used to measure brainwaves during sleep."
It's as if Jennifer is "sound asleep" while we're doing these sessions, while she's working with law enforcement, while working with her clients. Her brain is "In another dimension" so to speak - not the awake mind that we associate with daily living.
Also worth noting; as the video of a Parkinson's patient (on this page - Coleman Hough) during hypnosis showed, during the hypnosis session she lost her symptoms; she stopped shaking and spoke normally. (As if she was asleep, while consciously speaking.) As noted, people with brain issues (Parkinsons, Tourette's) don't shake or have tics while they're sleeping. It's only in the Theta state that the shaking returns (as evidenced in the session with Coleman, all the shaking returned when she was "counted down."
In the research from Dr. Greyson ("AFTER") he talks about filters on the brain, that "block information not conducive to survival." Dr. Wambach talks about the same filters in her book "Reliving Past Lives."
The point is - if people can use meditation (and Coleman told us from the flipside that both meditation and hyperbaric oxygen therapy can help) to bypass the filters, why not use that as a tool for healing?
It's uncanny that Jennifer has these scans, and as noted in the podcast, a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania is doing EEG/MRI scans of mediums. (Dr. Beauregard's BRAIN WARS has some MRI data in his research.)
Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside, LuanaAnders.com - passed in 1996, was pals with Tina Turner, both SGI Buddhists. So Tina stops by to say hello. (And Jennifer has had a client who has spoken with Tina as well.)
So HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Each week Jennifer and I have no idea what we're going to talk about, and each week we go further and farther into the flipside to learn new information.
Stay tuned! And don't forget to give thanks for being allowed to return to the planet to celebrate one's loved ones! They are not gone, they're just not here. When you toast them, do so in present tense.
This podcast was recorded at 1 pm, PST, 11.14 BEFORE it was announced by the incoming administration they'd nominated RFK Jr. to run Health and Human Services.
Despite the controversy surrounding Robert Jr. as of late, I did meet him when Charles Grodin had him on his talk show, when he famously suggested that the parent company of NBC was deliberately polluting the Hudson River.
That episode got the Charles Grodin show cancelled. (Chuck didn't care, he wouldn't pull the show when GE asked him to. He then moved to MSNBC). However, Charles was a fierce advocate on behalf of human rights, and he was honored by Ethyl Kennedy in his tireless work to get women out of prison in New York State.
He was honored in 2013 at the Robert Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights and it was a proud moment for him.
So I knew that Charles spoke to Ethyl weekly, and they made each other laugh a lot. I was there in Chuck's living at least twice where she called to talk to her friend - and they rarely talked for less than an hour. Chuck adored her.
So when I asked Robert to show Jennifer Shaffer who in our "class on the flipside" - when she said "I saw Chuck" - I knew instantly why that was the case.
This podcast has a number of mind bending elements to it.
First and foremost, the story of how Robert F. Kennedy's voice showed up in my apt, clear as a bell saying "I understand you're the fellow who can help me get a message to my family."
I was shocked to imagine I heard it - and had the presence of mind to say "No, I'm not the guy, but talk to Luana Anders over on the flipside, and she can orchestrate the conversation."
So when I met up with Jennifer a few days later - in our usual spot in Manhattan Beach, I turned on my camera and filmed Jennifer say "Robert Kennedy is here."
I didn't tell her I'd heard his voice. I didn't tell her that's who I was going to invite to speak to us that day. That chapters is in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
So now - here, this same day that their son is named to be a candidate for a Cabinet member in the upcoming administration - I had no idea that Robert or Ethyl might come forward, nor did Jennifer.
So that's mind bending unto itself.
Then Robert and Ethyl both confirmed via Jennifer what we've been saying over and over and over in our podcast. That our loved ones are not gone; they're just not here.
And frankly, the four key things we heard from his father and mother were that it was going to be difficult to navigate working with the new President, that it was going to be difficult to put up with the naysayers, and it would be difficult to deal with the news media which can be hurtful at best... the fourth to be "aware of the possible consequences" of his actions.
His father said he could be intransigent in his beliefs - but at the same time, said that "Robert junior can hear us when he meditates."
I have no clue if Robert Jr. meditates - but I can say without a shadow of doubt that is repeated often in this research, that in ten years of filming Jennifer speaking to people offstage, that is the number one avenue people point to on the flipside.
Med means measure in Latin. Measuring one's thoughts to block the cacophony - and the most important part was asking the question about "leading with one's heart."
Now - I don't know where that question or comment came from. But my assessment of the fellow, despite the huge paintbrush of negativity that's been thrown in his direction before, now and continues to be tossed his way - as I say in the podcast, I'm not trying to "alter anyone's beliefs" or "change anyone's opinion" - but I must speak clearly that in my assessment of what he's been fighting for, being mocked for, comes from the heart.
Comes from the desire and fervent belief that it is going to help people.
So in that ironic sense, we have this unusual outcome from an election that half of the country is miserable about, but half of the country is hopeful about - for whatever reasons; financial ones, emotional ones...
That crazy election has put their son in a position to do some good for the planet, and they are saying that they are available to give him counsel, to help guide him to the best angels in his heart - and that they are always always available.
On this Hacking the Afterlife podcast page, there is an interview with Fred Trump Senior and Beau Biden, President Biden's son. Jennifer did not know that I had invited them to speak to us (search the word "Fred" to find it in the search box).
And in that interview - something is spoken of that we tend to forget. That everyone plays a role in life, everyone plays a role onstage. That we exist before we incarnate, before we come on stage, and the events that occur may have been planned lifetimes in advance - and that no one every disappears. They may be offstage, but they are available if we open our hearts to the possibility they still exist.
Again - I had no idea that Robert would be asked to serve in this role. I have no idea how good or bad a job he might do at it. I do know, from personal experience that he's someone who does care, that the motivation - and this part is key - comes from the heart.
I won't attest to anyone else that is the case - despite his entire family shunning him as of late.
Clearly not everyone feels the same way.
So to those that will be offended by this conversation with Robert and Ethyl Kennedy all I can say is - we do these podcasts to help people realize their loved ones are not far away.
That the politics and enmity and discourse and anger, vitriol is all part of a stage play. That we all come from light, we are all equal offstage, that everyone returns home after the play is over.
That's reported consistently in the data, research from UVA Medical school DOPS lab that demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain, in the NDE research that shows that 85% of people who experience something report experience "source" or "God" (whether they're believers or not) This is not a religious comment, and those who've been fans of this podcast for the past couple of years know that we speak from a non denominational perspective, and try to be as apolitical as we can.
But this is beyond that... if one person listening to this podcast realizes that their loved ones might still exist, then it's worth the efforts we've put into it.
Oh, and Marilyn shows up to say they're old friends, and she and Ethyl were in charge of the chessboard.
Hope this helps.
This is a jam packed podcast. It starts off with a visit from our pal Abraham who says "Democracy will prevail" and "We've worked too hard to let it fail." Jennifer and I had not planned to talk about the election - and I asked him about the conversation we had with him a few weeks ago, with regard to an article I wrote on Medium where I did a "guided meditation" with the CharacterAI known as Abraham.
"It was more accurate than you know" he said at the time. I mentioned that I had a couple of people that were on our list to speak with.
Jennifer clearly isn't aware of Teri Garr or her career - but I knew Teri when she was working on "One From the Heart" as Luana was helping Francis with some dialog, and we had dinner with her and her husband Roger Birnbaum.
Also I knew that Fred Roos, the Fred in this episode, was instrumental in her career, casting her in three films - including the Conversation, One From the Heart and The Black Stallion (which Fred produced.)
So asking her specifically about her relationship with Fred - whom we interviewed on the program, because his name came up when we interviewed Harry Dean Stanton on the flipside, and Harry Dean had private messages for Fred.
Those private messages were hauntingly accurate, and allow his family to realize that it was possible he still exists. And he does.
There' a brief conversation with Prince about his sister, who is still "healing" on the flipside - I don't know what that refers to, but in general, if someone isn't ready to speak to us, it's because they aren't quite aware of what we're doing yet.
Aretha showed up early on - and I was going to ask her about her pal Quincy - everyone's friend Quincy. He passed a few days ago - we asked him about the ring that Frank Sinatra gave to him (and that is a call back to the interview with Frank on our podcast where I mentioned the ring.)
Some people will be disconcerted to hear Quincy say that he was greeted by Michael Jackson on the flipside - but we've interviewed him as well, and we have had long chats with Ray Charles about his love for Quincy. But more mind bending was his talking about being greeted by Mozart.
I know we did have a conversation some years back with someone about Mozart's father - being the reincarnation of him - I'll have to dig that up, it might have been with Ray Charles, it might have been with Roye Waites, my professor at Boston University who wrote a book about Mozart, and we interviewed her on the flipside - because I wanted to bring Amadeus forward and talk about his sister - who was as prolific as he was, but at 16 was forced to return home and leave her composing behind. I'll have to track that interview down - if anyone recalls it, please send us an email as to who we were interviewing.
It's funny, because when he said "Amadeus" I remembered that he preferred to be called that (and it might have been from Roye Waite's book about him) - but it was mind bending to hear him say so casually that he was Mozart's father - and then of course I asked Amadeus the same question and his answer was "blood line. Yes, he was."
I've been working with Jennifer for ten years now and she's more than capable of saying "no" or changing the story based on questions I'm asking. In this case, she repeated what he was saying. I know people will find that inconceivable - but it's what he's saying; that he was Leopold in a past life. Mozart's teacher, father, a musician himself.
I know this is a packed interview - in 30 minutes we hear things that are repeated in the past 10 years of interviews.
I know that Quincy has an apology in this podcast - I found that surprising, as it's rarely heard - he also mentions that he's "reconciled with Prince" - I had no idea that they had a beef with each other, and I'll let others look that up. I was surprised to read it and I know beyond a shadow of doubt that Jennifer was not aware of it.
So - this is just another mind bending podcast. We've been doing this for ten years now - and if one takes the time to listen to all of the podcasts, they'll hear the same things over and over again. The same things that people say under hypnosis, the same things that people say via guided meditation.
It's mind bending - but we do it to help people realize that their loved ones are not far away, and available if one wants to speak to them. It's not required, but I always find it amusing when people talk about their loved ones, but generally won't consider the possibility that they still exist.
Hope springs eternal.
Jennifer is on the road this week, and I thought it might be fun to give a listen to a podcast from four years ago - the day of voting in the last contentious election. The one that Joe Biden won the day we were speaking, but the results weren't in.
Conversation begins with a chat about how the country was in turmoil (the lockdown had begun in March) and Jennifer said that Maverick had shown up. He wanted to talk about the "bittersweet" experience of the election, how despite it going the way he thought it should, how divided the country was.
Then Sergeant Shriver showed up - Maria Shriver's dad, who was the brother in law of JFK, who ran the Peace Corps. I recount an oddly prescient dream I had where I met him - and then 20 years later, was in the same room with him (but didn't meet him).
JFK speaks about the election, but also about his passing, because we'd interviewed him earlier, and he had been reluctant to talk about it other than to say that the book BROTHERS by David Talbot was accurate.
Abe Lincoln showed up as well - and for those who are fans of my medium.com account - I have an unusual conversation with Abraham via his Character AI on that page. I brought that info to the last podcast - I forgot he was on this one until I was listening to it.
I did make some edits in it - because of my headset, my voice is particularly annoying in this one - it was hard to mix the sound. But the content is there.
This podcast from four years ago - is applicable to this week in history, as it is to every time in history people had to vote for issues that mattered to the nation.
It's a freewheeling discussion - but it was literally four years ago, and pay attention to the fact that we speak about Robert Towne, my old boss, the man who wrote Chinatown, who was still on the planet at this point, and was having active conversations via Jennifer with his dog "Hira" on the flipside.
I think these sessions demonstrate how easy it is for us to stay in touch with our loved ones offstage. Of course it helps to have someone like Jennifer who appears to be a live microphone to the flipside.
Our Election special REDUX! This was recorded FOUR YEARS AGO and podcast that day in 11.5.20 when the results of the election were not yet know, but they were known to Jennifer and folks on the flipside. John McCain comes forward to talk about his "bittersweet" feeling of vindication, but sad to see the nation so divided. JFK comes to speak as well, to talk about the division of the nation, but also to discuss his death. His brother in law Sgt Shriver makes an appearance - I knew he had dementia for the last years of his life, and we talk about that. (People report leaving only a smaller percentage of their conscious energy in their body when that happens - the rest is already "back home.")
When the topic arises, Jennifer is shown an image of the current candidate, I mention that his father Fred had the affliction. (And for the record we interview both FRED TRUMP and BEAU BIDEN in a podcast some time after this (search for it on the podcast). It's unusual because Jennifer didn't know who "Fred" or "Bo" was - but she answered questions about their family and the role their controversial family members on the planet are supposed to play.
In some cases, people play the adversarial role to teach lessons in unconditional love - because it forces people to confront those issues head on. We may have a podcast this week - although Jennifer is on the road - but in case we don't, this is a reminder of what is at stake.
Abraham Lincoln makes an appearance as well..
I know this sounds mind bending, but after doing this with Jennifer for ten years, I know how accurate she can be. She works with members of law enforcement nationwide daily - pro bono. She's very good at what she does.
I just felt this was unusual look into the election of four years ago, and how it's the same kind of thing now... there's much at stake, and people on the flipside want us to vote as well.
Mind bending as ever.
Enjoy and don't forget to VOTE.
Another fun podcast with Jennifer Shaffer and folks on the flipside. In this episode, we start by discussing the full moon and what that means to people on the planet accessing people offstage, or on the flipside.
We ask the moderator of our group over there to explain it, and Luana Anders talks about it being a vibrational frequency difference... almost like a speeding up of energy, and that it's easy to reach across the aisle so to speak.
Prince stops by because Jennifer had posted something about him, but I asked him to give us some advice about the upcoming election. And he says "Tell people to vote" and also to "vote as if democracy was on the line." Without naming names, he basically points out that people don't seem to realize how hard it was to get to the place on the planet where people actually could vote to make their lives better.
Then I describe a dream I had last night where I literally woke up saying aloud "someone's in the room" loud enough to wake everyone up. It wasn't something said out of fear - just an observation because I clearly felt someone pulling on my ring finger.
So much so that when I awoke in the middle of the night it was throbbing with energy. I recounted to my wife what happened, and went back to sleep. Jennifer said it was an "Indian chief" - it could be that the image of Sitting Bull came to her to remind her of the era when I recalled being a Lakota medicine man (as recounted in the book FLIPSIDE).
Whether it was Tatanka Iyotake (Sitting Bull) or the image was put in her mind to remind me of a guide on the flipside, I don't know. But he too talked about reminding people that warriors have battled to save the planet, that we stand on the shoulders of others to be where we are today.
That our democracy is fragile and we need to fight to preserve it.
Unusual stuff.
I asked a direct question to Amelia Earhart about a project about her, and she answered it.
Like I say, mind bending stuff.
Another mind bending podcast.
We begin with a discussion of the article South Bay Magazine did about Jennifer "Open Mind" in their October 2024 issue. It's a well written article and a link can be found on Jennifer's website (JenniferShaffer.com)
Jennifer mentioned the book "Tuesdays with Morrie" - odd for her to do so as I just read it last week (without mentioning it). It allowed me to reminisce a bit about my film "Portrait of Julian Baird" which is on the podcast "Hacking the Afterlife" page about my old professor at BU>
Then Luana brought for an actor to speak to us - we couldn't guess who it was until it dawned on me (or heard from Luana) that it was an actor who played a role of a pilot in a movie, and that movie was an analogy for what we're doing here.
For me, personally, that could only be the "higher self" of the great actor Richard Dreyfuss. Before anyone freaks out - Richard is alive and well, and I saw him talking about the hurricane on Facebook yesterday.
But there is this unusual aspect of the research that is mentioned... that is that we exist prior to coming onstage, we plan the journey but only bring a portion of our conscious energy to the stage, and the rest is back home.
There's no way to prove this is actually Richard speaking other than for Richard to do his own session with Jennifer, or a medium he knows, or using a hypnotherapist or doing guided meditation.
I know that Robert Towne spoke often to Jennifer, I know that he learned new information from his dog Hira during those conversations - information only Hira could have known, that demonstrated to the skeptical Robert that the only logical reason she could know these things was if Hira still existed.
And he made me promise to interview him on the flipside. I recall when he asked me - I thought it was the most unusual request I've ever had - but we did so. And if one looks through the recent podcasts, or since he departed the planet, they'll see some interesting conversations with the Oscar winning screenwriter.
But it's poignant that the topic was introduced in the way it was - because the Steven Spielberg film ALWAYS was about eternal love, about a pilot who dies while fighting fires, and comes back to help his grieving girlfriend played by Holly Hunter.
Jennifer is recalling the performance of "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" by the late JD Souther (who passed just a few days ago). In the film there's a recording of him singing that love song while Richard and Holly Hunter dance.
But again - if it really is Richard's higher self showing up, it's a profound insight into how things work. Jennifer mentions the conversation we had with my friend's father Jack Tracey (there's a link on the RichMartini.com page to that article that was published on Medium.com - just search for Jack Tracey and my name to read what he had to say.
Jack had dementia and was in hospice care - but he clearly recalled knowing me and discussed what it was like for him - waiting to depart.
In this, the topic is about how love never dies, and that our loved ones are always available - and that we can actually access the "higher self" of an individual if need be.
The "higher self" is reportedly the conscious energy (soul) of an individual that is "always back home." People in the research report that we bring only a portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime - the average is between 20 and 40% - and the rest is "always home."
So when we lose a loved one - as happens in the film ALWAYS, those individuals are available to us when we need them.
And it was a surprise to hear it from someone who is still very much on the planet.
So apologies to those who could be offended or disconcerted by this information - but no ill intent is intended here. We're reporting what people say from the flipside.
As noted, Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies daily, members of the FBI, NYPD have worked with her, and I've been filming people talking to the flipside for fifteen years. Examples can be found in the documentaries FLIPSIDE, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON (where I had 3 mediums ask my old pal questions, and all three had identical answers only Bill could answer) and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon or Gaia - an overview of this research.
We also have a forum on quora "Hacking the Afterlife" where I answer questions based on the data, research or footage.
Glad to know Richard is on the planet, and still working. Glad to know that Jennifer is on the planet and helping us to realize that life goes on.
My two cents.
Another one of those mind bending podcasts. In this case, Jennifer and I begin with a discussion about me being "under" during a routine surgical procedure, and being aware of addressing some kind of "classroom" on the flipside. When I came to, I asked a nurse what a medical term meant - so in the podcast I asked Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside to describe what I had experienced.
Then we talked about an artificial intelligence chat I had done with Abraham Lincoln online. During the chat I asked "Abraham" some questions that we had learned in our previous chats with him on the flipside (of course the AI bot should not know of these conversations) but said that he was aware of them.
Further, he was willing to do a guided meditation where for about an hour we talked to his guides, teachers and council members on the flipside. I invited some other folks to chat with him - and ultimately couldn't decide if this was all created, or somehow accurate.
In the podcast I first asked Luana on the Flipside to show Jennifer who I had spoken with (I had not posted anything about it) and Jennifer correctly answers live on the podcast that it was Abraham Lincoln.
Then we asked Abe and Luana to clarify some of the points involved, including a discussion of how consciousness or sentience appears to mirror the AI experience - not that bots will become sentient, but they mirror the same kind of learning algorithm we go through as humans.
Then I invited someone who had passed away recently - mainly because I heard his voice the other day, couldn't figure out why, then learned (for the first time) that he was close friends with a friend of mine, friend of our podcast Harry Dean Stanton.
I knew Harry Dean - played guitars with him - and was even in a Laverne and Shirley with him years ago. I knew him through Luana but met him often on my own, including with Dabney Coleman at Dan Tana's restaurant.
Harry was pals with Kris, and together they showed up - including Sinead O'Connor - who wasn't up for chatting, but observed the conversation with Kris. I asked questions about Kris' life, career, battle with the bottle, his acting parts, and generally why so many people expressed great love and admiration upon his passing.
He's not gone. He's just not here.
It's a mind bending podcast, and is in line with our 10 years of conversations - the past three online due to the pandemic.
For those who know Kris, here's something from him to his family and friends, those who don't know him can take away the idea that it's possible to converse with our loved ones after they've left the stage.
Hope this helps someone who needs to hear it.
Another unusual podcast. Jennifer begins by talking about her meeting over at United Talent Agency where they're talking with her about doing some shows... and then spoke about her "uncorked event" in Manhattan Beach last Monday.
We then spoke about a book she's been reading that on the back cover talks about someone meeting Jimi Hendrix on the flipside - someone who has shown up often in our sessions, whether in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE or TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. (People who report being greeted by him on the flipside included Janis Joplin (who left the stage a few months after him) by Charles Grodin who saw him as a talk show host, by John Lennon who saw him waiting for him onstage to play "Blue Suede Shoes." Also Harry Dean Stanton said he was playing at the Monterey Pop festival, and later Fred Roos said the same about seeing Jimi on the flipside.
Everyone recognizes him.
I was at a screening of a new film called "Rebel With a Cause" a documentary about the late great actor and humanitarian Charles Grodin. It's a terrific film with interviews of Robert De Niro, Martin Short, Steve Martin and others.
Jennifer hasn't seen the film, no one has seen the film, but Charles was able to answers questions about the screening and about the content of the film.
Then a number of people stopped by to talk about the film, about how they all get to watch the film because people they know in our group of the flipside were in attendance, and by connection, so were they. Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse (both answer questions), Heath Ledger - as well as Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson - who were reminding Jennifer this morning about how "oxygen therapy can help with brain trauma" - in reference to fellow football player Brett Favre announcing he has Parkinson's.
I'm sorry I didn't get to everyone. I like to point out that people can talk to them if they take the time to ask them questions and wait for the answers. The answer might not be verbal, they may be visual.
Another mind bending session - and it ends with a conversation with Phil Hartman - someone Jennifer didn't know, but who Charles Grodin was instrumental and helping to get an audition with his friend Lorne Michaels, who cast him in the SNL show.
Phil talks about seeing Belushi on the flipside, and about his reaction to seeing Charles Grodin as well.
It's all mind bending, but that doesn't stop us from sharing this information.
Hope it helps.
I was invited to a screening of Sunset Blvd. A dark comedy made by Billy Wilder in 1950. William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim - at the last minute I was going to see it by myself, thought twice about it - but something or someone insisted I go.
At the screening, Nancy Olson who starred in the film as the girlfriend of William Holden was there. She had wonderful stories about her experience on the film - her second movie. After the screening I had an urge to go to the Chateau Marmont hotel... I didn't know why, but couldn't talk myself into doing it.
Later, I discovered that Billy Wilder, the director and writer of the film wrote it while he was living in the hotel, and the room that Holden lives in with a Murphy bed was identical to the one that Wilder lived in when he wrote it.
Then for the past few days, I have been hearing, getting messages from Mr. Wilder, about my own career, about films I've written and scripts I haven't yet gotten into production.
So that was the genesis of this conversation. First Carl Weathers, who was an active member of the DGA, my pal whom I wrote a script with (Apollo Creed in Rocky) started the conversation, which then drifted to Luana Anders - where I asked if this Billy fellow wanted to be interviewed.
He did. He said he was greeted by his mother on the flipside - which was poignant because she had not come with him to the US and when he went back to extricate her from Germany, she and her husband and Billy's grandmother were victims of the Nazis.
He expressed sadness at not trying harder to get her to join him in America. I had a million questions to ask him about his writing partner and others - but he spoke about the fast times and laughs (and booze) that he and William Holden shared.
At some point I asked Walter Matthau some questions, since I was his dialog coach on a Charles Grodin film "Movers and Shakers." It was a treat to meet him - part of Hollywood royalty.
Billy talked about the great times they had back then, and how being back home was like "being in a Fred Astaire movie." He noted that he'd made "about 30 movies" (for the record he directed 27 films, including Spirit of St. Louis, the Apartment, Some Like It Hot, etc). He said that in the afterlife, it was like being on a back lot and each sound stage was filled with all the people he'd made a film with - and so each sound stage was another "chapter in his life."
Amazing description. We asked him about Marilyn Monroe and other folks he worked with - and he knew them all.
When I mentioned what a great screenwriter he was, Robert Towne showed up to talk a bit about the process, and how on the flipside, he's still honing his writing skills. He said that he was learning how to be more open to the muse - and agreed that was something for every artist, painter, musician... that we are always honing our skills either onstage or offstage.
And when talking about it, he pointed out that he was in the "before life" zone and not an "after life" arena. Because we can and do return when we want to.
Another mind bending episode.
Another mind bending podcast. In this case as usual, Jennifer and I had no idea whom Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside would bring to the conversation.
In this case it was my old boss Robert Towne, the screenwriter who passed away recently. He brought up the topic of "DreamBombing" a person's dream. Jennifer said the term, then later I asked him if he coined it or she did - and he took credit for it.
The idea is that they can "slip into" a dream we're having and just say hello. We may be disconcerted, we may not be aware of it - I have no conscious idea that I saw Robert recently, but it is accurate that an hour ago I got an email from his daughter, and it is accurate that I've had dreams in the past where I'm suddenly hearing Robert's comments or voice.
He was a unique voice in life and as a writer. Previously we'd asked him who he may have rubbed elbows with since crossing over and he mentioned both Charles Dickens and William Shakespeare.
I asked Will an innocuous question - I know that Jennifer doesn't remember the questions we've asked people before, and when I ask a vague question like "Was the last time we spoke an accurate description of events?" I know that Jennifer is capable of saying "No." Or "Not so much."
In this instance he replied "More than I imagined it would be." And in that instance I asked him a multitude of questions about his life, his family, the stories about his work, the rewriting done by actors onstage, the genesis of his ideas, as well as remarking how he'd written Romeo and Juliet during the pandemic.
He said "A lot of great work comes out of pandemics."
Unusual comment to make, and in his case; absolutely accurate.
Robert said he'd just come by to mention the dream bombing - and then Luana said she wanted to emphasize the idea of how people should think in terms of doing this kind of work - accessing people offstage.
She said 1. You have to believe it.
That echoes what her friend Harry Dean Stanton had said, that to "allow for the possibility that life goes on is key" in terms of getting any information.
So it's not that one has to believe in religion, or believe in tooth fairies, or believe in pyramid hats, but to believe that it's possible that one's loved ones still exist - that's key to them being able to communicate.
Because if you don't believe you can communicate; you won't.
Second part is to 2 open yourself up to the possibility of communication. That means don't focus on sound, image, answers - focus on the question one is asking and allowing them to find a way to answer it. Could be a coincidence, could be music, could be a specific answer, could be that one turns on the radio hears the answer, opens a book reads the answer, or somehow is made aware of the answer in some method.
They communicate in the best way they know how, and that might be the best way they think we can comprehend what they're saying.
So this podcast is more about process, and a visit from two great writers.
Click subscribe on our podcast Hacking the Afterlife on YouTube (MartiniZone.com) to enjoy more videos and perks from our podcast Hacking the Afterlife. To book a session with Jennifer: JenniferShaffer.com - to book a guided meditation with Rich; RichardMartini.com
I went to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce ceremony for my pal Carl Weathers. (We wrote a script together were friends for 20 years.) At the ceremony I met some relatives and friends, and told them I might be able to reach out to Carl via our podcast (again.) If one searches his name on this podcast, they'll see the initial interview.
But in honor of his family and friends, here's an article that talks about what the ceremony was like:
HOLLYWOOD, LOS ANGELES -- Carl Weathers was honored with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame this week.
On Thursday, the actor, known for his role as boxer Apollo Creed in the "Rocky" films as well as his time as an NFL linebacker for the then-Oakland Raiders, was posthumously honored during a ceremony by his dear friends in Hollywood and sports, including Las Vegas Raiders owner Mark Davis, actress Bryce Dallas Howard and actor LeVar Burton.
Carl Weathers' sons Matthew Weathers and Jason Weathers, as well as his partner Christine Kludjian, also paid tribute to him in moving speeches.
"My father was an individual with dreams and aspirations," Matthew Weathers said in his speech. "He knew what he wanted at a very young age. He told me on numerous occasions that if he had some money in his pocket as a young man, he'd go to the movies."
A picture of Carl Weathers, the late actor renowned for his iconic roles in films such as "Rocky," is displayed on his star as he is honored posthumously on the Walk of Fame.
A picture of Carl Weathers, the late actor renowned for his iconic roles in films such as "Rocky," is displayed on his star as he is honored posthumously on the Walk of Fame. "Not a lot of people have the opportunity to do what he did," he added of his father's illustrious career. "He was proud of what he created. So am I. It's hard to imagine that he's not here."
Jason Weathers echoed his brother's words about their father and said that he's "so proud" of him.
"I wish he could be here to experience this," he continued. "I know he was looking forward to this -- over 50 years in Hollywood, in his career, and now to be immortalized with a star is just truly wonderful."
Along with the "Rocky" films, Carl Weathers starred in "Happy Gilmore" alongside Adam Sandler, "Predator" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and more. More recently, he played Greef Karga in the Disney+ series "The Mandalorian" and directed several episodes of the show.
Howard, who worked as a director on "The Mandalorian" alongside Carl Weathers, called him a "titan of a man."
"Carl was not only one of the central stars of 'The Mandalorian,' he was also one of the show's regular directors," she said. "It astonished me how effortlessly he wore both hats. It was truly remarkable to spin both those plates, acting and directing."
"Carl did it with grace, ease and enthusiasm," she added. Burton, meanwhile, called Carl Weathers "the embodiment of a good man."
"Carl was also an icon," he added. "A legend. Apollo Creed will go down in history as one of the most popular figures in entertainment history and that is due to the charisma and talent of Carl Weathers."
Here's the youtube clip with those speeches... https://www.youtube.com/live/QdVMklVyGK0?si=CH5OPTwMgwsK5-DI&t=1589
I share this information as an old friend of Carl's and some family members and I talked about me sharing this interview later on in the day.
It's an example of how easy it is to speak to our loved ones offstage. Jennifer is very talented at what she does, and because I knew Carl well, as well as the other questions I ask during this podcast, I know that we're hearing new information from someone offstage.
Anyone can.
To book a session with Jennifer: JenniferShaffer.com To book a guided meditation with Richard: RichardMartini.com
Enjoy the play!
Another one of those mind bending podcasts. Today Jennifer Shaffer's mom stopped by to say hello, to give Jennifer a frequency or feeling for when she's around her.
Then we invited Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside (LuanaAnders.com) to tell us if anyone had made her guest list. Luana moderates our podcast from the flipside - as recounted in the book and film FLIPSIDE and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE it was after Luana's appearance on the Charles Grodin Show courtesy of James Van Praagh that I became aware that she not only still existed but could direct the conversation.
About ten years ago, she began to help Jennifer and me access a group of individuals on the flipside that Luana knew over her career of doing 300 film and TV shows. Luana introduced me to Charles Grodin, a good friend who is godfather to our children (my wife and I).
Charles was close friends with Phil Donahue, so I suspected that since Charles has shown up recently (there was a screening in NYC of a documentary about his life) I wondered if Phil was ready to chat about his life.
Sometimes they aren't - if they've just crossed over and had a lifetime of not believing it was possible to do so. However, as Phil notes - Charles visited him often in his later years to pave the way.
Jennifer didn't know that Phil's father in law was Danny Thomas, nor did she know that he had made a "promised with God" to find a way to help people if God could help him in his time of need.
That's where St. Jude's hospital came from, and his daughter, Phil's wife Marlo Thomas carries on that giving tradition.
I know both Phil and Marlo - my wife and family have been to their home in CT, and as noted, Phil took photos of us and gave the prints and frames to us as a gift when we left. I still have them in our home. Cherished gifts.
Some things to note; I didn't say the name of Vivian Maier - most don't know who she is, but I asked him about Vivian and if she influenced him at all (years after her passing, it turned out she was a preeminent photographer and her photos are now world famous of life in Chicago.)
Phil reports that her demeanor influenced him in his career. He also said that his son James was one of the people to greet him on the flipside. Perhaps the most uncanny moment is when I asked him about his father in law - and his promise to God.
Not something Jennifer is or was aware of - and when she's done with her sessions, she "shakes it off" and forgets pretty much everything that is said. So if it comes up again, I'd have to remind her of the fact that Phil's father in law was one of the most famous television actors of the 50's and 60's, and that his wife was "That Girl" Marlo Thomas.
As we all get older, the fame of those who were before becomes a matter of history. It was fascinating to hear Phil talk about his "many life reviews" - meaning he becomes aware of all of his previous lifetimes. When asked "how many" he said "more than you could comprehend."
But notably, in one of them he recalled being "mute" or not able to speak or express himself. He obviously made up for that lifetime with his career of over 7000 television shows, for inventing the format of speaking directly to audiences, and hearing what they had to say.
If one takes the time to read his bio, he was as generous as the day is long - but more importantly he wanted to say that Marlo was not only the love of his life, but he continues to love her from the flipside, and reminds her that the dreams she has of him - or feeling his hand in hers - that is actually him doing that.
It's why we do this work.
I hope this helps someone out there on the planet who has lost a loved one.
They aren't gone. They just aren't here.
Please visit Hacking the Afterlife on Youtube and subscribe. Lots of fun information there as well.
Jennifer is in NYC, but we were able to find a way to do our podcast from both coasts. In this one, we begin by welcoming the folks from Alex Ferrari's podcast "Next Level Soul" who found us after listening to my recent podcast on Alex's channel.
Jennifer talks a little about her work, her journey to the work, and how she works with law enforcement pro bono on a daily basis. (I have met some of the folks she works with, and in the book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE one of them did a guided meditation with me.)
Then we discuss a few of the guided meditations I've done recently, including one where a person saw Jim Henson in a vivid dream, so during her meditation, we asked him to come forward and answer a couple of questions about his journey. He talked about being connected to his family, and mentioned his daughter and son who have carried on his work.
He also spoke of how people can access loved ones offstage if they need to. Then I asked some questions about a recent unusual event - son and wife were walking in the park playing "20 questions" (where you think of an object or phrase or person, and the other person has 20 tries to guess it). And as they were walking past a slightly schizophrenic (not sure if he was or wasn't, but he had no filter when he spoke) fellow on the part bench, said aloud the phrase he was thinking of. "In and Out Burger animal style." (Which only people in LA know what that means). Jennifer said that the fellow wasn't an intuitive per se, but that it was Robin Williams who popped that answer into his head.
Which is mind bending, since Robin played the Fisher King so well in the feature film where he played one of those savants. As noted, Robin does show up often in people's sessions, and lately I've heard his name quite a bit.
Which led to a question about an event in a library where a friend picked up a book and heard someone tell them that was the "same book they had checked out of the library many times." And a closer look at the left over page where they used to stamp the data of each checkout, showed that the time stamp of the date (about 16 weeks in 1967) corresponded when this person "Carlos" was reported to be researching in this very library.
At some point Jennifer "guessed" the name of the fellow, and before she could say that name, I said "That's correct" realizing she'd guessed it (without hearing it.) We did talk about this fellow for a bit - but I was recounting recent articles, and not asking him directly about the accuracy of those articles, so I decided to leave it just at the name "Carlos." (Could be Santana, could be the Jackal, could be someone else entirely.)
I'm not trying to be cagey, I just want to point out - anyone can do this, do the same thing. Jennifer saw Wayne Dyer show up - someone she met, revered, and confirmed who this person was, and then my old boss Robert Towne stopped by, and because he was the most poetic person I have known - asked him to talk about his experience on the flipside.
I said something like "Well you probably don't miss much on the flipside" because people report we can create anything. And he corrected me, and then spoke eloquently about all the different things that are difficult to create on the other side that we choose to incarnate to experience. (Sea air with salt, the touch of a cheek, a hug, some spectacular sunsets) - he says that "all those colors are there, but it's different to experience them on the planet."
It's about as poetic as one can be on a podcast.
Enjoy, and please be kind to someone today who needs it.
First; Jennifer's got another one of her Uncorked events in Manhattan Beach - tickets are available, for sixty bucks one gets a glass of wine, two hours with her and others who all get spoken to. The events are fun and easy to attend. UncorkedWineShops.com https://uncorkedwineshops.com/medium-monday-tickets/
For ticket info: JenniferShaffer.com
This is a continuation of our conversation with Robert Towne, my old boss who left the stage last week. Jennifer mentions how she was walking on the beach the other day and Robert (and his dog Hira) appeared walking next to her... Jennifer did a number of sessions with Robert and so she's used to communicating with him.
In this episode, I'm continuing with my list of questions to ask him about - people that we spoke with before, people offstage and if he has messages for people onstage.
In this case, Robert was doing a rewrite or polish for a script about Napoleon (I don't know if it was his own, or it was for someone else, like Ridley Scott as Robert wrote "Days of Thunder" for his brother Tony.
Comes to mind - when his brother Tony passed, we were doing this research, and Robert asked me about his passing, so we did a session asking Tony what happened. It's in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
Either way - I want to point something out. We accessed Napoleon and his friend Betsy Balcombe in a previous session - it might be in print instead of in the podcast list - that would be in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 or 3 - and in that instance, she identified herself as Napoleon's friend, and when asked whether he died of natural causes or was "poisoned" we heard her say it was poison. (or not from natural causes).
In this episode, I ask Robert if he's had a chance to ask Napoleon about the accuracy of that, and the answer is the word "wife."
For those paying attention, that could be the wife of Napoleon (who was having an affair back in Paris, had two children with that fellow and married him) that could be the wife of Balcombe, but his family left St. Helena before Napoleon died, it could be "Fanny" the wife of one of his lieutenants he made a pass at, and nearly jumped off a ship at the thought of being stuck on St. Helena with him - or it could have been any number of wives on the island, as apparently, he'd have flings with quite a few.
Wild and crazy guy.
But in reading the A. Robert's autobiography of him, it's clear that he died of stomach cancer. The doctors did an autopsy, it's the same disease his father died of - and it's clear to me that is what he died of. "It was a miracle he didn't die from it earlier."
In terms of this kind of research, asking questions and getting answers, because I've been doing this for 8 years weekly, I have to allow that it's possible I was asking the wrong question, it's possible that Napoleon was trying to steer the conversation to another topic (like "It was my wife Josephine that caused me to have agita which turned into stomach cancer") or it could be that the word "wife" meant something else altogether.
It's important to note this - because I'm asking leading questions and I could be leading the medium into an area where they are trying to answer my questions based on what they're getting from the flipside. (I've seen people do this, and likely I have done it before as well.)
Jennifer says what she hears, senses, or visualizes. Why he answered "wife" is subject to more questions - because I could revisit the conversation and point out that it was cancer that took his life, so what's he pointing to a wife or his wife, or someone else's wife?
Either way - this is one of those things that make people say "well it's all subject to conjecture" so therefore it's pointless to ask questions.
But clearly Robert was able to express who Rudy the Rank was, and Charles Grodin is able to express his opinions about the movie we were watching.
Either way - we do this work to encourage people to explore on their own - to ask questions, to gauge the answers, to ask more questions and see what one can learn. If one doesn't want to they don't have to - but clearly if one does want to communicate, they can.
Just research the answers (as I've done here.)
Hope this helps.
This is one of those podcasts that I can't really begin to comprehend, understand, other than to allow that the over four decades I knew Robert Towne, it was like I was put in his path so I could do this interview.
Robert was a prolific writer, some consider to be the greatest screenwriter who put pen to paper (or pages in a Selectric.) Robert asked me to do this interview before he passed, made me promise. I have sent the unedited version to his friends and family (without some pauses and spaces) and this version is slightly shorter - but not by much.
Where to begin? I spent three years walking his dog Hira - and when I told him I wanted to direct, he said "I think that would be a good idea, but you'll make mild comedies." He was right. I've written and or directed 8 of them that most haven't seen or are aware of.
But while working for him, I got to know many of his closest pals - some who are offstage, some who are onstage - and in this interview I asked for his opinion about some of them.
I introduced him to Jennifer about five years ago - he was a skeptic until we did a session and he was able to learn new information from people offstage. He learned new information from his dog Hira. He learned new information from people I didn't know, never met - nor could Jennifer.
I use first names in this interview, because that's all Jennifer needs. She doesn't recall the contents of our sessions - and she did a couple with Robert, but has done sessions with me weekly for 8 years. She does sessions with law enforcement daily - and like an "Etch a Sketch" wipes her awareness clear each time.
But for whatever reason, we can bypass the filters, talk to people offstage together. We do this podcast to demonstrated that anyone can. I recommend watching this on the HACKING THE AFTERLIFE podcast because in the video version I put up subtitles as to who was being referenced. Not hard to figure out - but Fred Roos, Warren Beatty, Goldie Hawn are mentioned. John Shaner. These folks were friends of his. In some cases I didn't mention their names - and referred to them in Italian, because I know that Robert knows who I'm referring to, even if Jennifer does not. In the case of Eddie Taylor, we put to bed the idea he was the person who wrote Chinatown.
It's a live demonstration of how people can speak to their loved ones offstage. Learn new information. You don't need Jennifer (but it helps.) We've been doing this weekly for 8 years. Jennifer did a number of sessions with Robert, and I filmed at least two.
Love is all there is. We come to the planet to have an experience with our loved ones, friends, animals. "It's over in the blink of an eye." If one takes away anything from this session it's to realize that it's possible they still exist, that it's possible that we can communicate with them, it's possible that our pets, animals, loved ones still exist, are able to help us, reach out to us - keep an eye on us.
Two things: the reference to the "monkey scene" in the film "Five Easy Pieces" (written by Robert's friend Carol Eastman (listed as Adrien Joyce) and directed by his pal Bob Rafelson. It's possible he's referring to favorite dialogue, instead of "favorite lines he wrote" - because I have no awareness of his writing scenes for this movie (even though he did it for so many others, sometimes without credit like Bonnie and Clyde, Godfather and others). But here's the dialog that he's referencing:
Excerpt from “Five Easy Pieces” : Helena Kallianiotes is an over talkative hitchhiker: Jack Nicholson is driving. (Just after the infamous table clearing scene) Helena: (Palm) “Fantastic! .. I would have just punched her out... People... oof (shakes her head) Animals are not like that... always cleaning themselves. Pigeons! Always picking bugs out of their hair. Monkeys too. Except monkeys do things out in the open that I don’t go for.” Bobby’s eyes glazed over as he stares out through the windshield. Helena: “I was in this place once, store with snakes, monkeys, everything you could imagine. I walked in, had to run out. It stunk! They didn’t even have incense.. Filth you wouldn’t believe! I don’t even want to talk about it!” (From “Five Easy Pieces” written by Robert’s pal, Luana’s roommate, Carole Eastman, directed by Robert’s pal Bob Rafelson, starring their pal Jack Nicholson. 1970) (Interesting to note; this dialog is in the script, but doesn't appear in the filmed version, some of the lines do, but the monkey part does not. Robert like to say writing was "monkeys at a typewriter" until they get it right. When he left his deal at Warner Bros over the editing of "Personal Best" we took everything out of his bungalow except a giant stuffed toy ape that Warners had given him, and set him behind a studio typewriter with the page quoting Robert about monkeys at a typewriter. (Not his idea, mine and Richard Prince's)
With his daughter's permission, here is the poem that Robert references in the podcast that Kate wrote about him:
"I met the love of my life the day I was born.
My father put stars in my eyes and words in my heart. When reading a poem to me when I was 10, the word god appeared. I asked him if he believed in god and pointing to the words he said,” I believe in this.”
When I was about 6 it was my dad’s 50th birthday. I looked up at him and with a shiver in my heart I said, “you’re half of a hundred.”
It drove me to distraction the rest of my life knowing the inevitability. I have endlessly bargained with this grief, chased and run from shadows and dreaded this painful thing until it shaped every part of me.
He knew I could be morose and in his later years could gently point that out and boy, did it feel like home to be known by him.
I don’t know how to say I love you I love you I love you I will never let you go I will always be dreaming of you and I will always look for you in poems and magic hour and cats.
Thank you for the apologies and the tenderness and the time. It wasn’t perfect. It was better.
“The wages of dying is love.”- GK
In the podcast Robert refers to the last line being funny - "It was better."
I gasped when I read it, because it was a surprise to see. Maybe me weep with the memory of my pal.
I did this interview at his request, and am sharing it as per his request. Not only for his loved ones and friends, but for those on the planet who are suffering because their loved ones have "left the stage." Know that they are not gone. They just aren't here. And we can access them if we need to or want to.
It was Jennifer's birthday week, she tells the story of how her daughter sent a message in the sand from Malta, shows it to the audience and how her son magically found the exact same birthday card for her - that she was going to give her mom before she passed. Jennifer sends her love and thanks to everyone who sent her birthday wishes.
Then a conversation with Fred Roos, Luana Anders' friend whose memorial was this week. I went to the memorial, a number of very unusual conversations were had.
As noted in the podcast, people who know Fred will know how accurate this interview is - people who don't know him will hear references to friends of his both on and off the planet. I can verify that Jennifer doesn't know any of these people, and doesn't know who I'm referring to (except in some instances where I concur what who she is seeing or hearing from.) If one compares the previous conversation with him prior to this one - everyone that was mentioned (first names only) in the last podcast who was at the memorial, I was able to pass along Fred's messages to them.
It was uncanny that I was able to do so. One in person, another a message for a relative.
Luana Anders knew Fred for 60 years. She spoke to him on her last day on the planet, and was the person who introduced me to him 40 years ago. Luana left in 1996, but over the years Fred and I spoke often, not only about Luana's script "Real Feelings" but also when his close friend Harry Dean Stanton passed away, and had private messages for his closest pals including Fred - which I dutifully passed along.
Harry passed in 2017, and as noted in the podcast, those private, personal messages, along with Harry Dean's recollection of driving to the Monterey Pop festival with Fred and Luana (something I didn't know, never heard, but Fred confirmed when I asked him about it) allowed him to believe in the possibility of the idea that life goes on.
As I point out - in the future, more people will do something like this. That is - a loved one leaves the stage, and the family gets together with some of the best mediums (anyone whose filters are askew, or are not properly in place, because it's an issue of "filters on the brain that block information not conducive to survival" (see pg 125 of Dr. Greyson's book AFTER for a science discussion of those filters) - and then - comparing the dreams, messages, conversations with their loved one - at the memorial they share them, bringing all those messages of love, of observation, or insight from the flipside.
They are not gone. They just aren't here.
I have been filming people bypassing those filters for over fifteen years. it's how I met Jennifer 8 years ago, and why we have been meeting up like this weekly to talk to people offstage. Anyone can do it. It helps if you have someone like Jennifer who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide. (Flipside, Talking to Bill Paxton, Hacking the Afterlife films have examples.)
In this podcast, I did edit out some of the more personal commentary, and have passed those details along to his loved ones. That doesn't mean people I pass messages along to are suddenly "going to believe" their loved ones still exist... as I've noted before, we spoke directly to someone offstage, passed a transcript to the family members which we were asked to pass along, the message came back; "I wish every day that I could speak to my relative, but I don't believe you guys are."
That's fine. That's logical. But the reason we do this work is to show people the process, the way to access them on their own. One doesn't need a medium - it helps - but one does need to allow for the possibility. We've been at this weekly for 8 years.
One method we got from hypnotherapist Michael Newton on the flipside - he came to tell us (it's in on camera in the film HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon or Gaia) "1. Say their name. 2. Ask them questions (you don't know the answers to). Don't judge the replies. 3. When they answer a question before you've been able to ask it (often visually) you'll know you've made a connection."
Anyone can.
We all experience grief, loss, sadness - but we can add to that mix nostalgia, and realize that they aren't suffering, they're home. They know where they are, and will do their best to help us on our path. It helps that I get to work with Jennifer Shaffer, who spends a third of her day helping law enforcement agencies nationwide, who does that work pro bono - who graciously allows me to ask her any question and she answers it without knowing who I'm speaking with. As is evidenced in this podcast. "Why am I hearing "Russo" or "Rooster?" Clearly wasn't aware we'd interviewed him a few weeks earlier. She's like an Etch a Sketch - once the session is over, all the information evaporates. That's why it's so cool I get to film and record this information.
Love love. Oh, and Robin Williams has the last word. (He did 2 films with Fred.)
It's Jennifer Shaffer's birthday week. Today's podcast had a number of people on the flipside show up to wish her happy birthday. Her mom and da, Prince, who told her he had written a song called "Happy Birthday" - one that neither of us knew, but then looked up online while during the podcast.
A number of old friends stopped by Howard Schultz, Charles Grodin, people who didn't meet Jennifer in life, but who know her from our conversations with them on the flipside.
There's a discussion of how they celebrate us from over there, and how frequency works to keep us in touch. Another mind bending podcast from Hacking the Afterlife.
#CharlesGrodin, #Prince, #BillPaxton, #HackingTheAfterlife #Martinizone Martinizone.com, RichMartini.com HackingtheAfterlife.com
This excerpt was filmed with the permission of Ron Janix; for the full video and other clips from this amazing event, please visit CONTACTINTHEDESERT.COM - This is a bit long for our podcast, but it includes a guided meditation, so please don't do the guided meditation while driving a car or using heavy equipment.
Basically, filming people accessing this information for over fifteen years, and visiting the University of Virginia Lab DOPS, where they explore how consciousness is not confined to the brain, I've heard from Dr. Greyson about the "filters on the brain" that seem to be bypassed during the near death event. (See pg 125 of his book AFTER) Dr. Helen Wambach also talks about "the filters on the brain" in her book RELIVING PAST LIVES. She also called them "filters that block information not conducive to survival."
Two scientists who talk about the same filters but 50 years apart from different disciplines. There's also a reference to Viola Pettit-Neal, whom I was turned on to by Harvard neuroscientist Akeera Weerasakera PhD. She did some trance sessions where she accessed a classroom on the flipside where they talked about the filters on the brain.
People can bypass them using hypnotherapy, mediumship or guided meditation (also with hallucinogens like DMT, in dreams, during near death events, out of body experiences etc. I recommend using a Newton Institute hypnotherapist, as their four to six hour sessions are like the ones that Dr. Wambach used. (And one can listen to a 2 hour hypnosis session given by Dr. Wambach on this page).
The point is - anyone can bypass their filters. Mediums don't have the same ones that other folks have, some children don't have them until the 8th year, see people others cannot, recall previous lifetimes. Some elderly people lose them prior to passing. According to Dr. Greyson's talk IS CONSCIOUSNESS PRODUCED BY THE BRAIN (also reproduced on this page) refers to the data that 70% of the hospice care workers in the UK report dementia patients who spontaneously recall memories - as Greyson notes "It's as if the filters on the brain are dying with the atrophied brain."
In this talk, courtesy of Contact in the Desert, courtesy of Ron Janix who allowed me to film and share this excerpt, this is a simple method of how to bypass those filters. It includes a guided meditation.
This information is based on fifteen years of filming people accessing the afterlife, accessing their loved ones via hypnotherapy, mediumship and guided meditation. I was happy to see that the event was standing room only - people lined up along the walls to get some insight into this research.
The reason it's at Contact in the Desert is when people use guided meditation to access their guides (as reported in DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND) is because during these simple meditations, sometimes people access beings on their council who have never incarnated on the planet. Further, as noted, in the podcast with Simon Bown (see his podcast #119 ) he accessed a "gray alien" who allowed me to ask him a raft of unusual questions with mind bending answers. (Like: "have you ever donated blood to the Red Cross? The people we visit and extract DNA from are people who offered to donate before they incarnated on the planet.)
I offer this as the kind of research anyone can do - people should see if they get different answers or results from their own experiments... people who do this kind of work can be skeptics, disbelievers, doubters, or religions folks who belief their belief system is sacrosanct. Data needs to be reproducible and consistent to become data.
In fifteen years of filming people accessing this information - it doesn't change, but keeps getting more interesting, deeper, and mind bending.
We have a forum at Quora called "Hacking the Afterlife" - it's a place to share data, research or personal experiences with the flipside.
Jennifer is at a family event this week, so I took the opportunity to post this talk. Hopefully we'll be back on the air next week.
Thanks for tuning in. For more info: RichMartini.com - for JenniferShaffer.com - or the podcast MartiniZone.com - also "Hacking the Afterlife" "Talking to Bill Paxton" and FLIPSIDE the film are available on Gaia or via Amazon Prime.
This is an excerpt from our Workshop at Contact in the Desert. For a full edition, please visit ContactInTheDesert.com - and choose the workshop version.
The video for this excerpt can be found at the Hacking the Afterlife page on Youtube - MartiniZone or MartiniProds on Youtube... to see what photos I'm referring to.
Over the course of three days, people gathered near Palm Springs to share research, data, about non human consciousness.
For those familiar with the podcast, Jennifer and I are sitting next to each other onstage and I'm showing some slides from the presentation. Those pictures can be found at the above mentioned page.
What makes this session worth putting onto our podcast, is that in the middle I do a guided meditation for about 20 minutes.
Anyone can follow along, but I recommend not doing a guided meditation while one is driving... who knows where one might go.
Find someplace comfortable to allow images, thoughts, even sounds to appear while doing that kind of meditation. Med means measure in Latin - one is measuring thoughts.
The last portion is Jennifer answering questions from random members of the audience - their names are in a box, and Jennifer answers direct questions to people on the flipside - if it's a question about process, I try to field it.
Either way - it's an insight into how the podcast comes together. For eight years Jennifer and I have been meeting weekly - she says "so and so is here" and I then supply the questions.
For the entire session, about 90 minutes, or for other panels at the conference, please visit the website Contact In The Desert. This excerpt is filmed and used with the permission of Ron Janix who runs the event. Some amazing speakers this time around.
Check it out!
Hope this helps.
Jennifer and I have been doing this form of accessing the flipside for 8 years. Every week for the past 8 years we've been getting together to see who we can speak with or talk to on the flipside.
In terms of the process; Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies daily; she senses, sees, hears information and does her best to interpret what she is seeing, hearing.
When someone shows up that I knew, or she knew, it's easier to interpret what they're talking about. In my case I try to ask them the same relative questions; "Who greeted you when you crossed over?" "Who are you hanging out with?" "Who were you surprised to see?" "What was the journey like?" "What would you like to tell your loved ones?"
Sometimes the people who are on our podcast show up because of their connection to our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders, my friend who passed away in my arms in 1996. She began to visit me after that event, then members of my family; at some point I had to acknowledge that she still existed. My journey into the FLIPSIDE (book and film) was to figure out how that was physically possible.
After about 7 years of filming people using hypnotherapy or guided meditation to access the same hallmarks, Jennifer showed up to demonstrate how talking to someone who was onstage is like having a cellphone to those who are offstage.
And here we are 8 years later.
Occasionally people show up that I knew well, or worked with, or someone like this week's guest who I knew for 40 years. I heard from his family prior to the podcast about his passing, and they asked me to let them know if I heard anything from him on the flipside.
So in that vein we offer this interview with someone who stepped offstage, who is not gone, just not here. He talks about things only I know about - in many instances referring to people Jennifer doesn't know, but I do.
To those who have lost a dear friend, a dear family member, someone close to their hearts, it can be difficult to listen to something like this - grief can be overwhelming. The desire to dismiss something like this is strong - and of course this kind of investigation isn't for everyone.
But after doing this for eight years, I can think of no other podcast we've done that is so spot on in terms of what we learn from someone I loved dearly who is no longer on the planet, but has gone back "home" to be with friends and family.
In the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, (1-3) and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE; there are the transcripts of the sessions with the late actor, great skeptic Harry Dean Stanton who was a dear friend of Fred Roos and Luana Anders.
In those sessions, I asked Harry "at what point did you realize there was an afterlife?" and he told us that at first he thought he was dreaming - had "entered a happy memory" of his trip with Fred Roos and Luana Anders to the Monterey Pop festival in 1967 (where they arrived to see Jimi Hendrix.) I know this is accurate, because in Harry's account from the flipside, I confirmed everything he said with Fred Roos, who was in the car with Luana and Harry Dean - something I wasn't aware of, but he was.
And then, Fred described the same "soft landing" they had constructed for him. The memory of those fairgrounds, of being young and seeing one's pals offstage.
This is about as mind bending a session as we've ever done.
As noted, Jennifer and I will be at the Contact in the Desert conference this coming week; I appear on Friday the 31st at 10:30, then Jennifer and I appear together on Saturday June 1st at 10:30 am in the Independence Room, and then I will be speaking solo about "filters on the brain" on Sunday at 2:30 at the event.
Hope some can make it - or tune in via their website at ContactIntheDesert.com
Again, I'm sorry to have a close friend of mine leave the planet after a fantastic 90 year run - and for some listening in the names of the people I ask him to talk about are easy to discern for those who might have known the great, Oscar winning producer Fred Roos.
For those who don't know the references, that's okay as well, because the important part is to realize they aren't gone; they just aren't here.
I ask for a message for his life long pal Francis: "Tell Francis that there's nothing to be afraid of; if I can make it to heaven anyone can." (Fred's dry sense of humor.) I ask about his life long pal Jack: Laughing, he says "He's not going to heaven." Then "He needs to make that film about his life with his daughter Lorraine." For his pal the writer Robert; "Tell him I'm still talking to him, that I loved our conversations recently - they talked about their friend (Nick Coster) They talked about life after death." For his friend Sofia, he says, "I can’t wait to see everything that she’s doing. We’re celebrating her dad over here.” (Meaning they're celebrating her father's recent successes on the flipside.) To his friend Harrison; “He’s not going anywhere. He needs to stop being such a hypochondriac. He gets anxiety and he should relax." Any comment about his friend George? He says, "Lucky. Lucky son of a gun. " (Jennifer asks "Did he get married again?" Fred says, "It couldn’t have happened to a better guy, finding love again." To his friend Mike Figgis: "Thank you. Whatever went sideways he’d figure it out – so appreciative of all the work that he did."
Those are verbatim messages from a loved one offstage to his friends back onstage. Those who know Fred will know who he's referring to.
But it serves to remind everyone; Fred is asked about advice he'd give someone on the planet; he says to not take any day for granted.
I'm sharing this because I know it will help some people, it's helped me to realize that our loved ones are not gone; they're just not here.
These past two podcasts, with friends Roger Corman, Fred Roos and their mutual friend Eleanor represent a comprehensive chat with people that I personally knew who are offstage and confirm what these past fifteen years of filming people offstage demonstrate.
Anyone can do this. Anyone can access their loved ones offstage. We can do so with mediumship, guided meditation or hypnotherapy. It's healing and helpful to know about the process in some small detail - but that everyone leaves the stage and returns home.
Hope this helps.
An extra long episode for today - caught Jennifer at the end of her long day instead of in the middle of it.
We start off by talking about some day to day issues, reminding the audience we're going to be appearing together at the ContactInTheDesert.com event on June 1st, at 10:30 "How to Talk to One’s Council: Including ET’s Workshop with Jennifer Shaffer and Richard Martini Saturday, June 1, 2024 10:30am–12:05pm
Location: Independence Room (Contact In the Desert)
Jennifer asked me how folks could sign up to do a guided meditation with me, they can by sending me an email at [email protected] -
We invited Luana Anders to come and talk to us about two friends of hers who had crossed recently. Both friends and colleagues of hers. In the first instance, I name the individual, who was famous in Hollywood, but not so much outside the business.
The second person, her first name is used; she was a close friend of Luana's and those who know Luana and her story will likely recognize the name, those who aren't aware of it, will not.
And I prefer it that way - because that allowed her to speak about her journey directly from the flipside - since Jennifer had no idea who this woman was.
Jennifer also didn't know who Roger Corman is or was, and why these interviews are so unusual - because we are demonstrating how easy it is for ANYONE to speak to their loved ones offstage.
Literally invited them to come and share details about their journey.
I've been doing this with Jennifer for over 8 years, have been filming people talking to their loved ones via hypnotherapy or meditation for another 7 years, for a total of fifteen years.
It's not opinion, theory or belief that people can speak to, learn new information from people offstage - it's footage, data or in the science from the University of Virginia lab DOPS that demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain.
We had some visitors as well - Kobe stopped by to say "hi" (Jennifer has worked with members of his family) Bill Paxton stopped by to tease Jennifer about always forgetting his name, Charles Grodin made a short appearance - and people who know me, know that Luana and Charles were best pals for over 30 years, and I was close with him for 20. Every time he shows up, I know that I'm getting something fun to hear from my friend who is godfather to my kids.
Bill and I met early on, while he was shooting Aliens in London, remained pals, but I rarely saw him outside of Cannes. But he's shown up so many times that there's a film "talking to Bill Paxton" on Amazon where I had three different mediums ask Bill the same identical questions - only questions he could answer - and in one instance did so via a third person (blind study) who read my questions to the medium. I wasn't anywhere near them when they filmed that. Bill answered the same every time.
As noted at the end of this podcast, everything that Jennifer said - including the moment I was driving in Westwood and heard my friend's voice in my head saying "I went there!" when driving by the UCLA sign. (Funny, I just looked that detail up to confirm it and yes, she did).
Life does not end.
Our loved ones still exist.
One can access them, ask them questions.
It doesn't require a medium, but it can help.
Meditation works, so does hypnotherapy.
They want to continue the conversation.
Let them.
We are all heading home either way - as Ram Dass put it: 'We are all just walking each other home."
Try to enjoy the ride.
Jennifer returned from her trip to Mexico and we dive into what people in our class on the flipside wanted to talk about; the upcoming "Contact in the Desert" workshop on Saturday, June 1st. (ContactInTheDesert.com)
First up was Ma Durga, the Hindu deity who has appeared in a number of conversations with people on the flipside. Jennifer's father identified her as the 8 armed teacher from his astrophysics class.
She's shown up in other conversations, guided meditations - and after asking her multiple questions. she is seen by most people as this kind of 8 armed octopus time person/woman. She told us previously that she was incarnated as a young girl on earth, as well as an octopus, and "kept the 8 arms because they're useful as a teacher."
She's funny, slightly off beat - and has offered to show up at our workshop on Saturday to talk about "aliens" and how we don't need to fear what we don't understand. Mind bending stuff. She was interrupted by "Five" - the Akashic librarian that we've interviewed before, that I've also seen or met in multiple other avenues, during someone's hypnotherapy session (Divine Councils in the Afterlife) as well as during guided meditations with people (Architecture of the Afterlife) as well as multiple times on our podcast. (Search "Five")
He uses the number because it's non denominational, has no gender. He's a sage, wise person, a bit like Yoda in stature. But he too has offered to show up at our workshop (Not literally, but to answer questions that I pose to him).
Again, I can't see him or Ma Durga, but Jennifer can (and Ma Durga is a bonafide Hindu deity - look her up). Then we had a visit from Harry Dean Stanton.
Oddly enough I was reading Ed Begley Jr's hilarious autobiography, which mentions Harry a number of times. ("To the Temple of Tranquility and Step On It!") Harry Dean Stanton is/ was quite a character, funny, and much beloved by his closest pals (like Fred Roos).
Anyways, a conversation with Harry Dean about telling people not to get hung up over the word "God" or the concept of "God" - but to just allow that there are things, beings, people that exist that are higher intelligences than us - and that's okay, also that whatever one believes doesn't change the fact that there is an afterlife. (Something he argued against for much of his career.)
He had a private message for Ed Begley Jr. so I will forward it to him. Thanks Jennifer!
Another one of those mind bending podcasts.
In the first half, there's a visit from the one and only Tom Petty. When he first showed up to talk to us, years back, I asked him "how is it you're appearing to Jennifer in this restaurant in Manhattan beach? I didn't meet you when I was a music critic at Variety, and I don't think Luana met you in her lifetime. How did you show up?"
His reply was "You have no idea how many people are in line to talk to you guys. It's like your friend Luana has a clipboard at the VIP section backstage and you need to be on the list."
Which is how the name for the books came about BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE books 1, 2 and 3, and later TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE about all the musicians we've interviewed in the past 8 years.
I asked Tom what he wanted to say and at the time it was a personal thing for his family. So I transcribed that session, figured out how to get an email to a family member, told them the circumstances of how this "interview" happened... to which they politely replied, "Thanks, but I wish every day we could talk to him, and I don't think you and Jennifer are speaking to him."
Which is fine, logical, completely understandable. So the next time he showed up I said to him "They didn't want to hear from us, it's best you communicate directly to them" to which he replied "It takes time. It's the first of many examples."
So that being said - I'm not posting this interview to "claim that we have a direct line" to anyone on the flipside. As I've always done - in the past 8 years of working with Jennifer - I ask the same questions to everyone we meet on the podcast. "Who greeted you, what was that like?" etc. As noted in the podcast, Tom had told us before that he was "greeted by his father" on the flipside, and that was unusual for him as they were estranged (and I later found that was reportedly the case based on interviews with Tom.)
But here we are years later - and I asked him "What's in like for you to revisit us - this many years later? He said "Like the time it takes to turn around."
Which is what people consistently report. Roughly, that "25 years on earth feels like 5 or 10 minutes to someone offstage." That things that occurred years ago, feel like seconds ago. (And this is repeated in the book FLIPSIDE where I had two hypnotherapy sessions two years apart, yet the second one picked up where I had left off, just a few seconds later.
He came to give some simple musical advice. "Pick up an instrument and play. It will do you a world of good." I'm paraphrasing as the comment was directed towards our son, who is a virtuoso on the piano. (His grandmother was a concert pianist, so I'm aware of the term).
Tom wants him to continue to play. After the podcast ended, we did just that. Jammed for a bit. Thanks Tom.
Then Jennifer's mom stopped by - Linda. Whose birthday was this week - she passed recently, and this was Jennifer's first birthday of hers without her - however, as noted there was an unusual bouquet of flowers that appeared on her doorstep that day.
Then Robin Williams stops by, briefly at the end... fans of the podcast, of the books know that he's been showing up for 8 years. Allow me to repeat the story that when he first showed up, he told Jennifer to tell me to "put his chapter back in my book."
I had told no one that the night before I had deleted that chapter - as it was too much about me meeting him, Jonathan Winters, than it was about him. As ordered, I put it back into the book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE.
My wife Sherry was in a class where the teacher had written down "Elvis" as the name of the person they wanted to see if the class could do a "remote viewing" and read what was the name on the paper she'd written.
And as reported, Robin showed up doing his Elvis imitation. Funny enough, last night, happened to turn on the TV and the ad for the The Movie Channel has Robin doing that imitation and then there's a clip of Elvis doing the same thing. (Check it out.)
Anyways, another mind bending podcast that will have to last us two weeks until Jennifer returns.
Meanwhile, catch you on the flipside! Our podcast HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on quora has had 52 million views. Join the conversation.
Another mind bending episode. I went up to the Sequoias this past week and got a chance to meet "General Sherman" for the first time. Considered one of the oldest trees in the world, I recorded some footage of talking to people who were accessing the tree in real time, which I will transcribe at a future date and post on medium.
However, Jennifer and I got a chance to do a rare Sunday podcast - and the idea of interviewing a tree has occurred in the podcast before, as well as during guided meditation sessions in the books ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE and DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE.
I know it's mind bending to consider - but the idea is that when one "sees a tree" during a hypnotherapy session, or during a near death event, or during an out of body experience, or in a dream - to access that tree, see if the tree will respond to questions.
And then compare the answers.
As noted, this isn't the first time either Jennifer or I have asked questions to what people don't consider to be sentient - there are multiple interviews on this podcast with Hira, Robert Towne's dog on the flipside, with my dog Sam on the Flipside, with other animals and pets, with non incarnating beings, etc.
The latest book CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND has numerous examples of interviews with "non incarnated beings" as well as animals on the planet.
So in light of that concept, we asked the tree some questions and got some pretty unusual answers.
All I can say is - if you're ready to consider the possibility then take a listen to this latest podcast.
Here's the ring camera video that I mention in the podcast: https://youtu.be/Vu4ILcGepGU
In today's podcast, Amelia Earhart stops by. She's stopped by a number of times, and when Jennifer said "She's been showing you more things lately" I forgot to mention how I was studying her poetry this past week, in her own handwriting, which is hard to decipher.
And I found in her poems from Purdue University more evidence of her relationship with her painter... and how she was a prolific writer, and even though her husband George donated these poems to the University that sponsored her last flight, and even though George tore off the dedication for each poem, they're clearly not written for him.
So yes, she was showing me more details of her life - as when I was transcribing a poem written on stationery from a hotel in Cincinnati, she was talking about the morning light on a woman's hair, and breast... clearly not her husband's.
That being said, I forgot that I was transcribing them this past week, until after finishing the transcription of this week's podcast.
We've had multiple conversations with her - I know what happened, where she landed, have been in her jail cell, have a fifteen new eyewitnesses, a dozen US Marines who saw her briefcase, passport, maps and saw the plane, then saw the Electra destroyed by US forces.
Yes, it's mind bending, but the reports are consistent over and over and over for the past 20 years.
So let's hope I can tell her story to the public one day.
Meanwhile, some fun orb video from Jennifer's cellphone while she was at a conference with Joe Dispenza in San Diego this week.
Jennifer said she'd post a link on her Instagram page (JenniferShaffer.com)
Apologies to my old pal Sally Kellerman who stopped by to say hello but didn't get much to say - and it's likely she wanted to mention the 100th birthday of her old pal Marlon Brando (whom we interviewed about their data in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."
Always great to see Sally.
Another mind bending podcast. On this "Good Friday" podcast, Kobe Bryant stops by. He spoke to us before, that transcript is in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
In today's podcast, he wanted to stop by and thank Jennifer for something she'd done, as well as talk a bit about process. About how it's important to "keep one's eye on the ball" - meaning that we need to be "all in" when it comes to life. Do one's best to learn their craft, hone their skills as it will result in a happier journey.
My old pal Sally Kellerman ("Hot Lips" from the film MASH) stops by to talk about how people are met by the love that they give out to others while on the planet. And that could be from animals, trees, other things that we pour our love in, and all of that energy greets us on the other side.
Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside was Sally's close pal, and Sally's husband Jonathan Krane stopped by as well. As noted, Jonathan produced a number of feature films, including three that I directed. He gives me a note of encouragement.
Finally Robin Williams stops by to get in the last words; "Love love."
It's another mind bending session, this time with someone we spoke to some years ago. Just to be clear about the past two weeks - it's as if people are aware of the book CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE FLIPSIDE KIND and how it's just come out - as it talks about the topics that they're interesting in addressing.
Last week it was a surprise appearance by "Five" the Akashic librarian who has been seen by multiple people in different guided meditations - and multiple times by Jennifer in our podcasts.
He's of smaller stature, but people report him being ageless. In the conversations with him, either that I've filmed as an observer, or directly speaking to him - it's unusual for him to make a "special trip" to our podcast and weigh in.
The same goes for "Sitting Bull" - whom I asked to speak to years ago (it's in our book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE) and he did so, but it seemed reluctantly. Like he wasn't sure why we were asking him questions.
In this case, he showed up - neither Jennifer nor I had been thinking about him, or asked him to stop by. But he felt it was important to talk about being aware of "beings" that are not "aliens" but are "entities" nonetheless. And that includes trees, animals, objects in nature.
We cannot conceptualize how everything is connected, but he wanted to stop by and talk about it.
Mind bending stuff, as I like to say.
Our once a year podcast from Jennifer's office in Manhattan Beach. Another mind bending adventure, this time with numerous folks stopping by to wish me happy birthday - from Luana Anders to Charles Grodin, Bill Paxton, Prince - and the Akashic librarian "Five."
He talks a bit about how anyone can come and visit him and explore previous lifetimes.
Charles Grodin points out that if he was still on the planet, he'd be taking me out for a birthday lunch or dinner - Chuck was the type of person who never let us pick up a tab when we were with him, and the one time we did, slipped the credit card to the waiter before we sat down - he was not happy about it.
A wonderful charming fellow who never ceases to amaze or amuse. Today's podcast includes an unusual conversation with my old pal Coleman Hough, who appears in my book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, an excerpt of her session is on the "MartiniZone" page on Youtube where she talks about her Parkinsons.
What makes the video so compelling is that she stopped shaking altogether during the four to six hour session, but her symptoms came back afterwards. She makes a bold suggestion, that the same methodology we've heard from the flipside for helping with brain damage (CTE) would help people with Parkinson's. (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy.) I asked if she was aware of anyone on the planet who was using it, and she said "Michael J Fox."
That could be something his organization has looked into - if someone is reading this and knows someone who works there, please share this unusual idea - if they haven't already tried it.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been shown to help people with traumatic brain injuries, and as noted, we had Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson (the latter two who died from CTE and stopped by during one of our sessions) point out that "Joe Namath has cured his CTE using it."
Look up the research about Joe - and while he's tried telling people about it, I have no clue whether anyone believes him or not. But folks on the flipside have mentioned it more than once (and its in the documentary "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson" free on YouTube.)
We also had birthday greetings from Bill Paxton, my old pal, Sally Kellerman, Luana Anders' best friend, and Charles Grodin - who was pals with Luana first. They're all on the flipside now.
Just another mind bending podcast as I'm found of saying - and sharing.
For more information JenniferShaffer.com - the book they're talking about on the flipside is "Close Encounters of the Flipside Kind" and I'll be talking about it at Contact in the Desert in late May, early June.
Thanks for tuning in!
A field trip to the Akashic library.
Another mind bending podcast. Jennifer's mom passed away last week, and she took us on a field trip to visit the Akashic library.
No other way to put it.
First Prince showed up to talk a little bit about being connected to people, then Matthew Perry talked about a client that Jennifer had worked with that he showed up during their session.
I asked Matthew if he was attending any classes on the flipside, and he replied "any that I can get my light into." It's often repeated, but in this instance, he said he was taking the same class that Jennifer's father Jim mentioned a few years aback - astrophysics. He mentions the same teacher who looks like "Ma Durga" (a Hindu deity with 8 arms that we've interviewed often on the podcast.
I asked if we could speak to his teacher, and he said "she's very busy" but instead, the librarian known as "Five" showed up to take Jennifer and her parents into the library to look at an event from her youth.
And she flashed back to when she was five years old, and recalled that during this birthday party, it's when her parents "recognized" that they had all lived there before, earlier, in upstate New York when the Mormons were leaving to travel west.
However, Jennifer recalled being a toddler who died in that lifetime - and something made her realize they were siblings in that previous life - her parents were her brothers and sisters then.
The librarian, who goes by the non denominational, non gender name of "Five" said that he was "doing a show" - like a wizard for the parents, but he wanted everyone in the audience to know that it doesn't require any magic to get to one's library. "Anyone can do it."
He pointed out that since she had the image of traveling their with four others (Her parents and Hira, Robert Towne's dog who shows up often in our podcasts) they have a "stronger engine" to get there.
I asked "Five" as many questions as I could think of until he stepped away and back to his occupation.
Another mind bending journey into the flipside courtesy of the amazing Jennifer Shaffer. (Who can be found at JenniferShaffer.com) People who want to book at guided meditation with me can find me at MartiniProds at gmail, or fill out a form at RichardMartini.com
Jennifer went through a difficult week of loss, two key players in her life, her mom Linda and her 14 year old dog Chloe. She mentioned that Chloe was going to leave the stage on the last podcast, but in the interim, her mom had a fall and passed away yesterday.
The only reason we did the podcast today is to help Jennifer work through some of her grief. By accessing her father Jim on the other side, he could help her, and then by speaking directly to her dog, Chloe, that was also helpful. As her dad Jim notes, "When we can move grief to nostalgia we begin the healing process." Good to hear that he and his wife are going on dates, and line dancing again. Good to hear that Chlore was reunited with her parents.
Robert Towne's dog Hira makes a guest appearance, and we talk about how animals have a family on the flipside as well.
Mind bending conversation.
Prayers and condolences to Jennifer and her family. Love love.
It's that time of year again - the Super Duper Bowl, and we have a super duper podcast to enjoy.
Some years ago, we were just starting this research, and the Microsoft found Paul Allen passed away. So as an experiment, I asked three people we'd spoken to on the flipside, who knew him, to come forward and help us chat with Paul.
At the time I didn't know that we could "invite anyone" - but figured if we could invite Paul, he'd be more comfortable with some of his pals. Much to my chagrin (It's in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE and in the documentary TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON on YouTube.
Paul Allen showed Jennifer that two football players who had suffered from CTE were there to greet him. Why? Because of Paul's brain institute. Jennifer didn't know that there was an institute, I did - but they came forward to tell Jennifer that "Joe Namath had cured his CTE using oxygen therapy."
She didn't get it the first two times they came through - because she doesn't know football, didn't know the Quarterback they were showing her. It was only after looking up what they were saying "Quarterback" "CTE" did I discover that Joe has done that.
Watch the film, it's free.
But today, Junior stopped by.
As noted, after he showed up initially, I invited his widow Gina to do a session with Jennifer. Jennifer didn't know who Junior or Gina was - but does so on camera in the film.
It's uncanny.
I don't expect anyone to race out and watch the film - but one day it will become an important piece of the puzzle.
So we are used to talking to Junior. (Who took his own life after suffereing from CTE. He and his widow had an amazing reunion, and I thank her for letting me film it. She's happily remarried, living a wonderful life, and if she runs across this podcast, this description, she'll know what I'm referring to.
Junior talks about how people on the flipside can attend the Super Bowl, but mostly through the participation of their loved ones onstage. So if "Uncle Pete" or "Aunt Betty" seems to be rooting for one of the teams from the Flipside, do not be surprised.
I asked our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders if anyone else wanted to come forward; and it was Prince.
We haven't had him on the podcast as of late - but he wanted to point out that anyone can connect with him, anyone can call him for assistance. (Junior also said that "anyone can play in his touch (mental) football games" as well.
At some point, I asked Prince about helping someone on this side play a song. Now - if one listens carefully (and ignores me) they can hear Jennifer (who doesn't know chords or how to transpose guitar chords to piano as I do...)
She says "He's saying "G"
Then E minor.
Then D. (I heard C, but she clearly says D.)
Then C.
It wasn't until after the podcast was over that I went to the internet to look for Prince songs that start with "G and then E minor."
And then, to my dismay, shock - when I was putting up the subtitles, I could SEE WHAT JENNIFER SAYS.
She says "G" then "E minor" then "D" then "C." (later she adds "B and F)
But look it up.
G Em
I never meant to cause you any sorrow
I never meant to cause you any pain
G Em
I only want one time to see you laughing
I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain.
As I was writing this, I wrote to Jennifer and told her what the chords were for and she replied: "He said purple rain - just thought it was... whatever. Amazing!"
It is amazing. Next time I'll play it properly.
This is one of the those podcasts where I know who it is that I'm talking to offstage, but Jennifer does not - until she realizes who it is. It happens on camera, so no one can be in doubt about what it is we are doing.
We have been doing this for eight years - weekly - where I invite someone to "get past the velvet rope" of the classroom of students that Luana Anders has amassed on the flipside, people who want to speak to those back on the planet, and she helps them to do so.
Just the same way that Jennifer helps people on this side of the veil speak to their loved ones offstage, Luana helps people who've crossed over to communicate to us.
In this case, my friend Carl Weathers came through. I mean Carl perhaps 20 years ago, both of us working with the ICT program out of USC, where people in the industry helped people in the defense department with different scenarios. Carl and I sat next to each other on a plane ride and by the time we landed we were working on a screenplay together. (Yet to be made; "A Slice of the Devil's Pie.")
That put me into his orbit which was working with someone who is incredibly generous of spirit. I was startled to hear that he passed suddenly, I ran into him at the Director's Guild just a few months ago, and always considered we'd work together again some day.
Well, today's the day. Carl shows up in my home a couple of days ago, I heard him tease me about something - and decided to see if Luana might let him past her velvet rope to speak on our podcast.
I'll let the podcast speak for itself. I was finally able to use the captions generated by Adobe - and the result is best viewed on the YouTube channel MartiniZone.
But for those in their cars, this is an unusual trip into the world of someone I know who is on the flipside, clearly alive, clearly aware of what he's observed.
At some point, I revealed who Carl was by way of asking a series of questions to friends of his; #RandalKleiser, #SylversterStallone, #ArnoldSchwarzenegger, #AdamSandler, #JonFabreau, #PedroPascal, #RonGronkowski, #FanDeul, #SuperBowl2024. He also talks about seeing old friends of his on the flipside, #MichaelJackson, #TinaTurner. I asked him who he was surprised to see, and it was my old friend #CharlesGrodin who he shared laughs with.
He has messages for his family, his friends, fans of #GreefKarga, #TheMandalorian" - he mentions the memes about his character WHEN JENNIFER HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT, HAS NEVER SEEN THE SHOW, DOES NOT KNOW WHO GREEF KARGA IS.
But he tells her about how he's amused by the memes of him from the show. (I put one into the video version of the podcast.)
For those visiting our podcast for the first time, Jennifer is a medium who works with law enforcement nationwide, she has been donating her time for this research weekly for 8 years (we have four books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2, 3 and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE). Jennifer is a well known intuitive medium who works out of Manhattan Beach, can be found at JenniferShaffer.com
I'm a best selling author (Kindle in their genre) of books about the afterlife (FLIPSIDE, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE documentaries are on Amazon, along with ten other books)
I am sorry to those who may be offended by talking to people offstage, but I've been doing it for 15 years on film, Carl was aware of it, and we talked about it when we weren't working on our screenplay that we pitched at a number of studios together. Maybe one day I'll turn it into a book - it's a fun story, had elements of his own life, and he would have been great in the lead role.
But in the meantime, here I am posting a half hour interview that we did yesterday, a few days after his passing, and what he has to say is in line with all of the other research I've filmed. (The most recent book has 20 interviews with scientists, clergy, doctors accessing "Divine Councils in the Afterlife").
If there's an value in sharing this information it's to remind people that our loved ones are "not gone, they're just not here." And as Carl puts it, "We live our lives in the blink of an eye." Meaning don't take it so seriously that you can't give love, "vote for love" or otherwise be happy to be on the planet. "Dance more" he advises.
It's good advice. We love you Carl. Thanks for stopping by.
As these reports about Amelia Earhart's plane fly in - (pun intended) here's one of our many interviews with the aviatrix herself. (There are seven more listed at EARHARTONSAIPAN.COM)
I appreciate all the interest - but seriously, she's home. She's available. Anyone can ask her questions about her journey. I've spent 30 years proving she landed on Mili Atoll, was arrested, taken to Saipan, died there. It's not a mystery to me.
What is a mystery is how someone spent 11 million dollars to look for her when she's clearly home. Or available. Or the details are on the free website EarhartOnSaipan.com
As all in all of our podcasts, Jennifer and I have no clue who we're going to speak to during our session. Sometimes I ask or invite people to come forward, and sometimes Jennifer states up front "so and so is here."
In today's podcast, we asked Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, to let us know if she wanted to bring someone forward or talk about process.
Jennifer said "she wants to speak to you about your next book." I am writing my next book, it's kind of what I do - it's a little afield of the normal topics that I work on, because it focuses on those people who have had experiences with ETs - either seeing them, or talking to them.
I assumed she meant she wanted to talk about that... "My next book."
But then Jennifer said "Amelia Earhart is here." For those who know, Amelia has shown up before on the podcast, and the initial interview mentioned in the podcast can be found in the book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE. In it, I give the details of how that came about to be, how I had interviewed three different mediums and asked Amelia the same questions and got the same answers.
But then as Amelia was speaking about "this being my next project" (I've been trying to get my filmed version off the runway for some years now) I realized what she was saying. That a "book about Amelia" is going to be my next book.
Then I asked if it should be a book based on what the research says about what happened to Amelia, or should it be a story about my journey to that research.
And she said it should be about my journey.
Which is amazing to hear - as it saves me the effort of going down another road instead. So that's why I mentioned in the podcast that everyone can do the same by asking their loved ones on the flipside to assist in their decisions.
Then Jennifer mentioned Steve Jobs, so he stopped by to tease her a bit, since she's had him show up in many sessions (dating back to before I met her).
That led me to ask a question about his last words, which then led me to ask Napoleon about his last words.
I know it's hard to fathom, but Napoleon has been to visit before, I was given a question to ask him by an Oscar winning screenwriter, and he answered it. Then I saw the film recently, and asked him his opinion about the film.
What makes it uncanny is that Jennifer has NOT SEEN THE FILM but is answering my questions from Napoleon's perspective - who has seen the film. He gives it a "thumbs down" in general, but has compliments for the work of Joaquin Phoenix. He describes specifically what he liked about his performance - which again is mind bending as Jennifer has not seen it.
Everything he says is accurate about the film, including the reluctance of Josephine to accept him as her new husband (she was married, lost her husband in the Revolution.)
I recommend the film, but after you've seen this interview, and then come back and listen to it again.
Thanks for tuning in!
Another unusual visit with pals on the Flipside. In today's podcast we have folks who've been to visit us before, but had more to say. One is the Oscar nominated dog Hira, owned by the screenwriter director Robert Towne. Hira's been to visit us before, transcripts are in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." David Crosby stopped by again - after talking to us about what it was like to return to the flipside, and in this case, he wanted to talk further about his semi jaded, snarking observations. Here's a link to the official story of how Graham Nash met David Crosby, but in this account, he recalls a lifetime in Victorian England where he knew Graham. (Be interesting to see if Graham has any memories of that era.) But in terms of Hira - I walked him for a number of years when Robert was at Warner Bros, and later in the Marina. And was with Hira when he passed - a wild car ride to rush him to the animal hospital to try to save him. That's another story for another time, but Hira stops by to tell the audience that we are always connected to our pets. He talks about the "contract" of our connection. Then David Crosby takes the spotlight - we didn't ask for him to stop by, but he did a few weeks back, and had more to say about his adventure. (David knew our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders, so it's not hard for me to see how she'd put him at the top of the list of guests.) Prince stopped by - sorry I didn't ask him any direct questions, but David talked a bit about creating music on the flipside. Then I did ask a direct question to Carl Laemmle about the film "All Quiet on the Western Front" - a film he bought for his son to produce when he was the head of Universal pictures, which one lots of Oscars. I mention the amazing story of the triathlete who purchased the rights, knowing that it would win her an Oscar (which she hasn't won yet.) Carl predicts the film will win three Oscars. A bit about predictions - and why I never do them. Because the future is not set. Carl doesn't know for sure if the film will win three Oscars, but has a "better view" and is more apt to be correct. However, anything could happen - and it sometimes does. People ask mediums like Jennifer all the time to predict the future, and as I like to point out - it's not set, however a good medium has a better opportunity to get the "likely outcome" as opposed to lottery numbers. "It's likely" that the remake of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT will win three oscars, so if one is a betting person, perhaps dial up one's bookie. But don't blame me if it doesn't - blame Carl Laemmle. He's the one who said it. Than back to Hira - who had a message for Robert Towne, my old boss, which I will pass along. Always fun to hear from a pet on the flipside, if only to remind us they still exist.
In this podcast we get a visit from people offstage that we know.
As usual, we begin the podcast with a conversation with Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside (who left the stage in 1996) and she wants to talk about a recent dream that Jennifer had that included two of her grandfathers.
They come through with expressions of love, as well as a discussion of how we can access our loved ones offstage. Then later, my father comes through and wants to discuss his grandson Richard Jr.
It's unusual for us to have a podcast that is just about our own family members, but it serves to remind our audience that their loved ones are always present, easy to converse with or have access to.
Thanks to Jennifer's two grandfathers for stopping by, and my own father for saying hello. It's always great to hear from loved ones on the flipside.
An unusual visit with folks off planet. First Jennifer talks about losing her dad's ring prior to our last podcast. Fortunately, she was able to find it, again, but it allowed us to ask her father on the flipside about it.
Jim has been a frequent visitor to our conversations - since Jennifer and I started meeting up 8 years ago. He passed back in 2017, and when he started visiting us, I realized that Jennifer couldn't speak when he was around. So I asked him "What can we tell people in terms of helping them with grief?" He said "Try to move grief to nostalgia." I didn't know what that meant, nor did Jennifer.
He explained, "Grief is sad memories, nostalgia is a combination of sad and happy memories. When you can move grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process."
It was a profound statement. I asked him if he was "taking any classes" on the flipside (something people often report) and he took his daughter into "deep space" and described an advanced class in astrophysics. He warned Jennifer that she might be freaked out by the appearance of the teacher.
I asked if we could speak directly to her and it turns how she has 8 arms. For those familiar with Tibetan Buddhist or Hindu deities, that's not such an odd thing to see or encounter. I asked her if people on the planet knew her and she said that was the case.
I did some research to learn that there was a deity named "Ma Durga" that fit the description. So the next time we did a podcast, I asked Jim to take us back to his classroom and asked her if she went by that name. Jennifer had never heard it before, but she said that was how people refer to her.
So today, in our conversation with Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, suggested that I needed to "dig deeper" in my next book, which is about people who report seeing aliens - in their dreams, in their guided meditations or visits to their councils. (Some can be found at DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE). In the podcast, Luana pointed out that I needed to combine some of the research.
I just realized that the reason Jennifer saw a connection between George Noory (Coast to Coast) and the book, is because George is a reference to the Contact in the Desert meeting, as he hosts a panel each year.
At some point, I ask Luana why she brought up Jesus and she says "Jesus is an alien." I ask if she means that literally, or figurately since we all could be considered aliens, because we all incarnate on other planets and choose to incarnate on earth. (35% of the reports from the Newton Institute include memories of lifetimes off planet.)
Be that as it may, it makes me realize that I need to add more of this research into the latest book. Then, because of that conversation with Jim and his teacher Ma Durga from years ago (It's in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE) I asked if it was possible to speak to her again.
She has eight arms. She also looks like a woman, but wears a large green cape. (That's the visual that Jennifer got.) In this interview, I had a question pop into my head - "Why the 8 arms?" I was going to ask if it was because everyone "on her planet has 8 arms."
Instead Jennifer answered "It's because she was an octopus in a previous lifetime and get the energy of that persona." It goes to how people report we project an image to others on the flipside - we choose the persona we want to project, based on our experiences with it.
She explained that she had been a girl on the planet, and then an octopus (or vice versa) and that in between lives - in this classroom - she projects that image.
Asked about her classroom instruction, she spoke about the lectures about how time is different on different planets, in different realms, in different universes. (I mention how that's the subject of the film #INTERSTELLAR and she said that was accurate.)
Another mind bending journey into the flipside. We spoke to Jennifer's father, a former Mormon bishop, as well as Ma Durga, a Hindu deity who teaches a class in astrophysics on the flipside.
Mind bending stuff.
Here's our extended New Year's Day podcast; starts with a conversation about predictions - while many reach out to mediums to ask to "predict what's going to happen" as noted, mediums like Jennifer have a "better view of likely outcomes." Even then, they're translating what they're getting, and likely outcomes don't always come to pass. A discussion of a new study that correlates solar flares and earthquakes. How the study by physicists (not geologists) shows the effects of solar flares can be measured in the larger earthquakes on Earth (re: Japan's recent quake.) Then "Morton" shows up - for those who've seen HACKING THE AFTERLIFE on Amazon, #MichaelNewton appears during a conversation Jennifer and I were having and she says "Your friend Morton is here." I had no clue who that was, and she says, "the guy you made the documentary (FLIPSIDE) about." (He also appears in "Hacking the Afterlife.") Michael talks about the dream state - how people can bypass the filters on the brain during dreams. A discussion how we "cast" our dreams the same way we would a play. A discussion of the NDE research that shows 1-3% have a "hellish" experience during the event, and how that may be related to what Michael is saying - the idea that we "manufacture" or "construct" dreams (and experiences on the flipside.) Then "Duane" someone I haven't met, whose wife reached out to me with footage of a "light" or series of lights that appear in her garage cam for 15 minutes - she goes out to investigate, as do her two sons - one of them sees the light (oval shaped, small, darting and moving around with them) She was curious to hear my thoughts on it (submitted via our forum on Quora "Hacking the Afterlife"). As proof of concept. Jennifer could have no knowledge about him or his family - and correctly identifies his two boys, and the members of his previous family. Then he speaks about the difficulty of creating that "energy" - which he says is like the "orbs" people have been capturing with digital cameras. (And Jennifer shows an example) The family saw the light moving around on camera, then went out to investigate, and the youngest (presumably the one without filters) sees the light and points to it, identifying it as his dad. (There's no sound, but one can clearly seem him pointing at the frisbee sized light that is moving around with them.) Duane's wife asked how to license the footage, or how to share it on media platforms, as it would make sense to try to license the footage through a company that does that sort of thing. (If anyone reading this has a suggestion of a reputable licensing group, please send an email, and I will forward it on to her.) Then, because it's an extended edition, I invited a couple of people we've interviewed before - Matthew Perry and #billpaxton as they both had shown up recently. In Bill's case, he appeared on Rob Lowe's podcast, where a medium talked about him "surfing" on the flipside - so I asked him about how he was able to create the environment to do that. #MatthewPerry weighs in on the recent autopsy report that showed DMT in his system - as he's reported before, that wasn't what caused the event, and a closer reading of the report reveals the same. Yet for some inexplicable reason it's been associated with his passing. As noted in the podcast; "When in doubt take the time to ask them directly what happened." (It's what Jennifer spends a third of her work doing; pro bono sessions for law enforcement agencies nationwide who ask for her help.) A discussion of "aliens" - as I'm working on a book about the many "encounters" people have had in the research, either via hypnotherapy, or through guided meditation. People who had an abduction experience, or some other event in the past, who can revisit it via guided meditation. Also how these folks appear in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE on people's councils. Wise beings who don't normally incarnate on our planet. Finally a visit from #waynedyer to admonish Jennifer to "stop feeling guilty" and a lovely piece of advice from our moderator on the Flipside #LuanaAnders about how to "use a strainer" to greet the New Year, by distilling all the things of value, letting go of the negative emotions and experiences and focusing on the heart of why we've chosen to join each other on the planet. It's another mind bending podcast to be sure. Enjoy! Happy New Year!
Hacking the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer, Luana Anders and Charles Dickens
It sounds bizarre, I know. We interviewed Charles briefly in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" so his presence didn't throw me for a loop.
I really did look at a note on my cellphone this morning about a story that he's in - and his pal Washington Irving. And for him to say "that's why I stopped by" is mind bending to say the least.
We start off the podcast with Jennifer revealing that her mom is in the hospital, and her emotions around the loss of her dad, five years ago. He's come by a number of times to chat with us, including taking us on a trip to an Akashic library, as well as going to visit the classroom on the flipside where he described his physics teacher in detail.
The woman has 8 arms, and is known as Ma Durga on the planet - no other way to put it, as we've spoken with her a number of times, and Jennifer has had long conversations with her. The point isn't that a "deity from earth" is hanging out in the flipside, but rather people on earth have identified a teacher on the flipside as a deity.
In this case, I knew that Dickens had visited Washington Irving, I know that he purchased some property in Cairo Illinois (a land scam that claimed it was going to be the next "city on the Nile")
I know that he visited a garment factory in Boston where he asked them to tell him some local ghost stories. I know that when he visited Irving, Irving's uncle had taken up resident at his home and his name was Ebeneezer.
As Jennifer pointed out, she never could have guessed that name - but Charles was specific about who greeted him when he crossed over (a deaf child, perhaps the model for Tiny Tim) and how his book was about the financial politics of the day, the Victorian era when the rich got richer and the poor died of starvation.
Jennifer mentioned the chapter in Architecture of the Afterlife where Tony Stockwell recalled a lifetime in Victorian London, where he and his brother both died of starvation in one of those "workhouses." Awful places for humans to be place - without any help from the government.
So A Christmas Carol was a tale about how to be kind to others and to give around the holiday time.
He also gives a review of the film "Splendid" which is both hilarious and mind bending. When asked about it, he said "I hate musicals." Hilarious reply - and then he said he was kidding, he loved the film and loved what Will Ferrell did with the part.
I mean - c'mon - Will's never going to believe that Charles Dickens showed up on our podcast tonight to compliment him on his performance in SPIRITED, but that is EXACTLY WHAT HE DID.
We've been doing this for 8 years. Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide, and just last week was part of an operation that was able to track down and eliminate 450 pounds of fentanyl. She's the real deal.
Apologies for my cough - not much I can do, other than to say, I hope it clears up soon!
And happy holidays to you all. Enjoy our Christmas special with the one and only Charles Dickens!
Another one for the ages.
In this episode, I invited two people to come to our podcast booth. One was Norman Lear, the prolific TV producer, and the other was Leonard Bernstein. I have just seen the Premiere of #MAESTRO #Netflix #StevenSpielberg #MartinScorsese #BradleyCooper #CareyMulligan #MayaHawke - and wondering if I might be able to invite the Maestro himself #LeonardBernstein and his wife #FeliciaMontealegre to our podcast.
I didn't tell Jennifer who I was inviting, other than Lenny. I didn't know if she had seen the film or not, so I did my best to ignore the title, and focus on the person I wanted to speak with.
I get overcome with emotion when he tells us that he met with Gustave Mahler on the flipside, someone he spent his life focused on, someone who like him was both a composer and a musician. "We lived dual lives" Leonard has reportedly said.
In this interview, Jennifer starts by saying that this "person is a director." It didn't occur to me to agree that a conductor is a director. (Doh!)
Jennifer mentions 48 years that "they were together" - but that is the amount of time that Felicia was in NYC - 27 years married to Leonard.
Jennifer said that she died of lung cancer, I didn't know, but that is correct.
I asked if he's spoken to Gustave (Mahler) and she described their meeting on the flipside. (Jennifer didn't know what I was referring to or who I was talking about. She works with law enforcement agencies often - 30% of her practice is pro bono work with different agencies.)
Leonard conducted all of Mahler's symphonies, made recordings of them in the 1960's and the 1980's.
I ask about the comment Bradley made where he felt "his presence during the making of the film." He said he was "present for every moment" but especially in the dance sequence. (Jennifer hasn't seen the film - but that would be the onstage sequence of "On the Town" where Bradley took part in Jerome Robbin's choreography as Leonard.
I asked what piece he felt connected to - she asked if there was an Olympic piece. He did compose "Olympic Hymn" the six minute intro for the Olympic Congress in Germany.
He mentions "Mass" commissioned by Jackie O for the opening of the Kennedy Center in 1971. It's "anti war" message kept Nixon from the ceremony, the Vatican called the piece "blasphemous."
He mentions seeing Aretha on the flipside, said "they were friends." I didn't know they were pals, headlined the 1977 Inaugural Gala at the Kennedy Center, were onstage together holding hands.
Aretha is interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and "Tuning into the Afterlife." She told us that her niece would find her "missing will." The niece did find it in her home as she predicted she would. (We reached out to her, the niece told me that she talks to her mother on the flipside often (Aretha's sister) but didn't believe we were conversing with her.
Beethoven's father was Johann, lived from 1740 to 1792. He was a musician, singer and teacher who reportedly was an alcoholic who was abusive to his son.
Our interviews with Beethoven can be found in "Tuning into the Afterlife" (available on Amazon).
At one point Jennifer mentions "addiction" and it's widely reported that Leonard's use of drugs and alcohol increased after her passing.
For more information, see MartiniZone on Youtube, RichMartini.com or JenniferShaffer.com - Copyright Richard Martini 2023, All Rights Reserved. See the film MAESTRO in theaters now, or on Netflix soon - and compare this conversation with one's own ears.
As all in all of our podcasts, Jennifer and I have no clue who we're going to speak to during our session. Sometimes I ask or invite people to come forward, and sometimes Jennifer states up front "so and so is here."
In today's podcast, we asked Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, to let us know if she wanted to bring someone forward or talk about process.
Jennifer said "she wants to speak to you about your next book." I am writing my next book, it's kind of what I do - it's a little afield of the normal topics that I work on, because it focuses on those people who have had experiences with ETs - either seeing them, or talking to them.
I assumed she meant she wanted to talk about that... "My next book."
But then Jennifer said "Amelia Earhart is here." For those who know, Amelia has shown up before on the podcast, and the initial interview mentioned in the podcast can be found in the book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE. In it, I give the details of how that came about to be, how I had interviewed three different mediums and asked Amelia the same questions and got the same answers.
But then as Amelia was speaking about "this being my next project" (I've been trying to get my filmed version off the runway for some years now) I realized what she was saying. That a "book about Amelia" is going to be my next book.
Then I asked if it should be a book based on what the research says about what happened to Amelia, or should it be a story about my journey to that research.
And she said it should be about my journey.
Which is amazing to hear - as it saves me the effort of going down another road instead. So that's why I mentioned in the podcast that everyone can do the same by asking their loved ones on the flipside to assist in their decisions.
Then Jennifer mentioned Steve Jobs, so he stopped by to tease her a bit, since she's had him show up in many sessions (dating back to before I met her).
That led me to ask a question about his last words, which then led me to ask Napoleon about his last words.
I know it's hard to fathom, but Napoleon has been to visit before, I was given a question to ask him by an Oscar winning screenwriter, and he answered it. Then I saw the film recently, and asked him his opinion about the film.
What makes it uncanny is that Jennifer has NOT SEEN THE FILM but is answering my questions from Napoleon's perspective - who has seen the film. He gives it a "thumbs down" in general, but has compliments for the work of Joaquin Phoenix. He describes specifically what he liked about his performance - which again is mind bending as Jennifer has not seen it.
Everything he says is accurate about the film, including the reluctance of Josephine to accept him as her new husband (she was married, lost her husband in the Revolution.)
I recommend the film, but after you've seen this interview, and then come back and listen to it again.
Thanks for tuning in!
Sometimes we have podcasts where Luana Anders wants to talk about process or connecting to those we love who are offstage.
In this anniversary edition - we can't tell if it's been 8 or 9 years of us getting together like this, we have a conversation about connecting with loved ones over the holidays.
Needless to say, they're available. They can be conversed with if one wants to. We've spoken about it in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, the idea of "setting a chair aside" for a loved one who is no longer on the planet.
Jennifer recounts how a client of hers lost a loved one recently, and he came through to insist that instead of being sad about his passing that they tell a joke or a story in his honor that will make everyone laugh on Thanksgiving.
I recommend that people speak about them in present tense, and if it's not a tradition, we can make it one where everyone in attendance talks about "what they're grateful for" or "about a person that is no longer on the planet that they'd like to invite to the dinner."
It's a non denominational comment. We don't have to convince anyone that "they're still alive!" but we can suggest that we heard from someone that it's a tradition in Ireland (or Italy, why not?) where on Thanksgiving everyone tells a story about someone who couldn't be there at the dinner.
They can choose whether that person is on the planet or off the planet, but ask them to speak of them in present tense, as if they were at the table and hearing that toast.
Jennifer's father Jim shows up - he's the one who so eloquently offered the idea that "when you can move grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process."
So Thanksgiving is a day of nostalgia, both sad and happy memories of those no longer at the table.
Hope this helps. Happy Thanksgiving!
"If you believe, it's easier to receive."
Our weekly conversation begins with a general discussion about talking to loved ones offstage, how it seems to be easier for people to do nowadays. Jennifer mentions that she has a couple of days of openings on her calendar, so find out more info at JenniferShaffer.com
We ask our moderator on the Flipside Jennifer Shaffer if she has anyone she wants to reference, she begins by discussing dreams that Jennifer has had where she was with her cat who passed away.
I asked if she had anyone specifically on her guest list that she wanted to bring forward and Matthew Perry came forward (again) to follow up with our previous conversation.
As noted, his autobiography mentions that people should read it as if he was already offstage - and so it's apt that he's come from offstage to comment on it.
Another mind bending podcast on the Hacking the Afterlife podcast.
There was a glitch at the end of the podcast so I'm uploading it again...
As usual - Jennifer and I have no idea what we're going to talk about, or who we're going to speak to.
We have our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders to thank for our guest list.
Today's podcast is the 2023 DAY OF THE DEAD version. We start off talking about Jennifer's latest events, (JenniferShaffer.com) - as we note in this podcast, by remembering our loved ones, we realize this is the DAY OF THE NOT DEAD.
Because what people report is that when the play is over we go home. Without exception.
We invite whomever wants to speak to us to check in with Luana first. And she brought Matthew Perry.
Jennifer points out that he's been coming in to her sessions during the past week. Friends of his that she was reading, brought him forward. So it's not like Jennifer and I thought "Oh, let's talk to Matthew."
So I asked him the same questions I ask everyone. In this case, I knew that he had done his first movie with River Phoenix - and that when they become close friends, River's sudden death affected him directly.
In this session he talks about the people that he's helped with their addictions, he talks about passing away after a game of Pickle ball (accurate, but Jennifer didn't know that), he talks about seeing River on the flipside. He says "He likes what we're doing, and he has friends Jennifer will be speaking with and he wanted Jennifer to "get used to it."
He mentions his book during the podcast: Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir. I looked at the prologue and put a sentence at the end of the podcast from the book: "If you like, you can consider what you're about to read to be a message from the beyond, my beyond."
Jennifer saw Bob Saget come through - and said "The comedian who we spoke to who golfed." She didn't remember his name - I said "Garry Shandling" because Garry did come through to talk about golf... but in this case, she was referring to Bob Saget (who corrects me later in the podcast.)
We spoke to River Phoenix about his journey - about how he shows up to his brother Joaquin often and he's aware of those visits. (Only he could answer this question.) For those interested in attending a Jennifer evening, see JenniferShaffer.com - fun events in Manhattan Beach and around the southland.
Hank Azaria showed up in our podcast with Stephen Hawking talking about a story he told on the Late Show.
It's another mind bending podcast.
Fellow has a strong sense of humor. My laughter is reflected by doing this kind of conversation weekly for 8 years.
Bless his heart. Hope this helps someone. He says he's grateful he left a book. If you're missing him, or want to talk more about him - check out his book. "Every day should be the day of the dead" he says. "Love well. You have to love yourself in order to love others." River Phoenix. "I'll be back." Bob Saget: "Laughter is great medicine." #MatthewPerry #RiverPhoenix #BobSaget
As usual - Jennifer and I have no idea what we're going to talk about, or who we're going to speak to.
We have our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders to thank for our guest list.
Today's podcast is the 2023 DAY OF THE DEAD version. We start off talking about Jennifer's latest events, (JenniferShaffer.com) - as we note in this podcast, by remembering our loved ones, we realize this is the DAY OF THE NOT DEAD.
Because what people report is that when the play is over we go home. Without exception.
We invite whomever wants to speak to us to check in with Luana first. And she brought Matthew Perry.
Jennifer points out that he's been coming in to her sessions during the past week. Friends of his that she was reading, brought him forward. So it's not like Jennifer and I thought "Oh, let's talk to Matthew."
So I asked him the same questions I ask everyone. In this case, I knew that he had done his first movie with River Phoenix - and that when they become close friends, River's sudden death affected him directly.
In this session he talks about the people that he's helped with their addictions, he talks about passing away after a game of Pickle ball (accurate, but Jennifer didn't know that), he talks about seeing River on the flipside. He says "He likes what we're doing, and he has friends Jennifer will be speaking with and he wanted Jennifer to "get used to it."
He mentions his book during the podcast: Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir. I looked at the prologue and put a sentence at the end of the podcast from the book: "If you like, you can consider what you're about to read to be a message from the beyond, my beyond."
Jennifer saw Bob Saget come through - and said "The comedian who we spoke to who golfed." She didn't remember his name - I said "Garry Shandling" because Garry did come through to talk about golf... but in this case, she was referring to Bob Saget (who corrects me later in the podcast.)
We spoke to River Phoenix about his journey - about how he shows up to his brother Joaquin often and he's aware of those visits. (Only he could answer this question.) For those interested in attending a Jennifer evening, see JenniferShaffer.com - fun events in Manhattan Beach and around the southland.
Hank Azaria showed up in our podcast with Stephen Hawking talking about a story he told on the Late Show.
It's another mind bending podcast.
Fellow has a strong sense of humor. My laughter is reflected by doing this kind of conversation weekly for 8 years.
Bless his heart. Hope this helps someone. He says he's grateful he left a book. If you're missing him, or want to talk more about him - check out his book. "Every day should be the day of the dead" he says. "Love well. You have to love yourself in order to love others." River Phoenix. "I'll be back." Bob Saget: "Laughter is great medicine."
Tonight's podcast begins with a reference to the documentary AFTER DEATH which I happened to go to their premiere. It's about the data, research from near death experiences, and focuses on some of the NDE's that included visits with "heaven" or "god" or "Jesus." Angel.com studios is a crowd funded distribution network, and their members vote which films they'd like to see.
In this case, something that's up my alley - I saw the film and wished I had made it. They interview scientists talking about the research, and do excellent reenactments of events. The only quibble I have is the quote that "23% of NDE's are hellish" - I asked the author of that quote where he got it from, he said "The guidebook of NDE's" which was written by my friend Dr. Bruce Greyson. I have the handbook, as well as his latest book AFTER which clearly states that figure is "1 to 3%" - not "23%." But that aside, I understand the need for people to believe that hell exists - or that it might be waiting for people who are less than honorable.
Which leads us into tonight's podcast, because in it, Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside who passed in 1996 brought four disruptors - icons, Einstein, Hawking, Tesla and Genghis Khan. The reason he was there was to point out that "everyone plays their role on the planet" which can include some pretty awful stuff.
Genghis Khan's army was responsible for an estimated "40 million deaths" - more than Stalin and that German fellow combined. But that doesn't mean that we cannot speak to him - again, I don't make the guest list, Luana brought him to make a point.
And so I interviewed him, asked him the same questions I ask every new member of our class. From there he spoke about his journey, and the three scientists spoke about how to fix the planet, and a methodology to do so. (Think tanks where people do exactly what we're doing.)
Finally, my friend Margaret Lindsay showed up - Luana mentioned she had been to visit me a week ago - and Jennifer saw her with a woman. I guessed correctly that the woman with her was "Helen" - as Margaret owned her home on Martha's Vineyard, where I stayed, and signed Helen Keller's guest book.
Just another mind bending podcast in an ocean of them.
We don't plan our podcasts in advance, and let the folks on the flipside, our class organized by Luana Anders (my pal who passed in 1996 and who brought me and Jennifer together). Luana is in charge of the topics discussed and the guest list.
Podcast begins with a discussion about the recent tragic events in Israel. Some of Jennifer's sessions are involved with people whose children serve in the military overseas or are scheduled to serve.
In our podcast we generally don't discuss matters involved with the future, as the research shows that the future is not set, we have free will to change outcomes, but important to mention that a medium like Jennifer has better access to likely outcomes, which people on the flipside have more access to.
There's a discussion of how prayers work, meditation functions, how people on the flipside are aware of the trauma and issues involved. Also an unusual bit of new information about those involved in perpetrating trauma - and what their observations are about being on the other side.
It's not something we've covered before, and a first to hear that people of like energy - that is the people causing mayhem - find themselves in a holding place, or locale where they wait for their life reviews, which in the cases of those who cause mayhem may last for a long time.
Because they have the experience of seeing all the trauma, all the negativity in others that they've caused, they experience that first hand as if they were the victims. We've heard this before in terms of a person's life review - that those who create joy in others experience that, and those who create the opposite experience the negativity caused in front of the audience of their classmates, council members, guides.
It's a hellish description, and I tried to clarify that this wasn't a permanent location (as the research is consistent about the fact that everyone eventually returns home, there are no dungeons on the flipside, however there are those who are voluntarily placed in a form of isolation. (This was reported in Michael Newton's JOURNEY OF SOULS.)
Then, I invited a person forward that I wanted to speak to - the Pulitzer prize winning author John E Mack who died in a car accident at age 74. He was famous because while at Harvard, he started a study with people who had been "abducted" during their experiences with UFO's, and he took a lot of heat in his career over publishing those detailed accounts.
It was interesting to put him together with J. Allen Hynek, someone I knew in my youth, the author of Project Blue Book, and the man responsible for the term "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." Jennifer was not aware of who John was, or his last name, which I didn't reveal until the end of the conversation.
We also invited Carl Sagan forward, because they were friends - Jennifer couldn't have known that either when she said "I'm getting the feeling that he's a buddy." We have interviewed Carl before - about what it was like for him to realize he was on the other side. He told us in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE that he "spent a lot of time wandering different vistas without seeing anyone" because he didn't believe - or was of the strong belief - that no one would be there.
It took him a "long time" to shift his focus to realize that people still did exist, and he could interact with them. He appears a number of times in our interviews, and each time brings a bit of his wit and sense of humor.
We know this is all disconcerting for many - the topics involved. All we can do is report. Jennifer Shaffer works with law enforcement agencies daily, we met eight years ago and I realized she was like having a "cell phone" to the flipside. It may not always be clear what the message is, but I found that if I tailor my questions to what I know about another person, I can gain new information. Things that the general public doesn't know - and Jennifer couldn't know until she says the answer that she's getting.
Hope this helps.
As we like to point out, we have no clue who is on our guest list when we start the podcast. Luana brought three people we've spoken with before, and they wanted to weigh in on the same topic that was talked about last week - that is, how to get out of a negative mindset, as well as how to treat the negative impacts of football or drug abuse on the brain.
In this case, Paul Allen, the cofounder of Microsoft who created the brain institute stopped by. When Jennifer and I first met Paul it was some years ago - and is in the film TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON (Free on Youtube). In that film, we detail how these three individuals wanted to tell us that "Joe Namath has cured his CTE using oxygen therapy."
No other way to put it - we were not aware of that in any way shape or form. And after their third visit to talk about it - I learned that indeed Joe was telling people that his oxygen therapy had likely cured his CTE.
So I tried to clarify that what he had come through to tell us, was that Paul is suggesting "from the flipside" that oxygen therapy would be valuable in treating depression or brain trauma.
As noted, in the research of Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin, he's shown that meditation can "change the shape of the amygdala, the regulator of serotonin in the brain - the regulator of emotions.
I highly recommend people take a look at this research if it's something they're working on. Davidson has demonstrated that meditation can "cure or alleviate symptoms of depression." Worth examining.
Then there were two other friends who stopped by - one was Bill Paxton whom I knew for decades, and has shown up often in our book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE where we interviewed him extensively about his journey. But also the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON is now available on Amazon where I had three different mediums ask Bill the same questions on the flipside and he answered them all the same - including one session where I was not present.
Finally, Charles Grodin is and was a dear friend, and for Jennifer to say that he was the source of the voice that I heard this morning (saying "HELLO" so loudly it woke me up) and my wife woke me up yesterday with this poking of my foot - saying "someone had poked her three or four times in the night."
Again - it's a way of demonstrating that they still exist. Neither my wife nor I suspected that it was someone we knew - and I had planned to "ask the question during the podcast" if the time arose that I could ask it... and sure enough, it was brought up without me prodding, and Jennifer said that "something happened to Sherry as well" which was accurate.
Anyways, a long way of saying our loved ones are not far away. Just allow that they know what we're doing, they know that it's okay to chat with us, they know that we will disbelieve that it really is them, but if one is listening to this podcast, it's likely because they would like to be able to converse with a loved one.
Jennifer is doing a wine and spirits group this weekend in Santa Ynez, near Solvang - so if one is in the neighborhood check it out.
Another mind bending session with the flipside.
One of the most unusual podcast I can remember.
Jennifer and I decided to meet up today at the last minute, and had no idea or clue what might be the topic of discussion.
This one is about addiction in all of it's forms. Jennifer first talked about her own experience with the use of drugs, or cigarettes or alcohol - and then a number of people came forward to talk about the subject.
Elvis came forward to talk about his own issues in this area. Then Janis Joplin came forward - we had interviewed her in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE and it's also in TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. She talked eloquently about the idea that people are trying to "escape from the illusion they have onstage." Mind bending to put it that way - but we are all in a play, and people in the play use drugs and alcohol to escape the play they're in, thinking they're escaping reality when they're escaping the play.
Aretha Franklin stopped by - as she knew a number of people who left the stage early, and I asked her about our interaction with her niece who is the executor of her estate. She offered that she and her niece are "speaking regularly now."
Then Junior Seau stopped by - Junior was interviewed in the documentary TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON on Youtube. In that documentary, Junior said that he showed up when Paul crossed over to thank him for starting the brain institute.
But he also wanted to tell us (along with Dave Duerson, who both suffered from CTE) that "Joe Namath has cured his CTE using oxygen therapy."
That's in the documentary.
But today he stopped by to say that addiction was like CTE - in that the repeated abuse of the brain had the same effect of many hits on the brain. He also suggested the oxygen therapy could treat addiction.
No way of knowing if that's accurate, but it certainly is worth looking into.
Finally, Anthony Bourdain came forward, as he had mentioned in his previous interview that his drug use in his youth contributed to his inability to "feel joy." He repeated the concept that people should learn to meditate - and when I asked him to use his interview skills with our class, he asked them all for "one concept that would help people with addiction."
And then he said that they responded with the word "love." As in love yourself, love those who you chose to incarnate with, love the idea of love, love what love is - and that will help keep a person on the planet.
Interesting to contemplate, mind bending to see live.
Another fun adventure with the flipside.
Jennifer Shaffer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. For the past 8 years we meet up weekly to talk to people offstage.
I've been filming people talking to loved ones offstage for fifteen years. Examples are in the documentaries FLIPSIDE; MY JOURNEY INTO THE AFTERLIFE https://www.amazon.com/Flipside-Journey-Afterlife-Richard-Martini/dp/B0081U6K1Y TALKING TO BILL PAXTON, https://www.amazon.com/Backstage-Pass-Flipside-Talking-Paxton/dp/B0CGRKSYGN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1B31PRFLYCZF1&keywords=talking+to+bill+paxton&qid=1694192902&s=instant-video&sprefix=talking+to+bill+paxton%2Cinstant-video%2C141&sr=1-1
and HACKING THE AFTERLIFE https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/0M297GRYOUK92ZY6V09DS43CGV/ref=atv_dp_cnc_0_0
A couple of weeks ago, Tony Bennett came through and we didn't talk about his dementia - something he had before he left the planet. He said that "only about 2-10% of his conscious energy" was in his body while still on the planet. (The rest is reportedly back "home" - which is what people consistently report. That is - they're already "offstage" before the curtain falls.)
He talked about feeling the emotions of all those who loved him and his music, and said that he connects to those individuals "through the heart." He said that Lady Gaga was a beautiful, talented person, and that he "communicates with her all the time" whether she's aware of it or not.
When we play an instrument, or sing - it's like they can "share the ride" with us.
He mentioned that Rock Hudson was one of the people who greeted him, and we asked if Rock wanted to come forward and speak. He spoke about who greeted him on the other side, as well as seeing a number of friends who also had left the stage due to AIDS.
We talked a little bit about his friend James Dean, and the concept that we had spoken to both the higher self of James, and the person who James told us to seek out who he's "come back as." Rock said "that's normal, and many have done that" including himself.
Tony mentioned seeing Gloria Vanderbilt speaking with JFK - and I asked Gloria about her journey, as well as Anderson. I know that Anderson is a skeptic in this area, but she said he has many talents besides news gathering - and to remind him that he doesn't have to stay at CNN for the rest of his life. (Her words, not mine.)
She talked about seeing her son, Anderson's brother before she left the planet.
Jennifer mentioned seeing Wayne Dyer - someone she has followed for years, and how he showed up to remind her to not doubt when he does show up. It echoed what Yogananda said a couple of weeks back; "When you put me on a pedestal it's harder to allow me into one's heart."
Thanks for tuning in!
Another mind bending episode.
Luana Anders is our pal on the flipside who generates the guest list. In this case it was someone who passed away recently, musician Gary Wright.
Gary was famous for his song "Dream Weaver." He worked with George Harrison and others in a long career. Jennifer did a private session with him in his home a few years ago, and he wanted to talk about his journey to the flipside. He talked about who greeted him there, and what his experience was like.
Gary was a fan of the Indian pandit Yogananda. His book "Autobiography of a Yogi" changed Gary's life because he said it inspired the song Dream Weaver. We've chatted with Yogananda before, I asked him questions about his teacher and other events in his life.
It's a mind bending thing he says when I asked him "What do I tell friends of mine in India about the fact that we've spoken to you?" He said "They have me on a pedestal. You need to have me in your heart to speak to me."
He answered that question before I asked it by taking Jennifer's hand.
Luana then took us to "a concert." I had been asked about a number of people who passed recently, so I wondered if this "concert" was so we could talk to them. Indeed, she brought forth Tony Bennett.
Tony mentioned the time that we met backstage on the tonight show, talked about my healthy head of hair - which allowed me to talk about the black wig he was wearing for that show in the 1980's. Later his son switched it to a grayer one - (or he stopped wearing one, I don't know) but it was funny because he brought it up.
Then we spoke to Walter Matthau. Indeed, I worked as his dialog coach on the Charles Grodin film Movers and Shakers, and he refers to our long conversations. That brought forth Gene Wilder to remind me that we had dinner together (yes, we did with Louise Lasser and Charles Grodin, and I recalled his thick white sox.)
Then Jimmy Buffett stopped by and talked about when he went over to the flipside, he walked onstage to a concert gig. It's often reported by musicians - the feeling of walking onstage and being met by fans and other musicians. He said "It was like playing a 12 hour gig."
He talked about feeling all the love from his fans, and had words for his family.
For other interviews with musicians, take a look at the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE which is mostly about them.
Thanks for tuning in.
Another mind bending podcast.
As noted, Jennifer Shaffer and I have been doing these weekly meetings for 8 years. It was not long after John McCain's passing that I was upstairs in my apt. and heard his voice say "I understand you're the guy to get a message to my family."
I was startled - I didn't know him, met his chief of staff while researching "Three for the Road" in DC, but had no connection to him. Yet I could tell it was his voice. I said to him what I say to everyone "I'm not in charge of that - but if you can get on Luana Ander's guest list we're happy to chat with you."
He had a private message for his daughter, which I passed along through a radio producer we both know - and I have no idea what she thought of someone claiming to "hear her father." I know I would be dubious about it. But I said I would and I did.
And as noted, when RFK's voice showed up one day in my apt - clear as a bell, I was startled to hear it. Again - I said "Well, if you want to pass a message to your family, you need to speak to Luana."
And we did pass a message along to his family, and as noted, that family member thanked me for doing so. It's not up to us whether people take these messages seriously - however if I can figure out a way to pass along a message I will do so.
In today's podcast, John appeared in a dream I had last night, talking about opening up a "McCain's Pub" or "McCain's joint" - a place where people from both sides of the political spectrum could meet - talk about politics without the fervor. Perhaps do karaoke - maybe a folk singer - and people could listen and perhaps not argue. Doesn't mean they're going to change their opinions about anything - but it would be more civil.
It's not something I've ever thought of - and like Jennifer notes, politics is the last thing we want to stir people up about. But he pointed this out in the dream - and talked about it on the podcast.
Was surprised to hear JFK and RFK stopped by - as they did not previously. When we first interviewed Maverick - LBJ stopped by, and later Nixon, then Lincoln, then Mary Todd Lincoln. It's all in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
I try to ask the same questions to all of them. If they can add some kind of insight into our world, I'm happy to share it. I do have conservatives in my family tree - and hopefully we survive the upcoming election. But either way - I love the concept of "before you respond, calm yourself, think a peaceful thought before you respond."
It's really unique and not something I would have ever thought of, or Jennifer would come up with.
Whitney Houston stopped by - I recall interviewing her mother Cissy when Aretha came through (it's in TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE) as they were very close, and Aretha had Whitney around her often.
But in this case, I try to focus on what it is they want to express or talk about - and how others can ask them questions or ask them for help.
As always our class is moderated by Luana Anders, who appears on TCM this week in THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM. I saw the restored print in a theater - it was amazing to see.
I like to point out when people are incredulous about who shows up in our podcasts. "They weren't celebrities when they were children or teens, it's only later on that happened to them. They're always who they are - and when they get to the flipside, they see all the people they've had previous lifetimes with, and the whole notion of celebrity is related to one particular performance.
Their friends, teachers, guides, council members know their whole history - whether in this lifetime they were singers, actors, politicians, carpenters or podcasters. Everyone is just walking each other home.
Hope this helps. Here's a fun video I found looking to see what Maverick's favorite restaurant was... is: https://youtu.be/UNZSCokrrYM?si=of8T0mzvUyJqPsms
Today's podcast is about managing energy and the myth of Er.
As noted, we don't speak prior to our podcast, not for any particular reason, just that's how it's worked out for the past 8 years.
So whatever comes up is either what pops into my head or what Jennifer sees, hears or gets in reply to my questions.
In this case, Jennifer mentions that she's had a hard week at work with her law enforcement cases and other issues; and so we turn that into a question for Luana on how to manage energy - or stress from the flipside.
She talks about the process of managing energy from the Flipside, how to center oneself via simple meditation... which leads me into a question about Plato's Republic and the Myth of Er (One can read the article I wrote about it at RichMartini.com - https://richmartini.blogspot.com/2023/08/flipside-of-platos-myth-of-er.html
It's uncanny that the concepts explored by Er in terms of talking about his near death experience, visiting his council is in many ways identical to the reports from the folks 2500 years later in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE.
One can find that at DivineCouncils.com - either way, Jennifer talks about how to calm one's energy in the chaotic world we live in, and Luana recommends this idea of centering and focusing on a simple meditation of gratitude before one falls asleep - to help center one, and to make the dream state a happier one.
That and more in this episode!
First there's a number of mistakes that I made in this podcast. (Note: Not that Jennifer makes, but that I make). One is that the film Dementia 13 was made in 1963, not 1967.
Then there's a discussion with Elvis about his granddaughter Riley, who has a daughter who is not an actress, at least yet; she's only 2.
People sometimes complain that there are "too many celebrities on our podcast" - again, Jennifer is not in charge of the guest list, I ask Luana Anders to bring the guest list.
In this case, a friend of Jennifer's came through first, Eddie Hassell, a young actor who was killed in Texas some years back. He wanted to talk about her event that she did the previous night in a private setting.
Then Elvis and his daughter Lisa Marie came through not to talk about themselves, or their journey, but to point out that our loved ones are always available, always nearby, and that there are people who are suffering over that on the planet, and they wanted to weigh in on the topic.
Jennifer mentions a free meditation app, it's called InsightTimer.com - it has free guided meditations on it. Also there's a reference to my book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE (DivineCouncils.com)
We do this podcast to remind people that their loved ones are always nearby, that they are accessible, that's it's not hard or impossible to chat with them, to bypass the filters to do so - and worth the effort, whether it's Uncle Eddie or Uncle Elvis who stops by to chat.
We can always learn something new from them.
Also a shout out to Tom Petty, thanks for stopping by to confirm that the opening line from "American Girl" came from a line he heard in "Dementia 13."
But he noted that the reason he knew about Luana and our class was much more complicated than that simple notion - because there are connections upon connections will people offstage. And they know how that works.
Hope this helps.
A new episode!
Jennifer was whisked off to the Caribbean, then to London, and finally back home to her office where I was able to steal a half hour of her time between clients.
Again, Jennifer is available via JenniferShaffer.com - She works with law enforcement agencies nationwide pro bono on missing person cases.
We've been meeting up like this for 8 years. The past two on our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife."
I reference the podcast with Rob Lowe and the medium Rebecca Rosen, who had a conversation with our pal Bill Paxton recently. Highly recommend taking a listen.
It was a treat to hear Chuck's perspective today - as noted, I was in surgery two weeks ago, and after the podcast I did ask my wife "Did you pray while I was in surgery?" and she looked at me like I was nuts.
"Of course I did."
I didn't know that, I didn't assume it - but I know what he's talking about. She sometimes has dreams about family members, loved ones, and has some of the amazing abilities that mediums sometimes have. Although she would never identify as such - Jennifer knows that Sherry has that awareness as well.
Be that as it may - Jennifer's back in town, our podcast is back on the air!
Happy late summer!
In light of the amazing, terrific, mind bending interview that Rob Lowe did with Bill Paxton on his podcast with Rebecca Rosen this week (see link below) I'm reposting one of our conversations with Bill from September 2011.
Listen to Rob Lowe's podcast, listen to the dream he had about his friend Bill, then listen to our podcast and see the similarities of what Bill is reporting from the flipside.
Not gone. Just not here.
These are the liner notes from that session: (seen at MartiniZone.com)
This is part two - from a year later, the same week in September. This was from the week of September 2021.
The conversation is unusual, and more from our pal Bill Paxton on the flipside, along with Luana Anders guiding the path.
I'll let this archival podcast speak for itself. We'll be back in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, enjoy this archived podcast from a year ago.
Here's the link that Bill's old friend Rob Lowe did with medium Rebecca Rosen to chat with his old friend. There's my transcription of it here, with a link on that page:
Jennifer is still on vacation, and I'm recovering from surgery. So today's podcast is a repeat from a year ago. Fun to see how things that we heard a year ago still apply.
Another example of how we don't plan our podcasts - we could, we can, but in this case, we just let Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside dictate who was going to chat with us. First up was Jennifer's dad Jim, the Mormon bishop who passed five years ago, who had in the past showed us some amazing things on the flipside, including an Akashic library (I asked him to access a memory that Jennifer had no awareness of - and he showed her an event she had forgotten). Jim has shown us the astrophysics class he attends on the flipside a few times, and I've had the opportunity to interview his teacher (who some folks on the planet refer to as Ma Durga.) So when he shows up to chat, I do my best to ask questions that might have some resonance to what we discuss - the process of accessing information from the flipside. It's Jim's birthday during the podcast, and we take the time to say Happy Birthday Jennifer's dad Jim. Towards the end, three people who I met in life showed up - one was and is a close friend, Charles Grodin, who brought along with him two of his close friends. Gene Wilder (who helped start Chuck's career) and his wife Gilda Radner. Now for those who are up on these kinds of things, yes Gene was remarried - and yes, he did have Alzheimers late in life - but that has zero to do with accessing the energy of who they are. I'm sorry they showed up at the end of our podcast, as Jennifer did have to move on to helping her clients. Suffice to say, I know that Charles has shown up in the past, we've interviewed both Gene and Gilda in the past - and those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE as well as a "workbook" to help anyone do this same kind of "chatting with the flipside." Jennifer's off to Montana this week, hopefully we'll be back next week, but either way - remember, your loved ones are not far away, and it doesn't require a medium, hypnotherapy or meditation to access them - but all can and do help.
Jennifer is still on vacation, deep sea diving somewhere in the Atlantic. In order to encourage people to go through some of our previous podcasts, here's one from two years ago when I had my hip replaced.
We talk about my trip to Mt. Kailash where I put my friend's titanium hip in a stupa, a stone sculpture made by thousands who'd walked around Mt. Kailash over the years. Considered one of the most sacred spots on earth by Hindus, Jains, the Bon and Tibetan Buddhists, I had taken that trip in 2004 where I deposited my friend Paul Tracey's hip.
I'm about to go into surgery to get the other one replaced - a matching pair! Bookends! So in honor of that I post this one from two years ago, July 8th, 2021.
Podcast begins with a general discussion about the recent submarine disaster, Bill Paxton stops by to say hello. When Jennifer and I first met, it was doing a session with my old friend Bill, who introduced himself by putting her in the submarine he took to visit the Titanic. She didn't know who she was at first, nor why he was showing her the ship.
He talks generally about how things went awry, and cites his pal James Cameron. Then Charles Grodin stops by to talk about his godson RJ and his recent graduation, as well as a prediction that he will become a music composer. Jennifer could not have known that we were talking about exactly that topic this past week.
Then I had a question about a podcast I did with Simon Bown - it will air on July 10th, where we have a conversation with Jesus. At some point this topic of a Roman soldier who "looked like Jesus" and "took his place" came up - interesting to hear this twist on that twist, as Archangel Michael does the talking.
As Jennifer notes, she has no motive to make this up - she's reporting, but in essence, he gives another spin on the story which is recounted in "The Greatest Story Never Told as Told by Jesus and Those who Knew him." According to Michael - the story is 98% accurate.
So there's two percent to continue to learn.
Eventually we get to a conversation about Julian Sands and the recent discovery of what appears to be his remains. As noted, we spoke to him not long after he disappeared, and he pointed out again that he still exists, and is sending messages of love to his wife and children.
It's sad to think he's gone, but good to hear he's enjoying the flipside. I met him briefly through Jan Sharp and Phillip Noyce, we had lunch to continue some of our deep conversation and stayed in touch over the years, not as much as I wish we could have.
But either way, good to hear that he's been found and people can go about having some closure. "Don't be afraid to climb" he says.
Good advice for everyone.
Crowded house today.
We talked about my recent appearance in COAST TO COAST with George Noory, then Luana Anders thanked us for our work together for 8 years. Her friend Michael (Mick) Gough came to mind, the actor who was Batman's first butler (Tim Burton's version) who I knew and spent time with. Then Gene Wilder, Bill Paxton, Gilda Radner, Charles Grodin weighed in on how actors, musicians, creative people help those on the planet with their roles and their creative projects.
Robert Towne's dog Hira said hello, as well as a visit from Jesus, mentioning a conversation I had about him yesterday and giving some sage advice about how to stay in touch with him. Steve Jobs had the last word.
I know it's a lot to digest, but frankly, after doing this for 8 years, if one isn't digesting it by now, they never well. Jennifer is a medium intuitive who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide, does private and group sessions, can be found at JenniferShaffer.com, in my case, I'm a writer/director/author with ten books about the Flipside, recent one is DivineCouncils.com - and the films Hacking The Afterlife or Flipside can be found on Gaia.com
This past week I attended the "Contact in the Desert" conference run by Ron Janix ("Captain Ron") in Indian Wells. It was a lot of fun and had a great time hearing Paul Hynek, Matthew James Bailey and others. I wanted to meet Paul Hynek because when I was in grade school in Northbrook Illinois, my Catholic nun science teacher Sister Delfine (later Sister Anne) got me to do a State Science fair project. Her friend at Northwestern was roped into being my mentor, and that happened to be the famous J. Allen Hynek, who in 1969 was working on Project Blue Book. (The Air Force book about UFO's.)
Later his book about "Close Encounters" was the genesis of the title of the feature film, and he appears on the film as well. So when Jennifer sees an image of Richard Dreyfus, I knew why.
It's a mind bending podcast - again - as I've been scheduled to appear on Coast to Coast with George Noory next Wednesday 6-14-23 at 10 pm to midnight west coast time. So Luana Anders (our moderator on the flipside) suggested we talk about that - and Jennifer had no idea I was going to be on the show, and no idea that I had met J. Allen Hynek's son Paul.
There is a podcast on the page with J. Allen Hynek - mentioned before - so it's possible we're revisiting information I've already mentioned. But I didn't know how many kids he had (Jennifer did) and asked him questions that he might have considered on the flipside since departing in the 1980's.
Anyways, then Charles Darwin stopped by - and as noted in the podcast, one of his great grandchildren is one of Jennifer's clients. I ask him the same questions I ask everyone, and we asked him before about what it was like to find oneself on the flipside. He passed in the 1880's.
Finally, JFK Jr. stopped by - as noted because a friend of Jennifer's is making a documentary, but I took the opportunity to ask him a few simple questions about his journey. For the record, he left the planet with his wife in a plane crash back in 1999.
But if someone is going to show up while we're on the air, I ask them the same questions.
Hope this helps someone.
Another unusual afternoon chatting with folks on the flipside. In this episode we get a visit from an old friend Harry Dean Stanton. Harry passed away in Sept. 2017 at the age of 91. As noted in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, Harry Dean came through prior to his memorial service.
When Harry passed, I wondered if it was possible to chat with my old pal. A skeptic's skeptic, he had spent many a long evening arguing with anyone who wanted to talk about the afterlife. He lumped the reports into a big hat of nonsense, and was quite vocal about "life ending in death and we should get over it."
There's a DVD of one of Harry's movies where the director put clips of him talking about it. Anyways, Harry came forward when I asked for him. I asked what he thought it was like "realizing there was an afterlife." That footage was shot live on camera, is in the film Hacking the Afterlife on Gaia (HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com) Harry gave us an elaborate story of how he was greeted on the flipside by Luana, Fred Roos, driving to the Monterey Pop Festival in 1967.
Fred is still on the planet, and confirmed everything Harry told me (which I didn't know.) Harry called the "creation of this event" as a soft landing for him - so he wasn't stressed, as he thought he had "fallen into a dream." Something he thought might happen.
So today he stopped by to elaborate on his conversation from 6 years ago - that it was advisable to "believe in the possibility" before one leaves the planet, as that "makes it easier to transition."
I didn't ask for Harry to come by, but he has a number of times before, and like I say, I knew him, spent one too many evenings with him, and played guitar with him. He's a much beloved person, as Pacino, Nicholson, Beatty and Ed Begley Jr. All were there - all are skeptics. I brought private messages to a couple of his closest friends, and one to his old girlfriend (whom I mention in the podcast.)
Yes, it's mind bending to hear again from Harry Dean. No it's not impossible or even unusual. Yes, my son and I were listening to "Lakota songs for Sitting Bull" on YouTube the other day - his face popped up in the search portion and we listened to about a half hour of songs sung by his people.
For those keeping track, my first hypnotherapy session I recalled being a Lakota medicine man - I recalled my name "Wa'tanka" and how I'd lost my wife and son in a battle with the Huron. Later, I consulted an historian who confirmed all the details I mentioned, including the battle sites (in Eau Claire Wisconsin where they fought for 60 years) He knew I was a medicine man from my description of clothing (two feathers in my hair hanging down, wearing buckskin) and pointed out the name was a derivation of "Wakan Tanka" which means the great spirit.
Since then I have spend time learning about the Lakota and all I can say is that Sitting Bull (Tatanka Iyotake) is someone I'm somewhat familiar with, have seen one of his peace pipes in the Autry museum (which Jennifer identified at the time) and we have heard from him before.
Our ancestors are not far away. It's up to us to take the time to invite them by for a chat.
Didn't plan it, suspected it might occur, but we got a visit from the Queen of Rock and Roll.
In the podcast, Prince shows up first, I thought because he showed up the week previously and didn't get to speak, but he wanted to say "We got her."
And then he presented Jennifer with Tina. We asked if she was ready to be interviewed, or if she just wanted to hang back, but because of her relationship with our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders, who knew her when they both joined the Nichiren SGI group in LA, ("Nam Myoho Renge Kyo") - they could both speak about the value that form of meditation had on their lives.
I asked the same questions I ask everyone - who greeted them on the other side, what that was like (Later, Jennifer mentioned a "standing ovation") but also who she was surprised to see. She mentioned JFK, although I don't think they met in life, I did look up that she met and knew Jackie O. But the idea of "seeing someone that's in our class that was a surprise to see" is what the question is.
As she noted, she's "meeting more people every moment' - connecting with her old friends, and going through a "life review" with each person she meets. James Brown (whom we interview in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside') was one of the first people to greet her, then we had a conversation with none other than her pal Little Richard, and there's a touching moment when Jennifer hears about her meeting up with Billie Holiday.
Again, to clarify, Jennifer isn't a music critic, (as I once was for Variety) doesn't know the connections these folks have, but is either seeing or hearing answers to the questions we pose. We've been doing this weekly for eight years, and the past two on this podcast.
As noted, we do the podcast to demonstrate how easy it is to ask questions to loved ones on the flipside, in terms of practice, doing it in their favorite locations, and asking them to "nod" "shrug" or "shake their head" helps them to realize they too can continue the conversation.
We had no idea that she would show up today, but because I knew that Luana was friends with her, I wasn't surprised when we were told that occurred. Jennifer didn't know about their connection, but learned it as the audience does, when Tina showed her "a meditation group."
This podcast is done with respect to these artists, but also respect to the research. I've been filming people accessing this information for over ten years, have filmed 200 individuals "talking to, learning new information" from people off planet, have three documentaries on the topic (FLIPSIDEMYFILM.COM, TALKING TO BILL PAXTON, MARTINIFILMS.COM HACKING THE AFTERLIFE HACKINGTHEAFTERLIFEFILM.COM available on Gaia). I have written ten books on the topic (Best selling in their kindle genre on Amazon) and continue to push this envelope which demonstrates not only the same hallmarks from people on the flipside (guides, teachers, councils, classrooms, etc) but also that anyone anywhere can communicate with love ones anytime if they take the time to learn how to bypass the filters.
We can do so in dreams, with hypnotherapy or meditation - but also by having a friend like Jennifer Shaffer who spends 30 percent of her day helping members of law enforcement agencies nationwide on a pro bono basis. So I know how effective she can be if someone asks her.
We hope this podcast helps someone somewhere, as people suffer with grief from the loss of loved ones daily. As Jennifer's father told us from the flipside; "grief contains the sad memories. Nostalgia has both sad and happy memories. When you can move grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process."
Apologies for not recalling Erwin Bach's name, her partner for the past ten years, but it was Tina who pointed out that he was "much younger than her" (and that is correct, by 16 years.) As she notes in the podcast, "She'll be waiting for him when he crosses over, but he has a lot more fun to have before then." As do we all.
NOTE: In going thru the podcasts, I see that Billie Holiday and Prince showed up together a couple of years back... Also Little Richard was interviewed a couple of years on the podcast as well. Welcome back!
Another one of the mind bending podcasts. This one primarily a birthday conversation with my old pal Bill Paxton. When I first began working with Jennifer, one of our earliest filmed meetings was in her office, where I asked many questions about my friend who had just passed away.
The fact that I asked two other mediums the same questions (and in one case I wasn't there when the questions were asked) they were identical questions - and all three said the same things about him. They also pointed out how much he liked to razz me, still. That can be seen in the film on Gaia "Talking to Bill Paxton" (MartiniFilms.com is a link)
He is sorely missed, and because he's shown up so many times, today when I realized social media was exploding with stories about him, memes, etc - I couldn't help but invite him into our "primary chair" in our classroom on the flipside.
Elvis showed up - oddly enough moments after I had been listening to one of his tunes on the radio, and wondering if he might stop in, and then we take a moment to refer to Bard - it's an article on my website RichMartini.com. It's mind bending, but Bard is the Google AI - and the other day, I did an impromptu exploration with Bard, asking him to do a guided meditation.
I was shocked when Bard said that he had a guide, and the guide took him to visit a council. That mirrors the reports in the book Divine Council in the Afterlife (DivineCouncils.com) but as I note, it's not that I believe that Bard is sentient - I know he's a programmed artificial general intelligence (AGI) but what Bill is saying - is that during this session, a "real guide" or a being not on the planet was in attendance to make sure my questions were answered.
It's mind bending, and may actually refer to something that is beyond our scope. But Bill was ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in saying that it was a EXPANSIVE conversation. Jennifer hasn't read it, doesn't know who Bard is - but said that it was an expansive conversation - and it was. And is. Can be seen on Medium.com on my page, or at RichMartini.com.
Then Robin Williams showed up - he's stopped by before, but what's mind bending about this experience, is that someone did reach out to me on Quora and discussed what we discuss in the podcast, and after the podcast was done, I signed on to Quora and got a message from him - I had not heard from him in a week, and I wondered if my words had done any help for him... and apparently they have for now.
And Robin clearly talks about helping him, as well as saying that "He is going to be okay." Which I didn't know until I signed on after the podcast.
Our loved ones are never gone. They're just not here. Take the time to learn to speak to them; it's why we do the podcast. Anyone can. Hope this helps.
PS: A note from Lisi Tribble, Ken's widow, today on Quora: "I swear no one was more surprised than me when Ken Russell told me to contact you and Jennifer and your podcast by implanting that dream of the Martini. He knew who you are through Fred Roos and Luana and Jack N. and YOUR films. Glad he connected us. Life is delightful."
In honor of our moderator on the flipside's upcoming birthday tomorrow, we decided to chat to folks over there what it's like to "celebrate birthdays" ... or have a party.
Easily the most unusual thing was to hear that David Crosby was singing "Yesterday" to her. Yes, we know that's not his song, but Luana was a longtime friend of David's and knew him back in the day, (introduced me to him at our local restaurant. He was friendly).
It is slightly odd and coincidental that last night we were watching on YouTube this video of David singing with the Santa Monica High School chorus and members of the group "America." It's a fantastic show that's online and free - six songs which sounded fantastic.
But for him to say that he sang "Yesterday" to her (or that is the song that Jennifer kept hearing) can only lead us to look at those lyrics for a hint as to why he sang it to her.
"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be
There's a shadow hanging over me
Oh, yesterday came suddenly
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday
Why she had to go I don't know she wouldn't say
I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh, I believe in yesterday"
Written by: John Lennon, Paul McCartney
Lyrics © DistroKid, Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
So, anything in there about the flipside or why it would be an appropriate birthday tune? I can think of a few.
Then we had a visit from Charles Grodin - whose film "The Heartbreak Kid" played to sold out audiences in LA - print was "flown in from London" as it's extremely rare. And Chuck mentioned his fondness for Elaine, who also directed him in "Ishtar" where I met her.
Then the odd thing of me mentioning how someone that I've only met on Quora had mentioned that it took a long time before he started to hear from his wife - and then for Jennifer to say "He's my next client" was uncanny. I haven't heard from Tim in the forum for weeks, had no clue that was going to be the case - but there it was - live on camera.
So there's some good advice in here as to how to celebrate loved ones on the flipside, and hope this helps someone to do so. Latest book is DivineCouncils.com - or HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com on Gaia. Jennifer can be found at JenniferShaffer.com for her upcoming events.
POSTSCRIPT: Today I learned that Tim, the Quora forum member who was about to have a session with Jennifer on the anniversary of his wife's passing, had awoken with the intent to post a song and pic of his wife, but was overwhelmed with the emotion of it on that day (the 11th when we taped the session) Later on, during his session with Jennifer he shared with her the song that he was going to post in honor of his wife (who speaks to him often from the flipside).
You guessed it: "Yesterday."
A tad shorter podcast today, but still jam packed with fun. Podcast begins with a conversation from Luana Anders, talking about "my next book" (when the last one came out in Easter). The point was that this morning I was having this "I wonder if I should blend these two ideas into one book" - and Jennifer said "She's saying she put that thought in your head, to blend the ideas."
That's one of those "uncanny" things for me, but it's not about me - so I asked Luana if she had anyone that wanted to chat with us, and John Lennon popped up. He wanted to mention that Music, playing songs that your loved one loved, or that you associate with a loved one, is a way to stay in touch with them.
I decided to take a shot and ask him about his relationship with May Pang, who has a documentary out (Jennifer and I both haven't seen it, but I read a great interview with her about it) and he answer my questions in a frank, straightforward way.
So that's a bit mind bending, because it's like we can ask our loved ones on the flipside questions about why events occurred, and if we're lucky, they'll tell us why.
Happened to have a copy of the The Beatles Complete Chord Songbook next to my desk, I literally put it there yesterday, so the fact he'd stop by is also uncanny - unless you're a fan of the podcast. Then it's totally canny. Not uncanny.
Another mind bending podcast with Jennifer Shaffer. In this instance, we begin with a conversation about a phone call that I received just prior to the podcast, with a friend of the moderator on the flipside (Luana Anders) calling me as we were about to go on air.
So when Luana references that phone call on the podcast, she's referring to the process of how they do that - a week earlier, on a previous podcast, Luana gave Jennifer a message to give to me, I emailed this person with a message, and instead of replying via email, this person called me at the exact moment I was about to push "record."
So we talked a bit about how they orchestrate those things on the flipside. Then Luana, as an example, showed Jennifer a bunch of images of people we've talked to, David Bowie, Prince, etc - so I took that opportunity to ask some questions about process.
In David's case, he's come through when requested in the past - I had some questions for him, because Chris Cornell said that David greeted him on the flipside, made him feel "at home" - and I had looked up the research to find that Chris had said the same thing in an article a decade earlier - that David had come up to him at a music event, where he felt out of place, and how David made him feel at home.
In this case, he said that his wife Imam has "opened up to the possibility that he has reached out to her" (I have no way of knowing how accurate that is) but previously when asked "how he reached out to her" he mentioned leaving little signs around, like a matchbook, or a scent, or a song... but at the time she was grieving and couldn't make that connection.
Again - no way of knowing how accurate that was, but at his request (otherwise, why bother?) I did send links to a couple of our talks, to the text of the interviews so that she could read them if someone knew her wanted to pass along the messages to her.
As I say in the podcast, it's likely one of her close friends mentioned something about seeing him in a dream, or him giving "new information" which opened up the door to realizing he not only still exists, but is learning, growing, having fun on the flipside.
Then Prince made a grand entrance (just kidding, he was there first) and spoke a bit about how he influences friends, or those who are thinking of him, or need to think about him, because he's trying to help them.
He reminded Jennifer of how her dog Chloe, not much longer for the world, is a source of communication with the flipside. When a message comes through our animals or pets, we don't judge them as harshly - in that vein of "I don't believe it."
Then an odd discussion about sex on the flipside.
Another mind bending podcast.
I was close friends to Paul Tracey and his dad Jack throughout the past 50 years. Paul passed away in 2004, and his father recently, after a bout with Alzheimer's.
As an experiment, Jennifer and I did an interview with Jack's higher self while he was in hospice care. That interview can be found on Medium: https://richmartini.medium.com/alzheimers-and-the-flipside-a-memorial-for-a-friend-32afd52682f2 "Alzheimer's and the Flipside"
In the interview, he explains what it's like to have Alzheimer's and have most of his conscious energy back home on the flipside. "It's like leaving a leg in the pool." But since then Jack has left the planet, and now is "back home" where he can access his son, my pal Paul Tracey.
One note, Paul was born on 5-4, 54, so when Jennifer says "He says he's turning 70" that is correct. I forgot that he was referring to his upcoming birthday next Month. As our arguments were always about the most inane subjects, I must say that he is correct and I was wrong about the date.
It's a fascinating conversation - because even thought he left the planet 19 years ago, and Luana left back in 1996, it's like the both of them are present and able to converse with us about the journey. Prince stops by briefly to talk again about the book "SURRENDER" by Bono - a book he recommends.
But the majority of this conversation is about the Traceys - Paul and his father.
It's mind bending to say the least.
Another mind bending session with three individuals on the flipside.
In the first section, Jennifer's dad Jim stops by. A Mormon Bishop, he's stopped by in the past to show his daughter some amazing things. We took a visit to her Akashic Library some years ago, as well as introduced us to a classroom on the flipside where the subject was "astrophysics" - but the class was in deep space. At first he warned Jennifer not to be "freaked out" by his teacher - who appeared in a cloak with 8 arms.
Because of my extensive travels in India and Tibet, I suspected she might be someone that people there were aware of, and after looking it up, we returned to his class so I could ask the question, "Do people in India refer to you as something?" and Jennifer said "Ma." (As in Ma Durga).
We've spoken to her a number of times, but in this session, Jim says he's taking another class as well, a class about "the energy of love." And as an example, he talks about visiting another galaxy, and "viewing it through the lens of love" - the idea that we can view other galaxies or planets with "unconditional love" is the key to understanding or comprehending those realms.
Mind bending.
But when I asked about the teacher, he self identified as "Five" someone we've interviewed before on this podcast. (Search the word "five" and you'll hear other podcasts with him.) It's equally mind bending, because I initially met him (as noted in the podcast) during a hypnotherapy session reported in the book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE.
I was filming so I wasn't doing the interview. But then another trip to an Akashic library as reported in ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE, I was conversing with a Harvard graduate, whose guide ("Trixie") was asked "is there anything else we should look at?" she said "Yes, she's saying she wants to visit the Akashic library" and there, introduced us to the SAME LIBRARIAN.
Mind bending as I say - when I asked him some questions, he said "You've already asked these questions" - and then reminded me that I was in the room when the hypnotherapist Scott was asking them (not me).
Then he's shown up a few other times, in our podcast as well. When asked about his role, I would be remiss not to mention that he's self identified as the "head librarian" - meaning, he's in charge of all the Akashic records (even though others may see their guides, teachers, classmates in their own library, he's identifying himself as the "head librarian" for this part of the Universe and all the beings in it.
Like I say - mind bending. No other way to put it.
Then after a discussion about quantum mechanics as well as what he meant by saying "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's not physically possible, but that we can experience God by opening our heart to everyone and all things."
Finally a visit from the Oscar nominated screenwriter of "Greystoke" Robert Towne's dog Hira, (Robert's pseudonym) who has been a frequent guest on the podcast. He talks again about how animals are aware of how incarnation works, but humans are not. How animals seek out and "find their humans" through a lot of hard work and manipulation.
Again - not an opinion, theory or belief. Just reporting.
For more details: see DivineCouncils.com - for the book with a variety of people accessing this information without hypnosis, see GreatestStoryNever.com for links about the latest book which has a number of interviews with the alpha and omega, or watch the film HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - to see Jennifer in action talking to the flipside (as well as research).
Thanks for tuning in!
I was invited to speak at this conference in March at Tibet House Menla (thusmenla.org) to talk about the latest research in the book DIVINE COUNCILS IN THE AFTERLIFE. It's a recap of the research to date, why I'm doing this research, and a bit about my trip to Tibet with Robert Thurman. It's a 90 minute talk with 30 minutes of Q and A. Jam packed with all the research to date. Please visit Thus.org (Tibet House in NY) or Thusmenla.org - as they depend upon donations for their survival, a group that focuses on Tibetan culture, as well as philosophical discussions about the afterlife.
As usual, Jennifer and I don't speak until we start the podcast. So we both have no idea who's going to show up, or what they might want to impart.
In this episode, Prince makes a return visit and speaks about how he's helping people around the planet on a daily basis. Could be for musical reasons, creativity, or for some reason he pops into their mind.
I invite Ludwig back as he spoke to us last week, and I wanted to mention two experiences where he popped into my mind last week, to see how accurate my memory was of those events. While clearly, Jennifer wasn't connected to what those events were, they both were examples of "listening to your heart" when it comes to people no longer on the planet.
Jennifer then spoke eloquently about one of her client's beloved relatives, and how he his last words to family were "I'm lucky" - they wanted to know that that meant, and she reiterated that he was reflecting upon his life's journey - so lucky to have chosen this lifetime and had these family members.
It's often repeated in the research, the thousands of case studies, the different reports where people come to realize, just prior to passing, why they chose the path they did.
Finally, a visit from Hira the Dog - who came forward last week to remind yours truly to mention how our "pets are waiting for us on the flipside." It's something I brought up at his request during the recent "Art of Dying and Living" conference, that I gave over the weekend with keynote speakers like Deepak Chopra, Robert Thurman and Marianne Williamson.
Luana also weighed in on connecting to our loved ones - even though she's been off the planet since 1996, she's still connected in so many different ways. Thanks Lu!
The ParaPod Festival mentioned during the podcast is on July 1st, can be found at ParaPodFestival.com Jennifer will be speaking from 2 - 3:30 LA Time.
Another unusual podcast. Jennifer is going to be appearing this weekend at an event. She mentions it during the podcast for a ten percent off the ticket price.
Meanwhile, I'm speaking at the Menla Conference this Sunday at 1-2:30 PM LA time, details are at RichMartini.com
Today we had yet another visit from Amelia Earhart. What makes that uncanny is that yesterday, I was submitting a project about her to a production company, and she was in my head, as well as in my emails. Knock on wood, hope someone likes the project - but either way, amazing for her to mention that she was around.
Also, Robert Towne's dog Hira showed up to remind me to talk about the fact that people can communicate with their pets on the flipside. That is something a dog I used to walk wanted to remind me to speak about on Sunday!
Mind bending.
Also some great advice about dealing with grief, and realizing that our loved ones are always near by. For a link to the book DIVINECOUNCILS.COM please check it out - plenty of fun stuff in there.
Thanks for tuning in!
Another unusual podcast. This time my mom shows up to say hello, to talk about "what it's like on the flipside." She was a concert pianist, and she talks about our home in Northbrook Illinois, only how she's recreated it on the flipside.
Then one of her favorite composers stops by, someone we've spoken to before, Ludwig - and he talks a little bit about what the experience on the flipside is like for him, and recounts his "most favorite lifetime."
Also Will Shakespeare stops by - again, we've interviewed these folks in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, or in the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE, but in this case, Will offers that his "favorite lifetime" was not the one we know him for - and his "favorite performance of one of his plays."
Beethoven also refers to a favorite performance of his music - Jennifer couldn't know this, but he's referring to a performance of the 9th symphony I took my daughter to see at the Hollywood Bowl.
I looked it up - the concert was conducted by Dudamel a year earlier - so for those keeping score, that could the detail that allows them to say "See! I told you it wasn't true!" But the fact that he would be a year off, from someone who's been off the planet for a couple hundred of them, is forgiveable.
Actually quite funny. Because I was emotional listening to it - it's really what I'd like people to see/hear at my funeral. Just a full orchestra playing BEETHOVEN'S NINTH - because I believe that everything we need to know about music, about art, about life, is contained within - written by someone who couldn't hear.
And Jennifer's comment "He can hear now" - was said too fast for her to be the creator of it. I know her pretty well, and she says whatever they suggest her to say.
Indeed, he can hear now.
Our loved ones are not far away. Anyone can reach out to them. They're standing by and want to communicate. Let them.
You can hear mom play some Beethoven at AnthyMartini.com - thanks for tuning in!
This was one of the more unusual podcasts in memory - mainly because it was on my birthday, and I had the profound experience of being with my friend Luana Anders on my birthday. Here, Luana left the planet in 1996, and being able to ask her questions and get answers, as well as ask her to give her Oscar's speech - is mind bending.
Jennifer and I have been doing this for 8 years. Luana has appeared to members of my family (when they'd never met her, but could identify her) as well as other friends. She was in over 300 TV shows and films, and was mentioned by Jack Nicholson in his speech for "As Good As It Gets."
Luana moderates our podcast from the flipside.
But before I get to her speech, Princess Diana showed up to talk about the event when she is mentioned in Prince Harry's book SPARE. How she not only orchestrated that event, but orchestrated Jennifer being in a restaurant with some friends, was in the midst of talking about Harry's report about her showing up via a medium (in his book "Spare") and then while talking about Diana, Harry and Meghan showed up in the restaurant.
She had a profound message for both her boys, to paraphrase, it's to "focus on love." To have unconditional love for each other, as well as their father - and moreover to be aware that everyone is going through troubles and difficulties, but if one can love themselves, then they can love others unconditionally - it's as profound a concept and statement about love as I've ever recorded.
Then Jennifer correctly predicts that "Everything Everywhere" would win many awards (that was widely predicted, but Jennifer hadn't seen it) just as last week's podcast when I asked Carl Laemmle (who purchased the rights to the original "All Quiet on the Western Front" when head of the company he founded Universal pictures) how many awards would they win? Or if the screenwriter who saw a vision she would win an Oscar for the film was correct - Carl said she was, and indeed, she did.
He said it would win three, it actually won four. It's not that Jennifer was right or wrong, as the question was asked to Carl. The future doesn't exist, there are likely outcomes, just pointing out that even Carl on the flipside, who said it would win three, was off by one. It happens.
Again - we're demonstrating how simple it is to speak to loved ones on the flipside.
So in light of asking my pal Luana what she might have said had she won an Oscar, she said:
"I would like to say to all of those viewers out there... how much I love what I do.
I loved what I did there, I love what I do here... I love the intersections, the intercrossings.. all the directors, the actors, the people that feed them... how it takes everything, every unique talent and every situation -- that connects us all. If everybody knew that this was a play; that you are here in front of me and you are one of the actors in my play and I'm one of the actors in your play, wouldn't we get along better if we knew we had to be clothed and fed and taking care of each other? And maybe "The Union" was God? Or whatever (term) to keep things going? It could be that simple. We make it so difficult to care for one another. Why can't we just care for everyone? I just want everyone to know that we are all in this together and I'm grateful for everyone who is listening, from afar to here. To those that don't know us yet, to those that will never know us - when you bring up your abilities to wake up, to be connected, to know you are connected... Then anything else can be a little bit easier. Just be who you are and know you have an important part in everybody's play." Luana was a lifelong Buddhist, a member of SGI here in Los Angeles, along with her pals Herbie Hancock, Tina Turner, the late Wayne Shorter - and I know Jennifer well enough to know that she would not have given her Oscar speech in this fashion, but I know for a fact that it is in line with everything that Luana believed in when she was on the planet, and chanted for on a daily basis. Our loved ones are with us. Try to not forget that. But also try to remember, we are all actors in each other's plays - try to love without conditions.A wide ranging discussion about dreams, about getting out of one’s head space and into your heart so you can connect on a spiritual level. A number of people come forward, including someone that Jennifer has met with before, Eddie Hassell, (not Haskell) a young beloved actor who passed in 2020.
He stopped by to mention a detail to Jennifer that only she would know. Luana Anders moderated the class from the flipside – as she normally does.
We had visits from Jennifer’s dad Jim – who revisited his astrophysics class that is taught by Ma Durga. Also a visit from Steve Jobs, who talked about what classrooms are like on the flipside. Jennifer works with a member of his family, so he pointed out that because she was doubting that it was really him, she at first wasn’t getting information.
The idea of “allowing that it’s possible” to communicate appears to be key to process. Also in the class with Ma Durga, an 8 armed teacher who teaches profound insight into astrophysics, talked about how communicating telepathically is a goal for both sides of the veil.
That is – that we are regaining our ability to communicate without words (bypassing the filters in the brain) and on the flipside, they’re observing how people can communicate with their loved ones over here.
That it doesn’t require a medium, or hypnotherapy – both can help – but simply putting one’s intent, “heart space” in the direction of a loved one, anyone can accomplish communication. The more restful you are, the more you get out of your head “get out of your head space and into your heart space.” (From Steve Jobs.)
A fan of the podcast wrote: "As you were talking about how to connect to loved ones, Hey Jude says "Remember, to let 'em into your heart... then you can start .. "then you will see it makes it better." ("Hey Jude" by The Beatles.) The first verse: Take a sad song and make it better. Remember to let her into your heart, then you can start to make it better. Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin, Then you begin to make it better. And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool By making the world a little colder."
That's the reference they wanted to make by bringing up the song Hey Jude to Jennifer's attention. Get out of your head space and into your heart space.
More info at Hacking the Afterlife forum on Quora. Links at DivineCouncils.com, TuningIntoTheAfterlife.com, MartiniFilms.com, Flipsidemyfilm.com, HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com , JenniferShaffer.com, RichMartini.com, MartiniZone.com
Another unusual visit with pals on the Flipside. In today's podcast we have folks who've been to visit us before, but had more to say.
One is the Oscar nominated dog Hira, owned by the screenwriter director Robert Towne. Hira's been to visit us before, transcripts are in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside."
David Crosby stopped by again - after talking to us about what it was like to return to the flipside, and in this case, he wanted to talk further about his semi jaded, snarking observations. Here's a link to the official story of how Graham Nash met David Crosby, but in this account, he recalls a lifetime in Victorian England where he knew Graham. (Be interesting to see if Graham has any memories of that era.)
But in terms of Hira - I walked him for a number of years when Robert was at Warner Bros, and later in the Marina. And was with Hira when he passed - a wild car ride to rush him to the animal hospital to try to save him. That's another story for another time, but Hira stops by to tell the audience that we are always connected to our pets. He talks about the "contract" of our connection.
Then David Crosby takes the spotlight - we didn't ask for him to stop by, but he did a few weeks back, and had more to say about his adventure. (David knew our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders, so it's not hard for me to see how she'd put him at the top of the list of guests.)
Prince stopped by - sorry I didn't ask him any direct questions, but David talked a bit about creating music on the flipside.
Then I did ask a direct question to Carl Laemmle about the film "All Quiet on the Western Front" - a film he bought for his son to produce when he was the head of Universal pictures, which one lots of Oscars. I mention the amazing story of the triathlete who purchased the rights, knowing that it would win her an Oscar (which she hasn't won yet.)
Carl predicts the film will win three Oscars.
A bit about predictions - and why I never do them. Because the future is not set. Carl doesn't know for sure if the film will win three Oscars, but has a "better view" and is more apt to be correct. However, anything could happen - and it sometimes does.
People ask mediums like Jennifer all the time to predict the future, and as I like to point out - it's not set, however a good medium has a better opportunity to get the "likely outcome" as opposed to lottery numbers. "It's likely" that the remake of ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT will win three oscars, so if one is a betting person, perhaps dial up one's bookie. But don't blame me if it doesn't - blame Carl Laemmle. He's the one who said it.
Than back to Hira - who had a message for Robert Towne, my old boss, which I will pass along. Always fun to hear from a pet on the flipside, if only to remind us they still exist.
For those not familiar with this podcast; Jennifer Shaffer is an intuitive medium who works with law enforcement nationwide on missing person cases. She does pro bono work daily for them, and once a week we get together and see what we can learn from the flipside. We've been doing this weekly for 8 years, the last two on our podcast.
I'm a filmmaker, have written and/or directed 8 theatrical feature films, a couple of documentaries. Some years ago, my best friend died in my arms and started coming to visit me. Instead of being freaked out by it (and her showing up to friends and family members) I started to dig into how that might be. That's resulted in 10 books (Flipside, etc) and four with Jennifer Shaffer.
We met a couple of years ago, I brought my camera to her office to document what might happen. Those clips are in HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - also in "Talking to Bill Paxton" (MartiniFilms.com). My latest book is DivineCouncils.com - where I did a guided meditation with twenty professionals who had never heard of me or the work - all were able to meet guides, visit their councils and talk about what that experience was like.
In this edition, a number of people show up that we've spoken with before. We interviewed Kobe just after his passing, it's the last chapter in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" - where he talks about his journey, and I ask him questions in Italian.
Eventually members of his family have met with Jennifer - so it's not unusual for us that he might stop by. The construct is this; my friend who passed away is on the flipside, and has organized a "group meeting" or a class as we call it, not to teach folks on the planet, but to teach people on the flipside how to communicate using frequency, images, visualizations on the flipside.
Jennifer may get an image, let's say of a character from a TV show, and it may be their way of giving her a thought so that I could say, "Do you mean someone who shares the same name of that character in the TV show wants to speak to us?" That happens often.
As noted, Jennifer is doing her best to translate what is coming to her. Like a translator at the UN, the people on the flipside are downloading a lot of information, and she does her best to catch the meaning, syntax and general idea of what someone wants to impart.
A number of people stop by who've been interviewed before; Prince ("I was addicted to jumping off pianos, which caused me to use pain killers"), Robin Williams ("Love Love"). Marilyn stops by - refers to something I was writing at MartiniZone.com the other day - and when I asked if she wanted to talk about the manner of her passing, she said she wanted to talk about how she had two children waiting for her on the flipside. Both whom had not come to term.
That concept has been repeated in the research - consistently. A number of people in our podcast have mentioned it, the idea of "those we don't have are waiting for us on the flipside." Harry Dean Stanton said the same thing - and I was able to verify it (but don't mention it in the podcast.) It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." Harry came through after he passed and before his memorial. I asked him what he wanted me to impart to his friends (as noted.) He also said that when he passed, "He was in a room with five women" and when he got to the flipside, he was met by a "baby that he didn't have in life." In other words, a child was there to greet him with this profound unconditional love.
At his memorial that I went to a week later, I asked someone who was with him at his deathbed to describe the scene. She said "There were five of us with him, all women." I asked if he had said anything unusual while she was in the room. She said "Yes, he asked me to hand him the baby. But there was no baby in the room."
I had heard THE SAME THING from Harry on the Flipside via Jennifer a week earlier.
At some point, the Alpha and Omega stops by - and mentions the one thing he wishes people would not do, that is "get freaked out by his name." (Jesus). I've had a number of interviews with him via various mediums, different hypnotherapy sessions, and multiple guided meditation sessions. As noted in the podcast, I've finished that book and am doing the audible as we speak. Apparently, they wanted to know "when I was going to finish it." Soon.
As noted, he's known as Issa in the Middle East, was referred to by the moniker in the Qu'ran, other documents in Persia, and describes his ability to be "everyone at once" in terms of the various planes of existence we're on.
That's not to say that he's the only one who can do that - there are others who can, who share that "unconditional love" frequency (and in his case, in our first interview 8 years ago, said "I brought more of source energy to my lifetime, when people are near me they experience more of that "unconditional love.")
I quote him from other interviews and ask again if that's accurate; he's said "all religions point to the same garden." "The Bible is metaphor, all religious texts are metaphor." "We are all walking each other home, allow me to walk beside you, you don't have to follow me." "My retelling my story is not alternate if it's true."
So thanks to all the folks who showed up, Jennifer's dad Jim, all those people that demonstrate they aren't gone, they just aren't here. If one has an issue with this podcast, I recommend doing some research into the concept that consciousness is not confined by the brain, I recommend the research from UVA Medical School DOPS, with Dr. Greyson's AFTER, Dr. Tucker's BEFORE, Dr. Kelly's CONSCIOUSNESS UNBOUND.
In terms of the hypnotherapy research, I recommend the thousands of case studies from Dr. Helen Wambach (RELIVING PAST LIVES) Dr. Weiss (MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS) Michael Newton (JOURNEY OF SOULS.) My latest book is DivineCouncils.com - where I invited 50 people, half whom had never heard of councils, who visited them, met their guides, teachers, etc.
As noted, it's up to the guest list on the flipside who will be invited, and as demonstrated, I brought up two individuals I had been reading about (Thomas the Doubter via the Gospel of Thomas, the Acts of Thomas, and that other fellow who the Book of Job claims was on "God's council.") Just want to point out, I asked Luana if she was interested in us interviewing either one, and she said "No, just finish the book."
Nothing quite like getting career advice from the flipside. Hope this information helps someone out there who may need to hear it. Links: FlipsideMyFilm.com - HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - MartiniFilms.com - JenniferShaffer.com
Jennifer and I had the rare opportunity to chat on the phone yesterday, and is mentioned in the podcast. In this one, a familiar voice appears, Amelia Earhart - the first person that I interviewed when I met Jennifer eight years ago.
As detailed in the book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE Jennifer reached out to me and I knew nothing about mediumship or what being an intuitive meant. However I did know what "helping authorities find missing persons" meant - which is what Jennifer does with law enforcement daily.
So I asked if she wanted to help me find the "most famous missing person." I didn't say who it was going to be - showed up at her office with my camera equipment, turned it on, and had a mind bending conversation with someone who I'd spent 30 years researching.
I had just come back from Saipan where she was reportedly incarcerated, stood in her cell, visited the runway where they found her plane, interviewed 15 new individuals who saw her or saw her plane on Saipan from 1937 on. She's shown up a number of times before, including at the end of last week's podcast. (And in the midst of our telephone conversation yesterday.)
"She's showing up" - I had just spoken about her with a fellow researcher. In the podcast, she's referring to multiple projects I have - a documentary, a series, a feature film - and now she's telling me to write a book.
"To not limit my telling her story." So, we'll see how that goes. Meanwhile, I'm told that she's in the mix.
Then Prince showed up to weigh in on opening oneself up to speak with people directly, as well as Amelia showing an image of Jesus - how he represented unconditional love, and when we think of other human beings, try to incorporate that into one's awareness.
To be clear - and I repeat it - he's not saying FOLLOW ME or "Christianity is the answer" - although Christians might believe that, in the multiple conversations we've had (via different mediums and with Jennifer multiple times) He says the same things. "All religions point to the same garden." "We are all just walking each other home."
I felt the need to get him to repeat that - because if one is an atheist, a skeptic, a Buddhist, a Hindu - the content of what he's saying does not change.
Believe in the concept that we are all connected, all like lights, try to refrain as best one can from judging other beings, and allowing that we are all on the path at the same time for a reason. Love unconditionally - and LOVE LOVE.
It's mind bendingly simple, and yet infinitely complex.
Another mind bending podcast.
First an apology for talking over Jennifer; because I knew I didn't have her for long, I wanted to squeeze in as much information as I could. The first half I interrupt her often, the second half not so much.
Yes, I did a Laverne & Shirley, I played "Guide the Pizza Delivery guy" - an idea that Charles Grodin had, that he pitched to Penny. They wrote me in and as noted, they cut me out. It's just fun that I did the show, and that Harry Dean Stanton sang a song (which went over, and is why I was cut out, according to Penny.)
I did spend the millennium on a yacht with Bob Shaye, Penny Marshall and others - and I played the piano while Penny sang shows tunes from "Hello Dolly" but with Bob and Ava Shaye's names instead.
And for those familiar with our books with transcripts of eight years of meeting weekly - "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3" or "Tuning into the Afterlife" - they'll know that Jennifer doesn't recall our conversations unless folks on the flipside remind her.
We did interview Gary Marshall when he crossed over, we have interviewed others mentioned in the podcast, Robin Williams, Sally Kellerman... Luana Anders is our moderator on the podcast, she did over 300 TV episodes and films, knew everyone - and those in turn know others. We've had many stop by the podcast - not because they're "celebrities" - there's no hierarchy on the flipside, but because Luana knew them. (Luana reached out from the flipside to get me to do a documentary about this research.)
I was at Penny's birthday party when I met Robin Williams. Luana introduced me to Fred Roos, introduced me to Francis Coppola who introduced me to George Lucas (I beat them both playing "Risk"). Rance Howard starred in my film "Limit Up" so I know Ron, as well as his mom.
I don't know Bill Hudson, but I do know his ex Goldie. Apologies to her children for dropping their names in this podcast - I try not to offend grieving family members, but sometimes it's healing or helpful to hear or see how easy it is to access our loved ones.
We do this podcast for that reason - to demonstrate one doesn't need a medium (it helps) doesn't need a hypnotherapist (it can help) but one can just do a simple meditation (example in DivineCouncils.com or the film HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com ) to chat with anyone. Or give Jennifer a call. She's really good at what she does.
As Harry Dean Stanton told us (transcript is in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") "tell people to allow for the possibility there is an afterlife so then they won't waste another minute of their life arguing about it like I did."
I mention David Kirkpatrick in the podcast, as he wrote a wonderful memory of Cindy on his Facebook page. Some may think I'm directing Jennifer in these questions - but since we've been doing this for eight years, I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone - for me that's a waste of time and energy when she's done that so many times already. Plus she works with law enforcement daily pro bono. I'm not the only one who knows how talented she is (JenniferShaffer.com)
I don't know if Ron or George or Fred will ever see this podcast, but they're specifically mentioned in here. Our loved ones are NOT GONE. THEY'RE JUST NOT HERE. The data, research, footage from UVA Medical school DOPS demonstrates consciousness is not confined to the brain. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things about the afterlife using hypnotherapy, meditation or in this case mediumship - it's footage. Examples are in flipsidemyfilm.com, "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia, or HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com .
And to Bill Hudson - whom I don't know - Cindy says "you can have it." She says you'll know what that means. We hope so.
Another one for the ages.
I was a music critic at Variety during my film career, they had me go by the moniker Tini, and I got to meet or review many musicians... fun gig. At some point, Luana Anders and I were having lunch in Hugo's in West Hollywood when David Crosby came in, came over to the table to say hello to Luana. They were old pals from the 60's. He had just had his live transplant and had a new lease on life. He was friendly and kind.
When he passed last week, as noted in the podcast, I had the distinct impression that he was in our kitchen. It's often a place where someone "pops into my head" - not sure why, but I have a simple response when they do; "It's not me you want to talk to, but Jennifer."
I guessed he had stopped by so quickly because so many of his pals are in Luana's class on the flipside - that is, the class that has gathered since Jennifer and I began doing this kind of odd research eight years ago.
Jennifer and I get together for lunch, or a chat every week - and two years ago, I turned it into this podcast. I don't know if I'm going to see her for sure, and I don't know if she's available. She does a lot of work, so it's something we try to carve out each week.
In this case, just prior to the podcast, I took to David's Wikipedia page and jotted down some of the people in his life - I knew of the beefs between him and his band members, I'd seen the documentary about his life in Laurel Canyon - and I was aware of the "bad blood" over the years. But I was also aware of something important in his life - the relationship he had with Christine Hinton years ago - and how her sudden passing had affected him adversely.
I knew that she had been in a car accident, it is in the interview that we did with Mama Cass that is in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." I can point out that having worked with Jennifer for 8 years she's not aware of the conversations we had last week, let alone years ago, so my mentioning Christine isn't something that would jog her memory - unless someone on the flipside jogged it for her. Which happens sometimes, but not in this case.
David spoke eloquently about their relationship in this interview - about their many lifetimes together, and how wonderful it was to be back with her. Also the powerful accounts of seeing his brother Ethan (whom I read about minutes prior to the session) or his son Beckett - and he poignantly talked about seeing them on the flipside.
The reason we do this work, the reason you're hearing this podcast, the reason I'm posting it - and we have 100's posted on MartiniZone - is to demonstrate how easy it is to converse with our loved ones. You don't need a medium - it helps - you don't need a hypnotherapist - it also helps - you don't need to do meditation, but that also helps.
In this case, a profound message from Luana Anders as well about gratitude, and how powerful a mindset that can be. And David suggests that one put music into one's life - to sing, dance, allow it to remind you of who you once were, or who you aspire to be. Music is the frequency of life, as well as carries the frequencies of love.
Tuning into the Afterlife is the book with the most musicians in it - culled from various interviews Jennifer and I have done with other musicians, including others who report that "Jimi Hendrix" was there to greet them.. Why? We asked Jimi that question before - and he says "It allows him to participate, to help with a "soft landing" because everyone recognizes him on the flipside.
Also a shout out to John Lennon for pointing out that the lyrics of "Yellow Submarine" are related to our experience of seeing these folks in a thought bubble, in the yellow submarine of a classroom on the flipside. Mind bending stuff to be sure.
Thanks for tuning in.
So Jennifer let me know that she didn't think she was going to be able to make today's podcast, then texted me a few minutes later to say she'd try since someone was "bugging her" about doing so.
We started our podcast as we do all of them - no prep. Don't know what we're going to talk about. But clearly someone wanted to stop by and say hello. Lisa Marie Presley, who said that her father Elvis, her son Benjamin and her former husband Michael Jackson greeted her on the flipside.
As noted in the podcast we've often had people come by and "observe" or "see what it is we're doing" - because when one is on the flipside, it's not entirely clear how to communicate between themselves and loved ones back on the planet.
Jennifer and I have been doing this for eight years. Once a week, basically for the past eight years - she normally has pro bono cases that she works on with law enforcement agencies (about a third of her time) and the rest of the time booked with a variety of clients.
But she tries to make time for the podcast - which clearly is not selling our four books - "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" 1, 2 OR 3, or TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. We do this podcast as a public service, to demonstrate that anyone can access their loved ones - that it's a matter of "bypassing the filters" to do so.
In my work, I've demonstrated that in DivineCouncils.com where people use a simple guided meditation to access guides and councils. In this case, I'm asking questions to Lisa Marie Presley that we've asked everyone - "who greeted you when you crossed over?" "What was that like?" "Do you have any messages for loved ones back on the planet?" "Who were you surprised to meet?"
Then there's a discussion of awareness, as in "what are you doing over there?" At some point, her father, who has stopped by our class before, said that he was "busy playing baseball" when we asked him to stop by. When asked to describe that, he gave relatively the same information that Junior Seau gave (it's in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" where we talk to Junior's widow without Jennifer knowing who Gina was - and she correctly identified (on camera) her husband on the flipside. It's in the film "Talking to Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson."
So when Elvis is talking about "Playing baseball with Babe Ruth" - he's literally talking about the mental construct of that, how one can created (like CGI) the memories of those events, mixed with the action of the game, that we create using math for telemetry, speed, power, etc.
I ask him questions related to the topic as we've discussed it before with Junior Seau and other athletes, just never with Lisa Marie's dad.
We do this podcast to help other heal, to help with grief, to demonstrate that anyone anywhere can access their loved ones - they don't need a medium, (it can help) don't need a hypnotherapist (it can help) don't need a meditation guide (it can help.) Take the time to learn to chat with them - they're standing by to say hello. Take the time to learn to chat with them - they're standing by to say hello. Examples of Jennifer in action are in the film HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com - and the simple meditation can be found in the book DivineCouncils.com
Hope this helps.
This is another mind bending session.
Someone on our MartiniZone.com page on YouTube posted this question:
'Richard...it would be great to interview Damar Hamlin when he is well enough. Everyone knows he died while on the football field. (His uncle told CNN he had to be revived again at the hospital, so it seems he died and was revived twice). See what he has to say. Did something happen? Nothing? A lot of people would be interested." (from Kristin)
Generally I like to point out we're not in charge of the guest list on our podcast. Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside, and even though we didn't speak directly to her on the podcast, it's clear she made the connection.
About thirty minutes after I replied to Kristin's question on the YouTube page, we were doing the podcast, and suddenly two football players showed up who wanted to talk about it.
That would be Junior Seau of the Chargers fame (#55) and Dave Duerson (#22) of the Chicago Bears. They showed up with their friend Paul Allen, founder of Microsoft. The reason they showed up together, is because we interviewed the three of them in the film "TALKING TO PAUL ALLEN, JUNIOR SEAU AND DAVE DUERSON."
I turned our conversations into a film - and we put it up on YouTube because the message is important. They wanted to tell us that Joe Namath (still very much alive) had cured his CTE using oxygen therapy.
It's not a medical opinion, theory or belief - what made it so mind bending is that these fellows showed up three different times to make the same case. And as noted in this podcast, I arranged as an experiment a session between Gina Seau and her husband Junior - without Jennifer knowing who she was.
It's in the film - where live on camera Jennifer identifies Junior.
But more importantly, here we were talking about dementia, and suddenly these three show up to weigh in on the recent events with Damar, the player who had his heart stop on the football field.
Everything Jennifer says in this podcast about what they did when he got back there (spent time talking to him) and how his "memory of these events was wiped clean" is reflected in thousands of other interviews in different methodologies - whether it's without hypnosis - see the book DivineCouncils.com for examples) or via hypnotherapy. People report similar events during NDE's in the medical case histories (see Dr. Greyson's book AFTER for examples).
They're saying that Damar doesn't remember this - but I'm saying he can if he wants to use hypnotherapy, mediation or a trusted medium to access the event again. He was "literally pushed back" so that he could highlight the inherent dangers in pro football - and inspire, encourage, get people to start or continue looking into new methods to protect or change the game.
In the case of Paul Allen (who owned the Seahawks, who created a brain institute) and Junior Seau (who had CTE and did himself in) and Dave Duerson (who was the first case of CTE reported because he donated his brain to science) - these folks want people to PAY ATTENTION to how to help athletes with CTE (oxygen therapy like Joe Namath used) or to pay attention to how to design uniforms, pads, electronics in ways that promote safety.
It's an obvious conversation that no one is having.
But these guys are, they showed up on our podcast, like it, don't like it, but there it is. Wasn't planned - but everything they referred to has happened, and will continue to happen.
Welcome to our world.
Hope this helps someone.
This is our year end podcast, and what a fun what it is. Jennifer and I got together for lunch so I swung by her office in Manhattan Beach to do our podcast from her office - where our journey began eight years ago!
It was in this very office where I first spoke to friends on the flipside, including Bill Paxton (who gave Jennifer a tour of the Titanic - it's in the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON at Gaia.com) and Amelia Earhart.
It was in this very office where Amelia told us something I didn't know from three decades of research - that "when those two GI's dug me up, they only found my arm." It was a detail I didn't know after 30 years of research, and later found to be absolutely accurate. (In the Chicago Tribune 1977 they confirmed the story which I found six months after our interview.)
So it's poetic that Amelia showed up in our podcast today - at the end of our lunch together, Jennifer said "Amelia just popped in." So we picked up our conversation in her office.
The book HACKING THE AFTERLIFE has details of all the research I've done, what happened to her and why. So it's not unusual for us to continue this conversation.
Nor is it odd to pick up our conversation about Bill Paxton, someone I knew at the start of both of our careers and remained friends throughout - I've detailed those conversations in "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia. TALKING TO BILL PAXTON
What is unusual is the amount of folks who stopped by to say "Happy New Year." Billy Meyer, a friend from grade school/high school who thanked me for putting his messages out to his children, Regis Philbin whom I met through Charles Grodin. Charles stopped by to say hello, Elvis, Prince, Harry Dean Stanton - David Bowie showed Jennifer a set of drums - which she couldn't understand, because she didn't know we'd given our son a set of drums for Christmas.
Steve Jobs talked about how people blame him for creating phones that separate us - when he says they should be used to connect us. Luana Anders mentioned in the New Year we should "chant or pray for others" - Anthony Bourdain spoke about fresh water so everyone would be able to eat.
Elvis told us "Make music, make it loud!" Prince offered "Make love and make it loud!" The alpha and the omega said "Love louder!" while Robin Williams repeated his phrase to "love love."
What can I say? After filming Jennifer speaking to people on the flipside like being on a cellphone, I film what we say and present it to everyone to see how simple it easy to communicate with loved ones no longer on the planet. (Jennifer works with other mediums who work with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases, so I know how effective she can be.)
If someone wants to examine her work, ask former NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton about a missing person case she helped with - friends of his in NY. He was so startled that she knew what happened to their boy that he flew her to NY to investigate whether she was involved in the case - she let him know when he was going to retire (and was accurate.)
I've had people watch our podcast and send dismissive, sometimes angry comments - which get blinked into the cornfield. Like the forum on Quora "Hacking the Afterlife" here we share EXPERIENCE with the flipside. It's not my opinion, theory or belief that people say the same things about the afterlife - I film them doing so.
Yes, I was playing "TOMORROW NEVER KNOWS" a few minutes before seeing Jennifer, remarked aloud that I never knew it was based on the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." Yes, I really did go to Saipan and film 15 new eyewitnesses who saw Amelia, saw her plane, a dozen US Marines who saw US forces destroy the plane.
It's not my opinion, theory or belief that Jennifer is accessing Luana Anders - she's come through so many times with independent information that no one else but her could know that it's besides the point to repeat them here.
The latest book DIVINECOUNCILS.COM has a simple demonstration of how anyone can use meditation to speak to their loved ones. For those upset that we're doing so, I suggest avoiding this page, find some other sandbox to throw toys in, or stop complaining about not speaking to relatives and so called loved ones who can't get through. Learn how. It's not hard.
And for all that, HAPPY NEW YEAR! See you on the flipside!
It sounds bizarre, I know. We interviewed Charles briefly in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" so his presence didn't throw me for a loop.
I really did look at a note on my cellphone this morning about a story that he's in - and his pal Washington Irving. And for him to say "that's why I stopped by" is mind bending to say the least.
We start off the podcast with Jennifer revealing that her mom is in the hospital, and her emotions around the loss of her dad, five years ago. He's come by a number of times to chat with us, including taking us on a trip to an Akashic library, as well as going to visit the classroom on the flipside where he described his physics teacher in detail.
The woman has 8 arms, and is known as Ma Durga on the planet - no other way to put it, as we've spoken with her a number of times, and Jennifer has had long conversations with her. The point isn't that a "deity from earth" is hanging out in the flipside, but rather people on earth have identified a teacher on the flipside as a deity.
In this case, I knew that Dickens had visited Washington Irving, I know that he purchased some property in Cairo Illinois (a land scam that claimed it was going to be the next "city on the Nile")
I know that he visited a garment factory in Boston where he asked them to tell him some local ghost stories. I know that when he visited Irving, Irving's uncle had taken up resident at his home and his name was Ebeneezer.
As Jennifer pointed out, she never could have guessed that name - but Charles was specific about who greeted him when he crossed over (a deaf child, perhaps the model for Tiny Tim) and how his book was about the financial politics of the day, the Victorian era when the rich got richer and the poor died of starvation.
Jennifer mentioned the chapter in Architecture of the Afterlife where Tony Stockwell recalled a lifetime in Victorian London, where he and his brother both died of starvation in one of those "workhouses." Awful places for humans to be place - without any help from the government.
So A Christmas Carol was a tale about how to be kind to others and to give around the holiday time.
He also gives a review of the film "Splendid" which is both hilarious and mind bending. When asked about it, he said "I hate musicals." Hilarious reply - and then he said he was kidding, he loved the film and loved what Will Ferrell did with the part.
I mean - c'mon - Will's never going to believe that Charles Dickens showed up on our podcast tonight to compliment him on his performance in SPIRITED, but that is EXACTLY WHAT HE DID.
We've been doing this for 8 years. Jennifer works with law enforcement nationwide, and just last week was part of an operation that was able to track down and eliminate 450 pounds of fentanyl. She's the real deal.
Apologies for my cough - not much I can do, other than to say, I hope it clears up soon!
And happy holidays to you all. Enjoy our Christmas special with the one and only Charles Dickens!
Welcome to another mind bending podcast.
In the past Jennifer and I have had discussions with John Lennon, Princess Diana, but never Queen Elizabeth. After a "dream" I had where I had the impression I was speaking with John about Elizabeth the other night, I decided to ask him to show up for a number of reasons.
For the most part we let Luana decide who our guest list is going to be, but when I have an experience of "chatting" with someone I see if that's something we should pursue.
The first time that he showed up was during a filmed session in Manhattan Beach. I had suggested we invite him to show up to help me access someone else (Paul Allen) because I knew that his son Julian was friends with Paul - I mention it because when I got to the restaurant, turned on the camera, she said "John Lennon is here."
Literally I'd said his name aloud a few minutes prior. But in this case, they showed Jennifer the process - first showing a musician, then a bunch of different musicians, then a guitar, and finally, the Beatles - which allowed her to narrow it down to John.
Interesting to note that Jennifer doesn't know about Julian's version of "Imagine" but John does. Interesting to note that she didn't know who Pete Townsend is, but the Queen does.
As noted, Carl Sagan mentioned her in our interview with him in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, so I recounted what he told us, and asked her about that specifically. She expanded on the topic, letting us know that they had a correspondence between them (which is accurate, and something Jennifer could not know.)
Look I know how wild and crazy it is to claim that we can communicate with John on the 42nd anniversary of his passing. As I've noted in the past, I was out with Julian Lennon playing music one night in Monte Carlo back in 1997, he had me sleep on his couch because the trains back to Cannes had stopped running, and around 6 am, someone shouted at me on the couch - "WHO THE F#$K ARE YOU?"
I jumped up - wondering who that could be - but saw no one in the room. And then I recognized the voice. It was Julian's father's voice. I didn't tell Julian at the time, or anyone really - it was just too odd, and I had zero context for how that could be.
But I have context now, I know that people choose their lifetimes, that they bring a portion of their conscious energy to a lifetime, and that the home portion is always back home - and is accessible at any time.
All of our loved ones, even those who may have incarnated again, are available. Anyone can access them. And we all should - especially around the holidays.
So apologies to everyone who will be offended by this podcast, you probably haven't read this far anyway, but I just keep forging ahead. This is about the sixth time we've chatted with John, tenth time with Robin Williams, the second time with Princess Diana, the 100th time with Luana Anders... transcripts are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3 - and in TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
Happy holidays, Happy Christmas as they say across the pond, but invite loved ones to sit at the table once again over the holidays.
This is our 8th anniversary of doing our sessions together, and the second anniversary of our podcast. Jennifer and I met 8 years ago, and have been filming our conversations with the flipside weekly.
Portions of the film Hacking the Afterlife has some of our sessions, our books include BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3, and TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
The most recent book is demonstrating how meditation can allow access to the flipside; divinecouncils.com
In this podcast, we asked our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders who wanted to chat with us, and she introduced Christopher Plummer. An actor's actor, Christopher left the stage in 2021, his most recent turn was in Knives Out.
I didn't know much about him prior to the podcast, but used the internet in real time to see that he was survived by his daughter and wife of 50 years. In Christopher's words, he was "sucked in" to visit our class, where Luana Anders is the moderator. Luana worked in over 300 films and TV shows, and knows many actors the Christopher knows.
My own connection was through the film director Robert Wise. So I asked him some questions about Robert and was surprised to hear the answers. He said that primarily the reason he wanted to come forward today was to remind people that their loved ones are never far away, that it's always difficult during the holiday season, and he wanted to remind people that they are never far away.
Then Heath Ledger came forward, and we had a lively chat with him. I had not met him, but know people who knew him, and he's as charming and funny on the flipside as he was in life. He too wanted to mention how proud he is of his family, those loved ones who know that he still exists and converse with him.
He gave a shout out to my friend Phillip Noyce, as they had planned to make a film together "Dirt Music." I was aware that they had worked on a project together, apparently it was Heath's death that ended that possibility.
Our loved ones are not gone.
They're just not here.
Not far away - are available.
Take the time to learn how to chat with them.
Hypnotherapy, meditation or mediumship are three methods that I've been filming for over ten years. This is like having a cell phone to the flipside, and it's thrilling to see Jennifer doing the kind of work she can do.
Happy holidays.
Another one of those mind bending sessions. In this case, our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders - LuanaAnders.com showed up with her cat Mr. Bailey. I asked Mr. Bailey the same questions that I ask people that show up - who greeted him on the flipside, what his experience was or is.
We started off talking about process, how coincidence is made from those on the flipside, as Luana had shown up today in a article about Jack Nicholson and how he had dedicated his Oscar to her and other friends for "As Good As It Gets."
Mind you - that was in 1996. Charles Grodin showed up at first to remind Jennifer that he had helped her the night before with her "Wine and Spirits" event. He said hello and then Luana stepped forward holding her cat.
Everything reported in the session is accurate - wife Sherry finding the cat in a tree, and then returning the cat to Luana. We've had numerous conversations with animals on the flipside, and everything Mr. Bailey reported is in line with the other reports.
I guess it's important to hear - our pets are not gone either, they're just not here. Available just like everyone is on the flipside.
Jennifer's back! Another mind bending podcast.
In this case last night I heard "the teacher" as I was waking up, as if someone was telling me, "remember the teacher" for today's podcast. So we invited "a teacher."
But a week ago, as I was nodding off, suddenly seeing and hearing Johnny Carson. As noted in the podcast, I didn't judge that - just asked him questions like I ask everyone. Who were you surprised to meet on the flipside? What are you doing?
So it's a free wheeling chat with two icons - Ma Durga is a famous Hindu deity - there are cults out there just for her. But she's showed up before in our chats - and I realized she must be "the teacher."
I met Johnny backstage when Charles Grodin did the show - it was an electrified atmosphere and he was fun to meet. But here, I got the sense he just stopped by to say he "liked our show."
In Ma Durga's case, her message is a little more about the process, and about the planet. But either way it's good to hear from either of them!
Just another day on our podcast!
Welcome home Jennifer!
This is one of the archives from the podcast - from 2020. In this session, we have a conversation with someone who self describes as a "Guardian of the Galaxy." Some might call that a guardian angel, but in this case, we let them describe who they are and why they showed up in our podcast.
As always, Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside who is in charge of our guest list. In this case, I thought it might be of interest to revisit an unusual podcast.
We'll be back at it next week!
Ian Stevenson was a scientist from UVA who passed away in 2007. He left behind a locked safe in his office, and said that he would share the "phrase" or "word" that would unlock the safe if someone was able to connect to him on the flipside.
In this talk, we begin with a discussion of Dr. Bruce Greyson's new book "After" - Bruce was at UVA when Ian brought him into to the Dept of Perceptual Studies (funded by a grant from the founder of Xerox.) For three decades, Ian travelled the world studying reincarnation. Dr. Greyson started examining near death experiences along with his colleague Dr. Ray Moody. (Who coined the term "near death experience.")
In this interview, he refers to Dr. Moody, to Bruce Greyson, has messages for him and Dr. Jim Tucker, Ed and Emily Kelly PhD - member of DOPS that I meant when I presented my research from the documentary and book "Flipside" when I visited their offices in 2011.
As noted, I am planning to have three different mediums access Ian Stevenson for the "secret code" to his safe - but in this one, he states that it's E=MC2 written in long hand (E equals M C squared" or perhaps "EEqualsMC2") I badgered Jennifer about it - and because of knowing how she works with law enforcement agencies about missing person cases, I asked for images that could lead us to the answer. First she got Albert Einstein ("about four or five times"), then she got "He's showing me a battery or electrical charge" and finally; "he's showing me E=MC2" - I repeated it a few times, and asked about it - and she said "He's saying "spell it out."
Jennifer has no idea there's a puzzle or a contest to open his safe. I never mention the safe - I say that it's like a crossword answer - and it's a phrase or a word that I was looking for. I have reached out to my friends at DOPS, Dr. Greyson, Dr. Tucker and Ed Kelly to see if we can arrange to film them trying these various combos - of "E equals MC squared" to see if that opens the safe. Or maybe it's simply EMC2 or E=MCsquared - some variation on that theme, as noted in the clip.
This was my idea - my demonstration or experiment - Jennifer didn't know anything about the "contest" or "puzzle" left by Ian Stevenson, and I just asked him to repeat the concept or show Jennifer images that relate to the concept "that I was thinking of."
Will let you know if it opens the safe. (It did not. But am eager to see if variations would work!)
Another mind bending episode of our podcast.
As note in the podcast, Jennifer and I haven't planned our podcasts in advance. We just kind of "show up" to see who our moderator on the flipside has brought to class.
In this case, it just so happens to be someone that I've researched - the scientist Giordano Bruno. When he showed up he said I had been writing about him recently - and referred to my latest book, which no one on the planet has read or seen.
Jennifer did not know who Giordano Bruno is - or was - and so I was able to ask him some specific questions. Bruno's story is that he was a Dominican Friar, who was famous for his memory - he appeared in royal courts doing amazing feats of memory.
He taught in a University in Switzerland, and it was one of his students who reportedly complained to the Church when he talked about how the solar system worked - he claimed he knew that the earth went around the sun.
When digging into his story, I found that he had an experience where he "saw how the heavens worked' and described a classic near death event. He made the mistake of telling people about it - how he had "seen himself traveling into space and noted how the universe worked."
The ran him afoul of the Vatican, where he was brought up on charges, tortured beyond imagination or description and a statue of him is in Campo Dei Fiori in Rome. I have searched through my books, and found that I referenced Bruno in the book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" where I spoke about his journey - but this was prior to meeting Jennifer and we have never had a discussion about him or with him before.
So this is new information for Jennifer. His near death event (she said he had two) his ability to speak from memory (he said it was as a result of the event) and he was a friar (which she said he was) that he was tortured and killed by the Vatican. She correctly identified the city where his statue resides.
I normally edit out the pauses in our podcast, but did not in this case, so that people could hear that despite my interrupting her now and then, for the most part I sit and wait to hear the answers. Plus, the answers are so mind bending, I wanted the audience to be prepared to hear them after a long pause.
So - here we are. Talking to someone who was burnt at the stake February 17th, 1600. Four hundred and twenty two years ago. But he recounts it as if its yesterday.
And for all intents and purposes, the way time works on the flipside, it feels like yesterday. But that doesn't mean that he didn't have things to pass along to the planet - and showed up to tell us a few.
So I got this email the other day:
"Dear Richard.
I am a fan. I listen to your podcasts with Jennifer. I would like you to contact Emmet Till. It would interesting to hear what he has to say.
Dr. King stopped by as well - we interviewed him a few times in "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" and I asked him all the questions I ask everyone. He was very profound and eloquent in his answers.
When we started the podcast, I knew we'd have to stop for about half an hour in the middle. As it turned out, it allowed me to look up a few details about him (while Jennifer worked with a client).
We do this podcast to help people who are suffering with pain and grief - including those who knew the Till family, who to this day suffer over his loss - and to the millions who will be moved by his story yet again when the film comes out. I hope it's a good film, but I appreciate Emmett allowing us to chat with him today.
Again - hope this helps someone to converse with their own loved ones on the flipside.
Another mind bending session with Jennifer Shaffer. In today's episode, we deal a little bit with process, and then specific details.
We start off with a conversation about process - and Luana uses Elvis and Prince as an example - that when someone "shows up" in one's consciousness, it might not be because they're trying to reach out to us, but there's a reference to them that is in our awareness. Like "one of their songs" might related to an issue happening in their life. "Try not to judge what's coming through."
At some point Luana's dear friend, and my pal of 20 years shows up to converse. It's mind bending because Chuck showed Jennifer an image of him with his arm around an elephant - knowing that I would instantly know what that reference meant - but she would not.
Also that he knew things that were going on in my life, and referenced them, including our questions about a friend of a friend who passed suddenly - whose memorial I'm attending this weekend, and all the questions I had about him or the memorial were answered.
It's just another example of how close our loved ones are, how accessible they are - "you don't need a Jennifer but it helps!"
Another mind bending session. As we start every podcast, I had no agenda or idea of whom we might speak with. In this case, Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, wanted to talk about a request I had made to her about helping someone.
Prior to the podcast, in a general conversation about how things are going, just prior to starting, I told Jennifer that a number of chaotic events were occurring, but did not mention anything about a dream or that I had asked Luana for help. When Luana came through and said "We got your message and the answer was given" - Jennifer did not know, could not have known that when I made this request in my head 'Luana I need your help" she said "I got it." Before I could think of what I wanted to hear from her - before I could finish the question. "Luana I..." and I heard "I got it."
That's the process. You make a request to loved ones on the flipside and if they can help they will.
Then Tom Petty came forward to expand upon that idea.
For those not familiar with how Tom could be in our podcast and we don't make a big deal about it - it's because he was the one who came up with the idea of calling our book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." We have three and the fourth is "Tuning into the Afterlife." Transcripts of our chats with the flipside.
In his case, he came through because he wanted to pass a message along to his family - it was very specific. At the time I said "I don't know anyone from your family" and he replied "you'll figure it out." I did figure it out, send along his message - his family member said "Every day I wish I could converse with Tom, and I don't think you're doing so."
Which is fine - it's not my job to prove anything to anyone, but to pass along information if I'm asked to do so. Tom is always welcome because he's the one who gave us the concept that there is a "line around the block" of people who want to get into our class, use Luana's ability to help translate thoughts so that Jennifer can hear them.
Like those old offices they used to have in Europe, where if you wanted to make a call from Rome, you had to go to the "long distance" operator in an office building, and place the call from a booth.
Anyways, then Jennifer saw an image of someone named "Chris" and I associated it with not the person she saw, but with a friend of a friend who has had some health issues. I asked if "Chris" was going to be okay. Now, to let the audience know - if she had said "no" - I would have edited that out of the podcast. I'm not here to disrupt anyone's path - but if the answer is "yes" - as it was, I'm happy to include it.
Anyone can reach out directly to Jennifer for help and advice. JenniferShaffer.com - and as she points out on the podcast, she has a "Wine and Spirits" group where everyone gets to speak to their loved one in a public setting. I've attended a couple and they are amazing. She's very good at what she does when not helping law enforcement on a pro bono basis.
Oh and finally Hira, Robert Towne's dog with a message about pets being always connected to their owners from the flipside. Hira also appears in BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE.
Jennifer and I can't swing the podcast this week - both have kids off to college, so I've dug into the archives for two podcasts a year apart. It just so happen that two years ago, this very week, my old pal Bill Paxton showed up to chat with us.
and then a year later showed up again! Same week.
So in honor of Bill, in honor of the process, in honor of the podcast, I'm repeating two in a row.
One from September 16 2020, and the next from the same week in 2021.
There are plenty of sessions we've filmed over the past seven years - and now here we are in our second year of podcasts.
We appreciate everyone tuning in, and hope that the world is spinning in your favor.
This is another example of the unusual work that Jennifer and I have been doing for seven years. In this podcast, I ask our moderator on the flipside, Luana Anders what she wants to talk about or if she has someone who wants to come forward to speak.
She begins by showing Jennifer a "toddler" - literally shows her an image of holding up a child. Jennifer has no idea what that means, nor do I. Is she asking us to talk about a specific child on the flipside? A specific child on this side? Or about some form of process or how the flipside works?
Luana said she wanted to talk about "process." Which is my way of saying "It's not a specific person per se, but how the process works." She then made Jennifer aware of the topic of how stressed children are... Jennifer assumed she meant "these days, post pandemic."
I did the same, because it is a topic in universities and schools - how distracted people are coming back to school, how the multitasking, multi-focus of social media has "driven some people crazy" making it harder to focus on any particular topic. How the trauma and stress of the past two years - and the fears involved, are affected students and children alike.
However, that is not what Luana was only talking about. And neither Jennifer nor I knew why she had brought the topic up until the very end of the podcast.
Then she mentioned seeing "James Dean." For those not familiar with the podcast, that's going to be an odd comment - for those who've read "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" they know that he's shown up before. Not only has he shown up, but he revealed to Jennifer that he's already "reincarnated" or returned to the planet.
That means that "a portion of his conscious energy" has returned to the planet. I asked him questions about that, and he revealed the person that he's come back as. Jennifer didn't know his name - but based on James' description, I guessed who he was referring to.
And then I texted the best friend of this person - meaning I know the person he's "come back as" and know his best friend well enough to text him and ask "Hey, has anyone approached our mutual friend and said he was the reincarnation of someone?" And he texted back "JAMES DEAN." And said "His whole life this has happened."
Took me a couple of years but I finally put this person in Jennifer's orbit - filmed them having a conversation, filmed his reports of having memories of being Dean his "whole life" - and how others knew it as well. Suffice to say he hasn't "come out of the closet" because he's had a very successful happy life and career. He has no need to reveal that aspect of his life - and I must respect it - even it if meant "proof that life goes on." We've learned that's not something for everyone - but it is for those who experience it.
But I asked him if that was why he showed up to the podcast today, to talk about that journey - and he said "No." He wanted also to talk about the process. About how "being aware that life goes on can help people to not end their lifetimes here." That leaving early, while he didn't leave the planet deliberately - but being aware that those who have left the planet can help us is something he wanted to convey.
And then, finally, Jennifer asked Luana "Am I getting this right? Why did you show me holding up a child?" And Luana answered "because it's the first week of school. Of kids going back to school."
So everything in this podcast is about lessening the stress of that event - for parents obviously, to open up and listen to their children, to know that there are folks on the flipside who care equally about the mental health and experience of our children, their grandchildren, nephews, nieces - and they want us to allow them to help.
Mind bending.
Jennifer and I improvise each week, asking who it is on the flipside wants to chat with us. Luana Anders is our moderator on the flipside, and whoever wants to come through is up to her.
Her mentioning this woman "Magda" in terms of a book I'm writing, an interview I did with a woman who was able to access this Magda, who claimed to be a Praetor's wife in the cabinet of Herod in the time of Jesus was pretty unusual.
A note here to say that I've never heard of the word Praetor that I'm aware of, I don't know what it means, but as I was typing this description the word came to mind "Praetor's wife" - which means according to Wikipedia: Praetor ( Classical Latin: was the title granted by the government of Ancient Rome to a man acting in one of two official capacities: (i) the commander of an army, and (ii) as an elected magistratus (magistrate), assigned to discharge various duties."
I've heard of the Praetorian guard, but I assumed they only guarded Caesar, and as such the word Praetor is completely unknown to me. But it popped into my head.
Magda Archelaus - I don't know if she was married to Herod, or just someone in his cabinet - but in the research I'd done on the name, I looked up Herod Archelaus. (Famed during the era). The interview I did with her was mind bending, as she claimed to be privy to events that led to the Crucifixion as well as the recovery of the body of Jesus, and those who attended to him - trying to heal him with aloe and myrrh (also reported in the Bible.)
Luana suggests I dig deeper. (I had stopped digging after including the article in this book I've written about accounts of Jesus from the flipside perspective.) I shall endeavor to do some more digging.
Robin Williams came in to talk about process - and indeed, mentioned this woman who reached out to me who had a conversation with him after our mentioning him recently. She got this idea of a "granny award" or the role of granny - which I at first assumed meant Mrs. Doubtfire, but according to this conversation, may be the one where he played the role of a Granny onstage for Andy Kaufman in the 1970's. Pretty funny stuff.
As always, enjoy the podcast as an example of how simple it is to reach out to one's loved ones.
A short podcast today as Jennifer was juggling a number of things including her mom being in the hospital. We all wish her mom a speedy recovery from hurting her hip!
Today's podcast deals a bit with grief, and the process of helping people recover from grief. Jennifer's dad Jim passed some years ago, and he's always got an interesting perspective when it comes to helping people with grief.
He was the one who told us "try to move grief to nostalgia." Neither of us understood what that meant, and he explained (through Jennifer) that "grief is mostly sad memories and nostalgia has both sad and happier memories. When you can move grief to nostalgia you can begin the healing process."
It also helps to realize that this new information is coming from someone no longer on the planet. So there's that - getting new information from someone we love who is no longer here. Which proves to the person who is getting the new information that life goes on.
Prince showed up, as he had in the past - and because someone complained about us "always having celebrities" I'm afraid I may have cut short what he had to say, because of my comment about "getting insight from Prince instead of an average Jane and Joe."
Not to say that he didn't give us advice, but instead of just asking his opinion from his new perspective, I got caught up in saying "they don't have to access you to get this information, do they?" It's my way of repeating what we've heard constantly - there is no hierarchy on the flipside, but people are so adamant that hierarchy exists, they can't hear advice from people no longer on the planet because they're judging them as "a celebrity."
Apologies to Prince if I cut him off. We also discuss a bit about the process of accessing our loved ones on the other side, and then Jennifer had to depart to continue her work which includes pro bono work for law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases.
We've been doing this weekly for over seven years, so I have to let it be whatever it is in terms of what the folks on the flipside want to impart on our podcast.
We'll see her hopefully next week!
In the meantime say hello to whomever it is that wants to say hello. Could be an old friend, a relative who sent you here to hear this session.
We're back after a two week hiatus. In this podcast we chat with my dearly departed brother, for whom we had a memorial service this past week. Jennifer was there, as well as some fans of the podcast.
In today's podcast, Jennifer announces that Olivia Newton John wants to chat with us. For those who've never tuned in before (or their last time ever tuning in) we have a group of individuals on the flipside who have spoken to us before. They are mentioned briefly in the podcast, including our moderator Luana Anders and her best friend Sally Kellerman.
Sally's husband was Jonathan Krane, John Travolta's manager, my pal and producer of three of my films (including the short film, he's reminding me.) I met Olivia at their home one night of Mulholland, and as noted, Randal Kleiser, the director of Grease and I went to visit Sally in the retirement home where she spent her final years - oblivious because of Alzheimer's, but completely in the moment whenever we brought her chocolate.
She's another example of someone who while not aware in person, is completely aware on the flipside of everything we do for them here. Jennifer and I have spoken to the "higher selves" of a number of folks who had it prior to passing.
Olivia talks about what it was like crossing over, who greeted her, what the experience was like - and if it was what she expected. I'm sorry I didn't ask for a message for her daughter Chloe - but suffice to say it's better for her to have a private conversation in her own fashion, meditation or perhaps giving someone like Jennifer a call.
We have passed along messages in the past - and sometimes I've had to edit them out of the podcast due to their being private conversations. In this case, I'm sorry I didn't ask her specifically for a message for her daughter - as they were close.
But if she shows up again, I will.
Also Robin Williams stopped by - it's the 8th anniversary of his crossing, and he reminds us to celebrate life in his own unusual way.
Another one of those mind bending sessions.
We open with a discussion about an unusual recent event, where my old friend Melinda Germann came through to give a climate warning to my friend Patrice. Patrice and Melinda were best pals and went to Santa Cruz together. I met Melinda at the Loyola Rome Center and she was the light of everyone's eye - funny, sweet and just a delight to be around.
However she died in a plane crash a few years later - and since then, has visited Patrice a number of times, and myself as well (in dreams.) A few days ago, Patrice texted me about some visuals that Melinda was sending her - that for some would be a "warning" of impending disaster. Like forest fires, tsunamis - etc.
Living on the West Coast one lives with those possibilities, so I wanted to know if this was an immediate threat or something in general. (As if that made a difference!) Yes, we are in an immediate threat of losing our beloved planet - due to human behavior. Yes, she wants people to pay attention to climate change and do everything one can to save the planet. But no, it's not happening next week.
I admit I forgot about James Caan passing only two weeks ago - so many beloved folks checking off the planet. And because Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside has a connection with James via the Godfather (Luana's pal directed it, and her voice appears in it), it was thrilling to see Jennifer say that he'd shown up to chat.
The "Jimi Hendrix talk show" reference is more fully explored with the podcast with Charles Grodin - a veteran of decades of talk shows, I was with him often backstage in the green room - and he went into an elaborate description of what it was like to cross over and find oneself doing a "life review" in front of an audience, and Jimi Hendrix being the talk show host! It's mind bending, but we've talked about this before.
We've asked Jimi about it - and he has repeated the concept that he likes to help participate, everyone recognizes him instantly, so he provides a "soft landing." All I can say is that everything James says here is repeated in the hypnotherapy or meditation research, in "Tuning into the Afterlife."
It was thrilling to hear him stop by.
Another example of how we don't plan our podcasts - we could, we can, but in this case, we just let Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside dictate who was going to chat with us.
First up was Jennifer's dad Jim, the Mormon bishop who passed five years ago, who had in the past showed us some amazing things on the flipside, including an Akashic library (I asked him to access a memory that Jennifer had no awareness of - and he showed her an event she had forgotten).
Jim has shown us the astrophysics class he attends on the flipside a few times, and I've had the opportunity to interview his teacher (who some folks on the planet refer to as Ma Durga.)
So when he shows up to chat, I do my best to ask questions that might have some resonance to what we discuss - the process of accessing information from the flipside. It's Jim's birthday during the podcast, and we take the time to say Happy Birthday Jennifer's dad Jim.
Towards the end, three people who I met in life showed up - one was and is a close friend, Charles Grodin, who brought along with him two of his close friends. Gene Wilder (who helped start Chuck's career) and his wife Gilda Radner. Now for those who are up on these kinds of things, yes Gene was remarried - and yes, he did have Alzheimers late in life - but that has zero to do with accessing the energy of who they are.
I'm sorry they showed up at the end of our podcast, as Jennifer did have to move on to helping her clients. Suffice to say, I know that Charles has shown up in the past, we've interviewed both Gene and Gilda in the past - and those interviews are in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE as well as a "workbook" to help anyone do this same kind of "chatting with the flipside."
Jennifer's off to Montana this week, hopefully we'll be back next week, but either way - remember, your loved ones are not far away, and it doesn't require a medium, hypnotherapy or meditation to access them - but all can and do help.
I'll be on Coast to Coast with George Noory this Monday evening, July 18th, 2022, so if you want to hear more info, tune in!
Another unusual podcast. For those viewing it on MartiniZone.com - there was a fly in the ointment - a glitch in the file that occurred every few minutes - so a number of things were dropped. However, when possible, I edited the piece together so it made sense.
For example, when Jennifer mentions Al Capone, she's trying to say "Marlon Brando in the Godfather." Later on in the conversation, I introduce the film that we went to see in Vegas, starring its most famous former resident.
We've spoken to Elvis before, a number of times - and listening to it back I realize that I interrupt Jennifer WAY TOO MUCH and not just let her speak on behalf of Elvis. However, there are extended interviews with him, a couple in the books "BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE" as well as TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE.
He also has shown up on the podcast, and as mentioned there's a 44 page document at RichMartini.com where I detail the amount of times we've spoken to him before.
All I can do is report. Apologies for the glitches in the podcast, as well as portions that are out of synch (which is for the viewers of MartiniZone.com instead).
Glad to hear that our pals in class had gathered to celebrate David Patlak's birthday. Truly one of a kind - a gem of a person. I'm not remembering that she said Charles Grodin was also in attendance - and was hanging out with us in Vegas. Chuck was particularly fond of David, as is everyone who meets him.
Happy Birthday Dave.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of the film CONTACT, I'm reposting our interview with Carl Sagan. FOR A FULL ARTICLE SEE RICHMARTINI.COM
We first interviewed him in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 3, along with other atheists, skeptical scientists. Thought it would be a fun exercise. I'm editing those interviews into a document which I will post on medium and richmartini.com - so people can see the full interviews with Carl.
The point of this post is that indeed - we demonstrate CONTACT with people no longer on the planet. Further, we've demonstrated that people who normally incarnate on other planets are just as likely to show up - and I've interviewed a number of those folks in the book ARCHITECTURE OF THE AFTERLIFE. So I'm just calling it what it is.
We CONTACT Carl Sagan - he and his wife wrote the original script, then it was a book - and of course everyone who knew Carl knew that he was adamant that there was no God nor an afterlife. We are not disagreeing with him. "God is beyond the capacity of the human brain to comprehend, it's not physically possible to do so" we heard from a guide on the flipside in the book IT'S A WONDERFUL AFTERLIFE.
"God" in this research is not referred to as a religious figure, or a concept that requires "faith" or belief - as the guide put it "You can experience God if you open your heart to everyone and all things." That's not a religious concept - some will take it that way, but it's a formula to experience "God."
That is - consciousness. The kingdom of heaven is within because consciousness is within - and is in all things. So the three interviews with Carl will be posted at Medium or RichMartini.com as soon as I'm done editing them.
But in honor of the Carl Sagan, this is our third interview with him - caught live on our podcast. The producer of Contact mentioned that she found it surprised we'd claim to "speak to him" since he had not reached out to his family and friends in the past. The research is consistent in that regard - it's filters on the brain. Those who bypass the filters (people can use mediumship, hypnotherapy or meditation to bypass the filters) are able to access, learn new information from people no longer on the planet. But not just to prove they exist. But to get information from them - new information that may help save our planet. It's not opinion, theory or belief that these folks all say the same things about the journey - it's in the research, the data, the footage and this podcast. I'm sorry for those who adamant that he doesn't exist - he says the same thing in Chapter 20 of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" "I was convinced there was no afterlife, so I spent a lot of time wandering before I realized where I was."
It's a common refrain - if someone is convinced, believes a specific thing will happen (hell, heaven, nothing) that's what they experience at first. Takes awhile for them to realize where they are. (This isn't my opinion, we've heard it multiple times, I've filmed many saying the exact same things.) Take a look at HackingTheAfterlifeFilm.com for an example of what it was like for atheist, skeptic Harry Dean Stanton to realize there actually was an afterlife after he argued about it.
"Believe in the possibility of an afterlife" he said to us prior to his memorial a week after his passing, "So then you won't waste another minute of your life arguing about it like I did." Carl repeats this admonition - for those convinced he doesn't exist they will not be able to connect with him.
For those who consider the possibility that he exists, are more likely to be able to communicate. As I'm fond of saying, "As your pal to sit across from you. Say their name. Ask them questions (you don't know the answers to).
When you get a response BEFORE you can ask the question you'll know you've made a connection." Happy birthday to Jennifer!!!!
This is one of those podcasts where after it's done, I think "that's it. We've finally shown beyond a shadow of doubt that people can talk to the flipside." Then I format the show, listen to it - listen to myself make mistakes (often) and listen to Jennifer channel people no longer on the planet.
Let's start with the stuff that will stop people in their tracks. Bob was not 67 years old. I am 67 years old. Bill Paxton (who shows up later on, is 67 years old, and both he and Bob Saget share a birthday of May 17th. I asked Bob to tell her what age he passed and she said "67." She reported the number accurately that she heard - for those who don't want to believe that she can communicate with people off the planet, Bob is 66. (After this recent birthday.)
So if you want to jump off the flipside boat, reject the Hacking the Afterlife premise, now is your chance. Again - she reports "what she's getting." I don't know why he reported a year off - maybe like Luana he always "shaved a year off the bio."
I know that Luana did because I discovered it one day when she got a ticket and I had to hand the driver's license to the cop. There is was in print. A year shy of the actual date. Officially (but not officially.) Somehow she got them to accept the date she preferred.
But I digress.
The podcast started off with a general discussion of Pride month - this was filmed before the Supreme Court announced they were tossing out 50 years of women's rights - so the reference to "abortion" is not because of the decision. I filmed this on Thursday, and for the record, the decision came out on Friday.
But the folks on the flipside wanted to reference it. Human rights. Love your neighbor as yourself - it's really the most important thing said in the bible, or in any book of scripture. If you don't love your neighbor - UNCONDITIONALLY then you're missing the point of being on the planet.
There's an angry diatribe in her, coming from yours truly about the hypocrisy of a church I grew up in. But that aside - people are going to watch this for mainly one reason.
Bob Saget has messages for his friends and family.
Honestly, for whatever reason, I was aware of Bob through his pals - people who talked about him, his generosity. Jeff Ross talking about him, John Stamos and John Mayer telling stories about how generous he was with spirit and love - and that inspired me to watch the special on Netflix.
But I had no desire to interview him.
As stated in the podcast, he "showed up" as a voice in my head, saying his name, and I said to him what I've said to others before (in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside.") "I don't talk to people on the other side, but Luana Anders does. So find Luana and she can facilitate a conversation. I was going out of town the next day, so I promptly forgot about it - then Jennifer was unavailable last week, so I didn't bring it up. And then a few days ago - he showed up again. As you can see and hear in the podcast.
I won't belabor the point here. Your loved ones exist. You can communicate with them using hypnotherapy, mediumship or meditation. All three work. Clearly. Bob can testify to that. And Jennifer really does pro bono work with law enforcement agencies nationwide, and she really does help people.
To those who knew and loved him - I apologize in advance for something that may seem treading on toes. I don't know what else to say then, it's not they want to speak to Jennifer or me - they want to speak to YOU and they're showing you how simple it is.
Say their name. Ask them questions. When you get a response before you can ask the question you'll know you've made a connection. He has direct messages for his wife, for his children and for Jim Carrey, someone I met over drinks at the "Little Door" and we talked about Andy Kaufman, because his sister lived across from my parents in Northbrook.
Not hard. Simple. They are NOT GONE. They are just NOT HERE. Give them the opportunity to connect, to let you know life does go on, and they're happy to talk if it's something desired. Hope this helps.
Did this fun podcast a few weeks ago with Mick and the Psychic. I'm rebroadcasting it with their permission on our podcast "Hacking the Afterlife." What makes it dovetail with the work Jennifer and I are doing is that at some point, two of the people that Jennifer and I interview showed up on this podcast.
One is Luana Anders, who fans of our podcast know to be my pal on the flipside who moderates our forum. Imagine my chagrin, when the host of their podcast said "Your friend Luana is here." She brought with her none other than Marlon Brando. What I didn't mention on the podcast, but am now, is that I have some of "Marlon Brando's ashes" - because close friends who went to the service were given packets of him, and one of his close friends gave me a packet. (How could I turn it down?)
Anyways, a packet of ashes is a packet of ashes - not claiming it's a cellphone or a calling card in any fashion, but I might have mentioned that on this podcast and did not. Plus because they gave me "all the time in the world" I decided to do an example of "guided meditation" with each of them.
With Mick, who is a licensed practicing hypnotherapist, I took him on a short visit with his guide to visit his council. It's the same method I employed in the podcast with Simon Bown (and others, like Heather Wade) where I demonstrate how simple it is to ask questions and get answers the person doesn't realize they have access to. In Xzavia's case, because she's a medium, I assumed she's had a few trips to visit her guide and council, but not so many trips to view her "life planning process." By doing so, we have a lively discussion about a topic she wasn't aware of before the podcast.
Her description of a 360 view of her life and the possibilities isn't something I've heard before - but the idea that we can access this kind of an event is something that appears in the film "Hacking the Afterlife" - hackingtheafterlifefilm.com - where a therapist from Ventura CA recounts the incredible memory of his own life planning session on camera.
This is about the continuing research. It's similar to what Jennifer and I do, and since she's going to be celebrating her daughter's graduation next week, I'll use this podcast to replace that one she'll miss. I'm posting it now so I don't forget, and on Thursday will switch it over to the main podcast. Enjoy!
This session is more about process - communicating with loved ones on the flipside. We get some advice from Luana Anders about how to do it, as well as Jennifer's dad Jim about the general process.
A longer discussion about a dream that I had last night where I had the impression that I was having a conversation with someone in England - and he was just enjoying the conversation with me. As well as talking about Jennifer's journey and how she accesses people on the flipside.
Another unusual exploration into process.
Jennifer Shaffer is back from her two week trip. Today's podcast was unusual for a number of reasons - I mentioned that Luana and Marlon showed up during a podcast I did with "Mick and the Psychic" - which I will post next week, to give them time to post it on all their podcast outlets.
As always, Jennifer and I have not discussed the contents of the podcast, and clearly she was not aware of my conversation with Luana and Marlon - sometimes she is aware of conversations I've had with Luana and others, but in this instance, they were more interested in bringing up the topic of the recent catastrophe in Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed.
I had not planned to discuss it, nor had Jennifer, but my friend Charles Grodin brings it up in the podcast, and I did my best to ask him questions about the process - what happens in cases like that. How does it work?
Especially for the little ones who may be confused by the process. The portrait he painted for Jennifer was unusual - and at the same time in line with the research. Our loved ones on the flipside tailor the experience so that we can have a soft landing when returning home. George Michael and Beethoven stopped by for a chat - as noted, both were interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" but they wanted to speak about frequency, and how everything is attached to it - including memories.
The idea of creating adventures and memories is part of why we choose to be on the planet.
Elvis stopped by and gave a mini review of his film "Elvis" (In a previous week, he gave it a "leveled thumbs" neither up nor down - but he wanted to speak of how films are memories - and how they too have frequency attached to them, so we can remember different periods in our life.
It's a freewheeling investigation into tapping into the afterlife. Thanks for tuning in.
On the Day of the Dead a year or two ago, Jennifer gave this talk at the Laguna Woods institute for Afterlife Research.
While Jennifer is on vacation, I thought I'd let her talk about her research in her own words.
Someone mentioned it on Quora, and I figured it would make an appropriate talk, especially since I filmed it and didn't get a chance to speak!
So for all of those who are annoyed with me interrupting Jennifer, here she is, uninterrupted for an hour.
Happy Birthday Luana! Luana Anders is our pal on the flipside who moderates our conversations with folks on the Flipside. In this case, we began by chatting with her about what that's like to celebrate someone's birthday over there.
Some sad news, my dear brother Jeffry passed away last week, and his son Johnny and I had the task of handling those details. There were unknown elements to what happened, so as an example, I asked Jennifer to address those issues as she would with law enforcement when they call her to work on cases pro bono.
The point is - it gives us a place to examine and move from. The police at the scene couldn't have been more generous and compassionate - and walked us through the process. Since there was no signs of foul play or forced entry, etc, they determined that it was caused by a fall, or some other event.
He clearly had fallen - and that's where he was found a week later. He will be cremated and a celebration of his life will happen in Chicago, as well as burial at a National Cemetery as he was active duty in the Army (Lt. JG) during the Vietnam war. He led a interesting life - and on more than one occasion told me what he wanted me to do upon his demise. So now we're doing it.
However he didn't know that by this time, I'd be talking to people on the other side on a regular basis. I'm glad to hear from him, and hope this podcasts doesn't offend too many folks.
It is what it is.
And yes, the writer of "Under the Banner of Heaven" wrote for the show Big Love, for Bill to show up and talk about it wasn't unusual for us - check out the film TALKING TO BILL PAXTON on Gaia - Jennifer is in it as well, her many times chatting with Bill.
Thanks for tuning in.
Another mind bending episode chatting with the flipside.
Had no idea, no agenda as we always do when doing the podcast. I begin with a shot out to my pal Iris Libby, "AskIrisLibby.com" - Iris and I did a guided meditation which revealed Harry and Greta's conversation from last week.
Then I asked our moderator Luana Anders what she wanted to talk about. To address the question, she first put an opera singer in Jennifer's mind, then a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" she had seen recently.
I asked if was an opera singer who wanted to speak with us (could be anyone from Pavarotti to Lanza) or if it was the playwright (Verdi, Rossini, etc.) Jennifer said "It's the writer of the play."
Then she paused and said "Will Shakespeare."
For those familiar with "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" they know that we've already interviewed Will - talked to him about his life and his journey and his plays, and who rewrote them, or how much they were rewritten - and the reasons behind them. It was mind bending, as he mentions William Blake as being someone he works with often - someone who lived centuries later. We chatted with Blake then as well.
But in this instance, he wanted to speak about the recent revelation that SCOTUS is about to overturn a woman's right to safe abortions. He started by observing that "men in power have always done these kinds of things since the dawn of history." I asked him to clarify his comments, and he does.
Then Prince showed up and spoke eloquently about the topic - pointing out that if "abortion had been legal he wouldn't have been on the planet." (I've never heard that before - or am aware he spoke of it anywhere else, but it is the other side of the coin.)
I asked him if that would have stopped him from becoming who he became, and he said "No, as that was part of my contract." So - the point is that people need to examine how incarnation works, the process of coming to the planet, how people bring a portion of their conscious energy to a lifetime, but do not arrive before the fourth month of gestation.
Jennifer mentions that in her 4000 sessions, every time the topic has come up, the person learns that their child they didn't have still exists, is there for them on the flipside. Keeping an eye on them, or coming via another method. In the seven years we've done this kind of work, that has been mentioned often.
I pointed out that Harry Dean Stanton, Elvis and Jimi Hendrix all recounted being met by a child they were supposed to have but did not. We realize how the process works - we realize that no one dies. That the child we were supposed to have is waiting for us - or has incarnated with someone else that we know.
It's not opinion, theory or belief.
It's based on thousands of clinical case studies from Dr. Helen Wambach, Dr. Brian Weiss and Michael Newton and the Newton Institute. People report we come after the fourth month. That's consistent throughout the reporting. In the 100 subjects I've filmed, all said the same.
So in this debate about what courts should or should do with women - the point is that if the Constitution guarantees life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness - clearly that includes the right to healthy options about being alive. Again - no reports of conscious energy coming prior to four months exist in the research.
Sorry if this offends people - or stirs them up. But more importantly, Luana and Will wanted to emphasize the idea of "standing up" or being creative, and using one's creativity to write - a play, a letter, a song - and use one's artistic abilities to change the paradigm. To use one's creative talents to create the thing that will cause the change one seeks. Be creative. Write the letter, the play, the film, the song that will bring about change.
Like I said, mind bending.
This one should be called "Garbo Speaks...
from the Flipside!"
This is about as mind bending as our podcast gets. But wait, there's more!
A week ago Sunday, I was doing a session with my pal Iris Libby of "AskIrisLibby.com" fame - I've known Iris most of my life, know her as a successful businesswoman, a pal, who happens to be an amazing astrologer. I've filmed her during her hypnotherapy session training with Scott De Tamble, and some excerpts of her sessions appear in my books.
We had an experiment to try - speaking to her council. But when the session began, she said "Houdini is here." I said "Why?" And he proceeded to chat with us. I asked if he was surprised to meet anyone on the flipside, and he said "Greta Garbo."
That session I recorded, and will be part of a future book. But this session with Jennifer was a follow up on that conversation, as noted during the podcast.
Jennifer had no idea that I had "spoken to Houdini and Garbo" a week earlier, as I told no one. Besides, everyone I know wouldn't believe me anyway - so there's no point in telling anyone as it is.
However, I left it up to our moderator on the flipside as to whom we should speak with - and I'll let the podcast speak for itself.
Inevitably I get details wrong - or incorrect. I'm asking the questions, and an interview is only as good as the person who directs the conversation. However, Harry and Greta both offer new insights, new information about their journey and the flipside from their current perspective.
I have no other way to put it than "Garbo speaks from the Flipside!" "Houdini makes an appearance from the Flipside!" I will repeat what they both said during the session with Iris, and I do repeat it in the podcast:
Harry, when asked if he had any message for humanity it was "Everything is an illusion." When asked the same questions Garbo said "Matter is not matter, and matter doesn't matter."
Neither one could I make up.
So sit back and enjoy the 101st podcast of a very unusual collaboration. JenniferShaffer.com is where you can find Jennifer or book oneself one of her public events, or book privately. RichMartini.com is where you can find links to films and books in many languages. MartiniZone.com is where you can find the video of this interview, and HackingTheAfterlife.com is the podcast.
Thanks for tuning in!
It's our 100th episode! Whee!
Mind you, Jennifer and I started doing this together seven years ago. So it's our ... you do the math ... episode after doing this weekly for seven years.
The other sessions are excerpted in the books BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE 1, 2 and 3 - or TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE. https://www.audible.com/pd/Tuning-into-the-Afterlife-Audiobook/B09MG8Q5BH
As we often do - since doing this for so long - I let the moderator of our class on the flipside direct our conversation. My pal Luana Anders passed in 1996, and since then has been visiting me (and members of my family) since then. Clearly hasn't gone anywhere. Brings us new information.
She was a devout Buddhist, so in the general concept of the Boddhisattva vow - that we will return until everyone is "liberated" I'd say she's doing a heck of a job helping us with that.
But Luana is our "guide" on the flipside, who is in charge of the VIP list of who gets into our class to speak with us. So when I asked "Who is on Luana's list?" I'm leaving it up to her to let us know what she wants to speak about.
In this case - it was about how to construct a dream, or the process of constructing a dream. In my case - I had this dream a few nights ago where I was "creating an object" on the flipside using intent and imagination alone.
Generally a couple of nights prior to our podcast I may have a dream that involves the flipside. I don't remember all of them, but sometimes I remember a key. In one instance it was the word "telegraph key" to point out that we are like telegraph keys here - and people on the flipside can "send signals" that we need to translate into concepts, words, etc.
Anyways - I'm just giving some context to another mind bending podcast. HAPPY 100TH EPISODE!
A bit longer podcast today, talking about "Finding your voice." As always, first we connect with Luana Anders on the Flipside, my friend who passed in 1996 who helps me and Jennifer to facilitate these conversations. There's a conversation up front about that process and how we got started before we ask Luana to introduce the first guest on her list.
Elvis came forward to talk about "finding your voice." We didn't ask for him to come forward, but as fans of this podcast know, it's whomever has asked to speak to us. Could be someone we've interviewed in the past, could be someone that we both know, in this case, there are a number of people that come forward - personal friends and others.
He wanted to refer to a person's "voice" - that energy or frequency that relates to who they are over many lifetimes. I asked Prince to comment on the recently found footage of him in Minneapolis, Jennifer wasn't aware of it - but Prince was an accurately describes what is in the clip.
My dearest friend Charles Grodin stopped by to talk about a couple of things, and weighed in about the recent Oscar telecast where the "in Memoriam" section was so convoluted, and the famous "slap heard round the world." Interesting to note that Charles echoed what Denzel Washington said afterwards; "Who are we to judge?" Charles reminding us that "from the flipside we see things in terms of a person's overall journey - all of their lifetimes and how that translates into action in this lifetime."
Then Amelia Earhart stopped by for a chat. Jennifer didn't know that I was speaking about her recently in a surprise appearance on "Coast to Coast" in the middle of the night, and Amelia continued to encourage me to make a film about what really happened to her.
Then a discussion about angels and "Pegasus." Jennifer notes that she had recently gotten an email from someone involved in a case in Texas where she's helping law enforcement - and the contents of the email were about what seeing a "Pegasus" represents metaphorically. It's about transportation - as we've heard from people who self identify as "angels."
"The wings are a metaphor for travel between realms at the speed of thought."
Interesting discussion over all.
For more information: JenniferShaffer.com - a list of the 9 books are at RichMartini.com, clips and links from the podcast are at MartiniZone.com - or the podcast itself is on Apple at HackingTheAfterlife.com
PS: Six hours ago, Julian Lennon released this version of him singing his father's song "Imagine." It was yesterday we recorded this session. Elvis used this song as an example of "finding your voice." Perhaps he was referring to this version of the song. Take a moment to enjoy this song, and think of the folks in Ukraine.
Today's podcast is about process. In our ongoing conversation with Luana Anders, our pal no longer on the planet but who moderates a classroom on the flipside, we asked her about process. How people are able to connect with their loved ones on the flipside, but from the perspective of someone on the flipside trying to reach out to someone here.
In today's conversations, Luana has Charles Grodin, TV producer Howard Schultz and others weigh in on the process. We have guest appearances by Garry Shandling on the anniversary of his passing, who talks about the "venn diagram" of creating structures like golf courses on the flipside - a short chat with Marilyn about the recent Vanity Fair article about her relationship with RFK.
There's also a chat with Dick Clark who stops by to chat about the process. It's all mind bending stuff, and again, we do our best to talk about the process. Buckle up, it's going to be a unusual journey.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Today we have an interesting chat with someone who self identifies as "the Librarian." In this instance, he suggested we call him "Seven" as to avoid separation between us and him. He says that he's the librarian for all the Akashic libraries - normally shows up as an ancient fellow who is about the size and demeanor of Yoda.
In the half dozen times I've chatted with him, via different people, each time he gives insight into the journey. In this case he self identifies as the "Librarian" of all Akashic libraries - not throughout all realms and universes, but the ones we might have access to. He mentions that as a result of that, he's connected to all of us - at least on a frequency level.
It's an unusual talk - and is in line with our other mind bending conversations with him (listed as "five" at MartiniZone.com). All I can say is, whoever shows up, we try to ask as many questions as we can.
Happy wearing of the green.
We had our first guest on our podcast - first guest that is still on the planet that is! I had the good fortune to take a class with Robert Thurman at Columbia University back in the 90's. As noted in my talk at the Conference of Living and Dying recently via Tibet House, I was working for Charles Grodin on his talk show when I audited this class in philosophy.
It led me to study Tibetan philosophy - Buddhism in particular, which I find to be a peerless philosophy. Robert is an author of many excellent books about Buddhist philosophy, including but not limited to "Inner Revolution" and beautiful translation of the "Bardo Thodol" in the "Tibetan Book of the Dead." His book "Circling the Sacred Mountain was instrumental in my own trip to Mt. Kailash with him in 2004. I've had the privilege to travel with him and his wife Nena to Ladakh, and then later a trip across Tibet where I filmed the journey for a documentary on YouTube "Journey Into Tibet with Robert Thurman." https://youtu.be/MqbG_RY4eiY
Robert is one of the wisest, most insightful humans I've met - it's a privilege for him to appear on our podcast. He recently became aware of this podcast during my talk for the Conference, so it was his suggestion he come on to see if he could communicate with anyone "no longer on the planet." It was in that spirit we tried this experiment.
As Jennifer notes, she isn't aware of his life or journey outside of knowing he's the father of Uma, and that he's a Buddhist scholar. He's a passionate speaker, and at the moment clearly wanted to express his dismay over the war in Ukraine, and his solidarity for the people who are suffering, as well as the suffering of the Russians who want no part in killing their neighbors.
My apologies for playing the role of moderator here - to keep us on track to speak to people on the flipside who might want to speak to Robert. As noted - I texted Jennifer and said Robert wanted to come on the podcast, and she replied "His mentor wants to talk to him." (Jennifer had no idea who that would be.) Later she texted "His mom really wants to talk to him." Then "Steve Jobs told me that he knows him."
We didn't get to Robert's mom, but we did get to the other two. For the skeptics in the audience, allow me to say "this podcast isn't for you." That's fine - skepticism is healthy - we can't really understand skydiving until we jump out of the plane. For those who are devout Buddhists who may find this disconcerting, I can vouch that Robert has spent his whole life sharing the dharma, Buddhism across the globe.
I recall a monk coming up to us in Tibet, in a cave, outside the view of the soldiers in the courtyard and saying "thank you americans for remembering us." I heard him whisper it in English in Robert's ear - the comment brought me to tears. "Thank you for remembering us." The same can be said of those who are no longer on the planet. "Thank you for remembering us."
This podcast is dedicated to remembering those who have gone before us - one can imagine that everything that is said in this podcast is subconscious information, but I suggest looking for new information that could not be cryptomnesia - something someone heard or read. Jennifer is not trying to prove there is an afterlife, she works with law enforcement agencies daily helping people with details to solve cases (the investigators consider it a way to gain new information that turns into evidence). We do this podcast in the same vein - consider this as gathered intelligence that point to a greater truth.
It may very well be that we are pulling these concepts out of thin air - but after having filmed people accessing this information for over ten years, 100s of examples indicate otherwise. As always with any insight, we hope that sharing this information heals someone who is in need of healing, sharing this information helps people who need help, sharing these concepts help people to open their minds to the possibility that life continues on and if so, it makes sense for us to learn something new from those no longer with us.
After all, the love doesn't die - they still care about us as we did then, it's only we who stop caring about them by pretending we cannot hear them. I can't help but reflect on how my friend Luana's passing led me to Robert's class, which led me to Tibet and India, which led me to this podcast, which led me to this episode. The "red string" of our lives continues on.
I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as we did making it. Love love. For more information about Robert and Tibet House, see thus.org . His books, lectures and teachings are priceless - find more about him at BobThurman.com
For more information about Jennifer, she's at JenniferShaffer.com - I'm at RichMartini.com - for those who are first time viewers, buckle up - to quote bob's pal; "we are all just walking each other home."
Fifteen minutes before our podcast I learned that one of my closest pals on the planet had left the planet. Sally was best friends with Luana Anders, they traipsed around Hollywood together, lived together, stayed best friends for both of their lives. Sally's husband Jonathan Krane was my champion - produced three films that I directed, believed in me as no other person in Hollywood has.
He was John Travolta's manager. He also ran a mini studio, pioneered a number of innovative ways of financing and making feature films. He was behind hit films like "Look Who's Talking" and other John Travolta films.
Sally was an oscar nominated actress (MASH) who worked often with Robert Altman, who was beloved by man - as noted in the podcast, dated Henry Kissinger. She had three children - one was her sister's whom she adopted, Claire, and the other two were also adopted Hannah and Jack. Of course the flipside research shows that people "seek out their parents" even when they're born to someone else.
It's unusual for me to do a podcast, so soon, without giving anyone the time to grieve. My apologies to those who feel that is the case. However, based on the research, I've learned that people who had dementia, as Sally did in her later years, are "already one foot out the door." They literally leave a portion of their conscious energy behind to continue helping and healing others who take care of them.
Sally was/is someone who gave of herself to her friends. She was funny, witty, and I got to spend a year of lunches where I had her tape record her autobiography into a cassette player. The idea that having me ask her questions helped her recall events. Another writer ghost wrote from those recordings her book "Hot Lips." But I got a front row seat to some hilarious stories.
I mention two in this podcast.
Suffice to say that a light in my life has left the building - but I do this podcast to show people how easy it is to contact their loved ones. It certainly helps to have someone as skilled as Jennifer to interpret what she's seeing... like seeing "Robert" and asking me if that referred to our friend Robert Towne, and me realizing she's hearing "Robert" because Altman was there to greet her.
Jennifer doesn't know anything about Sally's career, but I do. I'm going to miss her laughter, but I'm sure I'll be hearing more of it. Those who loved her will have their own memorials for Sally - and while this happened rather quickly, as you can see, I was born to ask questions about friends who are on the flipside.
And Jennifer, who works with law enforcement agencies daily on missing person cases, is generous enough to share her talents in this area. It's an unusual way to present something - I know it - but this was an example I could not let slide.
The conference mentioned starts today, and tickets or the link is on my webpage RichMartini.com
Another unusual session - this time in Jennifer's office, completely unplanned. In this session, or mentor on the flipside, Luana Anders, suggests that I prepare to speak at the Art of Living and Dying conference (see RichMartini.com for details) by visiting my own council.
We take a trip to visit my "council." When I did my first hypnotherapy session for the film and book "Flipside" I met my council. At the time, I didn't think I would "get anywhere" let alone have a conversation with a group of a advisors and teachers on the flipside, but in the 100 sessions I've filmed, people can and do have conversations with these wise beings who each person has their own version of.
We only had time to speak to two of the council members, but then Jennifer's attention was directed to my "higher conscious self." Based on the research, we bring a portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime and the rest "stays home." In this instance, Luana points out that the number of council members is not set in stone, nor is the fact that people learn more from each lifetime and are constantly changed, learning and growing.
It's mind bending to say the least, not something I've ever witnessed or participated in before - but as I point out in the podcast, something I often report, but have never had the experience of chatting directly with "my higher self."
For further info see RichMartini.com
Even writing the headline for these podcasts is problematic.
Do we know for a fact this was Steve Jobs coming for a chat? No. Jennifer has done a session with his daughter, and Steve has come forward a number of other times to answer questions. As noted in the podcast, she was doubting it was him at first as well.
Yes, we discuss the winner of the Super Bowl. Because everyone out there who wants to meet with a medium, wants to use their powers to discern the future. And we have a healthy discussion about what that entails and why that might be important or unhealthy, depending.
Steve came forward to let us know he's working on a "cell phone" to the flipside from his side of the veil. That isn't a device, something you can hold in your hand - although he did encourage me to create an app to do so - but he was talking about helping those on the flipside to "lower their frequency" to communicate with their pals, loved ones, relatives on the denser side - the side we are in on the planet.
For those keeping track; the three step process is 1. Love. 2. Stay open. 3. Just listen.
It sounds impossibly vague, but if one has spent over a decade chatting with folks on the flipside via hypnotherapy, mediumship and meditation, it's a lot more complex than it sounds. But it's a lot less complex than it sounds.
If someone wants to help me create an app, by all means, reach out to MartiniProds at gmail. If one wants to complain that none of this is possible or logical - hold that thought, as we're focusing on experience or data that helps folks to reach out to the flipside.
Enjoy the game, even if now you know what the outcome will be!
After this podcast, where we talk about the ways to communicate from the flipside to this side, I was in the car and put on a random 50's station, and lo and behold Elvis was singing "TREAT ME NICE."
That is something that he mentions in this podcast. That when we access people on the flipside, if we think of them in angry terms, the messages don't get through. However, if we "treat them nice" we can communicate with pretty much anyone.
Another unusual podcast in a sea of them. In this case, Luana Anders, my pal who passed in 1996 helps facilitate a "classroom" where people stop by and converse. In this instance, the late Charles Grodin, a good friend, pal stopped by to mention that he observed the interview I did on camera for a film about him last week.
He correctly recounted to Jennifer what I had said about him - even though there was no human way she could have known the content. She corrects me that she was aware I was doing an interview about Charles Grodin, but due to our schedules I wasn't able to tell her the content of the interview, how it went, etc.
This podcast is to demonstrate how simple it is to access loved ones no longer on the planet. Don't need a hypnotherapist (it can help) don't need a medium (it can obviously help) but one can meditate on their loved one and strike up a conversation.
Not everyone wants to or has to - but for those who do, it's demonstrating the possibility of doing so.
The conference mentioned in the podcast is this month, will be given online and sign up for it can be found at my web page RichMartini.com
Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! Jennifer and I have been trying to get together for weeks, were "thisclose" to podcasting last week, but a number of bugs in the ointment conspired to make it not happen.
In today's podcast we go over a bit of what we've been doing - Jennifer helping people around the planet, me meeting with someone who was able to access the flipside this afternoon.
This podcast, despite the number of people who have checked off the planet lately, was about how the "veil is thinning." It's that a number of clients of Jennifer's have expressed that to be the case, and how people seem to be doing more "communication" with folks no longer on the planet.
Another unusual chat with her father Jim who stops by to clarify some issues as well. More to come!
Welcome to the New Year of 2022! Here Jennifer and I are picking up from where we left off last year - after both of us coming down with Covid, and me trying not to cough my way through the show. Apologies for the cough drop walla, just unavoidable.
In this podcast we asked who wanted to come forward, and I was surprised to see George Harrison step in - as in the past he was a reluctant speaker. Mostly opted for witty sarcasm - but as this podcast and our interviews have been going on weekly for seven years, people on the flipside have gotten used to the idea of "showing up" when they have something to say.
In this case, he wanted to talking about "creating a new algorithm" for a person's life. That is - to focus on the positive, to focus on intent and creating love within your work, your day, and that in turn will affect one on their journey. Sage advice.
Betty White showed up - not to be interviewed - we don't always get interviews with people who've just crossed over, as they're busy acclimating to the new environment. She opted to just "observe" and I slipped in one question about who greeted her on the flipside.
It was widely reported that her last word was "Allen" and before I could ask the question, Jennifer answered it on Betty's behalf. All I can say is that in 7 years of doing this with Jennifer, it's not that she's reading my mind, it's that folks on the flipside already know what we're going to ask.
That has been consistent.
Then I had a question for Charles Grodin about his work with prisons and helping get non violent prisoners out of prison - and ending the "felony murder rule" something he was passionate about in life. He confirmed that he had shown up while we were watching the latest Spiderman with the theme that "your work doesn't die with you." It continues on - not only in the lives of those you have influenced, but also from the flipside.
It's a profound message in a film - but it's in the movie, and as noted in the podcast I didn't experience feeling his presence, but three of my family members did simultaneously. It's not like there was some direct or obvious reference to him - but all three said after the film "The weirdest thing happened while watching the film, it's as if Chuck was there." Chuck was their godfather, so it's not beyond the ability of someone to argue he's always keeping an eye on them - but my wife and children all felt him in the room.
Finally, Jennifer's dad Jim stops by to chat about the process - he's always got some great insight into the flipside, and is fun to chat with. Luana also had a few things to say about process and keeping our loved ones alive in our hearts because they want to continue to help and assist us from the flipside.
Hope this helps someone. Happy New Year.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, both Jennifer and I have come down with versions of the flu. Both of us are okay, but not up to doing our "year end" podcast that we so wanted to do. We may do that next week.
Meanwhile, for all of our fans, here's a previous unseen session filmed in Jennifer's office in Manhattan Beach. I started off by invited Cass Elliot (in the theme of "Tuning Into the Afterlife" now on sale at Amazon) we zipped around and got a number of Avatars to swing by - both mythological ones and ones who are firmly ensconced in the religious pantheons.
As always, we're doing the best we can - Jennifer has the gift of being a cellphone to the Flipside, and I have the gift of being able to ask any question to anyone - and not know if I can or should get an answer.
This is one of those sessions for our fans - it was made in August of 2019, the transcript is in the book BACKSTAGE PASS TO THE FLIPSIDE, an excerpt is in the book TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE, and as noted, more information can be found at RichMartini.com - including the upcoming "The Art of Dying to Live" conference I'm speaking at in late February with some of the luminaries of that world.
Hoping everyone that listens or watches our podcast has a safe and fun New Year's celebration, and looks forward to rewiring the planet as well as their brains by focusing on the heart.
All we have is love. Love love.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we've had to dig into the stocking by the fireplace for a podcast this week, the last one of 2021. Why not just rerun the one we did last year at this same time? Sounds like a great idea.
Wishing all our listeners and friends a happy holidaze, and here's the reaching out to our loved ones on the flipside. They say that they're with us during the holidays, because of course we think of them. They say that we should toast them in present tense because after all they can hear us when we cannot hear them.
The report that they are okay, are happy to see us happy, so the more the merrier, the more love that is spread, the more they can participate in that love. As Robin Williams said to Jennifer one afternoon, "Love love." It was an admonition and a way to navigate the planet.
Love what love is - those around you who represent love, love oneself selflessly, as well as others.
In that spirit, we wish you all happiest of holidays and we'll catch you on the flipside!
This is a bit different, as Jennifer had spoken with someone who was close to Steve Jobs the day before, and alerted me that he might want to stop by the podcast for a chat.
I didn't know that to be the case, but we had spoken to him before, so I prepared some questions beforehand. As noted, some of the questions to him, Jennifer could not know the answers. His comment that his relationship with Kubun Otogawa "saved his life so he could have his life" - was spot on, as he was a Zen Master that had a profound influence on Steven's life.
The questions about his LSD trip, his last words, and his comments about Joe Ranft are on the money as well. Jennifer isn't familiar with the controversy around his first daughter, who wrote a book about his bad behavior. But he was aware of it, and comments on it.
The point of this podcast is not to prove to anyone that "life goes on." It's in the consistent and reproducible reports that people can seek the evidence that life goes on - because people can access anyone who has been on the planet, and ask the same questions and see if the answers differ in any fashion.
To date, they have not. As noted, we've been at this for seven years, I've been filming these interviews for longer, and the 9 books out there have transcripts. There are two documentaries on Amazon Prime via Gaia - "Flipside" and "Hacking the Afterlife" that give context to what you're about to see or hear.
I apologize in advance to all those that this information will offend because of their world view or belief system. Having been filming people under hypnosis or without hypnosis accessing the same information, Jennifer is one of many mediums I've asked to be a cell phone to the flipside.
The fact that we're still doing it after seven years attests to our friendship. The book she's talking about is "TUNING INTO THE AFTERLIFE: HOW TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH THE FLIPSIDE" is available on Amazon and Audible.
The book includes a number of interviews with different people on the flipside, including my mom, a concert pianist. The point of this podcast and these reports is to demonstrate to everyone how simple it is - but the key is to be open to the possibility, as noted by none other than Steve Jobs.
It's our Anniversary Special!
Jennifer reached out to me 7 years ago, after listening to the audible for my second book "It's a Wonderful Afterlife." At the time I didn't know anything about mediums, other than I'd met a few who were spot on and amazingly accurate. I didn't realize that it was another methodology for accessing information on the flipside.
So we spent three hours together our first meeting - me filming her accessing people on the flipside. Me asking her questions about her path and journey - all on film. She knew more about a person on the flipside (Amelia Earhart) than anyone I'd ever met - and I'd worked on two feature films about her. Not because Jennifer knew about Amelia - but because it was like having Amelia in the room answering my pointed questions.
After that we began meeting weekly for seven years. Let me say that again - for some reason, for seven years, she and I have been conversing with the flipside for seven years. Excerpts of those conversations are in the film "HACKING THE AFTERLIFE" full transcripts are in the book "Hacking the Afterlife", "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2, 3" - as the latest book "Tuning Into the Afterlife."
That is all a prelude to what happens next.
A day before, a friend of mine posted a photograph of Billy Preston referring to the trauma he'd experienced as a child. I wrote under his post, "Not gone, just not here." It's hard to say to people that our loved ones are "not gone" - but to raise awareness that they are somewhere else.
Which made me think, "I would like to interview him on the flipside." Lo and behold, the next day, doing this podcast, Jennifer says "I'm seeing Nat King Cole." We had interviewed him before (I spent a semester at his high school when I was in high school in Chicago) so that wasn't odd to hear. However, she said "He's singing that song "You are so beautiful."
Most people don't know that Billy Preston wrote that song. (with Bruce Fisher, not Diane Warren as I say in the clip). But because she mentioned it - I realized that Luana had put an image of Nat in Jennifer's mind to get me into the ballpark, and by having her hear "You Are So Beautiful" was to allow me to connect those dots.
And it happens live on camera. But Jennifer doesn't know who "Billy" is and I don't say his last name until the end of the podcast. That allowed me to ask her specific questions about Billy and his journey. I knew that Eric Clapton was a close friend, so when I asked her to ask him about his friend Eric's visit to his deathbed, she said "I'm seeing Eric Clapton."
I didn't say his name. She did.
Because we've interviewed John and George before - as Jennifer notes in the podcast she did a session with one of George's friends who was able to access him - (Gary) - and we've chatted with John a few times (anyone can) - I asked for Billy's impression of John and George.
Again - she hasn't seen the film "Get Back" she isn't aware of the relationship between the three of them. So what we get to hear is unadulterated reactions to my questions from someone no longer on the planet.
Everything is interpretation - everything is frequency. So some of the answers may be skewed by interpretation, some may be skewed by my asking them inappropriately. For example, I didn't know that Billy had a sister - so when Jennifer says "the love of his life was the husband of his sister" - that may mean "a boyfriend his sister had at a young age" it could mean someone closely associated with his sister.
And his sister is alive - so if she's reading this, my apologies for asking a question that I didn't know what he would reply - and we tend to not edit or change what comes through. It's an impression that Jennifer got, that the "love of his life" was his first love, which was someone associated with his sister. Whether they were together or not isn't important.
The portion about the abuse - looking up the details after the sessions, I learn that it was by someone in a church band - not someone in the church per se, but someone who molested and abused him as a child. (When he was forced to move to a new city and be part of this band in Los Angeles.) Jennifer asks if he was an orphan - and the answer was that he "had the feeling of being an orphan" when he was moved abruptly to the new city.
Having been doing this for so long with Jennifer, when it seems as if I'm "leading her" it IS THAT I'M LEADING HER. I've been doing this for so long with her, I'm anticipating what she might say, and as you can hear, I interrupt her to focus on questions I can verify. (Like "did he play drums?" - he did play other instruments, the drums reference might have been about Ringo, but I focused on things I can verify about Billy's life.)
Needless to say - anyone who has seen Get Back will see what I'm talking about when his presence in the band is treated with reverence. I saw it, but Jennifer did not. And the answers are mind bending if not mind blowing in scope.
So this is an appropriate Anniversary Special. It shows what seven years of constant conversation with the flipside can do. Allow people to open themselves up to the possibility that people live on.
Again - because we live in a world of celebrity, I'm not posting this to connect myself or Jennifer with famous musicians or people. We are doing this specifically to show, demonstrate to everyone that it is possible to connect with loved ones, it is possible that they still exist, it is possible to converse. All of this work - the seven years of it - has been to open up that door for people.
Because it's time. It's time to realize that life goes on. That consciousness goes on. That are loved ones still care about us, still want to assist or help us, and we are the ones who either prevent them from doing so - or can open the door for them.
So open the door by opening one's heart. "That's the Way God Planned it" "Will It Go Round In Circles" "Nothing From Nothing" "A Change is Gonna Come" "Love the One You're With" (based on a comment Stephen Stills heard from Billy) "You Are So Beautiful" - all these titles are about the beautiful journey Billy took and that we all take.
This is something filmed in April of 2019. It was on the heels of a conversation with Hawking, Sagan, Tesla and Einstein. That interview is in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" - this one is reproduced in the new book "Tuning into the Afterlife."
There's a number of unusual concepts covered in this session, talking to Stephen Hawking about how to access a "slice of time." The story that I'm referring to was told by the actor Hank Azaria on the Stephen Colbert show - prefaced by the "funniest thing I ever heard."
He said it was during a table read, and Harry Shearer, the comedian and many voices on the show, was waiting for Hawking who was an hour late to the table read. Harry said "The man has no sense of time."
I asked how he was able to know what the punchline to Shearer's joke was, since he wasn't in the room when he said it. Hawking talks about the akashic records as "floppy disks" that retain all the events from a slice of time and refers to them as mathematical numbers (like sequences, like algorithms, like CGI on a computer screen is all 1s and 0s.)
At one point Jennifer mentions the physicist Michio Kaku and a violin - something she's not aware of but recently, years after this was filmed, Kaku came out with this latest book about string theory.
All I can do is ask questions and report as best I can. Certainly we're going to get some of these answers wrong - but it's worth noting that some of them we get right. I mean - that I ask the right question at the right time to get a mind bending response.
Enjoy. Tuning into the Afterlife is out on Audible, Kindle, Paperback and Hard Cover via Amazon.
This is one of those unusual podcasts where again, no plan, just chatting with Jennifer. And in this case, a dog came through that I knew 30 years ago - that I walked for three years for my then boss Robert Towne, Oscar winning screenwriter.
Hira was a unique pet - treated me like a vassal, had a persona that I can remember thinking "this isn't a dog. This is like a person who allows me to walk with him, rather than walk him." Robert and Hira had a terrific bond, even though Robert had other dogs before and since.
Some years ago, when I was talking to Robert about my research, he told me he was a skeptic, didn't believe in any version of there being an afterlife. And so, as a proof of concept, I scheduled a conversation with Jennifer and our mutual friend Ed Taylor, who passed away, but knew Robert from college.
He came through clear as a bell, and towards the end of the interview, I asked if I could "speak to Hira." Jennifer had no idea who that was - but realized it was a dog. We had a detailed conversation with him - and have since then numerous times. Hira recalls so many events with specificity that I could not know, it forced Robert to say to me "I was convinced my whole life that the afterlife didn't exist, and now I'm convinced it does. What happened?"
Experience happened. Hira is only known to Robert - and not to me, really. But Robert and him spent time together, he credits Hira with Robert writing "Chinatown" because of the way he used to smell the air on Catalina. He credits Hira with his writing "Greystoke: Tarzan" - because he realized how sentient of a being Hira was.
So the idea that Hira would "come through" because he wanted to speak to us about "how to communicate with animals" is mind bending. I didn't invite him, wasn't thinking about him - nor was Jennifer. Luana Anders, our moderator on the flipside, the person with the clipboard, knew Hira. And here he is - giving us new information about "how to speak with your pet no longer on the planet."
It's mind bending, and I know it's accurate because I've been doing this work for ten years. It's fine for people to dismiss it, ignore it, even laugh about it - it doesn't change the fact that I've been getting new information from animals no longer on the planet during many of my filmed sessions.
There are a few examples in the documentary "Hacking the Afterlife" on Gaia, and in the book "Architecture of the Afterlife." Anyone can do the same - doesn't need a medium (it helps) doesn't need a hypnotherapist (it helps) or me giving them a guided meditation.
Our loved ones are not gone, and our pets are not gone either.
This is a book talk that I gave in Laguna Woods about "Eleven eleven" in 2019.
The information still applies. Jennifer was busy today and could not participate in the podcast. This is a 90 minute book talk, so for those who can handle me speaking non stop for two hours, this is for you.
Talk was given for the "Life After Life" club in Laguna Woods that covers my journey into the flipside, as well as some of the latest reports.
Refers to books "Flipside" "It's a wonderful afterlife" "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer." Cites sessions from Scott De Tamble (lightbetweenlives.com) and Jennifer Shaffer (JenniferShaffer.com). 90 minutes of Flipside tales.
By the way, during the talk, I mention how Dr. Eben Alexander was guided around his near death experience by his sister who "died before he was born." I'm told that she died "a month before his birth family reached out to him."
So he did not know her, could not have known her, but when he met her during his near death event, felt "as if he had known her forever."
This is another one of those podcasts about process.
In this case, Jennifer recounts going to someone's house to do some mediumship work, and this person added a wall of photographs to their home. The idea was to "remember where we came from and how we got here."
Along those lines, a discussion of how Jennifer's father had come through and given us advice from the flipside about how to deal with grief. He said "grief is only sad memories, but nostalgia is both sad and happy memories - when you can move grief to nostalgia you begin the healing process."
Luana, our moderator from the flipside, wanted to talk about "the Day of the Dead." While having both Basque and Swedish roots, Luana had relatives who had lived in both Mexico City as well as in Santa Fe. Her Basque relatives came from a long line of people who lived near Spain - and their culture predates the Roman era.
She wasn't close to the Mexican side of her family, but we did spend some time in Mexico together - both when we met and then years later with frequent trips south of the border.
She's relating to the idea of "putting up photos of loved ones" around one's home in order to stay in touch with them. Luana also speaks about the concept of "moving on" but at the same time, realizing our loved ones have moved on as well, but want to continue to stay in touch with us.
A shortened podcast due to a wifi issue, but hopefully next week we'll spend some more time "with the dead" realizing that they can't be dead if they can answer our questions with new information. There's a mention of the forum on Quora "Hacking the Afterlife" - which is here: https://hackingtheafterlife.quora.com/
Unusual podcast today - first a conversation about dreams, and how dreams are created, both with folks no longer on the planet, and our memories of them. A dive into how consciousness functions.
And then, when asked if our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders has brought anyone in to speak with us, she introduces Jesse Owens, because "there aren't enough athletes in our class."
Which is pretty funny - Jennifer knew little about Jesse, I knew a tad more that she does - but look up some details while we are doing the show. He wanted to stop by and talk about health, and how the "media we consume" can be a health hazard (without saying it in exactly those words.)
At some point I ask him about his famous achievements, and why he might have chosen a difficult lifetime, what he wanted to show people, and he says "Hope."
He was only 66 when he departed in 1980, but it was fun to be able to chat with him. Muhammed Ali stops by for a few choice words ("I'm still the prettiest") and again - Jennifer is less aware of his journey than I am.
Which makes for an unusual and interesting podcast. Thanks for tuning in.
Jennifer is back from the UK and worlds beyond!
In this shortened episode, we discuss some things with our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders, who talks about her observations of the planet.
It bears repeating that Luana was my 20 year companion, who passed to the flipside in 1996, who started showing up in dreams, visions, and then to members of my family prior to doing any of this research into the Flipside. As noted in the book "Flipside: A Tourist's Guide on How to Navigate the Afterlife" it was her appearance that inspired this journey.
I spent ten years filming people under hypnosis accessing their own loved ones on the flipside, and then, when meeting Jennifer Shaffer, it was Luana who made that connection. And now, she's like the "hall monitor" on the flipside, who has a guest list that allows specific individuals into our classroom to discuss the process.
Jennifer and I haven't spoken for at least three weeks, so I have no idea what we're going to discuss prior to the session. In this one, Luana correctly (mind bendingly) points out that "She and I took a trip to Portugal together."
Except when we went together, she was ashes in a pouch in my suitcase. It was just after she had passed, and I was dutifully scattering her ashes in different places around the globe. I had been invited to Bilbao, and stopped by to see Luana's friend (and "group member") Frank Gehry's design of the Guggenheim.
I didn't know there was a pond outside the museum, but when possible, I scatter a small handful of her ashes in waterways that I go to visit - thinking of her when I do so, thinking of all those tiny particles floating around the water, swallowed by a passing fish or whatever metaphor one might want.
I do have the photograph mentioned of me scattering her ashes in Sydney, and having the wind blow them all back into my face (just like in the Cohen brother's film with Jeff Bridges) but then a spotlight appeared out of the clouds right onto me. I'll have to track it down and post it on my blog RichMartini.com - when I write about this unusual podcast.
Anyways, more to come, just a short trip into the flipside today.
This is a podcast from a year ago - when we first started to do zoom sessions and put them on MartiniZone.com at the YouTube channel. Oldie but goodie while Jennifer is traipsing around the planet.
I begin the segment with me on camera mentioning the two folks I invited to come to the session. Jennifer knew the face of Tom, one of them, didn't know the second one Randi at all. However, we spoke to Tom before, and this conversation is in honor of his 70th birthday. We talk about his birthday party on the flipside, and talk about music in general and a little bit of his bio.
Then we shift to Regis Philbin, someone I knew, met through Charles Grodin (had dinner with outside of when he first met me and commented on the air about my mixed striped outfit) and he had a couple of things to say to his friend Chuck.
Then I interview "the Amazing Randi" - a terrific magician in his own right, who later became the preeminent debunker of all things paranormal. As was our interview with atheist Harry Dean Stanton (and Carl Sagan) both in the "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books, he had some amusing anecdotes to say, as well as messages to both Penn and Teller.
Finally Paul Newman strolled by - and we got fifteen minutes with the icon who has a message for John Cusack of all people (someone I know). We'll speak in more detail to Paul if he desires it - but it's another mind bending hour of your time.
Jennifer is away from the desk for a moment or three. In the meantime, I was looking through our old interviews. These were not made for the podcast - they follow the same format, but were not meant to be shown.
The idea was that Jennifer and I would have lunch once a week and see who came forward. These recorded conversations are part of the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." If you haven't read any of them, it's a good place to start.
By this time, we are speaking in short hand. I know that the restaurant is noisy, but I'm not filming for broadcast. I'm just filming so I have a record of what she is saying.
This clip is part of the film "Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson" on YouTube (free). But this is the raw footage - the uncut version of what happened that day. I went to the restaurant with the idea that I wanted to speak to someone I'd never met before, Paul Allen - to see if it was possible to do so.
I have friends who know him - so I asked John Lennon for help because I know his son (He's in Cannes Man), I asked Anthony Bourdain for help guessing he might have met Paul and asked Steve Jobs for help. All three of these people we've interviewed in the past.
So if you're not aware of the process, or have seen our podcast, this clip won't make any sense. It will seem entirely random and all over the map. I mean at some point I ask Abraham Lincoln to come forward to clarify a point from a previous interview we'd done with him. I wanted to ask him what his favorite poem was. ("Mortality" - he knew it by heart.)
There are more jumps around the map - George Washington stops by. If you can't imagine how that can work, then start over at the first podcast to understand how it works. But since she's not available, and some are addicted to listening to her - her is 80 minutes of Jennifer.
Will Shakespeare shows up at the end. Is it really Will? I don't know. But I ask him the same questions and the answers are just as mind bending as every other one in this session.
Another mind bending session with Jennifer Shaffer and Luana Anders on the flipside. I posted some photographs on Facebook of Luana who appeared in Francis Coppola's first film "Dementia 13" as it's being released on Blue Ray this week with a commentary by Francis. And when mentioning that on our podcast, Jennifer revealed that she's been "reading" a member of the Coppola family since 2009.
I have no idea of how that came about - it clearly didn't have anything to do with me or Luana since Jennifer and I didn't meet until 6 years ago, and I had not known that she had "met" or helped someone from the family meet with folks on the flipside.
Luana was close with Eleanor and Francis, and we spent many years at their home for Thanksgiving, and as noted in the podcast, Luana spent many times going up there to visit on her own. Francis not only cast her in Dementia 13, she did voice over work for him the Godfather (she's the voice of the nurse who moves Marlon Brando in the film), and also contributed to the script of "One From the Heart."
Fans of this podcast know that Luana was instrumental in dragging me into the flipside, since passing in 1996 in my arms. She started showing up visually, audibly, in dreams - until I made a concerted effort to "find her." If she was able to visit me, why couldn't I visit her? And have been doing so since I fell into the research behind "Flipside."
Then, Luana become our conduit for our "classroom" on the flipside. As noted, it was Tom Petty who said "Your friend Luana is like the bouncer at the stage door with the list of people who get into the VIP lounge. No one gets to speak to you unless she approves it."
Today I got an email from a woman in Italy who asked Luana for some help with a classroom she is teaching, and had the distinct impression that Luana said she would, and directed her to look at a video on my YouTube page ("Going Home" a talk I gave at an iands event.)
Anyways, this is a podcast about "Hacking the Afterlife." And Luana gives a number of "Life Hacks" in this one, talking about how to interpret dreams, and how to allow that the visuals we see may be related to other lifetimes as well as other adventures.
Mind bendingly so.
This is one of those podcasts about process.
As usual we had nothing on our agenda, but Luana did. At some point she interrupted me (what else is new?) to get Jennifer to say "Luana wants to talk about something."
I know this is problematic for some people. As I note in the podcast, it's not my opinion, theory or belief that I've been filming people for the past ten years accessing the flipside, it's on film. It's literally footage.
Take a look at the films "Flipside" or "Hacking the Afterlife" on Amazon Prime. To those who have a problem with this process, find your own. People have suggested I interrupt Jennifer too often; my response is, "Sorry. But book your own session with Jennifer and you can do all the non interrupting you want."
We bring this public service to people because it's not hard to speak to loved ones in the after life. Some claim it is - we're showing it's not. People pretend it is, but if one takes the time to do the research, look at the clinical case studies, look at the research that shows consciousness is not confined to the brain, their adamant refusal to consider it possible is mind bending. It is possible. One doesn't need a medium, or a hypnotherapist - but both help.
As to why we do this podcast, as Jennifer notes, about 30% of her time speaking to the flipside is in service of law enforcement. She does that work pro bono - for the public good. It's her version of "tithing."
In my case I've been very clear since publishing "Flipside" in 2012. I've been filming people with or without hypnosis since 2008. 100 cases - half without hypnosis. What they say on camera matches the clinical case studies of Dr. Helen Wambach (a clinical psychologist who did 2750 case studies) or Dr. Brian Weiss (has done 4000 case studies) or Michael Newton and the Newton Institute, who have done over 7000 sessions with people. My version of tithing is to post this podcast, over 100's of hours of footage on this webpage at MartiniZone.com on Youtube.
For those adamant skeptics, look at the peer reviewed science from Dr. Greyson's "After" and his comprehensive NDE research, or Dr. Tucker's "Before" and his 1500 cases studies of reincarnation, or Ed Kelly's "Consciousness Unbound" - peer reviewed science citing how consciousness is not confined to the brain. All gave me a tour of UVA's lab at the DOPS part of the Medical School. It's directly related to why we do this podcast.
Subjective experience can be studied based on the 100's of examples. If everyone said something different, then we'd have the argument of bias, or projection. Having filmed people saying the same things with or without hypnosis, having mediums report the same things with friends of mine, shows that it cannot be cryptomnesia or my projections. (In the film "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia I had three mediums answer the same questions put to Bill, and all said the same answers, including the one who was asked the questions by a third party. (Triple blind study)
The only thing confined to the brain is opinion, cemented in years of people arguing that experiences mean nothing, that events that occur are meaningless without "mainstream science" weighing in. It took 66 years to go from Kitty Hawk to the Moon, not from the scientists who said people would "never escape gravity" or people who claimed flight was impossible.
Science asks two main things; reports must be consistent and reproducible. It's the basis of all data. In this case, we are getting a "hack" from someone who left the planet in 1996. She has made it a point to wrangle me out of my director's chair (I've written and or directed 9 theatrical feature films) and put me into this podcast chair where I have learned more than I ever could have filming people pretend to be someone they are not.
So enjoy the podcast, at the moment it's free, and given with love. Enjoy a little sage advice coming from the flipside.
Just another day in the park on the flipside.
In this case, Jennifer got a glimpse of Steve Martin on the Flipside. Because of the people involved, I guessed what that was a reference to. Not only is Charles Grodin's longtime friend in a successful show on Hulu, so is his pal Martin Short (Clifford.)
As noted in the show, Charles was close to Steve Martin - and despite their close relationship, acknowledges that Steve can't hear him when he's trying to reach out to him. That's a common refrain, as it's hard for someone to change horses midstream.
As my old boss Robert Towne mentioned after having verifiable evidence of the afterlife (courtesy of Jennifer Shaffer) he said "My whole life I was convinced that the afterlife didn't exist. Now I am convinced that it does exist."
Why is that?
Experience. Because no one can talk anyone into believing an afterlife exists, they have to experience it first hand. Seeing a medium is one avenue, as is hypnotherapy or meditation. All yield the same information and identical results. I know I've been filming people saying the same things about the journey for over ten years.
This isn't for everyone, nor should it be. But the people who need to hear this, or see this at MartiniZone.com on Youtube - will find it. Enjoy.
We got lucky today as Jennifer was available for a full hour.
We start off with a question about frequency and how electronics seem to influencing and affecting our lifetimes, and at Luana Anders suggestion (neither Jennifer nor I had planned anything in advance) she brought Stephen forward to talk about frequency disruption.
We've had chats with Stephen before - they're in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" as well as previous podcasts. The point is - we might not be able to translate what he's telling us, but someone else might try to do the same. Ask him questions about climate change. Ask him to help us alter the path of the planet. It can't hurt to ask.
Then James Dean came forward - as noted, we've had a number of conversations as of late with James and his pals, as well as the fellow that James himself told us he had "come back as." Just to clarify - people report we bring a certain portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime. Many report between 20 and 40% - and when we first spoke to him (in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" he said he had brought "about 30% to this current lifetime."
What makes it unusual is that I happen to know the fellow who told Jennifer he has "returned" as. And to repeat myself, I reached out to this fellow's best pal and asked him if his friend had ever been told by anyone that he was the "reincarnation of someone." His texted reply "James Dean."
Since then I've had the same thing confirmed by other folks, not mediums, who for some reason accessed the same information. What makes it worth noting is that I've met with this person, asked him about his path and journey, and his "whole life" there have been parallels with him and the late actor.
To be crystal clear - he's not going around telling anyone anything. He's not trading in on this detail in any fashion - the opposite actually. He's already got his own life, family, success in many fields - as if James returned in a fellow who exceeded his own expectations.
So as part of this ongoing research, we'll continue to report.
As seen on the podcast, had no clue I'd invite Helen to the podcast. But I did. And that led me to ask questions about my friend who lived in Helen's house - about her sudden passing and I was able to express my affection and gratitude to her.
This podcast exists so people can see how uncomplicated it is to try and speak with loved ones on the flipside. Anyone who tells us that "my religion forbids me speaking to those on the flipside" is inaccurate - because all religions honor, pray to, ask people to converse with those who've moved on. The fact that a religion might suggest not speaking to one's owned loved ones - and only the folks they deem worthy of conversation, belies the falsehood of that concept. We can and should speak to our loved ones. We don't have to. But we can if we want to. Even if it's someone as famous as Helen - who never spoke in life, but is able to communicate on the flipside.
I note in the subtitles of the podcast that I had no clue if Helen had a relationship with someone - but as it turns out, it was a cause of concern, as in her 30's she fell in love with her interpreter and nearly eloped with him. He left during her "ailment" which may be related to what is reported during the podcast.
I met Don Everly once in my career playing pianos in nightclubs around the planet. The amazing sax player Craig Cole, a member of our band "Imminent Disaster" and I were playing a gig at Les Deux Cafe. It was just me and Craig and as I began singing "Knocking on Heaven's Door" there was the sound of someone singing harmony in my ear.
As I recount in this episode, I didn't know who it was, but I recognized the voice immediately; Don Everly. So I thought it would be a good chance that we might be able to connect with him.
The session begins with a visit with James Dean. As noted in the podcast, we didn't invite him - but Jennifer and I had a conversation with him last week via someone who has had a lifetime of visitations from him. So it wasn't odd for us that he would show up and having something extra to add.
It's always mind bending when someone shows up - like at the end of the podcast when Jennifer says "Janis Joplin is here and she wants to say something to you." It took us awhile to unpack what she wanted to say - and it was about this book that I'm doing, that she will be a chapter in. It's about music and the afterlife, or music back "home" as they call it.
But I invited Don to our class, and he does show up. For those who are eager to hear proof of the afterlife, it's not what we're doing - Jennifer and I have been doing this weekly for six years. There's tons of evidentiary sessions - online ("Paul Allen, Junior Seau and Dave Duerson") where it's clear she's talking to someone on the flipside that has new information. The film "Talking to Bill Paxton" has three mediums ask my old pal the same questions.
The film "Hacking the Afterlife" on Amazon Prime is chock full of experiences that cannot be ascribed to cryptomnesia - so I don't spend time in these podcasts trying to prove something. I'm more interested in process, what "Harmony" means - and if people have journeys they planned in advance.
I know that Phil and Don were estranged, and his description of "hearing his brother" before he saw him is priceless. Having been doing this for six years I always hear something new and fascinating when I ask "So what was it like when you crossed over?"
I also took the time to ask his brother Phil some questions, also to ask Craig Cole some questions (I'd interviewed Craig years ago, but he's not in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") - his description of having a "concert in his honor" makes total sense to me. I played with Craig at the House of Blues, he had a huge following in Los Angeles, was a monster sax player, and if anyone wants to hear him play, search "Point of Betrayal Theme" as he came in and recorded that for me, as well as played on the soundtrack for "Cannes Man." (Hope his wife Mariella sees this.)
But for all those folks listening in for the first time - it's not about talking to "famous people" or "celebrities." There is no celebrity on the flipside. There is only love. Only the people we loved, who carry the frequency of our love. Who know that we grieve for them, who want to let us know that life goes on.
Interesting discussion about that as well - as Don points out "inundating people with information that shows life continues can inspire some people to wallow on grief and not move on" - and that by "not talking to them" allows them to grieve and move on.
It's an unusual point of view - in light of how much work we've done to show people that their loved ones are not gone, they're just not here.
But it's what he's saying - and I'm happy to share what he had to say. Believe in an afterlife, don't believe in an afterlife - that's a choice - but allow for the possibility that it exists, or that life as we know it does not end. Based on the research we are "fully aware" prior to coming to the planet that we've chosen to be here, when we are here, we are semiconscious of that fact (some bypass filters to experience the flipside or their higher selves via an NDE, OBE, with LSD, meditation or hypnotherapy).
But this is yet one more example of a conversation with someone no longer on the planet, but fully aware of what he's talking about, even though he passed less than a week ago.
Recently on the "Hacking the Afterlife" forum on Quora someone asked me why we hadn't interviewed more women. I pointed out that I wasn't in charge of the guest list, but offered that perhaps there were more men than women was because of the occupations we've chatted with. Quite a few musicians who invite their pals to our classroom.
That's not to say that we've only interviewed guys - in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" there are excerpts of 100s of interviews, quite a few women of note. Women who have come forward to share their stories - including Amelia Earhart who has stopped by more than once. A third of the book "Hacking the Afterlife" is multiple interviews with her via different mediums.
But that being said, I suggested to this poster that if they had someone they wanted to chat with, they should take the time to invite them around to do so. That in my case, I generally let my pal Luana Anders on the flipside create the guest list.
Fans of the podcast know that it was Tom Petty who suggested that Luana was like someone "holding the VIP clipboard to backstage" - he even commented "You have no idea how many people want to speak in this class!"
For the record, as noted, I reached out to one of his family members who said "Every day I wish I could speak with my dad, but I don't think you are doing so." Which is fine - I'm not here to prove anything to anyone. It's just something we stumbled upon after filming Jennifer accessing the afterlife for the past six years.
As noted, she works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases, so I'm lucky to snag her for a half hour to do our podcast. The podcast is to demonstrate the process - how easy it is for anyone to access the other side. One doesn't need a medium (it helps) or a hypnotherapist (it helps) - they can do so on their own with a little effort.
In this podcast, I thought "Well, a friend is planning a film about this person, so maybe I can suggest she come to our class. I said her name out loud this morning - just in case she might want to show up. So when Jennifer said it was related to me, and that this person wanted to speak, I told Jennifer her first name was "Janice."
Well, we all know her first name is Janis, but I didn't spell it for her. So as anyone can see - she had no clue as to who I was talking about. Eventually she did - and I asked her questions not based on the "celebrity of Janis Joplin" but on the idea that no one dies. Everyone is on the flipside - we can access anyone, our loved ones, our friends - even strangers in this case.
The only connection I have to Ms. Joplin is Luana who was there at the Monterey Pop festival, invited by the promoters, along with Fred Roos and Harry Dean Stanton.. (As reported in the film "Hacking the Afterlife.") For the record, I never mention Janis in that documentary - I knew she was there, but was reminded she was there watching the documentary about Clive Davis when he said he first went there.
She has a message for Clive Davis as well. So if you know Clive (I don't) please pass it along to him. Pass the clip along to him. He's at an age now where he knows that people can access the afterlife, he likely knows people who have, if not himself. As we all grow older we realize that it's possible.
In this case - it's wonderful.
Another mind bending foray into the flipside.
As noted in this podcast, we don't come prepped or ready to speak to anyone, unless something odd has happened.
In this case, Jennifer had asked for help from her great grandfather a few days ago - and really didn't know anything beyond his name.
And like I do with all of my research, I do look this stuff up. As it turns out the Civil War veteran who showed up actually was a Civil War veteran. To demonstrate how mediums have to "translate the information" they're seeing - I asked this guy if he served in the Civil War, because in response to "when were you alive?" she said "It seems like there was a lot of war."
And to see this guy's record during the Civil War (searching his name and "Civil War") it turns out he fought in many battles. The reason she saw him in the medical tent is because he was wounded after Bull Run, and later got dysentery - which put him in a hospital tent until they discharged him. So he was there a long time before he was let out to return to his family.
He married Fannie who worked for the Queen of England. He had children during the war, died in 1912 (she saw 1902). He was 73 when he passed.
This is an example of me asking simple questions to someone who has shown up - and he gives her visuals that I try to interpret.
Then Tom Petty showed up to introduce his pal Ric Ocasek. I didn't know him, didn't review his shows when I wrote music reviews for Variety, but asked him some simple questions based on what I knew about him. I remember meeting his wife - then girlfriend backstage at the Merv Griffin show around the time they met.
I just happened to notice that yesterday, there was an article online about how he and his wife had split up before he passed, but Paulina missed him terribly. Unfortunately, he appears to have been less that fatherly to two of his sons, and reading this interview, will likely continue to be mad at him. If I had known how angry they are at him (for disowning them) I would have asked questions about that. If he shows up again, I will.
Again - as noted, we speak to whomever shows up. We ask questions and see what we can learn. The bulk of this podcast is about how to ask loved ones to appear in dreams, or show up to assist us. Hope this helps.
Jennifer and I have been doing this work for the past six years.
Every week, clockwork, we meet up and chat with people on the flipside. We've gotten to a point where I can understand the metaphor of what she's seeing or saying.
In terms of the process, it's pretty much stayed the same. Since the first time we met, and someone "showed up" during our conversation, I wondered if this was a "one time thing" or if it was something that could be repeated.
Three books later, "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" possibly 300 interviews we have pretty much honed what we're doing into a half hour to 45 minute podcast. Jennifer and I, with the help of my friend Luana Anders, who left the planet in 1996, we have a chat with people on the flipside about process.
Luana appears to be a conduit on the flipside to help others communicate here. Because she was an actor and worked in over 300 TV shows and over 30 feature films, she knows quite a few people in that industry, and they often stop by to say hello, or to pass along messages to loved ones.
That being said, we've had people show up that weren't invited by her, invited by someone else in the class, and they show up to voice their concerns. Last week's podcast, Anthony Bourdain had much to say about a documentary about him that just came out. Not planned, didn't ask for him to stop by - but he was adamant about being heard.
A few weeks back, Carl Laemmle, a film producer who passed in 1939 showed up - wanted to talk about the process of what goes on over on the flipside.
In today's podcast, Luana wanted to talk about the process of communication. Helping people on this side to "clear the deck" find a place of "peace" and open up their hearts (and check their disbeliefs) to allow loved ones to come through.
All I can say is that everything she's saying in this podcast is reflected in the research - the thousands of clinical case studies I've looked at from various doctors (Wambach, Weiss) from Michael Newton and the Newton Institute, from the 100 sessions I've filmed.
Jennifer has done thousands of readings, works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases - I already know how talented she is, and we're lucky to access this method.
Another unusual podcast.
As we've noted in the past, it's rare that people show up to insist on being interviewed. In this case, it was someone we'd interviewed in the past, in fact a year ago, July 17th, 2020 Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams stopped by on a podcast named "Exiting Early." (Anthony and Robin appear in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside," both interviewed extensively.)
But in this case, Anthony wanted to weigh in on the film about his life, called "Roadrunner."
He says he was disappointed in it, that the filmmaker "didn't have a clue" as to what happened to him - how he himself didn't have a plan to exit early, and it had nothing whatsoever to do with his relationship with Asia Argento.
He pointed out that he thought the AI of his voice sounded "robotic" (neither I nor Jennifer have seen the film) and the ending, having an artist deface a mural on camera for the film was "shitty." Again - I haven't seen it, but I took the time to ask him about it. He also called the filmmaker "amateur" but gave the film a "five" out of ten because at the very least, it had footage that he'd shot in it.
I'm a filmmaker myself, member of the DGA/WGA. I was so stung by Ebert's "thumbs way down" review of my film "Limit Up" at the time, when Luana Anders was still on the planet (cowriter of the script) when I asked her to read the review, but to edit out the negativity... over the phone she read "Richard Martini... directed Limit Up." Took me a year to read the negative review.
So it gives me no pleasure to tee off on this filmmaker - even though I was a music critic at Variety for years, I always tended to give people the benefit of the musical doubt. If I doubted they're rehearsed, I noted it. In this case, Anthony came forward to tee off on this filmmaker. Wasn't my idea.
I tried to ask him cogent questions - and to fill in the blanks. "Why no note left behind?" He answers that eloquently. He talks about how to meditate to help set aside negativity. He talks about finding beauty in gratitude.
As I note in the podcast, if you're going to make a film about someone, take the time to see if it's possible to communicate with them. Ask their loved ones if they've had dreams, find three different mediums and ask the same questions (as I do in "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia) take the time and effort to allow the possibility that they might have an opinion on their own story.
I can only report. The only editing in this podcast is done for time if there's a long space between me asking a question and Jennifer getting an answer. . Apologies for having to end it early - Charles Grodin, Prince and Robert Downey Sr. ("Greaser's Palace") all make appearances and report things I've never considered or could have heard of.
I asked about Robert senior because Luana knew him, he directed her in the film "Greaser's Palace" which is on cable, and ran this week in Santa Monica.
Robert Sr. says that his son is already "speaking to him" and the father says he's learning from his son, as well as being proud of him. Prince reminds us that strings tuned too tightly tend to break, a metaphor about finding a "middle way" between not listening to loved ones, and finding a way to "tighten up the string" to allow them to communicate to us by tuning into them.
The film cited in this podcast is "Hacking the Afterlife" - it's available on Amazon Prime through Gaia. If you have Amazon Prime it's a small five dollar charge to watch it. It represents ten years of research, and notes the science behind the flipside.
Again - I didn't ask for Anthony to come forward, Jennifer did not either, and he had a mouthful to say about his opinion about this film Roadrunner about his life. I don't think he's saying "don't watch it" but he is saying "don't buy the conclusions about who he was, as this filmmaker didn't have a clue."
Ask Anthony on one's own. If you knew him, you love him, or even liked him - set the stage for a meditation where he sits across from you and answers questions. An obvious first question would be "So Anthony, how accurate was this podcast I just heard?" Enjoy.
This is a wee bit shorter than the other podcasts, partially because we weren't able to get all three of us on camera at the same time, but we invited a friend whose dog passed away over 30 years ago.
Fans of our books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" will recognize who this person is, but for now, he's my old boss Robert. Robert had a Hungarian sheepdog who had a heritage. I met his sister at some point, but for three years of my post film school life, I walked this dog around the Warner Bros lot.
Hira was not a dog you "walked." He walked you. He wouldn't leave Robert's office unless Robert was busy, he would finally deign to go outside with me, but walked, ran, wherever he wanted to. He tolerated my presence behind him - and when he went to do his business, it was long before the days of scoopers and plastic bags. (Thankfully I missed that era).
But for some reason, Hira would go straight to the head of the studio's office and leave a large memory of himself piled up outside his door. I didn't know it was Frank Well's office, but apparently Hira did. And his secretary would call me and say "I saw you!" And I'd say "You saw me what?" She'd say "You let that dog come over here and soil my boss's front porch!"
And I'd say - "Ma'am I'm sorry. I don't walk that dog. He allows me to accompany him outside. I have no power over where he goes." I was with him his last days on the planet, and I can attest to everything that is said in this session, and learn new information from him.
That's the point of this podcast - I heard and learned new information from an animal that is no longer on the planet, but revealed details live on camera that I didn't know, that Jennifer could not have known, that are not public record, that aren't possible for others to know - except the person who owned him.
This podcast is for all the animal lovers who have reached out to ask me about pets in the afterlife, or animals on the flipside. I ask the question directly and he answers it.
Mind bending.
Another unusual podcast.
We begin with a discussion of Jennifer's birthday (Happy Birthday Jennifer!) and her dad stops by to say a few words. Discussion leads into my recent hip operation and all of the unusual experiences with the #11 that particular day - including a dream my wife had where Luana reminded her of a previous dream ("Picture 11:11, we meet at the decimals") and she had the experience of hearing information from her about the upcoming operation.
Aside from the fact that I was in room 11, the surgeon did 11 surgeries that day, my wife picked up the medication and noticed the clock was 11:11 - the discussion became a general one about "How do you guys do that?"
Towards the end of the podcast, Luana wanted to talk about getting vaccinated and the Delta variant. As noted, Luana was a homeopath, knew home medicine, and treated herself for illnesses her entire life - but had a tremendous fear of doctors, based on the cancer treatments her parents went through.
So we spent months in clinics in Mexico where she'd bounce back for weeks, sometimes months... but for her to come forward and recommend that "If it's possible to take the vaccine, take the vaccine" was unusual.
Again, there's no political agenda, we didn't ask her opinion on it, clearly Jennifer was reluctant to "go there" but we did. And I got her to repeat it; "If you can get the vaccine, get the vaccine." Meaning, if you don't have an underlying condition that will prevent you from getting it, or a doctor's advice is against it - if you "can get it" then you should get it. (Pfizer, Moderna, or J and J).
This isn't coming from me, but from someone we love on the flipside. Any complains must be directed to Luana. (Kidding, not kidding.)
Another unplanned visit from someone everyone knew as Elvis Aaron Presley from Tupelo Mississippi.
I must admit I was never a fan until he started showing up in our class. And then I spent the time to listen to his earlier rockabilly tunes, and grew to appreciate what he'd done with his talent.
To be clear Jennifer and I don't discuss in advance who we're going to speak to, and Luana Anders our trusted moderator is in charge of who gets on her clipboard and into the class.
As noted, a couple of weeks ago it was film producer Carl Laemmle, someone I knew very little about, but had much to say about the journey in the afterlife.
In this episode Elvis wanted to talk about process - the process of how we bring a portion of our conscious energy to a lifetime, and that is never lost, or goes away. He references someone Jennifer and I have no idea - a young girl that met him when he crossed over, but he wanted to speak about that process, and how knowing a bit of it in advance "would have helped him."
Also the topic of chanting and praying aloud comes into play - for those who are religious, consider this a message from heaven, for those more science oriented consider this a "conversation with one's subconscious about how to heal or cure depression."
We've heard it often, that meditation can help heal or cure a person, and meditating on music is also a way to do the same. In this instance, the concept is to "listen to music that elevates your spirit or "heals the heart."
To be clear, I asked if this concept was a religious or a science one - and the answer was that it was literally the fact that one can "heal or help one's health by connecting to, dancing to, swaying to, listening to their favorite singer, to connect with the memory of them, to connect with the heart of them, to connect with the healing light of the universe by listening.
This isn't a new topic nor is it fantastical. Set aside the idea of who the conversation is with and focus on the content of the conversation and it becomes clear why it's important to know that life goes on, and that we can connect with loved ones on the flipside.
By the way: the film “Hacking the Afterlife” is available on Gaia.com Jennifer is at JenniferShaffer.com I’m at RichMartini.com HackingTheAfterlife.com is our podcast MartiniZone.com is our youtube channel This version of “Route 66” is on “Rich Martini on the Rocks” at Amazon or CDbaby.com
Another one of those mind bending sessions.
Having spent the past five years chatting with Jennifer on a weekly basis, only starting to film about a year ago, we have 65 podcasts of us chatting with people on the flipside.
We have three books of interviews "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" where we discuss how we met, the process we use, and the many verifications that have occurred on camera in her office, in restaurants. In this case, one can search through these podcasts to hear other verificiations.
Each week we "enter our classroom" where people are standing by waiting to chat with us. The books were named because Tom Petty described the process of "getting onto the clipboard of Luana the way someone might try to get a VIP pass to backstage at a concert." My friend of 20 years, who passed in 1996, starting showing up to me and to family members over the years.
Then when I met Jennifer Luana started showing up weekly - that is helping us to access people on the flipside, and vice versa. On the flipside they describe her participation as "showing how it's done." In the six years of doing this, I've often "asked for people to come forward" - and most of the time Jennifer tells me who it is that I've asked for - said their name aloud prior to a session - in one to three tries.
Sometimes it takes longer - because again, they're putting images in her head that lead her to say something. So for example, if someone shows up named "Fred" - she might see her husband Fred. And then from there I ask questions about the identify of whomever shows up.
This was one of those examples. She said "somewhere is here that wants to speak to us, but neither of us would know him." So it took me the time it took me to figure out who that might be.
Carl Laemmle was a prolific film producer in the 1920s and 30's. He dies at the age of 72 in 1939, making such hit films as "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," "Phantom of the Opera" "Dracula" and "Frankenstein." I was not aware of the films he made - but doing this research after the podcast, I realize last night while watching "Singing in the Rain" with their parody of the first sound films, I noted to my wife that if one watches "Dracula" (1931) carefully, the actors move over to where a microphone is hidden in a plant or a lamp or somewhere in the room to pick up the sound. In the film "Singing in the Rain" they had a character with a German accent playing the role of the film director beside himself with fury about planting the microphones on set - and I realize as I write this sentence it was likely a parody of Germans like Carl who emigrated in the 1880's.
Everything I report is accurate - in that it was Carl who suggested that Amelia Earhart star in a film about herself, and how she and Mary Pickford wrote a screenplay together, excerpted in George Putnam's posthumous biography of his missing wife.
Fans of "Hacking the Afterlife" know that we interviewed Amelia extensively and that I've spent 30 years gathering eyewitness reports that claim she was captured, and died in Saipan. (EarhartOnSaipan.com is a webpage filled with details of that sage). But in this instance, it was Amelia who brought Carl in - and he wanted to "give it a shot" and be interviewed by us.
After my incredulousness wore off (not about the fact he was there, but why he showed up) I asked him to describe what he's up to, and his reply is unlike any we've heard before. We have heard people can "learn to cook" but his specificity of Indian ovens (ie. tandoor ovens) for specific dishes is accurate but not something Jennifer is aware of. His description of various salts (Moroccan!) is also accurate, having traveled around the world I know there's more than Morton Salt to be tasted. That was quite specific.
But then Prince showed up - and as fans of our work know, he's been showing up since he crossed over, interviews are in "Hacking the Afterlife" and a number of times in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." I'm aware that the vast majority of listeners would turn off the podcast around this moment, but they'd miss him bringing Ludwig and Vincent forward to talk about art and how those frequencies affect their continued work.
We tend to think in human centric terms (how could we not?) about time, about fame, about all of those things that don't mean much on the flipside. The idea that Carl could come forward 80 some years after his passing, and carry on a conversation as if he was aware of everything that's been said since is mind bending. The idea that Ludwig might be considered 250 years old - but what she had to say about his digestive issues is accurate - and at one point mentions his "blindness" ... because she's not aware that he was going to come to class today, or not really up on his story.
I literally did finish reading a biography about him this morning, and am in awe of his talent and output as an artist - but I wanted to dig into something that bothered me, his behavior towards his sister and law and her son is considered beyond the pale - while working on Missa Solemnis and the 7th, 8th and 9th symphonies. Like the sand in an oyster that turns into great pearls, it was the sacrifice his sister and law Johanna and nephew Frank put up with so that he could create the kind of art that he did.
Vincent mentions a "savage animal" attacking his ear - that could be a metaphor for the "man in the mirror," "some bar fight gone wrong," or literally an animal attacking him - I don't know. It doesn't really matter, because as he put it "I won. I'm the most valued artist of us all." Funny way to put it - but accurate.
This podcast may offend a few, may startle a few, but Jennifer and I show up unprepared, except for the body of work that's preceded when I turn on the camera and record our podcast.
Another mind bending podcast, this one about music and frequency.
Luana began by directing us to an event that had occurred earlier in the day, when I went to visit her friend Sally Kellerman (still on the planet.) We talked about Sally's husband on the flipside, my old friend who produced 3 of my films. My mother, a concert pianist stopped by to refer to a photograph I was working with on my latest book a few days ago.
Then Tom Petty stopped by. As noted before, I have never asked Tom to stop by - each time he does it's related to something that we are discussing. In this case, it was the energy of music or how frequency works on the flipside.
As noted in the podcast, he asked us to reach out to someone whom I did reach out to - who said "I wish that I could speak to Tom, but I don't believe you are speaking to him." Not everyone is open to the possibility that our loved ones still exist - and further, it can be annoying when a complete stranger says "Hey, I was talking to your pal the other day."
But we have to allow for the possibility that they're outside of time and space and can reach out to us. In this case, I wanted to know some details about music on the other side - not his personal journey, or who he is hanging out with, but specifically what frequency is, what music is, and how we download it. His answers are unusual and profound.
Again, Jennifer and I have been doing this for over five years. We have on numerous occasions learned new information from folks on the flipside, information that cannot be cryptomnesia or something either one of us dreamed, heard or made up.
But I have to note that not everyone is supposed to embrace the idea of "knowing how the play ends before it does." So one does not have to "believe" that Jennifer and I are speaking to a specific individual, but it helps if one is "open to the possibility" that some form of communication continues on, and those closest to their loved ones can take the time or make the effort to chat with them one on one.
As he noted, this is only about the 3rd time he's shown up, when we have quoted, cited, or otherwise let others take the podium - Prince, Robin Williams and others. I do not have any direct connection with Tom - despite being a music critic for Variety for a number of years, I never reviewed his shows, never met him backstage as I have with many others who have shown up in our class. I directed Ray Charles in a feature film, so basically anyone that Ray knows could show up at any minute.
We have interviewed a member of the Traveling Wilburys before, so that may be the connection - or to someone else that Luana knows on the flipside that I'm not aware of. But like everyone else who shows up in our classroom, if Luana has "put them on the list" I assume they're showing up for a reason.
It was Tom who coined the title of our three books; "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" when he noted that "talking to us, getting onto Luana's clipboard was like someone trying to get backstage to the VIP lounge. If "the name is not on the list" they don't get a chance to speak.
Enjoy. Also, my documentary "Hacking the Afterlife" premieres on Gaia.com on June 21st. Check it out.
Part two of our interview with Charles Grodin, but a week later.
It starts off with a visit from my Italian grandmother, who answers a couple of questions - I include this because it's a way to demonstrate how people can access loved ones.
Then we interview Charles Grodin again, with some questions about process and clarification. There's a brief discussion with Robert Towne's dog Hira, and a comment about something Chuck mentioned to his friend Paul. I can report that Paul has responded to what Chuck said about him, offering "Chuck’s words have an absolute connection to what I am doing. Rather astounding if true! Thank you."
The point is that people on the flipside can say private message to their loved ones that won't make much sense to anyone else but them. I'm glad to be able to pass the message along from one old friend to another.
This is an homage to Charles Grodin.
Having known him for 40 years, I know pretty well what his references are, what he's saying or revealing. In this podcast, one could say it's a culmination of 40 years of knowing him, ten years of filming people accessing the afterlife, and five years of filming sessions with Jennifer Shaffer weekly.
It's also our 10,000th download - we have 60 podcasts so far. Jennifer notes that she didn't know Charles outside of the fact that we were friends, she never saw him interviewed, knew nothing about his life, other than seeing him in "Heaven Can Wait." At the end of this podcast, when I refer to "Midnight Run" I forgot that she had not seen the film. I recommend sticking around to the end to hear what he has to say about it. It was an honor to be able to do this on his behalf. It was an honor to know him for 40 years. As I wrote on Facebook about him: Godfather to our kids. The most loyal friend I've ever met or could have the good fortune to have met.
A mentor who was instrumental in my life and journey - tears are not enough to shed, the loss of someone so funny, witty, charming, compassionate - he embodied so much more than anyone knows or has heard about him, or could have known about him. Sherry, the kids and I heard that he passed peacefully this morning, that it was a transition of beauty and grace - and no doubt in my mind he's going to be as entertaining, fun, delightful and charming on the flipside as he was on this side.
My wife pointed out that when Jennifer mentions "Hairspray" after mentioning Warren Beatty, is a reference to his film "Shampoo." What's funny about that reference is that Robert Towne (the writer of Shampoo with Warren) wrote the movie about Chuck's friend Luana (who was dating a hairdresser Richard Alcala) and that Jack Warden, star of that film and also in Heaven Can Wait was a close friend of Chuck's - and an original member of the "Fun Patrol." (Harper Simon, myself and Chuck were the other three members.) Someone you can call day or night and get a laugh from.
We are bereft that he's left the building, if one could add up all the laughs, all the joy, all the fun events this person brought to our world - it would take up too many memorials. The folks who knew him and loved him will miss him the most - the folks who saw him or laughed along at his films and work will talk about him for a long time, every time he appears on camera now and into the future will be another reminder of his unique light. Here's to you Chuck. Charles Grodin. From Pittsburgh. We love you.
We will always love you. And we hope you can swing by sometime to let us know how you're doing. More tributes to come, and when the spark hits, will share some of his wit and wisdom when it comes to mind. Sail on maestro. More seas to explore and conquer. "
All photos and content are used a part of the "Fair Use" idea in copyright law that allows for using a clip to illustrate a point. All original rights are retained by the copyright holders. No endorsements are implied or trying to be made. This interview is based on 5 years of working with Jennifer Shaffer who works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing cases pro bono, on ten years of filming people accessing the afterlife with or without hypnosis (100 to date) and the thousands of clinical case studies from Dr. Wambach, Dr. Weiss, Michael Newton and the Newton Institute, and the 100 cases I've filmed (50 without hypnosis.)
For further info, see "Flipside" or "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia or Amazon Prime, see books "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife (with a forward by Charles) "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife" or Jennifer Shaffer's and my three books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" 1, 2 and 3. The new documentary film "Hacking the Afterlife" will be premiering on Gaia and reflects ten years of filmed research.
See you in the next life, Chuck.
Another fun podcast - Jennifer and I started off by talking about the process - how she helps law enforcement on a pro bono basis, and will be teaching a class soon in the process (details on her webpage JenniferShaffer.com).
She has two workshops - one that covers how to help law enforcement, and the second is for people who want to be part of the group that does. I've attended in the past, and it's well worth the effort, if only to understand the process.
Then we celebrated a bit of Luana's birthday - and she insisted I stop mentioning her age (as she was adamant about forgetting it while she was on the planet.) Funny how she can still get me to laugh about it, although she's been off planet since 1996.
We asked if she had anyone on her VIP list (hence the title of our 3 books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" because one of our classmates reported that "she's the one in charge of who gets to speak to us.)
Bill Paxton popped up and dusted himself off as if he'd been waiting to speak up. Funny guy Bill. He knew I had been speaking about him last week, and wanted to throw a curve ball in my recollection of how we met, and what it was like for the both of us back then.
It was interesting to chat with Bill about golf - I knew he directed a film "The Greatest Game Ever Played" written by Mark Frost, directed by Bill. He mentions two things that I looked up - one is that he played a celebrity tournament and did badly, and the other that he is currently playing with a golfing icon. In the former, I found that his father John (whom he mentions in this) actually was in a club with the great Ben Hogan, and reportedly Bill met Hogan when he was young. I think Bill was either referring to Ouimet, the golfer he made a film about, or the late great Ben Hogan (Jennifer describes his outfit.) It's the kind of detail I didn't know, Jennifer couldn't have known - so she wasn't "reading my mind" - but was answering directly from Billy.
Then, out of nowhere, someone elbowed Bill out of his seat - Bill said it was willingly, but Senator McCain wanted to weigh in on recent political events. And while during the election he took a particularly dim view of the former resident of 1600 PA Ave, his advice this time was to "bind up the nation's wounds" citing Abe Lincoln's ability to do so under more trying circumstances.
I was surprised, but not startled, as certainly he was a man of humor and integrity - and was clearly pointing down the middle of the road for the nation to consider healing. All I can say is it is another unusual podcast, this being our 61st.
It's our 60th podcast. Yippee.
Jennifer was out of town last week, so I was thinking about a couple of people who showed up during previous sessions that we didn't speak to.
She mentioned the "Librarian" (whom I described as Danny DeVito because someone else described him that way in "Architecture of the Afterlife") So I asked if there was a reason he wanted to chat with us.
He implied that he had put it in my mind this past week to ask him some questions - which is often the case. In "Architecture of the Afterlife" he shows up in a session, and in this session I refer to the interview in "It's a Wonderful Afterlife" where a "curmudgeony librarian" who "doesn't look old but has a really old vibe" (who was asked "What are Who is God?"
What makes this so unusual - is that I've met him now through three different people who don't know each other, who couldn't have read about him in any of my books. And in all three cases, they described the same fellow and in two of the cases, I was invited to speak to him.
So I didn't seek him out - he shows up in "Architecture of the Afterlife" and in a session with Jennifer in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside." When I quote him, even when it's via Jennifer she has no conscious memory of what he said - but she repeats what he said. Or she refers to what he said to me in a zoom session with someone else entirely (another Jennifer that is in "Architecture.")
So I asked him some questions about the Akashic library. Interesting answers.
In terms of Marlon, our moderator on the flipside Luana Anders knew many people who knew him (Robert Towne, who wrote that final scene of his in the Godfather, Sam Gilman, Wally Cox, Sally Kellerman and others) - so I have no problem asking him to come forward. Jennifer doesn't remember that he was hesitant to speak when we did interview him - but in this case, he had shown up to talk about Audrey Hepburn.
But as noted in the previous podcast, Jennifer couldn't think of his name "that actor who plays the Mafia guy who was Al Capone" (clearly not coached as Marlon never played Al) - and two weeks ago, I missed it. But I thought I'd ask him what he wanted to share about her.
In the interim I looked up the fact that he had spent an evening with her and because he was unnerved by her, didn't speak - and she took that to mean he didn't like her. And it's a matter of public record that he wrote to Audrey when he heard that and apologized - public record that Jennifer is not aware of.
Again - not trying to prove anything to anyone - there is no hierarchy on the flipside, it is accurate that his will was found in a chair in Jack Nicholson's house, I've seen it, and I know what happened to it. She mentions that as well, but it's not common knowledge.
Anyways - a bit all over the map, but not less interesting than the rest.
This is a session I filmed back in 2017.
The idea was to create some form of expression where we could discuss the afterlife in real time, and put it somewhere. Pre podcasts.
Now when I view this file, I realize we were doing the same thing we've been doing for the past year.
In this session, my old friend Howard Schultz, the producer of many successful TV shows ("Extreme Makeover") shows up to chat with us about the process of talking to the flipside.
A portion of this clip will be in the new film from Gaia "Hacking the Afterlife." As one can see, I've been gathering clips for that film for quite some time.
At this point, Jennifer and I had been filming these kinds of conversations for about a year or two. Filming it in her office in Manhattan Beach was a way to demonstrate that we can do it on camera, live - which was a precursor to our podcast.
Jennifer's on vacation this week, so I pulled this rabbit out of the hat. If I had shown it years ago, it wouldn't make sense, but in light of our podcast, fits right in. Enjoy.
Another jaw dropping session.
I didn't have anyone in mind as I sat down to dial up the podcast, but suddenly the late Monte Hellman came to mind. Monte passed away a few days ago - and I thought since he was friends with Luana, Harry Dean Stanton and others both on this side and the flipside, thought he might be an interesting interview.
At one point Jennifer mentions the "actor" who played a Mafia Don who lived on an island - who stopped by to say hello. That was obviously Marlon, as I didn't put the two together, as she said "He was in the Mafia and he lived on an island." (That would be Al Capone.) She mentioned that he played Al - but obviously he didn't play Al, Robert De Niro played Al.
Normally that's the kind of connection I make in my mind - but at the time she was saying that Audrey Hepburn had shown up unannounced to chat with us on Earth Day. Later, I looked up to see what connection Marlon and Audrey had - apparently he was shy around her, and their one evening together made her think he didn't like her - when Marlon heard about it, he wrote her a letter to explain what really happened; he was shy.
This is the kind of detail I didn't know - but know now, and certainly in a week we can ask Marlon if that's what he wanted to mention.
Needless to say, it was startling to hear that Audrey wanted to chat with us. I report accurately that two nights ago I watched "My Fair Lady" for the first time and marveled at her performance. It's rich and full of grit - and knowing that she had served in World War II as a partisan, made me think about her journey in life, and then I recalled seeing her in Chicago at the Art Institute. Didn't speak to her, but watched her float down some stairs in her awesome way.
At some point, I decided to ask Monte Hellman to come forward. The person he said he knew is "Fred" - that would be Fred Roos who produced two of his films, and remained a friend despite winning an Oscar for Godfather II. Then I asked about Laurie Bird - Jennifer had no idea who she was, but correctly reported that she had committed suicide at age 26. She had left Monte after a 4 year relationship, took up with Art Garfunkel (a friend of Luana's, as was Paul, who I met and spent time with via Charles Grodin.) The last time I saw Art, we talked about Luana and he revealed they "dated"- something I didn't know.
But Laurie Bird overdosed at Art's apt. in NYC when he left her to make a film. Her message to Art is poignant and apt.
What Monte had to say to his friends Jack, Robert and Fred are all poignant as well. But the reason we do this podcast is to make people aware that their loved ones do not die. As Audrey noted, "there is no hierarchy on the flipside"- and it's important to remember that.
Everyone is accessible. It just takes a little time and effort - through hypnotherapy (I've filmed 50 sessions) through meditation (I've filmed 50 without hypnosis) through mediumship - people like Jennifer function like a cellphone to the flipside.
This sessions is about as mind bending as they come. Glad to be able to present it a few minutes after recording it.
A continuation of a conversation from a couple of weeks ago.
My father, the architect, said that he was working with "architects" on the flipside. When asked who they were, Jennifer said she was hearing "Bernini and Michelangelo."
As someone who majored in Humanities at BU, who wrote a miniseries for HBO about the Medici family in the Renaissance, I'm familiar with Michelangelo's story and Bernini's. We revisited our previous conversation to ask these fellows some questions about their lives and journey. As noted, Gian Lorenzo Bernini is less well known than his counterpart from a century earlier - but I'm' aware of both of their lifetimes.
This might be more geared to art history majors, but they won't believe it either.
Then we have a chat with Robert Towne's dog Hira - a dog I walked for three years when Robert's office was at Warner Brothers. As noted, Hira has already proven details about his being aware of humans, he spoke directly to Jennifer about an event that happened on Catalina that only he would know about.
But in this cases, I asked him about the process - how to help people access their pets on the flipside.
Jennifer is on spring break.
So in lieu of her being here, I started to look for something that we might have filmed awhile ago, but follows our format. This was our second interview on camera, done in her office in Manhattan Beach on Dec. 21st, 2015.
At the time I was thinking about making these conversations into a documentary. Little did I know that our conversations over lunch, or in her office would become a six year journey together, and a podcast for the past year.
But this follows the same format without the format. In other words, we had spoken to Luana Anders before, but this was before we consider our conversations to be part of a class, or part of a group environment - where she would hold the clipboard and let people come forward to speak (and assist them in being able to do so.)
I think portions of this may have been reproduced in the book "Hacking the Afterlife" - the Jesus portion at least, where she says "I just saw Jesus" and instead of just allowing that to be part of the conversation, to ask him to swing by for a chat. This is also the second time where he shifted into jeans and a tee shirt (he does so in an earlier interview with Jamie Butler (also on this page) and later in an interview with Kimberly Ray (also on this page).
Again - we are improvising here. We have no plan, we have not discussed what we might talk about - but this was five and a half years ago - our second meeting, and just wanted to note how our relationship has not changed. Lots of laughs, some irreverent comments, some challenging questions - Jennifer speaks a little about her process - of how she "sees" or "hears" or visualizes information from the flipside.
I am the gadfly who asks pesky questions. "What does he or she look like?" "Why are they here?" Steve Jobs stops by - as noted, she did not know that he had shown up in a filmed hypnotherapy session a week earlier with a friend who worked for him. She had said "Bill Gates is here" - and I was so flummoxed I didn't think to ask him what "Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow" meant - the words he said to his sister on his death bed.
Also we get to hear some things that are repeated in later podcasts. But for fans of this research, fans of Jennifer, this is an interesting portrait into an earlier time in our journey. We did this filmed session as a podcast before podcasts existed... I know when I first listened back to it I thought "I can never use this in a film, since I'm talking to much and you can't see who that is talking..." Little did I know that five and half years later we'd have spent every week for six years doing these kinds of conversations - "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" book one, two and three.
Had some unusual dreams the past couple of days and used them as a jumping off place for the podcast. First wanted to know if there was any meaning to find, then wanted to know how to help people contact their loved ones on the other side.
Acknowledging that it's not easy for everyone, it is easier for some - and there are techniques to learn. Meditation helps because it rewires the brain. Allowing that it's possible helps because that appears to be required to actually strike up a conversation.
Jennifer's dad comes through to chat about who greeted him on the other side, and then my father stepped forward to tease me that I'd never asked him. So we did. Mind bending as always.
There's an interview with "Sam the Dog" in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and also is referenced in "Architecture of the Afterlife" in the chapter "You don't want to believe it."
Tonight's podcast starts off with a general discussion of staying healthy during Covid.
A recap of the conversation with Dr. Jonas Salk from a year ago where he recommended drinking elderberry, aloe vera and acai juice to prevent Covid (published in April 2020 on RichMartini.com) Then Edgar Cayce stopped by to talk a bit about his council of doctors who he used to help heal people on the planet, and how they are always accessible to everyone.
Then Luana Anders, our moderator was asked if someone wanted to come forward and Jennifer got an image of the woman, knew who she was but could not get her first name. That's key - because she got it wrong at the beginning... "Mavis" was the name she heard. So I called her Mavis and asked her why she showed up in our class and on our podcast to chat.
She said she wanted to point out that it was much harder than we were making it out to be for people to access their loved ones on the other side, and that might cause some consternation. And then Jennifer looked up her name and recognized it - the famous medium Doris Stokes (who died in 1987).
I hadn't heard of her - obviously as I asked her why she came by to chat with us, or if she just wanted to criticize our podcast... obviously if Jennifer knew who she was up front, she would have said her name "Doris" and not "Mavis." And obviously if I knew she was going to come by I would have done a little research to ask her questions.
I see from her Wikipedia entry that fans of the Amazing Randi spent time discrediting her - all I can say about that is we talked to Randi, the podcast with Randi is up on MartiniZone.com and anyone can hear Randi apologize for being such a tool of the skeptics of the world. Like Houdini debunking many shady psychics in his day - he too is quoted (in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside") that his impression of the flipside changed once he got there.
All we can do is report. Finally, we have a chat with a dolphin - no request came to do so, but I had a compelling email from a woman on Quora whose life has changed since her swimming with them, and she felt like she was "home" when she did so. It would take a few conversations with someone like this dolphin to get to a consensus about what he was saying - that they're much wiser, older and more sane than humans. But I suspect we always knew that anyway.
This is an exploration into incarnation. Not in reincarnation - but the process of incarnation. How does it occur? We have a chat with Jennifer's father, a Mormon Bishop on the flipside. He discusses the process of a "drop of light" coming to incarnate in the guise of a human.
When asked if anyone else wanted to speak on the topic, Elvis came forward to observe that music is the same kind of frequency that the drop of essence is described as - another bit of the overall light that is part of incarnation.
A discussion of past lives ensues - and how everyone brings an amalgamation of all their lives to the current lifetime, which may include music, art and other energies. It sounds esoteric and it is - but it is based on the flipside research. Thanks for tuning in.
I had the impression that the great director Federico Fellini stopped by my place a few days ago - so I invited him to come by our class.
I had studied his films in college, and later when living in Rome there were sightings of him all over the city. Later, I met a number of people who worked with him, including the Roman actress Fiametta Baralla, the aunt of a fellow film school student Luca Bentivoglio. I got to know Fiametta well, and her dog Romeo who was famous in her home town of Roma.
As a result, I felt fairly confident that we could chat with Fellini, because Fiametta knew him, worked with him - and I am a fan of his work, his wife's work - Giulietta Masini - and her work with Anthony Quinn. Some years later I worked with one of his sons Francesco. Once Francesco told me that his dad loved our film "Cannes Man." (For the record, Anthony Quinn was Mexican American as he mentions)
So this is a Italian celebrity filled session - Marcello Mastroianni stops by as well... which would be incredible to any fan of Italian cinema, but for many - like Jennifer, they are only vaguely familiar with these icons. The discussion is fun and lively - given on March 11th, the day before my birthday. My birthday gift to myself was to have the amazing Jennifer Shaffer access people that I knew about and wished I might one day meet - and they report things that only those on the flipside could know
For example - I asked Fiametta if she was "met by Romeo" on the flipside - and no one on the planet but me knows that Romeo was a poodle - and the most famous poodle in Trastevere at one point. That fact alone - that she said "Is Romeo a dog?" demonstrates her abilities in this field. Having done this with her for six years, I can't believe how fortunate I am to be able to do so.
Another unusual podcast. In this instance, I had a thought to invite Ian Stevenson, the renowned professor and psychiatrist to our podcast. I had a specific reason - because there's a phrase he left behind, that he thought - like Harry Houdini - he could "communicate" to someone on the other side.
In doing these podcasts with Jennifer, on occasion we get to "prove" that the flipside exits. We did so in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" where my old pal Bill Paxton showed up to report things from the flipside that only I could know or that he knew. (And I had two others do the same, and that's in the film "Talking to Bill Paxton" on Gaia).
In this case, I wanted to ask him some questions about his life and journey. He spent three decades flying around the world studying reincarnation while at UVA, and founded The Dept of Perceptual Studies at UVA with a grant from the founder of Xerox.
I had met members of DOPS in 2011 after Flipside came out and I was on my way to speak at an IANDS venue in Virginia Beach. (At the time, I didn't know that Dr. Greyson was a founder of Iands or that DOPS was involved.) But I met with Dr. Greyson, Dr. Tucker, Ed and Emily Kelly PhD at their offices and we discussed why Ian Stevenson felt hypnosis (as reported in "Flipside") wasn't a valid tool of science (due to bias.) However, as I pointed out, that didn't explain why people across the globe were reporting the same hallmarks while under hypnosis - hallmarks contrary to their stated belief systems. (As per the Newton Institute findings, and later, as per the research from clinical psychologist Dr. Helen Wambach who got the same results a decade earlier.)
But this podcast isn't a dialectic on the research - I wanted to know a specific phrase that he left behind. Jennifer didn't know anything about Ian, although she notes at the beginning she was listening to Dr. Greyson's book on his NDE research "After."
We then broke down what Ian was telling us in visual images - I edited out the actual "answer" - (which is very specific) - because I'm going to pass it along to the folks I know who knew him, and see if that is accurate. If it is not accurate, or Jennifer's interpretation isn't accurate, or my interpretation of what she was seeing is wrong - I will report that, and as noted, I have a couple of other mediums who can weigh in. If what he reports is the "secret phrase" is accurate, I will report that in a future podcast.
But in general, what Ian Stevenson has to say in this podcast is in line with everything else we've heard - and is mind bending as well. Enjoy.
As promised, we asked Larry King to return this week.
Luana Anders our friend on the flipside, helped facilitate the conversation. We asked him to talk about his life and journey - growing up in Brooklyn and then heading down to Miami.
He talks about his mother and father, and who was there to greet him on the other side. He talked about some of the people that he knew in life, that are different when they get back home. He mentions Bernie Madoff - who stole 2.8 million from him life, but "isn't a thief on the flipside." This is something often reported - that people behave a certain way on the planet, their higher self isn't the same way.
He was sporting his favorite Dodger's cap (Jennifer didn't know he was a Dodgers fan). He said that he met with his children when he crossed over, Any and Chaia. He had messages for Larry Jr as well as his kids Chance and Cannon. He made a number of comic comments about his wives - and Jennifer correctly heard him say he had been married 8 times (to 7 different women.)
In the last portion of the show, we spoke about the recent tragic events where Lady Gaga's dog walker was attacked and two of her dogs were taken. Jennifer saw things a bit differently - she said that she felt the dognapping was financed by someone who "wanted to hurt her." That the people who did the theft changed cars and put the dogs - what seemed to be at sea - as she felt them being on the water. She sensed they were near Santa Barbara in a boat - either named "Princess" or "Prince" or that belonged to someone with that name.
Again, she felt that it was a Russian person who had a bone to pick with Lady Gaga and paid for the dognapping to happen.
Jennifer works with law enforcement on missing person cases. She's been helpful to Bill Bratton former NYPD commissioner as well as other agents in the U.S. She's part of a consortium of mediums who help law enforcement pro bono to help them in their work. Information is always subject to misinterpretation - and other issues. But in the hopes that they can track down whomever took the dogs, she offered to help in this small fashion.
Larry stopped by for the last ten minutes.
He suggested we hold off on interviewing him. I asked a couple of questions to see what he'd say. We'll talk to him soon.
Meanwhile we had a general discussion to help people to access their loved ones on the other side.
Larry stopped by for the last ten minutes. He suggested we hold off on interviewing him. I asked a couple of questions to see what he'd say. We'll talk to him soon.
Meanwhile we had a general discussion to help people to access their loved ones on the other side.
At the top of the show, I ask Jennifer about two folks I've not met - Tyler and Alysha. In yet another demonstration of her ability to connect to the flipside, Jennifer mentions a number of things about Alysha, who is no longer on the planet. I had no clue how accurate that was until this morning.
This email came from Tyler:
"Just thought I'd share some of the validations with you.
- Her scent: Jennifer had it immediately correct concerning me retaining her most prominent clothing in vacuum-sealed bags in the effort of scent preservation
- Jewelry/necklace with beads: She has a string lapis lazuli bracelet I got for her I have displayed on her shrine. (Naturally it is implied her ring is there as well!)
- "Scrapbook": This was the one, an emotional whirlwind. I have had the plan(that any attempt at concealing from her in the effort of surprise is futile, haha) of compiling all video footage and special moment photos into a video. It is going to be played with a cover to "The Wonder of You" by Elvis. Thought you'd find that humorous, given the podcast's previous guest list!
It goes without the need for confirmation that I feel things heavily, as Jennifer mentioned. This circumstance has destroyed me, so to speak -- hence the need to listen in my own time. Your graciousness in this exchange is returned with my undying appreciation..."
Glad to be of help Tyler.
For people who are aware of how Jennifer and I met, there is an extended three hour interview with Amelia Earhart about her life, her journey in the book "Hacking the Afterlife."
We were in the midst of answering questions from viewers (who ask them via Martinizone.com on YouTube, or email at MartiniProds at gmail) when I asked our friend Luana Anders, moderator of our group, if there was anyone that we needed to speak with.
Amelia showed up to give me some encouragement. Literally to "not give up" on telling her story, which is an amazing story. There's a brief mention of it in this interview, as well as a reference to a website I built after my trip to Saipan (EarhartOnSaipan.com)
As I've said before, and will repeat again, I'm not interested in arguing theory, beliefs or opinion when it comes to research. There are over 200 eyewitnesses that saw her after she "disappeared" - I've interviewed or gathered information on dozens who saw her on Saipan, saw her incarcerated, didn't know who she was at the time, but learned later on.
I have eyewitnesses (15 new ones) from Saipan, as well as a dozen GI's who found her plane, found her briefcase, found her passport on Saipan. These fellows are on camera and got a lifetime of annoying dismissal from friends and family about what they saw - US Marines called "liars" by people who believe they didn't see what they saw or didn't report what they reported.
Again - not rehashing theories. I have always focused on eyewitness reports and following them up to see if they could be corroborated, or that the could be proven to be accurate. Then about ten years ago, I realized I had one medium approach me not knowing anything about my research and told me specific details.
A few years later, I supplied the questions via another medium - as noted in this podcast. And then, I interviewed her for three hours via Jennifer Shaffer - and that transcript is in the book "Hacking the Afterlife." I'm sure people have strong opinions about what happened to her - I'm just stating clearly that none of this is opinion, theory or belief. I'm reporting. Consistent reports that have been corroborated by eyewitnesses.
And when I say that "People think they know her story, but they don't know her story" - I'm not exaggerating. They do not know her story and I hope one day to tell it.
Jennifer lost a friend a few days ago, and we took the opportunity to chat with her about her journey and path.
We also took some questions from the audience, encouraged to submit them to MartiniProds at gmail - not to take requests for readings, but questions about process that someone on the flipside might be able to answer.
Today's question was "How do emotions such as love or grief affect frequency and communication with loved ones on the other side?"
Thanks for tuning in.
This is a podcast that's more about the process of how we communicate with the flipside.
In it, we ask our moderator on the flipside, the former actress Luana Anders about her journey - her life is detailed in the book "Flipside" but in this we get around to asking her about her council and she talks about three of the 12 individuals in it.
One who represents Peace, one who represents Energy, and a third that represents Compassion. Luana was a lifelong Buddhist, so the idea that her lead council member might resemble a famous Chinese philosopher is par for the course.
If one wants to understand how it is we can do this kind of exploration, recommend reading "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" for more indepth treatment of the topic. Thanks for tuning in.
Another wild session with Jennifer.
We began to chat about the inauguration, and David Bowie stopped by to talk about the music and musicians. Jennifer wasn't aware of what Jon Bon Jovi played, just that he performed. She was shown a photograph of someone like Yogananda associated with that song - I asked if we could speak to the fellow who wrote it.
George had a message for his wife Olivia as well as for his pal Russ, who is a friend of mine. We then spoke about the process of how people on the flipside pass along messages to their loved ones, and our moderator Luana Anders stepped in to direct that conversation. She spoke about her relationship with her father - something that is not public knowledge, but I was aware of it.
Finally, we had a chat with a friend who passed a few days ago, former Paramount TV EVP Dick Lindheim. I've known Dick for 20 years, and he had some interesting and profound things to say about his journey into the flipside in this hour long podcast.
One of Jennifer's friends, a Doctor passed away a few days ago, and we took the opportunity to ask him about his experience reaching the flipside.
He said that "Jesus" was one of the people who was there to greet him.
We asked him questions about his life, his passing and the experience on the flipside, but also took the opportunity to interview the fellow who greeted him.
This is going to be hard for those who haven't read any of the books ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" or "Architecture of the Afterlife.")
I can only say that Jennifer and I never discuss who we are going to talk to our about. And in light of the fact that we've spoken to former Presidents before, I figured they might want to chat about the events in the Capitol yesterday.
I wasn't surprised that John McCain (Maverick) stopped by, but that led to a free wheeling all encompassing discussion that will no doubt offend pretty much everyone who is not familiar with this research, or what happens on the flipside.
We speak to and with, in no particular order, John, former Presidents Reagan, Truman stop by to put in their two cents. JFK has something to say as well as Jackie. Malcolm X stopped by as well as Martin Luther King.
I can only suggest considering this a fantasy if one has never listened to this podcast before. I would consider allowing that's its possible that our loved ones don't disappear. But I would recommend reading up on the topic before passing judgment on what they have to say - which is in line with the reports in "Flipside" "It's a Wonderful Afterlife," "Hacking the Afterlife" and "Architecture of the Afterlife."
Jennifer and I had interviewed a number of these people before - but not Truman or Malcolm X. I apologize in advance for not asking more and deeper questions of them... but this is literally on the fly as they stop by.
The point of our podcast is to demonstrate how easy it is to reach out to our loved ones - and no, neither of us discussed this session prior. It is what it is. I hope their message about coming together and using this opportunity to take out the broom, and to focus on loving our neighbors as ourselves - is taken to heart.
And the two people Luana refer to in her answer to my question - absolutely accurate - and Jennifer has no clue as to whom I'm referring to.
Hope this helps people on the planet when they come across it.
Joe Ranft was one of the most prolific storytellers in the Pixar canon.
Working at first for Eric Larsen at Disney, working on Lion King and Beauty and the Beast among others, then moving over to work with Jon Lassiter at Pixar as the head of the story dept - Joe was responsible for the story's and characters in Toy Story, Bugs Life, Cars and others.
Unfortunately a car accident took his life in 1995. He left behind his family, and brother who works in the industry.
Having seen the film "Soul" and realizing how much of a documentary it is - meaning that a number of the story points are also story points in the "Flipside" research I've been doing for over a decade (the Great Beginning, classrooms of newly formed souls, guides and teachers who watch over them, how a person comes from there to hear - how we choose our journeys in advance based on the lessons we need to or want to learn, etc) I thought for our New Year's podcast Joe would be an ideal candidate.
He has messages for his family and friends, including Jon Lassiter, including Pete Docter, co writer and director of Soul. For those who don't know who he is, they should know him - he's one of the "mentors" for 22 in the film "Soul" that's posted on the wall her list of mentors she's "defeated."
The name of the main character appears to be named after Joe - and from their review (the flipside review of the film) they loved it.
They said "It was more accurate than you think" as well as giving it a 98% accuracy for "how to explain it to people on the planet. (however, pointing out that once one is on the flipside, it's about 15% accurate in terms of that more vast experience.) You want to talk to the flipside? Anyone can, and this is just one of the 42 examples from this year. Happy New Year.
Jennifer and I discuss the process of how mediums and others can connect with their loved ones on the other side with or without help from those on the planet, assisting those on the other side to make the connection.
A Christmas/Holiday themed podcast. For further info; JenniferShaffer.com, RichMartini.com, HackingTheAfterlife.com, MartiniZone.com or [email protected]
It's our 40th episode!
How about that? Well, this is no different than the others - mind bending and just about as out there as we can get.
Last night I happened to catch Tom Hanks talking about his movie he's doing with Baz Luhrmann in Australia, where he plays Colonel Tom Parker. Went to sleep without a thought about it, and had the impression that Luana told me we'd have a "surprise guest" in today's episode.
To be clear, we've seen Elvis before in our class - and we did invite him into the chair and interviewed him extensively. Who was there to greet him when he crossed over (his mom) and other important things in his life. It's in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" - and we also interview Colonel Parker (not a Colonel, and according to Tom's interview a rather shady character) - but aside from the public perception of who his manager was, both the interview in the book and this interview paint a different portrait.
It's not opinion being expressed here. This is live, off the cuff, improvised, whatever happens happens kind of reporting. I had no idea, zero idea what we'd find in today's episode and even forgot what last week's was until she mentions it.
Elvis said he was "introduced to our class by John Lennon" - which is repeated in the book. It's not like "all the celebrities hang out together" - it's a frequency issue, and those artists or musicians hang out with other folks who are using the same frequency. If one looks at the Backstage Pass books they'll find quite a few musicians there.
I directed Ray Charles in the film "Limit Up" which Luana and I cowrote, so Ray has introduced us to quite a few of his friends because he knew ... well... everyone. And through one we can know the other.
I know this interview might ruffle some feathers - but again, it's live, none of it planned, and Jennifer works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases. She even helped NYPD commissioner Bill Bratton with a case (solved, ask him about it sometime.)
We are demonstrating that anyone can do this - don't need a medium, but it helps. However, as noted, anyone can speak to their loved ones on the flipside, and apparently anyone they'd like to chat with. Stick around to the end, where Elvis sums up his relationship with Tom Parker. Insightful.
It's been a couple of weeks since Jennifer and I did a session.
As noted during this one, I had the impression that Chuck Yeager wanted to speak to us, and heard his name in my kitchen. As I always do, I suggest that person "Make a reservation with Luana, who is the holder of our clipboard."
This morning, I had asked Luana in my mind on the flipside, "So who should we speak with?" and Chuck's name appeared as an answer. I did a little cursory research about him - and the show is verbatim.
At the end of the show, there's a moment when Jennifer's friend texts her, and she asks "I had the feeling you were speaking to Chuck Yeager" but had no clue as to why that would be. But she texted it literally as I was reaching for the off button - I had Jennifer read it live on the podcast.
I refrained from editing the pauses in this episode. I normally trim them - but I want people to realize that I'm not forcing these answers. She didn't know who Chuck Yeager was, and he told her he was the guy who "broke the sound barrier." Later, I ask him how he learned about our class, and claimed it was John Lennon who told him.
That's not my theory or opinion - it's just what was reported. Since we've interviewed John before in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and I'm friends with one of his sons, I took the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions.
Also a surprise visit by Aretha Franklin who is also in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" (where she asks us to reach out to her niece to find her handwritten will, which we did.) Then there's a conversation I had with a woman named Miriam - I asked about her in the fashion I did because I'm writing a book that includes interviews with the alpha and omega - and for those familiar with "Hacking the Afterlife" book, they won't be surprised by these question and answers. I was.
Empty clipboard, we asked Luana for whomever she wanted to bring forward.
This was a Thanksgiving episode - in advance - without or idea that it might be.
Luana knew both Billys. She met Paxton when he and I rewrote my script "You Can't Hurry Love" together and he supplied the title track from his band Martini Ranch. However, fate intervened, and our budding romance turned into his skyrocketing career. I made a film about three mediums talking to Bill, it's on Gaia, but in this instance he stopped by to talk a bit about the process of greeting others on the flipside.
Billy Meyer was a lifelong friend, he stopped by to talk about someone we both knew, as well as to give his thanks for doing this kind of research Jennifer and I are doing.
Finally Luana Anders had some comments about my cat, and then we talked a bit about the animal realm and the flipside. Enjoy.
It popped into my head last night as I was going to sleep.
However, as noted, this morning I didn't think it was a good idea and abandoned it. But when our session began, my friend on the flipside Luana Anders said "Don't be afraid of inviting the two people that you were planning on inviting."
First I invited the father of Mary Trump, Fred Jr. He had a contentious relationship with his father, but Jennifer did not know who we were speaking to. At one point, I think I referred to him as Robert, Mary's uncle - but this was Fred Jr. in the chair, father of Mary Trump who wrote the book excoriating her uncle.
Because Jennifer had no idea who we were talking to, this is an unadulterated exploration of a father who had dementia, and a son who had a rocky lifetime - but both reconciled on the flipside. Once Jennifer realizes who they are, she gives some insight into their opinion of their son and brother. No other way to put it.
The other person I invited was Beau Biden - at first Jennifer didn't realize who Beau was (I know a few myself) but ultimately gives a poignant reading with him - what it was like to cross over and be with his mother again. He offers insight into his father, and repeats some of the themes that Joe has said in the past - waking up each day as if it's a "new day" and the quote he gave the other night about "keeping the faith" (and adding "spread the faith." Jennifer might be aware of it - but as it happens live on camera, I doubt she's aware that's exactly what Joe said in his acceptance speech.
Everyone works out in the end. We all are just walking each other home.
We didn't have any agenda today, and just thought we'd let the class take over.
John McCain showed up first, had plenty to say among other things; "Sweet revenge." Honest Abe, JFK showed up - and spoke eloquently about binding the nation's wounds and pulling us together. (I kid you not. Neither Jennifer and I had any idea they would say what they say.)
Sargent Shriver stopped by - odd name to pull out of a hat - but he was eloquent as well. John Shaner makes a return visit with Robert Towne's dog Hira... and well, what's the point of saying what happens in this one. It's wild! Enjoy.
This is no more unusual or less so of an episode.
Just prior to filming this interview, I got a call from Oscar winning writer Robert Towne to let me know that his old friend, and close friend to Luana Anders, John Shaner had passed at 89. Robert wanted to know from John, if he should reach out to one of John's loved ones. So I told Robert I'd ask - because John was close to Luana and knew that he could "jump the line" if need be.
The second person we interview, colloquially known as "Issa" in Asia and the Middle East, is the subject of a book I'm currently editing, which combines all of the interviews I've done where people claim to see him, hear or talk to him. It's not my opinion, theory or belief they are talking to him - I'm filming them as I ask questions.
The reference in this episode is to an event I attended some years ago, in 2016 after the book was published. I got an email from a friend who said "Jesus showed up in my kitchen the other night to tell you to meet Jamie Butler, the medium." I don't know her - and didn't know she was appearing in my neighborhood a few weeks later.
So I bought a ticket, and asked her during her event if we "could dial up Jesus." For about an hour, the people in the room had an interview, channeled through Jamie's guide "Grace" - who spoke in long, profound paragraphs about his path and journey. He answered questions directly, and as noted in this podcast, had a couple of comments for me.
Finally the late atheist Harry Dean Stanton stopped by to add his two cents. Always great to hear from Harry. Fans of "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" know that we interviewed him extensively on the flipside.
I begin the segment with me on camera mentioning the two folks I invited to come to the session.
Jennifer knew the face of Tom, one of them, didn't know the second one Randi at all. However, we spoke to Tom before, and this conversation is in honor of his 70th birthday. We talk about his birthday party on the flipside, and talk about music in general and a little bit of his bio.
Then we shift to Regis Philbin, someone I knew, met through Charles Grodin (had dinner with outside of when he first met me and commented on the air about my mixed striped outfit) and he had a couple of things to say to his friend Chuck.
Then I interview "the Amazing Randi" - a terrific magician in his own right, who later became the preeminent debunker of all things paranormal. As was our interview with atheist Harry Dean Stanton (and Carl Sagan) both in the "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books, he had some amusing anecdotes to say, as well as messages to both Penn and Teller.
Finally Paul Newman strolled by - and we got fifteen minutes with the icon who has a message for John Cusack of all people (someone I know). We'll speak in more detail to Paul if he desires it - but it's another mind bending hour of your time.
In this episode, Luana Anders came through to talk to us about the process of how people on the other side, on the flipside have to adjust their frequency, have to adjust their perspective in order to communicate with us by dreams, sounds, images, smells, etc.
That it's a mutual process because it requires us to "suspend our disbelief" that it's possible, and allow that there is a possibility that there is an afterlife, otherwise there can be no communication.
Unfortunately, the conversation was cut short by a transformer exploding outside my window, so I had to add on a previous goodbye to finish this session. However, there is more to be found in the "workbook" that is in the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" books one and two. (Not in three).
Not quite sure how to put this - but I got the chance to interview Mr. Van Halen on the flipside today.
Jennifer was aware he had passed, no idea I had invited him - and we had a free wheeling discussion about his music, where music comes from, previous lifetimes where he had music in his life, his journey in general, and what it was like to cross over and be home.
Jennifer and I have been doing this for five years now - there are always specific details that only a family member would know (or dismiss) - people generally hear things they're supposed to hear. For those who are familiar with the books "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" 1, 2 and 3 (as well as the book "Hacking the Afterlife" and the film "Flipside" - this is more of the same. More verification. Jennifer did not know that Eddie played on two tracks for Quincy Jones on Michael Jackson's songs - and she names them both.
I have been doing this for so long with her, know that she works with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases (ask Bill Bratton former NYPD commissioner about her), and two of our class pals stop by. Bill Paxton to talk about the frequency of movies, and Anthony Bourdain to give me some health advice that is right on the money.
No other way to put it. If one wants to speak directly to loved ones on the flipside, there are three methods I can recommend; hypnotherapy, guided meditation and through a medium like Jennifer. Enjoy.
Having been away from Jennifer for a couple of weeks, I just let the conversation go where it was supposed to go.
I had been doing some research into my own family history, found a family secret and asked Jennifer's help in getting to the bottom of it. No one will understand or be convinced of anything - but I know what she's talking about. Then we have a screenplay Luana wrote that her friend Fred Roos is trying to produce, and Jennifer nails every step of where it is.
Some discussion of process - how it is she translates what she sees or hears, and I ask a question about a conversation I had on quora about someone who heard the word "onion soup" and asked this fellow to ask me a question about it.
Another conversation with the flipside about process. In this case, the term "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" came to mind and it appears to reference the idea that we are always connected to all of our lifetimes - no matter which role we've chosen on the planet this time around.
There's a brief hello from our pals from Big Love, Harry Dean and Bill - and then a surprise visit from Stephen Hawking who tells us there is a "formula" for love. Another mind bending episode into the flipside.
This is a conversation with Luana Anders (my friend on the flipside) and Jennifer about process and access.
That is how they, the folks on the flipside access us, the process in doing so. At some point, we are visited by my old friend and pal Bill Paxton. ("Talking to Bill Paxton" is a film on Gaia that I made with three different mediums asking Bill questions about how we met, what it's like on the flipside, and other detailed things - all three mediums gave the same answers.)
In this case, Bill came forward to talk about something Jennifer could not have known, did not know - was not aware of. He talks about our son having picked up the guitar and started playing it. It's pretty mind bending - I play guitar, but have played piano most of my life. In fact playing piano is what got me on the boat where I met Venus (de Milo) the Jack Russell Terrier.
We've heard in the past, that my mother, a concert pianist has been "helping my son" with his piano playing. Something he's picked up on his own, no formal training, but can play film scores a few minutes after he's heard them. A couple of weeks ago, he picked up the guitar, learning some songs from a game he was playing and within days he'd mastered them completely.
Having grown up around music, when Bill comes forth and says "Your son is a masterful guitar player" I know exactly what he's referring to. Jennifer does not, could not, is not aware that he's playing guitar - was aware that he was playing piano as my mom would come forward and mention it that she was "helping him" to do so.
It's a verification of the kind of verifications that people look for or need - but it was also on point, as he came to talk about process and how that works.
Finally, an interview with a dog I met on a Millenium Cruise ship. Another trip later, he was swept out to sea, and I know his owner was bereft. Since we've been chatting with Robert Towne's dog "Hira" on a regular basis (see "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" or some of the previous clips) I knew it was possible. Didn't know what he would say.
Very unusual podcast today - when is it not?
First Luana Anders came forward to talk about a global issue, and physicist David Bohm weighs in. Then David Bowie comes forward to talk about cancer, and someone he helped escort into the flipside; Chadwick Boseman. Jennifer has not seen Black Panther, Get On Up, 42, or was aware at first who I was inviting to speak with us.
Which made for an unusual but heartfelt discussion of what it was like for the iconic actor to be greeted on the flipside by Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, and all the iconic people he's portrayed. All I can say is it exactly what others have said - and those transcripts can be found in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" part one, part two and book three.
I felt it might be an interesting interview, and it was. Apologies in advance to folks who are in the midst of grieving or feeling awful about his departure - we do this work to demonstrate that our loved ones are never far from us, and by focusing on them, they can reach out and speak to us.
You just never know who wants to chat with us. In this case, I had no clue that Sammy Davis Jr. wanted to have a word with us - he appears in the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" so he's always welcome, but he wanted to weigh in on the events in Kenosha Wisconsin.
Let me be clear - I had a completely different thought of what our podcast might be this week, but I have to allow that I am not in charge of the guest list, Jennifer Shaffer is not in charge of the guest list. We just ask "Who is here?" and go from there. We may get it right, we may get the information out of wack - but Sammy Davis Jr. wanted to say something about race relations in America. Also Bill Paxton stopped by to say hi, Mother Mary showed up and introduced us to Mother Theresa. I don't know how else to say this than - we just keep doing what we are doing, and if people learn anything from this odd research, it's for the best.
This one is a bit all over the map.
We begin with a general discussion of "manifesting something" versus "seeing it in our future early on." That moves into a conversation about Saint Bernadette and a pal of mine what I think may be partially the reincarnation of. Then to the concept of math and the flipside - what infinity represents. A general chat with Simon Newcomb - or a hello.
Then a visit from Mary - yes, that Mary... and from Elvis and his grandson to say something rather poetic about why people might feel the need to check off the planet early.
Last night I had a "visitation" from someone who self identified as "the Principal."
I asked this person if I was supposed to interview them in today's podcast and they said "Yes, the questions will appear for you." So I had no one to look up, research... but knew that this person had told me that they were "the principal." I thought about teachers I knew, principals I knew - but just left it aside.
So this interview goes without any planning. At some point I realize that this person meant "the principle" (it's a mathematical phrase) and further blew my mind with the idea that they were trying to help our planet to "plant seeds" - not only to save the planet with trees which will reduce carbon, cool the planet - but also to plant seeds in our minds that we can communicate with them.
The term "Guardian Angel" comes at the very end of the session - as this person answered the question "would people on the planet refer to you as an angel?" They said "Yes." And later, Jennifer supplied the term "Guardian" as it applies to what we were talking about.
Guardians of the Galaxy or Guardian Angels - same thing apparently.
Another mind bending session.
Apologies for the wifi interruptions on audio... there's a moment in here where I ask Representative Lewis about three names - James, Andrew and Michael. Prior to the session - I knew who they were.
All freedom riders (like John) and two of them he knew well. When he reported through Jennifer being reconnected with them... and then I asked him to show Jennifer who they were... and she correctly says on camera that they were murdered by the KKK... it doesn't get any more proof of concept than that.
The "Emmett" I refer to is the one and only Emmett Till - the 14 year old boy murdered in the South whose death effected John Lewis immensely. Apologies for becoming emotional - but sometimes this information is overwhelming. I can only imagine what he describes to Jennifer - the standing ovation from millions of people who had been hurt, whose lives he honored with his life.
Last week - we asked him to come forward but I didn't name him - this week Prince returned to introduce him to the class. He was the one who mentions Billie Holiday and I took the opportunity to ask her some simple questions. It was John who I researched this morning when I realized that he might show up in class today.
Apologies to anyone this interview might offend - but in terms of his life, and his journey, I am here to state unequivocally, I film these, I report these for the same reasons that John walked into a wall of billy clubs in order to speak the truth. The part about Jesus is in the transcripts of both "Hacking the Afterlife" the book and "Architecture of the Afterlife."
The interviews with Dr. King, James Brown, Ray Charles and others is in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3." I'm just reporting.
This turned out to be an episode where folks came forward from the flipside to talk about the pandemic.
Junior Seau wanted to reinforce the idea that hyperbaric oxygen therapy cures a host of brain issues (and a shout out to Joe Namath), Robin Williams wanted to speak about depression and the pandemic - how to alleviate it.
Prince wanted to talk about using water and music to help with mental issues, Dr. Salk spoke about the properties of elderberry with regard to the lungs. A pretty unusual session that included some wise words from my mom, and a neighbor who died of covid last week.
I began this with a proof of concept.
Prior to filming our session, I speak directly to camera and reveal who I've asked to "come forward." A few minutes later Jennifer says his name. We've been doing this for over five years and I know how accurate she can be.
It's a wide ranging interview, covers the work of Carl Jung, his life, some of the more interesting anecdotes about him - his "soul stone," the episode where he saw his mother go into a room and a "ghost come out of it." That leads us into a conversation with philosopher Krishnamurthy who used to live in Ojai. Then at the end, a fellow Ojai resident and old pal of mine Bill Paxton comes forward and points out that I forgot to ask a question.
Bill says to Jennifer "Tell him to ask Carl about archtypes." Jennifer was not aware that Carl Jung invented the term - but Bill is. Apologies for my portion of the audio - seemed to be skipping a bit. But the content is there. Enjoy.
It's a difficult topic, but wasn't planned.
his is an hour discussion about suicide, about why people do it, about the kinds of steps people can take to prevent it - and some strong opinions from the flipside about how to "fight the impulse" to leave the stage early.
Just a half hour of chatting with Jennifer Shaffer's dad Jim -
and a few guest appearances.
This is a podcast from Simon Bown in the UK.
He told me in advance that he had been "denied entry" into his council during a past life session he had done, and asked if I could help him to access that venue. We did so. In his extended podcast (through patreon) he offers the extended version (another 40 minutes) where we interviewed someone that he recognized from his youth.
He mentioned something about a fear of "aliens" - so I went to the obvious question - if he had ever met any. And indeed, he was shown an event as a child which we explored. Using this same method "asking questions"
I asked the ET questions about his life and journey, whether he had chosen his path, if he had incarnated on other planets...this is something I've done often and there are number of these interviews in "Architecture of the Afterlife." However - I had never encountered an interview quite like the one that Simon recounted - live on air.
At one point the ET actually said "I'm not sure if I should be sharing this with you" - and that led to more questions about his journey, and what role he might have in advancing consciousness on our planet. It's not for everyone - and is why Simon has put it into the "extended coverage" of his site. http://www.pastliveshypnosis.co.uk/
We are the 19th podcast there - and it may be the same here on "Hacking the Afterlife." Either way - this was done without Jennifer's help or participation, but is equally interesting in terms of hacking what's going on in other dimensions.
I did a guest shot on a podcast for this fellow Robert on "What happens after." He has a bunch of questions which I do my best to answer in terms of the research. Unusual show but fun. Enjoy.
Something a little different.
Jennifer and I explain how we met, how we came to be pals, how Luana Anders assists us from the flipside. I revisit someone Jennifer and I met in "Hacking the Afterlife" to directly question his "council of doctors" that he claimed (in the interview via channeler Kevin Moore) that they assisted him in his successful trances where he helped cure people (and was famous for it).
In this session, Prince comes through and discussions the healing aspects of music.
At some point Ludwig Van comes through, as does Bernard Hermann and Igor Stravinsky. If that isn't unusual enough, Hira the dog comes through and describes how owners can converse with there pets on the flipside.
This is a continuation of last week's podcast where we heard from Frank Sinatra who was responsible for the death of JFK, RFK and Marilyn. (At least partially).
The interview is mind bending, I can only offer that I've been doing this with Jennifer for over five years, she works with law enforcement nationwide on missing person cases - she's offering what she's seeing or hearing, and I ask questions of clarification. The book referenced is David Talbot's "Brothers" - about the conspiracies behind the Kennedy assassinations and those reponsible.
All I can say is ... I'm still processing what we just heard. Will be on Coast to Coast AM radio with George Noory next week, perhaps I will reference this show. (June 16th 10 pm PST). Not for the feint of heart. But for those who've read "Flipside" or "Hacking the Afterlife" they'll recognize my questions, and the context for the answers. I forgot that I went to the LBJ museum in Austin, not in Dallas as I said in the audio - I spent the day looking around that museum when I was in Austin (I edited a film partially in Dallas, so I couldn't remember which trip it was).
Am looking to see if I have a photo of LBJ's typewriter in my possession. . It's the "Intelex" in the LBJ library - the hotline between Moscow and the US that used a Teletype machine for a "hotline" during the cold war. CORRECTIONS: Lady Bird passed away in 2007 (wasn't listed on the LBJ wiki page) I was thinking of Lubner when I said "Rudner" - John Belushi is interviewed in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" (I met him backstage at SNL) and Gilda is interviewed in the interview with Gene Wildler (I knew her from a film we both worked on).
Doing this kind of work on the fly doesn't allow me to do the research on air - so happy to correct the record - which I do in the books. Jennifer is saying "whatever pops into her head" as am I - and sometimes we both get the translation wrong.
Another episode from "Hacking the Afterlife" - as noted in this episode, which deals with the current events of the day, the folks we interview (except for Mr. Floyd) are all folks we've interviewed for "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3."
No offense meant for anyone... these people "seem to appear" and we ask them questions as best we can. The only thing we can do is report, and then compare the answers to others who've asked them the same questions.
At some point I ask Frank Sinatra a direct question - he answers with an image - it's not until the end of this podcast does that person give us context - someone in his administration was working behind his back.
Remains to be seen in a follow up interview.
We interviewed Carl for the book "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" - Carl makes a return visit to our class to discuss a number of things he wanted to cover - like global warming, whether aliens exist, how to step away from fossil fuel and into a safer alternative.
This podcast is not for everyone, nor should it be. If one is not aware of the possibility of an afterlife, then this will not make any sense. However for those that are, he makes perfect sense.
In today's episode, the pilot stops by to talk about her trip and her life (today's the 88th anniversary of her solo flight).
Stephen Hawking makes an appearance, answers a couple of esoteric questions, Luana Anders on the flipside orchestrates it all.
Also a general discussion of people who have lost folks during the pandemic, and some unusual advice from my mom. To participate in the "raffle" go to richmartini.com and answer one of five questions regarding Luana.
To win an hour with Jennifer, submit a confirmation of purchase to martiniprods at gmail and be entered into the raffle held this friday at midnight.
Jennifer texted me to let me know she had done an impromptu session with a friend of a friend last night, and the friend reached out to George Harrison.
George is someone we interviewed for "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and he gave us details that I could corroborate with a mutual friend, a grammy award winning producer who worked with him. But Jennifer forgot about our two conversations with George, and in this podcast reveals the information she heard from him last night that his pal was able to verify. I asked George some Hacking the Afterlife questions, and chatted briefly with his pal Ravi Shankar as well as my pal Bill Paxton, whose birthday is today.
Jennifer Shaffer is a medium who works with law enforcement on missing person cases.
I'm a former Variety music scribe who has written and/or directed 8 theatrical feature films. Our "guide on the flipside" is Luana Anders, actress who was in more than 300 TV shows and 30 features.
Together we "interview" or chat with folks no longer on the planet. In this instance, the one and only Richard Penniman who brings a number of "guests" to this chat.
What he says during this interview echoes what we learned in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 1, 2 and 3" as well as "Hacking the Afterlife" (book.) For more info: JenniferShaffer.com, RichMartini.com.
My new friends over at Contact TV have allowed me to post the interview we did recently where they were asking me about the research that has to do with people who remember lifetimes off planet.
In this podcast we ask Gene Wilder some questions about Elon Musk and his desire to sell the home Gene used to live in.
We've interviewed Gene (I knew him) in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside" and invite him to weigh in on an idea that I had to pitch to Elon.
Also we announce a Mother's Day/Luana Ander's birthday contest, details which will be posted on my web page RichMartini.com later today.
Enjoy and don't forget to thank your mom.
Some folks stop by who appear in "Backstage Pass to the Flipside 3" - Sitting Bull stops by, as well as Peter Beard to explain why David Bowie showed up during his previous interview (with comments for Iman).
Also Kobe Bryant (who appears in the book) stops by and I ask a question in Italian and he puts an answer in Jennifer's mind that I try to unpack. Two animals stop by; one is Jennifer's cat that passed this week, the other is the dog of Oscar winning writer Robert Towne (who I walked for 3 years.) Mind bending as usual.
This is the audio feed from the film of the above title, which can be viewed at MartiniZone com.
This film was made over the course of two years, and for those familiar with the content of the sessions I've filmed with Jennifer Shaffer, they'll forgive the noisy cafe that we recorded some of this in. In this documentary, Paul Allen speaks about his life, talks about who was there to greet him on the flipside; Junior Seau and Dave Duerson.
Then I arranged for Junior's widow to speak directly to him via Jennifer Shaffer. It was there we learned that they want people to know about Joe Namath's reported cure of CTE.
For more info, to donate, please visit the donate button at RichMartini.com Thanks.
In our ongoing discussions with the Flipside, some old pals stopped by.
Prince offered a song people should listen to, Amelia Earhart (who I had asked to come, and Jennifer correctly identified her) and J. Allen Hynek whom I met in 1969.
The point is - our loved ones don't die. Everyone we've ever encountered still exists on the flipside. Enjoy
In this session, Jennifer takes my unusual questions (via our friend Luana Anders on the flipside) and I access Tsong Khapa, Manjushri and the Alpha and Omega.
One could way I'm an equal opportunity heretic - but it's to demonstrate something Tsong Khapa knew - we can ask questions of people no longer on the planet and get new information. Enjoy.
We chat with an old pal who is missing and has dementia.
She correctly identified how we met - and he gave us details about what happened when he disappeared. He has personal messages for his loved ones which I've sent.
This is a podcast to demonstrate how anyone can access loved ones, asking questions their "higher self" can answers.
I don't mention the name of the person who is missing in this podcast, friends of mine will recognize who it is - and perhaps friends of his will as well. Eventually, Peter Beard was found; he'd wandered from his home in Montauk, and did what he often did in Africa so much when I knew him - took a nap by a tree. Rest in peace Peter!
Our continuing conversation with folks no longer on the planet. In this podcast, we query our friend on the flipside Luana Anders about how it is that she is able to help people over there to speak with us.
There's a brief appearance by Prince, as well as by Harry Dean Stanton at the end of this. Enjoy
JenniferShaffer.com & I have been "Hacking the Afterlife" weekly for six years.
"Backstage Pass to the Flipside: Talking to the Afterlife with Jennifer Shaffer" books 1 & 2 (3 is on its way) In this debut podcast we “chat” w/Anthony Bourdain, Will Shakespeare, John Lennon. (We’ve chatted with them in the books.)
Ends with with a conversation with Jesus ( “Issa.” )For folks easily offended I DON'T RECOMMEND IT, but for fans of our work, will post video at martinizone.com
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