A podcast about mostly film photography! Hosted by Mike Gutterman, Andre Domingues, Mike Kukavica, Roxanna Angles,
and Jessica Jones.
The podcast Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast is created by Mike Gutterman. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Mike, Andre, Roxanna, and Kuks are back with a catch up episode! Billy and Jess couldn't join us but we hope to have them back soon! We basically just talk about what we've been up to the last 8 months and discuss smelly stuff.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, Roxanna, Kuks, and Billy catch up on what they have been up to. They also read listener emails and have a listener call-in. Finally, thoughts on the new Pentax 17 film camera.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A special episode where we allow Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos) and Clayton Sharp (IG claytonsharpphoto) to takeover and debut their new and yet currently unnamed film photography podcast (IG j_and_c_start_a_podcast)! Listen to find out how to win a free camera by naming their podcast!
Neg Pos info:
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Mike reads emails and we have a listener call in from Penne Ferris about GAS and 6x17 Panos. Next, Kuks talks with Andrew Broekhuijsen about a print exchange he is starting. You can sign up for it here:
Finally, Roxanna updates us on her Coachella camera hunt and Mike gives shout outs and picks a winner of the Asheville Camera Club zine donated to us by Joe Pollock!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Andre, Kuks, Billy, Roxanna, and Mike get together to have a catch up episode on what we have been up in the last couple of months!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A Gutterman solo show! Mike gives the state of the union address on the podcast and gives shout outs along with announcing a zine giveaway contest!
A listener takeover episode from Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film )!
Mike talks about what he has been up to and answers questions he has received about film and digital photography. He also gives great tips on shooting sports photography!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
The gang reflects on the year 2023, reads listener emails, and announces a contest winner! Oh.... and Andre fell asleep on us again!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A solo show from our newest recruit, Mr. Billy Sanford! Billy talks about his recent health scare and how that made him think about his photography and taking pictures with purpose.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
The whole gang is back for a catch up episode! We also announce a new addition to the Neg Pos crew!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A Mike solo show where we catch up on some listener emails, listener call ins, and Kuks submits a segment as well!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Tonight we welcome back Andrew Broekhuijsen (Reddit at u/B_Huij, www.kopeckphotography.com, Flickr Andrew Broekhuijsen) to the show. Together with Küks, they attempt to demystify “the zone system”. By demystify, we mean to share some key concepts and practical applications that can be useful to anyone using any camera. The conversation starts by defining what the zone system actually is, and some common terms you may hear when people talk about the zone system. Then we get to different kinds of meters and why you would want a spot meter, even if you shoot color negative film. We describe how a spot meter is used to determine how to expose and then, if necessary, modify development of your film. The most important part of the conversation is reinforcement that we need to have a visualization of what we want the print (or image) to look like in its final form, before taking the photo! We hope you enjoy this conversation, and feel free to reach out to us with any feedback!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
This episode we welcome back guest Ted Vieira from the "Photography Matters" Podcast (www.tavphotography.com, IG tav_photography, YouTube Ted Vieira)! We catch up with Ted, Andre and Kuks talks about their trip to Ted's hometown of Vegas, Ted answers Negative Positives new hot seat questions, and finally he answers some follow up questions from the hosts!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A listener takeover episode from Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos, www.joepollockphotography.com)! Joe talks about some camera trading that led him to winning both a Nikon F2 and F3. He also talks of finding out about the previous owner of the F3 and honoring their memory by putting it back into use.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
A roll call episode! Roxanna talks about a Photography Therapy meetup put on by (IG chelseawildflower), another meetup called the Desert Film Club (IG desertfilmclub, IG milkthistleyuccavalley) and interviews Liz Cortez (IG heartandsolyoga, IG rodolfo_the_rescue_squirrel) who blends the arts with her yoga studio, is starting to shoot film, and is doing a photo collage collaboration in her studio as well. Kuks talks about shooting an automobile as a gift to a retiring coworker. Andre talks about shooting his Binstax, an Instax square back for the Mamiya RB67. Finally, Mike talks about consuming content vs. creating content.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Andre shares with us his 4x5 outing at the Venice Beach skate park on World Photography Day and discusses some ideas on experimenting with orthochromatic B&W films.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, and Kuks reunite for a listener interaction episode! We discuss what we have been up to, play some listener call-ins, and answer some emails!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy) brings us a listener takeover episode with installment #7 of "The Old Camera Guy Podcast"! Dave discusses current events, what he's been up to recently photographically, and sources of inspiration to get your photographic mojo back!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Kuks brings us an interview with Naomi McKenzie (IG silversaltress)! She tells us about how she used to work in photo labs, how she lost and rediscovered film photography and the impact that had on her well being, her new Pentax 67, and why she gets emotional in the darkroom!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
Kuks brings us an interview with Jess Kosmack (IG jesskosphoto)! She tells us how photography fits into her life, how she found the sport of Formula 1 racing, what it is like to go to the Monaco Grand Prix (and travel from Toronto to several airports in Europe with film) and how she shot film at the event.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
David Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy) brings us a listener takeover with episode 6 of "The Old Camera Guy Podcast"! Dave talks current events about Piney Woods Darkroom, Lomochrome Color '92, news of a Widelux camera, Kosmo Foto's 35mm compact camera kits, and Threads social media platform. He then discusses what he's been up to including receiving cameras and film, as well as meetups he attended and will be attending.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Kuks (IG drunk.darkroom) brings us a solo episode where he talks about gear GAS and technique GAS and discusses how they compare and contrast. He also asks have you ever regretted succumbing to GAS?
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A Negative Positives co-captains roll call episode! Short segments from each of the hosts talking about recent thoughts we have been having. Mike talks about the psychology of starting a new creative project. Andre talks about how you want to present the final form of images you take and how that effects your compositions when shooting. Kuks asks what is art and who determines that. Roxanna discusses how to find inspiration during extreme weather and gives shout outs to some photographers that inspired her. She also asks how do we share our work nowadays? (Check out Roxanna's shout outs on Instagram: @alewino @shaedetar @b.roll.backup @kenbertramphoto )
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy) brings us a listener takeover episode with "The Old Camera Guy Podcast" Episode 5! Dave tells us what he's been up to with photo meetups and talks about his thoughts on getting out of a photographic rut.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A listener takeover episode with Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod) of the "Gen-X Photography Podcast"! Mario gives us an in depth review of the classic Pentax KX camera!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, and Kuks do a catch up episode! Andre and Kuks talk about their weekend at the Cinestill Photo Walk in L.A. Next, we talk about our summer shooting plans and end up talking about eliminating clutter in our lives.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
David Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy) brings us episode 4 of The Old Camera Guy Podcast! Dave talks about his recent experiences with Beers and Cameras meetups, gets a gift, and gives his thoughts on rising film prices!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A listener takeover episode by musician and photographer, Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos, www.joepollockphotography.com, get his music at www.joepollock.bandcamp.com)! He talks about how he got into film photography through Polaroid shooting, getting his first film SLR, the camera and youtube rabbit hole, the progression of cameras he acquired, doing art shows, and the joy of shooting! All background music in this episode was the music of Joe Pollock.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, and Kuks get together to catch up on what we have been up to and give some shout outs. We also discuss the latest Pentax film camera news and read listener emails!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy) brings us episode 3 of the Old Camera Guy Podcast! Dave gives us his tips and thoughts on film developing. Next, Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, IG pineywoodsdarkroom, www.pineywoodsdarkroom.org, YouTube Jamie Maldonado) updates us on his non-profit Piney Woods Darkroom project. Support Jamie's IndieGoGo at https://igg.me/pineywoodsdarkroom or email him at [email protected].
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Andre brings us an interview with Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, IG pineywoodsdarkroom, YouTube Jamie Maldonado, www.pineywoodsdarkroom.org).
Jamie tells us about his trip to L.A., how he is opening a community darkroom in his area of Texas called The Piney Woods Darkroom, and his plans for it. Finally, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) sends us a call in about awesome donations from Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) for her school photography program!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Dave Mihaly (YouTube The Old Camera Guy, IG theoldcameraguy) brings us episode 2 of "The Old Camera Guy Podcast"! Dave tells us his process of selecting cameras, film, and gear for his trip to Chicago!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike Kukavica brings us his first edition of "Kuk's Corner"! Kuks interviews Andrew Broekhuijsen (www.kopeckphotography.com, IG kopeckphotography, Flickr Andrew Broekhuijsen). Andrew tells us how he got into photography, what he likes to shoot, about a photo he took that made an impact on him, enjoying photography without chasing likes, the joy of darkroom printing, and the value of physical prints.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A Mike solo show where he talks about his thoughts on the Pentax film camera announcement and the use of ammo cans for storage of photo gear!
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A listener interaction show with Mike, Andre, and Kuks. Andre gets his darkroom up and active, Kuks does some photo framing, talks of 3D printed photo products, and sees Captain Kirk, Mike loses a camera and gives some shout outs. Next, we welcome Bill Manning (IG atlantafilm.co, www.atlantafilmco.com, IG studio.c41) to talk about new happenings at Atlanta Film Co. and to giveaway some film! We get call ins from David Ortega (IG polapengu) about the Canon Powershot SD-20 digicam and Richard Moore (IG rjmk1000) about odd things with health screenings. Finally, we read listener emails and play a listener music track from Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos, www.joepollockmusic.com) titled "Christmas Eve on Danneel St."
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A Negative Positives Listener Takeover! David Mihaly (YouTube The Old Camera Guy, IG theoldcameraguy) brings us episode 1 of The Old Camera Guy Podcast! Dave tell us his thoughts on good starter cameras for those new to film photography and discusses his photography goals for 2023!
A field report from Andre and Kuk's latest hot date! They go to a lab, some galleries, and the Leica store. Gutterman catches up on some shout outs and we end the episode with a listener music track from Chris O'Connell (IG chris_oconn_photos, www.chrisoconnell.co.uk) from his band Those Amongst Us Are Wolves (www.thoseamongstusarewolves.bandcamp.com) with a track titled "A Malfunction, A Glitch, An Error".
We reunite all the co-captains for a 400th episode celebration! We catch up with each other, talk about the future of the podcast, and get a bumper crop of call ins to help us celebrate this milestone from awesome people in the community!
Mike and Andre bring a listener interaction episode! Andre talks about his recent trip to Rochester, Mike talks about his back injury and receives prints from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob) and Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr, IG musicandphotographypodcast). Next, we read emails from Patrick Lynch, Daniel Smith (IG corvuspress), Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl), Stephen Schaible, Bill Thoo (IG bill.thoo, IG analognights) who also sent Mike a copy of Analog Nights Volume 3 zine (get it here: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2358904 ), Adrian Doyle (IG doyle.land), and Lance King. Then, Mike gives some shout outs to some podcasts and YouTube channels. Finally, we have call ins from Sherry Christensen (IG sherrychristensenphotography, IG embrace_the_grain) about photo ruts, Alex Luyckx (IG alexluyckxphoto, IG classiccamerarevival) about 510 Pyro developer, Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) about the Olympus OM-4Ti, and a holiday tradition listener music track from Minsan Sauers (IG minsan_sauers) titled "Hark The Joy".
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike and Kuks welcome Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy) as a cocoa captain and Juan Alatorre (IG juan.alatorre.photo) as our guest! We talk to Juan about the Pentax Auto 110 he sent Gutterman, how he got into film photography, and the film community. Next, we find out how Juan keeps his loved ones happy to have their photos taken, makes portrait subjects feel comfortable, displays portraits through frames/albums and the importance of those photos to him. We also talk of the recent Polaroid film quality, the SX-70 and www.retrospekt.com, and shooting portrait sessions on film. Finally, we ask Juan about whether he thinks about the print while shooting the photo, talk about his Canon Pro100 printer and framing prints, his favorite part of the analog process, and his process of making a cyanotype print of a Polaroid portrait of his father.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, and Kuks bring a listener interaction episode! Andre and Kuks talk of their recent route 66 shooting adventure and Kuks got a new 50mm lens for his Hasselblad. Mike shoots some APS visiting his son in Ohio at his college campus, gives some YouTube shoutouts, and receives some APS film from Steve New and a Pentax Auto 110 camera from Juan Alatorre (IG juan.alatorre.photo). Next we have a call in from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod) about the Silver Linings Project along with emails from Frank Kernan (IG frank_make_photo) and John Money (IG johntmoney). Also, we have call ins from David Ortega (IG polapengu) about documenting your life and Larry Effler (IG larryeffler) about the Olympus XA. Finally, we have call ins from Theo Panagopoulos (IG theo_panagopoulous, www.photothinking.com) about the Fuji GSW690iii and from Robot Theo about the Panasonic Lumix FX-07, and a listener music track from Oliver Crites (IG crumbrush) from his band The First Part (www.thefirstpart.bandcamp.com) with a song titled "We're No Strangers".
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, and Kuks welcome Minsan Sauers (www.minsansauers.com, IG minsan_sauers, Flickr minsan_sauers) as our guest! He talks about how he got into film photography through collecting classic lenses, his wife's studio photography and how he is involved and how it taught him lighting as well. Next, Minsan answers questions about car photography and motorcycles, tips for bulk loading, balancing hobbies, deciding on film vs. digital when shooting, Route 66, and shooting a tribute band. Finally, we ask Minsan about shooting aircraft, the correlation of being a musician and photographer, and what is the bass guitar equivalent in photography gear.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A listener interaction episode with Mike, Andre, Jess, and Mike Kukavica (IG drunk.darkroom). Jess announces her hiatus from Neg Pos. Check out her cyanotype creations (IG dustytrueblue). We talk about our new Silver Linings Project for this year to raise money for cancer research. Mike G. gives some shout outs to Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, YouTube Jamie Maldonado), Theo Panagopoulos (IG theo_panagopoulos, www.photothinking.com, IG camerosity_podcast), and Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy). Andre talks about the next round of the Analog Academy. Kuks talks about Top Gun, Lucy Lumen's (IG lucy_lumen, YouTube Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures) Zuiko lenses video and Barry Thornton's Two Bath Developer. Next, we get an email from Alan Peres (IG aperes18) about the colonoscopy episode, a call in from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod) about thrift store luck and a call in from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) about social media platforms. Finally, we have a call in from David Ortega (IG polapengu) about a digital camera fail and a Rolleiflex accessory. We end with a listener music track from Chris O'Connell (IG chris_oconn_photos, www.chrisoconnell.co.uk) from his band Those Amongst Us Are Wolves (www.thoseamongstusarewolves.bandcamp.com) with a track titled "At The End Of The Scene, The Walls Are Black" from the album "This State Is Conscious"
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
Mike, Andre, Jess, and Mike Kukavica (IG drunk.darkroom) welcome Chris O'Connell (IG chris_oconn_photos , www.chrisoconnell.co.uk ) to the show! We find out how he got into photography and darkroom work, his influences, how he got into alternative processes using such things as sandpaper, onions, and inks! We also have some international beer debate, learn about his experimental dreaming project, and talk of creative inspiration struggles. Finally, we ask Chris about his zine titled "Turn Up For Life", his Ghost Path project, and how being a musician and playwright influences his photography. Check out his band at www.thoseamongstusarewolves.bandcamp.com.
Mike, Andre, and Jess are joined by Mike Kukavica (IG drunk.darkroom) for a listener interaction episode! Andre talks Cinestill news and the Eastman Analog Academy. Jess talks about her cyanotype explorations and her appearance on Billy Sanford's "Music and Photography Podcast" (IG bsanfordjr , IG musicandphotographypodcast) and her flight experience. Kuks talks about his project of selling his work in a public forum. Mike gets mail from Andre, Johnny Martyr (IG johnnymartyrphoto), Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos), Shaun Nelson (IG shaunnelson, www.utahfilmphotography.com) and talks about his colonoscopy! Next we get an email from Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl), a DM from Daniel Haanskorf (IG smallstills), and a call in from Julie Piper (IG jpshoeboxwalk) from the "Gen-X Photography Podcast" (IG genxphotogpod) about her film journey and the cameras that got her interested in photography. Also... ANDRE FELL ASLEEP AGAIN. Finally, a call in from David Romanis (IG sinamorphoto) about double exposure techniques and a listener music track by Lilly Schwartz from her music project called Polarcoaster with a track titled "Walk Into Oblivion" from her "Endless Nights" album.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
We are joined by Bill Manning (IG studio.c41 , IG atlantafilm.co) of the Studio C-41 1 Hour Photo Podcast and Sherry Christensen (FB group: Embrace The Grain Photography Podcast, IG sherrychristensenphotography , Grainery sherrychristensen, Facebook group: Frugal Film Project '22, IG embrace_the_grain ) of the Embrace The Grain Podcast. Bill talks about a startup making movie film available with ECN-2 processing to combat rising color film prices (get the film at www.atlantafilmco.com). Sherry talks about summer shooting, the Frugal Film Project, and her thrift store finds. Jess talks about her Zinstax back from Hann Chen (IG haan.chen) and cyanotypes on fabric. Andre has been busy at CineStill and Mike shoots some film with his sons. Next, Bill and Sherry have news about their podcasts, we discuss their future, and offer our mushy tributes to them! We also get a call in from Sherry's co-captain, Jake Rose (IG jakerosephoto) about his thoughts on his podcasting experience. Finally, we discuss the hot topic of best fries!
A listener interaction episode where we are joined by Theo Panagopoulos (www.photothinking.com, IG theo.panagopoulos, IG camerosity.podcast) of the "Camerosity Podcast" and the "Photo Thinking Blogcast" on your podcast catchers. We talk about the podcasts and catch up on what we have been up to including robots, Australia film scene, infrared, digicams, Mamiya backs, 6x8, and shout outs. Next, we have an email from Bernhard Sperling (IG bernhardasphoto) about the lack of technical specs on rebranded film and the value of personal photography. Also, call ins from Robert Coates (IG robert.coates.photo) about the Agat 18K camera and Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) about editing your film photos. Finally, we have a listener music track from Kevin Lane (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast) from the "Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast" with a track titled "Riding His Harley".
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A round table episode with a return of Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) with panelists David Mihaly (IG, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok The Old Camera Guy) and Dan Tree (IG dantreephoto). We catch up with what we have been up to in the first segment and Larry Effler (IG larryeffler) sends Mike a nice note and some fridge magnets. Next, we get into the hot topics including rebadged/rebranded film, dealing with disappointment in our creative outlets and the end game of it, Grainery as a new platform for sharing photographs vs. Instagram and social media in general, and what makes a good photo - technical perfection vs. emotional response.
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
Support the Podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
A Mike and Andre listener interaction episode! Andre picks up a Rollei book, a new 6x6 film back for his RB67, and gives a Cinestill 400D update. Mike finishes some rolls of film, changes his outlook on photography, gets cool mail from Jake Rose (IG jakerosephoto) of the Embrace The Grain Podcast (IG embrace_the_grain), Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) of The Music and Photography Podcast (IG musicandphotographypodcast), Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy), Shaun Nelson (IG shaunnelson, www.utahfilmphotography.com), and Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog). Also, Mike's appearance on Lucy Lumen's Podcast Adventure (IG lucy_lumen) and shout outs to Alex Luyckx YouTube channel, Wayne Setser and the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast (IG ujcpodcast), and Michael Kaplan of the Ephemeral Machine Podcast (IG theephemeralmachine). Next, we have call ins from Sam Knight (IG samsoutdoorlife, Flickr Sam's Outdoor Life) about using local history as a photography motivator, and Patrick Blake (IG patrick.filmaf) about the Polaroid SX70 Sonar. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200) of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival) about the Leica M3 and a listener music track from Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos, www.joepollockmusic.com) titled "Shortcut".
Email the podcast:
Instagram @negativepositives
Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
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Mike's free music for productions:
This week Mike and Andre welcome on Larry Effler (IG larryeffler, www.alztennessee.org)! Larry talks about how he got into photography and his experiences in photojournalism and television production, how digital and working for a non profit got him back into photography, some film camera acquisitions and how that led him back into film, and his covid experience with photography and podcasts. Next, Larry answers questions from the Facebook group including his thoughts on the Agfa Isolette, body parts under a football field and favorite spots to shoot in the Smoky Mountains, focusing on folder cameras, using Minolta as a news photographer, and the Canon T80. Finally, we ask Larry about his work in a non profit organization for Alzheimer's support (link above), how the growth of digital has effected the photojournalism and video production world, and Andre ends the interview with an alcohol infused love fest promotional ramble!
Support the podcast:
Mike's free music for productions:
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
A listener interaction episode! Mike, Andre and Jess catch up with each other. Andre develops film, scans more negatives, and comes down with Covid AGAIN. We get a surprise call in from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast (IG genxphotogpod). Jess documents some of her pack film shooting on videos and experiments with cyanotypes. Mike talks about getting old, getting a new Gutter Man Cave film/beer refrigerator, gives some shout outs, and talks about cassettes. Next, we have call ins from Bob St. Cyr (IG foto.bob) of the "Follow The Light Analogue Photography Podcast" with thoughts about our photo legacy and prints and John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza, www.jmm-photos.com) with a ramble about what he's been up to including fixing a Canon P rangefinder. Finally, we have call in camera reviews from Chris Paulin (IG altprocess) about the Agfa Clack and Theo Panagopoulos (IG theo_panagopoulos, www.photothinking.com) of the Camerosity Podcast (IG camerosity_podcast) about the Leica M3. We end with a music track from Lux Lumen (IG lux_lumen_, www.luxlumen.bandcamp.com) who does the music for Lucy Lumen (IG lucy_lumen) for her YouTube channel "Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures" and podcast "Lucy Lumen's Podcast Adventure" with a track titled "Purple Wednesday".
Mike and Andre talk with photographer/cinematographer Jonathan Bensimon (www.jonathanbensimon.com, IG jonathan.bensimon, IG jobenzphoto). We hear about how he got into photography and film making, the transition to digital times, hipster film school experiences, what brought him back to film, and his slide film/cibachrome print gallery show project. Next, he answers questions about favorite shooting locations, preference of color or black and white, favorite film format, how still photography and cinematography influence each other, cameras vs. people, and the difference in mindset between his still photography and motion picture work. Finally, we ask him about the importance of gear and how it effects his photography, future projects and projects he is proud of, and how influences can effect your output.
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A listener interaction episode with Mike and Andre! Andre talks about finishing his scanning project, sharing to social media, and how it will effect his shooting in the future. Mike updates his knee injury, problems with the Gutter Man Cave beer/film fridge, his plans for shooting with his son, finishes his dad's last film roll, and releases a new music album. Next, we have an email from Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl) about sticky plastic developing reels and a UV light for cyanotypes, and also we have a call in camera review from Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) about the Kodak Folding Vest Pocket Autographic Camera. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Larry Effler (IG larryeffler) about the Nikon EM and a listener music track from Clare Marie Bailey (IG claremariebailey) from the Sunny 16 Podcast (IG sunny16podcast) from her music project Mirror Glaze with a track titled "What I Want", get her music at sivilised.bandcamp.com/album/watch
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Podcast Facebook Group
A Mike solo show of listener interaction. Mike gets a print from John Gregory (IG jwgregphoto) from the "A Light In The Dark" podcast and a zine titled "London Through A Holga" by George Griffin (IG flaneurwithacamera, IG flaneuronthestreets) from the "Flaneur On The Streets" podcast, get the zine at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/georgegphotography. Shout outs to YouTube channels "Casey Hall" and "Felicity Makes". Email from Chris Marinari (IG chris_marinari_photo). A call in from Anthony Vargas (IG anthonyevargas) about photo tips for shooting the Bay area in California. A call in from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod) from the "Gen-X Photography" podcast about the Vivitar 135mm f 2.8 lens. Finally, a call in from Tom Northenscold about the Olympus 35 SPn and a listener music track from Kevin Lane (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast) from the "Uncle Jonesy's Cameras" podcast with a track titled "Passion For The Game".
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Intro by the intro contest winner, David Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy). This week our guest is Billy Sanford (IG, Twitter, Flickr - bsanfordjr ) of the "Music and Photography Podcast" (IG musicandphotographypodcast) found on the Sunny 16 Presents Podcast feed. He talks about how he got into photography and starting his podcast. Next, he answers questions from the Neg Pos Facebook group including how music inspires his photography, past experience as a content presenter, tips for call ins, when is a song too long, biggest gripe about film photography, photography bucket list, snog/marry/kill cameras, favorite musician that is a photographer and photographers that inspire him, one album/one camera/one film for the rest of your life, his thoughts on Polaroid, listening choices for developing/printing/scanning, a future photo walk in Nashville?, and too much free time. Finally, we find out Billy's favorite Neg Pos moment, family interest in photography and music, and his musical background.
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A birthday eve recording! We start with the famous birthday song from last year from Jeff Greenstein (IG sjeffgreenstein) and Gabe Sachs (IG gabesachs) from the "I Dream of Cameras" Podcast (IG idreamofcameras)! We do a host catch up segment to see what we have all been up to. Andre visits his parents and Cinestill putting out 220 film! We have a call in from Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom) to give Andre a guilt trip. Jess goes to Savannah and shoots some FP-100C, talks of Negative Lab Pro and scanning, and oysters. Roxanna explores alternative processes including cyanotypes and lumen prints, sending a child to college, and fights the 'rona. Mike talks of his shooting plans with his 645, attempts to resurrect his Pentax DSLR, and gives some shout outs. Next, Mike does a solo interview with Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film, IG mikes_real_life) to name the winner of the Negative Positives Intro Contest Challenge! We also talk about paring down a camera collection, shooting sports on film, and negativity in the film community. Finally, we have a call in from David Ortega about camera GAS. Apologies for forgetting to include a listener music track at the end of this episode!
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A bonus listener interaction episode! Mike receives awesome gifts from Nick Cooley (IG nickdotcooley, www.nickcooley.bigcartel.com) and also Vania (IG surfmartian) from the "All Through A Lens" Podcast (IG allthroughalens.podcast). We have emails from Kevin Dillon, Patrick Blake, Keir Frei (IG keirfrei) who also sent a call in about the movie Dune, and Chris Paulin (IG altprocess). Mike gives shouts outs to productions using his music. Next, we have a call in from Andre Domingues (IG andre.on.film) about his slide film journey. Finally, a call in from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) about the Ilford Obscura with pinhole large format photography insights. We end with a listener music track from Oliver Crites (IG crumbrush) from his band The First Part (www.thefirstpart.bandcamp.com) with a track titled "This Charming Stain".
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We start with an intro contest submission from John Meadows (IG johngmeadows) from The Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival). Our guests for this episode are Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, Flickr Mario Piper) and Suzanne Lopez (IG b.roll.backup) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast (IG genxphotogpod)! We discuss the evolution of their podcast, Suzanne talks about how she got into photography and her portrait business, and talk about the importance of podcasts in the future. Next, we have questions from the Facebook group including Mario and Neil Piper's relation, redscaling slide film and lith printing, thoughts on zines, some Pentax Spotmatic love, Lomo Turquoise, Film MILF, redscaling Lomo Purple, and spicy foods. Finally, we discuss the big film announcements today from CineStill and Kodak!
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We start with an intro contest submission from Mike Mitchelson (IG mlbmitch). Gutterman interviews his son Grant Gutterman (IG grantgutterman, www.garquo.bandcamp.com) about his recent film photography journey and his music production. Next, we have an interview with Lucy Lumen (IG lucy_lumen, YouTube Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures, Podcast "Lucy Lumen's Podcast Adventure"). We discuss Podcasting vs. YouTube, discussing serious topics on a podcast platform such as gender perspectives which leads us down a rabbit hole on the topic, point and shoot cameras and punk rock analogy, having an end game for your art, the desire for your art to be seen, are sponsors for your creative content selling out?, being a stay at home parent and how it effects your creativity, and we finish with a couple of quickfire questions! Finally, Mike gives shout outs to Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) and Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) for recent episodes on the Sunny 16 presents podcast feed, and plays a listener music track from Grant Gutterman from his music project Garquo with a track titled "Listening To Your Favorite Song in the Snow".
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An intro contest submission from Jack Bulkley (IG refocusingphotography). Andre and Mike catch up with talks of management skills, dad jokes, the new Batman movie, Andre gets a gift of expired slide film from Mark Rockwood (IG markrockwoodphotos3), Mike talks about his son coming home for spring break and the film he has been shooting, and gives shout outs to Ian Fleming (IG ifleming), Alex Luyckx (YouTube Alex Luyckx), Scott Graham (YouTube Scott Graham), Jamie Maldonado (YouTube Jamie Maldonado), and David Mihaly (YouTube theoldcameraguy). Next, we get emails from Ian Fleming (IG ifleming), Mark Welsford (IG mark_welsford), and get a historical photographer call in from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about David Bailey. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) about the Zeiss Ikon Nettar 5152 and listener music from Joe Pollock (IG joepollockphotos, www.joepollockmusic.com) with a track titled "Truck Full Goodbye To Woodlawn St.".
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A round table discussion with guests Jeff Greenstein (Twitter blue439, IG sjeffgreenstein) and Gabe Sachs (IG gabesachs) of the "I Dream of Cameras" podcast (www.idreamofcameras.com, IG idreamofcameras, Twitter I Dream of Cameras, email [email protected])! Topics include: The travesty of digital cameras with classic film camera model names. What is the end goal of our photography and does not having one effect your motivation to create? How do we balance different hobbies and passions? Our photographic legacy and what will become of our photos after our time on this planet? Photography gear envy and can we just be happy with what we have? The rising prices in film photography and is it slowing down purchases and collecting? Finally, happy birthday to Mr. Andre Domingues!!
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We start with an intro contest submission by Henry from "The Tales From The Magic Box" Podcast (IG talesfromthemagicboxpodcast). Andre does some hiring at Cinestill, and we talk about selling some gear. Mike finds some photos his dad took. Then, he gives shout outs to Jack Bulkly (IG refocusingphotography) for a postcard, Mark Mcloone for yet another awesome gift of a 645 220 back and a beer can camera, Leo Nikishin (YouTube 10 Rolls of Film, IG 10rolls_of_film), Jamie Maldonado (YouTube Jamie Maldonado, IG jamiemphoto), and Lucy Lumen (YouTube Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures, IG lucy_lumen) for her new film photography podcast "Lucy Lumen's Podcast Adventure". We get a call in from Anil Mistry about his new book "Hometown" (IG anilmistryphoto, get the book at www.fistfulofbooks.com). Next, we get emails from Jerry Ann (IG deddoarts), Matt Bump (IG mattbump), a nice message from Shaun Nelson (IG shaunnelson, www.utahfilmphotography.com), and get a call in camera review from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) about the Hasselblad Super Wide. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Tom Northenscold (www.henhousephotoworkshops.com) about the Kodak Duo Six-20 and a listener music track from Lilly Schwartz (IG lilly.schwartz, YouTube Lilly Schwartz) from her music project Polarcoaster with a track titled "Crystal" off her new album "Endless Nights".
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We start with a intro contest submission from Anil Mistry (IG anilmistryphoto). Mike and Andre host a listener interaction show. We catch up on what we've been up to, Mike is gifted a Pentax 645 system and Andre gives a shout out to (IG jonathan.bensimon) about an art exhibition. Next, we have call ins from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) about his 2022 goals and his meetup with Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom), Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) with a historical photographer call in about Cornel Lucas (IG cornellucascollection, www.cornellucas.com). Finally, Mike gives shout outs to Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, YouTube Jamie Maldonado), Benjamin Krohn (IG construction_syndrome, YouTube Construction Syndrome), Alex Luyckx (IG alexluyckxphoto, IG classiccamerarevival, YouTube Alex Luyckx), Leo Nikishin (YouTube 10 Rolls of Film, IG 10rolls_of_film), Felicity Fisk (YouTube Felicity Makes, IG felicity.fisk), and Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl). We get emails from Bill Thoo (IG billthoo) about a new zine he curated called "Analog Nights Volume 2" (get it here: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/2127286 ), Ryan Servizzi (IG hobiecat111629) about the Intrepid enlarger, Ben Krohn about YouTube videos, Tim about renewed interest, Rachel Wong (IG racheldoesathing) about podcasts, and Stephen with an offer of cameras for Roxanna's school program. We end with a listener music track from Lux Lumen (www.luxlumen.bandcamp.com) titled "Framed Paradise" who creates the music for Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures YouTube Channel (IG lucy_lumen)!
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We start the show with an intro contest submission from Christian Lisch. This week our guest is Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy). We talk about how he got into film photography, the Olympus OM-1, APS and the hottest trend in film fashion - The Neg Pos APS T-shirt, camera prices and formats. Next, he answers Facebook questions about desert island camera and film, favorite instant cameras and film, using cameras in the freezing cold, APS film dreams, Tmax 3200, why he bought the APS T-shirt and it's comfort level. Finally, we ask him about the Toronto film shooter's scene and photo walks, shooting Polaroids at night, and whether film photographers tend to be introverts.
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We start with an intro contest submission from Paul Friday (www.fupduckphoto.wordpress.com). Andre, Roxanna, and Mike review their 2021, talk about their plans and where they see the industry going in 2022. Next, we give shout outs to Bob St-Cyr (IG foto.bob, www.stcyrphoto.blogspot.ca) from the Follow The Light Analogue Photography Podcast, Jess Hobbs (IG jesshobbsphoto, YouTube Jess Hobbs) from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast, Kevin Lane (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast) from the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast, Angela Solis (IG thisisgela_s), Kevin Dillon (IG ricoh_shooter), Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, www.junctionrails.ca), George Griffin (IG flaneurwithacamera, IG flaneuronthestreets) from the Flaneur On The Streets Podcast, and Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, YouTube Jamie Maldonado) for awesomeness. Then we have a special edited version of episode 376 put together by Joey Ready (IG awesomecameras, www.socalcamerashow.com). Finally, we have call ins from Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy) with a love letter to APS, Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) with his photography new year's resolutions, and a music track from Clare Marie Bailey (IG claremariebailey, music at: sivilised.bandcamp.com/album/watch ) of the Sunny 16 Podcast from her music project Mirror Gaze with a track titled "Motorway". Also, check her interview out on Billy Sanford's (IG bsanfordjr) Music and Photography series on the Sunny 16 Presents On Location feed!
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We start with an intro contest submission from Jack Allan (IG jack.w.allan, IG macandjackpodcast) from the Mac and Jack Podcast. Roxanna, Andre, and Mike spend the first segment catching up. Andre talks about his adventures with Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom), Roxanna talks about the Hi-Desert Film Lab (IG hidesertfilmlab) and her school photography club, shooting again, Emulsive secret Santa, and Mike talks about his son shooting film, gets mail from Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy), Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube The Old Camera Guy), and Steve Ingram (IG printandtype). Donate to the Kentucky Tornado Relief Fund at (www.teamwkyrelieffund.ky.gov). Next, we have emails from Mark Bradshaw (IG oldus_farticus_) and Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, IG 35mmcblog, www.35mmc.com) about his Kickstarter for the book "Photography Through The Pandemic" (back it here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/hamishgill/photography-through-the-pandemic ). Call ins from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast about the Canon New F-1, Larry Effler (IG larryeffler) about the Minolta X-570, and Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast. Finally, Andre talks about his DSLR purchase, Mike gives shout outs to Kevin Lane (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast), Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, YouTube Jamie Maldonado), Michael Raso (IG filmshootermike, IG filmphotographyproject, YouTube FilmPhotographyProject), and Malcolm Kingswell (YouTube Malcolm Kingswell, IG allotments_for_fun_and_food). Lastly, a listener music track from Minsan Sauers (IG minsan_sauers) titled "Hark The Joy".
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We start with an Intro Contest submission from George Griffin of the "Flaneur On The Streets" Podcast (IG flaneurwithacamera, IG flaneuronthestreets). This week our guest is Ethan Moses of Cameradactyl and the "Homemade Camera Podcast" (IG cameradactyl, www.cameradactyl.com, www.homemadecamera.com). He talks about his 20x24 camera project and his instant process with it. Support the future of this through his kickstarter at (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cameradactylmongoose/20x24-instant-pictures-in-los-angeles?fbclid=IwAR2r_La80eRNgpNDx9RS82gPuUGvUwCO_xK119qvyAUM4TeAO9_Snxxwbl0) and check out this article on Emulsive about it at (https://emulsive.org/articles/news/bringing-back-instant-20x24-photography-in-an-age-after-the-20x24-polaroid-with-cameradactyl?fbclid=IwAR20xBbPK2uFyq693xpEg255ZokraB1iG9ANCVOdA145TlL2C0LfprgcP_U ). We also talk about his photographer's jeans, his product design process, his thoughts on negativity towards his designs, developing a shutter issues, the worst thing he's made, can watch makers help the camera market, his next projects, how much coffee to make a camera, megapickles, action figures, podcasts, and his alter ego of Chad. Finally, we talk about old slide copiers as a solution for film scanning, temperature control on his 20x24 camera processing, the future of his 20x24 camera and what his future would be if the film bubble was to burst.
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A solo Mike show with tons of listener interaction that starts with a submission to the Neg Pos Intro contest from Larry Effler (IG larryeffler). We have an email from Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl) and Mike gives shout outs to Leo Nikishin from the 10 Rolls of Film Podcast and YouTube channel (IG 10rolls_of_film, YouTube 10 Rolls of Film) and Kevin Lane from The Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast (IG ujcpodcast, IG kevinlane). Mike talks about some things he is thankful for other than the obvious. Next, we get a call in camera review from Larry Effler about his Nikon F3 saga and a historical photographer call in from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about Jane Bown. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Bill Smith from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) with a review of the Nikon F4 and a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike) from his music project Pimp Flash with a track titled "Phasing Out".
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We start with an intro contest submission from Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy , YouTube The Old Camera Guy). Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom) joins us to help out for a missing Jess and Roxanna. We offer our sympathy to the loved ones of John Whitmore (IG thedarkshed) who was a cohost of the Sunny 16 Podcast (IG sunny16podcast). Donate to the memory of John at ( https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/anne-marie-brownlee-1 ). Andre talks of the Intrepid enlarger products and shoots a skate park. Kukavica talks of shooting redscale, darkroom issues, water slide transfers, and we wrap up our thoughts on the closing of the Silver Linings Project. Next, Kukavica and Andre discuss their anniversary route 66 photo trip and Mike talks about his upcoming appearance on the Analog Talk Podcast (IG analogtalkpodcast). Then, Mike gives shout outs to Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto, YouTube Jamie Maldonado), Lucy Lumen (IG lucy_lumen, YouTube Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures), the Camerosity Podcast (IG camerosity_podcast) and the Ephemeral Machine Podcast (IG theephemeralmachine). We answer emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi), Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl), Bill Donovan, Dan Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com), and Rich Alexander (IG atseazine, www.richalexanderphotography.com). Finally, we talk about how Lomochrome Turquoise is back, have a call in camera review from Tom Northenscold (www.henhousephotoworkshops.com) for the Olympus OM-1n, and a listener music track from Kevin Lane from the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast (IG ujcpodcast, IG kevinlane) with a track titled "Autumn Sky".
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
We start with an intro contest entry from Sherry Christensen (IG sherrychristensenphotography , IG embrace_the_grain , FB group Embrace The Grain Photography Podcast) from the Embrace the Grain Podcast. Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom , www.kukavica.com ) fills in for Jess Jones and we update the Silver Linings Project with our guest and new member of the project, Bob St-Cyr (IG foto.bob , www.stcyrphoto.blogspot.ca , FB group Follow The Light Podcast) from the "Follow The Light...Analogue Photography Podcast". We find out how Bob got into film photography and podcasting. Next, we get Facebook questions to Bob with topics such as motivation to make pictures, what he wishes he knew when he started, favorite photos, his holy grail camera, slide film, the meaning of fine art photography, his thoughts on zines and photobooks, curation process for exhibitions, why large format, the future of his podcast, his 3 favorite pizza toppings, and his plesiosaur story. Finally, we talk with Bob about how to put emotion into a darkroom print, monorail vs. field camera, and the role of faith and spirituality in artistic endeavors.
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A listener interaction episode with a submission to the Neg Pos Intro contest from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr ) where Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom , www.kukavica.com ) joins us to have an update on the Silver Linings Project to raise money for cancer research. We also talk of Andre's YouTube fame, Kukavica's and Andre's upcoming Route 66 photo trip, Kukavica's recent printing issues, Jess talks of pawpaws and her experience with Roxanna Angle's recommended makeshift Amazon film dryer, and Mike G. finally edits/posts some photos from last year and finishes a roll of film! Next, we have a call in camera review from John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza , www.jmm-photos.com ) about the Ricoh XR-X which leads us to talk about later model film cameras and somehow into a rabbit hole of current blue jeans fashion. Finally, we talk about Holga Week (www.holgaweek.com), Polaroid week, and have a listener music track from Oliver Crites (IG crumbrush) from his band The First Part (www.thefirstpart.bandcamp.com) with a track titled "The Good".
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A bonus Mike solo show episode! Intro contest entry to the show by Mario Piper (IG mariopiper , IG genxphotogpod ) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast, Mike shamelessly gives shout outs to YouTube channels that are using his music such as Alex Luyckx (IG alexluyckxphoto , IG classiccamerarevival , YouTube Alex Luyckx , www.alexluyckx.com ), Scott Graham ( IG wflbc , YouTube Scott Graham Photography ) and Mike Padua (IG themikepadua , IG shootfilmco , www.shootfilmco.com , YouTube Mike Padua ). Sindri Skarph (IG sindriskarph ) sends Mike some beautiful prints! Next we have a call in from Andre Domingues and Mike Kukavica with an update for the Silver Linings Project to raise money for cancer research ( www.kukavica.com for all the info on it). Then, Mike conducts an interview with Lucy Lumen (IG lucy_lumen , YouTube Lucy Lumen's Analog Adventures ) with the help of Matt Murray ( www.mattlovescameras.com , IG mattlovescameras ) from the "Matt Loves Cameras Podcast"! We talk to Lucy about how she got into photography and how that led her to start a YouTube channel with her partner, color photography, how music inspires her, minimalism in her photos, feeling comfortable when shooting and diffusing conflicts, engagement on YouTube in terms of content, the growth of film interest with young women and why retro technology is appealing now. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Bill Smith ( IG wbsmith200 , IG classiccamerarevival , www.funwithcameras.blogspot.com ) from the "Classic Camera Revival" Podcast about the Nikon FM2T and a listener music track from Lux Lumen ( www.luxlumen.bandcamp.com) titled "Miami Radio Wave".
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This week our guest is Wayne Setser ( IG wayne_setser , Flickr wsetser , Facebook Photographs By Wayne Setser )! We discuss how he got into film photography through darkroom printing, camera repairs, running a camera store, and large format. He answers community questions about his favorite photos, why darkroom printing, integral pieces of his kit, finding his ideal setup, thoughts on Leica, knobs on cameras, the Baby Rollei and 127 film, waterfall shot tips, lens choices for large format, Scheimpflug Principle, ketchup or mayo, dealing with people when shooting, woodworking and pepper jam, darkroom time vs. shooting time, and thoughts on photo series and projects. Finally, the hosts ask Wayne about naming cameras, his thoughts on the Plaubel Makina 67 and Olympus XA, and some final probing about camera repairs.
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We start with a show intro contest submission from Matt Jones (IG mjones41) and his partner Fon! Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom , www.kukavica.com ) joins us for a listener interaction episode. We catch up with our weeks! Andre talks Leica, Roxanna updates us on her club and her new film drying hack, Jess and Roxanna share some mail love, Mike Kukavica gets some print love from Jess, talks of pyrocat developing, his 8x10 Ondu pinhole camera, 8x10 film developing, and Gutterman gets some awesome mail from Dave Clark (IG grumpy_old_man_with_a_camera ) and Wayne Setser (IG wayne_setser ). Next, Mike Kukavica and Andre talk about "The Silver Linings Project" for cancer relief donations that they are planning for October where they will send you a darkroom print for donating to cancer charities. Next, we get a call in from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve ) with the history of photographer Olive Edis. This leads us to talk about the uncomfortable nature of formal portraits. Finally, we have a call in from Mr. Holga about the upcoming Holga week Oct 1-7 (www.holgaweek.com , Facebook/IG/Reddit/Twitter @holgaweek ) and we have a listener music track from Mark Welsford (IG mark_welsford ) titled "It's Out There".
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A long overdue Co-Captain's catch up episode! We start by announcing the new Negative Positives Show Intro contest that Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film ) is helping us run where you can win Andre's Holga from Mike Williams! Andre talks of his adventures with Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom ), Robert Lainez (IG rlainez ), and Jeffrey Greenstein (IG sjeffgreenstein ) from the "I Dream of Cameras" Podcast (IG idreamofcameras), his Cinestill YouTube involvement, Cinestill Redrum 120 redscale film, improved darkroom, dating apps, and his APS love. Roxanna updates us on her school photography program, her move, darkroom issues, and her recent shooting plans. Jess talks about her travels to Washington state, Florida, and Iceland. She also speaks of her Yashicamat issues, 35mm in 120 cameras, and camera batteries in cold weather. Mike talks of his shooting in Florida, the importance of photos, inheriting his dad's cameras, and why he has pulled out of a local art show that he has participated in for years. We finish with a listener music track from Matt Bump's band Valleyhill (IG mattbump) with a track titled "Derecho".
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A Mike solo show listener interaction episode. Emails from Mark Bradshaw (IG oldus_farticus_ ), Paul McKay from Analogue Wonderland about their new film lab called Analogue Wonderlab (IG analoguewonderland , IG ifwefilm_ , https://analoguewonderland.co.uk ), John Gleason about his 2021 Pinhole Photography Conference in Louisville, KY (IG probusphotos , www.probusphotos.com , Facebook group Louisville Worldwide Pinhole Day , email [email protected] ). An IG message from @lucy_lumen , and talk about Jamie Maldonado's new Youtube video about Polaroids (IG jamiemphoto , YouTube Jamie Maldonado , www.jamiemphoto.com ). A gift from Mario Piper of the "Gen-X Photography Podcast" (IG mariopiper) and a call in about photographic legacy from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr). Next, I have an interview with Henry from the "Tales From The Magic Box" podcast (IG talesfromthemagicboxpodcast , Twitter @TFTMB ). We discuss how he got into film photography, favorite part of the process, why he started a film podcast, photographic style, the endgame for art photos, mastering photography, displaying your photos, camera building, and the future of his podcast. Finally, we have listener music from Kevin Lane from the "Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast" (IG kevinlane , IG ujcpodcast , https://unclejonesyscameras.blogspot.com ) with a track titled "Don't Mess With Me".
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On this episode our guest is Jamie Maldonado (www.jamiemphoto.com , IG jamiemphoto , YouTube Jamie Maldonado , Twitter JamieMphoto )! We discuss how he got into photography through BMX, high school yearbook staff, college, journalism, Holga, music photography, portrait photography, finding the film community, and how all this led him to start his YouTube channel. Next, he answers community questions about finding the courage to photograph people, best film for "flesh tones", planning for portrait sessions, his giant rock portrait, dealing with burn out, his opinions of the Contax G1 and Polaroid SX-70, suggestions for someone starting to shoot portraits, and model releases. Finally, the hosts ask Jamie about his promoting women photographers on his YouTube channel, will he attend Polacon in Texas, and his use of artificial lighting in natural light environments.
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Another listener interaction show! Mike receives a wonderful gift of a black Pentax Spotmatic with a Super-Takumar 50mm f 1.4 lens from Steve Ingram (IG printandtype) and he appears on the Sunny 16 Podcast episode 254 (IG sunny16podcast, www.sunny16podcast.com). Sam Warner starts a new YouTube film photography channel (YouTube The Unrecovering Photography Addict , www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com , IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict ). Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) sends a call in with his thoughts on the topic he previously sent to us about our photographic legacy. Casey Hall (IG thejunkbookjournal) sends a call in to announce his Negative Positives IG account camera contest winner, Dave (IG 120junkie). Next, Andre Domingues interviews Stephen Dowling from Kosmo Foto (IG kosmofoto, www.kosmofoto.com ) about the new Kosmo Foto Kickstarter for a new film called Agent Shadow (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kosmofoto/kosmo-foto-agent-shadow-35mm-bandw-film-and-the-36-frames ). Finally, we have a call in film review from Mario Piper from the Gen-X Photography Podcast (IG mariopiper , IG genxphotogpod ) about Lomography Lomochrome Turquoise and have a listener music track from Oliver Crites (IG crumbrush) from his band, The First Part (www.thefirstpart.bandcamp.com) with a track titled "Great Escape"!
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The triumphant return of Roxanna Angles to a co-captain's chair! We catch up with Roxanna to see what she's been up to during her hiatus, catch up on our weeks, and talk about a zine from Wendy Gunderson (IG filmroadtrip , https://filmroadtrip.com ). Next, we announce changes to the podcast and have listener interactions on the topic of our photographic legacy from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper , IG genxphotogpod , Flickr mario piper) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast and Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film ). Also, a call in camera review from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200 , IG classiccamerarevival , www.funwithcameras.blogspot.com ) from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast about the Nikon F2. Next, we have an interview from Roxanna with Jessica Dunston (IG fbvisualss , www.jessicacdunston.com ). She talks about how she got into film, favorite camera, dream camera, favorite part of the process, models, dream shooting location/camera/film, inspirations, blunders, favorite photos, and advice for new film shooters. See Roxanna's blog post with Jessica at https://medium.com/the-analogue-diaries/jessica-dunston-creating-poetic-eloquence-in-film-photography-114184694ecf . Last is a listener music track from Matt Bump (IG mattbump ) from his band Valleyhill with a song called "Fences".
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A listener interaction episode with emails from Aaron Alfano, Matt Bump (IG mattbump), and Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve). Also, an announcement about Stephen Dowling's (IG kosmofoto , IG worldon.film ) new Kosmo Foto film release! The film is called Kosmo Foto Agent Shadow and has the usual awesome packaging of Kosmo film and is a 400 speed B&W emulsion. Support it on the Kickstarter campaign here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kosmofoto/kosmo-foto-agent-shadow-35mm-bandw-film-and-the-36-frames . Next, we have an interview by Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog IG golannaxor ) with Morgan Messner ( IG tiffen.sinclair ). Morgan talks about how she got into film photography, her go to cameras and film, why shoot film, favorite part of the process, home developing and experimenting with temperatures, double exposure film swaps, inspirations, her possible future podcast, an embarrassing film shooting story, and advice for new film photographers. Finally, we have a call in camera review from John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza , www.jmm-photos.com ) and a listener music track from Mark Welsford (IG mark_welsford ) with a song titled "What's Left Now".
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We are back with the usual gang with a long episode! Our guest this week is John Money (IG johntmoney , IG _john_tm ) ! We talk out about how John got into photography, Andre's new family heirloom Leica and Cinestill BWXX in 120 format, Jess goes to the west coast and ruins some packfilm negatives, and Mike gives a shout out to Alex Luyckx (IG alexluyckxphoto , www.alexluyckx.com , YouTube Alex Luyckx ) of the Classic Camera Revival podcast (IG classiccamerarevival ) for using his music in the YouTube video titled "Friends You Haven't Met/RPX25 Challenge (Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56gAiGc7igQ&t=32s ). Next, John answers questions from the FB group including favorite shooting locations, marry/snog/not to be seen with cameras, what inspires him to pick up a camera and getting out of a rut, favorite photographers and photo books, and most memorable film shooting experience, favorite and least favorite part of shooting film, and what makes a photo great. Finally, the hosts ask John about his future plans, darkroom printing, and announce plans for a hand rolled rare Negative Positives film stock! We also mention a YouTube video from Jamie Maldonado (IG jamiemphoto , YouTube Jamie Maldonado ) about a promotional Kodak Portra film find complete with a VHS tape! See his video where Kodak mentions "Flesh Tones" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cUIC-KuoKI
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We were supposed to take this week off, we probably should have! Our most offensive episode to date! We start off okay with emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi ) and Mark Fohl (IG m.fohl , www.markfohl.zenfolio.com ) and a call in camera review from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve ) about the Nikon FM2n. See the article Malcolm mentions by Johnny Martyr (IG johnnymartyrphoto ) at https://johnnymartyr.wordpress.com/tag/nikon-fm2n/ . Then things go quickly downhill with a segment of the lost episode of Mike's appearance on "The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast" with Em (IG emulsivefilm , www.emulsive.org ) and Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill , IG 35mmcblog , www.35mmc.com ). Finally, we have a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike) from his music project "Pimp Flash" with a track titled "When The Shit Hits The Fan" which is surely going to happen after this episode airs!
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A Mike solo show with an email from Michael Raso from the FPP (www.filmphotographyproject.com , IG filmphotographyproject , YouTube FilmPhotographyPodcast) about his newest video tutorial on YouTube for movie film shooters titled "8mm- Super 8 - 16mm / Basic Digital Editing - Sound FX Tips" (link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VW5LarQX8zU ), Mike's birthday song to Graeme Jago in episode 248 of the Sunny 16 Podcast (IG sunny16podcast , https://sunny16podcast.com ). An email from Alan Ma (IG thefilmsweats , blog https://pixelsandgrain.photo.blog ) about NFT's and a call in from Christopher James (IG filmplusdigital ) about the subject and an article on 35mmc that is a great resource on the subject (link here: https://www.35mmc.com/18/05/2021/nfts-can-you-sell-analog-vintage-camera-photos-on-a-blockchain-by-pixels-and-grain/ ). Next Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog IG golannaxor ) interviews Onome (IG by.onome , www.byonome.com , twitter byonome ). They talk about how Onome got into film photography, shooting concerts, home developing, go to camera, first film camera, why shoot film, Mamiya cameras, a cool film shooting experience with a Metallica soundtrack, the film sorority IG account (IG thefilmsorority ), thoughts about zines and projects, and advice for new film photographers. See Roxanna's blog post with Onome at ( https://medium.com/the-analogue-diaries/onome-uyovbievbo-capturing-cinematic-beauty-in-everyday-realism-7d4f8cc862c3 ). Finally, a call in camera review from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr , Twitter bsanfordjr , Flickr bsanfordjr ) for the Canon EOS-3, and a listener music track from Matt Bump (IG mattbump ) from his band Valleyhill with a track titled "Keep Your Head Up".
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A guest show without our usual co-captains, so Mike had to enlist some cocoa captains in the form of Jess Hobbs (YouTube Jess Hobbs , IG jesshobbsphoto , twitter jesshobbsphoto) and Sam Warner (www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com , IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict , IG wayward_bones , twitter aphotoaddict ) to interview our guest Casey Hall (IG thejunkbookjournal , IG analogrescue ). We talk about how Casey got into photography and how classic lenses got him back into film, home developing, Mike's Ebay problems, Casey's Analog Rescue camera selling side hustle and why that is coming to an end, Ebay Vs. Etsy, when Casey chooses color or B&W, Tmax Love, expired vs. fresh film, plastic panorama cameras, the state of photography in the military service, found film, his Frankenstein rangefinder camera, camera Karma, his Lomochrome purple troubles, and his homemade digital camera film scanner stand. Finally, the hosts ask Casey about his favorite shooting location, his most emotional photography, and why the hell he agreed to help with the Negative Positives Instagram account!
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A listener interaction episode! Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog IG golannaxor) appears on the "All Through A Lens" Podcast (IG allthroughalens.podcast) episode #39, Bob Matter (IG bobmatter) sends a message about a Vivian Maier: In Color exhibit at the Chicago History Museum that opened on May 8th, Mike Caputo's (IG aloha_bigmike) zine "America: Fifty on Film" is now available to order (get it here: https://www.blurb.com/b/10703303-america-fifty-on-film ). We get emails about the Analog Kissy Selfie Contest from Evan Waxman (IG evanwaxman), Dominick Chiuchiolo (IG djrocks66), and Leonid Nikishin (IG 10rolls_of_film). Also, a call in Emulsive.org article review about Lomochrome Purple at night from Alan Ma (IG thefilmsweats Blog https://pixelsandgrain.photo.blog/ , and see the emulsive article at: https://emulsive.org/reviews/film-reviews/lomography-film-reviews/purple-nights-on-lomochrome-purple-with-the-pixels-and-grain-collective ). Mike receives a zine titled "Passing Through Paddington" from Ian Wallace (www.onahillroad.com , Etsy onahillroad , IG ian_onahillroad , Twitter ian_onahillroad ). Next, we have an interview from Roxanna Angles with Brittni Ahrens (IG brittni.originally , www.brittniahrens.com ). She talks about how she got into film photography, favorite part of the process, why shoot film, favorite cameras, wish list cameras, dream location to shoot and what camera/film, her biggest inspirations, a bad film shooting experience with X-rays, and advice for new film photographers. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Jim Graves (IG _jimgraves , www.jimgravesphoto.blogspot.com ) for an Agfa folding camera and a listener track from Mike Caputo (mikecaputo.bandcamp.com) with a song titled "Leave Her Johnny".
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A round table episode with Matt Murray (IG mattlovescameras, www.mattlovescameras.com) from the "Matt Loves Cameras" Podcast and Mike Caputo (IG & Flickr aloha_bigmike)! We talk about Matt's upcoming zines and his Lomo Purple contest and Mike Caputo's America 50 states zine, Old Spice menthol shower gel, and the Gutterman receives a package of Irish Spring soap and film from Alessandro Cornacchia (IG filmphotoguy)! Round table topics include: selling and repurchasing the same cameras again and again, electronic cameras and should we invest in them, the rebranding of film stocks, and Matt Murray gives us all Star Wars character identities for May 4th Star Wars Day. Final topics include talk about whether everyone is creative and can creativity be learned and what to do with photographs of failed relationships.
This week Mike is joined by his wife, Mrs. Manette Gutterman (IG justmanette) to pick the winners of the Neg Pos Analog Kissy Selfie contest, we read emails from Kevin Dillon (IG ricoh_shooter) about LED light bulb replacements for portable slide viewers and Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, Flickr @masinka, https://danielnovakphoto.com ) with tips about Fomapan film. Next, we have an interview by Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) with Stephanie Rosie (IG stephanie.rosie, www.stephanierosie.com, and read Roxanna's blog post with her at https://medium.com/the-analogue-diaries/up-close-and-personal-with-film-photographer-stephanie-rosie-a4ddc8df7b0a ). They discuss how she got into film photography, her donation to Roxanna's school film club, why film?, printing, favorite part of the process, the Pentax 67, does she have a dream camera and moving into large format, dream location and film, self portraits, her inspirations, her experiences shooting hardcore music shows, and advice for new film photographers. Next, Mike gives a shout out to Mac MacDonald (IG macshootsfilm) and Jack Allan (IG jack.w.allan) and their new podcast "Mac & Jack Podcast" for having co-captain Jessica Jones (IG yessyones) on their most recent episode, and he receives a zine from Alex Purcell (IG grainyblur, twitter grainyblur) from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG sootandwhitewash) titled "Grainyblur". Then, we have a call in camera review from John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza, www.jmm-photos.com) about the Bronica GS1. Last, we have a listener music track from Matt Bump (IG mattbump) from his band Valleyhill with a track titled "Soldier".
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This week we welcome Gabe Sachs (IG gabesachs) and Jeff Greenstein (IG sjeffgreenstein, twitter @blue439) from the "I Dream Of Cameras" Podcast (IG idreamofcameras) available on the Sunny 16 Presents podcast feed! We discuss how photography influences their TV and movie production writing, laugh tracks, one camera and lens for the rest of your life, write or take photographs, taking photos vs. seeing the results and least favorite thing about film photography, most hated camera, professional or amateur photographer, using film on productions, their next purchases, film developing, recommendations for a complete novice, their podcast, locations they want to shoot, what camera they want from their co-host, hiding camera purchases, lens envy, would they want to create a new film camera, camera disasters, and point and shoot cameras. Finally, we discuss what is more painful... film cancellations or TV cancellations, actors shooting film, shooting film photography on set, and Jeff and Gabe perform a special birthday song for Mike! Here is the lyrics should you choose to sing along... My plumber's totin' a Pentax K 'Cause of Mike Gutterman APS sales have tripled - they sold three rolls Blame it on Gutterman Andre's got a fifth of Jack in his desk Wants to be like the Gutterman Ford's got a new slogan, it's "Built Mike Tough" They love the Gutterman We all love the Gutterman
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A Mike solo show with congrats to The Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival) for their recently released 100th episode, also another film photography podcast to check out called "Mack & Jack A Photography Podcast" put on by Mac MacDonald (IG macshootsfilm) and Jack Allan (IG jack.w.allan), and an update on the NPP Analog Kissy Selfie contest to win some film provided by Michael Raso of the FPP (IG filmphotographyproject, www.filmphotographyproject.com, YouTube FilmPhotographyPodcast). Next, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) continues her series of interviews with women film photographers with Starla Little (IG starladawnphoto, www.starladawnphoto.com, Lomography starladawnndl, and see Roxanna's blog post interview with Starla at https://medium.com/the-analogue-diaries/starla-dawn-little-analogue-film-burlesque-and-double-exposed-e792f467e82c ). Then, Mike talks about a zine from Jack Bulkley (IG refocusingphotography) titled "Walls & Fences of Penny Road", has a call in photographer history lesson from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about Herbert Ponting (links: Scott Polar Research Institute https://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/ ,SPRI Picture Library https://www.spri.cam.ac.uk/picturelibrary/ ) and finally original listener music from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) from his band Speedreader with a track titled "Untitled #2"
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This week we have on Michael DellaCroce (IG cameracenterofyork, IG retro_photo_york, www.cameracenterofyork.com) who brings us knowledge of camera sales and repair from working with Camera Center of York and Retro Photo of York. We discuss how he got into photography and camera sales and repair, the Rollei 35RF, he generously gives away 3 awesome prizes to those that asked questions of him in the Negative Positives Facebook group! Also, he tells us about the hot trends in 35mm and medium format cameras, recommended first cameras, a stockpile of spare camera parts, the most unique cameras he has run into, the future of camera repair, the trends of large format, how he is reaching out as a business, the future of film cameras and the importance of a CLA, the age profile of their customers, the most reliable and serviceable cameras, and the most problematic shutter speeds in old cameras.
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A listener interaction show with emails from Simon Arnold (IG dinndinn.photo, www.dinndinn.com) about NFT and from Paul Greif (IG beamsplitter)? about being a big wiener. Next, gifts from John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza, www.jmm-photos.com) and a zine from Regalado Santos called "Rust Buckets" (IG pretty_nifty, www.regaladosphotography.com, https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1933039?__r=2226375&fbclid=IwAR2JrkVuoLiR1ebrRZMtvBTpIq0qEcbeueYXyhJoVRALGw7-E8A1DdbphsA ) Then we have an interview by Andre Domingues and Roxanna Angles with Maxim Grew from Intrepid Camera Company (IG intrepidcamera, twitter intrepidcamera, www.intrepidcamera.co.uk) with talk about their new enlarger, their previous enlarger and what they learned, making darkroom printing simpler, RA-4 printing, product design, comparing traditional enlargers to theirs, their March 19th Kickstarter and using it for product launches, the features of their new enlarger, future products and updates, and Max's personal photography goals. Congrats to Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) for being featured in an interview on Lomography.com (https://www.lomography.com/magazine/345720-roxanna-angles-mindfulness-through-photography?fbclid=IwAR1SN43DhfByqhiACyGaQfEozHb_EvYSSLqlFGP8XzQ3UboDI8-GBDiYPvc ). Finally, a call in camera review from John-Michael Mendizza for the Beltica camera and listener original music from Minsan Sauers (IG minsan_sauers) with a track titled "Redneck Rock"!
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This week Mike and Jessica Jones have a fill-in co-captain with Jess Hobbs (IG jesshobbsphoto, YouTube Jess Hobbs) to fill in for a missing Andre Domingues to help us welcome on Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto)! Hear Ken's film backstory on episode 333 with his interview by Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor). We discuss our weeks with Jess Jones having creepy battery issues, Jess Hobbs is wearing snow shoes and waiting for a spring weather thaw, Ken is shooting Lomo Purple in pinhole, and Mike gets a customized Pentax 67 grip and shoots nothing. Next, we have Facebook questions to Ken that brings up topics of Lensbaby vs. Holga, leading lines with wide angle lenses, Ireland, Irish Spring soap, results with recent emulsions he has shot, Tri-X curling, Fomapan 200, pushing HP5, films he's had success with, tips for Lomo Purple, and why he supports film photography causes such as Roxanna Angles' school program. Finally, Ken picks the winners of the Neg Pos Dad Joke challenge, a contest that he conceived with awesome prizes he provided!
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A solo Mike listener interaction episode! We have an email from Maxim Grew of Intrepid Camera (www.intrepidcamera.co.uk) about their new 35mm and 120 enlarger, Mike receives Agfa APX400 film from Svein Olav Humberset (IG humbersetfoto) from the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast for their Pushed Project, and some Instax prints from Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www.kukavica.com). We also have an update on the now live Analog Kissie Selfie contest to possibly win a roll of the FPP's Film Love BW 200 film. Next, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) brings us an interview with Suzanne Lopez (IG b.roll.backup, IG mypassionmyvision, FB Suzanne Lopez Photography, Twitter @suzlopez321, also check out Roxanna's blog about Suzanne at https://medium.com/the-analogue-diaries/suzanne-lopez-dreaming-in-analogue-bd6810733f8a ). The interview topics include how Suzanne got into film photography, first film camera, favorite camera, Polaroid SX-70 and exposure tips, dream cameras to try, one location to shoot and film stock choices, favorite part of the analog process, starting darkroom printing, shooting more B&W, bulk loading, a face palm film story, shooting film on paid shoots, and advice for new film shooters! Finally, we have a call in camera review from John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza, www.jmm-photos.com) for the Rolleiflex Automat and listener music from Matt Bump (IG mattbump) with a track from his band Valleyhill (on Spotify!) with a song called "Wake Forest".
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This week we welcome on Mario Piper (IG mariopiper, IG genxphotogpod, Flickr mario piper) from the "Gen-X Photography Podcast"! We discuss how he got into film photography, his podcast, and developing old C-22 process color films in C-41 chemicals. Then, Mike announces the Film Love Analog Kissy Selfie contest to win a roll of the FPP's Film Love BW film graciously donated by Michael Raso (IG filmphotographyproject, www.filmphotographyproject.com, YouTube FilmPhotographyPodcast) of the "Film Photography Podcast". Next, we cover topics with Mario such as shooting with and teaching his daughter film photography, inspirations, shooting low ISO film stocks with Kodak 2254 tips, flesh tones for fantasy, the love and hate of Leicas, war of the generations, Mario's most X-treme camera, why does he shoot photography, zooming during exposures, documenting settings or taking notes when shooting or developing, Kodak 2475, stand developing, how growing up Gen X plays into his photography, Absinthe, and the future of his podcast!
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A Mike solo show where he receives a zine called "C-Scapes" from the Pixels and Grain Collective (IG pixels.grain, twitter PixelsGrain, www.pixelsandgrain.photo.blog/), has an update on the dad joke competition, receives some focusing advice from Juan Alatorre (IG juan.alatorre.photo) and a call in review from Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35) for the Intrepid Enlarger. Next, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) interviews Radka Smolikova (IG radka.smolikova, Lomo Home www.lomography.com/homes/smolda) with discussion of how she got into film, the Lomography community, why film?, print exchanges, getting into large format and favorite format, Lomo Purple, her USA trip zine with Lomo films, film swaps, favorite film-camera-location, and advice for new film photographers. Also, check out Roxanna's article with Radka at https://link.medium.com/jAKJU8KITdb . Finally, we have a call in camera review from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about the Olympus 35 RC and a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, www.mikecaputo.bandcamp.com) with a song titled "All For Me Grog".
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A round table episode with a Canadian Invasion with Bryan Caporicci (IG bcapphoto, www.sproutingphotographer.com, www.bcapphoto.com) and Angela Solis (IG thisisgela_s, www.derpinsel.com, twitter derpinsel, YouTube camerajin)! Topics include Bryan's Rollei 35 camera repair, the Mint RF70 Instax camera, still life photography with a photographer suggestion from Angela to check out Jamie Beck (IG jamiebeck.co). Other topics include: are we teaching the technical side of film photography and is it important, why lo-fi photos get more interest on social media, the new Clubhouse app and its future in the film community, are older or more experienced film photographers not supporting the younger generation that is taking it up, the future of film camera repair, and what part of the film photography process is the most important for us!
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A Mike solo show with emails from Robert Lainez (IG rlainez), Dave Clark (IG grumpy_old_man_with_a_camera), Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi), Oliver Crites (IG crumbrush), Sean Welch (IG seanwelchfoto), Frank Kernan (IG spareoohsphotos), and Alan Ma (IG thefilmsweats) about the "C-Scapes" zine by the Pixels and Grain group/collective (buy the zine: https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/.19166556 , website: pixelsandgrain.photo.blog , IG pixels.grain , twitter PixelsGrain). Next, is the last batch of Negative Positives Dad Joke Contest entries and how submissions have now been cut off! The second segment is a Roxanna Angles interview with Danielle Wrobleski (IG girlwithtoomanycameras)! Topics include how Danielle got into film photography, her hot pink first camera, why film?, favorite locations to shoot, sharing photography with her mother, film choices, a scary film shooting experience, advice for new film shooters, why she started her IG hashtag movement #womenwithfilmwednesday to highlight women photographers, and her camera collection. Lastly, we have a call in review from Alan Ma (IG thefilmsweats) for the Doomo Light Meter, and a listener music track from Mark Welsford (IG mark_welsford) with a song titled "That's What I Thought 2".
This week we welcome Jack Allan (IG jack.w.allan, www.jack-allan.com). We talk about how Jack got into film photography, the Clubhouse app and the film community, Andre shoots with Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www.kukavica.com), Jess gets excited about shooting again, Jack fixes his Leica shutter curtain, and Mike gets a cool Negative Positives 3D printed phone stand from Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com). Next, Jack answers questions about the differences in shooting in the UK vs. the USA, what brought him to the USA, shooting in his new location of Sonoma, his coffee photography project, his caffenol recipe, will he ever return to the UK and why he left, point and shoot cameras, where he would like to travel to shoot, his Leica, and the importance of your partner supporting your passions. Finally, we end with some talk about Sonoma, coffee and tea talk, and the best coffee for caffenol.
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
This episode Mike talks about a photo book from Sindri Skarph (IG sindriskarph, www.sindriskarph.com) titled "[My] Street Photography Journal", receives some rolls of the new FPP film Film Love BW 200 courtesy of Mike Raso of the Film Photography Project (IG filmphotographyproject, Youtube FilmPhotographyPodcast, www.filmphotographyproject.com). Emails from Paul Friday (www.fupduckphoto.wordpress.com) about a cheap instant party camera, Kevin Dillon (IG ricoh_shooter) about metering for slide film, and nice emails about the show from Billy Sanford (IG bsanfordjr) and Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast. Next, we have a dad joke contest update followed by an interview from Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) with Kylie Meyer (IG strangeexposures). Roxanna talks to Kylie about creative outlets for mental health, first film camera, double exposures, home developing, inspirations, the music and photography connection, dream shooting locations, advice for new film photographers, her strangest photo shoot, and what she wants people to know about her art. Finally, we have a call in from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about the Canon T70 and a listener music track from Lilly Schwartz (IG lilly.schwartz, YouTube Lilly Schwartz) from her music project Polarcoaster with a track titled "Return To Tomorrow".
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
This week we welcome Penne Ferris (IG fstops.forever, Flickr Pixel Geek)! We talk about how she got into photography and the film community, tips for people that are new or returning to film photography, shooting lonely abandoned places and the stories they tell, choosing cameras, format, and film when going shooting, the Cadrage app, Andre falls asleep AGAIN, what makes a photo great, what is her favorite photo and why, where she wants to travel to for photography after retirement, stand developing, HC-110 and Rodinal, and spot metering!
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
A Mike solo show where he received a zine called "Unplugged" from Steve Ingram (IG printandtype, www.printandtype.com), a zine called "NOMFUP" from Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from the "Ordinary Photographer Podcast", and a print from Pete Donovan (IG petedonovanphoto, Facebook Group: Film & Letter Pen Pal Exchange). Shout outs to a couple of YouTube channels, Angela Solis (YouTube camerajin, IG thisisgela_s) and Jamie Maldonado (YouTube Jamie Maldonado, IG jamiemphoto). Emails from Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www.kukavica.com), Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy), and Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) who is offering awesome prizes and an idea for a new NPP dad joke contest that is now accepting your best dad jokes! Next, is an interview with Leonid Nikishin (IG 10rolls_of_film, YouTube 10 Rolls Of Film, Etsy 10 Rolls Of Film) from the "10 Rolls Of Film" Podcast where we discuss how he got into film photography, Lomography, Russian cameras, going away for university, prime lenses, going all in on medium format, his podcast and why he is moving to YouTube, darkroom printing in small spaces, slide film exposure/developing/scanning, and expired and cheap films. Finally, a call in from Mike Kukavica about the Fujifilm Instax Square Printer, and a listener music track from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) from his band SpeedReader with a song titled "Little Precious".
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
Happy New Year! We welcome Jessica Jones (IG yessyones) as our new Co-Captain during Roxanna Angles' absence. We talk about our Emulsive Secret Santa gifts with Mike receiving a particularly nice gift from Baz Frens (IG bazfoto), Andre's Covid experience, pack film, and discuss our photography in 2020 and what we hope to accomplish in 2021. This episode also includes a ton of call ins from the fine people of the film community with their thoughts on 2020-21! Huge thanks to everyone that contributed: Alessandro Cornacchia (IG alessandro.cornacchia), Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200), Bill Thoo (IG billthoo), Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob), John Gleason (IG probusphotos), Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve), Mario Piper (IG mariopiper), Matt Jones (IG mjones41), Robert Lainez (IG rlainez), Sherry Christensen (IG ruralrouteonefilm), Alex Luyckx (IG alexluyckxphoto), Angela Solis (IG thisisgela_s), George Griffin (IG flaneurwithacamera), Timothy Ditzler (IG timothymakeups), Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy), Christine Bartolucci (IG chrisbphoto), Henry Scott (IG talesfromthemagicboxpodcast), Jim Graves (IG _jimgraves), Matt Murray (IG mattlovescameras), Casey Hall (IG thejunkbookjournal), Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto), Jess Hobbs (IG jesshobbsphoto), Kevin Lane (IG kevinlane), Matt Melcher (IG box_of_cameras), Mike Padua (IG themikepadua), and Minsan Sauers (IG minsan_sauers).
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
A Mike solo show listener interaction episode! We have a show intro from Santa Claus AKA Jack Allan (IG jack.w.allan), emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi), John-Michael Mendizza (IG jmmendizza), and Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from the "Ordinary Photographer Podcast". Also, shout outs to some recent podcast and Youtube episodes including Henry (IG talesfromthemagicboxpodcast) who released a film podcasters episode, Mat Marrash from the FPP (YouTube Mat Marrash) who used some Gutterman music in his videos, and Bill Manning (IG studio.c41, YouTube Studio C-41, www.studioc41.net) from the Studio C-41 One Hour Photo Podcast for putting together an awesome end of year film podcaster's round table. Mike also receives awesome gifts in the mail from Chris O'Connell (www.chrisoconnell.co.uk), Alessandro Cornacchia (IG alessandro.cornacchia), Angela Solis (IG thisisgela_s, www.derpinsel.com), Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) from the "Classic Camera Revival" Podcast, Dan Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com), Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, www.junctionrails.ca), and Casey Hall (IG thejunkbookjournal, IG analogrescue). Next, we have an interview from Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor) with her sister Vanessa (IG nessaandthesea). Finally, a call in camera review from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) for the Pentax ME Super and a listener Christmas music track from Minsan Sauers (IG minsan_sauers) titled "Hark The Joy"!
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Facebook Group: Negative Positives Film Photo Facebook Group
This week we welcome on Mike Padua (Twitter @mikepadua, IG @themikepadua, www.shootfilmco.com, YouTube Mike Padua) to help us judge and pick big wieners for the Negative Positives Podcast Ghost Challenge Photo Contest! Also, a big bittersweet announcement about a change to the podcast. We love you, Roxanna Angles! (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor)
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A listener interaction solo show with emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) and Kevin Johnson (www.theironstudio.com). Shout outs to Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35) for using Mike's music on his appearance on the Sunny 16 Presents On Location Episode 14, prints and a Gutterboy cassette from Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor), and a beautiful zine titled "Southport Pier" from Mark Boadey (www.markboadey.com). Next, we have part two of Mike's interview with Alex Purcell (IG grainyblur, twitter grainyblur) from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG sootandwhitewash) where we discuss working man's cameras, Russian cameras, 4x5, contact prints, paper negatives, making developers, and dyslexia and its influence on his photography and creative outlets. Finally, a call in camera review from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) for the Canon A1 and an original music track from Alex Purcell titled "Untitled 11".
A round table episode with guests Joey Ready (www.awesomecameras.com, IG awesomecameras, YouTube AwesomeCameras) and Jess Hobbs (IG jesshobbsphoto, YouTube Jess Hobbs). We congratulate Andre Domingues on becoming an American citizen and discuss hot round table topics such as the endgame for the huge amount of work we create, choosing what format to shoot when suffering from option paralysis, how to choose film stocks when going to shoot, the irregularity of film prices in today's market and the influence of that on new potential film shooters, and how we approach projects and stay motivated to complete them.
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A listener interaction solo show with an email from Chris O'Connell (www.chrisoconnellphotos.co.uk) about a photo book and how we share our photos, a zine and Holga prints from Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35, Flickr alex_morrison), and darkroom prints from Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www. kukavica.com)! Next, we have part 1 of a solo show interview with Alex Purcell (IG grainyblur, twitter grainyblur) from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG sootandwhitewash) where we discuss his music, Iphone shots and how having to work harder for film shots makes us appreciate them more, social media posting, how he got into photography, the film community, his joining the Soot and Whitewash Podcast, his blue Holga, and being a working man! Finally, a call in camera review for the Chroma Carbon Adventurer 4x5 from Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo), and a music track from Alex Purcell titled Sample Test 03!
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This week our guest is Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, www.junctionrails.ca, Etsy store juctionrails). We discuss his journey from Bosnia to Canada, zines, film choices, favorite locations, coffee print toning, formats, Communist film stocks, lightroom vs darkroom, his possible Great Lakes project, shooting your local area, stories behind photographs, how living in a new country influenced his photography, and much more!
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A Mike solo show with an email from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve), a shout out to Alex Luyckx (YouTube Alex Luyckx, IG alexluyckxphoto, IG classiccamerarevival, www.alexluyckx.com) from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast for his latest video on his newly rejuvenated YouTube channel, Mike's recent art show thoughts, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog, IG golannaxor, https://linktr.ee/roxannalog) sends Mike gifts which included her new book "An Introduction to Mindfulness Through Photography", also talk of Amazon's Pearl paper, metallic paper, and a call in lens review from Jim Graves (www.jimgravesphoto.blogspot.com) about the Meyer-Optik Goerlitz 30mm f 3.5 Lydith lens. Next, we have part 2 of Andre Domingues talking large format photography with Chris Visser (IG _visstopher_, www.visserfoto.com) and Bryan Caporicci (IG bcapphoto, www.sproutingphotographer.com, www.bcapphoto.com). Finally, an update about the end of our ghost photo challenge contest with prize packages from Mike Padua (IG themikepadua, IG shootfilmco, www.shootfilmco.com) and a listener music track from Mark Welsford (IG mark_welsford) called "See What She Says".
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This week we welcome Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www.kukavica.com)! Topics include how he got into film, home developing, darkroom printing, DSLR scanning, print exchanges, model airplanes, scanning sprocket photos, Negative Supply film holders, photowalks, senior portraits, the Lab Box, stainless steel developing reels, emotion in your photos, drinking in the darkroom, overcoming negativity in your photography, and how to use your influences to improve.
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A Mike solo show with emails from Mike Kukavica (www.kukavica.com, IG drunk_darkroom), a print from Pete Donovan (IG petedonovanphoto, FB Group "Film & Letter Pen Pal Exchange), a zine from Toni Skokovic (www.junctionrails.ca, IG junctionrails) called "Balopticon 25", a zine from David Lane (www.memorylane.ie, IG lookseesnapshare) called "Searching For The End" and a call in about it, and Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) from the "Gen-X Photography Podcast" sends some hot film and a call in camera review for the Konica IIIA. Next, we have part one of an interview Andre conducted with Chris Visser (IG _visstopher_) and Bryan Caporicci (IG bcapphoto, www.sproutingphotographer.com, www.bcapphoto.com) about their recent GAS and journey into large format photography. Finally, we have an orginal listener music track by Alex Purcell (IG grainyblur) from the "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" titled "Untitled 6".,
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This week we have from The Film Photography Podcast ( www.filmphotographyproject.com, IG filmphotographyproject), Mr. Mat Marrash (www.matmarrash.com, YouTube matmarrash)! We talk about all things large format, YouTube channels, developing large format film, tutoring, instant photography, the hot film cameras, young people getting into film, Midwest Photo, the changes in film photography in recent years, influences, Mat's hair, handheld 4x5, infrared, FPP films, and some behind the scenes of the FPP!
A listener interaction show with an email from Bernhard Sperling (IG bernhardasphoto) who was a winner in the 80's Filter Challenge contest and will be receiving a camera strap from Mark Rossi (IG mark_rossi_photograpy, IG duenorth_leather, www.duenorthleather.com), and a call in camera review from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) for the Minolta Weathermatic Dual 35. Next, Roxanna Angles interviews Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) where they discuss his support of Roxanna's student film club, his journey in film photography, digital infrared, Lomo films, cyanotypes, shooting during the pandemic, and the Lensbaby lens. Finally, a listener music track from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Hubble".
This week we welcome on Ethan Moses from the Homemade Camera Podcast and Cameradactyl fame (IG cameradactyl, www.cameradactyl.com, www.homemadecamera.com, Homemade Camera Podcast Facebook Group)! Andre makes a print in his darkroom, Roxanna shares her experience with the virtual Polacon, Mike makes a trip to Cleveland and visits the Cuyahoga National Park and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, also appears on episode #133 of The Classic Lenses Podcast (IG classic.lenses.podcast, www.classiclensespodcast.com), and has his music used in a 1982 movie film titled "Revenge of Herman" by Michael Raso of the Film Photography Podcast (IG filmphotographyproject, www.filmphotographyproject.com, see the film and interview on the FPP's YouTube channel: FilmPhotographyPodcast). Ethan talks about his new Mongoose scanning solution Kickstarter project (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cameradactylmongoose/the-cameradactyl-mongoose-fast-automated-35mm-film-scanning), the difficulties in producing a scanner for the film market and why digital camera scanning is probably the future. Finally, we have a discussion on the basics of large format photography, the Cameradactyl OG, contact printing, paper negatives, and instant photography in large format via the new Lomo instant film back, and dive into why Ethan has dreams of Mike!
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A Mike solo show with an advertisement from Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) from the "Soot and Whitewash" Podcast, emails from Jeremy VanSchalkwyk (IG photosbyjeremy), Michael Raso from the Film Photography Podcast (IG filmphotographyproject, www.filmphotographyproject.com), and Mario Piper from the "Gen-X Photography Podcast" (IG mariopiper). Shout outs for cool mail from Johnny Sisson from the "Classic Lenses Podcast" (IG sissonphotography, www.classiclensespodcast.com), Alessandro Cornacchia (IG alessandro.cornacchia), and Sam Warner (IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict, www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com). Next, a solo show interview with Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) with discussion on dealing with being in a photo rut, getting into home developing and scanning, vacation shooting and gear, the Pentax 67, preferring SLR's, how expensive vs. cheap cameras influence your photography, shooting APS, and how factory work affects your creative outlets. Finally, a call in book review from Jeremy VanSchalkwyk (IG photosbyjeremy) for Sandra Coan's book "Crafting the Natural Light Look" and an original music track from none other than Mr. Ted Vieira (IG tav_photography, www.TAVphotography.com, www.photographymatterspodcast.com) from the "Photography Matters Podcast".
A round table discussion with Bill Manning from the Studio C-41 One Hour Photo Podcast ( www.studioc41.net, IG studio.c41, YouTube Studio C-41) and Jessica Jones (IG yessyones)! Topics include C-41 black and white film and what films we'd like to see return, how we share our knowledge and teach film photography, rules in photography and social media sharing, the recent popularity of 4x5 and large format and instant film on large format.
Mike receives an email from Tom Napier (IG tommy_napier) about the 80's Filter Challenge, and some more talk of that challenge and the new NPP Ghost Photo challenge. If you are one of the three winners announced on the last episode, please email [email protected] with your address so we can send you a handmade camera strap from Mark Rossi (IG duenorth_leather, www.duenorthleather.com)! Next, we have a solo interview with George Griffin (IG onthestreetspodcast, IG flaneurwithacamera) from the "On The Streets" Podcast. We talk about Olympus and how they excelled at compact cameras, digital camera scanning, what brought him back to film, how he started his podcast, street photography, shooting in London, how mundane jobs drive us to look for creative outlets, getting two images accepted in a prestigious exhibition, and his thoughts on projects and zines. Then we have a call in camera review from Dean Lastoria (IG nagelgazer) for the Mamiyaflex C2 and a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, www.mikecaputo.bandcamp.com) of a track called "One Hundred Years Ago".
No guest this week, just Mike, Roxanna, and Andre doing some housekeeping! We talk about our weeks, Mike receives the Black Cat Exposure Guide from a listener that wishes to stay incognito and the 2019 Frugal Film Project zine from Sherry Christensen from the Embrace The Grain Podcast (IG embrace_the_grain, IG ruralrouteonefilm, www.rr1photography.com, buy zine at https://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/1809997). We answer emails from Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) and Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom, www.kukavica.com). Next, we announce the winners of the Negative Positives 80's Filter Challenge and receive a call in from Matt Murray from the Matt Loves Cameras Podcast (IG mattlovescameras, www.mattlovescameras.com) about his Sprocktastic community challenge. Finally, we receive a call in from Andrew Slorach (IG andrewsfilmph) with a great idea for our next community challenge! So, we officially announce the Negative Positives Ghost Photo Challenge that runs through Halloween 2020!
Winners of the 80's Filter Challenge receive a handmade leather camera strap from Mark Rossi (IG duenorth_leather) at www.duenorthleather.com. Huge thanks to Mark for donating some samples of his fine craftsmanship to the podcast!
Mike receives an email from Christian Lisch about the status of Ted Vieira from the Photography Matters Podcast (IG tav_photography) and Ted updates us through a call in! Mike gets a cool message from Mat Marrash from the "Film Photography Project Podcast" (YouTube Mat Marrash, IG filmphotographyproject), and receives crazy cool gifts from John Money! Next, is a great solo interview with Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) about the many facets of being a hybrid shooter. Finally, we have a call in from Sherry Christensen (IG embrace_the_grain, IG ruralrouteonefilm, www.rr1photography.com) from the "Embrace The Grain Podcast" about Kodak Gold 200 and a listener music track from Carsten "Doc" Deutschmann called "Fedcon XI".
This episode we welcome on Perry Ge (IG perryge, Flickr perryge) from the Classic Lenses Podcast (IG classic.lenses.podcast, FB Group Classic Lenses Podcast). This is another long episode and I'm not about to type everything we talked about so just check it out!
Emails from Bob Matter (IG bobmatter) and Ian Turpin from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast (IG ian_ctee). A print from Pete Donovan (IG petedonovanphoto, FB Group Film & Letter Pen Pal Exchange) and a zine from Wendy Gunderson (IG filmroadtrip, IG myirietime, https://filmroadtrip.com). A solo show interview with Dale Rogers (IG photo_rangers, IG salamanderrepublic, www.photorangers.com.au, FB page Photorangers, FB group photorangerscommunity) about how he got into photography, running film photo workshops in Australia, his website, film simulations vs. actual film, pinhole photography, astro photography, his top reasons for film, and his first zine. Next, a call in camera review from Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) for the Yashica 35, congrats to Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, IG 35mmcblog) for the Pixl-latr shipping, and thanks to Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube theoldcameraguy) for using one of Mike's music tracks for his recent excellent YouTube video on Lomography Metropolis film. Finally, a listener music track from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Untitled".
This week we welcome back Johnny Sisson (IG sissonphotography) from the Classic Lenses Podcast (IG classic.lenses.podcast)! I am not about to type all the things we talked about, but know that we talk about Central Camera store in Chicago after it being burned down and a bunch of other photography talk!
A Mike solo show with emails from Stephen Marmaroff (IG developing_monochrome) and Wendy Gunderson (www.filmroadtrip.com, www.myirietime.com, IG filmroadtrip, IG myirietime). Mike receives a zine called "Ukiyo" from Phillip Krayna (IG dyslexsyk, IG modivphoto). An update to the 80's Filter Challenge (IG #npp80sfilterchallenge) and Bryan La Belle (Roxanna's husband!) (IG brian_c_labelle, IG summerland_creative) sends a call in about his new Facebook group for all artists called the Summerland Story Company Facebook Group. Next, Mike has a solo show interview with Matt Jones (IG mjones41) about tea developer, infrared, cat fights, and 2383 Kodak film. Then, we have a call in camera review from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob, http://stcyrphoto.blogspot.com) about the Mamiya 645 Pro TL, and finally a listener music track from Lilly Schwartz (http://www.youtube.com/c/lillyschwartz) from her Polarcoaster project with a track called "Who Killed Captain Kirk".
This week Mike and Roxanna have help from Pete Donovan (IG petedonovanphoto) as a cocoa captain for a missing Andre Domingues to welcome onto the show Anthony Rue (IG kino_pravda, IG volta_coffee, Flickr DaseinDesign) who is not only a photographer but also runs the Volta Coffee Tea and Chocolate Cafe in Gainesville, Florida. We talk about how he got into photography, location scouting, photography as evidence, cave diving and underwater photography, and opening a coffee shop. Next, Pete talks about his print exchange Facebook group "The Film & Letter Pen Pal Exchange", Roxanna has a hard drive crash, Anthony uses photography to heal from the recent loss of his brother, and Mike finally finishes a roll of film and talks about Mike Raso (IG filmphotographyproject, YouTube filmphotographypodcast, www.filmphotographyproject.com) from the Film Photography Podcast offering a trial roll of Double 8 movie film for testing! Next, Anthony answers Facebook questions about his go to coffee order, Caffenol, the film community in Florida, the Voigtlander Vito C, Pen FT, Ansco Memo II, gators, getting to know Karl Havens from the Classic Lenses Podcast (IG classic.lenses.podcast), his cafe carring Kosmo film (IG kosmofoto), how many cameras he owns, and the Kodak Medalist. Finally, we talk with Anthony about shooting a town devastated by a hurricane, Iceland, Eastman 5220 XT, developer choices, and a weird Kardashian connection!
A Mike solo show with emails from Michael Raso (IG filmphotographyproject, Youtube filmphotographypodcast, www.filmphotographyproject.com) from the Film Photography Podcast, Alex Morrison (IG alexmorrison35) and Ken Tuomi (IG kentuomi) about Instagram account @myinstantimages (ignore the mistake in the podcast where Mike says the IG account incorrectly!). Next, Mike receives an awesome print from Gary Clennan (IG calgary_street) and the first zine from Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo, IG billthoo_astro, IG thoobill), and a call in from Marina (IG ifwefilm_ , www.ifwefilm.com) from the Analog Television Youtube Channel about the Best Film Photography Guide For Beginners (https://analoguewonderland.co.uk/pages/best-photography-guide-beginners). Next, Mike has an interview with Christiaan Hillen (IG analogwilderness) about how he got into photography, the Pentax ME and MX, Pentax pancake lens, Agfa Isola, the Learn Camera Repair Facebook Group (https://learncamerarepair.com), a Soviet Panorama camera called the KMZ FT-2, shooting during Covid in the Netherlands, getting a Leica, Pentax hacks, having two creative outlets, and why we are attracted to tactile experiences. Finally, a call in from Morgan Messner about Roland Barthes' "Camera Lucida" book, and a listener music track from Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, www.mikecaputo.bandcamp.com) of a track titled "Paddy Lay Back".
A Round Table episode with Sam Warner (IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict, www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com) and Mike Padua (IG themikepadua, Twitter @mikepadua, www.shootfilmco.com)! Topics include the mindset of shooting cheap cameras vs. more expensive cameras, choices for our final output goals with photography, how Instagram photos die a quick death and better ways to share our photography in a more impactful way, how Covid has changed our photography plans and goals. Next, Mike Padua talks about how one of his favorite photographers, Khalik Allah, just received the honor of becoming a Magnum Agency Nominee and we discuss how we support our influences, also making zines and scanner resolution. Finally, who has influenced us in photography lately and how those influences effect our personal photography.
Mike receives a lumen print from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob, www.stcyrphoto.blogspot.com), and a new photography book from Kim Beil (IG kebeil) called "Good Pictures, A History of Popular Photography" about trends throughout photographic history. Also, Mike interviews Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor) and we cover how he got back into film photography, VHS, Vinyl, photography vs. marital status, the importance of family photos vs. art photography, archiving memories, the film photography market and shooting during Covid 19 in Sweden, film scanning and hints about his plan for creating a new film scanner solution! Next we have a call in from Eric Dan (www.35mmlove.com, IG 35mmlove) about Kodak Tri-X, a call in introduction from Keith Sharples who just joined the film community and started a new podcast called "The Jazz and Photography Years Re-Visited". Finally, the listener music track is from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) called "Silky Hair".
Link to Kim Beil's article mention in the episode:
A show with the hosts of the podcast with a surprise last minute guest! Andre talks about Cinestill's free roll of film giveaway, receives an APS camera from Jeff Greenstein (IG sjeffgreenstein), his upcoming trip, and getting the Lomo look out of the LCA 120. Roxanna appears on Clay Daly's (IG cwdaly) podcast "Through My Lens with Clay Daly", her trip to Big Bear with instant photography, gets a postcard from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob), and talks about the progress of her book about mindfulness with photography. Mike receives a package from Jakob Eriksson (IG westeros_reactor) with a Kodak bottle opener and dye sub prints for his next print torture test, a package from Nuno Cruz (IG narc_expired_film, Ebay store Narc Expired Film) of some rare expired film, and Mark Rossi (IG duenorth_leather, www.duenorthleather.com) sends some handmade leather camera straps from his business Due North Leather Goods Co.! Next, we have a surprise appearance from Roxanna's husband Brian La Belle (IG brian_c_labelle, IG summerland_creative, FB summerland creative, FB summerland story company)! We talk about film making, how he got back into shooting film, Super 8, expired film, favorite film makers, how motion pictures influence his still photography, the film making community, film developing, the dynamic of living with another image maker, their family short horror movie, his favorite film and camera from Roxanna's collection, the difference of their shooting styles, and living with another creative person!
Mike talks about the honor of appearing on Analogue Wonderland's YouTube show "Analogue Television" on their YouTube channel. Thanks to Paul McKay (www.analoguewonderland.co.uk, Youtube Analogue Wonderland) and Marina (IG ifwefilm_)! Also, the debatable honor of recording with The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast with Em (www.emulsive.org) and Hamish Gill (www.35mmc.com)! A cool package and call in from Dale Rogers (IG photo_rangers, IG salamanderrepublic, www.photorangers.com.au) surrounding his new zine called "Grainy Days, My Analogue Gippsland". Mark Rossi offers some handmade leather camera neck straps and wrist straps (www.duenorthleather.com), Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, Etsy junction rails, www.junctionrails.ca) sends a zine titled "TFS 6x6 Issue 1" which is a project by members of the Toronto Film Shooters Facebook Group, Henry Scott from the "Tales from the Magic Box Podcast" starts using some of Mike's "Sea Hero" music on his podcast, and the Central Camera Go Fund Me campaign to rebuild after the fire. Next, an interview with Svein Olav Humberset (IG humbersetfoto, Flickr Viewfinder Vikings Podcast) of the "Viewfinder Vikings Podcast". He talks about how he got into photography, what brought him to shoot film and the pains of starting to shoot it, and what eventually made him embrace the process. Also, what made him start his podcast and the evolution of that, his thoughts about the Covid situation and the struggle with making photography a career, his recent purchase of Tri-X and his plans for using it and dealing with film curling. Next, shooting in Norway weather and what the film market is like there. Finally, we talk about a film community music project that we are planning through the -/+ Podcast Music Group Facebook Group! Lastly, we have a call in camera review from Gaetan Cormier for the Nikon F5 and a listener original music track from Lilly Schwartz (http://www.youtube.com/c/LillySchwartz) from a project of hers called Polarcoaster with a track titled "Inner Light"
This episode we welcome on Eric (IG conspiracy.of.cartographers) and Vania (IG surfmartian) from the "All Through A Lens" Podcast (IG allthroughalens.podcast, www.allthroughalens.wordpress.com)! It is a long episode and we cover so many topics and go down so many rabbit holes that I'm not about to type all this shit out! Just know that we talk about their photography, their podcast, and Duran Duran! Just listen, it was a blast talking to them!
Mike receives an Instagram message from Philip K (IG dyslexsyk) about Flickr, a Facebook Messenger message from Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob) about developing film including thoughts on hardening fixers, emails from Regalado Santos (IG pretty_nifty) about inkjet printing, Richard Hall (IG connexions) about developing expired color film as black and white with stand developing, and Kiran Atwaroe (Flickr diabloco2002) about his photographic journey to film. Also, announces the winner of the Expired Film Photography Facebook Group photo contest, gets goodies in the mail including a print from co-host Andre Domingues, some Pentax 67 caps from Simon Forster (IG simonforsterphotographic) of the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast sent by Ben Couto (IG bencouto, http://caps.coutocameracompany.com), a new zine from Matt Murray (IG mattloves, www.mattlovescameras.com) from the Matt Loves Cameras Podcast, a new zine from Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com/zines) and info about his new community project "The Twin Lens Challenge". Next, we have Andre Domingues submitting an interview with Hamish Gill (IG hamishgill, www.35mmc.com) about the cancellation of The Photography Show, using social media and live streams for promoting ideas and products, the future of photography trade shows, how these weird times have forced people to connect more through the internet, the state of social media now, and gate keeping in the community. Finally, a call in camera review from Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee) from The Ordinary Photographer Podcast about the Kodak Instamatic 500, and a listener music track from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) from the Gen-X Photography Podcast with a track called "Mother Nature".
This week we welcome on Graham Young (IG grahamhomemadecamera, Flickr freezerofphotons, film podcast listing website www.filmpodcastnetwork.com, podcasts "The Homemade Camera Podcast" and "Get Started With Film Photography"), Nick Lyle (Flickr nicklyle, IG avynick), and Ethan Moses ( Polaroid scanner trays www.brooklynfilmcamera.com, IG cameradactyl, www.cameradactyl.com, ) from the Homemade Camera Podcast. Graham and Nick talk about how they got into photography, Andre talks about Cinestill's new E6 developing kits, Roxanna talks about her virtual shoots through Zoom including a session with Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike), Graham talks about a black magic printing process, Nick talks about moving to larger formats with his camera projects, Ethan teases us with talk of a possible film scanner project and scanner trays for Polaroids, and Mike threatens to open up a black hole in the universe to explore APS pinhole photography. Next, we have questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group to the Homemade Camera Podcast gang about what camera they'd like to build, scameras, photographer's jeans, new 35mm camera production, Ethan's camera production plans, making film, what cameras they admire most, hurdles with building cameras, which plastic camera would they choose to recreate, and Nick's hair! Finally, talk about alternative shutters, youtube possibilities, and Holga masks.
We preempt a usual solo show to welcome Bill Thoo (IG billthoo, IG bill.thoo) and have Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6) fill in as a cocoa captain for a missing Andre Domingues. Bill talks about how he got into photography, how a Holga brought him back to film, and acquiring film cameras. Stanley announces his Fuji Superia 1600 project and Roxanna Angles talks of her first virtual photo shoot through Zoom. Next, Bill answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group that brings up discussions about shooting night photos on film, how he's dealt with the pandemic being in the health care field, zines and projects, film supply in Australia, where he'd like to travel for photography, Pentax 67, composing photos, InstantKon RF70 and instant cameras, what would he change when he started shooting, Mamiya and canned pasta, Instax, Leica M4, portrait photography, favorite films and formats, shooting in Sydney, next camera purchases, teaching photography, the film community in Australia, and favorite shooting locations. Finally, Australian wildlife, stand developing in color, shooting in the Australian bush, hi-fi vs lo-fi photos and pinhole photography!
The return of round table episodes! This round table includes the hosts along with Shaun Nelson (www.utahfilmphotography.com, IG shaunnelson) and Robert Lainez (IG rlainez, IG robertshootsfilm, IG rlainez.photography)! Topics include motivation in your photography and guilt when you go long periods without shooting, expired film and the success vs. disappointment at the results as well as the discussion on whether we should shoot it, why we post to social media, do people care if it was shot on film, and are people fishing for likes, how much gear to take on outings with loved ones, and taking photography classes with instructors that impose their creative point of view instead of letting the student develop their own style of photography, photo critics, and does anyone else's opinion matter when it comes to your creative outlets.
Mike chats with Mrs. Manette Gutterman (IG justmanette), announces our new product "Uncle Gutterman's Gas Relief Tonic" with an advertisement produced by Jack Allan (www.jack-allan.com, IG jack.w.allan) (music for the ad from Kevin Macleod www.incompetech.com), a new film photo podcast by Ian Turpin (IG ian_ctee, www.ianturpin.co.uk) called "The Ordinary Photographer", info on a "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" giveaway with a call in from Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) about a prize donated by Christer Brandt (IG cb_13onfilm). Next, an interview with Anthony Fisk (IG tehmonolith, youtube Film Camera Hacks (search fch ep on youtube to find it!)) where we talk about how he got into photography, Russian cameras, the New Zealand camera and film market, 3D printing, hacking cameras, Sokol, Lubitel, the comfort of shooting basic cameras, building an SLR, weird supermarket purchases, pinhole photography, opportunistic photography, and shooting in New Zealand. Finally, a call in camera review from Sindri Skarph on the Contax T2 and listener music from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) of a track titled "Patient Haste".
Submit your favorite two cheesy 1980's style photos by using the hashtag #npp80sfilterchallenge on Instagram! Contest runs till the end of June!
This episode we welcome Timothy Ditzler (IG timothymakeups, YouTube Timothy Makeups, www.soundcloud.com/imlefthanded, IG analogtalkpodcast) from the Analog Talk Podcast! We talk about how he got into film photography, how he ended up in Tennessee, how the Analog Talk Podcast got started, Polaroid week, Polaroid Spectra, 4x5 still lifes, shooting Polaroids indoors, and Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day shooting. Next, we talk about Timothy's recent health scare and how it has changed his photography, film photography as therapy, how he wants his photography to evolve, shooting during this isolation, documenting his recovery, where he would like to travel, interviewing famous people, photographic legacy, and favorite Polaroid cameras and film. Finally, we discuss the correlation between music and photography, his music, who he would like to interview next, and social interaction with other film photographers.
A Mike solo show! Thanks for birthday wishes, a print from Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, www.junctionrails.ca), an email about IG posting, an extension of the contest started by An Gelo based from the Expired Film Photography Facebook group and how to enter, and Matt Murray from the "Matt Loves Cameras" Podcast (IG mattlovescameras) calls in with all the details of the Matt Loves Panos Plastic Pano Camera Challenge. Next, an interview with Theo Panagopoulos (IG theo_panagopoulos, www.photothinking.com) where we talk about dangerous Australian wildlife, how he got into film photography, how a Holga brought him back to film, his massive camera collection, his website, trying to go pro, starting out with point and shoots, support within the film community, his adventures with Stephen Rea, and shooting in New Zealand and Australia. Finally, a call in camera review from Sindri Skarph for the Olympus Stylus Epic, an unbelievable act of generosity from Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) where he matched the Ko-Fi donations to Roxanna Angles' student film project, and original music from Carsten "Doc" Deutschmann with a track called "SkaNo1".
A rare episode with just the hosts of the podcast! Mike, Andre, and Roxanna talk about our weeks, the new Negative Positives community challenge... the cheesy 80's Filter Challenge! (Listen to the episode for all the details! IG hashtag will be: #npp80sfilterchallenge), the difficulty of starting new creative projects, some talk on Instagram posting, and our thoughts about this weird Corona Virus era and how Ko-Fi donations to the podcast will be donated to Corona Virus efforts.
A Mike listener interaction solo show! A shout out to Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) from the "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" for offering film developing during these weird times, a call out for support for Timothy Ditzler (IG timothymakeups, IG timothy.makeups, IG analogtalkpodcast) of the "Analog Talk Podcast" who had some health issues recently, donations can be submitted to the gofundme page for timothymakeups or Timothy Ditzler, emails from Paul Friday (www.fupduckphoto.wordpress.com) about flash photography, Leo Nikishin (IG 10rolls_of_film) from the "10 Rolls of Film Podcast" with a nice message and about his new zine, Bob St Cyr (IG foto.bob, www.stcyrphoto.blogspot.com) about lumen prints, and a funny segment from the "All Through A Lens Podcast" episode 15 (IG allthroughalens.podcast) about a Gutterman dream from Ethan Moses (IG cameradactyl). Next, Mike talks with Anil Mistry (IG anilmistryphoto, www.anilmistryphoto.com) about his photography including street and portrait photography, hybrid photography, shooting during the pandemic, and family photography even during difficult times. Next, a call in from Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, www.hipshootfilm.com) about his "4 Stops" zine series, and a film photography contest that An Gelo started on the Expired Film Photography Facebook Group. Finally, listener music by Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, www.mikecaputo.bandcamp.com)!
This week we welcome our guest Angela Solis (www.derpinsel.com, twitter derpinsel, IG thisisgela_s, YouTube camerajin)! Topics include the importance of family photos, her move to Canada from the Philippines, joining a photo club, lomography, her first photo exhibit, shooting during the pandemic, a teaser for the upcoming Negative Positives 80's Cheesy Filter Challenge, Angela's camera collection and being married to another photography camera nerd, favorite cameras, the Konica aa35, printing services, travel photography, square format vs. rectangular format, photo gifts, film fridges, Angela's favorite and most photogenic places she's traveled to for photography, the twitter film photography community, favorite films, the Nikon museum in Japan, Havana, and cross processing slide film!
A Gutterman family solo show! Mike is joined by his wife, Manette (IG justmanette) to help out and interviews his sons, Gibson and Grant (check out Grant's music at www.fanlink.to/garquo ) about their first time shooting and developing film. Manette answers some more questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group, we answer emails from Bill Donovan about Hasselblad TLR's, John Money (IG johntmoney) who has a nice note about the podcast, Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) about gifts in the mail, and Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom) about flash photography tips. Next, we have a call in camera reviews from Anthony Fisk (IG tehmonolith) for the Sokol 2 and Nigel Cliff (IG wordsleyboy) for the Chinon CE4S. Finally, Mike gives shout outs to David Utterson (IG patioutterson) for a cool salt print, Kevin Lane of the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast) for a print and APS camera, and Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, www.hipshootfilm.com) for volume 2 of his awesome zine series called "4 Stops". Lastly a public service announcement from Jody Andrasi and listener music from Tim Allen (IG timbuk2017) with a track called "Day N Night".
This week we welcome as our guest, Sam Warner (IG unrecoveringphotographyaddict, www.theunrecoveringphotographyaddict.com). We talk about what got Sam into film photography, shooting during the Corona Virus, Sam's first zine "Finding the Grain", street photography, Clyde Butcher, camera choice for an apocalypse, half frame photography, photo walks, being Santa Claus, his film camera collection, taking film photography classes, Sam's blog, shooting flash photography, and his favorite films!
A Mike solo show with a special open from Robert Lainez's (IG rlainez) son, Harrison Lainez! Also, talk about gifts received in the mail, including a print from Mike Kukavica (IG drunk_darkroom), a zine from Bob St-Cyr (http://stcyrphoto.blogspot.com, IG foto.bob), prints from Dave Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, YouTube theoldcameraguy) and a camera sticker zine from Ethan Moses (www.cameradactyl.com, IG cameradactyl) of the Homemade Camera Podcast. A shout out to Sherry Christensen (IG embrace_the_grain, IG ruralrouteonefilm) about her Embrace the Grain Podcast for having me on as a guest for episode 35. Next, a call in camera review for the Mamiya RB67 from Jack Allan (www.jack-allan.com, IG jack.w.allan). Then we have a call in film review from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast about Ultrafine Extreme 400 film. Finally, a discussion of the 6 stages of the creative process and how we should maybe embrace our insecurities in our art. Lastly, a listener music track from Carsten "Doc" Deutschmann called "Monsterious Walk" by Bleekman's Planet!
This week we welcome Jess Hobbs (IG jesshobbsphoto, YouTube Jess Hobbs) who is Jess Sea on FB. Jess talks about how she got into photography, her Youtube channel, her involvement in Em's from Emulsive mentorship program and the FP4 Party, her hometown series, Polaroid week plans and the sunglasses Polaroid technique, her farming, shooting on private property, seeing in color vs. black and white, film choices, shooting in a zombie apocalypse, photography in rural areas, her inspirations, the YouTube film community, and tips for shooting music festivals.
All donations to the www.ko-fi.com/negativepositives account in March will go to support Roxanna Angles student film project!
A Mike solo show! Thoughts and info on the 300th episode giveaway. Mike receives a postcard darkroom print from Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails), some HP prints from Jim Graves (IG _jimgraves), emails from Allison Capece, Mike Kukavica (www.kukavica.com, IG drunk_darkroom) and a call in camera review from Dean Lastoria for the Horseman VH-R. Next, a shout out to Eric O'Hara (IG 4xfourtography) for an awesome trade for a Pentax Spotmatic lens, and a call in camera review from Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) for the Nikon L35 AF. Finally, Mike talks about his first experience of seeing low light photography on a friend's Apple Iphone 11 and a music track from Jody Andrasi from his band Mansbridge (available on bandcamp, spotify, and Itunes) called "Single-Lens Reflex".
The Negative Positives 300th episode Prize-a-palooza giveaway love-a-thon sweepstakes! Huge thanks to this community for the generosity to this effort, we give over 70 prizes away to listeners of the podcast, mostly from listeners who want to give to other listeners! Huge thanks to all the fine people that donated, people who sent call ins, and those that sent nice messages about the show. Finally, the tradition continues.... Andre gets drunk enough to go on a couple of love rants at the end of the episode! We wouldn't have it any other way!
A Mike solo show with an update on round table episodes, a call in from Jonathan Camp about episode 298, an email from Christopher Smith (IG christophersmithphotography) about film podcasts, and more entries and prizes donated by listeners for the 300th episode prize-a-palooza giveaway love fest. Next, some mail Mike received from Andrew Bartram (IG warboyssnapper, IG warboyssnapper_pinholes, IG largeformatphotographypodcast) of the Large Format Photography Podcast and the Lensless Podcast, Christiaan Hillen (IG analogwilderness), and Angela Solis (www.derpinsel.com, IG thisisgela_s). Also, we have call in camera reviews from Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast about the Canon EF, and Ian Christie (IG the_mr_christie) about the Kodak No. 2 Folding Brownie Model A camera. Finally, Mike talks about the new deal with Kodak and 5 major motion picture studios and how that helps us, and thanks Ko-Fi donors!
Mike, Andre, and Roxanna welcome to the show Mr. Mike Caputo (IG aloha_bigmike, Flickr aloha_bigmike, FB Mike Caputo), film photographer, public darkroom owner, firefighter, actor?, and king of dad jokes! We talk about his photography, him starting a public darkroom in Hawaii, shooting color and black and white film in Hawaii, darkroom printing, and the economics of film photography in his area of the world.
A super long Mike solo show with emails from Robert Jamieson (IG jamrobert) and Ian Christie (IG the_mr_christie) and reading of the 300th episode Mega Prizapalooza Love Fest giveaway entries as well as announcing listener donations to other listeners in the contest. Also, a segment recorded with Neil Piper of the Soot and Whitewash podcast (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash, IG projectboxcamera, FB Group 126 Shooters) to catch up with him after obtaining his master's degree in photography and new projects he has started. Finally, a film love package Mike received from Anthony Joseph Colvin, and thanks to the people that voted for him and this podcast in the Sunny 16 2019 Sunnies Awards. Finally, Mike talks about his reasons for starting a Ko-Fi donation page for the podcast and thanks the amazing community for helping him out with equipment issues. This community is amazing and huge thanks to everyone that donated funds to make the production of this podcast run a bit smoother.
Mike, Andre, and Roxanna welcome John Gleason, Jr. (IG probusphotos, Flickr probusphotos, FB page probus photos, FB group Louisville Worldwide Pinhole Day) on the podcast! We concentrate on pinhole photography, the process, getting started in pinhole, pinhole cameras and film choices, metering for pinhole, and John's plans for Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day in Louisville, KY this April. We also address a call in from Andrew Reynolds (IG randrewreynolds) about TLR shooting. Spoiler alert: there is also a classic Negative Positives restroom incident in this episode!
A Mike Solo show with tons of listener interaction! Neil Piper (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash, IG projectboxcamera, FB Group Project Box Camera) of the "Soot and Whitewash Podcast" starts a box camera project, Jim Graves (IG _jimgraves) sends an email review of the Ilford Simplicity Developing Kit, Ethan Moses (IG cameradactyl, IG buttergrip, www.cameradactyl.com) from the "Homemade Camera Podcast" sends a thanks and an update about his kickstarter project, Dan Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com) sends a nice message, and Sean Welch (IG seanwelchfoto) sends a message about the podcast and the recent music interludes. Also, Mike mentions a new podcast from Mario Piper (IG mariopiper) called "Gen-X Photography Podcast" and talks about another photography podcast he's been listening to from Clay Daly (IG cwdaly, IG throughmylenswithclaydaly) called the "Through My Lens with Clay Daly Podcast". Next, Mike reads entries to the 300th episode Mega Prize-a-palooza sweepstakes love-a-thon giveaway and also announces some prizes other listeners have volunteered to give away to other listeners! Then, we have a Call-in from Ian Barnaby Nutt (IG barnaby_nutt, www.barnabynutt.com) from the "Viewfinder Vikings Podcast" about a photo exhibit for photographer, Pentti Sammallahti, that is currently on display in London. Finally, we have another call-in from Jeremy Zorns about affordable but decent Vivitar and Tokina zoom lenses he recently acquired!
Mike, Andre, and Roxanna talk about the 300th episode giveaway and announce our prizes to the listeners. We discuss our thoughts on our year in photography in 2019. Finally, we talk about what we want to accomplish in 2020 along with a call in from Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) about 2020 film resolutions.
Mike welcomes on Bill Manning from the "Studio C-41: 1 Hour Photo Podcast" (IG studio.c41, www.studioc41.net) to fill in as a cocoa captain for an out of town Andre Domingues! We have as our guest, Jessica Jones (IG yessyones, www.yessyones.com)! We talk about Polaroid and Fuji instant packfilm including subjects such as expired packfilm, image lifts and transfers, recovering the negatives, and the Polaroid 450 Land Camera. We also have some Star Wars talk, discuss photo groups and photo walks, Jessica's Instax blob series, and Pentax and Mamiya 67 cameras with prism vs. waist level finders. Finally, you will want to stick around till the end to hear Bill Manning's Chewbacca impression!
Mike goes where no film photography podcaster has dared to go and has his wife, Manette (IG justmanette) on the podcast! Manette thanks the community for birthday wishes and answers questions from the Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast Facebook group about Gutterman life! You have to give credit for allowing that crazy group to ask questions of the host's better half.... right? Next, we have a call in camera review from Jeremy Zorns about the Nikon FG. Finally, a call in from John Rogers (IG fakejohnrogers) about the longevity of E6 home processing kits!
Mike and Andre welcome on to the show Ethan Moses from the Homemade Camera Podcast (IG cameradactyl, IG buttergrip, IG grahamhomemadecamera. www.homemadecamera.com, youtube cameradactyl cameras, www.cameradactyl.com)! We talk about how Ethan got into photography and building cameras, Andre talks of his holiday plans in Miami, and Mike receives some cool stuff in the mail from Bob Matter (IG bobmatter). We also discuss 3D printing and what it we can expect from it in film photography going forward, designing cameras, and a lot of nerdy talk! Finally, Ethan talks of his Brancopan Kickstarter project:
Mike gives shout outs for some AWESOME things he received in the mail recently from Karl Bailey (IG karlbailey, www.karlbailey.co.uk), Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails, www.junctionrails.ca), Penne Ferris (Flickr: Pixel Geek), and Kevin Lane from the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast (IG kevinlane, IG ujcpodcast, www.unclejonesyscameras.blogspot.com). Next, we have a special interview submitted by Matt Jones (IG mjones41) that he recorded in Egypt at the Cairo Darkroom. Finally, a call in from Dan Tree (IG dantreephoto) about a film photography eff up!
Mike and Cocoa Captain Sherry Christensen from the Embrace the Grain Podcast (IG embrace_the_grain, IG ruralrouteonefilm, www.rr1photography.com) welcome on to the show, Jess Lantz (IG lantzjess, www.sojourninglight.com)! Jess talks about learning photography from his dad, Russian cameras, striving for grain free sharp photos, whether our photography will be appreciated later, and thrift store finds. Sherry talks about her Frugal Film Project, and Jr Wyatt sends Mike a Dad Joke Book! Jess also talks about Tmax 100 in Lo-Fi cameras, dream road trips, influences, shooting in the Pacific Northwest, large format photography, and shooting in Ireland and New Zealand!
A Mike solo show with lots of listener interaction! Mike reads emails from Simon Forster of the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast (IG simonforsterphotographic, IG classic.lenses.podcast) about Leica R series lens alternatives, Pierre-Alix Favillier (IG cloud_surfer14) about getting rid of gear for things you really want, and Ken Bertram (IG kenbertramphoto) about 3 Minolta cameras he is giving away for the upcoming 300th episode Prize-a-palooza giveaway! Next, we have a call in camera review from Bill Smith from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) about the Canon EF. Finally, more emails including one from Ian Barnaby Nutt from the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast (IG barnabynutt, www.barnabynutt.com) about helping you create your first zine! Check out the Viewfinder Vikings Podcast Episode 19 for step by step instructions on his zine making process. Last, we have a message from Christiaan Hillen (IG analogwilderness) about using photography to capture memories and also declutter your life!
Mike and Andre welcome to the show, Lori Brooks (IG fashionistalori)! Topics from Andre include zines he received from Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) and Barry Hitterman (IG barryhitterman) and a Cinestill/Jobo collaboration. Topics from Mike include his attempts at sports photography and his first time shooting Fuji Pro 400H. We talk with Lori about a ton of topics including Olympus fandom, her recent trip to England only shooting the Olympus XA, how she came to the USA, Praktica, Polaroid Land Cameras, 3D Printing, motion picture stocks, ECN processing. red cameras, the IBM model M keyboard, and smartie watches in dark bags!
Mike talks about receiving Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) new handmade zine and discusses the origin of "Facecasts" on the Facebook group that was coined by Stephen Rea. Also, Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6) donates a prize to the 300th giveaway coming soon. Next, we have a call in camera review from Tony Blatcher (IG spiralnightmares) for the Pentax Zoom 280P. Finally, Mike talks about how everything we do in life is to create memories and the power of photography to preserve those memories.
Mike and Andre welcome to the show, Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6)! We talk about his path to photography and his experience of pursuing a degree in photography. Also, there is some talk about cheap beer!
Mike gets a black friday deal on the Impossible I-1 Camera, reads emails from Gregory Parker (IG greg.parker.photography) about getting good blacks on HP Instant Ink Printers, Toni Skokovic (IG junctionrails) about the podcast, Kevin Dillon (IG ricoh_shooter) about prints through Winkflash, Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com) sends a donation from the profits of the 135mm Project Zine to the podcast, and Neil Piper of the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG neil_piper, IG sootandwhitewash) sends a call in about his new Facebook group "126 Shooters". Next, we have a call in from Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve) about the photographer, Don McCullin. Finally, Mike talks about how documenting your life is important even if it is on a crappy camera!
Mike and Andre welcome Betsey Karl (IG the.bkp, Facebook Betsey Karl Photography) as our guest on the show! We learn about why she started to shoot film, how she pushes herself to keep learning in photography, and her perspective of shooting sports photography on film!
Mike reads an email from Greg Parker (IG greg.parker.photography) about 4x6 lab prints and reads an email camera review from Jim Graves (IG _jimgraves) about the Nikon F801/8008. Next is a call in camera review from Bill Smith from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival) about the Rollei 35. Finally, Mike talks about the winner of the free lab prints he received and gets an awesome message from Ted Vieira from the Photography Matters Podcast (IG tav_photography, www.photographymatters.com)!
Our scheduled guest fell through tonight so Mike and Andre welcome Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) to bail us out! We use this opportunity to announce changes to the podcast coming in January! Finally, we talk about new film coming soon from Fujifilm and Lomography!
Mike reads an email about episode length and talks about free prints he received from York Photo and Snapfish for his family photo album project. Next up is a call in camera review from Alessandro Cornacchia (IG alessandro.cornacchia) for the Olympus Pen EE-3. Also, Mike talks about how seeing old digital photos has opened his mind to adding a little digital photography into his process in the future. Finally, an announcement about Daniel Novak (IG danielnovakphoto, www.danielnovakphoto.com) making the 135mm Project Zine available for purchase to the general public!
Get the 135mm Project Zine here:
Mike talks about future round table episodes, future guests and episode length. Next, a call in camera review from Bill Smith from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG wbsmith200, IG classiccamerarevival, www.funwithcameras.blogspot.com) about the Leica M4-2. Finally, Mike talks of recent troubles with his Epson V800 scanner!
Mike and Andre welcome Dan Tree (IG dantreephoto, FB Dan Tree Photography) on the show! Topics include cameras, film, darkroom work and tips, shooting models, and photo projects!
Mike welcomes on Matt Jones (IG mjones41) who joined him in a year long torture test of photographic prints. We discuss what we discovered from hanging a variety of prints in a window exposed to full sun for a year. Also, we discuss Matt's experiences of being in Egypt for work and his observations on photography there. Finally, we have a call in camera review from Alex Luyckx from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival, IG alexluyckxphoto) for the Minolta XE7!
Mike welcomes on a cocoa captain in Jason Konopinski of the Ultra Low ISO Club Podcast (IG grainmatterphotos, Etsy GrainMatterPhotos, www.grainmatterphotography.com) with guest Malcolm Myers (IG photovalve)! Topics include the standard gear talk and additional talk of the importance of shooting loved ones, mundane photographs, and self portraiture among other things!
Mike talks to Michael Raso (podcast: Film Photography Podcast, www.filmphotographyproject.com, youtube: filmphotographytube, IG filmphotographyproject) of the Film Photography Project about 10 years of the FPP and all things movie film! Also, a call in camera review from Alex Luyckx (IG classiccamerarevival, IG alexluyckxphoto) of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast for the Nikon FA.
Mike and Andre welcome on Chris Visser (IG _visstopher_) (podcasts: "Reel Time", "Saltmates", and "Worth Playing For") onto the podcast for another long episode of nerdy film photography talk!
Mike mentions the Ilford film news, talks with Em from Emulsive (IG & Twitter emulsivefilm, www.emulsive.org) about the Emulsive Secret Santa 2019 registration, and has a call in review from Bill Manning of the Studio C41 One Hour Photo Podcast (IG studio.c41, IG bmphoto_ga, www.studioc41.net) about the Pentax 67 90mm Leaf Shutter Lens!
Mike welcomes on cocoa captain David Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, youtube theoldcameraguy) to fill the shoes of a missing Andre Domingues to help with this week's guest, Sam Heaney (IG samheaneyy)! Sam is an Englishman now living in Seattle, WA USA. We talk about his photography and processes as well as British and American stereotypes!
A Mike solo show with a call in camera review from Eric Dan (IG 35mmlove, www.35mmLove.com) about the Leica M2. Also, is Mike losing his romance with metal bodied classic mechanical cameras?
Mike and Andre welcome on Stephen Byrne (IG floralaggressor, www.stephenlaurobyrnephotography.com)! We talk about shooting abandoned buildings, street photography, intimate photography of loved ones, and other topics!
Mike welcomes a British invasion in a rare afternoon recording time! Simon Forster (IG simonforsterphotographic, twitter @SimonFor, www.classiclensespodcast, FB groups: large format photography podcast, Photography with Classic Lenses, Classic Lenses Podcast) on as Cocoa Captain with Ted Smith (www.tedsmithphotography.co.uk, IG tedsmith_photography, FB tedsmithphotography) as our guest!
Mike talks about the future of solo shows for this podcast and has a call in camera review from Jess Lantz (IG lantzjess) for the Canon A1. Finally, talk about success and failure regarding the two street photography shots he is actually proud of!
The September Round Table episode! Mike and Andre welcome Kevin Lane from the "Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast" (IG ujcpodcast, IG kevinlane, Facebook page: Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast, Blog: unclejonesyscameras.blogspot.com) and Ted Vieira from the Photography Matters Podcast (www.photographymatterspodcast.com, Youtube Ted Vieira, IG tav_photography). We bring several hot topics to the discussion including answering a call in from Stuart Webster and an email from Sean Portnoy (IG grooves1200)!
Andre talks about his experiences shooting a Leica M2 with no built-in light meter and his plans to test the meters in all his film cameras to prep for a big increase in slide film shooting. Also, Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200) from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival) calls in with a review of the Nikon FE2.
Mike and Andre welcome Wendy Gunderson (IG filmroadtrip, myirietime, www.filmroadtrip.com, www.myirietime.com) on the show! Wendy is a fantastic travel photographer so obviously we talk about that, but she is also an attorney so she addresses many legal issues for photographers about your rights concerning your photography.
Carolyn Wright - Photo Attorney https://www.photoattorney.com/
Adobe Stock - Known Image Restrictions: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/known-image-restrictions.html
Adobe Stock - Property Release: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/property-release.html
Adobe Stock - Model Release: https://helpx.adobe.com/stock/contributor/help/model-release.html
Glossary of Terms for photo licensing: http://www.useplus.com/useplus/glossary.asp
Copyright information - US Copyright Office: https://www.copyright.gov/title17/
Copyright registration - US Copyright Office: https://www.copyright.gov/registration/
Guide to Copyright registration - free to download: https://law4photographers.com/product/free-guide-registering-your-work-with-the-u-s-copyright-office/ (Note: Since the creation of this guide, the registration of published photographs is limited to 750 photos and the Copyright Office provides a template for the photo names - for more information, see the website of the Copyright Office above)
A rushed Mike solo show! An email from Mike Kukavica (IG drunken_darkroom) about John Gregory's "A Light in the Dark" Podcast and getting darkroom printing advice. Next, a call in camera review from Jason Konopinski (IG grainmatterphotos) for the Canon P. Finally, Mike's thoughts on shooting his first roll of Lomography Lady Grey 400 film!
Mike and Andre are joined by David Mihaly (IG theoldcameraguy, Youtube theoldcameraguy) where we talk all things film photography and producing youtube content!
A Mike solo show! Emails from Gregory Parker about printing and motivation and Chris Marinari (IG chris_trenton_photo) about Sea Hero vinyls. Next we have a call in camera review from Jason Konopinski (IG grainmatterphotos) for the Kodak Retina 1A. Finally, Mike receives an awesome zine from Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, www.hipshootfilm.com) called 4 Stops with work from Ben and 3 other film photographers including Karl Bailey (IG karlbailey), Josh Lee and Alex Papadopoulous (IG decafphotog) and Justin Vargas (IG justincases4c).
Mike and Andre welcome back Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) to the show for an update on her film photography project as a school counselor! Also, how analog processes may help with anxiety and social interactions.
A Mike solo show! We have emails from Ben Mills (IG and Twitter: @hipshootfilm) and Adrian Doyle (IG doyleadrian). Also, talk about offering some Negative Positives merch soon and how Dustin Nickerson (IG d.w.nickerson, Etsy: dwillustrates) has been a huge help and is an awesome artist! Next we have a call in from Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) about the Lab Box. Finally, Mike talks about his love for Kodak Tmax 100 in toy cameras.
Mike and Andre judge the listener submissions for the 2nd Annual Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge and enlist the help of Sherry Christensen of the Embrace the Grain Podcast and leader of the Frugal Film Project (IG ruralrouteonefilm, embrace_the_grain, frugalfilmproject, www.rr1photography.com)!
Andre gives an update on his continued experiences with the HP instant ink program and talks about his ideal print sizes. Jason Priebe calls in with a review of some camera straps. Andre gives a shoutout to Camera Center of York and gushes about his incoming Canadian Leica M2 and its ownership history. Lastly, join us in welcoming Ian Barnaby Nutt into the ranks of the podcasting brethren with his recent addition as a co-host of Svein Olav Humberset's Viewfinder Vikings podcast.
Mike welcomes Michael Bartosek (IG mbartosek, Etsy handrolledfilm) on as Cocoa Captain for a MIA Andre Domingues and guest Robert Lainez (IG rlainez.photography and robertshootsfilm, www.rlainezphoto.wixsite.com)! We address questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group to Robert and throw a lot of people under the bus!
A Mike solo show! He receives awesome zines from Sherry Christensen (IG ruralrouteonefilm, embrace_the_grain) and Wendy Gunderson (IG filmroadtrip, www.filmroadtrip.com). Also, prints from George Griffin (IG flaneurwithacamera, onthestreetspodcast). Next, he talks about an amazing package of Fujifilm goodness from Brandon Remler (IG brandonremler), and a call in camera review from Angela Solis (IG thisisgela_s) about the Konica Recorder AA-35. Finally emails from Aaron Alfano and Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, twitter hipshootfilm).
The August round table discussion! Andre and Mike welcome Dustin Cogsdell of the Grainy Dayz Podcast (IG fortheloveofgrain, grainy_dayz_podcast) and Matt Melcher of the Box of Cameras Podcast (IG mattmelcher, box_of_cameras) and Jiminy Cricket. Topics include whether it is okay to hate things in the film community, what if the film industry fails, shooting dead formats, photography as a healing process, and the stigma of shooting in Auto mode on cameras.
Andre gives his first impressions of the HP Envy 5055 with the Instant Ink Program and highlights his plans to tackle his print exchange backlog. The gents over at the Homemade Camera Podcast announce their first community zine and welcome Cameradactyl's own Ethan Moses as a co-host. Eric O'Hara calls in with a review of the Pentax Spotmatic.
Homemade Camera Podcast Zine link:
Mike and Andre talk to Bryan Caporicci of The Business of Photography Podcast (IG bcapphoto, www.sproutingphotographer.com, www.bcapphoto.com)!
A Mike solo show. Announcing the winners of the July dad jokes contest! A call in camera review from Ian Barnaby Nutt (IG barnaby_nutt) for the Canon EOS 5. Finally, how a zine from Jamie Marcellus (IG jsmarcellusphotography) has Mike questioning why he has avoided having modern automobiles in his photos.
Mike and Andre have Em from www.emulsive.org and co-host of The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast on to judge the film podcaster's submissions to the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge! Which podcast won the bragging rights to the challenge? You will have to listen to see!
Andre talks about the difficulty in choosing between one camera, one lens and "a bag full of shit". Dad jokes from Jr Wyatt and Dustin Cogsdell and a call in camera review from Jess Lantz of the Zenit E!
The Negative Positives Podcast Round Table Episode #2! Our panel includes Matt Jones (IG mjones41) and Edward Conde of the Grainy Dayz Podcast (IG edwardconde_). Our topics include your photography end game, magic and superstition vs. science in analog photography, and traditions in film photography vs. modern technology.
A Mike solo show! He receives a print from Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6), dad jokes for the July dad joke competition, and an email from Kenny Tuomi about Negative Positives stickers. Next, Mike talks about his experiences shooting film on his Florida vacation. Finally, a call in camera review from Ian Barnaby Nutt (IG barnaby_nutt, www.barnabynutt.com) for the Mamiya C330 Pro F.
Mike and Andre talk to Bill Manning (IG studio.c41, www.studioc41.net) of the Studio C-41 1 Hour Photo Podcast! Also, a Lomography film announcement that we talk about at the end of the show!
A Mike and Andre midweek episode! We talk about our upcoming trips, a film giveaway from Stanley Phillips (IG stanleyphillips6) for the best dad jokes, Jr Wyatt (IG wyattonfilm) sends in some dad jokes, and emails from Chris Marinari and Sean Portnoy (IG grooves1200). Finally, a call in camera review from Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) for the Voigtlander Bessa R2.
Mike and Andre talk with Ian Barnaby Nutt (www.barnabynutt.com, IG barnaby_nutt)!
A Mike solo show! He talks about his upcoming art show this weekend, reads emails from Malcolm Myers and Kevin Dillon (IG and Flickr: ricoh_shooter), and has a call in camera review from Dave Mihaly (IG and Youtube: theoldcameraguy) for the Pentax PC35AF. Finally, talks about being lazy about using filters for black and white film photography.
Mike and Andre talk with Mac MacDonald (IG macshootsfilm, www.macshootsfilm.com) of the Grainy Dayz Podcast (IG grainy_dayz_podcast)!
Andre unboxes a package from friend of the show Jr Wyatt (IG wyattonfilm), the result of a camera/film trade, rambles on about how shooting slide film is making him a better photographer by emphasizing the entire process from loading film to projecting a curated slide show, and hands it all over to Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) for a call in camera review of the Kodak Instamatic X90!
Mike and Andre are joined by Edward Conde (IG edwardconde_ , www.edwardcon.de)! We talk about the Pentax 67, bracketing slide film, Andre's borrowing cameras habit, shooting half frame, Fomapan film, crazy colors when dumping the pre-rinse of film in home developing, and shooting your local area. Next, we discuss questions and topics with Ed from the Negative Positives Facebook Group including podcasting, Lomo LC-A cameras, Lomo 800 film, his "Layover" zine, cross processing slide film, Kodak E100, and C41 black and white films. Finally, we discuss Lomography as a company, manufacturing shutters in new film cameras, Lomography lenses, and Ed and Andre's Catalina trip!
A Mike solo show! He talks about some awesome things he's received lately including hookups from Michael Raso from the FPP (www.filmphotographyproject.com, IG filmphotographyproject) of a GAF Anscomatic Super 8 movie camera, Eric O'Hara (IG 4xfourtography) of a Pentax Spotmatic, Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog) of a Kodak Retina IIc, and Sherry Christensen (Embrace The Grain Podcast, IG ruralrouteonefilm, www.rr1photography.com/blog) with some film for my sons and a plastic developing reel for me to modify to accept APS film for her! Also, emails from Ben Mills (IG hipshootfilm, www.hipshootfilm.com), Paul Friday (www.fupduckphoto.wordpress.com), and an Instagram message from Sean Welch (IG seanwelchfoto). Next, we have a call in camera review from James Lee (IG james.lee.photo) of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (IG classiccamerarevival) for the Nikon F6. Finally, Mike talks about zines he received from Ian Barnaby Nutt (IG barnaby_nutt), his change in vacation plans, a shout out to Leo Nikishin's 10 Rolls of Film podcast (IG 10rolls_of_film), and thanks to Bill Manning for having Andre and him on his Studio C41 One Hour Photo Podcast (IG studio.c41, https://studioc41.net).
The first of a new monthly series on the Negative Positives Podcast! A film photography round table discussion! This month we have the hosts of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast! The subject is home developing chemicals for black and white film processing. We get super nerdy into our processes of developing black and white film!
Andre joins us for a solo show where he talks about his first impressions of the Lomo LCA-120, what his keeper rate was, lessons learned from not getting close enough with a wide angle lens, the trials and tribulations of zone focus, and more. Next, he waxes on about the one shot he's legitimately proud of, explains the behind the scenes of how he shot and scanned it, and uses it as an example for the kind of work he wants to create with it in the future (if Ed Conde lends the camera to him again or Andre just shuts up and buys his own). Finally, Mike steps in to insert a call in camera review from Bill Smith for the Olympus OM-1, reminds everyone of the extended deadline for the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge, and hints at a new idea for the podcast this weekend!
Mike and Andre are joined by Michael Bartosek (IG mbartosek)! Topics include constructive criticism, the Pentax K1000, the Lomo LC-A 120, Caffenol, mundane family photos, and finding time for photography. Next, we address questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group to Michael about Kodak 2238, his Kodak 2238 Project, Super 8, Kodak 2468, people attacking digital, organizing inclusive meetups, the theory of analog photography slowing you down, learning about yourself through your photography, and manufacturer's recipes for developing film vs. experimenting. Finally, we talk about climbing and diving photography, the value of film photos vs. digital photos, when to shoot film over digital, and the Cinestill Monobath.
A Mike Solo show! He talks about trying to not beat yourself up if you can't find time for photography and his possible new option for a window of time to shoot more. He also reminds listeners that the submission deadline for the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge is fast approaching with info on how to submit your team's best 2 photos, an email from Mike Kukavica (www.kukavica.com, IG drunk_darkroom) about DSLR scanning and an email from Gabe Sachs. Next, more talk about how Abe Fettig's Film Lab app might help with DSLR scanning in the future and a call in camera review from Juan Alatorre (IG juan.alatorre.photo) about the Pentax IQZoom 120mi. Finally, discussion about two free apps to help keep track of film rolls in cameras, "Analog Film Roll Notebook" and "Film Pad".
Link for submitting photos to the double exposure challenge:
If you are on the Negative Positives Facebook group, you can also go to announcements at the top of the page and find Shaun Nelson's post that links you to the submission page.
Mike is joined by our long lost co-captain, Andre Domingues, and our guest Roxanna Angles (IG roxannalog)! Roxanna talks about her project to teach kids in her school film photography and answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group. Finally, we talk about getting your kids into film photography, shooting expired film, and film souping.
Andre's dragon show ended stupidly, so what better way to nurse his emotions than bourbon and puppies? Featuring an unboxing of a care package from Mike Gutterman, a call-in camera review from Dave Mihaly on the Olympus Trip 35, a shoutout for an analog event in PA called "The Analog Revival 2019" of which friend of the show and past cocoa captain, Jason Konopinski will be attending. Finally, another reminder of the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge.
A Canada invasion! Mike is joined by Bill Smith (IG wbsmith200, www.funwithcameras.blogspot.com) filling in as co-co-captain and John Meadows (IG johngmeadows, MPP johnmeadows.podbean.com, www.johnmeadowsphotography.com) as our guest, both from the Classic Camera Revival Podcast (www.classiccamerarevival.com)! We talk about John's other podcast "MPP", TLR's, Leica R8, Voigtlander Bessa R2M, Eastman Double X with a red filter, CAT Labs film, the Pentax K-70 DSLR for Mike's wife, DSLR film scanning, and Ektachrome E100. Next, we discuss questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group to John. Topics include classic cameras, Pentax Spotmatics, Contax Contaflex, Fuji GW690, Kodak Medalist, favorite lenses, pinhole cameras, unheralded cameras, stories behind cameras, hockey talk, toy cameras and point and shoots, rolling 120 film to 620 spools, guilty pleasures, black and white vs. color, and most underrated films. Finally, we finish with a discussion about talking more about the art and creative expression in photography vs. gear talk.
A Mike solo show! A reminder about the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge, a nice message from Jakob Eriksson, an APS update from Mike Williams, and a call-in camera review from Sherry Christensen about the Pentax MV. Finally, a call-in question from Kevin Lane to Mike about night photography tips.
Mike is joined by Eric O'Hara as a fill in co-captain (IG 4xfourtography) and Daniel Novak as guest (IG danielnovakphoto) (www.danielnovakphoto.com). We have discussion about automobile photography, zines, road trips, pinhole photography, scanning, and many other topics!
link to company Dan Novak uses for his zine printing!
Andre FINALLY shows his face (voice?) in a solo show where he discusses using the Polaroid SX-70 and MiNT Flash Bar at watch enthusiasts events, his eagerness to learn how to use flash, and half frame cameras. Ian Fleming then drops in with a call-in camera review of the Kodak Instamatic 25. Finally, a reminder of the Negative Positives Podcast Double Exposure Challenge and the places you can donate in memory of the late Karl Havens, co-host of the Classic Lenses Podcast (links below).
www.dsacf.org or www.ko-fi.com/classiclensespodcast
The Negative Positives possibly breaks the record for the longest film photography podcast ever! Somebody had to do it, might as well be us! Mike is joined by fill in co-captain Jason Konopinski (IG grainmatterphotos) and our guest, Matt Melcher, from the Box of Cameras Podcast (IG mattmelcher, IG box_of_cameras). I am not about to write a novel of the show notes from this marathon episode. We talk about the entire universe of film photography! We discuss our weeks and answer questions directed to Matt from the Negative Positives Facebook Group and go down a bunch of rabbit holes!
A Mike solo show where he talks about his recent art show, lack of time for darkroom printing and personal photo projects, plans to return to his favorite beach town this summer, and how that may inspire a future project. Also, call-ins from Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) about his first roll of APS film, Neil Piper of the Soot and Whitewash Podcast (IG neil_piper IG sootandwhitewash) about his experience with Hewes stainless developing reels, and one from Dave Mihaly (IG/Youtube theoldcameraguy) about the "thrill" of thrift store camera shopping. Finally, a call-in camera review from Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) about the Olympus XA4.
Mike is joined by Jr Wyatt (IG wyattonfilm) as our guest and Kevin Lane (IG ujcpodcast) from the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast as fill in Co-Captain. We talk about our weeks including finding time to shoot on busy weeks, Mike shoots photos for Polaroid Week and World Wide Pinhole Photography Day and receives a huge lot of film from Matthew Ashbrook, developing color film in black and white chemicals, and shooting film with your children. Next, we address questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group to Jr including topics such as a Chicago Photo Walk, Jr's recent trip, Nikon F100, Olympus Pen, airplanes, the Pentax 67, his favorite sites on his trip and route 66, developing film from important trips, Michael Bartosek's Kodak 2238 Project, Australia, darkroom work time, a Louisville Photo Walk, shooting war reenactments, the Holga 120WPC Wide Pinhole Camera, Pinhole photography, the Hamm Camera Pinbox, GAS, APS, cannibalism, and dust blowers! Finally, we talk about developing Kodachrome in black and white chemicals with help from the FPP (https://filmphotographyproject.com/content/features/2011/01/kodachrome-2011-process-black-and-white/) and Kevin and Mike ask Jr questions about developing a personal style, lo-fi/toy cameras, music photography, choosing between creative outlets, and the joy of having a creative outlet, and condolences for a huge loss in the film community with the passing of Karl Havens (IG karl_havens) of the Classic Lenses Podcast (IG classic.lenses.podcast).
Andre is back from the wilderness of Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks for a solo show where he discusses using only one camera and film stock to document family moments on road trips/vacations, and also reads a listener email from Miles Lammon, one of the winners of the 200th episode giveaway. Finally, Mike interrupts this broadcast to insert a call in camera review from Ian Fleming for the Olympus XA.
Mike is joined by Bryce Randol as fill-in co-captain and out guest Matt Murray from the "Matt Loves Cameras" Podcast. Matt talks about how he got into photography, cameras, and his podcast. Bryce talks about constructing his new darkroom, his "Under the Safelight" Podcast, and color darkroom work. Matt talks about going to Indonesia, shooting Polaroids, Fujifilm Klasse S, Australian climate, home developing, and Sherry Christensen's new Podcast "Embrace the Grain". Mike talks about his first rolls from the Leica R8 and Lomo LC-A, zone focusing, Holga love, and thanks the fine people in the community that reached out during a particularly difficult week. Next, Matt answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group. Topics include favorite cameras, shooting TLR's, toy cameras, reviewing cameras, getting family to shoot film, winning the Sunny 16 Cheap Shots Challenge, shooting models, Polaroid week, and his dalmation. Finally, a Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team challenge update from Shaun Nelson, Bryce makes trophies for the winners of the challenge and talks about running the Negative Positives Instagram account, Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day and Neil Piper's and Andrew Bartram's UK meetup, and Matt gives his impression of Mike!
A rare Mike and Andre old school episode! Andre rides dragons, manufactures film, and talks of his upcoming family trip. Mike talks about the passing of a loved one and what it taught him about the importance of photography, becoming the family historian, and gets his son's first film rolls developed and scanned. We answer emails from Ian Fleming about carrying prints while shooting, Angela Solis about Pakon scanner repairs, and George Larkins about film meetups in Detroit. We also get a call in about Sherry Christensen's new podcast called "Embrace the Grain". Finally, an email from Kevin Dillon, the last day to sign up for the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge, and Bryan Caporicci's podcast "The Business of Photography" and his adventures in shooting film in his "Finding Film" series available on most podcast catchers and on www.sproutingphotographer.com, and Graham Young's film podcast listing website www.filmpodcastnetwork.com!
Mike has Alex Luyckx of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast on the show as well as co-co-captain Dustin Cogsdell! We talk about the origins of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast and our film shooting on Film Photography Day on April 12th. Next, Alex answers questions from the Negative Positives Facebook group. Questions include topics about how Alex got involved with the FPP, his Photo Chat, tips for shooting in cold weather, what makes a camera "classic", selfies, film emulsions, developers, printing photos, what camera he didn't get along with and what camera to get someone addicted to film photography, medium format lenses, the film podcast community, his favorite photo he has taken, his thoughts on APS, and camera choice for the zombie apocalypse! Finally, we talk about 1990's SLR cameras and the overhyped compact camera market, and Dustin's new podcast called the "Grainy Dayz" Podcast!
A Mike solo show for a missing Andre! He talks about Film Photography Day, Polaroid Week, and Worldwide Pinhole Day. Some new podcasts he has found and has a call in from Graham Young about the "Get Started With Film Photography" Podcast. Next, is a Call in Camera Review from Bill Smith of the Classic Camera Revival Podcast about the Mamiya C220f. Finally, talk of social media and a reminder about the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge!
Mike and Andre welcome on Kevin and Kelley Lane, the Shutter Brothers, of the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast! We talk about their return to film photography and why the started their podcast, slide shows, the opening of the Safe Light Labs community darkroom in San Diego, the Canon T70 and Pentax Spotmatic, flea markets, Savannah, Georgia, Daniel Novak's "Chasing Waterfalls" zine, Amazon magically finding 20 Holga WPC120 wide pinhole cameras, and Mike's metal art show. Next we answer questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group to Kevin and Kelley. They include Kevin's school camera club, film photography's cost per frame, sibling enabling and rivalry, and the connection of photography, music, and watches. Finally, we discuss embracing your local film community, Ted Smith's website www.thefilmphotographersmap.com, and some musician talk!
Mike is joined by Simon Forster from the Classic Lenses Podcast and the Large Format Photography Podcast! A simple Google Hangouts chat somehow becomes a podcast! We discuss the evolution of the Classic Lenses Podcast, Simon's journey back to film, Mike asks for digital camera (gasp!) advice, and digital vs. film for night shooting. Then, we bring it back to the joys of shooting film and how the process is a huge part of the fun, and the film photography community and trying to get involved in your local area. Finally, we talk about the Large Format Photography Podcast and appropriately talk about our weeks last to keep with the theme of this backwards episode!
A bonus Mike solo show due to some marathon podcasting this last weekend! An update on signing up for the Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge on the Negative Positives Facebook group or on Shaun Nelson's website www.utahfilmphotography.com! The film podcast community April Fool's gag and Ted Smith's website, www.thefilmphotographersmap.com to help find film shooters in your area. Next up are emails from George Larkins (IG geovisioniii) about his return to film and Ian Fleming (IG ifleming) about the 126 Revival and thanks to Jeff St. Onge for gifting Mike two Kodak 126 Instamatic X-15 cameras! Then, we have a call in camera review from Mac MacDonald (IG and YouTube macshootsfilm) for the Nikon FE2. Finally, talk about Anchor being bought by Spotify and some podcast analytics!
Mike and Andre are super excited to be joined by Mike Raso from the Film Photography Podcast (www.filmphotographyproject.com)!!! I could type in a huge amount of show notes but does anyone actually read these things! Besides, it is Mike Raso! Just listen to it! Mike answers questions culled from the Negative Positives Facebook group about all things FPP and film photography!
Andre delivers a solo show reviewing Android Version 1.0 of the Film Lab App, Dustin Cogsdell sends in a call-in camera review of the Minolta XD-11, and a reminder about the Negative Positives Podcast Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge!
Mike and Andre are joined by Shaun Nelson (www.utahfilmphotography.com)! We talk about Shaun's website, cats vs. dogs, Shaun develops color film for the first time with the Cinestill C41 kit and preserves old family photos. Mike talks about lab prints vs. inkjet prints, receiving stainless steel developing reels and a tank from Cory Miller, building a PVC cage to turn a dark bag into a dark tent, and shooting his Leica R8 for the first time. Next, we announce the second annual Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge and Mike and Andre challenge other film podcasters to compete! Finally, we talk about tips for shooting double exposures!
A Mike solo show! A new show intro from Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film)! Gutterman talks about a solution for sticky, jamming plastic film developing reels and possibly moving to stainless steel reels with an email about the subject from Mike Kukavica (www.kukavica.com). We get a strange call in from a hit man and Dylan O'Connor (IG dophotoenterprises) about the first Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge. Thanks to Mike Padua (www.shootfilmco.com) for the prizes to Dylan and Alex Purcell for winning that challenge. Also, call ins from Juan Ruben of the A1 Rediscovering Film Podcast about the Johnny Sisson episodes. Next up, a call in camera review from Dave Mihaly (youtube, IG, Flickr - theoldcameraguy) about the Olympus 35EC. Finally, a movie review of Aquaman and how the star, Jason Momoa, is a huge Leica fan!
Mike and Andre are joined by Neil Piper from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast! We discuss him pursuing a master of arts degree in photography and why he started his podcast. Andre talks of his experiments with the Android version of Abe Fettig's Film Lab App, and also shooting with his Minolta Riva panoramic camera. Neil talks about contact printing with cyanotypes and his visit to the Photography Show for an analog meetup in the UK. Mike talks of shooting a Pentax point and shoot using flash in bulb mode, gets APS film and vintage Ektachrome from Lori Brooks, selling prints to Melissa Meader, and becomes the professor of rock and roll shows. Next, we ask Neil questions from the Negative Positives Podcast Facebook group. Finally, we discuss pinhole photography with kids, making time for photography with busy lives, digital negatives, and whether the UK has a more close knit film photography community!
Mike and Andre bring you part two with Johnny Sisson of the Classic Lenses Podcast and employee of Central Camera in Chicago. We continue with questions from the Negative Positives Facebook Group! Topics include lens nerdism, about how lens sharpness is less important to film shooters, adapting lenses, instant film, how 80's-90's electronic cameras are hard to sell, problems with selling cameras, and the dilemma of documenting the end of someone's life. Finally, we talk about the best areas to shoot in Chicago, the best pizza in Chicago, and the debate of The Blues Brothers vs. Ferris Bueller's Day Off as the quintessential Chicago movie!
Mike and Andre are joined by Johnny Sisson from the Classic Lenses Podcast and employee of Central Camera in Chicago! We discuss age demographics of film and digital shooters, Johnny discusses 4x5 pack film holders and converting them to panoramic format and cheap Xpan alternatives, a large format craze happening?, and Mike has problems loading film on plastic developing reels for the first time in a long time. Next, we have Johnny answer questions from the Negative Positives Podcast Facebook Group that leads us down so many rabbit holes that we had to make two episodes out of it!
Zzzzzzzzz… huh? …what? … (yawn). Andre decides to join us again with a solo show, where he talks about packing for the Film Photography Paideia, being present vs. documenting an important event, and the Leica M6's last hurrah. Finally, Ian Fleming joins in for a call-in camera review of the Olympus XA2!
Mike and Andre are joined by Em from www.emulsive.org! Announcements from Neil Piper from the Soot and Whitewash Podcast and Andrew Bartram from the Lensless Podcast about their World Wide Pinhole Day (WWPD) meet up in Boston, UK and Andrew and Simon Forster (from the Classic Lenses Podcast) are starting a new podcast called the Large Format Photography Podcast! We talk about our weeks including Em shooting 120 Neopan 100, Mike's mother lode of APS gear from Johnny Sisson (also of the Classic Lenses Podcast and works at Central Camera in Chicago) including the Minolta Vectis S-100 and Kodak Advantix Preview cameras, and the Buttergrip from Ethan Moses for the Pentax 67 and his Cameradactyl OG 4x5 camera. Also, a gift from Jakob Eriksson of a quiet space heater to keep Mike warm in the Gutter Man Cave while recording! Our next segment is apparently a real snooze fest with discussion of the recently announced Fujifilm price hikes. Finally, we talk about Andre's experience at the WPPI in Las Vegas and the Film Paideia in San Clemente, CA!
A Mike solo show for the midweek episode. Shout outs to Yvonne Raven and Adrian Doyle for film love gifts sent to the Gutterman Estate! Additional shout outs to Matt Jones for a drawing of Andre and Mike, and to Mike Padua of www.shootfilmco.com for donating prize packages to the winners of the first Negative Positives Double Exposure Tag Team Challenge! Next up is info on Ben Mills International Film Stock Swap now at www.hipshootfilm.com, and stickers sent from Shaun Nelson (of www.utahfilmphotography.com) featuring art work by listener Judy Boyle! Also, an email from Kevin Dillon about Ultrafine Extreme film. Then, we have a call in from John Gregory of the "A Light in the Dark" podcast and a call in camera review from Juan Alatorre about a converted Polaroid 110A to use 4x5 film. Finally, Mike talks about how he goofed developing a roll of film and the fun of taking some compact camera indoor flash photos!
Mike and Andre are joined by Nick Bull (nick_e_bull on IG)! We discuss Nick's love of camera repairs and the problems of sourcing parts, half frame cameras, and the struggle of selling cameras. Also, we take questions from the Facebook group addressed to Nick including topics about making photo gadgets, dream cameras, Cameradactyl OG, Buttergrips for the Pentax 67, photo projects to come to terms with life events, Mike's mother lode of APS goodness coming from Johnny Sisson at Central Camera in Chicago and one of the hosts of the Classic Lenses Podcast, Ilford vs. Kodak, Caffenol, stand developing, dream film road trips, Kodak 5222 Double X, and DSLR purchases! Finally, an email from Ken Bertram about Kodak HC-110, and Mike gives in and lets the two nerds talk about watches with Mike trying to bring the show back to film photography!
Andre joins us mid-week with a solo show where he discusses a few key recommendations when it comes to a film photographer's EDC (Everyday Carry). From keeping the camera with you at all times and OUT of the bag to packing some prints to show your subjects or the occasional disgruntled security guard/shop owner, these tips should help you stay positive and shoot some cool film photos! Finally, Jason Konopinski drops in for a call-in camera review of the Petri Color 35.
Mike and Andre are joined by Jennifer Zehner! She has started a community darkroom called the Obscura Darkroom in Newark, NJ. We talk about our weeks, take questions to Jennifer from the Negative Positives Facebook group, and finish with questions from Mike and Andre to her!
Obscura Darkroom:
web: www.obscuradarkroom.com
Instagram: obscuradarkroomnj
twitter: ODarkroom
A Mike solo show! He has an email from Arnab Chatterjee and a call in from Mike Williams (IG mike_on_film) about his APS camera prize! Also, a call in camera review from Jim Mackenzie about the Nikon F4. Finally, a shout out to Nigel Cliff, a segment from Matt Murray's "Matt Loves Cameras" Podcast where Matt imitates the Gutterman, and talk about the correlation between analog and digital in the photography gear world vs. the music gear world!
Mike and Andre are joined by Matt Jones! We talk about our weeks, including Mike becoming a Leica snob due to an unbelievable gift from a listener of a Leica R8 camera. Also, Matt answers questions from members of the facebook group. Finally, we have a call in from Mike Williams that kicks off conversation about what our 2019 New Year's film resolutions are going to be!
A midweek solo show from Andre Domingues. He starts off with talking about how keeping your negatives close to you helps with finding hidden gems ready for printing, hands it off to Ben Mills for a Call In Camera Review of the Minolta HiMatic 5, then returns to announce (gasp!) that he's selling his Leicas (and why). Last but not least, some cultural recommendations for the Leica and watch enthusiasts out there.
Mike and Andre are joined by Em from Emulsive.org! Discussion includes news about Tetenal and Kodak Alaris. Also, we take a look back at the positive events of the film photography industry in 2018, which obviously includes Em's Podcast "The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast"! Finally, we forecast the future of film in 2019 and what we'd like to see happen.
A Mike solo show for the midweek episode. He reads emails from listeners about the 200th episode giveaway. Also, talk of the power of still photography and it's ability to move or influence the viewer. Finally, discussion about not beating ourselves up over creative outlets!
Finally! The Negative Positives Podcast Episode 200 giveaway Prize-a-thon Prize-a-palooza Love Fest! Over 30 prizes given away to listeners of the show!
Surprise! Everyone's favorite co-host of the HMS Negative Positives (shouldn't that be USS? -Mike edit, Andre wrote these show notes!) returns to the bridge and steers it towards the big 200th episode giveaway extravaganza. Reunited with the sunshine, skateboards, and selfies of Los Angeles, he gives a much needed update on the causes of our infamous recording delay. From hunting for apartments that make good DIY darkrooms and street photography with the Nikonos V to meeting film shooters at watch events and planning photo walks with fellow LA-based podcasters, the excuses are endless! Finally, another installment of Dustin Cogdell's On The Road Camera Reviews about the Canon QL17 G3!
Another delay of the inevitable 200th episode Prize-a-palooza Prize-a-thon giveaway! Mike reads more emails from listeners. Also, talk of Sherry Christensen's Frugal Film Project and a call in camera review from Michael Jin about the Nikon FM2N. Finally, the show closes with music from Mike's last band, Total Void.
Total Void EP
1. Chance to Eliminate
2. Pile
3. Ten Years Gone
4. Grimes
A midweek episode with Mike reading more emails about the 200th episode Prize-a-palooza Prize-a-thon giveaway! Finally, Mike sells out and promotes his former band, Sea Hero, the soundtrack of most episodes, by playing the entire catalog! Sea Hero is available on Spotify, Bandcamp, iTunes, and most places you can download music!
Track List:
Sea Hero "Grave Talk"
1. Historian
2. Ahab
3. Blue Whale
4. Espionage
5. I Wish You'd Look
6. Monitor vs. Merrimac
7. Death Rattle
Sea Hero "Graustark"
1. Like Beasts
2. Snake Oil and Prayer Cloths
3. Pride Comes Before the Fall
4. They Will Fall, They Always Do
5. 119
6. A Spoonful of Dirt
The prequel to the 200th episode Prize-a-palooza prize-a-thon giveaway! Mike has an email from Cole Jackson and a call in from Kevin Lane (of the Uncle Jonesy's Cameras Podcast) about taking photos of other people's art that was discussed in episode 199. Also, more emails from listeners about episode 200. Finally, a call in camera review from Federico Quaglino about the Olympus ACE-E!
The midweek episode with Mike! Discussion about how clutter can clutter up your life with an emphasis on photography gear clutter! Also, the dilemma of taking photos of other people's art work. Finally, another installment of Dustin Cogsdell's On the Road Camera Reviews for the Voigtlander Bessa R2A.
A Mike solo Sunday show! Mike shoots a Sears KS-2 on expired Tmax P3200 and receives awesome prints from Bill Lehman and Andrew Criswell. He reads more emails for the 200th episode prize-a-thon prize-a-palooza giveaway. Also, a call in camera review from Dave Mihaly about the Minolta AF-C. Finally, he talks about the importance of photo albums, how far behind he is on his family albums, and his frustration on the how and why he go so behind!
An Andre solo show! He talks about his New Year, New Me and finally adds some photos to his Instagram account as well as discusses his plans for social media in general! Also, he mentions a new podcast called "The Hypersensitive Photographers Podcast" by Em from Emulsive.org and Hamish Gill of 35mmc.com! Finally, a call in camera review about the Olympus OM10 from Ted Smith!
Mike and Andre talk about their holiday adventures, our Emulsive Secret Santa gifts, and the gifts we gave each other. Also, more emails from listeners about the 200th episode prize-a-thon! Finally, we reflect on the year of 2018 concerning our photography and the podcast in general!
The midweek episode with Mike! He reads emails from listeners about the 200th episode giveaway prize-a-thon, and also has call ins from Stephen Rea and FWphotolab.com. Finally, an On the Road Camera Review from Dustin Cogsdell about the Olympus XA!
Mike and Andre are joined by Sherry Christensen of https://rr1photography.com on the Christmas Eve Eve podcast! We discuss film photography podcast listening, redscaling consumer color film, shooting these films in general, and film developing screw ups. Also, we answer questions from the Facebook group addressed to Sherry. Finally, a couple of call ins from Federico Quaglino including a question about storing film in freezers.
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