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The podcast World of Warcast: A World of Warcraft Podcast is created by Michael Gaines and Renata. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
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Shadowlands next week!
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A short show this week because it's just been a busy week for both of us.
We talk about the release date for Shadowlands, and some of the news that happened this week.
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This episode we cover:
What have we been doing in the pre-patch
Is being a guide worth it?
Ghostcrawler's thoughts about Shadowlands
Ali bought the Humble Bundle and the Rise of the Horde book
Drexl from Discord will be doing a charity stream on Nov. 7
Today would have been Blizzcon, and we're sad.
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Shadowlands delayed
Class changes
Hunter Mark no longer does 5% extra damage
Is there a good reason for this?
Don’t be a spreadsheet dick
Also, he mentions there will be another expansion
This is an odd restriction. Why does it matter?
9.0.1 notes
Why would water regen mana slower NOW? It’s been this way for 16 years
wowup is open source
overwolf has had complaints about privacy
Humble Bumble Deal
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Topics today include talk about the Revendreth cinematic, Dreamhaven, no more bonus rolls, Warcraft 2 movie rumors, Black Market Auction House returns in Shadowlands
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Topics today include druid healing, how to gear a demon hunter, the Ardenweald "Afterlives" animate short, and comments on Wednesday's blue post.
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Topics today include priest healing, love for Demon Hunters, what our mains will be in Shadowlands, and our thoughts on the last two Afterlives animated shorts.
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Warlock leveling - finally got her to 120
Thanks to Caselock for getting me my Glacial Tidestorm mount
This Week in WoW
World Quest event starts next week
Trial of Style begins Monday, August 31
A plea for fishing help in beta
Blizzard Companion App will support Legion, BoA and Shadowlands when it’s released for the expansion
Ray tracing in Shadowlands
Diminishing returns in secondary stat ratings
After receiving 25% of a secondary stat from gear, increasingly more rating to increase another % from that gear
Example: 25% -35%: 10% penalty, up to 49-106%, 40% penalty. Capped at 106%.
Speed leveling in Shadowlands in under 3 hours using dungeon boosting - probably not going to stay
Yes, Blizzard is giving away beta access keys, but not in the Americas yet.
Observations on leveling 50-60 in beta
The downside to unpruning
Best to worst zones
Spoiler: Maw is the worst
Best story line: Revendreth
Best atmosphere and best sense of humor: Ardenweald
Maldraxxus: decent story, very straightforward
Bastion: more engaging than I thought the first time around, but still not interesting by comparison
Rogue: Assessing the Covenant abilities
Tips for things to have from BfA and prior (Goblin Gliders, Abyssal Healing Potions, high quality stat food)
Early impressions of gathering and professions
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Rep grinding and leveling a warlock.
This Week in WoW
Cataclysm Timewalking
Free T-Shirt Day today (Sunday)
Stormwind: Dwarven District
Orgrimmar: Valley of Honor
Next Tuesday starts Arena Skirmishes
Naked & Afraid Winners!
Ketchupman - Lightforged Discipline Priest, 1 day 5 hours 4 minutes (also fourth with a Troll Enhancement Shaman at 1 day 10 hours 9 minutes) - Horgus mount
Guerrie - Void Elf Afflication Warlock with 1 day 7 hours 1 minute - Twilight pet
Drexl - Troll Guardian Druid with 1 day 8 hours 14 minutes - Transmorpher Beacon toy
Most Persistent: Zignea, with a Lightforged Shadow Priest at 2 days 21 hours 45 minutes.
Also thanks to finishers Thecowking, Koloka, Louielegdrop, Kara, Loosechange, and Hank. Koloka also ran more than one character.
Pre-patch on the PTR - what’s coming
Character creation and customization
New Player experience - Exile’s Reach and new leveling paths
The level and iLevel squishes
Limited time Scourge event
No time frame announced, but will be “several weeks” before expansion
Scourge event - updated gear from original WoTLK loot tables. Minimum level requirement for those items is 30 (or 80 for those who still speak BFA). Drop off bosses who spawn outside in Icecrown during the scourge event who used to be in dungeons and raids, like Patchwerk. Also zombie attacks in major cities.
Prepping for Shadowlands Pre-PatchiLevel translations
Starting characters in Beta with basic starter gear start out at iLevel 75. Some experimentation with character copy indicates this is about the same as iLevel 400-405.
My 443 character started out with iLevel 98.
Having gone through the Maw with a starter (75) and a better one (98), the latter is far more survivable
Therefore, you should consider iLevel 400 as "starter level".
Easiest way to get higher iLevels is to advance your HoA and at least get a cloak, which will be 125 out of the gate with no ranks (remember, blues around level 55-56 are 115-120).
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So much toon grinding
DMF helps with rep
Getting rep tokens on alts to alleviate the work
The struggle to get to garrison level 3
Mage tower legion artifact colors
Getting followers to 950
Crucible of storms
Cloak questline
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire
Pet battle event starts next week - August 10 Squirt Trainer Day in EU
Gates of Ahn’Qiraj opened - and was completed in 14 hours on Sulfuras, beating old record of 19 days (Medivh server, 22 January 2006).
Scarab Lord Reputation Grinds completed in 23 hours, just waiting for BWL reset - collecting the Silithid Carapace Fragments - large layered servers with multiple guilds working together have a distinct advantage
Which has led to griefing through abuse of the automated reporting system
Covenant Sanctums -- or why the Venthyr are complete bastards
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So much time spent switching mains
This Week in WoW
Timewalking: Cata (next week, Pandaria)
Luminous Luminaries tomorrow
World Quest event - ends Tuesday
Corruption is being removed completely in Shadowlands prepatch
Shadowlands news
Heirlooms will have XP bonus removed
Covenants and Renown (Pathfinder)
Covenant Sanctums
Soulbinds Explained
Archaeology will receive no update in Shadowlands
Legendary Runecrafting
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Naked & Afraid
21 participants, 2 finishers, with 5 still in the running who are over level 60..
Naked & Afraid IV - we already have 2 finishers! Ketchupman (Troll Enhancement Shaman) with either 1d10h9m or 1d7h32m, and Kara (Vulpera Arms Warrior) with 1d19h15m
New Rule Announcement: 1-20 can use heirlooms
5-week Timewalking Events - includes a 50% XP bonus for the expansion’s zones that stacks with WInds of Wisdom
Now: Burning Crusade. June 30 - Wrath of the Lich King, July 7 - Cata, Jul 14 - Pandaria, 21 Jul Draenor, 28 Jul BoA
Alpha news
General Game World News
Twitch sells Curseforge sold to Overwolf -
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More impressions of the Shadowlands alpha
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Still more Wowhead work
Still mostly playing D3
Still not in Alpha
Chilling in Classic
More about old characters and professions
This Week in WoW
Pet Battle Bonus Week - and it’s Super Squirt Trainer Day on Sunday May 3 for NA realms!
Children’s Week - May 1-7
New from 2019: four new pets, Scaley, Mr. Crabs, Beakbert, Froglet - from Kul’Tiran and Zandalari Orphan quests (a good combine with Super Squirt Day)
Darkmoon Faire setup starts Fri, May 1 in Classic and starts Sunday, May 3 in Retail. Starts Monday, May 4 in Classic.
Tuesday: Pandaria Timewalking starts
Discussion Points:
Michael Morhaime on accessibility and the waning of social interaction in MMORPGS
Ian Hazzikostas liveblog includes:
Expansion still set for 2020 release
Planning about 2 expansions ahead
Leaving a Covenant is not difficult; rejoining one you’ve left is
You can only equip one legendary at a time
Values for leveling rate are not yet tuned for Alpha
Demon Hunters: restriction on only 1 per server being relaxed for Shadowlands
Pathfinder will no longer be required for flying in Draenor and Legion zones with Shadowlands
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Sad trombone. Still no Shadowlands
Finished up Redridge.
Talk a bit about how I feel useless as a warlock in classic
This Week in WoW
Noblegarden - nothing new this year
Mike’s notes - This event sucks and needs a revamp
Battleground Bonus Event
Classic News
Zul'Gurub released- and Hakkar already down with all 5 high priests alive - never achieved during Vanilla - down in 1 minute 21 seconds
this was attempted just before BC launched by and they only got him to 2% with full Naxx gear
Silithus and Cenarion Circle released but not the leadup quests to AQ40
World Dragons released
Shadowlands stuff
First datamined/playtested Alpha went live 8 April - week ago Wednesday
Much of this can be located through Ren’s guide to Shadowlands Expansion News,
Updates on class changes, race changes, leveling changes, covenants, professions, and player customizations
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Sent most of their staff home to work remotely
Still paying janitorial, security, and cafe staff standard wages
Gave thousands of employees care packages of soap, toilet paper, and paper towels
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One of Renata's good friends, Zignea, comes on to talk about setting up and handling WoW when you have kids.
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This Week in WoW
BC timewalking this week - special quest to do Black Temple
Can’t do through LFR
Pick up quest Disturbance Detected: Black Temple for 500 Timewalking badges
Sunday - Hatching of the Hippogryphs mini-holiday
Next week: Battleground bonus event
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Special guest AliandrasK from Dungeon Fables fills in for Renata this week to chat about WoW and other Blizzard games.
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Revised Darkmoon Faire guide after Blizzard Darkmoon Faire overview came out - which linked to the Wowhead guide
Completed Love is In the Air Classic guide
Did first Horrific Visions, got cloak on 1 character to level 4
5-manned Vale world boss, Grand Empress Shek’zara - only took 17 minutes 24 seconds …
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Our thoughts on the 8.3 patch
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Beat my first +4 mythic, completed but did not beat +5
Running and gearing up parallel Alliance and Horde shaman - running Alliance shaman as fast through war campaign as possible to get up to Battle of Dazar’alor
Final alt tally after Korrak’s - 6 Alliance 120s, 12 Horde 120s (18 total)
Looking at the holes:
All classes but one on Horde side have a 120.
Half the classes on Alliance side have a 120 (warrior, hunter, rogue, shaman, mage, and warlock)
No DKs either side; plan Mag’har and Kul’Tiran when allied races become possible.
Have lower levels on Alliance side mostly - dwarf pally, lightforged draenei priest, night elf demon hunter.
No monk Alliance; plan Mechagnome monk.
No druid Alliance; plan Worgen druid (maybe)
No tauren or highmountain tauren; none planned.
No empty slot for vulpera; will probably make Vulpera priest and retire Blood Elf priest to auction mule duty
That will give me all races except 2 Tauren races covered, and all classes represented on both sides. No panda on Alliance.
Priest to almost 31
Healed Deadmines, BFD, and Stockades (twice)
Started N’Zoth
Forgot to start Kun’Lai
Got a 440 wrist
Worked on Mechagnomes and Dark Iron Dwarves
Still need to do Kul’Tiran
245/250 mounts
Comparing toons
Mount Up Add-on:
Wrote new addon guides for Classic - PvP, raids, leveling, and gathering
More KR fun - have 2 new 120 resto shaman - Zandalari on Horde, undeleted and race-flipped 112-now-120, Tauren-now-Draenei on Alliance - KR leveling analysis, stories, and Korrak f*ery
Pandaria timewalking on Alliance
Bought new podcasting mic setup - mic stand, shock mount, pop filter
Computer gently frying - purchased new computer, arriving Saturday. Considered and priced out comps from several companies but ended up buying Alienware Aurora Ryzen edition - Ryzen 6 3600X (6-core 32MB L3 cache/4.4 GHz), NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 Super (6GB), 32 GB RAM, 1TB M.2 SSD
Priest, lock, hunter, rogue, warrior in Classic
This Week in WoW
Winter Veil ended January 2
Pandaria timewalking through January 7
Darkmoon Faire on Retail starts January 5 - no word yet about its release on Classic - supposed to happen in January but apparently not this week
Battleground Bonus Event begins Tuesday, Jan 7
WoW 15th Anniversary ends Jan 7th - with it, the quests, Korrak’s Revenge, and the xp/rep buff
Major update to Classic threat library - changed from the ThreatClassic-1.0 library to LibThreatClassic 2 - means that players using one won’t see/be able to communicate threat between players using different libraries
Players using ClassicThreatMeter must update to new ThreatClassic2
Be sure to update DBM and Details if you are using their built in threat meters
Warsong Gulch Classic
Queueing changed - if you are grouped and in queue, adding a player to your group will reset your place in queue
Season 3 ended prematurely on Dec 31 - usually resets on patch changes, which means it should have ended Jan 14
Working on a hotfix to restore Season 3 and retroactively retain rating changes and tier updates. They don’t anticipate being able to retain season games played count or win counts during the unexpected offseason.
8.3, which will be released Jan 14
Things to do to prepare
Mount Up Add-on:
Rewrote guides for Classic AV and WSG
Running KRs with WNNs - shoutouts to Cryler, Zignea, Webbley, Drexl, Hidebound, Loosechanj, Zeryl, and our visitor JP
Have leveled up 5 more toons to 120 - Alliance warrior and mage; Horde mage, priest, and demon hunter. Horde nightborne monk is now 103; starting work on Zandalari shaman.
Started a lightforged Draenei priest - level 26. Yes, Alliance. In war mode.
Considering buying a new computer
Moved to Atiesh
Pagle started falling apart
Now in JunoEclipse’s guild
That means I had to start my Lock and Priest all over again.
Eh, that’s ok
How to level up skinning and cooking so easily in Elwynn
Why? Because when you get to Westfall you get level 80 recipes
Playing a rogue is SO SLOW
Exalted with Wavecrest
Now I have to work on the turtles
This Week in WoW
Ongoing: WoW Anniversary Event, Feast of Winter Veil
Winter Veil sleigh rides
Globe yeti spawn rates significantly increased (1 minute instead of 30 minutes)
Greatfather Pepe costume is a no-show
Tuesday: World Quest Bonus Event
Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley went live
Paid character transfers
Classic Winter Veil
Korrak’s Revenge - going until 7 January
Learned about Korrak’s Revenge, and how Christy got us hooked
Favorite stories from KRs - Christmas sweaters, Ren’s language issues, taking Zig through her first BG and then her owning them, Webbley’s laugh, the collective obsession with Stormpike Bowmen, Drexl’s bumming rides, and how Cryler single-handedly sabotaged an entire BG
Why you never click anything in tunnels - or, how much fun is it to kick naughty mages
XP and Korrak’s Revenge
Can go in as low as level 10 when the Group Finder becomes available; have seen a level 12 in there
Amount of XP you get increases as you go up in levels. Levels in some ways are depending on activities, but this is what I got for typical runs. In some ways, it depends on your effectiveness.
At level 25, I got about 28% of a level for a win (1.07 % for a win)
Level 40: 50% of a level for a win (1.2% per level)
Level 50: 95% of a level for a win (1.9%)
Level 62: 125% of a level for a win (2%)
Level 103: nearly 2 levels for a win (2%)
Lesson: doesn’t really make sense to go in until at least level 50. No epic speed land mount until 40; can’t get quests til level 60
Korrak: DO NOT KILL HIM THERE. Go to Zul’drak.
8.3 launch date announced: January 14
Mount Up Add-on:
Finished the 4 mythic dungeons
Finished guide to Classic Darkmoon Faire, starting on new guides
Running Rustbolt - revered
So close to exalted with Rustbolt
Got all the rares
Operation: Mechagon - megadungeon? More like a mini-raid
Some people like to work it out
Started working on Waveblade again. No need for a Kul’tiran, just cuz
Did my 4 mythics.
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire
Super Squirt Day on NA servers
Wanderer’s Festival - Saturday, D,mec 7 - “Celebrate and honor Liu Lang and Shen-zin Su at Turtle Beach in Krasarand Wilds. It is a time for contemplation and song!”
Feast of Winter Veil coming up on Dec 16 - both Classic and Retail
Dottie the alpaca pet now available
The Launcher has a new banner
Classic, 8.3, Mechagnome, and BRD Pet Battle Dungeon
Mount Up Add-on:
Our week in WoW
This Week in WoW
This week - Battleground Bonus Event
Next week - BfA Dungeon Event begins
Monday Nov 25 - Pilgrim’s Bounty begins, goes to Monday, Dec 2 at 9:00 AM
Bountiful Table - if you eat 5 helpings of each available food at one table, gain Spirit of Sharing - 10% rep buff increase for 1 hour
Cooking - great way to get original WoW cooking from 1-300
Transmogs: Pilgrim’s Hat, Attire, Dress, Robe, and Boots. Includes Fine Pilgrim’s Hat, which can be used as a transmog for any armor-type hat. Found from Pilgrim’s Bounty, a daily quest reward.
Battle Pets: Frightened Bush chicken, from Pilgrim’s Bounty
Toys: Silver-Plated Turkey Shooter, from Pilgrim’s Bounty
Several achievements and the title Pilgrim
New podcast: People of Azeroth, hosted by Juno-Eclipse
Mike was on Frazlcast
PTR News
Classic News
Mount Up Add-on:
Eight Warcasters and the Six Stacks of Determination, or Secrets of Success: Kick the Warrior and Announce Last Round
Happy 11th Anniversary, Lich King! (squish)
Doing the Cataclysm three-boss section next Wednesday Hordeside, all are welcome
Taking a break from Classic & taking advantage of Anniversary buff
Returning to tanking
Vengeance Demon Hunter 110-116
Finishing DID warrior and BE priest - 115
New guides live: Overview of Covenants and Overview of Leveling Changes. Indepth Covenant guides for each of the 4 covenants submitted. Currently writing articles for engineering and PvP.
Took a (mostly) break from WoW to put in time to Overwatch
This Week in WoW
WoTLK Timewalking
Shadowlands features
Class changes
Cosmetic changes
Classic update
Mount Up Add-on:
Our post-Blizzcon chat
Mount Up Add-on:
Our week in WoW and pre-Blizzcon chat
Mount Up Add-on:
Starting over (again) - level 20 orc warlock
Published 8 new guides in a 9-part series on finding class trainers (up to 31 guides) - working on last guide (rogue) and a new guide to find repair NPCs in every zone
60 slowness
Rerolling a warlock because of a better name
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire ends Sunday
The Great Gnomeregan Run - Sunday Oct 13th
The original Running of the Gnomes is at 7PM EST on Scarlet Crusade, 7 PM EST
Donation link:
Tuesday - Pet Battle Bonus Event
October 21st (Monday) Super Squirt Trainer Day on NA and Oceanic realms
8.3 datamining
Going back to Icecrown?
Vulpera and Mechagnomes
Auction House changes finally coming
Pat battle dungeons - Blackrock Depths
Changes to login
Dire Maul coming next week
Mod of the Case - Prat
Mount Up Add-on:
Ren -
Still making little leveling progress
Wrote a feature article on WoW Classic Tailoring for Cheapskates -
Published and
Starting a series about all WoW classic trainers (including pet, demon, and portal trainers)
Mike -
Lots of Classic stuff
This Week in WoW
Brewfest ends Sunday
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
Battle for Azeroth dungeon event starts Tuesday
How Wowhead is being totally ripped off -- DO NOT support or
Blizzcon Virtual Ticket now available for purchase
Cost: $49.99
Access to streams of all events - replays available until March 31, 2020
In game loot:
World of Warcraft - pair of faction specific Murloc pets and Wendigo Woolies transmog
Overwatch - Overwatch skins look like Illidan and Tyrande
Hearthstone - Golden Legendary card
Heroes of the Storm - BlizzCon spray and portrait, and a Celestial Deepcrawler mount
StarCraft II - 3 new skins - Classic Battlecruiser, Classic Ultralisk, and Classic Carrier.
"More", including a pair of wings for Diablo III players
8.2.5 went live
War Campaign finale
Goblin and Worgen model updates
Recruit A Friend returns
Honeyback Harvester Bee Mount - work with Barry to locate the hive and court the favor of the Hivemother and earn the Honeyback Harvester mount. Both factions can earn other bee-themed toys and items.
WoW 15th Anniversary - November
Log in to receive the Anniversary Gift: Lil' Nefarian pet, Celebration Package that increases XP and rep during the event, a reusable firework, an item that teleports you to the Caverns of Time during the event, other goodies
Defeat 3 bosses in 3 event wings to be awarded the Obsidian Worldbreaker mount
Burning Crusade: Kael'thas Sunstrider, Lady Vash, Archimonde
WOTLK: Heigan the Unclean, Anub'arak, The Lich King
Cata: Chogall, Nefarian, Ragnoros
Alabaster Mounts from in-game shop
Korrak's Revenge - a throwback battleground to old Alterac Valley
Party Sync - when activated, everyone in party becomes aligned to the same quest state and phase. Includes "replay quest" for players who have already completed a quest. Quests can be replayed for rewards once per day.
Relaxing level restrictions: when a lower-level and higher-level character queue for instanced content, higher level players will scale down to match. They will also lose any abilities that aren't appropriate for the new lower level.
New Timewalking: Firelands
Changes to Lunar Festival (Jan 24 - Feb 7 2020): complete the Rite of the Moon to make flower crowns transmoggable year round.
Black Market - removed Grimoire of the Four Winds, added new items
Timewalking vendors now restrict their wares to those who participate in their respective Timewalking events
Several items created with Kul Tiran Engineering now restrict to level 110 or higher - these include Electroshock Mount Motivator, F.R.I.E.D, Organic Discombobulation Grenade, Thermo-Accelerated Plague Spreader, Unstable Temporal Time Shifter
World Quests and Missions now offer gold or war resources to players who have maxxed out their Heart of Azeroth
All reputation requirements have been removed from several War Campaign quests
Auction House purchases over 50k gold now require a confirming dialogue box
Player characters can now be displayed in the Mount Journal preview
Players can now toggle between the map of a quest's final destination and its starting point by clicking the arrow icon next to it on the map
Classic News:
Estimates that Classic has increased WoW subs by 223%
Layering update
All realms will be on a single layer by the time Phase 2 is rolled out
All realms have a maximum of 2 layers - the 13 least populated realms are all permanently set to a single layer
Realms that are operating on more than one layer will soon say "layered". You'll only see Full/High/Medium/Low on realms set to a single layer
Will continue to offer free character moves to balance populations and manage login queues
No date for Phase 2, but confirmed that there will be 2 world bosses (Azuregos and Lord Kazzak).
Reports it will take more than 30 minutes to kill Azuregos -- intentional on Blizzard's part to prevent corpse running
Corpse running - when you run back to your body to resurrect - but when you are killed by Azuregos you get a Mark of Frost debuff that freezes you solid for 15 minutes.
Dire Maul also being reintroduced, as well as the Honor System and PvP rank rewards - Battlegrounds won't come back til phase 3
Mod of the Cast: AutoBiographer
Mount Up Add-on:
Advanced Adulting last week
Still very slow progress: 23 rogue
Finished a few more guides: Cooking Ingredients A-Z, fishing location guide, travel guide -- have two more assignments to finish next week and several more backlogged
Interesting travel facts - a stray 6.0 feature and travel times
Fun in Classic
This Week in WoW
Pirate's Day (today)
Brewfest: starts Friday, Sep 20 - Sun, Oct 6
Nothing new for 2019, not running on Classic
2018 update: Coren Direbrew's trinkets are iLevel 335
Timewalking starts Tuesday, 24 Sep - Warlords of Draenor
Snapback Scuttler mount now available for completing the Undersea Usurper achievement in Nazjatar
8.2.5 upcoming patch
New items coming to the Black Market Auction House
NA realms: free transfers start today - only to specific realms (eg. Pagle to Windseeker). EU realms start tomorrow (Sep 20). Free transfers will be available for 11 days.
New servers: New PvP Classic Spanish server Mandokir, and free PvP character moves to the new Brazilian Portuguese PvP realm Sul'thraze and Latin American Spanish PvP realm Loatheb.
Other news
Blizzard announced that there has been an arrest in the case of the DDOS attacks that plagued the server on September 7-8.
Several things available by 1.12 are not available in Phase 1, including
Thorium Brotherhood reputation rewards
Classic Sunken Temple Class quests
Bug #1: Buffs falling off before the 32 buff cap - most observed issue was a loss in +hit bonuses.
Bug #2, part 2: Some raids have been resetting prior to the weekly lockout, likely due to the layering issue. One streamer found that Molten Core had reset since the last visit less than a week ago, and actually checked with Blizzard before proceeding.
Bug #3: No Summer Bass
Bug #4: Feign Death not working properly
Mount Up Add-on:
Hunter now level 16; WoW writing slowing down WoW leveling
Guides getting lots of good reviews
Had to replace my keyboard AGAIN -- weird Corsair keyboard layouts
Mage is 37.
Had to take a break for a day.
Rise in gold seller chat channel spam and what to do about it
Interface Options > Social > Block Chat Channel Invites
Free Character Transfers on Select EU and Na realms
For one day, NEW realms will be restricted only to those players using a free character moves to ensure they get the names they want. One day after, other players can make new characters on those realms (Only actual new realms are PvP)
Move restrictions: A character cannot move if the character:
is a guild leader.
has active auction listings or bids.
has mail.
You may be required to change your character’s name once you’ve reached the destination realm.
This is a one-way, irreversible move.
Addons - what addons are you using and why?
Mount Up Add-on:
We talk about how we're feeling about Classic, now that it's finally out for a few days.
Mount Up Add-on:
Prepping for classic
Number of servers as of 25 Aug: 21 EU (13 PvP, 8 PvE); 20 NA (12 PvP, 8 PvE)
The Classic LFG debacle
Where to get and how to install - brief primer
What do we think are going to be the biggest surprises for people who have never played Vanilla?
Mount Up Add-on:
Got UD rogue to 11 in Classic during extended stress test
Made many suicide runs to take screenshots, get coordinates
Still not exalted with Nazjatar
2 more Wowhead guides published: Classic Leather Farming Guide Part 2: Specialty Scales and Leathers and Classic Basics: Soloing in Classic 101. In development: farming guides for herbs and ores. All farming guides have been reclassified as Gold Making instead of Professions.
Revered with Nazjatar
Almost honored with Rustbolt
Love Mechanar
Got to 15 on a priest. Again.
Got six toons’ names
Tried cooking
This Week in WoW:
Battlegrounds Bonus Event began Tuesday, Battle of Azeroth Dungeon Event starts next Tuesday
Tomorrow: Free T-Shirt Day
Retail news
Classic news
Mount Up Add-on:
We talk about why we've been afk for a few weeks, and ponder the "leaks" that have come out.
Mount Up Add-on:
Got flight on Monday - game changer
Started working other characters through
Continued issues with Alliance-heavy server
Stealth issue with bodyguard - known issue
Using TomTom with HandyNotes
Secret Fish goggles - segment later
Switching mount equipment
Listening to a new podcast: Morally Grey - thanks to @Ali for the recommendation
Mythics w/Ali
Pet Battle Bonus event
Eternal Palace raid begins - Lady Azshara is already dead, cinematic released
Blizzard is asking people who have been unable to drop combat to bug report - they want the character name and realm, date and time, place it occurred, what pets and/or bodyguards you had active, any steps you took to get out of combat
WoW Classic Closed Beta is … closed.
Hotfixes to 8.2
8.2 impressions
Secret Fish in Mechagon
Mod of the Cast: Rarescanner,
Thanks to @louielegdrop for this recommendation
Mod of the Cast Part 2: Minimap Range Extender,
Mount Up Add-on:
Router choking
Started Nazjatar with mage - grouping issues
Divide and Conquer strat,egy for 8.2
Confirmed: Pathfinder 2 has fully credited for both Explore Mechagon/Explore Nazjatar achievements gained on two separate characters
Wowhead: published first guide, Lost Recipes of Azeroth - working on topics for next guides
Started working on converting files to MP3
Sold NOTHING on the AH
Starts today: BoA dungeon event
4th - Thursday: Fireworks Spectacular - fireworks every hour visible from Booty Bay, Stormwind and Orgrimmar
5th - Friday - Fireworks Spectacular ends, Midsummer Fire Festival ends
7th - Sunday - Darkmoon Faire begins
9th - Eternal Palace raid opens, Pet Battle Bonus event
New Mount Reward for 6 Month Subscription - Syverian Dreamer
Battle for Azshara 8.2
Undocumented patch notes
Mount Up Add-on:
Ren -
Vacation leads into work-a-thon
New writing gig
Playing on other podcasts
Playing Diablo 3 Season 17 (when I have the time) and waiting for 8.2
Timewalking with Ali
Got my Midsummer hearthstone
Did peeing on the horde cities change?
Got my BC mount
Got a tailoring recipe I never had
Made it to level 8
Didn’t have enough time to spend in it as much as I wanted
Herbalism and Alchemy
This Week in WoW
Midsummer Festival started last Friday 6/21 and will run until Friday, 7/5
Battlefield Bonus week
Naked & Afraid 3
New Finishers in Fully Strapped! Zeryl, Kul Tiran Balance druid in 2 days 22 hours 12 minutes - joining Kara’s two druids in the 2 days 22 hours club (hers finished at 4 minutes and 16 minutes). Also Alberthe, Kul Tiran Guardian druid at 3 days 6 hours 34 minutes. Alberthe mentioned that this was the first Naked and Afraid challenge she had finished!
New Finisher in Truly Naked! Gorrum, Kul Tiran Guardian druid finished in 4 days 1 hour 21 minutes.
Classic Server
Indexing old episodes
European realm structure - EU realms will not be split by language, except for Russian.
Stress Test servers now show as WoW Classic under Live - four realms in US, two PvP, two PvE
Next stress test: Jul 18-19 and will involve EU test realms as well
8.2 on Tuesday!
Mount Up Add-on:
@AliandrasK from Dungeon Fables and All Things Azeroth drops by while Ren is on vacation.
Mount Up Add-on:
Lots of discussion about Classic
Mount Up Add-on:
This Week in WoW
- Pet Experience Bonus Week - Super Squirt Day Friday
- Glowcap Festival on Monday, May 27
- Draenor Timewalking starts Tuesday
More on Azeroth Pathfinder, Pt 2 - In addition to the reps, you need to complete Explore Mechagon and Explore Nazjatar
Our impressions of the Classic beta.
Desert Island Mods
Mount Up Add-on:
DID warrior now 97 - spent nearly all of 80-90 in one zone (Jade Forest)
Very little time spent in-game
Stupid discovery of the week: didn’t realize mission champions could go Legendary
Rep grinding:
Finished last couple Draenor factions (Laughing Skull and Steamwheedle Preservation Society
Switched to Klaxxi, Dominance Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught - also finishing up Avengers of Hyjal
This Week in WoW
BFA Dungeon Event ends Tuesday
Pet Battle Bonus Event starts Tuesday 21st
NA Squirt Day! Friday, May 24th
Mount equipment - one slot to rule them all
Safe Haven cinematic - return of Thrall
Worgen and Goblins will be the next to get heritage armor
Warcraft 15th Anniversary is coming up - turns 15 on November 23
8.2 News
WoW Classic News
Mount Up Add-on:
DID warrior now 97 - spent nearly all of 80-90 in one zone (Jade Forest)
Very little time spent in-game
Stupid discovery of the week: didn’t realize mission champions could go Legendary
Got Perma-Pepe
Got the Azeroth's Top Twenty Tunes achievement
Dark Iron Dwarf warrior now 107
Working on DH
Greater tokens
This Week in WoW
Children's Week ends today
Spring Balloon Festival mini event starts Friday, ends Sunday
DMF ends 11:59 PM Saturday
BFA Dungeon Event starts Tuesday
8.2 PTR news
Clarification to Mount Equipment Slots
Heart of Azeroth: Essence System
New Benthic Gearing system
New profession items
Mount Up Add-on:
DID warrior now 97 - spent nearly all of 80-90 in one zone (Jade Forest)
Very little time spent in-game
Stupid discovery of the week: didn’t realize mission champions could go Legendary
Mount farming - nothing.
Crucible on normal w/Ali. So much fun
Finished up more of the war campaign.
Trying to get a damn belt lol. It’s 355 blue.
Did NOT do Noblegarden.
Noblegarden - ends tomorrow - three new bunny ear circlets in blue, brown, and yellow (50 chocolates each) for transmog and the hearthstone Noble Gardener's Hearthstone (250 chocolates).
End of World Quest Bonus week - ends Tuesday
Timewalking - Pandaria starts Tuesday
Children's Week - starts Thursday 5/2 and ends Thursday 5/9
Naked & Afraid 3
Info about Blizzcon 2019
Suspensions went out this week
Classic news
8.2 PTR news
Mount Up Add-on:
Christy, Mike, and Cryler join us for a round table discussion about Battle for Azeroth.
Mount Up Add-on:
We bought a new dishwasher…
Remembering why I hate Zul’drak
Loving resto shaman life
BoD with Ali
Still can’t get the damn staff from BoD.
In fact, got a ton of stuff I already had.
Got the mog toy
Achievements w/Ali - aka - f’n golden egg
Did people change or the game change?
This Week in WoW
Pet Battle Event - no confluence with Squirt day on NA realms, but Tuesday was one on Euro realms (next one will be 24 May 2019)
Darkmoon Faire starts today- new things
Darkmoon Faire Roller Coaster - serves same purpose as the carousel for getting the xp/rep Buff, but MUCH slower
By timer: Roller coaster took 1:20 to get the buff; carousel 13 seconds; carousel is over 9x faster
Getting off the coaster early doesn’t help
New balloon pets - Horse, Murloc and Wolf. 90 tickets each. Companion only, not battle.
Fish head hats - random fishing reward - white quality, 5 at a time
Reminder: make sure to get any professions to level 75 in Vanilla to do the corresponding profession quest in DMF
March of the Tadpoles micro-event: April 5th - Borean Tundra
Segment: Getting Around Azeroth
Mount Up Add-on:
Raiding with Leashes completed
Kul Tiran druid - level 40, 11 hours 43 minutes
Dark Iron Dwarf, level 70
Not much play time this week - bird banding, new genealogy reference book
This Week in WoW
Trial of Style ended today
BoA Dungeon Event starts Tuesday - last boss drops extra loot
Naked & Afraid Update
Already have 2 finishers in the Fully Strapped Division -- both Zandalari Feral Druids! - Thecowking finished with 1 day 21 hours and 1 minute, and Kara with 2 days 22 hours and 16 minutes.
Current highest level in the Truly Naked Division is Morgahn, also a Zandalari Feral Druid at level 76 with 1 day 11 hours and 33 minutes.
Tip: 120s KTs/Zandalari start out at Honored with home faction - buy the 320 cloak
WoW’s Welcome Back Weekend - Mar 21st through 24th, ends today, reactivating all accounts without a subscription
Loot Trading in Classic
Temporary Bans for Leveling Exploit
Q&A with Ian - highlights
What we DO know about 8.2
MODS: Pretty Reps, SavedInstances
Mount Up Add-on:
Raiding with Leashes (8/11) - gotten the two from Terrace of Endless Spring and the five from Heart of Fear, and one from Moshugan Vaults (Comet). Missing three from Moshugan Vaults (Stoneclaw, Wayward Spirit and Baoh-Xi). Bit of a pickle with Blade Lord Tal’yak.
Kul Tiran druid - not playing the race game
Druid healing is not for me
Bought the transmog mount (but not giving up on making money)
Can’t continue War Campaign … yet
Magni … Magni … Magni...
I guested on FrazlCast with Ali!
ArkInventory issues
This Week in WoW
Un’Goro Madness - today through Tuesday
Tuesday: Battleground Bonus Event
Wednesday: Trial of Style 3 (20-24)
Four new ensembles to purchase at 60 Trial of Style tokens, all based on Cataclysm End Time dungeon sets
Naked & Afraid 2 closed
Three new 120 finishers: Kara (Blood Elf Ret Paladin) 3 days 15 hours 14 minutes; SniperFrog (Dark Iron Dwarf Marksman Hunter), 3 days 5 hours, 16 minutes, and Sevy (Gnome Fire Mage) 2 days 18 hours 21 minutes.
Following Honorable Mentions for getting 90 or above: Ali, Hidebound, and Alberthe
Fastest Finisher: Sevy, Gnome Fire Mage, Regular Division, 2 days 18 hours 21 minutes
Fastest Finisher, Warmode Edition: Thecowking, Void Elf Brewmaster Monk, 2 days 23 hours 17 minutes
Most Persistent - Skwahog, Void Elf Affliction Warlock, 6 days 14 hours 28 minutes
Most Gold: Kara, Blood Elf Retribution Paladin - 55,291
Naked & Afraid 3 - All Druids All Day edition, open
Fully Strapped edition - 28 participants so far -- 11 Zandalari, 11 Kul Tiran, 2 Highmountain, 2 Troll, 1 Tauren, 1 Worgen
Truly Naked edition - 10 participants so far - 5 Kul Tirans, 2 Worgen, 1 Zandalari, 1 Tauren, I signed up but undecided
Current Leaders: (Levels and times current as of 9 AM)
Fully Strapped: Thecowking (Zandalari feral) level 80 with 17 hours 45 minutes
Truly Naked: Morgahnn (Zandalari feral) level 52 with 15 hours 58 minutes
Issue with Discord overlay - Blue post acknowledging there is a problem with game display issues and crashes for users of Discord overlay
8.1.5 news
Mount Up Add-on:
Lots of advanced adulting this week (had to miss #WNN)
Working on a nightborne monk as well as the dark iron dwarf warrior
Also working on some rep grinds - still needs more Proudmoore Admiralty
DH to 119
Darkshore bosses
Achievements with Ali
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire until midnight, Sunday March 10th (Daylight Saving Time?)
World Quest event runs until Tuesday, March 12
8.1.5 lands Tuesday
Also starts Tuesday: Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking
Ungoro Madness, March 17-19
Naked & Afraid 2 running until March 12th
Naked & Afraid 3: All Druids All Day - Clothing Optional
Starts … NOW!
Rule changes fleshed out - posted off our Discord N&A 3 channel
8.1.5 lands Tuesday
More info on Tools of the Trade
Raiding with Leashes: Pets of Pandaria
New mechanical parrot quest - “Feathers”
Mount Up Add-on:
Was supposed to do timewalking but got caught up first in RL exciting project, and then power outages
Dark Iron Dwarf warrior now level 61
Completed War Campaigns on both sides, up to the Battle of Dazar’alor
Money making slowed down from lack of attention, but currently still averaging about 16k per day, mostly due to cheap monelite ore vs. expensive monel-hardened stirrups
Talking to others in Discord about doing island expeditions
Demon Hunter to 115
Fun times with Ali doing timewalking
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire opens Sunday, Mar 3
World Quest Bonus Week - extra 50% bonus rep plus 1000 war resources for completing 20 world quests (good for those trying to finish up for the Kul Tiran or Zandalari racial unlocks)
Third and final wing of Battle of Dazar’alor opened on LFR
Naked and Afraid News
8.1.5 news:
Release Date: March 12
Kul Tirans and Zandalari will launch
From the Discord:
Mount Up Add-on:
Three down, one to go: Waycrest Manor with #WNN with Kara, Alla, Zignea and Level
Discipline priest or resto shaman?
Playing with healing mods
The secret of the vulpine familiar
Fun with Ali
Druid to 110
This Week in WoW
Love Is In the Air - through Tuesday Feb 26th
Burning Crusade timewalking
Hatching of the Hippogryphs - Sun Feb 23
Layoffs at Activision/Blizzard - 8% work force (800 out of 9600 employees), primarily in public relations, marketing, and esports
Love Is In the Air:
New this year:
Peddlefeet's Lovely Hearthstone - 150 Love Tokens
Must be 110 or higher to acquire the Big Love Rocket mount
Crown Company Necklace rewards are ilevel 365 max for 120 players (????)
Economy hint:
Swift Lovebird, for 270 Love Tokens, can be bought and sold on the AH (on Whisperwind median price is about 125k
Naked & Afraid Update
No new finishers but several people in the 70-90 range
This season will end: Wednesday, March 20th
Naked & Afraid 3: All Druids All Day will start about 2 weeks after the launch of 8.1.5
WNN will try to help people finish the Pride of Kul Tiras/Nation Divided for folks who need that to open Kul Tiras (Zandalaris have no dungeon requirements; Kul Tirans have 4)
Wednesday Night Normals
8.1.5 patch news
Ren: Still making around 20k/day but shifted focus from farming mats to crafting stirrups and hoofplates with cheap monelite
Mount Up Add-on:
Wednesday Night Normals group - Shrine of the Storm and the Battle of the Bridge
Zignea, Level, Geomancer, and Alla
Got 10th 120 - finished my Horde panda mage
Economy talk in news
I have decided to start getting money
Went through all my toons to see what I have
My value is 2.1M gold
So many things that are wasting space
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire ends Feb 9th, 11:59 PM server time
Lunar Festival ends Feb 11th
Love Is In The Air starts Feb 12th (no information on updates for 2019)
Pet Battle Bonus Event begins Feb 12th - no Squirt battle available for NA realms (not until May 24th), but she will be up on EU realms on Sunday, Feb 17th
Method World First - Mythic Jaina (Limit was either #2 or #3)
8.1.5 news
Fun with Tradeskill Master
Mount Up Add-on:
Warcast group run on Tol Dagor, after making a dreadful discovery
Didn't stream or record; computer equipment not up to the challenge
Alliance warlock now Exalted with 7th Legion, working on all quests, "finished" War Campaign
Horde warlock working through war campaign
Trying TradeSkill Master - discussion later on the state of professions
Did not do my Void Elf
Ran a dungeon w/Ren
Hellfire Citadel
Got everything except the belt
Will be trying to make 5 million gold
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire, Feb 3-9
Battle for Azeroth Dungeon Event
Naked & Afraid updates
Newest 120s: Ketchupman, Normal Division, Void Elf Beastmaster Hunter - 2 days 19 hours 34 minutes - current leader in BOTH divisions --- Also Kara, Blood Elf Ret Pally, first Horde finisher, 3 days 15 hours, 4 minutes (adjusted)
Fully Strapped divisions have received consistent enthusiasm, not just from those who plan to use it
Lunar Festival -
7 new toys - Green Dragon and Blue Dragon Tail, Body, and Head Costumes, and Lunar Elder's Hearthstone sold by Fariel Starsong - similar to the Red Dragon costume pieces introduced in 2017
New complication: Because of the destruction of Lordaeron and the World Tree, if you're doing these with post-110 characters, you will need to talk to Zidormi to restore certain zones.
Undercity and Tirisfal Glades - near the Ruins of Undercity
Teldrassil and Darnassus - outside Lor'danel in Darkshore
Silithus - near Valor's Rest
Blasted Lands - north entrance of Blasted Lands
Hogrus, Year of the Pig mount, introduced to Blizzard store - $25 US
Battle of Dazar'alor Mythic and Raid Finder 1 unlocked
Race to World First Dazar'alor Jaina kill
Professions in WoW
Getting serious about making coin
Tradeskill Master has been a revelation
Features that make a difference
Prices of actual sales, not just what people post things for
Integrated DE prices and prices of crafting based on real time component prices
Instant information on what is profitable to make, or profitable to sell the components and buy
What drove this idea: discovery that Method is using Skystep Potions in its Jaina strat
The idea that consumables (potions, enchants, contracts) are the big money makers, but they are not - various information on some of the professions
Mount Up Add-on:
Rushing my warlock to 120 on Sunday, to iLevel 320+ and Darkshore, finished main lines of all zones, war campaign to date, current iLevel 361
Island campaigns
Why Demonology Lock is becoming my new main, on both sides
Mog runs
Finished up some things in Emerald Nightmare
This Week in WoW
Lunar Festival - Jan 28th - Feb 11th
31st: Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl mini event
Naked & Afraid Updates
Flying Pig Mount available on Chinese servers for a 6-month subscription for the Year of the Pig
Thursday Q&A with Ian Hazzikostas
Discussion from Discord: Should Draenor flying be grandfathered in for all players?
Mount Up Add-on:
Getting my red-butt skitterer
Void Elf Warlock is now level 112
Avoiding getting rid of the Irontide Hat disguise
Yet Another Headset
Started working on toys, and more mounts, and my Void Elf
This Week in WoW
World quest event - 1000 order resources
Battle of Dazar’alor raid opens
Pandaria timewalking
Call of the Scarab microholiday
Naked & Afraid updates - No new 120s but many making excellent progress!
Tides of Vengeance 2 goes live
Burning Crusade released 12 years ago - A Retrospective
Mount Up Add-on:
Ren -
Extensive testing on Darkmoon Faire profession quests
Void elf warlock now 94 - spent 60-80 entirely in two zones in Outlands, Hellfire Peninsula and Netherstorm. 80-86 spent in Vash’jr, moving to Twilight Highlands for final 4 levels
Went to Draenor just short of 91, got to 94 on opening campaigns and treasures
Need to get back to finishing war campaigns on both Horde and Alliance sides
Mike -
I was sick
This Week in WoW
Brawls and PvP
Next Tuesday: World Quest Bonus Week
Naked & Afraid Update
Warmode suggested mod from Cinnah: SPY
Darkmoon Faire quests now giving points for highest expansion pack your character has unlocked
8.1.5 PTR has opened
Will be testing a limited subset of features, including:
Kul Tiran and Zandalari race unlocks
Naga invasion World Quests
New portal rooms in faction capitols
Next chapter of Raiding With Leashes pet battle (Pets of Pandaria), collecting pets from Mogu’shan Vaults, Terrace of Endless Spring and Heart of Fear - 12 pets (3 magic, 3 elemental, 2 beast, 2 flying, 1 undead and 1 dragonkin)
Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin graphic improvements
Announced for 8.1.5 but not available yet on PTR:
New War Campaign quests
new manufacturing profession quests
Hati quests
Magni quests
Draenor timewalking
new brawl
Wintergrasp coming to Epic Battleground list
new Brawler's Guild update
new Darkmoon Faire roller coaster
new microholidays and updates to Children's Week
Kul Tiran and Zandalari unlocks revealed
Children’s Week changes
Stan Lee tribute: Reports of an Alliance-armored "Stanley" character in Stormwind Keep on 8.1.5 PTR. The NPC says "Excelsior!"
Destiny 2 is leaving Activision Blizzard - publishing rights are being transferred back to Bungie, the original studio
Blizzard: “Destiny 2 will still receive full support on BattleNet and we do not anticipate any disruption to our services or your gameplay experience”
Mount Up Add-on:
Mike and Ren go noteless again, ringing in the new year with some chat about the state of the game.
Mount Up Add-on:
Finished second part of war campaign on Horde - what’s unlocked anyway
Up to seven 120s, closing in on #8 - getting sick of the 110-120 leveling grind
Thoughts on incursions
Thoughts on Battle of Darkshore
Taking advantage of the leveling improvements
Learning to “edit”
New headset - yes, another one
Got the Hivemind
Spending time on misc. things
Might start on toys this weekend.
This Week in WoW
Ongoing: Feast of Winter Veil
BfA Dungeon Event until Tuesday
Tuesday starts Pet Battle Bonus Event - and Squirt Day on NA servers!
Naked & Afraid Update
Disabling XP Gains at 110?
Blood soaked Tome of Dark Whispers - allows hunters to tame blood beasts (crawgs and blood ticks)
Blizzard is retiring several mounts, pets, and helms from the Blizzard store -
Ivus loot bug: suspensions incoming
Pet Smugglers: Olly and Dodger
Mount Up Add-on:
Ali (@aliandrask) from Dungeon Fables steps in as co-host this week!
We ditch the show notes again, but we have specific things to talk about with patch 8.1
Mount Up Add-on:
Ali (@aliandrask) from Dungeon Fables steps in as co-host this week!
We ditch the show notes this week, and do shots. Freeform show just chatting about the World...of Warcraft.
Mount Up Add-on:
Ali (@aliandrask) from Dungeon Fables steps in as co-host this week!
Tides of War road trip, WQ, dark iron up to 41 (/played 13 hrs)
Didn’t play much because of the holidays
Oh, I got a new mixer
What do you do in your downtime?
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
Wrath timewalking Tuesday
Tides of Vengeance will be released Dec. 11. We have what's new.
Naked and Afraid update
Mount Up Add-on:
Finished zones and war campaign on Alliance
Working on zone achievements - got the Wicker Pup doing the Drustvar treasure achievement
Decided to shelves Naked and Afraid characters until December 10th - using the Celebration buff to run up 110s
Exalted with Storm’s wake
Just Champions of Azeroth and Turtles left
Got two pieces of gear from anniversary
New 355 headpiece - i352 now
I now have two pieces with compasses on them. Neither are in sync.
This Week in WoW
Pilgrim’s Bounty - Nov 19 through 26
Arena Skirmishes start Tuesday
Warcraft turns 14! Now through November 30th
The rest of the Blizzcon Q&A questions are up and answered
Forum upgrades
Segment: Remembering vanilla
Mount Up Add-on:
Renata -
Exalted with all BfA factions Hordeside
2 level 30s in Naked and Afraid - one doing MUCH better than the other
120 #5 - Orc destruction warlock
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire until Saturday
Pet Battles this week (Squirt is coming November 10!)
Monday 12th: Moonkin Festival
Tuesday: Burning Crusade timewalking
Naked & Afraid is well underway! And with that ….
Experience Reduced in upcoming 8.1
Experienced required to level from 20 to 120 has been reduced - biggest reductions
In the level 20-32 ramps up from 2.5% to 20% drop
33-58 ramps up from 20% to 39% drop, about a half percent increase per level
59-66 40% drop
67-80% 39-26% drop, reducing 1% per level
81-111 25% drop
Minimal drop 111-120 (less than 1%)
Allied race issue: Classes misreported at Blizzcon
Zandalar trolls cannot be warlocks, and Kul Tirans can be mages.
Classic Demo extended to November 12th
Diablo Immortal: Conflicting info on whether Blizzard was planning to present D4 information at Blizzcon but then decided against it.
Blizzard has said they did not make such plans
Blizzard has said they are working on several mobile projects across multiple titles, some with NetEase, others internally
Segment: Making WoW friendly for people that are dyslexic
Mount Up Add-on:
All about Blizzcon 2018
Mount Up Add-on:
First BFA reps maxxed: Exalted with Honorbound and Zandalari (we need paragon rep!)
Finished 5 island campaigns on main - questioning whether will do it on other characters
Attempted 2 man of Atal’Dazar - almost but not quite there. High 340s not quite enough.
Mag’har racial opening quest is the WORST -- and a new justification/motivation for leveling another toon
Mag’har hunter: running zones using All The Things to identify areas where I haven’t gotten mail transmogs from questing there
Bonus: got the Hyacinth Macaw as a random drop
The Great UI Experiment - initial impressions and why I’m not going to go through with it after all
Random question of the week: who’s taking care of the poor carnies?
Rep. That’s it.
This Week in WoW:
Hallows’ End starts today - goes through Thursday, November 1
Headless Horseman: levels 23-120
Things to buy with Tricky Treats: pets, costumes, masks, wands, Magic Broom
New toy: Headless Horseman’s Hearthstone for 150 Tricky Treats
“Return home in the spookiest way” -- creates a circle of flames around you and puts a Hallowed Helm on your head, and your character laughs when the cast completes
Pandaria Timewalking
Naked & Afraid 2: Revenge of the Races is coming Thursday, October 25th!
Needed motivation for running up Allied race to 120 for achievement
Run an allied race or a non-allied race - no gold, no gear, no heirlooms.
Pick a race, class, and spec, and stick with it until 120 (one spec change allowed). Judged on /played time to 120. We encourage running a class or spec you haven’t run before but it isn’t required
Nonallied races will have time from 1-20 deducted from total, since allied races start at level 20
Two divisions: Regular and Warmode
New this time around: Guilds
US-Alliance Silvermoon: Naked & Afraid (could start the same guild Hordeside on Mok’Nathal, the connected server, forr those who want to start Horde races)
EU-Alliance Vek’nilash: Naked & Afraid
All members will have the power to invite to the guild, at least for a little while. Be careful only to invite people who are familiar with the Naked and Afraid challenge. Perhaps ask them to name the two hosts of the show as a challenge question.
@thecowking has made an EU Warcast Community and has posted a link to it on our #worldofwarcast channel on Discord
Full rules posted on the #naked-and-afraid-2 Discord channel
Wowhead is making a Classic WoW site -, with all the databases, guides, etc.
Decided to use modern back-end elements but are using old-school styling such as logos and menus to reflect the retro style
Blizzard announced multiple Diablo projects are expected over the coming months
Diablo III coming to Nintendo Switch already announced for November 2
There will be a Diablo What’s Next panel shortly after the opening ceremony
Patch 8.1 - Notable changes on the PTR and from Ian Hazzikostas QA from the 11th
Lots and lots of discussion about azerite armor changes
New warfronts will run in a parallel cycle to the current one - you could be contributing to one warfront while attacking in another
No plans to make Death Knight class available for new Allied Races anytime soon
Several new battle pets associated with the new Darkshore warfront, such as the Darkshore Sentinel (Owl), Void Jelly, Everburning Treant, Detective Ray, Gust of Cyclarus
Also new mounts: a bear, nightsabers, chimera, and a kodo. Reins of the Onyx War Hyena will be a new rated PvP mount, and there are a couple frog mounts that have not yet been assigned
New pet model for baby raptors
Darkmoon Faire Favors achievement has been reduced from six to five profession based quests completed
New cooking recipe: Seasoned Steak and Potatoes (maybe something to do with those Thick Paleo Steaks other than the banquets?)
Reputation gains from Legion World Quests will be doubled
Looking at flight paths - possibly a book to buy at max level that unlocks all the flight paths on alts
War Campaign chapters not alt friendly - give almost no reputation when you complete them. They will be adding a “large amount of reputation” to these chapters
Mount Up Add-on:
Finished BfA Pathfinder part 1 on Horde rogue
Working on full quest completion with Horde rogue - using Quest Completionist mod to find quests I haven’t done
Close to finishing up my 4th 120 - Horde warrior is now 118
New experiment incoming based on two less structured experiments
Ran Alliance rogue up to 120 trying to complete all quests I could find in a zone before moving onto the next - finished 120 with 1 chapter left in Stormsong and no quests completed in Drustvar
Partway through running up Horde warrior, decided to stick ONLY to the mainline quests that give the zone achievements and do no side quests (not easy to figure out which those are) -- finished all three zones just after finishing 118
Will take up 2 more Horde toons, starting fresh with the idea that one will do all quests in a zone before leaving, and one will do just the mainline run, see where I end up by 120, including comparisons of rep
Neither will do the outpost campaigns until 120, just to keep those out of the mix
Benefit: mostly just to keep myself motivated through the process of leveling up yet another 2 toons
Another experiment incoming: Week-long tests of UI replacement mods - first test will be on ElvUI. May not happen til next week just because of other things going on IRL.
Half way through exalted on some rep
Still friendly with turtles
Started my monk up again, but didn’t have nearly enough time to play yet.
Basically checked out talents. No dungeons yet.
I hate frost outdoors
So many resources!
I wanted to do timewalking this weekend and just had zero time.
This Week in WoW:
Darkmoon Faire - Oct 7th - 13th
World Quest Bonus Week starts Oct 9th - tooltip says it’s for Broken Isles WQs?
Running of the Gnomes/Great Gnomeregan Run on Scarlet Crusade, 4 PM PDT, Saturday October 13th - annual fundraiser for breast cancer research. Starts at the spawn spot of new gnomes - there is a Facebook page
Update: WoW Diary Kickstarter ended September 25th with 8,379 backers pledging $598,999 - biggest nonfiction book Kickstarter in history
By far the most popular tier was the $40 backers for both the electronic book and print book with 6,661 backers (80%), followed by the $150 level for the electronic book, signed copy of the print book and companion booklet with 1,117 backers (13%)
For those who missed this Kickstarter, the book will eventually be available on Amazon for about 20% more than the Kickstarter edition and without the perks
Mike Morhaime stepping down as President of Blizzard; J. Allen Brack, Wow’s Executive Director for WoW, taking over. Morhaime will remain as a “strategic advisor” to Blizzard.
Upcoming Azerite armor changes - Blizzard realizes there are problems with the current system
Make Azerite armor more available - looking to add Azerite Armor rewards from Emissary quests that scale up to 370, depending on current iLevel. Also mentioned “making further improvements to the ways Emissaries reward gear”.
When new Azerite Armor is introduced in “BfA Season 2” (Patch 8.1), armor that currently only has 2 possible traits will get a third.
Continuing to work on the individual traits themselves - balancing out those who want more generic traits for wider applicability, vs. those who want to fine-tune traits to specs or situations
The first problem - overall availability -- will be hotfixed in before 8.1. The third trait slot and the new abilities won’t come in until the patch.
8.1 news
Players beyond level 110 will be able to enter Legion era raids in LFR difficulty
Noblegarden: “Shake Your Bunny Maker” is being changed to place rabbit ears upon any character over level 18, not just female characters.
On the Frontlines: New achievement to complete all six Horde or Alliance assaults
Several new Battle Pet achievements, based on previous expansion achievements to defeat all 15 Master Tamers on Kul Tiras or Zandalar with teams of all one pet type (dragonkin, flying, beast, critter, etc)
New paladin spell visuals for Flash of Light and Beacon of Light
New information on Faction Incursions
Will only be for characters 110 or above (Ren: boo)
Completing 4 incursions will result in a random 370 weapon or Azerite Armor for quests. These items are from the same item pool from Warfronts (7th Legion/Honorbound items)
Will work a lot like Legion Invasions: after completing 4 incursion quests, you have to complete a short scenario to take down an airship
Doubleagent the Neutral Panda is now level 117
Mount Up Add-on:
Thorn and Thyst from Lagging Balls, and Eric Van Skyhawk come by to shoot the breeze about WoW.
Mount Up Add-on:
Learning curve with island expedition - Gamino joined Cryler and me for some island expedition fun
We learned there can be way, WAY too many bears
Quote of the day: “I pulled five … okay, thirty.”
Found out it was five ISLANDS, not five expeditions
Killing Azuregos when you’re a melee DPS
Finished Revered with Honorbound and am opening outposts
Exalted rep comparisons in preparation for the first major patch
Working on Insurrection line in Suramar to open Nightborne
King’s Rest is hard
Did no
Another 350 in my trunk
More rep
Didn’t have time for LFR
Question of the week!
This Week in WoW:
Brewfest starts today
Only change this year, Coren Direbrew’s trinkets have been updated for level 120 players (iLevel 335 - may not be updating yet)
Harvest Festival - ends Tuesday
Pet Battle Bonus Event - ends Tuesday
Cataclysm Timewalking begins Tuesday
WoW Diary Kickstarter Update:
As of 8 PM EST today, had raised $394,614 with 5,452 backers (trivia: was fully funded at original $10k ten minutes after launch, August 28) - up[ $6,620 from this 9 AM
Was able to add 2 upgrades:
$300k upgrade: added a gold foil end sheet with “Original Kickstarter Backer” printed on it
$350k upgrade: Gold foil title lettering on the spine and cover
Not yet funded: $400k upgrade - spot varnishing on all the pictures
Currently second highest non-fiction book ever launched through Kickstarter - has to pass $424k to do that
Google “wow diary kickstarter” or go to - now through next Thursday, September 25
New mount and pet in Blizzard store: The Dreadwake and Cap’n Crackers
Dreadwake currently tied to purchasing 180 days’ game time in advance - not sold separately
WoW Token price fall
from end of July through today, WoW token prices have fallen by half
Buying gold for real money isn’t cost effective, but cashing in gold for Blizzard Balance is at an all-time high - was talking to Wulfrictheslayer on Discord about his play to buy his virtual ticket with in-game gold (we calculated the Virtual Ticket to be about 260-270k gold) - current US price is about 105,000 gold = $20
Patch 8.1 announced: Tides of Vengeance
No release date but the patch will be hitting the PTR next week
News tip from Discord users and Weekly Research Assistants Kneemo and Hidebound: Incursions, similar to invasions in Legion
Quests with extra-potent rewards that will randomly pop up and replace a zone’s World Quest content for several hours
Purpose is for helping level alts, although it seems as though this content will only be available at level 98 and above
Heritage armor will become available for all races - starting with Dwarf and Blood Elf - will require some short quest lines to claim
New Allied Races: Kul’Tiran and Zandalari Troll - “not quite there yet” but are getting closer.
Vol’jin, Saurfang and Tyrande will have their stories expanded
New warfront: Darkshore
Focuses on war between night elves and undead
Updated Darkshore zone, new max level rares
Alliance will start this one with the contribution phase
Updates to island expeditions
Two new islands
New events, enemies, spawn rates, and interactions
Example: setting up an Azerite extractor in a location that will feed a constant small stream of azerite to the party, but can be taken over by the enemy
Two new raids
Siege of Zulduzar (name might change)
Alliance will fight to the top of the city from the sea, and Horde will start from the jungle
Bosses will be unique for each faction
Crucible of Storms - only 2 bosses, centered on old gods in Stormsong Valley
Modeled after the 3-boss Trial of Valor
Azerite traits - traits are getting an overhaul
Champions of Azeroth - Unlocking Champions of Azeroth rep on one character will unlock it on all characters
All about the new rep changes.
Mount Up Add-on:
Finished 120 on my Alliance rogue - still haven’t set foot in Drustvar
Starting to hit Revered with various factions on Horde rogue
Did warfronts on Horde rogue and paladin
First warfront (rogue) - lots of fun, very quiet, felt epic - got a 355 cloak 370 bracers
Second warfront (pally) - ended up tanking a lot of the bosses, including the last one - self-appointed “general” who would not shut up - got a 340 BP and 370 cloak
Had issue when tried to take pally in - 320 minimum iLevel but was 309
Made some purchases to shore up worst items
Tried to upgrade items through WQs but wasn’t getting much luck with availability - only azerite item still 310 was hat, and I got 3 breastplates in a row from azerite caches
Thanks to Thecowking for tipping me off to a cheap level 355 Darkmoon trinket that took me from 316 to 320
Got a mythic +2 chest!
Oh, but it has a lesser item than what I had :P
Rep, rep, rep
This Week in WoW:
18th-25th - Harvest Festival; Pet Battle Bonus Event
18th - 19th: Pirate Day
20th - 6th: Brewfest
Blizzard Virtual Ticket on sale - $49.99 (same as last year)
Most will be available until March 31, 2019 - Community Night and closing night guaranteed to be up for 1 month after event
No details on in-game loot, except for an Overwatch skin for Sombra modeled after the Diablo III demon hunter
Ian Hazzikostas will be having an AMA on /r/wow (started at 2 PM PST today) so we will go over that next week.
Classic WoW AMA 0n the /classicwow subreddit - some highlights
Mount Up Add-on:
“Fixed” my problem with subtlety rogue
Working rep with rogue - finishing all quests in each zone
114 worgen rogue working through Tirisgarde - “the zone that never ends”
Major rant about the differences between layouts of Dazar’alor and Boralus Harbor, including a major physics problem for the Horde
Found another way archaeology is different = Darkmoon Faire
War Campaign on Horde on hold until Revered with Honorbound
Mythics with Ali
Finished the whole Kul Tiras storyline
Oh, but you have to be revered with 7th Legion to continue with Z
Working hard on rep because ^^
Arathi was amazing.
Lag on night one
So many epics and toys
One more heroic for the achievement
Working on Pathfinder
This Week in WoW:
Darkmoon Faire until Sunday
Warfronts open (more in news)
Uldir opens
Next Tuesday: BfA Dungeon Event begins
Notable hotfixes of the week
Unintended gear drops - Blizzard corrections
Mount Up Add-on:
Ren -
Now have two 120s and two 111s, gotten most of my characters into the city
Still working on effective AOE for subtlety rogue
Still have not resolved missing XP bar but have a workaround (Experiencer)
Started archaeology
Archaeology progress still showing old number system (current level 825), but shows as “Zandalari Archaeology”
Restored Artifacts - no new vendor, not showing up for Legion era fragments (usually current through previous expansion)
Mike -
Want to do mythics this weekend.
Trying to get 330+
Revered with Order of Embers. - yummy 335 gear.
It’s been all rep and rep and rep and gear.
Stalled professions because I can’t make anything decent until I do mythics.
I plan on finishing the other zones over the next few days.
Need more followers
This Week in WoW
Trial of Style started - free transmogs!
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
BfA sold 3.4 million copies on its first day - franchise record
Does this only count new purchases on opening day, or does it count prepurchases?
Notable hotfixes for the week
Auction House changes - will be discussed separately
Demon hunters no longer falling to their deaths gliding away from Dazar’alor.
Feral druids continuing to receive upgrades to their AOE abilities
Creatures and NPCs
Treasure hunters around the Deadwash will no longer inadvertantly flag Horde players PvP
Freehold now has an NPC at the end that will port characters to the beginning
Kings’ Rest: enemy casters now have mana bars
Azerite armor now tradeable
Faction items can now be traded back to their Quartermaster for a full refund for 2 hours
Inscription - Contract duration is now 7 days
Cooking - Foods now provide significantly more health and mana
World Quests
Profession WQs will now not show up for characters who don’t have that profession
Being hit by Frightened Stomps of Frightened Brutosaur during “Underfoot” will no longer flag players
Several missing Zandalar mailboxes have been returned
Auction house hotfixes, plus premium 20% extra deposit for tradeskill items. But are the actual numbers going to dissuade sellers?
Wide variety of deposit prices for stacks of 1 vs larger stacks
Remember: only pay the deposit if the item doesn’t sell
Sample items from BfA: Monelite ore, Gloom Dust, Great Sea Catfish - Deposit inflation between 1 stack of 200 and 200 stacks of 1:
Great Sea Catfish - 7.5g to 47.5g - or 633%
US median 24g - lose 47.5g out of 4800, 1% loss
Gloom Dust - 8g to 200g - or 2500%
US median 27g, so 200g out of 5400, or 3.7% loss
Monelite Ore - 1s 30c to 40g - or 307,000 %
US median 48g, so 9600/40, or 0.42 loss
HandyNotes has new modules for BfA treasures and achievement points in zones
WQ exploit - how it worked, how it has ended
Warning: getting whispers from accounts that make you think it’s Blizzard saying you have to go to a website to plead your case because you’re about to be banned - recognize official Blizz communications
Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part One - start working on it now for increased mount speed
Battle for Azeroth Explorer
Explore all 6 zones on both continents
Wide World of Quests
Complete 100 world quests
Azerothian Diplomat
Earn Revered with the following factions, Champions of Azeroth and Tortollan Seekers, and the following for each side:
Alliance - Proudmoore Admiralty, Storm’s Wake Order of Embers, 7th Legion
Horde: Zandalari Empire, Voldunai, Talanji’s Expedition, The Honorbound
Either Kul Tourist or Zandalar Forever - complete all main story lines of your side’s three zones
Ready for War (faction) - complete your side’s War Campaign - starts with establishing footholds necessary to open world quests. The rest requires becoming Friendly with your side’s war rep (Honorbound or 7th Legion)
No dungeon or raid requirements (yet)
Mod of the Cast: The alpha release of WORLD QUEST TRACKER.
Mount Up Add-on:
Have 1 level 117 prot paladin and 1 level 114 subtlety rogue
Disappointed by pickpocketing
Noticed small amount of voice recycling - some of the voices/sayings of the Vulpera are identical to those of pandaren children
Navigating the ziggurat: 8 level changes and 327 stairs between the main level and the profession trainers
Fossilized Raptor mount now has apparent hip problems
Technical issue: keep having problem where my xp bars aren’t showing xp -- just showing rep and artifact power %. Temporary fix: open Rep pane, toggle one of the reps “show as experience bar” on/off. Problem seems unrelated to mods, as it does it even when all mods are off
Burning the horde in the Clearcut was fun :D
Dinged 120 on Sunday - it was faster than expected.
Marie Davenport is the best grandma in WoW
Drustvar is amazing
Trying to get geared up for heroics - currently 301
Have not finished all zones. Still four whole zones to complete
New trick - group members kicking themselves to beat the timer.
Got into a dungeon where three people left, no tank
Next dungeon got me three pieces.
Tailoring has slowed.
Still have to deal with enchanting. Haven’t taken a good look at it.
WQs open after two Zandalar zones are quick-finished, then one solo island expedition, THEN the third, THEN friendly rep.
This Week in WoW
PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse event
Seemingly not going for weekly stuff for another few weeks into the expansion at least
News and BfA
Do the city quests first - leads to other benefits
Example: Pests in northern area of Horde city called the Zocalo - be sure to pick up
“Pests” - gives you access to Jani, the Loa of Scavengers. As you’re out and about, you will sometimes get a whisper from her that you’ve found a “shiny trinket” - find her trash pile to get a treasure chest
Horde - starts in the Zocalo, the northern part of the city, so do this right away.
Alliance: starts in Shatterstone Harbor in Vol’dun, so you don’t get this one til later
Changing and advancing professions in BfA
Advantage to changing: you can start along with everyone else
When you change the profession, you have to click TWICE - once to get the initial Vanilla levels, and then a second time to learn the Zandalari profession
Check to make sure you pick up all your level 1 abilities and recipes - you get them automatically sometimes (cooking) and not other times (gathering professions)
Worth getting your other profession alts at least started in the city - early level stuff can be useful, such as the level 1 Rubellite recipe in JC (Insightful Rubellite - +5% xp) and the Zandalari tradeskill glove enchants. Rubelite currently selling for around 70g on Whisperwind AH; Zandalari tradeskill enchants are pretty cheap also if you don’t want to DIY
Developer Q&A with Ian Hazzikostas: some highlights
Feral druid AOE tuning has been improved but isn’t finished yet.
120 power setback is noticeable - looking in future expansions to smooth it out so you don’t feel like hitting max level is a huge backward jump
Autoaccept removed from groups: development believed autoaccept for groups and using addons for searching for groups created an imbalance between those who used addons and those who didn’t. (Ren does not approve)
AH is showing its age, particularly on high pop servers.
Search options too limited
May introduce deposits that would reward people with bulk pricing -- higher deposits for people who post a single stack of a stackable trade good (what could go wrong?)
Community moderation coming in the next patch
Azerite armor will be tradeable starting after next week’s patch (“they don’t want players to abuse the system to look for the best possible class/trait combination to loot a certain piece of azerite armor”)
AP needed to advance your Heart of Azeroth will be reduced
New models incoming for goblins and worgen (please fix hats!)
Is this expansion “alt friendly”?
Takes me about 20 minutes to get from beginning of entry quests to in the first inn, bound, and basic professions upgraded. Multiply that by 13 level 110s and that’s over 4 hours just to get everyone in the game. Not even counting the 1 Horde and 1 Alliance character I needed to take through the whole thing.
Are side quests a problem?
Mount Up Add-on:
Our first impressions of Battle For Azeroth!
Mount Up Add-on:
This Week in WoW:
Pet battle bonus event
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
Lots of hotfixes to classes, creatures, professions, raids, dungeons and quests - almost daily since prepatch
Hotfix to experience: experience required to level has been lowered for all levels 40-100. Reduction averages 14% between 60-80, with smaller reductions at other levels.
Quest log bug -
“Due to an issue, during a short time between 1st of August, 09:30 pm and 2nd of August 01:45 am players would get all their quest log abandoned when using a teleportation ability, such as hearthstone or mage portal. This issue is fixed by now, and we will try to assist you with recovering your quest progress.
If you lost a progress of a quest, that can be completed during single play session, please, proceed by restarting this quest.
If you were impacted by this issue and you lost a progress of a multistep quest, that takes several days to complete or a quest that you are not able to pick up anymore, we will try to recover the progress. Please, note, that we do not guarantee to recover progress as it was before the loss, but we will do our best.”
War of Thorns parts 1&2: thoughts
Mount Up Add-on:
Mocktail of the Cast: Juniper and Tonic
Shoulder surgery on June 9; haven’t been able to do much in game since
Shoulder surgery turned out to be a little more involved than anticipated; spending 2 weeks in cast. Now have leave to spend small amounts of time out so I can type, but WoW doesn’t work
Playing turn based strategy games instead
Tried a multi button gaming mouse and the compact keypad and neither worked well
Figured out the art of mouse flying but fighting is nearly impossible
Finished home renovation projects
Only real post-patch activity is logging onto characters and resetting talents
Tried to get in on Tuesday. Nope.
This Week in WoW:
Who knows -- it’s been damn near impossible to play
This week: Battleground Bonus Event - next week, Legion Dungeon Event
CALL THE ORKIN MAN became OMG the bugs
Some people reporting their drivers are fully up to date but Blizzard still flagging them for having un-updated drivers
Legion App:
Problems with only being able to access 3 characters
Only way to change characters: log completely out of the app, sign back in, and select the starting character you want
BlizzardCS confirmed in a tweet on 7/19: “Switch Character button was intentionally removed. You now switch characters by logging out, then logging in again. You'll be taken to the list of characters to select from at that point.”
Cue well deserved community shit fit. Now as of 3:30 PM EST, they are saying they are “working on a fix for this issue.”
Icy-Veins has already updated class guides and talent suggestions for prepatch
Disabled on some realms, in testing on others
8.0 Undocumented features
Q&A overview
Mount Up Add-on:
Happy 13th!
Cocktail of the Cast: Julep Zecca Italiana
About 80% through the “Home Flooring Renovation” achievement
Completed the new pre-expansion quest line on paladin - upgraded artifact from 75 to 126
Purchased a small one-handed gaming keyboard from DeLux - $30. Taking some time to get used to but may be easier to use than full sized keyboard when I’m one handed.
Only real problem is maneuvering while flying
Other issue: no English instructions came with it
I made a thing.
I thought I needed things from Midsummer - nope.
Did the artifact thing
Poop quest :P
Still need to do the mage tower
This Week in WoW
Midsummer Fire Festival continues through July 5 (Thursday)
This Week: Arena Skirmishes; next week, World Quest Bonus Event
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday, July 1
Pre-expansion artifact quest in Silithus went live this week
Achievement: Crucible’s Promise - upgrades your artifact from 75 to 126
Several of the Silithus quests are NOT REQUIRED to complete this (but you can’t skip the trips to Stormwind or Orgrimmar)
Only the quests directly from Nolan Speed (Alliance) and Grol Warblade (Horde) are required to complete the quest line
First Horde quest: motivate peons; first Alliance quest, collect Mysterious Ore by killing goblins. Horde quest turns in to Grol. Alliance has turn-in for Mysterious Ore going to a dwarf, but then return to Nolan Speed to pick the line back up.
From this point on, the main line is identical, Horde or Alliance.
Pick up “The Twilight Survivor” from Nolan or Grol. Ignore “Desert Research” because it’s just a breadcrumb to an unnecessary gnome or goblin line.
Pick up “A Recent Arrival” to talk to Khadgar, and this leads to the end.
You can skip ALL the gnome quests (Alliance) and goblin quests (Horde) and the outhouse quest and it does not affect progress. These extras provide color and 18g but no rep or other rewards
Confirmed upgraded ALL owned weapon artifacts, whether they are on you or in the bank
When you have completed this quest, if you complete any other weapon quests, these fully upgrade as soon as you shift into that specialization
Underlight Angler graphics do what the regular artifacts do and it shows TRILLIONS of AP, but doesn’t actually upgrade the Angler (AP yellow bar still shows proper amount of points. Display bug)
Reportedly making the Mage Tower much easier to complete and sudden uptick in new guilds finishing Mythi and Cutting Edge Argus the Unmaker achievements.
Mage Tower is now live 24/7
Forbes Interviews with Ion Hazzikostas
Change in BFA: Prevent players from swapping gear in high difficulty Mythic+ dungeons - make it consistent with not changing talents mid-encounter. Mythic+ now requires complete speccing (talents AND gear) for the entire dungeon, which Blizzard now views as a single encounter.
New Azerite armor
Can’t be warforged or titanforged
Only source that can be run repeatedly is normal or heroic dungeons
Can be gained as a world quest emissary reward, but not from world quests themselves
Can get as a weekly PvP or conquest reward, but not at the end of a match
Mythic dungeons - not from box at the end, but only from the weekly reward box
Clear tiers of Azerite armor
Will not be cross faction (“we’re at war!”]
Yay Discord!
Confirmed the following are all going away in the prepatch:
First Aid achievements
Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements
Violet Spellwing mount quest from killing Argus.
Guaranteed mount drops from mythic Argus and Gul’dan in The Nighthold will become rare drops
The Chosen title (killing bosses in mythic Trial of Valor without dying)
Brawler’s Guild seasonal achievements
Legion Elite PvP armor sets, achievements related to the Ashran battlefield and several other Legion specific PvP achievements
Mentioned Fisherfriends of the Isles isn’t going away but will be a lot easier to achieve now that there are huge groups doing it
Professions system is “changing dramatically”
Each expansion will have its own separate skill tier level\
Analogy: Pandaria cooking
If you have 800 skill in a profession, you’ll be at 100 skill level in each expansion’s profession tier, and will start BFA as level 1 for BFA crafting.
If you have 650, for example, you will have 100 through Pandaria, then 50 for Warlords, and no Legion
Also means is that if all you want to do is craft items for Battle of Azeroth, there’s nothing you have to do - you do not need to get your profession to 800 - there is no advantage because all 800 profession skill level means now is that you will have 100 level in all expansion tiers short of BFA. Everyone will start at level 1 for BFA crafting and gathering.
Question: how is racial profession bonus going to figure into this?
Also means if you want to change professions, it’s a great time to do it.
Ian’s advice: professions “extremely optional” to level up - “don’t worry about anything other than the Mage Tower”.
No specific events planned for prepatch that will boost levels the way the Legion invasions did
BFA kinder to alts?
Only things specifically mentioned:
artifact necklace will work for all specs - no having to develop separate necklaces for tanking, DPS and healing
No class legendaries
Episode 289
Finished Fisherfriend of the Isles
ALMOST finished Lucid Nightmare
Got into Beta, but no time to do anything about it
On Sylvanus server, copied my Horde paladin Krystoff onto it and created a Warcast channel
Well, did some beta w/Ali but basically covered the same ground as pre-reset.
Guild moving to horde
This Week in WoW
Pet Battle Bonus Event
Next week: Cataclysm Timewalking
Midsummer Fire Festival starts Thursday, June 21
New from 2017: Set of Matches toy (500 Burning Blossoms), Igneous Flameling pet (350 Burning Blossoms), Illusion: Deathfrost from Ahune (Slave Pens)
BfA news
8.0 prepatch live on the PTR
Players gain access to a multitude of features and system updates in the pre-patch, including Communities, War Mode, the new Honor System, overhauled Professions, and Legion's final storyline leading up to Burning of Teldrassil and the Battle for Lordaeron.
Artifacts will be disabled when the pre-patch goes live. Player power will be buffed to compensate for the power loss.
Class Changes
A stat/item squish
Legendaries won't work past level 115.
Retired artifacts lose all their traits and become normal weapons, with stats scaling with relics installed in the artifact weapon. The main artifact effect of each spec's weapons is becoming a talent instead, as are several class specific legendaries.
Underlight Angler was originally showing as disabled, but the latest build fixed it.
WoW Classic
Will start with 1.12 Drums of War: Features introduced in 1.12 included:
Cross realm battlegrounds (Alterac Valley, Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin)
World PvP
Some of the past things from previous patches that will be included as a result:
Ruins and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj - so this will be after opening those
Blackwing Lair
Darkmoon Faire
Raid dungeon timers, calendars and lockouts
The high level class dungeon armor sets
Quest experience for gold at level 60
Final destination flight paths
Linked auction houses
Some world holidays
Soul shard bags (!!!)
Expected issues with the first prototype
didn't recognize current video cards and was incompatible with the current login/authentication server (authenticator became available 2 Jun 2008, almost 2 years after 1.12's release on 22 August 2006)
Does not support modern security and anti-cheating capabilities
Second prototype: instead of going forward with old code, work backward: take the modern back-end code and use it to process Patch 1.12 game data
Start with modern architecture, security and stability - catalogue any differences in behavior between the development build and the Patch 1.12 reference build
Three types of game data:
Table data: numbers - hit points, stats, spawn timers, etc.
File data: dense data such as 3d models, textures, animations, terrain, user interface, and art models (don't use the same file formats as commercial art tools - no jpgs, tifs, etc.
Lua scrips: custom behaviors for server side logic without needing engineering knowledge
Engineering challenges
All classic data is in original form since launch, but format has changed substantially over the year. Modern client is not compatible with old data.
Master data problem: from single line on a master table to multiple linked tables catalogued by ID number
much richer environment but not compatible with the single line system
For example, spells could only apply up to three actions on a target in classic
In current form, spells no longer limited to three effects and are formatted differently
Almost all other data such as items, characters, creatures, NPCs, AI, spawning and more) have had their database formats changed
Lucid Nightmare
Map tips
Finally upgraded to BfA
Void Elf
Even if you did all the prerequisites, you still have to do a short scenario to unlock each race (thanks Discord)
Played the void elf for a few mins. Nothing special.
More dungeons with Ali.
Horde side
Killed Patreon
Also Lucid Nightmare (and considering Riddler’s Mindworm next)
Still haven’t finished Fisherfriends
Call for tips on how to play WoW one handed
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire
Legion Dungeon Event
Thousand Boat Bash
Million Dollar Pet in BfA: Francois the Faberge Egg Pet - near the 15th Annual Norwington Equestrian and Hunt Festival in Tiragarde Sound (hint: you only have to have it, not spend it!)
New BFA items:
new Vrykul helms, a candle helm, and a fish shaped mace
Gale Rider glider, similar to Goblin Glider, that only works in Kul Tiras
Given the direction of the upcoming expansion (war between the factions), will this, or should this, have any bearing on deciding which toons to go forward with first? How will your characters react to the war?
Started an orc death knight - level 69 in Northrend
Fisherfriends of the Isles - all but Akule Riverhorn
Sort of in a holding pattern - finishing zones with paladin, rep, that sort of thing
Most “finished” characters are druid and rogue in terms, but not sure going to start with those in BfA
Horde side scenario is epic. Alliance will have one later, I’m sure.
This Week in WoW:
Lich King Timewalking
Glowcap Festival Mini-Event
Drugon the Frostblood
Mage Tower active on North American realms
Mythic +15 appearances obtainable in Battle for Azeroth
Can either complete it before August 13, or wait a few weeks for Mythic difficulty to open back up after BfA launch
Confirmed only artifact appearance that will be obtainable after BfA launches are the Mage Tower base appearance.
BfA will have 18 character slots per realm
Environmental changes after the battles:
Alliance: After Siege of Lordaeron, Darnassian refugees in Stormwind Harbor and you can no longer take the boat to Darnassus. There is now a portal.
You cannot travel to the zone because fatigue will kill you.
Talk to Zidormi in Darkshore to witness Darnassus before the siege.
Similar story for Horde: zep to UC no longer works, portal to Ruins of Lordaeron
Entering the zone will kill you
Talk to Zidormi in Tirisfal to witness Tirisfal before the Battle for Lordaeron
Reputation Rewards - list of all the goodies (what to focus on depending on your interests). If you’re into:
Naked & Afraid Challenge officially ending June 1. This is as much to give people time to finish leveling up characters without the restrictions before the expansion hits.
3 new finishers! Please let me know if I missed anyone:
Boomstyx, orc Beastmaster hunter: 3 days 11 hours 47 minutes (current leader!)
Gautama, panda brewmaster monk: 5 days 8 hours 30 minutes
Zignea, human arms warrior: 7 days 7 hours 4 minutes (current winner of “Most Persistent”)
Lots of discussion generated by the question: who are you leveling first?
BfA Alpha
Waycrest Manor
Temple of Sethraliss
Had to start over
Was able to go through the initial scenario, but the key cutscenes are placeholders.
“Cool cutscene”
Ali went through horde starting scenario, followed by amazing Escape from Stockades scenario.
Both Horde and Alliance zones are gorgeous!
Professions are sort of in
You can train, but no vendor for BfA tradeskill mats. Old school tradeskill mats vendor is there.
Fishing trainer added this week, only trains up to Pandaria fishing (Ali fished up Midnight Salmon)
Herbalism: herbs are not just in the ground. Star Moss grows on walls, Siren’s song grows out of trees...refreshing change
Making up the money I spent on the T3 chestpiece.
Problem - Vial of the Sands sells for garbage on my server (69,000g)
No mounts this week
Started going through ALL my screenshots. 103GB of them.
Sorted by expansion
May split them between characters.
Found out that I was leveling TWO mages at the same time on two servers.
Apparently I was on Aggramar and don’t remember why.
I also moved toons around a lot and don’t remember why.
Still trying for Invincible….Arthas is a bitch
Raid is working on trying to get Ahead of the Curve achievement together. Heroic Coven is a struggle. Going to get lockouts-Skipping it to work on Aggramar and Argus.
Halfway through Field Medic (got some repeat quest drops)
Really starting to focus on my N&A toon
Ren called for June 1st to official deadline. Can still work on it and complete it but after deadline, finishers won’t be announced on the show. Summer gets busy. Maybe a new challenge at some point? Never know with Ren!
My N&A toon is almost 65, determined to get it done in time
Ren spoke again about starting a Warcast guild on Silvermoon-US. Alliance side? We’ve been discussing different names on discord!
Blizzcon tickets went on sale
Several people helping others to get tickets.
Both waves of tickets are over.
Don’t buy scalped tickets. Better to see if anyone has any extras.
GCD is a Big Thing™
Racials will be removed from the GCD
Time Warp
Charged Up (Arcane)
Arcane power (Arcane)
Spring Balloon Fest going on now until tomorrow
War Mode available.
Have not tested it yet
I might test it just to see how it goes, but will not be a permanent change for me.
Talking weapons transmog will still talk?
Don’t DDoS Blizzard
Romanian man extradited and sentenced to one year for DDoS in 2010
Also has to pay almost $30k
Success on BunofSteel and “the wolf in sheep’s clothing”
Fisherfriends fun - though if you have a choice, don’t do melee
Soloing normal dungeons
T3 chest!
BfA beta walkthrough
Green proto-drake
Primal Fire
i1000 chest
This Week in WoW
Pet Battles
Children's Week starts Monday 30th - through Monday 7th
Volunteer Guard Day Mini-event Saturday the 28th
Next week: Burning Crusade Timewalking
Ion spent a lot of time covering the change to GCD
They still want feedback wrt how the class feels
Some abilities such as Charge, Infernal Strike and Heroic Leap for warriors and DIsengage for hunters being taken off GCD
In Final Fantasy XIV, everything is on GCD, but the GCD is 2.5s, but can be reduced with gear.
They want people to make decisions - A or B instead of A and B.
Azerite Power being renamed Artifact Power
There will be a way to respec traits.
Talking about adding in that functionality later, and a return to the old respeccing a la vanilla (paying an increasing scale for respecs, with decay)
BfA should be more alt-friendly.
Heart of Azeroth -- universal for all specs instead of having to develop AP in multiple weapons
New BGs called Epic Battlegrounds
Large battlegrounds are being split off
Removing blacklisting from Battlegrounds
Strand of the Ancients is being removed in BfA (not sure if temporary or permanent)
Ashran is being temporarily retired.
No plans to deactivate racials in rated PvP
All loot will be personal loot
Will still be flagged going into an enemy major city, whether you are in War Mode or not
More BfA stuff
Battle Pets in beta:
Some nerfs incoming:
Bone Serpent: swapped positions of Call Darkness and Lift-Off
Practical upshot: This is a huge nerf. Call of Darkness now shares the slot with Nocturnal Strike. Call of Darkness blinds all pets, and Nocturnal Strike always hits if the target is Blinded. In combination, this is huge. Having to choose between them now significantly reduces its power. (Workaround: do the Frostfur Rat with Call Darkness and Sneak Attack)
Crow and Gilnean Raven: -200 power, +200 speed
Cyclone: Damage changed from 7 to 3-7
Haunt: returns the pet at 50% health instead of 100
Teroclaw Hatchling: Dodge and Nature's Ward will now occupy the same tier as will Hawk Eye and Ravage.
Practical upshot: Slot 2 will now put Dodge (4 round cooldown) and Nature's Ward (5 round heal) on same tier, basically making you choose between damage mitigation or pet heal.
Pet Battle World Quests incoming and will scale to the highest pet on your team (NOT apply to wild pets outside world quests)
New pet battle mechanics:
Random weather effects
More heals that have increased effects on pet's health
Aura effects that heal your pet or damages enemy pet based on the last hit dealt
From the Discord:
N&A finishers: Congrats to Buffysummers - Human Windwalker Monk for finishing N&A with 23,055 gold 4/1/43
Shoutout ot Dodoobrawn-Bladefist - nice fishing with you! Hello to Mrs. Dodoobrawn as well.
Question: Why do you still need a WoD garrison? Is it worth going back if you have a character who skipped it?
Not played much in past couple weeks
Next projects: mechanical pets for hunter, Field Medic, Fisherfriends
Started working on Field Medic. No bueno
cjracer20 in Discord suggested premades. Will do that soon™
Did not get into alpha this week yet. Ali couldn’t Monday, and then Wednesday turned into hell.
Been doing follower missions.
Mount and mog runs. Tailoring/enchanting finally at 800.
Went through old pics.
This Week in WoW
Mage Tower currently active on North American realms
Legion Timewalking this week. Pet Battle event next week
General News
Blizzard Balance can now be gifted - send a friend an electronic gift card with a personalized message
Remote Auction House: Blizzard confirmed in a blue message that the reason they closed the RAH is that a "tiny fraction of one percent" of their user base was actually using the RAH and it was not worth their time and effort anymore to keep it updated
Battle for Azeroth
In-Game Communities:
Quoting Wowhead: “This system will allow you to have broader communication options with fellow community members, including multiple text channels, text channel history, simple role management, quick join, voice integration, roster listing and calendar invites. You will be able to be part of multiple communities at the same time, in addition to your current guild.”
Interview at Pax East with lead designer Daniel Stahl and lead encounter designer Morgan Dey about Island Expeditions:
More intelligent AI in NPC encounters
Some AI groups may be aggressive - others may be passive and require you to chase them down
Weather improved and may be a factor
Different mobs may appear at different times of the day
"Fog of War"
Blizzard has confirmed people will still be able to get class mounts after BfA has launched
Tribute to last year’s BlizzCon Costume Contest winner Kazplay - when Horde invades the Stockades, they encounter a human female in a cage with a crumpled costume next to her: Text: “Look, it's just a costume! See? Feel it! Now will you tell them to let me out of here? It was just a joke! Hogger wasn't really terrorizing Stormwind!”
Alpha News:
Battle for Lordaeron scenario now playable on Alpha
Heart of Azeroth item levels show ranges with iLevel starting at 265 and going up one point per level from there. Highest they show is at level 300 with an iLevel of 564
Mag'har and Dark Iron Dwarves now playable in Alpha.
Maghar racials:
Ancestral Call - Invoke the spirits of your ancestors granting you their power. Increases a random secondary stat by 102 for 12 seconds.
Open Skies - Increases mounted speed by 10%.
Savage Blood - Reduces the duration of Poisons, Diseases, and Curses by 10%.
Sympathetic Vigor - Increases pet health by 10%.
Dark Iron Dwarves: still no reports on what the Mole Machine racial does
Blood Elf and Human racials seriously nerfed.
From the Discord: Bucket Lists
Expansion Countdown: 116 days to Expansion (3 months, 25 days / 16 weeks and 4 days / 2784 hours)
Congrats to
Alberthe for getting the Forgotten Hippogryph mount
Mightymurloc for the new Kara mount
Txcoolkid for finishing FIeld Medic
Suggests joining a Field Medic premade group, as did Cjracer20
It’s not a shared drop (personal loot) but since there is a lot of competition and in some areas the respawn is fast, you have a greater chance of being able to loot more mobs
Have a new Highmountain Tauren - enhancement shaman
Got the noblegarden bunny
Working on the four hatchling pet quests -- haven’t finished any of them
Exalted with Army of the Light.
8000 from exalted with Argussian Reach
Tol Dagar BfA dungeon
Odd thing about BfA - some people have quests, I don’t.
Finally finishing up getting followers to 950
Noblegarden fun
Field Medic
This Week in WoW
Pandaria Timewalking this week, Battleground Bonus event next week
Darkmoon Faire
Noblegarden (ends Monday)
March of the Tadpoles (Borean Tundra - ends tonight at midnight)
News: General and Current
April Fool’s patch notes
Remote Auction House is retiring on April 18th.
Realm connections
New round of realm connections is “on the way” to help with low pop servers.
Family Guy: a 30 second Leeroy Jenkins reference.
News: Battle for Azeroth
8 - 14 - 18
Ren’s Ridiculous Fun Facts about the History of Blizzcon Expansions
Collector’s Edition - box set
Limited edition hardcover edition - 2 new WoW novellas by Christie Golden and Robert Brooks
Horde & Alliance Double Sided Mark of Allegiance with stand
Digital soundtrack
Collector’s Edition box set owners will be able to unlock and create unreleased Allied Races in advance
If you bought Digital Deluxe and want Collector’s Edition box, you can get a refund on Digital Deluxe to balance
Digital Deluxe edition - mounts, pet
Island Expansions
Expedition table in Boralus Harbor (Alliance) or Zuldazar Harbor (Horde)
3 man - Normal, Heroic, Mythic or PvP - reward of 6,000 Azurite
Azurite: killing mobs, finding treasure, defeating the opposing team, or mining nodes
Drawn on “lessons learned” from past content like scenarios and keystone dungeons. Replayable content.
WoWhead interview with Jeremy “Muffinus” Feasel, Senior Game Designer for WoW
No death knights for allied races - tied to Lich King
Other possible rewards for Island Expeditions, like in the Timeless Isle
When asked whether quest and profession progression will be gated behind dungeons and raids: No real discussion yet on profession progression, although he did say he thought ending final part of certain questlines end in a dungeon was “super cool, as it is the best way to tell the end of the story”.
Felt that artifact weapon system was interesting in the beginning of the expansion but not at the end of it. Lots of choices in the beginning and none in the end.
Discussion about making certain things accountwide -- seemed to think things were pretty OK the way they were. Too much accountwide stuff and characters lose identity, but opening areas, flying, etc., seem to be good kept accountwide.
Battle for Azeroth
Mag’har Orcs and Iron Dwarf allied races will be available after completing the Battle for Azeroth war campaign. Zandalari and Kul’Tiras will be unlocked later in the expansion.
BFA alpha lasting longer than in the past. Beta polishes features and features are still being added to alpha.
Six emissaries for each faction - 3 home continent, two neutral (Tortollan and Voice of Azeroth) and a War Faction with quests on the enemy continent.
8.0 prepatch
Likely a few weeks before the expansion
Will introduce the Burning of Teldrassil and Battle for Lordaeron. May be new mounts themed around Night Elves and Forsaken in conjunction with this event.
New details on PvP
New world PvP system called War Mode: players toggle PvP in a capitol city on any server. This will put them in a separate server shard, away from the PvE characters.
War Mode gives extra rewards and Azerite, and also allows access to special world PvP events.
PvP gear system revamp: conquest point system returning in the form of a bar you fill up to earn new gear each week. When you’re finished with a set, you can move up. There will be ways to skip ahead.
Changes to Honor and Prestige: honor levels will be account wide.
Naked and Afraid FInisher: Alcina, night elf mage -- 110
Finishing zones, changing to Beastmaster on hunter
The handy parts about thinking about alt priority
Island Expeditions
This Week in WoW
World Quest Event - bonus reputation
Darkmoon Faire starts on April 1 - rep bonuses from carousel and top hat stack with World Quest Event
Noblegarden - April 2
Reminders: 2 pets and 1 mount - spring rabbit, noblegarden bunny (added 2017), springstrider mount
New Naked & Afraid Finisher: Settlersrule, Alliance panda windwalker monk, with 5 days 23 hours and 28 minutes, and 24,483 gold.
Next highest in progress: Norgreyclub, dwarf retribution paladin, level 92, closely followed by Alcina, a night elf arcane mage at 91 and Buffysummers, a human windwalker monk at level 90
Pax East - Apr 5-8 at Boston Convention Center - Demo stations for new Island Expedition feature
Family Guy episode April 1 - Warcraft references
Player gets every achievement in game (3,314) - Xirev, a blood elf fire mage
Need to do things like reach prestige 25, collect 300 toys and mounts, and win 5000 pvp pet battles
One achievement ahead of Metatrosha, a human shadow priest (same number of points; Alliance have one extra 10 pointer)
Wowhead interview with Xirev
Single hardest achievement: high rated PvP ones - most others simply “tedious”
Single hardest non-PvP achievement - “Going to Need a Bigger Bag” - obtain all the rare items from Timeless Isle. Involved a lot of realm hopping (56 items)
Time /played: Estimated 850-900 days /played. 434 days /played on mage alone.
20,400 to 21,600 hours
8,760 hours in 1 year (not counting leap years)
Done over 6 years - 6 years has about 122,400 hours (without leap years)
Average of 5.5-6 hours per day, every day, or 38.5 - 42 hours per week
Ren: Did my own /played calculation on all active toons - came out to 6554 hours or 273 days /played. Sounds like a lot, but when averaged over 10 years (didn’t play for 4 years out of the past 14) it comes out to less than 1 hour per day /played
Alpha News
Changes to quest log - looked at first like the quest log limit was going up to 50. Not true - but it seems like some quests no longer count toward the 25 limit - including account wide quests such as many battle pet quests
New Alpha build includes several class talent changes
Alpha Profession changes:
Enchanting: many new ring and weapon enchants, glove enchants for gathering professions
RETURN OF Wands (Scepters). Last available: VANILLA
Engineering: some of the usuals like glasses, explosives, and scopes
RETURN OF Engineered belts. Last available: WRATH OF THE LICH KING
More weapons (guns, maces)
Interesting bits: Slumber Bombs, Electroshock Mount Motivator (+10% mount speed for 10 seconds, stacks up to 5x, “increased motivation may cause your mount to become disoriented”), Deployable Attire Rearranger, Interdemensional Companion Repository (portable stablemaster), and an XA-100 Surface Skimmer (25 sec duration)
Inscription: new codex
New Darkmoon cards, Vantus runes
Offhand tomes and stat buff scrolls.. LAST AVAILABLE: CATACLYSM
New: Contracts: allows you to choose a faction with which you will gain reputation when you do world quests - requires Friendly rep with target reputation
Scroll of Unlocking - unlock anything that requires 550 lockpicking skill
Jewelcrafting - usual rings and stones
NEW: two staffs - both listed were listed as Mage but the second one (Laribole Staff) also listed Agility as a stat
Leatherworking - usual armor bits and drums
NEW: create fist weapons and bows (bow/crossbow was available in Engineering, 490/525, Cataclysm)
From the Discord:
Seems there is a fashion in listening to our oldest episodes
- Life invasions of all life invasions
- Had to update laptop to make WoW run
- Game goals:
- get Field Medic done
- get toons left behind caught up on Argus and professions
- running up a void elf warlock for the hell of it
- Question to self: do I have too many alts?
- 12 110s with two duplicates (rogue and mage on Alli/Horde)
- no DK or DH
- Question: Is Blizzard both encouraging more alts AND not paying enough attention to making game alt-friendly?
- If I had to pare down my alts, who would make the cut?
So close to finishing up this rep from Hell.
Thanks to Ali for filling in last week about alpha
Infinite Timereaver mount dropped while doing timewalking. That was fun.
Alpha is still fun, but obviously limited in scope at the moment. There was a 1GB patch.
Maybe I’ll try tanking again.
I have a ton of quests I need to finish up.
The Argus version of the flight whistle should have been available at honored, not revered.
Mythic Antorus now available for cross-realm groups, though not through LFR. “To join a public group for Mythic Antorus, just open Group Finder (hotkey: i), select 'Premade Groups', then 'Raids-Legion', then click on "Find A Group". That returns a list of many public groups that are available to you. Start typing 'Antorus' into the search bar at the top, and you'll be prompted to select a difficulty.”
Battle for Azeroth
New Alpha Build changes:
Achievements to unlock Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs added
Dark Iron racial mount: core hound
Latest build tagged “beta” instead of “alpha” and new invitations out
New “boop” emote
Some new enchanting stuff:
Swift Hearthing: bracer enchant to speed cast time of hearthstone
Gale-Force Striking: weapon enchant to increase weapon attack speed
First Aid confirmed going away - bandages will be under Tailoring and antivenoms/pots will be under Alchemy
New customization options for Blood Elves - three new faces and glowing gold eyes
Azerite bonuses datamined: Set bonuses also going away, being replaced by Azurite empowerment on armor
Several class specific traits, but also several that appear to be multi-class
Traits that increase primary and secondary stats by a set amount
Absorption traits - traits that shield or absorb a set amount of damage
DPS,heal, and tanking traits. DPS obviously increases your DPS, healing traits are self-heals, and tanking traits are damage mitigation:
(DPS) Gutripper - Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 347 Physical damage to the target. Gutripper occurs much more often against targets below 30% health. (Approximately 5 procs per minute).
(DPS) Heed My Call - Your damaging abilities have a chance to deal 154 to your target, and 15 to enemies within 3 yards of that target.
(HEAL) Savior - Your heals on targets below 35% health have a chance to heal for an additional 208. (Approximately 5 procs per minute).
(HEAL) Self Reliance - While no enemies are within 20 yds, you heal for 70 every 3 sec.
(TANK) Gemhide - When dealt damage greater than 10% of your maximum health, gain 31 Avoidance and 138 Dodge for 10 sec.
(TANK) Winds of War - Taking damage grants you 14 Dodge for 3 sec, stacking up to 10 times.
New detail on parrot mount: drops from Skycap'n Kragg, boss in the Freehold dungeon
From the Discord
Naked & Afraid Challenge has its second finisher - TheCowKing (EU) with a feral druid - 4 days 1 hour 1 minute
Current highest still in progress - Settlersrule (101) windwalker monk
Special guest host Ali (@aliandrasK) joins us to talk about Battle for Azeroth alpha.
This week is Cataclysm Timewalking.
Tuesday the 20th Arena bonus week.
Un'Goro Madness starts Sat goes through Mon.
MAJOR life invasions, may be more interruptions in weeks ahead
Dinged 110 in Naked and Afraid challenge - final money total about 62,000 gold, time 4 days 22 hours 1 minute
BUT ... forgot to take a screenshot (took one later; time finished can be calculated from the played time minus the time played at level, which was about 14 hours at the time)
Also moved the toon to Whisperwind and did a race change to undead
BUT ... plans to run up a void elf warlock to fulfill promise to Silvermoon gang
Odds and ends - getting things tidied up in prep for expansion
Advancing neglected professions
Finished paladin mount quest and working on monk
Getting all the class hall followers - Maximilian of Northshire is totally worth it
Interviews all day, every day.
Wrath timewalking was fun. 700 badges from my next mount.
This Week in WoW
Legion Dungeon event until next Tuesday - additional loot
Lunar Festival ends 3/3
Darkmoon Faire starts 3/4
Trial of Style starts Monday 3/5 and runs to Friday 3/9
Warcraft III Invitational happened Feb 27/28, with old school tournaments and various matches - major patch coming out to Warcraft III in late March
Second Mythic Invitational, July 25-Aug 8th for auditions, dungeon invitational in early September
Seething Shore battleground now available - currently available as a brawl, will be available as a regular battleground next week
10vs10 BG set in Silithus, to battle over Azerite
"Dynamic control point gameplay similar to Arathi Basin" - new control points pop up as resources become depleted
Solo run of Court of Stars Mythic +22 by Mionee, a demon hunter (iLevel 973) - took nearly 4 hours
Battle of Azeroth
Even more class changes - random notes that show trend changes
DKs are getting an ability similar to Counterspell
Demon hunters will get an ability to increase overall party/raid magical damage to targets with Chaos Brand
Druids getting back Hibernate and Soothe (CC and anti-enrage)
Hunters: Tranq Shot for hunters is coming back (anti-enrage)
Fire: Phoenix Flames, Felo’melorn’s artifact ability, is being turned into a basic spell
All: Return of Arcane Intellect (group buff)
Priests: Return of Power Word: Fortitude (group buff)
Rogue: Return of Expose Armor (vanilla spell)
Shaman: Return of Tremor Totem (AOE ability to remove fear, charm and sleep effects)
Warlock: Return of Shadow Bolt (vanilla spell)
Only Destro locks can summon infernals now (boo)
Warrior: Return of Battle Shout to increase STR and AGI of party or raid
PARROT MOUNTS!!! No source yet
There will be some kind of garrison or class hall or something similar, as there is a mission table with followers. Lot of forum hate for this.
Followers include Technicians, Infiltrators, Combat Specialist and Faction Troops
Zandalari Troll Druid Forms
"Pterrakkoa" - "moonkin" form
Armored bear form - looks like a cross between a spiky turtle and a bear
Pterrodax flight form
Ravasaur travel form
Mag'har Orcs
Ren: really like the hair styles on the females - might have to race flip one
Skin colors range from pale grey-beige to reddish brown
Heritage armor looks very much like Thrallmar stuff
Upright posture, esp on the females
No "unnatural" hair colors
A couple of the new races flagged in such a way that they may become allied races
Vulpera - fox people
Kul Tirans - stocky humanoids
From the Discord: left over from last episode:
Should all classes be unlocked on all races? Or should class-race assignments follow established lore?
Life invasions: thank you Cara - did not touch Love is in the Air
Naked & Afraid monk: level 95, 3 days 22 hours, 46k gold
Northrend: Leveling time slow, money amazing
Pandaria: Leveling time medium-fast, money good
Draenor: Leveling time medium-fast, money bad
Life invasion
This Week in WoW
Lunar Festival starts 2/17, runs to 3/3
Love is In the Air ends tomorrow
Battleground bonus event starts Tuesday
Ulduar Timewalking
Dungeon XP hotfix to bug introduced in 7.3.5
Side effect to creature scaling broke awarded XP in some situations
Significantly increased XP awarded for queuing for random Normal dungeons, Classic through Draenor
Mobile Auction House has been restored
New mount: Shu-zen, The Divine Sentinel - $25 in Blizz store (6 months game time for Chinese servers) - and fixed a scaling bug
Battle for Azeroth: Alpha Build News
Tons of class changes but these tend to change a lot over alpha/beta
Allied races
New allied race? Orc based - either Mag’har or Frostwolf Orcs (brown orcs)
Datamined orc armor and a Mag’har Direwolf mount
Dark Iron Dwarf racials
Dungeon Delver: 4% increased indoor speed
Fireblood: Removes all poison, disease, curse, magic and bleed effects and increases primary stat by 100 for each removed. 2 min cooldown
Forged in Flames: 1% physical damage reduction
Mass Production: 2x speed creating blacksmithed items
Mole Machine: Summons a Mole Machine that tunnels through the earth (30 min cooldown)
Non-caster damage that used to be calculated on weapon damage is now based on a combo of weapon damage and attack power to help bring better balance between classes that rely heavily on weapons vs. those who do not
Return of Pepe: New Pepe costumes include a scuba costume and a Zandalari mask
Hunter pet specialization:
All pets will have equal damage, health and armor (all can tank or DPS equally well). Old designations Ferocity, Tenacity or Cunning will continue as categories, but as categories of pet families, not as descriptions of their utility
All pets will have Growl and Dash or Swoop
Pet families now each have a special ability - one active, one passive, depending on their category (examples: the passive for Ferocity is a 3% leech, for Tenacity, 10% max health, and for Cunning, 8% movement speed buff)
Each pet family will get one of six different abilities. Examples include a healing reduction debuff, reduced damage, increased dodge, etc.
Profession changes: (just noted things that are different or interesting) Major squish: Max profession skill cap going from 800 to 200
Alchemy preview:
Tinctures - trinkets with combat buffs based on the flask you’re currently using
Usual transmutes of changing one profession material to another. Also Fish to Gems and Meat to Pet.
Blacksmithing preview:
New stirrups for speed and interacting while mounted in the new zones
Khaz’gorian Hammer - blacksmithing hammer replacement that gives a chance to give crafted armor or weapons the Indestructible property
Cooking preview: Nothing special
Enchanting preview: Nothing special
Portable transmogger
Portable stable master
Herbalism: Nothing special
Contracts: Enter a contract with a faction that allows you to gain reputation with them every time you complete a world quest in the new zones
+5% experience gem
Scuba gear
Mining: Nothing special
Skinning: Nothing special
finally getting a bag upgrade - 1 30 slot bag (same as HW), 1 32 slot bag
Hot Air Baloon pet
First Aid getting at least a revamp - may be removed entirely and folded into Tailoring
First Aid achievements will become Legacy Feats of Strength
Now listed as “legacy”.
Special guest host Cara(clysm) (@xandara) fills in for Ren.
Rep grinding is making me bored.
Even if I did this when it was new, I find it dull because it’s too repetitive.
50% boost in rep from Sign of the Emissary, so go do it!
I also haven’t upgraded yet. When I get to exalted in all 4, then I’ll do it. No rush now.
Farming for the Love Rocket. No drops.
Achievement runs
Heroic Antorus 2/11, first bosses aren’t too different
Haven’t upgraded to BfA yet because I still feel like I have plenty to do without it right now, curious to see how long that will last
But also I don’t really care about things as much as I used to? Like it’s still super fun! But I don’t feel like I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED it. I.e. Love Rocket runs, I do them when I can but I don’t frustrate myself trying to fit them into my day
I did claim my character names I want for my BfA allied race alts though. Seems they freed up a lot of names recently so if you have a name you couldn’t get before, give it a shot now!
Me too! -MG (kek)
This week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire until the 11th
Lunar Festival starts a week from today
BfA alpha is going out to some people. Not me :(
Watched a few streams. Some people need to learn how to stream (don’t be rude!)
I found the starting areas to be ok. Didn’t watch long. Wasn’t anything really impressive yet.
Nightborne faces should match what was selected
Fire mage damage increased by a whopping 3%
Hunter BM damage increased by 2.5%
From Discord:
BfA comes with a level 110 boost
Shout out to PurpleMoose in Discord who was struggling what to do and used it for a Nightborne rogue.
Utheron - bad experience with a GM. Was trying to make him switch specs.
N/A monk now level 74 with 2 days 18 hours played and over 20k gold
Boosted my 62 paladin to 110
Rep grinding
This Week in WoW
Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl yesterday and today
Arena Bonus Event til Tuesday
Love Is In the Air Feb 2-16 (see news)
Darkmoon Faire starts Sunday
Next Tuesday: World Quest Bonus Event and PvP Brawl: Southshore vs. Tarren Mill
All accounts have 16 character slots per realm
Preorder for Battle of Azeroth
No official release date
Server issues
Perk: quests to unlock allied races
Nightborne: Exalted with the The Nightfallen and completion of Insurrection
Void Elf: Exalted with Argussian Reach and completion of You Are Now Prepared!
Lightforged Draenei: Exalted with Army of the Light and completion of You Are Now Prepared!
Highmountain Tauren: Exalted with Highmountain Tribe and completion of Ain't No Mountain High Enough
Remember: DMF hat/carousel give rep bonuses, and next week is the world quest event which gives rep bonuses as well.
Walking into Light’s Hope Cathedral with a void elf sparks some interesting conversation.
The economic impact of allied races over the next few weeks
Void Elves Everywhere! “Void elves are alliance only because they were crying and wanted their own blood elves”. - from Joe on the forums via a YouTuber he was watching
Unlocking races on factions: you can do the requirements on either side but you need someone on that faction to do the unlock quests. (An Alliance member can have the achievements for Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren, but a 110 Horde must do the quests)
Collector’s Edition perks
Gilded Ravasaur (Horde) and Seabraid Stallion (Alliance) mounts
Tottle turtle (aquatic) pet
Overwatch voice lines, emotes, sprays and icons
Heroes of the Storm Primal Flamesaber mount
Starcraft II sprays
Hearthstone card pack, Azeroth is Burning
No Diablo perk
110 Boost details
Boosts any toon to 110
Hearthstone and Dalaran hearthstone; hearthstone reset to Dalaram inn
3 level 870 artifact relics
Level 35 artifact power and first artifact weapon (make sure you’re in the right spec!)
Flight Master’s Whistle
Kirin Tor supply bag, which contains basic food, water, starter ancient mana, ancient potions, mana diving stone, a tome of the tranquil mind
If you are 60 or over, boosts primary professions to 700 and first aid to 700
Suramar is open to the extent that Thalyrissa is there and will give you the first few quests -- no longer have to do the opening scenario of finding her and escorting her in
Does NOT come with a level 3 WOD garrison - reports if you boost a “Character Trial to 100” toon to permanent 110 that you will get the garrison
Battle for Azeroth System Requirements
Windows machines will need 64-bit systems
Minimum processor: Intel Core i5-760 or AMD FX 8100 or higher, recommended i7 4770 or AMD FX 8310 - basically need at least a quad core machine now
Video cards: 2GB minimum on video board, GeForce GT 560, AMD Radeon 7850 or Intel 530 - recommended GeForce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R9 280 (up from 1GB cards)
Memory: Minimum 4GB, recommends 8 GB (up from 2)
Storage: 70 GB, recommends SSD, up from 45
No changes to minimum resolution/display
Love Is In The Air - Feb 2-16
Speculation that the new flower crowns datamined earlier will be perks for this year’s Love Is In the Air
Classic interview
Old code no longer compiles
Old database no longer works
New graphics are on the table, wants to hear from the community
My guess - not until 2019
Forum people are SO IMPATIENT.
Naked & Afraid
51 unique participants
Rule change: Allied Race Division
Current highest level: 74
Three characters at 60
Mod of the Cast: Memoria (Tororosso) -
Joe posted a screenshot macro on the Naked and Afraid discussion board that displays played time and takes a screenshot 0.2 seconds after
Tororosso posted about Memoria, an addon that takes a screenshot automatically for different milestones, such as leveling, achievements, reputation levels, or when a battleground or arena ends.
Only issue with Memoria is that it doesn’t put in the /played time, unless you’ve put it in right before you ding
N&A monk now level 62 with 1 day 20 hours /played and almost 15k gold
Utilized the one-switch rule to respec from brewmaster to windwalker around level 45
Went “in order” until about level 40, and then went out of order doing zones where I had no transmogs (Burning Steppes, Stonetalon, and Southern Barrens) - thank you All The Things.
Finished to 60 in Winterspring to level up mining
Went straight to Northrend (Howling Fjord), skipped Outland entirely
Working on rep and mounts.
Still working on that Nerf Scrapbots achievement. Is it bugged?
This Week in WoW
Burning Crusade Timewalking
Call of the Scarab ended Tuesday
Arena Skirmishes start Tuesday
Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl mini event Wednesday
Battle of Azeroth Collectors’ Edition perks datamined - - Seabraid Stallion (Alliance), Gilded Ravasaur (Horde) and Tottle (turtle pet)
Shu-zen, the Divine Sentinel flying dog mount datamined - probably part of Lunar Festival (Year of the Dog) starting Feb 16
Transmog bug - people reporting not being able to transmog while wearing some items from [Satchel of Helpful Goods]
Changes to Recruit a Friend:
Experience gains reduced from 200 to 50%.
Heirloom XP bonus no longer stacks with RAF XP bonuses
Patch 7.3.5 hotfixes this week
Lost Mail - now properly spawns at random Dalaran locations and Postmaster title is now account-wide.
Fixed the Normal/Heroic HP pool boss switch
Raiding fixes take boss HP levels BELOW previous levels
Fixed the bug that made pet names disappear
Boulder quest in Redridge has been fixed
Patch 7.3.5 - Leveling
Transitions between expansions
No big gear reset until level 61, when item levels jumped from 60 to 80
Professions do transfer but not smoothly
When you buy your skill for mining/herbs from 300, it now goes to 450 instead of 375 (both expansions)
Experience with mining: could gather and learn to smelt both Fel Iron (Outland) and Cobalt Ore (Northrend). Started with 252 mining; could only gather Cobalt Ore Nuggets
By level 325, still only collecting nuggets. Went to Outland and confirmed I could collect whole Fel Iron Ore. However, Fel Iron was gray (getting no skill). Cobalt Ore still orange (getting skill)
Last level to get Cobalt Nuggets: 340. Started getting whole cobalt at 341. Cobalt Ore gathers still orange and still getting orange skill from smelting. Turned Yellow at 350. Turned Green at 362.
Can get 80+ mining skill points off smelting alone (started slowing down at 355) - market has not caught up on all servers, but on Silvermoon ore is selling for 5x more than bars.
Filius reported re: manufacturing professions, also skipping to Northrend: There are recipes to make things at your level, but the results may not be usable. Was making potions that he could create in low 60s that were only usable by mid-70s.
Idea: how to find what’s good to sell?
Naked & Afraid 2018
Cattarina is new winner of the Shaman Challenge with 2 days 1 hour
Up to 41 participants, 28 of whom are now 20 or over
All classes represented, with most popular being druids (9) and monks (7); least represented, shaman (1) and priest (2)
8 participants currently have more than 1000 gold. Two have 3000 or more, and one has nearly 15,000
Minor rule clarifications:
Auction mules may not do anything but buy and sell -- no primary or secondary skill use (cooking, disenchanting, smelting).
Some confusion over mounts and which you can use
Some confusion over use of inherent class abilities such as hunter pet respeccing and use of monk daily
Filius is also live streaming
Lessons Learned: Lessons in the leveling experience from our Discord family
Restrictions: not as bad as Ironman Challenge
Ren -
Did transmog count, found out only had 17% of mail transmogs
Kind of Argussed out
Running WoW off new SSD .. makes an enormous difference
Mike -
Still having problems with XT achievement. One day we get to 18, the next, 0
I got a pony!
I lost 700 achievement points, probably due to rearranging the achivements.
Mournful Moan of Murmur is now up and running after TWO YEARS of being broken.
I have not yet tried to level a toon yet.
The price of Celendras dropped like a rock. From 750k to 50k.
When you go into Ulduar, it’s now 10-man no matter what you set raid to.
It took forever to kill Galleon and Sha of Anger.
Zone quests are now gauged by chapters, not numbers of quests completed.
I was mailed all the new mats.
This Week in WoW
Pet Battle Event
Call of the Scarab - Jan 21-23
Patch 7.3.5
Patch notes:
Undocumented patch notes
Known issues:
Mobile/web AH disabled
Dungeon boss HP levels reversed Normal vs. Heroic
Raid boss difficulty - difficulty turned up for Warlords/Pandaria raids to put in line with leveling characters but overtuned them
Pet names disappearing
New backpack slots not showing up right away for new authenticators
Last wing of Argus LFR was bugged - if you wipe you can’t get back in
Redridge quest Saving Foreman Oslow not working
Patch 7.3.5: Leveling
The leveling experience: uneven reviews
Journey vs destination
Ren’s personal experiences doing N&A and feedback from the N&A participants
Professions: 1-60 profession progression still klunky
Still have old gathers (copper ore, thorium ore, peacebloom, goldthorn) tied to former zones
Level gains from herb/ore gathers still about the same as it was - about 1.7% of total level XP per gather for lower level gathers (reduces over time - was down slightly below 1% at level 63)
Leather/cloth gathers still tied to former zones (eg. leather experiment in Azeroth, cloth in BC/WOTLK)
Mobs and equipment scale to the toon, but profession drops still scale to the zone
Pro: You can still do predictable lower level farming
Con: Leveling might be a freedom of choice experience, but leveling professions is not -- still tied to old zone definitions
Solution: Flatten mats to three tiers -- levels 1-20, 20-40 and 40-60.
Enchanting squish did not go far enough, may have skipped guild banks entirely
Naked & Afraid 2018
Ren is level 19 in N&A - not highest toon but has the most gold (Maxx, gnome outlaw rogue, is level 30 with 9 hours /played)
Started Wednesday, 1/17 - join in anytime
3 official servers but you don’t have to join
Lots of minor rule clarifications, one major change
Almost 30 official participants so far
Shout out to MythGamingMN for streaming his N&A.
Mod of the Cast: Pawn
Mod of the Cast (Mike): All The Things
Going for the drake achievement -- sort of
Got 3 fel eggs this week: 1 Felglow Mana Ray mount, 1 Fel-Afflicted Skyfin pet, and
Now “the Exalted” … “the Beloved” next??
Slowly getting everyone completed with the Argus campaign
New toon: male blood elf protection paladin (going to go brewmaster monk for N&A) - almost level 40
Discussion: What makes you keep an alt? (@Cattarina and the “nursery of alts”)
More Ulduar achievements
Still can’t do XT. Tried on alts. Just bad luck.
Going to finish up Argus because I’ve neglected it too long.
This Week in WoW
Third wing of Antorus is open
Battleground bonus event
Darkmoon Faire opens Sunday
Did we all watch Jeff Kaplan by the fire?
Legion Attunement Tracker on Wowhead now tracks Allied race unlock requirements
Nightborne unlocks with completing Suramar (Good Suramaritan)
Highmountain unlocks with completing High mountain (Aint No Mountain High Enough)
Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei open with completing the Argus campaign (You Are Now Prepared!)
Attunement tool at
New hunter pets on PTR for 7.3.5 - including ones obviously meant to be starter pets for new allied races
Nightborne: Manasaber
Highmountain Tauren: Great Eagle
Void Elf: Voidstalker
Lightforged Draenei: Lightforged Talbuk
Other hunter pets include beasts clearly from Argus, such as umbralfins, dustcloaks, and chitinbuks, and ones clearly associated with Silithus like silithids, flying hornets, scorpids, and spiders
Allied race racials: more complete data. (Speculate on best classes?)
Nightborne: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
+15 to inscription=, increased magical damage by 1, access maili for 1.5 minutes (cooldown 10 minutes), A Force Shield that deals arcane damage and snares them by 50%, lasts 20 seconds (no info on cooldown), 1% magic resistance
Highmountain Tauren: Druid, Hunter, Monk, Shaman, Warrior
charge that knocks down enemies for 1.5 seconds (2 minute cooldown), +15 to mining and faster mining, +1% to versatility, overall damage reduction by 330 (scale?) and increased chance to loot additional meat and fish.
Void Elf: Hunter, Mage, Monk, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior
1% reduction of shadow and arcane damage, “your abilities have a chance to empower you with the essence of the void” (?), reduces void storage and transmog costs by 50%, spell casts not delayed by taking damage, and a built-in rift teleportation similar to warlock gating (2 minute cooldown).
Lightforged Draenei: Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Warrior
20% extra xp for killing demons, +10 to blacksmithing plus summoning a Forge of Light on demand, reduce holy damage by 1%, call down a strike of holy energy damaging enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec, and “erupt with light upon death, dealing holy damage to enemies and healing allies).
Speculation: Allied races are not going to be introduced in 7.3.5, but there are plenty of files being pushed to the servers about four of the six races, which gives Bliz the option of releasing them before the expansion. Thoughts?
Original dry run of Leeeeroy Jenkins video
From the Discord:
How to do less damage for raid achievements, without having to de-equip items or gear:
From @OPH on Discord: brought up there was a toy or shirt that used to exist that would reduce damage output by 90%. This is true. Whole Body Shrinka toy, which shrinks you down to a tiny size and does reduce your damage output to about 10% -- lasts for 3 minutes but has a 30 minute cooldown.
Soft Foam Sword also allows you to "mortally wound" a trivial enemy, but it isn't usable in dungeons or raids.
What else could be done? Came up with a cheap engineering solution even non-engineers can use.
Further discussion on queuing a Broken Shore class hall mission for Broken Shore Campaign -
@settlersrule said he was forced to take a 3 day elite mission because that was all that was available. Tips on how to manage this situation.
From Twitter: Going back to my report that the Murky world quest dismounts you when you fly over it, apparently it’s not just Murky, but any quest where you morph. @Frenzol informed me the wisp quest in Val’sharah does the same thing.
Thanks to Cara for filling in for me last week - also thanks for the tips on how to speed up load screen times
Hit Revered with Argussian Reach, Exalted with Scryers and Shado-pan
Finished 6 out of 7 class mount quests for my 110s (druid, mage, rogue, hunter, warlock, and priest) - only warrior to go
thoughts on class mount quests and how class mounts are treated differently
Finished 150 mounts usable on 1 character for the Jade Pandaren Kite (currently at 164)
Got 3 Shado-pan mounts and a couple “unsolicited” mounts - Wild Dreamrunner and Crimson Slavermaw
Finished Argus campaign on 3 characters (druid, warlock, and rogue)
One stupid three star Crispy Bacon recipe short of finished with cooking with warrior
This Week in WoW
Continuation of Winter Veil
Mists of Pandaria Timewalking
Shaman Challenge: 2 new finishers = Rokica and Settlersrule
Discussion: 2017 In Review
Special Guest Cara (@xanadara) joins us!
Achievements continue
More from Ulduar
Still having problems with XT
May be my fault - timing of the bots/heart
Got “Maybe He’ll Get Dizzy”
Got my mount
Are we at that point in the game where we finally take our time and slack off a bit?
Cara: Warcraft news lately is all about the future: patch 7.3.5 datamining, Battle for Azeroth speculation… focus on the here and now? Lean in to your community for keeping the game fresh while waiting for new content
*Cara news*
Campfire Chronicles
@CampfireChronic on Twitter and [email protected]
RCC at 7/11 Normal Antorus
SALE! ~ 50% off most pets, mounts, and transmog helms
Seasonal Event! ~ Winter Veil is up til January 2nd
HazelNuttyGames’ video:
Globe Yeti wild battle pet spawns in the snow globes! Ironforge and Org, not Dalaran - one spawns every 30min
Elixir of the Rapid Mind no longer drops from Savage Gift
Don't forget to do the followup to You're a Mean One..., as it rewards Smokywood Pastures Special Gift, which has a small chance to contain Winter's Grasp or Flames of Ragnaros. *weapon enchantment illusions for transmog*
New Winter's Veil music was added in Patch 7.1
Farm the mount from Hillsbrad Foothills with characters level 60+
Use the teleporter to Dalaran Crater in new Dalaran to get there quickly
From Discord: Ali - The year is winding down. Maybe talk about favorite moments of the year? Or favorite part of/memories of Winter Veil?
Raaaaaidinnnnng! ~ Antorus LFR Wing 2 opened this week. This includes the bosses Portal Keeper Hasabel, Eonar the Life-Binder, and Imonar the Soulhunter. Wing 3 opens January 2nd.
Overwatch winter wonderland loot boxes up until Jan. 2
Life Invasion continuation - won’t be here next week
Yes, I was making a mountain out of a molehill, or YES DAMNIT I CAN FLY NOW
How the raid really works for getting Good Suramaritan
The overwhelmed WoW person’s quick and dirty guide to getting flying
Stupid flight bugs -- Murky, stop dismounting me!!
Working on getting my neglected toons un-neglected
Pro tip: If you’re two manning dungeons in WoW, pay attention to dungeon difficulty setting
Yes, you can even screw up 25-man achievements.
Still no new mounts.
This Week in WoW:
Method has finished mythic Argus
320 pulls
Winter Veil starts this week (Dec 16-Jan 2)
New stuff
Hearthstation toy - sets out an “improved” Hearthstone table to play. No confirmation where this is from but possibly from Gently Shaken Gift
Winter Veil Gift is a Toy Weapon Set, which lets you spar with other players. Gives achievement Don’t Play Wi th That In The House
New pet: Globe Yeti. Probably wild, no data on where it is yet
And all the usual stuff -- garrison decorations, presents, the Greench dailies
Cara has a new podcast w/ Plaggy Boy called “Campfire Chronicles” - stories about WoW
Trial of Style Season 2 is up.
If you buy the trial, the game banks up your XP post-cap and then gives it to you when you buy it.
NOT SURE HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS. What about all the stuff I have in my bank?
Several reagents no longer exist: Greater Astral Essence, Lesser Astral Essence, Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Mystic Essence, Greater Nether Essence, Lesser Nether Essence, Nexus Crystal, Large Glimmering Shard, Small Glimmering Shard, Soul Dust, Vision Dust, Small Glowing Shard, Large Glowing Shard, Dream Dust, Small Radiant Shard, Large Radiant Shard
Illusion Dust is now Light Illusion Dust
Newbie zones are now 1-20.
Ren’s on the PTR on Renatta (two Ts) on Benedictus. I have a channel “worldofwarcast” if folks on Benedictus want to chat while online.
Discussion (@thecowking): What should you farm or bank to prepare for the upcoming expansion?
Discussions in Discord:
The Profession Manifesto for Battle for Azeroth - We want professions that aren’t gated. Also, spend more time focusing on usefulness than story
Cattarina’s idea of having a Discord channel for weekly achievements.
McAdoo fired (and so was Jerry Reese) … Geno Smith didn’t win the day and Eli is back
Life invasions, but managed to do some gaming
Mod of the Cast: MaxDPS (for remembering how to play forgotten toons)
More achievement hunting.
XT seems to be problematic.
Staying buffed all winter may be buggy
Forgot to do Algalon
Next week - all 25-man
Still need that 5-man Scholo one.
I started working on addons. Finally.
This Week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire ends Sunday
PvP week next week - Arena Skirmish and PvP brawl weekly events
Feast of Winter Veil starts on the 16th
Kobolds and Catacombs has an epic trailer. I still won’t play it.
Shaman Challenge: No new finishers, but Rokica and Settlersrule both reached 100
From last week: Artifact Knowledge 55 cap reached
7.3.5 hit the PTR
Zone levels: While the continent zones all have the same upper limit, the lower limit varies, more or less matching the lowest level needed to enter the zones today (so no going from 10-60 in Silithus)
In the 1-60 Azeroth zones, once you hit 40 you can go anywhere
How will this affect storylines? You can’t jump from Redridge to Burning Steppes, can you?
Racial embassies
Horde embassy in Org, Alliance in SW
Seems to be where you will recruit unlocked races in the expansion
Racial abilities and racial mounts datamined by Wowhead,
Dalaran Mailroom quest and minigame - pick up “Lost Mail” near a Dalaran mailbox to start (not sure about respawn time or frequency)
Rewards: the Mailemental pet
A toy to summon Katy Stampwhistle, a mail assistant who will “deliver and retrieve mail until she is called elsewhere”
Discussions from Discord: How to level fishing as fast as possible
Margoss + Ancient Vrykul Ring/Rusty Queenfish Brooch = Fast Leveling
How many vanilla players does it take to change a lightbulb?
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Accidental discovery: how accidentally three-manning heroic Eye of Azshara turned into two-manning normal dungeons (EoA, Black Rook, Vault of the Wardens, Violet Hold, Darkheart Thicket, Maw of Souls), mage and warlock style
Epic troll druid progress: Resurrected October 26 -- in 30 days, leveled 101-110, finished 2 druid weapons, class hall, Broken Shore campaign, Argus campaign, iLevel 913
Worgen mage finished class hall, almost finished Argus, iLevel 911 - first level 1000 legendary
Achievement hunting w/Ali
Mount farming - nothing this week dropped :(
This Week in WoW
Antorus opened
Antorus Mythic opens next week
End of Pilgrim’s Progress, 13th Anniversary
Pet XP event ends Tuesday
Cataclysm Timewalking next Tuesday
News and Discussion
Shaman Challenge - new finishers and a new record!
New secret mount discovered
New mount in Heroic Argus - Violet Spellwing
Spoilers from the cinematic!
Classic server discussion continued
What happened when? An overview of vanilla patches
Mod histories
When did mods become available?
First Mod of the Cast - SellValue, 26 March 2006
First 5 mods still available from Curse (but only one still works)
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Ren -
Shaman now level 108
Now declaring new main: troll feral cat druid
Going to finish Suramar and get flying -- I swear it will be done
Jewelcrafting mounts
Mike -
Mount farming and a lot of toon cleanup.
Achievement farming w/Ali. I still one-shot things.
This week in WoW
WoW Anniversary - until November 30th
Mail goodies:
Celebration Package: 13% XP and rep bonus - 10 second cooldown, multiple uses throughout the next 2 weeks
Stupid tabard though
200 timewarped badges
A letter that starts Interesting Times, first quest to visit a historian in Stormwind or Orgrimmar
Daily quests:
Time to Reflect - 25 timewarped badges for answering a lore question
The Originals - 50 timewarped badges slay Lord Kazzak, Azuregos, and Dragon of Nightmare
Respawn timer 5 minutes
Lord Kazaak - Blasted Lands, north of the Tainted Forest
Azuregos - Azshara, southeast of the Secret Lab
Dragons of Nightmare - can be in Duskwood, Ashenvale, Hinterlands and Feralas
Druids: Dreamwalk can take you to some locations for Dragons of Nightmare (different Emerald Portals)
New badge loot
Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses - cosmetic transmog for 200 TW badges
Two celebration wands for 25 TW badges (5 charges) - Quillboar and Trogg
Tranquil Mechanical Yeti Costume (3 charges) - 50 timewarped badges
Can save TW badges for a variety of toys, mounts, and pets
Pilgrim’s Bounty - November 20 - 27
Do daily quests and earn achievements to earn pets, transmogs, and
Want to get Fine Pilgrim’s Hat, which adds the Pilgrim’s Hat transmog to all armor types - can be found in the daily quest reward Pilgrim’s Bounty
Good for leveling low level cooking & collecting new cooking recipes
The last (for now) thoughts on classic servers.
Battle For Azeroth Q&A
Heart of Azeroth will replace tier bonuses
The incentive will be Heart of Azeroth upgrades and other items.
7.3.5 - Antorus Epilogue quest content, Ulduar Timewalking, preview of Silithus BG, scaling world content.
Rep standing might affect allied race unlocking.
Yes, you can race change to an allied race
Troll posture will be covered in Zandalari allied race
Not as many legendaries in BfA
No plans for 10-man Mythic
Blizz thinks this is an “exciting time” for World PvP. I disagree. Once that hordie hovers over you for the third time, you just tick your flag off.
Our talk about WoW Classic.
This week:
Ren -
Shaman: level 96
Shaman challenge spreadsheet (of course it’s a spreadsheet)
Resurrected old Legion baby troll druid
Remembered why auction mules need to be at least level 10
Looking forward to season 12 in Diablo 3
Mike -
Lots of mount runs on all toons. Only got the egg.
I figure out how to solo Deathwing.
Also, I tend to one-shot things.
This week in WoW
Darkmoon Faire ends Saturday
Lich King timewalking
Sunday - Moonkin Festival in Moonglade (1 day)
Observe baby moonkin dancing, napping and moonfiring and get your own temporary Moonkin Companion pet for 24 hours
Other quests let you increase up to 5 moonkin babies following you around for up to 5 days
World boss: Ana-Mouz in Suramar. Drops Skimpy Leather Tunic for transmog.
Our talk about WoW Classic will be on Thursday's episode.
Incoming for 7.3.5 - (no release date; not even up on PTR yet)
Timewalking Ulduar, new battleground
Event in Silithus to herald in the start of expansion
Leveling Improvements (yay!!!!!)
All content previous to Warlords will SCALE TO LEVEL - within ranges
Classic starting zones: 1-10
All old world vanilla zones: 10-60
Burning Crusade and Wrath zones: 60-80
Cataclysm and Pandaria zones: 80-90
What this means: You can actually complete zones without leveling out of them and feeling forced to move on and you can choose where you level up
Dungeons will also scale accordingly - so will loot drops (yes, run Wailing Caverns at 60 and you’ll get level 60 mobs and level 60 gear)
Incoming also - no release date
Accounts with an authenticator attached will get a “small increase” to the size of their standard 16 slot backpack - may be connected to WoW’s upcoming 13th anniversary event (Nov 16-30)
Expansion: Battle for Azeroth (not Tides of Vengeance) - also no release date
Level to 120 (one instant boost to 110)
Return to faction based play areas
Bye-bye Teldrassil and Undercity (but not Silvermoon and Exodar) -- hello each faction controlling their own continent
Does the zone control mean no leveling zones for the opposite faction?
New island zones Zandalar and Kul Tiras with three areas for each
Horde: Zandalar - obviously troll focused
Alliance: Kul Tiras - naval power (which we’ve never seen because apparently they’re so good they can hide the most powerful navy in the world from everyone until now)
New subraces: the four we mentioned on the last show plus two more (Horde: Highland Tauren, Nightborne and Zandalari Troll. Alliance: Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron Dwarves).
Will get 6 new character slots on each server
You have to open these subraces via quests -- once opened it’s accountwide
Subraces start at level 20. You can race-switch into them using Blizzard game services, but if you run one from 20 to 120 you get an achievement plus special heritage armor transmog
3-person Island Cooperative challenge gameplay
Changing mini scenarios on islands
Would like to have seen this scalable to other size groups - 3 is awkward
20-person raids called Warfronts to claim strategic locations
this is a PvE system, not PvP, “inspired by classic Warcraft RTS battles”
(Ren: Damn good thing or the Horde on Whisperwind is screwed)
Artifact amulet (Heart of Azeroth) instead of an artifact weapon - a system with a sort of mini-talent tree used to select and empower abilities - replacements for the Artifact, Artifact Power and Netherlight Crucible systems from Legion
Powered by Azerite, will automatically absorb Azerite when it’s nearby
Helm, chest, and shoulders will be empowered through Heart of Azeroth
Probably will need an entire episode just on this - but practical upshot is the artifact weapons are going away and this is the replacement
PVP/PVE server distinction is going away - now it will be selectable
Internal sharding allows PVP-flagged players to see/group with only one another, and PVE-unflagged players to see/group only with one another
All servers will run under same rules of engagement
Only place you can flag PVP is in capital cities - can’t flag PVP on the fly
No randomly flagged people running around
PvP gives added bonuses in addition to added risk
Item level decrease incoming
Not exactly the warlords “stat squish” where numbers were reduced across the board
Numbers from the Dungeon Journal in the demo at Blizzcon - 880 items were showing up as 215, 900 as 235, 1000 as 335
Basically trying to make numbers a bit more meaningful
Presumably mobs and such will be scaled as well -- functionally should not change, just how it’s displayed
New model changes incoming for several character races - Orcs and Trolls were demoed to choose between a hunched or upright character). Mostly focused on original races, plus blood elf and draenei. Goblins and Worgen will get makeovers later.
Beta Opt-In for Expansion - scroll to the bottom of the page if you want to get into the beta
Episode 264
LIfe invasions continue - but for good reasons
New microphone! (and why it’s a commitment stand-in)
Seeing if I can resurrect the original Renata (but not til 6 PM tonight)
Level 72 shaman
Diablo III
Contemplating a hardcore run for new Seasons (starts Nov 9)
New undead murloc necromancer pet rocks
Got Naxxy, and Pepe is uncomfortable on my Gilnean form witch hat
Horseman’s Reins
Steamwheedle rep does work in Badlands
And Tanaris
Can’t really find any other post-cata quests.
Is there something I’m missing because killing mobs for 2 rep each is not fun.
Timewalking - got a 905 chest, iLvl went down one point lol.
This Week in WoW
Hallows End ends (Wed Nov 1)
Day of the Dead starts (Nov 1 - Nov 3)
World Quest Bonus Event starts (Tues Oct 31)
Shaman Challenge
First two Finishers!
Filius, with troll shaman Shameena reached level 110 in 4d 5h 44m and 14s.
Jemela, Draenei shaman 2 days 10 hours 45 minutes, 41 seconds
Token prices on the rise again - noted by Discord user JSHMLR
190k on US servers average, 290k on European servers
Patch 7.3.2 - Documented changes
Includes additional tuning for Antorus, but the raid isn’t open yet
Balance druid and elemental shaman changes -
Shamanistic Healing trait redesigned - now heals for increasing amount per rank (was fixed) with a fixed cooldown for 30 seconds (was 30 seconds minus 2 seconds per rank)
Three new class hall missions giving follower armor rewards
Added a Primal Sargerite vendor to the Vindicaar
Can now sell a number of legacy class set items back to vendors
*SPOILERS about the next expansion?*
As of today, until Oct 31, Wowhead is giving away 15 Blizzcon Virtual Tickets. Visit Wowhead for entry details.
It’s next week!
Possible leak of the expansion title?
Too much adulting this week - only got to level 70 in shaman challenge
Update on the restore/switch faction bug
Shaman to 50.
200 mounts!
Hallow’s End
Got 150 treats in one night.
The trick to doing the wickerman - invisibility items. Instant vs. casting time.
Trying to get the headless horseman mount - how many years has it been?
This week in WoW
Black Temple timewalking - dropping base i900 items, NOT i930
Hallow’s End
Tricky Treats - Headless Horseman, daily quests, candy buckets. Use to buy masks, costumes for you or for pets (there’s three pug costumes and one Pepe skin), consumables, pets (Naxx, Sinister Squashling, Cursed Birman, Feline Familiar or Widget the Departed), heirloom upgrades (armor casings), and toys (horse head and tail, Little Wickerman)
Wickerman (Grim Visage) buffs for baby shamans (10% exp and rep for 2 hours)!
XP bonus applies to mob kills only - doesn’t increase XP from quest turnins or pet battles (“Apply Aura: mod Experience Gained %(mob kills only)”).
Rep bonuses: does work with Legion tokens and other commendations in the game, and does stack with human’s 10% exp racial ability
New this year: Naxxy, undead companion pet (150 Tricky Treats)
New costume - Xavius (200 treats)
New front and back end of a horse
Headless Horseman drops 880 loot
Magic Broom - 25% drop rate out of Horseman’s stash
mount - 0.5%
880 gear includes a sword (kind of silly for anything other than transmog), helm, and rings
Elysium shuts down because someone was taking home 2000 euros/month and someone else was running a gold selling service.
Patch 8.0 made a (very) brief appearance on beta servers
Mod of the Cast
Shaman challenge
Level 69 at 1d 6h - got through Outland, now in Northrend - 60-68 seemed very slow
A funny thing happened on the way to the Alliance: Restored a previously deleted 110 horde mage, took her to Alliance and weirdness happened
Shaman challenge
15 to 38 in one night.
Lots of dungeons and dungeon quests.
Could get 2-3 levels in a run
Rested XP was a waste because you blow right through it.
Problem - Maraudon puts you in the dungeon, but no quests for two more levels. So, either quest or repeat dungeons.
Problem with that is now you’re moving further and further away from Stormwind (Stranglethorn or Plaguelands)
Had to run to Wetlands between dungeon runs. Waste of time. Not sure what else to do.
Toy is 10k gold, and only gives faction flight points, not neutral.
BTW: I still love Maraudon
This Week in WoW
Pet Xp event - 200% not 300% as originally advertised
Hallow’s End starts Wednesday the 18th at 10:00 AM PST
Running of the Gnomes - Saturday October 14th, to benefit the Cleveland Clinic and the creators of the Tuohy Vaccine, a proposed vaccine against breast cancer that’s showing great promise
Run from Gnomer to Booty Bay - clear 34 gates
Starts at 7 PM EST, purchase a pink tabard in Ironforge
This started on Scarlet Crusade and there are raids on Scarlet Crusade
Blizzcon 2017
All virtual ticket rewards
Flying mounts in WoW - two seaters (we knew this)
Other games - Overwatch Winston skin, Starcraft III Junker SCV, Probe and Drone Skins; Heroes of the Storm Nexus Razorback mount, Diablo III Murkromancer Pet, and a “mystery goodie” for Hearthstone.
Blizzcon Merch
New plushes: Pirate Pepe Plush, Raptor Plushie, Elekk Plushie
Jaina Key Art Poster
Ugly Holiday Greench Sweater
Sylvanus Short Sleeved Hoodie
Sargeras Shirt
New pins and new patches for the goody bag - trying to encourage badge trading\
Shaman challenge
Proposed change to 2018 Naked & Afraid Challenge: any class, any spec (but choose once!) and on your honor to pick a class you’ve never successfully leveled to 110
Demon hunter speed runs
Shriekrunner - uses demon hunter’s mastery scaling at level 101 to get a minimum speed of 230% base speed - speed going up to 350-410%. Uses tricks, potions, and shortcuts - showed video of clearing old world dungeons in a total of 18 minutes, not counting travel time between dungeons (Gundrak clear took 13 seconds)
Posts build and tricks in a linked Reddit thread
Ren -
All shaman challenge!
Lots of mog stuff in AQ this week
Shaman challenge - got to 15 pretty fast. Was going to play more on Wed. but got sidetracked.
This Week -
Brewfest ends Friday - Harvest Festival mini holiday on Friday
Darkmoon Faire ends Friday
Next week: Pet Bonus Experience - 300% pet xp
Legion Q&A
No word on artifact appearances yet, but they’d like them to be mogs
Exception - the shit you gotta work for :D
Same with druid forms
You can upgrade to 1000 the same way you did with 970
No new legendaries being added to the loot table
More MDI in the future.
Wants to give more classes more utility
Maxed followers needed for Antorus raid missions
Argus whistle will be unlocked on all characters shortly
Krokurun and Mac’aree world quests will NOT be account wide - story dependent
AK goes up until 55
Spider boss will be back
Thinks that not everyone having everything is OK. But it’s not.
problem - in vanilla you can work for it.
There will be Sylvanas/Greymane story progression
People still bitch about RNG (news at 11) - GATING OVER WAITING
There will be better server connections
No flying in Argus. Ever.
PvP more character-specific.
Shaman Challenge
New names proposed (Xandara): Transcendental Elementals, Developmental Elementals, Nonjudgmental Elementals
Naked & Afraid - “No Guild. No Gear. No Gold.”
Will run a Naked & Afraid Challenge after the holidays
Several Naked & Afraid Rules clarifications (posted on Discord #shamanchallenge channel)
Tips from Ren and members of the Discord channel
And Ren’s “do as I say not as I do” tips (how not to f**k up)
Prize for completing the Shaman Challenge!
Special guest Christy (@christylou) joins us!
No, the Starlight Beacon does not work in Argus, but decent for Magic of Flight
Siege of Orgrimmar is eternally long (w/Ali)
Mount farming
This week - 0
Trying to finish up achievements in old raids…..for mounts :D
Did ⅘ of the MoP dungeons - forgot to do the fifth.
This week in WoW
Brewfest continues
Tomorrow starts Harvest Festival - honor a fallen hero (NOT the Pilgrim festival)
New app on the Apple/Android stores.
Chat with your friends!
Argus unlocks on your alts!!
“Appear Offline” coming “soon”
Audio dramas - “1000 Years of War”
Will be an expansion announcement at Blizzcon
New project for Blizzard -- announcement of a job opening for Senior Client Engineer for a MMO real time strategy game on the Unity engine -- probably an iOS/Android game from the job description
Special guest Cara (@Xanadara) joins us!
Finished Argus storyline
Completely forgot about the new dungeon, will have to do that tonight.
Yaaarrrr! Talk like a pirate day.
New item - insult book
If you’re wondering how to get Steamwheedle rep back - Silk cloth turn-ins
Spent some time this week playing Fortnite
OOPS I wiped my addons
map error caused by Mappy “Large gathering nodes” checkbox
lost my weakauras. mogit outfits. pet battle teams. adibags custom filters 😩
remember to save your Interface and WTF folders every so often
Raiding - the balance between casual and progression between beating normals and new raids coming out; hadn't had to do that yet in Legion but we did in Warlords
My team got 3 heroics down! Woot! Goroth, Demonic Inquisition, and Harjatan
Worked on Misstress Sass’zine for an hour, oy
I'm trying to enjoy the new stuff and not rush through it, but I find myself having to be in the right mindset to focus and get really sucked in... vs just playing with audio/video on 2nd monitor - I want to learn the lore and pay attention to details but my perfectionism is sneaking up and keeping me from doing it because if it's not perfect why bother
How's your digital declutter going with old bank mats?
Mists of Pandaria timewalking is out
Brewfest is out - til October 6th
i880 gear from Coren Direbrew
Stout Alemental
Brewfest Keg Pony! (I still don’t have it….or the Headless Horseman)
And who doesn’t want a sausage hat?
2hr exp buff! Level your alts!
Holiday mogs
Hearthstone innkeeper’s tavern cookbook out Nov. 7
Massive spoilers in 7.3.2. Why isn’t it 7.3.5?
PTR Datamined ilevel 1000 legendary upgrade tokens
“Book #54, a World of Warcraft novel, has been sent to the editor!”
Junkertown is out in Overwatch, along with the changes to heroes.
Eric is excited to take out Pharah with Mercy
Volskaya on the Heroes PTR
Blizzcon Virtual Ticket videos before Blizzcon!
Back to Bagnon
Cheatin’ in archaeology (more on this later)
Altoholic rewrite
H Throne of Thunder with Ali
This week in WoW
World Quest Bonus Event
Pick up The World Awaits for 5k bonus resources
Argus Week 3:
Finish Argus Campaign on Mac’Aree
Unlock Netherlight Crucible and Seat of the Triumverate
New Mac’Aree world quests
Archaeology quest - A Beacon of Hope
Starlight Beacon - draw a box around yourself and fly inside, even when you don’t have flying
Apparently you can use this with a Goblin Glider Kit or Rocfeather Skyhorn Kite to do Magic of Flight if you don’t have regular flying. May also be usable in Argus??
Another reason why rogue = cheat mode
Upcoming Holidays:
Tuesday 19th - 20th - Pirate’s Day
Corresponds with International Talk Like a Pirate Day
1 hour pirate disguise in faction cities
Mostly occurs in Booty Bay
Get a 12 hour pirate costume that persists through death and gives an achievement
Complete quest “You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat” for 5 Emergency Pirate Outfits
Purchase Petey for 10g from Dread Captain DeMeza, a 5-stack item that allows you to have a green woodpecker on your shoulder (I looked at it. THIS IS NOT A PARROT). You can have it sit on your shoulder AND have Pepe on your head at the same time
Kill Ol’Eary, a rare elite shark off Booty Bay, get a Slightly Chewed Insult Book toy.
Wednesday 20th - October 6th - Brewfest
Some new things as of last year: Brewfest Prize Token items Gravel Goldbraid’s Famous Sausage Hat toy and the Synthebrew Goggles XL head item
Blizzcon virtual ticket
More coverage! That means the panels we never got to see
ALL stages will be covered through Blizzcon All Access Channel
Can watch on demand replays for more than a month afterward
Cool mounts!
Multi passenger faction flying mounts - Stormwind Skychaser and Orgrimmar Interceptor
$39.99 US. Opening ceremony and all esports streams will be free to all but no convention coverage
More items for other games will be coming
There will be videos posted between now and Nov. on the web site.
Goody bag
It’s a backpack (useless to me)
Velcro area for little patches - one for each Bliz game
Overwatch figurine
Shadow: New Charity Pet
Fennec fox - color changing
All proceeds are being split between American Red Cross DIsaster Relief and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Disaster Relief Fund to assist with relief efforts around the world
Farmed for the recipe. Took about 20m.
I had 72 Shadow Silk in my inventory (ha! pack rat!)
Make 8 Shadoweave Masks. Farmed more silk. Total at the end of the day, over 80k gold.
Finished chapter 2 of Argus
Bug in a invasion point Naigtal - Spores give 1M damage/tick, kept getting it on rez.
Problem - skull mobs walk around, can really hurt you.
Spore bug
Not a lot of room to move
Very hard to do solo unless you know how to maneuver
Got my Sulfuras - Hand of Ragnaros Legendary on my DK
Arena Skirmish Bonus Event
Darkmoon Faire r
Stupid dirgible is 1000 tickets
Argus won’t have flying (but we knew that)
The Flying on Argus debate: the tl;dr version
Argussian Emissary Quests should now require 3 WQs
Fel lava on Argus no longer damages pets
Invasion points
Available after finishing the second chapter of Argus in Mac’aree
Starts with a quest from Ilidan, “Where They Least Expect It” to enter an invasion point to kill the legion commander
Followup quest: recover 15 Argus Waystones to unlock Greater Invasion Points
Invasion Points repeatable - you don’t need to be in a party to enter it. Will get credit just from zoning in. Finishing grants Artifact Power tokens, Argus Waystones and Veiled Aranite.
Each lasts 6 hours
Include Environmental hazards (watch your feet) and one unique objective
Three stages: fill a bar by killing trash, more mobs spawn, LEgion Commander spawns
If you wipe on Legion Commander, health will not reset
Greater Invasion Points - can do once per week - Argus world bosses drop 930 loot
Bring a Seal of Broken Fate for bonus rolls
Started on Argus campaign with rogue (as predicted)
Still playing Diablo 3 but having some repetitive motion injury issues with right hand
Ditched Bagnon for ArkInventory
Pleased with TV appearance on THE DEAD FILES - and cancelled Sling (HDTV antenna works great - between that and Amazon Prime’s Thursday Night Football, Giants season is saved!)
Caught 3rd eagle this week
Argus! Wait, it’s only one chapter?
Can’t do the dungeon yet
What’s this cloth?
Chests everywhere
Couldn’t get enough items for the i880 gear (not that I need it)
Mobs aren’t that hard to kill.
What’s with the eye quest?
20% more damage in/out?
Some guy’s been buying my stuff on the AH and not making a profit
Tomb of Sargeras w/Ali
This Week in Wow
One word: Argus
Next week: Mac’Aree zone opens, unlock Invasion Points, and a questline to open Greater Invasion Points that can drop 930 gear.
For those who aren’t into Argus, it’s Cataclysm Timewalking.
The Archaeology reward for next 2 weeks is a toy called the Crystalline Eye of Undravius, which lets you look around and see invisible NPCs as demons or changes existing NPCs into demons for 15 seconds (apparently Khadgar is a succubus). If you’re a toy collector or are after your 8 archaeology quests for a new artifact tint, go for it. Collecting 300 toys will get you a mount, the Mechanized Lumber Extractor.
7.3 News
Nightfallen reputation requirements removed from several Suramar quests, making it possible to complete the Suramar campaign without reputation gates.
Undocumented changes
Artifact catch-up for alts:
Artifact Knowledge now starts at 41 regardless of book
Removes Class Hall Campaign for third relic slot
Removes Broken Shore campaign to unlock Empowered Traits
Higher drop rate for artifact appearances, and you can get them for artifacts you own that you aren’t currently using (off spec)
I880 Relinquished Gear no longer available to purchase with Nethershards.
Completing opening Broken Shore scenario on one character is required to unlock Argus
Reduced requirements for Breaching the Tomb - example, you only need 50 Mark of Sentinax instead of 100
Timewalking dungeon loot starts at 880, and Black Temple timewalking loot starts at 930.
Lots of Tomb of Sargeras changes - mostly nerfs
Nomi Work Orders can now yield Broken Islands Recipe Scrap (drop rate lower than Nomi Snacks). 10 scraps = one undiscovered recipe
Fishing Round the Isles achievement now requires 20 world fishing quests, not all of them
Levitating players can now jump
Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning updated animations were not implemented. Apparently they got bad reviews on the PTR.
Two new class hall follower catch-up items added to Warmage Kathleen at Deliverance Point: Grimoire of Lost Knowledge (adds 6000 XP to follower for 2500 nethershards) and Relinquished Armor Set (sets champion iLevel to 880 for 400 nethershards)
New missions for followers may be related to a new side quest, available to players after completing the An Offering of Light main quest series. These side quests unlock a new type of troop or missions that offer new follower equipment
Helpful toy: Sightless Eye (not to be confused with the Sightless Eye currency) - makes you much less detectable to mobs on Argus or Broken Shore for 10 minutes, with a 5 minute cooldown. Any damage, including falling damage, breaks this. (Or just make a rogue)
Diablification #1: Antaen Light-Bringer in the first part of Argus -- after the first few quests, you join Kil’jaeden and Prophet Velen to destroy a siege weapon that looks like a large green portal of some type
Spoiler: it pops up and it’s a big mob
Ren: Recognized this IMMEDIATELY because it looks almost exactly like a mob called the Realmwalker in the Battlefields of Eternity level in Act IV of D3, who is a giant mob who hides in the ground with a big portal eye on his head. Knew what was going to happen
Cable cutting: Sling TV, HDTV antennas, solutions for watching football
Played opening scenario for Argus
What is it with night elves and bottled water?
Don’t see myself going through this with more than one character
Another legendary (waist)
Got it from the world boss on the Isle
Working on getting the tokens for the next legendary upgrade.
No new mounts.
Forgot about Trial of Style
Patch 7.3 NEXT WEEK
Other worlds??
Seat of the Triumverate - new dungeon
4 bosses
Argus WQs (no surprise)
Artifact customization
New combat animations
New items for mining, herbalism, skinning, tailoring, and shoulder enchants
Achievements for the number of tabards you have.
Class changes
Broken Shore now has an emissary quest
New factions: Army of Light and Argussian Reach - both advance with world quests, emissary quests, order hall missions and weekly quests
Army of Light - Exalted reward: Lightforged Warframe mount for the low low price of 500k gold - looks like a gold mechanical golem
Argussian Reach
Exalted reputation paragon caches can include one of three Elekk mounts
Other rewards
Not a fan of the Hearthstone musical
Not understanding the marketing behind it.
Kel’Thuzad is the new hero in Heroes of the Storm
What was with Jaina? lol
Ali-Yesterday at 11:34 PM
Oh hey everyone @here ....make sure to turn in your Legionfall Supplies before the patch. Once it drops, you'll no longer get the chests from that and the ap reward is also reduced.(edited)
Email from Zak
We fall down a rabbit hole about rare items from Uldaman.
Still feel like I’m waiting around for 7.3 - marking time
Love the lighting effects in Dalaran
Update on The Dead Files
RL achievement: Banded first bald eagle of the year, posted picture on Twitter.
Yes, there’s a level 1 mount
SPriest is terrible at leveling, not bad in dungeons (but could be better)
Leveled up my DH and *love it*
Trial of Style!
This week:
Legion Dungeon event
Spirit of Ech’ero mount for weekly archaeology
Trial of Style mini-event starts today and goes til Tuesday
5 players given 2 minutes to create a transmog based on a theme - some PTR themes have included Summer Styles, Winter Wear, Mismatched Mayhem, Fun and Flirty, Tabard Time, Faction Pride, Epic Purple, and of course, the ever popular Freestyle
You can’t see what your competitors are doing as they appear to be wearing smocks to cover their transmogs until the unveiling
Contestants are pulled onto a stage where people can vote on two at a time - strike a pose such as /wave, /cheer, or /dance
After several rounds of voting, prizes are awarded, 1st through 3rd and Consolation. Contains Trial of Style tokens that can be traded for transmog gear in Dalaran
Some complaints on forums of people getting kicked from scenario groups and getting a 30 minute deserter debuff
7.3 - details will be announced at Gamescon via the Blizzard Reveal Ceremony on Wed 23rd
Also at Gamescon - WoW European Championship Finals, and two top Euro guilds (Nova and Set Sail for Fail) will race each other in a live mythic showdown
Whispers of a Frightened World scenario live as of Tuesday
Without spoilers: get a quest to go to Sholazar Basin and meet with Magni, to enter the Hall of Communion at Maker’s Overlook. Starts a scenario.
Getting high reviews from people who have completed it
New combat and casting animations shown
Resto Druid
Blood Elf Female Ranged Attack
All Mage Specs
Holy Priest
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Item level changes in 7.3
Dungeon item level drops will be each going up one rung. Normal will move from 825 to 845; heroic from 845 to 865; mythic from 865 to 885.
The Name Change that Didn’t
Blizzard announced almost a year ago it was going to shift from “” to “Blizzard” for its online services
Branding change fail: they decided they will become “Blizzard”
Activision Blizzard Investor call - 2nd Q 2017 (April through June)
Blizzard reported: All time record monthly active users, up 38% from last year
All time record daily active users and Q2 record time spent
Legion continues to outperform Warlords
Overwatch monthly active users have increased each quarter since launch, rose to a new all time high in Q2
Net revenues of over $3.3 billion (just Blizzard)
Blizaard outperforming the other divisions (Activision and King). Activision has titles such as Call of Duty, Destiny and SKylanders, and King brings you Candy Crush, Pet Rescue, Farm Heroes and Bubble Witch
What’s that thing in the sky?
All of ToS is available in Raid Finder.
Summer Games are out on Overwatch!
Plea to Blizz to remove sharding on NA RP servers temporarily. Approved in two hours?
Yes, true - because RP peeps wanted no sharding.
Still no release date for 7.3 - unlikely to happen before Gamescon in Germany (August 22)
Speculation it may not release until as late as October
A few more bans for selling raids/progression for RL money - Blizzard clear selling them for in-game gold is absolutely not a violation
Mythic Dungeon Invitational:
Clears done; 7 of top 10 clears completed by Europe teams. 2 Americas and 1 APAC (and 6 out of 10 were Horde ppbbbbttt :D )
Most popular dungeons: Vault of the Wardens (8/10), Halls of Valor (7/10), Neltharion’s lair (7/10), Black Rook Hold (6/10) Court of Stars (6/10 teams) and Eye of Aszhara (6/10)
Rules deliberately vague on criteria for getting in - timing is just one factor
Lunch with Thorn and Thyst
Lots of thoughts on playing the priest (Disc, Shadow)
Switched mains in Diablo 3
Necro: lot of fun, tired of getting killed a lot
Crusader: “good enough” DPS and don’t have to worry about getting blown up so much - running Blessed Hammer build with the Seeker of Light set
Rep-a-palooza didn’t happen, but at least finished exalted with Darkmoon Faire
Still experiencing life invasions, still playing Diablo III (up to T11, level 50 GRifts)
Haven’t had much time to do anything else
Hit the 500k mark
Started playing the warrior again - up to 17, but too early to tell if it’s a good fit because I can one-shot everything.
Wanted to play the priest. No time.
Timewalking mount
This week in WoW
Northrend Timewalking Dungeon Event
Darkmoon Faire this weekend (8/6-13)
New Darkmoon Dirigible mount coming in 7.3 for 180 tickets -- start saving now!
New cat mount/pet
We talk about today's Twitch Q&A session w/Ion.
Other news
7.3's Blood of Sargeras: Primal Sargerite
new crafting reagent
Transmute: Primal Sargerite (1 Primal Sargerite from 25 Blood of Sargeras)
recipe comes from Alchemist Funen in a new zone, Krokuun
Argus world quest rewqrds
If you are revered with Armies of Legion, can purchase a shoulder enchant that will increase drop of Light's Fortune, which contains Primal Sargerite
What requires Primal Sargerite:
all kinds of new recipes for armor, jewelcrafting, engineering, alchemy
example: Tears of the Naaru (shows all demons on minimap for 30 minutes)
Primal Obliterum: needed to advance crafted armor to 935
Why Icy Veins says to dump Defiled Augment Runes before patch 7.3
"Patch 7.3 comes adds a new faction called Army of the Light and at Exalted you can buy a new BoP rune that has the exact same stats as the old one (Lightforged Augment Rune). It seems it won't get consumed on use, so Defiled Augment Rune will be relevant only by the time players reach Exalted with the new faction. "
Life invasions > demon invasions
WoW - still plugging away at exalted
- finished Armies of Legionfall
Diablo III -- Season 11 started 8 PM EST on July 20, running a necro
- When I checked at 20 hours in, the highest season necro was level 70 and running level 86 greater rifts (GR 60= T13). I was level 8 and grateful for pants.
- Necro is level 70 running T4 (GR 17)
How to report a bot
Related: Vial of the Sands no longer crowded on the AH
Changes to world bosses
- bosses like Withered Jim
- rotation is currently random but will be changed to a fixed rotation
Raiding with Leashes V - The Cuteaclysm
- Collect in Bastion of Twilight (3 pets), Blackwing Descent (3 pets), Throne of the Four Winds (2 pets), Firelands (4 pets), and Dragon Soul (3 pets).
- 8 of the 15 pets are elemental pets. There are also 2 magic, 2 dragonkin, and 1 each of mechanical, undead, and beast.
- Achievement reward is the Amalgam of Destruction, an elemental pet.
- Christie Golden writing another novel. No idea what it’s about yet.
- ToS Wing 3 on the PTR
- No more XP or Vista support come October, except Overwatch
- Russell Brower leaving Blizzard after 12 years.
Aker sends us a lot of information about what it's like to be in Method.
Special guest host Thyst (@thyst03) from Lagging Balls fills in for Ren this week!
5/9 Heroic ToS
Friend’s Heroic Lockout before KJ BoE farming (10 man group can expect 5-7 drops, 25% warforge rate. i.e, 4 915s, 1-2 920s)
Doing Deep Six Brawls
Normal Four Piece
Timewalking BT and dungeons done
Timewalking Black Temple with Ali’s guild - so much fun!
Key for Mana Tombs works in Timewalking
Got people some xmog doing Mana Tombs twice
Tried to fix sRaidFrame, but it's too far gone. Replacement - grid2? Z Perl?
Did the quests for the legendary cloths.
Finally i907!
Method gets first Mythic Kil’Jaden kill (of course). Longest progression race since Al’Akir.
654 wipes!!!
19 new mounts in 7.3!
What will be the new HotS hero? Tease from the Dark Portal.
It’s Gary Hellscream!
Doomfist will be available July 27
Win/Lose rates for OW:
Support the show!
Windchanneller’s Raiment - an old secret?
Tried working on ToS - long story.
Got in two BT raids that fell apart before the first boss.
Still mostly playing Diablo III - keeping up with Exalted, sort of
Season 11 starts July 20 . deciding what my toon will be (necro or witch doctor)
Black Temple timewalking is out!
Make sure to talk to the NPC in Shatt first.
You queue by having the raid leader talk to the NPC, and then you’re all ported there.
“This is harder than timewalking”. No, it IS timewalking. It’s a raid, fool.
Lockout has been hotfixed.
Don’t forget to xmog before you go! :D
“Appear Offline” coming to
New caster animations
Overwatch League is officially starting
Blizz pulling back from SDCC-exclusive items - merch will premiere at SDCC and then will be sold online.
It’s official as of 10:45 AM today: Kil’jaeden the longest lived mythic mob since Cataclysm - beats Archimonde (16 days). Current recordholder: Al’Akir (42 days)
Mythic InvitationalSeptember 16: China
September 17: Asia-Pacific
September 23: Europe
September 24: Americas
The woes of trying to get rep with factions that come and go.
Dealing with Dubenko the Turtle.
Don't forget farm rep if you're working on Pandaria rep.
Vial of the Sands is returning 30k gold in a matter of hours. Is that good?
This week in WoW:
Pet event: 200% xp
Darkmoon Faire ends Sunday am
Tuesday July 11 - Tomb of Sargeras - second wing opens to raid finder July 11, Burning Crusade timewalking
**BREAKING** Doomfist is up on the Overwatch PTR
Ren talks at length about the Diablo III Necromancer
Warcast turns 12 on Sunday! Thanks to everyone who has listened to and supported the show all these years.
Mike and Ren go off on an unexpected tangent about games and age - have you changed your gaming habits as you got older?
Dinner with Thorn and Thyst in meatspace!
How to NOT recruit for your guild.
Mike finally gets Vial of the Sands after a week of farming.
- Was it worth it?
- Can you undercut the competition?
- How much are the mats and how much profit would you make?
Authentication issues with the Legion app (Mike had login issues with the game as well).
This week:
Darkmoon Faire! With the start of Blight Boar?
Fireworks on the 4th.
Fire Festival ends the 5th.
Patch 7.3 hitting PTR
First wing of ToS LFR opened up.
Blizz taking action against accounts that advertize raid clears for money.
It’s summer!
The Necromancer arrives in D3 $15
Overwatch hoodies from Jinx
Mention of class development Reddit AMA that happened last Friday -
Tomb of Sargeras is open.
Midsummer Fire Festival
Book of Matches - 500 blossoms
Sets you on fire, and running screaming!!
Gathered all 500 in maybe 2 hours or less
Other new pets
There’s a new(?) helm for 350 blossoms
Candy Buckets addon helps a lot
Blizzard signs two-year exclusive deal with Twitch to stream eSports
More Blizzcon tickets go on sale July 5
Great, but what will that do for an already-full hotel scene?
Overwatch: new map - Lunar Colony
Overwatch: get a golden crate with a Twitch Prime account
All you need to know about how to farm the damn Vial of the Sands recipe.
Why did the price of Blood of the Mountain skyrocket last week?
Join our Discord:
Patch 7.2.5 is out!
We take a look at the documented and UNdocumented changes, including a compilation of undocumented changes found around the interwebz.
Midsummer Fire Festival next week, with new items.
Black Temple Timewalking is next week.
Work on that Shaohao rep this week!
Overwatch - Lunar Colony map June 20.
Mount count is up to 189. Getting there.
The Sunwell transmog set achivement is now fixed.
Using a bank toon to auction things.
Mike tried the Chromie scenario (tried...).
The Wowhead premium subscription is worth it.
The new flightpath toy for alts.
Time to get the Bloodsail Admiral title?
Fun with rep grinding.
Mounts up to 186.
Class mounts became available Tuesday.
Achievement run fun with @Xandara.
All about 7.2.5 which Blizzard hopes to drop on Tuesday.
We also talk about the live Q&A from yesterday.
Mod of the cast:
Ren - Reputation Bars
Mike - Rarity, and Elkano's Buff Bars
Overwatch fun this weekend.
Transmog - yes, you can still get new vanilla stuff after 12+ years.
Reputation issues - go for 60? (hint: Mike is 67)
Mod of the cast:
Mike - Ackis Recipe List
Ren - Request for a rep mod
Ren announces the winner of which headphones she picked and why.
Squirt/200% pet binge - 33 pets from 2 to 25!
Always listen to people when they say something could bug a boss.
Abuse in Overwatch voice chat?
Are DX Racer chairs really worth the money?
Tokens went WAY up this week due to Destiny 2.
Upcoming events in patch 7.2.5, both in scenarios and the Darkmoon Faire.
Come join us on Discord!
Spring balloon festival is this week!
Don't forget your Inky potions!
The new armory UI!
How to buy a good pair of headphones.
Your letters and comments!
Ren is back!
Special thanks to Cara and Thyst for filling in this month.
How to play WoW without playing WoW.
Dark Animus 10H is a pain in the ass. How Mike beat it as a mage.
Children's week is here!
Should Blizzard make a Battle Royale-type game? (H1Z1)
Other goodies!
Special guest host Cara (@Xandara) joins us!
We talk about the Legion Q&A, fresh off the livestream!
Is AoL rep needed anymore now that you don't need exalted for your class mount?
Don't sell/DE your transmog gear too soon!
How to not run a bad transmog raid.
Cara tested out the PTR.
Get Warglaves, get a transmog set for your Demon Hunter!
Dark Mirror short story is out.
A bit spoilery talk about the Anduin cinematic.
Laggin Balls is celebrating their 100th episode with a 24-hour stream this weekend.
More hidden items in-game.
Special guest Thyst (@Thyst03) fills in for Renata this week.
How important is flying in Legion?
Thoughts on Overwatch: Uprising.
All about the AP.
Gravity Lapse was amazing, but buggy, but still amazing.
Getting all the mounts for the green fel firehawk isn't as easy as it looks.
What do we think of the new Twitch app?
Did Blizzard fix Noblegarden?
And other fun topics!
Special guest Cara (@Xandara) joins us again!
The mind worm and how to get it!
Mike got flying. Is it useful so late in the expansion?
Broken shore buildings update
Cathedral of Eternal Night nerfed (why?)
Champions of Legionfall is out!
Can hunters tame Fenris?
Use the Kirin Tor WQs to boost your AoL rep.
Who got Blizzcon tix? Not us!
Overwatch Uprising is out now for a limited time.
How to get the Mind worm:
Special guest host Cara (@Xandara) joins us again.
Thoughts on 7.2 part 2.
The Armies of Legionfall rep grind is all you need to do now that Pathfinder part 2 has been nerfed.
Inky black potion!
Shard farming!
April Fools Patch notes were on point.
Clearance sale in the Blizzard store!
Lots of other fun things.
Ren's back!
What our two weeks have been in and out of the game.
Blizzard bans people asking for real money for things like raid runs and mounts.
Second relic trait removed from 7.2 and replaced with double AP from world quests.
7.2 preview, including flying!
Forum discussion of the week.
Mod of the cast
Ren: RelicHelper
Mike: Mount Farm Helper
Special guest host Cara (@Xandara) joins us again.
Taking a break from WoW for a few days - pros and cons.
Why there's a purpose to running so many alts.
Cara talks about her Nighthold raid.
Overwatch: new hero Orisa!
Hearthstone: Un'Goro Crater expansion!
The next archaeology quest is up.
How to handle game burnout. How to let WoW work for you in and out of the game. Let WoW be your muse!
Special guest Cara (@Xandara) joins the show today.
We recorded just after the WoW Q&A ended, so we cover that today.
Are raiders really getting burned out?
Mike gets another character to 110 - a monk.
Could alchemy and jewelcrafting be improved if you're starting a 1? (spoiler alert: yes).
A few thoughts about starting a demon hunter (again)
Cara's links to the WoW Q&A:
Clarification on old AP tokens in 7.2:
Artifact Knowledge catch-up tomes in 7.2:
How to not finish the class hall.
Wike wins WoW (ok, not really).
Spirit of Echer'o archaeology quest is up.
Cataclysm Timewalking is this week.
When doing Vault of the Wardens, please mind the gap.
Mike's DK is now 110.
Alt leveling guide.
Your letters!
Ren gets an accidental 110 warlock using pet battles.
Will Ren do an XP experiment? (spoiler: yes)
Ren does Firelands for the first time.
Mike spent more time with his hunter. Which does he like better - DK or hunter?
How to get tailoring to 800 if your recipes are gray.
What was with the WoW tokens/
Pet Battles at 200% XP this week.
Love is in the Air has started.
New 7.2 info
Ren finishes up the warrior class hall.
Mike gets his DK to 100 - the easy way?
We talk about the upcoming changes to 7.2 including the Legion invasions, new rep, new artifact traits.
February's holiday roundup.
Mod of the Cast - Barrels O'Easy and ArkInventory
The Mailbox
We talk about the 7.2 patch notes that were just released, including details on the new pet battle arena.
Thoughts on the Ahn'Qiraj mini-holiday.
Lunar Festival has begun.
Druid or Monk? - Mike tries out the class trial.
We want to hear from you - would you like to see segments or you like the stream-of-consciousness?
Special guest Pamela Horton (@pamelahorton13) joins us again!
Once again, an epic converstaion which encompasses Patch 7.1.5, Sylvanas, gaming relationships both in and out of the game, alts, AH expectations, and DKP points.
All about patch 7.1.5
Undocumented features!
Leaving a dead guild for a new one.
Why does Mike have so much crap in his bank guild?
Ren discovers "Boon of the Zookeeper"
Ren goes nuts with Pet XP.
What to do with gold that's on a character on another server you don't want to transfer.
Ren changed her main to a warrior.
WQs and alts.
The Diablo 20th anniversary event!
Why grouping for Sha of Anger at 110 is a good idea.
Wand of Simulated Life
What do you do after you get all the AP for your artifact?
Can you just switch specs wiht the same gear (answer: no).
Finishing old achivements and getting pets. Some achievements you can solo, some you can't.
Winter Veil starts Friday.
Triple-XP for pet battles starts next week.
Another Ren experiment - should you get to 110 soley by pet battles?
Special guest host Cara (@Xandara) joins us.
Got the Star's Design
Cara's anniverary present - very limited edition Warcraft novel.
Upgrading to a Logitech G600 mouse. What is involved in "relearning" keys and "unlearning" the G13. Muscle memory vs. fast casting.
This week's Timewalking is Cataclysm.
Blizzard fixed the Suramar AP exploit.
Mike finally transferred off Emerald Dream.
WoW up to WoD is on sale for $4.99.
Cara's raiding experience.
Update your addons! Some are slowing down loading the game.
This year in Hallows End
Day of the Dead started yesterday and runs until Nov. 3 - new stuff!
Darkmoon Faire starts this weekend.
Patch 7.1 is released. We talk about the new stuff, the bad stuff, and some undocumented features.
While we didn't talk about it, Blizzcon is next week so be sure to listen in on our thoughts about it on the next show.
Should the Personal Loot Helper addon be banned?
Special guest Pamela Horton (@pamelahorton13) joins us!
(Mike is a little sick. Forgive the raspy voice!)
Hallows End returns tonight
Now that we're a few weeks in, what's your routine?
Are alts still a pain to level? Mike has one, Pam has...more.
Favorite holiday events.
WoW Q&A - Mike's question was used!
WoW Q&A link:
My question was at 30:53
Artifact power fatigue?
7.1 dropping next week!
Holy paladin secret artifact appearance found.
Mike and Pam working on a super secret project?
Follow Pamela on Youtube and check out her Drawesome Gaming series.
Special Guest Cara (@Xandara) joins us this week!
Dev Q&A about patch 7.1 this Friday
Hallow's End starts Tuesday
Timewalking is back! Burning Crusade this week.
Why getting more AP feels like a wall (but isn't).
World Quest reward hotfix.
Did Blizzard hit a home run with Legion's content creation?
Why leveling alts will be better in 7.1
Raiding in Emerald Nightmare
Blizzcon is in a month
World Quest bonus XP starts today for one week.
Darkmoon Faire is this week.
Economy updates.
Assassination quest experience from Renata
Your feedback and emails.
The Alt Wall.
Someone got a Torn Invitation.
Is Mythic group finding as good as it can be?
Pathfinder part 1.
Ren wants to do crazy experiments.
Special guest host Patrick Beja (@notpatrick) joins us!
And YOU get a Legendary!
Are Mythics as scary as people think?
Rep grind vs. gated professions.
Is the economy in trouble?
Life on a PvP server. Are we getting old?
Guest host Pamela Horton (@pamelahorton13) joins us to talk about our first week of Legion.
Flying coming to Legion, but mid-expansion, so possibly a year from now.
Patch 7.1, return to Karazhan, will expand the Stormheim storyline.
Roughly 9 weeks of new content.
Legion companion app coming Sept. 6.
You can manage your class halls and check world quests (yes!!)
Special guest host Renata joins us to talk about Legion, the past, and the future.
* What happened to the new show?
* What's been going on this past year?
* Why bring back Warcast?
* Is Warcast back for good?
Thoughts on the Legion invasion, how it affected our alts, why come back to the game now after pushing it aside for so long?
How to prep for Legion?
Our last show! Thoughts about the last 10 years, and some details about the new show that Mike and Eric will be launching on August 8!
…and Infernal Bill!
Our take on the 2015 Q1 numbers.
Patch 6.2
Heroes of the Dorm
Warcraft movie now pushed to 2016
Should WoW use newer gaming technology to bring people back?
Mystic Runesaber mount!
100,000 people banned from WoW
Blizzcon tickets went on sale. Next batch on the 18th.
Warcraft trailer set to debut with Jurassic World
Children's Week coming up. Practice your PvP!
Hearthstone is out for phones!
All about Patch 6.2
Blizzcon 2015 announced.
All about 6.1.2
How will tokens affect the game?
Heroes of the Nexus updates
Hearthstone Blackrock Mountain coming
Heroes of the Dorm registration! Hurry!
What games have we been playing?
WoW 10-year gift is out.
Eric T3 garrison and what it took to get it.
Should you go all-out with the smaller garrison buildings first?
Too many pets nippin' at my heels!
All about the cool things coming in 6.1
A bit off-topic, but we talk about the new Windows 10 holographic interface and what it could mean for gaming.
WoW 10-year gift is out.
Eric T3 garrison and what it took to get it.
Should you go all-out with the smaller garrison buildings first?
Too many pets nippin' at my heels!
All about the cool things coming in 6.1
A bit off-topic, but we talk about the new Windows 10 holographic interface and what it could mean for gaming.
10th anniversary event extended a week.
Dark Horse Warcraft coming coming
W way to get your missing followers is coming
No more trap-stealing
Hotfixes for January 5
Preparing for Molten Core
Alliance Tier 2 garrison
oh the zone and lore differences
Switched the Outposts & different garrisons
Inn, quests, recruiter (useful!)
No LFD or LFR yet
Busy holiday, not much play time.
Some garrison followers up to epic.
One mission rewarded Halaa tokens. Heh. (those are for mounts -ER)
Spending most of my playtime doing PvP - PvE isn’t doing anything for me.
Problem - tried doing rBG and nobody wants a mage.
Warcast question of the week
Eric does the Great Alliance Switch
Are pro-ground mounters starting to switch?
More PvP for Mike's mage.
Do you really need garrisons?
Hearthstone now on Android
We go over the list of improvements coming in 2015.
This is our last show until January. Have a safe holiday!
Lots of hotfixes the last few days.
Garrison outpost changes coming.
Hearthstone Goblins vs. Gnomes is live.
"The Last of Us" bug?
New Charity pet
What's up with the iLvL of followers?
Eric does Ashran
Is it server/faction switch time for Eric?
What's going on with max level garrison missions?
Mages finally feel like mages.
To tailor or not to tailor.
PvP happened on Emerald Dream
Icons, Icons, ICONS!
What we learned from today's WoW Developer AMA on Reddit.
All about garrisons and what we had to do to get to level 3.
Mike's experiences with mages and rogues
What's with the crafting bottleneck?
Tales from Ashran
Has trade chat gotten worse?
THIS JUST IN - Crystal vials only sold in Ashran?
Special guest @ikrissi joins us.
WoW back up to 7.4 million subscribers
Patch 6.0.2
The Dark Portal event (no spoilers)
Void storage - more bag space!
All about the Toy Box
Some addons work, some don't
The new UBRS
Talent resets
And other interesting tidbits about the new patch
Horde Chopper on PTR.
Upgrading from the digital to physical Collector's Edition.
Brawler's Guild going away in 6.0.2 until WoD comes out.
Legendary cloak quest going away in 6.0.2.
New UI changes.
Lords of War Part 3 up.
Mike's comments on reputation when working on "The Insane" title.
What does ten years of expansions mean for the players that are getting older?
What would Blizzard have to do to keep players interested for the next ten years, and how do you attract new players as time goes on?
WoD was supposed to be out in June. Would that affect the Blizzcon announcements?
Mike's experiencs playing beta last week before vacation.
Warlords of Draenor cinematic and release date coming August 14.
WoW's 10th anniversary preview
Warlords of Draenor: Illusions change your enchant effects
World of Warcraft down to 6.8 million subscribers
What this whole JustinTV/Twitch issue means for streamers.
Batman vs. Superman movie release date changed, now competing with Warcraft in March, 2016.
Warcast turns 9!
Hearthstone Naxxramus expansion announced.
Bottoms up!
Undermine Journal closing shop.
Rob Pardo leaving Blizzard.
New male models released.
Blizzard to sell SDCC exclusives.
Auction houses to be cross-faction in WoD.
Molten Corgi pet!
All about beta (so far)
Blizzard releases a WoD Shadowmoon Valley preview.
New Special Edition Armor PC series from Doghouse Systems with World of Warcraft artwork from Blizzard.
Patch notes for alpha.
Black Prince buff until June 30.
Midsummer Festival starts June 21.
Eric's experiences in alpha.
Azeroth Choppers winner announced
Hogs - 10th anniversary pet
We're in with the Warlords of Draenor alpha, and we have a lot to talk about.
Transmog class items
More WoD flavor items discovered
Artcraft - Cosmetic Class Accessories
Patch 5.4.8 with hotfixes
Blaizzard created level 90 crash-course videos
Tier 17 gear images
Warlords of Draenor Alpha - Build 18297
Starcraft II hackers being sued
Azeroth choppers
Special guest @ikrissi comes to hang out and talk to us about life on a PvP server.
New female night elf model
Cloud serpent riding not needed for 6.0
Patch 5.4.8
Bodua B guests with Mike to talk about her experiences in purchasing Blizzcon tickets this year - what was good and what was bad.
Authenticator update for iOS 7 - how to properly backup your info in case it gets wiped in the update.
WoW subs down a bit to 7.6 million.
Classic Blizzard games now available.
Blizzcon 2014!
50% off on World of Warcraft and Mists of Pandaria
Azeroth Choppers eps. 2 and 3
Fiery Mechanical Steed
Looks like there’s no flying in Draenor, even though there was a statement that there’s no definite answer yet.
PVP School of Hard Knocks for Childrens Week (question of the week)
New raid size mechanism
PvP changes for WoD.
Azeroth Choppers made its debut today.
Hearthstone is finally out for the iPad in the US/UK.
Blizzard at PAX East
Some people had WoD access, streamed for 9 hours.
WoD invites STILL haven’t gone out yet, but beta keys did at PAX.
Adam from WoW Insider hasn’t touched boosted character
Azeroth Choppers is a real thing:
New Tauren Male and Draenei Female shown (for realz!)
Blizzard registers "Overwatch" trademark?
New mounts datamined in WoD
Mike and Eric go over half of the WoD alpha patch notes.
Mike and Eric come back from a one week hiatus, bigger and badder than ever!
Mike is finally closing in on his Cata Legendary, while Eric worked on some more pet battles.
Mike also got access to Heroes of the Storm very recently.
Lots of news this week:
April Fools!
WoW 6.0 patch notes
New female Dranei
Happy Reaper
Herald of the Stars
Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished
Pajamathur -
Spirits of Harmony may become BoE after all
Hearthstone for the iPad in Australia, Canada, and NZ
Launcher chat active
New images of female dwarves from WoD posted. A bellyful of laughs!
Wowhead updated their profiler tool.
Good discussions on whether or not a WoW-themed version of Angry Birds is a good idea (or…are we getting Angry Birds in WoW?), and whether or not using flying mounts in battlegrounds is a good idea, even if they're grounded.
Eric's adventures in the Land of the Lost to get the Tome of Dinomancy.
Pet battle discussions.
Mike's Legendary update.
Hearthstone is out of beta, they’re relasing on time.
Hearthsteed if you win 3 games.
Hearthstone demos on iPad at CN Hearthstone conference
Heroes of the Storm tech alpha walkthrough
WoD preorder is up.
“On or before 12/20/2014” (meaning, fall).
Normal or digital deluxe editions
CE people have to wait.
Free boost with DD version.
Boost is $60 otherwise.
Already seeing reports of bad groups
Celestial Tournament & 15 Max level pets
Addon: PetTracker
Mounts: Hearthsteed & Dread Raven
Got my CE Panda to 25.
Working on others, trying to find the right balance
Finally on the last part of the Cata Legendary. 24/250.
Eric and Mike talk more about hunters and pet battles because there needs to be more hunter discussion, right? RIGHT? Of course!
Heroes of the Storm is now in "Tech Alpha", but still not out.
No load screens in some WoD areas?
Buy your MoP digital deluxe edition before Blizzard pulls a Disney and takes it away.
Is that WoD gameplay real?
Wowhead now has a Blue tweet tracker.
Budget cuts at AOL Tech means layoffs at WoW Insider.
WoD info coming today.
Silver rating in Proving Grounds required for solo heroic queuing in WoD.
Hearthstone has new card backs.
The fun of playing a hunter.
Old school AV-type PvP coming back? Looks like it.
Patch 5.4.7 roundup
All games down today for maintenance
Patch 5.4.7: oQueue's current issues to be resolved by Blizzard hotfix
Patch 5.4.7 hotfixes for February 20
Orc female model revealed
Level 90 boost appears up on live servers for $60
The ultimiate lovely charm farming experience (and grisly tokens)
Finally killed Garrosh (still have to do the rest of the wing)
Eric and Mike (and WoW-This Just In) come together in meatspace. Eric talks about his time in NYC and how it compares to WoW.
Love is in the Air has begun.
Heroes of the Storm alpha screenshots.
Some screenshots from Draenor on Twitter.
Scroll of Resurrection going away.
What are those pillars in Moshugan Palace?
World of Warcraft up to 7.8 million subscribers
Patch 5.4.7 arrival imminent as season 14 end is announced
Two weeks
Doronsmovies delves into The History of Warcraft in new documentary (not much different from last week)
Blizzard challenges you to put Garrosh on trial
Hearthstone expansion details and Season 3 reminder
Darkmoon Faire
Love is in the Air
Now up to almost ½ of what I need for the legendary
Lots of inventory cleanup for the next expansion
Trying to finish up some rare recipes
100,000,000 World of Warcraft accounts infographic
Patch 5.4.7 PTR: Level 90 character boost UI
new Shop button
Battlegrounds and Arenas
Reaper of Souls CE
Bots banned®-chat#7
Quick mention of EVE War
Archaeology, because Raptor Mount, dammit
Two boxes of War of the Ancients: Timewalkers tcg redemption is on blizzard’s site, not cyryptozoic
Did I mention? Onyxia runs now
⅓ of the way through the 1000 cinders
Hunter to 80
The ilvl 403 gear kicks ass in pvp
Question of the week - what do you do when an expansion is winding down?
Alpha geek radio fundraiser
Human female update
Hearthstone open beta
New mount sneak peek on Warcraft Twitter
Lunar Festival
Great way to get XP, and decent gold for level 90s.
Our week:
Funny LSD conversation (“What are those blue dragons?”)
T3 Priest chest on the BMAH
Worked on my hunter. Still feel like I’m climbing a wall.
180/1000 Cinders
Warcast question of the week: Would you say WoW is easy for someone to get back into if they haven't played it in over two years?
Iron Skyreaver mount is out. $25
Blizzard looking to expand microtransactions?
You can now opt-in for Heroes of the Storm
Seems like everyone has Hearthstone access now. Accounts are given access.
Warlords of Draenor: PvP Power's proposed re-design
Free character transfers opening next week for select NA realms
Warcraft movie got a mention at the Golden Globes on Sunday night.
Mechano Hog - 100 Mounts achieve
Farming Rep in Northrend for motorcycle recipe
Attack of the buffet tables
Black Temple farming
Finally got past the hump in the Cata legendary quest.
Now working on cinders. Need 1000.
Hit a wall with my hunter - the same wall at level 71 I hit with my rogue.
Warcast question of the week: Should players be able to group with RealID friends that play on the opposite faction?
New skins and hairstyles planned for Warlords character models
Someone read the script….
Hearthstone: Season 2 begins!
Blizzard implementing callback support
MoP will see another PvP season (15)
Razer survey
How to be a hunter
Leveling 1-about 43 was easy, then it dropped off.
What spec? I used BM.
All heirlooms except weapon
Not much difference between leather and mail except armor
Hunters get an agility bonus of all mail (lol)
The hunt for the right pet
Dimiss your pet!
Leveling isn’t TOO bad, it would be nice if I could spend more time in some zones and less in others. Like having scalable questing.
Pissy tank
Fully PVP geared (Tyrannical)
Wintergrasp also good option + banners
Hour+ queues for Horde
An amazing Eye of the Storm victory
Sky Golem
More skymirror fun
Legendary Chapter 3
Wife aggro PVP (also xmog bug)
Arena, Warlock or Fistweaver
Blizzard Customer Support warns of dangerous Trojan
Today is the last day for Winter Veil
Warlords of Draenor Level 90 Boost Survey, Blue Tweets, 10 Death Knight Heroic ToT
Is leveling worth it anymore?
What do you get out of it?
Should we be able to pay for all toons or just one?
After 10 years, does anyone still like leveling?
New Year's Eve server connectivity issues
Reddit Secret Santa gift
Guild! Learning to GM
Revisiting Heroics post-Timeless
Glory of Pandaria Hero achieves
Skymirror and the onslaught of spiders and dinosaurs
and special tricks for monks
Finished up some achievements
Starting serious work on getting my legendary done
What to do with a guild after break and most people hit 90?
Laid back a bit. Took a break from the grind.
Wowhead introduces new sound database
Latency and connection issues on all US Realms
Warcraft Movie announces two new actors
Feast of Winter Vale
Ai-Li Skymirror
More Tol Barad farming
Valor Farming, Sky Golem mats
Emperor Sha-hao done (for quests), and the new Visions of Time questline
Org with wreaths
Getting all the chests on the Isle
You can get killed on the bird
The cave by the Alliance landing point
The chest next to Ordos
Failed ICC 25H, redemption on Tuesday
Making money on the AH from Winter Vale
Winter clothes
(Eric’s note about Wool cloth for Horde)
Patch 5.4.2
In-game raid/world boss LFG that works
O->Raid->Other Raids
Account-bound items can now be mailed cross-server/faction
In-game store now live. (note location)
Some stuff on sale.
Monks still overpowered
Customer service button moved (but I still see it)
Game menu->Help
How to break OQ
Arenas - got a chestpiece
ICC 25 broken, but cust. service to the rescue!
Farming still working out on Sunsong.
Healing Celestials, fight mechanics
PVP build, Tol Barad farming easy honor (ohhh the memories!)
Ugh Mage, and DK for that matter.
OMG NICE PEOPLE, pet, lock, wipe
Galactic Starfighter
Warcraft Movie Cast Revealed
Robert Kazinsky, Warcraft movie actor, reveals he is a huge WoW fan
Blizzard's Black Friday sale extended to Jan. 1, 2014
Ghostcrawler leaves Blizzard
Timeless Isle - 20k XP/kill at 89, even the little turtles.
Farming ore. More like farming BORE.
BS still at 400.
So. Boring.
Finished wing 3 of SoO LFR.
Started battlegrounds again.
Druid to 90.
Tillers to Exalted on more toons.
Motes of Harmony
BTW: Potion of luck and mischievous snow sprites = motes
About 20 Golden Lotus’ a day
Skinning night (northrend gorillas sholazar mammoths)
Actual farming for Trillium for mount
Karazhan for mounts, pets and...accidental LORE
Level 21 guild & taxi flight speed
Faction PVP on Timeless
Neutral Panda guy still at it - Level 76
Pilgrim done. Never again.
Rogue hit 70
A touch of shadow priesting (23)
Swifty Swatted
Ex Astris Scientia:
New Make-A-Wish charity bundle - mount and pet
New female forsaken models from WoW Source (haven’t watched yet)
Pilgrim’s Bounty Mon 25th
WoW’s 9th anniversary past Monday, buff for rep and XP til Dec 2
Conan plays WoW
Not a topic to spend a lot of time on - but the flying in 6.1 issue
Who has frozen runes still? (I have 7)
What other items that are no longer obtainable do you have?
Blizzard Student Art Contest
Re-specced healer
Timeless tokens for spec & alts
Running all raids again for wife
Fight mechanics
Accidentally geared myself
Inventory/Banks/Mats oh my
Transferring professions - harder than it looks.
Started PvP with engineering on my rogue
Nitro boots drop the flag
Rocket launcher is neat, but necessary?
Parachute rocks in AB
Engineering overview
Neat mounts
Neat toys
Neat pets
Living Steel transmute is on an alchemist
Guns, other weapons
Gathering (mining)
Adamantite and Cobalt ore SUCK
All about Blizzcon 2013
We cover everything in the new Warlords of Draenor expansion, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Diablo III, and Starcraft II.
We also have two interviews. Our first is with Bodua from our role playing episode 117, and our second with iKrissi who was on episodes 101 and 105.
More connected realms came online
Blizzcon app now available
Add your schedule
Look at tweets, instagrams. Looks like they use #Blizzcon2013
Blizzcon next week!
Virtual tickets for attendees!
Don’t wait on stupidly long lines, order your gear from the store online.
So wrapped up in being an altaholic, I forgot about doing LFR this week.
Finishing up cooking
Did the Proving Grounds
Warlock to 85
Started Brawler’s Guild. I’m level 1! (noob)
What I’ll be doing at Blizzcon
Music panel
Voice actor panel
What’s next for WoW
Meet the Blues
AIE Guild Hall
Hearthstone Fireside Chat
Don’t remember: first 3 parts of Downfall
Brawler’s guild! From level 2 to 7
Blizzcon panel plans?
Starcraft finals
Voice Actor stage, game dialogue
Artist stage: Burdens of Shahao & various drawing panels
Heroes of the Storm trademark conflict
Potential new WoW feature caught on video
Blizzard store now offering full Halloween costumes
Hallow’s End
Hallow's End 2013 Guide (October 18 - November 1)
WTF SWTOR? Would Blizzard ever do that?
SoO Downfall (but only Garrosh)
armor drop!
Hallow’s End again
LFR finally - did all of SoO except last wing
iLvl 510
Cooking going slowly
Started playing on the isle again. Trying to find some higher purpose to it.
Finished the next step in the legendary quest line.
Guild doing well, people leveling up.
Don’t seem to be enough on for heroics at one time for achivements.
Old guild drama seems to be over.
Some people left.
Still no Horseman mount
Haven’t played my mage in a while.
AskMrRobot helped. 25k to 70k
After doing what AskMrRobot said, went back, offered new things to do. Derp?
New wave of Connected Realms announced
World of Warcraft's base package now includes Cataclysm
Three Hearthstone tracks up for download
RAF temporarily shut down
New RAF Mount Emerald Hippogryph
*Still* have not yet done LFR
Working on Anglers. Got the bug (pun intended) to get the Angler mount.
Started working on cooking. No idea why.
Farming rares on the Isle
Never seem to have time to do LFR with how busy I’ve been lately (NYCC, etc.)
Guild going well. We have more people under 90 so not a lot going on just yet.
People working up to 90
Guild bank items not restored
Nice to be social for a change and not have a “friends and family” tag like in my last guild because I didn’t raid.
Underhold - Siege of Ogrimmar
Join Ex Astris Scientia!
Blizzcon meeting stone
BlizzCon Online Sale starts on October 11
The Underhold LFR now available
Downfall LFR October 22
New Refer-A-Friend system revealed
Gates of Retribution - Siege of Org
Also cooking
Getting a good number of people for the guild.
Some people haven’t logged in for their invites
What are we doing?
Why haven’t we done it yet?
Getting cooking to 600.
Should you use a token for stuff you can farm?
Anglers - why 3 quests/day?
Rares when fishing ups your rep w/Pat Nagle
Warcraft movie has a release date - Dec. 18, 2015
Blizzcon virtual items
Hotfixes for Oct. 2
Getting your Noodle Carts
Hearthstone reset happened yesterday
AIE Guild Hall
Trying to get xmog gear, still
Lock still 82
All toons now on ED
Priest has a few T4 pieces, can’t quite solo Kael’Thas. Void Reaver is a bitch.
Did Coren Direbrew for some well-needed trinkets.
The process of buying a level 25 guild
Come join Ex Astris Scientia
Going to start doing LFR again soon.
How do you get rep with your guild if you’re level 90?
Wear the tabards
Finish up some quests you didn’t do while leveling
PvP with guildies
Dungeons with guildies
World Events
VoES (3 drops!)
Initial thoughts
Yulon (1 drop!)
Hearthstone beta getting a reset.
Everything will be wiped. You’ll be starting from scratch.
100 gold for each pack you bought, 150 gold for each arena.
Data after this wipe will cross over into release.
WoW Movie rumors
Colin Farrell (Total Recall) and Paula Patton cast.
Map of Timeless Isle chests on mmo-champion. They’re not all accurate.
Conquest points vendor is back
WoW Trivial Pursuit is available for sale.
iLvl 470 trinkets
Boulderfist and Bloodscalp are now the first two connected realms.
Should DPS/HPS logs been added to the game?
Paladin to 90. Still don’t know my rotation.
Still on the island, but still feels grindy.
Almost ready to start going LFR again.
Best thing in life right now is not having raids forced on me.
Transferred all but two toons to ED
Deleted my duplicate 90 mage on ED because of the name. I can get a mage to 90 in far less than three months if I needed to.
The issue now is professions, and what to do with them on these toons.
Bad luck on the island & Burden of Eternity
Talk like a pirate day
The big squish will still squish the mobs.
Brewfest tomorrow!
Conquest vendors are missing!
Blizzard to shut down Diablo III auction house
iOS 7 - back up your authentication ID
Lots of time on the island
Good group
Horde fighting horde
Trying to get my priest geared first with cloth
Still absolutely suck as a mage in pvp
Timeless Isle: PVP and gearing and moar PVP
Easy to gear alts
Diablo III out for consoles
Announcing WoW Insider and Wowhead's Reader Meetup at BlizzCon 2013
Patch 5.4: Bashiok talks raid difficulty and unlock schedule
Blizzard reveals Siege of Orgrimmar raid schedule
September 10 – Patch 5.4 Release
Flex Wing 1 “Vale of Eternal Sorrows”
September 17
Heroic (Normal Garrosh kill required)
Flex Wing 2 “Gates of Retribution”
Raid Finder Wing 1 “Vale of Eternal Sorrows”
September 24
Raid Finder Wing 2 “Gates of Retribution”
October 1
Flex Wing 3 “The Underhold”
October 8
Raid Finder Wing 3 “The Underhold”
October 15
Flex Wing 4 “Downfall”
October 22
Raid Finder Wing 4 “Downfall”
Reminder: Connected Realms will not be turned on immediately
StarCraft II Art Tools Open Beta available
More Hearthstone.
Beta open in the EU
Is this pay to win only?
Can you beat people that spend hundreds of dollars on cards?
I’ve been finding that it’s all about how well your cards work together.
I did a live stream on Twitch. May do it again.
Thanks to Zarhym for the backdrop!
No Hearthstone
Getting toons in order to gear for 5.4
Cinder Kitten 25% off this week only
Rumor: Warcraft movie shooting in January
Blizzcon barcodes coming (Eric and I got ours)
Item squish likely coming in 6.0
Trading Card Game coming to an end
We FINALLY talk about Hearthstone!!
Priest to 90
Not sure what to do with her yet.
Gathering as many conquest points as I can for next season
Raid Scaling
Followup on Jim Cummings
5.4 Trailer out OMG
You can keep your valor points in 5.4
"The Dark Below" - fake
Raid testing 5/16 (today) on the PTR
Season 13 will end on patch day, which should be Aug. 27th
Hearthstone beta is out
Priest still at 80. Leveling faster but getting “alt fatigue”
Bought a guild
50% off Swift Windsteed for one week only
Patch 5.4 will not bring epic gems to Mists
Blizzard releases more information on Connected Realms
Blizzard introduces The Burdens of Shaohao Prelude: The Vision
Blizzard music now available on Pandora
WoW Insider is looking for hunter and mage columnists
Priest to 82
Can no longer get Benediction. Boo :(
Soloed MC up to Gehennas
Got two pieces of Darkmoon gear for her
Found that the level 85 heirlooms don’t scale AT ALL
What did I miss? Oh, everything.
I went to Northrend and Grizzly Hills and looked at Jewelcrafting and Skinning and LW IN REAL LIFEZ
What’s up with this Vivendi thing?
WoW Movie Teaser - not shown on the ‘net
T16 rogue set - looks like ass
Ghostcrawler, potentially, details the future of WoW at Chinajoy
Hearthstone live stream scheduled for July 26
New collectables coming soon
Priest to 73
I was on Low Pop WoW
Monk on Proving Grounds
Brief visit to Timeless Isle
Undercity raid lols (monk pvp)
Blizzard at ComiCon
Booth 115 Hall A
Plush Zerg, mini Sylvanas, vinyl Shadow Illidan, papercraft, WoW Art book
Funko - Shadow Illidin figure Booth 5343
Sideshow Diablo statue booth 1929
Insight Editions Art of Blizzard booth 1134
Licensing panel was today
Cosmetic helms
Possible hint to the next patch?
From MMO-Champion
You can possibly queue for more than one wing
New Ticking Package for Winter Veil
Possible texture from the next expansion datamined in patch 5.4
What do you do when your guild boots everyone for no reason?
Hardened Shell
BFF Necklace
Starting to see item prices drop on the AH
PTR 5.4 - Proving Grounds
Warcast turned 8
In-game store to be tested in Asia
BlizzCon Talent Contest now open for entries
Free character transfers for certain US realms
Darkspear has a long queue
Patch 5.4 PTR: PvP changes
Patch 5.4 PTR: PvP Mount requirements
Priest to 66
Don’t forget the Ring of Blood
Priest low-level heals
The 90 conundrum
Your emails
Security warning for WoW, and why the remote AH went offline.
Shado-Pan Geyser Gun.
Warrior and Priest T16 sets on mmo-champion.
One level/hour (85->87) with @veroicone
Deathfrost confirmed dropping from Ahune.
30m queues
Realm Maintenance to hit episode 50
6/16 Tyr
Tried arenas for the first time in years
Looked for low-level dookerdome equivs (uldum HoO)
Summer’s here, economy changes
Flex raiding announced minutes after the last show
Updated Garrosh Model, 5.4 World Changes, Jun 10 Hotfixes, Blue Posts, GW2 Shoutcasts
Massive world changes in Vale
No more Golden Lotus dailies
New Garrosh model
Changes in Orgrimmar
Flexible Raiding lockouts and queues clarified
Area 52 server has a login queue of 1300!
Proving grounds
Virtual Realms
Soloed as much as I had time for
Tempest Keep was easy.
Brought over my lock
light week because of e3
Flex raiding announced minutes after the last show
Updated Garrosh Model, 5.4 World Changes, Jun 10 Hotfixes, Blue Posts, GW2 Shoutcasts
Massive world changes in Vale
No more Golden Lotus dailies
New Garrosh model
Changes in Orgrimmar
Flexible Raiding lockouts and queues clarified
Area 52 server has a login queue of 1300!
Proving grounds
Virtual Realms
Soloed as much as I had time for
Tempest Keep was easy.
Brought over my lock
light week because of e3
Character services 50% off this week
WoW movie to start filming in early 2014
New desktop client datamined
Blizzard will be at San Diego Comic-Con
Diablo 3 coming to the Xbox 360 (and PS3) September 3rd
EverQuest Next teaser photo posted
How to solo BWL
PvP back on my mage
Trying to finish up xmog sets for my rogue
Kaelthas solo as monk
Ahone - rare
The arbitrary nature of world PUGs
I game standing up
New mount: Armored Bloodwing
WoW Insider Poll /played (by expac)
Shadow Dance nerfed. May go Assassin spec.
What to do when you’re capped
- Motes of Harmony
- Trade for Justice points - get xmog gear
- Gems
- Mounts
Pug low MMR groups
Haven’t started doing LFR, but will.
Played with a new opening rotation. Works...sometimes
Tried OpenRaid
Nal’lak the Ripper, Blackhoof, Bonobos, MAJOR NANNERS and DEGU wtf
plus: lewts
Back to Brawler’s Guild - Challenge Cards. Me and Mecha Bruce
Brawler’s Fanfare (Triggered by First Rule achieve?)
Bloodwing mount as gift!
Send us an email about your thoughts on PvP, or tweet us at @worldofwarcast, @starmike, or @ericrice and use #WARCAST
Your emails and tweets
Patch 5.3!
New scenarios
New pets
New weekly
New pet
Dungeon set gear
Lesser charms and DS1 pieces from mobs
New Battleground - Deepwind Gorge
Loot specializations
Massive PvP changes
Everyone gets 65% resilience
PvP Power gem stats cut in half
iLvl 522 PvE gear makes Tyr gear irrelevant
All gear scaled to 496 IN BGs
Old school raid changes
Voidbringers are back
AV weekend meant lots of wins, at the beginning.
Full HP gear, 2 pieces of Tyr gear
The Hordebreaker
Debating on what to do about this whole WPvP issue
Darkspear Revolutionary
farming in Barrens
new helm 489
Heroic Scenario Tanking
Finished LFR
5.3 will allow you to farm low-levels in Pandaria!!
Only works for miners and herbalists. 10 of a low-level item makes one ore.
Should this work for tailors and skinners somehow?
Ghostcrawler on the "sweet spot" in trying to keep people from unsubbing.
And yes, the loss was due to MMOs in China
How to survive on a PvP server
Worked on getting my rogue to 90, which I did.
Leatherworking up.
Spent time cleaning out my bags. Lots of stuff that never sold.
Running lowbies thru instances (instance lock is account wide)
More tank practicing
WoW loses over 1M, down to 8.3w
Is the game too easy?
Lore sure isn’t a problem
Most lost from the East
Cata fallout coupled with Dailycraft?
Prepping for 5.3
If you’re going to Blizzcon you have until May 14th to edit your info
Patch 5.3 Tuesday?
Tanking attempt again
Guardian Druid & Brewmaster Tank
Worked on my Rogue
Did VERY well in BGs
Tried level locking at 84. Didn’t work.
Worked on leatherworking/skinning
Level 85 BGs aren’t bad, could be worse.
Noob coaching
Got my Blizzcon ticket
Started taking screenshots of where players are in AB/WSG
Finished up gearing up the Mage and started a Rogue
Getting a rotation
Dealing with cooldowns
Staying alive has gotten better
Children’s week
The return of the firecat
Ghostcrawler on tri-spec
Exodus done w/25 man raiding
Only 50 lesser charms needed now. THANK YOU!
Blizzcon tickets went on sale
Oondasta loot roll changes from other realms
85-90 XP changes
Bad Robot - only for Engineers????
Live WoW Dev Q&A tonight at 5:30 PT (8:30 ET)
We talk about PvP, and compare what Alliance vs Horde PvP is like, some aspects about crowd control, and whether mages are really overpowered or if that's a myth carried over from previous expansions.
- No gated rep!
- Battlefield: Barrens
- Get xmog gear
- What’s going on in Valley of Eternal Blossoms?
- New Battlefield: Deepwind Gorge
Calendar spam
Why tailoring?
Gearing up the monk
Getting another mage to 90
14k in a week selling xmog gear
Switching realms- considerations
Solid Week full 90 on monk
Back to the PTR 5.3
Discovery Armor XMOG for my rogue
Nalak & Oon
5.3 Patch news:
Wow to get a limited in-game browser.
We'll be able to xmog using items in the bank.
New Brawler's Guild 5.3 features.
You can pick LFR loot for a different spec.
Hearthstone tied to new mounts?
Why you shouldn't wait until late in the week to do LFR.
Tips on raising tailoring and enchanting.
How skinning and Tillers dailies are awesome together.
No-kill servers and guilds.
Your emails.
BlizzCon tickets go on sale April 24 and 27
Blizzard defends not having an April Fool's Joke (and we agree)
More Titan rumors!
Patch 5.3 PTR: Fiery new mounts
ElvUI does the Harlem Shake
Westminster (Scarlet Monastery, Cathedral District IRL!)
Archaeology dailies and by Archaeology I mean MUSEUMING
(Attractions in London, walkthroughs, Dungeon, Doctor Who, theme park, China knockoff and WoW stuff, could it work?)
Monk to 90
iLvl 470 pretty fast.
LW has given me nothing I can use in 6 days.
Getting undercut every day
Farming for eggs
Chances of getting items while farming
Best place for getting eggs
(Yeah, I screwed up and said ep. 128)
5.3 Notes
WHO CALLED IT? Third spec in the 5.3 PTR
65% base resilience for PvP
All gear will be scaled to 496
Resilience removed from most PvP gear
Can still use gems/enchants
Heroic scenarios
5.3 will NOT be a new PvP season
WHO CALLED IT? Blizzard announces a new online TCG game "Hearthstone"
Monk to 88
Tried LUI. Bleh.
Trying to get a good UI going.
Monk 85
Moar nubschool
Auction House Bid or Buy
Is WoW doing a good job of teaching new players how to play the game and their class?
Tips on leatherworking.
For the bored - things to do when you're out of things to do.
Our weekly look at the news of WoW and what we did this week:
Wanderer’s Festival Achieve
Galleon for the first time + amazing loot
Monk @ 80
AH woes
Monk to 81. Decided to slow down.
Did LFR ToT last night.
Will start PvP again tonight.
Lack of motivation for dailies.
Just like Firelands, it feels forced and I don’t like not flying.
News and views:
Should you be able to start at 55 if you already have a 90 of the same race?
If you could align yourself with one non-main faction, what would it be?
Oondasta - the grave maker
- Will be spawning more often
Automatic flight point discovery was not intended in 5.1
PvP Season 13 started
There will be no more 5-man dungeons in Mists.
Players visiting a different realm no longer eligible to receive loot from Oondasta or Nalak.
Thunderforged dropping in LFR.
Massive monk DPS bug.
Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm released
Blizzard debuting something new at PAX East.
Leveled a monk. Started as a test, now 54+
Still having problems with rotation.
A bit of fun in the old world.
Love the fast-paced play. Better thann DK/Pally
Was healer, decided on tank after Dire Maul incident
Enchants make a huge difference (no duh)
Darkmoon Faire ended (hidden cave, weird stuff, check blue histories, ghosts sea ponies, also, seahorse mount )
Treasure of the Thunder King solo scenario loot run
Cross Realm IN SW/ORG now? (eldrethas)
Valor of the Ancients
Golden Lotus (mount!)
amani dragon hawk
A look at leveling after not leveling for a while
Special guest: SoCalWowGal @socalwowgal /
We talk about our impressions of 5.2 so far, and have an in-depth discussion with SoCalWowGal about her blog which tackles being a WoW Life Coach.
Blizzard confirms no cross platform play for Diablo 3 on PS4
Thunder King trailer
Heart of the Storm trailer
Who's going to Nerdtacular?
This Week:
Formal Dangui dropped.
Lots of PvP. Capped out everything I wanted to do with PvE except Operation faction.
Will still do PvE, but waiting for 5.2
Trying to get as much Conquest Points before 5.2
Got full set of blue PvP gear, first epic PvP piece.
DK Leveling (at 89, return to the main!, former PVP main)
aside: I can riff on PVP, so don’t have much to add here
Changes to Mages/DK/Monk in 5.2
How to succeed in battlegrounds without really trying.
Blizzcon Nov. 8-9
Forgot to really finish Klaxxi.
Working hard on VP. There has to be a better way.
Ancient Portal of Dalaran for mages
Rainbow trinket
Soloed some of Serpentshrine
Heard from Ren
Leveling alts
Being tech support for 3
Blizzard PS4 Diablo 3 on PS3/PS4 Chris Metzen announced at Sony Event
What about console MMOs anyway? Old fail article from 2009:
PvP Season 12 ends March 5
Patch 5.2 PTR: Mac OS X 10.6 no longer supported as of 5.2
Blizzard's Wraithion poll
This Week:
Mike -
Exalted with Klaxxi finally.
Still fiddling with DPS output. Working on getting a trinket.
Ran LFR, finished the token quest. DPS up a little bit but not where I want it.
Eric -
Hellscream Shake
Love is in the Air
Scholomance - the pictures follow you.
Moar Nubs and rogue
WoW down to 9.6M subscribers
Raptr rewards gives you an Alliance or Horde shirt for your Xbox avatar
Love is in the Air - get your meta going
5.0 cross-realm raiding in 5.2
Cache loot buffed in 5.2
Valor in 5.2 will stay, Conquest will still convert to Honor
5.2 supposed to be here the end of Feb, says Bashiok
Weekly topic - Does WoW seem too easy to vets or is this par for the course for new players that have never seen an MMO before?
Mod of the Cast:
NugComboBar -meh
This Week:
Eric - started a healer, tried out a rogue, warlock, and monk.
What's the WoW experience like for new players?
Mike - Worked on getting his mage DPS a little higher. Still not as high as he'd like. The search for better raid frames continues.
All current raids will have a 10% buff when patch 5.2 lands.
Blizzard says the macro system can use an overhaul.
Project Blackstone unveiled - conencted to Starcraft 2: HoS.
Green Fire quest for warlocks.
Feat of Strength for people that finished current raids on Normal/Heroic (NOT PTR).
Current conversion for 5.2
LFR is up this weekend. iLvl 480 minimum.
Mod of the Cast:
Mike - Auctioneer
Eric - Rarity
What we did this week:
Mike - New bags, checked out the PTR, what to do after you maxxed out your toon? Alts or PTR?
Eric - Finished all of LFR, got fishing out of the way, played on the PTR.
Lunar Festival is in full swing, along with flagged players.
Tides of War machinima is up.
Duncan Jones is tapped to be the Warcraft film's director.
New raid rules, new class changes, bonus rep in dungeons, and two new scenarios.
Casual topic - is there a need for a guild in WoW anymore?
After eight years, we changed our theme.
Warcast will be recorded every Thursday.
What we did this week:
Mike finished with Golden Lotus and tried soloing Naxx 10.
Eric opened up the post-GL quests and worked on Brawler's Guild fights.
Blizzard says they're not getting rid of addons (via WoWInsider).
PTR 5.2 updates - we don't have any because we haven't tranferred our toons over there yet. Next show we will.
Getting gear for xmog - is it fun? Is it worth it? Does it eat up your bag space?
Blizzardverse - New cinematic for Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm.
Mod of the Cast:
Mike - Dominos
Eric - Screengrid
Support the show!
Our sponsors - ThinkGeek and SquareSpace
Donate to the show or subscribe
Special guest host Eric Rice (@spin).
All about the 5.1 Patch.
New faction questline - Operation Shieldwall for the Alliance, Dominance Offensive for the Horde.
New scenario - Dagger in the Dark.
Gear upgrades - upgrade your rares and epics.
Changes to tooltips.
LFR bosses remaining counter removed.
Raids no longer necessary for old school raid instances.
New pets with some old school raid bosses. Get them all and you get Mr. Bigglesworth.
New pets with Darkmoon Faire.
Raiding in MoP.
My God, it's full of dailies!
Ways we'd rather get VP without so many dailies.
Gating - good or bad?
Starman stars a pally.
5.1 changes.
- Some class changes.
- Rep changes for alts.
- Brawler's Guild
- No more shared lockouts
Blizzard announced they were hacked. What to do to protect your account.
Lindyen gives us a little minicast on pet battles.
Patch 5.0.4 coming Aug. 28.
All races available in 5.0.4, not all classes.
Our experiences with LFR. What changes will be coming, and how will it affect guilds in the future?
Blizzard announced the loss of 1.1 million subscribers. Is this really supposed to be something to worry about?
Mists of Pandaria staggered raid releases.
WoW movie news - what little there is.
* Lots of info about Mists of Pandaria *
We're back!
We talk what we've been doing in WoW, Diablo III, and how other MMOs are comparing against WoW.
Lindy tells us all about how he's been doing in D3, and its effect on the guild.
We cover some of the new things coming in Mists of Pandaria.
Lindyen's feelings about raiding in Cata.
When is Mists coming out?
Was Old Republic put out too early?
Scroll of Resurrection gives you lots of goodies!
How Lindy is getting to 100 mounts
Excerpts from the dev water cooler
- Hit and spell hit changes
- How hit will be normalized
- Block gets a separate combat roll
- Changes to crit
- How resiliance will change
Your feedback
Class changes in 4.3
All about the lore-a-licious 5-mans!
New raid - Dungeon Soul
Void storage. Is it cool? Too expensive?
The Darkmoon Faire is brand spankin' new!
Patch 4.3 on the PTR
- Transmorgification
- Void storage
- New instances!
- Troll instances no longer in their own section
- Ghostcrawler's post on the 4.3 changes
Is 25 man raiding dead?
Is Blizzard really losing 900,000 subscribers?
Listener feedback
It's Midsummer! Get your free gold and XP!
Is Patch 4.2 coming on Tuesday?
Authenticator changes
Play cross-realm with friends!
Some info on Firelands. More to come when it's released.
How fast can you get to level 10?
Soloing MC as a mage
Blizzard giving away free copies of the game for vets' friends
Listener feedback
Blizzcon tickets went on sale
Starman is going to Blizzcon!
What will they announce at Blizzcon?
4.2 patch
Can Blizzard cannibalize their own fanbase?
Starting a rogue after playing a mage for six years
How to go from 1-70 in three days /played
Making money with inscription
Turning a death knight farmer into a tank
Making the best of PUGs
Listener feedback
Don't stand in the fire
Patch 4.1
ZG vs. ZA
Raiding spring fever?
In-game raid signups good enough?
Fighting the RNG boss with a mage fire spec
5/5 4.1 Patch
Children's Week
What warrior wears heirloom cloth? THAT GUY!
The effect of ZG/ZA on Maelstrom Crystals
Wrath gear for 5-mans?
Reader feedback
What class for new players?
Gonna miss Renata and Citizen Azeroth
Mod of the Cast: ArkInventory
Lindyen loves Shadow Era on his new iPad 2
Starman and iKrissi start a guild on Emerald Dream
Lindyen's warrior tales
How to make money with Justice Points
The current state of raiding
Thoughts on Rift
Twitter and reader feedback
Finding a new server home.
Lindy - is the new raiding different than old?
Rolling while raiding.
Patch 4.0.6 comments.
Listener feedback.
iKrissi joins us
Cataclysm impressions
Best way to gear up for heroics and beyond
Money in Cataclysm
A trick for getting Greater Celesial Essences
Fortune Cookies vs. Mysterious Fortune Cards
DPS, healing, and tanking in Cataclysm
Rare spawns
Reader feedback
Starman's comments on the Rift beta weekend
New instances
Gear level and instances
Replacing Wrath gear
Best places to get new gear
Blizzcon wrap-up
Stompalina is a badass party planner
"The Raid"
Elemental invasion
Is Cata's release killing raiding?
Reader's emails
Are you rerolling? now has phone authentication
Special guest iKrissi!
Patch 4.0.1!
Exclamation points!!!
Class changes!
Broken Mods!
Oh My!
Cataclysm - what we know that isn't going to change by the time you read this.
Retro spelunking. Reasons for going through old dungeons.
More ways to line your pockets with gold.
Viewer feedback
We welcome Christy from Analog Hole Gaming!
Errata about JC
Minicasts coming
Private server bitchslapped
Loremaster and the Everyquest addon
Thoughts on RealID now that it's been in use for a while
Listener feedback and emails about shammy heal rotation and badges
PvP, uh, good God, what is it good for?
We're going to Blizzcon!
How easy is alchemy?
Our new (possible) minicasts
Starman was on Rawrcast!!
- Hardest bosses in ICC
- Thoughts on the 30% buff
- Cataclysm raiding
Listener emails
Lindyen rejoins us
Our podcast feed URL is fixed! Thanks @askbuxley!
Insane in the Membrane
Making money using jewelcrafting
Starcraft 2 is released!
Future topics on Warcast
Razer Naga vs. the Logitech G13
Starman does PvP. Yes, really!
Fifth anniversary!
Interview with Megadan of The Megadan Chronicles
Megadan Audio Sample
Alachia's raid team has stopped
Alachia's prediction: Looking for raids?
Beta or first day?
Blizzard's new RealID
Blizzcon ticket dates announced
The Instance releases images of female worgen
iPhone Armory app updated!
How would offline tradeskilling help?
Virtual spaces (housing) for pets, gear, etc.?
Our first live show!
Special guest @iKrissi
Celestial Mount and XT
Could the WoW subscription model go away?
Raiding or Emblems. Which is better?
The good, the bad, and the pugging
Gearscore - holes in the system
Noob vs. Veteran
Quest dynamics
Special guest: Lindyen
Talks about our classes, our roles in groups and raids, and how things have changed for the better over the last five years.
Frustrating raid week w/Putricide
What's with the raid attempt limit?
Things you find out when you level a new character
Encidia banned for a Lich King kill exploit
LFG group exploit
Outisde Auction House access coming
Facebook app that connects your character
Blizzard's commitment to security
How to eye a phishing email
Blizzard chat on Twitter
Tremors update
This Week Inside WoW
Mod of the cast: Perfect Screenshot
PFQ: How has Blizzard made WoW better?
Recruit-A-Friend with eljeppy
Our week in WoW.
Man arrested for selling WoW toons and not giving up the accounts.
Cataclysm friends and family out
Tremors in Theramore?
WoW Magazine quick review
Alachia's Occulus runthrough
Alachia's Hilt hell story
PFQ: How do you play WoW?
"You'll shoot your eye out!"
Taiwanese man "finishes" WoW
Alliance/Horde mosaic
Looking ahead at Final Fantasy XIV
Responses about homogenization and balance
Is WoW becoming too much like a console game?
How do you play your class?
Mod of the cast: Pet Leash
Podcast featured question
WoW's 5th anniversary
Pilgrim's Bounty
This Week in WoW - Raiding mentality
Mod of the Cast - Kennel
Podcast Featured Question
Latest photowalk
Alachia vs. the RNG Boss
Blizzard sells vanity pets
Patch 3.3
WoW banned in China is live
Twitter podcast list
This week in WoW
This week's PFQ
Where has Starman gone?
Trial of the Crusader's gear discrepency
Flickr group
Warcraft and Windows 7
WoW's astounding numbers
Flickr daily challenge
Warcast on Google Wave
This week's PFQ
Authenticator problems
Apprecitating WoW by seeing other games
Old Azeroth screenshot project
What defines 'hardcore'?
Pirate Day!
Twitter responses
"Daily" Challenge
New Warcast Facebook group
Figureprints Price Drop
Print Warcraft
Different attitude towards welfare epics?
How interested are you in the Arthas questline?
World Of Warcraft Magazine
Ask us questions using Twitter
Pre-Cataclysm Boulderfist Photo Tour
Alachia's Old Azeroth flickr group
Should you donate for mo
Blizzcon report
World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Patch 3.3
Patch 3.2.2
Bean talks about leveling without killing
Alachia joins us for Ren's important announcement
Alachia guestcast
How did WoW become so damn popular?
The future of MMO gaming
The state of raiding
Melding social media and MMOs
What's the next innovation in MMOs?
Venture Company quests
WoW Armory App for the iPhone
Sam Raimi picked to direct the new Warcraft movie
TCG Mounts to be BoE
Server transfer now three days
Hunter Q&A info
Venomhide Ravasaur mount quest
Reports on the Midsummer Festival
Patch 3.2
Faction Changes
Worgen pet bug
Mod of the cast: Gather Sage 2
Midsummer Festival thoughts
Thrall is Canadian, eh?
Patch 3.2.0
Eye on Aion
We're not dead
Loremaster preview
Mountain Dew Battle Bots. Hooray.
New MMOs: Star Wars and Final Fantasy XIV
Heirloom items, info and tips
Mods of the cast: Gogo Mount, Gogo Pet
Children's Week wrapup
Ren's experiment update
Starcraft II beta opt-in
What makes a good MMO?
Blizzcon tickets
Martin Fury
Old login screens?
Should WoW allow all classes to start at 55?
3.1 reports
Starman actually tanked
Argent Tournament
Ren's Experiment
The Insane
EZ mode is over
Who pays for respeccing?
WoWMatrix and Curse
Player banned after being hacked
Minimap Button Frame
Christy from AHG joins us
What's with Death Knights?
What to Death Knights offer?
Christy's ready for 3.1
Should you merge your account with
Gear changes to Battlegrounds and Arenas
Mage changes in 3.1
Blizzard takes twinking away
Love is in The Air
Starman rolls a Death Knight
The Borean Tundra server
Patch 3.1 Notes
Economies on different servers
Respeccing arcane
Kat Hunter rocks
Getting 160 recipes
New achievements in 3.0.8
The last chance to open the gates of AQ?
Ren pwns a level 5
Blizzard pwns Glider
Changes to mana regen
Patch 3.1 notes
Is Blizzard screwing tailoring?
Ren gets a new video card
An NPC named after the show?
Dailies in Wrath
Effects of Achivements in the game
Should PvP be a requirement for holiday achivements?
Is Naxx too easy?
Higher Learning
Random topic show!
If you're 80 you're hardcore?!
New armory
Dalaran Cooking
Respeccing at 80
Ren gets an Xbox 360
Patch 3.0.3
Things to do before WotLK comes out
Patch 3.0.2
Hallow's End
Achievements and UI changes in WotLK
Wrath of the Lich King's release date announced
Renata talks about Warhammer
We talk a little about WotLK beta
PvE to PvP transfers?!
Paladin Roundtable
Starman's going to Blizzcon
Starman goes mage horde. Again.
Coming back to the game after a break
Competitor's Tabards
Wrath of the Lich King:
- Glyphs (Inscribing)
- Hunter Pets
Newbie Tips
Wrath of the Lich King patch notes
Mod of the Cast: The Dailies Quest Tracker
Blizzard Authenticators
Midsummer Festival
Renata vs. the G15 keyboard
Diablo III
Patch 2.4.3 notes
Mod of the Cast - Mob Info II
Blizzard announces SecureID for its games
Diablo 3!
Mage Roundtable with Christy from Analog Hole, Dave from In The World, and Lindyen
More WotLK info
Interview with DJ Wheat from CGS
Win tickets to the Blizzard Invitational in France!
Coming soon: win Blizzcon tickets!
Mod of the cast: Ackis Recipe List
Renata's leveling experiment
Warlock camping fun
Notes about the class roundtables
Game fatigue
New G15 review
Fallout from the WotLK alpha leaks
Flash vulnerability found
Mods of the cast: Reputation Monitor and ag_UnitFrames
Hunter boar pet fix
Podcamp NYC
Epic Flying Mounts
Children's Week
2.4.2 Notes
Coming into the game for the first time
Will the real Cryler please stand up?
Badges are the new currency?
Server problems in the A.M.?
The new Shattered Sun Offensive Dailies
Mod of the cast - Focus Mod
Patch 2.4
How to Survive on a PvP Server
Renata's Reputation Guide
Class Roundtable - Druids
Mod of the Cast - Quest Helper
Patch 2.4 notes
Second Skin update
Ron Paul supporters attack Whisperwind
Spirit Wolf changes
Gold Farmer scams
Gear Reset in next expansion
Rogues with Sneeq
Ren's back!
Starman hits 70...again
2.4 changes
Mod of the Cast - Sanity2
Dell M1730 for Five THOUSAND dollars
Starman joins the dark side
2.3 patch impressions
Guild bank theft letter from FreeFoodFTW
Warden worries
Shaman and 2.3
Mod of the cast - MiniButtonBar (MBB)
2.3 Patch Notes (OMG more patch notes!)
Letter. Yeah, just one.
2.2 Patch
AOE grinding with Paladins
Tips on Gruul's Lair
Mod of the Cast - Kill Log
PvP with Christy from Analog Hole Gaming
Mod of the Cast - Chatlink
Are attunements done right?
2.2 Patch Notes
Letter of the week
Mod of the Cast
Guild Management Part 3
Interview with Dragons from The Syndicate
Mod of the Cast - Rating Buster
Patch 2.1 Notes
Leveling Guide -
Farming Buddies
Mod of the Cast - STFU
Gear upgrades
Spell damage
Mod of the Cast - Siena's Gem Viewer
Has BC changed guild dynamics?
Tailoring respec issues
Mobs in Botanica
Second Skin
The line between the real world and MMOs
Karazhan Key Quest Part 2
Mod of the Cast
The Armory
More banned players?
Programming your G15
Karazhan Key Quest
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.